[LegacyUG] Arrrggghhh!

2016-02-22 Thread Tony Rolfe via Legacyusergroup
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[LegacyUG] Re: Getting RG78 series numbers from Ancestry.com

2015-08-21 Thread Tony Rolfe
OK, I've cracked it.

You have to search the enumerator's summary books, using the ED and RD
numbers and the street address.  This gives you the Summary book, which
includes the RG78 piece number and the household schedule number.


On 18/08/2015 10:56 AM, Tony Rolfe wrote:
 I had been using Find My Past for 1911 UK census data and they included
 the RG78 Series number as part of the detail information.  I've let my
 FMP subscription lapse since Ancestry now have the 1911 information, but
 Ancestry doesn't include the RG78 number anywhere that I can find.

 Legacy8 has a field for that number in the 1911 census source, so can
 anyone explain how to get it from the Ancestry data, or is there a
 cross-reference anywhere which links the RG14, RD, RS and ED numbers to
 the RG78 number



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[LegacyUG] Getting RG78 series numbers from Ancestry.com

2015-08-17 Thread Tony Rolfe
I had been using Find My Past for 1911 UK census data and they included
the RG78 Series number as part of the detail information.  I've let my
FMP subscription lapse since Ancestry now have the 1911 information, but
Ancestry doesn't include the RG78 number anywhere that I can find.

Legacy8 has a field for that number in the 1911 census source, so can
anyone explain how to get it from the Ancestry data, or is there a
cross-reference anywhere which links the RG14, RD, RS and ED numbers to
the RG78 number



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[LegacyUG] Potential Problem display for an individual

2014-01-19 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have a person flagged with a potential problem, Birth too long after
prev child.  There is a red button next to their birth details and when
I hover over that, the pop-up says click to view details.  So, I click
and a reasonably big window appears with a single line Child 9 born too
long after previous child and a bunch of things to do, none of which
appears to show the list of children and the details which might be

It would be really nice to have a button Display siblings list.

Unless I'm missing something?



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[LegacyUG] Potential Problem display for an individual

2014-01-19 Thread Tony Rolfe
My Edit Children button is greyed out, so I'm guessing it applies to
the children of this person, not to her siblings.

I went back out of the edit individual screen to the Pedigree View
window (where 7.5 had a useful display of her siblings) and did the
right-click and view siblings shuffle.  Now I get a list of sibling
names (without any details), but there doesn't appear to be anything
equivalent to the V7.5 Children's details option, so I still can't
find a way to display a list of her siblings with their birth dates.

Just another of the ways that V8.0 makes life a little harder for us.



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[LegacyUG] Shared event question

2014-01-15 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks Kurt, I'm almost there now.

I have created a Bride's Father role and the sentence reads
[Ondate] his daughter [WifeFirstName]'s marriage certificate said he
was and I will add a labourer via the notes as you suggested.

However, I tested this with the marriage between Joseph Doyle and Ellen
Carey so I expected [WifeFirstName] to become Ellen.  The actual
sentence reads

On 21 Aug 1904 his daughter John's marriage certificate said he was
These are the shared event notes.

I gather that the event notes bit is a known bug, but I don't know why
Ellen's name has become John.  I don't have any wives named John in my tree.

Something odd has now happened.  I saved the shared event and then
edited it again and now the sentence reads

On 21 Aug 1904 his daughter Archibald's marriage certificate said he
was a labourer.

Interestingly, his name is Archibald - but he still wasn't anyone's wife.

Most peculiar



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[LegacyUG] Shared event question

2014-01-15 Thread Tony Rolfe

I probably didn't make myself clear, but I'm not trying to share a
Marriage Certificate event.  I'm sharing the marriage vital event
using the share button next to the marriage location in the edit
marriage window.  The marriage certificate is used as a source for the
marriage and for any other information found on it.

The marriage has two sources - the certificate and a FREEBMD marriage
index.  Unfortunately, both of these carry over to the shared events,
even though the FreeBMD source detail has nothing to do with the father.
  No worries thought I, I'll just delete the FreeBMD from the father's
event.  Apart from getting a weird error message (Marriage 6587 not
found) that seemed to go OK, except that it also deleted the source from
the original.

This also happened with my marriage witnesses.  They get the Marriage
Certificate source which is correct and the FreeBMD source which is

That definitely seems to be a bug.  Carrying all sources over seems
logical (or at least convenient), but not allowing them to be cleaned up
and used only where needed is just not correct.

I'll be walking away from shared events for a while until that is fixed.



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[LegacyUG] Notes in event sentences

2014-01-15 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have created a few events which need 4 fields rather than the 3
supplied and so I've been using the notes field for one of them.  For
example, I have an Address and Occupation event which uses the Desc
for the occupation, the location for the address and the notes for the
source of the data.

[onDate] [Notes] said that [HeShe] was a [Desc] and that [HeShe] lived

On screen the resulting sentence reads perfectly.  However, on the
individual report and on generated web pages, the [Notes] are not
showing.  Instead of:

On 16 Jun 1896 his immigration papers said he was.

I get:

On 16 Jun 1896 said he was...

This happens for all events I have tested so far.

Is it a known bug?



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[LegacyUG] Shared event question

2014-01-14 Thread Tony Rolfe
I've just started to play with the shared events in V8 and have hit a
small snag.

Under V7.5, whenever I had a marriage certificate I would enter the
marriage details for the couple. Then I would add a marriage event
called Witnesses where I would list the witnesses names.  If the
witnesses were in my tree I would add a Marriage Witness event to the
people concerned.  This bit is easy to replace with the shared event.

I would also add an event to each of the couples fathers.  This was an
occupation event and the sentence reads (in part) [OnDate] [Notes] said
he was a [Desc] So we might get On 16 Jun 1896 his son George's
marriage certificate said he was a labourer.  This is the bit I can't
see how to replicate.  I tried setting up a Groom's father role so I
could build the basic part of the sentence but I can't see how to get
the occupation into the shared event. Essentially, I need to add
information from the certificate which isn't in the base event.  I'm
guessing that this is impossible, but I live in hope.

Advice would be appreciated.



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[LegacyUG] Location database

2013-12-03 Thread Tony Rolfe
I haven't done anything except download and install V8 and then backup
and convert my V7 file to v8.

All the locations seem to be there.  I've checked the folder containing
the old V7 Geo database and the dates there are all earlier than 2010 -
some as early as 2003.

So, am I using the old files, or has v8 automagically installed the
database somewhere else?

Also, according to my database there are no counties in England.  They
all appear as states/provinces - which is nonsense.



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[LegacyUG] Version 8 Pedigree View

2013-11-27 Thread Tony Rolfe
I usually live in Pedigree view and was perfectly happy with the way V7
Pedigree view looked.  I only have one monitor and had set up V7 to fit
neatly in one corner with browser and image viewer elsewhere.  If I do
this with V8 it simply doesn't look right.

My V8 screen has lost the Spouse/Children and Siblings boxes and has
double-height boxes for each person.  I have no reason to want pictures
shown here.

Is it possible to change the V8 view so that it is more like the V7 view?

If not, can I make my first suggestion for V8?



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[LegacyUG] 1940 US Census

2013-11-22 Thread Tony Rolfe
I've just discovered my first distant cousins on the 1940 US Census.
Included in this information is the fact that they were living in Orange
County Florida on 1st April 1935.

I'd like to have an event of some sort to record this, but I think I
should say that On 8th April 1940 they said that they were living in
Orange county in 1935, rather than on 1st April 1935 they were living
in Orange County.

How do other folk record this data?  Is there a standard way to do it?

Any advice would be appreciated.



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[LegacyUG] Transiting passenger lists.

2013-10-16 Thread Tony Rolfe
I'm seeking advice on how to record information from a passenger manifest.

My distant cousins travelled by ship from Vancouver to Auckland,
stopping at Honolulu.  I want to record this information as it is the
only evidence (so far) of the existence of their children.

So, I have a date of departure from Vancouver, the ship name, the date
of arrival in Honolulu and the fact that they were through passengers to
Auckland.  The father of the family died in New Zealand some time later
so I'm guessing that they were emigrating at this time (but no hard

I have three locations, two dates and would like to put all the
locations in the location list so I can track the family.

At the moment, I'm thinking of using 3 events Departure, Transit and
Arrival, but I think it is going to be fairly ugly doing that.

Any advice on which event(s) to use and which source template to use
would be appreciated.



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[LegacyUG] changing parents without deletion

2013-10-14 Thread Tony Rolfe
I'd like to follow up on this, please.

I have a family with a daughter, Lavinia, for whom I have census events
as a child with her parents, a marriage and census events with her
husband and family.  So far so good.

