Questions: was: Re: Digital competing with film?

2001-12-10 Thread SudaMafud

Are your digital images crafted as well (refined, sharp, compositionally) as 
your film photos?
Does digital imaging improve or diminish your photography expertise 
(excluding learning how to print digital prints)?
Does ~(ANY)~ under $2,000USD digital camera let you do what a $200 Spot can 
When will Yeah, but or It's almost as good vanish from the digital 

Mafud, the digital camera owner
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Re: Questions: was: Re: Digital competing with film?

2001-12-10 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/10/01 1:27:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
 The usual stupid Mafud response.

Nothing in my post is a response but original questions. Why does my 
posting bother you so? And I'm stupid to ask a question? 

 the original poster was 
 satisfied with his digital experience...'nuff said.

Why do you and other have to make your own statements third person? Or aren't 
you certain of what you're saying?

 he poster has no responsibility to answer when Mafud questions...

But then, neither did you. Until you or someone by-damn takes me off this 
list, I'll post when and where I please, and on what topics I find a need to 
 And why, 'Jerry in Houston, didn't you answer my legitimate, open 
 questions yourself instead of starting something with me you can't finish?
 In a message dated 12/10/2001 9:56:47 AM Central Standard Time, 
  Are your digital images crafted as well (refined, sharp, compositionally) 
  your film photos?

 (excluding learning how to print digital prints)?

  Does ~(ANY)~ under $2,000USD digital camera let you do what a $200 Spot 

 When will Yeah, but or It's almost as good vanish from the digital 

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Re: More about portfolios photo essays

2001-12-09 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/9/01 7:14:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 To try and ensure that the photographers returned with sufficient variety 
 for the editors and layout people to be able to design an essay with pace, 
 rhythm and variety, 'Life' recommended that the photographers try to get 
 photos under 8 different categories, and this is what I believe is meany by 

And they literally shoot hundreds-thousands of slides to make up one 4 to 12 
photo layout. 
**I made nearly seven-hundred shots on my first Haiti layout. They printed 1 
photo, of kids drinking water out of a spigot at the new well the 
contributors had donated.

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Re: Exciting project

2001-12-07 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/7/01 2:16:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 So, the upshot of that ramble is: have several portfolios, edit
 ferociously, get help from experienced photographers who don't care if
 they upset you, get a thick skin, have a theme for each portfolio

I have two, portraiture and industrial. Since I've formally retired, I won't 
have to submit my books for judging anymore.
A jury from your local Guild should do the final culling.
The very first edit of my submissions to a Guild jury saw them cull 541 
photos down to 87, 31 of which were deemed only marginal.  Other than the 
jury steward, you don't know who your jurists were, which helps you keep your 
cool at future Guild meetings.
**Each book should be refreshed frequently, keeping abreast of modern 
techniques, including digital offerings.

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 11:45:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Yup, and my Kiosk made over 100,000 dollars profit for the company that 
 you are so proudly a shareholder of. Something to think about when you 
 denigrate the work of others, is they are paying dividends to thankless 
 William Robb
 Wal~Mart 3077
The only thing related to film I use at Walmart is the one-hour when I need 
to see or provide proofs for the day and it is past noon, when the local 
pro labs stop taking work of that kind. 
I tried Walmart a few times, shareholders profits strongly in mind. But no 
Walmart is discriminating enough to handle one ISO 400 or 800 film from 
What local Walmarts (we have 5 (five!) SUPER CENTERS within 32 miles of where 
I live) have done to some of my KODAK PORTRA and KODAK SUPRA film is 
criminal. No more, not even for the sake of profit sharing. 
And you want me to beileve you and your Walmart are the exception? 
**While you and I have had differences, whenever you spoke of lab before, I 
thought pro printer in a pro lab. No more. 

The illusion is complete, the magician...

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 11:49:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 But you were complaining that Joe sixpack can't get his digital
 processed cheaply... Now I think you're just being argumentative.

I've since learned that Joe can take his dinky digitals to Walmart. 

 say that digital can't be processed inexpensivley, and then you 
 say that a cheap place isn't a real lab so it doesn't count.

As a long time (13 years and about five stock splits later) shareholder, 
Walmart pays for a lot of my personal indulgences. Thanks a lot and I mean 
that from the bottom of my avaricious heart.  

 go to the local pro lab, he's going to go to 
 Walmart, Walgreens, or any number of other cheap places where he can get 
 his digital stuff printed cheaply.

That is Joe's prerogative. But cheap in now way means or infers good, 
better or most importantly for~my~ paying clients, best; or consistency.

 weather they drop off film or digital files, the end result is the same. 
 They have prints to hand out and show Grandma, and it doesn't have to cost 
 any more.

That summation you describe is altogether different from those inferring that 
somehow cheap equates to quality. 

At least it doesn't here in the DC area, as well as most other urban areas 
in the US.
 Of course I most often speak as a professional, not a Joe. 
It is the insistence of Digital's supporters that small format digital 
somehow represents the same quality of digital taking and output of medium or 
large format digital that is most disingenuous. 
I am literally blown away by the digital work I see in visits to my pro 
lab. But sorry, the digital I ofttimes see is medium/large format. 
**Truthfully? Medium format digital shoots have the same disdain for 35mm or 
smaller digital that medium format film shooters have for 35mm film.
I'm further blown away when I see what my lab can do with my 6x7 negs. 
Digitizing them, cleaning them up, printing them to specs impossible to 
achieve in the darkroom. But those instances of my film to digital to digital 
output are rare. I can do my own 24x30 prints.
**My framing in the camera style means there's damn little I can't achieve 
over an easel. 
***Thankfully I get my props from the work I do and my style. 

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/6/01 1:07:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, aimcompute wrote:
  I think Mafud does have a point here.  There's a difference between
  taking your digital camera into a department store and getting their
  run-of-the-mill prints back, and taking it to a pro-lab.  Same with
 True, but that wasn't what the post was about.  Mafud had said earlier 
 that getting a lab to make prints from digital files was a lot more 
 expensive than from film.

Let me clarify: I use real pro labs, not Walmart. Had the original 
statement mentioned Walmart anyplace or as the source lab, I would not have 

I asked him to name a lab that charged more for digital to see if he really 
 place that charged an insane amount more, and he avoided the question 
 completely by going into an irrelevant rant about Wal~Mart.

Why would I answer the then and now pointless question in that we don't live 
in the same cities, so any prices I might give would be meaningless where you 
I live in a metro area of under 700,000 people. You might live in a 
larger or smaller metro. You might live in a metro with higer/lower wages, 
higher/lower retail rents, or a place where there are dozens of graphics/pro 
labs/printers or just a few.
But you and others have been disingenuous by flatly asserting that a lab 
(even here we have differences about what a lab is) can or would print 
digitals as cheaply as film. Maybe Walmart can and does. 
*Though they are a retail giant whose sales (up 13% year to year since 
Thanksgiving), they sure as hoot aren't labs, not in the sense a 
professional classifies labs. 
**As a Walmart spouse, when I need regular film processing done, I sure 
as hoot don't go to Walmart. Nope, I go across the road to SAMs Club. 
Interestingly, the same processing that would cost you and me $4.99 at 
Walmart will cost us only $2.99 at Sam's. When I learned the same firm 
processed both Walmart and Sam's, I choose to save money at Sam's.  
**Even with my 10% spousal discount, sometimes Walmart costs to darn 

 accuses people of saying stuff that they didn't say.  :)

Remember this: I'm under ~no~ obligation to answer pointed, Do you still 
beat your wife and other otherwise senseless, gratuitous questions. As to 
who said what: it's all mean spirited conversation or questions that as I 
have noted, don't deserve a direct answer.

 what lab 
 he had in mind because he probably just made that bit of info up on the 
 spot.  :)

A minilab sitting in the middle of a Walmart is ~NOT~ a photo lab but a photo 
processor. Calling one of them a lab is a needless and meaningless gilding 
of the Lily.

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Re: Rule 5

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/6/01 1:08:29 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Mafud wrote:
  Cetainly you're not saying I can't vioce my opinion?
 Actually, nothing personal I assure you, but this is what many of us are now
 suggesting, at least with topics that fall under the purview of Doug's PDML
 Rule Number 5
Then you very well might have written me off-list, or is it, as it now seems 
to be, that I am being singled out for public chastisment?

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Re: The New French Anti-Photography Law - Change to OT title Please!

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/6/01 8:43:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 There is no fight here, Mafud.  His frustrated tone is the result of 
 asking repeatedly.
I don't use filters. I peruse the topic when it is first posted. If it 
interests me, I may (or may not) join in, but do keep an eye on it. Further 
posting on that topic, once I have determined it does ~not~ interest me, I 
delete every instance of said post/topic. 
I watch many OT posts in that one can always glean something useful from 
them. Once they segue from the point of interest, I abandon them.
Thus, I cannot understand why any post must be labeled. Don't like it? 
Ignore it. 

It's that easy.

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/6/01 8:48:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Mafud has, however, six times now evaded the question of pricing at his 
 lab of choice (though he took great pains to explain how expensive they 
 are).  We can only be forced to assume that he was making it up, and 
 that there is, in fact, not a great price discrepancy between chemical 
 and digital prints there.
We don't live in the same town or even same region of the country, making 
comparisons of pro lab, maybe even Walmart lab prices, utterly meaningless.

