Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-21 Thread Stefano Bigotta

 Forse è il caso di rivalutare il buon vecchio win98,


 tutto.non vedi che le distro fanno acqua da tutte le

 parti ?

al più win95...
e poi con tutto quel plug and pray che c'è è un miracolo se
qualcosa funziona, per esempio sul mio portatile win98 non
c'è stato verso di installarlo 

(che computer intelligente che ho!)

poi, scusa, se deve andare indietro nel tempo, basta
scegliersi una versione di una distro di un paio di hanni

Re: [newbie-it] Avvartimento

2002-03-21 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Renato [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Alle 21:37, mercoledì 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  Alle 19:06, mercoledì 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
   Se non ti piace linux sei invitato cordialmente
 a cambiare ml e
   fraquentarne una per windows.
  Scusa Renato, ma con chi ce l'hai?
 Con Vaiconlinux, leggi qua':
  Forse è il caso di rivalutare il buon vecchio
 win98, nonostante
  tutto.non vedi che le distro fanno acqua da
 tutte le parti ?
 Dimmi tu se c'e' bisogno di scrivere certe caz...e.
 Comunque copia di quasta mail l'ho mandata anche al
  Ogni tanto ne arriva uno.

Daai ragazzi, non ci scaldiamo per cosi' poco...!
Personalmente non vedrei l'ora di sbarazzarmi di
windows 98, perche' questo weekend ho dovuto
reinstallarlo per l'ennesima volta (quando si incricca
e' irrecuperabile!!), ma devo mantenerlo per via di

1) I giochi - 
S, lo ammetto, sono un viscido
amante del regno ludico!

2) I programmi di composizione musicale - Non ne ho
ancora trovati allo stesso livello per Linux.

Al di la' di questo pero', a cosa ti riferivi,
Vaiconlinux, dicendo che le distro fanno acqua? E'
vero che ultimamente sono saltati fuori un po' di
allarmi dal punto di vista della sicurezza, pero'
sappiamo che questi problemi affliggono ancora piu'
pesantemente Windows e comunque Linux ha dimostrato di
essere un sistema potente, affidabile e altamente
configurabile. Che problemi hai incontrato?

Ciao! Steo.


Guarda il nuovo video di Anastacia su Yahoo!

[newbie-it] Salvare in html

2002-03-21 Thread Stefano Salari

Ciao a tutti!

  Scusate la domanda un po' idiota, ma voi come fate
(se lo fate) a salvare, da un qualsiasi sito internet,
su HD una pagina completa di tutte le immagini? Mi
riferisco alla funzione Salva come pagina web
completa di Internet Explorer?

  Io non ho trovato questa possibilita' in nessun
browser (mozilla, netscape, konqueror), e salvare la
pagina completa immagine per immagine a volte e' un
po'... come dire noioso?

Grazie. Steo.


Guarda il nuovo video di Anastacia su Yahoo!

[newbie-it] driver Nvidia

2002-03-21 Thread abrunin

Salve alla lista.

Ho scaricato i sorgenti dei driver kernel dal sito ufficiale e ho dato il comando 
rpm --rebuild il file scaricato
Poi ho scaricato il file GLX (non il sorgente).

Quindi ho installato prima il file kernel ottenuto e dopo il file GLX.

A questo punto sono andato nel Mandrake Control Center, ma non mi dà la possibilità di 
scegliere XFree4.2 con accelerazione grafica. Manca la voce...

Come procedo adesso?

Grazie alla lista.

PS: la Mandrake è la 8.2 e stranamente va mlto più veloce della 8.1

Bye bye.

Re: [newbie-it] Salvare in html

2002-03-21 Thread Sandro

Alle 10:15, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti!

   Scusate la domanda un po' idiota, ma voi come fate
 (se lo fate) a salvare, da un qualsiasi sito internet,
 su HD una pagina completa di tutte le immagini? Mi
 riferisco alla funzione Salva come pagina web
 completa di Internet Explorer?

   Io non ho trovato questa possibilita' in nessun
 browser (mozilla, netscape, konqueror), e salvare la
 pagina completa immagine per immagine a volte e' un
 po'... come dire noioso?

 Grazie. Steo.

Se utilizzi kde, in konqueror, vai nel menu strumenti e scegli Archivia 
pagina web. Ti proporrà di salvarla in due formati: .war e .tgz
Completa di immagini e componenti.


Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-21 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Emma e Gigi wrote:

 Salve a tutti!! Eccomi ancora qui :) :)
 Dunque il portatile è un Pentium 133 e 16 Mb di RAM.
 Pensavo che Mandrake andasse bene.. comunque mi cercherò qualche vecchia
 Se voglio passare a Linux anche con il portatile è perchè da anni utilizzo
 Windows ed è da anni che mi sono rotto Mi crea un sacco di
 problemi... Ora con Linux mi sono trovato benissimo!!! per cui ho
 pensato di utilizzarlo anche con il portatile.
 Per dire la verità anche con il computer (da tavolo) utilizzo Windows
 Billennium in quanto lo utilizzo per trascrizioni musicali ed ancora non ho
 trovato un programma per Linux tipo Finale a proposito qualcuno mi
 può dare consigli?
 Così do veramente l'addio allo zio d'America e ai suoi prodotti (a
 proposito, ho provato anche Windows XP. forse l'unica cosa non storta
 è. la X :) :) )

sono certo che la red hat 6.2 dovrebbe andare bene.
Qui in dipartimento abbiamo dei computer vecchi che teniamo in vita grazie 
a questa distribuzione.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

R: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-21 Thread luca laghi

Salve a tutti!! Eccomi ancora qui :) :)
Dunque il portatile è un Pentium 133 e 16 Mb di RAM.
Pensavo che Mandrake andasse bene.. comunque mi cercherò qualche vecchia

Ti consiglio di non unsare vecchie distribuzioni, ma nuove in configurazioni
ridotte. Sono quasi sicuro che il kernel , cioè il cuore del programmam, non
sia aumentato di dimensione nel tempo. Casomai è cresciuta l'abilità nella
gestione delle risorse e la quantità di accessori, in particolare per quel
che riguarda la grafica. In questo momento ti sto scrivendo da un 486 con 8
Mb di ram in modalità non grafica.

Re: [newbie-it] Re: Avvertimento

2002-03-21 Thread Germano

Il 00:56, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Renato wrote:
  Se non ti piace linux sei invitato cordialmente a cambiare ml e
  fraquentarne una per windows.

 Rispondo all' Avvartimento (forse avvertimento ?) con il dispiacere di
 non essere stato capito o, più probabilmente, di essermi spiegato male.
 Per prima cosa, non è vero che non mi piaccia linux. Uso linux per
 hobby, ma ho fatto molti sforzi per cercare di usarlo e di capirlo, nei
 limiti del poco tempo libero e delle mie competenze informatiche. Del
 resto se sono qua non è solo per aumentare la bolletta telefonica.
 I motivi per cui non piaccia windows possono essere molti e possono
 essere condivisibili. Però non si può dire che faccia schifo, questa
 sarebbe un'idiozia. Basta un pò di attenzione col registro, col disco,
 evitare applicazioni che causano problemi e il sistema va bene e
 praticamente non si blocca mai. Sopratutto non si presentano tutte le
 difficoltà a cui si va incontro con linux e su questo non credo ci sia
 niente da obiettare. ...

Una ML serve per scambiarsi opinioni riguardo al tema della stessa e, in 
questo caso (cioè di Mandrake), non necessariamente bisogna denigrare Ma se non sei sicuro (perchè come dici tu non sei esperto di Linux) 
che un problema possa essere risolto nell'ambito Mandrake-Linux allora non è 
corretto rispondere di usare perchè questo è

1) Non corretto dal punto di vista del consiglio (visto che altri hanno
risposto che probabilmente quel problema 
potesse essere risolto con Linux).
2) Non è corretto dal punto di vista dell ML perchè non siamo qui per  
sponsorizzare ma per darci una mano l'uno con l'altro 
per infrangere il monopolio creato da e per usare il più 
possibile questa distro in particolare.

Scusate il discorso del tipo Padre Ralph.

Ciao, Germano

(1) P.S: Scusate ma non ce lo fatto a non cambiare il soggetto
(2) P.S: (per vaiconlinux) Molto lodevole quello cha hai fatto (II parte 
della tua e-mail)

Re: [newbie-it] Salvare in html

2002-03-21 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Sandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Se utilizzi kde, in konqueror, vai nel menu
 strumenti e scegli Archivia 
 pagina web. Ti proporrà di salvarla in due formati:
 .war e .tgz
 Completa di immagini e componenti.
Grazie, non l'avevo proprio notato!!

Ciao! Steo.


Guarda il nuovo video di Anastacia su Yahoo!

Re: [newbie-it] driver Nvidia

2002-03-21 Thread Andrea Celli


 A questo punto sono andato nel Mandrake Control Center, ma non mi dà la possibilità 
di scegliere XFree4.2 con accelerazione grafica. Manca la voce...
 Come procedo adesso?

c'e` un README sul sito Nvidia, oppure

In pratica devi modificare/aggiungere un paio di righe
in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

In piu` puoi mettere:

Option CursorShadow yes
Option NoLogo yes

per avere il puntatore del mouse con l'ombra :-)
e per eliminare il logo di Nvidia all'avvio di X.

Comunque, controlla nel readme la sintassi, perche'
ho citato a memoria.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] incredibile...

2002-03-21 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Vi comunico una novità... (magari già lo sapete).

Nella Mandrake 8.2 non c'è traccia di Netscape.
Ci sono Mozilla, Galeon, Konqueror e gli altri.

Un saluto.

Re: [newbie-it] driver Nvidia

2002-03-21 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Il gio, 2002-03-21 alle 13:48, Andrea Celli ha scritto:

 c'e` un README sul sito Nvidia, oppure
 In pratica devi modificare/aggiungere un paio di righe
 in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
 In piu` puoi mettere:
 Option CursorShadow yes
 Option NoLogo yes
 per avere il puntatore del mouse con l'ombra :-)
 e per eliminare il logo di Nvidia all'avvio di X.
 Comunque, controlla nel readme la sintassi, perche'
 ho citato a memoria.
 ciao, Andrea

Mi sono commosso dall'emozione quando al riavvio del serverX tutto ha
funzionato alla perfezione :)))

Grazie mille.

Avrei una seconda domandina.

Mandrake 8.2 installa di default con tutti i plugin DVDNAV ad esempio)
il programma xine.

Per vedere i miei dvd è sufficiente installare il decss o devo fare
qualche alchimia strana?

Grazie ;)

[newbie-it] Avvartimento, cordiale e sincero.

2002-03-21 Thread Renato

Alle 00:56, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Renato wrote:
  Se non ti piace linux sei invitato cordialmente a cambiare ml e
  fraquentarne una per windows.

Io non appartengo a nessuna elite,   sono un newbie, do' consigli su 
argomenti che ho affrontato, dalla tua frase si e' capito solo che 
potevi essere un troll, e in maniera garbata e sincera ti ho invitato 
a frequentare altre liste.
Ti invito a rileggere quello che hai sritto, della lunga mail che hai 
scritto ne ho letto solo alcune frasi, in quanto i tui chiarimenti 
sono inutili.
Questa e' una ML per utenti Linux,  se il massimo che sai fare e 
postare domande sui pacchetti software della Mandrake e consigli su 
come tornare ad usare Windows perche', secondo te, linux fa acqua da 
tutte le parti, ti consiglio di non postare piu' onde evitare futuri 
fraintendimenti, e fare domande per ricevere aiuto, se ti serve.
Credo do avere chiarito la situazione.

 Vaiconlinux, leggi qua':
 Forse è il caso di rivalutare il buon vecchio win98, nonostante
 tutto.non vedi che le distro fanno acqua da tutte le parti ?

Mandra 8.1  [EMAIL PROTECTED]OpenBSD 2.9
  Registered User #265623  -  Registered Machine #149107 Beer OpenBSD User Group [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie-it] Polemiche.

2002-03-21 Thread Luigi De Pascale

questa lista ha un discreto volume di traffico.
Vi proporrei di limitarlo a quello di una certa utilita' pratica.
Posso capire le posizioni di tutti voi ma non mi va di rientrare dal 
week-end e trovare la mail-box affogata.

In ogni caso:
Firmate le vostre lettere!
Contate fino a 10 prima di spedirle.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Polemiche.

2002-03-21 Thread gheblond

Il 08:53, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, hai scritto:

Si, carrisimmo, carissimi.

 questa lista ha un discreto volume di traffico.

L'ho pensato dal secondo giorno post iscrizione (ma non mi sono mai 
lamentato... tranne con `quelli' che chiedono spiegazioni sul come revocare 

 Vi proporrei di limitarlo a quello di una certa utilita' pratica.

