[talk-ph] IdeaCamp Davao 2

2009-09-11 Per discussione maning sambale
Good luck to murlwe.

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden
wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

talk-ph mailing list

[talk-ph] Monopoly City Streets online game uses OpenStreetMap data

2009-09-11 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
Hi guys,

Some of you might probably have heard of Monopoly City Streets [1] which is
an online version of the Monopoly board game using real-world streets. They
are using Google Maps tiles to show the board but OSM street data for the
actual street data (because Google doesn't have them available). Anyone
wanna buy Ayala Avenue in Makati? But, it's currently owned by someone. :-)

[1] http://www.monopolycitystreets.com/
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] gebruik gegevens giswest databank ?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Kristoff Bonne

Hallo iedereen,

Ik heb nog eens verder zitten rondkijken op de website van giswest, en 
daar vond ik o.a. het volgende:


Auteurs van gebruikte kaarten:
Teleatlas: stratennetwerk
Zo te zien heeft de provincie niet zelf het stratenplan opgemaakt maar 
gewoon ingekocht van een commerciele leverancier.


Eventjes een correctie hierop.

Ik heb ondertussen die persoon van de gemeente bij ons aan de lijn gehad 
en blijkbaar is de situatie anders.

Het is niet giswest die kaarten inkoopt bij teleatlas, het is de 
gemeente die deze informatie levert. Wat meer is. De gemeente levert 
niet alleen informatie aan de provincie, maar ook aan de commerciele 

Hij verzekerde mij dat het geen probleem is om die informatie te 
gebruiken voor het openstreetproject.
Uiteindelijk heeft de gemeente er all voordeel bij dat mensen -zeker 
hier aan de kust waar er veel toeristen komen- de weg terugvinden in de 

Goed nieuws dus!

Nu, de bestanden zijn in ESRI-formaat dus het is nog eens uitzoeken hoe 
dat men dat precies moet inlezen (het is blijkbaar wel mogelijk want er 
bestaan een aantal websites over o.a. over Brest in Frankrijk) maar dat 
is een andere zaak.

Misschien, als dat goed lukt, zou dat een goede zaak zijn voor hier in 
West-Vlaanderen  want de OSM is hier maar heel beperkt!

Cheerio! Kr. Bonne.

jabber/gtalk: krist...@krbonne.net

attachment: kristoff_bonne.vcf___
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] gebruik gegevens giswest databank ?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Kristoff Bonne

Ben ,

Ben Laenen schreef:

  Marc Coevoet wrote:
Wel, ik heb tiffs van stafkaarten 1/1 van 1979  - 1985, gebruikt

Betekent dat dat je al dingen van die stafkaarten gekopieerd hebt naar OSM?
We weten nog helemaal niet of dat zomaar kan (i.e. of databankrecht hier 
werkelijk het enige recht is, en er bv. geen auteursrechten zijn).

Wel, ik zit daarmee eigenlijk met een vergelijkbare vraag.

Ik heb gemerkt dat het soms heel interessant is om een GPX bestand eens
in-te-lezen in google-earth en die bovenop de fotokaart te leggen. Ik
heb gemerkt dat een track soms wel eens een aantal meters verkeerd
durft zijn (mogelijk omdat ik mijn adapt gps-logger nog altijd niet in
EGNOS-mode gekregen heb).

Is dit dan "afgeleid werk"? Ik vermoed -als je dit strikt wettelijk
neemt- waarschijnlijk wel.

De vraag is dan natuurlijk ook "wat is juist?", de GPS-track of de

Misschien is het best om gewoon een 2de gps-toestelletje mee-te-nemen.
Ik heb gezien dat er nu al zijn voor een 60 euro in gps-shop (inclusief
egnos-support) en heb een freeware "gpslogger" gevonden voor symbian
(die ik kan gebruiken op een oude nokia telefoon die ik nog liggen heb).


Cheerio! Kr. Bonne.
jabber/gtalk: krist...@krbonne.net

attachment: kristoff_bonne.vcf___
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Openstreetmap Foundation: the Belgian Chapter

2009-09-11 Per discussione Kristoff Bonne


wannes schreef:
In a VZW (ASBL) the founders are liable. So founding a VZW/ASBL 
wouldn't change too much if you' concering liability.

Not true. A vzw is a legal entity in itself; so for actions organised by 
the vzw and following the formal structure of the vzw, it is the vzw 
which is the entity that is liable.

However, this does mean that you need to follow the formal rules of a 
vzw; e.g. actions to organise an event must have been taken in a formal 
meeting of the bestuursvergadering and at the end of the year, the 
algemene vergadering must take over the formal resposability of all 
actions taken by the bestuur during that last year.

Concerning liability, the question of the usefullness of being a vzw 
depends a bit on how much you look at worse case senarios.
Say that you organises a mapping-event and somebody on a scooter has a 
traffic-accident causing physical damage or even worse to somebody else.

It can be that the assurance-company of that person will say I'm sorry 
but you where driving around as part of an organised event, under 
supervision of that organising party so not as a private person; so 
it's the assurance of that organisation that has to pay this.

The fact that that person is not payed by the organisation and does this 
out of his/her free will does not necessairy change that!

Or it can be that the assurance-company of that person will have to pay 
the victim but will then try to recuperate that cost at the whoever 
organised the event.

If I remember correctly, there was a case where a computerclub (IIRC in 
Knokke or Blankenberge) organised a open deur somewhere in a backroom 
of a hotel and somebody, wile moving a table- by accident hit the wall 
where a pieve of spaster came lose. The hotel then suit the organiser 
for the cost or repairing that!
If you are not a formal vzw, it can be that you will be suit as person 
and that one person of the organisation will have to pay the bill who 
then will have to recuperate at the other persons of the organisation.

Again, it all depends on your attitude towards worse case senarios and 
on what exactly you want to do with this group.
But, the way I see it, from the moment you start organising events, 
especially with things like mapping-evens where people can get involved 
in a traffic-accident- you better make sure that you are well prepared 
and -if necessairy- also assured for this.
Not only for you -as organiser- but also for the person who is involved 
in the accident.

Anycase, another advantage for being a vzw is for fund-raising. No 
organisation or company (say a university or a city-council) will fund 
an organisation that does not have a proper official structure (one of 
the reasons being that -at least- a vzw has a to do a formal bookkeeping 
so their is a trace of where the money of the fund is going and not 
dissapear in a black-hole or somebody's personal pockets somewhere :-) ).

On the other hand, you do have to be aware that being a vzw does also 
include some legal obligations, like at least 2 official meetings a 
year, bookkeeping, a VAT-declaration, etc.

So it's a sword that cuts both ways.


Cheerio! Kr. Bonne.
(board-member multi computer club Brugge v.z.w.)

attachment: kristoff_bonne.vcf___
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] ingeven straten in stukken ???

2009-09-11 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Kristoff Bonne wrote:

 Eventjes een ander vraagje;

 Ik heb dit niet gevonden op de wiki, maar misschien heb ik niet goed

 Kan iemand me eens uitleggen hoe dat men precies een straat die uit
 meerdere stukken bestaat moet ingeven op online kaart-editor?

 Indien een straat bestaat uit één enkel lang stuk met meerdere segmenten
 na elkaar is er geen probleem; maar hoe lost je de volgende gevallen op?

 - Een T (eigenlijk een zijstraat van een hoofdstraat maar met dezelfde

 - Een onderbroken straat (een stuk straat, een stuk niets en dan terug
 een stuk straat).

 - Een straat met plots een stuk enkel fietsen ertussen. (dus stuk
 residential road, dan footway en dan terug residential road).

Alleen fietsen is een cycleway, geen footway.

 Ik heb al die gevallen opgelost door verschillende ways te maken met
 allemaal dezelfde naam, maar ik weet niet als dat de juiste manier is.

Dat is de juiste manier. Wegen kunnen nog meer opgedeeld worden als er
bijvoorbeeld op een deel een relatie ligt. In de AND data van Nederland zijn
wegen zelfs opgedeeld in aparte stukken tussen elke zijstraat.

 En dan nog één dingetje.
 Waar haal je symbolen voor andere points-of-intrest die niet op de
 online editor staan? (bv. een speelplein).

Niet. De renderer zorgt voor het plaatsen van de juiste symbolen. Wat je in
Potlatch ziet is alleen daar ter vergemakkelijking van het mappen doordat er
standaard de juiste tags ingevuld worden.
Voor POI's die niet in die lijst staan moet je de tags zelf maken.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Openstreetmap Foundation: the Belgian Chapter

2009-09-11 Per discussione Luc Van den Troost
Hi all,

I have just been reading all of the 'vzw' talk that has been going on.
So after holidays now it't time for my reaction.

First of all, I think the most important advantage of having an
'official form' is in the contacts. It makes it easyer to go to official
instances, press, other organisations, ... if one can speak/write on
behalf of an organisation. 

On the other hand te reverse is true too. If a map-maker (...) thinks
his copyright or commercial interests are violated by OSM it makes it
more easy for them too to sue, wether they are right or not. But even if
they are wrong it may put you in the courtroom. If a map-maker or other
important company wants to make life difficult for osm, and they want to
play a 'dirty game' it doesn't bother them to loose a few 1000 euro in a
courtcase, and they can probably affort loosing it.  

The purpose of the vwz - maatschappelijk doel - is probably the most
important part of the statuten. The vzw can only take actions within the
purpose as formulated there, so it is wise to formulate it quite
abstract and general. Changing the purpose in the statuten later has to
be done within quite strict rules, and can be difficult. For instance if
you refer to 'openstreetmap' and OSM would ever change it's name, you
run into trouble already. 

Only the MAXIMUM membership fee has to be in the statuten. So it is wise
to put the amount fairly high, even with 30 years future inflation in

Unless the vzw wants to perform additional commercial activities (for
instance produce printable maps for private companies) the bookkeeping
work is quite elemetary - in and out - and there is no VAT obligations. 

Insurance is something that has changed since I had vzw experience. If
my knowledge is right a vzw now has to have insurance for it's
collaborators during activities. I think however this is quite the same
for a 'feitelijke vereniging'. 


I am quite convinced that 'some kind of organisational structure' might
be nescessary for osm-belgium.

I am not convinced that, at current time, it is nescessary to put this
organisational structure in a vzw. That would become nescessary once the
organisation has -important- own possessions or assets, or could get
money from third parties. 

Note that I am not opposed to a vzw - far from - but at current time I
do not see the advantages to a 'feitelijke vereniging'. I think it is
more important to have some structure first - have some meetings on a
regular basis, including (and most important for) new mappers. Putting
all this into a vzw form is then just a formality and can happen 'on the

One doesn't get a good structure just by putting some bylaws into the
'belgisch staatsblad'... 

