[newbie-it] 1.link simbolico 2. permessi

2002-05-20 Thread giamgax

c'è qualcuno che ha la pazienza di spiegare ad un testone:

1. come si fa a creare un link simbolico? Sto provando a far passare il
lettore cdrom come scsi per la copia di cd al volo.
2. sempre per il motivo di cui sopra ho modificato il liloconf ed il fastab,
ora anche come root, non riesco più ad accedere al masterizzatore -
non ho più i permessi. Come si fa a modificare i permessi?
3. cosa mi consigliate di leggere per imparare qualcosa sulla
configurazione di linuccio?

Grazie. Ciao a tutti.

n.b. ma c'è qualche problema nell'accedere al db della lista? io non ci
riesco più!

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[newbie-it] aggiornamento

2002-05-20 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Se a qualcuno può essere di ausilio ho inserito un nuovo articolo sulla 
configurazione degli scanner Epson USB sul mio sito: 

Un saluto alla lista.

PS: Perchè i volenterosi non scrivono qualcosa in maniera da avere sempre 
disponibile (finalmente) tutta una serie di how-to in italiano per la nostra 

Re: [newbie-it] LINUX su PC portatile

2002-05-20 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Mon, 20 May 2002, LILO wrote:

 Ci sono problemi ( o meglio verifiche da fare ) per installare LINUX
 MANDRAKE in un PC portatile ( ancora da acquistare ) ?

Ciao Andrea,
io ho un portatile a tutto linux da ormai un anno e non me lo ero mai 
goduto cosi' tanto.
Il mio e' un Acer travelmate 730 e tutto fila liscio modem incluso.
Ti suggerisco per quando dovrai scegliere:
-Annotati i varii dati: modem, scheda audio, scheda video soprattutto.
 verifica (magari su questa lista anche) se qualcuno li ha gia' 
-cerca il sito linux-laptop (con google lo trovi) e da un occhiata a come 
hanno fatto quelli che hanno gia' messo linux su quel portatile.
A presto

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner riconosciuto ma......

2002-05-20 Thread Andrea Celli

On 18 May 2002 11:34:30 +0200
ku68 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Il ven, 2002-05-17 alle 16:53, Andrea Celli ha scritto:
  On 17 May 2002 15:00:25 +0200
  ku68 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ho già risposto a domande simili.
  Devi usarlo come root (anche se Xsane s'arrabbia).
 Anche da root no funziona... 


  Altrimenti, devi configurarlo a mano come dispositivo di rete
  seguendo http://web.tiscali.it/kailed/miniscannerusbHow-To.html
 Ho stampato le istruzioni ma c'è da ricompilare il kernel cosa per me
 impossibile, non saprei nemmeno dove cominciare.

Salta quella parte. ;) 
Si riferisce a vecchie distro in cui il supporto per
usb non era incluso di default nel kernel.
A parte il fatto che ricompilare il kernel non è difficile
ma utile ed istruttivo.

 Il fatto è che mdk control center vede uno scanner e segnala che è
 configurato ma 
 Il fatto è che mdk control center vede uno scanner e segnala che è
 configurato ma né xsane né kooka trovano la periferica. Sembra una presa
 per il c..o!! Non vorrei che mdk veda lo hub  come scannerpossibile?
 né xsane né kooka trovano la periferica. Sembra una presa
 per il c..o!! Non vorrei che mdk veda lo hub  come scannerpossibile?

In effetti ci potrebbe essere un qualche problema di gestione.
Non so se la presenza di altri dispositivi usb possano confondere
le acque.
Non è che possiedi una scheda TV? A me dava problemi perché SANE la
vedeva come primo dispositivo di acquisizione immagini.
Questo mi succedeva con un vecchio PC. Su quello attuale ho tolto
la scheda TV.
Per risolvere il problema, io avevo dato 

 SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK_PP=128 scanimage -L

La prima parte la dovrai cambiare avendo un mustek usb e non parallelo. 
Vedi la documentazione. Al limite dovrebbe bastare scanimage -L.

Poi, ho preso il nome-del-mio-scanner che mi era venuto tra gli output
del programma e l'ho assegnato con

 export SANE_DEFAULT_DEVICE=nome-del-mio-scanner
e lo scanner è stato indirizzato correttamente.
Visto che funzionava ho messo l'export in /etc/profile per evitare di
ripeterlo tutte le volte.

Maggiori informazioni in http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/docu.html

  Non ho provato a vedere cosa succede impostando il suid a xsane  ???
 cos'è suid? 

Se imposti il suid di un esequibile, chiunque lo esegua lo fa come se fosse il
proprietario del programma. Quindi se il proprietario è root, il suid è impostato,
e tu hai il permesso di eseguirlo, quando tu lanci il programma è come se lo 
lanciasse root e quindi il programma può accedere a tutte le risorse del
sistema, anche a quelle precluse ad un utente normale.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Boot lento:-(

2002-05-20 Thread Andrea Celli

 Bè, un modo per sapere cosa succede ci sarebbe, basta che tu lanci l'avvio 
 con linux-nonfb (che stà semplicemente per non frame buffer) e vedi tutte le 
 informazioni e i relativi tempi.

Altrimenti, sostituisci quiet con noquiet nelle opzioni del loader.
Oltre alla barra di scorrimento, ti appariranno anche i messaggi
di sistema e potrai vedere dove si inceppa.
Probabilmente, l'avvio di un servizio a cui non corrispondono le
risorse necessarie. Ad esempio gli fai lanciare NFS e non c'è una rete
locale. Lui cerca la lan, non la trova e perde tempo ;)

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Riavvia

2002-05-20 Thread Luca

Alle 23:14, domenica 19 maggio 2002, tom ha scritto:

 HU o io non ho capito nulla di quello che avete scritto,oppure mi dite
 due cose completamente opposte!
 quello che intendevo io era una cosa del tipo :

 riavvia con winz
 riavvia con R.H
 ( in X )

 o ancora meglio sarebbe da Shell !!


 Ciao , Tom
Ciao Tom,
allora per quel che ne so, avviare un altro sistema operativo nella mdk non 
si può fare ammenochè non usi un emulatore
L'unico modi per avviare un altro sistema è facendo riavviare il pc, se vuoi 
scegliere (senza che ti appaia la richiesta del bootloader) il sistema 
operativo da avviare al riavvio del pc devi fare così:
Termina sessione - Esci
Cliccare su spegni, poi su riavvia e affianco nel menù a tendina selezioni il 
sistema che dovrà avviarsi al riavvio della macchina.
fai ok e dopo lo shoutdown di mdk il pc si riavvierà automaticamente col 
sistema che avevi scelto.
Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto

[newbie-it] scanner HP 4400c

2002-05-20 Thread giamgax

il mio scanner non è inserito nella lista di sane.
ho provato a inserire altri modelli HP. Non viene individuato.
C'è qualche soluzione?


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Re: [newbie-it]

2002-05-20 Thread Andrea Celli

On Fri, 17 May 2002 19:25:14 +0200
Beppe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2° ancora non ho capito come funzionano i file .so.un_numero
 esempio banale ma è l'unico con cui credo di riuscirmi a spiegare visto che 
 non so di cosa sto parlando ^_^
 se voglio installate pluto.rpm e lui richiede l'esistenza sul sistema di 
 topolino.so.0 ma io ho già installato topolino.so.2 come faccio a fargli 
 presente che il mio topolino è aggiornato rispetto a quello che vuole lui? 
... ma credo/spero/immagino 
 che questa non sia la procedura più ortodossa tra quelle a disposizione... 

Oltre a quello che ti ha già risposto Luken Shiro, posso aggiungere che,
raramente, però può succedere, non c'è compatibilità con le librerie più
recenti. In quel caso, conviene cercarsi i sorgenti del programma in 
formato rpm. In genere si chiamano pippo.src.rpm. Si compilano
facilmente (se hai tutto quello che serve) con un
 $ rpm --rebuild pippo.src.rpm
e poi installi il pippo-tuo.rpm che è stato compilato espressamente per
le librerie che possiedi sul tuo sistema.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] scanner HP 4400c

2002-05-20 Thread Martina

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] scanner HP 4400c
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 15:16:00 +0200

Alle 11:12, lunedì 20 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 il mio scanner non è inserito nella lista di sane.
 ho provato a inserire altri modelli HP. Non viene individuato.
 C'è qualche soluzione?


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Anch'io ho lo stesso problema ho provato a contattare la hp ma non mi hanno
Sarei molto grata a chiunque mi sapesse dire qualcosa

Re: [newbie-it] scanner HP 4400c

2002-05-20 Thread Martina

 Alle 11:12, lunedì 20 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
  il mio scanner non è inserito nella lista di sane.
  ho provato a inserire altri modelli HP. Non viene individuato.
  C'è qualche soluzione?
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

 Anch'io ho lo stesso problema ho provato a contattare la hp ma non mi hanno
Sarei molto grata a chiunque mi sapesse dire qualcosa

Re: [newbie-it] Re Samba...è cambiato qualcosa?

2002-05-20 Thread max

Tempo avevo postato:

Il problema non dipende da samba: ho provato con una nuova versione (2.2.4) 
ed una vecchia (2.0.10) ed il problema rimane.
Sono andato a cercare nei files di log epare proprio che il problema sia 
a livello kernel.
Allego i log per chi riesce a tirarci fuori qualcosa:

May 15 16:49:23 linux kernel: *pde = 
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at 
virtual address cc00
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: *pde = 

May 15 17:27:08 linux mount.smbfs[2738]:   mount.smbfs: entering daemon mode 
for service \\linux2\Documenti, pid=2738
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at 
virtual address cc00
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:  printing eip:
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: cc945c34
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: *pde = 
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Oops: 
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: CPU:0
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: EIP:
0010:[ip_vs:__insmod_ip_vs_S.bss_L5048+647284/58745132]Not tainted
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: EIP:0010:[cc945c34]Not tainted
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: eax:    ebx: 7b7f972f   ecx: fbd963fd   
edx: 39c5c7ed
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: esi: cc00   edi: c53dde28   ebp: c53ddebc   
esp: c53ddde8
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Process find (pid: 2741, stackpage=c53dd000)
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Stack:    c9052760 
c8eeec60  000166e0 05fda9f8
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:  c99da000 0004 
  0001 0006
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:c53dde8c 0001 cc96425a c080c7a0 
c7d96000 cc944461 c080c7a0 c53ddfa0
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Call Trace: 
[ip_vs:__insmod_ip_vs_S.bss_L5048+641185/58751231] [filldir64+0/352] 
[ip_vs:__insmod_ip_vs_S.bss_L5048+645265/58747151] [filldir64+0/352] 
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Call Trace: [cc944461] [c0141b90] 
[cc945451] [c0141b90] [c0141690]
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:[filldir64+0/352] [sys_getdents64+79/185] 
[filldir64+0/352] [sys_swapoff+369/640] [system_call+51/64]
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:[c0141b90] [c0141d3f] [c0141b90] 
[c0130001] [c0106f23]
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:
May 15 17:2


E' un bug del kernel dell'ultima versione di Mandrake ( ,   pare che 
si trovi già  il 2.4.18-7 ed abbia risolto il problema.

