Re: [newbie-it] SB AWE 64

2002-11-21 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 18:58, martedì 19 novembre 2002, Mavricijo Babič ha scritto:
 Salva a tutti,
 Prima grazie a Daniele e a tuti, ho risolto il problema cone le
 partizioni FAT 32. Ho un latro problema no riescio a configurare il mio
 sound Blaster. La cosa piu strana e che se upgrade Linux 8.0 in Linu 9.0
 tutto funziona , ma se lo instalo diretamente non funziona il sound.
 Ho provato con tute le configurazini in Linuxconfig ma non funziona.
 Sa qualcuno aiutari

 Pre Daniele
 Mavricijo e il none e si legie in italiano Maurizio
 Babič e il congiome

la tua scheda viene riconosciuta ma non suona, oppure non viene affatto 
riconosciuta? Nel primo caso, prova a controllare il livello del volume 
usando il KMix (Sound Mixer): potrebbero semplicemente essere settati a 


PS: grazie per le spiegazioni sul tuo nome e cognome... :)

[newbie-it] danni con kmail

2002-11-21 Thread gigi pinna
in una delle mie solite incursioni sui computer altrui... ho settato
kmail in un computer in cui ovviamente non ho salvato la posta! 
ovvimente l'ho scaricata per sbaglio!
ora il problema ? questo:  ho cercato di rinominare da shell la cartella
incriminata per fare poi un brutale copia ed incolla,  ma ho ottenuto
solo il risultato di far diventare la cartella associata vuota!
premesso che comunque la cartella non ? vuota, ma con un centinaio di
messaggi all'interno, come diamine faccio a renderla nuovamente visibile
da kmail in modo da recuperare la mia posta?
Se pu? essere utile ? un kmail 1.3.2 (kde 2.2.2)
grazie dell'aiuto


Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro lavoro, chiedigli: 
Di chi?.

 Don Marquis

Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova con QuizShow!!

[newbie-it] Aureal conexant for mdk 9.0

2002-11-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Salve ragazzi, 
 come possa fare ad utilizzare:
 - conexannt hsflinmodem
 - aureal vortex au8810
con mdk 9.0?

Qualcuno di voi li ha funzionanti?

Grazie, Marvy

[newbie-it] opzioni pdf

2002-11-21 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Non sono riuscito a trovare documentazione sulle opzioni disponibili per il 
comando ps2pdf: in particolare mi interesserebbe poter stabilire il grado di 
compressione delle immagini nel file pdf di output, per avere un controllo 
sulle dimensioni e sulla qualità. Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?

Re: [newbie-it] opzioni pdf

2002-11-21 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 20:24, giovedì 21 novembre 2002, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:

 Non sono riuscito a trovare documentazione sulle opzioni disponibili per il
 comando ps2pdf: in particolare mi interesserebbe poter stabilire il grado
 di compressione delle immagini nel file pdf di output, per avere un
 controllo sulle dimensioni e sulla qualità. Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?

Chiedi questoi perché vorresti avere una maggiore definizione dell'output in 
pdf vero? Magari scrivi con Lyx o latex e vorresti un formato pdf leggibile 
per questi testi?
In realtà è un problema anche per me, intendo dire l'output pdf da ps.. ho 
chiesto un po' in giro e le persone a cui ho chiesto sembravano piuttosto 
Speriamo venga fuori qualcosa adesso


Re: [newbie-it] Aureal conexant for mdk 9.0

2002-11-21 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 20:18, giovedì 21 novembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 Salve ragazzi, 
  come possa fare ad utilizzare:
  - conexannt hsflinmodem

trovi il pacchetto rpm per i softmodem hsf conexant con il kernel di mdk 9.0. 
Trovi pure le istruzioni per installare il pacchetto.

  - aureal vortex au8810
Non so cosa sia...


[newbie-it] LiLo

2002-11-21 Thread Daniele Micci
ho per errore rimosso una delle voci del menù di avvio di LiLo... qualcuno 
può, per cortesia, mandarmi la configuarazione del suo LiLO così ricostruisco 
la sezione mancante? GRAZIE!


Re: [newbie-it] danni con kmail

2002-11-21 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 19:59, giovedì 21 novembre 2002, gigi pinna ha scritto:
 in una delle mie solite incursioni sui computer altrui... ho settato
 kmail in un computer in cui ovviamente non ho salvato la posta!
 ovvimente l'ho scaricata per sbaglio!
 ora il problema ? questo:  ho cercato di rinominare da shell la cartella
 incriminata per fare poi un brutale copia ed incolla,  ma ho ottenuto
 solo il risultato di far diventare la cartella associata vuota!
 premesso che comunque la cartella non ? vuota, ma con un centinaio di
 messaggi all'interno, come diamine faccio a renderla nuovamente visibile
 da kmail in modo da recuperare la mia posta?
 Se pu? essere utile ? un kmail 1.3.2 (kde 2.2.2)
 grazie dell'aiuto

Un rimedio alla carlona potrebbe essere quello di spostare la cartella 
incriminata (quella non vuota) in un'altra directory, quindi riaprire kmail e 
cancellare la cartella che risulta vuota, chiudere, spostare di nuovo la 
cartella nella directory d'origine, nominarla come meglio ti aggrada e quindi 
riaprire kmail, che ora dovrebbe  vederla.
P.S. Se spedisci mail con caratteri a 7 bit non puoi inserire caratteri 
accentati (che infatti mi risultano come tanti punti di domanda); scrivi la 
lettera normale ed accentala con l'apostrofo.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Mplayer-Questione di gerarchia

2002-11-21 Thread Pollo
Ho installato mplayer-0.90pre10 su mdk9.0; in particolare ho installato
anche i pacchetti vidix, uno comune e uno per la mia scheda video
(Matrox G400 su bus AGP). Quindi per sfruttare a pieno la mia scheda
video uso l'opzione -vo xvidix, ma i risultati che ottengo sono distinti
a seconda che sia utente root oppure no; nel primo caso tutto funziona
(chiaro root può fare tutto!) mentre nel secondo caso no!

Nel primo caso ottengo come messaggi di output:
No vidix driver name provided, probing available ones!
vo: X11 running at 1024x768 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (:0.0 = local
[mga] Found MGA G400/G450
Matrox MGA G200/G400/G450 YUV Video interface v2.01 (c) Aaron Holtzman 
[mga] detected RAMSIZE is 16 MB
[mga] Set write-combining type of video memory
syncfb (mga): IRQ disabled in mga_vid.c
VIDIX: Description: Matrox MGA G200/G4x0/G5x0 YUV Video
VIDIX: Author: Aaron Holtzman, Arpad Gereoffy, Alex Beregszaszi, Nick
[e da qui inizia la riproduzione]

Nel secondo caso invece ottengo:
No vidix driver name provided, probing available ones!
vo: X11 running at 1024x768 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (:0.0 = local
[mga] Error occured during pci scan: Operation not permitted
[mga] Error occured during pci scan: Operation not permitted
vosub_vidix: Couldn't find working VIDIX driver
Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device!
[e qui il programma termina]

Quali permessi devo modificare per permettere a tutti gli utenti di
sfruttare a pieno la scheda video?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] danni con kmail

2002-11-21 Thread freefred
On Thursday 21 November 2002 7:59 pm, gigi pinna wrote about [newbie-it] danni 
con kmail:
 in una delle mie solite incursioni sui computer altrui... ho settato
 kmail in un computer in cui ovviamente non ho salvato la posta!
 ovvimente l'ho scaricata per sbaglio!

mh, cioe', hai scaricato la tua posta sul computer di
qualcun altro, cancellandola dal server e ora la vorresti recuperare?

sorry ma non mi e' chiaro

 ora il problema ? questo:  ho cercato di rinominare da shell la cartella
 incriminata per fare poi un brutale copia ed incolla,

perche' la rinomini?
cioe' dove vorresti copiarla?
quale cartella?

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] opzioni pdf

2002-11-21 Thread freefred
On Thursday 21 November 2002 8:24 pm, Giorgio Griffon wrote about [newbie-it] 
opzioni pdf:
 Non sono riuscito a trovare documentazione sulle opzioni disponibili per il
 comando ps2pdf: in particolare mi interesserebbe poter stabilire il grado
 di compressione delle immagini nel file pdf di output, per avere un
 controllo sulle dimensioni e sulla qualità. Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?

ps2pdf dovrebbe essere uno script che richiama tra gli altri il ghostscript.
probabilmente dovresti cercare info li'.
man gs
e varie doc sul ghostscript

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] problemi con java

2002-11-21 Thread luigi pinna
seguendo i consigli di francesco melo ho installato java 1.4.0dopo essermi scaricato limewire ho tentato d'installarlo ma ecco quelche ? apparso:[root@Alessia gigi]# sh LimeWireLinux.binPreparing to install...Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...Configuring the installer for this system's environment...Launching installer...Invocation of this Java Application has caused anInvocationTargetException. This application will now exit. (LAX)Stack Trace:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErrorat java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)at java.lang.Class.forName( java.awt.Window.init( java.awt.Window.( java.awt.Frame.( java.awt.Frame.(Frame
 .java:363)at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.c(Unknown Source)at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.main(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)atsun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(Unknown Source)at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(Unknown Source)GUI-Dove ho sbagliato nell'instalazione di java? Aiutatemi a capire checerco di por rimedio!grazie!Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro lavoro, chiedigli: "Di chi?".

> Don Marquis__Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova con QuizShow!

[newbie-it] MPlayer

2002-11-21 Thread asapi
Salve a tutti! ho installato e compilato mplayer su Mandrake 9 con i comandi:
./configure --enable-gui \
--enable-fbdev --language=it --enable-streaming.
Output errori:
X11 support required for GUI compilation.Ho tentato di trovare quello che il 
programma di installazione mi chiede,tramite il centro di controllo,di 
Mandrake nisba.Comunque,tralasciando qualche enable,sono riuscito a 
portare a termine la compilazione e ho dato un make e make install.
Non ci sono stati altri messaggi di errore,ma a parte la mancanza di una 
interfaccia grafica per controllare il programma(sigh! cosa deve fare un win 
dipendente...)quando avvio un filmato con il comando mplayer,sono costretto a 
passare immediatamente con ctrl-alt-Fn ad una console perchè sullo schermo 
compaiono delle fastidiose striscie.Ho capito che funziona in 
framebufferche pensavo di avere disabilitato in fase di compilazione con 
--disable-fbdev.Cosè che ho sbagliato?Non siate ermetici per favore 
perchè-come avrete capito-sono agli inizi ed è già abbastanza dura!
Hardware:AthlonXP 1600;256ddr; GeForce 4 MX 400.

Vedere un mondo in un granello di sabbia 
e un cielo in un fiore selvatico. 
Tenere l'infinito sul palmo della mano 
e cogliere l'eternita' in un'ora.
(William Blake

Re: [newbie-it] danni con kmail

2002-11-21 Thread francesco.melo
freefred wrote:

On Thursday 21 November 2002 7:59 pm, gigi pinna wrote about [newbie-it] danni 
con kmail:

in una delle mie solite incursioni sui computer altrui... ho settato
kmail in un computer in cui ovviamente non ho salvato la posta!
ovvimente l'ho scaricata per sbaglio!

mh, cioe', hai scaricato la tua posta sul computer di
qualcun altro, cancellandola dal server e ora la vorresti recuperare?

sorry ma non mi e' chiaro


ora il problema ? questo:  ho cercato di rinominare da shell la cartella
incriminata per fare poi un brutale copia ed incolla,

perche' la rinomini?
cioe' dove vorresti copiarla?
quale cartella?


hai la data sbagliata :)))

ciao vete


2002-11-21 Thread luigi pinna
n Friday 22 November 2002 00:02, you wrote:[...]> hai toccato la directory Mail?> o una subdirectory?la subdirectory inbox!__Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova con QuizShow!

[newbie-it] MPlayer

2002-11-21 Thread asapi
Aggiungo i messaggi di mplayer mentre avvio un triler:
spero che nessuno si scocci per questo ma potrebbe giovare a qualcuno.

