[newbie-it] mozilla 1.4

2003-09-07 Thread NIC
Ciao a tutti
Ho preso da un cd di una rivista il file mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4.tar.gz
ho scompattato il tutto  tar zxvf mozilla ecc
mi sono portato come diceva il readme nella directory mozilla installer e per 
iniziare l'installazione ./mozilla-installer command,ma niente mi si bloccava 
Ho provato anche con il classico ./configure ma niente anche questa volta.
Uso una Mandrake 9.1 e KDE.
Grazie a tutti
...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.È la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario che

Re: [newbie-it] emulare stampante lexmark z25

2003-09-07 Thread Mirko

- Original Message -
From: Giovanni Mazzamati

 devi avere un servizio printer attivo se invece hai ipp è attivo CUPS.

nessun printer attivo! AIUTO!
ciao mirko

Re: [newbie-it] script per shell problematico

2003-09-07 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati
Il 23:45, sabato 06 settembre 2003 alle 23:45, sabato 06 settembre 2003, 
Giorgio Griffon su Re: [newbie-it] script per shell problematico - ha 
  A michè,
  quì mistificano!!! ;-PP
  Vabbè se vedemeo domenica alla sagra della porchetta e je famo vedè

 Mah, potrei anche spiegarglielo, cosa devo fare. Tanto finora le lagune mi
 hanno protetto dalla calata di questi mangiatori di porchetta... ma ora
 Ecco, tutto qui. Per le banconote devo decidere il sistema migliore; magari
 conoscendo bene il gimp-perl si potrebbe fare, però la cosa mi sfugge.
 Magari più avanti.
 Ciao e grazie ancora

Nell'eventualità che io venga frainteso...

Ho dato della spia ad Arwan, perchè ha asserito che miKe mangia come un 
Tu dovresti sapere qualcosa di majalinux, vero? ;-P

39 / 227
IIS - si legge ai ai s  ovvero: hai hai s.

Giovanni Mazzamati
| Linux Slackware 9.0 - KDE 3.1.3 user|
| Registered User #183142 |
| Machine #209448 |
| La conoscenza è nulla senza condivisione. |
| Paolo Caldana aka verbal  |

Re: [newbie-it] mozilla 1.4

2003-09-07 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 11:10, domenica 7 settembre 2003, NIC ha scritto:

 Ciao a tutti
 Ho preso da un cd di una rivista il file
 mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4.tar.gz ho scompattato il tutto  tar zxvf
 mozilla ecc
 mi sono portato come diceva il readme nella directory mozilla installer e
 per iniziare l'installazione ./mozilla-installer command,ma niente mi si
 bloccava tutto.

Che ricordi, una volta scompattata la dir, ed entrato dentro puoi 
tranquillamente lanciare ./mozilla e il programma partirà!
Prova così! Se dovesse funzionare crei nel desKtop kde un link ad una 
applicazione e gli inserisci nel percorso il file in questione


[newbie-it] Re: kmail file .lock

2003-09-07 Thread kua
Alle 15:24, domenica 07 settembre 2003, addebito ha scritto:
 Mi potete spiegare a che serve il file di .lock?
 Utilizzo procmail per scaricare la posta e sto tentando di configurare
 kmail per leggerla ma...
 1) non posso abilitare il file di lock perch altrimenti kmail si
 incazza... ha ragione, il file .lock non esiste e come lo creo?
 2) Scarico la posta, apro kmail e controllo la posta in arrivo ma mi dice
 che non c' nessun nuovo messaggio in arrivo! Se ne accorge solamente
 quando vado sulla cartella da me creata.
 Es: In kmail ho la cartella linux (mbox) che  il file $Home/Mail/linux
 quando vado su Controlla la posta in... linux mi dice che non ci sono
 nuovi messaggi ma quando poi vado a cliccare sulla cartella linux mi da un
 mess d'avviso e mi dice che
 L'indice della cartella linux sembra non essere aggiornato. Per evitare
 corruzioni l'indice sar rigenerato. Come risultato i messaggi eliminati
 potrebbero riapparire e i flag di stato potrebbe venire perduti.
 Scusate per SuperAsciugata! :)
 Grazie ancora!
 Ciao ciao Davide

by Dave,Adde,Kudega,Kua,Zarax,Pichan...
   Se esiste un problema esiste anche la sua soluzione, se invece
   la soluzione non c'... allora nemmeno il problema sussiste!!!

[newbie-it] Ultima versione OpenOffice

2003-09-07 Thread Luigi Beltramini

sapete qual'e' l'ultima versione stabile di open office e se ci sono gli
rpm per mandrake 9.1?

[newbie-it] audio integrato e muto

2003-09-07 Thread zang
Rientrato da una breve (sob!) vacanza mi ritrovo a sfrugugnare nel mare-linux 
alla ricerca del motivo per cui il sistema  audio  resta cocciutamente 
muto...allego una serie di dati nella speranza che qualcuno + esperto di me 
(quasi tutti voi) ci legga qualche indizio.. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] zang]# lspcidrake -v | fgrep AUDIO
snd-via82xx : VIA Technologies|VT8233 [AC97 Audio Controller] 
[MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO] (vendor:1106 device:3059 subv:1019 subd:0996)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] zang]# grep sound-slot /etc/modules.conf
alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio

[EMAIL PROTECTED] zang]# /sbin/lsmod
Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
lp  8096   0
parport_pc 25096   1
ppdev   6412   0  (unused)
parport34176   1  [lp parport_pc ppdev]
printer 8448   0  (unused)
via82cxxx_audio22172   1
uart401 8196   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
ac97_codec 12488   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
sound  70644   0  [via82cxxx_audio uart401]
soundcore   6276   0  [via82cxxx_audio sound]
ppp_async   9216   0  (unused)
ppp_generic24060   0  [ppp_async]
slhc6564   0  [ppp_generic]
af_packet  14952   0  (autoclean)
sr_mod 16920   0  (autoclean)
ide-floppy 15580   0  (autoclean)
ide-tape   48304   0  (autoclean)
ide-cd 33856   0  (autoclean)
cdrom  31648   0  (autoclean) [sr_mod ide-cd]
floppy 55132   0
supermount 15296   3  (autoclean)
ehci-hcd   18568   0  (unused)
usb-uhci   24652   0  (unused)
usbcore72992   1  [printer ehci-hcd usb-uhci]
rtc 8060   0  (autoclean)
ext3   59916   2
jbd38972   2  [ext3]
sd_mod 11548   0  (unused)
aic7xxx   120860   0
scsi_mod   91796   3  [sr_mod sd_mod aic7xxx]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] zang]# /sbin/chkconfig --list sound
sound   0:off   1:off   2:on3:on4:on5:on6:off

come setto in on l' 1,2 e 6?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] zang]# aumix -q
vol 69, 69
pcm 69, 69
speaker 48, 48
line 55, 55, P
mic 62, 62, R
cd 45, 45, P
pcm2 45, 45
igain 0, 0, P
line1 21, 21, P
phin 21, 0, P
phout 31, 0
video 41, 41, P
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zang]# /sbin/fuser -v /dev/dsp

/dev/dsp zang   1938 f  artsd

.e questo e' tutto... se serve qualcosa (tipo mandrake 9.1... K7VTA3V5... ) 
chieda pure... 
nel frattempo grazie..

[newbie-it] Spyware e sicurezza del sistema

2003-09-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
salve a tutti, volevo sapere se qualcuno poteva consigliarmi come fare per verificare 
se ho subito eventuali
accessi non desiderati al sistema tramite la connessione ad internet, ovvero come fare 
per beccare ed eliminare
spyware e programmini malvagi invasivi della privacy.
io ho una mandrake 9.1.
grazie, Alberto

Re: [newbie-it] mozilla 1.4

2003-09-07 Thread NIC
 Che ricordi, una volta scompattata la dir, ed entrato dentro puoi
 tranquillamente lanciare ./mozilla e il programma partirà!
 Prova così! Se dovesse funzionare crei nel desKtop kde un link ad una
 applicazione e gli inserisci nel percorso il file in questione

Avevo sbagliato il file invece di mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-sea.tar.gz
avevo preso mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-tar.gz
Ora l'ho installato ed è tutto ok.
...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.È la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario che

Re: [newbie-it] mozilla 1.4

2003-09-07 Thread NIC
 Avevo sbagliato il file invece di mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-sea.tar.gz
 avevo preso mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-tar.gz
 Ora l'ho installato ed è tutto okanzi direi IL CONTRARIO.
Non riesco a vedere Mozilla,cioè non mi è apparso nel menu-rete-WWW e adesso 
le email contenute nelle mie cartelle si sono rimpicciolite i caratteri 
talmente tanto che sono quasi illeggibili e non c'è verso di modificarle.
Come mai secondo voi?
Grazie a tutti
...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.È la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario che

Fw: [newbie-it] emulare stampante lexmark z25

2003-09-07 Thread Mirko

 - Original Message -
 From: Giovanni Mazzamati

  devi avere un servizio printer attivo se invece hai ipp è attivo

 nessun printer attivo! AIUTO!
 ciao mirko

[newbie-it] ADSL e Mandrake

2003-09-07 Thread Fulmo
Sono riuscito a configurare la connessione ADSL senza problemi. Attualmente la 
connessione avviene all'avvio, ma c'e' un modo per connettersi in modalita' 
grafica senza dover staccare la corrente dal modem? Ho una connessione a 
consumo e non flat, per cui mi sarebbe molto utile poter gestire l'accesso.


powered by Mandrake 9.1

Re: [newbie-it] ADSL e Mandrake

2003-09-07 Thread Fulmo

 Sono riuscito a configurare la connessione ADSL senza problemi. Attualmente
 la connessione avviene all'avvio, ma c'e' un modo per SCONNETTERSI in
 modalita' grafica senza dover staccare la corrente dal modem? Ho una
 connessione a consumo e non flat, per cui mi sarebbe molto utile poter
 gestire l'accesso. Grazie.


powered by Mandrake 9.1

Re: [newbie-it] ADSL e Mandrake

2003-09-07 Thread artasersec
On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 22:35:40 +0200, Fulmo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sono riuscito a configurare la connessione ADSL senza problemi. 
Attualmente la connessione avviene all'avvio, ma c'e' un modo per 
connettersi in modalita' grafica senza dover staccare la corrente dal 
modem? Ho una connessione a consumo e non flat, per cui mi sarebbe 
molto utile poter gestire l'accesso.

Centro di controllo Mandrake  Rete e Internet  DrakConnect  Disconnetti



Re: [newbie-it] ADSL e Mandrake

2003-09-07 Thread Piero Piutti
On Sunday 07 September 2003 22:35, Fulmo wrote:
 Sono riuscito a configurare la connessione ADSL senza problemi. Attualmente
 la connessione avviene all'avvio, ma c'e' un modo per connettersi in
 modalita' grafica senza dover staccare la corrente dal modem? Ho una
 connessione a consumo e non flat, per cui mi sarebbe molto utile poter
 gestire l'accesso. Grazie.

Rp-pppoe è il programma che fa al caso tuo.

Installa questi due pacchetti (li trovi inclusi nei cd di installazione di 
mandrake 9.1):

quindi da root lancia tkpppoe (che poi è la gui di rp-pppoe) e configura la 
connessione... potrai usarlo come dialer (anche se il termine è improprio) 
per attivare e chiudere la connessione adsl a piacimento.

Piero Piutti

Powered by Kmail 1.5.3 - KDE 3.1.3 - Mandrake Linux 9.1

Stop EU Commission plans to enforce Software Patents:
sign the Petition for a Software Patent Free Europe

Re: [newbie-it] Spyware e sicurezza del sistema

2003-09-07 Thread Sandro
Alle 18:01, domenica 7 settembre 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 salve a tutti, volevo sapere se qualcuno poteva consigliarmi come
 fare per verificare se ho subito eventuali accessi non desiderati al
 sistema tramite la connessione ad internet, ovvero come fare per
 beccare ed eliminare spyware e programmini malvagi invasivi della
 io ho una mandrake 9.1.
 grazie, Alberto

Avere spyware o simili su una installazione linux è una cosa remota e, 
direi, allo stato attuale delle cose, quasi impossibile. Se non altro 
per il fatto che tali programmilli sono fatti solo per win. Esistono, 
comunque, armi con cui puoi evitare intromissioni (nel caso che tu 
sia collegato quasi permanentemente tipo adsl) ed altro, tipo 
configurare un firewall e mettere un antivirus per proteggere eventuali 
macchine win in rete (se hai una rete). Se hai una connessione tramite 
normale modem credo proprio che sia difficile che tu possa correre dei 

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.4.21 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] Ultima versione OpenOffice

2003-09-07 Thread Sandro
Alle 19:18, sabato 6 settembre 2003, Luigi Beltramini ha scritto:

 sapete qual'e' l'ultima versione stabile di open office e se ci sono
 gli rpm per mandrake 9.1?

