Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-22 Thread Akua


I envy you the luxury of choosing to be alone. like I envied the rich 
kids who mimicked the way i put
together clothes  because I was poor. I'm alone and don't want to be, 
didn't choose to be, TM isolates me. It seems you can walk, I can't. 
So i suffer beyond insult to injury-- the pain and no way to shop, to 
go anywhere. Still i pray and persevere. Maybe my municipality will 
wake and get paratransit for the over 20% of the county that is 
disabled. Maybe some bright young person will develop the stem cell 
cure,  maybe in the same mysterious way this trail arrived, it will 
be gone. I hear you and i feel your despair and anger and 
frustration, because it is living hell. But   --- the great old 
but---  is that
the mind  and heart persist, breath still comes easily and unaided 
and there is  HOPE.



Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-22 Thread Barbara H.
Hi Jeron,

Thanks for the further insight. Though you don't owe any of us an
explanation, this does help us understand more. I have known of people who
did push loved ones away and close up within themselves, and that's what I
thought you were doing from your first note, thus my response.

And I don't see it as a can of worms. For the most part it has been a great
discussion, I've enjoyed reading the responses and the way TMers step up to
support each other. There is no handbook and no one right way to deal with
TM -- that varies with each of us according to how we're affected physically
as well as personality type, family support, etc. Personally, I would never
have survived without faith in God and His Word to help me each day. But
reading all these different responses helps each of us to gain more insight
and encouragement in dealing with TM on our own terms.

I have to admit that diving and ziplining and such are not things that would
appeal to me even without TM :-) But I am glad you're having the opportunity
to experience them. And I do understand the need to challenge ourselves. The
challenges I choose are different, but if I don't keep some challenges in
front of me I would be curled up in a little ball inside my house and never

In the early days of TM, any excursion or activity beyond just the function
of daily living would leave me exhausted and with a flare-up of symptoms the
next day. But, as you said, it is worth it, and for me, though it still
happens, it is less direct. In fact, sometimes I forget the correlation. I
am coming up on my fifteenth anniversary with TM in September. Last
weekend I was in charge of our church's annual ladies' luncheon. In the
preceding weeks of preparation, I almost always tell myself, I am NEVER
doing this again. Am I crazy, or what? But it is a joy to see it all come
together. Then this week I was having some major back pain and elimination
issues and could not sit still for very long without falling asleep, and I
was wondering what in the world was going on. Then I had a Duh! smack
myself upside the head moment of realization that all that pressure and
stress, even though it was a good kind of stress, was exacting its payback
this week, so then I could just relax and go with it and give myself
permission to sleep a little more and not hope for a very productive week
this week.

Anyway -- I wish you all the best.

Barbara H.

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 5:23 PM, j ra wrote:

  Hey everybody,
 When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms
 that I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying
 to go it alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the
 Caribbean it was for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this
 thing of ours called TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this
 because I wanted to see myself in the mirror again and not the person that
 everyone feels sorry for because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle
 while just to get some me time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like
 most of you thought. Truth be told, my wife fully understands why I wanted
 to be alone. 2. I am trying to relive my past. I am trying to push myself to
 do the things I loved to do even though I have TM. I know there is no way
 anyone of my loved ones are approving of this and are all worried about me
 going off into the deep blue sea or jumping out of a plane like I used to,
 so it's better if I do it when they can't see me do it and all be worried.
 So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM,
 I forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and
 it was amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do
 most of the work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was
 amazing. I did it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I
 felt alive again. I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so
 worth it.
 Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm
 in for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days.
 My goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife
 and told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the
 step to regaining some control of my life.
 So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
 Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys
 very muchyou are my family!

 Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-22 Thread Pieter and Heather

Good for you.
This is a positive message. 
I think your first message had me concerned for your life, as in suicide.
Leaving your wife and loved ones who were concerned for you.
I'm so glad that I was wrong. 
Go for it.  Do what YOU need to do to come to terms with TM. 
Keep us up to date on your adventures. 