[alessandro@localhost alessandro]$ mplayer -v WIII_5.02_v820_a128.avi
Using GNU internationalization
Original domain: messages
Original dirname: /usr/share/locale
Current domain: mplayer
Current dirname: /usr/local/share/locale

MPlayer 0.90pre10-3.2 (C) 2000-2002 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS)

CPU: Advanced Micro Devices Athlon 4 PM Palomino/Athlon MP 
Multiprocessor/Athlon XP eXtreme Performance (Family: 6, Stepping: 2)
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx SSE

Reading /home/alessandro/.mplayer/codecs.conf: can't open 
'/home/alessandro/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Reading /usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: 44 audio  110 video codecs
CommandLine: '-v' 'WIII_5.02_v820_a128.avi'
get_path('font/font.desc') - '/home/alessandro/.mplayer/font/font.desc'
font: can't open file: /home/alessandro/.mplayer/font/font.desc
font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
Using MMX (with tiny bit MMX2) Optimized OnScreenDisplay
Failed to open /dev/rtc: Permission denied (mplayer should be setuid root or 
/dev/rtc should be readable by the user.)
Using usleep() timing
get_path('input.conf') - '/home/alessandro/.mplayer/input.conf'
Can't open input config file /home/alessandro/.mplayer/input.conf : No such 
file or directory
Can't open input config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/input.conf : No such file 
or directory
Falling back on default (hardcoded) input config

Playing WIII_5.02_v820_a128.avi
Not an URL!
File size is 17451008 bytes
Detected AVI file format!
=== AVI Header ===
us/frame: 41667  (fps=24,000)
max bytes/sec: 0
padding: 0
frames  total: 3439   initial: 0
streams: 2
Suggested BufferSize: 0
Size:  640 x 288
== Found video stream: 0
=== STREAM Header ===
Type: vids   FCC: divx (78766964)
Flags: 0
Priority: 0   Language: 0
InitialFrames: 0
Rate: 24/1 = 24,000
Start: 0   Len: 3439
Suggested BufferSize: 34998
Quality 1
Sample size: 0
found 'bih', 40 bytes of 40
=== VIDEO Format ==
  biSize 40
  biWidth 640
  biHeight 288
  biPlanes 1
  biBitCount 24
  biCompression 808802372='DX50'
  biSizeImage 552960
Regenerating keyframe table for DIVX 4 video
== Found audio stream: 1
=== STREAM Header ===
Type: auds   FCC:  (0)
Flags: 0
Priority: 0   Language: 0
InitialFrames: 1
Rate: 16000/1 = 16000,000
Start: 0   Len: 2292685
Suggested BufferSize: 8000
Quality -1
Sample size: 1
found 'wf', 30 bytes of 18
=== WAVE Format ===
Format Tag: 85 (0x55)
Channels: 2
Samplerate: 44100
avg byte/sec: 16000
Block align: 1
bits/sample: 0
cbSize: 12
Broken chunk?  chunksize=1382  (id=JUNK)
Found movie at 0x280C - 0x10956C0
Reading INDEX block, 3783 chunks for 3439 frames (fpos=0x10956c8)
AVI index offset: 0x2808 (movi=0x280C idx0=0x4 idx1=0x1F4C)
Auto-selected AVI audio ID = 1
Auto-selected AVI video ID = 0
AVI: Searching for audio stream (id:1)
AVI video length=15056055
VIDEO:  [DX50]  640x288  24bpp  24,00 fps  840,6 kbps (102,6 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:3  fourcc:0x30355844  size:640x288  fps:24,00  ftime:=0,0417
get_path('sub/') - '/home/alessandro/.mplayer/sub/'
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
dec_audio: Allocating 4608 + 65536 = 70144 bytes for output buffer
mp3lib: made decode tables with MMX optimization
init layer23 finished, tables done
mp3lib: using 3DNow!Ex optimized decore!
MPEG 1.0, Layer III, 44100 Hz 128 kbit Joint-Stereo, BPF: 417
Channels: 2, copyright: No, original: Yes, CRC: No, emphasis: 0
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 16000-176400 (128,0 kbit)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm:mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
fbdev: using /dev/fb0
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
INFO: libavcodec init OK!
Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm:ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
ao2: 44100 Hz  2 chans  Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
audio_setup: using '/dev/dsp' dsp device
audio_setup: sample format: Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (requested: Signed 
16-bit (Little-Endian))
audio_setup: using 2 channels (requested: 2)
audio_setup: using 44100 Hz samplerate (requested: 44100)
audio_setup: frags: 128/128  (1024 bytes/frag)  free: 131072
AO: [oss] 44100Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
AO: Description: OSS/ioctl audio output
AO: Author: A'rpi

Re: [newbie-it] MPlayer

2002-11-21 Thread francesco.melo

Salve a tutti! ho installato e compilato mplayer su Mandrake 9 con i comandi:
./configure --enable-gui \
--enable-fbdev --language=it --enable-streaming.
Output errori:
X11 support required for GUI compilation.Ho tentato di trovare quello che il 
programma di installazione mi chiede,tramite il centro di controllo,di 
Mandrake nisba.Comunque,tralasciando qualche enable,sono riuscito a 
portare a termine la compilazione e ho dato un make e make install.
Non ci sono stati altri messaggi di errore,ma a parte la mancanza di una 
interfaccia grafica per controllare il programma(sigh! cosa deve fare un win 
dipendente...)quando avvio un filmato con il comando mplayer,sono costretto a 
passare immediatamente con ctrl-alt-Fn ad una console perchè sullo schermo 
compaiono delle fastidiose striscie.Ho capito che funziona in 
framebufferche pensavo di avere disabilitato in fase di compilazione con 
--disable-fbdev.Cosè che ho sbagliato?Non siate ermetici per favore 
perchè-come avrete capito-sono agli inizi ed è già abbastanza dura!
Hardware:AthlonXP 1600;256ddr; GeForce 4 MX 400.


posso farti una semplice domanda?
ma il tuo accanimento alla compilazione è una scelta masochista o 

io con un urpmi mplaye da console ho risolto tutto
basta aggiungere il media  di

fammi sapere

ciao vete

Re: [newbie-it] MPlayer

2002-11-21 Thread francesco.melo

Aggiungo i messaggi di mplayer mentre avvio un triler:
spero che nessuno si scocci per questo ma potrebbe giovare a qualcuno.

[alessandro@localhost alessandro]$ mplayer -v WIII_5.02_v820_a128.avi
Using GNU internationalization
Original domain: messages
Original dirname: /usr/share/locale
Current domain: mplayer
Current dirname: /usr/local/share/locale

MPlayer 0.90pre10-3.2 (C) 2000-2002 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS)

CPU: Advanced Micro Devices Athlon 4 PM Palomino/Athlon MP 
Multiprocessor/Athlon XP eXtreme Performance (Family: 6, Stepping: 2)
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx SSE

Reading /home/alessandro/.mplayer/codecs.conf: can't open 
'/home/alessandro/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Reading /usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: 44 audio  110 video codecs
CommandLine: '-v' 'WIII_5.02_v820_a128.avi'
get_path('font/font.desc') - '/home/alessandro/.mplayer/font/font.desc'
font: can't open file: /home/alessandro/.mplayer/font/font.desc
font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
Using MMX (with tiny bit MMX2) Optimized OnScreenDisplay
Failed to open /dev/rtc: Permission denied (mplayer should be setuid root or 
/dev/rtc should be readable by the user.)
Using usleep() timing
get_path('input.conf') - '/home/alessandro/.mplayer/input.conf'
Can't open input config file /home/alessandro/.mplayer/input.conf : No such 
file or directory
Can't open input config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/input.conf : No such file 
or directory
Falling back on default (hardcoded) input config

Playing WIII_5.02_v820_a128.avi
Not an URL!
File size is 17451008 bytes
Detected AVI file format!
=== AVI Header ===
us/frame: 41667  (fps=24,000)
max bytes/sec: 0
padding: 0
frames  total: 3439   initial: 0
streams: 2
Suggested BufferSize: 0
Size:  640 x 288
== Found video stream: 0
=== STREAM Header ===
Type: vids   FCC: divx (78766964)
Flags: 0
Priority: 0   Language: 0
InitialFrames: 0
Rate: 24/1 = 24,000
Start: 0   Len: 3439
Suggested BufferSize: 34998
Quality 1
Sample size: 0
found 'bih', 40 bytes of 40
=== VIDEO Format ==
 biSize 40
 biWidth 640
 biHeight 288
 biPlanes 1
 biBitCount 24
 biCompression 808802372='DX50'
 biSizeImage 552960
Regenerating keyframe table for DIVX 4 video
== Found audio stream: 1
=== STREAM Header ===
Type: auds   FCC:  (0)
Flags: 0
Priority: 0   Language: 0
InitialFrames: 1
Rate: 16000/1 = 16000,000
Start: 0   Len: 2292685
Suggested BufferSize: 8000
Quality -1
Sample size: 1
found 'wf', 30 bytes of 18
=== WAVE Format ===
Format Tag: 85 (0x55)
Channels: 2
Samplerate: 44100
avg byte/sec: 16000
Block align: 1
bits/sample: 0
cbSize: 12
Broken chunk?  chunksize=1382  (id=JUNK)
Found movie at 0x280C - 0x10956C0
Reading INDEX block, 3783 chunks for 3439 frames (fpos=0x10956c8)
AVI index offset: 0x2808 (movi=0x280C idx0=0x4 idx1=0x1F4C)
Auto-selected AVI audio ID = 1
Auto-selected AVI video ID = 0
AVI: Searching for audio stream (id:1)
AVI video length=15056055
VIDEO:  [DX50]  640x288  24bpp  24,00 fps  840,6 kbps (102,6 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:3  fourcc:0x30355844  size:640x288  fps:24,00  ftime:=0,0417
get_path('sub/') - '/home/alessandro/.mplayer/sub/'
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
dec_audio: Allocating 4608 + 65536 = 70144 bytes for output buffer
mp3lib: made decode tables with MMX optimization
init layer23 finished, tables done
mp3lib: using 3DNow!Ex optimized decore!
MPEG 1.0, Layer III, 44100 Hz 128 kbit Joint-Stereo, BPF: 417
Channels: 2, copyright: No, original: Yes, CRC: No, emphasis: 0
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 16000-176400 (128,0 kbit)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm:mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
fbdev: using /dev/fb0
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
INFO: libavcodec init OK!
Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm:ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
ao2: 44100 Hz  2 chans  Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
audio_setup: using '/dev/dsp' dsp device
audio_setup: sample format: Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (requested: Signed 
16-bit (Little-Endian))
audio_setup: using 2 channels (requested: 2)
audio_setup: using 44100 Hz samplerate (requested: 44100)
audio_setup: frags: 128/128  (1024 bytes/frag)  free: 131072
AO: [oss] 44100Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
AO: Description: OSS/ioctl audio output

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con java

2002-11-21 Thread luigi pinna
On Friday 22 November 2002 00:39, you wrote:> luigi pinna wrote:[...]> hai disinstallato kaff??> se non l'hai fatto fallo e poi , semmai lo rimetti>> ciao> veteno, ma avendo rifatto i link pensavo che fosse a posto!quando riesco a riconnerti al computer provo.altra domanda: se disinstallo kaffe, devo reinstallare anche il java? onon e` necessario?Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro lavoro, chiedigli: "Di chi?".

> Don Marquis__Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova con QuizShow!

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con java

2002-11-21 Thread francesco.melo
luigi pinna wrote:

On Friday 22 November 2002 00:39, you wrote:
 luigi pinna wrote:
 hai disinstallato kaff??
 se non l'hai fatto fallo e poi , semmai lo rimetti


no, ma avendo rifatto i link pensavo che fosse a posto!
quando riesco a riconnerti al computer provo.
altra domanda: se disinstallo kaffe, devo reinstallare anche il java? o
non e` necessario?

Quando un uomo ti racconta di essere diventato ricco grazie al duro 
lavoro, chiedigli: Di chi?.  Don Marquis

Ma quante ne sai? Mettiti alla prova con QuizShow!

no , non c'e' bisogno

vai tranquillo
io non ce l'ho installato


[newbie-it] prova-non-leggere

2002-11-21 Thread syd

syd - LU 285930 * LM 167646

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] kdm fails back to failsafe

2002-11-21 Thread Milos Prudek
After using Mandrake 9.0 with kdm for a month without any problems, kdm 
suddenly does not allow any window manager and always runs failsafe window.

It could have happened after unclean shutdown, but I'm using reiserfs 

I was able to run kdm configuration from KDE control center and create a 
default kdm config, but it did not help.

Is there a log file I could investigate, or any other way to 
troubleshoot this, short of uninstalling kdebase.rpm ?

Milos Prudek

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Re: [newbie] kdm fails back to failsafe

2002-11-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 21:14, Milos Prudek wrote:
 After using Mandrake 9.0 with kdm for a month without any problems, kdm 
 suddenly does not allow any window manager and always runs failsafe window.
 It could have happened after unclean shutdown, but I'm using reiserfs 
 I was able to run kdm configuration from KDE control center and create a 
 default kdm config, but it did not help.
 Is there a log file I could investigate, or any other way to 
 troubleshoot this, short of uninstalling kdebase.rpm ?
 Milos Prudek
Change your current runlevels to runlevel 3 - make sure you clean out
any KDE nasties in /tmp - after you've reconfigured the KDM settings via
logging into the console and starting KDE with the 'startx' script a few
times (and rebooting to make sure), change your runlevel back to 5 and
you should be have your 'normal' KDM setup again...or at least the way
it was before it was broke...

Thu Nov 21 21:15:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Violence accomplishes nothing.  What a contemptible lie!  Raw, naked
violence has settled more issues throughout history than any other method
ever employed.  Perhaps the city fathers of Carthage could debate the
issue, with Hitler and Alexander as judges?

