[newbie-it] hardware

2002-11-08 Thread Daniele Micci
Ciao a tutti,
devo montare un PC su cui verrà installato anche Linux. Quindi mi serve avere 
la certezza che tutti i pezzi hardware siano in grado di funzionare senza 
problemi. Qualcuno saprebbe, quindi, consigliarmi qualche marca/modello che 
funzioni perfettamente con Linux dei seguenti componenti? Grazie!

* Scheda di rete
* Masterizzatore (IDE normale, interno... non dovrebbero esserci problemi, 
che io sappia... qualcuno sa se qualche modello sia da evitare?)
* Modem ISDN (esterno o interno non importa)
* Tastiera e mouse senza fili (funzionano o danno problemi?)

Come sempre, grazie in anticipo a chi vorrà/saprà rispondermi!


Re: [newbie-it] scanner

2002-11-08 Thread Andrea Celli
On Fri, 08 Nov 2002 01:03:15 +0100

 Ciao a tutti
 Ho un problema con la configurazione dello scanner acer prisa620p
 da quanto ho letto essendo sulla porta parallela sono costretto ad 
 applicare una  patch al kernel.

In genere, gli scanner paralleli non lo richiedono ;-)
Almeno, il mio Mustek non ne ha bisogno.
Una volta (con i vecchi kernel) lo richiedevano quelli usb.

Prima di fare cose troppo complicate, ha provato a lanciare il
MandrakeControlCenter, ad aprire la sezione scanner e vedere
se il tuo è tra quelli che si configurano automaticamente?

Altrimenti, un buon tutorial (purtroppo solo in francese)
su come installare uno scanner parallelo lo trovi su www.lea.org

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] scanner

2002-11-08 Thread Marco Forti
 Altrimenti, un buon tutorial (purtroppo solo in francese)
 su come installare uno scanner parallelo lo trovi su www.lea.org

www.lea.org ... sicuro dell'URL? :-)



Re: [newbie-it] hardware

2002-11-08 Thread Andrea Celli
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 09:38:13 +0100
Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ciao a tutti,
 devo montare un PC su cui verrà installato anche Linux. Quindi mi serve avere 
 la certezza che tutti i pezzi hardware siano in grado di funzionare senza 
 problemi. Qualcuno saprebbe, quindi, consigliarmi qualche marca/modello che 
 funzioni perfettamente con Linux dei seguenti componenti? Grazie!
 * Scheda di rete

Qualsiasi scheda ethernet. 
Importa solo il chipset non chi la ha assemblata.
Buone quelle economiche (10 euro) basate sul Realtek81xx
(a casa uso quelle), ottime quelle (care) basate su chipset 3com
(in istituto le hanno prese quasi tutte così).
Non farti fregare a pagare un sacco di soldi una Realtek solo perché l'ha
assemblata Armani o Valentino ;-)

 * Masterizzatore (IDE normale, interno... non dovrebbero esserci problemi, 
 che io sappia... qualcuno sa se qualche modello sia da evitare?)

che io sappia sono tutti buoni

 * Modem ISDN (esterno o interno non importa)

non saprei

 * Tastiera e mouse senza fili (funzionano o danno problemi?)

dovrebbero funzionare tutti.
Evita solo i mouse con mille funzioni aggiuntive governate da software
proprietari: li paghi di più e poi li usi come mouse normali :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Conversione posta!

2002-11-08 Thread Alessandro Salina
Puoi darmi qualche indicazione su come si possa fare??
Se è possibile preferirei con Eudora, ma anche con Outlook Express andrebbe
bene lo stesso!!!
Grazie mille!

- Original Message -
From: francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Conversione posta!

 Alessandro Salina wrote:

 Sono ancora io!
 Posso, più o meno tranquillamente, convertire la posta da Outlook Express
 Eudora in formati compatibili con Kmail o Express. Esiste un modo per
 effettuare il procedimento inverso??
 P.S. Tra poco passo definitivamente a Linux Non appena mi tolgo
 piccoli dubbi!
 risposta semplice e defintiva:


 ciao francesco

Re: [newbie-it] scanner

2002-11-08 Thread Marco Forti


Grazie, interessa anche a me :-)



Re: [newbie-it] Conversione posta!

2002-11-08 Thread carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
From: Alessandro Salina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Conversione posta!

 Puoi darmi qualche indicazione su come si possa fare??
 Se è possibile preferirei con Eudora, ma anche con Outlook Express
 bene lo stesso!!!
 Grazie mille!

 - Original Message -
 From: francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Conversione posta!

  Alessandro Salina wrote:
  Sono ancora io!
  Posso, più o meno tranquillamente, convertire la posta da Outlook
  Eudora in formati compatibili con Kmail o Express. Esiste un modo
  effettuare il procedimento inverso??
  P.S. Tra poco passo definitivamente a Linux Non appena mi tolgo
  piccoli dubbi!
  risposta semplice e defintiva:
  ciao francesco
c'è qualche problemino a esportare da OE6. perdi qualche lettera nella
conversione, avvisato da messaggi di errore. non ho capito quale sia il
difetto che hanno le lettere perse

Re: [newbie-it] Conversione posta!

2002-11-08 Thread francesco.melo
Alessandro Salina wrote:

Puoi darmi qualche indicazione su come si possa fare??
Se è possibile preferirei con Eudora, ma anche con Outlook Express andrebbe
bene lo stesso!!!
Grazie mille!

- Original Message -
From: francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Conversione posta!


Alessandro Salina wrote:


Sono ancora io!
Posso, più o meno tranquillamente, convertire la posta da Outlook Express


Eudora in formati compatibili con Kmail o Express. Esiste un modo per
effettuare il procedimento inverso??


P.S. Tra poco passo definitivamente a Linux Non appena mi tolgo


piccoli dubbi!


risposta semplice e defintiva:


ciao francesco



la mia era una indicazione di massima.
Con linux si puo' fare tutto!  
La mia era una risposta ad una ormai quasi inutile paura di non poter 
fare; fior  di cervelli hanno usato il loro tempo per una 
interoperativita' tra win e linux per cui proprio le operazioni di 
passaggio sono garantite. Nel caso specifico mi viene in mente kmail ma 
anch e, come alla fine ho fatto io  mozilla  che con il suo messenger 
non ha nulla da invidiare a  express , in alternativa c'è evolution che 
ricorda moltissimo il buggatissimo outlook .
Il consiglio è di rischiare  non cadrai, la rete di linux è fitta , 
fatta di amici, fatta da persone capaci e che soprattutto hanno fatto in 
passato quel salto che ti accingi a fare tu.

abbi fiducia
ci rivediamo da linux...

Re: [newbie-it] Agfa Snapscan e25 (con mdk9.0)

2002-11-08 Thread Piero Piutti
On Thursday 07 November 2002 19:44, Pollo wrote:

 Ok, ora funziona...

Sono contento. :-)

 E' mostruosamento lento a trovare lo scanner... anche tu hai verificato
 lo stesso problema? Io usavo gia lo scanner con la mdk8.2 ma mi sembrava
 più rapido...

Questo è vero, capita anche a me che ci vogliano 30+ secondi per attivare lo 
scanner, ma poi, fatto questo fila tutto liscio.

Piero Piutti
Ticket to Ride - The Unofficial Ride Website: http://www.mareasub.it/ride

Message mailed with: KMail 1.4.3 ~ KDE 3.0.3 ~ Mandrake Linux 9.0

Re: [newbie-it] hardware

2002-11-08 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 10:14, venerdì 8 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
  * Scheda di rete

 Qualsiasi scheda ethernet.
 Importa solo il chipset non chi la ha assemblata.
 Buone quelle economiche (10 euro) basate sul Realtek81xx
 (a casa uso quelle), ottime quelle (care) basate su chipset 3com
 (in istituto le hanno prese quasi tutte così).
 Non farti fregare a pagare un sacco di soldi una Realtek solo perché l'ha
 assemblata Armani o Valentino ;-)

Ahahah, grazie per il consiglio! Per quanto una scheda ethernet assemblata da 
Armani o Valentino non sarebbe male (chissà come sarebbe... con pizzi e 
merletti?!), per abitudine bado alle specifiche tecniche nascoste dietro la 
presenza o l'assenza di una marca conosciuta...

  * Masterizzatore (IDE normale, interno... non dovrebbero esserci
  problemi, che io sappia... qualcuno sa se qualche modello sia da

 che io sappia sono tutti buoni

Sapevo anche io così. Ma, nel dubbio, ho preferito chiedere...

  * Modem ISDN (esterno o interno non importa)

 non saprei

Qui, invece, alzo le mani: io ho un normale 56K, non ho mai avuto un modem 
ISDN... quindi spero che in lista ci sia qualcuno in grado di darmi qualche 

  * Tastiera e mouse senza fili (funzionano o danno problemi?)

 dovrebbero funzionare tutti.
 Evita solo i mouse con mille funzioni aggiuntive governate da software
 proprietari: li paghi di più e poi li usi come mouse normali :-)

OK. Per quanto il PC che sto montando verrà usato sia con Windows che (per 
fortuna, soprattutto) con Linux. Quindi il danno sarebbe marginale... 
l'importante è che sotto Linux funzionino (anche senza tutte le opzioni e 
funzioni aggiuntive... solitamente abbondantemente inutili, per quel poco che 
ne so)!

 ciao, Andrea

Ciao, grazie dei tuoi consigli!


Re: [newbie-it] hp4470p

2002-11-08 Thread giamgax
Il Thu, 7 Nov 2002 22:06:42 +0100
ba-rk [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 salute a tutti !!c'è qulche infelice possesore di uno  scanner HP4470c che è 
riuscito a configurarlo sotto linux?se si si faccia vivo

sono nella tua stessa infelice posizione con l'hp 4400c. Ho cercato dappertutto ma ho 
trovato solo gente da tutti gli angoli del mondo che chiedono lumi.
Ho scritto all'HP minacciando di non comprargli 16 scanner ma mi hanno risposto che 
sono spiacenti ma non mi possono memmeno dire su che chipset è basato (tentando di 
risalire al reale produttore, forse Umax).
Non mi resta che associarmi al tuo grido disperato e sperare che prima o poi qualcuno 
scriva il driver sane.

