Re: file server with linux

2002-03-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

It was my understanding that KeyLabs performed the follow up study and 
demonstrated Samba was slightly slower than NT.  Not surprising.  I 
wouldn't consider a system emulating something else to be just as fast 
or better when compared apples to apples.

If you really need fast file server manipulation then usually Novell 
NetWare servers outperform other platforms (been my experience at 
least).  NT is pretty decent for low end app servers (and if you are not 
worried about security).  UNIX for the power house apps.  You can't beat 
30 + years of experience.  Microsoft has done a fine job of trying to 
catch up but they still have much more work ahead of them before they 
are enterprise ready in my opinion.


>The original Mindcraft study did find some differences, but it was flawed.  
>A followup study did find Samba slower in the tested configuration. Both
>tests ran highly optimized dual processor configurations that perform
>better than 90% of the file servers in use.
>A test that ran with out-of-the-box configurations on single-processor
>machines found Samba much faster than NT when serving NT clients and
>comparable when serving Win9x clients.  Unless you are going to spend a lot
>of time and energy selecting the very best dual-processor hardware and
>optimizing and testing your configuration, then Samba is a very good

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: file server with linux

2002-03-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

I remember that report.  At first they wouldn't tell me when I called 
who paid for the tests.  It was only after a week of bitching how they 
screwed up their tests that I finally received the answer.

There were things they did in their detailed analysis that proves they 
boosted NT's default settings and limited Samba.  They did the same 
things a couple years back with NetWare 5.0.  For example in NetWare 
they turned off read ahead cache but boosted the tcp windows to around 
17k (default is around 8k I believe).

In short I don't put much stock in mindcraft when they intentionally do 
things like this.  Hell... I even went as far as to speak with a Novell 
Engineer about the settings.  Mindcraft was "claiming" they had received 
the settings from Novell itself.  I've been a Novell CNE much MUCH 
longer than I've been a UNIX Admin and can tell that they are soo full 
of crap it's unbelievable.  Look at KeyLabs Inc  for truely independant 
testing.  Sure they take money from companies like Novell and Microsoft 
however I used to work there years ago and they didn't try crap like this.


>Lewi wrote:
>>> I have a job to replace Netware to linux as linux server on my
>>> well, when I'm trying to search information in internet, I found that
>linux with samba is slower than NT
>>> try a look at:
>>> I know that the result maybe can't be compared today
>>> does anyone know anything about this, and what do u think?
>>> it is right to choose combination between linux and samba? any
>>> and maybe u can give me an url about information that related to my
>>> thank you
>>> --
>>> ichtus
>>> --
>>> Lewi Supranata .K
>>> ICQ: 50643061

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: [REDHAT] Re: file server with linux

2002-03-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

The gartner group says otherwise about Apache.  They recommended last 
year that people migrate from IIS to some OTHER web server product such 
as Apache.

Speaking of which.   I used both products for years.  I haven't had a 
problem with my Apache servers over the last 4 years however the IIS 
servers are comprimised every few weeks or so.  Pretty pathetic.

The last known exploit of Apache was logged in 1998.  Not a bad track 


>By the way, Mindcraft was also the company that said Apache was a piece of 
>sh*t compared to IIS.  Ayup.  It takes a mighty skilled Windows sysadmin 
>to keep an IIS server running unattended for a few weeks under real loads.  
>Mindcraft is a mouthpiece for M$FT.

Redhat-list mailing list

video tape recording/editing?

2002-03-19 Thread Frank Carreiro

Has anyone taken video tapes, recorded them into mpegs on their linux 
box, modified the film (edited out frames or modified frames) then 
written it back to tape (or dvd) for home movies?

I'd like to look at what options are available.

I appreciate any comments on what the community has done.



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 2GB File Limit?

2002-03-19 Thread Frank Carreiro


18gb file?

Are you running ext3 filesystem on 7.2?


>9i RH 7.2, I have a 18gb file.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/19/02 09:16AM >>>

>Is there a 2GB individual file limit in RH Linux?  We are going to a RH
>7.1/Oracle 9i RAC configuration and some sources are telling us that there
>is a 2GB file limitation in Linux.  Is this true? We have many database
>files greater than 2GB and need to know if we need to start splitting the
>files up.  Any information would be appreciated.
>Chuck Speaks
>Database Administrator
>Lithonia Lighting

Redhat-list mailing list

Grub problems?

2002-03-15 Thread Frank Carreiro

Ok.  I'm playing with RedHat 7.2 and Grub.  After creating a kernel and 
copying it to /boot I modified the /etc/grub.conf file.  Basically I 
took the default setup (under title RedHat) and created a new entry for 
my kernel.  Upon reboot I see my entry in the boot menu and select it. 
 Linux says it loaded the kernel but that's where it stops.  Did I miss 
something?  I understood grub didn't require anything more than 
grub.conf being modified.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Vmware hangs at Grub stage 2

2002-03-14 Thread Frank Carreiro

What version of vmware are you running?

Version 2.x will not work with XP.  You must upgrade to version 3.x

Haven't tried it myself (yet) but that's what their tech support told 
me.  apparently something with the way XP addresses hardware it looks like.


>I'm running vmware under Linux(rh 7.2), while trying
>to boout up windows XP from a raw disk. Vmware starts
>up and initializes the memory just fine, but hangs at
>install stage 2 of GRUB. Anyone else had this problem?
>If so, pointers to any solutions would be appreciated.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: [REDHAT] Cannot boot from the RH 7.2 CD

2002-03-06 Thread Frank Carreiro

Sounds almost like the cdrom and one of the hdd's are setup as master or slave in the 
same chain.  I've seen this happen before.  Might want to check it out.  I presume 
they are all IDE.  If SCSI then forget I said anything :-)


--- Reply to a message ---
By: Phil G 
->: a Mail 
:>: Re: [REDHAT] Cannot boot from the RH 7.2 CD

>> This is the problem but your solution is not working for me. On my
>> first computer I unplugged all hdds leaving only my cdrom in, my
>> system booted with the cd but strangely when ever I plugged in any
>> hdd it would stop booting from the cd. I have tried all different
>> master/slave/cableselect combinations but it just wont do it.

then you have a problem with your drive, try to make the drive it self
work on another computer, wipe it totaly out so there is no /mbr (fdisk)
info on it, then again try it where you left.

>> Do you have any links to pages with more info? any other
>> suggestions??


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: permissions and security

2002-03-04 Thread Frank Carreiro

Ahhh yes.. I completely forgot about this.  I've messed around with rsync long ago.  
It worked reliably and supported ssh.

Shouldn't be all that tough to install rsync on the remote system if they don't 
already have it.  I'd recommend it.


Cameron Simpson wrote:

>>On 10:33 04 Mar 2002, Frank Carreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>| >>>>>ncftp IS ftp.  Comparing it to scp doesn't make sense.
>>| >>>>>Why not use sftp instead?  You are not required to input the path and 
>>| >>>>>it's very much like what you are doing now. 
>>| >>>
>>| >>>Except that, as far as I can tell, sftp doesn't do directories or
>>| >>>wildcards; only individual files ... nothing in the man page, at 
>>| >>>least.
>>| >>
>>| Does ncftp do directories?  I was unaware of any ftp product with this 
>>| ability.  If you could I would simply tar/gzip it then sftp the file(s) 
>>| across.
>>For directories I tend to use rsync with ssh as the transport. Just
>>set $RSYNC_RSH to "ssh" and go:

Good plan, but one that depends on the existence of rsync on the 
remote ...

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key:

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: permissions and security

2002-03-04 Thread Frank Carreiro

Hmmm... Just tried it with sftp and no can do.

Returns an error stating that it cannot download/upload a directory.

Only thing then would be to tar/gzip then sftp the file or scp with the 
-r option.

I'll have to check out ncftp.  I heard it was a good product.  Just 
didn't realize how good :-)


>On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Frank Carreiro wrote:
>>> Does ncftp do directories?  I was unaware of any ftp product with this 
>>> ability.  If you could I would simply tar/gzip it then sftp the file(s) 
>>> across.
>if by this, do you mean, does it work recursively, yup.
>ncftp> get -r 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: permissions and security

2002-03-04 Thread Frank Carreiro

>* and then David Talkington declared....
>>> Frank Carreiro wrote:
>>>> >ncftp IS ftp.  Comparing it to scp doesn't make sense.
>>>> >
>>>> >Why not use sftp instead?  You are not required to input the path and 
>>>> >it's very much like what you are doing now. 
>>> Except that, as far as I can tell, sftp doesn't do directories or
>>> wildcards; only individual files ... nothing in the man page, at 
>>> least.
Does ncftp do directories?  I was unaware of any ftp product with this 
ability.  If you could I would simply tar/gzip it then sftp the file(s) 

>er.. I couldn't even get it to connect to the server!
>Could be a ssh1/2 thing?

Possible.  I've pretty much disabled ssh1 across the board.  Openssh has 
been working great around here for the last year we've been running it 
(replaced an older ssh1 product).


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: permissions and security

2002-03-04 Thread Frank Carreiro

ncftp IS ftp.  Comparing it to scp doesn't make sense.

Why not use sftp instead?  You are not required to input the path and 
it's very much like what you are doing now.  I like openssh personally. 
 I believe it comes with RedHat 7.x


>Hmmm... good question, perhaps cumbersome is a bad word choice. What I
>mean is that I don't like having to type in te full path to the remote
>*and* the full path to the local every time I transfer.
>typical command looks like this right?
>$ scp path/of/files/to/upload/ :/path/to remote/server/blah
>whereas in ncftp id just type
>$ put -r dirname
>Maybe I misunderstand, feel free to correct me  [:-)] 

Re: WWW Visitor Blocking

2002-02-25 Thread Frank Carreiro

Yes you can do this easily.

Configure your access.con file to allow from whatever address banks you 
wish.  I've done something similar to this allowing from several ranges 
of IP addresses.  I'm sure there is an easier way but here is what I've 

Deny from all
#the above will deny everyone from accessing the default web page
#now we must add who will have rights t it

#the above will allow a specific ip address or a bank of addresses
#you can specify one, two, or three octets depending how far you want to 
#access from that network

   AllowOverride AuthConfig
#the above will allow you to setup user/password authentication
#just an additional level of security.  Must still setup htpasswd file

#we're finished.

Ok... so it doens't directly answer your question however I hope it's 
enough to get you started.


>"Ashley M. Kirchner" wrote:
>>> Is it possible to block access to one's website by checking the IP
>>> address?  For whatever political reason at a company I do consulting for, I've
>>> been asked to deny access to their website to any visitor that doesn't
>>> originate in the US.  Now I realize someone sitting in Australia could use some
>>> proxy in the US to get to someone else's site, but they're not too concerned
>>> about that.  They just want to outright block any IP that's not a US one.  This
>>> only for WWW access.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: C Program compile error

2002-02-22 Thread Frank Carreiro

>A bit more explanation--although this isn't specifically RedHat, or even
>Linux, so it should be on a software development the following
>is necessarily simplified.  But it should dispell some misconceptions I
>think I see.

Is there a list someone can suggest I join?  Looking for one that can 
help answer these kind of questions :-)


>That's about as simplified as I can make it, but I hope it helps.
> -- 
> Dave Ihnat

Yes Definitely!  I appreciate the comments from everyone.

Thanks All!


Redhat-list mailing list

C Program compile error

2002-02-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

Not sure if this is the right list for it but here goes...

I'm currently learning how to code in C.  I'm using a RedHat 7.1 
workstation which when installed I selected to install everything (I 
don't like messing with dependancies ::grinz::).  I've been including 
stdio.h and the last few weeks everything has been happy.  The last 
couple of days I've been learning about math.h however it's failing when 
I try and compile.  Getting the following message:


In function `main`:
undefined reference to `pow`
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


I'm trying to calculate a value (x) raised to the y power.  I suspect 
there is a library not found by the linker (wild guess).

Any thoughts on how I can track this down?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: C Program compile error

2002-02-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

That worked thanks :-)

I've read through the gcc man page and didn't see the -lm option.  In my 
source as I understand it #include  should have done it.  Out of 
curiosity is there a way to compile without specifying -lm?

Just wondering why -lm is required for standard math functions.

Thanks again!


Frank Carreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>> ---
>> In function `main`:
>> undefined reference to `pow`
>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>> ---
>> I'm trying to calculate a value (x) raised to the y power.  I suspect
>> there is a library not found by the linker (wild guess).
>> Any thoughts on how I can track this down?

"-lm" (link with the standard math library)

-- Trond Eivind Glomsrød Red Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

:RE: system performance monitoring

2002-02-20 Thread Frank Carreiro

Personally I'm pretty happy with Big Brother found at

I've found their solution is simple to implement and supports multiple 
platforms (UNIX and Windoze).  History is available for any system.  It 
may/may not be what you are looking for.  Something to look at.


