[newbie-it] Uso drive NVIDIA per Unreal Tournament 2003

2003-09-03 Thread Giorgio GUGLIELMONE
 --- kudega [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  On
2003.09.02 19:30, freefred wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Tuesday 02 September 2003 02:31, kudega wrote:
   Si c'è l'estensione GLX ma non NV-GLX o
 Allora mi sono smazzato google e dovrei aggiornare
 il kernel per poi 
 installare questi...
 In teoria dovrebbe funzionare ma dato che non ho mai
 provato a 
 ricompilare il kernel per ora lascio perdere...
 Grazie comunque!!!

Tranquillo, non è una operazione difficile, io l'ho
fatta per la mia SuSe 7.3 e non ho avuto alcun
problema, ha funzionato subito. Se sei interessato ad
eseguire l'operazione, scrivimi ti darò le
informazioni passo-passo per effettuare la cosa.

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

[newbie-it] Login su Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-03 Thread Giorgio GUGLIELMONE
Forse non mi sono spiegato bene nella scorsa e-mail.
Il mio problema con la Mandrake 9.1 è che non riesco
ad avere la videata di login dopo che ho fatto il
logout, infatti ottengo come risultato lo stato di
stand-bye del mio portatile ASUS L3540 (ossia tutto
spento tranne il ventilatore di raffreddamento).
Questo problema sembrerebbe un baco di Mandrake 9.1,
in quanto che usando la distribuzione RedHat 9.0a
questo non accade e quindi dopo il logout appare la
videata di login (come tutti i sistemi Unix e Unix
like fanno o dovrebbero fare).
Qualcuno mi sa dire cosa devo fare ?

Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il filtro 

Re: [newbie-it] Login su Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-03 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 08:56, mercoledì 3 settembre 2003, Giorgio GUGLIELMONE ha scritto:
 Forse non mi sono spiegato bene nella scorsa e-mail.
 Il mio problema con la Mandrake 9.1 è che non riesco
 ad avere la videata di login dopo che ho fatto il
 logout, infatti ottengo come risultato lo stato di
 stand-bye del mio portatile ASUS L3540 (ossia tutto
 spento tranne il ventilatore di raffreddamento).
 Questo problema sembrerebbe un baco di Mandrake 9.1,
 in quanto che usando la distribuzione RedHat 9.0a
 questo non accade e quindi dopo il logout appare la
 videata di login (come tutti i sistemi Unix e Unix
 like fanno o dovrebbero fare).
 Qualcuno mi sa dire cosa devo fare ?

Vediamo un po' di capire cosa succede ...
Quando accendi il PC, entri in modalità grafica o console?
Se parti in modalità grafica entri direttamente come 
utente predefinito o ti appare un  DM da cui scegliere
Quando fai logout, ti appare un menù in cui scegliere tra
cambio utente, spegnimento e riavvio?

Nell'ipotesi più probabile che parti con X più DisplayManager
e che fai un semplice cambio utente,  prova a cambiare il DM.
Dal centro di controllo Mandrake, scegli la scheda avvio.
Lì c'è la possibilità di cambiare da mndk-kdm (o un nome
simile,  che a volte dà problemi) a kdm-base o gdm (che sono
più collaudati).

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Uso drive NVIDIA per Unreal Tournament 2003

2003-09-03 Thread kudega
Tranquillo, non è una operazione difficile, io l'ho
fatta per la mia SuSe 7.3 e non ho avuto alcun
problema, ha funzionato subito. Se sei interessato ad
eseguire l'operazione, scrivimi ti darò le
informazioni passo-passo per effettuare la cosa.
Per curiosità mi scrivi in breve i passaggi da eseguire?
grazie ciao ciao

[newbie-it] ad Andrea CELLI: Login su Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-03 Thread Giorgio GUGLIELMONE
 --- Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Vediamo un po' di capire cosa succede ...
 Quando accendi il PC, entri in modalità grafica o

Sì, parto in modalità grafica.

 Se parti in modalità grafica entri direttamente come
 utente predefinito o ti appare un  DM da cui
 scegliere l'utente?

Mi appare la richiesta di Login grafico con indicati
gli attuali profili, ossia root e utente normale
(questo perchè ho abilitato la visualizzazione anche
di root, che per default Mandrake 9.1
nell'installazione nasconde). Ho anche provato con un
GDM (formato tarball: tra.gz) ma non cambia nulla, il
problema resta.

 Quando fai logout, ti appare un menù in cui 
 scegliere tra cambio utente, spegnimento e

Sì, ed è proprio da qui in poi che ho il problema,
ossia quando mi appare il menù (che hai citato),
quindi scelgo la voce di menù cambio utente ma per
tutta risposta il mio portatile va in stand-bye (ossia
si spegne tutto tranne la ventola di raffreddamento) e
quindi mi vedo costretto a dover premere il pulsante
di spegnimento del portatile per spegnerlo
completamente (la ventola si ferma) e poi ripremere il
pulsante di accensione portatile. Così facendo
ovviamente parte il boot normale e quindi appare
ovviamente il Login grafico.

 Nell'ipotesi più probabile che parti con X più
 e che fai un semplice cambio utente,  prova a
 cambiare il DM.
 Dal centro di controllo Mandrake, scegli la scheda
 Lì c'è la possibilità di cambiare da mndk-kdm (o un
 simile,  che a volte dà problemi) a kdm-base o gdm
 (che sono
 più collaudati).

Sì, ho già provato come ho spiegato sopra, ma non
cambia nulla, sono sempre costretto a dover
riaccendere il portatile per far riapparire il Login
grafico e quindi scegliere l'utente con cui voglio

ciao, Giorgio  

Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il filtro 

Re: [newbie-it] Login su Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-03 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 11:52, mercoledì 3 settembre 2003, Giorgio GUGLIELMONE ha scritto:
  --- Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

conviene sempre lasciare il dialogo aperto a tutti 
come vedi anch'io sto brancolando nel buio:
non ho mai visto un problema simile :-)

 Sì, parto in modalità grafica.

 Mi appare la richiesta di Login grafico con indicati
 gli attuali profili, ossia root e utente normale
 (questo perchè ho abilitato la visualizzazione anche
 di root, che per default Mandrake 9.1
 nell'installazione nasconde)..

  Quando fai logout, ti appare un menù in cui
  scegliere tra cambio utente, spegnimento e


 Sì, ed è proprio da qui in poi che ho il problema,
 ossia quando mi appare il menù (che hai citato),
 quindi scelgo la voce di menù cambio utente ma per
 tutta risposta il mio portatile va in stand-bye (ossia
 si spegne tutto tranne la ventola di raffreddamento) e
 quindi mi vedo costretto a dover premere il pulsante
 di spegnimento del portatile per spegnerlo
 completamente (la ventola si ferma) e poi ripremere il
 pulsante di accensione portatile. Così facendo
 ovviamente parte il boot normale e quindi appare
 ovviamente il Login grafico.

Hai provato a vedere cosa viene scritto nei messaggi di sistema?
In diretta, puoi lanciare come root il comando
tail -f /var/log/messages appena prima di fare logout.
In differita, al riavvio successivo apri il file /var/log/messages
e vedi cosa ha scritto prima del logout o, per non perderti
in quel file enorme, prova a dare 
tail -f /var/log/messages  messaggi
appena prima del logout. Non l'ho mai fatto, ma ad
occhio dovrebbe funzionare.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Login su Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-03 Thread Giorgio GUGLIELMONE
 Hai provato a vedere cosa viene scritto nei messaggi
 di sistema?
 In diretta, puoi lanciare come root il comando
 tail -f /var/log/messages appena prima di fare
 In differita, al riavvio successivo apri il file
 e vedi cosa ha scritto prima del logout o, per non
 in quel file enorme, prova a dare 
 tail -f /var/log/messages  messaggi
 appena prima del logout. Non l'ho mai fatto, ma ad
 occhio dovrebbe funzionare.
 ciao, Andrea

Grazie Andrea, proverò a fare come dici tu e ti farò
sapere in ogni caso. A te comunque questa stranezza
non capita ?

ciao, Giorgio 

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] Per Davide: Uso drive NVIDIA per Unreal Tournament 2003

2003-09-03 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 11:58, mercoledì 3 settembre 2003, Giorgio GUGLIELMONE ha scritto:
  Per curiosità mi scrivi in breve i passaggi da
  grazie ciao ciao

 Lo farei ben volentieri se solo avessi qui con me la
 rivista che mi spiegava ciò, comunque se vai sul sito
 della NVIDIA dove hai scaricato i file, troverai anche
 il manuale di comoilazione ed installazione dei suoi
 driver. Domani dovrei essere in grado di dirti come
 fare, pazienta per un giorno.

installare i driver Nvidia?
basta scaricare il loro script e lanciarlo con
sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4496-pkg2.run

poi apri il file /etc/X11/XF86-Config-4 e fare le modifiche
richieste nel loro README

.. find  the relevant Device section and replace the line:
Driver nv
(or Driver vesa)
Driver nvidia  
In the Module section, make sure you have:
Load   glx
You should also remove the following lines:
Load  dri
Load  GLcore

puoi anche aggiungere

Options NoLogo on   per togliere il logo pubblicitario all'avvio
Options CursorShadow on   per mettere l'ombra al mouse :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Login su Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-03 Thread toto
Andrea Celli ha scritto:

Alle 11:52, mercoledì 3 settembre 2003, Giorgio GUGLIELMONE ha scritto:

--- Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

conviene sempre lasciare il dialogo aperto a tutti 
come vedi anch'io sto brancolando nel buio:
non ho mai visto un problema simile :-)


Sì, parto in modalità grafica.



Mi appare la richiesta di Login grafico con indicati
gli attuali profili, ossia root e utente normale
(questo perchè ho abilitato la visualizzazione anche
di root, che per default Mandrake 9.1
nell'installazione nasconde)..

Quando fai logout, ti appare un menù in cui
scegliere tra cambio utente, spegnimento e


Sì, ed è proprio da qui in poi che ho il problema,
ossia quando mi appare il menù (che hai citato),
quindi scelgo la voce di menù cambio utente ma per
tutta risposta il mio portatile va in stand-bye (ossia
si spegne tutto tranne la ventola di raffreddamento) e
quindi mi vedo costretto a dover premere il pulsante
di spegnimento del portatile per spegnerlo
completamente (la ventola si ferma) e poi ripremere il
pulsante di accensione portatile. Così facendo
ovviamente parte il boot normale e quindi appare
ovviamente il Login grafico.