However, I have discovered another family of the same surname, with a
daughter Lavinia born in the same general area and of the same age. I
have census entries for her with her parents.

It is possible that I have married the wrong Lavinia.  I've sent off for
the marriage certificate (fortunately the fathers' names are different)
and I may have to swap the daughters.  I know I can do that by unlinking
both and relinking them to the right parents but that will leave the
wrong childhood census entries with each Lavinia.

Is it possible to start a Manual Merge, use the arrows to move the
census events to the correct Lavinia, but not perform the actual merge?
  Or is there a better way?

Advice would be appreciated


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[LegacyUG] Solo parent adoption

2013-10-06 Thread Tony Rolfe
Perhaps someone should put forward an enhancement request.

On the right-click context menu for an individual, under the Add...
option, offer choices of an adopted son an an adopted daughter.

This would work exactly as a son or a daughter.  However, since
Legacy is now aware of the non-biological nature of the relationship
there would be no need for a marriage or a spouse.  If these are
needed internally for Legacy's database to function then so be it, but
there is no need for this pseudo-relationship ever to be visible outside
Legacy's internals.


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[LegacyUG] Is this a bug?

2013-09-27 Thread Tony Rolfe
I recently tried to recreate my web site via the Internet  Create Web
Pages... option.

On the Links tab is the option to Include a custom HTML footer on each
page (inserted before the end /body tag).

I expected that HTML entered here would appear either immediately above
or immediately below the line which reads This Web Site was Created 1
Jun 2013 with Legacy 7.5 from Millennia, currently right at the bottom
of each page.

However, it appeared immediately above the horizontal line which
terminates the list of sources.  In other words, I get a horizontal
line, then all the sources one after the other, then my custom HTML,
then a horizontal line,  then some navigation options (home, table of
contents, surname list, name list) then the This web site etc.

I am using the pedigree style page for all people in the family file.  I
didn't put any HTML tags into the custom footer.  Just plain text.



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[LegacyUG] Census Events-Marriage or Head of Houdehold

2013-09-23 Thread Tony Rolfe
Hello, Shirley

I'm not sure of any pros and cons.  I think it is best to go with what
suits you best.  Personally, I think a census event belongs with the
individual since, in many cases, the person of interest may be unmarried
and away from home.  Maybe a domestic servant or sailor on board ship

I add a census event to each family member listed in the household, this
usually excludes servants, boarders and visitors.  If the person in my
tree is boarding or visiting someone not in my tree, then they get an
event all to themselves.

I use the description for age, marital status and occupation, the date
for the census date and the place for the residence address.  Notes
follow on from the description and usually contain other relevant

A typical sentence might read:

On 2 Apr 1911 George appeared on the census at 21 High Street, Writtle,
Essex as a 25-year-old unmarried farm labourer who was boarding in the
home of Fred Smith, also a farm labourer.

I save the event on the event clipboard and usually only have to modify
the description (sometimes the notes) for each family member.  I don't
list everyone in the household by name for each event.  For the mother,
I do occasionally add the number of children in the notes; particularly
when this is the first census after the marriage.

This works for me.  Your mileage may vary.

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[LegacyUG] Sentence Structure for Multiple events of the same type at the same time

2013-08-31 Thread Tony Rolfe
The obvious solution would be to have multiple events.  Newspaper
Article 1, whose event sentence reads as your first example. Newspaper
Article 2 whose sentence starts Another article and Newspaper
Article 3 whose sentence begins An article also.

You could then mix and match them as needed, and even add more if you
wanted later.

I'm a bit worried about using a newspaper name in the location field.
That would make all sorts of complications with the master Location
List.  I have put the name of the newspaper into the description and the
location of the event in the location field.  I use the notes field for
the article title and a summary of the article.  The actual article is
converted into a jpeg and attached in the usual way.

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[LegacyUG] Sentence Structure for Multiple events of the same type at the same time

2013-08-31 Thread Tony Rolfe
I'm sure Sherry or Brian will be able to give you a much more detailed
explanation, but I believe that the location field should be for
locations.  I did put all sort of stuff into random fields in my early
days, but found that it made things harder rather than easier.
Untangling it was a pain.

If you put the newspaper name in the description, it will often include
a location by default (New York Times or Sydney Morning Herald) and if
it doesn't, I just add a bit in brackets  - Daily Express (London) or
The Times (London).   You can then use the location for the place the
event happened.  e.g.  [Ondate] [Desc] reported that [HeShe] had been
killed in an industrial accident at [Place]. [Notes][Sources]

Another approach would be to have a single event describing what
happened and put each newspaper article as a separate source.

There is a problem with newspaper reports in that you need two dates for
the event sentence.  One when the event happened and one when the
article appeared.  I have put in a request for a new way to create event
sentences but I'm not holding my breath.

I also put in a request for concatenatable events, so that two or more
events appear in one paragraph, instead of on separate lines.  I'm not
holding my breath for that one either.

Anyway, that's my two bob's worth.

Maybe someone can give a more technical explanation of the use of
Locations.  Or maybe I'm too pedantic.



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[LegacyUG] Individual Information

2013-08-27 Thread Tony Rolfe
For what it is worth, I have three events - Birth Registration, Death
Registration and Marriage Registration.

The description contains vol xx, page yyy.  The date is the last month
of the Quarter (Mar, Jun, Sep or Dec) plus the year and the place is the
registration district.  RD locations have long name including county and
country (Chelmsford registration district, Essex, England) and a short
name of just the district.

The event sentence might read:

His birth was registered during the quarter ended Jun 1898 at the
Chelmsford registration district with GRO reference vol 4a, page 123

For the date, I use the year if the registration was Jun, Sep or Dec,
but Abt Year for March registrations.

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[LegacyUG] Married wrong brother

2013-08-14 Thread Tony Rolfe
I've just done a silly thing.  I added a wife and, therefore, a marriage
to the wrong brother.  I added a marriage registration event and then
realised what I had done.

If I unlink the husband from the wife, the marriage disappears and I
have to re-enter everything.

Is there an easy way to say Use this man as the husband, rather than
that one?

I thought about renaming the brothers, but then I'd have to change all
their details, which is more work than redoing the marriage.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Version 8

2013-08-12 Thread Tony Rolfe
Hi, Wendy

That is strange.  I have just gone back 3 pages in the archive and
neither my original nor this second attempt appears there.  I did have
an earlier thread V8 Shared events which does appear there, but this
one - nothing.

However, I've just looked By Date and both are there.  By Thread
neither are there.  How odd!

Thanks for getting in touch



On 13/08/2013 11:56 AM, Wendy Howard wrote:
 Hi Tony,

 I'm sending this reply both directly to you and to the list, to ensure
 you see it.

 Several people responded to your original post - my email service shows
 14 emails in that thread.

 You might like to check the list's archive for them.  :-)

 Kind Regards,

 Tony Rolfe said the following on 13/08/2013 1:19 p.m.:
 I sent this to the list a week ago and it didn't appear, so I thought
 I'd try again...

 All the features that have appeared in Legacy 8 Revealed articles are
 interesting and nice-to-have. The tagging options and the instant
 duplicate checking alone will be worth the upgrade for me.

 However, I was wondering whether Legacy 8 will attack the fundamental
 problems with Legacy 7?   Specifically the requirement for non-standard
 installation, the use of old-fashioned file requesters and the inability
 to have more than one window active at a time.  These have dragged on
 ever since I first used Legacy 4 and now the new programming environment
 is being used  I'm hoping that these issues will disappear.

 The other thing I'm hoping to hear is that locations have become
 time-sensitive, so we can keep track of how towns have moved from county
 to county, countries have changed name etc.

 Here's hoping


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[LegacyUG] Version 8

2013-08-05 Thread Tony Rolfe
All the features that have appeared in Legacy 8 Revealed articles are
interesting and nice-to-have. The tagging options and the instant
duplicate checking alone will be worth the upgrade for me.

However, I was wondering whether Legacy 8 will attack the fundamental
problems with Legacy 7?   Specifically the requirement for non-standard
installation, the use of old-fashioned file requesters and the inability
to have more than one window active at a time.  These have dragged on
ever since I first used Legacy 4 and now the new programming environment
is being used  I'm hoping that these issues will disappear.

The other thing I'm hoping to hear is that locations have become
time-sensitive, so we can keep track of how towns have moved from county
to county, countries have changed name etc.

Here's hoping

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[LegacyUG] V8 shared events

2013-08-01 Thread Tony Rolfe
When I create census events for the members of a family, these are not
identical as I use the description and notes fields to personalise each
person's event.

