Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-16 Thread Germano
Il problema è che tu gli dai il kernel che possiedi già.
Se provassi con 
urpmi --media update_source kernel
allora cercherebbe nella tua fonte per gli aggiornamenti tutti i pacchetti che 
hanno a che fare con il kernel aggiornato.
Comunque quando usi urpmi dai sempre l'opzione --test per non combinare guai.
Sarò pedante ma ricordati sempre di leggere quella pagina che ti ho suggerito.

Ciao, Germano

il 15:00, sabato 14 giugno 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] 
ho determinato la versione del mio kernel così:
$ uname -r

e poi ho digitato questo:
# urpmi kernel-2.4.21-0.13mdk --media update_source
nessun pacchettto denominato kernel-2.4.21-0.13mdk

poi ho provato anche così:
urpmi kernel-2.4.21-0.13mdk-1-1mdk --media update_source
nessun pacchettto denominato kernel-2.4.21-0.13mdk-1-1mdk

dove sbaglio?

Re:[newbie-it] [OOT] Sunday bloody sunday

2003-06-16 Thread Mario Lodi Rizzini
-- Initial Header ---

Cc  : 
Date  : Fri, 13 Jun 2003 19:40:32 +0200
Subject : [newbie-it] [OOT] Sunday bloody sunday

 Vota Si!
 Due Volte.
Grazie per il consiglio! Ma cosa credi che non abbiamo la testa per fare certi
Per fortuna che ci sono persone come te che invece intasano le mailing list con
consigli utili agli acquisti.


Mario Lodi Rizzini


Re: [newbie-it] modem e mandrake 8.2

2003-06-16 Thread fabio
Alle 16:27, domenica 15 giugno 2003, Mario Speranza ha scritto:
 Salve, qualcuno ha idea di come si faccia a fare vedere, alla mandrake 8.2,
 un modem US robotic 56K montato dopo l'installazione?

 Ho provato con modemconf ma non lo rileva...

 Ho anche provato a fare un link simbolico con una delle porte tts ma niente
 da fare...

 Grazie per l'aiuto.
Vado a memoria, ne è passato ditempo... ;-)
Accendi il modem. Dal MCC (Mandrake Control Center) trova la voce Rete  
Internet e clicca poi su Conessione. In basso c'è un pulsante Wizard o 
assistente (non ricordo il nome giusto); In automatico fagli cercare i 
dispositivi di rete (tra cui apparirà selezionato il modem) e procedi alla 
configurazione della connessione di rete tenendo selezionato solo il modem 
(perchè se hai una scheda di rete di selezionerà automaticamente anche 

Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-16 Thread piter
sono riuscito a sostituire via tool grafico il kernel- con
il kernel- infatti dando il comando :

$ uname -r

per i più è nulla ma per me è un successo enorme :-)))

mi è stato consigliato:

Dopo di che ti sinceri che sia stato fatto tutto bene in /etc/lilo.conf
(confronta con quanto detto alla URL che ti ho dato l'altra volta).
Quando hai usato un pò di volte il kernel nuovo senza che ti abbia dato
problemi, rimuovi il/i kernel vecchio/i e togli in /etc/lilo.conf tutte
voci che gli si riferiscono (non è vitale ma aiuta la pulizia

ho consultato l'URL:
purtroppo non conosco molto l'inglese e quindi mi sono dovuto arrangiare
con i vari traduttori online tipo babelfish, comunque dando il comando:

# urpmi --media update_source kernel
Tutto già installato

Ma leggendo questo articolo:

Vulnerabilità nel Kernel Linux 2.4.18
Postato Venerdì, 13 giugno @ 08:01:02 CEST Alessandro

I kernel Linux fino alla versione 2.4.18, per l'architettura intel x86,
possono essere forzati ad ignorare i privilegi di accesso dell'utente nella
gestione di segnali IPC.
Questo fa riferimento alle routines dell'Intel Binary Compatibility Standard
(IBCS) in arch/i386/kernel/traps.c .
Un attacco efficace che sfruttasse questa vulnerabilità potrebbe consentire
all'attaccante di inviare segnali tipo SIGKILL a processi arbitrari, inclusi
quelli di sistema.

cosa vuole dire che bisogna aspettare il prossimo kernell stabile? o si
puo correggere in altro modo?

dando il comando:

# urpmi.update -a
esamino il file di sintesi [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation
CD 1 (x
86) (cdrom1).cz]
esamino il file di sintesi [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation
CD 2 (x
86) (cdrom2).cz]
esamino il file di sintesi [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.International
CD (x8
6) (cdrom3).cz]
recupero il file descrittivo di update_source...
...recupero terminato
recupero la source hdlist (o una sitntesi) di update_source...
...recupero terminato
esamino il file di sintesi [/var/lib/urpmi/]
sto leggendo i file rpm da [/home/gdtclber1/win_lin/programmi]
file [grip-3.0.1-3mdk.i586.rpm] già in uso nello stesso supporto my_progr
scrivo la lista d file per il supporto my_progr
sto costruendo l'hdlist [/var/lib/urpmi/]
choosing compression method with gzip -4 for archive /var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.my_
real archive size of /var/lib/urpmi/ is 131776
ho costruito la sintesi dell'hdlist file per il supporto my_progr
17 intestazioni trovate in cache
sto rimuovendo 4 intestazioni obsolete in cache
scrivi il file di configurazione [/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg]

cosa vuole dire: scrivi il file di configurazione [/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg]?

allego i file lilo conf e  lilo conf.old perchè non ho capito quali
sono le voci del vecchio kernell da cancellare (pare che funzioni tutto
se poi qualcuno mi dice come cancellare il vecchio kernell...sarebbe il
massimo della vita.

So di approfittare della vostra pazienza, questo non mi esime dal farvi
i più sinceri ringraziamenti per i vostri preziosi consigli avuti, indipendemente
che me ne vorrete dare ancora o meno ( ne ho già avuti molti).
certo che pensando a $windows, quando appariva l'errore nel kernell...era
poi l'anticamera alla formattazione...oggi con linux mi sono permesso addirittura
di sostituirlo, pazzesco...
grazie ancora.

Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 08:21:55 +0200
Il problema è che tu gli dai il kernel che possiedi già.
Se provassi con
urpmi --media update_source kernel
allora cercherebbe nella tua fonte per gli aggiornamenti tutti i pacchetti
hanno a che fare con il kernel aggiornato.
Comunque quando usi urpmi dai sempre l'opzione --test per non combinare
Sarò pedante ma ricordati sempre di leggere quella pagina che ti ho suggerito.

Ciao, Germano

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

[newbie-it] linux professional

2003-06-16 Thread alfredo
cosa è la distro linux professional che vedo in edicola in questi giorni?

syd wrote:
* Arwan wrote:

Pero' con r ci fa il reply, 

Arwan e' R e non r; ho sbagliato io a scrivere nelle precedenti
mail.. pardon ;))

ho tutti gli headers da rifare... A questo 

Gli headers da rifare? Come dire... mi sembra il minimo se trattasi
di una mail spedita a capocchia ;)) Giusto Arwan? Te li rifai
direttamente mentre stai modificando il corpo della mail. 
Un'altra soluzione alternativa alla tua e a quella suggerita da
Giuseppe (ha ragione lui, perche' salvarti la mail modificata nel
file delle bozze? La invii a quel punto a meno di non aver fatto una
modifica non ancora definitiva.. l'ennesima) e che e' fattibile
usando vim come editor (o vi) e' quella di 
1) aprire la mail incriminata
2) schiacciare v 
3) salvare la parte text/plain (praticamente solo il body
della mail.. cliccaci sopra e individualo) in una tua dir (diciamo
4) schiacciare q per ritornare sulla mail _normale_
5) uscire dalla mail schiacciando i
6) schiacciare m per scrivere una nuova mail (avrai quindi gli
headers nuovi di zecca)

A questo punto usando vim o vi sei gia' in modalita' _esecuzione
comando_ quindi scrivi
7):r!cat /home/arwan/nomecorpodellamaildatescelto

ti comparira' nella nuova mail il corpo della vecchia.
Hai capito Arwan? E' piu' difficile a dirsi che a farsi. Hai
semplicemente sfruttato una feature di vim che tramite il comando r!
ti permette di direzionare l'output di un qualsiasi comando
all'interno del file (in questo caso una mail) che stai scrivendo.
Non ti sto dicendo che questo percorso sia preferibile a quello
individuato da te ma ti ho solo indicato una caratteristica di vim
che potra' risultarti molto comoda in futuro quando avrai acquisito
un po' di dimestichezza con esso.

Re: [newbie-it] linux professional

2003-06-16 Thread Piero Piutti
On Monday 16 June 2003 20:37, alfredo wrote:
 cosa è la distro linux professional che vedo in edicola in questi giorni?

è la RedHat 9. non può essere re-distribuita col suo nome originale (gli unici 
che possono sono quelli di RedHat Magazine, ovviamente), così quelli di Linux 
 C. hanno dovuto alterare il nome per poterla allegare al giornale.

Quelli di Linux Magazine invece l'hanno scorso pubblicarono la RH 8 col vero  
nome (già protetto) e si beccarono una bella causa, che ovviamente hanno 
perso... furono un pò ingenui...

Piero Piutti

Powered by Kmail 1.5.2 - KDE 3.1.2 - Mandrake Linux 9.1

Re: [newbie-it] modem e mandrake 8.2

2003-06-16 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 16:27, domenica 15 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] modem e 
mandrake 8.2,  Mario Speranza   ha scritto:
 Salve, qualcuno ha idea di come si faccia a fare vedere, alla
 mandrake 8.2, un modem US robotic 56K montato dopo l'installazione?

interno o esterno?
perchè cambia tutto...

 Grazie per l'aiuto.

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Stampante Epson

2003-06-16 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:04, domenica 15 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
Stampante Epson,  Luigi Beltramini   ha scritto:
 On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 18:16:38 +0200

 miKe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  fai un salto qui:
 olor_800 e verifica le impostazioni

 ci sono stato ma non ne ho tirato niente di buono, sara' pr via

puoi cercare comunque con google passando le stese chiavi di ricerca,
io per linuxprinting ho passato epson 800 cups
se restringi alle sole pagine italiane puoi comunque trovare 
informazioni interessanti,

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] modem e mandrake 8.2

2003-06-16 Thread Mario Speranza
Il modem è esterno e, per sfiga, non ho neanche l'interfaccia grafica.