Hai provato a vedere cosa viene scritto nei messaggi di sistema?
In diretta, puoi lanciare come root il comando
tail -f /var/log/messages appena prima di fare logout.
In differita, al riavvio successivo apri il file /var/log/messages
e vedi cosa ha scritto prima del logout o, per non perderti
in quel file enorme, prova a dare 
tail -f /var/log/messages  messaggi
appena prima del logout. Non l'ho mai fatto, ma ad
occhio dovrebbe funzionare.

ciao, Andrea


Anche io ho lo stesso problema. HO scavalcato parzialmente il tutto 
eseguendo da console il comando reboot o halt e la macchina si 
spegne regolarmente.Chiaramente non ho risolto il problema, del quale 
vorrei capire il perché!!
Ciao, Totò

[newbie-it] Per Andrea: Uso drive NVIDIA per Unreal Tournament 2003

2003-09-03 Thread kudega

installare i driver Nvidia?
basta scaricare il loro script e lanciarlo con
sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4496-pkg2.run
E dove lo trovo questo script ???
Io qui (http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_nforce_1.0-0261.html) ho 
trovato dei driver per la mia RedHat 9,ho provato ad installare questo 
pacchetto (NVIDIA_nforce-1.0-0261.rh90up_2.4.20_6.athlon.rpm) ma non 
trovo nessuno script pkg.run o roba del genere...
Sono solo file di testo o .o Mi dice che devo ricompilare il kernel.
Dove posso trovare il pacchetto che dici tu?
Io utilizzo una RedHat 9 con 2,4,20-8.
Grazie ancora!
Ciao ciao Davide
PS : Ecco il contenuto del pacchetto da me installato
16:22 root # rpm -ql NVIDIA_nforce-1.0-0261.rh90up_2.4.20_6

Re: [newbie-it] Webcam

2003-09-03 Thread Pollo
Il mer, 2003-09-03 alle 01:31, kudega ha scritto:
 On 2003.09.02 20:37, Pollo wrote:
  Possiedo una webcam Digicom Galileo su porta parallela; dalle notizie
  che ho trovato su internet è compatibile con le webcam CPIA e
  da linux. Però non riesco a farla funzionare. Qualcuno ha esperienze
  webcam e linux?
  Uso la MDK9.1 con kernel 2.4.19.
  Grazie mille, Pollo.
 Io ho seguito queste istruzione che erano nel Cd d'installazione della 
 Web e funzica alla perfezione.
 You must have first compiled USB support, support for your specific USB 
 host controller (UHCI or OHCI), and Video4Linux support for your kernel 
 (I recommend making them modules.) Make sure Enforce bandwidth 
 allocation is NOT enabled.
 Next, (as root):
   modprobe usbcore
   modprobe usb-uhci  OR  modprobe usb-ohci
   modprobe videodev
   modprobe ov511
 If it is not already there (it usually is), create the video device:
   mknod /dev/video c 81 0
 Sometimes /dev/video is a symlink to /dev/video0
 You will have to set permissions on this device to allow you to read/
 write from it:
   chmod 666 /dev/video
   chmod 666 /dev/video0 (if necessary)

 Now you are ready to run a video app!
 ...e poi faccio partire xawtv
 Fammi sapere!
 Ciao ciao

Funziona! Avevo già fatto così anche io . Se ti dico perchè non andava
ti metti a ridere: non avevo collegato il cavetto della webcam alla
porta ps/2. Ho solo un problema ora: non riesco a catturare i filmari in
avi. Ho provato usando xawtv ma non riesco. Tu sei riuscito in qualche

Ciao, grazie.

Re: [newbie-it] Unreal Tournament 2003

2003-09-03 Thread
-- Initial Header ---

 Allora mi sono smazzato google e dovrei aggiornare il kernel per poi
 installare questi...
 In teoria dovrebbe funzionare ma dato che non ho mai provato a
 ricompilare il kernel per ora lascio perdere...
 Grazie comunque!!!

No, non c'e' bisogno di ricompilare il kernel per installare i driver nvidia.
Se non li hai installati, non hai nemmeno l'accelerazione grafica e quindi
UT2003 certo non funzionera'.
Scarica i driver dell'nvidia (non quelli in .rpm, che non sono aggiornati) da qui:
E' un installer, che lancerai da console, senza X insomma, e fa praticamente
tutto lui.
Leggi bene il README perche' se li installi per la prima volta dovrai fare
a mano una piccola modifica nell /etc/XF86Config.

Re: [newbie-it] Login su Mandrake 9.1

2003-09-03 Thread Eraser Head
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, toto wrote:

 Anche io ho lo stesso problema. HO scavalcato parzialmente il tutto 
 eseguendo da console il comando reboot o halt e la macchina si 
 spegne regolarmente.Chiaramente non ho risolto il problema, del quale 
 vorrei capire il perché!!

Non avevo mai sentito di problemi del genere...
L'unico consiglio che posso darvi è, oltre a controllare messages come ha 
detto Andrea, togliere il login grafico e metterlo testuale, facendo poi 
partire X con startx (o con uno script automatico, evitando di dover ogni 
volta lanciare X manualmente).
Facendo così e facendo poi il logout potete almeno capire se il problema 
c'è solo nel caso di login grafico oppure se il problema è proprio nel 
logout del window manager che usate.

Ciao ciao,


L'uomo e' uomo e quel briciolo d'intelletto 
di cui disponiamo non conta molto ne' poco 
quando la passione infuria e ci si sente 
oppressi dalle pareti dell'umanita'.


[newbie-it] Mandrake 9.2

2003-09-03 Thread fulmo
Qualcuno ha gia' provato la RC1? Cosa ne pensate?
Quando potrebbe uscire la versione stabile?

Re: [newbie-it] Per Andrea: Uso drive NVIDIA per Unreal Tournament 2003

2003-09-03 Thread Nicola Degl'Innocenti
Hash: SHA1

 E dove lo trovo questo script ???
 Io qui (http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_nforce_1.0-0261.html) ho
 trovato dei driver per la mia RedHat 9,ho provato ad installare questo
 pacchetto (NVIDIA_nforce-1.0-0261.rh90up_2.4.20_6.athlon.rpm) ma non
 trovo nessuno script pkg.run o roba del genere...

Scusa se mi intrometto, ma quello che hai provato ad installare sono i driver
per il chipset nforce, sempre prodotto dalla nvidia, ma che riguarda
tutt'altra componentistica (agp, suono, scheda di rete, etc...) quello che
devi cercare e scaricare il driver unico (non in formato rpm a meno che tu
non abbia una suse):
e comunque ti consiglio vivamente di leggerti anche la pagina:
dove puoi trovare tutte le info che ti servono

Ciao Nicola

- --
Un tizio si presenta dal dottore per una visita completa, dato che e' un
po' di tempo che non si sente bene.  Dopo la visita, il dottore si
rivolge al paziente e dice: Sono spiacente, ma ho delle brutte notizie.
Voi state molto male e non vi resta piu' molto tempo.  Oh no, e'
terribile!  Quanto tempo mi rimane?.  E il dottore: 10  E il
paziente: 10 che cosa?  Mesi?  Settimane?  Giorni?.  E il medico:
-- Da it.hobby.umorismo
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Uso drive NVIDIA per Unreal Tournament 2003

2003-09-03 Thread kudega

Scusa se mi intrometto, ma quello che hai provato ad installare sono 
i driver per il chipset nforce, sempre prodotto dalla nvidia, ma che 
riguarda tutt'altra componentistica (agp, suono, scheda di rete, 
etc...) quello che devi cercare e scaricare il driver unico (non in 
formato rpm a meno che tu non abbia una suse):
e comunque ti consiglio vivamente di leggerti anche la pagina:
dove puoi trovare tutte le info che ti servono

Ciao Nicola
Argh! Che figuraccia.. avete proprio ragione! Ora sto scaricando il 
driver giusto...
Grazie ancora.. vi farò sapere se riuscirò a far girare unreal! :)
byebyeby Davide

RE: Re[2]: [newbie] MDK Gaming Mailing List?

2003-09-03 Thread Frankie

I have mailman, permanent connection and static IP/domain name..

I can run the gamming list if you like..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of HaywireMac
Sent: Wednesday, 3 September 2003 3:57 AM
To: newbie
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [newbie] MDK Gaming Mailing List?

On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 12:30:36 -0700
rikona [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Does your ISP allow lists? If so, this might be easier and it is
 likely to be able to get mail all the time.

Somehow I'd doubt it, but I'll check on that, thanks!

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Dying is one of the few things that can be done as easily lying down.
   -- Woody Allen

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[newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
After that you have to sign the new EULA or have your access barred

Which is nice. 

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
YIM: vicarofwibley
Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
07:26:31 up 21:01,  3 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.01, 0.00

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Procmail and Fetchmail as system services

2003-09-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 12:12, HaywireMac wrote:

 Why not /dev/null?

Have you actually read through the entire RC file yet?

The idea would be to collect the crap, inspect the crap, then delete the

What if something came through that WASN'T a bug and WAS important?

  Uh - why not just have the clients on the network use IMAP - so that
  you can share a public set of folders...??
 Not familiar with that concept, I guess, is why I never thunk of it...

Just like having Exchange and using a public message box/forum - do you
want your wife to CC you on email funnies, or you to CC her on them? Why
not dump them into a public folder that everyone in the house can access
so that you're not necessarily CC'ing everyone that you live with -
helps to cut down unnecessary email traffic, ya reckon? I've got public
folders that I copy stuff to for legal purposes - so the wife and look
at them or refer back to them for accounting/business reasons...

 How does that work? My wife uses Outhouse Express, can that even do
 IMAP? I'm scared to go near that machine...

LookOut Express can do either POP3, IMAP or HTTP-mail...

  It's so bloody easy - but mind you, I substitute SENDMAIL for POSTFIX
  - other than that, it's easy as pie.
 Well, I'll take that as encouragement and get started in the AM.

It's so easy even YOU can do it.
 But I want to know *how* I would do it in a large scale ops...
 apparently this Linux thing could become attractive in certain business
 sectors, or so I've read in the tabloids, so I would like to be able to
 say, hey, I know how to do that...

Baby steps, Bob.

 Maybe, tho, I've got two things confused, using a *global* fetchmail,
 postfix, and procmail config, and running the lot as a system service. I
 *do* want it to run at boot, and not just as a regular user.

If you setup proper cron jobs, they run at boot - and why even bother to
reboot a unix/linux box anyways?

stephen kuhn
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
* This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
There are few people more often in the wrong than those who cannot
endure to be thought so.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread linux
or simpley use the new kopete(still under construction, but will be released 
soon) wich supports the msn protocol:

what's the news EULA?


Zitat von Inhabitant of Zion [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 After that you have to sign the new EULA or have your access barred
 Which is nice. 
 John Willby
 Registered Linux user number 321644
 ICQ: 92791912
 YIM: vicarofwibley
 Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
 07:26:31 up 21:01,  3 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.01, 0.00

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Messed up my fonts! Help!

2003-09-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 12:14, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 I installed an updated xft2 and some Microsoft fonts via URPMI
 (Texstar)...since then...well...seems Gnome apps are hosed.  I don't
 know what the defaults were (which looked good), or how to change it. 
 Any help is appreciated.

Last time I toasted Gnome, I had to delete the .gnome and .gconf and
.gtk directories and file and start fresh - also, there was a
.fonts-cache file in my home dir that I had to constantly wipe out - and
all was well - for a while - but then just gave up on Gnome completely
because it tends to not play nice after it breaks once or
twice...snowball effect...

stephen kuhn
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
* This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger sutff

2003-09-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 13:30, Miark wrote:

 It's not quite like that. 
   In the event that Microsoft offers a replacement or modified version of
   or any upgrade to the SOFTWARE, (a) your continued use of the SOFTWARE
   is conditioned on your acceptance of such replacement or modified
   version of or upgrade to the SOFTWARE and any accompanying superseding
 in other words you have to explicitly accept a change to Messenger or
 its EULA. As much as they'd love to, they can't just change it and mail
 you an invoice. 

