Re: [newbie-it] mutt: Ssssyyyyyyyddddd!!!!!!

2003-06-15 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Wednesday 11 June 2003 18:01, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] mutt: 
Ssssyyyd!! (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), syd ha scritto: 

 In outbox ti ritrovi solo le posposte-bozze; quelle inviate (y) o sono
 gia' partite (invio on-line) o sono nella coda (invio off-line); _in
 entrambi i casi__ ne hai una copia nel file indicato con _set record_
 nel .muttrc
 Se le hai accodate per sbaglio allora le cancelli a manina dalla coda
 (per ogni mail dovresti avere due file nella coda), apri mutt ti
 posizioni sulla copia della mail (set record), la apri e schiacci r:
 ti sistemi i vari campi e fai quello che vuoi della mail.

Pero' con r ci fa il reply, quindi, a seconda di cio' che scelgo, o mi compare 
tutto il testo della mail che voglio recuperare quotato, oppure mi fa una 
mail vuota. In entrambi i casi ho tutti gli headers da rifare... A questo 
punto credo che strada corretta per recuperare un messaggio gia' spedito (y), 
sistemarlo e rispedirlo sia questa: apro il messaggio, con e ho la 
possibilita' di editarlo, modifico; salvo; a questo punto mutt mi mostra il 
messaggio editato come nuovo, e il vecchio lo flagga con D (coe' da 
elimiare). Se le cose mi stanno bene cosi' esco dalla cartella, il vecchio 
msg sparisce e resta quello modificato. Ora, per spedirlo riprendo il msg, lo 
sposto con C nella cartella dei posposti e da qui lo reinvio.

 Non stai chiappando l'approccio di mutt e continui ad insistere con
 lo schema di kmail. DEVI POSPORRE se hai l'abitudine di modificare
 spesso le mail prima di inviarle.

OK... ;-)

 Arwan.. sono disposto a spiegarti questo procedimento in mille altri
 modi ma piu' semplice di cosi' non mi viene. Tu non ti preoccupare,

Be', mi sembra abbastanza chiaro, e poi ciccionando un po' ho avuto la 
conferma che avevo capito giusto ;-)


Re: [newbie-it] mutt: Ssssyyyyyyyddddd!!!!!!

2003-06-15 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Thursday 12 June 2003 01:01, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] mutt: 
Ssssyyyd!! (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), syd ha scritto: 

 * Arwan wrote:
   Ma se io non ero connessa, come recupero (so che e'
  una cazzata che faro' ancora :-( ) le mail spedite?

 Se le vuoi rispedire senza modificarle devi semplicemente svuotare la
 coda con (credo)

 sendmail -q -v

Aspe'... mi sembrava che quello fosse il comando per spedire... posso fare 
cosi': scriptino per l'invio, che controlli se e' offline e, in caso 
affermativo, me lo dice e non invia nulla; altrimenti invia, richoama 
procmail che si prende la cartella delle outbox (quelle che per mutt sono 
gia' inviate (y) e che sendmail nemmeno vede) e la sposta in sent-mail, cosi' 
io, al successivo riavvio di mutt, so che se c'e' roba in outbox allora e' 
ancora in coda da sendmail. (vedi anche piu' avanti in questa mail)

 Se le vuoi modificare prima di rispedirle le recuperi nel file
 indicato con set record (te l'ho spiegato nell'altra mail)

Vedi i problemi nell'altra mail... e la soluzione che (credo) possa andare.

  Ho questo (commentato!)
  #set sendmail=/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem

 Decommenatlo!! Tieni presente che potresti aver bisogno anche di
 modificare la stringa. Ma ne parliamo un'altra volta.

L'ho decommentato, adeso quando do y mutt risponde: 

Error sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.).

E nella coda (sia in var/spool/clientmqueue che /var/spool/mqueue) non si 
aggiunge nulla. :-((( 

 Sendamil non sa nemmeno cosa sia il file outbox.


  3) a connessione avvenuta, lanciare uno script che dica a sendmail di
  spedire e poi a procmail di prendere le mail di outbox e spostarle tutte
  in sent-mail. In questo caso se lancio lo script senza da offline posso
  prendere le mail da sent-box e rimetterle in outbox, e poi ripetere
  l'operazione. Puo' andare la mia idea?

 No. E' tutto molto piu' semplice. Rileggiti quello che ti ho scritto
 nelle ultime tre mail.

Bene, in effetti parrebbe semplice... ma mi manca il passaggio finale: 
lavorando offline io ho bisogno, in mutt (e che poi send faccia cio' che 
vuole), di separare le cose che ho inviato con y durante la sessione in corso 
e quelle che ho inviato durante le sessioni precedenti: cioe' che le mail 
effettivamente inviate da sendmail mi finiscano in una cartella apposita, Per questo parlavo di richiamare procmail dopo l'operazione di 

 Allora! MDK ti creava in fase d'installazione sia ~/.bash_profile che
 ~/.bashrc. Sotto Slack te li devi fare tu.

Ho immaginato, ma mi sembrava d'averli gia' creati in uno dei miei 
esperimenti. evidentemente li ho anche cancellati, oppure ero ancora con la 

 Alla buona: trattasi dei file
 di login della bash. Il loro contenuto si sovrascrive al contenuto di
 /etc/profile che resta valido per la parte non sovrascritta.
 La bash legge prima ~/.bash_profile e poi /etc/profile mentre
 ~/.bashrc ti serve per la bash sotto terminale.
 Quindi ti conviene (e' una delle possibili soluzioni) infilare tutte
 le impostazioni in ~/.bashrc e all'interno di ~/.bash_profile fare il
 source del primo.

 $ cat ~/.bash_profile
 # .bash_profile

 if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
   . ~/.bashrc

OK, risolvo con mutt e poi mi ci metto anche qui (tanto dovrebbe essere un 

 Arwan, copialo e incollalo nella tua home.

Infatti, e' la cosa piu' semplice... e poi ci ficco dentro i comandi che uso 
di piu' togliendone alcuni tuoi che non so cosa siano ;-)

   Mi raccomando... ho un'idea, ma temo che non funziera'. Anzi anzi...
  domanda: se io ho tre account, tutti richiamati da fetchmailrc, quando
  lancio fetch li scartica tutti e tre. Ma se per caso volessi scaricarne
  uno solo? 

 Guarda meglio la lista degli alias che ho gia' postato; ci sono TRE e
 dico TRE alias che si riferiscono a fetchmail e che fanno proprio
 quello che vuoi fare tu. L'opzione _magica_ e' -f.

Ho visto poco prima che tu mi rispondessi, risolto, grazie!


Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-15 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 15:00, sabato 14 giugno 2003, piter ha scritto:
 ho determinato la versione del mio kernel così:
 $ uname -r

 e poi ho digitato questo:
 # urpmi kernel-2.4.21-0.13mdk --media update_source
 nessun pacchettto denominato kernel-2.4.21-0.13mdk

 poi ho provato anche così:
 urpmi kernel-2.4.21-0.13mdk-1-1mdk --media update_source
 nessun pacchettto denominato kernel-2.4.21-0.13mdk-1-1mdk

 dove sbaglio?

Nella versione. Tu un kernel Linux installato ce l'hai già; poichè i 
pacchetti legati al kernel non possono essere aggiornati, ma devono essere 
installati ex-novo (è la lista di cui ti parlava qualcuno, non ricordo 
chi), hai due alternative:
* utilizzare l'utility grafica di installazione del software, cercare 
kernel ed installare i pacchetti che ti servono;
* installare il pacchetto lanciando urpmi da shell; ma in questo caso non 
devi cercare il kernel che già hai, ma la versione aggiornata:
   urpmi kernel-
   (tu hai la versione con livello di patch 0.13, quella nuova è la 0.18)
Riprova, facci sapere se è andato tutto ok!



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la 
numerazione binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] modulo viacxxxx.o

2003-06-15 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:00, mercoledì 11 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
modulo viac.o,  Luigi Pinna   ha scritto:

  hai provato a rimuovere il controllo sulla versione dei moduli, e
  ad usare quello che andava?
  in fondo se è una stessa verisione e usi le stesse librerie e lo
  stesso compilatore, deve andare..

 Niente continua a non funzionare!!!
 Il problema risiede nel fatto che avendo compilato un'altra versione
 del kernel non posso reciclare i moduli, o si?

in teoria, no..

in pratica, compilando un kernel in modo che non verifichi la versione 
dei moduli 

# Loadable module support

si  riesce a forzare l'inserimento
(chiaro che non devono essere cambiati i moduli in chiamate 

 Nel caso come faccio a
 sostituire il modulo che non funziona con quello che andava senza far
 impazzire la macchina??

semlicemente sovrascrivendo il nuovo col vecchio

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] mutt: Ssssyyyyyyyddddd!!!!!!

2003-06-15 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Arwan ha scritto:
 Pero' con r ci fa il reply, quindi, a seconda di cio' che scelgo, o mi compare 
 tutto il testo della mail che voglio recuperare quotato, oppure mi fa una 
 mail vuota. In entrambi i casi ho tutti gli headers da rifare... 

E' giusto quello che dici ma che significa però tutti gli headers da rifare ?

 A questo 
 punto credo che strada corretta per recuperare un messaggio gia' spedito (y), 
 sistemarlo e rispedirlo sia questa: apro il messaggio, con e ho la 
 possibilita' di editarlo, modifico; salvo; a questo punto mutt mi mostra il 
 messaggio editato come nuovo, e il vecchio lo flagga con D (coe' da 
 elimiare). Se le cose mi stanno bene cosi' esco dalla cartella, il vecchio 
 msg sparisce e resta quello modificato. 

Anche io faccio così.

 Ora, per spedirlo riprendo il msg, lo 
 sposto con C nella cartella dei posposti e da qui lo reinvio.

Questa è la soluzione più regolare, ma poi potresti perderti  l'originale se
modifichi il messaggio.
Anzichè spostare, apri il messaggio con Esc e effettua eventuali modifiche e 
poi invia con y direttamente dalla stessa mailbox. 
Mi sembra però che stai mentalmente a menare il can per l'aia riguardo alla 
questione dell'invio della posta con mutt. 
Hai provveduto a scaricarti sSMTP ? E' un file piccolissimo con un
piccolissimo file di configurazione.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9 (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

[newbie-it] Che caldo, e se si scioglie il PC!?!

2003-06-15 Per discussione stefano

Alle 18:43, domenica 15 giugno 2003, stefano ha scritto:
 Con questo caldo mi si e' rotto il condizionatore!