La questione e' ancora piu' importante dei tecnicismi vari, perche' se uno 
non ha chiaro in mente che cosa e' e a che cosa serve il sofware libero non 
ha capito assolutamente niente. 

 Posso capire le posizioni di tutti voi ma non mi va di rientrare dal
 week-end e trovare la mail-box affogata.

Scusate del disturbo... provvederemo noi a ripulirle la linux-box. 

 In ogni caso:
 Firmate le vostre lettere!
 Contate fino a 10 prima di spedirle.

In ogni caso:  
1) la firma e' un fatto facoltativo; nessuno puo' essere obbligato a firmare, 
tantomeno da te; 
2) Io, personalmente, conto fino a cento e conosco anche persone che arrivano 
a mille, ma e' inutile perdere tempo perche' siamo esseri umani (a priori 


Ciao Ciao, 

Re: [newbie-it] incredibile...

2002-03-21 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Il gio, 2002-03-21 alle 15:46, Germano ha scritto:
 Mi sembra strano, io a casa ho la 8.2 beta ed ho Netscape 4.79.
 Possibile che lo abbiano tolto proprio per la release finale?
 Ciao, Germano


1) Al termine dell'installazione ho notato che non veniva installato
2) Lancio da terminale netscape e mi torna un laconico command not
3) Apro l'installer e non compare nè tra installabile ne tra installati
4) Guardo sul cd1 e non c'è. Non credo che sia sugli altri.

Strana scelta di Mandrake, forse avranno notato dei bug sulla sicurezza
all'ultimo minuto.

Un saluto.

Cmq. uso Galeon da mesi e devo dire che è una bomba.

Re: [newbie-it] Avvartimento

2002-03-21 Thread Mario Lodi Rizzini

-- Initial Header ---
To  : vaiconlinux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:06:28 +0100
Subject : [newbie-it] Avvartimento

 Se non ti piace linux sei invitato cordialmente a cambiare ml e 
 fraquentarne una per windows.

Sono pienamente d'accordo!

Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 

Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

2002-03-21 Thread Mario Lodi Rizzini

-- Initial Header ---
Cc  : 
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 20:14:13 +0100
Subject : Re: [newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

 metodo gorillesco ma forse funziona (mi sembra di avere fatto qualcosa
 di simile):
 prova a copiare /usr/lib/netscape/plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
 tom wrote:
 Scusateche versione di netscape vien installata con mdk8.1 downlo
 Nella mia piena ignoranza ho fatto l'upgrade a 6.2.1 e ora sembra che
 tutto liscio.ho fatto la prova pure con siti che erano stati pres
i ad 
 esempio qui in ML e si vede tutto perfettamente ecetto uno in cui mi 
dice di 
 scaricare un plugin per flash.che c'è gia.
 Ora come si fa per far condivider il tutto a mozilla??
 Ciao , Tom

Sarebbe meglio creare un link, così quando in futuro aggiornerai i plug-
in di Netscape ti saranno automaticamente disponibili x Mozilla.

Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 

Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-21 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 12:09, giovedì 21 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 [CUT] In questo momento ti sto
 scrivendo da un 486 con 8 Mb di ram in modalità non grafica.

X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300

Qui qualcosa non torna... ;)


[newbie-it] Galeon does not run ?! :-)))

2002-03-21 Thread Giorgio Carrara

Buongiorno a tutta la ML.
EccoVi il mio problema di oggi: di norma uso KDE ma oggi mi andava di
provare Gnome, per cercare di capirci qualche cosa.
Cercando di avviare GALEON, mi compare la scritta : Cannot find a schema
for galeon preferencies.Check your gconf setup, look at galeon FAQ for
more info.( e, sottinteso, Galeon non si avvia )
Premesso che sono un veryverynewbie, che galeon non si avvia e quindi le
FAQ non posso leggerle, dove posso trovare gconf setup per
controllarlo come mi viene richiesto  ? ( ammesso poi che le mie
conoscenze di linus me lo permettano)
Ringrazio in anticipo e saluto tutti

Re: [newbie-it] Periferica Hub?

2002-03-21 Thread Renato

Alle 08:37, gioved 21 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Renato wrote:
  Alle 14:59, mercoled 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  Hai caricato i module per l'usb?
 Penso di si tant' che il mouse usb collegato direttamente
 al pc ha sempre funzionato
  comunque :   ismod usb.c (da Prompt).
 Ho fatto da terminale come root, ma un msg mi dice
 ismod command not found.

Prova con
 rmmod noomemodulo  : per scaricare i moduli gia caricati 
 e renderlo pronto per accettare  
 altri moduli.
 modprobe nomemodulo : adesso ricarica i moduli e li verifica .
Il problema e' il nome esatto del modulo usb: per Red Hat e'  
usb_uhci o _uhic.

Spero possa esserti utile, piu' o meno e' il procedimendo che ho 
usato per la scheda tv di un mio amico.

Provae fammi sapere.



Mandra 8.1  [EMAIL PROTECTED]OpenBSD 2.9
  Registered User #265623  -  Registered Machine #149107 Beer OpenBSD User Group [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-21 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Il gio, 2002-03-21 alle 16:11, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
 Il giorno 12:09, giovedì 21 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
  [CUT] In questo momento ti sto
  scrivendo da un 486 con 8 Mb di ram in modalità non grafica.
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300
 Qui qualcosa non torna... ;)


Re: [newbie-it] driver Nvidia

2002-03-21 Thread Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Avrei una seconda domandina.
 Mandrake 8.2 installa di default con tutti i plugin DVDNAV ad esempio)
 il programma xine.
 Per vedere i miei dvd è sufficiente installare il decss o devo fare
 qualche alchimia strana?

Qui passo la mano:
non ho un lettore dvd e ho finito 5 minuti fa di
masterizzare il terzo CD della 8.2.
Penso di installarla nel fine settimana :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] incredibile...

2002-03-21 Thread Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Vi comunico una novità... (magari già lo sapete).
 Nella Mandrake 8.2 non c'è traccia di Netscape.
 Ci sono Mozilla, Galeon, Konqueror e gli altri.

In effetti, sembra proprio mancare.

Piu` che problemi di sicurezza, credo che abbia prevalso
la considerazione che sia inutile sprecare decine di mega
per un software commerciale, quando sono presenti il suo
gemello open e altri sw GPL analoghi.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] driver Nvidia

2002-03-21 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Il gio, 2002-03-21 alle 16:25, Andrea Celli ha scritto:
 Brunini Alessandro wrote:
  Avrei una seconda domandina.
  Mandrake 8.2 installa di default con tutti i plugin DVDNAV ad esempio)
  il programma xine.
  Per vedere i miei dvd è sufficiente installare il decss o devo fare
  qualche alchimia strana?
 Qui passo la mano:
 non ho un lettore dvd e ho finito 5 minuti fa di
 masterizzare il terzo CD della 8.2.
 Penso di installarla nel fine settimana :-)
 ciao, Andrea

Grazie mille sei sempre prezioso e gentile.

PS: puoi confermare che Netscape non c'è?

[newbie-it] Problemi di stampa ... non stampa!

2002-03-21 Thread Max Di Casola

   Hai provato a controllare dal centro di controllo-gestore stampa lo 
stato della stampante?
    Se vicino all'icona della stampante hai un punto esclamativo rosso e 
lo stato ti dice 'interrotta' devi riabilitarla (o dalla barra degli 
strumenti sopra o cliccando col puls destro). Probabilmente per fare 
questo devi essere root.
    Ad esempio sul mio sistema quando finisconoi le cartucce la 
stampante si disabilita e devo riabilitarla.

beh in realtà sembra tutto a posto, ho anche provato il comando lpq ma dice 
che non c'è coda di stampa...
mi viene in mente che l'unica cosa che ho fatto ... è eliminare la partenza 
automatica del servizio ldap ... c'entra qualcosa?
come si fa a stampare da terminale?

* * *
Fratelli, perchè c'è bisogno del leone nello spirito?
Perchè non basta la bestia da soma che rinuncia e venera?
Creare nuovi valori - ciò non può fare ancora
neanche il leone: ma crearsi libertà per un nuovo creare - ciò
può la potenza del leone.
(F. Nietzsche da Così parlò Zarathustra)

Massimo Di Casola

Re: [newbie-it] incredibile...

2002-03-21 Thread Germano

Il 16:42, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Brunini Alessandro wrote:
  Vi comunico una novità... (magari già lo sapete).
  Nella Mandrake 8.2 non c'è traccia di Netscape.
  Ci sono Mozilla, Galeon, Konqueror e gli altri.

 In effetti, sembra proprio mancare.

 Piu` che problemi di sicurezza, credo che abbia prevalso
 la considerazione che sia inutile sprecare decine di mega
 per un software commerciale, quando sono presenti il suo
 gemello open e altri sw GPL analoghi.

Ma di cosa si parla: Netscape 4.79 o 6.x.x?
Sul secondo sono d'accordo ma sul primo ho i miei dubbi che non ce ne sia 
bisogno o che comunque sia solo una copia.
Non avendo la 8.2 definitiva, comunque, non metto più bocca.

Ciao, Germano

 ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] incredibile...

2002-03-21 Thread mauro

Il 18:00, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Il 16:42, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  Brunini Alessandro wrote:
   Vi comunico una novità... (magari già lo sapete).
   Nella Mandrake 8.2 non c'è traccia di Netscape.
   Ci sono Mozilla, Galeon, Konqueror e gli altri.
  In effetti, sembra proprio mancare.
  Piu` che problemi di sicurezza, credo che abbia prevalso
  la considerazione che sia inutile sprecare decine di mega
  per un software commerciale, quando sono presenti il suo
  gemello open e altri sw GPL analoghi.

 Ma di cosa si parla: Netscape 4.79 o 6.x.x?
 Sul secondo sono d'accordo ma sul primo ho i miei dubbi che non ce ne sia
 bisogno o che comunque sia solo una copia.
 Non avendo la 8.2 definitiva, comunque, non metto più bocca.

 Ciao, Germano

  ciao, andrea

forse dipende dal fatto che netscape 6 viene considerato da alcuni spyware.

Re: [newbie-it] Re: Avvartimento

2002-03-21 Thread tom

Alle 13:41, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, gheblond ha scritto:

Posso essere daccordo con te (vaiconlinux)su diverse cose..come sul fatto 
che linux non sia proprio semplicissimo da 
utilizzare,configurare,personalizzareetc etc etc da parte di un 
nonesperto (come lo sono io) .Ma da qui a dire che win9x puo essere preso 
come alternativa per risolvere un dato problema, non sono affato daccordo .Se 
alla fine ti ritoverai con un sistema linux perfettamente funzionante o 
quasi(come nel mio caso) , non credo che  proporrai ad un altra persona di 
prendere in considerazione un qualsiasi win.
Anche io come te ho inizziato ad usare linux come passatempo circa 5 mesi fà 
,e sbattendo la testa contro i problemi di linux  ho deciso di abbandonare 
proprio quel win98 ,da me sempre lodato.Le motivazioni sono sicuramente 
quelle della magiorpare degli ex windowsiani,
Poi per quanto riguarda l'attacorivolto contro di te lo ri tengo un po 
esagerato ma contestualmente giusto.

Spero di non aver detto troppe ovvieta in questre 4 righe.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] fuso...orario

2002-03-21 Thread tom

Alle 11:52, martedì 19 marzo 2002, Stefano Bigotta ha scritto:

controllato.ho provato pure a sincronoizzare tutti e due gli os sul fuso 
orario di nisba

  verifica il fuso orario. Probabilmente uno dei due è

grazie comunque
Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

2002-03-21 Thread tom

Alle 16:08, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, Mario Lodi Rizzini ha scritto:

 Sarebbe meglio creare un link, così quando in futuro aggiornerai i plug-
 in di Netscape ti saranno automaticamente disponibili x Mozilla.

ok , grazie mille

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] incredibile...

2002-03-21 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Si parla di Netscape 4.x

Per questo il subject era ...incredibile...

Un saluto

Re: [newbie-it] Salvare in html

2002-03-21 Thread Alessandro

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:15:02 +0100 (CET)
Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ciao a tutti!
   Scusate la domanda un po' idiota, ma voi come fate
 (se lo fate) a salvare, da un qualsiasi sito internet,
 su HD una pagina completa di tutte le immagini? Mi
 riferisco alla funzione Salva come pagina web
 completa di Internet Explorer?

io uso Opera e esiste questa opzione.


|   slackware 8.0 |
|   kernel 2.4.17 |

[newbie-it] Programmi musicali. era: Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-21 Thread Tommaso Leddi

00:17, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, Emma e Gigi:
 Billennium in quanto lo utilizzo per trascrizioni musicali ed ancora non ho
 trovato un programma per Linux tipo Finale a proposito qualcuno mi
 può dare consigli?

