Re: [newbie] Java(Once More)

2001-07-13 Thread Anguo

First I am glad that more knowledgable people like Michael and Sridhar have 
come forward to help too. 

I am sorry to learn that Java still isn't working. 

¦b 2001 ¤C¤ë 13 ¬P´Á¤­ 08:04¡AMarcia Waller ¼g¹D:
 Dear All,
 My java experience keeps getting worse. Now, when I check for version it
 says java no such command. 

you have to run the commands:
which java
java -version
from your home user, not root (why? I don't know). 

Compare what I get:

[root@localhost anguo]# java -version
bash: java: command not found

[anguo@localhost anguo]$ java -version
java version 1.3.0
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.3.0-FCS)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.3.0-FCS, mixed mode)

 I have java jre1.3.1 in 
 /usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin/java. I see it there when I check from console but I
 cannot get it recognized or plugged in. I went to the installation and
 running instructions and setup the export path as instructed but nothing is
 working so far. Should I just uninstall and start over? I see the jre1.3.1
 in my /usr file with all of the other files that are supposed to be there.
 I am totally perplexed.

One thing you didn't mention is: did you uninstall your old version of Java 
as Sridhar suggested?
It would help if you could keep a log of everything you're doing so that we 
(well, they, the more advanced people) have a clue of what's going on. 

To make sure, did you:
1- uninstall the old java
2- make sure the new is properly installed.
  (question to my 'linux-elders': how would one make sure that something is 
properly installed? )
3- set   path according to one or the other method given (which one did you 
4- how is you konqueror browser set? (maybe an improper setting may conflict 
with the java path given. 
5- make sure also to keep all the details in your latest email. At most two 
or three people have been paying attention to this thread since the 
beginning. This way others may jump in and provide you with the key to 
solving your problem. 

 You all have offered great suggestions however for some reason nothing has
 worked. I know this can be resolved somehow. Again I have LM8 which was
 running the installed jre1.3.1 just fine for awhile then stopped working

Are you sure your system was running the jre1.3.1 version and not 1.0.6 Java 
Version 1.1 you mentionned before?

 Also, everytime I startup Konqueror I get an error message box that says
 KDE module error at the top and says cannot find nsplugin.desktop. Does
 anyone know what this means?

your Konqueror seems to be set to use netscape's plugins. Maybe it shouldn't 
(it doesn't on my box). Let it grab java directly where it is 

 Thanks so much for you help.

You're welcome.
I am not sure I am helping much, but I'm trying hard to ask the questions 
that will help others to figure out what the problem really is. 

Remember that I am a three weeks old linux user. I just happened to have 
installed java by myself last week. 
I got some help when I needed some. It's my pleasure  to try to provide help 
too, as and when I can. That's the linux community aspect that I like the 


Re: [newbie] Java(Once More) opens in same window.

2001-07-13 Thread Anguo

¦b 2001 ¤C¤ë 13 ¬P´Á¤­ 13:49¡ASridhar Dhanapalan ¼g¹D:

 Now when you try a site that has a Java applet, Java should load in a
 separate window.

well, for me the chat java applet that I used  (like in the chat rooms from 
the yahoogroup lists) open imbeded in the same konqueror window, like it used 
to do on my old box with netscape under windows. 
(using LM8.0, KDE and Konqueror). 



Re: [newbie] WinGate and Mandrake Linux problem (again, again).

2001-07-13 Thread civileme

On Friday 13 July 2001 07:47, Brian Durant wrote:
 Hi again,

 I still have a problem connecting my daughter's Mandrake Linux machine to
 the Internet by way of a WinGate proxy server running on a Wintel Legacy
 Free PC. To recap, I have set the default gateway on the Mandrake machine
 to which is the address of the WinGate machine. For some reason
 the DNS is set to Is this correct? Is workgroup.machinename
 localhost.localdomain in the Win world? If this is all set up correctly,
 why don't I get a connection to the Internet on the Mandrake machine?


DNS should be set to

the DNS your ISP provides

[tester@civileme tester]$ su
[root@civileme tester]# host -a
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 31758
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 6, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 6

;  IN  ANY

;; ANSWER SECTION:   82075   IN  MX  50   82075   IN  MX  30   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:   IN  A   IN  A  104451  IN  A 104451  IN  A   82075   IN  A   82075   IN  A

Received 315 bytes from in 18 ms
[root@civileme tester]#

So DNS should be set to and
And lets hope wingate knows how to route itself out of a paper bag and 
doesn't use some proprietary way to do this, so that it connects only windows 
machines, but instead will connect any machines running tcp/ip to the 


Re: [newbie] SNF Mandrake 7.2 Opera 5.11

2001-07-13 Thread civileme

On Friday 13 July 2001 08:28, Patrick Ch. Awart wrote:

 Was anyone succesfull in accessing the https NAAT Interface on SNF Mandrake
 7.2  with Opera 5.11 (German)?
 I keep getting a *blank* screen indepenently of my preference ---
 Connection -- Identify as  setings

 It works finde with IE 5.01, IE5.5 etc

 Any suggestions?


It also works fine with Galeon, mozilla, Konqueror, Netscape, and some 
Nautilus.  Why Opera does what it does is an open question.

Are you running the Windows version or the linux version?


Re: [newbie] A note about (software manager?) user-friendliness

2001-07-13 Thread civileme

On Friday 13 July 2001 07:58, Anguo wrote:
 Hi Civileme,

 you wrote:
  If people would take notes of a session they had with software manager,
  we would be able to see where their intuition leads them (we are spoiled
  by being close to its design and implementation, so what we do [wihout
  thinking much about it] is already trained to a certain procedure) and we
  would be able to make the software more truly intuitive in its user

 May I ask: are you asking for details of a session specificaly with
 software manager or for anything related to Mandrake Linux?

 I understand that you're a paid MandrakeSoft engineer and one of your job
 is to help out on this list (thank you very much for that!).
 You also seem to be testing a lot of different hardware.
 Are you also involved in developing the software manager?

 I am mostly just curious, but I also would like to know what kind of
 feedback you were asking for precisely.



Software manager is an example of counter-intuitive software for many users.

I am a paid engineer for Quality Assurance at Mandrakesoft.  That means I 
look at tools we develop and try to assure they are user-friendly.  When I 
see a lot of bug reports on a tool that we cannot reproduce here, I judge the 
software is counter-intuitive and that newbies to the software are doing 
things we didn't defend against, and don't know how to do ourselves.

If we know the steps followed to reproduce a problem, we can get an ides how 

Advise the user in the running software

Block the error

Redo the interface

And no, I am not paid to be on the newbie list--I work at my job about 8-10 
hours a day and relax by posting on the newbie list for another 4-6 hours.


 ¦b 2001 ¤C¤ë 10 ¬P´Á¤G 00:12¡Acivileme ¼g¹D:
  Mandrake is already rejected by many who like to think of themselves as
  l33t, but I don't believe we have lost that much of the power of linux.
  The point is this; we believe that a system can be powerful, flexible,
  and user-friendly.  The power and flexibility are built-in for linux so
  much of our work is on user-friendliness.
  We therefore welcome input on it.
  We don't happen to believe that Microsoft has necessarily found the best
  solution to any one problem associated with use.  (Who would intuit that
  you press the Start key to shut down?)  It is a major force because
  many people are familiar with it, but the style it provides is not
  necessarily the best.
  We may have no better idea what is intuitive and what is not than they
  do, so that is where the folks here can help us.  Think carefully, when
  confused, and note the steps you take to do things with your computer.
  We know we're producing a counter-intuitive interface when a lot of folks
  are reporting errors we cannot reproduce.  This happens frequently with
  software manager right now.
  If people would take notes of a session they had with software manager,
  we would be able to see where their intuition leads them (we are spoiled
  by being close to its design and implementation, so what we do [wihout
  thinking much about it] is already trained to a certain procedure) and we
  would be able to make the software more truly intuitive in its user
  I hope you get the idea. help us help you, by taking a few notes on your
  steps, either as you make them (preferable) or when something goes wrong.
  Microsoft would like you to think theirs is intuitive, and Apple would
  like you to think it is them instead.  But the fact is, no one to my
  knowledge has done the interfaces with lots of user feedback where the
  users consciously participated and statistics were used routinely to
  study the data and come up with something that is close to what people
  The next question of course, is does such a solution exist?  Or do we
  have many that will be considered roughly equally intuitive?  I know one
  way to discover that answer. :-)

Re: [newbie] Chinese support in Mandrake 8.1

2001-07-13 Thread civileme

On Friday 13 July 2001 08:19, Anguo wrote:
 Dear Civileme, and whomever on this list who is developing Mandrake,

 I read this on a local list:

 --  ¤wÂà±H°T®§  --

  When will the CLE for redhat 7.0  come out?Will the CLE for
  mandrake8.0 be download?(The chinese of mandrake has a lot of bugs)

 (snip) Mandrake 8.1 will have better support for Chinese.
 (Thanks for Andrew Lee)

 I have been using LM8.0 for 2-3 weeks now and I am still far from having
 configured it the way I would really be able to use it. I am not
 complaining, just trying to solve the problems one at a time. Anyway, I
 don't have the choice since I trashed Windows and don't intend to use it
 ever again.

 One of the most frustrating aspect of my linux/mandrake experience has been
 in the setting up of a chinese interface that I can really use (like
 chinese input not user-friendly, printer won't print chinese... can't use
 unicode to have chinese/french/german/etc in the same document... I am in
 the process of reading what document I could find and ask specific
 questions to a local list but should problems persist, I'll come back to
 this list for specific help).

 I am aware that Linux in general has progressed a lot in terms of
 internationalization and multi-language support (.i18n etc...). Despite my
 problems and frustration, I am overall impressed and optimistic for the
 future of both Linux and Mandrake.

 As to the real point of my mail (at last comming to it!), I wanted to ask
 you, who are involved in developing Mandrake, whether there will be a
 noticeable difference between 8.0 and 8.1 as far as multi-language/chinese
 support is concerned.
 In other words, will it be then (october?) worthwhile for me to upgrade
 from 8.0 to 8.1?

Yes, Alex showed me a Chinese printout yesterday.  Expect more translations 
as well.  The new ghostscript printer drivers make a big difference.


 Thanks for what Mandrake has already achieved, and thanks for all your
 efforts to make it always better.



[newbie] multi monitor support

2001-07-13 Thread Pawel Mrugalski

Hello Everyone

How do u install multi monitor support using ver8.0

Pawel Mrugalski 
Gateway Internet Services
PO Box 1368
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: (08) 9791 5226
Fax: (08) 9791 4029 

Linux is the future

Re: [newbie] Making shutdown indiscriminant

2001-07-13 Thread etharp

couldn't he create a group (say...stopgrp) and put all the people with 
permission to stop the machine in it and give the group exec. permissions on 
the reboot or shutdown commands?

On Friday 13 July 2001 01:30, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 If you're in a login manager like KDM or GDM, anybody can shutdown by
 clicking the appropriate button.

 If you're at the console, you can use sudo or a simple Ctrl+Alt+Del to
 reboot. The Three-Fingered-Salute is safe, since it is equivalent to a
 shutdown -r now.

 On Fri, 13 Jul 2001 13:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Seeings how I have a multi-user system (my brothers, mainly) I need to
  make an easy way for them to shutdown the computer, so they can restart
  into Windows.  I could then put a link to this on the program menu for
  easy access.
  So the question here:  what would be the best way, keeping security in
  mind, to allow users other than myself the privaledge of shutdown -r

Re: [newbie] LM8.0 Freezes

2001-07-13 Thread Norman Teferle


Thanks for your help.
I have disabled Aurora and use Xtart to start the X window manager KDE.

My question now is, where do I go from here? Will this be a permanent condition, 
because I would like to access my Linux box using Exceed as well, which it does not 
seem to allow me anymore?


