Re: [talk-ph] Open Data Day 2013 on February 23

2013-02-22 Per discussione maning sambale
Open data day will be tomorrow. We have lunch and coffee. Bring your
favorite chichiria for sharing.

Start charging your machines and see you all in the morning!

Maning Sambale (mobile)
On Feb 18, 2013 8:45 PM, maning sambale

 Dear Everyone,

 Less than a week for our Open Data Day celebration.  We have a few
 interesting ideas posted in the event page [0].
 Please go over the what to hack/map section [1] so that you have an
 idea on what you want to participate with during the event.
 We have more than 30 participants who signified interest (I hope I can
 get enough chairs to squeeze in our conference room :-))
 A GIS group in Leyte will also join us through G+ Hangout [2].

 One reminder for those with cars, ADMU has implemented a oneway
 traffic scheme within the campus [3].
 I have updated OSM to reflect this change but unfortunately, OSRM
 cannot give you any good routing suggestion
 because the service does not route on roads with access restrictions.
 But basically, every vehicle should enter the
 campus via Gate 3 [4].

 See you all next Saturday!


 On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:33 AM, maning sambale wrote:
  Thanks for the FB event and for making wikipage look better.
  On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:40 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar
  I've created the Facebook event page that you can all use to promote
  If you have a Facebook account and are going to the event, why not add
  yourself to the event page so that your friends can get interested as
  On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 7:11 PM, maning sambale
  A couple of updates on the event, we have three interesting ideas to
  map and hack:
  - help improve the OSM coverage at ARMM and teach ARMM staff to edit in
  - hack around the open data provided by DSWD
  - help ASOG Inclusive Mobility project with mapping Metro Manila
  public transport terminals and hub
  If you have other ideas, just edit the wiki:
  On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 7:19 PM, rem zamora
   anak ng tokwa february 23 pa pala akala ko january 23. buti na lang
   assignment ako kanina hahaha.
   see you FEBRUARY 23! :)
   On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 9:21 AM, RK wrote:
   Sounds fun. Saving the date :)
   On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 8:25 AM, rem zamora
   sorry guys mukhang di ako makakapunta, may assignment ako sa
   enjoy the activity! :)
   On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:36 AM, Ed Garcia
   Ay sama ako diyan!  I am sure may mapupulutan ako from you guys
   Paano mag-signup?  sorry ha... di ako marunong magdagdag ng name
   wiki na yan. :)
   On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 2:09 PM, maning sambale wrote:
   This will be a full day event but very informal.  You can come
   anytime but please add your name for logistical planning purpose
   because we have limited space.
   I invited some people who have some interesting problem which I
   we can help. The wiki is till in planning stage please add your
   interest (anything about OSM and open data).

   On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:55 PM, rem zamora
what time ba eto? try ko dumaan :) magdala ako drinks :)
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Rally de Leon
pwedeng-pwede. dun lang tayo sa isang corner para sa pulutan
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:21 PM, rem zamora
 pwede ba sa pulutan session na lang pumunta? :)

 im not as techie as all of you. im better with mano-manong


 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Rally de Leon

 I can bring fried-itik for pulutan :-)

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:42 PM, maning sambale wrote:
  Any idea where we can get some sponsorship for food? :)

 talk-ph mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] How to map a - nieuw menu

2013-02-22 Per discussione Ivo De Broeck
Als je nu kijkt op zal je zien
dat het veel makkelijker wordt om de vertaling te doen. Op elk blad is nu
een menu waardoor je makkelijk kan overschakelen van het ene (duitse) blad
naar het andere (nl) blad.

1) kies duits item en kopieer CTRL-C
2) druk nu op DEL
3) opslaan duits item (is nu verwijderd)
4) ga naar beginletter
5) doe een paste CTRL-V op de juiste plaats
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Openbaar vervoer/Transports publics

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jo
*Le français suit en bas.*

Ik zal dit in 2 talen schrijven in plaats van in het Engels. Dat kost wat
meer moeite, maar het lijkt me belangrijk dat iedereen mee kan volgen en

Bij het mappen van de bushaltes, kom ik een aantal zaken tegen die we 's
moeten bespreken:


Op de haltes zelf staat gewoonlijk de naam zonder de gemeente. Op de
dienstregelingen staat gewoonlijk de deelgemeente gevolgd door de naam. In
West-Vlaanderen (regio Brugge + ong 30 km) heeft Zors gewoonlijk de
dienstregelingen gevolgd. (Ofwel staan er daar overal lange namen op de
haltes). Ook aan de andere kant van het land, heeft Gilbert het zo gedaan.
In de rest van Vlaanderen zie ik overwegend enkel de naam staan.

Ik was begonnen met de (deel)gemeente in addr:city onder te brengen. Wie
dat wenst, kan het dan zelf weer samenbrengen. Ik merk nu echter dat de
naam in de dienstregelingen die voor de eigenlijke naam komt, soms ook de
naam van het gehucht is.

Zelf was ik begonnen om alleszins voor bushaltes die bij een station liggen
of lagen er toch bij te vermelden over welk NMBS-station het gaat.

In ieder geval ben ik gaandeweg die haltes aan het nakijken en soms laat ik
die lange naam maar staan, maar volgens mij zou het beter zijn om het
overal op dezelfde wijze te doen.

*Meerdere operatoren:*

Haltes die bediend worden door bussen van verschillende operatoren, hebben
soms 2 knopen, gewoonlijk 1 knoop met daarop operator=De Lijn;TEC. Ik zou
willen voorstellen om per operator een aparte knoop te gebruiken,
bijvoorbeeld: De Lijn + TEC + MIVB De Lijn + Airportbus

De meeste haltes zijn uiteraard eenvoudiger. Ook in Brussel is het eerder
uitzonderlijk dat haltes bediend worden door alle drie de Belgische

Waar ik niet helemaal zeker van ben, of het OK is, is dat ik voor de halte
van De Lijn de naam enkel in het Nederlands heb gezet, voor die van TEC
enkel in het Frans en voor die van MIVB/STIB en de
public_transport=stop_area-relatie, waarin alles gegroepeerd zit, de naam
tweetalig, plus name:nl en name:fr, zoals dat in Brussel gebruikelijk is.

Reageer in de taal waarin je het vlotste schrijft, of in beide landstalen
als je wilt. Engels kan natuurlijk ook, maar niet iedereen begrijpt dan wat
je zegt.


J'écris en français et en néerlandais, car je veux que tout le monde soit
inclus. Il s'agit surtout sur les arrêts de bus en Flandre, mais j'en
toucherai aussi au delà de la frontière linguistique et surtout à
Bruxelles. (La traduction n'est pas complètement symmétrique...)

*Les nom des arrêts:*

En Flandre comme en Wallonie, on trouve d'habitude les noms sans les
communes. Dans les horaires ils sont préfixés de la commune. En Flandre
occidentale, comme à l'autre coté du pays en Limbourg, il y a des
contributeurs qui ont commencé de mettre le nom de la commune dans le nom
de l'arrêt. Moi-même je l'avais ajouté dans le tag addr:city, sauf pour les
gares, où j'avais ajouté de quelle gare SNCB il s'agit.

Il serait mieux si on se met d'accord quelle stratégie que nous allons
utiliser, façon de le faire partout de la même manière.

*Plusiers opérateurs:*

Nous avions commencé d'utiliser un noeud pour les arrêts désservis par
plusieurs opérateurs: operator=De Lijn;TEC
A partir de maintenant, j'aimerais proposer d'utiliser un noeud par
opérateur: De Lijn + TEC + STIB De Lijn + Airportbus

La plupart des arrêts est plus simple que celui-là. Même à Bruxelles il est
plutôt exceptionnel de trouver des arrêts désservis par les trois
opérateurs belges.

Ce dont je ne suis pas tout à fait certain, c'est que pour le noeud qui
représente l'arrêt de  De Lijn j'ai inclu que le nom en néerlandais, pour
celui du TEC que en français en pour celui de STIB/MIVB et la relation
public_transport=stop_area qui regroupe le tout, le nome en bilingue, plus
name:fr er name:nl, comme c'est l'habitude à Bruxelles.

Mettez vos réactions dans la langue qui vous convient le mieux, ou dans les
2 langues. Ou en anglais, bien sûr, mais pas tout le monde peut suivre ce
que vous énoncez dans ce cas.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Openbaar vervoer/Transports publics

2013-02-22 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
I don't have any experience with multiple operator stops, so I don't have
an opinion about that.

About the stop name, it's indeed poor that you can have a lot of stops with
the name dorp or station on the same line. You don't know where the
stop is. So village names in the stop name would be great.

Until now, it was impossible to include village names in the stop name
(unless you have close contacts with De Lijn), as you say, sometimes the
hamlet names are used. So we had to check the database from De Lijn, which
was forbidden.

Since you now have access to the complete database, and are allowed to use
it, I would vote to include the village name in the stop name, just as they
display it on their site.


Op 22 februari 2013 21:53 schreef Jo het volgende:

 *Le français suit en bas.*

 Ik zal dit in 2 talen schrijven in plaats van in het Engels. Dat kost wat
 meer moeite, maar het lijkt me belangrijk dat iedereen mee kan volgen en

 Bij het mappen van de bushaltes, kom ik een aantal zaken tegen die we 's
 moeten bespreken:


 Op de haltes zelf staat gewoonlijk de naam zonder de gemeente. Op de
 dienstregelingen staat gewoonlijk de deelgemeente gevolgd door de naam. In
 West-Vlaanderen (regio Brugge + ong 30 km) heeft Zors gewoonlijk de
 dienstregelingen gevolgd. (Ofwel staan er daar overal lange namen op de
 haltes). Ook aan de andere kant van het land, heeft Gilbert het zo gedaan.
 In de rest van Vlaanderen zie ik overwegend enkel de naam staan.

 Ik was begonnen met de (deel)gemeente in addr:city onder te brengen. Wie
 dat wenst, kan het dan zelf weer samenbrengen. Ik merk nu echter dat de
 naam in de dienstregelingen die voor de eigenlijke naam komt, soms ook de
 naam van het gehucht is.

 Zelf was ik begonnen om alleszins voor bushaltes die bij een station
 liggen of lagen er toch bij te vermelden over welk NMBS-station het gaat.

 In ieder geval ben ik gaandeweg die haltes aan het nakijken en soms laat
 ik die lange naam maar staan, maar volgens mij zou het beter zijn om het
 overal op dezelfde wijze te doen.

 *Meerdere operatoren:*

 Haltes die bediend worden door bussen van verschillende operatoren, hebben
 soms 2 knopen, gewoonlijk 1 knoop met daarop operator=De Lijn;TEC. Ik zou
 willen voorstellen om per operator een aparte knoop te gebruiken,
 bijvoorbeeld: De Lijn + TEC + MIVB De Lijn + Airportbus

 De meeste haltes zijn uiteraard eenvoudiger. Ook in Brussel is het eerder
 uitzonderlijk dat haltes bediend worden door alle drie de Belgische

 Waar ik niet helemaal zeker van ben, of het OK is, is dat ik voor de halte
 van De Lijn de naam enkel in het Nederlands heb gezet, voor die van TEC
 enkel in het Frans en voor die van MIVB/STIB en de
 public_transport=stop_area-relatie, waarin alles gegroepeerd zit, de naam
 tweetalig, plus name:nl en name:fr, zoals dat in Brussel gebruikelijk is.

 Reageer in de taal waarin je het vlotste schrijft, of in beide landstalen
 als je wilt. Engels kan natuurlijk ook, maar niet iedereen begrijpt dan wat
 je zegt.


 J'écris en français et en néerlandais, car je veux que tout le monde soit
 inclus. Il s'agit surtout sur les arrêts de bus en Flandre, mais j'en
 toucherai aussi au delà de la frontière linguistique et surtout à
 Bruxelles. (La traduction n'est pas complètement symmétrique...)

 *Les nom des arrêts:*

 En Flandre comme en Wallonie, on trouve d'habitude les noms sans les
 communes. Dans les horaires ils sont préfixés de la commune. En Flandre
 occidentale, comme à l'autre coté du pays en Limbourg, il y a des
 contributeurs qui ont commencé de mettre le nom de la commune dans le nom
 de l'arrêt. Moi-même je l'avais ajouté dans le tag addr:city, sauf pour les
 gares, où j'avais ajouté de quelle gare SNCB il s'agit.

 Il serait mieux si on se met d'accord quelle stratégie que nous allons
 utiliser, façon de le faire partout de la même manière.

 *Plusiers opérateurs:*

 Nous avions commencé d'utiliser un noeud pour les arrêts désservis par
 plusieurs opérateurs: operator=De Lijn;TEC
 A partir de maintenant, j'aimerais proposer d'utiliser un noeud par
 opérateur: De Lijn + TEC + STIB De Lijn + Airportbus

 La plupart des arrêts est plus simple que celui-là. Même à Bruxelles il
 est plutôt exceptionnel de trouver des arrêts désservis par les trois
 opérateurs belges.

 Ce dont je ne suis pas tout à fait certain, c'est que pour le noeud qui
 représente l'arrêt de  De Lijn j'ai inclu que le nom en néerlandais, pour
 celui du TEC que en français en pour celui de STIB/MIVB et la relation
 public_transport=stop_area qui regroupe le tout, le nome en bilingue, plus
 name:fr er name:nl, comme c'est l'habitude à Bruxelles.

 Mettez vos réactions dans la langue qui vous 

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Openbaar vervoer/Transports publics

2013-02-22 Per discussione Marc Gemis
Als het niet duidelijk is of de naam van de gemeente, deelgemeente of
gehucht moet gebruikt worden, dan ben ik voorstander van enkel de naam op
de bushalte te vermelden. Mappen wat er op de grond is.

Ik begrijp wel dat een dienstregeling waar vier keer Kerk staat niet echt
duidelijk is en dat er daarom de naam van de gemeente wordt bijgezet. Maar
die informatie kan je afleiden uit de positie van de halte. Als je dat wil
kan je extreem zelfs Kerk, Laarstraat, 2840 Reet, Rumst, Provincie
Antwerpen, Vlaanderen, België als naam van de bushalte schrijven, maar is
dat nodig ? :-)

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Openbaar vervoer/Transports publics

2013-02-22 Per discussione Marc Gemis
Tja, als ze dan nog altijd de juiste gemeente naam voor hun haltes moesten
De halte van de Nieuwstraat in Rumst is een paar honderd meter opgeschoven
en ligt daarmee in Terhagen. Ga je telkens de naam van de halte aanpassen ?


2013/2/22 Marc Gemis

 Als het niet duidelijk is of de naam van de gemeente, deelgemeente of
 gehucht moet gebruikt worden, dan ben ik voorstander van enkel de naam op
 de bushalte te vermelden. Mappen wat er op de grond is.

 Ik begrijp wel dat een dienstregeling waar vier keer Kerk staat niet
 echt duidelijk is en dat er daarom de naam van de gemeente wordt bijgezet.
 Maar die informatie kan je afleiden uit de positie van de halte. Als je dat
 wil kan je extreem zelfs Kerk, Laarstraat, 2840 Reet, Rumst, Provincie
 Antwerpen, Vlaanderen, België als naam van de bushalte schrijven, maar is
 dat nodig ? :-)


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Openbaar vervoer/Transports publics

2013-02-22 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
Op 22 februari 2013 22:55 schreef Marc Gemis het

 Tja, als ze dan nog altijd de juiste gemeente naam voor hun haltes moesten
 De halte van de Nieuwstraat in Rumst is een paar honderd meter opgeschoven
 en ligt daarmee in Terhagen. Ga je telkens de naam van de halte aanpassen ?