 How are the prices at Media Specialties when you compare digital to 

If that is a question for me, I'm pleased at how elegantly you make my point.
We don't ~have~ a Media Specialties where I live. How then could you (we) 
possibly compare Media Specialties prices with (any) pro lab I might name 
where ~I~ live? 
I see the trap: you pick a dinky, low priced so-called pro lab and I pick 
the pro lab I most often use. We then compare prices. You win.
**But we could, using a disinterested intermediary, send our most frequented 
lab's catalog (your lab does have a catalog, yes?) to them. 
Let ~them~ make the comparison.

Remember this: you're not my appointed inquisitor, nor instructor, nor, 
heavens forbid, boss, thus your question(s) are as meaningless as they are 
superfluous, as would be any comparison between pro lab prices. I, nor 
anyone, am not obligated to answer what more than likely would be, in the 
end, a rhetorical question.   

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/6/01 9:20:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 .  Or those that examine their 3 day
 prints, which cost a measly $4.00 for processing and printing, even 36 exp
 rolls, and want a credit for those which they don't like.
 Bill, KG4LOV

They've been spoiled by Walmart and SAM'S.

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Re: Take a Chill Pill, Dudes!

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/6/01 12:07:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 It never takes too long for who and what you are to come out. Thanks for 
 being true to
 form, Mafud. I'd advise you to find a good therapist, but Narcissists have 
 no faults,
 and the cure rate is abysmally low anyway.

How much are you going to bill me for that condescending, ersatz diagnosis 
As much as it's worth? 
Then I don't owe you squat.

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/6/01 12:49:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 So, I assume that you know that all journalists accept that it is there 
 responsibility to back up claims of fact that they make.
 The questions were disingenuous Bob, meant to elicit ~any~ kind of 
 response, for which they would ask another or in some way find fault with 
 my actual answer.
 **I'm disappointed that you too overlooked my response as to how I would 
 resolve their question? Or have you too only fastened on what they ~said~ I 

I gave a specific respnose/challenge and not one of those buggers have 
addressed the challenge. Which lets me know they don't ~WANT~ an answer. 
And if you want to know, find my own proposal on how to settle the issue of 
digital Vs. film price(s). If and when you do, I'll think you want too know. 
If you can't find my challenge, then the fault will lay with them and perhaps 

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Re: Variable aperture zoom question

2001-12-06 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/6/01 12:49:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Well that is correct except at the widest setting. If you have a 28-80/4-5.6
 lens and set the aperture manually at F4 and zoom from 28 to 80mm you will
 end up at F5.6 even if the ring says F4.

You're saying that a lens at f/4 ~migrates~ to f/5.6 in what is a no 
eletronic situation. The A setting closes (opens?) a circuit. Of the A 
the les is a manul lens. You must then explin how this phantom migration 

 setting the aperture ring is not involved in 
 the actual diaphragm function.


 The insides of the lens barrel is what determines the aperture in that case.
 It's actually easy to see the effect. If you sit at 28mm and change the ring
 from 4 to 5.6 the shutter value will change.

Goes without saying.

 and switch it between 4 and 5.6 the shutter 
 value will not vary at all.

Only if the one-stop movement does not interfere with the amount of light, 
though theoretically it should. 

 that's because the amount of light is not changing because the barrel of the
 lens housing is already stopping the amount of light to around F5.6 anyway.

OK, twisted, but OK.

 constant aperture zooms that are opened up at the short end.

Zoomed to 80mm? That's the LONG end.

 design of a constant aperture zoom is nothing more than 
 opening up the front element and lens barrel so that the diaphragm is not 
 vignetted by the barrel at the long end.


 Kent Gittings
 -Original Message-
 Subject: Re: Variable aperture zoom question
 In a message dated 12/5/01 4:19:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 That's precisely the point - that because the zoom lens is variable

  aperture, I cannot be guaranteed that the amount of light admitted through
  the lens will be constant over the zoom range of the lens.
IF you use a PK/A variable aperture lens with the lens in any position other 
than A, the aperture WILL NOT change, withthe exception of using TTL flash 
in the aperture AE mode.
The way you decribe it, ~you're~ setting the aperture yourself. It won't 
change no matter how you zoom (with the one TTL flash exception noted).

 I'll say this and no more: when you ~manually~ set the aperture, the
 variable aperture becomes a preset (by you) aperture. Nothing you do
 while zooming will (can) change the aperture until (you) change it to a
 different setting.
 Specifically: when an A lens is not on A, the lens becomes either
 semi-manual? (aperture only) or full manual (aperture and shutter on manual
 **And it does not matter whether you set it wide open or close it down all
 the way. The aperture CANNOT (does not) change until you change it-period.
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Re: OT: SUV's - was: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 10:39:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 That's why race cars run itty-bitty tires

~Which~ race cars run itty-bitty tires? If what you call itty-bitty is 
race cars whose tires measure up to 20 at the wheel, up to 14 wide on the 
ground itty-bitty, then you're right. The illusion of small is just that; 
an illusion.
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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 10:42:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  I agree 1000%.  Until I can do everything with digital I can with
  film, until I can take digital media into a good lab and get great
  results, I am not inclined to invest any further in it.  Let's see...
  I can spend my time messing wth software and printers, or I can let
  someone else do that part while I'm out pressing the shutter release.
 Valid points, but you *can* do this with good labs.

Yes, but the expense is outrageously unreasonable for just a few prints. 

 always argue that the price of printers, paper and ink 
 need to be factored into comparing digital and film cameras?

Precisely because you don't need the above to see prints. You don't even need 
a computer: go to the drugstore-etc., open package and look. And why do 
digital advocates always assume that Granny has a computer or some other 
means to see their ofttimes shabby product?

 good minilab into the purchase of your film 

That's a Shibboleth.

If you don't want to print them yourself, take the files to a good lab and 
let them do 
 it...just like film.  Don's Photo, for example, charges the same for prints 
 from digital files as from film.  This isn't a rant against you, Tom, but 
 against those people who criticize digital cameras because of problems with 
 home printing.

Another good reason to shoot film: ~you~ only need a camera and eyes to shoot 
and Granny only need eyes to view them, the way it's been for more than a 
one-hundred years. 

What did ~you~ do before you had a digital? In that regard, the digital is 
equal to or better than film argument falls squarely on its expensive face.
Those who argue the convenience of small format digital, without considering 
the cost to an individual, disregard one fundamental fact: small format 
digital owners pay, in terms of replacing or upgrading equipment, ink-etc., 
huge sums of money to get what are essentially dinky home printed images. 
Small format digital printing is expensive and for the most part, SUX.   
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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 11:30:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 This is just a matter of time,
 though, and after some more years pass I fully expect to see kick-ass
 quality digital come down to affordable levels

That may be years before ~small format~ digital gets to be  as inexpensive as 
that $14.96 35mm autofocus PS at Walmart. 
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Re: What does The Prisoner say about anecdotal evidence? g

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 11:47:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 ci·vil·ian (s-vlyn)
 n.   A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who
 is not an active member of the military or police.
 adj.Of or relating to civilians or civil life; nonmilitary: civilian

You and me are civilians (outsiders) to people in the medical field. We are
civilains to ice carvers, carpenters, firefighters, professional ice
skaters, NFL players, world class Chessmasters-etc.
Get it: civilian = outsiders?
Think of it this way: persons not part of the PDML are civilians.
Get it now?
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Re: What does The Prisoner say about anecdotal evidence? g

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 11:48:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 I think you're reaching for a different word, Mafud.  Maybe
 accredited or something similar?  PJ's are employed by companies for a
 purpose, which differentiates them to some degree from casual shooters,
 but they're still civilians.

Civilians: = outsiders.
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Re: OT: SUV's - was: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 6:32:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Hi Mafud,
 I was being facetious. The poster I was responding to said that the size of 
 tire's footprint doesn't affect braking.

Mea culpa-mea culpa-my bad!

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 7:22:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

  Small format digital printing is expensive and for the most part, SUX.   
 SUX=Airport code for Sioux City, Iowa.
 Bill, KG4LOV

Like I said: SUX :))
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Re: The New French Anti-Photography Law

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 8:08:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 it adds up, doesn't it?


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Re: The New French Anti-Photography Law

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 8:08:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 I am not sure as I am not in USA, but hasn't it gone away already a
 bit (freedom of the press) in war events? 

Yah, even the American press, itself filled to the brim with this newfound 
patriotism, has kowtowed to Bush on this war. The pabulum we're being 
spoon-fed from the Bush people in no way tells the story. We haven't heard an 
estimate of Taliban casualties, which may be approaching 12,000 DEAD. Have 
Americans or the world heard that? Do we know anything about what is 
happening inside Afghanistan except what the administration wants us to hear? 
No way! 
**Adminstrationn misdirection of hard news started in the Vietnam War, was 
refined in the Gulf War and has come to full fruition in this war. Death 
rides our bombs but we get more propaganda about the Taliban. We are being 
forced to listen to our side about Khadahar, where stupid Arab Taliban are 
making it easy for the stories to focus on them as opposed to what is 
actually happening. Our bombs are forcing the populations into minefields to 
escape them. Won't hear about that in our now cowardly American press.
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Re: Illegal Street Photography? - last from Cotty

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 8:08:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 One last thing, though - cars are cheap only because you (or fuel
 companies) don't pay the real costs - that in direct contrary to
 theory of market economics. With cars are associated many
 externalities like roads, wars over oil, degradation of human rights
 and nature and death of people from pollution, et cetera et cetera.
 These externalities are paid for by the nature and people not using
 cars (like genocidal practices against Ogoni tribe in Nigeria,...). If
 free market economics, than with externalities included in the price
 of product. Otherwise, it is all one big hypocrisy.

