
2002-11-28 Per discussione zucca francesco




[newbie-it] Gvim

2002-11-28 Per discussione Guido Milanese
Ho installato la Mandrake 9.0 e la sto usando con grande soddisfazione. Ho 
notato che manca la versione grafica di vim, che nella versione precedente 
aveva il nome di gvim. Qualcuno sa dove trovarla? Al massimo, la reinstallo 
dai vecchi CD...


 Guido Milanese --
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italy

Re: [newbie-it] Gvim

2002-11-28 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 09:47, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, Guido Milanese ha scritto:
 Ho installato la Mandrake 9.0 e la sto usando con grande soddisfazione. Ho
 notato che manca la versione grafica di vim, che nella versione precedente
 aveva il nome di gvim. Qualcuno sa dove trovarla? Al massimo, la reinstallo
 dai vecchi CD...


...Uh?? Anch'io ho la 9.0 ed il vim è lì, tra i vari editor, bello installato 
di default...Prova a controllare tra i pacchetti installati e quelli da 

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it]

2002-11-28 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 09:23, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, zucca francesco ha scritto:



In lilo.conf
aggiungere in append hdx=scsi , dove x = lettera che contraddistingue la 
periferica in questione.
Dare da root
lilo -v
ti scrive il nuovo lilo su MBR.
Dare il comando
cdrecord -scanbus
Individua le periferiche emulate SCSI
Segnarsi il secondo numero della terzina indicante le periferiche.
In /etc/fstab modificare dev scrivendo
dev=/dev/scdx con x=numero della terzina precedentemente segnato.
E' tutto.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Re: applet java

2002-11-28 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 22:31, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, gianni piazza ha scritto:
 Chi saprebbe dirmi come fare per abilitare le applet java in modo da poter
 vedere immagini animate con conqueror?grazie in anticipo!ciao!

Presumendo che tu abbia java correttamente installato, per avere il tutto 
funzionante anche da konqueror, devi abilitare la funzione dalla finestra di 
configurazione - sezione web browser, se la memoria non m'inganna - indicando 
il percorso per l'eseguibile java; consiglio prima di verificare la 
correttezza dell'installazione di java con mozilla (o netscape).

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] si cominicia...

2002-11-28 Per discussione mailing - effem
ciao a tutta la lista...
recuperato un buon PIII 500, 128Mb...ed ora sono pronto per cominciare
questa stupenda avventura linux!

Specifico da subito che di tutto ciò non ci capisco un tubo...ma staremo a

Primo piccolo problema...

Ho installato mandrake 9

Installazione tutto ok (su disco scsi)...

Poi, quando ho iniziato a lavorare con il desktop gnome, ogni tanto...lo
schermo diventa di colpo nero...
qualche secondo...e poi...tutto ok di nuovo...

Questa cosa la fa spesso...

cosa potrebbe essere?

grazie a tutti per il vostro aiuto


Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-28 Per discussione tom
Alle 02:58, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:

 Sta per Concurrent Version System, in parole molto grezze e' un sistema
 di creazione e modifica di sorgenti in modo distribuito, cio' permette a
 piu' programmatori a distanza di collaborare allo stesso progetto ad un
 livello organizzato e sincronizzato.


 Se un progetto e' ancora in CVS, molto probabilmente e' agli esordi o cmq
 non ha raggiunto quel grado di maturita'/stabilita' necessario in vista
 dell'uscita di una (iniziale o nuova) release principale pubblicamente
 utilizzabile; per lo scaricamento dei file di solito e' necessario
 utilizzare l'apposito comando 'cvs', seguendo le istruzioni per
 l'autenticazione e per lo scaricamento fisico dei file.

 supposizioni mie
 In ogni caso, _se non mi sbaglio_, mi pare di capire che la parte
 usermode e' qualcosa di piu' di un driver, riunisce in se' un
 programmino di configurazione e una serie di immagini (.bin) modificate
 del firmware del modem.
 Occhio che, _se e' cosi'_, il caricamento del firmware e' cosa
 estremamente delicata (come lo e' del resto l'aggiornamento di un
 qualsiasi BIOS): attenzione a portare a buon fine integralmente il
 processo di aggiornamento e NON interrompere o spegnere l'apparecchio
 prima della fine, altrimenti e' molto probabile dire addio
 all'apparecchio ... (direi che e' una delle operazioni piu' rischiose ...
 dopo quella di riuscire ad avere un sistema win* stabile per mesi ;

Come!! il mio win è stabilissimo ormai da mesi,è li a fianco al cd di unrial!!

 La parte kernelmode dovrebbe invece essere un normale modulo per il
 kernel (ma al momento e' in piena fase alpha ...)
 /supposizioni mie

Non so se hai visto la sezzione modems?
c'è tra modems peut-ètre supportés il Nortek 2020.ecco questo ke vuol 
dire? che posso rischiare con i CVS?

Ciao , Tom

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-28 Per discussione tom
Alle 12:35, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:

 Non so se hai visto la sezzione modems?
 c'è tra modems peut-ètre supportés il Nortek 2020.ecco questo ke vuol
 dire? che posso rischiare con i CVS?

 Ciao , Tom

ho ricontrollato sul sito...giusto cosi per cercare di capire un po di piu!!
e magai delle magie..questa mattina il Nortek2020 è suportato!!
quindi posso scaricare il driver!!!
si ma quale??
LukenShiro tu che mi hai praticamente messo in piedi Linux :-).che mi 

Ciao , Tom

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-28 Per discussione LukenShiro
Alle 12:35, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
  (direi che e' una delle operazioni piu' rischiose
  ... dopo quella di riuscire ad avere un sistema win* stabile per mesi
 Come!! il mio win è stabilissimo ormai da mesi,è li a fianco al cd di

Azz ... strano :P

 c'è tra modems peut-ètre supportés il Nortek 2020.ecco questo ke
 vuol dire? che posso rischiare con i CVS?

Ehm, veramente io lo vedo tra i supportati, non tra i forse supportati

La versione 0.6-stabile, quando uscira', supportera' indifferentemente 
(secondo quanto detto sul sito), tutti i modem con chip Globespan.
Al momento il tuo non e' riconosciuto dalla 0.5-stabile, ma dalla versione 
di transizione (in CVS appunto), di cui _non_ e' garantita la stabilita' 
... se te la senti .. prova

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 § LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
... A morte quegli schifosi spammer coreani e i siti compiacenti che li 
appoggiano ...

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-28 Per discussione LukenShiro
Alle 12:45, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
 ho ricontrollato sul sito...giusto cosi per cercare di capire un po di
 piu!! e magai delle magie..questa mattina il Nortek2020 è
 suportato!! quindi posso scaricare il driver!!!
 si ma quale??

anche ieri sera lo era :P
Prendi la documentazione e la leggi attentamente ;)
Cmq senz'altro la version de developpement (0.6-pre5) e quei .bin a cui 
mi riferivo: les fichiers de synchro(nization) 

Per ora evita il kernelmode, che e', a detta loro, super-instabile.

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 § LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
... A morte quegli schifosi spammer coreani e i siti compiacenti che li 
appoggiano ...

[newbie-it] file wav

2002-11-28 Per discussione Pollo
Come posso unire più file *.wav in un unico file unico.wav?


[newbie-it] ICQ su Mandrake 8.1

2002-11-28 Per discussione Enrico Teotti
volevo sapere se qualcuno sà se per usare ICQ (con utente già registrato) su Linux 
Mandrake 8.1  ci sono dei passi particolari da seguire.

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Re: [newbie-it] Re: applet java

2002-11-28 Per discussione gianni piazza
Alle 11:11, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 Alle 22:31, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, gianni piazza ha scritto:
  Chi saprebbe dirmi come fare per abilitare le applet java in modo da
  poter vedere immagini animate con conqueror?grazie in anticipo!ciao!

 Presumendo che tu abbia java correttamente installato, per avere il tutto
 funzionante anche da konqueror, devi abilitare la funzione dalla finestra
 di configurazione - sezione web browser, se la memoria non m'inganna -
 indicando il percorso per l'eseguibile java; consiglio prima di verificare
 la correttezza dell'installazione di java con mozilla (o netscape).
Grazie mille per la risposta!!
Ho fatto come hai detto e tutto funziona!!!
Ciao Gianni

Re: [newbie-it] file wav

2002-11-28 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini
-- Initial Header ---
To  : newbie-mdk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc  : 
Date: 28 Nov 2002 14:55:18 +0100
Subject : [newbie-it] file wav

 Come posso unire più file *.wav in un unico file unico.wav?

Hai provato con il comado cat?
cat file1.wav file2.wav file3.wav  file99.wav


Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 
V_/_ http://folug.linux.it 

Linux Mandrake 8.2 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie-it] file wav

2002-11-28 Per discussione Pollo
Il gio, 2002-11-28 alle 17:23, Mario Lodi Rizzini ha scritto:
 -- Initial Header ---
 To  : newbie-mdk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc  : 
 Date: 28 Nov 2002 14:55:18 +0100
 Subject : [newbie-it] file wav
  Come posso unire più file *.wav in un unico file unico.wav?
 Hai provato con il comado cat?
 cat file1.wav file2.wav file3.wav  file99.wav
 Mario Lodi Rizzini
 (o_  Membro del FoLUG
 //\  Forlì Linux Users Group 
 V_/_ http://folug.linux.it 
 Linux Mandrake 8.2 su Celeron 733

Ho provato subito questa soluzione ma non funziona...
I file effettivamente li concatena ma quando riproduco l'unico file
viene riprodotto in realtà solo il primo file.

Ciao, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] file wav

2002-11-28 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 14:55, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, Pollo ha scritto:
 Come posso unire più file *.wav in un unico file unico.wav?


Dovrebbe funzionare con un semplice:

cat *.wav  unico.wav



Re: [newbie-it] Gvim

2002-11-28 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 09:47, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, Guido Milanese ha scritto:

 Ho installato la Mandrake 9.0 e la sto usando con grande soddisfazione. Ho
 notato che manca la versione grafica di vim, che nella versione precedente
 aveva il nome di gvim. Qualcuno sa dove trovarla? Al massimo, la reinstallo
 dai vecchi CD...

La versione grafica di vim nei cd (nel power pack, ma sarebbe davvero troppo 
strano se non ci fosse nella standard edition) si chiama proprio vim, poi 
quando lo apri scopri che il vero nome è gvim

Re: [newbie-it] comando lpr

2002-11-28 Per discussione jv
Hash: SHA1

Alle 10:16, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] comando lpr, 
mk ha scritto:

 unable to print file: client-error-not-found

anch'io ho avuto lo stesso problema, e dopo smanettamenti e smadonnamenti, ho 
scoperto che si trattava solo di settare bene i parametri della mia stampante 
attraverso cups: 

controlla da li i vari parametri della stampante...

la pagina di prova te la stampa?

fammi sapere!


- -- 
- - jv -
@ mdk 8.1   GNU/Linux 2.4.18
l.u. # 245448  l.m # 126972

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Gvim

2002-11-28 Per discussione freefred
On Thursday 28 November 2002 9:47 am, Guido Milanese wrote about [newbie-it] 
 Ho installato la Mandrake 9.0 e la sto usando con grande soddisfazione. Ho
 notato che manca la versione grafica di vim, che nella versione precedente
 aveva il nome di gvim. Qualcuno sa dove trovarla? Al massimo, la reinstallo
 dai vecchi CD...

mh sulla mia mdk 9 c'e' il gvim.
l'rpm dovrebbe comunque essere vim-X11-6.1-21mdk


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://web.genie.it/utenti/f/freefred/
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] si cominicia...

2002-11-28 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 12:28, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, mailing - effem ha scritto:
 ciao a tutta la lista...
 recuperato un buon PIII 500, 128Mb...ed ora sono pronto per cominciare
 questa stupenda avventura linux!

