Re: [newbie-it] permessi di r/w

2002-03-19 Thread SkyHeart

Il giornol Mon, 18 Mar 2002 11:35:24 +0100
Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 in /etc/fstab c'e` una riga dedicata alla partizione win.
 Tra le opzioni (auto,defualts,...) aggiungi umask=000
 (senza virgolette).
 Ogni cifra corrisponde ai permessi che _togli_ rispettivamente
 al proprietario(root che lo monta al boot), al gruppo e agli altri.
 I valori base sono: read(4), write (2), execute (1)
 Un 7(4+2+1) corrisponde a toglierli tutti, un 3(2+1) toglie
 scrittura ed esecuzione,, uno 0 lascia tutti i permessi.

ho provato la tua soluzione ma nulla è cambiato. C'è di più: se faccio man umask 
ottengo il seguente output che non riesco ad interpretare:
standard input:14: can't open `bash.1': No such file or directory

   bash,  :,  .,  alias,  bg, bind, break, builtin, case, cd,
   command, continue, declare, dirs,  disown,  echo,  enable,
   eval,  exec,  exit,  export,  fc,  fg, for, getopts, hash,
   help, history, if, jobs, kill, let, local,  logout,  popd,
   pushd,  pwd,  read,  readonly,  return, set, shift, shopt,
   source, suspend, test, times, trap, type, typeset, ulimit,
   umask,  unalias, unset, until, wait, while - bash built-in
   commands, see bash(1)

   bash(1), sh(1)

Vorrei dare la possibilità all'utente pippo anche di leggere e scrivere su floppy... 
questa volta ho provato ad inserire l'utente nel gruppo floppy ma non ho ottenuto 
nessun risultato. Se può servire di seguito riporto il mio /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto user,iocharset=iso8859-15,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto user,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hdc1 /mnt/win_c2 vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda7 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

Grazie a tutti.

-another happy Linux user-
user #205247

[newbie-it] Installare win98 sul suo spazio..

2002-03-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale

Salve a tutti.
Ho installato la Mdk8.1 su un bel computerone ed ben conoscendo i miei 
vicini di studio ho lasciato uno spazio formattato FAT per win98.
Solo che adesso mi chiedo:
come faccio a spiegare al disco di boot di win98 che deve installare sul 
pezzo di partizione per lui previsto?


Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] Ancora ALSA

2002-03-19 Thread Tommaso Leddi

21:24, sabato 16 marzo 2002, nicola:
 Anch'io mi unisco alla richiesta di Tommaso per sapere come caricare i
 driver oss o alsa.

 Grazie Nicola

Da qualche giorno guardo sempre tra la posta se qualcuno ha delle indicazioni 
su come passare da OSS a ALSA. Luigi aveva fornito alcune informazioni ed ora 
in 2 ne aspettavamo altre. Sembra che il sistema ALSA sia l'unico che 
supporta le schede multicanale, e così, per usare i 4 canali della 
Soundblaster Live! o realizzare sistemi professionali di spazializzazione del 
suono con linux diventa obbligatorio questo passaggio. Lavoro in uno studio 
che realizza allestimenti e ora ho l'occasione unica di portare linux nella 
parte audio del lavoro. Molti mi consigliano di passare a SUSE dove ALSA è 
già configurata di default. Qualcuno della lista utilizza ALSA?  
La domanda principale è se bisogna ricompilare il kernel e la seconda quali 
sono i passaggi necessari per configurare i moduli. Luigi non parla di 
compilazione kernel e la documentazione che ho trovato ha vari anni e temo si 
riferisca ai kernel 2.2. e quindi non è completamente attendibile. Inutile 
aggiungere che sono alle prime armi col kernel

grazie a chiunque risponda,

 Alle 19:22, venerdì 15 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  Il 13:29, venerdì 15 marzo 2002, Luigi De Pascale scrisse:
   io ho usato i due anche insieme (nel senso alcuni moduli ALSA ed alcuni
   moduli OSS della parte gratuita.).
  Grazie Luigi della risposta.
   Comunque essendo moduli basta inserire quelli che vuoi usare.
   Se non vuoi farlo a mano dai un occhiata al file modules.conf ed
   sostituisci i moduli oss con quelli alsa.
  Sono un po' a digiuno riguardo alla sostituzione dei moduli.
  Se ti va, dammi delle indicazioni passo per passo.
  Ho per esempio visto che ci sono vari rpm alsa mdk:
  lib, utils e non i driver. Cosa devo fare? Devo installare i due RPM e
  poi compilare a parte i driver?
  Come vedi mi trovo spaesato, anche perchè l'ALSA-HowTo (del 1999) parla
  di compilazione del kernel.
  ciao e ancora grazie,

Re: [newbie-it] fuso...orario

2002-03-19 Thread Stefano Bigotta

 verifica il fuso orario. Probabilmente uno dei due è

é probabile anche che linux utilizzi l'orario GMT in maniera
non corretta
compare una domanda a tale proposito in fase
d'installazione, ma non saprei dirti una volta installato
dove andare a mettere le mani...

Re: [newbie-it] Ancora ALSA

2002-03-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale

Per chi desiderasse l'history del messaggio lascio sotto i vecchi e-mail 
altrimenti non si legge piu'.
Allora mi dispiace non essere stato piu' rapido ma avevo da lavorare.
Il file modules.conf si trova nella directory /etc/ e ci trovi i moduli 
che vengono montati all'inizio.

Con la madrake 8.0 la mia scheda audio funzionava mettendo nel 
modules.conf le seguenti righe

___Estratto del modules.conf--
# ALSA portion
alias char-major-116 snd
options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-es1938

# OSS/Free portion
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

post-install snd-card-es1938 modprobe snd-pcm-oss
Come vedete ci sono alcuni moduli oss (della parte gratuita) e alcuni 

Nella Mdk8.1 la stessa cosa non funziona perche' credo che i moduli alsa 
siano di una versione difettosa ma vi prego di non credere subito a questa 
congettura perche' non ho avuto ancora il tempo di verificarla.
Effettivamente il sndconfig di SUSE e' meglio di quello di Mandrake.
Non so dirti se ci siano svantaggi nel cambiamento.

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Tommaso Leddi wrote:

 21:24, sabato 16 marzo 2002, nicola:
  Anch'io mi unisco alla richiesta di Tommaso per sapere come caricare i
  driver oss o alsa.
  Grazie Nicola
 Da qualche giorno guardo sempre tra la posta se qualcuno ha delle indicazioni 
 su come passare da OSS a ALSA. Luigi aveva fornito alcune informazioni ed ora 
 in 2 ne aspettavamo altre. Sembra che il sistema ALSA sia l'unico che 
 supporta le schede multicanale, e così, per usare i 4 canali della 
 Soundblaster Live! o realizzare sistemi professionali di spazializzazione del 
 suono con linux diventa obbligatorio questo passaggio. Lavoro in uno studio 
 che realizza allestimenti e ora ho l'occasione unica di portare linux nella 
 parte audio del lavoro. Molti mi consigliano di passare a SUSE dove ALSA è 
 già configurata di default. Qualcuno della lista utilizza ALSA?  
 La domanda principale è se bisogna ricompilare il kernel e la seconda quali 
 sono i passaggi necessari per configurare i moduli. Luigi non parla di 
 compilazione kernel e la documentazione che ho trovato ha vari anni e temo si 
 riferisca ai kernel 2.2. e quindi non è completamente attendibile. Inutile 
 aggiungere che sono alle prime armi col kernel
 grazie a chiunque risponda,
  Alle 19:22, venerdì 15 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
   Il 13:29, venerdì 15 marzo 2002, Luigi De Pascale scrisse:
io ho usato i due anche insieme (nel senso alcuni moduli ALSA ed alcuni
moduli OSS della parte gratuita.).
   Grazie Luigi della risposta.
Comunque essendo moduli basta inserire quelli che vuoi usare.
Se non vuoi farlo a mano dai un occhiata al file modules.conf ed
sostituisci i moduli oss con quelli alsa.
   Sono un po' a digiuno riguardo alla sostituzione dei moduli.
   Se ti va, dammi delle indicazioni passo per passo.
   Ho per esempio visto che ci sono vari rpm alsa mdk:
   lib, utils e non i driver. Cosa devo fare? Devo installare i due RPM e
   poi compilare a parte i driver?
   Come vedi mi trovo spaesato, anche perchè l'ALSA-HowTo (del 1999) parla
   di compilazione del kernel.
   ciao e ancora grazie,

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

R: [newbie-it] Installare win98 sul suo spazio..

2002-03-19 Thread luca laghi

 Salve a tutti.
 Ho installato la Mdk8.1 su un bel computerone ed ben conoscendo i miei
 vicini di studio ho lasciato uno spazio formattato FAT per win98.
 Solo che adesso mi chiedo:
 come faccio a spiegare al disco di boot di win98 che deve installare sul
 pezzo di partizione per lui previsto?

Penso che win98 veda solo le partizioni con lui compatibili, cioè quelle
fat32. Tutto il resto è come se per lui non esistesse. Il problema sta
nell'MBR che lui sovrascrive. Ti servirà un rescue disk per entrare in linux
e ripristinare l'MBR che consenta l'accesso anche a Linux.

Re: [newbie-it] Installare win98 sul suo spazio..

2002-03-19 Thread Stefano Lena


se ricordo bene dall'ultima volta che l'ho fatto win98 dovrebbe trovare 
quella partizione fat ed installarsi li' senza protestare. Occhio pero' che 
win98 non ha pieta' per il master boot record : lo cancella ( compreso il 
lilo od il grub in esso contenuto ). In pratica una volta installato il win98 
al reboot compare solo win98 . Bisogna provvedere con un floppy di MDK a 
ripristinare l' MBR desiderato. (  se pero' si intende avviare linux da 
floppy ... non si pone problema ).

Sperando di non aver detto cose ovvie saluto :


Il 10:39, martedì 19 marzo 2002, Lei hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti.
 Ho installato la Mdk8.1 su un bel computerone ed ben conoscendo i miei
 vicini di studio ho lasciato uno spazio formattato FAT per win98.
 Solo che adesso mi chiedo:
 come faccio a spiegare al disco di boot di win98 che deve installare sul
 pezzo di partizione per lui previsto?


[newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale

Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98 e lui sta facendo uno scandisk.
Lo devo lasciare fare?
Perche' mi sento cosi' poco confortevole?

