Re: CS and antibiotic deaths

1998-12-10 Thread It's Not Me
I'll go you one better.  A few years ago, my doc put me on a brand new high
power antibiotic (the name of which escapes me).  About 4 days into the
course of antibiotics, my mom calls to ask what the name is.  When I tell
her, she says that I better not take another one since they have been
recalled.  I call the pharmacist, who knows nothing of the recall, and then
call the doctor who assures me that I should continue taking the meds since
he hadn't heard anything.  I decided to stop taking the stuff on a Thursday,
and never heard another word about it until the following Tuesday, when lo
and behold the pharmacist calls and informs me that in fact people are
dropping DEAD from renal failure.  Not just a few people, but many people
just dropping dead.  The interesting thing is that I never heard another
word about it from the news, my pharmacist, or my doctor.  Got to protect
the sacred cow now don't we.

-Original Message-
From: Marsha Hallett
Date: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: CS

  Rosemary Jacobs' story is tragic. I am sad for her. It appears she has
  become a zealot for whom any silver is bad silver. That I can
  understand. But I don't have to accept her view without question.

And what is odd to me is that no one has pointed out a corrolary.
That is, prescription antibiotics cause a _lot_ of problems,
even killing some people directly.

 This is for sure!! I put on a LOT of weight while taking doxycycline for 5
years, and I was eating less as I was too sick to cook. Also had my arm
blistered from sunlight entering the closed car window during a long drive.
Then there are the numerous yeast infections as a result of other abx...
Thank God for CS!!!

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Re: CS and Parasites???

1998-12-04 Thread It's Not Me
How about trying Hulda's Green Walnut Hull Extract.

-Original Message-
From: Maurice Evans
Date: Thursday, December 03, 1998 7:51 PM
Subject: CS and Parasites???

Hello All,

I have been reading the silver list for a while.  I am not a researcher
but I do enjoy the material...because I am battling an autoimmune

I have a question I hope someone can give me some insight on:  
Does CS have any effect on tapeworm and their mentioned in
Hulda Clark's book?  I have been getting night sweats around the upper
body...and it is my understanding it may be caused by Ascaris eggs and
larvae.  Does CS and/or Ozonated Water kill these?  

If not, what would be your opinion as to the best course of action to
take to rid myself of the parasites?  

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Keep up all the good
comments on the list.


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Re: CS and zapping

1998-11-13 Thread It's Not Me
That is what I thought at first too, but I'm not so sure now.  We have been
treating our dogs with some high power stuff every week for 3 weeks and they
just keep itching and so do I.  The Clark-type zapper works for about 12 to
24 hours and then they just come back.  The vet has no clue.  The
dermatologist wants me to believe that it is just coincidence and all I have
is dermatitis which tells me nothing about how to beat it.  The whole study
of parasites is very foreign to our western ways.  I wish I could find
someone who knew some eastern medicine since they seem to deal more with
parasites.  Anyhow, thanks for your reply,

-Original Message-
From: Christine Griffin
Date: Thursday, November 12, 1998 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: CS and zapping

Vern Your itchy little mites sounds an awful lot like   SCABIES.
They are skin mites that burrow  just barely under the skin and itch
like crazy.  They are seldom on the face or head, but attack hands,
wrists, and other parts of the body.  The treatment is buy a box of
sulphur at the drug store, come home and mix it with face cream, shorten
or any thing that will make a paste.  Spread it on all itchy spots  and
keep it on all day.  You should be able to tell the difference in a
couple of days.  Check out scabies on the web and see if it sounds like
the culprit.  The sulphur cream smothers them out. Hope this helps.

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Re: CS and zapping

1998-11-13 Thread It's Not Me
Yep, I'm kind of leaning that way myself.  The Candida thing explains a
whole bunch of things for me, including viral encephalitis that nearly
killed me, sleep problems, depression, Fibromyalgia, IB, and a whole host of
other problems.  I've been trying to convince my doctor for about 10 years
that there is some underlying cause that creates all of the problems, but he
has preferred to treat one symptom at a time.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Oh well, I've gotten further on my own since getting into the alternate
health scene.  As for the itching, I really think that my dogs picked up
something from a cat that they killed and then gave it to me, but who knows,
I did get the outbreak about the same time that I started taking CS every
day.  I guess that it could be some type of die.  Anyhow, I would like your
list of URL's if they are handy.  Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: Debbie McDonald
Date: Thursday, November 12, 1998 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS and zapping

Both these conditions are symtoms of Candidiasis. There is much evidence in
recent readings that this is involved in prostate conditions in men. I have
some urls. Others have posted canadida urls also. Most doctors do not
in it so find one that does. Email for my list of urls if you would like.

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Re: CS and zapping

1998-11-13 Thread It's Not Me
Thanks for the reply.  First, I didn't know that I was sending in HTML
format, but I'm not surprised since I just had a major computer meltdown and
things still aren't back to normal.  As for the plans that you have on your
site for the variable frequency zapper, I'd like to have them, but I don't
see your address anywhere in the message.  Would you mind sending it to me?

-Original Message-
From: Brian McInturff
Date: Thursday, November 12, 1998 4:55 AM
Subject: Re: CS and zapping

I usually delete messages in html format as below.

  DIVFONT color=#00 size=2Bruce or anyone else who
  DIVFONT color=#00 size=2I recall seeing a post recently that
stated that
  you should not take CS while zapping with a Clark type zapper.nbsp;
Could you
  explain this to me.

I know of now reason to avoid CS while zapping.

  parasite that the docs cannot find

For conditions like this, I would take MSM.

  take CS for
  chronic Prostatitis.

I would not take it for this condition unless short term.  I would first
use a cleansing diuretic (like Planetary Formula's Stone Free) with
and potassium citrate (like Solaray Cal-Mag Citrate and Twinlab Potassium
Citrate) for a 3 week program to first help remove crystals in the
bladder, and such.  Then use antibacterials like CS.  It does no good to
kill bacteria for kidney or prostate (or liver and gall) infections if
there are stones and crystals harboring them.

  experience dealing with itchy little skin critters.

You can rub CS on the skin and perhaps catch some critter or fungal
infections.  If this does not work, try tea tree oil.

  point me to info on building one of these generators.

Unless you are quite adept at building things like this, it would
be a lot less hassle to just buy Bruce's device since it is
inexpensive.  Otherwise, see the zapper tips article on my web
page for how to build a variable frequency zapper.


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CS and zapping

1998-11-12 Thread It's Not Me
Bruce or anyone else who knows,
I recall seeing a post recently that stated that you should not take CS while 
zapping with a Clark type zapper.  Could you explain this to me.  I have been 
using the zapper for some type of skin parasite that the docs cannot find and 
at the same time need to be taking CS for chronic Prostatitis.  What are the 
dangers?  Also, has anyone had any experience dealing with itchy little skin 
critters.  I'm sure I caught them from my dogs who got them from killing a 
squirrel and a cat.  The vet can't find anything on scrapings, and the dog dips 
don't seem to be helping.  My dermatologist is calling my itching nonspecific 
dermatitis, but I don't think so.  I see that Bruce lists a frequency that 
kills mites, could someone point me to info on building one of these 
generators.  Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Y2K Mag.

1998-08-23 Thread It's not me
If I understand it right, some things are correctable and some aren't.  I
have a computer that passed 4 of 5 tests and the fifth said that I could
manually correct the problem.  Of course you could always just give it a
shot of CS just to keep us on topic.

-Original Message-
From: Joyce Inouye
To: Tai-Pan
Date: Friday, August 21, 1998 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: Y2K Mag.

A gentleman just told me last night that if the Y2K bug can't be fixed in
time, JUST PUT THE CLOCK BACK 10 YEARS.  Will this work?  It may be a
simple solution for home pc's.  Or are there inaccessible, independently
programmed chips to worry about?

:)  Joyce Inouye

On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Tai-Pan wrote:

 Hi Listers,
   A new magazine is out on Y2K. It will only have 36 bi-weekly issues.
  Its about Y2K problem and corrective actions.*Y2K News* is published
 by*The Trades* in Crossville Tenn.Over 2000 subscriptions already
 sold.Price $19.95 for six months. After 36 issues it will be year 2000
 and mag will be shut down. :-)Keep your batteries warm.
 Bless you  Bob  Lee
 oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Re: Brown Recluse spider bite

1998-08-14 Thread It's not me
I feel sorry for the bugger.  I tangled the thee Brown Recluse about 10
years ago and it nearly got me.  For me, the critical time period was the
first 16 hours and it began within minutes knocking me unconscious.  I
didn't end up seeing the doctor because I passed out before I could get to
one.  I figured I was going to live since I woke up (mostly in this
dimension) almost a day later.  I really can't tell you how to deal with the
problem, however, I can tell you some of the things to look out for.  After
the immediate pain and muscle spasms subsided, the bite area turned blue,
green, purple, black and not necessarily in that order.  The area ached
something fierce and eventually a huge chunk of tissue fell off of my arm
where I was bitten.  At the time, all I was putting on the bite was ZMO (a
remedy from early America) and tri-antibiotic cream.  If I had to do it now,
I would try some silver and possibly some tea tree oil, and see if I could
find someone who specializes in such things.  Another thing to look out for
is the advance of some opportunistic bug or illness.  Some of my docs think
that the spider bite may be what brought on my fibromyalgia.  Sorry I can't
be more help.  Oh, by the way, someone is bound to tell you to use one of
those stun guns.  I'd advise you to stay away from that approach.  From what
I can understand, the shock approach is more along the lines of folklore
than anything else.  Hope your friend fares well,

-Original Message-
From: Harvey Flatbush
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 1998 12:08 AM
Subject: Brown Recluse spider bite

Hi List,

Here is a situation I haven't seen addressed on the list before.   I just
found out about an hour ago that one of my friends has been bitten by a
Brown Recluse spider on his shin and at the moment the bite has spread to
roughly two inches in diameter..  Does anyone on the list know of anyone
that has effectively dealt with this problem using a zapper, Rife
equipment, colloidal silver or any other alternative curing method?  Please
post answers to list for other's benefit.

Thanks heaps,

Harvey Flatbush
Ione, Washington 

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Re: CS response

1998-08-03 Thread It's not me
Not exactly, but if I leave the CS in my mouth long at all, I get what you
might call a sore throat.  It doesn't last a real long time, but the whole
region does get somewhat touchy for a little while.  I have no idea what
causes this reaction.

-Original Message-
From: Debbie McDonald
Date: Sunday, August 02, 1998 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS response

Hi All,
  Have any of you had any sensation/dull ache (for lack of better word) in
thyroid region upon taking your CS? This happens to me every morning a
while after I drink some. Deb


 Debbie McDonald

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1998-07-31 Thread It's not me
What about one of the PUR or other camp water purifiers.  Some filter down
to .004 micron.  About 70 bucks if I remember correctly.  The ones in the .2
to 1.0 micron range only go for around 30 bucks.  Thing is that the better
one might just filter out the silver as well, at least for the larger
particles and clumps.  Just a thought.