Well, that's just the problem. I like to refer to the name they use, but
until now, this was impossible. They don't always use the name of the
village, or use the name of the wrong village. That's why it should at
least be in a separate tag (it can't be deduced from the position), or in
the name.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Openbaar vervoer/Transports publics

2013-02-22 Per discussione Georges De Gruyter
Vermits Google ook de volledige naam gebruikt, zou ik dat ook doen.  Ook in
de mobiele toepassingen van De Lijn worden de volledige namen vermeld.
@Marc : zijn dat de haltes 106760 en 106770 ?  De namen zijn daar nl.
Terhagen Nieuwstraat.


2013/2/22 Sander Deryckere

 Op 22 februari 2013 22:55 schreef Marc Gemis het

 Tja, als ze dan nog altijd de juiste gemeente naam voor hun haltes moesten
 De halte van de Nieuwstraat in Rumst is een paar honderd meter
 opgeschoven en ligt daarmee in Terhagen. Ga je telkens de naam van de halte
 aanpassen ?


 Well, that's just the problem. I like to refer to the name they use, but
 until now, this was impossible. They don't always use the name of the
 village, or use the name of the wrong village. That's why it should at
 least be in a separate tag (it can't be deduced from the position), or in
 the name.


 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-22 Per discussione Eric Sibert

On what basis do they claim ownership of the routes, exactly? As I
understand it, many of these routes link up lots of little trails that
had been around for decades. How did copyright get transferred from
the people who created the trails to the FFRP? Or do they claim
ownership only over new sections? Or only over a particular

They established a route that for instance allows to from city A to  
city B but not with the short way. Instead, it is going left and right  
to visit points of interest, alpine hutch and so on. They claim that  
such a work is an original work.

For a comparison, I would say it is like a tourist car route. The  
castle route (or usually wine routes in France ;-) is using existing  
roads (national, local...) to visit a maximum castles. Along the  
route, you will find signpost marked castle route.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-22 Per discussione Pieren
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 4:11 AM, Steve Bennett wrote:
 Are they aware that all the data has been created independently, by
 surveying the trail - not by actually copying their data?

I think you mix two things : the physical trails, paths which are not
copyrighted and not discussed here. And the route, the itinerary which
is all trails, paths, roads linked together and is the original
work, the creation which is considered as copyrightable in France (as
soon as it is considered as enough original).


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-22 Per discussione Nick Whitelegg

-Steve Bennett wrote: -
To: Licensing and other legal discussions.
From: Steve Bennett
Date: 22/02/2013 03:12AM
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in   

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Pieren wrote:
 First issue : it is the hiking route names themselves. For all of them
 created by the FFRP, the names are registered trademarks and cannot be
 used without permission (see question below). Second issue : the
 routes themselves are copyrighted.

Hi Pieren,
  I am also not a lawyer, but here's my two cents. First, it would be
really said if we lost the GR routes. I recently hiked about half of
the GR20, using the OSM route of course. So I don't think we should
give up easily - they're so valuable.

On the trademark front, it should be easy to establish if they have a
genuine complaint. If they do, I think we can change the names without
losing too much - even if had to call them French hiking route 20 or

 Second issue : it is maybe a more specific French issue here because
 the routes themselves can be copyrighted when they are considered as
 original work. A famous case confirmed this with the IGN (publishing
 the FFRP maps) sueing a guidebook editor [5] and confirmed by the
 highest court in France (1ere chambre de la cour de cassation de
 Paris, decision of 30 june 1998 [8]. I don't know if this is the same
 in other countries but a significant part of the OSM community in
 France would consider deleting the FFRP hiking routes completely (and
 not only the trademarks mentionned in Q1).

On what basis do they claim ownership of the routes, exactly? As I
understand it, many of these routes link up lots of little trails that
had been around for decades. How did copyright get transferred from
the people who created the trails to the FFRP? Or do they claim
ownership only over new sections? Or only over a particular

Are they aware that all the data has been created independently, by
surveying the trail - not by actually copying their data?

I wonder where the exact line would be drawn - what if we didn't have
routes, but just the trails marked. But then, how would you label
such a trail - often they have no other name other than the GR number,
plus the name of the next landmark.

Presumably someone has sought French legal advice? What was it?


legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-22 Per discussione Nick Whitelegg
 Second issue : it is maybe a more specific French issue here because
 the routes themselves can be copyrighted when they are considered as
 original work. A famous case confirmed this with the IGN (publishing
 the FFRP maps) sueing a guidebook editor [5] and confirmed by the
 highest court in France (1ere chambre de la cour de cassation de
 Paris, decision of 30 june 1998 [8]. I don't know if this is the same
 in other countries but a significant part of the OSM community in
 France would consider deleting the FFRP hiking routes completely (and
 not only the trademarks mentionned in Q1).

On what basis do they claim ownership of the routes, exactly? As I
understand it, many of these routes link up lots of little trails that
had been around for decades. How did copyright get transferred from
the people who created the trails to the FFRP? Or do they claim
ownership only over new sections? Or only over a particular

Apologies - may have sent a blank response by accident.

So does FFRP hiking routes include *any* waymarked/signposted trail in 
France? I hope not, as that would imply that OSM could not be used at all for 
planning/doing walks in France. I guess OSM would in that case need to come to 
some sort of agreement with FFRP/IGN. I'm not sure how French law on public 
access compares to the UK's, in my (limited) experience 
(Alpes-Maritimes/Mercantour area, north of Nice) certain trails are waymarked, 
others aren't but are subject to Defense d'entrer signs or similar... which 
is basically like the UK.

More philosophically the idea of someone claiming copyright on walking routes 
seems completely at odds with the nature of countryside walking, which to my 
mind has similar free and open values to open source software and data (the 
landowners and their Keep out signs being similar to proprietary licencing)


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] License question, user clicking on map

2013-02-22 Per discussione Erik Johansson
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 12:16 AM, Olov McKie wrote:
 I work for a library where we are building a new version of an application to 
 handle all sort of collections, for example books, letters, images, music 
 sheets, etc. The application will store metadata and digitalized versions of 
 the works. To know where an item was created, a letter sent from / to, etc we 
 need to store places and information about them. The information we normally 
 store about a place is name, alternative names, names translated to different 
 languages, etc. A place might be a historic one that no longer exists.

  We will not be able to share the complete db under the ODbL as the works 
 have all
  kinds of licenses that are incompatible with the ODbL.

Hej Olov, this is an interesting project.

You are going to produce some pretty awesome data, spend countless
hours of work, money and publish it for free, and then when the
project is over it will bitrot because of license issues.. This is a
perfect example of where a hardline stance on license will serve you.
Sure there are projects in OSM that can benefit of those historical
names, but I'm saying this for you, don't waste effort unless you know
what will happen to the data.

Go and talk with the nice folks at: (in Gothenburg I think) (offices in Stockholm so you can probably pop by)

 1. If we present an OSM map to the user let them click on the map and

OSM doesn't allow to inclusion of data from Google maps that was
entered this way. But lots and lots of people do it e.g. Wikipedia, so
it's up to you, but it's not unproblematic.

 2. If we use the overpass API to find possible matches for a placename 
 entered by a user,

The question you have to ask is it ok under ToS of Google Maps
address searching (geocoding). Well except that part where you are
not allowed to use Google products behind a firewall.

So I do not agree at all with Alex Barth on this, but I've been wrong before.

Lycka till, och ge inte upp!
Erik Johansson

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-22 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Eric Sibert wrote:
 They established a route that for instance allows to from city A 
 to city B but not with the short way. Instead, it is going left and 
 right to visit points of interest, alpine hutch and so on. They 
 claim that such a work is an original work.

Yes, I can see that. I've planned such routes
(, in particular); it's
hard work and requires a lot of judgement. It would qualify for
sweat-of-the-brow copyright protection in the UK were it not for the
statutes expressly limiting this to original literary, dramatic, musical or
artistic works; sound recordings, films or broadcasts; and the typographical
arrangement of published editions. French law appears to have no such


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legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-22 Per discussione Steve Bennett
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 9:20 PM, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
 More philosophically the idea of someone claiming copyright on walking
 routes seems completely at odds with the nature of countryside walking,
 which to my mind has similar free and open values to open source software
 and data (the landowners and their Keep out signs being similar to
 proprietary licencing)

And pragmatically, there are real problems when an organisation that
establishes a route also seeks to derive income from selling
information about it. It seems logical, until your realise that the
organisation's two goals (promoting a route by disseminating
information about it; and gaining income to achieve the primary goal)
are completely contrary to each other.
The Tasmanian Trail is completely obscure because the only
information about it is in a mail-order paperback.
To walk/ride the Great Dividing Trail requires paying for four really
crappy maps. (Hopefully in two weeks' time it will be 90% OSM'ed.)
Rail Trails Australia was heading in a similar direction, but I helped
convince them that sharing information about the trails *is* their

Maybe the FFRP could be persuaded eventually? Convince them to give up
claims of copyright on the route geography, and focus on prose
descriptions, subjective details etc?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] License question, user clicking on map

2013-02-22 Per discussione Olov McKie
Hej Erik!

Would you please consider reading my mail one more time, and clarify your 
answers, because I do not understand what you are trying to say. 

No where in my mail did I say anything about using Google maps or their API, 
yet for the two usecases you have answered about are you talking about using 
Google Maps. 

You are also writing about adding data to OSM, that is not the scenario I have 
described in our usecases.


 On Fri, Feb 22, 2013, Erik Johansson wrote:
 I work for a library where we are building a new version of an application 
 to handle all sort of collections, for example books, letters, images, music 
 sheets, etc. The application will store metadata and digitalized versions of 
 the works. To know where an item was created, a letter sent from / to, etc 
 we need to store places and information about them. The information we 
 normally store about a place is name, alternative names, names translated to 
 different languages, etc. A place might be a historic one that no longer 
   We will not be able to share the complete db under the ODbL as the works 
 have all
   kinds of licenses that are incompatible with the ODbL.
 Hej Olov, this is an interesting project.

 You are going to produce some pretty awesome data, spend countless
 hours of work, money and publish it for free, and then when the
 project is over it will bitrot because of license issues.. This is a
 perfect example of where a hardline stance on license will serve you.
 Sure there are projects in OSM that can benefit of those historical
 names, but I'm saying this for you, don't waste effort unless you know
 what will happen to the data.

 Go and talk with the nice folks at: (in Gothenburg I think) (offices in Stockholm so you can probably pop by)

 1. If we present an OSM map to the user let them click on the map and
 OSM doesn't allow to inclusion of data from Google maps that was
 entered this way. But lots and lots of people do it e.g. Wikipedia, so
 it's up to you, but it's not unproblematic.

 2. If we use the overpass API to find possible matches for a placename 
 entered by a user,
 The question you have to ask is it ok under ToS of Google Maps
 address searching (geocoding). Well except that part where you are
 not allowed to use Google products behind a firewall.

 So I do not agree at all with Alex Barth on this, but I've been wrong before.

 Lycka till, och ge inte upp!
 Erik Johansson

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] License question, user clicking on map

2013-02-22 Per discussione Kate Chapman
Hi Alex,

You might want to clarify because your email is a bit confusing. My
understanding is you are saying I would like it to be this way, but
at the moment it is not. Correct?

Yes it is important to clarify the share alike clause, but I think
also important not to confuse people asking how the licensing
currently works.


On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Alex Barth wrote:
 I think all of these use cases should be ok and we should adjust the
 community guide lines to clarify that ODbL's share alike clause shouldn't
 kick in here.

 On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Olov McKie wrote:

 Hello all!

 I have a few usecases for OSM where I do not know if I can use it or not.

 I work for a library where we are building a new version of an application
 to handle all sort of collections, for example books, letters, images, music
 sheets, etc. The application will store metadata and digitalized versions of
 the works. To know where an item was created, a letter sent from / to, etc
 we need to store places and information about them. The information we
 normally store about a place is name, alternative names, names translated to
 different languages, etc. A place might be a historic one that no longer

 In the current system, metadata about a place is constructed by giving it
 a name, known variations of the name, which country it is in (problematic as
 it might change over the time) and translation of the name.
 As an OSM user and contributor my first reaction was, we can make the
 places more precise and avoid the changing countries problem by using
 coordinates for places, and also present them in a better way.

 As the applications data should be readable for a long time (forever),
 will we be storing all metadata together with the digitalized objects. We
 will over the lifetime of the application construct several thousand places.
 We will not be able to share the complete db under the ODbL as the works
 have all kinds of licenses that are incompatible with the ODbL. The
 resulting system will be accessible for anyone from the Internet,
 subsections might have restricted access.

 1. If we present an OSM map to the user let them click on the map and use
 the coordinates they clicked on as part of the metadata for a place in our
 application, will the resulting database be considered a derived database?
 To clarify, we would not extract any information from the map, beside the
 coordinates that the user clicked on, they would by themselves navigate the
 map to for example London and then click somewhere in London.

 2. If we use the overpass API to find possible matches for a placename
 entered by a user, present the possible matches with markers on a map and
 let the user click on the map and use the coordinates the user clicks on,
 will the resulting database be considered a derived database?  Again, we
 would not extract any information from the map, beside the coordinates that
 the user clicked on. Presenting the markers would of course help the user
 find a place, such as London.

 3. If we use the overpass API to find possible matches for a placename
 entered by a user, present the possible matches with markers on a map and if
 we have more then one result ask the user to fill in more details about the
 place such as, country, region, close to major city, local name, etc until
 overpass only returns on result, would the user entered data be considered a
 derived database? To clarify, in this case would we not extract the
 coordinates or any other data from the map.

 4. If we present several places (all data about the place including
 coordinates originates from other sources than OSM) on an OSM map to help
 find duplicates, and then lets the user click on two places marked on the
 map, to merge them into one, would the resulting database be considered a
 derived database?

 I would love for us to use OSM in our application, but I have been unable
 to find out if we can use it for the four usecases presented above.

 with hope of a speedy answer


 legal-talk mailing list

 legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-22 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

Am 21.02.2013 13:01, schrieb Hans Schmidt:

Am 21.02.2013 12:36, schrieb Peter Wendorff:
Well... if there's no localized name tag, then you may omit the 
name:xx tag for that language, as there's no alternative.
On the other hand name:de might be useful even then, as it's possible 
to translate programmatically if the software knows about the 
language. The German suffixes -straße, -weg, -platz could be 
automatically transcoded to street, way and square, the afaik swedish 
-gatan is street again, väg is way and so on.
But if you try to translate something to another language this way 
where you don't know the source language, it's much more difficult.

Why would you want to translate the street names? Do you want to 
translate Paris' “Avenue des Champs-Élysées” to “Allee der 
Champs-Élysées”? Nobody would know what it is anymore.
Also, nobody wants to translate a “Lindenallee” in some minor german 
town to “Linden avenue”.  Also, automatic translation would be error 
For complete names you may be right, but for Natural Language Generation 
used in tools based on osm data parts of names might be useful to 
translate. For the Lindenallee this might translate to Go down the 
alley... where alley might not be a given classification by tags, but 
due to the name only.

So a recommendation might be to
- always tag name
- if you translate name into different languages, always add 
name:originalLanguageCode with the same content
- if you want, add that even if you don't translate it to different 

Yes, that's redundant - but it's easy to cut out for software (cut 
out every language attribute that equals the plain name), if wanted; 
and it's less error prone than a tag like language=de or like the 
lists of default language areas you propose above.
Sure: These list are helpful for all cases where only name is given, 
and that's a necessity for great software dealing with that, but 
that's the way defaults in OSM work: there should be a few defaults 
for mappers, where they should decide to not add a tag, but more 
defaults for data consumers, who could/should be able to have a best 
guess where data is missing. 
You say that there should be few defaults for mappers. But what you 
propose is exactly the opposite: You'd have a default, meaning that 
you would need to create a name:originallanguage even if there is a 
name present. I would bet that nobody does this. And if you don’t do 
it like that, chaos will occur if you decide to display the name.