Ho letto che i modem esterni non danni problemi, l'unico problema è che non
riesco a fare il detect...

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] modem e mandrake 8.2

Hash: SHA1

Alle 16:27, domenica 15 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] modem e
mandrake 8.2,  Mario Speranza   ha scritto:
 Salve, qualcuno ha idea di come si faccia a fare vedere, alla
 mandrake 8.2, un modem US robotic 56K montato dopo l'installazione?

interno o esterno?
perchè cambia tutto...

 Grazie per l'aiuto.

- --



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] modem e mandrake 8.2

2003-06-16 Thread Mario Speranza
Grazie per l'aiuto ma non ho l'interfaccia...

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] modem e mandrake 8.2

Alle 16:27, domenica 15 giugno 2003, Mario Speranza ha scritto:
 Salve, qualcuno ha idea di come si faccia a fare vedere, alla mandrake
 un modem US robotic 56K montato dopo l'installazione?

 Ho provato con modemconf ma non lo rileva...

 Ho anche provato a fare un link simbolico con una delle porte tts ma
 da fare...

 Grazie per l'aiuto.
Vado a memoria, ne è passato ditempo... ;-)
Accendi il modem. Dal MCC (Mandrake Control Center) trova la voce Rete 
Internet e clicca poi su Conessione. In basso c'è un pulsante Wizard o
assistente (non ricordo il nome giusto); In automatico fagli cercare i
dispositivi di rete (tra cui apparirà selezionato il modem) e procedi alla
configurazione della connessione di rete tenendo selezionato solo il modem
(perchè se hai una scheda di rete di selezionerà automaticamente anche

Re: [newbie-it] gpg

2003-06-16 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 23:42, domenica 15 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] gpg,  
Luigi Pinna   ha scritto:
 Alle 01:01, domenica 15 giugno 2003, miKe ha scritto:
  Alle 02:51, giovedì 12 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] gpg,
  Pinna   ha scritto:
   Come faccio? lo fa solo con l'identità principale!!!
   Nel senso che non mi firma più con l'identità principale!
  spiegaci meglio..
  ti firma solo con l'dentità principale o non ti firma?

 Il contrario!
 Ho 3 chiavi, la principale (a) non viene più usata anche se
 selezionata mentre (b) e (c) vengono usate. In pratica il posto di
 (a) mi usa (c)

   Cercando di settare il uid come primario il programma me lo ha
   impedito! Che fare?
  la chiave che vuoi usare come principale l'hai trustata?
  (le hai dato la tua fiducia e l'hai processata con  sign?)

 Questo è l'output di gpg; come puoi vedere è trustata. Peccato che la
 chiave a cui si riferisca è quella di (a) e non di (c)!

 gpg --edit-key ...
 gpg (GnuPG) 1.2.2; Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

 È disponibile una chiave segreta.

 pub  1024D/DC9798AB  creata: 2002-09-12 scade: 2003-09-12 fiducia:
 u/u sub  1024g/2688BBE3  creata: 2002-09-12 scade: 2003-09-12
 (1). (c)
 (2)  (a)
 (3)  (b)

hai già provato a dare 
gpg --edit-key ...
e quindi segnare l' uid che vuoi come predefinito  con 'uid 3 ' 
e dargli 'primary'  ?

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-16 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 15:13, lunedì 16 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] update,  
piter   ha scritto:

 Vulnerabilità nel Kernel Linux 2.4.18
 Postato Venerdì, 13 giugno @ 08:01:02 CEST Alessandro

è stato fixato il 28/5/2003

 allego i file lilo conf e  lilo conf.old perchè non ho capito
 quali sono le voci del vecchio kernell da cancellare (pare che
 funzioni tutto bene),

ma quanti kernel hai installato?
ti bastano  il 2.4.21-0.18mdk e l'originale (per estrema paranoia)
tutti gli altri sono inutili (enterprise smp ...)


append=failsafe devfs=nomount acpi=off


append= quiet devfs=mount acpi=off

 se poi qualcuno mi dice come cancellare il vecchio kernell...sarebbe
 il massimo della vita.

in /boot hai i vari
puoi toglierli tutti tranne il 21.18 e l'originale vmlinuz (attenzione 
che non sia un link a un 2.4.xx)

idem puoi rimuovere le varie e config-2.4.xx
lasciando solo la 18 e l'originale


risparmi pochissimo ,
quindi se non sai cosa stai per cancellare, pensaci bene,
fai comunque un floppy di boot per poter ripristinare la situazione,
in caso di errori

oltre al kernel dovrai cancellare anche i moduli
in /lib/modules trovi delle dir. chiamate 2.4.xx
lascia solo la 18 e l'originale, come sempre
in questo caso guadagni già più spazio

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] linux professional

2003-06-16 Thread freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 16 June 2003 20:37, alfredo wrote:
 cosa è la distro linux professional che vedo in edicola in questi giorni?

ahem, apprezzo il fatto che tu abbia cambiato il subject ma anche quotare non 
sarebbe male.
La Linux Professional dovrebbe essere la Red Hat
 (e la maledizione dei marchi).

- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] motherboard ecs k7s5a non suona aiuto!

2003-06-16 Thread paolo brusasco
scusa ma veramente non so bene cosa sia il pcm. penso sia il volume 
quando lancio kmix mi compare una piccola icona di altoparlante in basso 
a destra. se clicco tale icona mi compare un cursore che è al massimo.
come dicevo, tutti i volumi di kmix sono al massimo e tutte le lucine 
sono verdi.
peraltro sul mio pc (un'ottima mother MSI) nel menu K alla voce 
multimedia-audio ho aumix e non kmix.
nella installazione incriminata alla voce multimedia-audio ho una 
sbrodolata di roba (non ce l'ho sott'occhio adesso) tra cui kmix che è 
quello con cui ho verificato i volumi.

freefred wrote:

Re: [newbie-it] modem e mandrake 8.2

2003-06-16 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:26, lunedì 16 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] modem e 
mandrake 8.2,  Mario Speranza   ha scritto:
 Il modem è esterno e, per sfiga, non ho neanche l'interfaccia

nessun problema
per collegarti userai uno dei tanti script
che si trovano in rete
io uso pppsetup per la configurazione
quindi ppp-go per lanciare la connessione

fanno parte del pacchetto omonimo, pppsetup

 Ho letto che i modem esterni non danni problemi, l'unico problema è
 che non riesco a fare il detect...

beh c'è poco da rilevare
se  lo monti sulla prima seriale, hai /dev/ttyS0
lo sforzo  massimo potrebbe essere il simlink /dev/ttyS0 -- /dev/modem

per vedere se tutto funziona hai a disposizione minicom
al 99% già  installata 

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie] Dlink USB Radio

2003-06-16 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 15:33, Nathan Coad wrote:
 I've got a usb radio that I'd like to use with mandrake 9.1
 Running lsusb gives:
 Bus 003 Device 001: ID :
 Bus 002 Device 001: ID :
 Bus 001 Device 001: ID :
 Bus 001 Device 002: ID 04b4:1002 Cypress Semiconductor CY7C63001 R100 FM 
 So I know its detected.  What I don't know is how to control it.
 Any ideas?

There are applications that allow for control of radio cards, but it's
more a matter of finding the application that suits your purpose. I'd
suggest doing a search at and firstly -
then everywhere else after that.

Mon Jun 16 16:00:00 EST 2003
 16:00:00 up 2 days, 23:14,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.05
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Have you locked your file cabinet?

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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-16 Thread Guy Rouillier
Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Monday June 9 2003 11:03 am, eric huff wrote:

Just curious:
What exactly is different about the mm (multimedia, right?)
kernel? eric

   For most users, more advanced/better supermount and the low 
latency and preempt patches.  The cooker ready made rpm should have 
no problems on older releases. One of the rare times cooker is 
suitable in this regard. Latest is  2.4.21-0.18mm-mdk  on cooker 
/contrib (RPM2) mirrors.
Ok, finally got around to this.  Tried to install the mm kernel off the 
cooker mirror on 9.1, and it failed saying it needed shorewall = 
1.3.14-1mdk.  So then I downloaded the plain old 2.4.21-0.18mdksmp 
kernel from one of the regular mirrors ( and 
installed that.  It installed okay, but upon rebooting, I'm still 
getting the ldm_validate_partition_table messages.  So it looks like 
this version of the kernel does not fix this problem, unfortunately. 
BTW, I unplugged the USB flash card reader while I was installing the 
kernel.  Was that the correct thing to do?  Should I even bother with 
the mm kernel, or would I get the same result from that?

Another strange thing I noticed is that after installing the 18 kernel, 
in /boot/grub/menu.lst, both the linux-smp entry and the 2421-18smp 
entry point to version 18 (the former because all the symbolic links 
were changed to point to 18.)  So now there are two sets of SMP entries 
pointing to 18, and none pointing to 13.  This seems like a bug to me. 
Or is this working as designed?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Guy Rouillier

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Re: [newbie] I feel so stupid

2003-06-16 Thread Inhabitant of Zion

Yes technically I gree.

However I find that often it flags conflicts which are really
dependancy problems. I think it gets confused sometimes with 3rd level
dependancies (i.e. the dependancy for the rpm you are installing also
need dependancies satisfying). Anybody else confirm correct me on this?