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour
Date: Thursday, July 30, 1998 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: Followup to PPM techniques

I just checked in my trusty Fisher Scientific catalog, and there are
lots of different filters in the range of 0.2 microns and above, and
many down to 0.1 microns. I did find one interesting entry, Alumina
matrix filter membranes from Whatman, in 0.2 micron, 0.1 micron, and
0.02 micron!! Not cheap, but would give you a decent idea of what
concentration of bioactive particles you have.

So careful filtration/separation techniques could be used.

Be well,

Mike D.

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Re: CS and immune system - Borna virus

1998-07-26 Thread It's not me

I don't know if the words below are yours or from some site you have
visited.  What I do know is that they seem to be a grand sweeping
generalization.  I really hate it when the natural community (of which I
am a part) throws out all medical knowledge and medicine as useless.  I
could line up hundreds of people who will tell you how wrong the statement
below is.  While psychiatric drugs may be toxic and/or addictive in some
cases, practically useless is a bit strong for my liking.  I've seen all
manner of quackery convince folks to throw away their meds only to land in a
hospital or the morgue.  The fact is, some folks are very sick and function
only because some psychiatric medication allows them to overcome an
imbalance.  Watch one of these folks kill themselves because they gave up
their medication and began thinking that the rat terrier was God telling
them to destroy themselves and the world, and you may gain another

As for the rest of the post, perhaps CS could help these folks and perhaps
not.  I personally doubt that all mental illnesses have a like cause.  The
diverse nature of mental symptoms and the delicate systems of the brain/mind
lead me to believe that there are any number of things that can create an
imbalance.  If CS works for some, great, but I bet it won't work for all, in
which case we better keep some meds on hand too.  I feel the same way about
the antibiotic debate that has been going on lately.  I for one am darn glad
to have antibiotics because CS does not work for every malady.  I hope you
don't take this as a flame, I just hate to see us throw out everything
related to medicine.  It seems that at times we become as pompous as they.


-Original Message-
From: Bill Kingsbury
Date: Saturday, July 25, 1998 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS and immune system - Borna virus

Borna virus causes depression, manic depression, and even
schizophrenia in humans.  It is cured by antiviral drugs,
but not by psychiatric drugs which are toxic, addictive,
and practically useless in most cases, while making drug
companies wealthy and driving up health care costs.

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Re: OT:book Pain Diaries, preview

1998-07-24 Thread It's not me
Thanks for posting this site.  I am one of the few males with Fibromyalgia
and found some good information at the site you listed.  Anyhow, thanks for

-Original Message-
From: Debbie McDonald
Date: Thursday, July 23, 1998 8:40 PM
Subject: OT:book Pain Diaries, preview

Sorry off topic, might help someone. Posted yesterday so view today Deb
 7/22/98 Dr. Hans Hansen has drafted a new chapter
 of his book, PAIN DIARIES, explaining Fibromyalgia pain and why you hurt.
 Please view the chapter Fibromyalgia - Why You Hurt at under the Book section  This
 will be on the web page for only 2 days

 Debbie McDonald

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Re: Off-TopicRe: another reason to use CS

1998-07-15 Thread It's not me
I don't know how many tabs or caps you get for that, but it seems a bit high
for anything less than 150.  I'm taking a similar formulation from another
company and it is much less for 90 caps.

-Original Message-
From: Joyce Inouye
To: Bill Kingsbury
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 10:26 PM
Subject: Off-TopicRe: another reason to use CS

but there are formulas just for the heart--Cardio One, for example, has
Folic Acid (2.4 mg.), Vitamin B6 (10 mg.); Trimethylglycine (for reducing
homocysteine levels);  and a few other ingredients for vascular support.

I haven't tried the Cardio One, so I don't know how effective it is (I
don't have a heart problem.)  It sells for $17.95 at 1-800-227-1937 Ext.
30740 for around $17.  As I said, I think the money would be better spent

:)  Joyce

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Re: OT: Liver Cleanse

1998-07-15 Thread It's not me
Still wrong, try

-Original Message-
From: Philip Collins
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Liver Cleanse

Sandy and all--

Thanks and very sorry, I mistyped a q instead of a g.  Here is the correct
address for liver cleanse recipe:

Whitney Collins

The email address given below-for Brian McInturf- for info on liver
is incorrect.

 From: Philip Collins
 -Original Message-
 From: Frank Matzka
 Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 8:00 PM
 Subject: Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes

 Can you describe this liver flush procedure for me?

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Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-15 Thread It's not me

Did you have any problems with the parasite program?  I got to about day 12
and felt really strange and stopped.  I didn't know if the really strange
feeling was good or bad and since I didn't have anyone to ask at the time, I
thought I had better stop the whole thing.

As for your dehydration, I can tell you that I have had severe dehydration
twice from what the docs told me was gall bladder attack.  The second time,
the docs wanted to stick an IV in me to rehydrate me and I decided to go
home and rehydrate orally instead.  Those were the worst 3 days that I have
had in a long while.  I can't explain how I felt, but it was just barely
human.  Anyhow, I bet I was drinking a couple of gallons a day and it still
took 3 days to get back to a reasonable normal feeling.  Apparently
rehydration takes some time if you don't go the IV route.


-Original Message-
From: Debbie McDonald
Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: Brain fog anecdotes

I used Clarkes parasite program and the ornithine worked for me like a

LOW BLOOD pressure causes dehydration. I can sit here and guzzle water all
and not restore my hydration. Anyone have any theories on that one?  Sorry
topic:)  Deb

 Debbie McDonald

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Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-06 Thread It's not me

And your purpose for telling us all this is what?  Trolling for a fight or 
trying to sell us some Olive Leaf or Grapefruit Seed Extract?  Your post is a 
bit like going to mass and standing up in the middle of the service and yelling 
Catholicism sucks.
-Original Message-
From: W P BASS
Date: Sunday, July 05, 1998 7:02 PM
Subject: Silver?..Are you sure?

Hi all,
 I have been here for a while. I was all for silver a first. I am not now. 
I owe an explanation. 
 (1) Silver is questionable in it's effectiveness.
 (2)Silver may have after effects...(turning blue)...I don't want itDo 
 (3) There are better alternatives.olive leaf extract...grapefruit seed side effects!!!
 Thats it! My two cents worth. I suspect I will be flamed for this. That's 
okay..I enjoy it.
 Hope you read this far,

Re: CS - colon bacteria

1998-06-30 Thread It's not me
I'm thinking that the CS does make it through the stomach based on what I
have observed.  I have kicked intestinal flu with CS, and I happen to be one
of those who ends up with other intestinal problems when I ingest CS.  If I
take some Acidophilus for a few days, everything seems to come back to
normal.  It may work differently on others, but CS seems to work on both the
good and bad intestinal bacteria in me.  Maybe it is actually something else
besides the loss of good intestinal bacteria that causes me the problems.  I
think I'm going to have to try some experimentation and drag out my
microscope as well.

-Original Message-
From: Paul Andree
Date: Monday, June 29, 1998 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS - colon bacteria

Hi Bob and List,

Just a thought here on this.
If CS is completely absorbed from the stomach, then it will never reach
the colon.
It would seem that the good bacteria, and/or the bad bacteria will not
be affected by the CS.
I don't know that this is fact, as I am surmising.
Does anyone have thoughts or info on this?

Paul Andree
Eustis, Lake Co, Florida AOL Instant Messenger = andreepaul

Andre's Net Design  Related Enterprises - Web Page Authoring

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Re: Use of H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)

1998-06-24 Thread It's not me
I think that you are getting ripped off on bottles, unless they are half
gallon or gallon size.

-Original Message-
From: Dean Woodward
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 1998 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: Use of H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)

Bob and All: I'm glad to hear about the barrier bottle, as I have been
them to store my CS. I reasoned that anything that could store h202 would
probably be good for CS. My ppm of cs seems to hold fairly steady in the
bottle. Even to buy them, pour out the h2o2 would be cost effective
(Containers Inc. are quoting cobalt blue bottles for $2.90 EACH).

I have had good success at controlling periodontal disease with very dilute
h2o2 solution (half 3%/half water) used before bed at night as a mouth wash
(not rinsed afterward). However. Cs does a far better job for me. No pink
tooth brush since I started using CS as a rinse a couple of months ago.

Dean Woodward

-Original Message-
From: Tai-Pan []
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 1998 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Use of H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)

Douglas Haack wrote:

 I understand that the 32% H2O2 is sprayed onto the flat packaging
 materials used for those small popper drink containers prior to final
 fabrication and filling with liquids.

 These appear to be fabricated from heavy card board lined with alu foil
 and this foil is lined with a plastic.

 The drink packaging plant people seem to be the users according to my
 enquiries here in Sydney

 Douglas Haack
 Hi Douglas and list,
  Thats a very interesting use of H2O2. Hydrogen Peroxide comes in many
concentrations. At 90% it will decompose rapidly on contact with lots of
things ( boom,bang). At 32% it will decompose a little more slowly, not
explosively but still very vigorous. Aluminum and plastics are known to
have oily surfaces and require cleaning. Oil is organic and the H2O2
will clean the surface,decomposing as it does into water and oxygen. The
oxygen vaporizes away and the water is dried off leaveing a clean
surface for placing the plastic layer on the aluminum. They would clean
the plastic surface the same way before folding it into a box for
filling. This is industrial strength and must be handled carefully, it
will quickly eat the skin off of you or eat any organic thing it can. At
3% its very safe ,mild, and non-toxic. Its so mild you can buy it in any
store for 38 cents a bottle.When they say its a mild anti-septic, thats
exactly right, won`t hardly hurt a flea. The 3% concentration will
decompose in a few seconds on contact will organic materials as a
foaming bubbly cleanser. Most people use it to bleach hair because it is
so mild. It is used to loosen dried stuck bandages from wounds because
it is so mild and will not harm the tissue. Because of this usage people
thought it was being used to disinfect the wound,while in reality it was
just to get the dried bandage off. Hydrogen Peroxide is thermally
unstable because its formation is a highly endo-thermic process. In
order to store it ,it must be stabilized with small amounts of a
negative catalyst (stabilizer)such as acetanilide. Heavy metals (copper,
silver) will hasten the decomposition into water and oxygen. Storage is
in special bottles called *barrier* bottles. Go get your Hydrogen
Peroxide from your bathroom and look at the bottle. Its a very dark
brown strange feeling plastic bottle. In this bottle it will keep about
two years (they have dates on them, usually on the cap). It will self
decompose by itself anyway over a few years however hard we want it not
to. By the way ,if you have an empty barrier bottle its a great way to
store your CS. Barrier bottles are not permeable like regular plastic
bottles. They aren`t good from a marketing stand point because they are
so ugly (the bottles that is).
 I`m glad a lot of people are looking into uses for this very useful
 The government says its ok because its so safe,its so mild,even the
kids can play with it (at 3%).