Benvenuto! Sicuramente non te ne pentirai... io ho installato Linux (la 
Mandrake 7.2) un paio di anni fa per curiosità, e per la disperazione indotta 
da anni di Windows... che ora se ne sta lì tranquillo tranquillo nella sua 
parte di hard disk (che si riduce ad ogni nuova installazione di Linux)... 
senza venire usato praticamente mai!

 Specifico da subito che di tutto ciò non ci capisco un tubo...ma staremo a

Tranquillo, siamo in tanti qui a non capirci un tubo. Ma tutti insieme non ci 
capiamo un tubo collettivo, e i problemi spesso si risolvono lo stesso! ;)

 Primo piccolo problema...

E te pareva! Mai che qualcuno spedisca una email in lista solo per dire sono 
a Sharm-el-Sheik, vi invio una foto da quaggiù! Saluti...

 Ho installato mandrake 9

 Installazione tutto ok (su disco scsi)...

 Poi, quando ho iniziato a lavorare con il desktop gnome, ogni tanto...lo
 schermo diventa di colpo nero...
 qualche secondo...e poi...tutto ok di nuovo...

 Questa cosa la fa spesso...

 cosa potrebbe essere?

 grazie a tutti per il vostro aiuto


Giusto per avere qualche informazione in più... lo fa solo con GNOME, o anche 
con KDE o altro?


Re: [newbie-it] Gvim

2002-11-28 Per discussione Guido Milanese
Alle 11:06, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 ...Uh?? Anch'io ho la 9.0 ed il vim è lì, tra i vari editor, bello
 installato di default...Prova a controllare tra i pacchetti installati e
 quelli da installare...

sì, vim c'è, ma non trovo gvim, una comoda interfaccia grafica che avevo 
nella 8.2. 


 Guido Milanese --
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italy

Re: [newbie-it] si cominicia...

2002-11-28 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 12:28, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, mailing - effem ha scritto:

 Poi, quando ho iniziato a lavorare con il desktop gnome, ogni tanto...lo
 schermo diventa di colpo nero...
 qualche secondo...e poi...tutto ok di nuovo...

 Questa cosa la fa spesso...

 cosa potrebbe essere?
Lo fa anche con kde?
Perchè a questo punto potrebbe essere affaticamento da gestione grafica (l'ho 
inventato adesso...); gnome, come kde, sa essere pesantuccio...
Prova un po' a vedere; beninteso, questa è solo un ipotesi, sono pronto ad 
essere smentito...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] file wav

2002-11-28 Per discussione miKe
Alle 18:03, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, Pollo ha scritto:

   Come posso unire più file *.wav in un unico file
  Hai provato con il comado cat?
  cat file1.wav file2.wav file3.wav  file99.wav

 Ho provato subito questa soluzione ma non funziona...
 I file effettivamente li concatena ma quando riproduco l'unico
 file viene riprodotto in realtà solo il primo file.

ti credo!
wav contiene delle intestazioni che lo definiscono
per usare cat dovresti avere un formato raw


 soxmix file1.wav file2.wav ...filen finale.wav

 Ciao, Pollo.


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

[newbie-it] Fwd: [Security Announce] MDKSA-2002:083 - Updated sendmail packages fix smrsh insecurities

2002-11-28 Per discussione miKe

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: [Security Announce] MDKSA-2002:083 - Updated sendmail 
packagesfix smrsh insecurities
Date: 28 Nov 2002 16:40:53 -
From: Mandrake Linux Security Team [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mandrake Linux Security Update Advisory

Package name:   sendmail
Advisory ID:MDKSA-2002:083
Date:   November 28th, 2002

Affected versions:  7.2, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 9.0

Problem Description:

 A vulnerability was discovered by zen-parse and Pedram Amini in
 the sendmail MTA.  They found two ways to exploit smrsh, an
 application intended as a replacement for the sh shell for use
 with sendmail; the first by inserting specially formatted
 commands in the ~/.forward file and secondly by calling smrsh
 directly with special options.  These can be exploited to give
 users with no shell account, or those not permitted to execute
 certain programs or commands, the ability to bypass these



To upgrade automatically, use MandrakeUpdate.  The verification
 of md5 checksums and GPG signatures is performed automatically
 for you.

If you want to upgrade manually, download the updated package
 from one of our FTP server mirrors and upgrade with rpm -Fvh
 *.rpm.  A list of FTP mirrors can be obtained from:


Please verify the update prior to upgrading to ensure the
 integrity of the downloaded package.  You can do this with the

  rpm --checksig filename

All packages are signed by MandrakeSoft for security.  You can
 obtain the GPG public key of the Mandrake Linux Security Team


Please be aware that sometimes it takes the mirrors a few hours
 to update.

You can view other update advisories for Mandrake Linux at:


MandrakeSoft has several security-related mailing list services
 that anyone can subscribe to.  Information on these lists can
 be obtained by visiting:


If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it]

2002-11-28 Per discussione miKe
Alle 09:23, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, zucca francesco ha scritto:


che tipo di periferiche?

mandaci l'output di
cat /proc/pci

e intanto su google cerca SCSI-Howto



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-11-28 Per discussione miKe
Alle 23:03, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha 

 Sto leggendo l'how-to sul kernel...
 Nel frattempo, escludendo la possibilità di ri-compilare il
 kernel esistente, 

che sarebbe la cosa migliore..

 potrei installare il nuovo kernel che pare
 risolvere il problema acpi sui portatili acer...
 Chiedo quali sono i passi per l'installazione?

premetto che non ho mai installato un kernel precompilato su 
mandrake, sul quale ho sempre ricompilato il linus liscio poi 
patchato preemptive (che su mdk ho visto portare parecchi 

mi sono trovato a aggiornare il 2.4.5 di una RH ad un recente 
i passi sono semplici
si scarica il kernel pacchettizzato per la propria distribuzione 
e architettura
si legge cosa altro serva (es modutils, iptables, ecc..)
si scarica tutto il necessario
si copia in una dir tampone e da questa rpm -ivh *.rpm

PRIMA si copiano lilo.conf, moduli vmlinuz-xxx e System.map
perchè la buona RH ha pensato bene di sovrascriverli (nonostante 
i e non U)...
quindi si rimettono a posto e si aggiorna lilo per avere i due 
kernel disponibili (se il nuovo dovesse dare problemi...)

 Ciao grazie a tutti

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

R: [newbie-it] si cominicia...

2002-11-28 Per discussione mailing - effem
lo fa con entrambi...
ma a volte anche durante la maschera di login grafica...
schermo nero anche per parecchi secondi...

da cosa dipenderà???

configurazione della scheda video, conflittiboh...

una cosa è certa...un attimo straziante a lavorare :-)

vabbé...vuol dire che imparerò da linea di comando!

:-)  dicono che bisogna cominciare da li! hi hi hi

grazie a tutti per chi vuol contribuire!



PS...possibile che un pc con certe caratteristiche possa soffrire l'aspetto
fino a ieri girava un w2000...che credo e spero sia molto più legnoso


 -Messaggio originale-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di Daniele Micci
 Inviato: giovedì 28 novembre 2002 20.09
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] si cominicia...

 Alle 12:28, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, mailing - effem ha scritto:
  ciao a tutta la lista...
  recuperato un buon PIII 500, 128Mb...ed ora sono pronto per cominciare
  questa stupenda avventura linux!

 Benvenuto! Sicuramente non te ne pentirai... io ho installato Linux (la
 Mandrake 7.2) un paio di anni fa per curiosità, e per la
 disperazione indotta
 da anni di Windows... che ora se ne sta lì tranquillo tranquillo
 nella sua
 parte di hard disk (che si riduce ad ogni nuova installazione di
 senza venire usato praticamente mai!

  Specifico da subito che di tutto ciò non ci capisco un
 tubo...ma staremo a

 Tranquillo, siamo in tanti qui a non capirci un tubo. Ma tutti
 insieme non ci
 capiamo un tubo collettivo, e i problemi spesso si risolvono lo stesso! ;)

  Primo piccolo problema...

 E te pareva! Mai che qualcuno spedisca una email in lista solo
 per dire sono
 a Sharm-el-Sheik, vi invio una foto da quaggiù! Saluti...

  Ho installato mandrake 9
  Installazione tutto ok (su disco scsi)...
  Poi, quando ho iniziato a lavorare con il desktop gnome, ogni tanto...lo
  schermo diventa di colpo nero...
  qualche secondo...e poi...tutto ok di nuovo...
  Questa cosa la fa spesso...
  cosa potrebbe essere?
  grazie a tutti per il vostro aiuto

 Giusto per avere qualche informazione in più... lo fa solo con
 GNOME, o anche
 con KDE o altro?


Re: [newbie-it] Gvim

2002-11-28 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 22:11, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, Guido Milanese ha scritto:

 Alle 11:06, giovedì 28 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
  ...Uh?? Anch'io ho la 9.0 ed il vim è lì, tra i vari editor, bello
  installato di default...Prova a controllare tra i pacchetti installati e
  quelli da installare...

 sì, vim c'è, ma non trovo gvim, una comoda interfaccia grafica che avevo
 nella 8.2.


Se installi il pacchetto vim che trovi nella distro e poi da kde clicchi 
sull'icona parte gvim.. diciamo vim con supporto grafico
Se da console digiti vim parte vi senza supporto grafico, se digiti gvim parte 
ciò che cerchi...
Se clicchi sull'icona vim e sei sotto WM o Ice WM credo parta vim e non 

almeno così sembra funzionare

RE: [newbie] Missing PINE

2002-11-28 Per discussione Franki
wine isn't normal GPL license...

so mandrake pulled it out..

use rpmfind.net to look for a mandrake RPM.. someone always builds it..

I have it on all my 9.0 boxes.



-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 9:12 AM
To: Linux-Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Missing PINE

Why isn't PINE in the Mandrake distribution?  I realize mutt is,
but what takes the place of PINE?

Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
  list address and my email address in To:


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work......

2002-11-28 Per discussione Ronnie Boyd
Hello there. I am a long term Windows user/tech support person who has
recently installed Mandrake Linux, partly out of curiosity, partly because
I feel it's the coming thing. I managed to install it, get it on our
training LAN, mount drives and what not without any bother, but I've run
into a spot of trouble trying to set up LinNeighborhood. Now, I downloaded
the LinNeighborhood rpm, and it seemed to install ok, leaving me with some
entries at the root. I found a web page detailing what must be done to
properly unzip and install the Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 file, which

tar -xzvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.gz
cd LinNeighborhood-0.6.5
make install

The problem is that when I enter the first line I get a 'not in gzip
format'  message. I figured, ok then, I'll install bzip2. This is where
I've ground to a halt. I installed bzip2 from files from a webpage,
couldn't get it to work. Then tried to install bzip2 from the Mandrake cd,
it reported that bzip2 was already installed. I changed the 'file
associations' to point any .gz or bz or bz2 files towards the bzip2 app,
but still no joy.

Where am I going wrong? Why is it that bzip2 doesn't appear anywhere on the
start menu, or why is it that if I create a desktop link to /usr/bin/bzip2,
nothing happens when I click on it? And if bzip2 really is installed, why
can't I get past the 'not in gzip format' bit. Why doesn't bzip2 unzip the
file instead of gzip refusing to?

I installed Mandrake Linux 9.0 for the first time 10 days ago. I'm using
the KDE gui. The pc is a Compaq EVO P4, with 256mb ram.

Please help a Linux novice out?

All the best


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work......