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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Aaron wrote:

Hi I am also having a problem but guess I am not so far along as you
I have a plextor ide cdr that stopped working so I sent to be repaired.
I never tried to configure it under MD 9.0 before but I am attempting
this now. I see in kdes scsi control module that it exist as Host:scsi2
channel:00 ld: 02 Lun: 00 whatever that means.
Whaen I do cdrecord -scanbus I get this

Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.6'
   0,0,0 0) *
   0,1,0 1) *
   0,2,0 2) *
   0,3,0 3) 'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-ROM PX-40TS  ' '1.10' Removable
   0,4,0 4) *
   0,5,0 5) *
   0,6,0 6) *
   0,7,0 7) *
   2,0,0   200) *
   2,1,0   201) *

   2,2,0   202) 'D ÿD ÿ' 'D ÿD ÿD ÿD ÿ' 'D ÿ' vendor specific 4
unknown device type 0x1c
   2,3,0   203) *
   2,4,0   204) *
   2,5,0   205) *
   2,6,0   206) *
   2,7,0   207) *
I had it setup in fstab before I took the drive out, now the entries are
no good, and I need to find out what to put in fstab for my cd.
I have three cds a ide dvd reader, a scsi reader, and an ide cdr.



Gutten Tag Aaron,

You have 2 devices , a CDROM and a Writer,  both on 2nd IDE line ?

The Plextor is the writer ?

are they both IDE devices ? if not which is  true scsi device ?

can we see your /etc/fstab entries please


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Console RPM database tool

2002-11-21 Thread Anders Lind
Hello friends,

does anybody know if there is a RPM database tool that can be used in console, I can't 
find any switch to the rpm-command so I can see what apps are installed. 


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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-21 Thread Aaron
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 12:32, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Aaron wrote:
 Hi I am also having a problem but guess I am not so far along as you
 I have a plextor ide cdr that stopped working so I sent to be repaired.
 I never tried to configure it under MD 9.0 before but I am attempting
 this now. I see in kdes scsi control module that it exist as Host:scsi2
 channel:00 ld: 02 Lun: 00 whatever that means.
 Whaen I do cdrecord -scanbus I get this
 Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.6'
 0,0,0 0) *
 0,1,0 1) *
 0,2,0 2) *
 0,3,0 3) 'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-ROM PX-40TS  ' '1.10' Removable
 0,4,0 4) *
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) *
 0,7,0 7) *
 2,0,0   200) *
 2,1,0   201) *
 2,2,0   202) 'D ÿD ÿ' 'D ÿD ÿD ÿD ÿ' 'D ÿ' vendor specific 4
 unknown device type 0x1c
 2,3,0   203) *
 2,4,0   204) *
 2,5,0   205) *
 2,6,0   206) *
 2,7,0   207) *
 I had it setup in fstab before I took the drive out, now the entries are
 no good, and I need to find out what to put in fstab for my cd.
 I have three cds a ide dvd reader, a scsi reader, and an ide cdr.
 Gutten Tag Aaron,
 You have 2 devices , a CDROM Ultraplex 40max scsi reader

and a Writer,  both on 2nd IDE line (my hitachi dvd??)? I have 2 ide devices a dvd 
hitachi and the plextor writer

 The Plextor is the writer ?Yes 40/12/40a Plexwriter ide 
 are they both IDE devices ? if not which is  true scsi device The 40max is true scsi?
 can we see your /etc/fstab entries please/dev/hda7 / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda5 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda8 /download ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb/mnt/cdrom  auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev   0 0
/dev/scd1   /mnt/cdrom2 auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0
/dev/scd0   /mnt/cdrom3 auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev   0 0
/dev/fd0/mnt/floppy auto
iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,sync,unhide,noauto,nosuid,user,nodev  0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda1 /windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

 John Richard Smith
 Thanks do you need to see /dev/ I could ls dev.txt if you like???
Thanks so much

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Re: [newbie] radeon 7000 and mandrake 9

2002-11-21 Thread Frank Mertens
I have no experience with ATI cards, but a frame buffer configuration
could make your X-system working for the first time, too. 
You tried this?

If you want further information about the support state of your card,
you could go here: (2D drivers), (3D acceleration support).

MfG Frank.

# example for an X-fbdev config, /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
Section Files
FontPath unix/:-1

Section ServerFlags
AllowMouseOpenFail # allows the server to start up even if the mouse
doesn't work

Section Module
Load dbe
Load v4l
Load extmod
Load type1
Load freetype

Section InputDevice
Identifier Keyboard1
Driver Keyboard
Option XkbModel pc105
Option XkbLayout de(nodeadkeys)
Option XkbOptions 

Section InputDevice
Identifier USBMouse1
Driver mouse
Option Protocol IMPS/2
Option Device /dev/usbmouse
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section InputDevice
Identifier PS2Mouse1
Driver mouse
Option Protocol IMPS/2
Option Device /dev/usbmouse
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section Monitor
Identifier Monitor1
VendorName Generic
ModelName 1024x768 @ 100 Hz
# HorizSync 31.5-37.9
# VertRefresh 50-70

Section Device
Identifier FBDevice1
Driver fbdev
Option DPMS

Section Screen
Identifier Screen1
Device FBDevice1
Monitor Monitor1
DefaultColorDepth 16

Subsection Display
Depth 8
Modes 1280x960 1024x768 800x600 640x480 320x240

Subsection Display
Depth 15
Modes 1280x960 1024x768 800x600 640x480 320x240

Subsection Display
Depth 16
Modes 1280x960 1024x768 800x600 640x480 320x240

Subsection Display
Depth 24
Modes 1280x960 1024x768 800x600 640x480 320x240
320x200 # first mode in line is used as default mode

Section ServerLayout
Identifier Layout1
InputDevice Keyboard1 CoreKeyboard
InputDevice USBMouse1 CorePointer
InputDevice PS2Mouse1 SendCoreEvents
Screen Screen1

On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 22:52, Sean Hegar wrote:
 Hello All
 I just installed mandrake 9 on my work computer, and can't seem to
 resolve the video card issue.  It is a pci version of the radeon 7000 32
 meg.   Has anyone run into similar problems?  If so, what was the magic
 cure or is there one?  Any help would be appreciated.  
 Ignorance should  be painful.
 Registered Linux user #271218

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Re: [newbie] kdm fails back to failsafe

2002-11-21 Thread Milos Prudek

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 21:14, Milos Prudek wrote:

After using Mandrake 9.0 with kdm for a month without any problems, kdm 
suddenly does not allow any window manager and always runs failsafe window.

Change your current runlevels to runlevel 3 - make sure you clean out
any KDE nasties in /tmp - after you've reconfigured the KDM settings via
logging into the console and starting KDE with the 'startx' script a few

I followed your advice, but unfortunately it did not help.

Both xdm and gdm run just fine.

Milos Prudek

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RE: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

2002-11-21 Thread Ken Walker
Yep i have had lots of head scratching getting it working. 

I installed Myspell, and it still didn't work, but the clue is in the
message below. 

You have to go into Tools  Options  Language Settings Writing Aids and
then check the first box in the top section (turning on MySpell spell

BUT you then have to go into the edit option on the right of this box and
enable it for oo.

Now it all works :o)

Mr Smiley

Ants can survive for two weeks underwater and they always fall onto their
right side when intoxicated.

-Original Message-
From: L.V.Gandhi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 November 2002 2:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 3:44 am, Spencer wrote:
 On November 19, 2002 01:47 pm, Craig Williamson (ENZ) wrote
 Before anyone makes wild assumptions about what Mandrake did or did not
 please ensure that you have the appropriate OO help rpm installed, such


 All spellchecking is enabled with installation of this rpm. 

No. I was having this rpm. But still spell check was not working. However as

per post as given below relevant rpms for languages are installed.
with MySpell dictionary and hyphenation dictionary installed (en_US)
[mdk 9.0 CD 3], in OO.o, open: Tools  Options  Language Settings 
Writing Aids and then check the first box in the top section (turning on
MySpell spell checker).  In other sections of that window, you can set
the options, including automatic spell checking (incorrectly spelled
words will be underlined in red).  It works fine for me.
It started working.

  I know that the mandrake guys are really clued up about what they
  do, maybe they did disable the spell checker on purpose, maybe it was a
  genuine mistake.  If they did it on purpose, they would most likely try
  and push the fix to the solution as StarOffice (hence the powerpack
  statement) or possibly even the Mandrake Club.  If true, it smells of a
  Microsoft tactic.  Disable an important feature in a cheaper program,
  push the solution as the more expensive option.
  It could also be a mistake, no bodies perfect.  In my experiences
  with Mandrake9.0, there are a lot of bugs that keep me from completely
  dropping windows.  This problem is pretty big for a lot of people, and I
  am sure that if Mandrake didn't ship StarOffice as well, OpenOffice
  have been working correctly.

This may be an oversight by mandrake in setting dependencies like drakefont 
working dependencies. Attributing motives by a few to mandrake guys is not
good taste. I think it may not be fact.

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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[newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-21 Thread Poogle
About 2 weeks ago my employer moved from a package which was about 90% 
keyboard based to a new package which requires almost complete mouse useage. 
As I am now pointing  clicking  for 8 hours a day my mouse side shoulder is 
getting quite sore.  
Now to the question, I have seen thigh mounted mouse pads advertised and 
wondered if any of you have any experience of them, if so do they help ease 
the problems caused by repetitive mouse useage ?
Another possibility is alternating between right/left hand useage, again do 
any of you do this or does the action which is alien to the wrong hand 
create the same problem on that side?


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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-21 Thread _nasturtium
On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 22:13, Poogle wrote:
 About 2 weeks ago my employer moved from a package which was about 90%
 keyboard based to a new package which requires almost complete mouse
 useage. As I am now pointing  clicking  for 8 hours a day my mouse side
 shoulder is getting quite sore.
 Now to the question, I have seen thigh mounted mouse pads advertised and
 wondered if any of you have any experience of them, if so do they help ease
 the problems caused by repetitive mouse useage ?
 Another possibility is alternating between right/left hand useage, again do
 any of you do this or does the action which is alien to the wrong hand
 create the same problem on that side?
There's a few choices available that might ease the symptoms; 3M sells an 
Ergonomic stick mouse, that's rather like a joystick (but the whole thing 
Or the iMac mice (NOT the soapbar ones) are good, in my experience. I'm 
referring to the nice optical one where you actually use your whole hand to 
click the button.
Thigh mounted mousepads are not very good. Your arm tends to be bent sharply 
at the elbow for prolonged periods of time, which isn't very comfortable. 
Furthermore, they move too much, and unless you got an optical mouse you 
won't get much precision (which I expect you would need, using it all day).
Swapping between right/left hand usage: theoretically, this is a great idea. 
Just remember to switch the left/right mouse buttons; it makes sense because 
you want the index finger to press the left/main button. There are only two 
drawbacks to this method:
1) Most people aren't ambidextrous. Sure, if you play soccer and your right 
foot is sprained, you can kick with your left leg, but your results won't be 
too good.
2) Some mice, notably Microsoft IntellimouseS, are biased towards the right 
hand. It's simply not possible to hold it with your left hand. Other mice 
(like my 2button Logitech) is dimpled, which is OK.

If you're using a graphics package, then a Wacom graphics tablet may be just 
what you need.


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Re: [newbie] CPU details

2002-11-21 Thread Technoslick
If my memory is serving me right, 'procinfo' isn't a file that loads
automatically when installing MDK. I had to check it off when I was in
Expert mode. If you can't find it on your system, try loading it from the


- Original Message -
From: Kesav Tadimeti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 11:03 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] CPU details

HI Spencer,
Cat /proc/cpuinfo  doesn't work.
/proc doesn't even exist on my Cygwin and Hp-UX 11.0 environments.

Thanks anyway

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Re: [newbie] no os notebook

2002-11-21 Thread Technoslick
Throw in a Skippy bag instead of the nylon one?

Just might be worth boating one over to the U.S

T :-D

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Newbie@Linux-Mandrake. Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 4:43 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] no os notebook

On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 17:08, BCSoft@TowerTraining wrote:
 I've never found a reseller that would take a hundred bucks off the price
 a notebook if it ships with no OS until now. At you can even
 request a notebook with no OS. I love it!
 Richard L. Babcock, Owner
 Tower Training
 At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

You could have asked me - I would be more than happy to sell notebooks
without the OS installed. Mine start at $3299AUD...(approx. $1650 USD)
(Celeron 1.8ghz, 256mb RAM, 20gb HD, 15 LCD, FDD, CDRW/DVD, LAN, Modem,
and heavy-duty nylon carry bag) Shipping/Handling not included. Sales
within Australia subject to GST (10%).

Thu Nov 21 20:30:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

I did cancel one performance in Holland where they thought my music was so
that they didn't rehearse at all.  And so the first time when I found that
I rehearsed the orchestra myself in front of the audience of 3,000 people
the next day I rehearsed through the second movement -- this was the piece
_Cheap Imitation_ -- and they then were ashamed.  The Dutch people were
and they invited me to come to the Holland festival and they promised to
rehearse.  And when I got to Amsterdam they had changed the orchestra, and
again, they hadn't rehearsed.  So they were no more prepared the second time
than they had been the first.  I gave them a lecture and told them to cancel
the performance; they then said over the radio that i had insisted on their
cancelling the performance because they were insufficiently Zen.
Can you believe it?
-- composer John Cage, Electronic Musician magazine, March 88, pg. 89

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-21 Thread Aaron
As a tech writer I developed tendenitus from the mouse.
I tried many device and it is amazing how little they help really.
the one device I tried look like a joystick but didn't bend. It was the
best for the arm and hand but had no scroll wheel and was a pain to work
with. From others I heard that adding voice control in combination with
the mouse helped a lot. the other alternative is a macro recording
program to turn mouse clicks into keyboard shortcuts. btw many programs
have keybindings they don't document that they used in development. Any
mouse where you turn your hand flat can lead to trouble. Also to assist
your shoulder check your desk height you may need a drawer to lower the
mouse and a foot support, these really help the shoulders etc.