Yup. I filled up last night at SAM'S CLUB for 90.9 cents per gallon (member 
price). Cheap fuel helps drive the SUV market too.

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Re: Variable aperture zoom question

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 8:53:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Subj:Re: Variable aperture zoom question
 Fred wrote:
   Suppose I have a variable aperture zoom lens, say 28-80mm
   f3.5-f5.6 If I set the zoom at 28mm, and set the aperture wide
   open, it should be f3.5. If I then zoom to 80mm, the effective
   aperture goes down to f5.6, right? And if I zoom to 50mm, the
   aperture will be somewhere in between, say f4 maybe.
   Now suppose I set my zoom to 50mm @ f8.
 That's not an easy task.  The aperture markings usually correspond to
 the widest aperture.  So, if you set the focal length to 50 and the
 perture ring to where 8 is marked, you will have f/8 @ 28 and
 something like f/13.5 @ 80 mm.
   If I zoom out to 28mm, will the effective aperture stay at f8?
   If I zoom in to 80mm, will the effective aperture stay at f8?
  Nope, in both cases (although my understanding is that the relative 
 differences in aperture at different focal lengths diminish as one moves 
 away from wide open).
 If you did manage to set exactly f/8 @ 50 mm, the answer is no to both
  In any event, if you're using TTL metering (which most of us use most of 
 the time), then the exposure recommendation should automatically compensate 
 for the variable aperture problem.
 This is, fo course, correct and the most important thing.  The trouble
 with the variable apertures comes in play when you use manual flash,
 studio flash, etc.)
Pardon me if I misunderstand the gist of you response:
the operative question asked by Mike was : if I set...

Are you (anyone) now suggesting that setting the aperture manually, somehow 
changes the aperture as you zoom? 
***Taking the aperture ring off A makes it a ~manual~ lens, or are you 
(anyone) saying that somehow, the camera/lens changes what is a (preset) 
aperture anyway? 
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Re: December PUG OT

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 9:14:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 . To many Europeans today, the current war with international terrorism is 
 an American and Israeli problem, in which they see no reason for concern.   
 That is what I was addressing.

What if they had another war in Europe: do Europeans believe we (US) should 
interfere? Or let them twist and swing, slowly in the wind, hoisted by 
their own petard?

Even if I did have the energy to fight, no way would I get on another boat or 
plane to go anywhere to fight anyone for anyone again. Land in south Florida, 
I'll join in. 
But to save someone else, especially in Europe? 

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Re: The New French Anti-Photography Law

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 11:40:27 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 There are numerous sources for additional information.  You just have to
 look for them.  

You know I already knew that. But other sources can be slanted toward one 
or the other view and at the same time, be no more truthful: if a greens or 
right or left source, or Conservative or liberal source, the news 
will be filtered by the politics involved. 

What distresses me most is normally straightforward American news sources, 
including Television, simply have swallowed the administration's press 
releases whole, parroting the administration viewpoint, saying what the 
administration wants said.

Bush has taken this opportunity to subvert some freedoms and subsume others. 
A Homeland Security agency sounds suspiciously like Fatherland Securitat 
to many, including myself. The combining of the CIA/FBI ought to scare the 
hell out of everybody, especially since no one will be watching either if 
them, not even Congress, our so-called elected overseers. That massive, 
invasive superspy agency will do mischief and the press, in bed with Bush, 
Cheney, Powell and Rice, will stand by muted by their own near treasonous 
complicity. This superagency will do what the popular attitude says they can: 
make America SAFE (at any cost), including taking away individual freedoms 
in the interest of national security.  Having set up this all pervasive 
Securitat, Bush has ignored Congress anyway. Meanwhile our so-called free 
press stands by, hamstrung.
**We're just damn lucky we have a dividied Congress or Bush and his cronies 
would have a real field day.

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 1:09:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Bill is talking about WAL-MART for crying out loud.  Are you telling us 
 that Wal-Mart is not a common store?

Ah, speaking my language. My wife is the front end manager for a Walmart 
Super Store. I'll check this evening. But you moved the target. ~You~ were 
speaking of ~LABS~.

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 1:32:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Agreed.  That's why I'm continuing this on-list instead of taking it
 off-list as I usually do.  Whether from ignorance or maliciousness, Mafud
 is spreading a lot of false information about the digital process.  I
 don't want people to read that and become misinformed themselves.

Ah, and now the Prime Minister speaketh. 
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Re: The New French Anti-Photography Law

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 3:24:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Actually, it was under the Clinton-Gore-Reno reign that the FBI purchased a 
 bunch of silent phone switches, installed in many COs across the country, 
 to listen in (with a warrant, of course) on conversations.
Ah see, you've turned my comments into something they were not: not 
political, not aimed at Bush but at what he and his inner circle have done to 
the nation. We may ~never~ know how far this thing has gone.
The observation was aimed more at those handling Bush than at him.
**But I see you couldn't discuss what I wrote in context. You just had to 
turn it into a conservative Vs. liberal name calling shooting war. 
I won't play. 

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Re: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 8:42:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 And, while you're at it, what lab do you use that charges so much more for
 prints from digital media than from film, and what are their prices?  

First I laughed when you had the bald-faced audacity to advance ~any~ Walmart 
as a lab, laughing harder still that you really ~beleived~ a Walmart could 
be of lab quality. Then I considered you were deliberately being both 
obnoxious and obstreperous. 
If Walmart is what you, or is all you can advance as a lab, I now 
understand why you are so juvenile in your approach: put up or shut up.
Walmart is to a pro level lab what a mutt is to a purebred. OK, they 
process film and/or digital. But that makes them film/pixel processors, not 
labs, not in the sense most serious people use when speaking of such. 
As to making a comparative analysis between a Walmart and ~any~ lab I know:
my lab has an art department that charges $45 an hour for spotting 
negatives. What does Walmart charge? My lab routinely processes 30 x 40 
prints and larger: how large a print can Walmart print (on site)?
My lab occupies two whole floors of space in their own building and your 
Walmart? Fits in a 30 x 30 foot space you say? That's no lab: that's a 

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Re: Variable aperture zoom question

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 8:46:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 So I think you're wrong here, but it'spossible that I'm misunderstanding 
 what you're trying to say.
What I've said is: the physical aperture does not change. What happens in the 
viewfinder I'm not clear since I don't own nor have I used all models of 
PENTAX SLR cameras, and since there have been more than a few issued I don't 
know about, there might be a change (in the viewfinder). But does the 
aperture itself change as you contend? 

Do this: look at the aperture as you zoom. Does the aperture change? Or does 
any PENTAX camera act differently?

PENTAX exposure modes:
Programmed AE: lens on A: shutter dial on A (Auto): camera automatically 
selects the most appropriate combination of shutter speed and aperture, 
changing them simultaneously...
Aperture Priority AE: lens on any f: number: when the aperture is set 
manually, the shutter speed is automatically adjusted by built-in electronic 
circuitry according to the subject's brightness to provide appropriate 
Shutter Priority AE, the shutter speed is set manually and the aperture value 
is automatically controlled according to subject brightness...
Metered Manual: lens on any aperture, shutter dial on M (manual)
The combination of shutter speed and aperture is completely up to you.

PENTAX flash modes:
TTL auto flash: When connected with a PENTAX dedicated TTL Auto flash unit, 
the metering cell inside the mirror box will detect the light hitting the 
film plane and automatically control the flash output. If you use a TTL flash 
unit, and set the camera in the Aperture-priority AE mode, ~you can choose 
any aperture in the flash range, thereby achieving great control over depth 
of field~...
Here is the ~ONLY~ instance shooting ~TTL~ flash where the camera will adjust 
the aperture: 
Programmed Auto Flash:
~If~ you use a PENTAX dedicated TTL flash unit with the camera in the 
Programmed AE or shutter priority AE mode, the camera will automatically 
select the proper aperture and automatically control flash output.

But remember, the question was: If I set the aperture? And my response(s) 
fit that condition: If ~I~ set the aperture?

Meaning? Setting the aperture yourself on a PENTAX body obviates both the 
programmed auto flash or shutter priority modes.  
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Re: OT crap

2001-12-05 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/5/01 8:52:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Folks are starting to take this
 stuff personally, and quite frankly, history is just.history.  

You dismiss what has happened to millions of people, the destruction of 
entire civlizations in some cases as just being history?
Now I am ~afraid~ of you and your values.

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Re: OT: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-04 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 1:56:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Besides i still think i take better film flash then digital flash.

I agree Dave. Lag time between pushing the shutter release and actuall firing 
is, as you note-atrocious. Most under $500 digital flash gives you that: 
shot in a dark room with ISO 100 film look.

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Re: SUV's - was: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-12-04 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 7:14:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 And there is nowhere in the USA where you can cruise at 110mph in a 
 let alone a van.  

Ah Bob, you've got to get out more! Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, 
Montana-a lot of western states have areas where flying along at 140mph+ is 
considered local sport! 
Remember, the state of Nevada had ~no~ speed limit until recently.

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Re: OT: some interesting NG thoughts on digital consumers

2001-12-04 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 11:06:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Digital is very cool, but a real pain in the ass. 
 Glad ~you~ said that! BSEG

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Re: December PUG

2001-12-04 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 6:35:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 This is the first attack by a non-American on mainland US soil since the war 

You better not tell all those Alaska combat Veterans of Kiska and Attu Island 
that. The Japanese not only invaded US soil, they kicked butt-for about a 
minute. You said mainland. Then there were thousands of Japanese balloon 
firebombs. Japanese subs roamed all up and down the West coast, some of them 
raiding inland. 
Some of the Japanese subs even dropped off spies.
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Re: What does The Prisoner say about anecdotal evidence? g

2001-12-04 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 9:35:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 use the term photojournalist, and civilian as if they are
 separate entities. I have seen this usage of teminology before
 from time to time.

