Re: [Flightgear-devel] Problem with cmake / fgfs-builder

2007-06-21 Thread Ralf Gerlich

sorry for the late reply.

Try removing the cmake directory from your build path and rebuild as a
workaround. Obviously the rebootstrap-rule does not work, so I'll have
to investigate that deeper.


Holger Wirtz wrote:
 my latest checkout with the fgfs-builder package from Ralf Gehrlich
 seems to have a problem with cmake:
 make[6]: Entering directory
 CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
 Unknown CMake command GET_TARGET_PROPERTY.
 -- Configuring done
 make[6]: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 255
 Is this a problem of cmake or with the fgfs-builder? Has anyone the same
 Thanks, Holger

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] EAA Oshkosh

2007-06-15 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Stuart Buchanan wrote:
 --- Martin Spott wrote:
  It would be nice if some kind person would build new scenery for
  Oshkosh and make it availble. I know it's a big request.
 Well, to get an idea you could start by reading this tutorial:

  especially the part Creating the vector training layer. The
 steps described there are something that people with knowledge of the
 local entourage could contribute for building local scenery.
 That's a great tutorial. The training layer tools should make improving
 local scenery much, much easier. 
 I noticed that there was a TODO section for actually building the scenery.
 It would be really great to have an updated TerraGear tutorial. I had
 TerraGear working happily a couple of years ago, but haven't re-visited it
 as I didn't understand the changes for shape-files. 
 Presumably one uses v.extract and v.out.ogr to get a shapefile, then
 shape-decode to convert it by attribute into the traditional TerraGear
 directory structure?

You don't need v.extract. Export the whole layer using v.out.ogr, and
then either split (and reproject) using ogr2ogr or do both using my
ogrdecode tool for TerraGear, which I have sent in a patch to Curt a
long time ago ;-) But that patch is also in the fgfs-builder.

And as a side node: We are planning to actually do an Oshkosh scenery
using Landsat data. The more experiments and experience we have with
that procedure, the better.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Fwd: Flight Gear being sold on ebay

2007-06-14 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Even though I don't like the kind of behaviour the seller is exhibiting,
from the article page alone I cannot see any legal problem regarding the
GPL. Changing the name is legitimate in general as the GPL IIRC does not
require the distributor to credit the original authors with anything
else than not removing copyright messages and similar.

I also don't see why the seller should be forced to disclose the
location of the source code or to add the note that source code will be
provided on demand or to provide the source code at all _before_
distributing, i.e. selling in this case, the package. As long as nobody
makes a test buy and finds that such an offer is not included, we also
cannot conclude on whether the seller violates the terms of the GPL

There's only two of the things mentioned, that remain unclear, which is
the thing about the snapshot copyright/license and the question about
the deep link for the download.

The question about the latter is: Would it be illegal if someone put a
link on their homepage pointing to the download region on the FlightGear
servers? I don't think so. If that wouldn't be illegal, what would
change when someone would be taking money for the hint to the page?

For the screenshots we would need to check the FlightGear homepage for
any mention of a license for the material found on it. If there is none,
the seller has no license for that at least.

So this ebay-issue is probably one of the disadvantages of the GPL, but
the project is stuck with it.

Just my 2ct.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT: RL Flexwing Microlight General Skills Test (aka checkride)

2007-05-28 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi there!

Congratulations, Stuart, and I wish you many great flights and happy

Yes, it's one of the interesting things about flying microlight
(obviously independent of whether gravity- or
aerodynamically-controlled) that very short runways can suffice very
well where others get into trouble. That's one of the fun parts landing
in EDNY with a 2.4km runway ;-)

 Finally - Ralf - good luck with your test!

Hm, I should have posted at least a quick note ;-)

I already have passed my practical exam about one month ago but I just
didn't have the time yet to write about it. I will make up for that when
I come home from my conference at the end of the week.

I already have got my license since about 2 1/2 weeks and my certificate
for passenger flights (required in Germany to be allowed to take
passengers) since about 1 1/2 week. I also have been flying last week in
Croatia on a flying camp our club has established on the Istrian
west-coast in Vrsar.

However, to say the least, I probably don't tell the license owners here
something new when I say that flying without needing the agreement of
any instructor is a really great experience and at that also one you
need some time to get used to and to realize.

I also have started training for the national PPL (PPL-N), which in
Germany allows you to fly single-engine planes with MTOW up to 750kg at
day and within Germany. The club has a DA20 Katana for that, which costs
only slightly more in the hour than our microlights.

As owner of a license for aerodynamically controlled microlights in
Germany you need only 7 hours of practice (incl. 10 solo takeoffs and -
hopefully - landings), a theoretical exam and another practical exam til
you have the PPL-N.

With another 15 hours and another theoretical exam (IIRC no practical)
you can call yourself owner of a full-blown JAR PPL-A. So currently I am
21 hours, two theoretical and one practical exam away from being a
real SEP-pilot ;-)

However, going from a C42 to a Katana the only difference is the side
you hold the stick with, the blue lever and the tip brakes. Ah, yes, and
the speed. Aside from that it's just a little bit easier to fly ;-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] More ideas on dogfighting

2007-05-14 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Gene Buckle wrote:
 Martin, the 300ms figure is really only applicable to a Level A simulator
 which is basically equivalent to a cockpit procedures trainer with no
 Ok - that one makes sense. On the other hand, any type of 'tricky' VFR
 flight with 300 ms delay, I'd expect even with 150 ms would ruin every
 pilot's nerves   :-)

 150ms is the maximum allowed for a Level D certification.  I don't know of
 any that were that slow.  Even the Conductron-Missouri 737-200 simulator I

Hm, this sounds to me as if these _maximum_ numbers are already
unreasonably high and therefore obviously not a good reference for
discussing response times _acceptable to users_, are they?

Currently, due to problems which might be related to an OSG update,
FlightGear is running on my system with 10fps in some areas, where I
used to get 25fps and more, and I would say that this is essentially
unbearable. So I'd be saying that we should be talking about a maximum
delay which is well below 100ms.

I won't enter this discussion, but just let me state for the record that
I'm clearly in favor of keeping the FDM with the client.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT: First solo cross-country

2007-04-08 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi Stuart!

Stuart Buchanan wrote:
 --- Ralf Gerlich  wrote:
 Hi all,

 in the well-established tradition of reporting one's milestones on the
 way to a license I would like to give a short account on my first
 cross-country solo, which I flew today.

 As a reminder: I am currently undergoing training for what is called in
 Germany a sports pilots license (SPL) for aerodynamically controlled
 microlights. I had started this training pretty exactly a year ago and
 my practical exam is coming near (last week of April). What has taken me
 so long? Lack of time! (Martin has been nagging me the past months to
 finally get done with it! ;-)
 Congratulations Ralf!
 It sounds like it was a wonderful flight and a very special milestone away
 from the circuit. I can't imagine what it must be like to fly into such a
 large airport in a microlight. Presumably you have to be paranoid about
 wake vortexes?

As I said, it's merely a large airport for a microlight. Friedrichshafen
was estabilished early in the 20th century, originally as a place for
the training of Zeppelin-crews, became an airfield for the German
Airforce in WWII and in the post-WWII-era had been used in parallel for
a small range of civil scheduled flights and by the French Air Force
personell, which was stationed in southwestern Germany in the
post-WWII-occupation phase.

Due to the army past, the airfield already had quite a long runway.
After the French troops had left, the airport was restructured as a
civilian regional airport, which is now used by a few scheduled airline
flights (mostly medium sized turboprops of a local airline and two daily
Ryanair B737 flights).

So yes, in comparison with your local grass strip, Friedrichshafen is a
large airport. However, most of the airline flights happen in a short
timeframe early in the morning and in the evening. Therefore even though
there is a fair amount of airline traffic, you seldomly come across an
airliner landing or taking off directly ahead of you.

However, if that event occurs, it might happen that a just-landed Dash-8
has to wait in front of a taxiway intersection just to let you pass. ;-)

At least I haven't noticed any wake vortex paranoia yet ;-)

It's also an advantage to learn flying on such an airport - even though
most of the training takes place on nearby uncontrolled airfields: No
nervousness when coming to a controlled airfield.

 Good luck with your practical exam.

Thank you.


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[Flightgear-devel] OT: First solo cross-country

2007-04-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi all,

in the well-established tradition of reporting one's milestones on the
way to a license I would like to give a short account on my first
cross-country solo, which I flew today.

As a reminder: I am currently undergoing training for what is called in
Germany a sports pilots license (SPL) for aerodynamically controlled
microlights. I had started this training pretty exactly a year ago and
my practical exam is coming near (last week of April). What has taken me
so long? Lack of time! (Martin has been nagging me the past months to
finally get done with it! ;-)

Yesterday and today we had great weather here in Germany. In South
Germany and at my homebase EDNY (Friedrichshafen) there was not a single
cloud to be seen and visibility must have been well above 50km. Today a
few clouds came up and currently a cold front is going through from the
west (as I'm looking out my window I see pretty dark clouds and I'm
happy that I'm not still up there ;-)

As I'm nearing finalisation of my training I will have to do precision
landing training myself, so first my instructor went to a nearby airport
with less traffic and cheaper landing fees (EDTM - Mengen), to show me
the procedure. From there we went directly back to EDNY to drop my
instructor off, I had a short drink (non-alcoholic of course!) and then
went off by myself.

I already did not feel that nervous on my first solo traffic circuits
(when you have flown that much in a simulator like FlightGear it's hard
to convince your subconciousness of the difference, even though it's
obvious to the other parts of your mind) but today I seemed to be
totally calm.

I returned to EDTM and did a few circuits (aside from the three previous
and not so good precision landings I hadn't had landing training for
some weeks). I didn't do precision landing training because the circuit
was a bit too full.

After 7 landings I was pleased by how the landings went. After I had
paid the landing fees I thought that just returning to EDNY would be a
bit dull. I remembered my instructor (who had replaced Good bye with a
cheering Now finally piss off! ;-) saying that I should also take this
as a bit of feel-good-flying and not just training technicalities.

So I decided to do a trip along the northern shore of Lake of Constance
from west to east, overhead my hometown. I had flown this trip in
FlightGear with our old custom scenery many times so I now finally
wanted to see how it looks like in reality without having my instructor
babbling all the time and telling me that the sphere of the turn
coordinator had wandered about 2mm left of center ;-) (Interestingly,
whenever I looked on the turn coordinator when flying alone, the sphere
was exactly centered. And you can bet that I instinctively looked often ;-)

Still sitting on ground in the plane I improvised some orientation
landmarks, such as a railway starting south of EDTM and leading me
towards the right direction for part of my route. While you can see the
lake already from EDTM when going to about 4000ft MSL (about 2000ft
GND), I just wanted to praktice IFR (I Follow Railroads) a bit. (Yes, I
know, my instructor told me not to practice too much, but that's me
flying, not him, isn't it? ;-)

The railroad was shown as ending in a town called Pfullendorf, from
where I could go straight south to get where I wanted at the lake shore.
So figured that I would be in Pfullendorf when I would find the railroad
to end.