I prefer to do download and install from the command prompt. But then I
like being in control :-) its a linux thing :-)


On Sun, 15
Jun 2003 22:58:04+0100 Derek Jennings[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 7:23 pm, Ralph Bagwell wrote:
  Hi Joe,
  I have gaim up and working just fine with AOL,MSN and Yahoo
  messenger programs.
  I was never able to follow your instructions using urpmi - I tried
  urpmi.addmedia texstar with
  many times and never got it to work. I then tried another suggestion
  by someone else and the file was available and was downloading for a
  couple of hours until I gave up - it never finished.
  Then I went to the texstar ftp site , downloaded the file in a
  couple of minutes and clicked on the file and it installed in
  another couple of minutes - all by itself -
  Question is why is this not the preferred method of installing new
  software - ? Am I missing something ?
 urpmi is better than just downloading the package because Linux apps
 are modular. They depend on each other. If you install an app using
 urpmi it will automatically work out which other apps/libraries are
 needed, find them on the web and install them too.
 You were lucky with gaim because you already had all the dependencies 
 installed. Had one been missing the install would have failed.
 With urpmi you do not even need to know where an app is on the net.
 You just declare a number of 'sources' and whichever one has the most
 up to date version of the application you want will be used. You can
 use the Mandrake software manager to browse the available apps.
 The reason you had trouble with Texstars urpmi source is because you
 were using the mirror in Turkey which is ***dreadful***
 'urpmi.removemedia texstar' will get rid of it.
 Go here to find the path to
 Texstars ibiblio mirror. While there add a source for contrib and plf
 and you will gain access to many hundreds of cool applications.


Web: ASCII ribbon campaign / \
MSN:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - against HTML email \ /
ICQ:92791912vCards  X
OS: Mandrake 9.1 [Well and truly cooked]/ \

I have dreamed a dream but now that dream has gone from me


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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to mycomputer

2003-06-16 Thread Inhabitant of Zion

Winrar is a form of zip program. Ohh and its mostly a windows program as
far as I am aware. I don't know of a Linux alternative but I bet there
is one.

If you are using windows you need to download a copy of winrar and
install it to extract the image. Don't worry its freeware.

Extract the image to a tmp folder and you will then have an iso file
that Nero or any CD writer can handle.

Burn the CD to disk following the CD burning software you haves



On Sun, 15 Jun
2003 19:53:51-0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ok, someone needs to explain to me WTF i'm supposed to do here, 
 because i'm so god damn pissed off i'm about to smash my 
 computer to bits and pieces.  
 i download the iso image, it's in winrar format, i can't extract it
 and burn it or can i?  the computer won't install...lemme put it this


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Re: [newbie] Mail program for Linux and windows?

2003-06-16 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
Slypheed is a good mailer on Linux but the win32 version is not as good
(unless they have improved it lately - been a while since I could be
bothered to fire up my XP machine - I only keep it for gaming)


  Hey!! how about sylpheed?? it has a win32 version...


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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons

Inhabitant of Zion wrote:


Winrar is a form of zip program. Ohh and its mostly a windows program as
far as I am aware. I don't know of a Linux alternative but I bet there
is one.

If you are using windows you need to download a copy of winrar and
install it to extract the image. Don't worry its freeware.

Extract the image to a tmp folder and you will then have an iso file
that Nero or any CD writer can handle.

Burn the CD to disk following the CD burning software you haves



On Sun, 15 Jun
2003 19:53:51-0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ok, someone needs to explain to me WTF i'm supposed to do here, 
because i'm so god damn pissed off i'm about to smash my 
computer to bits and pieces.  

i download the iso image, it's in winrar format, i can't extract it
and burn it or can i?  the computer won't install...lemme put it this


unrar is the program for Linux that will uncompress .rar files. I got
mine from the plf file repository.

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread g


are you updated? w98se oem, w/o updates may not have correct
support .dll's etc, for cd burner and nti 2k+ may not fully
support a non updated w98se.
sofware houses think every body updates.

4 - what is model of cd burner?
_this_is_a_must_know_ to find out if burner program will
fully control cdrw drive.
when your system boots, note what your bios says about cdrom.

if you can boot knoppix, you can find info in system hardware menu.

5 - what cd burner prog are you using?
NTI CD Maker 2000 Plus.OEM version for my CD drive
what is full version and rev number of prog?

even tho it came with drive, it is possible that prog does not
fully talk to burner. '2000 plus' is only insured to work in
current ms os, that is, releases after w98se.
a slick way out by cdrom drive labeler's is that latest vers
of nt, me, and 2k, will support most cd burners of 32x and better.
wrong versions of 'nero burn' are know to have been shipped with a
lot of 42x burners.
roxio, easy cd creator v5.2 and later will work in w98se up to 52x.
i have tried nero and several other cd burner progs, and have yet
to find an easier to use, cover all oems, than what roxio does,
as it's name is, easy cd.
6 - are you using any type of firewall with ms?
no firewalls
bad. very, very, bad. how often do you reinstall from being hacked? :)

if nothing else, get a freeware copy of zonealarm and install it.

run md5 test on all downloads.

it is 2:00 am cdst, at mem, tn. i need to crash.
get cd drive model and prog ver back to me and i will check on them tomorrow,
later today. it will take a little time to verify, will post asap.
peace out.


think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email:  text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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[newbie] Alternative Software

2003-06-16 Thread Wm. G. Urquhart

I currently have 3 machines running windows, a 2K box I use myself to run
Visio, and SSADM Enterprise and 2 98 machines that my children have. I
want to totally remove any dependence to the man from redmond from my
Office and Home. So I need to find software that's comparible (if not
better) than:

VISIO 2002 (Database and Software Modelling) (UML)
SSADM Pro  Enterprise (SSADM!)

For the boys I'm looking for, at minimum, an instant messenger that will
support ICQ, Yahoo and MSN. Ideally all in one box. I've seen EveryBuddy
mentioned on the Mandrake site (which IIUIC) is supplied with 9.1, but I
can't find it.

Being an advocate of OpenSource I'd prefer solutions of this type, but I'm 
equally willing to pay a fair price if need be.


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Re: [newbie] Alternative Software

2003-06-16 Thread Inhabitant of Zion

Kopete is very good. In fact its the dogs danglies IMHO.

Don't know about Yahoo though I think you have to add a special

Worth a look anyway.

0.6.2 is available from the vclub site as an RPm and it installs without
any problem (the newer version has a list of dependencies as long as you


 For the boys I'm looking for, at minimum, an instant messenger that
 will support ICQ, Yahoo and MSN. Ideally all in one box. I've seen
 EveryBuddy mentioned on the Mandrake site (which IIUIC) is supplied
 with 9.1, but I can't find it.
 Being an advocate of OpenSource I'd prefer solutions of this type, but
 I'm equally willing to pay a fair price if need be.


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Re: [newbie] Alternative Software

2003-06-16 Thread Wm. G. Urquhart
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:

 Kopete is very good. In fact its the dogs danglies IMHO.
 Don't know about Yahoo though I think you have to add a special
 Worth a look anyway.
 0.6.2 is available from the vclub site as an RPm and it installs without
 any problem (the newer version has a list of dependencies as long as you

Hi John,

Thanks for the feedback but vclub? Don't know what or where that is. 


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Re: [newbie] Alternative Software

2003-06-16 Thread Inhabitant of Zion

Sorry typo the club site (mandrakeclub).

Might be worth taking alook at the kopete site and seeing what they say
about yahoo plugin too.


On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:07:54
+(UTC)Wm. G. Urquhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:
  Kopete is very good. In fact its the dogs danglies IMHO.
  Don't know about Yahoo though I think you have to add a special
  Worth a look anyway.
  0.6.2 is available from the vclub site as an RPm and it installs
  without any problem (the newer version has a list of dependencies as
  long as you arm).
 Hi John,
 Thanks for the feedback but vclub? Don't know what or where that is. 

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OS: Mandrake 9.1 [Well and truly cooked]/ \

I have dreamed a dream but now that dream has gone from me


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[OT] Black box (was: Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...)

2003-06-16 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 23:13:21 -0400
JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

But Blackbox?! Not even nice pixmaps to play with? Bah!
I just make my own.  Talk about customization  |8^)

The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: [newbie] boot hangs on starting pcmcia

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 11:55 pm, J Adam Latham wrote:
 I recently purchased a Compag Presario 2140 laptop ... I want to
 dual-boot with MDK 9.1 ... Install seemed to go fine, but when I
 boot into linux the system freezes completely at starting pcmcia
 ... (which follows the bringing up interface etho)

Adam, I can't help you withthis problem, but it might help you if I 
point out a problem.

You have 'hijacked' a thread, by using reply and deleting info instead 
of starting a new one. This causes problems, because if you tell your 
browser to display all headers (or full headers) you will see that it 
is linked to other messages, the messages in the thread that you 

From your point of view, anyone ignoring that thread will not see your 
message.  From the point of view of others, searching the archives is 
complicated when this happens.

Otherwise - welcome.  Why not try this enquiry again in a new thread 
and see if it gets picked up more quickly?


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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 7:44 am, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:

 Winrar is a form of zip program. Ohh and its mostly a windows
 program as far as I am aware. I don't know of a Linux alternative
 but I bet there is one.

 If you are using windows you need to download a copy of winrar and
 install it to extract the image. Don't worry its freeware.

 Extract the image to a tmp folder and you will then have an iso
 file that Nero or any CD writer can handle.

 Burn the CD to disk following the CD burning software you haves

Personally, I think we are adding to his confusion.  It really doesn't 
matter to him what kind of compression is used.  If his cd-rw and his 
writing software are capable of doing it, downloading the mdk iso 
files and burning an image are all he needs to do.  No unzipping - 
nothing else at all.

The best bet is to follow g's line of questioning, to help him find 
out whether he actually has the capability at this moment.


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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 2:00 am, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 16:14, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 00:55, Technoslick wrote:
What are the advantages of using dhcp for such small network
of three computers. Kindly explain. I have fixed ips for my
LAN of 5 PCs.
  Just my two cents:
  I've always considered DHCP to be the lazy way out of a
  situation; that is, unless you've got a large corporate
  department with heaps of laptops and changing systems -
  otherwise, static IP's lend to better overall network
  accountability and security.

 I manage a corporate network of over 400 desktops, 50 laptops, 50
 servers, 70 networked laser printers, 4 routers, 40+ switches, 3
 firewalls, and 30+ virtual IP's for web servers and load balancers.

All this started with a question about a lan of 5 pcs.  A network such 
as you describe is a different animal altogether, and I'm not 
surprised that you find dhcp relevant here.  For 5 desktop pcs, 
though, I still think static ip is better.