Ma samba lo uso solo io in italia?  ;-)



/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

[newbie-it] UNSUBSCRIVE

2002-05-20 Thread VOMIERO DANTE

Re: [newbie-it] 1.link simbolico 2. permessi

2002-05-20 Thread Nicholas Wieland

On Mon, 20 May 2002 09:31:12 +0200

 c'è qualcuno che ha la pazienza di spiegare ad un testone:
 1. come si fa a creare un link simbolico? Sto provando a far passare il
 lettore cdrom come scsi per la copia di cd al volo.
 2. sempre per il motivo di cui sopra ho modificato il liloconf ed il fastab,
 ora anche come root, non riesco più ad accedere al masterizzatore -
 non ho più i permessi. Come si fa a modificare i permessi?
 3. cosa mi consigliate di leggere per imparare qualcosa sulla
 configurazione di linuccio?

1) Guarda la man page del comando  ln 
2) Guarda la man page del comando  chmod 
3) Appunti di informatica libera di Giacomini
   Linux Cookbook su www.linuxdoc.org (sperando sia la url giusta... sono offline =p)
   The Linux system administrator's guide sempre su Linuxdoc
   Le varie faq degli ng

Buon divertimento
   Perhaps the most important achievement of Unix is to demonstrate that a powerful 
   system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human 
   it can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years 
   spent on the main system software. We hope, however, that users find that the most
   important characteristics of the system are its simplicity, elegance, and ease of 
The UNIX Time-sharing System* (1974)
D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson

Re: [newbie-it] Boot lento:-(

2002-05-20 Thread Nicholas Wieland

On Mon, 20 May 2002 10:56:16 +0200
Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Altrimenti, sostituisci quiet con noquiet nelle opzioni del loader.
 Oltre alla barra di scorrimento, ti appariranno anche i messaggi
 di sistema e potrai vedere dove si inceppa.
 Probabilmente, l'avvio di un servizio a cui non corrispondono le
 risorse necessarie. Ad esempio gli fai lanciare NFS e non c'è una rete
 locale. Lui cerca la lan, non la trova e perde tempo ;)
 ciao, andrea
Puoi anche utlizzare dmesg che è sempre comodo ^^
Certo però che il bootstrap grafico sarà pure bello ma è inutile e confusionario. Ok 
per il desktop, ambito in cui Mdk si comporta meravigliosamente, ma quest'aspetto 
proprio non mi piace :(

   Perhaps the most important achievement of Unix is to demonstrate that a powerful 
   system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human 
   it can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years 
   spent on the main system software. We hope, however, that users find that the most
   important characteristics of the system are its simplicity, elegance, and ease of 
The UNIX Time-sharing System* (1974)
D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson

Re: [newbie-it] scanner HP 4400c

2002-05-20 Thread Andrea Celli

On Mon, 20 May 2002 15:34:16 +0200
Martina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  il mio scanner non è inserito nella lista di sane.
  ho provato a inserire altri modelli HP. Non viene individuato.
  C'è qualche soluzione?
 Anch'io ho lo stesso problema ho provato a contattare la hp ma non mi hanno
 Sarei molto grata a chiunque mi sapesse dire qualcosa

I casi come questi l'unica cosa è fare una ricerca su groups.google.com
cercando hp 4400c su tutti i NG *linux* (opzione rierca avanzata).
Se qualcuno, in qualche angolo sperduto del pianeta è riuscito
a cavarci qualcosa ...  
Poi, riprovarci ogni 2-3 mesi. Il mio prima non era in lista,
adesso funziona meglio che con win :-))

Alle ditte non bisogna mai scrivere ho il vostro scanner, posso usarlo con Linux?
ma sono incerto tra il vostro e uno supportato da Linux, cosa succede se compro
il vostro?, funziona?, come?... non funziona? saluti da un mancato cliente  ;-)

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Kmail e allegati

2002-05-20 Thread Pollo

Qualcuno saprebbe dirmi se è possibile aggiungere o rimuovere colonne
alla finestra con l'elenco delle mail, e in particolar modo aggiungere
al colonna allegati che non è presente di default? 
In alternativa è possibile sapere se una mail ha un allegato prima di
visualizzarne l'anteprima?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Riavvia

2002-05-20 Thread freefred

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 05:48, Luca, talkin' about Re: [newbie-it] 
Riavvia wrote:

 Cliccare su spegni, poi su riavvia e affianco nel menù a tendina
 selezioni il sistema che dovrà avviarsi al riavvio della macchina.
 fai ok e dopo lo shoutdown di mdk il pc si riavvierà automaticamente
 col sistema che avevi scelto.

eh esatto.
ma e' temporaneo pero' se non ricordo male.
cioe' te lo fara' solo quella volta.
in pratica cambia (credo) temporaneamente
l'entry di default del bootloader.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - 
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Re Samba...è cambiato qualcosa?

2002-05-20 Thread max

Ho istallato il kernel 2.4.18-7mdk  ed ora samba funziona.

Se usate samba conviene non usare la versione del kernel (quella di 
default dell'intallazione) perchè c'è un bug che che provoca un blocco delle 
operazioni relative a samba e quelle ad esse collegate (df per esempio).

Saluti e grazie dei consigli.



/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

[newbie-it] HD che frulla!

2002-05-20 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati

Le scorse versioni di MDK era slocate a far partire l'hd.
Ho eliminato slocate da /etc/cron.daily/ ma le cose non sono cambiate.
Sebbrerebbe che l'imputato sia rpmv
Cosa posso fare per evitare che gli hd subiscano stress inutili???
Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.2
KDE 2.2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

[newbie-it] Condividere la connessione ad internet

2002-05-20 Thread asapi

Salve a tutti!
Mi hanno consegnato ilpacco Alice-senza la ragazza ovviamente-e mi sono accorto con 
disappunto che invece dell'Alcatel usb(so che è supportato dalla distribuzione che 
uso-Mandrake 8.2)mi hanno consegnato un Ericsson B-Quick sempre usb-a quanto pare non 
supportato da linux-cosa fare?Mandrake è installata
sul mio pc portatile e funziona bene..domanda:posso collegare il mio portatile con il 
desktop-con win xp pro-tramite le schede di rete?(pcmcia sul pc portatile)Quale dei 
due mi conviene mettere come client?Considerate che il desktop è piuttosto potente(cpu 
Athlon 1800+;256 di ram ddr;due hd da 40Gb,ecc..) spero di esser stato troppo 
confusionario.Aspetto impaziente un Vs.consiglio a riguardo.Scrivete in lingua umana 
mi raccomando: sono ancora un newbie!!


Università di Catania - C.E.A.
Servizio di WebMail

[newbie-it] Condividere la connessione ad internet

2002-05-20 Thread asapi

Salve a tutti!
Mi hanno consegnato ilpacco Alice-senza la ragazza ovviamente-e mi sono accorto con 
disappunto che invece dell'Alcatel usb(so che è supportato dalla distribuzione che 
uso-Mandrake 8.2)mi hanno consegnato un Ericsson B-Quick sempre usb-a quanto pare non 
supportato da linux-cosa fare?Mandrake è installata
sul mio pc portatile e funziona bene..domanda:posso collegare il mio portatile con il 
desktop-con win xp pro-tramite le schede di rete?(pcmcia sul pc portatile)Quale dei 
due mi conviene mettere come client?Considerate che il desktop è piuttosto potente(cpu 
Athlon 1800+;256 di ram ddr;due hd da 40Gb,ecc..) spero di esser stato troppo 
confusionario.Aspetto impaziente un Vs.consiglio a riguardo.Scrivete in lingua umana 
mi raccomando: sono ancora un newbie!!


Università di Catania - C.E.A.
Servizio di WebMail

[newbie-it] compatibilità applicazioni

2002-05-20 Thread F.Manini

Ho istallato Linux Mandrake 8.0 con KDE 2.1 Vorrei sapere quale sistema di
videoscrittura Linux riesce a importare le applicazioni di Microsoft Word ed
Vorrei infatti poter leggere da Linux la posta con gli allegati in Word e
poter mandare degli allegati scritti con un sistema di videoscrittura Linux
che siano leggibili anche da utilizzatori di sistemi Windows.
Grazie e saluti a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] Riavvia

2002-05-20 Thread Luca

Alle 00:50, martedì 21 maggio 2002, freefred ha scritto:

 eh esatto.
 ma e' temporaneo pero' se non ricordo male.
 cioe' te lo fara' solo quella volta.
 in pratica cambia (credo) temporaneamente
 l'entry di default del bootloader.

Infatti è una procedura che devi ripetere ogni volta, che io sappia non c'è 
niente che ti permetta in modo automatico di riavviare il pc con un'altro 

[newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] compatibilità applicazioni

2002-05-20 Thread carmine de pasquale

puoi usare openoffice 1.0
è perfettamente compatibile con word, excel e powerpoint

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 11:17 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] compatibilità applicazioni

 Ho istallato Linux Mandrake 8.0 con KDE 2.1 Vorrei sapere quale sistema di
 videoscrittura Linux riesce a importare le applicazioni di Microsoft Word
 Vorrei infatti poter leggere da Linux la posta con gli allegati in Word e
 poter mandare degli allegati scritti con un sistema di videoscrittura
 che siano leggibili anche da utilizzatori di sistemi Windows.
 Grazie e saluti a tutti.

[newbie-it] avvio di kde3

2002-05-20 Thread ENx

Ciao a tutti,
ho un piccolo problemino: ho installato kde3, ma ogni volta che lo avvio 
mi compare il programma di personalizzazione (kpersonalizer). Come posso 
fare a evitare che compaia ancora?
Ciao everybody all e grazie

Re: [newbie-it] HD che frulla!

2002-05-20 Thread LukenShiro

Il 20.05.02 alle 19:40, il notabile Giovanni Mazzamati proferi' codeste parole:
 Le scorse versioni di MDK era slocate a far partire l'hd.
 Ho eliminato slocate da /etc/cron.daily/ ma le cose non sono cambiate.
 Sebbrerebbe che l'imputato sia rpmv
 Cosa posso fare per evitare che gli hd subiscano stress inutili???

Uhmm, dubito che il problema sia rpm in cron (in fondo fa solo la lista
degli rpm installati ordinati alfabeticamente e la scrive in un file).  
Dai uno sguardo in /etc/cron.daily e /etc/cron.hourly se c'e'
qualcos'altro di pesante che si attiva.
Ho paura che sia msec, che pero' non e' molto prudente disattivare (dato 
che controlla il livello di sicurezza del sistema).