Typically the description contains age and occupation and the notes may
contain descriptive info such as the number of children or immigration
date or house size etc.  One sentence may read:

On 2 Apr 1911 he appeared on the census at Highfield Farm Cottage,
Writtle, Essex as a 45-year-old agricultural labourer.

but his wife's sentence might read:

On 2 Apr 1911 she appeared on the census at Highfield Farm Cottage,
Writtle, Essex as a 44-year-old who had been married for 21 years with
eight children, three of whom had died.

Will this scenario be possible as a shared event under V8?  In other
words, do shared events have to be identical for all people or can they
be customised so that the basic event is shared but the details are
different for each person?



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[LegacyUG] marriages

2013-06-22 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have a lady in my tree.  I have her baptism certificate, all censuses
for which she was alive and her death certificate.  All censuses show
her under her maiden name and, when she is an adult, as head of the
household.  Her death certificate was issued under her maiden name.  Two
years before her death she was awarded the probate of her father's will
and was described in the probate index as a spinster.

As far is as humanly possible, I am certain that this lady did not marry.

She did, however, have a child.  This child's birth certificate gives no
indication of the father's name.

All I am asking is to be able, on the individual's detail page, to
record the fact that this lady never married.  I don't want to mark the
marriage record as This couple never married - there is no record of
a couple.  If ever there was a case when there is a need to record the
absence of the marriage, this is it.  However, I cannot do it because
Legacy greys out the one item which would allow me to do this is a
standardised way.  Even if they didn't, I still couldn't use it because
This person never married but did have a child.  Split the fact into
two facts that enable us to reflect reality.

I realise that Legacy has to have a database record linking the child to
the parent.  That they choose to call it a marriage record instead of
something like an interpersonal linkage record is unfortunate.  That
they choose to treat it as though it shows that a marriage actually
occurred is simply a bug.


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[LegacyUG] marriages

2013-06-22 Thread Tony Rolfe

I wrote my first program in 1967 and was a professional programmer and
database designer from 1972 until I retired in 2004.  I have designed
and implemented databases far more complex than that used by Legacy -
which is in no way meant to belittle the Legacy programmers.  No
database should be any more complex than necessary.

If I (or my team) ever implemented something which did not reflect the
reality of the situation we were emulating, then we would consider it a bug.

All Pat and I want is for the statement This person did not marry and
had no children to be split into two halves, and for the did not
marry half to be available when there is a relationship record created
in Legacy.

If anyone has no use for that, then fine - don't use it.  I have no use
for LDS ordinances, so I make no comment about them.

If a person did not marry, then that is something which should be
recorded at the individual level.  It is a little strange to suggest
that the fact that someone did not marry should be recorded in a
marriage record.

Yes, I have entered this as a suggestion through proper channels.


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[LegacyUG] marriages

2013-06-20 Thread Tony Rolfe
Can we go back to the original request and forget about all the
extraneous waffle which has appeared on this subject.  Just because
Legacy must create a marriage record whenever a child is added to a
parent, it doesn't mean that a real-world marriage actually occurred.

It is frequently easy to tell that a person never married.  It is
usually impossible to state with any certainty that someone had no children.

Can we please split the This person never married and had no children
fact into two separate facts?



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[LegacyUG] Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed

2013-06-16 Thread Tony Rolfe
The single thing I would most like to see is date-sensitive location
names.  So that the program automatically selects the correct long or
short name according to the date of the fact/event.

Keeping my fingers crossed


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[LegacyUG] Strange behaviour

2013-05-14 Thread Tony Rolfe

It absolutely has to be a bug because it only happens to the first entry
in the list.

If this is the expected behaviour then it is a bug that it doesn't
happen on other entries.

If the other entries' behaviour is expected, it is a bug because that
doesn't happen on the first entry.

Somewhere there is a bug.


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[LegacyUG] Strange behaviour

2013-05-12 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks to everyone for the advice and especially to Sherry for pointing
out the easy way to do this.

However, it does look like a bug.  Editing the first person in the
tagged list and then untagging them puts them at the end of the list.
I'll report it shortly.



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[LegacyUG] Strange behaviour

2013-05-10 Thread Tony Rolfe
I don't know whether this is a bug, but it is mildly annoying

I have several hundred people tagged with tag 9.  I have Tag 9 set at
the bottom of the pedigree view, so I can easily move to the next person
by clicking the little blue right triangle.  I also have tag9 as one of
the tags to view

So, I click the arrow and it says End of Tag list reached, moving to
first tagged individual  I now have to click OK (moving the cursor
since this does not automatically point to OK).  A new person appears,
I edit them and do whatever I have to do.  I then save them, click the
tag 9 indicator to turn it off and then hit the little blue triangle.

Almost all the time, I get the End of tagged list. message and
have to click the OK again.  Somehow the first person in the list has
become the last one.


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[LegacyUG] Source used by Family search

2013-04-25 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks to Jenny and Ron for their responses.

Ron has the right premise.  I am, indeed, using the FamilySearch button
in Legacy (  When I get to FamilySearch, I use the copy data
facility to get extra data into Legacy.  This always seems to come over
with a source of England Marriages...

I've gone back through my sources and found an old master source
England Marriages  This was originally used for the Ancestry
collection of the same name, but has now been overwritten by the
FamilySearch source.   Not at all what I wanted.

Is this something I should report as a bug and, if so, to whom?  It
doesn't seem to be Legacy's fault, but I don't know how to contact FS?



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[LegacyUG] Source used by Family search

2013-04-24 Thread Tony Rolfe
I'm a bit confused by the way Legacy and FamilySearch interact.

When I have an individual displayed and open FamilySearch for this
individual, I can copy some of the information from Family Search into
my Legacy tree.

So far so good.

When I do this I've been selecting the option to create a source and
let me edit it.  However, there doesn't appear to be any way to select
the source I want to use from my existing sources in Legacy.  I have
saved two christenings and a death and all three were saved with a
source of England Marriages, 1538-1973.  What I want is a source
called FamilySearch Web Site so I can distinguish stuff retrieved from
there which needs to be further verified.

I must be missing something?

Can anyone offer advice, please.



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[LegacyUG] Best way to record a divorce

2013-04-19 Thread Tony Rolfe
Many thanks to all for the advice.  It has given me a few ideas and I'm
much happier about what I'm now doing.  Using the privacy brackets was a
particularly good idea.



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[LegacyUG] Best way to record a divorce

2013-04-17 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have just downloaded a set of divorce papers and was wondering what is
the best way to record this.

There is a standard Divorce Filing event, but that doesn't cover a
fraction of the information available.

I have the date of the petition, the date of the decree Nisi and the
date of the final decree, as well as details on the grounds of the
petition and the respondent's response.

I'm thinking of putting the standard event in the wife's events, since
she petitioned for the divorce.  Then I'll create a new event for the
Divorce Decrees, so I can record those dates.  These would be marriage

Does this sound reasonable and is there anything I've missed?



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[LegacyUG] Picture File Locations

2013-04-11 Thread Tony Rolfe
The most important thing to remember is that filenames should be unique
across all directories used by Legacy.  This is a restriction of the way
Legacy stores file names and locations.  If you get it wrong (I did in
the early days) it can be almost impossible to sort out.

So, if you have two Mary Smiths in your database and each has a scan
called Birth Certificate - Mary Smith.jpg then you are heading for
trouble, even if they are in different folders.

To solve this, I include the RIN (In) for an individual or the MRIN
(M) for a marriage in EVERY file relating to a person.

Images relating to loctions are more difficult, but you still have to
keep the names unique.

The second most important thing is to ensure that there aren't any
spaces in file names if you intend to put the files onto the web.  I let
Legacy rename my files when it creates web pages, so I don't have an
issue here, but some folk do.

Other than that, whatever works for you is best.



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[LegacyUG] Best way to source?

2013-04-10 Thread Tony Rolfe
Hello, Jenny

Thanks for the advice.

What I see on the site is almost exactly what I see in the e-mail.  It
is just a transcription, not an original source.

I started using a Church record, transcription template and I guess that
is actually the way to go.

Thanks again


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[LegacyUG] Best way to source?

2013-04-08 Thread Tony Rolfe
Greetings all

I have just subscribed to the Durham Records Online collection.  After
searching, I eventually receive an e-mail containing a transcription of
a baptism, marriage or cemetery record.  The e-mail content looks like:


Here is a copy of the record you recently viewed at Durham Records Online:

Baptisms, Easington District
Record Number: 66956.0
Location: Shotton with Haswell
Church: St. Saviour
Denomination: Anglican
16 Sep 1914 Alice Mullender, daughter of James Mullender  Alice Mabel
Elsie Mullender


If I'm using SourceWriter, what would be the best template to use?