Fsck them anyways. They're getting way too pervasive, intrusive and
overbearing. I hope that a million script kiddies get on the band wagon
and ride M$'s hole-ee OS's down to the ground. Really. And I'll be
laughing my way to the bank on it. Piss on Gates. He could care less
about anything or anyone, and for someone that's only a few years older
than most of us, he certainly ain't going to dictate WHAT kind of
computer experience *I* want or enjoy, or WHAT type of content *I* want
or enjoy - frag'em.

...sorry, didn't mean to sound sore...

stephen kuhn
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
* This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the
exact mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows. - Frank

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Re: [newbie] enemy territory

2003-09-03 Thread Björn Olsson
On Tuesday 2 Sep 2003 Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No I don't mean I am root, I mean just a stand alone game not online.
 So even if you are not playing others do you need access to the ports.
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding.
Yes, you can host a game without connecting to the outside world.
Though I don't see why you would want to that, since you would be
all alone in the game and have no one to play against.

Or have I missed something? Is it possible to play against the computer?


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Re: [newbie] enemy territory

2003-09-03 Thread Björn Olsson
On Tuesday 2 Sep 2003 Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 02 September 2003 08:48 am, Tango Echo wrote:
  Denis, any  progress with this?  After I installed it,
  a menu short cut (KGamesEnemy Territory)
  automatically appeared.  Was this not the case with
 Yes I have the shortcut it just gives me a black screen. Nothing
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

What if you try it from the command line? Does it give you any helpful
error messages?
Have you checked the XFree86 logs in /var/log? Maybe you can find a hint
in there.


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Re: [newbie] Pay up, SCO

2003-09-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 13:44, Miark wrote:
 A REPORT ON a German web site said that SCO faces a fine of 10,000 Euros
 or alternatively its CEO can spend 10 days in clink for violating an
 According to Pro-Linux.de, the site kept on claiming that Linux
 breaches SCO intellectual property and copyrights, even though it was
 ordered by a German judge earlier this year to stop doing that.

I'd just assume make'em stay a week in Knoxville.
Right offa Magnolia Ave.
That'd teach'em.

BTW, I got the CD's yesterday. Sent in June, arrived on Sept. 1

stephen kuhn
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
* This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
Machines certainly can solve problems, store information, correlate, and
play games -- but not with pleasure. -- Leo Rosten

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 X server startup/shutdown slow - ReiserFS?

2003-09-03 Thread Stormjumper
the reason is mainly for system recovery IIRC.

reiser fs support was marked as experimental in kernels, and some kernels
may not be compiled with reiser fs.

by comparison, it's hard to imagine anyone not compiling support for ext2
into any general purpose kernel, esp those used for the floppy disk system
recovery distributions and such.

also, IIRC, all(most?) ext3 partitions are simply read as ext2 if the kernel
doesn't support ext3. so using as ext3 is quite safe as well, in term of
kernel support.

hope this helps.
- Original Message - 
From: Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 00:43
Subject: RE: [newbie] 9.1 X server startup/shutdown slow - ReiserFS?

 I am curious if it is for performance or stability? I remember Civileme
 from the list and he obviously has a lot of insight into the file
 system. So please Anne for future reference if you could find it for me.

 Many Thanks,


 -Original Message-
 From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 5:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.1 X server startup/shutdown slow - ReiserFS?

 On Tuesday 02 Sep 2003 4:37 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Tuesday September 2 2003 09:23 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
   What is the reason you make /boot ext3? I do everything reiserfs
   is this wrong?
  Because Civileme told me too ;)  If you don't know, Civileme
  was a Mandrake employee who use to be a regular on this list. His
  job was QA, and as part of that he did extensive file system
  testing. He recommended XFS or ReiserFS, but cautioned that /boot
  should be on an ext3 partition.  I never did understand exactly why
  tho, I just trusted his advice.

 I'd go one further.  Based on what Civileme said, my /boot is ext2.  I
 think I may have the original post, if it helps, but it would take a
 bit of digging.

 Registered Linux User No.293302
 Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

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Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
 or simpley use the new kopete(still under construction, but will be
 released soon) wich supports the msn protocol:
 what's the news EULA?

You obviously have not been following this thread.

Basically the new protocol will only work, even with the new Kopete, up
until the 15th Oct, then you have to agree to the Microsoft
License (EULA) or your account will be closed. 

I think its going to spell trouble for them as I know there are people who
are consulting laywers over this (seriously!).

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
YIM: vicarofwibley
Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
08:03:02 up 21:38,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Wednesday 31 December, 1969 4:00PM

2003-09-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 03 Sep 2003 2:04 am, Erylon Hines wrote:
 Because it's my WIFE'S e-mail account and she is xenophobic about
 it.  I had a hell of a time getting her switched to Linux in the
 first place, so changing e-mail clients is TOTALLY OUT OF THE

 Fixing it is the only option.

If the fault is on the sending computer you have no chance.  I've 
forgotten just where this started - is it only from certain sources, 
or all her mail?

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 03 Sep 2003 8:09 am, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:
 Basically the new protocol will only work, even with the new
 Kopete, up until the 15th Oct, then you have to agree to the
 Microsoft License (EULA) or your account will be closed.

You mean that the eula has to be signed to keep the hotmail account 
that fuels msn?  There's no point in the new kopete if it can't 
connect, is there?

 I think its going to spell trouble for them as I know there are
 people who are consulting laywers over this (seriously!).

Registered Linux User No.293302
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[newbie] ARTICLE: A Galaxy of Possibility Part 1: Mandrake 9.1 ProSuite

2003-09-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
We KNOW Mandrake is kick-arse, but here's some great PR ;)


stephen kuhn
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
* This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
Anyone who knows history, particularly the history of Europe, will, I
think, recognize that the domination of education or of government by
any one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for the
people. - Eleanor Roosevelt

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Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger sutff

2003-09-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 02 Sep 2003 11:32 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 Here's a tidbit to think about for anyone that really really wants
 to use the MSN Messenger on Windows; the past EULA's and the new
 EULA literally state that Microsoft has the right to view the
 contents of that particular machine without permission of the

 Now what do they think?

You're preaching to the converted, Stephen, but generally teenages are 
more interested in what their mates do than in security.  It's a 
crazy world.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] Interpreting an e-mail

2003-09-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 03 Sep 2003 5:42 am, Eric Huff wrote:
   I really wish Mandrake-admins would just zap these idiots off
   the list when they do boneheaded things like this.

 I haven't been able to contact the admins...

 I have sent mail to a couple diff accounts that should make their
 way to an admin, but no luck.
 One was this morning, so i'll give it a few days.

I don't use the club as I ought to - somehow never seem to have time - 
but someone said using the forums - troll section, I think - should 
get back to them.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread linux
 Basically the new protocol will only work, even with the new Kopete, up
 until the 15th Oct, then you have to agree to the Microsoft
 License (EULA) or your account will be closed. 

more information bout eula:

BUT: kopete will be able to run AFTER 15th of Oct, cause you can sign the eula 
in kopete.(information from a worker in my company. he read this on www.kde.
he said it will be version 0.8 of kopete. i didnt found something, i've to trust 
him ;)

 I think its going to spell trouble for them as I know there are people who
 are consulting laywers over this (seriously!).

doesnt matter :) nothing can be totaly sure of hacking. the hack only takes more 
time ;) and if msn wont work anymore, most of the people will use another 
instant messenger. like icq.


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Re: [newbie] Fw: cheval-de-frise:______ __________ __________

2003-09-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 03 Sep 2003 5:38 am, Eric Huff wrote:
 On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 22:04:35 -0400

 HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This has *got* to be the most inscrutable piece of spam I have
  ever received...LOL!

 Oh, great.  Now popfile will think this crap is ham...  :)

Will it?  On mine, [newbie] is set as a magnet, and therefore not 
scanned.  That crap would only be accepted inside the [newbie] 

Registered Linux User No.293302
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[newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread linux

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Re: [newbie] Software patent petition

2003-09-03 Thread Jess Arocho
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 05:43, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Eric Huff wrote:
 |h, can't sign it unless I live in EU I guess...
 |only C choices were Cyprus and Czech Rep., no Canada...
 Wouldn't you qualify as North America?
 Is Canada in northamerica?
 On another note, it's kinda funny that the site for EU patents uses pics
 of the statue of liberty...

 Why not, isn't  the original is in Paris.


The statue was designed and made in France as a gift to the US.  It was 
assembled in France for a world fair for exhibition and fund raising 
purposes.  The group involved had many problems funding the project in France 
as well as in the US.  It was not until a New York paper picked up the banner 
and started publishing a series of articles on the statue that the funds were 
raised, literally shaming the US into action.  The word donation leaves an 
impression of either used or leftover.

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Re: [newbie] Dell Inspiron 5150 laptop and linux..

2003-09-03 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 16:35:07 -0600
Heather/Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 20:39:09 +0800
 Frankie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi guys,
  I have just ordered the following laptop.
  Does anyone have any suggestions or hints on loading linux on
  this thing? it comes with XP home which I will want to resize
  (the partition) and dualboot with linux.. Am I likely to have
  any troubles with this thing?(I am dieing to load some 3D games
  on this thing out of curiosity.)
  Any ideas or suggestion would be much appreciated.
 Offhand I see no problems...tho you'll need to use Partition
 You wanna game? Try quake3 or Enemy Territory.  That little laptop
 IIRC is well supported on linux.
 Have fun
Just got a new Dell 1100 last week. Love it.

I did off the 1/2 ton of strange Dell and MS software and loaded
win2k first.

Then I did the 9.1 install, resized the drive there and added a
small fat32 partition to buffer exchanges between ntfs and xfs.

By far the best laptop experience I've had.

BTW the win2k install 8 hrs.  9.1 install 1.5 hrs not counting
massive update.  

The only panic was when win2k didn't recognize the mkd fat32
partition.  I closed my eyes, hoped that it wasn't talking about the
whole mdk partition(s) and reformatted.  It did well and both os's
see and use the fat32 fine.

My original thought was to resize with Part Magic but I only have an
older version.  Femme warned me not to use it.


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Re: [newbie] Software patent petition

2003-09-03 Thread John Richard Smith
Jesüs Arocho wrote:

On Tuesday 02 September 2003 05:43, John Richard Smith wrote:

Eric Huff wrote:

|h, can't sign it unless I live in EU I guess...
|only C choices were Cyprus and Czech Rep., no Canada...
Wouldn't you qualify as North America?

Is Canada in northamerica?

On another note, it's kinda funny that the site for EU patents uses pics
of the statue of liberty...

Why not, isn't  the original is in Paris.


The statue was designed and made in France as a gift to the US.  It was 
assembled in France for a world fair for exhibition and fund raising 
purposes.  The group involved had many problems funding the project in France 
as well as in the US.  It was not until a New York paper picked up the banner 
and started publishing a series of articles on the statue that the funds were 
raised, literally shaming the US into action.  The word donation leaves an 
impression of either used or leftover.


Jesüs Arocho,
That was very interesting. I did not know that was the case.
I did not know it was nearly a non runner.
I thoght I read somewhere that it was originally a gift by the French 
Government, but that obviously was not the case.

However I refer to a smaller statue , which I am sure I have seen, that 
still exists today in Paris, somewhere on the river bank , cannot 
remember where , though.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Slashdot fix for Dillo browsing

2003-09-03 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hello there Dillo (http://www.dillo.org/) fans...