P.S. Non e' che, per caso in fstab appare qualche sync di troppo nelle 
partizioni linux? se cosi' fosse si spiegherebbe tutto :)

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 e mezza / 2.4.18-ac3

[newbie-it] Fai girare questa mail, per favore(SERIAMENTE)

2002-05-20 Thread Matteo

- Original Message 
"Lorenzo Politi"[EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Guido" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
"Michele torti"[EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Otto" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 3:51 PMSubject: I: Fai 
girare questa mail per favore (SERIAMENTE) - 
Original Message - From: alberto gandolfi [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: toni [EMAIL PROTECTED]; sabrina [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Maradona [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
elena [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 7:26 PM Subject: Fw: 
Fai girare questa mail per favore (SERIAMENTE) 
  - Original Message -  From: "Carlo Meazza" 
 To: "rosi crucitti" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Paolo B." [EMAIL PROTECTED];  "matteo mocellin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Gioiello"  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Gambo" [EMAIL PROTECTED];"Elena  Meazza" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
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Subject: Fw: Fai girare questa mail per favore (SERIAMENTE)  
 - Original Message - 
"Alessio Vaggi"   [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Alberto Allevi" [EMAIL PROTECTED];"Fabio"   [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
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  Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:15 PM   Subject: 
Fwd: Fai girare questa mail per favore (SERIAMENTE)   
  Subject: Fw: Fai girare questa mail 
per favore (SERIAMENTE)
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Re: [newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] compatibilità applicazioni

2002-05-20 Thread Nicholas Wieland

On Mon, 20 May 2002 23:25:23 +0200
carmine de pasquale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 puoi usare openoffice 1.0
 è perfettamente compatibile con word, excel e powerpoint

Quotate correttamente per favore :) I messaggi risultano incomprensibili altrimenti..

Se OpenOffice non ti piace puoi tentare Abiword :)


   Perhaps the most important achievement of Unix is to demonstrate that a powerful 
   system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human 
   it can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years 
   spent on the main system software. We hope, however, that users find that the most
   important characteristics of the system are its simplicity, elegance, and ease of 
The UNIX Time-sharing System* (1974)
D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson

Re: [newbie-it] compatibilità applicazioni

2002-05-20 Thread Nicholas Wieland

On Mon, 20 May 2002 23:17:22 +0200
F.Manini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ho istallato Linux Mandrake 8.0 con KDE 2.1 Vorrei sapere quale sistema di
 videoscrittura Linux riesce a importare le applicazioni di Microsoft Word ed
 Vorrei infatti poter leggere da Linux la posta con gli allegati in Word e
 poter mandare degli allegati scritti con un sistema di videoscrittura Linux
 che siano leggibili anche da utilizzatori di sistemi Windows.
 Grazie e saluti a tutti.

Scusate la doppia mail :) Errore mio, ho letto prima la risposta della domanda :)
Se posso permettermi è questione di educazione (in questo caso informatica) mandare 
formati testo leggibili da tutti e non usare formati proprietari dipendenti dal 
software installato. Del resto non tutti hanno un migliaio di euro da aggiungere al 
costo hardware per os e pacchetto office, viste poi le alternative validissime (e 
Detto questo ti posso dire che GNUmeric è un'ottimo foglio elettronico (anche se non 
so se è compatibile con Excel), che Abiword è un'ottimo wordprocessor e che le suite 
office sono generalmente benfatte.

   Perhaps the most important achievement of Unix is to demonstrate that a powerful 
   system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human 
   it can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years 
   spent on the main system software. We hope, however, that users find that the most
   important characteristics of the system are its simplicity, elegance, and ease of 
The UNIX Time-sharing System* (1974)
D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson

Re: [newbie] firewall broken in 8.2

2002-05-20 Thread Colin Jenkins

Hello mike,

Monday, May 20, 2002, 11:30:32 PM, you wrote:

m Hi 

m I have tried to set up a bastille firewall in LM 8.2

m after going through the InteractiveBastille setup

m the firewall is still not as secure as it was in 8.0.

m How can I set it up to where it will show ports as stealthed as in 8.0? 

m or how can I be surt it's actually secure once setup? 

m thanks for any help 

m Mike McNeese

To test your firewall, goto http://grc.com

Best regards,
 Colinmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
4:20pm up 8 days, 6:39, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
The two most abundant things in the universe are Hydrogren and stupidity.
 ..registered linux user #223862 ..

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[newbie] Integerateed Development environment.

2002-05-20 Thread Seedkum Aladeem


Can somebody share some wisdom on which to use, Xbasic, KDE IDE or other 
integrated development environment for C/C++ primarily. 

I looked up the KDE sites and it appears to my newbie eyes that the KDE IDE 
is optimized for producing software very narrowly targeted at the KDE 
platform.  I do not know if this targetting will constitute a trap. I found 
no info on Xbasic. 

Can somebody share some wisdom about Xbasic, KDE IDE and other open source 

I am also interested in perl. To my dismay I found out that the Open Perl IDE 
is for the Redmond platform!



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Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-20 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-19 at 01:03, Jim Dawson wrote:
 (This is a repost, the first copy apparently didn't get posted to the
 When I try to save StarOffice Writer 6 files, it crashes.
 First I get a dialog that states:
 Error saving document Untitled1:
 Wrong Parameter
 The operation was started under an invalid parameter
 Then I get an error that states:
 An unrecoverable error has occurred
 All modified files have been saved and can
 probably be recovered at program restart
 Does anyone know what I need to do to be able to save documents?
 Thanks in advance.

Same thing happened to me.  Once I got that message I could never get
Start Office to save again.  Installed Open Office instead and haven't
looked back.  Seems to me that SO6 is buggy bigtime!

Let us know if you get a resolution though.


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Re: [newbie] ZIP files

2002-05-20 Thread Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 08:35, Thomas Beno wrote:
 Can .zip files be unzipped in Mandrake Linux 8..2?  I have downloaded 
 and installed QCAD and they have available a parts library in .zip 
 format.  Since QCAD is supposedly for Linux, I assumed that the .zip 
 parts library would be useable in Linux.
 Tom Beno

Just an extra note on the responses you have already received...

unzip is not installed by default, so the 1st thing you probably need to
do is run the software manager and install it.


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Re: [newbie] Modem setup under linux mandrake.

2002-05-20 Thread Robin Turner

On Monday 20 May 2002 08:49, Nashib .J. wrote:
 Can someone help me to change the modem under Mandrake linux.I got
 a connexant modem and linux detected a rockwell modem instead.

AFAIK, they use the same chipset, so it shouldn't make any difference.

Sir Robin

No discipline is ever necessary to force attendance upon lectures 
which are really 
worth the attending. - Adam Smith

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-20 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

Brian and Jim 

Please tell us if you have installed any additional
fonts in Staroffice's directory. If not still, go to
the fonts directory of the X-Server and copy fonts.dir
and paste it to the Staroffice directory ovewriting
its' own one. Then things should work OK hopefully.
Also Jim check the permissions of the file where
you're are trying to save your staroffice files. I
mean do yoy have permission to do it there. If not
change the permissions and that should do it. I had
the same problem with staroffice. In my case it would
start at all giving me segmentation fault. But when I
did what I'm advising you everything works fine. I
even managed to copy windows TTF fonts in the
staroffice's directory and I am able to write and
print with them.


P.S. Let us know for any progress

 --- Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 
On Sun, 2002-05-19 at 01:03, Jim Dawson wrote:
  (This is a repost, the first copy apparently
 didn't get posted to the
  When I try to save StarOffice Writer 6 files, it
  First I get a dialog that states:
  Error saving document Untitled1:
  Wrong Parameter
  The operation was started under an invalid
  Then I get an error that states:
  An unrecoverable error has occurred
  All modified files have been saved and can
  probably be recovered at program restart
  Does anyone know what I need to do to be able to
 save documents?
  Thanks in advance.
 Same thing happened to me.  Once I got that message
 I could never get
 Start Office to save again.  Installed Open Office
 instead and haven't
 looked back.  Seems to me that SO6 is buggy bigtime!
 Let us know if you get a resolution though.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Do You Yahoo!?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] AT LAST Can get beyond user name!!!

2002-05-20 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-19 at 19:01, Dave Conroy wrote:
 Hi Derek, and others
 Well, at the final hour just as I was about to kick Mandrake into the
 'can't be bothered trash can' I tried the 'hid' thing that Derek
 pointed me to and it worked ... this was the third time I'd tried mind
 So, spent a bit of time in the company of Mandrake and got to like it
 ... not up to the standard of Mac OSX, but as certainly could use it
 over Win2000. Now I just need to get my Alcatel ADSL modem working ...
 think I need to download and save to floppy or CD in Windows and then
 open Linux and install. I will shout if I get stuck.
 Meanwhile, thanks a bunch. Brilliant support!
 With best wishes,
Hi Dave,

Welcome!  Sounds like you had a baptism of fire, but it all builds
character ;-)

To get your ADSL going, all you should need is to install 


all of which are on your distro disks.  Then just type:


as root in a console and answer some questions.

Finally, enter the domain info of your provider in /etc/resolv.conf

search my.providers.domain
nameserver ip-of-primary-dns
nameserver ip-of-secondary-dns

and you are done.

the command start-adsl should then bring it up.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-20 Thread Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 17:45, Dimitris Ioannou wrote:
 Brian and Jim 
 Please tell us if you have installed any additional
 fonts in Staroffice's directory. If not still, go to
 the fonts directory of the X-Server and copy fonts.dir
 and paste it to the Staroffice directory ovewriting
 its' own one. Then things should work OK hopefully.
 Also Jim check the permissions of the file where
 you're are trying to save your staroffice files. I
 mean do yoy have permission to do it there. If not
 change the permissions and that should do it. I had
 the same problem with staroffice. In my case it would
 start at all giving me segmentation fault. But when I
 did what I'm advising you everything works fine. I
 even managed to copy windows TTF fonts in the
 staroffice's directory and I am able to write and
 print with them.
 P.S. Let us know for any progress


Too late on my system.  SO6 is gone gone gone.  I figure, why use a
buggy commercial app when there's an open source alternative that works
better.  So far I can't fault OpenOffice 1.0, and even the pre-release
that was on my distro CDs worked better than SO6.

The one time so far that I have managed to crash OpenOffice (with some
pretty strange screwing around BTW), it restarted, restored the document
to right where it was and continued.  If that's as bad as it gets, I
have no problem staying with the open version.

thanks for the response though.  I posted when I first had the SO6
problem and got nothing back.  Maybe it would still be on my system if
you'd been around then.


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Re: [newbie] Modem setup under linux mandrake.

2002-05-20 Thread Michael Adams

On Mon, 20 May 2002 17:49, Nashib .J. wrote:
 Can someone help me to change the modem under Mandrake linux.I got a
 connexant modem and linux detected a rockwell modem instead.

Rockwell was bought out by (or renamed) Conexant.


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Re: [newbie] Installing to another drive when updgrading

2002-05-20 Thread Michael Adams

On Sun, 19 May 2002 02:33, Prashant Nayak wrote:

 I am planning to upgrade to 8.2.  I currently have 8.1 installed and all
 the Linux partitions are on a second (slave) drive.   My primary drive has

 I would like to get rid of the Windows install on the primary and use that
 drive with Linux.  I want to maintain my existing (non root) partitions
 that are on the slave drive.

 I'd appreciate advice from this forum.