Some of you may be familiar with Blair Zajac's ORCA ( ), which works wonderfully with Adrian 
Cocroft's SE performance toolkit for solaris. I'm wondering if anyone is 
aware of a similair solution for redhat.

Specifically I'm looking for something that gif-ifies system 
utilization, broken out by CPU/mem/net, etc. I'm aware of things like 
GKRELLM, but it does not archive results. Any ideas?

Matthew Boeckman(816) 777-2160
Manager - Systems IntegrationSaepio Technologies
== ==
The secret to how our government controls information is easily expl***

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: stop a print job

2002-02-15 Thread Frank Carreiro

"lpq" will display your print queue.  "lprm" will remove any print jobs 
you have.  Note:  you must type in the print job ID for lprm.  There are 
other ways to do it but this should work on most versions of unix/linux


> I clicked on a file on a ftp site and instead of mearly giving me the 
> file it sent it to the printer. I have no clue how to empty the print 
> spool. So far it has ruined  50 sheets of paper and I will need to 
> spend $25 on a new ink cartridge. I did not want the stupid thing to 
> be printed. I don't want this to happen again. Finally I turned off 
> the printer until I can figure out how to empty the spool.
> I am running 6.0.
> Thanks,
> Doug

Redhat-list mailing list

:RE: Closing a Port on Windoze

2002-02-14 Thread Frank Carreiro



One of the many dangers asking Linux people windows questions.

Depending on the version of windows you should have the ability to 
filter out ports through your network control panel applet.

In Windows NT/2000 for example select "TCP/IP PROTOCOL".  Select 
properties for it.  There should be a button labeled "Advanced".  From 
there there is a section in which you can filter out ports.  There are 
two options here basically.  You can open and allow all ports to go 
through or shut it down completely and allow only specific ports which 
you must populate.

Normally I run a firewall as was mentioned.  I hardly ever run a windows 
computer on the internet these days without a personal firewall of some 
kind (WINRoute is a good one I recommend).  You can download WINRoute 
from I believe (or was that

Currently I'm upgrading my MCSE to windows 2000 (Need to say it sux with 
authority ok :grinz:).  There is a section under Administrator tools 
called "router access" or something like that which "should" also allow 

But again, it all depends on what version of windows you have.

Good Luck!


> At 09:31 AM 2/14/02 -0500, you wrote:
>> Boot from floppy. Run command "format c:\ "
> wouldn't that reformat my hard drive? Look, I don't have a 
> virus: I just want to control a program that's doing something I don't 
> like without having to remove the program. Now...could you imagine if 
> I'd actually followed your advice???
> So how do I REALLY do this?
> BenO

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Is this possible?

2002-02-08 Thread Frank Carreiro

Actually sudo really is the tool you want.  With it you can specify what a specific 
user can run that requires additional priviledges.  I've had it setup on several linux 
servers and was able to give specific users the ability to (for example) mount foreign 
file systems to the server AND change passwords for co-workers. Only what you state in 
the sudousers config file will be allowed.  Read through their docs.  It's pretty 
simple to setup.

If you are looking for a web based tool (like webmin) then you can setup a specific 
user to create/modify/delete other accounts. I've setup webmin on several servers and 
it works great.  Give it a shot.

> Sorry, I should have explained myself more.  I am wanting to allow a
> specific user to be able to manage the user accounts on a box (through
> something like webmin - so sudo won't work in this instance), but I really
> don't want to let them have the root password.  Is this possible?

> Thanks

Redhat-list mailing list

:re: anyone tried spong?

2002-02-06 Thread Frank Carreiro

Netsaint is pretty good.  I'm using Big Brother myself.  For network bandwidth 
monitoring we're also running MRTG. All in all there are many great alternatives to 
spong.  I tried it a couple years ago.  Much harder to setup than it really should 
have been.


I thought I would try spong based on the Linux Journal article today. 
Does anyone have any experience with it?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ipchains and 2.4.9

2002-01-30 Thread Frank Carreiro

I could be wrong but it almost sounds like iptables has been compiled 
into the kernel replacing ipchains.  In other words I don't think it was 
setup as a module.  Might want to re-roll your kernel and make sure 
iptables / netfilter is disabled.

Hope this helps.

>[root@ns1 root]# rmmod iptables
>rmmod: module iptables is not loaded
>Yet i still get the same iptables stop line as below in my previous post..
>[root@ns1 root]# insmod ipchains
>Using /lib/modules/2.4.9-21/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipchains.o
>/lib/modules/2.4.9-21/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipchains.o: init_module: 
>Device or resource busy
>Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
>invalid IO or IRQ parameters
>I have done a up2date on this machine. up2date -f -u.. nothing to update.. Im 

Redhat-list mailing list

OT: Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-29 Thread Frank Carreiro

With that in mind we can safely state the original question was NOT off 
topic.  I'm sorry if some people here are uncomfortable with the 
question but it's also inappropriate to continue this debate as nothing 
will come from it.. except perhaps a new TOS from redhat :-)

I totally agree with Rodolfo's comment below.  This was an opportunity 
for RedHat to "learn" why someone would rather not use their product. 
 That is why I responded almost immediately asking him why was he 
looking for another distro?  It's very possible that RedHat provides 
whatever he was looking for.  He simply could have been unaware of the 
"feature".  BTW, he never did reply to my question (or I simply missed 
it).  What was he looking for that RedHat couldn't do?

Oh and yes I've gone to restaurants and asked where I can find a good 
restaurant... Usually I'm looking for something they don't have (chinese 
vs italian vs mexican for example).  It's not that unusual of a question 
guys :-)


> At 1/29/2002 01:10 PM -0500, you wrote:
>> Bottom line is a representative from Red Hat has already said that the
>> original post in the thread was inappropriate.
> I disagree, Bob. Trond spoke as an individual as he always does on 
> this list (one of the reasons he can express himself quite freely); he 
> did not represent Red Hat's official position, nor did he claim to do so.
> I'm sorry (really!) that this discussion makes Trond uncomfortable, 
> yet I still believe that it's more than relevant since it provides a 
> wonderful window for Red Hat personnel to learn about what their 
> customers like about the competition. My God... free market research!
> This list is extremely centered on Red Hat issues, and I believe 
> everyone here runs one or more RHL systems. However, never have I seen 
> anyone say that discussion of Mustangs or Mandrake was forbidden, even 
> though they are indeed off-topic. 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: PHP?

2002-01-24 Thread Frank Carreiro

> It's a persistent problem on Solaris, which usually needs the library
> path tweaked before you can get anything done (among other things).

Actually this came up in RedHat 6.x and 7.x servers.  I had included all the 
recommended library paths to /etc/ and was VERY confused when it didn't 
work.  The errors on all the RedHat platforms were exactly the same.  I knew it was a 
library issue but which one :D 

> Check their bug archive, if you haven't already ... sometimes you can 
> fix this with compiler flags in Makefile.


Ok.. I didn't check there but I'm sure it probably had been reported by now.  Looking 
at the php install newsgroup there are many who have experienced this problem.

> Lest anyone get the wrong impression, I'd like to make it clear that 
> the PHP developers are very responsive.  The compress/uncompress 
> problem is a longstanding thorn, but it's got better with each 
> release, and I've never failed to make progress on it with their help.

> I doubt, though, that this library issue is related to the OP's
> problem.   [;-)] 

I've heard nothing but great things about PHP which helped spark my interest.  I've 
seen some screen shots of what people on are building and thought I'd 
give it a go.  So far very positive results with it.  Maybe someday I'll be in a good 
position to contribute :D

Re: PHP?

2002-01-24 Thread Frank Carreiro

Yes.. there is a wealth of documentation on this topic however the 
instructions I believe are incorrect.

I've spent a few weeks trying to compile a static binary of apache with 
PHP 4.x and always received an unresolved symbol error.  Something about 
compressed/uncompressed (don't remember exactly the error itself).  I 
noticed on the php home page a mail list link so I decided to search 
their archives.

Apparently there are occasions in which you much compile php 4 with the 
"--with-zlib" option.  I'm learning more about zlib as a result.  Oh... 
I'm able to compile apache with php as a result.

I'm sending an email to the developers of php.  They really should 
include this in the FAQ.  And a search on their "php-installation" 
newsgroup shows about 1000 hits if you type in " compressed & 
uncompressed".  Amazing they have a newsgroup JUST for installs.  Makes 
me wonder why unless they have alot of problems with installation issues :D

Good luck and hope this works for you.  PHP is a great SSI.  I'm running 
phpacid and phpmyadmin for the snort IDS system.  Very impressive.


>On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 10:00:36AM +0800, northstone wrote:
>: Okayonly provide the answer and dont guide me to other page.
>What's the matter?  Afraid of learning something?  It's considered rude
>to demand someone do your work (research) for you.
>: I have apache in my redhat.
>So install the PHP packages and use PHP.
>: 2. i downloaded php 4.1.1 in . i try to install it. i
>: only type ./configure . i wantted to try to make but cant
>: .then i checked my installed php weather is in the directory
>: but it dont exist. does any one know how to install step by
>: step together with apache and php together.?
>There is a wealth of documentation on this very topic, unfortunately,
>you'll have to go to a web page to read about it.
>See the Installation section.

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Usen windows within linux.. is the question

2002-01-22 Thread Frank Carreiro

Are you sure?  I haven't used it personally but I've been told it was.

>Win4Lin is most definitely *not* a free product.
>On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Frank Carreiro wrote:
>> Also win4lin works.  I believe that is a free product.  If you plan on 
>> using 95/98 within linux then give it a shot.
>> Personally I'm running vmware.  It's VERY flexable and you can run 95 / 
>> 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / BSD / Solaris.
>> Not a bad product  [:-)] 
>> Is it possiable to install and or operate windows98se from within linux 
>> rh7.2?

RE: [OT] FreeBSD (was: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recom mendations?)

2002-01-22 Thread Frank Carreiro

Well.. it may feel slower and more complicated than the BSD distros but 
considering that almost anyone can setup a linux server/workstation as 
easily as they can setup a windoze box... I'd say RedHat has made some 
good progress.

I started with RedHat 4.x way back when.  Most windoze users wouldn't 
feel comfortable installing 4.x compared to 7.x

Consider it from the end user perspective.  This is another reason 
microsoft is soo popular (one of many).  It doesn't take brains to 
install a Windoze distro...  They simply haven't been weened from the 
GUI   :-)

>Hm - I have no experience with FreeBSD, but if their installation is in
>way similar to OpenBSD, I'd say it's dead-easy for anyone who can read.
>Compared to OpenBSD, the RHL installer feels very slow and complicated.
>However, having said that, OpenBSD expects the user to do more himself
>*after* the install, i.e. no automatic firewall setup, no automatic user
>account setup, etc. - just a different philosophy, I think.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-22 Thread Frank Carreiro

You must have confused the original posters message with someone else.

I thought it was gently put (as much as possible).  Offensive? 
 considering the below posting I'd say the original post was much more 
appropriate than this.

>... It is rude and offensive here, no different than
>propositioning the chaste hostess: "Want to f*ck at a motel?"  
>at a formal dinner party in the presence of her husband.
>There are plenty of other venue to ply such troll-ish conduct
>in.  Begone to them.

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Usen windows within linux.. is the question

2002-01-22 Thread Frank Carreiro

Also win4lin works.  I believe that is a free product.  If you plan on 
using 95/98 within linux then give it a shot.

Personally I'm running vmware.  It's VERY flexable and you can run 95 / 
98 / ME / 2000 / XP / BSD / Solaris.

Not a bad product :-)

Is it possiable to install and or operate windows98se from within linux 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations? - freebsd

2002-01-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

Not the installation of software but the installation of FreeBSD itself. 
 It's very easy for a newbie to screw it up (the installation).  After 
using redhat these last few years I admit I'm spoiled :-)

Installation of the FreeBSD packages is rather easy.  pkg_add feels 
almost like Solaris's implementation.

