Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-27 Per discussione giamgax
Il Wed, 27 Nov 2002 00:59:17 +0100
Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 Alle 00:44, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
  Certo! ecco ke mi hanno detto.
 -- Buon Giorno,
  attualmente la Nortek che è la casa produttrice del modem in questione,non
  ha fornito driver
  per far funzionare questo modem su Linux.
  In attesa di un suo riscontro ,

Non vorrei dire una castronata ma mi sembra che chiedendo diano un router (me l'ha 
detto mio cuggino)

Per te Blu American Express è gratis!

[newbie-it] comando lpr

2002-11-27 Per discussione mk
Ho installato da poco la M9.0... tutto bene, tranne il fatto che non 
posso stampare. Il comando lpr non funziona. La risposta che ricevo e':

unable to print file: client-error-not-found

Per favore, se qualcuno conosce il problema...


2002-11-27 Per discussione MANUEL CUSCU


MSN. Más Útil Cada Día Haz clic aquí 

[newbie-it] piccolo problema con limewire

2002-11-27 Per discussione alberto
Salve a tutti
innanzitutto ringrazio freefred e francesco melo per un aiuto datomi in 
precedenza, ma veniamo al dunque :
dopo aver lanciato limewire mi appare uno scipt, che per la lunghezza invio in 
allegato,dove probabilmente dice che non trova qualcosa di java, inoltre ogni 
volta che lancio il programma devo sempre fargli la configurazione. é 
Se qualcuno mi aiuta a capire lo ringrazio fin da ora.

ps. Comunque qualche mp3 lo ha già scaricato

messaggio limewire.sxw
Description: OpenOffice Writer document

Re: [newbie-it] comando lpr

2002-11-27 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 10:16, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, mk ha scritto:
 Ho installato da poco la M9.0... tutto bene, tranne il fatto che non
 posso stampare. Il comando lpr non funziona. La risposta che ricevo e':

 unable to print file: client-error-not-found

 Per favore, se qualcuno conosce il problema...

Qualche informazione in più: che stampante hai?


Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-11-27 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 20:22, martedì 26 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
 Scusa se ti utilizzo da cavia da laboratorio ma ormai hai fatto il salto
 dell'emulazione e insomma vediamo che succede; potresti per favore vedere
 se grip funziona bene poiché anche questo fa riferimento a /dev/cdrom e
 dunque in linea teorica da quello che mi dici dovrebbe funzionare... ma
 sai, non dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco (Trapattoni) !!

 Potevo spedirti l'e-mail personalmente ma credo interessi le persone che
 vogliono emularti... ahahah...

 Ciao :)

Cavia da laboratorio a rapporto... ;)
(in fin dei conti la comunità degli utenti serve a questo, no?)
Ho fatto la prova: GRIP funziona, a patto di indicargli (solo una volta) la 
periferica corretta. Se provi a caricarlo dopo aver messo in emulazione SCSI 
il CDROM, semplicemente non parte. Ma è sufficiente andare in linea di 
comando per scoprire che il problema è dovuto all'impossibilità di 
inizializzare la periferica /dev/cdrom (e ti credo!). Basta, da linea di 
comando, digitare: grip --device=/dev/scdX (dove la X va sostituita col 
numero giusto). Da quel momento in poi, GRIP funzionerà senza problemi 
(almeno, dalle prove che ho fatto).
Quindi, consiglio vivissimo: EMULATE, GENTE, EMULATE!!! :)


Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-27 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 10:13, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, giamgax ha scritto:
 Non vorrei dire una castronata ma mi sembra che chiedendo diano un router
 (me l'ha detto mio cuggino) Ciao.

Di solito, gli ISP che offrono l'accesso ADSL consentono di scegliere tra un 
modem esterno su porta USB o un modem ETHERNET: quelli di questo secondo 
tipo, a quanto ne so, sono preferibili per i minori problemi (da quel che ho 
capito, Linux vede la scheda di rete, non il modem che c'è dietro).
Da quel che aveva scritto tom, però, mi sembra di capire che questa offerta 
Tiscali è disponibile solo con quel modem, prendere o lasciare...


Re: [newbie-it] comando lpr

2002-11-27 Per discussione MK

Qualche informazione in più: che stampante hai?

dovrei stampare con diverse macchine, che stanno attaccate ad una rete. 
Esiste un server di stampa che fa da intermediario tra me e le 
stampanti, quindi eventuali problemi dovrebbero essere tra me ed il 
server. Dovrei usare il comando
lpr -Pnomestampante@printserver nomefile

ma non funzia!

[newbie-it] Mandsrake desktop

2002-11-27 Per discussione giampietro
Sono nuovo della lista e mi presento con un quesito

Ho usato per diverso tempo Mandrake 9 con mia grande soddisfazione poi in un 
giorno di pioggia ho deciso di reinstallare Mandrake per varie ragioni..e 
sorpresa sul desktop sono sparite tutte le icone ad eccezione di Xaw TV e una 
orribile icona rossa con croce bianca a nome PDQ Panic desktop, o provato a 
rinstallare il tutto ma il risultato non cambia, cosa strana se mi logo da 
root sembra che funzioni tutto.

Grazie per qualsiasi consiglio


Re: [newbie-it] Mandsrake desktop

2002-11-27 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 15:18:48 +0100
giampietro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sono nuovo della lista e mi presento con un quesito
 Ho usato per diverso tempo Mandrake 9 con mia grande soddisfazione poi in un 
 giorno di pioggia ho deciso di reinstallare Mandrake per varie ragioni..e 
 sorpresa sul desktop sono sparite tutte le icone ad eccezione di Xaw TV e una 
 orribile icona rossa con croce bianca a nome PDQ Panic desktop, o provato a 
 rinstallare il tutto ma il risultato non cambia, cosa strana se mi logo da 
 root sembra che funzioni tutto.
 Grazie per qualsiasi consiglio

Soluzione tagliata con l'accetta:

Non fare login grafico, ma entra da una console virtuale (cntrl-alt-F1).
Vai nella tua HOME, sposta tutto quello che si chiama .kde-qualcosa
in .kde-qualcora.back.

A questo punto, ritorni sulla console grafica (cntrl-alt-F7) e entri
in kde con il tuo login.
Dovrebbe ricrearti tutto il desktop, con tutte le icone.

A questo punto, riprendi tutte le configurazioni delle singole applicazioni
da .kde-back/share/config/APPLICAZIONErc 
Ad esempio, le configurazioni di kmail stanno in kmailrc.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-27 Per discussione tom
Alle 11:35, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
 Alle 10:13, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, giamgax ha scritto:
  Non vorrei dire una castronata ma mi sembra che chiedendo diano un router
  (me l'ha detto mio cuggino) Ciao.

 Di solito, gli ISP che offrono l'accesso ADSL consentono di scegliere tra
 un modem esterno su porta USB o un modem ETHERNET: quelli di questo secondo
 tipo, a quanto ne so, sono preferibili per i minori problemi (da quel che
 ho capito, Linux vede la scheda di rete, non il modem che c'è dietro). Da
 quel che aveva scritto tom, però, mi sembra di capire che questa offerta
 Tiscali è disponibile solo con quel modem, prendere o lasciare...


Ciao Daniele, esatto hai ragione..con l'abbonamento ti tirano ad un fianco 
il modem.te lo regalano dandogli 1 eurio,questo mi pare abbastanza 
vantaggioso,difatti cosi non ti devi pagare il comodato d'uso,che è di 4 
euro a bolletta.
CMQ torniamo a bomba..ieri ho ri scritto sia a Tiscali che al sig.Nortek
(x la verità al sig.Nortek gli ho scritto altre 2 volte)..e deve essere 
che era giorno di risposte,difatti stamattina ho ricevuto 6 mail tra Tisc. e 
Nor. con tutte le informazioni che avevo chiesto,e il sunto della questione 

1° ho prendo quel modem a regalo oppure prendo in comodato d'uso (a pagamento)
tutto quello che voglio,anche il mosis  per la nasa.

2° il modello del modem è il 2020 (che ca##o di sigla è? boo!)

3° questo è quello che quel poveretto della Nortek mi ha detto
(poveretto xke mi ha risposto a 4 caselle e-mail diverse,minacciando di 
boicottare i loro prodotti se non avessero considerato anche Linux eheheh :)
I modem tiscali sono dotati di chipset globspan modificato appositamente
per funzionare con tiscali. Al momento non sono disponibili driver per
il suo os ma presumo che verranno fatti al più presto.
Cordiali saluti

Rocco D'Aria
Customer Care Manager Nortek

Con queste informazioni in piu che mi sapete dire?

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] piccolo problema con limewire

2002-11-27 Per discussione freefred
On Wednesday 27 November 2002 1:26 pm, alberto wrote about [newbie-it] piccolo 
problema con limewire:

 dopo aver lanciato limewire mi appare uno scipt, che per la lunghezza invio
 in allegato,dove probabilmente dice che non trova qualcosa di java, inoltre
 ogni volta che lancio il programma devo sempre fargli la configurazione. é

ma limewire parte poi?
gli errori sul java potrebbero essere dalla virtual machine,
potresti forse prendere l'ultima.
la cosa della configurazione potrebbe avere a che fare coi permessi.
lo lanci come utente?
dove l'hai installato?
sembra in una dir nella tua home.
hai una dir .limewire anche nella tua home?
(lo vedi con ls -a)

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Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-27 Per discussione LukenShiro
--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 16:09:15 +0100
From: LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alle 23:43, martedì 26 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
 Qualcuno sa se il su detto modem adsl abbia una ben che minima speranza
 di funzionare con linux?

_Se_ monta un chip Globespan (dovresti chiederlo a Tiscali) e' mooolto
probabile che ti possa essere utile un mio post di risposta su argomento
simile apparso in altra lista [va da se' che declino ogni minima
responsabilita' implicita' ed esplicita :P]

A proposito di: Re: [linux] Modem ADSL Wisecom usb  linux

Alle 16:14, domenica 20 ottobre 2002, Ivan Iraci ha scritto:
 Qualcuno ha storie di successi con il modem in oggetto (quello fornito
 in comodato da Tiscali, per intenderci...) sotto linux?

Di esperienza diretta o indiretta non ne ho, pero', sempre che il modello
sia quello e il chip pure, qui, a conferma del funzionamento, dovresti
trovare qualcosa (per quello che puo' servire ...) :

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 § LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
Dato il sempre piu' ingente numero di *** che mi riempie la casella
 di posta di schifezze varie, d'ora in poi anche la piu' piccola UCE
 sara' oggetto di sistematica segnalazione a chi di competenza

Re: [newbie-it] Mandsrake desktop

2002-11-27 Per discussione paolo brusasco
perdona se mi intrometto senza consigli ma con domande.
ho letto che usi xaw tv. se per caso ci guardi la televisione per 
piacere mi dici che scheda tv usi e come si comfigura?
(io ho una matrox marvel g450 etv che va benissimo con mand 9 ma la tv 
me la sogno magari cambio tutto)
grazie. ciao.
giampietro ha scritto:

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-27 Per discussione tom
Alle 19:59, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:
 --  Messaggio inoltrato  --
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek
 Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 16:09:15 +0100
 From: LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Alle 23:43, martedì 26 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
  Qualcuno sa se il su detto modem adsl abbia una ben che minima speranza
  di funzionare con linux?

 _Se_ monta un chip Globespan (dovresti chiederlo a Tiscali) e' mooolto
 probabile che ti possa essere utile un mio post di risposta su argomento
 simile apparso in altra lista [va da se' che declino ogni minima
 responsabilita' implicita' ed esplicita :P]

 A proposito di: Re: [linux] Modem ADSL Wisecom usb  linux

 Alle 16:14, domenica 20 ottobre 2002, Ivan Iraci ha scritto:
  Qualcuno ha storie di successi con il modem in oggetto (quello fornito
  in comodato da Tiscali, per intenderci...) sotto linux?

 Di esperienza diretta o indiretta non ne ho, pero', sempre che il modello
 sia quello e il chip pure, qui, a conferma del funzionamento, dovresti
 trovare qualcosa (per quello che puo' servire ...) :

Grazie mille ora forse ho qualche speranza! il Nortek 2020 potrebbe essere 
supportato,e dico ho capito bene il cipset e 
suportato ma quelli del sito non l'hanno testato. i driver sono in 
CVS ma cosa vuol dire? questo non l'ho ancora capito!
qualcuno mi puo illuminare? 

Ciao , Tom

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-11-27 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 01:12, mercoledì 20 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

 1)  Allora, ho trovato cose mooolto interessanti sul mio modello di
 portatile... dunque pare che l'acpi sia sconosciuto e che non lavori
 correttamente finché non viene configurato al kernel 2.4.19 che include
 l'acpi supporto. Quando ciò è fatto allora l'uso dello C states fa
 decrescere la temperatura della CPU ad un livello accettabile. Quando il
 sistema è al minimo il
 raffreddamento attivo è spento.

 2) sul forum  si dice che il nuovo kernel (2.4.19-17.mdk) dovrebbe risolvere 
il bug
 anche a me capita sul portatile
 ho sempre l'iconcina della corrente
 non ho provato ancora il nuovo kernel non ho avuto il coraggio...

Cari ragazzuoli, ritorno sul problema dell'acpi perché davvero sto benedetto 
portatile vorrei funzionasse correttamente...
Sto leggendo l'how-to sul kernel...
Nel frattempo, escludendo la possibilità di ri-compilare il kernel esistente, 
potrei installare il nuovo kernel che pare risolvere il problema acpi sui 
portatili acer...
Chiedo quali sono i passi per l'installazione? 

Ciao grazie a tutti

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-27 Per discussione LukenShiro
Alle 22:37, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
 se ho capito bene il cipset e suportato ma quelli del sito
 non l'hanno testato. i driver sono in CVS ma cosa vuol dire?
 questo non l'ho ancora capito!
 qualcuno mi puo illuminare?