Luc / Speedy

On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 09:36 +0200, Kristoff Bonne wrote:
 wannes schreef:
  In a VZW (ASBL) the founders are liable. So founding a VZW/ASBL 
  wouldn't change too much if you' concering liability.
 Not true. A vzw is a legal entity in itself; so for actions organised by 
 the vzw and following the formal structure of the vzw, it is the vzw 
 which is the entity that is liable.
 However, this does mean that you need to follow the formal rules of a 
 vzw; e.g. actions to organise an event must have been taken in a formal 
 meeting of the bestuursvergadering and at the end of the year, the 
 algemene vergadering must take over the formal resposability of all 
 actions taken by the bestuur during that last year.
 Concerning liability, the question of the usefullness of being a vzw 
 depends a bit on how much you look at worse case senarios.
 Say that you organises a mapping-event and somebody on a scooter has a 
 traffic-accident causing physical damage or even worse to somebody else.
 It can be that the assurance-company of that person will say I'm sorry 
 but you where driving around as part of an organised event, under 
 supervision of that organising party so not as a private person; so 
 it's the assurance of that organisation that has to pay this.
 The fact that that person is not payed by the organisation and does this 
 out of his/her free will does not necessairy change that!
 Or it can be that the assurance-company of that person will have to pay 
 the victim but will then try to recuperate that cost at the whoever 
 organised the event.
 If I remember correctly, there was a case where a computerclub (IIRC in 
 Knokke or Blankenberge) organised a open deur somewhere in a backroom 
 of a hotel and somebody, wile moving a table- by accident hit the wall 
 where a pieve of spaster came lose. The hotel then suit the organiser 
 for the cost or repairing that!
 If you are not a formal vzw, it can be that you will be suit as person 
 and that one person of the organisation will have to pay the bill who 
 then will have to recuperate at the other persons of the organisation.
 Again, it all depends on your attitude towards worse case senarios and 
 on what exactly you want to 

Re: [OSM-talk-be] gebruik gegevens giswest databank ?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Ben Laenen
Kristoff Bonne wrote:
  Wel, ik zit daarmee eigenlijk met een vergelijkbare vraag.

  Ik heb gemerkt dat het soms heel interessant is om een GPX bestand eens
 in-te-lezen in google-earth en die bovenop de fotokaart te leggen. Ik heb
 gemerkt dat een track soms wel eens een aantal meters verkeerd durft zijn
 (mogelijk omdat ik mijn adapt gps-logger nog altijd niet in EGNOS-mode
 gekregen heb).

  Is dit dan afgeleid werk? Ik vermoed -als je dit strikt wettelijk neemt-
 waarschijnlijk wel.

De meningen verschillen naargelang de persoon aan wie je het vraagt. Langs één 
kant heb je de mensen die zeggen dat je van luchtfoto's zonder meer mag 
overtekenen, langs de andere kant mensen die zeggen dat het strikt verboden 
is. Zoals gewoonlijk wordt dan meestal op veilig gespeeld, dus in OSM maken we 
geen gebruik van luchtfoto's als daar geen toestemming voor is. Een keertje 
iets aflijnen met een luchtfoto is waarschijnlijk niet zo'n groot probleem, 
het systematisch doen vermoedelijk wel.

  De vraag is dan natuurlijk ook wat is juist?, de GPS-track of de

De kans dat de foto juister is is groter, maar dat hangt van de situatie af 
natuurlijk. Ik heb geen ervaring met hoe juist die foto's in googlemaps 
liggen. Je zou het misschien eens kunnen testen door de geodetische punten 
waarvan de exacte coördinaten geweten zijn te controleren. In Yahoo liggen de 
foto's meestal juist op een paar meter na.

  Misschien is het best om gewoon een 2de gps-toestelletje mee-te-nemen.
  Ik heb gezien dat er nu al zijn voor een 60 euro in gps-shop (inclusief
 egnos-support) en heb een freeware gpslogger gevonden voor symbian (die
 ik kan gebruiken op een oude nokia telefoon die ik nog liggen heb).

Heb ik me ook al afgevraagd of dat zou helpen, maar ik denk dan dat als je ene 
gps een moeilijk zicht heeft op een satelliet op een bepaalde plek en een 
bepaald tijdstip, dat de tweede gps op een paar tientallen centimeter 
daarvandaan ook wel dat probleem zal hebben. Maar ik heb er dus geen ervaring 
mee, dus als iemand het eens heeft uitgetest...


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] gebruik gegevens giswest databank ?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Johan Van de Wauw
2009/9/11 Kristoff Bonne kristoff.bo...@skypro.be:
 Hallo iedereen,

 Ik heb nog eens verder zitten rondkijken op de website van giswest, en
 daar vond ik o.a. het volgende:

 Auteurs van gebruikte kaarten:
 Teleatlas: stratennetwerk
 Zo te zien heeft de provincie niet zelf het stratenplan opgemaakt maar
 gewoon ingekocht van een commerciele leverancier.

 Eventjes een correctie hierop.

 Ik heb ondertussen die persoon van de gemeente bij ons aan de lijn gehad en
 blijkbaar is de situatie anders.

 Het is niet giswest die kaarten inkoopt bij teleatlas, het is de gemeente
 die deze informatie levert. Wat meer is. De gemeente levert niet alleen
 informatie aan de provincie, maar ook aan de commerciele

Niet te hard van stapel lopen: de stratenkaarten op giswest, en op de
site van agiv (multinet) zijn effectief aangekocht door de overheid -
voor intern gebruik, en zeker niet in een licentie die in
overeenstemming is met OSM.
Wat het doorgeven van gegevens betreft: wellicht gaat het hier over
andere data (GRB, ...), en niet over de kaartdata.
Als de gemeente data levert aan commerciele straatplanproviders wil
dat niet zeggen dat wij hun gegevens zomaar mogen gebruiken. Je zou
hooguit kunnen vragen dat de gemeente dezelfde informatie doorgeeft
aan OSM met een compatibele licentie.

De stratenkaarten op giswest zijn de multinet data, eigendom van Tele
Atlas. Op de site van agiv vind je daar volgende info over:
Dit product kan besteld worden via GIRAF (http://giraf.agiv.be) en
staat vermeld onder de rubriek transport”. Het is enkel beschikbaar
voor de deelnemers aan GIS-Vlaanderen. Derden kunnen zich rechtstreeks
tot het Tele Atlas richten.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] gebruik gegevens giswest databank ?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Ben Laenen
Kristoff Bonne wrote:
 Een vraagje:
 Ik heb deze week eens een babbeltje gehad met iemand van de gemeente bij
 ons om een lijst te krijgen van alle straten in de gemeente inclusief

Probeer misschien eens (deel)gemeentegrenzen te verkrijgen. Dat zijn gegevens 
die we niet zelf zomaar kunnen mappen...


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] new proposals for k:shop

2009-09-11 Per discussione Peter Körner
 shop=vacant; empty stores should be marked vacant, not removed from map.

I usually use
shop=[what it was before]

 shop=supplements;  specialty food and dietary supplements.
 shop=cash; non-bank cheque cashing or short term payday loans
 shop=beauty; personal beauty services, tanning, nails, spa, etc.

How about shop=solarium?

 shop=tobacco;  specialty shop selling cigars, cigarettes, pipe
 tobacco, and accessories


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] new proposals for k:shop

2009-09-11 Per discussione Roy Wallace
I personally think new shop values should come from tagwatch, not from
proposals. I.e. to steer the crowd towards the tag already used by the
majority where necessary.

IMHO proposals can be useful for introducing new tagging schemes (for
a way to tag vacant properties, maybe), but not for something as
simple as different kinds of shops.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Routing over barrier nodes

2009-09-11 Per discussione marcus.wolschon
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 00:51:17 +0200, andrzej zaborowski balr...@gmail.com
 2009/9/10  lulu-...@gmx.de:
 Currently the problem with routing is, that routing applications can not
 check for millions of nodes, but only for thousands of ways without
 performace problems.

 That results in the problem, that for example barrier bollards in the
 middle of the road can not be considered.

 I recommend to add a route_nodes=yes or router:check_nodes=yes to such
 ways, so that the routing software can check only the ways in first run
 and then check the nodes on ways only where this is set.


Bad idea.
Violates first normal form and just invites inconsistent data.

Traveling Salesman (to speak about mine )already checks the nodes
on evaluated ways and works just fine without such a thing.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] new proposals for k:shop

2009-09-11 Per discussione Peteris Krisjanis
2009/9/11 Roy Wallace waldo000...@gmail.com:
 I personally think new shop values should come from tagwatch, not from
 proposals. I.e. to steer the crowd towards the tag already used by the
 majority where necessary.

 IMHO proposals can be useful for introducing new tagging schemes (for
 a way to tag vacant properties, maybe), but not for something as
 simple as different kinds of shops.

What harm could come from defining them?

For example, I second them all (I need lot of beauty and cash shops in
regions I'm maping). Yes, there propably someone somehwere in OSM
would tag them differently, but these tags sound general enough to fit
anyone's needs and there could be additional tags if needed some
additional information.

More and more I read list and wiki, more I convinced that:
a) it is more or less proven that 'tag it and they will come' could
work when there is isolated count of volunteers. With increase of them
and huge increase of amount of data standartisation should be done
ahead as much as possible. You
b) Yes, we need another list and sort of team which stears and
streamlines our tagging. I think most of us don't care if it is mega
official or not. Just clear sane guidelines and tagging practice;


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] new proposals for k:shop

2009-09-11 Per discussione Chris Hill
Roy Wallace wrote:
 I personally think new shop values should come from tagwatch, not from
 proposals. I.e. to steer the crowd towards the tag already used by the
 majority where necessary.
 IMHO proposals can be useful for introducing new tagging schemes (for
 a way to tag vacant properties, maybe), but not for something as
 simple as different kinds of shops.
The discussion around proposals is great when it improves a tagging scheme.

The actual voting system is worthless.  A handful of people (I used to 
be one) say yes or no, while many (most) of the experienced OSMers 
either ignore the process or just don't see the proposal or don't care.  
The majorities required are ludicrous given we have so many contributors 
now.  People can vote to deprecate things, when in practice deprecation 
will never happen through voting, tags will slowly fade away because a 
better scheme takes over.

Use a few new shop tags as you want, if they get widely used then add 
them to the shop=* list.

To the people who will doubtless scream at me for perpetuating a 
disorganized, jumble of tags that overlap and even contradict each other 
I say simply that this is the thriving openstreetmap, with free format 
tagging at its heart, not a proscriptive, unused project that fizzles out.

Cheers, Chris

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Address interpolation

2009-09-11 Per discussione Brian Quinion
 Thank you Brian for your tips, I edited address with suggestions you
 made. Can I ask you just to check if I made it ok now, because I will
 start adding street numbers so I would like to be sure I'm doing ti

 So what I have done how is wrong and I should put back as it was with
 tags on nodes?

 So I should remove:
 addr:city = Osijek
 addr:country = Croatia
 addr:postcode = 31000
 addr:street = Starigradska

 from way and put it back on nodes?

According to the wiki as now written (I hate wikis for documentation!)
what you have done, and I suggested, is wrong.  However there are
plenty of cases where people have used it as I suggested because it
makes sense and any one implementing reading OSM data for addresses
will have to deal with both so in my opinion it makes not one jot of

Doing it as I suggested is cleaner (IMO) and avoids duplication but is
different to the method originally suggested - but this is OSM so tag
it anyway you wish :-)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] new proposals for k:shop

2009-09-11 Per discussione Liz
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009, Chris Hill wrote:
 The actual voting system is worthless.  A handful of people (I used to
 be one) say yes or no, while many (most) of the experienced OSMers
 either ignore the process or just don't see the proposal or don't care.  

One of the problems here is that the rss feed for the wiki was closed because 
of the server load.
While on enquiry I received a polite mail explaining that there were some 
other feeds which would allow me to get wiki updates, I'm a rss_person and not 
going to use other systems - enough stuff arrives via email and a few rss 
feeds to keep me busy for some time every evening.