 Bless you   Bob  Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Re: A Closer Look at Silver Argyria: was Re: Colloidal Silver (The Jacobs story)

1998-06-22 Thread It's not me

Good post, but I saw one thing that caught my eye.  I see your reasoning
here regarding Olestra, but there are some subtle differences.  From what I
understand, Olestra is an additive that apparently has not been subject to
the same long term studies required for many other additives.  Olestra
apparently causes very severe abdominal distress in some people in small
quantities, thus the labeling is deceptive and fails to accurately portray
the type of symptoms that some might experience.  Finally, most people (some
children excused for obvious reasons) realize that raisins, prunes and most
other fruits can and will cause diarrhea and abdominal distress.  Olestra is
not a familiar food and probably is not recognizable to the majority of
the people eating it.  If anything, the industry has underlabeled and
inadequately warned those who are using the products with Olestra.  Anyhow,
I'm sure that you already know and realize all of this.  I just thought I'd
add a point of clarification for some who may not have had exposure to


-Original Message-
From: Nancy B.
Date: Monday, June 22, 1998 8:33 AM
Subject: A Closer Look at Silver  Argyria: was Re: Colloidal Silver (The
Jacobs story)

Reminds me of the Olestra conflict too.  Should raisins 
prunes carry a warning label that they may cause abdominal
pain  diarrhea if Olestra has too?


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Re: Off-Topic: Aloe cure for cancer

1998-06-14 Thread It's not me

I'd like to see the recipe, and I would think that some of the others here
would like it too.


-Original Message-
From: Raul Vergini, MD
Date: Saturday, June 13, 1998 6:28 AM
Subject: Off-Topic: Aloe cure for cancer

Recently I knew of a cancer therapy with Aloe.
The recipe was brought here by a catholic missionary. It originate from
Brasil. There are many people here in Italy using it. I knew of it many
months ago, but I didn't pay much attention/interest to it. Then a friend
of mine told me that he is using it with his mother (70yo) that has a
kidney cancer with pulmonar metastasis. After adding Aloe to her regimen
(that included pancreatic enzymes and potassium ascorbate, with not very
good results) she had a clear amelioration, more energy, willing to do all
her domestic works, no pains, etc. A x-ray of her lungs showed no change in
the round metastatic lesion, but a thick zone under the metastasis (edema?)
is clearly reduced. I will follow the case to see what happen.
The Aloe used in this therapy is not Aloe vera, but Aloe Arborescens.
The missionary published a small book here with several case histories from
Brasil and Israel (where he lived) with addresses and telephone numbers of
the patients.
If someone knows of this therapy I will be happy to exchange opinions.
If someone is interested in it, I can email to the group the recipe with

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Re: Easy experiment - what about yogurt culture

1998-06-04 Thread It's not me
Kris and Jim,

I'm not quite following all the talk about converting bacteria.  Haven't the
in vitro tests shown CS to kill the bacteria or virus rather than convert
it?  I realize that this is different than in vivo, but why would we assume
that the results would be to convert rather than kill?  I'm curious how this
idea originated.  Could you give me some more info. (research or theory)
that could enlighten me a bit on this.  Also, how much magnification is
needed to see the acidophilus bacteria?  Thanks,


-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, June 03, 1998 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: Easy experiment - what about yogurt culture

 From:  Hermes, Kristofer J
 To:'Silver List'
 Subject:   Re: Easy experiment - what about yogurt culture
 Date:  Wed, 3 Jun 1998 10:10:19 -0400

 What if there are no good or bad microbes, but just microbes that
 mutate from a good to a bad STATE dependent on the terrain of
 one's body.  With a highly acidic body, microbes that would normally
 exist as good microbes, revert to bad ones...without the actual
 CREATION of NEW bad microbes.  The reason why this thought is
 interesting is that it implies that CS does not actually kill
 microbes, but merely converts them.

 I am not a microbiologist, so I am (ab)using lay terms here...sorry if
 this is offensive to anyone.  Is there someone on the list who might be
 able to expand on this theory?

I'm with you on this Kris! I believe this is what is happening most
of the time. We are not really killing the microbes, just causing
them to change back to good bacteria.

 I am taking an Acidophilus product that does not need refrigeration.  It
 is made by Da Vinci and is called Flora (probably available at many
 supplement stores).  If this type of experiment could be done with
 Acidophilus by itself (and not in yogurt), we might be able to make a
 determination more easily.  Has anyone done this, or does anyone have
 the tools to do it?

I have a darkfield microscope, and as soon as I get a little time, I
will give this idea a try, to see if we can see all this take place
under the microscope. I'll post to the list anything I find out.
This is a good thread, keep it going. Maybe we will all learn
something new here.
God Bless!

 This is all very fascinating stuff!


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Re: a question about CS

1998-06-03 Thread It's not me

I use the weak stuff too (5 ppm or so) and I have had great results.  If it
has been working for you and your friends, I would think that you are
making it correctly.  Some of the people here using the strong stuff are
fighting Lymes and I wonder if maybe it is just much more difficult to kill
than most other things.

By the way, I don't heat my water, or use salt, or long 'cooking' times
(only 20 min. 36 V DC.).  I do use distilled water and find that the process
starts slowly.  When I see bubbles on one electrode, I set the timer for 20
minutes and it comes out great.  Maybe you are like me and don't actually
need the industrial strength CS.

There is also a line of thought that suggests that the higher ppm solutions
actually cause the silver particles in the CS to clump together, effectively
increasing the particle size.  I don't know if it really does or not, but if
it does, the higher ppm solutions may be less effective since some think
that it is the small (.001 to .004 microns) sized particles that are most
effective against bacteria and such.  Here is a quote out of the literature
that came with my generator.  N.R. Thompson of the Runcorn Health Laboratory
in Cheshire, England reports, The Concentration of silver necessary to
sterilize water contaminated with pathogenic bacteria is between .04 and .2
ppm.  That is much weaker than what you and I are making, so we are
probably okay with our weak stuff.  That's my opinion, others will vary.


-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, June 02, 1998 9:53 PM
Subject: a question about CS

I am new to the world of CS. I have followed the instructions found on the
many different sites about making CS water. I was under the impression that
was making CS water that was over 100ppm. I have been using it and so have
some of my friends. All have had releif from a variety of diseases and
conditions. I asked awhile back on this list and received information on
to find a lab to have my water tested. I have and was very surprised to
that the CS water I have been making is only 5-6ppm.
It seems that raising the temperature didn't make a difference in the ppm
all. Am I doing something wrong or is the reality that it doesn't require
different temperatures to produce different ppm in the water?
What is the correct way to make CS water?
Also anotther quick question? What is the difference in using pure saline
soda in this process? I seem to be confused.
Bare with this beginner and my spelling.

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Re: Okay! Back to solar energy...

1998-05-27 Thread It's not me
Thanks for the tutorial.  It's a good thing it isn't rocket science since
I'm still struggling to get the solder joints to hold on most things.
Really simple is really good if you know what I mean.  Anyhow, I have a few
fond memories of  misc.survivalism.  They can be a tough crowd.  Nice folks,
but a few with big heads and problems with being wrong.  I have a couple of
zip disks full of info I have gotten over there from the rest of them.
Thanks for the good info.

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 1998 9:02 AM
Subject: Okay! Back to solar energy...

Sizing a photovoltaic array to the task isn't rocket science, but
there can be subtleties. I'm not an expert, but I can describe one
simple approach.

So there's a *really* simple setup. It takes a lot of manual
operation and depends on you to protect the batteries from over
charging. You'd have to experiment a bit to know for sure what's
going on, but it would probably work okay just as is...

There are a ton of resources for this sort of thing. I bet we've got
a few people ready to jump in and fill us in. Also the folks on
misc.survivalism would be full of advice on where to look. Just don't
tell'em you want to make CS! They have a bit of prejudice over there
about that. grin

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: American Cancer Society

1998-05-27 Thread It's not me
I had and may still have a paper for a cure that was signed and endorsed by
the then 12
directors of the AMA.  The cure was by a gentleman named Hoxey.  When he
refused to let AMA set the price structure, AMA retracted their endorsement
and kicked him
out of the USA.  My dad lived about an extra 40 years after he was supposed
to be dead.  He beat cancer 3 separate times.  The cure is out there my
friends, but it is difficult to wade through all of the junk.  The internet
may help us to change the monopoly on medicine.  I hope

After reading some of the other mail that followed, I decided to add this to
keep from starting another war.  I really don't think that the average
doctor is part of the bigger medical monster that tries to keep us in the
dark regarding our health.  Most physicians that I know started with a
desire to help people.  While some are very indoctrinated in the currently
acceptable medical babble, others are seeking the answers just as we are.
My disgust is with the powers that be that seek to make a profit from our
pain and suffering.  Strangely, where money is involved, men lose their
Altruistic ideals in short order.  I don't know the exact figure, but we are
talking Billions of dollars that are at risk here for the American medical
machine.  I read somewhere that if all Cancer could be cured tomorrow, 50%
of all doctors would be out of a job.  How many times do we hear of a
promising new treatment, and then it is never heard of again.  The question
isn't does suppression of treatment occur, but rather is to what extent does
it occur and can we change that.  I think we can, and I think it will be
through the free exchange of ideas just like we are now doing.  The real
bummer, as I stated before, is wading through all of the garbage that
equally corrupt people are trying to sell us.


-Original Message-
From: Cisco
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 1998 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: American Cancer Society


What has changed with these people in 100 years.CUT/POISON/BURN and
get paid better than most people on the planet.HHH I need a new
occupation! The fact is that of 1000 people who go to them 50% die in
the first 5 years.and of the balance only 5 percent survive another
5 years.he lets give them more money to kill peopleHAR! HUMOR, I
dont buy into itI have seen it happen and we have a new CANCER
CLINIC open on island110,000 people and we have a 4 million dollar
clinic on Guam.I am impressednice parking lot they are expecting
lots of people230 spaces.


Susan M. Yensen wrote:

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Re: test

1998-05-27 Thread It's not me
Hey I haven't even studied for it.  I don't want no stinking test.

-Original Message-
From: Cisco
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 1998 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: test


Exactly what kind of test was this, was a placebo utilized and were the
results certifedif you dont post the entire test will will be forced
to ignore such tests in the futureHUMOR!


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Re: The MODERATOR checks in...

1998-05-27 Thread It's not me
Gee Mike and gang,

Little old me didn't realize that by posting the address of a company
selling a small solar panel, I would set off world war III.  Oops.  Well, I
was only trying to offer someone a cheap solar panel that I had found and
thought would charge a few rechargeable batteries.  I'm not an EE, but I
still think it would work too.  But then I'm only using a little 36 V. dc.
CS generator, and I only run it once a week or so, therefore I don't need
much power and I don't need it quickly.  Cisco, I wouldn't know what to do
with 15 gals a weeksmile.  One of my little rechargeable 9 volts says to
charge at 11-20 MA for 16 hours.  So would the little solar panel of 12 V,
166 ma, 2 W. work  Or would I need 2 or 3 of them?  Now I'm really


-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour
Date: Monday, May 25, 1998 4:05 PM
Subject: The MODERATOR checks in...

On 25 May 98 at 14:25, Carl wrote:

 Observation:It seems to me that the $450 solar panel was to
 recharge the batteries and not to directly make the silver from the
 energy from the panels but rather make the silver using the
 batteries that where charged from the panels

 But I could be wrong...

And indeed, I'd like to point out that a personal size solar CS
system could be made very nicely with a (few) $20 panel(s), gel cell
batteries and a charging circuit. Such observation made entirely
*without* resort to self aggrandizing attacks upon the person of any
other member of the list.

