[newbie] Thanks to everyone for helping w/ the Win2000 install

2001-05-03 Per discussione Victor Richardson

It hurt a little to bring down a perfectly good Mandrake server w/ 8 months
uptime for a tester of Win2000 Pro, but if that's what the boss wants,
that's what he gets.

One thing I did notice was that Microsoft assured everyone that Win2000
would put an end to endless reboots when installin and uninstalling
software. In true MS fashion, it only took me 10-15 reboots to
install/upgrade - Office2000, IE, Outlook, Win2000 Pro, etc. Every single
one of them required a reboot!

Luckily, he was actually standing around for half of them. I hope to show
him tomorrow how we do Unix style.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the tips


[newbie] Switching from LM 7.0 to Win2000 Pro

2001-05-02 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I know this is going to get me a serious heckling, but...

Unfortunately, my boss wants me to switch one of our (very stable)
Mandrake servers to Win2000 Pro (only) for a tester.   The problem I
keep running into is that I cannot get the server to boot from the
Windows install cd. It goes through bios check, spins the cd for a bit,
and then proceeds on with the normal boot. I have even downloaded the 4
install disks and run into a disk I/O error on the first one.

I talked to Toshiba's support desk (it's a M500 -PIII 500 mHz) and they
said that I need to repartition the disk, then format and install.

Does this mean wiping out the MBR?  What should I do?

I know all sorts of good jokes automatically come to mind, but this is
fairly serious.

Any suggestions appreciated,


[newbie] Adding memory to 7.1

2001-01-17 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I want to add another 128 megs of RAM to my 7.1 (kernel
system and was wondering if there is anything special I need to do or
look out for. Most directions imply that added RAM hould be auto
detected on reboot, or change the setting in LILO or GRUB.

Is this all that is needed?

Thank you,


[newbie] Installing a printer on 7.1

2001-01-13 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I've got an Epson Color 850 I want to install on my Mandrake 7.1 system,
but I ran into all kinds of dependency problems when trying ot install
Kups 0.9-1, Cups 1.1.5-3, Cups-common, and Cups-drivers. Although, I was
able to install the Red Hat rpms for Ghostscript 6.50-2 and Ghostscript
fonts 6.0-2.

What do  I need to do now? Are there any good directions on the web?

Any help appreciated,


[newbie] kernel upgrade mkinitrd for scsi

2000-12-16 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I am trying to upgrade my current  2.2.15-4mdksecure kernel to
2.4.0-0.13mdk rpm, and whenever I do a mkinitrd for an initrdx.xx.x.img(

for my scsi drive, etc.) , I get an error:

#mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.0-0.13.img 2.4.0-0.13mdk
error: -d option is not supported on Linux
error: -d option is not supported on Linux
Error creating temporaries.  Try again

I upgraded (in order) mkinitrd, SysVinit, initscripts, kernel, and
kernel-docs via rpm
before this with no problem. The strange thing is that I got the same
error trying to do mkinitrd on another machine earlier today.

Am I using the wrong command syntax?

Any help appreciated,


Re: [[newbie] kernel upgrade mkinitrd for scsi]

2000-12-16 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Wow! Thanks for replying, this is beginning to make some sense. Actually, I used 
KPackage w/
"Upgrade", "Replace Packages", and "Check Dependancies" checked. I was following the
MandrakeUser.org directions and realized that I sould have done it from a shell right 
pressing the Kpackage "Install" button because I couldn't be sure what was really 
Anyway, I decided to finish using Kpackage for consistency (my mistake).

What do you think is my best course of action from here: 1) Uninstall rpm's and do it 
again (rpm
-ivh?)from a shell or prompt, 2) re-install (w/o uninstall) from a shell or prompt, 3) 
another kernel from source?

I've compiled a kernel once before, 6 months ago,  and don't remember it being all 
that difficult
and failry quick (30-45 minutes).


Altoine Barker wrote:

 As Johnny five would say, "More input!"

 "How" are you upgrading?

 rpm -i
 rpm -u

 because if it is "-u" that is the reason you are having problems. You have
 to do an "-i" install if you want the kernel to work.

 -- Al

 Victor Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to upgrade my current  2.2.15-4mdksecure kernel to
 2.4.0-0.13mdk rpm, and whenever I do a mkinitrd for an initrdx.xx.x.img(

 for my scsi drive, etc.) , I get an error:

 #mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.0-0.13.img 2.4.0-0.13mdk
 error: -d option is not supported on Linux
 error: -d option is not supported on Linux
 Error creating temporaries.  Try again

 I upgraded (in order) mkinitrd, SysVinit, initscripts, kernel, and
 kernel-docs via rpm
 before this with no problem. The strange thing is that I got the same
 error trying to do mkinitrd on another machine earlier today.

 Am I using the wrong command syntax?

 Any help appreciated,


 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

[newbie] mkinitrd problems

2000-12-14 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I am trying to upgrade my current  2.2.15-4mdksecure kernel to
2.4.0-0.13mdk, and whenever I do a mkinitrd, I get an error:

#mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.0-0.13.img 2.4.0-0.13mdk
error: -d option is not supported on Linux
error: -d option is not supported on Linux
Error creating temporaries.  Try again

I upgraded mkinitrd, SysVinit, initscripts, kernel, and kernel-docs
before this with no problem. The strange thing is that I got the same
error trying to do mkinitrd on another machine earlier today.

Am I using the wrong command syntax?

Any help appreciated,


[newbie] X 4.0.1 and very low resolution

2000-10-10 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I installed X 4.0.1 on Toshiba M500 (PIII500, 64 megs) w/ a Nvidia "Riva
Vanta" video card.
Everything works, but it's default resolution is so big it doesn't
fit everything (KDE) on the screen.
Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus or Minus does not work for changing
The KDE control panel defines the X-server running at:

 screen #0
 dimensions :640x480 pixels (262x203..can't fit the rest onscreen)
 resolution :62x60 dots per inch
 depths (1) :8

How can I increase the resolution so everything will fit onscreen?
I checked out my XFConfig-4 file and it doesn't show any resolutions,
which makes me
think that as a result it defaults to the lowest possible resolution.
Here is my XFConfig-4 file:

 Section "ServerLayout"
 Identifier "XFree86 Configured"
 Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
 InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
 InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

 Section "Files"

 Section "Module"
 Load "pex5"
 Load "dri"
 Load "GLcore"
 Load "record"
 Load "glx"
 Load "extmod"
 Load "dbe"
 Load "xie"

 Section "InputDevice"
 Identifier "Keyboard0"
 Driver "keyboard"

 Section "InputDevice"
 Identifier "Mouse0"
 Driver "mouse"
 Option "Protocol" "PS/2"
 Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"

 Section "Monitor"
 Identifier "Monitor0"
 VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
 ModelName "Monitor Model"

 Section "Device"
 ### Available Driver options are:-
 #Option "SWcursor"
 #Option "HWcursor"
 #Option "NoAccel"
 #Option "ShowCache"
 #Option "ShadowFB"
 #Option "UseFBDev"
 #Option "Rotate"
 Identifier "Card0"
 Driver "nv"
 VendorName "NVidia"
 BoardName "Riva Vanta"
 BusID "PCI:1:0:0"

 Section "Screen"
 Identifier "Screen0"
 Device "Card0"
 Monitor "Monitor0"
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 1
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 4
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 8
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 15
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 16
 SubSection "Display"
 Depth 24

 Section "DRI"


[newbie] unmount format floppy w/ 7.1

2000-09-26 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I've got a stack of former bootdisks and network.img that I would like
to format and use again. I've tried using Kfloppy, but it says;

/dev/fd0 is mounted.
Please unmount the floppy first.

#fdformat /dev/fd0 returns;

Double-sided, 80 tracks, 18 sec/trac. Total capacity 1440 kB.
ioctl(FDFMTTRK): Device or resource busy

And when I try;
#dd if=(file path) of=/dev/fd0

0+0 records in
0+0 records out

I assume this is because supermount is activiated, how do I unmount
fd0 so I can 'fdformat' or use Kfloppy to format the disks?