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Andrea Celli

Adesso corro a scaricarla :-)

ciao, Andrea

PS non e` indispensabile, ma ieri mi sono iscritto
al Mandrake-club

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread paolo brusasco

non so ma se win98 fa uno scandisk dovrebbe poterlo fare solo sulle 
partizioni fat

Luigi De Pascale wrote:

Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98 e lui sta facendo uno scandisk.
Lo devo lasciare fare?
Perche' mi sento cosi' poco confortevole?

Re: [newbie-it] permessi di r/w

2002-03-19 Thread SkyHeart

Il giornol Tue, 19 Mar 2002 09:58:29 +0100
SkyHeart [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
scusate correggo, riesco a scrivere sul floppy, ma nn riesco a formattarlo...scusate 
ancora e ciao!!!
-another happy Linux user-
user #205247

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Marco Forti

 Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98 e lui sta facendo uno scandisk.
 Lo devo lasciare fare?
 Perche' mi sento cosi' poco confortevole?

Tranquillo, lo scandisk lo fa tutte le volte che parte l'installazione 
Comunque lo fa solo, ovviamente, sulla partizione FAT visto che può 
vedere solo quella.



Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Stefano Bigotta

 Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98

contento tu =)

 e lui sta facendo
 uno scandisk.
 Lo devo lasciare fare?

lascialo fare, zio bill non sbaglia una mossa!


Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Asgro][

dovro aspettere(56k non bastano per scaricare i files iso)
Facci sapere!

Sono freneticamente ansioso!!  :)

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Marco Forti wrote:

  Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98 e lui sta facendo uno scandisk.
  Lo devo lasciare fare?
  Perche' mi sento cosi' poco confortevole?
 Tranquillo, lo scandisk lo fa tutte le volte che parte l'installazione 
 Comunque lo fa solo, ovviamente, sulla partizione FAT visto che può 
 vedere solo quella.
Visto che ci siamo, 
quindi se gli dico che puo' correggere cio' che ha trovato eventualmente 
danneggiato non puo' fare danni a linux.Giusto?

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Marco Forti

 Visto che ci siamo, 
 quindi se gli dico che puo' correggere cio' che ha trovato eventualmen
 danneggiato non puo' fare danni a linux.Giusto?

Direi di no, salvo a LILO o GRUB se li avevi messi sull'MBR ... ma 
questo l'ha sicuramente già fatto!
Del resto non dovrebbe creare danni visto che per lui il disco è la 
partizione FAT e il resto non esiste.



[newbie-it] Periferica Hub?

2002-03-19 Thread ku68

Ciao e scusate ma ad oggi non sono ancora riuscito a
sapere come far riconoscere a linux mdk 8.1 lo Hub e di conseguenza
nemmeno lo scanner collegato allo hub (una presa con 4 porte usb 
colegata al pc).
Non c'è nessuno che ha mai avuto il mio stesso problema?
Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento su come risolvere questa grana?
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta

Re: [newbie-it] permessi di r/w

2002-03-19 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 09:58, martedì 19 marzo 2002, hai scritto:

 Vorrei dare la possibilità all'utente pippo anche di leggere e scrivere
 su floppy... questa volta ho provato ad inserire l'utente nel gruppo floppy
 ma non ho ottenuto nessun risultato. Se può servire di seguito riporto il
 mio /etc/fstab:

 /dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-15,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0 /dev/fd0
 /mnt/floppy auto user,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0
 0 /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hdc1 /mnt/win_c2 vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hda7 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda8 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

Se ti può essere utile il mio fstab, per quanto riguarda il floppy, riporta 
oltre alle caratteristiche da te citate, la dizioneumask=0; come utente 
sono in grado di leggere e scrivere su floppy.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Stefano Bigotta

 Visto che ci siamo, 

 quindi se gli dico che puo' correggere cio' che ha

 trovato eventualmente 

 danneggiato non puo' fare danni a linux.Giusto?



basta che non gli fai correggere i dati nel MBR, la tabella
delle partizioni  e cose simili, suggerimento valido
soprattutto per gli antivirus
per il resto finchè sta nella sua partizione può far danni
solo a sè stesso

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Andrea Celli wrote:

Adesso corro a scaricarla :-)

ciao, Andrea

PS non e` indispensabile, ma ieri mi sono iscritto
al Mandrake-club

Puoi dirci che cosa puoi fare come utente registrato.


PS: Come mai alcune mie mail non appaiono?
Avevo annunciato l'arrivo di mdk 8.2 stanotte... ma non vedo la mail.



Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Puoi dirci che cosa puoi fare come utente registrato.

E` una lunga discussione degli ultimi giorni Mandrake in crisi?

Teoricamente, scarica qualche pacchetto in piu`. Quindi sul sito,
prima di entrare nelle aree di download, ti chiedono se hai aderito
o intendi aderire al club. Poi, pero`, non ti bloccano.

Essenzialmente, dare un sostegno per la sopravvivenza di Mandrake.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Andrea Celli wrote:

E` una lunga discussione degli ultimi giorni Mandrake in crisi?

Teoricamente, scarica qualche pacchetto in piu`. Quindi sul sito,
prima di entrare nelle aree di download, ti chiedono se hai aderito
o intendi aderire al club. Poi, pero`, non ti bloccano.

Essenzialmente, dare un sostegno per la sopravvivenza di Mandrake.

ciao, andrea

questo l'avevo capito.
La mia curiosità era se fosse possibile scaricare cose tipo WineX di 
transgaming, l'annunciato StarOffice 6.0 et similia.


Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:

 questo l'avevo capito.
 La mia curiosità era se fosse possibile scaricare cose tipo WineX di
 transgaming, l'annunciato StarOffice 6.0 et similia.

Se il produttore originale chiede soldi ..  e` difficile che Mandrake
possa darti il pacchetto gratis.

Comunque, per il momento non ho visto nulla riservato ai soci
del club.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] permessi di r/w

2002-03-19 Thread SkyHeart

Il giornol Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:44:48 +0100
Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 SkyHeart wrote:
  Il giornol Tue, 19 Mar 2002 09:58:29 +0100
  SkyHeart [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  scusate correggo, riesco a scrivere sul floppy, ma nn riesco a 
formattarlo...scusate ancora e ciao!!!
 nella mndk-8.1 molti problemi relativi a floppy e simili
 si risolvono aggiungendo nobiospnp tra gli append di
 lilo o grub.

L'avevo già fatto, cmq grazie a tutti.
-another happy Linux user-
user #205247

[newbie-it] firewall

2002-03-19 Thread SkyHeart

vorrei configurare un firewall semplice, semplice (nn ho particolari 
vorrei imparare) cosa mi consigliate? link? software?

-another happy Linux user-
user #205247

Re: [newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

2002-03-19 Thread Corrado

Il lun, 2002-03-18 alle 14:32, Germano ha scritto:

 Veramente ormai lo standard è Mozilla, tutti si rifanno ad esso (tranne il 
 Netscape della serie 4).
 Io proverei con Mozilla ma sono gusti

In effetti, dovo aver seguito Mozilla negli ultimi due anni nonchè
sostenuto di fronte agli scettici ai tempi in cui era pieno di bug
(forse perchè Exploder mi andava in crash una volta si e l'altra
pure...?), mi sono incollato a Galeon... 


Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Corrado

Il mar, 2002-03-19 alle 14:00, Asgro][ ha scritto:
 dovro aspettere(56k non bastano per scaricare i files iso)
 Facci sapere!
 Sono freneticamente ansioso!!  :)
Io la 8.1 la scaricai con un 56k... :-)))
Okay, preparate la camicia di forza...


Re: [newbie-it] scheda video savage ed X

2002-03-19 Thread miKe

Il 00:08, martedì 19 marzo 2002, paolo brusasco ha scritto:
 Ciao. Sto tentando di installare 8.1 su un pc con scheda video
 savage e monitor lcd (quelli delle offerte nataslizie della vobis) ed
 ho problemi con X.

non ho installato mdk su quel tipo di macchina,
ma credo che il problema sia di xfree e non della mandrakkia,
cerca qui per i moduli:

al limite, se proprio non dovessi trovare nessun tipo di supporto,
utilizza il framebuffer,
per giocare non è il masimo, ma in 2d è pienamente utilizzabile


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] firewall

2002-03-19 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 20:15, martedì 19 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 vorrei configurare un firewall semplice, semplice (nn ho particolari vorrei imparare) cosa mi consigliate? link? software? Grazie

Manuale, manuale, e ancora manuale (dell'utente).
Per una configurazione semplice, parti dal Mandrake Control Center.
Per ulteriori approfondimenti gli How-to presenti dovrebbero andarti bene..
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Periferica Hub?

2002-03-19 Thread ku68

Renato wrote:

 Alle 14:48, marted 19 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 che hub sti usando
Boh! In fattura c' solo un Hub e sulla scatola

c' un generico per pc e i-mac. Quando l'ho
comprato non pensavo ancora d'installare linux.
Comunque a suo tempo ho inviato per mail il report
come da istruzioni di hardrake e nessuno mi ha risposto.

Harddrake segnala che  un:

Texsas Instruments
Model TUSB2040 HUB

Grazie dell'interessamento

Re: [newbie] Getting and installing packages

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 23:15, FemmeFatale wrote:

 You understand my issues Lyvim.
 And honestly thats sorta what happened to me. :\
 I just wanted some apps I knew were buggy to work Damnit.

Sowwy!  :(

  Since I was desperate, I decided to go through with it.  One of these
  packages ( I think it was GConf) would not install without breaking some
  dependencies to the version of GConf installed with LM81.  I forced the
  issue, and fortunately everything is still working flawlessly.
 Desperate huh? I wasn't quite desperate, just ticked that some apps
 weren't working as I expected them to.'s an experience.  What can you say?  I know what you're going
thru. But you takes your licks, and you walk away wiser.  Can't really
put a price on that, can you?

 Ya well were I not poor I'd subscribe too. :\

That's totally understandable.  Heck, that's one of the reasons why this
OS is downloadable for free!  To help those in need.  I've coasted along
for some time without any payback; now that I've finally got some
breathing room, I am glad to put my hard earned clams where they are the
most useful, and where I personally think humanity's best interests are,
OS - wise.




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Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-19 Thread FemmeFatale

From a  friend of mine who buys comp's  parts in the hundreds per month
he said, Asus  I believe it was Soyo are good. *Not sure on the Soyo*

Sorry nothing more specific...but I can ask if you like?