They [we] (PJs) are ~not~ civilians. We are separate and apart.
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Re: What does The Prisoner say about anecdotal evidence? g

2001-12-04 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/4/01 9:35:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Why do photojournalists, who are rarely members of a military
 organization feel they have the right to call non photojournalists 
 civilians in a context that would have us believe that they themselves 
 are not civilians.

We're different. We see the world with minds and eyes jaded by the weird, the 
disgusting, the bad things in life.   
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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-12-03 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/3/01 10:51:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 True, I didn't check Intel's nomenclature to find the preferred 
 abbreviation, but that was not the gist of my post.  I was addressing the 
 use of P1V rather than P-IV or P4 or any other permutation of that name.

To help clear up what was merely a typo (mine) I hit the 1 instead of l. So 
lV became 1V. 
Now I see why so much time is spent on, as Bill Owen once put it: Parsing 
*And yes, the lV was deliberate (though wrong).   

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2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 2:26:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Why was she in that particular situation?

She was much more concerned with her appearance than she was with her 
personal safety, thus, she eschewed wearing that nasty seat belt which might 
wrinkle her pretty party dress.
 Answer carefully, because why she was in a car going 85mph through a 
 tunnel in Paris is very germaine to why she died.
 You're wanting to infer that the people chasing the car were at fault. 
Let's look at the same situation, but this time, it's a drunk running from a 
 officer. When s/he cracks up their car, do we say it was the fault of the 
 police officer? Of course not, unless your logic says this: if the police 
 officer hadn't chased them, them wouldn't have cracked up their car. 

 The damn fool drunk driving the car lost control of the car being the 
 of the accident. It was he who was rushing 
 though the streets of Paris at night driving like a mad hare, he whose 
 drunken sotted brain drove the car into the stanchion. 
**Had the car missed or glanced off the stanchion, she possibly would have 
 injury altogether. 
But the car ~did~ hit the stanchion and she died because she wasn't wearing a 
seat belt.
As has been previously noted, ~everyone~ in the car without seat belts died.

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Re: shooting holiday lights

2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 9:03:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Thanks for the tip! I picked up a copy in Chapters yesterday. It's a nice 
 little book.

Hey Wendy!

What size is the book now? Before it was this tiny 3 x 4.5 thing that 
slipped into any crack, or pocket/purse/camera bag. Have they enlarged it to 
the size someone could sell it? and does it still fit in small places?
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2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 9:32:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Use boomshanka instead.  It means may the seed of your loins have fruit
 in the belly of your woman.
 dave bummer
That's not what ~I~ heard. My understanding was boomshanka meant: 
May the fleas from a thousand Camels invade you private parts.  :))

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Re: HELP: my MZ-5 thinks 1/60th is a great flash sync speed!

2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 9:52:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 This shot used flash sync of 1/60. Note the static objects are fine,
 but the moving prople are blurred. And they just happened to move a
 bit as I tripped the shutter. The flash was bounced off the cathedral
Slow flash sync ~always~ calls for panning with the moving object, releasing 
the shutter in the process, meanwhile blurring the background.

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2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 10:16:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Some folks do indeed die due to stupidity. 

JFK ordering the bubble top to be removed being one such act.

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2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 10:21:40 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 The impact is just the injury event, 
And (along with no seatbelt) what killed her. Everything else is part of the 
investigation. You'r talking of the extenuating circumstances leading up to 
the crash.
As an investigator coming upon the scene, I would have called in my location. 
I would then look in the car to determine if there were survivors (or not). 
Then I'd call for rescue and ambulance(s) then called in a brief summary of 
what I had observed. 

(As a former part-time forensic photographer, having arrived, I would have 
begun to photograph the evidence/scene. What I shot is what I saw. My report 
thus becomes part of the larger investigation. Any specualtion on my part 
about what happended would be superfluous and unprofessional). 
My photogrpahs would have revealed that an automobile, (allegedely traveling 
at a high rate of speed; thought nice to know, such information  has no 
bearing on what a forensic photograher does), entered an underpass at a hgigh 
rate of speed. The construction of the underpass (townward sloping ramp that 
ended rather abruptly in flat pavement) was such that the car bottomed out, 
bounced viollently-ecoming became airborne, fell back to ground. Careening 
along along out of control, the vehicle then smashed into the stancion, 
coming to a rest there. 
There were four persons in the vehicle, one person was still breathing. the 
other occupants appeared to be dead or comatose.
As I walked away form the scene, retrieving and storing exposed film, I would 
know one thing with a certainty carved in stone: the automobile hit the 
The resulting impact seriuosly hurt one passenger, and caused extensive 
trauma to the other three.

Summary? A car hit a stanchion and the people inside were [hurt] or [killed]. 
The lone survivor was the only passneger wearing a seat belt.  

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Re: flash stuff

2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 11:45:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The formula is get out my Sekonic and check.  I'd bet a dozen 
 doughnuts that my exposure will be more accurate than yours, unless you 
 remembered your tape measure.
 Seriously, you'd go to a professional gig with no meter?  Or is that 
 broken too?
Aaron, three things really tick me off: cold coffee, wet toilet paper and a 
wise *ss like you. 
That said, you misaddressed the first post then totally ignored the content 
of the second. The topic was manual flash, not flash meters or even flash 
meter accuracy. 
Can we say: Manual flash?
Since you've brought your own foul brand of vitriol to the discussion then 
descended into your 'obnoxious' act, I'll sign off this topic. 

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Re: HELP: my MZ-5 thinks 1/60th is a great flash sync speed!

2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 11:46:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
 On Sun, 2 Dec 2001 10:49:46 EST, mafud wrote:
 Slow flash sync ~always~ calls for panning with the moving object, 
 the shutter in the process, meanwhile blurring the background.
 Panning helps with slow flash sync, if one judges the speed and
 direction correctly, just as you say above,  but only if the subject
 is moving in a known direction, and only if you know in advance that
 the subject is moving, and only if one pans the lens closely in line
 with the subject movement.

John, ~any~ serious photographer, and I'd include the entire PDML list, knows 
you're correct. That being something we might agree on, the human brain and a 
little experience calculates all your given parameters in milliseconds and 
makes the decisions you (we) need to make the photo. Shotgunners, bowlers and 
other endeavors which demand hand-eye coordination and instinctive targeting 
call it follow through. 

 Panning using slow flash sync is not much help if multiple subjects
 are moving in different directions, or, if one does not know in
 advance that the subject(s) are going to move, or, heaven forbid, if
 one does not want to blur the background.

Again you're correct, given your conditions. But I say the experienced 
shooter, knowing who and what s/he wants to be or ~is~ the main subject, will 
~not~ be confused by all the extemporaneous movement. 

 Slow flash sync is best for static or very slowly moving objects.
 Panning could help keep a portion of the frame in focus under certain
 A more reliable and permanent solution to image blur caused by slow
 flash sync is a faster flash sync rate.

But... but slow sync is most often ~only~ used on static subjects, the main 
reason for using the technique being to allow for ambient exposures. But 
panning is a learned technique which every competent shooter should practice.
***We know that (most) PENTAX cameras, with the exception of the PZ class, 
all four of whom have 1/250th flash sync, have flash syncs of 1/125th or 
As I remember, high speed flash sync was instituted by and for the pro 
camera genre even before the advent of ISO 400, 640 and 800 speed films, the 
combination of which, with fast, f/2.8 or better pro lenses, did not easily 
accommodate outdoor slow sync. Fast lenses and fast film forces the shooter 
to close down their apertures, sometimes to f/22 or smaller, meaning getting 
bokeh in a shot impossible, especially for wildlife. 
LX owners often decry their atrociously slow LX flash sync, but for 
different reasons.
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Re: Smoking Killed George Harrison

2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 1:19:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 It's a good opportunity to talk to your kids yet again about smoking.

Right on Mike!
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2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 2:03:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 The official investigation by the French government concluded that his life
 was saved by the passenger-side airbag.

And because he was held stationary by his seat belt.
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Re: The New French Anti-Photography Law

2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 4:02:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Very thoughtful comments, Bob.
 In regard to your last paragraph, the fact such a law would clearly violate
 the constitutional freedom of the press. And, because the press has lots of
 money to fight it. One would think that any such legislation would quickly
 be overturned.
I think Bush, the FBI Director and the Homeland Defense Minister-err, 
Secretary, might have something to say about what and which of the freedoms 
we Americans take pride in go next.
What with all the public freedoms they are temporarily whisking under the 
carpet and have unconstitutionally subsumed already until this war is over, 
photojournalists and freedom of the press might very well be next.

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Re: flash stuff

2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 8:49:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 basicly Well what would you do without your fancy gear? You'd be lost
 because you aren't a real photographer... At least that's how it seemed to
 me, and apearently I'm not the only one...
You're wrong. I never said or hinted at what you infer here. I did not, or 
have not inferred such. I ~did~ insist we talk about manual flash instead of 
the what ifs put forth to fend off answering my question regarding manual 

Too many times, and your response here adds to the observation, someone 
gratuitously chimes into something that does not involve them. As my remarks 
were not addressed to you, you might have simply observed where the 
conversation was headed. 
Again, just because I'm opinionated, does not, at the same time, mean I can't 
be corrected. Had you yourself wanted to add to the manual flash tangent 
the thread had taken, instead of attempting to upbraid me, we might have 
moved on to something else. But you insisted...