I agree: even in the long term the majority of objects for sure will not 
have a name:originallanguage in addition to the only plain name tag. 
This is part of the incompleteness we have everywhere in osm.

I disagree, that this would lead to chaos for itself.

Imagine a text based application that could be read aloud by software. 
To do that properly names should be spoken with the pronunciation of the 
language they are from.
Let's consider a screenreader for browsers and a browser based 
application as an example. The output of Dies ist der Times Square in 
New York (this is the Times Square in New York) is simple to do, but a 
screen reader based only on German as a language would speak it out 
roughly like (not sure if I get it comparable for English speakers 
here): Dees ist der Teames Square in Nu Johk, because nobody could 
know that Times Square and New York are names based on the English 
language. In a website, additional markup could ideally solve that 
(given that the screenreader supports english language as well in the 
users setup): p lang=deDies ist der span lang=enTimes 
Square/span in span lang=enNew York/span/p.
But to generate markup like this the software has to know about the 
Sure: this may be done by approximation based on the area in the world, 
and yes, developers have to use something like that for the usual case 
where the languages is still unknown, but in the text-to-speech area 
this would produce many wrong results by accident.

In contrast, if you do it based on region, it would simplify things 
much more:

1. You take the nodes/relation for Canada, add language=en.
2. You take the nodes/relation for Québec: language=fr

Then everybody would just continue using name=British Columbia and 
name=Montréal, and no problem. The multilingual renderer would then 
show, in case the user wants to see French names, name=Montréal and 
name:fr=Colombie-Britannique. If the user is English, he would show 
name:en=Montreal and name:British Columbia.
I completely agree, as long as it's only about displaying. I completely 
agree that this is a valid fallback, but as I showed above that is not 
able to solve all problems.
Even for rendering I'm not sure if that's really an optimal solution for 
languages written right-to-left or downwards. Here you have to know at 
least this characteristics of the language to decide about label sizes 
and placements - not sure if that's really given in the unicode 

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-22 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

Am 21.02.2013 17:47, schrieb moltonel 3x Combo:

Besides, I actually think that adding the redundant name:XX tag is 
actually simpler than modifying the code of many renderers to take 
something completely new into account. On the other hand, it should be 
very easy to check that if a place has at least one name:xx tag, it 
should also have one that matches the name tag either inside the 
editor or via a bot. 

Not sure about that.
Up to know (as far as I know) some areas of the world decided to use a 
combination of two languages or name transcriptions in the name tag, 
like Japan [1] or Brussels [2]. A bot would contradict a working local 
community decision here, why I would oppose to automatically enforce 
that by a bot or to show that as en error by default.
This might change as soon as the most prominent/important osm maps like 
our mapnik rendering support setting the language like in Jochens 
Multilingual Map project, but up to then it's IMHO a bad idea to enforce 
tag wars in multilanguage areas due to bugs raised by some bot that 
tries to enforce a name:xx being equal to name.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on

2013-02-22 Per discussione Martin Simon
Hi Tom!

2013/2/21 Tom Hughes

 Well öpnvkarte was considered along with the current transport layer and
 the decision was that having two transport layers would be silly and that
 we preferred the one that we are currently offering.

OK, (what I remember reading on the list was that, primary, it was because
the transport map was easier/quicker to implement and it was made by Andy
Allan(but possibly this was for the same reason: quick implementation))
but when directly comparing the two, I find that öpnvkarte offers a lot
more information, including train lines, tram lines, underground lines and
directional information.

Look at this map from Frankfurt (one of the few German cities with real
underground lines):

It would be cool to have this stuff on the main page - I don't really care
which map provides it, but the information is IMHO important.

 Nobody has ever asked OWG to consider hikebikemap.

OK, what I personally ike about it is that it's a rather light style that
works great with hill shading.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on

2013-02-22 Per discussione Tom Hughes

On 22/02/13 10:10, Martin Simon wrote:

OK, (what I remember reading on the list was that, primary, it was
because the transport map was easier/quicker to implement and it was
made by Andy Allan(but possibly this was for the same reason: quick
but when directly comparing the two, I find that öpnvkarte offers a lot
more information, including train lines, tram lines, underground lines
and directional information.

I have no idea where you got that idea as I don't recall that being 
discussed at all in the meeting, and I don't see why either one would 
have been any quicker to implement than the other.

The actual vote was done by a secret ballot, so we can't know for sure 
why people made the choice they did, but the discussion as I recall it 
largely centred on the cartography.


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Android routing application - With some level of OFFLINE address search

2013-02-22 Per discussione Tanveer Singh
I have taken a look at ZaNavi OSMAND etc., on android.
Most of these in offline mode offer only POI search.

If I want to search for an address(need not be house numbers) and enter a
road name, it usually does not work.

Anybody has any success for OFFLINE address search, where I can put in
something like

XYZ Road
And then it gives me names of all XYZ roads in an order dependent on
distance of object from my current location.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Android routing application - With some level of OFFLINE address search

2013-02-22 Per discussione Janko Mihelić
If you want to help in developing the feature for easy street searching,
you can donate to the cause here:

Under fulltext street/address search with suggesting. I guess this is
what you are talking about?


2013/2/22 Tanveer Singh

 I have taken a look at ZaNavi OSMAND etc., on android.
 Most of these in offline mode offer only POI search.

 If I want to search for an address(need not be house numbers) and enter a
 road name, it usually does not work.

 Anybody has any success for OFFLINE address search, where I can put in
 something like

 XYZ Road
 And then it gives me names of all XYZ roads in an order dependent on
 distance of object from my current location.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-22 Per discussione Hans Schmidt

Am 21.02.2013 19:50, schrieb Miloš Komarčević:


This is why we (well, all credit goes to user mpele) started with our
own transliteration plugin (Serbian Cyrillic - Serbian Latin) [1],
based on the tag editor plugin:

It could be a nice idea to extend this to a more general purpose
multilingual editor, with e.g. copy source lang to dest lang option,
more transliteration filters, etc.



This would be really great. Actually, if you are already doing something 
like this, your plugin would be the best starting point, I guess.

I guess all languages with non-latin script would need a similar 
approach like Serbia (Actually, every language: A russian person would 
prefers to read American cities in Cyrillic): A fast method to translate 
a huge number of tags without wasting any time with selecting nodes, 
opening dialog windows, closing them etc. A tabular approach is really 
the only feasible method, in my opinion.
I don’t know if the Serbian transliteration can be done automatically, 
but in other languages, a manual approach is often necessary. Still, the 
plugin could then be amended by some automatic plugins 
(Japanese-reading, Cyrillic-Latin etc).

My imagination of this plugin is the following:

1. Well, as my screenshot described it
2. You can select certain groups, and then only they will be displayed: 
all cities, all towns, all streets etc. This is easier because it is 
likely that you don’t want to translate _everything_ at once, but rather 
in a systematic way.
3. You can select a node in the table if you don’t know what it is, and 
then return to the map where it is highlighted.

And, as I said, easy integration of the Overpass API in JOSM, so that 
you can download a group of nodes for an entire country, without having 
to download the entire country. Well, this can be done in the web 
browser right now, but it would be more user friendly in JOSM.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Android routing application - With some level of OFFLINE address search

2013-02-22 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

Am 22.02.2013 11:17, schrieb Tanveer Singh:

I have taken a look at ZaNavi OSMAND etc., on android.
Most of these in offline mode offer only POI search.

If I want to search for an address(need not be house numbers) and 
enter a road name, it usually does not work.

Anybody has any success for OFFLINE address search, where I can put in 
something like

XYZ Road
And then it gives me names of all XYZ roads in an order dependent on 
distance of object from my current location.
Osmand offers address search which works reasonable well for me. What 
one could see as missing is that it does not apply address 
interpolations, so that for address interpolations in the map only the 
explicitly tagged nodes at both ends are found. On the other hand I 
personally like this decision at least as one option as it shows where 
additional mapping might be necessary, and looking at the map it's easy 
to interpolate by hand in these cases.
If you didn't find the address search: go to the search activity where 
as a default the POI search is selected (icon is an italic i bubble) and 
select the address search (icon is the house) instead.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-22 Per discussione Peter Körner

Am 21.02.2013 11:43, schrieb moltonel 3x Combo:

Consider this usecase :
* I prefer to read French but can also read English, so I set may
language priority to name:fr - name:en - name.
* I now take a look at a country like Central African Republic whose
local name is a French one.
* If the name:fr tag is present I get to see the French name.
* If the name:fr is removed, I get to see the English name, which is
acceptable but suboptimal.

So instead of saying that one may delete the name:xx tag if it is
identical to the name tag (to reduce bloat, presumably), the
multilingual-country-list should encourage to add the name:xx tag in
all cases.

Yes, I see that problem. I removed the offending paragraph and the 
orange coloring. Redundancy is not bad in this case.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-22 Per discussione moltonel 3x Combo
On 22 February 2013 09:42, Peter Wendorff wrote:
 - Yes: Software developers should support guessing the natural languages
 (where that's necessary)
 - No: Mappers should NOT delete localized name tags even if these are equal
 to the local one out of the assumption of redundancy.
 - No: Mappers should NOT be told to never add localized tags where only one
 single name tag exists.

Amen to that.

I'd even encourage mappers to add the identical name:XX if any name:YY
is present, but I know it's a tougher sell.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-22 Per discussione moltonel 3x Combo
On 22 February 2013 09:51, Peter Wendorff wrote:
 Am 21.02.2013 17:47, schrieb moltonel 3x Combo:

 Besides, I actually think that adding the redundant name:XX tag is
 actually simpler than modifying the code of many renderers to take something
 completely new into account. On the other hand, it should be very easy to
 check that if a place has at least one name:xx tag, it should also have one
 that matches the name tag either inside the editor or via a bot.

 Not sure about that.
 Up to know (as far as I know) some areas of the world decided to use a
 combination of two languages or name transcriptions in the name tag, like
 Japan [1] or Brussels [2]. A bot would contradict a working local community
 decision here, why I would oppose to automatically enforce that by a bot or
 to show that as en error by default.

You're right, that's a false-positive right there. It could be fixed
by improving the heuristic, but I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.
JOSM users are used to ignore some types of validator warnings, and I
dare hope that any bot admin wouldn't let it run without carefull

 This might change as soon as the most prominent/important osm maps like our
 mapnik rendering support setting the language like in Jochens Multilingual
 Map project, but up to then it's IMHO a bad idea to enforce tag wars in
 multilanguage areas due to bugs raised by some bot that tries to enforce a
 name:xx being equal to name.

Looking forward to that, but it'll probably be a while before we have it ?

But even if all renderers become multilingual, as long as there is a
plain name tag, there'll be arguments about which language to put in

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Interesting cases of vandalism?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Mulone
(Apologies for cross-posting)

Hi all,
I am an academic researcher and I am studying the issue of vandalism in
(see   for a general discussion).
I am very interested in the motivations that lead users to vandalise
Can you point me to specific instances of vandalism that have an
*identifiable reason*?

Examples might include: 
- People changing borders of countries in conflict zones
- People renaming famous places with their name/interests
- Companies damaging data to prevent competition (such as the alleged
vandalism by Google’s contractors)
- People damaging symbolic places (e.g. deletion of the White House or the
Eiffel Tower)
- People damaging data to bully locals/other users
- People creating imaginary places
- People who are frustrated with the editing tools and start using them to
damage data

Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!

View this message in context:
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-22 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

Am 22.02.2013 14:22, schrieb moltonel 3x Combo:

On 22 February 2013 09:51, Peter Wendorff wrote:

Am 21.02.2013 17:47, schrieb moltonel 3x Combo:

Besides, I actually think that adding the redundant name:XX tag is
actually simpler than modifying the code of many renderers to take something
completely new into account. On the other hand, it should be very easy to
check that if a place has at least one name:xx tag, it should also have one
that matches the name tag either inside the editor or via a bot.

Not sure about that.
Up to know (as far as I know) some areas of the world decided to use a
combination of two languages or name transcriptions in the name tag, like
Japan [1] or Brussels [2]. A bot would contradict a working local community
decision here, why I would oppose to automatically enforce that by a bot or
to show that as en error by default.

You're right, that's a false-positive right there. It could be fixed
by improving the heuristic, but I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.
improving by enforcing these local agreements? well... that's an ugly 
solution, too IMHO.

It would put logics about local community agreements into global code...

JOSM users are used to ignore some types of validator warnings, and I
dare hope that any bot admin wouldn't let it run without carefull
Right, but why changing automatically, if you could point the local 
mappers to these problems easy by hints.

This might change as soon as the most prominent/important osm maps like our
mapnik rendering support setting the language like in Jochens Multilingual
Map project, but up to then it's IMHO a bad idea to enforce tag wars in
multilanguage areas due to bugs raised by some bot that tries to enforce a
name:xx being equal to name.

Looking forward to that, but it'll probably be a while before we have it ?

But even if all renderers become multilingual, as long as there is a
plain name tag, there'll be arguments about which language to put in
yes. That's why I guess there will be these combined-names in some areas 
for the next years if not forever, as long as the main renderers render 
name as the main fallback.

If you enforce - by an editing bot or by raising error messages - at 
least one localized name to be equal to the name attribute, mappers will 
either be offended and leave the project or they will find a solution, 
imagine name:communityagreement=Bruxelles - Brussel - just to make 
sure the name the community want's to see in the name tag and rendered 
on the most prominent maps. We already have mappers like this, naming 
POIs by their category because then even that label would be rendered, 
if an icon is missing; tagging golf course bunker as beach because 
that's shown on mapnik, which surface=sand is not (or was not some time 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Interesting cases of vandalism?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Toby Murray
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 7:28 AM, Mulone wrote:
 (Apologies for cross-posting)

 Hi all,
 I am an academic researcher and I am studying the issue of vandalism in
 (see   for a general discussion).
 I am very interested in the motivations that lead users to vandalise
 Can you point me to specific instances of vandalism that have an
 *identifiable reason*?

 Examples might include:
 - People changing borders of countries in conflict zones
 - People renaming famous places with their name/interests
 - Companies damaging data to prevent competition (such as the alleged
 vandalism by Google’s contractors)
 - People damaging symbolic places (e.g. deletion of the White House or the
 Eiffel Tower)
 - People damaging data to bully locals/other users
 - People creating imaginary places
 - People who are frustrated with the editing tools and start using them to
 damage data

 Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!

Are you only looking at intentional vandalism? One common thing I've
seen is new users not understanding that they are editing *THE* map.
They just want to make some simplified map for an event they are doing
or something. So they delete all the rivers and some minor roads.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Interesting cases of vandalism?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Kate Chapman
Hi Mulone,

This UN Dispatch article(1) mentions some of the main streets in
Jalalabad, Afghanistan having joke names. Note this has since been
fixed by those same mappers.

Hameed who is mentioned in the article also spoke at last years State
of the Map Conference.



On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 8:28 PM, Mulone wrote:
 (Apologies for cross-posting)

 Hi all,
 I am an academic researcher and I am studying the issue of vandalism in
 (see   for a general discussion).
 I am very interested in the motivations that lead users to vandalise
 Can you point me to specific instances of vandalism that have an
 *identifiable reason*?

 Examples might include:
 - People changing borders of countries in conflict zones
 - People renaming famous places with their name/interests
 - Companies damaging data to prevent competition (such as the alleged
 vandalism by Google’s contractors)
 - People damaging symbolic places (e.g. deletion of the White House or the
 Eiffel Tower)
 - People damaging data to bully locals/other users
 - People creating imaginary places
 - People who are frustrated with the editing tools and start using them to
 damage data

 Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

 talk mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk] Interesting cases of vandalism?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/2/22 Toby Murray
 Are you only looking at intentional vandalism? One common thing I've
 seen is new users not understanding that they are editing *THE* map.
 They just want to make some simplified map for an event they are doing
 or something. So they delete all the rivers and some minor roads.

