Re: [Flightgear-devel] Model Performance and dc3 donuts

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

Arnt Karlsen writes:

  ...2 proportional joysticks, just like a model airplane radio 
  control transmitter??

I'm not sure what you mean by proportional, but they look exactly like
regular joysticks to Linux.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D Cockpit, cont'd

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  Apropos of this stuff, David, you might want to look at panel.cxx and
  investigate parameterizing the panel location.  Right now, the panel
  is drawn in front of the viewer, with the top edge six degrees down
  from the center of the view and subtending 60 degrees of arc from side
  to side.  This is fine, as far as it goes, but the real design allows
  for plastering the panel into 3D space by defining three corner

I'd be thrilled for someone to take over the 2D panel code.  I think
that the future lies with the 3D cockpit, and I'm thinking of ways to
carry most of the current panel work over -- we should be able to keep
the current instrument XML files (which represent 99% of the work
invested) and project each instrument individually into 3D space.  I'm
not promising this next week or even next month (or next quarter, for
that matter), but we will need to be able to have different
instruments lying on different planes (i.e. the overhead panel, the
door panels, the center pedestal, etc.).  For bigger things, like
throttles and yokes, we'll probably use animated 3D objects.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] engine sounds with UIUC models

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

  You need to write the data to the appropriate properties.  You might
  take a look at JSBSim.[ch]xx and what we're doing with the 

For LaRCSim, I just added code to copy the control inputs directly to
these properties.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear, FS2K2 and GMAX

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Marcio Shimoda writes:

  Well, this is a problem
  The current version of ssgLoadMDL just loads the all the information in mdl
  file. It doesn't know what is loading, if is a wheel or other moving part.

Fortunately, that doesn't matter.  We specify animations externally
using an XML config file; see

for details.  As long as ssgLoadMDL preserves object names inside the
model, we should be able to animate it.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] engine sounds with UIUC models

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Erik Hofman writes:

  To get it working the UIUC code should populate the property tree with 
  at least the following properties (for a piston engine driven aeroplane):
  starting/stoping the sounds:

Since UIUC doesn't have any engine start-up code or stall-detection
code, it's probably good enough just to set /engines/engine[0]/running
to true (repeat for additional engines), and to copy the value of the
flap control directly to /surface/positions/flap-pos-norm.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear, FS2K2 and GMAX

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Per Liedman writes:

  MDL is not a format used for modellers, it's more like 
  a compiled binary format used for MSFS. This means that 
  it *does not* contain object names. Hence, ssgLoadMDL does 
  not preserve object names, since there are no names to 
  preserve. :-)
  Having said that, ssgLoadMDL *does* know of some special 
  types of objects in the MDL format (such as gear, flaps, 
  spoilers, rudder, elevator, ailerons) and names the branch 
  nodes appropriately when it finds these nodes. 
  Unfortunately, the detection mechanism might be highly 
  dependant on which version of MSFS the model was designed 
  for, so I don't know how well it will work with models 
  exported from GMAX for MSFS 2002.

Wolfram mentioned that GMAX-exported models don't work with PLIB
anyway.  In other cases, the best bet would probably be to load the
model into PPE, name the appropriate objects, then export it to some
other format for FlightGear to use.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  Note for the FDM writers This means that queries for multiple  3
  or 4  gear locations should be quicker then just the single query
  was before

That's good news -- I'd like to encourge the FDM writers to query
separately for each gear now, at least for the wheels and skids (crash
points aren't as serious).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Jon S Berndt writes:

  So, when querying, would we supply the lat/lon/radius of 
  each bogey of interest, then get the height above ground?

I think so.  We might want to rewrite the interface so that you can
supply offsets in meters, but that would require a bit of thought.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

  So then, we'd need to convert from our body coordinates to FG's global

You already have the absolute position, so you need only to add in the
body coordinates rotated to the body axes, I think.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] engine sounds with UIUC models

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Jon S Berndt writes:

  The best solution would be for the UIUC guys to bite the 
  bullet and port their work to use JSBSim. :-)  :-)  :-)

Hmm -- today seems to be a big day for trolls.  I wonder if any of
Jon's NASA contacts are still waiting for him to bite the bullet and
port JSBSim to FORTRAN.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Jon S Berndt writes:

  I wonder if modeling this as a pure aural cue would be 

Until Linux and PLIB support force-feedback controllers, it might be.
For many surfaces, though, we will want the plane to bounce around

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear, FS2K2 and GMAX

2002-03-16 Thread David Megginson

Marcio Shimoda writes:

  Does anybody have a tutorial describing how to create the ac

You can create ac models with, AC3D (commercial), Blender (commercial
but free [and now unsupported]), PPE (open source), or Innovation3D
(open source); you'll need to pick your modeller than find tutorials
specific to it.

  I have to separate the animated parts of the model?

Yes, they need to be separate, named objects.  That's the only

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] new_hitlist

2002-03-16 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  I had to copy sgdPointInTriangle() as well as one other routine from
  the old hitlist.cxx to get things to compile.  We made a decision a
  while back that we wouldn't require a development version of plib,
  but require only the most recent 'stable' version.  So, these routines
  need to be included.

Can we #ifdef them in somehow?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-16 Thread David Megginson

C. Hotchkiss writes:

  Should we add good exception handling in the future, then throwing and
  catching exceptions would make for a more robust way of dealing with a lot
  of  problems. And, it would probably be more informative.

We have exception support and we use it, but there's a gotcha:
exceptions don't survive passage through a C function, and we use
C-based callbacks both through GLUT and through Expat.  We'll have to
make sure that we catch exceptions in every callback function and do
something with them, so that they don't just crash the program.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-16 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  I really don't subscribe to the indirection above all school of
  software engineering, where the slightest hint that change might be
  coming is enough to justify all sorts of contortions in the code.
  Sometimes, simple things really should be left simple.

Fair enough.  I certainly overengineered props.[ch]xx, in anticipation
of all kinds of sophisticated stuff that people never bothered doing.
I've been learning, slowly, from the XP people to build only for today
(all my training previously was to anticipate future needs, and it's
hard to let that go).

To rewind a bit, Andy rightly pointed out some of the problems with
C++ exceptions, including the fact that they don't include stack
traces and that people usually throw only strings.  Granted, on both
points, but exceptions still have the advantage that they can be
caught at any arbitrary point up the stack and handled.  

For example, let's say that YASim fails to parse its XML config file.
If it throws an exception, perhaps fg_init can catch that, display a
warning dialog, and default to magic carpet mode.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Anyone recognize this problem?

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

William Earnest writes:

  In file included from 

This doesn't look good -- somehow, include files from G++ 2.95.2 and
G++ 3.0 seem to be getting mixed up.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Blinking model lights

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

  If I was going to add blinking lights to the model animation code,
  how would I do the timing?

This is still on my TODO list, together with LOD and other conditional
hiding and showing.  Were you thinking of blinking by swapping
objects, or by changing colour/texture?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Redhat (vs debian) / BSD OK?

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Greg Long writes:

  My question is primarily this: Other that personal preference, is there
  any major need to install Debian over RedHat Linux 7.2 for FlighGear
  development?  I notice the gcc issue in the FAQ, but I should be cool on
  that with 7.2, though I'll check.

I think that we have many RedHat users working with FlightGear, so
there should be no problem.  We'll convert you to Debian some other

  I have a friend who might join in as well, and he has an OpenBSD setup.
  If there are any known issues with FlightGear work on that platform
  please advise.

That's great -- I think we have very few OpenBSD users, and the more
the merrier for hunting down bugs, etc.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] How to define a new airport

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Sergio Roth writes:

  I'd like to define a new airport. How can I do that ? Is there any paper 
  talking about it ? Is there any place where we can get coordinates of all 
  airports around the world ?

The airports are defined in $FG_ROOT/Airports/default.apt.gz, but they
don't appear on the fly -- you have to rebuild your scenery using
TerraGear, and that's non-trivial.  I'd like to add dynamic airport
generation at some point in the future, but it's a big job.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Alex Perry writes:

   Fair enough.  I certainly overengineered props.[ch]xx, in anticipation
   of all kinds of sophisticated stuff that people never bothered doing.
   I've been learning, slowly, from the XP people to build only for today
   (all my training previously was to anticipate future needs, and it's
   hard to let that go).
  It's nice to have a concept that can support all that stuff if/when we
  have an excuse to make use of it.  Put the methods and stuff into the
  header file, with a comment that they are not implemented yet, and have
  the implementations break if used.  That makes it easier to have backward
  compatible code when the snazzy features get added.