And I'll say it again: knowing manual flash photography can get you out of 
trouble when your TTL or automatic flashes fail. That is what you needed to 
dispute. Moreover, there are times when TTL or automatic flash will not 
produce the desired results where manual flash will. 
Over dependence on TTL or automatic flash has meant lousy results for too 
many. Not being able to shoot manual flash means that too many times, 
otherwise competent photographers have to pass up shots, especially in early 
morning and late evening.   

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Re: kodak photoguide

2001-12-02 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 9:04:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 At 13:15 2-12-2001 -0500, you wrote:
 Subject: Re: shooting holiday lights
   Thanks for the tip! I picked up a copy in Chapters yesterday. It's a 
   little book.
 Hey Wendy!
 What size is the book now? Before it was this tiny 3 x 4.5 thing that
 slipped into any crack, or pocket/purse/camera bag. Have they enlarged it 
 the size someone could sell it? and does it still fit in small places?
 It's a 4x5 spiral bound, card covered book. So pretty small.
 They have, however, packaged it in a removable card outer cover approx 
 8x10 so it looks like you're getting twice as much book for your money.
 Dinky little book with lots of tables and dials and the peculiar use of the 
 words backlighted and frontlighted.
 Oh, and you have to know what feet and inches are, of course.
That's a shame. A perfectly good advice manual, once in the hands of Pixel 
Press, becomes a dinky kind of shelf book, too large to slip in a shirt 
I believe when KODAK first published it, they intended for it to travel with 
you, taking up as little space as possible, but still affording you the quick 
refrence data you needed. 



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Re: flash stuff

2001-12-01 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/1/01 1:55:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
 This is pretty far-fetched.  What if your much-vaunted K1000 breaks down,
 leaving you with access to only a pinhole camera and flashlight?  Should
 you really have to be prepared for all possibilities?  Personally, I'd
 rather carry a spare TTL flash.  :)
I carry all types of flashes with me. Since assignments won't be dragging 
me all over the place anymore, I get to choose. As noted, I shoot portraiture 
most times now and the strategically placed adjustable flash adding pops of 
manual flash will do when all the TTL flashes in the world won't. But then, 
that comes from my being comfortable and competent with manual flash. 

But I repeat the question: how would ~you~ handle the situation I proposed? 
What's the formula to get a properly exposed shot with a broken 283 and a 
K1000, subject distance 11.5 feet? 

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Re: shooting holiday lights

2001-12-01 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/1/01 7:11:15 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Tom.Can you get this book from Kodak,or would most
 bigger camera stores supply them.

They are rare now. (Back in the days), most serious photo store and labs 
kept them around. Whether they are available from your local pro lab or 
store or even KODAK is questionable. They were a freebie pass-out from KODAK 
to dealers (which means a lot of chintzy small dealers and pro shops were too 
cheap to pay for the shipping). 

Try your larger labs or pro shops for copies. Or go on-line to KODAK and 
search KODAK publications.  

Great, GREAT little (free) book. 
(and no, you can't have mine) 

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Re: flash stuff

2001-12-01 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/1/01 11:34:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Well, now we have wireless P-TTL that can fire one or more flashes 
 strategically located and utilize TTL.  

The assumption being everyone (who can afford it) will own a P-TTL 
camera/flash. I only engage in this exercise about flash to see what people 
are doing and shooting. 
Remember, PDML or any camera list members may own 4-5 flashes of various 
types while our friend Joe (Six-pack) doesn't own any, unless we count the 
tiny built-in pip-squeak on his PS.

As for (manual) studio flash: I'd venture that without their light meters, 
most studio shooters don't know diddly about shooting manual flash, which is, 
of course, what they do, but with light and color meters.

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Re: Re[2]: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-12-01 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/1/01 2:06:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The seatbelt would have not made any difference, IMHO.
Of course it mattered. The bodyguard sitting in front of her was wearing a 
seat-belt. Though he suffered grievous injuries about the head, chest and 
face, he is alive and working at his craft. 
Wearing a seat belt, Di might have only suffered bruising and to a lesser 
degree than the bodyguard. 
Without a seat belt, her 110 pound body became an 85mph missile slamming into 
an immovable object. Someone more brilliant that me should do the math but 
that much soft tissue hitting a stationary object at 85mph had to be 
generating tons of force on impact. 
Death was instantaneous and guaranteed.

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Re: shooting holiday lights

2001-12-01 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/1/01 8:30:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Tom Rittenhouse wrote:
  Dave, any bookstore should be able to get it for you. I got my current 
  from a local camera store.
  It is called:
  Kodak Pocket Photoguide. fourth edition. 2001.
  Publication AR-21.
  ISBN 0-07985-807-9
  $14.95 US
  $21.95 Can

I'm wondering when the guide went on sale. Through 1997, it was a part of the 
literature my KODAK freely dealer passed out?   

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Re: flash stuff

2001-12-01 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/2/01 12:02:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Well, I know all about guide numbers, but what happens if the battery in my
 calculator goes dead?

It would be just your luck your pen ran out of ink right about then or your 
pencil broke or the only paper around was wet or there was no wet sand around 
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2001-12-01 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 12/1/01 10:59:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 It was guaranteed, but it wasn't instantaneous. She was talking to some of
 her rescuers and was still alive when she reached the hospital. There was
 just nothing that could be done, is all. So you might say she was doomed to
 die from the moment of impact.

Sorry Mike, she never talked to anyone. More urban rumors. We've all heard 
she asked about her children or talked to the ambulance attendants or said: 
tell me-mums I love her... 
Didn't happen. She died on impact, arteries torn from her heart. She was 
~not~ alive as people tried to get her out. The only one alive (or concious) 
was the bodyguard; driver, Dodi and Di, all dead. 

What the Paparzzi did (or not) had nothing to do with her death. She died 
only because she hit the back of the front seat at 85mph.

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Re: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/29/01 10:00:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Greetings from Portland everyone...
 The recent discussion about Robert Payne's Arrest photo started me
 thinking about the legal implications of street photography. Are there
 locations and/or subjects that are just off-limits to uninvited 

The generally accepted term literally meaning in the streets, most times a 
public event (arrests, fights, celebrities and the like) are fair game. If 
the photographer is suspected of observing a crime, s/he might be asked to 
surrender their film (to be receipted and returned). In matters of national 
security, (or some such declared emergency), a photographer is often asked to 
give up their film (no return). 
~ANY~ commissioned officer can ask any civilian, (as opposed to a working 
PJ/journalist) for their film (to be returned).

Recent events since September 11 has seen such a tightening of security 
that the places I once took for granted as being safe to shoot, may not be 
*I've noted before that I generally didn't point my camera at any police for 
any reason, especially when overseas, where the even vaunted power (and 
privileges) of the press usually don't mean diddly. 

The photo in question seems to have been taken by a non-zoom lens, maybe 35 
to 50mm prime lens (because the interest, though at the center of the photo, 
was not clearly defined). 
**I don't remember if the photographer noted what lens he used.

 something they shouldn't have? I welcome comments, stories, whatever...

Yup; in Haiti, The Sudan, South Africa, Utah, New York, Philadelphia, 
Thailand, a NATO base in The Netherlands, Vietnam...
*After refusing to turn over my film, me and my film (and gear) have been 
bodily encouraged to accompany police to a police lab where the film was 
developed, printed, surveilled and returned. 
Overseas, the problem is you simply don't know who the particulars are in 
any photo. You may have captured an illegal transaction, or government spy 
or criminal in your lens. One can scream I'm an (pick one) citizen, 
I have my rights all you damn well pleased, but if they (police or 
security or gangsters) ~really~ want it, they'll have your film (and you).
***There are corporate campuses where you ought not be seen with a camera.
We learned from the OJ mess that it is legal (in the US at least) to 
shoot from ~public~ property onto private or government holdings without fear 
of recriminations. 
(Better not try that around US Air Force bases or any military facilities 

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Re: Censorship-not,

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 4:07:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Mike is perfectly right.


 BTW  This has nothing to do with censorship but acting like a grown up.


 The problem with that Mike, is that those kind of responses very quickly
 turn any list into hell.


 the list to something other than the list I
 subscribed to and love, go ahead. It will just no longer be a list where I
 want to hang out.
Pål, I don't recall you or anyone coming to my defense when PDML members
attacked ~me~ in ~on-topic~ posts. Day after weary day the attacks went on
and... silence from the PDML or, when someone got p*ssed, the complainant
complained about ~me~ defending myself.
Already since I've been back, a number of PDML members have tried mightily to
start a flame war with me. NOT ONE PDML member, including yourself, said one
#%## W@ $%$##$ word to the provocateurs.

But now you guys want to complain about what has been not even a flame war
but an OT thread gone a little awry? Surely we must have order, but the
complaints on this thread are disingenuous if not supercilious when you and
others practice double standards.
**When ~topical~ threads drone on and on, the postings wandering far afield,
never even tangentially related to the thread heading, why isn't there a
whoa called for them?

OTs die of their own inertia and as has been suggested, ignore the thread.

