2009-11-02 Thread balmatmic

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the update.  I couldn't be happier for you.  I see you sure enjoy 
playing Mafia Wars, and it must be good for your hand.

Hugs to you, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Jim Lubin
To: Laura Beaudin;
Sent: Sat, Oct 31, 2009 7:13 pm

Thanks everyone.
Still able to move left hand at times. Not even having pain anymore. Only able 
to move it when I have been sitting upright in my chair after a few minutes.

At 06:07 PM 10/27/2009, Laura Beaudin wrote:

Jim's birthday?


How goes the hand??


Jim Lubin 
disAbility Resources:


How goes the hand??


Jim Lubin 
disAbility Resources:

Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Fw: cell phone numbers go public this month

2009-10-28 Thread balmatmic

So, is there not a way to block these solicitations?  I haven't received any 
yet, but I have family members and friends that get them all the time.  I 
called the # and it supposedly added mine to some list, but now I wonder where 
it went...

Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Laura Beaudin
Sent: Wed, Oct 28, 2009 2:32 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Fw: cell phone numbers go public this month


On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 3:30 PM, wrote:


-- Forwarded message --
To: undisclosed
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 16:52:35 -0400
Subject: Fw: cell phone numbers go public this month

- Original Message - 

- Original Message - 

REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month. 
REMINDER.  all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing 
companies and you will start to receive sales calls.


To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:
It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time.. 
It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone 
number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.

HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 20 seconds.   



Them be Fightin' Words!  Halloween Mini Unit-Study

15 Provocative Anti-Smoking Ads (warning: some are graphic)
Today's feature: 8 Creative Cat Beds

Personal Development for Lazy People:
Physical Symptoms of Obesity: it CAN be inherited

Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-10-20 Thread balmatmic

Gilly, you are so funny.  Where there are games, Gilly will follow...

(I'm kind of hooked on the hidden object ones a bit myself these days) 

Hugs to you, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Gillian Clark
To: TM list
Sent: Mon, Oct 19, 2009 10:49 pm
Subject: Re: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

Games Janice?? Games you say!!!

A never ending amount!! 




- Original Message - 

From: Janice 

To: Krissy Z ; TM List 

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:18 PM

Subject: Re: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

I thought facebook for for contacting people.There are games too?   

- Original Message - 

From: Krissy Z 

To: TM List 

Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 11:12 AM

Subject: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

i have farm town, farmville, mafia wars, bewjeweld, tho that game stresses me!! 
vampire wars,yoville (tho not on that alot),,I am addicted to ti all! I love it 

We are all in this together, by ourselves.
- Lily Tomlin

~I'm In pretty Good Shape 
For the Shape I am in~

--- On Thu, 6/25/09, Grace M. wrote:

From: Grace M.
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page
To: Jim Lubin
Cc: Akua,
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 10:53 PM

Hi Jim,  


I'm afraid to even start Farm Town---I KNOW I'll get it is, I 
already need to start attending Mahjong Addicts Anonymous meetings  ;-)   


Re: [TMIC] Neurontin

2009-10-09 Thread balmatmic

The spasms will make you toned, and the Zanaflex will?relax the muscles.? 

The only way you would really know if the Neurontin is working or helping you 
or not is if you didn't take it.? I am?not telling you to do that to find 
out.??I personally wouldn't take anything that I didn't feel I needed, as every 
medication has some side effects, whether we feel them or not.

If you don't think it does anything for you, it may be something you would want 
to discuss with you doc.? 

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
Sent: Fri, Oct 9, 2009 12:22 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neurontin

-Original Message-
Sent: Fri, Oct 9, 2009 12:22 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neurontin

I looked up clonus and yes that is what my doctor calls toning but I also take 
a Zanaflex and it loosens my legs up. If I were to take more neurontin I could 
not get anything done but with the dosage I do take I?do not notice the pain or 
buzzing. I wonder if this is what french fries feel like when they cook. ?It 
was 9 years the other day?and I think I am handling this TM stuff pretty good, 
have a good day all..Ella

Re: [TMIC] October Birthdays

2009-10-05 Thread balmatmic



Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth ~ ANTIBIOTICS PROBIOTICS

2009-09-21 Thread balmatmic

No, he didn't at the time, just suggested that I eat some yogurt, which I did.? 
The problem was that I was getting pneumonia several times a year for 2 years 
in a row and he last time I was in Florida for my sons wedding and had to go to 
an urgent care facility and they prescribed Amoxicillin for me.? That did me 
in.? Plus I was away from home and it made it so much worse for me having 
diahhrea, trying to think of the fact that I should be on vacation enjoying 
myself and the family celebration going on and feeling?so poorly.? 

I can't tell how much money I spent on probiotics that I've purchased from the 
health food store over the years trying to get my gut back in shape.? But, 
after suffering from my gut issues caused by the antibiotics, which caused the 
C-diff, I'm happy to say that I'm feeling so much happier these days after 
taking the Culturelle.? I used to have several days per month that I couldn't 
leave the house, actually, could hardly leave my bedroom, as I had to be that 
close to my bathroom.? My PCP told me that after having the C-diff my gut may 
get somewhat improvement, but may never be completely healed.? Sound 

Happy trails to all, I can leave the house?with some confidence.? Hugs, Barbara 
A from Auburn, CA?

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 8:40 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth ~ ANTIBIOTICS  

Regarding the problem you had with antibiotics. 

I don't understand why doctors don't prescribe

probiotics along with their antibioticsor at least

tell their patients to take themyou can buy them

over the counter? It would

solve the bad bug problem and eliminate the

diarrhea (sp?).

?? Hugs,? Lynn



In a message dated 9/18/2009 11:37:26 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

What's wrong with just eating the prunes?? I've used dried fruits, prunes, 
apricots, etc. as well as food that has a lot of fiber like beans, depending on 
what the situation is over the past year and have finally been able to regulate 
myself.? After 9 years of bowel problems, this has been so much help to me.


I haven't had as much trouble with constipation as I have had with loose 
stools.? Frankly, for me, constipation has been much easier to deal with, but 
that's my body.? Now that I've said that, I hope things don't go back to having 
problems again.? There were many times, sometimes for months, that I was afraid 
to leave my home.? I suffered from C-diff, where the bad bugs?had overtaken my 
gut and there were hardly any good bugs left.? It has taken me a long time to 
balance that out again.? That's what antibiotics can do to you if you take a 


Hugs to all, Barbara A




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 9:58 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth

Okay girls.if you want to make this cake more healthy:-)

do not use the corn syrupthat is the worse thing you can

put in your bodyuse the honey.

also.substitute olive oil for the veg. oil.


I learned from a chef that you can substitute olive oil for

any oil in your recipesand you can substitute butter in

any recipe that calls for shortening or margarine.


I've been a happy baker ever since.? :-)

?? ~ Lynn


Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth ~ ANTIBIOTICS PROBIOTICS

2009-09-21 Thread balmatmic


Sounds like a nice way to practice medicine.? To treat the whole person, good 
medicine.? I really have what I'd call a good doctor now.? I have always 
liked my doctor, but it really depends on what's going on at the time in your 
life.? If they take the time to ask a few questions or not, the answers may 
really help to make a different diagnosis.? They are generally in a hurry from 
what people tell me, but mine will give me as much time as I need, hence, I 
don't mind waiting a bit, as I know he's doing the same for another ahead of me.

Hugs to you, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Lawrence King
Cc: Lawrence King
Sent: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 11:18 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth ~ ANTIBIOTICS  

Mine and a few other doctors are beginning to but she's a DO rather than an MD. 
?Osteopathic doctors are fully certified by the American Medical ?Association 
but are supposed to consider body, mind and spirit as a whole when diagnosing a 
persons condition, ?My DO was happy to hear I was a member of my church choir 
and Liturgical art's guild and made note of it in my file. ?I live in a town 
with an Osteopathic med school at Ohio University... it's an interesting place 
to receive healthcare. ?I often get a chance to speak directly to future 
doctors and you can bet I have fun doing so!

Mindy the Artisan

On Sep 21, 2009, at 11:40 AM, wrote:

Regarding the problem you had with antibiotics. 

I don't understand why doctors don't prescribe

probiotics along with their antibioticsor at least

tell their patients to take themyou can buy them

over the counter? It would

solve the bad bug problem and eliminate the

diarrhea (sp?).

?? Hugs,? Lynn



In a message dated 9/18/2009 11:37:26 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

What's wrong with just eating the prunes?? I've used dried fruits, prunes, 
apricots, etc. as well as food that has a lot of fiber like beans, depending on 
what the situation is over the past year and have finally been able to regulate 
myself.? After 9 years of bowel problems, this has been so much help to me.


I haven't had as much trouble with constipation as I have had with loose 
stools.? Frankly, for me, constipation has been much easier to deal with, but 
that's my body.? Now that I've said that, I hope things don't go back to having 
problems again.? There were many times, sometimes for months, that I was afraid 
to leave my home.? I suffered from C-diff, where the bad bugs?had overtaken my 
gut and there were hardly any good bugs left.? It has taken me a long time to 
balance that out again.? That's what antibiotics can do to you if you take a 


Hugs to all, Barbara A




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 9:58 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth

Okay girls.if you want to make this cake more healthy:-)

do not use the corn syrupthat is the worse thing you can

put in your bodyuse the honey.

also.substitute olive oil for the veg. oil.


I learned from a chef that you can substitute olive oil for

any oil in your recipesand you can substitute butter in

any recipe that calls for shortening or margarine.


I've been a happy baker ever since.? :-)

?? ~ Lynn



Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth ~ ANTIBIOTICS PROBIOTICS

2009-09-21 Thread balmatmic

Hi Patti,

As far as I know, Lactobacillus GG and acidophilus are two different 
probiotics.? Somebody who knows more than I do about this would be a better 
person than I to answer this one.? All I know is that I took one capsule each 
day that I was on the antibiotic and I do not have the problem any longer.? 
None during the time I took it and none since.? That's why I am such a happy 

We used to camp a lot and years ago, I am talking about 30 years ago, it was 
kind of our theme song.? For some reason, the words just came out, lol.

Hugs, Barbara A from Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Patricia Cooley
Sent: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 4:21 pm
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth ~ ANTIBIOTICS  

I agree.? My doctor never mentioned taking acidophilus capsules.? My daughter 
told me about it after I too had several bad experiences with diarrhea ?which I 
just as soon forget.? Now I take one each morning.? Is Culturelle the same as 
acidophilus?? There is also a product out there that is stronger than 
acidophilus called Flora Jen which is recommended for people on anti-biotic 
meds.? I have some of that too.


Patti in Wisconsin


From: [] 
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth ~ ANTIBIOTICS  


No, he didn't at the time, just suggested that I eat some yogurt, which I did.? 
The problem was that I was getting pneumonia several times a year for 2 years 
in a row and he last time I was in Florida for my sons wedding and had to go to 
an urgent care facility and they prescribed Amoxicillin for me.? That did me 
in.? Plus I was away from home and it made it so much worse for me having 
diahhrea, trying to think of the fact that I should be on vacation enjoying 
myself and the family celebration going on and feeling?so poorly.? 


I can't tell how much money I spent on probiotics that I've purchased from the 
health food store over the years trying to get my gut back in shape.? But, 
after suffering from my gut issues caused by the antibiotics, which caused the 
C-diff, I'm happy to say that I'm feeling so much happier these days after 
taking the Culturelle.? I used to have several days per month that I couldn't 
leave the house, actually, could hardly leave my bedroom, as I had to be that 
close to my bathroom.? My PCP told me that after having the C-diff my gut may 
get somewhat improvement, but may never be completely healed.? Sound 


Happy trails to all, I can leave the house?with some confidence.? Hugs, Barbara 
A from Auburn, CA?

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 8:40 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth ~ ANTIBIOTICS  

Regarding the problem you had with antibiotics. 

I don't understand why doctors don't prescribe

probiotics along with their antibioticsor at least

tell their patients to take themyou can buy them

over the counter? It would

solve the bad bug problem and eliminate the

diarrhea (sp?).

?? Hugs,? Lynn



In a message dated 9/18/2009 11:37:26 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

What's wrong with just eating the prunes?? I've used dried fruits, prunes, 
apricots, etc. as well as food that has a lot of fiber like beans, depending on 
what the situation is over the past year and have finally been able to regulate 
myself.? After 9 years of bowel problems, this has been so much help to me.


I haven't had as much trouble with constipation as I have had with loose 
stools.? Frankly, for me, constipation has been much easier to deal with, but 
that's my body.? Now that I've said that, I hope things don't go back to having 
problems again.? There were many times, sometimes for months, that I was afraid 
to leave my home.? I suffered from C-diff, where the bad bugs?had overtaken my 
gut and there were hardly any good bugs left.? It has taken me a long time to 
balance that out again.? That's what antibiotics can do to you if you take a 


Hugs to all, Barbara A




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 9:58 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth

Okay girls.if you want to make this cake more healthy:-)

do not use the corn syrupthat is the worse thing you can

put in your bodyuse the honey.

also.substitute olive oil for the veg. oil.


I learned from a chef that you can substitute olive oil for

any oil in your recipesand you can substitute butter in

any recipe that 

Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth

2009-09-19 Thread balmatmic

What's wrong with just eating the prunes?? I've used dried fruits, prunes, 
apricots, etc. as well as food that has a lot of fiber like beans, depending on 
what the situation is over the past year and have finally been able to regulate 
myself.? After 9 years of bowel problems, this has been so much help to me.

I haven't had as much trouble with constipation as I have had with loose 
stools.? Frankly, for me, constipation has been much easier to deal with, but 
that's my body.? Now that I've said that, I hope things don't go back to having 
problems again.? There were many times, sometimes for months, that I was afraid 
to leave my home.? I suffered from C-diff, where the bad bugs?had overtaken my 
gut and there were hardly any good bugs left.? It has taken me a long time to 
balance that out again.? That's what antibiotics can do to you if you take a 

Hugs to all, Barbara A


-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 9:58 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth

Okay girls.if you want to make this cake more healthy:-)

do not use the corn syrupthat is the worse thing you can

put in your bodyuse the honey.

also.substitute olive oil for the veg. oil.


I learned from a chef that you can substitute olive oil for

any oil in your recipesand you can substitute butter in

any recipe that calls for shortening or margarine.


I've been a happy baker ever since.? :-)

?? ~ Lynn

Re: [TMIC] Stem Cell funding

2009-09-19 Thread balmatmic
Promises, promises! 

-Original Message-
From: kevin weilacher
To:; Jim Lubin;
Sent: Sat, Sep 19, 2009 8:34 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Stem Cell funding

LOL...Randyhow right you are

To: kevin weilacher; Jim Lubin;
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 11:31:37 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Stem Cell funding

Sounds like poltics at its finest moments. 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: kevin weilacher 
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 07:14:56 -0700 (PDT)
To: Jim;
Subject: [TMIC] Stem Cell funding

Yes...I do stand correctedI misspoke when I made the general statement on 
stem cell research.
I guess my basic point is thisPresident Obama lifted the ban on funding on 
human embryonic stem cell research back in March I believe it was. From 
articles I've read, even though that ban was lifted, no federal funding has 
reached the researchers which has obviously slowed their progress. 
There was supposed to be 8.2 billion dollars made available for this. Now the 
researchers are having to rely on private funding and whatever grants they can 
find. Anything we can do as a nation of people, to help that situation out, 
certainly can't hurt.

From: Jim Lubin
To: kevin weilacher;
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 5:47:43 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Who else knew this about Gunny..? (Richard Boyle)

At 09:30 AM 9/17/2009, kevin weilacher wrote:

It seems that since President Obama lifted the ban on stem cell research 
nothing else has happened because there has been a total lack of funding for 
continued research. Currently, it seems that the only way anything is going to 
get done is if we, ourselves takes this bull by the horns and do something for 

That's because there never has been a ban on stem cell research. He lifted the 
ban on federal funding of stem cells from human embryonic sources. 

Jim Lubin??
disAbility Resources:

[TMIC] antibiotics and Culturelle (probiotic)

2009-09-19 Thread balmatmic

Something I've been meaning to write in about, just haven't gotten around to 
it.? I recently had surgery on a lypoma on my back and had a stitch that didn't 
dissolve correctly.? It decided to work it's way back out and cause me an 
infection instead.? I put off getting the antibiotic as long as I could, then 
didn't have a choice.? When I got the antibiotic I also picked up a box of 

It costs $20, but there's 30 in the box and you only take one a day.? It has 
Lactobacillus GG, and safe and appropriate for kids too.? It's well worth the 
money, and has a long shelf life.? The box I bought in July is good until 01/11.

I myself have had problems with antibiotics and diahhrea and remember my kids 
suffering with ear infections, etc and having the same symptoms.? It was a life 
saver, and believe me, my gut has been amazing since taking this stuff.? I have 
spent so much money on probiotics, and have not had any results like this.? As 
far as yogurt, I eat it all the time now, but it hasn't helped me like this has.

Hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn, CA


2009-09-07 Thread balmatmic

Hello Rose,

No need to feel so guilty for eating popcorn now is there, lol!? I am sure glad 
you posted this Rose, it's a lot easier to add the grains and cereals to your 
diet.??When I used to ask my old PCP about vitamins, he'd tell me that the best 
way is not to take supplements but to get a well balanced diet.? I think it's 
so much more important these days since so many are afraid of any type of 
reaction or having problems with drug therapy, as the flu shot.? And the good 
food?aids in the?digestive tract also, so maybe not as many BM issues.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, Sep 6, 2009 1:03 pm

Tamiflu linked to bizarre reactions 

Dear Friend, 

It's yet another case of the cure being worse than the disease. 

In the UK, more than half of the kids who have taken Tamiflu -- the antibiotic 
weapon of choice to combat the H1N1 virus -- have experienced side effects. 

Although most of these side effects have been minor (such as stomach cramps and 
nausea), as many as one in five of these kid have had disturbing, 
neuropsychiatric reactions to the drug. 

Reports say that kids have had an inability to think clearly, have suffered 
from nightmares, and have behaved strangely. 

Unfortunately, these reactions are nothing new. The dangers of Tamiflu are 
well-documented. It's even been linked to the deaths of some children and 

It's really no wonder. The drug is not just an antibiotic, like so many assume 
it is -- it's a neuraminidase inhibitor that blocks viral enzymes that can 
assist the flu virus in infecting the respiratory tract. 

In the U.S., the FDA has acknowledged that there have been as many as 1,800 
reports of kids experiencing abnormal behavior when they're given Tamiful. In 
Japan, they've actually banned the use of Tamiflu by kids. 

But because the UK is in such a cold panic over swine flu, they're handing out 
Tamiflu like candy. Believe it or not, there's even a telephone hotline and 
website where people can order a prescription without having to consult a 

So far, as many as 150,000 people have been prescribed the drug in this manner. 

No wonder so many kids are having so many side effects. At the first sign of a 
runny nose or a headache, their parents are pumping them full of Tamiflu, 
thanks to Dr. Web. 

All of these risks in order to reduce the flu symptoms by less than two days. 
That's right: according to the makers of Tamiflu, clinical tests have shown 
that the drug only has the ability to reduce the duration of symptoms by about 
36 hours. 

It just doesn't add up. 

Pop goes the antioxidants 

If you're looking for an antioxidant boost, you might want to head to the 
movies. After all, this is where you'd be likely to eat lots of popcorn, which, 
according to a new study, has a hefty dose of antioxidants. 

Who knew you could battle cancer while taking in a matinee? 

Researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania examined whole-grain 
snacks and cereals (not the sugary death bombs that I'm always warning you 
about) and found them to be just as rich in polyphenols as they are in fiber. 

Originally, it was thought that the high fiber content in these foods was what 
made them such effective weapons against cancer and heart disease. Turns out 
it's really a double-whammy of fiber and polyphenols. 

Raisin bran packed the biggest antioxidant punch, weighing in at a whopping 524 
milligrams of antioxidants per serving. The surprise is that the antioxidant 
content is found in the grains that these foods are made from. 

Researchers found that popcorn is the king of antioxidant content when it comes 
to snack foods, so munch on... just go easy on that movie-theater liquid they 
call butter. 

Always giving your brain some healthy snacks to chew on, 

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D. 


2009-09-07 Thread balmatmic

Hi Rose,

Yes, I know that cereals aren't what they tell us they are, but by cooking 
fresh foods, dry beans, rice, etc., we can get a lot of nutrients that we would 
not get by eating the convenience foods that so many are eating in their 
diets.? That's what my doctor was referring to when he said that we shouldn't 
expect a vitamin to do it for us, that we have to use good food to nourish the 
body first.? 

But yes, I agree that supplements have their place.? But so many take it to the 
extreme.? And, companies are getting rich on supplements as well as drugs.?

That?Tamiflu just scares the heck out of me!? I've never taken it, and am sure 
glad that I didn't.??I use sea salt, and?I don't have high BP, but would the 
no salt with potassium chloride?still be something that would?be a good thing 
to try?

Hugs, Barbara A?

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, Sep 7, 2009 8:48 am

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, Sep 7, 2009 8:48 am

Hi Barbara ~


?? You picked up on the same thing I did when I first read this article

I was thinking, CoolI can eat all of the popcorn I want since I can

eat my weight in that stuff.? LOL..!? I do go easy on the butter...and use

no salt with potassium chloride since I now have high B.P.? Can't tell

the difference between that and regular sea salt.


?? On the supplements I have to disagree with your old PCP?we definitely

need supplements, ?reason being, it's impossible to get all of?our 

vitamins/minerals from our foodespecially these days.?

For example, these so-called vitamin enhanced cerealswhat

a joke that is!? They spray a thin spray of vitamins over the cereal and 

they can call it enhanced or whatever word they are using these days.

There is no way a person can get , for example, the vitamin D3 they need from

their foods no matter how well they eat.? There just isn't enough in our milk, 

and so on to give us the levels we need.? You would have to eat five bowls of

cereal, a couple of gallons of milkwell, you get my drift.? I would have had

fun with your old PCP girlfriend.? :-)

?? Love ya,? Lynn




In a message dated 9/7/2009 12:33:06 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, Balmatmic 

Hello Rose,


No need to feel so guilty for eating popcorn now is there, lol!? I am sure glad 
you posted this Rose, it's a lot easier to add the grains and cereals to your 
diet.??When I used to ask my old PCP about vitamins, he'd tell me that the best 
way is not to take supplements but to get a well balanced diet.? I think it's 
so much more important these days since so many are afraid of any type of 
reaction or having problems with drug therapy, as the flu shot.? And the good 
food?aids in the?digestive tract also, so maybe not as many BM issues.


Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, Sep 6, 2009 1:03 pm

Tamiflu linked to bizarre reactions 

Dear Friend, 

It's yet another case of the cure being worse than the disease. 

In the UK, more than half of the kids who have taken Tamiflu -- the antibiotic 
weapon of choice to combat the H1N1 virus -- have experienced side effects. 

Although most of these side effects have been minor (such as stomach cramps and 
nausea), as many as one in five of these kid have had disturbing, 
neuropsychiatric reactions to the drug. 

Reports say that kids have had an inability to think clearly, have suffered 
from nightmares, and have behaved strangely. 

Unfortunately, these reactions are nothing new. The dangers of Tamiflu are 
well-documented. It's even been linked to the deaths of some children and 

It's really no wonder. The drug is not just an antibiotic, like so many assume 
it is -- it's a neuraminidase inhibitor that blocks viral enzymes that can 
assist the flu virus in infecting the respiratory tract. 

In the U.S., the FDA has acknowledged that there have been as many as 1,800 
reports of kids experiencing abnormal behavior when they're given Tamiful. In 
Japan, they've actually banned the use of Tamiflu by kids. 

But because the UK is in such a cold panic over swine flu, they're handing out 
Tamiflu like candy. Believe it or not, there's even a telephone hotline and 
website where people can order a prescription without having to consult a 

So far, as many as 150,000 people have been prescribed the drug in this manner. 

No wonder so many kids are having so many side effects. At the first sign of a 
runny nose or a headache, their parents are pumping them full of Tamiflu, 
thanks to Dr. Web. 

All of these risks in order to reduce the flu

Re: [TMIC] Arthritis

2009-08-25 Thread balmatmic


I looked at the website earlier when somebody suggested it and they use it 
personally.? What I read on the website is that they have a bottom of the jar 
guarantee.? I was going to try myself as a local drug store carries it, but 
haven't been there yet.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
To: kevin weilacher;
Sent: Mon, Aug 24, 2009 7:59 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Arthritis

Obviously Kevin needs to get a life!!? Janice

- Original Message - 

From: kevin weilacher 

To: Janice ; 

Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 3:23 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Arthritis

Off topic here.but I read that first sentence.and saw  Australian 
Dream and thought you were talking about our lovable Gilly..*hope she 
doesn't smack me for that...*

From: Janice
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 3:54:45 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Arthritis

Has anyone tried the Australian Dream the has emu oil in it? I don't know 
if it is a cream or pill - I think cream.

One of our pharmacies carries it, but don't want to put the money,? $30.00, in 
it if it is just a pipe dream. Have tried

several arthritis creams and not satisfied yet.




[TMIC] able to move

2009-08-25 Thread balmatmic


Tears came to my eyes as I read your message and then when I saw the video, it 
was so awesome to see.? Move Jim, Move Jim, it was like Run Forest, Run!? 
Over and over again, amazing, and so thrilling for you.? I couldn't be happier 
for you.?

Yet another message that I had to read outloud to my family!? And, I believe 
that I'll also be sharing with my friends and family.

Oh Jim, I quickly forwarded your message to my son?Adam once I read it, so he 
could see the good news as well.? Just so this makes sense to those reading 
this, my son plays Mafia Wars with Jim.

Especially BIG HUGS to you Jim, Barbara A

Re: [TMIC] Victory Junction

2009-08-23 Thread balmatmic

Hello Debbie,

?? I got so excited to see your letter that I quickly called Pete into the room 
and read your message outloud to him.? I was so thrilled to hear of all the 
experiences that these kids were able to have, that otherwise wouldn't be 
available to accessible to them.? Oh, I am so happy to hear that so many had 
such a wonderful time and if for just a week had the time of their lives that 
will not be forgotten in many years, if ever.

?? I had no idea that this camp was such a wonderful place.? And, it definately 
brought tears to my eyes to think of Michael baiting hooks for the kids and 
helping them to get them back in the water to hopefully live to be caught again 
by another child.? To think of you doing arts and crafts is good too, but 
Michael, so many kids never ever get a chance to go fishing!

?? Thanks also for the update on the kids that we haven't heard about in quite 
a while.? It's nice getting those updates, as I know?meant to much to you to 
see again.? Hard to think of Rachael's brother being teenagers, but it makes 
sense.? Time flies doesn't it?? 

I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures soon and hope that you're well 
rested now.

Warm hugs, Barbara A


-Original Message-
From: Deborah Nord Capen
Sent: Sun, Aug 23, 2009 12:37 pm
Subject: [TMIC] Victory Junction

Hi All,

I have returned from Victory Junction Camp in Randleman, North Carolina.? I was 
one of the volunteer camp counselors for our Transverse Myelitis family week 
that the Nascar Petty family has promised to sponsor once every two years for 
our kids.? (I have been home and back to work for a week, but it took me this 
long to recover from jet lag.)


What a wonderful camp experience for all the young kids with transverse 
myelitis, ADEM and NMO to meet other kids and form lifelong friendships!? We 
watched these quadriplegic and paraplegic kids experience horseback riding, 
archery, fishing, bowling, pampering themselves with pink/purple/green hair and 
fingernails in the Fab Shop, ride in hot air balloons!


This camp was provided to the kids, siblings and parents totally free of 
charge!? They had cabins to sleep in, lots of good food (and NOT so nutritious 
food like Krispy Kreme donuts hand dunked, slurpies, ice cream, popcorn) to 
eat, they had a stage night where the kids made up their own little shows and 
performed for all of us on the big stage.


There is a totally accessible water park for the kids to play in - the swimming 
pool has shoreline so the kids can be wheeled in onto special floating 
lounges - motorcycles that squirt water at each other, a cool waterslide - one 
night we had the Cucumber 500, where everybody sculpted a cucumber into a 
floating vessel, then we raced them in the river portion of the pool to see 
whose cucumber boats would cross the finish line first (or sink halfway 


My husband Michael got to go with me for his first time, and he was in charge 
of helping bait the hooks, take the fish off the hooks, holding the fishies so 
the kids could kiss them before throwing them back in the lake.? I was in 
charge of the arts and crafts with another member of our list, who I finally 
had the pleasure of meeting for the first time, after corresponding with her 
over the past few years (Sue, I will have pictures downloaded from my computer 
to send you hopefully this week).? We helped the kids do bead projects, plaster 
casts of their hands (not too successful), spin-art painting, scrapbooks).? 
They also had the opportunity to do wood-burning projects, paint wood crafts, 
etc.? Did I mention the maze that they got to get lost in, and every night the 
counselors would move the gates to change the maze, so they could get lost all 
over again the next day?


What was so cool about the camp was that there were adults with TM there, who 
had come to volunteer their time with the kids.? I think that this was cool, 
because the parents (as well as the kids) could see that life does go on, and 
we can all lead productive lives, even though TM has come to live with us 


Did I mention the totally handicapped-accessible treehouse with an accessible 
bathroom at the top?? Also an indoor baseball diamond in the sports arena, and 
an indoor gym with basketball court, pool tables, video games.? Oh, and I also 
forgot to mention that we had a Nascar pit crew join us for dinner one evening, 
then show us with a real live race car how fast they could service the car when 
it screams into the pit for tire changes!? The two crews had contests to see 
which crew was fastest.? After the contests, they invited the kids to come up 
and change the tires, using the air wrenches to remove the nuts and replace 
them.? Also, in Adam's race shop, there are real race cars that the kids can 
slide into, then drive with computer-simulated racetracks.? There are more 
video games at this camp than you could 

Re: [TMIC] my knee

2009-08-22 Thread balmatmic

Hi Janice,

So far, I've only had the steroid injections also.? It's my daughter in-law's 
aunt who is getting the other injections.? I will get the name of the injection 
in the next few days.? The aunt just had some surgery yesterday, so I need to 
wait till she talks to her.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
Sent: Sat, Aug 22, 2009 8:04 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee

If you don't mind, I would like the name of the stuff they are putting in her 
knee.??? So far, I think I have only

had steroids put in my knee. Thanks


- Original Message - 


To: ; ; ; 

Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 12:41 AM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee

Wow, I am so sorry to hear that you have had to have such HUGE amount of 
surgeries on your knee.? 


I may be wrong in what I called the injection, but my daughter in-law's aunt is 
getting something every 3 months in her knee.? She will not have another 
surgery.? This is for sure some sort of artificial cartilage, which I am sure 
I neglected to mention now that I think of it.? And it most likely has a 
steroid in it as well.? I can find out the name of it if you'd like.


Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Maggie
Sent: Thu, Aug 20, 2009 5:08 pm
Subject: RE: [TMIC] my knee

I had a partial knee replacement (Avon) on March 26, 2009.? I am 47 years old 
and yes, considered very young to have it done.? My recuperation?took much 
longer?than normal as?this was the 15th surgery on my knee and the amount of 
scar tissue was hindering the mobility.
I am doing much better?now and am pain free.??Actually,?I didn't require any 
pain killers immediately after surgery.
As for the cartilage injection, I have never heard of such a thing as 
cartilage? is not something that you can transplant back?to replace what has 
deteriorated or shredded.? Cartilage does not adhere to anything.? It just 
shreds off.? Trust me, if there was a way to put more cartilage into a knee, I 
would have been the guinea pig to try it.
Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 20:50:50 -0500

I am very careful of my knee also. I am back into therapy now, again, and 
my PT is taking a really different

direction with working on leg strength because of the knee.??? I don't really 
feel any pain any more, but I feel just

enough to let me know to be careful.


- Original Message - 


To: ; ; 

Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 5:56 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee

Hi Janice,


Well, my doc told me that if the first shot that I got in April didn't work, 
and if this one did, it's possible that my PCP missed and it landed in the 
wrong spot.? If they both don't work, then we struck out.? Not likely both 
missed, and the shots would not help me.? Personally, I would be scared of the 
Prednisone pills for 10 years, as we've seen here how they can mess with the 

I've rested it for a couple of days now as it was really irritated after the 
exam, and it seems ready for some exercise now.? I'll see how it responds with 
the same amount of exercise I was doing prior to the shot, and?then I'm back on 
target.? Then, I am hoping to be able to do more after the two weeks, but time 
will tell.? The key for me (as well as all of us) is to know when enough is 
enough.? I have had TM for 10 years, and I still don't always know until it's 
too late.? At least I'm mindful of my knee now.? Most of the time I overdo the 
spine, which if I do, I rest the knee as well, lol.


Take care all, hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
Sent: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 2:44 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee

I have had the cortisone injections in the knee.??? The first one did not do 
much, so they got me on Prednisone pills

for about? 10 days.??? Not much improvement.??? Then, later on, they gave me 
another shot in the knee and there was

improvement and then over some weeks, it really was pretty good. I think 
the doc's always tell you the shot is not

a cure, but it sure helps.


- Original Message - 


To: ; 

Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 11:03 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee



Well it's no big deal about not asking about the injection of cartilage, but it 
IS a big deal what you're going through.? My 

Re: [TMIC] OT:My Pattern published!

2009-08-22 Thread balmatmic


I am so very happy for you.? It's about time that something nice has happened 
to you.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Akua
Sent: Sat, Aug 22, 2009 4:35 pm
Subject: [TMIC] OT:My Pattern published!

This is off Topic, but I am so full of complaints and disappointments--- that i 
share and work on here-- that i wanted to share a ray of hope.?
I got a box the other day from Simon and Schuster... i had not clue what it was 
til i opened it...?
My 2010 Crochet A Day Calendar arrived and my Flower Link scarf patternis in 
This particularly sweet, not only because the pattern was rejected by 
Interweave ( so if at first you don't succeed try, try again)?
but because my model was my visually challenged neighbor from the complex I 
stayed in, in Rochester while learning to live my life anew as a paraplegic and 
awaiting my home's rehab.?
It was a hellishly hard and horrible time and I missed the art i used to make 
and crochet?
was both a salvation and communication. I offered weekly crochet lessons in 
that building.?
The picture was taken on a sunny but chilly day in the courtyard I used to love 
to roll to...?
the pattern was about turning poison into medicine.?
by hand?
from heart?
-- ?

Re: [TMIC] my knee

2009-08-20 Thread balmatmic

Wow, I am so sorry to hear that you have had to have such HUGE amount of 
surgeries on your knee.? 

I may be wrong in what I called the injection, but my daughter in-law's aunt is 
getting something every 3 months in her knee.? She will not have another 
surgery.? This is for sure some sort of artificial cartilage, which I am sure 
I neglected to mention now that I think of it.? And it most likely has a 
steroid in it as well.? I can find out the name of it if you'd like.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Maggie
Sent: Thu, Aug 20, 2009 5:08 pm
Subject: RE: [TMIC] my knee

I had a partial knee replacement (Avon) on March 26, 2009.? I am 47 years old 
and yes, considered very young to have it done.? My recuperation?took much 
longer?than normal as?this was the 15th surgery on my knee and the amount of 
scar tissue was hindering the mobility.
I am doing much better?now and am pain free.??Actually,?I didn't require any 
pain killers immediately after surgery.
As for the cartilage injection, I have never heard of such a thing as 
cartilage? is not something that you can transplant back?to replace what has 
deteriorated or shredded.? Cartilage does not adhere to anything.? It just 
shreds off.? Trust me, if there was a way to put more cartilage into a knee, I 
would have been the guinea pig to try it.
Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 20:50:50 -0500

I am very careful of my knee also. I am back into therapy now, again, and 
my PT is taking a really different

direction with working on leg strength because of the knee.??? I don't really 
feel any pain any more, but I feel just

enough to let me know to be careful.


- Original Message - 


To: ; ; 

Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 5:56 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee

Hi Janice,


Well, my doc told me that if the first shot that I got in April didn't work, 
and if this one did, it's possible that my PCP missed and it landed in the 
wrong spot.? If they both don't work, then we struck out.? Not likely both 
missed, and the shots would not help me.? Personally, I would be scared of the 
Prednisone pills for 10 years, as we've seen here how they can mess with the 

I've rested it for a couple of days now as it was really irritated after the 
exam, and it seems ready for some exercise now.? I'll see how it responds with 
the same amount of exercise I was doing prior to the shot, and?then I'm back on 
target.? Then, I am hoping to be able to do more after the two weeks, but time 
will tell.? The key for me (as well as all of us) is to know when enough is 
enough.? I have had TM for 10 years, and I still don't always know until it's 
too late.? At least I'm mindful of my knee now.? Most of the time I overdo the 
spine, which if I do, I rest the knee as well, lol.


Take care all, hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
Sent: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 2:44 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee

I have had the cortisone injections in the knee.??? The first one did not do 
much, so they got me on Prednisone pills

for about? 10 days.??? Not much improvement.??? Then, later on, they gave me 
another shot in the knee and there was

improvement and then over some weeks, it really was pretty good. I think 
the doc's always tell you the shot is not

a cure, but it sure helps.


- Original Message - 


To: ; 

Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 11:03 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee



Well it's no big deal about not asking about the injection of cartilage, but it 
IS a big deal what you're going through.? My goodness.? Did you already have 
the Cortisone injection, if so please let us know if it helps.? I hope for your 
sake it does.??I'm impressed with your doctor for being totally honest with you 
by telling you not to expect this to be a magic pill.? Everybody has different 
issues, so the outcome is not necessarily the same for all. 


Hey,?congratulations on those pounds you already lost.? Getting started is the 
hardest part, and looks like you're on your way.??It is?a lot of hard work 
after the surgery, but you will feel sooo much better.? And better is 
good.??I know you can do it!??Just keep focused on being able to be more active.


Please keep us posted.




- Original Message - 



Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 1:25 AM

Subject: [TMIC] my knee

I went to the orthopedist yesterday, and found out that I am 

Re: [TMIC] OT? - Anyone who has employee STD/LTD benefits.

2009-08-19 Thread balmatmic

Hi Cheryl,

Are you saying that you've never had to go through any trouble with your LTD 
carrier this whole time?? That is awesome if so.? I've had TM for 10?yrs and 
fortunatly have LTD for the extra salary.? However, I've had quite a ride with 
it.? They were great to work with originally during the STD and first couple of 
years of LTD phase.? They even totally handled my SSDI paperwork, and quickly 
requested payback of their share of my retro payment once I was approved first 
time around.? 

They have since denied me several times, and I have had gruelling appeals.? 
There is a great deal of abuse in the disability insurance industry, many 
people fake it, and that makes it so hard for those of us who are seriously 
disabled and entitled to the insurance payment.? They also take advantage of 
people not having the strength to fight back and just giving up and not 
appealing the denial.

For me, this last appeal was brutal.? I had to appeal 2 times on my own.? If I 
needed a third appeal, it then would be with an attorney.? That is what the 
Plan called for.? It was very hard to get together a worthy appeal against 
the insurance company while taking a good deal of medication.? I requested a 
copy of the medical records they had on file and were using to deny my claim.? 
I needed to go through my?records, and they weren't that easy to read.? There 
were 2 reams of paper, and so many sheets were duplicates.? It took so long, 
but I finally got it done the second time around.? It was about 3 years ago, 
and they haven't bothered me since.? I'm 58 and I hope they don't bother me 
again, but I wouldn't count on it.

I am so much better prepared to?fight now than I was then though.? I'll give 
them HELL this next time.

If faced with this, get support from any direction you can.? You'll?need it!

Hugs, Barbara A?

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, Aug 19, 2009 1:37 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT? - Anyone who has employee STD/LTD benefits.


?? Wow! So many people on the list have insurance horror stories.?I am really 
lucky.I got my LTD less than 1 year before getting tm on 8/13/95. The 
physiatrist in rehab filed the LTD paperwork promptly. Also,I was told years 
later that using the right words in the filing was crucial. 

?? Keep EVERY bit of paper sent by the company. If you speak to someone on the 
phone,tell them you want the discussion and resolution backed up by a letter. 
Give them 10 days,and follow up with them if you don't get a letter. DON'T GIVE 
UP! Some companies try to wear youi down.

?? I applied for SSD on the phone while still in rehab,and was approved right 
away. I started getting benefits 5 months from onset of tm.?

?? ?LTD got screwed up by the benefits manager at the hospital I worked at. She 
told me everything was all set,and I would get a check in December retroactive 
to August. She then left to have surgery. Apparently her mind wasn't on my 
claim;when I hadn't heard anything from my LTD carrier,I called and was told 
they would not send anything yet. I cried because I had a mortgage and 
overdue?bills to pay. I got a certified check in the mail overnight! 

?? When I got the SSD retroactive payment in January,I had to give back all of 
it to LTD,since they had been giving me the total amount. ?My policy coverage 
was for a total of 60% from SSD and LTD combined.

?? I was very fortunate. At the beginning I had to keep proving disability 
every 6 months,then every year,then every 18 months. I also had a thorough exam 
by their neurologist a few years ago.Last year they offered me a lump sum that 
I turned down;it would have?meant losing thousands of dollars.?My LTD ends 
6/17/2011 on my 65th birthday. Then I start my pension from work.?

?? My LTD insurer The Hartford has been very good. Still,whenever I get 
something in the mail,I worry. I know?a friend at work (a unit secretary) had 
Uno LTD insurance and she's had problems since day 1. She had loads of 
paperwork,and she said at the time they're trying to wear me down so I'll give 
up,and it's not going to happen. It's been years and they still give her a 
hard time.
?? Cheryl in Easthampton,MA.?? 
--- On Wed, 8/19/09, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

Subject: [TMIC] OT? - Anyone who has employee STD/LTD benefits.
To: tmic-list
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 12:55 PM

First to all newbies - WELCOME

Anyone with TM who has been employed and has as a benefit Short/Long Term 
Disability (STD/LTD) PLEASE beware of these companies - you are not safe 
with/from them.? They will do anything to get you off your deserved payments.? 
You need to contact a good ERISA lawyer ASAP!

Here is a question from disinssues and a reply from a former insurance 

I may be able to shed some light on this, 

Re: [TMIC] Linda Needs Some Help

2009-08-18 Thread balmatmic

I will look for this as well, as I have arthritis in my hands.  I have used Icy 
Hot on my back, knee and legs when things get bad, but wouldn't use on my hands 
because I didn't ever want it close to my face in case while sleeping, and I 
can't sleep in gloves.  

I just looked at the website and it looks like they have at Walgreens, which is 
the only store listed in my area.  They have a Empty Jar Guarantee, so have 
nothing to lose, you can get a refund.  Sounds like it's worth a try to me.  
Thanks for the info.

Hugs to all, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: lynne myers
To: tmic
Sent: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 5:28 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Linda Needs Some Help

I get mine at our local drug store, but they also have a website.

--- On Tue, 8/18/09, L T CHERPESKI wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Linda Needs Some Help
To: tmic, lynne myers
Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 12:06 AM


Lynne, is this something we could find at a local drug store, or did you have 
to special order it?  I'm really glad to hear you've found something that works.



- Original Message - 

From: lynne myers 

To: tmic 

Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:17 AM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Linda Needs Some Help

The gluco
samine never did much for me either, but my husband swears by it.  A few years 
ago I found a cream called Australian Dream.  Its made out of emu oil and it 
really helps with the arthritis in my hands.  I use it a couple of times a day.


--- On Sun, 8/16/09, L T CHERPESKI wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Linda Needs Some Help
To: 'Deborah Nord Capen',, 
Patricia Cooley
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 12:08 AM


Deborah, I didn't know this came in a gel either.  I could sure use some of 
that on my hands and other achy areas too.  Do you just buy it at the drug 
store?  A few months ago I bought a tube of some kind of cream for arthritis 
and it really does nothing.  I don't even want to think about how much money 
I've spent over the years on products that claim to help with joint pain.  It 
would really be nice to find something that gives some relief.




Re: [TMIC] my knee

2009-08-18 Thread balmatmic

Hi Janice,

Well, my doc told me that if the first shot that I got in April didn't work, 
and if this one did, it's possible that my PCP missed and it landed in the 
wrong spot.? If they both don't work, then we struck out.? Not likely both 
missed, and the shots would not help me.? Personally, I would be scared of the 
Prednisone pills for 10 years, as we've seen here how they can mess with the 

I've rested it for a couple of days now as it was really irritated after the 
exam, and it seems ready for some exercise now.? I'll see how it responds with 
the same amount of exercise I was doing prior to the shot, and?then I'm back on 
target.? Then, I am hoping to be able to do more after the two weeks, but time 
will tell.? The key for me (as well as all of us) is to know when enough is 
enough.? I have had TM for 10 years, and I still don't always know until it's 
too late.? At least I'm mindful of my knee now.? Most of the time I overdo the 
spine, which if I do, I rest the knee as well, lol.