I took off from EDTM, flying straight south to pick up the railroad and
then following it to the west. After some time I reached what looked
like a town which could have been Pfullendorf, but I could see the
railroad seemingly extending westward after that town, so that couldn't
be Pfullendorf.

So I continued westwards. At some point I had a quick check of my
instruments and looked out again. I was unable to locate the railroad
again. I looked backwards towards the town's station. There were the
tracks! Following on to my position I suddenly realised that what I had
followed after the town was the embankment of railroad tracks that had
been. No tracks, just a trail of what had once been a railroad line in
the scenery. I fell for the neglegience of the German Railway Company
that had not flatted down the embankment after removing the tracks! ;-)

So I returned and tried to locate the small grass strip - again, for
training - of that town. I finally found it. It had hidden just below
me. :-)

Going south it was easy to identify where I was. You might want to know
that the Lake of Constance is the source of drinking water for a big
part of Southwestern Germany (the state is called Baden-Wuerttemberg)
up to Stuttgart. So there is a well-visibile pumping and storing station
for the water from the lake at the northwest-most end of the lake.

Up to now flying alone was nothing of great importance. It was just a
natural thing to do. No nervousness or any other big important feelings
of that kind. Just the pleasure of normalcy!


Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgfs-build cvs password

2007-03-24 Thread Ralf Gerlich

The passwords should be asked for once when you run make prepare. You
can then update all the sources of your enabled products by running
make download.

I still was not able to figure out how to build things like OSG and CGAL
out of tree, so the make download may have some funny side-effects on
these (like, forcing them to recompile even though I try to preserve
file-dates). But I'm a bit behind on maintaining fgfs-builder anyway.

Maybe it would be a good idea to include password-files with the default
passwords in the distribution. I currently don't know why I didn't do so
from the beginning.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Custom Scenery generation

2007-02-24 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Martin Spott wrote:
 Actually, after Ralf already added _significant_ improvement to the
 TerraGear tools, I plan to set up some automatic batch-processing for
 the FlightGear Scenery - although currently I'm not sure how long it
 will take to 'aquire' the necessary recources  ;-)

To clarify what Martin is referring to: I have created two additional
TerraGear preprocessing tools, namely a GDAL-based chopper for DEM data
and an OGR-based vector data decoder. However, I'd like to test them
some more before submitting the patches, specifically as the
GDAL-chopper still introduces some artifacts in the scenery which I'm
currently tracking down.

The GDAL-based DEM-chopper can read all GDAL-supported raster formats.
This was necessary as we want to use preprocessed SRTM-data from which is available as GeoTIFF only. The
possibility to use any other GDAL-supported formats is merely a nice
by-product as I didn't want to write another GeoTIFF-reader and using an
external GeoTIFF-only-library when GDAL is available was somehow pointless.

The OGR-based decoder was inspired by Martin to ease processing for the
case when we will be building scenery on the same machine/network where
also the landcover/terrain database will reside. We can then directly
process the vector data from the database to TerraGear chopped polygons
and avoid the intermediate step via shapefiles. As a nice by-product the
OGR-decoder opens up a huge set of input formats without additional work
being required. At some point we might even want to drop the specific
shape- and TGVPF-decoders to reduce maintenance effort.

The patches are already in the SVN-trunk of fgfs-builder:

I'll try to keep them current while I'm continuously fixing stuff.

 To my knowledge the intention is to let LinuxTag take place at this
 year's location, the Berlin Expo Center under the Funkturm for
 several years to follow.

Well, in that case, we have the chance to have our Berlin scenery grow
and getting improved step by step every year. ;-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Custom Scenery generation

2007-02-23 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi Syd,

I agree with you that the state of affairs regarding scenery is
currently awkward, to say the least. As Martin has said, we are working
on improving this.

Martin's and my work are currently concentrated on making more and
different datasources accessible for scenery creation. Martin is doing a
pretty good job in aggregating a huge set of datasources in the common
landcover database (see for a quick
look at the data already available) in cooperation with the OSGeo

We also want to make use of freely available raster data, such as
Landsat ETM+, for automatic classification of landcover and conversion
to vector data which can then be used to replace the low-accuracy VMAP0
data at least partially both in terms of space and content (e.g. we
won't be able to extract streets from 28.5m- resp. 14.25m-resolution
Landsat bands). You can see some results of my first experiments in the
landsat_* layers at the above-mentioned mapserver URL and a bit more
detailed look at the process at

As far as my interpretation of the communication goes, OSGeo will
support this effort as well due to the common interest in freely
available geodata. We are already provided with computing power and
storage space. So this is really a huge project and we will try to lower
the barrier of participation in this effort gradually and as our free
time allows it.

After all it will be necessary to provide training data to the
classifier and as each Landsat image may have different lighting and
contrast properties, this training must be done for each individual
Landsat tile. For a little training in the form of a view exemplary
polygons specifying e.g. some regions of forest, town, urban area,
water, etc. for each landsat tile, automatic classification will provide
us with pretty detailed and accurate landcover data for about 4 sqkm
per tile!

We have a timeline for many of our endeavours, and it ends at end of May
2007, as we want to have it ready for LinuxTag in Berlin.

BTW: There was a long list of suggestions for static objects to be built
for Berlin on the organisation list. Maybe we should post that to the
Wiki for people outside the organisation committee to participate. If
LinuxTag is jumping to a different location in Germany every year, this
would get us to have most bigger German cities properly populated within
a few years ;-)

So as we have explained several times in previous mails, our approach is
to view the input data in an abstract way as geographical information,
not as merely a network of triangles as output by TerraGear. We have
also laid out our reasons for this and the cooperation and interest of
OSGeo should show that our reasons are not flawed.

That said, our time is limited - as everybody else's. Which is also why
the site that Martin described as the most apparent description of such
work is also heavily lacking behind the current development.

Also any contribution, e.g., by providing a current basic tutorial on
compiling TerraGear and building scenery with it, is very welcome. A
general explanation of the TerraGear scenery-building process,
specifically focusing on the setup of the working directory, the
different stages and also adressing the attribution of material types
would be of good use. If there is noone wanting to do that or having
enough time or knowledge, well, then you'll have to wait 'til someone
else (like me) comes around to doing it.

I know that there is a TerraGear-building tutorial on the Wiki
somewhere, so if this doesn't work for some reason, help improving it.

Finally, TerraGear can properly grok all kinds of Shapefiles for vector
input and Martin will provide you with shapefile equivalents of
VMAP0-vector data for your region of interest, if you ask nicely.
Shapefiles can be edited with probably any GIS toolset that is out
there. The most prolific on the OSS side are Quantum GIS (have a look at or check your distribution's package directory) as
well as GRASS, whereas the latter requires a steeper learning curve and
is more an analyst's tool than suitable for editing vector data.

So if you want to edit scenery, go for it. The tools are there. They may
be a bit awkward to use currently, but as I said: We're working on it
and we're happy for any support we get.

And if you want to nudge triangles in the btg.gz, you shouldn't hope for
support from our side. ;-)

The relevant code for reading and writing btg-files is in the SimGear
source in simgear/io/sg_binobj.hxx, simgear/io/sg_binobj.cxx and
simgear/io/decode_binobj.cxx even contains a simple example on using
these classes and methods. With a little time and commitment it should
be no problem to figure out how to transform this into AC3D and back.
But make sure to not only dump single triangles back to btg, but also
establish triangle strips or fans again, for loading and display
efficiency. ;-)


Re: [Flightgear-devel] Trouble building flightgear with fgfs-builder-20061209

2007-02-22 Thread Ralf Gerlich

just saw that Douglas has already fixed this in the trunk, so merged it
into stable. Try this distribution:


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear remote modules

2007-02-13 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Rob Ratcliff wrote:
 You could use an event distribution (Pub/Sub) paradigm based on 
 something like the CORBA Notification Service (Event Service), the CORBA 
 property service, the newer Data Distribution Service (DDS) or something 
 like the High Level Architecture (HLA). A CORBA ORB TAO supports 
 communication across shared memory or sockets depending on where the 
 clients and services are running. I know that TAO is used quite a bit 
 for real time control systems communication for the military.

Do you know the order of magnitude of the real time deadlines for the
subsystem where TAO has been used?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Terragear-devel] new designed KNID airport lower than the

2007-02-01 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Martin Spott wrote:
 It should be noted that TerraGear is now capable of using shapefiles
 for landcover data instead of parsing 'raw' VMap0. A set of shapefiles
 is available here:
 I vaguely remember Ralf Gerlich doing some tutorial on scenery creation
 as well, but I'm not sure about this,

Nope, there's no such thing except a short HowTo page referring to
exactly the outdated tutorials as basic reference material. Perhaps I
should do something in that department. Noted on my TODO list.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] ident from phantom DME ... and some questions

2007-01-28 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Melchior FRANZ wrote:
   -- Is there a bug tracker somewhere?  I wasn't able to find one.
 Yes, but no developer looks into it. It's only there because
 every project has one. Don't use it. But for sake of
 completeness, here's a two links:

Is there a specific reason related to bug-tracking or sourceforge's
implementation of it why developers ignore that bug tracker? Or is it
just because users don't use the bug tracker? Or because developers
don't like bugtracking?

Just curious.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] apt.dat et al.

2007-01-28 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Joacim Persson wrote:
 I noticed that the versions of apt.dat, nav.dat etc we have in CVS are 
 outdated (~12 months old). Time for an update perhaps?
 I understand we are using the 810 format for apt.dat -- are there work in
 progress for switching to version 850? (Not a trivial task: v850 includes
 improved drawing functions like Bezier curves.)

AFAIK no data is yet publically available with apt version 850 (though
the new X-Plane version seems to ship some airports with the new format,
according to the APT 850 documentation).

TaxiDraw is currently being renovated to allow migration to v850
(editing only), but we haven't even started the implementation yet. I
hope that the renovation is done somewhen in February so that we can
start with new features, but I can't guarantee that.

Probably the trickiest part for a new genapts will be the marking stuff.
Embedding that into the terrain without polygon offset, decals or
similar will probably diminish the framerate heavily.

The actual bezier polygons are probably not as tricky, as the current
genapts essentially transforms the rectangles to single polygons and
clips them to a big polygon. For implementing v850 one will probably
have to approximate the beziers with polygons. There are methods out
there which can be used to minimize the error (e.g.