Prashant, you can:

1. Keep all of your 8.1 intact and dual boot.

2. Keep some of your 8.1 intact and read those partitions from 8.2

for 1:

a. Install 8.2, as part of the install during your partition setup, set the 
mountpoints for your 8.1 drive (my two 7.1 partitions are /old and /old/home)
DON'T format those partitions.

b.1 when 8.2 is running, copy two files from 8.1's /boot to 8.2's boot.
vmlinuz-2.X.XX-Xmdk and initrd-2.X.XX-Xmdk.img. This must be the files with 
the version numbers as the others are symlinks that point to them.

b.2 make a backup of your 8.2 /etc/lilo.conf 
i.e. cp /etc/lilo.conf /etc/lilo.conf~

b.3 copy the lilo stanza you use in 8.1's /etc/lilo.conf for lilo boot and 
add it to 8.2's /etc/lilo.conf
- Rename the label of the copied stanza to linux81 or whatever you want to 
call it (spaces won't work - not sure about quoted label names with spaces).
- Change the image=/boot/vmlinuz for this stanza to read
image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.X.XX-Xmdk (So it points to the one you copied from 8.1).
- Change the initrd=/boot/initrd.img to read
initrd=/boot/initrd-2.X.XX-Xmdk.img (ditto)
- save the changes

b.4 on a command line type lilo and watch for any errors. If all is well it 
will quote back:

Added linux *
Added linux81
Added linux-nonfb
Added failsafe
Added floppy

c. reboot and enjoy the choice.

for 2:

follow step a above only.

By the way, glad to see someone else go windows free.


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Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-20 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

Brian hello my friend,

If you insist on keeping OpenOffice, that's OK, but if
you want to give SO 6 another try,I have and I can
send it to you, a small batch file that you put it one
level up from the dir where you have new fonts to be
installed in X and executes the mkfontdir and assign
commands automatically, also it creates a
fonts.dir.txt file that the Xfont server can use to
assign the fonts to itself. Using this and following
the method I pointed previously you can get SO6 to run
without no problems and with Winfonts installed and
working perfectly well. I can assure it's not buggy at
all. I have given it very hard times writing my wife's
documents(she's a journalist) and faced no problem at
all, {I had to transform them later in M$Word format,
put graphics in it, many pages,etc...}, so trust me
it's worth it. After getting it to work its rock solid
and stable as no other. If you want details on how to
I'm always available.



 --- Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 
On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 17:45, Dimitris Ioannou wrote:
  Brian and Jim 
  Please tell us if you have installed any
  fonts in Staroffice's directory. If not still, go
  the fonts directory of the X-Server and copy
  and paste it to the Staroffice directory
  its' own one. Then things should work OK
  Also Jim check the permissions of the file where
  you're are trying to save your staroffice files. I
  mean do yoy have permission to do it there. If not
  change the permissions and that should do it. I
  the same problem with staroffice. In my case it
  start at all giving me segmentation fault. But
 when I
  did what I'm advising you everything works fine. I
  even managed to copy windows TTF fonts in the
  staroffice's directory and I am able to write and
  print with them.
  P.S. Let us know for any progress
 Too late on my system.  SO6 is gone gone gone.  I
 figure, why use a
 buggy commercial app when there's an open source
 alternative that works
 better.  So far I can't fault OpenOffice 1.0, and
 even the pre-release
 that was on my distro CDs worked better than SO6.
 The one time so far that I have managed to crash
 OpenOffice (with some
 pretty strange screwing around BTW), it restarted,
 restored the document
 to right where it was and continued.  If that's as
 bad as it gets, I
 have no problem staying with the open version.
 thanks for the response though.  I posted when I
 first had the SO6
 problem and got nothing back.  Maybe it would still
 be on my system if
 you'd been around then.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Do You Yahoo!?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Problem installing Real Player 8 for Linux

2002-05-20 Thread Graham Watkins

Thomas Beno wrote:

 I downloaded Real Player 8 for Linux file rp8_linux_alpha_rh62_cs1.bin 
 According to Linux Newbie.com all I was supposed to do was double click 
 on the file and it would install.  Well, since it didn't, I have not 
 done something right or I've done something wrong.  Either way, I am not 
 installing the program.  Did I download the wrong version of the 
 program?  Am I not using the correct procedure to install a binary file? 
 I would really appreciate some help with this.  I am and probably will 
 be for some time a newbie to Linux.
 Tom Beno

  I got rp8.linux20.libc6.i386.cs2.rpm (via CNET's download page I 
think) and installed it from the command line with rpm -iv (earlier 
versions should be removed  first.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up 
next to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] OK... my turn again ;)

2002-05-20 Thread Michael Adams

On Mon, 20 May 2002 03:21, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Sunday 19 May 2002 01:28 am, Jerry wrote:
  My clock here on the gnome panel (or the KDE panel... not sure
  about the other WM's, i didn't install them) just seems to set
  itself to whatever time it wants.  it was saying throughout the
  at around 4am:  it said about 10:30 pm
  at 5:06 am it was right on the money.
  it's now 6:27 and the clock says it's 22 after midnight.
  any ideas?  my motherboard clock is set to GMT and timezone set to
  america/boise (mountain time--the timezone i live in) so it should
  be just taking 6 hours off but it looks like it's random... or is
  the panel clock just buggy?  thx :)

   Could be your motherboard/chipset.  Search the mailing list
 archives (expert and newbie).  I believe there's discussion of this
 problem with the clock generator chip on some motherboards.

If memory serves, it was the ones with a particular winbond chip

Dunno, not one i have faced


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Re: [newbie] Problem installing Real Player 8 for Linux

2002-05-20 Thread Graham Watkins

Gerald Waugh wrote:

 On Sunday 19 May 2002 01:07 am, Jerry wrote:
I just used the realguide section of real.com at


and clicked around in there for some that were audio only, some video
and audio.. some worked, others didn't but i think that was more of the
site i was connecting to than the player.

 I get a dialog box, save to disk   open no applications specified
 Do I have to make file assocaitions?
 Where is the realplayer installed?
 Please excuse the dumb questions!

Click on advanced button, enter location of realplay file (mine is at 
/usr/bin/X11/realplay - yours may be elsewhere, but typing whereis 
realplay at the command line -without the quotes - should give it to 
you). I think there is a tick box which ensures that Realplayer is 
always used to open this kind of file. Click OK in the advanced box. 
again in the dialogue box and Realplayer should load.

Hope this helps - I'm relying on my memory which is unreliable in the main.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up 
next to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] ZIP files

2002-05-20 Thread Graham Watkins

Thomas Beno wrote:

 Can .zip files be unzipped in Mandrake Linux 8..2?  I have downloaded 
 and installed QCAD and they have available a parts library in .zip 
 format.  Since QCAD is supposedly for Linux, I assumed that the .zip 
 parts library would be useable in Linux.
 Tom Beno
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Gnozip will deal with zip files and so will (I think) ark.  Both these 
came with the 7.2 I'm using.  Don't know if they are part of the 8.2 
distro. And until I can afford some more memory, I am unlikely to find out.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up 
next to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Modem setup under linux mandrake.

2002-05-20 Thread root

On Monday 20 May 2002 09:20, you wrote:
 On Monday 20 May 2002 08:49, Nashib .J. wrote:
  Can someone help me to change the modem under Mandrake linux.I got
  a connexant modem and linux detected a rockwell modem instead.

 AFAIK, they use the same chipset, so it shouldn't make any difference.

 Sir Robin

May be your connexant modem is a winmodem ...
In this case goto www.olitec.com to find a driver for Linux (exists for
Red Hat and Mandrake).  My Connexant works well !

Good luck !


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] console application in terminal

2002-05-20 Thread root

Hi !

I check incoming mail and files with F-prot for Linux, which allows a very 
selective action.

I made a desktop link to the application and added the necessary options. I 
made it run in a terminal.  Mandrake version 8.2 is used...

My problem is the terminal disappears (closes ?) as soon as the scanning is 
ended.  I have to provide a log file to see what happened ... It would be 
much easier if I simply could keep the terminal screen ...

Anyone seeing a solution (option to add ...?)  ?

Thanks !


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[newbie] Is VNC-Only possible?

2002-05-20 Thread Barry Michels

I have a Linux machine with no monitor.  Is it possible not to run X, but
just a VNC server on screen :0 for access from my XP machine?  I will also
run a SSHD server so I would be able to restart the VNC server in the event
of an accidental logoff.  :)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Re:Staroffice:Can't Save files

2002-05-20 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

If you insist on keeping OpenOffice, that's OK, but
 you want to give SO 6 another try,I have and I can
 send it to you, a small batch file that you put it
 level up from the dir where you have new fonts to be
 installed in X and executes the mkfontdir and assign
 commands automatically, also it creates a
 fonts.dir.txt file that the Xfont server can use to
 assign the fonts to itself. Using this and following
 the method I pointed previously you can get SO6 to
 without no problems and with Winfonts installed and
 working perfectly well. I can assure it's not buggy
 all. I have given it very hard times writing my
 documents(she's a journalist) and faced no problem
 all, {I had to transform them later in M$Word
 put graphics in it, many pages,etc...}, so trust me
 it's worth it. After getting it to work its rock
 and stable as no other. If you want details on how
 I'm always available.



Do You Yahoo!?

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Re: [newbie] console application in terminal

2002-05-20 Thread Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 20:15, root wrote:
 Hi !
 I check incoming mail and files with F-prot for Linux, which allows a very 
 selective action.
 I made a desktop link to the application and added the necessary options. I 
 made it run in a terminal.  Mandrake version 8.2 is used...
 My problem is the terminal disappears (closes ?) as soon as the scanning is 
 ended.  I have to provide a log file to see what happened ... It would be 
 much easier if I simply could keep the terminal screen ...
 Anyone seeing a solution (option to add ...?)  ?
 Thanks !

How about just writing a wrapper for it?  i.e. a simple shell script
that calls F-prot, then waits for a key press before exiting.


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Re: [newbie] Re:Staroffice:Can't Save files

2002-05-20 Thread Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 20:52, Dimitris Ioannou wrote:
 If you insist on keeping OpenOffice, that's OK, but
  you want to give SO 6 another try,I have and I can
  send it to you, a small batch file that you put it
  level up from the dir where you have new fonts to be
  installed in X and executes the mkfontdir and assign
  commands automatically, also it creates a
  fonts.dir.txt file that the Xfont server can use to
  assign the fonts to itself. Using this and following
  the method I pointed previously you can get SO6 to
  without no problems and with Winfonts installed and
  working perfectly well. I can assure it's not buggy
  all. I have given it very hard times writing my
  documents(she's a journalist) and faced no problem
  all, {I had to transform them later in M$Word
  put graphics in it, many pages,etc...}, so trust me
  it's worth it. After getting it to work its rock
  and stable as no other. If you want details on how
  I'm always available.
OK Dimitris, why not?  While I'm happy with the way OpenOffice is
working and I like the philosophy behind using an open source solution,
I guess it would be nice to have SO6 as a working option rather than
not.  If you would like to send me the shell script I would be happy to
give it a try.