Se come trascrizioni intendi fare lo spartito da un file .mid, tempo fa avevo 
raggiunto ottimi risultati con il programma abc, passando attraverso abcMIDI

spero che i link siano ancora vivi: è da un paio d'anni che non ci vado.

Programmi per editare spartiti sotto linux: LilyPond MusiXTeX e Mup.  

Per sapere quali sono i più validi programmi musicali in generale per linux 
consiglio sicuramente (questo anche per Stefano Salari) il sito di Dave 


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-21 Thread miKe

Il 12:09, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, in merito a R: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su 
portatile, luca laghi ha scritto:

 ... In questo
 momento ti sto scrivendo da un 486 con 8 Mb di ram in modalità non

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la tua linuxbox _non_grafica_
usa 'guardafuori'
al posto di pine??


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-21 Thread miKe

Il 00:17, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su 
portatile, Emma e Gigi ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti!! Eccomi ancora qui :) :)
 Dunque il portatile è un Pentium 133 e 16 Mb di RAM.
 Pensavo che Mandrake andasse bene.. comunque mi cercherò qualche
 vecchia distribuzione.

se posso dare un consiglio:

Rh 6.2
 o mandrake 7.2

(non uso SUSE dalla 6.0 quindi, per ignoranza non mi pronuncio, e consigliare Debian 
non mi pare il caso) limite,
una slack 7.0?


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Re: Avvartimento

2002-03-21 Thread miKe

Il 00:56, giovedì 21 marzo 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Re: Avvartimento, vaiconlinux 
ha scritto:

 I motivi per cui non piaccia windows possono essere molti e possono
 essere condivisibili. Però non si può dire che faccia schifo, questa
 sarebbe un'idiozia. 

allora facciamo un giro tra i nuovi PC appena arrivati da me,
di 18 (tutti uguali, ma capaci di dare una serie disparata di errori)
non ne gira uno decentemente,
chiaramente le specifiche del bando di gara prevedevano hardware dell'ultima 
di ottime marche, con 
configurazione ed installazione a cura del  fornitore e, quindi, ci sarebbe da 
supporre che la configurazione sia stata fatta bene,
visto che altrimenti sarebbe stato necessario rimetterci mano...

caso strano, installata (per prova) una RH7.2 su uno (particolarmente fortunato) sono 
spariti gli schermi blu..

 Basta un pò di attenzione col registro, col disco,
 evitare applicazioni che causano problemi e il sistema va bene e
 praticamente non si blocca mai. 

i drivers li scarichi da

 Sopratutto non si presentano tutte le
 difficoltà a cui si va incontro con linux e su questo non credo ci sia
 niente da obiettare.

ma la difficoltà è degli utenti che quando vanno a stampare un documento, 
improvvisamente vedono blu e devono resettare,
ad esempio..

 E' questo che volevo dire. Ho un vecchio 486, si
 dice che va benissimo per linux, non è vero (lo so, esistono altri
 metodi, che però ne limitano le funzionalità).. Vado per installare
 Mandrake e non va perchè progettato dal pentium in su, altrove la
 scheda audio non è riconosciuta,

questo non dipende certo da mandrake,
il kernel non cambia, i moduli neanche

 la tale applicazione è meglio non
 usarla perchè non è stabile, quell'altra ha un bug e bisogna
 aggiornarla e via così. 

le beta non si dovrebbero usare neanche sotto win$
i bug 9 volte su 10 vanno corretti solo per motivi di sicurezza,
ma a meno di gestire un server,
su una macchina casalinga la stessa distribuzione può essere tenuta a vita

 Allora, se uno che può benissimo essere una persona ugualmente
 intelligente, dice di avere un mucchio di problemi nell'installazione e
 nell'uso di linux (come era il caso del messaggio all'origine della
 questione), non si può dirgli che può considerare l'uso di windows come
 alternativa ?

guarda che conosco gente che non riesce neanche ad installare  office, men che meno 
win$ 98!!
le difficoltà sono relative,
ai tempi del dos, era molto più complicato far funzionare un PC,
con jumpers da settare,
conflitti ecc.
all'epoca cosa si poteva fare?
oggi, seppure esistono sistemi che si usano a suon di click (e reset)
con un minimo di impegno si riesce comnque a fare quello che si vuole

 Mi sembra che il discorso sia molto chiaro e semplice.

non lo condivido,
ma rispetto le tue idee
(ma sono pronto a fartele cambiare, se vuoi  :-)

 Per quanto riguarda l'avvartimento, mi sembra veramente fuori luogo.

su questo hai ragione,
solo che, spesso,
su altre ML sono 'passati'
dei personaggi che si divertivano a sparare qualche idiozia su Win-vs-Lin
per scatenare fiammate..
probabilmente sei stato trattato male più per levata di scudi che per quello che hai 

 Saluti, Fer.


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: Re[2]: [newbie-it] mi e' morto Linux

2002-03-21 Thread miKe

Il 19:35, mercoledì 20 marzo 2002, in merito a Re[2]: [newbie-it] mi e' 
morto Linux, Arwan ha scritto:

 C Il dom, 2002-03-17 alle 08:36, Arwan ha scritto:
  ho fatto il loguot e, nel rientrare, mi ha seganlato che lo
  spazio e' insufficiente. Dopo il reboot, invece, nessun segno di
  vita. E ora? (Mike non ridere) Reinstallo???

 C Vale per qualsiasi utente? Provato come root? E entrando in modalità
 C testuale...?

 L'unico avvio che riesco a fare e' il rescue; oppure parte
 l'installazione normale e, quando si deve avviare kde (dopo aver
 inizializzato tutto), linux continua ad accendere e spegnere il
 monitor, come se non fosse capace di far altro.

immaginiamo che la chiamata al tuo kernel si chiami semplicemente 'linux'

all'avvio del sistema,
appena ti appare la schermata di lilo,
premi [tab]
e digita 
linux single [invio]

si avvierà il sistema in modalità monoutente ed avrai i privilegi di root
a questo punto,
nella tua home, ed in /tmp
dovresti trovare l'immondizia generata dalla conversione degli mp3

rimuovi il tutto e senza riavviare entra in runlevel 3
così potrai controllare se i servizi si avviano correttamente,

se tutto dovesse avviarsi come di consueto,
loggati da utente classico e digita startx
a questo punto dovrebbe partire il tuo VM predefinito

se non parte,
ti ritroverai in runlevel 3 e potrai leggere a video quali siano gli 
errori del server x
(errori che ritrovi anche in /var/log...   XFree86.0.log per X;
messages e syslog per il sistema)

facci sapere...


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

[newbie-it] ancora samba...

2002-03-21 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Salve alla lista
as usual ho problemi con samba (o affini).

In pratica il mio server casalingo mi permette di fare tutto ciò che
voglio (FTP, Internet, ecc...) tranne la condivisione del disco con
samba e della stampante.

Il punto è questo: samba è (credo) correttamente configurato, visto che
il smb.conf è identico ad una mia precedente configurazione (l'avevo

Ho notato che se dal client cerco di accedere ai files condivisi con
komba (una specie di risorse di rete di KDE), questo non vede NIENTE...

I vari test sul server hanno dato esito positivo. Il server samba è up e
condivide quello che glio ho detto di condividere.

Perchè allora non vedo niente?


Un saluto.

[newbie-it] Aggiornamento

2002-03-21 Thread Vittorio

Domanda da niubbo totale
ho Mandrake 8.1
x aggiornarmi alla 8.2 posso farlo in qche modo automaticamente o devo 
cancellare quella vecchia installare quella nuova ecc ecc?

Sostieni anche tu

[newbie-it] licq 1.1

2002-03-21 Thread Giuseppe

ciao a tutti ^_^
ho un problema (spero) banale ma che davvero non riesco a risolvere:
qualcuno riesce a far andare la versione 1.1 di licq su mandrake 8.2? 
il problema è che necessita dell'installazione di che mi sembra 
sia una libreria precedente a quella che ora c'è sul mio computer visto che 
ogni volta che provo ad installarla il messaggio che ricevo mi avverte che 
nel sistema ne è presente una più recente.
Ho provato a forzare l'installazione di licq senza preoccuparmi della 
suddetta libreria ed il messaggio di errore che ricevo quando cerco di farlo 
partire è:

licq: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory

domanda n°1:  c'è un modo per dire a licq di usare e non la 
versione preistorica che dice di volere tanto?
domanda n°2: nel caso convincere licq sia impossibile, esiste un modo per 
installare il file necessario senza far saltare anche quello nella versione 
domanda n°3: perchè licq 1.0.4 funziona il licq 1.1 che ho scaricato è 
l'rpm di un cvs abbastanza recente... perchè mi richiede una libreria vecchia?

se mi rispondete vi prego di spiegarmi cosa fare come lo spieghereste ad un 
bambino di 3 anni visto che sono davvero alle primissime armi con linux ^_^

grazie in anticipo!

Re: [newbie-it] Periferica Hub?

2002-03-21 Thread ku68

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Periferica Hub?

 Prova con
  rmmod noomemodulo  : per scaricare i moduli
gia caricati
  e renderlo
pronto per accettare
  modprobe nomemodulo : adesso ricarica i
moduli e li verifica .
 Il problema e' il nome esatto del modulo usb:
per Red Hat e'
 usb_uhci o _uhic.
Come faccio a trovare il nome del modulo?
E se scarico i moduli gi caricati rischio
qualcosa con il
funzionamento del mouse o di altre periferiche?
Tieni presente che vado alla cieca seguendo i tuoi
consigli ;-)

[newbie-it] Problema invio mail

2002-03-21 Thread ku68

Scusate, ma oggi non riesco più a inviare le mail
con mozilla.
MI spiego: al momento di inviare si apre la
finestra mail-server password
required. E' la prima volta che mi succede e ho
provato a digitare
tutte le passw possibili ma non c'è
verso :-(
La cosa curiosa è che le mail vengono ricevute
Cosa posso aver combinato? Credo di aver toccato
nel linux conf ma niente a che vedere con il mail
server (è un pc singolo).
Mi potete aiutare?
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta

Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-21 Thread Pena Family

I have to say, you are far too harsh on yourself. You are one of few who has
learn much in such a short time. You also have the best attitude for
learning Linux that I have ever read on this list.

I've learned that you shouldn't
compare yourself to others - they are
more screwed up than you think.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

 *bashes her head against a wall*  DAMNIT!  I hate being silly...but
 frankly there are days I wonder where my brain left to go for lunch...
 so I can hunt it down  kill it.

 Thx much


 On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 23:14, Brian Parish wrote:
  Under View, select Hide Deleted Messages, then they're sort of gone - at
  least from sight.
  On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 16:19, Femme wrote:
   OK I did all that !  God I feel stupid... I thought it out before I
   this message.  So I guess i'm not that stupid. ;0
   Thx to everyone whos' helped.  I got it working.  I'm typing this
   in Evolution as we speak. :)
   Now, if only I can figure out how to just put msgs into the trash
   instead of marking for deletion then having to manually empty the
   to do it.
   On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 19:43, Miark wrote:
On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:10:17 -0700, FemmeFatale
[EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:
 I don't know... How would I go about doing so pls?

 I have never done it  could use some guidance?

Tres facile:
1) Plug in a PS/2 mouse, and you're USB mouse.
2) Install 8.2, choosing the appropriate PS/2 mouse.
3) There is no step three. Proceed to the next step.
4) When all is installed, run the Mandrake Control Center.
5) Under Hardware, choose Mouse.
6) Open the USB list, and choose the appropriate mouse.
   (i.e. with or without scroll wheel).

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Re: [newbie] Evolution, deleting msgs and using the spell checker

2002-03-21 Thread Brian Parish

Don't sweat it - there's something not quite obvious about the way it's
implemented.  I think I was using it for about a week before I worked
out that that was all I needed to do.  I guess the problem is - what you
want to do it DELETE messages, not just hide them, so you look for a way
to do that...maybe if they renamed the option: Make deleted messages
dissappear immediately or something...Anyway, you are not the first to
ask this question (or the last).