Re: [newbie] boot trouble

2001-07-13 Thread etharp

was the box moved while it was off?  does it (or can you set the BIOS so that 
it does) run the memory test at boot (before any hard drives are seen)? 
counting all the mem? maybe a memeory chip is loose in the socket? maybe lilo 
is lunched... but you should still let the memory be counted at boot and let 
us know what number it shows.

On Friday 13 July 2001 03:11, Jordan Triebwasser wrote:
 Here's the situation:
 I had my mandrake box off for about a week, I go to turn it on yesterday
 and it boots and just says LIL. I check the web, says it means it can't
 load the descriptor table from the map file. I have no idea what that
 means, but it gives some suggestions on how to fix it, like reinstall lilo.
 So I attempt to boot from a floppy disk, and get an error msg, it says I
 need 608k for low dos ram to boot, and hold down crtl next time I boot to
 skip the error msg. I check the bios, and it says I only have 512 free. I
 then attempt to boot off the cdrom, again same error.
 I hold down ctrl on the next boot off the cdrom, I figure I'll just
 reinstall it. But I get an error, something like
 boot: could not find kernel linux. At the boot prompt I type 'rescue', and
 get boot: could not find kernel rescue.
 Mandrake is the only OS on that computer. The only difference when I turned
 it off a week ago, till now was I plugged it into a kvm. A few days before
 I shut it down, I installed more simms, bringing the total ram up to
 128megs, it worked fine for a couple days, but then I had to shut it off
 since I was going away.

 So my questions are, is it LILO that is screwed up, or the fact that I only
 have 512 free is screwing up LILO. A friend said I could have a virus that
 is eating up the low ram, or screwed up the MBR, so I ran norton and it
 found nothing. I have no idea how much low ram I had before, but since I
 installed mandrake 3 times, and was running for a month, I assume it was
 more then 608, did 96 or more just rot away? I haven't changed anything in
 the bios, or done anything with the kernel. I am really at a lose here.

 Thanks for any help

 - Jordan

Re: [newbie] Mine is 14 inches! (don't be jealous).

2001-07-13 Thread etharp

heck I still have a 10 color vga monitor that came as part of my ibm PS1 
(286/10Mgz, 30 meg HD, mouse and 9600baud modem, 2.5meg Mem. it was a 
screamer in 1990). it is not much good compared to the monitors i use now, 
but that sucker has outlasted about 10 other monitor in the same setup 

On Friday 13 July 2001 03:25, Anguo wrote:
 ¦b 2001 ¤C¤ë 13 ¬P´Á¤­ 02:38¡AJeferson Lopes Zacco ¼g¹D:
  And finally, if someone just got that new TFT and is going to dump
  that clumsy 17 or 19 inch monitor , send it my way. :^) I have to put up
  with a 15 inch.

 Lucky you: mine is a 14 inch monitor!


[newbie]:reiserfs+e2fs mixed system

2001-07-13 Thread Alan Smith

Hi All
My mdk8.0 system is set up using the e2fs file system mainly because i thougth I read 
somewhere that reiserfs could not read the windows 
partition/disk. I do have occasional power failures however and the reiserfs sys would 
be more stable for me to use.

If the reisefs file sys can read the windows partition is it possible to set up my sys 
using the reiserfs file system but keeping /home as e2fs as I do not 
have adequate means of saving the /home partition and copying it's contents to a new 
reiserfs /home partition.

Alan Smith 
(sorry if this is in html. I am using opera in Win and cannot find out what format the 
email is set in - my own pc is sick at the moment)

[newbie] Pls help me!

2001-07-13 Thread AOL Systems

To whom it may concern

I just want to know something about postgreSQL

1. how to create tables? to populate tables?
3.where to get resources aside from,.org,.net to see the GUI side of it i really cannot find the GUI of Postgre?

Thanks i hope someone answers it.

thanks and God Bless!


[newbie] Samba problem!

2001-07-13 Thread AOL Systems

To all my firends

Can you pls send me a configuration of SAMBA from installation and
configuration cause my notes is missing and I will use it in our office
can anyone pls help me
I'll be configuring a Linux server to Windows NT and WIN98 workstation
pls help me and how can I download the browser for samba.

The Technology Specialist

[newbie] BIND 9.1

2001-07-13 Thread mike.roberts

I have setup a dns server on Mandrake 
BIND 9.1
I can do forward lookup but cant get a valid 
response from dig -x ipaddress
The reverse file is being loaded 'says syslog' but 
get a spurios 'unexpected end of input` with each zone file.

Any ideas please

RE: [newbie] Pls help me!

2001-07-13 Thread Daryl Johnson

Get a book from the library on the use of SQL - the creation of tables in
postgreSQL is the same as creating a table in any other variant of SQL (as
far as I know, only used a few). In postgreSQL

%createdb mydatabase

PostgreSQL as well as mySQL both come with documentation including how to do
these things (/usr/share/doc/postgresql-vNo or /usr/share/doc/MySQL-vNo).

Population of tables is the same - get the afore-mentioned book from the
library or check through the docs that came with the installation - create
tables in the database then populate them with data.

%CREATE TABLE names  (
firstName   varchar(10),

VALUES ('Mickey', 'Mouse',   etc);

Lastly, I suspect that the fourth query is the key one. There ARE add-on
packages which add a gui to different variants of SQL but unless you have
installed one then you are going to be using command line instructions to
create, populate and manipulate your tables.

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of AOL Systems
 Sent: 14 July 2001 05:02
 Subject: [newbie] Pls help me!

 To whom it may concern

 I just want to know something about postgreSQL

 1. how to create tables? to populate tables?
 3.where to get resources aside from,.org,.net to see the GUI side of it i really cannot find the GUI of Postgre?

 Thanks i hope someone answers it.

 thanks and God Bless!


Re: [newbie] Making shutdown indiscriminant

2001-07-13 Thread Dan Ray


 So the question here:  what would be the best way, keeping security in
 mind, to allow users other than myself the privaledge of shutdown -r now?

One Dan to another...

On my home machine (which for the time being is running Caldera eDesktop 
2.4--but which will be Mandrake 8.0 before long), I set up sudo access to the 
shutdown command forall (well, both) real users: both me and my wife. 

That works, but I'm not certain the security implications. If a remote 
cracker has accessed either of our accounts, they'll have the password to use 
in making the sudo command and so could shutdown or reboot the machine 
remotely. If it was a production server I don't think I'd be real happy about 

sudo is sort of tricky to set up, but I found that if I take my time with the 
docs, it all came clear.

Dan Ray
Director Custom Applications
Triangle Research, Inc.

RE: [newbie] Samba problem!

2001-07-13 Thread Daryl Johnson

Boy you certainly dive nto the deep end don't you?

When you install samba from RPMs, which is what I assume you have done from
your earlier posts, you have all the files installed for you in the
appropriate places.  The configuration file you are referring to is
/etc/smb.conf and contains a lot of fairly standard configuration options
that can be switched on by removing a semi-colon.  It isn't quite as
straight forward a package as you seem to be assuming however and I would
guess that you have a bit of research and effort to undertake yet.

Once again, check in /usr/share/doc/samba-verNo and see what docs have been
installed.  Frankly I don't see you installing and making samba work in a
n/w without going through the docs supplied with the package.  Learned
though some of the people on this list are - not to mention helpful, they
aren't going to wave a magic wand for you. It is possible to answer specific
queries as to why something doesn't work but to be honest, IMHO, you're not
going to get samba up and running without an effort on your part first.

If you are short of docs, or packages then is the place to
look. If you have RPMS available on cdrom then you require three RPMs, the
server, the common files and the client.  If you are going to compile from
sources then I believe v 2.1 is the lowest version that will deal properly
with NT.

As a final comment, you should be able to get a linux server working well
with win98 but you will have a more... interesting, task on your hands with

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of AOL Systems
 Sent: 14 July 2001 05:04
 Subject: [newbie] Samba problem!

 To all my firends

 Can you pls send me a configuration of SAMBA from installation and
 configuration cause my notes is missing and I will use it in our office
 can anyone pls help me
 I'll be configuring a Linux server to Windows NT and WIN98 workstation
 pls help me and how can I download the browser for samba.

 The Technology Specialist

RE: [newbie] Samba problem!

2001-07-13 Thread Mark Johnson

Just look at the /etc/smb.conf file it's got a ton of examples and get your
company to go buy you Using Samba
aps_sr_b_1_1/103-6289178-7490252) it is definitely worth the $30. If they
don't buy it for you, go buy it for yourself.

Other than that post your questions...

I assume you have it installed.  The first thing after that is to make sure
the the 'workgroup' attribute is set to your NT workgroup, by default it's
set to MDKGROUP.  Then you need to decide if you want to use encrypted
passwords or clear-text.  What I would suggest is to use encrypted password
and create usernames specifcially for the shares you want to allow access
to. For example, if you want a marketing share add a user to the server
called 'marketing', then use 'smbpasswd -a marketing' it'll prompt you for a
password just like the passwd utility does. Then in the /etc/smb.conf
uncomment the lines: 

  encrypt passwords = yes
  smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd

Then specify your share:

   path = /shares/marketing
   public = yes
   only guest = no
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   valid users = marketing
   creation mask = 0744
   directory mask = 0755

Finally, samba should pick up this new configuration in about 60 seconds.
If you don't want to wait you can SIGHUB the smbd process.

If you just want to totally restart samba, use the comment
'/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart'

When the marketing guy goes to access the share on linux it'll prompt him
for a username and password and he can enter the 'marketing'
username/password.  This will save you from having to send clear-text
passwords on your network, and save you from having to add every user to you
linux server.

Otherwise, get the book and configure samba to use NT authentication, then
you don't have to  worry about usernames on the linux system since samba
will validate agains the PDC.

ps: there is no browser for samba, unless I'm misunderstanding what you are
wanting.  The Windows users simple use their regular file manager

 -Original Message-
 From: AOL Systems [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 11:04 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Samba problem!
 To all my firends
 Can you pls send me a configuration of SAMBA from installation and
 configuration cause my notes is missing and I will use it in 
 our office
 can anyone pls help me
 I'll be configuring a Linux server to Windows NT and WIN98 workstation
 pls help me and how can I download the browser for samba.
 The Technology Specialist

Re: [newbie] .htaccess ?

2001-07-13 Thread Dan Ray


This isn't strictly a Linux question, of course... Which means I have a 
snowball's chance of having some expertise around it. ;-)

 ServerAlias net
 DocumentRoot /home/httpd/net
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/httpd/net/cgi-bin/
 ErrorLog logs/net_errors.log

Directory /home/httpd/net
AllowOverride AuthConfig

 This virtual host also has a directory I want private but the server is not
 repecting the .htaccess file.  The contents of the files are the same
 except for the 'Authname' line (they use the same keyfile).

My hunch is that somewhere with bigger scope than this one VirtualHost 
directive, you have AllowOverride none set. That instructs Apache not to 
even look for directory-specific configuration files (commonly called 
.htaccess files after their default filename, but which can be called 
something else with the AccessFileName directive). AllowOverride is a 
directive that requires directory context, so you need directory-specific 
configuration to turn it on--doing it inside the VirtualHost won't work.

Now that you have a Directory for this directory, though, it makes more 
sense to put the contents of your .htaccess file into this directive. Use of 
per-directory config files has significant performance ramifications.

See for more about 
the AllowOverride .

Dan Ray
Director Custom Applications
Triangle Research, Inc.

Re: [newbie] Samba problem!

2001-07-13 Thread Lanman

Hey Mark,...Couldn't he use samba restart also? From a normal prompt ? If 
he's looking for a Linux browser for samba he could also use xsmbrowser or 
LinNeighborhood. But if he's trying to browse from Windows, then you're bang 
on the money about Windows Explorer. He might also want to run webmin on 
the linux box so that he can manage samba remotely on the network. Just a few 
things that have paid off time and again for me.