2002-11-28 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker
Ronnie Boyd wrote:
 Hello there. I am a long term Windows user/tech support
 person who has recently installed Mandrake Linux, partly
 out of curiosity, partly because I feel it's the coming
 thing. I managed to install it, get it on our training LAN,
 mount drives and what not without any bother, but I've run
 into a spot of trouble trying to set up LinNeighborhood.
 Now, I downloaded the LinNeighborhood rpm, and it seemed to
 install ok, leaving me with some entries at the root. I
 found a web page detailing what must be done to properly
 unzip and install the Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 file,

instead, why not download and install the mdk9 rpm file from 
one of our 'contrib' mirror directories like the one below:


 which is:

 tar -xzvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.gz
 cd LinNeighborhood-0.6.5
 make install

 The problem is that when I enter the first line I get a
 'not in gzip format'  message. I figured, ok then, I'll
 install bzip2. This is where I've ground to a halt. I
 installed bzip2 from files from a webpage, couldn't get it
 to work. Then tried to install bzip2 from the Mandrake cd,
 it reported that bzip2 was already installed. I changed the
 'file associations' to point any .gz or bz or bz2 files
 towards the bzip2 app, but still no joy.

 Where am I going wrong? Why is it that bzip2 doesn't appear
 anywhere on the start menu, or why is it that if I create a
 desktop link to /usr/bin/bzip2, nothing happens when I
 click on it? And if bzip2 really is installed, why can't I
 get past the 'not in gzip format' bit. Why doesn't bzip2
 unzip the file instead of gzip refusing to?

 I installed Mandrake Linux 9.0 for the first time 10 days
 ago. I'm using the KDE gui. The pc is a Compaq EVO P4, with
 256mb ram.

 Please help a Linux novice out?

 All the best



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work......

2002-11-28 Per discussione Michael Viron
The page details how to uncompress the files if they are in .tar.gz
format -- going through the options for tar:

x - extract
z - unzip (via gzip / gunzip)
v - verbose
f - use file following this flag

To unbzip2 a compressed file, you'll have to do:

x - extract
j - unbzip2 (for newer, 8.0 and above releases)
v - verbose
f - use file following this flag

(so that command would be tar -xjvf Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 without
the quotes).
For more info, do a man bzip2, man tar, and man gzip without the quotes.

Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer / Manager of Online Operations
General Education Online

At 08:24 AM 11/28/2002 +, you wrote:
Hello there. I am a long term Windows user/tech support person who has
recently installed Mandrake Linux, partly out of curiosity, partly because
I feel it's the coming thing. I managed to install it, get it on our
training LAN, mount drives and what not without any bother, but I've run
into a spot of trouble trying to set up LinNeighborhood. Now, I downloaded
the LinNeighborhood rpm, and it seemed to install ok, leaving me with some
entries at the root. I found a web page detailing what must be done to
properly unzip and install the Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 file, which

tar -xzvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.gz
cd LinNeighborhood-0.6.5
make install

The problem is that when I enter the first line I get a 'not in gzip
format'  message. I figured, ok then, I'll install bzip2. This is where
I've ground to a halt. I installed bzip2 from files from a webpage,
couldn't get it to work. Then tried to install bzip2 from the Mandrake cd,
it reported that bzip2 was already installed. I changed the 'file
associations' to point any .gz or bz or bz2 files towards the bzip2 app,
but still no joy.

Where am I going wrong? Why is it that bzip2 doesn't appear anywhere on the
start menu, or why is it that if I create a desktop link to /usr/bin/bzip2,
nothing happens when I click on it? And if bzip2 really is installed, why
can't I get past the 'not in gzip format' bit. Why doesn't bzip2 unzip the
file instead of gzip refusing to?

I installed Mandrake Linux 9.0 for the first time 10 days ago. I'm using
the KDE gui. The pc is a Compaq EVO P4, with 256mb ram.

Please help a Linux novice out?

All the best


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work......

2002-11-28 Per discussione Kesav Tadimeti
Hi Ronnie,
Your problem (I gather) is fairly simple. Just re-read your mail with my

Hope this helps...
Tadimeti Kesav
E9 - E12, SDF
NOIDA - 201 305

Telefon: +91-120-456 8210 (211)

I found a web page detailing what must be done to
properly unzip and install the Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 file, which

tar -xzvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.gz
cd LinNeighborhood-0.6.5
make install
The problem is that when I enter the first line I get a 'not in gzip
format'  message. 
[Kesav] Try downloading this again. Unzipping with BZIP2 won't help. BZIP2
is a different Zip program with a different extension (.bz). It looks to me
like you did not download properly. Download in binary format. 
I figured, ok then, I'll install bzip2. 
[Kesav] No need to install bzip2!!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work......

2002-11-28 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker
Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Ronnie Boyd wrote:
  Hello there. I am a long term Windows user/tech support
  person who has recently installed Mandrake Linux, partly
  out of curiosity, partly because I feel it's the coming
  thing. I managed to install it, get it on our training
  LAN, mount drives and what not without any bother, but
  I've run into a spot of trouble trying to set up
  LinNeighborhood. Now, I downloaded the LinNeighborhood
  rpm, and it seemed to install ok, leaving me with some
  entries at the root. I found a web page detailing what
  must be done to properly unzip and install the
  Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 file,

 instead, why not download and install the mdk9 rpm file
 from one of our 'contrib' mirror directories like the one


whoops, sorry that wasn't quite the link :)


  which is:
  tar -xzvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.gz
  cd LinNeighborhood-0.6.5
  make install
  The problem is that when I enter the first line I get a
  'not in gzip format'  message. I figured, ok then, I'll
  install bzip2. This is where I've ground to a halt. I
  installed bzip2 from files from a webpage, couldn't get
  it to work. Then tried to install bzip2 from the Mandrake
  cd, it reported that bzip2 was already installed. I
  changed the 'file associations' to point any .gz or bz or
  bz2 files towards the bzip2 app, but still no joy.
  Where am I going wrong? Why is it that bzip2 doesn't
  appear anywhere on the start menu, or why is it that if I
  create a desktop link to /usr/bin/bzip2, nothing happens
  when I click on it? And if bzip2 really is installed, why
  can't I get past the 'not in gzip format' bit. Why
  doesn't bzip2 unzip the file instead of gzip refusing to?
  I installed Mandrake Linux 9.0 for the first time 10 days
  ago. I'm using the KDE gui. The pc is a Compaq EVO P4,
  with 256mb ram.
  Please help a Linux novice out?
  All the best


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Symbolic links

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
How do you remove a symbolic link.

neither man ln, nor info ln , even mentions it.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Technical drawing tools

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Miark wrote:


On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 20:22:52 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Does anyone know of any good linux based technical drawing programmes.



John Richard Smith


Thanks Miark,

I will check it out, have downloaded a tat ball,
now looking to see if we have an rpm vesion

Is there a possibility of a nice little pdf file manual , do you know.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work......

2002-11-28 Per discussione Ronnie Boyd
Thanks! The j switch did the job and unzipped the bz2 file, creating the
LinNeighborhood directory without problem.

However, when I then try the following commands, I get error messages

make install

[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# ./configure
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cl... no
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.

Any advice?

Out of curiosity, what is the LinNeighborhood executable called, I'm
guessing (bravely enough) that it's Linneighborhood dot something?
I think I read that it should be in /usr/local/bin, though there's nothing
at all in that directory.

Thanks to all who gave me advice, it was and is greatly appreciated.


Michael Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED]@linux-mandrake.com on 28/11/2002

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work..

The page details how to uncompress the files if they are in .tar.gz
format -- going through the options for tar:

x - extract
z - unzip (via gzip / gunzip)
v - verbose
f - use file following this flag

To unbzip2 a compressed file, you'll have to do:

x - extract
j - unbzip2 (for newer, 8.0 and above releases)
v - verbose
f - use file following this flag

(so that command would be tar -xjvf Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 without
the quotes).
For more info, do a man bzip2, man tar, and man gzip without the

Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer / Manager of Online Operations
General Education Online

At 08:24 AM 11/28/2002 +, you wrote:
Hello there. I am a long term Windows user/tech support person who has
recently installed Mandrake Linux, partly out of curiosity, partly because
I feel it's the coming thing. I managed to install it, get it on our
training LAN, mount drives and what not without any bother, but I've run
into a spot of trouble trying to set up LinNeighborhood. Now, I downloaded
the LinNeighborhood rpm, and it seemed to install ok, leaving me with some
entries at the root. I found a web page detailing what must be done to
properly unzip and install the Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 file, which

tar -xzvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.gz
cd LinNeighborhood-0.6.5
make install

The problem is that when I enter the first line I get a 'not in gzip
format'  message. I figured, ok then, I'll install bzip2. This is where
I've ground to a halt. I installed bzip2 from files from a webpage,
couldn't get it to work. Then tried to install bzip2 from the Mandrake cd,
it reported that bzip2 was already installed. I changed the 'file
associations' to point any .gz or bz or bz2 files towards the bzip2 app,
but still no joy.

Where am I going wrong? Why is it that bzip2 doesn't appear anywhere on
start menu, or why is it that if I create a desktop link to
nothing happens when I click on it? And if bzip2 really is installed, why
can't I get past the 'not in gzip format' bit. Why doesn't bzip2 unzip the
file instead of gzip refusing to?

I installed Mandrake Linux 9.0 for the first time 10 days ago. I'm using
the KDE gui. The pc is a Compaq EVO P4, with 256mb ram.

Please help a Linux novice out?

All the best


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Locate utility problem on mndrke 9.0

2002-11-28 Per discussione Franki
locate should find them, but locate is updated via cron..

you need to do it manually first..


In a console should do it.

then try locate again.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nathan .
Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 4:02 AM
Subject: [newbie] Locate utility problem on mndrke 9.0

Hello All,

I have 9.0 Mandrake installed. I successfully compiled the application on
8.2. I have noticed problems while compiling on 9.0.

I am getting compilation errors because somehow the compiler cannot find
standard librarires. I have checked for there installation and it is fine.

For Example:
On 9.0 : The locate utility cannot show all the iostream.h versions although
they do exist in 3 places. Moreover it was showing an entry
only in one directory. I was of the idea that locate should be able
to show all files with iostream.h in there string.

On 8.2: it works fine. is there a glitch or am I missing something.

Because of this I cannot compile my code. Seems like the system is not able
to pickup the correct header files.

Please advise

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Re: [newbie] Fonts

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 11:54 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Hi, all, I thought it would be a good idea to install the MS TTF fonts and
 give myself some more options. I was more than satisfied with the default
 fonts but being the perpetual tinkerer I had to do it. Now the problem is I
 don't have the original sets, like the helvetica family is missing and some
 others. Anyone know how to get them back into the mix? I have looked at
 /etc/fonts/fonts.gonf and don't see anything to change  to get them back.
 Help is appreciated.

Dennis - I'm surprised at this.  Helvetica is still on my list on OpenOffice.  
Are you sure they've disappeared, or is it one application in particular that 
can't see them?


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[newbie] Gnome menu's gone West... help:-(

2002-11-28 Per discussione Morgan Read
I installed a programme recently, and noticed that the GnoRPM tool asked
me where to put a .desktop icon that turned out to put an icon in the
main menu.

Frustrated at the clumsyness of the menu editors and intrigued that their
might be a process as straight forward as (and similar in simplicity to)
the mac's apple menu buried somewhere in the system, I went to

So, I logged in as root and went sniffing around in
usr/share/gnome/distribution-menus and usr/share/gnome/programs...
And, now the main menu has disappeared!

No surprise to some I guess?  The only thing I changed was the Gnome Color
Selector that I opened in gedit: changed the comment [en_GB] and name
[en_GB] to Gnome Colour Selector (fair enough, I thought...).  I opened
some other files with gedit just for a look, but closed them without

First, as I was browsing with nautilus in the Programs directory (I may
also have been browsing with gedit's file open dialogue) I noticed that all
the Mandrake menu's had gone (yup, I looked in
usr/share/gnome/distribution-menus before I looked in
usr/share/gnome/programs).  Then, after I closed nautilus and gedit
and logged out of root and back into my account - holding my breath the
whole time - I found the whole main menu had gone.  I got an error
message that the main menu couldn't be found...

Any help with my investigation and putting the main menu back would be
really appreciated.

Morgan Read

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Re: [newbie] Symbolic links

2002-11-28 Per discussione robin
John Richard Smith wrote:

How do you remove a symbolic link.

neither man ln, nor info ln , even mentions it.