Mio Yahoo!: personalizza Yahoo! come piace a te 

Re: [newbie-it] hardware

2002-11-08 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 13:59, venerdì 8 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
   * Modem ISDN (esterno o interno non importa)
 Qui, invece, alzo le mani: io ho un normale 56K, non ho mai avuto un
 modem ISDN... quindi spero che in lista ci sia qualcuno in grado di
 darmi qualche dritta...

 Fossi in te mi dirigerei su un Terminal Adapter ISDN esterno e seriale, 
lasciando perdere gli interni (che dovrebbero essere piu' economici e, si 
dice, piu' performanti per ridotta latenza, ma c'e' sempre il 
problema di indovinare il chipset e di far funzionare il driver) e gli 
usb (che, a parte il fatto che non so neanche se son supportati, creano 
sempre qualche problema ...)

Un TA ISDN esterno e seriale viene considerato dal sistema esattamente 
allo stesso modo di un modem analogico (quindi non servono moduli 
specifici, ne' isdn4linux ne' altro, basta p.es. il solito kppp).

Per es. io l'anno scorso usavo un Digicom Tintoretto ISDN esterno seriale 
64Kb/128Kb (piu' o meno il costo attuale ho visto che si aggira intorno 
ai 130 EUR incl. IVA, tanto per avere un'idea); leggendo le istruzioni e 
impostando un'apposito comando AT la velocita' era piuttosto buona 
(diciamo molto vicino al massimo teorico: 8KB, a cui si aggiungeva il 
beneficio della compressione dei dati, se supportata dall'altro capo del 
filo ...). Considera pero' che se hai un abbonamento a doppio canale 
(128Kb) la seriale (115,2Kb tendenzialmente) fara' da collo di bottiglia.

Se invece propendi per una scheda ISDN interna, ti conviene informarti 
prima del tipo di chipset che monta, e dare un'occhiata a qualche HowTo:
(qualche tempo fa c'era anche un howto della SuSE, ma risulta 
misteriosamente scomparso :O )

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 * LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
gcc 3.2 compila di tutto, kernel incluso :-))

Re: [newbie-it] hardware

2002-11-08 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 16:05, venerdì 8 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Se invece propendi per una scheda ISDN interna, ti conviene informarti
 prima del tipo di chipset che monta, e dare un'occhiata a qualche HowTo:
 (qualche tempo fa c'era anche un howto della SuSE, ma risulta
 misteriosamente scomparso :O )

Grazie infinite per la tua esauriente risposta! Vado subito a dare 
un'occhiata ai documenti che mi hai segnalato. Per vari motivi, preferirei 
prendere un ISDN interno... quindi mi toccherà vedere bene quali chipset 
siano supportati, per non acquistare un tecnologicissimo fermacarte...
Ovviamente, se qualcuno in ML utilizza già un ISDN interno (e tutto funziona 
senza problemi) e vuole farmi sapere chipset, marca, modello o quant'altro, 
avrà la mia eterna riconoscenza! ;)


Re: [newbie-it] hardware

2002-11-08 Thread Andrea Celli

  che io sappia sono tutti buoni
 Sapevo anche io così. Ma, nel dubbio, ho preferito chiedere...
   * Modem ISDN (esterno o interno non importa)
  non saprei
 Qui, invece, alzo le mani: io ho un normale 56K, non ho mai avuto un modem 
 ISDN... quindi spero che in lista ci sia qualcuno in grado di darmi qualche 

ricordati che nei casi dubbi vale la regola generale:
 andare in un negozio, vedere i 2/3 modelli tra cui sei incerto,
  cercare su (groups.)google linux + modello per vedere se qualcuno ha
  avuto problemi e se e come se l'è cavata

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] KREATECD

2002-11-08 Thread mario
Salute a tutti,qualcuno sa dirmi come far vedere il lettore cdrom a kreatecd  
nelle impostazioni scsi vede solo il masterizzatore,che peraltro funziona 
benissimo nel masterizzare file di qualsiasi tipo,solo che non vedendo il 
cdrom ,non posso fare copie da cd..la cosa strana è che per esempio 
grip legge benissimo i cdaudio..da...cdrom
la solita anima pia che sappia spiegarmi come fare
grazie a tutti voi

Re: [newbie-it] KREATECD

2002-11-08 Thread Andrea Celli
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 16:56:02 +0100
mario [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Salute a tutti,qualcuno sa dirmi come far vedere il lettore cdrom a kreatecd  
 nelle impostazioni scsi vede solo il masterizzatore,che peraltro funziona 
 benissimo nel masterizzare file di qualsiasi tipo,solo che non vedendo il 
 cdrom ,non posso fare copie da cd..la cosa strana è che per esempio 
 grip legge benissimo i cdaudio..da...cdrom

 la solita anima pia che sappia spiegarmi come fare

che risponde alla solita FAQ:
metti anche il lettore di CD in emulazione SCSI.

buon fine settimana, Andrea

[newbie-it] Il server x e' morto

2002-11-08 Thread Benedetto Santarella

Salve a tutti,
 Dopo aver provato la Mandrake 8.2, ho 
di fare un aggiornamento alla 9.0. Le prime volte 
il server X
ha funzionato benissimo, ad un certo punto, ha 
smesso di 
lavorare. Quando avvio kde, si pianta il mouse al 
centro della
schermata nera, e sono costretto a fare un 
reboot Allora o 
pensato di reinstallareMandrake 9.0 
formattando tutte le partizioni
il risultato e' rimasto sempre lo stesso 
(Strano!), allora 
ho reinstallato la 8.2, ma niente Ora mi 
chiedo ho formattato 
tutte le partizioni Linux, ho effettuato un 
fdisk/mbr, i settaggi impostati
durante l'installazione sono giusti ALLORA 

Grazie a tutti!

Re: [newbie-it] KREATECD

2002-11-08 Thread ba-rk
Grazie Andrea,(anche per il buon fine settimana)ma dovresti spiegarmi come
fare a mettere in emulazione scasi il cdrom.mi rendo conto di essere
molto ignorante!
grazie ancora
- Original Message -
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] KREATECD

 On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 16:56:02 +0100
 mario [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Salute a tutti,qualcuno sa dirmi come far vedere il lettore cdrom a
  nelle impostazioni scsi vede solo il masterizzatore,che peraltro
  benissimo nel masterizzare file di qualsiasi tipo,solo che non vedendo
  cdrom ,non posso fare copie da cd..la cosa strana è che per
  grip legge benissimo i cdaudio..da...cdrom

  la solita anima pia che sappia spiegarmi come fare

 che risponde alla solita FAQ:
 metti anche il lettore di CD in emulazione SCSI.

 buon fine settimana, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] hp4470p

2002-11-08 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 15:37, venerdì 8 novembre 2002, giamgax ha scritto:
 sono nella tua stessa infelice posizione con l'hp 4400c. Ho cercato
 dappertutto ma ho trovato solo gente da tutti gli angoli del mondo che
 chiedono lumi.

Non ho la soluzione, pero' sembra che qualcuno (nonostante il totale 
disinteresse di HP e col rischio di una potenziale citazione in giudizio 
per violazione del copyright per reverse-engineering) si sia messo al 
lavoro per il 4470c : 
Ovviamente e' a tuo rischio e pericolo ;)

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 * LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
HP, Sun, IBM, ecc... ? no, grazie! non digerisco la gente che ha un piede 
in tre scarpe ed e' felice di dare una pugnalata alla schiena appena 
cambia il vento ...

Re: [newbie-it] KREATECD

2002-11-08 Thread sandro
Hash: SHA1

Alle 16:56, venerdì 8 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Salute a tutti,qualcuno sa dirmi come far vedere il lettore cdrom a
 kreatecd nelle impostazioni scsi vede solo il masterizzatore,che peraltro
 funziona benissimo nel masterizzare file di qualsiasi tipo,solo che non
 vedendo il cdrom ,non posso fare copie da cd..la cosa strana è che
 per esempio grip legge benissimo i cdaudio..da...cdrom
 la solita anima pia che sappia spiegarmi come fare
 grazie a tutti voi

Ciao, se vuoi fare copie al volo da cd-rom a masterizzatore devi emulare 
anche il primo (cd-rom) come scsi.
In alternativa, cioè se non vuoi emulare in scsi il lettore, puoi fare copie 
al volo (si fa per dire) da masterizzatore a masterizzatore. In questo 
ultimo caso il procedimento è più lento in quanto dovrebbe fare una iso 
dell'origine su hd e quindi la trasferisce sul cd.

- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] smart card

2002-11-08 Thread mario
ho un lettore per smart card che in windows viene visto come 
disco rimovibile,posso farlo vedere a linux?

Re: [newbie-it] smart card

2002-11-08 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 18:51, venerdì 8 novembre 2002, mario ha scritto:
 ho un lettore per smart card che in windows viene visto
 come disco rimovibile,posso farlo vedere a linux?

Non saprei, cmq ho trovato un sito in cui ci sono dei driver per lettori 
di smart-card (tra questi ci sono anche alcuni lettori ufficiali usati 
dalle C.C.I.A.A./infocamere, per l'applicazione della normativa sulla 
firma digitale e l'utilizzo dei servizi camerali per via telematica):

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 * LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

[newbie-it] auto avvio

2002-11-08 Thread Arwan
Per caso sapete dove devo mettere un file perche' mi si apra automaticamente 
quando avvio KDE?
Un po' come l'esecuzione automatica di Win$...


Re: [newbie-it] auto avvio

2002-11-08 Thread Piero Piutti
On Friday 08 November 2002 20:29, Arwan wrote:
 Per caso sapete dove devo mettere un file perche' mi si apra
 automaticamente quando avvio KDE?
 Un po' come l'esecuzione automatica di Win$...

nella tua home, cerca la cartella nascosta .kde 
dentro c'è una cartella chiamata Autostart
mettici dentro un collegamento al prg che vuoi lanciare all'avvio ed è fatto!