As you may have noticed, slashdot.org is impossible to render since about 2
weeks ago with dillo, namely being the fact that /.'s code has gone from bad to
M$ standards :-(

For those of you wanting to still read /. with Dillo, I have created a php
script which downloads it (main page only), and parses it through tidy
(htmltidy) and sed's a few things out, namely the cookie / name I use to log in.
Yeah, to get tidy to work, the only solution was to use my own cookie ;-)

NOTE 1: Only the main page works. URL's on the page are not parsed through this

NOTE 2: This page will also not read or use your own cookies at all, so your
presonal preferences will be ignored

NOTE 3: It will not allow any other browsers to use this. ONLY Dillo is
allowed to parse this page, as each time a refresh is done, my server
downloads a new copy of the index page of slashdot, and I wouldn't want to be
spamming their server. If you have another browser which has problems and
renders the main page black, let me know, and I'll see if I can include your
browser too into it's browser-detection technique

NOTE 4: This is a temporary page for until slashdot actually descide to read
their bug reports posted on sourceforge, and not mark them as fixed when they
actually are anything but fixed. When slashdot fixes itself, this page will be
offline shortly afterwards.

NOTE 5: This isn't a cache of the main page, it's a direct copy of it, with the
big errors taken out.

Hope this helps a few of you with /. with your favorite browser ;-)

Oh yeah, the URL: http://slashdot.axljab.homelinux.org:8080/ (again, dillo only)

Let me know how it works and if you have problems.

...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux

Description: PGP signature

RE: [newbie] Dell Inspiron 5150 laptop and linux..

2003-09-03 Thread Frankie
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: Wednesday, 3 September 2003 2:55 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: RE: [newbie] Dell Inspiron 5150 laptop and linux..

On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 14:48, Frankie wrote:

 Well I have an external 56k modem sitting here doing nothing, so if the
 winmodem has issues, I'll just use the external one.

 Have a pcmcia network card that works in linux as well, (from my last

 well I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and give it a
shot, I will
 report my findings.

Frankie Frankie Frankie...look mate, what are mates for?
Send me the laptop, I'll take care of it for ya, mate. After I get it up
and running like a champ, I'll send you a report on it. Whaddya reckon?

stephen kuhn


And would the laptop come back with the report???

cos if not, its a real expensive report :-)

My Last laptop was a 6000 dollar Compaq M700 piece of junk...
But it ran linux flawlessly (mandrake 8.2 back then.)

Its a whole learning experiance.. I picked the geoforceFX card cos I want
to try some linux games..



PS, anyone that has unlimited broadband should download all the linux games
mentioned on the list thus far..
if they are counting downloads, it is a good idea to make them seem very

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Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
 BUT: kopete will be able to run AFTER 15th of Oct, cause you can sign the
 eula in kopete.(information from a worker in my company. he read this on
 he said it will be version 0.8 of kopete. i didnt found something, i've
 to trust him ;)

Yes but who in their right mind would sign that EULA?

Yes a number of my friends have already decided to go over to ICQ.

Unfortunately the Jabber GUI for Windows users is not nearly as nice as ICQ
under Trillian or I'd get them to use that instead.

BTW Anne yes this is for hotmail users as well as the EULA is in regard to
your .net passport.

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
YIM/AIM: vicarofwibley
Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
11:49:09 up 1 day,  1:24,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

Description: PGP signature

RE: [newbie] Dell Inspiron 5150 laptop and linux..

2003-09-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 21:01, Frankie wrote:

 And would the laptop come back with the report???

Nothing was ever mentioned about RETURNING the test equipment.

 cos if not, its a real expensive report :-)

Technology's expensive, mate. (g)

stephen kuhn
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
* This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in
Europe. -- Jackie Mason

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Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread linux
 Yes but who in their right mind would sign that EULA?
i didnt found some detailed information bout the eula. in google i only get some 
trash... what is eula for? wich targets? why?


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Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 03 Sep 2003 12:20 pm, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:
  BUT: kopete will be able to run AFTER 15th of Oct, cause you can
  sign the eula in kopete.(information from a worker in my company.
  he read this on www.kde.
  he said it will be version 0.8 of kopete. i didnt found
  something, i've to trust him ;)

 Yes but who in their right mind would sign that EULA?

99% of teenagers - oh - wait a mo - you said 'in their right minds' 

 Yes a number of my friends have already decided to go over to ICQ.

 Unfortunately the Jabber GUI for Windows users is not nearly as
 nice as ICQ under Trillian or I'd get them to use that instead.

 BTW Anne yes this is for hotmail users as well as the EULA is in
 regard to your .net passport.

I wonder how the kopete crew intend to get round that?

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

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Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed,  3 Sep 2003 10:43:35 +0200


LOL! for a second there, I almost believed it...out of wishful thinking
more than gullibility, I might add.

Can you imagine a debate between McBain and Torvalds? 


Vat is dis kawmpewter tingy...my manly finkers are too laaarje to usse
itt aannywaay...Maaariiiaa! Dis liittle Finnish maaan iss maaking fuun
uff mee!

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
You can't push on a string.

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Re: [newbie] Procmail and Fetchmail as system services

2003-09-03 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 09:15 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 07:35:42 +1000

 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Look - it's dependent on your need and requirement.

 What I want to do is implement that wunderbar procmail recipe you linked
 us to, and test it out, eventually I would like to have a mail server up
 and running so that it:

 1. Retrieves the mail from the ISP (fetchmail, precalls mailfilter as
 1st line of defense against the viagra, penis enlargement, (definitely
 not needed ;-)), etc.)

 2. Postfix then deposits the mail, I guess, from what others have
 posted, in appropriate users mailboxes (/var/spoo/mail/[username]

 3. Procmail looks at the mail using said recipe and acts as second line
 of defense against .pif attachments, Nigerian free money scams etc.

 4. IMAP package allows clients on LAN to retrieve mail from mailserver
 using POP.

 I gave up on this before, but I really think I can do it this time!

 But I want this to be a *system* service type deal, because I want to
 learn it as a sysadmin would see it, rather than as an end user, see?

This doesn't sound too hard.

1.  Run Fetchmail as root and pass the mail off through procmail on the way to 
Postfix.  Procmail runs a /etc/procmailrc recipe as a root service and calls 
the nkvir recipe through an include file from that recipe.  You can also add 
in Spamassassin and any other filters in this recipe.

2.  Then the mail goes to Postfix who delivers to local mail box file, 
/var/spool/mail/user based on aliases or the rewrite done by fetchmail in the 
.fetchmailrc file ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is jblow here).  

3.  From the local user directory, create a .forward file that calls procmail 
and applies a local user.procmailrc recipe to do local filtering, although I 
imagine this is supposed to catch stuff that is different from the first set 
of recipes, I am imagining a conservative set of filters for global filtering 
and a more aggressive set here.  So, you could also call spamassassin a 
second time here and apply user_prefs that would apply a customized set of 
filters for user mail.  Procmail, called from the .forward file would then 
put the mail into $maildir/user, should be /home/user/Mail/etc.  

4.  Run an IMAP daemon that allows a user to connect with IMAP and they will 
pull read and write their mail directly to the maildir directories, no need 
to use POP which would remove the mail from the server to a local directory, 
with IMAP, mail stays on the server and the user just accesses through the 
client direct to the server and their maildir directories.

This is way more complex than what I currently do but I think that this is the 
way that it would work.
Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Procmail and Fetchmail as system services

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 16:43:03 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

  Why not /dev/null?
 Have you actually read through the entire RC file yet?

bows head in em-bare-ass-ment
 The idea would be to collect the crap, inspect the crap, then delete
 the crap...

I generally don't want to inspect crap, but I see your point.
 Just like having Exchange and using a public message box/forum - do
 you want your wife to CC you on email funnies, or you to CC her on
 them? Why not dump them into a public folder that everyone in the
 house can access so that you're not necessarily CC'ing everyone that
 you live with - helps to cut down unnecessary email traffic, ya
 reckon? I've got public folders that I copy stuff to for legal
 purposes - so the wife and look at them or refer back to them for
 accounting/business reasons...

Like I say, this is more of a learning thing than a practical thing...

Like you say below, baby steps?

  Well, I'll take that as encouragement and get started in the AM.
 It's so easy even YOU can do it.

Uh, er, thanks... G
  But I want to know *how* I would do it in a large scale ops...
  apparently this Linux thing could become attractive in certain
  business sectors, or so I've read in the tabloids, so I would like
  to be able to say, hey, I know how to do that...
 Baby steps, Bob.

I gotcha.
  Maybe, tho, I've got two things confused, using a *global*
  fetchmail, postfix, and procmail config, and running the lot as a
  system service. I*do* want it to run at boot, and not just as a
  regular user.
 If you setup proper cron jobs, they run at boot - and why even bother
 to reboot a unix/linux box anyways?

True, true.

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Superstition, idolatry, and hypocrisy have ample wages, but truth goes
-- Martin Luther

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Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
Does this mean he is going to bring all government services under the GPL
and ban Microsoft, Microsoft products and any of its employees from the
state of California unless they sign a EULA agreeing to give up everything
including their basic human rights and turn over all their material
possessions and earnings to IBM?

I do hope so!

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
YIM/AIM: vicarofwibley
Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
12:45:58 up 1 day,  2:21,  2 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.03, 0.01

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
 i didnt found some detailed information bout the eula. in google i only
 get some trash... what is eula for? wich targets? why?

Microsoft may wish to update or change the terms, conditions, and notices
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respect to such use. You agree to indemnify and hold Microsoft, its
parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and employees, harmless from
any claim, demand, or damage, including reasonable attorneys' fees,
asserted by any third party due to or arising out of your use of or conduct
on the .NET Passport Services.

Remind me again...why do people use this crud? 

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
YIM/AIM: vicarofwibley
Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
12:49:44 up 1 day,  2:25,  2 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.02, 0.00

Description: PGP signature

RE: [newbie] Americas' Army extraction problem

2003-09-03 Thread Tango Echo
Yeah I'm running the download version of 9.1.  Neither
Enemy Territory or America's Army gave me problems...
Any ideas what the prob could be?  Would a rebuild of
MDK be feasible?  BTW, have you also checked your disk
space - especially in /tmp?

-Original Message-
From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Americas' Army extraction

On Tuesday 02 September 2003 09:34 am, Tango Echo
 Well finally got around to trying it out.  Download,
 extract, install and boot camp all went very smooth
 my 9.1 box.  Seems to be quite a fun game too! 
 think the drill sgt liked all those holes I put in
 field during jump training tho ;)

grin My 12 yr old had that same problem!

Anyways, just out of curiosity - are you running the
boxed set or the download 
version of v9.1?

I've got the d/l version here - and I had the same
problem with Enemy 
Territory. I'm assuming its something I've done
somewhere - but I can run 
other stuff - just those 2 so far.



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Re: [newbie] Procmail and Fetchmail as system services

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 07:49:39 -0400
Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 This doesn't sound too hard.