Roger Sherman wrote:
 Hey Terry...
 Yep, just did that. Stripped it down to the bare motherboard, reseated the
 CPU, RAM, vid card...reconnected the power switch, reset switch, etc. Then
 I tried starting it up, with basically nothing but the vid card attatched,
 and it still exhibited the same boot problem, so I guess I'm in the market
 for a new motherboard. I saw a couple Asus boards on the AMD recommended
 list that might do the job.
 Anyone want to make some recommendations for boards that worked well for
 them? It needs to be a board recommended for an XP1800, that will accept
 DDR RAM, and no integrated sound or video...

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-19 Thread FemmeFatale

*smiles  giggles* He said snap  upgrade in the same sentence!  :)
I don't believe that till I see it with my own eyes.

Sorry just had to comment... 


 8.2 Final, it is.  Hats off to the Mandrake Team.  Ya'll never cease to amaze
 me.  Beta4 installed with ease.  Should be a snap to upgrade from
 Registered Linux user #223705
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Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread FemmeFatale

OW !  *zing!* 

cute Lyvim ;p

very nasty


Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 I find it highly amusing and obvious that while addressing the REAL
 NEWBIES he is using a Microsoft Outlook Express email client.
 I.E. :
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200
 I guess this means that there is an echelon that exists *beneath* the
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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 22:50, Dennis Myers wrote:

 Mr. Rigby appears to be in marketing.  That says it all.  His mind set is
 for the masses and that is the 
 same Mindset as M$.   Feed them BS and as long as it has a pretty bow on it 
 and has been spayed with Deoderant it will sell  like hot cakes.  Sorry but I 
 am up past my bed time, hard day at work and tired of hearing Sunday 
 quarterbacks say it can't be done.  Needs must tell that to companies like 
 Trane and Carrier who have taken the public domain mathematical formulas of 
 thermodynamics and physics and massaged them, turned them into a very 
 servicable product and made  a good living for a lot of people that way.  
 Anyone can access the formulas and chemistry, physics etc of the product, 
 making the product is the trick.  And IMHO Mandrakesoft is doing a damned 
 fine job of making a product.  The competitors had a head start but 
 Mandrakesoft is closing fast.  I have watched it mature since 6.0 and wow is 
 it closing fast.  Hang tough MandrakeSoft team. 
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

RAH !  RAH !!  (tries out new pep rally routine)

lol.  :)

Best Regards,


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Re: [newbie] IDE CD Burner installation/use?

2002-03-19 Thread Derek Jennings

If I can add to the excellent advice Kaj gives :-

1/  Kaj suggests defining both the CD-RW and the CD-ROM as ide-scsi. It is 
not strictly necessary for the CD-ROM to be ide-scsi, but it allows front 
ends to perform disc to disc copy functions.  You may find however that your 
desktop CD icon no longer works. To fix it, right click on the icon 
PropertiesDevice, and in the device drop down box select /dev/scd0  (or scd1 
as appropriate)

2/ You will have trouble using cdburning software as anything other than root 
unless you  create a group called 'cdwriter' and make yourself and any others 
who need to create CDs members of that group.
You then need to give cdwriter group privileges for the following 
applications (all in /usr/bin)

You can test your cd burner by opening a user terminal and typing
cdrecord --scanbus
If it finds your CD writer then cd burning should work.



On Monday 18 March 2002 23:37, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) wrote:
  I've got a LiteOn LTR-12101B IDE CD BURNER installed, but I cannot burn
  Can someone help by telling me if my /etc/fstab entry is correct, and the
  command line parameters to use to make the CD burner operate from the
  command line?
  Thanks in advance... This has been a frustrating problem!

 Well -drew, here's my personal how-to :

 Most - if not all - CD-burners are ATAPI-devices and use the IDE-bus. To
 make them work under linux, you must fake that they are SCSI-devices.
 Now, assuming you have connected your hardware correctly, let's take a look
 at my setup as an example :

 My CD-Rom (reader/player) is connected as the master on the second
 IDE-bus (hdc). My CD-WRITER (burner) is connected as the slave on the
 second IDE-bus (hdd). Accordingly, I had to edit my file : /etc/lilo.conf
 to make everything work. Here's how it can be done :

 1. open a terminal and become root (type su and, when prompted, type
 your root-password) 2. open a text-editor of your choice (I prefer
 Midnight Commander - type : mc) 3. go to /etc/lilo.conf and hit F4 to
 edit that file.
 4. here you must make an append-statement (a boot-parameter to linux),
 like this : image=/boot/vmlinuz
 append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount 
# (where hdc is my CD-reader and hdd is my CD-burner (eventually,
 put in your own configuration)).
 5. hit F2 to save this file.
 6. hit F10 to exit Midnight Commander
 7. still in your terminal-window as root, type : /sbin/lilo (and watch the
 output). 8. type exit twice.
 9. reboot, and you are done ! - (Eventually, you can now check the file

 Enjoy !

 A very easy-readable guide on CD-burning :

 References :

 CD Writing Howto:
 Linux MP3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO: (How to make normal
 audio CDs from mp3 files ) USB CD howto:

 Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] How to Install Alternative Kernel -SOLVED

2002-03-19 Thread John Richard Smith

Thank you both Charles and Derek, that was a piece of cake.
Now that I know how it's done I shall have no hesitation in
downloading and installing new kernels in the future.
I also say , good old linux too.
You don't get to install new kernels in the other.

Again many thanks 


On Monday 18 March 2002 4:00 pm, you wrote:
 On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 21:04:32 +

 John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I recently downloaded an updated kernel version 2.4.8-26mdk.rpm
  which is said to be  suited to LM8.1 .
  How can I install this without overwriting my existing kernel
  version k2.4.8-19mdk in /boot partition.
  When I went to install it using RPM package manager I am sure
  it was going to overwrite so I chose to leave it.
  I want to install kv2.4.8-16mdk in the same /boot partition as
  old kernel version and work out a Lilo boot script to boot it.So
  I bet it isn't that simple ?
  Can I do this ?

 cd to the directory to which you downloaded the kernel.
 Su to root and do:
 rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.8-16mdk.rpm

 Using any editor open /etc/lilo.conf
 Verify that the new kernel image listing was created that the initrd= is
 correct and that the append options are also correct. If you wish for the
 new kernel to be the default edit the 4th line of lilo.conf to read
 default= 248-16 Save the change and exit the editor.

 From the terminal, still as root, enter: lilo
 This writes your new lilo and on your next boot you will have the option to
 boot to either of your installed kernels with the -18 being the default.

 Just so that you can see one that has been altered several time I have
 attached a copy of mine.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Ping

2002-03-19 Thread Brian Parish


If you can't ping, then samba is certainly going to have problems.  Are
you able to post some details of the IP addresses, subnet mask etc. i.e.
Give us a feel for how you have things set up?

On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 03:32, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,
 I cannot ping my vmware Windows95 guest from my LM8.1. I can ping my Linux 
 from the Windows95, but I cannot reach the machine from Linux. Even so, the 
 networking in Win95 is working well. I can see my machine and do anything 
 with all of my Linux files within the vmware Windows. However I have not been 
 able to get the samba networking going in Linux so that I can see my 
 Windows95 machine and files. I have read and tried so many things in Samba, 
 go rid of Bastille, worked with the /etc/hosts.allow and deny files and more. 
 I do not know why I cannot reach the machine yet. Any ideas or suggestions 
 will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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[newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread James Thomas

Hey all,

I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my cable 
modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do to 
accomplish this?



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Re: [newbie] stopped jobs

2002-03-19 Thread Michael

Kill without a signal defaults to asking the process nicely to please quit. If
the process is hung it won't. Try reading chapter 9 in RUTE at

I promise it is worth it.

Then try kill -s 9 XXX (yes XXX is the PID).


David wrote:
 When I attempt to run a kill %PID on a stopped job, nothing happens.  I
 get no error, but a ps x |more shows the job still there.  What can I do
 about this?
 How can I restart the job again?

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[newbie] pan news reader

2002-03-19 Thread Walter Logeman

ed tharp, 
 On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 06:41, in Re: [newbie] best news reader and 
ftp client, you wrote: 

 if you wanted a hotter  version of a news reader, you sure should
 try out pan. the commands are a little different, but I loves
 it... I believe that by itself, it is reason enough to leave
 windows, for the time you are using a news reader anyway.

I am using it for the first time but I cant get the groups in the 
servers i have set up.  I am not sure that i have the settings 
right but the names are right ... can you post up a good news 
server  settings I can test?

Walter Logeman

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.1 cd 3

2002-03-19 Thread Derek Jennings

You can find the individual rpms from cd3 on the ftp servers
Try  It has 8.2 but does not appear in the download list yet so 
it is not overloaded.

CD3 rpms are here 


On Tuesday 19 March 2002 09:28, Heather Reed wrote:
 Hi folks
 Is there anywhere on the net that the 3rd CD can be obtained in bite sized
 chunks? I have the ISOs for 1 and 2 from a mag cover disk, but the 3rd
 wasn't included. Is this because it isn't free? I was installing something
 the other day and software manager asked for it. I've found a complete ISO
 on the net, but I don't have broadband and the download kept timing out
 :-(( Heather

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Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Dan LaBine

James; Do both machines have Internet access? Unless you've got
something new, you should be running 2 network cards in one of the two
machines - 1 to the cablemodem, and the second network card (using a
crossover Cat5 cable) to a network card in the second machine. If that's
a cable/CDL router, and not a hub then what you're saying makes sense.
In either case, check out the following link and have a look at the
sections marked - setting up an NFS server - and - setting up an NFS
client. You'll have to do both (server and client) to each machine.


On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 04:11, James Thomas wrote:
 Hey all,
 I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my cable 
 modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do to 
 accomplish this?
 Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Brian Parish


My guess is that you are using DHCP on both and that both can see the
Internet, but not each other.  Right?  If so, a better setup would be to
make one machine your internet gateway sing connection sharing and the
other a purely local machine.  Your gateway machine could also then be
the firewall, limiting your need to manage security to only one.

If this guesswork is accurate and you need help to make this happen,
have a stroll through the archives, where you'll find 1000 or so
messages about this, then come back with questions anyway ;-)


On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 20:11, James Thomas wrote:
 Hey all,
 I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my cable 
 modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do to 
 accomplish this?
 Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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Re: [newbie] Higher priority for XMMS

2002-03-19 Thread Brian Parish

Have you tried bumping up the buffer sizes?  This can certainly smooth
things out if you have a very peaky load.