Piero Piutti
Ticket to Ride - The Unofficial Ride Website: http://www.mareasub.it/ride

Message mailed with: KMail 1.4.3 ~ KDE 3.0.3 ~ Mandrake Linux 9.0

[newbie-it] Alice, ericsson b-quick mandrake 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread John
Qualcuno sa come configurare questa connessione adsl sotto la mdk
9.0, associata al modem sopracitato senza farsi venire un' ulcera?
Ciao e grazie a chi vorrà darmi una mano

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: http://www.email.it/f

Vuoi brillare come una stella nel buio? Gioielli di Gioie.it.
Clicca qui: http://adv2.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=770d=8-11

Re: [newbie-it] Alice, ericsson b-quick mandrake 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread legioni
è supportato intanto?
ti dico questo perchè quando ho sottoscritto la dsl con telecom; all'epoca
si chiamava ancora BBB, l'ericsson non era supportato e me ne sono comprato
uno mio.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 10:06 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Alice, ericsson b-quick mandrake 9.0

 Qualcuno sa come configurare questa connessione adsl sotto la mdk
 9.0, associata al modem sopracitato senza farsi venire un' ulcera?
 Ciao e grazie a chi vorrà darmi una mano

 Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: http://www.email.it/f

 Vuoi brillare come una stella nel buio? Gioielli di Gioie.it.
 Clicca qui: http://adv2.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=770d=8-11

Re: [newbie-it] auto avvio

2002-11-08 Thread francesco.melo
Piero Piutti wrote:

On Friday 08 November 2002 20:29, Arwan wrote:

Per caso sapete dove devo mettere un file perche' mi si apra
automaticamente quando avvio KDE?
Un po' come l'esecuzione automatica di Win$...

nella tua home, cerca la cartella nascosta .kde 
dentro c'è una cartella chiamata Autostart
mettici dentro un collegamento al prg che vuoi lanciare all'avvio ed è fatto!


Apri konqueror  premi su vai / avvio automatico  e ci metti il link che 
ti interessa
punta alla stessa cartella  (autostart) di cui parlava piero



[newbie-it] fuji esso ix30 scsi

2002-11-08 Thread Claudio Duchi
Salve una fuji ix30 (quella dei bollini)
Linux la riconosce ma oltre il riconoscimento non va
mi spiego la trovo tra i dispositivi usb ma non viene associato
nessun driver
Ora la camera ha una  smart card della Smartmedia
e in giro ho visto che è possibile tramite usbstorage utilizzarla in solo lettura
per far questo bisogna montara come dispositivo scsi
e qui nasce il problema
il mio sistema è piu ide che non si puo!
l'unica unita' scsi simulata che riesco a montare è il masterizzatore
Arrivo quindi alla domanda è possibile simulare una unita scsi
oltre che il masterizzatore?
e come ciao

[newbie] XDMCP

2002-11-08 Thread Tony Castro
Anybody ever use XDMCP to connect to their linux
machines? Any advice for setting it up?


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Re: [newbie] Mount Point

2002-11-08 Thread Dennis Sue
On Thursday 07 November 2002 11:05 pm, you wrote:
 On Thu, 7 Nov 2002 20:00:28 -0500

 Dennis  Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 07 November 2002 08:15 am, you wrote:
   On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 19:58, Dennis  Sue wrote:
Hello Folks.
Wanting more space, and having screwed something up sufficently to
warrant a reload, I decided to repartition my harddrive.
It all went well, Except.
I had a storage drive  that I created at  /storage.
When I repartitioned, I didn't realize that I would have to create a
mount point for it, ( I thought it was taken care of, And I wasn't
changing anything there, Just /Root, and /User ).
If I try to use the partitioning tool, It doesn't allow me to use
/storage as an option. It seems to insist on using /var.
So now, I have my backups, and some programs sitting on this
partition ( HDA 11 ) that I can't access, But would really like to.
And, I would like future access to to the drive. Any suggestions ?
   What happens when you try to mount the partition via a term with:
   mount /dev/hda11 /mnt/storage (assuming you'd create a /mnt/storage
   prior to mounting...)
   ...do you get errors? Does it work?
   If it works from the term, you can setup an automount for that
   partition, or create a script to launch from your /etc/rc.d/rc.local
   script...(/etc/fstab might be edited - ay?)
   I get this error :
  mount point mnt/storage does not exist

 What does ls -l /mnt display?


It displays :
2149 cdrom /2151 cdrom2 /   225795 disk / 2153 floppy /

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Accessing Win-My Documents

2002-11-08 Thread robin
Kaj Haulrich wrote:

On Thursday 07 November 2002 05:39 pm, Langsley T Russell 

Is there some easy to access the my documents files from
within Star Office? Or to copy them to SO? I have all
these files on what windows calls the D drive. I believe
that Linux refers to it as hda5. I have only one
physical drive in my current system.

I have many documents there I would like to transfer to
my Linux, Documents  directory. Is there any way I can
conveniently do this?


Langsley, you actually do not need to transfer anything. 
You can make this D-drive of yours accessible to linux in 
read-write-mode by editing (as root) your /etc/fstab.

In that file, there's a stanza for your hda5. Edit it to 
contain the option umask=0 like this :

iso8859-15,codepage=850,rw,nosuid,umask=0,nodev 0 0...

Save the file and you can use this D-drive from within 
linux. Cool,... eh ?

I'm surprised the Windows drive isn't mounted automatically under 
/mnt/windows - this is the default in a Mandrake installation.  If it is 
mounted and you were just asking how you can get at the Windows files 
more conveniently, the easiest way is to put a symbolic link to wherever 
you have your documents in Linux.  After cd-ing to this directory (e.g. 
cd /home/langsley/Documents)

ln -s /mnt/windows/My\ Documents ./

Make sure you have write-permission to Windows files (see previous posts 
on this issue).

Sir Robin

You almost never hear that word computer anymore, do you?
They're part of everything now. They used to be boxes with
keyboards, you know. - Tad Williams

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] RE: [newbie] Connecting to Internet

2002-11-08 Thread Richard Urwin
You want the Linux Network Administrators Guide. It's available as a PDF
or HTML on the web or in print by O'Reilly. We cannot do the entire
subject justice in an email. Check out The Linux Documentation Project

However I got online by following the Mandrake wizard, for a standalone

You need to get the following information, from your ISP or your
previous OS.
  The ISP's access telephone number
  your fully qualified domain name*
  If you should use PPP or SLIP (PPP appears to be preferable)
  If you should enable header compression
  If you should use DHCP
  If not then your IP adddress, the IP address of at least one DNS name
server, and the name or IP address of the default gateway.
If you ask questions like this then they will help you. It's just that
they don't want to get into Linux.

*For example: my FQDN from my ISP is soronlin.demon.co.uk As a
standalone configuration it would be reasonable to make the domain name
demon.co.uk and the host name soronlin However if you have a house
LAN then this wont work. It's a good idea to make (in my case)
soronlin.demon.co.uk the domain name of the house, and to add a
hostname onto it. So my machine might be snoopy.soronlin.demon.co.uk
This allows routing to be handled correctly, otherwise I couldn't
communicate with anotheruser.demon.co.uk

I am assuming that this is a dial-up link. If you have a cable router
then things get simpler, but you still need the IP addresses of
nameservers, and you need to remember/find out the address of the router
to set as the default gateway.

Setting up a server for the house is much more complex. I find that the
firewall configuration wizard does not work for me, and I am currently
blaming the fact that I have an ethernet NIC and a dialup link, which
you may also have. Sharing the modem to the other machines is a whole
new can of worms called IP Masquerading: read the N.A.G.

In short, you can use the wizard to get online, but read the NAG to make
it a server.

I hope this helps, good luck!

Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Antonio R.
Sent: 08 November 2002 03:22
Subject: [newbie] Connecting to Internet

Hi everybody:

I’ve just installed Mandrake Linux on my computer and it looks really
cool, but I don’t know how to connect to the internet, and my IP doesn’t
give help to linux users and the worst problem is that I use my computer
as the server of my house and there are two other computers connected to
mine, so…

I need someone to help me, step by step, on how to configure my internet
connection and who do I set up my computer as a server, or at least, can
anybody tell me where can I read in the internet information concerning
about this?

OK, I have and DSL connection with external modem and I don’t know where
to find my Domain Name and my DNS servers nor nothing, so I need to find
all the information to connect either.

And by the way, can anybody tell me how to configure my keyboard because
it has an English configuration and I need to configure it to Spanish.

Well, that is all. Please, help me with this ☺!


Antonio R.
ICQ: 18319148
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
James Dean (1931-1955)

This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
around the clock, around the globe, visit http://www.messagelabs.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] usb external modems

2002-11-08 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 18:32, John Richard Smith wrote:
 L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 Whether all usb external modems work properly in Linux. Whether there is also 
 I tired a few usb modems which were sold to me as hardware
 controlled, I returned them, none of the usb dialup modems
 are hardware controlled they all need software.TI don't think
 the situation has changed.
 In any case what's wrong with a nice serial port hardware
 controlled  dialup modem. You don't need to be plugging
 modems in and out all the time.
 John Richard Smith
If you get an internal HCF/HSF modem (PCI) - they'll have a Rockwell
chipset - and even though they're WinModems, you can get the drivers for
them quite easily. And they're not all that hard to configure. External
modems are nice, but you DO have to make sure you can get drivers for
them. USR's are definately the best and have been recommended for *NIX
systems for quite a long time (more than 10 years). Otherwise, you can
pick up a cheap but nice PCI modem just about anywhere - and as long as
the chipset meets the requirements just mentioned, y'all should be good
to go in no time at all.

Fri Nov  8 22:55:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon.
-- Dr. Konrad Adenauer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] XDMCP

2002-11-08 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 19:06, Tony Castro wrote:
 Anybody ever use XDMCP to connect to their linux
 machines? Any advice for setting it up?
Unless it's a dumb terminal, I generally use VNC for myself and for my
clients - works best, and it's very easy to configure. VNC clients are
available for Windows, *NIX, OS/2, Mac, BeOS, Amiga and more...the
software for the client-side viewer is available freely from ATT/Bell

Fri Nov  8 23:00:01 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

So what is The Big Difference(tm) that make file streams
 so much better than directories and so much different?

 I'll talk really slowly.

- Linus Torvalds

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Mandrake Online won't work in 8.2

2002-11-08 Thread Technoslick
I have been having this problem all along, with the first time I ever loaded
8.2 being the only exception --- when I try to use Mandrake Online to update
MDK 8.2, it returns a dialog box that says, Mandrake Online could not be
contacted, please try again at a later time. It only worked the very first
time I installed 8.2; never again thereafter!

Here's what I understand (or think I do...):

I go on-line with MDK to create a user account. I give my info and it sends
me back a cookie to authenticate me, my machine and what updates have been
applied. Like most, I have had to wipe out my 8.2 installation several times
for various reasons, so when I went through the subscription process, I used
the same account information, allowing MDK to recognize me. As soon as it
does, it begins to ask my computer for specific info about itself. After
that.it gives me this error message. If I create a new account, it
doesn't change the outcome. I even removed the cookies thinking that would
set things straight at my end. UH-uh.