[newbie] Start X at boot

2000-09-06 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I just upgraded X and forgot what I need to do in order for it to be
started at boot.



[newbie] Apache + SSL + MySQL + PHP4

2000-08-24 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Has anyone installed the three by rpms and gotten them to work? I've
read varying articles saying the setup can be tricky by source or binary
and was wondering if the rpm's have solved this.

I could just as easily install PHP3 via rpm, so either way will work for

Any suggestions welcome,


[newbie] Samba weirdess

2000-08-14 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I am running Mandrake 7.1 w/ Samba 2.0.6 and have had two annoying, but
weird problems:

1) For each individual user, Samba shows their own home directory and
all others that they have permissions to(as it should). But, inside of
each individual's home directory, it lists all directories in /home
whether they are a share or not. Luckily, access is not granted to those
without permission. But this causes enormous clutter and I only want
users to have knowledge of directories they are cleared to view/write

How can I prevent samba from listing all the directories in /home inside
each users home directory?

2) While playing with permissions and using SWAT I noticed that
/etc/smb.conf was completly blank at one point, but samba still worked.
I rebooted both the Linux/samba server and my Win95 box, and to my
surprise all the shares were still usable including the annoying problem
listed above. /etc/smb.conf was still blank!

I have since recreated the shares with SWAT and everything seems fine,
but was interested how the shares could have continued to work(after
reboots) if smb.conf was blank?

Any help appreciated,


[newbie] Updating kernel w/ Mandrake Updater

2000-08-03 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Are there any extra steps to updating the kernel other than running the
Mandrake Updater?

Also,  /etc/lilo had a section for the new kernels, but included a
commented line that said something like "# Add using install-kernel".
Which, of course, I did not do and had Lilo load that kernel anyway with
disastrous results. I had to re-install.

Do I need to run the command "install kernel 2.2.xxx"? (xxx being the
version number)

Any suggestions welcome,


[newbie] kernel update error

2000-08-03 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I just tried to update my 2.2.15-4mdk kernel to 2.2.16-9mdksecure by RPM
and I think something is jacked up. I used Mandrake updater to install
2.2.16-9mdksecure kernel and 2.2.16-9-docs like Mandrakeuser.org says on
it's upgrade page, although I didn't allow it to install the
kernel-headers rpm because a dependency error came up stating that it
was going to overwrite the headers package for my 2.2.15-4 kernel and I
didn't want to risk screwing up my working kernel.

Anyway, I went to /etc/lilo.conf and saw that the new 2.2.16-9mdk-secure
kernel is properly set as the new default kernel. I did a 'lilo -v' to
update lilo and it gave an error:

Reading boot sector from /dev/sda
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Mapping message file /boot/message
Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-secure
Fatal: open /boot/vmlinuz-secure: No such file or directory

When I look in /boot (xterm w/ colors on) the link for System.map@ and
vmlinuz-secure@ are highlighted in red, which I assume means something
is wrong because the link for vmlinuz@ (2.2.15-4 kernel)is in blue. The
related files for these links are there:

I (again assume) that System.map-2.2.16-9mdksecure needs to be linked to
System.map@ and vmlinuz-2.2.16-9mdksecure needs a working link with

Should I just do a 'ln -s /boot/System.map-2.2.16-9mdksecure
/boot/System.map' and 'ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16-9mdksecure
/boot/vmlinuz-secure' to create working links? Then run 'lilo -v' again
to see if everything is hunky-dory?

Or is this problem something far more sinister? Like needing to force
update kernel-headers.

Any suggestions appreciated,


[newbie] Missing Interfaces(NIC's)

2000-07-29 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I have an IBM Netfintity 3000 (2 Intel 10/100 nics- 1 integrated, 1 pci)
server running 7.1 that I shutdown yesterday using halt, then turned off
the power. Today, I booted it up again and during boot there was an
error message for both nics (eth0, eth1). After boot, 'ifconfig -a'
shows one interface lo0 (loopback). The references to both nics are
still in /etc/hosts, and Linuxconf shows both adapters. I tried to
'ifconfig' new addresses for the nics, but it returns that they don't

shutdown the sysytem and removed the pci nic, then rebooted. Bootup ran
kudsu(?) which asked if I wanted to remove, save, or do nothing about
eth1. I chose to delete it, then restart just to see if I added it back
in, the system would recognize it. Anyway, after I added the card again,
boot still had errors for both.

How can I get a look at the error messages during boot for eth0 and

And has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions for a solution?


[newbie] Re: Disappearng Interfaces (NIC's)

2000-07-29 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Thanks for responding, I ran the commands you suggested and will list the responses. 
first, I should repeat that I am using Linux-Mandrake 7.1:

#locate eepro100.o

#uname -r

#depmod -a

Now when it starts services during boot at the networking section:

Bringing up interface eth0 Delaying eth0 initialization.


Bringing up interface eth0 Delaying eth0 initialization.


(at least the insmod/modules path stuff is gone)

Which reminded me that before this problem happened, I used the Mandrake Updater, which
automatically retrieves and installs updated packages/rpm's. I had read that Mandrake
advises against using it for kernel updates, so I de-selected the kernel modules and 
ran the
updater. Unfortunately, it seems that the updater installed those modules anyway.

A look in /etc/lilo.conf shows the usual (for me)  2.2.15-4secure kernel, standard 
kernel, and floppy. But, at the bottom is:

# Add by install-kernel

# Add by install-kernel

The "install" is highlighted in yellow, so I am wondering if I need to run the
"install-kernel" command or if the kernel has already been installed by the updater.

Any suggestions?


Axel Hinrichs wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
     Victor Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Setting network parameters  [OK]
Bringing up interface lo[OK]
Enabling IPv4 packet forwarding [OK]
Bringing up interface eth0 insmod: 
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksecure/net/eepro100.o: /
insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksecure/net/eepro100.o: No such file or directory
Delaying eth0 initialization

 What says a "locate eepro100.o"?

 And if you have "path[..]=/.../`uname -r`" statments in your
 /etc/modules.conf (or /etc/conf.modules) what says "uname -r"?

 Last: Have you done a "depmod -a" after your last kernel/modules


 Axel Hinrichs
 h i n r i c h s  at  urz dot uni-heidelberg dot de

Re: [newbie] S3 video cards

2000-07-23 Per discussione Victor Richardson

You may found a solution there, X 3.3.6  identified my S3 Trio3D as a "S3
86C365" and never worked. I never tried anything different.


Dennis Myers wrote:

 Hi all, just wanted to post this for anyone with an S3 Trio 3D/2X card.
 With 7.1 I see a message when I look a xconfig, that says my card is
 seen as " S3 86C368". If problems setting up the Xwindow server with the
 S3 Trio you might look for the driver shown above. My card seems to
 function perfectly at 800x640 resolution and 16 bit color. I know I
 might be able to do better but for now don't want to push my luck.

 Dennis Registered Linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] X 4.0.1 S3 Trio3D works!

2000-07-23 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Now that I've had a decent night's sleep (up at 5am, installed X at 1 am
next morning), there are few things that I should have added.

1) Read and answer all the questions yes or no depending if you already have

customizations to your X environment (I didn't), it will save so much post
install work.

2)An opportuninty to choose the default desktop (KDE, Gnome, TWm, etc)is
probably provided during the run of Xinstall.sh. I must have missed it in my

fatigue and the XFree86.urg people are way too thorough to miss that. If it
is, you can skip the whole second half of my instructions dealing with

3) A chance to choose resolutions beyond 800x600 may have also been provided

during the installer and I missed it.


Victor Richardson wrote:

 I just installed X 4.0.1 on Mandrake 7.1 and had it up and running off
 the default installation by only moving and renaming one file and
 editing one other. I highly suggest it to any S3 Trio3D users who are
 running X in frame buffer mode or haven't gotten it working. I tried for
 6 months to 3.3.6 to run and only got it to work in frame buffer
 1024x768 once, then could never get it to work again.