On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 13:31, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 The nice scale consists of all the integers running between -20 and 20,
 inclusive. Lower numbers have a higher priority in the system scheduler. By
 default, all applications run with a nice value of 0. An ordinary user is able
 to 'nice' to any value = 0. Anything below zero is only accessible by a root
 user. This means that an ordinary user who wants to allocate more CPU time to a
 process must reduce the priority of their other running processes. This system
 is in place to prevent a user from monopolising system resources.
 On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 13:22:53 -, FLYNN, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I don't think so - any user can nice their own running tasks so nicer
  nice values (i.e. any user can say, this program I am running, it's low
  priority so don't spend too much effort on running it for me) but only root
  has the power to do the opposite (i.e. lower the nice value to make the
  scheduler spend more time on this piece of code).
   -Original Message-
   From: Nelson Bartley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 5:58 PM
   To:   LM Newbie Mailing List
   Subject:  RE: [newbie] Higher priority for XMMS
   so there is no way to give a higher priority to the program from
   within a non-root account?
   On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 10:36, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
You can 'nice' the task, to a lower value to give it more cpu cycles.

However, to do so, you will have to be root anyway. It's easy enough to
with the sudo command though...

-Original Message-
From:   Nelson Bartley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, March 17, 2002 3:29 PM
To: LM Newbie Mailing List
Subject:[newbie] Higher priority for XMMS

I've got a question..

I've been finding that XMMS is skipping a lot on my system. Not
my system isn't fast, but rather because I've got ALOT of things
on on it. (folding, evolution, gaim, gkrellm, mozilla, kdevelop,
gnomeicu, etc...) I was wondering if it were posible to give XMMS a
higher priority (like say realtime)?

(and yes I realize I can log in as root and run the app, but that is
very annoying)


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 Sridhar Dhanapalan
 It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our
 air and water that are doing it. -- Governor George W. Bush, Jr.

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Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-19 Thread john rigby

I have another question...
Do you think it is possible for Windoze to infect linux across a
THAT all sounds like a perfectly normal Windoze scenario to me

But seriously, many times similar things have turned out to be simple
Cheapest overhaul in the world! Another BIG fan.



- Original Message -
To: Lista de Mailing Linux-Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

i may have a penny to add to this thread. but before i start babbling, i
a question for everyone getting a sluggish system after a while.

are you all running KDE?

see ya.


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Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Nelson Bartley

Dude... you forgot the link :)

On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 06:05, Dan LaBine wrote:
 James; Do both machines have Internet access? Unless you've got
 something new, you should be running 2 network cards in one of the two
 machines - 1 to the cablemodem, and the second network card (using a
 crossover Cat5 cable) to a network card in the second machine. If that's
 a cable/CDL router, and not a hub then what you're saying makes sense.
 In either case, check out the following link and have a look at the
 sections marked - setting up an NFS server - and - setting up an NFS
 client. You'll have to do both (server and client) to each machine.
 On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 04:11, James Thomas wrote:
  Hey all,
  I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my cable 
  modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do to 
  accomplish this?
  Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
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[newbie] mandrake 8.1 cd 3

2002-03-19 Thread Heather Reed

Hi folks
Is there anywhere on the net that the 3rd CD can be 
obtained in bite sized chunks? I have the ISOs for 1 and 2 from a mag cover 
disk, but the 3rd wasn't included. Is this because it isn't free? I was 
installing something the other day and software manager asked for it. I've found 
a complete ISO on the net, but I don't have broadband and the download kept 
timing out :-((

RE: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-19 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 I think Damian is on the right track with the RAM replacement approach. 
 If you could get a known good ram module, you might be able to make
 some progress in your diagnosis.
 I assume that your bios is at it's defaults and you haven't make any
 changes to the processor speeds (overclocking, etc).  ?

You MB should have a jumper for reseting CMOS to default.
Try activating the jumper.
On my Soyo Board, I have to remove the power (pull the plug)
and activate the jumper for a few seconds.
I had to do it a couple of times when I was messing with the Config Settings.

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Lanman

I hate it when that happens! Here's the link, dude!

By the way, for those of you who don't know, you can start simplifying your
Linux-related searches by using Google's Linux search page; - for the rest of you, and,... - for us Canucks. You'll find your Linux stuff much


- Original Message -
From: Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: LM Newbie Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

 Dude... you forgot the link :)

 On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 06:05, Dan LaBine wrote:
  James; Do both machines have Internet access? Unless you've got
  something new, you should be running 2 network cards in one of the two
  machines - 1 to the cablemodem, and the second network card (using a
  crossover Cat5 cable) to a network card in the second machine. If that's
  a cable/CDL router, and not a hub then what you're saying makes sense.
  In either case, check out the following link and have a look at the
  sections marked - setting up an NFS server - and - setting up an NFS
  client. You'll have to do both (server and client) to each machine.
  On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 04:11, James Thomas wrote:
   Hey all,
   I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my
   modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do
   accomplish this?
   Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to

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RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vogel, Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:31 AM
Subject: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

I've got an ATAPI ZIP drive installed in my Linux-Mandrake system (running
on a Celeron 533, 256 megs memory), and it's not working (it's the SECOND
device on the SECOND IDE channel and harddrake reports it as hdd). The drive
powers during POST, so I know the connections are good.

I've got the following in my /etc/fstab:
/dev/hdd4 /mnt/zip auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,rw,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0

When I enter mount /mnt/zip with a known-good ZIP disk in the drive, I get
the following:
root.drewvogel:/etc$ mount /mnt/zip
mount: /dev/hdd4 is not a block device

Dmesg reports it as there:
hda: ST36530A, ATA DISK drive
hdb: WDC AC26400R, ATA DISK drive

I'm not sure how to proceed. Can someone help?

Hi, take a look at your /etc/mtab, what does that say for the zip drive? Let us know, this is nudging at my memory, seems like I have the answer in my log at home. I'll check tonight if you don't have a solution by then. 

Dennis M.

RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)
Title: Message

is my /etc/mtab... I've got no experience with it, so I'm attaching the whole 
/dev/hda1 / ext2 rw 0 0none /proc proc rw 0 0devfs /dev devfs 
rw 0 0none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 
0/dev/hda6 /home ext2 rw 0 0/dev/hdb1 /var ext2 rw 0 0/proc/bus/usb 
/proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0automount(pid1179) /misc 
autofs rw,fd=8,pgrp=1179,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0automount(pid1207) /net 
autofs rw,fd=8,pgrp=1207,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0

  -Original Message-From: Myers, Dennis R 
  NWO [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, 
  March 19, 2002 9:54 AMTo: 
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive 
  not working under LM8.1
  -Original Message- From: 
  Behalf Of Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:31 AM To: 
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1 
  I've got an ATAPI ZIP drive installed in my Linux-Mandrake 
  system (running on a Celeron 533, 256 megs memory), 
  and it's not working (it's the SECOND device on the 
  SECOND IDE channel and harddrake reports it as hdd). The drive 
  powers during POST, so I know the connections are 
  I've got the following in my /etc/fstab: /dev/hdd4 /mnt/zip auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,rw,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 
  When I enter "mount /mnt/zip" with a known-good ZIP disk in 
  the drive, I get the following: root.drewvogel:/etc$ mount /mnt/zip mount: 
  /dev/hdd4 is not a block device 
  Dmesg reports it as there: hda: 
  ST36530A, ATA DISK drive hdb: WDC AC26400R, ATA DISK 
  I'm not sure how to proceed. Can someone help? 
  Hi, take a look at your /etc/mtab, what does that say for the 
  zip drive? Let us know, this is nudging at my memory, seems like I have the 
  answer in my log at home. I'll check tonight if you don't have a solution by 
  Dennis M. 

[newbie] corrupted boot-urgent help needed

2002-03-19 Thread Hakan Duran

After accidentally updating my kernel (although I knew I shouldn't), I tried 
to install the original one from the installCDs of 8.1.  During that process 
however, LILO went bad.  There was an error reproted about vmlinuz that I 
don't remember very well now, and setup did not progress any further.  To 
correct (!) the problem, I chose grub instead of lilo, and it seemed to 
work.  At least the setup finished.  Then, everything was OK linuxwise; 
however I can't boot my windows 95 anymore.

I tried Webmin, Drakeconf, Linuxconf but nothing seems to work.  Is there a 
way to make it bootable again without loosing the data?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] Kernel upgrade problem

2002-03-19 Thread Mandrake Newbie


Well you don't update newer kernels, you _install_ them.  Download and

rpm -ivh kernelname

The name is different so it will install alongside the older kernel and 
be bootable.  Updating usually leaves you with a new kernel and modules 
compiled for an older one, which is a sad situation.

Yeah, I know that.  But basically, if I succeed in installing my new kernel-2.4.18 
over my default kernel-2.4.8 of Mandrake 8.1, it would also be called an upgrade 
'cause I won't use my old kernel anymore.

Going back with my problem, anybody knows how to upgrade a newer kernel version using 
XFS (/usr, /home, /etc, /opt, etc...) and ext2 (/boot and /) filesystems and would you 
mind to give me your how-to's?

Thank you in advance.

God bless you all...


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-19 Thread shane

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 00:35, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency and 

 *smiles  giggles* He said snap  upgrade in the same sentence!  :)
 I don't believe that till I see it with my own eyes.

i have to admit, that is my only problem with mandrake, though it effects 
all distros i have tried.  a fresh install _always_ works better than 

i am considering upgrading with 8.2 (both the test machine with 8.2 rc1 on 
it as well as the 8.1 machine) just to see how much damage i can do.  ;-)

We know what we are, but not what we may become -William Shakespeare

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread Mandrake Newbie


I have another suggestion Fix your system time.  I am getting 
letters before you mail them. (and after dealing with 37 inches of snow 
in 24 hours, I am likely to be mildly amused by that)

I overlooked this problem.  I'm using M$ Win98 when I'm reading and sending e-mails 
using this account.  The rest of my jobs, I use my Mandrake 8.1.

Thanks for reminding me.

God bless...


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 17:26, sda wrote:

 Why are they asking for $ and not emphasizing what the benefits are? Why
 are they giving away the ISO's for free rather than following SuSE's
 successful implementation of a preview non-installable iso? If they did
 this alone, it would cut down on the freeloaders burning the distro and
 not contributing. 

Again, there seems to be some unclearness about the nature of free software.  
Someone who copies, uses or redistributes software is not a freeloader, 
he/she is a user.  If he/she contributes something, such as time, money or 
code, he/she is a contributor (said Robin, rather tautologically).  Even 
someone who downloads the system, uses it and recommends it to friends is 
contributing, albeit minimally.  There may be people out there who 
give financial support, write code, document it, and answer questions on 
mailing lists, but they can probably be counted on your fingers.