Take care all, hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
Sent: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 2:44 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee

I have had the cortisone injections in the knee.??? The first one did not do 
much, so they got me on Prednisone pills

for about? 10 days.??? Not much improvement.??? Then, later on, they gave me 
another shot in the knee and there was

improvement and then over some weeks, it really was pretty good. I think 
the doc's always tell you the shot is not

a cure, but it sure helps.


- Original Message - 


To: ; 

Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 11:03 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee



Well it's no big deal about not asking about the injection of cartilage, but it 
IS a big deal what you're going through.? My goodness.? Did you already have 
the Cortisone injection, if so please let us know if it helps.? I hope for your 
sake it does.??I'm impressed with your doctor for being totally honest with you 
by telling you not to expect this to be a magic pill.? Everybody has different 
issues, so the outcome is not necessarily the same for all. 


Hey,?congratulations on those pounds you already lost.? Getting started is the 
hardest part, and looks like you're on your way.??It is?a lot of hard work 
after the surgery, but you will feel sooo much better.? And better is 
good.??I know you can do it!??Just keep focused on being able to be more active.


Please keep us posted.




- Original Message - 



Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 1:25 AM

Subject: [TMIC] my knee

I went to the orthopedist yesterday, and found out that I am indeed a candidate 
for a knee replacement.??I am 58 yrs old and he said that typically they like 
to wait till 60 or older because they do need replacing in 10-15 yrs on 
average.? With as much as I'd walk on it, I'd probably get a longer life 
though, as he said what happens is the screws get loose and they need to go in 
and re-do them.


He also schedules about 2 months out, and it takes most people about 4-6 months 
of rehab to be back to 100%.? I really didn't want to be recouperating over 
Christmas, so I opted to try a Cortisone injection to see if it would get me 
through a bit until I could get at least past the holidays.? I don't know if 
it'll work or not, but it's worth a try.? I should know soon if the shot is 
successful or not.?? My nephew gets married the 28th of August,?and I am hoping 
to go to the wedding without knee pain.


I loved him.? I've had 2 DVT's in this leg and have torn muscles also in the 
past few years.? He told me that this is not going to fix all the problems that 
I am having with my leg.? It may help them since the knee will be stronger, 
won't buckle?on me,?and the muscles?won't have to be compensating as much, but 
I shouldn't go into the replacement and expect it to be the magic pill.? But, I 
have serious circulation problems that will not be helped, so my feeling is I 
have to try to help as much as I can to get back to being able to walk more 
again and become more active, if possible.? I walked more and better up until a 
few years ago.


I was so surprised that he didn't talk at all about my weight.? I could stand 
to lose a good bit of weight, and am going to be making a valiant effort at 
that.? I've already started and have lost the few pounds that I have gained 
back over the past few months.? The yo-yo thing, not good.? It will make it 
much easier on my knees now and in the future, as well as the rehab when the 
day comes to try to get back up on the new knee.? Yikes, that's going to take 
some work!? Hope I'm up to it.?


Linda, I'm very sorry, but I forgot to ask about the injection of cartilage.? 
There was so much going on 

Re: [TMIC] my knee

2009-08-18 Thread balmatmic

Hi Linda, 

Thanks for your email and encouragement.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, Aug 17, 2009 9:03 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee



Well it's no big deal about not asking about the injection of cartilage, but it 
IS a big deal what you're going through.? My goodness.? Did you already have 
the Cortisone injection, if so please let us know if it helps.? I hope for your 
sake it does.??I'm impressed with your doctor for being totally honest with you 
by telling you not to expect this to be a magic pill.? Everybody has different 
issues, so the outcome is not necessarily the same for all. 


Hey,?congratulations on those pounds you already lost.? Getting started is the 
hardest part, and looks like you're on your way.??It is?a lot of hard work 
after the surgery, but you will feel sooo much better.? And better is 
good.??I know you can do it!??Just keep focused on being able to be more active.


Please keep us posted.




- Original Message - 



Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 1:25 AM

Subject: [TMIC] my knee

I went to the orthopedist yesterday, and found out that I am indeed a candidate 
for a knee replacement.??I am 58 yrs old and he said that typically they like 
to wait till 60 or older because they do need replacing in 10-15 yrs on 
average.? With as much as I'd walk on it, I'd probably get a longer life 
though, as he said what happens is the screws get loose and they need to go in 
and re-do them.


He also schedules about 2 months out, and it takes most people about 4-6 months 
of rehab to be back to 100%.? I really didn't want to be recouperating over 
Christmas, so I opted to try a Cortisone injection to see if it would get me 
through a bit until I could get at least past the holidays.? I don't know if 
it'll work or not, but it's worth a try.? I should know soon if the shot is 
successful or not.?? My nephew gets married the 28th of August,?and I am hoping 
to go to the wedding without knee pain.


I loved him.? I've had 2 DVT's in this leg and have torn muscles also in the 
past few years.? He told me that this is not going to fix all the problems that 
I am having with my leg.? It may help them since the knee will be stronger, 
won't buckle?on me,?and the muscles?won't have to be compensating as much, but 
I shouldn't go into the replacement and expect it to be the magic pill.? But, I 
have serious circulation problems that will not be helped, so my feeling is I 
have to try to help as much as I can to get back to being able to walk more 
again and become more active, if possible.? I walked more and better up until a 
few years ago.


I was so surprised that he didn't talk at all about my weight.? I could stand 
to lose a good bit of weight, and am going to be making a valiant effort at 
that.? I've already started and have lost the few pounds that I have gained 
back over the past few months.? The yo-yo thing, not good.? It will make it 
much easier on my knees now and in the future, as well as the rehab when the 
day comes to try to get back up on the new knee.? Yikes, that's going to take 
some work!? Hope I'm up to it.?


Linda, I'm very sorry, but I forgot to ask about the injection of cartilage.? 
There was so much going on between my husband asking about healthcare and the 
knee that we were in his office for almost an hour.


Hugs to all, Barbara A






Re: [TMIC] an interesting note

2009-08-18 Thread balmatmic

Wow Jeff,

I had heard that there are pockets in different parts of the country where 
there are large numbers of MS and TMers.? I kind of remember that a while back 
that Cleveland had a lot of TMer's.??Am I remembering this right?? Is this the 
air, water,?pesticides?? 

Hugs, Barbara A?

-Original Message-
From: jeff bernier
Sent: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 11:04 am
Subject: [TMIC] an interesting note

well the other day i sat down with my father for coffee and we were 
just?talking about the past and various things when he told me somthing that 
almost knocked me out of my chair.

my stepmother who is 48yo has been dx with full blow ms and is in a nursing 
home,well i sat back for a minute and got a flashback of the early days of not 
knowing,lack of knowledge and uncertianty,which weve all been through,man was 
that a shock.

i need to know how many of the members on the list are from the upstate ny 
area?and just a location,i read some info on studies on ms and found out my 
area of ny,im only 10 miles from cooperstown,has the highest rate of ms and 
cancer in the country and the overall consenses is that,all the industry from 
the midwest and canada put polution in the air and it all setteled here,ill 
give more info in a little bit.

[TMIC] my knee

2009-08-16 Thread balmatmic

I went to the orthopedist yesterday, and found out that I am indeed a candidate 
for a knee replacement.??I am 58 yrs old and he said that typically they like 
to wait till 60 or older because they do need replacing in 10-15 yrs on 
average.? With as much as I'd walk on it, I'd probably get a longer life 
though, as he said what happens is the screws get loose and they need to go in 
and re-do them.

He also schedules about 2 months out, and it takes most people about 4-6 months 
of rehab to be back to 100%.? I really didn't want to be recouperating over 
Christmas, so I opted to try a Cortisone injection to see if it would get me 
through a bit until I could get at least past the holidays.? I don't know if 
it'll work or not, but it's worth a try.? I should know soon if the shot is 
successful or not.?? My nephew gets married the 28th of August,?and I am hoping 
to go to the wedding without knee pain.

I loved him.? I've had 2 DVT's in this leg and have torn muscles also in the 
past few years.? He told me that this is not going to fix all the problems that 
I am having with my leg.? It may help them since the knee will be stronger, 
won't buckle?on me,?and the muscles?won't have to be compensating as much, but 
I shouldn't go into the replacement and expect it to be the magic pill.? But, I 
have serious circulation problems that will not be helped, so my feeling is I 
have to try to help as much as I can to get back to being able to walk more 
again and become more active, if possible.? I walked more and better up until a 
few years ago.

I was so surprised that he didn't talk at all about my weight.? I could stand 
to lose a good bit of weight, and am going to be making a valiant effort at 
that.? I've already started and have lost the few pounds that I have gained 
back over the past few months.? The yo-yo thing, not good.? It will make it 
much easier on my knees now and in the future, as well as the rehab when the 
day comes to try to get back up on the new knee.? Yikes, that's going to take 
some work!? Hope I'm up to it.?

Linda, I'm very sorry, but I forgot to ask about the injection of cartilage.? 
There was so much going on between my husband asking about healthcare and the 
knee that we were in his office for almost an hour.

Hugs to all, Barbara A

Re: [TMIC] Need some help please

2009-08-13 Thread balmatmic

I did forget to add something.? Since I saw my PCP and he talked about the bone 
on bone thing with my knee I added Glucosomin to my daily med routine and have 
had less pain in my knees.? Don't know if this would work for everyone, but it 
also makes my hip hurt less.? It takes a bit to get working, so give it a 
chance if you go for it.

I am also working on losing some weight, hopefully, a good amount of weight, as 
I know this will be easier on me now and in the future.? It's something that 
I've needed to do, tried off and on, but now it's going to be a necessity.? I 
can't wait for the doc to tell me tomorrow how I need to do it!? Duh!? Yikes!!!

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, Aug 13, 2009 12:48 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Need some help please

Hi Barbara, I know a lot of people who have had very successful knee 
replacement, and regret going through all that pain and waiting so long to 
have?it done.? I am going to look into having the injections and definitely 
aqua therapy.? I've heard nothing but good things about aqua therapy - even for 
knees that are bone on bone, building up certain muscles to help relieve some 
of the weight bearing on the knees.? And definitely I am going for a second 
opinion, armed with all my research data.


Thanks for the help,


- Original Message - 


To: ; 

Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:03 AM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Need some help please

I have a friend who had a very successful double knee replacement, but before 
they ever got to that point, they did cortisone injections and I think maybe 
physical therapy, so I think those would give some relief at least for a while. 
I would think losing weight could only help, and I would guess water therapy 
would be good.?


I would seek another opinion and ask straight up, If I can't do surgery, what 
are my other options; what can I do?


Barbara H.


In a message dated 8/11/2009 11:41:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi everybody,


I'm hoping you guys can help point me in the right direction.? There are so 
many of us on the TM site there's just got to be someone who knows somebody 
with the same or similar dilemma. 


Most of you know that I've had Sjogrens for 20+ years (unfortunately, 
progressive and aggressive) and 7 yrs ago TM came into my life.? I am on heavy 
chemo meds (Imuran and Rituxan infusions) to suppress my immune system to keep 
it from attacking my body.? Last Sept I had a minor surgery to repair a torn 
meniscus in my knee, and my body went into the longest, hardest relapse I've 
ever had.? I'm just now getting my arms and hands back - I think this is as 
much as I'll get this time.? Almost everything else has gradually come back.? 
My one huge problem is that my KNEES took the biggest hit - my doctors said it 
was because they were the weakest part of my body at the time.? I have infected 
knees (right one to the bone) and am walking (trying) on bone on bone knees.? 
They both need to be replaced.? And, I have TM, so already my walking is not 
that pretty.


I was sent out of state to a surgeon who does a special knee replacement 
surgery that is less invasive.? Long trip, big disappointment.? He will NOT do 
surgery on me either because of the aftermath? - said it would be like doing 
brain surgery?due to my autoimmune diseases.? Well that's fine - I have always 
wanted to do anything but the surgery, but was given no OTHER choices.


And, I am still being given NO options.? So I've done some of my own research.? 
What about physical therapy to get my thigh and quad muscles built up so they 
can take some of the load off my knee joints??(I'm?a fairly small person so 
we're not talking about losing 50 lbs and that would make things all better) 
?Water therapy?? I'm not quite sure how to get these muscles built up when my 
knees hurt so bad I can hardly bend them, but there has to be a way.? My 
doctors have kind of given up on me, which at first shocked me, now I'm just 
really mad.


Any ideas would be much appreciated.


Thanks guys,





Re: [TMIC] Wheelchair questions

2009-08-11 Thread balmatmic

Hi Kevin,

Just an fyi, not sure if you are getting any help from insurance, medicare, 
etc. or not on this power chair.? If you are not, you may want to consider 
purchasing one second hand.? I've bought 2 second hand, the second only because 
the first one didn't have the power to pull the hills at our fairgrounds, and 
there are many fun events at our local fairgrounds.? 

You can get some really good deals on a second hand scooter.? We bought mine 
through private parties, but when going to a local mobility store for some new 
crutches he had some great used scooters, and for not any more money than I 
paid.? His looked newer and I was surprised.? There are so many people who get 
them and only use for a very short time, and some never even go out of the 

Unless I can get insurance to pay for me, which is highly unlikely with my 
current?HMO,?I'll never buy new.

Hugs to all, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal
Sent: Tue, Aug 11, 2009 6:55 pm
Subject: [TMIC] Wheelchair questions

I am wondering who uses Power Wheelchairs on the TMIC??
I cannot use a manual wheelchair because my hands are bad.?
Would you mind posting which chair you use, what you like or?
don't like about it, is it good for indoor or outdoor use or both??
I am considering a Pride Go-Chair mainly because it is small?
and comes apart for travel. (note: this is not the same as a Go-Go Scooter)?
Also, is anyone familiar with the wheelchair provider Maxim Mobility in?
New Haven, CT? Good or bad??

Re: [TMIC] Need some help please

2009-08-11 Thread balmatmic

Hi Linda,

I'm so sorry that your trip to the out of state surgeon proved to be a 

Interesting you should ask about knee surgery and options.? I am possibly 
looking at a knee replacement as well.? I see the orthopedist on Friday, 
referred by my primary.? He said it was the end option, but to not miss the 
appointment as it was bone on bone as well.? I had a torn meniscus years ago, 
and they say that's very typical to need more surgery later on down the road.

Anyway, my son and daughter in-law just got back from a trip to visit her 
aunt.? Her aunt had a knee replacement done a while back, and said it wasn't 
pleasant, to say the least.? She still suffers to this day and needs one in the 
other knee?and won't do it.? Her doctor injects her knee every 3 months with 
cartilage I believe.? Now, I don't know anything else about it, just that she'd 
rather do this.? I don't know if this is an option for you, but you can inquire 
about it.? 

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
To: TM List
Sent: Tue, Aug 11, 2009 8:38 pm
Subject: [TMIC] Need some help please

Hi everybody,


I'm hoping you guys can help point me in the right direction.? There are so 
many of us on the TM site there's just got to be someone who knows somebody 
with the same or similar dilemma. 


Most of you know that I've had Sjogrens for 20+ years (unfortunately, 
progressive and aggressive) and 7 yrs ago TM came into my life.? I am on heavy 
chemo meds (Imuran and Rituxan infusions) to suppress my immune system to keep 
it from attacking my body.? Last Sept I had a minor surgery to repair a torn 
meniscus in my knee, and my body went into the longest, hardest relapse I've 
ever had.? I'm just now getting my arms and hands back - I think this is as 
much as I'll get this time.? Almost everything else has gradually come back.? 
My one huge problem is that my KNEES took the biggest hit - my doctors said it 
was because they were the weakest part of my body at the time.? I have infected 
knees (right one to the bone) and am walking (trying) on bone on bone knees.? 
They both need to be replaced.? And, I have TM, so already my walking is not 
that pretty.


I was sent out of state to a surgeon who does a special knee replacement 
surgery that is less invasive.? Long trip, big disappointment.? He will NOT do 
surgery on me either because of the aftermath? - said it would be like doing 
brain surgery?due to my autoimmune diseases.? Well that's fine - I have always 
wanted to do anything but the surgery, but was given no OTHER choices.


And, I am still being given NO options.? So I've done some of my own research.? 
What about physical therapy to get my thigh and quad muscles built up so they 
can take some of the load off my knee joints??(I'm?a fairly small person so 
we're not talking about losing 50 lbs and that would make things all better) 
?Water therapy?? I'm not quite sure how to get these muscles built up when my 
knees hurt so bad I can hardly bend them, but there has to be a way.? My 
doctors have kind of given up on me, which at first shocked me, now I'm just 
really mad.


Any ideas would be much appreciated.


Thanks guys,





Re: [TMIC] healthcare/Medicare

2009-08-08 Thread balmatmic

 I am sorry to say that the more I read, the more confused I get.? Just for 
kicks and giggles, and I really don't mean that, but I can't help but say it, I 
am going to call me Social Security office and see what information I get about 
the situation.? If needed, I will go there in person.? I live in a small-ish 
town and it's not too busy generally.? If needed, I can make an appointment.? I 
am really amazed at the different stories floating around.? This is serious 
business for all of us, as for those of us who aren't affected now it may not 
be, but it will be down the road.

And how will all of this change if the government takes over with their plan?? 
Will we no longer have to pay for all of these plans and pay on a sliding scale 
or what?? I don't understand how that's work

Hugs, Barbara A



-Original Message-
From: Cindy McLeroy
To: bobby jim;;;
Sent: Fri, Aug 7, 2009 10:20 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] healthcare

I?was on LTD from my 
company and covered by the company insurance.? After 2 years on LTD  
SSDI I became eligible for Medicare part B.? I received the letters from 
SSDI to complete for part B.? Since I already had coverage, I declined the 
medicare.? About 3 years later my company was challenged by Medicare on who 
was the primary provider and who was secondary.? The end result was 
Medicare was primary.? All of those folks, including me, from my company 
that had declined the medicare now have to pay a 10% per year penalty because 
did not take medicare when it was first available to us.? For me, that is 
$130 a month instead of the $98 that others pay.? Every year there is an 
additional 10% penalty.


What is intersting here is 
that almost everyone of us has a different story of when and how medicare 
and what type of coverage we get.? What really is the straight 
skinny I'm beginning to wonder who will really tell us the 


Cindy McLeroy

- Original Message - 

  bobby jim 

To: ; tmic-list@ESKIMO.COM ; 

Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 7:47 

Subject: Re: [TMIC] healthcare


Me as well.?? When I applied for social security I 
  waived the Medicare part as I was-is covered by my own HMO 
  plan.??? The woman taking in my claim said 'no 




To: ; 
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 6:30 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] healthcare


Can I clarify?? You are?on 
Medicare part A and aren't paying for it?? But, when you become 65 and 
you will then start paying what you would have when you were originally 

I declined since I had insurance, but didn't realize 
this was an option to do.? 

Thanks, Barbara 

-Original Message-
From: lynne myers
Fri, Aug 7, 2009 6:21 am
Subject: RE: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare



I have been on Medicare for about 6 years now and it 
  is also my secondary.? Because my husband still works and we have 
  insurance through there that is considered our primary.? At this 
  point I only have part A coverage which has paid for nothing.? 
  Part B would not be paying anything now if I did have it so it was 
  recommended that I wait until I turn 65 to subscribe.? At that 
  time I will start paying at the rate it was when I first became 
  eligible because of the fact that I have private insurance 


--- On Thu, 8/6/09, Lori 


Lori Biehler
RE: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare
To: 'Todd Tarno',, 
'Laurie Zissimos'
Thursday, August 6, 2009, 3:23 PM


have been on Medicare for 10 years and it is my secondary. Not sure 
of your circumstance, but it is not ALWAYS primary. I am on SSDI 
am not over 65.



From: Todd 
Tarno [] 

Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 3:12 PM
To:; Laurie 
Subject: Re: Fwd: [TMIC] 







Re: [TMIC] healthcare

2009-08-06 Thread balmatmic
Aren't there social service offices that are supposed to be well versed on 
these services available to help people make these serious decisions with 
Medicare plans, etc?? It seems that each county office should have these 
available to their population since it can be so complex.? Here in California, 
different private plans are available depending on the?county you?live in, as 
well as the fees for them.? It seems that my mother in-law changes plans every 
few years.? She's learned to be pretty savvy about it, but it takes time to 

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Lori Biehler
To: 'Todd Tarno';; 'Laurie 
Sent: Thu, Aug 6, 2009 12:23 pm
Subject: RE: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare

Sorry Todd,

I have been on Medicare for 10 years and it is my secondary. Not sure of your 
circumstance, but it is not ALWAYS primary. I am on SSDI and am not over 65.



From: Todd Tarno [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 3:12 PM
To:; Laurie Zissimos
Subject: Re: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare


Hi Laurie,

I found out the hard way that Medicare is ALWAYS primary.

I too, tried to keep my COBRA  Medicare, but when I went to get a MRI, they 
told me that Medicare was primary.? When I tried to get back my COBRA payments, 
they wouldn't return the payments and didn't want to pay for my medications for 
that month.? So, I had to tell them either return my?COBRA payments or pay for 
my medications, which are over $3,000 a month.? They paid for the medications.? 
Thanks goodness.

I don't remember what Part B is.

I do think you will need Part D for medications.? Since you already using Blue 
Cross and you like them.? I would stay with them with Part D.? I would talk to 
Blue Cross to see they can help you find a plan that works for you.