 If anyone is interested, I just followed the simple instructions at
 www.xfree86.org, and downloaded these files to a temporary directory:


 1) Run 'sh Xinstall.sh' from within it's directory and answer yes to all
 the questions,
 #sh Xinstall.sh
 2) afterwards run the new 'XFree86 -configure' which automatically sets
 XF86Config for the S3 Trio3D with the S3Virge driver.
 #XFree86 -configure
 3)  Go into directory /etc/X11 and rename any XF86Config and
 XF86Config-4 to ".old"
 4) Copy and rename the new XF86Config to /etc/X11 (4.0.1 reads
 XF86Config-4 now) with #cp /root/XF86Config.new /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
 5) reboot

 It seems that 4.0.1 launches the TWM desktop by default (at least it did
 on mine) which looks like crap and will make you think the install
 didn't work properly (at least I did). On mine it had this light grey
 background (rough, primitive, detail) with three screens open; login,
 xterm, and xclock. If you use and already have KDE installed, then you
 need to drop TWM and tell X to launch KDE by default:

 1)Go into the login screen and exit out of X;
 2) Edit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc, which is read only so change
 it to read-write;
 #cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/
 3) Save xinitrc and change it's name so you can restore if you need to
 #cp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc
 3) Check to see if it is read-write, which will tell if it has
 #ls -la xinitrc
 4) If it doesn't, make it read-write with;
 #chmod 666 xinitrc
 5)Then edit xinitrc so that it launches KDE default. At the bottom of
 the file it will have a section that says something similar to:

 #start some nice programs

 xclock -geometry 50x50-1+1 
 xterm -geometry 80x50+494+51 
 exec xterm -geometry 80x66+0+0 -name login

 6) This tells X that it will launch TWM and have xclock, xterm, and an
 xterm titled "login" already open. Xterm "login" will be the main screen
 so closing it will exit X. Change the "twm " line to "kde " . If you
 don't want xclock automatically opened, then delete the xclock line, but
 keep the "exec xterm -geometry 80x66+0+0 -name login" line. I deleted it
 and X wouldn't run.
 7)Exit and save the file.

 ***I suggest changing the /xinintrc file back to read only with the
 chmod command

 Unfortunately, it is late and I can't remember which chmod number is for
 read-only. Can somone please reply with the proper chmod number?

 Start X and it should work nicley!

 I know for beginners like myself, this sounds like a lot to do, but it
 only takes a few minutes to install and configure (10-15 max) and then
 you'll be running X in all it's glory. I have to admit I needed help
 from my brother to do all the xinitrc changes, that was out of my

 ps. Mine was running in 800x600 by default, I'm not sure if you can get
 better resolutions.


[newbie] Reusing floppies

2000-07-16 Per discussione Victor Richardson

This is probably a foolish newbie question, but... I've got a bunch of
floppies lying around that I used for RAWRITE to make bootdisks from
network.img, others that were turned into bootdisks by the installer and
was wondering how I can reuse them?

I've tried to see what's on them 'cd /mnt/floppy'  and it says;
"...VFS can't find a valid MSDOS filesystem on dev 02:00"
"bash: cd: /mnt/floppy: Input/output error

 I've tried to format them using 'fdformat /dev/fd0' and it returns;
"could not return format type: No such device"

Any suggestions?


Re: [newbie] web server

2000-07-15 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Be sure to check and see if it has already been installed on your system,
usually is by default in most distributions.

Try  ' rpm -qa | grep Apache' and it will show you the package and version (or
any other software you enter) if it is installed.


Irwan Hadi wrote:

 At 03:37 PM 7/13/00 -0700, you wrote:
 I would like to know how do I install Apache web server on my computer. I
 am running mandrake 7.1. Thanks for your help.

 just setup it first
 at your cdrom
 cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/
 and then
 ls -ls apache*
 rpm -ivh apache-3.12 [tab] (seems like that)

Re: [newbie] Upgrading to Mandrake 7.1

2000-07-15 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Are you going to do an ftp install from one of the Linux-Mandrake mirror sites? If
you are, then go to the fastest download site you can find (I like
ftp://phyppro1.phy.bnl.gov/pub/linux-mandrake/7.1/, it blazes) and:

1) In the /images directory, download the file called "network.img". If you
download it on your Linux system you can just copy it to a floppy and reboot with
the floppy in, but if you download on a Windows machine you need to use the
Rawrite.exe program. If you don't have it it is in the /dosutils directory. Just
run it and it will ask for the file to be copied (remember to use the full file
name "network.img") and the drive to be copied to "a:". Then just place in your
Linux drive and reboot or turn on.

2) The system will automatically boot into the "installer" and ask you all the
normal questions about your system. When it comes time to download all the files
be sure to have the ftp site address handy, this is where most mistakes are made.
In this case:

Enter ftp site: ftp.phyppro1.phy.bnl.gov
Directory: /pub/linux-mandrake/7.1/

Be prepared to take a long time if you are doing this with a 56k modem, I suggest
doing it at night (the later the better). Even if you have cable modem or DSL
there tends to be far less network traffic latenight and downloads are much faster
with less a chance of data errors or dropped connections, because it can take
anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on connection speed.


"M.O. Richardson" wrote:


 Thanks for your reply.  I'm feeling a little dense right now, but what do
 you mean when you say installer?  Is there a file on the 7.1 tree called
 installer or are you referring to the Drakconf?  Thanks.


 At 08:42 AM 7/15/00 +0100, you wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just download and start the installer and tell it to upgrade. Works just
  I would like to upgrade from Mandrake 7.0 to 7.1.  Since I am new to
  Mandrake, I  am unsure of the correct procedure.  Do I simply down load all
  the files on the 7.1 ftp tree and install them or are there additional
  steps I need to take?  Is there are more automated procedure?  I don't have
  a CD burner and therefore cannot use the Iso Images.
  Is it best to install the RPM's from command line or is there a utility
  that I should use?
  Thanks in advance
 You can't depend on your eyes
 when your imagination is out of focus.
 - Mark Twain
 http://nlpagan.net -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] Upgrading to Mandrake 7.1

2000-07-15 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Whoops, I forgot to mention this obvious way of doing it. The only problem is
that the full dowload will take eons longer than selecting only the packages that
you need for a workstation, development, or server install. If the directories
are anything like the ISO image of the disk, then the total size of your download
will be 650 megabytes. It took me over an hour and 10 minutes of record setting
cablemodem  download speed (1.76 Mbps) to get the entire image and almost the
same amount of time using a T1 at work (there is probably a speed limit on the
server end).


frank wrote:

 if you've a partition on your hd that is of sufficient size and is planned to
 still exist after the upgrade download the entire "Mandrake" directory to
 that partition...(by the entire "Mandrake" diectory, i mean that directory
 which contains only the three subdirectories: RPMS, base, and mdkinst...this
 "Mandrake" directory is oft-times a sub-directory of a more general mandrake
 directory on various FTP sites)...also download the hd.img from the images

 make a floppy disk "image" of hd.img using either rawrite (in windows) or the
 dd command (in linux)...use that floppy to start the install process from
 your hd...

 by having the "Mandrake" directory stored on a spare partition of your hard
 drive, you give yourself the option of re-installing without going through
 the download process again...a complete install from my hard drive takes
 about 22 minutes from booting the floppy to being online...

 if ya like ta fiddle with the system, you'll likely re-install mandrake
 several times...


 On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to upgrade from Mandrake 7.0 to 7.1.  Since I am new to
  Mandrake, I  am unsure of the correct procedure.  Do I simply down load all
  the files on the 7.1 ftp tree and install them or are there additional
  steps I need to take?  Is there are more automated procedure?  I don't have
  a CD burner and therefore cannot use the Iso Images.
  Is it best to install the RPM's from command line or is there a utility
  that I should use?
  Thanks in advance

[newbie] X 4.0 and Mandrake 7.1

2000-07-15 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I am about to do an X upgrade from 3.3.6-14 to 4.01-2 and was wondering
if anyone has pulled it off yet. The upgrade directions from XFree86.org
only discuss upgrading from binaries, I would like to do it by rpm.