To a software test engineer maybe... g
 1.  Run Fetchmail as root 

So, if I were to follow Stephen's advice and use cron instead of
inetd, I could just su root and crontab -e to create an entry then?
And fetchmail would call Procmail, and then Postfix would automagically
be waiting when Procmail was done it's business? And the hip bone's
connected to the... ;-)

 and pass the mail off through procmail on the way to Postfix. 
 Procmail runs a /etc/procmailrc recipe as a root service and calls the
 nkvir recipe through an include file from that recipe.  You can also
 add in Spamassassin and any other filters in this recipe.

Ok, so I had it backwards, it's Procmail *b4* Postfix then...
 2.  Then the mail goes to Postfix who delivers to local mail box file,
 /var/spool/mail/user based on aliases or the rewrite done by fetchmail
 in the .fetchmailrc file ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is jblow here).  

Ya, since I'm already with configuring that on fetchmail I would
probably start there, and learn aliases after.

 3.  From the local user directory, create a .forward file that calls
 procmail and applies a local user.procmailrc recipe to do local
 filtering, although I imagine this is supposed to catch stuff that is
 different from the first set of recipes, I am imagining a conservative
 set of filters for global filtering and a more aggressive set here. 

I am looking at sticking to a strictly global config, assuming that I
will allow for a minimal amount of spam to reach the end user. The main
thing is to catch *all* attachments that end in .pif, etc.

The occasional bit of annoying spam is OK.

 So, you could also call spamassassin a second time here and apply
 user_prefs that would apply a customized set of filters for user mail.
  Procmail, called from the .forward file would then 
 put the mail into $maildir/user, should be /home/user/Mail/etc.  
 4.  Run an IMAP daemon that allows a user to connect with IMAP and
 they will pull read and write their mail directly to the maildir
 directories, no need to use POP which would remove the mail from the
 server to a local directory, with IMAP, mail stays on the server and
 the user just accesses through the client direct to the server and
 their maildir directories.

Ok, so you and Stephen seem to be in agreement there. With IMAP, tho, is
it still /var/spool/mail/*? 

 This is way more complex than what I currently do but I think that
 this is the way that it would work.

Ya, like I say, it's mainly a learning exercise. I'll take it slow, I
have a test mail account I can use, and a seperate server box, so if I
bork it I can just start over, no harm done. Nice to have that luxury,

Thanks very much!

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.
-- Oscar Wilde, The Portrait of Mr. W.H.

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Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 12:47:03 +0100
Inhabitant of Zion [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Does this mean he is going to bring all government services under the
 GPL and ban Microsoft, Microsoft products and any of its employees
 from the state of California unless they sign a EULA agreeing to give
 up everything including their basic human rights and turn over all
 their material possessions and earnings to IBM?
 I do hope so!

Actually, there is a quote I saw from Linus once, when someone asked him
about people who said Linux was ugly. He replied that they will be
the first against the wall when the revolution comes...

I just about fell off my chair. 

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.
-- Seneca

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger sutff

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 16:48:45 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Fsck them anyways.

and don't forget the horse they rode in on...

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
If a man has a strong faith he can indulge in the luxury of skepticism.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

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[newbie] Printing....

2003-09-03 Thread Budhi Astiyadi
halo everybody,

How can I pause or cancel printing in Mandrake? There is nothing in
Print Manager. I usually turn my printer off, but I can not re print
again. I must restart my machine to start print again.

Sometime when I print multiple pages, the first page is not printed. It
jumps to the second page. So I must manually printe the first page.

Can anybody solved my problems? Please explain in simple English, I do
not speak it natively.

PS: I use Mandrake 9.1, Printer Canon BJC2100SP and KDE for GUI.



Budhi mbUdh Astiyadi
Pesanggrahan deket REL Bintaro

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Re: [newbie] More email protection! NKVIR-RC

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 21:48:37 -0700
Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Cool!  These will make great additions to the twiki.  :)

Sure, *if* I ever do figure them out... ;-)

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Living in the complex world of the future is somewhat like having bees
live in your head.  But, there they are.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] enemy territory

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 08:34:24 +0200
Björn Olsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Or have I missed something? Is it possible to play against the

I don't think anyone has come up with bots *that* intelligent yet.

But give 'em time...

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
No matter where I go, the place is always called here.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: Re[2]: [newbie] MDK Gaming Mailing List?

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 14:15:45 +0800
Frankie [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I have mailman, permanent connection and static IP/domain name..
 I can run the gamming list if you like..

To be honest with you, that might be a good idea. I still am not even
sure I could get it to work with my setup, I may be switching ISP's
soon, and I want to focus on Procmail and Apache right now.

However, please please please let me know if there's anything I can do
to help out, and keep me posted on how you set it up so that I can keep
that for future reference.


Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
One learns to itch where one can scratch.
-- Ernest Bramah

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread linux
 Actually, there is a quote I saw from Linus once, when someone asked him
 about people who said Linux was ugly. He replied that they will be
 the first against the wall when the revolution comes...
 I just about fell off my chair. 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread linux
 Can you imagine a debate between McBain and Torvalds? 
 Vat is dis kawmpewter tingy...my manly finkers are too laaarje to usse
 itt aannywaay...Maaariiiaa! Dis liittle Finnish maaan iss maaking fuun
 uff mee!

who's mcbain? he's unknown here in switzerland ;)

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: A Galaxy of Possibility Part 1: Mandrake 9.1 ProSuite

2003-09-03 Thread Miark
Everybody should visit this page to vote for your favorite distro!


On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 17:23:11 +1000, Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We KNOW Mandrake is kick-arse, but here's some great PR ;)

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Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed,  3 Sep 2003 14:28:33 +0200

 who's mcbain? he's unknown here in switzerland ;)

Sorry, it's a reference to the Simpson's parody of Arnold Swarzenegger,
who *is* running for governor of Kalifornia (Uber Alles!), no joke.

Makes me think of that Chinese curse:

May you live in interesting times.

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Goodbye, cool world.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread linux
 Sorry, it's a reference to the Simpson's parody of Arnold Swarzenegger,
 who *is* running for governor of Kalifornia (Uber Alles!), no joke.
 Makes me think of that Chinese curse:
 May you live in interesting times.

mkeh ;) i'm more interested in southpark :p
yeah the noldie(chwarzenegger) rules!! :D

(Sprichste Deutsch, da über alles steht? ;) Und Kalifornien schreibt man im 
English mit c :p)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread linux

 Microsoft may wish to update or change the terms, conditions, and notices
 for the .NET Passport Services from time to time to reflect changes in the 
 Services, changes in the laws affecting the Services, or for other good 


 You agree to indemnify and hold Microsoft, its
 parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and employees, harmless from
 any claim, demand, or damage, including reasonable attorneys' fees,
 asserted by any third party due to or arising out of your use of or conduct
 on the .NET Passport Services.
 Remind me again...why do people use this crud? 

same thing i asked me after i read this... msn is very exiting. icq has much 
more features, but i dont need them. msn is easier to use and it has a nice 
looking. but if this terms will be released, i release my ass back to icq :)
i'll forward your message to my friends, so they can read bout it...

thank you!


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Re: [newbie] Procmail and Fetchmail as system services

2003-09-03 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Wednesday 03 September 2003 08:06 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 07:49:39 -0400

 Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  This doesn't sound too hard.

 To a software test engineer maybe... g

Hey, those who can't do, test. ;-}

My personal skillset consists, modestly, of being able to figure out where 
other people's elegant solutions are likely to fail.  I don't mind the work 
and I am pretty good at it, but being able to figure out how to break other 
people's creations is not a skill that one should get too arrogant about.

  1.  Run Fetchmail as root

 So, if I were to follow Stephen's advice and use cron instead of
 inetd, I could just su root and crontab -e to create an entry then?

Or use Webmin, if you prefer the easy way to do things.

 And fetchmail would call Procmail, and then Postfix would automagically
 be waiting when Procmail was done it's business? And the hip bone's
 connected to the... ;-)

IIRC, Fetchmail can pass mail through Procmail like a filter, after passing 
through, Procmail adds whatever is called for by the recipes and then 
Fetchmail delivers mail back to the local MTA, Postfix or Sendmail or 
whichever MTA you are running.  Also, Fetchmail can pass mail to Procmail 
which can act as an MDA and puts mail directly into the maildir folders, if 
that is the way that it is configured.

  and pass the mail off through procmail on the way to Postfix.
  Procmail runs a /etc/procmailrc recipe as a root service and calls the
  nkvir recipe through an include file from that recipe.  You can also
  add in Spamassassin and any other filters in this recipe.

 Ok, so I had it backwards, it's Procmail *b4* Postfix then...

Fetchmail to Procmail to Postfix to var/spool/mail to .forward file back to 
Procmail again and into maildir in the /home/user/mail directory.  I think.

  2.  Then the mail goes to Postfix who delivers to local mail box file,
  /var/spool/mail/user based on aliases or the rewrite done by fetchmail
  in the .fetchmailrc file ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is jblow here).

 Ya, since I'm already with configuring that on fetchmail I would
 probably start there, and learn aliases after.

I have more than one POP email address.  Aliases are useful when you want mail 
from particular accounts to pass to specific user accounts.  So, mail from 
one POP might go to postmaster which is aliased to a specific user account 
but gets filtered into a specific folder based on the To info.

  3.  From the local user directory, create a .forward file that calls
  procmail and applies a local user.procmailrc recipe to do local
  filtering, although I imagine this is supposed to catch stuff that is
  different from the first set of recipes, I am imagining a conservative
  set of filters for global filtering and a more aggressive set here.

 I am looking at sticking to a strictly global config, assuming that I
 will allow for a minimal amount of spam to reach the end user. The main
 thing is to catch *all* attachments that end in .pif, etc.

 The occasional bit of annoying spam is OK.

Then why worry about the second call to Procmail at all.  Simply pass mail 
from Fetchmail through Procmail with all filtering or even pass mail from 
Fetchmail directly to Postfix which passes mail through Procmail on the way 
to the /var/spool/mail file.  My own setup passes mail from Fetchmail to 
Postfix, through Procmail and then on to /var/spool/mail.  Mail that is 
flagged as virus, or spam by spamassassin is tagged by Procmail and then 
moved directly to /var/spool/mail/spam mailbox where I check it once per week 
before allowing a cron job to delete it.  You could just as readily flag 
based on levels, pass viruses and definite-spam directly to /dev/null and 
then put possible-spam in a spam mailbox where you can check it periodically 
for false positives prior to deleting it.

I find that a spamassassin level of 10 has no false positives and anything 
above a 4 is a possible with very few false positives.  So above 10 gets sent 
to spam, above 4 is flagged for further checking prior to deletion.  Nkvir 
gets called first before spamassassin so viruses and nigerian stuff doesn't 
even make it to spamassassin.

 Ok, so you and Stephen seem to be in agreement there. With IMAP, tho, is
 it still /var/spool/mail/*?

Actually, I think that the way that IMAP works, mail goes directly to $maildir 
which would be /home/user/Mail/etc where users look directly at the mail in 
the directory.  New mail goes to inbox in the maildir directory.  With IMAP, 
I think that you bypass the /var/spool/mail which is an mbox type of file.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed,  3 Sep 2003 15:00:17 +0200

 (Sprichste Deutsch, da über alles steht? ;) 

Nein, eine kleine joke...a song by the Dead Kennedy's, Kalifornia
Uber Alles.