I have gone into my profile section of MDK Expert and tried to create
multiple machines for the one account, or even new accounts, and it still
doesn't change anything for me. I have to say, I am not excited about
Mandrake's Web site interaction. It seems weird to me that I need to go to
the Expert section to manage a feature that newbies would be more inclined
to rely on. Be that as it may, I just would like to see if I can get this
feature to work for my MDK boxes. I know that I can update my boxes
manually, but it seems to me this is a really neat feature and that it
probably works for everyone else.

Pertinent facts to help everyone:

Online always through cable modem. Firewalled through Lynksys Etherfast
Cable Modem /DSL Router. No connectivity problems with the known outside
universe. MDK 8.2 is running beautifully.


Has anyone experienced this, and then found out what to do to resolve the



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Mandrake Online won't work in 8.2

2002-11-08 Thread Technoslick
I have been having this problem all along, with the first time I ever loaded
8.2 being the only exception --- when I try to use Mandrake Online to update
MDK 8.2, it returns a dialog box that says, Mandrake Online could not be
contacted, please try again at a later time. It only worked the very first
time I installed 8.2; never again thereafter!

Here's what I understand (or think I do...):

I go on-line with MDK to create a user account. I give my info and it sends
me back a cookie to authenticate me, my machine and what updates have been
applied. Like most, I have had to wipe out my 8.2 installation several times
for various reasons, so when I went through the subscription process, I used
the same account information, allowing MDK to recognize me. As soon as it
does, it begins to ask my computer for specific info about itself. After
that.it gives me this error message. If I create a new account, it
doesn't change the outcome. I even removed the cookies thinking that would
set things straight at my end. UH-uh.

I have gone into my profile section of MDK Expert and tried to create
multiple machines for the one account, or even new accounts, and it still
doesn't change anything for me. I have to say, I am not excited about
Mandrake's Web site interaction. It seems weird to me that I need to go to
the Expert section to manage a feature that newbies would be more inclined
to rely on. Be that as it may, I just would like to see if I can get this
feature to work for my MDK boxes. I know that I can update my boxes
manually, but it seems to me this is a really neat feature and that it
probably works for everyone else.

Pertinent facts to help everyone:

Online always through cable modem. Firewalled through Lynksys Etherfast
Cable Modem /DSL Router. No connectivity problems with the known outside
universe. MDK 8.2 is running beautifully.


Has anyone experienced this, and then found out what to do to resolve the



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-08 Thread Paul Rodriguez
Nope, not a search box, I've been typing it in the address pane.  Typing
a word in the window that pops up when I press Ctrl+O also takes me to
http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ .

- Paul

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 04:32, Michael Scottaline wrote:
 On 07 Nov 2002 22:28:39 -0500
 Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
 Whenever I type a word in the address bar of my galeon browser, I expect
 it to go to [word].com.  Instead I am taken to 
 http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ not ultimate or much good at all.
 How do I change this?
 Hit Ctrl+O (not zero) and put the address there.  Looks like you're entering
 the address in a search box.
 Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
Popular Mechanics, 1949

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Online won't work in 8.2

2002-11-08 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 08 Nov 2002 1:06 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 I have been having this problem all along, with the first time I ever
 loaded 8.2 being the only exception --- when I try to use Mandrake Online
 to update MDK 8.2, it returns a dialog box that says, Mandrake Online
 could not be contacted, please try again at a later time. It only worked
 the very first time I installed 8.2; never again thereafter!

 Here's what I understand (or think I do...):

 I go on-line with MDK to create a user account. I give my info and it sends
 me back a cookie to authenticate me, my machine and what updates have been
 applied. Like most, I have had to wipe out my 8.2 installation several
 times for various reasons, so when I went through the subscription process,
 I used the same account information, allowing MDK to recognize me. As soon
 as it does, it begins to ask my computer for specific info about itself.
 After that.it gives me this error message. If I create a new account,
 it doesn't change the outcome. I even removed the cookies thinking that
 would set things straight at my end. UH-uh.

 I have gone into my profile section of MDK Expert and tried to create
 multiple machines for the one account, or even new accounts, and it still
 doesn't change anything for me. I have to say, I am not excited about
 Mandrake's Web site interaction. It seems weird to me that I need to go to
 the Expert section to manage a feature that newbies would be more inclined
 to rely on. Be that as it may, I just would like to see if I can get this
 feature to work for my MDK boxes. I know that I can update my boxes
 manually, but it seems to me this is a really neat feature and that it
 probably works for everyone else.

 Pertinent facts to help everyone:

 Online always through cable modem. Firewalled through Lynksys Etherfast
 Cable Modem /DSL Router. No connectivity problems with the known outside
 universe. MDK 8.2 is running beautifully.


 Has anyone experienced this, and then found out what to do to resolve the



Maybe I misunderstand this, but I thought all Mandrake Online did was to send 
Mandrake a list of the packages you had installed, and then they would send 
you an e mail if one of them had an update available.

You certainly do not need Mandrake Online to perform an update. All you have 
to do is run Mandrake Update, let it get the list of updatable packages, and 
then tick the packages you want updating.  (Do not forget to select the 
'bugfixes' and 'normal updates' buttons in addition to the 'security' 

BTW: If Mandrake Update is very slow, you probably have a bad mirror selected)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-08 Thread Marty Wedepohl
Make sure you have the prefix 'http://' in front of anything you enter.

 Nope, not a search box, I've been typing it in the address pane.  Typing
 a word in the window that pops up when I press Ctrl+O also takes me to
 http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ .

 - Paul

 On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 04:32, Michael Scottaline wrote:
 On 07 Nov 2002 22:28:39 -0500
 Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:

 Whenever I type a word in the address bar of my galeon browser, I
 expect it to go to [word].com.  Instead I am taken to
 http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ not ultimate or much good at all.
 How do I change this?
 Hit Ctrl+O (not zero) and put the address there.  Looks like you're
 entering the address in a search box.
 Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
Popular Mechanics, 1949

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Online won't work in 8.2

2002-11-08 Thread Technoslick

Can you hear me say Duh! to myself? :-) For some reason, I have always
thought that Mandrake Online was synonomous with Mandrake Update. I just
checked, and of course, saw that they were not. I have no problems with
Mandrake Update

Thanks for being gentle in telling me I am going crazy...

T :-)

- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake Online won't work in 8.2

On Friday 08 Nov 2002 1:06 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 I have been having this problem all along, with the first time I ever
 loaded 8.2 being the only exception --- when I try to use Mandrake Online
 to update MDK 8.2, it returns a dialog box that says, Mandrake Online
 could not be contacted, please try again at a later time. It only worked
 the very first time I installed 8.2; never again thereafter!

 Here's what I understand (or think I do...):

 I go on-line with MDK to create a user account. I give my info and it
 me back a cookie to authenticate me, my machine and what updates have been
 applied. Like most, I have had to wipe out my 8.2 installation several
 times for various reasons, so when I went through the subscription
 I used the same account information, allowing MDK to recognize me. As soon
 as it does, it begins to ask my computer for specific info about itself.
 After that.it gives me this error message. If I create a new account,
 it doesn't change the outcome. I even removed the cookies thinking that
 would set things straight at my end. UH-uh.

 I have gone into my profile section of MDK Expert and tried to create
 multiple machines for the one account, or even new accounts, and it still
 doesn't change anything for me. I have to say, I am not excited about
 Mandrake's Web site interaction. It seems weird to me that I need to go to
 the Expert section to manage a feature that newbies would be more inclined
 to rely on. Be that as it may, I just would like to see if I can get this
 feature to work for my MDK boxes. I know that I can update my boxes
 manually, but it seems to me this is a really neat feature and that it
 probably works for everyone else.

 Pertinent facts to help everyone:

 Online always through cable modem. Firewalled through Lynksys Etherfast
 Cable Modem /DSL Router. No connectivity problems with the known outside
 universe. MDK 8.2 is running beautifully.


 Has anyone experienced this, and then found out what to do to resolve the



Maybe I misunderstand this, but I thought all Mandrake Online did was to
Mandrake a list of the packages you had installed, and then they would send
you an e mail if one of them had an update available.

You certainly do not need Mandrake Online to perform an update. All you have
to do is run Mandrake Update, let it get the list of updatable packages, and
then tick the packages you want updating.  (Do not forget to select the
'bugfixes' and 'normal updates' buttons in addition to the 'security'

BTW: If Mandrake Update is very slow, you probably have a bad mirror


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Kmail/Konqueror

2002-11-08 Thread Owen Berio
Im just getting started and have run into this problem.
When I receive a email that contains a URL I want to see, Kmail takes me to 
Konqueror and displays the URL automatically.
  My problem is that sometimes I want to add this URL to my bookmarks, but 
there isn't icons or file choices on the tool bar to do so.
How do I save a URL to bookmarks from Konqueror?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-08 Thread Paul Rodriguez
Actually, http://mandrake will take me to http://www.ultimatesearch.com/
as well.  

- paul

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 09:17, Marty Wedepohl wrote:
 Make sure you have the prefix 'http://' in front of anything you enter.
  Nope, not a search box, I've been typing it in the address pane.  Typing
  a word in the window that pops up when I press Ctrl+O also takes me to
  http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ .
  - Paul
  On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 04:32, Michael Scottaline wrote:
  On 07 Nov 2002 22:28:39 -0500
  Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
  Whenever I type a word in the address bar of my galeon browser, I
  expect it to go to [word].com.  Instead I am taken to
  http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ not ultimate or much good at all.
  How do I change this?
  Hit Ctrl+O (not zero) and put the address there.  Looks like you're
  entering the address in a search box.
  Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
 Popular Mechanics, 1949

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] XDMCP

2002-11-08 Thread teddy wl
In my appartement, i use XDMCP, becouse I have slowly
computer and i just minimum installed mandrake 8.2.
and my friends have computer with high spesification.
and always use him desktop ( KDM ) for login there
with my computer.


--- Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 19:06, Tony Castro wrote:
  Anybody ever use XDMCP to connect to their linux
  machines? Any advice for setting it up?
 Unless it's a dumb terminal, I generally use VNC
 for myself and for my
 clients - works best, and it's very easy to
 configure. VNC clients are
 available for Windows, *NIX, OS/2, Mac, BeOS, Amiga
 and more...the
 software for the client-side viewer is available
 freely from ATT/Bell
 Fri Nov  8 23:00:01 EST 2002
 |____  |
 |   /  \ /| |'-.   |
 |  .\__/ || |   |  |
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
 |  |/ ._/  ||
 |  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
 |  ;/ / | | |email:
 |  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
 |  '  `-`'   |
 So what is The Big Difference(tm) that make file
  so much better than directories and so much
  I'll talk really slowly.
   - Linus Torvalds
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Do you Yahoo!?
U2 on LAUNCH - Exclusive greatest hits videos

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] how add an icon

2002-11-08 Thread Daniele de Sanctis
i just downloaded netscape 7how can i add its icon in the program


Dr Daniele de Sanctis, PhD student  

   Homo sum humani nil alienum a me puto

X-ray Structural Biology Unit (B2)   | phone and fax ++ 39 010 5737306
Advanced Biotechnology Center (CBA)  | e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Largo Rosanna Benzi 10   | web
16132 Genova - Italy |

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] networking advice

2002-11-08 Thread teddy wl
1.for connecting all your PC you need ethernet card
for every PC. configuring the IP address ex. if you do not understand the IP you
must read the basic of TCP/IP or i sugestion to you,
to enter this address for your PC's :
PC 1 : netmask
PC 2: netmask same above
PC 3: netmask same above
PC 4: netmask same above

If your printer connected into you windows PC, you can
configuring Samba in you other Linux PC. and you can
use that printer for all PC.

for modem, you just one is enough, if your modem
connected into you Linux, you can use IP tables to
share your modem connection to internet, or if your PC
have installed mandrake you can configuring it with
mandrake control center, there you can configuring
your modem to share the connection to internet.

I wish it can help you... i'm sorry my english and i
wish you understan what i read

Teddy W. Laksono
Linux Power :))

--- L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have 4 PCs.
 3 on dual boot with linux and windows(98 or me)and
 one win98se.
 one has built in 8139 lan card. How should I go for
 networking these?
 1)what is the optimum ways if I have to include a
 few more PCs. Dual boot ones 
 can be made only linux ones.
 2)what should I get in hardware?
 3)How to go about in configuring software so that
 peripherals like printer, 
 modem attached one can be used by other and files
 can be shared?
 As a newbie in networking i need initiation and
 203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony,
 Visakhapatnam, 530017
 MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP
 530020 INDIA
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
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U2 on LAUNCH - Exclusive greatest hits videos

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Adding music in ERoaster

2002-11-08 Thread Miark
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002 22:22:19 +
Robin Ballantine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 05 November 2002 5:02 am, Miark wrote:
  I'm trying to burn an audio CD with ERoaster. When
  I bring up the dialog to add ogg or mp3 files, they
  just won't get get into the list.
  Any ideas?
 Hi Miark, I had the same problem and fixed it by recompiling the source. Can't 
 remember though whether I did it from the original source (ie a tar.gz 
 package) or the src.rpm. You could try rebuilding from the source rpm first 
 as this might be the easiest.


I tried rebuilding from source--no go. I went to the ERoaster web site to get
the tarball, and it wasn't there! Their download section was empty. I hope this
doesn't mean I'll have to use a different burning app. I really love ERoaster.


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Re: [newbie] Mount Point

2002-11-08 Thread Miark
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 03:46:31 -0500
Dennis  Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I get this error :
   mount point mnt/storage does not exist
  What does ls -l /mnt display?
 It displays :
 2149 cdrom /2151 cdrom2 /   225795 disk / 2153 floppy /

Then, as root, you need to 

  mkdir /mnt/storage

Now things should work.


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Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-08 Thread Charlie
On Friday 08 November 2002 07:35 am, Paul Rodriguez wrote:
 Actually, http://mandrake will take me to http://www.ultimatesearch.com/
 as well.

 - paul


I just started Galeon and typed transgaming into the address bar and ended 
up at a Google search page that shows links to Transgaming, and other pages 
that have references to transgaming or Transgaming. You know; a pretty much 
standard Google search. I also tried words; Mandrake, sourceforge, freshmeat, 
even just for grins 'n' giggles tried hotmail. Straight to Google search. 
Apparently for any word the result is a Google search on the word that I 
type into the address bar. 

Question; do you have auto completion enabled?

Since you have to have Mozilla installed to run Galeon, and since I can't find 
anything in preferences in Galeon to specify preferred search site, maybe you 
have to open MozillaEditPreferencesInternet Search, and specify the search 
engine you want there. You may also need to enable keywords and auto 
completion there. I don't have those enabled but I think they're on by 

BTW I have Mozilla set for Google as my preferred search engine.

Maybe you should try it?

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[newbie] lilo nopnpbios

2002-11-08 Thread Marcia
Dear All,

I have read from the Linux-Mandrake site that it is a good idea to put into 
lilo this line  linux nopnpbios if you have the via chipset and Mandrake 9. 
Is this true and exactly how and where does one do this?



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[newbie] compiling keramik on mdk 9.0 always failed

2002-11-08 Thread teddy wl
Hiii i'm newbie...

i try to compile keramik themes from source in
mandrake 9.0, but i always failed, and the warn appear
in terminal is always shown that automake not support.

maybe somebody can help me how to installing keramik
themes in mdk 9.0 and the source i download from

Thank you

Teddy W. Laksono

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[newbie] Fwd: kio_thumbnail

2002-11-08 Thread PBone

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: kio_thumbnail
Date: 07 Nov 2002 14:27:52 -0600
From: John Lange [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I saw a posting you made to a mailing list detailing a problem you had
with kio_thumbnail hogging all system resources.

Turns out I had the same problem and it was very hard to solve.

In my case I believe the problem was related to a link I had on the
desktop though I'm not really sure.

I had a symbolic link on my desktop to a microsoft Excel file in my
Documents directory.

When I first created the link it did not seem to cause a problem but
now, everytime I drag the file from my documents directory and say Link
Here it send the machine into an endless memory eating loop untill I
kill the kio_thumbnail process.

It seems to only be with that Excel file as some others I tested did not
cause this problem.

I could not reply directly to the list you posted too because I am not
subscribed but perhaps you could post this for me as a follow up in case
someone else is having this problem and this might help them?



I am forwarding this to the mailiing list as required. I don't have any excel 
files so it doesn't apply to me but ut may help someone else.

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Re: [newbie] Adding music in ERoaster

2002-11-08 Thread Robin Ballantine
On Friday 08 November 2002 3:23 pm, Miark wrote:

 I tried rebuilding from source--no go. I went to the ERoaster web site to
 get the tarball, and it wasn't there! Their download section was empty. I
 hope this doesn't mean I'll have to use a different burning app. I really
 love ERoaster.


Guess it wasn't just so straightforward afterall! Maybe I should mention that 
I have also rebuilt a lot of other packages on my system as well; eg ogg, gtk 
etc, ...I'm just an eternal fiddler as far as my system is concerned :-) I 
can't remember if that was before or after rebuilding eroaster, so I'm not 
exactly sure what was causing the original problem...just that its now 

Agreed, the eroaster packages seem to be somewhat elusive, however I've 
managed to use lftp just now to check the following address and download 
eroaster-2.1.0.tar.gz (which is really eroaster-2.1.0-0.6.tar.gz)


It's only 170k, so if you can't manage to accesss it I can send you a copy if 
you like.

ps, I tried rebuilding from source--no go. Was this from the mandrake 
source rpm, would it not build or did you mean that you just couldn't get the 

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Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-08 Thread Technoslick
I did this in Galeon:


I got:

keyword:cnn in Google, with the search results in the browser's window.

I did this:


And got http://www.cnn.com/, which is what is expected by most of us.

Are you saying that you 'are', or 'are not', typing the suffix (i.e; .com,
.net, .org...) when you enter only a partial URL?

If you do not type in a the suffix, it will assume that you are asking for a
search on that word. If I type in the suffix (.com), and not the prefix
(www.) or transport protocol (http://), Galeon will assume that you are
looking for a URL address and handle it accordingly.

This is not really unusual for a modern Web browser. Internet Explorer in
Windows acts this way, as does Galeon and Konqueror in Linux. However, I
have noticed that Netscape and Mozilla will treat anything typed in the URL
locator as a URL. The reason for that is that both programs supply a search
button to the right of the URL locator to do what the other would do
automatically. It may be a function of the using the Geiko engine that they
both now share.

Half a dozen of one, six of another --- what's more important to you? :-)


- Original Message -
From: Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] galeon search

Actually, http://mandrake will take me to http://www.ultimatesearch.com/
as well.

- paul

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 09:17, Marty Wedepohl wrote:
 Make sure you have the prefix 'http://' in front of anything you enter.

  Nope, not a search box, I've been typing it in the address pane.  Typing
  a word in the window that pops up when I press Ctrl+O also takes me to
  http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ .
  - Paul
  On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 04:32, Michael Scottaline wrote:
  On 07 Nov 2002 22:28:39 -0500
  Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
  Whenever I type a word in the address bar of my galeon browser, I
  expect it to go to [word].com.  Instead I am taken to
  http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ not ultimate or much good at all.
  How do I change this?
  Hit Ctrl+O (not zero) and put the address there.  Looks like you're
  entering the address in a search box.
  Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
 Popular Mechanics, 1949


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Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-08 Thread Technoslick
BTW, I should have mentioned that all the GUI browsers have a search button
next to the URL locator, and that its presense is NOT what makes Mozilla and
Netscape act differently. I looked at that after I sent my post and thought
you might misunderstand what I meant. ;-)


- Original Message -
From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] galeon search

I did this in Galeon:


I got:

keyword:cnn in Google, with the search results in the browser's window.

I did this:


And got http://www.cnn.com/, which is what is expected by most of us.

Are you saying that you 'are', or 'are not', typing the suffix (i.e; .com,
.net, .org...) when you enter only a partial URL?

If you do not type in a the suffix, it will assume that you are asking for a
search on that word. If I type in the suffix (.com), and not the prefix
(www.) or transport protocol (http://), Galeon will assume that you are
looking for a URL address and handle it accordingly.

This is not really unusual for a modern Web browser. Internet Explorer in
Windows acts this way, as does Galeon and Konqueror in Linux. However, I
have noticed that Netscape and Mozilla will treat anything typed in the URL
locator as a URL. The reason for that is that both programs supply a search
button to the right of the URL locator to do what the other would do
automatically. It may be a function of the using the Geiko engine that they
both now share.