L'ultima che ho installato (sia per linux che per win) è la 1.1 rc 2 - 
non è considerata stabile ma finora non ha dato un problema , che sia 
Non esiste una versione rpm (a meno che sappia io) ma un file .tar.gz 
che una volta scompattato ha, tra le altre cose, un installer che 
funziona su tutte le distro. Ovviamente può convivere con una 
precedente versione di OO in quanto si può installare inn una directory 

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.4.21 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

[newbie-it] kmail + fetchmail/procmail

2003-09-07 Thread kua
Sto tentando invano di configurare Kmail... non riesce a vedermi le mail 
distribuite con procmail. 
Dovrebbe andare a pescare le mail dalla cartella $HOME/mail/kua ma anche 
quando la mail  stata scaricata kmail non la vede!! Mentre se apro balsa o 
se vado a manina a vedere dentro il file $HOME/mail/kua la mail  presente !!
Eppure sono sicuro di aver fatto tutto correttamente...
Nella config di kmail ho aggiunto una casella do posta locale che punta a 
$HOME/mail/kua, non ho messo nessun file di lock e la posta poi viene 
girata da kmail nella mbox creata precedentemente con kmail... essa viene 
creata in $HOME/Mail che ovviamente  diverso da $HOME/mail.
Ora per quando vao a cliccare su controlla posta... nada! Kmail non fa 'na 
piega! bha..
Grazie ciao ciao
Ps: balsa  cosi semplice da configurare... ma volevo passare a kmail perch 
mi permette di utilizzare pgp.

Re: [newbie-it] ADSL e Mandrake

2003-09-07 Thread tom
On Sunday 07 September 2003 22:53, Piero Piutti wrote:

se non sbaglio,quest pacchetto lo devi installare per forza...
quindi,anche se non è in modalita grafica,puoi startare e stoppare la 
connessione da linea di comando
|12:23 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/tom|# adsl-start
. Connected!
|12:23 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/tom|# adsl-stop
Killing pppd (703)
Killing adsl-connect (686)
|12:23 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/tom|#

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Noi che ... facendo le conte per le squadre eravamo più crudeli di Rudolf 
Hess. Palla e porta o scarto? Alcuni di noi non si sono mai più ripresi.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread Margot
HaywireMac wrote:
On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 03:40:12 +
crak600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

so lemme get this straight, a ms-win virus could be picked up in
linux, but then wouldn't do anything until you booted the computer
back into windows, right?  

nope. you cannot pick up a virus in Linux. It would be on a different
partition, one the Windows system cannot access.
what is happening is that people on this list (some, gr) still use
MS Outhouse to post to the list and receive from the list.

Growl gently please Mac ;-)

Some people don't have a choice - they may be working for unenlightened 
employers and using the list from work, or maybe (like me last year) 
they are using the list from an old (M$) PC while trying to get the 
internet connection working on Mandrake.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Now installed but a few probs documentation doesn't seem to mention...

2003-09-07 Thread Pete Stean
Derek Jennings wrote:

On Saturday 06 Sep 2003 2:06 pm, Pete Stean wrote:

Thanks folks - a simple problem by the looks of it but I couldn't see
the wood for the trees - here's hoping they're all that easy - now to
find out if anyone has ever managed to get an MS Trackball Optical to
work !!
Thanks again

Petey. A grateful noob!


If you are interested it will be possible to use the DVI cable with a little 
editing of the X11 Config file. But maybe you should get to know the system a 
bit first :-)



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Errr, I'm definitely not brave enough to do that yet just beginning 
to realise the implications of what I have done in setting up a dual 
boot system. for instance I have just downloaded the newest nvidia 
drivers and I have not the slightest clue on how to install them - but I 
know theres extensive documentation packaged with them so PLEASE don't 
offer any advice on that subject lol - I have to work this out for myself!

I do have two questions though - the system seems to recognise my 
CD-Writer and DVD-ROM as they're sitting there mounted on my Gnome 
desktop. The documentation says just click on them to view the contents 
of any CD-ROM thats loaded but testing it out I have put two 
bog-standard pre-recorded music CDs in each drives and on clicking them 
the system says

Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of cdrom.
These are music CDs - why can't it read them?

Also, although my soundcard works - hooray! - I would like some better 
drivers so I can take advantage of the features on it - Creative Audigy 
Player (ie. Audigy version 1). I have digital speakers that take an 
output from the SPDIF port on the card - ok I can use my 'phones cos 
they take an output from the line out port which works fine but I'd like 
to do better. There are no linux drivers on the Creative website for the 
Audigy card. Can anyone recommend a good place out on the web to start 
searching for new drivers for it?

Thanks for all your help

Petey the linux noob (but sending this mail from within Linux!)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] rsync-plus now available.

2003-09-07 Thread Ron Stodden
The troels team is very pleased indeed to announce the availability of 
rsync-plus, a new fast Mandrake downloader (English only) - see the sig 
below for the URL.

You may now:

Specify different exclude files for each download tree,

Specify additional options to rsync.  --delete is suggested for all tree 
downloads, and nothing for iso9660 CD image downloads.

Run a number of rsync-plus downloads concurrently providing the 
destinations do not overlap (Caution: overlap not checked for, and the 
consequences are catastrophic if --delete is used!).   Running a number 
of downloads concurrently makes sense when the source of network 
constriction is distant from you, so that a number of independent 
streams, possibly using different network paths, may be established, and 
you have enough incoming bandwidth.

Download of the 9.2 trees is provided for when they become available.

Fully supported by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Questions and suggestions welcome.

Have fun!

Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]
If you keep a green bough in your heart, the singing bird will come
Get Fastest Mandrake downloader, English-only, from:
http://members.optusnet.com.au/ronst/   Click all ye faithful!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Running WAP server on 9.1

2003-09-07 Thread Bela Markus

I  would like to use my APACHE server on a 9.1 system. How can I setup 
to work? If simply copy the .WML file as a .HTML the source is displayed 
on the phone only. The WML file itself is correct, created with WAPTOR 
2.3 and with OPERA 7 displayed as a WAP page.

Regards... Bela

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread Frankie
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Marc
Sent: Sunday, 7 September 2003 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Viruses..

   Wrong. Rebooting into windoze would only cause a problem if
you then open
the virus in a windoze email client or somehow transfered the
virus to your
windoze partition

 from everything i read about that sobig virus, it didn't touch win98
 i did updates anyway just in case.  makes me glad i didn't go
and buy winXP.
 it was the fact that i was completely sick of win98 that i
started using
 mandrake  :)


You guys are wrong.. Win98 can get sobig, its blaster that doesn't effect
(blaster uses RPC that win98 doesn't have, only NT, 2000, XP, 2003 OS's.)



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-07 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 12:59, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
 On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 21:42, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 15:49, Anne Wilson wrote: 
   subscribe expert
  Among the various combinations I tried, I think so, but I'll give it
  another go.
  Thanks, Anne

Follow-up -  Still no joy,


 Here are explicit instructions for the Mandrake Mailing Lists:
 stephen kuhn - owner

Thanks, Stephen. At least I got some laughs out of your site - that's
more than anything else I've tried. 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Request Motherboard and CPU suggestions

2003-09-07 Thread John Hanagan

I have a PCCHIPS (crap board) PII 350 128 MB and MDK 9.1 works fine.

 --- On Sat 09/06, The Other  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
From: The Other [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 06 Sep 2003 10:48:28 -0500
Subject: [newbie] Request Motherboard and CPU suggestions

09/06/03brbrHello All,brbrPerhaps the problems I was having installing MDK 9.1 
was due to my brhardware being below minimum specs for 9.1brbrMy current 
hardware:  ASUS P2B motherboard with 350MHz PII and 128MB RambrbrSo I have two 
options:  1) locate a previous distribution of MDK that brwill work with this 1998 
hardware, or 2) upgrade the motherboard, cpu, brand ram.  (If doing the hardware 
upgrade, I'd like to keep the total brcost down to $200 USD due.)brbrMy internet 
connection is now 28.8kps modem, and I have no CD Rom brburner.  So if the 
suggestions are for an earlier distribution, I'll brneed to be able to make a boot 
floppy to perform a hardware install.brbrThanks All,brStephen.brChampaign, IL  
 USAbrbrbrWant to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? brGo to 

Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com
The most personalized portal on the Web!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Now installed but a few probs documentation doesn't seem to mention...

2003-09-07 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 07 September 2003 04:55 am, Pete Stean wrote:

 These are music CDs - why can't it read them?

You're not supposed to be able to read audio CDs. Thats normal. If you are 
using KDE, you can use Konqueror to show audio tracks on an audio CD.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 07 September 2003 12:25 am, Marc wrote:

Wrong. Rebooting into windoze would only cause a problem if you then
 open the virus in a windoze email client or somehow transfered the virus to
 your windoze partition

Heck Marc, anytime you boot into Windoze its a problem! :-)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread Michael Viron
One last point, the two e-mail addresses you mentioned, are most likely
spoofed (since sobig.F spoofs the from address).  Take a look at
http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael Viron
Core Systems Group
Simple End User Linux

At 06:32 PM 9/6/2003 -0700, you wrote: 

Message hbtype=st ?bgcolor=#DEE7EF hmark=hotbar_element
hb_focus_attach=true Dear List,  I received two viruses (both sobig)
from the newbie list..from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] I
would suggest  getting a good antivirus program. I am using a combination
of Norton, Trend  Micro, AVG and Benign. AVG can be gotten for free, though
I use the registered  version. Benign is a wonderful program that just came
out that neutralizes any  suspicious mail. It can be secured from
www.firetrust.com. There is a 15 day trial  on it and then you have to buy
the program. McAfee has a good program. I am  using XP at the moment, but
also have Lindows installed. I have the Mandrake 9.0  as well, but it is
not installed at the moment. Having gotten a number of  viruses from the
Newbie list, I am surprised because I thought Linux was pretty  much
impervious to viruses. I don't know which of the above programs can be used
 with Linux.  Eric S. Dye, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 7.0.167 / Virus Database: 259.11.7 - Release Date: 9/1/2003

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Re: [newbie] Question for Sylpheed users

2003-09-07 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 19:24:03 -0400
Trey Sizemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 19:18:23 -0400
Lee Wiggers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 19:09:44 -0400
 Trey Sizemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I receive some emails in HTML format (I know...Boo!).  Is
  there a way for sylpheed (or sylpheed-claws) to render HTML mails
  (without stripping all the HTML out)?
  Also, the fonts could use a little TLC...I see how to change the
  fonts for the message screen, but the actual mail queue and folder
  listing remain the same.  Can these be changed?
 Sylpheed-claws with the dillo plug-in works great.  I've got the
 rpm's if you need them.

I had installed sylpheed-claws via URPMI along with plugins (among them
the one for dillo), but it never worked on the HTML mails.  And when I
went to the plugins area in sylpheed, nothing showed.  Did I not do
something right?
If you configured for the plugins during your install, you still need to
actually intall the plugins.  When you go to the plugins page within sylpheed,
click on install and navigate to /usr/local/lib/sylpheed.  the plugins are
there (ending in .so, or .sa, I believe).

The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: [newbie] Question for Sylpheed users

2003-09-07 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 08:09:19 -0400
Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hen you go to the plugins page within sylpheed,
 click on install and navigate to /usr/local/lib/sylpheed.

If he used the mdk rpms it will be in /usr/lib/sylpheed


Good salesmen and good repairmen will never go hungry.
-- R.E. Schenk
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel-2.4.22-3.tmb.2mdkenterprise http://www.eslrahc.com

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] A Serious Question - Do You Ever Stop?

2003-09-07 Thread Margot
I think I'm getting addicted to Mandrake. Learn a little more, add a few 
things here, change a few things there...you know what I mean

So, is this going on forever? Constantly adding and changing, I mean...

Do you ever get to a point where you say this is a usable system, I'm 
going to leave it like this?

I'd just like to know how many more years I'm supposed to spend on 
this... ;-)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Request Motherboard and CPU suggestions

2003-09-07 Thread sstubbs

Hello All,

The first time I installed MDK 9.1, it was in a dual-boot with Win95B and
I put the files on the slave drive.  The slave drive died.  Then the next
2 1/2 months using all available free time was spent trying to get through
another successful install.  Didn't happen.  And the first message that is
never printed in the logs, but flashes by the screen when first attempting
to install from the CD-Rom was:  BIOS data check unsuccessful

So what I'm doing now is going through the Mandrake site's list of
approved hardware to get something from the Certified list.  Shouldn't be
any problems with that hardware, right?