Heather in Calgary 

  - Original Message - 
  From: j ra 
  To: Transverse Myelytis 
  Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 3:23 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

  Hey everybody,
  When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms 
that I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to 
go it alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean 
it was for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours 
called TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to 
see myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used to, so it's better if I do it when they 
can't see me do it and all be worried.
  So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
  Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm 
in for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
  So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
  Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very 
muchyou are my family!

  Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up 

Fw: Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-22 Thread Todd Tarno
Cindy sent this post to me, but I think it was to the group too.

--- On Fri, 5/21/10, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

From: Cindy McLeroy
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 11:07 PM

Jeron, I'm not going to comment on your first note, but on this one.  First, 
take a look at the Cody Unser First Step Foundation,  Cody 
has had TM since she was 12 and 5 or so years ago she decided to Scuba dive.  
I've seen her diving several times.  One thing she wants to do is to reach as 
many TM'ers or para's and teach them to scuba dive.  Like you, she loves 
the freedom it gives.  I have many friends that have incorporated sky diving 
into their lives with TM or being a quad or a para (many with broken ankles).  
I have friends that surf, ski, play wheelchair tennis, wheelchair rugby, and 
all other sorts of sports.  Notice I said I have friends...I'm stricky the 
I wish you the best in your quests and good luck.
Cindy McLeroy
 Message - 

From: Todd Tarno 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

Hey Jeron,
This is wonderful news.  I'm so glad you had a wonderful time in the drift 
dive.  I have been on a drift in the ocean next to the beach with a friend at 
my side and friend drive a car about a fourth of mile to pick both of us up.  
It was so COOL.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique
Can't wait to hear about this trip.
You show us that we can do more, if we want too. lol
Have a GREAT time  let us know how it went,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 5/21/10, j ra wrote:

From: j ra
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive
To: Transverse Myelytis
Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 4:23 PM

#yiv973627060 #yiv1099492574 .hmmessage P {
#yiv973627060 #yiv1099492574 .hmmessage {

Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms that 
I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to go it 
alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean it was 
for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours called 
TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to see 
myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used
 to, so it's better if I do it when they can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in 
for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very 
muchyou are my family!

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-22 Thread Janice Nichols
Barb, I do like you do.If I have a few days that I know are going to be 
busy, I do it anyway knowing that for a couple of days after I will have to sit 
a lot and will be
sleepy for good ole' vicotin.But, you just have to push and do what you 
want to do even though you know there will be consequences.   The hell with 

From: Barbara H. 
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:57 AM
To: j ra 
Cc: Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive

Hi Jeron,

Thanks for the further insight. Though you don't owe any of us an 
explanation, this does help us understand more. I have known of people who did 
push loved ones away and close up within themselves, and that's what I thought 
you were doing from your first note, thus my response.

And I don't see it as a can of worms. For the most part it has been a great 
discussion, I've enjoyed reading the responses and the way TMers step up to 
support each other. There is no handbook and no one right way to deal with TM 
-- that varies with each of us according to how we're affected physically as 
well as personality type, family support, etc. Personally, I would never have 
survived without faith in God and His Word to help me each day. But reading all 
these different responses helps each of us to gain more insight and 
encouragement in dealing with TM on our own terms.

I have to admit that diving and ziplining and such are not things that would 
appeal to me even without TM :-) But I am glad you're having the opportunity to 
experience them. And I do understand the need to challenge ourselves. The 
challenges I choose are different, but if I don't keep some challenges in front 
of me I would be curled up in a little ball inside my house and never move.