BTW, their website has some great documentation available for anyone 

As I understand it they also have better SMP support than any Linux 
distro today (Is this true?).


adrian kok wrote:

>Hi Frank
>I don't think it is difficult to install software in
>In fact, it depends on you are familiar this product
>or not.
>Before I found RH rpm also is difficult because of
>many dependiences!!!
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Frank Carreiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "redhat list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 1:10 PM
>Subject: Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro:
>>If not SUSE then Slackware isn't bad.  I've messed
>with it awhile back 
>>and my experience was positive.
>>Also FreeBSD isn't bad.  I'm currently working with
>a FreeBSD system 
>>(version 4.4) and so far it's been stable and runs
>what I want just fine.
>>The ONLY thing I HATED about FreeBSD was the
>installer.  I've butchered 
>>it (the install) my first couple of tries.  On my
>third attempt I simply 
>>let it decide how to setup the kernel / hardware. 
>Worked fine at that 
>>point :-)
>>I just hope AOL doesn't screw up RedHat should they
>decide to acquire 
>>them.  RedHat IMHO is one of the better packages out
>> Installation is very easy and use of the product
>overall is easy for 
>>the newbie to the hard core user/developer.
>>/me nudges AOL... you hearing any of this guys?
>>>i've heard nothing but good things about slackware
>>>since going that route apparently gives you total
>>> i can't speak from experience there though
>>>i CAN however speak of SuSE
>>>in a phrase: don't like it
>>>everything in the os is "special"
>>>programs and config files are kept in odd places
>>>and the suse boot concept is non-linux standard as
>>>i rather like redhat
>>>but if they get with aol
>>>even a little
>>>i'm leaving.
>>> i'll try out mandrake
>>>and then if that doesn't work
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get your free address at

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

If not SUSE then Slackware isn't bad.  I've messed with it awhile back 
and my experience was positive.

Also FreeBSD isn't bad.  I'm currently working with a FreeBSD system 
(version 4.4) and so far it's been stable and runs what I want just fine.

The ONLY thing I HATED about FreeBSD was the installer.  I've butchered 
it (the install) my first couple of tries.  On my third attempt I simply 
let it decide how to setup the kernel / hardware.  Worked fine at that 
point :-)

I just hope AOL doesn't screw up RedHat should they decide to acquire 
them.  RedHat IMHO is one of the better packages out there. 
 Installation is very easy and use of the product overall is easy for 
the newbie to the hard core user/developer.

/me nudges AOL... you hearing any of this guys?


>i've heard nothing but good things about slackware
>since going that route apparently gives you total control
>  i can't speak from experience there though
>i CAN however speak of SuSE
>in a phrase: don't like it
>everything in the os is "special"
>programs and config files are kept in odd places
>and the suse boot concept is non-linux standard as well
>i rather like redhat
>but if they get with aol
>even a little
>i'm leaving.
>  i'll try out mandrake
>and then if that doesn't work
>i'm going to slackware

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

To redhat:  I was unaware this list has a terms of usage policy disallowing such 
discussion. This comment doesn't serve a purpose.

To John Verel:  I recommend either Mandrake or SUSE.  Both have been VERY good 
distro's in the past and have been happy with them.  I've pretty much standardized on 
RedHat personally.

Out of curiosity why are you thinking of switching?  Is there something RedHat Linux 
isn't providing you?  By all means please let us know.  You might be surprised to find 
what you are looking for here. :-)


John P Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> If one were to move from, say, Red Hat to another distro, what would

>> the most similar, and easiest to accomplish?

That's a very inapproriate question on this list. 

-- Trond Eivind Glomsrød Red Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ext 3 filesystem question

2002-01-11 Thread Frank Carreiro

Well...  other os's are able to get around the limitation (wintendo for 
example).  I'm hoping that ext3 (or just redhat 7.2 itself)  doesn't 
have this limitation.


>On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 08:48:01AM -0700, Frank Carreiro wrote:
>>> RedHat 7.2 supports ext3.  I've been playing with it on a small test box 
>>> over the last few weeks.  Does anyone know how large I can make a single 
>>> file with it?
>>> I believe ext2 had a limit of around 2 gigs.
>It's not an ext2 limitation per se. It's a x86/32 bit limitation. ext2
>on 64 bit platforms does not have this limitation. That being said, it
>can be gotten around. I believe it requires some adjustments to glibc
>(?), and maybe the kernel. Then individual apps may be expecting the
>limitation as well.
> -- 
> Hal Burgiss

Redhat-list mailing list

Ext 3 filesystem question

2002-01-11 Thread Frank Carreiro

RedHat 7.2 supports ext3.  I've been playing with it on a small test box 
over the last few weeks.  Does anyone know how large I can make a single 
file with it?

I believe ext2 had a limit of around 2 gigs.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: VNC - possible to see the desktop as if sat in front of linux box ?

2002-01-10 Thread Frank Carreiro

That would work.  I think he was trying to watch on the linux servers 
screen vnc client activity.  If two or more connected to a session it 
should work.

>If bevhavior you are looking for is to have somebody watch a screen
>that's moving by itself you can have 2 or more vnc clients hook up to
>the same VNC server, one person moves the mouse, the other watches.  We
>use that as a collaboration or presentation tool that works very well,
>On Thu, 2002-01-10 at 15:04, Frank Carreiro wrote:
>> Just realized I didn't fully answer your question.
>> If you want vnc server on linux to act like vnc server for windows then 
>> the answer is no.  From what I've read in the past the vnc server for 
>> linux is only a session.  It doesn't actually control your display like 
>> pcanywhere (or vnc server for windoze).
>> There "may" be a way around this but it's probably some obscure detail I 
>> haven't found.
>> Might want to try their web site.  Perhaps they have a mail list that 
>> can answer this more fully.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: VNC - possible to see the desktop as if sat in front of linux box ?

2002-01-10 Thread Frank Carreiro

Just realized I didn't fully answer your question.

If you want vnc server on linux to act like vnc server for windows then 
the answer is no.  From what I've read in the past the vnc server for 
linux is only a session.  It doesn't actually control your display like 
pcanywhere (or vnc server for windoze).

There "may" be a way around this but it's probably some obscure detail I 
haven't found.

Might want to try their web site.  Perhaps they have a mail list that 
can answer this more fully.

I've installed VNC on Redhat7.2 to tunnel over SSH. > > All works fine - 
I can use the VNC client on a PC to > > view a desktop on a Linux box 
(running the VNC server). > > > > However, it's not the same desktop 
that is showing > > on the linux box - for starters, there is no panel 
bar > > on the bottom, and any GUI apps running on the linux > > box are 
not viewable. This behaviour is different than > > accessing a remote MS 
Windows PC via VNC, where you > > would actually see the same desktop as 
if you were > > sat in front of the machine. > > > > I guess this is due 
to the unix concept of terminals > > which is different to win32. Is it 
possible to access > > the desktop with VNC as if you were really sat in 
front > > of the machine (ie. similar to the MS Windows behaviour) ? > > 
 > > Thank you very much, > > > > chas > > > > > > > >

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: VNC - possible to see the desktop as if sat in front of linux box ?

2002-01-10 Thread Frank Carreiro

VNC server for windoze is VERY different from VNC server for *NIX.

In a nutshell VNC server for windoze is more like pcanywhere without the encryption 
(ssh solves that problem).  VNC server for *NIX is another matter.  It's more like a 
terminal session than anything.  The desktop I believe defaults to twm which is a very 
generic shell. If you wanted something like gnome's manager then after running vnc 
server the first time (and connecting from a client) shut it down.  Everything should 
be in your .vnc directory (located under your user's home directory).  There should be 
a "xstartup" file you can edit.  Change the last line to "gnome-session &".  This 
should call the gnome manager from vnc.  I do this on occasion but on a slow client 
connection it's usually better sticking with twm.  You can call any program from that 
shell (netscape or whatever).

Good Luck

On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, chas wrote:

>> I've installed VNC on Redhat7.2 to tunnel over SSH. 
>> All works fine - I can use the VNC client on a PC to
>> view a desktop on a Linux box (running the VNC server).
>> However, it's not the same desktop that is showing 
>> on the linux box - for starters, there is no panel bar
>> on the bottom, and any GUI apps running on the linux
>> box are not viewable.  This behaviour is different than
>> accessing a remote MS Windows PC via VNC, where you
>> would actually see the same desktop as if you were
>> sat in front of the machine. 
>> I guess this is due to the unix concept of terminals
>> which is different to win32. Is it possible to access
>> the desktop with VNC as if you were really sat in front
>> of the machine (ie. similar to the MS Windows behaviour) ? 
>> Thank you very much,
>> chas

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: GRUB and Windows problem

2002-01-08 Thread Frank Carreiro

btw, you mentioned earlier you were multibooting as linux didn't have 
drivers for your printer. Which printer are you running?

Brandon Dorman wrote:

> Thanks Frank,
> I think I will have to completely overhaul my system. :-( I 
> can't afford the downtime right now due to a new semester starting but 
> should be able to get to it this weekend, for now windows is working 
> fine if not my preferred environment.  Would it be ok if I did this:
> (8gigs windows)(2gigs home - all my settings from when I had all my 
> linux stuff is still here... can I keep /home here and have all the 
> other linux stuff on the second drive?)(2 gigs for games)(was / when I 
> this was my only harddrive)
> HDB? (I will try chaning the jumper and cable setting on the computer 
> to get it to show up at hdb)
> (40 megs /boot)( 10 gigs /  )((320mb swap (I have 160megs of phys. 
> ram))(the rest: games and mp3's.) 
> HDC:  Cdrom drive
> HDD: cdwriter drive
> well if the letters change a little but i'm hoping that scenario, if I 
> can install grub on the MASTER drive, will let me boot to both windows 
> and linux.  don't know what happened last time...
> Thanks for all your help!
> -Brandon
> At 11:22 AM 1/8/02 -0700, Frank Carreiro wrote:
>> If it's an option I would strongly recommend starting over with the 
>> system.  It sounds like there are many more problems than could be 
>> easily dealt with in a timely manner.
>> Here's what I've done in the past.  This has worked for 98SE, NT, 
>> 2000 and XP systems.
>> Install Windows on your C: drive.  I usually partition a 20 Gig drive 
>> with a 3 or 4 Gig C: drive.  If installing XP anything smaller will 
>> be difficult as XP "can" take up to 1.6 Gigs of disk space from a 
>> fresh install (I've seen this on a couple of systems).  After it's 
>> finished go ahead and install Linux.  Usually I make a boot partition 
>> of around 40 megs then whatever you want after that for root and 
>> other junk.  I believe grub doesn't suffer from the 1024 cylinder 
>> problems lilo usually does so this should work out (comments on grub?). 
>> Haven't tried 7.2 seriously yet.  I have a test system running with 
>> ext3.  Very impressive so far :-)
>> Good Luck!
>> Frank
>> Brandon Dorman wrote:
>>> It appears the problem is worse than I thought.  I rebooted after 
>>> posting that post and Linux came up with all kinds of filesystem 
>>> erros, the whole, "you have 5 seconds to perform a manual file 
>>> system check" after which, finding duplicate clusters, it scanned 
>>> with something like, "Pass A1, B1," until I pressed Control-C which 
>>> I shouldn't have and it ended up giving a message something like, 
>>> "initd was done repeatedly too much" then I restarted.  I remembered 
>>> that I had used Partition Magic's bootmagic in the past and put in 
>>> that rescue disk, and was able to boot into windows, where I am 
>>> now.  So I can't go back into linux just yet to get the rest of 
>>> fdisk -I - it doesn't work under windows.
>>> HDD is because I have my harddrive on the second controller with the 
>>> jumpers marked as slave.  I'm thinking I may try messing with those 
>>> settings as well, set it to auto select or something.  When booting, 
>>> it shows:  IDE0= Quantum (my windows drive),  IDE3=WDC (Western 
>>> Digital, the new drive) and therefore linux calls the first drive 
>>> hda1 and the other one hdh (I know hdd is a cdrom drive, dont know 
>>> about the other letters.  I have a cdrom drive and a cdwriter drive 
>>> that linux recognizes, hadn't paid much attention to drive lettes in 
>>> a long time thanks to an awesome-working RH 7.2).
>>> I'll pull out my boot disk and try to boot into linux enough to run 
>>> fsck and fdisk -i today, thanks for the help.  I'll also try df to 
>>> get the listing of the partition stuff and write it down for here.  
>>> I will try to be more concise in future posts.
>>> -Brandon
>>> At 08:56 AM 1/8/02 -0700, you wrote:
>>>> I'm just starting to mess around with grub.  Not very familiar with 
>>>> it (yet).  Here is something that could help.
>>>> I had an instance where I was multibooting with Redhat 7.1 and 
>>>> Win

Re: GRUB and Windows problem

2002-01-08 Thread Frank Carreiro

If it's an option I would strongly recommend starting over with the system.
 It sounds like there are many more problems than could be easily dealt with
in a timely manner.

Here's what I've done in the past.  This has worked for 98SE, NT, 2000 and
XP systems.

Install Windows on your C: drive.  I usually partition a 20 Gig drive with
a 3 or 4 Gig C: drive.  If installing XP anything smaller will be difficult
as XP "can" take up to 1.6 Gigs of disk space from a fresh install (I've
seen this on a couple of systems).  After it's finished go ahead and install
Linux.  Usually I make a boot partition of around 40 megs then whatever you
want after that for root and other junk.  I believe grub doesn't suffer from
the 1024 cylinder problems lilo usually does so this should work out (comments
on grub?).  