Is it true that the *only* Mandrake Certified motherboard is the Tyan
Tiger MPX ???  This is a dual-processor board.  Anyone know if you can run
it with a single processor?

I believe there were only 7 Mandrake Tested motherboards.  I'm running
down those right now to see what they're like.

The Other Stephen Stubbs
Champaign, IL

 I have a PCCHIPS (crap board) PII 350 128 MB and MDK 9.1 works fine.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-07 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 07 Sep 2003 11:51 am, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 12:59, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 21:42, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
   On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 15:49, Anne Wilson wrote:
subscribe expert
   Among the various combinations I tried, I think so, but I'll
   give it another go.
   Thanks, Anne

 Follow-up -  Still no joy,


I presume that you tried using the link that is in the full headers of 
list mails?  The only other thing I can suggest is that you mail Todd 
Lyons to see if he can help.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

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Re: [newbie] Re: Details

2003-09-07 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 06 Sep 2003 10:54 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
 I just now got two of these, after not having seen one in awhile.

 So, if any of you usig windows just logged in a few minutes ago,
 please check you puter for sobig...

 I'm not sure what has to be running, but i imagine it would be
 turning the computer on?  Or does it get run when someone logs in?

This is getting beyond a joke - two new ones this morning.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread DrewMartin
Hi All,
 Before this turns into a flame war between those of us how still
use Windows to some degree(or are forced to for various reasons).
It is a well know fact that the script kiddies who write these
insidious pieces of code only do so, because Windows is such a wide spread
OS in the world out there.If/when Linux(or Macs) become the OS of choice for
the world at large,then the will start writing viri for these OS's too.
   Yes I do know for a virus to have full affect in Linux you must be
running as root,but some clever bastard out there will one day work out how
to rip thought that level of secretly.

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Re: [newbie] Gotta get off Windows

2003-09-07 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 07 Sep 2003 12:15 am, Lee Wiggers wrote:
 I have a naive question.  I'm going to buy VMWare because the dual
 boot crud is driving me nuts on my laptop.

 Question is, Do I have to buy a copy for each of the eight boxes
 on my lan?

Don't know the answer to that, but one question - have you looked at 
the alternatives? because that is the most expensive one.  It all 
depends what you want to do with it, though.  Give us an idea of 
that, and we'll advise you.  All the alternatives are used by someone 

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Linux and Wireless Lan/Internet

2003-09-07 Thread Derek Jennings
On Saturday 06 Sep 2003 7:05 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Saturday September 6 2003 11:02 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Saturday 06 Sep 2003 3:03 pm, Jason Greenwood wrote:
   Ok all, I have decided to ditch the wires and go wireless for
   my ADSL Modem/router/Accesspoint and NIC at home. What is the
   guts of it?? Nowadays adsl modems and nic's almost always work
   with Linux (my Nokia Modem/Router and Generic NIC work great
   under 9.1/Cooker). What are the pitfalls to watch out for to go
   wireless? What websites for wirelss under Linux do you
   recommend? Any brands known to work, not work with Linux??
   Right now on TradeMe.co.nz there seems to be a good deal on the
   item listed below (thoughts?):
   Benq AWL-700 wireless router 802.11b
   in perfect condition, as new still in box with manuals and cd
   WITH benq 11Mbps wireless lan pc card(AWL100) both work
   together great.
   I can get these now for NZ$230
   Jason Greenwood
  There is a list of wireless cards and their drivers here
  I know from experience that Mandrake works with anything
  Orinoco based works 'out of the box'.
  The Benq AWL100 uses the Prism 2.5 chip set which uses the
  wlan-ng driver which I know was not included in Mandrake 9.0 but
  I was able to get it working by compiling it.
  I do not know about Mandrake 9.1

 Derek, I'd reckon you know. I read lately that wireless at best
 only delivers about 80% of the connection speed. An that the
 further you get from the source, the percentage drops further. At
 10 meters it's all but gone. True?

Actually you will be lucky to get more than  5 Mbps of 'goodput' out of an 
11Mbps wireless card. I spent some time recently putting together a wireless 
router for a small ISP here in the UK, and that was the best throughput I 
measured, (side by side on the bench) and agreed with info I have read around 
the web. Its the packet overhead and forward error correction that limits it.

I found some chip sets were better than others. Cisco Aironet was a bit faster 
than Orinoco/Agere , and Atmel (usb) was a fair bit faster than Prism 2.5 
(usb) There is not much in it so do not base your choice just on my say so.


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Re: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 13:55:21 +0100
DrewMartin [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

Hi All,
 Before this turns into a flame war between those of us how still
use Windows to some degree(or are forced to for various reasons).
No need for a flame war, but I'd suggest that those who still, for whatever
reason, use some iteration Windows, try to avoid using the virus magnet known
as Outlook or Express.  There are numerous alternatives that will work on that
platform without the dangers to self and others imposed by Outlook usage.

It is a well know fact that the script kiddies who write these
insidious pieces of code only do so, because Windows is such a wide spread
OS in the world out there.If/when Linux(or Macs) become the OS of choice for
the world at large,then the will start writing viri for these OS's too.
   Yes I do know for a virus to have full affect in Linux you must be
running as root,but some clever bastard out there will one day work out how
to rip thought that level of secretly.
That will likely involve quite a bit more skill than writing one for a
platform with little if any security built in, no??

The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life
--Muhammad Ali

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] A Serious Question - Do You Ever Stop?

2003-09-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 22:26, Margot wrote:
 I think I'm getting addicted to Mandrake. Learn a little more, add a few 
 things here, change a few things there...you know what I mean
 So, is this going on forever? Constantly adding and changing, I mean...
 Do you ever get to a point where you say this is a usable system, I'm 
 going to leave it like this?
 I'd just like to know how many more years I'm supposed to spend on 
 this... ;-)

Every time I get to the point where I can honestly say This system is
stable, and customised and doing everything and more! - I find
something more to install or test and BANG - back to square one...it's a
never ending experience...and if it ain't with one distro, it's with
many distros...once you've jumped in, you're in deep...

...but it IS cheaper than cocaine or booze...and less damaging to the

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
9. SMIT makes it all so much easier.. --Top 100 things you don't
want the sysadmin to say

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 08:55, DrewMartin wrote:
 Hi All,
  Before this turns into a flame war between those of us how still
 use Windows to some degree(or are forced to for various reasons).
 It is a well know fact that the script kiddies who write these
 insidious pieces of code only do so, because Windows is such a wide spread
 OS in the world out there.If/when Linux(or Macs) become the OS of choice for
 the world at large,then the will start writing viri for these OS's too.
Yes I do know for a virus to have full affect in Linux you must be
 running as root,but some clever bastard out there will one day work out how
 to rip thought that level of secretly.
ahh NO!


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 23:32, ed tharp wrote:

 Hell, I go for a much more subtle approach.
 How have you guys been standing up to Sobig and MSBlaster this week?...
 got any idea of what it's cost you? I sure am glad I don't have to worry
 about that, if you ever want to try out Linux, let me know, I have a set
 of CDs in the truck, I can give you if you want,,, you know these virus
 only attack MS products. 

This is how I've been ending up pitching linux servers for prospective
clients - there is now a waiting list - my schedule is looking rather
full for the next few weeks (or more)...along with three physicians

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
The ultimate game show will be the one where somebody gets killed at the
end. -- Chuck Barris, creator of The Gong Show

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] A Serious Question - Do You Ever Stop?

2003-09-07 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 07 September 2003 15:37, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 ...but it IS cheaper than cocaine or booze...and less damaging to the

Funny, you didn't say nutting about the brain-damage:o)

Still trying to repair my f.d up (very stable before) 9.1 system:o(
It's just not my week.yesterday at noon I grounded my ship accidently on a 
sandbank (that shouldn't have been there IMO) at smack high tide.
Had to wait  hours (till midnight) before I was afloat again:o(

Good luck,

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?

2003-09-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
I really hate having to go over this subject again and again and again,
but there has to be some understanding and education for those that
really don't understand the nature of writing a virus/trojan/script.

As of the past few weeks, we've all see SoBig and Blaster bouncing
around - ok - so that's not news; however, the understanding must be
solid in as much as the bugs MIGHT get relayed to Windows machines from
unix/linux machines, but the unix/linux machines are in no way affected;
the spread is mostly through email - or relaying through an email
server; the bugs cannot be propogated in unix/linux as there is no means
by which they can operate.

It is inherently COMPLEX to write a trojan/script/virus for unix/linux
or MacOS 10 - and no matter how wide-spread the usage of unix/linux or
MacOS 10, the intricacies and level of skill and understanding are in
themselves prohibitive; the people that are capable of even doing so are
being paid large sums of money to do real work and they would barely
have the time to dedicate to such a task - and a task it would be.

Just due to the absolute nature of the unix/linux/bsd/Mac OS/X operating
system(s) it's hard to even create something based solely on social
engineering as programs/scripts cannot be run in the same manner as on a
Windows based OS.

So, in essence, no matter how wide spread linux gets, it's going to be a
tad bit more than plain out and out difficult to create the same type of
annoyances that are currently plaguing the Windows-world - and if you
don't believe what I'm stating here in plain English, please by all
means, read up on the subject - visit all the hack sites, dig into the
complexities of writing nasties for linux - then you'll come to
understand what I'm spewing here.


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Re: [newbie] Graphical Log-in Problem

2003-09-07 Thread crak600
On Saturday 06 September 2003 05:56 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 I'm a little fuzzy on just what your video problems are. If you
 inherited the GeF card on a screwed mobo, it could just be that the
 card is compromised also. I believe I'd boot to lilo, an hit Esc,
 then,  'linux init 3 mem=860M' (check you current lilo.conf, you
 might need to add other parameters, eg, acpi=off)  and as root run
 'XFdrake'. Choose conservative video card an monitor settings to
 get started with. Probly 1024x768 @ 60Hz, 30-70 kHz HorizSync
 50-120 Hz VertRefresh.

'lspcidrake' and 'ddcxinfos' will tell you which video card you
 have, and what your monitor specs are (HorizSync, VertRefresh) if
 the hardware has this info imbedded in it's firmware. There's
 another utility that reports onboard video ram, but for the life of
 me I can't remember what it is.

If anyone knows what it is, please chime in.  i have no specs on this card 
other than what the manufacturer's web site says.

 Vram shouldn't be a problem for
 configuring the Vcard an monitor tho.

 As to 'old' stanza's in lilo.conf, just delete them, an run
 'lilo'. I believe MCC has a GUI for doin it too. If your /boot
 partition is gettin full, carefully delete old images (vmlinuz) an
 initrd's. They're the only files that use a lot of disk space, the
 links (system.map, config*, etc.) you can leave (or delete). Just
 be careful. If you have a spare partition to back up to, it's
 probly a good idea to backup /boot before you try any deleting.

ok, i'll give this stuff a shot, except the deleting files stuff, i'll get to 
that later.  i'm not too worried about hard drive space, as when i did the 
install i gave mdk almost 15Gb and split it right down the middle into / and 
/home, and i rarely use /home to save my stuff to, but i'll keep all the 
deleting stuff in mind for the future.  

all the 'old' linux things on the lilo screen are because i re-installed in 
order to get back into mdk.  i knew i wouldn't lose all my settings if i just 
did a re-install.  however, it's the 'old' ones that i screwed up royally.  
so just go ahead and delete them out and then update the 'new' stuff online 
for security and bug fixes and what not?

since i'm in linux i can use the GUI to try to change the screen resolution 
and refresh and rates and all that instead of going into the command line.  
yes, i like the GUI for some things, command line for others.  hey, i'm a new 
'convert', command line is totally new to me, while i'm not afraid to use it, 
when dealing with multiple option settings (like all the stuff that can be 
done to the montier settings) i'd prefer the GUI.  

thanks, i'll see how this all goes.


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Re: [newbie] Request Motherboard and CPU suggestions

2003-09-07 Thread Michael Lothian
Your best bet is going to be a motherboard that uses a via chipset (as 
apposed to an nvidea one)

As these are very well supported under linux. Maybe your best going for 
a KT400 instead of the newer KT600 as linux is always a little behind in 
supporting new features.

As most motherboard manufacturers stick to the standard chipset from via 
and don't substitute them for others everything should work out the box. 
It's only when the manufacturer decides that sticking some cheep 
network/sound/name_of_device_here chip instead that people have 
problems in linux.