 Ma veniamo al PC e a Linux!

 Ho il terrore che si scaldi troppo e alcune lentezze e alcuni freeze che
 avvengono tengo ad attribuirli al caldo infernale.

 Il bios mi consente di vedere la temperatura della MB e dei due AMD, come
 leggere quei valori da linux e visulizzarli sul desktop ed eventualmente
 abbinarci un bel shutdown -h se t di X ?


Re: [newbie-it] motherboard ecs k7s5a non suona aiuto!

2003-06-15 Per discussione freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 15 June 2003 15:50, pabrusas1 wrote:
 ciao a tutti. ho installato 9.1 power su un pc non mio, con mb ecs k7s5a ed
 audio integrato. la bastarda funzionava benissimo con 9.0, ora non suona
 più. il mixer ha tutti i canali verdi ed i volumi al massimo. la bastarda
 dovrebbe essere ampiamente diffusa. qualcuno può aiutarmi? grazie

mh, prima di addentrarci nei moduli, hai modo di alzare o di vedere 
il volume del PCM?

- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] gpg

2003-06-15 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 01:01, domenica 15 giugno 2003, miKe ha scritto:
 Alle 02:51, giovedì 12 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] gpg, 

 Pinna   ha scritto:
  Come faccio? lo fa solo con l'identità principale!!!
  Nel senso che non mi firma più con l'identità principale!

 spiegaci meglio..
 ti firma solo con l'dentità principale o non ti firma?

Il contrario!
Ho 3 chiavi, la principale (a) non viene più usata anche se selezionata 
mentre (b) e (c) vengono usate. In pratica il posto di (a) mi usa (c)

  Cercando di settare il uid come primario il programma me lo ha
  impedito! Che fare?

 la chiave che vuoi usare come principale l'hai trustata?
 (le hai dato la tua fiducia e l'hai processata con  sign?)

Questo è l'output di gpg; come puoi vedere è trustata. Peccato che la 
chiave a cui si riferisca è quella di (a) e non di (c)!

gpg --edit-key ...
gpg (GnuPG) 1.2.2; Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

È disponibile una chiave segreta.

pub  1024D/DC9798AB  creata: 2002-09-12 scade: 2003-09-12 fiducia: u/u
sub  1024g/2688BBE3  creata: 2002-09-12 scade: 2003-09-12
(1). (c)
(2)  (a)
(3)  (b)

- -- 
Come spieghi cos'e' la scuola ad un'intelligenza superiore?
-- Elliot, E.T.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie] gkrellm

2003-06-15 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Chris wrote:

On Saturday 14 June 2003 07:54 am, Dennis Myers wrote:


temp: +127.00 °C (hot:limit =  +6°C,  hysteresis =  +5°C) ALARM
(os: limit =  +6°C,  hysteresis =  +5°C) ALARM
Which I know is wrong for the temp and probably for the voltages.  The memory 
reported is wrong, I have 256mb ram. When I rebooted awhile ago the cpu temp 
reported by the bios was 104F.  Checking processes it shows lm_sensors is 
running and it shows start at boot.  Another question I have is at the end of 
setting up lm_sensors it tells me to copy prog/init/lm_sensors.init to 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/lm_sensors can't find prog/init/lm_sensors but I guess since 
it did start at boot that this isn't necessary.  My cpu info is an AMD 1.2Ghz 

So, bottom line, where have I screwed up my setup

Looks to me that your thermal sensors are either not detected or not there.
Here are mine, and note the 3rd sensors is physically not there in the 
first place and so the programme makes it up.

temp1:   +37°C  (limit =  +60°C)   sensor = 
temp2: +51.5°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor = 
temp3:+209.0°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor = 


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Large Hard Drives

2003-06-15 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 22:53, John Richard Smith wrote:

One thing I have been meaning to ask , now that large hard drives are 
becoming cheap enough, is how long does it take for bootups to complete 
the fsck tasks on say a 120 gig drive, with a modern AMD1800 Athlon, or 
a similar P4 processor.

Currently I have a 40gig drive, and usually when required it fsck's at 
least 3 of my partitions, I have about 7 partitions it likes to keep a 
track on. If I bought a 120gig drive to add as say a secondary drive 
would it take for ever to fsck on these bootups.


Part of this would depend on the file system you utilise on the hard
drive. XFS and ReiserFS would be rather fast, ext3/ext2 would not.

Thanks Stephen,

Seems then I'm waiting on obtaining an image programme that can handle 
ReiserFS or XFS so that I can create backups, then I will buy my 
enormous hard drive and start converting to one of the two file systems. 
Which is best ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione manolis
I have PIII 933 Mhz 650MB , it takes about 22 sec.
Mandrake 9.1 , OO 1.0.2
I think is very slow... anyone cas post a better time?

  15  2003 07:33, / Greg Meyer :
 On Sunday 15 June 2003 12:10 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  In the last few weeks i've noticed OO taking over 6 minutes
  to start. This machine is a Pentium 2, 400 mhz. OO would
  take about 50 seconds to start, which was bearable, but
  now, no matter what i do to it, it just stalls for about 5 minutes.
  Once i have one instance sunning, opening documents and
  new windows is almost instantaneous... deleting the local
  installation files didn't help, and reinstalling OO didn't, either.
  This is happening with OO 1.0.3 running on Mdk 9.1..

 Is anything else opening really slow?  Have there been any changes to your
 network setup?

 If the answer to both questions is yes, then the machine might be having
 trouble resolving itself.  Check your /etc/hosts file and /etc/resolv.conf

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Paul
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 09:32, manolis wrote:
 I have PIII 933 Mhz 650MB , it takes about 22 sec.
 Mandrake 9.1 , OO 1.0.2
 I think is very slow... anyone cas post a better time?

Interesting: Athlon 1200, 256Mb RAM and it takes exactly 22 seconds
also. Also MDK 9.1 and OO 1.0.2.

Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls 
and persuade themselves that they have a better idea. 
-John Ciardi - Linux Mandrake - Ximian Evolution

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[newbie] usb flash drive

2003-06-15 Per discussione Aron Smith
Anybody know how to reset my usb flashdrive to R/W
 its R/O now

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Re: [newbie] Quote character not working.

2003-06-15 Per discussione Stuart Guthrie
Thanks Anne that worked. I changed to US Keyboard from US International.


On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 22:17, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 12:13 am, Stuart Guthrie wrote:
  I´m trying to use the inverted comma character (ie ) in Evolution
  and lots of other parts of Mandrake 9.1 including the console. It
  doesn´t type a quote. If I press it twice it types a thing that
  looks like a quote but is not (ie ¨) (scripts with it in fail). Can
  someone help me? Where do I correct this behaviour?
  I´m in Australia (apologies for our current government BTW) so I´m
  using a US keyboard I guess.
 This sort of problem is usually connected to keyboard/language/locale.  
 For the keyboard, try mcc  Hardware  KeyboardDrake.  You have US 
 keyboard, US International keyboard and UK keyboard.  You can easily 
 change between them to see if any suit you better.  Aternatively, if 
 you use kde, you can use K  Configuration  Control Centre  
 Accessibility, where you will find both keyboard layouts and regions.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Stuart Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eureka IT Pty Ltd

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Re: [newbie] usb flash drive

2003-06-15 Per discussione Paul
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 09:58, Aron Smith wrote:
 Anybody know how to reset my usb flashdrive to R/W
  its R/O now

Do you have a line for it in /etc/fstab? I guess you'd have to set
something there, for users to r/w it.


Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls 
and persuade themselves that they have a better idea. 
-John Ciardi - Linux Mandrake - Ximian Evolution

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[newbie] Mandrake DOCS URPMI

2003-06-15 Per discussione Johan Scheepers
While following a lead by Eric I found the following that may be of
value to some:

If your are a MEMBER of Mandrake club the Mandrake docs my be found here :

Version 8.xx up to 9.1 :

If NOT a member try this one for docs only up to 9.0:

If you need the command to update live via the net with command line URPMI
then try this one:

May this be a good day for learning

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 3:24 am, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 12:16 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  DId you logon to your router and adjust things there? I've got a
  Dlink router and it let me assign the range of IP addresses to be
  used for my 3 comp LAN. I'm using DHCP here and it works fine.

 What are the advantages of using dhcp for such small network of
 three computers. Kindly explain. I have fixed ips for my LAN of 5

If advantages exist, I've not come across them.  I prefer the control 
of fixed ips (my lan is similar size to yours).  For large lans, of 
course, it may well be different, since resources can be allocated 
according to who is around at the time.  But for us?  I can't see it.


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Re: [newbie] Mail program for Linux and windows?

2003-06-15 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 1:39 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sat, 14 Jun 2003 20:53:14 +0100

  OK - I'm thick.  How would a symlink put the data onto a fat32
  partition, or alternatively, how could you persuade mozilla to
  use a symlink under your home to put the data on the fat32

 Make a folder(or file) on a FAT32 partition for mail, and create a
 symlink from there to the location Mozilla is expecting to find its
 mail in. Mozilla will neither know nor care that that one file was
 on a Fat32 partition.

I *will* get the hang of this - but it's taking some time g.  
Thanks, Derek


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Re: [newbie] Interesting Dilemma

2003-06-15 Per discussione Richard Urwin
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 3:13 am, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 11:49, JoeHill wrote:

  WARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause
  SEVERE filesystem damage.
  Do you really want to continue (y/n)? no

 OK, the easiest way to handle this is to boot from the first install CD
 then type rescue after hitting F1.  From there you'll get a menu which
 allows you to get a console without having your filesystems active.
 Then you can safely fsck.ext3 /dev/hda6

The correct way is to drop to single user mode with telinit 1.
Then unmount /home if it is still mounted read-write.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione manolis
22sec for the first time to load.
-if you close it and the load it again about 12 sec.
-if you leave it open and open another file about 5-6 sec.

  15  2003 10:49, / Paul :
 On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 09:32, manolis wrote:
  I have PIII 933 Mhz 650MB , it takes about 22 sec.
  Mandrake 9.1 , OO 1.0.2
  I think is very slow... anyone cas post a better time?

 Interesting: Athlon 1200, 256Mb RAM and it takes exactly 22 seconds
 also. Also MDK 9.1 and OO 1.0.2.


Enter the fields of battle at ...
There are 10 types of humans.
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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Who really owns UNIX?

2003-06-15 Per discussione Richard Urwin
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 6:46 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 15:29, Miark wrote:
  More like boring if you ask me. What peaked your interest?