Half a dozen of one, six of another --- what's more important to you? :-)


- Original Message -
From: Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] galeon search

Actually, http://mandrake will take me to http://www.ultimatesearch.com/
as well.

- paul

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 09:17, Marty Wedepohl wrote:
 Make sure you have the prefix 'http://' in front of anything you enter.

  Nope, not a search box, I've been typing it in the address pane.  Typing
  a word in the window that pops up when I press Ctrl+O also takes me to
  http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ .
  - Paul
  On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 04:32, Michael Scottaline wrote:
  On 07 Nov 2002 22:28:39 -0500
  Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
  Whenever I type a word in the address bar of my galeon browser, I
  expect it to go to [word].com.  Instead I am taken to
  http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ not ultimate or much good at all.
  How do I change this?
  Hit Ctrl+O (not zero) and put the address there.  Looks like you're
  entering the address in a search box.
  Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
 Popular Mechanics, 1949


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Re: [newbie] compiling keramik on mdk 9.0 always failed

2002-11-08 Thread Sharrea
On Saturday 09 Nov 2002 6:32 am, teddy wl wrote:
 i try to compile keramik themes from source in
 mandrake 9.0, but i always failed, and the warn appear
 in terminal is always shown that automake not support.

 maybe somebody can help me how to installing keramik
 themes in mdk 9.0 and the source i download from

Don't know about compiling keramik but texstar has an rpm for MDK9.0 at 

Works fine too.  Try his crystal-icons and aquafusion-icons rpms as well.  I 
particularly like his crystal-icons...very nice : )

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[newbie] Location of MySQL databases?

2002-11-08 Thread Paul
Hi everyone,

Can someone tell me where the MySql databases are located?
I am getting somewhere with my experimentations and would like to back them


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[newbie] USB in LM9

2002-11-08 Thread Marcia
Dear All,

In USB working in LM9 yet?



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Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-08 Thread Technoslick
BTW, I should have mentioned that all the GUI browsers have a search button
next to the URL locator, and that its presense is NOT what makes Mozilla and
Netscape act differently. I looked at that after I sent my post and thought
you might misunderstand what I meant. ;-)


- Original Message -
From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] galeon search

I did this in Galeon:


I got:

keyword:cnn in Google, with the search results in the browser's window.

I did this:


And got http://www.cnn.com/, which is what is expected by most of us.

Are you saying that you 'are', or 'are not', typing the suffix (i.e; .com,
.net, .org...) when you enter only a partial URL?

If you do not type in a the suffix, it will assume that you are asking for a
search on that word. If I type in the suffix (.com), and not the prefix
(www.) or transport protocol (http://), Galeon will assume that you are
looking for a URL address and handle it accordingly.

This is not really unusual for a modern Web browser. Internet Explorer in
Windows acts this way, as does Galeon and Konqueror in Linux. However, I
have noticed that Netscape and Mozilla will treat anything typed in the URL
locator as a URL. The reason for that is that both programs supply a search
button to the right of the URL locator to do what the other would do
automatically. It may be a function of the using the Geiko engine that they
both now share.

Half a dozen of one, six of another --- what's more important to you? :-)


- Original Message -
From: Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] galeon search

Actually, http://mandrake will take me to http://www.ultimatesearch.com/
as well.

- paul

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 09:17, Marty Wedepohl wrote:
 Make sure you have the prefix 'http://' in front of anything you enter.

  Nope, not a search box, I've been typing it in the address pane.  Typing
  a word in the window that pops up when I press Ctrl+O also takes me to
  http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ .
  - Paul
  On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 04:32, Michael Scottaline wrote:
  On 07 Nov 2002 22:28:39 -0500
  Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
  Whenever I type a word in the address bar of my galeon browser, I
  expect it to go to [word].com.  Instead I am taken to
  http://www.ultimatesearch.com/ not ultimate or much good at all.
  How do I change this?
  Hit Ctrl+O (not zero) and put the address there.  Looks like you're
  entering the address in a search box.
  Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
 Popular Mechanics, 1949


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Re: [newbie] Location of MySQL databases?

2002-11-08 Thread Todd Slater
On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 08:24:54PM +0100, Paul wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 Can someone tell me where the MySql databases are located?
 I am getting somewhere with my experimentations and would like to back them



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RE: [newbie] USB in LM9

2002-11-08 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] USB in LM9

Works great for me. Scanner, camera, flashcard reader, all working out of the box.
Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marcia
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 1:42 PM
Subject: [newbie] USB in LM9

Dear All,

In USB working in LM9 yet?



Re: [newbie] USB in LM9

2002-11-08 Thread John Richard Smith
Marcia wrote:

Dear All,

In USB working in LM9 yet?




So fat, only had M9.0 on a few days, both the printer and the camera
detected , printer works, camera does not.All seems stable so far.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] XDMCP

2002-11-08 Thread John McQuillen
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 19:06, Tony Castro wrote:
 Anybody ever use XDMCP to connect to their linux
 machines? Any advice for setting it up?

Yes, I found the following article called 'Remote X sessions with XDMCP
in four easy steps' on MandrakeForum and forwarded it to my local LUG
recently. Works great!




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Re: [newbie] Package Manager

2002-11-08 Thread mpaskey
It appears that it only occurs with software located in DVD:
/Mandrake/RPMS3  it's happening with every package I try that is coming
from here

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 15:35, mpaskey wrote:
 I just installed Mandrake 9.0 from the DVD, when I go to install  some
 of the additional applications it tells me... Everything already
 installed (is this supposed to happen at all?).
 Any Ideas or suggestions?

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Re: [newbie] Package Manager

2002-11-08 Thread mpaskey
I disabled Workstation DVD Edition (cdrom3) in Configure Sources and
then re added the RPMS3 as a source but without the hdlist.cz line. and 
now it all appears to work.  How Odd.  Any Ideas why this happened?

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 16:49, mpaskey wrote:
 It appears that it only occurs with software located in DVD:
 /Mandrake/RPMS3  it's happening with every package I try that is coming
 from here
 On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 15:35, mpaskey wrote:
  I just installed Mandrake 9.0 from the DVD, when I go to install  some
  of the additional applications it tells me... Everything already
  installed (is this supposed to happen at all?).
  Any Ideas or suggestions?
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Radeon 9000, xwindows and Mandrake 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread Marty McFly
How can I set up xwindows to use the framebuffer?  I'm interested in doing 


Subject: RE: [newbie] Radeon 9000, xwindows and Mandrake 9.0 Date: Fri, 8 
Nov 2002 09:22:27 +0800

if worse comes to worse, you can configure X to use framebuffer until
drivers become available..

I have had to do that several times in the past with IBM machines with
onboard video.



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Marty McFly
Sent: Friday, 8 November 2002 7:26 AM
Subject: [newbie] Radeon 9000, xwindows and Mandrake 9.0

I just installed Mandrake 9.0 on my computer, which has a Radeon 9000 agp
card in it.  During the install, when the installer came to the point of
configuring the video settings, that process failed with some error 
something like invalid configuration.  I tried to select Radeon several
times, all with the same effect.  (One would think I'd learn that if a
computer does something one way once, most likely it will do it the same 

I ended up clicking through that process, thinking it was configuring the
usage of vesa video.  When Mandrake boots it boots just fine up until it
tries to start xwindows, and that process exits, so no xwindows.

I tried running xf86config.  That said something like there is a correct
configuration, but there is information missing in the xf86PciInfo.h file

I checked the ATI site, and couldn't find any driver for the 9000 cards.
Only 8500 and below.

Anyway, I'm wondering if:
   1. Radeon 9000 cards work with Mandrake
   2. Do I need to reinstall (run through the installation process again),
or is there some configuration I can do in the text files?  or just wait 
a while

My computer (just put together):
Asus KT400 mb
Athlon 1.667 Ghz
Radeon 9000 agp card


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RE: [newbie] Radeon 9000, xwindows and Mandrake 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread Stephen Kuhn
mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com wrote: 
 How can I set up xwindows to use the framebuffer?  I'm interested in
 doing this.
There should be some modifications that can be made in your
/etc/X11/XF86Config.4 file - I know that there were some specific mods I
had to make for my nVidia - did you look through the /etc/X11/XF86Config
and /etc/X11/XF86Config.4 files to see if there were some pointers
pertaining to your specific card in there?

11 09 2002
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[newbie] wwwoffle error

2002-11-08 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I have wwwoffle proxy server for enabling offline browsing. I get all pages 
ok. But when I try to access yahoo groups, I get following error.
Found a cyclic link in 
How to see these pages with wwwoffle on?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
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Re: [newbie] extract audio tracts from .avi

2002-11-08 Thread Pilagá
El Jue 07 Nov 2002 14:52, Kristjan escribió:

 can anybody advise a nice software to extract audio from avi (divx) files.


Try with avidemux.


GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
8:53pm up 14 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] Kmail/Konqueror

2002-11-08 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Friday 08 November 2002 06:37 pm, Owen Berio wrote:
 Im just getting started and have run into this problem.
 When I receive a email that contains a URL I want to see, Kmail takes me to
 Konqueror and displays the URL automatically.
   My problem is that sometimes I want to add this URL to my bookmarks, but
 there isn't icons or file choices on the tool bar to do so.
 How do I save a URL to bookmarks from Konqueror?

Click Bookmarks (toolbar), Add Bookmark. It's not a bad idea to click on 
Bookmarks a second time to verify the title (it'll be at the bottom of the 
list). If you don't like it, click Bookmarks and Edit. Scroll to the new 
bookmark, either right click on it or click on Edit in the toolbar, choose 
Rename, change as required, and you're done.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Kmail/Konqueror

2002-11-08 Thread Chris
On Friday 08 November 2002 06:41 pm, you said, and I quote:
 On Friday 08 November 2002 06:37 pm, Owen Berio wrote:
  Im just getting started and have run into this problem.
  When I receive a email that contains a URL I want to see, Kmail takes me
  to Konqueror and displays the URL automatically.
My problem is that sometimes I want to add this URL to my bookmarks,
  but there isn't icons or file choices on the tool bar to do so.
  How do I save a URL to bookmarks from Konqueror?

 Click Bookmarks (toolbar), Add Bookmark. It's not a bad idea to click on

Alternately if you're using Mozilla, right click on the url, select copy to 
clipboard and then you'll get options as to how you want to open the url.  
If you have Mozilla already opened you can select open with Mozilla or 
whichever browser you're using.