On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 13:36, _nasturtium wrote:
 On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 22:13, Poogle wrote:
  About 2 weeks ago my employer moved from a package which was about 90%
  keyboard based to a new package which requires almost complete mouse
  useage. As I am now pointing  clicking  for 8 hours a day my mouse side
  shoulder is getting quite sore.
  Now to the question, I have seen thigh mounted mouse pads advertised and
  wondered if any of you have any experience of them, if so do they help ease
  the problems caused by repetitive mouse useage ?
  Another possibility is alternating between right/left hand useage, again do
  any of you do this or does the action which is alien to the wrong hand
  create the same problem on that side?
 There's a few choices available that might ease the symptoms; 3M sells an 
 Ergonomic stick mouse, that's rather like a joystick (but the whole thing 
 Or the iMac mice (NOT the soapbar ones) are good, in my experience. I'm 
 referring to the nice optical one where you actually use your whole hand to 
 click the button.
 Thigh mounted mousepads are not very good. Your arm tends to be bent sharply 
 at the elbow for prolonged periods of time, which isn't very comfortable. 
 Furthermore, they move too much, and unless you got an optical mouse you 
 won't get much precision (which I expect you would need, using it all day).
 Swapping between right/left hand usage: theoretically, this is a great idea. 
 Just remember to switch the left/right mouse buttons; it makes sense because 
 you want the index finger to press the left/main button. There are only two 
 drawbacks to this method:
 1) Most people aren't ambidextrous. Sure, if you play soccer and your right 
 foot is sprained, you can kick with your left leg, but your results won't be 
 too good.
 2) Some mice, notably Microsoft IntellimouseS, are biased towards the right 
 hand. It's simply not possible to hold it with your left hand. Other mice 
 (like my 2button Logitech) is dimpled, which is OK.
 If you're using a graphics package, then a Wacom graphics tablet may be just 
 what you need.

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

2002-11-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Ken Walker wrote:

Yep i have had lots of head scratching getting it working. 

I installed Myspell, and it still didn't work, but the clue is in the
message below. 

You have to go into Tools  Options  Language Settings Writing Aids and
then check the first box in the top section (turning on MySpell spell

BUT you then have to go into the edit option on the right of this box and
enable it for oo.

Now it all works :o)

Mr Smiley

Ants can survive for two weeks underwater and they always fall onto their
right side when intoxicated.

-Original Message-
From: L.V.Gandhi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 November 2002 2:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 3:44 am, Spencer wrote:

On November 19, 2002 01:47 pm, Craig Williamson (ENZ) wrote
Before anyone makes wild assumptions about what Mandrake did or did not


please ensure that you have the appropriate OO help rpm installed, such



All spellchecking is enabled with installation of this rpm. 

No. I was having this rpm. But still spell check was not working. However as

per post as given below relevant rpms for languages are installed.
with MySpell dictionary and hyphenation dictionary installed (en_US)
[mdk 9.0 CD 3], in OO.o, open: Tools  Options  Language Settings 
Writing Aids and then check the first box in the top section (turning on
MySpell spell checker).  In other sections of that window, you can set
the options, including automatic spell checking (incorrectly spelled
words will be underlined in red).  It works fine for me.
It started working.


	I know that the mandrake guys are really clued up about what they
do, maybe they did disable the spell checker on purpose, maybe it was a
genuine mistake.  If they did it on purpose, they would most likely try
and push the fix to the solution as StarOffice (hence the powerpack
statement) or possibly even the Mandrake Club.  If true, it smells of a
Microsoft tactic.  Disable an important feature in a cheaper program,


push the solution as the more expensive option.

	It could also be a mistake, no bodies perfect.  In my experiences
with Mandrake9.0, there are a lot of bugs that keep me from completely
dropping windows.  This problem is pretty big for a lot of people, and I
am sure that if Mandrake didn't ship StarOffice as well, OpenOffice


have been working correctly.

This may be an oversight by mandrake in setting dependencies like drakefont 
working dependencies. Attributing motives by a few to mandrake guys is not
good taste. I think it may not be fact.



That is correct, and if your OOword screen looks like mine you have two 
tabs on the lefthand side of the OOword window, the blue one does a full 
the red wavy line one merely underlines wrongly spelt words.



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-21 Thread Technoslick

I am in front of a keyboard as much as 18 hours in a day. It's why I have
lost so many social skills. ;-)

To the point...

Finding a pointing device that is right for you is really very subjective.
Recommendations help, but unless you can test before buying, you can only
use research and testimonials to keep you from buying one of everything to
find out what works for you. I think, if you are spending that much time in
front of a keyboard, the device your holding is only part of the solution.
So, here's what I have found makes sense, and works for me.

1) If you are going to use a mouse, and optical is a great choice. I find
that with a traditional tail to have to pull around my desk, I spend quite a
bit of time lifting the mouse to get that extra amount of tail for smooth
movement. not always, but on some of my desktops, this is the case.

2) My most comfortable setup is a desk, where my office chair's height is
such that when my hands are over the keyboard, my arms are resting over the
arms of the chair. Therefore, my arms are supported so that my shoulders are
being relied upon. Moving the mouse is much the same, I have full support
from the chair arms.

3) I have also noted that unless the mouse is really low in relation to your
body, those ergo pads for the wrist end up putting more strain on my
shoulder. No matter how soft and spongee the pad is, it eventually ends up
making my wrist sore from the pressure of my whole arm on the one point. I
end up using the shoulder to gold the arm up a bit, defeating the purpose of
ergonomics, in general. If your arm lays flat across your work desk, so that
the wrist is flat against the desk, I find that much more comforting than
resting against a pad that elevates my wrist above the desk.

4) Of course, posture is everything. I won't go into that, because any adult
who spends long hours seated knows what posture is about. Relaxing the
shoulders. Making efficient use of your motions. It all helps a lot.

I am about as much an expert on this subject as any user of such products
can be. But, when you spend 10-18 hours in front of a keyboard, and are not
made of Herculean material, you learn to find what makes you comfortable, or
take lots of pain-killers.

As for devices, I have tried a lot of then. I still think that no matter
what works good for me, you could easily find something else works better
for you. I don't like trackballs, pointing sticks, joysticks, touch pads, or
any facsimiles there of. I guess I feel most comfortable with a mouse in my
hands. Everyone is different. Even writing tablets can be hard on the
shoulder if you are constantly lifting your arm to use it.

I think that the basis for good ergonomics has to start with how you
position your body. Learning to relax my shoulders and making sure that the
arms  and wrist are supported, makes all the difference for me.

My opinion. Hope this gives you some food for thought as you search for that
right pointing device for you.

Good Luck.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 6:13 AM
Subject: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

About 2 weeks ago my employer moved from a package which was about 90%
keyboard based to a new package which requires almost complete mouse useage.
As I am now pointing  clicking  for 8 hours a day my mouse side shoulder is
getting quite sore.
Now to the question, I have seen thigh mounted mouse pads advertised and
wondered if any of you have any experience of them, if so do they help ease
the problems caused by repetitive mouse useage ?
Another possibility is alternating between right/left hand useage, again do
any of you do this or does the action which is alien to the wrong hand
create the same problem on that side?


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RE: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-21 Thread Brian Parish
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 17:08, BCSoft@TowerTraining wrote:
 Not to pump this company twice in one sitting but you can go to
 and pick up a 500 mhz board with onboard ethernet and video for less than
 what you'll pay for the memory and video card. Plus you'll have a new bios
 that will be able to handle a larger harddrive.
 Richard L. Babcock, Owner

I have people who seem to know what they are talking about, telling me
that for linux the bios isn't an issue as far as hard disk capacity is
concerned.  i.e. the bios can see the disk as whatever, but linux
ignores that and works things out for itself.

Haven't tested this personally as yet, but I have a 40GB disk due back
from warranty replacement soon that might get a brief spin in an old
don't give me anything bigger than 8GB system just to see what
happens.  I guess that if the bios refuses to even acknowledge that the
drive is there, that might present a problem, but even that could
probably be worked around using a boot floppy.

Anyone care to comment?


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RE: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

2002-11-21 Thread Aguet, Pierre
I guess there are bunch of win32 SMTP / POP / IMAP clients in the fields,
free or not.

Just a small look at or would make you happy
within 2 minutes.



-Original Message-
From: Kenn Murrah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 10:50 PM
Subject: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

Okay, gang ... 

I've won most of the battles here ... Thanks in no
small part to the help I've received from this list, I
have a Postfix/IMAP mail server up and running and all
is well with the world ...

The rub comes in trying to set up my Windows computers
to access their mail ... Outlook and Outlook Express
are out (per an edict from The Head Boss), and no one
really likes using Eudora ... and I'm having trouble
finding much of anything else.

So I was thinking ...

Would it be possible (or even practical) for Windows
users to access my server via cygwin/XFree86, so that
they could use a linux mail client instead?  (I'm
rather partial toward Evolution, due to its simple
interface that would hopefully keep the troops from
screaming every 3 minutes for help.)

And for security's sake, would it be possible to
mirror my EngardeLinux email onto my Mandrake box, so
that I wouldn't have to run X on my EngardeLinux but
rather on a box with no exposure to the Internet?

I've already set up cygwin/XFree86 on my test box and
tested its connectivity to the box I hope to use as a
mirror, so if you folks tell me i'm  not entirely off
my rocker --- I need you to point me in the right
direction to learn about how to mirror (if that's
the correct word here) my EngardeLinux mail to the
intermediate box ...

Of course, I'm a true newbie here, so feel free to
tell me i'm nuts and suggest a better way to
accomplish my goals.



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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-21 Thread Jan Wilson
* John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [021120 09:19]:
 I would like to ask of you all your opinion and experience of Open Ofice
 as supplied my Mandrake 9.0 , and installed in the main mandrake installer.
 Besides the issue of spellcheckers which we have heard of recently, is there
 a completeM9.0  OO install, because for the life of me I cannot find a 

I have the 9.0 install of OOo at home, but use the download from OOo
at school.  Both launch the spreadsheet just fine.
 I know the download version of OO has a spreadsheet programme
 but as far as I can see this mandrake supplied install which does have nice
 kstartmenu entries built into the install,  does not.

What are you trying to use to start it?  If you can get OOo Writer
open, click File, New, Spreadsheet and see if it opens.

If you are in an X window, you can start a terminal, and type:
and wait at least a minute before you give up.

If these things work then you can set up menu items if they somehow
didn't get made.  If not it was a faulty installation.

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, PHP, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Aaron wrote:


Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.6'
  0,0,0 0) *
  0,1,0 1) *
  0,2,0 2) *
  0,3,0 3) 'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-ROM PX-40TS  ' '1.10' Removable
  0,4,0 4) *
  0,5,0 5) *
  0,6,0 6) *
  0,7,0 7) *
  2,0,0   200) *
  2,1,0   201) *

  2,2,0   202) 'D ÿD ÿ' 'D ÿD ÿD ÿD ÿ' 'D ÿ' vendor specific 4
unknown device type 0x1c
  2,3,0   203) *
  2,4,0   204) *
  2,5,0   205) *
  2,6,0   206) *
  2,7,0   207) *


Gutten Tag Aaron,

You have 2 devices , a CDROM Ultraplex 40max scsi reader

and a Writer,  both on 2nd IDE line (my hitachi dvd??)? I have 2 ide devices a dvd hitachi and the plextor writer


The Plextor is the writer ?Yes, 40/12/40a Plexwriter ide 

are they both IDE devices ? if not which is  true scsi device The 40max is true scsi?

can we see your /etc/fstab entries please

/dev/hdb  /mnt/cdrom  auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev   0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom  auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom3 auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev   0 0


Diese setup Ich fersternen nicht.bitter gibt mir die device namen und 
IDE setup :-

IDE line 2 device namen(cdrom?) und  40/12/40a Plexwriter,  master oder slave,?
IDE line 2 device namen(cdrom?) und  hitachi dvd,   master oder slave,?

scsi device namen(cdrom?) und  40 max

bitte giben sie der /etc/lilo.conf entry fur der OS boot,
der append= schreiben?

perhaps, der entry fur der /etc/lilo.conf ist krank und
warum ist der zwei /mnt/cdrom
sie mussen  haben , cdrom, cdrom1 , cdrom2 , oder, cdrom1, cdrom2, cdrom3.
nicht zwei cdrom, fersternen sie ?

Der entry /mnt directory mussen /mnt/cdrom, /mntcdrom1, /mt/cdrom2, sie haben?

Mine deutch ist nicht sehr gute, bitte .