 Und Kalifornien schreibt man im English mit c :p)

Ja, ja, ich heise... ;-)

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
All men know the utility of useful things;
but they do not know the utility of futility.
-- Chuang-tzu

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger sutff

2003-09-03 Thread Sharrea Day
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 04:51, Angus Auld wrote:
 Hi folks, I'm using gaim v0.66 w/msn plugin. It seems to be working OK,
 except for the past couple days I've been getting this message from
 running a version of messenger that requires an immediate security
 update. Please visit http://messenger.msn.com/Help/Upgrades.aspx to
 complete the update. Obviously I can't get the update from MS. :-|

 The message comes up each time I login. Maybe I won't be logging in for
 much longer? Anyone else get this message?

Yep, get that using kopete and also with the MSN Messenger plugin for 
MozillaFirebird.  I get the feeing that M$ will be blocking access to OSS 
clients in the near future.

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RE: [newbie] Dell Inspiron 5150 laptop and linux..

2003-09-03 Thread Frankie
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: Wednesday, 3 September 2003 7:18 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: RE: [newbie] Dell Inspiron 5150 laptop and linux..

On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 21:01, Frankie wrote:

 And would the laptop come back with the report???

Nothing was ever mentioned about RETURNING the test equipment.

 cos if not, its a real expensive report :-)

Technology's expensive, mate. (g)

stephen kuhn

In that case mate, I'll just give it a go myself.. :-)

I've been able to get mandrake running on some really odd PC's mostly old
IBM machines with odd bio's and vid cards, so I dont imagine a P4 laptop
with nvidia graphics will be too hard.



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RE: Re[2]: [newbie] MDK Gaming Mailing List?

2003-09-03 Thread Frankie
you can be an admin if you like Haywire... stop the spammers and stuff.

Just one thing, no political discussions or 6000yo earth discussions..

I'll start setting up the list tonight.

What do you want to call it???




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of HaywireMac
Sent: Wednesday, 3 September 2003 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [newbie] MDK Gaming Mailing List?

On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 14:15:45 +0800
Frankie [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I have mailman, permanent connection and static IP/domain name..
 I can run the gamming list if you like..

To be honest with you, that might be a good idea. I still am not even
sure I could get it to work with my setup, I may be switching ISP's
soon, and I want to focus on Procmail and Apache right now.

However, please please please let me know if there's anything I can do
to help out, and keep me posted on how you set it up so that I can keep
that for future reference.


Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
One learns to itch where one can scratch.
   -- Ernest Bramah

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] DrakConnect forgetfull --SOLVED

2003-09-03 Thread Sabin, Matthew
Title: RE: [newbie] DrakConnect forgetfull --SOLVED

That fixed it!

I had to replace via-rhine with 3c59x in /etc/modules.conf

Thanks for the pointer Derek.


-Original Message-
From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] DrakConnect forgetfull

On Monday 25 Aug 2003 9:14 pm, Sabin, Matthew wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:17 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] DrakConnect forgetfull
  On Monday 25 Aug 2003 2:43 pm, Sabin, Matthew wrote:
   So I'm happily surfing away and my 'net conenction slows to a crawl.
   Then is stops entirely.


   DrakConnect never seems to save my changes.
   Which RAEDME or fine-manual should I be looking in to find out which
   settings DrakConnect is changing and not saving? Or more
  to the point
   which files I could edit myself and get this overwith?
  Sounds like Bug 1881 I have reported it every release since 8.1
  After going through the DrakConnect Wizard. Exit the wizard
  with 'Finish'.
  then exit DrakConnect with 'Cancel'. It should be OK then.
  If this helps you go to
  and vote to have it fixed.

 Thanks for the tip Derek, but no-joy. The system still doesn't remember
 the new card (or the old one) after a power cycle.

 I'm looking for quieter fans/better heat dissipation, but would also like
 the machine to remember it's settings.

 Which files (or which fnie manual) should I bee looking in?


The config file is /etc/sysconfig/netwprk-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
You can edit it directly.

Or your trouble may be the statement in /etc/modules.conf loading the wrong 
driver. You need a line saying
alias eth0 module_name



[newbie] KDE 3.1.3 not remembering Kicker applets

2003-09-03 Thread Trey Sizemore
Each time I set my applets in the Kicker panes (KSysGuard, KWeather, 
etc.) then log out and log back in, the spaces where they were on the 
panel are there, but the applets don't load.  KWeather even remembers my 
weather station when I add it back again, but doesn't load by default 
each time I log back in.  Is this a known issue or is there some setting 
I need to change?  Running Mandrake 9.1 with KDE 3.1.3 from Texstar.



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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] MDK Gaming Mailing List?

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 21:18:13 +0800
Frankie [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 you can be an admin if you like Haywire... stop the spammers and

 Just one thing, no political discussions or 6000yo earth discussions..

Are you kidding me? I avoid those like the plague these days, and there
should be no probs with gun-control debates when some of us are playing
Urban Terror... ;-)

 I'll start setting up the list tonight.
 What do you want to call it???

I *was* going to call it MandrakeGamer, but why don't we see what some
others think...?

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
The truth you speak has no past and no future.  It is, and that's all it
needs to be.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread linux

ja du dann muss ich wohl noch viel lernen damit ich das alle sbegreiffe :p bin 
eben ein junger schnaufer*g*

Quoting HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Wed,  3 Sep 2003 15:00:17 +0200
  (Sprichste Deutsch, da über alles steht? ;) 
 Nein, eine kleine joke...a song by the Dead Kennedy's, Kalifornia
 Uber Alles.
  Und Kalifornien schreibt man im English mit c :p)
 Ja, ja, ich heise... ;-)
 Registered Linux user #282046
 Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
 Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
 All men know the utility of useful things;
 but they do not know the utility of futility.
   -- Chuang-tzu

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger sutff

2003-09-03 Thread Todd Slater
On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 01:15:03AM +1200, Sharrea Day wrote:
 On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 04:51, Angus Auld wrote:
  Hi folks, I'm using gaim v0.66 w/msn plugin. It seems to be working OK,
  except for the past couple days I've been getting this message from
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: (13:43:47) [EMAIL PROTECTED]: You are
  running a version of messenger that requires an immediate security
  update. Please visit http://messenger.msn.com/Help/Upgrades.aspx to
  complete the update. Obviously I can't get the update from MS. :-|
  The message comes up each time I login. Maybe I won't be logging in for
  much longer? Anyone else get this message?
 Yep, get that using kopete and also with the MSN Messenger plugin for 
 MozillaFirebird.  I get the feeing that M$ will be blocking access to OSS 
 clients in the near future.

I'm using psi jabber client with a server that has a gateway to msn and
I haven't had this message pop up yet.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] SMC Gigabit NIC

2003-09-03 Thread Cornerstone Community Farm
Mandrake Control Center usually does it automatically, hardrake will 
find it when you boot the first time with the NIC.
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 07:51 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm currently working on installing Mandrake 9.1 and need a step by
 step setup instruction for installing my SMC Gigabit NIC it's a
 9452TX, any help will be appreciated.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] KDE 3.1.3 not remembering Kicker applets

2003-09-03 Thread Miark
Oh! And I thought it was only me. I have to re-run kcpuload and knetload
(the most important applets in existence!) everytime I login. I'd like
an answer to this aswell.


On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 09:24:55 -0400, Trey Sizemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Each time I set my applets in the Kicker panes (KSysGuard, KWeather, 
 etc.) then log out and log back in, the spaces where they were on the 
 panel are there, but the applets don't load.  KWeather even remembers my 
 weather station when I add it back again, but doesn't load by default 
 each time I log back in.  Is this a known issue or is there some setting 
 I need to change?  Running Mandrake 9.1 with KDE 3.1.3 from Texstar.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread Miark
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 12:50:08 +0100, Inhabitant of Zion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



We don't claim it's good for anything. 


Our software is what it is. Take it or leave it.


We promise nothing.

If something does happens, we are not accountable.


You don't like it, don't use it.
 Microsoft reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your
 access to the .NET Passport Services or any portion thereof at any time,
 without notice.

If we don't like you, we won't use you. 
 Microsoft may also terminate or suspend your access to the .NET Passport 
 Services for inactivity, which is defined as failing to sign in to the 
 Services for an extended period of time, as determined by Microsoft. Upon 
 termination of your .NET Passport account, your right to use the .NET 
 Passport Services immediately ceases.

If you don't use it, you lose it. Just because.
 Microsoft may assign these Terms of Use, in whole or in part, at any time. 

We've warned you ahead of time that we're bastards. Don't be surprised when
we smite you. 

 Microsoft's performance of this agreement is subject to existing laws and 
 legal process, 

We're as slimy as we're legally allowed to be.

 and nothing contained in these Terms of Use is in derogation
 of Microsoft's right to comply with governmental, court, and law
 enforcement requests or requirements relating to your use of the .NET
 Passport Services or information provided to or gathered by Microsoft with
 respect to such use. 

Of course, we're subject to subpoenas.

 You agree to indemnify and hold Microsoft, its
 parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and employees, harmless from
 any claim, demand, or damage, including reasonable attorneys' fees,
 asserted by any third party due to or arising out of your use of or conduct
 on the .NET Passport Services.

Again, we remind you that we are accountable for nothing. 

(But don't forget, folks, they want to _earn_ your trust!)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread Liechti

 We don't claim it's good for anything. 
  You agree to indemnify and hold Microsoft, its
  parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and employees, harmless from
  any claim, demand, or damage, including reasonable attorneys' fees,
  asserted by any third party due to or arising out of your use of or
  on the .NET Passport Services.
 Again, we remind you that we are accountable for nothing. 
 (But don't forget, folks, they want to _earn_ your trust!)

*smile* very nice translation. why doesnt MS write their terms with these words? 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MDK Gaming Mailing List?

2003-09-03 Thread Anarky
HaywireMac wrote:

I *was* going to call it MandrakeGamer, but why don't we see what some
others think...?

   does it have to limit itself to mandrake users? Why not something 
more general ? Even we mandrake-ers sometimes install games that are not 
in a mandrake rpms :P ... and having it include mandrake in the name 
might make people think it's just about 1-3 games produced by mandrake 
itself ... we could however show who's the people with the multimedia 
obsession ... the mandrake nation!!! ... for some reason GCC (game 
control center) ... derived from MCC keeps coming to mind .. but I know 
it's not a good name :) ... maybe more like LinuxGamers, LinGames, 
GamerzRus, GamerPenguin, LinuxMultimedia (I'd be interested not only in 
games .. but in 3d modelling, 2d artwork processing, music making, movie 
effects sometime ..), MdkGmz (ok, so it does include mandrake), 
Mandragamez, Mdgamez, 

   anyway .. so I don't miss the topic ... please have a new clear 
topic stating when the mailing list is done so I'll know to subscribe 
... or even add me .. I give ye my permission :P

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] MSN old protocol with stop on Oct 15th

2003-09-03 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Wednesday 03 Sep 2003 12:20 pm, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:

BUT: kopete will be able to run AFTER 15th of Oct, cause you can
sign the eula in kopete.(information from a worker in my company.
he read this on www.kde.
he said it will be version 0.8 of kopete. i didnt found
something, i've to trust him ;)

Yes but who in their right mind would sign that EULA?


99% of teenagers - oh - wait a mo - you said 'in their right minds' 


Yes a number of my friends have already decided to go over to ICQ.