 It's actually quite interesting that The Open Group would state that all
 of a sudden - they're wanting to maintain that UNIX is UNIX and they've
 literally stated that IBM has a right to the source code as well as SCO
 does...needless to say, the wraps are coming off the entire scenario as
 it's being proven that SCO (and whatever software engineers) as the ones
 that have written bits into linux code, instead of vice-versa...

They do not say anything about source code, or access to it.

] As the owner of the Unix trademark, The Open Group has separated the Unix
] trademark from any actual code stream itself, thus allowing multiple
] implementations.

] The simple fact is that throughout all of this, both SCO and IBM do have
] certified products. Each is licensed to use the Unix trademark in
] association with certified products with the correct attribution.

The original press release:,3959,922913,00.asp
says that the issue is source code related, not trademark related.

] The SCO filing said that IBM entered into its original Unix license
] agreements with ATT Corp. in February 1985 to produce the AIX operating
] system. The agreements required that the Unix code be held in confidence and
] barred its unauthorized distribution or transfer.

] IBM has been happily giving part of the AIX code away to the Linux
] community, but the problem is that they don't own the AIX code, McBride
] said. It's a huge problem for us. We have been talking to IBM in this
] regard since early December and have reached an impasse. This was thus the
] only way forward for us.

So TOG is saying nothing substative about the case.

Richard Urwin

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RE: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione Nathan Coad
Well, everything works alright now :)
I boot mandrake with noapic, and acpi=off, and now everything works.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Saturday, 14 June 2003 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

On Saturday 14 June 2003 02:48 am, Nathan Coad wrote:
 It's not the router that's the problem.  All the other (admittedly
 windows) computers work fine, get ip addresses, resolve dns names,

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ronald J. Hall
 Sent: Saturday, 14 June 2003 4:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

 On Saturday 14 June 2003 02:06 am, Nathan Coad wrote:
  Hi all,
  I’ve just installed mandrake 9.1 as a dual boot system with windows
  2000.  My motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-8smilh, with onboard lan


  chipset RTL8101L).  Mandrake works fine with everything except for


  I have a link light on the rj45 socket, so everything seems alright
  Where my problem is, is with pinging (or anything else) else
  on my network.  We have a home network with a dlink router running


  and a win2k server running dns.
  I initially set networking settings under mandrake to dhcp, but no
  address was assigned.  Instead, on startup, eth0 assigned itself an
  address in the 192.168 (I think) range, instead of the
  setup on the network.
  I’ve tried dhcp or static ip addressing, but no luck.  I’ve been
  the netconf utility under kde
  Has anyone else had the same problems, or perhaps have some


  as to what to do?
  My /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 currently is:
  I really don’t know where all those ipx settings came from – I don’t


  Anyways, thanks in advance,

 DId you logon to your router and adjust things there? I've got a Dlink
 and it let me assign the range of IP addresses to be used for my 3
 I'm using DHCP here and it works fine.
Did you check and make sure that the firewall was not activated by
You can check it in MCC. (Mandrake Control Center).  Look at
then firewall  if firewall shows that it is running check the box for
everything, and then see if you can access. If  you get on the internet,
I believe you can go back and uncheck the allow everything and the
will come back up but now it should not block access. HTH
Dennis M.

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Michael Scottaline
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 13:20:57 +0300
manolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

22sec for the first time to load.
-if you close it and the load it again about 12 sec.
-if you leave it open and open another file about 5-6 sec.

19 seconds for initial launch on my Athlon Thunderbird 750 w/ 256 mb RAM.
relaunch took 10 seconds and files open in under 3 seconds shrug

The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione manolis
Strange results for the initial launch
Why it take so time to load?

  15  2003 14:08, / Michael Scottaline :
 On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 13:20:57 +0300

 manolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:
 22sec for the first time to load.
 -if you close it and the load it again about 12 sec.
 -if you leave it open and open another file about 5-6 sec.

 19 seconds for initial launch on my Athlon Thunderbird 750 w/ 256 mb RAM.
 relaunch took 10 seconds and files open in under 3 seconds shrug

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[newbie] No recognition of USB 2.0 memory stick (on laptop)

2003-06-15 Per discussione Erik Janssen
Hi all,

Bought this laptop last week and installed MDK 'without any problem'. Of
course during fine-tuning some issues arise and this is one of them:
- When I connect my USB 2.0 memory stick to my USB 2.0 port of my laptop it
is not recognised, nothing happens.
- It does not show up in /mnt
- Doesn't make any difference if I connect it pre-boot or post-login
- Same goes for my Palm m505
- Both are needed badly to work

Is anybody able to help?
Thanks a lot.

Erik Janssen

Enjoying Linux (MDK) very much though it is difficult for me as newbie to

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 12:48 pm, manolis wrote:
 Strange results for the initial launch
 Why it take so time to load?

Because it has as much to load as microsoft office, but instead of 
part-loading at boot, as M$O does, it loads at first use.  After that 
it doesn't need to load the whole thing every time.


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[newbie] Oft-used programs

2003-06-15 Per discussione Anne Wilson
Under 9.0 I found a setting that allowed me to increase the oft-used 
programs section of the k-menu to 6 - which caught a huge proportion 
of my work.  I can't find the same setting under 9.1.  Can anyone 
show me?


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Re: [newbie] USB Flash disk

2003-06-15 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Saturday 14 June 2003 04:44 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 Bought one of those little usb pendrives M9.1 reconizes it but it is read
 only any body know how to reset it to r/w ?

I recall this happened to me somewhere and I recall right-clicking the device 
somewhere and being able to select whether I wanted to change it to 
read/write mode.  Perhaps in the file management view of konqueror.

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Re: [newbie] The Mysterious Vanishing Title Bar

2003-06-15 Per discussione Steven Broos
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 00:11, Glenn wrote:
 Can anybody tell me whether there's an easy way to recover the title bars
 for my apps in MDK 9.1?  I got into a fix where I had a couple of Konsole
 sessions that wouldn't kill, and the process of attempting to kill them
 made the title bar non-existent on every application I opened thereafter
 (and even after a clean restart of the machine), and apps are non-movable.
 Menu selections are still available.  Additionally, of course the
 minimize/maximize/and close icons are gone.  Any help for a newbie (even
 after four months)??

Checkout your window-manager ?  If it is running, try switching to
another one, then back to the one you used before.  Try choosing another
theme ?


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Re: [newbie] How to create a symbolic link?

2003-06-15 Per discussione g
rikona wrote:

 I don't seem to have one of these. Is MD supposed to come set up with
 one? I was going to set up a link, but I don't seem to have the dir
 '/usr/share/doc/mandrake/en/index.html'. Did I not install something?

my apologies for leaving out in previous reply.

in md 9.0, may be diff vnum in md 9.1, howto's are in;
  howto-html-en-9.0-0.1mdk and howto-utils-0.2.9-1mdk rpms.

i believe that they are installed from selection 'documentation' during
a graphic install.

peace out.


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Re: [newbie] Interesting Dilemma

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 08:22:55 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

Did you rip to wav's or mp3's?  I've never had any luck 
 normalizing anything but wav's. I get segfaults and corrupt mp3's 
 trying to normalize them ... just part way thru ;

rip to wav. I didn't know normalize would even work on mp3z, I use
mp3gain for that.

  Now, if I try to even list the contents of the dir, the shell
  freezes, ctrl-c will not get me out.
  I tried rm -rf ~/mp3/chris, it freezes too, and again I cannot
  ctrl-c out of it. Same as root, why I thought that would work, I
  don't know, LOL.
  Any way out of this? I just want to delete the dir and start
  over. I cannot even delete the parent dir!
  Try to delete it with konqueror-super user mode. Sometimes that 
 works when all else fails. You might try Rox or MC also.

Everything just froze...ROX could not terminate child process.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:32:02 up 10:11,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Interesting Dilemma

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 11:10:15 +0100
Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 The correct way is to drop to single user mode with telinit 1.
 Then unmount /home if it is still mounted read-write.

That would have avoided a reboot? In any case, would it have allowed me
to simply delete or otherwise dispose of the directory without running

Thanks so much for all the interest guys, that's why I love this place.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:36:45 up 10:16,  2 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] Run oldrer MD programs in 9.1?

2003-06-15 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Saturday June 14 2003 01:36 pm, rikona wrote:

 I found an old version of kstars for MD versions up to 8, and the
 RPM is still available. Would it run in 9.1, or is it likely to
 cause problems?

 Problems.  Why are you lookin for a older version? The 9.1 
kdeedu rpm provides kstars.  If it's not on your CD's you can get 
it from a 9.1 mirror.  Match your kde 3.x.x version tho, if you've 
upgraded kde.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] gkrellm

2003-06-15 Per discussione Chris
On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:06 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 to find out if your board uses a contact probe, or reads a cpu pin.
 Try runnin 'sensors-detect' again after lookin in bios and writing
 down the values you see there for voltages, fans, and temps.  You
 should see within +/- 10% of these values when you're up and
 runnin.  Voltages might drop a little under load, temp should be a
 few degrees C higher, several or more if you're usin F, shortly
 after booting nito the OS.  Mass of the heatsink's base has a lot
 to do with this.  If you're usin 'lm80' in rc.local, try 'lm75', or
 vice versa.  lm75 should be better for kt133 chipsets.

Tom, went to the site for my mobo, and checked on which model supports 
hardware monitoring, seems mine doesn't (I assume this is what I'm looking 
for)?  My model is a FIC AZ11E.  If I'm looking at the wrong thing, let me 
know and I'll continue my search.