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Re: [newbie] attbi

2002-05-20 Thread jbarron201

I,ve still got something 
wrong.if I fill in service name ,IP ad,subnet,gatetway boot shows ok if I 
try bot detect all fail,s.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 9:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] attbi
  i'm on attbi... i just ran the network adding no 
  ip number, netmask, any of that... use dhcpd and have it start on boot and 
  it'll fill in all you need.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 11:56 
Subject: [newbie] attbi

I,m green,green to 
linux but built a system to devote to linux haveing trouble with duel 
boot.Everthing configured nice until I got to the internet.Useing ATTBI 
cable .Then I,ve been unable to connect ,cahnged net card ,same thing .I,ve 
got the MSwindows information handy. 
service name ; 
ip address 
subnet ;
the dhcp is confuseing 
to me linux show three.ConfigureingI get the window firwall may need manul 
fix I have it set at standard. The system is a chaintek M/B running master 
and slave,voodoo 3 video,sound blaster 16 compatible.//Everthing we 
please help

Re: [newbie] Is VNC-Only possible?

2002-05-20 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Monday 20 May 2002 12:47, you wrote:
 I have a Linux machine with no monitor.  Is it possible not to run X, but
 just a VNC server on screen :0 for access from my XP machine?  I will also
 run a SSHD server so I would be able to restart the VNC server in the event
 of an accidental logoff.  :)


That's quiet possible. Just install vncsercer on the machine and connect to 
screen:1 or whatever.

You do need a telnet or ssh connection to the machine to start it the first 
time (passwords and all that) and/or if this machine shuts-down often a shell 
script to start the vncserver after booting.

There are quite a few other options to run X on a remote machine, depending 
on where the monitorless machine is (i.e behind a firewall or not) and what 
it's being used for but VNC is IMHO by far the easiest to set up from XP.

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Re: [newbie] OK... my turn again ;)

2002-05-20 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 20 May 2002 03:46 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 On Mon, 20 May 2002 03:21, Tom Brinkman wrote:
Could be your motherboard/chipset.  Search the mailing list
  archives (expert and newbie).  I believe there's discussion of
  this problem with the clock generator chip on some motherboards.

 If memory serves, it was the ones with a particular winbond chip
 Dunno, not one i have faced

Well, I've got egg on mine ;)  James posted a reply that it could 
be the battery on the mobo.  That's probly more likely a reason than 
my 'mobo/chipset' answer (and one I'd forgot about ;)
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Palm HotSync over USB

2002-05-20 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 20 May 2002 2:16 am, Dan wrote:

 Thank you!  I am going to try this!  This might be the best advise I
 have gotten yet as it makes sense to me.  Why didn't I think of this!
  Thank you Sir!

It saves ages fiddling around with pilot-link and coldsync (which are 
both temperamental).

I forgot to mention that you have to start MS Import on the Clie (don't 
know about other handhelds) before doing the mount otherwise /dev/sda* 
doesn't 'appear' and, once you've finished, type:

umount -a /dev/sda1

(You can map the hotsync button to MS Import via Preferences to make 
life easier).

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] I can't get telnet or ktelnet to work

2002-05-20 Thread K Montgomery

You may not have the telnet program installed on your machine.  At the
command line, type rpm -qa | grep telnet (search for the string
telnet in the list of all rpm packages).  If nothing is returned, you
don't have the telnet program installed.

I have the download version of 8.2.  The telnet program is on the
first CD in the package telnet-client-krb5-1.2.2-17mdk.i586.rpm. 
Install that.

Granted, using ssh is preferred because it is more secure than telnet. 
If the server you are connecting to supports it, it's better to log in
with ssh (the openssh-clients package is also on the first CD).  But if
you really want to use telnet, that's how to do it.

- Kathy

On Sat, 2002-05-18 at 17:26, Joe Davidson wrote:
 I have an out-of-the-box 8.2 installation on Intel.
 When I boot up, the only failure I get is proftp.
 I have connectivity, I can browse with Mozilla.
 When I open a shell window and say telnet , I get a no such command 
 When I open ktelnet and try to connect to anything, even localhost, a 
 window opens and then immediately closes.
 What should I do next?
 Joe Davidson
 Silver Spring MD
 301 593 4152

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[newbie] Hercules Fortissimo II

2002-05-20 Thread William Connolly


Can anybody suggest a URl where I can go and get drivers for this sound
card so it will work with LM 8.2?


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Re: [newbie] hardware requirements (more)

2002-05-20 Thread Robin

Mandrake has produced i386 versions for previous releases, and I suppose
they may do so for 8.2, but it gets harder each time.  In theory there's
nothing to stop you compiling the whole distribution from source, but of
course doing that on a 486 would take forever, not to mention a larger
hard disk than a 486 would have.

As for Star Office, Carroll's right; in fact she's understating. 
Running it on aything less than a 300MHz processor and 128MB RAM would
try most people's patience, and to get the kind of speed you'd be used
to with, say, MS Office, you probably want twice that.  100MHz and 32MB
is possible if you're patient, but don't use SO5.2, which was the
slowest, most bloated thing they ever produced.  OpenOffice 1.0 should
work, though you might consider making coffee while it loads.

If you also have a newer, faster computer, you might consider setting up
your 486 as dumb-but-not-totally-moronic terminal. OpenOffice uses a
kind of client-server model, so I think you could have your main
installation on your big fast machine, then install the client-side
stuff on your 486.  

Sir Robin 

On Sun, 2002-05-19 at 19:10, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 Take a look at RedHat -- they supported 486's through 7.1, and may still do 
 so in their current version (7.3). I'm still dubious about StarOffice; 
 version 6.0 requires a Pentium with at least 64 mb RAM.
 You didn't mention your hard drive. IIRC, 486's were quite limited (540 mb 
 maximum?). That is probably sufficient for a text-only installation, but it 
 will take some discipline.
 I'm sorry to be a wet blanket, and perhaps you'll succeed, but it's going to 
 take a lot of effort on your part. I had a 486DX4-120 system for a long time, 
 and it was the most stable I've ever had -- even though I was running Windows 
 3.11 on it. I replaced it about four years ago, and gave the motherboard to a 
 friend at work; he ran it for another two years.
 -- cmg
 On Sunday 19 May 2002 01:12 am, I wrote:
  He's mistaken. The 8.2 PowerPack carton specifies that Pentium, Pentium
  compatibles or AMD processors are required. This is because the binary code
  contains instructions that a 486 cannot understand and therefore cannot
  execute. As suggested below, there are some Linux distributions that will
  run on a 486, but Mandrake dropped support for them several years ago.
  You've got another problem, too. While it is possible to run in text mode
  with only 32 mb of RAM, you will not be able to run any graphical programs,
  particularly Star Office. I believe that it is possible to work with as
  little as 64 mb, although Mandrake recommends 128 mb.
  -- cmg
  On Saturday 18 May 2002 05:30 pm, you wrote:
   Does anyone confirm that? A friend of mine told me yesterday that
   Mandrake 8.2 can be run under PC486 DX-4 100 MHz.
   At 14:16 17/05/02 +0100, you wrote:
   As far as I am aware Mandrake 8.1 upwards will only run on Pentium 1's
and upwards..no support for 286/386/486. Same applies to RH
   Please correct me if I'm wrong
   FreeBSD will still run from 386 upwards.
   -Original Message-
   Sent: 17 May 2002 12:57 PM
   Subject: [newbie] hardware requirements
   I couldn't find at Mandrake's website what are mininum hardware
   requirements for 8.2 version install. Does anyone know that?
   I have an 486DX-4 100 MHz with 32 Mb RAM that I want to get back to
life. Besides that OS, I'll install on it StarOffice 5.2 only.

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Re: [newbie] Is VNC-Only possible?

2002-05-20 Thread shane

On Monday 20 May 2002 05:01, H.J.Bathoorn opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 On Monday 20 May 2002 12:47, you wrote:
  I have a Linux machine with no monitor.  Is it possible not to run X,
  but just a VNC server on screen :0 for access from my XP machine?  I

 That's quiet possible. Just install vncsercer on the machine and connect
 to screen:1 or whatever.

if you are running 8.2 you might have a look at RFBDrake, though at times it 
makes X suck up CPU like a sponge.  not sure why as i beleive it is just an 
implimentation of VNC.

Windows: Where do you want to go today? MacOS: Where do you want to be 
tomorrow? Linux: Are you coming or what?

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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[newbie] OT: Free Software in Public Administration

2002-05-20 Thread Charlie

An interview with the Peruvian Congressman that made MS's local chief look so 
stupid. That's my opinion of the rebuttal to the Man from MS at any rate.

From Linux Today:


Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough. -- 
William Blake

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[newbie] How to create a cd from ISO file

2002-05-20 Thread Michael . Hughes

I downloaded the Mandrake 8.2 .iso files and I am having problems getting
them to work when I try to burn to a cd.  Can someone please provide me with
a quick easy way to put iso files on CDs


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Re: [newbie] Unanswered 8.1 questions.

2002-05-20 Thread Derek Jennings

It is nothing personal Josef.  Sometimes questions are not answered simply 
because no one knows the answer. In that case the discussion  board at 
www.mandrakeuser.org is a good place to try.

As for your questions --
I can tell you that koffice.1.1-7mdk which shipped with 8.1 is broken. The 
print preview in kword  does not work. All the text appears scrunched up.

There was a fix koffice-1.1.1   which was never officially released by 
Mandrake, but was available on Texstars download site. Unfortunately Tex has 
deleted all his 8.1 rpms in favour of 8.2 ones.

Mandrake 8.2 ships with koffice-2.0.1  You could try installing that, but I 
suspect you will run into problems with libpng2/libpng3  (You can always put 
the old rpm back again if it is no good)

Or you could try mailing Texstar and asking nicely if he still keeps a copy 
of koffice-1.1.1 for 8.1  (www.pclinuxonline.com)

Alternatively upgrading to 8.2 will fix it.  (It will also not put extraneous 
text in your tty logins)



On Monday 20 May 2002 11:12 am, Josef Lowder wrote:
 I've sent several questions to the list to which I have not received or
 seen any responses.

 In April, I asked a question about how to modify the /etc/issue file so
 virtual console screens display only the tty without all the other
 superfluous text.  I did receive a response explaining how to eliminate the
 ASCII penguin, but that answered only one part of my original question.

 On 0205-01 I asked how to get Kword Print Preview to work.

 On 0205-01 I asked why a .jpg graphic inserted into a Kword document
 displays but does not print.

 On 0205-15 I asked why messages I had been saving in the Kmail sent-mail
 folder disappeared, and how to prevent that.

 Sure would appreciate it if someone would offer some help or suggestions.