Sta per Concurrent Version System, in parole molto grezze e' un sistema 
di creazione e modifica di sorgenti in modo distribuito, cio' permette a 
piu' programmatori a distanza di collaborare allo stesso progetto ad un 
livello organizzato e sincronizzato.

Se un progetto e' ancora in CVS, molto probabilmente e' agli esordi o cmq 
non ha raggiunto quel grado di maturita'/stabilita' necessario in vista 
dell'uscita di una (iniziale o nuova) release principale pubblicamente 
utilizzabile; per lo scaricamento dei file di solito e' necessario 
utilizzare l'apposito comando 'cvs', seguendo le istruzioni per 
l'autenticazione e per lo scaricamento fisico dei file.

supposizioni mie
In ogni caso, _se non mi sbaglio_, mi pare di capire che la parte 
usermode e' qualcosa di piu' di un driver, riunisce in se' un 
programmino di configurazione e una serie di immagini (.bin) modificate 
del firmware del modem.
Occhio che, _se e' cosi'_, il caricamento del firmware e' cosa 
estremamente delicata (come lo e' del resto l'aggiornamento di un 
qualsiasi BIOS): attenzione a portare a buon fine integralmente il 
processo di aggiornamento e NON interrompere o spegnere l'apparecchio 
prima della fine, altrimenti e' molto probabile dire addio 
all'apparecchio ... (direi che e' una delle operazioni piu' rischiose ... 
dopo quella di riuscire ad avere un sistema win* stabile per mesi ; 
La parte kernelmode dovrebbe invece essere un normale modulo per il 
kernel (ma al momento e' in piena fase alpha ...)
/supposizioni mie

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 § LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

RE: [newbie] Postfix Config

2002-11-27 Per discussione Franki
No you couldn't.. first of all, if you tried to use (for example)
any mail that was supposed to go to your server would instead end up at
yahoos server.

it has to be a domain that will resolve back to your IP address... if it
doesn't, your out of luck.

then you get servers like mandrakes list server.. that will reject any mail
from servers that don't resolve back to its domain name from IP. (least I
think thats how they have it setup.)

still, you got it going, thats the main thing..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jordan Elver
Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2002 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Postfix Config

On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 7:36 pm, Franki wrote:
 Stick with postfix, its far easier them m4's and the like...

 you might find postfix easier if you use webmin..

 generially yes, postfix should have a domain name..

 you may be able to get it sort of functioning without it.. but its a good

 do you have a static IP address??? if so, try doing a lookup on it, my ISP
 gives all its Ip's numeric subdomains.. and they are find for a mail

 when you send mail, (or try to) what is showing up in
 /var/log/mail/warnings? or info, or errors

 that info will help us determine whats wrong..

 Also, postfix in mdk9 sometimes installs wrong.. so if you don't have a
 head of symlinks and lib files in
 /var/spool/postfix/lib then uninstall and reinstall postfix..

 I had that problem twice and both times manually reinstalling postfix
 (and strangely enough, postfix gave no real outward sign that there was a
 problem, it just wouldn't work properly.)

Thanks Frank. I already had a free sub domain from As soon as I
chaged the hostname etc for that. it worked fine :-)

There is something I don't understand though. How does my ISPs receiving
server know that the domain I supplied is legit? Could I in theory add any
domain that is online?

Thanks very much for your help,

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RE: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Franki
try swapping the url to the image and css from relative to absolute, and
move both out of the cgi-bin.

they should be somewhere like /var/www/html/images

in the script they should link to the URL..

see how you go with that. some setups will not server images and stuff from
the cgi-bin.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L.V.Gandhi
Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2002 11:27 PM
Subject: [newbie] cgi help

When I call the cgi file given below, I don't get the effects of stylesheet
mentioned in the header and also the picture. both the files are in the same
folder as that of the cgi file.

print End;
Content-Type: text/html\n\n
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=teststyle.css /
img src=gandhi.jpg alt=My picture  height=153 width=131
 I called the script with test .html given below.
a href=cgi-bin/test1.plcsstestabr
 What should be done to get the desired effect.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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RE: [newbie] OT Mailing list, what if...

2002-11-27 Per discussione Franki
I think the mandrake servers would reject it with a mail loops back to
self message..

what you suggest is similiar to what alot of newbies do accidently when they
first setup a mail server.

postfix sortof expects it and knows that it shouldn't start an endless mail
loop with it.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of _nasturtium
Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2002 5:03 PM
Subject: [newbie] OT Mailing list, what if...

I was just wondering what would happen if I went to, then subscribed to newbie the address
Of course, the confirmation email would be sent to the list, and it would
trivial to fake your mail headers and send back the subscribe request.
Then, whenever an email is sent to newbie, it will be sent to all
to the list. Including newbie...
Then that email is sent to the newbie list, where subscribers such as
will receive it...etc. - circular mail?

Just something interesting to think about, though I'm not sure if it would
get very far. Either way, I'm not going to be the one who tests it!


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[newbie] updating postgres without mandrake-specific rpm?

2002-11-27 Per discussione tek1

just wondering what steps to take if i want to upgrade to the latest 
version of postgresql (using binaries/tar) instead of using a 
mandrake-specific rpm (which is not yet available)?  any possible pitfalls 
to watch out for?

thank you. 

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Re: [newbie] supermount investigation

2002-11-27 Per discussione Anne Wilson
This is deliberately top-posted.  There  have not been many answers to this 
suggested roll-call, and I wonder if it is because many people filter the 
incoming messages to their own area of interest/expertise and so didn't see 

I'm wondering if we should start a new thread, in the hope of attracting more 


On Monday 25 Nov 2002 10:59 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 You know, AnneI can see a lot more out of this that I had originally
 hoped for. Think about this: Someone is looking to the listserv for answers
 to their particular problem, and thinks to find someone else with similar
 problems AND who has a similar system. A search is done through the
 archivesBingo! All posts with siimilar attributes are found on-site or
 through a Web-based search. Not only do you find the posts, but you get
 data that can be analized and cross-checked against your own findings. If
 the postings are going to be archived, why not archive valuable data?

 How many times have you done a search for a particular problem, only to
 receive a multitude of posts from individuals that say not much more than..
 Uh, yeah. I have that problem, too. I want help also! Jeez, I hate it
 when I see one zillion top-rated search choices of archived meaningless
 Bologna postings like that! Maybe, this can even the odds a bit, give us
 all a chance to see the bigger picture of what complaints are formed
 around, and of those systems that are not having supermount problems. The
 best posts here, IMHO, are those when someone takes the time to type up
 what to do correctly, or shows their working config file. They are the
 'priceless' in my book.

 Thanks for the insight, Anne.


 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 5:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount

 I've stuck to the format of John's so far as I can.  There may have to be
 an 'other info' column if we are going to try to collate this info, as
 there will be many cases of one-offs, I think.

 It's interesting, though.  The survey has made me think a bit about some
 problems I've had, and things I might try to improve the issue.  I had
 thought, for instance that tge cd-dvd was just ready for throwing, but now
 I'm not so sure that's the problem.

 Spec, then:

 Contact Anne Wilson

 Machine name anne-linux

 System specs:

 Make home build
 Model n/a
 CPU Athlon
 CPU manuf: AMD
 CPU rating 900
 MBoard Manuf Asus
 MBoard Model A7V
 USB ports 2+2+2 all on-board
 4-port hub, identified by linux as Texas Instruments TUSB2040/2070 Hub
 Chipsets VIA VT8363 (VIA Apollo KT133) system controller
 VIA VT82C686A PCIset
 Controllers VIA VT8363/8365 (KT133/KM133) rev. 02

 RAM type and quantity 2x256DIMMS - supports 1.5Gb PC133 RAM
 CPU Bus 200MHz FSB
 Cache 256 Kb
 Video card Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head
 Video memory 32 Mb
 Video bus AGP Pro/4X
 Sound card Audigy Platinum
 I/O Ports 1 serial disabled at bios
 1 serial for occasional camera or modem connection
 1 parallel unused
 IRQs shared 5 - usb-uhci, usb-uhci, eth0
 10 - ide2, ide3, ohci1394

 Peripherals installed

 Floppy generic
 CD-ROM_0 cd/dvd,Hitachi GD-5000
 Connection on-board ide
 Position secondary master
 CD-ROM1 CD-RW, Mitsumi CR-48X9TE Rev. 1.0C
 Channel] UDMA ide connector
 Position secondary slave
 HDDs Fujitsu PMPG 3204AT, 19.5 Gb, UDMA 5 - UDMA connector primary master
 Maxtor 91731V4, 16 Gb, UDMA 4, UDMA connector, primary slave
 Fujitsu MPA 3043 ATU, 4 Gb, UDMA 2, secondary master


 NIC SMC-EZ 10/100, Realtek chipset
 SCSI card Tekram DC-390, PCI listed by linux as AMD 53c974 PCscsi rev.10

 USB devices Imation LS120 floptical
 HP DeskJet 990Cxi printer
 Epson Perfection 1650 scanner


 Supermount enabled for floppy, LS120 and both cd drives.

 Generally no problem, providing care taking in removing focus before
 Desktop icon for removable media seems to be a good control method.

 Audigy Platinum break-out box not yet supported.

 CD-DVD has never been properly recognised and cannot be scsi-emulated -
 this spec makes me wonder if its position on the udma controller is a


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[newbie] alcatel speed touch pro Mand9

2002-11-27 Per discussione greg
Hi list,
new to linux, and Mandrake.  I am having a problem trying to get my internet
working in Mandrake.  Previously I used Red Hat 8, and the connection was
established automatically, with no input from me, and worked faultlessly.
With Mandrake, it just does not want to work.  With the install wizard, I
selected to automatically detect, and when it got to the update section, it
could not connect.  Now in the system, I still can't get it to work.  I
never took down the settings in Red hat before changing, so I have no
reference as to how it worked before.  All I have are the settings in my
windows system, which are as follows:
Address assigned by DHCP
Subnet mask
Default gateway
DHCP server
DNS server

the ethernet card I am using is a realtek
the modem is a alcatel speed touch pro.

It is acting purely as a router, and I am not currently required to enter in
any login names or passwords.  The connection is always on.

Please help me!!!

regards Greg

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[newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Nikunj Bansal
Hi all,

I recently upgraded the motherboard and the CPU on my
PC and am unable to 
use or install Mandrake (tried versions 8.2 and 9.0)
after that. On the 
other hand, the previous RedHat 9.0 install on another
partition on the 
same PC works fine as well as RedHat 9.0 Install CD
works fine too.

The new Motherboard is ABIT BD-711 and new CPU is
Intel Celeron 1.8GHz. 
First of all my old install of Mandrake 8.2 wont boot
on the new setup. So 
I tried installing anew. However, both 8.2 and 9.0
installs give an error 
No CDROM device found in the initial stages of the
install itself.

So, I did more experimentation on my setup. Apparently
any IDE devices 
plugged into the motherboard IDE controller are not
being recognized by the 
Mandrake installed kernel as well as the Mandrake
Install CD kernel. How do 
I know this? Because I have a PCI-IDE bridge too and
when I plugged my 
CDRom and the hard disk into this controller and boot
from the floppy using 
the cdrom.img on it, the install starts recognizing
these. However this 
way, I cannot use CDROMs to boot my PC at all and I
dont wish to configure 
this way.

Anyone seen any similar problems before with
ABIT-BD-711 or some other 
motherboard? Any pointers will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] Prolink PixelView linux compatibility

2002-11-27 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 12:45, Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:
 I've found this tv board: Prolink PixelView (PV-BT878+w/fm) a real bargain!
 THE question is is it supported on MDK9 ?
 I was just browsing on google and so far nothing was said about being 
 compatible or not!
 Does anyone know about this?

Being that you have the BT878 chipset, you can use XawTV - so yes, the
card is support by MDK as well as most distros of linux...

Wed Nov 27 22:10:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

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Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

We are not loved by our friends for what we are; rather, we are loved in
spite of what we are.
-- Victor Hugo

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[newbie] graphic card and MDK 9.0

2002-11-27 Per discussione ivette brusselmans
Hello world!

Can anyone tell me if SIS 300
graphic card is supported by MDK 9.0.
Searched the web but got contradictory information.


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Re: [newbie] I need to choose from a multiple network profiles ata booting my MDK9. HOW?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Marcos Nobre

Ok Derek, I will proceed with your advises about Cooker`s softwares.

Suppose that I develop 3 profiles with "Network Connect GUI"
of Mdk9 as you sad : 1=Home / 2=Office-A / 3=Office-B.

My big doubt is how can I inform (setting up) some of them at
boot (login) time ?

I need to power-on my Notebook, waiting for loading OS and
than, at Login fase, I need to define that my environment (network
settings) will be X, or Y or Z. Understood ?

Is there a way to do this? 


Marcos Nobre

Derek Jennings wrote:

  On Monday 25 Nov 2002 3:17 pm, Marcos Nobre wrote:
I have found "drakprofile" on cooker, instaled it and when I try
to configure any (default) profile, I got some py...gtk error.

This is the right (best) way to have (install / setup) Multiple Profiles ?
There is another tool (feature) to do this on Mdk 9 ?

Thanks in advance,

Marcos Nobre.

Conhea o novo sistema AntiSpam. Visite


Installing Cooker packages is likely to cause problems, unless you are know 
what you are doing, and should be avoided.
If you want to define multiple profiles you can do that quite easily in 
Mandrake 9.0 using the Network Connect GUI.
If you want to select a profile you can do that using the 
/usr/sbin/net_monitor application which is the same as the 'Internet' GUI on 
your desktop.
If you want to use net_monitor without having to give root password you can 
read how to do that here



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RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Jim Hubbard
Have you experimented with master/slave/cable-select settings on the
CDROM?  Are you sure the MDK CD's are good?  Check for bios updates
for the motherboard?  Just some ideas, hope they help.