Haven't tried 7.2 seriously yet.  I have a test system running with ext3.
 Very impressive so far :-)

Good Luck!


Brandon Dorman wrote:
It appears the problem is worse than I thought.  I rebooted after posting
 that post and Linux came up with all kinds of filesystem erros, the whole,
 "you have 5 seconds to perform a manual file system check" after which,
 finding duplicate clusters, it scanned with something like, "Pass A1, B1,"
 until I pressed Control-C which I shouldn't have and it ended up giving
a  message something like, "initd was done repeatedly too much" then I  restarted. 
I remembered that I had used Partition Magic's bootmagic in the  past and
put in that rescue disk, and was able to boot into windows, where  I am now. 
So I can't go back into linux just yet to get the rest of fdisk  -I - it
doesn't work under windows. 
HDD is because I have my harddrive on the second controller with the  jumpers
marked as slave.  I'm thinking I may try messing with those  settings as
well, set it to auto select or something.  When booting, it  shows:  IDE0=
Quantum (my windows drive),  IDE3=WDC (Western Digital, the  new drive) and
therefore linux calls the first drive hda1 and the other one  hdh (I know
hdd is a cdrom drive, dont know about the other letters.  I  have a cdrom
drive and a cdwriter drive that linux recognizes, hadn't paid  much attention
to drive lettes in a long time thanks to an awesome-working  RH 7.2). 
I'll pull out my boot disk and try to boot into linux enough to run fsck
 and fdisk -i today, thanks for the help.  I'll also try df to get the  listing
of the partition stuff and write it down for here.  I will try to  be more
concise in future posts. 
At 08:56 AM 1/8/02 -0700, you wrote: 
  I'm just starting to mess around with grub.  Not
very familiar with it  (yet).  Here is something that could help. 

I had an instance where I was multibooting with Redhat 7.1 and Windoze  XP. 
Originally I had Windows 98SE and had enough.  From Linux I deleted  the
windows partition then rebooted to my XP cd and performed an  install.  Once
completed I inserted my 7.1 boot disk and ran lilo.  This  overwrote the
boot sector and now I can boot 7.1 or XP from lilo.  Grub  should have a
similar utility available.  Perhaps reading the man page  would shed some

BTW, my 7.1 root is hda1 or 2 I believe.  Hope this helps. 

I've got RH 7.2.  Just got a new harddrive.  Let's call it HD1, the new 
one HD2.  /boot and / are on HD2, Windows and such is on HD1.  I thought 
I installed GRUB on the master boot partition, but during the 
installation process it listed it as, "hdh5" because that's the first  vfat
partition on the second harddrive.  Below is the pertinant portion 
of my grub.conf file in /etc/  It looked identical to the one in 
/boot/grub    Input is appreciated, as I can't even load windows with a 
boot disk, and being in college I need to go in there to print as I have 
a Lexmark USB multifunction device with no drivers for linux...  good 
thing the semester is just starting.  Thanks 
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.7-10) 
    root (hd1,0) 
    kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.7-10 ro root=/dev/hdh2 hdd=ide-scsi 
    initrd /initrd-2.4.7-10.img 
title Windows 
    rootnoverify (hd1,4) 
    chainloader +1 
Brandon Dorman 
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RE: GRUB and Windows problem

2002-01-08 Thread Frank Carreiro

I'm just starting to mess around with grub.  Not very familiar with it 
(yet).  Here is something that could help.

I had an instance where I was multibooting with Redhat 7.1 and Windoze 
XP.  Originally I had Windows 98SE and had enough.  From Linux I deleted 
the windows partition then rebooted to my XP cd and performed an 
install.  Once completed I inserted my 7.1 boot disk and ran lilo.  This 
overwrote the boot sector and now I can boot 7.1 or XP from lilo.  Grub 
should have a similar utility available.  Perhaps reading the man page 
would shed some light?

BTW, my 7.1 root is hda1 or 2 I believe.  Hope this helps.

>I've got RH 7.2.  Just got a new harddrive.  Let's call it HD1, the new
>one HD2.  /boot and / are on HD2, Windows and such is on HD1.  I thought
>I installed GRUB on the master boot partition, but during the
>installation process it listed it as, "hdh5" because that's the first 
>vfat partition on the second harddrive.  Below is the pertinant portion
>of my grub.conf file in /etc/  It looked identical to the one in
>/boot/grubInput is appreciated, as I can't even load windows with a
>boot disk, and being in college I need to go in there to print as I have
>a Lexmark USB multifunction device with no drivers for linux...  good
>thing the semester is just starting.  Thanks
>title Red Hat Linux (2.4.7-10)
>   root (hd1,0)
>   kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.7-10 ro root=/dev/hdh2 hdd=ide-scsi
>   initrd /initrd-2.4.7-10.img
>title Windows
>   rootnoverify (hd1,4)
>   /dev/hda1   
>   chainloader +1
>Brandon Dorman

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: One More Try - 7.1 Shutdown Troubles

2001-12-26 Thread Frank Carreiro

Hmmm   I have a couple of 6.2 and 7.x boxes running IPCHAINS and 
IPTABLES (for 7.x).  I'm not an expert in these great tools however I've 
never seen a problem as described.  Shutting down works just fine and 
start up has no issues.

I have pentium 166's and one pentium 233 (MMX is there I believe).

I wish I could give you some direction where to look.  Simply letting 
you know that I've had positive experiences with linux and firewalls. 
 After a fresh install of 7.1 it should be good to go.

Perhaps running diagnostics on the hardware will turn something up.

Wish I could help more.


Hello ,

  I'll try the list again... First, I've searched the archives and
  found no info on my problem with RH 7.1, maybe someone on the list
  can help.

  I have a fresh install of 7.1 and when I do a "shutdown -h now," the
  machine goes through the normal shutdown until it gets to the point
  where it says "removing all md devices" - this is just after the
  point where it says "halting system."  When the process gets to the
  "removing all md devices," the console suddenly starts fast
  scrolling a whole bunch of hex codes and some plain text.

  At first I thought it might be the hard drive, but it does the same
  on a different hard drive - both drives know to work. I then
  manually "rmmod" all modules before shutting down and still have the
  same problem.  The machine will not shutdown unless I power it
  down, it will continue to scroll the hex characters accross the
  console.  The machine is a 200Mhz pentium MMX - this is a known good
  machine under RH 6.0.  The machine is a only being used as a
  firewall using iptables, I removed ipchains, so it is a little scary
  not knowing what the heck is going on with the box.

  If anyone has ever experienced this or knows what's broken, I would
  like to hear from you.


-- Best regards, Badger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: web calendar

2001-12-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

phpgroupware is also good.  It's available on and supports 
mysql database for the backend.  Email, todo list and many more features 
besides a group scheduling calendar.  Might be what you are looking for.

I've been messing with it for about a month.  Don't know if palm sync is 
an option.  Didn't see it on their feature list.


>Hello Kapil,
>Friday, December 21, 2001, 4:47:18 AM, you wrote:
>KS> Hi,
>KS> I am looking for a php based calendar which has following features:
>KS> database based
>KS> import/export feature
>KS> open source
>KS> palm sync (if possible)
>KS> Please help in finding the best possible solution:-)
>KS> Thank you
>KS> kapil

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Apache deny

2001-12-07 Thread Frank Carreiro

Firewall will do it.  If you are still experiencing problems try turning your Order 
around.  Put deny,allow as your order.  Also Allow from all should be after the deny 
(I believe).  Like in ipchains/iptables it will execute on the first rule encountered. 
If I'm reading this right you are allowing everyone and it never reads the deny 
statement.  Don't quote me though :D

jb is correct in saying the best way to deny ip addresses is with a firewall.  Go to and do a search for pmfirewall.  Its a script program which will 
prompt you through the creation of ipchains firewall rules.  I've been using it for 
sometime and now roll my own rules having used their examples.


** Reply to message from Blake Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 06 Dec 2001 
09:52:21 -0700 (MST)

>> I'm having trouble with apache and its deny directive.  Here is what i've 
>> done:
>> In my httpd.conf file, and in the main directory I've added
>> #
>> Order allow,deny
>> Allow from all
>> deny
>> But, I still see hits from this IP.
>> Also, can someone tell me how to use the file access.conf

Blake - Best way to kill IPs is with a firewall :-))


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Apache deny

2001-12-06 Thread Frank Carreiro

Usually I deny everything from my more secure sites and allow only 
specific IP address blocks.  This page is what helped me in setting up 
access control...

This part in particular may be of some help

Controlling access to your proxy

You can control who can access your proxy via the normal  
control block using the following example:

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from [machines you'd like *not* to allow by IP address or name]
Allow from [machines you'd like to allow by IP address or name]

A  block will also work, and is the only method known to work for 
all possible URLs in Apache versions earlier than 1.2b10.

Also this might help...

It sounds like you would have to deny each IP address you want to 
restrict.  If you have a single class C address bank that could take 
some effort.  If you have multiple banks you could always put those you 
don't want accessing the server on your restricted address bank.  Will 
take some work to figure out exactly how you want / could do this.

If this doesn't help you should consider joining their mail list (unless 
someone here has a better answer of course ::grinz::)

Good Luck

 >I'm having trouble with apache and its deny directive.  Here is what i've 
 >In my httpd.conf file, and in the main directory I've added
 >Order allow,deny
 >Allow from all
 >But, I still see hits from this IP.
 >Also, can someone tell me how to use the file access.conf
>>>  You will still log hits, the web server has to send back it's
>>> response..anyway, looks like what you really want to do is use IP
>>> chains or eqv to block the IP from that port, or use inetd or xinetd if
>>> load allows
>Good points.  I guess I should still see the hits.
>I don't know how to use ipchains or iptables (I should learn), but this 
>isn't what I want in this particular case.  I want to deny a specific user 
>and see if they are attempting to get in.
>Also, how can I deny a block of IP addresses in apache.

Redhat-list mailing list

linux monitoring tools?

2001-12-06 Thread Frank Carreiro

HP Glance monitors items such as cpu, memory and disk utilization.  Top 
isn't bad.  I use it occasionally though I don't have time to be running 
top on each server we're running :-)

I recommend something like NetSaint or Big Brother.  We run Big Brother 
here.  Adding monitors is a breeze plus they have a rather large 
community online for support.  Check them out.


>Dear all,
>Any advise for linux monitoring tools available? beside top...
>As HP-UX have glance anything similar...

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault as user only

2001-04-30 Thread Frank Carreiro


I don't bother with RPM's myself.  I always insist on source code (call 
me nuts but I want code ::grinz::)


Matthew Melvin wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 at 9:28am (-0600), Frank Carreiro wrote:
>> Strange that it would seg fault as a normal user.  I haven't tried
>> Maelstrom yet in RH7.1 however I have it installed on a 6.2 box and it
>> runs fine from any user account.
> Some investigation showed that although they were all describing themselves
> as 3.0.1 the rpm's from redhat (such as I could find) had this problem and
> the rpms and source from the author's site did not.  Perhaps this explains
> the differences you're seeing.  It could also have to do with your umask.
> If, for instnace, your umask was set to 002 and your users shared their
> group (not default redhat settings) then they would have write access to the
> temporary file even though they didn't own it.
>> I would check permissions though I can't see why lack of permissions
>> would seg fault anything. <---(ignorance speaking here).
> In this case it was becuase the return of a syscall was not checked.  So
> when it failed (permission denied) it wasn't handled properly and the
> program tried to use a filehandle that didn't exist.
> M.

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Segmentation Fault as user only

2001-04-30 Thread Frank Carreiro

Strange that it would seg fault as a normal user.  I haven't tried 
Maelstrom yet in RH7.1 however I have it installed on a 6.2 box and it 
runs fine from any user account.

I would check permissions though I can't see why lack of permissions 
would seg fault anything. <---(ignorance speaking here).


>  > Whether I login as 'user', or login as root and then 'su user' in a terminal
>  > window, the results are the same.  As root, the game/program runs fine; as
>  > 'user' I get the segmentation fault.  The results are the same whether in
>  > Gnome or KDE.
>  >
>  > If I login to the console (I assumed that meant w/o running startx first?) -
>  > as 'user', I get the segmentation fault error; as 'root', I get 'Couldn't
>  > initialize SDL: No available video device' - which seems to make sense since
>  > the program/game requires the graphical interface?
>  >
>  > Does that help?
>  >

Redhat-list mailing list

RE:[OT] oracle startup

2001-04-20 Thread Frank Carreiro

Well.. I have a 6.2 test server (wanted to learn more about oracle) 
running 8.1.6.  I found initoraxxx.ora in your location.  If it's not 
there perhaps something went wrong with the creation of your database.  
I believe it's created when the database is setup.  The name of your 
database is ora1 I presume.  When running srvmgr make sure you are 
logged in as oracle and have ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_HOME set.

