Re: [newbie-it] mysql non funziona

2002-11-24 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati
Alle 17:53, venerdì 22 novembre 2002, tocqueville ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti e grazie anticipatamente

 ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
 '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

MySql non è avviato!

Anche io ho avuto un problema simile al tuo.
A sistema perfettamente installato e configurato MySql all'avvio non era 
attivo, nonostante che nei tool grafici risultasse correttamente configurato.
Non soddisfatto sono andato a vermi di persona cosa contenessero le dir
/etc/rc3.d e /etc/rc5.d e sorpresa il link al servizio MySql era settato 
erroneamente, ossia il nome del file inziava con K (che, se non ricordo 
male, sta per kill) allora l'ho sostituita con una S (che sta per start) ed 
ora all'avvio tutto funge.

Quindi se per tè sarà la stessa cosa trattasi di BUG (anche se banale).

Fammi sapere.

Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 9.0 KDE 3.0.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a 
risolvere tutti i problemi,ma mai 
nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

Re: [newbie-it] estrarre testo da pdf

2002-11-24 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 01:06, sabato 23 novembre 2002, pigi ha scritto:
 ciao a tutti,
 per visualizzare i file pdf uso kghostview o xpdf, ma non ho capito come
 estrarne il testo 8tipo copia e incolla in un'altra applicazione)
 come posso fare?

 un saluto


Basta usare l'Acrobat Reader, invece dell'XPdf. Puoi scaricarlo dal sito di 
Adobe, oppure lo trovi sui CD della distribuzione (io ho la 9.0 PowerPack, e 
c'è... non so se sia incluso in qualsiasi 9.0, o solo nel powerpack).


Re: [newbie-it] mysql non funziona

2002-11-24 Thread miKe
Alle 12:35, domenica 24 novembre 2002, Giovanni Mazzamati ha 

 MySql non è avviato!


 A sistema perfettamente installato e configurato MySql
 all'avvio non era attivo, nonostante che nei tool grafici
 risultasse correttamente configurato. Non soddisfatto sono
 andato a vermi di persona cosa contenessero le dir /etc/rc3.d
 e /etc/rc5.d 

se posso dare un consiglio, 
non avviate MySQL al boot,
ma solo quando serve,
risparmiate risorse e chiudete una porta


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

[newbie-it] hardware

2002-11-24 Thread masco
salute a tutti,volevo sapere come posso configurare bene il cd rom e il 
masterizzatoremi sono accorto che nel MCC alla voce lettori cdrom mi 
compaiono tre voci unknown crd-8322B dispositivo/dev/hdcATAPI/IDE
unknown cd-writer+9100c dispositivo/dev/hdb/ATAPI/IDE
Hp cd-writer+9100c dispositivo/dev/scd0.SCSI
praticamente il masterizzatore viene visto contemporaneamente come lettore 
ATAPI/IDE...e come SCSI come posso sistemare le cose vedendo sia il 
masterizzatore come SCSI sia il lettore crd-8322B come scasi ed eliminando le 
altre voci
grazie a chi mi può dare una mano

Re: [newbie-it] mysql non funziona

2002-11-24 Thread Simone_Colombo
inoltre  controlla i permessi sulle directory in questione vedrai che
accedendo come root non dovrebbe darti problemi ...
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] mysql non funziona

Alle 17:53, venerdì 22 novembre 2002, tocqueville ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti e grazie anticipatamente

 ho installato la MdK 9 nessun problema nell'installazione

 ora però, a differenza della versione precedente, mi si presenta questo

  quando digito mysql esce quest'errore:

 ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
 '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

 premetto che ho installato  tutti i software

  come faccio a risolverlo
Ma il server è attivo?
Da root digita /etc/init.d/mysql status
Se ti comunica che è fermo digita
/etc/init.d/mysql start
Buon Lavoro

Re: [newbie-it] hardware

2002-11-24 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 18:13, domenica 24 novembre 2002, masco ha scritto:
 salute a tutti,volevo sapere come posso configurare bene il cd rom e il
 masterizzatoremi sono accorto che nel MCC alla voce lettori cdrom
 mi compaiono tre voci unknown crd-8322B
 dispositivo/dev/hdcATAPI/IDE unknown cd-writer+9100c
 Hp cd-writer+9100c dispositivo/dev/scd0.SCSI
 praticamente il masterizzatore viene visto contemporaneamente come lettore
 ATAPI/IDE...e come SCSI come posso sistemare le cose vedendo sia il
 masterizzatore come SCSI sia il lettore crd-8322B come scasi ed eliminando
 le altre voci
 grazie a chi mi può dare una mano

E' tutto a posto; giustamente mcc vede sia il supporto fisico (ATAPI/IDE), sia 
l'emulazione scsi, che ti permette di utilizzare il masterizzatore.
Per mettere in emulazione anche il cd-rom, ti rimando all'archivio della lista 
(la domanda è praticamente un HOW-TO.
Uno spunto se ti va di arrivare per deduzione alla soluzione: dai un'occhiata 
a lilo.conf;-)

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-24 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Saturday 23 Nov 2002 9:04 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

Dennis Myers wrote:

On Saturday 23 November 2002 11:23 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

Joe Braddock wrote:

---Original Message---

From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sent: 11/22/02 04:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53


No, the colours are all there, printer works fine in M8.2, not M9.0

but I have found out something.

the ghostscript drivers for M8.2 are a different version to M9.0
for instance
M8.2 uses one ghostscript driver, LEXMARK Z52,CUPS+GIMP-print v4.2.0
Z53,CUPS+GIMP-print v4.2.2

so what, I here you say,

well hithertoo I have done testpages for all 3 ghostscript drivers which
appeared ok, the colour wheel was good and the colours were vivid enought
with everything just so, until you take a closer look at the colour wheel
pie chart lettering, I guess I must of been hasty to say the test page
looks fine, because upon closer inspection, whilst:-

yellow  is in pie chart position against  Y   , that's ok
one shade of red  C ,  I take to mean crimson
yet another shade of red   G , which surely ought to
mean green
green   is in pie chart position against  R,  which surely ought to mean
red blue is in pie chart position against  M, which I take to mean
mauve purple  is in pie chart position against  B,  which I take to mean


I would have guessed Y yellow, C cyan, G green, R red, M magenta, B blue.



I stand corrected,

but the fact of the matter is that

yellow  is  in segment   forY   yellow
blue -  - M  magenta
red  _  _C  cyan
mauve _  _B   blue
red  _  _G   green
green  _  _ R   red

which means the red and the blue primary colours are cross wired
somewhere, either in the driver in which case it is in all three
ghostscript drivers, and across two ghostscript versions, or
as seems more likely it's in the spooling control mechanism.

Now kde have added to their programme,
kde CC - system - printing manager - settings , besides their old tabs
of  general, HP-GL/2,and driver settings , two new tabs for :-

Image : here a little picture is displayed and 4 colour settings
brightness,  100

hue(colour rotation) 0

Saturation   100


these are all the default

there are also some contols for image position and image size

I'm guessing, but my money is on this software being screwed.

It's not really a new programme it's been around before and
at one time was part of qtcups or kups, which are no longer
completely available and I believe the intergration into kde
in this programme has a glitch in it which has the effect of cross
wired blue and red . That's my current theory. It seems
like a sound one at the moment, but I don't entirely rule
out driver error.


here you set page margins and text format.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Re: First suspect - me

2002-11-24 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 24 Nov 2002 12:37 am, Pilagá wrote:
   Hola, a todos. I can resume my little experience with supermount in this
 way: With my true SCSI cd recorder, not problem, at all (is not matter if a
 media is inserted, or not). With my IDE LG DVD player I always must have a
 CD inserted (data or audio). If not, I must wait 5, 10 minutes until konq
 accept the fact that there is not media present.

   I'm sorry, but not always I can write in English what I think in Spanish.


That's clear enough to me



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Re: [newbie] Problem installing a program

2002-11-24 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 24 Nov 2002 6:21 am, Erik Farnsworth wrote:

 (It is a hassle shutting down and restarting artsd after booting to
 have system sounds, though.) 

Hi Erik - I haven't been following this thread, but this remark intrigued me.  
This is what happened to me in 8.2, but doesn't in 9.0.  Sometimes I could 
not get it re-started, and then it would suddenly start up hours or even days 
later.  You did say you were using 9.0, didn't you?


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Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-24 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 24 Nov 2002 9:22 am, you wrote:

 but the fact of the matter is that

 yellow  is  in segment   forY   yellow
 blue -  - M  magenta
 red  _  _C  cyan
 mauve _  _B   blue
 red  _  _G   green
 green  _  _ R   red

That's odd.  If Y is correct I would have expected Blue to be correct also, 
because they are one pair for colour correction.  Cyan and red are paired, 
and it looks as though you have the slider here set entirely to the red side.  
I've forgotten what you said about colour correction, but if you could change 
this I would do.  The third pair is magenta and green.  This may need pushing 
towards the green end as well.

Don't know whether this helps, John, but it's worth a try.


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[newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

2002-11-24 Thread Jeff Gaines

I have just built a new PC round the Asus PB533-v mobo, it also has a
Promise Ultra card installed with 2 x HD's and 1 x DVD-RAM hanging off
the card.

Mandrake 8.2 recognises all the devices on the Promise card but none
of the devices on the in built IDE controller, i.e. /dev/hda is
actually my 'G' drive as far as Windows is concerned but my first
drive according to Mandrake.

Has anybody come across this? Is there a work round?


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[newbie] PS/2 Mouse hiding in corner of screen

2002-11-24 Thread Jeff Gaines

I am running Mandrake 8.2 using the Matrox Parhelia Linux drivers and
three monitors.

I can get into X (using KDE desk top) but my mouse cursor 'hides' in
the top right hand corner of the screen.

I can remember this happening the last time I installed Linux several
years ago but cannot remember how I corrected it.

I have run xf86config several times trying ps/2 and ordinary mouse, I
have also ensured that XF86Config-4 is in line with xf86config, at
least as far as the mouse is concerned.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Ports to keep open for samba?

2002-11-24 Thread Joan Tur
Hash: SHA1

Es Dissabte 23 Novembre 2002 18:58, en Derek Jennings va escriure:
  I'd like to let other computers running windows to print through my samba
  shared printer, and I'm using MDK9's firewall (shorewall)... should I let
  any specific port open for them to be able to do so??  8-?
 Yes  by default shorewall will block services originating on the computer
 running the firewall from both the Internet AND the local network. So you
 have to open up ports137, 138, and 139 to the local network.

 It is easy to configure just edit the file /etc/shorewall/rules
Thanks.  It's worked for me  ;)
- -- 
  Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain
 AOL quini2k,  ICQ 11407395
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Sound with Quake 3

2002-11-24 Thread Brian Parish
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 16:18, FemmeFatale wrote:
 At 02:21 PM 11/24/2002 +1100, you wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 05:38, FemmeFatale wrote:
   At 12:45 AM 11/24/2002 +1100, you wrote:
   Just installed the update for Q3 that makes it work again with Mdk 9.0,
   but sound seems to be a problem.  If I have the aRts server running, Q3
   stalls at sound initialization.  If I stop the aRts server, then it
   runs, but of course without sound.
   XMMS plays nicely through the aRts server, so the right drivers would
   seem to be in place.  Any tips out there?
   I don't remember the answer BUT this is in the archives for this
   list.  This years IIRC too.  Check for Quake 3 ? :)
   I believe it was a DarkLord post that solved it.
 Thanks for that, but the solution there was to shut down the aRts
 server.  That certainly gets things running, but without sound.  I think
 Quake must require bog standard OSS emulation.  As I'm using alsa with a
 multichanel sound card, I might need to get a little deeper into
 modules.conf settings to get this going.
 well fwiw, i use an SBLive! just fine but I believe I had OSS Going at the 
 time.  *Current installation isn't worth mentioning, its perfectly fucked 
 ATM, or I'd test it for ya to help out*.  Sooo try OSS  failing 
 that, see the ARTS homepage.  I found after searching the mandrake site a 
 mention to its page on issues relating to the Arts sound stuff for gaming.
 Sorry i'm not entirely helpful but tis been a while since I've done battle 
 with linux here.  We are due for another run  gunn soon methinks. :)

Had a look at the FAQ on the aRts site.  They suggest starting the app

artsdsp app-name

Tried that and it works a little better in that quake just says: your
soundcard can't do that then starts up without sound.  That means I
don't have to stop the aRts server first and can listen to music while
quake runs, but still no sound from q3 itself.

The site states that any app that fails to work with that syntax should
be seen as a bug in aRts, not in the app, so I guess that's how I have
to see it.  The artsdsp thing is worth keeping in mind though.


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Re: [newbie] Sound with Quake 3

2002-11-24 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
For me it is runing the sound in this way:

a) I am using kde; so in the kde control center I put the arts to shudown 
automatically after 20 seconds without use; of course I put also in the 
services that there is not sound when I start a program; if not when you 
start Quake3 arts will be automatically enabled.

b) just wait at least 20 seconds after the last arts-sound and quake 3 run 
fine, great sound.

I hope this will help you.
Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-24 Thread John Richard Smith
Joseph Braddock wrote:

Okay, I tried my printing and guess what, it no longer prints correctly
and I can duplicate your problems.  This is strange as I have printed
numerous photos since installing 9.0 (download).  I do recall doing a
Mandrake Update that did something with cups, gimp and ghostscript.  I
don't know if those affected it or not.  I'm in the process of trying to
figure it out and will let you know what I find.  I am quite sure it is
not a spool problem but probably a driver or cups problem.  I'm in the
process of downloading the drivers from Lexmark's site and will bypass
the cups-gimp driver and see if that's it. states
that the z53 should work perfectly with the z52 driver, so I'll try
that, too.

If you find anything out, let me know and I'll do likewise.  After it's
resolved, maybe we can post it to the list.