Also people can have trouble with Nvideas stuff as they require drivers 
which aren't GPLd (IFAIK) which means if you try and change your kernel 
without setting up your drivers again linux won't boot up :(

I think that was everything. In short buy a very popular board that uses 
a via chipset as more linux people will use them and write drivers for 
them. ;)




Hello All,

The first time I installed MDK 9.1, it was in a dual-boot with Win95B and
I put the files on the slave drive.  The slave drive died.  Then the next
2 1/2 months using all available free time was spent trying to get through
another successful install.  Didn't happen.  And the first message that is
never printed in the logs, but flashes by the screen when first attempting
to install from the CD-Rom was:  BIOS data check unsuccessful
So what I'm doing now is going through the Mandrake site's list of
approved hardware to get something from the Certified list.  Shouldn't be
any problems with that hardware, right?
Is it true that the *only* Mandrake Certified motherboard is the Tyan
Tiger MPX ???  This is a dual-processor board.  Anyone know if you can run
it with a single processor?
I believe there were only 7 Mandrake Tested motherboards.  I'm running
down those right now to see what they're like.
The Other Stephen Stubbs
Champaign, IL

I have a PCCHIPS (crap board) PII 350 128 MB and MDK 9.1 works fine.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Linux and Wireless Lan/Internet

2003-09-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday September 7 2003 08:02 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Actually you will be lucky to get more than  5 Mbps of 'goodput'
 out of an 11Mbps wireless card. I spent some time recently
 putting together a wireless router for a small ISP here in the
 UK, and that was the best throughput I measured, (side by side on
 the bench) and agreed with info I have read around the web. Its
 the packet overhead and forward error correction that limits it.

 I found some chip sets were better than others. Cisco Aironet was
 a bit faster than Orinoco/Agere , and Atmel (usb) was a fair bit
 faster than Prism 2.5 (usb) There is not much in it so do not
 base your choice just on my say so.


 OK, thanks. That all seems to confirm what I've read. I'm not 
considering wireless, just curious.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 09:23:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [newbie] Virus

 On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 14:18:40 +0100
 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:
 On Sunday 07 Sep 2003 2:05 pm, Michael Scottaline wrote:
  On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 13:55:21 +0100
  DrewMartin [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:
  Hi All,
   Before this turns into a flame war between those of us
   how still use Windows to some degree(or are forced to for various
  No need for a flame war, but I'd suggest that those who still, for
  whatever reason, use some iteration Windows, try to avoid using the
  virus magnet known as Outlook or Express.  There are numerous
  alternatives that will work on that platform without the dangers to
  self and others imposed by Outlook usage.
 I can confirm that I always set up windows machines to use Netscape or 
 Mozilla, and although viruses get through, as they have done on this 
 list traffice, none have activated (this over a period of several 
 years).  This should be stressed with your employer if he/she is not 
 aware of it.
 There is also a Mozilla-Thunderbird version for windows:  Mail client w/o the
 browser and other baggage.  Eudora is also available; Pegasus, even a version
 of Sylpheed.  Anything but Lookout!!  ;o)

Just to add a bit here if I may. I use Opera browser(Opera rules!) and Pegasus mailer 
(a great, free mail program) as defaults on my MS OS that I dual-boot w/Mdk. I use AVG 
free a-v, and have not had a single virus infection in about 2 years. I also run 
ZoneAlarm. Even with an inherently unsecure and problematic system such as WinME, 
there ARE precautions that one can exercise at the user level to reduce the 
possibility of virus/worm/trojan infection. To dump Lookout Express and it's address 
book is, I believe, a MUST, at the very least. 

Best of all is to exercise the use of Linux, and enjoy the present feeling of not 
having to worry too much at all about these particular annoyances, as well as the 
other many benefits that we all appreciate about our favorite 'nix! ;-)
Just my couple pennies worth.

Best regards.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

~Linux Powered by Mandrake 9.1~
~Reg. Linux User #278931~


Get OperaMail Premium today - USD 29.99/year

Powered by Outblaze

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Re: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread Russ
This brings up an interesting question that I would like to ask.

I was having a discussion with an avid Mac user about viruses. He claims 
there are no viruses for Macs because of the built in security features 
(Mac is also a Unix based system like Linux). The Mac OS does have a 
huge following so these script kiddies could target them as well. They 
don't because they can't get in. Windows vulnerability is what makes it 
the target, not it huge user base (thats just icing on the cake).

Any truth to this?

On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 13:55:21 +0100
DrewMartin [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

Hi All,
   Before this turns into a flame war between those of us how still
use Windows to some degree(or are forced to for various reasons).

No need for a flame war, but I'd suggest that those who still, for whatever
reason, use some iteration Windows, try to avoid using the virus magnet known
as Outlook or Express.  There are numerous alternatives that will work on that
platform without the dangers to self and others imposed by Outlook usage.


  It is a well know fact that the script kiddies who write these
insidious pieces of code only do so, because Windows is such a wide spread
OS in the world out there.If/when Linux(or Macs) become the OS of choice for
the world at large,then the will start writing viri for these OS's too.
 Yes I do know for a virus to have full affect in Linux you must be
running as root,but some clever bastard out there will one day work out how
to rip thought that level of secretly.

That will likely involve quite a bit more skill than writing one for a
platform with little if any security built in, no??

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] A Serious Question - Do You Ever Stop?

2003-09-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 00:22, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Sunday 07 September 2003 15:37, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  ...but it IS cheaper than cocaine or booze...and less damaging to the
 Funny, you didn't say nutting about the brain-damage:o)

Dain bramage com fromputers? Nah...

 Still trying to repair my f.d up (very stable before) 9.1 system:o(
 It's just not my week.yesterday at noon I grounded my ship accidently on a 
 sandbank (that shouldn't have been there IMO) at smack high tide.
 Had to wait  hours (till midnight) before I was afloat again:o(

Eeeesh...and just when I thought it was safe to ask ya for a bit of a
boat ride...hmmm...sure the signs ain't in the wrong places lately?

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Delta: We're Amtrak with wings. -- David Letterman

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Gotta get off Windows

2003-09-07 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 13:57:35 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday 07 Sep 2003 12:15 am, Lee Wiggers wrote:
  I have a naive question.  I'm going to buy VMWare because the
  dual boot crud is driving me nuts on my laptop.
  Question is, Do I have to buy a copy for each of the eight
  boxes on my lan?
 Don't know the answer to that, but one question - have you looked
 at the alternatives? because that is the most expensive one.  It
 all depends what you want to do with it, though.  Give us an idea
 of that, and we'll advise you.  All the alternatives are used by
 someone here.
 Registered Linux User No.293302
 Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?
 Thanks Anne
The only two programs we still use are ACT! Contact Manager and

I am watching several Linux replacements in infancy and growing
fast.  None are near enough to get involved as a serious user

We dumped WordPerfect last month for OpenOffice, which was ready for
the move.  MSOffice wasn't an issue.  I threw that garbage away
years ago.

Next year for sure.

Stephen, I can't just pirate someone's work.  I have had PC boards
and software both stolen in the last 20 years.  It hurts. 
Financially and intellectually.

I will, however, feel free to use the program I buy any way I want
to use it myself on my machines.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic mode

2003-09-07 Thread Cristian Papp


As root, I've added a new user using the graphical 
utility provided in "Mandrake Control Center". As I've found no edit-field for 
entering an initial password, I assumed that the new user would be allowed to 
set a pasword upon the first login.
I also didn't add the new created user to any 

Then I logout root account and try to log as the 
newly-created user. However, I could not log, as empty password or arbitary 
passwords were not accepted. 

The worst is that the login dialog box (I've choose 
to boot in graphical mode) doesn't provide the opportunity to specify another 
account (i.e root) anymore. The choices are: log as the new user (with what 
password?), reboot or halt the system. Even worse (as the worst) is that upon 
re-booting, I have the same logging screen, with no opportunity to change 

1. What can I do?
2. What I've done wrong?

Thanks in advance!


Re: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread Todd Slater
On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 01:55:21PM +0100, DrewMartin wrote:
 It is a well know fact that the script kiddies who write these
 insidious pieces of code only do so, because Windows is such a wide spread
 OS in the world out there.If/when Linux(or Macs) become the OS of choice for
 the world at large,then the will start writing viri for these OS's too.

I don't think this is a well known fact.

Linux runs the majority of servers in the world--why haven't the
script-kiddies been targeting Linux servers? On the other hand, there
are plenty of viruses that target Windoze servers, which are in the
minority. Your argument just doesn't hold water.

Yes I do know for a virus to have full affect in Linux you must be
 running as root,but some clever bastard out there will one day work out how
 to rip thought that level of secretly.

How would it propogate, then? To approach Windoze, every Linux user
would have to be running as root.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] A Serious Question - Do You Ever Stop?

2003-09-07 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 10:22, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Sunday 07 September 2003 15:37, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  ...but it IS cheaper than cocaine or booze...and less damaging to the
 Funny, you didn't say nutting about the brain-damage:o)
Or pot... guess he forgotg

 Still trying to repair my f.d up (very stable before) 9.1 system:o(
 It's just not my week.yesterday at noon I grounded my ship accidently on a 
 sandbank (that shouldn't have been there IMO) at smack high tide.
 Had to wait  hours (till midnight) before I was afloat again:o(
 Good luck,
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic mode

2003-09-07 Thread Russ
Hi Cristian,

root does not show up in the list (it's hidden), just type it in and 
give the password and your in (You can also hide other users so they do 
not show up either). When you added the user, at the bottom of the box 
was the area for password. You need to go back into MCC and delete 
that user, then add it again. If you edit it, I see no place to give a 
password (Just delete it and start over).

Hope this helps
Cristian Papp wrote:

As root, I've added a new user using the graphical utility provided in 
Mandrake Control Center. As I've found no edit-field for entering an 
initial password, I assumed that the new user would be allowed to set 
a pasword upon the first login.
I also didn't add the new created user to any groups.
Then I logout root account and try to log as the newly-created user. 
However, I could not log, as empty password or arbitary passwords were 
not accepted.
The worst is that the login dialog box (I've choose to boot in 
graphical mode) doesn't provide the opportunity to specify another 
account (i.e root) anymore. The choices are: log as the new user (with 
what password?), reboot or halt the system. Even worse (as the worst) 
is that upon re-booting, I have the same logging screen, with no 
opportunity to change user.
1. What can I do?
2. What I've done wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Gotta get off Windows

2003-09-07 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 01:04, Lee Wiggers wrote:

 The only two programs we still use are ACT! Contact Manager and

Crossover Office or a properly configured WINE should - SHOULD allow you
to run Act! and Quickbooks - just a tweaking thing - and Crossover
Office requires very very little tweaking...

 I am watching several Linux replacements in infancy and growing
 fast.  None are near enough to get involved as a serious user
 We dumped WordPerfect last month for OpenOffice, which was ready for
 the move.  MSOffice wasn't an issue.  I threw that garbage away
 years ago.
 Next year for sure.
 Stephen, I can't just pirate someone's work.  I have had PC boards
 and software both stolen in the last 20 years.  It hurts. 
 Financially and intellectually.

Yeah, I know...just was chucking that barb out there...

 I will, however, feel free to use the program I buy any way I want
 to use it myself on my machines.

Now THAT'S the idea - it's expensive, but what it can do is brilliant -
best emulation package I've ever had the pleasure of using...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Bierman's Laws of Contracts: (1) In any given document, you can't cover
all the what if's. (2) Lawyers stay in business resolving all the
unresolved what if's. (3) Every resolved what if creates two
unresolved what if's.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] A Serious Question - Do You Ever Stop?

2003-09-07 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 10:49, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 00:22, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  On Sunday 07 September 2003 15:37, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   ...but it IS cheaper than cocaine or booze...and less damaging to the
  Funny, you didn't say nutting about the brain-damage:o)
 Dain bramage com fromputers? Nah...
  Still trying to repair my f.d up (very stable before) 9.1 system:o(
  It's just not my week.yesterday at noon I grounded my ship accidently on a 
  sandbank (that shouldn't have been there IMO) at smack high tide.
  Had to wait  hours (till midnight) before I was afloat again:o(
 Eeeesh...and just when I thought it was safe to ask ya for a bit of a
 boat ride...hmmm...sure the signs ain't in the wrong places lately?
Blame Mars being close...

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 11:06, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 01:55:21PM +0100, DrewMartin wrote:
  It is a well know fact that the script kiddies who write these
  insidious pieces of code only do so, because Windows is such a wide spread
  OS in the world out there.If/when Linux(or Macs) become the OS of choice for
  the world at large,then the will start writing viri for these OS's too.
 I don't think this is a well known fact.
 Linux runs the majority of servers in the world--why haven't the
 script-kiddies been targeting Linux servers? On the other hand, there
 are plenty of viruses that target Windoze servers, which are in the
 minority. Your argument just doesn't hold water.
 Yes I do know for a virus to have full affect in Linux you must be
  running as root,but some clever bastard out there will one day work out how
  to rip thought that level of secretly.
 How would it propogate, then? To approach Windoze, every Linux user
 would have to be running as root.
feeding trolls is the only way any sort of linux virus propagates...