So its not that I'm disinterested in the wiki, I haven't got time to follow 
every part through an undifferentiated feed and so just ignore wiki votes.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik rendering

2009-09-11 Per discussione Ciarán Mooney

I noticed the blisteringly fast rendering the other day, it had
started rendering before I'd even finished my editing session. Means I
will need to hone my JOSM skills so that I'm not the slowest part of
the system!

Thanks Sys Admin Ninja's, we love you all. :)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik rendering

2009-09-11 Per discussione Peteris Krisjanis
2009/9/11 Roman Neumüller r.neumul...@gmail.com:
 I don't know whether I have missed something, or else am just
 lucky, but mapnik is rendering the things I am editing super-fast.
 Two new and different renders of an area in about 30 minutes.

 Now the renderer is sucking up to the cartographers?

 It's really old news, that tile.openstreetmap.org is using the
 minutely diffs.

 But seemingly only on zoomlevel 12 and higher numbers, right?

Use a browser's refresh button :) Seriously, it helps.

Again, thanks sysadmins for almost instant rendering :)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] how to map this? cycleway or footpath?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Richard Mann
Eagerness should be channelled, not suppressed.


On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Jason Cunningham jamicu...@googlemail.com

 And I would be tempted to  tag it

 I am beginning to think cycleway gets added by eager cyclists far more
 often than should really happen.

 Jason Cunningham

 2009/9/10 Roy Wallace waldo000...@gmail.com

  On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:59 PM, James Livingston doc...@mac.com wrote:
  I don't really want to get into this argument again, but I believe
  that either we're going to end up with local rules for the access
  mappings, or some regions are going to have to tag every single
  cycleway/footway with overrides.

 There is another option: The characteristics of *paths* should be
 tagged only as they exist *on the ground* - that is, surface, width,
 lanes, *signage*. Local laws should be known by the locals (and
 tourists should use the I'm a tourist, Officer + but the sign
 didn't say I couldn't X here excuse). I know this is probably
 controversial, but I think it is one way to define the scope to avoid
 some problems, and also enforces verifiability.

  Personally, I think the former is
  better because it's a lot less work and there are going to be other
  things that need local interpretations - such as whether
  highway=residential should be practically treated as
  access=destination for the purposes of vehicle routing.

 Nah, I think access=destination roads should be marked as
 access=destination (when they are signed as such, as they are in, e.g.
 Brisbane, Australia).

 talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] map requirement for a large pubishing/media group

2009-09-11 Per discussione Joe Richards
I am helping a media company to add geo-location to its articles, and thought 
it might help speed the process of matching the requirements to a technology 
provider (or set of technologies) by presenting it to the OSM community.  I'm 
hoping to stick to as many open technologies here as possible while satisfying 
the requirements.  This will be justifiable both in terms of preference for 
open-technologies, lack of vendor-lockin, as well as hopefully through lower 
license fees.  Ideally this would be taking pieces off the shelf and gluing 
them together, rather than doing lots of bespoke development.

At the very least I thought sharing the requirement with the OSM community 
might help shape future changes.

One area I'm not sure about is postcode searches, since these need to be 
accurate/complete.  Could we license this separately for now, and use OSM?  Or 
could geocoding be done through a separate API to another provider, but the 
maps themselves be from OSM?

Anyway, here is the full brief:

The proposed mapping system (sub-CMS) is a form-based tool to enable 
journalists to quickly and easily generate both static and dynamic maps that 
can be embedded in articles and summary pages. It should require no IT skills 
whatsoever. The only skills it should require are the ability to complete a 
short form, accurately spell a place name or post code, enter it and associated 
content or article information in fields on a form and preview the resulting 
map  prior to publishing.

In essence it is a software wrapper that  sits on top of and communicates with 
the feature-rich mapping APIs now available (Google, Yahoo, Bing, 
Openstreetmap) to allow site users to automatically generate  from these APIs 
bespoke AJAX and Flash maps appropriate to varying editorial requirements.

 * must perform well and have high (99+%) availability.  Most accessed from 
English-speaking countries, so ideally with points of presence in UK/US, or 
easily cached using typical content delivery network (CDN) - such as Akamai
 * must handle large numbers of requests and traffic spikes
 * ideally vendor-neutral, so that the content writer can view several 
potential maps from different providers and select that which offers the best 
coverage/features/illustration for the content (abstraction layer?)
 * store geo-metadata with the article/content
 * allow multiple geo-data metadata tags to be stored with each, for content 
that relates to several locations, regions etc
 * handle encapsulating concepts, e.g. 
areas/countries/states/provinces/regions, and their relationship to other 
features (towns, streets etc)
 * fast, convenient search and lookup of places, including disambiguation 
(preferably with details and maps to show options)
 * store all these relationships with the content in a flexible, (if possible) 
open format
It should be capable of allowing content writers/producers to:
*Select the size of the map from a dropdown set of sizes (default sizes 
*Select the map view type - (Map, Satellite, Terrain, Hybrid) - (default is Map)
*Select the map format - html/Ajax or Flash-based
*Select the centre of the map by entering a place name - (default based on map 
*Select the initial zoom level - (default based on map content)
*Select map annotation type (either marker, or shape, or marker + shape)
*Enter a headline/caption and select its placement (either as an overlay or 
above or below map)
*Generate SEO metadata from headline, place names and map marker content 
*Add additional SEO metadata to the map from the form
*Save the map, for future use and revision. 
*Save JPEG images of map in preset sizes as snapshots

Map Generation Tools Required
*Generate maps with markers displaying content fields entered from a standard 
*Generate markers based on place names, street addresses or postcodes. 
*Select marker style from a dropdown
*Revise markers by dragging and re-setting markers
*Revise marker content by clicking on Edit button to relink to location 
search/entry Form
*Draw any shape (line, circle, square, polygon) on a map, and select line 
colour and fill
*Link the map content to a Google spreadsheet, if appropriate so the content 
can be dynamically updated - (either by direct entry or fed by user-generated 
*Revise any shape by dragging and resetting
*Revise shape content by clicking on Edit button to relink to entry Form
*Overlay imported vector and bitmap shapes from file
*Overlay imported ESRI shape files from file
*Be able to dynamically associate rich content with any shape
*Bulk upload marker content from a csv or tabbed text file
*Allow user generated entries via pre-set Filter fields

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik rendering

2009-09-11 Per discussione Hillsman, Edward
I'd noticed the increased speed as well. Thank you to all involved in making it 


Edward L. Hillsman, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate
Center for Urban Transportation Research
University of South Florida
4202 Fowler Ave., CUT100
Tampa, FL  33620-5375
813-974-2977 (tel)
813-974-5168 (fax)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik rendering

2009-09-11 Per discussione Mike N.
 I'd noticed the increased speed as well. Thank you to all involved in 
 making it happen.

   I noticed this also.   That's a great help - Thanks!

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map cemetery ?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Wed, 09 Sep 2009 23:24:55 +0200, Tobias Knerr wrote:

 Is there still some chance to get them merged?

Please make clear if there is going to be used only cemetery tag or will 
there be two tags; cemetery and graveyard.

Also please make this REALLY clear on the wiki.

What is the difference between graveyard and grave_yard tag?

Here on the wiki:
says that cemetery tag is to be obsoleted?!? This is really confusing.

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Address interpolation

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Knerr
 So I should remove:
 addr:city = Osijek
 addr:country = Croatia
 addr:postcode = 31000
 addr:street = Starigradska

 from way and put it back on nodes?

Imo, yes, you should put all those details onto the objects that carry
addr:housenumber (either nodes or building outlines). That's the method
intended by the documentation and I don't see a good reason for not
sticking to it in this case.

Brian Quinion wrote:
 However there are
 plenty of cases where people have used it as I suggested because it
 makes sense

It does not make much sense to add information to a temporary construct
(interpolation way) that will be replaced with individual tags on each
building outline in the long term anyway.

 and any one implementing reading OSM data for addresses
 will have to deal with both

I think an evaluator can ignore addr:street on interpolation ways - with
documentation and tools (such as JOSM presets) supporting consistent
tagging you will be able to extract most data this way. Unless, of
course, enough people prevent consistent tagging by denying its possibility.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Vote for Google to liberate their aerial imagery - *please help*

2009-09-11 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Google has a really enlightened guy called the Data Liberation  
Front. His role is to make it easy for people to get their data out  
of Google - rather than it being locked in.

Usually, people are locked in by the lack of an export feature, or an  
obscure file format. In mapping, people are locked in by licences.

In Google Maps' case, you can create your own work by tracing over  
aerial imagery. But you can't use this work elsewhere, because of the  
licences and terms of use. (The phrase derived work usually crops up  
around now.)

Google could fix this by saying that tracing from their imagery is ok  
- just like Yahoo have done. As some of you will know, I've looked  
into the legalities of this and don't believe there's anything in law  
stopping them from doing so. It's entirely their decision.

- - - - - - -


* Please vote up this suggestion for Google's Data Liberation Front:


* Please encourage your friends to do so, too!
   Blog, use Twitter, post to national mailing lists, etc. etc.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Vote for Google to liberate their aerial imagery - *please help*

2009-09-11 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst

I wrote:
 * Please vote up this suggestion for Google's Data Liberation Front:
   *NOT*   http://moderator.appspot.com/#8/e=43649

But when you do so (ahem), please use the correct link, because their
permalinks, well, aren't.


will work.


View this message in context: 
Sent from the OpenStreetMap - Legal Talk mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vote for Google to liberate their aerial imagery - *please help*

2009-09-11 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst

I wrote:
 * Please vote up this suggestion for Google's Data Liberation Front:
   *NOT*   http://moderator.appspot.com/#8/e=43649

But when you do so (ahem), please use the correct link, because their
permalinks, well, aren't.


will work.


View this message in context: 
Sent from the OpenStreetMap - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map cemetery ?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Knerr
Valent Turkovic wrote:
 Please make clear if there is going to be used only cemetery tag or will 
 there be two tags; cemetery and graveyard.

I can't tell you what tags will be used in the future. I (and some
others) would prefer to remove the distinction between the two tags and
use the same tag for all burial places, but that's only a suggestion and
does not (yet) reflect tagging reality.

Current documentation suggests that there are two tags and that there is
a vague distinction between cemetery and grave_yard: grave_yards tend to
be smaller, older - sometimes even disused -, more likely to be property
of a religious organisation and are usually in proximity to a place of
worship. There is no exact definition, though.

 What is the difference between graveyard and grave_yard tag?

graveyard does not exist as a documented tag.

 Here on the wiki:
 says that cemetery tag is to be obsoleted?!? This is really confusing.

This is a proposal that didn't get far, so it isn't really relevant for
now. Not everything someone has written on the wiki is relevant
documentation, especially if they have written proposal over it and no
one has touched the page for almost two years.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
Hi there,
I'm wondering how to map different quarters of some city, town and 

Currently on wiki I only found place=suburb tag and I see that it is used 
also for mapping city's quarters.

Only issue is that when you map quarter of some town or village currently 
the quarter has bigger font than name of village or town.

Example here:


pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vote for Google to liberate their aerial imagery - *please help*

2009-09-11 Per discussione John Smith
2009/9/11 Richard Fairhurst rich...@systemed.net:

 * Please vote up this suggestion for Google's Data Liberation Front:


That link didn't work for me, hopefully this one works for others:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik rendering

2009-09-11 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 09:07:01 -0400, Mike N. wrote:

I noticed this also.   That's a great help - Thanks!