I haven't seen any video card server/drivers listed for any specific

Should I use the servers from 3.3.6? I have an S3 Trio3D and XFree86.org
says that it is supported in 4.0, but don't tell which one to use.

If I do it by RPM, do I still have to move all the diectories from
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 over to /etc/X11? Or will the rpm installer
automatically do it for me?

Any other pointers appreciated,


Re: [[newbie] X 4.0 and Mandrake 7.1]

2000-07-15 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I'm using 7.1 (current) as of this week. I should have included that, I was in a hurry.

Suggest away, please,


Altoine Barker wrote:


 What distro are you using?

 Victor Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am about to do an X upgrade from 3.3.6-14 to 4.01-2 and was wondering
 if anyone has pulled it off yet. The upgrade directions from XFree86.org
 only discuss upgrading from binaries, I would like to do it by rpm.

 I haven't seen any video card server/drivers listed for any specific

 Should I use the servers from 3.3.6? I have an S3 Trio3D and XFree86.org
 says that it is supported in 4.0, but don't tell which one to use.

 If I do it by RPM, do I still have to move all the diectories from
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 over to /etc/X11? Or will the rpm installer
 automatically do it for me?

 Any other pointers appreciated,


 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

[newbie] /dev/sda6 boot error

2000-07-10 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I have a system running 7.1 (current) that worked perfectly (I assume)
yesterday, when I turned it on this morning the system fails during the
"Checking root filesystem" portion of boot.

The error message is:

Checking root filesystem
/dev/sda6 contains a file system with errors, check forced.
Unattatched inode 24460

(i.e. without -a or -p options)


*** An error occured during the file system check.
*** Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot
*** when you leave the shell.
Give root password for maintenance
(or type Control-D for normal):

Where can I find docmentation for FSCK or what should I do?


[newbie] Kernel update

2000-07-07 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I just used Mandrake Update in version 7.1 for the first time and
everything went smoothly (I assume). It updated a lot of packages, but
the one I am most interested in is the new kernel 2.2.16-9mdk. I looked
in /etc/lilo.conf and there are two new entries:

* Add by install-kernel

* Add by install-kernel

I assume that since both still contain the "mdk" in their name that they
have not been installed yet. Although, when I look in KPackage it shows
the kernels installed. Or, does this mean that the Mandrake Updater
actually installed them? If not, exactly what so I need to do to get the
secure kernel installed properly.

After I install the new secure kernel do I still need the old kernel and
the regular 2.2.16-9? And if not, how do I remove them?

Any suggestions appreciated,


[newbie] Updating Kernel

2000-07-07 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I just used Mandrake Update in version 7.1 for the first time and
everything went smoothly (I assume). It updated a lot of packages, but
the one I am most interested in is the new kernel 2.2.16-9mdk. I looked
in /etc/lilo.conf and there are two new entries:

* Add by install-kernel

* Add by install-kernel

I assume that since both still contain the "mdk" in their name that they

have not been installed yet. Although, when I look in KPackage it shows
the kernels installed. Or, does this mean that the Mandrake Updater
actually installed them? If not, exactly what so I need to do to get the

secure kernel installed properly.

After I install the new secure kernel do I still need the old kernel and

the regular 2.2.16-9? And if not, how do I remove them?

Any suggestions appreciated,


Re: [newbie] Updating Kernel

2000-07-07 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Actually, those two new kernels were downloaded when I ran Mandrake update,
after the initial installation of 7.1. So, they were downloaded as rpm's (?)
from Mandrake's mirror site. But, I think that the kernel rpm's still have to
be installed, although I don't know if this means they need to be compiled.

Let me take that back, I know they don't have to be compiled because that is
why the RPM format exists. It is a precompiled package of any particular source

The thing that I do not know is if I only need to run the command
"install-kernel" or "install-kernel 2.2.16-9mdksecure"? Then, is all I need to
do is reference that particular kernel as default in /etc/lilo.conf or GRUB?

Although, I did find (Late last night) fairly detailed documentation on the
Mandrake website for compiling and installing new or custom kernels. I think
that I'llgive them a thorough read through and just follow the directions from
the point after compiling the source code for a new kernel.


Quaylar wrote:

 At 00:26 08.07.00, you wrote:

 victor.i assume these two kernels are precompiled kernels that came
 with your installation of
 7.1...(although i dont have them but installed 7.1 too).
 what u see in kpackage is the source of your new kernel..u can either
 use the precompiled that came with the installation
 or compile a customized yourself.
 u can easyly start your linux with the secure kernel by pressing TAB at the
 LILO prompt and then entering the name of it, which shows up under the
 "label=" option in lilo.conf.
 i would recommend keeping the old kernel...always better to go for sure if
 the new kernel doesnt work properly for your system.



 I just used Mandrake Update in version 7.1 for the first time and
 everything went smoothly (I assume). It updated a lot of packages, but
 the one I am most interested in is the new kernel 2.2.16-9mdk. I looked
 in /etc/lilo.conf and there are two new entries:
 * Add by install-kernel
 * Add by install-kernel
 I assume that since both still contain the "mdk" in their name that they
 have not been installed yet. Although, when I look in KPackage it shows
 the kernels installed. Or, does this mean that the Mandrake Updater
 actually installed them? If not, exactly what so I need to do to get the
 secure kernel installed properly.
 After I install the new secure kernel do I still need the old kernel and
 the regular 2.2.16-9? And if not, how do I remove them?
 Any suggestions appreciated,

Re: [newbie] C compiler cannot create executables

2000-07-07 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Linux-Mandrake actually has extremely detailed documentation on practically everything
dealing with Mandrake, including compiling and installing new kernels.

The overall Reference guide is at:

And the section specifically pertaining to kernels is at:

If you are looking for in depth explanations of anything having to do with Linux, then
The Linux Documentation Project is what you are looking for. They maintain the Linux
HOWTO's, and more in depth books on Network Administration, security, etc. If you want
to compile a kernel or know exactly what goes on in kernel creation, video cards,
monitors, databases, etc. the Linux HOWTO'S are the best source. These documents are
extremely well written and are described in fashion that any beginner, novice, and
expert can find useful. Here are a couple of  mirrors for it :


For the HOWTO specifically dealing with kernel compilation and customization:


I hope this helps (I'm doing my first new kernel tonight),


Steven Cook wrote:

 This is my first post as I just subscribed, so I'm sorry if I'm going over
 old ground. I recently installed Mandrake 7.0 on a new disk in a PII 233Mhz
 machine. I am trying to learn how to install packages from a "tarball" but
 run into a problem when I try to run ./configure, it fails with the
 following error:-

 "checking whether C compiler (gcc) worksno
 configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot
 create executables"

 I looked in the configure log and found the following, however I have no
 idea what it's trying to tell me, am I missing a file (conftest or

 "This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
 running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.

 configure:562: checking for extra includes
 configure:593: checking for extra libs
 configure:692: checking host system type
 configure:713: checking target system type
 configure:731: checking build system type
 configure:790: checking for a BSD compatible install
 configure:847: checking for -p flag to install
 configure:870: checking whether build environment is sane
 configure:908: checking whether make sets ${MAKE}
 configure:954: checking for working aclocal
 configure:967: checking for working autoconf
 configure:980: checking for working automake
 configure:993: checking for working autoheader
 configure:1006: checking for working makeinfo
 configure:1031: checking for a BSD compatible install
 configure:1125: checking for a C-Compiler
 configure:1131: checking for gcc
 configure:1237: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works
 configure:1253: gcc -o conftestconftest.c  15
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot open crt1.o: No such file or directory
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 configure: failed program was:

 #line 1248 "configure"
 #include "confdefs.h"

 main(){return(0);} "
 I'd really appreciate any help, I've already "verified" that gcc is
 installed correctly, but have no idea where to go from here!
 Steven Cook

Re: [newbie] Seeking Tutorial on compiling Kernel

2000-07-07 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Linux-Mandrake actually has extremely detailed documentation on practically
everything dealing with Mandrake, including compiling and installing new
The overall Reference guide is at:
And the section specifically pertaining to kernels is at:
If you are looking for in depth explanations of anything having to do
with Linux, then The Linux Documentation Project is what you are looking
for. They maintain the Linux HOWTO's, and more in depth books on Network
Administration, security, etc. If you want to compile a kernel or know
exactly what goes on in kernel creation, video cards, monitors, databases,
etc. the Linux HOWTO'S are the best source. These documents are extremely
well written and are described in fashion that any beginner, novice, and
expert can find useful. Here are a couple of mirrors for it :
For the HOWTO specifically dealing with kernel compilation and customization:
I hope this helps (I'm doing my first new kernel tonight),
excalibur wrote:


 I've been using Linux Mandrake for about a month and a half and it's
 great, though I've much
 to learn of it. Does anyone know of a website with a good how-to on
 compiling the kernel or even a good book that would cover the topic? I'd
 greatly appreciate it.


Re: [newbie] C compiler cannot create executables

2000-07-07 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Please forgive my previous post, I accidentally sent it to the wrong message.


Steven Cook wrote:

 This is my first post as I just subscribed, so I'm sorry if I'm going over
 old ground. I recently installed Mandrake 7.0 on a new disk in a PII 233Mhz
 machine. I am trying to learn how to install packages from a "tarball" but
 run into a problem when I try to run ./configure, it fails with the
 following error:-

 "checking whether C compiler (gcc) worksno
 configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot
 create executables"

 I looked in the configure log and found the following, however I have no
 idea what it's trying to tell me, am I missing a file (conftest or

 "This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
 running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.

 configure:562: checking for extra includes
 configure:593: checking for extra libs
 configure:692: checking host system type
 configure:713: checking target system type
 configure:731: checking build system type
 configure:790: checking for a BSD compatible install
 configure:847: checking for -p flag to install
 configure:870: checking whether build environment is sane
 configure:908: checking whether make sets ${MAKE}
 configure:954: checking for working aclocal
 configure:967: checking for working autoconf
 configure:980: checking for working automake
 configure:993: checking for working autoheader
 configure:1006: checking for working makeinfo
 configure:1031: checking for a BSD compatible install
 configure:1125: checking for a C-Compiler
 configure:1131: checking for gcc
 configure:1237: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works
 configure:1253: gcc -o conftestconftest.c  15
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot open crt1.o: No such file or directory
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 configure: failed program was:

 #line 1248 "configure"
 #include "confdefs.h"

 main(){return(0);} "
 I'd really appreciate any help, I've already "verified" that gcc is
 installed correctly, but have no idea where to go from here!
 Steven Cook

[newbie] X and Intel i740 chipset

2000-07-05 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I have finally accepted defeat(or stop wasting time) at getting my S3
Trio3D video card to work on our Netfinity 3000 server and have decided
to just add a cheap, fully-supported, video card into one of our open
PCI slots. I got the S3 to work in VESA/Frame Buffer mode at 1024x768
(as IBM suggest), but this has been deemed too hard on the eyes by my
superiors, and I have wasted far too much time trying to get it working
in SVGA mode.

I see that one of the auction pages has the "Real3D Starfighter 12MB PCI
Intel i740 Chipset 2D/3D Video Accelerator" going for $50 and
Xfree86.org shows that it is fully supported under version 3.3.6.

Has anyone had any experience with this card or the Intel i740 chipset?
Are there any difficulties that I should know about before I purchase

Can anyone suggest another cheap, fully supported, video card for under

Any suggestions welcome,


[newbie] X and 7.1

2000-07-02 Per discussione Victor Richardson

While trying to configure X with xf86config, I ended up with XF86Config
in both /etc/X11 and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 and wondered which directory is
the right one? I noticed somewhere on XFree86's website that while
XFC86Config used to be in /usr/X11R6/bin, now it should be in /etc/X11.
Although, later it said where it resides may depend on your

Anyone have the lowdown?


[newbie] X and S3 Trio3D

2000-06-25 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I still am having trouble getting my S3 Trio3D to work. When
"startx" runs using the S3Virge driver(as Xf86Free.org suggests) the
message shows that everything goes fine from the keyboard through the
FontPath, until;

XF86Config: /etc/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keymap: "xfree86(us)" (overrides other XKB settings)
(**) Mouse: type: PS/2, device: /dev/mouse, buttons: 3
(**) Mouse: 3 button emulation (timeout: 50ms)
(**) S3V: Graphics device ID: "My Video Card"
(**) S3V: Monitor ID: :My Monitor"
(**) FontPath set to


(--) S3V: PCI: unknown (please report), ID 0x8904 rev 1, Linear FB @
(--) S3V: Unknown S3 chipset: chip_id = 0x8904 rev.1

*** None of the configured devices were detected.***

Fatal server error:
no screens found

When reporting a probem related to a server crash, please send the full
server output, not just the last messages.

X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

Any ideas on what's wrong


Re: [newbie] X and S3 Trio3D

2000-06-25 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I'm running Mandrake 7.1 (X ver. 3.3.6).  I agree that the PCI: unknown might
the root of the problem. I'd guess that the video card is not working or that
it is a newer version, but I bought the server new in November from IBM and
I'd think that the latest drivers in 3.3.6 would include it.

I'm thinking on trying X 4.0 today to see if it will help, but it is probably
going to turn out to be a hardware problem. And will probably try to run it in
Frame Buffer mode as IBM's site suggest, although I'm not sure how primitive
the graphics will be. I've never seen Frame Buffer is it like SVGA?

Any ideas on how to test the video card to see if it even works outside of
installing Windows?


Paul wrote:

 On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Victor Richardson wrote:

 I still am having trouble getting my S3 Trio3D to work. When
 "startx" runs using the S3Virge driver(as Xf86Free.org suggests) the

 What version of Mandrake are you using? I had an S3 card too, once, and
 with RH6 (sorry guys) I could not get it to work. The latest S3-servers,
 3.3.6 and up, seem to have decent S3 support though. These are included in
 mdk 7.x, not sure about 6.x.

 (--) S3V: PCI: unknown (please report), ID 0x8904 rev 1, Linear FB @

 PCI unknown? That might be something to look into.


 Rain and tears are the streams
 that wash away life's dirt...

 http://nlpagan.net -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] X and S3 Trio3D

2000-06-25 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try tonight, I'm desperate.


Dennis Myers wrote:

 Victor Richardson wrote:

  I'm running Mandrake 7.1 (X ver. 3.3.6).  I agree that the PCI: unknown might
  the root of the problem. I'd guess that the video card is not working or that
  it is a newer version, but I bought the server new in November from IBM and
  I'd think that the latest drivers in 3.3.6 would include it.
  I'm thinking on trying X 4.0 today to see if it will help, but it is probably
  going to turn out to be a hardware problem. And will probably try to run it in
  Frame Buffer mode as IBM's site suggest, although I'm not sure how primitive
  the graphics will be. I've never seen Frame Buffer is it like SVGA?
  Any ideas on how to test the video card to see if it even works outside of
  installing Windows?
  Paul wrote:
   On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Victor Richardson wrote:
   I still am having trouble getting my S3 Trio3D to work. When
   "startx" runs using the S3Virge driver(as Xf86Free.org suggests) the
   What version of Mandrake are you using? I had an S3 card too, once, and
   with RH6 (sorry guys) I could not get it to work. The latest S3-servers,
   3.3.6 and up, seem to have decent S3 support though. These are included in
   mdk 7.x, not sure about 6.x.
   (--) S3V: PCI: unknown (please report), ID 0x8904 rev 1, Linear FB @
   PCI unknown? That might be something to look into.
   Rain and tears are the streams
   that wash away life's dirt...
   )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0(
   http://nlpagan.net -  ICQ 147208
   Registered  Linux  User   174403

 Have you tried the AOpen P128 , it may work for you, it is based on the S3 Trio
 3D/2X chip set.