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[newbie] USB Flashdrive

2003-06-16 Thread Aron Smith
I Finaly got the USB Flashdrive working in a R/W mode but where my
WinDoze box sees it as 2 32mb drives my Linbox only sees it as one of
the drives any Ideas on how to reformatt the drive as one drive?

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 12:10 pm, Saurav Gohain wrote:
 I have installed Mandrake 9.1 and is connected to a LAN that has
 both windows nt and linux machines. Using LIN , i can connect to
 the Linux machines and exchange files but I am unable to connect to
 the windows machine. In the lin neighbourhood, it shows the names
 but i couldn't make it through to enter and access the files. what
 could be the problem.

 furthermore, i am unable to connect to the net even though the
 gateway address to connect to the net is correct.

There's more than one issue here, Saurav.  First, we need to know a 
bit more about your lan.  For a start, where is your gateway?  I mean 
is it on your linux box, a windows machine, a server box, a router?

Then, you need to get the network functioning properly.  Print out the 
attached file - it should help you to find the problem.

Once you can ping your machines correctly both by number and name, and 
run all the tests listed there, you are ready to configure samba.

The easiest way to do that is through Webmin.  If you don't have it 
installed, it's on your disks.  Under ther Server tab you will find a 
section for configuring windows sharing.  That should get you 

Let us know what happens.

AnneIn some of the following tests I have commented alternative commands that seem to be 
needed with later versions of Samba.  It appears that nmb -L is replaced by nmblookup.


This file contains a list of tests you can perform to validate your Samba server. It 
also tells you what the likely cause of the problem is if it fails any one of these 
steps. If it passes all these tests then it is probably working fine.

You should do ALL the tests, in the order shown. I have tried to carefully choose them 
so later tests only use capabilities verified in the earlier tests.

I would welcome additions to this set of tests. Please mail them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you send me an email saying it doesn't work and you have not followed this test 
procedure then you should not be surprised if I ignore your email.

In all of the tests I assume you have a Samba server called BIGSERVER and a PC called 
ACLIENT. I also assume the PC is running windows for workgroups with a recent copy of 
the microsoft tcp/ip stack. The procedure is similar for other types of clients.

I also assume you know the name of a available share in your smb_conf. I will assume 
this share is called tmp. You can add a tmp share like by adding the following to 

 comment = temporary files 
 path = /tmp
 read only = yes

These tests also assume version 1.9.14 or later of the samba suite. If you have 
version 1.9.13 then see NOTE 1 below.

run the command testparm. If it reports any errors then your
smb_conf configuration file is faulty.

run the command ping BIGSERVER from the PC and ping ACLIENT from the unix box. If 
you don't get a valid response then your TCP/IP software is not correctly installed. 

Note that you will need to start a dos prompt window on the PC to run ping.

If you get a message saying host not found or similar then your DNS software or 
/etc/hosts file is not correctly setup. It is possible to run samba without DNS 
entries for the server and client, but I assume you do have correct entries for the 
remainder of these tests.

run the command smbclient -L BIGSERVER -U% on the unix box. You should get a list of 
available shares back. 

If you get a error message containing the string Bad password then you probably have 
either an incorrect hosts allow, hosts deny or valid users line in your 
smb_conf, or your guest account is not valid. Check what your guest account is using 
testparm and temporarily remove any hosts allow, hosts deny, valid users or 
invalid users lines.

If you get a connection refused response then the smbd server could not be run. If 
you installed it in inetd.conf then you probably edited that file incorrectly. If you 
installed it as a daemon then check that it is running, and check that the netbios-ssn 
port is in a LISTEN state using netstat -a.

TEST 4: ; try nmblookup -B BIGSERVER __SAMBA__
run the command nmbd -L __SAMBA__ -B BIGSERVER. You should get a bunch of info back 
including the string got a positive name query response. You should also see a 
message got a positive node status response and below that a list of netbios names. 
should be included in that list.

If you don't then nmbd is incorrectly installed. Check your inetd.conf if you run it 
from there, or that the daemon is running and listening to udp port 137.

One common problem is that many inetd implementations can't take many parameters on 
the command line. If this is the case then create a one-line script that contains the 
right parameters and run that from inetd.

TEST 5: ; try nmblookup -B ACLIENT
run the command nmbd -L '*' -B 

Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft wants admin privileges on your PC(old, but relevant)

2003-06-16 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 21:02, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 05:40, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 This impacts countries national security. Many governments won't take it
 A huge mistake.

Look, all in all, no one seems to be doing anything to stop Microsoft
from ditching every anti-trust suit thrown at them and doing as they
wish no matter what. Remember the browser BS? Now they're ditching
stand alone IE for an IE that's built into the system (as if it wasn't
in the first place) - so it would appear that everything that's been
done to keep them from being a monster monopoly (all the DOJ battle?)
have been completely for naught, and have cost the US public untold
millions of tax dollars just so that Microsoft can do as they want
anyways and get away with it. Palladium and Longhorn and DRM are moving
into the popular stream because most of the public doesn't have a clue
as to what it is or what it does - just that Microsoft says it's good!
and they go for it hook, line and sinker.

It's bad enough hypothesising about the reality of it, but in THINKING
about the reality of it, this is even more than scary. It's more than
Big Brother and even more than a breach in personal privacy.

It's hard to say what the US government is going to say because they're
already doing everything they can to bypass US citizens privacy and
personal rights and if they're in bed with Microsoft, then it's really
all for naught because then it WILL go through and it WILL be pushed
upon the rest of the computing world - whether it's right or not.

Microsoft has already shown that they have really no care about privacy
or security or even offering privacy or security to the end user -
just as much as the US government doesn't care about personal privacy or
personal security; so hand-in-hand this would end the computing world
and/or internet privacy/anonymity as we know it now.

Mon Jun 16 21:20:01 EST 2003
 21:20:01 up 3 days,  4:34,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.02
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Good night, Austin, Texas, wherever you are!

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[newbie] Knoppix_v3.2-2003-05-20-EN

2003-06-16 Thread John Richard Smith
Brilliant programme.

Just one problem.

It's locked me out of desktop in both M9.0 and M9.1.

I get as far as login, then KDE display window and,
Intitialising system services,   whereupon it HANGS.
Forced to crash and reboot with all the fsck business.

Tried failsafe , etc. cannot get to desktop ,



John Richard Smith

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Re: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 Installation problems

2003-06-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You would either need to use the Enterprise kernel, or limit the mem
usage to I believe less than 800MB. 

This from the OT list and Tom Brinkman, the absolute authority on these
issues around here:

   I believe your video problems are E-kernel related. If you've
  got a lot of ram use mem=860M with the regular kernel. Your
   memory performance will actually be better than usin the
   E-kernel and tryin to use all of it.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

  hm ok where do iput that command?  How-to pls. :D

Put   mem=860M   in your lilo append line for the regular kernel,
run lilo, reboot an choose the regular kernel.

Update:  Well, I did manage to install with a patched kernel that someone else patched 
for the vesa framebuffer video problem, that is the Nvidia graphics card + 1gig of 
memory error.  However, even when I get mandrake installed, I still get major errors 
with the video.  It appears that the nvidia graphics drivers demand a patched kernel 
and someone the kernel patch is not compatible with the other stuff that is required 
to install it.  When starting x, I get screen corruption and a lock of Linux.  The 
lack of Highpoint RAID controller support is not desirable but something that I could 
live with but I also have issues with the onboard LAN.  I can solve that by using a 
Dlink LAN card but the graphics problems are a show stopper.

I replaced the geforce 4 with a geforce 2 with 32 meg of memory and was able to 
install normally.  Still get the enterprise kernel but also the regular kernel as 
well.  I can boot into either one with regular kernel limiting the memory used.  
However the problems with x exist with both regular and enterprise kernels and I can't 
figure out how to get around those.

Anyone with any suggestions would be appreciated.

As it is, as much as I HATE to do it, I am going to try to download Redhat ISO's in 
the hopes that they support higher end hardware a little better.  I don't know what 
else to do after 2 days of trying to get Mandrake to work.

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[newbie] Knoppix_v3.2-2003-05-20-20-EN

2003-06-16 Thread John Richard Smith
Knoppix is a brilliant programme.

I have just one little problem.

I'm locked out of desktop on M9.0 and M9.1 now.

I get as far as login, and KDE window, and then at ,
Initialising system sevices, it HANGS.
I have to crash and reboot, fsck the partitions and still it hangs.
I'm stuck,



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Re: [newbie] USB Flashdrive

2003-06-16 Thread Todd Slater
On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 02:08:59AM -0700, Aron Smith wrote:
 I Finaly got the USB Flashdrive working in a R/W mode but where my
 WinDoze box sees it as 2 32mb drives my Linbox only sees it as one of
 the drives any Ideas on how to reformatt the drive as one drive?

So I take it the drive *is* 2 32MB drives? If so, a recent post on a USB
smart media and compact flash combo reader might help; I got my SanDisk
reader to mount both without a hitch. I can dig that out if it's what
you might need.


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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 15 June 2003 01:55 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 18:16:46 +0100

 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I have always used static addressing because I have never been able to
  work out how clients can be addressed by hostname when there is no
  fstab entry.
  Surely the DNS server has to be made aware of the dhcp clients so it
  can resolve hostnames for other clients.

 Hmmm, that's a good question, in Windows we had that NetBIOS thing that
 would automatically resolve hostnames to IPs. I've never had a problem
 calling other hosts on my LAN by name though, but that's probably
 because Samba takes care of it.

Guys, I'm confused now. Are you saying you can't (for example) ping by name a 
computer on your LAN? I can hereI can do:

ping darkforce
ping darkforce2
ping darkforce3

and it works fine. I don't have to do the IP address.

PS and what does fstab have to do with it? 



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[newbie] RADEON 9500 OK on MDK 9.1?

2003-06-16 Thread Tango Echo
Hi Everyone,

I am considering a purchase of a: 


video card.  What have been your experiences with this
piece of hardware?  Do you recommend it for Mandrake
9.1?  I am in great need to upgrade the old video card
for better gaming, but need to know that this card
will not be a headache...


Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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Re: [newbie] RADEON 9500 OK on MDK 9.1?

2003-06-16 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 16 June 2003 08:27 am, Tango Echo wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 I am considering a purchase of a:


 video card.  What have been your experiences with this
 piece of hardware?  Do you recommend it for Mandrake
 9.1?  I am in great need to upgrade the old video card
 for better gaming, but need to know that this card
 will not be a headache...

Most people have reported that the newer Radeon cards are a headache, 
especially on nforce2 mobos.  I don't know where the ATI binary drivers 
stand, but if you want a mature solution that does not require a lot of 
research and fiddling, and need good 3d, get an nVidia.

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft wants admin privileges on your PC(old, but relevant)

2003-06-16 Thread Adolfo Bello

I am just trying to foresee what Microsoft will become if SCO wins. If
they can come out with this sort of EULA even when they feel threated by
Linux, just imagine what they would do if there were no challenging


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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday June 16 2003 01:44 am, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:

 Winrar is a form of zip program. Ohh and its mostly a windows
 program as far as I am aware. I don't know of a Linux alternative
 but I bet there is one.

  unrar-3.20-0.beta2.1plf rpm.  I use it everyday usin FileRoller as 
the GUI frontend to it.  Works great, even on very large files with 
many many partxx.rar's.

 If you are using windows you need to download a copy of winrar
 and install it to extract the image. Don't worry its freeware.

 Extract the image to a tmp folder and you will then have an iso
 file that Nero or any CD writer can handle.

 Burn the CD to disk following the CD burning software you haves

 On Sun, 15 Jun

 2003 19:53:51-0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  i download the iso image, it's in winrar format, i can't
  extract it and burn it or can i?  the computer won't
  install...lemme put it this way...

I don't understand this.  You're d/l'g .iso images from 
Mandrake's site and W98 see them as .rar's?  Doesn't make any sense 
at all. This from several year old memory, but I completely borked 
my Mandrake install, and had to use W98 to d/l the Mandrake .iso's, 
then used EZCD Creator to make CD's so I could get back to Linux.
No problem.

If you're really d/l'g   Mandrake91-cd1-inst.i586.iso  it isn't 
a rar archive and winrar won't extract it.  It just needs to be 
burnt to a cd as an image, not a data file. .iso are just one type 
of image file, audio CD's are another, any OS. As has already been 
suggested, check the md5sum of the iso before, and the CD after 
burning. If those check, and the CD won't boot, most likely it's a 
hardware or configuration problem.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Alternative Software

2003-06-16 Thread Jason
Dunno bout the other software but by far the best cross platform IM 
program I have found is Gaim. It is multiprotocol and I use it at work 
every day.



For the boys I'm looking for, at minimum, an instant messenger that will
support ICQ, Yahoo and MSN. Ideally all in one box. I've seen EveryBuddy
mentioned on the Mandrake site (which IIUIC) is supplied with 9.1, but I
can't find it.

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Re: [newbie] RADEON 9500 OK on MDK 9.1?

2003-06-16 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 22:27, Tango Echo wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I am considering a purchase of a: 
 video card.  What have been your experiences with this
 piece of hardware?  Do you recommend it for Mandrake
 9.1?  I am in great need to upgrade the old video card
 for better gaming, but need to know that this card
 will not be a headache...

1.) Nothing is better than an nVidia card.
2.) Nothing is better than an nVidia card using linux.
3.) Nothing is better than an nVidia card using Mandrake.
4.) If you have any questions, refer to #1.

Mon Jun 16 22:40:01 EST 2003
 22:40:01 up 3 days,  5:54,  4 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.06, 0.05
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

More software projects have gone awry for lack of calendar time than for all
 other causes combined.
-- Fred Brooks, Jr., _The Mythical Man Month_

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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to mycomputer

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 07:44:15 +0100
Inhabitant of Zion [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Winrar is a form of zip program. Ohh and its mostly a windows program
 as far as I am aware. I don't know of a Linux alternative but I bet
 there is one.
 If you are using windows you need to download a copy of winrar and
 install it to extract the image. Don't worry its freeware.

IIRC, from my Windows days, ISOs show up as archives (the little stack
of books icon), I think that is the confusion. It's not really a RAR
archive, it's just that windows is stupid and tells you what it *thinks*
it is...

 Registered Linux user #282046
 08:38:37 up 1 day,  9:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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[newbie] LinNeighbourhood problems

2003-06-16 Thread Saurav Gohain
I have installed Mandrake 9.1 and is connected to a LAN that has both windows nt and linux machines. 
Using LIN , i can connect to the Linux machines and exchange files but I am unable to connect to the windows machine. 
In the lin neighbourhood, it shows the names but i couldn't make it through to enter and access the files. 
what could be the problem.

furthermore, i am unable to connect to the net even though the gateway address to connect to the net is correct. 

please help...

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

[newbie] boot hangs on starting pcmcia

2003-06-16 Thread Frans Ketelaars
original message:

I recently purchased a Compag Presario 2140 laptop ... I want to dual-boot 
with MDK 9.1 ... Install seemed to go fine, but when I boot into linux the 
system freezes completely at starting pcmcia ... (which follows the 
bringing up interface etho)

The pcmcia adapter in this laptop is O2Micro Oz6912 Carbus Controller.

As I understand it, pcmcia is used for pc cards, which I don't have any, and 
don't intend to get any anytime soon ... So if it's possible to simply 
disable this function/feature I'd be happy to do that ...

Any and all help is apprecaited,

When you come to the graphical login screen it says on my system
press 'i' to enter interactive startup. Some time after you do that you
are asked for each service if you want it to start. Say no to pcmcia.

If that works, MCC - system - DrakXServices - don't start pcmcia on boot.

I notice I haven't an entry for service pcmcia but maybe that's because
I don't have a pcmcia slot. 



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Re: [newbie] Dlink USB Radio

2003-06-16 Thread A V Flinsch
On Monday 16 June 2003 02:03 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 15:33, Nathan Coad wrote:
  I've got a usb radio that I'd like to use with mandrake 9.1
  Running lsusb gives:
  Bus 003 Device 001: ID :
  Bus 002 Device 001: ID :
  Bus 001 Device 001: ID :
  Bus 001 Device 002: ID 04b4:1002 Cypress Semiconductor CY7C63001 R100
  FM Radio
  So I know its detected.  What I don't know is how to control it.
  Any ideas?

 There are applications that allow for control of radio cards, but
 it's more a matter of finding the application that suits your purpose.
 I'd suggest doing a search at and firstly
 - then everywhere else after that.

make sure the following modules are loaded

then any of the fm radio control programs should work.

Alex / KC2IVL 
ft100 software for Linux
Good judgment comes from experience, 
  and a lot of that comes from bad judgment

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Re: [OT] Black box (was: Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormallylong...)

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 04:15:20 -0400
Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I just make my own.  Talk about customization  |8^)

Sorry, does Blackbox support pixmaps now? Cool! I just got sick of
gradients everywhere, I like a more solid look.

I am in the process (ie. sitting on my skinny geek ass doing nothing) of
presenting alternatives for newbs on my site, letting them know about
the fact that they don't have to use KDE or Gnome, they can use anything
that suits their porpoise. It really is, in my mind, one of the best
parts of using Linux, besides the whole it doesn't screw you in the
arse like Windows thing :D

what was this thread again? Ooooh, OpenOffice, right. Well, that
really good too!
 Registered Linux user #282046
 08:40:44 up 1 day,  9:20,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 08:17:09 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 ping darkforce
 ping darkforce2
 ping darkforce3
 and it works fine. I don't have to do the IP address.

well, you've got to have some way of resolving IP to hostname. I haven't
delved into it too much in Linux, but I believe Samba takes care of
that. Correct me if I am wrong. I also can ping by name or IP, though I
have no DNS (which I believe actually has nothing to do with it, that's
for FQDN, ie. internet, not LAN) server running.

 PS and what does fstab have to do with it? 

The only time fstab should enter into it, IIRC, is if you want to mount
network shares at startup, and I have never had anything but headaches
doing that. Much easier just to create a mountscript...boom, yer
mounted, with one click or keystroke.

-- Joehill Registered Linux user
 08:52:00 up 1 day,  9:31,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] I feel so stupid

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 07:27:36 +0100
Inhabitant of Zion [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 However I find that often it flags conflicts which are really
 dependancy problems. I think it gets confused sometimes with 3rd level
 dependancies (i.e. the dependancy for the rpm you are installing also
 need dependancies satisfying). Anybody else confirm correct me on

That shouldn't happen with URPMI if all of your sources are configured
and updated.

It's really important to run urpmi.update periodically to avoid this,
also keep in mind that we are still maybe in a transitional phase, as
the 9.0 mirrors shrink and the 9.1 mirrors grow.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 08:57:45 up 1 day,  9:37,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] I feel so stupid

2003-06-16 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday June 16 2003 01:27 am, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:
 However I find that often it flags conflicts which are really
 dependancy problems. I think it gets confused sometimes with 3rd
 level dependancies (i.e. the dependancy for the rpm you are
 installing also need dependancies satisfying). Anybody else
 confirm correct me on this?

 Originally I believe that's a fair complaint. But urpmi has 
been under heavy development and improvement. Latest version for 
the up coming 9.2 is urpmi-4.3-15mdk  and works very well.  There 
will always be more problems with non-Mandrake packages tho. A lot 
of this due to improperly packaged rpms, not urpmi.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] LinNeighbourhood problems

2003-06-16 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 22:46, Saurav Gohain wrote:
 I have installed Mandrake 9.1 and is connected to a LAN that has both
 windows nt and linux machines. 
 Using LIN , i can connect to the Linux machines and exchange files but
 I am unable to connect to the windows machine. 
 In the lin neighbourhood, it shows the names but i couldn't make it
 through to enter and access the files. 
 what could be the problem.
 furthermore, i am unable to connect to the net even though the gateway
 address to connect to the net is correct. 
 please help...