 A comment:Could both of you boys take your pissing contest off

No need, Carl. The offending half of the pissing contest is off-line.
The offended half is calming down, I hope!

Darryll has been unsubscribed and blocked. I must apologize to the
list in general and in particular Cisco and those with comments about
dead water, for subjecting you all to a second and third round with
him, but it seemed there was hope for a while there and I left him
alone while we discussed things in private e-mail.

A regrettable case. Darryll has more to offer the list than was
visible on the surface (based on e-mail). However he couldn't resist
correcting the intellectual content of the list to his own
standards before taking part.

I hardly think we rate an attack by the alt.synax.tactical crew, but
this surely was a bizarre thing to watch. Every time I sought even a
minor concession from him he'd change the subject.

In any case, let me be clear what happened:

This individual made *attacks* against other members of the list,
ridiculing ideas that he disagreed with and the people who offered
them. This will stifle discussion more than any other sort of

We have diverse opinions represented on the silver-list. Whether you
are skeptical of alternative gibberish or suspicious of mainstream
tyranny others have the right to their opinions. I will not stop
anyone from offering their views if they're civil about it.

I only ask that, if it isn't central to colloidal silver, we stay
polite with one another and agree to disagree.

This episode points up the need for me to write out the mission and
rules for the list so that they can go out to new arrivals and be
reposted periodically. Darryll might have known to change his
strategy before egos got inflamed. Or not! Who knows? G

Thanks for your patience and cooperation, everyone.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list moderator

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS and digestive bacteria

1998-05-25 Thread It's not me

I've had that problem when taking CS orally.  I just take a capsule or two
of Acidophilus (8 Billion count each) daily.  I get 120 caps for about 13.75
American, so it works out to about 11 to 22 cents per day depending on how
much I take.  I also eat yogurt regularly.


-Original Message-
From: Frank Matzka
Date: Sunday, May 24, 1998 6:28 PM
Subject: CS and digestive bacteria

There has been some talk of taking oral CS may disrupt the good bacteria
we all have in our digestive systems.

Now that I'll be taking CS fairly regularly I figured that to counteract
any decline in the good bugs, that I would counteract by eating some
live yoghurt every day. Also there recently came on the market here in
South Australia a product called Yakult which has live Lactobacillus
casei Shirota strain. I have no idea how good this stuff is but if you
believe the brochures it is just the stuff for re establishing a healthy
intestinal population.

Any thoughts on the my theory ?

Also do we have any expert yoghurt makers out there? This Yakult stuff
is about 70c for a small daily dose bottle (30 mls) and if anybody is
familiar with it or it's making I'd like to try to cultivate my own.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: CS nasal spray / hair

1998-05-23 Thread It's not me

Never thought of that.  If you try the CS, let us know if it seems to work
on mites.  I developed a sensitivity to mites a few years back and itched
nearly on a constant basis.  I finally had to get rid of all the cloth
surfaces in our house including the couch, drapes, carpet and recliners.
When it came to the mattress and pillows, we used some of those
dustproof/waterproof mattress and pillow cases.  It worked and now I don't
have any problems at all.  It also helps to wash your clothes and bedsheets
in really hot water.


-Original Message-
From: Bill Kingsbury
Date: Friday, May 22, 1998 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: CS nasal spray / hair

 Mites very likely rely upon bacteria and/or fungus for the
 function of their digestive systems.  Use of =sufficient= CS to
 destroy this bacteria and/or fungus could thereby destroy the
 mite's ability to live and feed in human pores and follicles --
 or pillows, mattresses, etc.

 Does anyone know a practical, proven way to stop mites from living
 in pillows, pillow cases, mattresses, etc. (without removing and
 boiling them) ?

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Re: CS/burns

1998-05-23 Thread It's not me
Works great doesn't it?  I wouldn't use anything else.


-Original Message-
From: Debbie McDonald
Date: Friday, May 22, 1998 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: CS/burns

Hi All,
  Some time back I had read here that someone used CS on sunburn?? I
burned my face last friday(worse than first degree) and it was too late
to call docs so I put some CS in a mister and kept spraying the burned
area,(mouth, nose and surrounding) for two hours+, kept it wet with CS,
any slack and the pain was pretty bad. By bedtime it was not too
uncomfortable to sleep) It never formed blisters and today you cannot
tell(unless you are very close) and the numbness in the lip is going
away. Just wanted to let any know that had missed the original post. Had
I not read it here, I would not have tried this on myself. Thanks
whoever that was. Deb 

 Debbie McDonald

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1998-05-22 Thread It's not me

What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not seen
any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have read.
I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and would hate
to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people and let
them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate any
info that you could provide to me.


-Original Message-
From: Cisco
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: URINE PH

Joe and Jim and Listers,

pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use has
bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep causes

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Re: nutrients

1998-05-22 Thread It's not me

-Original Message-
From: Darryl Jones
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: nutrients

You are harsh!

But  am I factual is a better question?

Any broad spectrum anti- biotic such as colloidal silver can not
discriminate between
  good and bad   bacteria ...though I think here we should have terms
pathogenic and non pathogenic.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I am under the impression that CS is NOT an
antibiotic.  If I am not mistaken, antibiotics generally come from mold and
bacteria.  I'm not sure how you would classify CS, maybe antibiotic-like.
More likely is that CS is in another class altogether.  Antibiotics kill
bacteria only.  Apparently, CS can kill bacteria, virus, and any simple,
single cell organism.

How are we  made up of bacteria  ?... I have never heard of that before?

We may not be made up of bacteria, but no doubt bacteria are vital to our
life processes.  Bacteria are present in our mouths, on our skin, and in our
digestive tracts to name a few.  Lactobacillus Acidophilus, and
Bifidobacterium Bifidum are a few that I take daily to keep my digestion
functioning properly.  And yes I can tell you from experience, you can kill
off the good bacteria with CS.  I use it sparingly, internally because it
tends to mess up my digestion.  By adding Acidophilus/Bifidum back to the
system, I can counteract the effect somewhat.  Others don't seem to have
this problem and I really don't know why.  Just a side note, in the absence
of the proper intestinal floura, candida yeast can take over and make you
pretty sick.  I'm fighting something along this order right now I think.

As for the whole argument about whether to apply CS to the soil, I think the
truth lies somewhere between both opinions expressed.  I see that CS could
be useful to kill molds, fungus and etc., and I can also see that CS could
ultimately cause some problems for the soil.  It is bacteria that converts
dead organisms into plant and animal usable molecules.  Bacteria is also
apparently responsible for nitrogen-fixing.  To quote my trusty World Book
Encyclopedia, Without these bacteria, the soil and water would soon become
poor in nitrogen, and all plants and animals would die.

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Re: CS nasal spray / hair

1998-05-22 Thread It's not me
Would this work?  I recall reading that CS kills simple, single cell
organisms, but not complex organisms.  I don't think that CS would help with
mites, but would certainly kill bacteria in the pores or on your pillow.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Kingsbury
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: CS nasal spray / hair

 5-21-98, NCOAMA wrote:
  i havn't used it in my nose for very long but i have put
  it on my head for nearly two years.  my scalp is still
  flesh color and my hair is much younger looking (even
  the new hair that the cs grew)

 This makes sense, considering the theory that hair-loss is
 infectious in nature, (usually?) due to fungus or mites living
 in the hair follicles.

 There was a news-slot on CBS channel 2, around six weeks ago,
 regarding the purported discovery of the root-cause of hair loss.
 I missed it, but I saw the two-second preview shot -- of a
 wiggly mite, somehow clearly filmed in a hair follicle.

 Does anyone have more info ?  I tried looking on their web
 page: , but there was nothing there, at
 that time.

 There was a special on PBS TV (Nova ?) on mites earlier this
 year.  The largest mites (in humans) are found in the eye-lash
 follicles, and they are found in pores and follicles everywhere
 on the body -- unless you take peroxide baths often, I guess.

 Or colloidal silver baths...  Yes, a CS hair rinse makes sense.

 CS in the washing machine might make sense, also, since mites
 live in clothing and bedding -- where ever there's (dead) human
 skin flakes (or dandruff).  Pillows and mattresses are the most
 mite- populated places.  Would a CS pillow- spray work ?

 Dust mites, naturally, live on dust, but most dust is purported
 to be human skin flakes.  'Mite control' is important for those
 with allergies and asthma, since mites (and mite feces) are a
 MAJOR allergy trigger.


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Re: Finally - My first attempt ! How did I do ?

1998-05-22 Thread It's not me
I haven't had much success with just rubbing the CS in topically.  What
usually works is to saturate something with CS and leave it in contact with
the infected sight for some time.  Cold sores get about 10 min. and other
nastier infections get overnight or several days.  I would think that with
Mastitis, you would want the CS in contact at least overnight.

-Original Message-
From: Frank Matzka
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 8:59 AM
Subject: Finally - My first attempt ! How did I do ?

Well, after lurking for ages and humming and hahing, I finally got around
making not only the generator but a first batch ! Tonight.

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Re: nutrients

1998-05-22 Thread It's not me

-Original Message-
From: Darryl
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 5:32 AM
Subject: Re: nutrients

You make some good points, however.  I'm going to go out on a limb
here and say that it isn't the fact that you disagree with people, it is
way you go about it that causes the problem.

You may have noticed that I pointed out that you make some good points.  I
guess it bugs me a bit to see someone trying to contribute something and
their ideas are called dumb and ignorant.  The person who contributed this
experience (Cisco) has had some good information for some of us.  Maybe the
idea of using CS in the irigation is not one of the best ideas, but hardly
dumb or ignorant.  People here are experimenting and learning.  Some things
work and some don't.  I'm not opposed to pointing out error.

I am not being combative for the sake of it, but don't you think we loose
credibility here if we accept stuff just because it is contributed   [

I do.  Don't you also think we lose credibility if we forgoe common courtesy
in our discourse?

facts, not fantasies or  apologies after all he contributed the
information as  facts ...someone not knowing otherwise would make a big
error in accepting those  facts   and implementing them, C/S would
suffer, as would the user of C/S ...and all because just the opposite case
was not put up forcefully enough!

Forcefully yes, rudely no.  The quickest way to send a bunch of people
packing from a discussion is to let it deteriate into name calling and
bashing.  Your idea is incorrect is forcefull, Your idea is stupid is

Perhaps a sharper tone will cause people to think or check their facts
before they post, and that would mean a more useful and reliable source of
knowledge, then again I may have strayed on to a social ritual that would
prefer niceties to truth.
Someone please demolish my argument, not demolish me.

I was not interested in doing either.



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Re: nutrients

1998-05-21 Thread It's not me
You make some good points, however.  I'm going to go out on a limb
here and say that it isn't the fact that you disagree with people, it is the
way you go about it that causes the problem.

-Original Message-
From: Darryl
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: nutrients

Whoa back Cisco
Since I subscribed to the silver list this is about the dumbest thing I
have read.

another contributor but what can anyone gain here from nutty
contributions, based on good intentions and totally ignorant science???

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Re: Blood/brain barrier -- GOOD QUESTION!!