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?

2003-09-07 Thread Frankie
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: Sunday, 7 September 2003 10:30 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?

I really hate having to go over this subject again and again and again,
but there has to be some understanding and education for those that
really don't understand the nature of writing a virus/trojan/script.

As of the past few weeks, we've all see SoBig and Blaster bouncing
around - ok - so that's not news; however, the understanding must be
solid in as much as the bugs MIGHT get relayed to Windows machines from
unix/linux machines, but the unix/linux machines are in no way affected;
the spread is mostly through email - or relaying through an email
server; the bugs cannot be propogated in unix/linux as there is no means
by which they can operate.

It is inherently COMPLEX to write a trojan/script/virus for unix/linux
or MacOS 10 - and no matter how wide-spread the usage of unix/linux or
MacOS 10, the intricacies and level of skill and understanding are in
themselves prohibitive; the people that are capable of even doing so are
being paid large sums of money to do real work and they would barely
have the time to dedicate to such a task - and a task it would be.

Just due to the absolute nature of the unix/linux/bsd/Mac OS/X operating
system(s) it's hard to even create something based solely on social
engineering as programs/scripts cannot be run in the same manner as on a
Windows based OS.

So, in essence, no matter how wide spread linux gets, it's going to be a
tad bit more than plain out and out difficult to create the same type of
annoyances that are currently plaguing the Windows-world - and if you
don't believe what I'm stating here in plain English, please by all
means, read up on the subject - visit all the hack sites, dig into the
complexities of writing nasties for linux - then you'll come to
understand what I'm spewing here.



Stephen, this new thing of yours.. making sense and stuff.. is very good,
you should go with that more often :-)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Wine setup

2003-09-07 Thread Michael Lothian

I've been through the howto on wiki but I'm still having difficulties

I copyed the required dlls from my XP installation and used the latest 
version of wine from where the artical recommended.

I managed to install Kazaa (some of the fonts were a bit funny) but it 
would just gointo debug mode when I tried to run it

I then tried copying all my dll files over into wine but that had even 
more dire consquences ie kazaa wouldn't even install

So to the people who have wine working:

What dlls did you use. Which folers did you put them in (system or 
system32) and what did you pop into your wine configuration file?

Also is it recomened to use winex from transgaming for games? Or is 
there an alternative?



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic mode

2003-09-07 Thread Cristian Papp
Thanks for the answer. I've tried, only that I have no place to type in
'root'. The first dialog is for choosing the user (apparently by icon
clicking). There is no edit box for typing. However, I've clicked the dialog
and type 'root'. No effect.

Upon clicking the icon of the new user, his name is displayed as a text
label, not as an edit field. So, no edit field again. Typing 'root' has no
effect. This should be no surprise, since the dialog has no edit field
(except for password).

Best regards,


- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic

 Hi Cristian,

 root does not show up in the list (it's hidden), just type it in and
 give the password and your in (You can also hide other users so they do
 not show up either). When you added the user, at the bottom of the box
 was the area for password. You need to go back into MCC and delete
 that user, then add it again. If you edit it, I see no place to give a
 password (Just delete it and start over).

 Hope this helps

 Cristian Papp wrote:

  As root, I've added a new user using the graphical utility provided in
  Mandrake Control Center. As I've found no edit-field for entering an
  initial password, I assumed that the new user would be allowed to set
  a pasword upon the first login.
  I also didn't add the new created user to any groups.
  Then I logout root account and try to log as the newly-created user.
  However, I could not log, as empty password or arbitary passwords were
  not accepted.
  The worst is that the login dialog box (I've choose to boot in
  graphical mode) doesn't provide the opportunity to specify another
  account (i.e root) anymore. The choices are: log as the new user (with
  what password?), reboot or halt the system. Even worse (as the worst)
  is that upon re-booting, I have the same logging screen, with no
  opportunity to change user.
  1. What can I do?
  2. What I've done wrong?
  Thanks in advance!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] A Serious Question - Do You Ever Stop?

2003-09-07 Thread Eric Huff
 I think I'm getting addicted to Mandrake. Learn a little more, add a
 few things here, change a few things there...you know what I mean
 So, is this going on forever? Constantly adding and changing, I
 Do you ever get to a point where you say this is a usable system, I'm
 going to leave it like this?
 I'd just like to know how many more years I'm supposed to spend on 
 this... ;-)

Well, i get to periods like that.  Actually, i haven't installed
anything new in weeks!  What really changes, i'd say, is that once you
get to that first This is a usable system, your next battles are more
likely to be focused, ans usually aren't keeping you from using other
things.  Usually.

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Re: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-07 Thread Eric Huff
 Follow-up -  Still no joy,

Sorry if you said this already: did you try doing it at the website?  


about half way down the page.

Is [EMAIL PROTECTED] the edress you want sub'd?  I have beed
talking to someone at mdk about list issues, and could pass it to him.
I'm not sure if he is the official contact, or just helping out, so i
don't want to post his eddress here.


Mandrake HowTo's  More:  http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread Eric Huff
 Hell, I go for a much more subtle approach.
 How have you guys been standing up to Sobig and MSBlaster this
 week?... got any idea of what it's cost you? I sure am glad I don't
 have to worry about that, if you ever want to try out Linux, let me
 know, I have a set of CDs in the truck, I can give you if you want,,,
 you know these virus only attack MS products. 

Isn't it true that if you are fully patched (as painful as that is)
that these virus's don't get you?

I'm not trying to stick up for windows in any way, but at work, our sys
is windows, and we haven't had a problem.

Our IT guy and i talk about it, and he thinks his next small company
will use linux, but in the meantime, he keeps the system up to date and
we have had no sobig problem.

Don't get me wrong: using microsoft programs every day sucks. I feel
handicapped at work now that i have linux at home.

I just want to make sure i understand this.


Mandrake HowTo's  More:  http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic mode

2003-09-07 Thread Eric Huff
 I've tried, only that I have no place to type
 in'root'. The first dialog is for choosing the user (apparently by
 icon clicking). There is no edit box for typing. However, I've clicked
 the dialog and type 'root'. No effect.

It is best not to log in as root in the GUI.  There's just so many more
ways to mess things up...

It's best to log into a user, then su to root.  You can still run GUI

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Request Motherboard and CPU suggestions

2003-09-07 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 7, 2003 07:15 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 07 Sep 2003 1:43 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I believe there were only 7 Mandrake Tested motherboards.  I'm
  running down those right now to see what they're like.
  The Other Stephen Stubbs
  Champaign, IL

 Attached is a collection of bits from list traffic, that may help you



Since Anne included some of my insanity in that attachment I guess I'm 
entitled to an opinion. ;)

Recent installs/builds for friends, starting with a budget system for 
a neighbor:

ECS KVSOM (Duron 1300) working acceptably, no AGP slot.
ABit KT7 (different models Raid and non -R) Excellent performance
Asus various with AMD and VIA chipsets as above
Tyan and Soyo boards, dredge the archives. I haven't built any systems 
with either for almost a year.

I've also used various Gigabyte boards for systems. More than adequate, 
but as always I tend to stay away from the bare budget boards 'cause I 
don't like having problems.

The last three systems I stuck together for people were based on Asus 
and ABit dual processor boards. They use the same AMD chipsets and both 
are more than adequate, the Asus seems to perform slightly better in 
the real world.

Stay away from anything with an N-Force chipsetfor now. Unless 
you're comfortable building and patching for the nv-net (ethernet) and 
other gotchas. My son has an N-Force2 board that works amazingly well, 
but I still wouldn't recommend them for anyone that classes their skill 
levels at Gnubie.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-5mdk
10:00:53 up 1 day, 43 min, 1 user, load average: 0.31, 0.15, 0.05
Lay off the muses, it's a very tough dollar.
-- S.J. Perelman
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic mode

2003-09-07 Thread Cristian Papp
Ok, just there exist no other user! Only root and the new one, I've forgot
to enter a password when I've created. I can not log in my system anymore
(because I can not choose root).

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic

  I've tried, only that I have no place to type
  in'root'. The first dialog is for choosing the user (apparently by
  icon clicking). There is no edit box for typing. However, I've clicked
  the dialog and type 'root'. No effect.

 It is best not to log in as root in the GUI.  There's just so many more
 ways to mess things up...

 It's best to log into a user, then su to root.  You can still run GUI

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?

2003-09-07 Thread Lanman
AAAarrghghghghgh! Frankie? Did you have to do that? Now that
Stephen knows that we appreciate common sense
we'll never get a decent day's work out of him. Damn! Welcome to
Stephen, The Next Generation ! LOL!

But since we're on the subject of viruses, and since I've been way to
busy to read every single last post on this subject, I'd
like to ask one thing. Has anyone told the list that an infected
email received on this list may not have come from the person 
named? These types of viruses will (if activated on a
WinBlow$-handicapped system), will run to the address book, grab all
addresses in the book, and send out infected emails USING the stolen

So, if I'm in Stephen or Frankie's address books, I'm safe (because
they use Linux, and NOT Outlook, or Outlook Express! 
Right Guys??). But if I'm in someone else's address book, and that
address book is the ill-concieved Windows Address Book,
infected emails will not only be sent to me, but can also be sent to
others USING my address, and NOT the address of the 
originating user.

So, John Smith ( not his real name ) could have me in his WAB
(Windows Address Book), Sobig could infect his system,
because John is narrow-minded, and still uses Windows (IMHO), and an
infected email could be sent from his PC using MY 
address as the From address, when in fact it's John's ( that lazy
ba$tard - I'll fix him for this, I swear!) PC that the virus and 
email came from!

End result? I get dumped on by 300 recipients ( See my reference to
John's heritage above ), who think I sent it, and I may even
get crapped on by John ( who I've just taken a contract out on at
this point! ), because some other idiot in his address book,
got infected, and had John's address in his book, but the virus used
my email address and sent it BACK to John!

Needless to say, John's day's are numbered at this point, and I
wouldn't want to be in his shoes when Guido (also not his real
name) shows up with a small-calibre, silencer-equipped handgun, and
ventilates John, after which the party starts at my place!

And you wonder why people on this list use linux? It's because we
need to save our money so we can pay guys like Guido to 
take care of all the John's in this world!

Ok, so like I was saying,...If someone has already mentioned this
kind of thing in the Virus-related posts to the list then please
ingore this diatribe. But John? You better start running, buddy!
Guido's coming!

Did that help at all?  Grin! Grin!




On 9/7/2003 at 11:32 PM Frankie wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: Sunday, 7 September 2003 10:30 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?

I really hate having to go over this subject again and again and
but there has to be some understanding and education for those that
really don't understand the nature of writing a

As of the past few weeks, we've all see SoBig and Blaster bouncing
around - ok - so that's not news; however, the understanding must
solid in as much as the bugs MIGHT get relayed to Windows machines
unix/linux machines, but the unix/linux machines are in no way
the spread is mostly through email - or relaying through an email
server; the bugs cannot be propogated in unix/linux as there is no
by which they can operate.

It is inherently COMPLEX to write a trojan/script/virus for
or MacOS 10 - and no matter how wide-spread the usage of unix/linux
MacOS 10, the intricacies and level of skill and understanding are
themselves prohibitive; the people that are capable of even doing
so are
being paid large sums of money to do real work and they would
have the time to dedicate to such a task - and a task it would be.

Just due to the absolute nature of the unix/linux/bsd/Mac OS/X
system(s) it's hard to even create something based solely on social
engineering as programs/scripts cannot be run in the same manner as
on a
Windows based OS.

So, in essence, no matter how wide spread linux gets, it's going to
be a
tad bit more than plain out and out difficult to create the same
type of
annoyances that are currently plaguing the Windows-world - and if
don't believe what I'm stating here in plain English, please by all
means, read up on the subject - visit all the hack sites, dig into
complexities of writing nasties for linux - then you'll come to
understand what I'm spewing here.



Stephen, this new thing of yours.. making sense and stuff.. is very
you should go with that more often :-)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Gotta get off Windows

2003-09-07 Thread Lanman
Lee; You should be able to switch over to a web-based CRM tool kit to
replace ACT! ( Tutos and Compiere come to mind )
and you should definitely look into SQL-Ledger to replace Quickbooks.
Another option is that Gnucash will accept exported
Quickbooks data files if you export them as .qif files.