I can confirm this, all replies I ever got from people which I asked
about their deletions from the map were saying that they hadn't
understood they were editing the main official database. Usually they
wanted a clean printout and therefore deleted some POIs in the way,
or others drew a motorway zigzag over the city center.

Other kind of vandalism are mappers who want to correct perceived
errors (they prefer different tags, or they have read in the wiki that
a certain tag is deprecated and so they delete these tags or change
them to other tags (that are maybe not in broader use)). This is
partly also happening where it wouldn't be necessary from a technical
point of view (different keys), but some mappers think that there
should be _one_ main key describing an object so they remove
deprecated tags as duplicates (an example would be highway=bus_stop
vs. public_transport tags).

Yet another kind of vandalism (or maybe better spam) is created
intentionally by people in order to promote certain businesses, e.g. a
dance club where tourism=attraction is added.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Comments On New Tile Layer Guideline Process

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jochen Topf
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 11:27:13AM -0500, Jason Remillard wrote:
 This is the wiki document that contains the process for adding new
 tile layers to the main osm page.
 Here is the process.
 - Global scope and coverage
 Why does this requirement exist? As an example, if we put a winter
 sports layer up, do we really need to render a map where it does not
 snow? Covering everything makes sense for many layers, but the process
 document has this as a requirements. You could also conceive of
 situations where showing a broken/poor map rendering could be used to
 rally people to action. For example, don't like the satellite images
 for you area, go bang on your local government and get the images

I think this requirement is important. You don't want to offer users the choice
of a map and when they switch to it they see an error message. Of course if
there is nothing in that area the map can show blank spots. I interpret this
role as show data everywhere in the world if there is some, not as has to
have something on every tile in the world.

 - Unique, Interesting
 The strategic working group goes into a closed room and has a secrete
 ballet to vote and decides on these two items.
 For example, current transportation map  and the map are kind of close the decision was made
 to drop However, having reviewed in my area, I am certain that is far better than our transportation map
 for public transportation. For everybody that is mapping train
 stations and bus stops, they should be looking at to figure out the best tagging, because our
 default transportation map is doing it wrong. It would not be a big
 deal if we had both layers available. By not using both, I am certain
 our mapping for public transit is worse off.
 We actually have another major software group in OSM that has a
 similar problem. JOSM! I know what you thinking. It is not fair to
 compare and JOSM. JOSM is written by a bunch of hippie
 Germans. They are well know for disliking process and truly enjoy
 anarchy. Keeping that in mind, If you want to add an image layer to
 JOSM, you go and edit a wiki page and add your url + boundary shape.
 No two page process document, no closed door meeting, no secrete
 ballets. You know what has happened? I have 6 unique and interesting
 layers available where I map. It just seemed to work out somehow.

I am always confused by the many background image layers and styles etc. in
JOSM and tend to stick to the defaults. It is good to have many options but
it also makes sense not to show everything all the time, because it confuses
users. Even a power user like me. How bad will this be for newbies?

 The list of default map layers is *content*. Just like the map, just
 like the wiki, just like the diary entries, etc. It is completely
 inappropriate for the computer system administrators of the osm web
 server to be sitting behind closed door and making these kinds of
 decisions for everybody. If same process was used to make changes to
 the actual map data, it would be seen as clearly out of bounds. is not medical or avionics software. If there is a broken map
 layer, it is really not that big of a deal, life will go on. The rest
 of the site will continue to function. This heavy process is
 simply not needed.
 This is what the process should be.
 - Make is so we can use smaller map layers.
 - do a license check on the tiles + data. Obviously, it needs to be an
 OSM based map.
 - make sure it is up to date and syncing with our diffs,
 - make sure it actually works
 - stick it in
 - if is breaks, take it out.
 - If nobody uses take it out.
 - If you get too many, figure out what to take out on this list. For
 the record, this would be a good problem to have.
 The strategic working group is out of bounds on this issue and needs
 to get out of way. I am certain this heavy process is hurting the

I think we need both. We need one place where everybody can just stick there
map in. One place where it is very easy to contribute, without any control
or just minimal control.

And we need one place where some editorial oversight is done. Thats the main
OSM web site. If there is too much half-working cruft on the main page people
inside the project have a hard time finding the things that work and that they
want to use. Worse, people outside the project will see it and just assume that
OSM is broken. That doesn't help anybody.

I do agree that any process by which these decisions are made should be as open
as possible. If we had a everything goes-map we could look at the logs to
decide which maps get used often, maybe add an I like it button and this
way it would be easier to decide which maps to promote to the main site.

So... who 

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on

2013-02-22 Per discussione Joseph Reeves
 So I don't know if that will be good enough for most people (outside
the US).

Fair enough.

Truth be told, I had originally wondered if Jason's resources would be best
used by acting as a cache on the existing GeoDNS network rather than
hosting any new tiles.

Cheers, Joseph

On 21 February 2013 17:11, Robert Scott wrote:

 On Thursday 21 February 2013, Joseph Reeves wrote:

 If you look at the phases table at the bottom of

 From what I can tell, only Phase 1 is going to be open.

 So I don't know if that will be good enough for most people (outside the


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Comments On New Tile Layer Guideline Process

2013-02-22 Per discussione Paul Norman
 From: Jochen Topf []
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Comments On New Tile Layer Guideline Process
 So... who would like to build such a everything goes map site? I think
 it is relatively easy. One Openlayers of Leaflet site. is one implementation of this, with a decent
UI. is another, without a decent UI.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Comments On New Tile Layer Guideline Process

2013-02-22 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

What about enhancing the layer list by a more... option.
Showing the main map layers as usual by default, but adding a e.g. git 
or wiki based list of layers dynamically added if the user wants.

this could be a drop down box (probably enhanced by some autocomplete 
functionality or sth. like that), where users can search for buzzwords, 
layer names or simply scroll down and try out.

On the one hand this would show that there are much more osm maps than 
the hand ful shown now, and it would allow stats about how interesting a 
particular map might be.


Am 22.02.2013 18:14, schrieb Jochen Topf:

On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 11:27:13AM -0500, Jason Remillard wrote:

This is the wiki document that contains the process for adding new
tile layers to the main osm page.

Here is the process.

- Global scope and coverage

Why does this requirement exist? As an example, if we put a winter
sports layer up, do we really need to render a map where it does not
snow? Covering everything makes sense for many layers, but the process
document has this as a requirements. You could also conceive of
situations where showing a broken/poor map rendering could be used to
rally people to action. For example, don't like the satellite images
for you area, go bang on your local government and get the images

I think this requirement is important. You don't want to offer users the choice
of a map and when they switch to it they see an error message. Of course if
there is nothing in that area the map can show blank spots. I interpret this
role as show data everywhere in the world if there is some, not as has to
have something on every tile in the world.

- Unique, Interesting

The strategic working group goes into a closed room and has a secrete
ballet to vote and decides on these two items.

For example, current transportation map  and the map are kind of close the decision was made
to drop However, having reviewed in my area, I am certain that is far better than our transportation map
for public transportation. For everybody that is mapping train
stations and bus stops, they should be looking at to figure out the best tagging, because our
default transportation map is doing it wrong. It would not be a big
deal if we had both layers available. By not using both, I am certain
our mapping for public transit is worse off.

We actually have another major software group in OSM that has a
similar problem. JOSM! I know what you thinking. It is not fair to
compare and JOSM. JOSM is written by a bunch of hippie
Germans. They are well know for disliking process and truly enjoy
anarchy. Keeping that in mind, If you want to add an image layer to
JOSM, you go and edit a wiki page and add your url + boundary shape.
No two page process document, no closed door meeting, no secrete
ballets. You know what has happened? I have 6 unique and interesting
layers available where I map. It just seemed to work out somehow.

I am always confused by the many background image layers and styles etc. in
JOSM and tend to stick to the defaults. It is good to have many options but
it also makes sense not to show everything all the time, because it confuses
users. Even a power user like me. How bad will this be for newbies?

The list of default map layers is *content*. Just like the map, just
like the wiki, just like the diary entries, etc. It is completely
inappropriate for the computer system administrators of the osm web
server to be sitting behind closed door and making these kinds of
decisions for everybody. If same process was used to make changes to
the actual map data, it would be seen as clearly out of bounds. is not medical or avionics software. If there is a broken map
layer, it is really not that big of a deal, life will go on. The rest
of the site will continue to function. This heavy process is
simply not needed.

This is what the process should be.

- Make is so we can use smaller map layers.
- do a license check on the tiles + data. Obviously, it needs to be an
OSM based map.
- make sure it is up to date and syncing with our diffs,
- make sure it actually works
- stick it in

- if is breaks, take it out.
- If nobody uses take it out.
- If you get too many, figure out what to take out on this list. For
the record, this would be a good problem to have.

The strategic working group is out of bounds on this issue and needs
to get out of way. I am certain this heavy process is hurting the

I think we need both. We need one place where everybody can just stick there
map in. One place where it is very easy to contribute, without any control
or just minimal control.

And we need one place where some editorial oversight is done. Thats the main
OSM web site. If there is too much 

[OSM-talk] Branding?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
Hi All,

Do we have any guidelines for use of the OSM brand? I'm aware that the
OSM-GB issue gets raised every now and then but hadn't realised until
today how easy it is to get confused between and OSM-GB - see for
example the OSM-GB wiki:

I'm all for third partly initiatives, but would rather see a bit more
separation from OSM's brand. This would reduce confusion to new users who
may seem confused as to why OSM appears to have a second presence in Great

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Comments On New Tile Layer Guideline Process

2013-02-22 Per discussione Toby Murray
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Peter Wendorff wrote:
 What about enhancing the layer list by a more... option.
 Showing the main map layers as usual by default, but adding a e.g. git or
 wiki based list of layers dynamically added if the user wants.

 this could be a drop down box (probably enhanced by some autocomplete
 functionality or sth. like that), where users can search for buzzwords,
 layer names or simply scroll down and try out.

 On the one hand this would show that there are much more osm maps than the
 hand ful shown now, and it would allow stats about how interesting a
 particular map might be.

Something like this I could actually see happening. Maybe even just a
simple link titled More OSM maps that links to a wiki page.
Something like this but more focused on different slippy map styles:

Seems like a page like this might already exist but I'm not finding it
at the moment.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Branding?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Simon Poole

A trademark and other IP use policy is one of the things the new OSMF
board has on its agenda to come up with this year (there are a couple of
pieces missing to make this work, but they are being worked on), it is
likely to be a joint effort between the CWG, LWG and interested board

The case in question (naturally just my personal opinion) is the kind of
confusing usage that we would like to avoid. It would be probably ok for
a local OSMF chapter, but not for a project that is simply consuming OSM
data. We clearly don't want come down heavily activities in the general
OSM eco-system, so I would strongly suggest that anybody looking for a
name in OSMverse, turn on their brains before they do something stupid.


PS: I'm sure both the CWG and the LWG will gladly voice their opinions,
if asked, on any proposed OSM related names etc.

Am 22.02.2013 20:41, schrieb Rob Nickerson:
 Hi All,

 Do we have any guidelines for use of the OSM brand? I'm aware that the
 OSM-GB issue gets raised every now and then but hadn't realised
 until today how easy it is to get confused between and OSM-GB
 - see for example the OSM-GB wiki:

 I'm all for third partly initiatives, but would rather see a bit more
 separation from OSM's brand. This would reduce confusion to new users
 who may seem confused as to why OSM appears to have a second presence
 in Great Britain.


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Display names of crossroads

2013-02-22 Per discussione Hans Schmidt


I just wondered if there is something productive in the making 
concerning the crossroad names, or did it somehow end without anything?

How can I participate?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] License Review

2013-02-22 Per discussione nicholas ingalls
Hello all,

Just want an opinion from someone a bit more knowledgeable in the field
of license compatibility. In Canada, New Brunswick, Service New Brunswick
has a vast amount of geodetic data that could be very useful to OSM. Most
notably a province wide address database. Just wondering if someone could
read through this - and give me
their opinion.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Interesting cases of vandalism?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Christian Quest
I remember a case where a contributor was removing shop names (or even shop
POI) because he did not want OSM to become too much shop oriented... but
vandalism is quite unusual.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Interesting cases of vandalism?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jo
 Other kind of vandalism are mappers who want to correct perceived
 errors (they prefer different tags, or they have read in the wiki that
 a certain tag is deprecated and so they delete these tags or change
 them to other tags (that are maybe not in broader use)). This is
 partly also happening where it wouldn't be necessary from a technical
 point of view (different keys), but some mappers think that there
 should be _one_ main key describing an object so they remove
 deprecated tags as duplicates (an example would be highway=bus_stop
 vs. public_transport tags).

Ouch, you hit a sore spot there. I'm in the process of adding 35000 stops
for the northern part of Belgium. If I simply add the tags approved over a
year ago, they won't be rendered.
So I'll keep with the highway=bus_stop tag for the time being. Adding both
ways of doing things seems like a waste of space and tagging for the
renderer. Having to retag them in bulk sometime in the far away future,
seems like pollution of the history, though.

So the big question is: when will bus stops tagged with only the newly
accepted system be rendered (preferably on all relevant renderings), so I
can do this operation 'right' all in one go?

I shudder at the tought that removing highway=bus_stop from them would be
considered an act of vandalism. Maybe I should not care about rendering and
simply not add that tag in the first place...

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] License Review

2013-02-22 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
** My Opinion **
It looks fine to me as it:

1. Allows the right to use, incorporate, sublicense (with further right of
sublicensing), modify, improve, further develop, and distribute the Data;
and to manufacture and / or distribute Derivative Products

2. Does not make a claim on any derivative work

3. And states that attribution is a choice.

The only bit that worries me is sections 5 and 6 about Term and
Termination. However it looks like the licence continues to roll on
year-on-year unless you breach any of the conditions (which would be hard
seeing as there aren't many conditions). I would say it's okay.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] License Review

2013-02-22 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
nicholas ingalls wrote:
 Just want an opinion from someone a bit more knowledgeable in the 
 field of license compatibility. In Canada

*paging Richard Weait*


View this message in context:
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

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Re: [OSM-talk] Interesting cases of vandalism?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Paul Norman
The problem is that people think that a vote on the wiki pages means that the 
far more common tag is wrong. I tag my bus stops with highway=bus_stop (as well 
as operator, ref and shelter/bench information)


From: Jo [] 
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 2:35 PM
To: Martin Koppenhoefer
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Interesting cases of vandalism?


Ouch, you hit a sore spot there. I'm in the process of adding 35000 stops for 
the northern part of Belgium. If I simply add the tags approved over a year 
ago, they won't be rendered.
So I'll keep with the highway=bus_stop tag for the time being. Adding both ways 
of doing things seems like a waste of space and tagging for the renderer. 
Having to retag them in bulk sometime in the far away future, seems like 
pollution of the history, though.

So the big question is: when will bus stops tagged with only the newly accepted 
system be rendered (preferably on all relevant renderings), so I can do this 
operation 'right' all in one go?

I shudder at the tought that removing highway=bus_stop from them would be 
considered an act of vandalism. Maybe I should not care about rendering and 
simply not add that tag in the first place...


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-22 Per discussione Tom Taylor
In fact, here in Ottawa, Canada, we do name= for the English and then 
name:fr= for the French version, for all streets. Across the river in 
Gatineau, Quebec, the practice is to do name=a name in French and not 
bother with the English. I have no idea if software trying to process 
our region is aware of the difference.

On 21/02/2013 7:01 AM, Hans Schmidt wrote:

Am 21.02.2013 12:36, schrieb Peter Wendorff:

Well... if there's no localized name tag, then you may omit the
name:xx tag for that language, as there's no alternative.
On the other hand name:de might be useful even then, as it's possible
to translate programmatically if the software knows about the
language. The German suffixes -straße, -weg, -platz could be
automatically transcoded to street, way and square, the afaik swedish
-gatan is street again, väg is way and so on.
But if you try to translate something to another language this way
where you don't know the source language, it's much more difficult.