1998-05-21 Thread It's not me
Well you are probably right about toxins in cologne, but I don't think that
is exactly what causes it to be able to strip paint.  You might have seen
the newer citrus paint strippers.  They work pretty well and I don't think
that you would consider citrus a toxin.  In cologne, I would just guess that
it is the alcohol that does the work on the paint.

On the issue of Alzheimer's, I read something the other day that they were
beginning to suspect Selenium may play a role.  Great, I've only been taking
a selenium supplement for about 20 years or so.  Or was that 2


-Original Message-
From: Reid Smith
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: Blood/brain barrier -- GOOD QUESTION!!

   Lyme disease was also found in the brains of alzhiemers patients.
Also you want to see something interesting! Put some cologne on a
painted surface and see what it does to the paint. There's enough
toxins in some of them to remove paint.
Take Care


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1998-05-21 Thread It's not me

For me, it is a good level handful of vitamins Big silly smile  Darn thing
is that I just keep finding good things to add, but when I consider how much
improved my health is with the vitamins, it is worth it.  I sound a bit like
that old shaver commercialI liked the vitamins so well, I bought the
store!!!  Take care.


-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: ME AGAIN

I'll be the first to admit that was the first place I ever heard
about this concept. But I've seen other items from government and
medical nutrition sources as well. I also can't deny that I feel a
*lot* better when taking a good vitamin and mineral supplement.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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1998-05-20 Thread It's not me

I have not seen anything that suggests plants are without nutrient, but I
have read several papers that suggest that various levels of nutrients are
on the decrease.  Off the top of my head, I remember reading that selenium
levels in cantaloupe (maybe?!) was about 1/50th that of those tested 40 or
so years ago.  I do not know how accurate the numbers are, but the whole
idea was that chemical application is somehow robbing the soil of things
that would be replenished with natural fertilizers and such.  Of course, a
whole bunch of this literature is pushed by those who are selling mineral
supplements, so I really don't know what to think.  I like the idea of
drinking distilled water, and in fact got an almost new distiller at auction
for 5 bucks!!  I would however, like to see some kind of research before I
start drinking just distilled water.  I think I'll start with that book by
Dr. Banik if I can find it.  Thanks for the info.


-Original Message-
From: Darryl
Date: Sunday, May 17, 1998 2:51 PM
Subject: Fw: ME AGAIN

We don't eat the soil we eat the plants, I have seen nothing that suggests
yet that plants are somehow without nutrient ?? In any case where are
barren soils producing plants? Or conversely what is wrong with adding some
organic nutrients say worm casts made from your kitchen scraps to your
soil if you are growing your own, or only buying certified organic produce.
Get you nutrients from the plants in their organic form, and dump the
toxins your liver rejects into a water such as pure water [ ie distilled ]
able to uptake and  rid your body of the rejected stuff.


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Re: Emergency help needed with diagnosis!!

1998-05-15 Thread It's not me
I can't find that particular LANCET, but if someone else finds a copy, I
would like to see it or the text of it anyway.  This is the kind of stuff
I've found.

What Not to Do if Bitten by a Venomous Snake

(snipped all but this one)
9.  Do not use a stun gun or electric shock of any kind


-Original Message-
From: Douglas McMurtrie
Date: Thursday, May 14, 1998 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: Emergency help needed with diagnosis!!

lines of the Bob Beck blood purifing machine.  Interestingly, there is a
reference to this specific issue given in the Explore article about
Beck's work.  So at the end I still can't tell you whether it works or
not but it is at least something more than just an old wives' tale.
Maybe someone can retrieve the original Lancet article and any other
relevant references pro and con. Cisco, given the abundance of nasty

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Helpfull folks.

1998-05-15 Thread It's not me
Thank you to all of you who responded to my question about dying teeth.  I
didn't mean to send the question to the whole list, but I'm glad that I did
since I got several other responses.  Much food for thought from a lot of
nice folks.


-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, May 14, 1998 9:42 PM
Subject: RE: Abscessed tooth

You may want to try Dr. Beck's Magnetic Pulser. Its great to get rid of
bacteria in places like tooth roots and lymph nodes etc.

Chris Gupta

At 05:29 PM 5/14/98 -0500, you wrote:
Hello: I am no dentist, but I did publish patient educational audio/visual
materials in the dental field, and hence spent quite a bit of time with
dentists. Add to that the fact that my teeth were wrecked by the time I
15 years old (no care), and I do know a bit about teeth. First of all,
are generally lost because of periodontal disease, which destroys the
loosens the tooth, and eventually it is lost. A nerve dying does not in
itself signify loss of the tooth - I have a mouth full of dead teeth which
work just fine (and no tooth ache!). Abscess is a threat, but antibiotics
can help control this and the body can usually defeat the infection which
what an abscess is. After that it settles down.

I am using CS nightly rinse, and it is controlling my periodontal problem,
and my mouth is extremely comfortable - no pink tooth brush, and the
has just disappeared (placque is caused by bacteria, and the CS takes good
care of that).

Hope these thoughts help.

God Bless!


-Original Message-
From: Jade []
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 1998 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Abscessed tooth

At 01:36 AM 5/14/98 -0600, you wrote:

 I was wondering if you know of anything that I
might do to keep the nerves from dying.

Hi Vern,

 Right now, Claire Gilbert  I are involuntary experts on unhappy teeth.

 Both of us are using 'Under the Gum', an herbal mixture that is used in a
waterpik device. It's from the Dental Herb Co, 1-800-747-4372, in
Northampton, MA. I've just used it twice, so I can't comment much, except
to say I like it.

 Viktoras Kulvinskas, Survival in the 21st Century, was the only helpful
information I could find. He advocates using alkaline paste or seasalt for
brushing. Seawater or grass juice,  zone therapy in the knuckles of
fingers  toes will relieve a toothache.

 To keep the tooth, he recommends reducing the acid condition of the body.
Use several enemas during the day (I've been finding colonics VERY
helpful). Eat alkaline juices, sprouts, sesame seed  sea vegetables. I
mostly eat fruits  vegetables, but I concentrated on taking chlorophyll,
barley grass powder, beet powder,  wheat grass.

 I have an infection, so I've been using the zapper; I also had one
occasion to use it as a TENS type device to reduce the pain. Spot magnets
will aid circulation, healing  pain relief.

 I also been using lots of bee pollen, with all the B vitamins. B's are
the nerves, so it seemed logical, as well as lots of organic cheese.
uses raw, unprocessed honey on her gums.

 Basically, I would reduce any demands on your body--stress, toxins,
pollutants and increase all nutritive avenues--extra rest, power foods,
lots of purified water.

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Re: other electrode

1998-05-15 Thread It's not me
Might cure you of life.

-Original Message-
From: Marsha
Date: Thursday, May 14, 1998 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: other electrode

Dear Pete, Whoa! Sounds like you may be getting Colloidal Stainless
Wonder what that might cure?  :o)

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Re: Pityriasis Rosea

1998-05-07 Thread It's not me
Have you tried soaking a cotton pad or gauze with CS and keeping the rash
wet for several days?  I find that Cs works great on bacterial or viral
infections that affect the skin.  In fact I just killed another cold sore
with it today.  I had the same rash for about 4 years and it traveled around
from my forearm to the back of my hand, around the palm and back up my hand
and arm.  I didn't know about CS at the time and so eventually I tanked up
on vitamins, especially Vit. E and it went away.  I don't know if it died a
natural death or if the vitamins killed it.  Give it a try, it couldn't

-Original Message-
From: Hermes, Kristofer J
To: 'Silver List'
Date: Wednesday, May 06, 1998 12:56 PM
Subject: Pityriasis Rosea

Hello all

Does anyone on this list have any experience with Pityriasis Rosea?
According to Western Medicine, it is likely viral in nature (I'm not
sure if that is completely accurate, though).  It looks like a skin rash
that, on occasion, itches.  It lasts about 6-8 weeks, and there is no
known orthodox cure other than topical creams and UVB treatment which
are more likely to suppress rather than heal.

I was recently diagnosed with this malady.  I typically take a
maintenance dose of commercial 7ppm Colloidal Silver.  I started taking
slightly more CS, but it has had little to no effect on the rash.  I
don't think I can take the itching for 8 weeks.  Should I be taking
substantially more CS?  Are there any other alternative modalities out
there that have proven effective against this acute disease?

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Blood Urine pH testing help needed

1998-05-04 Thread It's not me
I know that this doesn't directly deal with CS, but I would like to hear
what herbs you use to detox the liver, colon, kidneys and so on.  I saw your
reply to Carl and I got to wondering what you have used.  Thanks for sharing
the info.

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, May 02, 1998 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Blood  Urine pH testing help needed

 Date:  Fri, 01 May 1998 21:37:28 -0400
 From:  CJ
 Subject:   Re: Blood  Urine pH testing help needed

 Thanks Jim.
 We need it to check out my father.  He is undergoing a major detox due to
 heavy Rife sessions.

  As long as the pH range is good enough to test the full range you need

 Don't really know at this point.  The ranges listed on the bottle are as

 6.4 6.8 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.4

 My reference book of choice is Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.  It
 the following values:

 Urine6.0 (4.7 - 8.0 seen in healthy individuals)
 Blood   7.35 - 7.45

 Received another suggestion to try pet stores for supplies.  Makes sense
to me
 as I used to run fresh water fish tanks, and did test for pH, among other
 things, as I kept cichlids.

 Thanks for your response,

The Blood pH listed above is correct, but the urine pH is not. The
urine pH and the saliva pH should be between 6.4 to 6.6 with 6.4
being perfect. 6.0 would be too acid.
Another suggestion. Take a urine sample in a clear bottle, and shine
a light through it, the cloudier it is the better the body is getting
rid of toxins. If you are giving Rife treatments and his urine is
clear, you have a problem and need to give him detox herbs, but if
his urine is cloudy then the body is cooperating.
Also, it would be a good idea to give him a coffee enema every day,
plus give him herbs to flush the liver, kidneys, colon, etc. It is
very important to detox a person when using anything to kill off
problems in the body, especially cancer.
Hope this helps! God Bless you!
Jim Einert, N.D.

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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-01 Thread It's not me
Thanks for the information.  If you do get that article back, I would love a
copy of it.  Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: Susan M. Yensen
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: insight/herx


Tell me some more about these digestive enzymes that you take.  I haven't
seen a thing about them cleaning out toxins and such and would be
to read anything that you could direct me toward.  Are they Papaya,
Bromelain, and the like?  I didn't quite follow the part about the candida
infections.  Does the enzyme combat candida infection?  I have a friend
has a systemic candida infection and he can't seem to beat it.  I would
appreciate any info that you could provide.



I had the article and sent it with a friend so she would understand what I
am saying to her.  It has a good bibliogralphy for you.  I will see if I
can get it back from her and post it for you.

Megazymes by Enzymatic tharapy are good for me b/c I can tolerate them
whereas others I cannot that is why I say this brand.