Does the Mandrake machine have the same workgroup name as the Windows

Mon Jun 16 23:10:00 EST 2003
 23:10:00 up 3 days,  6:24,  4 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.06, 0.07
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

There comes a time to stop being angry.
-- A Small Circle of Friends

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Re: [newbie] and a hearty FSCK YOU!

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 07:20:28 -0400
Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:'s not you. On the whole, M$ is behind the FUD as always. I'm 
 waiting to see what IBM does next cause I really don't think they're 
 going to take this lying down.

IBM has invested billions in Linux. So, no, they are not going to take
this lying down.

What worries me more is that in the aftermath of the war, and it is a
war, make no mistake, Linux could end up being the property of IBM, or
at least perceived as such, and you know how much perception counts in
todays *un*real world.

However, to paraphrase the NRA (shudder), they can take my Linux box
when they pry it from my cold dead hands!

This is about so much more than just us geeks too. The rest of the world
*needs* an alternative to MS, so they can break free in one big way from
the dependency on Western technology and corruption. We need to fight
this not just for ourselves but for our brothers and sisters who are
just trying to make a better life in places where the West's exploitive
claws have made them miserable for centuries.

More Simpsons: Won't somebody pleeease think of the children!

 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:01:48 up 1 day,  9:41,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] and a hearty FSCK YOU!

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 07:23:09 -0400
Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 lets just hope big BLUE is involved in the whole thing. They're out
 best bet for the Linux Community.

For *now*. But never take your eyes off them for a second.
 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:09:38 up 1 day,  9:49,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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[newbie] Is it starting to fall apart for SCO?

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill

So far Poland (woot! my wife's Polish, lemme tell ya what happens when
they get pissed! oh, and Polish women have really nice butts) and
Germany have civil actions pending against SCO for spreading FUD.

Now this:

 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:13:08 up 1 day,  9:52,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-16 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday June 16 2003 01:17 am, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 For most users, more advanced/better supermount and the low
  latency and preempt patches.  The cooker ready made rpm should
  have no problems on older releases. One of the rare times
  cooker is suitable in this regard. Latest is  2.4.21-0.18mm-mdk
   on cooker /contrib (RPM2) mirrors.

 Ok, finally got around to this.  Tried to install the mm kernel
 off the cooker mirror on 9.1, and it failed saying it needed
 shorewall = 1.3.14-1mdk.

 Damn I forgot about that, sorry. I run cooker so I let urpmi 
install shorewall along with the kernel, and then uninstalled 
shorewall. You should be able to 
  'rpm -ivh --nodeps 2.4.21-0.18mmTab'  or use --force.
I use guarddog, and soon after shorewall was installed it made my 
DSL connection blocked up jelly tight, can't go anywhere.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to mycomputer

2003-06-16 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
Ahh my mistake...

From the guys post I thought he had downloaded a .rar file with an ISO
in it and could not get it out to burn it.

Still it got me pointed in the right direction of a rar program! ROTFL!


On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 08:40:09-0400 JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 07:44:15 +0100
 Inhabitant of Zion [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Winrar is a form of zip program. Ohh and its mostly a windows
  program as far as I am aware. I don't know of a Linux alternative
  but I bet there is one.
  If you are using windows you need to download a copy of winrar and
  install it to extract the image. Don't worry its freeware.
 IIRC, from my Windows days, ISOs show up as archives (the little stack
 of books icon), I think that is the confusion. It's not really a RAR
 archive, it's just that windows is stupid and tells you what it
 *thinks* it is...
  Registered Linux user #282046
  08:38:37 up 1 day,  9:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


Web: ASCII ribbon campaign / \
MSN:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - against HTML email \ /
ICQ:92791912vCards  X
OS: Mandrake 9.1 [Well and truly cooked]/ \

I have dreamed a dream but now that dream has gone from me


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Re: [OT] Black box (was: Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormallylong...)

2003-06-16 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 08:48:35 -0400
JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled furiously:

 On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 04:15:20 -0400
 Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I just make my own.  Talk about customization  |8^)
 Sorry, does Blackbox support pixmaps now? Cool! I just got sick of
 gradients everywhere, I like a more solid look.
Yes...; .blackboxrc can be set to any number of themes, and the theme
can be edited in such a way that virtually any fair sized .jpg (or other
image file) can be used as the background.  I've used some really nice
ones of Laetitia (the supermodel - hehe).  There are even quite a few at
the various theme sites out there
 I am in the process (ie. sitting on my skinny geek ass doing nothing) of
 presenting alternatives for newbs on my site, letting them know about
 the fact that they don't have to use KDE or Gnome, they can use anything
 that suits their porpoise. It really is, in my mind, one of the best
 parts of using Linux, besides the whole it doesn't screw you in the
 arse like Windows thing :D
Choice and alternatives are what it's all about  Have it YOUR way, not
Bill's or Steve's ;-)
 what was this thread again? Ooooh, OpenOffice, right. Well, that
 really good too!
Oh..., oh, yeah, that's right ;)

The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30
years of his life.
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:25:59 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 We are often asked about hardward compatibility, and we all know that 
 there have been problems with keeping the official Mandrake page up 
 to date.  I think it is time we made a TWiki page for this.  If we 
 all added video cards, printers, scanners, and other hardware that 
 people are likely to ask about, together with versions tested 
 against, and any limitations, I think it would be extremely helpful.  
 Anyone care to start it off?

My only concern would be the subjectivity of it. Example:

I use a Geforce 4Ti on an Intel 810 mobo. It works fine, not great but
fine. Then someone says, hey, I read on the Twiki page that this
should work, why doesn't it? Well, who made your Geforce4 Ti? Which
version of the Intel810?

However, I think you are on to something. With all the threads here on
this or that hardware, and this is something I've been meaning to say
for some time, if you get your hardware to work, post the solution for
all to see and we can add *that* to the Twiki page. Or maybe that's what
you meant and I haven't had enough coffee yet today! :)

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 1:17 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Sunday 15 June 2003 01:55 pm, JoeHill wrote:
  On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 18:16:46 +0100
  Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   I have always used static addressing because I have never been able to
   work out how clients can be addressed by hostname when there is no
   fstab entry.
   Surely the DNS server has to be made aware of the dhcp clients so it
   can resolve hostnames for other clients.
  Hmmm, that's a good question, in Windows we had that NetBIOS thing that
  would automatically resolve hostnames to IPs. I've never had a problem
  calling other hosts on my LAN by name though, but that's probably
  because Samba takes care of it.

 Guys, I'm confused now. Are you saying you can't (for example) ping by name
 a computer on your LAN? I can hereI can do:

 ping darkforce
 ping darkforce2
 ping darkforce3

 and it works fine. I don't have to do the IP address.

 PS and what does fstab have to do with it?

Well assuming you are using Dhcp then how are you managing to resolve the 
When you ask to ping a host your system will first go to /etc/hosts to see if 
there is an entry there (that was a mistake in my original post. I said fstab 
by mistake) if there is no entry in hosts, it will go and ask the DNS server.

If you are using your ISPs DNS server, there is no way it is going to know 
about clients on your local net. If you use your own DNS server (like I use 
djbdns) then there has to be some method for the dhcp server to tell the DNS 
server when an address has been assigned.

If you have a router assigning IP addresses then the router might be able to 
tell you, but I have no router so my question is how can I get my linux 
gateway to resolve them?


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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 16 June 2003 08:57 am, JoeHill wrote:

 well, you've got to have some way of resolving IP to hostname. I haven't
 delved into it too much in Linux, but I believe Samba takes care of
 that. Correct me if I am wrong. I also can ping by name or IP, though I
 have no DNS (which I believe actually has nothing to do with it, that's
 for FQDN, ie. internet, not LAN) server running.

Oh, I beg your pardon Joe, I didn't see where you guys were talking about 
Samba use - I thought you meant just between 'Nix boxes. :-)

I always put the IP address of each machine with an alias in /etc/hosts.



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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 16 June 2003 09:25 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 We are often asked about hardward compatibility, and we all know that
 there have been problems with keeping the official Mandrake page up
 to date.  I think it is time we made a TWiki page for this.  If we
 all added video cards, printers, scanners, and other hardware that
 people are likely to ask about, together with versions tested
 against, and any limitations, I think it would be extremely helpful.
 Anyone care to start it off?

I'll do it as a link off the Getting Support Page

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 1:57 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 08:17:09 -0400

 Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  ping darkforce
  ping darkforce2
  ping darkforce3
  and it works fine. I don't have to do the IP address.

 well, you've got to have some way of resolving IP to hostname. I
 haven't delved into it too much in Linux, but I believe Samba takes
 care of that. Correct me if I am wrong. I also can ping by name or
 IP, though I have no DNS (which I believe actually has nothing to
 do with it, that's for FQDN, ie. internet, not LAN) server running.

So when Ronald pings darkforce2, how do you think it knows which box 
to find?  There has to be a name server somewhere.  Mine is on my 
router, but it could just as well be on this box.


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Re: [newbie] Alternative Software

2003-06-16 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Jason wrote:

 Dunno bout the other software but by far the best cross platform IM
 program I have found is Gaim. It is multiprotocol and I use it at work
 every day.



 For the boys I'm looking for, at minimum, an instant messenger that will
 support ICQ, Yahoo and MSN. Ideally all in one box. I've seen EveryBuddy
 mentioned on the Mandrake site (which IIUIC) is supplied with 9.1, but I
 can't find it.

I second that.  Gaim is by far the best one on Linux.  It now has
encryption plugins and speaks with every major service there is (msn,
aol, yahoo, jabber, icq, irc, napster).  The more recent versions even
look good. :-)

Brant Fitzsimmons

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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[newbie] OT My last SCO post

2003-06-16 Thread Todd Slater
This was just too funny I couldn't resist passing it along.

Linux kernel coder puts SCO on notice

SCO, THAT PARIAH of the IT industry, has received what might turn out to
be legally damaging return fire from a Linux kernel developer. An email
presenting SCO with formal notice alleging copyright infringement was
sent to the firm this weekend. The email to SCO is reproduced below.