I have a set of different FlightGear-related projects I'd like to get
done before end of May to have them presentable at LinuxTag 2007. This
includes a v850-capable version of TaxiDraw, but there will be no time
for implementing v850 in genapts. Volunteer, anyone?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Alternatives to Terragear pipeline

2007-01-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Martin Spott wrote:
 Ralf Gerlich wrote:
 Of course, TaxiDraw is not limited to creating apt.dat data as Durk's AI
 extension shows.
 Maybe we can inspire the involved developers to head for a joint effort
 of TaxiDraw- and FGSD-development here   ;-)

 We're in the progress of offering such service for the Landcover-DB
 which then allows to edit not only lakes, forest, roads and rivers but
 we'd offer a repository of elevation contour lines as well. Current
 status of our geodata repository is here:

I didn't have this in mind, but it fits the concept I had in mind.
Especially the elevation contour data might be interesting for people
wanting to modify the elevation setup in their airports ;-)

Oh, and in the redesign of the TaxiDraw infrastructure I laid much
weight on the requirement of the infrastructure being reusable. So if
someone has an idea on map editing that doesn't fit the concept of
TaxiDraw (and possibly doesn't operate in the mapping context of an
airport) can use the basic TaxiDraw infrastructure for setting up a
mapping application based on wxWidgets quite fast.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Animation and osg

2007-01-04 Thread Ralf Gerlich

IIRC you can use Nasal fragments using the nasal command.

script!-- your script here --/script


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Improved c172p autopilot

2007-01-03 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Joacim Persson wrote:
 OTOH if we're not that much after exact internal modelling, we might as
 well use the trim channel ;-)
 The piloting of the aircraft, including AP, should be realistic. In this
 case that involves adjusting the pitch trim (manually) -- why there are
 warning lights for it on the kap140 panel (irl and in the sim) to inform
 him/her that the pitch trim needs to be adjusted to avoid unpleasent
 surprises when the AP is disengaged. So it isn't about internal modelling,
 but rather external such. ;)

I'm confused. Does the KAP140 use the trim or not?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Alternatives to Terragear pipeline for building FGFS tiles?

2006-12-28 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi Roberto!

Roberto Inzerillo wrote:
 What I need is more freedom in creating/modifying geometry. That's the 
 point. That's at least the first step in every possible working pipeline 
 I could imagine.

Maybe you are aware that there is a new version of the apt.dat file
format upcoming that should provide you with exactly this: more freedom.
It shall allow the definition of taxiways and aprons using polygons
including - IIRC - rounded edges as well as the exact definition of the
locations of markings and lighting.

I had started a reorganisation of the TaxiDraw code structure some time
ago (might be around 1 year) to support exactly this type of change.
Unfortunately, I'm not done yet with the restructuring (essentially, the
whole UI codebase is rewritten from scratch) and we'd still need
somebody to write an appropriate generator to convert the new apt.dat
files into btg-files.

I'm currently using my holidays to get as much done as possible on the
TaxiDraw reorganisation side. You can follow this by watching the
NEW_GUI_CODE branch in the TaxiDraw CVS.

We will get that new freedom, but it may still take a bit of time.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..does SimGear(_plib) build at all --with-jpeg-factory, was: Issues compiling taxidraw...

2006-12-27 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 ..and with the @ in place on line 22 in trunk, works ok for all

and without the @ something does not work?

So after all it was the spaces and the quotes?

 Enabled products:
 Disabled products:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/src/fgfsbuilder/trunk$
 Enabled products:
 Disabled products:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/src/fgfsbuilder/stable$   
 ..why _is_ alut and openal there?  ;o)

Because fgfs-builder is not Debian-specific. If it were Debian-specific,
I could also remove gts and some other libs from the list...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..does SimGear(_plib) build at all --with-jpeg-factory, was: Issues compiling taxidraw...

2006-12-25 Thread Ralf Gerlich

sorry for not replying earlier to this fgfs-builder discussion, my focus
is currently somewhere else and your suggestions will be adressed in the
next fgfs-builder development cycle. For the time being...

Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 ..and where am I supposed to put stuff like  --with-jpeg-factory?

...add such configure-options to the variable CONFIGURE_OPTS in the
rules file of the appropriate product, in this case
fgfs-builder/products/SimGear/rules resp. SimGear_plib/rules.

I have a better way of local customisation of configuration for
individual packages on my TODO list, also adressing this issue, to keep
the separation of the boxed fgfs-builder package and local settings intact.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Could not find plugin

2006-12-24 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Erik Hofman wrote:
 After not having done anything related to FlightGear for much too long I 
 decided to give the OSG code a try. I managed to get past the nasty 
 APIENRTY build problem but now I am unable to load any of the aircraft:
 Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file 
 Failed to load aircraft from Aircraft/f16/Models/f16.xml
 (Falling back to
 Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file 
 Fatal error: Failed to load 3D model
   at /opt/share/FlightGear/data/Models/Geometry/
 Do I need anything in particular for the CVS version of OSG to enable it 
 to recognize AC3D files?

Normally the AC3D-reader is enabled. Did you include the
osg-installdir/lib/osgPlugins-directory in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Issues compiling taxidraw...

2006-12-12 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Chris Wilkinson wrote:
 Try the fgfs-builder package (download from or checkout
 from http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/fgfsbuilder/branches/stable
 using Subversion) ;-)
 Does that require me to have the cvs/osg version of flightgear?
 I'm running 0.9.10 stable, without osg...

fgfs-builder will fetch the required sources and compile the CVS/OSG
version of FlightGear and OSG.

 I've given up on terragear, because several dependencies were not
 available for SUSE 10.1, and compiling from source fails on those.

The TerraGear dependencies are a PITA, which was the original reason for
the builder, in which I try to handle the dependencies. It also includes
some (automatically applied) patches which helped me compile the stuff.

The builder also builds fgsd and if there's a dependency that's not yet
in there and that's not generally available (e.g. on SUSE), I'll try to
add a product for that.

I would be glad to extend the builder to work around or even solve
issues on distributions other than Debian or even other OS'.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Issues compiling taxidraw...

2006-12-11 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Chris Wilkinson wrote:
 Its all there, so perhaps the deprecation of wxNotebookSizer
 in wx-2.7 (SUSE 10.1) is the problem I have...

Interesting indeed. I did not know that wx-2.7 was out yet.

 Next mission is to compile and figure out terragear, so
 I can export my new taxiway definitions back to fg... :-/

Try the fgfs-builder package (download from or checkout
from http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/fgfsbuilder/branches/stable
using Subversion) ;-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgfs-builder repository

2006-12-11 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 ..agreed, I have the 3'rd build going now: ;o)

Just have a look to the current version:

Everything's in there.


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[Flightgear-devel] fgfs-builder release

2006-12-09 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi all!

Douglas and I have prepared a new release of the fgfs-builder. Major new
features (compared to 20061110 release):

- we're now using OSG CVS HEAD (which works flawlessly at least for us)
- support for multiple build directories (e.g. OSG vs. plib); not yet
fully documented
- more robust patch mechanism: Patches can now be modified in the
products directory without having to unpatch the sources before
- several autoconf fixes
- simple setup scripts setting up PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and others are
automatically generated and installed
- DEBIAN-REQUIREMENTS is up to date again

You can either download it as a tar.gz from


or check it out using Subversion from

http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/fgfsbuilder/trunk (development branch)


http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/fgfsbuilder/branches/stable (stable

I would suggest the latter method, as it makes updating easier.

Have a look at doc/ChangeLog and doc/README.txt for more info on changes
and usage.

BTW: The builder is able to build TerraGear and all its major
dependencies. If you are having troubles with compiling TerraGear, you
might want to give it a try. Perhaps it will help you all the way and if
not, I'll be happy to try and help you.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgfs-builder repository

2006-12-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 On Wed, 06 Dec 2006 18:25:00 +0100, Ralf wrote in message 
 Hi all,

 Douglas Campos has provided a Subversion repository for the

 The development version can be checked out at

Try installing libungif4-dev. The dependency lists for Debian etch are
currently not up-to-date.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgfs-builder repository

2006-12-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 ..thanks, will try that after I see how the stable branch crash on that
 same job (make enable-FlightGear ;make all),  it's still running.  :o)

Yeah, I'm thinking about disabling some of the OSG plugins or features
by default to reduce compile time. Perhaps we can also remove the plib
scenegraph stuff, if it's not used by other tools (fgsd, fgrun, TerraGear).


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[Flightgear-devel] fgfs-builder repository

2006-12-06 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi all,

Douglas Campos has provided a Subversion repository for the fgfs-builder.

The development version can be checked out at

The latest stable version can be found at

You can also browse the repository at

Douglas and I are currently preparing for the next release including a
bunch of new features (have a look at

This should ease upgrading for all users of fgfs-builder.


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[Flightgear-devel] Patch for blender's

2006-11-21 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi all,

find attached a patch for blender's

It contains three modifications:

- properly handle modifiers (e.g. Subsurf, Mirror, Boolean)
- properly handle material indices attached to the object instead of the
- export face vertices in clockwise order looking along the normal
specified in Blender. This also properly handles multiple mirrored
copies of the same mesh, e.g. left and right cockpit door.

This should solve many of the normals issues with the Blender AC3D export.

I'll submit this patch also to William Germano, the current maintainer

You'll have to apply the patch using patch -p0.

RCS file: /cvsroot/bf-blender/blender/release/scripts/,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -b -r1.15
---	18 Jun 2006 19:05:51 -	1.15
+++	21 Nov 2006 12:51:11 -
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
 import Blender
 from Blender import sys as bsys
 from Blender import Mathutils
+import Blender.NMesh
 # Globals
 ERROR_MSG = '' # popup error msg
@@ -347,7 +348,8 @@
 			if objtype == 'Mesh':
-mesh = self.mesh = obj.getData()
+mesh = self.mesh = Blender.NMesh.GetRawFromObject(
+# Transform the mesh to worldspace, don't recalc the normals
 meshes = self.split_mesh(mesh)
 if len(meshes)  1:
 	if NO_SPLIT or self.dont_split(objname):
@@ -454,8 +456,8 @@
 		if texline: file.write(texline)
 		if AC3D_4:
-		self.numvert(mesh.verts, obj.getMatrix())
-		self.numsurf(mesh.faces, mesh.hasFaceUV(), foomesh)
+		self.numvert(mesh.verts,obj.getMatrix())
+		self.numsurf(mesh.faces, mesh.hasFaceUV(), obj.getMatrix(), foomesh)
 	def MATERIALS(self, meshlist):
 		for meobj in meshlist:
@@ -551,13 +553,13 @@
 	def numvert(self, verts, matrix):
 		file = self.file
 		file.write(numvert %s\n % len(verts))
-		m = matrix * acmatrix
+		m = matrix*acmatrix
 		verts = transform_verts(verts, m)
 		for v in verts:
 			v0, v1, v2 = Round(v[0]), Round(v[1]), Round(v[2])
 			file.write(%s %s %s\n % (v0, v1, v2))
-	def numsurf(self, faces, hasFaceUV, foomesh = False):
+	def numsurf(self, faces, hasFaceUV, matrix, foomesh = False):
 		file = self.file
@@ -568,14 +570,22 @@
 		mlist = self.mlist
 		omlist = {}
-		objmats = self.mesh.materials[:]
+		objmats = self.obj.getMaterials()[:]
+		meshmats = self.mesh.materials[:]
 		matidx_error_told = 0
 		for i in range(len(objmats)):
 			objmats[i] = objmats[i].name
+		for i in range(len(meshmats)):
+			meshmats[i] = meshmats[i].name
 		for f in faces:
 			m_idx = f.materialIndex
+			old_m_idx=m_idx
+if (m_idxlen(objmats) and objmats[m_idx] is not None):
 m_idx = mlist.index(objmats[m_idx])
+	m_idx = mlist.index(meshmats[m_idx])
+if ADD_DEFAULT_MAT: m_idx += 1
 			except IndexError:
 	rdat = REPORT_DATA['warns']
@@ -599,11 +609,11 @@
 			two_side = (two_side  0)  1
 			flaghigh = f.smooth | two_side
 			surfstr = SURF 0x%d%d\n % (flaghigh, flaglow)
-			if ADD_DEFAULT_MAT and objmats: m_idx += 1
 			matstr = mat %s\n % m_idx
 			refstr = refs %s\n % refs
 			u, v, vi = 0, 0, 0
 			fvstr = []
+			self.invertface(f,verts,foomesh,matrix)
 			if foomesh:
 for vert in f.v:
@@ -625,6 +635,28 @@
 			file.write(%s%s%s%s % (surfstr, matstr, refstr, fvstr))
+	def invertface(self,f,verts,foomesh,matrix):
+		if foomesh:
+			v0=f.v[0]
+			v1=f.v[1]
+			v2=f.v[2]
+		else:
+			v0=f.v[0].co
+			v1=f.v[1].co
+			v2=f.v[2].co
+		v0=v0*matrix
+		v1=v1*matrix
+		v2=v2*matrix
+		norig=Mathutils.Vector(*matrix.rotationPart()
+		nnew=Mathutils.TriangleNormal(v0,v1,v2)
+		dir=norig*nnew
+		if dir=0:
+			return
+		f.col.reverse()
+		f.uv.reverse()
+		f.v.reverse()
 # End of Class AC3DExport
 from Blender.Window import FileSelector
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Re: [Flightgear-devel] GPL Violation?