Jim Hubbard
 |o_o |
 |:_/ |
//   \ \
   (| | )
  /'\_   _/`\

Rockingham County Linux Users Group

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nikunj Bansal
 Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 5:56 AM
 Subject: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

 Hi all,

 I recently upgraded the motherboard and the CPU on my
 PC and am unable to
 use or install Mandrake (tried versions 8.2 and 9.0)
 after that. On the
 other hand, the previous RedHat 9.0 install on another
 partition on the
 same PC works fine as well as RedHat 9.0 Install CD
 works fine too.

 The new Motherboard is ABIT BD-711 and new CPU is
 Intel Celeron 1.8GHz.
 First of all my old install of Mandrake 8.2 wont boot
 on the new setup. So
 I tried installing anew. However, both 8.2 and 9.0
 installs give an error
 No CDROM device found in the initial stages of the
 install itself.

 So, I did more experimentation on my setup. Apparently
 any IDE devices
 plugged into the motherboard IDE controller are not
 being recognized by the
 Mandrake installed kernel as well as the Mandrake
 Install CD kernel. How do
 I know this? Because I have a PCI-IDE bridge too and
 when I plugged my
 CDRom and the hard disk into this controller and boot
 from the floppy using
 the cdrom.img on it, the install starts recognizing
 these. However this
 way, I cannot use CDROMs to boot my PC at all and I
 dont wish to configure
 this way.

 Anyone seen any similar problems before with
 ABIT-BD-711 or some other
 motherboard? Any pointers will be appreciated.

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] I need to choose from a multiple network profiles at a booting my MDK9. HOW?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Derek Jennings
A script placed in ~/bash_profile will execute when you log in, but I do not 
know how to select a networking profile from a script. You would also have to 
consider how you would tell the system it was being used at Home or Office?

I think I would just use the drop down list of profiles in the net_monitor GUI 
when I wanted to change the access method :)


On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 11:29 am, Marcos Nobre wrote:
 Ok Derek, I will proceed with your advises about Cooker`s softwares.

 Suppose that I develop 3 profiles with Network Connect GUI
 of Mdk9 as you sad : 1=Home / 2=Office-A / 3=Office-B.

 My big doubt is how can I inform (setting up) some of them at
 boot (login) time ?

 I need to power-on my Notebook, waiting for loading OS and
 than, at Login fase, I need to define that my environment (network
 settings) will be X, or Y or Z. Understood ?

 Is there a way to do this?


 Marcos Nobre

 Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Monday 25 Nov 2002 3:17 pm, Marcos Nobre wrote:
 I have found drakprofile on cooker, instaled it and when I try
 to configure any (default) profile, I got some py...gtk error.
 This is the right (best) way to have (install / setup) Multiple Profiles
  ? There is another tool (feature) to do this on Mdk 9 ?
 Thanks in advance,
 Marcos Nobre.
 Conheça o novo sistema AntiSpam. Visite
 Installing Cooker packages is likely to cause problems, unless you are
  know what you are doing, and should be avoided.
 If you want to define multiple profiles you can do that quite easily in
 Mandrake 9.0 using the Network Connect GUI.
 If you want to select a profile you can do that using the
 /usr/sbin/net_monitor application which is the same as the 'Internet' GUI
  on your desktop.
 If you want to use net_monitor without having to give root password you
  can read how to do that here
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RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Nikunj Bansal
Hi Jim,

Thanks for the response. I do not have any of the
devices as slaves. I have 3 IDE devices - 2 HDDs and 1
CDROM/RW (Plextor 12/10/32). Apart from the 2 slots
for IDE on board I also have a PCI-IDE bridge for the
extra device. Here is my problem. The Mandrake Install
CD does not recognize the device(s) plugged into the
on-board slots but does so for the device(s) plugged
into the PCI-IDE bridge. I have experimented with
different combinations and this seems to be always the
case. I know that the CDs are good as I have used this
same set many times before to install. Also, both the
8.0 and the 9.0 CD give the same exact problem. On the
other hand, the RedHat CD works just fine.

Am not sure how to get the BIOS updates and install
them. I dont have DOS/Windows at all to do that. Can
one do that from Linux?


--- Jim Hubbard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you experimented with master/slave/cable-select
 settings on the
 CDROM?  Are you sure the MDK CD's are good?  Check
 for bios updates
 for the motherboard?  Just some ideas, hope they
 Jim Hubbard
  |o_o |
  |:_/ |
 //   \ \
(| | )
   /'\_   _/`\
 Rockingham County Linux Users Group
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
 Of Nikunj Bansal
  Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 5:56 AM
  Subject: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems
 with Mandrake
  Hi all,
  I recently upgraded the motherboard and the CPU on
  PC and am unable to
  use or install Mandrake (tried versions 8.2 and
  after that. On the
  other hand, the previous RedHat 9.0 install on
  partition on the
  same PC works fine as well as RedHat 9.0 Install
  works fine too.
  The new Motherboard is ABIT BD-711 and new CPU is
  Intel Celeron 1.8GHz.
  First of all my old install of Mandrake 8.2 wont
  on the new setup. So
  I tried installing anew. However, both 8.2 and 9.0
  installs give an error
  No CDROM device found in the initial stages of
  install itself.
  So, I did more experimentation on my setup.
  any IDE devices
  plugged into the motherboard IDE controller are
  being recognized by the
  Mandrake installed kernel as well as the Mandrake
  Install CD kernel. How do
  I know this? Because I have a PCI-IDE bridge too
  when I plugged my
  CDRom and the hard disk into this controller and
  from the floppy using
  the cdrom.img on it, the install starts
  these. However this
  way, I cannot use CDROMs to boot my PC at all and
  dont wish to configure
  this way.
  Anyone seen any similar problems before with
  ABIT-BD-711 or some other
  motherboard? Any pointers will be appreciated.
  Thanks in advance,
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Re: [newbie] supermount investigation

2002-11-27 Per discussione Technoslick
I had such thoughts when I started to see us all posting replies using the
supermount Subject line. When I first posted my one system's specs, I made
the Subject line long and as specific as possible. My hope was that we would
use that Subject only for posting system specs and supermount usage results.
I can see that it is going to be really difficult to manage a thread that
should never have conversation, only informational posts. Still, it probably
would be best if we made up a Subject line and header that would discourage
all of us from posting replies to it.

A thought that came to mind was to duplicate the subscription process of a
listserv. Let's assume that the Subject line of system info postings will be
Supermount - Systems Results. The first lines of the form include verbiage
something like: Do not reply to this post! All replies are to be made using
the Subject line: Supermount - Replies. Use Supermount - Systems Results
only for posting your systems specs and results on using supermount on your
Mandrake system.

The challenge is staying with the K.I.S.S. principle, or it will get so
difficult to understand and handle that no one will post anything.

What do you think?


- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount investigation

This is deliberately top-posted.  There  have not been many answers to this
suggested roll-call, and I wonder if it is because many people filter the
incoming messages to their own area of interest/expertise and so didn't see

I'm wondering if we should start a new thread, in the hope of attracting


On Monday 25 Nov 2002 10:59 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 You know, AnneI can see a lot more out of this that I had originally
 hoped for. Think about this: Someone is looking to the listserv for
 to their particular problem, and thinks to find someone else with similar
 problems AND who has a similar system. A search is done through the
 archivesBingo! All posts with siimilar attributes are found on-site or
 through a Web-based search. Not only do you find the posts, but you get
 data that can be analized and cross-checked against your own findings. If
 the postings are going to be archived, why not archive valuable data?

 How many times have you done a search for a particular problem, only to
 receive a multitude of posts from individuals that say not much more
 Uh, yeah. I have that problem, too. I want help also! Jeez, I hate it
 when I see one zillion top-rated search choices of archived meaningless
 Bologna postings like that! Maybe, this can even the odds a bit, give us
 all a chance to see the bigger picture of what complaints are formed
 around, and of those systems that are not having supermount problems. The
 best posts here, IMHO, are those when someone takes the time to type up
 what to do correctly, or shows their working config file. They are the
 'priceless' in my book.

 Thanks for the insight, Anne.


 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 5:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount

 I've stuck to the format of John's so far as I can.  There may have to be
 an 'other info' column if we are going to try to collate this info, as
 there will be many cases of one-offs, I think.

 It's interesting, though.  The survey has made me think a bit about some
 problems I've had, and things I might try to improve the issue.  I had
 thought, for instance that tge cd-dvd was just ready for throwing, but now
 I'm not so sure that's the problem.

 Spec, then:

 Contact Anne Wilson

 Machine name anne-linux

 System specs:

 Make home build
 Model n/a
 CPU Athlon
 CPU manuf: AMD
 CPU rating 900
 MBoard Manuf Asus
 MBoard Model A7V
 USB ports 2+2+2 all on-board
 4-port hub, identified by linux as Texas Instruments TUSB2040/2070 Hub
 Chipsets VIA VT8363 (VIA Apollo KT133) system controller
 VIA VT82C686A PCIset
 Controllers VIA VT8363/8365 (KT133/KM133) rev. 02

 RAM type and quantity 2x256DIMMS - supports 1.5Gb PC133 RAM
 CPU Bus 200MHz FSB
 Cache 256 Kb
 Video card Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head
 Video memory 32 Mb
 Video bus AGP Pro/4X
 Sound card Audigy Platinum
 I/O Ports 1 serial disabled at bios
 1 serial for occasional camera or modem connection
 1 parallel unused
 IRQs shared 5 - usb-uhci, usb-uhci, eth0
 10 - ide2, ide3, ohci1394

 Peripherals installed

 Floppy generic
 CD-ROM_0 cd/dvd,Hitachi GD-5000
 Connection on-board ide
 Position secondary master
 CD-ROM1 CD-RW, Mitsumi CR-48X9TE Rev. 1.0C
 Channel] UDMA ide connector
 Position secondary slave
 HDDs Fujitsu PMPG 3204AT, 19.5 Gb, UDMA 5 - UDMA connector primary master
 Maxtor 91731V4, 16 Gb, UDMA 4, UDMA connector, primary slave
 Fujitsu MPA 3043 ATU, 4 Gb, UDMA 2, secondary master


 NIC SMC-EZ 10/100, 

RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Alexander Rayborn
This sounds a lot like the problem I'm having with the Asus P4B533-E.  I
had to install Mandrake via FTP server (I copied the CDs to a share on
my home network and connected to it during the install).

I have also updated to the latest BIOS to no avail.


 -Original Message-
 From: Nikunj Bansal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:58 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake
 Hi Jim,
 Thanks for the response. I do not have any of the
 devices as slaves. I have 3 IDE devices - 2 HDDs and 1
 CDROM/RW (Plextor 12/10/32). Apart from the 2 slots
 for IDE on board I also have a PCI-IDE bridge for the
 extra device. Here is my problem. The Mandrake Install
 CD does not recognize the device(s) plugged into the
 on-board slots but does so for the device(s) plugged
 into the PCI-IDE bridge. I have experimented with
 different combinations and this seems to be always the
 case. I know that the CDs are good as I have used this
 same set many times before to install. Also, both the
 8.0 and the 9.0 CD give the same exact problem. On the
 other hand, the RedHat CD works just fine.
 Am not sure how to get the BIOS updates and install
 them. I dont have DOS/Windows at all to do that. Can
 one do that from Linux?

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Re: [newbie] supermount investigation

2002-11-27 Per discussione Anne Wilson

 A thought that came to mind was to duplicate the subscription process of a
 listserv. Let's assume that the Subject line of system info postings will
 be Supermount - Systems Results. The first lines of the form include
 verbiage something like: Do not reply to this post! All replies are to be
 made using the Subject line: Supermount - Replies. Use Supermount -
 Systems Results only for posting your systems specs and results on using
 supermount on your Mandrake system.

 The challenge is staying with the K.I.S.S. principle, or it will get so
 difficult to understand and handle that no one will post anything.

 What do you think?

Sounds reasonable to me.  I was aware of the runaway that originated in my 
comments attached to the spec, but didn't know quite what to do about it.  
This would deal with the problem, I think, though I would suggest Supermount 
- Comments instead of - Replies.


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[newbie] more on Asus P4B533-E

2002-11-27 Per discussione Alexander Rayborn
Title: Message

I'm starting to 
think this is a bug in Intel's chipset design. Mandrake refuses to 
recognize the IDE controllers are located on IRQs 14/15... then it complains on 
every boot:

PCI Resouce 
collisions 00:1F (I'll post a complete dmesg if anyone is 

Alan Cox claims to 
have fixed this in the stock kernel with his patch tree, but I'm still too 
newbie to get a compiled kernel to boot. It crashes after every 

What gets me 
thinking is... on these motherboards, Intel ships the "Intel Application 
Accelerator" which is basically nothing more than a package of UDMA drivers for 
the onboard IDE controllers. It's starting to feel like they're 
compensating for something...


RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Nikunj Bansal
Are you able to boot into Mandrake normally after the
install is completed? I worry because my existing
Mandrake installation is also not booting up
presumably because it does not seem to recognize the
hard disk plugged into the IDE slots on board.