  Registered Linux user #283774  http://counter.li.org
  7:14pm  up 18 days,  2:56,  2 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.05, 0.01

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lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-08 Thread Roger Sherman
On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 If it's from lm_sensors, it's 
 comin from a probe (thermistor) that either reads one of the cpu's 
 pins, or is in contact with the die.  From a pin is slightly better, 

I know this has been covered here before, but I can't find it in the 
archives (I can never find anything in those damn archives!). How does one 
set up lm_sensors, once installed?





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Re: [newbie] Alcatel Speedtouch USB with Mandrake 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread Azrael
for the record:

I just installed mandrake 9 again, a totally clean install, and my 
speedtouch wouldn't work.
Then I installed mandrake 8.2, and my speedtouch would not work (even 
though it used to under 8.2 once upon a time).

I am totally at a loss.

Someone once asked me to run lspcidrake -v and provide the output, so it 
has been attached.

I am looking for a cheap adsl router, however anyone that can do magic 
to save me any more expense, will get a pat on the back and a cup of tea.


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   (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' .'
((i).-''  ((i).'  (((.-'

Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave 
of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with a cat it 
would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat.

Brian Parish wrote:

Good advice!  I think I'm going to take it.  That particular box may not
be available to me as the equipment needs to be Austel approved (I'm in
Australia), but the principal of avoiding USB for such devices is sound.


On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 05:25, Philip Crowe wrote:

I know it's not really helping your problem but..
I had a lot of annoying probs with the speedtouch in the past with 8.2.
Easiest (well, longest term...) solution was the Dlink DSL-504. Cheap
and cheerful solution to an annoying, but, I'm sure, solvable problem.

Most of the problems were with USB but went away when I dispatched the
'frog' to the bin.

Just thought it might be worth thinking about.


-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Brian Parish
Sent: 21 October 2002 07:55
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Alcatel Speedtouch USB with Mandrake 9.0

Good info Ed, but I think I am convinced (note the confidence ;-) that
the problem (at least the first one) is to do with USB rather than this
specific device.  I get no lights on the modem and I suspect that there
should be at least this small sign of life if the USB port was active.

I am going to play with it on another machine and also try a printer on
the USB port as a first step.  I'll post again with the result.


On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 00:17, ET wrote:

have either of you tried the google search for
speedtouch_mgmt-0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm I know there is one in 
the Mandrake club. 

On Sunday 20 October 2002 10:05 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Quoting Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Can anyone out there point me at a how-to on this that is:

1. Not in French
2. At the URL advertised
3. In step with the parts that 9.0 does during installation

During the install I told the installer I had one of these and it 
brought up a screen in which I could enter my ADSL account 
details.  For some reason I was supposed to be in a country a long

way from where I actually was, so I didn't worry too much about 
this, assuming that this was stuff destined for 
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets and the like.

It then told me that I needed to download the binary from Alcatel 
and gave me a URL that worked.  I was also supposed to put mgmt.o 
(extracted from the downloaded archive) into /usr/share/speedtouch

Did all that.  Also read the how-to that comes with this package. 
It says I need to put mgmt.o somewhere else which doesn't exist, 
so I didn't and suggests I need to download and install some 
hotplug stuff which Mandrake seems to have already taken care of -

so I didn't.

So now what?  I downloaded speedconnect2.2-1 which has some 
scripts that make connecting easy.  They seem to have installed 
OK, but tell me they can't find my modem.  It's plugged in, but 
with no signs of life.

cat /proc/bus/usb/devices says:
T:  Bus=01 Lev=00 Prnt=00 Port=00 Cnt=00 Dev#=  1 Spd=12  MxCh= 2
B:  Alloc=  0/900 us ( 0%), #Int=  0, #Iso=  0
D:  Ver= 1.10 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor= ProdID= Rev= 0.00
S:  Product=USB OHCI Root Hub
S:  SerialNumber=c4879000
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=40 MxPwr=  0mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=hub
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   2 Ivl=255ms

which seems to indicate that USB exists, but may or may not 
indicate that something else is amiss.

The Alcatel site points me at:


but the URL is broken. :( sigh


Just needed to say: Me too (as in needing help - still)

[root@linux root]# lspcidrake -v
unknown : VIA Technologies|VT8363/8365 [KT133/KM133] [BRIDGE_HOST] 
(vendor:1106 device:0305 subv:147b subd:a401)
unknown : VIA Technologies|VT8363/8365 [KT133/KM133 AGP] [BRIDGE_PCI] 
(vendor:1106 device:8305)
unknown : VIA Technologies|VT82C686 [Apollo Super] [BRIDGE_ISA] (vendor:1106 
device:0686 subv:1106 subd:)
unknown : VIA Technologies|VT82C586 IDE [Apollo] [STORAGE_IDE] (vendor:1106 

[newbie] Internet connection problem

2002-11-08 Thread pkaplan1
My ISP is ATT/Roadrunner (or whatever they're called in Boston 
now).  Yesterday they forced a switch to dynamic IP addressess 
and DNS resolution so I can no longer use static IP addresses for 
my DNS server entries.

My home network uses a W2K box connected directly to a cable 
modem.  No problem switching that to the new configuration.  I 
have a second ethernet card connected to a router into which I plug 
in a Linux (LM9) laptop.  Formerly, I gave each machine on the 
home network a fixed IP address (the linux box was 
with the 2nd eth card on the W2K box as

I can no longer do DNS resolution from the Lin box.

Can anyone give me or point me to step by step directions for 
configuring both boxes to re-establish my ethernet connection from 


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RE: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-08 Thread Franki
Its been ages since i done it last, but you have to run the setup program..

its something like lmdetect 

it will work out what your sensors are and configure it all.



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2002 9:46 AM
Subject: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 If it's from lm_sensors, it's 
 comin from a probe (thermistor) that either reads one of the cpu's 
 pins, or is in contact with the die.  From a pin is slightly better, 

I know this has been covered here before, but I can't find it in the 
archives (I can never find anything in those damn archives!). How does one 
set up lm_sensors, once installed?





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RE: [newbie] Internet connection problem

2002-11-08 Thread Stephen Kuhn
mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com wrote: 
 My ISP is ATT/Roadrunner (or whatever they're called in Boston
 now).  Yesterday they forced a switch to dynamic IP addressess
 and DNS resolution so I can no longer use static IP addresses for
 my DNS server entries.
 My home network uses a W2K box connected directly to a cable
 modem.  No problem switching that to the new configuration.  I
 have a second ethernet card connected to a router into which I plug
 in a Linux (LM9) laptop.  Formerly, I gave each machine on the
 home network a fixed IP address (the linux box was
 with the 2nd eth card on the W2K box as
 I can no longer do DNS resolution from the Lin box.
 Can anyone give me or point me to step by step directions for
 configuring both boxes to re-establish my ethernet connection from

Wouldn't you want to enable the internet connection sharing on the
initial ethernet connection to the ADSL box? If you did that, then you'd
setup the linux box's ethernet connection to use DHCP - that's what I do
at home here (but with a modem). The only time I had issues with that
type of setup was for a customer that HAD to have specific IP addresses
on their internal network - but I still set the workstation with the
connection as the primary DNS server and all worked well after that...

11 09 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!And on the seventh day, He exited   !
!from append mode.   !

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RE: [newbie] Radeon 9000, xwindows and Mandrake 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread Franki
Its an Xserver option..

I can't remember the exact location off the top of my head, but when it asks
you want xserver (ie what vid card) you can choose framebuffer.. (be sure to
select expert)

so run drakxconf and get to the choose xserver and look for the framebuffer
option.. (it might be under generic, can't remember) (you can do it from
install as well.)

I only use it on machines where there is no other option.. but it works
flawlessly for 2d stuff.



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Marty McFly
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2002 7:22 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Radeon 9000, xwindows and Mandrake 9.0

How can I set up xwindows to use the framebuffer?  I'm interested in doing


Subject: RE: [newbie] Radeon 9000, xwindows and Mandrake 9.0 Date: Fri, 8
Nov 2002 09:22:27 +0800

if worse comes to worse, you can configure X to use framebuffer until
drivers become available..

I have had to do that several times in the past with IBM machines with
onboard video.



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Marty McFly
Sent: Friday, 8 November 2002 7:26 AM
Subject: [newbie] Radeon 9000, xwindows and Mandrake 9.0

I just installed Mandrake 9.0 on my computer, which has a Radeon 9000 agp
card in it.  During the install, when the installer came to the point of
configuring the video settings, that process failed with some error
something like invalid configuration.  I tried to select Radeon several
times, all with the same effect.  (One would think I'd learn that if a
computer does something one way once, most likely it will do it the same

I ended up clicking through that process, thinking it was configuring the
usage of vesa video.  When Mandrake boots it boots just fine up until it
tries to start xwindows, and that process exits, so no xwindows.

I tried running xf86config.  That said something like there is a correct
configuration, but there is information missing in the xf86PciInfo.h file

I checked the ATI site, and couldn't find any driver for the 9000 cards.
Only 8500 and below.

Anyway, I'm wondering if:
1. Radeon 9000 cards work with Mandrake
2. Do I need to reinstall (run through the installation process again),
or is there some configuration I can do in the text files?  or just wait
a while

My computer (just put together):
Asus KT400 mb
Athlon 1.667 Ghz
Radeon 9000 agp card


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Re: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-08 Thread Dennis Myers
On Friday 08 November 2002 07:46 pm, Roger Sherman wrote:
 On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  If it's from lm_sensors, it's
  comin from a probe (thermistor) that either reads one of the cpu's
  pins, or is in contact with the die.  From a pin is slightly better,

 I know this has been covered here before, but I can't find it in the
 archives (I can never find anything in those damn archives!). How does one
 set up lm_sensors, once installed?

Go into a console and su to root, give password, at the prompt type 
sensors-detect without the quotes of course, it will take you through a 
dialogue of yes no answers and at the end give you some scripts to edit into 
/etc/rc.d/rc.local and  /etc/modules.conf  files just highlight them and in 
your choice of editors click middle mouse button or rightmouse and paste the 
additions in. For the rc.local I always add the changes right after the first 
dialogue paragraph. Works every time for me. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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RE: [newbie] How do you figure out what's out there?

2002-11-08 Thread Kesav Tadimeti
Hi Gary,
Why are you switching to Linux? I believe Solaris has an X86 version and
version 9 is due to be released and it is more stable than Linux.