In the early days of TM, any excursion or activity beyond just the function of 
daily living would leave me exhausted and with a flare-up of symptoms the next 
day. But, as you said, it is worth it, and for me, though it still happens, it 
is less direct. In fact, sometimes I forget the correlation. I am coming up on 
my fifteenth anniversary with TM in September. Last weekend I was in charge 
of our church's annual ladies' luncheon. In the preceding weeks of preparation, 
I almost always tell myself, I am NEVER doing this again. Am I crazy, or 
what? But it is a joy to see it all come together. Then this week I was having 
some major back pain and elimination issues and could not sit still for very 
long without falling asleep, and I was wondering what in the world was going 
on. Then I had a Duh! smack myself upside the head moment of realization that 
all that pressure and stress, even though it was a good kind of stress, was 
exacting its payback this week, so then I could just relax and go with it and 
give myself permission to sleep a little more and not hope for a very 
productive week this week.

Anyway -- I wish you all the best.

Barbara H.

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 5:23 PM, j ra wrote:

  Hey everybody,
  When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms 
that I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to 
go it alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean 
it was for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours 
called TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to 
see myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used to, so it's better if I do it when they 
can't see me do it and all be worried.
  So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
  Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm 
in for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
  So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
  Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support

RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-22 Thread j ra

well said Janicethe hell with TM!
live and then live with the consequences

Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 14:15:46 -0500

Barb, I do like you do.If I have a 
few days that I know are going to be busy, I do it anyway knowing that for a 
couple of days after I will have to sit a lot and will be
sleepy for good ole' vicotin.But, you 
just have to push and do what you want to do even though you know there will be 
consequences.   The hell with TM!!

From: Barbara H. 
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:57 AM
To: j 
Cc: Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive

Hi Jeron,

Thanks for the further insight. 
Though you don't owe any of us an explanation, this does help us understand 
more. I have known of people who did push loved ones away and close up within 
themselves, and that's what I thought you were doing from your first note, thus 
my response.

And I don't see it as a can of worms. For the most part it 
has been a great discussion, I've enjoyed reading the responses and the way 
TMers step up to support each other. There is no handbook and no one right way 
to deal with TM -- that varies with each of us according to how we're affected 
physically as well as personality type, family support, etc. Personally, I 
never have survived without faith in God and His Word to help me each day. But 
reading all these different responses helps each of us to gain more insight and 
encouragement in dealing with TM on our own terms.

I have to admit that 
diving and ziplining and such are not things that would appeal to me even 
without TM :-) But I am glad you're having the opportunity to experience them. 
And I do understand the need to challenge ourselves. The challenges I choose 
different, but if I don't keep some challenges in front of me I would be curled 
up in a little ball inside my house and never move.

In the early days of 
TM, any excursion or activity beyond just the function of daily living would 
leave me exhausted and with a flare-up of symptoms the next day. But, as you 
said, it is worth it, and for me, though it still happens, it is less direct. 
fact, sometimes I forget the correlation. I am coming up on my fifteenth 
anniversary with TM in September. Last weekend I was in charge of our 
annual ladies' luncheon. In the preceding weeks of preparation, I almost always 
tell myself, I am NEVER doing this again. Am I crazy, or what? But it is a 
to see it all come together. Then this week I was having some major back pain 
and elimination issues and could not sit still for very long without falling 
asleep, and I was wondering what in the world was going on. Then I had a Duh! 
smack myself upside the head moment of realization that all that pressure and 
stress, even though it was a good kind of stress, was exacting its payback this 
week, so then I could just relax and go with it and give myself permission to 
sleep a little more and not hope for a very productive week this 

Anyway -- I wish you all the 

Barbara H.

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 5:23 PM, j ra wrote:

  Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't 
  expecting the can of worms that I opened up! I got what you all said about me 
  being selfish and trying to go it alonepushing my wife away and all that. 
  When I came to the Caribbean it was for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to 
  deal with this thing of ours called TM, but away from everyone who knows me. 
  did this because I wanted to see myself in the mirror again and not the 
  that everyone feels sorry for because I have TM. So I moved here for a 
  while just to get some me time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like 
  most of you thought. Truth be told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to 
  be alone. 2. I am trying to relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do 
  the things I loved to do even though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone 
  of my loved ones are approving of this and are all worried about me going off 
  into the deep blue sea or jumping out of a plane like I used to, so it's 
  better if I do it when they can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today 
  was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I forgot 
  about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was amazing. 
  Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the work 
  under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did it! 
  Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
  I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, 
  zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in for some 
  serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My goal

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Grace M.