--- Alexander Rayborn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This sounds a lot like the problem I'm having with
 the Asus P4B533-E.  I
 had to install Mandrake via FTP server (I copied the
 CDs to a share on
 my home network and connected to it during the
 I have also updated to the latest BIOS to no avail.
  -Original Message-
  From: Nikunj Bansal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:58 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard
 problems with Mandrake
  Hi Jim,
  Thanks for the response. I do not have any of the
  devices as slaves. I have 3 IDE devices - 2 HDDs
 and 1
  CDROM/RW (Plextor 12/10/32). Apart from the 2
  for IDE on board I also have a PCI-IDE bridge for
  extra device. Here is my problem. The Mandrake
  CD does not recognize the device(s) plugged into
  on-board slots but does so for the device(s)
  into the PCI-IDE bridge. I have experimented with
  different combinations and this seems to be always
  case. I know that the CDs are good as I have used
  same set many times before to install. Also, both
  8.0 and the 9.0 CD give the same exact problem. On
  other hand, the RedHat CD works just fine.
  Am not sure how to get the BIOS updates and
  them. I dont have DOS/Windows at all to do that.
  one do that from Linux?
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RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Alexander Rayborn
Yes, I can boot into Mandrake after installing from FTP, but my CD-ROM
drives still do not work.  I haven't tried any manual nudging (mostly
because I have no idea what to try).

My drive hookup is as follows:

MBFastrack33 (onboard UltraDMA 133): /dev/hda (works fine, even with
UDMA mode)

Onboard IDE: DVD-ROM as master
Onboard IDE2: HP 9100i as master

Anything on the onboard IDE doesn't work...


 -Original Message-
 From: Nikunj Bansal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 7:12 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake
 Are you able to boot into Mandrake normally after the
 install is completed? I worry because my existing
 Mandrake installation is also not booting up
 presumably because it does not seem to recognize the
 hard disk plugged into the IDE slots on board.

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Re: [newbie] more on Asus P4B533-E

2002-11-27 Per discussione Nikunj Bansal
If thats the case, then redhat seems to have done
something right. Coz I am able to use my existing
install of redhat from before my motherboard
replacement adventure and also I am able to get the
redhat 9.0 install CD to recognize all devices on the
onboard IDE controllers.

--- Alexander Rayborn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm starting to think this is a bug in Intel's
 chipset design.  Mandrake
 refuses to recognize the IDE controllers are located
 on IRQs 14/15...
 then it complains on every boot:
 PCI Resouce collisions 00:1F  (I'll post a complete
 dmesg if anyone is
 Alan Cox claims to have fixed this in the stock
 kernel with his patch
 tree, but I'm still too newbie to get a compiled
 kernel to boot.  It
 crashes after every boot.
 What gets me thinking is... on these motherboards,
 Intel ships the
 Intel Application Accelerator which is basically
 nothing more than a
 package of UDMA drivers for the onboard IDE
 controllers.  It's starting
 to feel like they're compensating for something...

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Re: [newbie] Linux and pre-schoolers

2002-11-27 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 08:39:28AM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Looks great, Todd.  I would like to see projects like this reported in 
 computer mags - at least those with an open mind.  I would suggest possibly 
 forwarding this post to Linux Format, Linux Magazine, PCPlus and Computer 
 Shopper.  The last two are not linux only, of course, but both carry some 
 coverage.  It's projects like this that take some of the 'scare' out of 
 starting.  What do you think?

Thanks. I have thought about writing some more details about the setup
and turning it into a web page and submitting it to But I also like the idea of taking it


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Re: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-27 Per discussione Charlie
On November 26, 2002 07:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Charlie,
Thanks for your help. I followed your instructions. Unfortunately i got
 stuck after choosing Expert installation where after which it couldn't read
 my partitions properly. u might want to refer to my mail t stephen for a
 full explanation.


Howdy Sean;

Maybe 'cause I forgot to tell you to click Done after setting the partitions 
and you went straight to the next step without rewriting the existing 
partition table? I'm sorry, my bad!

I've read the replies; including your partition layout posted to Stephen, as 
well as the answers from Stephen and Brian. The 8 GB (1024 cylinder) limit 
doesn't affect your situation since Linux overcame that limitation some time 
back. It doesn't exist any more and isn't of any consequence. It seems the 
entire issue may have started with not being willing; or being unable, to 
give up data that hasn't been backed up, by reformatting and reinstalling 
both operating systems fresh, and aborting repartitioning at an early stage. 
Along with too many third party partitioning tools. Fdisk, Power Quest's 
Partition Magic, diskdrake, XP installer and so on. Is it any wonder the 
result is unreadable?

The message you've been getting from the Mandrake installer means your 
partition table is so corrupt that it is unusable as it is. Following the 
suggestions presented by others (and my own) would mean losing whatever data 
is on the drive, but that seems unavoidable now. There are probably ways to 
rescue it; or at least some of it, but they all cost serious coin. Booting to 
the command prompt only from a DOS boot disk (Win 9x) and running /FDISK 
MBR, then deleting all partitions via low level format and starting fresh is 
possibly all you can do now.

Brian's suggestion about zeroing the disk with a (Fujitsu? Is it part of 
their *major* recall?) utility disk is all about what some people refer to as 
a deep or low level format. Total erasure is the gist of it. I've had to 
do that recently with an old (3 years) 13 GB Maxtor in a friend's machine, 
but the option was in her machine's BIOS. Didn't need the utility disk. It 
takes a while, and the end result is a disk with absolutely _nothing_ usable 
written on it that any method (possibly) short of a scanning/tunneling 
electron microscope could find.

As has been said by others; I see that you're getting frustrated, but please 
don't give up on the list's help and especially on yourself. You're getting 
good advice and suggestions from other list members, so I'll just step out of 
this and leave you all to it. 'Too many chefs spoil the broth' and so on. 
Just don't forget to back-up data in the future. There's a lot to be said for 
totally clean starts, and back-ups will let you do that without chasing bytes 
you need in the future.

Best of luck Sean.

Registered user 244963 at
The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.
-- Blaise Pascal

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Re: [newbie] supermount investigation

2002-11-27 Per discussione Technoslick
A-OK with me on using Comment instead of Replies. I will make up a blank
form that mimics the one that you used, post it under the new Subject, with
our proposed header starting the form off. All those interested in this
investigation can use that one form to minimize their typing.

Thanks for your help on thisnow to get everyone else to participate.


- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount investigation

 A thought that came to mind was to duplicate the subscription process of a
 listserv. Let's assume that the Subject line of system info postings will
 be Supermount - Systems Results. The first lines of the form include
 verbiage something like: Do not reply to this post! All replies are to be
 made using the Subject line: Supermount - Replies. Use Supermount -
 Systems Results only for posting your systems specs and results on using
 supermount on your Mandrake system.

 The challenge is staying with the K.I.S.S. principle, or it will get so
 difficult to understand and handle that no one will post anything.

 What do you think?

Sounds reasonable to me.  I was aware of the runaway that originated in my
comments attached to the spec, but didn't know quite what to do about it.
This would deal with the problem, I think, though I would suggest Supermount
- Comments instead of - Replies.


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RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Wait, if your hard drive is hda then it has to be the master on ide1 so your
cdrom can not be set as master also, you would have to set it as slave, your
HP could be set master if there is no other hard drive on the ide2 bus. Have
you tried setting the jumpers on the CD and DVD drives to slave? HTH

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alexander Rayborn
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 7:17 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

Yes, I can boot into Mandrake after installing from FTP, but my CD-ROM
drives still do not work.  I haven't tried any manual nudging (mostly
because I have no idea what to try).

My drive hookup is as follows:

MBFastrack33 (onboard UltraDMA 133): /dev/hda (works fine, even with
UDMA mode)

Onboard IDE: DVD-ROM as master
Onboard IDE2: HP 9100i as master

Anything on the onboard IDE doesn't work...


 -Original Message-
 From: Nikunj Bansal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 7:12 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake
 Are you able to boot into Mandrake normally after the
 install is completed? I worry because my existing
 Mandrake installation is also not booting up
 presumably because it does not seem to recognize the
 hard disk plugged into the IDE slots on board.

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Re: [newbie] alcatel speed touch pro Mand9

2002-11-27 Per discussione Charlie
On November 27, 2002 03:48 am, greg wrote:
 Hi list,
 new to linux, and Mandrake.  I am having a problem trying to get my
 internet working in Mandrake.  Previously I used Red Hat 8, and the
 connection was established automatically, with no input from me, and worked
 faultlessly. With Mandrake, it just does not want to work.  With the
 install wizard, I selected to automatically detect, and when it got to the
 update section, it could not connect.  Now in the system, I still can't get
 it to work.  I never took down the settings in Red hat before changing, so
 I have no reference as to how it worked before.  All I have are the
 settings in my windows system, which are as follows:
 Address assigned by DHCP
 Subnet mask
 Default gateway
 DHCP server
 DNS server

 the ethernet card I am using is a realtek
 the modem is a alcatel speed touch pro.

 It is acting purely as a router, and I am not currently required to enter
 in any login names or passwords.  The connection is always on.

 Please help me!!!

 regards Greg

Hi Greg;

Have you read this?

I Googled for it. Wrap is going to kill this URL probably:

Registered user 244963 at
We're here to give you a computer, not a religion.
- attributed to Bob Pariseau, at the introduction of the Amiga

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RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Alexander Rayborn
Well, if this is true, then it's Mandrake's confusion over the onboard
UDMA133 controller versus the standard IDE.  (Works fine in Windows! 
*groan*)... so I'll set them to slave and see if Mandrake is just
confused... will try this later since I'm away from that computer right


On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 08:27, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:
 Wait, if your hard drive is hda then it has to be the master on ide1 so
 your cdrom can not be set as master also, you would have to set it as
 slave, your HP could be set master if there is no other hard drive on
 the ide2 bus. Have you tried setting the jumpers on the CD and DVD
 drives to slave? HTH
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alexander Rayborn
 Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 7:17 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake
 Yes, I can boot into Mandrake after installing from FTP, but my CD-ROM
 drives still do not work.  I haven't tried any manual nudging (mostly
 because I have no idea what to try).
 My drive hookup is as follows:
 MBFastrack33 (onboard UltraDMA 133): /dev/hda (works fine, even with
 UDMA mode)
 Onboard IDE: DVD-ROM as master
 Onboard IDE2: HP 9100i as master
 Anything on the onboard IDE doesn't work...
  -Original Message-
  From: Nikunj Bansal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 7:12 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake
  Are you able to boot into Mandrake normally after the
  install is completed? I worry because my existing
  Mandrake installation is also not booting up
  presumably because it does not seem to recognize the
  hard disk plugged into the IDE slots on board.

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Re: [newbie] Network Printers?

2002-11-27 Per discussione robin
Chey wrote:

I got four computers. One iBook with OS X, AMD Box running 
Linux-Mandrake 8.0, and a HP Pavilion laptop running XP. One year old 
iMac is not going to be part of the network.

There is only one printer to share between the three in the yet to be 
network. I have an HP 970Cse scanjet printer. Will this work as a 
network printer? Do I have to have a printer that specifically says it 
is network capable or any recent printer will work?

AFAIK, if a printer will work under Linux, it will work as a network 
printer.  It's best to use your Linux box as the printer server (you 
need to install and configure Samba).  For a long time we had an HP 
OfficeJet on one of our Windows boxes and had interminable networking 
problems.  If it was in a good mood it would accept print jobs, if it 
was in a bad mood it would refuse to do anything, ad if it was just 
feeling a bit grouchy, it would talk to the Linux box but not to the 
other Windows boxes.  After hooking it up to the Linux box, we've had no 
problems whatsoever (it also discourages people from rebooting the Linux 
box into Windows!).

I'm not sure about Mac/Linux connectivity, but with OSX it should be 
pretty easy.

Sir Robin

You almost never hear that word computer anymore, do you?
They're part of everything now. They used to be boxes with
keyboards, you know. - Tad Williams

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi

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RE: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Aaron
Since were on the subject of cgi.
I setup apache and put a test site in the var/www/html/ directory. I
added some cgi scripts and programs I download from the net. However non
of them will work for me. I checked that I have the correct path to perl
But I still get Internal Server Error from the apache server.
I don't know what I am missing. 
Could someone help??

On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 11:28, Franki wrote:
 try swapping the url to the image and css from relative to absolute, and
 move both out of the cgi-bin.
 they should be somewhere like /var/www/html/images
 in the script they should link to the URL..
 see how you go with that. some setups will not server images and stuff from
 the cgi-bin.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L.V.Gandhi
 Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2002 11:27 PM
 Subject: [newbie] cgi help
 When I call the cgi file given below, I don't get the effects of stylesheet
 mentioned in the header and also the picture. both the files are in the same
 folder as that of the cgi file.
 print End;
 Content-Type: text/html\n\n
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=teststyle.css /
 img src=gandhi.jpg alt=My picture  height=153 width=131
  I called the script with test .html given below.
 a href=cgi-bin/test1.plcsstestabr
  What should be done to get the desired effect.
 203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
 MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] Linux and pre-schoolers

2002-11-27 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 2:10 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 08:39:28AM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Looks great, Todd.  I would like to see projects like this reported in
  computer mags - at least those with an open mind.  I would suggest
  possibly forwarding this post to Linux Format, Linux Magazine, PCPlus and
  Computer Shopper.  The last two are not linux only, of course, but both
  carry some coverage.  It's projects like this that take some of the
  'scare' out of starting.  What do you think?

 Thanks. I have thought about writing some more details about the setup
 and turning it into a web page and submitting it to But I also like the idea of taking it

Well, we have been discussing how we can get more media coverage.  I think 
something like this would be invaluable - a real application of how to use it 
for a specific market.  There are obvious packages for kids under windows, 
but it's not well-known that you can set up a whole user base for such 
youngsters under linux.


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Re: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 2:27 pm, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:
 Wait, if your hard drive is hda then it has to be the master on ide1 so
 your cdrom can not be set as master also, you would have to set it as
 slave, your HP could be set master if there is no other hard drive on the
 ide2 bus. Have you tried setting the jumpers on the CD and DVD drives to
 slave? HTH

These extra connectors do seem to cause some confusion.  My cd-rw and cd/dvd 
are on the conventional ones, with hard drives on the udma connectors.  The 
conventional connections get named (hda etc) before the hard disks (hde, hdf, 


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[newbie] ~/.xsession-errors ??