Thank you all, it is blindingly fast!

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Address interpolation

2009-09-11 Per discussione Brian Quinion
 Imo, yes, you should put all those details onto the objects that carry
 addr:housenumber (either nodes or building outlines). That's the method
 intended by the documentation and I don't see a good reason for not
 sticking to it in this case.

inconsistent duplication.

I can't image having to convince anyone that this was bad:

Why is this a special case where duplication is a good thing?  It may
be that no-one can think of a better way of doing it - but that
doesn't make it good.

 Brian Quinion wrote:
 However there are
 plenty of cases where people have used it as I suggested because it
 makes sense

 It does not make much sense to add information to a temporary construct
 (interpolation way) that will be replaced with individual tags on each
 building outline in the long term anyway.

I think in many places this data will not be very temporary.  Due to
the rapid rate of mapping Germany may well be the exception.

 and any one implementing reading OSM data for addresses
 will have to deal with both

 I think an evaluator can ignore addr:street on interpolation ways - with
 documentation and tools (such as JOSM presets) supporting consistent
 tagging you will be able to extract most data this way. Unless, of
 course, enough people prevent consistent tagging by denying its possibility.

Well speaking as an evaluator I can say that simply coping with the
possibility of addr:street being on the way rather than the node is
very trivial compared with all the other difficulties, in fact it
falls out of the code required to cope with the relations anyway.
Discarding all data that doesn't perfectly conform to the
specification would remove quite a large percentage - this case alone
accounts for around 3% of the data.

In a way I don't actually care about which is the 'correct' answer,
I've written my code to cope with this and a lot of the other edge
cases because in practical terms with the current data that is the
only choice. It is more that I'm confused by the the apparent
assumption that this is the one specification in OSM that will never
change - everything else in OSM evolves.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 15:17:25 +0100, Emilie Laffray wrote:

 We discussed it some time ago on the French mailing list. We decided to
 use place=locality when it was not an administrative area of any kind.


Wiki is not clear at all in this regard, why did you choose to do that 
and not update wiki?

Can you show me some example how you mapped quarters of some smaller town 
or village?

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Jonathan Bennett
Valent Turkovic wrote:
 Currently on wiki I only found place=suburb tag and I see that it is used 
 also for mapping city's quarters.
 Only issue is that when you map quarter of some town or village currently 
 the quarter has bigger font than name of village or town.

You should use the suburb tag -- that's what it means. The text size
problem is an issue with that particular render, and you shouldn't tag
for the renderer, which using a different tag just to get different text
size would be.

If you'd like to see the text size issue fixed, you can file a bug at

Jonathan (Jonobennett)

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] highway=steps ramp=yes mapping stairs.

2009-09-11 Per discussione Erik Johansson
I added ramp=yes|no to highway=steps, for steps where strollers and
bikes can pass. It's not that well used so I thought I would ask  is
this is stupid. I've never had any terminology for a pram ramp before,
so I might have used the wrong one.


There are also some highway=steps that are tagged as ramped=yes, do
you think it would be ok to change these to ramp=yes?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vote for Google to liberate their aerial imagery - *please help*

2009-09-11 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 06:57:43 -0700, Richard Fairhurst wrote:



pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Vlatko Kosturjak
Jonathan Bennett wrote:
 Valent Turkovic wrote:
 Currently on wiki I only found place=suburb tag and I see that it is used 
 also for mapping city's quarters.

 Only issue is that when you map quarter of some town or village currently 
 the quarter has bigger font than name of village or town.
 You should use the suburb tag -- that's what it means. The text size
 problem is an issue with that particular render, and you shouldn't tag
 for the renderer, which using a different tag just to get different text
 size would be.
 If you'd like to see the text size issue fixed, you can file a bug at

Wiki says differently (that it should be used only for place=city!!!)

...Areas of a city (place=city) are usually well-known or easily
observable when passing through. It is often not clear though the
precise administrative status or the exact size. Therefore, using
place=town or place=village may either be inappropriate or plain inaccurate.

Map making software should render any corresponding name tag value in a
font with less emphasis than that used with place=city or, the case of
large-scale regional maps, suppress rendering entirely...

Maybe, it's time for tag microsuburb? which can be used with place=town 
and place=village?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Ben Laenen
Emilie Laffray wrote:
 2009/9/11 Valent Turkovic valent.turko...@gmail.com

  Hi there,
  I'm wondering how to map different quarters of some city, town and
  Currently on wiki I only found place=suburb tag and I see that it is used
  also for mapping city's quarters.
  Only issue is that when you map quarter of some town or village currently
  the quarter has bigger font than name of village or town.
  Example here:

 We discussed it some time ago on the French mailing list. We decided to use
 place=locality when it was not an administrative area of any kind.

In Belgium we use place=hamlet for them. It's probably skewing the definition 
of hamlet a bit but:

(a) locality is for place names - not linked to a place where people live. 
Although it may sometimes be unclear whether that's the case or not -- a piece 
of land which had a name before houses were built there could have kept its 
name, but now it's a quarter. So actually it's not skewing the definition of 
hamlet too much: many of those quarters used to be hamlets but just got merged 
into a bigger village or town.

(b) using suburb would also be skewing its definition a bit if you'd use it 
for quarters in small villages. The wiki page of suburb says it's for 
place=city suburbs (i.e. considerably larger entities than quarters), and 
renderers share that thought


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] highway=steps ramp=yes mapping stairs.

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Knerr
Erik Johansson wrote:
 I added ramp=yes|no to highway=steps, for steps where strollers and
 bikes can pass. 

As you don't mention the Steps_features proposal, did you miss it?
See: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Steps_features

It proposes exactly this (a ramp=yes|no tag), as well as
to further differentiate the types of ramps - a ramp for bicycles might
not be usable for strollers, for example.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vote for Google to liberate their aerial imagery - *please help*

2009-09-11 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst

I wrote:

After just an hour and a half, we're already the second most popular
suggestion, with 97 votes for and none against. If we can keep it up we'll
be at the top before long - so keep spreading the message!

View this message in context: 
Sent from the OpenStreetMap - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Alex Mauer
On 09/11/2009 10:06 AM, Vlatko Kosturjak wrote:
 Jonathan Bennett wrote:
 Valent Turkovic wrote:
 Currently on wiki I only found place=suburb tag and I see that it is used 
 also for mapping city's quarters.

 Only issue is that when you map quarter of some town or village currently 
 the quarter has bigger font than name of village or town.

 Maybe, it's time for tag microsuburb? which can be used with place=town 
 and place=village?

Sounds to me like a renderer problem, not a case for a new tag.

-Alex Mauer “hawke”

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] highway=steps ramp=yes mapping stairs.

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Knerr
Shaun McDonald wrote:
 I have used bicycle=yes where there is a guide rail to help people take
 their bike up and over the steps/bridge.

It's a matter of definition, I guess. My opinion is that the OSM vehicle
class bicycle doesn't include pushed/carried bicycles, so it is not
appropriate for steps with bicycle ramps. Otherwise, we'd need to tag a
lot of pedestrian streets/areas where pushing bicycles is legal (while
cycling is not) with bicycle=yes. Of course, this would be misleading.

I prefer ramp:bicycle=yes.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Alex Mauer
On 09/11/2009 10:54 AM, Craig Wallace wrote:
 Why? How does the renderer know whether its a large suburb that's within 
 a city, or a small suburb that's part of a town or village (or part of a 
 larger suburb). As you would want these to be shown at different zoom 
 levels, with different font sizes etc.
 I know you can map the suburb as an area, to show its size, but that 
 isn't always practical. Many suburbs don't have clearly defined 
 boundaries, so its easiest just to use a node in the middle of it.

I don’t think it's necessary to map the suburb as an area; only the
place it’s within.  If a suburb (node) is within a town (area), then
render it smaller than one which is within a city (area).

-Alex Mauer “hawke”

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Pieren
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Craig Wallace craig...@fastmail.fm wrote:
 Sounds to me like a renderer problem, not a case for a new tag.

 -Alex Mauer “hawke”

 Why? How does the renderer know whether its a large suburb that's within
 a city, or a small suburb that's part of a town or village (or part of a
 larger suburb). As you would want these to be shown at different zoom
 levels, with different font sizes etc.
 I know you can map the suburb as an area, to show its size, but that
 isn't always practical. Many suburbs don't have clearly defined
 boundaries, so its easiest just to use a node in the middle of it.

 Maybe you could use something like the is_in tag?
 That lists options for is_in:city= etc So a place=suburb tagged as
 is_in:city=* would be rendered larger than one tagged as is_in:town= or
 is_in:village etc.

No, it's not a renderer problem, it is just different things. I'm not
a native english speaker but if I translate suburb and quarters,
it is two different things. The first applies to cities (maybe big
towns as well), the second is much smaller. Instead of reusing
improperly existing tags or creating complex combinations (with e.g.
tag population) or re-introduce the infamous is_in tag, we should
simply create a new tag place=quarters or place=district which could
apply to villages or small towns and where suburb is simply


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] highway=steps ramp=yes mapping stairs.

2009-09-11 Per discussione Shaun McDonald
I'm taking about this kind of ramp where you need to dismount. There  
is probably a better name for it.


It is a bit like the one near Catford/Ladywell on the ncn 21 that has  
a ramp that you can cycle over the bridge. I need to get a photo of  
that the next time I'm past there.


On 11 Sep 2009, at 16:35, Erik Johansson wrote:

Without ramp=yes? Yes I did the same thing, I'm not quite sure whether
to use the ramp:bike=yes instead. One aspect could be the length, I've
only seen bike ramps on very short steps.

About: ramp:luggage=yes|automatic|manual  didn't see may of those..

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Shaun McDonald
sh...@shaunmcdonald.me.uk wrote:
I have used bicycle=yes where there is a guide rail to help people  

their bike up and over the steps/bridge.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] highway=steps ramp=yes mapping stairs.

2009-09-11 Per discussione Shaun McDonald

On 11 Sep 2009, at 17:10, Tobias Knerr wrote:

Shaun McDonald wrote:
I have used bicycle=yes where there is a guide rail to help people  

their bike up and over the steps/bridge.

It's a matter of definition, I guess. My opinion is that the OSM  

class bicycle doesn't include pushed/carried bicycles, so it is not
appropriate for steps with bicycle ramps. Otherwise, we'd need to  
tag a

lot of pedestrian streets/areas where pushing bicycles is legal (while
cycling is not) with bicycle=yes. Of course, this would be misleading.

The bicycle=yes can have a different definition based on the highway  
tag. (Well that was my interpretation when I initially started tagging  
the feature that way.

If the consensus is to use bicycle=dismount or similar instead, then  
I'm happy to change my tagging habits.

I prefer ramp:bicycle=yes.

In my book that means that you can cycle up that ramp.

I'd prefer to use a dismount instead of yes.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vote for Google to liberate their aerial imagery - *please help*

2009-09-11 Per discussione Ian Dees
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Richard Fairhurst rich...@systemed.netwrote:

 I wrote:

 After just an hour and a half, we're already the second most popular
 suggestion, with 97 votes for and none against. If we can keep it up we'll
 be at the top before long - so keep spreading the message!