On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 18:59, Femme wrote:
 *is going to put a hole in a wall tonight ... eventually* 
 I swear... if I get anything else thats staring me in the face pointed
 out to me I'm going to scream.
 *sigh*  Thx Brian.  I appreciate the response.
 On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 23:40, Brian Parish wrote:
  Under View, select Hide Deleted Messages, then under Tools | Mail
  Settings | Other, select Empty trash folder on exit.
  On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 16:44, Femme wrote:
   I went through the help files in Evolution. Nice little package.  No joy
   on figuring out how to automatically delete something once I hit the
   Del key though.  Nor does it mention how to automatically enable a
   spell-checker for my emails.
   Any ideas!?  Come on!  I'm 3/4 of the way there to not buggin the list
   again real soon! :)
   Oh  shanes a cutie, thx love.
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Re: [newbie] Evolution, deleting msgs and using the spell checker

2002-03-21 Thread heatheri

I said screw it.   I'm on sylpheed now ;p

Ya all in a matter of 30 mins.  Yes I learn fast ;p

*shrugs* besides, if something works better why not use it? And so far this does.


On 21 Mar 2002 19:22:05 +1100
Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't sweat it - there's something not quite obvious about the way it's
 implemented.  I think I was using it for about a week before I worked
 out that that was all I needed to do.  I guess the problem is - what you
 want to do it DELETE messages, not just hide them, so you look for a way
 to do that...maybe if they renamed the option: Make deleted messages
 dissappear immediately or something...Anyway, you are not the first to
 ask this question (or the last).
 On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 18:59, Femme wrote:
  *is going to put a hole in a wall tonight ... eventually* 
  I swear... if I get anything else thats staring me in the face pointed
  out to me I'm going to scream.
  *sigh*  Thx Brian.  I appreciate the response.
  On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 23:40, Brian Parish wrote:
   Under View, select Hide Deleted Messages, then under Tools | Mail
   Settings | Other, select Empty trash folder on exit.
   On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 16:44, Femme wrote:
I went through the help files in Evolution. Nice little package.  No joy
on figuring out how to automatically delete something once I hit the
Del key though.  Nor does it mention how to automatically enable a
spell-checker for my emails.

Any ideas!?  Come on!  I'm 3/4 of the way there to not buggin the list
again real soon! :)

Oh  shanes a cutie, thx love.


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Re: [newbie] Living in the real world - Win4Lin4 NO INTEREST TO GEEK FOLKS

2002-03-21 Thread James Thomas

I generally avoid these kinds of discussions but I feel compelled to 

I have two computers, both of which use Linux (one dual boots WinXp so I can 
play games and use my SanDisk card reader as it's not yet supported under 

One runs 8.1 and the other 8.2rc1 (I see no reason to go full out to 8.2 
because the beta works awesomely imo).

Anyway, they both installed without a hitch and work perfectly. 8.2 even set 
up my printer and Zip Disk (Both USB) without any (except a couple of 
clicks) input. I only have minor problems, but no different than I would 
have under Windows - AND I didn't have to install ANY Drivers - it even 
recognized my Audigy sound card!

Can't get much easier than that - dealing with Driver disks is always a 
gotcha for non-geeks. Linux runs and installs effortlessly.


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[newbie] Re: service start up WAS xfs....... slower than ext3??????

2002-03-21 Thread RichardA

Mandrake control centre - System - Services


In the darkness I will shine
Cast not shadows, nor define

David, Thursday 21 March 2002 08:07:
 Yeah, I think its nothing.  I did a hdparm on my different partitions;
 ext3 for /home and xfs for the rest, and they showed about the same thing.
  Even my fat32 partition measured in at about the same.

 I do think I got more services running/starting at boot.

 On that note, I forget the cmd to change what services start at boot.
 Is there a gui front-end for it?


 On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 07:58:27 +

 RichardA said onto me:
  Now I'm worried ... how much is too much?
  Did you go from 8.1 to 8.2? If you reinstalled 8.2, is it the same
  version and are exactly the same services running? You have to compare
  like with like.
  Wave, triangle, circle, square
  David, Wednesday 20 March 2002 22:49:
   Last evening I installed MD8.2, and reformatted my  /  and  /usr
   partitions as xfs.  Now, just about everything seems to be running
   slower then MD8.1 on ext3 partitions.
   Did I smoke too much grass in my younger years or is this a reality?
   Is there something I maybe did wrong?
   Is there a check of some type that I could perform to test this?
   What could be causing this?

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Re: [newbie] configurators won't run

2002-03-21 Thread RichardA

I had to link /dev/dsp from /dev/sound/dsp manually in 8.1. It's not related 
to your more serious problem.


I started out one day and I worked in a factory
My mind went blank, I needed a battery

David, Thursday 21 March 2002 07:58:
 I'm running MD8.2.  After the install, all was well.  Now, I must of done
 something to some libraries or something.  I cannot run any conf apps
 including:  drakconf, userconf, userdrake, harddrake, timeconfig, and

 After running linuxconf I get the following:
 Missing configuration file /etc/devsfsd.config or service devsfsd

 At login, I get an error.  Something to the effect of /dev/dsp cannot be

 Is this related?


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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-21 Thread Michael Scottaline

On 20 Mar 2002 22:19:29 -0700
Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:


Now, if only I can figure out how to just put msgs into the trash
instead of marking for deletion then having to manually empty the trash
to do it.
I'm a Sylpheed user, but I have played w/ Evolution and use it
occasionally (it does filtering for IMAP accounts, which Sylpheed hasn't
quite mastered yet). Check the various menues (I forget which one) and
click on hide deleted (or marked as deleted) (I forget exact title, but
something like that). HTH,

He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
fool you., he really is an idiot.

-Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] dial-up access on network

2002-03-21 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

 Nick wrote:
 I recently reinstalled 8.1 and the dial-up access was working fine,
 but the NIC was not installed.  When I installed the NIC, the dial-up
 access stopped responding.  It will dial in and connect, but it is as
 if the computer is trying to send the internet traffic somewhere
 else.  I have tried several times with redoing the internet access and
 sharing info in the control center to do avail.  Any suggestions would
 be appreciated.  Thanks!
Hi Nick,

I am have had the problem you describe. On my K7 motherboard I moved the
NIC card between the PCI slots until the modem started working.

Hope it helps you. When you figure out how to get the NIC and modem
working at the same time mail me.

Hope it works for you.
Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] OT: saving the power supply unit

2002-03-21 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

FemmeFatale wrote:
 *S* old debate...don't stir up the old hardware geeks :P
 IMHO, leave it on.  Less stress on the HW.
I'd leave it on as each time you power down you are causing the
components in use to cool and shrink. When you power up again they
expand again and of course heat up. The heating and contraction that
goes on is a bad thing for the components so leave the machine/s on. At
least running Linux you know you won't get the magic BSOD.


 Stojs wrote:
  I know this is out of topic, but with linux I have the choice not to
  turn the computers off or restart them to often.
  What is best for the psu, having the computer running constantly or
  turning it off everytime you don´t use it (several times a day)?
  Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] Internet connection problems with 8.2

2002-03-21 Thread Drosera

Stop the press, my Internet connection is working under Linux!!!, just
disable the sound card in my bios and that was all.. Strange and I don't
understand it. But anyway it works :-)

The next step is setting up E-Mail and the Internet connection sharing.

Greets and thanks,


 Hi Civileme,

 Mandrake detects the 3c509 on a wrong way, it says it's on IRQ 5 and
 220. This is not true, it is on IRQ 10 (5 is my soundcard) and I/O is
 when I change it manually it is talking about modprob and isa-pnp. Is it
 trying to reload the network driver in memory??? But with wrong

 In my BIOS I changed the PnP and assigned IRQ 10 to my ISA slot (have
 only 1 ISA card and slot).

 I tried another network card but that doesn't work togerther with my
 cable modem :-(

 What now?

 Greets and thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] two systems

2002-03-21 Thread Derek Jennings

Almost all of us either run dual booting machines, or used to before kicking 
the windows habit entirely. It's a breeze..

Just remember to defragment your Win98 drive first (and do not select the 
check box that offers to make programs load faster) This will free up space 
on your hard drive so a Linux partition can be added.

Set your BIOS to boot from CD and insert the Mandrake disc.
The auto install will then take care of everything else. Just select the 
default install.
Mandrake will automatically create partitions for linux, and will install 

Mandrake 8.2 came out this week. If you have access to broadband it is worth 
trying to download a copy. It is the best Mandrake version yet, and 
supports the most hardware.

If you run into problems please consult the list archives before posting.


On Thursday 21 March 2002 01:10, Ron Grace wrote:
 does anybody run both linux and windows on the same machine? how much
 trouboe was it to get to work.

 i am running windows 98se,and going to try to load mandrake

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[newbie] ADSL, PPPoE, SpeedTouch USB and Portugal.

2002-03-21 Thread Miguel Duarte

Hi there.

I've got a doubt.
I'm using Mandrake 8.1, and my Internet connection is an ADSL link with an 
Alcatel SpeedTouch USB. The protocol used by Telepac (my ISP) is 

The thing is that in both instalation and in the configuration tool, the 
options you have are:

1. PPPoE - Won't do, because it assumes you have a modem with ethernet 
2. SpeedTouch USB - Won't do because AFAIK, it assumes the protocol is 
PPPoA (and in the countries list, Portugal isn't there).

A nice and working tutorial ia at
The problem is that I would have to get a non-mandrake kernel, which I 
can't do at this time, because of my video card drivers (they were compiled 
by the manufacturer to a small number of distros, and for the kernel in 

Does anyone had the same problem? Did you solve it?\
Although the site above has anything you could want to know, I'm available 
to give more detail, if necessary.


Miguel Duarte

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Re: [newbie] Evolution, deleting msgs and using the spell checker

2002-03-21 Thread Charles Muller

On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 14:44, Femme wrote:

 Nor does it mention how to automatically enable a
 spell-checker for my emails.

I had this problem at first, too. I solved when I realized that
Evolution uses the Gnome Speller, which in turn uses Aspell. For ASpell
to work, you have to make sure not only that the program is installed,
but that the appropriate local language pack is installed--such as
aspell-us, aspell-br, etc. I got mine through Red Carpet, but it
should be on the Mandrake or Gnome cookers.

Once set up, it works very nicely.




Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] Evolution, deleting msgs and using the spell checker

2002-03-21 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 00:01:54 -0700, Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using Sylpheed now. It's good, but utter shame I still miss the
 interface of Outluck Express. /utter shame Yes, it disgusts me to admit it,
 but I love OE usability. The version of Sylpheed included with 8.2 might be
 better, but there are several things I really hate about the one I'm running:
 * When you scroll through the message list, the currently highlighted message
   doesn't automatically appear in the preview pane. 

This is possible, but you may need to assign a key to it. Under the View menu,
find the options for Prev Message and Next Message. Hover the mouse pointer
over the option, and enter a keystroke to bind to the command. This should work
n all GTK+ apps.

 * When you scroll highlight a message in the message list, you can't just
   press Backspace to nuke the message. 

Try pressing the Delete key. That works for me.

 * You can't abort message downloads gracefully (although I know this is 
   fixed in the current release.
 * The program seems to totally freeze while you send messages. This amounts
   to a couple second delay, but it's annoying nonetheless.

Yes, this 'feature' is quite annoying indeed. I hope they fix it soon.

 As soon as I get 8.2 installed I'll give Sylpheed another week and then 
 try Evolution.

I'm using Sylpheed Claws, which is a development version of Sylpheed. I strongly
suggest that you give it a try. It contains many features that are not present
in the official release, and is usually quite stable.

 On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 01:00:36 -0500, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke
  Well when I had problems doing what I wanted to do in Evolution, I
  switched to Sylpheed.  A lot faster too.  
  just an idea 

Sridhar Dhanapalan

You have no privacy. Get over it. -- Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems

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RE: Re: [newbie] OT: saving the power supply unit

2002-03-21 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Greg wrote:
 %_I never had much luck leaving the system running   The most i could get was a 
week or to two weeks then the system would either be locked or would act funny until 
I rebooted   Greg

Then there is something wrong with your system.
I have systems that have been running for 6 months or more, one of them 230
They are RedHat 6.2 servers, but I would expect the same from Mandrake.

Gerald Waug

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[newbie] Configuring Samba

2002-03-21 Thread Pauljames Dimitriu

Sorry if this got posted twice

 I am finishing the smb.conf file on my Linux
machine but I have come
upon a problem.  I have a couple of user accounts on
Linux and I want to
connect to them via Win 2k from my home network.  When
I double click on the
Linux computer from Network Neighborhood, I get a
popup asking me for my
username and password.  I supply the correct username
and password, but I
don't connect.  However, if I don't enter a username
and password, I will
see all of the shares.

 The question:  What do I have to insert into my
smb.conf file in order
for me to see my users home directories?  My smb.conf
file follows (don't worry, it's not that big...)




 workgroup = OLYMPUS
 server string = Athena's Blah Server %v
 encrypt passwords = Yes
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 max log size = 50
 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192
 printcap name = lpstat
 dns proxy = No
 printing = cups

 comment = Share Applications
 path = /shares/data
 volume = data-share
 writeable = Yes
 guest Ok = Yes

 comment = Home Directories
 browsable = yes
 writable = yes

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[newbie] Uptime in signature?