 Mesa, Arizona

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Re: [newbie] How to create a cd from ISO file

2002-05-20 Thread Derek Jennings


On Monday 20 May 2002 6:43 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I downloaded the Mandrake 8.2 .iso files and I am having problems getting
 them to work when I try to burn to a cd.  Can someone please provide me
 with a quick easy way to put iso files on CDs


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Re: [newbie] How to create a cd from ISO file

2002-05-20 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 20 May 2002 6:43 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I downloaded the Mandrake 8.2 .iso files and I am having problems
 getting them to work when I try to burn to a cd.  Can someone please
 provide me with a quick easy way to put iso files on CDs

One command does it:

cdrecord -eject speed=s dev=x,y,z filename.iso

where you'll have to replace the speed and device parameters with your 

You can get the device parameters from Information | SCSI in the Control 
Centre; ,x,y,z is referred to as Channel, Id, Lun, and I'd expect 
all to be zero. My command is:

cdrecord -v -eject speed=32 dev=0,0,0 filename.iso

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] harddrake new video card

2002-05-20 Thread s

Well, you were right partially.  I had tried that before I posted, but after 
your post I tried again and found it on alt+F10.  I hadn't tried higher than 
F7 previously.  Thanks for your input.  

On Sunday 19 May 2002 08:09 am, et wrote:
 I allso use a gforce 4 based card ( MDK 8.2) with out the NVida drivers,
 just frame buffer out of the box), and when I run the detection phase of
 hard drake it drops from X but a simple ctrl+alt+f7 gets me back right
 where I was. the ctrl+alt+f? (1 to 7) trick to get to a different console
 works and X is not killed, just dropped from the screen.

 On Sunday 19 May 2002 06:59 am, you wrote:
  Hi gang,
  I have a little puzzle and I was hoping you might be able to help.
  Harddrake kicks me out of X when I try to run it now.  I put in a new
  video card today and wonder if anyone has heard of harddrake having
  trouble with the geforce4 cards (or is it just mine)?  No errors recorded
  or I haven't looked in the right place.  :)  Otherwise I haven't had a
  problem with the new card.
  Any thoughts?

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Re: [newbie] Unanswered 8.1 questions.

2002-05-20 Thread Derek Jennings

OK  I've found a copy of koffice-1.1.1 compiled with KDE-2.2.1 as used on 
Mandrake 8.1

Hope it helps


On Monday 20 May 2002 11:12 am, Josef Lowder wrote:
 I've sent several questions to the list to which I have not received or
 seen any responses.

 In April, I asked a question about how to modify the /etc/issue file so
 virtual console screens display only the tty without all the other
 superfluous text.  I did receive a response explaining how to eliminate the
 ASCII penguin, but that answered only one part of my original question.

 On 0205-01 I asked how to get Kword Print Preview to work.

 On 0205-01 I asked why a .jpg graphic inserted into a Kword document
 displays but does not print.

 On 0205-15 I asked why messages I had been saving in the Kmail sent-mail
 folder disappeared, and how to prevent that.

 Sure would appreciate it if someone would offer some help or suggestions.

 Mesa, Arizona

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Re: [newbie] harddrake new video card

2002-05-20 Thread s

On Sunday 19 May 2002 09:42 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:

  Harddrake kicks me out of X when I try to run it now.  I put in a
  new video card today and wonder if anyone has heard of harddrake

 From XFree86's pages, nvidia,  4.2.0:
 Support (accelerated) for the Riva 128, 128ZX, TNT, TNT2 (Ultra,
 Vanta, M64), GeForce (DDR, 256), Quadro, GeForce2 (GTS, Ultra, MX),
 GeForce3, and Quadro2 is provided by the nv driver.

I thought I read in a recent changelog they supported up to the gf4 ti 4200.  
So I figured the only difference in the all those 4xxx is the clockspeed, 
that the others'd be okay.  And it works good actually.  Except for that one 
little hiccup.  That and it's not identified fully.  It's called:
VGA compatible controller: PCI device 10de:0251 (nVidia Corporation) (rev 162) 
in /proc/pci and harddrake calls it UnKnown Card.  :)  So, yeah, I knew it 
wasn't really supported fully.  But I'm kinda used to that.  :)

So it could be the Gef4 isn't handled yet? Have you tried the 'nv'
 driver, or are you usin the 'nvidia' drivers?   and with what
 kernel?  I haven't been able to get nvidia's to work properly with a
 Gef2 with kernels newer than 8.2's 2.4.18-6mdk. Even a -13mdk I
 compiled myself (with gcc 2.9.6). What error mesg's, if any, do you
 get runnin 'harddrake' from a terminal?  running 'startx' from
 level 3? I suspect a XFree/Gef4 problem, or a kernel/Gef4/nvidia
 snafu.  If the card will work with the 'nv' driver, then it's got to
 be another nvidia drivers problem.

Naw, I didn't try the nv driver.  I already had nvidia installed and I put the 
new card in and didn't do anything except comment out the video ram in conf.

But no doubt you've hit the nail on the head.  That's about as close as we can 
get without more errors being reported.  But I looked through many many logs 
yesterday and could find nothing out of the ordinary.  I always start 
harddrake, mcc, everything from console - and the only error it shot was 
about not finding the floppy module.  I'm running 2.4.18-7mdk, the XFree that 
came with 8.2 I think, and the 2808 drivers.  

Yeah, startx from level 3.  (Well, 'kde3' from level 3 most of the time).  :)  

You wouldn't know the exact video ram of a 128mb card or how I could find it, 
do you?  That's what I was looking around for when I discovered the harddrake 

Then I redid the drivers in hopes it would help.  Didn't.  But since I can get 
it back by hitting alt F10, I guess I don't really have much of a problem - 
no more than I use harddrake anyway.

Anyway, thank you for your input Tom.  I spend most of the time waiting for 
better linux support.  It's my fault of course, we know better than to 
purchase brand new technology.  Why do I keep doing it?  :D

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Re: [newbie] DivX Player

2002-05-20 Thread Ralph Slooten

Hi there,

On Mon, 20 May 2002, Brian Koppe wrote:

 Hey everyone, I just installed the DivX codec and player in ML 8.2.  I 

... and player? What player do you mean? There are probably about 15 
different player for Linux for DivX films, and I can't seem to find any 
reference to divxPlayer anywhere?

 opened it once just to test it and it worked - I opened a movie, it 
 began playing, etc.  Now, I've just gone to watch a movie, and after I 
 open it, it closes soon after.  I tried to see what the error was by 
 opening it through a terminal, and got this:

 /usr/local/bin/divxPlayer: line 6:  2240 Segmentation Fault 
  /usr/local/bin/divxPlayer.bin $

Sounds like the film you are trying to open is not in actual fact a DivX 
film. I'm guessing that this is another file to the one you opened when 
testing the player? If it is the same one, then my guess is that the 
player is very buggy.
 Now, I don't know what any of this means - I don't know programming. 
  Can anyone please help?

Well, normally speaking I would say throw it away, and use MPlayer, however 
MPlayer is probably not exactly what you are looking for as it requires 
compiling and so on. If you get back to us as to which player (preferrably 
a download site / homepage) I can have a look for you.

Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

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Re: [newbie] harddrake new video card

2002-05-20 Thread darklord

On Monday 20 May 2002 03:37 pm, you wrote:

 I was desparate.  My only 3 month old geforce2 died like 2 in the morning
 Saturday.  So the soonest I could have had a better choice delivered would
 have been Tuesday.  Well, I couldn't hang that long.  I got this PNY Verto
 from Circuit City in town.  That was a leadtek that died at 3 months.  My
 son has an asus v7700 (gf2) that I ran for 2 years.  I guess there is a
 difference in brands.

Hi s! I think thats kind unusual for a 3 month old card to die...maybe it was 
just bad luck? Any chance of a warranty resolution? I've got a Leadtek 
Geforce 2 in my 11 year olds computer and I think its about a year old. No 
problems fingers crossed so far...


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Re: [newbie] DivX Player

2002-05-20 Thread Ralph Slooten

On Mon, 20 May 2002, D. Olson wrote:

 On Monday 20 May 2002 03:29 pm, you wrote:
  ... and player? What player do you mean? There are probably about 15
  different player for Linux for DivX films, and I can't seem to find any
  reference to divxPlayer anywhere?
 Probably the one from divx.com.

Oh right ;-) LOL ... looked everywhere except for there =) Well, I didn't 
expect them to actually create a player, considering the fact that they 
dropped all development of the Linux DivX codecs for all those months, and 
then for some unknown reason picked it up again.

 It segfaults a lot I hear.
  Sounds like the film you are trying to open is not in actual fact a DivX
  film. I'm guessing that this is another file to the one you opened when
  testing the player? If it is the same one, then my guess is that the
  player is very buggy.
  Well, normally speaking I would say throw it away, and use MPlayer, however
  MPlayer is probably not exactly what you are looking for as it requires
  compiling and so on. If you get back to us as to which player (preferrably
  a download site / homepage) I can have a look for you.
 MPlayer is nice.

I totally aggree :-)


Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

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Re: [newbie] DivX Player

2002-05-20 Thread Ralph Slooten

Just worked out your problem... at least I know the cure, not the 

Delete your ~/.divxPlayer/DivXPlayer.dbf file (in your home directory). I'm 
not sure why it does this, but it plays once great, but yes, when you start 
it up the second time, it segfaults just like you said. Annoying I know, 
but I don't know the solution either :-) Nice looking player though ...

You will have to delete this file each time you start up the player :-/


On Mon, 20 May 2002, Ralph Slooten wrote:

 Hi there,
 On Mon, 20 May 2002, Brian Koppe wrote:
  Hey everyone, I just installed the DivX codec and player in ML 8.2.  I 
 ... and player? What player do you mean? There are probably about 15 
 different player for Linux for DivX films, and I can't seem to find any 
 reference to divxPlayer anywhere?
  opened it once just to test it and it worked - I opened a movie, it 
  began playing, etc.  Now, I've just gone to watch a movie, and after I 
  open it, it closes soon after.  I tried to see what the error was by 
  opening it through a terminal, and got this:
  /usr/local/bin/divxPlayer: line 6:  2240 Segmentation Fault 
   /usr/local/bin/divxPlayer.bin $
 Sounds like the film you are trying to open is not in actual fact a DivX 
 film. I'm guessing that this is another file to the one you opened when 
 testing the player? If it is the same one, then my guess is that the 
 player is very buggy.
  Now, I don't know what any of this means - I don't know programming. 
   Can anyone please help?
 Well, normally speaking I would say throw it away, and use MPlayer, however 
 MPlayer is probably not exactly what you are looking for as it requires 
 compiling and so on. If you get back to us as to which player (preferrably 
 a download site / homepage) I can have a look for you.

Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

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Re: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-20 Thread Ralph Slooten

Sorry for all the e-mails guys, but I found the solution to the segfaults.

remove the ~/.divxPlayer/DivXPlayer.dbf file

restart divxPlayer

right click on the screen, and go to options.

click on the general tab and uncheck Check for new  and Display 
splash screen...

Close off divxPlayer .. and bob's your uncle, it should work now. At least 
it does here.

I thin that the startup search for a new version is buggering up the whole 


Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

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Re: [newbie] DivX Player

2002-05-20 Thread Brian Koppe

... and player? What player do you mean? There are probably about 15 
different player for Linux for DivX films, and I can't seem to find any 
reference to divxPlayer anywhere?