 All right. People who experience a life changing illness, do not all reach
 a point of acceptance at the same time.  It is a process and there is no
 specific time limit or gauge that can determine when that time of acceptance
 will come.   Asking for *understanding* does not mean that one is sitting
 on the pity pot.

In defense of Jeron, I saw nothing in his initial post that indicated that
he was looking for pity. On the contrary I saw a heartfelt post from someone
who was looking for understanding from others who have been through the same
experience.  Just because you (Or I.) have come to a point of acceptance,
does not give us the right to insinuate that someone else who is not at the
same point in their journey, should be where we are---instead we should
respond with mindful kindness.  We don't all *get there* within the same
time frame nor do we all take the same route.  Your way is not better, nor
is it lesser---it is all very individualized.

The majority of people who responded to Jeron's post, did so with
understanding and kindness.  I would hope that we all continue to do so.



Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread kimr1999
Totally agree Grace, we are here to support and lend friendship not judge

--- On Fri, 5/21/10, Grace M. wrote:

From: Grace M.
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive
To: Maggie
Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 10:21 AM

All right. People who experience a life changing illness, do not all reach a 
point of acceptance at the same time.  It is a process and there is no specific 
time limit or gauge that can determine when that time of acceptance will 
come.   Asking for *understanding* does not mean that one is sitting on the 
pity pot.
In defense of Jeron, I saw nothing in his initial post that indicated that he 
was looking for pity. On the contrary I saw a heartfelt post from someone who 
was looking for understanding from others who have been through the same 
experience.  Just because you (Or I.) have come to a point of acceptance, does 
not give us the right to insinuate that someone else who is not at the same 
point in their journey, should be where we are---instead we should respond with 
mindful kindness.  We don't all *get there* within the same time frame nor do 
we all take the same route.  Your way is not better, nor is it lesser---it is 
all very individualized.  
The majority of people who responded to Jeron's post, did so with understanding 
and kindness.  I would hope that we all continue to do so.


RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Janet Dunn
What I am really wondering is if one ever really gets to the point of
accepting this thing?  It has almost been six years (August) and daily I
have to decide whether to get up and work with it, fight it, or give into


Most of the time I fight it.  Working with it would make my life easier I
suppose, but darn it, I am with Jeron .  It has taken a lot away.


One of the things that I have discovered after fighting it so hard for five
years - to get back to where I used to be before being struck with TM - was
that either way, TM or no TM - I could not regain my former self.  It would
be like suddenly becoming 30 again.  It isn't going to be.  I would have
aged 5 years whether I had TM or not.  That made it much easier for me to
realize that life is going to go on, I am going to grow older, and with age
comes limitations, TM or not.  That might not make sense to others, but it
sure helped me quit fighting so hard, and to accept the down days.


It also enabled me to lift up my head, look around, and realize that my
friends and acquaintances all have their own struggles with growing older,
they are just not as visible as mine.  Most of them deal with pain every
day, in one way or another, just as a matter of course of growing older, and
what that in itself can do to the body.


But, Jeron, I do totally get where you are coming from.  And I wish I could
go scuba diving today too - especially since there is a heavy snowfall
warning in effect for my area.  On May Long weekend no less!



Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread jrushton
 Another good one, Bernie!!  Well said...Jeanne in Dayton, WA
---Original Message---
From: Bernard Pelow
Date: 5/20/2010 7:32:31 PM
To: j ra
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive
Hi J Ra,
  My name is Bernie, I don't write often anymore; but I KNOW what you are
going through.  The pain and all of it.  I live at a pain level between 5
and 9 most of the time, unbelievable muscle spasms, the ice picks, the
electrical shocks, th ehot and cold, and numerous other sensations, and it
has been this way for nearly 20 years now. In the beginning it took me 3
years and the help of my daughter to see what I was doing to myself as well
as others.  PLEASE don't take that long!  I also was a very active person in
sports, I was a firefighter and paramedic, took my kids fishing, camping and
all of that.  TM took all of that away, but with the help of my children,
friends, the TM list, and doctors, I have a life now; not just an existance.
 It all ends up to be that the little things mean the most I have found.  If
you are ableto scuba, etc. by all means do it!  I cannot because of my pump.
 But I found the little simple things mean so much more now than ever.  Just
snuggling next to my daughter and watching a movie gives me more joy than
jumping out of a plane, or any of the other things I used to do.  Pushing
people away only hurts you and them, but you need to decide which lifestyle
is right for you and invite them to join you in it for you, not for what you
think they want or need.  When they love you, it doesn't matter what one is
doing, as long as it is done togetherand with love.  Hope this helps you a
Bernie in  Texas


Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Dalton Garis
Hey, Rob;

I cant type very much right now , but just wanted to say I really enjoyed
your post.  Four months ago I was diagnosed with MS and three week s ago I
got TM.  A real rollercoaster of a ride, but, like you, most days are
positive and I am very heppy to be in the state I¹m in, especially when
compared to how much suffering others are going through.  I still have a job
I can mostly do.  That¹s pretty good, I¹d say.  So, I count my blessings,
but some days are tougher than others.  We¹re human and emote different ways
depending on lots of things.

Thanks for sharing, Rob.


Dalton, NYC/Abu Dhabi

On 21/5/10 9:23 PM, Robert Pall wrote:

 Great dialogue today...this is what the group is all about!
 I am going on 13 years and I would be lying if I said I did not occasionally
 have a self pity is very hard getting sick and never getting
 better...and if I dwell on this fact or how lousy my body has felt every
 minute of every day for 13 years.I would throw in the towel. However for
 the most part I chose to live my life to its fullest realizing my limitations
 but trying my best to find ways to overcome them. That is why this group and
 my NJ Support group is so important. .we talk to people who
 understand.and in most cases can relate far better than our spouses or
 family members.
 I have found that an occasional good cry can really help!
 Thank you for letting me be involved with so many brave and caring people!
 Rob in New Jersey
 From: Grace M. []
 Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:32 PM
 To: Janet Dunn
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive
 Hi Janet,
 I wonder about that, too.  For the most part I am able to stay emotionally on
 top of things, but that being said, I also experience very dark times. My pdoc
 (Psychiatrist) has told me that it is perfectly normal and part of being
 Like you and Jeron though, I MISS my old life.  Being physically active and
 fit was just part of who I was.  Not being able to participate in my former
 activities will probably always be painful for me.  Never again will I walk
 ten miles at a shot, or ride a horse.  Have I adjusted?  For the most part,
 yes, but as I mentioned there are still some very dark days.  We're all human.

[TMIC] tmic-alive

2010-05-21 Thread
    I was not fit and not active outside of work,but I still miss my life 
before tm.Just being without the constant band around my trunk,not being numb 
(for the most part) from T4 to toes,able to walk more than 50 feet without my 
strong leg giving out. I worked at a well paid job,drove a car,had a life.
    Now I'm stuck in the house unless someone takes me out. Then I suffer for 
days after going out.
    I miss my old life a lot,even after almost 15 yrs. But,I have family that 
love me,friends and neighbors that care. Plus,I get to read as much as I 
want-about 4 mystery novels a week. I also can watch tv,eat,and sleep whenever 
I want.
    I'd say my life is mostly pretty good. I know it could be a lot worse.
    Cheryl in Easthampton,MA.