2006-11-17 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 On Fri, 17 Nov 2006 09:56:02 +0100, Arnt wrote in message
 On Fri, 17 Nov 2006 02:34:15 -0500, Chris wrote in message
 What subsection of the GPL requires that advertisements for 
 re-distributions of the product include the fact that the
 software is covered by the GPL in the advertising itself?
 ..the first line of section 0, states: 0. This License applies to
 any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the
 copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of
 this General Public License., in the TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR
 PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 .

This only says what the license applies to. It does not say that you
need to refer to the license when offering the work.

You might be referring to section 1:

 You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
 code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
 conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
 copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
 notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
 warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this
 License along with the Program.

However, even that only says that the references to the License must be
left intact on a _copy_, not on any offer for a copy.

I don't see any incompliance with the GPL just from the eBay offer.

However, when I'm about to buy something on eBay, I typically do some
searches beforehand to get a price comparison. Searching for FlightGear
on Google gives me a link to the FlightGear homepage on the second item.
The link and the summary should very much look like an official homepage
to anybody doing such a search so hopefully they are inclined to look
and find out that it's downloadable for free.

However, the summary text provided by Google is not on the main page of
the FlightGear homepage, so maybe it's a good idea to extend that short
sentence FlightGear is an open-source, multi-platform flight
simulator. on top to a short paragraph, saying that it's freely
available for download, etc. Not everybody knows what open-source means.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgfs-builder-20061110 and OpenProducer: error: 'yy_current_buffer' was not declared in this scope

2006-11-17 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Holger Wirtz wrote:
 I have some trouble using fgfs-builder-20061110. The trouble is not
 fgfs-builder but OpenProducer. Everything works fine until the following
 error occurs:
 g++  -I../../..//include  -Wall  -O2  -I.././/../include -c ../ConfigLexer.cpp
 ConfigLexer.cpp: In member function 'virtual int yyFlexLexer::yylex()':
 ConfigLexer.cpp:853: error: 'yy_current_buffer' was not declared in this scope
 ConfigLexer.cpp:1371: error: 'yy_current_buffer' was not declared in this 
 What am I doing wrong? I am running Debian testing and I have enabled
 the following options within fgfs-builder:
 Disabled products:

Quite an interesting combination which shouldn't happen at all as
FlightGear depends on SimGear, which conflicts with SimGear_plib (or
should at least). But probably has nothing to do with the problem you're
describing above.

When did you last update OpenProducer (using make download or make
OpenProducer-download)? I don't encourage you to update now as there
are some problems with the current build system unrelated to your error,
but I need to know which version you're using.

Perhaps you could try to remove the directory OpenProducer in your build
directory and try a new build?

It might also be a bison/yacc version problem. I'm currently using the
bison package, version 2.3.dfsg-4.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG - Bugs

2006-11-11 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Ralf Gerlich wrote:
 I'd like to add my own bug reports from a test flight with the Citation
 Bravo. On some of the points I'm not sure whether this is related to OSG
 as I haven't crosschecked with the old plib-only version.
 - CTRL-C does not show the hotspots anymore

I just checked again and they're shown now both in the OSG and plib
version. However, they seem to be overwritten by some other structure in
the OSG version, whereas they are fully visible in the plib version:


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] AI Traffic Documentation

2006-11-11 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Durk Talsma wrote:
 I finally had some time today to place the AI traffic related user 
 documentation in the wiki:

Great! This clarifies why I don't get AI traffic on EDNY although I
created a taxiway network ;-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FG-OSG

2006-11-10 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Justin Smithies wrote:
 Tried installing OSG as instructed by your emails and maked and installed in 
 the correct order.
 But make on the openproducer just threw up this error ?


 Maybe someone has a script to correctly build FG-OSG for linux from cvs that 
 works ?

Yes, I have:

If you want to do it without fgfs-builder, use the following
instructions. I assume that you already have development libraries for
openal installed.

1. Get OpenThreads (, compile and
install it

2. (optional) Get OpenProducer
(, compile and
install it.

3. Either get the OpenSceneGraph-sources Mathias provided or get
OpenSceneGraph ( from CVS (revision
OpenSceneGraph_1_2_release_revision_1 should do it) and apply Mathias'
patches. Compile and install. If you did not follow step 2
(OpenProducer), you need to use


In step 1-3, you can pass INST_LOCATION=path to the make command to
specify an alternative installation location path. In that case you
need to pass the OpenThreads directories in OPENTHREADS_INC_DIR and
OPENTHREADS_LIB_DIR in steps 2 and 3 and the OpenProducer directories in

4. Get plib (, compile and install.

5. Get SimGear (, compile and install. On
configuration, use the --with-osg-option to specify where you
installed OpenSceneGraph.

6. Get FlightGear (, compile and install. On
configuration, again, use the --with-osg-option to specify where you
installed OpenSceneGraph.

Now you should have a FlightGear-binary. Of course, you still need the
data package.

Hope this helps.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New Release of fgfs-builder

2006-11-08 Thread Ralf Gerlich

just updated the builder package. It can be downloaded at

Arnt, I tried to add a brlcad product with your configure-options from
the old builder, but it fails on ./, so I'll have to dig a bit
further into that.


 2006-11-08  Ralf Gerlich  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * fixed fgrun dependencies
   * splitup wrapup targets and added wrapup-source to include
 all downloaded sources in the wrapup
   * added mechanisms for declaring reverse dependencies;
 now a package can also declare other packages to depend on it;
 see openal and alut products for example
   * removed dangerous rm -Rf for install directory on realclean
   * additional options for patch and unpatch to make it more stable
   * added possibility for local configuration in config/config.local;
 we might add configuration files for different platforms in this
   * extended 'help' target
   * added an enable/disable mechanism;
 only FlightGear, FlightGear-base and their crucial
 dependencies (excluding openal and alut) are enabled by default;
 others are disabled
   * thanks to Douglas Campos for the following patches:
   - openal and alut products
   - autoupdate patch
   - SimGear alut patch

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[Flightgear-devel] New Release of fgfs-builder

2006-11-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hello all,

I have just released a new version of fgfs-builder at

The new version includes the setup for the new OSG-based version. I
modularised the structure of the build system. It still includes
automatic checkout from CVS and source-downloads where possible.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New Release of fgfs-builder

2006-11-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich

and here we go: The first update. ;-)

Fixes an issue with the automatic downloading and with OpenThreads
dependencies in OpenProducer. Thanks to Douglas Campos for the bug report.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New Release of fgfs-builder

2006-11-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 ..I agree all deps should be part of the build system, but we 
 should not build all deps in the build system, especially when 
 we start building backport binaries for Debian, Red Hat, Fedora etc.

As I say in the README.txt, I included all packages which cannot be
typically expected to be available in a distribution or as applicable
binaries or need additional patches. However, I already made an
exception by including OpenProducer and OpenThreads.

 ..can I build both plib-FG and osg-FG etc outta the same trees, 
 or will I need to set up separate plib-SG 'n plib-FG etc trees, to 
 benchmark the plib FG against the osg FG?

Currently the builder builds only the OSG-version, but I intend to
provide products for the plib-version. These should be usable in the
same sourcetree.

 ..excellent clean-up job, Ralf  :o)  

Thanx! :-)

 exept you forgot my brlcad patch.  ;o)

I know. I just wanted to get this out ASAP as I'll be away a few days
from now on without net connectivity and it already took to long
counting from the day where Mathias released the OSG updates. ;-)

I'll be back on Friday.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New Release of fgfs-builder

2006-11-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Douglas Campos wrote:
 to all that interests
 preliminary and very ugly patches to build openal and alut from svn

Looks good.

 I'm sure that this autoconf hack is specific for ubuntu edgy (and yes,
 it is ugly)

What exactly does autoupdate do on ubuntu? Is it an alternative for and autoreconf? I'd say that the - if provided -
should get precedence over any other regeneration mechanism.

 can someone help-me with dependencies patch?

Doesn't look as if you need any help there. Looks good as well.

Thanks for sending these.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG - Bugs

2006-11-06 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Vivian Meazza wrote:
 Ralf Gerlich wrote:
 - transparency issues:
 The reflector gun sight on the Seahawk does the same. So I would assume that
 it's a transparency ordering bug.

I just remembered that I had a similar issue with transparency in the
plib-only version. I'm currently working on a model of the Comco Ikarus
C42B microlight. Some instrument scales in the 3D cockpit wouldn't show
if I added the transparent glasses in front of them. As soon as I
removed the glasses, the scales showed. Note that this should be no
z-fighting issue as the glasses are nearly a centimeter away from the
scales, towards the viewer. The same happened with the glass around the
forward half of the whiskey compass.

Interestingly this only seems to happen with some of the instruments,
whereas for others I have no problems seeing the scales even though I
have glasses in front of them.

Need to check that again with the OSG version.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] another (probably OSG-related) simgear compile error

2006-11-05 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Michal Fabik wrote:
 I've just ran a cvs update on simgear and flightgear
 (both source and data) and now simgear fails to
 compile because:
 make[4]: Entering directory
 Makefile:277: .deps/SGStateAttributeVisitor.Po: No
 such file or directory
 Makefile:278: .deps/SGTextureStateAttributeVisitor.Po:
 No such file or directory
 make[4]: *** No rule to make target
 `.deps/SGTextureStateAttributeVisitor.Po'.  Stop.