Which FIC motherboards support hardware monitoring? 1/1/2001 A: Hardware 
monitoring has two categories, those are CPU Thermal Protection and 
CPU/System Fan Control.
The former checks when the CPU temperature is above safe range and sends a 
signal to turn on the system fan and slow down the CPU speed to let the 
temperature to go down.
The latter lets the motherboard detect the voltage value and monitor the CPU 
fan and system fan working status.
Model CPU Thermal Protect CPU/System Fan Control Voltage Report Chassis 
VA-502 No No No No
VA-503 Yes* Yes* Yes* No
VA-503+ Yes* Yes* Yes* No
VT-503 Yes* Yes* Yes* No
PA-2007 Optional** (AD22105 chip) Optional (AD22105 chip) No No
PT-2007 Optional (AD22105 chip) Optional (AD22105 chip) No No
PA-2010+ Optional (AD22105 chip) Optional (AD22105 chip) No No
PA-2011 Yes (AD22105 chip) Yes  (AD22105 chip) No No
PT-2011 PCB3.1/3.2 Yes (LM75 chip) Yes  (LM75 chip) Yes  (LM78 chip) No
PA-2012 Optional (LM75 chip) Optional (LM75 chip) Optional (LM78 chip) No
PT-2012 Optional (LM75 chip) Optional (LM75 chip) Optional (LM78 chip) No
VL-601 Optional (LM75 chip) Optional (LM75 chip) Optional (LM78 chip) No
VL-603 Yes Yes Yes No
VB-601 Optional Optional Optional No
KL-6011 Yes Yes Yes Yes
KN-6000 Yes Yes Yes Yes
KN-6010 Yes Yes Yes Yes

  Registered Linux User 283774
  8:41am  up 12:40,  2 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.10, 0.09

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[newbie] Driver for Canon i320 printer for linux mandrake 9.1

2003-06-15 Per discussione Teddy Widhi Laksono
I can't found the driver of my printer canon i320. how to make it work? and 
may be all of you can help me to finding the the driver?


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Re: [newbie] harddrive activity every few seconds?

2003-06-15 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 05:49, eric huff wrote:
 About every 4-5 seconds i get a small blip of harddrive activity.  On 
 gkrellm it shows up usu as 66K, sometimes 106K.
 Any idea what this is?  I can't find any logs that are being updated this 
 I'm running ML 9.1, with ReiserFS, if that helps.
It does help.  Reiser accesses the drive about every 5 seconds to update
it's journals.  I had the same question when I was running filesystem
comparisions between Reiser and XFS.



Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk   Linux Mandrake 9.1
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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Wm. G. Urquhart
On 15 Jun 2003, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 00:14, Wm. G. Urquhart wrote:
  On 15 Jun 2003, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 17:49, Paul wrote:
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 09:32, manolis wrote:
 I have PIII 933 Mhz 650MB , it takes about 22 sec.
 Mandrake 9.1 , OO 1.0.2
 I think is very slow... anyone cas post a better time?

Interesting: Athlon 1200, 256Mb RAM and it takes exactly 22 seconds
also. Also MDK 9.1 and OO 1.0.2.

   Mine's about 20 seconds on a 1.2ghz Celery w/768mb RAM...
  I've just subscribed to this list can I ask what we're measuring here, if 
  it's boot time then count yourselves lucky. :-)
 Time to load OpenOffice from point of click to actual start of program.
 It loads all it's necessary libraries at that time, unlike MS Office
 that has DLL's loaded at the actual system bootup for Windows (whatever
 version); that's how MS Office appears to load so fast - it's because
 most of it's engine is already in system memory prior to even launching
 the application. That's how Microsoft makes use of slight of hand to
 make things appear faster - same with IE.

Hi Thanks for the quick reply.

I've just tested my OpenOffice (Using Write) and it load in 14 seconds
this is on a Dual Processor 200Mhz (yes! 200Mhz) running 9.1 with 1Gb RAM
a 56Gb SCSI RAIDed disk subsystem, and a TNT2 M64 32MB Video.

The system is in fact a DELL 6100/200

This is quite acceptable to me or have I missed something?


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Re: [newbie] Interesting Dilemma

2003-06-15 Per discussione Richard Urwin
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 2:39 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 11:10:15 +0100

 Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  The correct way is to drop to single user mode with telinit 1.
  Then unmount /home if it is still mounted read-write.

 That would have avoided a reboot?

Yes. It would probably have maintained the uptime too.

 In any case, would it have allowed me
 to simply delete or otherwise dispose of the directory without running

IMHO, you should always fshk first. doing anything with a corrupted filesystem 
is asking for trouble as it can spread the corruption.

Richard Urwin

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[newbie] [Fwd: [Mandrake Off Topic] LICQ/Dynamically opening ports inLinksys router]

2003-06-15 Per discussione Technoslick
I have a Linksys router/gateway that has the ability to dynamically open
ports and port ranges when a certain executable is requesting to do so
from a network client. This has worked very well from Windows clients using
NetMeeting, ICQ or MSN Messenger for video conferencing and chat
sessions, respectively. To do this, I just have to access the router's
Web-based interface and assign the name of the executable to the ports I
wish to open when the program is running.

I've got LICQ configured on my MDK 9.1 workstation with my ICQ accounts.
I tried to open the needed ports on my router for a full chat session,
but it doesn't seem to be working. I cannot create a peer-to-peer chat
session, just IM. Obviously, the router is not seeing 'licq' as the
program requesting the use of the ports needed to do so. Could this be a
syntax error on my part? Isn't the name of the executable running,

Does anyone know what I am missing?



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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Who really owns UNIX?

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On 15 Jun 2003 22:59:04 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 The fact that they're saying SOMETHING is rather interesting. And
 they're putting SCO and IBM on the same footing - as equals.

That's the sense I got too. It's almost like they're saying this is a
stupid fight.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 10:25:08 up 11:04,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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[newbie] Leadtek WinFast TV2000 XP Deluxe

2003-06-15 Per discussione Eliza

I have mandrake 8.2 and   Leadtek WinFast TV2000 XP Deluxe tv card with
remoe. I can use it for tv watching ( xawv kwintv and zapping ), but i
can't use the remote control. wich are te parameters for lirc_gpio in 
my modules.conf is:

alias usb-interface usb-uhci
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
alias eth0 8139too
#alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio
alias sound-slot-0 viaudio
alias char-major-89 ic2-dev
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 bttv
alias char-major-81-1 tvaudio
alias char-major-81-64 radio
alias char-major-81-192 vtx
alias char-major-81-224 vbi
options bttv pll=1 radio=1 card=34 tuner=5 bttv_gpio=1
options tuner type=5
alias tvcard0 bttv
#remote-control (using LIRC driver)
alias char-major-61 lirc_gpio

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Re: Re[7]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-15 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Saturday June 14 2003 02:03 pm, rikona wrote:
 Hello Tom,

 Thursday, June 12, 2003, 10:54:10 AM, you wrote:
  That's exactly what I did, but it didn't kill it. I'd run top,
  get the PID, exit top, kill it, go back to top, and it's still
  there. Any idea why?

 TBUsually I start with a 'killall app-name'  If that
 doesn't get TB it done I run 'wpid app-name' to get the pid(s)
 and then TB 'kill -9' all the relevant pid's.   (alias wpid='ps
 aux | grep')

 When I ran kill -9 x, it seemed to disable the entire machine. I
 couldn't log on remotely anymore, and nothing else responded.
 Should there be something still running when x is killed
 ungracefully, or is that just inviting a crash?

tom$ wpid x
xfs   1423  0.0  0.8  5936 4524 ?SJun14   0:00 [xfs]
root  1556  0.0  0.1  2072  788 ?SJun14   0:00 
xinetd -stayalive
-reuse -pidfile /var/run/
tom   1610  0.0  0.2  2572 1288 ?SJun14   0:00 
/bin/sh /usr/X11R6
tom   1649  0.0  0.1  2396  620 ?SJun14   0:00 xinit 
/etc/X11/xin  it/xinitrc -- -deferglyphs 16
tom   2105  0.0  2.2 24804 11692 ?   SJun14   0:00 
kdeinit: kmix -ses  sion 
tom  32430  0.0  0.1  2640  744 pts/3R08:55   0:00 ps 

 As you can see 'x' is a heck of a lot more than 'X'. It's my 
fault, I should'a included a few cautions. First, you generally 
only want to use 'kill' on specific applications that can't be 
stopped more normally, not systems like X. Second, 'kill -9' is a 
last resort, and should be used sparingly and carefully, and never 
as root on your user owned apps.  Much, much better to, as user run
'killall app-name'  (see 'man killall').

   If you need to stop X, use Crtl+Alt+Backspace

 I tried running ps aux | grep appname, but it gives me an error.

Was this after your 'kill -9 x'?  Try running 'which ps' (and 
also see 'man ps')

 Does linux treat alises as (some alias) appname?

Not sure what you mean, but aliases are only modified commands 
you already have on your system.  alias wpid='ps aux | grep' put at 
the end of the /etc/bashrc file just creates a command to run 'ps' 
with aux switches and use it to search (grep) for the app-name you 
supply after wpid .  I use a lot of aliases to save typing or 
needing to remember the syntax for long command lines. Probly be a 
good idea to read the various Bash how-to's. Also do a Google on 
'linux bash', there's many good tutorials on the Net.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Oft-used programs

2003-06-15 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Sunday 15 June 2003 12:24 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Under 9.0 I found a setting that allowed me to increase the
 oft-used programs section of the k-menu to 6 - which caught
 a huge proportion of my work.  I can't find the same setting
 under 9.1.  Can anyone show me?


Anne, right-click the *K* - Panel Menu - Configure Panel - 
Layout - Menus - Quickstart Menu Items. 


Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from a 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Chuck Stuettgen
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 02:32, manolis wrote:
 I have PIII 933 Mhz 650MB , it takes about 22 sec.
 Mandrake 9.1 , OO 1.0.2
 I think is very slow... anyone cas post a better time?

Not to start a my computer is better than your computer war, but,

Dell Latitude C640 P4 (on battery @ 1.2GHz) 512Mb - Mandrake 9.0 - Open
Office 1.0.1 Starts in 4 seconds.

   15  2003 07:33, / Greg Meyer :
  On Sunday 15 June 2003 12:10 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
   In the last few weeks i've noticed OO taking over 6 minutes
   to start. This machine is a Pentium 2, 400 mhz. OO would
   take about 50 seconds to start, which was bearable, but
   now, no matter what i do to it, it just stalls for about 5 minutes.
   Once i have one instance sunning, opening documents and
   new windows is almost instantaneous... deleting the local
   installation files didn't help, and reinstalling OO didn't, either.
   This is happening with OO 1.0.3 running on Mdk 9.1..
  Is anything else opening really slow?  Have there been any changes to your
  network setup?
  If the answer to both questions is yes, then the machine might be having
  trouble resolving itself.  Check your /etc/hosts file and /etc/resolv.conf
Chuck Stuettgen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione Technoslick
On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 22:24, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 12:16 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  DId you logon to your router and adjust things there? I've got a Dlink
  router and it let me assign the range of IP addresses to be used for my 3
  comp LAN. I'm using DHCP here and it works fine.
 What are the advantages of using dhcp for such small network of three 
 computers. Kindly explain. I have fixed ips for my LAN of 5 PCs.