Yes, except that I think we're paying a price with a couple of levels
of unnecessary indirection and with code that no one but me can
understand.  I'd like to keep most of the user-level stuff intact, but
to remove the developer-level stuff we're not actually using and
reduce the number of layers.  

One thing that has impressed me about Andy Ross's code over most of
the rest of FlightGear (including any of my own contributions that I
haven't looked at for a few months) is that I was able to understand
most of his code immediately.  Part of that is because he uses good,
clear design patterns, but a lot of it is because he is a good
practitioner of worse-is-better: when in doubt seems to err on the
side of leaving stuff out rather than putting it in.

From my experience both on open source and on large commercial
projects, I've come to agree entirely with the XP people on certain

1. Never write code that you don't need right now, and never make a
   design more complicated than it needs to be for today.  On average,
   it's cheaper to add one new feature later, when it's needed, than
   to waste time and obfuscate code by adding twenty new features now
   purely on spec.

2. Deleting code is as important as writing code.  Never leave old
   code lying around.  Instead of commenting or #ifdef'ing stuff out,
   delete it.  If no one's using a particular class or method any more,
   delete it.  If only a class or method is used in only a couple of
   places, try refactoring the code to use a different approach then
   delete the class or method.

Curt and I disagree on the second point but try (most of the time) to
respect each-other's opinions.  Personally, I believe that (especially
with CVS and ediff-revision in XEmacs for restoring old stuff) the
cost of leaving in a lot of commented-out old code is painfully high
-- it makes the code hard to understand and maintain, so people tend
not to touch it until either something breaks or the whole development
stalls.  We have to try to write code that a new developer can
understand the first time through, and that means keeping it short and
simple and avoiding indirection and subclassing wherever possible (the
last point shouldn't be controversial, since modern OO design frowns
on excessive subclassing anyway).

For the record, I don't agree with the XP people on team programming
or the unimportance of documentation.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Norman's change and the PointInTriangle

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Alex Perry writes:

  Can we patch the sgdPointInTriangle back to PointInTriangle
  _and_ keep the improvements from Norman in the tree ?

I think we just need to #ifdef for the PLIB version.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] simple tower view

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Michael Selig writes:

  I am wondering does the view manager work-in-progress support a simple 
  tower view at this stage?  Having gone from our non-CVS tower view in 0.7.8 
  to a recent CVS checkout leaves me wishing for more.

Jim Wilson is working on the rewrite.  We do plan to support tower
view (and other interesting views) very soon, but I don't know if it
will be in the first take or not.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] simple tower view

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Michael Selig writes:

  That would be nice, but even something simple that puts the viewpoint 200 
  ft above the runway behind the aircraft would be great to start with.  That 
  view is a help when building and testing the new aircraft models.  It also 
  makes the sim well-primed for R/C use.

We have a center lon/lat/alt for every airport.  For small airports,
unfortunately, that's often the runway center, but it should still be
useful as a starting tower location until we have better data.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with XML and preferences.xml

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jonathan Polley writes:

  I have made an attempt to describe the contents of 'preferences.xml.'   
  Could someone knowledgeable in the properties list and preferences.xml 
  file let me know if I am understanding things correctly?  Also, is there 
  any information about what each component of FlightGear needs from the 
  property list (i.e., the various FDMs, etc.)?

Just to start, the property tree has nothing to do with Metakit -- we
use Metakit only to hold airport and navaid data.

   path  Aircraft/c172/Panels/c172-vfr-panel.xml/  path
This tells FlightGear where it can find the configuration information for the 
aircraft.  It is the same as using the '--aircraft-dir=' option.

Actually, this is the path to the default instrument panel.
--aircraft-dir is a special option used only by UIUC.

Thanks for starting on this -- it's much needed.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  I know you are making a point by using extereme wording, but if you
  are running through the woods, it doesn't hurt to look up once in a

I preached full interface design in advance through much of the 1990s
-- it seemed like a good idea.  I now freely renounce that view.  Dead
code is just too expensive to keep around; I'm willing to bet that
FlightGear contributors spend more time trying to understand existing
code (including mine) than writing new code.

  Perhaps you misunderstand my position.  It's one thing to delete
  crufty old useless code.  However, there may be reasons to keep old
  code #ifdef'd in.

This is where we disagree -- keeping it in makes the code much harder
for new (and existing) contributors to read and understand, gives
false hits when searching for variables and method calls, etc. etc.
With CVS, it's trivially easy to look at or restore old code later if
we need to; I'm strongly in favour of keeping the onscreen code short,
clean, and uncluttered.  Unlike the XP people, however, I am a big
supporter of explanatory comments.

There are parts of FlightGear that have a single, well-known
maintainer (such as YASim or WeatherCM), but a lot of the dead code is
in the well-trodden public corridors of FlightGear, like fg_init.cxx,
main.cxx, etc.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with XML and preferences.xml

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jonathan Polley writes:

  Some of the other XML files are rather easy to figure out
  (i.e,. keyboard.  xml), but others are not (i.e., the FDM specific

YASim and JSBSim each uses its own XML format, which is different from
the XML format used by the rest of FlightGear.  For YASim, see
$FG_ROOT/Aircraft-yasim/README.yasim in the base package; for JSBSim,
see the documentation at  UIUC uses a
non-XML config-file format.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jon Berndt writes:

  Elimination of dead code (as we all know, CVS is really good for
  tracking past changes) and better documentation would be really
  helpful. We'd like to be better in JSBSim too - we all face this.

Absolutely.  While I don't tend to keep #ifdef's around, some of my
code is pretty badly obfuscated right now, so I need to take care of
the beam in my own eye before I do too much more preaching about
everyone else's slivers.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Redhat (vs debian) - DEBIAN ISO's obtained

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Greg Long writes:

  I might go ahead and give Debian a shot on the install, seems like the
  distro of choice, and I have a separate Redhat box (233mhz, don't think
  its S3 Virge supports OpenGL, I'd have to look) but I could use that for
  testing  Debian seems to be the choice by large, and if it supports
  rpm's I might as well muck around with it for a bit.

Debian is a bear to install but a dream to maintain.  While Magic
Carpet makes it easier than it used to be to pull in security fixes
and bug patches for a specific version of RedHat, it doesn't help
upgrading from one version to another.  In Debian, when you're ready
to move from, say, potato, to woody or sid, you just update the paths
in /etc/apt/sources.list, then type

  apt-get update
  apt-get dist-upgrade

To move from one RedHat version to another, I usually had to reformat
my hard drive.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] new_hitlist

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  One thing we'd need to think about before we got too far down this
  path is the texture RAM requirements of such a scheme.

They should be minimal.  For the first tier of imposter tiles, we're
using textures that we already have, and just replacing the tile with
a single quad (or two triangles) that use the most common texture.
For the second tier, we're not using textures at all.  It should work.

  We would need to do something like put 'long enough' skirts around all
  the tiles (including the ones with terrain mesh) to hide the gaps.

By skirts do you mean something like these?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

  From where I sit, I'd have to agree more with David.  There should
  be no cruft left in the code that gets committed.  This doesn't
  mean individual developers can't keep it around on there local
  drive, but once something is good enough to commit it should
  contain working code and nothing else.  Critical information can
  always be kept in comments, but ifdef'ed or commented out code is
  very distracting.  For here on out I hereby give anyone permission
  to hack out any dead, commented out, or useless code that I submit
  to the project.  You don't need to ask. :-)

We'll keep this on file.  Same goes for me, by the way.

Here's something that might help -- perhaps coders who want to keep
old code around and visible could paste it into a separate file, like
foobar.attic for foobar.cxx.  That way, it would still be visible and
easy to find.  Personally, I think that's overkill, but it's an
alternative for people who don't quite trust CVS to preserve their
thoughts for posterity.

  On planning ahead: Back when I studied systems analysis 20 years
  ago, planning ahead was everything.  Hardware price/performance, OO
  design, and networks have changed all that.  These things are what
  make requirements so unpredictable these days (and systems so
  flexible).  How many distribution software designs of the early
  nineties anticipated web based e-commerce?  But now as the business
  world becomes increasing internetworked, requirement cycles measure
  in weeks and months, not years and decades.  It is hard to break
  old habits though.