I've always found rm works fine.  What you can't do is directly replace 
one symbolic link with another.

Sir Robin

You almost never hear that word computer anymore, do you?
They're part of everything now. They used to be boxes with
keyboards, you know. - Tad Williams

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi


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Re: [newbie] Totally scunnered with MetaCity

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 5:32 am, Len Lawrence wrote:
.  As you point out other distributions
 would also adopt Gnome 2 so there would be no advantage in switching

Glad to see that those more knowledgeable are helping you to eradicate the 
problems.  Good luck


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[newbie] Tar - Is there a 2Gb limit file size on NT4

2002-11-28 Per discussione Ken Walker
I'm trying to tar 8.4Gb to a NT4 machine. But tar stops at 2,097,153.
Stating 'File size limit exceeded'.

I know that the system partition for NT4 can't be bigger than 2G.

I'm Tar'ing to a 36G Raid drive.

I'm logging in as a superuser.

I know i have the option of taring to specific file sizes, but one big file
would be better for me.

Anybody come across this before. I know its a NT problem because I've tar'd
4.6G to another LM9 machine.

Many thanks

Mr Smiley.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Tar - Is there a 2Gb limit file size on NT4

2002-11-28 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
Mr Smiley,

There is file size limitations on Windows. I am not to sure about NT4
but as you have the problem I guess it is. fat32 will not let you do a
file bigger then 2gb. Are you using fat32 on ntfs? I would hazard a
guess you are using fat32, if not the earlier versions of ntfs might not
have been able to do larger than 2gb. Wk2 ntfs can handle it. You will
be best checking the MS web for info on nt4 ntfs.


-Original Message-
From: Ken Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 10:38 AM
Subject: [newbie] Tar - Is there a 2Gb limit file size on NT4

I'm trying to tar 8.4Gb to a NT4 machine. But tar stops at 2,097,153.
Stating 'File size limit exceeded'.

I know that the system partition for NT4 can't be bigger than 2G.

I'm Tar'ing to a 36G Raid drive.

I'm logging in as a superuser.

I know i have the option of taring to specific file sizes, but one big
would be better for me.

Anybody come across this before. I know its a NT problem because I've
4.6G to another LM9 machine.

Many thanks

Mr Smiley.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] IDE OPTI not compiled in on installation floppy boot

2002-11-28 Per discussione Peter Stokes
Hi All

I am trying to install 9 onto a HP Ominbook 5700CT. The floppy boots up to
the point where it tries to talk to the disk and I get the following error

OPTI621: Detected chipset but driver not compiled in!

It the proceeds to try to talk to the disk and hangs with the disk light
permanently lit when checking partition hda (the drive previously had an old
version of Linux on it which worked fine)

Is there an alternative boot floppy which may sort this out.

I did try installing 9 onto a Toshiba laptop which worked fine and moving
the disk across, this time the boot hang before much in the way of messages
were seen, but similar scenario with the disk light on permanently.



Peter Stokes
Ashlyn Computer Services Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1636-627900
Fax: +44 (0)1636-627909
Mbl: +44 (0)7977-532320
Web: http://www.ashlyn.co.uk

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[newbie] connecting to the net?

2002-11-28 Per discussione Richard J.
I finally managed to get my modem to work, but when i click to connect to 
the internet, all I get is the dial tone, without it dialing my isp's phone 
number or anything, any ideas?  I have checked the settings for my isp and 
they are all correct.


The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*  

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Re: [newbie] modem question

2002-11-28 Per discussione Graham
I convinced a friend of mine to try out mdk9 but she had an HSF modem 
and couldn't afford to replace it.  Googled the link to Marc Boucher's 
driver for the HSF moden I installed the driver and ran hsfconfig to 
set the country code etc but kpp could not find the device  . simple 
solution was to make a link in  /dev/  to ttySHSF0 and  run kpp again 
this worked like a charm...  Works really well and saves going to 
the added expense of buying a 'hardware' modem.
It's often difficult to convince people to try 'nix' if they have to 
spend money replacing hardware that works (tongue in cheek) with the 
offerings form M$. It was a useful exercise in demonstrating how 
flexible linux is and how you can do it yourself to fix problems.

Franki wrote:

Just download the driver for your kernel version..


Then just install it..

rpm -ivh hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110300k2.4.19_16mdk-1mdk.i586.rpm

it will do all the work for you from that point... then just run kppp to
detect modem or use wvdial whatever...
I have done it many times and it works great  Marc Boucher did some
fantastic work on those drivers.

good luck



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Richard J A
Sent: Sunday, 24 November 2002 6:12 AM
Subject: [newbie] modem question


First off, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.  I installed Mandrake
9.0, and it installed everything alright except I have no idea how to get my
modem to work.  So until then, I am back on this awful Microcrap XP.  I
would appreciate any help anyone could give me, and in as easy terms to
understand as possible, because all of the help pages I have seem to talk in
a language that is far above my head :0(

My modem is Conexant Softk56 PCI  so I gather I go here
http://www.mbsi.ca/cnxtlindrv/hsf/downloads-mdk-x86.html  and download
kernel version 2.4.19-16mdk (I gather) after that I have no idea what to do.
How do I install that?  I'm used to the simple and pleasurable clicking on
an upgrade in windows and letting it self install, but when I clicked on
this, it just asked me what to open it with, argh.

When I installed it, it would find that I had some other type of modem,
Eth(something) and would show I had an LAN whatever.  I have no idea what
any of that is.  Someone suggested I disable that then my modem will show
up, but as I don't know what it is and it all came with my computer, I have
no idea how to do that, so I'd rather stay away from that.

Anyway, if anyone can help me, I'd be very grateful

Thanks for you time
Take Care


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [linux] [newbie] Tar - Is there a 2Gb limit file size on NT4

2002-11-28 Per discussione Richard Urwin
 I'm trying to tar 8.4Gb to a NT4 machine. But tar stops at 2,097,153.
 Stating 'File size limit exceeded'.

2,097,153k is a signed long (32 bits) on an NT platform, so it's the
limit of lseek() which is the API a multi-platform tar would probably

The win32 API SetFilePointerEx() uses 64 bit integers.

Anyone fancy hacking tar?

Richard Urwin, Software Design Engineer
Schenck Test Automation
Braemar Court, 1311b Melton Road, Syston, UK.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ken Walker
Sent: 28 November 2002 10:38
Subject: [linux] [newbie] Tar - Is there a 2Gb limit file size on NT4

I'm trying to tar 8.4Gb to a NT4 machine. But tar stops at 2,097,153.
Stating 'File size limit exceeded'.

I know that the system partition for NT4 can't be bigger than 2G.

I'm Tar'ing to a 36G Raid drive.

I'm logging in as a superuser.

I know i have the option of taring to specific file sizes, but one big
would be better for me.

Anybody come across this before. I know its a NT problem because I've
4.6G to another LM9 machine.

Many thanks

Mr Smiley.

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[newbie] Sourceforge download sites

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Is it correct, or my misassumption, that source forge sites do not support
resume of the download,  from where you were cut off, or is it M9.0 new
download manager that fails to keep a record of the download progess
and instists on starting all over again.

I tried long time ago using NT, or as it is now called d4x, with sourceforge
without success. I couldn't het the sourceforge url to be accepted.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Linux and pre-schoolers

2002-11-28 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 13:59, Todd Slater wrote:
 I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter who likes to type in OpenOffice, play
 with Tuxpaint and Stickers, and listen to some .wav's I captured from one
 of her favorite cartoons. I created an account for her, but never found a
 desktop/window manager I was happy with and that I was willing to turn
 her loose in.
 I wanted something minimal but that would still support desktop icons. I
 didn't want a panel. I wanted a very fast window manager and file manager.
 And I wanted to make it as kidproof as possible.
 Aren't you just dying to know what I've got her using?
 I'm using ROX as her session manager and desktop. I run it using the
 pinboard (for desktop icons) but not the panel. I put icons to her
 favorite apps on the desktop. The file manager is obviously ROX--super
 fast. And the window manager is Oroborus
 (http://www.dreamind.de/oroborus.shtml)--very lightweight and easy to
 configure. The main reason I chose Oroborus was because it doesn't have
 any root menu, so clicking on the desktop does not bring up a menu of apps
 and options that I'd have to edit out by hand. Instead, clicking on the
 desktop gives a harmless ROX dialog.
 You can see a screenshot here:
 http://clevername.homeip.net/gallery/screenshots/2002_11_26_21_06_50 . It
 shows the icons and a ROX-Filer inside the Oroborus window manager.
 I can still do admin stuff if need be by opening her home directory in
 ROX; from there I can launch xterm. I'm pretty confident that she will not
 be able to mess anything up, but I'll let you know once we do some more

Bravo! How well thought out mate!
BTW, what are you going to do when she understands that
CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE kills the desktop? Or when CTRL-ALT-F2 gives her a
black screen? (grin)

Wed Nov 27 21:55:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

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Re: [newbie] hdparm?

2002-11-28 Per discussione Daniel Anderson
On Wednesday 27 November 2002 16:31, Charlie wrote:
 On November 27, 2002 01:26 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I tried to remember how to use hdparm to examine drive settings.  I
  opened a root console, then typed hdparm - command not found.  I tried
  man hdparm - no manual entry for hdparm.
  Am I finally, totally over the top?  If that wasn't the command, what

 Dunno but:

 [root@hxx-xx-xxx-xxx nanook]#locate hdparm

 Since I've never bothered with it on this old crate I can't help any
 further. Sorry.


It's supposed to be on install cd 1, with 8.2 powerpack anyway, but is not 
there, so it doesn't get installed.

  9:02am  up 2 days, 14:46,  1 user,  load average: 0.11, 0.12, 0.06

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Re: [newbie] hdparm?

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 2:04 pm, Daniel Anderson wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 November 2002 16:31, Charlie wrote:
  On November 27, 2002 01:26 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
   I tried to remember how to use hdparm to examine drive settings.  I
   opened a root console, then typed hdparm - command not found.  I tried
   man hdparm - no manual entry for hdparm.
   Am I finally, totally over the top?  If that wasn't the command, what
  Dunno but:
  [root@hxx-xx-xxx-xxx nanook]#locate hdparm
  Since I've never bothered with it on this old crate I can't help any
  further. Sorry.

 It's supposed to be on install cd 1, with 8.2 powerpack anyway, but is not
 there, so it doesn't get installed.

The text file is in /proc, and has all the info.  (Thanks, Stephen).


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Re: [newbie] Technical drawing tools

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 07:22, John Richard Smith wrote:

Does anyone know of any good linux based technical drawing programmes.



John Richard Smith


Are you talking about diagramming, or what actually?


Yes , Stephen,

Technical drawing on computer, you know round widgets and things.

I'm currently looking at gcad, which I take to mean Computer Aided Design.
and Dia, both look promissing, I found a help file for qcad , seems to
think you know quite a bit already, and the manual doesn't start to get
going for some depth, but I trying to make sense of it right now.

Dia seems to have a broken help file location so currently cannot make
head nor tail of it.I haven't drawn with computers before so this is all 

I need to draw a plan, side, and end view of a device I'm giving to
a friend so he can make it for himself.



John Richard Smith

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2002-11-28 Per discussione Ronnie Boyd
Have run into a dead end with LinNeighborhood and don't know what I'm doing

Did the...tar -xjvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2

It creates the LinNeighborhood directory ok, but nothing else.
I'm not sure if executable should be installed at this time in
I try running ./configure, then make, then make INSTALL, but nothing
happens except:

[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# ./configure
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cl... no
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.

What am I doing wrong? I have spent around 3 hours trying different
LinNeighborhood rpm's from different sites and the same thing happens at
the same stage, so I figure I must be doing something wrong.

Anyone know what it is? I really need LinNeighborhood set up.