Dan LaBine

On July 13, 2001 09:15 am, Mark Johnson wrote:
 Just look at the /etc/smb.conf file it's got a ton of examples and get your
 company to go buy you Using Samba
= aps_sr_b_1_1/103-6289178-7490252) it is definitely worth the $30. If they
 don't buy it for you, go buy it for yourself.

 Other than that post your questions...

 I assume you have it installed.  The first thing after that is to make sure
 the the 'workgroup' attribute is set to your NT workgroup, by default it's
 set to MDKGROUP.  Then you need to decide if you want to use encrypted
 passwords or clear-text.  What I would suggest is to use encrypted password
 and create usernames specifcially for the shares you want to allow access
 to. For example, if you want a marketing share add a user to the server
 called 'marketing', then use 'smbpasswd -a marketing' it'll prompt you for
 a password just like the passwd utility does. Then in the /etc/smb.conf
 uncomment the lines:

   encrypt passwords = yes
   smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd

 Then specify your share:

path = /shares/marketing
public = yes
only guest = no
writable = yes
printable = no
valid users = marketing
creation mask = 0744
directory mask = 0755

 Finally, samba should pick up this new configuration in about 60 seconds.
 If you don't want to wait you can SIGHUB the smbd process.

 If you just want to totally restart samba, use the comment
 '/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart'

 When the marketing guy goes to access the share on linux it'll prompt him
 for a username and password and he can enter the 'marketing'
 username/password.  This will save you from having to send clear-text
 passwords on your network, and save you from having to add every user to
 you linux server.

 Otherwise, get the book and configure samba to use NT authentication, then
 you don't have to  worry about usernames on the linux system since samba
 will validate agains the PDC.

 ps: there is no browser for samba, unless I'm misunderstanding what you are
 wanting.  The Windows users simple use their regular file manager

  -Original Message-
  From: AOL Systems [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 11:04 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Samba problem!
  To all my firends
  Can you pls send me a configuration of SAMBA from installation and
  configuration cause my notes is missing and I will use it in
  our office
  can anyone pls help me
  I'll be configuring a Linux server to Windows NT and WIN98 workstation
  pls help me and how can I download the browser for samba.
  The Technology Specialist

[newbie] Partition sharing.

2001-07-13 Thread alex

I'm getting ready to install Mandrake 8.0, the 3 CD set, and may decide
to add other systems later.

Can someone tell me which partitions are safe to share
between different Linux systems?  I understand that /home and swap can
be shared safely but are there any others?  Also, what size should the
partitions be if the systems are for a single user (besides root) who is
just learning Linux, no special application except perhaps installing a
few utility programs.

I have two hard drives and was thinking of putting Mandrake's / on one
drive and the special partitions on the other drive.  Good idea or

Re: [newbie] Making shutdown indiscriminant

2001-07-13 Thread Michael D. Viron


Your best bet is probably going to be to use sudo, and set them up such
that shutdown is one of the commands they can run.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 11:26 PM 07/12/2001 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Seeings how I have a multi-user system (my brothers, mainly) I need to make 
an easy way for them to shutdown the computer, so they can restart into 
Windows.  I could then put a link to this on the program menu for easy

So the question here:  what would be the best way, keeping security in mind, 
to allow users other than myself the privaledge of shutdown -r now?


Re: [newbie] Making shutdown indiscriminant

2001-07-13 Thread Michael D. Viron

If you're at the console, you can use sudo or a simple Ctrl+Alt+Del to 
reboot. The Three-Fingered-Salute is safe, since it is equivalent to a 
shutdown -r now.

Sridhar  Dan,

The use of CTRL + ALT + DEL at a console without logging in depends on
what security level you chose during install.  I seem to remember that if
you select medium security, you can't use the CTRL+ALT+DEL combination
unless either root or an authorized user is logged in.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Java(Once More)

2001-07-13 Thread Michael D. Viron

You can make a simple shell script to automate Steps 1 to 3 (Steps 4 to 6 
only need to be done once):

export NPX_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/java/jre1.3.1/plugin/i386/ns4/
exec netscape
The export can be added to your .profile, .shellrc file, or window
manager rc file instead of creating a script, which makes for less things
to remember.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Pls help me!

2001-07-13 Thread Salvatore Enrico Indiogine

On Friday 13 July 2001 22:02, AOL Systems wrote:
 To whom it may concern

 I just want to know something about postgreSQL

There is HTML documentation in some doc directory after you install Postgres. 
 That is a good place to start.

 1. how to create tables?

create table table name ( ..

It is on the documentation. to populate tables?

insert into table name ...

see the documentation.

 3.where to get resources aside from,.org,.net, ...   Subscribe to mailing 
lists and visit the newsgroups.  Do google searches.

There are books e.g.  On is a complete 
HTML version of a book out there plus several manuals. to see the GUI side of it i really cannot find the GUI of Postgre?

There is a GUI, but that is a separate install.  I have never installed it.  
I think that it is browser based PHP application.

This is not much, but it might help you get started.

BTW, Postgres is a very powerfull RDBMS.  You need to learn it well before 
you can exploit its many features, but it is well worth it.

Eric Indiogine

Re: [newbie] WinGate and Mandrake Linux problem (again, again).

2001-07-13 Thread etharp

this might be a better question to ask on the WinGate support list. as iu 
remember (and remember is key here, I have not used wingate in a couple of 
years) wingate, it requires a valid hosts file in the c:/ folder. can you 
post the contents of that file? can we ask why you want a winders machine as 
the connection to the net and not the Mandrake machine. It is my 
understanding that (due to it being basically a single user OS) winders ain't 
likely to be as secure to the world as the Linux (being a network OS) box.
You may also find the Linux box much easier to use as the gateway box 

On Friday 13 July 2001 03:47, Brian Durant wrote:
 Hi again,

 I still have a problem connecting my daughter's Mandrake Linux machine to
 the Internet by way of a WinGate proxy server running on a Wintel Legacy
 Free PC. To recap, I have set the default gateway on the Mandrake machine
 to which is the address of the WinGate machine. For some reason
 the DNS is set to Is this correct? Is workgroup.machinename
 localhost.localdomain in the Win world? If this is all set up correctly,
 why don't I get a connection to the Internet on the Mandrake machine?



[newbie] Via Voice

2001-07-13 Thread poogle

I have tried (without success) to get it running. I am unable to complete the 
first part of setup-the voice level sampling part.
I suspect my soundcard is not up to it (Opti mad 16 - a cheap ISA card), it 
does appear to be configured by sndconfig, it plays voice and midi samples 
and will play music CDs but it does not appear to accept microphone input.
Also at boot time I get the following messages

localhost modprobe: /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/mad16.o.gz:
 localhost modprobe: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module 
parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
localhost modprobe: init_module: No such device
localhost modprobe: /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/mad16.o.gz: 
insmod /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/mad16.o.gz failed
localhost modprobe: /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/mad16.o.gz: 
insmod mad16 failed localhost sound: Loading sound module (mad16) failed

Any suggestions either about configuring the card or replacing it with one 
known to work properly ?

Or maybe the US version doesn't like my English accent 

Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
by it)

RE: [newbie] boot trouble

2001-07-13 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] boot trouble

I see a similarity in a problem I had a while back. New ram installed, windows is tolerant of bad ram, linux is not. try swapping your ram sticks around, better yet run a memory check, there are several on line for free. But swapping memory sticks will tell you if one is bad, especially in the # one slot. If you have a bad stick Linux will give you a fit. What I found out is , that the mem test on boot will show the correct amount of mem but that doesn't mean it is good. Hope this helps as a place to start looking. Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jordan Triebwasser
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 1:11 AM
To: Newbie Linux-Mandrake
Subject: [newbie] boot trouble

Here's the situation:
I had my mandrake box off for about a week, I go to turn it on yesterday and
it boots and just says LIL. I check the web, says it means it can't load the
descriptor table from the map file. I have no idea what that means, but it
gives some suggestions on how to fix it, like reinstall lilo.
So I attempt to boot from a floppy disk, and get an error msg, it says I
need 608k for low dos ram to boot, and hold down crtl next time I boot to
skip the error msg. I check the bios, and it says I only have 512 free. I
then attempt to boot off the cdrom, again same error.
I hold down ctrl on the next boot off the cdrom, I figure I'll just
reinstall it. But I get an error, something like
boot: could not find kernel linux. At the boot prompt I type 'rescue', and
get boot: could not find kernel rescue.
Mandrake is the only OS on that computer. The only difference when I turned
it off a week ago, till now was I plugged it into a kvm. A few days before I
shut it down, I installed more simms, bringing the total ram up to 128megs,
it worked fine for a couple days, but then I had to shut it off since I was
going away.

So my questions are, is it LILO that is screwed up, or the fact that I only
have 512 free is screwing up LILO. A friend said I could have a virus that
is eating up the low ram, or screwed up the MBR, so I ran norton and it
found nothing. I have no idea how much low ram I had before, but since I
installed mandrake 3 times, and was running for a month, I assume it was
more then 608, did 96 or more just rot away? I haven't changed anything in
the bios, or done anything with the kernel. I am really at a lose here.

Thanks for any help

- Jordan

[newbie] Compiling while using Reiser FS in LM8

2001-07-13 Thread Romanator

Hi everybody,

Will using the Reiser FS affect the way I configure, make and make
install? In other words should I stick with the ext2 FS?

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

[newbie] Selecting a version of X on install

2001-07-13 Thread Kevin Fonner

I know on the cd's their are two version's of X on the CD.  Version 
3.something and Version 4.something.  I wanted to install version 
4.something.  I am sitting here at the package selection screen on 
install and can't seem to find the Xfree86 packages.  Any idea what 
catagories they are under???

Re: [newbie] Knotify error

2001-07-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 12 July 2001 09:43 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:

 2)I have seen if in KDE control panel for sound, sound server, option
 of start arts server on kde startup enabled gives this this knotify
 error. 3) where is the System Notifications.

   UNchecking (disabling) the aRts server effectively disables System 
Notifications.  You'll find the complete System Notifications setup 
under Control Center | Look'n Feel.  Still, I have to tell'ya that 
disabling aRts is only avoiding the real problem. Something is hosed 
with your installation and/or configuration.

Since I only had the knotify problem quite a while ago with forced 
beta upgrades to early KDE2, I really don't know, or remember anyhow, 
what needs to be fixed.  I disable system sounds anyhow as a matter of 
preference. You might try renaming your /home/user/.kde dir (eg, 
.old-kde), and restarting. When KDE runs again it'll generate a new 
/.kde with all it's configs. You'll lose all your personal changes, but 
it might fix your knotify problem. Otherwise the problem is most likely 
much deeper.

I'd should point out again that when you get a lib like 
going wild (next best example is probly Nutscrape setting off ld.linux),
it really churns your cpu/cache/ram. This can overheat a marginal or 
inadequately cooled system (include overclocked) to the point of 
causing possible damage. So it behooves you to find and correct the 
underlying problem with Disabling aRts, or renaming is only a temporary kludge. 

Situations like this are also a good example of why, if your 
motherboard supports it, everybody should enable lm_sensors and an 
appropriate FE for it to display cpu temp. I use Gkrellm. Often the 
first warning you'll get that a process or app has gone wild is a rise 
to the max in cpu temp. 'Course weaker systems will just freeze or 
randomly reboot if a wild process is left unattended to. If monitoring 
isn't feasible, the next best thing is to run 'top' with the Shift+P 
option to display which proccesses are using the most % of cpu.
   Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Galveston Bay

 On July 12, 2001 08:04 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Wednesday 11 July 2001 09:01 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
   1)The system has so far only what came with mdk 8.0 kde except
   for adding a line in /etc/modules.conf for my TV tuner card, of
   course for getting sound. Otherwise sound doesn't work for my TV
   tuner card. 2)Yes. Sound problem is there. When I first time
   logged in I got the login sound just before logo was to
   disappear. Now that doesn't happen.  Even after the above
   modification, for another new user also, login sound came during
   first login and then system sound doesn't work.
   Can anything made out of it? If so what should I do?
 That 'login' sound is one of the 'System Notifications', so if
  you disabled 'System Notifications' it should'a silenced it.  The
  same is true if you renamed ''.  Both are just fixes for
  the knotify error you cited.  You also probly had
  running wild when it errored, slowing your system and overheating
  your cpu/cache/ram and motherboard chipset. So it's very important
  to stop and avoid that behavior.
  BUT this isn't a cure, just a quick and dirty work-around till
  you find the real problem.  Which could be that TV card and the
  module(s) you introduced to get it workin.  'Specially if the TV
  card/ modules were binary only (ie, closed source) from a vendor.