On tech projects where I've been involved (ranging from $25K to over
$50M), I figure we lost $10-$100 for every $1 we saved anticipating
future needs.  Jim's right -- people are just too stupid to guess the
future (if you want a laugh, read the analysts' predictions on Yahoo!
finance every morning before the markets open, and compare them with
the market close after 4:15 EST -- it boggles my mind that they
analysts be wrong *more* than 50% of the time).

Planning ahead is OK, but C++ code and interfaces are not the place to
do it.  What you want is a short, 1-3 page roadmap document saying
here's what we might do in the future and here's how we might do it.
There's no point writing more than a few pages unless you want to give
up any pretence of writing non-fiction.  Perhaps we should stick three
files in every code directory: a README file, explaining what the code
in the directory does, a PLANS file, where we can put ideas for future
interfaces, and an ATTIC file, where we can paste old code we might
need again some day.  When people send patches, they can send updates
to these files as well.

I'll volunteer to start the README files myself, if no one objects.
Don't expect more than ten words each.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  If you are willing to setup these files and keep them from getting too
  far out of date, then this sounds like a reasonable proposal to me.

I don't mind setting up the READMEs.  The others will be set up as

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Getting settled in my new home / Mars Scenery

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  That's one valid knock against Linux in general ... knowing how to
  admin one distribution doesn't necessarily help you a bit with other

That's a bit of an exaggeration.  There are quirks -- Debian uses
/etc/rc?.d while RedHat adds another level, or example -- but the
distros are 99% the same; it's just that we notice the parts that are

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Inlined code harmful?

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  It's probably not a quirk.  Inlining actually helps very little except
  for VERY small functions.  It used to be that a function call was slow
  -- you had to spill a bunch of registers and a return value onto the
  stack, and then clean them up later.  But modern processors can, for
  the most part, stick all that mess into into a few extra pipeline

Yes, that was my guess, too.  When the method was just a straight
getter, like

  inline double get_foo () const { return _foo; }

inlining didn't seem to hurt much (and in a couple of cases it made a
very tiny speed improvement), but once the inlined code had a couple
of lines, either in itself or indirectly by invoking other inlined
code from the standard library headers, inline caused a significant
slowdown (sometimes 25% in a tight loop).  That happened even in the
inlined code wasn't invoked, i.e.

  inline void foo () 


  bool flag = false;
  if (flag)
  // some other stuff

I was surprised by how much faster things like this ran when I
un-inlined foo().

The build-time problem that Andy mentions has two causes: one is the
code inlining, and the other is the simple fact that so many modules
still include headers from so many other modules.  Curts FGGlobals and
my property stuff is an attempt to get rid of (a lot of) that, but the
cleanup has only started.  It might be some consolation to Andy that
things used to be much worse.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Doc Check

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Cameron Moore writes:

  I'm not familiar with our XML parser, but could we get away with using
  this instead?:

In other words, you'd like


to be the equivalent of




I'm not sure if that's a good idea -- I'd be more inclined to default
to 0/false/empty-string.  What do other people think?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Inlined code harmful?

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Jon Berndt writes:
   I had been concerned
   that SGPropertyNode::getDoubleValue was showing up at the top of the
   profiling output for JSBSim, but I think that that was masking the
   object methods it was invoking in other JSBSim code.
  Could very well be.
   properties, but not much for anything else.  The biggest surprise was
   that inlining methods made things slower, not faster, in most cases
  This is certainly interesting. Do you have any statistics on how the
  property code was changed by un-inlining things?

I'm afraid that my tests were fast and not that scientific, but here's
the most dramatic case, for 100,000,000 accesses of a double property:

  Everything inlined: 3.9sec
  Nothing inlined: 3.2sec
  Only variable-reference getters inlined: 3.15sec

In this test, we paid a 22% time penalty for inlining even 2-3 line
methods (anything that didn't resolve simply to a variable reference).
Perhaps the results would be different under other circumstances.  By
variable-reference getters I mean things like

  double get_foo () const { return _foo; }

where the compiler will treat

  double foo = thing.get_foo();


  double foo = _foo;

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Inlined code harmful?

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

  To get the equivalent of tieing to object methods, a once-per-frame data
  copy is necessary.  Did your testing take this into account? 

No, I was just testing access time.  I checked in some optimizations
that skip a lot of unnecessary code when the value is held internally,
so the differences are even greater now.

Here are some tests I just ran, for 100,000,000 accesses of a double
property (I ran each on a few times then picked the most typical user
time; there was little variation anyway):

  Tied to object methods: 5.880 sec
  Internal (access only): 2.870 sec
  Internal (1:1 get:set ratio): 3.74 sec
  Internal (10:1 get:set ratio): 3.07 sec

Even when I copy the property value once for every access, it's much
faster than tying to methods.  When I set once for every 10 accesses
(probably typical for the more popular properties), there's almost no
additional overhead.

I am trying to find ways to optimize tied methods, but I haven't found
any way yet to handle them without excessive indirection, because of
the necessity of instantiating a template for each different
class/type combination.  I should be able to get tied pointers working
as fast as internal methods, though, if we decide to keep those.

  I found only a slight improvement by un-inlining several of the most
  called object methods in JSBSim.  The profiling did show less time spent
  in SGPropertyNode::getDoubleValue, but more time in the un-inlined

Yes, that was mainly just a matter of making the profiling report more
accurate.  Remember that my tests were just for the speed of property
accesses (hence the focussed, tight loop).  If we made property
accesses 25% faster, and they accounted for, say, 1% of program
execution time, we'd see only a 0.25% speed improvement.

  In terms of total execution time, I'd say it came out about the same.
  A real gain might be had if I un-inlined more tied methods, I don't 
  know at this point.

Even if uninlining the methods kept the speed the same, it would be a
good idea -- the JSBSim executable will be smaller and GDB will be
able to report the current position more accurately.  The only reason
not to do it would be if uninlining caused a serious performance hit.
As I mentioned before, the only methods that seem to work well inlined
are ones that simply resolve to variables, like

  double get_foo () const { return _foo; }
  void set_foo (double foo) { _foo = foo; }

Even here, the advantages are very slight; anything more complicated
seems to slow things down.

This is all separate from the issue of the property manager, of course.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Compile Error

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

David Findlay writes:

  Anyone getting this error with latest cvs of everything?

Yes, you're getting it because you're using the CVS plib (like many of
us).  I #ifdef'd sgdPointInTriangle out locally in my hitlist.cxx, but
we need someone who knows plib better to add a general solution.  This
is going to bite a lot of FlightGear developers; we cannot leave it as
it is.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Doc Check

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Jon Berndt writes:

  I've had some thoughts along those lines, too. Note that I am not so
  familiar with proper XML, but I wondered if this might be legal or
  Instead of:
  we could use:
  POSITION X=24.5 Z=-49.5/

Right now, I use attributes for meta-information (data type,
read/write flags, aliasing, and tracing).  As long as I use attributes
for meta-information and elements for data, we'll have a clean upgrade
path; otherwise, we'll end up with lots of reserved names (you cannot
have a property named alias, for example, because it might conflict
with the attribute), and versioning problems (there's a new attribute
named foo, so any existing foo properties have to be renamed).

The current practice is a little verbose compared with a
custom-designed, single-purpose XML format, but it generalizes
nicely.  Another alternative would be to use XML Namespaces, but
(while I support them) those have their detractors even in the
hard-core XML community, and I'm worried that they'll confuse people a
bit in FlightGear.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Inlined code harmful?

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

Tony reported back to the list on a more organic test -- he un-inlined
the most common inline methods in JSBSim, and discovered a slight (but
not exciting) speed *increase*.
  Actually, my interest would be in a different benchmark: how much does
  removing all the inlined code help the *compile* times? :)

Well, it will kill you the first time, of course.  After than, I'm
sure it will help a bit, but the biggest benefit will come because the
header files won't be modified as often when the implementation is in
the C++ files, and as a result, dependencies won't be triggered all
the time.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Doc Check

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:


This already works as you would expect.  Multiple children with the
same name are automatically numbered sequentially when there is no n
attribute, so the above is synonymous with

   foo n=0A/foo
   foo n=1B/foo

I tend often to include n anyway, just to help people keep track of
where they are.  That's most important when there are a lot of
subproperties, not in a simple list like the above.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Doc Check

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

POSITION X=24.5 Z=-49.5/
  This is more readable to my eyes too, which is why the YASim parser
  uses attributes.