Another thing too, supposedly LinNeighborhood shows up in Networking/other/
but on my menu there is no 'other'. Does that only appear if
LinNeighborhood is installed?

Advice much appreciated.


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RE: [newbie]

2002-11-28 Per discussione Peter Stokes
Hi Ronnie

The configure program cannot find a compiler in your PATH variable, so you
need to add to your PATH where the compiler is. You may not have gcc
installed, in which case you will have to install it.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ronnie Boyd
Sent: 28 November 2002 14:47
Subject: [newbie]

Have run into a dead end with LinNeighborhood and don't know what I'm doing

Did the...tar -xjvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2

It creates the LinNeighborhood directory ok, but nothing else.
I'm not sure if executable should be installed at this time in
I try running ./configure, then make, then make INSTALL, but nothing
happens except:

[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# ./configure
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cl... no
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.

What am I doing wrong? I have spent around 3 hours trying different
LinNeighborhood rpm's from different sites and the same thing happens at
the same stage, so I figure I must be doing something wrong.

Anyone know what it is? I really need LinNeighborhood set up.

Another thing too, supposedly LinNeighborhood shows up in Networking/other/
but on my menu there is no 'other'. Does that only appear if
LinNeighborhood is installed?

Advice much appreciated.


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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 2:46 pm, Ronnie Boyd wrote:
 Have run into a dead end with LinNeighborhood and don't know what I'm doing

Did you get Alan Shoemaker's post?  I think you would be well to try it.  In 
case you didn't, here is the important bit:


 instead, why not download and install the mdk9 rpm file
 from one of our 'contrib' mirror directories like the one


whoops, sorry that wasn't quite the link :)




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Re: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-28 Per discussione seanygoh
Hi Erik,
   Ok, i tried what u said. Downloaded AutoClave and ran it. Did 1 pass since i tot 
that's enough. Reinstalled xp (NTFS). Later, resized it using PQMagic, having Fat32 
and ext2. Booted into Mandrake setup.and Got the same problem!!! I feel it's 
not the harddisk then. Bios perhaps?
   I also downloaded the clean up program from fujitsu(my harddisk manufacturer). Ran 
it and did the same thing, got the same problem.
   If this goes on i'm going to sue Toshiba. ;)

 From: Erik Farnsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu 28/11/2002 1:36 PM GMT+08:00
 Subject: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP
 If you are going to use fdisk, ONLY use it if you are going to install
 XP on a Fat32 partition. NTFS and fdisk don't play together very well.
 I've had to fix more installs of Win2000 and XP because a customer
 decided to do it themselves and fdisked.  The WinOs installed, but
 refused to correctly convert to NTFS...and were very unstable.
 The easiest way to do this is totally clear the disk.  I normally use a
 program called AutoClave 0.3 .. free program on the internet, boots from
 floppy, can be written to a floppy in windows or linux...is a minix
 version of linux and you have a 5 level choice from 1 to 25 passes to
 zero the disk or sterilize it.
 Once the disk is totally 00 , then M$ XP will think it's a brand new
 drive and ask to partition/format... and then continue to install.  Once
 you have XP installed, use a trial version of Partition Magic or one of
 the other partitioning tools that work with XP (NTFS) and resize the
 partition, leaving room for the Fat32 partition and the linux
 partition.  Create the Fat32 partition and then write it all to disk. 
 Boot into XP to make sure it all works.
 From there, you should be able to 'restart' and boot the mdk CD1 and
 load the OS without interference from XP. Mandrake setup should see the
 NTFS and Fat32 partitions (don't let it do anything to them--use expert
 mode) and it will see the 'blank' space after those partitions. Because
 the drive was put in a 00 state, XP will have written the mbr correctly
 and it should no longer be a problem for mdk.
 On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 21:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  thanks stephen, but i still got the same problem.
  i believe there is something wrong with my mbr coz mandrake can't read the 
partition table. I don't know much about this thing but i'm willing to do it. I read 
that windows will somehow leave itself on a certain part of the harddisk even if you 
format the drive. Well, i downloaded the program to zero the harddisk here.
  It says this
  This procedure performs a pseudo-formatting to the drive. It erases all of your 
previous data and reinitializes it to 00 pattern. By performing this task, you will 
be able to erase the whole user area including your Master Boot Record, Partition 
Table, FAT (File Allocation Table), and all the files and data it refers to. Use this 
program if you want to be sure your drive is clean.
  So my question is, after running this program, can i easily boot up my pc 
properly? as in, i load in my win98 setup disk? Or will it not load at all and i have 
to fill up some other parameters?
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 Bill who?  ...  Micro what?
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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-28 Per discussione Ronnie Boyd
Downloaded from there before, same problem unfortunately.


Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]@linux-mandrake.com on 28/11/2002

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:Re: [newbie]

On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 2:46 pm, Ronnie Boyd wrote:
 Have run into a dead end with LinNeighborhood and don't know what I'm

Did you get Alan Shoemaker's post?  I think you would be well to try it.
case you didn't, here is the important bit:


 instead, why not download and install the mdk9 rpm file
 from one of our 'contrib' mirror directories like the one


whoops, sorry that wasn't quite the link :)




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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-28 Per discussione wouter pos
Dear people of mandrake mailinglist,

I have a problem with the installation of mandrake

I used to have a slackware distribution installed but
it took too much of linux experience (which i don't
really have yet). I was recommended to install

So i made an install of mandrake: everything went
I formatted the old linux partition (4.0 GB) and swap
space (125 MB) (HD is 40 GB total ~36 GB is used for

I chose everything from the mandrake desktop
possibilities to choose from.

When the installation was completed successfully the
system was rebooted and the linux loader came up.
Linux was chosen and then my computer hanged.

With the next check line my computer hanged:

Finding module dependencies: .

And then my computer didn't respond to anything.

I did a reinstall and the same problem occured.
I did a upgrade and installed some more features and
again my computer hanged but with another check line

Enabling swap space .

And then my computer didn't respond to anything.

Every time i did a reboot the system gave an error
that my hda3 wasn't completely well mounted so a check
force was needed and within 4.7% my computer hangs

What is the problem??? I stayed up till 4 in the
morning coping with this problem Please help me!!!

Is my swap space too small? Is the hda3 not fully
formatted? Is my computer not compatible with

(I am running windows98 beside mandrake and using a
asus a7n266 with integrated nForce video chipset and a
AMD athlon 1700+ with 385 MB of DDR ram, plextor
writer and a sony cdrom player)

I hope u can help me ty in advance,

Greetings Wouter Pos 
The netherlands.

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Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work......

2002-11-28 Per discussione Michael Viron
You need to install automake, autoconf, and gcc.

At 09:48 AM 11/28/2002 +, you wrote:
Thanks! The j switch did the job and unzipped the bz2 file, creating the
LinNeighborhood directory without problem.

However, when I then try the following commands, I get error messages

make install

[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# ./configure
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cl... no
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
[root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.

Any advice?

Out of curiosity, what is the LinNeighborhood executable called, I'm
guessing (bravely enough) that it's Linneighborhood dot something?
I think I read that it should be in /usr/local/bin, though there's nothing
at all in that directory.

Thanks to all who gave me advice, it was and is greatly appreciated.


Michael Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED]@linux-mandrake.com on 28/11/2002

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work..

The page details how to uncompress the files if they are in .tar.gz
format -- going through the options for tar:

x - extract
z - unzip (via gzip / gunzip)
v - verbose
f - use file following this flag

To unbzip2 a compressed file, you'll have to do:

x - extract
j - unbzip2 (for newer, 8.0 and above releases)
v - verbose
f - use file following this flag

(so that command would be tar -xjvf Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 without
the quotes).
For more info, do a man bzip2, man tar, and man gzip without the

Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer / Manager of Online Operations
General Education Online

At 08:24 AM 11/28/2002 +, you wrote:
Hello there. I am a long term Windows user/tech support person who has
recently installed Mandrake Linux, partly out of curiosity, partly because
I feel it's the coming thing. I managed to install it, get it on our
training LAN, mount drives and what not without any bother, but I've run
into a spot of trouble trying to set up LinNeighborhood. Now, I downloaded
the LinNeighborhood rpm, and it seemed to install ok, leaving me with some
entries at the root. I found a web page detailing what must be done to
properly unzip and install the Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 file, which

tar -xzvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.gz
cd LinNeighborhood-0.6.5
make install

The problem is that when I enter the first line I get a 'not in gzip
format'  message. I figured, ok then, I'll install bzip2. This is where
I've ground to a halt. I installed bzip2 from files from a webpage,
couldn't get it to work. Then tried to install bzip2 from the Mandrake cd,
it reported that bzip2 was already installed. I changed the 'file
associations' to point any .gz or bz or bz2 files towards the bzip2 app,
but still no joy.

Where am I going wrong? Why is it that bzip2 doesn't appear anywhere on
start menu, or why is it that if I create a desktop link to
nothing happens when I click on it? And if bzip2 really is installed, why
can't I get past the 'not in gzip format' bit. Why doesn't bzip2 unzip the
file instead of gzip refusing to?

I installed Mandrake Linux 9.0 for the first time 10 days ago. I'm using
the KDE gui. The pc is a Compaq EVO P4, with 256mb ram.

Please help a Linux novice out?

All the best


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Re: [newbie] Fonts

2002-11-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 28 November 2002 04:11 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 11:54 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  Hi, all, I thought it would be a good idea to install the MS TTF fonts
  and give myself some more options. I was more than satisfied with the
  default fonts but being the perpetual tinkerer I had to do it. Now the
  problem is I don't have the original sets, like the helvetica family is
  missing and some others. Anyone know how to get them back into the mix? I
  have looked at /etc/fonts/fonts.gonf and don't see anything to change  to
  get them back. Help is appreciated.

 Dennis - I'm surprised at this.  Helvetica is still on my list on
 OpenOffice. Are you sure they've disappeared, or is it one application in
 particular that can't see them?


Anne, the app they disappeared from was actually kmail and konqueror for sure, 
the only fonts I could bring up there was the MS fonts that I installed. I 
must have gotten only part of the MS fonts also cause the ones I did have 
were really bad. Even with antialiasing.  I uninstalled and have my generic 
ML 9.0 fonts back and I like them well enough to leave MS to MS. Thanks,
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Fonts

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 4:06 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Thursday 28 November 2002 04:11 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 11:54 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
   Hi, all, I thought it would be a good idea to install the MS TTF fonts
   and give myself some more options. I was more than satisfied with the
   default fonts but being the perpetual tinkerer I had to do it. Now the
   problem is I don't have the original sets, like the helvetica family is
   missing and some others. Anyone know how to get them back into the mix?
   I have looked at /etc/fonts/fonts.gonf and don't see anything to change
to get them back. Help is appreciated.
  Dennis - I'm surprised at this.  Helvetica is still on my list on
  OpenOffice. Are you sure they've disappeared, or is it one application in
  particular that can't see them?

 Anne, the app they disappeared from was actually kmail and konqueror for
 sure, the only fonts I could bring up there was the MS fonts that I

How puzzling!  I've just checked and there are 4 versions of Helvetica in my 
fonts list for KMail.  In fact it tells me I'm using a customised font 
(without indicating which one), and I think I set it to Helvetica, though I 
can't be sure which one.

I must have gotten only part of the MS fonts also cause the ones
 I did have were really bad. Even with antialiasing.  I uninstalled and have
 my generic ML 9.0 fonts back and I like them well enough to leave MS to MS.

It's curious how many problems we have that really bug some users and simply 
don't happen to others.  Mind you, I think that similar things happened with 
8.2 until it settled down.  I guess that eventually we'll come to understand 
the cause of many of these problems.