Some advantages:

1) Great for anyone who periodically inserts temporary clients into
their network. (i.e.: service techs, fast-moving families with teenage

2) Large networks where manually adding entries to all the
'hosts'/'lmhosts' files would be a PITA, especially if clients are
transient and variable.

3) Once setup properly, it does make the process pretty mindless on the
admin's part. No fuss, no muss.

4) With a router/gateway DHCP server, simple to setup. K.I.S.S.
principal, at its best.

Some disadvantages:

1) Slight loss of control in assigning devices. Not all networked
devices appreciate or can accept DHCP assignment, causing you to
interject static addressing and 'hosts'/'lmhosts' usage into the
network, anyway.

2) Relying on the DHCP server (which can be a router/gateway device) to
manage not only the IP addresses, but in most cases DNS) can be
noticeably slower in resolving names.

3) DHCP sometimes gets 'stuck' and will cause IP conflicts. Depends on
the device providing DHCP as to whether this happens often or at all.
I've had problems both in software and hardware driven DHCP servers.

4) Your client is SOOL if the DHCP server goes down. No IP, no network.
With static assigning, as long as two devices work, you have a working

5) Can be tricky to setup properly. Mistakes made do not always readily
show themselves, making troubleshooting a pain at times, especially if
other servers/services are relying upon its accuracy to achieve their
programming goals for the network.

I could go on, probably, and others could add or argue for/against based
on their own experiences. For me, I like things to stay put. Static does
that. I prefer DHCP because I don't want to have to bother with it.
Right now, my network is setup for static because it seems to be fool-
proof and I don't have any more than a dozen clients/devices that need
to be IP addressed. Any temp systems added are manually addressed
outside the tight range of my permanent network. I don't have conflicts.
And when I need to step back and think about where everything is in my
setup...even my feeble mind can remember the IP address of anything on
the network. :0)



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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione Chuck Stuettgen
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 05:07, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 3:24 am, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
  On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 12:16 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
   DId you logon to your router and adjust things there? I've got a
   Dlink router and it let me assign the range of IP addresses to be
   used for my 3 comp LAN. I'm using DHCP here and it works fine.
  What are the advantages of using dhcp for such small network of
  three computers. Kindly explain. I have fixed ips for my LAN of 5
 If advantages exist, I've not come across them.  I prefer the control 
 of fixed ips (my lan is similar size to yours).  For large lans, of 
 course, it may well be different, since resources can be allocated 
 according to who is around at the time.  But for us?  I can't see it.

One advantage for using DHCP on a home network is if you have a laptop. 
You don't have fool around with redoing the network settings for each

If it's not on fire, it's a software problem.

Chuck Stuettgen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Services Configuration

2003-06-15 Per discussione Mark Annandale
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 3:04 pm, Wm. G. Urquhart wrote:
 Hi All,

 I've only just installed Mandrake 9.1 but according to the docs I can use
 a Wizard called wizdrake to configure LDAP, SaMBa, DNS etc. But I don't
 have this in the MCC. I tried the RPM manager to search for it but it

I believe the wizard is named drakewizard - should be there.


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Re: [newbie] Driver for Canon i320 printer for linux mandrake 9.1

2003-06-15 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Sunday 15 June 2003 09:46 am, Teddy Widhi Laksono wrote:
 I can't found the driver of my printer canon i320. how to make it work? and
 may be all of you can help me to finding the the driver?


The best source for information about linux printing is:
However, I did not find any information there about a Canon I320 printer. If 
this is a new model, they may not have had the time to develop a driver. I'd 
suggest that you ask them about it; they may know of another Canon printer 
driver that will work for you. (One of the guiding lights at linuxprinting is 
Till Kamppeter, a Mandrake developer. Good guy.)

FWIW: My wife bought a Canon BJC3000 in late 2001; at the time, it would not 
work in Linux. Last month I converted her to Mandrake 9.1, and the printer 
ran right out of the box _after_ I replaced the USB connection with a 
parallel one.
-- cmg

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[newbie] NVidia and TV out

2003-06-15 Per discussione Mark Annandale
G'day folks

Anyone had any success with enabling TV out on a NVidia AGP graphics card. I 
had a quick look around the NVidia website but only found reference to 
winblows stuff.

My card is a MX440 if its any help, and works fine under 'the other OS', 
however after the last round of viris' and a play with vmware for the wife's 
acoounting stuff its time for a total transfer across to Mandrake.

Thanks,as always

Mark A

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Re: [newbie] NVidia and TV out

2003-06-15 Per discussione Mark Annandale
Funnily enough, a quick search on google brought the following link up 

Sorry if I wasted anyones time.


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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione manolis

 Time to load OpenOffice from point of click to actual start of program.
 It loads all it's necessary libraries at that time, unlike MS Office
 that has DLL's loaded at the actual system bootup for Windows (whatever
 version); that's how MS Office appears to load so fast - it's because
 most of it's engine is already in system memory prior to even launching
 the application. That's how Microsoft makes use of slight of hand to
 make things appear faster - same with IE.

My opinion is that I don't think this is cheating, it's a good idea to 
pre-launch many usable parts of libraries in boot time in windows.
I don't close the system many times, so as many things are in the memory cache 
as better it is

Enter the fields of battle at ...
There are 10 types of humans.
Those who understand computers,
and those who don't.

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On 15 Jun 2003 04:46:04 -0500
Chuck Stuettgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Dell Latitude C640 P4 (on battery @ 1.2GHz) 512Mb - Mandrake 9.0 -
 Open Office 1.0.1 Starts in 4 seconds.

Holy sweet Jesus...what desktop are you using tho, in Gnome I believe it
preloads OO at startup, therefore a speed advantage.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 11:41:31 up 12:21,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] gkrellm

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 08:23:05 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 note the 3rd sensors is physically not there
 in the first place and so the programme makes it up.
 temp3:+209.0°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor = 

too bad, you could cook your breakfast on there, and then some!

Honey, get the rotisserie! Let's do a roast of beef! LOL...
 Registered Linux user #282046
 11:45:12 up 12:25,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On 15 Jun 2003 10:55:06 -0400
Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 And when I need to step back and think about where everything is in my
 setup...even my feeble mind can remember the IP address of anything on
 the network. :0)

Most DHCP servers will let you bind IPs to MAC address for more
permanent hosts as well! Best of both worlds, I love DHCP.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 11:48:04 up 12:27,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] NVidia and TV out

2003-06-15 Per discussione Miark
Try yanc.


On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 16:02:26 +0100 Mark Annandale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone had any success with enabling TV out on a NVidia AGP graphics card. I 
 had a quick look around the NVidia website but only found reference to 
 winblows stuff.

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Re: [newbie] gkrellm

2003-06-15 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Sunday June 15 2003 08:47 am, Chris wrote:
 On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:06 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  to find out if your board uses a contact probe, or reads a cpu
  pin. Try runnin 'sensors-detect' again after lookin in bios and
  writing down the values you see there for voltages, fans, and
  temps.  You should see within +/- 10% of these values when
  you're up and runnin.  Voltages might drop a little under load,
  temp should be a few degrees C higher, several or more if
  you're usin F, shortly after booting nito the OS.  Mass of the
  heatsink's base has a lot to do with this.  If you're usin
  'lm80' in rc.local, try 'lm75', or vice versa.  lm75 should be
  better for kt133 chipsets.

 Tom, went to the site for my mobo, and checked on which model
 supports hardware monitoring, seems mine doesn't (I assume this
 is what I'm looking for)?  My model is a FIC AZ11E.  If I'm
 looking at the wrong thing, let me know and I'll continue my

Didn't sound right so I went to FIC's site and for the AZ11e it 
says, Hardware Monitoring: Temperature/ Voltage/ System fan 
control monitoring.   Bottom line is what does it show in your 
bios on the 'Health Monitoring' page?  If there's nothin in bios, 
then the board (or bios) doesn't support hardware monitoring. If 
you see monitoring values in bios, then it definitely does. 'Course 
it wouldn't be the first time things are advertised but not 
delivered ;)  Was this a ready made system? Often OEM ONLY Spec 
boards drop features.

OK, so I'm bored waitin for the race to come on TV ;) I d/l'd 
the AZ11e's manual. Chapter 3, page 25, it shows the bios' Health 
Status page. Sort'a bare bones, only the cpu temp, cpu fan speed, 
and case fan speed are reported. No voltages. You won't get fan 
speeds unless you've got 3 wire fans and the case fan is plugged 
into the mobo header for it, not the PSU.  If you do have the fans 
connected 3-wire to the mobo, edit sensors.conf and change the 
divisor to 2 for both.  Try my suggestions above to get cpu temp 
workin. I've had to run sensor-detect a few times in the past in 
order to get the correct recognition. It won't hurt to run it 
multiple times. I'm almost sure you should use 'modprobe lm75' in 
rc.local regardless of what sensors-detect suggests. 

While you're lookin in the case, note the PSU watts and brand/ 
model number. Check it against AMD's recommended list. If it's not 
there, and at least 300w, I suggest you invest in one that is. Most 
come suitable for use with P4's too (special connector), so you'll 
be able to use it in a future system. Whether you stick with AMD or 
get a P4.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione Technoslick
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 11:49, JoeHill wrote:
 On 15 Jun 2003 10:55:06 -0400
 Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  And when I need to step back and think about where everything is in my
  setup...even my feeble mind can remember the IP address of anything on
  the network. :0)
 Most DHCP servers will let you bind IPs to MAC address for more
 permanent hosts as well! Best of both worlds, I love DHCP.

You actually *remember* the MAC addresses of your NIC's, Joe? 

You ARE good! :0D


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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione manolis
how can I preload it ?
I have mandrake 9.1 and I am using OO very often...
thanks in advance

  15  2003 18:42, / JoeHill :
 On 15 Jun 2003 04:46:04 -0500

 Chuck Stuettgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Dell Latitude C640 P4 (on battery @ 1.2GHz) 512Mb - Mandrake 9.0 -
  Open Office 1.0.1 Starts in 4 seconds.

 Holy sweet Jesus...what desktop are you using tho, in Gnome I believe it
 preloads OO at startup, therefore a speed advantage.

Enter the fields of battle at ...
There are 10 types of humans.
Those who understand computers,
and those who don't.

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[newbie] Mandrake 9.1 Installation problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just bought a new system and am trying to install Mandrake 9.1 on it.  Soyo KT400 
Dragon Platinum MB with 1 Gig of RAM, Nvidia GE4 Ti4600 graphics card.