Should I use the same template for all records (email?) or different
templates for each type of record?

Any advice would be appreciated.



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[LegacyUG] Two how do I record questions

2013-02-02 Thread Tony Rolfe
Hello, all

I don't like having two event sentences for the same event on the same
date because it doesn't read very well.  I have gone to some lengths to
provide sentences which allow me to get a lot of info into one event
sentence (which may be several physical sentences).

However, I have hit a problem with a London School admission record
which has the following information:

Date of admission, school name and address, home address of the pupil,
father's name and a few miscellaneous bits of data.

I want both the school address and the home address to appear in the
location list, so I can track everyone who attended the school and
everyone who lived in that place.  Obviously, I can't have two locations
in the same event sentence.  If I use two sentences and try to run them
together, they appear with the same separation as any two events.

Is there any way round this?   Ideally, If I have to use two sentences,
I would like the second one to continue directly on from the first.

Second, and a bit simpler, I think. I have a number of electoral
registers all of which have this person living at the same address.  Is
there any way to record all these entries in one sentence?  e.g. The
1918, 1919, 1920 and 1921 electoral registers for St. Pancras show that
she lived at 

Any advice would be appreciated


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[LegacyUG] Merge

2013-01-26 Thread Tony Rolfe
What is probably happening is best illustrated by a simple example.
Assume you have two small GEDCOMs with 4 generations with 2 kids per
generation.  Assume, also that legacy can only recognise one possible
pair of people to offer as a potential merge.  You have 1 of 1 with none
to go.

You now tell Legacy that these two really are the same person.  Legacy
merges them.  Now it considers their spouses and parents and kids as
possible merges, lets say there are 6 new possible merges.  Legacy now
picks one to offer you and says 2 of 7, 5 to go.

If you merge these two people, their family members enter the fun and
the numbers will increase again.

Eventually, once you have merged enough, the numbers will start to come



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[LegacyUG] A bit off-topic - GRO indices

2013-01-19 Thread Tony Rolfe
Sorry, Sherry.  I'll stay on topic for future threads.

However, I did search for GRO specific lists and couldn't find any.
Could you advise, please - off list.



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[LegacyUG] A bit off-topic - GRO indices

2013-01-18 Thread Tony Rolfe
Sorry that this is a bit off-topic, please reply directly if you can.

How long after the BMD event is it possible for the registration to happen?

I have a couple on the 1881 census, married with two children.  I know
it is the right woman as her sister is also in the household under her
maiden name.  So, it isn't a previous wife with the same first name.

Their marriage on FreeBMD doesn't happen until 1883.  I know it is
possible that they didn't actually get married until 1883 and that they
were pretending on the census.

However, is it possible for a marriage to happen in 1876 (a year before
the age of the elder child) and not be in the indices for 7 years?



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[LegacyUG] Format for Australian addresses

2013-01-15 Thread Tony Rolfe
Australian Street addresses are, for mailing purposes, formatted as

House name, unit no/street no, street name
town, State, Post Code

Omit the house name if there isn't one.  Omit the unit no and the / if
it isn't a unit.  Omit the post code from historical sources, because
they wouldn't have used it.

So, if you are putting the whole thing into a location,use the following
for the long and short locations

83, Edward Street, Redfern, New South Wales, Australia
83 Edward Street, Redfern, NSW

If you are putting it in an address

Address 83 Edward Street
CityRedfern  (or possibly Redfern, Sydney)
State/Prov  New South Wales
Country Australia

Hope that helps


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[LegacyUG] Adopted child

2013-01-06 Thread Tony Rolfe
This is my first time facing this particular problem, so I want to get
it right.  How should I record this person?

He appears in 1881 as Percy Turner, born abt 1876 in Fletching, Sussex.
  He is shown as a nephew of George Lay and Hannah nee Langridge.

Hannah's parents were George Langridge and Harriet Turner, so it seems
likely that Percy was the grandchild of one of Harriet's siblings.
Unfortunately, I don't have any of her siblings recorded.

By 1891, he is still with George and Hannah and is recorded as their
adopted nephew Percy T. Lay (known as).  Presumably the T is for Turner.

I've searched for his baptism without success, but I appear to have his
birth from FreeBMD.  Even if I get his birth certificate, and find his
parents, they almost certainly won't be in my database.

So, should I record him as a child of George and Hannah, even knowing he
isn't theirs?

What is the best way to deal with this?

Thanks in advance


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[LegacyUG] (n.p., n.d.)

2012-12-09 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have received information from a fellow researcher which he
transcribed from a family Bible.  I don't know anything about the bible,
except the name of the person who owns it.

I have used a source Bible Held Privately  Bible with family data, but
each source generated has (n.p., n.d.) embedded in the citation.

I assume that this means No Publisher, No date, which is true, but is
not needed in the citation.

Is there any way I can get this to go away, short of editing every web
page which contains it?



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[LegacyUG] Organizing scans

2012-12-05 Thread Tony Rolfe
I organise scans, downloaded images, PDF documents etc. according to the
following scheme:

1.  I have a D:\Genealogy directory for all my genealogy stuff, except
that which has to go in C:\Legacy.  This contains, among others, \Data,
\Marriages and \Places sub-folders

2.  Anything which relates to a family or an individual is in a folder
below \Marriages and is named M hisname and hername where  is
the MRIN, so I might have

M0123 Joseph Smith and Mary Ann Brown

which contains all documentation relating to this family group,
including unmarried children's details.  Any file which relates to the
marriage has (M0123) in the name, e.g. 1861 Census (M0123) and anything
which relates to one individual has the RIN in the file name.  E.g.  a
child's baptism certificate might be

Baptism Certificate - William (I00562).

If the husband is away from home on census night, his image would have
both the MRIN and the RIN in the file name

1861 Census (M0123) - Joseph (I00034)

When the marriage of a child is discovered, I cut and paste their files
into their own Marriage folder.

If, for example, two sisters are servants in a household and appear on
the same census image, I give them each their own copy of the image,
which follows them to their future marriages.

There are numerous variations on this, but I've never found a situation
which is impossible to handle.

3.  Anything which relates to a place goes below the Places folder in a
layered structure.  So a photo of St. Mary's church in Chelmsford,
Essex, England would be in a folder


4.  Anything which relates to the family tree as a whole or to large
chunks of the tree (someone's PDF file of a branch of the family
covering 6 generations) goes in the Data folder.

This scheme works well.  I can instantly find any file, knowing the MRIN
and there's no possibility of duplicate file names.



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[LegacyUG] How do I enter grandchild when parents unknown

2012-11-21 Thread Tony Rolfe
Brian has just rained on my parade as I was about to say the same thing.

I have several cases of grandchildren living with grandparents in
censuses and every one I have been able to confirm has been the child of
an unmarried daughter.

It was much easier for a young unmarried woman to find a husband without
a baby in tow and so the child often stayed with grandparents while the
mother appeared childless and single.

If the child does not appear in the subsequent censuses, it may be as
simple as the child dying young.  However, they may have been reunited
with Mum after her marriage and then taking the step-father's name.  Or
maybe the child is with the real father who has belatedly accepted

Some creative searching is called for.  Look in the next census for a
child in his teens who is with a family now, but wasn't in the earlier
censuses.  If after 1837, get the birth certificate, which may make
mention of the father.  Look under his name.

Search the child's first name and place of birth only - this may bring
up a corrupted spelling of the real name or a different surname which
may be the one you want.

Look for marriages of daughters - their censuses may contain a child
born before the marriage.

To answer your specific case, if John and Mary Smith have a grandson
Jim, I give them a child Smith, no first name, and add Jim to him.

Good luck.


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[LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-05 Thread Tony Rolfe
Hi, Sherry

Thanks for the clarification.

If I understand correctly, the reasons for doing it the correct way
are because a well-established book says so, Sort doesn't work properly
and the Expand/contract parts won't work.

The book, although I haven't read it, is probably geared mainly towards
the American system and I gave up on the four field convention ages ago
because it simply doesn't work in the UK and Australia where most of my
events happened.

Sorting right-to-left works perfectly.  I simply can't imagine sorting
left to right.  All towns with the same name from around the world will
sort together.

I never use expand/contract so that doesn't matter.

Your suggestion to use the description and notes fields would be good,
it they weren't already jammed full of other things.  Almost all my
event sentences use Notes and Description for other things, leaving only
the location field for the full address.  That was one of the factors
driving my event sentence redesign suggestion, which seems to have
withered on the vine.

Thanks again for the clarification, but I think I'll keep doing it the
incorrect way.