Most certainly,

I've tried replacing ghostscript with ghostscript-7.05-30mdk.i586.rpm 
the latest
version. No improvement at all.

I suspect either kde or cups both to my mind are involved in
the spooling  . Take a look at the kde-CC - system - printmanager -
settings - image section,  this is new in it's current position as part of
kde, M8.2 did not have this programme here. The only doubt I'm having
in regard to this theory is, if this is right, then why on earth isn't
everone having this problem, so by that reasoning it points to the
drivers  itself and there is a new driver called
Lexmark Z53(or Z52),Foomatic+gimp-print-ijs added to
the existing 2 ghostscript drivers of CUPS+GIMP-print v4.2.2,
and Foomatic+gimp-print, so obviously there have been
changes with our drivers, no bad thing initself as there were
a few glitches to my certain knowledge, but I believe what ever
is causing the problem is due to a crossed wire in the colour
management, in that all red sections of the picture are
coming out blue , and all blue sections of the picture
are coming out red, hense the wobbly image.
I'm pretty certain of that now, just do yourself
a test page and note the piechart colour wheel
actual colours against the testpage demo on screen.
They are all screwed up.

The Z52 and Z53 are practically the same machine, there
isn't much difference, I have both and they work on either
set of drivers just as well normally.

Now, in regards to the Lexmark's own driver , hitherto
I have only got it going once. It works very well when
it does and everything is there including lexmark
printer maintenance, however just downloading the
rpm driver and installing it and then going to MCC
printer control center and choosing that driver does
not make it work , there is additional configuration
which I once got right and was something to do with
symlinking the spooling together , lpq, lpq-cups, lpqr-foomatic,
lpr-kprinter,  lprm, lprm-cups, lprm-foomatic, and
some more I cannot remember, I wish you luck
as far as getting any sense out of Lexmark, they
don't really know how it works either. I believe
they merely paid someone in linux to write them a
linux printer programme , and marketed it as such,
but it does not install and work easily.

Having tried the latest ghostsript drivers, I suppose my
next experiment is to see whether a newer version
of cups, but I'm loathed to mess with cups its
such a complicated programme and takes oodles of
detailed knowledge.

For what it's worth I don't think we stand much chance of
getting the linux stuff to work. All we can do is report
things and hope that someone fixes it for us.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-24 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Sunday 24 Nov 2002 9:22 am, you wrote:


but the fact of the matter is that

yellow  is  in segment   forY   yellow
blue -  - M  magenta
red  _  _C  cyan
mauve _  _B   blue
red  _  _G   green
green  _  _ R   red


That's odd.  If Y is correct I would have expected Blue to be correct also, 
because they are one pair for colour correction.  Cyan and red are paired, 
and it looks as though you have the slider here set entirely to the red side.  
I've forgotten what you said about colour correction, but if you could change 
this I would do.  The third pair is magenta and green.  This may need pushing 
towards the green end as well.

Don't know whether this helps, John, but it's worth a try.




I've spent days fidling with the colour balances, it just doesn't work.
There seems to be a glitch with the driver, or possibly the spooling.
I vie between them.

but anyway I appreciate your thoughts. I don't think I am going
to be able to fix this , it needs reporting to the driver creator
team , only I have no idea how to do that. and in the past
I find it difficult to get anyone to listen when you cannot talk their
language and in effect supply the solution.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Supermount Toubleshooting Tips Info

2002-11-24 Thread Technoslick
Anne, and all:

(Looking at the First suspect -  me has traveled quite far and
abroad compared to what it was first intended for. :-) So, I started a new

Since everything here is archived, I really like the idea that we organized
what we have found to make it easier for searching. When someone needs to
know, we point them to this subject line (if they are looking back in the
archives) or use it as the basis for a search in their favorite flavor
search engine.

The archive, in the simplest of form, is a database. The list is the data
and the filtering mechanism is the search engine provided by Mandrake on
their site. The same is true, of course, with the use of a Web-wide search
engine. Both of these methods work, but it would be nicer to see something
more specific to this particular issue. If one of the listserv members was
already Web capable, with a server that could be used to post findings
through a fill-in form, we (and more importantly, Mandrake) could search
specifically among records that are only on this issue. A nice dream, huh?
Maybe not realistic, and probably a little too much work for the one making
the server side happen.

So, here's what I think we could do, instead. We post information on our
system specs and experience with supermount here, in a formate that is
consistent for maximum search results. Here's an example form, just to show
the format I was thinking of:

Subject: supermount
Contact: Technoslick
Machine: Workstation #3

System Specs
Make: Clone
Model: N/A
CPU Model: K6-2
CPU Rating: 500 MHz
MBoard Mfg: EPoX
MBoard Model: EP-58 MVP2C-M
Chipset: VIA Apollo MVP3 AGP/PCIset
Memory: 128 MB DIMMs x 2 SDRAM PC100
CPU Bus: 100 MHz
Cache: 512 K
Video: S3 Savage 2000
Video Memory: 64 MB
Video Bus: AGP 2X

Peripherals Installed
Floppy: 1 x 1.44 MB
CD-ROM_1: Liteon DVD LTD163
Connection: IDE (USB, Parallel Port, SCSI, etc.)
Channel: 2nd (SCSI ID #)
Position: Master
CD-ROM_2: Phillips CD-RW PCRW404
Channel: 2nd
Position: Slave
Zip: No
Other: (list LS-120s, and other devices that come under control of
Findings: Generally, no problems, though I have found that backing out of
the drive in Kongueror, ejecting CDs when possible, using refresh with
floppies, works best. Sometimes, CDs hang and I cannot eject, but not that

Etc., etc., depending on whether we want to track all devices that
supermount affects or just CD-ROMs. In my opinion, if you are trying to give
Mandrake the best possible poll of data, I would include normal floppy
drives, LS-120s, Zips, USB devices that can be mounted and unmounted, etc.

Now, the first thing that comes to mind is that this is a LOT of data to
cough up and submit to the listserv. Those who don't know how to get all of
this data, or are not capable of finding it all, would find it hard to
complete a form fully enough to make it useful information. Most of us have
only one or two machines. Most of this information can be gleaned off of
Mandrake's HardDrake, or by other means at the console level. As a few post
requests on how to find this information within their system, a few replies
will provide permanent answer that can be searched for by newcomers to the
list later on. The blank form can be copied from this post, or from
whichever has the design we mostly agree upon. This strictly voluntary, and
therefore should be respected as such. If there is enough of us who want to
take the time to post a form, we should do so for Mandrake's sake, as well
as out own. Those who think this is ludicrous, a waste of their time,
etc,no problem, don't post one, but please respect those who did.

I think the effort is worth it. By using a simple form, searches are prone
not to miss all posts specifically on this topic. In a way, we all become
unofficial beta test members, offering our findings in an organized manor
for them to find a solution for those having problems. In time, as more
members submit their equipment specs and findings, patterns will most
definitely show themselves. Whether for Mandrake or ourselves, we create a
mini-database within the listserv that helps, Mandrake, us and future
newbies looking for answers as to why this doesn't work right for them. And,
if it works well? We can use the same concept on other issues that seem to
be inconsistently a concern for many.

Here's the blank form from above. Those wishing to modify it for submission
as the one that we should use can copy into their post. Feel free to add or
delete as you all see fit, however, let's all keep in mind that we come from
many cultures and walks of life. This is a very large committee, and as
such, could drag out the creation of this form forever, if everyone has to
be made happy. Let's get the labels down to where they at least make sense,
and add only the information that helps Mandrake (and us) see the patterns.

Submission Form Prototype
copy to future posts, do not reply to this one to submit your 

[newbie] KOrganizer

2002-11-24 Thread Hans-Ulrich Scholl
Ich bin vor kurzem wieder von Evolution auf KMail umgestiegen und wollte jetzt 
dazu KOrganizer verwenden. Dabei habe ich festgestellt, dass der Alarm nicht 
so funktioniert, wie ich mir das dachte und wie ich es von Evolution gewöhnt 
war. Wenn ich z. B. für einen Geburtstag, der nur mit einem Tag und nicht mit 
einer Uhrzeit verbunden ist, einen Alarm 1 Tag vorher einstelle, kommt dieser 
Alarm genau um 0 Uhr. Da mein Rechner nicht im Dauerbetrieb arbeitet und 
schon gar nicht um 0 Uhr, bekomme ich diese Warnung trotz laufenden 
Alarm-Dämon nicht angezeigt. Gibt es irgendeine Einstellung, um den Alarm 
beim nächsten Hochfahren des Rechners anzuzeigen?



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Re: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

2002-11-24 Thread Technoslick

Please tell me if I understand your set-up correctly. You have a system that
is utilitizing both the primary and secondary IDE channels built into the
motherboard, and they are using the standard IRQs 14 and 15, I/O addresses
1F0 and 170, respectfully. Your Promise Ultra IDE card has given you another
pair of channels, using at least one other IRQ (or two) and two other I/O
addesses. Does this sum it up correctly?


- Original Message -
From: Jeff Gaines [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 5:18 AM
Subject: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

I have just built a new PC round the Asus PB533-v mobo, it also has a
Promise Ultra card installed with 2 x HD's and 1 x DVD-RAM hanging off
the card.

Mandrake 8.2 recognises all the devices on the Promise card but none
of the devices on the in built IDE controller, i.e. /dev/hda is
actually my 'G' drive as far as Windows is concerned but my first
drive according to Mandrake.

Has anybody come across this? Is there a work round?


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Re: [newbie] Printer Problems M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-24 Thread John Richard Smith
Joseph Braddock wrote:

I'm am almost positive that it is the driver. While I thought the test
page was printing normally, I noticed that the colors were off from what
was indicated (particularly red was green and vice versa).  This also
caused the Mandrake Linux at the bottom of the page to be purple. I
downloaded and installed the driver from the Lexmark site and the colors
are correct.  

Unfortunately, I have not been successful in getting Gimp to print with
this driver.  I looked at and noticed that there
are problems mentioned with the gimp drivers for the versions that ship
with 9.0.  I ran Mandrake Update and saw that there were new cups and
drivers, so I downloaded and installed them, but they didn't fix the

Gimp-print 4.2.4RC1 (the updated version is 4.2.3) is on their site.  It
is supposed to fix the red/green problem with a different Lexmark
printer, so I'm hoping it will the Z53, too.  Currently, it is only
available in source and I haven't had a chance to compile it. 

Well, that's what I've found out so far.



Well I have got lexmarkz53-1.0-9.i386.rpm to work with
kde. I would not say the colour balance is brilliant but
it's the first time that I've seen the lexmark driver
work with Mandrake for some time. I think
the problem was that I could not run the alignment
programme during install , but will do so.

Not out the woods yet , but progress.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

2002-11-24 Thread Jeff Gaines
On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 09:49:53 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Please tell me if I understand your set-up correctly. You have a system that
is utilitizing both the primary and secondary IDE channels built into the
motherboard, and they are using the standard IRQs 14 and 15, I/O addresses
1F0 and 170, respectfully. Your Promise Ultra IDE card has given you another
pair of channels, using at least one other IRQ (or two) and two other I/O
addesses. Does this sum it up correctly?


- Original Message -
From: Jeff Gaines [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 5:18 AM
Subject: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

I have just built a new PC round the Asus PB533-v mobo, it also has a
Promise Ultra card installed with 2 x HD's and 1 x DVD-RAM hanging off
the card.

Mandrake 8.2 recognises all the devices on the Promise card but none
of the devices on the in built IDE controller, i.e. /dev/hda is
actually my 'G' drive as far as Windows is concerned but my first
drive according to Mandrake.

Has anybody come across this? Is there a work round?



That's spot on. According to Windows the Promise Ultra uses IRQ 20 but
that's after Windows has finished moving things around.

It's ironic that Windows only recognises the built in IDE until the
Promise drivers are installed and with Mandrake only the Promise Ultra
is recognised!

I booted to a Slackware CD and that recognises all the disks so it's
something a bit odd in Mandrake I think?

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[newbie] lsmod listing to check whether the sound driver is in there

2002-11-24 Thread Sasongko Pribadi Djoko
Dear Stephen, Friends,

Thank you for your (Stephen) suggestion to check whether the sound  driver 
is in the list of lsmod.

I did check, but stupid me, I didn't know which one on the list is a sound 
driver :).

I have attached the lsmod command result, could you please help me to see 
whether the sound driver is in the list ?

TVMIA (Thank you very much in advance),

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[newbie] oops .. forgot the attachment

2002-11-24 Thread Sasongko Pribadi Djoko
Dear Stephen, Friends,

Please find the attachment regarding my previous mail.

TYVVMIA (Thank you very very much in advance)

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Description: Binary data
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RE: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

2002-11-24 Thread Daniel P Wheeler
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Technoslick
 Sent: 24 November 2002 14:50
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v


 Please tell me if I understand your set-up correctly. You have a
 system that
 is utilitizing both the primary and secondary IDE channels built into the
 motherboard, and they are using the standard IRQs 14 and 15, I/O addresses
 1F0 and 170, respectfully. Your Promise Ultra IDE card has given
 you another
 pair of channels, using at least one other IRQ (or two) and two other I/O
 addesses. Does this sum it up correctly?


 - Original Message -
 From: Jeff Gaines [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 5:18 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

 I have just built a new PC round the Asus PB533-v mobo, it also has a
 Promise Ultra card installed with 2 x HD's and 1 x DVD-RAM hanging off
 the card.

 Mandrake 8.2 recognises all the devices on the Promise card but none
 of the devices on the in built IDE controller, i.e. /dev/hda is
 actually my 'G' drive as far as Windows is concerned but my first
 drive according to Mandrake.

 Has anybody come across this? Is there a work round?


The distribution Mandrake Linux 9.0 (dolphin) was installed on a PC.

The drives were designated by the OS as the following:

hda: DVD-ROM drive. (Connected to motherboard IDE controller.)
hdc: LS-120 floptical drive. (Connected to motherboard IDE controller.)
hde: 80.0 GB HDD. (Connected to PCI IDE controller.)
hdg: 15.3 GB HDD. (Connected to PCI IDE controller.)