How many people here actually started their Linux experience by paying for an 
official distribution (I don't count redistributed CDs from Cheapbytes etc.)? 
 And how many who _did_ earn under $15,000 p.a. (a good wage by world 
standards, BTW)?


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread shane

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 07:26, sda opened a hailing frequency and 

 On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 01:11:19PM -0500, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 If they're moving to a subscriber model, then why is it called a club
 and not a subscription service? BTW are you talking offically and are
 you an employee of MandrakeSoft?

just opinion here, but club not only sounds nicer but is more acurate due 
to the community building attempt.  also you get more out it than if you 
simply bought eack boxed set.  or at least that seems to be the plan.

 are they giving away the ISO's for free rather than following SuSE's
 successful implementation of a preview non-installable iso?

again, just opinion, but while i would like to see a live cd of mandrake, 
the day that is only way to download a cd from them is the day i leave.  
suse might earn my respect if it weren't for that.  and i have several 
friends who agree.  and for me mandrakes model is a success.  i am paying 

 If they did
 this alone, it would cut down on the freeloaders burning the distro and
 not contributing. Who really cares about the commercial binaries, not
 many I think. Most come to Mandrake for the ease of installation and
 ease of setup. That's the selling feature they must concentrate on.

while true, and while i really wish places like cheapbytes didn't burn cds 
and make a killing off of mandrake (and others) hard work, i think the club 
subscription can partlly combat this.  you can still get it free, but the 
idea you are contributing, for just a few bucks a month, plus get software 
not on either the downloads or even the box set, is hard to pass up.

 Yes I guess I was delusional when I bought 5k shares last year. I
 expect MandrakeSoft to make a profit, sooner rather than later. On track
 to make a profit means absolutely nothing to me, when I was promised the
 same thing at the end of 1st quarter 2002. You see I believe in this
 distro technically, just not sure I can say the same thing about how it
 runs it's business or executes a somewhat dubuious business plan.

short term investing?  well i won't get into that discussion, but i hope 
they do well for your investments too.

one mans theology is anothers belly laugh -heinlein

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread Mandrake Newbie


Yes, it is OK.  Put the actual servers behind that one.  There is a 
package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all those 
components and is configurable from the local network side by a web 
browser--quite a neat package.

I tried installing Mandrake SNF before but it doesn't support my old Intel Pentium 
166, 32MB RAM, 14' VGA 640x480 monitor and using BTC 40x IDE CD-ROM drive.  So, 
eventhough I would like to try Mandrake SNF, I wasn't able to install it.




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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrakey

2002-03-19 Thread shane

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 07:34, sda opened a hailing frequency and 

 On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 10:11:10PM +1000, john rigby wrote:

  A fellow walked in to the office of a certain astoundingly successful
  sales organisation and was stunned to learn that the fellow wandering
  around the plush conference room was the Sales Dept. Concierge. His

 You listening MandrakeSoft?

in the name of all that is good i hope not.

salesmen are not like programmers or anything else.  salesmen are slimey 
ppl who get you to spend hard earned cash on something you may or may not 
need, but they have in stock.  in a world where information is freely 
shared and ppl can form their own _informed_ opinion, salesmen would be 

salesmen gave us windows, lawyers protect it.  both should be shot on site, 
no questions asked.

If I admit I was wrong, I am only saying I am wiser today than yesterday.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 10:12, sda wrote:

 Well, I don't know what you call a troll where you come from, I've been
 here for a couple of years [anyway], and I have offered support on these
 lists from time to time and no, I'm not a troll, thank-you very much.
 BTW you didn't address my statement re Caldera but only critiqued my
 tone, seems to me you're more of the troll...
 Perhaps I didn't address the rest because I agree with it somewhat? Put
 your thinking cap on man and read on.
   -^-   -^-
   ?   ?Steve
 '   `

I unclog my nose in your general direc-tion!

Plus your sig still looks stupid.

Feeding the trolls again,


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread ed tharp

damn Jon, you are Certainly full of your self. CivilMe is one of those 
that understand and make the company work. 
Only a self sold salesman would be so damn blind to the real world to make 
a statement that the only folks that count are salesman. have you considered 
that _your_ (and I do mean) Slanted view might be considered very Bourgeois 
and basicly asinine? being multi-syllabic does not make you intelligent, 
just windy, and altho that may work in the world o sales, in the world of 
technicians, it does not wash my shorts. Sales people willingly tell stories 
about things they have no real Idea about, since their reputation is built on 
sales, and not on the satisfaction of customers. that is the basic reason 
we get a different answer to the question of is the product a good one, when 
you ask the salesman and the technician or mechanic. while it is important 
for the salesman to have great confidence in his self, the same would be a 
disaster for a good tech. the same holds true as to why few techs ever make 
the change to sales. Personal integrity is too important to them to be a BS 
artists that being a good salesman requires. let me say this from the bottom 
of my heart, as one of the folks in this world who does create added value 
everyday to support myself and a number of others, and who is regularly 
called on to change the salesmans lies to customer satisfaction SALESMEN are 

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 07:11, you wrote:
 Hi Civilme,
 You ARE a nice competent person in this geeky area, but you are exactly
 like me floundering around out in the bog of open source/sauce when it
 comes to the real world.
 Re your points below. They are lovely. They are unreal. They didn't work
 for Concurrent Dos, or Amiga, or RedHat or anyone else before and they
 don't work now. The case isn't for pontification, but elucidation and it is
 a simple question of actuality.
 This is the real world. It is made up of numbers.

 Your points:

 1. Makes no sense. You've never been invited inside Redmond obviously.
 There are always a few key people that make a corporation go. Very few. In
 a thousand employees, maybe 20 to 30 are extremely valuable. Not
 irreplaceable - simply valuable.  You may be confusing esprit de corp?
 You ought to see how people fire up when the money rolls in!  Talk to the
 hungries on the outside at Redmond looking in at the salaried/optioned
 inner ring. Redmond only need to run ads to satisfy the weird laws of
 You ought to get in between two linux opponents!  Say a SUSE fanatic and a
 Mandrake one!  I did it was reminiscent of my last trip to Ireland!

 2.  Wouldn't happen. Show those people who are useful some appreciation
 ($) and it is amazing what happens. My professional trick for years
 in turning around sick companies was always the same simple routine - and
 nobody ever noticed. Here it is free, now that I'm retired :_)
 First I spent money on the staff amenities. Paint, repair potholes in the
 staff parking lot. Gave hefty increases to ANY positive and apparently
 useful staff . Arranged TOTAL staff Sales Training. Turned everyone into
 salespeople - the only CRITICAL people in any organisation. Unless the
 product was dead, dead, it worked every time. I used to have my people do
 an MLM-type pitch to the people. It was a lot of fun. Saved an awful lot of
 jobs. RedHat is downsizing, too.

 3. I wouldn't do it! I finally got clever in my old age and the one part of
 ANY industry I would never do anything in, is the cheap end. I don't
 believe in selling suitcases for $6,  I'd rather sell Louis Viton valises
 for $6,000. But if, if I did and I offered 5 year contracts at a decent
 living wage to to the few people  I'd want, there would be no shortage of
 applicants, THAT I can assure you. It would only be competent ones that
 would be in short supply - as always.

 One last odd true story from the real world.
 Then I'm bowing out of this to wait and see...
 A fellow walked in to the office of a certain astoundingly successful sales
 organisation and was stunned to learn that the fellow wandering around the
 plush conference room was the Sales Dept. Concierge. His job was to do
 all the little things for the salespeople like pick up their laundry,
 theatre tickets, take their cars for service/washing. He thought it was a
 gimmick. An extravagance to hold the staff. It came as a great shock to him
 to learn that he, as a Director of a large company, didn't earn as much as
 these salespeople per year. And HE didn't rate a Concierge!  But he was
 only a Director. He was easily replaceable. A professional Salesman is like
 a self-organised Software Engineer who can spell! He makes or breaks the
 company. He pays everyone's wages. And it is extremely silly to use such a
 man's time for picking up laundry, who brings in x millions of dollars per
 year from his time.
 But they were all replaceable, they knew 

Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Mandrake Newbie wrote:
 Yes, it is OK.  Put the actual servers behind that one.  There is a 
 package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all those 
 components and is configurable from the local network side by a web 
 browser--quite a neat package.
 I tried installing Mandrake SNF before but it doesn't support my old Intel Pentium 
166, 32MB RAM, 14' VGA 640x480 monitor and using BTC 40x IDE CD-ROM drive.  So, 
eventhough I would like to try Mandrake SNF, I wasn't able to install it.

Get the source and  compile it.

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Connection sharing reconfiguration.

2002-03-19 Thread daRcmaTTeR

FemmeFatale wrote:
 OK I have bastille installed... now how to I use this interactive setup
 Haven't looked for it, not knowing where to just point  i'll


Do you mean to harden your entire system with Bastille, or just install 
and configure a firewall?

If you're going to do the first then issue this command as root in a 


If it's the second you're looking to do then simply access the Tiny 
Firewall utility in Mandrake Control Center. This will setup and 
initialize Bastille Firewall on your system.

The two processes are distinctly different and I would strongly caution 
anyone that using InteractiveBastille to conffigure a firewall is like 
using a 12guage shotgun to swat a fly. It's not a good idea. Especially 
if you don't know what you're doing. InteractiveBastille is a very 
powerful tool and you can literally lock your system down so hard that 
you'll end up having to reload the thing just to check your email.

just a word of caution...


I suppose I should have a pithy saying here...
The brain reports all neurons busy processing sub-routines
are currently occupied. Retry your query in five minutes.

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[newbie] Is there a rpm for oracle in php 4.0.6 for Mandrake?

2002-03-19 Thread Yu-Hsin Chen

I'm trying to have php work with oracle on my Mandrake 8.0.

I have reinstalled php 4.0.6-3.2mdk using software manager.  It only has
php-mysql and php-pgsql packages.  Is there a package that will work
with oracle?

My apache right now is 1.3.22-1.2mdk.

Yu-Hsin Chen

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 10:26, sda wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 01:11:19PM -0500, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

  I believe that Sridhar's point was that they are NOT holding out their
  hands with a plea, they are moving to a subscription model of
  business; seems to me that YOU are the one that's delusional.  You're
  just seeing what you want to see, or pushing an agenda that you want to
  push.  It's already been stated elsewhere and here the details and
  advantages of the business plan they have; you're just not reading.
 If they're moving to a subscriber model, then why is it called a club
 and not a subscription service? BTW are you talking offically and are
 you an employee of MandrakeSoft? 

lol. Guess I should have expected that sooner or later.  No, I am not an
employee of MandrakeSoft, nor am I affiliated with them in any way other
than having subscribed to the club and use of their distro.