2002-11-27 Per discussione Angus Auld
Greetings, I have a newbie question about the file, 
~/.xsession-errors. Just what is the purpose of this file? I haven't 
heard it mentioned, and I was wondering if it is useful for 
I keep an eye on it and notice some messages that seem 
significant. The following is an excerpt of recurring messages: 
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: 
/usr/lib/ undefined 
symbol: init_kcm_konq 
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: The library kcm_konq 
does not offer an 
init_kcm_konq function 
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: 
/usr/lib/ undefined 
symbol: init_kcm_konq 
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: The library kcm_konq 
does not offer an 
init_kcm_konq function 
KCookieJar already running. 
KCookieJar already running. 
KCookieJar already running. 
KCookieJar already running. 
KCookieJar already running. 
KCookieJar already running. 
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: 
/usr/lib/ undefined 
symbol: init_kcm_konq 
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: The library kcm_konq 
does not offer an 
init_kcm_konq function   
Some of the messages I understand, but this one I don't, and 
was wondering of it's significance. 
TIA for any feedback on this.  
All the best.


How do you destroy a righteous person? Give him or her one follower! --ancient 
Cherokee saying (fr. Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams)

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
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Re: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 06:36:56PM +0200, Aaron wrote:
 Since were on the subject of cgi.
 I setup apache and put a test site in the var/www/html/ directory. I
 added some cgi scripts and programs I download from the net. However non
 of them will work for me. I checked that I have the correct path to perl
 But I still get Internal Server Error from the apache server.
 I don't know what I am missing. 
 Could someone help??

The Internal Server Error number and message itself can be really
helpful in troubleshooting. But without that information, a couple of

1. are your scripts locate in the cgi-bin (usually /var/www/cgi-bin)? If
not, I *think* you have to configure Apache to run scripts outside of that
directory (somebody correct me if I'm wrong on this).

2. do your scripts have the proper permissions? Check the documentation
that came with them, but usually 755.



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Re: [newbie] Linux and pre-schoolers

2002-11-27 Per discussione Aaron
While on the subject for kids here are some links I ran accross.
kidsforge page

The KDE project

This is a lego clones which I was unable to get running on md 9.0
If anyone is able let me know how.


On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 17:08, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 2:10 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 08:39:28AM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
   Looks great, Todd.  I would like to see projects like this reported in
   computer mags - at least those with an open mind.  I would suggest
   possibly forwarding this post to Linux Format, Linux Magazine, PCPlus and
   Computer Shopper.  The last two are not linux only, of course, but both
   carry some coverage.  It's projects like this that take some of the
   'scare' out of starting.  What do you think?
  Thanks. I have thought about writing some more details about the setup
  and turning it into a web page and submitting it to But I also like the idea of taking it
 Well, we have been discussing how we can get more media coverage.  I think 
 something like this would be invaluable - a real application of how to use it 
 for a specific market.  There are obvious packages for kids under windows, 
 but it's not well-known that you can set up a whole user base for such 
 youngsters under linux.

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Re: [newbie] OT avi to mpeg?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Ibly Piblo
Oh blimey, I don't understand why no one told me this

Egg on my face!

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RE: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Franki
here are some steps to try.

1. Check the error log.. open a console: tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
2. Make sure the file was uploaded as asci not binary.. if you used an ftp
3. Make sure /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf or httd.conf has a section for
/cgi-bin/ and that its set to ALLOW.
4. If you uploaded it from a windows machine, or edited it from a windows
machine, you have probably added windows control chars to the
need something like dos2unix to fix it, or use a win editor like
and make sure it is saved in unix format. (under view=properties in
textpad, and use save as to allow you to change it if its wrong..
5 make sure the permissions and ownership are correct.. as a basis to see if
you can get it working, try this:

chmod 755
chown apache.apache

then try it again..

they are the most common problems I have seen with cgi scripts and server
500 errors.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 12:37 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help

Since were on the subject of cgi.
I setup apache and put a test site in the var/www/html/ directory. I
added some cgi scripts and programs I download from the net. However non
of them will work for me. I checked that I have the correct path to perl
But I still get Internal Server Error from the apache server.
I don't know what I am missing.
Could someone help??

On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 11:28, Franki wrote:
 try swapping the url to the image and css from relative to absolute, and
 move both out of the cgi-bin.

 they should be somewhere like /var/www/html/images

 in the script they should link to the URL..

 see how you go with that. some setups will not server images and stuff
 the cgi-bin.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L.V.Gandhi
 Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2002 11:27 PM
 Subject: [newbie] cgi help

 When I call the cgi file given below, I don't get the effects of
 mentioned in the header and also the picture. both the files are in the
 folder as that of the cgi file.

 print End;
 Content-Type: text/html\n\n
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=teststyle.css /
 img src=gandhi.jpg alt=My picture  height=153 width=131
  I called the script with test .html given below.
 a href=cgi-bin/test1.plcsstestabr
  What should be done to get the desired effect.
 203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
 MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA


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[newbie] Trendware Gigabit NIC

2002-11-27 Per discussione Barry Michels
Anyone have experience with these?  They claim Linux compatability.  At 
$50/card, it would make for some speedy file transfers...


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RE: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Aaron
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 19:18, Franki wrote:
 here are some steps to try.
 OK here is the output but I am not sure what it means
 1. Check the error log.. open a console: tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:15 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/_vti_bin
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:20 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/_mem_bin
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:21 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/msadc
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:23 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:27 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:29 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:34 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:36 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:14:54 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:14:57 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts

 2. Make sure the file was uploaded as asci not binary.. if you used an ftp

This is all localhost
 3. Make sure /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf or httd.conf has a section for
 /cgi-bin/ and that its set to ALLOW.
 5 make sure the permissions and ownership are correct.. as a basis to see if
 you can get it working, try this:
 chmod 755
 chown apache.apache
 then try it again..
 they are the most common problems I have seen with cgi scripts and server
 500 errors.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
 Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 12:37 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help
 Since were on the subject of cgi.
 I setup apache and put a test site in the var/www/html/ directory. I
 added some cgi scripts and programs I download from the net. However non
 of them will work for me. I checked that I have the correct path to perl
 But I still get Internal Server Error from the apache server.
 I don't know what I am missing.
 Could someone help??
 On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 11:28, Franki wrote:
  try swapping the url to the image and css from relative to absolute, and
  move both out of the cgi-bin.
  they should be somewhere like /var/www/html/images
  in the script they should link to the URL..
  see how you go with that. some setups will not server images and stuff
  the cgi-bin.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L.V.Gandhi
  Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2002 11:27 PM
  Subject: [newbie] cgi help
  When I call the cgi file given below, I don't get the effects of
  mentioned in the header and also the picture. both the files are in the
  folder as that of the cgi file.
  print End;
  Content-Type: text/html\n\n
  link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=teststyle.css /
  img src=gandhi.jpg alt=My picture  height=153 width=131
   I called the script with test .html given below.
  a href=cgi-bin/test1.plcsstestabr
   What should be done to get the desired effect.
  203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
  MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

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[newbie] P4B533-E IDE problem: still no go

2002-11-27 Per discussione Alexander Rayborn
Okie, I've changed my jumpers for master/secondary numerous times today
over lunch, still no go... still resource collisions.

Full dmesg paste below:

Linux version 2.4.19-16mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.0 3.2-1mdk)) #1 Fri Sep 20 18:15:05 CEST 2002
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820:  - 0009d400 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 0009d400 - 000a (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0010 - 1ffec000 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 1ffec000 - 1ffef000 (ACPI data)
 BIOS-e820: 1ffef000 - 1000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 1000 - 2000 (ACPI NVS)
 BIOS-e820: fec0 - fec01000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: fee0 - fee01000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820:  - 0001 (reserved)
511MB LOWMEM available.
Advanced speculative caching feature not present
On node 0 totalpages: 131052
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 126956 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=mandrake2.4.19 ro root=305 quiet
Found and enabled local APIC!
Initializing CPU#0
Detected 2289.250 MHz processor.
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 4561.30 BogoMIPS
Memory: 515992k/524208k available (1176k kernel code, 7820k reserved,
444k data, 136k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
CPU: Before vendor init, caps: 3febfbff  , vendor = 0
CPU: L1 I cache: 12K, L1 D cache: 8K
CPU: L2 cache: 512K
CPU: After vendor init, caps: 3febfbff   
Intel machine check architecture supported.
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU: After generic, caps: 3febfbff   
CPU: Common caps: 3febfbff   
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz stepping 04
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
enabled ExtINT on CPU#0
ESR value before enabling vector: 
ESR value after enabling vector: 
Using local APIC timer interrupts.
calibrating APIC timer ...
. CPU clock speed is 2289.2270 MHz.
. host bus clock speed is 134.6603 MHz.
cpu: 0, clocks: 1346603, slice: 673301
mtrr: v1.40 (20010327) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mtrr: detected mtrr type: Intel
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xf1ee0, last bus=2
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
Unknown bridge resource 0: assuming transparent
PCI: Using IRQ router PIIX [8086/24c0] at 00:1f.0
isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
isapnp: No Plug  Play device found
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16)
Starting kswapd
VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.5.0 initialized
devfs: v1.12a (20020514) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
devfs: boot_options: 0x1
vesafb: framebuffer at 0xf000, mapped to 0xe080, size 131072k
vesafb: mode is 800x600x16, linelength=1600, pages=2
vesafb: protected mode interface info at c000:e350
vesafb: scrolling: redraw
vesafb: directcolor: size=0:5:6:5, shift=0:11:5:0
Looking for splash picture found (800x600, 30412 bytes).
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x16
fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with HUB-6 MANY_PORTS MULTIPORT
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with
ICH4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev f9
PCI: Device 00:1f.1 not available because of resource collisions
ICH4: (ide_setup_pci_device:) Could not enable device.
PDC20276: IDE controller on PCI bus 02 dev 10
PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 02:02.0
PDC20276: chipset revision 1
PDC20276: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
PDC20276: (U)DMA Burst Bit ENABLED Primary MASTER Mode Secondary MASTER
ide0: BM-DMA at 0xa400-0xa407, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0xa408-0xa40f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio
hda: MAXTOR 6L060J3, ATA DISK drive
ide0 at 0xb800-0xb807,0xb402 on irq 9
hda: 117266688 sectors (60041 MB) w/1819KiB Cache, CHS=116336/16/63,
Partition check:
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0:6 [PTBL] [7299/255/63] p1 p2  p5 p6

RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 32000K size 1024 blocksize
md: md 

RE: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Franki
is your IP address either of those??

the vti and mem and msadc look like a frontpage application of some sort..

just what is the script you are trying to run???



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 4:10 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help

On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 19:18, Franki wrote:
 here are some steps to try.
 OK here is the output but I am not sure what it means
 1. Check the error log.. open a console: tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:15 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/_vti_bin
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:20 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/_mem_bin
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:21 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/msadc
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:23 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:27 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:29 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:34 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:05:36 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:14:54 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts
[Wed Nov 27 21:14:57 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts

 2. Make sure the file was uploaded as asci not binary.. if you used an ftp

This is all localhost
 3. Make sure /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf or httd.conf has a section
 /cgi-bin/ and that its set to ALLOW.

 5 make sure the permissions and ownership are correct.. as a basis to see
 you can get it working, try this:

 chmod 755
 chown apache.apache

 then try it again..

 they are the most common problems I have seen with cgi scripts and server
 500 errors.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
 Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 12:37 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help

 Since were on the subject of cgi.
 I setup apache and put a test site in the var/www/html/ directory. I
 added some cgi scripts and programs I download from the net. However non
 of them will work for me. I checked that I have the correct path to perl
 But I still get Internal Server Error from the apache server.
 I don't know what I am missing.
 Could someone help??

 On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 11:28, Franki wrote:
  try swapping the url to the image and css from relative to absolute, and
  move both out of the cgi-bin.
  they should be somewhere like /var/www/html/images
  in the script they should link to the URL..
  see how you go with that. some setups will not server images and stuff
  the cgi-bin.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L.V.Gandhi
  Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2002 11:27 PM
  Subject: [newbie] cgi help
  When I call the cgi file given below, I don't get the effects of
  mentioned in the header and also the picture. both the files are in the
  folder as that of the cgi file.
  print End;
  Content-Type: text/html\n\n
  link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=teststyle.css /
  img src=gandhi.jpg alt=My picture  height=153 width=131
   I called the script with test .html given below.
  a href=cgi-bin/test1.plcsstestabr
   What should be done to get the desired effect.
  203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam,
  MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Len Lawrence
Well, that's it.  No more Mandrake.  Linux Format provided 9.0 on DVD
this month, so I gave it a go.  Installation on my old Pentium III was
totally painless, and DVDs are definitely the way to go.  Then up came
the user interface and what a nasty shock that was!  I had seen
complaints on the list about Nautilus and MetaCity but I had not
imagined how bad Gnome 2 was.  A giant leap backwards.  All the
freedom and functionality that I had been enjoying for six years
suddenly gone.  Simply put, I cannot live with that interface.  My
needs are few, but I insist on having control over my own desktop.
The Gnome developers have completely lost the plot.  For people who
must have a Windows style environment KDE was designed for them.  I
would never use it, have never liked Windows.  

This is what I found:
Double-clicks all over the place - I HATE doubleclicking.
No sloppy-focus aka focus-follows-mouse.
User cannot place images on the root window without going 
through Nautilus/MetaCity.  They get hidden by the window 
manager's own backgrounds.  Now, for years I have been 
compiling a collection of scanned calendar images (landscapes)
and astronomical vistas which I have been able to use as
wallpaper at whim, using my own little menu program.  I resent
being forced to jump through hoops to do something simple - it
is so Redmond don't you agree.
The font rendering leaves a lot to be desired.  This is the
first time fonts have ever been a problem, always crisp and
clear in both RedHat and Mandrake.  No doubt one can improve
Icons all over the desktop.  I dislike floating icons and 
usually remove them immediately, preferring to invoke applications
from the panel (with a single click!).  And, this is the worst
bit.  The icons are all owned by root!  A user cannot edit the
preferences, or delete the icon.  For pity's sake, what are the
Gnome developers smoking?
There appears to be no way to specify the number of workspaces;
I normally have 6, the default is 4.  I suspect that there is
somewhere that this can be done, as root no doubt.