In Windows XP Professional the drives were designated as:

Drive A: LS-120 floptical drive. (Connected to motherboard IDE controller.)
Drive C: 80.0 GB HDD. (Connected to PCI IDE controller.)
Drive D: 15.3 GB HDD. (Connected to PCI IDE controller.)
Drive E: DVD-ROM drive. (Connected to motherboard IDE controller.)

No solution to the unconventional Mandrake Linux 9.0 drive distribution was

The details were the following.

Subject: Hard Disks Are Not Detected in a Intel System that Has an ATA
Controller Card in a Debian 3.0 Installation 3.0.23 Program

On a 2 hard-disk drive PC with Windows XP Professional and a Promise
“Ultra133 TX2 ATA controller card
( the
Debian Installation System 3.0.23 (built on 15/05/02) that used kernel
2.4.18-bf2.4 from the cover DVD of the November edition of “Linux Format”
magazine gave the error message

No hard disk drives were detected

after the

Configure the Keyboard

selection was made.

When an attempt to access the floppy-disk drive for the ATA controller's
device drivers was made, there was an error message that stated that the
floppy-disk drive could not be mounted.

Mandrake Linux 9.0 CD-ROMs were purchased from The Linux Emporium
( The PC was booted from the first Mandrake
binary CD. Both hard-disk drives were detected along with the LS-120
floptical drive which had the installation configuration written to it.

The Mandrake Linux distribution was installed.

The drives were designated by the OS as follows:

hda: DVD-ROM drive. (Connected to motherboard IDE controller.)
hdc: LS-120 floptical drive. (Connected to motherboard IDE controller.)
hde: 80.0 GB HDD. (Connected to PCI IDE controller.)
hdg: 15.3 GB HDD. (Connected to PCI IDE controller.)

In the Debian 3.0 boot argument


produced the error message:

Could not find kernel image: floppy=t.him


Another boot argument


produced the error message:

VFS: Insert root floppy and press ENTER
request_module[block-major-2]: Root fs not mounted
VFS: Cannot open root device fd0 on 02:00
Please append a correct root= boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 02:00

and then the system hung.

The kernel image


was not available as a boot argument.

Daniel (of Westminster)

PS: Additional information.

PC System
00  OS: Linux Mandrake 9.0 (dolphin).
01  OS: Windows “XP Professional” (file system: NTFS).
02  CPU: Intel Pentium III 450 MHz.
03  BIOS: Award.
04  RAM: 384 MB SDRAM.
05  Drive A: Panasonic LK-MF9340-1 (SD120S) EIDE “SuperDisk” floptical
06  Drive C: is 80.0 GB Seagate Barracuda IV ST380021A 7 200 rpm ATA-100
EIDE drive.
07  Drive D: is 15.3 GB Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 91536U6 7 200 rpm EIDE ATA-66
08  Drive E: is a Panasonic SR-8584 EIDE 6X DVD-ROM drive.
09  The hard-disk drives are configured as cable select.
10  Motherboard: Asus P3B-F (440BX) with ATA-33 EIDE controller.
11  MODEM: 

RE: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-24 Thread Franki
I agree, thats why they are lite-on's

I always buy them, and generally they are flawless...

by burner and DVD player are liteon as well.. never put a foot wrong..

for the price, you can't do better.



-Original Message-
Ronald J. Hall
Sent: Sunday, 24 November 2002 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

On Saturday 23 November 2002 10:16 am, you wrote:

 No, even brand new CDrom drives have problems. I'll restate the bit
 about CD-RW's having 'better' lasers (and spindles). As to 48x and 50x,
 I've found the the faster drives tend to have more problems. Civileme
 stated much the same in a post some months ago, stating that anything
 over 12x actually caused a degredation in reading [my paraprhase]. For
 his exact words you'll need to search the newbie archive. Sorry, I
 can't begin to remember the subject of that thread. I wouldn't go as
 far as 12x, but if I were lookin for a new drive I'd try'n find a 24x
 from a quality vendor (eg, Plextor).

I'm with Tom here - I used, I say *used* to buy those generic brand X
from Tiger Direct all the time - until about half of them died. Now, I buy
brand name only - currently I have a Toshiba DVD and a Plextor CDRW. Its the
way to go folks. :-)


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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-24 Thread John Richard Smith
Technoslick wrote:

I believe the same. Therefore, after having said what I did in my earlier
post, I still would like to see us all look for fixes. There's so much
talent coming here that I find it hard to believe we can't systematically
find some direction in helping Mandrake resolve the idiosyncrasies, if not
come up with the fix ourselves. Your comparison was perfect, to my mind.
It's an intermittent problem that comes and goes, leaving some not believing
the problem exists and others wanting to kick if for the trouble it has
brought to them.

I was thinking about what was said here by some, that supermount would
either cause a busy cycle and lock up the device from changing media, or
time-out and unmount when that was not what was desired. It would seem to me
that the problem would be in the way the program decides when it should
mount, how long it should stay mounted, and when it should unmount. It seems
to make sense that the way the motherboard or BIOS handles things has an
effect. I couldn't begin to explain intelligently what I mean. I just don't
have that expertise, but I think Dark Lord's presumption stirs some thought.

Too bad Mandrake's own software engineers don't frequent this place. I
wonder sometimes if they have a clue at what we discuss here. If they do,
they are lurking and not participatingunless one of you Brainiacs is
really a Mandrake spy!



The only thing I can add which is not much, is that I have trouble with 
and scsi-emulation only, and my drives are not generic, but pioneer and 
and my mobo is MSI, hardly flighty unheard of companies.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] oops .. forgot the attachment

2002-11-24 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 24 November 2002 09:50 am, Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:
 Dear Stephen, Friends,

 Please find the attachment regarding my previous mail.

 TYVVMIA (Thank you very very much in advance)

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Looks like you have a es1371 sound card driver so try the insmod command 
with that one and see what happens.  Sorry for butting in here but if Stephen 
is not around this is a quick answer to keep you going.  
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-24 Thread Technoslick
I have to agree, John.

If you would, please see my other post, Re:[newbie] Supermount
Troubleshooting Tips  Info. It would be great for you to list your
specifics for everyone to compare with. It's my hope that Mandrake will look
to these posts as valuable data, too.



- Original Message -
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only thing I can add which is not much, is that I have trouble with
and scsi-emulation only, and my drives are not generic, but pioneer and
and my mobo is MSI, hardly flighty unheard of companies.


John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie] modem question

2002-11-24 Thread Franki
Just download the driver for your kernel version..

Then just install it..

rpm -ivh hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110300k2.4.19_16mdk-1mdk.i586.rpm

it will do all the work for you from that point... then just run kppp to
detect modem or use wvdial whatever...
I have done it many times and it works great  Marc Boucher did some
fantastic work on those drivers.

good luck



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Richard J A
Sent: Sunday, 24 November 2002 6:12 AM
Subject: [newbie] modem question


First off, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.  I installed Mandrake
9.0, and it installed everything alright except I have no idea how to get my
modem to work.  So until then, I am back on this awful Microcrap XP.  I
would appreciate any help anyone could give me, and in as easy terms to
understand as possible, because all of the help pages I have seem to talk in
a language that is far above my head :0(

My modem is Conexant Softk56 PCI  so I gather I go here  and download
kernel version 2.4.19-16mdk (I gather) after that I have no idea what to do.
How do I install that?  I'm used to the simple and pleasurable clicking on
an upgrade in windows and letting it self install, but when I clicked on
this, it just asked me what to open it with, argh.

When I installed it, it would find that I had some other type of modem,
Eth(something) and would show I had an LAN whatever.  I have no idea what
any of that is.  Someone suggested I disable that then my modem will show
up, but as I don't know what it is and it all came with my computer, I have
no idea how to do that, so I'd rather stay away from that.

Anyway, if anyone can help me, I'd be very grateful

Thanks for you time
Take Care

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RE: [newbie] Connecting Modem -Conexant HCF PCI

2002-11-24 Thread Franki
hsf and hcf drivers are here:

very good stuff...



-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, 24 November 2002 6:52 AM
Subject: [newbie] Connecting Modem -Conexant HCF PCI

Greetings All,

I am a complete newbie to Linux having just had Mandrake 8 
installed, and still learning the most fundamental details.

When installing the program the person helping could not find a 
Linux driver compatible with my Conexant HCF PCI modem. Is 
there one which I can down load and install that any one knows of 

Simple response would be appreciated where technical procedures 
are needed would help me at this stage.

Thanks in anticipation. 

Dell Purdie 
Rotorua, New Zealand.

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[newbie] Printer Problems , M9.0 and Lexmark Z53

2002-11-24 Thread John Richard Smith
I have lexmark printer working in M9.0 with the
lexmarkz53-1.0-9.i386.rpm driver.

The colour balance is a bit off, too blueish.
I cannot see how to adjust that.

I also have misalignment between the
3 primary colours almost certainly due
to printhead adjustment being out.
I keep trying to use lexmarks own
head alignment programme but it does
give me long enough to assess
the printout before being timed
out and returned to the beginning,
so I never sucessfully complete it.
A bit daft really.

Anyway I quite sure now the 3 ghostscript drivers
are plain flat broken. It's beyond me to fix.

It's down to the driver craftsmen to fix.

I think we need a fresh new ghostscript download
with the fixes.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

2002-11-24 Thread Jeff Gaines
On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 15:55:00 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[very comprehensive reply snipped]




Many thanks indeed for a very detailed response!

It looks like it is a Mandrake problem which is a pity as it's a nice

I think I'll have to look as SUSE, I don't think I can take the pain
of a Slackware install :-(

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Re: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

2002-11-24 Thread Charlie
On November 24, 2002 08:55 am, Daniel P Wheeler wrote:
severe snippage warning! :-)

 06  Drive C: is 80.0 GB Seagate Barracuda IV ST380021A 7 200 rpm ATA-100
 EIDE drive.
 07  Drive D: is 15.3 GB Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 91536U6 7 200 rpm EIDE
 ATA-66 drive.
 08  Drive E: is a Panasonic SR-8584 EIDE 6X DVD-ROM drive.

 09  The hard-disk drives are configured as cable select.

 10Motherboard: Asus P3B-F (440BX) with ATA-33 EIDE controller.
 11MODEM: 3Com US Robotics Professional Message Modem (external).

I'm sure you can see where I isolated a certain line above? There's a reason 
for that and for the difficulty you're having with this machine:

Cable Select SUCKS and won't ever work properly in my experience. Pick a 
master and slave drive for each channel and run the auto detect or feed the 
BIOS the *correct information for each drive* and this problem will go away.

Just to re-iterate:

_cable select is crap and likely to cause grief on disks where GNU/Linux is 
being installed._

Regards and good luck.
Registered user 244963 at
Men still remember the first kiss after women have forgotten the last.

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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-24 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 24 Nov 2002 3:57 pm, Franki wrote:
 I agree, thats why they are lite-on's

 I always buy them, and generally they are flawless...

 by burner and DVD player are liteon as well.. never put a foot wrong..

 for the price, you can't do better.

I recently spoke to the technical support at the supplier I use for hardware 
on the subject of CD-RW and CD/DVD drives.  He said that although they were 
happy with lite-on drives on their own, they had found some very strange 
behaviour when teaming a lite-on with various other makes, particularly but 
not only Afreey.


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[newbie] Pine installation on Mandrake 8.1

2002-11-24 Thread Wei Wang
Hi, all,

I am trying to install Pine 4.5 on Mandrake 8.1.
I got the following error message.

ranlib libpico.a
cc   -g -DDEBUG  -Dlnx -DJOB_CONTROL -DPOSIX -DMOUSE main.o libpico.a  
-lncurses -o pico
/usr//bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [pico] Error 1

I am not sure if this is Mandrake specific or not. So please excuse me if 
this is not the right place to ask this question.

Many thanks,


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[newbie] OO.o Printers?

2002-11-24 Thread Nelson Bartley
Hi Guys,

Here's a strange one for ya, Before I played w/ cups, and the printer
drake I had pdf writers in OO.o. Now that I've played with them my pdf
writers are gone, though I don't remember removing them.

How do I get my pdf writers back?
(Is it something to do w/ cups? should I change back to the lpr deamon?)

Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2002-11-24 Thread Wei Wang
I am trying to install sylpheed 0.7.6 on Mandrake 8.1. And I got the 
error message. I

checking for flex... no
checking for lex... no
./configure: flex: command not found
checking for flex... lex
checking for yywrap in -ll... no
checking lex output file root... ./configure: lex: command not found
configure: error: cannot find output from lex; giving up

Then I tried to install Flex2.5.4, I got this message when doing make 
yacc -d ./parse.y
make: yacc: Command not found
make: *** [parse.c] Error 127

I searched yacc in google but couldn't find a package called yacc. Is it a 
package? If it is not, how can I obtain it?

Please excuse me for these silly and primitive questions. I am trying to 
start to use Linux and keep getting messages telling me I need this and that 
for installing this software.


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[newbie] sylpheed installation on Mandrake 8.1

2002-11-24 Thread Wei Wang

Sorry for the previous mail without title

I am trying to install sylpheed 0.7.6 on Mandrake 8.1. And I got the 
 error message. I

 checking for flex... no
 checking for lex... no
 ./configure: flex: command not found
 checking for flex... lex
 checking for yywrap in -ll... no
 checking lex output file root... ./configure: lex: command not found
 configure: error: cannot find output from lex; giving up

 Then I tried to install Flex2.5.4, I got this message when doing make 
 yacc -d ./parse.y
 make: yacc: Command not found
 make: *** [parse.c] Error 127

 I searched yacc in google but couldn't find a package called yacc. Is it a 
package? If it is not, how can I obtain it?

 Please excuse me for these silly and primitive questions. I am trying to 
start to use Linux and keep getting messages telling me I
 need this and that for installing this software.