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[LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-04 Thread Tony Rolfe
On 04 November 2012 00:46 Sherry/Support said:

If you put the cemetery name in the location field (which we don't
recommend for several reasons)

Sherry, can you please clarify this?

I have all details in locations. Street numbers and Street names, Church
names, Cemetery names etc. with each field separated by commas.

My biggest includes grave number, section number, Cemetery name, street
address, town, county, England.

I'm not having any problems that I'm aware of, but I can geolocate
everything and it keeps everything together.



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[LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-29 Thread Tony Rolfe
OK, then

Given the underwhelming support for this idea I'll drop it.


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[LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-26 Thread Tony Rolfe
Jenny asked:

Could it also be used where a person, for example, is appointed to a
position and later resigns so we want to record those different dates?

Yes.  There's no reason why that shouldn't work.  If you want to put two
dates into a single Legacy event, then there's no reason why you
couldn't.  Both dates would be processed by Legacy as dates, so they
would be in standard format.  The only issue would be choosing the one
to be the sort key for ordering events.  I.e.  the one which actually
appears in the Date column of the Event List.

Paula commented:

Might be nice, but these sorts of one-off things I would handle by just
typing in what I want in either Notes or Over-ride.

The problem with that is where you want multiple locations to appear in
the location list.  At the moment the only way to achieve that is to
have one Legacy event for each location.  Also, with multiple dates,
only one is recognised by Legacy for each Legacy event.

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[LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-25 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have just found a school admission register for one of my cousins.
This gives the school to which she was admitted and her home address.
Now I'm a lumper as far as event sentences are concerned and I don't
like having multiple Legacy events describing one physical event.  With
the current event sentence structure, we can only have one location in a
sentence, so I can either use the home address or the school address,
but not both.

Also, with the current scheme, we have to build 8 sentences, depending
on which fields are filled.  Adding one extra possibility into the
current scheme would mean 16 sentences and two more would mean 32, which
would be silly.

I have designed a completely new approach to building event sentences,
which means you can have as many variables as you want in just one
sentence.  If you need 2 dates, 3 addresses and 4 narrative fields,
that's fine.  You can even do simple logic, such as describing a child
as baby up to 3 months, infant from 3-12 months and child above 12

Now this is a complete rewrite of the event sentence area of Legacy and
they won't touch it unless there is a perceived demand.  If I'm the only
one who would like this, so be it.  However, if there is sufficient
support from this list, I'll go to the next stage and send it in as a

So, what does everyone think?


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[LegacyUG] check all picture locations - am I doing this correctly?

2012-10-03 Thread Tony Rolfe
If you change a folder name, all you have to do is go into Legacy and
try to load a file from the old folder name.  Legacy can't find it, then
either browse for it yourself, or let Legacy do it and then all files in
that folder will be found.

If you are changing a file name, the best way is to use Pic Centre.
Browse to the folder containing the file and then rename using Picture
Centre's rename feature.  It is horrible, becaus you have to type the
whole file name, but you only have to do it once (for each file) as all
references will be renamed.  Actually that isn't quite true since, if
you have the file actually referenced in the source clipboard then that
stays with the old name.

If you change a filename outside of legacy, then each reference needs to
be corrected one by one.

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[LegacyUG] Census analysis program

2012-10-03 Thread Tony Rolfe
I'm hoping that this is considered on-topic.

Does anyone know of a program which will read the Legacy database and
produce a list of people who have UK census events missing?

In other words, If Fred Smith was born in 1857, has an 1881 census event
only and died in 1900, the program would include him in the list because
he is missing 1861, 1971 and 1891 census events.



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[LegacyUG] Census analysis program

2012-10-03 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks for that, Brian

I'm actually aware of the census search tool and have used it for
getting one census.

I could build a search list by running that tool for each year, but I
was hoping for a short-cut.



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[LegacyUG] Location Name Changes

2012-09-20 Thread Tony Rolfe

What I suggested was a master location record and a chain of location
name records which are given a date range. (I don't know the Access
terminology, but this should be clear, I hope)

The advantages of this are that it is easy to produce a report showing
how the location name has changed over time and it has only one entry in
the master location list.  Under the current scheme, there can be lots
of entries for one physical location and they don't all sort together in
the list.  This makes it confusing when trying to see who lived at a
single location when that location can be all over the shop.

I'm probably more affected than many, because I like to put all address
information into the location, but this would still make life easier for
anyone who has a place name change over the years.



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[LegacyUG] Location Name Changes

2012-09-19 Thread Tony Rolfe
But how do you handle differences due to, for example, different census
takers spelling things incorrectly?

I have one family shown at the same street address on three consecutive
censuses.  The first is in West Ham, Essex, the second in Forest Gate,
Essex and the third in West Ham, Forest Gate, Essex.

I also have street names spelt differently, where it is obviously the
same location; town names spelt differently, all sorts of issues.

I put in a request a few months ago for time-sensitive location details,
but I'm sure it will go the same way as all my other feature requests.


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[LegacyUG] Viewing images

2012-09-18 Thread Tony Rolfe
I've just noticed that if you add a jpeg to a source detail via the
file option, you don't get the little thumbnail of the image, but it
does open with your default image viewer.

If you add a jpeg through the Picture option, you do get the
thumbnail, but it opens via Legacy's internal viewer.

Is there any way to get it to display the thumbnail AND open with your
default viewer?



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[LegacyUG] How to source change of gender

2012-09-11 Thread Tony Rolfe
The 1891 census shows Bertie Knight as a 4-year-old daughter.  I added
her as such.  Then she appeared in 1901 as a 14-year-old son, working as
a hay binder.  In 1911, she is also a son and still working as a hay binder.

It seems reasonably obvious that he was mislabelled in 1891, so I
clicked the M button and tried to add the 1911 census as a source for
the sex change.  The cursor is not in a field which accepts a specific
source.  There doesn't appear to be a way to source the gender
specifically?  Any advice on how to source this?



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[LegacyUG] Date question --

2012-08-24 Thread Tony Rolfe
I use Abt when there is some evidence to support that date.  E.g.  the
1861 census recorded him as being 7 years old.  I would say born Abt 1854.

I use Est when there is no evidence, but I want to put something in the
date field.  E.g.  A marriage record says that John's father was James.
  That's all I know about James, but I know John was born in 1867 so I
will guess that James was roughly 25 years old when John was born and
use Est 1845.  I tend to round Est dates to the most likely multiple of 5.

I think circa is a synonym for abt.  I don't use it.

I may be wrong, but I don't think there is any hard and fast rule about
this.  Just pick a method, be consistent and document it so others can
follow your reasoning.



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[LegacyUG] Locations report

2012-08-22 Thread Tony Rolfe

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 07:15:45 -0700 Brian/Support said

 Not at this time.
 We are happy to consider suggestions for new features.

OK, Brian.  I'll submit it.


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[LegacyUG] Locations report

2012-08-21 Thread Tony Rolfe
Is there any way to produce a report showing how a particular location
was used over time?  In other words, given a location, can we produce a
report like

Date  Name of Person Event
17 May 1854   Mary Smith (1543)  Birth
7 Apr 1861George Smith (148) Census
   Mary Smith (249)   Census
   Mary Smith (1543)  Census




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[LegacyUG] Sourcing UK Census

2012-08-08 Thread Tony Rolfe
I do something very similar to Ron.

I save both images and attach them to the one source.  Then I put both
page numbers into the source detail.



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[LegacyUG] Finding Dups

2012-08-08 Thread Tony Rolfe
Surely Legacy is finding possible duplicates.   It is up to you to
determine whether or not these are the same people.  If one date was in
error (have you never written 1856 instead of 1956?) then it would be
good to get this shown.

If they aren't the same person then mark them as such and they will go away.


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[LegacyUG] a surfeit of husbands

2012-08-08 Thread Tony Rolfe
I recently ran a potential problems report and found the following

A woman had married and had children.

The 1871 census shows her as a widow with several children, including a
3-month-old daughter.  Her husband had died in 1868.

The 1881 census shows her being remarried with two more children born
after 1871 but before her new marriage and with her previous married

So, these may have been adopted, they may be fathered by her new husband
before the marriage, or she may have had another, as yet undocumented,
relationship (or two).

The three children born between the death of husband 1 and the marriage
to husband 2 were linked to husband 1 and showed up as potential
problems.  I've unlinked the three children from their parents and
linked them to the mother, but now they each have an unknown father.
This poor woman shows up as having 5 husbands, three unknowns and two
with names.  Is there any way to consolidate the 3 unknown spouses into
one, without actually creating someone called Unknown?

Advice would be appreciated



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[LegacyUG] a surfeit of husbands

2012-08-08 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks for the advice so far.