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Re: [newbie] Fonts

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 4:06 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Thursday 28 November 2002 04:11 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 11:54 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
   Hi, all, I thought it would be a good idea to install the MS TTF fonts
   and give myself some more options. I was more than satisfied with the
   default fonts but being the perpetual tinkerer I had to do it. Now the
   problem is I don't have the original sets, like the helvetica family is
   missing and some others. Anyone know how to get them back into the mix?
   I have looked at /etc/fonts/fonts.gonf and don't see anything to change
to get them back. Help is appreciated.
  Dennis - I'm surprised at this.  Helvetica is still on my list on
  OpenOffice. Are you sure they've disappeared, or is it one application in
  particular that can't see them?

 Anne, the app they disappeared from was actually kmail and konqueror for
 sure, the only fonts I could bring up there was the MS fonts that I
 installed. I must have gotten only part of the MS fonts also cause the ones
 I did have were really bad. Even with antialiasing.  I uninstalled and have
 my generic ML 9.0 fonts back and I like them well enough to leave MS to MS.

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Re: [newbie] Fonts

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 4:06 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:

 Anne, the app they disappeared from was actually kmail and konqueror for
 sure, the only fonts I could bring up there was the MS fonts that I
 installed. I must have gotten only part of the MS fonts also cause the ones
 I did have were really bad. Even with antialiasing.  I uninstalled and have
 my generic ML 9.0 fonts back and I like them well enough to leave MS to MS.

Dennis - this has just rung a bell.  Under 8.2 I had awful problems with fonts 
after I enabled anti-aliasing.  Could that have caused it?


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Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work......

2002-11-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 28 November 2002 03:48 am, Ronnie Boyd wrote:
 Thanks! The j switch did the job and unzipped the bz2 file, creating the
 LinNeighborhood directory without problem.

 However, when I then try the following commands, I get error messages

 make install

 [root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# ./configure
 checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
 checking whether build environment is sane... yes
 checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
 checking for working aclocal... missing
 checking for working autoconf... missing
 checking for working automake... missing
 checking for working autoheader... missing
 checking for working makeinfo... found
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for cc... no
 checking for cc... no
 checking for cl... no
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
 [root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make
 make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
 [root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make install
 make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.

 Any advice?

 Out of curiosity, what is the LinNeighborhood executable called, I'm
 guessing (bravely enough) that it's Linneighborhood dot something?
 I think I read that it should be in /usr/local/bin, though there's nothing
 at all in that directory.

 Thanks to all who gave me advice, it was and is greatly appreciated.


 Michael Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED]@linux-mandrake.com on 28/11/2002

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Subject:Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work..

 The page details how to uncompress the files if they are in .tar.gz
 format -- going through the options for tar:

 x - extract
 z - unzip (via gzip / gunzip)
 v - verbose
 f - use file following this flag

 To unbzip2 a compressed file, you'll have to do:

 x - extract
 j - unbzip2 (for newer, 8.0 and above releases)
 v - verbose
 f - use file following this flag

 (so that command would be tar -xjvf Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 without
 the quotes).
 For more info, do a man bzip2, man tar, and man gzip without the
Looks like you need a gcc compiler which is on the disks and install the 
autoconf , automake, autoheader and aclocal packages, also should be on the 
disks. Then give it another go and it should run, he said hopefully. 
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Fonts

2002-11-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 28 November 2002 10:08 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 4:06 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  Anne, the app they disappeared from was actually kmail and konqueror for
  sure, the only fonts I could bring up there was the MS fonts that I
  installed. I must have gotten only part of the MS fonts also cause the
  ones I did have were really bad. Even with antialiasing.  I uninstalled
  and have my generic ML 9.0 fonts back and I like them well enough to
  leave MS to MS. Thanks,

 Dennis - this has just rung a bell.  Under 8.2 I had awful problems with
 fonts after I enabled anti-aliasing.  Could that have caused it?

Don't know but I think the main problem was between the keyboard and the 
scalp.  I will check the method I used and try again later when I have more 
time, the holidays are upon us and time is at a premium. Feeling guilty just 
sitting here reading the e-mail. :  ) 
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Fonts

2002-11-28 Per discussione RCD
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 10:24:41 -0600
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't know but I think the main problem was between the keyboard and the 
 scalp.  snip
 Dennis M.  linux user # 180842
At work we call that an ID10T ticket



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RE: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-28 Per discussione Eileen Lopp
Question here -- is your XP install disk OEM or retail?  Some of the OEM
disks are incompatible with any sort of dual-boot setup due to adding
hidden partitions.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 7:01 AM
 Subject: Re: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

 Hi Erik,
Ok, i tried what u said. Downloaded AutoClave and ran it.
 Did 1 pass since i tot that's enough. Reinstalled xp (NTFS).
 Later, resized it using PQMagic, having Fat32 and ext2.
 Booted into Mandrake setup.and Got the same
 problem!!! I feel it's not the harddisk then. Bios perhaps?
I also downloaded the clean up program from fujitsu(my
 harddisk manufacturer). Ran it and did the same thing, got
 the same problem.
If this goes on i'm going to sue Toshiba. ;)

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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-28 Per discussione erylon hines
On Thursday 28 November 2002 06:46 am, you wrote:
 Have run into a dead end with LinNeighborhood and don't know what I'm doing

 Did the...tar -xjvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2

 It creates the LinNeighborhood directory ok, but nothing else.
 I'm not sure if executable should be installed at this time in
 I try running ./configure, then make, then make INSTALL, but nothing
 happens except:

Hmm,  looks like it may be looking in the wrong places.  But,  why don't you 
use the Mandrake LinNeighborhood rpm?  I believe it is on the 3rd disk (the 
contributions disk), at least with 8.2.  I always install it.  

If the rpm that is specifically for mdk doesn't work, then we can 
troubleshoot it.


 [root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# ./configure
 checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
 checking whether build environment is sane... yes
 checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
 checking for working aclocal... missing
 checking for working autoconf... missing
 checking for working automake... missing
 checking for working autoheader... missing
 checking for working makeinfo... found
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for cc... no
 checking for cc... no
 checking for cl... no
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
 [root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make
 make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
 [root@derfel LinNeighborhood-0.6.5]# make install
 make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.

 What am I doing wrong? I have spent around 3 hours trying different
 LinNeighborhood rpm's from different sites and the same thing happens at
 the same stage, so I figure I must be doing something wrong.

 Anyone know what it is? I really need LinNeighborhood set up.

 Another thing too, supposedly LinNeighborhood shows up in Networking/other/
 but on my menu there is no 'other'. Does that only appear if
 LinNeighborhood is installed?

 Advice much appreciated.


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[newbie] Has anyone had trouble

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anthony Abby
Finding out the status of their order for a boxed set of Mandrake 9.0? 
I have tried contacting them four times via email now, and even placed a
phone call yesterday and left a message.  Never received a response, nor
have I received my boxed set even though they charged my credit card
several weeks ago.


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Re: [newbie] Sending email with Cable Connection

2002-11-28 Per discussione Chris Edwards
1. We're both military and we'll both move within a year so this 
arrangement is not permanent.
2. I've had my prodigy account for so long that to change for the short 
term would be an inconvienience.
3. I didn't understand the mechanics of smtp servers until seeing Mr. 
Jennings' post.

Jordan R. Thompson wrote:
I guess the question I have is _why_?  If the account is in your neighbor's
name, you can get him to add a user (I have cable here in Florida and we get
up to 6 users, I think.)  I don't even use the username that was given to me
as it is too hard to remember, so I created one that I can remember and I
retrieve my mail from that one.

- Original Message -
From: Chris Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: [newbie] Sending email with Cable Connection

I recently arranged to share cable internet with my neighbor across the
hall. Previously I had been using dail-up and KPPP to establish the
connection. Now that I am on his LAN I am always connected, can surf to
my hearts's content and recieve email. However, I cannot SEND email
without dailing up.

Any suggestions on what setting I need to tweak to be able to send email
via my cable connection.

Every time I try to send (via Mozilla) I get an error to the effect that
  it couldn't connect to the smtp server: smtp.prodigy.net.

Chris Edwards

Send email for alternate contact information
email | aim | icq | postal | cell | phone

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Chris Edwards

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Re: [newbie] Symbolic links

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Erik Farnsworth wrote:

rm name-of-linked-file

libxyz-0 - libxyz-0.1

rm libxyz-0

On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 03:13, John Richard Smith wrote:

How do you remove a symbolic link.

neither man ln, nor info ln , even mentions it.



I did it this way,

I cd into directory

then ,
#rm  libxyz  enter

it asked Yes or no,  Y enter

it seems to remove it.

Am I right.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is settled 
in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:

Location on the bus: 0:0

Channel: 00

New devfs device: scsi/host3/bus0/target0/lun0/disc

Old device file: /dev/sdb

host: 3

info: Datafab USB to CF + SM C

lun: 00

Media class: hd

raw_type: Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

However when I try to mount /dev/sdb /mnt/cardreader I get

mount: special device /dev/sdb does not exist

What can I do now?


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Re: [newbie]

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
wouter pos wrote:

Dear people of mandrake mailinglist,

I have a problem with the installation of mandrake

I used to have a slackware distribution installed but
it took too much of linux experience (which i don't
really have yet). I was recommended to install

So i made an install of mandrake: everything went
I formatted the old linux partition (4.0 GB) and swap
space (125 MB) (HD is 40 GB total ~36 GB is used for

I chose everything from the mandrake desktop
possibilities to choose from.

When the installation was completed successfully the
system was rebooted and the linux loader came up.
Linux was chosen and then my computer hanged.

With the next check line my computer hanged:

Finding module dependencies: .

And then my computer didn't respond to anything.

I did a reinstall and the same problem occured.
I did a upgrade and installed some more features and
again my computer hanged but with another check line

Enabling swap space .

And then my computer didn't respond to anything.

Every time i did a reboot the system gave an error
that my hda3 wasn't completely well mounted so a check
force was needed and within 4.7% my computer hangs

What is the problem??? I stayed up till 4 in the
morning coping with this problem Please help me!!!

Is my swap space too small? Is the hda3 not fully
formatted? Is my computer not compatible with

(I am running windows98 beside mandrake and using a
asus a7n266 with integrated nForce video chipset and a
AMD athlon 1700+ with 385 MB of DDR ram, plextor
writer and a sony cdrom player)

I hope u can help me ty in advance,

Greetings Wouter Pos 
The netherlands.


It sounds like a nobiospnp job

I have an 1800Athlon with 512mb ddr memory, and experienced the same

What you have to do is addnobiospnp  to the
append=  line in /etc/lilo.conf  ,  note must come between the  quotes 
along with anything else that may be in the append= line, seperated
by a space for each item in the line.

Now how to do that,

If you don't mind starting again you can to it in the lilo install script.
of drakX, but I suppose you would rather prefer not to, you see you have to
get to desktop, and use a text editor to open up /etc/lilo.conf and add that
appendage , save and exit, but you cannot get to desktop at the

So reboot and at the splash screen hit f1 and
run the linux entry with  nobiospnp  that gets you onto desktop
the once and there you can make the necessary change.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] TV Out X Window Problem

2002-11-28 Per discussione Bart Salien
Op Tuesday 26 November 2002 16:50, schreef u:

 I have just managed to get the tv out working on my NV card (does not
 support twinview). I altered my XF86Config-4 file and then typed in the

 startx -- :1 -screen screen_TVout600

 screen-TVout600 is what i called the screen in XF86Config-4 file

 this worked and gave me a linux desktop , but it is black and white and not

 How do you alter the settings so the desktop is colour , like it is on the
 monitor ?


i think it has something to do with the cable , or it is possible that the 
video card gives an output signal with an offset voltage and the color info 
gets lost on the input of your television .

To eliminate this offset voltage there are a few solutions build with just a 
few electronic components.

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Re: [newbie] Problems getting bzip2 to work......