If it's any comfort, this is a general problem in XML: the more
general we make a format, the less we can use optimizations like
these, but the more specialized we make a format, the less we can do
with it.  A custom-designed XML format for panels, sound, animations,
FDMs, etc. could be *much* less verbose, but then we'd be managing n
different XML-based formats and parsing libraries.

There are ways around this problem.  For example, the Resource
Description Framework (RDF) has Byzantine syntax rules precisely so
that people can use attribute instead of elements when they want to
(and all kinds of other abbreviations as well).  RDF has a lot of good
ideas, but it's a major pain to implement (I've done it twice) and
even harder to learn; take a glance at the spec and see:

RDF is also almost impossible to use with XSLT or XPath in the general
case because of all the syntactic variants allowed.  By contrast, our
property-tree format, though verbose, is relatively easy to learn (no
harder than HTML) and trivially easy to format or process with XSLT
and other standard XML tools.  A Perl or Python script to do something
useful with a XML property file can be only a few lines long.

This is a classic worse-is-better approach, for better or worse, I
guess.  We impose a bit on the user, but keep things much simpler as a

  Nonetheless, I think I'd honestly have to admit that this is a bug
  in YASim.  The reason I did it this way is that I didn't know the
  property tree parser existed at the time. :)

The one advantage of Andy's approach is efficiency -- he copies from
the XML straight into the YASim data structures, without building up
and tearing down an in-memory property tree first.  For large-scale
XML implementations, we *have* to do things that way -- the DOM and
XSLT tend to break down catastrophically for large XML documents or
high volume.  That's why we designed the Simple API for XML (SAX).

Efficiency doesn't matter much for YASim, since we're a short file,
and we're reading it only once.  If we're ever processing a lot of XML
in the main loop, say, over a network connection or from large GIS
databases, we'll need to go with a streaming approach like Andy used.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Property Manager Changes

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Melchior FRANZ writes:

  ... and now Simgear doesn't compile for me any more. gcc (2.95.2)
  complains about sort and sprintf not being found in props.cxx
  (implicit declaration of function ...). Adding
#include algo.h
#include stdio.h
  helps, but this is probably not what you had in mind. What is the
  correct fix?

That's almost it.  I ended up adding

  #include algorithm
  #include stdio.h

This problem didn't show up with g++ 3.0, so I missed it.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Melchior FRANZ writes:

  * David Megginson -- Tuesday 19 March 2002 19:16:
   Would it be possible either put out a version without the spurious
   whitespace changes, or to post a message showing only what you
   actually changed?  
  You could also patch a copy, make your own patch with diff -bB between
  the patched and the unpatched file and then apply this patch to the original.

Thanks, that did the trick (it still left a lot of whitespace
differences, but it got rid of about 75% of them for me).  I managed
to get it compiled, but I see almost no change in framerate -- instead
of 44 fps it flickered between 44 and 45 fps, which is inside any
reasonable margin of error.  If Norm can tell us what the patch was
supposed to do, perhaps we can help find a way to make it work.  I'm
going to leave it out for now, though.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  diff -w ignores white space, but that doesn't necessarily help if you
  are using emacs ediff to compare the files and merge the changes.

It could, perhaps, if you do something like this:

  diff -w main.cxx /tmp/new-main.cxx  main.patch
  patch main.cxx  /tmp/main.patch
  xemacs main.cxx

then, in xemacs,

  M-x ediff-revision

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  Have I missed something?  I'd be really shocked if the fps numbers
  were different at all with this patch.  Where does the 10% come from?

Note that Norm wrote that it *should* improve the framerate by 10%,
not that it actually did.  I'm waiting to hear more details.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  You definitely can't be ranked as an emacs power user until you are
  intimate with all the .elc's. :-)

No, you're not an Emacs power user until RMS has forced you to have
your boss sign one of those disclaimers before he puts your code in
the main elisp distribution.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

  Can we hold off on this?  I'm totally reorganizing the viewer code
  and really don't need to deal with these kind of changes.  It'll
  functionally be the same so there shouldn't be any problem making
  this change later.

I agree that we need to hold off on any viewer changes, at least for a
day or two, to see if Jim has any success finishing his rewrite.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  Note that prior to patch profiling showed approx 10% of time in
  fgIdle() and fgReshape() this patch removed them from the loop
  and in subsequent profiling they did not show up at all and my fps 
  was ~10% higher :-)

I saw no significant FPS difference at all.  There could be a
difference between the effect on Windows and Linux, or I might not
have applied the patch correctly; I'll look forward to trying the
revised patch.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  I am not so sure that we don't want both an pulsed 'euler' angle
  setter 'keypoard and hat' AND a separate mouse controller.
  I mean after all you don't have to go into Mouse View mode and this
  way I can use the keyboard to set the default viewin offsets and I
  the mouse can be used for 'quick look arounds'.

I don't think this is a good architectural choice -- having two (or
more) different ways of doing the same thing makes life hard for all
the rest of the programmers, as we've seen over the past few weeks
with the viewer code.  Obviously, the final say will be Curt's, but
I'm going to insist as hard as I can that we have the mouse code
provide Euler angles like all the other input sources.

If we did decide to support Norm's scenario, I think the right
approach would be to push the current viewer state then pop it out
again.  That would be a good, general solution that would work for
anything (mouse, keyboard, joystick, graphic tablet, head-mounted
thingy, or what-have-you).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

Are the main.cxx changes atomic?  I'd like to apply just them, for



David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  Oh well, I've only been flamed by RMS (but that should at least count
  for something, right?)

You get one point for every 12 flames.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-19 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  True -- but then again I have sped the program up ~15% even more if
  you consider the model view, within the last month.  Heck I
  replaced five matrix multiplies with one for every moving part in
  the model display code alone :-))

Norm -- I am very grateful for your contributions.  Most noticably,
they reduced the stutter at the start of the model animation for some
audio hardware and made the model code cleaner.  How did you arrive at
the 15% figure, though?  My framerate hasn't changed at all for a long
time.  Perhaps it has something to do with the combination of graphics
hardware and CPU people are using -- I have a relatively fast CPU
(c.a. 900MHZ) but only a slow-to-middle-range GPU (GeForce2), so I may
be more GPU- than CPU-limited.  Perhaps someone running with, say,
a GeForce3 and a 400MHZ CPU will see the framerate changes I'm

  So I think we can afford to use one here, 
  where there actually is a reason for it !

We're not worried about the processing cost of a matrix multiply.  I
would be shocked if adding an extra 100 matrix multiplies changed the
frame rate by more than a fraction of a frame per second.  We're
worried about the simplicity and consistency of the interface and the
maintainability of the code.

  The Viewer ( please lets come up with a better name  code should
  only be concerned with the orientations ect that are 'inherent' in the 
  world 'situation' and the GUI module should handle user interactions
  or am I missing something 'obvious' :-)

The user input (GUI or otherwise) tells the viewer *what* it wants,
and the viewer figures out *how* to do it.  I shouldn't have to add
quats or matrices into the network, keyboard or joystick handling
code, and by analogy, they don't belong in the mouse code either.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:
  David Megginson writes:
  Norman Vine writes:
  Old binary (about 2 days old, pre-property changes)
   From 4,000 ft: 45-46 fps
   From 8,000 ft: 29-30 fps
  Current CVS
   From 4,000 ft: 49-50 fps
   From 8,000 ft: 35-36 fps
  This speedup is most likely my new hitlist code 8-10%

I checked the dates, and I installed my old binary on Monday evening,
after your hitlist code was already incorporated, so unfortunately it
doesn't come into the equation.  I don't have any similar test from
before that, but it could be that the framerate was even slower
before.  I have no idea what caused this speedup -- I doubt it was the
property rewrite.