The other items I mentioned above can be found at SourceForge.

Just a thought.



On 9/8/2003 at 1:26 AM Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 01:04, Lee Wiggers wrote:

 The only two programs we still use are ACT! Contact Manager and

Crossover Office or a properly configured WINE should - SHOULD allow
to run Act! and Quickbooks - just a tweaking thing - and Crossover
Office requires very very little tweaking...

 I am watching several Linux replacements in infancy and growing
 fast.  None are near enough to get involved as a serious user
 We dumped WordPerfect last month for OpenOffice, which was ready
 the move.  MSOffice wasn't an issue.  I threw that garbage away
 years ago.
 Next year for sure.
 Stephen, I can't just pirate someone's work.  I have had PC boards
 and software both stolen in the last 20 years.  It hurts. 
 Financially and intellectually.

Yeah, I know...just was chucking that barb out there...

 I will, however, feel free to use the program I buy any way I want
 to use it myself on my machines.

Now THAT'S the idea - it's expensive, but what it can do is
brilliant -
best emulation package I've ever had the pleasure of using...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Bierman's Laws of Contracts: (1) In any given document, you can't
all the what if's. (2) Lawyers stay in business resolving all the
unresolved what if's. (3) Every resolved what if creates two
unresolved what if's.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread Frankie
a patched system will not proof you if someone on your system runs the

If I send you a bat file in an email that says deltree windows and
someone runs it, no matter how patched your system is, it will still clag

patching a system only helps against works like blaster that do a remote
infection.. if someone double clicks an attachemnt, all bets are off in



Mandrake Gamers mailing list:

HTML Perl PHP n stuff..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eric Huff
Sent: Monday, 8 September 2003 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Viruses..

 Hell, I go for a much more subtle approach.
 How have you guys been standing up to Sobig and MSBlaster this
 week?... got any idea of what it's cost you? I sure am glad I don't
 have to worry about that, if you ever want to try out Linux, let me
 know, I have a set of CDs in the truck, I can give you if you want,,,
 you know these virus only attack MS products.

Isn't it true that if you are fully patched (as painful as that is)
that these virus's don't get you?

I'm not trying to stick up for windows in any way, but at work, our sys
is windows, and we haven't had a problem.

Our IT guy and i talk about it, and he thinks his next small company
will use linux, but in the meantime, he keeps the system up to date and
we have had no sobig problem.

Don't get me wrong: using microsoft programs every day sucks. I feel
handicapped at work now that i have linux at home.

I just want to make sure i understand this.


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Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread crak600
On Sunday 07 September 2003 04:25 am, Marc wrote:

Wrong. Rebooting into windoze would only cause a problem if you then
 open the virus in a windoze email client or somehow transfered the virus to
 your windoze partition

well, currently all my mail is saved onto my /home partition, but every other 
document/file/picture/whatever i get e-mailed to me that i want to save, i 
save it to my other hard drive, which is all FAT32.  i actually do want to 
figure out how to make KMail save all my e-mail on one of those FAT32 
partitions, so if i have to wipe out MDK for whatever reason (or screw it up 
and wipe it all out) i don't lose some stuff i've got in my e-mail currently, 
some of it is good information that i'm just too lazy to save in a different 
way.  however, the next time i do boot into windoze, i do have to get AVG to 
update it's virus list and then just sit back and watch, because it does 
checks all the time on it's own.  however, this e-mail account (which is my 
primary) is only used in linux.  i NEVER open it in windows anymore, and if 
there's something i get e-mailed here that i think i need in windows, i 
foreward it to myself on another account and go to windows to retrieve it.  

 You can be glad that you do not have win xp for more reasons than just
 the virus issues. I have used machines with 95, 98, ME and XP as best as I
 can tell the single biggest difference between 98 and XP is eye candy. Same
 old winblows crap with a lot more eye candy and a generous portion of bloat
 added also. I almost forgot a defragmentation utility that is as F#$ked up
 as a football bat. Any given machine seems to run much slower when 98 is
 upgraded to XP, and to top that off there still seems to be a lot of issues
 with getting drivers to work in XP. IMHO in the last 5 years all MS has
 been able to do is take a bad product and make it worse. A few new features
 were added but I cant see where getting a few improvements were worth the
 problems that came with them.
I have seen much more genuine improvement from Mandrake in the 6 months
 that it took mandrake to change from 9.0 to 9.1 than I have seen from MS in
 the 5 years that it took to go from 98 to XP.

Oh well enough of my rant.

i am glad i'm not using windows often.  while i have heard some things about 
XP, there's an extensive process that must be done to turn off a lot of 
programs hiding in teh background that are sitting there eating up memory and 
resources, and MS did not make it easy to find the switch to turn them off 
at boot up.  but everything that has gone on in the ms world and them trying 
to control what we do with a computer loaded with their software, i just 
don't like it.  that's one of the main reasons i'm trying to stay away from 
it at all costs.  i just can't justify supporting that way of thinking.  
while i'm not violently lashing out against it, when in computer related 
discussions with friends and whatnot, i do bring up linux and am able to 
inform them of what i know about it and what i've seen as advantages and 
disadvantages over using a MS OS (disadvantage - gotta start learning how to 
use the command line, it was a struggle for me at first, now i'm comfortable 
with it).  linux is a disadvantage to some people because all they want to do 
is point and click, but even then most of what i do in linux has become point 
and click thanks to the GUIs.  but even when doing things in the GUIs, i 
still feel i have more control over the system than i ever did in ms.  

but now this is kinda going off topic, so to boil it back down to linux...from 
what you all say, the threat of a virus attack isn't here, and it's one less 
thing to worry about.  that's good, and i like that.  


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Re: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?u

2003-09-07 Thread David E. Fox
 But since we're on the subject of viruses, and since I've been way to
 busy to read every single last post on this subject, I'd
 like to ask one thing. Has anyone told the list that an infected
 email received on this list may not have come from the person 
 named? These types of viruses will (if activated on a

Well yep. That's a given. FWIW 2 SoBig's have just come through on
newbie. Spamassassin is clever enough now to automatically put them 
in my caughtspam file - but I've seen no less than seven of these come
through over the past few days. One of the last two had a return 
address of juno.com.

They're all about the same simes - some 1700 lines.

 So, if I'm in Stephen or Frankie's address books, I'm safe (because
 they use Linux, and NOT Outlook, or Outlook Express! 

Well, that's the way these things propagate. I don't use address books
at home. I just remember the address of whom I'm sending :). Or maybe
kmail remembers it for me, since I can type the first few letters of the
email address and it supplies the rest. People using Outhouse tend to
keep a lot of email addresses in the contacts folders - especially if 
they're at work. Those lists do come in handy, and keeping all the data
for your biz partners is certainly useful -- but that is how these 
things spread. The worm contacts every email address in the contact list, then
goes to the other pc, where it contacts everyone in that list, and so
on. And eventually it hit someone using Outhouse that had [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mandrake.com in the list.

So two morals -- don't use Outhouse, and don't put mailing list email
addresses in your contacts. 

 Needless to say, John's day's are numbered at this point, and I
 wouldn't want to be in his shoes when Guido (also not his real

Shit, that's what the Windows users are doing now. Paying for protection.
Guido == McAfee in this instance.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic mode

2003-09-07 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 12:28, Cristian Papp wrote:
 Ok, just there exist no other user! Only root and the new one, I've forgot
 to enter a password when I've created. I can not log in my system anymore
 (because I can not choose root).
instead of trying to login, when lilo starts, hit esc, and type linux 3.
this will bring you up to a text login.

OR when offered the login window, hit ctrl+alt+f3 then

login as root, if you must, and create a couple of users. you can use
the adduser command at the prompt (without the quotes); adduser eg
(followed by enter) creates a user named eg
 OR if you still know the user name you created, log in with that and
just hit enter when offered the password
OR after you adduser, and/or with the user name you created, use the
passwd command at the prompt (without the quotes); passwd eg should
give you; Changing password for user eg

it will look like this... if you type BAD as the password
[EMAIL PROTECTED] et]# passwd eg
Changing password for user eg.
New UNIX password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 6:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic
   I've tried, only that I have no place to type
   in'root'. The first dialog is for choosing the user (apparently by
   icon clicking). There is no edit box for typing. However, I've clicked
   the dialog and type 'root'. No effect.
  It is best not to log in as root in the GUI.  There's just so many more
  ways to mess things up...
  It's best to log into a user, then su to root.  You can still run GUI
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?u

2003-09-07 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 12:51, David E. Fox wrote:

 Shit, that's what the Windows users are doing now. Paying for protection.
 Guido == McAfee in this instance.

you know, I would not want to be a manager for McAfee tho... trying to
'work with M$' on a Corp. level must be a real nerve racking experience.

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RE: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?u

2003-09-07 Thread Frankie
My question is how in gods name was sobigs smtp engine able to send mail to
the list?

I ask because if it doesn't resolve the IP, mandrakes sympa won't accept
the post..

I am guessing that sobig uses the SMTP server of the infected lookout



Mandrake Gamers mailing list:

HTML Perl PHP n stuff..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David E. Fox
Sent: Monday, 8 September 2003 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?u

 But since we're on the subject of viruses, and since I've been way to
 busy to read every single last post on this subject, I'd
 like to ask one thing. Has anyone told the list that an infected
 email received on this list may not have come from the person
 named? These types of viruses will (if activated on a

Well yep. That's a given. FWIW 2 SoBig's have just come through on
newbie. Spamassassin is clever enough now to automatically put them
in my caughtspam file - but I've seen no less than seven of these come
through over the past few days. One of the last two had a return
address of juno.com.

They're all about the same simes - some 1700 lines.

 So, if I'm in Stephen or Frankie's address books, I'm safe (because
 they use Linux, and NOT Outlook, or Outlook Express!

Well, that's the way these things propagate. I don't use address books
at home. I just remember the address of whom I'm sending :). Or maybe
kmail remembers it for me, since I can type the first few letters of the
email address and it supplies the rest. People using Outhouse tend to
keep a lot of email addresses in the contacts folders - especially if
they're at work. Those lists do come in handy, and keeping all the data
for your biz partners is certainly useful -- but that is how these
things spread. The worm contacts every email address in the
contact list, then
goes to the other pc, where it contacts everyone in that list, and so
on. And eventually it hit someone using Outhouse that had [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mandrake.com in the list.

So two morals -- don't use Outhouse, and don't put mailing list email
addresses in your contacts.

 Needless to say, John's day's are numbered at this point, and I
 wouldn't want to be in his shoes when Guido (also not his real

Shit, that's what the Windows users are doing now. Paying for protection.
Guido == McAfee in this instance.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 12:19, Eric Huff wrote:
  Hell, I go for a much more subtle approach.
  How have you guys been standing up to Sobig and MSBlaster this
  week?... got any idea of what it's cost you? I sure am glad I don't
  have to worry about that, if you ever want to try out Linux, let me
  know, I have a set of CDs in the truck, I can give you if you want,,,
  you know these virus only attack MS products. 
 Isn't it true that if you are fully patched (as painful as that is)
 that these virus's don't get you?
A No.

 I'm not trying to stick up for windows in any way, but at work, our sys
 is windows, and we haven't had a problem.
That you and he know about. or can trace back to those Virus/worms

 Our IT guy and i talk about it, and he thinks his next small company
 will use linux, but in the meantime, he keeps the system up to date and
 we have had no sobig problem.
 Don't get me wrong: using microsoft programs every day sucks. I feel
 handicapped at work now that i have linux at home.
Ahhh don't worry,,, there is a silver lining to the cloud generated by
those blue screens It gives everyone a chance to get up and stretch,
and look away from the screen, and for those of us without a LCD screen,
it makes a difference. heck a smart manager ought to allow coffee breaks
at odd times, so they can coincide with Blue Screens of Death.

 I just want to make sure i understand this.
I was under the understanding that with out making regular payments to
BG's boys, it was against the law to understand what windows is doing?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Virus - different ms e-mail programs

2003-09-07 Thread crak600
On Sunday 07 September 2003 01:05 pm, Michael Scottaline wrote:

 No need for a flame war, but I'd suggest that those who still, for whatever
 reason, use some iteration Windows, try to avoid using the virus magnet
 known as Outlook or Express.  There are numerous alternatives that will
 work on that platform without the dangers to self and others imposed by
 Outlook usage. 

someone said they use Pegasus, and i found it to be an EXCELLENT alternitive 
to the MS mail programs.  i hated outlook and express.  Pegasus is loaded 
with features but yet very simple to use.  i liked it because you can just 
set it up very simply and use it as is or if you're the type that's looking 
to do more with it, it is very easy to work with.  best of all, it's FREE.  
so for the MS e-mail users, i'd suggest taking a look at pegasus if you're 
using outlook or express.  you get what you pay for, but i never had a 
problem with pegasus and i used it for several months before i made the 
switch to linux.  just a suggestion for those ms users looking for something 

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Re: [newbie] palm

2003-09-07 Thread Anarky
HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 19:32:41 +0300
Anarky [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

thansk for all the details .. could you be so speciffic also in after 
getting all this how I would move a text file into my palm please? 
thanks with anticipation

open J-Pilot, go to File -- Install -- and browse to the file you want
to install, whether it's a doc, game, or app.
**warning** do a backup 1st, or at least a sync, so that if the app or
game causes a fatal error on your device and you have to do a hard
reset, J-Pilot can restore all the stuff b4 that.

so this will also add a .txt file? and how do I get the software inside 
the palm to read it?