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Re: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

2002-11-24 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Sorry, probably I have little idea about this but I had a similar problem and 
I would like to say something about:

A) I ever thought that hard-drives should be connected in the way to be 
recognized before cdroms/dvd drives; have you tried to conect your harddrives 
to be hda and hdb?

B) having two cdrom/cdrwriter conected in a computer, mandrake 8.2 wouldn't 
recognized any of them when I have attached in the second IDE as master the 
cdrom and as slave the cdwriter; just changing the cdrom to slave and the 
cdwriter to master, both were recognized and now are runing like a charm.

Perhaps you can try those changes and use not only the cable selection, but 
the jumper on every drive to switch between slave and master.

Test it, it worth.

Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] Hard Disks not Recognised on Asus PB533-v Mainboard

2002-11-24 Thread Alexander Rayborn
I have a similar problem, but with a P4B533-E motherboard.

At the beginning of boot, I receive an error about PCI resource
collisions... oddly enough, my hard drive still runs at DMA just fine
(at least, according to hdparm).

Most of the research I have done on this problem shows that most people
who receive this error just cannot get their hard drives to run DMA.  My
hard drive seems to run DMA fine (or, at least better than 3.0mb/sec)...
but my CD-ROM drives do not work at all!

I hadn't thought about switching them around as per this issue.  My
setup is:

1.  Hard drive (60gig Maxtor, partitioned with WindowsXP and Mandrake
9.0) - on MBFastrack133 as master.

2.  Toshiba DVD-ROM on IDE0, set as master

3.  HP9100i CD-Writer on IDE1, set as master

Perhaps I should check my jumpers.

Additional info:

hdparm results:

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.35 seconds =365.71 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  1.62 seconds = 39.51 MB/sec

dmesg results:

Linux version 2.4.19-16mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.0 3.2-1mdk)) #1 Fri Sep 20 18:15:05 CEST 2002
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820:  - 0009d400 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 0009d400 - 000a (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0010 - 1ffec000 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 1ffec000 - 1ffef000 (ACPI data)
 BIOS-e820: 1ffef000 - 1000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 1000 - 2000 (ACPI NVS)
 BIOS-e820: fec0 - fec01000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: fee0 - fee01000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820:  - 0001 (reserved)
511MB LOWMEM available.
Advanced speculative caching feature not present
On node 0 totalpages: 131052
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 126956 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=mandrake2.4.19 ro root=305 quiet
Found and enabled local APIC!
Initializing CPU#0
Detected 2289.254 MHz processor.
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 4561.30 BogoMIPS
Memory: 515992k/524208k available (1176k kernel code, 7820k reserved,
444k data, 136k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
CPU: Before vendor init, caps: 3febfbff  , vendor = 0
CPU: L1 I cache: 12K, L1 D cache: 8K
CPU: L2 cache: 512K
CPU: After vendor init, caps: 3febfbff   
Intel machine check architecture supported.
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU: After generic, caps: 3febfbff   
CPU: Common caps: 3febfbff   
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz stepping 04
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
enabled ExtINT on CPU#0
ESR value before enabling vector: 
ESR value after enabling vector: 
Using local APIC timer interrupts.
calibrating APIC timer ...
. CPU clock speed is 2289.2250 MHz.
. host bus clock speed is 134.6601 MHz.
cpu: 0, clocks: 1346601, slice: 673300
mtrr: v1.40 (20010327) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mtrr: detected mtrr type: Intel
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xf1ee0, last bus=2
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
Unknown bridge resource 0: assuming transparent
PCI: Using IRQ router PIIX [8086/24c0] at 00:1f.0
isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
isapnp: No Plug  Play device found
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16)
Starting kswapd
VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.5.0 initialized
devfs: v1.12a (20020514) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
devfs: boot_options: 0x1
vesafb: framebuffer at 0xf000, mapped to 0xe080, size 131072k
vesafb: mode is 800x600x16, linelength=1600, pages=2
vesafb: protected mode interface info at c000:e350
vesafb: scrolling: redraw
vesafb: directcolor: size=0:5:6:5, shift=0:11:5:0
Looking for splash picture found (800x600, 30412 bytes).
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x16
fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with HUB-6 MANY_PORTS MULTIPORT
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with

Re: [newbie]

2002-11-24 Thread David E. Fox
 I searched yacc in google but couldn't find a package called yacc. Is it a 
 package? If it is not, how can I obtain it?

Lex and yacc are related, if not somewhat complementary in function,
but there are some differences. First of all, yacc stands for yet
another compiler compiler. Well, what's a compiler compiler? Well,
it's a tool that people use to compile compilers with :). Actually,
it's a tool to parse language grammars - for instance the language
grammars in role playing games, ftp sessions, irc, and others may use
yacc or a similar tool. It's not something that is only used with
computer programming language designers.

Specifically for yacc, there are several variants. There's Berkeley
yacc (byacc). Also there's GNU's yacc, which is called 'bison' (yak /
bison) :) get it? Mandrake has a bison, it's (currently) 


Mandrake also has berkeley yacc (byacc), available as 


I am not sure what the differences are, but it's been my experience
that packages might want one, and some might want the other, so it's
probably safe to install both.

If a tool needs yacc/bison/byacc to build, it'll probably need lex aas
well. There's a few different versions as well: flex, for instance



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Re: [newbie] Faxing

2002-11-24 Thread Marcia
On Sunday 24 November 2002 01:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 24 Nov 2002 3:38 am, Brian Parish wrote:
  On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 09:42, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Saturday 23 Nov 2002 5:35 pm, Marcia wrote:
Dear All,
I would love to be able to fax from Linux on my desktop. I have LM 9.
I am connected to the net with cable and I know that I would have to
hook up the phone line with the modem in order to fax. The modem I
have is supposedly supported by Linux or at least is a linmodem. How
would I set this up so that I can fax plus still use my cable modem?
Thanks for any suggestions.
   Hello Marcia -
   The issue of winmodems is something I don't know much about.  I think
   the Lucent chip modems are among the ones that can be persuaded to
   work, but someone who knows more than I do will advise you on that
   For the Mandrake setup, your situation is a little different from mine,
   where I have a connection over ethernet, then a modem, but this is what
   I suggest you do:
   Go to Mandrake Control Centre and let Mandrake detect your connections.
   It should detect your modem and offer to set it up.  If it does, let
   it. It will make all the connection settings you need.  I presume that
   this will leave you with two profiles then, and you will have to switch
   when you want to fax.
   I could be way off beam, since you have, in effect, two modems, but
   that's how I would tackle it.
  I suspect that this might just confuse things.  You shouldn't need to
  configure a connection using the modem to allow it to be for faxing.
  Whatever fax software you are using will need to be pointed at the port
  to which the modem is connected.  That's about it.
  In fact, I would suggest that you specifically tell drakconnect NOT to
  configure the modem if you are running it for some other reason, as it's
  likely screw up network settings.

 Sorry - I thought we were talking about a separate modem, not one already
 in use.  If it is the latter Brian is correct, nothing more needs to be

 If you install efax (and it may well be already installed) then KWord will
 already be able to 'print to fax'.  If you use this, be aware that it does
 not like spaces in telephone numbers.  Failure to send a fax will result in
 a log file being written to your home directory.  It is likely to point to
 permission problems.  Once that's solved all should be well.


Dear Anne,

You were not mistaken. I do have 2 modems. One is a cable modem for my cable 
network and the other is a Lucent 56K phone,fax,voice modem. That is why I am 
wondering if there is a special way to do this so that I can switch to the 
phone modem and fax something without messing up my cable internet settings. 
Any ideas?

Thanks for the help about this everyone.



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Re: [newbie] oops .. forgot the attachment

2002-11-24 Thread John Richard Smith
Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:

Dear Stephen, Friends,

Please find the attachment regarding my previous mail.

TYVVMIA (Thank you very very much in advance)

looks to me as though,

es1371 26568   1
soundcore   3780   0  [es1371]
ac97_codec  9928   0  [es1371]

is your sound , could that be ?

looks like your sound card or chip is es1371
with AC97_codec.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-24 Thread Wei Wang

Many thanks for your reply. I installed both bison and byacc, and flex rpms 
without any problem. Then I tried to install Sylpheed again. Got this 
message from ./configure

checking for GLIB - version = 1.2.6... no
*** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found
*** If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to glib-config.
configure: error: Test for GLIB failed. See the file 'INSTALL' for help.

I searched in the Mandrake RPMS.cooker and found these:

[[SND]] glib-gettextize-2.0... 21-Aug-2002 12:1514k
[[SND]] glibc-2.2.5-16mdk.i5.. 19-Aug-2002 09:07   3.6M
[[SND]] glibc-devel-2.2.5-16.. 19-Aug-2002 09:08   1.6M
[[SND]] glibc-doc-2.2.5-16md.. 19-Aug-2002 09:08   765k
[[SND]] glibc-doc-pdf-2.2.5-.. 19-Aug-2002 09:09   3.1M
[[SND]] glibc-i18ndata-2.2.5.. 19-Aug-2002 09:09   2.6M
[[SND]] glibc-profile-2.2.5-.. 19-Aug-2002 09:09  10.2M
[[SND]] glibc-static-devel-2.. 19-Aug-2002 09:10   886k
[[SND]] glibc-utils-2.2.5-16.. 19-Aug-2002 09:1044k
[[SND]] glibc_lsb-2.2.90-11m.. 18-Sep-2002 07:02   1.0M

Which one should I install? I tried to install  glibc-2.2.5-16mdk.i586.rpm 
but get dependency errors:

error: failed dependencies:
	initscripts = 6.40.2-6mdk conflicts with glibc-2.2.5-16mdk
	glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
	glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
	glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk

Did I install the wrong rpm?

Many thanks.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David E. Fox)
Subject: Re: [newbie]
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 10:43:35 -0800 (PST)

 I searched yacc in google but couldn't find a package called yacc. Is it 
 package? If it is not, how can I obtain it?

Lex and yacc are related, if not somewhat complementary in function,
but there are some differences. First of all, yacc stands for yet
another compiler compiler. Well, what's a compiler compiler? Well,
it's a tool that people use to compile compilers with :). Actually,
it's a tool to parse language grammars - for instance the language
grammars in role playing games, ftp sessions, irc, and others may use
yacc or a similar tool. It's not something that is only used with
computer programming language designers.

Specifically for yacc, there are several variants. There's Berkeley
yacc (byacc). Also there's GNU's yacc, which is called 'bison' (yak /
bison) :) get it? Mandrake has a bison, it's (currently)


Mandrake also has berkeley yacc (byacc), available as


I am not sure what the differences are, but it's been my experience
that packages might want one, and some might want the other, so it's
probably safe to install both.

If a tool needs yacc/bison/byacc to build, it'll probably need lex aas
well. There's a few different versions as well: flex, for instance



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Re: [newbie] Faxing

2002-11-24 Thread Marcia

   Go to Mandrake Control Centre and let Mandrake detect your connections.
   It should detect your modem and offer to set it up.  If it does, let
   it. It will make all the connection settings you need.  I presume that
   this will leave you with two profiles then, and you will have to switch
   when you want to fax.
   I could be way off beam, since you have, in effect, two modems, but
   that's how I would tackle it.
  I suspect that this might just confuse things.  You shouldn't need to
  configure a connection using the modem to allow it to be for faxing.
  Whatever fax software you are using will need to be pointed at the port
  to which the modem is connected.  That's about it.
  In fact, I would suggest that you specifically tell drakconnect NOT to
  configure the modem if you are running it for some other reason, as it's
  likely screw up network settings.

 Sorry - I thought we were talking about a separate modem, not one already
 in use.  If it is the latter Brian is correct, nothing more needs to be

 If you install efax (and it may well be already installed) then KWord will
 already be able to 'print to fax'.  If you use this, be aware that it does
 not like spaces in telephone numbers.  Failure to send a fax will result in
 a log file being written to your home directory.  It is likely to point to
 permission problems.  Once that's solved all should be well.


Dear All,

I downloaded scanmodem utility and here is what I get:


 A supported Lucent/Agere DSP chipset modem is identified:  PCI_ID=11c1:0440
VENDOR 0x11c1 DEVICE 0x0440
 ID are within the serviced ranges for Lucent/Agere DSP modems:
LUCENT 0x11c1  0x0440-0x045c
XIRCOM 0x115d  0x-0x000F
XIRCOM 0x115d  0x0440-0x045c
XIRCOM 0x115d  0x0010-0x03ff
 Drivers and their compiler kits are available at:

For more details read the Recording file.

 Installers that may suffice are at
 in the section:mandrake
 The closest match to your   i686=CPU   is recommended.
 For example replacements in order of preference for an
i686 would be i586, i486 and i386
 The Kernel_FLavor section MUST match.
 If not the ltmodem-8.22a5.tar.gz compiler MUST BE USED.

Please read: ModemData.txt ModemData.txt.2

It is obviously supported so now I have to figure out what to do. I have never 
used anything except for the cable setup since using linux so phone modems 
will be a new experience.  If anyone has experience with these modems or 
knows exactly what to do, I will love to here about what you did. 

Is it possible to use this modem for faxing and at the same time have the 
cable connection?



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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-24 Thread Wei Wang
Oh, I installed libglib1.2-1.2.10-6mdk.i586.rpm. I think this is the one 
needed. Now I have 1.2.10 which is = 1.2.6. But I still get the same error 
message. Anything wrong here?

Subject: Re: [newbie]
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 19:34:50 +


Many thanks for your reply. I installed both bison and byacc, and flex rpms 
without any problem. Then I tried to install Sylpheed again. Got this 
message from ./configure

checking for GLIB - version = 1.2.6... no
*** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found
*** If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to glib-config.
configure: error: Test for GLIB failed. See the file 'INSTALL' for help.