Not entirely related, but I did want to remind everyone that I have been in
contact with various engineers at Google over the past 1.5 yrs or so to get
Google geodata released. I'm starting with StreetView data (the GPS traces
of the vehicles as they move around taking pictures). From what my contacts
have said, there is lots of interest in making this data more public almost
everywhere at Google, it's just a low priority in terms of engineering time.

I'll keep everyone informed if something moves forward, but so far it's been
one reminder email every 4 months sort of thing to see what's going on.
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Which OSMF Member Do I Talk To...

2009-09-11 Per discussione Ian Dees
Since the Foundation's website seems to be down [0] and the Foundation's
wiki page isn't very clear [1], I am wondering if someone on the list could
answer a quick question for me:

As the admin for the Google Summer of Code project for OpenStreetMap, I need
to get an invoice from the non-profit entity (OSMF) to Google. Who can I
talk to about getting such a document created? I can provide more details
off-list, but I need to know who to talk to.


[0] http://www.osmfoundation.org/
[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Foundation#Membership
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Valent Turkovic
valent.turko...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Alex Mauer ha...@hawkesnest.net wrote:
 On 09/11/2009 11:25 AM, Pieren wrote:
 No, it's not a renderer problem, it is just different things. I'm not
 a native english speaker but if I translate suburb and quarters,
 it is two different things.

 I can’t actually find any definition of “quarters”, but the definition
 that people have used in this thread fits with the definition of
 “suburb” as used within OSM.

 It’s not helped by the multiple definitions of “suburb”: Either a
 separate city (legally) which is in a sense a “satellite” of a larger
 one, or merely a subsection of a city.  The relevant wikipedia article
 explains it fairly well.

 -Alex Mauer “hawke”

 Please correct me if I'm wrong, but quarter is a part of the city, I
 found one definition:
 Quarter: A specific district or section, as of a city: the French Quarter.

 Definition of suburb:
 1.  A usually residential area or community outlying a city.
 2. suburbs The usually residential region around a major city; the environs.

That might be the dictionary (or maybe wiki) definition of a suburb.
But in practice we map what you describe as quarter as place=suburb in
OSM. Suburbs don't always have a legal status (except when combined
with admin_level=*).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Which OSMF Member Do I Talk To...

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tom Hughes
On 11/09/09 19:00, Ian Dees wrote:

 Since the Foundation's website seems to be down [0] and the Foundation's
 wiki page isn't very clear [1], I am wondering if someone on the list
 could answer a quick question for me:

It should be back now - there was a problem with it but Grant is on site 
and has just bought it back up.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik rendering

2009-09-11 Per discussione Jon Burgess
On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 07:48 +0300, Roman Neumüller wrote:
  I don't know whether I have missed something, or else am just
  lucky, but mapnik is rendering the things I am editing super-fast.
  Two new and different renders of an area in about 30 minutes.
  Now the renderer is sucking up to the cartographers?
  It's really old news, that tile.openstreetmap.org is using the
  minutely diffs.

We moved the tile rendering to a new server[1] last weekend and this is
rendering tiles several times faster than the old server. Currently it
is managing to render all the tiles faster than the request rate so the
changes are showing up very quickly. 

 But seemingly only on zoomlevel 12 and higher numbers, right?

The tile expiry script only marks tiles between zoom 13 and 18 for
automatic re-rendering. Limiting the minimum zoom is a performance
optimisation, otherwise the low zoom tiles get re-rendered far too
often. I'll try changing the minimum to 12 or 11 this weekend.

As a fallback I may setup a forced weekly render of the low zoom tiles
so they don't get left completely behind.


1: yevaud http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Servers/yevaud

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] upload from cvs

2009-09-11 Per discussione Peppo Herney

from the swiss alpin club i got a csv file with all the alpin huts.
It looks like this

Capanna Adula 

and has 153 records
They gave permission to put it on osm.
should i just upload it with with something like 
or better convert it to an osm file to load in josm and do some last checks? 
Which tool can i use?

By the way: The elevation is in CH1903. I also have the WGS84 transformation 
and osm suggests to use it in http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ele 
Yet, if people in switzerland look at the elevation and then on the sign at the 
hut, it might look wrong, if i don't put CH1903 elevation.

Thanks for your inputs


mobil: +41765310394
home: +499113606687

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - ( tag:landuse=garages )

2009-09-11 Per discussione ??????
Hi All,

The proposal  for new feature landuse=garages is ready for discussion. 


Comments are welcomed!


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] new proposals for k:shop

2009-09-11 Per discussione Roy Wallace
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Peteris Krisjanis pec...@gmail.com wrote:

 What harm could come from defining them?

Oh, I have nothing against proposing new shop values. I just think
that method might not result in the best outcome.

The way I see it, tagwatch is the ultimate vote counter for simple
things like shop values. I.e. after a while, count the number of
shop=tobacco, versus the number of shop=smoking. Then steer the
newbies (via the wiki guidelines) towards whatever's used by the

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] new proposals for k:shop

2009-09-11 Per discussione Roy Wallace
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Liz ed...@billiau.net wrote:

 So its not that I'm disinterested in the wiki, I haven't got time to follow
 every part through an undifferentiated feed and so just ignore wiki votes.

The calls for voting sent via the list work for me...

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Samoa driving direction change

2009-09-11 Per discussione Hugh Barnes
(Sorry for the cross-post)

This is for interest and it might affect anyone who'll do mapping in

A few days ago they changed the side of the road they drive on (to
the sensible side)!:


I can't see much mapping there, and just visually it looks like nothing
on the map right now will require changing:


I also have a feeling there are national defaults set
within (svn:)/applications and maybe even in the database?.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map quarters?

2009-09-11 Per discussione Emilie Laffray
Valent Turkovic wrote:

 Please correct me if I'm wrong, but quarter is a part of the city, I
 found one definition:
 Quarter: A specific district or section, as of a city: the French Quarter.

 Definition of suburb:
 1.  A usually residential area or community outlying a city.
 2. suburbs The usually residential region around a major city; the environs.

 So there is more than clear difference.

 Any ideas why we don't have quarter tag?

Well I mentioned it before, but I really believe that for something like
the French Quarter, it is better to use locality.

Emilie Laffray

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Address interpolation

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Knerr
Brian Quinion wrote:
 Imo, yes, you should put all those details onto the objects that carry
 addr:housenumber (either nodes or building outlines). That's the method
 intended by the documentation and I don't see a good reason for not
 sticking to it in this case.
 inconsistent duplication.

I'd accept inconsistent duplication as an argument against using
addr:street at all and in favor of associatedStreet relations. I'd also
accept it for addr:city vs. boundary polygons.

But as an argument for moving address details to the interpolation ways?
It's at most a factor 2 for duplications, that doesn't really change
much. You will want some checks no matter whether it's 1 or 2
addr:street entries in a city.

Considering that this question is not decisive for the amount of
duplication, other aspects are more relevant here. Namely:
- 1 way of doing it is better than 2 ways of doing it
- usability (for example: use the same JOSM presets for housenumbers
with and without interpolation way attached to them; no partial copy of
attributes required when removing an interpolation way)

 Discarding all data that doesn't perfectly conform to the
 specification would remove quite a large percentage - this case alone
 accounts for around 3% of the data.

These percentages might decrease if people actually had an incentive to
create data conforming to the specification (such as applications only
accepting data that does). 3% doesn't sound that impressive, btw. Is
that before or after performing interpolation?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] [Fwd: GSM cell ID's; open initiatieven]

2009-09-11 Per discussione Milo van der Linden

 Originele bericht 
Onderwerp:  GSM cell ID's; open initiatieven
Datum:  Thu, 10 Sep 2009 22:46:37 +0200
Van:Milo van der Linden milovanderlin...@gmail.com
Aan:OpenStreetMap NL discussion list talk-nl@openstreetmap.org

(Gepikt van de FOSS-GPS mailinglist)

cell base stations:

Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] huisnummers, meer dan slechts een paar

2009-09-11 Per discussione Rejo Zenger

Roeland schreef al:
 | Huisnummers, Floris wil dit een slinger gaan geven in Amsterdam (in de 
 | hoop dat de rest van Nederland volgt). Dit is iets waar we in Nederland 
 | nog veel aan kunnen doen. Er zal hier nog een balletje over worden 
 | opgegooid aangezien er misschien nog iets te doen is met de AND data.

Vooropgesteld: count me in (op voorwaarde dat we dit zo efficient en 
gestructureerd als mogelijk aanpakken). Mijn inziens zijn huisnummers 
een essentiele toevoeging om OSM bruikbaar te maken voor het grote 

Een van de opties is inderdaad het gebruik van de data in AND. Het heeft 
niet zoveel zin om die data er in ene keer in te zetten, daar waren we 
het gisteren al over eens.

Wat wel een mogelijke optie is: een zo kaal mogelijke rendering van de 
huidige data in de OSM database met daar overheen een layer met de huis- 
nummers. Vervolgens IRL, met printjes, controleren op welke plaatsen de 
huisnummers correct zijn en deze als zodanig markeren in de database.  
De gecontroleerde nummers kunnen daarna geautomatiseerd of handmatig 
overgenomen worden in OSM.

Wat mij betreft hoeft IRL controle niet door dezelfde mensen gedaan te 
worden als het invoeren. Ik heb vaak 's avonds een uurtje over waarin ik 
gemakkelijk de door anderen gecontroleerde nummers kan invoeren. 

Verder moet uitgezocht worden wat de status is van de JOSM plugin voor 
huisnummer invoer. Ik ken 'm niet en het enige dat ik ben tegengekomen 
is iets uit Tsjechie, maar ik kon daar ook een Nederlands- of 
Engelstalige informatie over vinden. Iemand een idee?

Rejo Zenger . r...@zenger.nl . 0x21DBEFD4 . https://rejo.zenger.nl
GPG encrypted e-mail prefered. 

Description: Digital signature
Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] huisnummers, meer dan slechts een paar

2009-09-11 Per discussione Maarten Deen
Rejo Zenger wrote:

 Roeland schreef al:

  | Huisnummers, Floris wil dit een slinger gaan geven in Amsterdam (in de
  | hoop dat de rest van Nederland volgt). Dit is iets waar we in Nederland
  | nog veel aan kunnen doen. Er zal hier nog een balletje over worden
  | opgegooid aangezien er misschien nog iets te doen is met de AND data.

 Vooropgesteld: count me in (op voorwaarde dat we dit zo efficient en
 gestructureerd als mogelijk aanpakken). Mijn inziens zijn huisnummers
 een essentiele toevoeging om OSM bruikbaar te maken voor het grote

 Een van de opties is inderdaad het gebruik van de data in AND. Het heeft
 niet zoveel zin om die data er in ene keer in te zetten, daar waren we
 het gisteren al over eens.

Zit er huisnummer data in AND?


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] huisnummers, meer dan slechts een paar

2009-09-11 Per discussione Floris Looijesteijn
Jup, niet compleet maar meestal wel aanwezig.

Zie onder andere deze talk-nl thread:


Het opzoek ding van Freek werkt nog steeds.


Maarten Deen wrote:
 Rejo Zenger wrote:

 Roeland schreef al:

  | Huisnummers, Floris wil dit een slinger gaan geven in Amsterdam (in
  | hoop dat de rest van Nederland volgt). Dit is iets waar we in
  | nog veel aan kunnen doen. Er zal hier nog een balletje over worden
  | opgegooid aangezien er misschien nog iets te doen is met de AND data.