You might want to try rerunning IIRC this helped in my case.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG - Bugs

2006-11-05 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Ralf Gerlich wrote:
 - transparency issues:
   - runway lights shine through panel:
   - runway lights shine through cloud layers in an awkward way:
   - 2D-cloud layers flood into cockpit

Additionally, I found that the prop of the C172 block the view on the
waves of the carrier, which seems odd to me.

I'm just collecting. These things might not have anything to do with the
OSG switch and may just have been there in the plib version as well.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Fwd: Re: OpenSceneGraph, first feedback]

2006-11-03 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Georg Vollnhals wrote:
 1. Further investigations, new insights regarding the FG-OSG black
 screen problem
 - must be a terrain/ground problem, the a/c  is located under the
 surface when one selects special airports.
 - found it out by using the UFO, it is located under the surface but if
 you go up to the ground-surface then you can see the normal 3D-scenery.
 As you can't go up with the normal Cessna you get this black screen
 because you stuck in the earth.

I can confirm Georg's findings. I also get lots of messages from the
ground-cache code, like the following:

 prepare_ground_cache(): trying to build cache without any scenery below the 

There definitely is scenery below the aircraft, as I can see it and I
tried to land on it after adding some altitude, but the aircraft just
goes through the ground. I tried this with the standard scenery around
EDNY (n47e009).

However, when I try that in the San Francisco, I can land on hills and

I don't know if it is important, but I use the FG_SCENERY variable to
specify the list of scenery directories.

Ralf Gerlich

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG - Bugs

2006-11-03 Thread Ralf Gerlich

I'd like to add my own bug reports from a test flight with the Citation
Bravo. On some of the points I'm not sure whether this is related to OSG
as I haven't crosschecked with the old plib-only version.

- CTRL-C does not show the hotspots anymore

- transparency issues:
  - runway lights shine through panel:

  - runway lights shine through cloud layers in an awkward way:

  - 2D-cloud layers flood into cockpit

- 2D-cloud layers seem much too bright at night

However, aside from the ground_cache_messages I cannot see any noticable
decrease in performance. I have a Mobility Radeon 9600 on Linux/
with the binary-only driver from ATI. I had seen an increase by almost
100%, however with shadows turned on, which are not featured yet in the
OSG version, if I understand right. However, I can't remember seeing the
shadows cost 50% of framerate in the old version, so an increase by 100%
compared to shadows-enabled in the old version should be an increase in
any case.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OpenSceneGraph

2006-10-30 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Martin Spott wrote:
 Mathias Fr?hlich wrote:
 You can find that tarball at

 I am working on getting the two patches upstream ...
 Would you consider separating the respective patches so people can
 apply them to their home grown build tree ?

I plan to update my fgfs-build system to using OSG starting tonight,
where I will have to separate the patches anyway, so I can supply them
for everybody if Mathias doesn't have them separated yet.


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[Flightgear-devel] OT: First solo

2006-10-01 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi everybody,

in the tradition of all real-life pilots-to-be reporting about their
milestone experiences in their training, I'd like to tell you about my
first solo in the traffic circuit I had on Friday.

For understanding of the context: I'm currently training to be a pilot
of microlight planes of the aerodynamically controlled type. IIRC
these things are known as VLA (very light aircraft) in the US, although
some of the parameters (maximum MTOW etc.) are different. So I'm not
flying trikes but merely a much smaller and lighter version of what you
PPL-pilots out there are using. I'm training on a Comco Ikarus C42B, of
which a model for FlightGear is in the making (detailed static 3D model
is nearly complete, FDM is a mess and no animation or scripting of
specific instruments has yet taken place ;-) ).

On Thursday it happened to happen that the conditions of myself having
time off from my dayjob, not being too tired from it and the weather
being VMC (lower limits, however) met on the same day. I hadn't had any
lessons for nearly a month and the last one was a bit frustrating
because the landings just didn't want to work the way I wanted them to,
which - as I learned later on - was due to several factors I couldn't
expect to counter at my stage of training, one of them being the
maintenance guy who had fastened some screws in the front gear a bit too
hard which made control of rudder and steering wheel harder and much
less precise. It makes a whole lot of a difference whether you can
control the rudder with only small forces or whether you need to
literally stump on the pedals to actually move them.

And on Thursday we went to our training airodrome (landing fees there
allow us to do ten times more landings for the same price as at our home
base), did some coordination training (following curvy roads) as well as
some navigation training in bad visibility, and then I did my first
landing for that day, which was absolutely perfect! We did 8 landings in
total and all of them were at least safe, even though not perfect in my
mind (I expect my passengers not to know that we're on the ground again
;-) )

In the break we did in between my instructor already babbled something
about not letting me do a solo today yet, but there was something in
that yet...

On the following day, Friday, we went to that aerodrome again and I did
3 landings, all of which were safe again. On the fourth landing my
instructor added a little spice by simulating an engine failure for me
to see that essentially that doesn't make a huge problem when you're
almost on the runway and high enough. After that landing we taxied to
the apron and he tried to assure me that we would have a short break
now. He's a very talented actor, but I was already prepared and it
seemed awkward to do a break after that few landings.

He left the plane on the apron and then told me to do 3 or 4 landings
solo. I don't need to tell you I was nervous as hell, however, somehow I
didn't notice the forgetting how to fly effect others had told me of.

I taxied to the taxi holding point, reported that I would taxi onto the
runway and takeoff as soon as the recently-landed powered glider had
left it. When the runway was clear, I went onto the runway, set flaps
and full power and finally was on my first real solo takeoff run. Soon
after the tires left the ground, the nervousness transformed into pure

I can't say I was relaxed but I wasn't exactly tense either. The plane
climbed like I'd never seen it climb before so I was on traffic circuit
altitude already before turning crosswind. Suddenly I had so much time
between leveling the plane and crossing abeam threshold (which is the
point for starting descent in the procedure I've learnt) so I could
really enjoy the view.

In the second or third downwind I was flying the engine suddenly seemed
to run lumpy, so I tried some of the standard procedures to check the
engine I had learnt. Pulling carburetor heat (we had high humidity and
16-17 degrees Celsius outside temperature), trying a different RPM, etc.
I blame it on being alone in the plane for the first time, where one
probably tends to hear ghosts, but there was nothing wrong with the engine.

I just wanted to go on and on and on, but it was already near sunset so
we had to return to our home base soon. After the fourth landing I
parked the plane and my instructor came along showing thumbs up. We
had a short break and then went home.

The end of that flight was marked by the very first real-life landing in
EDNY which I did totally on my own: No hands for my instructor ;-) As
compared to the other typical traffic in EDNY we are relatively slow, we
tend to do fast landings, coming to 50m aside the runway descending with
about 140-160km/h and cruise power setting (normal approach speed is
110km/h), do a relatively steep turn and align to the runway, then
reducing the speed by a long flare. There is an agreement between the
microlight pilots at EDNY and the 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flight Sim Development

2006-09-29 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Jon S. Berndt wrote:
 I'm surprised that a group of people went to this much trouble to produce a
 commercial to say something about that other flight sim. Was this made
 using scenes from an actual film and overdubbed audio/subtitles? I got a
 laugh out of it, too.

It's from the German film Der Untergang (The Downfall) describing the
last 12 days in Hitler's Führerbunker before the end of WWII.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Looking for a Dutch crew

2006-09-18 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Martin Spott wrote:
 I'm be able to commit myself but you can't rely on me to supply any of
 the requested material. We had some posters on the LinxTag booth and if
 we ask nicely, then our Friends at Friedrichshafen might lend them to
 us for use at Lelystad.

You're lucky! The posters are still there and taking up space ;-) If you
want them I'd just need to know how to safely get them to you...

 I also might bring a network switch -
 no, not the large 'radiator', now I also have a small three-slot
 edition  :-)

I suspect that the radiator might be of more use in the colder time of
the year than it was in midsummer in Wiesbaden ;-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Debugging MultiPlayer

2006-08-17 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Martin Spott wrote:
 Now I would expect at least one, better each of the two pilots to see
 the other aircraft idling at the opposite end of the runway - but
 nbody's there.


 Any hint where I should start investigating ?

Are you sure you enabled AI-objects?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT: D-EENE

2006-07-24 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Martin Spott wrote:
 Well, if you'd like to go for some faces, then you should have a look
 at this picture (beware, long URL):[colrows]=1x1tx_lzgallery_pi1[pic]=44tx_lzgallery_pi1[showUid]=79tx_lzgallery_pi1[maxwidth]=1024

I think it is obvious, whether this picture was taken at the start of
the first of at the end of the last day of the expo ;-)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] apt.dat changes ?

2006-06-12 Thread Ralf Gerlich

dene maxwell wrote:
 it's not just layout that is important, there have been instances where 
 people have wanted uni-directional runways... this could just as equally 
 apply to taxiways (I haven't come across any examples of this YET!)... 
 defining taxi-ways as unirdirection or bidirectional could cater for 
 specifically styled runway signs (if indeed this was the case in RL)... 
 taking it a step further... apron markings could be layered over this. With 
 the proprietry APT format this would be hard to implement...a more generic 
 tree structure would be more extensible (I think this has been mentioned 
 before as an advantage)

As it seems, the X-Plane authors are not keen to go away from the 
apt.dat format, so if FlightGear would go away from bidirectional 
compatibility with apt.dat, this would result in a clear split of the 
databases and in ceasing the up to now fruitful exchange of data between 
FlightGear and X-Plane. Keep this in mind when assessing the advantages 
of a new, totally different format.

Thomas Förster wrote:
Example case: I've seen taxi lights standing besides the asphalt and on the
other hand others buried within the taxiway concrete. Just specifying that
there is taxiway lighting is not enough in my opinion.

...and that's why that is to change in the new apt.dat-format. They have 
both polygonal pavement sections, but also polyline sections, by which 
rows of lights, markings, etc., can be placed accurately.

Which brings us to the point where we have to draw our borderlights, 
etc., ourselves _in addition_ to the pavement, where in the past we 
simply placed a rectangle and activated lighting.

However, given proper tools - which is what TaxiDraw is going for - we 
can make the tool support the user, by, e.g., automatically placing 
lines of borderlights around any new pavement polygon and allow the user 
to edit them or remove them as they wish.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] apt.dat changes ?

2006-06-12 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Ralf Gerlich schrieb:
 However, given proper tools - which is what TaxiDraw is going for - we 
 can make the tool support the user, by, e.g., automatically placing 
 lines of borderlights around any new pavement polygon and allow the user 
 to edit them or remove them as they wish.

Erm...I just wanted to add, that I don't mean that TaxiDraw isn't a 
proper tool right now %-) The intention was to express the direction of 
TaxiDraw towards a more flexible tool with the possibility for more 
high-level support in airport editing.

At least that is my vision, and it seems that TaxiDraw-master Dave Luff 
seems to like that vision. Am I wrong, Dave? ;-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] apt.dat changes ?