I searched in the Mandrake RPMS.cooker and found these:

[[SND]] glib-gettextize-2.0... 21-Aug-2002 12:1514k
[[SND]] glibc-2.2.5-16mdk.i5.. 19-Aug-2002 09:07   3.6M
[[SND]] glibc-devel-2.2.5-16.. 19-Aug-2002 09:08   1.6M
[[SND]] glibc-doc-2.2.5-16md.. 19-Aug-2002 09:08   765k
[[SND]] glibc-doc-pdf-2.2.5-.. 19-Aug-2002 09:09   3.1M
[[SND]] glibc-i18ndata-2.2.5.. 19-Aug-2002 09:09   2.6M
[[SND]] glibc-profile-2.2.5-.. 19-Aug-2002 09:09  10.2M
[[SND]] glibc-static-devel-2.. 19-Aug-2002 09:10   886k
[[SND]] glibc-utils-2.2.5-16.. 19-Aug-2002 09:1044k
[[SND]] glibc_lsb-2.2.90-11m.. 18-Sep-2002 07:02   1.0M

Which one should I install? I tried to install  glibc-2.2.5-16mdk.i586.rpm 
but get dependency errors:

error: failed dependencies:
	initscripts = 6.40.2-6mdk conflicts with glibc-2.2.5-16mdk
	glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
	glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
	glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk

Did I install the wrong rpm?

Many thanks.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David E. Fox)
Subject: Re: [newbie]
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 10:43:35 -0800 (PST)

 I searched yacc in google but couldn't find a package called yacc. Is 
it a
 package? If it is not, how can I obtain it?

Lex and yacc are related, if not somewhat complementary in function,
but there are some differences. First of all, yacc stands for yet
another compiler compiler. Well, what's a compiler compiler? Well,
it's a tool that people use to compile compilers with :). Actually,
it's a tool to parse language grammars - for instance the language
grammars in role playing games, ftp sessions, irc, and others may use
yacc or a similar tool. It's not something that is only used with
computer programming language designers.

Specifically for yacc, there are several variants. There's Berkeley
yacc (byacc). Also there's GNU's yacc, which is called 'bison' (yak /
bison) :) get it? Mandrake has a bison, it's (currently)


Mandrake also has berkeley yacc (byacc), available as


I am not sure what the differences are, but it's been my experience
that packages might want one, and some might want the other, so it's
probably safe to install both.

If a tool needs yacc/bison/byacc to build, it'll probably need lex aas
well. There's a few different versions as well: flex, for instance



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Re: [newbie] KOrganizer

2002-11-24 Thread John Richard Smith
Hans-Ulrich Scholl wrote:

Ich bin vor kurzem wieder von Evolution auf KMail umgestiegen und wollte jetzt 
dazu KOrganizer verwenden. Dabei habe ich festgestellt, dass der Alarm nicht 
so funktioniert, wie ich mir das dachte und wie ich es von Evolution gewöhnt 
war. Wenn ich z. B. für einen Geburtstag, der nur mit einem Tag und nicht mit 
einer Uhrzeit verbunden ist, einen Alarm 1 Tag vorher einstelle, kommt dieser 
Alarm genau um 0 Uhr. Da mein Rechner nicht im Dauerbetrieb arbeitet und 
schon gar nicht um 0 Uhr, bekomme ich diese Warnung trotz laufenden 
Alarm-Dämon nicht angezeigt. Gibt es irgendeine Einstellung, um den Alarm 
beim nächsten Hochfahren des Rechners anzuzeigen?





I'm guessing here,

I think this gentleman wants to know how to
get korganiser to signal an alarm when a date and time is inserted
into korganiser

eg a birthday , @ 400pm ,  sound an alarm,

he says he has read the korganser and kmail / evolution docs,
but still cannot figure it out. I think perhaps there is a question
about getting the programme to send an email, otherwise
I cannot see the relevance of the reference to evolution and

I know nothing about evolution and not much more about korganiser.
Any clues ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Faxing

2002-11-24 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 24 Nov 2002 6:04 pm, Marcia wrote:

 You were not mistaken. I do have 2 modems. One is a cable modem for my
 cable network and the other is a Lucent 56K phone,fax,voice modem. That is
 why I am wondering if there is a special way to do this so that I can
 switch to the phone modem and fax something without messing up my cable
 internet settings. Any ideas?

You need someone with more skill than I have on this.  I suspect the answer 
will be to install the drivers that you have found, then use MCC to set up a 
new profile, using its detect function to find the modem - but I'm just 
guessing.  Hopefully someone will be able to give you safer advice than mine.

Good luck


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Re: [newbie] oops .. forgot the attachment

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 02:50, Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:
 Dear Stephen, Friends,
 Please find the attachment regarding my previous mail.
 TYVVMIA (Thank you very very much in advance)

es1371 26568   1 
soundcore   3780   0  [es1371]
ac97_codec  9928   0  [es1371]
gameport1660   0  [es1371]


Those are your sound modules - and they do appear to be loaded I'm led to wonder are you sure that aRTs is configured, or
eSound or whatever sound server for the system...

Have you run like, KMix or the aRTs-control yet? Are you able to hear
sound through XMMS when you go to preferences and change the sound
server to something else?

Mon Nov 25 10:25:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Today's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why.
-- Hunter S. Thompson

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Re: [newbie] First suspect - me

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 12:04, RichardA wrote:
 Bloody hell. You think you have a vague idea how *nix works, and then you 
 realise there are whole areas you've never considered.
 When I started I did a cat /bin and /usr/bin thinking I had all the possible 
 commands. Yeah right...
 Is there actually a list of them all?

I tend to think that once you BELIEVE you know enough of the built-in
system commands, there are at least 70 more that you find the next day
and have to start learning all over again...

Mon Nov 25 10:25:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Today's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why.
-- Hunter S. Thompson

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[newbie] OT: Hardware boot problems

2002-11-24 Thread Paul
Hi all,

I know this is off topic, but perhaps a hardware guru has a tip for me.
Usually my PC is on and running 24/7. This weekend I switched it off
(friday) because I went to London. This evening (Sunday) I switched it on
again. Somewhere in POST, it switched off and a led started blinking as if
it had gone into sleep-mode or something like that. After a restart, boot
went into Mandrake boot and during load of postfix it switched off again.
This repeated about 12 times, each time in a different place. Also, at least
4 times, the CMOS CPU speed setting was wrong (900 instead of 1200 Mhz).
Very worrying was when the PC switched off during fsck-ing a partition. (Of
course, partitions get bashed when the system powers down during boot.)
The last boot (clearly) worked, although it took over half an hour to check
all partitions (some EXT2, some EXT3).

Who has a clue what could trigger this weird hardware behaviour?

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.6
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

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Re: [newbie] which directory

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 09:21, Alexa Pongracz wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've gotten the Netscape 7 downloaded, unpacked it and am ready to
 install. I have no idea which directory programs should go in. I thought
 but I don't have permission,
 this is the directory that has the plug ins in it. 
 So I moved around and chose some at random that well, I thought could be
 right, and the one it would install in is temp,
 I'm not too certain this is a good idea.
 So, a very nd question, now I have figured out how to unpack the tar
 files etc, what directory do programs go to?

When you do the installation of Netscape 7 (as root - you should do an
su or just login as root) - the directories are all under
/usr/local/netscape - and that is where the actual binary lives.

Mon Nov 25 10:30:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Gerrold's Laws of Infernal Dynamics:
(1) An object in motion will always be headed in the wrong direction.
(2) An object at rest will always be in the wrong place.
(3) The energy required to change either one of these states
   will always be more than you wish to expend, but never so
   much as to make the task totally impossible.

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Re: [newbie] localhost?

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 03:01, Carl J. Bauman wrote:
 No.  Got 2 different results, though.  The first one popped up a message 
 box that said the document was empty.  The second one said that the 
 connection was refused.   I don't know if it's important but I'm using 
 Netscape 7.0.  When I use the localhost hostname for both of those 
 ports, it pulls up
 What's interesting to me is that I get the default Apache webpage 
 whether I use or http://localhost/.   Is a mystery.
 Thanks for your help,
IP addresses on your linux box generally are aliases to something else. is the loopback device, and is localhost - if you set a
static IP or have a DHCP address, you're going to have yet another host
alias or hostname to contend with - and that generally will be on
interface eth0 (or whatever).

For instance, I have an ethernet card set to a static IP address of - and the hostname is - but on
the loopback device, the IP address is and the hostname is
localhost. Confused yet?

For me to access either Webmin or anyhting else - CUPS and the likes, I
access them via - which, for me, makes it
all the more easy - besides, I bookmark them for local use anyways.

If you're completely unable to get to CUPS or SWAT or Webmin, you might
want to double check your httpd settings (/etc/httpd/httpd.conf)...or
restart CUPS and HTTPD via the services applet in MCC.

...OR, it could be a subversive action by the Mandrake team to confuse
YOUR computer and make it a slave of the growing millions of anarchists
collaborating on world domination (oxymoronic smart-assed remark)(grin)

Mon Nov 25 10:30:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Gerrold's Laws of Infernal Dynamics:
(1) An object in motion will always be headed in the wrong direction.
(2) An object at rest will always be in the wrong place.
(3) The energy required to change either one of these states
   will always be more than you wish to expend, but never so
   much as to make the task totally impossible.

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Re: [newbie] Changing booting priority in lilo.conf

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 10:04, Gordon Bradbury wrote:
 G'day all,
 I've just got a new P4 box at home, and successfully loaded xp and mandrake 9 onto 
it. I'm a long-time windows user, but this is my first exposure to linux/mandrake.
 The Mandrake install sets the lilo boot configuration up with Mandrake as the 
default OS. Fair enough! But I want to set xp as the default OS as my partner and 
kids will be using xp most of the time while I play around with linux. 
 How do I change the boot priority? I understand about the lilo.conf file and that I 
have to move the windows boot data to the top of the list, but how do I do this? 
Bootdrake allows me to edit the data in each boot element but it doesn't allow me 
to change the default OS. 
 I've tried to open the lilo.conf file in an editor so I can cut and paste but can't 
get that to work either. H? Newbie frustration!!
 Anyone offer some help on this please?
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Even though you're from Tassie, I'll give you an answer.
1.) Open KEdit and open /etc/lilo.conf
2.) Locate the part that says default= and you can change it from
there. The label, as you look through the lilo.conf, is the name which
you will supplant instead of linux.
3.) Save the file, open up a terminal window and type lilo at the

Reboot, and enjoy your newly found expertise!

Cheers and beers!

Mon Nov 25 10:40:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
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|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
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|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance.

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RE: [newbie] Connecting Modem -Conexant HCF PCI

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 03:10, Franki wrote:
 hsf and hcf drivers are here:
 very good stuff...

Just a side note on the HST/HCF modems:

Sometimes the compiling of modem drivers will require that you have the
kernel source installed. Should you be the type of person that likes to
constantly muck around with compiling programs and drivers, you might
want to make sure that you DO have the kernel source and kernel headers
installed - besides, if you get daring and want to recompile your
kernel, you'll already have the source code on-hand.

Mon Nov 25 10:40:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
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|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
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|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance.

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Re: [newbie] shutdown: difference between stopping and shutting down

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 15:46, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 20:29, Stormjumper wrote:
  was suddenly curious about this.
  when shutting down the Mandrake,
  and suddenly realised not all messages were made equal.
  some were listed as stopping while others shutting down
  Stopping crond: [   OK]
  Shutting down APM daemon:   [   OK]
  are there any significance to why they are listed differently?
 Probably not that significant a difference, but I suspect that
 stopping means effectively killing the process, while shutting down
 means sending a message to the process to ask it nicely to tidy up,
 switch off the lights and lock the door on the way out.
 Of course those processes that don't respond to the invitation get
 killed at the end of the shutdown script - that's when killall gets

Mine never say Stopping or Killing !
(Actually, I've changed all my messages to say things like squashing,
stomping, sniping, assassinating - the list goes on...

Mon Nov 25 10:45:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
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|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

When Dexter's on the Internet, can Hell be far behind?

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Re: [newbie] Problem installing a program

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 17:21, Erik Farnsworth wrote:
 Any other listmates following this thread? (FYI--mdk9.0 on a i686) 
 I, too, have had problems with Konsole after upgrading to the full Qt
 (Qt3, in my case).  I don't use kmail, so that one isn't an issue for
 me. (It is a hassle shutting down and restarting artsd after booting to
 have system sounds, though.)  Right now, I can do everything I need to
 do in Konsole with a virtual console, so I can get along while figuring
 this out and fixing it.
 When I try to open Konsole, I get a segfault and core dump from   Tracking down the problem, I've found that in /lib/i686/ and
 /lib/ it is symlinked to but in /lib/lsb/ it is
 symlinked to  Looks like good setup for a conflict...and
 if I try to list the contents of /lib/lsb/ from _inside_ the directory,
 I get a core dump...from _outside_ the directory, with a full path, I
 get the list.
 My first inclination is to change the symlink in /lib/lsb/ for
 to point to the  to match the other two and allow live there, too, in case something needs it.
 Before I start changing symlinks, does anyone have an educated guess if
 this is the correct change...or if there is something else I need to fix
 instead?  Also--can changes be made while  running kde, do I need to use
 a window manager other than kde or will I need to boot CD1/rescue to
 make the changes without the filesystem mounted?

I'm wondering, though - have you made sure that after the upgrade that
the path to QT3 was in the /etc/ and the likes? If not, you
need to add it - and then run ldconfig - then try again...

Mon Nov 25 10:50:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
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|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Slous' Contention:
If you do a job too well, you'll get stuck with it.