Please try changing ,

/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom  auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0

/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0


/mnt/cdrom , /mnt/cdrom,

/mnt/cdrom , /mnt/cdrom2


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Is a restart necessary?

2002-11-21 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 20 November 2002 03:17 pm, you wrote:
 If I make alterations to fstab, do I need to reboot, or can I cause it to
 be read some other way?


Anne, as su do a:

mount -a

and it will be re-read without rebooting.

  Dark Lord

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[newbie] pdf to .csv or .xls

2002-11-21 Thread Lee
You people always seem to have the right answers.

I am in awe.

Try this one.  I have several pdf format files (issued by my state) that I 
want to process in my db.

Any idea how to convert from pdf to xls, csv, or another comma or tab 
delimited format?

Registered Linux user #223705

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Jan Wilson wrote:

* John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [021120 09:19]:

I would like to ask of you all your opinion and experience of Open Ofice
as supplied my Mandrake 9.0 , and installed in the main mandrake installer.

Besides the issue of spellcheckers which we have heard of recently, is there
a completeM9.0  OO install, because for the life of me I cannot find a 

I have the 9.0 install of OOo at home, but use the download from OOo
at school.  Both launch the spreadsheet just fine.


I know the download version of OO has a spreadsheet programme
but as far as I can see this mandrake supplied install which does have nice
kstartmenu entries built into the install,  does not.

What are you trying to use to start it?  If you can get OOo Writer
open, click File, New, Spreadsheet and see if it opens.

If you are in an X window, you can start a terminal, and type:
and wait at least a minute before you give up.

If these things work then you can set up menu items if they somehow
didn't get made.  If not it was a faulty installation.



Thanks Jan,

I boobed.
I thought OOcalc was a calculator. I never thought it might of been a 


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Console RPM database tool

2002-11-21 Thread Brian Parish
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 21:41, Anders Lind wrote:
 Hello friends,
 does anybody know if there is a RPM database tool that can be used in console, I 
can't find any switch to the rpm-command so I can see what apps are installed. 
To see every rpm that's installed:

rpm -qa

To limit the list:

rpm -qa | grep xyz

where xyz is part of a rpm file name.


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[newbie] Uninstalling Netscape

2002-11-21 Thread Anders Lind
Hello friends,

does anybody know how to uninstall Netscape (The tar.gz-one that is) I am trying to 
find info on the issue, but I cannot find anything anywhere, I am starting to get 
agitated towards Netscape ;o)


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[newbie] Problems nstalling DAT drive

2002-11-21 Thread Aguet, Pierre
Hello All,

I'm trying to install a SCSI DAT drive on my MK9.0 box.
The streamer is an HP surestore DAT 24 (C-1537A).
It's working perfectly well on the W2k boot of this computer,
But on the Linux boot, just the SCSI HBA (Initio INI-940) is recognized.

What do I have to load / add to make it ''see'' that tape drive.



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Re: [newbie] Is a restart necessary?

2002-11-21 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 8:19 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 November 2002 03:17 pm, you wrote:
  If I make alterations to fstab, do I need to reboot, or can I cause it to
  be read some other way?

 Anne, as su do a:

 mount -a

 and it will be re-read without rebooting.

Easy when you know how, isn't it? g


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Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Netscape

2002-11-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Anders Lind wrote:

Hello friends,

does anybody know how to uninstall Netscape (The tar.gz-one that is) I am trying to find info on the issue, but I cannot find anything anywhere, I am starting to get agitated towards Netscape ;o)



If it's a tar ball install you cannot.
somethere in the original install file sometimes you can
find a list of install directories, which you can use to go
round deleting each and every file. On the whole they
don'r cause much harm left on, and newer version will
simply overwrite, and any rpm version has it's
own directoy structure.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Netscape

2002-11-21 Thread Anders Lind

 If it's a tar ball install you cannot.
 somethere in the original install file sometimes you can
 find a list of install directories, which you can use to go
 round deleting each and every file. On the whole they
 don'r cause much harm left on, and newer version will
 simply overwrite, and any rpm version has it's
 own directoy structure.

Some, actually most newer programs that you compile for yourself provide a make 
uninstall alternative but I mean one should be able to find an uninstall function in 
this software.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 pre-orders Wandering off topic again

2002-11-21 Thread Marc
   I am still waiting for mine also.  I received a confirming 
email after I first ordered a couple of months ago but have 
not herd anything since. It seems that the shipping process 
is spreading out several weeks and I would have to guess 
that the folks doing the shipping must be very understaffed 
or that they are receiveing the CDs in a trickle and shipping 
them out the same way, although that seems unlikely.
  I am starting to wonder if 9.1 will be out before I receive 9.0

If they ever come out with a 9.0 OEM Edition I think I will 
get several copys of it but at this rate there is no telling how 
long that will take.

   I tend to think we are seeing the results of the cutbacks 
that Mandrake had to make to keep the company alive. I am 
looking forward to the day that Mandrake becomes profitable 
and can afford to have a larger staff to inprove customer 
service and also maybe be able to hire back some of the 
EXCELENT employes that they had to lay off like Civileme.

  I havent seen civileme on the mandrake list here for quite a 
while and I hope he is doing well. Also hope to see him back 
here some time in the future, His layoff was a hell of a loss 
to Mandrake and the mandrake community.


11/20/02 9:01:39 PM, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wednesday 20 November 2002 08:44 pm, you said, 
and I quote:
 On Wednesday 20 November 2002 09:26 pm, Anthony 
Abby wrote:
  On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 21:22, Chris wrote:
   Have quite few of those who pre-ordered the 9.0 
Power Pack in the
   states received them yet?  I'm just wondering since 
I'm still waiting

 My 9.0 PowerPack CDs arrived last Friday (11/15) via 
 MandrakeStore had sent me an e-mail several days 
earlier (11/12) with the
 shipping information and a tracking number.
 -- cmg

Thanks, guess I'll just keep waiting :(

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  9:00pm  up  3:01,  1 user,  load average: 0.21, 0.05, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-21 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 12:19 pm, Technoslick wrote:

 3) I have also noted that unless the mouse is really low in relation to
 your body, those ergo pads for the wrist end up putting more strain on my
 shoulder. No matter how soft and spongee the pad is, it eventually ends up
 making my wrist sore from the pressure of my whole arm on the one point. I
 end up using the shoulder to gold the arm up a bit, defeating the purpose
 of ergonomics, in general. If your arm lays flat across your work desk, so
 that the wrist is flat against the desk, I find that much more comforting
 than resting against a pad that elevates my wrist above the desk.

My 2p worth -

Most pointing devices encourage you to have your wrist bent upwards - and the 
same goes for the so-called wrist supports.  As a pianist I was always told 
that the wrist should be straight as far as possible.  When I trained as a 
typist (on mechanical machines that no-one would consider using now - v. 
heavy action) the same advice was given.

T is quite right - look long and hard about your seating position - in 
particular arm height when using the keyboard, and angle of arm when using 
the mouse.  If you can support the arm rather than the hand that will be 

It is subjective, though, and no solution will be right for everyone.

Good luck


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[newbie] Apache Upgrade

2002-11-21 Thread Carter Harris
Title: Message

I am considering 
upgrading Apache on a Mandrake 8.2 install and I would like to hear some pros 
and cons. The current install is 1.3 and was installed by the Mandrake 
installer during the install of the OS. The current install is not being 
used yet so downtime or moving of sites is involved. 

Re: [newbie] Autostart for VNC

2002-11-21 Thread Derek Jennings
I'm replying on list as this may be of interest to others.

The way Mandrake starts up services is this.
In the /etc/rc.d/init.d folder are startup/shutdown scripts for each service 
These scripts are never executed, but get copied into the folders
/etc/rc.d/rc0.5  , rc1.d , rc3.d, rc4.d , rc5.d , and rc6.d
These folders correspond to the six different run levels. The ones that most 
interest us are rc.5  for normal desktop and rc.6 for shutdown.

When you use the Mandrake Control Centre Services GUI, or the 'service' 
command from the command line. What you are doing is causing a script to be 
copied/deleted to /etc/rc.d/rc.5 (and rc.6)  However the name of the script 
is changed during the copy.  So taking vncserver as an example. When it is 
enabled the script is copied to /etc/rc.d/rc.5/S91vncserver , and the same 
script is copied to /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K35vncserver.  The 'S' means 'start', and 
the 'K' means 'Kill', the number dictates the sequence relative to other 
services.  So this means in run level 5 vncserver is started with a 'sequence 
number' of 91, and when you shutdown (runlevel 6) it is stopped.

When you disable the vncserver service, the script is deleted from rc5.d and 
rc6.d and so vncserver never starts.

Hope that throws some light on how services work.
This is a bit different I believe from the way RedHat does it


On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 2:52 am, you wrote:
 You were right on target Derek.  I went by the office this afternoon and
 went into control center and looked at the the processes that were checked
 to start on boot and you were exactly right ... vncserver was not checked.
 I checked it and rebooted and viola a session came up during the boot.

 I hope you don't mind some followup.

 Do the lines in /etc/sysconfig/vncservers have to be different users?  I
 have them the same and only one server came up and it came up on the second
 display.  When I execute the processes from the command line I use the same
 user to bring up several sessions and I assumed that it would work the same
 during boot.

 I know Mandrake has its own way of doing things and I'm trying to think
 like the duck.  So far most things work very well if you can find them.  I
 assume that when I checked that box that a text file somewhere got updated.
  Which one was it?  My guess would be that it is one of the init or rc

 Thanks again Derek ... your information has been a great help.

 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 6:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Autostart for VNC

 On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 3:38 pm, Carter Harris wrote:
  I downloaded and installed the TightVNC rpm for VNC.  It's up and
  running but there are a few things I want to fix.
  I wanted TightVNC to start when the system reboots.  So I added lines to
  /etc/sysconfig/vncservers, following the example given in that file and
  the great information I got here.  Those lines read:
  Where vncusername is the name of the person who is starting the
  I rebooted but nothing was started.  I checked my syntax, made sure I
  got it in the file and got it saved ... all the stupid errors; but I
  couldn't see anything.
  It does start fine from the command line.  I can start and stop the
  processes at will.
  Where might I look next?

 Is the vncserver Service set to run at boot?
 Mandrake ControlCentreSystemServices


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RE: [newbie] Autostart for VNC

2002-11-21 Thread Carter Harris
Thanks again Derek ... 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 9:13 AM
To: H. Carter Harris; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Autostart for VNC

I'm replying on list as this may be of interest to others.

The way Mandrake starts up services is this.
In the /etc/rc.d/init.d folder are startup/shutdown scripts for each
These scripts are never executed, but get copied into the folders
/etc/rc.d/rc0.5  , rc1.d , rc3.d, rc4.d , rc5.d , and rc6.d These
folders correspond to the six different run levels. The ones that most 
interest us are rc.5  for normal desktop and rc.6 for shutdown.

When you use the Mandrake Control Centre Services GUI, or the 'service' 
command from the command line. What you are doing is causing a script to
copied/deleted to /etc/rc.d/rc.5 (and rc.6)  However the name of the
is changed during the copy.  So taking vncserver as an example. When it
enabled the script is copied to /etc/rc.d/rc.5/S91vncserver , and the
script is copied to /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K35vncserver.  The 'S' means
'start', and 
the 'K' means 'Kill', the number dictates the sequence relative to other

services.  So this means in run level 5 vncserver is started with a
number' of 91, and when you shutdown (runlevel 6) it is stopped.

When you disable the vncserver service, the script is deleted from rc5.d
rc6.d and so vncserver never starts.

Hope that throws some light on how services work.
This is a bit different I believe from the way RedHat does it


On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 2:52 am, you wrote:
 You were right on target Derek.  I went by the office this afternoon 
 and went into control center and looked at the the processes that were

 checked to start on boot and you were exactly right ... vncserver was 
 not checked. I checked it and rebooted and viola a session came up 
 during the boot.

 I hope you don't mind some followup.

 Do the lines in /etc/sysconfig/vncservers have to be different users?

 I have them the same and only one server came up and it came up on the

 second display.  When I execute the processes from the command line I 
 use the same user to bring up several sessions and I assumed that it 
 would work the same during boot.

 I know Mandrake has its own way of doing things and I'm trying to 
 think like the duck.  So far most things work very well if you can 
 find them.  I assume that when I checked that box that a text file 
 somewhere got updated.  Which one was it?  My guess would be that it 
 is one of the init or rc files.

 Thanks again Derek ... your information has been a great help.

 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 6:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Autostart for VNC

 On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 3:38 pm, Carter Harris wrote:
  I downloaded and installed the TightVNC rpm for VNC.  It's up and 
  running but there are a few things I want to fix.
  I wanted TightVNC to start when the system reboots.  So I added 
  lines to /etc/sysconfig/vncservers, following the example given in 
  that file and the great information I got here.  Those lines read:
  Where vncusername is the name of the person who is starting the 
  I rebooted but nothing was started.  I checked my syntax, made sure 
  I got it in the file and got it saved ... all the stupid errors; but

  I couldn't see anything.
  It does start fine from the command line.  I can start and stop the 
  processes at will.
  Where might I look next?