  Current CVS with Norm's main.cxx patch added
   From 4,000 ft: 49 fps
   From 8,000 ft: 35 fps
  My guess is that this has something todo with your running in
  a wIndow and glut is doing stuff behind the scenes that is not 
  necessary on a windows box in game mode

That is possible.  We're on different OS's with different windowing
systems and drivers -- you may have identified a performance bug that
affects only Windows systems.  I posted your main.cxx to a temporary
URL (, and I'd love to
hear from other Windows users.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Bruce Perens Street Map of USA

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

David Findlay writes:

  This might be of use to us. Could we include this sort of data in
  the FGFS scenery?

No, we cannot, with our current approach -- it would create far too
many polygons.  Even moving to VMap1 pretty-much kills the scenery
engine, and that just adds major regional roads and more detailed
polygons.  The only way to get something like that with current
technology in is to generate giant textures for each tile.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Kudos for Tony

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden has been working quietly for the last couple of weeks
incorporating the property manager into JSBSim itself.  He checked the
results into CVS this morning, and they are very impressive: in
FlightGear (using JSBSim, of course) open the property browser and
look under /fdm/jsbsim for an enormous amount of information about
what's going on inside JSBSim.  

I haven't tried yet, but I imagine that it might even be possible to
change some internal JSBSim values on the fly for testing or

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Kudos for Jim (new view code)

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

This is a banner week for major FlightGear code overhauls.  Jim
Wilson's excellent view-code rewrite is now in the CVS.  We should be
very close now to adding a tower view and a more usable 3-D cockpit,
among many other things.

I should also give additional thanks to Norman Vine, who wrote the
original viewer code that we still steal all the hard parts from.

*** NOTE *** I had to do a make distclean to get this to work, because
of screwed-up dependency information somewhere in my source tree.  You
may have to do the same.

Here's Jim's description of the changes (also in the CVS log):

This update includes the new viewer interface as proposed by David M. and 
a first pass at cleaning up the viewer/view manager code by Jim W.

Note that I have dropped Main/viewer_lookat.?xx and Main/viewer_rph.?xx and
modified the accordingly.

Detail of work:

The code reads a little easier.  There are still some unnecessary bits in 
there and I'd like to supplement the comments in the viewer.hxx with a tiny 
bit on each interface group and what the groupings mean (similar but briefer
than what you emailed me the other day).  I tried not to mess up the style,
but there is an occasional inconsistency.  In general I wouldn't call it done
(especially since there's no tower yet! :)), but I'd like to get this out
there so others can comment, and test.

In Viewer:
The interface as you suggested has been implemented.  Basically everything
seems to work as it did visually.  There is no difference that I can see in
performance, although some things might be a tiny bit faster.

I've merged the lookat and rph (pilot view) code into the recalc for the
viewer.  There is still some redundancy between the two, but a lot has been
removed.  In some cases I've taken some code that we'd likely want to inline
anyway and left it in there in duplicate.  You'll see that the code for both
looks a little cleaner.  I need to take a closer look at the rotations in
particular.  I've cleaned up a little there, but I suspect more can be done 
to streamline this.

The external declaration to the Quat_mat in mouse.cxx has been removed.  IMHO
the quat doesn't serve any intrinsic purpose in mouse.cxx, but I'm not about
to rip it out.  It would seem that there more conventional ways to get
spherical data that are just as fast.  In any case all the viewer was pulling
from the quat matrix was the pitch value so I modified mouse.cxx to output to
our pitchOffset input and that works fine.

I've changed the native values to degrees from radians where appropriate. 
This required a conversion from degrees to radians in a couple modules that 
access the interface.  Perhaps we should add interface calls that do the 
conversion,  e.g. a getHeadingOffset_rad() to go along with the 

On the view_offset (now headingOffset) thing there are two entry points 
because of the ability to instantly switch views or to scroll to a new view 
angle (by hitting the numeric keys for example).   This leaves an anomaly in 
the interface which should be resolved by adding goal settings to the 
interface, e.g. a setGoalHeadingOffset_deg(), setGoalPitchOffset_deg(), etc.

Other than these two issues, the next step here will be to look at some 
further optimizations, and to write support code for a tower view.  That 
should be fairly simple at this point.  I was considering creating a 
simulated tower view or pedestrian view that defaulted to a position off
to the right of whereever the plane is at the moment you switch to the tower 
view.  This could be a fall back when we don't have an actual tower location 
at hand (as would be the case with rural airports).

Basically all I did here was neaten things up by ripping out excess crap and
made it compatible as is with the new interface.

The result is that viewmanager is now ready to be developed.  The two
preexisting views are still hardcoded into the view manager.  The next step
would be to design configuration xml (eg /sim/view[x]/config/blahblah) that
could be used to set up as many views as we want.  If we want to take the easy
way out, we might want to insist that view[0] be a pilot-view and have
viewmanager check for that.

Anyway, that's the scoop.  There's an odd mix of inlined and not inlined,
const and not const declarations, but I was going to wait until things were 
closer to done before messing with that kind of thing.  Let me know if you
have any questions.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] minor nits

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  Here's a couple things that have surfaced after the recent rewrites:

  - The AGL instrument on the default HUD appears to now be in meters.
  Altitude is still in feet.  If you pop on the hud and assume the agl
  is in feet, you will be way off ... this should get switched back.

I'm noticing some feet/meter problems as well.  I also noticed that
--altitude= on the command line was giving me meters rather than feet.

  - The heading hold seems to hold 5-10 degrees 'left' of the heading
  bug location.  This also is recent addition.

No, this has been a problem for at least six months.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  Oooh, which reminds me: has the default logging level changed?  I was
  noticing last night that lots of stuff that used to be printed isn't
  anymore, including the YASim solution report which I'd like to
  preserve.  I looked briefly for something that might have changed, but
  couldn't find anything obvious.

I think Curt made some changes a few weeks back -- a high default
logging level is murder on the Windows users.  If you want to see
everything, try this:


All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] minor nits

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

   I'm noticing some feet/meter problems as well.  I also noticed that
   --altitude= on the command line was giving me meters rather than
  Could this be a side effect of the property manager overhaul?  I'm not
  sure what else has changed recently that could be related.

I think so -- I'm going to take a look at options.cxx right now.

 - The heading hold seems to hold 5-10 degrees 'left' of the heading
 bug location.  This also is recent addition.
   No, this has been a problem for at least six months.
  No, the problem has become 5-10 degrees worse in the past couple of

Interesting.  I've seen the problem consistently for quite a few
months (the AP holds the DG about 10 deg off the heading bug).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Flaps not working in JSBSim

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

JSBSim is no longer setting the /surface-positions/flaps-norm
property, so the flaps don't move in the animation and don't make a
sound.  The position is still set correctly in /controls/flaps, and
flap animation works as usual with --aircraft=c172-yasim.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D Cockpit, cont'd

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  That's exactly the idea.  You take a plane of instruments (what
  we're currently calling a panel XML file) and project it into 3D space
  via specifying corners.  It draws on top of the existing stuff, with
  no problems whatsoever.  If you want to have only one instrument per
  panel, that works fine.  Most (well, all) cockpits, though, have a
  bunch of flat boards with instruments mounted on them.  Call each one
  of those a panel and we're done.  All the work carries over
  The only code changes required are to allow the corner vertices to be
  specified in the configuration (/sim/panels[n]/bottom-left/x-m,
  etc...), and allow more than one panel to be created at once.  Maybe
  there's a need for a cockpit xml file to unify some of this.

I don't look at raw OpenGL all that often -- I guess I'll have to do a
bit of trig to figure out the transformation, given the corners.  If
you have even the slightest inclination to try this yourself, please
be my guest.