2006-06-12 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Thomas Förster schrieb:
Ralf Gerlich schrieb:
Erm...I just wanted to add, that I don't mean that TaxiDraw isn't a
proper tool right now %-) The intention was to express the direction of
TaxiDraw towards a more flexible tool with the possibility for more
high-level support in airport editing.
 Neither do I. Taxidraw is an amazing tool right now. I was just thinking of 
 ways to decrease your programming burden. :-)

Heh! You don't need to decrease my programming burden by (mentally) 
replacing TaxiDraw with an SVG-tool. I'd like to keep TaxiDraw, if only 
for the fun of working on it ;-) (of course, there's parts of that job 
that are a PITA, but gladly, it's only parts)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] apt.dat changes ?

2006-06-12 Thread Ralf Gerlich

BTW: Durk Talsma's AI-extension using external XML-files shows us that 
we _can_ extend the format without changing apt.dat at all. However, we 
still have the problem of keeping extensions like that in sync with 
changes from Robin Peel's database.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] apt.dat changes ?

2006-06-12 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi Ben,

bsupnik schrieb:
 Ralf Gerlich wrote:
There was criticism of the physical storage model of apt.dat, as it has 
been and probably will continue to be in version 850. I just wanted to 
say that, if the FlightGear project were to invent its own format - 
let's call it FGAPT for simplicity - and would then not be able to 
convert from APT to FGAPT _and_ backwards, we would lose the possibility 
of properly interchanging data with X-Plane and Robin Peel's database. 
We might not lose the possibility in total, but at least in part.
 Ah...well, it's that translatability that's most important I think ... 
 there's really no reason why FG should be stuck with an X-Plane 
 container model.


 Well, there is the problem: if you want to database the highest level 
 layout info, you need to standardize the high level model.

Then that's where we need to work with you and Robin Peel regarding the 
next generation database ;-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] vatsim

2006-06-12 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Martin Spott schrieb:
 The story _I_ was told reads like this:
 They have severe difficulties with their user authentication because
 the protocol they use is considered to be braindead (TM). So they try
 to hide the drawbacks of their authentication protocol by forcing
 people to sign an NDA - which therefore gives them a handle to control
 who'll implement the protocol.

Heh! Given that they didn't change their protocol over the years, I know 
what is meant by braindead. Once upon a time I worked on a KDE port of 
ProController, their radar application at that time. I got the protocol 
specs _without_ signing an NDA.

Their network chief was not amused - to say the least - as he found out 
about our (we were already two at the time) client being used on their 
network. At least that's what he said. They seemed to have structural 
problems at the time and it might not have fit his plan to see an 
open-sourced tool implementing the protocol.

BTW: Their server-software used to be open-source as well and as far as 
I can see, it has vanished...

When they switched to the new radar client, I tried to keep up, but with 
the team at that time (not their head, Julian Smart, but instead those 
who wanted to work at it then) no cooperation was possible and my time 
is valuable.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] apt.dat changes ?

2006-06-10 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Tony Pelton schrieb:
 On 6/10/06, dene maxwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I know from my experience with FGTools, FGFS and TaxiDraw that parsing the
APT file is not trivial ...the downside is of course the need for a
SpecialAPT.DAT to cater for this and the inherent support and maintenance
 it's interesting that you would say this.
 i had the same experience when i was doing some work for an x-plane
 plugin, that parsing those files was tedious and so ... 1980's ...
 it's nice to hear someone else say the current format is a pain too.

Writing a parser is always work we rather wouldn't be doing as we'd 
rather devote ourselves to working with the data than to reading or 
writing it from or to file.

What makes XML easier to parse is the presence of generic parser 
libraries that physically parse the XML entities. You still don't have 
your data cleanly fetched out of that. The property tree probably is one 
of the obligatory exceptions.

The reason why parsing apt.dat is a PITA is the lots of data to be 
parsed and interpreted for runways and taxiways (lighting, material, 
stopways, etc.). This data doesn't get less with XML and it certainly 
won't get less with the new format.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] TerraGear scripts (was: Wiki update)

2006-06-08 Thread Ralf Gerlich

now I know why I didn't announce my scripts earlier. Just as I'm 
preparing to release them, gts (required for TerraGear) does not build 

Nevertheless I put the scripts online:

I'm too tired to write extensive docs. For the TerraGear-builder 
(fgfs-build), look into README.txt and into the different Makefiles.

For the scenery-builder, you need to apply tg-terrafit.patch to 
TerraGear and put into src/Prep/TerraFit in the TerraGear 
sources. Have a look at new_builder/ and 
new_builder/cape_verde/ Most of the required settings are 
commented. AFAIR OGR is only required for our custom category scheme, 
but not for Martin's naming scheme, so you probably won't need it at all.

I hope these scripts help. I will help wherever I can with any problems, 
however it may be that I don't have the time to do so instantly. Be 
patient with me ;-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Wiki updates

2006-06-06 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi Arnt,

Arnt Karlsen schrieb: precisely that process, building a new GVAC Cape Verde out of 
 your VMap1 data and then KOSH, I am trying to get TerraGear built:  ,   and post with
 message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED].

I'll try to have a look at it ASAP. Sorry, for not answering earlier, 
sometimes I'm reading flightgear-devel in a hurry and even Terr_a_Gear 
;-) posts seem to go under my radar. Mind you: In the olden times, when 
TerraGear required nurbs++ as a dependency, building TerraGear was even 
more a hassle than it is now.

Currently, the address you provided does not seem to be reachable...

BTW: I have done a build of Cape Verde and it took me about 300MB 
(shapefiles+workdir+final scenery, but not including necessary SRTM 
downloads). Martin's shapefiles extend further than the region required 
for the actual islands, so I enforced a smaller boundary rectangle on 
building. The result is available on

To all: I have a Makefile available building plib, SimGear, FlightGear, 
TerrorGear+dependencies, fgsd and TaxiDraw, at least under Linux. I 
don't know whether it is in good shape - haven't checked compiling fgsd 
for a while and I have to check whether I distribute anything that 
should go with it - but I can make it available if anybody is 
interested. I also have a Perl script doing all my scenery builds, which 
is able to build both based on our category 
files as well as Martin's current shapefile nomenclature. If you want 
them, you can have them, but they come without any warranty to work on 
your box.

Please don't expect me to put this up earlier than this evening 
(UTC+2h). Now that I mentioned it, I can't think of any good reason why 
I didn't put this online earlier anyway %-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT [OT] First flight lesson

2006-06-04 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Alex Perry schrieb:
A steep sideslip approach with full flaps is the most fun you can safely 
have in a cessna!
 Take a look at what the US commercial pilot emergency descent maneuver is.

Heh! I don't want to look like a sissy for not appreciating the fun in a 
sideslip, so just let me say: For me it takes a bit to get used to it. 
;-) It was just unexpected to me that it felt like a heavily 
uncoordinated curve, just without the increased downward force during 
the maneuver.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] [OT] First flight lesson

2006-06-03 Thread Ralf Gerlich
Hi all,

following the tradition of reporting on the progress of the respective 
pilot's license on flightgear-devel, today it's my turn as today I had 
my very first flight lesson for the Sport Pilot's License for very light 
aircraft (Ultraleicht, i.e. MTOW 472.5kg).

No, that doesn't mean I'm flying trikes. Essentially these planes are 
like your everyday light aircraft (Piper PA28, C172, whatever), just a 
lot lighter ;-)

And as we were talking about the value of FlightGear, it has proven to 
have its very own value for me, even monetary speaking. Thanks to 
training on physically accurate FlightGear I was able to skip all that 
typical first-lesson stuff (flying curves, climb, descend, holding 
course and altitude, etc.) and go directly to traffic circuits and 
landing practice. Which essentially means that I'll possibly be able to 
actually do something sensible with the expensive instructor lessons 
and train for the really important stuff ;-)

BTW: As FlightGear currently features neither an Ikarus C42 (yes, I 
know, the name is not well selected for a plane, but tell that to the 
people at Comco) nor an EuroFox - in fact I haven't found any very light 
aircraft in the hangar yet - I plan to model at least one of them as 
soon as I get a better feeling for them and as soon as I get better 
access to our club's planes for taking pictures for modelling. Don't pin 
me down on this, I said, I plan doing that. ;-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [OT] First flight lesson

2006-06-03 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Torsten Dreyer schrieb:
following the tradition of reporting on the progress of the respective
pilot's license on flightgear-devel, today it's my turn as today I had
my very first flight lesson for the Sport Pilot's License for very light
 I can imagine the wide grin in your face ;-)

Actually, that grin briefly vanished in the light turbulences we had 
here today. That's a thing you can't train on FlightGear (yet) ;-) You 
also won't get a wiff of the awkward position your in when 
slipping...but I'll get used to that.

 Congratulations and welcome to the sky!

Thanks. If I hadn't already been addicted before, I would be now ;-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] LOC

2006-06-02 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Jon S. Berndt schrieb:
 Does anyone have a good Lines of Code count for FlightGear 0.9.10?
 Also, as I recall, there was a tool that allowed for an estimation of the
 value of a set of code. Has that been run on Flightgear in its current
 state? Anyone willing to estimate what the development cost would be of
 FlightGear today?

This is what David Wheeler's sloccount tells me based on the basic 
CoCoMo-model for FlightGear and SimGear sources (without base-package!):


SLOCDirectory   SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
128258  FlightGear  cpp=118377,ansic=6069,perl=2996,java=370,python=270,
40375   SimGear cpp=27861,ansic=12473,sh=41

Totals grouped by language (dominant language first):
cpp: 146238 (86.72%)
ansic:18542 (11.00%)
perl:  2996 (1.78%)
java:   370 (0.22%)
python: 270 (0.16%)
sh: 217 (0.13%)

Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)= 168,633
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 43.58 (523.00)
  (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months) = 2.25 (26.98)
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Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule)  = 19.39
Total Estimated Cost to Develop   = $ 5,887,505
  (average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40).
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Any numbers except the SLOC should be handled with care. Basic COCOMO is 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: FGLive 0.1 LinuxTag edition

2006-05-08 Thread Ralf Gerlich


looks great here. I've got an ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 and the driver works.

Very good work. I especially like the screenshots at startup - besides 
the actual content ;-)

Thanks for your effort. People at the LinuxTag booth have asked for a 
Live-CD all the way. We had none with us but we knew we could refer them 
to your image. I can only speak for ATI-users, but I expect they will be 
very pleased.

There's only one last thing from my side: When trying to open a terminal 
in the German locale version, I get an error about the terminal trying 
to set the local without success.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] European Scenery Textures

2006-04-18 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Chris Metzler schrieb:

Well, I did mention this over there earlier, in the second paragraph of:

but however you saw it, I'm very glad, because . . .

I saw it in both lists, but the memory about me seeing the same problem 
in my first scenery building attempts sunk in after I read it in 

If anything else doesn't work, I suspect that it doesn't have anything 
to do with this.