When I try to boot the installation CD or DVD, I get a hard lock with a blank screen 
and Scroll and Caps Lock flashing.  I read on the support board that there are issues 
with machines with more than 1 gig of RAM and possibly Nvidia graphics cards, so I 
specified text install.

Now I get a kernel panic with a message NULL dereference at 000.  Anyone have any 
ideas how I might be able to solve this problem to get the system installed.

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 19:02:44 +0300
manolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 how can I preload it ?
 I have mandrake 9.1 and I am using OO very often...
 thanks in advance

Sorry, I don't go within 6 miles of Gnome or KDE. But if you check on
the OO site, there is an FAQ which I *believe* explains this. If not,
Google: openoffice + open faster.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 12:06:49 up 12:46,  2 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.03, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Wm. G. Urquhart
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003, JoeHill wrote:

 On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 19:02:44 +0300
 manolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  how can I preload it ?
  I have mandrake 9.1 and I am using OO very often...
  thanks in advance
 Sorry, I don't go within 6 miles of Gnome or KDE. But if you check on
 the OO site, there is an FAQ which I *believe* explains this. If not,
 Google: openoffice + open faster.

OT But what GUI do you use if you don't use KDE or Gnome since you're 
using a GUI mail client? 

I thought that all that was available.


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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Chuck Stuettgen
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 10:42, JoeHill wrote:
 On 15 Jun 2003 04:46:04 -0500
 Chuck Stuettgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Dell Latitude C640 P4 (on battery @ 1.2GHz) 512Mb - Mandrake 9.0 -
  Open Office 1.0.1 Starts in 4 seconds.
 Holy sweet Jesus...what desktop are you using tho, in Gnome I believe it
 preloads OO at startup, therefore a speed advantage.

Gnome.   But I have to amend my original posting..  After I read the
other postings. I restarted the laptop and tried it again.

First load 14 seconds.  Second and subsequent loads 4 seconds. 

When I posted the first time, I had used OO earlier in the day..

Sorry for the misleading info...

If it's not on fire, it's a software problem.

Chuck Stuettgen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] Bad Installation Cd

2003-06-15 Per discussione crak600
Ok, i'm completely new to linux, but i'm so sick of windows that i 
NEED something new and always have plenty of time to kill learning 
something new, so i decided to try my hand at linux.  i'm currently 
set up with an Asus K7V-RM, AMD 950, 20GB WD hard 
drive(waiting on a WD 100GB drive to add to system), 320MB ram 
(waiting on a 512mb stick to bump up to 768mb), soundblaster 
16PCI, can't remember my vid card, and philllips CDRW drive.  now 
onto the problem..

i have downloaded CD1 of mandrake 9.1 3 different times (which 
takes me 3 hours on cable, i'm getting sick of downloading it) and 
every time i go to install, when it starts reading off the CD it tells me i 
don't have an installation disk.  i had to make a boot floppy disk, 
even though i went into the bios and set the computer to boot off the 
CD first, it still won't.  anyway...what's wrong with my CD?  i don't 
want to download this thing again to have the same result.  any help 
appreciated so i can move on and then have to ask MORE 
questions  :)

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Sunday 15 June 2003 11:15 am, manolis wrote:
  Time to load OpenOffice from point of click to actual start of program.
  It loads all it's necessary libraries at that time, unlike MS Office
  that has DLL's loaded at the actual system bootup for Windows (whatever
  version); that's how MS Office appears to load so fast - it's because
  most of it's engine is already in system memory prior to even launching
  the application. That's how Microsoft makes use of slight of hand to
  make things appear faster - same with IE.

 My opinion is that I don't think this is cheating, it's a good idea to
 pre-launch many usable parts of libraries in boot time in windows.
 I don't close the system many times, so as many things are in the memory
 cache as better it is

It's only cheating if you are doing a comparison and don't tell that you are 
doing this, which is what MS likes to do.  The fairest way to compare is to 
try launching OO.o with the quickstarter utility that is available, which 
does the same thing for OO.o that Windows does for Office.

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 17:29:21 + (UTC)
Wm. G. Urquhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 OT But what GUI do you use if you don't use KDE or Gnome since you're 
 using a GUI mail client? 

Pekwm! The best! Beats Fluxbox, Blackbox, beats em all by a country
mile! Faaast!

You can see some screens on my homepage (sig).
 Registered Linux user #282046
 12:45:30 up 13:25,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Sunday 15 June 2003 01:33, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 15 June 2003 12:10 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  In the last few weeks i've noticed OO taking over 6 minutes
  to start. This machine is a Pentium 2, 400 mhz. OO would
  take about 50 seconds to start, which was bearable, but
  now, no matter what i do to it, it just stalls for about 5 minutes.
  Once i have one instance sunning, opening documents and
  new windows is almost instantaneous... deleting the local
  installation files didn't help, and reinstalling OO didn't, either.
  This is happening with OO 1.0.3 running on Mdk 9.1..

 Is anything else opening really slow?


  Have there been any changes to your
 network setup?

Yes, but these OO problems predate my networking changes 
(which included a change in my hostname). 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] videos]# cat /etc/resolv.conf

[EMAIL PROTECTED] videos]$ cat /etc/hosts   localhost

[EMAIL PROTECTED] videos]$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.086 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.086 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.081 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.081/0.084/0.086/0.007 ms

Just in case, here are my current iptables rules .. (does OO need to
connect to something using tcp? )

[EMAIL PROTECTED] videos]# cat /etc/iptables-save
# Generated by iptables-save v1.2.7a on Mon May 26 09:20:47 2003
:INPUT ACCEPT [16572:8416969]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [18652:6209601]
-A INPUT -s -d -p tcp -m multiport --dports http,smtp -j 
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 
-A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 
-j LOG
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports x11,ipp -j DROP
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports x11,ipp -j LOG
-A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 6000,ipp -j DROP
-A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 6000,ipp -j LOG
# Completed on Mon May 26 09:20:47 2003



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Re: [newbie] Leadtek WinFast TV2000 XP Deluxe

2003-06-15 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:34 am, Eliza wrote:
 I have mandrake 8.2 and   Leadtek WinFast TV2000 XP Deluxe tv card with
 remoe. I can use it for tv watching ( xawv kwintv and zapping ), but i
 can't use the remote control. wich are te parameters for lirc_gpio in
 my modules.conf is:

I have that card as well, and my understanding is that the remote does not 
work under Linux, although things may have changed since I bought it last 
year.  Is there a project for getting the remote working?  Here are the 
relevant lines from my modules.conf

options bttv p11=1 radio=1 card=34
options tuner type=2

I don't have any alias entries, I let devfs handle the module loading.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 Installation problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 12:04:48 -0400 (EDT)

 I read on the support board that there are issues with machines with
 more than 1 gig of RAM and possibly Nvidia graphics cards, so I
 specified text install.

You would either need to use the Enterprise kernel, or limit the mem
usage to I believe less than 800MB. 

This from the OT list and Tom Brinkman, the absolute authority on these
issues around here:

   I believe your video problems are E-kernel related. If you've
  got a lot of ram use mem=860M with the regular kernel. Your
   memory performance will actually be better than usin the
   E-kernel and tryin to use all of it.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

  hm ok where do iput that command?  How-to pls. :D

Put   mem=860M   in your lilo append line for the regular kernel,
run lilo, reboot an choose the regular kernel.

We need like a Bat Signal but for Tom Brinkman!

H, what would that look like?

 Registered Linux user #282046
 12:52:07 up 13:31,  2 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.01, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 Installation problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Sunday 15 June 2003 12:04 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just bought a new system and am trying to install Mandrake 9.1 on it. 
 Soyo KT400 Dragon Platinum MB with 1 Gig of RAM, Nvidia GE4 Ti4600 graphics

 When I try to boot the installation CD or DVD, I get a hard lock with a
 blank screen and Scroll and Caps Lock flashing.  I read on the support
 board that there are issues with machines with more than 1 gig of RAM and
 possibly Nvidia graphics cards, so I specified text install.

 Now I get a kernel panic with a message NULL dereference at 000. 
 Anyone have any ideas how I might be able to solve this problem to get the
 system installed.

I have a Dragon Ultra Black that is basically the same board.  I found I had 
to boot the installer with noapic and acpi=off boot parameters to get it to 
run through.  At splash screen, hit F1 to enter additional parameters and try 

linux noapic acpi=off

If that does not work, you can try one of the alternate kernels listed.  Once 
installed, I have found this board runs very well.  The only thing that does 
not work is the Highpoint RAID controller, which works fine as a standard IDE 

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Re: [newbie] gkrellm

2003-06-15 Per discussione Chris
On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:58 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 While you're lookin in the case, note the PSU watts and brand/
 model number. Check it against AMD's recommended list. If it's not
 there, and at least 300w, I suggest you invest in one that is. Most
 come suitable for use with P4's too (special connector), so you'll
 be able to use it in a future system. Whether you stick with AMD or
 get a P4.

It works!!!  The pc health shows cpu temp, mobo temp, fan speed and voltages.
The power supply btw is an Enermax 330W max and says it meets P4 specs.  I 
rewrote my rc.local and ran the script as root and voila, gkrellm reports 
everything.  Thanks for the help Tom, its people like you and others on this 
list that make learning linux easier. 


  Registered Linux User 283774
 11:56am  up 27 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.05, 0.03

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Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 12:30:46 -0400

 i have downloaded CD1 of mandrake 9.1 3 different times (which 
 takes me 3 hours on cable, i'm getting sick of downloading it) and 
 every time i go to install, when it starts reading off the CD it tells
 me i don't have an installation disk.  i had to make a boot floppy
 disk, even though i went into the bios and set the computer to boot
 off the CD first, it still won't.  anyway...what's wrong with my CD?

I had the same problem with an older machine. Couple of things you can

Burn the CD at a lower speed. I have been told that CDs burned at higher
speeds can be unreadable under certain circumstances.

If you cannot get it to recognize the CD after that, you can do what I
did, and yes it will take awhile, but create a boot floppy for a network
install, and install the whole shebang off the net.

Bravo on trying the boot floppy though, did you get that from the
Mandrake site?

 Registered Linux user #282046
 13:03:22 up 13:43,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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[newbie] Databases

2003-06-15 Per discussione Miark
Hey Stephen, 

Do you mess with databases at all? If so, what what's your
take on MpSQL vs. Postgresql?