I do need to get the panel into a proper SSG scene graph some day

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Obvious Speedups

2002-03-20 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  This is rapidly getting on towards voodoo coding, and I think perhaps
  we should step back a bit.  What, exactly, are the changes in this
  patch that make it worthwhile?  What does it eliminate?  What is the
  evidence for speedup?
  gprof is your friend

gprof will show where CPU time is being spent, but not how much of a
framerate increase you can expect.  Even for CPU time, it's iffy --
for example, SGPropertyNode::getDoubleValue was showing up high in the
profiling stats for JSBSim, but that's because it was invoking a lot
of inline accessor methods that weren't profiled (because they were

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] fgReshape redux

2002-03-21 Thread David Megginson

I did some experimenting with fgReshape, adding a simple test at the
start to return if the width, height, and panel visibility were
unchanged, but saw no framerate improvement.  Upon closer examination,
the only OpenGL-related things in the function are

glViewport( 0, (GLint)(height - view_h), (GLint)(width), (GLint)(view_h) );


ssgSetFOV( globals-get_current_view()-get_h_fov(),
   globals-get_current_view()-get_v_fov() );

Does glViewport have any significant overhead?  Don't we have to call
it every frame anyway (I know the panel code does so).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] inlining

2002-03-21 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

   In my (limited) tests, even inlining something like
void setFoo (double foo) { _foo = (foo  0 ? 0 : foo); }
  slows things down.
  Really ??
  then try this both with and without optimization :-))

Ah, yes, but this is a tight loop.  In my tests on props.hxx, the
inlined code came in the middle of a long code block.  I didn't have
time to do a lot of rewriting, but even when I did something as simple

double x = 100 + jnk;
jnk = 1000 + test_junk(i);
double y = 50 / x;
jnk *= y;

the speed advantage of the inlined code was cut in half.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] inlining

2002-03-21 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  However some code fragments run 100's or even 1000's of times per 
  iteration and these fragments should be studied on an individual basis 
  and not just automatically un-inlined because it is in 'vogue' :-)

It's not a question of vogue.  Currently, we start with an enormous
amount of inlined code by default.  I'm suggesting that we start with
nothing (or almost nothing) inlined, then inline only what can be
proven to help through profiling and timing tests -- uninlined until
proven necessary, rather than inlined until proven unnecessary.  This
should make the executable smaller, compile times faster, headers more
readable, and debuggers more useful, all as side-effects.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Bug with c310

2002-03-21 Thread David Megginson

Arnt Karlsen writes:

  ..belly landings should be a noisy prop bending affair, but you 
  should not total the aircraft... unless its a B-17 and you forget 
  to dump the ball turret.  In any case, you should walk away from 
  the wreck, possibly receiving a repair bill from the insurance guy.  ;-)

And angry letters from the grieving family of the tail gunner.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] segfault on mini-panels

2002-03-21 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

  Here's a backtrace on this.

I've just checked in some minor fixes to props.cxx in SimGear, and
swapping panels (with 's') in FlightGear is working again.  Thanks.

By the way, we need to get rid of the panel_2 property; instead, we
should have panel[0], panel[1], panel[2], etc. and allow 's' to cycle
through the whole list.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New SimGear does not Build Under MSVC 6.0

2002-03-22 Thread David Megginson

Jonathan Polley writes:

  The only thing I see it complain about is using std::sort.  If I try 
  'using std::sort,' as is done if PROPS_STANDALONE is defined, I get the 
  same errors.  Considering the problems I am having getting JSBSim to 
  compile, with similar complaints, I am getting concerned that something 
  has gone terribly wrong.  If I had a better understanding of C++ and/or 
  STL, I could be more help hunting this down.  I may have to attempt a 
  re-install of MSVC tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure that this is another MSVC conformance bug.  There is a
C function sort in stdlib, and there is a C++ function sort with a
different signature in std.  I always try to avoid 'using namespace
std' in C++, just as I avoid things like import* in Java --
they're both bad design.  In this case, however, it seems to be a
necessary evil, so I'll make the change in SimGear.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New SimGear does not Build Under MSVC 6.0

2002-03-22 Thread David Megginson

Bernie Bright writes:

  Moving using std::sort after #include algorithm fixes the problem in

I thought I'd done that already, but the change must have been blown
away by something else.  Oh well.  I've checked it in now.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] policy question: new [], delete

2002-03-22 Thread David Megginson

Melchior FRANZ writes:

  As I reported recently, I'm running fgfs through the valgrind debugger.
  Due to hundreds of error messages and to still having to learn valgrind
  I'm not very productive yet. I did resolve a few hundred error messages,
  though, all of which were caused by only a few (sort of) cosmetic bugs.
  In most cases it was code like this:
 char *s = new char[10];
 delete s;  // should be:  delete [] s;

I'll fix the ones in props.cxx right now.  Patches for any others
would be welcome (if you send them to me, I prefer patches to whole
files; if you send them to Curt, he prefers whole files to patches).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] framerate 1/s

2002-03-22 Thread David Megginson

Melchior FRANZ writes:

  The changes from yesterday turned my framerate at KSFO from about
  10 to 1 per second. Ten is already painful enough, and that with
  clouds and panel turned off. But one is a bit weak and makes fgfs
  virtually unflyable. (I've only got a 266MHz processor and a V3
  graphics card.)

Which changes?  I don't think we did anything major yesterday.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: framerate 1/s

2002-03-22 Thread David Megginson

Melchior FRANZ writes:

  * David Megginson -- Friday 22 March 2002 13:41:
   Which changes?  I don't think we did anything major yesterday.
  Some things in the mouse control file and something in the viewer.
  But I'm right now running 'cvs up -D 16 hours ago' so that I can
  see if the last changes are really the problem. It'll take a while
  until I have recompiled.

Jim's changes simply renamed the old goal_offset and goal_tilt methods
for consistency -- there is no new rendering or computation going on
in them.  If your framerate has dropped so precipitously, there must
be something else going on.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: framerate 1/s

2002-03-22 Thread David Megginson

Melchior FRANZ writes:

  Yes, Linux (2.4.18). Nothing in the background. I have still the
  version from yesterday installed, which works fast as
  always. Just the build from today is dead slow. I can start these
  different builds alternating and the one from today is always
  unusable, while the other always works.

Can anyone else reproduce this?  I cannot, unfortunately, and I'm
struggling to think of anything that changed yesterday that could
cause this problem.

In the new source tree, try a 'make distclean' and then rebuild --
perhaps everything didn't build correctly originally.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: framerate 1/s

2002-03-22 Thread David Megginson

Alex Perry writes:

  It's working fine for me, in terms of framerate.  Still getting a bunch
  of segfaults with teleport and attempts to change the loaded panel.

When did you last update?  I check in a fix for changing the panel
yesterday, and if it's not working for some people, I need to know.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Airport lighting around KSFO

2002-03-22 Thread David Megginson

I've put together a quick scenery overlay for the entire w130n30 chunk
around the Bay area, with runway lighting for all the airports.  You
can download it here (temporarily):

You should unpack this from inside your scenery directory after
backing up existing files, etc. etc.  These were generated using
today's CVS of TerraGear.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] JSBSim Inlining

2002-03-23 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

  Also, I was able to better quantify the performance change due to
  incorporating the properties code.  Prior to this, I had done speed
  comparisons with the profiling code compiled in, but now I'm not so sure
  that's fair.  So:
  pre-props: 1.3 seconds average
  post-props: 1.4 seconds average
  or about an 8% loss in speed.

I'm not surprised that you'd see a small slowdown with heavy property
use, but I'm surprised that you're seeing this in standalone JSBSim.

I looked at the current JSBSim code, and there are scarcely any
property accesses at all: as far as I can tell, only
FGCoefficient::Value and FGCoefficient::TotalValue methods touch the
property tree at all in the main loop, though I can imagine that these
are relatively heavily used.  What property-related methods show up
near the top in the profiling?

The other possibility is that the new multi-FDM stubs are slowing
things down, but that seems unlikely.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] JSBSim Inlining

2002-03-23 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

   What property-related methods show up
   near the top in the profiling?
  This makes perfect sense, because it's called in place of
  FGState::GetParameter which used to be the big hitter.

I had been thinking about eliminating tying to pointers, but in my own
tests, I have had very little luck speeding up tying to object
methods, so maybe tying to member variable pointers is a reasonable
alternative (it also avoids all the template madness).  I can optimize
that a bit as well.  When you use this approach, instead of

  node-tie(SGRawValuemethods(this, Foo::getBar, Foo::setBar));

you would do


This works, of course, only if your getters and setters don't massage
or clamp the values at all.

There are some easy optimizations I can perform to make tied pointers
as fast as internal values, if they turn out to be helpful.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] JSBSim Inlining

2002-03-23 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

  This seems very attractive, but it also seems to break the OO.  My
  personal feeling is that it would be better to chase JSBSim design 
  improvements and live with the cost of tieing to object methods.