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Re: flash stuff

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 2:00:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 You guys should really try TTL flash, or better yet P-TTL if you have 
 the new FA360FGZ and MZ-S. It really makes your approach redundant. 
 Even with  my AF280T and plain old TTL I find well balanced exposures. 
 If I have some highly reflective foreground, I use bounce to even out 
 the light;  try that with manual calculations.
 Cheers,  Mike.
Hey Mike!
You forgot your camera and there is a function you could shoot but you only 
have access to a 283 with a broken sensor and a K1000, meaning raw manual 
flash shooting if you hope to get any photos at all. And since the 283 does 
not have a distance scale, what are ~you~ going to do? We know me and Bill 
can get along just fine but what are ~you~ going to do without at least a 
rudimentary background in shooting manual flash?
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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 4:26:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 What's a MOBO?  What's a P1V and a Dragon ATX?

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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 4:26:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 What's a MOBO?

  What's a P1V and a Dragon ATX?

PlV = Pentium 4, Dragon ATX are both high performance Motherboards. You can 
buy either w/processors for under $300. 
**Add a 400 watt case ($80) and RAM and you could be running a 1.4 GIG 
scream-machine for under $450.
You'd load your OS and a new HDD (hard disk drive), then reload all your 
programs, about two days work part-time. Of course I recommend partitioning 
your drives (old or new) first then load the OS. 

*The new Pentium 4 motherboards run at a bus speed of 400, the ATXs at up to 

**A SYK7ADA ATX Socket A Motherboard w/1.4 GIG Athlon processor, bus speed up 
to 266, sells for $260. It takes 3GB of DDR RAM. 
A 4-port Firewire card for the computer is $60. 

Of course there are other more expensive or cheaper MOBO/processor 
combinations than what I suggest above, any real, serious upgrade ~starts~ 
with a new Motherboard/processor. 
**And while some RAM is inexpensive as in $24 for 256MB of SDRAM 
(PC100/133, 168 pin), some RAM, like 256MB of DDR RAM costs $60. 

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Re: why EI-2000 is total CRAP, UNUSABLE for anything but strong daylight!

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 8:06:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Mafud,  it seems it just depends on what the photographer
 photographs... if I shot studio-like shots, I would do manual flash of
 course. Since I don't, I almsot don't do manual flash. I am glad there
 is one less variable I have to think about...
 Yah, I still shoot available light portraiture, usually with the AF400T 
on a tripod, set at from 1/25 to 1/16 power to brighten shadows and give that 
desirable catchlight in the subject's eyes.

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Re: Flash

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 8:21:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 (but won't I feel like I'm cheating?!)
Not if you remember that every once in a while, you ought to dance with the 
one that brung you (manual flash)!

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Re: AF360FTZ - First Impressions

2001-11-29 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/28/01 11:05:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 I too wondered about the lack of the swivel head and the vertical grip.  I 
 hope to do some test shots in the next couple of days.
 OK, I know this is subjective, but how many times does the ~AVERAGE~ 
photographer swivel their flash head? Not talking about we serious 
hobbyists mind you, but average photographers.
*For that matter, what percentage of people, in this world of one-use and P
Shoot cameras w/built-in flashes, even ~own~ a stand alone flash?

Scene: a Botanica. A man is shooting flowers with what was the first PENTAX 
Program Plus another PENTAX owner had ever seen. After introducing himself, 
the now curious photographer asks:
Q: Hey mister, did you get a flash for that fancy camera of yours?
A: Duh-yeah, but I don't know how to operate the darn thing.
Q: The flash?
A: No, the camera.
Q: Where's the flash, you could sure use it on those flowers in the shade?
A: Still packed in the box it came in.
Q: Wanna sell it?
A: Uh-uh...yeah, I don't use much you offering?
Q: What is it?
A: Umm, a 280 something.
Q: Like a 280T?
A: Yeah, I think so.
Q: I'm a little strapped now said the curious photographer, (in that era 
before ATMs); Would $30 do?
A: Nope, I'll have to mail it and that costs money.
Q: Curious photographer asks: 
Q: $35?
A: OK.

11 days later, me, the curious photographer, opened up the box holding the 
first AF280T I'd even seen**.
**Ill-gotten gains are never enjoyed: I walked off from a flight bag holding 
the 280 in the Philadelphia airport. By the time I got back to where the bag 
had been... DRAT!!

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Re: why EI-2000 is total CRAP, UNUSABLE for anything but strong daylight!

2001-11-29 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/28/01 11:05:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 That does suck. Is there an option on the camera to lock the aperture?  The 
 CP990 has a variable aperture, but there's an option to lock it so it 
 simulates a constant aperture zoom.  The Pz-1p has the same ability with 
 variable zooms.

While I agree, no serious photographer should own or use a non-dedicated 
flash with variable aperture zooms. 
**a dedicated flash sets the aperture per the film speed. 
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Re: what I think of current digital cameras

2001-11-28 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/28/01 12:08:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

  lot tougher to take good pictures with a 6x7 than with a 35mm. That's why
  the vast majority of us use 35mm.
 I wonder why that would be the case.  Are you saying it's because they're
 not as spontaneous?  I can see that would be true depending on the subject
 matter.  Please explain more.

With the right finder/lens combination, my 67ll was as fast to point as any 
But shooting 6x7 for the most part is a contemplative endeavor, with no need 
to hurry, unless one is trying to capture a gorgeous setting sun.

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Re: When good enough ain't: was Re: what I think of current digital cameras

2001-11-28 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/28/01 12:13:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 But it can hardly be used to selectively focus on one subject, with a 
 blurred background.  It has strengths, it has weaknesses, just like any 
 other format.  But the basic quality of the images is every bit comparable 
 to the best scan I can get using a 2820 dpi scanner and 35mm film.

I find one thing that is a constant feature with quality taking (making?) 
instruments: as you point out, a camera with which the shooter cannot blur 
the background is no more than a sophisticated point and shoot*ps*.
*ps*Again, for ~me~, an $800 PS (yep, they make such a beast) which won't 
let me move the aperture, defeats the purpose of my making photos.   
***a movable aperture make the difference in all formats.

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Firewire scanner?

2001-11-28 Thread SudaMafud

I decided in favor of USB2 and Firewire for my next round of peripherals, 
including a new scanner. 

Which Firewire scanner though?

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Not to beat a dead horse...

2001-11-27 Thread SudaMafud

I wonder:
What with a real, not imagined US (soon to be World-Wide) recession out 
there, and with Joe Six-packs wanting to guard their disposable resources 
more carefully, sales of what electronics will be affected most: 

1. Wide screen TVs?
2. $899 1 GIG computers?
3. $500 digital cameras?
4. $50 PSs?

Will the PC and digital camera industries ever recover from the coming slump? 

Besides HP, which PC maker(s) will get wiped out in the recession?

Besides HP and Polaroid, which digital camera companies will ~not~ survive 
the economic downturn? 

Will EarthLink survive?

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Re: Street Photography ?

2001-11-27 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/27/01 10:51:51 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
 I did a little cropping a put the results here to demonstrate
 how getting in closer can change the impact of a image.

Actually, that is why PJs carry Xmm to 200/210mm f/2.8 zooms and shooting ISO 
800+ film.
(and any PJ worth their salt would have made that very same shot but in 
their viewfinder.  :))


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Re: Street Photography ?

2001-11-27 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/27/01 11:23:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 The impact of the photograph is definitely changed by the crop - it's 

The cropped photo stands alone, without a caption. Any PJ worth his/her salt 
captions his photos. I understand the shooter was ~not~ a PJ and besides, the 
shooter only did what any good photo editor (me) would have done: ruthlessly 
crop the original photo until there was a story which could be told with that 
small, missing  caption. 
Q: how do you carve an Elephant out of a big block of stone?
A. you keep carving until an Elephant appears! 

Q: how do you edit a photo so it tells a story?
A: you keep cropping... 

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Re: My Perfect Camera

2001-11-26 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/26/01 5:39:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Well, how many megapixels?

I don't know. Just for the record, how many megapixels are there in a 24x36 
film frame? More than in an APS sized digital? 

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Re: Film for ballet performance

2001-11-26 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/26/01 5:52:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Ballet can be a difficult subject forphotography, I rate it alongside 
 Rock'n'Roll photography for degree of difficulty.

Ballet takes at least a 180-200mm lens to isolate the performers from their 
background. Same for Rock and roll.

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Re: My Perfect Camera

2001-11-26 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/26/01 6:10:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Re: Anything left out? Yes - autofocus capability. Sometimes my 67 
 eyes need it.

What Ed M said
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Re: What Zoom?

2001-11-26 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/26/01 6:23:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Tokina AT-X 90mm 2.5 macro.

Do they make it in PENTAX autofocus?
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Re: New Position (semi-OT)

2001-11-26 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/26/01 9:10:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Hello all,
 Just wanted to let you all know that I got the photography editor's
 position at a small local daily paper... I'm sooo excited! This post is
 only semi-OT because I use all Pentax equipment. W H!!!
So now you'll get to do the dirty part of the PJ field: what to publish 
when you only have one spot for the lead story. You'll also become a 
dragon, easily tearing though spools of exposed film, picking not the 
best photo(s), but the ones which, along with a good caption (written by 
the PJ), tell the story.

And congratulations!

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Re: what I think of current digital cameras

2001-11-25 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/25/01 3:45:51 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 One hindrance slowing digital down, is that it's closely associated with
 computers.  Not everyone wants or cares about them.

Precisely my point.

 high percentage of people who buy digital cameras, 
 also have computers.  The rest, also a significant number, don't care and 
 will continue using film cameras.


 hink it's only a matter of time before digital imaging becomes  the rule,
 as opposed to the new-fangled exception.