It is Pancreatic enzymes (10X) 325 mg (full strength undiluted and uncut)
Units of activity*
Protease 96,580
Amylase 98,780
Lip[ase 24,496
Trypsin75 mg
papain 50mg
bromelain (1.200 M.C.U.) 50 mg
amylase 10 mg
lipase 10 mg
lysozyme 100 mg
chymotrypsin 2mg

About Candida, you can eradicate it with CS done slowly and carefully
according to your health state.  WHen a single celled organism, or parasite
or the spirochete of which we read so much dies, it's death releases a
toxin that was inside the organism heretofor.  So when [people get treated
for Candida and are not properlu educated about the Jarisch Herxheiomer
reaction--the body'e reaction to the toxin released at the death of the
organism, oftentimes they feel worse and stop taking the medication and may
say they are allergic or whatever b/c we don't get the same thing painfiul
reactions with antibiotic therapy for common micro organisms. As a matter
of fact many doctors don't understand this.

Funguses are very different creatures docs in 3rd world countries are the
best at recognizing these things and treating them. Although we are
catching up. Funguses have the ability to change forms according to their
replication cycle and unless you are in this cycle they will not be found
in the blood, they can be budding yeast which looks like cottage cheese or
mycelia which can travel from organ to organ with out the use of the
vascular system. When you are in this replication cycle you feel worse and
crave sweets or fermented things.  The yeast need more carbohydrate to
live. Yeast Canndida and monilia are basically the same for the purpose of
this post.

What the enzyme does ON AN EMPTY STOMACH is get readily absorbed into the
bloodstream and eat up 'the toxins released by the dying fungi or
spirochete.  It is a good add on for treatment of Candida but will not kill
candida.  It will alleviate the pain as do the other things I delineated in
a previous post.

Now, the article had several subtitles and said in effect that in studies
done--double blind no  less that it has been found that they relieve the
pain of inflammation better that then ensaids so commonly prescribed which
are poison to me.

They also discovered a use for these in autoimmune disease like MS and so
forth is that they discovereed that the enzymes will also eliminate
circulating immune complexes.  this is important for peopole like me for
instance b/c the immune complexes I have are anti myelin ones and attack
the lining of the nerves and it is painful process.

Also good in allergies for precisely the same thing they will digest
allergens, reduce swelling (anti inflammation effect)  tThe anti
inflammation effect is accomplished as the enzymes soften and digest the
fibrin and other substance and catecholamines in the infalammatory
reaction, including arachidonic acid which is the culprit that causes pain.

So It may be a while before I can get that bibliography up b/c I can't
leave the mountain just now and I will have to get her to bring it to me.

These also aid in digestion taken with food.  Many people have
malabsorption problems once things are set into motion of being a disease
that is multi organ. Leaky gut syndrome needs to be addresed in you rfriend
proabably after a long siege of intractable Candida. There is a special
diet for that too.  It is an ordeal but it can be done.

Hope this answers your question for now.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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Re: re-garding collodial silver, copper,?

1998-04-30 Thread It's not me
I sure would not try this unless I was in a pinch.  . is a measure of
silvers purity, but  90 percent silver coinage tells you little about the
10% that isn't silver.  Remember, things that might be acceptable in a coin,
may not be healthy in your body.  Coins are cast with no particular
attention given to the fact that someone may ingest them.  :-)  Think along
the lines of surgical or food grade quality when putting things in your
body.  If someone gave you a pill that they said was 90% vitamin C, wouldn't
you want to know what the other 10% was before you took the pill.  I think
natural and folk medicine is great, but be wary, there is a line that is
crossed that just doesn't make good sense (at least to me).  Be careful of
the more is better thinking.  Colloidal silver is fine and appears to have
at least some antidotal and research evidence to support it's use.  All
these other colloids, I am just not sure about.  Somebody, somewhere will
start selling colloidal uranium, and the bad thing is that people will beat
a path to his/her door to buy it.

-Original Message-
From: Michael C Slivinski
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 1998 8:16 PM
Subject: re-garding collodial silver, copper,?

Just for some stimulation of thoughts here,
in perception magazine they had 2 articles on making your own cs,
the author did mention using pure 999 silver, but also mentioned one
could try using silver coins which are 90 % pure silver and copper and
one other metal (not nickle) and said copper is a benifit also.
So wondering if using silver coins might not be good to have with
these other items being made. they also made mention that some
collodial mineral water had in it's list of minerals arsenic, and commented
it interesting to have a poison mineral there and mentioned one other
type of mineral that is known as a poison but in collodial form might
not be harmful in small ppm. maybe it might be positive.
Just thoughts
mike slivinski

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Re: questions to the Kirlian engineer !?

1998-04-23 Thread It's not me
No doubt the pictures captures some sort of electrical/magnetic/light
aura, which is mildly interesting.  The problem comes in trying to
interpret what the color bands might mean.  Several things in the
photography and development could affect color, so any interpretation of
that color is just a stab in the dark.  I have not seen these booths, but I
know Kirlean sp Photography was popular years ago in the Psych circles and
never gained any serious respect.  Save your money, this stuff is closer to
slight of hand than science.
-Original Message-
From: Douglas Haack
To: Mike
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: questions to the Kirlian engineer !?

List/eners, some time ago I went to the Sydney Spirit Festival (the
exact name escapes me) and I tried the following little experiment. I
had my photo taken by some gadget they spruked as being able to capture
/ photograph my aura.

After the first shot which is a polaroid print of a colourful but hazy
scene, I went back and paid my 10 bucks again some 30 minutes later and
had my shot/aura taken again.

The first pic was in the yellow and green range and the second pic was
in the blue red range. Two totally different looking pics of the same
person within 30 minutes.

As far as I'm concerned these cameras at these fairs and shows are
fraudulent as my experiment showed that an aura could not change so
dramatically without some dramatic disruption or change to the physche
or emotions etc etc.

Douglas Haack, Sydney Oz

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Re: source for brown glass bottles

1998-04-23 Thread It's not me
Try a package/container store if you have one near.  I think I spend about
$.13-$.20 (that's cents) per 8 oz. brown bottle and cap.

-Original Message-
From: Fred Walter
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 3:27 PM
Subject: CS: source for brown glass bottles

None of my local pharmacies have glass bottles any more
(let alone brown glass bottles).

Bob Beck's paper suggests using prune juice bottles. So I went out and
three bottles of prune juice. (Vile stuff. How can people drink it?)

Then, while I was at my local University's chemistry supply store,
I found out that they sell brown glass bottles, of the right size,
really cheaply. (And they don't contain this really vile prune juice
that, because you paid a lot for it, you feel you should drink :-)

So if you are looking for a source for brown glass bottles, and you have
a University nearby that has a chemistry department, it will likely have
a chemistry store (to supply their students/researchers with glassware/etc)
that has these items.


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Re: insight

1998-04-19 Thread It's not me
Thanks Fred,
So are you using one of these devices?  I see posts from time to time about
the Bare-Rife, but with all of the stuff out there in the health field, I
have not paid as much attention as maybe I should.  I'm also a bit
suspicious until I see something work or know of someone that it has worked
on.  What exactly are we talking about here, light waves, radio waves, sound
waves?  What kind of results have you witnessed yourself?

-Original Message-
From: Fred Walter
Date: Saturday, April 18, 1998 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: insight

From: It's not me
From: Fred Walter
Some people with Fibromyalgia have gotten symptom relief from using
a Bare-Rife device. The details are somewhere at
I can't seem to find the references to Fibromyalgia a the sight you list.
Was the info in testimonial form or based on some research?

Testimonial. The information is there, you just have to dig a bit. Try:

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Re: Cs for Arthritis

1998-04-19 Thread It's not me
Jerry Karl,

I don't know if CS would help, but have you tried Glucosamine, Chondroitan,
Boswellan, Sea Cucumber.  These are a couple that are real popular right now
and people swear that they are helping.  I have sold the stuff to a couple
of dozen people and all of them are still using it and claim it is the most
relief that they have gotten.  I have not tried it myself, as most of my
pain is not from arthritis.  By the way this isn't a commercial, so I hope
you won't take it that way.  By selling supplements, I get to hear feedback
from people as to what is working for various illnesses.  If you try one of
the above, especially Glucosamine, I guess that you should try it for at
least 2 months before giving up, although most that I have talked to started
noticing some difference after about 2-3 weeks.  Hope that you find some

-Original Message-
From: Jerome Karl
Date: Saturday, April 18, 1998 4:31 PM
Subject: Cs for Arthritis

I've been on this list for about 2 months and I don't remember if CS for
Arthritis has been discussed.
Will it help??  I've already had both knees replaced because of arthritis
now I'm getting it in two of my fingers.  I know it's not carpal tunnel or
muscle soreness.  One of my fingers has already become twisted - about
a year ago and now it's happening again to more.
Will CS help or would it be a waste of time.
Please help,
Jerry Karl

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Re: insight

1998-04-18 Thread It's not me
I can't seem to find the references to Fibromyalgia a the sight you list.
Was the info in testimonial form or based on some research?

-Original Message-
From: Fred Walter
Date: Friday, April 17, 1998 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: insight

From: Reid Smith
they find that you are suffering Fibromyalgi,
I'd be glad to share what helps me.
So what is the treatment for Fibromyalgia?  Possabally antibotics?

Some people with Fibromyalgia have gotten symptom relief from using
a Bare-Rife device. The details are somewhere at


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Re: insight

1998-04-17 Thread It's not me
No antibiotics.  There is really nothing to kill.  Fibromyalgia is not well
understood, but it appears to have something to do with a chemical that
convinces the brain that it is feeling pain although there is no or little
physical damage to cause the pain.  Another school of thought is that it is
an autoimmune  type disorder where the body actually attacks itself.  All
that I know is the more and better that you sleep and the better you treat
your body and muscles, the better you end up feeling with Fibromyalgia.  I
take amino acids and I think that they help because they keep the muscles
repaired and free of the byproducts that could be a pain causing factor.  It
ends up being one of those things where you just end up tolerating a lot of
pain, but hey it won't kill you, so things could be worse.  I've got to say,
I wish that the CS would help with Fibromyalgia, but to date, I've had no
luck.  It sure works on many other things though.

-Original Message-
From: Reid Smith
Date: Friday, April 17, 1998 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: insight

I spent 5 years trying to find out what was wrong with me.  I had pain
everywhere, EXTREME fatigue, memory problems, intestinal problems, and on
and on.  I finally have found that I have Fibromyalgia.  I can tell you
I have not noticed any help from CS for Fibromyalgia, but then that makes
sense since it is probably not caused by virus, bacteria, or other living
organism.  I can tell you that it was a Rheumatoid specialist  that
decided that I had the FS.  Of course that was after several other docs
told me I had Rheumatoid, no Rheumatoid, Lupus, IBD, Ulcers, Lymes, Mono,
and etc.  Be persistent with you doc, especially if you aren't getting any
better.  Mine nearly killed me with Ibuprofen, N-saids and the like before
finding the right diagnosis.  In fact they suggested that I had a chronic
pain condition and should see a shrink.  I pushed on and if fact got very
mad with the doc just before he sent me to the right specialist.  I don't
know if the docs are the same where you are from, but here, they want to
give you about 3 min. on a doc visit, and are in a rush to sweep you into
category and feed you some pills.  I have not found a great amount of help
for my condition, from the docs meds, but I have found some help in
nutritional supplements.  If they find that you are suffering Fibromyalgi,
I'd be glad to share what helps me.