 Is the vncserver Service set to run at boot?
 Mandrake ControlCentreSystemServices


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Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-21 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday November 21 2002 03:44 am, Aaron wrote:
 What  I thought I was asking was non mandrake sites, do they also
 have '' or '' somewhere?? and if not am I
 out of luck???

 Every one I've ever added had either or both in /base, or in the 
parent directory to the one the rpms are in.  If the hdlist is in the 
parent dir, then of course you'd omit ../base/

 Look around, there's a mandrake script for adding sources, but I've 
never used it, can't recall the name of it.  In any event, Software 
Sources Manager is a great tool for turning sources you do have 
installed, on or off.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 pre-orders

2002-11-21 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 20 November 2002 10:01 pm, Chris wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 November 2002 08:44 pm, you said, and I quote:
  On Wednesday 20 November 2002 09:26 pm, Anthony Abby wrote:
   On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 21:22, Chris wrote:
Have quite few of those who pre-ordered the 9.0 Power Pack in the
states received them yet?  I'm just wondering since I'm still waiting
  My 9.0 PowerPack CDs arrived last Friday (11/15) via Airborne;
  MandrakeStore had sent me an e-mail several days earlier (11/12) with the
  shipping information and a tracking number.
  -- cmg

 Thanks, guess I'll just keep waiting :(

In case you didn't see it, there was a status report about shipping 9.0 at 
Mandrake Forum last week:
Maybe it's time to give them a prod...
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] copying audio cd on the fly

2002-11-21 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 8:18 am, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 November 2002 5:41 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
K3b will do it.  It is a *really* nice writer
RPM available from Texstar.
   di st ri butions/mandrake/9.0/rpms/
   I have k3b installed and when I run it from a command line I get this
   error: k3b: undefined symbol: static_QUType_varptr. If I run the setup
   program I get this: k3bsetup: undefined symbol:
   That's it, the program won't launch at all...
   So, if you can help that would be great!
  I am running k3b-0.7.1-1mdk on 9.0  No issue like that at all.  Where did
  you get your version from?
  I configured both my CD-RW and CD-ROM as ide-scsi devices, and then the
  set up application worked OK,although I did not trust it to rewrite my
  fstab file and did it by hand.

 derek, I think it's fixed now. I used the RPM from texstar, and it wanted
 one file called I found that on RPMFIND, installed it (RedHat
 RPM), then installed the tex release of k3b.
 Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.
 I'd like your personal opinion on this: do you think it matters in any way
 who made the RPMs, whether it's Mandrake, RH or tex. In other words is
 there any point to searching endlessly for an RPM from Mandrake or is it
 just as well to mix and match?


Jon  Yes it does matter who builds your RPMS.  RPMS can be built well, and 
they can be built badly. Texstar builds good RPMs.  He builds them against a 
standard 9.0 distribution. No cooker packages, and no third party packages. 
So you can be fairly confident they will work.  HOWEVER, sometimes his RPMs 
do depend on other RPMs of his own, and that is what you have just 
experienced. He has built k3b with libxft2 as a dependency.

What you have done is found a RedHat version of libxft2  which is NOT built 
against a Mandrake 9.0 distro. So you may have introduced font problems by 
doing so.  What I recommend you do is remove RedHats libxft2 and replace it 
with Texstars. 

Tex's libxft2 is part of a series of packages Tex has built to dramatically 
improve the fonts in Mandrake 9.0. Others packages affected are fontconfig , 
freetype2, and libqt3. (as described here:  )

I suggest you add Texstar as a urpmi source and then everything gets sorted 
out automatically.
In a root terminal (all on one line)
urpmi.addmedia texstar
with ./

Mandrake Software Manager  will then find Texstar packages as well as Mandrake 

Update the source now and again with the command
urpmi.update -a


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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-21 Thread Derek Jennings
Agreed. I have just bought one of those Via Eden motherboards from in the UK £63 for Motherboard and processor with 
5.1sound/video/TVout/lan,  even better it is passively cooled - NO FANS Runs 
KDE3 just fine (although there is a trick to get 9.0 installed)


On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 6:08 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not to pump this company twice in one sitting but you can go to
= 5

 and pick up a 500 mhz board with onboard ethernet and video for less than
 what you'll pay for the memory and video card. Plus you'll have a new bios
 that will be able to handle a larger harddrive.
 Richard L. Babcock, Owner
 Tower Training
 At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anne Wilson
  Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 6:20 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Min spec
  On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 12:38 pm, Technoslick wrote:
   Tell us more about the specs for this older box, Anne. This the perfect
   place to find if anyone has had any problems with older components in
  OK - this is what I have gleaned so far -
  M'board - Mainboard Pentium MMX - driver disk is name PC100
  CPU AMD 6x86MX 233
  BIOS date 7/15/95
  Current RAM is 2x16 + 2x32 Mb (96 in all) in SIMMS.
  Manual says Mobo 'Supports 3 banks of FP/EDO SIMM/DIMM and SDRAM DIMM
  expandable memory up to 384 Mb'.  It also says that it can mix SIMMS and
  DIMMS, using SIMM banks 3-4 and the two DIMM slots (they quote equally
  loaded, but I don't know whether it is necessary, or whether it reflects
  availability of DIMMS at that time).
  Current video - VidelExcel S3
  Proposed changes -
  Diamond graphics card + Voodoo accelerator (I don't know whether
  this is the
  same Voodoo card that Ronald meant - it may be earlier) which
  appears to have
  chipsets labelled 3Dfx.
  Realtek NIC
  128Mb DIMM - I presume no-one is going to recommend keeping the
  64Mb SIMMS?
  Any comments/suggestions welcomed - even if it is 'forget it' :-)

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Re: [newbie] XMMS puzzle

2002-11-21 Thread Derek Jennings

   It is in Contrib
   I have posted recently on how to add Contrib as a urpmi source
  Got it, thanks - I have music again.

 That's interesting.  I'm playing a CD with XMMS in MDK 9.0.  I don't have
 CDREAD installed at all.  I'm just playing location /mnt/CDROM  It's
 playing great.


Anne had a particular problem in that her computer does not have an analogue 
audio cable from the CD drive to her sound card. Linux needs this cable, but 
recent versions of Windows does not.  Hence many PC manufacturers now leave 
the cable off.  The xmms-cdread package allows xmms to play CDs over the IDE 


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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Aaron wrote:

Itried mounting and got this

root@adsl mnt]# mount /mnt/cdrom1
mount: special device /dev/scd1 does not exist

In /dev I see links for cdrom, cdrom0, and cdrom1???

how do I find my cd drive names??


No, I didn't mean that.

lets take your fstab entries below,

your device will be called whatever you describe it in fstab, so

/dev/hdb  /mnt/cdrom  auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev   0 0
the device is /mnt/cdrom, that is ok, this looks like it's the straight ide device
and you do not want or need scsi-emulation.

/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom  auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0
but here again you have another device cdrom, you should not have 2 devices with
the same name, unless of course it is the same device, but I don't think it is
in your case.Therefore change the name of the device to be something else,
eg. cdrom2

/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom3 auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev   0 0
I think this is your true scsi is ok to call it  cdrom3

so what I am saying is, why not change the entry in fstab from ,
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom  auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2  auto codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0

and then ensure that in directory /mnt you have all three devices as:-

That way you have 2 scsi devices, one true scsi, the other and ide device faked 
under scsi-emulation , and a genuine ide device. All are then properly mounted
under /mnt/cdrom , /mnt/cdrom2,  /mnt/cdrom3, and to mount everything just
type into a root terminal mount -a , and they should all be mounted.

the way you have it at the moment, two devices are mounted under the one 
/mnt/cdrom directory.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-21 Thread Robin Turner
Poogle wrote:

About 2 weeks ago my employer moved from a package which was about 90% 
keyboard based to a new package which requires almost complete mouse useage. 
As I am now pointing  clicking  for 8 hours a day my mouse side shoulder is 
getting quite sore.  
Now to the question, I have seen thigh mounted mouse pads advertised and 
wondered if any of you have any experience of them, if so do they help ease 
the problems caused by repetitive mouse useage ?
Another possibility is alternating between right/left hand useage, again do 
any of you do this or does the action which is alien to the wrong hand 
create the same problem on that side?

My firend has a mouse with a trackerball on the arm of his chair.  It's 
pretty comfortable if you get the position just right.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Sending email with Cable Connection

2002-11-21 Thread Chris Edwards
I recently arranged to share cable internet with my neighbor across the 
hall. Previously I had been using dail-up and KPPP to establish the 
connection. Now that I am on his LAN I am always connected, can surf to 
my hearts's content and recieve email. However, I cannot SEND email 
without dailing up.

Any suggestions on what setting I need to tweak to be able to send email 
via my cable connection.

Every time I try to send (via Mozilla) I get an error to the effect that 
  it couldn't connect to the smtp server:

Chris Edwards

Send email for alternate contact information
email | aim | icq | postal | cell | phone

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Re: [newbie] Sending email with Cable Connection

2002-11-21 Thread Jordan R. Thompson
I guess the question I have is _why_?  If the account is in your neighbor's
name, you can get him to add a user (I have cable here in Florida and we get
up to 6 users, I think.)  I don't even use the username that was given to me
as it is too hard to remember, so I created one that I can remember and I
retrieve my mail from that one.

- Original Message -
From: Chris Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: [newbie] Sending email with Cable Connection

 I recently arranged to share cable internet with my neighbor across the
 hall. Previously I had been using dail-up and KPPP to establish the
 connection. Now that I am on his LAN I am always connected, can surf to
 my hearts's content and recieve email. However, I cannot SEND email
 without dailing up.

 Any suggestions on what setting I need to tweak to be able to send email
 via my cable connection.

 Every time I try to send (via Mozilla) I get an error to the effect that
it couldn't connect to the smtp server:

 Chris Edwards

 Send email for alternate contact information
 email | aim | icq | postal | cell | phone

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Re: [newbie] Sending email with Cable Connection

2002-11-21 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 4:35 pm, Chris Edwards wrote:
 I recently arranged to share cable internet with my neighbor across the
 hall. Previously I had been using dail-up and KPPP to establish the
 connection. Now that I am on his LAN I am always connected, can surf to
 my hearts's content and recieve email. However, I cannot SEND email
 without dailing up.

 Any suggestions on what setting I need to tweak to be able to send email
 via my cable connection.

 Every time I try to send (via Mozilla) I get an error to the effect that
it couldn't connect to the smtp server:

Your neighbour obviously is not a prodigy customer.  Mail smtp servers are 
normally configured to only accept mails for transmission from their own 
customers. So when you send a mail, the prodigy mail server recongnises it 
has come from a non prodigy domain and rejects it. This is an anti spamming 

The solution is to open a mail account with your neighbours ISP, and to send 
mails via this account. That will not stop you receiving mails from prodigy, 
and your return address and identity in the mail header may still give your 
prodigy address.


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RE: [newbie] Sending email with Cable Connection [adr]

2002-11-21 Thread Sean Hegar
Here is what you do. Open your email properties and set your smtp server
to the same one that your neighbor has.  Leave your pop server the same
and you'll be golden.  I had  the same problem at work.  But that will
do it.  Unless of course your neighbors isp's smtp server requires
authentication.  So basically every thing stays the same exept the smtp
server setting. 
Hope this helps

Ignorance should  be painful.
Registered Linux user #271218

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jordan R. Thompson
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Sending email with Cable Connection [adr]

I guess the question I have is _why_?  If the account is in your
name, you can get him to add a user (I have cable here in Florida and we
up to 6 users, I think.)  I don't even use the username that was given
to me
as it is too hard to remember, so I created one that I can remember and
retrieve my mail from that one.

- Original Message -
From: Chris Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: [newbie] Sending email with Cable Connection

 I recently arranged to share cable internet with my neighbor across
 hall. Previously I had been using dail-up and KPPP to establish the
 connection. Now that I am on his LAN I am always connected, can surf
 my hearts's content and recieve email. However, I cannot SEND email
 without dailing up.

 Any suggestions on what setting I need to tweak to be able to send
 via my cable connection.

 Every time I try to send (via Mozilla) I get an error to the effect
it couldn't connect to the smtp server:

 Chris Edwards

 Send email for alternate contact information
 email | aim | icq | postal | cell | phone

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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-21 Thread Aaron
I did find sr0 and scd0 but when I substituded them in fstab I got the
following error:
mount: /dev/sr0 is not a block device


On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 18:16, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Aaron wrote:
 Itried mounting and got this
 root@adsl mnt]# mount /mnt/cdrom1
 mount: special device /dev/scd1 does not exist
 In /dev I see links for cdrom, cdrom0, and cdrom1???
 how do I find my cd drive names??
 No, I didn't mean that.
 lets take your fstab entries below,
 your device will be called whatever you describe it in fstab, so
 /dev/hdb  /mnt/cdrom  auto 
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev   0 0
 the device is /mnt/cdrom, that is ok, this looks like it's the straight ide device
 and you do not want or need scsi-emulation.
 /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom  auto 
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0
 but here again you have another device cdrom, you should not have 2 devices with
 the same name, unless of course it is the same device, but I don't think it is
 in your case.Therefore change the name of the device to be something else,
 eg. cdrom2
 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom3 auto 
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev   0 0
 I think this is your true scsi is ok to call it  cdrom3
 so what I am saying is, why not change the entry in fstab from ,
 /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom  auto 
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0
 /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2  auto 
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,rw,user,nodev   0 0
 and then ensure that in directory /mnt you have all three devices as:-
 That way you have 2 scsi devices, one true scsi, the other and ide device faked 
 under scsi-emulation , and a genuine ide device. All are then properly mounted
 under /mnt/cdrom , /mnt/cdrom2,  /mnt/cdrom3, and to mount everything just
 type into a root terminal mount -a , and they should all be mounted.
 the way you have it at the moment, two devices are mounted under the one 
 /mnt/cdrom directory.
 John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Joe Braddock wrote:

To insert a picture into an OO document, use the Insert==Graphics==From File menu.  