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RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: Message

-Original Message-From: 
Behalf Of Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 
9:28 AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Myers, Dennis R 
NWOSubject: RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under 
is my /etc/mtab... I've got no experience with it, so I'm attaching the whole 
/dev/hda1 / ext2 rw 0 
0none /proc proc rw 0 0devfs /dev devfs rw 0 0none /dev/pts devpts 
rw,mode=0620 0 0none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0/dev/hda6 /home ext2 rw 0 
0/dev/hdb1 /var ext2 rw 0 0/proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs 
rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0automount(pid1179) /misc autofs 
rw,fd=8,pgrp=1179,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0automount(pid1207) /net autofs 
rw,fd=8,pgrp=1207,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0[Myers, Dennis R 

Ok, the problem I see is that there is no entry 
inmtab for the hdd device. Mtab is mounttable. Again I am not at 
home, and using a M$ computer so I can't give you the entry, but if someone on 
the list will jump in here and provide a line. I think that you need to add an 
entry in lilo append line also. Have you tried going to harddrake and seeing if 
the zip shows up there, if so, is the configuration bar active at 
thebottom of the screen.If it iscan you do a configuration 
from there? I will check the entry for mtab and a zip device when 
Ican get to my home office computer, assuming we don't have some help from 
the list by then. HTH

Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread ed tharp

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 11:34, you wrote:
 On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Mandrake Newbie wrote:
  Yes, it is OK.  Put the actual servers behind that one.  There is a
  package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all those
  components and is configurable from the local network side by a web
  browser--quite a neat package.
  I tried installing Mandrake SNF before but it doesn't support my old
  Intel Pentium 166, 32MB RAM, 14' VGA 640x480 monitor and using BTC 40x
  IDE CD-ROM drive.  So, eventhough I would like to try Mandrake SNF, I
  wasn't able to install it.
why would it not support it? mayhaps you had some configuration problem that 
the fine folks on this list could have helped with, since the hardware you 
list should be no problem w/ SNF

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread daRcmaTTeR

AMEN!  Sridhar

 well said!


I suppose I should have a pithy saying here...
The brain reports all neurons busy processing sub-routines
are currently occupied. Retry your query in five minutes.

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[newbie] alcatel speedTouch usb...

2002-03-19 Thread Nicola Spreafico

Salve a tutti e grazie in anticipo per l'attenzione,
ho da poco installato Mandrake 8.1 sul mio pc di casa e vorrei riuscire a
collegarmi ad internet. All'installazione ha riconosciuto subito il mio
modem, come da titolo un Alcatel speedTouch usb adsl. Nonostante la grande
quantità di HOWTO per adsl sembrano quasi tutti rivolgersi alla versione per
modem ethernet. Io ho montato anche una scheda ethernet che viene
riconosciuta e funzione correttamente.
Il modem sembra funzionare, il problema credo che sia nella connessione.
Dico ciò perchè un paio di volte sono anche riuscito a collegarmi (in
maniera del tutto casuale e con procedure utilizzate e riutilizzate).
Il mio ISP è telecom. Se qualcuno di voi ha già risolto il problema gl sarei
molto grato se condividesse con me la soluzione.

/*Nicola Spreafico*/

Non hai veramente capito qualcosa fino a quando non sei in grado di
spiegarlo a tua nonna.

Albert Einstein

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RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)
Title: Message


I hope 
that mtab is the problem, and that it can be solved. I really liked being able 
to use my ZIP drive! If you (or someone else reading this!) can tell me what the 
correct entry into mtab would be, I would appreciate it.

I also 
found information about "/etc/auto.misc" out there, and MY /etc/auto.misc shows 
the following. Does it shed any light?
# $Id: auto.misc,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:04 hpa Exp $# This is an 
automounter map and it has the following format# key [ 
-mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location# Details may be found in the 
autofs(5) manpage

-fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev :/dev/cdrom

# the following entries are samples to pique your 
-fstype=auto,rw,nosuid,nodev :/dev/zip

  -Original Message-From: Myers, Dennis R 
  NWO [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, 
  March 19, 2002 11:00 AMTo: 
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive 
  not working under LM8.1
  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 
  9:28 AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Myers, Dennis R 
  NWOSubject: RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under 
  is my /etc/mtab... I've got no experience with it, so I'm attaching the whole 
  /dev/hda1 / ext2 rw 
  0 0none /proc proc rw 0 0devfs /dev devfs rw 0 0none /dev/pts 
  devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0/dev/hda6 /home ext2 
  rw 0 0/dev/hdb1 /var ext2 rw 0 0/proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs 
  rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0automount(pid1179) /misc autofs 
  rw,fd=8,pgrp=1179,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0automount(pid1207) /net autofs 
  rw,fd=8,pgrp=1207,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0[Myers, Dennis R 
  Ok, the problem I see is that there is no entry 
  inmtab for the hdd device. Mtab is mounttable. Again I am not at 
  home, and using a M$ computer so I can't give you the entry, but if someone on 
  the list will jump in here and provide a line. I think that you need to add an 
  entry in lilo append line also. Have you tried going to harddrake and seeing 
  if the zip shows up there, if so, is the configuration bar active at 
  thebottom of the screen.If it iscan you do a configuration 
  from there? I will check the entry for mtab and a zip device when 
  Ican get to my home office computer, assuming we don't have some help 
  from the list by then. HTH

Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-19 Thread David ..

Have a search at one of these mirrors:

Subject: Re: [newbie] And their OFF!   8.2 is now out!!
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 10:58:53 -0500

On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 08:07:46PM -0300, Damian wrote:
  El lun, 18-03-2002 a las 18:53, David .. escribió:
   Go and get them
   Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to
  whoa!! should have the mail checker open always... looks
  like they are too busy and timing out.. :o(
  well anyway this can't be bad, i mean lots of ppl want it. ;o)
  i hope it's three times the people that used 8.1. they deserve it.

NOT three x the people that used it - 3x the people that PAID for it last
time...important distinction. Casual users is the last thing
MandrakeSoft needs right now.

   -^-   -^-
   ?   ?Steve
 '   `

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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 18:31, ed tharp wrote:
 damn Jon, you are Certainly full of your self. CivilMe is one of those
 that understand and make the company work.
 Only a self sold salesman would be so damn blind to the real world to
 make a statement that the only folks that count are salesman. have you
 considered that _your_ (and I do mean) Slanted view might be considered
 very Bourgeois and basicly asinine? being multi-syllabic does not make you
 intelligent, just windy, and altho that may work in the world o sales, in
 the world of technicians, it does not wash my shorts. Sales people
 willingly tell stories about things they have no real Idea about, since
 their reputation is built on sales, and not on the satisfaction of
 customers. that is the basic reason we get a different answer to the
 question of is the product a good one, when you ask the salesman and the
 technician or mechanic. while it is important for the salesman to have
 great confidence in his self, the same would be a disaster for a good tech.
 the same holds true as to why few techs ever make the change to sales.
 Personal integrity is too important to them to be a BS artists that being a
 good salesman requires. let me say this from the bottom of my heart, as one
 of the folks in this world who does create added value everyday to support
 myself and a number of others, and who is regularly called on to change the
 salesmans lies to customer satisfaction SALESMEN are Assholes

It depends.  A _good_ sales(wo)man realises that the result aimed at is for 
the customer to end up with the product that suits them best, not to sell 
them any old crap.


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Re: [newbie] corrupted boot-urgent help needed

2002-03-19 Thread Steve Maytum

Hakan , unless i'm mistaken the answer is quite simple. Shutdown your PC
re-boot with a Windows start-up floppy and re-install your Win95. This
overwrites MBR but provided you have a Linux boot floppy you can get back
into your Linux. Then re-write lilo/conf file (i think) and from a shell
Issue command to run /sbin/lilo. Check with others correct file to edit when
back in Linux. HTH! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Hakan Duran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 3:30 PM
Subject: [newbie] corrupted boot-urgent help needed

 After accidentally updating my kernel (although I knew I shouldn't), I
 to install the original one from the installCDs of 8.1.  During that
 however, LILO went bad.  There was an error reproted about vmlinuz that I
 don't remember very well now, and setup did not progress any further.  To
 correct (!) the problem, I chose grub instead of lilo, and it seemed to
 work.  At least the setup finished.  Then, everything was OK linuxwise;
 however I can't boot my windows 95 anymore.

 I tried Webmin, Drakeconf, Linuxconf but nothing seems to work.  Is there
 way to make it bootable again without loosing the data?

 Thanks in advance,


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RE: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread Robin

Just an add-on reply. P166 with 32MB should be enough to run SNF, it may
not be snappy, but it works, I had it running on a P120. Have you tried
text mode install?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of ed tharp
 Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 9:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions
 On Tuesday 19 March 2002 11:34, you wrote:
  On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Mandrake Newbie wrote:
   Yes, it is OK.  Put the actual servers behind that one.  
 There is a 
   package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all 
   those components and is configurable from the local 
 network side by 
   a web browser--quite a neat package.
   I tried installing Mandrake SNF before but it doesn't 
 support my old 
   Intel Pentium 166, 32MB RAM, 14' VGA 640x480 monitor and 
 using BTC 
   40x IDE CD-ROM drive.  So, eventhough I would like to try 
   SNF, I wasn't able to install it.
 why would it not support it? mayhaps you had some 
 configuration problem that 
 the fine folks on this list could have helped with, since the 
 hardware you 
 list should be no problem w/ SNF

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Re: [newbie] SCSI dialog box problem Linux-Mandrake 7.2

2002-03-19 Thread Joel G. Viney

At 12:49 PM 03/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Joel G. Viney wrote:
  I'm installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 from CD.  I get to the Setup Filesystems
  section.  A dialog box pops up asking Do you have any SCSI Interface?  I
  do not so I click No.  The dialog box keeps popping up and I can't get
  past it.
  I'm installing it on a P-II 233mhz machine w/ 295MB of RAM.

Just a shot in the dark: IIRC, there is an option to View Hardware --
have you tried that -- maybe there is a SCSI device, or something that
Mandrake thinks is a SCSI.  (IIUC, some of the very early CD-Roms that
used proprietary interfaces were actually SCSI or a variety thereof.

Randy Kramer

Hi Randy,
The CD ROM is Creative Labs 4X CD ROM.  It came out in 95/96 so it would 
have been at the beginning of the PnP era.  I'll check it out.