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Re: [newbie] gamix libasound

2003-09-07 Thread Anarky
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

ldconfig just makes sure that the library path cache is proper - it
doesn't load drivers - it makes sure, though, that libraries are where
they're supposed to be - so  you might want to now try to reconfigure
the package(configure/make/make install)

still gets stuck:

checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for ALSA CFLAGS...
checking for ALSA LDFLAGS...  -lasound
checking for libasound headers version = 0.5.0... found.
checking for snd_cards in -lasound... no
configure: error: No linkable libasound was found.

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RE: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?u

2003-09-07 Thread Lanman
Makes Sense Frankie!


On 9/8/2003 at 1:02 AM Frankie wrote:

My question is how in gods name was sobigs smtp engine able to send
the list?

I ask because if it doesn't resolve the IP, mandrakes sympa won't
the post..

I am guessing that sobig uses the SMTP server of the infected



Mandrake Gamers mailing list:

HTML Perl PHP n stuff..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David E. Fox
Sent: Monday, 8 September 2003 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?u

 But since we're on the subject of viruses, and since I've been
way to
 busy to read every single last post on this subject, I'd
 like to ask one thing. Has anyone told the list that an infected
 email received on this list may not have come from the person
 named? These types of viruses will (if activated on a

Well yep. That's a given. FWIW 2 SoBig's have just come through on
newbie. Spamassassin is clever enough now to automatically put them
in my caughtspam file - but I've seen no less than seven of these
through over the past few days. One of the last two had a return
address of juno.com.

They're all about the same simes - some 1700 lines.

 So, if I'm in Stephen or Frankie's address books, I'm safe
 they use Linux, and NOT Outlook, or Outlook Express!

Well, that's the way these things propagate. I don't use address
at home. I just remember the address of whom I'm sending :). Or
kmail remembers it for me, since I can type the first few letters
of the
email address and it supplies the rest. People using Outhouse tend
keep a lot of email addresses in the contacts folders - especially
they're at work. Those lists do come in handy, and keeping all the
for your biz partners is certainly useful -- but that is how these
things spread. The worm contacts every email address in the
contact list, then
goes to the other pc, where it contacts everyone in that list, and
on. And eventually it hit someone using Outhouse that had
mandrake.com in the list.

So two morals -- don't use Outhouse, and don't put mailing list
addresses in your contacts.

 Needless to say, John's day's are numbered at this point, and I
 wouldn't want to be in his shoes when Guido (also not his real

Shit, that's what the Windows users are doing now. Paying for
Guido == McAfee in this instance.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Request Motherboard and CPU suggestions

2003-09-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday September 7 2003 09:39 am, Michael Lothian wrote:
 Your best bet is going to be a motherboard that uses a via
 chipset (as apposed to an nvidea one)

 As these are very well supported under linux. Maybe your best
 going for a KT400 instead of the newer KT600 as linux is always a
 little behind in supporting new features.

 As most motherboard manufacturers stick to the standard chipset
 from via and don't substitute them for others everything should
 work out the box. It's only when the manufacturer decides that
 sticking some cheep network/sound/name_of_device_here chip
 instead that people have problems in linux.

 Also people can have trouble with Nvideas stuff as they require
 drivers which aren't GPLd (IFAIK) which means if you try and
 change your kernel without setting up your drivers again linux
 won't boot up :(

 I think that was everything. In short buy a very popular board
 that uses a via chipset as more linux people will use them and
 write drivers for them. ;)


I'd agree. nforce boards are not for Linux. Let the Windoze 
users buy 'em. I've never liked anything SiS. So that leaves VIA.

   A few weeks ago I bought an Aopen AK77-400/Max. On board Realtek 
NIC and AC97 5.1 surround sound, KT400a chipset. Mandrake 9.2 
cooker booted with the new board, found and properly configured the 
NIC and sound. No muss no fuss with anything. KT400a meets or beats 
nforce chipsets for performance. But those are Windoze hardware 

   So when it comes to pickin a motherboard,
o  Don't be guided by Windoze hardware reviews
o  For AMD, only buy a motherboard on their recommended list.
   The ones not listed, aren't listed for very good reasons.
   Tho for the very latest cpu's (eg, XP 3000+, XP 3200+), some 
   motherboard brands just might not have been AMD tested yet.  
o  Only use a PSU and wattage that's AMD recommended. 
o  Keep in mind that ram is just as important, don't use generic. 
   (Crucial or Corsair is currently the best)  Buy one grade above 
   what's required, eg, DDR400 when DDR333 is required. This is very
o  Motherboards that allow for increasing voltages with bios
   settings are a big plus, even if you don't overclock. Greatly
   enhances stability, specially for cpu, ram, and AGP cards.
   Some of the better boards provide increased voltages by default 
   if they don't have bios settings to raise them.
o  IMO, an Award bios is a plus. Avoid Phoenix.
o  Any decent heatsink and fan will do, but use thermal grease,
   not a thermal pad.  Provide plenty of air movement (ie, case
o  Study bios settings an what they affect. So you can configure   
   and tweak the system properly. Many hardware problems are
   really just configuration mistakes.
o  Don't just take one person's advice ;)
For Intel cpu's, you're on your own. IMO, there hasn't been a 
decent chipset for Intel processors since the good ol' 440BX. 
Probly best to use an Intel Retail (not OEM) board for P4's to be 
on the safe side.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread Richard Urwin
On Sunday 07 Sep 2003 5:19 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
  Hell, I go for a much more subtle approach.
  How have you guys been standing up to Sobig and MSBlaster this
  week?... got any idea of what it's cost you? I sure am glad I don't
  have to worry about that, if you ever want to try out Linux, let me
  know, I have a set of CDs in the truck, I can give you if you
  want,,, you know these virus only attack MS products.

 Isn't it true that if you are fully patched (as painful as that is)
 that these virus's don't get you?

 I'm not trying to stick up for windows in any way, but at work, our
 sys is windows, and we haven't had a problem.

 Our IT guy and i talk about it, and he thinks his next small company
 will use linux, but in the meantime, he keeps the system up to date
 and we have had no sobig problem.

 Don't get me wrong: using microsoft programs every day sucks. I feel
 handicapped at work now that i have linux at home.

 I just want to make sure i understand this.

Microsoft and Linux issue about the same number of security fixes.

There are tens of thousands of MS viruses, and a handful of Linux 
viruses, most (all?) of which can do no harm unless you run as root.

There is no way to protect an MS system to the same level as a basic 
Linux install running as a normal user.

It is possible to make a Linux machine a lot more secure than that.

On a standard MS install any executable that you run can write to any 
file on the disk, and even if you secure that it can still read every 
file on the disk. On Win9x you can't even go that far.

There is no such thing as a fully patched Win95/ME machine; MS has 
stopped supporting them.

Forget servers, they are usually fully patched, virus protected and 
carefully watched. The real battlefield is the desktops and home users, 
and that is 99% MS, and about 10%* fully patched and virus protected. 
That creates a large breeding ground for virii, so they will go further 
than if they target the 1% market.

You cannot trust a closed company to release timely and adiquate 
patches. With Open Source the stimulus is there to do it quick and 

For 20 years MS products have not paid any attention to security, and 
they appear to only be giving it lip service even now. For 30 years 
Unix has had its eye on the ball.

A fully patched machine is no ultimate protection. The FSF were hit by a 
trojan attack within the 1 week between an exploit being published and 
the fix being available.

Only the clever virii are stopped by patches. Stuff that travels on 
floppy disks and by exchanging executables are still able to replicate 
on Win9x and any other MS OS that isn't locked down by the sys admin. 
*nix machines running as normal users are mostly imune to this vector, 
because there is no write access to executables.

* 86.4% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Richard Urwin

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-09-07 Thread dfox
Somebody scribbled about Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2
How, specifically, are you adjusting your time zones?

OK. From kde panel right click on the clock. (S)how timezone has 
america/los angeles checked. But it's not America/Los angeles that it is 
displaying. Adjust Date time brings up a dialog box that tells me I'm in 
ndt, wtf that? it's 3:20 (i can't tell if that is supposed to be am or 
pm) from kde, and it's 10:50 am currently here (pdt). 

I now attempt to change it back to america/los angeles..

No change -- but switch to Local timezone from the clock menu, and 
guess what? I'm in HKT now!

It will briefly show the correct time, and then switch (within a second or 
two) to the incorrect timezone.

If I bring up kde again, it will be correct for a while -- longest i've 
had it be correct is maybe 1 day -- then inexplicably it will switch.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re[2]: [newbie] infected list posting NOT REALLY FROM RIKONA

2003-09-07 Thread rikona
Hello Bryan,

Friday, September 5, 2003, 4:19:01 PM, you wrote:

BP Based on the headers I have seen on two of the virus messages,
BP both forwarded by someone on the list, I haven't seen it spoof any
BP IP addresses, only the  From line.

I probably agree, but still have that nagging question about the
router route caching. If that does really work, then they could spoof
the IP also.

BP Well, I could probably send you a message that would render me
BP completely anonymous, relayed through 3 or four foreign proxy
BP servers chained together  with only the last one showing up on the
BP smtp headers.  There is software  available in both windows and
BP Linux that allows that and I do have it.

Yes, I'm familiar with that and also use it. That is not what I mean,

BP I could try to spoof a totally different IP from my ISP's network
BP by installing a second ethernet card and creating a second
BP interface for that  one and setting the IP locally and maybe even
BP route through an open proxy on  that one to deliver a spoofed IP,
BP but I am thinking that the net range would  still be detectable
BP since the traffic has to go both ways and I have no way  to hijack
BP the DNS, although I have seen this done.

The scenario I am thinking of would be that you initiate the request,
involving a DNS for, say, my computer(you can do this on the first,
legitimate card if necessary). Once you get my IP, then you can send
the email to me. My ISP would reply. Here's the sticking point. Would
the reply simply follow the reverse path already established from you
to me, or would the reply follow an entirely different route back to
you? If the former, then you have essentially spoofed an IP address in
your email to me.

BP that would be  violating several US as well as international laws,
BP so I wouldn't really do  that unless I had the sysadmin's
BP permission.

Ah, yes, I guess there are legal problems in trying the experiment I
was proposing.

BP And, I could send a message with fake header lines inserted to try to mask my 
BP actual origin,

True - this is not what I mean.

BP there are still ways to trace the origin provided you want to
BP follow it enough and get local administrators to help.

Also, I bet the FBI can do wonders. :-)

BP I still don't think that a virus is intelligent enough to do any of these 
BP things, though.

If my router route caching idea really works, it doesn't need much
intelligence to do it. Viruses already fake headers, including
'originator' ones that look like they're below the 'real' one, use
open proxies, chains of forwarders, etc.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-09-07 Thread dfox
Somebody scribbled about Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

A few times after KDE cooker updates I've had to reset the
clock. R-click on it, adjust time an date, make sure format is set
to USA-english.

This is still going with cooker current as of last night -- rc1 + dozens 
of updates.

But apply seems to be the kick here that's necessary -- after changing 
the clock to show the correct time instead of HKT -- but apply does 
something funny -- it blanks the screen for several seconds, then the 
screen kicks back in. Is that supposed to happen?

Now my clock is OK, but who knows for how long. I still cannot figure out 
what causes it to switch all by itself. AFAIK it's not updating from 
cooker specifically that will do it.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday September 7 2003 08:45 am, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 08:55, DrewMartin wrote:
  Hi All,
   Before this turns into a flame war between those of us
  how still use Windows to some degree(or are forced to for
  various reasons). It is a well know fact that the script
  kiddies who write these insidious pieces of code only do so,
  because Windows is such a wide spread OS in the world out
  there.If/when Linux(or Macs) become the OS of choice for the
  world at large,then the will start writing viri for these OS's
  too. Yes I do know for a virus to have full affect in Linux you
  must be running as root,but some clever bastard out there will
  one day work out how to rip thought that level of secretly.

 ahh NO!