[newbie] What are your impressions of Reisor FS

2001-07-13 Thread Romanator

Hi all,

Would most of you say that you would recommend Reiser FS and why? 

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

RE: [newbie] Pls help me!

2001-07-13 Thread Daryl Johnson

However further down my reply I included a few more instructions  ;o)

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates
07710 908817

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael D. Viron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 July 2001 15:56
 To: Daryl Johnson; AOL Systems
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Pls help me!

 At 02:00 PM 07/13/2001 +0100, Daryl Johnson wrote:
 Get a book from the library on the use of SQL - the creation of tables in
 postgreSQL is the same as creating a table in any other variant
 of SQL (as
 far as I know, only used a few). In postgreSQL
  %createdb mydatabase
 Actually, that creates a database, not a table.  If I remember correctly
 from my database systems class, it goes (using -- to indicate part of)

 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Selecting a version of X on install

2001-07-13 Thread Randy Kramer

Kevin Fonner wrote:
 I know on the cd's their are two version's of X on the CD.  Version
 3.something and Version 4.something.  I wanted to install version
 4.something.  I am sitting here at the package selection screen on
 install and can't seem to find the Xfree86 packages.  Any idea what
 catagories they are under???

No, but under Mandrake 7.2 and 8.0, you don't make that selection at
this stage.  (Maybe you can, but you don't have to.)

Instead, select the other packages that you are interested in, load
those, and later you will come to the X configuration part of the
install, at which point, after you make your selection, the proper
Xfree86 package will be installed.

Aside: You don't always get a choice, IIRC, and I'm not sure exactly
what determines whether you get a choice.  Presumably, the installation
package decides based on whether there are drivers to support your video
card or not.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] WinGate and Mandrake Linux problem (again, again).

2001-07-13 Thread Mark Annandale

Hi guys

Firstly thanks for your patience when you receive basically a non Linux 
question. However there are a few points to consider. Please don't take this 
as an invitation to start a flame war, just an honest personal opinion.

Quite a few people on the Newbie list are ex Windows users trying hard to 
escape the M$ confines. Mandrake 8 is pretty well easy to set up as a 
workstation however the problem arises when I try and understand how to set 
my Mandrake box up as an internet gateway. I have tried to locate the 
necessary documentation, however can only find literature relating to other 
distributions which doesn't help much.

Don't get me wrong here about supporting M$ supported software but the 
lurning curve is a lot steeper when there is no one at the office who uses 
Linux. Unfortunately the newbie list is the first place to turn.

On the bright side I have downloaded the new KOffice and can now happily open 
my old Word and Excel stuff, and saved them back onto my Linux machine in a 
format Koffice is happy with. I use KMail exclusively and in fact the last 
time I looked at the M$ machine was to sort my wifes mail account out. I have 
no further use for the Windows environment.

Pardon me for digressing but my point is that unless one receives a few 
pointers it is damn difficult to set up the Linux side as proxy, gateway, 
mail server etc. without a little help from the list.

Kind regards

Mark Annandale
Mandrake 8
Sent with KMail

Re: [newbie]:reiserfs+e2fs mixed system

2001-07-13 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Friday 13 July 2001 13:32, Alan Smith wrote:
 Hi All
 My mdk8.0 system is set up using the e2fs file system mainly because i
 thougth I read somewhere that reiserfs could not read the windows
 partition/disk. I do have occasional power failures however and the
 reiserfs sys would be more stable for me to use.

No, it's windows that can't read reiserfs partitions (or ext2 for that 
matter). But reiserfs doesn't have to read windows partitions - there is a 
fat32 driver to do that. IIUTC, anyway.

 If the reisefs file sys can read the windows partition is it possible to
 set up my sys using the reiserfs file system but keeping /home as e2fs as I
 do not have adequate means of saving the /home partition and copying it's
 contents to a new reiserfs /home partition.


I set mine up the other way round, with /home on reiserfs since that is where 
a lot of writing and deleting takes place, /tmp on a separate little ext2 
partition and everyting else in / on ext2 as well. I'm not sure if this has 
been fixed yet, but a while back the word on the street was that at least 
/boot should NOT be reiserfs.

I backup my data from both ext and reiserfs quite easily to a FAT32 partition 
on another disk, so I think perhaps your fears are unfounded.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Note: This is my understanding. It has been known to happen that my
understanding does not mesh with reality. I gladly accept corrections.

Re: [newbie] Mine is 14 inches! (don't be jealous).

2001-07-13 Thread Michel Clasquin

  I have to put up
  with a 15 inch.

 Lucky you: mine is a 14 inch monitor!

It's what you do with it that counts ...

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Note: This is my understanding. It has been known to happen that my
understanding does not mesh with reality. I gladly accept corrections.

Re: [newbie] What are your impressions of Reisor FS

2001-07-13 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Friday 13 July 2001 19:00, Romanator wrote:
 Hi all,

 Would most of you say that you would recommend Reiser FS and why?

What can I say? At user level it is pretty much invisible (which is as it 
should be) - I haven't seen any error messages like ReiserFS has crashed and 
will now destroy your disk vbg

Those who get a kick out of testing such things say it is faster and more 
reliable than ext2 - I'm prepared to take their word for it.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Note: This is my understanding. It has been known to happen that my
understanding does not mesh with reality. I gladly accept corrections.

Re: [newbie] Java(Once More)

2001-07-13 Thread Michael D. Viron

 The export can be added to your .profile, .shellrc file, or window
 manager rc file instead of creating a script, which makes for less things
 to remember.


Michael, I am quite the newbie in this area. Could you explain exactly how I 
would do this? Thank you.

Sincerely, Marcia


All that you need to do is open your favorite editor, go to your ~user
directory,  open the file for the shell you are using (for example, if you
are using csh, the file to add the export line to would be .cshrc; if you
use zsh, edit .zshrc; if you use bash, edit .profile), and then add the
export line in its entirety to the file.

To find out which shell you are using, type in 
cat /etc/passwd | grep username from the command line without the
quotes and where username is your username.  Or, you can check by going
to your favorite GUI-based configuration manager, go to the user add / edit
/ delete section, and lookup the information that way.

Anyways, after you're done with the changes, save the file, exit and log
back in, and you should be all set to go.

Re: [newbie]:reiserfs+e2fs mixed system

2001-07-13 Thread Terry A. Bowling

I'm thinking that they've got the Reiser FS working just fine.  I installed
Mandrake8.0 on my laptop as a single partition / and it's RFS - I've let my
batter die and I've forced an improper reboot and it's never failed me.

I also installed my home desktop with 5 partitions:  /boot, /, /var, /tmp, and
/home - all Reiser and it's never failed me even though I abuse it as well.

As far as incompatibilities, if Linux supports the format then it will work.  It
doesn't matter if you are mixing formats - linux will load the proper driver for
the proper file system.  Windows cannot natively read Reiser, ext2, or even nfs
for that matter.

Michel Clasquin wrote:

 On Friday 13 July 2001 13:32, Alan Smith wrote:
  Hi All
  My mdk8.0 system is set up using the e2fs file system mainly because i
  thougth I read somewhere that reiserfs could not read the windows
  partition/disk. I do have occasional power failures however and the
  reiserfs sys would be more stable for me to use.

 No, it's windows that can't read reiserfs partitions (or ext2 for that
 matter). But reiserfs doesn't have to read windows partitions - there is a
 fat32 driver to do that. IIUTC, anyway.

  If the reisefs file sys can read the windows partition is it possible to
  set up my sys using the reiserfs file system but keeping /home as e2fs as I
  do not have adequate means of saving the /home partition and copying it's
  contents to a new reiserfs /home partition.


 I set mine up the other way round, with /home on reiserfs since that is where
 a lot of writing and deleting takes place, /tmp on a separate little ext2
 partition and everyting else in / on ext2 as well. I'm not sure if this has
 been fixed yet, but a while back the word on the street was that at least
 /boot should NOT be reiserfs.

 I backup my data from both ext and reiserfs quite easily to a FAT32 partition
 on another disk, so I think perhaps your fears are unfounded.

 Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
 This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

 Note: This is my understanding. It has been known to happen that my
 understanding does not mesh with reality. I gladly accept corrections.

[newbie] Installing vmware2.04 in LM8

2001-07-13 Thread Marcia Waller

Dear All,
I had vmware 2.03 installed, working and running Windows 95 just fine in 
LM7.2. After I did the LM8 installation, I cannot get vmware to come up using 
the terminal and vmware command. I know the vmware installation is still 
there because I found the file. What can I do to get this going again? Thanks.

Also, I just downloaded the vmware 2.04 and probably would like to upgrade to 
this version. I just want to make sure the upgrade will work well and I do 
not know if it will if I cannot get my old vmware going. Should I just 
install the 2.04 and it will automatically (like the directions say) will 
find my older installation and go from there? I hope that this goes smoothly 
so I do not want to charge into this without some good pointers. Thanks alot.

Sincerely, Marcia

[newbie] RE: [expert] INETD hangs fix

2001-07-13 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

It's far more likely then that what is hanging is something immediately
AFTER the INETD starts.

Before I begin though, was the system working properly before?

Is this a new installation?

If so remember that Linux wants to find a DNS server when it first comes
up. In a new install there normally is one, so it will sit and sit, and
sit waiting for a response before it gives up and finally boots.

This may be what is happening and you have merely failed to wait long
enough (up to 10 minutes or more!).



You might want to perform an Interactive startup (press the I key,
in caps IMMEDIATELY when you see the prompt about interactive startup).

You will then get an opportunity to step thru each of the startup

Do this until the system hangs up. Make a note of exactly where this

Then restart it yet again and do the same thing. As you get to the
errant service start saying No to each of the services until you get
beyond the point it hung up before, then let it complete the startup.

Now go into /etc/rc3.d and look for SxxSERVICE

These are the services that are started at boot. The numeric value xx
is the order of startup. (SERVICE is the name of the service)

Look for INETD and ones after it in numeric order.

Then try:

service SxxSERVICE start

If you get back an OK or failed, then this service is not the cause
of the hang, so move on.

Once you find the one that is causing the hangup, reboot again as before
and delete the /etc/rc3.d/SxxSERVICE file to eliminate the hang.


-Original Message-
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 2:34 PM
To: Jose M. Sanchez
Subject: RE: [expert] INETD hangs

Yep, it's an 7.2 machine.. -t

Turgut Kalfaoglu:
EgeNet Internet Services:
All of Turkey Online:

Re: [newbie] Internet Security -J.Miner and Microsoft

2001-07-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 13 July 2001 12:18 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Fri, 13 Jul 2001 04:32, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Thursday 12 July 2001 04:43 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
Many people
   buy a little too much into the GNU/Linux hype, and become
   disappointed when it isn't the same as Windows.
 Seems like a contradictory statement to me Sridhar ?  I believe
  many Lusers aren't payin _enough_ _attention_ to the GNU/Linux
  hype. Particularly the difference between open and closed source
  software and hardware. Specially those just tryin Linux, but even
  some more experienced users, don't know, care, or understand that
  closed source software and hardware can't and never can be
  supported for Linux   and why. That's it's often disappointing
  and even dangerous to try to.
[disappointed]   ...but it works great with Window$
  ...we have the problem of secret software in general.