Sorry, I thought I had been clear on this but I guess not.  The player 
I'm speaking of is the The Playa, referred to in filenames as 
divxPlayer.  You can find it on the official DivX website 
http://www.divx.com  This is also where I got the codec for Linux from.

Sounds like the film you are trying to open is not in actual fact a DivX 
film. I'm guessing that this is another file to the one you opened when 
testing the player? If it is the same one, then my guess is that the 
player is very buggy.

As far as the file goes, I did not open the player and the file in the 
same command.  When I tested it, I opened the player and then clicked 
the button to open a file, and chose the divx movie I wanted to view. 
 At that point it worked just fine.  When I went to actually WATCH a 
movie in it however, I opened the player, just like before, and was not 
able to click any buttons to open any movie, as it closed almost 
immediately after.  Frankly, I know how to tell the difference between 
file formats, and I know how to compile just fine, but I like the 
official DivX player from divx.com.  It ought to work, it HAS worked, 
and I know for a fact it works as one of my friends installed it on his 
Gentoo installation with no problems.  My question really concerns the 
error message.  I know the problem lies in there.

There are two files in /usr/local/bin, one is called, simply, 
divxPlayer.  The contents are as follows:


DIVX_SKIN_DIR=/usr/local/divxPlayer/Skins; export DIVX_SKIN_DIR

/usr/local/bin/divxPlayer.bin $

I believe the problem may lie somewhere in this script file.  There is 
also a divxPlayer.bin in /usr/local/bin.  If anyone would like to see 
that I can send it but I don't want to mail an attachement to the whole 

Thanks for your help!

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Re: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-20 Thread Brian Koppe

Thanks a lot Ralph!  I'll be sure to check out MPlayer too, but I 
decided to go with the player from divx.com since I've had so much 
trouble getting any of the other programs to recognize the codec - 
namely Xine.


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Re: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-20 Thread Ralph Slooten

No problem, just glad to help (at the cost of too many e-mails LOL).

I'm really impressed with their player, although it does not support 
divx.subtitle files. I still choose mplayer as it's file support is huge, 
and it's stable. There is a huge amount of documentation on their site, 
and included in their tarballs. I do have RPM's self made for my mandrake, 
but it would be so much harder for you to install those as half of my 
system if running later versions of so many progams. I suggest to give it a 

If you *only* need to play divX files, then maybe stick with divxplayer at 
it saves you a lot of effort for Mplayer, however if you have other formats 
you need to play (the list is too much to mention), go for mplayer.


On Mon, 20 May 2002, Brian Koppe wrote:

 Thanks a lot Ralph!  I'll be sure to check out MPlayer too, but I 
 decided to go with the player from divx.com since I've had so much 
 trouble getting any of the other programs to recognize the codec - 
 namely Xine.

Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-20 Thread D. Olson

On Monday 20 May 2002 04:59 pm, you wrote:
 Thanks a lot Ralph!  I'll be sure to check out MPlayer too, but I
 decided to go with the player from divx.com since I've had so much
 trouble getting any of the other programs to recognize the codec -
 namely Xine.

Yeah, IMHO, Xine sucks.

MPlayer is THE PLAYER.

BTW, sorry to whoever had this originally, but I stole a piece of your 
signature... I liked it that much. Also, I want people to ask what that is 
supposed to mean, and that will give me a reason to throw Linux in their 
face. Hehe...

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience

Outlook is a petri dish. I don't know why anyone
uses it. -- James Gosling, Sun Microsystems

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Re: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-20 Thread shane

On Monday 20 May 2002 14:19, D. Olson opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 BTW, sorry to whoever had this originally, but I stole a piece of your
 signature... I liked it that much. Also, I want people to ask what that
 is supposed to mean, and that will give me a reason to throw Linux in
 their face. Hehe...

the original, full quote is There are two kinds of security problems. The 
first kind arises where people are too stupid for words. Outlook is a petri 
dish. I don't know why anyone uses it. -- James Gosling, lead engineer and 
architect of Java at Sun Microsystems

a petri dish is the little clear plastic plate doctors use to grow cultures.  
in other words outlook is only good for growing a virus.

remember the original 'jimminey cricket'???  no?  he got smashed for telling 
the truth, remember that the next time someone says honestly now, tell me 
what you think

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] harddrake new video card

2002-05-20 Thread shane

On Monday 20 May 2002 12:58, darklord opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 Hi s! I think thats kind unusual for a 3 month old card to die...maybe it
 was just bad luck? Any chance of a warranty resolution?

wow, my oldest working video card is 11 tears old.  still in the 486 it came 
in.  4 megs o RAM on the board, 512k video, 210 meg HDD.  has superants 
tiny linux with no GUI.  fast too.  ;-)

remember the original 'jimminey cricket'???  no?  he got smashed for telling 
the truth, remember that the next time someone says honestly now, tell me 
what you think

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-20 Thread D. Olson

 the original, full quote is There are two kinds of security problems. The
 first kind arises where people are too stupid for words. Outlook is a petri
 dish. I don't know why anyone uses it. -- James Gosling, lead engineer and
 architect of Java at Sun Microsystems

Yeah, I know. That's where I took my signature from...

 a petri dish is the little clear plastic plate doctors use to grow
 cultures. in other words outlook is only good for growing a virus.

And yeah, I know that. I took science class back in public school and high 
school... And yeah, I know what Oulook's downfalls are... Don't you think 
it'd be kinda dumb for me to take a quote as my sig if I didn't understand 
it? LOL!

But thanks anyhow!

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience

Outlook is a petri dish. I don't know why anyone
uses it. -- James Gosling, Sun Microsystems

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Re: [newbie] firewall broken in 8.2

2002-05-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 9:30 AM
Subject: [newbie] firewall broken in 8.2


 I have tried to set up a bastille firewall in LM 8.2

 after going through the InteractiveBastille setup

 the firewall is still not as secure as it was in 8.0.

 How can I set it up to where it will show ports as stealthed as in

 or how can I be surt it's actually secure once setup?

 thanks for any help

 Mike McNeese


In order to show up as stealth you must be dropping the packets as
opposed to rejecting them. Check your
/etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg file to see what your policies are
doing with the packets. Are they set to DROP or REJECT?


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Re: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-20 Thread D. Olson

On Monday 20 May 2002 06:32 pm, you wrote:
 ok, so i totally misread what you said.  i blame lack of sleep due to an 8
 month old..  :)

 *note to self, re-read everything before posting until you get a full night
 sleep.  like when the kid is 7.  :)


No problems. :)

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience

Outlook is a petri dish. I don't know why anyone
uses it. -- James Gosling, Sun Microsystems

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] harddrake new video card

2002-05-20 Thread s

On Monday 20 May 2002 04:42 pm, shane wrote:
 On Monday 20 May 2002 12:58, darklord opened a general hailing frequency

 transmitted to all open stations:
  Hi s! I think thats kind unusual for a 3 month old card to die...maybe it
  was just bad luck? Any chance of a warranty resolution?

Hey darklord,
Yeah, it was a disappointment that 3month old card died.  Yeah, I'm working on 
warranty replacement as we speak.  

BTW, I didn't get your post.  I only knew you responded by shane's answering 
yours.  Could you forward me a copy of your post?  thanks.


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Re: [newbie] OK... my turn again ;)

2002-05-20 Thread Michael Adams

On Tue, 21 May 2002 04:21, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Mon, 20 May 2002, jerry wrote:
  Checked on that i'm dual boot on this ( boot to windows what...every
  6 months?  lol)  it's doing find in windows, shut puter off overnight
  (unplugged)... time's still right on to the second in win98... seems to
  be a setting  in lin.  I'm checking to make sure i don't have 2 time
  config programs fighting with eachother or something like that ... later
  this afternoon when i get a minute.  also gonna check cron jobs, stuff
  ah this is bliss.  for some insane reason i get a kick outa having to fix

 It's the honey-moon period. getting to know the system and it's
 intricacies. (sp) not to worry though. it'll wear off after while once you
 down some serious work you won't want to be bothered with anything as
 trivial as tracking down a time problem such as this. :)

 as with any serious relationship just remember to hug yer penguin tightly
 when you're mad at it, smile, and breath.

Honey-moon huh...

With all the in's and out' that can be learned. I expect to be on the newbie 
list for a 20 year honeymoon.


V_/_   Standard Penguin

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Re: [newbie] networking

2002-05-20 Thread Brian Parish

On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 02:10, Anne Wilson wrote:
  There is a lot of references on Mandrakeuser and in the archives of this list 
  about setting up Samba and NFS.
 How does one access these archives?  Sorry if it's a stupid question, 
 but there's too much in here to lose.

See the links near the bottom of:



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[newbie] CheckInstall 1.5.1 on ML8.2

2002-05-20 Thread David Johnson

Hello all,

I've been out of Linux for a while, but just got an extra machine to play 
with again.

I've installed CheckInstall 1.5.1 from source per instructions.  When I run 
checkinstall, I get the following:

[root@timmy checkinstall-1.5.1]# /usr/bin/checkinstall -R

checkinstall 1.5.1, Copyright 2001 Felipe Eduardo Sanchez Diaz Duran
   This software is released under the GNU GPL.

Installing with make install...

= Installation results ===
This script has not been installed
Please run make install

  Installation failed. Aborting package creation.

Cleaning up...OK


Does anyone have an idea what I've done wrong?  I know that in past versions, 
a minor change had to be made to the script after installation, but this is 
different from what I remember in that instance...


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Re: [newbie] OK... my turn again ;)

2002-05-20 Thread Robin

On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 00:56, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Monday 20 May 2002 09:21, daRcmaTTeR opened a general hailing
  and transmitted to all open stations:
   It's the honey-moon period. getting to know the system and it's

There are two stages I love in an upgrade.  The first is looking through
the list of packages to see what's new.  The second is when I've
finished the serious configuration stuff and can start choosing

Sir Robin

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT: Free Software in Public Administration

2002-05-20 Thread Charlie

Monday 20 May 2002 02:50 pm,daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Mon, 20 May 2002, Charlie wrote:
  An interview with the Peruvian Congressman that made MS's local chief
  look so stupid. That's my opinion of the rebuttal to the Man from MS at
  any rate.
  From Linux Today:

 I'm sorry, but making an MS official appear stooopid isn't that hard of a
 task these days. ;)  please don't misunderstand me here. I'm bashing the
 OS, rather the cheese-doodles that are running the company. they are just
 plain wacked!
Mmmmcheese-doodles. (Homer Simpson? If he didn't say it he 
should have.) :-)

I still thought that, even with all of the back-up he apparently had in 
composing his rebuttal to MS, that it was a masterful job; and an interesting 
display of 'machismo' to do so to begin with. For anyone in public life at 
any rate.