2002-11-28 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker
Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Alan Shoemaker wrote:
  Ronnie Boyd wrote:
   Hello there. I am a long term Windows user/tech support
   person who has recently installed Mandrake Linux,
   partly out of curiosity, partly because I feel it's the
   coming thing. I managed to install it, get it on our
   training LAN, mount drives and what not without any
   bother, but I've run into a spot of trouble trying to
   set up LinNeighborhood. Now, I downloaded the
   LinNeighborhood rpm, and it seemed to install ok,
   leaving me with some entries at the root. I found a web
   page detailing what must be done to properly unzip and
   install the Linneighborhood-0.6.5.tar.bz2 file,
  instead, why not download and install the mdk9 rpm file
  from one of our 'contrib' mirror directories like the one
 Ne ighborhood-0.6.5-1mdk

 whoops, sorry that wasn't quite the link :)



ok, i'm gonna' go to bed now, but here is the correct link:


   which is:
   tar -xzvf LinNeighborhood-0.6.5.tar.gz
   cd LinNeighborhood-0.6.5
   make install
   The problem is that when I enter the first line I get a
   'not in gzip format'  message. I figured, ok then, I'll
   install bzip2. This is where I've ground to a halt. I
   installed bzip2 from files from a webpage, couldn't get
   it to work. Then tried to install bzip2 from the
   Mandrake cd, it reported that bzip2 was already
   installed. I changed the 'file associations' to point
   any .gz or bz or bz2 files towards the bzip2 app, but
   still no joy.
   Where am I going wrong? Why is it that bzip2 doesn't
   appear anywhere on the start menu, or why is it that if
   I create a desktop link to /usr/bin/bzip2, nothing
   happens when I click on it? And if bzip2 really is
   installed, why can't I get past the 'not in gzip
   format' bit. Why doesn't bzip2 unzip the file instead
   of gzip refusing to?
   I installed Mandrake Linux 9.0 for the first time 10
   days ago. I'm using the KDE gui. The pc is a Compaq EVO
   P4, with 256mb ram.
   Please help a Linux novice out?
   All the best


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Re: [newbie] Symbolic links

2002-11-28 Per discussione Robin Ballantine
On Thursday 28 November 2002 10:35 am, robin wrote:
 John Richard Smith wrote:
  How do you remove a symbolic link.
  neither man ln, nor info ln , even mentions it.

 I've always found rm works fine.  What you can't do is directly replace
 one symbolic link with another.

 Sir Robin

rm -f symbolic-link will remove the link (non-interactively), if you have 
the permission.

I often re-direct symbolic links with;

ln -sf target symbolic-link

the -f option will force an effective overwrite of the existing link.

Robin Ballantine

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[newbie] Compare Disks

2002-11-28 Per discussione Jordan Elver
Is there a command to compare the contents of two cds?
So, I put one cd in my cdburner, one in my dvd drive. Can I compare that they 
contain exactly the same files?

Jordan Elver
Unix? What's that? Is that like Linux?

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 28 November 2002 11:57 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is settled
 in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:
 Bus: SCSI

 Location on the bus: 0:0

 Channel: 00

 New devfs device: scsi/host3/bus0/target0/lun0/disc

 Old device file: /dev/sdb

 host: 3

 info: Datafab USB to CF + SM C

 lun: 00

 Media class: hd

 raw_type: Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

 However when I try to mount /dev/sdb /mnt/cardreader I get

 mount: special device /dev/sdb does not exist

 What can I do now?

Anne, I think it wants to know about the partition,  try doing : mount  
/dev/sdb1  and then look at /mnt cardreader or if you use Konqueror look at 
/mnt and see what is mounted there.  HTH
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 5:57 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is settled
 in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:

I tried a re-boot, and found that my sda was now sdb, and the card was 
recognised as sda.  Then I tried to mount it:
mount /dev/hda /mnt/cardreader
mount: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: No medium found
[root@anne-linux anne]# umount /mnt/cardreader
umount: /mnt/cardreader: not mounted

I presume that this means that it is finding the CF slot, for which I don't 
have a card, and not the SM slot, in which I have placed a card.

Is that your interpretation?


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Re: [newbie] Compare Disks

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Jordan Elver wrote:

Is there a command to compare the contents of two cds?
So, I put one cd in my cdburner, one in my dvd drive. Can I compare that they 
contain exactly the same files?



Xcdroast will verify  a disc write for you, of cause that assumes that the
original cashing up is done write, but not withstanding an accurate
read it does a fair job of ensuring the finish write to CD is a true and
fair copy of the cashed up .

I don't see why there shouldn't be a command line way, of reading the
disk and comparing with the written disc , in the way you describe .
It would be interesting to know if anyone has a method. If xcdroast
a gui front end can read a harddrive and compare it with a disc then
Igues the same programme can read on cd and compare it with
another CD.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione erylon hines
On Thursday 28 November 2002 09:57 am, you wrote:
 Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is settled
 in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:
 Bus: SCSI

 Location on the bus: 0:0

 Channel: 00

 New devfs device: scsi/host3/bus0/target0/lun0/disc

 Old device file: /dev/sdb

 host: 3

 info: Datafab USB to CF + SM C

 lun: 00

 Media class: hd

 raw_type: Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

 However when I try to mount /dev/sdb /mnt/cardreader I get

 mount: special device /dev/sdb does not exist

 What can I do now?


try to mount the /dev/sda with the partition number 1 --  /dev/sda1   (or try 
/dev/sdb1 if that doesn't work).  All my cardreaders have required that I add 
a partiton number in the /fstab mount line -- I have no idea why the install 
never writes /fstab for cardreaders with a partition number.

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 8:05 pm, erylon hines wrote:
 On Thursday 28 November 2002 09:57 am, you wrote:
  Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is
  settled in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:
  Bus: SCSI
  Location on the bus: 0:0
  Channel: 00
  New devfs device: scsi/host3/bus0/target0/lun0/disc
  Old device file: /dev/sdb
  host: 3
  info: Datafab USB to CF + SM C
  lun: 00
  Media class: hd
  raw_type: Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02
  However when I try to mount /dev/sdb /mnt/cardreader I get
  mount: special device /dev/sdb does not exist
  What can I do now?

 try to mount the /dev/sda with the partition number 1 --  /dev/sda1   (or
 try /dev/sdb1 if that doesn't work).  All my cardreaders have required that
 I add a partiton number in the /fstab mount line -- I have no idea why the
 install never writes /fstab for cardreaders with a partition number.

No, I still get exactly the same message.  It's frustrating to feel that I am 
so near, but still not getting there.


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[newbie] changing the dial tone

2002-11-28 Per discussione Richard J.
could someone please tell me how to change the settings with the modem, from 
pulse to tone?


The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* 

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[newbie] How can i config firewall to allow the client to send file through outside when use msn or icq

2002-11-28 Per discussione Pratchaya Chatuphian
How can i config firewall to allow the client to send file through 
outside when use msn or icq ?

   My network   have 5 computer clients
and 1 mandrake linux server

That the mandrake linux server act as the GW and many service server .

Now all of my client  can use internet normal   such as www , chat  and
other ..
But  have one thing that  can' t do  :: ie ::
When my client use the messenger program like msn , icq   :
It can ' t  send file to others

When use --- send file to ...  ( other people  who use msn or icq )

Any one can help me to solve this problem ?

more information ::
My linux server   :: ip =  netmask
My Client :: ip =  - 6 netmask


Thank u for advance ::: sir

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Re: [newbie] changing the dial tone

2002-11-28 Per discussione Barry Premeaux
On Thursday 28 November 2002 12:46 pm, you wrote:
 could someone please tell me how to change the settings with the modem,
 from pulse to tone?


 The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Try the initialization string ATDT befor the number.


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Re: [newbie] How to use use XIM input method

2002-11-28 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 1:53 am, Wei Wang wrote:
 I just installed chinput and don't know how to use it. I ran
 /usr/bin/chinput but nothing happened. Having used windows for years, I was
 naively looking for a little icon in the corner of panel but didn't find
 one. ;-) Anyone give me a hand? Many thanks.


If you do not know how to use a package there are a few simple ways to find 

1/Google - linux search http://www.google.com/linux
The nice people at Google have a special linux search facility.
If you use Opera or Galeon browsers you can get a Google/linux search field in 
your command bar. There is plenty on chinput, but as it is all in Chinese I 
cannot help further on that :(  

2/ Kpackage - If you install an RPM and want to know what files are in it. Use 
the search facility in kpackage to find the package and you will see a list 
of the files in the package.  The executable is normally in /usr/bin  and the 
documentation is usually in /usr/share/doc and/or /usr/share/man

3/ The manual pages - Just type 'man packagename'  or 'man executable_name'   
will often start you off.

5/ The slocate facility - Install the slocate RPM, type updatedb (as root) and 
a database of every file on your system is created. Then type
'slocate string'  to find any file containing that string almost instantly.

6/ Search at SourceForge/Freshmeat The majority of OpenSource projects use 
Sourceforge to host them. A search at http://sourceforge.net/  or 
http://freshmeat.net/  will find all sorts of interesting stuff.



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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 28 November 2002 01:02 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 5:57 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is
  settled in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:

 I tried a re-boot, and found that my sda was now sdb, and the card was
 recognised as sda.  Then I tried to mount it:
 mount /dev/hda /mnt/cardreader
 mount: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only
 mount: No medium found
 [root@anne-linux anne]# umount /mnt/cardreader
 umount: /mnt/cardreader: not mounted

 I presume that this means that it is finding the CF slot, for which I don't
 have a card, and not the SM slot, in which I have placed a card.

 Is that your interpretation?


Anne, was that a typo above or did you really mean sda? Again it has to have a 
partition designation. Try mount   /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1 whichever is the 
smart card device. Just type in that and see what it returns. Then if you  cd 
to /mnt /cardreader it should show you data as in photos by doing ls.HTH
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 28 November 2002 01:02 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 5:57 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is
  settled in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:

 I tried a re-boot, and found that my sda was now sdb, and the card was
 recognised as sda.  Then I tried to mount it:
 mount /dev/hda /mnt/cardreader
 mount: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only
 mount: No medium found
 [root@anne-linux anne]# umount /mnt/cardreader
 umount: /mnt/cardreader: not mounted

 I presume that this means that it is finding the CF slot, for which I don't
 have a card, and not the SM slot, in which I have placed a card.

 Is that your interpretation?

Oh, one other thing, look in you file browser, at the /mnt partition and see 
if it shows something there.  Mine shows memory_card. I did not make that 
file, the system did when it saw I had a card reader attached. So if yours 
shows something different than cardreader try mounting what the system made 
up for you and see what happens. 
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Mouse problems at boot

2002-11-28 Per discussione Gordon Bradbury

Are you saying I should try disabling the PNP in the BIOS? I'll try it and see how it 
goes. Yes the mouse is plugged into a PS2 port. Thanks!


 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] 28/11/02 14:01:54 
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 09:46, Gordon Bradbury wrote:
 G'day all,
  I've just got a new P4 box at home, and successfully loaded xp and mandrake 9 onto 
it. I'm a long-time windows user, but this is my first exposure to linux/mandrake.
 I have a 2-button ps-2 mouse installed. The machine is developing the habit of 
sometimes not recognising the mouse when I boot up. This can happen either when I 
boot into xp or into Mandrake. The mouse just won't work. As I say, it's an 
intermittent problem. Doesn't happen all the time. I'm pretty confident that the 
mouse is OK, but will test it anyway.
 What other possible causes might there be??
 Hoabrt Tasmania

There is a known issue with mice in the extreme southern hemisphere. Due
to solar flares, Hobart is subjected to extremely high doses of
anti-two-button-mouse rays and Victoria Bitters...

Nah...sorry - what about checking your BIOS settings? I'm assuming that
you're plugging into a PS/2 mouse port, correct? If you have the BIOS
set for PNP OS's, you might be getting the intermittent problems from
that - miscommunication through the port...

Thu Nov 28 14:55:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com 
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

The little town that time forgot,
Where all the women are strong,
The men are good-looking,
And the children above-average.
-- Prairie Home Companion

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Despite our use of anti-virus software, Forestry Tasmania cannot guarantee
that this transmission is virus-free.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Technical drawing tools

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Brian Parish wrote:

On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 01:48, John Richard Smith wrote:

Yes , Stephen,

Technical drawing on computer, you know round widgets and things.