I was gonna stay out this. Oh well ;)  I was thinkin of posting 
the same link Ed. 

   OTOH, M$ OS's being attacked because Windows is such a wide 
spread OS in the world just goes to show how successful M$ FUD is 
for those who want to believe it. Many do. For Linux to ever be as 
vulnerable as any M$ OS is, all the simplest security measures 
would have to be ignored, and you'd need to run, and connect to the 
Net as root. There's very real reasons M$ currently has their own 
microsoft.com servers hiding behind some Linux boxes.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?u

2003-09-07 Thread David Filion
What's the IP got to do with the validation?  If the IP was used for 
validation then users with DHCP accounts would not be able to join the 
list because there is no guarantee the user's IP would remain the same 
between postings.

Frankie wrote:
My question is how in gods name was sobigs smtp engine able to send mail to
the list?
I ask because if it doesn't resolve the IP, mandrakes sympa won't accept
the post..
I am guessing that sobig uses the SMTP server of the infected lookout



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-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David E. Fox
Sent: Monday, 8 September 2003 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?u

But since we're on the subject of viruses, and since I've been way to
busy to read every single last post on this subject, I'd
like to ask one thing. Has anyone told the list that an infected
email received on this list may not have come from the person
named? These types of viruses will (if activated on a
Well yep. That's a given. FWIW 2 SoBig's have just come through on
newbie. Spamassassin is clever enough now to automatically put them
in my caughtspam file - but I've seen no less than seven of these come
through over the past few days. One of the last two had a return
address of juno.com.
They're all about the same simes - some 1700 lines.

So, if I'm in Stephen or Frankie's address books, I'm safe (because
they use Linux, and NOT Outlook, or Outlook Express!
Well, that's the way these things propagate. I don't use address books
at home. I just remember the address of whom I'm sending :). Or maybe
kmail remembers it for me, since I can type the first few letters of the
email address and it supplies the rest. People using Outhouse tend to
keep a lot of email addresses in the contacts folders - especially if
they're at work. Those lists do come in handy, and keeping all the data
for your biz partners is certainly useful -- but that is how these
things spread. The worm contacts every email address in the
contact list, then
goes to the other pc, where it contacts everyone in that list, and so
on. And eventually it hit someone using Outhouse that had [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mandrake.com in the list.
So two morals -- don't use Outhouse, and don't put mailing list email
addresses in your contacts.

Needless to say, John's day's are numbered at this point, and I
wouldn't want to be in his shoes when Guido (also not his real
Shit, that's what the Windows users are doing now. Paying for protection.
Guido == McAfee in this instance.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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David Filion
V.P. Technology
Maximum Lans Inc.
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-09-07 Thread Dennis Myers
On Monday 08 September 2003 09:57 pm, dfox wrote:
 Somebody scribbled about Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

 A few times after KDE cooker updates I've had to reset the
 clock. R-click on it, adjust time an date, make sure format is set
 to USA-english.

 This is still going with cooker current as of last night -- rc1 + dozens
 of updates.

 But apply seems to be the kick here that's necessary -- after changing
 the clock to show the correct time instead of HKT -- but apply does
 something funny -- it blanks the screen for several seconds, then the
 screen kicks back in. Is that supposed to happen?

 Now my clock is OK, but who knows for how long. I still cannot figure out
 what causes it to switch all by itself. AFAIK it's not updating from
 cooker specifically that will do it.
When you installed did you get the clock settings dialog with a box that said 
world clock.nst or somesuch? If you did and did not change it to a time 
server in your time zone then each time it updates to the wrong time server 
it changes the comp time to match and you are out of whack again. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re[2]: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-07 Thread rikona
Hello Douglas,

Sunday, September 7, 2003, 3:51:03 AM, you wrote:

   subscribe expert
  Among the various combinations I tried, I think so, but I'll give it
  another go.
  Thanks, Anne

DB Follow-up -  Still no joy,

I couldn't sign up via the web either - tried the email and it worked.
What kind of response are you getting? Are you using any email
filters? It might be that the reply email looks like spam to some
filters because of the subject line.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread rikona
Hello Marc,

Saturday, September 6, 2003, 9:25:25 PM, you wrote:

M You can be glad that you do not have win xp for more reasons
M than just the virus issues.

No kidding! One of my biggest reasons for not going to XP is the
draconian EULA you are forced to accept. Hey, M$, this is MY computer,
not yours! I have stopped getting any updates that include this, too -
they are sneaking this into the updates as well. Be careful what you
accept from M$!

This, more than anything, has pushed me to linux. I just can't accept
such one-sided, ridiculous terms.

MOh well enough of my rant.

Mine too.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?

2003-09-07 Thread Margot
Lanman wrote:
history of criminal activity snipped

Ok, so like I was saying,...If someone has already mentioned this
kind of thing in the Virus-related posts to the list then please
ingore this diatribe. But John? You better start running, buddy!
Guido's coming!
Did that help at all?  Grin! Grin!


Can you send me Guido's phone number?  I have some friends I'd like him 
to meet... ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread Eric Huff
 a patched system will not proof you if someone on your system runs the

Yeah, of course.

 patching a system only helps against works like blaster that do a
 remote infection.. if someone double clicks an attachemnt, all bets
 are off in windows.

So in the case of sobig, it doesn't remotely target a hole in
micr*soft, but relies on somebody running the file?  I see.
With so many micr*soft seurity problems, i have trouble keeping the
facts straight...  

So that means that on all these infected sobig machines, someone double
clicked?  That just blows my mind.

I can't understand why outhouse still allows executables to be run.
If you want people to double click on files and have them opened up by
the proper program, fine.
But how often does it even make sense to run an executable from an email
program?  You'd think by now outhouse would disable that ability.  If
people really want to infect themselves, make them copy it somewhere
Sorry.  As many times as i encounter it, i never get used to such
blatant stupidity. 

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RE: [newbie] Virus - let's go over this again, shall we?u

2003-09-07 Thread Frankie
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David Filion

What's the IP got to do with the validation?  If the IP was used for
validation then users with DHCP accounts would not be able to join the
list because there is no guarantee the user's IP would remain the same
between postings.


No, users with DHCP usually have their ISP's mail server send the actual

those that don't need to have a dynamic DNS setup that changes each time
they get a new IP address..

If you setup postfix on a dynamic IP machine and set it up to mail directly
to the sympa servers instead of using a relay SMTP server, sympa will not
accept the mail because the IP does't resolve back to the Domain name..

trust me, I have had this problem in the past.. its a pain, but it stops
the spammers dead cold.



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Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic mode

2003-09-07 Thread Derek Jennings
Hit Ctl + Alt +F1 and you will get a text screen. You can log in as user 

useradd -p password user_name
to add a new user.
Ctl+Alt+F7 takes you back to the login screen but I expect you need to reboot 
before seeing the new user.

To enable login as root in the future



On Sunday 07 Sep 2003 4:50 pm, Cristian Papp wrote:
 Thanks for the answer. I've tried, only that I have no place to type in
 'root'. The first dialog is for choosing the user (apparently by icon
 clicking). There is no edit box for typing. However, I've clicked the
 dialog and type 'root'. No effect.

 Upon clicking the icon of the new user, his name is displayed as a text
 label, not as an edit field. So, no edit field again. Typing 'root' has no
 effect. This should be no surprise, since the dialog has no edit field
 (except for password).

 Best regards,


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 5:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Can not choose to log as 'root' anymore in graphic

  Hi Cristian,
  root does not show up in the list (it's hidden), just type it in and
  give the password and your in (You can also hide other users so they do
  not show up either). When you added the user, at the bottom of the box
  was the area for password. You need to go back into MCC and delete
  that user, then add it again. If you edit it, I see no place to give a
  password (Just delete it and start over).
  Hope this helps
  Cristian Papp wrote:
   As root, I've added a new user using the graphical utility provided in
   Mandrake Control Center. As I've found no edit-field for entering an
   initial password, I assumed that the new user would be allowed to set
   a pasword upon the first login.
   I also didn't add the new created user to any groups.
   Then I logout root account and try to log as the newly-created user.
   However, I could not log, as empty password or arbitary passwords were
   not accepted.
   The worst is that the login dialog box (I've choose to boot in
   graphical mode) doesn't provide the opportunity to specify another
   account (i.e root) anymore. The choices are: log as the new user (with
   what password?), reboot or halt the system. Even worse (as the worst)
   is that upon re-booting, I have the same logging screen, with no
   opportunity to change user.
   1. What can I do?
   2. What I've done wrong?
   Thanks in advance!


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Re[2]: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread rikona
Hello ed,

Sunday, September 7, 2003, 6:45:13 AM, you wrote:

et ahh NO!

et http://www.nsa.gov/selinux/

Sounds good. Is this going to be included in Mandrake? Killer system
if it is.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Converting sound files? (recording from cassette, pt2)

2003-09-07 Thread dfox
Somebody scribbled about Re: [newbie] Converting sound files? (recording 
from cassette, pt2)

sigh I guess I'm just gonna have to break down and buy a boom-box that
 has true line out.

What might work -- although I haven't tried it for cassettes, but I have a
walkman am/fm/cassette thing, with a stereo mini 1/8 plug with one end in 
the headphone jack and the other in the line-in on the sound card. For 
the limited stuff I've played with, it works all right, but the cassette 
doesn't work anymore... i may have to do the same thing richard did and 
repair my existing teac's.

i have two, one from ca. 1988, doesn't want to record or fast forward, the 
thing plays pretty well though. -- and the other one is a more recent 
three-head deck which won't play or record -- the tape goes through the 
system 2x normal speed when one presses play -- i tried to get this 
repaired a couple years back, no dice. 

so atm i use one deck to play, and the other one as a rewinder :)... for 
now though i don't play cassettes hardly at all and mostly play cd's .. 
most of my recording these days is to cd's from the net.

Thanks to Richard, Brant, The Other, and David for the replies. (and
 anyone else I missed!) :-)


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] palm

2003-09-07 Thread RichardA
On Sun, 07 Sep 2003 20:17:52 +0300, Anarky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 so this will also add a .txt file? and how do I get the software
 inside the palm to read it?


Process the text file on Linux with makeztxt, then upload the
reader, zlib and your pdb file.

Get up and turn I loose

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[newbie] I want to ditch windows

2003-09-07 Thread John Raynes
Hi all
Heres a question I wondered if anybody could help me with.
I really want to go fully onto linux think it will almost certainly be
I have one problem tho and that is my bank will not allow me to log in on
anything but ie is there anything which i could use that would fool the bank
into thinking it was ie.
if not ill leave a small installation of the dreaded on the machine.
many thanks john in the uk
Heres a new Paid to Read email programm
launched 1 August
Johns Paid Mail
25c sign up bonus
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Paid to read, click and signup.

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Re[2]: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread rikona
Hello Russ,

Sunday, September 7, 2003, 7:45:44 AM, you wrote:

R I was having a discussion with an avid Mac user about viruses. He
R claims there are no viruses for Macs because of the built in
R security features  (Mac is also a Unix based system like Linux).
R The Mac OS does have a  huge following so these script kiddies
R could target them as well. They  don't because they can't get in.
R Windows vulnerability is what makes it  the target, not it huge
R user base (thats just icing on the cake).

It is harder, but there's more to it. First, the base is important
just for bragging rights [I got 35,000 zombies this week. How many
did you get?]. It makes the numbers game much easier - for both the
14-year-olds-over-the-summer and the real crooks.

Also easier in Win. There is much readily available code for the
taking - well commented and easily changed to get a 'new' virus.
Little talent required for the change, even though the original might
have required quite a bit of knowledge.

For many kids, it is just another kind of game, and it is made
possible by the readily available virus 'kits'. MANY fewer kits for
Mac/linux, plus the much smaller base = much less interest.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-07 Thread crak600
so here's a question about the viruses.  does a router with a natural firewall 
built in help out at all?  i'm on cable and i run a 4 port router, even 
though i only have one computer on it, and i only use the router for the 
firewall protection, just to keep the hackers out.  but since my IP address 
stops at the router and my machine gets a different IP address, because the 
router gives it an IP address like it's on a network, does this help out at 
all in the stopping of spreading any viruses?  

if i am wrong in any of this, please correct me.  i was told that what is seen 
from the outside is one IP address, and if i was running 4 computers off of 
the router, only the one IP address assigned to me by the cable company would 
be seen on the 'outside' using basic means to see it.  of course, they could 
use some programs to see there are more machines on the network if they 
really wanted to, but that'd start being an invasion of privacy at a certain 

like i said, if i'm wrong, correct me.  please.  


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