Re: [TMIC] tmic-alive

2010-05-21 Thread Dalton Garis
Hey, Cheryl;

(I used to live in Easthampton, too.  Small world)

It¹s true, it cold be a lot worse.  And for me also.  I think we have some
sort of , not duty, maybe, but some kind of faith keeping to be somehow
productive so that we show a ³+² in the column.  And it is different for
each of us what kind oc contribution we can make, either for each other or
for the larger community.

Best of luck, Cheryl!

Dalton, New York/ Abu Dhabi

On 21/5/10 11:02 PM, wrote:

 I was not fit and not active outside of work,but I still miss my life
 before tm.Just being without the constant band around my trunk,not being
 numb (for the most part) from T4 to toes,able to walk more than 50 feet
 without my strong leg giving out. I worked at a well paid job,drove a
 car,had a life.
 Now I'm stuck in the house unless someone takes me out. Then I suffer for
 days after going out.
 I miss my old life a lot,even after almost 15 yrs. But,I have family that
 love me,friends and neighbors that care. Plus,I get to read as much as I
 want-about 4 mystery novels a week. I also can watch tv,eat,and sleep whenever
 I want.
 I'd say my life is mostly pretty good. I know it could be a lot worse.
 Cheryl in Easthampton,MA.

Re: [TMIC] tmic-alive

2010-05-21 Thread jrushton
Thanks for sharing, Cheryl.  I went for 4 1/2 years of the constant banding
pain from  7 on down. My daughter finally talked me into going to our local
chiro who used two different vibrator/machines on me plus laser and when I
walked out that first day, the band pain had lessened to where it felt just
like the pressure of a bra. I go twice a week and am so thankful to have
found him. Because of the way I walk, he also needs to adjust my back off
and on. I knew my neck had been out since my twenties and he picked right up
on that, too!  Medicare plus my supplemental pays for all of it.  Jack and I
don't ask 'how', we are just thankful our daughter is as stubborn as her

I haven't given up on the Lyrica and Tramadol for the pain and neuropathy
and Ibuprofen for the breakthrough pain but whatever he does is a welcome
relief!!  Jeanne in Dayton, WA

---Original Message---
Date: 05/21/10 14:02:15
Subject: [TMIC] tmic-alive
I was not fit and not active outside of work,but I still miss my life
before tm.Just being without the constant band around my trunk,not being
numb (for the most part) from T4 to toes,able to walk more than 50 feet
without my strong leg giving out. I worked at a well paid job,drove a car
had a life.
Now I'm stuck in the house unless someone takes me out. Then I suffer
for days after going out.
I miss my old life a lot,even after almost 15 yrs. But,I have family
that love me,friends and neighbors that care. Plus,I get to read as much as
I want-about 4 mystery novels a week. I also can watch tv,eat,and sleep
whenever I want.
I'd say my life is mostly pretty good. I know it could be a lot worse.
Cheryl in Easthampton,MA.


Re: Fwd: RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Bernard Pelow

Dear Maggie,
  Sorry, but this seems down right nasty to someone pouring his heart 
out to us.  We are here to support one another, not blast someone for 
their feelings.  Each of us is different, and takes according time to 
heal... and I still have dark days after 20 years.  So to tell J Ra 
that he is looking for pity is callous and very uncaring and unloving.  
You pushed the wrong button on this subject with my family and me 
personally; ALL of us have suffered our own hell, not only those pf us 
afflicted with TM but our families also, but we're still here because of 
acceptance, love and tolerance!  The latter you need to try I think...
  J Ra, you have all the support and love from me and my family, we 
wish the best for you and pray for you and your family.

PS - I lost your email address J Ra, please send it to me... and have a 
better day... :-)

From: Maggie
Date: 5/21/2010 7:50:01 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

I don't normally post but this one actually made me angry

We don't choose to get TM.  It chooses us.  Just like other 
afflictions do.  There is nothing you can do.