Unfortunately the Jabber GUI for Windows users is not nearly as
nice as ICQ under Trillian or I'd get them to use that instead.
BTW Anne yes this is for hotmail users as well as the EULA is in
regard to your .net passport.

I wonder how the kopete crew intend to get round that?


It's funny.  In the Tampa, Florida area you cannot connect to any 
Microsoft run web sites or services right now.  I haven't been able to 
use the MSN Messenger service for an entire day.  Bright House Networks 
doesn't have them in their DNS at all.  It's as if they just disappeared 
from the Internet.  They're working to restore [dis]-service to the area.

I had wondered if MS was sufferring a DOS attacks or something, but 
having seen no news about it I wondered what was going on.  I was sad 
when I was able to connect to them via a co-located server I have access 
to, but right now it's an MS free Internet here in Tampa.  :-)

It would be great if I didn't have clients on MSN Messenger. :-(

Oh well...

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 | http://counter.li.org/
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
10:15:00 up  9:09,  1 user,  load average: 0.10, 0.08, 0.08
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] somebody disliking mandrake

2003-09-03 Thread Anarky
   I (of course?) am quite excited about Mandrake ... told somebody 
about it .. and that person gave me this stuff ... I was wondering what 
people think about it:

(from here on it's not my stuff anymore)
I like Mandrake a lot. We're currently running 9.0 and 9.1 on a few of 
our machines, but we're slowly moving over to Debian based distros. I'll 
give you a quick run down of why.

1. We're sick of RPM. We've hard RPM break on a few machines already (I 
think the RPM database becomes corrupted if I remember correctly). 
Needless to say, it's hard to upgrade your machine when your package 
manager goes kaput. APT/debs are SO much easier to deal with anyway.

2. Too much crap! Literally, Mandrake has TOO MUCH crap these days. I 
know Debian is hardly innocent, but the dependency train for whatever 
reason seems to be much more palatable when using Debian as opposed to 
Mandrake. Maybe it's all the package/package-dev combo packs that the 
Mandrake/RedHat people like, I'm not entirely sure. It's just too much 
honestly. Let me install mySQL and be done with it.

3. The big reason (for me personally), the Mandrake security model is 
totally whack. Once upon a time, Mandrake used to just run a nightly 
script which would email an audit of your system to the Administrator 
letting you know what was wrong. That's all it did, and that was nice. 
Now there's a set of different (horribly documented) security models 
that have all sorts of (horribly documented) behavior. I don't mind the 
security model idea, what I do mind is my system doing things for me 
(such as changing file permissions) without being explicitly told when 
and why this is going to happen. This has caused major problems for us 
on a few occasions and it's simply unacceptable. Maybe we haven't looked 
in the right place for the documentation, but I've tried to find it in 
the past with little success. I should have to go reading scripts to 
find this out.

What I've found is that with Debian I have a much better idea what's 
going on inside our systems. There are no surprises, things so far just 
straight up work the way we expect them to. We're competent programmers 
and system administrators, so this is great for us. If I were a newbie, 
I would definitely still recommend Mandrake. Whatever the security 
scripts are doing, it IS making the system more secure, but sometimes 
you don't want that.

If I wanted Mandrake to do one thing (short of switching to
.debs) to get me back on the Mandrake train: Please explain in 
absolutely explicit detail the difference between your security modes. 
You *HAVE* to do this during the install process as well. If I'm 
rebuilding my firewall, for instance, I don't have the option to go out 
to the internet to find out what these things mean. This is a very 
important critical decision that should not be taken lightly. The only 
way we can properly make that decision is if the knowlege is made 
available to us when we need it most.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Procmail and Fetchmail as system services

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 09:01:05 -0400
Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 On Wednesday 03 September 2003 08:06 am, HaywireMac wrote:
  On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 07:49:39 -0400
  Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   1.  Run Fetchmail as root
  So, if I were to follow Stephen's advice and use cron instead of
  inetd, I could just su root and crontab -e to create an entry
 Or use Webmin, if you prefer the easy way to do things.

Yes, Webmin is a kickass tool, and cron entries still confuse the hell
out of me. This way I could configure cron thru Webmin, then see what it
spits out to get a better understanding...

  And fetchmail would call Procmail, and then Postfix would
  automagically be waiting when Procmail was done it's business? And
  the hip bone's connected to the... ;-)
 IIRC, Fetchmail can pass mail through Procmail like a filter, 

like so:?

postconnect procmail?

 after passing through, Procmail adds whatever is called for by the
 recipes and then Fetchmail delivers mail back to the local MTA,
 Postfix or Sendmail or whichever MTA you are running.  Also, Fetchmail
 can pass mail to Procmail which can act as an MDA and puts mail
 directly into the maildir folders, if that is the way that it is

Not to muddy the waters, but just out of curiosity, I could bypass
Postfix completely?

   and pass the mail off through procmail on the way to Postfix.
   Procmail runs a /etc/procmailrc recipe as a root service and calls
   the nkvir recipe through an include file from that recipe.  You
   can also add in Spamassassin and any other filters in this recipe.
  Ok, so I had it backwards, it's Procmail *b4* Postfix then...
 Fetchmail to Procmail to Postfix to var/spool/mail to .forward file

I read in one quickstart guide that a .forward file is unnecessary if
using fetchmail...is that correct?

 back to Procmail again and into maildir in the /home/user/mail
 directory.  I think.
   2.  Then the mail goes to Postfix who delivers to local mail box
   /var/spool/mail/user based on aliases or the rewrite done by
   fetchmail in the .fetchmailrc file ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is jblow
  Ya, since I'm already with configuring that on fetchmail I would
  probably start there, and learn aliases after.
 I have more than one POP email address.

Me too. I'm infamous for it, ;-)

 Aliases are useful when you want mail from particular accounts to
 pass to specific user accounts. So, mail from one POP might go to
 postmaster which is aliased to a specific user account but gets
 filtered into a specific folder based on the To info.

But again, that can be done in the fetchmailrc, right? I might stick
with that for now, just to keep it as simple as possible.
  I am looking at sticking to a strictly global config, assuming that
  I will allow for a minimal amount of spam to reach the end user. The
  main thing is to catch *all* attachments that end in .pif, etc.
  The occasional bit of annoying spam is OK.
 Then why worry about the second call to Procmail at all. 

Exactly, I use Mailfilter to delete *definite* no-no's right off the POP
server, then Fetchmail -- Postfix -- Procmail will take care of
the rest...

 Simply pass mail from Fetchmail through Procmail with all filtering
 or even pass mail from Fetchmail directly to Postfix which passes mail
 through Procmail on the way to the /var/spool/mail file.  My own setup
 passes mail from Fetchmail to Postfix, through Procmail and then on to

 I find that a spamassassin level of 10 has no false positives and
 anything above a 4 is a possible with very few false positives.  So
 above 10 gets sent to spam, above 4 is flagged for further checking
 prior to deletion.  Nkvir gets called first before spamassassin so
 viruses and nigerian stuff doesn't even make it to spamassassin.

I'll add the Spamassassin option in later to *really* kick some spam

This is where I am still confused, though. In the procmailrc, I am under
the impression that one must specify the maildir like so:


but of course, if I am dealing with mail for more than one user, do I
just specify /var/spool/mail and Procmail will know which spool to dump
it in, or is this where aliases come in?

Thanks so much for your time and explanations, I *am* reading the docs
at the same time, but as I always say, it is one thing to RTFM, it is
another to UTFM!

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
It is so stupid of modern civilisation to have given up believing in the
devil when he is the only explanation of it.
-- Ronald Knox, Let Dons Delight

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] somebody disliking mandrake

2003-09-03 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
urpmi works just as well as apt for package management. To configure it, go to
http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/urpmiweb.php and follow the steps.

Mandrake's automated security system is called msec. If you don't like it you
can turn it off. More info at http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/docs/msec.php

On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 17:31:54 +0300, Anarky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I (of course?) am quite excited about Mandrake ... told somebody 
 about it .. and that person gave me this stuff ... I was wondering what 
 people think about it:
 (from here on it's not my stuff anymore)
 I like Mandrake a lot. We're currently running 9.0 and 9.1 on a few of 
 our machines, but we're slowly moving over to Debian based distros. I'll 
 give you a quick run down of why.
 1. We're sick of RPM. We've hard RPM break on a few machines already (I 
 think the RPM database becomes corrupted if I remember correctly). 
 Needless to say, it's hard to upgrade your machine when your package 
 manager goes kaput. APT/debs are SO much easier to deal with anyway.
 2. Too much crap! Literally, Mandrake has TOO MUCH crap these days. I 
 know Debian is hardly innocent, but the dependency train for whatever 
 reason seems to be much more palatable when using Debian as opposed to 
 Mandrake. Maybe it's all the package/package-dev combo packs that the 
 Mandrake/RedHat people like, I'm not entirely sure. It's just too much 
 honestly. Let me install mySQL and be done with it.
 3. The big reason (for me personally), the Mandrake security model is 
 totally whack. Once upon a time, Mandrake used to just run a nightly 
 script which would email an audit of your system to the Administrator 
 letting you know what was wrong. That's all it did, and that was nice. 
 Now there's a set of different (horribly documented) security models 
 that have all sorts of (horribly documented) behavior. I don't mind the 
 security model idea, what I do mind is my system doing things for me 
 (such as changing file permissions) without being explicitly told when 
 and why this is going to happen. This has caused major problems for us 
 on a few occasions and it's simply unacceptable. Maybe we haven't looked 
 in the right place for the documentation, but I've tried to find it in 
 the past with little success. I should have to go reading scripts to 
 find this out.
 What I've found is that with Debian I have a much better idea what's 
 going on inside our systems. There are no surprises, things so far just 
 straight up work the way we expect them to. We're competent programmers 
 and system administrators, so this is great for us. If I were a newbie, 
 I would definitely still recommend Mandrake. Whatever the security 
 scripts are doing, it IS making the system more secure, but sometimes 
 you don't want that.
 If I wanted Mandrake to do one thing (short of switching to
 .debs) to get me back on the Mandrake train: Please explain in 
 absolutely explicit detail the difference between your security modes. 
 You *HAVE* to do this during the install process as well. If I'm 
 rebuilding my firewall, for instance, I don't have the option to go out 
 to the internet to find out what these things mean. This is a very 
 important critical decision that should not be taken lightly. The only 
 way we can properly make that decision is if the knowlege is made 
 available to us when we need it most.

Sridhar Dhanapalan  [Yama | http://www.pclinuxonline.com/]
  {PGP/GnuPG: http://dhanapalan.com/yama.asc
   049D38B4 : A7A9 8A02 78CB AB1B FCE4 EEC6 2DD9 249B 049D 38B4}

That's just incestuous. And we all know where incest leads. Hereditary
insanity. -- Linus Torvalds

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] somebody disliking mandrake

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 17:31:54 +0300
Anarky [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I (of course?) am quite excited about Mandrake ... told somebody 
 about it .. and that person gave me this stuff ... I was wondering
 what people think about it:

I once made the same bitchy comments about Mandrake and dependencies.

The reply I got was:

A poor craftsman blames his tools.

and you know what? He was right.

urpmi has worked flawlessly for me for a couple 'o years now, no shit.
So if he's havin' probs, I can only put it down to 2 things:

1. User error

2. An accident/glitch

Neither of which is a valid slight against Mandrake.