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[newbie] Windows CE device

2002-11-08 Thread Noah Hicks
Hey all
Is there any way to do any sort of data transfer between a Windows CE device 
and a linux computer?  I was just hoping to be able to transfer text files 
from one device to the other.  I have a hunch that I'm talking about the 
impossible, but I thought I would ask.  

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Re: [newbie] extract audio tracts from .avi

2002-11-08 Thread David E. Fox
 can anybody advise a nice software to extract audio from avi (divx) files.

I think mplayer is able to do that, but I haven't tried it, and the
mplayer docs can be convoluted sometimes.


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RE: [newbie] Installing 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread Greg
Yes That is what I did  but some thing went wrong   I am still checking on it so I can 
correct it  

Tim Werner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I ran the dosutils/rawwrite.exe program to create my boot floppy under
windows.  When you run that program, you have to point to the
images/cdrom.img file to create the floppy.  Is that what you did?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Greg
 Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 8:34 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Installing 9.0

   Hi every one   I ordered 9.0  from Mandrakes web site but have
 no word on when they will get here   So I figured I would
 download it and burn my own from the download  I downloaded 9.0
 and burned a cd  but when I try to make a boot disk to a floppy
 the is nothing on the floppyI never had any trouble  before
 with the disks that I bought  Any ideas   Thanks  Greg

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RE: [newbie] How do you figure out what's out there?

2002-11-08 Thread Gary Armstrong

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Kesav Tadimeti
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 8:28 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] How do you figure out what's out there?

Hi Gary,
Why are you switching to Linux? I believe Solaris has an X86 version and
version 9 is due to be released and it is more stable than Linux.


Wasn't really my choice. The place I was working no longer opens for
business. 8^( I plan on using Linux + available apps to keep my skills
sharp. Linux X86 is more common/ubiquitous then Solaris X86.


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Re: [newbie] Installing 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread Greg
What do you mean by burning the iso to the cd
It wont boot by cd   My hardware does support it

Vasiliy Boulytchev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I guess, I forget to think like a tech.  Sorry.  Anyways 
good luck with 9.0 
I enjoy it at work as my desktop system very much.  KDE 3 

On 07 Nov 2002 20:44:53 -0500
  Anthony Abby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 20:40, Vasiliy Boulytchev wrote:
 shouldn't that cd be bootable itself?

Yes, generally unless his hardware doesn't support it, or 
unless he
actually burned the .iso file to the cd itself.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Installing 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread Greg
Hi everyone  I found out what was  keeping me from making a boot floppy
It was a bad floppy  I want to thank everyone for the help It is people like the 
ones on this list that help make Linux the best  

Vasiliy Boulytchev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

shouldn't that cd be bootable itself?

On Thu, 07 Nov 2002 20:34:14 -0500
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg) wrote:
   Hi every one   I ordered 9.0  from Mandrakes web site 
but have no word on when they will get here   So I 
figured I would download it and burn my own from the 
download  I downloaded 9.0 and burned a cd  but when I 
try to make a boot disk to a floppy  the is nothing on 
the floppyI never had any trouble  before with the 
disks that I bought  Any ideas   Thanks  Greg

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[newbie] GNOME 2.0.1 Desktop Theme

2002-11-08 Thread Mike M
I want for my desktop to look like the one shown at:


Anyone know of the theme installed there? I can't find
it anywhere on freshmeat. Also looking for cool dark
themes. :)



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Re: [newbie] Windows CE device

2002-11-08 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 15:37, Noah Hicks wrote:
 Hey all
 Is there any way to do any sort of data transfer between a Windows CE device 
 and a linux computer?  I was just hoping to be able to transfer text files 
 from one device to the other.  I have a hunch that I'm talking about the 
 impossible, but I thought I would ask.  
Being that the device is able to network, if you've got SAMBA running on
the CE device, you should be able to easily transfer files to the device
or from the device via normal Windows networking.

Sat Nov  9 17:00:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

Gay shlafen:  Yiddish for go to sleep.

Now doesn't gay shlafen have a softer, more soothing sound than the
harsh, staccato go to sleep?  Listen to the difference:
Go to sleep, you little wretch! ... Gay shlafen, darling.
Obvious, isn't it?
Clearly the best thing you can do for you children is to start
speaking Yiddish right now and never speak another word of English as
long as you live.  This will, of course, entail teaching Yiddish to all
your friends, business associates, the people at the supermarket, and
so on, but that's just the point.  It has to start with committed
individuals and then grow
Some minor adjustments will have to be made, of course: those
signs written in what look like Yiddish letters won't be funny when
everything is written in Yiddish.  And we'll have to start driving on
the left side of the road so we won't be reading the street signs
backwards.  But is that too high a price to pay for world peace?
I think not, my friend, I think not.
-- Arthur Naiman, Every Goy's Guide to Yiddish

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Installing 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 16:25, Greg wrote:
 What do you mean by burning the iso to the cd
 It wont boot by cd   My hardware does support it

Some burning programs need to be told that the ISO is an El Torito
bootable CD (which is different than a Windows bootable CD) - so it may
not have written all the necessary booting data to the CD...

Have you tried doing the installation through Windows? If you insert
CD#1 in while you're in Windows, you DO have the option to run the
installation...that is, if you didn't blow out Windows from the machine
in the first place...

I created space on a test machine (9gb) and moved the WinXP data to the
back of the partition - ran the CD through Windows and performed the
installation. After the install was done, I did have my Windows partion
not only automatically mounted under /mnt/windows, but the OS was added
to the lilo boot screen as well. Was fairly painless. I would have tried
the bootdisk, but this workstation doesn't have a floppy drive...

Sat Nov  9 17:05:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I
-- Paul of Tarsus, (Saint Paul)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Installing 9.0

2002-11-08 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 17:02, Greg wrote:
 Hi everyone  I found out what was  keeping me from making a boot floppy
 It was a bad floppy  I want to thank everyone for the help It is people like the 
ones on this list that help make Linux the best  

I suppose you'll be purchasing a box of diskettes rather soon?

Sat Nov  9 17:10:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits,
but not when it misses.
-- Francis Bacon

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] GNOME 2.0.1 Desktop Theme

2002-11-08 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 17:03, Mike M wrote:
 I want for my desktop to look like the one shown at:
 Anyone know of the theme installed there? I can't find
 it anywhere on freshmeat. Also looking for cool dark
 themes. :)
That's either the LIQUID or the AQUA theme (I use it under GNOME 1.4
when I'm in there) - got it from


It's going to be a MetaCity theme, though - unless you've changed the
window manager to Sawfish from MetaCity...

Sat Nov  9 17:10:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits,
but not when it misses.
-- Francis Bacon

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] networking advice

2002-11-08 Thread Erik Farnsworth
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 10:45, teddy wl wrote:
 1.for connecting all your PC you need ethernet card
 for every PC. configuring the IP address ex. if you do not understand the IP you
 must read the basic of TCP/IP or i sugestion to you,
 to enter this address for your PC's :
 PC 1 : netmask
 PC 2: netmask same above
 PC 3: netmask same above
 PC 4: netmask same above

I'm a little confused here.  with the example above (and I admit that I
have never worked with a home network that included Windows machines)...
I would expect to see:

network base address:
or  netmask:
PC 1:
PC 2:
PC 3:
PC 4:
broadcast address:

I have seen several examples of networking as stated above by
Teddy...but don't understand how that setup would be 'legal' (in the
networking sense) and would work properly.  I would expect a netmask of for each of the machines would indicate that each machine
was authoritative for an entire Class C network.

I plan to set up my own home network soon (no windows machines, but
several linux PCs and a mandrake iMac and an OS X iBook)...and I want to
do it correctly, but without 'overkill'.  Could someone with networking
experience add a few cents to this, please?



Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] DHCP client problems

2002-11-08 Thread David C. Fox
I've been using Mandrake 8.1 quite happily for some months with a fixed 
local (192.168.123.x) IP address on a home network.  I'm connected to 
the internet via a dedicated firewall/router attached to my ATT 
Broadband cable modem.

Unfortunately, ATT just switched from DNS servers with fixed IP 
addresses to ones with dynamic IP addresses, so I have to switch my 
linux box to use DHCP, so that it gets the right addresses for the name 
servers, and I'm having major problems.

I used the Connection panel under Network  Internet in the Mandrake 
Control Center to switch to using DHCP.  However, once I do that, lots 
of programs start complaining that they can't find the IP address 
corresponding to my host name, aclinux:

1.  when I boot the computer, it no longer boots to the graphical login 
screen, but instead gives me the text login.  When I log in and check 
the syslog, I see messages like:

Nov 9 01:40:44 aclinux gdm[1909]: gdm_auth_secure_display: Error getting 
hentry for aclinux
... gdm[1897]: Failed to start the display server several times in a 
short time period; disabling display :0

2.  If I log in in text mode and then type startx, X and Gnome start, 
but Gnome prints another warning about not being able to find the host 
IP, and how it won't work properly without it.

3.  proftpd gives a message:

proftpd: aclinux - Fatal: unable to determine IP address of `aclinux`

and dies, so now I have internet access, but no ftp access

My Windows 98 machine on the same network has no problem resolving 
aclinux to the DHCP-assigned address.  I can find the DHCP-assigned IP 
address for my linux box manually by looking in the 
/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases file.

I suppose I could write a script to modify /etc/hosts on startup, 
(though I don't know where to put that script to ensure that it runs 
before the login or proftpd startup) but it seems like there must be a 
standard way to do this.

Thanks in advance for any help,

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Re: [newbie] mdk 9 with tamil

2002-11-08 Thread L.V.Gandhi
On Friday 08 Nov 2002 5:35 am, Paul Rodriguez wrote:
 A related question...
 (not an answer, unfortunately)

 Is it possible to switch on-the-fly from roman letters to devanagari
 when writing a file in openoffice (or any other word processor)?  Is it
 just a question of switching fonts usually?

You should have necessary fonts and devanagari keyboard driver configured for 
switching with particular set of keys like both shift keys etc. Then it is 
possible. given below is english and tamil letters for as. you will be able 
to see tamil letters if you have that fonts.
as ÂÇ

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[newbie] Font

2002-11-08 Thread Trevor Rhodes
Hello Everyone,

I'm in need of a font.  I used a font from 8.2 to create a rather large 
document that I need to have remain the same.  How would I get that font back 
from 8.2 into 9.0?

Any ideas?


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