[newbie] Change file permissions

2000-06-19 Per discussione Victor Richardson

How do I change a file from read-only to read-write?


[newbie] X resolutions

2000-06-18 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I finally got X working on my IBM Netfinity 3000 server w/ an S3 Trio3D
video vard (PII350, 128 megs, 4 megs video, 9.1 gig hd). During
configuration (xf86config) I set the resolutions at 8bpp and 24bpp to
"1024x768" and "1280x1024", and 16bpp at "800x600" and "640x480"
according to www.xf86free's ver. 3.3.6 - S3Virge documentation.

The problem is that when I start it, everything is extremely large, so
big that if I
open DrakConf or anything else, they extend far beyond the screen. I
cannot navigate the screens so that I can reconfigure anything. It seems
much larger than even 680x480(I assume). I've tried cntrl-alt-+ and -,
within X toshift resolutions but nothing happens.

I'm (fairly) sure this is a minor problem/fix, can anyone please suggest




I am aware that GUI's on servers are for amateurs(which I am), but it is
going to be used as a fileserver, etc at a small non-profit
environmental foundation and
I need the KDE GUI so that they can easily manage files, add users,
etc., without calling me home everyday.


Re: [newbie] Starting amd

2000-06-18 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I have the same problem, except it takes minutes. "amd" is the automount
service that (guess) automounts your floppy, cd-rom, drives, and any
other device instead of having to type "mnt /dev/cdrom" or "mount /cd"
for whatever device you want to use. It may have been corrupted during
install. I suppose teh best way to cure the problem is re-install(rpm)
the apm package. I would suggest removing the old one first, starting
with a clean slate usually best.

If you just want to prevent it from starting at boot, enter the shift key
+ "I" at the "Welcome to Linux-Mandrake, Press "I" to enter Interactive
Mode" segment during the boot and it will take you into a grahical
version of Linuxconf Operation Mode. Highlight "Configure the
workstation", then scroll down to "Control Service Activity" under
Control Panel. It will bring up a screen with all the services loaded on
your system and "amd" will be first. It is currently set to "automatic",
but if you highlight it and press enter, you can disable it at startup by
moving the cursor under the "X" in startup and pressing the spacebar,
then tab to accept and quit out of everything. It will then put you
through a step by step starup for each service where you can choose what
you want started(this time). If you don't want to go through that, turn
your computer off then on again. It should boot without starting amd.
Although, you will have to mount each device when you want to use it from


Melissa and Michael Grover wrote:

 When my Mandrake 7.0 machine boots up, it will sit at "Starting amd:"
 for about 45 seconds, the continue on. the service starts ok.

 On another machine, their is no delay at all.

 Anybody know where I can get more information on what amd is?


[newbie] rc.firewall

2000-06-16 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I'm setting up a home cable-modem home behind a
Mandrake 7.1 box, I've
checked out the MASQ and Firewall HOWTO's and
understand them. Actually,
I used them with 6.0. Although, a few things have
changed since then. I
also searched the archives and there was only one
posting that didn't
answer this basic question;

What does the default entry in /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall
"echo 1  
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter" do? Or more
directly - what is

Do I need to include this line in the MASQ/firewall
rules provided in
the docs?

Thanks, Victor

[newbie] Applications Disc 2

2000-06-15 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I downloaded and burned both 7.1 ISO images, but during the install it
asks for the first applocations disk, then the extensions, and finally a
second applications disk. Unfortunately, there isn't one(I think). When
it asks should I re-insert the first disk?

The install finished without the second applications disk, but now I am
wondering what exactly I am missing as a result.

Any suggestions?


Re: [newbie] XFree86 Setup Question

2000-06-14 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Don't feel bad, I have an IBM Netfinity 3000 with the same S3 Trio 3D chip. It
seems that the video card is only supported in VESA/Frame Buffer mode. It took
me six months of 3 am frustration, and umpteen support calls,  and endless
postings (check the archives) to get that answer. Finally, last week an IBM tech
support guy sent me an internal memo on how to get the damn thing to work.

I suggest that you subsitute the XFree86-FBDev-3.3.x-x.i386.rpm in the
instructions with whatever version came with your distribution or download the
latest version available and RPM it from whatever directory it is stored.

Here is the exact section from IBM's support:

...Currently, no support exists other than VESA/Frame Buffer for the Accelerated
Graphics Port (AGP) video adapter included with the Netfinity 1000/3000 Server.

 (although, this applies to all S3 Trio 3D video cards)***

Appendix B: Installing the VESA/Frame Buffer Server

1. With the system started in command mode, log in as root .
2. Mount the Red Hat Linux 6.1 C D and install the frame buffer server
package as follows:

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
# rpm -ivh XFree86-FBDev-3.3.5-3.i386.rpm

3. Save the current symbolic link by running # mv /etc/X11/X
/etc/X11/X.old .
4. Create a new symbolic link by running # ln -s
../../usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_FBDev /etc/X11/X .
5. Edit /etc/lilo.conf to add a new entry for the frame buffer server by
copying the existing entry. Only add a vga=773 line after the image line and
change the label so that it is unique to other entries. The following is an
example of a SMP kernel entry with frame buffer server installed:
NOTE : Do not remove the existing entry. Do not make changes to the root
line in the new entry. The default line in /etc/lilo.conf contains the label
of the kernel loaded by default. If there is no default specified, then the
kernel entry in etc/lilo.conf is loaded by default. The digits 773 indicate
1024 x 768-pixel density with 8-bit color depth. For more information, see
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt (kernel-source-2.2.12-6.i386.rpm
6. Update the master boot record and the LILO boot loader by running #
lilo -v .
7. Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config to create a new section entry for the frame buffer
server under Screen section. Copy the following example of a Screen entry
and make the necessary changes.
NOTE :  and  depends upon predefined strings in XF86Config.
Replace  with the string following Identifier under Device in the Graphics
device section. Replace  with the string following Identifier under Monitor
in the Monitor section.
Section "Screen"
Driver "fbdev"
Device ""
Monitor ""
Subsection "Display"
Modes "default"
8. Reboot the system and remove the media.
9. At the LILO boot prompt, press Tab for the kernel options or press Enter if
 the new kernel was set as the default kernel.
10. After the system has restarted in command mode, issue the startx
 command to enter the X Window system.

That should do it for you, although it is a little complex if you have never
done this before(like me). Please post this solution to the newsgroup for me,
for some strange reason I cannot post to the mailing list even though I get
everyone else's.

Feel free to email me for more help, good luck


Leo Stutzmann wrote:

 I have an IBM 300PL, with integrated Trio3D chip on the motherboard. I
 installed XFree86 3.3.6. I have tried the Trio3D, Trio3D/2X, and the 86C365
 setting. All these settings don't work. The screen just goes black.
 Sometimes I can recover by using ctl-alt-backspace, and other times the
 machine is locked up.

 The chip says 86C366 on it. There does not seem to be a listing in the
 graphic cards for this chip.

 Anyone have this working? Do you have an XF86Config file or the needed lines
 in the config to make this work?