I don't usually bash either the OS, or company management; since I have none 
of their software plaguing me, but I generally do laugh when someone else 
does so.
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Digital circuits are made from analog parts.
-- Don Vonada

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Re: [newbie] OK... my turn again ;)

2002-05-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

 On Monday 20 May 2002 09:21, daRcmaTTeR opened a general hailing
 and transmitted to all open stations:

  It's the honey-moon period. getting to know the system and it's
  intricacies. (sp) not to worry though. it'll wear off after while
  you down some serious work you won't want to be bothered with
anything as
  trivial as tracking down a time problem such as this. :)
  as with any serious relationship just remember to hug yer penguin
  when you're mad at it, smile, and breath.

 if this thread turns to topics like choosing the right herring for
 penguin and how to make up after a fight i am unsubscribing.  ;)

 Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If
you put
 a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying
 End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH, the paint wouldn't
 have time to dry.

 Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
 Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/


Don't look now, but this list is full of ways to make up with your
Penguin after a fight.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] VPN Connection

2002-05-20 Thread William R. Nash


I would like to set up a VPN so I can connect 
to my computer from work. This is what I have . I have a laptop with 
windows XP that I take to work. I need to be able to connect Via VPN so I 
can get some files from my Linux mandrake 8.0 server at home. I do not how 
to set up a VPN to allow windows users to connect. any help thanks Bill 

Bill Nash

Re: [newbie] OT: Free Software in Public Administration

2002-05-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Mon, 20 May 2002, Charlie wrote:

 An interview with the Peruvian Congressman that made MS's local chief look so 
 stupid. That's my opinion of the rebuttal to the Man from MS at any rate.
 From Linux Today:

I'm sorry, but making an MS official appear stooopid isn't that hard of a 
task these days. ;)  please don't misunderstand me here. I'm bashing the 
OS, rather the cheese-doodles that are running the company. they are just 
plain wacked!

Registered Linux User #186492

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Re: [newbie] OT: Free Software in Public Administration

2002-05-20 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Monday 20 May 2002 04:50 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 20 May 2002, Charlie wrote:
  An interview with the Peruvian Congressman that made MS's local chief
  look so stupid. That's my opinion of the rebuttal to the Man from MS at
  any rate.
  From Linux Today:

 I'm sorry, but making an MS official appear stooopid isn't that hard of a
 task these days. ;)  please don't misunderstand me here. I'm bashing the
 OS, rather the cheese-doodles that are running the company. they are just
 plain wacked!

Ah, but once again Microsoft makes it easier for the user. Now you don't have 
to waste your time making MS executives appear stupid. No, they'll do it for 
you. Here's an article on today's Slashdot from the 
shooting-yourself-in-the-foot department:
If you follow the link (it's a week old -- Slashdot must be losing their 
edge), Jim Allchin (Group VP of platforms at MS) told the court that since 
Microsoft code is so damn buggy and insecure, releasing it to the 
public would reveal security problems that could lead to the end of Life, the 
Universe, and Things Like That. Gosh, open source used to be just a cancer 
and communistic -- now it's a terrorist thing, too. More proof of the old 
adage, Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] harddrake new video card

2002-05-20 Thread darklord

On Monday 20 May 2002 06:50 pm, you wrote:

 Hey darklord,
 Yeah, it was a disappointment that 3month old card died.  Yeah, I'm working
 on warranty replacement as we speak.

Good luck, they should replace it

 BTW, I didn't get your post.  I only knew you responded by shane's
 answering yours.  Could you forward me a copy of your post?  thanks.


Hmm, wonder why not? Oh well, it really wasn't much more than that. I just 
mentioned that I had a Leadtek Geforce 32mb video card in my 11 year olds 
computer and its over a year old. Knock on wood, but we haven't had any 
problems with it yet... ;-)


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[newbie] KDE loses sound...

2002-05-20 Thread darklord

Anyone else notice that from the Control Center - Look n Feel - System 
notifications, that if you preview an AU sound file that it not only doesn't 
play, but you lose sound until the next time KDE is restarted. Is this a 
known bug or just something about my setup? Thanks! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Integerateed Development environment.

2002-05-20 Thread Rodrigo

Unfortunately I don't know any comparison article about IDEs.
As I told you, I am very newbie. Actually I am a college student who started 
learning C some months ago. I didn't know any IDE for linux, so I posted a 
message here and people told me to try Rhide, Anjuta, K-Develop and Xfce. I 
downloaded all of them and found that Anjuta suited better for me. One of the 
guys told me that K-Develop is quite powerful and it seemed so, but it had so 
many functions that I didn't need at that time neither did I know what they 
were for. 
Well, regardless each IDE's peculiarities, I think that it is more a taste 
issue, you find something that you like and start using it.
In my case, I found Anjuta easier to use, because the programs I've written 
so far are very simple : )
Sorry, I think I can't help so much.


On Monday 20 May 2002 13:47, you wrote:
 Hi Rodrigo,

 Thank you for the information. Have you had a chance to look at the KDE or
 the Xbasic environments? Do you know where I can find an article comparing


 On Monday 20 May 2002 04:37 am, you wrote:
  Hi, I am a newbie in linux and C/C++ programming and I like Anjuta IDE. I
  can't give you very deep details about it for I am a newbie   : ), but
  this IDE is easy to use and looks nice. Give it a try, I got it from
  rpmfind.net. Regards,
   -- Mensagem original ---
   Cc  :
   Data: Mon, 20 May 2002 00:01:19 -0700
   Assunto : [newbie] Integerateed Development environment.
   Can somebody share some wisdom on which to use, Xbasic, KDE IDE or
   other integrated development environment for C/C++ primarily.
   I looked up the KDE sites and it appears to my newbie eyes that the KDE
   IDE is optimized for producing software very narrowly targeted at the
   KDE platform.  I do not know if this targetting will constitute a trap.
   I found no info on Xbasic.
   Can somebody share some wisdom about Xbasic, KDE IDE and other open
   source IDE.
   I am also interested in perl. To my dismay I found out that the Open
   Perl IDE is for the Redmond platform!

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Re: [newbie] OK... my turn again ;)

2002-05-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

 On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 00:56, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
   On Monday 20 May 2002 09:21, daRcmaTTeR opened a general hailing
   and transmitted to all open stations:
It's the honey-moon period. getting to know the system and it's

 There are two stages I love in an upgrade.  The first is looking
 the list of packages to see what's new.  The second is when I've
 finished the serious configuration stuff and can start choosing

 Sir Robin

yepI can relate to that.


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] KDE loses sound...

2002-05-20 Thread Damian G

On Mon, 20 May 2002 23:04:16 -0400
darklord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone else notice that from the Control Center - Look n Feel - System 
 notifications, that if you preview an AU sound file that it not only doesn't 
 play, but you lose sound until the next time KDE is restarted. Is this a 
 known bug or just something about my setup? Thanks! ;-)

only with the AU preview? hell, i'm still trying to figure out
which app is killing my sound... after a rather intense KDE
session with several apps open, a gnutella client ( LimeWire, boy that java
stuff eats up my old PII 400  proc like a cookie )
Xmms, OpenOffice, a couple of Opera windows, a couple of Konqs, the mail client ( 
sylpheed )
and Gaim and Licq for my IM accounts.. and my sound gets killed for the rest
of my uptime. i've gone as far as killing every process i started as a user,
and switching to runlevel 1, ( and even killing a couple of processes in there )
restarting the 'sound' oss service..  and then run MPlayer with VESA video output
and oss for audio, and still i get 'soundcard busy'.

as for now, i went back to fluxbox. ( and gawd i was so used to see the memory
gauge at about 95% in a KDE session... fluxbox is stunning in that aspect). my 
machine is not only faster, but more stable.

Oh, by the way, i've upgraded to a newer build now, but with the KDE sometimes the aRTs sound server started on
it's own, unpredictably, leaving all my multimedia apps kinda confused...

so, no. you are not alone.


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Re: [newbie] KDE loses sound...

2002-05-20 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Damian G wrote:


Oh, by the way, i've upgraded to a newer build now, but with the KDE sometimes the aRTs sound server started on
it's own, unpredictably, leaving all my multimedia apps kinda confused...

so, no. you are not alone.


Hi Damian. Well, I'm sorry you are having problems as well. I've not got 
a soundcard busymessage, but its annoying none-the-less...

What card are you using? I've got the SB Xgamer Live here...

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Re: [newbie] KDE loses sound...

2002-05-20 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

  21  2002 07:04, / Ronald J. Hall :

Hi folks,
I'm sorry to burst in but I have no problems, thanks God so far, I have an 
FM801 soundcard (4 Euros it costed when I bought it late 1998),. Only thing 
sometimes, when I start KDE 3.0 I'm in now, there is no sound but that's 
because I need to go to Aumix and put the Volume up, and while I everytime I 
save the setting, everytime I restart KDE it goes to zero again and have to 
put it up again.


 Damian G wrote:


 Oh, by the way, i've upgraded to a newer build now, but with the KDE sometimes the aRTs sound server
  started on it's own, unpredictably, leaving all my multimedia apps kinda
 so, no. you are not alone.

 Hi Damian. Well, I'm sorry you are having problems as well. I've not got
 a soundcard busymessage, but its annoying none-the-less...

 What card are you using? I've got the SB Xgamer Live here...


Registered Linux User 271321
This message was sent
from a Microsoft_Free PC.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OK... my turn again ;)

2002-05-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

 On Tue, 21 May 2002 04:21, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Mon, 20 May 2002, jerry wrote:
   Checked on that i'm dual boot on this ( boot to windows
   6 months?  lol)  it's doing find in windows, shut puter off
   (unplugged)... time's still right on to the second in win98...
seems to
   be a setting  in lin.  I'm checking to make sure i don't have 2
   config programs fighting with eachother or something like that ...
   this afternoon when i get a minute.  also gonna check cron jobs,
   ah this is bliss.  for some insane reason i get a kick outa having
to fix
  It's the honey-moon period. getting to know the system and it's
  intricacies. (sp) not to worry though. it'll wear off after while
once you
  down some serious work you won't want to be bothered with anything
  trivial as tracking down a time problem such as this. :)
  as with any serious relationship just remember to hug yer penguin
  when you're mad at it, smile, and breath.

 Honey-moon huh...

 With all the in's and out' that can be learned. I expect to be on the
 list for a 20 year honeymoon.


 V_/_   Standard Penguin

nah...before you know it you'll be going like crazy and tellin folks
just coming in how things are done.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] KDE loses sound...

2002-05-20 Thread Damian G

 Hi Damian. Well, I'm sorry you are having problems as well. I've not got 
 a soundcard busymessage, but its annoying none-the-less...
 What card are you using? I've got the SB Xgamer Live here...

Creative Labs SoundBlaster PCI 64.
Linux recognizes the chipset as Ensoniq ES1370


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[newbie] windows 98 installation

2002-05-20 Thread Nashib .J.

Hi everybody,
Can someone help me, I have partitioned my harddisk with two primary fat32 for 
windows98 installation and used the free space for M.Linux installation. I 
installed M.Linux first on the hard disk. My question is, will the Lilo boot 
loader recognise windows98 when I will install it in the 

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