Works like a charm.



Then I think there must be something wrong with my settings.

I go insert-graphics-from file  menu - up comes a window, I direct to 
.jpeg file,
click open and a square with 6 small green markers to the parimiter appears
but no photo. Any thoughts ?

Another question,

Can OOwrite keep control of chapters,paragraphs,,subparagraphs, etc etc, and
number them automatically like kword (and as it happens Klyx), and when
required insert a new chapter etc and alter the numbering as well ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-21 Thread John Richard Smith
Aaron wrote:


I think there is something missing 3 cds and only two found that is why
I searched the /dev directory let me summarize
fstab as /dev/scd1 and mounted /mnt/cdrom3 is the 40MAX the native SCSI?

ok so it's the writer that is the true scsi device

fstab as/dev/scd0 and mounted /mnt/cdrom1 is the PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-40TS?

OK this is a rom drive and scsi-emulated

fstab as /dev/hdb and mounted /mnt/cdrom is the Hitachi ide dvd {this I am sure of }

ok this is the dvd and a straight ide device


All the above is as you asked /mnt/ has the three cdroms cdrom, cdrom2 cdrom3

OK but if you are calling

dev/scd0 and mounted /mnt/cdrom1, as /mnt/cdrom1, then change 
/mnt/cdrom2 to /mntcdrom1 to agree with it.otherwise you cannot mount


I still get the error message that scd0 is not a block device and 
mount: special device /dev/scd1 does not exist

I think

message that scd0 is not a block device 
will correct when you change cdrom2 to cdrom1 in /mnt directory

I think you are right this is your true scsi device and it ain't in /dev 
as /dev/scd1   and I think it ought to be, and you don't have a writer 
till it does.

I think this is a case for one of those modprobe commands that I'm not 
cleaver with, but in a root terminal try modprobe -c   and lsmod
and report back and let us see if other list members can help.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] no os notebook

2002-11-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 22:46, Technoslick wrote:
 Throw in a Skippy bag instead of the nylon one?
 Just might be worth boating one over to the U.S
 T :-D

Skippy bag? Hmmm...what about if my wife takes a moment away from
producing dog-coats and does one custom? Your choice of materials and
design? (Not joking)

Fri Nov 22 10:40:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Aren't you glad you're not getting all the government you pay for now?

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RE: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 23:22, Brian Parish wrote:

 Anyone care to comment?

In some cases, BIOS might report a particular drive (on older BIOS's)
but linux will figure it out in reality.

I've had several instances where the BIOS on the board recognized the HD
as being under 32gb (or even less), but after loading linux, fdisk (or
whatever you use) tended to figure out that the drive was a particular
geometry and did it's own thing irregardless of what BIOS said - with
very few problems afterwards. BUT, the kernel HAS to be rather new - I
used 2.4+ on those systems, and they were Intel based systems as well.
(As if that would matter, but ya never know)

Fri Nov 22 10:45:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp.
Acids stain you,
And drugs cause cramp.

Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give.
Gas smells awful--
You might as well live!
-- Dorothy Parker, Resume, 1926

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Re: [newbie] no os notebook

2002-11-21 Thread Technoslick
Dingo or domestic?!!


- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] no os notebook

On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 22:46, Technoslick wrote:
 Throw in a Skippy bag instead of the nylon one?

 Just might be worth boating one over to the U.S

 T :-D

Skippy bag? Hmmm...what about if my wife takes a moment away from
producing dog-coats and does one custom? Your choice of materials and
design? (Not joking)

Fri Nov 22 10:40:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Aren't you glad you're not getting all the government you pay for now?

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Re: [newbie] no os notebook

2002-11-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 10:53, Technoslick wrote:
 Dingo or domestic?!!

Hehehehe...well, IF it was legal...
She does regular fabric, or sports fabric, rain fabric - anything from
normal coats to rain-jackets, hunting/sports jackets, rash-vests -
whatever. Simulated leather coasts, fur coats, deerskin coats - etc...

(Tried to convince her that dog-coats would be nicer if they were made
out of real dog, but then again, we'd have to produce children's coats
made out of real children)

Fri Nov 22 11:05:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Star Trek Lives!

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Re: [newbie] no os notebook

2002-11-21 Thread Technoslick
If only your wife knew what you say to us geeks when she is not around! :-O

T :-D

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] no os notebook

On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 10:53, Technoslick wrote:
 Dingo or domestic?!!


Hehehehe...well, IF it was legal...
She does regular fabric, or sports fabric, rain fabric - anything from
normal coats to rain-jackets, hunting/sports jackets, rash-vests -
whatever. Simulated leather coasts, fur coats, deerskin coats - etc...

(Tried to convince her that dog-coats would be nicer if they were made
out of real dog, but then again, we'd have to produce children's coats
made out of real children)

Fri Nov 22 11:05:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Star Trek Lives!

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RE: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-21 Thread Craig Williamson (ENZ)
Title: RE: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

Hi All,

I had this trouble with 3D shapes. If you have OpenGL turned on and are using an nVidia card (with latest drivers), this will cause the problem you have described. I found by turning off OpenGL in OpenOffice fixed the problem for me. Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 22 November, 2002 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

On Thursday 21 Nov 2002 5:55 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Joe Braddock wrote:
 To insert a picture into an OO document, use the Insert==Graphics==From
  File menu.
 Works like a charm.

 Then I think there must be something wrong with my settings.

 I go insert-graphics-from file menu - up comes a window, I direct to
 .jpeg file,
 click open and a square with 6 small green markers to the parimiter appears
 but no photo. Any thoughts ?

I think this one is a setting, too, John. There is one somewhere to show or 
hide graphics - to speed up handling of large documents. Check through all 
the settings you can find.


Re: [newbie] [OT] Mousemats

2002-11-21 Thread FemmeFatale
At 11:13 AM 11/21/2002 +, you wrote:

About 2 weeks ago my employer moved from a package which was about 90%
keyboard based to a new package which requires almost complete mouse useage.
As I am now pointing  clicking  for 8 hours a day my mouse side shoulder is
getting quite sore.
Now to the question, I have seen thigh mounted mouse pads advertised and
wondered if any of you have any experience of them, if so do they help ease
the problems caused by repetitive mouse useage ?
Another possibility is alternating between right/left hand useage, again do
any of you do this or does the action which is alien to the wrong hand
create the same problem on that side?


Seriously, ditch the stupid rodent  get a trackball.  G/f  I both had 
probs with soreness  Stuff.  Got 2 trackballs, *Poof* no more problems

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RE: [newbie] Install - video and GUI problems [adr]

2002-11-21 Thread Sean Hegar
Log in as root and try XFdrake .  and there is also xf86config   

Ignorance should  be painful.
Registered Linux user #271218

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 1:06 PM
Subject: [newbie] Install - video and GUI problems [adr]

I am new to Linux, but did do a wee bit of UNIX on Sun in the second
half of last century!
I have just installed Mandrake 9.0 on my system, which went well,
When it came to configuring the display driver, it offered me set of
screen and colour resolutions - it would not accept any of the
configurations I tried, even very low resolutions! Windows tells me my
display card is a S3 ViRGE-DX/GX PCI (375/385).  The only way I could
continue the install was by cancelling that option.
When Linux booted, no GUI appeared. I could log in at a console prompt,
but had no idea what to do next.
How do I fix this problem? It seems from reading the newsgroups that I
need to edit a file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, but what tools do I use for
editing? How do I get a GUI running from here?
Any help much appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] cdr/rw no longer reading: Problem SOLVED

2002-11-21 Thread joe
Just wanted to let any interested parties know that my drive started
reading again after my computer was rebooted. I hadn't turned it off for
days so...sometimes a restart helps i guess, even in linux. OTH I can't
complain about stability anymore in 9, that I have 256 mb of ram it
almost never crashes, and when It does I think I am usually at fault :)

On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 16:18, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 Joe, when I look at the fstab below it strikes me that 
 there are commas just in front of the fs-statement. I 
 think you should try to replace those commas with an empty 
 Furthermore, I've replaced the fs=auto with fs=iso9660.
 Works for me.
 Kaj Haulrich
 On Tuesday 19 November 2002 07:40 pm, Technoslick wrote:
  Hey, Joe,
  WellI took a look at the fstab on my MDK 9.0 box and
  it's practically identical to yours. If you had told me
  that it wasn't burning CD-Rs either, I would have said
  that your drive had crapped out.
  BTW, I have 'none' in front of the line representing my
  CD-ROM drive, as well and mine works fine.
  It has to be something else that is causing your
  difficulties, but unfortunately, the answer is beyond
  me. Sorry
  I have noticed that mandrake wont let me eject if a
  process like say konqueror is using it. The question is
  my drive wont read anything now, do I have to reinstall
  or is there another option?
   You know, Win 98's Windows Explorer has a similar
   problem with removable media. It was finicky about
   removing media while its focus was still on it
   (speaking only of CDs, now.) To be sure not to lock it
   up, I would either force an eject by right-clicking on
   the CD drive and choosing 'eject', or just click on a
   local folder to change its focus away from the CD
   As long as I follow this rule, supermount works fine
   for me in Konqueror under both 8.2 and 9.0.
   - Original Message -
   From: joe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:51 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] cdr/rw no longer reading
   From comparing my fstab to yours I can't see any
   here is mine:
   /dev/hdb1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
   none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
   /dev/hdb8 /fat vfat umask=0 0 0
   /dev/hdb6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
   none /mnt/cdrom supermount
  ge=850,umask=0 0 0 none /mnt/floppy supermount
  age=850,umask=0 0 0
   none /proc proc defaults 0 0
   /dev/hdb5 swap swap defaults 0 0
   /dev/hdb7 swap swap defaults 0 0
   Occasionally in the past I had a similar problem where
   konquerer would show my cd as having 0 files, but I
   just hit refresh a couple of times and my files would
   appear.No longer. What would make supermount stop
   working like this?
   On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 21:41, Dennis Myers wrote:
On Monday 18 November 2002 10:32 pm, joe wrote:
 I have no idea where to even start looking for my
 problem on his one. Cdr/rw worked like a dream,
 and is currently burning a cd as i write this. But
 it will not read a cd in konqueror.When I try to
 install a package from my mandrake 9 cd it spins
 up,then opens and asks for cd1 again when it is
 already in the drive. This is a brand new lite-on
 40x cdr/rw.

 when I type mount i get:
 none on /mnt/cdrom type supermount
odepage=850,umask=0) I know other people have had
 supermount problems but it always worked for me. I
 can't think of anything I might have changed that
 my problem. Suggestions? should I remove - none on
 - from my fstab?
I would first try removing the -none on- and also
have a look at my
below cdrom is my burner, cdrom2 is a plain old CD
reader. HTH
/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdc1 /extfiles ext3 user 1 2
/dev/hda6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount
   page=850,umask=0 0 0 none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
   age=850,umask=0 0 0 none /mnt/floppy supermount
   epage=850,umask=0 0
/dev/hda10 /mnt/windows vfat
iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0
/dev/hda9 /obj xfs defaults 1 2
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 /usr ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda8 /var ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sda1 /mnt/memory_card auto
   mask=0,exec 0 0 --
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] Problem installing a program

2002-11-21 Thread Chris
I'm trying to install a program called Kaspaliste.  When running ./configure 
it gets to the very end and reports this:

checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (snapshot = Qt 2.1 beta2) 
(libraries) not found. Please check your installation!

I have qt2 installed in /usr/lib/qt2, the qt2 libraries in /usr/lib/qt2/lib 
and the includes in /usr/lib/qt2/include.  The author suggested I try the 
command echo $QTDIR which gives me absolutely nothing.  He then suggested I 
point the ./configure to where qt2 is with ./configure 
--with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt2 --with-qt-includes=/usr/lib/qt2/include 
--with-qt-libraries=/usr/lib/qt2/lib, I've tried this and of course it didn't 
work, I tried adding a / after qt2, include and lib, still get the checking 
for QT error.  I've gotten this on other programs I've tried to install also 
so what the hell am I doing wrong?  I admint I'm a newbie but I've gotten 
other programs to compile and install with no problems.  Thanks to anyone for 
any assistance.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  8:24pm  up 1 day,  2:25,  1 user,  load average: 0.10, 0.11, 0.04

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[newbie] PPPoE and FAX

2002-11-21 Thread Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
Em Qua 20 Nov 2002 12:28, Anne Wilson escreveu:
 On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 10:40 pm, Robin Turner wrote:

Hi, there!