 Thanks for any help

Re: [newbie] XFree86 Setup Question

2000-06-14 Per discussione Victor Richardson

It seems the easy solution for our problem(although, I haven't tried yet) would
have been to check   www.XFree86.org 's website. All we need to do is select  S3
Virge video card during install or rpm it later. The S3 Trio 3D and 3D/2X are
fully supported using the XFree86 version 3.3.6, or the new 4.0;

From 3.3.6 Supported Hardware( http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/S3V1.html#1 );

"Since release 3.3.2 of XFree86, there are now two servers which support the
ViRGE family of chips. The XF86_S3V server is a dedicated server which supports
the S3 ViRGE (86C325), the ViRGE/DX (86C375), ViRGE/GX (86C385) and the ViRGE/VX
(86C988) chips. Use of that server is no longer recommended. It is not actively
being supported

The above ViRGE chipsets are supported in the XF86_SVGA server, which includes a
new ViRGE driver making use of the XAA acceleration architecture and also
supports ViRGE/GX2 (86C357), ViRGE/MX (86C260), Trio3D (86C365), Trio3D/2X
(86C362), Savage3D (86C391), Savage4 (86C396/86C397) and Savage2000 chips as of

, or, from Version 4.0's Release Notes's
( http://www.xfree86.org/4.0/RELNOTES2.html#15 )

2.13.3. s3virge

The s3virge driver is a port of the 3.3.x SVGA S3 ViRGE driver. As such it
should be as
stable and functional as previous XFree86 releases. There are a couple
additional benefits
included primarily due to common enhancements:

Depth 24 problems resolved with clients using 24/32 bpp pixmaps.
Our common acceleration architecture (XAA) has been re-written, as has the
acceleration code. You should find this version has better performance than
Multi-head is reported to work.
The s3virge man page lists options and has configuration notes for this
release of the
Trio 3D and Trio 3D/2X support has been added, matching the 3.3.6 driver.
Supports screen rotation and shadow framebuffer.

Outstanding items not implemented or fully tested:

DGA support is implemented, but preliminary and untested.

Further information can be found in README.s3virge.

I am going to repost this answer under the "S3 Trio 3D" subject line so that
anyone searching for a solution in the future will be able to easily find it.


Leo Stutzmann wrote:

 I have an IBM 300PL, with integrated Trio3D chip on the motherboard. I
 installed XFree86 3.3.6. I have tried the Trio3D, Trio3D/2X, and the 86C365
 setting. All these settings don't work. The screen just goes black.
 Sometimes I can recover by using ctl-alt-backspace, and other times the
 machine is locked up.

 The chip says 86C366 on it. There does not seem to be a listing in the
 graphic cards for this chip.

 Anyone have this working? Do you have an XF86Config file or the needed lines
 in the config to make this work?

 Thanks for any help

Re: [newbie] XFree86 Setup Question

2000-06-14 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Don't use the Trio 3D driver, use the S3 Virge.


Leo Stutzmann wrote:

 Thanks, but this is exactly what I have tried. I am using Mandrake 7.1 which
 installs XFree86 3.3.6. The Trio3D and associated chip is marked as an
 86C365 chip, but in my IBM 300PL the chip is marked as an 86C366. The Trio3D
 driver does not work for this chip.


 -Original Message-
 From: Victor Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 2:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] XFree86 Setup Question

 It seems the easy solution for our problem(although, I haven't tried yet)
 have been to check   www.XFree86.org 's website. All we need to do is select
 Virge video card during install or rpm it later. The S3 Trio 3D and 3D/2X
 fully supported using the XFree86 version 3.3.6, or the new 4.0;

 From 3.3.6 Supported Hardware( http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/S3V1.html#1 );

 "Since release 3.3.2 of XFree86, there are now two servers which support the
 ViRGE family of chips. The XF86_S3V server is a dedicated server which
 the S3 ViRGE (86C325), the ViRGE/DX (86C375), ViRGE/GX (86C385) and the
 (86C988) chips. Use of that server is no longer recommended. It is not
 being supported

 The above ViRGE chipsets are supported in the XF86_SVGA server, which
 includes a
 new ViRGE driver making use of the XAA acceleration architecture and also
 supports ViRGE/GX2 (86C357), ViRGE/MX (86C260), Trio3D (86C365), Trio3D/2X
 (86C362), Savage3D (86C391), Savage4 (86C396/86C397) and Savage2000 chips as

 , or, from Version 4.0's Release Notes's
 ( http://www.xfree86.org/4.0/RELNOTES2.html#15 )

 2.13.3. s3virge

 The s3virge driver is a port of the 3.3.x SVGA S3 ViRGE driver. As such it
 should be as
 stable and functional as previous XFree86 releases. There are a couple
 additional benefits
 included primarily due to common enhancements:

 Depth 24 problems resolved with clients using 24/32 bpp pixmaps.
 Our common acceleration architecture (XAA) has been re-written, as has
 acceleration code. You should find this version has better performance
 Multi-head is reported to work.
 The s3virge man page lists options and has configuration notes for this
 release of the
 Trio 3D and Trio 3D/2X support has been added, matching the 3.3.6
 Supports screen rotation and shadow framebuffer.

 Outstanding items not implemented or fully tested:

 DGA support is implemented, but preliminary and untested.

 Further information can be found in README.s3virge.

 I am going to repost this answer under the "S3 Trio 3D" subject line so that
 anyone searching for a solution in the future will be able to easily find


 Leo Stutzmann wrote:

  I have an IBM 300PL, with integrated Trio3D chip on the motherboard. I
  installed XFree86 3.3.6. I have tried the Trio3D, Trio3D/2X, and the
  setting. All these settings don't work. The screen just goes black.
  Sometimes I can recover by using ctl-alt-backspace, and other times the
  machine is locked up.
  The chip says 86C366 on it. There does not seem to be a listing in the
  graphic cards for this chip.
  Anyone have this working? Do you have an XF86Config file or the needed
  in the config to make this work?
  Thanks for any help

[newbie] S3 Trio 3D X server

2000-05-12 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Now that I've got Mandrake 6.1 installed, I found out that it does not
like my S3 Trio 3D video card at any setting. I understand (from the
list archives) that these problems have been solved in the latest
version (7.0x).

I've tried doing an FTP upgrade from the Mandrake mirror sites, but
always get the same response of  "bad server response...can't find
second stage disk" ,or file, or something like that. I have tried three
or four different FTP sites with the same results so I figure it must be

An example of the ftp site entries I am using is:

IP Address: ftp.math.utah.edu
Directory: /pub/linux/Mandrake/current/Mandrake/base/

Any suggestions(besides buying the disk again)?

[newbie] S3 Trio 3D video

2000-05-08 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Back in Feb.  March I tried to install Mandrake 7.0 on a Netfinity 3000
server (PII 450, 128 megs, etc.) with a S3 Trio 3D video and never was
able to get X working at all. From what I understand, there wasn't any
stable driver available at the time. I don't need high end graphics,
just enough to do basic server and file tasks within X.

Does anyone know if this problem has been solved, or, any simple work
arounds (my skills are very limited)? Please feel free to direct me to
any possible information sources.


Re: [newbie] Video card S3 Trio 3D

2000-03-22 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Sad to say, but I have had the exact same problem for a month on a IBM
Netfinity 3000 server (PII450, 128 meg, S3 Trio 3D) and still can't get it to
work. X just doesn't like this card.

Let me know if you find a solution.


Softec - Javier Matos wrote:

 Hi everyone:

 I got a video card S3 Trio3D with my Pentium II 350. I had tried to
 configure it with Mandrake 7.0 and 6.1 without success.

 I had proved with two monitors, a Dell 1501 FP and a Samtron SC-726DXL, and
 all video modes, but in both cases I only can see a blue screen with a
 vertical stripe in the middle of the screen.

 Has anybody a solution.


Re: [newbie] /, /usr, and /opt?

2000-03-08 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Hi Denis, I set up a server for our office of 15 clients using Mandrake 7.0,
it will be used for filesharing and web browsing. There is no need for email
or printer sharing because each Netscape client POP's their mail from an
account w/ our web host and everyone has their own rinter. We may add a
calendaring/scheduling app like Netscape Collaborator or Lotus Notes in the
future. Our server is a IBM Netfinity 3000 (PII350, 128 meg, 9.1 gig SCSI-2).
I just installed a few nights ago and have no problem re-installing if I am
way off on the partitions, since the server is not in use right now.