I'm currently looking at gcad, which I take to mean Computer Aided Design.
and Dia, both look promissing, I found a help file for qcad , seems to
think you know quite a bit already, and the manual doesn't start to get
going for some depth, but I trying to make sense of it right now.

Dia seems to have a broken help file location so currently cannot make
head nor tail of it.I haven't drawn with computers before so this is all 

I need to draw a plan, side, and end view of a device I'm giving to
a friend so he can make it for himself.




Regarding qcad, check this out to get you started:




Oh thanks very much Brian, that is a far better written manual than I had.
There is something a lot easier about the way it's done.

I've  created 3 view diagrams with my first brief encounter,
of course nothing is to scale and I've got to figure out how you
do that , there does not appear to be rulers as such thought you can set
calibration and scaling. It seems to me you really want a very large
monitor for commercial technical drawing , and some hole lot better
screen resolution would aid display  especially as far and straight lines
are concerned which often come out looking slightly stepped on screen,
though not otherwise.

Now one further question.

Is the qcad file format at all compatible with anything
in windblows, do you know ?


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 9:22 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Thursday 28 November 2002 01:02 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 5:57 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
   Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is
   settled in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:
  I tried a re-boot, and found that my sda was now sdb, and the card was
  recognised as sda.  Then I tried to mount it:
  mount /dev/hda /mnt/cardreader
  mount: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only
  mount: No medium found
  [root@anne-linux anne]# umount /mnt/cardreader
  umount: /mnt/cardreader: not mounted
  I presume that this means that it is finding the CF slot, for which I
  don't have a card, and not the SM slot, in which I have placed a card.
  Is that your interpretation?

 Anne, was that a typo above or did you really mean sda? Again it has to
 have a partition designation. Try mount   /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1 whichever
 is the smart card device. Just type in that and see what it returns. Then
 if you  cd to /mnt /cardreader it should show you data as in photos by
 doing ls.HTH

A typo, but not sure whether it was in the email or the command, so I plugged 
in again and rebooted.  This time I realised that it had added sda, moved the 
LS120 to sdb and also added sdc - that is, according to MCC.  However, when I 
booted I got a message that sda had been added - no mention of sdc.  I should 
also say that the boot hung for a long time at 'finding dependencies', 
re-starting as soon as I disconnected the cardreader, which I immediately 
re-plugged.  I suspect that it is identifying the CF reader and loading the 
appropriate drivers, but can't cope with the SM.

The root console now gives me:

[root@anne-linux anne]# mount /dev/sdc /mnt/cardreader
mount: special device /dev/sdc does not exist
[root@anne-linux anne]# mount /dev/sda /mnt/cardreader
mount: No medium found

Konqueror does not show any entries under /mnt/cardreader.


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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 28 November 2002 04:19 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 9:22 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Thursday 28 November 2002 01:02 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 5:57 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is
settled in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:
   I tried a re-boot, and found that my sda was now sdb, and the card was
   recognised as sda.  Then I tried to mount it:
   mount /dev/hda /mnt/cardreader
   mount: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only
   mount: No medium found
   [root@anne-linux anne]# umount /mnt/cardreader
   umount: /mnt/cardreader: not mounted
   I presume that this means that it is finding the CF slot, for which I
   don't have a card, and not the SM slot, in which I have placed a card.
   Is that your interpretation?
  Anne, was that a typo above or did you really mean sda? Again it has to
  have a partition designation. Try mount   /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1
  whichever is the smart card device. Just type in that and see what it
  returns. Then if you  cd to /mnt /cardreader it should show you data as
  in photos by doing ls.HTH

 A typo, but not sure whether it was in the email or the command, so I
 plugged in again and rebooted.  This time I realised that it had added sda,
 moved the LS120 to sdb and also added sdc - that is, according to MCC. 
 However, when I booted I got a message that sda had been added - no mention
 of sdc.  I should also say that the boot hung for a long time at 'finding
 dependencies', re-starting as soon as I disconnected the cardreader, which
 I immediately re-plugged.  I suspect that it is identifying the CF reader
 and loading the appropriate drivers, but can't cope with the SM.

 The root console now gives me:

 [root@anne-linux anne]# mount /dev/sdc /mnt/cardreader
 mount: special device /dev/sdc does not exist
 [root@anne-linux anne]# mount /dev/sda /mnt/cardreader
 mount: No medium found

 Konqueror does not show any entries under /mnt/cardreader.


Ok, here is evidence that smart cards work, Miark's post may help, this is 
from the newbie maillist archives:


-- Chronological -- 
-- Thread -- 

Re: [newbie] Mounting SmartMedia

From: Dennis Myers 
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mounting SmartMedia 
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 16:34:59 -0700 
On Thursday 29 August 2002 05:34 pm, Miark wrote:
 It would run if it were so smart, eh?

 Anyway, I got my USB reader today, plugged it in, did
 a mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/sm and blam! I was in
 business! One less reason to depend on Winsux-- I love
 it. A couple of questions, though:

 *  How hot-swappable is this beast can I yank it out
 anytime it's not writing, or do I have to unmount it
 before I pull the card out, or the reader out of the
 USB port?

 *  Does supermount have anything to do with this?

 *  Should I put anything in /etc/fstab?


Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Mouse problems at boot

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
No, not necessarily, that depends on your windblows/bios relationship, 
you may need it.

No, I'm saying mandrake does not need to look at your bios settings for 
pnp instruction,
and the method I have described is the way to stop it doing  it.


Gordon Bradbury wrote:


Are you saying I should try disabling the PNP in the BIOS? I'll try it and see how it goes. Yes the mouse is plugged into a PS2 port. Thanks!



Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] 28/11/02 14:01:54 

On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 09:46, Gordon Bradbury wrote:

G'day all,

I've just got a new P4 box at home, and successfully loaded xp and mandrake 9 onto it. I'm a long-time windows user, but this is my first exposure to linux/mandrake.

I have a 2-button ps-2 mouse installed. The machine is developing the habit of sometimes not recognising the mouse when I boot up. This can happen either when I boot into xp or into Mandrake. The mouse just won't work. As I say, it's an intermittent problem. Doesn't happen all the time. I'm pretty confident that the mouse is OK, but will test it anyway.

What other possible causes might there be??


Hoabrt Tasmania


There is a known issue with mice in the extreme southern hemisphere. Due
to solar flares, Hobart is subjected to extremely high doses of
anti-two-button-mouse rays and Victoria Bitters...

Nah...sorry - what about checking your BIOS settings? I'm assuming that
you're plugging into a PS/2 mouse port, correct? If you have the BIOS
set for PNP OS's, you might be getting the intermittent problems from
that - miscommunication through the port...


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 9:34 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Thursday 28 November 2002 01:02 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 5:57 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
   Out of curiosity I decided to try the card reader again, now 9.0 is
   settled in.  To my surprise MCC recognises it as follows:
  I tried a re-boot, and found that my sda was now sdb, and the card was
  recognised as sda.  Then I tried to mount it:
  mount /dev/hda /mnt/cardreader
  mount: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only
  mount: No medium found
  [root@anne-linux anne]# umount /mnt/cardreader
  umount: /mnt/cardreader: not mounted
  I presume that this means that it is finding the CF slot, for which I
  don't have a card, and not the SM slot, in which I have placed a card.
  Is that your interpretation?

 Oh, one other thing, look in you file browser, at the /mnt partition and
 see if it shows something there.  Mine shows memory_card. I did not make
 that file, the system did when it saw I had a card reader attached. So if
 yours shows something different than cardreader try mounting what the
 system made up for you and see what happens.

BTW - is there any way to deal with this swapping identities?  I have just 
realised that fstab is attempting to mount /dev/sda as /mnt/LS120 - but 
Konqueror is showing it with a padlock, like a fd or cdrom with no disk in - 
which again suggests to me that it is seeing the CF card.

Anyway, if I unplug the cardreader - I would not normally have it plugged in - 
my LS120 will be on the wrong drivename.  And when I reboot it will return to 
its own sda.

How is the name derived?  Is the position on the usb hub relevant?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Smartmedia Reader

2002-11-28 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 9:34 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:

 Oh, one other thing, look in you file browser, at the /mnt partition and
 see if it shows something there.  Mine shows memory_card. I did not make
 that file, the system did when it saw I had a card reader attached. So if
 yours shows something different than cardreader try mounting what the
 system made up for you and see what happens.

There is a directory /mnt/disk which I did not make.  I have tried 
substituting disk for cardreader, but get exactly the same messages.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Technical drawing tools

2002-11-28 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 01:48, John Richard Smith wrote:


Yes , Stephen,

Technical drawing on computer, you know round widgets and things.

I'm currently looking at gcad, which I take to mean Computer Aided Design.
and Dia, both look promissing, I found a help file for qcad , seems to
think you know quite a bit already, and the manual doesn't start to get
going for some depth, but I trying to make sense of it right now.

Dia seems to have a broken help file location so currently cannot make
head nor tail of it.I haven't drawn with computers before so this is all 

I need to draw a plan, side, and end view of a device I'm giving to
a friend so he can make it for himself.



I did notice that the Dia with MDK wasn't setup quite correctly - the
Dia on my RH box has all the proper help files and the likes - and when
I did the upgrade, I did it via tarball.

Did you, that explains it, I used rpm's  , I think off the website or 
was it an rpmfind found
site I cannot remember. I will take a look at that, I found some help pages
on the net but I really wanted something I could either download as say 
a pdf file
and store on a spare partition, like I do with gimp, then i can just 
look it up anytime,
or builtinto the app itself.


There's been several CAD style proggies floating around - seen at
either Icewalk, Apps.kde.org, LinuxApps, PlanetMirror, Gnome.org,
Sourceforge.net and Freshmeat.net...

Have you taken a bounce around there to check it out?
(Remember, CAD programs were first run under UNIX...)


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Compare Disks

2002-11-28 Per discussione Jordan Elver
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 7:42 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Jordan Elver wrote:
 Is there a command to compare the contents of two cds?
 So, I put one cd in my cdburner, one in my dvd drive. Can I compare that
  they contain exactly the same files?

 Xcdroast will verify  a disc write for you, of cause that assumes that the
 original cashing up is done write, but not withstanding an accurate
 read it does a fair job of ensuring the finish write to CD is a true and
 fair copy of the cashed up .

 I don't see why there shouldn't be a command line way, of reading the
 disk and comparing with the written disc , in the way you describe .
 It would be interesting to know if anyone has a method. If xcdroast
 a gui front end can read a harddrive and compare it with a disc then
 Igues the same programme can read on cd and compare it with
 another CD.


I thought as much. I would like a way to do this, I don't seem to get on with 
many of the gui cd burning software available and would like a quick command 
line for it. I'm sure there must be something.

Thanks for the reply,
Cheers, Jord
Jordan Elver
A good messenger expects to get shot. --- Larry Wall

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] any ideas?

2002-11-28 Per discussione Richard J.
I have no idea how to get my modem to connect to the internet. All I am 
getting is my computer picking up the, the dial tone, then it wont dial.

This is the script or whatever that happens when I try to connect


Then it does nothing more than that.

If anyone can help me, I'd be grateful, otherwise I think I will go back to 
microsoft until I get DSL


Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] any ideas?

2002-11-28 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 11:20, Richard J. wrote:
 I have no idea how to get my modem to connect to the internet. All I am 
 getting is my computer picking up the, the dial tone, then it wont dial.
 This is the script or whatever that happens when I try to connect
 Then it does nothing more than that.
 If anyone can help me, I'd be grateful, otherwise I think I will go back to 
 microsoft until I get DSL

Have you tried using the following:

AT F C1 D2 E1
ATDTW 087303030

Give that a go and see what happens mate!

Fri Nov 29 12:25:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan
is that there never was a plan in the first place.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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