 Allow me to clarify my statement.

   Granted, I'm glad you did ;)

 People can read about GNU/Linux all
 over the place nowadays. Much of this stuff stresses how
 user-friendly it is in combination with desktops like GNOME and KDE,
 and so people are enticed to try it out. As I have mentioned in
 earlier posts, people's definitions on user-friendly and
 intuitive can vary greatly, and many Windows users define
 user-friendliness as being like Windows. While GNOME and KDE *are*
 user-friendly environments, they are *not* Windows. This seems to
 disappoint a lot of newcomers, and so they complain that this isn't

 On the other hand, there are many people out there who could benefit
 greatly from GNU/Linux, yet do not try it out. The Microsoft monopoly
 has conditioned them into thinking that Windows is the only viable
 desktop OS, and that constant crashes, virii and security breaches
 are normal. To them, GNU/Linux is difficult to comprehend, with its
 endless array of distributions and its command-line access. Windows
 looks easy, since it is designed to be entirely graphical (and hence
 limiting in terms of functionality). Conversely, GNU/Linux looks like
 it has too many commands to keep track of. While the reality is that
 almost everything in GNU/Linux can be done graphically, people are
 led to believe that they need to memorise hundreds of console

 The MandrakeForum article you linked to was very interesting, and it
 serves to reinforce my belief that binary-only drivers are bad.
 Unfortunately, for several types of hardware people do not have much
 of a choice. This is particularly evident in graphics hardware. Most
 video cards nowadays employ a Nvidia or ATI chipset, which require
 binary-only drivers to work. These two companies basically *own* the
 consumer 3D acceleration market, so anyone wishing to have decent 3D
 performance must buy one of these chipsets. As much as I hate
 binary-only drivers, I am increasingly thinking about purchasing
 Nvidia graphics hardware for my next PC. Things were much better when
 Matrox and 3Dfx were kings (I currently have a Millennium II and a
 Voodoo2). These companies worked closely with the XFree86 group to
 produce quality open-source drivers. But alas, those golden days are
 now over :-(

Couldn't agree more with ya Sridhar.  BUT you did leave the door 
open for me to once again rant about closed source ;)  AND it's much 
more than just drivers, it's binary only applications many Lusers 
introduce into their system, and then blame Linux and/or Mandrake when 
the results are less than satisfactory.  I believe this is a major 
point of ignorance with many Lusers. It often is also the major point 
of their dissatifaction, and they don't realize it's their own fault.

   Like you, I'm also on the crux of gettin a GeForce. BUT, at least I 
know that any problems, including loss of security, arising from that 
decision, are user, then hardware, but not at all Mandrake GNU/Linux.
The only thing saving me is my Voodoo3 is still proving to be adequate.

 specially if I could figure out how to overclock it in Linux 
without having to rewrite the open source drivers. Winbloes just needs 
a registry hack to do it to their secret driver ;
   Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] gkrellm on top ?

2001-07-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 12 July 2001 08:00 pm, Joan Tur wrote:
 I'm using KDE  MDK8.  I'd like gkrellm to stay on top of the other
 opened windows and not to appear in taskbar.  Is that possible ?  8-?

   Well... I dunno ;) I created this text file, named it 'sensor-start' 
and then 'chmod +x'd it and put it in my user .kde/Autostart/ dir

sleep 2s
/usr/bin/kstart --ontop --alldesktops --skiptaskbar  

  (the last two lines above are all on one line. There's no man entry 
for kstart, but 'kstart --help' provides the options. The sleep 2 
seconds is to give KDE plenty of time to finish loading, probly not 
necessary. I'd give credit to somebody for this, but I don't remember 
where I got it.)

  ... and it does auto start Gkrellm always on top, on all desktops. 
BUT it doesn't skip placing the app notification on the taskbar 
(panel). Dunno why?  Probly somethin dumb and simple I'm missing.

  BTW, I configured Gkrellm to only show cpu temp, minimum height (2p), 
and 75p wide, and remember window position. Just fits on the top Window 
title bar near the buttons (1024x768). I also edited  
/etc/X11/fs/config , 'default-point-size = 130' (was 120) so that 
Gkrellm's and other apps fonts are bigger for my poor old eyes. Another 
mystery tho is that it still insists on showing my ppp load when I'm 
connected (?) Bothered me at first, but now I sort'a kind'a like that 
;  OC'd to 1.5+ gig Tbird is 42°C under moderate load as I type :)
It's where I get most of my hot air ;~
   Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] What are your impressions of Reisor FS

2001-07-13 Thread Romanator

On July 13, 2001 02:44 pm, Terry A. Bowling wrote:
 Romanator wrote:
  Hi all,
  Would most of you say that you would recommend Reiser FS and why?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  su is not the root of your problem
  but the start of a new journey

 I'm thinking that they've got the Reiser FS working just fine.  I
 Mandrake8.0 on my laptop as a single partition / and it's RFS - I've let
 battery die and I've forced an improper reboot and it's never failed me.

 I also installed my home desktop with 5 partitions:  /boot, /, /var,
 /tmp, and
 /home - all Reiser and it's never failed me even though I abuse it as

 As far as incompatibilities, if Linux supports the format then it will
 work.  It
 doesn't matter if you are mixing formats - linux will load the proper
 driver for
 the proper file system.  Windows cannot natively read Reiser, ext2, or
 even nfs
 for that matter.

 Reiser is just a transparent file system that does a good job.  As far
 as affecting how you read, write, compile or blow your nose, it is no
 different than any other file system.  It will work just as well (or
 better) than ext2, nfs, or fat32, or anything else.

Hi Terry,

Sounds good. I'm just in the middle of reinstalling using the Reiser FS.

Thanks for responding,


Re: [newbie] RealPlayer8 Galeon

2001-07-13 Thread Romanator

On July 13, 2001 06:02 pm, Joan Tur wrote:

 It works fine under Galeon -0.11.1-1mdk using Romanator's advices but
 without the %s...

 Just for you to know  ;)

 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783


Remember, the %s is the switch for enabling the streaming audio and video. I 
fairly that it applies to Netscape only.


Re: [newbie] boot trouble

2001-07-13 Thread Jordan Triebwasser

RE: [newbie] boot troubleThanks..

It did count up the correct number on boot, and when I ran the mem test it
said errors in bank 0.  I swapped bank 0 and 1 and it works now. So does
this mean that even though it says I have 128 megs, it's not using all of
  - Original Message -
  From: Myers, Dennis R NWO
  To: 'Jordan Triebwasser' ; 'Newbie Linux-Mandrake'
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 9:46 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] boot trouble

  I see a similarity in a problem I had a while back. New ram installed,
windows is tolerant of bad ram, linux is not. try swapping your ram sticks
around, better yet run a memory check, there are several on line for free.
But swapping memory sticks will tell you if one is bad, especially in the #
one slot. If you have a bad stick Linux will give you a fit. What I found
out is , that the mem test on boot will show the correct amount of mem but
that doesn't mean it is good. Hope this helps as a place to start looking.
Dennis M.

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jordan Triebwasser
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 1:11 AM
  To: Newbie Linux-Mandrake
  Subject: [newbie] boot trouble

  Here's the situation:
  I had my mandrake box off for about a week, I go to turn it on yesterday
  it boots and just says LIL. I check the web, says it means it can't load
  descriptor table from the map file. I have no idea what that means, but it
  gives some suggestions on how to fix it, like reinstall lilo.
  So I attempt to boot from a floppy disk, and get an error msg, it says I
  need 608k for low dos ram to boot, and hold down crtl next time I boot to
  skip the error msg. I check the bios, and it says I only have 512 free. I
  then attempt to boot off the cdrom, again same error.
  I hold down ctrl on the next boot off the cdrom, I figure I'll just
  reinstall it. But I get an error, something like
  boot: could not find kernel linux. At the boot prompt I type 'rescue', and
  get boot: could not find kernel rescue.
  Mandrake is the only OS on that computer. The only difference when I
  it off a week ago, till now was I plugged it into a kvm. A few days before
  shut it down, I installed more simms, bringing the total ram up to
  it worked fine for a couple days, but then I had to shut it off since I
  going away.

  So my questions are, is it LILO that is screwed up, or the fact that I
  have 512 free is screwing up LILO. A friend said I could have a virus that
  is eating up the low ram, or screwed up the MBR, so I ran norton and it
  found nothing. I have no idea how much low ram I had before, but since I
  installed mandrake 3 times, and was running for a month, I assume it was
  more then 608, did 96 or more just rot away? I haven't changed anything in
  the bios, or done anything with the kernel. I am really at a lose here.

  Thanks for any help

  - Jordan

[newbie] subscribe newbie

2001-07-13 Thread Jaceguay

subscribe newbie

[newbie] Thanks Radeon now works

2001-07-13 Thread Cliff Gosden

Thank you to all those who have made suggestions on how to get my display
going. It is working fine now thanks to Navin Daryanani.

It does go to show that informal support does work but you have to keep
asking if one solution doesn't work. On the way I have learned alot from the
mailing list.

Keep up the good work.

Cliff Gosden

[newbie] No system sounds.

2001-07-13 Thread Geof Steichen

I can't seem to get system sounds to work now...they used to work.

I see the following messages in the system log...What do they mean and how do 
I fix them?

Jul 13 14:42:58 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-
Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1
Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module 
Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1
Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module 


Re: [newbie] .htaccess ?

2001-07-13 Thread Ross Slade

On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Dan Ray wrote:

  ServerAlias net
  DocumentRoot /home/httpd/net
  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/httpd/net/cgi-bin/
  ErrorLog logs/net_errors.log

 Directory /home/httpd/net
 AllowOverride AuthConfig

  This virtual host also has a directory I want private but the server is not
  repecting the .htaccess file.  The contents of the files are the same
  except for the 'Authname' line (they use the same keyfile).

 My hunch is that somewhere with bigger scope than this one VirtualHost
 directive, you have AllowOverride none set. That instructs Apache not to

You were spot on, thank you..

I had the default:

Directory /
AllowOverride AuthConfig

But I forgot that with the virtualhost I was creating a second root


-- [ICQ No.9391313]

Idleness is the holiday of fools.

Fwd: Re: [newbie] WinGate and Mandrake Linux problem (again, again).

2001-07-13 Thread Dennis Myers

did it again, should have been to the list

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] WinGate and Mandrake Linux problem (again, again).
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 18:06:47 -0400
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Friday 13 July 2001 07:09, you wrote:
 On Friday 13 July 2001 07:47, Brian Durant wrote:
  Hi again,
  I still have a problem connecting my daughter's Mandrake Linux machine to
  the Internet by way of a WinGate proxy server running on a Wintel Legacy
  Free PC. To recap, I have set the default gateway on the Mandrake machine
  to which is the address of the WinGate machine. For some
  reason the DNS is set to Is this correct? Is
  workgroup.machinename localhost.localdomain in the Win world? If this is
  all set up correctly, why don't I get a connection to the Internet on the
  Mandrake machine?

 DNS should be set to

 the DNS your ISP provides

 [tester@civileme tester]$ su
 [root@civileme tester]# host -a
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 31758
 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 6, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 6

 ;  IN  ANY

 ;; ANSWER SECTION:   82075   IN  MX  50   82075   IN  MX  30   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS

 ;; AUTHORITY SECTION:   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS   82075   IN  NS

 ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:   IN  A   IN  A  104451  IN  A 104451  IN  A   82075   IN  A   82075   IN  A

 Received 315 bytes from in 18 ms
 [root@civileme tester]#

 So DNS should be set to and
 And lets hope wingate knows how to route itself out of a paper bag and
 doesn't use some proprietary way to do this, so that it connects only
 windows machines, but instead will connect any machines running tcp/ip to
 the internet.


Dang, I was to slow, but my experience has been with Wingate that it can
connect a linux box, so it should be no problem, YMMV.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842


Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] No system sounds.