Why would you want to translate the street names? Do you want to
translate Paris' “Avenue des Champs-Élysées” to “Allee der
Champs-Élysées”? Nobody would know what it is anymore.
Also, nobody wants to translate a “Lindenallee” in some minor german
town to “Linden avenue”.  Also, automatic translation would be error prone.

So a recommendation might be to
- always tag name
- if you translate name into different languages, always add
name:originalLanguageCode with the same content
- if you want, add that even if you don't translate it to different

Yes, that's redundant - but it's easy to cut out for software (cut out
every language attribute that equals the plain name), if wanted; and
it's less error prone than a tag like language=de or like the lists
of default language areas you propose above.
Sure: These list are helpful for all cases where only name is given,
and that's a necessity for great software dealing with that, but
that's the way defaults in OSM work: there should be a few defaults
for mappers, where they should decide to not add a tag, but more
defaults for data consumers, who could/should be able to have a best
guess where data is missing.

You say that there should be few defaults for mappers. But what you
propose is exactly the opposite: You'd have a default, meaning that you
would need to create a name:originallanguage even if there is a name
present. I would bet that nobody does this. And if you don’t do it like
that, chaos will occur if you decide to display the name.

In contrast, if you do it based on region, it would simplify things much

1. You take the nodes/relation for Canada, add language=en.
2. You take the nodes/relation for Québec: language=fr

Then everybody would just continue using name=British Columbia and
name=Montréal, and no problem. The multilingual renderer would then
show, in case the user wants to see French names, name=Montréal and
name:fr=Colombie-Britannique. If the user is English, he would show
name:en=Montreal and name:British Columbia.

Tell me where this is not easier than adding a redundant name:en or
name:fr for every town, bus stop and street in Canada. You would only
have to change the multilangual renderer so that it would display it
like that. This is no problem because I guess it is still in development
– It could be done relatively easy (from a non-developer standpoint

Plus, most of todays nodes only have a name=... tag, not a name:xyz=...
one. You would not need to change anything.

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Comments On New Tile Layer Guideline Process

2013-02-22 Per discussione Mikel Maron

 The strategic working group goes into a closed room and has a secrete
 ballet to vote and decides on these two items.

Actually, it's the OWG that makes these decisions. The SWG devised the process. 
Vast majority of what the OSMF does in not confidential, but certainly could be 
communicated better.

Though on this point, this page does a pretty good job of summarizing the 

 The strategic working group is out of bounds on this issue and needs to get 
 out of way. I am certain this heavy process is hurting the

This is really a design issue.

I think the process is ok, if you consider the current site design of tile 
options. If the site design adapts, the process can adapt to it.

What could improve is the design, setting up better expectations of 
reliability/coverage of different options there ... ie group tile sets into 
visual categories based on expected preformance.
There was another suggestion on this thread to add configurable tile options, 
not a bad idea. Would also want to make it easy for users who don't understand 
tiles to see more breadth than is there currently. 

One other improvement might be to add zoom restrictions to certain tile sets. 
Everyone would like to see watercolor tiles on Restricting/warning to 
some reasonable zoom level that Stamen can support (12?) would at least give 
the option.

So what do we need? Some design work and little bit of front end and rails 
coding. Pull requests are the reality of improvements to


* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

 From: Jason Remillard
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 11:27 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Comments On New Tile Layer Guideline Process

This is the wiki document that contains the process for adding new
tile layers to the main osm page.

Here is the process.

- Global scope and coverage

Why does this requirement exist? As an example, if we put a winter
sports layer up, do we really need to render a map where it does not
snow? Covering everything makes sense for many layers, but the process
document has this as a requirements. You could also conceive of
situations where showing a broken/poor map rendering could be used to
rally people to action. For example, don't like the satellite images
for you area, go bang on your local government and get the images

- Unique, Interesting

The strategic working group goes into a closed room and has a secrete
ballet to vote and decides on these two items.

For example, current transportation map  and the map are kind of close the decision was made
to drop However, having reviewed in my area, I am certain that is far better than our transportation map
for public transportation. For everybody that is mapping train
stations and bus stops, they should be looking at to figure out the best tagging, because our
default transportation map is doing it wrong. It would not be a big
deal if we had both layers available. By not using both, I am certain
our mapping for public transit is worse off.

We actually have another major software group in OSM that has a
similar problem. JOSM! I know what you thinking. It is not fair to
compare and JOSM. JOSM is written by a bunch of hippie
Germans. They are well know for disliking process and truly enjoy
anarchy. Keeping that in mind, If you want to add an image layer to
JOSM, you go and edit a wiki page and add your url + boundary shape.
No two page process document, no closed door meeting, no secrete
ballets. You know what has happened? I have 6 unique and interesting
layers available where I map. It just seemed to work out somehow.

The list of default map layers is *content*. Just like the map, just
like the wiki, just like the diary entries, etc. It is completely
inappropriate for the computer system administrators of the osm web
server to be sitting behind closed door and making these kinds of
decisions for everybody. If same process was used to make changes to
the actual map data, it would be seen as clearly out of bounds. is not medical or avionics software. If there is a broken map
layer, it is really not that big of a deal, life will go on. The rest
of the site will continue to function. This heavy process is
simply not needed.

This is what the process should be.

- Make is so we can use smaller map layers.
- do a license check on the tiles + data. Obviously, it needs to be an
OSM based map.
- make sure it is up to date and syncing with our diffs,
- make sure it actually works
- stick it in

- if is breaks, take it out.
- If nobody uses take it out.
- If you get too many, figure out what to 

[OSM-talk] Trace upload via API 0.6

2013-02-22 Per discussione Timothy Wu


I have a question regarding to programmatic trace file upload to OSM via 
the API. I hope I'm at the right place to ask here.

According to, the fields 
are file, description, tags, public, and visibility. However on OSM 
website upload page (, it says 
trace_gpx_file, trace_gpx_description, trace_tagstring, 
trace_visibility. Does that mean the API documentation is out of date or 
am I missing something?

And is synonymous with It seems sometimes I get redirected to the 
www site when I type in the api site.

Also, when doing manual trace file upload via the browser with the 
developmental site:, uploaindg just 
doesn't work for me.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Branding?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Robin Paulson

On 2013-02-23 09:05, Simon Poole wrote:

A trademark and other IP use policy is one of the things the new OSMF

How do we reconcile relatively permissive use of the OSM database, with 
relatively restrictive use of the Open Street Map name? For the moment, 
I put to one side Stallman's argument that there is no such thing as 
intellectual property [1].

It is contradictory to say one part of Open Street Map's intellectual 
property (the database) can be freely used, inspected, redistributed and 
modified, while another part (the name) cannot.

Why is one shared, given away, while the other is guarded, coveted, 
owned, protected, monopolised?

Of the four strands of intellectual property, three are willingly 
shared by and amongst digital commons projects: copyrightable material, 
databases and patents. The latter is an odd case in that publishing it 
means it can't be monopolised, but the end result is the same: neither 
of these three is owned and locked away from the rest of the world.

The other strand, trademarks, is locked away by the various relevant 
projects. Any suggestions why? Or why we should continue to do this?


robin - Auckland's Free University

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Display names of crossroads

2013-02-22 Per discussione Andrew Errington
On Sat, 23 Feb 2013 05:54:16 Hans Schmidt wrote:

 I just wondered if there is something productive in the making
 concerning the crossroad names, or did it somehow end without anything?

 How can I participate?


 talk mailing list

If you want OSM Mapnik to render something differently you need to submit a 
trac ticket.  The instructions are here (3rd paragraph):

I agree that there is a need for this, and I am happy with the simplicity of 
using junction=yes and name=*.  If you don't submit a trac request, I will, 
but the link to trac is not working for me:

Best wishes,


talk mailing list

[talk-au] Export a route?

2013-02-22 Per discussione David Clark
Is there a way I can export a route as osm or gpx or kml from

ie Mawson trail:

I just want the lines that are part of this relation and nothing else.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Export a route?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Michael James
On 22/02/13 18:53, David Clark wrote:
 Is there a way I can export a route as osm or gpx or kml from
 ie Mawson trail:
 I just want the lines that are part of this relation and nothing else.

You can do this in josm very easily

1 Starting with no data you go to Download from OSM

2 Select an area that only contains a part of the trail and nothing
else, Click Download

3 Now select the section that has downloaded and the right side of the
screen under properties will show Member Of and the relation name

4 Click on the relation name and then the edit button that appears
underneath it

5 Down the bottom left of the windows that pops up is a button (second
one from the bottom to be precise) that when you mouse-over it it will
say Download all incomplete members click it and wait for the download
to complete

6 You now have the trail and nothing else in your dataset and can export
it in any format that josm supports

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Fwd: Re: Export a route?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Simon Poole

Click on the route button in the lower left corner, click on the route
in question, theres aGPX button at the top of the popup.


Am 22.02.2013 09:53, schrieb David Clark:
 Is there a way I can export a route as osm or gpx or kml from
 ie Mawson trail:
 I just want the lines that are part of this relation and nothing else.

 Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Foto-/Bilder-Server?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Andreas Stenglein


Läßt sich das mit Google Summer Of Code 2013 (GSOC2013) machen?

Am 15.02.2013 01:17, schrieb Stefan Keller:

Hallo Andreas, liebe Mapper

Das mittlerweile bald in 19(!) Sprachen übersetzte Kort-Spiel
( ) soll in einer studentischen Arbeit weiterentwickelt
werden, u.a. um die Möglichkeit Fotos an einem Ort zu hinterlegen.
Dazu brauche ich einen Webservice, der Fotos verwaltet und zwar in
einer zu OSM passenden Lizenz (nehme an CC BY-SA). Wenn nötig müssen
wir einen solchen selber entwickeln. Angesichts des Hypes um
Instagram, Flickr, TwitPic, Panoramio etc. würde mich das zwar
verwundern. Mal sehen:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Foto-/Bilder-Server?

2013-02-22 Per discussione Stefan Keller
Am 22. Februar 2013 17:43 schrieb Andreas Stenglein
 Läßt sich das mit Google Summer Of Code 2013 (GSOC2013) machen?

Ja, das glaube ich schon, gegeben der Student kann Ruby.
Habe mich kurz mit dem Autor von OpenStreetView, John McKerrell, ausgetauscht.
Er ist offen für Verbesserungen.

LG, S. Keller

Am 22. Februar 2013 17:43 schrieb Andreas Stenglein

 Läßt sich das mit Google Summer Of Code 2013 (GSOC2013) machen?

 Am 15.02.2013 01:17, schrieb Stefan Keller:

 Hallo Andreas, liebe Mapper

 Das mittlerweile bald in 19(!) Sprachen übersetzte Kort-Spiel
 ( ) soll in einer studentischen Arbeit weiterentwickelt
 werden, u.a. um die Möglichkeit Fotos an einem Ort zu hinterlegen.
 Dazu brauche ich einen Webservice, der Fotos verwaltet und zwar in
 einer zu OSM passenden Lizenz (nehme an CC BY-SA). Wenn nötig müssen
 wir einen solchen selber entwickeln. Angesichts des Hypes um
 Instagram, Flickr, TwitPic, Panoramio etc. würde mich das zwar
 verwundern. Mal sehen:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] cartografia Comune di Venezia

2013-02-22 Per discussione Andrea Zedda
:D +10

Il giorno 22 febbraio 2013 16:54, Luca Corsato ha


 vi comunico che da oggi pomeriggio l'intera cartografia del Comune di
 Venezia è online scaricabile e rilasciata in IODL 2.0
 questo è il *link*

 ciao a tutt* e sotto con il caricamento!


 Talk-it mailing list

Andrea Zedda
skype: andria.tzedda
twitter: @Andria_Tzedda
Kode srl
via Gioacchino Volpe, 74 56121 Ospedaletto (Pisa)
Sardinia Open Data
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] cartografia Comune di Venezia

2013-02-22 Per discussione luca menini


Il 22 febbraio 2013 16:54, Luca Corsato ha scritto:

 vi comunico che da oggi pomeriggio l'intera cartografia del Comune di
 Venezia è online scaricabile e rilasciata in IODL 2.0
 questo è il link

 ciao a tutt* e sotto con il caricamento!


 Talk-it mailing list

Passa al software libero!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] cartografia Comune di Venezia

2013-02-22 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
E la cosa che apprezzo ancora di piu' di questo rilascio e' che sara'
anche usato per creare da subito un dialogo con la comunita' di


2013/2/22 luca menini


 Il 22 febbraio 2013 16:54, Luca Corsato ha scritto:

 vi comunico che da oggi pomeriggio l'intera cartografia del Comune di
 Venezia è online scaricabile e rilasciata in IODL 2.0
 questo è il link

 ciao a tutt* e sotto con il caricamento!


 Talk-it mailing list

 Passa al software libero!

 Talk-it mailing list

Maurizio Napo Napolitano

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] cartografia Comune di Venezia

2013-02-22 Per discussione Luca Corsato
È un lavoro di squadra e questa è la vera conquista! 
Sono distrutto anche perché ho chiuso oggi la strategia di sviluppo per 
generare web service ma è una stanchezza euforica!
Il bello è che domani c'è metà ufficio sit per imparare a caricare su OSM e 
ricambiare :-D

Che storia fioi!

luca corsato
fb luca.corsato
tw lucacorsato

Il giorno 22/feb/2013, alle ore 17:13, Maurizio Napolitano 
ha scritto:

 E la cosa che apprezzo ancora di piu' di questo rilascio e' che sara'
 anche usato per creare da subito un dialogo con la comunita' di
 2013/2/22 luca menini
 Il 22 febbraio 2013 16:54, Luca Corsato ha scritto:
 vi comunico che da oggi pomeriggio l'intera cartografia del Comune di
 Venezia è online scaricabile e rilasciata in IODL 2.0
 questo è il link
 ciao a tutt* e sotto con il caricamento!
 Talk-it mailing list
 Passa al software libero!
 Talk-it mailing list
 Maurizio Napo Napolitano
 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] cartografia Comune di Venezia

2013-02-22 Per discussione Andrea Zedda
sono veramente impressionato... addirittura il SIT carica su OSM. non ho
parole è un capolavoro!

Il giorno 22 febbraio 2013 17:37, Luca Corsato ha

 È un lavoro di squadra e questa è la vera conquista!
 Sono distrutto anche perché ho chiuso oggi la strategia di sviluppo per
 generare web service ma è una stanchezza euforica!
 Il bello è che domani c'è metà ufficio sit per imparare a caricare su OSM
 e ricambiare :-D

 Che storia fioi!

 luca corsato
 fb luca.corsato
 tw lucacorsato

 Il giorno 22/feb/2013, alle ore 17:13, Maurizio Napolitano ha scritto:

  E la cosa che apprezzo ancora di piu' di questo rilascio e' che sara'
  anche usato per creare da subito un dialogo con la comunita' di
  2013/2/22 luca menini
  Il 22 febbraio 2013 16:54, Luca Corsato ha scritto:
  vi comunico che da oggi pomeriggio l'intera cartografia del Comune di
  Venezia è online scaricabile e rilasciata in IODL 2.0
  questo è il link
  ciao a tutt* e sotto con il caricamento!
  Talk-it mailing list
  Passa al software libero!
  Talk-it mailing list
  Maurizio Napo Napolitano
  Talk-it mailing list

 Talk-it mailing list

Andrea Zedda
skype: andria.tzedda
twitter: @Andria_Tzedda
Kode srl
via Gioacchino Volpe, 74 56121 Ospedaletto (Pisa)
Sardinia Open Data
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] cartografia Comune di Venezia

2013-02-22 Per discussione Mario Pichetti

Il 22/02/2013 17:37, Luca Corsato ha scritto:

È un lavoro di squadra e questa è la vera conquista!
Sono distrutto anche perché ho chiuso oggi la strategia di sviluppo per 
generare web service ma è una stanchezza euforica!
Il bello è che domani c'è metà ufficio sit per imparare a caricare su OSM e 
ricambiare :-D

Un ufficio da invidiare e da seguire:-)

Ciao, Mario.