2002-03-21 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

How do I get the signature to show the total uptime of the system as
well as how many users there are? I would assume with the uptime command
but do not know the syntax to use from reading the uptime man page.

Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] Multimedia-v.low sound volume?

2002-03-21 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, skinky wrote:
  Just a guess, but shouldn't the speakers be plugged into the green socket
  with the speaker next to it?
 As a matter of fact you're correct. the line out for the speakers should
 be placed in the green plugin on the sound card.
Great, that is where it is plugged but the volume is still very low and
the unamplified speakers are turned to 100% in the KDE sound mixer.

I have had suggestions regarding getting some amplified speakers but
surely these should work?

Comments as I currently have sound but at a VERY LOW volume?
Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] Reading ISO files.

2002-03-21 Thread Onur Kucuk

Thursday, March 21, 2002, 7:49:11 AM, you wrote:

SA Hi,

SA I down loaded the LM 8.2 CD ISO files and I am about to do an upgrade from 
SA hard disk. I need to read the hd.img file from the first CD ISO and write it 
SA onto a floppy disk but I could not find out how. It was not obvious to me how 
SA to mount the ISO files; the mount man pages were no help. I read the messages 
SA on this list related to installing and upgrading and also the documents on 
SA the Mandrake web site and the linuxdoc web site and there was no explanation 
SA as to how to mount the ISO files. I used to mount ISO files on other OSs but 
SA not Linux.

SA Can somebody please give me a hint?

SA Thanks,

SA Seedkum

  mkdir /tmp/myisofile
  mount /where-iso-is/mandrake-blahblah.iso /tmp/myisofile -o loop

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 Major Display Bug

2002-03-21 Thread Nelson Bartley


I currently run the gigabyte KM133 board on my server/workstation
computer and it doesn't display any of the mentioned artifacts. It has
also seen every kernel since 2.4.8 as well, and no signs of these


On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 23:24, shipahoy wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 8.2 in a fresh partition and am getting streaky,
 flickering lines across the screen. It worsens with heavy hard drive or
 user activity. 
 This started during installation and continues after installation. I have
 tried various screen resolutions and colour depth settings, tried
 noframebuffers, and 3.3.6 XFree,  but the same thing happens. 
 I think this is the 2.4.18 kernel having a problem with my KM133 based
 Duron 800
 My mainboard is:
 Soltek SL-75MAV with KM133a chipset and Savage4 onboard graphics.
 I am using exactly the same hardware and settings I have for Mandrake 8.1
 which still works flawlessly on this hardware setup.
 Any suggestions as to how to solve this problem?

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Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-21 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 22:09, civileme wrote:
 Robin Turner wrote:

 If they accept postscript files, you might benefit by learning to use
 LyX.  Most who do or who learn LaTeX just don't return to standard
 inflexible, do-everything-with-the-spacebar, WYSIWYG type of word

As a LyX fanatic, I was going to mention it, but Walter mentioned a brochure, 
which might require a lot of complex page-formatting. Sure, you can do that 
in LyX (people have used it for fanzines, for example) but you usually have 
to know a fair bit of LaTeX to get exactly the effect you want.  Although I'm 
not keen on KWord, it does that kind of frame-based stuff pretty well.  But 
for general-purpose writing, Civileme is absolutely right.  On the occasions 
where I have to use  normal word processors like Word or Starwriter, they 
drive me crazy now.


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[newbie] wine-windows emulator

2002-03-21 Thread Howie

Hi, I just installed mandrake8.0 and was trying to install wine, I followed 
the installation instructions but when I try and run an application I'm told 
wine:command not found.  I'm sure I've failed to do something I should have 
seeing as how I'm as new as could be to linux, it only took me roughly 9 
months and 7 or 8 reformats to get my cable modem to work.  I installed the 
codeweavers version of wine and the setup works without a problem but beyond 
that I can't do a thing.  Do I need to create any directories in my /home 
directory or should it be created when I installed the rpm? I've tried 
running applications in wine as a regular user, as root, I've tried it from 
my home directory and from the /mnt/windows directory. I'd totally uninstall 
it and start from scratch but  don't yet understand the filesystem well 
enough to know exactly how to do it properly yet and I really don't want to 
go screwing it up now that I have the os running half way decent.  If anyone 
has any ideas I'd appreciate it, thanks.


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Re: [newbie] Eroaster

2002-03-21 Thread Lyvim Xaphir


How does this frontend compare to gcombust?  Which do you like better,
and why?

I'm kind of curious as to wether you have a preference between mkisofs
and mkhybrid also.

One more question; did you end up using devfs, or do you even have an
IDE burner?



On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 12:51, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 In a previous 'CD burning' thread the other day I mentioned I had 
 problems with eroaster, but that it seemed to be a favorite of the 
 Mandrake newsgroup crowd.
 I just got a rpm from Texstar that he said he 'fixed'.  And yes, 
 it fixed the problems I had.  It's built for 8.2 and available here
I used the i686,   eroaster-2.0.12-3mdk
 I like the GUI, mainly 'cause it's straightfoward and simple, burner 
 detection and configuration is automatic.
 Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 Major Display Bug

2002-03-21 Thread shipahoy

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 14:23:58 -
Andy Napier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have exactly the same issue,
 Posted this on the forum earlier this week.
 New comment for Mandrake Linux 8.2: Your first impressions story
 Re: Mandrake Linux 8.2: Your first impressions ,by Andy70
 First system is;
 Athlon 2100XP
 MSI 6340 ver 5 KM133 (BIOS = 6.1)
 Micron 133B1 PC 133 memory
 Seagate ST 320414A
 Toshiba SD-R1102 DVD/CD-RW
 Intel Pro/100 NIC.
 32 MB Frame Buffer
 32 MB AGP Aperture
 XFree = 4.2.0
 Second System
 Athlon 1900XP
 MSI 6340 ver 5 KM133 (BIOS = 6.1)
 Micron 133B1 PC 133 memory (also tried Samsung memory but don''t have
 the model to hand)
 Seagate ST 320414A (different drive from the first)
 Samsung SD308 Combo drive
 Intel Pro/100 NIC.
 8 MB Frame Buffer
 32 MB AGP Aperture
 XFree = 4.2.0
 Standard install on both, as I said you can see the problem almost from
 the begging of the install.
 The corruption is horizontal lines moving randomly across the screen
 that seem to show a distorted image of the current displayed screen.
 The weird thing is it only occurs if there is drive access.  After the
 install finishes and you sit at the login screen everything looks OK. 
 Until you login and the drive starts to access again.
 I thought it may be over aggressive BIOS timings, but there set to
 normal. I'll have a further tweak tomorrow to see if I can sort it.
 I haven't had chance yet to try a graphics card in them yet, hopefully
 tomorrow.  As for BIOS timings, I reduced everything to minimum and the
 issue remains.

I installed kernel 2.4.8-34mdk under Mandrake 8.2 and the problem does not
occur under that kernel., so there must be something in kernel-2.4.18 that
is causing this.

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Re: [newbie] wine-windows emulator

2002-03-21 Thread Damian

El jue, 21-03-2002 a las 11:13, Howie escribió:
 Hi, I just installed mandrake8.0 and was trying to install wine, I followed 
 the installation instructions but when I try and run an application I'm told 
 wine:command not found.  I'm sure I've failed to do something I should have 
 seeing as how I'm as new as could be to linux, it only took me roughly 9 
 months and 7 or 8 reformats to get my cable modem to work.  I installed the 
 codeweavers version of wine and the setup works without a problem but beyond 
 that I can't do a thing.  Do I need to create any directories in my /home 
 directory or should it be created when I installed the rpm? I've tried 
 running applications in wine as a regular user, as root, I've tried it from 
 my home directory and from the /mnt/windows directory. I'd totally uninstall 
 it and start from scratch but  don't yet understand the filesystem well 
 enough to know exactly how to do it properly yet and I really don't want to 
 go screwing it up now that I have the os running half way decent.  If anyone 
 has any ideas I'd appreciate it, thanks.

well, maybe your wine executable is not in your path. try 
running /usr/local/bin/wine

..or if you installed from an RPM you can use kpackage to
search for installed RPM's, and when you find wine you push
the installed files  button you will see then, and it will
list all files installed by wine and location for each of



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Re: [newbie] Living in the real world - Win4Lin4 NO INTEREST TO GEEK FOLKS

2002-03-21 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 17:16:48 +1000
john rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Even Civilme (the resident expert on the Newbie list) THOUGHT he was
 putting me in my place by telling me that in some Govt Dept they had
 some typistes*actually* using Linux and olde Star Office. BUT then went
 on and said they were *using* WorpdPerfect!  (Sigh) A separate and quite
 expensive product(but very good) except that nobody I know outside of
 Civilme has ever got it to go on and work!
Nonsense!!  I'm no geek..., just an OK user.  Out of sheer curiosity, I
intalled Mandrake 5.3 on one of our lab computers back in April of 1999 (I
think?).  I had NEVER used linux before.  It installed OK (despite not
fully supporting our S3 video card).  I downloaded WordPerfect 8.0 for
linux and got it successfully installed LONG before I understood anything
about tar/configure, etc., etc. How?  I *read* and *FOLLOWED* the
directions.  First try, I got it to work and even borrowed a fellow
teacher's floppy (had to learn the mount comand real quick ;o) ) and
opened her WordPerfect for Windows files flawlessly.  AND printed them on
an old HPDeskJet 695c.  Lucky, I suppose, but I credit it to *reading*
carefully and following the directions.  I went on to loading Caldera 2.2
onto a Toshiba notebook w/o any problem and have since used a variety of
distros on a variety of computers: desktops/server/and several
notebooks. I believe you really need a
Geek to get you online.===
Nope!  Got home home computer and a notebook (that old Toshiba) hooked up
with an external modem on the very first try.  I just followed the
directions shrug.  At work, my ethernet card has ALWAYS been
automagically configured (I wouldn't have had a clue!!) and worked
immediately, even with that old Mandrake 5.3 version!!!snippage

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it
helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
but at the very least you need a beer.
- Frank Zappa

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Re: [newbie] Multimedia-v.low sound volume?

2002-03-21 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Thursday 21 March 2002 07:41 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, skinky wrote:
   Just a guess, but shouldn't the speakers be plugged into the green
   socket with the speaker next to it?
  As a matter of fact you're correct. the line out for the speakers should
  be placed in the green plugin on the sound card.

 Great, that is where it is plugged but the volume is still very low and
 the unamplified speakers are turned to 100% in the KDE sound mixer.

 I have had suggestions regarding getting some amplified speakers but
 surely these should work?

 Comments as I currently have sound but at a VERY LOW volume?

There's a jumper on some sound cards to select/deselect the card's internal 
amplifier. IIRC, the default setting is to bypass the card's amplifier on 
the assumption that the speakers contain their own amplifier. Otherwise, 
there will be some very loud pops during power on.
HTH --
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Configuring Samba

2002-03-21 Thread tek1
try creating samba users with the same user name and password as those on 
your win2k machine using the command:

smbpasswd -a username

the username also needs to be defined in /etc/passwd (in other words, 
username has to have a linux system account also)

after typing in the above command, you will then be prompted for the 
password for the user.  again, make this the same as your win2k user's 
password and you should no longer have the problem with win2k asking for a 
uname and pw...

At 05:00 02/03/21 -0800, you wrote:
Sorry if this got posted twice

  I am finishing the smb.conf file on my Linux
machine but I have come
upon a problem.  I have a couple of user accounts on
Linux and I want to
connect to them via Win 2k from my home network.  When
I double click on the
Linux computer from Network Neighborhood, I get a
popup asking me for my
username and password.  I supply the correct username
and password, but I
don't connect.  However, if I don't enter a username
and password, I will
see all of the shares.

  The question:  What do I have to insert into my
smb.conf file in order
for me to see my users home directories?  My smb.conf
file follows (don't worry, it's not that big...)




  workgroup = OLYMPUS
  server string = Athena's Blah Server %v
  encrypt passwords = Yes
  log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
  max log size = 50
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192
  printcap name = lpstat
  dns proxy = No
  printing = cups

  comment = Share Applications
  path = /shares/data
  volume = data-share
  writeable = Yes
  guest Ok = Yes

  comment = Home Directories
  browsable = yes
  writable = yes

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[newbie] CDROM problem in GNOME, OK in KDE and console

2002-03-21 Thread Andy Napier


I've been trying to work out a CDROM issue I have in Mandrake 8.1 but I'm
stuck :(

CDROM or DVDROM or CDRW all work fine at the console and in KDE...but

When I launch GNOME I can mount the drive and view all the files on the CD,
however when I try to copy any file from the CD to the Hard drive it shows a
blank file with 0 bytes (but gives the file name).  I'm logged in as Root
and have full permission to the desktop or other directories I've tried to
copy files to.