Btw, in my system it's svrmgrl that I must run startup within.  Look for 
it under .../8.1.5/bin.  Should be in the same directory.

Hope this helps.


> Hi,
> I've installed Oracle 8.1.5 on a Red Hat 6.1. machine.  When I try to
> 'startup' in SVRMGR, I get the error:
> LRM-00109: Kan ikke åbne parameterfilen
> '/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/dbs/initora1.ora'
> ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
> A listing of the specified file shows:
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 oracle   dba48 Feb 28 17:56
> /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/dbs/initora1.ora ->
> /u01/app/oracle/admin/emerald/pfile/initora1.ora
> Unfortunately, the file /u01/app/oracle/admin/emerald/pfile/initora1.ora
> does not exist.  Where does this file come from?  Did I screw up
> something in the installation?  Thanks,
> Hidong

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: OHH NO! My employer just got Linux!

2001-04-06 Thread Frank Carreiro

Yup.  You can even download Oracle for Linux from their OTN link.  Make 
sure you have plenty of time and a good connection.  My T1 took me a few 
hours to download 8.1.6. from their site.  8.1.7 was there also but to 
download about 500+ megs?  Ouch :-)


> You can learn SQL with several free/opensource databases like MySQL,
> postgreSQL, and oh *oracle* too (free download). I'm not sure if they
> still have it, but oracle used to even mail you trial versions of most of
> their tools on CDs for $5.
> But good for you for taking the initiative to learn *nix.

Redhat-list mailing list

SANE and Epson 1240U scanner...

2001-03-26 Thread Frank Carreiro

I installed the sane backend and compiled USB scanner support (2.2.18 
kernel).  When I start up with the new kernel I get a message that "the 
device is busy".  BTW, I did create the scanner device (180 48 I 
think). has been helpful ( I read that several got 
this to work).  I'm thinking of upgrading to 2.4.x but would rather make 
2.2.x work as I don't feel ready for 2.4 :-)

Any thoughts on what I might be missing?

I've modified the epson.conf file located in /usr/local/etc/sane.d.  
Says usb /dev/usb/scanner0 (the only line in the file)


Redhat-list mailing list

RE:mounting Netware-Shares with RedHat 6.2

2001-03-23 Thread Frank Carreiro

I'm running RH 6.2 and use ncpmount / ncpumount.  There is a document on 
my web site which "briefly" shows how to do this.  I've seen several gui 
tools on which will use ncpmount/ncpumount.  I wasn't 
terribly happy with any of them but you may want to give it a shot.

Check out the linux section on my web site... hope this helps.


> Hi all,
> I'm searching a tool to mount Netware shares. I've heard of a tool by
> Caldera, but as far as I know, it's neither free nor does it work with
> RedHat. I've got a RedHat 6.2 box and a Netware server. The Network works
> with TCP/IP (including the Netware-Server). Does anybody know a tool (like
> Samba for Windows-Shares) with wich I solve this little problem.
> Thanks for your help!
> cu
>   Olaf Schubert

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: AOL is at it again

2001-03-23 Thread Frank Carreiro

What is AOL?

ROFL.   j/k

I used to play with them years ago but after growing up a bit discovered 
better solutions such as irc and ICQ (Yes I know AOL bought ICQ.. it's 
the thought that counts).

I simply refuse the play the game.  Another reason I use Linux for any 
serious work.  Only run Wintendo 98/2000 when I have the itch to play a 
FPS game... course that is changing thanks to!!!


>>  >
>>  >
> rather than simply sit here and seethe that AOL has blocked non-AOL
> instant messaging, let me make a humble suggestion.  anyone in the
> linux community who is outraged by this should simply filter all
> AOL email into /dev/null.
> think about it.  the linux community, based on sheer size, now has
> considerable clout.  imagine the effect if a significant part of that
> community decided, en masse, to reject any AOL-related email.
> people can use procmail to junk it; web sites can drop AOL-origin
> requests; routers can toss AOL packets.  obviously, there may be
> legal or contractual issues, but people who put up web sites
> certainly have no obligation to service all requests.
> it's time to get over just being pissed about this, and do something
> about it.  if AOL wants to block traffic, perhaps it's time to
> play that same game, and see how long it takes AOL subscribers to
> start feeling the rejection.  let *them* complain to their own ISP.
> comments?
> rday
> ___

Redhat-list mailing list

RE:linux workstation??

2001-03-20 Thread Frank Carreiro

Personally in my opinion the difference between a linux server and 
workstation depends on the services loaded.  By running services such as 
httpd or postgreSQL  you are basically providing in my opinion services 
for users thus running a server.



> Hi,
> I just heard something about a linux "workstation".
> Is there something called as a "Linux workstation"??And,if yes,what is
> the difference between a normal linux box and a linux workstation?
> Secondly,i heard that when you want to want to install both windows and
> linux on a machine,you can have only a "linux workstation"..??
> Apparently,both my doubts have cropped up from the same source.But,it
> sounds wierd.
> Any Comments..??
> cheers,
> Vineeta

Redhat-list mailing list

smbfs i/o error

2001-03-13 Thread Frank Carreiro

Recently I've had more and more users require individual mounts to 
various NT / win2k servers from our Linux app servers.  I've written 
several shell scripts that mount to the users home directory a windoze 
share (different scripts for different servers/shares) and it's been 
working fine since October 2000.

Lately my users would notice the mount point directory would simply 
"disappear" when they performed an ls on their home directory.  We could 
cd into it and pwd shows that it exists and we are inside the mount 
point however we cannot dismount the server nor delete the mount point 
(says it's busy).  Of course we're trying this above the mount point (in 
case anyone was wondering).  Rebooting the server restores it to normal 
operations (not desirable though).  I've gone through the services and 
killed that user's processes yet we still cannot see that mount point 
nor dismount the NT server (still says it's busy).

I'm wondering if anyone has seen this problem before.  We are running 
RedHat 6.2 kernel SMP 2.2.14.  I'm thinking since smbfs is a kernel 
module I should upgrade perhaps to 2.2.18/2.2.19.  Holding off on 2.4.x 
(for now).



Redhat-list mailing list

RE:web site statistics tools

2001-03-12 Thread Frank Carreiro

You might want to check out this tool.  Webalizer is run here and we are VERY 
satisfied with it.  

Hope this meets your needs


> Can anyone please send me links to the best commercial web site statistics
> tools?
> Thank you
> kapil
> _

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Microsoft exchange

2001-03-09 Thread Frank Carreiro


Ok.  Yes you can use Netscrape (translation:  netscape) for this.

tcp/ip should work.  Usually I set up my client as an IMAP client and 
simply provide the IP address under "server".  Also I recommend if using 
public folders that you show all folders.  The default I think is "show 
only subscribed folders" which may not meet your needs.

Give it a try.  If tcp/ip is loaded on your exchange server it should 
work just fine.


> Unfortunately I found this reponse less than useful.
> I have no problem with sendmail as a MTA. I'm already using it. I guess I
> can use Netscape as a MUA if I have to, although I'm happier with pine or
> elm
> But how do I configure any/all of these to connect to a MS Exchange Server?
> I've no idea what protocols are used (tcp/ip? IPX? who knows?) or how to
> communicate generally with such a beast
> Bill
> -Or

Redhat-list mailing list

RE:Microsoft Exchange

2001-03-09 Thread Frank Carreiro

Personally I use Netscrape for my email connectivity with our exchange 
server.  I can access public folders and so on...

If you are running exchange applications (voting booths and so on) then 
it won't work for you.  Unfortunately Micro$oft has decided it like 
proprietary technology and will play with the other children only when 
they must


> My linux setup does almost everything I want now, such that I can almost get
> rid of my windoze box.
> Just about the only thing left is for me to be able to send/receive mail. I
> normally have to configure Outlook to deal the an MS Exchange server has
> anyone got any pointers regarding copying this functionality under linux?
> Couldn't find any web-sites that seemed to deal with this
> Cheers
> Bill

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: how to deny some hosts access

2001-03-09 Thread Frank Carreiro

That should work.  We've also done the following which has worked just 
as well:

in.ftpd: 192.168.

This will deny everyone where the first two octets match.

Also you can do the following to filter out countries or other hosts

in.ftpd: .jp

will deny everyone in japan (or any other country you wish to filter out)

in.ftpd: .net

will deny everyone attaching with .net

We have an FTP server that was getting hit from all over the place.  
Eventually we denied everyone then in hosts.allow put in the ranges we 
ONLY wanted to allow in.  We get alot less ftp traffic these days :-)


> If you want to allow everyone but, for example, 192.168?
> Then the hosts.deny file line should read:
> in.ftpd:
> As I recall, you always need the network address/netmask in there.
> On Fri, 9 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
>  > i want to deny some hosts and ip addresses to access my ftp services,how should i 
>  >
>  > #more /etc/hosts.allow
>  > in.ftpd:all
>  > #more/etc/hosts.deny
>  > in.ftpd:`192.168.?
>  >
>  > is that correct?
>  >
>  > i want to deny some ip addresses match my patterns,i man hosts.allow,the manual 
>say `192.168.? matches 192.168.*.*,i try,but it does not work

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: mount a novell volume?

2001-03-07 Thread Frank Carreiro

I wrote something basic on my web site about this.  Select the link below and find 
"How to mount NetWare Volumes"

Basically using ncpmount (and ncpumount) you can easily u/mount NetWare Volumes.  The 
servers need to have
their bindery context set AND DNS host entries set in your DNS server (host table 
"should" work).

BTW, I've unsuccessful in mounting NetWare Server that only support NDS (bindery 
context NOT set).  Caldera has a
client which I've been successful in compiling however there are NO instructions how 
to use it.  If they
ONLY included a README like "normal" coders :-)

Good Luck.  Let me know if you have any problems making this work.


> Can someone give me a pointer on how to mount a shared Novell volume.  A
> howto somewhere?
> -eric wood

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Strange log entries

2001-03-07 Thread Frank Carreiro

Disable postmap if you really don't need it. Fortunately if you do it's 
protected by tcp_wrappers.


> I just noticed the following in my log files.  Anyone have an idea as to what's 
>going on?
> Mar 4 16:35:52 cx633007-a portmap[10564]: connect from to 
>getport(status): request from unauthorized host
> Mar 5 21:40:39 cx633007-a portmap[10564]: connect from to dump(): 
>request from unauthorized host
> Mar 6 05:52:29 cx633007-a portmap[10564]: connect from to 
>getport(status): request from unauthorized host
> Mar 6 18:13:18 cx633007-a portmap[10564]: connect from to dump(): 
>request from unauthorized host

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Linux Frustration Rant

2001-02-26 Thread Frank Carreiro

> the biggest frustrations I've found with all
> flavors Linux. Practically every time I find a command or program I want
> to use, BAM ... Permission Denied. For instance, I lurk on this forum
> trying to learn from everyone else's problems. One of the things I've
> waited months for is a way to set the system time from a time server.
> Today I saw a message and reply about netdate => rdate. I immediately
> checked for the manpage on the RH box and it was there (I do appreciate
> Linux's "if it is installed, it has a manpage" practice). Great! I
> connected the RH 6.2 box to the 'net and ran rdate from the command line
> with -s -p and it worked ... sort of. It did check the time and print
> it. Then it returned:  "rdate: could not set system time: Operation not
> permmited."

Do what most people do.. su to root and setup a cronjob to periodically 
update your system time against a time server.  There are several things 
you can't do without root priviledges this being one of them.

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: allowing users to supermount

2001-02-26 Thread Frank Carreiro

Recommend sudo.  Great tool...


> How do I allow specified users access to a supermounted cdrom
> (iso9660)?
> Every time I "ls -A" /[mount_directory], from a user account,
> I get: ls: /[mount_directory]: Permission denied.  I tried adding
> permissions for the user to group adm, disk, cdrom.  I changed the
> permissions for /dev/hdd to 666, 644, 655.  I tried mounting the
> cdrom with supermount disabled and I get: mount: /dev/hdd already
> mounted or /[mount_directory] busy.  The first bit, after switching
> everything back to the original settings, is set to: brw---,
> which I surmised must be the reason for the "busy" message, because
> I didn't find any reference for "b".
> BTW, what is the chmod mode or octal_mode for "b"?
> Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
>   list/newsgroup address in Cc: and my email address in To:.

Redhat-list mailing list

Linux routing question

2001-02-23 Thread Frank Carreiro

I have setup a route on one of my linux boxes and have something rather 
"unusual" happening.  The box has a single nic in it.  I'm taking 
packets from my 192 network and moving them to my 172 network.  I can 
ping however it takes an unbelieable long time for a response.  I've 
checked my network traffic and there is basically no traffic.