Hope this helps a little,

Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 8/4/09, Laurie Zissimos wrote:

From: Laurie Zissimos
Subject: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare
Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 5:46 PM

see below



-Original Message-
From: Laurie Zissimos
Sent: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 6:31 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] healthcare

Maybe you can help me.? I was diagnosed with TM in Dec 2005 and went on SSDI? a 
year and a half later.? This September I have to enroll in Medicare and I don't 
know whether or not to get Part B/D at this time.? I am on my husband's COBRA 
until January unless I file for an extension which I may do since I have that 
option being disabled.? It's pretty expensive, but Its Blue Cross and they have 
covered almost all of my medical exp since the diagnosis.? Our Blue Cross plan 
is a PPO so we don't need precerts/pre auths.? It makes it much easier seeing 
specialists.? He also has another plan through a part time employer but I don't 
think the benies are that great.? My first question is whether or not I should 
sign up for Part B, Part B Advantaged, or Part B and D.? I am trying not to 
lose the BlueCross, but I also don't know which of the new health coverages 
would be primary, secondary! or other.? Is Medicare always considered primary 
or is it secondary??? Laurie



-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 6:14 pm
Subject: [TMIC] healthcare


?? I have been on social security disability since 1996,5 months after getting 
tm.I was 49 (now I'm 63).I have a medicare hmo health plan.I have had this 
since cobra ran out.I pay $173 a month.My dr visits are $10,a specialist $20.I 
have a deductable of $100 per day if hospitalized (for the 1st 8 days).It 
also?includes the part d to help pay for meds,but I get many of my meds at 
walmart for $10 for a 90 day supply.The others I get for 90 days through 
express scripts.I'm sure that on Jan 1st the cost will go up and the benefits 
will change.

?? I pay out of pocket over $4000 a year for insurance and meds.Thank God I had 
long term disability insurance when tm hit me.I get a total of 60% of?what I 
was earning in 1995.

? I live in Mass.,where you must have some type of medical insurance,or you pay 
a penalty when you file taxes.My ex husband paid $600 this year for not having 
health insurance last year. I finally got him to get medicare when he turned 65 
in March.Now if I could convince him to insure his house!

?? Well,I don't post often,but I'm sure wordy when I do!

?? My best wishes to everyone,

 Cheryl in HOT Easthampton,MA.




Re: [TMIC] friendships new topic

2009-08-03 Thread balmatmic
Hi Mindy,
 I am not sure if I did the same as you or not, but looking back I very 
well?may have.? I know that I got TM when I was working, and I had a big 
problem talking to people after that.? As much as many tried, both co-worker 
friends and even some family members, I just couldn't discuss my condition.? 
When people would call, I'd say that I was doing fine.? When they'd want to 
visit, I was always too tired from my therapy.? It was only a select few that I 
really let in and then it was only slightly.?
 Looking back I can see that it was probably because I was having trouble 
myself with it all and my own self-image, but didn't realize, so couldn't 
discuss it.? It took 18 months before I?could accept?that I needed some mental 
health help, even though when I was in rehab they tried to talk to me.? I 
wouldn't even do a group session as the others were all stroke victims, and 
heck, I couldn't relate to any of their concerns.
 I may have very well turned people off at trying to lend an ear or 
shoulder.? I don't know, and maybe never will.? You have a chance to find out.? 
I would certainly get together with her right away, if possible, and let her 
know how terrible you feel.? Call her or write her, whatever is most 
comfortable for you.? Explain it out, all of your feelings and?that you regret 
losing her friendship so very much.? I hope that she'll accept your apology and 
you'll have that friend back.? She is probably missing you as well.

Warm hugs to you, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Lawrence King
Cc: Lawrence King
Sent: Mon, Aug 3, 2009 5:12 pm
Subject: [TMIC] friendships new topic

We've been talking how this disease has affected our friendships but only how 
others have treated us because of this disease.?

I need to make apologies to a lovely person who extended the hand of friendship 
(during that early period of the disease) to me and in my pain, anger and 
confusion I just trashed the whole relationship, taking advantage of her in the 
process. I know for a fact she is very angry and hurt and if I don't make 
amends for the damage I did, her opinion of me would be correct.

It has been painful for me to look back with unclouded eyes at my behavior ?but 
if I want to recover and grow in my soul and spirit just as my body has 
recently experienced I need to do this.

Encouragement and similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Mindy the Artisan


Re: [TMIC] Re: Quadpost/Nitpicking.

2009-08-01 Thread balmatmic

The problem for me is that you appeared to realize that you were making a 
mistake before you sent the message, yet you continued to send the message.? 
Proofreading messages and really thinking before sending them out really 
helps.? I don't believe that we should scold anyone when they write in.? 

I have written so many messages that I never got around to sending, but just 
writing them have made me feel like I was venting.? Sometimes I?sleep on it, or 
get another opinion if you have something to say that may be out of the 
ordinary.? Pain takes over our reasoning sometimes or most of the time, so I 
try to take time to process my ideas and make sure that I really want to 
express them.?

Nobody is perfect, but we need to try to remember why this site was created, 
and for me it is to offer a place for people to come who need to talk, need 
information, and feel comfortable doing so.? They'll drop off themselves if 
they find they are in the wrong place.

On another note, I was glad to see your name pop up again since I have been 
looking to see if you had responded to my email.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Grace M.
Sent: Fri, Jul 31, 2009 11:21 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Quadpost/Nitpicking.

Hi Jude,? 


Your apology is most appreciated.? Jude, all of the?little nasties that apply 
to anyone paralyzed as a result of TM, still apply to others who have suffered 
spinal cord insult as the result?of another disease process.??Take me for 
example.? I am not diagnosed with TM, yet I have still experienced several 
serious bouts of LETM, or Longitudinal Extensive Transverse Myelitis---in other 
words massive lesions, one of which encompassed almost the entirety of my 
thoracic cord. It doesn't matter what disease process caused it, as my symptoms 
are like those of anyone else who has experienced a cord attack---whether from 
disease or trauma.??


Jude, above all, we must be compassionate towards others who are suffering just 
like we are.??The state of illness and disability?is not an exclusive club.? 
Pain is pain.? Suffering is suffering.? Believe me, our Good?Lord does not 





Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions

2009-07-02 Thread balmatmic

That depends on how badly I would want to see the people that would attend.? 
First, not that many people generally continue to attend reunions, unless your 
class is special.? Then, you'd be surprised at how many other people these days 
have some kind of disability as well.? I have an idea, and this is something 
that may help.? You could just put together a little page that answers some of 
the usual questions that people have about TM, and tell anyone who wants 
information, tell them that you'll give it to them at the end of the evening.? 
Tell them that it hasn't changed who you are, just how you get around. That 
tonight you are just here to catch up and have a good time with old friends.??

Hugs, Barbara A?

-Original Message-
From: Janice
To: transverse myelitis
Sent: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 8:47 pm
Subject: [TMIC] Class Reunions

I have another question for you all that want to answer:


I will be having another class reunion shortly and graduating from the hometown 
high school,?I was?usually one of about 15 that

helped to?plan it.??? We had around 500 in our graduating class.??? Anyway, I 
am debating whether or not to be a part of the

planning or even attending the reunion.??? This is the first?reunion since I 
got clobbered with TM.? I still have to use a cane and 

would maybe need my wheelchair.I was fairly well known and I am afraid I 
would be answering questions all nite about TM.? ?? My question is:

 Would?you let TM keep you from attending a reunion?Be honest.?? If you 
were faced with this decision this weekend,

what would you do?


??? Janice 

Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions (way too honest)

2009-07-02 Thread balmatmic
For anyone who has not had the extreme pleasure of meeting Sandy, she is a very 
cute and looks very good in her jeans.  But then that's only my opinion, but 
I'll bet that Terry agrees with me.  She is also just a sweetheart, but you can 
tell that from her email. 

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 8:59 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions (way too honest)

WELL HELL FRIENDS!!!  I am up to 145lbs (I gained 10lbs). I wear size 10 jeans 
and really don’t feel comfortable with my NEW body. I don’t like the way I look 
or feel. I do not like having a belly or the feel of my thighs rubbing 
together. You asked for honest and here it is. Aging is HELL


THAT'S ME IN A NUTSHELL AND I DON'T HAVE TM!   Yes, I will count my blessings!



Dell Summer Savings: Cool Deals on Popular Laptops - Shop Now!

Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions

2009-07-02 Thread balmatmic

We went to our 25th high school reunion, we were also in the same class, and 
this was pre-TM. The class SLUT, was still a SLUT!? Some things never change, 
but a lot of things do.? You'd be so surprised at how many people will be there 
that have changed, but it would be interesting if anyone had a way of tracking 
how many people wouldn't go for the reason of health and vanity or others 
seeing them in this kind of reality?? If you are healthy enough to go, go ahead 
and enjoy!? 

There have been a few very special occasions that I have missed in the past 
because I have just not been up to it.? I so regret those days.? My nephew got 
married a couple of years ago, and it was a great wedding.? They took a family 
photo, and I am not in it.? Then there was a baby shower the year later, again, 
no?Auntie Barbara.? My hubby says that I miss mostly occasions in his?family, 
which I do not pick and choose, but it did look?that way.? It's very often 
after a couple of really bad night's sleep, or overdoing it, so I now take it 
really easy prior to something special.? I also take extra meds to try to 
ensure better rest.? When I vacation I also try to take extra meds to try and 
enjoy it.?

Janice, do what you have to do to try and make sure that you are in good 
condition for the reunion.? It'll make it more enjoyable for you.

Hugs, Barbara A


2009-07-02 Thread balmatmic

That sounds amazing.? You really struggle with issues with your docs.? I'm so 
sorry that you wasted that trip.? Hang in there girl.? You really are an 
inspiration.? Oh, has mom found out about you yet?? lol

Hugs to you, Barbara

-Original Message-
From: Todd Tarno
To: Cindy McLeroy
Sent: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 12:52 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: WHAT DID YOU DO???

Hey Cindy,

This center is WONDERFUL.? 

I would go every day or as many as I could handle.? lol

Thank you so much for sharing this site.

Be safe  keep working out,

Todd in CC, TX

--- On Wed, 7/1/09, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

From: Cindy McLeroy
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: WHAT DID YOU DO???
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 3:00 PM

Todd, as you know taking care of our health issues sometimes is really the 
pits.? I am currently using a leg brace that has hinges at the knee so I can 
bend my leg when I am in the wheelchair - which is always!? Only problem is 
...? it's from a break in? 2001.? Trying to get hold of the doctor has been 
crazy.? Turns out their phone system was out for 2 days.? Yesterday, I went 
over to the offices, only to find out the doc wasn't in for the day.? Looks 
like it will take till about Oct before I can get out of the brace.? Thank 
goodness it really doesn't change anything too much about my busy life style.

Thanks for asking.


I was reading your note about getting PT.? I live in So. Cal and have a 
Goodwill Fitness Center nearby.? It is completely set up for folks with all 
kinds of disabilities.? Everything is wheelchair accessible.? Para's and quads 
both can use just about everything.? All the trainers are great at evaluating 
each persons needs.? If you are interested in looking at it here is the 
website.? Maybe you can get something going in your area.



- Original Message - 

From: Todd Tarno 

To: Cindy McLeroy 

Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 1:52 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: WHAT DID YOU DO???

Apparently I pushed my wheelchair out from under me and slid to the floor with 
my right foot twisted almost the way around.? 


That happened to me too.? I have chair with wheels in my bathroom and I too 
reached down to pick something up off the floor and the chair went flying.? I 
was the only one home, my caregiver was in the hospital.? But I need find a way 
to get up and know that I can.

I'm so sorry to hear about your broken leg.

What is the update on your broken leg?

Hope Today is better,

Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

From: Cindy McLeroy
Subject: [TMIC] Re: WHAT DID YOU DO???
Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 6:09 PM

You'll be sorry you asked, it's kind of a long story.


I?had time to kill on Sat before I went to a party, all dressed and ready to 
go.? I notice that the cleaning lady didn't clean as well as I thought around 
the bottom of the toilet so I bent over forward on my wheelchair bracing myself 
with one hand on the toilet. cleaning with the other.? Apparently I pushed my 
wheelchair out from under me and slid to the floor with my right foot twisted 
almost the way around.? When I went to bed that night my leg was doing a snap, 
crackle and pop noise.? Went to the ER the next day and the doctor said, Oh, 
your leg is broken.? Duh.


Anyhow, my frustration is dealing with the ER folks, my doctor and an Ortho.? 
Seems all the Ortho's are booked.? I can't wait because I have (lucky for me) 
no sensation and the splint that is on my leg is moving around and I'm sure 
digging.? I want to avoid pressure sores.? Always something interesting with 
TM.? I think this is the fourth or fifth time I have broken one or the other of 
my legs.? Once I simply rolled over in bed and heard the crunch.

?? Cindy

- Original Message - 

From: Jan Hargrove 

To: Cindy McLeroy ; Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:51 AM

Subject: Re: WHAT DID YOU DO???


What in the world did you do to break your leg???


--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

And Sandy, how do you like the yellow medal plates that are being installed at 
the curb cutouts?? Supposedly they are meant for the blind so that their sticks 
feel the different surface.? I haven't talked to a blind person, a w/c user, or 
a fellow pushing grocery carts that like the danged things.? Caster wheels get 
caught in between the bumps. This change was a lawsuit that back fired.


Version Amphitheater in Irvine ?has done an amazing job of raising a portion of 
the seating above the?orchestra?section so folks in wheelchairs can see the 
stage when the rest of the people below are standing.? Love it there.



Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!

2009-07-01 Thread balmatmic

A wheeled walker is a wonder for unloading/loading a dishwasher.  Heck, I use 
mine for laundry, setting and clearing the table, all kinds of stuff.  If you 
can use one, it's an awesome tool.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Todd Tarno
To: Robert Pall
Sent: Tue, Jun 30, 2009 1:34 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!

Hey Rob,

Remember that you're working too. 

Include the time you're at work walking, standing,  etc... 

I do PT twice a week with a trainer at home and now able to stand long enough 
to take the dishes from the sink to fill the dishwasher.  I still can't carry 
dishes into the kitchen, but now at least I can help fill the dishwasher. lol

I have found that sometime I need a new PT for new exercises  and new ideals. 

Keep up the exercises,

Todd in CC, TX

--- On Mon, 6/29/09, Robert Pall wrote:

From: Robert Pall
Subject: [TMIC] Every now and then!
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 8:26 AM

    I refuse to even discuss the petty arguments and disagreements that 
seem to happens several times a year. To discuss them actually provides 
legitimacy to the discussion. Stop being so quick to argue and remember the 
purpose of the list. No one needs to take sides….if what is written does not 
apply or offers words you
 do not care for…just delete it!

    Do you ever think of how a new visitor to the site reacts to 
bickering….my guess is it turns them off…and that is a tragedy! If one member 
has a problem with what someone else says. why not try to just contact that 
person directly and not to the group as a whole. Remember we are all in this 
together and inevitably when these things occur the next thing that happens is 
we see the word unsubscribe. When one is in 24/7 pain and discomfort it is 
easy to pick a fight or disagreement…anything at all to avoid what is really 
the problem. TM

New topic: Exercise

    Exercise….when is enough enough?

    I tend to exercise in spurts….I am either following a regular routine 
or giving into my pain and discomfort and doing nothing at all!  I am not very 
good at knowing when I am overdoing it and therefore make the same mistakes 
over and over. After pretty much doing nothing for the past 6 months I am now 
back to swimming 3-4 times per week and I have never felt worse. My legs feel 
weighed down and I am walking far worse than normal. The level of discomfort 
and Pain are also off my charts. So what do I do….probably stop exercising and 
see if my legs feel better….that being said we have had horribly huimid,wet 
weather in the New York area the entire month of June…so I am not certain if
the over exercising or the weather is making the TM flare up. Even after 12 
years I have not really learned to listen to my body….part of this is due to 
the fact that I am not in discomfort while exercising….but hours later it is as 
if my body is just realizing I over did it and I have to pay the price.

    My main exercise is swimming (and a little treadmill)….for the first 10 
years of TM I had far fewer breaks from the exercise routine …and then all of a 
sudden when I hit 60 I kinda gave up and threw in the towel….I kinda just quit. 
I felt hopeless and helpless…therefore I just started back on my routine…and so 
far the pain far outweighs the gain.

    I will attempt to introduce moderation to my exercise and try to 
remember I am closing in on 62 so I would guess non related TM problems are 
beginning to surface such as arthritis. I still have a lot on my plate…I drive 
80 miles a day to work and sometimes I am just so exhausted that the thought of 
a workout is something I cannot handle. That being said I do find that when I 
let myself get out of shape and gain addl. Weight I always feel worse…and I can 
assure you that this is not a vanity issue.

    I would appreciate hearing from the group as to what exercises works 
for them…how do you know when you are over doing it? I am seeing Dr. Kerr 
on20Weds and will pose the question to him…I have a feeling he will stress 
moderation and developing a routine that will keep my muscles from atrophying 
while a t the same time not exhausting me to the point of pain.

    OK…enough for now…let's get back on topic!

Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!

2009-06-30 Thread balmatmic
Rob, I can relate totally to what you said about exercise, pain and overdoing 
it.  How do we find a happy medium, keep it up, and keep our bodies happy with 
the level and intensity?  Yeah right!

Moderation, sure!  But, as I am doing the exercise most of the time I feel 
great and don't feel that I am overdoing it at all.  I also have a very poor 
habit of giving up on it from time to time due to pain issues and thinking it 
may be better not to exercise which I've found is also a bad idea.  The worse 
thing I can do is to stop making it a part of my routine, it's too easy to let 
it go and not get it done.  Once I do that, I'm done.  I cannot find a happy 
medium for my body. 

I was in the pool the other night with my grandsons and didn't realize how much 
time had passed.  That night I couldn't sleep due to the pain and spasms, and 
the next two days were pretty bad.  I was actually worse than I'd been in a 
long time.  After 10 yrs you'd think the mind/body connection would be made but 
it hasn't in my case.  My mind forgets to engage and think about my limits. 

Hugs to all,
Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
To: Robert Pall;
Sent: Mon, Jun 29, 2009 8:49 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!


I did water aerobics for about 5 years before TM hit.   I started it because of 
arthritis in my20back.  Exercise done in water should

not make you sore unless you are over doing it.   You really need to think hard 
about moderation when you first begin and add

more slowly.    Sure hope it helps you.   I would give my eye teeth to get back 
in the water, but am not ready yet.   Someday soon

I hope.    Good luck.

- Original Message -

From: Robert Pall


Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 8:26 AM

Subject: [TMIC] Every now and then!

    I refuse to even discuss the petty arguments and disagreements that 
seem to happens several times a year. To discuss them actually provides 
legitimacy to the discussion. Stop being so quick to argue and remember the 
purpose of the list. No one needs to take sides….if what is written does not 
apply or offers words you do not care for…just delete it!

    Do you ever think of how a new visitor to the site reacts to 
bickering….my guess is it turns them off…and that is a tragedy! If one member 
has a problem with what someone else says. why not try to just contact that 
person directly and not to the group as a whole. Remember we are all in this 
together and inevitably when these things occur the next thing that happens is 
we see the word unsubscribe. When one is in 24/7 pain and discomfort it is 
easy to pick a fight or disagreement…anyth
ing at all to avoid what is really the problem. TM

New topic: Exercise

    Exercise….when is enough enough?

    I tend to exercise in spurts….I am either following a regular routine 
or giving into my pain and discomfort and doing nothing at all!  I am not very 
good at knowing when I am overdoing it and therefore make the same mistakes 
over and over. After pretty much doing nothing for the past 6 months I am now 
back to swimming 3-4 times per week and I have never felt worse. My legs feel 
weighed down and I am walking far worse than normal. The level of discomfort 
and Pain are also off my charts. So what do I do….probably stop exercising and 
see if my legs feel better….that being said we have had horribly huimid,wet 
weather in the New York area the entire month of June…so I am not certain if 
the over exercising or the weather is making the TM flare up. Even after 12 
years I have not really learned to listen to my body….part of this is due to 
the fact that I am not in discomfort while exercising….but hours later it is as 
if my body is just realizing I over did it and I have to pay the price.

    My main exercise is swimming (and a little treadmill)….for the first 10 
years of TM I had far fewer breaks from the exercise routine …and then all of a 
sudden when I hit 60 I kinda gave up and threw in the to
wel….I kinda just quit. I felt hopeless and helpless…therefore I just started 
back on my routine…and so far the pain far outweighs the gain.

    I will attempt to introduce moderation to my exercise and try to 
remember I am closing in on 62 so I would guess non related TM problems are 
beginning to surface such as arthritis. I still have a lot on my plate…I drive 
80 miles a day to work and sometimes I am just so exhausted that the thought of 
a workout is something I cannot handle. That being said I do find that when I 
let myself get out of shape and gain addl. Weight I always feel worse…and I can 
assure you that this is not a vanity issue.

    I would appreciate hearing from the group as to what exercises works 
for them…how do you know when you are over doing it? I am seeing Dr. Kerr on 
Weds and will pose the question to him…I have a feeling he will stress 

Re: [TMIC] Sheesh! Stop it Guys!

2009-06-29 Thread balmatmic
Emails are often misunderstood.  It's just not as easy to get the point that 
was trying to get across sometimes.  Even someone with really good reading or 
writing skills gets misunderstood sometimes by someone with the same.  Then 
there are some, like me, who really don't read all of the words sometimes, and 
need to go over the message a time or two or three.  And, I still screw things 

It would be great if we could just communicate in person, or on the phone and 
know what everyone else is thinking like we do on the TMIC, but it's not 
possible, so here we are.  We just do what we can to get through it.  We should 
have figured out by now that life is not perfect, so don't expect perfection 
from each other.  Especially when there is pain and medication involved.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: jrushton
To: Grace M.
Sent: Sun, Jun 28, 2009 5:19 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Sheesh! Stop it Guys!

F7EE749F-4977-491B-98D6-7F464181D5FA 4.00 Letter 
Letter\Delicate_Etchings.imf Papers Stationery Delicate Etchings © CatWoman 
 cid:6C32BEC9-49D3-4A14-911A-B4ADB33C1F1B repeat #fff7f7 left top 

Gosh, and it's not even a full moon!!!  OK..  I always tell my kids that you 
cannot change one second of what has already happened...just learn fr
om it, go forward and try to be a better person than you were the day before.  
Some of you have heard me say this soHOW ABOUT STARTING OVER FROM THIS 
MOMENT ON  We're only human.  We have each other in this TM thing and that 
is a very special thing to have.  Jeanne




---Original Message---


From: Grace M.

Date: 06/28/09 21:04:19


Subject: [TMIC] Sheesh! Stop it Guys!