I would add, as you proposed above, for those who have computers. At what 
point computers stop their penetration into the American home is not known, 
but the saturation point is near, with a huge percentage of new computers 
being replacements as opposed to being bought by those who don't already own 
at least one computer***. 
***I own four computers: 3 dead and 1 (this one) working.
As the sales of new owner PCs steadily decline, fewer and fewer devices 
used by computers will be sold. 

One thing forgotten in the debate is most PDML members are well educated, 
with steady, good paying jobs and with a good degree of disposable income, a 
factor always considered when buying a computer. But PDML members probably 
represent PC/MAC owners more than they represent average or lower middle 
class Americans, the Joe Six-packs. 
As a class, PDML members have monies to indulge many of their whims, hobby 
photography, the Internet and digital imaging being a few. But it is 
outrageous for the few of us to believe we somehow know how non-computer, 
non-digital camera owners feel or will do in the future. In this debate, we 
have imperiously superimposed our own various indulgences on the American 
public, the vast majority of whom do ~not~ own computers or digital anything. 
As America's massive layoffs continue, even fewer PCs/digital 
cameras/handheld devices will be sold. 
**America's youth, formerly the prime candidates for new desk/laptops, have 
chosen instead to go handheld wireless, with no or limited need for a 
computer for their basic communications, including Email, note taking, 
class/date/test scheduling, all tasks previously done with computers now 
being performed by wireless devices. *Some handheld wireless devices have 
digital imaging add-ons.
Even there, it is a matter of economics and the availability of repeaters for 
wireless devices. As long as computers require electricity and ISPs who 
demand more and more of people's disposable dollars** for their services, 
computers will penetrate so far and no more.  
*A $899 1 GIG computer is no bargain for the indigent family. There are 
growing concerns among American educators who see their poorer students using 
computers at school but are students who do not have access to computers at 
home for whatever reason.
As the story goes: Aye, there's the rub. 
**I pay $7.99 a month for my ATT ISP/long distance service, nearly 
one-hundred dollars a year that many of our poor simply don't have. There's a 
catch there also. You need phone service to a known (fixed) street address to 
have an ISP. Too many Americans still don't have regular telephone service.
 I'm STILL going to go down, belly on the ground, pounding my fists and
 kicking my feet.
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When good enough ain't: was Re: what I think of current digital cameras

2001-11-25 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/25/01 8:43:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Don't sit around and dismiss it because it's not like the old tools you have 
 at hand.
One of the first things I learned back in 1982 when I was first introduced to 
writing code for computers was the phrase:
GI=GO (garbage in equals garbage out). Not that digital is garbage, at 
least not my own device(s), but when making a print from small format digital 
files, small format digital simply does not input as much raw data as film. 

Scanning a negative or slide, (and realizing most under $10,000 printers 
can't begin to utilize ~all~ the inputted small format film data), gives you 
an embarrassment of riches datawise. Not so with small format digital.

Perhaps then, digital devotees ought to simply note that, beside using a 
Polaroid, small format digital is another quick and easy way of making 
images, rather than Digital's supporters seeing (promoting) small format 
digital as a direct competitor to small format (35mm) film, which it most 
certainly isn't. 
***Current and future small format digital cameras hold the same unenviable 
position to 35mm film as small format film does to medium format film. More 
raw data makes better, denser prints. Scan small format digital images by 
whatever method or machine you choose, then drum scan 35mm negatives or 
slides and film wins hands down. Further, digitize a small format film drum 
scan, then output it digitally and the comparisons weigh even more heavily in 
favor of film.

You can make any comparisons you want, as long as you realize you won't 
(can't) achieve near the same data input from small format digital what you 
get from 35mm film, the exact same discussion steadily raging between medium 
Vs. small format film supporters.   

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Re: Famous Last Words

2001-11-24 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/24/01 9:41:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 In the same time period, film photography will have
 changed little.
 Absolutely right. And a sobering thought.

We actually have no real notion of where film photography will be in 3 or 5 
or 10 years. Who would have thought (dared hope) that most modern ISO 400 
film would seriously challenge the older ISO 100 films?  Or that some ISO 
1600 films produce nearly the same images grainwise many ISO 400 films did 
just three years ago? 
Film actually doesn't have to advance very much to stay way ahead of ~small 
format~ digital.   
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Re: Digital cameras are FREE

2001-11-22 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/22/01 10:40:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Most of the big catalog guys in Toronto have moved to digital.  Even the 
 smaller studios are considering it.
Yes. I expect that given the rapid advance in technology, meduim format will 
be all digital in the next 2-3 years. 

But are you saying even fashion is being shot with MF digital? 

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Re: Re[2]: Digital cameras are FREE

2001-11-22 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/22/01 2:56:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 I'd guess that you could count the number of computers, etc., in private 
 hands in Ethiopia in the low thousands, in a total population of about 60 
 We may never learn the true extent that computers have penetrated Ethiopia. 
 But the low thousands surely can't be correct in that the nation has 
 electricity, but not near the degree of America. I'm reminded that 
 electricity is all over Europe, but outdoor toilets still prevail in some 
 areas. Some areas of western Europe have more private telephones than 
 indoor toilets. So electricity is not the benchmark to measure 

Most of the country doesn't have electricity to run these things. Most of 
the people 
 couldn't afford batteries even if they were available.

Again, you must not have traveled in the small metro areas I've been in.

Bear in mind that the average family income in these countries is less than 
US$ 100-
 per year.

I'm not going to get into a p*issing match here, but your figures are far too 
low and border on the ludicrous.

Maybe we travel to different countries. Poor does not indicate Destitute, 
though some countries in eastern Europe qualify for the title, as well as a 
nation like Ethiopia. My remark was not intended to explain poverty. I made 
the original remark in context with being able to view pictures in those 
countries without a vast network of electricity. Eastern Europe come easily 
to mind. 
More succinctly: you need electricity to use a computer or view images on it. 
To view photographs, one only needs ~light~. 

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Re: Re[2]: Digital cameras are FREE

2001-11-22 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/22/01 3:06:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Harlem is a poor country.

A cutting, vulgar reference Robb, and unforgivable.
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Re: Depreciation of assets

2001-11-22 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/22/01 3:19:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 The entire depreciation arguement is a straw man.

By what you said in your post Robb, you seem not to have grasped the finer 
points of business depreciation of capital equipment. 
Or you're exaggerating. 
When any business gets 100% amortized deductions for equipment purchases or 
the cost of doing business, the equipment does not cost you or your 
business one thin dime, not even for the maintenance of said equipment.

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Re: Re[2]: Digital cameras are FREE

2001-11-22 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/22/01 5:59:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 He meant Harlem, Saskatchewan.
 Tom C.

Am I the dunce, that I should believe you?

The goegraphical references were crystal clear to me Tom, choosing both 
Ethiopia and Harlem to relate to poverty.
My remarks stand.
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Re: Depreciation of assets

2001-11-22 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/22/01 6:24:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Deductions are not 100% money-in-the-pocket.  It depends on your tax 
 100% amortized for a person in a 28% tax bracket means only that you have 
 recouped $280 on the $1,000 you have spent, so you are still out of pocket 
 by $720.
 Work out the math.

IN THE UNITED STATES, if you pay $1,000 for an item used ~in your business~, 
you have two ways to amortize the cost: regular or accelerated depreciation. 
Either way, you bought $1,000 worth of business equipment and can (IRS says 
you must) depreciate the total cost, plus the cost of maintenance on the 
equipment, choosing the standard which best fits into the accounting methods 
you first chose when you started your business.  
As for taxes: corporations don't have IRS tax brackets, only individuals.
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Re: Digital cameras are FREE

2001-11-22 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/22/01 8:20:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Had you qualified your remark I may have let it stand, but as stated, it
 is flat out wrong.
I spend as much as six weeks a ~year~ (April, October) in the environs of the 
Department Du Nord (Milo, Lambert and the northern capitol, Cap Haitien), [a 
short commute on Tiger Air from Ft. Lauderdale] Haiti, the poorest country 
in the Western Hemisphere by most accounts, with occasional forays into the 
Dominican Republic (same island: Hispaniola) and Cuba. 
Milo, where my Uncle lives, has municipal electricity only about six hours a 
day (he has his own HONDA generators).
Does that qualify me? 

And Shel, you (nor Robb) will get no more point for point, parsing minutiae 
responses from me. 
The topic here is (was) ~not~ Mafud, as you and Robb seem to want to make it. 
Stick to the topic (or moment) of discussion.
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Re: Why is Kodak Gold Max evil?

2001-11-22 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/22/01 11:51:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 See now, if you printed digitally, you could remove those casts
 easily... (ducking for cover...)
I do print digitals on occasion. But doing an 11x14 portrait digitally is 
beyond my capabilities. And nope, even with smaller digital prints, you only 
trade one tone/cast for another, never getting what you want (referencing 
~only~ Black skin and purple-brown shadows in FUJI films). 

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Re: Why is Kodak Gold Max evil?

2001-11-21 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/20/01 8:12:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
 Do you think, perhaps, that it's KODAK's game you are playing?  I say this
 in half-jest, half-seriousness.

Any professional, in any field, will be known for many attributes, one of 
them is consistency. Another is repeatability. Can you (anyone) reproduce the 
same level of excellence consistently?
KODAK is still in consumer film only because FUJI came along. They have 
stayed because of ego. 
**No one  ~today~, especially people to young to have lived in a world 
without FUJI, ever wonder how FUJI, a rank upstart in the business, 
shouldered their way to if not the top, to parity. 