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Re: [newbie] Pine installation on Mandrake 8.1

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 04:16, Wei Wang wrote:
 Hi, all,
 I am trying to install Pine 4.5 on Mandrake 8.1.
 I got the following error message.
 ranlib libpico.a
 cc   -g -DDEBUG  -Dlnx -DJOB_CONTROL -DPOSIX -DMOUSE main.o libpico.a  
 -lncurses -o pico
 /usr//bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [pico] Error 1
 I am not sure if this is Mandrake specific or not. So please excuse me if 
 this is not the right place to ask this question.
 Many thanks,

You're going to have to make sure that you have all the ncurses lib
RPM's installed - that's what the error is. You should be able to locate
them on the CD's ya gots...once you install them, though, you will have
to reboot in order for the libs to register properly - I've tried to get
them to register sometimes without the reboot, but it works better after

Mon Nov 25 10:50:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
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|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Slous' Contention:
If you do a job too well, you'll get stuck with it.

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Re: [newbie] Ports to keep open for samba?

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 05:27, Joan Tur wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 I'd like to let other computers running windows to print through my samba 
 shared printer, and I'm using MDK9's firewall (shorewall)... should I let any 
 specific port open for them to be able to do so??  8-?
 - -- 
   Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain
  AOL quini2k,  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Your Shorewall should recognize the SMB protos and should allow you to
have access with your WinNetwork...SHOULD...but that's not always the
case, is it?

Mon Nov 25 10:50:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
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|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Slous' Contention:
If you do a job too well, you'll get stuck with it.

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Re: [newbie] OT: Hardware boot problems

2002-11-24 Thread Dennis Myers
On Sunday 24 November 2002 05:26 pm, Paul wrote:
 Hi all,

 I know this is off topic, but perhaps a hardware guru has a tip for me.
 Usually my PC is on and running 24/7. This weekend I switched it off
 (friday) because I went to London. This evening (Sunday) I switched it on
 again. Somewhere in POST, it switched off and a led started blinking as if
 it had gone into sleep-mode or something like that. After a restart, boot
 went into Mandrake boot and during load of postfix it switched off again.
 This repeated about 12 times, each time in a different place. Also, at
 least 4 times, the CMOS CPU speed setting was wrong (900 instead of 1200
 Mhz). Very worrying was when the PC switched off during fsck-ing a
 partition. (Of course, partitions get bashed when the system powers down
 during boot.) The last boot (clearly) worked, although it took over half an
 hour to check all partitions (some EXT2, some EXT3).

 Who has a clue what could trigger this weird hardware behaviour?
This is a wild guess, but check your RAM it could be going to the dark side. 
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 04:36, Wei Wang wrote:
 I am trying to install sylpheed 0.7.6 on Mandrake 8.1. And I got the 
 error message. I
 checking for flex... no
 checking for lex... no
 ./configure: flex: command not found
 checking for flex... lex
 checking for yywrap in -ll... no
 checking lex output file root... ./configure: lex: command not found
 configure: error: cannot find output from lex; giving up
 Then I tried to install Flex2.5.4, I got this message when doing make 
 yacc -d ./parse.y
 make: yacc: Command not found
 make: *** [parse.c] Error 127
 I searched yacc in google but couldn't find a package called yacc. Is it a 
 package? If it is not, how can I obtain it?
 Please excuse me for these silly and primitive questions. I am trying to 
 start to use Linux and keep getting messages telling me I need this and that 
 for installing this software.

Mate, here's the addy for ya:

Just make sure you get all the other dependancies and you'll be all set!
Mon Nov 25 10:55:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

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|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Most people don't need a great deal of love nearly so much as they need
a steady supply.

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Re: [newbie] mozilla 1 on Mandrake 8.1 dependency problem

2002-11-24 Thread Wei Wang

Thank you for your reply.

Did you upgrade from 0.x to 1.x? I did rpm -ivh mozilla-'whatever 
version'.rpm libnspr-'whatever version'.rpm but got the same error message:
mozilla  0.9.9 conflicts with libnspr4-1.1-10mdk

As for default mozilla, what I mean is that galeon is based on mozilla. So 
I must let galeon know that a new mozilla is installed. If you install 
mozilla 1.x from source, the readme says it must be installed in a different 
directory. I am not sure if rpm does that for you. But unfortunately rpm 
doesn't work for me. So I have installed 1.10 from source and mozilla works 
by its own just all right. I didn't want 2 copies of mozilla, it was the 
installation instruction that said installing new mozilla into the same 
directory would cause problem. Now the new version works fine by itself. 
What I want to do now is to let Galeon(which is based on mozilla) know that 
a new version is installed and let Galeon use the new mozilla.

I used the packages from the mozilla web site, not from any of the
mandrake releases, but it was easily done by just installing the packages
at the same time.

# rpm -ivh mozilla-'whatever version'.rpm libnspr-'whatever version'.rpm

what do you mean by the default mozilla?  if you mean how to change the
menus in gnome so it points to the new mozilla just go to panel - edit
menus in the gnome menu.  if you launch mozilla from a command line just
create an alias for the correct path.  sorry i don't remember what is the
preffered file to create aliases in for bash (which i assume is your

why do you want to have both versions of mozilla installed anyways?

On Sun, 24 Nov 2002, Wei Wang wrote:

 Maybe this question should be for mozilla mailing list. But could anyone
 using mozilla  galeon give me a hand here?

 I have mozilla 0.9.4 and am trying to upgrade to 1.10. I downloaded
 mozilla-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm from mandrake rpms.cooker
 When I test this rpm I get this error message:

 error: failed dependencies:
 	libnspr4 = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-1.1-10mdk
 	mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by mozilla-mail-0.9.4-3mdk

 But when I try to install libnspr4-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm
 I get an error message like this:

 error: failed dependencies:
 	mozilla  0.9.9 conflicts with libnspr4-1.1-10mdk

 Is this some kind of cross-dependency problem? What am I going to do 

 Trying to solve this problem, I downloaded a mozilla 1.01 from mozilla
 website. Hoping that installing 1.01 would allow me to install
 libnspr4-1.1-10, then consequently I could upgrade to mozilla 1.10. But 
 README told me that I have to install it in a clean(new) directory. So I
 installed it in /usr/local/mozilla (my old 0.9.4 is in usr/lib/mozilla). 
 how can I make the system recognize this new version as default mozilla? 
 mean after I installed mozilla 1.01 in a different directory, 
 still thinks I have mozilla 0.9.4. What should I do?

 Many thanks,


 The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Les Henderson

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MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

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Re: Virtual Printrer? it was = Re: [newbie] PPPoE and FAX

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 17:51, Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:
 Em Sex 22 Nov 2002 07:43, Anne Wilson escreveu:
 I have no ideia on how to create a virtual printer
 How can I do that?
 ()s Ricardo
It (they) should have been created at the time of installation - are you
saying that you have no virtual printers at all on your system?
Becuase, if so, then there might be more issues at hand...

Mon Nov 25 11:00:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
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|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
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|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Virtue is its own punishment.
-- Denniston

Righteous people terrify me ... virtue is its own punishment.
-- Aneurin Bevan

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Re: [newbie] XFree 4 with LM9, corruption

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 18:35, _nasturtium wrote:
   I'm running a fresh install of Mandrake9, with XFree4 and an S3 Trio 64+.
 When I boot up, my X session looks OK, but if i switch console (ctrl+alt+2), 
 then switch back only a small box in the bottom right is shown.
   Has anyone had this problem (and hopefully posted a solution)?
   Thanks in advance,

That honestly sounds like a problem with your S3 card and the XFree you have another card you might be able to swap out instead?
Maybe something a bit stronger than the S3?

Mon Nov 25 11:00:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
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|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Virtue is its own punishment.
-- Denniston

Righteous people terrify me ... virtue is its own punishment.
-- Aneurin Bevan

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Re: [newbie] rpm dependencies

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 06:24, Les Henderson wrote:
 I'm trying to install an rpm of mutella 0.4.1, but I'm getting dependency
 errors.  I get the error that mutella needs  I checked
 and I do have readline installed and is present.  Could
 you help me figure out why I'm getting dependency errors?
 Les Henderson
1.) edit your /etc/ file and put in the following:
then run ldconfig from a terminal window
2.) If that still doesn't get it going, try installing the rpm with the
following syntax:
rpm -ivh --force --nodeps XXXfilename.rpm

3.) Run the proggie and see what happens...core files are easily

Mon Nov 25 11:00:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
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|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Virtue is its own punishment.
-- Denniston

Righteous people terrify me ... virtue is its own punishment.
-- Aneurin Bevan

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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 06:34, Wei Wang wrote:
 Many thanks for your reply. I installed both bison and byacc, and flex rpms 
 without any problem. Then I tried to install Sylpheed again. Got this 
 message from ./configure
 checking for GLIB - version = 1.2.6... no
 *** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found
 *** If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
 *** your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG environment variable to the
 *** full path to glib-config.
 configure: error: Test for GLIB failed. See the file 'INSTALL' for help.
 I searched in the Mandrake RPMS.cooker and found these:
 [[SND]] glib-gettextize-2.0... 21-Aug-2002 12:1514k
 [[SND]] glibc-2.2.5-16mdk.i5.. 19-Aug-2002 09:07   3.6M
 [[SND]] glibc-devel-2.2.5-16.. 19-Aug-2002 09:08   1.6M
 [[SND]] glibc-doc-2.2.5-16md.. 19-Aug-2002 09:08   765k
 [[SND]] glibc-doc-pdf-2.2.5-.. 19-Aug-2002 09:09   3.1M
 [[SND]] glibc-i18ndata-2.2.5.. 19-Aug-2002 09:09   2.6M
 [[SND]] glibc-profile-2.2.5-.. 19-Aug-2002 09:09  10.2M
 [[SND]] glibc-static-devel-2.. 19-Aug-2002 09:10   886k
 [[SND]] glibc-utils-2.2.5-16.. 19-Aug-2002 09:1044k
 [[SND]] glibc_lsb-2.2.90-11m.. 18-Sep-2002 07:02   1.0M
 Which one should I install? I tried to install  glibc-2.2.5-16mdk.i586.rpm 
 but get dependency errors:
 error: failed dependencies:
   initscripts = 6.40.2-6mdk conflicts with glibc-2.2.5-16mdk
   glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
   glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-
   glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by glibc-devel-2.2.4-6mdk
 Did I install the wrong rpm?

You might want to start with the *devel* rpm's then the locales then the
glibc proper...
Mon Nov 25 11:05:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
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|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

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Re: [newbie] userdrake

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 10:14, Pilagá wrote:
   Hola a todos. I'm trying to add a new user with userdrake (su), but I can't 
 go beyond this: warning: userdrake: the file password is busy (/etc/ptmp 
 present). Can't lock user lib, file /etc/ptmp or /etc/gtmp exist.
   Any idea?
 GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
 8:08pm up 1:18, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.09, 0.06

User KUSER instead - seems to be a bit of a bug in MDK's Drake-lets...

Mon Nov 25 11:05:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Small is beautiful.
-- Schumacher's Dictum

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Re: [newbie] OT: Hardware boot problems

2002-11-24 Thread Spencer
On November 24, 2002 03:26 pm, Paul wrote:
 Hi all,

 I know this is off topic, but perhaps a hardware guru has a tip for me.
 Usually my PC is on and running 24/7. This weekend I switched it off
 (friday) because I went to London. This evening (Sunday) I switched it on
 again. Somewhere in POST, it switched off and a led started blinking as if
 it had gone into sleep-mode or something like that. After a restart, boot
 went into Mandrake boot and during load of postfix it switched off again.
 This repeated about 12 times, each time in a different place. Also, at
 least 4 times, the CMOS CPU speed setting was wrong (900 instead of 1200
 Mhz). Very worrying was when the PC switched off during fsck-ing a
 partition. (Of course, partitions get bashed when the system powers down
 during boot.) The last boot (clearly) worked, although it took over half an
 hour to check all partitions (some EXT2, some EXT3).

 Who has a clue what could trigger this weird hardware behaviour?
Change your cpu fan. It's starting to give up the ghost;-)


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Re: [newbie] mozilla 1 on Mandrake 8.1 dependency problem

2002-11-24 Thread Les Henderson
 Did you upgrade from 0.x to 1.x? I did rpm -ivh mozilla-'whatever 
 version'.rpm libnspr-'whatever version'.rpm but got the same error message:
 mozilla  0.9.9 conflicts with libnspr4-1.1-10mdk
I made sure that the mandrake mozilla packages were not installed on my
machine.  I checked the dependencies of the mandrake mozilla packages and
saw that I could uninstall mozilla, libnspr, and perhaps a couple of other
packages.  I then did a fresh install of the rpms that I got from the site, which is why I used rpm -ivh.  If you use the mandrake
packages perhaps you should try upgrading using rpm -Uvh.

I've never used galeon, so I can't help you with that.