I'm currently using a Compaq DVD-ROM DVD-114 (well tested in Win98 2k and
XP, and works fine at console and KDE)

Things I have checked and tried;

dmseg reports the correct drive model
Also reports - hdc: ATAPI DVD ROM drive, 512kb Cache, UDMA (33)

lilo.conf - append= devfs=mount quiet

fstab - /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,ro
Default was - /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto user, iocharset=iso8859-1, umask,
sync, exec, codepage=850, noauto 0 0

cat /proc/devices -
Block devices 1 ramdisk
2 fd
3 ide0
9 md
22 ide1

cat /proc/filesystems -
does not list iso9660 from boot.  If I mount the drive iso9660 is then

I've not added or removed any programs or services from the standard

My guess is that there must be some sort of config file for GNOME stopping
it working, but I haven't a clue what or were.

Hope someone can help :)


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Re: [newbie] ARRRRRGH Big stinky MESS!!!! (was : Xwindows and RPMdrake problems}

2002-03-21 Thread Paul Vortex

Thanks!!!  :o)


- Original Message -
From: Jussi Aalto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ARGH Big stinky MESS (was : Xwindows and
RPMdrake problems}

 Hi Paul

 There is a way recovering lost/destroyed partition table. When you
 are done with your partitioning and installing necessary OS'es, do
 'fdisk -l /dev/hdX' from command line.With Linux fdisk, not the DOS one
 (replace X with a for ide1, b ide2 etc.). Then write the output down or
 print it. That way you have something to start with if the tables get
 lost again. Remember to update the info if you modify the partitions
 after installation. For recovery you have to have somekind of media to
 run Linux from, a rescue floppy or rescue-CD. For example the Mandrake
 installation CD includes rescue mode IIRC. That is of course if the BIOS
 supports bootable CD-ROMs.

 I have used this method couple of times with success, once Window$
 decided it's not happy with current partitions and ate the partition
 table. So I booted Linux (with floppy) from the other hard disk and
 restored the partition table with the info provided by fdisk.

 The important sections from fdisk -l output are Device, Boot, Start, End,
 Id and System. 'man fdisk' for additional info.


 On Wednesday 13 March 2002 05:37, you wrote:
  Is it just *ME*!?
  I tried the suggestion for doing an update install of the Mandrake 8.1
  and the whole thing went *HAYWIRE*!
  For some reason, it still wanted to mess around with *partitions*!   I
  got mixed up and must've clicked the wrong button and it destroyed my
  partitions set up... Totally unrecoverable!... My regular windows boot
  couldn't even *see* the C:\ drive!

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Re: [newbie] CDROM problem in GNOME, OK in KDE and console

2002-03-21 Thread Damian

El jue, 21-03-2002 a las 12:09, Andy Napier escribió:
 I've been trying to work out a CDROM issue I have in Mandrake 8.1 but I'm
 stuck :(
 CDROM or DVDROM or CDRW all work fine at the console and in KDE...but
 When I launch GNOME I can mount the drive and view all the files on the CD,
 however when I try to copy any file from the CD to the Hard drive it shows a
 blank file with 0 bytes (but gives the file name).  I'm logged in as Root
 and have full permission to the desktop or other directories I've tried to
 copy files to.
 I'm currently using a Compaq DVD-ROM DVD-114 (well tested in Win98 2k and
 XP, and works fine at console and KDE)
 Things I have checked and tried;
 dmseg reports the correct drive model
 Also reports - hdc: ATAPI DVD ROM drive, 512kb Cache, UDMA (33)
 lilo.conf - append= devfs=mount quiet
 fstab - /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,ro
 Default was - /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto user, iocharset=iso8859-1, umask,
 sync, exec, codepage=850, noauto 0 0
 cat /proc/devices -
 Block devices 1 ramdisk
 2 fd
 3 ide0
 9 md
 22 ide1
 cat /proc/filesystems -
 does not list iso9660 from boot.  If I mount the drive iso9660 is then
 I've not added or removed any programs or services from the standard
 My guess is that there must be some sort of config file for GNOME stopping
 it working, but I haven't a clue what or were.
 Hope someone can help :)

what kind of files is it? looks like what happens when you try to
copy sound tracks from a cd, maybe that cd has some sort of anti-copy

just guessing here, but have you tried this with several cd's so
you know the problem is in the drive and not in the media?

other than that, it beats me


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2002-03-21 Thread Damian

El mié, 20-03-2002 a las 20:14, Florian escribió:
 Hi im just trying mdk8.2 on a Gericom notebook (8.2 is the first ever to work 
 here =) cause of X 4.2 im having a sis630 grafix chip)
 Its even accelerated, runs nicely. So first of all i have to say my 
 impression is extremely positive 
 But im having a little humhum howtodo...
 Thing is i have installed xine (my favoured player) and the rpms necesary 
 from penguinliberationfront to play divx (d4d divx etc...) now xine plays 
 mpgs very well but as soon as i try an avi (divx/opendivx) it turns just blue 
 (the xine screen ofcourse, not like in winshit lol) now i dont have a dvd 
 around to try if its the same but i assume it will be aswell the same 
 bluescreen (i can hear the sound though) does anyone experience the same on 
 a laptop with the sis630 chipset?
 Ill be happy about suggestions.

well.. have you downloaded and installed divx codecs from ? 

maybe you should try another player? mplayer is working here
with almost any single kind of video file with no problems.


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[newbie] Tech tip - address search

2002-03-21 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Just got this cool tech tip from Linux Journal. If like me, you hate to open
an app just to get an e-mail adress that you can't remember, then this trick
works great (and I suppose you could use your imagination here and setup up a
list for just about anything, not just e-mails). Hope you like it. ;-)

Put this in .bashrc (/home/user, of course):

addy ()
  if [ $# -eq 1 ]
grep -i $1 $HOME/.mail_aliases | mawk '{ print($3) }'
echo Usage: addy searchstring

Now, use your fav. text editor and create a file named .mail_aliases (or
whatever - but you'll have to change that entry in .bashrc to match).

Enter your data in the following format (this is like mutt, I think?):

alias username [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So for example, if I have an entry like:


(Note that ron hall would not work, it needs to be a single name, nick, or

Then from a term/shell, typing in addy ron will return:


Neat, huh? ;-)


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Re: [newbie] CDROM problem in GNOME, OK in KDE and console

2002-03-21 Thread Andy Napier

Sorry forgot to mention the type of CD's

Tried several CD's including CD-R and CD-RW formatted to ISO 9960 with
Joliet (using Nero).

Tried original CD's from various sources.

Even tested the Mandrake ISO images I burnt for Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2.

I know Linux use to have a problem with Joliet but this was sorted quite a
few Kernels back + it wouldn't work in KDE if that was the problem.

And I haven't used any of the CD's in packet format, so I'm stumped.


- Original Message -
To: Lista de Mailing Linux-Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] CDROM problem in GNOME, OK in KDE and console

El jue, 21-03-2002 a las 12:09, Andy Napier escribió:

 I've been trying to work out a CDROM issue I have in Mandrake 8.1 but I'm
 stuck :(

 CDROM or DVDROM or CDRW all work fine at the console and in KDE...but

 When I launch GNOME I can mount the drive and view all the files on the
 however when I try to copy any file from the CD to the Hard drive it shows
 blank file with 0 bytes (but gives the file name).  I'm logged in as Root
 and have full permission to the desktop or other directories I've tried to
 copy files to.

 I'm currently using a Compaq DVD-ROM DVD-114 (well tested in Win98 2k and
 XP, and works fine at console and KDE)

 Things I have checked and tried;

 dmseg reports the correct drive model
 Also reports - hdc: ATAPI DVD ROM drive, 512kb Cache, UDMA (33)

 lilo.conf - append= devfs=mount quiet

 fstab - /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,ro
 Default was - /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto user, iocharset=iso8859-1, umask,
 sync, exec, codepage=850, noauto 0 0

 cat /proc/devices -
 Block devices 1 ramdisk
 2 fd
 3 ide0
 9 md
 22 ide1

 cat /proc/filesystems -
 does not list iso9660 from boot.  If I mount the drive iso9660 is then

 I've not added or removed any programs or services from the standard

 My guess is that there must be some sort of config file for GNOME stopping
 it working, but I haven't a clue what or were.

 Hope someone can help :)


what kind of files is it? looks like what happens when you try to
copy sound tracks from a cd, maybe that cd has some sort of anti-copy

just guessing here, but have you tried this with several cd's so
you know the problem is in the drive and not in the media?

other than that, it beats me


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Re: [newbie] Living in the johns world

2002-03-21 Thread shane


On Wednesday 20 March 2002 23:16, john rigby opened a hailing frequency and 

 Hello Non-geeks,

hello list spammer

 Win4lin is to release a new product soon which will release more memory

nobody cares!  why tell us?

 I almost fell off my highchair when I learned

you mean horse?

 Even Civilme (the resident expert on the Newbie list) THOUGHT he was
 putting me in my place by telling me that in some Govt Dept they had some
 typistes *actually* using Linux and olde Star Office. BUT then went on
 and said they were *using* WorpdPerfect!  (Sigh) A separate and quite
 expensive product (but very good) except that nobody I know outside of
 Civilme has ever got it to go on and work!

i hope this isn't an example of your book research!  i can point to 
literally hundreds of companies and cities that use linux all over.  just 
yesterday someone on this list thanked me for helping them get WP 
installed, and all i did was give them a file name!  you need to pull your 
head out and look around.

 You will need to consider some of the Doze options for some time to come,
 in my *practical applications* opinion.

but your opinion as we have already found isn't worth the typeface you send 
it in.

 1.  There is nothing like even FrontPage98 in the Linux world that I

thank goodness!  next you will want IE and virus compatability

 2.  If you are a serious business user, you NEED to be moving toward
 voice recognition as you know.

really?  your blanket statements never cease to amaze,

 (Nobody I personally know has been able to get Mandrake any distro to
 work properly, you see, so this is heresay... )

you and your mother/landlord are hardly a representative group though.

 3. I don't think

*statement edited to demonstrate truth of matter*

 4. Sensible backups to CD?  Forget it!  I have learned that this is a
 non-event for Win4Lin for the forseeable future.

so simply use linux, why win4???  get half a clue.  we know you have never 
even attempted an install or you would give actual errors and we could help!

 5. The 8.2 Mandrake had terrific writeups in the press - but in the light
 of the failures being experienced by the geek contingent on this list
 already, it is a loong way off being real-world ready. It is actually
 trashing many previously hard-won working installations!

do i even need to go over this?

 6. It appears to me to be still the most fabulous Server System in the
 world and great fun for the hobbyist/masochist, but I am still highly
 motivated by the continual failures of the MS OS and their draconian
 plans for the future, so will keep coming back in hopes.

we wish you wouldn't troll

 DON'T DO ANYTHING NOW.  Unless you can dedicate a lot of non-producing
 time to the project, it is still early days.
 By all means, get a standby machine and have a go. But, don't attempt
 serious business integration for some time yet.

i agree, i wouldn't install windows XP unless i had _tons_ of time and 
another running machine.  they can't even make microsoft mice run on that 

 I believe that someone of (business) maturity will take over in Mandrake,

certainly that means you are out of the running.

 person)  to apply for a trial subscription to the Newsletter REALITY,
 which does focus on getting the best out of the Internet *for business

all this for a plug?

 NOTE: Because of the problems caused by Spammers, all email addressses

also they should not include any known address of john the mandrake list 

can we get him blocked from the whole list?  this is pointless!

I used to be confused, but now I am not that sure anymore..

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] wine-windows emulator

2002-03-21 Thread Damian

El jue, 21-03-2002 a las 13:47, David escribió:
 On 21 Mar 2002 12:01:05 -0300
 Damian said onto me:
  El jue, 21-03-2002 a las 11:13, Howie escribió:
   Hi, I just installed mandrake8.0 and was trying to install wine, I
   followed the installation instructions but when I try and run an
   application I'm told wine:command not found.  I'm sure I've failed to
   do something I should have seeing as how I'm as new as could be to
   linux, it only took me roughly 9 months and 7 or 8 reformats to get my
   cable modem to work.  I installed the codeweavers version of wine and
   the setup works without a problem but beyond that I can't do a thing. 
   Do I need to create any directories in my /home directory or should it
   be created when I installed the rpm? I've tried running applications
   in wine as a regular user, as root, I've tried it from my home
   directory and from the /mnt/windows directory. I'd totally uninstall
   it and start from scratch but  don't yet understand the filesystem
   well enough to know exactly how to do it properly yet and I really
   don't want to go screwing it up now that I have the os running half
   way decent.  If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate it, thanks.
  well, maybe your wine executable is not in your path. try 
  running /usr/local/bin/wine
  ..or if you installed from an RPM you can use kpackage to
  search for installed RPM's, and when you find wine you push
  the installed files  button you will see then, and it will
  list all files installed by wine and location for each of
 Another option, which is what I do is
 # updatedb
 # whereis wine 

yes, but whereis wine would work only if wine is in the path and you
can call it
from anywhere...