Sounds fair -- that's the kind of approach I've learned to appreciate
more and more over the years.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Problems Building JSBSim using MSVC 6.0

2002-03-24 Thread David Megginson

Jon Berndt writes:

  Are we doing something unusual, or is MSVC requiring something it

The latter, I think, since the pointer type can be determined
unambiguously from the method signature.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] new_hitlist

2002-03-24 Thread David Megginson

Wolfram Kuss writes:

  The bigger problem, I suspect, will be main memory (or maybe disk
  bandwidth).  An impostor scheme is going to be really tile hungry --
  constantly dragging tiles off of disk, rendering them into textures,
  and forgetting about them.  
  I know a sim that does what Norman suggest and it does not seem to
  have problems with loading tiles, although it rerenders tiles all the
  time (about one tile per frame).

I misunderstood Norm's original suggestion, but I still see no major
problem with using a simpler scheme like I suggested in an earlier

1. At distance (a), replace the tile with a single quad (or two
   triangles) using the texture for the most common material
   on the tile -- these would be similar to our current ocean tiles.

2. At distance (b), replace the tile with a single quad (or two
   triangles) untextured and using the ambient colour for the most
   common material on the tile.

This probably wouldn't be hard to implement using SSG, and wouldn't
have any dependencies on hardware capabilities -- we could generate
the two alternative tiles at tile load time as well as the main one,
since they would be very small.  I think that SSG already has LOD
support of some kind, so we wouldn't have to do much at all.

This approach would let us experiment with different distances and see
if we need Norm's imposters as an intermediate layer.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Viewer Improvements and 3D cockpit (and note to Alex Perry)

2002-03-25 Thread David Megginson

I've just checked in Jim's latest viewer improvements and I encourage
everyone to update the main source tree and the base package, then try

  fgfs --aircraft=c172-3d

It's still not pretty, but with Jim's improvements, it's usable -- you
can look around easily with the mouse or keyboard.  I just tried my
first end-to-end flight using the 3D C172 cockpit, flying from CYOW to

Alex: the cockpit interior hasn't been made accurate yet (I haven't
used any proper plans or detailed photographs), but how does the
general feel compare with flying in a real C172?  Are the body
reference points where you expect them to be?  Does it feel right?  Is
the propeller filling too much of the front view?  Should I add a cup

On that note, what a difference the ability to use body reference
points makes!  I'd never been able to nail the turn to final from base
consistently on a visual approach, and I had assumed that I was just
totally incompetent (which I probably am -- keep me away from real
planes).  With the 3D cockpit visible from all viewing angles,
however, I had no problem starting the turn at the right time, turning
the right amount, and ending up perfectly lined up with the runway for
an easy landing.

It's also easier to keep the plane straight and level during climb
with rudder input.  I just put the view direction about 5 or 10 deg to
the left so that I can see more of the horizon, and I find myself
making the adjustments instinctively rather than chasing the gauges.

It was a little harder to find the airport in the first place, though.
I actually managed to get lost briefly, even though I was only a few
km outside Ottawa, just because the view looked so unfamiliar from the
3D cockpit and because parts of it were obscured in lateral view.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Viewer Improvements and 3D cockpit (and note to Alex Perry)

2002-03-25 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  With the latest changes from cvs, I come up by default and see the
  instruments but no instrument panel / background.  The propeller is
  spinning off center to the left.  From the left seat, the prop should
  be off center to the right I think.  (Or do they fly on the other side
  of the victor airways in Canada?) :-)

There is no background because you see the 3D model's panel behind the
instruments.  If you're not seeing the 3D model panel behind the
instruments, make sure you're using the latest base package and source
code from the CVS.

  One problem I saw is that if you pitch up/down the view from the
  'inside the cockpit' view and then switch to an external view, the
  aircraft model itself is left at the 'view' pitch offset which is

Yes, I'm seeing this in the newest code as well.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Viewer Improvements and 3D cockpit (and note to Alex Perry)

2002-03-25 Thread David Megginson

Jon Berndt writes:

  Any chance someone could post a screen shot???

I took six quick shots while twirling the view around 3000ft above the
default airport (KSFO):

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Viewer Improvements and 3D cockpit (and note to Alex Perry)

2002-03-25 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

   There is no background because you see the 3D model's panel behind the
   instruments.  If you're not seeing the 3D model panel behind the
   instruments, make sure you're using the latest base package and source
   code from the CVS.
  Hmmm, I'm not seeing the panel behind the instrument, and I do have
  the latest cvs base and source as of 5 seconds ago ... I suppose I
  could try a full rebuild ... (?)

You might have to -- dependency handling seems very badly screwed up
these days.  It could also have something to do with your 3D hardware
-- in main.cxx, I set the near clip very close for interior view, and
perhaps that's screwing something up for you.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Viewer Improvements and 3D cockpit

2002-03-25 Thread David Megginson

Richard Bytheway writes:

  I like this lots, I must have a play myself later.  The second
  thing I noticed (after just how cool the panel looks) is how
  obvious the flat knobs are, particularly the magneto switch. I
  guess that a full 3D panel will fix this, but I am not volunteering
  to do the work :-)


A full purely 3D panel is not practical with current hardware -- we
won't be making every gauge and needle fully 3D; I think that some
parts are good candidates for 3D animation, though.  You mention the
throttle and mixture knobs -- the levers on larger aircraft will
definitely need to be 3D, as will the control yokes, fuel selector
level, rudder pedals, parking brake, and possibly the various trim
wheels.  I think we might get away with sticking to textures for the
radio knobs and other smaller things.

  On a related note, does anyone know how I could convince CVS that
  the base package tar.gz file contents are a suitable starting point
  for a cvs update of the base package? 

You could try upgrading directory by directory rather than from the

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Viewer Improvements and 3D cockpit (and note to Alex Perry)

2002-03-25 Thread David Megginson

David Megginson writes:

  You might have to -- dependency handling seems very badly screwed up
  these days.  It could also have something to do with your 3D hardware
  -- in main.cxx, I set the near clip very close for interior view, and
  perhaps that's screwing something up for you.

As I just mentioned to Curt by private e-mail, I hadn't checked Jim's
latest c172-3d-set.xml into the base package.  Perhaps Curt will have
better luck with it.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Viewer Improvements and 3D cockpit (and noteto Alex Perry)

2002-03-25 Thread David Megginson

Alex Perry writes:

  Works fine.  Thank you Jim!  My main complaint is that the view elevation
  is such that I have some cockpit ceiling in the view, yet some of the
  instrument panel is missing.  I can fix it with the mouse scrolling,
  but it is cancelled as soon as I revert to mouse joystick input mode.
  Thus, please point the view direction vector down a little bit.

That will be changing real soon now.  As a temporary measure, try
starting with something like this:

  fgfs --aircraft=c172-3d-set.xml --prop:/sim/view/goal-tilt-offset=-5

When my new mouse code is finished, you'll be able to keep your mouse
view if you wish (it will be fully configurable, so you can set it to
do all kinds of things).  Right now, I have rebound my arrow keys to
control the view offset and tilt, since I never fly with the keyboard

  Looks fine; you can check the geometry since it's a 75 diameter.
  However, we _really_ need to blur the thing, it looks downright stupid.

Yes, I'm trying to decide how to do that.

  I suggest two additional textures, a fully blurred one and a 45 degree
  blurred arc, and alpha progressively through them.  We can store all
  three inside one texture, if needed, since the fully blurred one is
  actually a 1D texture (but needs to be 2D for the arc).

I'm thinking along the same lines: in addition to the prop object,
make two disks, one with the blade outlines still partly visible, and
one with everything very blurred, then switch among them based on RPM.
That will require some changes to model.cxx, though, and I want to
work on the mouse changes first.

   Should I add a cup
  No; we _do_ need to implement leaning the head to look round the yoke,
  so we can add the yoke, and the instrument plate clip and other stuff.

When the new mouse code is ready, you'll be able to use the mouse to
move the view position as well as the view angle.  At first, it won't
be tied to the hinges of the human body, but we can implement that
next if we want to.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] compile error in latest cvs

2002-03-25 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

   I'm getting a compile error in model.cxx with the latest cvs.  There
  Same thing here. I sent the same message to David about an hour ago. If you 
  roll back the very last change in just model.cxx you can build and it works.