I currently have it set with:

/boot   - 20   megs
/tmp- 200 megs
/var - 200 megs
/  - 500 megs
/usr - 1,500 megs
/home - 6,200 megs
swap  - 257 megs

1) When you say that /tmp and /var can get quite big, how large should I make
2) Should I make a /usr/local or /opt partition for software added later?
3) What command will allow me to see how full / or any other partition is
after my install?

Any advice wold be greatly appreciated,

Victor Richardson

Denis Havlik wrote:

 As a matter of fact, I find "default" sizes chosen by mandrake install
 program very good for a desktop machine. Especially having /home as a big
 separate partition.

 On a server, /tmp and /var COULD take quite a lot of space, on a desktop
 it is mostly /usr, /home and maybe /opt.


[newbie] X Server Crash

2000-03-07 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I've been trying to get through X not working and finally had to do an
ftp upgrade from the pub/linux/mandrake/current to reload the packages.
Now when I do a "startx" the server attempts to run, then crashes. It recognizes
my S3 Trio 3D chipset, but says there is no mode definition for "800 x

SVGA: There is no mode definition named "800 x 600"
SVGA: Removing mode "800 x 600" from list of valid modes
SVGA: There is no mode definition named "600 x 400"

Fatal server error:
No valid modes found.

When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send the full server
output, not just the last message.

X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

My questions are; 1) How do I send the entire server output and
who to?, 2)Any suggestions on how to fix this?
I've done the upgrade thing a few times with no luck. When I try "XF86Setup",
it says "XF86Setup: command not found". Did the package not install and
is there a way I can check? Or, is this just a problem with the S3 Trio
3D video? The system is an IBM Netfinity 3000 (PII 350, 128 meg, 4 meg
video, 9.1 gig SCSI -2) with a custom server install ftp'd from the /linux/current
Sorry for so many questions, but I hope there is a simple answer.

Re: [newbie] bz2?

2000-03-07 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I just did a Mandrake 7.0 install and saw bz2 described in the compression section of 
packages. If I'm not mistaken(and
I am often with Linux), bz2 is another zip program like gzip and similar to tar.gz(in 
theory), it should be on your
distro disc or you can rpm it from one of the download sites.


Lane Lester wrote:

 I said:
  Well, since I don't do any programming, I just need a Java runtime called JRE.
  I'm downloading the one from blackdown as Richard suggested, so here's hoping.

 Hmm, the file came in as a .tar.bz2, and tar doesn't recognize it. I'm not sure I've 
ever encountered a .bz2 before.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Re: [[newbie] X problem]

2000-03-06 Per discussione Victor Richardson

That makes the most sense, thanks I'll try it out after dinner and let
you know.
Lee Williiams wrote:
Why don't you boot from the CD do an upgrade and
just install KDE and X. So do not format your partitions.

Many Thanks

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 Linux is like a wigwam...
 No windows, no gates.
 Apache inside

Re: [newbie] X problem

2000-03-06 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Thanks for suggestions, but I tried pressing both at different times in the
boot process, but it did nothing. Exactly when during the boot should I be
pressing it? Unfortunately, the screen locks up and goes black just as the
screen shows the Mandrake logo and the login prompt, so I can't do anything
including login.

Any other ideas?


ps. My brother is an EE (chips verification) at Cisco.

Lee Williiams wrote:

 On boot up can you not use the Ctrl Alt keys to take you to another
 screen log on as root and kill your Xterminal session and then edit
 /etc/inittab and change the boot method..

 Or else again try to get into another TTi session using the Ctrl and Alt
 keys and then after login as root type XF86Setup do not use the defaults
 this will allow you to setup your resolution etc correctly

 IP Phone: +33 (0)1 58 04 5202   VDT Technical Lead
 Mobile:   +33 (0)6 89 10 8140   EMEA SPECIAL PROJECTS
   C  i  s  c  o  S  y  s  t  e  m  s
||  ||
   |   |
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[newbie] Server Partitions

2000-03-03 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I am setting up a Mandrake 7.0 file/print server on an IBM Netfinity(PII
350, 128 meg, 9.1 Gig SCSI-2) for our office w/ 15 users and was
wondering what the best partition sizes would be? The only major
software that we plan on adding to the Mandrake distro(for now) is some
type of  collaboration sofware like Netscape calendar/scheduling. I'll
be doing an expert install(even though I'm not) and only installing the
services that we absolutely need, although I will include KDE and Gnome
because they are so much easier to deal with for file and system

From reading the archives I guess that I need; swap(128 megs), /boot(20
megs), /(?), /usr(600?), /usr/local(1,500?), /tmp(50?), /var(100?), and
/home(the rest). The part that I don't get is what exactly gets put into
"/"? Does /boot hold the kernel and / hold all the other software like
Samba, etc? And then any software I add after the installation goes into

Please feel free to offer suggestions,


Re: [newbie] Does Linux use the Bios for Harddrives?

1999-08-17 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Would the same parameters hold true for a server?


Brett Jones wrote:

 On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, you wrote:
  I *think* that Linux will ignore the BIOS once it starts up. However, you're
  still dependant on BIOS until it boots. What I would suggest is making a
  "/boot" partition about 500 megs in size

 A 500 meg /boot partition. NO WAY.

 Just how big do your kernels compile. 500 megs wow, how about 15. The key is to
 make sure your boot partition is below the 1023 cyl on your drive. Make your
 first partition on your HDD about 15 megs in size and mount it as /boot. Do not
 use EZ drive or other drive tool, it's not needed  with Linux if you
 keep it all below 1023.

 As far a partitioning goes a good setup for most people on say a 4.3 gig drive

 /boot   15 megs
 /   1000 megs
 /home   bal

 Extrapolate this for the size drive you have. A quick note on swap space: Any
 swap space above 128 megs is a waste. Linux will not use more than 128 megs per
 mounted swap partition. If you need more swap space, make 2 swap partitions at
 128 megs.

 and then make another partition for
  "/" that takes up a large chunk (if not all) of the rest of the drive space.
  That should allow the system to boot with a hard drive larger than the
  system recognizes...

 Brett Jones

Re: [newbie] Does Linux use the Bios for Harddrives?

1999-08-17 Per discussione Victor Richardson

Thanks for the info, I've beating my head against a wall for a week now. I won't be
hosting websites, but it will be doing file/printer/email/internet routing. I'll
just adjust the files accordingly. Did you mount "/usr" , "usr/src",and
"/usr/local" within the "/" partition? How about a "/tmp"?


Brett Jones wrote:

 On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, you wrote:
  Would the same parameters hold true for a server?

 I've got a server with 1 4.5 gig SCSI drive, and 1 8.4 gig IDE drive. This is
 what it's tables looks like.

 /boot   20 m
 /   850 m
 /var400 m
 /home   600 m
 /home/httpd 1500 m
 /home/ftp   bal.

 /home/httpd/vhost   bal.

 This box is going to host web sites for myself, and hopefully many others. This
 partition table is what made sense to me, I'm sure others have there own ideas.

 Brett Jones

[newbie] remove

1999-08-17 Per discussione Victor Richardson


[newbie] remove

1999-08-16 Per discussione Victor Richardson

[newbie] (no subject)

1999-08-16 Per discussione Victor Richardson


[newbie] Boot hang

1999-08-16 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I have a P100, 48 megs, 6.4 gig system that I did the standard server
install from Mandrake 6.0 after partitioning the drive using fdisk.
After getting an initial disk error "1790", it recognized my disk
properly as a Maxtor 90648D3 6.4 gig and I was allowed to create "hda1"
of 128 megs for SWAP, "hda2"  4 gigs for "/" linux native and activated,
and "hda3" for "/home". I then was sent into Disk Druid and renamed hda2
as "/" and saved.  The installation went perfect(supposedly) but when I
reboot I still get the the 1790 Disk Error and the the system hangs
after printing "LI_". I tried to use the emergency disk created during
the install and the same thing happens.

Any suggestions?