What this means is that Mandrake has lost a customer, and others will 
vote with their feet as well unless Mandrake or somebody influential
applies pressure on the Gnomes to change their heading.  By my calculation 
they are at least 90 degrees off course.

I shall buy the 8.2 Power Pack, as a last gesture of support for Mandrake.
But that is the end, finish, no more.

Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.
Len Lawrence

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

RE: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Aaron
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 20:29, Franki wrote:
 is your IP address either of those?? my ipaddress?? I am using localhost do I need 
an ipaddress for this and if so???
I am using apache to locally test a site I built. I would also love to
let others see it. Am I barking up the wrong tree??

Or is the ipaddress the one my machine uses to connect to the net???

 the vti and mem and msadc look like a frontpage application of some sort..
 just what is the script you are trying to run???
{ xmlboard and clinks 
I am trying to get a usable free forum and a cgi script that will rotate
a line of text weekly.}
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
 Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 4:10 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help
 On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 19:18, Franki wrote:
  here are some steps to try.
  OK here is the output but I am not sure what it means
  1. Check the error log.. open a console: tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:15 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/_vti_bin
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:20 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/_mem_bin
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:21 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/msadc
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:23 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:27 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:29 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:34 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:36 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:14:54 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:14:57 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
  2. Make sure the file was uploaded as asci not binary.. if you used an ftp
 This is all localhost
  3. Make sure /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf or httd.conf has a section
  /cgi-bin/ and that its set to ALLOW.
  5 make sure the permissions and ownership are correct.. as a basis to see
  you can get it working, try this:
  chmod 755
  chown apache.apache
  then try it again..
  they are the most common problems I have seen with cgi scripts and server
  500 errors.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
  Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 12:37 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help
  Since were on the subject of cgi.
  I setup apache and put a test site in the var/www/html/ directory. I
  added some cgi scripts and programs I download from the net. However non
  of them will work for me. I checked that I have the correct path to perl
  But I still get Internal Server Error from the apache server.
  I don't know what I am missing.
  Could someone help??
  On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 11:28, Franki wrote:
   try swapping the url to the image and css from relative to absolute, and
   move both out of the cgi-bin.
   they should be somewhere like /var/www/html/images
   in the script they should link to the URL..
   see how you go with that. some setups will not server images and stuff
   the cgi-bin.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L.V.Gandhi
   Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2002 11:27 PM
   Subject: [newbie] cgi help
   When I call the cgi file given below, I don't get the effects of
   mentioned in the header and also the picture. both the files are in the
   folder as that of the cgi file.
   print End;
   Content-Type: text/html\n\n
   link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=teststyle.css /
   img src=gandhi.jpg alt=My picture  height=153 width=131
I called the script with test .html given below.
   a href=cgi-bin/test1.plcsstestabr
What should be done to get the desired effect.
   203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam,
   MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to
  Want to buy your 

RE: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Franki
no,, should woek.. but it means those entries in your error log
have nothing to do with you..

give us more details..

1. where exactly is the file installed?? (eg /var/www/cgi-bin )
2. Where did you get the script, whats it called, where did you get it and
what does it do (supposed to)?
3. What exact url are you using in the browser to test the script.

that info should help in working out what is going on.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 4:49 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help

On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 20:29, Franki wrote:
 is your IP address either of those?? my ipaddress?? I am using localhost
do I need an ipaddress for this and if so???
I am using apache to locally test a site I built. I would also love to
let others see it. Am I barking up the wrong tree??

Or is the ipaddress the one my machine uses to connect to the net???


 the vti and mem and msadc look like a frontpage application of some sort..

 just what is the script you are trying to run???

{ xmlboard and clinks
I am trying to get a usable free forum and a cgi script that will rotate
a line of text weekly.}


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
 Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 4:10 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help

 On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 19:18, Franki wrote:
  here are some steps to try.
  OK here is the output but I am not sure what it means
  1. Check the error log.. open a console: tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:15 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/_vti_bin
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:20 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/_mem_bin
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:21 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/msadc
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:23 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:27 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:29 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:34 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:05:36 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:14:54 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts
 [Wed Nov 27 21:14:57 2002] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: /var/www/html/scripts

  2. Make sure the file was uploaded as asci not binary.. if you used an

 This is all localhost
  3. Make sure /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf or httd.conf has a section
  /cgi-bin/ and that its set to ALLOW.
  5 make sure the permissions and ownership are correct.. as a basis to
  you can get it working, try this:
  chmod 755
  chown apache.apache
  then try it again..
  they are the most common problems I have seen with cgi scripts and
  500 errors.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
  Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 12:37 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help
  Since were on the subject of cgi.
  I setup apache and put a test site in the var/www/html/ directory. I
  added some cgi scripts and programs I download from the net. However non
  of them will work for me. I checked that I have the correct path to perl
  But I still get Internal Server Error from the apache server.
  I don't know what I am missing.
  Could someone help??
  On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 11:28, Franki wrote:
   try swapping the url to the image and css from relative to absolute,
   move both out of the cgi-bin.
   they should be somewhere like /var/www/html/images
   in the script they should link to the URL..
   see how you go with that. some setups will not server images and stuff
   the cgi-bin.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L.V.Gandhi
   Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2002 11:27 PM
   Subject: [newbie] cgi help
   When I call the cgi file given below, I don't get the effects of
   mentioned in the header and also the picture. both the files are in
   folder as that of the cgi file.
   print End;
   Content-Type: text/html\n\n
   link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=teststyle.css /
   img src=gandhi.jpg alt=My picture  height=153 width=131

Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 12:35 pm, Len Lawrence wrote:

 What this means is that Mandrake has lost a customer, and others will
 vote with their feet as well unless Mandrake or somebody influential
 applies pressure on the Gnomes to change their heading.  By my calculation
 they are at least 90 degrees off course.

 I shall buy the 8.2 Power Pack, as a last gesture of support for Mandrake.
 But that is the end, finish, no more.

 Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.

Not offended - but puzzled.  If your quarrel  is with Gnome, why punish 
Mandrake?  OK, so you don't like KDE, but surely there's another wm that you 
could be happy with?  And if Gnome is the problem, won't it be so in any 
other distro?

I hope it was just frustration talking, and that you will re-consider.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

RE: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Aaron
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 21:12, Franki wrote:
 no,, should work.. but it means those entries in your error log
 have nothing to do with you..
 give us more details..
 1. where exactly is the file installed?? (eg /var/www/cgi-bin )  {There are two 
parts in two directories the xmlboard.cgi is in the /var/www/cgi-bin directory}

{And the rest of the program is in a directory called forum. I first put
it under var/www/ then I thought that maybe it should be in my home
directory so I made one there and changed the path to it in the
xmlboard.cgi script file}
 2. Where did you get the script, whats it called, where did you get it and
 what does it do (supposed to)?{ It is a xml based forum. I got it from cgi resources 
the home site of the script is }
 3. What exact url are you using in the browser to test the script.{ 
 that info should help in working out what is going on.
{Also here is the readme file as an attachment.}

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
 Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 4:49 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help
 On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 20:29, Franki wrote:
  is your IP address either of those?? my ipaddress?? I am using localhost
 do I need an ipaddress for this and if so???
 I am using apache to locally test a site I built. I would also love to
 let others see it. Am I barking up the wrong tree??
 Or is the ipaddress the one my machine uses to connect to the net???
  the vti and mem and msadc look like a frontpage application of some sort..
  just what is the script you are trying to run???
 { xmlboard and clinks
 I am trying to get a usable free forum and a cgi script that will rotate
 a line of text weekly.}
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
  Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 4:10 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help
  On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 19:18, Franki wrote:
   here are some steps to try.
   OK here is the output but I am not sure what it means
   1. Check the error log.. open a console: tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
  [Wed Nov 27 21:05:15 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/_vti_bin
  [Wed Nov 27 21:05:20 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/_mem_bin
  [Wed Nov 27 21:05:21 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/msadc
  [Wed Nov 27 21:05:23 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/scripts
  [Wed Nov 27 21:05:27 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/scripts
  [Wed Nov 27 21:05:29 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/scripts
  [Wed Nov 27 21:05:34 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/scripts
  [Wed Nov 27 21:05:36 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/scripts
  [Wed Nov 27 21:14:54 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/scripts
  [Wed Nov 27 21:14:57 2002] [error] [client] File does not
  exist: /var/www/html/scripts
   2. Make sure the file was uploaded as asci not binary.. if you used an
  This is all localhost
   3. Make sure /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf or httd.conf has a section
   /cgi-bin/ and that its set to ALLOW.
   5 make sure the permissions and ownership are correct.. as a basis to
   you can get it working, try this:
   chmod 755
   chown apache.apache
   then try it again..
   they are the most common problems I have seen with cgi scripts and
   500 errors.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
   Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 12:37 AM
   Subject: RE: [newbie] cgi help
   Since were on the subject of cgi.
   I setup apache and put a test site in the var/www/html/ directory. I
   added some cgi scripts and programs I download from the net. However non
   of them will work for me. I checked that I have the correct path to perl
   But I still get Internal Server Error from the apache server.
   I don't know what I am missing.
   Could someone help??
   On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 11:28, Franki wrote:
try swapping the url to the image and css from relative to absolute,
move both out of the cgi-bin.
they should be somewhere like /var/www/html/images
in the script they should link to the URL..
see how you go with that. some setups will not server images and stuff

[newbie] Locate utility problem on mndrke 9.0

2002-11-27 Per discussione Nathan .
Hello All,

I have 9.0 Mandrake installed. I successfully compiled the application on 
8.2. I have noticed problems while compiling on 9.0.

I am getting compilation errors because somehow the compiler cannot find 
standard librarires. I have checked for there installation and it is fine.

For Example:
On 9.0 : The locate utility cannot show all the iostream.h versions although 
they do exist in 3 places. Moreover it was showing an entry
only in one directory. I was of the idea that locate should be able
to show all files with iostream.h in there string.

On 8.2: it works fine. is there a glitch or am I missing something.

Because of this I cannot compile my code. Seems like the system is not able 
to pickup the correct header files.

Please advise

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] Technical drawing tools

2002-11-27 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Does anyone know of any good linux based technical drawing programmes.



John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] hdparm?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Anne Wilson
I tried to remember how to use hdparm to examine drive settings.  I opened a 
root console, then typed hdparm - command not found.  I tried man hdparm - no 
manual entry for hdparm.

Am I finally, totally over the top?  If that wasn't the command, what was?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Meliton
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 13:35, Len Lawrence wrote: 
 This is what I found:
   Double-clicks all over the place - I HATE doubleclicking.

Open Nautilus. Go to Edit | Preferences. Under Iconlist views you find
click behaviour. It affects both Nautilus and the desktop icons. 

   No sloppy-focus aka focus-follows-mouse.

In the menu, go to Gnome control center. Click on Window focus, and
you'll find what you're looking for. 

   User cannot place images on the root window without going 
   through Nautilus/MetaCity.  They get hidden by the window 
   manager's own backgrounds.  Now, for years I have been 
   compiling a collection of scanned calendar images (landscapes)
   and astronomical vistas which I have been able to use as
   wallpaper at whim, using my own little menu program.  I resent
   being forced to jump through hoops to do something simple - it
   is so Redmond don't you agree.

You can copy your images to ~/.gnome-desktop 

   The font rendering leaves a lot to be desired.  This is the
   first time fonts have ever been a problem, always crisp and
   clear in both RedHat and Mandrake.  No doubt one can improve

I agree completely on this. 

   Icons all over the desktop.  I dislike floating icons and 
   usually remove them immediately, preferring to invoke applications
   from the panel (with a single click!).  And, this is the worst
   bit.  The icons are all owned by root!  A user cannot edit the
   preferences, or delete the icon. 

I haven't actually done this, but you could remove your icons from
~/.gnome-desktop. Mine are owned by my user. 

 For pity's sake, what are the
   Gnome developers smoking?

Ask them, it's sure to be good ;) 

   There appears to be no way to specify the number of workspaces;
   I normally have 6, the default is 4.  I suspect that there is
   somewhere that this can be done, as root no doubt.

Right click on the workspace switcher, click Prederences. You can have
as many as you wish. 

 Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.

Not at all, mate. I have my own issues with the desktop, but I suspect
it's more a Mdk than a Gnome problem for me. Keep rockin'. 


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Re: [newbie] hdparm?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne
On Wednesday 27 November 2002 18:26, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I tried to remember how to use hdparm to examine drive settings.  I
 opened a root console, then typed hdparm - command not found.  I tried
 man hdparm - no manual entry for hdparm.

 Am I finally, totally over the top?  If that wasn't the command, what


Just checked it here and the same is happening to me. Anybody know a 

Guilherme Cirne

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RE: [newbie] hdparm?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Alexander Rayborn
You have to use this as root... So make sure you're root when you try to
run this.  Aside from that, make sure the hdparm package is installed.
Mandrake 9.0 doesn't install it by default.

Afterwards, the command is:

Hdparm -Tt /dev/hda (or whatever your hard drive is)


 -Original Message-
 From: Guilherme Cirne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 2:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] hdparm?
 On Wednesday 27 November 2002 18:26, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I tried to remember how to use hdparm to examine drive settings.  I 
  opened a root console, then typed hdparm - command not 
 found.  I tried 
  man hdparm - no manual entry for hdparm.
  Am I finally, totally over the top?  If that wasn't the 
 command, what 
 Just checked it here and the same is happening to me. Anybody know a 
 Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Miark

If Gnome is the problem, leaving Mandrake won't help because all other
modern distros will use Gnome2 as well. Moving to a new distro would be
a pain and wouldn't get you anywhere, and moving to Winsux is out of 
the question. So what are your options?