Todd did not intentionally do anything wrong.  He wrote an extremely supportive 
post to Naomi.  He in no way disparaged this list, or anyone on it.  I've known 
Todd since I first became ill and he has never been ANYTHING but good to me, 
and I have never seen him post anything negative to anyone on this list site.  
I also know that he would help anyone here that he could, if he had the means 
to do so.  Sadly, not all of us have the means to do so, myself included.  For 
the life of me I do not understand what has been going on here lately.




Re: [TMIC] long story

2009-05-30 Thread balmatmic
Hi Janice,

The thing about physical disabilities are that you don't know what you are 
going to face until it is upon you.? It's not always apparent that certain 
things will come about, and some you'd never even think of.? Well, I know that 
is the case for me anyway.? I was surprised so many times of things that I 
never ever thought would be an issue.??It's also amazing that when confronted 
with a problem that would need solving, I learned how to break it down and 
figure out how to make my body work it out, if at all possible.? It could be as 
simple as getting in and out of a different car, or moving about a different 
bathroom.? Believe me, it also got more complex, but when somebody would offer 
to help me I often would have to tell them thanks, but that I knew my body's 
strengths and how it could figure out movements to handle a situation in the 
easiest manner.? Sometimes it was a quite a challenge, and the sense of 
satisfaction was awesome. 

You also have to celebrate your conquests? Much more fun!!!

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
Sent: Fri, 29 May 2009 8:41 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] long story

I think Jeanne hit it when she said the frustration level with this disease was 
so high it could cause depression.? ?Even if you find a doctor that knows 
something about TM, there isn't that much they can do for us.?? They try to 
give us the right meds for our problems, either physical or mental, but that 
can be trial and error too.?? I can not tell you how many of our questions to 

have not been answered.?? They just say it is different with each 
patient.?? I get a lot more talking with you guys than the 

doctors.?? Toward the end of my 9 weeks in the hospital, they put me on 
Zoloft.?? I was finally realizing that this was a life-long disease and all I 
could do was learn how to deal with all the parts of my body that no longer 
worked.?? Now I just take it one

day at a time and as something else goes wrong, I have a pity party for a day 
or two, then go back to fighting whatever the

current problem is.? When I left the hospital I?didn't think about any future 
problems, I thought, okay, this is it and we can deal with it.?? How could 
anything else go wrong? -? so naive! I don't have nearly the problems 
some of you have and I feel

I need? help with Zoloft.??? I think this is a problem for us that needs to be 
talked about and brought out into the open.?? I take aspirin for a headache and 
Zoloft for depression. Janice



- Original Message - 


To: ; 

Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 1:00 AM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] long story

Thank you Jeanne, 

Your message was great.? I have told people so many times.? Now, they have so 
many different anti depressants and if one does not work for you, talk to your 
doctor and get another one? Do not suffer one more minute! But people still 
in this day and age continue to just give up after one failed attempt at a 
doctor or medication.? They'd get second opinions on so many other things, but 
not their mental health.??Heck, when looking for a new car, don't you test 
drive until you a satisfied with the one that works for you?? We have to take 
charge of our health, both mental and physical.

It's also commonplace to?change from one?medication to another when one doesn't 
seem to match your symptoms any longer.? I started on one (I can't remember the 
name now) and was on it for about a year, then was switched to the Wellbutrin, 
which I've been on for many years.?
Thanks again Jeanne for your pearls of wisdom.??

Barbara A?

-Original Message-
From: jrushton
To:; tmic
Sent: Thu, 28 May 2009 5:26 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] long story

0EC31D6F-6E0F-43AF-AFED-D30128DB4C61 cid:66552075-E1C0-45D9-9459-4ADBC40F0DC6 
repeat #ff left top X-ASN,X-ASH,X-AN,X-AP,X-AD ; 

From the time I can remember and that's a pretty long time, 'being depressed' 
was almost an embarrassment and something to be shameful for.? So many, many 
people just lived with it and the big 'thing' was Valium.? While I was 
nursing, there was Prozac and as most of us know it either works or it doesn't 
and when it doesn't it makes you feel like you are one crazy loco.? Then one 
day I read an article in the 'Dear Abby' section which was strange because I 
usually didn't read it at all.? It was all about a 'career woman', who had 
suffered with depression for years and had a very hard time covering it up at 
times.? She would get thru her day and crash. She went from doctor to?doctor 
and finally found one that gave her 'the talk' she needed.? That doctor told 
her that depression was just exactly like other diseases and he used diabetes 

Re: [TMIC] long story

2009-05-29 Thread balmatmic
Thank you Jeanne, 

Your message was great.? I have told people so many times.? Now, they have so 
many different anti depressants and if one does not work for you, talk to your 
doctor and get another one? Do not suffer one more minute! But people still 
in this day and age continue to just give up after one failed attempt at a 
doctor or medication.? They'd get second opinions on so many other things, but 
not their mental health.??Heck, when looking for a new car, don't you test 
drive until you a satisfied with the one that works for you?? We have to take 
charge of our health, both mental and physical.

It's also commonplace to?change from one?medication to another when one doesn't 
seem to match your symptoms any longer.? I started on one (I can't remember the 
name now) and was on it for about a year, then was switched to the Wellbutrin, 
which I've been on for many years.?
Thanks again Jeanne for your pearls of wisdom.??

Barbara A?

-Original Message-
From: jrushton
To:; tmic
Sent: Thu, 28 May 2009 5:26 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] long story

0EC31D6F-6E0F-43AF-AFED-D30128DB4C61 cid:66552075-E1C0-45D9-9459-4ADBC40F0DC6 
repeat #ff left top X-ASN,X-ASH,X-AN,X-AP,X-AD ; 

From the time I can remember and that's a pretty long time, 'being depressed' 
was almost an embarrassment and something to be shameful for.? So many, many 
people just lived with it and the big 'thing' was Valium.? While I was 
nursing, there was Prozac and as most of us know it either works or it doesn't 
and when it doesn't it makes you feel like you are one crazy loco.? Then one 
day I read an article in the 'Dear Abby' section which was strange because I 
usually didn't read it at all.? It was all about a 'career woman', who had 
suffered with depression for years and had a very hard time covering it up at 
times.? She would get thru her day and crash. She went from doctor to?doctor 
and finally found one that gave her 'the talk' she needed.? That doctor told 
her that depression was just exactly like other diseases and he used diabetes 
as an?example.? He said that it would not embarrass her to take meds for that 
nor any other illness so why should she for depression when it was !
 caused by something in her body that was not working correctly and was a 
physical ailment just like the others. By the time he got thru with her, she 
was on top of the world, no longer shamed by something she had no control over 
and the good thing was that she could now talk about it and share what she 
finally discovered?and it made perfect sense.? She wrote this letter that I cut 
out, made many copies and handed out to every patient that came in feeling 
embarrassed because they, too,?were depressed and feeling bad about it which 
only aggravated the?problem.? Now, they have so many different anti depressants 
and if one does not work for you, talk to your doctor and get another one? 
Do not suffer one more minute!? You don't have to!? If they won't listen to 
you, then go to someone who will care and help you!? Dealing with TM is bad 
enough as it is and is known to have a very high depression rate probably due 
to the frustration of no one knowing what to do with us! :)? Ex!
 cept us, of course!? We just take care of each other!? Whew!? !
 How is t

hat for a mouthful from old Rushton??


I am also taking advantage of this site by sending a priceless little short 
video of my 2 year old.? It will come separately because I can't figure out how 
to move it over to here! It's amazing!? Love to all...Jeanne in Dayton




---Original Message---



Date: 5/28/2009 2:08:05 AM

To:; ?

Subject: [TMIC] long story

Hi Jeff,

You have been through it, but have managed to make it.? You are an inspiration 
that you have managed to make it back from depression without any help from 
anti-depressants or a psychologist, but there is no shame in using either or 
both.? Many of us have found the help and comfort from one or both of these and 
whatever helps us is what is important to not suffer from depression and be 
able to continue on with our lives.

Hugs, Barbara A 

Wanna slim down for summer? Go to America Takes it Off to learn how. 


[TMIC] long story

2009-05-28 Thread balmatmic
Hi Jeff,

You have been through it, but have managed to make it.? You are an inspiration 
that you have managed to make it back from depression without any help from 
anti-depressants or a psychologist, but there is no shame in using either or 
both.? Many of us have found the help and comfort from one or both of these and 
whatever helps us is what is important to not suffer from depression and be 
able to continue on with our lives.

Hugs, Barbara A 

[TMIC] Zanaflex

2009-05-01 Thread balmatmic
Tried the Zanaflex and didn't work well for me.? It relaxed me too much, and 
when I finally got to the bathroom, I generally fell asleep on the commode.? I 
do that a lot when I take something to help me sleep in addition to my regular 
meds, so the Zanaflex relaxed me way too much.? I would fall asleep while I was 
walking to the bathroom, I can't tell you how, but I did.? One night I found 
myself standing in front of the stove.? I didn't turn anything on, but it 
wasn't good.? Another night I was standing in the middle of the family room, 
when I know I was on my way to the bathroom before going to bed, but just never 
made it.? So, I stopped taking it.? I could tell enough stories about me moving 
around the house and falling asleep standing up, it's amazing.? These meds are 

I hope I gave everyone a good laugh!!!? Most people think it strange falling 
asleep on the toilet.? My husband Pete yells from bed to me, Barbara, are you 
awake, and then I get startled, and I say, oh yes, I am just getting up now, 
or darn, I fell asleep again.? Sometimes he just comes into the bathroom when 
he hears me snoring and opens the door and says, would you come back to bed 
and sleep.? That's generally when I didn't respond to him, lol.? I then look 
at my watch and sometimes notice an hour or more has passed since I got out of 
bed.? It's not so bad unless I fall off, that has happened several times, but I 
think my percentages are really good for not falling off.? More information 
than asked for, right?

I know we all have great TM Memories.? We could write books about our 

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Pieter and Heather
Sent: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 10:49 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy



Has your doctor ever suggested or have you ever tried Zanaflex?? It is also a 
muscle relaxant.? I take 40 mg of Baclofen in 4 divided doses throughout the 
day and one of the doses is at bedtime.? However, I also take a 4mg tablet of 
Zanaflex right before bed.? I find that I do not have to get up to the bathroom 
every 2 hours during the night. Now I am able to go 4 or and sometimes 5 hours 
at a time during the? night.? That happened when I started the Zanaflex.? Makes 
a big difference when we get a pretty good night sleep.? I know that some other 
people on the list take more Zanaflex than that but for me it works. 


Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 


To: ; 

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 3:00 PM

Subject: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

Hi Trudy,

You work too hard, I could not clean all day, whether I wanted to or not.? If 
not for a automatic washer/dryer, the wash would not get done.? And, if it goes 
for floors, I can do a small amount but not a lot.? It kills my back, and I'm 
in bed for days.? So, it's someone else's job.? I do clean the spots on the 
kitchen floor iwth paper towels though from time to time, since hubby or 
daughter in-law aren't really responsive on the job, lol.? It doesn't seem to 
be as important to them that it is and looks clean as it is to me.? 

My speed is dusting and cleaning kitchen/bathrooms and laundry.? I can do most 
things that are off the floor and I cannot do too much in a day and still 
manage to cook dinner.? I don't cook dinner everyday, but try to do it most 
days.? Pete (hubby) usually handles breakfast most days and it's a nice trade 
off as he loves breakfast.? That's one of the good parts of his retirement.? He 
also makes my coffee in the morning and then again at night.? And, he is sure a 
handy guy to have around I know that I don't think that I could have gotten 
through this whole TM thing without him, he's been so good at accepting the 
changes that it has made in our lives.? I say accepting, and I am not sure it 
is the right word, as it is a hard thing to say.? We do have to accept it, 
don't have to like it as none of us do, but we just roll with it.? It just is 
what it is.? Can't change it, and cannot deny it anymore, although I tried that 
for about! 18 months.? Now, it's been almost 10 years.

I use 40 mg Baclofen at night for spasms, and generally it works pretty well, 
although there are those nights when it doesn't seem to work.? Maybe it is and 
if I hadn't taken it, they would be a whole lot worse, but they definately keep 
me from sleeping.? That is usually on a day that I've done too much.? I've had 
2 DVT's in my left leg, and sometimes I think that the problems and pain in 
that leg are worse than the complications that TM has caused in my life.? 
Although, I didn't get the DVT's until I was in the hospital paralyzed from 
TM.? Darned leg!

But I have slept 3 nights straight and am a happy camper today.? Yippee!? I 
hope you all can take something positive from me and do something positive for 

Re: [TMIC] I've had 3 nights sleep in a row

2009-05-01 Thread balmatmic
Hi BobbyJim,

Do you just take the normal dosages of both of these?? And, how close to you 
turning in for the evening?

Hugs, Barbara

-Original Message-
From: bobby jim
Sent: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 7:07 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] I've had 3 nights sleep in a row

Well, am known to toss and turn and hit the pottie as well thruout the night.


To help me avoid this I alternate between Valerian Root and Melatonin Plus.

Not bad.? Even my ghoulish dreams have decreased.?? Check them out.


BobbyJim in Elvisland?? 

From: To: ; Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:50 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] I've had 3 nights sleep in a row

I'm so glad, Barbara. I guess sleep has probably always been a factor, but I 
seem to feel it (or the lack of it) a lot more since TM. A good night's rest 
does wonders.


Barbara H.


In a message dated 4/30/2009 4:25:43 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I just wanted to write in and let everyone know that I have now had 3 straight 
nights of pretty good sleep.? I had some pain in my left leg that woke me up 
and kept me up for about 45 minutes, but then after?exercising it some, I was 
able to go back to sleep and sleep until I had to go to the bathroom.? I woke 
up feeling soo much better, and so rested.? It was glorious to think 
and feel 3?nights straight of?decent sleep.? That is what we all need and sure 
does a lot for one's mental attitude.? I generally have a pretty good and 
positive attitude about things, but I know it goes down when I am overly tired.

So, I guess my pity party was a success after all as it got me back on track, 
and for that, I can thank the great TMIC network of support.? I could not have 
done it as easily without all of your support.? Thank you so much.?
Warm hugs to all,? Barbara A??? 

Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

2009-05-01 Thread balmatmic

DVT's are Deep Venous Thrombosis, or blood clots.? These?have reduced?the 
bloodflow going back up my leg to the heart, and the leg swells and aches.? I 
get spasms in that leg, which is my left leg, and?sometimes in my right leg and 
my back.? I take 2 Baclofen in the early evening when I am experiencing spasms, 
and then 2 later on, but only then as my legs are at their worst between 2-4 am 
generally.? So, I want the most meds working for me at that time.

Hugs to you, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
Sent: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 7:07 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy


Your situation seems to be the closest to my situation that I have read yet.? I 
am referring to your paragraph 2.??? Also, use

baclofen (2 at dinner, 1 at 8:00pm) and have no problem sleeping too.?? What 
would we do without really good husbands!?!.


You mentioned DVT's in your legs.?? What are those??? Are they painful?? I have 
never heard of that.??? Janice

- Original Message - 


To: ; 

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 4:00 PM

Subject: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

Hi Trudy,

You work too hard, I could not clean all day, whether I wanted to or not.? If 
not for a automatic washer/dryer, the wash would not get done.? And, if it goes 
for floors, I can do a small amount but not a lot.? It kills my back, and I'm 
in bed for days.? So, it's someone else's job.? I do clean the spots on the 
kitchen floor iwth paper towels though from time to time, since hubby or 
daughter in-law aren't really responsive on the job, lol.? It doesn't seem to 
be as important to them that it is and looks clean as it is to me.? 

My speed is dusting and cleaning kitchen/bathrooms and laundry.? I can do most 
things that are off the floor and I cannot do too much in a day and still 
manage to cook dinner.? I don't cook dinner everyday, but try to do it most 
days.? Pete (hubby) usually handles breakfast most days and it's a nice trade 
off as he loves breakfast.? That's one of the good parts of his retirement.? He 
also makes my coffee in the morning and then again at night.? And, he is sure a 
handy guy to have around I know that I don't think that I could have gotten 
through this whole TM thing without him, he's been so good at accepting the 
changes that it has made in our lives.? I say accepting, and I am not sure it 
is the right word, as it is a hard thing to say.? We do have to accept it, 
don't have to like it as none of us do, but we just roll with it.? It just is 
what it is.? Can't change it, and cannot deny it anymore, although I tried that 
for about! 18 months.? Now, it's been almost 10 years.

I use 40 mg Baclofen at night for spasms, and generally it works pretty well, 
although there are those nights when it doesn't seem to work.? Maybe it is and 
if I hadn't taken it, they would be a whole lot worse, but they definately keep 
me from sleeping.? That is usually on a day that I've done too much.? I've had 
2 DVT's in my left leg, and sometimes I think that the problems and pain in 
that leg are worse than the complications that TM has caused in my life.? 
Although, I didn't get the DVT's until I was in the hospital paralyzed from 
TM.? Darned leg!

But I have slept 3 nights straight and am a happy camper today.? Yippee!? I 
hope you all can take something positive from me and do something positive for 
yourself to get on the right track if you've slipped off as well.

Hugs to all, Barbara A

Can't afford a new spring wardrobe? Go shopping in your closet instead! 


2009-05-01 Thread balmatmic
In my case, I got the first one in rehab when my Heparin dosage wasn't strong 
enough and I wasn't moving at all.? Other than my PT, or if I moved my legs by 
picking them up and putting them where I wanted them, or if?the nurses did 
it?to do a cath.? I kept telling the doctor/Physiatrist and nurses that my leg 
was swelling and they didn't worry about it since I had no pain.? Well, I had 
no feeling either, duh!? I would bring it to their attention for 3 days 
straight and ask for help with it, and it took till the 3rd day that they 
finally took it serious and decided to have an ultrasound, based on 
measurements they took.? The results were a clot from behind knee up to the 
groin.? I had to go on Coumadin (blood?thinner)?then and remained on Coumadin 
for 6 months.? They said that the Coumadin does not dissolve the clot, it only 
thins the blood to make it less sticky, which keeps it from getting larger, and 
then also allows the blood to flow through the compromised vein.? 

After a little more than a?year from the first one I was doing pretty well, so 
we decided to take a vacation to Hawaii, and during that trip I got the second 
one.? I wasn't told to move my leg around a lot, but I sure learned the hard 
way.? We were on a sardine special and I got up and tried to walk around a 
little, but it was so closed in and hard to move just to get to the bathroom 
that it was all I could do, and that was almost impossible.? From California 
it's a 5 hr flight.? I moved my legs a bit, but no where near as much as I 
would have if I'd have known and I am so careful now.? I don't sleep and I am 
constantly moving my legs, standing when and where I can, walking to the 
furthest bathroom, etc. when we fly.? I also book connecting flights instead of 
non-stops, although, since we've moved,?from Sacramento you cannot get a 
non-stop to very many places.? It takes longer, but safer.

I am now on Coumadin for lifetime to avoid any further clots.? There is a 
filter you can have placed in the groin, but there are side effects to that, 
one being further clots.? So, my doctor didn't advise it.? Now I have to be 
careful not to fall and have to monitor my blood all the time, and watch my 
diet to keep my blood thinned to a specific range.? It's a real hassle, but 
don't have a choice.? At this point the docs say that I am now prone to clots, 
fun eh?

-Original Message-
From: marieke dufresne
Sent: Fri, 1 May 2009 6:37 am
Subject: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #373

RE: DVT, are Deep Vein Thrombosis. 

Basically, CLOTS in the vein that block it and can also break away and travel 
up in your blood stream. Very dangerous as it can go to your lungs or heart or 
brain and this can kill you. When you get DVT they put you on blood thinners to 
get rid of them and then usually you have to take another type to decrease the 
chance of getting more. People who do not move around much/are paralyzed tend 
to get them. It is important to try to move around as much as possible. If you 
can flex your ankle do it every hour to keep the blood moving so that it is not 
in stasis. You can also wear TED stockings during the day, these help as well. 
Keeping your feet elevated too. You'll know if you have one, there will be 
pain, redness, swelling in the area it is situated in. You may also see a large 
People who fly long distances and don't get up to walk around are also prone to 
getting one.

Marieke RN
TM @T1 since March 2004

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 21:07:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy


Your situation seems to be the closest to my situation that I have read yet.? I 
am referring to your paragraph 2.??? Also, use

baclofen (2 at dinner, 1 at 8:00pm) and have no problem sleeping too.?? What 
would we do without really good husbands!?!.


You mentioned DVT's in your legs.?? What are those??? Are they painful?? I have 
never heard of that.??? Janice

Help keep personal info safe. Get Internet Explorer 8 today! = 

[TMIC] the good, bad and ugly of TM

2009-05-01 Thread balmatmic

Hi Jude,

I guess that this is just one of my experiences that could be considered one of 
The Good, Bad and Ugly of experiences of TM.? Some of these experiences are 
not very funny when they happen to you.? They can be very embarrassing too, but 
then when you look back, they aren't so bad.??Wow, I know that?most of us have 
had some doozies?to look back on.??

I had forgotten that Jude was going to try to write a book on TM experiences.? 
So, please see her message in red below.

Hugs to all, Barbara A? 

-Original Message-
Sent: Fri, 1 May 2009 7:12 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Zanaflex

This is exactly the kind of material I want for my book.? Everyone telling me 
their humorous? stories and others regarding TM.? I want a mix of 
serious/humorous stories.? Keep writing you all.? Please, Jude


In a message dated 5/1/2009 2:23:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi Jude, 

Tried the Zanaflex and didn't work well for me.? It relaxed me too much, and 
when I finally got to the bathroom, I generally fell asleep on the commode.? I 
do that a lot when I take something to help me sleep in addition to my regular 
meds, so the Zanaflex relaxed me way too much.? I would fall asleep while I was 
walking to the bathroom, I can't tell you how, but I did.? One night I found 
myself standing in front of the stove.? I didn't turn anything on, but it 
wasn't good.? Another night I was standing in the middle of the family room, 
when I know I was on my way to the bathroom before going to bed, but just never 
made it.? So, I stopped taking it.? I could tell enough stories about me moving 
around the house and falling asleep standing up, it's amazing.? These meds are 

I hope I gave everyone a good laugh!!!? Most people think it strange falling 
asleep on the toilet.? My husband Pete yells from bed to me, Barbara, are you 
awake, and then I get startled, and I say, oh yes, I am just getting up now, 
or darn, I fell asleep again.? Sometimes he just comes into the bathroom when 
he hears me snoring and opens the door and says, would you come back to bed 
and sleep.? That's generally when I didn't respond to him, lol.? I then look 
at my watch and sometimes notice an hour or more has passed since I got out of 
bed.? It's not so bad unless I fall off, that has happened several times, but I 
think my percentages are really good for not falling off.? More information 
than asked for, right?