Is the RPM model getting dated? Sure. But it works, and it works well
for the average user.

What most people forget is that the *whole fscking reason* there are
different distro's is that different people have different needs. Those
doing heavy development might want Debian or Gentoo to get around the
GLibC barrier, but that can be done on Mandrake too, maybe not as
easily, I don't know. Tom would prolly say no problemo.

This debate has been raging on and off for years, Debian is falling
behind IMHO, due to Gentoo, so they're getting a bit uppity, but it's
nothing to spend any serious mental effort on. Whatever works for you,
great. The best thing I can say about Debian is their *absolute*
commitment to Free Software, whereas Mandrake obviously is following a
more mixed path in that respect.

I have to say though, I see Debian people *all the time* on various
mailing lists complaining of build issues. I very rarely see that from
Mandrake users, and when I do, the sol'n is simple:


Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Chance is perhaps the work of God when He did not want to sign.
-- Anatole France

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] No sound in Games after running mplayer

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac

After runnin mplayer, I get no sound in my games.

I do lsof +D /dev/sound, and get:

wmsmixer  1644 joehill4r   CHR   14,0  1468 /dev/sound/mixer
xscreensa 2441 joehill   13w   CHR   14,3  1469 /dev/sound/dsp

so, I kill those and restart the sound service, but still there is no
sound in any of the games (MOHAA, Quake 1,2,3, etc.).

any way to solve this without rebooting? (of course there is...there's
gotta be... :-P)

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
No matter where I go, the place is always called here.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Installation problem.

2003-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Any hints anybody?


Shame, the win2k is working and the LM9.1 on the same machine is not.



During installation of LM9.1, the graphics card was recognized 
correctly (RIVA TNT2 with 32Megs) but the Futura monitor was not. Many 
alternate monitors from the generic monitor list and many combinations 
of horizontal rate, vertical rate, resolutions and colors for custom 
monitor configuration would not work. The test showed a grey screen 
for all of them.

The display manager failed every time during bootup and the machine 
went into command line mode instead of graphics mode.

After booting to command line was completed, Alt-F7 showed a blank 

LM9.0 worked fine using the same hardware, and dual booted Win2k also 
works fine.

Has anybody seen this problem?



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Procmail and Fetchmail as system services

2003-09-03 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 03 Sep 2003 4:28 pm, Bryan Phinney wrote:
 On Wednesday 03 September 2003 10:45 am, HaywireMac wrote:
   IIRC, Fetchmail can pass mail through Procmail like a filter,
  like so:?
  postconnect procmail?

 IIRC, I read this, but am not doing it myself.  I would have to research to
 find the exact command and syntax to make it do this.

If there is no MTA like Postfix or Sendmail listening on Port 25 fetchmail 
will automatically pass the mail to procmail so long as /etc/procmailrc or 
~/.procmailrc exists.



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Zynot

2003-09-03 Thread Anarky
Anguo wrote:

You mean that the person to whom you told you are excited 
about Mandrake went to slashdot to reply to you? 

Either that or this person pulled someone else's comments 
because he didn't have any opinion of his own?


aaa :) another slashdot reader :P ... no, he didn't say these were his 
opinions :P

In any case, for about the same reasons, I may one day 
switch from Mandrake to the future Zynot distro, Gentoo's 

what's so special about this future distro?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Procmail and Fetchmail as system services

2003-09-03 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 16:25:42 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 If you install the fetchmail-daemon RPM then fetchmail will
 automatically start as a root service using /etc/fetcmailrc as its
 config file.
 BTW: I may have mentioned this before, but there is a writeup on my
 homepage on precisely the same application as you are trying to do.

ya, ya, you mentioned it, but it was a little more complicated than my
level of understanding up til now. I am reading it now, tho, there may
still be bits which I am unclear on (my fault, not yours), so don't RTFM
me if I still ask ?'s. k?

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
We have reason to be afraid.  This is a terrible place.
-- John Berryman

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] 9.1 X server startup/shutdown slow - ReiserFS?

2003-09-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 2 2003 11:41 am, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 I didn't think it relevant but I do indeed have a separate
 partition for /boot that is 100 MB, formatted ext2.  I have a
 single swap partition that is 500 MB.  That should be okay,

100 MB for boot's a bit much, but it's fine. See Charles' post 
that /boot can be ReiserFS, ext2,3 /boot is still needed for XFS. 
Charles' advice is always to be trusted too.

   I use 500mb /swap with 500mb ram, but actually only at least a 
250mb /swap is needed. Even when video encoding or recoding 700 to 
800 mb movies, I don't get into /swap hardly at all if ever.
[tom /tom] $ free -m
total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 502458 43  0 83125
-/+ buffers/cache:  250252
Swap:509  0509
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] ALSA

2003-09-03 Thread tsyko
I downloaded a whole lot of alsa rpm files, I installed all of them but
whenever I try and use ALSA it tells me that there are no sound cards. I have
a SB Audigy card. I dug around it the directories and did find a audigy.conf
file, But i can't figure out how to tell ALSA to use it. Can anybody please


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RE: [newbie] Webmin and Cron

2003-09-03 Thread Tony S. Sykes
If you select all for the minutes it will run every minute, same for
hours, days, months etc etc. If you select a minute and all hours it
will run every hour on that minute. If you select every minute and 1
hour for every minute of that hour the script will run.


-Original Message-
From: HaywireMac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 4:35 PM
To: Mandrake Newbs
Subject: [newbie] Webmin and Cron

Checkin' out configuring cron with webmin, and I'm not clear on

The choices above each time sector are all or selected.

If I choose all, say, above minutes, does that mean the job is going
to be run every minute, or will it skip to hourly?

Conversely, if I choose selected, do I just not select any minutes so
that the job will skip minutes and go to hours?

Basically what I want to do is execute this command, say every 3 or 4
hours, for my dynamic IP:

zoneclient.py -l -r http://checkip.dyndns.org/ user pass

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Re: [newbie] somebody disliking mandrake

2003-09-03 Thread Inhabitant of Zion
 Gentoo is about 4 light-years
 ahead of the stable Debian.

I agree with that. Emerge and Portage is a way better system than apt and
.deb because it uses source in a simple, uncomplicated and efficient way.

 Personally I hate debian with a passion.. yes, sorry to say it, I _don't_
 like it at all. 

I don't like it either. I have it on my Sun Ultra 5 because its the only
version of Linux that works and runs well on it.

 No but seriously, to get back to the question, what is the so-called link
 between these two distros? I'm interested / confused.

I think they are clubbed together just because they take the non Redhat
RPM route.

However it has to be said it is theorectically possible to use Portage on
any Linux system. 

Can't comment on the security thing as I know nothing about it!

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
YIM/AIM: vicarofwibley
Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
 16:44:46 up 1 day,  6:20,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] 9.1 X server startup/shutdown slow - ReiserFS?

2003-09-03 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 10:33:46 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 an you're 
 still here ;)

Yea, keep spending more and more time with cooker and what 'little' of I
of development so am not able the devote the amount of attention to
newbie as I did in the past.
Still read most of the post but usually let others handle them.


Fortune's real live weird band names #700:

The Very Idea of Fucking Hitler
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel-2.4.22-3.tmb.2mdkenterprise http://www.eslrahc.com

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Printing....

2003-09-03 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 03 September 2003 17:22, Derek Jennings wrote:
 By the way :  If you have a Canon BJC2100SP you will get greatly improved
 printing if you use Turbo Print.  RPM available from Mandrake Club or here

I've got one of those..what's greatly improved?

With cups it's awfully slow in printing and if I print fom OpenOfficeOrg 
directly the qualitys is very shoddy.

I configured another instance of the same printer as a bjc600 which gives an 
enormous speed gain on b/w printing BTW, almost 10 fold.
Good luck,


Mandrake HowTo's  More:-) http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] MDK Gaming Mailing List?

2003-09-03 Thread Aron Smith
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 06:29, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 21:18:13 +0800
 Frankie [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  you can be an admin if you like Haywire... stop the spammers and
  Just one thing, no political discussions or 6000yo earth discussions..
 Are you kidding me? I avoid those like the plague these days, and there
 should be no probs with gun-control debates when some of us are playing
 Urban Terror... ;-)
  I'll start setting up the list tonight.
  What do you want to call it???
 I *was* going to call it MandrakeGamer, but why don't we see what some
 others think...?sounds good to me, When I say linux the adverage person
 asks me how many games there are for linux.. 

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Re: [newbie] No sound in Games after running mplayer

2003-09-03 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Wednesday 03 September 2003 10:10 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 After runnin mplayer, I get no sound in my games.

 I do lsof +D /dev/sound, and get:

 wmsmixer  1644 joehill4r   CHR   14,0  1468 /dev/sound/mixer
 xscreensa 2441 joehill   13w   CHR   14,3  1469 /dev/sound/dsp

 so, I kill those and restart the sound service, but still there is no
 sound in any of the games (MOHAA, Quake 1,2,3, etc.).

 any way to solve this without rebooting? (of course there is...there's
 gotta be... :-P)

Check to make sure that mplayer is using the arts output plugin if you are 
running KDE.  If it is using /dev/dsp, it may not be releasing the sound 
device when it is done and that would lock it up for other apps.

Had this problem myself and once I configured mplayer to use arts, I haven't 
seen it since.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Webmin and Cron

2003-09-03 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Wednesday 03 September 2003 11:34 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 Checkin' out configuring cron with webmin, and I'm not clear on

 The choices above each time sector are all or selected.

 If I choose all, say, above minutes, does that mean the job is going
 to be run every minute, or will it skip to hourly?

If you choose all, it means it doesn't trigger it for a specific minute.  You 
do need to choose selected on at least one or the cron job will just never be 
triggered at all.

 Conversely, if I choose selected, do I just not select any minutes so
 that the job will skip minutes and go to hours?

 Basically what I want to do is execute this command, say every 3 or 4
 hours, for my dynamic IP:

 zoneclient.py -l -r http://checkip.dyndns.org/ user pass

Select selected under hours and then select an hour every 3 hours and it 
will run on those hours.  You may also want to select at least one minute 
entry and choose selected there, so that it will run say at 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] somebody disliking mandrake

2003-09-03 Thread Miark
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 11:04:31 -0400, HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is the RPM model getting dated? Sure.

How's that?


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Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread Aron Smith
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 06:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry, it's a reference to the Simpson's parody of Arnold Swarzenegger,
  who *is* running for governor of Kalifornia (Uber Alles!), no joke.
  Makes me think of that Chinese curse:
  May you live in interesting times.
 mkeh ;) i'm more interested in southpark :p
 yeah the noldie(chwarzenegger) rules!! :D
 (Sprichste Deutsch, da über alles steht? ;) Und Kalifornien schreibt man im 
 English mit c :p)
Hey nobody in california speaks english anymore.
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Torvalds feat. Colifornia

2003-09-03 Thread Aron Smith
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 05:45, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed,  3 Sep 2003 14:28:33 +0200
  who's mcbain? he's unknown here in switzerland ;)
 Sorry, it's a reference to the Simpson's parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger,
 who *is* running for governor of Kalifornia (Uber Alles!), no joke.
Worse than that he is the leader in the polls ,personally I prefer the
porn star ;-
 Makes me think of that Chinese curse:
 May you live in interesting times.

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