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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 3:42 pm, Wm. G. Urquhart wrote:
 On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:
  We are often asked about hardward compatibility, and we all know
  that there have been problems with keeping the official Mandrake
  page up to date.  I think it is time we made a TWiki page for
  this.  If we all added video cards, printers, scanners, and other
  hardware that people are likely to ask about, together with
  versions tested against, and any limitations, I think it would be
  extremely helpful. Anyone care to start it off?

 Hi Anne,

 I'd consider putting myself forward for  doing the webpage if I
 knew wtf TWiki meant?

It's a community owned and administered website.  Ours is at  If you go there you 
will see links that tell you all about how it works.  It sounds a 
little daunting, but in fact it is extremely easy.  I would recommend 
that you print out the page called TWiki Shorthand Basics, as well as 
taking a quick look around the TWiki section, then return to the 
community pages and have a browse around.

Basically, all you have to do is register as a user, which gives you 
editing rights.  You don't have to maintain the page, as others will 
add their own material as the page develops.  When you've added your 
material you get a preview, and if you are satisfied, you save.  If 
you're not happy you simply use the back button and make changes.  
Simple g

If you could start us off that'd be great!


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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 08:19:31 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

  and soon after shorewall was installed it made my 
 DSL connection blocked up jelly tight, can't go anywhere.

Bleh, I hate software firewalls. Grab an ol' P100, and check out these:

Clarkconnect, BBIAgent (runs on a floppy, and unlike the Linux Router
Project, it's still in constant devel mode), Smoothwall (heaaavy
duty), Devil Linux, and many many more.

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution

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RE: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread Tony S. Sykes
Me too.

-Original Message-
From: Wm. G. Urquhart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 3:42 PM
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:

 We are often asked about hardward compatibility, and we all know that 
 there have been problems with keeping the official Mandrake page up 
 to date.  I think it is time we made a TWiki page for this.  If we 
 all added video cards, printers, scanners, and other hardware that 
 people are likely to ask about, together with versions tested 
 against, and any limitations, I think it would be extremely helpful.  
 Anyone care to start it off?

Hi Anne,

I'd consider putting myself forward for  doing the webpage if I 
knew wtf TWiki meant? 


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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 2:30 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:25:59 +0100

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  We are often asked about hardward compatibility, and we all know
  that there have been problems with keeping the official Mandrake
  page up to date.  I think it is time we made a TWiki page for
  this.  If we all added video cards, printers, scanners, and other
  hardware that people are likely to ask about, together with
  versions tested against, and any limitations, I think it would be
  extremely helpful. Anyone care to start it off?

 My only concern would be the subjectivity of it. Example:

 I use a Geforce 4Ti on an Intel 810 mobo. It works fine, not great
 but fine. Then someone says, hey, I read on the Twiki page that
 this should work, why doesn't it? Well, who made your Geforce4 Ti?
 Which version of the Intel810?

There are certainly issues like that.  Where there are known problems 
of that type, as much info should be given as possible, and it would 
help if instructions on where to find identifiers could be given.

There's always some subjectivity, but for instance I would say that I 
use a Matrox G400, which has worked well for me under 8.2, 9.0 and 
9.1, but I don't use 3D gaming, so I couldn't answer for its 
capabilities there.  That way, it is clear just how much you can 

 if you get your hardware to work, post the
 solution for all to see and we can add *that* to the Twiki page. 

That would be a natural for including in the same place g


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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 16 June 2003 09:37 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

 So when Ronald pings darkforce2, how do you think it knows which box
 to find?  There has to be a name server somewhere.  Mine is on my
 router, but it could just as well be on this box.


I do have my machines IP addressess in /etc/hosts with aliases. 

Also, I am using a Dlink router since I got broadband.



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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 2:38 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Monday 16 June 2003 09:25 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  We are often asked about hardward compatibility, and we all know
  that there have been problems with keeping the official Mandrake
  page up to date.  I think it is time we made a TWiki page for
  this.  If we all added video cards, printers, scanners, and other
  hardware that people are likely to ask about, together with
  versions tested against, and any limitations, I think it would be
  extremely helpful. Anyone care to start it off?

 I'll do it as a link off the Getting Support Page

Good idea, Greg.  Let us know when it's up and we'll chivvy as many as 
possible to add to it.


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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:51:54 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Oh, I beg your pardon Joe, I didn't see where you guys were talking
 about Samba use - I thought you meant just between 'Nix boxes. :-)

Samba *was* *nix last time I checked... ;) it is just as useful without
Win boxes on your LAN, in fact many people recommend it over NFS for
file sharing between Linux boxes.

 I always put the IP address of each machine with an alias in

ya, that's the true geek method!

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  

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RE: [newbie] RADEON 9500 OK on MDK 9.1?

2003-06-16 Thread Tango Echo
Crap, I was afraid you were going to say that...
Alright Stephen, I'll try to repeat that mantra every
night before bed =) As much as I hate to hear it, I am
greatly appeciative of the forwarning (BEFORE I bought
the card).

So I guess that leaves me with more questions.  

I've heard that ATI is ahead of nVidea but maybe
that's just regaurding their most recent cards??

What do you suggest in place of the ATI RADEON 9500
128MB? The card had excellent reviews... Something of
equal or better technology is what I'm looking for
(plus great reviews ;).

Lastly, any idea how UR2K3 works with nVidea?  Seems I
remember FemmeFatale having problems but that may have
been with ATI.  Heard that there was a Linux install
on the UR2K3 cd... is that true?

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:43 AM
To: newb-mdk
Subject: Re: [newbie] RADEON 9500 OK on MDK 9.1?

On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 22:27, Tango Echo wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I am considering a purchase of a:
 video card.  What have been your experiences with
 piece of hardware?  Do you recommend it for Mandrake
 9.1?  I am in great need to upgrade the old video
 for better gaming, but need to know that this card
 will not be a headache...

1.) Nothing is better than an nVidia card.
2.) Nothing is better than an nVidia card using linux.
3.) Nothing is better than an nVidia card using
4.) If you have any questions, refer to #1.

Mon Jun 16 22:40:01 EST 2003
 22:40:01 up 3 days,  5:54,  4 users,  load average:
0.11, 0.06, 0.05
|____  |kuhn media australia  
|   /-oo /| |'-.   | 
|  .\__/ || |   | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn  
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email:
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1
 RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free
computer *

More software projects have gone awry for lack of
calendar time than for all  other causes combined.
-- Fred Brooks, Jr., _The Mythical Man Month_

- Fred Brooks, Jr., _The Mythical Man Month_

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 16 June 2003 09:37 am, Derek Jennings wrote:

 Well assuming you are using Dhcp then how are you managing to resolve the
 When you ask to ping a host your system will first go to /etc/hosts to see
 if there is an entry there (that was a mistake in my original post. I said
 fstab by mistake) if there is no entry in hosts, it will go and ask the DNS

Thats the ticket, I do have IP addressess/aliases in my /etc/hosts file. Here 
it is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] darklord]$ cat /etc/hosts   localhost darkforce darkforce2 darkforce3

 If you have a router assigning IP addresses then the router might be able
 to tell you, but I have no router so my question is how can I get my linux
 gateway to resolve them?


I also do have a Dlink router since I got broadband...



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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:37:36 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 So when Ronald pings darkforce2, how do you think it knows which box 
 to find?  There has to be a name server somewhere.  Mine is on my 
 router, but it could just as well be on this box.

He answered above, you edit your /etc/hosts file. That's pretty much all
a nameserver does anyway, is keep a text record, though it can be
+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  

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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 2:42 pm, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 Me too.

OK - Greg's offered to start us off, but now's your chance to learn 

Go to and follow the 
TWiki links to see how it works, then browse our community pages.  
They're growing fast, and there's already lots of really useful stuff 
there, both newbie and more advanced.


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Re: [newbie] Is it starting to fall apart for SCO?

2003-06-16 Thread Marc Oestreicher
On Monday 16 June 2003 08:15 am, JoeHill wrote:
 So far Poland (woot! my wife's Polish, lemme tell ya what happens
 when they get pissed! oh, and Polish women have really nice
 butts) and Germany have civil actions pending against SCO for
 spreading FUD.

 Now this:

   This all reminds me of a t shirt that my wife has with a picture 
of a huge eagle swooping down at a mouse. The mouse is holding a 
big gun in 1 hand and giving the eagle the finger with the other 
Composed on a 100% Microsoft and
 Windows free computer with
Mandrake Linux 9.1

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 2:59 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 16 June 2003 09:37 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  So when Ronald pings darkforce2, how do you think it knows which
  box to find?  There has to be a name server somewhere.  Mine is
  on my router, but it could just as well be on this box.

 I do have my machines IP addressess in /etc/hosts with aliases.

I guessed that, Ronald.  I was just pointing out that linux may be 
good, but it's not psychic. g


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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:57:47 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:



+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  

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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread g

Anne Wilson wrote:

The best bet is to follow g's line of questioning, to help him find 
out whether he actually has the capability at this moment.
maybe. i am going on experience of what i have run across here in
u.s. of a., a whole lot of cdrw drive dumping, to make way for a
lot of 4x dvd drive dumping.
something is bad wrong for crak600 to have trouble he is having.

i have had problems with these drives, both in my own w98se system
and with 8 w98se systems i maintain. drives do not work with supplied
software in w98se, but do work in nt, 2k, and me. reasons explained
in my 6:44 am post.
i have not checked out any phillips drives, and why i asked crak600
for model number so as to check phillips and nti sites.
peace out.


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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread g

JoeHill wrote:

IIRC, from my Windows days, ISOs show up as archives (the little stack
of books icon), I think that is the confusion. It's not really a RAR
archive, it's just that windows is stupid and tells you what it *thinks*
it is...
ms windows is 'stupid'. yet, in w98se, a '.iso' file shows as a wavy flag
on a single page and of type 'iso file'.
i am still at wonder as to where '.rar' is coming from.

peace out.


think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email:  text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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RE: [newbie] LinNeighbourhood problems

2003-06-16 Thread Tango Echo

I may have misread your post or you may have already
tried this.  But just to be sure:

1. Open your LinNeighborhood

2. On the menu click: Options  Browse Entire Network

3. Check the box Browse as user, put in the username
and password and hit ok

4. You should see some + appear next to your
servers.  Click a + to show shares, double click
share, and enter info for access.