I know we all have great TM Memories.? We could write books about our 

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Pieter and Heather
Sent: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 10:49 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy



Has your doctor ever suggested or have you ever tried Zanaflex?? It is also a 
muscle relaxant.? I take 40 mg of Baclofen in 4 divided doses throughout the 
day and one of the doses is at bedtime.? However, I also take a 4mg tablet of 
Zanaflex right before bed.? I find that I do not have to get up to the bathroom 
every 2 hours during the night. Now I am able to go 4 or and sometimes 5 hours 
at a time during the? night.? That happened when I started the Zanaflex.? Makes 
a big difference when we get a pretty good night sleep.? I know that some other 
people on the list take more Zanaflex than that but for me it works. 


Heather in Calgary 




Has your doctor ever suggested or have you ever tried Zanaflex?? It is also a 
muscle relaxant.? I take 40 mg of Baclofen in 4 divided doses throughout the 
day and one of the doses is at bedtime.? However, I also take a 4mg tablet of 
Zanaflex right before bed.? I find that I do not have to get up to the bathroom 
every 2 hours during the night. Now I am able to go 4 or and sometimes 5 hours 
at a time during the? night.? That happened when I started the Zanaflex.? Makes 
a big difference when we get a pretty good night sleep.? I know that some other 
people on the list take more Zanaflex than that but for me it works. 


Heather in Calgary 


[TMIC] I've had 3 nights sleep in a row

2009-04-30 Thread balmatmic
I just wanted to write in and let everyone know that I have now had 3 straight 
nights of pretty good sleep.? I had some pain in my left leg that woke me up 
and kept me up for about 45 minutes, but then after?exercising it some, I was 
able to go back to sleep and sleep until I had to go to the bathroom.? I woke 
up feeling soo much better, and so rested.? It was glorious to think 
and feel 3?nights straight of?decent sleep.? That is what we all need and sure 
does a lot for one's mental attitude.? I generally have a pretty good and 
positive attitude about things, but I know it goes down when I am overly tired.

So, I guess my pity party was a success after all as it got me back on track, 
and for that, I can thank the great TMIC network of support.? I could not have 
done it as easily without all of your support.? Thank you so much.?
Warm hugs to all,? Barbara A?

[TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

2009-04-30 Thread balmatmic
Hi Trudy,

You work too hard, I could not clean all day, whether I wanted to or not.? If 
not for a automatic washer/dryer, the wash would not get done.? And, if it goes 
for floors, I can do a small amount but not a lot.? It kills my back, and I'm 
in bed for days.? So, it's someone else's job.? I do clean the spots on the 
kitchen floor iwth paper towels though from time to time, since hubby or 
daughter in-law aren't really responsive on the job, lol.? It doesn't seem to 
be as important to them that it is and looks clean as it is to me.? 

My speed is dusting and cleaning kitchen/bathrooms and laundry.? I can do most 
things that are off the floor and I cannot do too much in a day and still 
manage to cook dinner.? I don't cook dinner everyday, but try to do it most 
days.? Pete (hubby) usually handles breakfast most days and it's a nice trade 
off as he loves breakfast.? That's one of the good parts of his retirement.? He 
also makes my coffee in the morning and then again at night.? And, he is sure a 
handy guy to have around I know that I don't think that I could have gotten 
through this whole TM thing without him, he's been so good at accepting the 
changes that it has made in our lives.? I say accepting, and I am not sure it 
is the right word, as it is a hard thing to say.? We do have to accept it, 
don't have to like it as none of us do, but we just roll with it.? It just is 
what it is.? Can't change it, and cannot deny it anymore, although I tried that 
for about 18 months.? Now, it's been almost 10 years.

I use 40 mg Baclofen at night for spasms, and generally it works pretty well, 
although there are those nights when it doesn't seem to work.? Maybe it is and 
if I hadn't taken it, they would be a whole lot worse, but they definately keep 
me from sleeping.? That is usually on a day that I've done too much.? I've had 
2 DVT's in my left leg, and sometimes I think that the problems and pain in 
that leg are worse than the complications that TM has caused in my life.? 
Although, I didn't get the DVT's until I was in the hospital paralyzed from 
TM.? Darned leg!

But I have slept 3 nights straight and am a happy camper today.? Yippee!? I 
hope you all can take something positive from me and do something positive for 
yourself to get on the right track if you've slipped off as well.

Hugs to all, Barbara A

[TMIC] copy of my response

2009-04-28 Thread balmatmic
I forgot to include the TMIC when I answered these nice messages of advice so I 
am forwarding to the group.? Thanks again ladies and Rob.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 8:56 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #361

Hello Ladies,

I already have another TV, actually, we have 5 TV's in the house and I have my 
own laptop, with WIFI.? I didn't ever think of taking it outside though, that's 
something interesting to try and see if it'll work.? That's one of the reasons 
that I've been in the bedroom so much though, lol!!!? It's been too easy to do.

It's ok if I spend most of the day when I need to recuperate after a day of 
overdoing it, but I just don't want it to be too big in my life, and that is 
what had occured.? I am working on that not happening too often now, and so 
far, so good.

Thanks for all the support!? I appreciate it!!!

Hugs, Barbara A

Can't afford a new spring wardrobe? Go shopping in your closet instead! 

Re: [TMIC] misc

2009-04-27 Thread balmatmic
Hi Rob,

Thanks for your message, and I'm so glad I could improve your day with mine to 
you.??I am sending this message to the whole group, so they can see what's up 
with me as well.

I really am not feeling sorry for myself.? I am not sleeping well, I wake up so 
many times at night with my legs in pain, once I finally get to sleep.? It is 
at least 3am before my legs settle down enough to get to sleep for a bit, 
unless I take a Vicodin.? I usally sleep for anything between 15 minutes and an 
hour on many nights, and this goes on until anytime between 10am and noon, when 
I finally drag my butt out of bed.? I am exhausted.? I take a Vicodin usually 3 
days a week, just to catch up on some sleep.??I need to use some of 
my?marijuana tincture at night or a brownie on more?nights, but that 
doesn't?always work.? Between the two, if one of these methods is used almost 
every night, I should be better off in the sleep category.? I lowered my daily 
dosage of Neurontin over the past year and my pain level has increased.? My 
Neurontin dosage?was up pretty high at 5200/day, and I really wanted it 
lowered, so I was able to lower 3600/day now, but?I am paying the price dur!
 ing the night.??I also went on Lyrica at 50/mg 3x/day.

My husband retired last year and became interested in politics for the first 
time in his life, so he watches the news a lot.? It's on so much of the day, 
and then he watches the History Channel, Military Channel?and CARTOONS!!? He's 
always watched some cartoons, but it's just too much, so after I do what I need 
to and sit out in the family room for a bit, I leave the area.? I just can't 
stand it.? He?also uses the computer, but while on the TV.? If?I ask to change 
the channel, it usually annoys him, so it's often easier to just let it go.? 

I know that we all have our own living situations, and he's really a great guy. 
?He just has his own things that annoy me, and I have mine that do the same to 
him.? And, I really try to live by the rule now that I need to pick my 
battles.? I stand up for?my place in the family room periodically and take 
control of the TV and enjoy something together or alone.? Then, once he goes to 
bed and I cannot sleep, I watch TV in there while I am waiting to be able to 

Over the winter hits we don't get out much, although we did take a Panama Canal 
Cruise for his retirement, but it was during October, so he was pre-occupied 
with election stuff.? He scoped out a TV in one of the lounges that usually had 
the news on during the day, and we had a TV in our room.? We enjoyed ourselves 
though, and it was a good trip.? In February we went to So. California (we live 
in No. California) to get out of the cold and enjoyed the warmer weather for a 
week.? I just need to get away a bit if I can, winter really gives me problems, 
both physically and then mentally since I ache so much more.? I just don't know 
how you people who live in the REAL cold climates do it.

Since I wrote you, I have been out of my room a lot more, and have gotten 
outside, picked lemons off my lemon tree and have prepared a?many more?meals 
than usual, and even done some visiting as well.? I am moving around the 
house?more again, and on Saturday I am meeting my sisters for a day of lunch, 
massages, and then tea.? So, I've gotten back to a start in the right track, 
but I appreciate the boost (Kick in the Butt) from you Rob!!!?

Take care all, and warm hugs to everyone as well.

Barbara A in Auburn, CA?

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall
Sent: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 5:01 am
Subject: RE: [TMIC] misc

Barbara...your response just made a lousy Monday morning at work a little nicer 
...thank you get busy living your life and stop feeling sorry for 


All the best!


From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:33 PM
To: Robert Pall;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] misc

Hello Rob and all,

 I am so glad that you sent in this email today.? I think it just may be 
the kick in the butt that I need to get out of my bedroom and on with my 
life.? I am still kind of in a funk, not as bad as the usual winter funk, but 
still haven't been able to totally bring myself out of?it either.??I know that 
the state of the economy and politics have been consuming too much of my life 
recently, and with my hubby retiring last year, as the saying goes, twice as 
much hubby and half as much money.? Could not be truer than these days, as if 
we could have known, he'd still be working and we'd still be preparing for his 
 I have been reading most of the postings on TMIC, but not responding to 
some that I know that I should have.??For this, I am apologizing to the newbies 
and to those that I could have possibly given some support.
 Rob, I will try, no, I WILL,?to take your words to heart and start LIVING 
my life the way I used to, and used 

Re: [TMIC] misc

2009-04-25 Thread balmatmic

Hello Rob and all,

 I am so glad that you sent in this email today.? I think it just may be 
the kick in the butt that I need to get out of my bedroom and on with my 
life.? I am still kind of in a funk, not as bad as the usual winter funk, but 
still haven't been able to totally bring myself out of?it either.??I know that 
the state of the economy and politics have been consuming too much of my life 
recently, and with my hubby retiring last year, as the saying goes, twice as 
much hubby and half as much money.? Could not be truer than these days, as if 
we could have known, he'd still be working and we'd still be preparing for his 
 I have been reading most of the postings on TMIC, but not responding to 
some that I know that I should have.??For this, I am apologizing to the newbies 
and to those that I could have possibly given some support.
 Rob, I will try, no, I WILL,?to take your words to heart and start LIVING 
my life the way I used to, and used to tell others to as well, and that is to 
the fullest extent as possible.? TM should not define us.?

Hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn,?CA, where the sun is shining and there is a 
nest of baby birds outside of my bedroom window.? The sounds are so sweet.

Re: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed

2009-04-20 Thread balmatmic
Absolutely Janice,

I was like a Raggedy Ann doll.  Totally floppy from the waist down, couldn't 
sit without being propped up, and no matter what position my legs were put in, 
they flopped.  It is painful to look back and see what I was like when TM 
happened, but good to see how far I've come.  I often forget about all that has 
happened to me, all the strange little occurances as well.  I could write a 
book, but then, I really wouldn't want to write it all down, and surely, I 
doubt anyone would want to read as much of it as there is. 

We've come a long way baby!

Hugs to all! Barbara A 

-Original Message-
From: Janice
To: Patricia Cooley;;
Sent: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 8:34 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed

You reminded me of my old hospital days where I could not turn over without 
help, or slide up in the bed.   When you can

look back and see where your body has actually gotten stronger - even with the 
problems TM has left us - you realize how

fortunate we are.   I am comparing us to 2 people I know that are dying of 
cancer.   Parts of our lives are the pits, but we

know we have our lives to live and in most cases, improvement to look forward 
to.  Jance


- Original Message -

From: Patricia Cooley

To: 'Janice' ; tmic-list ;

Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:47 AM

Subject: RE: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed





From: Janice []
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed


I am s fortunate that I don't have the skin sensitivity that so many of you 
talk about.    If I pull up something really soft, like my gown or robe, I will 
spasm for a minute, but I don't really have pain, just discomfort and only for 
a minute.   I would think that

the cotton knit would be a blessing.   I like 100% cotton to sleep in for 
summer - it helps keep me cool.


- Original Message -



Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:20 AM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed


I am such a happy camper with my cotton knit.  Such a miraculous fiber.  Isn't 
it great when we find something that works for us, most of the time  It's 
just amazing!  It's definately a game of trial and error, that's for 
sure.  Life is so much fun when you have TM. 

The majority of my sensitivity is in the evening and during the night.  There 
are times when I cannot even stand skin to skin contact.  That's why I sleep on 
my back with my knees bent many nights. 

Take care everyone!

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
Sent: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 8:30 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed

I have the sensitivity of cloth rubbing (or barely touching) my legs too.   
But, I have no problem with sheets and blankets on

me at nite.   I sleep with a pillow between my knees and that takes care of any 
problems I guess.  I have slept with a summer

gown all winter, otherwise I get too hot. Janice

- Original Message -



Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 12:23 AM

Subject: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed


I think that this is something that most of us suffer from at some point during 
our TM lives, skin sensitivity against fabric, and it's the worst when we are 

Re: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed

2009-04-16 Thread balmatmic
Gilly, I know what you mean about the wrinkles in the bed.? It actually causes 
pain with the wrinkles, like something is stabbing you.? Using the knit sheets 
makes them?warmer, and it's so hard for me to imagine you with the pillow 
on?your feet.? I?cannot stand?much weight on me at all,?especially my feet.??I 
love my down blanket, nice and lightweight, yet warm.

The warmer weather brings less clothes, no blankets, and?a?happier me!? Come on 

Warm hugs?you Gilly, and all, Barbara A? 

-Original Message-
From: Gillian Clark
To: TM list
Sent: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 8:04 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed

It has only just occurred to me that sleeping on my back is the only way I have 
slept now for years. Since the day of the attack I haven't been able to sleep 
any other way, in the beginning, I couldn't move at all from that position, I 
can now at least move my legs into a more comfy position.? I can't sleep with 
them bent up though Barb, that causes huge spasms.


Everything hurts, no matter what but it's trying to minimize the pain is the 
answer isn't it?? I know that when you are new to this crap it's so hard to 
realise the things that you suddenly have to pay attention to.? Not only what 
you wear but where you are walking, avoiding anything that will brush on you.? 
Shopping is a nightmare when someone brushes past etc.


Since I was born being unconventional a lot of things came easily for me.? If 
you were not? born that way, it's time to change and not give an obese rodent's 
derriere what anyone else thinks. Find what works for you and don't worry about 
what the normal people are doing.


I think I've just about got my life into a reasonable degree of comfort but 
sometimes it just changes again.


hugs all



- Original Message - 



Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 2:50 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed

I am such a happy camper with my cotton knit.? Such a miraculous fiber.? Isn't 
it great when we find something that works for us, most of the time? It's 
just amazing!? It's definately a game of trial and error, that's for 
sure.??Life is so much fun when you have TM.?

The majority of my sensitivity is in the evening and during the night.? There 
are times when I cannot even?stand skin to skin contact.? That's why I sleep on 
my back with my knees bent many nights.?

Take care everyone!

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Janice
Sent: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 8:30 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed

I have the sensitivity of cloth rubbing (or barely touching) my legs too.?? 
But, I have no problem with sheets and blankets on

me at nite.?? I sleep with a pillow between my knees and that takes care of any 
problems I guess.? I have slept with a summer

gown all winter, otherwise I get too hot. Janice

- Original Message - 



Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 12:23 AM

Subject: [TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed

I think that this is something that most of us suffer from at some point during 
our TM lives, skin sensitivity against fabric, and it's the worst when we are 
trying to get some much needed sleep.

I have purchased so many sets of sheets and blankets over my TM years (T 8-10, 
6/1/99), and I have had this sensitivity for most of that time.? It started as 
sensitivity and is so often PAIN.? I've gone from egyptian cotton, very good 
quality flannel, jersey (like T-shirt material) and all sorts of thread counts 
of cotton.? In sheets, I think that most of the time, my most comfortable sheet 
happens to be the jersey.? I'm not saying that I can always have my legs 
against them, because I cannot, I lay on my back many nights with my knees bent 
so nothing touches my legs.? Blankets are much worse, so you need to get the 
most comfortable sheet you can near your skin.? If you have any old pajama 
bottoms, those are also some of the most comfortable, or I wear the short 

I've bought some microfiber plush pants this year from and they 
have been warm on my legs and haven't irritated them.? I am very much looking 
forward to warmer weather when I can wear short pants all the time and not 
being uncomfortable.

Hugs to all, Barbara A in CA 

Great deals on Dell s most popular laptops  Starting at $479 

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[TMIC] leg and foot comfort in bed

2009-04-14 Thread balmatmic
I think that this is something that most of us suffer from at some point during 
our TM lives, skin sensitivity against fabric, and it's the worst when we are 
trying to get some much needed sleep.

I have purchased so many sets of sheets and blankets over my TM years (T 8-10, 
6/1/99), and I have had this sensitivity for most of that time.? It started as 
sensitivity and is so often PAIN.? I've gone from egyptian cotton, very good 
quality flannel, jersey (like T-shirt material) and all sorts of thread counts 
of cotton.? In sheets, I think that most of the time, my most comfortable sheet 
happens to be the jersey.? I'm not saying that I can always have my legs 
against them, because I cannot, I lay on my back many nights with my knees bent 
so nothing touches my legs.? Blankets are much worse, so you need to get the 
most comfortable sheet you can near your skin.? If you have any old pajama 
bottoms, those are also some of the most comfortable, or I wear the short 

I've bought some microfiber plush pants this year from and they 
have been warm on my legs and haven't irritated them.? I am very much looking 
forward to warmer weather when I can wear short pants all the time and not 
being uncomfortable.

Hugs to all, Barbara A in CA

Re: [TMIC] Thank you

2009-03-28 Thread balmatmic
Hello Amanda.

It has been almost?10 years with TM for me, and I guess I'm practically over 
the embarrassment, most of the time.?? When I was in rehab, one of the things 
that we had to do before we could be released is to go on an outing into 
a?public situation and we were really close to a shopping center, so that's 
where we went.? Very Public!? It left many impressions, but also, my husband 
isn't the kind who likes to stay home all the time and would just want to go 
out for the sake of leaving the house.? I guess if he didn't feel any 
embarrassment being with me, I shouldn't have either, but that didn't make me 
not feel it.

One of the first things to come to my mind when I found myself paralyzed was 
that?our kids were grown, ages 20 and 26, and I had a pretty good marriage and 
good insurance.? We had a 2 yr old grandson that I wished to play with on the 
floor though, and that was my biggest goal.? I finally made it and still do, 
but it's very hard to get back up, but I do it with 3 little boys now.? We play 
many games, read books and watch movies though in my bed, which is a very 
special place for all. I don't think I'll ever walk again the way I used to, 
but I am able to walk a bit with my walker, crutches, and on a really?good day, 
my cane.??

Please keep up the physical therapy, exercise program, or whatever you do to 
keep your body strong.? I was so good at it for a long time, then?didn't do too 
much for a long time.? I am now working on my body again and gaining a bit of 
strength back.??

And, about the bladder thing, it's something?that so many of us deal with.? 
I've actually got the bowel and bladder thing, luckily they function, but with 
urgency, meaning I don't get the signal till it's time to go.? Doesn't matter 
where I am, last night we were shopping at Safeway and I had to find the 
restroom NOW!? But, I made it, barely.? We could tell you so many stories, some 
would leave you laughing so hard, and others so touching you may cry.

Pity parties can be shared here, and happen off and on, so don't feel badly if 
you need one.? We are here for you as we've all been there.

Big hugs, Barbara A


-Original Message-
From: Amanda Diskey
Sent: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 12:46 pm
Subject: [TMIC] Thank you

I just want to say that I am amazed at the amount of information I have gotten 
from you all about stem cell research and use! I never expected such a 
response, but I didn't know who else to ask. Of course my family and friends 
just want me to get better,?and I want to be normal again so bad I would do 
anything to be that way. I miss playing with my kids, and cleaning my house, 
and driving, and going to work, using my hands, not wearing depends, and not 
being embarassed to go in public because of all of the above. I just want to be 
me again! I was looking for an easy fix, even if it cost 30,000, but thanks to 
this list I can make a more informed decision. This list is a wonderful place 
to go for information or support. I don't post a lot, but I always read the 
posts. Thank you all so much for understanding when no one else does!


Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:03:50 PM
Subject: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #200

-Inline Message Follows-

tmic-digest Digest??? ??? ??? ??? Volume 2009 : Issue 200

Today's Topics:
? Re: [TMIC] going to DC? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [ Lawrence King we4king...@verizon.n ]
? Re: [TMIC] Embrionic Stem Cell Discu? [ Lawrence King we4king...@verizon.n ]

-Inline Message Follows-

Try to find the Albert Einstein memorial near the?Vietnam?Vets Memorial  
Constitution Ave. ?we wanted to get there but the bone chilling cold 9F. ?got 
the better of us and we gave up on both. ?It's a site most tourists miss and 
don't know about. ?and the museum of natural history is renovated and 
wonderful... you can see the hope diamond. 

I want to hear about it when you get back!

On Mar 26, 2009, at 9:09 PM, wrote:

Mindy the Artist

Thanks Mindy
I found the info on the tourmobile before we decided that I needed some sort of 
transport and I forgot about the wheelchair storage on the bus so that link was 
helpful. .? It will be perfect.??I found that it was the only bus through the 
cemetary - one of our desired stops.? ?I know we are going to use their two-day 
pass and see all of those sights.? Did you have a special spot that I might 
miis if I wasn't aware of it in advance?? I'm taking all the advice I can get.??
Patti - Michigan? 

-Original Message-
From: Lawrence King
Cc: Lawrence King
Sent: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 2:38 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] going to DC

Hi Patti, 

We went to DC in Jan for my father-in-laws funeral at Arlington Natnl. 
?Cemetery and decided it was now or never to 

Re: [TMIC] stem cell (OT?), and signing

2009-03-26 Thread Balmatmic
It seems to me that ALL bills should be read prior to signing, but that's  
just me.  I was always told not to sign anything that I haven't  read.  I will 
admit to not signing all documents in total, but I have  skimmed over them.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Barbara A
In a message dated 3/25/2009 7:28:40 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I know I am in the minority in my believes, but I do not believe in IVF  that 
creates embryos to begin with. If these embryos were not being created to  
then there would be no so called leftover embryos. 