2001-07-13 Thread etharp

have we ran (as root, in a text console) sndconfig? did it work?

On Friday 13 July 2001 18:48, Geof Steichen wrote:
 I can't seem to get system sounds to work now...they used to work.

 I see the following messages in the system log...What do they mean and how
 do I fix them?

 Jul 13 14:42:58 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
 binfmt- Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate
 module sound-slot-1 Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't
 locate module
 Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
 sound-slot-1 Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate


Re: [newbie] Internet Security -J.Miner and Microsoft

2001-07-13 Thread Miark

John, Etharp, et al.,

Seriously, though, my foundation just finished a special
study last month in which I discovered that _millions_ of
threads are simply abandoned every single year, and that
this has been a growing trend for many years! It's really
not a laughing matter. Many of these threads don't deserve
the apathy and neglect that come from us who just don't
feel like contributing anymore. Who are we to vilify these
threads? Are we not responsible for them?! The whole
situation is simple unbelievable.

Threads don't deserve that kind of treatment you people are
suggesting here. Most of the time it's not their fault that
they turned out that way. If you study them closely, you
find that these threads really had no choice to turn out the
way they did.

Most of them had a very decent beginning. They were bright,
full of ideas and humor; they expressed an ever-so-humble
curiosity; and they made us question the way _we_ do
things-to take another look at our lives to make sure we
were doing things the best. They enriched us.

But we live such fast-paced lives today, that it's too easy
to introduce turmoil into these threads. We move so fast;
regrettable things are said; nobody teaches them moderation.
They get out of control!

So who do we blame? If we're honest... we blame ourselves.

So please, put away your weapons, your threats, and change
your heart. Don't take out your frustrations with the murder
or abandonment of threads. It's time to take a stand. To be
counted. To speak up and proclaim, No!! I won't tolerate
this anymore. I'm going to improve the life of threads, and
I'm starting with ME!


P.S. To contribute to the continued research and care of
threads, please give what you can by making a non-tax
deductible donation via PayPal to [EMAIL PROTECTED] And
thank you for your kind support.

- Original Message -
From: etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Security -J.Miner and

 NO NO Reay this thread, and all threads deserve to
live full and sometime
 productive lives no don't pull out that gunno please
don't shoot this
 thread.. no realy dont shoot me... PLEAS


 On Friday 13 July 2001 17:14, John W wrote:
  At 08:56 AM 7/13/01 -0500, Jeanette Russo wrote:
  How many people would like to see this thread taken off
list it is OT.
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 4:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Security -J.Miner and
I hate threads like this. Makes you stop and think
about why you use
these mailing lists!!!
John W
I would like to see it go.

Re: [newbie] No system sounds.

2001-07-13 Thread Geof Steichen

Yes, sndconfig finds the card and plays a message although it is very low volume.   
The system log shows it finds the card just fine also.  It plays the cd ok, but still 
system sounds.  I re-booted and checked the system log again.  The messages 
are still there.  They occur when I login as a user (geoffs in this case).  See below:

Jul 13 16:25:27 lancelot kde(pam_unix)[1205]: session opened for user geoffs by (uid=0)
Jul 13 16:25:27 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-
Jul 13 16:25:27 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-
Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1
Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-1-0
Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1
Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-1-0
Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, 
lun 0
Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, 
lun 0
Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 
cdda tray
Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12


On Friday 13 July 2001 04:04 pm, you wrote:
 have we ran (as root, in a text console) sndconfig? did it work?

 On Friday 13 July 2001 18:48, Geof Steichen wrote:
  I can't seem to get system sounds to work now...they used to work.
  I see the following messages in the system log...What do they mean and
  how do I fix them?
  Jul 13 14:42:58 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
  binfmt- Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate
  module sound-slot-1 Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't
  locate module
  Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
  sound-slot-1 Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate

Re: [newbie] Re: Some more mobos??

2001-07-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 13 July 2001 11:02 am, Terry Smith wrote:

 A few weeks ago there was some discussion about mobos, specifically
 motherboard/chipset combinations that worked well or not well with

The Soyo was a definite winner here with great support, awesome 
performance, and rock-solid stability. It receives our Top Honors Award and our Works with Linux 

   I got one (kt7vta pro), and have an oc'd Tbird 1.4 to 1.53g on it 
(currently 11.5x135). I'd echo the above recommendation based on this 
board, and prior Soyo experience. I went with Soyo 'cause: *that's the 
manufacturer I previously used for a oc'd P3-450@600 I had (6ba+III, 
Aopen case, Sparkle 230W PS)-- very impressed with Soyo quality, 
features, and stability, **strong Linux recommends from both 
Linuxhardware and Duke of URL, and many Windoze hardware sites too for 
much the same reasons, and ***it's the only kt133a board still on AMD's 
recommended list (which I suspect is for VIA-IDE reasons, ie, better 
pcb and trace design), other than a Biostar (which doesn't have an ISA 

The Soyo is also oc'ing friendly, and even if you're adverse to 
that, it means the board has extra features, quality, versatility, and 
stability built in that you may need or want even if you don't 
overclock. Soyo also has one of the lowest RMA rates in the industry 
and for this reason is favored by many OEM reseller's. Mine has no 
flaws, is absolutely bulletproof.

I'm using it with old (one's damn near ancient ;) ram. 1 real old 
stick of 8ns 128 mb sdram (pc100) and 1 stick of newer 7.5ns (pc133) 
currently running together at 135 mhz cas2. The motherboard is as much, 
if not more important than the actual ram used, for performance and 
stability. Ram is what it'll do, regardless of it's marketing label, 
and the motherboard is crucial to this. This same ram (the pc100) 
wouldn't run reliably (ie, -0- errors under stress test) a few years 
ago on an Aopen mobo at 133mhz cas3. Soyo just provides better dimm and 
IO voltage support, even tho Aopen's are generally recognized as very 
high quality boards. This kind of extra support is also important, and 
needed for many newer high bandwidth AGP and PCI devices also.

 I'm still on my quest to build or buy a new linux box and have come
 across a company 'Indiana Computer Factory' (
 selling 'bares bones' boxes and complete systems.

   I would not recommend a bare bones solution.  It only takes a few 
minutes to install the parts that they will, and you have much more 
control of buying quality parts than most all barebones vendors will 
provide. Particularly case/power supply/mobo. Specially with recent 
hardware, don't take chances on an off motherboard or case/power 
supply.  The motherboard will govern the results of any hardware and 
peripheals attached to it. It's the very foundation of any system. A 
clean power supply is nearly as important. Neither mobo's you cited is 
recommended by AMD, or for Linux, or warranted by my months of research.

   My first pick started out to be the Abit Kt7a, mainly because it has 
no integrated sound, oc'ing friendly, an ISA slot, and excellent online 
info and support.  I went with the Soyo inspite of integrated AC97 
sound. Which works well, but from my estimation, also is a drain on the 
cpu/cache/ram subsystem, as any integrated or #!!$%^! win-hardware is.  
The saving grace is that it has an ISA slot to use my old SB AWE64 and 
the onboard AC97 is easily disabled. I tried this, but I'm back to 
using the onboard sound, so I can have the ISA slot for my trusty old 
Texas Instruments modem (even tho I promised myself I'd never use any 
of Uncle Billy Goat's M$ inspired onboard anything).

I gave $95 for the Soyo, and despite being the best Tbird/Duron 
board (IMO, et al), it's also one of the least expensive platforms for 
an AMD proccessor.  You can find an Enlight, Aopen, or Inwin case with 
a Sparkle (AMD apprv'd) 300W power supply for ~ 55 to $60. I used an 
Inwin full tower with some special features, and a 340W Sparkle (Power 
Man label) for $78 locally in Houston. Shipping was the factor to buy 
the case (heavy) locally here, rather than online. I bought the mobo, 
1.4g Tbird w/hs-f bundle online from Mwave for $305 ( $95+210, who I 
heartily recommend from doin much business with them for several 
years). IIRC, the 1.2 Tbird would'a been $80 less at $225 for the 
mobo/hs-f/cpu bundle. You can pay $9 extra to have it sent assembled/ 
tested, but I didn't. 3 day delivery to my door was $15, no sales tax.
If you need ram, it's almost to the point that they'll pay you to take 
it off their hands ;

   I also very much appreciated that the Inwin case HDD LED, PWR, 
Reset, etc., cable labeling, along with Soyo's manual, made those 
connections practically no-brainers. The only aspect of home-built 
hardware I've ever found 

Re: [newbie] No system sounds.

2001-07-13 Thread Miark


If the master volume is way down, and the individual sources
are too, it just be that they're being played, but you can't
hear them.

Double-check the volume controls to make sure they're high


- Original Message -
From: Geof Steichen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] No system sounds.

 Yes, sndconfig finds the card and plays a message although
it is very low volume.
 The system log shows it finds the card just fine also.  It
plays the cd ok, but still no
 system sounds.  I re-booted and checked the system log
again.  The messages
 are still there.  They occur when I login as a user
(geoffs in this case).  See below:

 Jul 13 16:25:27 lancelot kde(pam_unix)[1205]: session
opened for user geoffs by (uid=0)
 Jul 13 16:25:27 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate
module binfmt-
 Jul 13 16:25:27 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate
module binfmt-
 Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate
module sound-slot-1
 Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate
module sound-service-1-0
 Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate
module sound-slot-1
 Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate
module sound-service-1-0
 Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
 Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1
at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
 Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: sr0: scsi3-mmc drive:
32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
 Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: Uniform CD-ROM driver
Revision: 3.12



 On Friday 13 July 2001 04:04 pm, you wrote:
  have we ran (as root, in a text console) sndconfig? did
it work?
  On Friday 13 July 2001 18:48, Geof Steichen wrote:
   I can't seem to get system sounds to work now...they
used to work.
   I see the following messages in the system log...What
do they mean and
   how do I fix them?
   Jul 13 14:42:58 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't
locate module
   binfmt- Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe:
modprobe: Can't locate
   module sound-slot-1 Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe:
modprobe: Can't
   locate module
   Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't
locate module
   sound-slot-1 Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe:
modprobe: Can't locate

Re: [newbie] RE: Use of Linux (in public schools) - way OT

2001-07-13 Thread Steve

On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, etharp wrote:

 On Thursday 12 July 2001 22:36, Brandon Caudle wrote:
  I know at my school, we have no plans to upgrade to XP.  We have a club

 OK lets do it. I don't consider this off topic, heck this is what this list
 was for I thought... the free exchange of ideas to help newbies into linux?
 newbies helping newbies as it are. Well, some reay sharp linux
 mandrakers (that I personally  appreciate and am SURE the rest of the list
 does too,  but I do think therapy could help Civilme learn to relax Toungue
 sticking all the way thru cheek grin)
 Any way, I digrese.
 do you know anyone in our area (Greater CHARLOTTE N.C.) whom might be able to
 repair monitors? seems like they will wind up being as big a problem (read;
 expense or not as easy to get good from companies as computer components)
 as setting up a server and diskless workstations.
 I don't mind if we take this off list now, in fact i believe I will set up a
 mail list in the next week or so for this , unless you have better or faster
 internet access and a mailbox free.

Personally I find this list to have a high traffic rate. So therefore all
topics that veer off should be taken elsewhere, simply to cut down
on the noise, I don't wish to read them, as I'm not going to learn
anything following a discussion of LUG's in N.Carolina or elsewhere. I
don't wish to create a long list of filters either, so please people, take
this stuff off list. Simply my opinion only so take it for what it's

Steve - ICQ 35454764

Re: [newbie] RE: Use of Linux (in public schools) - way OT

2001-07-13 Thread etharp

thanks, I as actully refering to a greater Charlotte NC mandrake users group. 
but thank, I will be checking into this also.

On Friday 13 July 2001 19:16, Michael D. Viron wrote:
 Before starting another linux in education type list, try subscribing to
 the seul-edu list hosted off of -- We get a lot of traffic
 from the several hundred subscribers on this type of stuff.