Che storia fioi!

luca corsato
fb luca.corsato
tw lucacorsato

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] cartografia Comune di Venezia

2013-02-22 Per discussione Amedeo Fadini
Complimenti! A domani allora!


Il giorno venerdì 22 febbraio 2013, Mario Pichetti ha scritto:

  Il 22/02/2013 17:37, Luca Corsato ha scritto:

 È un lavoro di squadra e questa è la vera conquista!
 Sono distrutto anche perché ho chiuso oggi la strategia di sviluppo per 
 generare web service ma è una stanchezza euforica!Il bello è che domani c'è 
 metà ufficio sit per imparare a caricare su OSM e ricambiare :-D

  Un ufficio da invidiare e da seguire :-)

 Ciao, Mario.

 Che storia fioi!

 luca corsato
 fb luca.corsato

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Estado de la importación de datos del Catastro

2013-02-22 Per discussione Antonio Navarro
Hola a todos,

Como voy a tener unos días un poco libres, me he puesto a retomar el tema
del mapeo con los datos del catastro y la fantástica herramienta cat2osm2.
He revisado la lista de correo y he estado mirando en la de imports a ver
si había alguna novedad, pero no he visto nada concluyente, así que os
pregunto directamente ¿Hay 'luz verde' para poder empezar a subir los
datos? :-D

De momento lo que he hecho es ejecutar cat2osm2 (versión del 1 de febrero
de 2013) con los archivos del catastro de Talavera y de Cazalegas. Para
facilitar la revisión, he ejecutado de momento sólo con los datos urbanos y
en el caso de estos dos municipios, sería cuestión de utilizar las masas y
los elementos puntuales, las vías están mejor en OSM.

Mi intención es empezar con Cazalegas, que es más pequeño, además ya he
juntado todos los ficheros de masas y luego lo he dividido en tres áreas
(el pueblo en sí, una zona de polígono industrial y otra zona de
urbanizaciones) y los estoy revisando ya. Mi primera duda es relativo a
estas 'divisiones', de cara al servidor ¿es mejor muchos envíos pequeños o
uno con todos los cambios?

Otra duda, entiendo que hay que subir los datos con el usuario definido del
catastro, pero he visto que hay ciertos errores en los datos del catastro.
En principio mi idea es subirlo tal cual y corregir luego para mantener la
coherencia, es decir, no atribuir al catastro cosas que no están en sus
datos (o están diferentes).

En la wiki he visto las páginas de las provincias y demás y me apuntaré
como 'responsable' de Toledo (si no hay nadie que quiera el cargo ;-)),
¿Quién tiene los datos de la cuenta de OSM del usuario catastro_toledo?
También he visto que se indica un correo 'import_provincia', ¿es una lista
o algo?

Un saludo,

Antonio Navarro

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Estado de la importación de datos del Catastro

2013-02-22 Per discussione Ander Pijoan
Buenas, no soy el más experto en el cómo se va a hacer para subir las cosas
pero mas o menos te respondo.
El 22 de febrero de 2013 21:13, Antonio Navarro anto...@hunos.netescribió:

 Hola a todos,

 Como voy a tener unos días un poco libres, me he puesto a retomar el tema
 del mapeo con los datos del catastro y la fantástica herramienta cat2osm2.
 He revisado la lista de correo y he estado mirando en la de imports a ver
 si había alguna novedad, pero no he visto nada concluyente, así que os
 pregunto directamente ¿Hay 'luz verde' para poder empezar a subir los
 datos? :-D

 Eso nos gustaría saber a nosotros también jejeje Yo creo (*subrayo CREO*),
que después de las simplificaciones hechas y que en la lista de imports no
han puesto ninguna complicación salvo en alguna traducción de tags, en
pueblos en los que no hay nada *la parte de edificios urbanos* (es decir, *las
masas con código de masa de 5 caracteres*), no debería haber ningún
problema. Otra cosa son ya las zonas rústicas, donde puede ser que no
quieran tanto nivel de detalle de cultivos. Pero en cuanto a los edificios
urbanos, no hay mucha más simplificación posible, es o eso o no ponerlos.

 De momento lo que he hecho es ejecutar cat2osm2 (versión del 1 de febrero
 de 2013) con los archivos del catastro de Talavera y de Cazalegas. Para
 facilitar la revisión, he ejecutado de momento sólo con los datos urbanos y
 en el caso de estos dos municipios, sería cuestión de utilizar las masas y
 los elementos puntuales, las vías están mejor en OSM.

 Si, tal y como se comentó, las vías (a parte de que en Catastro vienen
bastante mal nombradas y sin conectar) principalmente deberían usarse como
guía en algunas zonas rústicas donde no haya nada de nada en OSM. Por lo
demás es mejor no usarlas.

 Mi intención es empezar con Cazalegas, que es más pequeño, además ya he
 juntado todos los ficheros de masas y luego lo he dividido en tres áreas
 (el pueblo en sí, una zona de polígono industrial y otra zona de
 urbanizaciones) y los estoy revisando ya. Mi primera duda es relativo a
 estas 'divisiones', de cara al servidor ¿es mejor muchos envíos pequeños o
 uno con todos los cambios?

 No se si Cazalegas es un pueblo que conoces muy bien, pero ten en cuenta
que a la hora de juntar los datos de Cat2Osm2 junto con los existentes,
allí donde haya conflictos* vas a necesitar conocer la zona*. Mientras no
haya conflictos, nos fiamos de Catastro ya que no hay mas remedio pero
cuando los haya (o por ejemplo para edificios con un uso concreto),
seguramente los que hayan metido esa información en OSM lo hayan hecho
mejor que la que tenga Catastro, o puede que estén mejor los tags pero no
la geometría, etc y ahí vas a necesitar conocer la zona.

Creo que lo mejor es subir los datos en porciones pequeñas (yo lo haría *por
masa*), ya que así es más fácil de manejar los problemas (y seguramente si
subes un cambio muy brusco y haya algo mal te lo tiren entero atrás o
simplemente por ser muy grande te lo tiren atrás).

 Otra duda, entiendo que hay que subir los datos con el usuario definido
 del catastro, pero he visto que hay ciertos errores en los datos del
 catastro. En principio mi idea es subirlo tal cual y corregir luego para
 mantener la coherencia, es decir, no atribuir al catastro cosas que no
 están en sus datos (o están diferentes).

Como he dicho, yo iría *a tamaño de masa*. Abriría una masa generada de
Cat2Osm2 (principalmente las de 5 dígitos que son las urbanas. Las rurales
no se si pondrán pegas), descargaría en otra capa lo existente en OSM y
empezaría a comprobar de una capa a otra qué geometrías se pegan (aquí hace
falta conocer la zona) y a borrar de una o otra lo necesario. Una vez hecho
esto haces el merge de las dos capas en una sola y la validas con el
validador de JOSM.

Si todo está correcto yo lo subiría *con el nick de Catastro* (a ver si
alguien que sepa mejor esto nos puede decir cómo está el tema) que se haya
creado para ello. La atribución de Catastro yo la dejaría tal cual sin
tocar nada ya que no estás diciendo que en Catastro esos datos estén tal
cual, sino que te has inspirado en Catastro. Es como si usas PNOA como
capa de fondo, no dices que esté en PNOA tal cual pero si que te has basado
en la información que has visto en PNOA.

Si habiendo conflicto dejas una geometría que ya estaba arriba, pues
perfecto esa geometría no tiene nada que ver con Catastro. Pero si por el
contrario creas una especie de híbrido pongamos con la geometría de
catastro y los datos de la que existía en OSM, pues si que tiene que ver
con Catastro.

Eso si, no se si he entendido bien pero parece que comentas subir todo y
luego hacer los cambios una vez subido. Eso no se puede hacer. Lo suyo es
ir con JOSM en tu ordenador trozo a trozo arreglándolo todo (porque además
JOSM te va a validar si hay alguna cosa incorrecta) y *solo subir lo que
estés seguro de que está bien*. Si no, seguro que te van a tumbar
cualquier subida que hagas, por mucho que luego vayas a 

Re: [Talk-es] Estado de la importación de datos del Catastro

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jaime Crespo
 Eso si, no se si he entendido bien pero parece que comentas subir todo y 
 luego hacer los cambios
 una vez subido.

No, yo creo que lo he entendido, y es algo que alguna vez me planteé:
¿No debería atribuirme yo las mejoras que he hecho sobre el catastro?
Además, así ¿tal vez se podría conservar una versión estable.

Mi idea, tal y como comenta Ander es un rotundo no. La primera porque,
si contribuyes en OSM sólo por el reconocimiento (que implica una
licencia más restrictiva), podremos tener los mismos problemas que OSM
tuvo con el cambio de licencia. Luego cualquiera que importe a partir
de datos de catastro, incluido los arreglos básicos posteriores, tiene
que aceptar contribuir con la mismas restricciones que el catastro:
renuncia de todos los derechos para la Fundación OSM, excepto la
atribución al catastro.

Otra cosa son detalles que mejoren lo existente y que no sean obra
derivada directa- sino que añadan cosas-, eso no sólo podemos, sino
que debería editarse con la cuenta habitual. Predigo confusiones por
esto (gente olvidándose de salir de las cuentas particulares creadas).

Por otro lado, si empezamos a importar mal, tal y como comenta
Ander, será muy fácil que la echen para atrás. Así que el workfow
tiene que ser: Conversión - arreglo de una manzana - subida de una
manzana -  arreglo de una manzana - Subida de una manzana (no tiene
que ser una a una, pero ya entendéis, de a pocos).

Los datos de las cuentas están en el servidor de osm .es (@Perroverd?).

@Ander, este fin de semana podríamos dar la lata un poco en imports?
Aunque sea anunciar una importación piloto a la base de datos real.

El día 22 de febrero de 2013 21:13, Antonio Navarro escribió:
 Hola a todos,

 Como voy a tener unos días un poco libres, me he puesto a retomar el tema
 del mapeo con los datos del catastro y la fantástica herramienta cat2osm2.
 He revisado la lista de correo y he estado mirando en la de imports a ver si
 había alguna novedad, pero no he visto nada concluyente, así que os pregunto
 directamente ¿Hay 'luz verde' para poder empezar a subir los datos? :-D

 De momento lo que he hecho es ejecutar cat2osm2 (versión del 1 de febrero de
 2013) con los archivos del catastro de Talavera y de Cazalegas. Para
 facilitar la revisión, he ejecutado de momento sólo con los datos urbanos y
 en el caso de estos dos municipios, sería cuestión de utilizar las masas y
 los elementos puntuales, las vías están mejor en OSM.

 Mi intención es empezar con Cazalegas, que es más pequeño, además ya he
 juntado todos los ficheros de masas y luego lo he dividido en tres áreas (el
 pueblo en sí, una zona de polígono industrial y otra zona de urbanizaciones)
 y los estoy revisando ya. Mi primera duda es relativo a estas 'divisiones',
 de cara al servidor ¿es mejor muchos envíos pequeños o uno con todos los

 Otra duda, entiendo que hay que subir los datos con el usuario definido del
 catastro, pero he visto que hay ciertos errores en los datos del catastro.
 En principio mi idea es subirlo tal cual y corregir luego para mantener la
 coherencia, es decir, no atribuir al catastro cosas que no están en sus
 datos (o están diferentes).

 En la wiki he visto las páginas de las provincias y demás y me apuntaré como
 'responsable' de Toledo (si no hay nadie que quiera el cargo ;-)), ¿Quién
 tiene los datos de la cuenta de OSM del usuario catastro_toledo? También he
 visto que se indica un correo 'import_provincia', ¿es una lista o algo?

 Un saludo,

 Antonio Navarro

 Talk-es mailing list

Jaime Crespo

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Estado de la importación de datos del Catastro

2013-02-22 Per discussione Antonio Navarro

A ver, intento explicarme mejor. No estoy planteando subir datos 'mal' o
que rompan cosas que ya estén en OSM, para eso se revisa con JOSM y se
'mezcla' bien. Mi duda era, por ejemplo, una parcela que con los datos del
catastro aparece como 'landuse=greenfield' (es decir, parcela sin
construir) y que no está en OSM y yo sé que ya está construida y tiene una
casa, incluso sale en las fotos aéreas del PNOA.

Lo que planteaba era subir con el usuario del catastro esa información tal
como ellos la tienen y después, corregirla o más bien 'mejorarla'. La cosa
no era por el tema de la atribución, no pretendo hacerme famoso por andar
mapeando ;-). Era más bien por respetar los datos del catastro y no
atribuirles a ellos cosas que no estaban en sus ficheros originales, más
que nada para tener claro de dónde sale la información.

Un saludo,
Antonio Navarro

El 22 de febrero de 2013 22:23, Jaime Crespo escribió:

  Eso si, no se si he entendido bien pero parece que comentas subir todo y
 luego hacer los cambios
  una vez subido.

 No, yo creo que lo he entendido, y es algo que alguna vez me planteé:
 ¿No debería atribuirme yo las mejoras que he hecho sobre el catastro?
 Además, así ¿tal vez se podría conservar una versión estable.

 Mi idea, tal y como comenta Ander es un rotundo no. La primera porque,
 si contribuyes en OSM sólo por el reconocimiento (que implica una
 licencia más restrictiva), podremos tener los mismos problemas que OSM
 tuvo con el cambio de licencia. Luego cualquiera que importe a partir
 de datos de catastro, incluido los arreglos básicos posteriores, tiene
 que aceptar contribuir con la mismas restricciones que el catastro:
 renuncia de todos los derechos para la Fundación OSM, excepto la
 atribución al catastro.

 Otra cosa son detalles que mejoren lo existente y que no sean obra
 derivada directa- sino que añadan cosas-, eso no sólo podemos, sino
 que debería editarse con la cuenta habitual. Predigo confusiones por
 esto (gente olvidándose de salir de las cuentas particulares creadas).

 Por otro lado, si empezamos a importar mal, tal y como comenta
 Ander, será muy fácil que la echen para atrás. Así que el workfow
 tiene que ser: Conversión - arreglo de una manzana - subida de una
 manzana -  arreglo de una manzana - Subida de una manzana (no tiene
 que ser una a una, pero ya entendéis, de a pocos).

 Los datos de las cuentas están en el servidor de osm .es (@Perroverd?).

 @Ander, este fin de semana podríamos dar la lata un poco en imports?
 Aunque sea anunciar una importación piloto a la base de datos real.