Bingo!  This not only stopped the odd non-Latin-1 characters to the
screen, but it solved the problem with hgtchop.  I am able to proceed
to the end of the tool chain and build tiles!

Huh?! I don't know how this small issue (char printing) could break the 
whole building process...but nevertheless: if it works, it works ;-)

The next problem (which I'll post over there):  the cutouts for the
airports place the airports at sea level.

But while I want to get this fixed at some point, right now I'm able
to do what I most need to do, which is review airports I've worked on
in TaxiDraw.

This looks as if you ran hgtchop after genapts. Maybe it's even 
necessary to run terrafit before genapts (hgtchop, terrafit, genapts, 


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] European Scenery Textures

2006-04-18 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Jon Stockill schrieb:
*always* fully process your DEM before you start basing other stuff on 
it. there's no need to run arrayfit - but it will get rid of a lot of 
redundant data. It's worth the time spent processing it. Then *back up 
the result* you won't need to go back to that step until newer DEM data 
is released. Once you're at that stage you can happily run genapts, 
build some scenery, then throw it away and build a newer version.

What he said ;-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: request for new screen shots

2006-04-14 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Pigeon schrieb:

Some screenshots of the project. They look

Great shots! It's quite a good feeling to know that people like our 
scenery ;-)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Use of old maps

2006-04-13 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Jon Stockill schrieb:

Lee Elliott wrote:
There have been rumours that the OS introduced deliberate errors in 
their maps so that they could be used to identify 'copiers' but quite 
apart from the fact that this would prove nothing (because it doesn't 
preclude someone else doing exactly the same thing or simply making a 
coincidental mistake) the OS also insists quite strongly that is has 
never, and will never introduce data error.

Think again:

That's the interesting part of that German rouling: The court explicitly 
considered the fact that the plaintiff included such easter eggs in its 
maps and dismissed it as irrelevant. However, as it seems the legal 
situation is clearly different in the UK, as the court ruling mentioned 
in your link shows.

In any case, regarding street and landuse data we're probably best off 
using aerials and vectorising off them.

However, have a look at

Definitely worth your support.

No doubt about it.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Use of old maps

2006-04-13 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Hi again,

Ralf Gerlich schrieb:

Jon Stockill schrieb:

Think again:

That's the interesting part of that German rouling: The court explicitly 
considered the fact that the plaintiff included such easter eggs in its 
maps and dismissed it as irrelevant. However, as it seems the legal 
situation is clearly different in the UK, as the court ruling mentioned 
in your link shows.

Or put differently: Even though the plaintiff was able to prove the 
origin of the defendant's map by the easter eggs, that bought them 
nothing, as the base data is not copyright protected and the easter eggs 
won't count as mental creation to make it protected.

Again: IANAL, and this is my interpretation of the ruling.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] European Scenery Textures

2006-04-13 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Chris Metzler schrieb:

hgtchop didn't freak out for me; it was more of a subtle clue that
there were problems that manifested themselves later at the end of
the chain.  When you run hgtchop on the data and produce the *.arr.gz
files, hgtchop prints status info on each tile to the screen.  Does
that all look OK?  Mine looked just fine, *except* when it printed
the lat/lon of the tile where it was working, there were non-Latin-1
characters (non alphanumeric symbols) in there, which occasionally
caused beeping (ctrl-g, the keyboard bell) when it tried to print
them on the screen.  Otherwise it looked perfectly fine.  But that
was the first sign that something was up.

I have read your mails on terragear-devel but until now nothing of that 
seemed familiar. Until now. I think the non-latin-characters stem from 
the fact that HGT.write_area - which is called from hgtchop - writes the 
bucket to cout. SGBucket stores x and y as char. The operator declared 
in simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx simply prints that as char. Try the 
attached patch on SimGear.

If anything else doesn't work, I suspect that it doesn't have anything 
to do with this.

Index: simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/source/simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 newbucket.hxx
--- simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx	8 Mar 2006 18:16:08 -	1.9
+++ simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx	13 Apr 2006 13:25:11 -
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
 inline ostream
 operator ( ostream out, const SGBucket b )
-return out  b.lon  :  b.x  ,  :  b.y;
+return out  b.lon  :  (int)b.x  ,  :  (int)b.y;

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Use of old maps

2006-04-12 Thread Ralf Gerlich


David Luff schrieb:

Hi folks,

I happened to come across the following ebay item whilst looking for 
a map which caught my eye:

It's a 1937 OS map to a reasonably hilly area of the UK, and appears 
to have quite detailed contours.  All the information I can find 
suggests that Crown Copyright persists in OS products for 50 years 
from the date of publication, suggesting that it might be possible to
 extract freely usable elevation data from such maps, admittedly not 
up-to-date but likely to be much denser than the 3-arcsec SRTM.

IANAL, but you might be even better off than you think. At least here in
Germany, courts seem to consider only the map itself (its presentation)
to be protected by copyright but not the base data (such as elevation
isolines, roadlines, etc.), as the base data itself represents reality
and does not lend itself to creativity (persönliche geistige Schöpfung
or personal mental creation), which is a basic requirement for
copyright protection according to German copyright law.

I know of one specific case where a map created by a consortium of 
communitities was scanned and vectorised by a private map creator to 
create a new map and sell that. Germany's federal court of law (BGH) 
specifically said that this action is legal, even if deliberately 
introduced errors are vectorised as well 
(, German decision)

You may have to check whether similar conditions apply to this specific
map and Crown Copyright. I repeat: I am not a lawyer ;-)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] World scenery

2006-04-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich


I have just checked the data sources in order to make sure this actually 
made it into the scenery creation process: (Attention, long URL)

It seems as if the islands are correctly represented as landmass.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Taxiway signs, howto?

2006-04-05 Thread Ralf Gerlich

On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 10:04:46AM +, Martin Spott wrote:
 Even if someone enables TerraGear to create these signs on the fly
 during scenery generation (which I favour over keeping the signs in the
 Objects DB) we still face the problem that we lack the logical airport

In the medium to long term we will get that info from TaxiDraw ;-) Durk already 
integrated logical network editing for AI aircraft in TaxiDraw without having 
to extend or modify the apt.dat format. After all the chance that the format of 
Robin's database changes in a more logical-layout-oriented way has increased 
enormously, AFAIK ;-)

I very much hope to get back into my TaxiDraw rework ASAP, but I fear it won't 
be anytime soon - at least not before LinuxTag ;-)

Ralf Gerlich
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FG Live progress

2006-04-04 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Pigeon schrieb:

As mentioned in the LinuxTag mail thread earlier, I've started
preparing a FG live cd.

Great!! I'm very glad you're doing this!


Things that I need input from people:

- what window manager/environment should we use/should be the

This is asking for a flame war, but we'll see. I can only tell you that 
I'm currently using GNOME2 with metacity as window manager. I can't say 
anything about KDE, except that it was using up pretty much RAM the last 
time I checked - which must have been about four years ago ;-) If it's 
still that way, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to use it on a 
FlightGear live CD.

Anyway, as Martin already said, the focus should be on FlightGear. 
Therefore the window manager probably doesn't need to be anything fancy. 
Given the target audience of a live CD fvwm95 or like that might 
be suitable, as long as users can easily start FlightGear and whatever 
auxiliary applications (Atlas, TerraSync, etc.).

- what aircrafts should we include?

I vote for the C172P as standard model, Piper Cub, Citation Bravo and 
the B1900D as minimum. This clearly doesn't exclude any others, but I 
think these are probably the best from the small and business jet 
fraction we currently have. Can't tell anything about the military or 
larger jets.

- atlas?

I'd say yes. If you put Atlas on there, a set of pre-generated maps for 
the included scenery could be a good idea.

Hopefully sometime this week or next week I would have something for
people to test with.

I'll try to test it as soon as it is available. Perhaps I'll have the 
possibility to test it on some non-development machines and with 
simple users ;-)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Graphics load (was Possible contribution for someone)

2006-04-03 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Christian Mayer schrieb:

Stefan Seifert schrieb:

A little blurriness would not hurt in many areas. I still have to find a
river in reality with as sharp edges as in FlightGear ;) When generating
textures, one could do real curves and low resolution is a cheap way to
make banks smooth.

FlightGear draws line features like rivers with their own triangles.
They are not on the texture for the sourrounding area and thus they
can't be blured into the sourrounding.

The point with blurring in MSFS is that they draw their roads onto a 
ground texture, which of course has limited resolution only. This also 
makes smooth river backs etc. easier, but also introduces a lot of 
possibly unwanted blurriness.

But I definitely agree that it'd be great to have banks on rivers, roads 
and railroads. I'm not a pilot in RL an therefore don't have much VFR 
experience, but from the aerials I've seen I would think that roads, 
rivers, etc. are most generally recognised from above due to a wider 
stripe of changing vegetation on their sides.

As Paul put it (although he meant it sarcastically): FlightGear is a 
development platform and therefore we could as well try different 
approaches...thinking again, this might well fail due to those qualified 
enough to do it having already too much on their back. Ah, well...;-)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Graphics load (was Possible contribution for someone)

2006-04-02 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Paul Surgeon schrieb:
Well I think the best bang for the buck would be via some sort of terrain LOD 
mechanism. Using primitives to draw every single feature just isn't going to 
scale well.

Terrain LOD and primitives for every feature is not necessarily a 
contradiction. At least there's progressive meshes, which can be used 
for TINs.

A texture based approach like MSFS where the ground textures are generated on 
the fly from vector data would be even better. Very low poly count but high 

I have to agree with the original poster - FS2004 looks much better

FS2004 looks better in many areas. However, I found the blurriness of 
ground features on FS200x quite unrealistic and very dissatisfactory.

Unfortunately, as I said in my analysis, our line data (rivers, streets, 
railroad) account for 60% of the triangles, or put differently: The 
number of triangles in a tile is multiplied by 2.5 when line data is 
added. Integrating the line data into the terrain not only generates the 
triangles used for the line data itself, but also adds lots of triangles 
on the adjoining areas.

However, MSFS does quite a good job of river banks and lake shores. They 
must be using some combination of a regular height field and polygonal 
features for coastlines and lakes.

Of course, regular or semi-regular triangulations for the height fields 
clearly provide for easier adaption during runtime without much 
precalculation (e.g., ROAM). Perhaps it would be possible to find some 
way to use semi-regular triangulations and combine them with vector 
features in high-detail regions, i.e. regions near to the viewer, 
possibly using polygon offset. But as I said, I certainly don't have an 
overview on that topic.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] How to convert terrain meshes to other vector descripting formats?

2006-04-02 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Roberto Inzerillo wrote:
I am currently modelling a few 3d models for a couple of places. I'd 
like to modell them as a whole project, so it would be nice to have a 
vector drawing file of the area terrain meshes directly inside the 
modeller. But .btg files are not so easy to import into blender or 3ds 
or whatever.
How can I convert the terrain meshes of those areas to a more common 
format, something like .ac .obj .blend wold be ok. Is there something 
like a btg2ac program to use? Any hint?