 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Sr. Systems  Administration Consultant, Web Spinners, Univ of West Florida
 Senior Member, Simple End User Linux (SEUL)

 At 05:06 PM 07/13/2001 -0400, etharp wrote:
 On Thursday 12 July 2001 22:36, Brandon Caudle wrote:
  I know at my school, we have no plans to upgrade to XP.  We have a club
 OK lets do it. I don't consider this off topic, heck this is what this
  list was for I thought... the free exchange of ideas to help newbies into
  linux? newbies helping newbies as it are. Well, some reay sharp
  linux mandrakers (that I personally  appreciate and am SURE the rest of
  the list does too,  but I do think therapy could help Civilme learn to
  relax Toungue sticking all the way thru cheek grin)
 Any way, I digrese.
 do you know anyone in our area (Greater CHARLOTTE N.C.) whom might be able


 repair monitors? seems like they will wind up being as big a problem
  (read; expense or not as easy to get good from companies as computer
  components) as setting up a server and diskless workstations.
 I don't mind if we take this off list now, in fact i believe I will set up
  a mail list in the next week or so for this , unless you have better or
  faster internet access and a mailbox free.

Re: [newbie] Knotify error

2001-07-13 Thread civileme

On Saturday 14 July 2001 02:25, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 Thank you very much. I asw in top that kapm-idled uses nearly 50 to 60 % of
 CPU. How to disable it.  in gkrellm I don't have anything for cpu temp. How
 to know whether mb supports lm_sensors? I have kobian 815e mb.

kapm-idled is a count of idle cycles, not really a process.  Next version of 
top will not show it.  

If you want anything from lm_sensors you must install lm_utils which are not 
installed by default.  KDE and GNOME approaches to using lm_sensors are 
defanged as well because lm_sensors can simply toast the motherboards of some 


 On July 13, 2001 10:24 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  Situations like this are also a good example of why, if your
  motherboard supports it, everybody should enable lm_sensors and an
  appropriate FE for it to display cpu temp. I use Gkrellm. Often the
  first warning you'll get that a process or app has gone wild is a rise
  to the max in cpu temp. 'Course weaker systems will just freeze or
  randomly reboot if a wild process is left unattended to. If monitoring
  isn't feasible, the next best thing is to run 'top' with the Shift+P
  option to display which proccesses are using the most % of cpu.

Re: [newbie] kwintv compile error.

2001-07-13 Thread civileme

On Saturday 14 July 2001 02:25, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I have mdk 8.0 in my system. For me xawtv is working. I wanted to compile
 kwintv 0.8.5. I got the following error.
 g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/include -I/usr/lib/qt2/include
 -I/usr/X11R6/include  -O2 -c kirc.cpp
 kirc.cpp:43: declaration of `int *__errno_location ()' throws different
 /usr/include/bits/errno.h:39: than previous declaration `int
 *__errno_location () throw ()'
 make[3]: *** [kirc.o] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/kwintv-0.8.5/kwintv'
 make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/kwintv-0.8.5/kwintv'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/kwintv-0.8.5'
 make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
 Any help pl.

The compiler is very strict.  gcc 2.95 would probably allow that with a 
warning and produce buggy code.

Well, now is the time to look at the source or to find someone who knows how 
to look at it.  You have the module name and almost any text editor can 
search for the guilty text.


Re: [newbie] A note about (software manager?) user-friendliness

2001-07-13 Thread Steve

On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, civileme wrote:

 Software manager is an example of counter-intuitive software for many users.

 I am a paid engineer for Quality Assurance at Mandrakesoft.  That means I
 look at tools we develop and try to assure they are user-friendly.  When I
 see a lot of bug reports on a tool that we cannot reproduce here, I judge the
 software is counter-intuitive and that newbies to the software are doing
 things we didn't defend against, and don't know how to do ourselves.

 If we know the steps followed to reproduce a problem, we can get an ides how

 Advise the user in the running software

 Block the error

 Redo the interface

 And no, I am not paid to be on the newbie list--I work at my job about 8-10
 hours a day and relax by posting on the newbie list for another 4-6 hours.


Well I applaud your going `over and beyond'. I learn a lot reading your
posts Civileme. Mandrake can be proud to have such dedication in an

Steve - ICQ 35454764

[newbie] Batch File In Linux???

2001-07-13 Thread Curtis Matthiesen

Hi there,

I was wondering if someone could help me write the equivalent of a batch 
file for Linux.  This is what I need it to do:

1.  Open up a Konsole (preferably minimized) and change to the following 
(/usr/local/bin/Half-Life/hlds_l/), then run the command:  startup and keep 
the Konsole running

2.  Open up another new Konsole (preferably minimized as well) and change to 
the following folder (/usr/local/bin/Half-Life/hlds_l/PB/) then run the 
command:  pb also keep the Konsole running after running the program

I'd like to have this so that I can double click on the batch file and 
have it run, or if I have to run it through Konsole, I'd like as an 
additional step to have the Konsole that I used to run the batch file to 
close after issuing the two commands if possible.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] Re: Some more mobos??

2001-07-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 13 July 2001 06:27 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Friday 13 July 2001 19:56, you wrote:
  On Friday 13 July 2001 11:02 am, Terry Smith wrote:
   A few weeks ago there was some discussion about mobos,
   specifically motherboard/chipset combinations that worked well or
   not well with linux.
  The Soyo was a definite winner here with great support, awesome
  performance, and rock-solid stability. It receives our Top Honors Award and our Works with Linux
 I got one (kt7vta pro), and have an oc'd Tbird 1.4 to 1.53g on
  it (currently 11.5x135). I'd echo the above recommendation based on

 snip whatever mobo you decided on, d/l the appropriate manual from

  manufacturer's webpage and give it a thoro read while you're
  waiting for UPS to deliver it ;)

 Tom, based on one of your previous mails about mwave and also that
 you went with the soyo, (I have soyo in two of my computers now) I
 ordered the kt7vta pro and bought a AMD 900 locally to go with it.
 Now, do you know what is safe to overclock? 10%?

   Safe and overclock are an oxymoron ;) If you've read any of my past 
USER rants (ie, problems == user - hardware - then lastly OS, even 
windo$), then i need to add that overclocking merges the hardware 
aspect into USER errors ;  From what I understand tho, the 900 thru 
the 1.4 gig Tbird is all the same core. My long overclocking experience 
has shown me that it's not the core that's the limiting factor most 
always. The L2 cache is.

   When they cast cpu's, a bunch at a time, all in one big wafer, then 
they're separated. They're tested, and the weaker ones are marked, 
labled, often locked to lower speeds. Intel locks all their cpu's since 
8/98.  Almost always because the L* caches are the limit, not the core. 
Sometimes changes are made (ie, stepping, which means 'production run') 
So it's possible that a 900 Tbird, could make 1, even 1.1+gig with 
caches enabled. Actually, this is why the Duron, with it's smaller 
cache, often oc's better than a Tbird. Just put on your Clint Eastwood 
hat on and say to yourself  ..well, how lucky are you feeling today 
[self] ?  ;  

   Caution tho, most compile, or prime95, or even memtest86 hardware 
errors are due to overstressed caches (L1, L2) ... not the core. I've 
seen some kiddies bragging about getting their 900 Tbird to 1.5gig. 
Either they're really lucky at 2.x volts Vcore, all L7 bridges closed, 
with L2 disabled, water cooled ... or they're lie'in bastards ;
Bet'ya in either event they couldn't handle 'cpuburn' for 2 minutes, 
and with L* caches disabled, they're no better than a 386/33 sx anyhow.

 Seriously tho, and in answer to your question, about 10% is the norm. 
You should make 1.0 gig.  My 1.4 at 1.55 is a 10% 'safe' overclock.
Only problem you may have is unlocking your L1 bridges. I believe most 
900's are locked, 1.2g up aren't. You'll probly need to explore the 
windshield defroster paint trick ;)

   Now I gotta fess up.  I truly don't believe you could see a nickels 
worth a real world difference in a system running at 900 or a bird oc'd 
to 1.5 gig like mine. I've just always overclocked, can't resist. I 
need a 12 step program ;  Promised myself I'd boot it for the first 
time at the default 10.5x133, and at the last moment, hit Delete to 
enter bios, and changed it to 10.5x140 ;~  When I saw Linux didn't 
care, I changed the dip switches, rebooted to 12x133, 1600mhz !!  BTW, 
Linux still doesn't care, I need to keep in the 1.5 gig range to fly 
Billy's airplanes. Winders sux ;(

 and do you know if
 there is an ide controller card that will work with linux on this

   For what? OK, the Soyo board only has the tried and true 2 IDE 
connections, with no B$ win-raid. I believe that's why the Soyo is so 
well regarded and still on AMD's recommended list. Are you lookin for 
more? I'm prob'ly even a little more adamant than Civileme about IDE, 
but I'll let him speak for himself. 

   IMNSHO, any kludge like win-raid, agp, and other pci so-called 
enhancements are nothing more than marketing tools to sell the latest 
and greatest to winbloes users.  . and best avoided, along with 
anything USB, another of Billy Goat's M$ hypes. Pretty NSHO, huh?  ;

I know from what civileme is posting that the promise won't
 work and there is another brand but I can't find the name.

If you need more than 2 IDE ports, then  ... I dunno ;)
I've never needed or tried more than the standard two. But I believe 
you can find out pretty quickly by searching Mandrake Forum, or the 
expert mailing list.   or maybe Civileme will answer

   All I can say is DON't use the AGP slot with whatever controller you 
decide on. By that I mean that the first PCI slot is the AGP slot. 
Better stated would be the AGP == the first PCI slot. (AGP is nothin 
but PCI, we'd all be better off without this M$ Billy hype). That 1st 

Re: [newbie] Mine is 14 inches! (don't be jealous).

2001-07-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 13 July 2001 04:44 pm, etharp wrote:
 back in those days there was no world wide web, and mozilla1.0 was
 a project at a college.

  U of I, Champaign ?

  I had a text connection to pipeline the
 ISP that became PSInet and later a connection to Delphi both
 allowed a shell account dialed in with about a 9600 (or a couple of
 years later a screamming 14,400 baud. We had e-mail also over fido
 net for BBS. we had communication programs that worked like minicom.
 we downloaded files using ymodem or zmodem proticols

   z was much better, even at 9,6 ;
   Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Galveston Bay

[newbie] Thanks to all!

2001-07-13 Thread AOL Systems

To All  Newbie subscribers:

Thanks to all who answered my questions

Thanks and God Bless!

The Technology Specialist

[newbie] Open Websites With Mozilla Run Command???

2001-07-13 Thread Curtis Matthiesen

When I type a URL in the Run Command box, I've got it setup that Mozilla 
opens by using it as default program to open HTML files by changing the File 
Associations, however when Mozilla loads it doesn't open the site, it just 
opens up the default start page.

So if someone could tell me how I'd go about getting Mozilla to open up the 
URL I type in the Run Command, I'd appreciate it greatly.


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[newbie] How To Ignore A Specific Person On This List???

2001-07-13 Thread Curtis Matthiesen

Hi there,

Civileme posted how you can ignore a specific person on this list but I lost 
that email.

So if someone could tell me how I'd go about doing that I'd appreciate it 


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Re: [newbie] How To Ignore A Specific Person On This List???

2001-07-13 Thread Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

Just create a filter using the person's email address, and move all such 
messages to the Trash.


On Friday 13 July 2001 23:16, thus spake Curtis Matthiesen:
 Hi there,

 Civileme posted how you can ignore a specific person on this list but I
 lost that email.

 So if someone could tell me how I'd go about doing that I'd appreciate
 it greatly.


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fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] Re: Some more mobos??