 El día 22 de febrero de 2013 21:13, Antonio Navarro escribió:
  Hola a todos,
  Como voy a tener unos días un poco libres, me he puesto a retomar el tema
  del mapeo con los datos del catastro y la fantástica herramienta
  He revisado la lista de correo y he estado mirando en la de imports a
 ver si
  había alguna novedad, pero no he visto nada concluyente, así que os
  directamente ¿Hay 'luz verde' para poder empezar a subir los datos? :-D
  De momento lo que he hecho es ejecutar cat2osm2 (versión del 1 de
 febrero de
  2013) con los archivos del catastro de Talavera y de Cazalegas. Para
  facilitar la revisión, he ejecutado de momento sólo con los datos
 urbanos y
  en el caso de estos dos municipios, sería cuestión de utilizar las masas
  los elementos puntuales, las vías están mejor en OSM.
  Mi intención es empezar con Cazalegas, que es más pequeño, además ya he
  juntado todos los ficheros de masas y luego lo he dividido en tres áreas
  pueblo en sí, una zona de polígono industrial y otra zona de
  y los estoy revisando ya. Mi primera duda es relativo a estas
  de cara al servidor ¿es mejor muchos envíos pequeños o uno con todos los
  Otra duda, entiendo que hay que subir los datos con el usuario definido
  catastro, pero he visto que hay ciertos errores en los datos del
  En principio mi idea es subirlo tal cual y corregir luego para mantener
  coherencia, es decir, no atribuir al catastro cosas que no están en sus
  datos (o están diferentes).
  En la wiki he visto las páginas de las provincias y demás y me apuntaré
  'responsable' de Toledo (si no hay nadie que quiera el cargo ;-)), ¿Quién
  tiene los datos de la cuenta de OSM del usuario catastro_toledo? También
  visto que se indica un correo 'import_provincia', ¿es una lista o algo?
  Un saludo,
  Antonio Navarro
  Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-ar] Límites

2013-02-22 Per discussione Gonzalo Gabriel Pérez
Acabo de ver que existe el key Disputed y por lo que se ve está usado en
áreas de conflicto
Tal vez este sea más apropiado para los límites marítimos en disputa con el
Reino Unido.
Talk-ar mailing list

Re: [Talk-ar] Límites

2013-02-22 Per discussione Sefer
Parace los mas apropiado,  te apoyo.

 De: Gonzalo Gabriel Pérez
Enviado: Viernes, 22 de febrero, 2013 10:20 A.M.
Asunto: Re: [Talk-ar] Límites

Acabo de ver que existe el key Disputed y por lo que se ve está usado en áreas 
de conflicto
Tal vez este sea más apropiado para los límites marítimos en disputa con el 
Reino Unido.
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Talk-ar mailing list

Re: [Talk-ar] Límites

2013-02-22 Per discussione Fernando


On 22/02/13 11:35, Sefer wrote:

Parace los mas apropiado,  te apoyo.

*De:* Gonzalo Gabriel Pérez
*Enviado:* Viernes, 22 de febrero, 2013 10:20 A.M.
*Asunto:* Re: [Talk-ar] Límites

Acabo de ver que existe el key Disputed y por lo que se ve está usado 
en áreas de conflicto
Tal vez este sea más apropiado para los límites marítimos en disputa 
con el Reino Unido.

Talk-ar mailing list

Talk-ar mailing list

Talk-ar mailing list

[Talk-ar] Query Overpass para buscar una relación específica

2013-02-22 Per discussione Gonzalo Gabriel Pérez
Buenas gente!
Buscando relaciones rotas armé esta consulta, nada del otro mundo pero tal
vez le pueda servir a alguno de ustedes. La pegan en y ejecutan (tarda dependiendo del tamaño de la

osm-script output=json
  query type={{type}}
has-kv k={{key}} v={{value}}/
bbox-query {{bbox}}/
  print mode=body/
  recurse type=down/
  print mode=skeleton/

Ejemplo (Pcia Chubut):

Talk-ar mailing list

Re: [Talk-ar] Límites

2013-02-22 Per discussione Federico Pertile
Debe ser una mala traducción. En todo caso sería claimed el tag. Pero el 
disputed lo veo más apropiado. Entre varias provincias también hay conflictos 
Enviado desde Personal LG E612

Gonzalo Gabriel Pérez escrito: 

Acabo de ver que existe el key Disputed y por lo que se ve está usado en
áreas de conflicto
Tal vez este sea más apropiado para los límites marítimos en disputa con el
Reino Unido.

Talk-ar mailing list
Talk-ar mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] kreisais no laachpleesha uz natana barkana ielu

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jānis Ročāns
Nav atļauts kreisais. Tur dubult'līnija pa vidu.

2013/2/22 Rich

 man ir lielas aizdomas, ka taa nedriikstees gan...
 varbuut kaads tuvumaa esoshs var paarbaudiit ?

 Talk-lv mailing list

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] kreisais no laachpleesha uz natana barkana ielu

2013-02-22 Per discussione Rich

On 2013-02-22 21:00, Jānis Ročāns wrote:

Nav atļauts kreisais. Tur dubult'līnija pa vidu.

ziimes arii ir ?
jo zinkaa... ziemaa... :D

2013/2/22 Rich

man ir lielas aizdomas, ka taa nedriikstees gan...
varbuut kaads tuvumaa esoshs var paarbaudiit ?



Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] kreisais no laachpleesha uz natana barkana ielu

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jānis Ročāns
Uzzīmēju.. Ja katrā virzienā ir vairāk par vienu joslu, tad pēc noklusējuma
ir dubultā līnija, pat, ja apsnidzis. Savukārt, ja redzi, ka tur ir
pārtraukta, kā Valdemāra ielā, kur katrā virzienā pa divām joslām (jo tur
var salīst 2 blakus katrā virzienā) tur šo līniju drīks šķērsot, tomēr tur
visā garumā aiz katra krustojuma ir zīme, kas aizliedz griezties pagalmos.

On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 9:15 PM, Rich wrote:

 On 2013-02-22 21:00, Jānis Ročāns wrote:

 Nav atļauts kreisais. Tur dubult'līnija pa vidu.

 ziimes arii ir ?
 jo zinkaa... ziemaa... :D

  2013/2/22 Rich

 man ir lielas aizdomas, ka taa nedriikstees gan...
 varbuut kaads tuvumaa esoshs var paarbaudiit ?



Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Trasy KČTpomocí JOSM

2013-02-22 Per discussione jzvc
Dne 22.2.2013 12:32, Michal Tauchman napsal(a):
 Skvělý dokument, velice pomohl.

 Chtěl bych se zeptat, existuje i jiný způsob (zdroj) pro získání
 rozpisu turistických tras, než je ruční zjišťování?

 Zkoušel třeba někdo KČT, jestli by neposkytlo rozpis tras?

Tusim ze na ne pred par lety sel nejaky dotaz a odpoved byla zaporna - s
tim, ze prodejem tech map se zivej. Mozna nekdo upresni. Takze opravdu
jediny zpusob jak to prenest do WMS je projit se ;D. Mozna od ty doby
zmenili nazor, ale nesazel bych na to.

 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Trasy KČTpomocí JOSM

2013-02-22 Per discussione jzvc
Dne 22.2.2013 12:51, jzvc napsal(a):
 Dne 22.2.2013 12:32, Michal Tauchman napsal(a):
 Skvělý dokument, velice pomohl.

 Chtěl bych se zeptat, existuje i jiný způsob (zdroj) pro získání
 rozpisu turistických tras, než je ruční zjišťování?

 Zkoušel třeba někdo KČT, jestli by neposkytlo rozpis tras?
 Tusim ze na ne pred par lety sel nejaky dotaz a odpoved byla zaporna - s
 tim, ze prodejem tech map se zivej. Mozna nekdo upresni. Takze opravdu
 jediny zpusob jak to prenest do WMS je projit se ;D. Mozna od ty doby
 zmenili nazor, ale nesazel bych na to.

Koukam samej preklep, od OSM samo ...

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 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] Dotaz na alej stromu

2013-02-22 Per discussione Dalibor Jelínek

muzete mi prosim poradit, jak se ma spravne delat alej stromu?

Prosel jsem a zakresil Alfredovskou alej

Je to polni cesta a okolo dve rady stromu, jak uz to byva.

Tak jsem ji udelal jako highway=track a taky natural=tree_row

Jenze JOSM se to nelibi a tahle kombinace mu prijde podezrela.

Mam to ignorovat, nebo je zvykem kreslit aleje jinak?

Treba delat dve cesty stromu okolo skutecne cesty?


Diky za radu,




Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dotaz na alej stromu

2013-02-22 Per discussione jzvc
Dne 22.2.2013 14:07, Dalibor Jelínek napsal(a):


 muzete mi prosim poradit, jak se ma spravne delat alej stromu?

 Prosel jsem a zakresil Alfredovskou alej

 Je to polni cesta a okolo dve rady stromu, jak uz to byva.

 Tak jsem ji udelal jako highway=track a taky natural=tree_row

 Jenze JOSM se to nelibi a tahle kombinace mu prijde podezrela.

 Mam to ignorovat, nebo je zvykem kreslit aleje jinak?

 Treba delat dve cesty stromu okolo skutecne cesty?

Nemuzes mit tag pro cestu a tag pro alej, nejsou prece v jedny ose.
Musis to udelat zvlast (navic je to nesmysl i z toho duvodu, ze bys zas
musel resit, jak otagovat jednostranou alej ... vs zmena smeru cesty
...). Otazka je, zda to v tyhle podobe bude nekde vyrenderovany,
vetsinou sem to videl v provedeni jednotlivych stromu. Pokud mrknes na
taginfo, tak jestli nekeca, jedinej tag ktere s tim kdo kombinuje je source.


 Diky za radu,




 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dotaz na alej stromu

2013-02-22 Per discussione Karel Volný


 muzete mi prosim poradit, jak se ma spravne delat alej stromu?

tento problém jsem řešil tady:

(hm, jak se dělá odkaz na mapu se zapnutou datovou vrstvou?)

a dospěl jsem vpodstatě k témuž, co říká Petr, neboli:

 Treba delat dve cesty stromu okolo skutecne cesty?

... ale bohužel by default se to nerenderuje

 Tak jsem ji udelal jako highway=track a taky natural=tree_row
 Jenze JOSM se to nelibi a tahle kombinace mu prijde podezrela.

to se mu nelíbí zcela po právu - podíváme-li se na diskusi k návrhu:

tak tam se přímo řeší, že kombinovat to přímo s cestou není šťastný nápad

jinak odpovědi na otázky tohoto typu lze často najít zde:čkový_klíč

- díky všem, co (nejen tuto) stránku průběžně doplňují!


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dotaz na alej stromu

2013-02-22 Per discussione Dalibor Jelínek

díky za odpovědi. Předělám to tedy na tři cesty.

A jestli jsem to tedy správně pochopil,tak protože tady

není v políčku rendering u tree_row nic zobrazeno,

tak to mapnik nebude vůbec vykreslovat?

Takže, pokud bych to na tý mapě chtěl vidět, tak

bych měl ještě na tu cestu nasázet jedntolivý nody

a označit je jako natural=tree, aby je to tam nakresilo?

A má smysl to dělat, když nevím přesně místa, kde ty stromy jsou?


Podobnej problém řeším se zakreslením řopíků.

Udělal jsem jich pár a označil je 

military=bunker a bunker_type=pillbox

a mapnik je ignoruje. Zkusil jsem ještě přidat building=yes,

jestli tam udělá alespoň tečku.

Jaké je správné označení, aby se ten řopík na mapě objevil?

Nebo musím někde zažádat, aby takovou věc začali vykreslovat?








podle wiki bych řekl, že tree_row je zamýšleno trochu obecněji... prostě

řada stromů. Takže klasická alej by asi měla být značena třemi cestami:






Petr Morávek aka Xificurk


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Romain MEHUT
Le 22 février 2013 07:20, Marc Sibert a écrit :

 Un moment faut oser poser la question qui fâche, ce sera salvateur. Faut
 que ça avance, b...

La question a été transmise au président de la commission sentier de la
fédération mais peut-être faudra-t-il en passer par un courrier officiel...

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Pieren
2013/2/22 Hélène PETIT

 imposent que l'éditeur de l'infraction au droit d'auteur retire de son site
 l'oeuvre à la première sollicitation de l'ayant droit.

Oui mais OSM a cette particularité de mettre à disposition des images
(dump) dans la base de données (planet) et de conserver un
historique des éditions, historiques complets qui sont aussi publiés à
intervalles réguliers (2, 3 à 4 fois par an).
Il est donc impératif que les infractions soient les moins nombreuses
possibles et durent le moins longtemps possible. Sinon, l'alternative
est que les administrateurs effectuent un travail de redaction en
supprimant les dites infractions complètement, y compris dans
l'historique et les rendre invisibles via l'API.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Pieren
2013/2/22 Vincent Pottier

 Et page 3 : Fédération délégataire...
 Je crois que la question est réglée.
 Je doute que la FFRP puisse s'opposer au fait que des citoyens s'associent
 spontanément et bénévolement à une mission ministérielle.

Ca ne change rien. L'IGN a aussi une mission de service public. Ils
ont même la responsabilité du Référentiel à Grande Echelle (RGE). Ca
n'empêche pas que leurs données ne sont pas libres...


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM, oui, mais il faut autre chose

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jo.
C'est intéressant comme point de vue et ça mérite une petite réflexion pour
que cela soit applicable à l'international.

J'ai quelques avis sur la question mais je ne fait pas de rando de façon
convaincante et je serait hors sujet. Par contre si cette création de Tag
est envisageable il ne faudrait pas que ce ne soit pas un moyen détourné
pour tracer les circuits GR mais que cela vienne d'un réel besoin sur le
terrain pas sous de faux prétexte.

Un petit cahier des charges recensant les besoins, les restrictions et les
limitations fonctionnelle serait intéressant. Ce mettre de le rôle du
contre permet également de vérifier si l'idée est viable.

Je vais suivre cette idée d'un œil curieux et attentif.

Le 21 février 2013 20:21, Balaitous a écrit :


 La suppression de la mention GR semble inéluctable, alors je prend la
 question sous un autre angle.
 Quel est l’intérêt de la mention GR ?
 Pour moi, leur principal intérêt est de hiérarchiser les différents
 chemins en indiquant : celui-ci est le chemin le plus utilisé pour ce
 rendre du point A au point B, il est balisé, entretenu et ne débouche
 pas dans un cul de sac.
 Quand je planifie une rando avec une carte IGN, c'est de cette manière
 que je voie les GR, je me fixe d'abord un objectif, et je n'utilise
 jamais un GR au simple motif que c'est un GR.

 Pour les highway en général, on dispose d'une hiérarchisation (primary,
 secondary, ...)

 Pour les highway=track, on dispose également d'une hiérarchisation

 Par contre pour les highway=path, il n'y a rien de tout cela, et c'est
 le bazar pour choisir un itinéraire en se basant sur OSM.

 Dans le wiki, il y a:
 surface=* : peu utilisé, et ne préjuge pas de l'état
 sac_scale=* : bien, mais peu utilisé, et trop orienté alpinisne pour
 traiter les cas généraux
 trail_visibility=* : se rapproche de la notion de balisage

 On peut utiliser plusieurs tags tels que

 Mais ce qui est complexe risque de ne pas être utilisé, alors le plus
 simple serait un tag

 du genre
 grade1 : pour les 20% de chemins localement les plus utilisés et les
 mieux entretenus
 grade2 : ...

 Voir un tag
 hikingtype=grade1-5 applicable à tout élément highway=*

 De cette manière plus besoin de relation GR, et je ne doute pas qu'un
 rendu des chemins utilisant ces tags permettrait de mettre en évidence
 les GR (tout en restant dans la légalité), mais aussi de nouveau
 itinéraires potentiellement plus intéressant.

 A creuser, mais si la FFRP veut garder ses GR, c'est à nous d'inventer
 autre chose, et mieux.


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Vincent Pottier

Le 22/02/2013 09:51, Pieren a écrit :

Ca ne change rien. L'IGN a aussi une mission de service public. Ils
ont même la responsabilité du Référentiel à Grande Echelle (RGE). Ca
n'empêche pas que leurs données ne sont pas libres...

Rectification :
libres, lire gratuites
Ça n’empêche pas que les données soient payantes lorsque c'est l'IGN qui 
les fournit.

Mais l'IGN ne peut s'opposer à ce que nous établissions notre propre carte.
Mais il nous est permis de cartographier. Et ça n'est pas du plagia.

Nulle part on pille la base de donnée de la FFRP.
Nulle part on scanne les cartes de la FFRP (j'espère !).
On collecte sur le terrain de l'information d'aménagement du territoire.
Qui peut s'y opposer ?