Not that I know of, but there was a brief discussion on the topic on the 
German FlightGear Forum some time ago and I think krähe implied 
interest in doing like this[1]. Not sure whether he actually got 
to it ;-)



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New 737 textures

2006-03-27 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Stefan Seifert schrieb:

Paul Surgeon wrote:

That EasyJet repaint looks much better than the UA one.
Would be nice to replace the one in CVS.

I'd say, that depends on how much is willing to pay for the 
advertising ;)

Mind you: might want us to pay for using their trademark. 
:-/ EasyJet is especially known for going against anything similar to 
easy*. Apparently they got their trademark registered in Europe for all 
categories and seem to get through with the argument that anything 
starting with easy does resemble their trademark too far. I heard that 
from a friend getting into trouble for his company name easylink.

Wasn't there a story about some flightsim jet painting and the 
respective airline crying havoc?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Next FlightGear Release - upcoming.

2006-03-10 Thread Ralf Gerlich


David Megginson schrieb:

The problem, though, is not the accuracy of the shorelines (though
that's obviously important), but the type -- for some reason,
TerraGear has started to misinterpret the Great Lakes as ocean rather
than lake, and thus, it's cutting them right out of the scenery rather
than using the SRTM elevations.

It seems that it's exactly that. I wasn't yet able to verify that, but 
it seems that the Great Lakes are not part of the landmass and are thus 
zeroed in altitude. I'm not sure why that worked in the previous releases.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Next FlightGear Release - upcoming.

2006-03-10 Thread Ralf Gerlich


It seems that it's exactly that. I wasn't yet able to verify that, but
it seems that the Great Lakes are not part of the landmass and are thus
zeroed in altitude. I'm not sure why that worked in the previous releases.

I haven't looked at the TerraGear code for a long time, but in the
past, I think, we used to do a union of all the coverage types,
including lakes and islands, and use that as the mask.

That wouldn't match with the behaviour I encountered during the South 
Germany scenery builds. Only recently I've come across TerraGear making 
everything which is outside the landmass polygon (material Default) to 
be Ocean and at level 0.

I once reduced the landmass data from VMAP0 to a bit more manageable 
size by constraining it to the region we'd be working in for our 
scenery. As we touched that border we had a tile with extremely steep 
cliffs falling to the ocean where there should have been no ocean. The 
location of the cliff matched that of the border of our landmass polygon.

I think I've seen code in the current source calculating the landmass 
mask as the union of all polygons with Default material, which is then 
used to clip all other polygons.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Next FlightGear Release - upcoming.

2006-03-09 Thread Ralf Gerlich


David Megginson schrieb:

Here's another one -- the DME is no longer working unless the DME is
associated with a VOR.  That's a big problem for anyone who uses
FlightGear for IFR practice (since DMEs are often associated with
localizers or used standalone).

I remember fixing this one once or twice in the past when people broke
it, so I'll volunteer to take another run at it before the release. 
Does anyone have any suggestions about recent changes that might have

broken it?  It's also possible, of course, that it's an instrument
configuration problem, and not in the core FlightGear engine at all.

The problem may be that Robin changed the nav.dat format to contain two 
DME-types instead of only one (

There's no difference between the types except their type number and the 
fact that for one the frequency is displayed in X-Plane's maps while for 
the other it is not.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear on LinuxTag;

2006-03-03 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Curtis L. Olson schrieb:
I'm not familiar with the area so I don't know where Wiesbaden stops and 
surrounding towns start.  I'm sure you are correct in everything you 
say.  I just noticed that there is detailed imagery near by that 
includes a detailed image of the airport.  Perhaps that is another city 
or town though.

That is EDDF, Frankfurt/Main Intl airport.

However, Frankfurt/Main may be interesting nonetheless regarding scenery 
objects. As I know Ingrid ;-), she'll target more than just Wiesbaden 
and therefore we'll probably also do Frankfurt (or at least part of 
that, as time permits).

I know there has been some discussion going on on the German Flightgear 
Forum at regarding objects in the Frankfurt/Main 
area, but I currently don't know how far they got and whether these 
objects are already in Jon's DB.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New South Germany Scenery release

2006-02-13 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Christian Mayer schrieb:

Georg Vollnhals schrieb:

Ralf Gerlich schrieb:

Dear all,

today the South Germany Scenery team released a new version of its
custom scenery with the following major new features:

I hope you do not mind me combining your wonderful scenery with an old
war-bird. But for me this combination fits very well - a wonderful
landscape, nice clouds and a historical airplane.

No offence taken. ;-) After all, notwithstanding their original purpose, 
I consider many warbirds as being among the most beautiful planes ever 
built. Might have something to do with the fact that most fighter planes 
were built for performance and agility and humans tend to find such 
designs naturally beautiful.

These screenshots look great!

Yes, they do. Thanks for sharing them, Georg.

I can't wait till you extend the scenery eastwards towards Munich (and
the beautifull lakes there - as well as the Voralpenland)

Oh, Ingrid will definitely jump at the suggestion. ;-) I currently don't 
have much time to do actual digitising, so she does most of the work and 
I just do the releases and do simplification experiments with her data.

However, I'd rather see each of you doing their own area - this would 
bring us further than Ingrid and me doing all the work ;-).

As it seems I won't get to bringing the tutorial to a usable state in 
the near future, so I put up some notes on on how to do your own 
digitising and customisation. I'll add to that collection whenever I 
have an idea for a tip and time for writing it.

I don't think that there are areas in the world with a high 
concentration of FlightGear-developers living there ;-), but to avoid 
collisions and doing things twice, you should announce on the list when 
you intend to do a specific area.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: New South Germany Scenery release

2006-02-13 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Melchior FRANZ schrieb:

* Ralf Gerlich -- Monday 13 February 2006 12:23:

I don't think that there are areas in the world with a high 
concentration of FlightGear-developers living there ;-),

What we have plenty of is white spots.  :-)

Which seems to be unreachable...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: New South Germany Scenery release

2006-02-13 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Ralf Gerlich schrieb:

What we have plenty of is white spots.  :-)

Which seems to be unreachable...

Which is probably because it's a dynamic DNSed host and down...heh


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [PATCH][RFC] speech synthesis with festival

2006-02-07 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Martin Spott schrieb:

Stefan Seifert wrote:

[...] Now if one could add distortions to festival for making radio 
transmissions more realistic it would be perfect :)

Push the whole thing through a GSM codec on a loaded machine and you're
done  :-)

Listening to the ATC chatter introduced by Curt I might think that even 
that is not enough ;-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New aircraft - have fun!

2006-01-09 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Christian Mayer schrieb:

IANAL, as well, but I think geschäftsmäßig does not necessarily have
to do with charging money for something. AFAIK it's about whether you do
something regularly. So even distributing it on a private webpage might
be considered geschäftsmäßig. However, I'm not sure on that part.

Might be - then it would apply even more (although the word apply
probably doesn't have an comparative degree).

However, all of this is probably not more than dangerous half knowledge. 
Only a lawyer will be able to tell you the actual risks - as there is no 
such thing as a sure thing in law (Vor Gericht und auf hoher See ist 
man in Gottes Hand - At court and on the high sea you're in God's hands)


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[Flightgear-devel] World Custom Scenery Project launched

2006-01-09 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Hi all,

Today the World Custom Scenery Project was launched on It aims at providing a central hub for 
custom terrain creators for the FlightGear flight simulator, providing 
documentation, tools, tips and tricks for creating custom scenery and a 
central terrain database for the standard scenery builds.

We intend to offer space to database contributors for describing their 
scenery project and their area. This can include screenshot and picture 
galleries or descriptions of interesting routes and places to fly.

As the structure of the database and the associated procedures for 
submitting to the database are not yet established, we also offer this 
project space to scenery customisers already working on their scenery 
and intending to submit to the database as soon as it is in production 

Note that, in order to be able to submit your data to the database later 
on, you need to use suitable digitising methods. Due to technical 
reasons we will not be able to accept modifications based on the current 
version of FlightGear Scenery Designer (v0.3.x) or in the form of binary 
scenery files (.btg). However, as  it seems, Frederic Bouvier is already 
working towards an interfacing possibility for fgsd.

Best Regards,
Ralf Gerlich Team

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] World Custom Scenery Project launched

2006-01-09 Thread Ralf Gerlich


Paul Surgeon schrieb:

Sounds great!

Obviously a FlightGear oriented app for editing the geospatial data would be 
ideal but how about writing a QGIS plugin to work with QGIS and GRASS?

I had that idea, too, as we're having more and more problems with the 
v.digit module of GRASS - it's just a bit hard to find out where you 
already digitised and where you still need to.

I'm currently restarting my efforts for a 
GRASS-PostGIS-TerraGear-tutorial, now trying to stand on the shoulders 
of giants instead of their feet (i.e., linking to other, better 
tutorials for some basic parts instead of writing it all myself).

We don't have practical QGIS-GRASS-experience except for some 
preliminary experiments, however, but I think that the combination is 
definitely more powerful than QGIS or GRASS alone and the additional 
power is actually usable for scenery customisation.

However, neither of QGIS or GRASS allows you to see which object type 
was assigned to which shape or line while digitising, so that sometimes 
railroads become highways or forests become lakes. I happened to spot 
some of these things on my flights through our scenery and we're trying 
to correct it where we see it, but this is definitely a general problem.

Best regards,

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] South-Germany Scenery Update

2005-12-25 Thread Ralf Gerlich

Hi all,

I have just uploaded the current release of the South Germany Custom 
Scenery. These are the most important changes:

1. New River Courses

Ingrid's been busy to make the courses of some of the bigger rivers in 
the area more realistic by accurately modelling them as area shapes 
instead of line data.

2. Extended Area

Some holes on the route between Lake Constance and Ulm (site of the 
highest church tower in the world - the Minister of Ulm with 161,4m) 
have been closed by area data. Not yet complete and most of the line 
data still missing.

Have a look at our status page on for an overview.

3. Built Using SRTM2 Elevation Data

The new build uses the new SRTM2 elevation data. Data holes were filled 
and it seems that lakes were flattened. I get the impression, that the 
new data serves scenery builds much better, as we finally have a Lake 
Constance without hills and specifically the Lindau peninsula in the 
northeast of the lake and the Rhine mouth in the southeast match reality 
much better (e.g.,no water flowing upwards). I currently have no basis 
for comparison, but to me it seems that the new flatness of the lake 
leaves more approximation vertices in the irregular elevation net for 
other areas, thereby giving us more accurate rolling hills. Maybe that 
it just looks like that because I've only flown the new scenery with the 
winter textures on ;-)

4. Sparse Scenery Tiles

The download package includes only those tiles which actually contain 
custom geographic data. No empty tiles anymore. Just put the standard 
scenery behind the custom South Germany scenery in your scenery path. 
Note that a tile is included as soon as even only a single polygon is on it.

You can download the scenery data via

So this is a somewhat late Christmas present for you all ;-)

The team of South Germany Custom Scenery wishes you all Happy and 
Restful Holidays.

Ingrid + Ralf

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