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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 3:55 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 22:24, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
  On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 12:16 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
   DId you logon to your router and adjust things there? I've got a Dlink
   router and it let me assign the range of IP addresses to be used for my
   3 comp LAN. I'm using DHCP here and it works fine.
  What are the advantages of using dhcp for such small network of three
  computers. Kindly explain. I have fixed ips for my LAN of 5 PCs.

 Some advantages:

 1) Great for anyone who periodically inserts temporary clients into
 their network. (i.e.: service techs, fast-moving families with teenage

 2) Large networks where manually adding entries to all the
 'hosts'/'lmhosts' files would be a PITA, especially if clients are
 transient and variable.

 3) Once setup properly, it does make the process pretty mindless on the
 admin's part. No fuss, no muss.

 4) With a router/gateway DHCP server, simple to setup. K.I.S.S.
 principal, at its best.

I have always used static addressing because I have never been able to work 
out how clients can be addressed by hostname when there is no fstab entry.

Surely the DNS server has to be made aware of the dhcp clients so it can 
resolve hostnames for other clients.

If there is an easy way of doing it (with djbdns server) then I would be 
interested to learn.



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[newbie] True CDRW Functions In File Manager?

2003-06-15 Per discussione KCables
Mandrake 9.1

I am new to linux and have a perplexing issue. Altho I am aware of numerous cd 
Burner/ cdrw burn programs I can't seem to find or set up what I really want 
and need. I need my cdrw drive to work just as a hard drive, a floppy, a zip 
drive, etc. In other words, I need it so files can be dragged and dropped 
from my file manager, files can be added, appended, deleted in a normal file 
manger fashion rather than having to open some burn program. Burn programs 
are great for copying cd's, making music cd's, making permanent storage cd's, 
etc.  but they suck when it comes to cdrw's and archiving. CDRW's were 
designed to work as removable, rewritable drives, just like floppy's and 
zips. Having to haul out a program every time you want to add a file is not 
what they were designed for. Is there a cdrw burn program that provides a way 
to effectively utilize on-demand cdrw write/rewrite/delete functions in the 
file manger scenerio? Also, if something is available for that, would I be 
able to take a cdrw disk used in linux, and be able to open the files on it 
on a windows machine?

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Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd

2003-06-15 Per discussione crak600
On 15 Jun 2003 at 13:07, JoeHill wrote:

 I had the same problem with an older machine. Couple of things you can
 Burn the CD at a lower speed. I have been told that CDs burned at
 higher speeds can be unreadable under certain circumstances.

I burned the CD at 4x, and i think my only other option is to burn it at 
2x on my burner.  i can try that though and see if it works.  

 If you cannot get it to recognize the CD after that, you can do what I
 did, and yes it will take awhile, but create a boot floppy for a
 network install, and install the whole shebang off the net.

Ok, i'll be getting back to you on that if i can't get the CD to do it.  

 Bravo on trying the boot floppy though, did you get that from the
 Mandrake site?

Nope, read the Installation file on the CD and followed the 
instructions.  there's a program in there to make a boot floppy while 
in windows.  

Thanks for the help.  i'll try to re-write the Cd again.

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Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd - Feel like an Idiot Now

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 14:32:21 -0400

Oh, and don't feel like an idiot, all of us went through this at some
point, except maybe Stephen Kuhn and Tom Brinkman, who were born with
ubergeek in them...
 Registered Linux user #282046
 14:43:44 up 15:23,  2 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.04, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] True CDRW Functions In File Manager?

2003-06-15 Per discussione KCables
On Sunday 15 June 2003 02:08 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 6:23 pm, KCables wrote:
  Mandrake 9.1
  I am new to linux and have a perplexing issue. Altho I am aware of
  numerous cd Burner/ cdrw burn programs I can't seem to find or set up
  what I really want and need. I need my cdrw drive to work just as a hard
  drive, a floppy, a zip drive, etc. In other words, I need it so files can

 What you are asking for is something called Packet Writing  Packet
 writing allows you to treat a CD-RW just like an ordinary file system.
 There is a project for that but AFAIK  it is not ready for use yet.


Okay. I guess that's bad news and good news.  :-) Thanks for the info and I'll 
keep a lookout for something. Any chance that you know where I can perhaps 
get some info concerning the development of this packet writing feature?


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Re: [newbie] Driver for Canon i320 printer for linux mandrake 9.1

2003-06-15 Per discussione revolt
Jure Repinc wrote:

Derek Jennings wrote:

For Canon printers you will get the best results with Turbo Print
It is not 'free software' ,but is no charge for personal use.

I'm using this driver for my i320 and it works. But it always prints 
it's logo in the center of the page and makes the printout useless. Am 
I doing anything wrong? How do you turn this logo of?
If i remember correctly you need to choose a lower resolution to get rid 
of the logo (or pay the 25$)

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Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd - Feel like an Idiot Now

2003-06-15 Per discussione crak600
On 15 Jun 2003 at 14:45, JoeHill wrote:

 On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 14:32:21 -0400
 Oh, and don't feel like an idiot, all of us went through this at some
 point, except maybe Stephen Kuhn and Tom Brinkman, who were born with
 ubergeek in them... -- 

well, it's just one of those things where the solution to the problem is 
so simple, you just sit there and ask yourself...why did i miss that?!  
everyone does it!  i attached my problem solver to the wall and took 
care of everything...(the piece of paper with a circle in the 
middle..has instructions in the circle that say place on firm surface, 
bang head here)

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione manolis
 It's only cheating if you are doing a comparison and don't tell that you
 are doing this, which is what MS likes to do.  
good point!

by the way where I can find the quickstarter you mentioned?

Enter the fields of battle at ...
There are 10 types of humans.
Those who understand computers,
and those who don't.

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Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd - Feel like an Idiot Now

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 14:58:36 -0400

  i attached my problem solver to the wall and took 
 care of everything...(the piece of paper with a circle in the 
 middle..has instructions in the circle that say place on firm
 surface, bang head here)

ROFLMAO! That's a keeper...
 Registered Linux user #282046
 15:07:29 up 15:47,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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[newbie] Bad Installation Cd - STILL

2003-06-15 Per discussione crak600
ok, i did download an ISO image for all 3 CDs.  i also made sure i 
burned the CD in ISO, yet it STILL tells me i don't have an install 
disc.  then i get a message that says which driver should i try to 
gain SCSI access?  nothing on my computer is SCSI, it's all EIDE.  
i'm so lost, i'm so confused, i'm almost ready to give up.  

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Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd - STILL

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 15:16:12 -0400

 which driver should i try to  gain SCSI access?

If I am not mistaken, Linux sees all cdrw as SCSI, nothing to worry
about there.

I wonder if it is just not recognizing your Philips drive...have you
checked the Hardware Compatibility List? Does it give you a list of
drivers to choose from? If so, look for yours, if you don't see it there
may be a generic driver that will at least get you going.

Don't give up, it's too late for that, we won't let you. If all else
fails, there's the network install, then we get the system up and
running and make sure your cdrw will work with Linux. Don't be afraid of
the network install, it takes a lot longer, but hey, what's the rush on
a lazy Sunday afternoon?

 Registered Linux user #282046
 15:28:59 up 16:08,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd - STILL

2003-06-15 Per discussione Paul
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 20:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ok, i did download an ISO image for all 3 CDs.  i also made sure i 
 burned the CD in ISO, yet it STILL tells me i don't have an install 
 disc.  then i get a message that says which driver should i try to 
 gain SCSI access?  nothing on my computer is SCSI, it's all EIDE.  
 i'm so lost, i'm so confused, i'm almost ready to give up.  


did you burn a data CD from the ISO image? i.e. does your CD have one
file on it or many?

If it has one file you need to record a new CD by 

Click on 'New', then select 'Create CD from Iso CD Image File', choose
your ISO file and click 'Open'.

Paul M.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd - STILL

2003-06-15 Per discussione crak600
On 15 Jun 2003 at 15:34, JoeHill wrote:

 If I am not mistaken, Linux sees all cdrw as SCSI, nothing to worry
 about there.
 I wonder if it is just not recognizing your Philips drive...have you
 checked the Hardware Compatibility List? Does it give you a list of
 drivers to choose from? If so, look for yours, if you don't see it
 there may be a generic driver that will at least get you going.
 Don't give up, it's too late for that, we won't let you. If all else
 fails, there's the network install, then we get the system up and
 running and make sure your cdrw will work with Linux. Don't be afraid
 of the network install, it takes a lot longer, but hey, what's the
 rush on a lazy Sunday afternoon?

i'm going to check the list, although i'm not sure of the model 
number of my drive...and since i'm having so many problems with 
the CDs, can someone start walking me through doing a network 
install please?  i'm on cable, so yeah, it'll take longer than a CD 
install, but won't take absolutely FOREVER.  if anyone else has a 
clue as to what i'm doing wrong burning these CDs, please help!  

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Re: [newbie] I feel so stupid

2003-06-15 Per discussione Ralph Bagwell
Hi Joe,

I have gaim up and working just fine with AOL,MSN and Yahoo messenger

I was never able to follow your instructions using urpmi - I tried :

urpmi.addmedia texstar with

many times and never got it to work. I then tried another suggestion by
someone else and the file was available and was downloading for a couple of
hours until I gave up - it never finished.

Then I went to the texstar ftp site , downloaded the file in a couple of
minutes and clicked on the file and it installed in another couple of
minutes - all by itself -

Question is why is this not the preferred method of installing new
software - ? Am I missing something ?


 O.K. sorry if I am telling you stuff you know already but...

 To become the root user open a terminal/console window and type: su

 when prompted give your password for the root user/super user (su)

 then copy and paste this line into your command line:
 urpmi.addmedia texstar with
 hit enter...

 wait till texstar is setup as a source for urpmi

 then type: urpmi gaim

 After downloading, you will be told that: the following packages have
 bad signatures:

 You DO want to continue installation, type y and enter, the signature is
 only bad because you don't have urpmi set up with the proper gpg
 signatures for this source.

 Now assuming that works you should have the updated version of gaim
 ready to use, including the MSN protocol.

 HTH,  joe

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Re: [newbie] madrake 9.1 network problems

2003-06-15 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 10:55 am, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 05:07, Anne Wilson wrote:
 One advantage for using DHCP on a home network is if you have a
 laptop. You don't have fool around with redoing the network
 settings for each network...

Accepted.  A little while ago we had a laptop that was intermittently 
on the lan.  At that time I used fixed ip for all the others but 
requested an ip from the router for that one.  Then I remembered that 
she was using it as a stand alone when not on our lan, so she didn't 
need multiple ips, and I changed her to static.