 As for default mozilla, what I mean is that galeon is based on mozilla. So 
 I must let galeon know that a new mozilla is installed. If you install 
 mozilla 1.x from source, the readme says it must be installed in a different 
 directory. I am not sure if rpm does that for you. But unfortunately rpm 
 doesn't work for me. So I have installed 1.10 from source and mozilla works 
 by its own just all right. I didn't want 2 copies of mozilla, it was the 
 installation instruction that said installing new mozilla into the same 
 directory would cause problem. Now the new version works fine by itself. 
 What I want to do now is to let Galeon(which is based on mozilla) know that 
 a new version is installed and let Galeon use the new mozilla.
 I used the packages from the mozilla web site, not from any of the
 mandrake releases, but it was easily done by just installing the packages
 at the same time.
 # rpm -ivh mozilla-'whatever version'.rpm libnspr-'whatever version'.rpm
 what do you mean by the default mozilla?  if you mean how to change the
 menus in gnome so it points to the new mozilla just go to panel - edit
 menus in the gnome menu.  if you launch mozilla from a command line just
 create an alias for the correct path.  sorry i don't remember what is the
 preffered file to create aliases in for bash (which i assume is your
 why do you want to have both versions of mozilla installed anyways?
 On Sun, 24 Nov 2002, Wei Wang wrote:
   Maybe this question should be for mozilla mailing list. But could anyone
   using mozilla  galeon give me a hand here?
   I have mozilla 0.9.4 and am trying to upgrade to 1.10. I downloaded
   mozilla-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm from mandrake rpms.cooker
   When I test this rpm I get this error message:
   error: failed dependencies:
 libnspr4 = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-1.1-10mdk
 mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by mozilla-mail-0.9.4-3mdk
   But when I try to install libnspr4-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm
   I get an error message like this:
   error: failed dependencies:
 mozilla  0.9.9 conflicts with libnspr4-1.1-10mdk
   Is this some kind of cross-dependency problem? What am I going to do 
   Trying to solve this problem, I downloaded a mozilla 1.01 from mozilla
   website. Hoping that installing 1.01 would allow me to install
   libnspr4-1.1-10, then consequently I could upgrade to mozilla 1.10. But 
   README told me that I have to install it in a clean(new) directory. So I
   installed it in /usr/local/mozilla (my old 0.9.4 is in usr/lib/mozilla). 
   how can I make the system recognize this new version as default mozilla? 
   mean after I installed mozilla 1.01 in a different directory, 
   still thinks I have mozilla 0.9.4. What should I do?
   Many thanks,
   The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*
 Les Henderson
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 Go to
 MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Les Henderson

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Re: [newbie] Sound with Quake 3

2002-11-24 Thread Brian Parish
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 00:16, Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:
 For me it is runing the sound in this way:
 a) I am using kde; so in the kde control center I put the arts to shudown 
 automatically after 20 seconds without use; of course I put also in the 
 services that there is not sound when I start a program; if not when you 
 start Quake3 arts will be automatically enabled.
 b) just wait at least 20 seconds after the last arts-sound and quake 3 run 
 fine, great sound.
 I hope this will help you.

Thanks Francisco,

But this seems to be sound card dependant.  While I am running alsa with OSS
emulation and that allows aRts to work, even with aRts turned off manually,
Q3 doesn't produce sound.  This is a professional multi-channel audio card, so I
think that the app needs a little more sophistication to drive it.  aRts obviously
can, but Q3 can't work with aRts.  Q3 can't talk to the card directly either.

I have an on-board AC97 codec as well, so maybe I'll have a go at configuring that
as a second soundcard and run Q3 with that.

thanks again and best regards

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RE: [newbie] Connecting Modem -Conexant HCF PCI

2002-11-24 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 25 Nov 2002 10:44:42 +1100
Subject: RE: [newbie] Connecting Modem -Conexant HCF PCI

 On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 03:10, Franki wrote:
  hsf and hcf drivers are here:
  very good stuff...
 Just a side note on the HST/HCF modems:
 Sometimes the compiling of modem drivers will require that you have the
 kernel source installed. Should you be the type of person that likes to
 constantly muck around with compiling programs and drivers, you might
 want to make sure that you DO have the kernel source and kernel headers
 installed - besides, if you get daring and want to recompile your
 kernel, you'll already have the source code on-hand.

Good point Stephen. I use the HCF driver, and I find I get the best performance when I 
compile the driver from source. It just works better when it's compiled on your own 
machine. IMHO that is.

All the best.


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Re: [newbie] Faxing

2002-11-24 Thread Derek Jennings
On Sunday 24 Nov 2002 8:54 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 24 Nov 2002 6:04 pm, Marcia wrote:
  You were not mistaken. I do have 2 modems. One is a cable modem for my
  cable network and the other is a Lucent 56K phone,fax,voice modem. That
  is why I am wondering if there is a special way to do this so that I can
  switch to the phone modem and fax something without messing up my cable
  internet settings. Any ideas?

 You need someone with more skill than I have on this.  I suspect the answer
 will be to install the drivers that you have found, then use MCC to set up
 a new profile, using its detect function to find the modem - but I'm just
 guessing.  Hopefully someone will be able to give you safer advice than

 Good luck


You do *not* need a new networking profile to use a modem for faxing.
It has nothing to do with your cable internet connection.

Just install the modem driver, make sure the efax RPM is installed and then 
run kdeprintfax
Use 'Setting' to configure it to select your modem ports and you are ready to 
send faxes.

You can fax simply be selecting the fax printer visible in Cups


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Re: [newbie] rpm dependencies

2002-11-24 Thread Les Henderson
On 25 Nov 2002, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 06:24, Les Henderson wrote:
  I'm trying to install an rpm of mutella 0.4.1, but I'm getting dependency
  errors.  I get the error that mutella needs  I checked
  and I do have readline installed and is present.  Could
  you help me figure out why I'm getting dependency errors?
 2.) If that still doesn't get it going, try installing the rpm with the
 following syntax:
   rpm -ivh --force --nodeps XXXfilename.rpm
this appears to have worked.  at least the program runs, i need to read up
on how to use it now...

 3.) Run the proggie and see what happens...core files are easily
I'm not sure that I understand the last little bit about core
files.  could you explain what you meant?

Les Henderson

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Re: [newbie] sylpheed installation on Mandrake 8.1

2002-11-24 Thread Andrew

0.85 0r .86 is the current stable ver. I found it (.85) more stable than


On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 17:41:44 +
Wei Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry for the previous mail without title
 I am trying to install sylpheed 0.7.6 on Mandrake 8.1. And I got the 
   error message. I
   checking for flex... no
   checking for lex... no
   ./configure: flex: command not found
   checking for flex... lex
   checking for yywrap in -ll... no
   checking lex output file root... ./configure: lex: command not found
   configure: error: cannot find output from lex; giving up
   Then I tried to install Flex2.5.4, I got this message when doing
   yacc -d ./parse.y
   make: yacc: Command not found
   make: *** [parse.c] Error 127
   I searched yacc in google but couldn't find a package called yacc.
   Is it a 
 package? If it is not, how can I obtain it?
   Please excuse me for these silly and primitive questions. I am
   trying to 
 start to use Linux and keep getting messages telling me I
   need this and that for installing this software.
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Re: [newbie] mozilla 1 on Mandrake 8.1 dependency problem

2002-11-24 Thread Andrew
Wei And All,
I am a newbie but have reciently found rpm --rebuilddb to help after
installing  and making changes. Please let me know it this does not
apply, here.


On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:57:00 +
Wei Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe this question should be for mozilla mailing list. But could
 anyone using mozilla  galeon give me a hand here?
 I have mozilla 0.9.4 and am trying to upgrade to 1.10. I downloaded
 mozilla-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm from mandrake rpms.cooker
 When I test this rpm I get this error message:
 error: failed dependencies:
   libnspr4 = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-1.1-10mdk
   mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by mozilla-mail-0.9.4-3mdk
 But when I try to install libnspr4-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm
 I get an error message like this:
 error: failed dependencies:
   mozilla  0.9.9 conflicts with libnspr4-1.1-10mdk
 Is this some kind of cross-dependency problem? What am I going to do
 Trying to solve this problem, I downloaded a mozilla 1.01 from mozilla
 website. Hoping that installing 1.01 would allow me to install 
 libnspr4-1.1-10, then consequently I could upgrade to mozilla 1.10.
 But the README told me that I have to install it in a clean(new)
 directory. So I installed it in /usr/local/mozilla (my old 0.9.4 is in
 usr/lib/mozilla). Now how can I make the system recognize this new
 version as default mozilla? I mean after I installed mozilla 1.01 in a
 different directory, libnspr4.rpm still thinks I have mozilla 0.9.4.
 What should I do?
 Many thanks,
 The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

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Re: [newbie] userdrake

2002-11-24 Thread Pilagá
El Dom 24 Nov 2002 21:10, Stephen Kuhn escribió:
 User KUSER instead - seems to be a bit of a bug in MDK's Drake-lets...

Gracias, Stephen. I just have deleted  /etc/ptmp and /etc/gtmp, and userdrake  
is working fine, again. (This is a Francisco Alcaraz Ariza tip.) I need 
userdrake because kuser don't let me change users icons.

GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
11:43pm up 6 min, 2 users, load average: 0.04, 0.16, 0.09

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Re: [newbie] Problem installing a program

2002-11-24 Thread Erik Farnsworth
made the change, ran ldconfig  Konsole no longer segfaulted...but it
also wouldn't open.

I meant to log out and log back in, but accidently rebooted...Xwindows
started to load, stopped, runlevel changed (3, I think) and booted to

I 'undid' the change, ran ldconfig, rebooted and Xwindows
loaded as usual and of course Konsole segfaults again.

Began checking through the core dump files, found ~15 files listed ... 
still checking, but appears that each is symlinked differently in the
/lib/lsb/ directory than in other /lib/ directories. Now I'm looking for
the offending core file was a good piece of an rpm --
possibly a rebuild, but most likely a mucked up install.

Thanks for your reply.

On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 17:51, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 17:21, Erik Farnsworth wrote:
  Any other listmates following this thread? (FYI--mdk9.0 on a i686) 
  I, too, have had problems with Konsole after upgrading to the full Qt
  (Qt3, in my case).  I don't use kmail, so that one isn't an issue for
  me. (It is a hassle shutting down and restarting artsd after booting to
  have system sounds, though.)  Right now, I can do everything I need to
  do in Konsole with a virtual console, so I can get along while figuring
  this out and fixing it.
  When I try to open Konsole, I get a segfault and core dump from   Tracking down the problem, I've found that in /lib/i686/ and
  /lib/ it is symlinked to but in /lib/lsb/ it is
  symlinked to  Looks like good setup for a conflict...and
  if I try to list the contents of /lib/lsb/ from _inside_ the directory,
  I get a core dump...from _outside_ the directory, with a full path, I
  get the list.
  My first inclination is to change the symlink in /lib/lsb/ for
  to point to the  to match the other two and allow live there, too, in case something needs it.
  Before I start changing symlinks, does anyone have an educated guess if
  this is the correct change...or if there is something else I need to fix
  instead?  Also--can changes be made while  running kde, do I need to use
  a window manager other than kde or will I need to boot CD1/rescue to
  make the changes without the filesystem mounted?
 I'm wondering, though - have you made sure that after the upgrade that
 the path to QT3 was in the /etc/ and the likes? If not, you
 need to add it - and then run ldconfig - then try again...
 Mon Nov 25 10:50:00 EST 2002
.o0 linux user:267497 0o.
 |____  | kühn media australia
 |   /  \ /| |'-.   |
 |  .\__/ || |   |  | 
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
 |  ;/ / | | |
 |  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
 |  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU
 Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn
 Slous' Contention:
   If you do a job too well, you'll get stuck with it.

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Linux User 288105 @

Bill who?  ...  Micro what?

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Re: [newbie] userdrake

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 13:53, Pilagá wrote:
 El Dom 24 Nov 2002 21:10, Stephen Kuhn escribió:
  User KUSER instead - seems to be a bit of a bug in MDK's Drake-lets...
   Gracias, Stephen. I just have deleted  /etc/ptmp and /etc/gtmp, and userdrake  
 is working fine, again. (This is a Francisco Alcaraz Ariza tip.) I need 
 userdrake because kuser don't let me change users icons.

Me pardon! Comprendo...I fully understand how important it is for the
users to have special icons! (grin)

Via con Dios!

Mon Nov 25 14:30:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Practical people would be more practical if they would take a little
more time for dreaming.
-- J. P. McEvoy

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Re: [newbie] rpm dependencies

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 11:54, Les Henderson wrote:
 On 25 Nov 2002, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 06:24, Les Henderson wrote:
   I'm trying to install an rpm of mutella 0.4.1, but I'm getting dependency
   errors.  I get the error that mutella needs  I checked
   and I do have readline installed and is present.  Could
   you help me figure out why I'm getting dependency errors?
  2.) If that still doesn't get it going, try installing the rpm with the
  following syntax:
  rpm -ivh --force --nodeps XXXfilename.rpm
 this appears to have worked.  at least the program runs, i need to read up
 on how to use it now...
Read? Read what? A manual? A README file? What's the point of reading
about an application when you can just fire it up and crash away!?!?

  3.) Run the proggie and see what happens...core files are easily
 I'm not sure that I understand the last little bit about core
 files.  could you explain what you meant?
What I meant was that especially with Mandrake, if a program dumps on
ya, it will leave nice little core. files laying around in your
home directory (or other places where they shouldn't be anyways)
what I meant was that if you can force the program into being installed,
but it crashes and leaves core dumps all over the place, well, they're
easily deleted...(grin)

NOTHING was meant in a mean antagonistic way, mind you...just having a
tad bit of fun for a Monday..! Just glad I don't live in Detroit

 Les Henderson
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to
Mon Nov 25 14:35:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-24 Thread David E. Fox
 Oh, I installed libglib1.2-1.2.10-6mdk.i586.rpm. I think this is the one 
 needed. Now I have 1.2.10 which is = 1.2.6. But I still get the same error 
 message. Anything wrong here?
 [[SND]] glib-gettextize-2.0... 21-Aug-2002 12:1514k
 [[SND]] glibc-2.2.5-16mdk.i5.. 19-Aug-2002 09:07   3.6M
 [[SND]] glibc-devel-2.2.5-16.. 19-Aug-2002 09:08   1.6M


glib is not the same thing as glibc. Hence, I think, your confusion.
What you probably need is libglib and libglib-devel. Also when
installing libraries with devel components, place both the main and
the devel- component on the command line at the same time. That way,
you eliminate catch-22 dependencies.

 error: failed dependencies:
  initscripts = 6.40.2-6mdk conflicts with glibc-2.2.5-16mdk
  glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales-

You probably took the wrong turn. Many packages depend on a specific
version of glibc. Upgrading one means you'll need to upgrade others,
such as iniscripts, locales, and so forth.

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Re: [newbie] Faxing

2002-11-24 Thread Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
Em Dom 24 Nov 2002 18:51, Marcia escreveu:
  My problem now is finding the correct driver. I am supposed to find
 ltmodem-kv_2.4.19_16mdk-8.22a5-1.i586.rpm. I did a search for this and
 cannot find this driver. Does anyone know where I can get this driver? I
 have LM9.
 Thanks for the help.