On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 12:35:54 +
Len Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, that's it.  No more Mandrake.  Linux Format provided 9.0 on DVD
 this month, so I gave it a go.  Installation on my old Pentium III was
 totally painless, and DVDs are definitely the way to go.  Then up came
 the user interface and what a nasty shock that was!  I had seen
 complaints on the list about Nautilus and MetaCity but I had not
 imagined how bad Gnome 2 was.  A giant leap backwards.  All the
 freedom and functionality that I had been enjoying for six years
 suddenly gone.  Simply put, I cannot live with that interface.  My
 needs are few, but I insist on having control over my own desktop.
 The Gnome developers have completely lost the plot.  For people who
 must have a Windows style environment KDE was designed for them.  I
 would never use it, have never liked Windows.  
 This is what I found:
   Double-clicks all over the place - I HATE doubleclicking.
   No sloppy-focus aka focus-follows-mouse.
   User cannot place images on the root window without going 
   through Nautilus/MetaCity.  They get hidden by the window 
   manager's own backgrounds.  Now, for years I have been 
   compiling a collection of scanned calendar images (landscapes)
   and astronomical vistas which I have been able to use as
   wallpaper at whim, using my own little menu program.  I resent
   being forced to jump through hoops to do something simple - it
   is so Redmond don't you agree.
   The font rendering leaves a lot to be desired.  This is the
   first time fonts have ever been a problem, always crisp and
   clear in both RedHat and Mandrake.  No doubt one can improve
   Icons all over the desktop.  I dislike floating icons and 
   usually remove them immediately, preferring to invoke applications
   from the panel (with a single click!).  And, this is the worst
   bit.  The icons are all owned by root!  A user cannot edit the
   preferences, or delete the icon.  For pity's sake, what are the
   Gnome developers smoking?
   There appears to be no way to specify the number of workspaces;
   I normally have 6, the default is 4.  I suspect that there is
   somewhere that this can be done, as root no doubt.
 What this means is that Mandrake has lost a customer, and others will 
 vote with their feet as well unless Mandrake or somebody influential
 applies pressure on the Gnomes to change their heading.  By my calculation 
 they are at least 90 degrees off course.
 I shall buy the 8.2 Power Pack, as a last gesture of support for Mandrake.
 But that is the end, finish, no more.
 Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.
 Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] hdparm?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 8:36 pm, Alexander Rayborn wrote:
 You have to use this as root... So make sure you're root when you try to
 run this.  Aside from that, make sure the hdparm package is installed.
 Mandrake 9.0 doesn't install it by default.

Doh! - never thought of that

 Afterwards, the command is:

 Hdparm -Tt /dev/hda (or whatever your hard drive is)



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RE: [newbie] ABIT BD-711 motherboard problems with Mandrake

2002-11-27 Per discussione Brian Parish
But have you verified that all devices a jumpered to master - not cable
select?  Linux doesn't like cable select.


On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 23:57, Nikunj Bansal wrote:
 Hi Jim,
 Thanks for the response. I do not have any of the
 devices as slaves.

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Re: [newbie] hdparm?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Charlie
On November 27, 2002 01:26 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I tried to remember how to use hdparm to examine drive settings.  I opened
 a root console, then typed hdparm - command not found.  I tried man hdparm
 - no manual entry for hdparm.

 Am I finally, totally over the top?  If that wasn't the command, what was?


Dunno but:

[root@hxx-xx-xxx-xxx nanook]#locate hdparm

Since I've never bothered with it on this old crate I can't help any further. 

Registered user 244963 at
Dear Miss Manners:
My home economics teacher says that one must never place one's
elbows on the table.  However, I have read that one elbow, in between
courses, is all right.  Which is correct?

Gentle Reader:
For the purpose of answering examinations in your home economics
class, your teacher is correct.  Catching on to this principle of
education may be of even greater importance to you now than learning
correct current table manners, vital as Miss Manners believes that is.

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Re: [newbie] alcatel speed touch pro Mand9

2002-11-27 Per discussione Brian Parish
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 21:48, greg wrote:
 Hi list,
 new to linux, and Mandrake.  I am having a problem trying to get my internet
 working in Mandrake.  Previously I used Red Hat 8, and the connection was
 established automatically, with no input from me, and worked faultlessly.
 With Mandrake, it just does not want to work.  With the install wizard, I
 selected to automatically detect, and when it got to the update section, it
 could not connect.  Now in the system, I still can't get it to work.  I
 never took down the settings in Red hat before changing, so I have no
 reference as to how it worked before.  All I have are the settings in my
 windows system, which are as follows:
 Address assigned by DHCP
 Subnet mask
 Default gateway
 DHCP server
 DNS server
 the ethernet card I am using is a realtek
 the modem is a alcatel speed touch pro.
 It is acting purely as a router, and I am not currently required to enter in
 any login names or passwords.  The connection is always on.
 Please help me!!!
 regards Greg

Run the Mandrake Control Center and click on Network and Internet then
Connection.  Click now on the Wizard button.  Let it auto-detect then
make sure it's configuring the LAN connection.  Select DHCP (automatic IP),
specify your host name.  DNS server and gateway should both be set to

At that point you should be done.


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Re: [newbie] Technical drawing tools

2002-11-27 Per discussione Miark

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 20:22:52 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of any good linux based technical drawing programmes.
 John Richard Smith

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[newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-27 Per discussione seanygoh
thanks stephen, but i still got the same problem.
i believe there is something wrong with my mbr coz mandrake can't read the partition 
table. I don't know much about this thing but i'm willing to do it. I read that 
windows will somehow leave itself on a certain part of the harddisk even if you format 
the drive. Well, i downloaded the program to zero the harddisk here.
It says this
This procedure performs a pseudo-formatting to the drive. It erases all of your 
previous data and reinitializes it to 00 pattern. By performing this task, you will 
be able to erase the whole user area including your Master Boot Record, Partition 
Table, FAT (File Allocation Table), and all the files and data it refers to. Use this 
program if you want to be sure your drive is clean.

So my question is, after running this program, can i easily boot up my pc properly? as 
in, i load in my win98 setup disk? Or will it not load at all and i have to fill up 
some other parameters?


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Re: [newbie] Mouse problems at boot

2002-11-27 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 09:46, Gordon Bradbury wrote:
 G'day all,
  I've just got a new P4 box at home, and successfully loaded xp and mandrake 9 onto 
it. I'm a long-time windows user, but this is my first exposure to linux/mandrake.
 I have a 2-button ps-2 mouse installed. The machine is developing the habit of 
sometimes not recognising the mouse when I boot up. This can happen either when I 
boot into xp or into Mandrake. The mouse just won't work. As I say, it's an 
intermittent problem. Doesn't happen all the time. I'm pretty confident that the 
mouse is OK, but will test it anyway.
 What other possible causes might there be??
 Hoabrt Tasmania

There is a known issue with mice in the extreme southern hemisphere. Due
to solar flares, Hobart is subjected to extremely high doses of
anti-two-button-mouse rays and Victoria Bitters...

Nah...sorry - what about checking your BIOS settings? I'm assuming that
you're plugging into a PS/2 mouse port, correct? If you have the BIOS
set for PNP OS's, you might be getting the intermittent problems from
that - miscommunication through the port...

Thu Nov 28 14:55:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

The little town that time forgot,
Where all the women are strong,
The men are good-looking,
And the children above-average.
-- Prairie Home Companion

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Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 23:35, Len Lawrence wrote:
 Well, that's it.  No more Mandrake.  Linux Format provided 9.0 on DVD
 this month, so I gave it a go.  Installation on my old Pentium III was
 totally painless, and DVDs are definitely the way to go.  Then up came
 the user interface and what a nasty shock that was!  I had seen
 complaints on the list about Nautilus and MetaCity but I had not
 imagined how bad Gnome 2 was.  A giant leap backwards.  All the
 freedom and functionality that I had been enjoying for six years
 suddenly gone.  Simply put, I cannot live with that interface.  My
 needs are few, but I insist on having control over my own desktop.
 The Gnome developers have completely lost the plot.  For people who
 must have a Windows style environment KDE was designed for them.  I
 would never use it, have never liked Windows.  
 This is what I found:
   Double-clicks all over the place - I HATE doubleclicking.
   No sloppy-focus aka focus-follows-mouse.
   User cannot place images on the root window without going 
   through Nautilus/MetaCity.  They get hidden by the window 
   manager's own backgrounds.  Now, for years I have been 
   compiling a collection of scanned calendar images (landscapes)
   and astronomical vistas which I have been able to use as
   wallpaper at whim, using my own little menu program.  I resent
   being forced to jump through hoops to do something simple - it
   is so Redmond don't you agree.
   The font rendering leaves a lot to be desired.  This is the
   first time fonts have ever been a problem, always crisp and
   clear in both RedHat and Mandrake.  No doubt one can improve
   Icons all over the desktop.  I dislike floating icons and 
   usually remove them immediately, preferring to invoke applications
   from the panel (with a single click!).  And, this is the worst
   bit.  The icons are all owned by root!  A user cannot edit the
   preferences, or delete the icon.  For pity's sake, what are the
   Gnome developers smoking?
   There appears to be no way to specify the number of workspaces;
   I normally have 6, the default is 4.  I suspect that there is
   somewhere that this can be done, as root no doubt.
 What this means is that Mandrake has lost a customer, and others will 
 vote with their feet as well unless Mandrake or somebody influential
 applies pressure on the Gnomes to change their heading.  By my calculation 
 they are at least 90 degrees off course.
 I shall buy the 8.2 Power Pack, as a last gesture of support for Mandrake.
 But that is the end, finish, no more.
 Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.
 Len Lawrence

Just to let ya know, GNOME is REMOVABLE - I did it. I HATE Gnome2, so I
removed it altogether, then dug out my trusty GNOME 1.4 and installed it
instead. MetaCity is NOT worth even mentioning, let alone using. Sawfish
is better by far. BTW, Gnome is trying to correct the errors of their

But overall, the KDE side of MDK ain't all that bad...and you do get
Enlightenment, WindowMaker and the ability to put more on...

Thu Nov 28 15:20:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be
taught how ___not to.  So it is with the great programmers.

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Re: [newbie] I need to choose from a multiple network profiles ata booting my MDK9. HOW?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 23:48, Derek Jennings wrote:
 A script placed in ~/bash_profile will execute when you log in, but I do not 
 know how to select a networking profile from a script. You would also have to 
 consider how you would tell the system it was being used at Home or Office?
 I think I would just use the drop down list of profiles in the net_monitor GUI 
 when I wanted to change the access method :)
 On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 11:29 am, Marcos Nobre wrote:
  Ok Derek, I will proceed with your advises about Cooker`s softwares.
  Suppose that I develop 3 profiles with Network Connect GUI
  of Mdk9 as you sad : 1=Home / 2=Office-A / 3=Office-B.
  My big doubt is how can I inform (setting up) some of them at
  boot (login) time ?
  I need to power-on my Notebook, waiting for loading OS and
  than, at Login fase, I need to define that my environment (network
  settings) will be X, or Y or Z. Understood ?
  Is there a way to do this?
  Marcos Nobre
  Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Monday 25 Nov 2002 3:17 pm, Marcos Nobre wrote:
  I have found drakprofile on cooker, instaled it and when I try
  to configure any (default) profile, I got some py...gtk error.
  This is the right (best) way to have (install / setup) Multiple Profiles
   ? There is another tool (feature) to do this on Mdk 9 ?
  Thanks in advance,
  Marcos Nobre.
  Conheça o novo sistema AntiSpam. Visite
  Installing Cooker packages is likely to cause problems, unless you are
   know what you are doing, and should be avoided.
  If you want to define multiple profiles you can do that quite easily in
  Mandrake 9.0 using the Network Connect GUI.
  If you want to select a profile you can do that using the
  /usr/sbin/net_monitor application which is the same as the 'Internet' GUI
   on your desktop.
  If you want to use net_monitor without having to give root password you
   can read how to do that here
MDK comes with linuxconf - and you can set linuxconf to give you the
ability to change profiles prior to the initialization of all the bootup
services...give that a go...

Thu Nov 28 15:25:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Nature abhors dimensional abnormalities, and seals them neatly away so that
they don't upset people. Nature, in fact, abhors a lot of things, including
vacuums, ships called the Marie Celeste, and the chuck keys for electric

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Re: [newbie] Linux and pre-schoolers

2002-11-27 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 02:08, Anne Wilson wrote:

 Well, we have been discussing how we can get more media coverage.  I think 
 something like this would be invaluable - a real application of how to use it 
 for a specific market.  There are obvious packages for kids under windows, 
 but it's not well-known that you can set up a whole user base for such 
 youngsters under linux.

The people who do Rox and the people who do Oroborus probably
wouldn't mind too much if you took the code from both and melted them
into one package - any of y'all remember the Apple Kids Desktop?

I've like Rox since I first played with it, and though I've only
installed Oroboros as a test WM, it's not bad...just needed a bit of

Overall, though, Enlightenment, Blackbox, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox -
they can be reconfigured to NOT utilize a root menu by modifying the
mouse configs - hence letting Roxfiler do it's thing...

It really wouldn't take much effort to put a package together - only a
matter of planning out what applications come in the package and how a
configuration program is setup for the package...

Plan the work and work the plan - as my dad used to say...