2001-07-13 Thread Dennis Myers

Thanks, this is very good info. I think that I will for the nonce set it up 
in an out of the box mode. Don't want to jepordize a $100 cpu. (including fan 
in cost).  I was wondering about the controller card cause I have a set up 
with two HDs a CDRW and a zip and want to add a plain ole CD-ROM. I figured 
the IDE controller card was a easy way to do that. Knowing hardware, code or 
anything much about computing, other than building them, is not my forte. I 
do learn something new every day thanks to folks like you, so someday may 
consider myself competent or is it incontenant? 

On Friday 13 July 2001 23:22, you wrote:

 On Friday 13 July 2001 06:27 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Friday 13 July 2001 19:56, you wrote:
   On Friday 13 July 2001 11:02 am, Terry Smith wrote:
A few weeks ago there was some discussion about mobos,
specifically motherboard/chipset combinations that worked well or
not well with linux.
   The Soyo was a definite winner here with great support, awesome
   performance, and rock-solid stability. It receives our Top Honors Award and our Works with Linux
  I got one (kt7vta pro), and have an oc'd Tbird 1.4 to 1.53g on
   it (currently 11.5x135). I'd echo the above recommendation based on
  snip whatever mobo you decided on, d/l the appropriate manual from
   manufacturer's webpage and give it a thoro read while you're
   waiting for UPS to deliver it ;)
  Tom, based on one of your previous mails about mwave and also that
  you went with the soyo, (I have soyo in two of my computers now) I
  ordered the kt7vta pro and bought a AMD 900 locally to go with it.
  Now, do you know what is safe to overclock? 10%?
 This I understand and used the term safe losely.  And I agree that as the 
user, I am my own worst enemy, re: about 20 reinstalls so far.
Safe and overclock are an oxymoron ;) If you've read any of my past
 USER rants (ie, problems == user - hardware - then lastly OS, even
 windo$), then i need to add that overclocking merges the hardware
 aspect into USER errors ;  From what I understand tho, the 900 thru
 the 1.4 gig Tbird is all the same core. My long overclocking experience
 has shown me that it's not the core that's the limiting factor most
 always. The L2 cache is.

Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Knotify error

2001-07-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 13 July 2001 09:25 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 Thank you very much. I asw in top that kapm-idled uses nearly 50 to
 60 % of CPU. How to disable it.  in gkrellm I don't have anything for
 cpu temp. How to know whether mb supports lm_sensors? I have kobian
 815e mb.

 On July 13, 2001 10:24 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  Situations like this are also a good example of why, if your
  motherboard supports it, everybody should enable lm_sensors and an
  appropriate FE for it to display cpu temp. I use Gkrellm. Often the
  first warning you'll get that a process or app has gone wild is a
  rise to the max in cpu temp. 'Course weaker systems will just
  freeze or randomly reboot if a wild process is left unattended to.
  If monitoring isn't feasible, the next best thing is to run 'top'
  with the Shift+P option to display which proccesses are using the
  most % of cpu.

   Sorry, I should have excepted 'kapm-idled'. Mea culpa.  That is just 
what it says, idled. It doesn't use any real cpu cycles, or so i'm 
told ;) It's somethin new, I don't like it much, but for reasons I've 
heard and don't yet understand, we're stuck with it. Anyhow, 50 to 60% 
would be a heavy load, but nothin like the 90+% you'd see from a wild 

   For lm_sensors, the Mandrake kernels have the modules. They're 
useless tho until you install the lm_utils rpm 
(lm_utils-2.4.3_2.5.5-20mdk for 8.0, it's on your Cd's. Caution, I've 
seen reports from Civileme that lm_utils can toast some laptop 

   Then from a CL run 'sensors-detect'.  This is a text based config 
tool that asks some simple questions (default answers usually suffice), 
then loads the appropriate modules, and displays some lines that you'll 
need to manually edit (as root) into modules.conf and rc.local so the 
modules will be loaded on your next boot.  It'll also let you know if 
your motherboard doesn't have an i2c monitoring chip (many ready mades, 
eg. Dell, and other low end motherboards don't). This done sucessfully, 
then if you type 'sensors' you should see an output of your system 
voltages, fan speeds, and temps.  If you do, then you can configure 
Gkrellm to display any of the sensors outputs.

   Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Galveston Bay

[newbie] Plugins for Linux -- Acrobat and ATT DjVu image plugin

2001-07-13 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Joan:

Dear friends:

There are two plugins that you should have:

You can get them (and other plugins) from Netscape by going to About Plugins 
under Netscape, then at the very top click on 

Installed plug-ins
For more information on Netscape plug-ins, click here.

Then select Linux as your platform. This will bring up all plugins for Linux:

1) the Acrobat plugin: a MUST for libraries. You can get it from Netscape or 
preferably the Mandrake rpm from along with the 
Mandrake rpm for Acrobat itself:


2) a special, fascinating plugin for Linux that will interest your librarians:

It's called the AT T Dejavu plugin (no relation to Usenet DejaNews). It 
allows you to view a phenomenal collection of documents at the At  T 
Collection. Installation is a snap. 

It's called:

ATT Labs DjVu Plug-In (Version 3.2.5) for displaying compressed DjVu images

The file is:


tar -xzf djvu_lin.tar.gz* 
Then go into the new directory and as root or user:

[sher@localhost npdjvu-]$ ls
README.txt*  install*  install.log*
[sher@localhost npdjvu-]#


(be sure your Netscape-Communicator or Navigator is OPEN.

That's it.

The At  T DjVu library is located online at: 

(note the URL)

I would suggest again first taking care of all Netscape plugins, then copying 
them to Mozilla (remembering NOT to overwrite any plugins already in Mozilla 
(e.g. the Java plugins), then checking the Scan for Netscape plugins in 
Konqueror's Settings.

OK, that's it for now. 

Best wishes.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] No system sounds.

2001-07-13 Thread Geof Steichen

All mixer settings are at max.  

On Friday 13 July 2001 05:32 pm, Miark wrote:

 If the master volume is way down, and the individual sources
 are too, it just be that they're being played, but you can't
 hear them.

 Double-check the volume controls to make sure they're high


 - Original Message -
 From: Geof Steichen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 5:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] No system sounds.

  Yes, sndconfig finds the card and plays a message although

 it is very low volume.

  The system log shows it finds the card just fine also.  It

 plays the cd ok, but still no

  system sounds.  I re-booted and checked the system log

 again.  The messages

  are still there.  They occur when I login as a user

 (geoffs in this case).  See below:
  Jul 13 16:25:27 lancelot kde(pam_unix)[1205]: session

 opened for user geoffs by (uid=0)

  Jul 13 16:25:27 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate

 module binfmt-

  Jul 13 16:25:27 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate

 module binfmt-

  Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate

 module sound-slot-1

  Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate

 module sound-service-1-0

  Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate

 module sound-slot-1

  Jul 13 16:25:32 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate

 module sound-service-1-0

  Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0

 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0

  Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1

 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0

  Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: sr0: scsi3-mmc drive:

 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray

  Jul 13 16:25:44 lancelot kernel: Uniform CD-ROM driver

 Revision: 3.12



  On Friday 13 July 2001 04:04 pm, you wrote:
   have we ran (as root, in a text console) sndconfig? did

 it work?

   On Friday 13 July 2001 18:48, Geof Steichen wrote:
I can't seem to get system sounds to work now...they

 used to work.

I see the following messages in the system log...What

 do they mean and

how do I fix them?
Jul 13 14:42:58 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't

 locate module

binfmt- Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe:

 modprobe: Can't locate

module sound-slot-1 Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe:

 modprobe: Can't

locate module
Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe: modprobe: Can't

 locate module

sound-slot-1 Jul 13 14:43:01 lancelot modprobe:

 modprobe: Can't locate


Re: [newbie] BIND 9.1

2001-07-13 Thread Chris Buxton

At 1:48 PM -0700 7/13/01, mike.roberts wrote:
I have setup a dns server on Mandrake 8
BIND 9.1
I can do forward lookup but cant get a valid response from dig -x ipaddress
The reverse file is being loaded 'says syslog' but get a spurios
'unexpected end of input` with each zone file.

Any ideas please

Make sure your zone files all end in linefeeds. (Or is it carriage 
returns? I can never remember which OS uses which.) Anyway, hit 
return after the last line.

That's the only thing that springs to mind from your description of 
the problem.

Chris Buxton

Re: [newbie] A note about (software manager?) user-friendliness

2001-07-13 Thread L.V.Gandhi

On July 13, 2001 04:51 pm, civileme wrote:

 And no, I am not paid to be on the newbie list--I work at my job about 8-10
 hours a day and relax by posting on the newbie list for another 4-6 hours.


WELL SAID.  Any way congratulations for being so good and helping others.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

Re: [newbie] Via Voice

2001-07-13 Thread L.V.Gandhi

On July 14, 2001 03:38 am, etharp wrote:
 Via voice installed and works great for me, I use a ISA Sound blaster awe64
 gold, and 192 meg ram. how much ram do you have? I could not get it running
 worth beans when I had 64 meg ram. btw, the processor is a celery 366

Is Via Voice distributed by MDK. Is it free? Does it work in i815 board sound.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

Re: [newbie] gkrellm on top ?

2001-07-13 Thread L.V.Gandhi

On July 14, 2001 12:30 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:

   BTW, I configured Gkrellm to only show cpu temp, minimum height (2p),
How to get to show cpu temp. I didn't find any options?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

Re: [newbie] Selecting a version of X on install]

2001-07-13 Thread Terry A. Bowling

Kevin Fonner wrote:

 I know on the cd's their are two version's of X on the CD.  Version
 3.something and Version 4.something.  I wanted to install version
 4.something.  I am sitting here at the package selection screen on
 install and can't seem to find the Xfree86 packages.  Any idea what
 catagories they are under???

You don't manually install these packages.  If you look at the lower
left side of the screen you will see where it does the X configuration -
it comes wyyy after the package installation.  When it comes time to
install X, it will ask you which version of X you want and then it will
automatically install those packages.

At least that's how it works in Expert Install mode - I don't know about
the auto install.

Good luck and enjoy =)

Re: [newbie] What are your impressions of Reisor FS

2001-07-13 Thread Terry A. Bowling

Romanator wrote:

 Hi all,

 Would most of you say that you would recommend Reiser FS and why?

 Registered Linux User #179293
 su is not the root of your problem
 but the start of a new journey

I'm thinking that they've got the Reiser FS working just fine.  I
Mandrake8.0 on my laptop as a single partition / and it's RFS - I've let
battery die and I've forced an improper reboot and it's never failed me.

I also installed my home desktop with 5 partitions:  /boot, /, /var,
/tmp, and
/home - all Reiser and it's never failed me even though I abuse it as

As far as incompatibilities, if Linux supports the format then it will
work.  It
doesn't matter if you are mixing formats - linux will load the proper
driver for
the proper file system.  Windows cannot natively read Reiser, ext2, or
even nfs
for that matter.

Reiser is just a transparent file system that does a good job.  As far
as affecting how you read, write, compile or blow your nose, it is no
different than any other file system.  It will work just as well (or
better) than ext2, nfs, or fat32, or anything else.

Re: [newbie] Knotify error

2001-07-13 Thread L.V.Gandhi

Thank you very much. I asw in top that kapm-idled uses nearly 50 to 60 % of 
CPU. How to disable it.  in gkrellm I don't have anything for cpu temp. How 
to know whether mb supports lm_sensors? I have kobian 815e mb.

On July 13, 2001 10:24 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 Situations like this are also a good example of why, if your
 motherboard supports it, everybody should enable lm_sensors and an
 appropriate FE for it to display cpu temp. I use Gkrellm. Often the
 first warning you'll get that a process or app has gone wild is a rise
 to the max in cpu temp. 'Course weaker systems will just freeze or
 randomly reboot if a wild process is left unattended to. If monitoring
 isn't feasible, the next best thing is to run 'top' with the Shift+P
 option to display which proccesses are using the most % of cpu.

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