Fixed -- sorry about that.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Configurable mouse progress

2002-03-26 Thread David Megginson

The configurable mouse support is now about 75% complete, and it
already provides most of the functionality of the old GUI/mouse.cxx
module.  I'd be grateful if people could start taking a look by
building FlightGear --with-new-mouse and looking over
$FG_ROOT/mice.xml.  I've designed everything to support multiple mice,
in case we ever switch away from glut (which allows only one).  

We also get mouse-wheel support for free under Linux, with X-windows
configured for mouse-wheel support, since the wheel movement is
reported as buttons 3 and 4 -- you can play with this now, if you're
adventurous (for example, you could bind the mouse wheel to elevator
trim if you yoke or joystick doesn't have a trim wheel).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] RFC: View Properties structure Proposal

2002-03-26 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  Wolfram Kuss wrote:
I indeed think it is very important while landing to be able to look
ahead or look at the landing spot with the press of a key. In RL, my
head swivels between those two views, especially while in base. Don't
know whether some AI or much user defined stuff is needed for *this*
feature though.
  I already have this feature.  Just add a joystick mapping that sets
  the view offsets to zero, and scroll around with a hat switch.  A
  little extra work would allow it to toggle settings from storage
  properties somewhere, so you wouldn't lose the direction you were
  looking at before you flipped to forward.

You can do it with your keypad as well (unless you have a notebook,
like I do).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Modal mouse thoughts

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Alex Perry writes:

  I like the concept of the mice.xml file, but am not really
  comfortable about having the implied modal state hidden in there.
  Can we break it out, so that mouse, joystick and keyboard events
  can be conditional on state variables ?

Thanks for looking at the code.

There are a few things I'm trying to decide right now.  First, I'd
like to get all state variables out of the /input tree -- the current
mouse mode, x- and y-position, and (soon) button status should all go
in some other subtree, such as /devices/mice (we desperately need to
do that high-level reorg of the property tree).

As for the mouse mode, it is accessible from any bindings using
conditions, such as

  key n=??

In fact, I had originally implemented mice.xml that way (as you
suggested in your example), but it seemed very verbose -- I have no
objection to putting it back if it doesn't scare away everyone else.
Yet another option is to allow a fixed maximum number of modes (say,
10) and make them into pseudo-modifiers; we could do the same for
mouse buttons.  That's not really necessary any more with conditions,

  The other benefit is that the keyboard can easily become modal.  We
  don't currently support key sequences and stateful decoding of
  keyboard input, which severely limits our ability to tie useful
  controls to keys.

Modal key input is fully possible currently with clever use of
conditions, but it is very verbose.  Let's say that we wanted 'X' to
start an input sequence:

  key n=88

and then 'a' to be the second key of such a sequence:

  key n=97

I agree that that's hideously ugly.  It's a little cleaner if you just
want X to be a modifier key, since it can clear its own flag on release:

  key n=88

Exactly the same trick works for any joystick or mouse button.

  The final benefit is that it explicitly allows chorded buttons on
  the joystick to be decoded.  This is useful for people with low
  button count joysticks.  I also see a benefit in having a clean way
  (compared to how we do it now) of switching a joystick axis between
  multiple analog input options.

This can be handled the same way, though again, it will be verbose.
I'm trying to figure out some structural simplifications.  One problem
with using conditions is that you have to use them anywhere -- if I
set up modal input using conditions, bindings that don't know about
the mode will charge on blindly ahead; modifiers, on the other hand,
cause bindings that don't know about them to be skipped.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Modal mouse thoughts

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Erik Hofman writes:

  What i *realy* like about the new code is the way the mouse pointer 
  moves from one side of the screen to the other side when clipping to 
  the borders.


  What I don't like is the fact that, when changing pointers, the
  view stays fixed to the last position. I'm realy lost at where I'm
  looking at and where I should expect the front of the plane.  I
  would suggest that the view direction would be reset to straight
  ahead when switching modes.

It isn't hard to change the file to make the view snap back when you
leave mouse-view mode -- we'll just have to choose a default.
Personally, I prefer to have the view direction stay put when I leave
mouse view mode, especially when using the 3D cockpit.  What does
everyone else think?

In the meantime, I did bind mouse button 1 in view mode to snap the
view forward, and you can use that before clicking out if you want.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Configurable mouse progress

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  necessary fix so that PUI can do it's thing

Thanks for the patch, Norm.  It compiled fine and didn't cause any
obvious problems, but I noticed that the menu didn't disappear with
mouse motion as intended.

I have no objection to adding the glutPostRedisplay calls (they cannot
hurt, since FlightGear redraws the whole window every frame anyway).
I am curious, though, about why you moved the puMouse calls from
FGInput::doMouseClick and FGInput::doMouseMovement to GLUTmouse and

I deliberately made the puMouse calls conditional on pass_through so
that PUI would *not* see clicks and movement in alternative modes like
the view mode -- with your change, PUI will always see clicks and
movement, no matter what the mouse mode.  Am I totally
misunderstanding how PUI works?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Modal mouse thoughts

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  I finally got a chance to try the new 3d cockpit interior and it is
  a very good start.  It's pretty awkward trying to fly with the
  keyboard and pan the view with the mouse since I'm used to flying
  with the mouse.

In that case, consider rebinding the arrow keys to pan the view.  That
worked well for me (I keep it as a local mod loaded from my .fgfsrc).
I'm appending the bindings to the end of this message.

  I did a lot of autopilot assist and it's very interesting.  It does
  give you a much better feeling of being inside an aircraft.
  Portions of the scene that should be blocked out are blocked out.
  The only thing missing to make it completely realistic is a large
  individual in the right seat to totally block your view out there.

I'll accept contributions of 3D models.

Here are my bindings for making the arrow keys control the view:




 key n=356
  descScroll view left/desc

 key n=357
  descScroll view up/desc

 key n=358
  descScroll view right/desc

 key n=359
  descScroll view down/desc




All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Modal mouse thoughts

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  This was IMHO necessary for the MOUSE_YOKE mode and
  very useful for the other modes.  Some of this was compile time
  configurable,  FWIW this was fairly tricky to get right at first but
  is fairly straight forward once you figure out what you need.
  ie when cycling into  YOKE Mode you want the cursor to reflect
  current state of the stick !!

I don't know how the mouse code ended up, but when I originally wrote
it, this wasn't necessary -- I just used scaled mouse movement to move
the controls, rather than reading an absolute screen position (as I
would with a joystick), so there was no need for the mouse code to
remember the mouse's screen position.  I'm doing the same thing now in
the new input.cxx code, and yoke mode seems to work OK.

  I think that most of this can be programmed into the newer system
  if wanted by adding  saved_x, saved_y mouse position in each of the
  modes.  ie give each mode state as to cursor location.

Again, I use the amount of mouse movement rather than the absolute
screen position to control the view (and did in the original GUI mouse
code as well), so there is no need to keep the original position
except for aesthetics.

It wouldn't be hard to code up multiple saved viewpoints, but I think
that we should wait to see how Jim's viewer overhaul turns out first.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] HUD xml files

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  previously sent patch for hud.cxx required !
  These add a NEW elevator trim marker
  along side the elevator position gauge 
  also adds missing cemterpoint tick marks
  With this you can see what the AutoPilot is doing
  when in one of the 'altitude modes'

I've updated the source code and base package CVS with Norm's patches,
and they work well.  Thanks.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Configurable mouse progress

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

  HINT - try testing the autopilot adjuster and the Pilot Offset
  adjuster if you want to see if you are cooperating with PUI when
  handling mouse events

Yes, it works but there seems to be some confusion between passive
motion and motion -- I'll look into fixing that.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Normans changes

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Erik Hofman writes:

  I think I just got the conformation from both you and David.
  It's a bit hard to tell if they get applied, when the patches are sent 
  to the list and nobody responds.

You need to subscribe to the CVS lists -- then you get an e-mail for
every checkin to the repository.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Modal mouse thoughts

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  The issue of visual feedback is a good point.  I wonder if the best
  solution would be to turn off the mouse cursor entirely and use the
  control indicators on the panel or hud?

I've been thinking along the same lines.  We need some kind of visual
feedback, though, so that the user knows what mouse mode she's in.
Any suggestions?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Modal mouse thoughts

2002-03-27 Thread David Megginson

Alex Perry writes:

  On the 2D panel and the HUD, we already have visual control feedback.
  On the 3D panel, we can replace the scale indicators with a moving yoke.

Yes, that's coming very soon.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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