5. Your share has now been mounted to your local
computer.  Browse with Konqueror or other file


-Original Message-
From: Saurav Gohain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] LinNeighbourhood problems

I have installed Mandrake 9.1 and is connected to a
LAN that has both windows nt and linux machines. 
Using LIN , i can connect to the Linux machines and
exchange files but I am unable to connect to the
windows machine. 
In the lin neighbourhood, it shows the names but i
couldn't make it through to enter and access the
what could be the problem.

furthermore, i am unable to connect to the net even
though the gateway address to connect to the net is

please help...


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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:57:04 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 There's always some subjectivity, but for instance I would say that I 
 use a Matrox G400, which has worked well for me under 8.2, 9.0 and 
 9.1, but I don't use 3D gaming, so I couldn't answer for its 
 capabilities there.  That way, it is clear just how much you can 

true, true, the old YMMV!
  if you get your hardware to work, post the
  solution for all to see and we can add *that* to the Twiki page. 
 That would be a natural for including in the same place g

I wish more people would post those Problems with USB Router [SOLVED]!

I'm definitely into it. As far as me being definitely and into it
goes, LOL, I'll do my best for ya Anne!

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  

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Re: [newbie] RADEON 9500 OK on MDK 9.1?

2003-06-16 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Tango Echo wrote:

Lastly, any idea how UR2K3 works with nVidea?  Seems I
remember FemmeFatale having problems but that may have
been with ATI.  Heard that there was a Linux install
on the UR2K3 cd... is that true?


Works fine and it's true.

Brant Fitzsimmons

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread crak600
On 16 Jun 2003 at 13:25, g wrote:

 JoeHill wrote:
  IIRC, from my Windows days, ISOs show up as archives (the little
  stack of books icon), I think that is the confusion. It's not really
  a RAR archive, it's just that windows is stupid and tells you what
  it *thinks* it is...
 ms windows is 'stupid'. yet, in w98se, a '.iso' file shows as a wavy
 flag on a single page and of type 'iso file'.
 i am still at wonder as to where '.rar' is coming from.

i told it to download NOT as an .rar file and it still downloaded that 
way anyway.  it's a little stack of books, not a wavy flag on a single 

will physically take computer apart in a little bit here and get the 
model number of the CD drive.  

and will physically take it apart by removing the appropriate screws, 
not by getting a hammer  :P

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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 1:23 pm, g wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  The best bet is to follow g's line of questioning, to help him
  find out whether he actually has the capability at this moment.

 maybe. i am going on experience of what i have run across here in
 u.s. of a., a whole lot of cdrw drive dumping, to make way for a
 lot of 4x dvd drive dumping.

 something is bad wrong for crak600 to have trouble he is having.

It looked at first as though he was not understanding, but it looks 
more like a physical problem now.

 i have had problems with these drives, both in my own w98se system
 and with 8 w98se systems i maintain. drives do not work with
 supplied software in w98se, but do work in nt, 2k, and me. reasons
 explained in my 6:44 am post.

 i have not checked out any phillips drives, and why i asked crak600
 for model number so as to check phillips and nti sites.

I have a niggling feeling that I have read something about Phillips 
drives, but for the life in me I can't remember what or where.


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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 3:17 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 will physically take computer apart in a little bit here and get
 the model number of the CD drive.

 and will physically take it apart by removing the appropriate
 screws, not by getting a hammer  :P

LOL - you'll get there.  Stick with it.


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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 16 June 2003 10:00 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 16 Jun 2003 2:42 pm, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
  Me too.

 OK - Greg's offered to start us off, but now's your chance to learn

 Go to and follow the
 TWiki links to see how it works, then browse our community pages.
 They're growing fast, and there's already lots of really useful stuff
 there, both newbie and more advanced.

I added it as a link off the support page.

Look for the HardwareCompatibility topic about halfway down the page.  The 
direct link to the page I added is

Have fun!

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Re: [newbie] Is it starting to fall apart for SCO?

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:01:48 -0500
Marc Oestreicher [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

This all reminds me of a t shirt that my wife has with a picture 
 of a huge eagle swooping down at a mouse. The mouse is holding a 
 big gun in 1 hand and giving the eagle the finger with the other 

Love it! Any chance of scannin' that fer us? What a great image!
+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Is it starting to fall apart for SCO?

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:01:48 -0500
Marc Oestreicher [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

This all reminds me of a t shirt that my wife has with a picture 
 of a huge eagle swooping down at a mouse. The mouse is holding a 
 big gun in 1 hand and giving the eagle the finger with the other 

Oh, and you got one helluva cool wife!
+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  

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Re: [newbie] I feel so stupid

2003-06-16 Thread Inhabitant of Zion

Jeez you guys work hard!

Don't seem very long at all since i downloaded 9.1.

Its no wonder people like Miscrosoft look at Linux and think this is too
good to be true.

It really is.

I like mandrake been using it since version 7 but only really got into
it properly recently when I decided to finally get rid of XPee as my
main system as I was sure I could do all that I wanted with it bar play
games and with computers so cheap at the moment why not just get one to
do that.

My friend picked up a brand new Athlon 2Ghz with a CD-writer and 80gb
of HDD and 256 RAM for £300 cash the other day!

No monitor nor anything else but I have a KVM switch :-)


On Mon, 16 Jun 2003
08:04:48-0500 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday June 16 2003 01:27 am, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:
  However I find that often it flags conflicts which are really
  dependancy problems. I think it gets confused sometimes with 3rd
  level dependancies (i.e. the dependancy for the rpm you are
  installing also need dependancies satisfying). Anybody else
  confirm correct me on this?
  Originally I believe that's a fair complaint. But urpmi has 
 been under heavy development and improvement. Latest version for 
 the up coming 9.2 is urpmi-4.3-15mdk  and works very well.  There 
 will always be more problems with non-Mandrake packages tho. A lot 
 of this due to improperly packaged rpms, not urpmi.
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas


Web: ASCII ribbon campaign / \
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I have dreamed a dream but now that dream has gone from me


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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 15:07:00 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 but it's not psychic.

That's supposed to be implemented in Kernel 2.6...

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  

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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to my computer

2003-06-16 Thread Todd Slater
On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 10:17:52AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Content-Description: Mail message body
 On 16 Jun 2003 at 13:25, g wrote:
  JoeHill wrote:
   IIRC, from my Windows days, ISOs show up as archives (the little
   stack of books icon), I think that is the confusion. It's not really
   a RAR archive, it's just that windows is stupid and tells you what
   it *thinks* it is...
  ms windows is 'stupid'. yet, in w98se, a '.iso' file shows as a wavy
  flag on a single page and of type 'iso file'.
  i am still at wonder as to where '.rar' is coming from.
 i told it to download NOT as an .rar file and it still downloaded that 
 way anyway.  it's a little stack of books, not a wavy flag on a single 

I'm a little late coming to this thread, but why the emphasis on the
icon? As far as I know, the icon is a rather arbitrary symbol to tell
the user what type of file it is; you can set it to be any icon you
like. The question is whether the extension is .iso or .rar; who cares
about the icon?

In Windoze open a folder, View  Folder Options  View tab, uncheck
Hide file extensions for known file types. This is one of the first
things I do when I work on Windoze.

If the iso did save as .rar, I have had luck with just renaming and
changing the extension. What browser/ftp program did you use to download
the iso's?

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-16 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 2:51 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 16 June 2003 08:57 am, JoeHill wrote:
  well, you've got to have some way of resolving IP to hostname. I haven't
  delved into it too much in Linux, but I believe Samba takes care of
  that. Correct me if I am wrong. I also can ping by name or IP, though I
  have no DNS (which I believe actually has nothing to do with it, that's
  for FQDN, ie. internet, not LAN) server running.

 Oh, I beg your pardon Joe, I didn't see where you guys were talking about
 Samba use - I thought you meant just between 'Nix boxes. :-)

 I always put the IP address of each machine with an alias in /etc/hosts.

We were talking about Dhcp.  Samba will resolve NETBIOS names for you which is 
entirely a different thing.
By putting the names/adrresses in /etc/hosts you are using static addressing.



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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 3:05 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:57:47 +0100

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:


Could be - or even dialect g

Longman's New Generation Extended Dictionary:

chivy, chivvy also chevy, chevvy ... esp spoken, to annoy (someone) by 
continually arguing, scolding etc.

Now would I do that to you?  Of course g


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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to mycomputer

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 07:41:10 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 W98 see them as .rar's? 

Windows sees ISOs as archives...
+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution

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Re: [newbie] OT My last SCO post

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:48:28 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

Oh, they are so fuxored...right now Steve Ballmer is sitting in his
skull-topped Satan chair, watching his ill-conceived plot unravel before
his eyes.

As Ice Cube would say:

He's [EMAIL PROTECTED]@#% in the **% and *^*% the @#$%$#, he can *%**$#@ his
own *$% and *$#@ the **[EMAIL PROTECTED]

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  

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Re: [newbie] Install - i'm about to take a sledgehammer to mycomputer

2003-06-16 Thread JoeHill
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:17:52 -0400

 i told it to download NOT as an .rar file and it still downloaded that
 way anyway.  it's a little stack of books, not a wavy flag on a single

but what is the actual file extension? The stack of books is because,
believe it or not you can actually look inside an ISO with some
archiving apps like Winzip and WinRAR, so Windows sometimes does it's
file association thing like that. As long as the *extension* is ISO, yer
okay there.

As has been said by Anne and g, methinks this is a hardware issue, and
you have every right to be frustrated. Glad to hear you put the hammer
away, you'll fit right in here as you seem to have a nasty temper and a
mean-ass attitude. We need more people like that!

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  

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Re: [newbie] New TWiki page needed

2003-06-16 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 16 Jun 2003 3:23 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:

 I added it as a link off the support page.

 Look for the HardwareCompatibility topic about halfway down the
 page.  The direct link to the page I added is

Thanks, Greg.  I've passed that mail onto the expert list to prompt 
them to get started g

BTW, the link is wrong, it should be


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