I use adsl thru PPPoE and I was able to set the faxmodem up, but 

I don't know how to send to fax from Kmail Can you give some directions?

I was able to send it thru command line (fax, efax), but not receive!

Kfax simply does not find my modem!

Any Help? 


  Anne Wilson wrote:
  Just set up an icon to execute kppp
 OK - I've just put it on the menu.   I can't use it for the internet, as I
 think the adsl has grabbed that, but then I didn't want to.  I have sent a
 test fax this morning, just by writing it in KMail and 'send to fax' and it
 has worked, so that'll do for me.


Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
==  Get Counted!

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 pre-orders

2002-11-21 Thread Chris
On Thursday 21 November 2002 09:26 am, you said, and I quote:

  Thanks, guess I'll just keep waiting :(

 In case you didn't see it, there was a status report about shipping 9.0 at
 Mandrake Forum last week:
 Maybe it's time to give them a prod...
 -- cmg

Thanks,  I dropped them an email last night, see if I get an answer.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  9:56pm  up 1 day,  3:56,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.11, 0.08

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[newbie] ATI support

2002-11-21 Thread Dennis Myers
Has anyone had a chance to test the new ATI drivers shown on the following 

I am looking for a new vid card and am hesitant to go ATI.  Let me know what 
luck yall have had. Thanks,
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] ATI support [adr]

2002-11-21 Thread Sean Hegar
i have had the best luck with nvidia, they seem to have a better working
relationship with xfree  the nvidia drivers as well as kernel modules
always seem to be released right along with new products.  but hey that
is just my opinion and you kno what they say about that.
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 19:06, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Has anyone had a chance to test the new ATI drivers shown on the following 
 I am looking for a new vid card and am hesitant to go ATI.  Let me know what 
 luck yall have had. Thanks,
 Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] ATI support

2002-11-21 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy
On Thursday 21 November 2002 11:06 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Has anyone had a chance to test the new ATI drivers shown on the following

 I am looking for a new vid card and am hesitant to go ATI.  Let me know
 what luck yall have had. Thanks,

I've used ATI cards for quite a while and had no problems at all. I'm 
currently using an All-In-Wonder Rage 128 Pro AGP w/32 megs onboard. I've 
always found them to be reliable and trouble-free. The few times I've called 
ATI tech support with a question, I get immediate and pleasant service.
As usual, YMMV.

Jonathan Dlouhy
Thursday, November 21, 2002

Microsoft: the company that made e-mail dangerous.

Registered Linux user #264482  Powered by Mandrake Linux 9  

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[newbie] xbarcode or bar

2002-11-21 Thread Bryan Tyson
Has anyone out there experimented with xbarcode or its non-gui version, 
bar? I was trying them last night and did not succeed in creating any 
barcodes. All it says is barcode konnte nicht erzeugt werden, with no 
hint of what the problem is.

Are other options available in Linux for printing barcodes?

Thank you.

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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[newbie] Netmeeting and such with IPTABLES and NAT...

2002-11-21 Thread Franki
Hi guys,

I recently got a Dlink DSL504 ADSL router, and set my network up to use it..

until I get my block of public IP's, I have to use NAT...

My question is this...

one of the Windows PC's on my network has a Swann Versa minicam (webcam)

I wanted to try Netmeeting with it, but I don't know if it works with
iptables NAT..

I know with ipchains masq, I had to load different nat modules... so I am
not sure whats to do with

so far I only have basic NAT enabled and working, but if the likes of
netmeeting can work, I'd like to set it up.

anyone know what iptable modules are needed and how to call them??



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Re: [newbie] Problem installing a program

2002-11-21 Thread Erik Farnsworth
I believe this should fix your problem.  (If anyone out there spots an
error, please correct as soon as possible for Chris!)

In /etc/profile, add:




On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 20:48, Chris wrote:
 I'm trying to install a program called Kaspaliste.  When running
 it gets to the very end and reports this:
 checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (snapshot = Qt 2.1 beta2) 
 (libraries) not found. Please check your installation!
 I have qt2 installed in /usr/lib/qt2, the qt2 libraries in
 and the includes in /usr/lib/qt2/include.  The author suggested I try
 command echo $QTDIR which gives me absolutely nothing.  He then
suggested I 
 point the ./configure to where qt2 is with ./configure 
 --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt2 --with-qt-includes=/usr/lib/qt2/include 
 --with-qt-libraries=/usr/lib/qt2/lib, I've tried this and of course it
 work, I tried adding a / after qt2, include and lib, still get the
 for QT error.  I've gotten this on other programs I've tried to
install also 
 so what the hell am I doing wrong?  I admint I'm a newbie but I've
 other programs to compile and install with no problems.  Thanks to
anyone for 
 any assistance.


Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

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Re: [newbie] Problem installing a program

2002-11-21 Thread Stormjumper
just wanna add on that fwiw,
a reboot probably isn't necessary.

just log-out and re-login.

On 22 Nov 2002 01:18:16 -0600
Erik Farnsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe this should fix your problem.  (If anyone out there spots an
 error, please correct as soon as possible for Chris!)
 In /etc/profile, add:
 On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 20:48, Chris wrote:
  I'm trying to install a program called Kaspaliste.  When running
  it gets to the very end and reports this:
  checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (snapshot = Qt 2.1 beta2) 
  (libraries) not found. Please check your installation!
  I have qt2 installed in /usr/lib/qt2, the qt2 libraries in
  and the includes in /usr/lib/qt2/include.  The author suggested I
  command echo $QTDIR which gives me absolutely nothing.  He then
 suggested I 
  point the ./configure to where qt2 is with ./configure 
  --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt2 --with-qt-includes=/usr/lib/qt2/include 
  --with-qt-libraries=/usr/lib/qt2/lib, I've tried this and of course
  work, I tried adding a / after qt2, include and lib, still get the
  for QT error.  I've gotten this on other programs I've tried to
 install also 
  so what the hell am I doing wrong?  I admint I'm a newbie but I've
  other programs to compile and install with no problems.  Thanks to
 anyone for 
  any assistance.
 Linux User 288105
 Bill who? Micro what?

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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-21 Thread Aaron
On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 00:34, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Aaron wrote:

 I think this is a case for one of those modprobe commands that I'm not 
 cleaver with, but in a root terminal try modprobe -c   and lsmod
 and report back and let us see if other list members can help.

{I did the modprobe -c and redirected it to a file which is attached} 

 John Richard Smith

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# Generated by modprobe -c (2.4.19)
# Prune
prune modules.dep
prune modules.description
prune modules.generic_string
prune modules.pcimap
prune modules.isapnpmap
prune modules.usbmap
prune modules.parportmap
prune modules.ieee1394map
prune modules.pnpbiosmap
prune .config
prune build
prune vmlinux
prune vmlinuz
prune bzImage
prune zImage
prune .rhkmvtag
# Above
above hid keybdev mousedev
above usbmouse hid
above wacom evdev
# Below
below ov518_decomp ov511
# Aliases
alias binfmt- off
alias binfmt-204 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-263 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-264 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-267 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-387 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-332 iBCS
alias binfmt--310 binfmt_java
alias block-major-1 rd
alias block-major-2 floppy
alias block-major-3 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-7 loop
alias block-major-8 sd_mod
alias block-major-9 md
alias block-major-11 sr_mod
alias block-major-13 xd
alias block-major-15 cdu31a
alias block-major-16 gscd
alias block-major-17 optcd
alias block-major-18 sjcd
alias block-major-20 mcdx
alias block-major-22 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-23 mcd
alias block-major-24 sonycd535
alias block-major-25 sbpcd
alias block-major-26 sbpcd
alias block-major-27 sbpcd
alias block-major-29 aztcd
alias block-major-32 cm206
alias block-major-33 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-34 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-37 ide-tape
alias block-major-44 ftl
alias block-major-46 pcd
alias block-major-47 pf
alias block-major-56 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-57 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-58 lvm-mod
alias block-major-88 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-89 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-90 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-91 ide-probe-mod
alias block-major-93 nftl
alias block-major-97 pg
alias char-major-4 serial
alias char-major-5 serial
alias char-major-6 lp
alias char-major-9 st
alias char-major-10 off
alias char-major-10-0 busmouse
alias char-major-10-1 off
alias char-major-10-2 msbusmouse
alias char-major-10-3 atixlmouse
alias char-major-10-130 wdt
alias char-major-10-131 wdt
alias char-major-10-135 rtc
alias char-major-10-139 openprom
alias char-major-10-144 nvram
alias char-major-10-157 applicom
alias char-major-10-175 agpgart
alias char-major-10-184 microcode
alias char-major-13 input
alias char-major-13-32 mousedev
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias char-major-19 cyclades
alias char-major-20 cyclades
alias char-major-21 sg
alias char-major-22 pcxx
alias char-major-23 pcxx
alias char-major-27 ftape
alias char-major-34 scc
alias char-major-35 tclmidi
alias char-major-36 netlink
alias char-major-37 ide-tape
alias char-major-48 riscom8
alias char-major-49 riscom8
alias char-major-57 esp
alias char-major-58 esp
alias char-major-63 kdebug
alias char-major-90 mtdchar
alias char-major-96 pt
alias char-major-99 ppdev
alias char-major-107 3dfx
alias char-major-108 ppp_generic
alias char-major-109 lvm-mod
alias char-major-161 ircomm-tty
alias char-major-171 raw1394
alias char-major-195 NVdriver
alias char-major-200 vxspec
alias dos msdos
alias dummy0 dummy
alias dummy1 dummy
alias eth0 eepro100
alias iso9660 isofs
alias md-personality-1 linear
alias md-personality-2 raid0
alias md-personality-3 raid1
alias md-personality-4 raid5
alias md-personality-7 multipath
alias net-pf-1 unix
alias net-pf-2 ipv4
alias net-pf-3 off
alias net-pf-4 ipx
alias net-pf-5 appletalk
alias net-pf-6 off
alias net-pf-10 off
alias net-pf-17 af_packet
alias net-pf-19 off
alias netalias-2 ip_alias
alias irlan0 irlan
alias irda-dongle-0 tekram
alias irda-dongle-1 esi
alias irda-dongle-2 actisys
alias irda-dongle-3 actisys
alias irda-dongle-4 girbil
alias irda-dongle-5 litelink
alias irda-dongle-6 airport
alias irda-dongle-7 old_belkin
alias plip0 plip
alias plip1 plip
alias tunl0 ipip
alias cipcb0 cipcb
alias cipcb1 cipcb
alias cipcb2 cipcb
alias cipcb3 cipcb
alias ppp0 

RE: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

2002-11-21 Thread Franki
why don't you compile xfree 3.3.6 yourself and see if that gets you what you

just cos redhat don't offer that choise doesn't mean you can't use it...
(maybe you could even rebuild the mdk src rpm on redhat??)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Technoslick
Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2002 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

I didn't transfer from the CD over to a local folder. I had thought about
that when I first started the project, but then in the end, just went from
the CD. The whole process kept choking on libc differences, so I forced then
anyway. heh-heh I can be very persuasive when I have had enough and the
consequences don't matter anymore.

Xconfigurator did work, mostly. The screen was really funky looking,
probably from the mixed libraries and dependency issues. It didn't matter in
the long run. I had placed some hope that this configuration tool would get
me in where xf86config couldn't. The issue is still the X-server. It won't
run a lot of these older cards that are listed as supported. I tried some
really high-freq monitors, too. It's the X-server, nothing more. I will wipe
it out and start over, once I get a new video card; the forced RPM installs
most likely caused some issues for the future.

RH has made some rather starting changes in this newest release. They have
decided in version 8 to really push the GUI as the place to be for
maintaining the system as well as being productive. I certainly want to see
a more 'friendly' and graphical work environment, but not at the expense of
time-tested tools. I think it is rather bass-ackward that they should leave
you with your best config tool in X-windows for when X-windows doesn't work
right. Have I missed something here? ;-)


- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

On Wednesday 20 November 2002 08:31 am, Technoslick wrote:
 You people are just so-o-o-o-o smart, I can't help but ask:

 If I want to install Xconfigurator on an RH 8.0 system, and I have all the
 RPMs I need on a CD, could I install them all like this:

 rpm -ivh --force --nodeps /mnt/cdrom/*.rpm

 Or am I going to have to install each RPM individually; maybe libraries
 first, and maybe with the --nodeps switch to keep them from complaining
 about dependencies?
 Xconfigurator was dropped in version 8 (%#%%$^!!) and it's my last hope of
 trying to get a supported card to actually work in XFree86 4.2.0. I know
 that I could make my own package from source, but I really don't have the
 time and inclination right now.

 Thanks for putting up with the OT question!

It should work, I have done it several times using a folder with the .rpm
packages I want to install. To bad RH doesn't have urpmi command.  What I
would do though is transfer the CD  packages to a single folder on your HD
and then cd to that folder and install with rpm -ivh --force --nodeps *.rpm
less chance of errors that way. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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