Thu Nov 28 15:40:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

He who attacks the fundamentals of the American broadcasting industry
attacks democracy itself.
-- William S. Paley, chairman of CBS

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RE: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-27 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 03:36, Aaron wrote:
 Since were on the subject of cgi.
 I setup apache and put a test site in the var/www/html/ directory. I
 added some cgi scripts and programs I download from the net. However non
 of them will work for me. I checked that I have the correct path to perl
 But I still get Internal Server Error from the apache server.
 I don't know what I am missing. 
 Could someone help??

Are the CGI proggies going into the correct directory?


...each directory is importantly important...

Thu Nov 28 15:45:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Our policy is, when in doubt, do the right thing.
-- Roy L. Ash, ex-president, Litton Industries

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Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On 28 Nov 2002 15:26:37 +1100, Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 23:35, Len Lawrence wrote:
  Well, that's it.  No more Mandrake.  Linux Format provided 9.0 on DVD
  this month, so I gave it a go.  Installation on my old Pentium III was
  totally painless, and DVDs are definitely the way to go.  Then up came
  the user interface and what a nasty shock that was!  I had seen
  complaints on the list about Nautilus and MetaCity but I had not
  imagined how bad Gnome 2 was.  A giant leap backwards.  All the
  freedom and functionality that I had been enjoying for six years
  suddenly gone.  Simply put, I cannot live with that interface.  My
  needs are few, but I insist on having control over my own desktop.
  The Gnome developers have completely lost the plot.  For people who
  must have a Windows style environment KDE was designed for them.  I
  would never use it, have never liked Windows.  
  This is what I found:
  Double-clicks all over the place - I HATE doubleclicking.
  No sloppy-focus aka focus-follows-mouse.
  User cannot place images on the root window without going 
  through Nautilus/MetaCity.  They get hidden by the window 
  manager's own backgrounds.  Now, for years I have been 
  compiling a collection of scanned calendar images (landscapes)
  and astronomical vistas which I have been able to use as
  wallpaper at whim, using my own little menu program.  I resent
  being forced to jump through hoops to do something simple - it
  is so Redmond don't you agree.
  The font rendering leaves a lot to be desired.  This is the
  first time fonts have ever been a problem, always crisp and
  clear in both RedHat and Mandrake.  No doubt one can improve
  Icons all over the desktop.  I dislike floating icons and 
  usually remove them immediately, preferring to invoke applications
  from the panel (with a single click!).  And, this is the worst
  bit.  The icons are all owned by root!  A user cannot edit the
  preferences, or delete the icon.  For pity's sake, what are the
  Gnome developers smoking?
  There appears to be no way to specify the number of workspaces;
  I normally have 6, the default is 4.  I suspect that there is
  somewhere that this can be done, as root no doubt.
  What this means is that Mandrake has lost a customer, and others will 
  vote with their feet as well unless Mandrake or somebody influential
  applies pressure on the Gnomes to change their heading.  By my calculation 
  they are at least 90 degrees off course.
  I shall buy the 8.2 Power Pack, as a last gesture of support for Mandrake.
  But that is the end, finish, no more.
  Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.
  Len Lawrence
 Just to let ya know, GNOME is REMOVABLE - I did it. I HATE Gnome2, so I
 removed it altogether, then dug out my trusty GNOME 1.4 and installed it
 instead. MetaCity is NOT worth even mentioning, let alone using. Sawfish
 is better by far. BTW, Gnome is trying to correct the errors of their
 But overall, the KDE side of MDK ain't all that bad...and you do get
 Enlightenment, WindowMaker and the ability to put more on...

GNOME is not the problem, you just need to know how to configure it. Nobody is
forcing you to use Metacity. In fact, Sawfish is still the official WM of the
GNOME Project, at least for the time being. I use Sawfish instead of Metacity in
GNOME. Nautilus' management of the desktop can be turned off in its preferences,
leaving you with a bare desktop. You don't need to be root to alter any GNOME

So with that said, what exactly is wrong with GNOME2 that pushed you back to
GNOME1? I have found GNOME2 to be leagues ahead of its predecessor. It is not
quite as functional yet, but no doubt it will get there soon. It is already much
faster and easier to use.

Sridhar Dhanapalan
  [Yama |]

If you have any trouble sounding condescending, find a Unix user to show you
how it's done. -- Scott Adams

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Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-27 Per discussione Erik Farnsworth
If you are going to use fdisk, ONLY use it if you are going to install
XP on a Fat32 partition. NTFS and fdisk don't play together very well.
I've had to fix more installs of Win2000 and XP because a customer
decided to do it themselves and fdisked.  The WinOs installed, but
refused to correctly convert to NTFS...and were very unstable.

The easiest way to do this is totally clear the disk.  I normally use a
program called AutoClave 0.3 .. free program on the internet, boots from
floppy, can be written to a floppy in windows or a minix
version of linux and you have a 5 level choice from 1 to 25 passes to
zero the disk or sterilize it.

Once the disk is totally 00 , then M$ XP will think it's a brand new
drive and ask to partition/format... and then continue to install.  Once
you have XP installed, use a trial version of Partition Magic or one of
the other partitioning tools that work with XP (NTFS) and resize the
partition, leaving room for the Fat32 partition and the linux
partition.  Create the Fat32 partition and then write it all to disk. 
Boot into XP to make sure it all works.

From there, you should be able to 'restart' and boot the mdk CD1 and
load the OS without interference from XP. Mandrake setup should see the
NTFS and Fat32 partitions (don't let it do anything to them--use expert
mode) and it will see the 'blank' space after those partitions. Because
the drive was put in a 00 state, XP will have written the mbr correctly
and it should no longer be a problem for mdk.


On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 21:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 thanks stephen, but i still got the same problem.
 i believe there is something wrong with my mbr coz mandrake can't read the partition 
table. I don't know much about this thing but i'm willing to do it. I read that 
windows will somehow leave itself on a certain part of the harddisk even if you 
format the drive. Well, i downloaded the program to zero the harddisk here.
 It says this
 This procedure performs a pseudo-formatting to the drive. It erases all of your 
previous data and reinitializes it to 00 pattern. By performing this task, you will 
be able to erase the whole user area including your Master Boot Record, Partition 
Table, FAT (File Allocation Table), and all the files and data it refers to. Use this 
program if you want to be sure your drive is clean.
 So my question is, after running this program, can i easily boot up my pc properly? 
as in, i load in my win98 setup disk? Or will it not load at all and i have to fill 
up some other parameters?

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Bill who?  ...  Micro what?

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SV: [newbie] Missing PINE

2002-11-27 Per discussione Anders Lind

 Why isn't PINE in the Mandrake distribution?  I realize mutt is,
 but what takes the place of PINE?
I think it should be on the CD's somewhere, otherwise just go to 
the webpage and download it. I don't have the exact link but I can
fix that when i get to work


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Re: [newbie] Locate utility problem on mndrke 9.0

2002-11-27 Per discussione Len Lawrence
On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 20:01:37 +
Nathan . [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello All,
 I have 9.0 Mandrake installed. I successfully compiled the application on 
 8.2. I have noticed problems while compiling on 9.0.
 I am getting compilation errors because somehow the compiler cannot find 
 standard librarires. I have checked for there installation and it is fine.
 For Example:
 On 9.0 : The locate utility cannot show all the iostream.h versions although 
 they do exist in 3 places. Moreover it was showing an entry
 only in one directory. I was of the idea that locate should be able
 to show all files with iostream.h in there string.
 On 8.2: it works fine. is there a glitch or am I missing something.
In 8.2 here, locate returns this:

In 9.0 it finds only:

What are the three places?

 Because of this I cannot compile my code. Seems like the system is not able 
 to pickup the correct header files.
If you know where the file should be can you insert a symbolic link and see if
it works?  Do you use the -I option to specify other include directories?
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Len Lawrence
On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 14:09:48 -0500
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If Gnome is the problem, leaving Mandrake won't help because all other
 modern distros will use Gnome2 as well. Moving to a new distro would be
 a pain and wouldn't get you anywhere, and moving to Winsux is out of 
 the question. So what are your options?
 On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 12:35:54 +
 Len Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, that's it.  No more Mandrake.  Linux Format provided 9.0 on DVD
 --- a load more snipped 
Freeze at 8.2 and lose out on later developments.
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Len Lawrence
On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 19:22:02 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 12:35 pm, Len Lawrence wrote:
  What this means is that Mandrake has lost a customer, and others will
  vote with their feet as well unless Mandrake or somebody influential
  applies pressure on the Gnomes to change their heading.  By my calculation
  they are at least 90 degrees off course.
  I shall buy the 8.2 Power Pack, as a last gesture of support for Mandrake.
  But that is the end, finish, no more.
  Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.
 Not offended - but puzzled.  If your quarrel  is with Gnome, why punish 
 Mandrake?  OK, so you don't like KDE, but surely there's another wm that you 
 could be happy with?  And if Gnome is the problem, won't it be so in any 
 other distro?
 I hope it was just frustration talking, and that you will re-consider.
Not punishing Mandrake - no way.  Just feel that they should go back to Gnome 1.4
until the Gnome people get their act together.  These people, Gnomes and Mandrake
work very hard to supply first class free software but in this case they seem to 
have misjudged the market.  Gnome 1.4 + Sawfish were perfect for my needs.  Why
not supply this combination as an alternative?  The answer to that is they
don't have the resources to maintain two parallel environments.  As you point out
other distributions would also adopt Gnome 2 so there would be no advantage in
switching loyalties.

Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Len Lawrence
On 27 Nov 2002 21:29:11 +0100
Meliton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 13:35, Len Lawrence wrote: 
  This is what I found:
  Double-clicks all over the place - I HATE doubleclicking.
 Open Nautilus. Go to Edit | Preferences. Under Iconlist views you find
 click behaviour. It affects both Nautilus and the desktop icons. 
  No sloppy-focus aka focus-follows-mouse.
 In the menu, go to Gnome control center. Click on Window focus, and
 you'll find what you're looking for. 
  User cannot place images on the root window without going 
  through Nautilus/MetaCity.  They get hidden by the window 
  manager's own backgrounds.  Now, for years I have been 
  compiling a collection of scanned calendar images (landscapes)
  and astronomical vistas which I have been able to use as
  wallpaper at whim, using my own little menu program.  I resent
  being forced to jump through hoops to do something simple - it
  is so Redmond don't you agree.
 You can copy your images to ~/.gnome-desktop 
  The font rendering leaves a lot to be desired.  This is the
  first time fonts have ever been a problem, always crisp and
  clear in both RedHat and Mandrake.  No doubt one can improve
 I agree completely on this. 
  Icons all over the desktop.  I dislike floating icons and 
  usually remove them immediately, preferring to invoke applications
  from the panel (with a single click!).  And, this is the worst
  bit.  The icons are all owned by root!  A user cannot edit the
  preferences, or delete the icon. 
 I haven't actually done this, but you could remove your icons from
 ~/.gnome-desktop. Mine are owned by my user. 
  For pity's sake, what are the
  Gnome developers smoking?
 Ask them, it's sure to be good ;) 
  There appears to be no way to specify the number of workspaces;
  I normally have 6, the default is 4.  I suspect that there is
  somewhere that this can be done, as root no doubt.
 Right click on the workspace switcher, click Prederences. You can have
 as many as you wish. 
  Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.
 Not at all, mate. I have my own issues with the desktop, but I suspect
 it's more a Mdk than a Gnome problem for me. Keep rockin'. 
Will do - you do the same son.  

Thanks for the tips.  Will see if this thing can be hammered into shape. 
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-27 Per discussione Len Lawrence
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 15:58:11 +1100
Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 28 Nov 2002 15:26:37 +1100, Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 23:35, Len Lawrence wrote:
   Well, that's it.  No more Mandrake.  Linux Format provided 9.0 on DVD
   ---snip snip snip ---
 GNOME is not the problem, you just need to know how to configure it. Nobody is
 forcing you to use Metacity. In fact, Sawfish is still the official WM of the
 GNOME Project, at least for the time being. I use Sawfish instead of Metacity in
 GNOME. Nautilus' management of the desktop can be turned off in its preferences,
 leaving you with a bare desktop. You don't need to be root to alter any GNOME
 So with that said, what exactly is wrong with GNOME2 that pushed you back to
 GNOME1? I have found GNOME2 to be leagues ahead of its predecessor. It is not
 quite as functional yet, but no doubt it will get there soon. It is already much
 faster and easier to use.
No, my complaint was basically about the window manager.  I did not realise that
Nautilus could be replaced by Sawfish, et al.  I had (mis)understood that the
various components were inextricably entangled. 

Thanks Sridhar, will explore the options.
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Missing PINE

2002-11-27 Per discussione Len Lawrence
On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 18:11:43 -0700

 Why isn't PINE in the Mandrake distribution?  I realize mutt is,
 but what takes the place of PINE?
It is missing from Mandrake 9.0 because of licensing issues apparently.
I had used it for years, back before Linux, but have got used to Sylpheed now.
Don't know what you could use as a direct replacement but you could try
installing pine from an older distribution or even download the latest
version and agree to the licensing terms. 

Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] hdparm?

2002-11-27 Per discussione Len Lawrence
On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 20:26:46 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried to remember how to use hdparm to examine drive settings.  I opened a 
 root console, then typed hdparm - command not found.  I tried man hdparm - no 
 manual entry for hdparm.
 Am I finally, totally over the top?  If that wasn't the command, what was?
No, you still have all your marbles Anne.  I found it in /sbin on an 8.1
installation but nowhere in 8.2 or 9.0.  It must be in some package on the
installation disk(s).  You could try rpm -q --whatprovides on the CDs.  No 
time to check that myself. 
Len Lawrence

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Re: SV: [newbie] Missing PINE

2002-11-27 Per discussione Anders Lind
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 07:23:21 +0100
Anders Lind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think it should be on the CD's somewhere, 

I stand corrected I see, I know that Debian and Debian-based dists has not included 
Pine or have had it in Non-Free, anyway just download it from


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