   So what is the treatment for Fibromyalgia?  Possabally antibotics?

Take Care


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Re: insight

1998-04-17 Thread It's not me

I take all of the antioxidants that I can get my hands on, C, E, Beta
Carotene, Selenium, fruit and vegetable concentrates, and etc.  I also take
some of the same nutritional supplements that weight lifters and
bodybuilders use such as the amino acids (Tri-Amino supplement, Acetyl L
Carnitine, Ornithine and etc.), B's, Ginseng and a few others.  You might
try looking through some back issues of Joe Weider's Muscle and Fitness.
They seem to keep up on nutritional supplements that rebuild and repair
muscles, help with pain, cleanse oxidants and toxins from the body.

As far as exercise goes, I cannot say enough good things about it.  They
told me not to work out hard, but I found that lifting heavy weights made me
feel better than anything else.  When I don't lift, it feels like someone
has parked a car on my chest, and all of my joints ache.  I feel a bit like
someone has wrung me out like an old wash rag.  All in all, I have went from
feeling like a ninety year old man and crawling out of bed, to where I
almost feel like I really am 34.  Don't expect instant results from the
exercise or vitamins though, because neither worked like that for me.  You
really have to stick with a lifestyle that will over time rebuild your
immune system and general health and hopefully the system will start to
repair itself.

Even though the docs don't think that you have Fibromyalgia, I will tell you
just for reference, you get what are called pressure or sensitive points.
These are on and around joints, the neck, armpits, sternum, groin, and etc.,
and they are always sore especially to the touch.  In fact these points are
part of the diagnostic for identifying fibromyalgia.  If you don't have
these sensitive points, I think it is a pretty good guess that you don't
have Fibromyalgia.  Good luck and I hope you get some answers soon.

-Original Message-
From: Cat3walker
Date: Thursday, April 16, 1998 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: insight

The doc. today said that I did not have fibromyalgia so I felt that was
news.  He was a Rheumatoid specialist and said he did not think that I had
type of arthritic condition.  He did say he did not think that I had lymes
that I had hyperextension of the joints which meant I really had to have
exercise.  Without the exercise, he said I would ache and have pain.  This
news to me.  I am trying to be persistent.  Sometimes I think I am losing
head.  I have only been going through this for 7 months.  I cannot imagine
what it would be like for this to go on for years.  I did request that a
thyroid panel be completed today.  Strangely enough, with all of the blood
work, this had yet to be done.  Can you share the supplements you are
I am on a heavy regimen of vitamins.  But at this point, I am willing to
anything.  Cathryn

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Re: lunatic influences for the gullible ?

1998-04-09 Thread It's not me
Not intended to offend, but it appears that you have already made up your
mind concerning DC battery generated CS.  Your posts give you away, and in
fact I have asked myself if you have a commercial stake in such arguments.
Suspecting, guessing, theorizing are all fine and in fact drive the research
process, however, one usually bases the theories on some demonstrated or
observed evidence.  I don't mean to throw stones, but I have never used
anything but the battery gizmo device for my CS.  As far as I am
concerned, I have had amazing results and I kind of get tired of the old my
toy is better than yours.  If someone wants to do some research, I think
that is great, but anymore the list seems a series of commercials telling
me why my CS isn't as good as someone else's.  Then again, I could be wrong.

-Original Message-
From: ryb
Date: Tuesday, April 07, 1998 9:45 PM
Subject: lunatic influences for the gullible ?

While I do NOT discount LUNAR influences on human beings(after all we are
composed of 98 % or so of water and as the moon does have an influence on
water,..) but to draw some conclusiosn from incomplete experiments is well
hazardous at best...

 I would like to see the experiments repeated but this time using a CS-300
pro or whatever gizmo battery type Csilver generator,using same medium,that
is from the same bottle of distilled water that has less than 1 PPM vs a
power operated CS generator like the CS pros systems or PII or motherlode..

 And then do a comparison..I suspect that you will NOT find any variation
in the steady current Cs generators as compared to the batteries one..If
that is the case it simply means that battery type Cs generators are too
sensitive and outside factors such as lunar influences,etc could affect the
potentiality fo the silver batch !

  However if the Cs pros,PII etc do show a difference,maybe we ought to
narrow it down to AC vs DC operated devices..

 Any takers to do the above ?


P.S . A comparison between the different battery Csilver devices ought to
be done as well to determine which one is the most sensitive to lunar and
other planetary influences..Personally I would go for the devices that are
the LEAST sensitive to lunar,planetary and other cosmological influences so
that consistency can be maintained when doing a silver batch.I do not think
that the lunar variations can turn a Cs solution bad...

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Re: Uses of CS

1998-04-04 Thread It's not me
Thanks for the ideas.  I hadn't thought of using CS on plants for fungus,
but it does make sense.  I'll also have to try out the dried egg idea.  I
wonder if a person could use some CS in the canning process as an added
measure of safety?

-Original Message-
From: angelina lee
Date: Friday, April 03, 1998 7:56 PM
Subject: Uses of CS

Greetings to all good CS makers and users,

   Here are some of the things we have been doing with our CS. The CS is
20ppm in all these uses.

  FUNGUS on PLANTS ; Had a chilly spell of weather and our pepper plants
developed fungus at the junction of stems and leaf stalks. This is very
bad. Saturated plants with CS spray for three days. Fungus is gone and
plants grew very fast after wards. Did not lose any plants.

  EGG DEHYDRATING ; Have found a good way to dehydrate egg safely. We
mix CS into the egg before dehydrating. We use America Harvest
dehydrater with three layers ,for eggs. Each layer will hold six eggs on
a roll up sheet. Open 18 eggs in a bowl and mix with a mixer, add ONE
TABLE SPOON of 20ppm CS and mix it in. Pour egg mix onto the roll up
sheets, set temp at 135f and time to 12 hr.. Eggs will be dry and
crispy, put in ziplock bag and label it. Also note that the eggs have a
sparkle to them in the light (silver atom sparkle). Have tried for many
months to get some to spoil, but they won`t.

  Bless all of you,  Bob Lee

 don`t cuss the farmer with your mouth full
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Some things I've used CS for

1998-03-31 Thread It's not me
Okay Mike asked for reports on usage of CS, so here goes.  Before I get to
what I've used CS for, I'll let you know how I make my brew.  I have been
using the CS-300b battery operated (36 volts DC) CS generator and I let it
run for 20 minutes after I notice bubbles forming on one of the electrodes.
According to the literature it is supposed to generate 3-5 ppm solution, but
I've never had it tested.  It generates clear and then changes golden after
a few days.

None of the following is any more than simple observation, but from what
I've seen, I would love to see some controlled studies on CS.

I have used the solution on burns by saturating a gauze or bandage and
keeping the area wet for at least 24 hours.  Within a few hours the pain is
gone, blisters are going away and by the next day things are generally back
to normal with little indication of a burn.  My wife accidentally grabbed a
cast iron pan (where the pot holder wasn't) and burned herself badly.  The
burn was white and blistered and looked like a piece of steamed fish.
Within minutes of applying the CS, she said the pain started to go away.
The next morning she took off the bandage and never applied the CS again.
On two fingers the skin had reattached (sounded impossible to me too) and
only one of the fingers peeled and that was because she picked at it out of

A friends baby had a terrible case of diaper rash that they just could not
get rid of.  I gave them a bottle of CS and now they swear by it.  I told
them to let the skin stay wet for at least 10 minutes.  They said it started
working right away and want more.

Another friend had a viral wart on her fingernail that she said she had for
13 years.  I gave her a bottle and told her to keep a CS soaked bandage on
it for a few days and see what happened.  I think that she said that she
noticed that it did not hurt after a few days and kept putting it on.  In
two weeks it was totally gone.  Apparently the nail was damaged, but has
grown out and is now normal.  Previously, she had tried freezing, burning,
cutting and a bunch of topical ointments all to no avail.

If I put CS on the spot when I first notice it tingling, I can usually keep
the sore from developing.  If it gets swollen, I apply CS with a Q-tip for a
minimum of 6-10 minutes and it almost always kills the infection by morning.
If it stops tingling and scabs over, the infection phase is generally over.
I have used the CS successfully on cold sores both inside the mouth and on
the outside of the mouth.

I have used an atomizer and sniffed the solution into my sinus passages and
gargled or drank the solution to help the infections along.  These results
were not as remarkable as the external applications of CS, but I believe
that the CS did help some especially in the Nasal infections.

I had a honey bee sting that got infected and caused a marble sized knot
that turned red and made a streak down my arm.  I used tea tree oil on the
sting the first night and it turned black and hurt like the devil (Actually
may have been good, I think it helped destroy the protein from the sting).
The next night I put the CS on it overnight and by morning it had started to
scab over and normal color started to return.  Maybe this would have
happened anyhow, but I was a bit worried when I saw the red streaks on my
arm and figured that the CS sure would not hurt.

I don't know about internal applications, but I have had excellent results
externally.  On the negative side, I do know that when I take the CS
internally, I get bad stomach cramps.  Has anyone else had this problem?  I
am also wondering if CS would work for a systemic yeast infection.  I have a
friend who has had nothing but trouble for about 6-7 years now with yeast
and I wonder if I should set him up with some CS.  Would any of you have
experience with this?  If so, what dosages were taken and what length of
time was necessary to relieve yeast problems?

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour
Date: Monday, March 30, 1998 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: Clear or Golden?

I really would like to see a steady flow of usage reports, good and
bad. Testimonials go a long way toward keeping us focused on what
we're here for. If you've used CS for something lately, or you
haven't chipped in with your story in a while, feel free to post!
There are always people looking for the info.

Be well,

Mike D.
Silver-list maintainer

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: OK, ... CS Antioxidants

1998-03-21 Thread It's not me
This is not meant as a flame Nancy and I certainly don't want to offend
anyone, but I have a serious question regarding your post.  It strikes me as
funny that one would take something such as silver and then take something
else to counteract it.  If the antioxidant does in fact react or bind with
the silver as if it were a free-radical, why would you take the antioxidant
to begin with?  It seems self defeating, but maybe I am missing something.
For normal doses of silver, as I understand it, the body is capable of
naturally eliminating the silver.  If you take a higher dose but then take
the antioxidant to head off the toxic effects, it seems to me that you would
also lose the benefits (if any) of the higher dose.  If I am missing
something here, fill me in.  I'm surely not a biologist or chemist, but this
doesn't sound right somehow.

-Original Message-
From: Nancy Berntsen
To: Susan M. Yensen;
Date: Friday, March 20, 1998 4:17 AM
Subject: Re: OK, ... CS  Antioxidants

The medical overview of silver research I read (fung, et. al. listed at my
web page... ) discussed a
study of of mice that showed that they could tolerate a much higher
(normally considered toxic) amount of silver intake if they were given

So it makes sense to  take a daily supplement of vit. E or C or some other
known antioxidant while on colloidal silver.


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Re: [Fwd: Re: Fw: New Virus]

1998-03-15 Thread It's not me
You are absolutely right.  I received what they call a Trojan horse this
very way using free agent.  I actually double clicked unintentionally and
thought what are the chances?.  I let it go instead of stopping and it
turned out to be a bat file and it promptly launched and hosed my .dll files
and some other vital windows stuff.  From what I've read though, it is
unlikely you can get a serious virus with a text message other than a word

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour
Date: Saturday, March 14, 1998 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Fw: New Virus]

I've found at least one way in which the unwary user could trick
themselves into infection with such a virus.