Hi Marcia, Anne and ALL!

I have a dsl connection and I got my fax do work (sending only for now!)
I have to use the rp-pppoe protocol so, I use the ppp0 interface and there is 
NO conflic between my connection and the faxmodem (US Robotics).

The only problem I have to deal with now is on receiving faxes!

There is no need to put ifconfig down to set up your modem! Unless it is 
explicitly stated on your specific modem driver!

Try to set up your modem and then try to config kppp, it will give necessary 
info and then you HAVE to read the man pages for fax and efax!

Then it will as simple as typing: fax send 222-

Note that the extension is *.ps, the man fax will give you more ideas!

If I can of any help, just drop me a fax! ;-) 
Or an plain email if you prefer!

()s Ricardo


Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
==  Get Counted!

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[newbie] CD Read errors

2002-11-24 Thread Michael Adams
Following the First -Suspect Me Thread with interest.

My Case...
Brand new store bought V9.0 pre-installed computer.
It has a 52x CD on hdb (fstab was set up for hdd but i corrected that).
The supplied disks are recorded download edition 9.0 40x recordable.
The disks have an envelope address size sticker plastered on them.
The CD will read any package ok after repeated attempts.

Which solutions will help reduce read errors the most.
1. Buy another IDE cable and put the CD on hdc.
2. Remove the stickers incase they are causing speed wobbles.
3. A software method of throttling back the top read speed.
(Does this exist and what is it?)
4. Other suggestion...?


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Re: Virtual Printrer? it was = Re: [newbie] PPPoE and FAX

2002-11-24 Thread Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
Em Dom 24 Nov 2002 22:00, Stephen Kuhn escreveu:
 On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 17:51, Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:
  Em Sex 22 Nov 2002 07:43, Anne Wilson escreveu:
  I have no ideia on how to create a virtual printer
  How can I do that?

 It (they) should have been created at the time of installation - are you
 saying that you have no virtual printers at all on your system?
 Becuase, if so, then there might be more issues at hand...

So, there we are, there are no virtual printers installed!
The only 'printer' is my old HP810C and nothing more!

I've tried to add the fax4cups, but no succes so far!

I was successful, though, with 'fax' and 'efax' commands!
I can't receive yet but sendinf is no more a issue!

Except for the details that I can't send any fax from any wordprocessor or 

The kfax  works fine also!

Any idea on how I could have my virtual printes installed?

Edit the /etc/printcap?




Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
==  Get Counted!

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Re: [newbie] XFree 4 with LM9, corruption

2002-11-24 Thread _nasturtium
On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:02, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 18:35, _nasturtium wrote:
  I'm running a fresh install of Mandrake9, with XFree4 and an S3 Trio
  64+. When I boot up, my X session looks OK, but if i switch console
  (ctrl+alt+2), then switch back only a small box in the bottom right is
  Has anyone had this problem (and hopefully posted a solution)?
  Thanks in advance,

 That honestly sounds like a problem with your S3 card and the XFree you have another card you might be able to swap out instead?
 Maybe something a bit stronger than the S3?

It worked perfectly with XFree 3.3.6... But if i swap back to XFree3.3.6 i 
won't get antialiasing or any other nice subtleties
Unfortunately I don't have any other video card, it's a P166 (with no AGP of 
course), and my other system has integrated AGP graphics.

Thanks anyway,

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Re: [newbie] XFree 4 with LM9, corruption

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 17:01, _nasturtium wrote:
 On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:02, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 18:35, _nasturtium wrote:
 I'm running a fresh install of Mandrake9, with XFree4 and an S3 Trio
   64+. When I boot up, my X session looks OK, but if i switch console
   (ctrl+alt+2), then switch back only a small box in the bottom right is
 Has anyone had this problem (and hopefully posted a solution)?
 Thanks in advance,
  That honestly sounds like a problem with your S3 card and the XFree you have another card you might be able to swap out instead?
  Maybe something a bit stronger than the S3?
   It worked perfectly with XFree 3.3.6... But if i swap back to XFree3.3.6 i 
 won't get antialiasing or any other nice subtleties
 Unfortunately I don't have any other video card, it's a P166 (with no AGP of 
 course), and my other system has integrated AGP graphics.
   Thanks anyway,

Ah well, so much for upgrading...

Mon Nov 25 17:05:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

I didn't get sophisticated -- I just got tired.  But maybe that's what
sophisticated is -- being tired.
-- Rita Gain

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Re: [newbie] CD Read errors

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 16:05, Michael Adams wrote:
 Following the First -Suspect Me Thread with interest.
 My Case...
 Brand new store bought V9.0 pre-installed computer.
 It has a 52x CD on hdb (fstab was set up for hdd but i corrected that).
 The supplied disks are recorded download edition 9.0 40x recordable.
 The disks have an envelope address size sticker plastered on them.
 The CD will read any package ok after repeated attempts.
 Which solutions will help reduce read errors the most.
 1. Buy another IDE cable and put the CD on hdc.
 2. Remove the stickers incase they are causing speed wobbles.
 3. A software method of throttling back the top read speed.
   (Does this exist and what is it?)
 4. Other suggestion...?

Why not try using hdparm to change/modify the buffering on the device?
Make sure it's using DMA and it's using the proper PIO/XFer modes...
(i.e. hdparm -X70 -d1 -p4 /dev/hdb ) ???

Give that a go before getting purchase-crazy...

PS: I don't think a sticker's going to make that much difference - but
if you want to peel'em off, well, they're YOUR cd's!

Mon Nov 25 17:05:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

I didn't get sophisticated -- I just got tired.  But maybe that's what
sophisticated is -- being tired.
-- Rita Gain

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Re: [newbie] mozilla 1 on Mandrake 8.1 dependency problem

2002-11-24 Thread Royke
Dear WeiWang

You need to download not only mozilla-1.1-10mdk but also
mozilla-nspr-1.1-10mdk and maybe mozilla-nss-1.1-10mdk
First you have to remove all of previous mozilla instalation by the
command :
rpm -e mozilla mozilla-nspr mozilla-nss mozilla-psm
and then install the downloaded package and its dependencies from
Mandrake Cooker (mozilla, mozilla-nspr, mozilla-nss and mozilla-psm)
You need to download mozilla-psm package too if you have account on
Yahoo Mail or Hotmail.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] mozilla 1 on Mandrake 8.1 dependency problem

 Wei And All,
 I am a newbie but have reciently found rpm --rebuilddb to help
 installing  and making changes. Please let me know it this does not
 apply, here.


 On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:57:00 +
 Wei Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maybe this question should be for mozilla mailing list. But could
  anyone using mozilla  galeon give me a hand here?
  I have mozilla 0.9.4 and am trying to upgrade to 1.10. I
  mozilla-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm from mandrake rpms.cooker
  When I test this rpm I get this error message:
  error: failed dependencies:
  libnspr4 = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-1.1-10mdk
  mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by mozilla-mail-0.9.4-3mdk
  But when I try to install libnspr4-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm
  I get an error message like this:
  error: failed dependencies:
  mozilla  0.9.9 conflicts with libnspr4-1.1-10mdk
  Is this some kind of cross-dependency problem? What am I going to
  Trying to solve this problem, I downloaded a mozilla 1.01 from
  website. Hoping that installing 1.01 would allow me to install
  libnspr4-1.1-10, then consequently I could upgrade to mozilla
  But the README told me that I have to install it in a clean(new)
  directory. So I installed it in /usr/local/mozilla (my old 0.9.4
is in
  usr/lib/mozilla). Now how can I make the system recognize this new
  version as default mozilla? I mean after I installed mozilla 1.01
in a
  different directory, libnspr4.rpm still thinks I have mozilla
  What should I do?
  Many thanks,
  The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*


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Re: [newbie] mozilla 1 on Mandrake 8.1 dependency problem

2002-11-24 Thread Brian Parish
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 09:57, Wei Wang wrote:
 Maybe this question should be for mozilla mailing list. But could anyone 
 using mozilla  galeon give me a hand here?
 I have mozilla 0.9.4 and am trying to upgrade to 1.10. I downloaded
 mozilla-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm from mandrake rpms.cooker
 When I test this rpm I get this error message:
 error: failed dependencies:
   libnspr4 = 1.1-10mdk is needed by mozilla-1.1-10mdk
   mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by mozilla-mail-0.9.4-3mdk
 But when I try to install libnspr4-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm
 I get an error message like this:
 error: failed dependencies:
   mozilla  0.9.9 conflicts with libnspr4-1.1-10mdk
 Is this some kind of cross-dependency problem? What am I going to do now?
 Trying to solve this problem, I downloaded a mozilla 1.01 from mozilla 
 website. Hoping that installing 1.01 would allow me to install 
 libnspr4-1.1-10, then consequently I could upgrade to mozilla 1.10. But the 
 README told me that I have to install it in a clean(new) directory. So I 
 installed it in /usr/local/mozilla (my old 0.9.4 is in usr/lib/mozilla). Now 
 how can I make the system recognize this new version as default mozilla? I 
 mean after I installed mozilla 1.01 in a different directory, libnspr4.rpm 
 still thinks I have mozilla 0.9.4. What should I do?
 Many thanks,

Just install like this:

rpm -Uvh mozilla-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm libnspr4-1.1-10mdk.i586.rpm

that way the circular dependencies are resolved.


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Re: [newbie] shutdown: difference between stopping and shuttingdown

2002-11-24 Thread Brian Parish
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 10:48, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 15:46, Brian Parish wrote:
  On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 20:29, Stormjumper wrote:
   was suddenly curious about this.
   when shutting down the Mandrake,
   and suddenly realised not all messages were made equal.
   some were listed as stopping while others shutting down
   Stopping crond: [   OK]
   Shutting down APM daemon:   [   OK]
   are there any significance to why they are listed differently?
  Probably not that significant a difference, but I suspect that
  stopping means effectively killing the process, while shutting down
  means sending a message to the process to ask it nicely to tidy up,
  switch off the lights and lock the door on the way out.
  Of course those processes that don't respond to the invitation get
  killed at the end of the shutdown script - that's when killall gets
 Mine never say Stopping or Killing !
 (Actually, I've changed all my messages to say things like squashing,
 stomping, sniping, assassinating - the list goes on...

This just proves that you are a sick man with too much time on his
hands. ;-)


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[newbie] 9.0 mirrors

2002-11-24 Thread K. Spress
I am looking for some 9.0 mirrors can anyone help?

Kenneth E. Spress
(586) 945-3801
You Finally Have A Choice In Local Telephone 
Service Ask Me How.

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 mirrors

2002-11-24 Thread Stormjumper
i may be stating the obvious,
but going to
under downloads will start you off nicely.

also, i just tried typing mandrake 9.0 mirror
in google, and i got many valid links as well.

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 01:36:18 -0500
K. Spress [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am looking for some 9.0 mirrors can anyone help?
 Kenneth E. Spress
 (586) 945-3801
 You Finally Have A Choice In Local Telephone 
 Service Ask Me How.

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Re: [newbie] shutdown: difference between stopping and shutting down

2002-11-24 Thread Stormjumper
thanks Stephen and Brian... :)

On 25 Nov 2002 10:48:35 +1100
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 15:46, Brian Parish wrote:
  On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 20:29, Stormjumper wrote:
   was suddenly curious about this.
   when shutting down the Mandrake,
   and suddenly realised not all messages were made equal.
   some were listed as stopping while others shutting down
   Stopping crond: [   OK]
   Shutting down APM daemon:   [   OK]
   are there any significance to why they are listed differently?
  Probably not that significant a difference, but I suspect that
  stopping means effectively killing the process, while shutting
  down means sending a message to the process to ask it nicely to
  tidy up, switch off the lights and lock the door on the way out.
  Of course those processes that don't respond to the invitation get
  killed at the end of the shutdown script - that's when killall gets
 Mine never say Stopping or Killing !
 (Actually, I've changed all my messages to say things like
 squashing,stomping, sniping, assassinating - the list goes
 Mon Nov 25 10:45:00 EST 2002
.o0 linux user:267497 0o.
 |____  | kühn media australia
 |   /  \ /| |'-.   |
 |  .\__/ || |   |  | 
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
 |  ;/ / | | |
 |  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
 |  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU
 Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn
 When Dexter's on the Internet, can Hell be far behind?

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 mirrors

2002-11-24 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 17:36, K. Spress wrote:
 I am looking for some 9.0 mirrors can anyone help?
 Kenneth E. Spress
 (586) 945-3801
 You Finally Have A Choice In Local Telephone 
 Service Ask Me How.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] of the absolute best...

Mon Nov 25 18:45:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

April 1

This is the day upon which we are reminged of what we are on the other three
hundred and sixty-four.
-- Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar

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Re: [newbie] sylpheed installation on Mandrake 8.1

2002-11-24 Thread Stormjumper
hello Wang Wei,

if you're new to linux, if you're using Mandrake,
it may be better to stick to using Mandrake specific
rpms for installing software, instead of compiling 
from scratch.

better still if you can find rpms specific for your 
version of Mandrake.

you can find Mandrake 9.0 sylpheed rpms at

On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 17:41:44 +
Wei Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry for the previous mail without title
 I am trying to install sylpheed 0.7.6 on Mandrake 8.1. And I got the 
   error message. I
   checking for flex... no
   checking for lex... no
   ./configure: flex: command not found
   checking for flex... lex
   checking for yywrap in -ll... no
   checking lex output file root... ./configure: lex: command not found
   configure: error: cannot find output from lex; giving up
   Then I tried to install Flex2.5.4, I got this message when doing
   yacc -d ./parse.y
   make: yacc: Command not found
   make: *** [parse.c] Error 127
   I searched yacc in google but couldn't find a package called yacc.
   Is it a 
 package? If it is not, how can I obtain it?
   Please excuse me for these silly and primitive questions. I am
   trying to 
 start to use Linux and keep getting messages telling me I
   need this and that for installing this software.
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