 Vooropgesteld: count me in (op voorwaarde dat we dit zo efficient en
 gestructureerd als mogelijk aanpakken). Mijn inziens zijn huisnummers
 een essentiele toevoeging om OSM bruikbaar te maken voor het grote

 Een van de opties is inderdaad het gebruik van de data in AND. Het heeft
 niet zoveel zin om die data er in ene keer in te zetten, daar waren we
 het gisteren al over eens.

 Zit er huisnummer data in AND?


 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] [Amsterdam] Mappersberaad 10-09-09 - Samenvatting

2009-09-11 Per discussione Floris Looijesteijn
Rejo Zenger wrote:
 ++ 10/09/09 23:22 +0200 - Roeland Douma:
* Wikipagina, de Amsterdamse wiki pagina moet grondig worden op
geschoond en actiever worden onderhouden. Lijstjes met wie waar mee
bezig is/bounding box van de active gebieden. Projecten etc.

 Daar ben ik net aan begonnen. Zie:

   - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Amsterdam
   - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Amsterdam_Active_Contributors

 Kan op de eerste pagina die groene balk aan de rechterkant weg? Of is
 iemand daar erg aan gehecht? Ik doe nooit wat met die links in die balk,
 maar de balk neemt wel een prominente plek in het scherm op en de echte
 content van de pagina begint daardoor pas eigenlijk net buiten het
 window. Zie https://rejo.zenger.nl/tmp/grab.jpg voor het probleem.

Ik vind eigenlijk dat de groene balk moet blijven staan. Deze pagina wordt
niet alleen door ons gebruikt maar ook door andere mappers met een
interesse in Amsterdam.

Ik heb even de vrijheid genomen op subarea=Noord-Holland eruit te halen,
nu neemt een stuk minder ruimte in.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] [Amsterdam] Mappersberaad 10-09-09 - Samenvatting

2009-09-11 Per discussione Philip Homburg
In your letter dated Fri, 11 Sep 2009 11:42:24 +0200 (CEST) you wrote:
Ik vind eigenlijk dat de groene balk moet blijven staan. Deze pagina wordt
niet alleen door ons gebruikt maar ook door andere mappers met een
interesse in Amsterdam.

Kan die balk geen footer worden?

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] [Amsterdam] Mappersberaad 10-09-09 - Samenvatting

2009-09-11 Per discussione Rejo Zenger
++ 11/09/09 11:42 +0200 - Floris Looijesteijn:
   - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Amsterdam
 Kan op de eerste pagina die groene balk aan de rechterkant weg? Of is
 iemand daar erg aan gehecht? Ik doe nooit wat met die links in die balk,
 maar de balk neemt wel een prominente plek in het scherm op en de echte
 content van de pagina begint daardoor pas eigenlijk net buiten het
 window. Zie https://rejo.zenger.nl/tmp/grab.jpg voor het probleem.

Ik vind eigenlijk dat de groene balk moet blijven staan. Deze pagina wordt
niet alleen door ons gebruikt maar ook door andere mappers met een
interesse in Amsterdam.

Ik heb even de vrijheid genomen op subarea=Noord-Holland eruit te halen,
nu neemt een stuk minder ruimte in.

Ja, ik had zelf ook al de image eruit gevist. Dat betekent dat er twee 
plaatjes minder getoond worden, daarnaast wordt nu de content gewoon 
naast de groene kolom gerendered. Dat maakt het een heel stuk 

Dank voor je meedenken.

Rejo Zenger . r...@zenger.nl . 0x21DBEFD4 . https://rejo.zenger.nl
GPG encrypted e-mail prefered. 

Description: Digital signature
Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] [Fwd: GSM cell ID's; open initiatieven]

2009-09-11 Per discussione Stefan de Konink
Hash: SHA512

Milo van der Linden schreef:
 (Gepikt van de FOSS-GPS mailinglist)
 cell base stations:

Alle telefoonmasten van NL zitten al in OSM. Echter het CellID zouden we
op een vrij ingenieuze manier moeten gaan koppelen aan een mastnummer.
Ik wil momenteel niet gaan nadenken over hoe je dat zou moeten fuzzy

(Nog erger dan de namefinder)

Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] huisnummers, meer dan slechts een paar

2009-09-11 Per discussione Floris Looijesteijn
ik ben ook al het een en ander tegengekomen vandaag in de jordaan:

* hoekhuizen waarvan je niet weet bij welke straat ze horen.
* lange straat met in het midden 1 deur voor alle huizen, met ook nog eens
meerdere huisnummers.
* inderdaad missende nummers bij winkels.
* opeens missende nummers (ooit samengevoegd?)

het is ook echt meer werk dan ik dacht :)


Rejo Zenger wrote:
 ++ 11/09/09 10:23 +0200 - Rejo Zenger:
 | Huisnummers, Floris wil dit een slinger gaan geven in Amsterdam (in
 de | hoop dat de rest van Nederland volgt). Dit is iets waar we in
 Nederland | nog veel aan kunnen doen. Er zal hier nog een balletje
 over worden | opgegooid aangezien er misschien nog iets te doen is met
 de AND data.

Vooropgesteld: count me in (op voorwaarde dat we dit zo efficient en
gestructureerd als mogelijk aanpakken). Mijn inziens zijn huisnummers

 En dus begon ik vandaag vol goede moed...

 Een van de problemen die ik heb ik is dat ik op de Kinkerstraat een
 huisnummer twee keer heb. Het laatste pand van een blok heeft bv. als
 nummer 54, het eerste pand van het volgende blok aan de andere kant
 van de gracht heeft als nummer ook 54. De rest van de panden ervoor en
 erna zijn wel doorlopend genummerd. Wat ik hier nou mee moet?

 Ik ga er nog wel achteraan, maar het zijn van die dingen die je anders
 niet opvallen...

 Een ander ding is dat een winkelstraat als de Kinkerstraat vaak geen
 nummers aan de gevel hangen. De winkelmedewerkers staan gek te kijken
 als je vraagt naar het huisnummer (met plattegrond en pen in de hand).

 Rejo Zenger . r...@zenger.nl . 0x21DBEFD4 . https://rejo.zenger.nl
 GPG encrypted e-mail prefered.
 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] huisnummers, meer dan slechts een paar

2009-09-11 Per discussione Floris Looijesteijn
ik ben ook al het een en ander tegengekomen vandaag in de jordaan:

* hoekhuizen waarvan je niet weet bij welke straat ze horen.
* lange straat met in het midden 1 deur voor alle huizen, met ook nog eens
meerdere huisnummers.
* inderdaad missende nummers bij winkels.
* opeens missende nummers (ooit samengevoegd?)

het is ook echt meer werk dan ik dacht :)


Rejo Zenger wrote:
 ++ 11/09/09 10:23 +0200 - Rejo Zenger:
 | Huisnummers, Floris wil dit een slinger gaan geven in Amsterdam (in
 de | hoop dat de rest van Nederland volgt). Dit is iets waar we in
 Nederland | nog veel aan kunnen doen. Er zal hier nog een balletje
 over worden | opgegooid aangezien er misschien nog iets te doen is met
 de AND data.

Vooropgesteld: count me in (op voorwaarde dat we dit zo efficient en
gestructureerd als mogelijk aanpakken). Mijn inziens zijn huisnummers

 En dus begon ik vandaag vol goede moed...

 Een van de problemen die ik heb ik is dat ik op de Kinkerstraat een
 huisnummer twee keer heb. Het laatste pand van een blok heeft bv. als
 nummer 54, het eerste pand van het volgende blok aan de andere kant
 van de gracht heeft als nummer ook 54. De rest van de panden ervoor en
 erna zijn wel doorlopend genummerd. Wat ik hier nou mee moet?

 Ik ga er nog wel achteraan, maar het zijn van die dingen die je anders
 niet opvallen...

 Een ander ding is dat een winkelstraat als de Kinkerstraat vaak geen
 nummers aan de gevel hangen. De winkelmedewerkers staan gek te kijken
 als je vraagt naar het huisnummer (met plattegrond en pen in de hand).

 Rejo Zenger . r...@zenger.nl . 0x21DBEFD4 . https://rejo.zenger.nl
 GPG encrypted e-mail prefered.
 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Magpie nesting and swooping areas

2009-09-11 Per discussione Liz
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009, Roy Wallace wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Ashley Kyd a...@kyd.com.au wrote:
  (Also, I'm not going to stick around and work out where the attack
  perimeter is. You can do that. They're nasty creatures. ;)

 Don't forget it should be verifiable, too :)


magpies are very intelligent creatures
they can tell the time  (they know when the postie is coming)
and they can tell a young male human from less aggressive female humans

so the local magpies ignore some people and fearlessly attack others

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Gold Coast railway line from Robina to Varsite Lakes

2009-09-11 Per discussione Ashley Kyd
I've done some stealthy data gathering and concluded the following:

It looks like the railway's mostly following the highway down, and
there's a 300 metre long tunnel under Easthill Drive (which isn't in
OpenStreetMap, but is close to Robina Station.) All other roads have
bridges over the rail.

You can actually see where they've cut out the route (I presume) in
Google Maps. Comparing it with the CG flythrough on the QR site, it
seems to match.

I've done up an artist's rendition; completely unverifiable, probably
not appropriate for OSM, and quite possibly wrong. It's probably the
best you'll get until someone goes down there with a GPS. :)



On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 13:45 +1000, John Smith wrote:
 2009/9/11 Ashley Kyd a...@kyd.com.au:
  I'm sure someone will ride it and take a trace when it opens at least.
  The Go Card fares don't look too bad for an one-off trip: $16.12 return
  from the city.
  I doubt there's much more anyone could do other than maybe petition QR
  Limited (is that what they're called now) for some data?
 If someone decides to ask QR, try and get the rest of the lines in QLD
 too, that data is a lot harder to come by, especially disused track.
 Talk-au mailing list
Ashley Kyd
• Web  Software Development in Brisbane, Australia.
• Phone (07) 3129 2332, or visit http://kyd.com.au/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Gold Coast railway line from Robina to Varsite Lakes

2009-09-11 Per discussione John Smith
2009/9/11 Ashley Kyd a...@kyd.com.au:
 I've done some stealthy data gathering and concluded the following:

 It looks like the railway's mostly following the highway down, and
 there's a 300 metre long tunnel under Easthill Drive (which isn't in
 OpenStreetMap, but is close to Robina Station.) All other roads have
 bridges over the rail.

 You can actually see where they've cut out the route (I presume) in
 Google Maps. Comparing it with the CG flythrough on the QR site, it
 seems to match.

 I've done up an artist's rendition; completely unverifiable, probably
 not appropriate for OSM, and quite possibly wrong. It's probably the
 best you'll get until someone goes down there with a GPS. :)


This is why I thought it might be guessable, just put the
attributation as extrapolated based on ...

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Magpie nesting and swooping areas

2009-09-11 Per discussione Andrew Laughton
Maybe because they are not nesting at the moment.

2009/9/11 John Smith deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com

 2009/9/11 Liz ed...@billiau.net:

  magpies are very intelligent creatures
  they can tell the time  (they know when the postie is coming)
  and they can tell a young male human from less aggressive female humans
  so the local magpies ignore some people and fearlessly attack others

 The magpies close to here don't swoop anyone, that has me stumped...

 Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] bus_stop further details

2009-09-11 Per discussione Hugh Barnes
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 15:19:22 +1000
Roy Wallace waldo000...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 2:15 PM, John Smith
 deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com wrote:

  Unless waste_basket=yes is an approved tag the likelihood of it
  being searched by anyone not using the tag is almost nil

So the bonus is that it works now and (arguably) isn't wrong.

 Hence the question about whether to put it on the wiki. 

Yeah, I don't know the best approach. I've seen all kinds of approaches
and they all end up in argument ~:|

 I guess this is one specific case of the broader problem of what to do
 when two separate entities are co-located (i.e. nodes would be right
 on top of each other).

Well, it depends what you're calling the bus stop. If you go with the
stop area approach, these problems go away.

 In this case I guess you could use
 highway=bus_stop *and* amenity=waste_basket (i.e. share a single
 node), but this becomes a problem when you want to tag two things with
 the same key, e.g. amenity=bench *and* amenity=shelter.

That old chestnut. That is schema fail, but the cabal won't see reason.
It's always popping up stopping us from representing the real world. Got
the t-shirt.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Magpie nesting and swooping areas

2009-09-11 Per discussione Hugh Barnes
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 10:44:55 +1000
Ashley Kyd a...@kyd.com.au wrote:

 As far as I know, it's a problem in different locations from year to
 year though. That would mean it needs cleaning up each year after the
 magpie season's over.

Assuming they nest reasonably consistently in the same place year after
year (maybe not), there would be no harm in keeping it there as a
hazard=magpie_nesting_area or such. (I just made that up.)

 It'd be good if we could set some kind of node expiry tag to flag
 nodes and ways for deletion in 3 months time (or however long the
 problem is likely to last,) but otherwise it sounds like a bit too
 much hassle.

I'd like that, too. It's also been discussed regarding temporary
features like events and road closures and seasonal features. T-shirt.

Anyway, it might be one of those things like bus timetables that are
best kept separate to OSM.

 (Also, I'm not going to stick around and work out where the attack
 perimeter is. You can do that. They're nasty creatures. ;)

Let's see who the dedicated mappers are. :D


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Magpie nesting and swooping areas

2009-09-11 Per discussione John Smith
2009/9/11 Andrew Laughton laughton.and...@gmail.com:
 Maybe because they are not nesting at the moment.

No, they're nesting and even when the young chicks are just out of the
nest they don't either.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Magpie nesting and swooping areas

2009-09-11 Per discussione John Smith
2009/9/11 Hugh Barnes list@hughbris.com:

 Let's see who the dedicated mappers are. :D

Are we really out of things to map? :)

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] New POI mapping application

2009-09-11 Per discussione John Smith
Due to things beyond my control it has taken till today to sort out
the licensing on the map library, but that's now done and the BB and
Android apps are now available for download.

They're designed so literally anyone can add a point of interest
anywhere any time.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] bus_stop further details

2009-09-11 Per discussione Roy Wallace
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Hugh Barnes list@hughbris.com wrote:

 I guess this is one specific case of the broader problem of what to do
 when two separate entities are co-located (i.e. nodes would be right
 on top of each other).

 Well, it depends what you're calling the bus stop. If you go with the
 stop area approach, these problems go away.

A waste_basket bolted to a bus_stop sign. I think it would still be an
issue. Unless you use the centre of the sign pole and the centre of
the hole in the top of the waste_basket...urgh time to move on :)

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Magpie nesting and swooping areas

2009-09-11 Per discussione Roy Wallace
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Hugh Barnes list@hughbris.com wrote:

 I'd like that, too. It's also been discussed regarding temporary
 features like events and road closures and seasonal features. T-shirt.

I'm guessing you've seen the following proposal (early stages)?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] talk-au emails have weird delivery times

2009-09-11 Per discussione John Smith
2009/9/12 Jeff Price jeff.pr...@rocketmail.com:
 Is it just me, or do the talk-au emails frequently arrive very much out of
 sequence?  Its not uncommon for me to receive peoples responses before the
 original email arrives.  I haven't noticed it quite so much on on the
 talk/import/legal lists.

Spam filtering is probably delaying emails.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] neuer Service maposmatic.org Straßen karte plus Index ausdrucken ...

2009-09-11 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

Gehling Marc wrote:
 unter maposmatic.org kann man sich Karten plus Straßenindex  
 ausdrucken. Nur leider funktioniert das bei meinen Tests mit deutschen  
 Städte noch nicht.
 Hat jemand einen Tip ?

Der Tip lautet: Lies die Original-Ankuendigung gruendlich, da steht 
naemlich drin, dass es derzeit nur fuer Frankreich geht ,-) die Software 
ist aber wohl grundsaetzlich fuer jeden downloadbar, d.h. wenn jemand 
will, kann er das auf .de anpassen. Die Betreiber wollen den Service 
selbst auch auf ganz Europa oder die Welt ausweiten, aber erstens haben 
sie die Daten nicht im Server und zweitens hat die Software ein paar 
Regeln fest eingebaut, die speziell fuer Franzoesisch funktionieren (zur 
Sortierung der Strassennamen im Register).

Ist aber durchaus eine klasse Sache, ich hab schon lang drauf gewartet, 
dass jemand das mit dem Strassenindex mal in Angriff nimmt - da gibts 
sicher noch viel zu verbessern, aber ein Anfang ist jetzt mal gemacht.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

Tobias Wendorff wrote:
 Am Fr, 11.09.2009, 02:27 schrieb Frederik Ramm:
 dann muessen wir ihn bei einem eventuellen Lizenzwechsel halt nochmal
 Was aber, wenn jemand die Daten inzwischen verändert hat?

Wenn jemand uns die Daten mit der Massgabe gibt, sie unter CC-BY-SA 
weiterzuveroeffentlichen, und wir spaeter die Lizenz wechseln, und 
derjenige mit der neuen Lizenz nicht einverstanden ist, muessen diese 
Daten sowie alle darauf aufbauenden Bearbeitungen entfernt werden.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] neuer Service maposmatic.org Straßen karte plus Index ausdrucken ...

2009-09-11 Per discussione Torsten Breda
Am 11. September 2009 07:55 schrieb Gehling Marc m.gehl...@gmx.de:

 unter maposmatic.org kann man sich Karten plus Straßenindex
 ausdrucken. Nur leider funktioniert das bei meinen Tests mit deutschen
 Städte noch nicht.

 Hat jemand einen Tip ?

Das ganze arbeitet mit einem Dump von Frankreich. Daher werden keine
deutschen Sachen gefunden: http://maposmatic.org/about

Die Idee sollte aber unbedingt ausgebaut werden.
So eine Seite habe ich mir gewünscht.
Wenn man jetzt noch angeben könnte, welches Format die PDF und der
Index haben soll, wäre es eine sehr gute Werbung für das Projekt.
Schön währe auch eine Suche, die alle Städte und Orte berücksichtigt
und einem dann die jeweils umschließende administrative_boundary


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Der Kreis Aachen ist vollständig!

2009-09-11 Per discussione Torsten Breda
Der Kreis Aachen (ab 21. Oktober Städtregion Aachen) ist vollständig!

Der Straßenlistenvergleich zeigt nun bei allen Städten und Gemeinden
im Kreis Aachen 100%. Das bedeutet, dass alle Straßen, die in den
verwendeten Vergleichslisten vorhanden sind, auch ihr Pendant in
OpenStreetMap haben.

Vielen Dank an die fleißigen Mapper!

Der Straßenvergleich von Florian ist hier:
http://osm.gt.owl.de/Strassenliste/ zu finden. Dort ist der Kreis
Aachen (weiter unten und nicht mit der Stadt Aachen ganz oben zu
verwechseln) der erste Kreis, der dieses Ziel erreicht hat. Deshalb
auch möglicherweise der erste komplette Landkreis in Deutschland.
Natürlich gibt es schon etliche fertige kreisfreie Städte, aber das
mappen wird schwerer und aufwändiger, je ländlicher es wird. Aber auch
andere Landkreise haben es fast geschafft. So fehlen im Kreis
Gütersloh auch nur noch 75 von 4921 Straßen. Gratulation deshalb auch

Natürlich ist aber immer noch genug zu tun. Schaut einfach unter
Aachen_ToDo, auf die Karten, die euch Fehler anzeigen oder macht bei
Feld und Waldwegen weiter. Auch gibt es noch genug Eifelgemeinden
ausserhalb des Kreises Aachen oder Gebiete in Belgien die noch viele
weisse Flecken haben. Langeweile muss also nicht aufkommen.


Torsten Breda

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Der Kreis Aachen ist vollständig!

2009-09-11 Per discussione Jan Tappenbeck

ich habe mir die Links eben angesehen und wenn ich das richtig sehe, 
dann sind diese Orte nicht in [1] enthalten.

Sollte man nicht versuchen alle Orte in eine Übersicht zu legen damit 
doppelte Nachfragen bei den Kommunen vermieden werden ??

Gruß jan :-)

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Straßenverzeichnis

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Der Kreis Aachen ist vollständig!

2009-09-11 Per discussione Torsten Breda
Am 11. September 2009 09:15 schrieb Jan Tappenbeck o...@tappenbeck.net:

 ich habe mir die Links eben angesehen und wenn ich das richtig sehe,
 dann sind diese Orte nicht in [1] enthalten.

 Sollte man nicht versuchen alle Orte in eine Übersicht zu legen damit
 doppelte Nachfragen bei den Kommunen vermieden werden ??

 Gruß jan :-)

 [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Straßenverzeichnis

Hi Jan

Wenn du Spaß dran hast, kannst du die gerne eintragen. Allerdings habe
ich die von dir verlinkte Wiki-Seite so verstanden, dass dort nur
offizielle Anfragen gelistet sind und nicht die Auswertung von Wahl
und Straßenreinigungsveröffentlichungen (Wie bei den meisten Städten
beio Florians Auswertung). Wer also direkt bei der Stadt anfragt, wird
möglicherweise eine noch bessere Liste bekommen. Davon möchte ich
niemanden abhalten.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Worldfile vom 09.09.09

2009-09-11 Per discussione Carsten Schwede

die neue Version des Worldfiles liegt wie immer zum Download bereit auf


Viele Gruesse

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Markus
Hallo Frederik,

danke - endlich mal eine konkrete Antwort!

 Fuer Markus' konkreten Fall wuerde dies bedeuten, dass man vom 
 Datenspender idealerweise die Erlaubnis haben sollte, die Daten unter 
 CC-BY-SA oder einer anderen, vom OSM-Projekt ausgewaehlten freien und 
 offenen Lizenz zu veroeffentlichen. Wenn dem Datenspender das nicht 
 recht ist, dann kann er auch erstmal nur zur CC-BY-SA ja sagen, aber 
 dann muessen wir ihn bei einem eventuellen Lizenzwechsel halt nochmal 

Ich habe die Fragen des Datenspenders so beantwortet:

- - - -
  terms for use and distribution of imagery from Openstreetmap.

Data and imagery of Openstreetmap is under the license

  Can we ask that aur data set is acknowledged/referenced etc?

Yes. We can store a source information to the whole dataset.
We also can write a detailed and multilingual description about you, the 
data set and how we work together in the OSM-Wiki.
- - - -

Ideen? Berichtigungen?