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Re: [newbie] Re: Sound and 8.2

2002-03-21 Thread David

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 13:29:17 +0100
Frans Ketelaars said onto me:

 On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 02:54:22 -0500
 David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sndconfig say the same thing... correct identification, but not
  The IO range for the card, under 
  KDE Control Center  Information  IO Ports is (again it is recognized
  correctly)  b000-b07f.  This entry is for the card name.  Directly
  under this is the chipset itself and reads b000-b03f.  
  Under KDE Control Center  Information  Interupts its reads:  11:  
  3379  asl4000.  
  Under KDE Control Center  Information  Sound it reads:  
  Card Config: Avance Logic asl4000 soundcard, DSP v3.2 at 0xb000 irq
  11  Audio Devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG  
  Synth Devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG  
 I think you have an ALSA driver (if you have it should be mentioned in
 the same window). The 'NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG' lines are about the
 _current_ state of ALSA's OSS emulation. The OSS emulation modules
 should be automagically loaded when needed.
 I think all you have to do is use a mixer and unmute and raise volumes
 for the relevant channels.
  any ideas 
 Btw, this is the first message with this subject on the list I saw.
 Where earlier messages offlist or did I just not get them or lose them?

Yes, it says: 

Installed Driver:  
 Type 10:  ALSA Emulation 

I used a mixer to unmute and raise volumes first.  It didn't help.  

This is a piggy-back off of Miark's sound post.  Offlist I also stated
that in Drakconf under sound I get the card identified correctly but it
reads:  Kernel Module:  Unkown  

What does this mean?  




Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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Re: [newbie] This got bounced don't remember subject

2002-03-21 Thread Charlie

On March 20, 2002 03:42 pm, Femme (alias Heather) spake thusly:
 Of course you're paranoid; but are you paranoid ENOUGH???
 major whacks 
 ...basic firewall...
 The first one.  I'm paranoid ;)  And I learn quick so what the hell?
 Thx I'll take the advice  be careful. Mucho gracias ;)
My messages are all bouncing as undeliverable the past two days. Almost as 
bad as the local LUG that I can't send to because of some 'open relay' crap 
at one of my ISP's mail server that I don't even want to understand.

Good luck.

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Re: [newbie] Uptime in signature?

2002-03-21 Thread James A. Peltier

NOTE: I can't get this to work with Ximian Evolution.

my script looks like this

echo - James A. Peltier
echo - Site-FX Networking
echo - Web   :
echo - E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

when I compose a message it just shows the script and not the result.

On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 07:38, Olly P wrote:
 On Thursday 21 March 2002 07:36, Hylton...typed:
  How do I get the signature to show the total uptime of the system as
  well as how many users there are? I would assume with the uptime
  command but do not know the syntax to use from reading the uptime man
 Thursday 21 March 2002
 Here is a piece of a message I ripped from Tom to do mine with 
 Tom Said:
 You can create a text file and 'chmod -x' it to run any suitable
 executable, eg, /usr/bin/uptime.  I do this with kmail by making my
 executable and placing   /usr/games/fortune  in it as the last line.
 while it probly varies with email clients, it should be easy to do.
   my sig:
 echo  Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_
 here is my complete executable file in /home/olly/sigprog 
#this is a ollymade sig file for e-mail
 echo Olly P. Biloxi  Mississippi     Linux MDK 8.0 and
  echo  2.4.3-20 mdk Kmail 2.1.1
 echo ATX Plll 600mhz Asus CUBX ...384m PC133ram
 just put the path to this script in your kmail...
 here is the result ...neat huh?
 pay attention to (echo)
 Olly P. Biloxi Mississippi  Linux MDK 8.0 and
 2.4.3-20 mdk Kmail 2.1.1
 ATX Plll 600mhz Asus CUBX ...384m PC133ram
 Thu Mar 21 10:36:30 EST 2002
 taxidermist, n.:
   A man who mounts animals.
  10:36am  up 1 day,  4:19,  2 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.03, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Living in the real world - Win4Lin4 NO INTEREST TO GEEK FOLKS

2002-03-21 Thread Todd Slater

Since nobody on this list is a non-geek in your mind, isn't your message a
colossal waste of your time?

ZZZzz . . . *plonk*

Todd Slater
What does education often do? It makes a straight cut ditch of a free
meandering brook. (Henry David Thoreau)

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 17:16:48 +1000
john rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Non-geeks,
 Good news  - but like the Curate's egg,  only - quite good in
 parts :-)

[and lots of other shit]

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Re: [newbie] Eroaster

2002-03-21 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 10:45 pm, Damian wrote:
 El mié, 20-03-2002 a las 16:37, Pena Family escribió:
  I am interested in eroaster or similiar. Can you tell me what CD
  burner your using under this built? It shouldn't make a
  difference, but I am curious just in case there is another
  hardware specific issue involved.

  IMO, the best :)
   'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-R   PX-W8432T' '1.09' Removable CD-ROM
It's old, but I've flashed it to the latest firmware updates (ie, 
1.09) as they became available.

 well, please someone correct me if i'm wrong, but all of these
 burning tools ... aren't all of them -including eroaster-
 GUI interfaces for cdrtools command-line burning program?
 i think eroaster detects hardware by cdrecord --scanbus command,
 just like all others, so there should be no problem with it.

 Well, gcombust is reliable, but many of the options and 
configuration items are beyond my understanding, even with it's 'tool 
tip' explainations ;) Fortunately the defaults work for everything 
but bootable ISO burns. It also auto-detects the CD-RW, but get's it 
wrong with every version I've tried. Simple enough to change tho.
Many other GUI's fail to detect my CD-RW, or error out when I try to 
use them. I suspect this might be a devfs issue, but usin 
'devfs=nomount' isn't any better.  I don't fool with 'em past that, I 
just go to a GUI that does work.

 My previous problem with eroaster was that it wouldn't add some 
files to the burn list, complaining wrongly that they didn't exist. 
When I did mange to get them added, then the burn wouldn't start. 
Whatever Texstar fixed (he didn't say), resolved the problem.
Cooker's eroaster-2.0.12-2mdk from the src.rpm had the problems, 
Tex's eroaster-2.0.12-3mdk.i686 works fine.  It could well be just an 
Eroaster  ML8.2 problem, and not an issue with 8.1 or older.

  I used to really like Koncd, 'cause like Eroaster it's simple 
and intuitive to use.  But for some time now it's also had problems 
adding files, erroring out.  So yes, while all the GUI's are just 
frontends for cdrecord and mkisofs, they're not all created equal ;)
And then it's just me, I prefer to copy CD's or burn ISO's from the 
CL, but I like usin a GUI for data and audio CD's, the simpler the 
better.  Eroaster fits the bill.   YMMV  ;)
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Configuring Samba

2002-03-21 Thread Ken Nowack

Make sure you are using encrypted passwords. If I
remember right the steps to do so are as follows:

1) add system accounts for your users to your samba
2) run 'mksmbpass' (I think thats the right name) to
convert an existing passwd file for use with encrypted
password samba
3) use smbpasswd to set the passwords for each

That should do the trick.


--- tek1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 try creating samba users with the same user name and
 password as those on 
 your win2k machine using the command:
 smbpasswd -a username
 the username also needs to be defined in /etc/passwd
 (in other words, 
 username has to have a linux system account also)
 after typing in the above command, you will then be
 prompted for the 
 password for the user.  again, make this the same as
 your win2k user's 
 password and you should no longer have the problem
 with win2k asking for a 
 uname and pw...
 At 05:00 02/03/21 -0800, you wrote:
 Sorry if this got posted twice
   I am finishing the smb.conf file on my Linux
 machine but I have come
 upon a problem.  I have a couple of user accounts
 Linux and I want to
 connect to them via Win 2k from my home network. 
 I double click on the
 Linux computer from Network Neighborhood, I get a
 popup asking me for my
 username and password.  I supply the correct
 and password, but I
 don't connect.  However, if I don't enter a
 and password, I will
 see all of the shares.
   The question:  What do I have to insert into
 smb.conf file in order
 for me to see my users home directories?  My
 file follows (don't worry, it's not that big...)
   workgroup = OLYMPUS
   server string = Athena's Blah Server %v
   encrypt passwords = Yes
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 50
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192
   printcap name = lpstat
   dns proxy = No
   printing = cups
   comment = Share Applications
   path = /shares/data
   volume = data-share
   writeable = Yes
   guest Ok = Yes
   comment = Home Directories
   browsable = yes
   writable = yes
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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-21 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 21 March 2002 02:47 am, Mandrake Newbie wrote:

 When I'm about to install SNF in my old Intel Pentium 166 at 32MB
 RAM using BTC 40x IDE CD-ROM drive it asked me what modules shall I
 use for my CD-ROM drive?  Also, the GUI installation is very poor
 and very slow.

I've also got a BTC 40X.  I bought it some time ago in an pinch 
'cause I could pick it up locally.  It's not a very good drive (el 
cheapo). I keep threatening to replace it, but then all of a sudden 
it'll start cooperating ;)  It often has problems with install CD's. 
Many times taking several attempts and a many threats to get it kick 
started.   I'd imagine that 32mb would be slow.
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Tech tip - address search

2002-03-21 Thread RichardA

But you have to keep a separate list specially for this. Wouldn't it be 
better to use a more complicated mawk command and use it on 
~/.kde/share/apps/kab/addressbook.kab? (or wherever your mailer keeps 


It's like a radio you can't switch off

Ronald J. Hall, Thursday 21 March 2002 16:02:
 Just got this cool tech tip from Linux Journal. If like me, you hate to
 open an app just to get an e-mail adress that you can't remember, then this
 trick works great (and I suppose you could use your imagination here and
 setup up a list for just about anything, not just e-mails). Hope you like
 it. ;-)

 Put this in .bashrc (/home/user, of course):

 addy ()
   if [ $# -eq 1 ]
 grep -i $1 $HOME/.mail_aliases | mawk '{ print($3) }'
 echo Usage: addy searchstring

 Now, use your fav. text editor and create a file named .mail_aliases (or
 whatever - but you'll have to change that entry in .bashrc to match).

 Enter your data in the following format (this is like mutt, I think?):

 alias username [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So for example, if I have an entry like:

 alias ron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 (Note that ron hall would not work, it needs to be a single name, nick,
 or abbreviation)

 Then from a term/shell, typing in addy ron will return:


 Neat, huh? ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Uptime in signature?

2002-03-21 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, James A. Peltier wrote:
 %_NOTE: I can't get this to work with Ximian Evolution.
 my script looks like this
 echo - James A. Peltier
 echo - Site-FX Networking
 echo - Web   :
 echo - E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 when I compose a message it just shows the script and not the result.

You need a backwords tic  (on the ~ key)

echo `\usr\bin\uptime`
Gerald Waugh
9:28am  up 30 days, 21:20,  1 user,  load average: 0.43, 0.52, 0.53

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Re: [newbie] Living in the real world - Win4Lin4 NO INTEREST TO GEEK FOLKS

2002-03-21 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 21 March 2002 02:50 am, James Thomas wrote:
 I generally avoid these kinds of discussions but I feel compelled
 to respond.

 Thanks for not including the original troll ;)   Best way to 
handle is to put 'em on ignore.

 One runs 8.1 and the other 8.2rc1 (I see no reason to go full out
 to 8.2 because the beta works awesomely imo).

 Well, I'm been usin 8.2 since the Christmas cooker thanks to a 
good friend on the list that sent me the CD's before Cheapbytes had 
'em.  Absolutely no problems even with that alpha version.  Some 
non-Mandrake software apps need to catch up a little, but NBD. Now 
I've got 8.2b2, but with 100's of MB's of cooker updates.  Still no 
problems, but I ordered 8.2 final CD's anyway. Nice to have 'em, and 
not need to archive lot'sa update rpm's.  'Sides, it's a good way to 
get current, clean up (ie, fresh install), and then start addin in 
newer cooker updates again ;)
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] This got bounced don't remember subject

2002-03-21 Thread Charlie

This last one appeared on the list. Go figure! If I knew how to set up a mail 
server I could (apparently) alleviate the problem with my local user group 
but I don't think that's exactly what should be required to post to a Help 
List, do you?