I can't merge these people because they don't appear in the name list.
and I can't delete them as they are just dummy entries (RIN 0).

When I right-click them I just get Add the husband or Edit the marriage.

Legacy is displaying them as unknown, which is correct, but is
displaying them as different which we don't know is correct.

I was just hoping to simplify the Pedigree view display and have just
one unknown rather than 3, but it doesn't appear to work that way

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[LegacyUG] Problem with family view

2012-08-03 Thread Tony Rolfe
Hi, Mary

Yes, I do.  If I go to family view, the female side is scrunched up.  If
I then go to pedigree view, untick that option, save, go to family view
all is good.  Now, I can go to pedigree view, tick the option, save and
go back to family view all is still OK.

I'm off to write a problem report.



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[LegacyUG] Problem with family view

2012-08-02 Thread Tony Rolfe
I'm running W7x64 and Legacy  I usually live in Pedigree view
and only rarely go to Family view, so I can't say when this started, but...

In Family view, the display is perfect, except for the box which holds
the wife's details.  The word Wife or Female is cut off at the
bottom.  The boxes showing tags are also cut off and they are moved
towards the centre of the screen.  The lady's name is smaller than the
man's name and the 5 features (Born, Died etc.) are also cut off and
moved vertically.  The row of Icons at the bottom of the female side are
on a level with the 4th of the 5 features on the man's side.

It's not a major drama from my perspective, but it would be nice if
there was something simple I could do to fix this.



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[LegacyUG] Search the IGI

2012-07-25 Thread Tony Rolfe
I sent this e-mail a couple of days ago and it hasn't appeared in the
list, so I'm sending it again.  Apologies to anyone who has had it before.


Does anyone have any idea why the Search  Search the IGI Website
facility in Legacy is behaving peculiarly?

I used (several months ago) to be able to go there and then search for
the current person, simply by clicking search.

Now, it starts up and, after 2-3 seconds, goes into the waiting for a
family search imposed 33 second delay countdown for 33 seconds, goes
into search mode for less than 1 second, repeats the countdown etc.

Nothing is able to complete.

Any ideas?



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[LegacyUG] Search the IGI

2012-07-23 Thread Tony Rolfe
Does anyone have any idea why the Search  Search the IGI Website
facility in Legacy is behaving peculiarly?

I used (several months ago) to be able to go there and then search for
the current person, simply by clicking search.

Now, it starts up and, after 2-3 seconds, goes into the waiting for a
family search imposed 33 second delay countdown for 33 seconds, goes
into search mode for less than 1 second, repeats the countdown etc.

Nothing is able to complete.

Any ideas?



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[LegacyUG] Changes of name

2012-06-24 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have a distant cousin who appears to have changed his name (actually
dropped the first part of it) during his early teens.  He was born
Bernard William Smelter Joseph Young and appears as such in the first
census.  He is at boarding school 10 years later and is known as B W
Smelter Young.  In all records I can find thereafter, he is simply
Smelter Joseph Young.

Is there any way to set him up so reports initially use Bernard but
after a certain date use Smelter?



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[LegacyUG] Changes of name

2012-06-24 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks, Brian

That sounds the best approach.



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[LegacyUG] Marriage Banns

2012-06-09 Thread Tony Rolfe
Since Banns are called 3 times, is it normal to have 3 different events,
one for each calling of the banns?

Also, the default wording for the Marriage Banns event starts [HeShe]
but surely banns are called for a couple?

Any advice on the best way to record this would be appreciated.



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[LegacyUG] Legacy hangs

2012-06-06 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have been experiencing a similar bug.  I haven't reported it because I
can't reproduce it at will.  However...

I am in the middle of a big search list, usually working in Pedigree
View.  I stop working on the current person and do some work on other
people.  This may take anything from a couple of minutes to more than an
hour. They may be family members of the current person, or someone
distant in the tree - it doesn't seem to matter. Finally I want to get
back to the current search list person, so I do find next followed by
find previous and nothing happens.  The same person stays on the
screen.  My work-around is to right-click/edit someone else in the
pedigree view (say a grandparent of the highlighted person) and then
immediately save them.  Find Next now (usually) works.

I have tested using multiple find Nexts and the pointer moves, but the
screen does not get updated.

If I can ever determine what it is that causes the problem I'll report
it, but do something for somewhere between a few minutes and an hour or
so isn't really specific enough.



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Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Tony Rolfe

On Tue, 29 May 2012 09:16:48 -0700 Marg Strong wrote

  Tony, snip
  Since MRIN refers to marriages, do you handle the RIN of unmarried
  people the same way?

Unmarried children's files are stored in their parents' folder until
they marry, then they get their own folder and their files get moved there.

I create a MRIN folder whenever I get an image or other M/M file which
relates to the marriage or the unmarried children.  Usually, the first
thing is a census image, sometimes a marriage certificate or whatever.
I don't have MRIN folders for marriages without any files.

Anything which relates to the married couple or to one or both of them
incorporates the MRIN in the file name, so I might have 1891 Census
(M0123).jpg and would reference that for a census event for each person
in the household.  If husband and wife are in different places then the
main household gets 1891 Census (M0123) but the other one gets 1891
Census (M0123) - Mary Anne (I04986).  If the census image spreads over
two pages, the first one has part 1 and the second part 2 added to
the end.

Any unmarried children at home come under the main census, but an
unmarried child living away from home would get 1891 Census - George
(I01234), which would be stored in the parents' folder.  Similarly
birth certificates or death certificates for unmarried children just
have their name and RIN included in the file name and are stored in the
parents' folder.

Once an unmarried child marries and gets a file relating to that
marriage, they get their own folder and all their childhood files get
moved there.  Once one file from this new folder becomes known to
Legacy, I run a test all multimedia paths to realign everything.

Essentially, the file name reflects the marriage if the person is
married at the time of the image, but just has the RIN when they are
unmarried at that time.

If someone remarries, the new marriage gets a folder for files relating
to the new marriage but the unmarried info stays in the first marriage

If one of the couple dies and the other doesn't remarry then later
census images etc. go into the marriage folder with the MRIN in the
name, just as if they were both there.

Sometimes I have to leave part of one of the names (in the folder name)
blank.  Usually the wife's maiden name but sometimes the husband's first
name. Sometimes I just have an initial for a middle name. That's not a
problem in itself.  However, when I find out that info I change the
folder name and have to fix that up in Legacy.  Not a drama, just a
housekeeping chore.

There are some other rare issues, but I just put the file into the most
appropriate folder and name it including the most relevant numbers.

This does guarantee that all file names are unique.  It isn't too
complicated.  It does generate a lot of folders, but there is
essentially no limitation to how many Widows will let you have.
Performance isn't an issue, except something (probably Legacy) goes into
a disk thrash when I reference the first file in a new folder.

It works for me, your mileage may differ.



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Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-28 Thread Tony Rolfe
My C:\ drive is a comparatively small solid state disk.  I have two
other disks, D:\ and E:\

On the C:\ drive I have the OS, plus (among other stuff) C:\Legacy.
Into this, I put the absolute minimum I can get away with, but I do use
C:\Legacy\Backup for my database backups.  C:\Legacy does not contain
ANY of my data.

On my D:\ drive, I have a D:\Genealogy folder which contains all my
genealogy data.  I have a D:\Genealogy\Data folder which contains my
main database, plus anything else which comes under the generic data
heading - downloaded Gedcoms, other FDB files etc. - but does not
contain any images, videos or other multimedia.

I have replicated the Legacy multimedia structure under D:\Genealogy and
have added a folder D:\Genealogy\Marriages.  This contains all
multimedia files relating specifically to people, organised by MRIN, so
I have a lot of folders named

D:\Genealogy\Marriages\M Hisname and hername

M0123 Joe Robert Bloggs and Mary Anne Smith

Anything which doesn't belong to a specific person or couple or family
goes under the D:\Genealogy multimedia structure.

I can foresee no problems with this.  I cannot imagine ever having a
computer with just one disk but if I do, I'll simply move the
D:\Genealogy to C:\Genealogy and use LTools to rename the D: bit to C:

I did this once to separate all the MRIN folders out of Data\ to the,
then new, Marriages\ and it took LTools all of 10 seconds to change
Genealogy\Data to Genealogy\Marriages

If you have multiple hard drives, I recommend splitting your data away
from your programs.  Make sure that you back up your data onto a
different drive from the original.

I just hope that, one day, the developers will see fit to make Legacy
just like every other Windows program and stick it in Program Files
where it belongs - but I'm not holding my breath.