Is there some way in Linux where we "might" have limited our ping 
traffic so it only responds like every 10 or 15 seconds?  I know there 
is a way to do this in our Cisco routers.  Since we are not doing that 
I'm wondering if it's a linux thing.



Redhat-list mailing list

RE: looping a scripts

2001-02-19 Thread Frank Carreiro

Personally I really like xmms.  It has that capability


> You can also make it play all .mp3 files in a directory
>  >> like this:
>  >>
>  >> #!/bin/sh
>  >>
>  >> while :; do
>  >>for mp3 in *.mp3; do
>  >>   amp -p "$mp3"
>  >>done
>  >> done
>  >
>  >However, this will play the files sequentially, in (sorted) order.  I
>  >want it to be randomized, like the output of 'ls -AQU'
>  >
>  >AMK4
> You didn't say that at first.  No fair changing the question in the middle
> of the answers.
> Use a player that can randomize the list of songs given it.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: help - being hacked, what should I do

2001-02-16 Thread Frank Carreiro

If he wasn't very smart check your /var/log/messages file.  Also check 
/var/log/secure.  See if you can find where he came in.  Perhaps 
examining the other processes running (shell scripts) you "may" find 
some more clues.

If he was a "smart" hacker then the logs have been cleaned and anything 
he is running probably won't give much info.  tcpdump is probably your 
best bet for catching him though I wouldn't want the machine running any 
longer than necessary on a network I own.  Even if you did catch where 
it came from most likely those systems are also comprimised computers 
and he's remote controlling them. 

Personally I would cut my losses, reinstall and get all the patches in 
place.  It's a sick world we live in :-(


Ed Lazor wrote:

> Originally, I started having problems on all of my machines and I 
> figured out it was because of poor performance on my dns server.  
> Named wasn't responding to lookups, so I tried restarting it, but that 
> didn't work.  It kept telling me the port was already in use.  I tried 
> restarting inet and other network services, but finally defaulted to 
> just rebooting the machine.  After reboot, it took forever for me to 
> get back in.  When I did, I discovered the system load was over 9.  I 
> checked the process list and discovered all kinds of extra things 
> running.  Several compiles and several scans for bind exploits were in 
> progress.  It looks like my machine was taken over to attack other 
> machines.  I did more exploring and discovered other utilities 
> installed and many of the standard system utilities had been replaced.
> I am definitely going to rebuild this machine and a couple of others 
> to make sure everything is ok.  In the process, I'm hoping there's a 
> way I can trace where the hacker is coming from and attempt catching 
> them.  Is tcpdump the only tool I can use for this?
> -Ed
> At 09:35 AM 2/16/2001 -0700, Frank Carreiro wrote:
>> do the following...
>> ps aux
>> see what processes they are running.  If you see some shell scripts 
>> running (called hackeda, hackb) stuff like that then it's VERY likely 
>> you were hit by the ramen worm.  I would recommend you pull the plug 
>> and consider if there is ANY data you really need on the system.  If 
>> not wipe it clean and reinstall.

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: help - being hacked, what should I do

2001-02-16 Thread Frank Carreiro

do the following...

ps aux

see what processes they are running.  If you see some shell scripts 
running (called hackeda, hackb) stuff like that then it's VERY likely 
you were hit by the ramen worm.  I would recommend you pull the plug and 
consider if there is ANY data you really need on the system.  If not 
wipe it clean and reinstall.

If it is the Ramen worm then get the latest version of wu-ftpd.  2.6.1 
has patched the known security holes.   Also get the latest lpd and bind 
for your system (I believe those were the other points of penetration by 
the ramen worm).

Go to

and look at their home page.  The lower right corner has a link for more 
information on this thing and what packages it can compromise.  They 
also have links to where you can get the latest patches for your OS.

Hope this helps and good luck.


> Someone hacked into one of my systems and I can see them running 
> stuff.  They seem to have a rootkit installed, because nothing shows 
> up under who or w.  Is there anything I can do to trace them while 
> they are doing this stuff to catch them? 

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Ftp server

2001-02-15 Thread Frank Carreiro

One word of caution... If you intend to use wu-ftp (which comes with 
redhat 6.2 and 7.0) make sure you upgrade to the latest version.  The 
ramen worm is able to comprimise wu-ftp-2.6.0 easily and setup shop 
without so much as a by your leave.  wu-ftp-2.6.1 patches these known 
security issues.  I had to clean a system comprimised by this worm and 
install the update.  Left the system running for a few days (without 
setting up tcpwrappers) and noticed someone REALLY trying to get in (the 
machine from which we were attacked originally by).  After about a 
minute it gave up. 

We added it's ip bank to hosts.deny for good measure.


>   Hi Alessandro,
>>  >1 ) I want that from
>>  >  out my domain only anonymous and
>>  >  in my domain only two or four my client
>>  >
>>  >   2)   The same 1)  but with TCPWrapper .
>>  >  Is it possible ?
>  I guess you will have to setup hosts.allow to allow anyone to access ftp. 
> When using wu-ftpd you should edit ftphosts to allow certain users access from 
> certain address ranges. See man ftphosts.
>   Bye,
>   Leonard.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: When is a port scan NOT a portscan?

2001-02-14 Thread Frank Carreiro


>   A single packet to the discard service could
> be something "normal" for some custom apps if your system was already
> communicating with the other system.  A tcp connection between ports
> 3205 and 27015 looks like some sort of allocatable data connection
> with allocatable ports on either end.

Well.. we are running two apps actually.  One is a custom java app and 
the other was running for only a couple of hours (Team Fortress server 
for Linux ::grinz::).  Ran TF for only a couple of hours and was 
surprised to see UDP 9 hit at all.

>   Where you running IPChains or ipfwadm?  

Portsentry.conf has a setting for ipfwadm to add any "perceived" attacks 
to the deny policy though if I do IPCHAINS -L it shows all policies.

> The logs look like
> IPChains but you are using the ipfwadm command.  There is a chain name
> in the message and it just happens to be the name of the inp chain used
> by some of the backward compatibility scripts to make IPChains look sort
> of like ipfwadm (it creats an inp chain and links it to the input chain).
> If you are using IPChains, you are long past time to get off the crutch
> of the compatibility scripts and start running IPChains natively.  Just
> in time to start worrying about the change to Netfilter.  :-)

Yah.. 2.4 looks good.  I heard they switched the firewall software (again).

>   You said this is a custom app that has to run outside of the
> firewall.  Then you put a firewall on it (portsentry + ipfwadm/IPChains).
> The fact that this app requires that it be outside of a firewall should
> have been a clue that "strange things might happen" when it interacts
> with a firewall like ipfwadm or something like portsentry.  Why did this
> app require that it be outside of your firewall?

The java app talks directly to an oracle database (port 1521 I 
believe).  It requires something called osagent (part of the visibroker 
tools I believe).  Osagent had trouble going through our NAT firewall so 
we moved it outside to run our tests.

>   1) Do not trigger firewall reconfiguration on UDP scans.  These can
> be spoofed to create denial of service attacks against you or to do more
> amusing things.  If someone thought you were running portsentry and shuting
> down your firewall based on UDP they could do real amusing things by spoofing
> packets at you as if they came from all the root name servers.  :-)  Just
> deny UDP ports you are not using.

I've heard of this.  I'll make this change.  Thx :-)

>   2) Do not trigger firewall reconfiguration based on Stealth
> scans (see #1 above).
>   3) One packet, a port scan does not make.  The fact that you had
> so LITTLE traffic (that you showed us) really indicates that this was
> not a port scan.  If it had been a UDP services port scan you should
> have seen a flood of them.  I would have also expected to see some
> serious attempts to contact well known tcp services and that's not
> in the log segment you posted either.

Hmmm... ok I overreacted then.  /me blushes

>   One UDP packet to port 9 and a couple of retries on what looks to
> be an estabished socket simply does NOT look like a port scan unless there
> was a LOT more that you didn't post.

That's about it actually.  I appreciate it

/me goes to the corner now



>> Greatly Appreciated.
>> Frank.
>> Feb 12 00:54:17 testapp_001 portsentry[1883]: attackalert: UDP scan from host: 
> to UDP port: 9
>> Feb 12 00:54:17 testapp_001 portsentry[1883]: attackalert: Host has 
>been blocked via wrappers with string: "ALL:"
>> Feb 12 00:54:18 testapp_001 portsentry[1883]: attackalert: Host has 
>been blocked via dropped route using command: "/sbin/ipfwadm -I -i deny -S 
> -o"
>> Feb 12 00:54:18 testapp_001 kernel: Packet log: inp DENY eth0 PROTO=17 
> L=40 S=0x00 I=43300 F=0x T=17 (#1) 
>> Feb 12 00:54:20 testapp_001 kernel: Packet log: inp DENY eth0 PROTO=17 
> L=40 S=0x00 I=44870 F=0x T=17 (#1) 
>> Feb 12 00:54:22 testapp_001 kernel: Packet log: inp DENY eth0 PROTO=17 
> L=40 S=0x00 I=45274 F=0x T=17 (#1) 
>> Feb 12 00:54:24 testapp_001 kernel: Packet log: inp DENY eth0 PROTO=17 
> L=40 S=0x00 I=45647 F=0x T=17 (#1) 
>   Mike

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: port scan reported by port sentry

2001-02-14 Thread Frank Carreiro

Actually it's the admin of the company in question not the ISP I report 
it to.  I had mistakenly thought it was a portscan :-)

My apologies


> Re: your tactics to report every port scan to the authorities of the ISP
> - I disagree with it, since not every port scan (like in this case) is a
> port scan. This adds to the overhead some ISP sysadmins get during normal
> working hours. I am not sure that portscanning has been announced by law a
> crime or misdemeanor (unless portscanning interferes with the normal
> conduct of your business and such causes financial damages). Correct me
> here if I am wrong. At least not yet. Personnaly in my spare time I prefer
> finding/fighting spam mail abusers. 
> Regards,

Redhat-list mailing list

When is a port scan NOT a portscan?

2001-02-13 Thread Frank Carreiro

I'm running portsentry on a test application server which is outside our 
firewall (we had no choice.. our custom app needed this to work properly).

I have it setup to automatically add any system that portscan's us into 
our IPCHAINS deny policy.  I have done a whois and contacted the admin 
who "claims" they never port scanned us (I don't believe him of 
course).  This may have been stupid but as he is the network admin of 
his company I gave him the IP address of the server which was 
portscanned.  Attached is the part in our messages log I am concerned about.

Anyway...  I'm bringing the machine down today anyway.  We've completed 
the work it was intended to do so it's a moot point.  Still for 
educational purposes I was hoping someone could confirm.

Greatly Appreciated.


Feb 12 00:54:17 testapp_001 portsentry[1883]: attackalert: UDP scan from host: to UDP port: 9
Feb 12 00:54:17 testapp_001 portsentry[1883]: attackalert: Host has been 
blocked via wrappers with string: "ALL:"
Feb 12 00:54:18 testapp_001 portsentry[1883]: attackalert: Host has been 
blocked via dropped route using command: "/sbin/ipfwadm -I -i deny -S -o"
Feb 12 00:54:18 testapp_001 kernel: Packet log: inp DENY eth0 PROTO=17 L=40 S=0x00 I=43300 F=0x T=17 (#1) 
Feb 12 00:54:20 testapp_001 kernel: Packet log: inp DENY eth0 PROTO=17 L=40 S=0x00 I=44870 F=0x T=17 (#1) 
Feb 12 00:54:22 testapp_001 kernel: Packet log: inp DENY eth0 PROTO=17 L=40 S=0x00 I=45274 F=0x T=17 (#1) 
Feb 12 00:54:24 testapp_001 kernel: Packet log: inp DENY eth0 PROTO=17 L=40 S=0x00 I=45647 F=0x T=17 (#1) 

RE: whois - usage

2001-02-09 Thread Frank Carreiro

I usually go to the following website.

Give it a try

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Connecting a redhat 7.0 workstation to a novell netware

2001-01-31 Thread Frank Carreiro

If I understand this correctly you are trying to connect the redhat 7.0 
workstation to the internet... right?

There are a few howto's which discuss how to do this.  Go to my home 
page and under "links of interest" there is a link to the latest howto's 
(I think). 

Here is the link

The second entry "Linux Howto's Index" is the one you want.  The next 
entry is a list of howto's you can download in case you are interested.

Here is the direct link you want:

Should show you how to set it up.