Are you aware  that President Obama signed H.R. 1105, the “Omnibus 
Appropriations Act, 2009,”  on March 11th (2 days after signing the executive 
order to 
lift the ban on  federal funding of embryonic stem cells) that contained the  

The text of Section 509 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act,  2009, reads as 

SEC. 509. (a) None of the funds made available  in this Act may be used 
forshy;(1) the creation of a human embryo or embryos  for research purposes; 
(2) research in which a human embryo or embryos are  destroyed, discarded, or 
knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death  greater than that allowed for 
research on fetuses in utero under 45 CFR  46.204(b) and section 498(b) of the 
Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.  289g(b)). (b) For purposes of this 
section, the term ‘‘human embryo or  embryos’’ includes any organism, not 
protected as a human subject under 45 CFR  46 as of the date of the enactment 
of this 
Act, that is derived by  fertilization, parthenogenesis, cloning, or any other 
means from one or more  human gametes or human diploid cells.

Guess he should have READ the  “Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009 before 
signing it into law... 

I  followed the link on 
to see if it was true, sure enough, it's in there


If  you want to read it yourself, pg 128, lines 9 - 24. there are 2 pages 
inserted  so it is page 130 of the pdf. 

At 05:25 PM 3/25/2009, Lawrence King  wrote:

whether you consider them  blastocysts or babies, the couples who conceived 
them have already made the  decision that they will never be born and have a 
meaningful purpose outside  the petri dish.  I truly believe the parents 
should have the right to  decide the fate regarding the use of their unused 
fertilized egg's stem  cells as well.

Jim  Lubin
_ (   
disAbility Resources: _

_ ( 

**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

Re: [TMIC] stem cell (OT?)

2009-03-26 Thread Balmatmic
This is a very personal decision and we all have to make it for ourselves  
when and if the time comes.  It's good to have a discussion about this as  
different views are expressed and information is dispensed that others may not  
aware of.  
I also know that there are many children in the foster care system and  
orphanages and are available for adoption if people would consider them if they 
really wanted a child, and not only a baby.  Babies are harder to adopt,  but 
many children would love to have a stable home with loving parents.
I'd love to be able to walk the way I did prior to TM.  I know that if  I 
could get back what I lost, I'd be a real happy camper.
Hugs, Barbara A
**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

[TMIC] thanks for recommendations of rehabs

2009-03-25 Thread balmatmic
Thank you all for the recommendations of the rehab centers.? My god-daughter 
will be picking up the emails off the list, if she hasn't already done so.? If 
anyone has anything in addition to add, please do so.? I think she is going to 
see the patient again today that is looking for this information.

Isn't it great how we always come through for each other?

Hugs, Barbara A


2009-03-22 Thread balmatmic
Hi Janice,

I agree with Heather.? I am always careful checking the water temp with my 
hands before getting into the shower.? I cannot handle a hot tub or cold 
swimming pool as it makes me spasm.? Water must be at least 80-82 degrees in 
the pool, and nothing over 100 degrees is comfortable in the tub.? 

Once I started getting feeling back (T8-10, June 1, 1999), I have had the pins 
and needles and burning/freezing pain.? I take Neurontin and Lyrica for it and 
it helps take the edge off.? It's kind of like having a horrible sunburn while 
sitting in a tub full of ice, NOT FUN!!!? It has progressed as the feeling 
increased over the past 9 years.

Take care Janice, Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Pieter and Heather
To: Janice; transverse myelitis
Sent: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 10:29 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC]



I have the temperature problem as well.? I cannot tell hot or cold water on my 
left leg.? My right leg has some sensation regarding the water temps but I 
still do not trust that feeling when it comes to the hot or cold water.? I 
always have to start my shower get the temperature regulated priot to stepping 
into the shower.? Since I am not affected by TM in my arms I always test the 
water temps with my hands and arms.? I? have had this since day one back in 
year 2003.


Not quite sure what it is you mean by 'buzzing' in your legs.? My buzzing would 
refer to the constant pins and needles pain I feel in my legs.? And no that has 
not gone away either.? I did not have it the first little while but once I was 
able to start learning to walk again etc then this pain started and has been my 
constant companion.? Using Gabpentin/Neurontin is the only thing that tempers 
the pain so it is tolerable. 


Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 

From: Janice 

To: transverse myelitis 

Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 3:15 PM

Subject: [TMIC]

This is Janice - yet again with another question.?? 


It has been 2 years since the onset of TM.?? From the top of my ribs to my toes 
I can not tell water temperature on my skin.? I have to be very careful with 
taking my showers.?? ?Do any of you have that??? I am wondering if it is 
something that will eventually go away or if it is something I will live with.


Also, one improvement I have just noticed lately is the constant buzzing that 
I had in my legs as soon as feeling started coming back.?? Did you all have 
that and have any of you also lost it?


Thanks again, Janice

Re: [TMIC] Re: How goes it??

2009-03-20 Thread balmatmic
Hey Frank,

When you mess yourself up, you don't fool around.? I hope you still have that 
girlfriend to help you with those martini's.? We know you are an independent 
type, but at least for a little while, you may need a bit of help.? I hope you 
it's not too painful now, the worst should be over with.

Hang in there, and a big hug, Barbara

-Original Message-
Cc: tmic
Sent: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 1:16 pm
Subject: [TMIC] Re: How goes it??

 Just wondering how things are going...


I thought I wrote an email before going to the hospital, so many days ago.

I just was released, am home, and recouping from all the surgeries to my left 
hand, wrist, radius  ulna (bones in forearm) and Elbow.

Typing is very difficult so will write more tomorrow


[TMIC] need help with rehab center recommendations in US

2009-03-19 Thread balmatmic
Hello all,? 

Our god-daughter, Monica,?works as an aide at Craig Hospital, which?exclusively 
treats?spinal cord and brain injuries?in the Denver, Co. area.? 

She called last night and told me about?one of her patients who is a paraplegic 
with no movement?in legs or toes, but has sensation.? She does not have a 
diagnosis.? She didn't say how strong the sensation was.? This occured from a 
flu that she couldn't shake.? Needless to say,??this lady?is very anxious since 
the doctors are telling her the same thing that we've all heard - that they 
can't tell her what her outcome will be, just do her therapy and see what 

Monica didn't have too much information for me when she called, but will look 
at her chart tomorrow when she goes back to work.? She thinks this all started 
about 4 months ago, but doesn't know the progression from the flu to symptoms, 

Why am I telling you all of this I hate saying this lady, but that's 
all?I know at this point.? Anyway,?her husband is in the military and got 
orders to transfer to Germany right before this occured.? He was able to?delay 
his deployment?for a short time, but will need to leave soon.? She doesn't know 
if she will be able to get good therapy once she leaves the country as a 
dependent, and of course, wants the best for herself.? I know as a military 
person it would be great, but possibly not as a dependent.??

She wants to know if anyone can recommend any rehab centers around the 
country.? Any area at this time will be considered, but she'll need to look 
into what her insurance will pay, if anything, and evaluate what she can do.? 
Please let me know if you have?any information about a center you've either 
been to or heard of and I'll pass it on.? From looking at the Craig Hospital 
website, it looks like a very good center.? I just know that they will be 
releasing her eventually and we all are scared when that happens.

Thank you, and as always, big hugs, 
Barbara A in sunny CA (at least the sun is shining today and in mid 60's)? 

Re: [TMIC] OPRAH - Montel with MS

2009-03-17 Thread balmatmic

Hello Candy,

I watch Oprah today as well, and it was a really good show.? I highly recommend 
all of us watch it, whether MS or TM.? There is a good deal of information that 
we can all get out of it.? It reminded me of?the level of depression that goes 
hand in hand for all of us.? I didn't know though that lots of the medication 
had depression as a side effect, so I learned a little today.

Hugs to all, Barbara A?

-Original Message-
To: tmic-list
Sent: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 1:39 pm
Subject: [TMIC] OPRAH - Montel with MS

I'm watching Oprah and she has Montel on telling about MS.  While some of don't 
have MS, so many of the symptoms of MS are the same as TM - the pain, 
depression, feelings, etc.

While I'm not recording it today, I will tomorrow morning on another station.   

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

[TMIC] hello to all

2009-03-08 Thread Balmatmic
Hello All,
It seems that I've been bumped off list for a while.  I know that this  
happens now and then, and it seemed like the list was very quiet again, so I  
decided to take a look at the archives.  Well, to my surprise there was a  lot 
activity that I missed.
I'd like to say WELCOME to our new family members - I hope that you feel  
the love that is on this site.  You will soon know that we talk to each  other 
about EVERYTHING here, even things that most of us don't even tell our own  
close friends or family members.  They really wouldn't understand, although  
many try, they just don't since it isn't something that they are going through  
Most of us lurked in the background for a bit before we introduced  
ourselves to the group.  There are times when it is really busy and then it  
down for a while.  Like all other families we don't always agree,  but we are 
very quick to come to the aid of each other, and share all that we  have 
experienced with TM.
To all others, please know that you are all in my thoughts daily.  I  don't 
send many messages, but think of you all each day and hope that those who  are 
having difficulty are doing better.  
Has Jude had her surgery?  I haven't seen anything about her, and  think it 
would have been listed if she had it.
Looks like my you are now subscribed message has arrived, so I'm alive on  
the TMIC once again, YEAH!!!
Hugs to all, Barbara A 

**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

Re: [TMIC] Aussie Members

2009-02-14 Thread Balmatmic
Please check in if you can, we are thinking are worrying about you.
In a message dated 2/14/2009 8:32:50 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Gilly is fine and so is Shirley.
Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 
From:  _Jan Hargrove_ (  
To: _tmic-list_ (  
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 4:21  PM
Subject: [TMIC] Aussie Members

Has anyone heard from our Aussie members since the  fires hit Australia?  
My geography IQ of Australia is at least -100, thus I don't know  if any of
our membership lives in or near the areas of the fires.
If any one hears, please pass the word on to the list.

**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

Re: [TMIC] February birthdays

2009-02-02 Thread Balmatmic
H A P P Y   B I R T H D  A Y   T O   A L L
   F E  B R U A R Y   B A B I E S!!
Hugs to all, Barbara  A

Happy Birthday  to you February babies!!  janh

Happy Birthday to the February kids! Hope it's a great  one!
Please send any additions or corrections to _tmic-l...@eskimo.com_ 
( .
2-1 Jeanne Rushton (_jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.com_ 
( )
2/2 Ursula (_uma...@t-online.de_ ( )
2/2 Lisa in TN (_lsim...@aol.com_ ( )
2-5 Tita in Delaware (_te...@flash.net_ (  ) 
2-6 Barbara Alma (_balmat...@aol.com_ ( ) 
2-7 Barbara in Texas (_babbsie1...@yahoo.com_ ( )
2-9  Frank (_ftrascr...@aol.com_ ( )
2/11 Mary (_mster...@yahoo.com_ (  )
2-11 Deb Casey (_casey...@myway.com_ ( )
2/15 Jill (_jillybean60...@yahoo.com_ ( )
02/16 David T. Gibson (_david-gib...@uiowa.edu_ 
(  )
2/16 Diane Aja  ( 
( )
2-17 JOAN FINK (_mafi...@yahoo.com_ ( )
2-20 Norma (_dgti...@aol.com_ ( )
21/02 Phyllis Pollock (_pjpoll...@rogers.com_ ( )
2/26 Patti - Michigan (_pjv1...@chartermi.net_ ( 
2/27 Cindy (_rdavi...@san.rr.com_ ( )

**Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499. 

Re: [TMIC] OT Get Back Up

2009-01-19 Thread Balmatmic
That was so inspirational and beautiful.  He is so  amazing and makes me feel 
like I better do something positive for  myself and someone else today.  He 
truly has taken a disability and created  an ability to touch other people's 
lives in so many ways.  It's great that  he takes to the schools, as that is 
where he can make such a difference  since kids seem to look at differences as 
being something to criticize and not  embrace.  Anyone wonder where they learn 
that from?   

Hugs to all, Barbara
**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

Re: [TMIC] OT Get Back Up

2009-01-19 Thread Balmatmic
Yes Jeanne, I think kids do pay if are different,  but so do adults.  Heaven 
help the person, be it a child or adult that  happens to be different if the 
child has never either been taught or exposed to  anyone who is different.  I 
remember as a child shopping with my mother and  seeing a child who appeared to 
be what in those days we would call  mentally retarded and asking my mother 
what happened to that  child.  My mother simply explained to me that God made 
all of us a  little different, that none of us is exactly the same.  That this 
child's  brain works differently than mine, but that he still likes to play 
and do the  same things I do, and we should treat him the same way as any other 
child.   Then there are parents that tell the mother that it is ok for their 
child to ask  any questions they may have and they'll be happy to try to 
answer.   Those were powerful people.
Then another time there had to be something that happened to me regarding  
somebody with a physical disability or I had a bad dream because I was  scared 
to death of anyone with a wheelchair, or used a cane or crutches,  etc.  Go 
figure, looked what happened to me?  Yikes, TM!!!  I  used to avoid like the 
plague anyone with those, I'd cross the street so I  didn't get near them, and 
poor great grandfather who ended up in a  wheelchair, I thought he'd run me 
over for some odd reason.  I wouldn't get  into an elevator if anyone was in 
there with any of these.  My mother  couldn't get that idea out of my mind.  I 
got over it way before I got TM  though.  
Hugs, Barbara
In a message dated 1/19/2009 3:29:34 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Good message Barbara.  When kids veer off of to be a little  bit different, 
they sure seem to pay for it, don't they?  This man  is such an inspiration 
that he just makes me cry for happy..hugs to you,  too, and especially you, 
for sharing this with us all.   Jeanne in Dayton 
---Original  Message---
From: _balmat...@aol.com_ ( 
Date: 1/19/2009  4:31:59 PM
To: _toddtm2...@sbcglobal.net_ ( ;  
_tmic-l...@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  OT Get Back Up

That was so inspirational and beautiful.  He is  so amazing and makes me feel 
like I better do something  positive for myself and someone else today.  He 
truly has taken a  disability and created an ability to touch other people's 
lives in so  many ways.  It's great that he takes to the schools, as that is  
where he can make such a difference since kids seem to look at  differences as 
being something to criticize and not embrace.   Anyone wonder where they learn 
that from?   
Hugs to all, Barbara

**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

Re: [TMIC] OT- The Numbers-OT

2009-01-15 Thread Balmatmic
Life has a way of changing, whether we want it to or like  it, or not.
Hugs, Barbara A
In a message dated 1/15/2009 6:28:52 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:


It's 1 degree here in Freeport, ME

I'm not  going unless they get a lot more portapotties.

Actually, I've given up  my tickets, so will be home, 20 feet from my own 

To get  philosophical... in the preceding chapters of my life I never worried 
how far  the next potty was from me.  I never wrote Have BM on my daily 
agenda.  I never proclaimed, with Triumph, I just had a normal BM !!

I wonder  what the next chapter in my life holds???

take care, or prune  juice


**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

Re: [TMIC] OT- The Numbers-OT

2009-01-14 Thread Balmatmic
I'm sorry, but for anyone with a mobility issue, being in a  crowd can be a 
nightmare.  Even if you are in a chair!  If you walk,  you get bumped around, 
and then you have to worry about balance issues.   Sorry, but falling into 
somebody I don't know, and then landing on the dirty  ground doesn't seem like 
fun.  If in a chair, you see way too many butts,  don't want to even think 
how many butts you'd be looking at.  
So, if you really want to see the Inauguration, it will be on  TV, where you 
can be nice and warm, have your snacks and drinks at your  side, and your very 
own clean bathroom.  If you want a crowd, you can have  a party or go to one! 
That's my take!  The only crowd that I  purposely get involved in is when I 
decide to go to Disneyland or  DisneyWorld.  Otherwise, I avoid them like the 
Take care and stay warm.  Hugs to all, Barbara  A
In a message dated 1/14/2009 1:55:06 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Dear  Gang,

Well, As you know, I received my invitation from the Inaugural  Committee a 
while ago, then I learned about the numbers:

Approx..  2,000,000 people

Approx.. 5,000 porta potties

Therefore: 400  people to one potty

The average visitation to a potty takes 4  minutes

Therefore: 1600 minutes for everyone to go once

So 1600  minutes divided by 60 minutes in an hour:  26.6 hours for everyone 
to  visit once.

I don't think I'm  going


**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 


2009-01-13 Thread Balmatmic
I really liked the sentiment of this message.  If you  don't like it, just 
delete it.  Hugs to all, Barbara

None of that Sissy Crap

Are you tired of those sissy  'friendship' poems that always sound good, but 
never actually come close  to reality?

Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of  true friendship.

You will see no cutesy little smiley faces on this  card - Just the stone 
cold truth of our great friendship.

1. When  you are sad --I will jump on the person who made you sad like a 
spider monkey  jacked up on Mountain Dew!!

2. When you are blue -- I  will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

3. When you smile -- I  will know you are plotting something that I must be 
involved  in.

4. When you're scared -- we will high tail it out of  here.

5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about  how much 
worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby

6.  When you are confused -- I will use little words.

7. When you are sick  --Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't 
want whatever you  have.

8. When you fall -- I'll pick you up and dust you  off-- After I laugh my 
butt off!!

9. This is my oath...I pledge it  to the end. 'Why?' you may ask -- because 
you are my  FRIEND!

Friendship is like peeing in your pants

Everyone can  see it, But only you can feel the true warmth.

Send this to 10 of  your closest friends,

Then get depressed because you can only  think  Of  4.

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Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and  fits in your budget? Read 
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8/8/2008 9:02  AM


 A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. _See  yours in just 2 easy  steps!_ 
**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

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[TMIC] about Rick

2009-01-08 Thread Balmatmic
Enough of this, this was Rick's son.  And please remember  that at the time 
that he needed to make the decision about his funeral, he  did what he felt was 
appropriate for the occasion.
The information that is coming out is helpful for the  future, but doesn't 
help right now when feelings are pretty  raw.   
Can we table this discussion for a little later, like, a month  or 
If you don't agree with me, I'm sorry, but let me know  directly to my email 
so it doesn't clog up the board.
Take care everyone and try to stay warm.  Hugs to all,  Barbara A
In a message dated 1/8/2009 9:52:46 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

 The  death of  
 one's grandchildren is an intense situation.   Don't criticize,  


Many people  are talked into too much expenses, then have to beg borrow or 
steal in order  to pay. The insurance tends to be a rip-off.

Intense situations give  the mortuary a lever to Up- grade the costs. 
People need to realize that  they are being ripped off- most towns and cities 
the ability to take  care of the dead without any cost.

hope that  helps


**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

Re: [TMIC] Check out YouTube - Il Divo - Amazing Grace

2008-12-28 Thread Balmatmic
Hi Kim,
Thank you for sharing, I just love this group.  I  remember when 
Simon Cowell first formed and they were on a TV show and  was amazed by the 
harmony.  They sound so beautiful and are very relaxing  as well.  I could 
listen to them for hours on end.
Hugs to all, Barbara A
In a message dated 12/28/2008 1:42:30 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Wow is all I can say about this one, I pray it blesses you like it did  me. 

Subject: Fw: Check out YouTube - Il Divo - Amazing Grace

4-1/2  minutes.  The last 2-1/2 are awesome.
_Click here:  YouTube - Il Divo - Amazing Grace_ 

**One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, 
Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now. 

Re: [TMIC] Merry Christmas

2008-12-25 Thread Balmatmic

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S   T  O   A L  L
A N  D
H A P P Y   N E  W   Y E A  R
Hugs to all, Barbara A  
**One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, 
Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now. 

Re: [TMIC] your thoughts?

2008-12-07 Thread Balmatmic
Hi Candi,
I wish you the best of luck with your LTD  hearing.  You have a right to 
all the paperwork out of your file at the  insurance co. and should order it 
if you do not already have it.  The  insurance companies have no conscience at 
all.  Their job is to get people  off the disability roles, and I understand 
that they need to get the ones off  that aren't really disabled, but not the 
ones that are.  
My LTD provider (Prudential) did the same as yours  regarding sending a 
letter to my doctor requesting that he complete a form about  my condition and 
what my capabilities were.  They also stated on the letter  to him that I had 
been working on a part-time basis and requested the stand,  sit, walk, etc. 
questions.  Now, my policy states that I am entitled to  benefits if I am able 
to work on a full-time basis based on my training or  what I can be trained to 
do, something like that, and on and on.  I haven't  worked at all since Dec. 
2000, and they know it or they would not have been  paying me.
This was sent to my Neuro, and all previous  correspondence was sent to 
PCP.  The Neuro hadn't even asked me to come  into his office for a visit 
before sending back the form to the insurance  company stating that since I had 
been working part-time that I could work  full-time now, after listing 
capabilities that don't match me at all.  
In the meantime, I had gone to a Physiatrist that  the insurance co. set 
up for a review of my condition.  This doc stated  that I was not able to 
work.  Then, since the insurance co. got the form  back from my Neuro stating I 
could work full-time, they contacted their doc and  asked him to reverse his 
decision and state that I could work, telling him that  my doc must know my 
condition better than he does, and he did it.  I was  denied my coverage at 
It took a couple of visits to the Neuro to get  everything squared away 
with his paperwork and re-submitted.  It also took  me requesting copies of all 
my paperwork from the insurance co. in order to have  ammunition for my 
appeal.  There were about 3 reams of paper worth of  copies they sent me, and 
were triplicates of my early TM years, including  hospital info.  That was 
very depressing looking back at that stuff.   I had to submit 2 appeals.  They 
were tough, but I'm glad that I stuck with  it and finally noticed what they 
with the doc they hired.  That was  very underhanded and let them know it was 
wrong and not proper business  practice.  When I later told my husband he was 
really angry and felt we  could have sued them for what they did, but I don't 
know.  Especially since  I may not have caught what they did, and could have 
possibly lost again and had  the expense of a lawyer.  If it went to a lawyer 
and I would win, they pay  the lawyer.  If I lose, I pay the lawyer.
This was about 3 years ago, and I just got another  letter with a form 
for a doctor's statement.  I now have a new PCP and  Neuro, so I hope all goes 
well.  I have a HMO and the process is that I  drop off the forms to the 
medical secretaries and they go back and forth to docs  to be filled out, 
transcribed, approved, distributed and filed.  I sent  emails to them letting 
them know 
I am available for questions and the trouble  that I had last time.  I hope 
this works out without any snags. If we  don't fight for our rights, who will 
it for us?? 
Hugs to all, Barbara A
**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 

[TMIC] Fwd: OT: Fwd: Holiday Gift Cards Warning

2008-11-20 Thread Balmatmic


 From: Barbaraalma1
To: Barbaraalma1
BCC: Balmatmic
Sent: 11/20/2008  8:59:26 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Subj: OT: Fwd: Holiday Gift Cards  Warning

=Subject:  Holiday Gift Cards: BE CAREFUL  


A Special Note Regarding  Holiday Gift Cards: BE CAREFUL

This note  was forwarded to us and we wanted to share the information with 
our  members:

I wanted to give  everyone a heads up that if you tend to give gift cards 
around the holidays, you  need to be careful that the cards will be honored 
the  holidays. Stores that are planning to close after Christmas are still  
selling t he cards through the holidays even though the cards will be  
worthless January 1. There is no law preventing them from doing this. On the  
contrary, it is referred to as 'Bankrupcy Planning.' Below is a  partial list 
stores that you need to be cautious about.  