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[LegacyUG] How to show adopted son

2012-05-27 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have just discovered a census image with a couple who have been
married for 3 years.  In the family is a 4-year-old adopted son whose
surname is the same as the wife's maiden name.

it appears likely that the wife had this child out of wedlock (although
he may have been a brother's child etc.) and so I have added him as an
unlinked individual and then added the wife as a mother, giving an
unknown father.

So, How do I now add him as an adopted son to the husband who may or may
not be the father?  At this stage I will assume he is not the father, so
I want to keep the unknown father and add the husband as a second
father.  Is this possible?

Thanks for any advice


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[LegacyUG] How to show adopted son

2012-05-27 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks for the advice.  For the record, I did the following, which seems
to work.

1.  Add the wife to the husband (since I already had the husband).
2.  Add the son as an unlinked individual.
3.  Add a mother to this child, linked to the existing wife.  This
produces a second marriage for the wife with an unknown husband.
4.  Focus on the husband and wife and add a child, linking to the
adopted son.  This gives an He already has parents which I ignored.
5.  Still focussed on the husband and wife, change the relationship to
father to adopted and to mother to biological.
6.  Add notes to say this is speculation and needs more research.

It is possible that the adopted son was the legitimate child of the
wife's brother (who has died, moved abroad etc.) so I really need to
work in this later.  Once more unto the to-do list I go.

Thanks again


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[LegacyUG] Best way to fix a possible problem.

2012-05-24 Thread Tony Rolfe
For a long time I have had in my tree one George Rolph, son of George
Rolph, born 1847, Ingatestone.  I had married him to a Catherine Sitch
and all appeared to be well.  They have had children and appeared in
censuses and have a lot of events attached.

However, I expanded another couple of families and have discovered two
more George Rolph's, both born in 1847 in Ingatestone, one son of James
and one son of John.

There is another marriage, to Ruth Palmer.

So, I have sent of for the two marriage certificates and there is a
2-in-3 chance that I have married Catherine to the wrong George.  What
is the best way to sort out the wrong marriage, if it is wrong?

I thought of unlinking Catherine and the kids from the wrong George and
linking them to the right George, but that's a lot of linking and still
leaves the wrong George with a bunch of events which really belong to a
different George.

The easiest way I can think of, since names and birth details are
identical, is to unlink married George from his parents, unlink the
George who is attached to the right parents, link married George to the
right parents and link the now unlinked, unmarried George to the first
lot of parents.

Is there any potential problem with this or maybe there is a better way?



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[LegacyUG] War casualty

2012-04-26 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks to everyone for the advice.

I hadn't thought of a memorial event.  It sounds a good way to handle it
except that it would appear at the end of a report, far away from the death.

My other thought would be to put the memorial location details in the
buried location and add burial notes to explain what really happened.

Like most things, I'll play around with it and see what works for me.
I've now got lots of options I didn't have before.

Thanks again


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[LegacyUG] Reuse abandoned RIN's

2012-04-26 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks to all who replied.  I use the RIN and MRIN for multimedia file
names, so there could be a possibility of clashes.

I think I'll turn the option off again and start to worry when my naming
convention runs out of digits.

Thanks again


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[LegacyUG] Web pages for locations

2012-04-26 Thread Tony Rolfe
I looked at TNG some time ago, but I have one serious problem with it.
I will not put my GedCOM file on the net again.

There have been two cases where folk have downloaded my Gedcom and
posted it on their own site (one as their tree on Ancestry and one on
another site). In both cases they didn't bother changing anything, so I
am still person #1, my wife #2 etc. Makes it pretty obvious what
happened. Neither has had the courtesy to credit me with the work.  More
importantly, they don't credit the people who helped me and I find that
most annoying.

I did have a PHP version in my site but that is now gone.

Those sites are now WAY out of date, but I'm not going to go there again.



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[LegacyUG] Web pages for locations

2012-04-25 Thread Tony Rolfe
My web site is built by running a pedigree report for all people in the
database with myself as the target person.

What I would really like is to produce a locations index, so that each
location mentioned in the main report is a hyperlink to that location's
web page.  Also, to have a nested index with each level in the index
corresponding to a level in the location.

I'm pretty sure I can't do this with Legacy on its own, but is there a
program which can read the Legacy database and produce web pages?



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[LegacyUG] Web pages for locations

2012-04-25 Thread Tony Rolfe
It's easier to visualise what I want than to describe it, but...

There are three parts.

1.  Each location should have its own web page giving
a) The co-ordinates, so you can link to the mapping program,
b) A list of everyone who uses that location and how they use it,
hyperlinked to the person's page
c) Notes about that location taken from the Location notes
d) Optionally, pictures for that location
e) If this location also has sub-entries, these should listed as hyperlinks.

2.  Each reference to a location in the main report should be a
hyperlink to that location's page.  So, if if John Smith's web page says
he was born in Sutton, Surrey, England, then that should be a hyperlink
to the Sutton, Surrey, England web page.

3.  There should be an index to locations.  Rather than a continuous
stream of location names, the first page should be a list of countries.
  Each of these would be a hyperlink to the second-level (State) entries
for that country.  Each of these would be a hyperlink to the third-level
(County) entries for that State and so on, until you get to an actual

Let's assume there is a location entry for Marion County, Ohio, United
States, because you don't have the town name for some event.  There are
also entries for a number of towns or cities in Marion county.  (I don't
know if there is a Marion County, Ohio - this is just an example)

Then you would have a main page for Marion county and one main page for
each town or city.  The county page would have the information for the
county, plus hyperlinks to each town or city.

Each Town or city page would have the info for that town, plus
hyperlinks to any sub-entries for that town if, like me, you go beyond 4

So, each page is both an information page and an index page to the
immediately lower level entries.

The Level-zero index would have a hyperlinked entry for United States
(and for all other Countries).  There would be a level-one index page
for United States which would have hyper-linked entries for each state
(including Ohio).  The Ohio entry would have the info for Ohio, plus
hyperlinks to all counties in Ohio (including Marion).

I hope that makes it clear



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[LegacyUG] Web pages for locations

2012-04-25 Thread Tony Rolfe
I'm not looking to do it inside Legacy.  I was hoping there was a
program external to Legacy which would read the Legacy DB and produce
the web pages.  All the info is there in the DB, it just needs
extracting and turning into HTML.  There are, I believe, a number of
programs which can read the Legacy DB and do clever stuff with it.

I guess there isn't one for this, so I'll forget it.



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[LegacyUG] War casualty

2012-04-25 Thread Tony Rolfe
I'm full of questions today.

How do you handle someone who was killed in action, has no known grave
but is remembered officially on a Memorial Wall?

I'm tempted to use the buried field, but there's no date for the burial
(since it didn't happen) and although the location is a cemetery, he
isn't buried there.

Advice would be appreciated


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[LegacyUG] Download a tree from Ancestry or add a gedcom to legacy

2012-04-22 Thread Tony Rolfe
Once you get two matching people in the pedigree view on both sides, you
can drag and drop the new person on top of the existing person.  It
will then ask whether you want to include surrounding people.

Once you have done that it should suggest doing an auto merge.

This will probably work in family view as well, but I tend to live in
pedigree view.

As everyone else says, don't do this until you have verified the data.
Don't include surrounding people you haven't verified.


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[LegacyUG] Cleaning up Location List (Geo options)

2012-04-21 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks for that clarification, Brian.



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[LegacyUG] Cleaning up Location List (Geo options)

2012-04-20 Thread Tony Rolfe
On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 09:28:54 -0700 Brian/Support wrote:

  If you want/need to use other than the 4 standard for the USA levels
  the program will accept up to 9 levels separated by commas.

I've never used the 4-field convention and I always put the full address
into the location, so I'm sure I have entries with more than 9 levels (8

As a test, I just created an entry with 29 fields:

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x,
y, z, Morden, Surrey, England

And Legacy seems to have accepted it OK.  It even inserted spaces after
the first 25 of those commas.

What does it mean that Legacy will accept up to 9 levels?



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[LegacyUG] Do you attach a census image for every single source?

2012-04-19 Thread Tony Rolfe

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 20:35:38 -0700 Paula Ryburn wrote

  Nice sentence structure.  I have a similar aim and might just
  borrow yours...

No problems.  Feel free.

I've moved the [Notes] in all my event sentences from after the
[Sources] into the main sentence structure, usually at the end, so the
sentence usually ends [Desc] [Notes].[Sources]  This means that I can
put whatever I want in there and it prints on reports.

The only thing to watch is the space immediately in front of the
[Notes] means you get a nice flow-on into the notes section, but you
can't end a sentence in the [Desc], unless you put the . into the
[Desc], which I don't like.  Once you are in the notes, you can have as
many sentences as you like.