The program Free Agent from Forte, a popular newsreader, has a
checkbox in General Preferences that is labeled double-clicking a
message launches its binary attachment. When you set up the software
this wonderful feature is enabled by default!

So, click on an innocent looking message in your favorite newsgroup,
to which someone has attached a program that launches a virus, and
voilia! Infection.

I use Free Agent, and it's a well designed and easy to use program.
But this one snare is waiting for anybody not compulsive about
checking out all of a program's configurations before using it!

I hope I'm wrong, but that's what it means to me. If you know
otherwise, Bruce, or anyone else, please point me to the information.


PS: And yes, this has nothing to do with Colloidal Silver. Sorry about
that. I'll shut up now...

On 14 Mar 98 at 19:16, wrote:

 I DON't Think so... this is one of the virus hoaxes that's been
 circulating around the net for quite a while now.

 Do a web search for Virus Hoax and check out the info; then, if you
 had already perpetuated this hoax by passing it on , let your
 friends know IT AINT SO.

 Bruce K. Stenulson
 Applied Technology

 angelina lee wrote:
  Important virus message   ,Bob Lee
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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To post, address your message to:

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Re: Inhalation and ingestion of Silver Colloidal for Lung Cancer?

1998-03-03 Thread It's not me
It seems you have a good attitude and you seem open to trying experimental
treatments.  If you find this of use, I hope you have great luck with it.
If not, I am sorry to waste your time.  I just read of an experiment where
they used a rare Tibetian mushroom called Cordyceps sinensis.  I don't know
how one would locate some of it, but the experiment found that it reversed
both lung cancer and asthma.  I am getting more info on the experiment, but
in the mean time, if you have the time and energy, you might see what you
can find on this substance.  The same article also mentions stabilized
liquid oxygen therapy for many types of cancer, but does not go into detail
about it.  The information comes from the Health Sciences Institute.  I
don't know a lot about them, but the appear to have some well credentialed
medical doctors on staff.  Anyhow, I have sent for more information and I
would be glad to share it with you if you think that you are interested.  If
you are interested, drop me a line and I will send it when available, if
not, just delete this and I won't bother you again.  In any case God bless

Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 12:26:59 -0500 (EST)
From: s.j. vonesh
Subject: Oxylist In Praise of Oral H2O2 Therapy

(which really tires me out), I started the oral H2O2 therapy in
conjunction with a basic de-toxifying program two weeks ago. Although I
was originally pretty skeptical that this would be of any value, I was
so depressed by my conventional doctors that I felt I had at least to
try to help myself in any way I could.

 I am pleased to report that it really does seem to help. I don't know
if it's curing my cancer, but it certainly has given me a lot more energy,
improved my mood, lessened my headaches, and made it possible for me to
sleep at night without the aid of narcotic drugs. I feel great!

Keep smilin'  :)

Susan J. VoneshUniversity of Western Ontario  London, Ontario Canada
hoopiest star: Antares sassiest galaxy: Andromeda


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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour


1998-02-28 Thread It's not me
Thanks to all who sent me information and url's for info on Rife.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Newbie

1998-02-25 Thread It's not me
I've seen reference to the Rife/Bare machine and I've never heard of it
before.  Would some kind soul give me a brief description of what it is and
what it does.

-Original Message-
From: Carl J. Jasinto
Date: Tuesday, February 24, 1998 6:10 PM
Subject: Newbie

Hello all,
I need to know how to make colloidial silver for my self.  Also any
good web sites for further info?  Also I have a need for an operating
Rife/Bare machine in Ohio.  I live in Lorain - 30 miles west of
Cleveland - on the lake front.  Please e-mail me directly r/e the

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Flamed again...

1998-01-29 Thread It's not me
That's okay, I got flamed on the same NG.  In a nutshell, the guy said I was
a moron and taking CS was akin to eating rocks.  I let him know that the
idea of a NG was the sharing of ideas, and someone had asked for opinions
from people who had used CS.  I reminded him that at one point zinc lozenges
for colds were looked upon as voodoo, but now look at how many of the big
drug companies sell them.  Not everything is accepted by the established
powers or their followers and that is okay, we know better.  It took a while
to convince some folks that the earth was not flat :-)

-Original Message-
From: Marsha Hallett
Date: Thursday, January 29, 1998 1:00 PM
Subject: Flamed again...

Dear List, Here`s my reply to a flame I got from the Survivalist NG:
Mike S. Medintz wrote:


 One fine day, I found this tidbit from Marsha Hallett :

   Dear Steve, and anone else interested:
 Here is some info. on what CS is, and the directions for a simple

 And it's bullshit...

Thanks for the gentlemanly comment. MLH

 CS is made of ions of pure silver in distilled water.

 If it's made of metal ions then I doubt that it's a colloid.

How do you know? Under the microscope it sure looks like a colloid, and
acts like one...MLH

 It is so fine that
 it can get inside the cells where Borrelia, the Lyme Disease  bugs,
 hiding and kill them, which antibiotics just can`t do.

 Again, bullshit-Lyme disease is treated with rocephin quite

No it isn`t, see the Lyme NG. MLH

 CS is able to
 kill all one-celled organisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungus
 even viruses. It does so by suffocating them. Silver reacts with
 enzyme that bugs use to utilize oxygen, stopping it, and thus
 the bugs.

 Neither do many yeasts and other fungi-they work by fermentation
 which means that they do NOT require outside oxygen.

Well, I don`t know how they work, but CS kills em anyway!  MLH

 Bacteria...well, it depends, although the metabolism of aerobic
 bacteria is not so different from humans that any substance which
 killed ALL bacteria by interruption would not kill human cells as

 I mean, jeez, marsha, lies are bad enough, but these are STUPID
 lies-the kind that ANYONE who EVER took an intro biology class would
 see right through!

Whoa, doesn`t THIS guy have an attitude!!! I`m not a liar in any sense
of the word. I`m no scientist, I`m just a grandma, hoping to help others

get well again, like I did. I found CS after 6 years of awful misery
with Lyme disease, and NONE of the antibiotics I used ever got rid of
it. Even IV Rocephin CAN`T, just check the Lyme disease newsgroup.
You`ll see letters from folks after several courses of IV Rocephin,
still ill and wondering what to try next. Except for CS, there isn`t
What is this guy`s problem anyway, why can`t he let us willing guinea
pigs try it for ourselves to find out? I`m satisfied. CS works
wonderfully for me, my family and even my dogs, too, so you can`t call
it placebo effect for them.
I have a cold right now. It began last night, tomorrow it`ll be gone,
just like all the others that began during the 20 months I`ve been using


I`m sorry, Mr. Ornery Bad-mouth, CS WORKS, whether you want it to or
Marsha Hallett, well again in Milwaukee

Ain`t that something??!! Whew...Anyone else care to respond to this
idiot, too?

Re: Boiling CS Solution

1998-01-29 Thread It's not me
Funny post Mike.

My CS always comes out clear and then darkens to the golden color over the
next several days.  The only way that I can tell that the process has
occurred is that I can see the cloud coming off of one electrode and then
of course the black fuzzy deposit that appears on both electrodes.  One
thing that I seem to remember from chemistry is that heat speeds up chemical
reaction, so it would stand to reason that by heating the CS, the golden
color would be seen quicker.  What remains to be seen is if the gold color
is a sign of degradation or if the product is more available to the body or
less so because of this.  Hopefully, it will turn out to be useful in both
the clear and golden form, similar to the way that Vitamin C is available in
many useful forms.

  One thing I have noticed is that most of you run your CS much longer than
I do.  I have seen some who run for an hour or more and one fellow who runs
his until he has what he calls a white paste.  I don't know if what he
describes is possible, but the thought that more is not always better does
occur to me.  I understand that when a solution becomes oversaturated, the
absorbed particles have a tendency to come out of solution as a deposit.  I
don't know if a colloid is technically a solution, however I would be
inclined to think that eventually the water carries as much silver as it
can, and you begin wasting your silver and defeating the whole purpose of
making a solution of CS with a small particle size.

For the record, I use 36 V. DC into two silver strips approx. 4X1/4X1/16
for approx.. 20-25 minutes in room temperature distilled water.  The
reaction is not visible for several minutes, but an led indicates that the
circuit is working.  I have not used the resulting CS for Lymes, but have
used on burns, an infection that was causing blood poisoning, viral warts,
sore throats, stomach flu, ear infections, nasal infections, fungus, and so
on.  It has been highly effective at this concentration, which I would think
is well below the concentrations that most of you are producing.
Anyhow, I just thought that I would share my experience.

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 1998 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: Boiling CS Solution

I would not be surprised to find out that the yellow color was either
or both an electro-optical effect or a chemical one...

In the beginning the great one said Thou shalt use salt. Behold the
clarity of the precious fluid!

Then another rose up and spake thusly, Salt is evil. Thou shall not
use salt. He held up a glowing vessel and said, Looketh upon the
golden color and know that it is good.

Yet others held forth their laden jars and proclaimed, We useth
high voltage and LO! It is without color. They looked down upon the
golden elixir and accused, Thine elixir is an abomination, impure
and tarnished!

And about this time the whole picture became rather obscure to
mortals, as the titans became indiscernible in clouds of swirling
dust, the fog of battle, and blinding lightning and flames.

Re: CS

1998-01-28 Thread It's not me
I just put my CS in fine spray atomizer and breathe in as I spray it,
similar to the way one uses an inhaler.  I have also used the atomizer to
spray the CS into my nose to combat infections and it works well for that as
well.  I bought the little atomizer at a local packaging and container store
and it was very inexpensive.

-Original Message-
From: brains
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 3:49 PM
Subject: CS

FYI, I have tried using CS mixed into the distilled water I use when I
am using our ultrasonic (cool) humidifier.  But I could not keep my head

in the cloud because I would cough my head off (then I'd have to pick
it up off the floor and start over g).

I, too, would like to know if anybody else has tried either the steam or

ultrasonic humidifiers to get CS into the lungs.

All the best,
Tom Miller

Also the use of a nebuliser (asthma) may be  a good method to ensure the
distribution of  CS to the lungs ...

Brian in OZ

Re: Making CS accurately

1998-01-19 Thread It's not me
So what are some of the hazards that go along with argyria, aside from
turning your skin and organs Grey or blue?  What is silver poisoning and
what are the associated hazards or illnesses?
Where has silver been found in nature in water and in plants?  Since it
takes an electrical charge to make the colloid, does this occur in nature in
water?  Will plants take up the silver naturally?  I understand some plants
won't take up some metals.  Any info would be helpfull.  Thanks.

-Original Message-
From: Tom
To: Silver List
Date: Sunday, January 18, 1998 6:39 AM
Subject: Making CS accurately

the concentration were within certain ranges.   It makes no sense
to risk argyria or even silver poisoning from consuming solutions that are
not like CS would be found in nature, such as in the water supply or in
material grown on non-depleted soils.