Nulle part, on contrefait un GR en établissant un chemin de randonnée et 
en lui donnant ce nom de GR.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Vincent Pottier

Le 22/02/2013 07:20, Marc Sibert a écrit :
Tout ça ne change rien au fait que si la Fédé est l'auteur des 
parcours (même si cette activité créatrice est réalisée dans le cadre 
de cette mission)...
Les lignes de bus sont souvent proposées / imposées par 
l'administration et le transporteur (qui n'est pas créateur d'une 
œuvre de l'esprit) exploite.
Il y a eu création d'une ligne de bus récemment dans mon coin. J'ai 
suivi un peu l'affaire.

C'est la mairie qui commande l'étude.
C'est la compagnie de transport qui la réalise, qui détermine par quelle 
rue passer, où poser les arrêts, avec quel type de véhicule.

C'est la commune qui valide l'itinéraire, les arrêts, les horaires...
C'est le maire qui pose les arrêtés afférents.
C'est la compagnie qui exploite, qui tire les plans, les plannings de 
La propriété intellectuelle s'applique-t-elle pour empêcher d'établir 
les plans de ces lignes ?

Il y a eu création d'une voie rapide dans mon coin.
Ce sont les collectivités locales qui commandent l'étude.
C'est je ne sais quel cabinet qui la réalise.
Ce sont les collectivités locales qui valident le tracé.
Ce sont les présidents de conseils qui posent les arrêtés afférents.
C'est je ne sais quelle entreprise qui réalise.
À qui est la propriété intellectuelle ?
A-t-on le droit de cartographier cette voie rapide ?

Ce sont les collectivités territoriales qui établissent le PDIPR.
Ce sont les comités de la FFRP qui proposent des itinéraires (existant 
ou non)

Ce sont les collectivités qui valident.
Ce sont les comités de la FFRP qui tracent le chemin, le balisent...
Ce sont les collectivités qui entreprennent les démarchent auprès des 
mairies, des propriétaires de terrains privés.

À qui est la propriété intellectuelle ?

Concernant le nom :
Ginko, le nom du réseau de transport urbain, est déposé par l'agglo de 
Besançon. A-t-on le droit de l'utiliser ?
Autoroute du Soleil est un nom certainement déposé, probablement par 
la société APRR. A-t-on le droit de l'utiliser pour désigner l'A6 ou l'A7 ?
GR est un nom déposé de la FFRP, mais qui entre dans une politique 
d'aménagement du territoire. A-t-on le droit de l'utiliser pour désigner 
un GR ?

Si la FFRP reçoit délégation, si la fédération agit dans le cadre de 
l'aménagement du territoire, je doute fort que le droit puisse 
s’appliquer de la même façon que hors délégation, là où elle agit motu 
Et c'est la FFRP qui se réclame de cette délégation ! Et bien jouons son 
jeu ! Appuyons cette politique d'aménagement du territoire ! 
Cartographions les GR !

Ce n'est pas seulement auprès de la FFRP qu'il faut agir, il me semble, 
mais aussi auprès du ministère de tutelle en lui demandant des textes, 
des décrets, des décisions concernant cette politique d'aménagement du 
territoire... et des droits de les exploiter.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Hélène PETIT

Le 21/02/2013 22:59, a écrit :

La discussion à /SOTM-fr /devrait porter sur le fait de savoir s'il faut
faire appel à un (ou des ) juriste(s), et pas forcement à des avocats
(surtout pas à mon avis ;-) ).

C'est quoi la différence entre un juriste et un avocat ?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jean-Marc Liotier

On 22/02/2013 10:31, Hélène PETIT wrote:

Le 21/02/2013 22:59, a écrit :

La discussion à /SOTM-fr /devrait porter sur le fait de savoir s'il faut
faire appel à un (ou des ) juriste(s), et pas forcement à des avocats
(surtout pas à mon avis ;-) ).

C'est quoi la différence entre un juriste et un avocat ?

Le métier d'avocat est réglementé (barreau, Conseil de l'Ordre, 
condition d'accès à la profession etc.) -

La qualité de juriste s'acquière par la détention d'une licence en droit 

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Nicolas Dumoulin
Le vendredi 22 février 2013 10:30:33 Vincent Pottier a écrit :
 Ce n'est pas seulement auprès de la FFRP qu'il faut agir, il me semble,
 mais aussi auprès du ministère de tutelle en lui demandant des textes,
 des décrets, des décisions concernant cette politique d'aménagement du
 territoire... et des droits de les exploiter.

Merci Vincent pour cette contribution intéressante.

Contacter le ministère peut sembler intéressant. Mais est-ce que le ministère 
des sports sera sensible aux enjeux d'aménagement du territoire …
Ça vaut le coup de tenter. À rediscuter demain pour préparer un courrier ?

Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Eric Marsden
 vp == Vincent Pottier writes:

  vp Nulle part, on contrefait un GR en établissant un chemin de
  vp randonnée et en lui donnant ce nom de GR.

  Voila un point qui me semble très important et qui distingue cette
  application du droit d'auteur :

- si je copie des données de l'IGN en décalquant depuis leur
  interface web, c'est de la contrefaçon (je reproduis une œuvre de
  même nature que celle de l'auteur original)

- si je fabrique un univers parallèle reprenant la topographie de la
  France, et qui j'y installe des sentiers de randonnée aux mêmes
  endroits que dans notre univers, c'est de la contrefaçon (et si je
  les marque en rouge  blanc avec GR, c'est de la contrefaçon de

- si je cartographie dans OSM des sentiers GR, je ne fais que noter
  des éléments factuels que j'ai observés sur le terrain, et ce
  n'est pas de la contrefaçon

La jurisprudence FFRP concerne le premier type d'application, la
création de documents de même type que les topoguides. 

Eric Marsden

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] SOTMFR / AG

2013-02-22 Per discussione Guillaume Allegre
Le ven. 22 f�vr. 2013 à 07:37 +0100, Christian Quest a ecrit :
 On pourra se répartir le dimanche entre l'amphi et les salles, donc il y
 aura de la place pour plusieurs contenus en //
 Donc en // de l'amphi on pour se faire nos brainstormings, tu peux rajouter
 ces sujets à discuter sur le wiki.

Ils sont déjà sur le wiki,

mais comme c'est la 2e fois que tu me fais la remarque, est-ce que tu les 
à un autre endroit ?

 ° /\Guillaume AllègreOpenStreetMap France
  /~~\/\  Cartographie libre et collaborative
 /   /~~\tél.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Le 22 février 2013 08:41, Hélène PETIT a écrit :
 D'après mon juriste, consulté hier soir, la :
 LOI n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l'économie numérique
 et sa jurisprudence en cours de consolidation,

 imposent que l'éditeur de l'infraction au droit d'auteur retire de son site
 l'oeuvre à la première sollicitation de l'ayant droit.

Et ont-ils seulement fait cette sollicitation de retrait ? Pourquoi ce
serait à nous de prendre l'initiative alors qu'il n'y a *strictement*
aucun risque pour nous, car la loi prévoit que l'ayant-droit fasse
*d'abord* sa demande avant même de pouvoir porter son litige en
justice ?

On a pourtant *déjà* les moyens de répondre à une telle demande.
Pourquoi donc se montrer plus prudent que nécessaire,d'autant qu'on a
les moyens de se défendre en montrant alors que le contenu de notre
base n'est PAS une copie intégrale contenu toute la base des GRn ni
permettant de les isoler spécifiquement ?

(surtout si on n'a pas mentionné un tag spécifique pour les sentiers
GR par rapport aux autres dont la FRPP n'est même pas la créatrice ni
même la délégataire, étant donné que nos contributeurs viennent du
monde entier et peuvent aveoir utilisé aussi d'autres critères pour
l'insertion, par exemple le classement par une autre association
européenne, ou même un programme spécial de protection ou sauvegarde
de l'Union européenne, de l'Unesco, ou d'une fédération sportive
internationale, ou d'une asso environnementale)

Je ne vois pas à quel titre la FFRP doit automatiquement devenir
propriétaire de tous les chemins de randonnée possibles, *même* si
elle a reçu une délégation ministérielle concernant les chemins
protégés par l'Etat français (cette délégation ne concerne pas la
propriété des chemins créés par la FRPP, mais bien les chemins
historiques concernant leur entretien et balisage, et pour agir comme
intermédiaire avec les autres assos concernées par ces chemins, la
FRPP devenant rapporteur de ces efforts auprès de l'Etat dans le cadre
de cette mission, sans pour autant se prévaloir d'en être

Il me semble même que cette délégation publique lui impose de ne PAS
contrecarrer les efforts citoyens de publicité de ces chemins mais
qu'au contraire elle devrait soutenir ces efforts externes. Ce qu'on
fait dans OSM est pour tout le monde (oui même pour les utilisations
commerciales mais pas seulement, car on le fait aussi pour les
citoyens : ce n'était pas le cas de l'éditeur de guides condamné qui
justement imposait des limites de reproduction par son copyright et
par son prix de vente ; OSM n'a rien de comparable avec cet éditeur de
guides, et ce qu'il fait est également à la disposition de la FRPP qui
peut utiliser OSM lui aussi ; on est dans le cadre d'une licence
ouverte, non exclusive, ce qui n'était pas le cas de l'éditeur de
guides qui a été condamné).

Bref je pense sincèrement que tout ce débat ne sert à rien : on peut
agir avec un excès de prudence là où même la loi nous protège bien
contre une condamnation puisque les ayant-droits sont obligés de faire
une demande de justification de leur droit et auront alors la charge
d'apporter la preuve d'un abus éventuel (qui pour l'instant n'est pas
prouvé du tout puisque l'existence de ces droits n'est même pas

Continuez sur ce terrain, et en fin de compte plus personne ne pourra
plus RIEN mettre du tout dans OSM (que ce soit des chemins de
randonnée ou pas) car on trouvera toujours sans peine un domaine où la
question de ce qui est une propriété ou pas n'est même pas établie,
étant donné que dans la plupart des cas personne ne s'est prévalu de
ces droits (à charge pour lui d'aller défendre ce droit en justice
pour faire valoir qu'il existe, ou de faire enregistrer
*officiellement* son droit dans un organisme officiel reconnu
(brevets, marques, registres du commerce, etc...).

La bonne attitude à avoir ici c'est plutôt de s'inspirer par exemple
de l'UDRP (Universal Dispute Resoution Policy) en vigueur sur Internet
pour les noms de domaines : une procédure de réglement amiable est
disponible, chacun peut alors faire valoir ses arguments mais cela ne
va pas automatiquement en justice (et la justice quand elle est
saisie, c'est uniquement quand le litige est devenu inconciliable et
uniquement après avoir fait la preuve d'avoir utilisé cette procédure
de réglement amiable : avant d'aller en justice, il appartient donc à
l'ayant-droit de se faire connaitre et avancer *formellement* ses

Mais tant la la FFRP préfère garder le silence, qui ne dit mot consent
(et ensuite elle perdra le droit de le faire au bout de quelques
années, de la même façon qu'un propriétaire de terrain perd son droit
exclusif s'il a laissé un occupant utiliser son terrain sans rien
faire, ou qu'un héritier perd ses droits s'il n'a pas fait les
démarches pour revendiquer sa part avant quelques années, ou qu'un
occupant du domaine public obtient la pleine propriété si l'Etat n'a
pas agit à temps pour 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione
terme générique et terme spécifique + le prix. Un prof de fac doit coutera sans 
doute moins cher qu'un avocat .

Le 22 févr. 2013 à 10:31, Hélène PETIT a écrit : 

 Le 21/02/2013 22:59, a écrit :
 La discussion à /SOTM-fr /devrait porter sur le fait de savoir s'il faut
 faire appel à un (ou des ) juriste(s), et pas forcement à des avocats
 (surtout pas à mon avis ;-) ).
 C'est quoi la différence entre un juriste et un avocat ?
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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Vincent Pottier

Le 22/02/2013 11:04, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :

Le vendredi 22 février 2013 10:30:33 Vincent Pottier a écrit :


Ce n'est pas seulement auprès de la FFRP qu'il faut agir, il me semble,
mais aussi auprès du ministère de tutelle en lui demandant des textes,
des décrets, des décisions concernant cette politique d'aménagement du
territoire... et des droits de les exploiter.

Merci Vincent pour cette contribution intéressante.

Contacter le ministère peut sembler intéressant. Mais est-ce que le ministère
des sports sera sensible aux enjeux d'aménagement du territoire …
Ça vaut le coup de tenter. À rediscuter demain pour préparer un courrier ?

Jeunesse et sport, ils sont sensibles au discours citoyen dans les 
projets. Je voyais ça quand j'étais directeur de CLSH.
Or c'est bien en citoyens qu'on veut agir pour, à travers la 
cartographie des GR, promouvoir le développement et la pratique de la 
randonnée, ne serait-ce que pour notre propre usage.


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Ab_fab
Par exemple la visibilité depuis l'étranger : OSM a vraiment une valeur
ajoutée, par rapport à tout ce que produit la FFRP qui est très orienté

Pourtant ce ne sont pas les randonneurs étrangers qui manquent.
OSM peut être là pour leur faire découvrir les possibilités de parcours (en
ligne par ex.), sans pour autant nuire aux ventes de topo guides FFRP par
la suite, bien au contraire

Le 22 février 2013 11:48, Vincent Pottier a écrit :

 Le 22/02/2013 11:04, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :

  Le vendredi 22 février 2013 10:30:33 Vincent Pottier a écrit :


 Ce n'est pas seulement auprès de la FFRP qu'il faut agir, il me semble,
 mais aussi auprès du ministère de tutelle en lui demandant des textes,
 des décrets, des décisions concernant cette politique d'aménagement du
 territoire... et des droits de les exploiter.

 Merci Vincent pour cette contribution intéressante.

 Contacter le ministère peut sembler intéressant. Mais est-ce que le
 des sports sera sensible aux enjeux d'aménagement du territoire …
 Ça vaut le coup de tenter. À rediscuter demain pour préparer un courrier ?

  Jeunesse et sport, ils sont sensibles au discours citoyen dans les
 projets. Je voyais ça quand j'étais directeur de CLSH.
 Or c'est bien en citoyens qu'on veut agir pour, à travers la cartographie
 des GR, promouvoir le développement et la pratique de la randonnée, ne
 serait-ce que pour notre propre usage.

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Il n'y a pas de pas perdus, Nadja
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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-22 Per discussione Hélène PETIT

Le 22/02/2013 11:35, a écrit :

terme générique et terme spécifique + le prix. Un prof de fac doit coutera sans 
doute moins cher qu'un avocat .

J'ai fais rédiger à 5 reprises des clauses de contrat par des avocats 
d'affaire. Il engage son nom sur la légalité des clauses, et dans les 
affaires qui ont concerné des assos, pour moins de 100€ (un peu plus 
pour les affaires privées).

De toutes façons, il faut demander un devis *avant*, n'est-ce pas ?

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[OSM-talk-fr] Étiqueter un « cityparc »

2013-02-22 Per discussione Nicolas Dumoulin

Comment étiqueter un « cityparc », un terrain multisport avec des barrières et 
un revêtement souple. Ça ressemble à ça :

Je n'ai rien trouvé.
Et puis, cette appellation « cityparc » ne me paraît pas très répandu …
Sinon, je mets leisure=pitch + sport=soccer;basketball + surface=tartan ?


Nicolas Dumoulin

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Étiqueter un « cityparc »

2013-02-22 Per discussione Romain MEHUT
Le 22 février 2013 12:19, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :


 Comment étiqueter un « cityparc », un terrain multisport avec des
 barrières et
 un revêtement souple. Ça ressemble à ça :

 Je n'ai rien trouvé.
 Et puis, cette appellation « cityparc » ne me paraît pas très répandu …
 Sinon, je mets leisure=pitch + sport=soccer;basketball + surface=tartan ?

Chez moi c'est un city stade:
et j'ai mis sport=multi

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