Gruss, Markus

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Wendorff
Am Fr, 11.09.2009, 08:28 schrieb Frederik Ramm:

 Wenn jemand uns die Daten mit der Massgabe gibt, sie unter CC-BY-SA
 weiterzuveroeffentlichen, und wir spaeter die Lizenz wechseln, und
 derjenige mit der neuen Lizenz nicht einverstanden ist, muessen diese
 Daten sowie alle darauf aufbauenden Bearbeitungen entfernt werden.

Steht die Passage so im Lizenztext? Dann kann ich zukünftig daraus
zitieren, wenn die Frage wieder kommt.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Sven Geggus
Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:

 Fuer Markus' konkreten Fall wuerde dies bedeuten, dass man vom 
 Datenspender idealerweise die Erlaubnis haben sollte, die Daten unter 
 CC-BY-SA oder einer anderen, vom OSM-Projekt ausgewaehlten freien und 
 offenen Lizenz zu veroeffentlichen. Wenn dem Datenspender das nicht 
 recht ist, dann kann er auch erstmal nur zur CC-BY-SA ja sagen, aber 
 dann muessen wir ihn bei einem eventuellen Lizenzwechsel halt nochmal 

Um welchen Typ von Daten geht es denn eigentlich? Das ist ja was
grundsätzlich anderes ob man Luftbilder zum abdigitalisieren verwendet oder
ob direkt importierbare Daten geliefert werden.

Im ersten Fall steckt ja das Projekt eine Arbeit rein, bei der viele sagen,
dass da schon die Verblassungsformel greifen würde. Im zweiten Fall werden
die Daten ja lediglich maschinell bearbeitet.


The term any key does not refer to a particular key on the keyboard. It
simply means to strike any one of the keys on your keyboard or handheld
screen. (Compaq FAQ Entry 2859)
/me is gig...@ircnet, http://sven.gegg.us/ on the Web

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

Tobias Wendorff wrote:
 Wenn jemand uns die Daten mit der Massgabe gibt, sie unter CC-BY-SA
 weiterzuveroeffentlichen, und wir spaeter die Lizenz wechseln, und
 derjenige mit der neuen Lizenz nicht einverstanden ist, muessen diese
 Daten sowie alle darauf aufbauenden Bearbeitungen entfernt werden.
 Steht die Passage so im Lizenztext? Dann kann ich zukünftig daraus
 zitieren, wenn die Frage wieder kommt.

Nein, aber sie laesst sich aus dem Lizenztext konstruieren.

Im Lizenztext steht ja, dass jedes abgeleitete Werk immer auch CC-BY-SA 
sein muss. Wenn jemand CC-BY-SA-Daten abaendert in unserer Datenbank, 
sind die abgeaenderten Daten ein abgeleitetes Werk und duerfen nur 
CC-BY-SA veroeffentlicht werden. Wenn wir unsere Lizenz aendern und ein 
Planetfile unter ODbL rausgeben, duerfen diese abgeleiteten Daten 
folglich dort nicht enthalten sein.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Wendorff
Am Fr, 11.09.2009, 11:41 schrieb Frederik Ramm:

 Im Lizenztext steht ja, dass jedes abgeleitete Werk immer auch CC-BY-SA
 sein muss. Wenn jemand CC-BY-SA-Daten abaendert in unserer Datenbank,
 sind die abgeaenderten Daten ein abgeleitetes Werk und duerfen nur
 CC-BY-SA veroeffentlicht werden.

Oh, das muss ich gleich mal nachlesen:
Darf das Urheberrecht durch einen Nutzungsvertrag eingeschränkt werden?

Das ist vielleicht analog zum Kaufvertrag, der das Widerrufsrecht ausscheßt.

 Wenn wir unsere Lizenz aendern und ein
 Planetfile unter ODbL rausgeben, duerfen diese abgeleiteten Daten
 folglich dort nicht enthalten sein.

Im Grunde genommen
darf ein Urheber jederzeit die Verbreitung des Werkes einschränken und
müsste vorher auch bei Vervielfältung gefragt werden.

Ich weiß gar nicht, ob es als alleiniger Urheber überhaupt möglich ist,
auf dieses Recht zu verzichten... vielmehr wird nur möglich sein, es
permanent zu ignorieren.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

Tobias Wendorff wrote:
 Darf das Urheberrecht durch einen Nutzungsvertrag eingeschränkt werden?

Wie meinst Du das?

 Im Grunde genommen
 darf ein Urheber jederzeit die Verbreitung des Werkes einschränken und
 müsste vorher auch bei Vervielfältung gefragt werden.

Naja, wenn der Urheber jemand anderem erstmal eine Lizenz eingeraeumt 
hat, kann er die natuerlich nicht mehr willkuerlich widerrufen, darauf 
baut die CC-BY-SA ja auf.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Wendorff
Am Fr, 11.09.2009, 12:40 schrieb Frederik Ramm:

 Tobias Wendorff wrote:
 Darf das Urheberrecht durch einen Nutzungsvertrag eingeschränkt werden?

 Wie meinst Du das?

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob die Lizenz die Rechte beschränken kann, die
einem Dritten durch das Urheberrecht gegeben sind.

CC-BY-SA erlaubt Bearbeitungen. Wenn ein User nun ein vorhandens Werk
schöpferisch erweitert und die Teile nicht mehr trennbar sind, dann
entsteht ein Konflikt . Das Folgeprodukt ist ja nicht illegal entstanden -
durch die Lizenz liegt eine Bearbeitungsgenehmigung vor.

 Im Grunde genommen
 darf ein Urheber jederzeit die Verbreitung des Werkes einschränken und
 müsste vorher auch bei Vervielfältung gefragt werden.

 Naja, wenn der Urheber jemand anderem erstmal eine Lizenz eingeraeumt
 hat, kann er die natuerlich nicht mehr willkuerlich widerrufen, darauf
 baut die CC-BY-SA ja auf.

Das deutsche Urheberrecht baut aber genau gegenteilig auf: der Urheber hat
das Recht über die Nutzung seines Werkes zu bestimmen.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

Tobias Wendorff wrote:
 Das deutsche Urheberrecht baut aber genau gegenteilig auf: der Urheber hat
 das Recht über die Nutzung seines Werkes zu bestimmen.

Naja, ich kann doch aber nicht mein Werk in einem Buch abdrucken und 
drunterschreiben fuer jedermann frei verwendbar, und spaeter jemanden 
verklagen, der mein Werk verwendet mit der Begruendung, ich haette es 
mir halt inzwischen anders ueberlegt und er haette sich halt nicht auf 
das gedruckte Wort verlassen, sondern vorher bei mir nachfragen muessen?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] neuer Service maposmatic.org Straßen karte plus Index ausdrucken ...

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Wendorff
Frederik Ramm schrieb:
 Ist aber durchaus eine klasse Sache, ich hab schon lang drauf gewartet, 
 dass jemand das mit dem Strassenindex mal in Angriff nimmt - da gibts 
 sicher noch viel zu verbessern, aber ein Anfang ist jetzt mal gemacht.

Und zufriedenstellend - aus meiner Sicht - ist auch, dass sie dafür
den gleichen Vorgang gewählt haben, der mir auch in den Sinn gekommen
ist :-)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] neuer Service maposmatic.org Straßen karte plus Index ausdrucken ...

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Wendorff
Torsten Breda schrieb:
 Wenn man jetzt noch angeben könnte, welches Format die PDF und der
 Index haben soll, wäre es eine sehr gute Werbung für das Projekt.

Wichtig wäre eventuell auch der Stand der Daten. 2009 ist irgendwie
zu unpräzise ;-)

 Schön währe auch eine Suche, die alle Städte und Orte berücksichtigt
 und einem dann die jeweils umschließende administrative_boundary

Ich denke, das wird sich alles noch entwickelt. Man kann es ja als
GIT bekommen und selber bearbeiten. Mache ich jetzt nur nicht, weil
es sicher schon andere tun.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Josm livegps

2009-09-11 Per discussione Michael Buege
Zitat Michael Buege:

 Kann jemand ein funktionierendes livegps-Plugin in Josm bestaetigen?

So, hat ne Weile gedauert.

Jaunty Jackalope Netbook Remix auf eeePc 1005HA
Josm 2093
livegps 16945
gpsd 2.38

Garmin GPSmap 60CSx an USB.
sudo modprobe garmin_gps
sudo mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb
gpsd -nND2 /dev/ttyUSB0

Jetzt tut es.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz für Datenspende

2009-09-11 Per discussione Tobias Wendorff

Frederik Ramm schrieb:
 Naja, ich kann doch aber nicht mein Werk in einem Buch abdrucken und 
 drunterschreiben fuer jedermann frei verwendbar, und spaeter jemanden 
 verklagen, der mein Werk verwendet mit der Begruendung, ich haette es 
 mir halt inzwischen anders ueberlegt und er haette sich halt nicht auf 
 das gedruckte Wort verlassen, sondern vorher bei mir nachfragen muessen?

Ich hole mal etwas weiter aus:
Wenn man Urheber bist, hast man alle Rechte am Werk (§ 11 UrhG).
Das Urheberrecht kannst Du nicht auf Andere übertragen (§ 29 UrhG).

Das gilt auch für das Urheberpersönlichkeitsrecht, also die
persönlichkeitsrechtlichen Befugnisse des Urhebers. Dazu gehören:
- § 12 UrhG: Der Urehber darf bestimmen, ob und wie sein Werk der 
Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht wird
- § 13 UrhG: Der Urheber darf Namensnennung fordern.
- § 14 UrhG: Der Urheber darf Entstellungen oder Beeinträchtigungen
seines des Werkes verbieten.
- § 25 UrhG: Der Urheber kann vom Besitzer seines Werkes (z.B. nach
dem Verkauf) verlangen, dass er ihm das Original zugänglich macht.
- § 39 UrhG: Der Inhaber eines Nutzungsrechts darf nur das verändern,
was im Vorfeld mit dem Urheber vertraglich vereinbart wurde.
- § 42 UrhG: Der Urheber darf seine Nutzungsrechte zurückrufen, wenn
das geschaffene Werk nicht seiner Überzeugung entspricht.

Dem Urheber stehen auf diese Punkte Ansprüche auf Unterlassung und
Schadensersatz gemäß § 97 UrhG zu.

Es wird aber ermöglicht, Vervielfältigungs- und Verwertungsrechte
(§§ 16, 17 UrhG) auf Andere zu übertragen (§ 31 UrhG).

Man kann dabei die Ausgestaltung dahingehend wählen, ob man ein
einfaches (vgl. Abs. 2) oder ausschließliches Recht (vgl. Abs. 3 ebenda)
erteilen möchte. Aber selbst wenn ein ausschließliches Nutzungsrecht
vergeben wird, muss der Urheber dies immer noch genehmigen (§ 35 UrhG).

Bei Lizenzen wie CC0 verzichtet der Urheber auf  die Vervielfältigungs-
und Verwertungsrechte gegenüber der Allgemeinheit, nicht gegenüber einem
bestimmten Vertragspartner. Eine solche pauschale Rechtseinräumung ist
aber in Deutschland _vermutlich_ nicht möglich, weil die Bestimmbarkeit

Auch wenn Daten unter CC0 freigeben sind, verbleiben die Ansprüche
gemäß § 97 UrhG aufgrund des Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechtes beim
Urheber und er kann sie uneingeschränkt geltend machen - man kann
sie ihm schließlich nicht abnehmen. Man kann ihn nur bitten, darauf
zu verzichten, aber er würde vor Gericht trotzdem damit durchkommen.


Talk-de mailing list

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