On March 21, 2002 10:07 am, Anuerin spake thusly:
 Charlie wrote: 
 My messages are all bouncing as undeliverable the past two days. Almost as 
 bad as the local LUG that I can't send to because of some 'open relay' crap 
 at one of my ISP's mail server that I don't even want to understand. 
 Good luck. 
 same here. my mail provider is that Exchange server running at the server 
area. it seems happy at making my mails with linux in the addresses bounce 
after a day or two (the longest was a week). i thought this was intentional 
but seeing your post with the same keywords i am led to believe that this is 
a problem of the MS Exchange servers. a global domination plot perhaps? ;-) 
 this email will be a case in point. it will reach you but there is a 95% 
possibility that the list wont even see this one. 
 Programming, an artform that fights back. 
 Anuerin G. Diaz 
 Design Engineer 
 Millennium Software, Incorporated 
 2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center, 
 Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 
 Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72 
 Fax# 638-3079 

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Re: [newbie] Uptime in signature?

2002-03-21 Thread RichardA

Is the file executable, and is the first line
'#/bin/bash'? (KMail also has a box to check saying The file is s program).


You laugh but no-one's joking
The Dreamer's turned you round

James A. Peltier, Thursday 21 March 2002 17:10:
 NOTE: I can't get this to work with Ximian Evolution.

 my script looks like this

 echo - James A. Peltier
 echo - Site-FX Networking
 echo - Web   :
 echo - E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 when I compose a message it just shows the script and not the result.

 On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 07:38, Olly P wrote:
  On Thursday 21 March 2002 07:36, Hylton...typed:
   How do I get the signature to show the total uptime of the system as
   well as how many users there are? I would assume with the uptime
   command but do not know the syntax to use from reading the uptime man
  Thursday 21 March 2002
  Here is a piece of a message I ripped from Tom to do mine with
  Tom Said:
  You can create a text file and 'chmod -x' it to run any suitable
  executable, eg, /usr/bin/uptime.  I do this with kmail by making my
  executable and placing   /usr/games/fortune  in it as the last line.
  while it probly varies with email clients, it should be easy to do.
my sig:
  echo  Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_
  here is my complete executable file in /home/olly/sigprog
 #this is a ollymade sig file for e-mail
  echo Olly P. Biloxi  Mississippi     Linux MDK 8.0 and
   echo  2.4.3-20 mdk Kmail 2.1.1
  echo ATX Plll 600mhz Asus CUBX ...384m PC133ram
  just put the path to this script in your kmail...
  here is the result ...neat huh?
  pay attention to (echo)
  Olly P. Biloxi Mississippi  Linux MDK 8.0 and
  2.4.3-20 mdk Kmail 2.1.1
  ATX Plll 600mhz Asus CUBX ...384m PC133ram
  Thu Mar 21 10:36:30 EST 2002
  taxidermist, n.:
  A man who mounts animals.
   10:36am  up 1 day,  4:19,  2 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.03, 0.00
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[newbie] vi: Symbol `ospeed' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking

2002-03-21 Thread Jun Liu

Hi, all,

Once I run vi, it complains that 'vi: Symbol `ospeed' has different size
in shared object, consider re-linking'. Is there any way to solve this?

Thank you,


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Re: [newbie] Uptime in signature?

2002-03-21 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 %_On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, James A. Peltier wrote:
  %_NOTE: I can't get this to work with Ximian Evolution.
  my script looks like this
  echo - James A. Peltier
  echo - Site-FX Networking
  echo - Web   :
  echo - E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  when I compose a message it just shows the script and not the result.
 You need a backwords tic  (on the ~ key)
 echo `\usr\bin\uptime`

Damn, I can't believe I put those '\' in their, and I thought I lost all my bad
M$ habits.
II had to put the tics in to get it to run from the command line, but look at
my sig??  Runs from the command line fine.
echo Gerald Waugh
echo New Haven, CT United States of America
echo `/usr/bin/uptime`

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[newbie] If xcdroast is on my computer, where might I find it?!

2002-03-21 Thread Sullivan, Nick

First post, a test run if you will, hopefully it goes through!

I've been fooling around with my newly installed 8.1 OS with all the packages from the 
PowerPack installed...  I've really had an easy time finding all the comparable tools 
I'm used to in the Winderz world here in Mandrake except for any CD burning programs.

The one I did find was cdparanoia but I'm trying to stay GUI for the most part 
currently and thought that xcdroast would probably be installed along with my OS.  I 
can't find a menu entry for any burning stuff under Apps or Office etc. so I'm 
assuming they exist and just don't have shortcuts/menu entries for them...

Any suggestions on where to look in my files for GUI burning programs?  I'm also on 
the hunt for a GUI audio extraction tool (or GUI front-end to cdparanoia), extra 
credit if it's one that might be on the application discs I recieved with Mandrake 8.1 
as I don't have a modem currently installed in the Linux PC.

Also, I've had friends who speak of Apple computers running Toast where extraction 
isn't neccesary at all to get *exact copies* of audio CD's!  This isn't the same for 
Linux is it?  I'm assuming not since programs like cdparanoia exists but if I can save 
the time of extracting my audio first it'd be just one more bonus to Linux over 

Thanks for your help much appreciated!

Take care,


The wind of pleasure and pain will 
not stir me, for I am silently in 
harmony with the Path.
  - D.T. Suzuki

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Re: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-21 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 09:14:23 -0500
Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, this is weird... I made the following changes to my system, based on
 emails from Charles  Dennis...
 * edited the line in /etc/fstab to read (notice that rw is removed):
 /dev/hdd4 /mnt/zip auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 (now my /etc/fstab has the following lines for the ZIP drive:
 /dev/hdd4 /mnt/zip auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip1 auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 * added the following append in /etc/lilo.conf (added the hdd=ide-floppy):
 append= devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi
 I then re-ran lilo without problems. When I got home last night, I rebooted
 (with a known-good ZIP disk in the drive). Once the system had booted, I
 logged in and typed:
 root.drewvogel:/usr/sbin$ mount /mnt/zip
 mount: /dev/hdd4 is not a block device
 root.drewvogel:/usr/sbin$ mount /mnt/zip1
 mount: special device /dev/sda4 does not exist

Run Hardrake and see how many listings there are for your Zip drive.
It will be under the floppy heading.

You should have 2.
One as /dev/hdd and one as /dev/sda.

If you only have the one, /dev/hdd then you will need to do the following.
Open a terminal and su to root:

 # cd /dev
 # ./MAKEDEV sda\* 

Do not enter the # that is only a notation for the prompt.

The above will create the special device files for sda and you should then be able to 
access your zip through sda4 using /mnt/zip1.


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[newbie] Powerdown problem

2002-03-21 Thread Jesper Nyholm Jensen

When I execute the command halt linux starts shutting everything down, but
in the end it just stops and freezes and doesn't turn off my pc. This is a
problem for me because I can't turn off my PC at the touch of a button, I
have to pull the plug.
  My PC is a Compaq Presario 7990
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

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Re: [newbie] Living in the johns world

2002-03-21 Thread Damian

El jue, 21-03-2002 a las 13:50, shane escribió:
 On Wednesday 20 March 2002 23:16, john rigby opened a hailing frequency and 
  Hello Non-geeks,
 hello list spammer
  Win4lin is to release a new product soon which will release more memory
 nobody cares!  why tell us?
  I almost fell off my highchair when I learned
 you mean horse?
  Even Civilme (the resident expert on the Newbie list) THOUGHT he was
  putting me in my place by telling me that in some Govt Dept they had some
  typistes *actually* using Linux and olde Star Office. BUT then went on
  and said they were *using* WorpdPerfect!  (Sigh) A separate and quite
  expensive product (but very good) except that nobody I know outside of
  Civilme has ever got it to go on and work!
 i hope this isn't an example of your book research!  i can point to 
 literally hundreds of companies and cities that use linux all over.  just 
 yesterday someone on this list thanked me for helping them get WP 
 installed, and all i did was give them a file name!  you need to pull your 
 head out and look around.
  You will need to consider some of the Doze options for some time to come,
  in my *practical applications* opinion.
 but your opinion as we have already found isn't worth the typeface you send 
 it in.
  1.  There is nothing like even FrontPage98 in the Linux world that I
 thank goodness!  next you will want IE and virus compatability
  2.  If you are a serious business user, you NEED to be moving toward
  voice recognition as you know.
 really?  your blanket statements never cease to amaze,
  (Nobody I personally know has been able to get Mandrake any distro to
  work properly, you see, so this is heresay... )
 you and your mother/landlord are hardly a representative group though.
  3. I don't think
 *statement edited to demonstrate truth of matter*
  4. Sensible backups to CD?  Forget it!  I have learned that this is a
  non-event for Win4Lin for the forseeable future.
 so simply use linux, why win4???  get half a clue.  we know you have never 
 even attempted an install or you would give actual errors and we could help!
  5. The 8.2 Mandrake had terrific writeups in the press - but in the light
  of the failures being experienced by the geek contingent on this list
  already, it is a loong way off being real-world ready. It is actually
  trashing many previously hard-won working installations!
 do i even need to go over this?
  6. It appears to me to be still the most fabulous Server System in the
  world and great fun for the hobbyist/masochist, but I am still highly
  motivated by the continual failures of the MS OS and their draconian
  plans for the future, so will keep coming back in hopes.
 we wish you wouldn't troll
  DON'T DO ANYTHING NOW.  Unless you can dedicate a lot of non-producing
  time to the project, it is still early days.
  By all means, get a standby machine and have a go. But, don't attempt
  serious business integration for some time yet.
 i agree, i wouldn't install windows XP unless i had _tons_ of time and 
 another running machine.  they can't even make microsoft mice run on that 
  I believe that someone of (business) maturity will take over in Mandrake,
 certainly that means you are out of the running.
  person)  to apply for a trial subscription to the Newsletter REALITY,
  which does focus on getting the best out of the Internet *for business
 all this for a plug?
  NOTE: Because of the problems caused by Spammers, all email addressses
 also they should not include any known address of john the mandrake list 
 can we get him blocked from the whole list?  this is pointless!

this kind of stuff IS rather new, isn't it? someone faking a
problem/solution in order to spam? 

btw, nice goin' shane put him in his place . LOL

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Re: [newbie] Powerdown problem

2002-03-21 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 19:43:27 +0100 (MET)
Jesper Nyholm Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I execute the command halt linux starts shutting everything down, but
 in the end it just stops and freezes and doesn't turn off my pc. This is a
 problem for me because I can't turn off my PC at the touch of a button, I
 have to pull the plug.
   My PC is a Compaq Presario 7990

Try using the command:

shutdown now -h


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[newbie] anyone using dyndns for postfix and still accepted by Mandrake mail servers?

2002-03-21 Thread Frank H

Hi people,

This is my first post in ages and I am forced to do it
from my yahoo account.. mostly because my ISP hasn't
set their mail server up correctly, and my Dyndns
domain name is not suitable for sending mail now that
mandrake does mx lookups..

Is anyone on this list using dyndns for their domain

if so, can you send mail to the list?

if so, how did you set it up so mandrakes server
doesn't reject your mail because of your mail server?

This is driving me nuts, I have written heaps of
answers to questions and not one got through this
month.. when they come from my own mail server, I get
rejection messages, but when I use my ISP's server,
they just disappear into the void.. so I am lost

hoping someone has a tip for getting
domains accepted by mandrakes servers...

I have Mandrake 8.1 (I am downloading 8.2 now) using
ddclient for dyndns on dialup...



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Re: [newbie] Living in the real world - Win4Lin4 NO INTEREST TO GEEK FOLKS

2002-03-21 Thread Robin Turner

On Thursday 21 March 2002 16:45, Michael Scottaline wrote:
 Nope!  Got home home computer and a notebook (that old Toshiba) hooked up
 with an external modem on the very first try.  I just followed the
 directions shrug. 

I think Mike hit the nail on the head there.  OK, there are plenty of real 
problems with hardware configuration, but most problems occur because people 
don't follow the directions, or in pther words RTFM (don't let that put 
anyone off posting problems though - RTFM is one reply that isn't tolerated 
on this list!).  People woh don't follw the directions (i.e. click on the 
first thing they see) also have problems installing Windows, or anything, for 
that matter.

BTW, the reason Mdk didn't support the S3 card in 1999 was probably that 
virtually nothing did. Win95 doesn't support the S3Trio (though you can 
download drivers).  It's a truly disguting piece of hardware.


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