For laptops that join more than one lan, I would have thought it was 
essential to have dhcp.


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Re: [newbie] Oft-used programs

2003-06-15 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 3:40 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Sunday 15 June 2003 12:24 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Under 9.0 I found a setting that allowed me to increase the
  oft-used programs section of the k-menu to 6 - which caught
  a huge proportion of my work.  I can't find the same setting
  under 9.1.  Can anyone show me?

 Anne, right-click the *K* - Panel Menu - Configure Panel -
 Layout - Menus - Quickstart Menu Items.

Duh!  I was looking in control center - never though of the panel 
menu.  Thanks, Kaj


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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Michael Scottaline
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 12:48:09 -0400
JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 17:29:21 + (UTC)
Wm. G. Urquhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 OT But what GUI do you use if you don't use KDE or Gnome since you're 
 using a GUI mail client? 

Pekwm! The best! Beats Fluxbox, Blackbox, beats em all by a country
mile! Faaast!

Yes, it's quite fast [tried it for a couple of days...].  But I don't think it
beats ratpoison by a country mile in terms of speed.  Not certain it beats
it at all, in that department.  Ratpoison has a smaller foot print, BTW.
To each.   ;o)

The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 4:15 pm, manolis wrote:

 My opinion is that I don't think this is cheating, it's a good idea
 to pre-launch many usable parts of libraries in boot time in
 windows. I don't close the system many times, so as many things are
 in the memory cache as better it is

But you see I wouldn't thank you for trading - you get fast start up 
of office, I get slow boot.  I know that booting is not as often as 
in the other os, but still - and you do only have to do it once.  You 
can even have it open all the time on another desktop if you like it 
so much g


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Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd - STILL

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 15:46:16 -0400

 can someone start walking me through doing a network 
 install please?  i'm on cable, so yeah, it'll take longer than a CD 
 install, but won't take absolutely FOREVER.

Just go to the Mandrake site and in the installation intructions there
are some floppy images you can download. One is for network install.
Write the floppy image in windows (instructions are on the site). Just
boot from the floppy, the rest should take care of itself.

Joehill Registered Linux user #282046
 16:06:25 up 16:46,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] OO is taking abnormally long...

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 16:05:19 -0400
Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 But I don't think it
 beats ratpoison by a country mile in terms of speed.  Not certain it
 beats it at all, in that department.  Ratpoison has a smaller foot
 print, BTW. To each.   ;o)

Well, ok, Ratpoison or Screen will kill anybody except text mode...but I
do like a *little* eye candy!
 Registered Linux user #282046
 16:12:09 up 16:52,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] True CDRW Functions In File Manager?

2003-06-15 Per discussione Charlie
quoting KCables; Sunday 15 June 2003 11:23 am:
 Mandrake 9.1

 I am new to linux and have a perplexing issue. Altho I am aware of numerous
 cd Burner/ cdrw burn programs I can't seem to find or set up what I really
 want and need. I need my cdrw drive to work just as a hard drive, a floppy,
 a zip drive, etc. In other words, I need it so files can be dragged and
 dropped from my file manager, files can be added, appended, deleted in a
 normal file manger fashion rather than having to open some burn program.
 Burn programs are great for copying cd's, making music cd's, making
 permanent storage cd's, etc.  but they suck when it comes to cdrw's and
 archiving. CDRW's were designed to work as removable, rewritable drives,
 just like floppy's and zips. Having to haul out a program every time you
 want to add a file is not what they were designed for. Is there a cdrw burn
 program that provides a way to effectively utilize on-demand cdrw
 write/rewrite/delete functions in the file manger scenerio? Also, if
 something is available for that, would I be able to take a cdrw disk used
 in linux, and be able to open the files on it on a windows machine?

First; please don't use a reply to for mail list posts. It's a pain to have to 
edit and since this list is archived it's a good bet that anything useful 
will help somebody else in the future. Thanks in advance.

What you need is called Mount Rainier, and it ain't anywhere near ready for 
the masses nor is it compatible with your older CD-R/CD-RW. You'd need a 
new compatible drive when it is ready.

The issue of whether a disk written using GNU/Linux or Windows being readable 
under the other? All that one needs to read the disk under either OS is UDF, 
which has been around for some time. Doesn't matter which writes and which 
reads it, although you'll find that Windows has a harder time reading things 
than a real operating system. g

From TechTarget's (,,sid9,00.html) 
whatis search facility:

Universal Disk Format (UDF) is a CD-ROM and DVD file system standard 
developed as a means of ensuring consistency among data written to various 
optical media, by facilitating both data interchange and the implementation 
of the ISO/IEC 13346 standard. UDF is required for DVD-ROMs, and is used by 
DVD to contain MPEG audio/video streams. Originally developed as a 
replacement for the file system specifications in the original CD-ROM 
standard, ISO 9660, UDF is used by CD-R and CD-RW in a process called packet 
writing that makes CD writing more efficient in terms of the time and disk 
space required.

The Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) defines the UDF 
specification as a subset of ISO/IEC 13346, which it promotes as a single 
file system that overcomes limitations of ISO 9660 and redirectors such as 
CDFS. UDF is used to ensure compatibility across platforms, as well as among 
various CD and DVD applications.

If you want to learn more about CD-RWs (or anything else) try a Google search. 
On something such as the subject of your post I'd probably use:

CD-RW; packet writing; Mount Rainier 

You'll probably want to pack a lunch though, there's a bit of information out 
there to read through. :-) 

Word wrap will kill this link probably but:

is the result of the search suggested above.

Good luck, and I hope this was of some help.

Edmonton,AB,Canada Registered user 244963 at
Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo (cooked)
13:49:44 up 1 day, 2:23, 2 users, load average: 0.06, 0.17, 0.11
[Norm is angry.]

Woody: What can I get you, Mr. Peterson?
Norm:  Clifford Clavin's head.
-- Cheers, The Triangle

Sam:  Hey, what's happening, Norm?
Norm: Well, it's a dog-eat-dog world, Sammy,
  and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear.
-- Cheers, The Peterson Principle

Sam:  How's life in the fast lane, Normie?
Norm: Beats me, I can't find the on-ramp.
-- Cheers, Diane Chambers Day

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Re: [newbie] I feel so stupid

2003-06-15 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 13:23:34 -0500
Ralph Bagwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Question is why is this not the preferred method of installing new
 software - ? Am I missing something ?

*Normally* urpmi is a lot easier. Texstar has had problems with his
mirrors intermittently over the last month or so. Also, different
mirrors (for the other sources: main, contrib, etc.) will give you
different speeds. I tried a few different ones before I found my best
setup. Now I almost *never* have any probs. I should say though, I don't
install a lot of Texstar stuff, since it is somewhat focused on KDE and
I don't touch KDE with a ten foot pole.

Try the Texstar mirror at Ibiblio for urpmi, I heard it was back up and
running ok and it should be faster too.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 16:15:04 up 16:54,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Bad Installation Cd - STILL

2003-06-15 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 8:34 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 15:16:12 -0400

 Don't give up, it's too late for that, we won't let you.

Resistance is futile


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[newbie] random playlist generator

2003-06-15 Per discussione Todd Slater
I'm looking for a program/script that will generate a random playlist of
all my oggs. Know of such a thing?


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Re: [newbie] The Mysterious Vanishing Title Bar

2003-06-15 Per discussione Glenn

Well, duh.  Thanks, Steven.   This Linux is a whole new world g.  You get 
into a rut of feeling there are only a few available options when you run 
into problems (like re-installing the OS) when you use Windows for so long.  
Thanks again.


On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:29 am, Steven Broos wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 00:11, Glenn wrote:
  Can anybody tell me whether there's an easy way to recover the title bars
  for my apps in MDK 9.1?  I got into a fix where I had a couple of Konsole
  sessions that wouldn't kill, and the process of attempting to kill them
  made the title bar non-existent on every application I opened thereafter
  (and even after a clean restart of the machine), and apps are
  non-movable. Menu selections are still available.  Additionally, of
  course the minimize/maximize/and close icons are gone.  Any help for a
  newbie (even after four months)??

 Checkout your window-manager ?  If it is running, try switching to
 another one, then back to the one you used before.  Try choosing another
 theme ?


 15:33:00 up 4 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.22, 0.31, 0.14

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Re: [newbie] Databases

2003-06-15 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 03:14, Miark wrote:
 Hey Stephen, 
 Do you mess with databases at all? If so, what what's your
 take on MpSQL vs. Postgresql?

I have a preference for MySQL due to it's scalability, but some
personal users prefer Postgres for silly, pedestrian reasons. (grin)

Actually, it's like Fords'n'Chevys (or Holdens if you live in
Australia). They both do the job.

I personally think that MySQL suits MY purposes, but I could be wrong.

Mon Jun 16 06:50:00 EST 2003
 06:50:00 up 2 days, 14:04,  3 users,  load average: 0.31, 0.31, 0.17
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

BOFH excuse #236:

Fanout dropping voltage too much, try cutting some of those little traces

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Re: [newbie] Driver for Canon i320 printer for linux mandrake 9.1

2003-06-15 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 23:46, Teddy Widhi Laksono wrote:
 I can't found the driver of my printer canon i320. how to make it work? and 
 may be all of you can help me to finding the the driver?

Generally, if the Mandrake Control Center's functions don't work for
setting up a printer, you can try the CUPS admin utility, or Webmin.
Have you checked the CUPS website to see if your printer is supported?

Mon Jun 16 07:00:01 EST 2003
 07:00:01 up 2 days, 14:14,  3 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.30, 0.21
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: [Mandrake Off Topic] LICQ/Dynamically openingports in Linksys router]

2003-06-15 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 00:31, Technoslick wrote:

 I've got LICQ configured on my MDK 9.1 workstation with my ICQ accounts.
 I tried to open the needed ports on my router for a full chat session,
 but it doesn't seem to be working. I cannot create a peer-to-peer chat
 session, just IM. Obviously, the router is not seeing 'licq' as the
 program requesting the use of the ports needed to do so. Could this be a
 syntax error on my part? Isn't the name of the executable running,
 Does anyone know what I am missing?

Linux isn't going to necessarily TELL you what program wants to use a
port - just that a port is requesting to be opened. Just force open
the ICQ ports and you should be right.

Mon Jun 16 07:05:01 EST 2003
 07:05:01 up 2 days, 14:19,  3 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.17, 0.17
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *


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