Hope this does it for you


> Ok thanks guys. Thanks Grant, somehow I overlooked Frank's email amongst
> the other, so thanks for bringing it to my notice! Now I have one more
> basic question, would it be possible to connect to the internet ?? Like I
> mentioned earlier I have Novell netware 4.x here and a laptop with Redhat
> 7.0 (work-station)?? I read through the link that Frank had provided. And
> it speaks mostly of mounting netware volumes (from a netware file server??
> or share?).
> Any feed-back on this one please?? 
> Thanks,
> Praveen Kamath

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Connecting a redhat 7.0 workstation to a novell netware

2001-01-31 Thread Frank Carreiro

Select "How to mount netware volumes"

It's a quick note on using ncpmount.  Works great!


Check out my site 

> Hi All--
> I have installed redhat 7.0 workstation on my laptop. We have a novell
> netware(4.x) here and I would like to connect this laptop to this network,
> i.e. use it as one of the work-stations on the network. Is it possible to
> do this? If so, does any one have suggestions/ websites that will help me
> configure?
> Thanks for advance,
> Praveen Kamath

Redhat-list mailing list

Question about port 6000

2001-01-29 Thread Frank Carreiro

I just noticed after port scanning my system there is a service running 
on port 6000 (X11).  I'm concerned about security being an issue with 
this port open / available.  Is there anyone with any comments/thoughts 
about securing this port?

Basically we have a system we're about to deploy on the internet and 
I've got just about everything else locked down.  I've heard it's 
possible to comprimise a system through port 6000 and wanted to minimize 
my exposure.



Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Scanner for Linux

2001-01-29 Thread Frank Carreiro

I appreciate the help all.  Checked out SANE's page and thinking of 
getting the Epson 1200 (or 1240) scanner.  Cheaper by half than the HP 
scanners and Epson isn't all that bad in the market place.  I love HP 
products however $399 for a USB scanner that only does 1200x1200 vs an 
Epson for $199 (USB of course) which is 2400x2400 @ 42 bit.  What a bargin.

Thx again all!!


Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Oracle 8 on redhat 6.2

2001-01-25 Thread Frank Carreiro

I haven't done it myself but I've been told the 2.4.0 kernel eliminates the 2 Gb file 
limit.  I'm unaware of a patch for the 2.2.x kernel.


Hello !

I'm trying to install oracle 8 on redhat 6.2 (because debian is
not the supported platform) and have one question. 
How can I patch the kernel to obtain the file creation of >2Gb ?
And how is it safe ?
-- Just GNU it.

Redhat-list mailing list

scanner for linux?

2001-01-23 Thread Frank Carreiro

Does anyone have any recommendations for a scanner for linux?  I'm 
considering the purchase in the next few weeks and have looked at HP 
scanners (I usually go for HP products when I can).

Haven't spent alot of time checking (yet).



Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Ramen work and port scanning

2001-01-22 Thread Frank Carreiro

We had this nutty work hit and start is crusade to comprimise other 
boxes.  Fortunately I regularly check my systems (logs and so on).  
Noticed some rather "unusual" services running.  I only wish I had 
installed the latest version of wu-ftpd sooner.  I have only myself to 

I took an extreeme approach to this.  Flattened the server and 
reinstalled and this time WITH the latest version of wu-ftpd.  I let the 
system run for an hour and noticed my little buddy came knocking on my 
door.  The sign said no one was home and he left in a hurry :-)   2.6.1 
seems to be working really well.  No to mention I have no blocked the 
entire IP bank in my host.deny file for good measure.

I recommend informing the admin as soon as you can.  Let them know they 
have a system attacking you.  I did.  They were surprised to learn they 
have a Solaris server running.  I was able to get the IP address from 
the logs (presuming it's correct).  After returning the compliment (ran 
a port scan ONLY!)::grinz::

The admin was VERY interested to see that port scan log BTW.  I think he 
is about to learn something (as did I)


> Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 09:30:12AM -0500, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
>>  > heh ;)   As long as they don't complain to their SysAdmin & get you in
>>  > trouble, right? ;)
> Actually, I usually send a complaint to their ISP or sysadmin with snippets
> of *my* logs, if they're in the US...  I stopped keeping track of how many
> promised to shut 'em down...
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Dave Ihnat

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: 3dfx drivers

2001-01-09 Thread Frank Carreiro

I havent' seen them since the sale though you might want to consider xf86's drivers.  I believe they support most Voodoo cards.

After reading the 3dfx home page I'm no longer purchasing these cards.  Why
would I purchase a card made by a company that doesn't exist anymore?  I've
used voodoo's for years and am sorry to see them go.  Guess I'll purchase
a geforce2 and get used to a few vendor.


On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 08:36:31PM -0800, Rick Warner wrote:
> Why not just go to, go to the drivers tab, and search the
> driver archive.  The machine is up, the drivers are there.  

Are they?  Please point me to a live link.  All the links I found there
just tell me that they're all at; no other content.

	Dave Ihnat

[Fwd: delivery failure]

2000-12-14 Thread Frank Carreiro

anyone else get this?

Sounds like someone should LEAVE this group if they are not interested 
in opinions regarding their posts :-)

No offense intended but this was weird.


 Original Message 
Subject: delivery failure
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 03:58:44 +0100
From: "Bernhard R. Erdmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Frank Carreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Silly nit to be picked, here, but if the communication is to be
>accomplished over a modem connection, why do you really need encryption?
>I mean, I don't know that there's a whole lot of packet sniffing from the
>modem on your system to the modem on the NT box.


For people like me with faster than a modem connection I'd be worried...

For a modem to modem solution.. depends on the data if it's sensitive ...

___ Redhat-list mailing list 

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: pcAnywhere Client for Linux

2000-12-13 Thread Frank Carreiro

>Silly nit to be picked, here, but if the communication is to be>accomplished over a modem connection, why do you really need encryption?>I mean, I don't know that there's a whole lot of packet sniffing from the>modem on your system to the modem on the NT box.LOL!!For people like me with faster than a modem connection I'd be worried...For a modem to modem solution.. depends on the data if it's sensitive ...Frank

Re: pcAnywhere Client for Linux

2000-12-13 Thread Frank Carreiro

I wouldn't do it myself.   VNC has no encryption and I'm a nut about 

If there was some way to run VNC under SSH I think it would be a 
solution to consider.  Of course if security isn't a consideration then 
VNC sounds like a great product :-)

Too bad Micro$oft would be offended by a pcAnywhere for Linux.  I mean 
if they "don't" consider linux a threat (as they have stated soo many 
times) then it wouldn't matter of Symantec made such a product ;-)


Redhat-list mailing list

One more weird ftp server issue...

2000-11-06 Thread Frank Carreiro

Everything seems to work just fine when other UNIX/LINUX systems ftp 
files to my RH 6.2 FTP server however I've noticed Windoze boxes are 
timing out with some downloads.

Most of the time I'm getting an error message that anonymous users don't 
have permissions and then it starts the ftp before timing out. 

Has anyone seen this problem before?  Man I hate Wintendo. 



Redhat-list mailing list

Windoze FTP to Linux is S L O W!!

2000-10-31 Thread Frank Carreiro

Is there a reason when I FTP from a Windwoes box to my Linux FTP server 
that it takes up to two minutes before prompted for a login name/password?

It doesn't seem to be a problem from the other UNIX/Linux boxes (well.. 
occasionally but not often).

I've checked /var/log/messages and I see that I'm connected immediately 
(logged anyway).  Has anyone run into this?



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: XDCMP for Linux?

2000-09-27 Thread Frank Carreiro

Cool.. I've had the chance to try this out and it seems to work with one 
of the 4 Linux boxes I'm working with.. What's weird is that all 4 were 
setup the same but only one was able to work.  The other's don't seem to 
start the process up.  Am I missing something?

I have noticed on the 1 that is working I have a process called [gdm] 
which shows up with hard brackets around it.  This happened after I made 
the change and rebooted the system.  My other linux servers are not 
running gdm (I don't see the process start up basically).  When I go to 
/usr/bin and run gdm I see it start up however there are no hard 
brackets around the process name (if that means anything).

I'm getting closer... I can feel it :-)

Am I missing something still?  I've looked through the init.d directory 
scripts hoping to find what starts up gdm...  Perhaps it's started with 
startx... haven't looked there yet.

Thx for the help !!


> I downloaded xwinpro32 the other day and it seems to work correctly, 
> but I have yet to get another linux box to connect. I also have not 
> had time.
> I am using the newest gdm from helixcode.
> 1. add GDM:  to /etc/hosts.allow.
> 2. in the GDM configuration file, `/etc/X11/gdm.conf', you need
>edit the line in the [XDMCP] section to be 'enable=1'
> I believe you then have to restart GDM in order for the changes to 
> take affect.
> HTH, 
> Chad
> > Has anyone been successful in making this work?  
> > 
> > I'm hoping our Windoze users can use XDCMP to query our Linux boxes
> > rather than use telnet all the time (they are newbies afraid of 
> telnet
> > ).
> > 
> > thx
> > 
> > Frank
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> >
> --
> Is your email secure?
> (c) 1998-2000 secureFront Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Redhat-list mailing list

XDCMP for Linux?

2000-09-18 Thread Frank Carreiro

Has anyone been successful in making this work?  

I'm hoping our Windoze users can use XDCMP to query our Linux boxes
rather than use telnet all the time (they are newbies afraid of telnet



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Samba Newbie alert!

2000-08-25 Thread Frank Carreiro

Ok.. I found the solution.  Unfortunately it won't be available for some time.

Samba 2.2.x will have a new "appliance" mode which allows you to run without a
corresponding UNIX account.  I came across this in the samba mail list archives
for august 2000.  Hopefully soon it will be available.


John Losey wrote:

> I'm not much of a Samba expert, but there are a few other things you'll need
> to do for your smb.conf.
> You'll have to setup the "password server" field.  In addition, you'll need
> to make a computer account on the PDC for your samba server and then run the
> "smbpasswd -j DOMAINNAME -r PDC" command while the samba services are down.
> Now about your "can I run this w/o a corresponding UNIX account?"
> question...If you can find a way, please let us know.
> John
> -Original Message-
> From: Frank Carreiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 12:35 PM
> Subject: Samba Newbie alert!
> Ok.  I'm running Samba and have used swat (samba gui tool) to configure
> my smb.conf file.  After I startup the daemons I can see the server from
> my NT client however I am prompted for a user account and password when
> I try to attach to a samba share.  I've tried administrator (from the NT
> domain) and root (from the unix box).  I'm simply unable to get in.  If
> I setup "map to guest" and select "Bad User" then I can get in.
> Thinking I am not authenticating to the PDC properly.
> What I would like to do is basically have my NT users (4.0 and 2000) map
> to my samba share and authenticate through my NT domain controller (PDC)
> without creating an account on the unix side.  Is this possible?  I'm
> getting the impression samba requires a unix account which would defeat
> what I'm trying to build.  A NT/UNIX single login solution.
> We tried NIS but that is going with two login databases.  I'm really
> interested in maintaining one if possible.
> Any ideas on what I've missed?
> Here is my smb.conf file.  It's pretty basic.
> Thx

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Samba Newbie alert!

2000-08-24 Thread Frank Carreiro

I remember seeing a reference to the "password server"field.  I'll check it
again.  Didn't see that in the smb.conf file.

Already have the account on the PDC and smbpasswd ran successfully.  It stated
I had joined the domain.

I'll keep looking.  I'm really hopefull of an all NT domain solution with

BTW, I noticed the smb.log file is complaining of no UNIX passwd reference to
my user account.  Boy I hope I don't have to do that..


John Losey wrote:

> I'm not much of a Samba expert, but there are a few other things you'll need
> to do for your smb.conf.
> You'll have to setup the "password server" field.  In addition, you'll need
> to make a computer account on the PDC for your samba server and then run the
> "smbpasswd -j DOMAINNAME -r PDC" command while the samba services are down.
> Now about your "can I run this w/o a corresponding UNIX account?"
> question...If you can find a way, please let us know.
> John
> -Original Message-
> From: Frank Carreiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 12:35 PM
> Subject: Samba Newbie alert!
> Ok.  I'm running Samba and have used swat (samba gui tool) to configure
> my smb.conf file.  After I startup the daemons I can see the server from
> my NT client however I am prompted for a user account and password when
> I try to attach to a samba share.  I've tried administrator (from the NT
> domain) and root (from the unix box).  I'm simply unable to get in.  If
> I setup "map to guest" and select "Bad User" then I can get in.
> Thinking I am not authenticating to the PDC properly.
> What I would like to do is basically have my NT users (4.0 and 2000) map
> to my samba share and authenticate through my NT domain controller (PDC)
> without creating an account on the unix side.  Is this possible?  I'm
> getting the impression samba requires a unix account which would defeat
> what I'm trying to build.  A NT/UNIX single login solution.
> We tried NIS but that is going with two login databases.  I'm really
> interested in maintaining one if possible.
> Any ideas on what I've missed?
> Here is my smb.conf file.  It's pretty basic.
> Thx

Redhat-list mailing list

Samba Newbie alert!