-   Qualcomm, Eudora Mail Pro 5.1   -
ICQ: 5512737   AIM: LdEaldred
Federal Way, WA
Hans   1957 VW Karmann Ghia
Wolfgang 1971 VW Westfalia Camper  Der Krieglastwagen
Goro1995 Nissan Pickup
The voice of God, if you really want to know, is Aretha Franklin.
Marianne Faithful
Want cheap long distance calling?
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Re: [newbie] Kernel upgrade problem

2002-03-19 Thread Derek Jennings

 Going back with my problem, anybody knows how to upgrade a newer kernel
 version using XFS (/usr, /home, /etc, /opt, etc...) and ext2 (/boot and /)
 filesystems and would you mind to give me your how-to's?

Well if it is any use to you.
All my partitions are XFS, and I did not have to do anything special when 
installing new kernels.  It just works...


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Re: [newbie] SCSI dialog box problem Linux-Mandrake 7.2

2002-03-19 Thread Joel G. Viney

At 10:22 AM 03/19/2002 -0800, you wrote:
At 12:49 PM 03/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Joel G. Viney wrote:
  I'm installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 from CD.  I get to the Setup Filesystems
  section.  A dialog box pops up asking Do you have any SCSI Interface?  I
  do not so I click No.  The dialog box keeps popping up and I can't get
  past it.
  I'm installing it on a P-II 233mhz machine w/ 295MB of RAM.

Just a shot in the dark: IIRC, there is an option to View Hardware --
have you tried that -- maybe there is a SCSI device, or something that
Mandrake thinks is a SCSI.  (IIUC, some of the very early CD-Roms that
used proprietary interfaces were actually SCSI or a variety thereof.

Randy Kramer

Hi Randy,
The CD ROM is Creative Labs 4X CD ROM.  It came out in 95/96 so it would 
have been at the beginning of the PnP era.  I'll check it out.

Well, I can't find a View Hardware option for the installation.  I can 
choose F1 for Expert/Text/Normal installations and that is it.  It seems 
like the install program is caught in a loop.
-   Qualcomm, Eudora Mail Pro 5.1   -
ICQ: 5512737   AIM: LdEaldred
Federal Way, WA
Hans   1957 VW Karmann Ghia
Wolfgang 1971 VW Westfalia Camper  Der Krieglastwagen
Goro1995 Nissan Pickup
The voice of God, if you really want to know, is Aretha Franklin.
Marianne Faithful
Want cheap long distance calling?
Try 10 - 10 - Pi
The more digits you dial, the greater the savings!!

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Re: [newbie] Willing to run Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-19 Thread Charles A Edwards

On 19 Mar 2002 13:28:11 -0500
Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you get the sound working with this motherboard?  Just wondering
 whether Soyo's on-board sound was supported by Mandrake.

Both the sound and the onboard network adapter work without problem in Mandrake.

Should you choose both can also be disabled in the BIOS.

I have been running an XP1900+ with the Dragon+ since Jan and it is great.


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Re: [newbie] Kernel upgrade problem

2002-03-19 Thread shane

and you might try a few diferent kernels, it may simply be that one of 
those kernels doesn't match your system in some way.  i myself have 4 
kernels installed but one of them refuses to boot.

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 10:27, Derek Jennings opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:


  Going back with my problem, anybody knows how to upgrade a newer kernel
  version using XFS (/usr, /home, /etc, /opt, etc...) and ext2 (/boot and
  /) filesystems and would you mind to give me your how-to's?

 Well if it is any use to you.
 All my partitions are XFS, and I did not have to do anything special when
 installing new kernels.  It just works...


The box said 'Requires Windows 95 or better.' So I installed LINUX

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Re: [newbie] Willing to run Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-19 Thread Ron Grace

i see your running a soyo, did you get it from tiger direct? and do you like
it i am thinking about building one of there kits. did you by the kit and
how long did it take to put together thanks Ron
- Original Message -
From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Willing to run Dragon Plus MB

 On 19 Mar 2002 13:28:11 -0500
 Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Did you get the sound working with this motherboard?  Just wondering
  whether Soyo's on-board sound was supported by Mandrake.

 Both the sound and the onboard network adapter work without problem in

 Should you choose both can also be disabled in the BIOS.

 I have been running an XP1900+ with the Dragon+ since Jan and it is great.


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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 13:26, Damian wrote:

 i knew sooner or later it would come down to this
 come on, now. you can to better that that. if you just don't agree you
 could stop the discussion period. neither of you are the ones that
 decide this matter for Mandrakesoft so why should you start calling each
 other names over it. 

I agree totally.  The entire exchange was repulsive, not to mention
horrible and slightly amusing. I move that the participants be strung up
and tortured with naked women in wet t-shirts. (oops.  scratch the
t-shirt thing).  ;
 Mandrakesoft has people inside that do this kind of thinking and it's 
 their bet which counts. ( and i'm pretty damn positive anything we can
 say in here will affect their choices. )

Ahrrrmmm...yes of course you are right.

 maybe we all can come up with some brilliant way to make this distro the
 most widely used, made by the richest enterprise and with the most
 employees. but if it's going to end up this way, we better keep it to

Well said.

 i've migrated successfully to linux because of this list, let's just
 help mandrake in whatever way we can, and hope for the best. in the
 meantime, let's keep this list as cool as it always has been.
Hear hear !

Tongue in cheek,


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Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-19 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 06:05, Roger Sherman wrote:
 If it's no trouble, yeah, that would be great! He sounds like quite
 the authority. I did see Soyo on the recommended list...I can't
 remember, I think they might have had onboard sound, and I'm
 determined to use my SB Live

Well, I'm a Soyo fan, but wasn't real thrilled when they started 
integrating sound. Went ahead an got a k7vta pro almost a year ago an 
it's been flawless, even tho I'm oc'd to the hilt. Anyhow the onboard 
AC97 works great... I was plesantly surprised.  NBD tho to use a 
different card, the onboard sound is easily disabled by a bios 
setting. I tried it, it works. Both the k7vta and Dragon boards are 
AMD and LinuxHardware approved for the high end Athlons. So it's not 
just me that likes 'em ;)

   The original poster mentioned expense. The k7vta pro is very 
inexpensive and works great with any old sdram.  One thing Soyo 
boards are noted for is great ram performance.  I'm usin ancient 
pc100 sdram at 135Mhz Cas2 4bank interleaved. Runs memtest86 or 
cpuburn (burnK7 and burnMMX) endlessly with -0- errors. Competes 
favorably with many DDR systems.
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Ping

2002-03-19 Thread Marcia

Dear Brian,

Thank you for your answer. I will gather the info you asked for within the 
next few days and send in. I know Samba cannot work right if I cannot even 
Ping. Of course the networking works fine on the vmware Win95 side.  Thank 
you for your attention on this matter.



On Tuesday 19 March 2002 04:32 am, you wrote:

 If you can't ping, then samba is certainly going to have problems.  Are
 you able to post some details of the IP addresses, subnet mask etc. i.e.
 Give us a feel for how you have things set up?


 On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 03:32, Marcia wrote:
  Dear All,
  I cannot ping my vmware Windows95 guest from my LM8.1. I can ping my
  Linux from the Windows95, but I cannot reach the machine from Linux. Even
  so, the networking in Win95 is working well. I can see my machine and do
  anything with all of my Linux files within the vmware Windows. However I
  have not been able to get the samba networking going in Linux so that I
  can see my Windows95 machine and files. I have read and tried so many
  things in Samba, go rid of Bastille, worked with the /etc/hosts.allow and
  deny files and more. I do not know why I cannot reach the machine yet.
  Any ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Re: [newbie] SCSI dialog box problem Linux-Mandrake 7.2

2002-03-19 Thread Randy Kramer

Joel G. Viney wrote:
 I'm installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 from CD.  I get to the Setup Filesystems
 section.  A dialog box pops up asking Do you have any SCSI Interface?  I
 do not so I click No.  The dialog box keeps popping up and I can't get
 past it.
 I'm installing it on a P-II 233mhz machine w/ 295MB of RAM.

Just a shot in the dark: IIRC, there is an option to View Hardware --
have you tried that -- maybe there is a SCSI device, or something that
Mandrake thinks is a SCSI.  (IIUC, some of the very early CD-Roms that
used proprietary interfaces were actually SCSI or a variety thereof.

Randy Kramer

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AW: [newbie] mandrake 8.1 cd 3

2002-03-19 Thread - vom adi -
Title: Nachricht

so if 
your willing to wait some time i send you a copy 

names adrian , and i know your problem :) haha ...
i was 
used to get rid with modem for a long time , but alot of people supported me and 
send me cds from all over the world

i can 
send the package through my company , so no postage payage , and there a re alot 
of empty cds lying in my appartement , i'm sure i can spend 1 or 2 for you :)) 

- keep the X in your system - or go and watch anime - 

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-Von: 
  Auftrag von Heather ReedGesendet: Dienstag, 19. März 2002 
  10:29An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Betreff: [newbie] 
  mandrake 8.1 cd 3
  Hi folks
  Is there anywhere on the net that the 3rd CD can 
  be obtained in bite sized chunks? I have the ISOs for 1 and 2 from a mag cover 
  disk, but the 3rd wasn't included. Is this because it isn't free? I was 
  installing something the other day and software manager asked for it. I've 
  found a complete ISO on the net, but I don't have broadband and the download 
  kept timing out :-((

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread James Thomas

Oh!, I didn't know I needed to do this. I thought if I just used a hub, I 
could do that! What's the link btw? Yeah, both machines have internet 


James; Do both machines have Internet access? Unless you've got
something new, you should be running 2 network cards in one of the two
machines - 1 to the cablemodem, and the second network card (using a
crossover Cat5 cable) to a network card in the second machine. If that's
a cable/CDL router, and not a hub then what you're saying makes sense.
In either case, check out the following link and have a look at the
sections marked - setting up an NFS server - and - setting up an NFS
client. You'll have to do both (server and client) to each machine.


On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 04:11, James Thomas wrote:
  Hey all,
  I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my cable
  modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do 
  accomplish this?
  Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread James Thomas

Oh, I connect to each of them just fine but I want to be able to get files 
just by using cp, mv, or whatever without going over the internet.


Hi James! Don't know how much help I can be, I'm no networking expert, but
I have 2 linux boxes hooked up to a RP 114 netgear router, and I can ssh
into the other box from this one with no problem. What model hub are you

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Re: [newbie] Willing to run Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-19 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:32:48 -0500
Ron Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i see your running a soyo, did you get it from tiger direct? and do you like
 it i am thinking about building one of there kits. did you by the kit and
 how long did it take to put together thanks Ron

NO!! Tiger Direct

The BBB give them a very poor rating.