Surely not with shoddy products. How then, did FUJI become so well known so 
quickly? The same way Japanese products, especially automobiles, took over so 
many markets. Not with shoddy products but with government subsidies.
FUJI, like other Japanese firms, made its decision to enter the US market as 
a Niche film.
FUJI has succeeded in almost every attempt.  The operative word for nearly 
all Japanese penetration of world markets being niche.

Once a year, when the entire KODAK imaging catalog is released, I am 
thunderstruck by the depth and breadth of KODAK's photographic film 
offerings. From tiny consumer APS to giant ~sheets~ of special order film. 
KODAK offers ~every~ imaginable film product while upstart FUJI has just 
begun to penetrate medium and large format film.

My point? KODAK, giant that it is, sometimes slips ~behind~ the curve. As I 
remarked before, KODAK doesn't need to be in consumer film to make it, 
bolstered by it vast array of films that address every known use for film and 
film products.
 Do you think that KODAK knows they are the largest, greatest brand
 recognition, most heavily advertised film mfr. in the world?

For consumer film, yes.

 Do you think that KODAK would release a shoddy KODAK product knowingly, 
 or on accident?

Maybe both.

 Do you think it's because they view customer loyalty more as an asset, or
 something to be taken advantage of?

The cynicism that permeates the US today adds mightily to our difficulties at 
communications. Really, your question, worded as so many questions are today, 
makes the correspondent judge and jury in that your question is meanly, 
intentionally  rhetorical: 
either way I answer, I seem like I 1. Agree that KODAK has mindless followers 
or 2. that KODAK is a mindless corporate machine that does and intends to, 
dupe the world. Cynicism playing its dastardly part again. Ugly question. 
Ask me what I think of KODAK, flat out, without the rhetorical mine field you 
laid out.

 I'm not arguing whether KODAK produces ANY good products.  I'm just saying
 we shouldn't believe it just because KODAK says it.

Don't like the way KODAK does business? Don't use their products. And what 
does KODAK say about their products you ~SHOULD NOT~ believe?

 POP Photography just because they say it and because 
 KODAK advertises in it.

There's that cynicism again.  I read Readers Digest faithfully. That Reader's 
Digest represents America the beautiful conservative Christian style, does 
not turn me off. Month after month, RD produces article and features 
(increase your word power!) being one of my favorites. I don't believe or 
hold to 98% of what RD publishes. I have a choice: read it or not. Same with 
KODAK, use it or not. 

I mentioned consistency and the ability to consistently reproduce your works. 
KODAK, over the years, has provided my the means to be that kind of 
professional, consistently turning out quality products. 
I stay out of consumer film talk in that I don't use consumer film. 
Occasionally, film talk here turns to professional emulsions. I strongly 
comment on the products that, like the lady says at the dance: I gotta dance 
with the one that brung me (to the party) and that is KODAK.

FOR MY PURPOSES, shooting people of color requires emulsions which faithfully 
reproduce the underlying skin tones of my clients, the vast majority of whom 
are people of (all) color. 
In two words: FUJI sucks at that job. Repeat: FUJI sucks at that.
there is no professional photographer who bemoans the passing of the 
EKTAPRESS emulsions. As you will soon see in my EKTAPRESS GALLERY, EKTAPRESS 
utterly nailed people of color. 

FUJI lead the charge into saturated emulsions and KODAK stupidly followed. 
I know you know this already, but here goes anyway: I personally don't know 
of any (ANY) FUJI emulsion which can faithfully reproduce the skin tones of 
people of color. FUJI, and now KODAK emulsions, are all formulated to give 
even bone white complexions a glow, if not an outright tan. 
FUJI's film offerings have surrendered color fidelity in (consumer) film for 
color saturation. THAT SUCKS. 

KODAK, with their PORTRA and SUPRA offering, tried to fit those films in the 
niche where EKTAPRESS once lead but failed in that all of them saturate 

Re: Why is Kodak Gold Max evil?

2001-11-21 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/20/01 9:24:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Mafud, lets do try to keep it professional, shall

What ~are~ you referring to?
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Re: The true cost of free digital?

2001-11-21 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/20/01 11:17:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 ?  I think just about everything computer has turned to junk
 in the last few years, or atleast on the PC side of things.  But one thing
 is definently true about computers, you get what you pay for.  

Computers have to be custom built to get what you want. After fooling with a 
small computer maker for nearly six months (them telling me you're next for 
most of that time), I decided to build my own: Plll 1.2 GIG, 1.5 GIG RAM, 
266MHz, new 300 watt case and all for under $400. I then spent the next five 
days reinstalling the OS and other programs and another four days ducking 
blue screens of death. All's well that ends well. I'm up and running a 
machine I know inside out, and one that is performing flawlessly. 

DELL, HP; who dat?! 

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Re: Why Kodak Gold Max is evil?

2001-11-21 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/20/01 11:21:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 If I had access to the newer Supra/Portra 800
 I suspect I would find one or both of them more to my liking, tho.

Hey Bill!

I shoot a ~lot~ of PORTRA 800 (NC). Of course the next suggestion is get it 
from BH.

I've found PORTRA 800 to be the nearest thing to the old EKTAPRESS emulsions 
KODAK makes. It does have that mediu contrast EKTAPRESS was famous for.

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Re: Digital cameras are FREE

2001-11-21 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/21/01 4:29:40 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Now tell me I'm not running cheaper than you are. I think everything
 considered it's a _lot_ cheaper.
 P.S. To Mafud's earlier comment that I'm running through AA alkalines at a
 steady clip, no way. I have two sets of 1800mAh rechargeable AAs. The two
 sets with the charger cost about 50 bucks in initial investment. No more
 battery costs after that. I keep one set of Lithium replacement batteries in
 the camera bag for emergencies, but they came with the camera and I've never
 used them.
Mike, as long as you have to replace supplies and depreciate equipment, it is 
costing you any way you say it. Every time you use the item it loses value or 
I have no idea of what rechargeable batteries you use, but ~any~ rechargeable 
battery has a buy-in price equal to at least 12x the cost of regular 
batteries. And with use, your rechargeable batteries must be replaced. 
Aha, another free item which costs to buy and replace.

As for production: to depreciate a $49.99 PS 35mm camera, one only has to 
walk out the door and it loses 100% of its value, (unless you leave it in the 
box and never use it. In 50 years, the collectible value of the camera might 
reach $50). 
But that's all the depreciation involved in that device. Moreover, with care, 
and assuming film and batteries are available for it 20 years from now, it 
will still be useable. Thus, the  by now worthless camera is not only 
useable, but still producing photographs as it did 20 years ago. 
You dare not try to say the same for any part of your 
digi-taking-printing-storing setup.

As to long lived production: can we say Brownie?

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Re: Why Kodak Gold Max is evil?

2001-11-21 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/21/01 8:41:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Where?  Sheesh, they cost us $11.25 wholesale.

Four packs (three plus one free) cost $9US any Walmart.

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Re: Why is Kodak Gold Max evil?

2001-11-21 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/21/01 8:45:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 If you haven't shot it, Mafud, I think you really owe it to yourself to 
 try a roll of either NPS or NPH from Fuji.  They are gorgeous, smooth, 
 natural, low contrast negative films, with exceptionally tight grain for 
 their speeds.
But I have. Like most FUJI film, they still give brown to bluish to greenish 
shadows on people of color, especially dark skinned people. Worse, really 
dark skinned people take on a orangey-red undertone.  
It's that let's make sure all white people have a tan, or at least a glow 
fixation film makers use to please their majority white clientele. Not 
beating up on white people mind you, but telling it like it is. Whereas milky 
white skin was once prized, today it is the bronzed look, thin bodies and 
perfect ABS look that is prized. So film, in search of that goal, now 
produces perfectly blue skies and brilliant white clouds in the backgrounds, 
brilliant greens, fierce reds and ... orange to pink white people.
*Just an observation mind you, no slams or flames intended.
**FUJI is the most egregious violator of the way white and colored skin 
should really look. 

And don't let the mini-lab be one scintilla off in processing or those black 
backgrounds or they themselves turn brownish-blueish-yuck colored.   

***Remember, KODAK-AGFA et. al. also violate the skin fidelity theorem, but 
not to the degree FUJI does.

Grain: there are thousands of wedding and portrait artists who use KODAK PRO 
1000 just for that purpose, to give the Bride or subject that dreamy look, 
while at the same time, nailing her eyes. PRO 1000 has defined the look for 
years now, well before any maker, including KODAK, made fast film available.
***PORTRA 800 is easing itself into the fast film for wedding portrait 
photographer's bags of tricks too.
Shoot the Bride or subject with a 6x7, print either PORTRA 800 or PRO 
1000 on 20 x 24 matte paper. 
You get that painterly look that make checkbooks open...wide. 

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Re: Digital cameras are FREE

2001-11-21 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/21/01 9:06:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Unfortunately, AFAIK, this doesn't apply to amateurs

But hey, we all know that in the heart of every amateur beats the heart of a 
pro. :))

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Re: The true cost of free digital?

2001-11-21 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/21/01 9:07:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 He says that without much exception his major architectural clients are not 
 happy with the amount of info captured by 16 MP digital backs when a good 
 4x5 film plate can get more than 64 MP  when scanned if they want a digital 

When I speak about medium format digital, I mean (or meant to say) film to 
drum scanned medium format. I was astonished at the size of the files when I 
had my 6x7 negs scanned the first time. They eat up ZIP 250 disks.

Unless of course you are shooting in a field like PJ in 35mm format where a 
loss in info capture isn't important due to the media result it is used in.


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