2000-08-24 Thread Frank Carreiro

Ok.  I'm running Samba and have used swat (samba gui tool) to configure
my smb.conf file.  After I startup the daemons I can see the server from
my NT client however I am prompted for a user account and password when
I try to attach to a samba share.  I've tried administrator (from the NT
domain) and root (from the unix box).  I'm simply unable to get in.  If
I setup "map to guest" and select "Bad User" then I can get in.
Thinking I am not authenticating to the PDC properly.

What I would like to do is basically have my NT users (4.0 and 2000) map
to my samba share and authenticate through my NT domain controller (PDC)
without creating an account on the unix side.  Is this possible?  I'm
getting the impression samba requires a unix account which would defeat
what I'm trying to build.  A NT/UNIX single login solution.

We tried NIS but that is going with two login databases.  I'm really
interested in maintaining one if possible.

Any ideas on what I've missed?

Here is my smb.conf file.  It's pretty basic.


# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2000/08/24 13:04:35

# Global parameters
workgroup = mydomain
netbios name = local_machine_name
security = DOMAIN
encrypt passwords = Yes
local master = No
wins server =

comment = test share
path = /export/share
guest ok = Yes

ISDN 3com ISDN TA Pro problems

2000-07-10 Thread Frank Carreiro

I am running an ISDN 3com ISDN TA Pro with Red Hat 6.1.  Downloading 6.2
today just in case it's a 6.1 issue.  

The system recognizes on bootup that I have it connected to com1 (RS232
connection. not using USB) and I have compiled ISDN into the Kernel. 
However when I start up the service I get a "resource busy" error
message in the /var/log/messages file.  Any ideas?

I've asked before and was told to change the S register so asyn - ppp is
setup to talk like any other modem.  No soap I'm afraid.  also I tried
compiling the isdn config and util's packages but am getting an error
code 2 during compile and exits out.

Going to look for the rpms.  might help there.  any suggestions?



There is nothing wrong with
  WINDOWS 2000
that Linux couldn't fix

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RE: How to disable ping echo?

2000-06-27 Thread Frank Carreiro

Under the man page for IPchains you will notice a -h icmp option.  From
a terminal type ipchains -h icmp for a list of all icmp messages. 
echo-reply and echo-request are the two messages you want to disable
with ipchains.  

BTW, there is a howto that comes with IPchains.  It explains (in a semi
cryptic manner) how to disable ping/pong.


On Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 08:37:42AM -0500, Justin Ellison wrote:
> Use ipchains:

> /sbin/ipchains -A input -j DENY -i eth0 -p icmp -s -d

> Note that this not only blocks people from pinging you, but it stops
> from pinging others.

It also blocks all forms of ICMP including ICMP UNREACHABLE and
break MTU discovery.  Most of the time, all you will notice is that your
performance my be slightly degraded.  Some (rare) applications and
have been known to just flat out break, however.  Use with caution.
netfilter, you can allow the WOULD FRAGMENT subtype to UNREACHABLE
while blocking everything else.  This is what's recommended.
There is nothing wrong with
  WINDOWS 2000
that Linux couldn't fix

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Re: How to disable ping echo?

2000-06-26 Thread Frank Carreiro

I've done this from IPchains under Linux.  I don't remember off hand the
correct command but I know IPchains will filter out various ICMP
packets.  Check out their man page.  I believe there was an example how
to do this.


I had to block the ICMP packets in my router to stop this. I don't know
a way, if there even is one, that you can block ICMP packets at the
computer. I'm pretty sure it has to be done from the router.


On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Clarence Donath wrote:

> How would one go about disabling ping echo on a machine?  In other
words, keep
> someone from pinging my machine and flooding it.
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RE: How to disable ping echo?

2000-06-26 Thread Frank Carreiro

If I am reading this correctly it turns off all icmp traffic.  I recall
reading the map page which describes how to turn off a "specific" icmp
packet (ping or pong or whatever).  There are a number of icmp messages
which can be sent and you can allow/deny any one (or more) of them.


Use ipchains:

/sbin/ipchains -A input -j DENY -i eth0 -p icmp -s -d

Note that this not only blocks people from pinging you, but it stops you
from pinging others.
There is nothing wrong with
  WINDOWS 2000
that Linux couldn't fix

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Re: Sorry guys

2000-06-20 Thread Frank Carreiro

Virus?  What virus?


You mean those attachments I keep getting from people.  Yah I got about
70 ot 80 of them and just laugh.  It must be horrible to be running
Windoze on the desktop.  I mean it's not a virus but actually a feature
that does malicious things to your system.  Thanks God I'm running

As far as mistakes go, I've made my fair share of them.  some have been
rather embarrasing.  But you know, I don't make them anymore :-)  I
think of new ones these days ::grinz::

And speaking of idiots, I must be one since I opened the virus up
myself.  Was pretty kewl learning how they did it.  Fortuantely (again)
I'm running a non-Windoze environment.  I love it!!!

Frank Carreiro

Morsal Roudbay wrote:
> Only an idiot can do what you did!

Usually, it is not exactly what you say what matters, but the way you
say it is pretty important.

Anyway, no problem, Jeff, we all make mistakes, and we are pretty sure
you will be more careful next time.

There is nothing wrong with
  WINDOWS 2000
that Linux couldn't fix

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Re: fstab

2000-06-09 Thread Frank Carreiro

I've looked around and haven't found anything along these lines.  Not
sure how it can be done.  Sorry, wish I could help.

If anybody comes up with the solution I would be interested in posting
it on my web site for future reference.



Jerry Human wrote:
> Ok, I'll re-read the man and pay special attention to the sixth field. I was
> originally looking for a way to increase the allowable number of mounted
> items and may have missed this.
> What I am mounting is all partitions on all drives and floppies, cdroms, etc.
> so, yes, most of them are file system entries. I have also read the manpage
> for mount but I still don't know how to increase the maximun number of
> mountable items. At this time I need 14 mounts but it balks after 6. Do you
> know how I can fix this?
> Thank you.
> Frank Carreiro wrote:
> > Are these filesystems you are mounting?  If so then you want to read
> > through the man page of fstab and consider changing the sixth field
> > appropriately.  Your boot/root partition should have a 1 in the sixth
> > field and all other's should have a 2.  If a 0 or if the sixth field
> > isn't present then basically fsck will presume that filesystem doesn't
> > need to be checked.  I don't recommend that :-)
> >
> > Hope this helps
> >
> > Frank
> >
> > Jerry Human wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello Mr. Carreiro:
> > >
> > > Having checked my fstab file I found the sixth field to be all zeros
> > > except for the one for the boot partition (/). Is there anything else I
> > > should check?
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > There is nothing wrong with
> >   WINDOWS 2000
> > that Linux couldn't fix
> >
> > --
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as the Subject.

Re: fstab

2000-06-08 Thread Frank Carreiro

Are these filesystems you are mounting?  If so then you want to read
through the man page of fstab and consider changing the sixth field
appropriately.  Your boot/root partition should have a 1 in the sixth
field and all other's should have a 2.  If a 0 or if the sixth field
isn't present then basically fsck will presume that filesystem doesn't
need to be checked.  I don't recommend that :-)

Hope this helps


Jerry Human wrote:
> Hello Mr. Carreiro:
> Having checked my fstab file I found the sixth field to be all zeros
> except for the one for the boot partition (/). Is there anything else I
> should check?
> Thanks.

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RE:RH 6.2 goes bonkers in 2 days!!!

2000-06-07 Thread Frank Carreiro

I wonder if your running into the same thing I was...

Check your /etc/fstab file and make sure the sixth field has been setup
correctly.  1 for your root partition and 2 for all other partitions you
want mounted.

I noticed everything (almost) was a 1.  This is bad :-).  Check it out.


Hello RH Guru's:

I sure hope you can help me with this one. Last week I installed a WD
Caviar 102AA 10 gig hard drive and made four partitions: hdc1 four gig,
hdc2 100 meg, hdc3 three gig, and hdc4 three gig. I installed RH 6.2 on
hdc1 and used hdc2 for the swap file. The drives hda and hdb are used
for DOS and Win95.

After a two days on boot up I get a prompt to enter root password for
maintenance to run fsck manually. When I do, I get a series of errors
for inodes 2 through 283692:

Inode x has imagic flag set. Clear ?
Inode x is in use, but has dtime set. Fix ?
Inode x has illegal block(s). Clear ?
Inode x ref count is x, should be x. Fix ?
i_fsize for inode x (...) is xxx, should be xxx. Clear ?
Inode x (...) has a bad mode (x). Clear ?
i_frag for inode x (...) is xxx, should be xxx. Clear ?
i_faddr for inode x (...) is xxx, should be xxx. Clear ?

After ~ 40 minutes of holding the 'Y' key down, fsck reports the fs is
currupted and is automatically restarting and I spend another ~40
minutes holding the 'Y' key down. Upon completion, shut down and reboot.
RH does start and prompts for login. After login, RH seems to work
slugishly and some things don't work anymore. Checking the /lost + found
dir reveals ~16 screens of numbers in various colors, dark blue, yellow,
brown, etc. I assume these were put here by fsck.

The first time this happened I just blew of RH and formatted the
partition and installed again from CD. Now it's happened again.

Can anyone tell me what is happening and perhaps why and possibly a
path/ method to fixing it permanetly?

Thank you.
There is nothing wrong with
  WINDOWS 2000
that Linux couldn't fix

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RH 6.1 and ISDN?

2000-06-06 Thread Frank Carreiro

Ok.. Having some trouble with my ISDN installation...

Just got the thing and it works fine for Windoze.  When I try to startup
the ISDN service I get a message that the resource is busy.  Tried
following the howto's and have created the modules (running Kernel
2.2.12 and compiled ISDN as a module).  Looking at upgrading to 2.2.15
(hopefully this will help).

I have a USR Sporters external ISDN router with USB/RS-232 connection to
the system.  Using the RS-232 for Linux (as USB isn't there yet I

Any tips clues what else I can look at?  

One more note.  I also configured the ISDN.conf file.  Only needed to
make a couple of changes to it.



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  WINDOWS 2000
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Re: Linux Security

2000-05-31 Thread Frank Carreiro

While no system is 100% secure, I've tweaked my linux system to the
point that most people simply give up when trying to break into my Linux
box.  I run SAINT and nmape on a regular basis and check my logs
regularly.  I've seen people port scan me and try all sorts of tricks to
get in.  After a few minutes they seem to simply give up in favor of
those systems with less secure setups (why spend hours to get into

Point is this, you setup outta the box a linux system and don't tweak it
your inviting problems.  Same goes for Windoze.  No service packs?  Your
again inviting problems.  Heck, Micro$oft recommends staying up to the
latest service packs?  Why?  The same reason you need to tweak your
system and keep up to date.  Things change ... always go.


On Wed, 31 May 2000, Krikofer wrote:
> Hi.  My friend had told me that Linux does not have a good firewall.
Linux can be broken into easily (according to his job's system
administrator).  Would any of you know if this is true?  He says his
friend likes Linux.  Any facts?
> CH
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  WINDOWS 2000
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Re: tomsrtbt, minix, link, etc.

2000-05-30 Thread Frank Carreiro


didn't know where to get it.  I received the file from a buddy of mine
and had no idea where to get the current one.  I"ll change the web site
to reflect the link.  Thx for the update :-)

Frank Carreiro

Tom Oehser wrote:
>  >> Check out my web site.  I found a great minix boot disk which I use
>  >> to mount linux partitions.  The commands and feel is alot like
>  >> linux.  Here is the link ...
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  > Is minix diskette compatible with linux? I heard that even various
>  > kernels differ on the floppy and on the hard disk, might make troubles?
> Whoa, guys, there are a couple of problems here.
> 1. It is not a minix boot disk.  It is Linux.  It just happens to use the
>minix filesystem instead of the ext2 filesystem internally, which means
>nothing and makes no difference and isn't worth mentioning.  Linux.
> 2. The web site has a file, "tomsrtbt-current.tar.gz", that should NEVER
>exist except as a symbolic link to the CURRENT tomsrtbt.  To have a
>file called "tomsrtbt-current" that is NOT current is a problem.
>Please remove it and replace it with the correct versioned file name,
>or a link to the home page, so as not to mislead people that it is
>current, when it isn't.  I don't have a problem if you mirror it as:
> tomsrtbt-1.7.140.tar.gz
>Which is what it is, and it IS NOT current, since 1.7.185 has been out
>for a while, so, you see, it is a problem to have a file named
>"current" that is NOT current.
> The tomsrtbt home-page is:
> and
> The symbolic links:
> "tomsrtbt-current.tar.gz"
> and
> ""
> -Thanks
> -Tom

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  WINDOWS 2000
that Linux couldn't fix

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