I ordered my parts from various online vendors that I have dealt with before, using 
price/shipping charges/in stock as a criteria.

Use and it will give you many sources, with several offering better 
prices than Tiger Direct.

I have built several system so that now it takes me only about 30min to put one 

If this will be your first time my suggestion would be to completely read the MOBO 
manual before you start anything.

There is nothing hard to building your own as long as you do not allow the process to 
intimidate you and as long as you understand the direction's.

Good luck


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Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread James Thomas

yeah, they both use DHCP. I pay an extra $6/month for both of them - I need 
both computers to be accessible online so I pay the extra money.


My guess is that you are using DHCP on both and that both can see the
Internet, but not each other.  Right?  If so, a better setup would be to
make one machine your internet gateway sing connection sharing and the
other a purely local machine.  Your gateway machine could also then be
the firewall, limiting your need to manage security to only one.

If this guesswork is accurate and you need help to make this happen,
have a stroll through the archives, where you'll find 1000 or so
messages about this, then come back with questions anyway ;-)


On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 20:11, James Thomas wrote:
  Hey all,
  I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my cable
  modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do 
  accomplish this?
  Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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Re: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) wrote:
 I've got an ATAPI ZIP drive installed in my Linux-Mandrake system (running
 on a Celeron 533, 256 megs memory), and it's not working (it's the SECOND
 device on the SECOND IDE channel and harddrake reports it as hdd). The drive
 powers during POST, so I know the connections are good.
 I've got the following in my /etc/fstab:
 /dev/hdd4 /mnt/zip auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,rw,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 When I enter mount /mnt/zip with a known-good ZIP disk in the drive, I get
 the following:
 root.drewvogel:/etc$ mount /mnt/zip
 mount: /dev/hdd4 is not a block device
 Dmesg reports it as there:
 hda: ST36530A, ATA DISK drive
 hdb: WDC AC26400R, ATA DISK drive
 I'm not sure how to proceed. Can someone help?

Hi Andrew. I tried helping you before, guess I failed. Sorry. Just out of
curiosity, are you running Mandrake v8.1? If so, I would suggest (as a last
resort) disabling devfs. Its caused problems in various places on other users

Here, I couldn't burn CD's with my CDRW until I disabled it.

As root, go to /etc/lilo.conf and edit it. See the line about devfs? If it is
enabled, use what I have below. I hope this helps you, because otherwise I
just really don't know...

append= devfs=nomount quiet  (this is the line here!)

See ya later...


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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread civileme

Mandrake Newbie wrote:


Yes, it is OK.  Put the actual servers behind that one.  There is a 
package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all those 
components and is configurable from the local network side by a web 
browser--quite a neat package.

I tried installing Mandrake SNF before but it doesn't support my old Intel Pentium 
166, 32MB RAM, 14' VGA 640x480 monitor and using BTC 40x IDE CD-ROM drive.  So, 
eventhough I would like to try Mandrake SNF, I wasn't able to install it.




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Hmmm...  How did the install fail?  SNF has a newer 2.2 kernel than the 
original and the newer one overcomes some errors that could be 
attributed to the strange timing and unique geometry of some WD drives. 
 There is no real reason an SNF install should fail on such a system.  I 
am running it on an IBM PC350 P166 with 32Mb of RAM and two network 
cards.  Of course, I do have to keep a mouse attached so the BIOS will 
allow a boot, but the video and keyboard were long ago removed.

You cannot have any other system on a machine running SNF.  Dual-boots 
are impossible.


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[newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

2002-03-19 Thread Miark

Win4lin users:

The 8.2 kernel/patches are now available
available via the installer. They'll also be 
posted to their web site by tomorrow morning.


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[newbie] Dvorak

2002-03-19 Thread Maila Garcia

Actually, I agree with him. Ease of use is probably real world larger than
the Adobe Photoshop factor. I think that Mandrake has gone the furthest in
that direction. It's my favorite distribution.
Michael Garcia

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Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-19 Thread Roger Sherman

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Charlie wrote:

 Agreed. I'll be happy to buy a box set as soon as it's available at my local 
 everything in software including the 'bugware' store. A pain to go all the 
 way downtown but I refuse to do transactions of any kind online.

I'm downloading it now, but will be buying it as well. I bought the 8.1 
PowerPack, and except for being mildly annoyed at it's assertion that you 
get commercial software with it when you really just get trialware, I 
really thought I got much more than my moneys worth.

 On March 19, 2002 08:58 am, Steve spake thusly:
  NOT three x the people that used it - 3x the people that PAID for it last
  time...important distinction. Casual users is the last thing
  MandrakeSoft needs right now.




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] supporting Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread David

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 10:57:31 -0500
ed tharp ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From my own perspective, the tee shirts from the Mandrake store are
 about babe magnets. I had two strippers try and pick me up in the
 computer section of BestBuy, to get me to set up a webcam, and since i
 had a shirt on that said linux they decided I MUST know all about the
 internet and how it runs. (sure did bug my wife, who was looking at
 refridgerators, and came over to tell me she found the one she wanted,
 about the time I accecpted their card with home address). I say just get
 an entire outfit. and Please, Mandrake Store, get more selection (I was
 wearing the polo shirt w/ crashtesters on it) 

Thanks do for the tip. ;) 

 On Tuesday 19 March 2002 02:16, you wrote:
  On Tuesday 19 March 2002 01:06 am, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
   I don't understand all the fuss. Either give them a whopping $5 a
   month, or don't. I chose to. I've used Mandrake for a good while and
   I can spare the $5. It's like one less trip to McDonalds each month.
   I think I can handle it.
  I'll second that.  Seems like the choice is simple.  Support a dynamic
  team of people dedicated to pushing our artform to science, or send
  your ransom to Redmond.
  I don't do McDonalds though.  Guess I'll give up something else.


Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Roger Sherman

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Lanman wrote:

 I hate it when that happens! Here's the link, dude!
 By the way, for those of you who don't know, you can start simplifying your
 Linux-related searches by using Google's Linux search page; - for the rest of you, and,...

Nice! Thanks, I never knew aboot that... - for us Canucks. You'll find your Linux stuff much
 - Original Message -
 From: Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: LM Newbie Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 6:36 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers
  Dude... you forgot the link :)
  On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 06:05, Dan LaBine wrote:
   James; Do both machines have Internet access? Unless you've got
   something new, you should be running 2 network cards in one of the two
   machines - 1 to the cablemodem, and the second network card (using a
   crossover Cat5 cable) to a network card in the second machine. If that's
   a cable/CDL router, and not a hub then what you're saying makes sense.
   In either case, check out the following link and have a look at the
   sections marked - setting up an NFS server - and - setting up an NFS
   client. You'll have to do both (server and client) to each machine.
   On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 04:11, James Thomas wrote:
Hey all,
I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my
modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do
accomplish this?
Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-19 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 00:47, Roger Sherman wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Charlie wrote:
  Agreed. I'll be happy to buy a box set as soon as it's available at my
  local everything in software including the 'bugware' store. A pain to
  go all the way downtown but I refuse to do transactions of any kind

 I'm downloading it now, but will be buying it as well. I bought the 8.1
 PowerPack, and except for being mildly annoyed at it's assertion that you
 get commercial software with it when you really just get trialware, I
 really thought I got much more than my moneys worth.

Will there be a plain download version CD set (as with 8.1)? I really have 
no need for the stuff in the Powerpack.


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Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-19 Thread Roger Sherman

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Robin Turner wrote:

 On Wednesday 20 March 2002 00:47, Roger Sherman wrote:
  On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Charlie wrote:
   Agreed. I'll be happy to buy a box set as soon as it's available at my
   local everything in software including the 'bugware' store. A pain to
   go all the way downtown but I refuse to do transactions of any kind
  I'm downloading it now, but will be buying it as well. I bought the 8.1
  PowerPack, and except for being mildly annoyed at it's assertion that you
  get commercial software with it when you really just get trialware, I
  really thought I got much more than my moneys worth.
 Will there be a plain download version CD set (as with 8.1)? I really have 
 no need for the stuff in the Powerpack.

You mean, for sale? If you have a dial up, and don't want to be 
downloading for the next week, you can go to and buy the 
download set for probably under $10.





registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Brian Parish

OK, my ESP is getting better ;-)

I see another reply has put you on the right track, but just to be
specific and avoid confusion

First let's make sure I understand what you have:

- 2 linux boxes
- 1 network card (NIC) in each
- a hub
- a cable modem

If that's correct, then what you need to do is:

1. Stop paying for a second connection
2. With the $6 / month you save, buy a second NIC for one machine - this
becomes the gateway
3. Leave one NIC in your gateway connected to the cable modem and
connect the other to your hub
4. Connect the machine with one NIC (let's call this the client) to the

5. Set the IP address on your new gateway NIC (the one connected to the
hub) to in subnet - there are other
alternatives, but let's keep life simple and use that.

6. Set the IP address on your client machine to - same

Now you can ping from the client and from the
gateway.  You can also share files between them by setting up some NFS
mounts, share printers etc.

Your gateway machine at this point has internet access, but not your
client, so two more steps are required to complete the picture.

1. Set up a route from your private subnet ( to the public
side (the subnet to which the NIC connected to the cable modem belongs) 
webmin is probably the easiest tool to use for this.  Have a play with
that and come back to the list if you have trouble with it.

2. Set up a firewall on the gateway machine.  InteractiveBastille would
be a reasonable choice, but there are many others.  You'll find a
zillion message on that in the archives, so I won't blather on here
about the details.

Hopefully that's enough to get you on track and you can come back with
more specific questions as they arise.


On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 07:29, James Thomas wrote:
 yeah, they both use DHCP. I pay an extra $6/month for both of them - I need 
 both computers to be accessible online so I pay the extra money.
 My guess is that you are using DHCP on both and that both can see the
 Internet, but not each other.  Right?  If so, a better setup would be to
 make one machine your internet gateway sing connection sharing and the
 other a purely local machine.  Your gateway machine could also then be
 the firewall, limiting your need to manage security to only one.
 If this guesswork is accurate and you need help to make this happen,
 have a stroll through the archives, where you'll find 1000 or so
 messages about this, then come back with questions anyway ;-)
 On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 20:11, James Thomas wrote:
   Hey all,
   I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my cable
   modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do 
   accomplish this?
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