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[LegacyUG] Do you attach a census image for every single source?

2012-04-18 Thread Tony Rolfe
When I get a census hit, I create a source clipboard entry and attach
the image(s) there.  Then I create a census event for each person in the
household (except for servants, visitors, boarders etc.) and attach the
source to that event.

I don't transcribe the whole household into each event.  The census
event sentence reads [onDate] [HeShe] appeared on the census [~inPlace]
as a [Desc] [Notes].[Sources]

I use the description for age, occupation and widowhood.  The notes get
used for additional information. So:

On 2 Apr 1911 she appeared on the census at 67 High Street, Aldershot,
Hants as a 73-year-old widowed dressmaker who was living with her
daughter Mary and family.

So, I do attach the image to every source and don't transcribe the
detail for any event.



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[LegacyUG] Link to mother only

2012-04-17 Thread Tony Rolfe
I had a similar problem and the procedure I adopted was

1.  Unlink the child from everyone.
2.  Get to the child through the name list and make them the main person
in the pedigree view.
3.  Right-click the child and use Add Mother and then Link to an
existing Person.  Then select the Mother.

This gives an new marriage for the mother, with no husband(or, strictly
speaking, an unknown husband).  There will be a marriage record but the
father will show as unknown.  You can then modify the marriage to say
this couple never married, if you want.

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[LegacyUG] Relationship calculator

2012-04-10 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have a couple who married, but were also cousins of some description.
  I've just tried to use the relationship calculator to find out what
sort of cousins they were but it only says that they were husband and wife.

Is there any way to override that and get it to ignore their marriage
(without unmarrying them and remarrying them)?



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[LegacyUG] Relationship calculator

2012-04-10 Thread Tony Rolfe
Stupid me!  I hadn't merged the two people who were the common ancestor.

Now it works fine.

Thanks for all the help


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[LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-07 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks again to all for their comments.

On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 08:12:01 -0700 Jenny M Benson wrote

  Did you read (and try) the method I offered?  I cannot see how it does
  not do exactly what you want.

Yes, Jenny, at least here's what I did.

1.  My existing search list is actually Tag1=tagged AND tag3=tagged
(Tag1 is people likely to be alive in 1911, in the UK, without a 1911
source and Tag3 is all blood relatives and their spouses).

2.  I created a new search list Tag6=tagged and navigated to the middle
of that, double-clicked a random person.  Did a find Next (either F3 or
search menufind next) a few times and it restarted from the start of
the list.

3.  I then recreated my first list (Tag1=tagged AND tag3=tagged),
navigated to the lady I'm looking for, double-clicked her and she
appeared in the pedigree view.

4.  I did a find next and the second person on the list appeared.

I may have done something wrong, but I believe that this is analogous to
what you suggested.  It is certainly what I want to do.

On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 00:53:44 -0700 Mike Fry wrote

  So! What's wrong with using two tags as I have previously suggested?

Firstly, I don't have any spare tags.  In the reply to Jenny above, I
said that I'm using Tag1=tagged AND tag3=tagged.  It would make life
easier if I could combine those into Tag10=tagged, but I don't have a
tag10.  That's also the reason why I can't simply use the tag arrows.

Secondly, it relies on me doing something extra and I'm highly likely to
forget to do it in the haste of getting to the next person. I have
frequently forgotten to untag tag1 when I find that a person died before
1911.  That doesn't matter too much as I can always set Tag1=untagged
for all people with a death date before 1911 prior to my next pass.

Thirdly, it would fine when i start my next exercise, but I already have
a couple of hundred people in the processed but not found part of the
list so it's a bit late to start for this run.

Yes, your way would work. However, it would be prone to human error and
it would be far simpler if the search list pointer did what it was
supposed to do.

I started this thread simply to find out if the behaviour I was
experiencing was a bug, a feature or something wrong with my setup. I've
reported it as a bug and, hopefully, it will be fixed sometime.



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[LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-06 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks to all for trying to help with my problem.  To recreate my
problem, try the following:

1.  Create a search list (use the one you are currently using if you
don't mind getting out of synch).  Make a note of the current person if
you are using an existing one, or note the second person on the list if
a new one.

2.  Open the search list and navigate to someone far away from the
current (or first) person.

3.  Note this person's name and then Double-click them.

4.  Do a find next.

If you have my bug, you will get either the second person in the list or
the person following the one who was your previous current one.

If you don't have my bug, you will get the person following the one you

I believe that double-clicking from the search list should reset the
pointer but, in my setup, it doesn't.

My current search list is over 1000 people and will take me several
months to complete.  I don't want to have to stop all other work
requiring search lists while I'm doing it.  I have everyone tagged on
tag 1.  I can recreate the search list any time I want simply by
untagging everyone with a 1911 census source and searching tag1=tagged.

However, I want to keep all the processed but not found people in the
list because I'm doing a quick first-pass through the list and if
someone doesn't leap out at me I'm skipping onto the next.  That way
I'll get to look at everyone in a reasonable time frame and be able to
go back to the beginning for a longer in-depth look at those who were
skipped the first time.

So, when I recreate the search list, I want to be able to get to the
last one checked easily and have find next work from that person, but
the only way I can currently do it is by repeated find next until I
get there.

I know I can do it with using a second tag for those I've checked and
want to keep, but that relies on me remembering to do it each time and I

I've reported the problem as a bug.  Hopefully it will be accepted and
fixed.  I can't see it being a huge coding exercise.

Thanks again for all the advice.  I've learned a lot even though some of
it isn't solving the main issue.



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[LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-05 Thread Tony Rolfe

I'm probably not explaining my situation clearly.

I realise that when I rebuild a search list I lose the context of the
previous version of the list.  It is as if it were a completely new list
(in fact, it is a new list).

My problem is that I don't want to do the usual thing with a new search
list and start at the beginning.  I want to start somewhere in the
middle.  I want some way to say Start with this person and then go
forward or backwards from here.  The only way I can achieve this is to
start at the front and find next a couple of hundred times.

Saving and restoring the list would achieve this, provided the context
of the list was saved and restored together with the list of entries.
The only issue would be how to handle folk in the list who were deleted
before the list was restored; but that must be handled now, since I
could delete someone who is in the current list.

I believe that it is a bug for the context not to be set to the point
where you jump into the list.  I'll report it as such and will suggest
the save restore feature as an enhancement.



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[LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-05 Thread Tony Rolfe
Paula and Russ

Thanks for contributing.

The problem is not find out where to restart in the list.  As Paula says
I can bookmark or simply make a note of the person.

The problem occurs when I have finished processing that person and want
to move onto the next.  Find Next doesn't work.  It gives me the
second person in the list, not the person following the one I've just

Yes, I could open the search list, look it up manually to find the next
person and edit them but it is a waste of time and effort when there is
a Find Next feature which should be one keystroke away.

Also, when I meander away from the current person (say I get an e-mail
about a different part of my tree) and spend time researching there.
When I've finished I should be able to go Find Next followed by find
previous to get me back to the person in the list I'm currently
processing.  But I can't.

The only solution at the moment is to create the list and then Find
Next a couple of hundred times to get to the person, then everything works.



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[LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-04 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks to all for the advice so far.

When I am going through my 1911 possibles, some are found and some are
not.  Those who are found get a 1911 Census source citation.

When I rebuild the search list, I untag those who have a 1911 Census
citation and then search for all tagged.  This new list includes
everyone I have not yet checked, plus everyone who was checked and not

I want to restart at the person who would originally have been next in
line, so I open the search list and navigate to the right person,
double-click them and they appear.  When I have done with them, I hit F3
(find next) and the second person on the list appears, instead of the
person next to the one I've just processed.

If this is a bug, it should be fixed.  If it is by design, we need some
way of telling Legacy to set this person as the current in the list.

It would also be nice to have a Save/Restore Search List facility.
This would just need to be a comma-separated list of RIN's or MRIN's
with an * to show the current position.

If I can't do what I need, I'll put in a suggestion but I don't want to
waste Support's time if I'm missing something.



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[LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-03 Thread Tony Rolfe
Is there a way to create a search list and start using the list from
somewhere other than the first entry?

I have created a list of people who might be alive for the 1911 census
(Thanks census tool) by tagging on tag 1.  I spent some time researching
these folk and went about half way through.  Then I needed to create a
different search list and, when I had finished with that, I went back to
look at the 1911 census.  I recreated the list from the tags but can
only start at the beginning.  Even if I browse the list, double-click
the person I want to start with, deal with them, when I so a find
next, it goes to the second person on the list.

At the moment I have to start at the beginning, Find Next through a
few hundred people to get where I want to be.

Any advice would be appreciated.



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