Circuit City (filed  Chapter 11) 
Ann Taylor - 117 stores  nationwide closing 
Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug  and Catherine's to close 150 stores nationwide 
Eddie Bauer to close 27  stores and more after January 
Cache will close all  stores 
Talbots closing down  specialty stores 
J. Jill closing all  stores (owned by Talbots) 
Pacific Sunwear (also  owned by Talbots) 
GAP closing 85 stores  
Footlocker closing 140  stores; more to close after January 
Wickes Furniture closing  down 
Levitz closing down  remaining stores 
Bombay closing remaining  stores 
Zales closing down 82  stores and 105 afte r January 
Whitehall closing all  stores 
Piercing Pagoda closing  all stores 
Disney closing 98 stores  and will close more after January
Home Depot closing 15  stores
Macys to close 9 stores  after January 
Linens and Things  closing all stores 
Movie Galley closing all  stores 
Pep Boys closing 33  stores 
Sprint/Nextel closing  133 stores 
JC Penney closing a  number of stores after January 
Ethan Allen closing down  12 stores
Wilson Leather closing  down all stores 
Sharper Image closing  down all stores 
KB Toys closing 356  stores 
Lowes to close down some  stores 
Dillard's to close some  stores  


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Re: [TMIC] Anybody else been there?

2008-11-19 Thread Balmatmic
I totally agree with all  the comments.  I also know that if we didn't have 
this list to be able to  communicate with about our feelings and vent 
occasionally,  we would be a  lot harder to live with, and not as well off 
Then again, my  anti-depressants help a lot too, lol.
Once in awhile I retreat  into my shell and hibernate, usually in the winter 
when the pain levels  increase, and the family isn't really happy that I don't 
care to do much outside  of the house.  It's just not fun going shopping or 
visiting if you aren't  comfortable or good company, and easier to be inside my 
warm cocoon.  
Take care all, and keep  warm.  Hugs, Barbara A
**One site has it all. Your email accounts, your social networks, 
and the things you love. Try the new 

Re: [TMIC] California Fires

2008-11-16 Thread Balmatmic
I'm in No. CA, so very safe  here.  Very glad to hear that all who have 
checked in are doing well.   We had our share of fires up here, but not too 
to our home.  Earlier  in the year and I had some breathing problems and it's 
very scary.The winds are the worst as they take control of the fire and man 
can only do so  much to fight them.
I will keep all of our So.  Cal members and all the firefighters close in my 
Hugs, Barbara  A
In a message dated 11/16/2008 12:55:16 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

I don't remember who all is in CA besides Barbara Alma and  Deb Capen, but 
how is everyone doing out there? Anyone in danger of the fires  there?
Barbara H.
_ ( 


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**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news  

[TMIC] the smallest world

2008-11-06 Thread Balmatmic
Thank you all for your responses to my message, and yes, I heard from Neil  
as well.  I agree with what many said about the fact that it must have been  
destiny for the two of us to meet.  She felt that she really needed some  
contact at that time and in some way, that her dad had sent me to her.
It is sad that possibly, just possibly, had Erica or her dad contacted us  
that we may have been able to help them, but who knows.  Sometimes no  matter 
what others try to do to help, the end result doesn't change much.   Very sad 
But, we made a contact and that is what is important.  She is also  trying to 
spread the word about TM.  
Take care all,  Hugs, Barbara A (soon to be home in Auburn, CA  where I'll 
try to reply to each of you)
**AOL Search: Your one stop for directions, recipes and all other 
Holiday needs. Search Now. 

[TMIC] it's the smallest world

2008-11-03 Thread Balmatmic
Hello list,
We have just finished a 16 night Panama Canal Cruise, and I must say, that  
it is sure the easiest way for us to travel these days.  We had a wonderful  
time, and the service that was given to me was just incredible.  I felt  like a 
pampered soul the entire time, and it sure is a wonderful feeling.   Although 
I don't ask or require anywhere near the amount of help that was  extended to 
me, it made me feel good to know that if I did need it, I would not  need to 
worry that I would be able to still have a good time.
We are now spending a few days in Orlando before returning to our home in  
No. CA.  Today we met a lady named Erica, and when we were talking she  asked 
I had an accident since I was using the wheelchair.  I have had a  lot of 
spasms the past few days and not walking very well, even with my  crutches.  
Anyway, when my husband told her that I hadn't had an accident  but that it was 
caused by a virus, she immediately asked if I had Transverse  Myelitis.  When I 
said YES, her eyes welled up with tears.  It was a  real intense moment.  Her 
father had gotten TM and it was a slowly  progressing onset for him, and he 
had a very hard time getting a  diagnosis.  They thought he had Guillian-Barre 
(sp?).  It took one and  a half years to get the TM diagnosis, and he was in 
excruciating pain.   Unfortunately, he just couldn't deal with it, the pain 
him  crazy.   He didn't want to get involved with any support groups  either 
and wouldn't go onto anti-depressants.  He was one of the unlucky  ones who 
didn't get any improvement.  He ended up committing suicide to end  his pain.  
This was a real bonding moment for the 3 of us.  
I can't tell you how much pain this woman and her family had gone through  
due to this.  She's better now, but she says that her brother is  still really 
I say this only because I want people to know how much TM affects  us and 
those around us.  We know how hard it is to try to be in a positive  mood most 
the time.   When my pain gets unbearable to deal with in  front of people, 
it's usually when my spasms are pretty bad, I excuse myself and  go into 
room and spend some time alone until it passes.  I don't  want anyone to have 
to see me like that anymore than necessary, and my  medication usually makes 
it easier to deal with once it kicks in.  It's  generally when I've overdone 
it or have taken it off schedule (my fault), but  still definitely not any fun. 
Erica has made a friendship with another TMer, and his name is Neil  McNeil.  
I may not have spelled it correctly, but the name sounded familiar  to me.  
Neil, if you are out there in TMIC land, please send me an email  and let me 
Hugs to all, 
Barbara A from Auburn, CA
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5 Travel Deals! 

Re: [TMIC] (no subject)

2008-09-15 Thread Balmatmic
Although I am not sure if your doctor has more in mind or not, the Neti Pot is 
great.  I have allergy induced asthma, and hate to take meds year around when I 
already take so much with my meds for my TM, so I only take my asthma stuff 
when needed.  I am a proud Neti Pot user, and actually have gotten many to use 
it as well.  We get a lot of pollen from our oak tree, and it seems to sit in 
my nose and throat and work it's way up into my sinuses.  The Neti works so 
well, and you get some immediate relief.  Even with a sinus infection, you get 
some relief right away.  I don't know of any medication that will give you 
that.  I highly recommend it, and hope it'll help you.  

GL and Hugs, Barbara A

In a message dated 09/15/08 08:42:56 Pacific Daylight Time, LinLeftwi writes:
In February I had my yearly MRI and it showed severe sinus problems.  
Everything is blocked.  The ENT put me on Prednisone and an antibiotic.  It 
cleared up, but this summer I am having a lot of problems again.  I  am back on 
the same regimen again.  My family Doc said something about getting the sinuses 
irrigated.  I had some tests done last week and am waiting to hear from him.  I 
get worried because I was having a lot of sinus problems when I first got hit 
with TM 6 years ago.  Over 5 years my sinuses were fine, now all of a sudden 
here I go again.  I need to find out why.  Just a little frustrated.

Linda in Pa

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2008-07-30 Thread Balmatmic
For a while I have been using Happy Brownies made with marijuana to help me 
sleep at night when I get the heebie jeebies, fuzzy feelings, burning/freezing 
pain, spasms, or whatever seems to be keeping me awake.  I get by pretty well 
during the day with my meds, but they don't seem to help as much at night.  

We just hadn't gotten a very good tasting brownie, however, I was getting kind 
of used to it.  I needed a little something to eat afterwards and plenty to 
swallow it down.  We have experimented with several different brands of mixes, 
but yesterday tried a recipe from one of my cookbooks.  We were so surprised, 
as the butter came out tasting terrible, but the brownies were really good.  I 
didn't even need anything afterwards.

If anyone is interested in trying to make there own happy brownies, I'll be 
happy to forward the recipe to you.

Hugs to all, Barbara A

[TMIC] Grace's Mystery ER show

2008-07-13 Thread Balmatmic
Anyone who is unable to find the show on their cable should just call their 
cable company and ask if they carry the channel and if they do, which # it is.  
If you cannot get it in your area, many TV Networks allow you to download and 
watch some of their shows.  This may be a possibility.

Hugs to all, Barbara A

Re: [TMIC] Cataracts and STeroids

2008-06-04 Thread Balmatmic
I agree about age category, I turned 57 in February, and just had my 9 yr  TM 
anniversary on June 1.  No, I didn't celebrate.
But, funny thing bout June 1.  It was my mom's birthday, I got engaged  on 
June 1, and then TM.  And, I missed the celebration for my mom's 70th  bithday 
party.  Not fair really since I had done almost all the  planning.  I could 
have done without the TM, but then I would not have met  all of you wonderful 
Have a good day and hugs to all.  Barbara A in Auburn,  CA

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

Re: [TMIC] 19 year TM Anniversary

2008-05-19 Thread Balmatmic
Hi Jim,
I have to say that I don't do the poor me thing.  I do, once in a  great 
while, wish that I was in a body that didn't ache so much and have a  little 
party.  However, I've never wished my TM on another person and  I know that 
there are always others out there that are in worse shape than  myself.  When I 
am having a pity party, I generally come onto TMIC and  read some emails and 
get over it pretty quickly.
I have to say that if I had to get something - that at least it was  
something where the people are so easy to get along with and the information  
that we 
are able to access from the TMIC is so valuable to all of us.  It's  like 
saying that we are sorry that somebody had to get TM but glad  that they found 
TMIC.  All thanks to you Jim.
Big warm hugs to you, Barbara A 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

Re: [TMIC] Neurontin Pain-Buzzy

2008-05-17 Thread Balmatmic
Hi Heather, 
I really hadn't ever been able to put the buzzy word to those  feelings 
before, but it fits so well.  I would use irritable, cranky,  very touchy, and 
angry, but never buzzy!  Sometimes it does feel like  electrical shocks are 
happening, so buzzy is perfect.  It's nice to be able  to have another word to 
explain how my legs feel to somebody when they  ask.
Hugs to all, Barbara A

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

Fwd: [TMIC] did you all see House? Gunny's response forwarded

2008-05-16 Thread Balmatmic
OK Gunny,
We finally get some show even mentioning TM and  then they go about 
mentioning WRONG, BAD, LOUSY, etc. information.  Now you  tell me, which is 
better, no 
press or bad press??  One would think that on  a show such as HOUSE, the info 
given would be researched and correct, or is that  just too much to ask.  I 
thought that was what shows like ER did.   Then again, I don't watch ER, only 
have heard of it.
Hugs to all, Barbara A

Bgunny7682 writes:
Your not missing anything kiddo. There are no  antibiotic treatments for TM.
Balmatmic writes: 
When I watched, I wondered also about the antibiotic treatment they were  
giving the patient when they suspected TM, as I have never heard of this  
treatment on the TMIC.  Has anyone had antibiotics as a first course of  

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

Re: [TMIC] Neurontin Pain

2008-05-16 Thread Balmatmic
I think you are trying to find a solution across  the board for pain, 
mobility, etc. that you think may have worked for you and  have it work for 
everyone.  Because the doc told you you'd never move  doesn't mean that anyone 
the doc told wouldn't walk will walk if they just  will themselves to do so.  
That just isn't an answer that makes sense since  we are all different with a 
different body chemistry, pain levels, injury  levels, etc.  Sadly, not all 
of us heal, even a little bit.
Unfortunately, I am on a high dosage of Neurontin,  and have tried to 
lower it a whole lot.  I am determined to get it down by  quite a bit, but I 
struggle and have struggled for about six months already to  do so.  My body 
through so much pain just trying to drop by 200 mg/day  that I couldn't do it 
after trying the same level for 2 weeks.  I suffered  so much, my body 
couldn't handle it.  I am now working at rate  of 100mg/day lower, and that is 
for 4 
weeks at a time.  I am under a  good deal of pain almost around the clock, but 
have lowered it by 400mg/day  now.  I only do this because I am determined to 
lower my dosage if I  can.  I don't like the level of pain that I am in, as 
it was where I  had the edge off most of the time previously.  I never took 
enough so I  wouldn't have any pain, just to take the edge off.  I now am 
a rough  time sleeping many nights as it's always worse in the middle of the 
Again, I'm happy that you have found something that  has worked for you.  
We are all finding our way through this illness the  best way we can, and 
trying to manage our pain in whatever works for us.   We learn from each other, 
but have to be careful and just share what works for  us,  but not make 
judgement about what others do.
Hugs to all, Barbara A

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list/understanding TM

2008-04-16 Thread Balmatmic
Don't get me wrong, my husband Pete is  supportive and very helpful.  Heck, 
I've kind of got it made these  days.  He just retired, and makes my coffee and 
breakfast, and at night,  brings me my capucchino at night.  Not too shabby.
However, I feel that all of us can  benefit from some therapy dealing with 
something like this.  That's not  something he feels is necessary.  He rarely 
vents, but it's very apparent,  especially now that he's retired, that our 
are not what we expected and  planned what they would have been like when 
retirement came around.  
I hibernate in the winter, and I live in  California where it doesn't usually 
get below 50 degrees during the  day.  The cold feels like it goes to my 
bones, which I know isn't the way  it is, it's the nerves that are reacting to 
 They get that way even  though it's not cold in the house.  I think it's the 
barometric pressure  that actually affects them.  He hates that I hardly will 
go out of the  house, so he gets cranky sometimes.  That is all he usually 
does.  He  probably mutters other things that I don't hear too.  I hope he 
he  has to get it out sometime.  I just wish that he'd talk to somebody about 
 his feelings.  It's just not something he was exposed to growing up, so  
he's not comfortable doing it with other people.
Hugs, Barbara A  

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Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list/understanding TM

2008-04-15 Thread Balmatmic
My Dear Friend Sandy,
I think that you are a wonderful partner  for Terry.  One of the things that 
makes you this great partner  is that you have gotten involved in being a part 
this group to learn about all  the aspects that we TM'ers deal with on a 
daily basis.  That has given  you a great deal of insight and I would think has 
made it easier for you to  relate to his issues as a normal part of this.  
Even though we are all  different, in so many ways, we have so many common  
complaints/problems/residuals, etc.
This doesn't in any way mean that you  weren't committed to your marriage and 
wouldn't have done the same thing that  you are already doing to make your 
lives as good as you can now.  I think  it just means that you have more 
understanding of what kind of things are going  on and that you can also give 
feedback from the group.
I certainly wish I could get my husband  Pete to read some of the messages.  
He won't, so I stopped pushing.  I  think it's like therapy, it is for me 
anyway.  I think there is a lot  of good information on this site for 
Hugs to you and Terry,  Barbara

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Re: [TMIC] Traveling with TM

2008-03-28 Thread Balmatmic
Hi Heather,
I absolutely agree.  I give  the airline all the information I can that will 
help me, from the time that I  will get to the airport until the time that I 
will get off of the plane.  I  travel with my own manual wheelchair, as I 
generally cannot walk more than a  block with my crutches.  If we have a 
connection, I also ask for my chair  to be brought up to the gate in between 
flight.  I have had my chair  go to other destinations or not get off the first 
plane two times, and it's not  fun working out the details of getting a 
chair at your destination,  especially if you arrive late at night.  The last 
time they had to break  one of the airlines chairs to be able to get it in my 
rental car because it had  a pole on it, and extremely uncomfortable.
Hugs to all, Barbara A

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Re: [TMIC] Traveling with TM

2008-03-28 Thread Balmatmic
Yikes Cindy, You certainly wouldn't want to crawl on the  airlines floor!  
You've got very good suggestions for  people!  Sorry to copy what you had 
written, I hadn't realized that so  much had been added in the short time I had 
off the list tonight.   Wow.  This list has been jumping.
Traveling is a great topic to discuss, as so many TM'ers have  just stopped 
doing any of it - thinking it would be impossible.  It's  not for most of us, 
but it does really take a lot of extra planning and research  to make it a 
successful adventure.  I say adventure, as it really is  an adventure.  Things 
not the same as it once was, but it is  doable.  Heck, life is to be lived as 
best as we can.  If it means  going to visit relatives or going to someplace 
you have wanted to  go to for a vacation, whatever it may be.  If at all 
possible, JUST  GO!  It may be a short drive out to dinner.  You owe it to  
yourself to give yourself permission to have as full of a life as you  can.
Hugs, Barbara A

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

[TMIC] stress and the effects on our bodies with TM!!

2008-03-26 Thread Balmatmic
There are so many people who have written in about the  possibility of stress 
being a cause of their TM, and I can add my own case  to that list as well.  
I had been in the process of changing positions  and locations at work, same 
boss, although she got a very large promotion.   Things were very stressful.  
There was a lot that I needed to learn and I  also had to help her with so much 
more of her duties that were changing.   It was very exciting, yet grueling.  
Actually, after the first day of the  new job I went home, later went to bed, 
rolled over to kiss my husband  good-night, and the pain in my back started.  
Within 15 minutes, I couldn't  stand.  Paralyzed from the waist down at that 
time, yet walking wounded  today.
However, we must keep in mind that it is as important, if not  more 
important, to remember how our bodies react to stress once we have  TM.  From 
emails for 8 years now, I don't ever remember reading one  message stating that 
they are not affected at all by stress.  It can really  make big problems for 
us.  It certainly weakens me.  
Hugs to all, Barbara A

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

Re: [TMIC] JUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2008-03-24 Thread Balmatmic
Patti and Pam,
Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on our Jude.   After reading what 
you have both written, it seems that there may still be some  hope for Jude 
to make it through this.  I know I'll keep her in my thoughts  and prayers.
It still amazes me how people who are there to care for those  in need DO NOT 
DO THEIR JOBS!!  Or, do not do them  properly.  You hear about it all the 
time on the news or in  magazines.  Boy, this really hits home for us though.  
now know  first hand why so many that go into the skilled nursing facilities 
do not ever  make it back home again.  Lack of proper care runs rampant.
This is really a wake-up call for all of us.  We have got  to really keep the 
eyes open if any of us, or anyone that we care about is ever  put into the 
situation of needing some care like this.  
Be well everyone, and hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn,  CA

**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

Re: [TMIC] marinol use

2008-03-09 Thread Balmatmic
Hi Frank,
Can you tell us why you made the switch from the Marinol to  the Sativex, 
considering the cost?   Are either covered by your  insurance?
Thanks for your info.
Hugs, Barbara A

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Finance.  (

[TMIC] gel cushion

2008-02-26 Thread Balmatmic
Has anyone ever ordered this or something similiar??  I'd  be interested in 
your comments.
Thanks, Barbara A
_Click  here: Orthopedic Cushion and pillows from Dr. Leonard's  Healthcare_ 

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

Re: [TMIC] gel cushion

2008-02-26 Thread Balmatmic
Thanks for all of your responses.  There were too many to  answer separately, 
so am sending one mass email, and hope nobody is offended by  not getting a 
personal one.  I think there may be some others who may be  interested in this 
info as well.  
I am sorry but I should have said that I needed the  cushion not for 
wheelchair sitting, but for computer or other chair  sitting.  When I sit for 
length of time, my back and buttocks become  very sore.  Although I don't see 
it should bother my buttocks as I have  plenty of padding there :( , it does!  
I  have a foam cushion for  my wheelchair that I use for distance or if my 
body is very tired and it doesn't  seem to give me the pain issues.  I also had 
a foam  cushion like the one that I showed the link to,  which was fine while 
it  lasted, but kind of broke up fairly quickly.  One of those TV  purchases, 
it had a handle on it and it was on a slant, but the same  configuration as 
this.  I saw this and  figured this may be a good  solution for others as well. 
This cushion can be useful for anyone who  does a lot of sitting.
As always, this group is a great resource of information and  it's great that 
we can bounce things off each other like this.
Hugs to all, Barbara A

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

Re: [TMIC] Pray for Jude

2008-02-12 Thread Balmatmic
Hi Rick,
Is it possible that you mean C-Diff?  A gut issue where  the bad bacteria is 
dominant over the good??  That's the analogy that I use  anyway.   I had it 2 
years ago, and per my MD, may never quite get rid  of it so need to make sure 
I continue to use probiotics.  It takes a good  while before you have any 
relief at all from it, and it is generally caused by  too many antibiotics 
kill off the good, bad and the ugly.
Keep praying all!
Hugs to all, Barbara A

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[TMIC] tornado affected areas-ck in please

2008-02-06 Thread Balmatmic
Will those of you who live in the tornado affected areas  please check in.  I 
was staying up late watching the election news  and saw that there has been 
so much damage, bodily injury and  fatalities in areas where I know we have 
people in our  group. 
Thank you.
Warm hugs, Barbara A in Auburn, CA where we are fortunate that it is only  

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Re: [TMIC] TMA So. California Symposium

2008-01-14 Thread Balmatmic
I want to thank Cindy and Debbie for all of your efforts with  the So Cal 
Symposium.  You ladies ROCK!!!  I am really looking forward  to it, as well as 
seeing both of you again.
Hugs, Barbara A

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