Sorry but you will not get pity from me.  This is a time in your life 
that you need your family and friends.  Don't ever hide anything from 
them.  Some may not get you or what you are going through but some 
will.  They honestly have no idea.  Help them learn!

You need to quit the pity party unless you do want to be alone and 
miserable and feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of your life.

I made a choice years back.  And I am a happier person with a whole 
different outlook on a life I had to adjust.

Someone said this is a support group.  I will support anyone until they 
give up.

Just remember, you are not the only what out there that is going through 
what you are.  I certainly hope you don't think you are.

Sorry but no pity / sympathy or whatever you want.  I have TM too.
attachment: BPelow.vcf

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Bernard Pelow

Hey Dalton,
This is a thought that has crossed my mind.  Almost 20 years ago I was 
diagnosed with TM, but in these latter years I have been having problems 
with other parts of my body.  Numbness, jerking motions, tingling 
electrical feelings, etc.  But they cannot do an MRI because of the pump 
I have.  My doctor says that it is really irrelevant at this time, as I 
have not lost use of my arms, or had problems breathing; but my eyesight 
has gone to the crapper.  This to can be a sign of MS.  But since both 
are treated mostly the same, there is not much I can do... but it does 
make one wonder if you have a defective auto immune system, then can you 
have more than one auto immune disease? My oldest daughter has Graves 
disease, and now they think she is progressing into Myesthenia Gravis ( 
which can lead to ALS); or she has Fibromyalgia with the Graves.  All 
are auto immune disorders... how were you diagnosed with both if I may ask?

Bernie in Texas

Hey, Rob;

I cant type very much right now , but just wanted to say I really 
enjoyed your post.  Four months ago I was diagnosed with MS and three 
week s ago I got TM.  A real rollercoaster of a ride, but, like you, 
most days are positive and I am very heppy to be in the state I'm in, 
especially when compared to how much suffering others are going 
through.  I still have a job I can mostly do.  That's pretty good, I'd 
say.  So, I count my blessings, but some days are tougher than others. 
 We're human and emote different ways depending on lots of things.

Thanks for sharing, Rob.


Dalton, NYC/Abu Dhabi

attachment: BPelow.vcf

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Dalton Garis
Hi, Bernie;

Like you, I cant have an MRI because in my case I have these harrington rods
made of steel in my spine keeping the 7 fused vertebrae together. I had a
fall from a power pole 42 years ago.

And, I love in the United Arab Emirates.  So, I was diagnosed by an Indian
doctor who actually practices medicine.  What I mean is that he looked
closely at my history, did lab tests and observed me over time.  Then he was
ready to change the diagnosis from Œdemyelinating disease¹ to Transverse

But four months before I had classic symptoms of MS.  He called it
Œdemyelinating disease¹ at that time but said he was pretty sure it was MS.
It went from being just one side to suddenly going to two at the level of a
thoracic vertebra.

I gotta stop typing now bc hands are giving out.  Also today is my first day
when I cant walk.  But tomorriow I will be better im sure.

Dalton New York/ Abu Dhabi

On 21/5/10 11:52 PM, Bernard Pelow wrote:

 Hey Dalton,
 This is a thought that has crossed my mind.  Almost 20 years ago I was
 diagnosed with TM, but in these latter years I have been having problems with
 other parts of my body.  Numbness, jerking motions, tingling electrical
 feelings, etc.  But they cannot do an MRI because of the pump I have.  My
 doctor says that it is really irrelevant at this time, as I have not lost use
 of my arms, or had problems breathing; but my eyesight has gone to the
 crapper.  This to can be a sign of MS.  But since both are treated mostly the
 same, there is not much I can do... but it does make one wonder if you have a
 defective auto immune system, then can you have more than one auto immune
 disease? My oldest daughter has Graves disease, and now they think she is
 progressing into Myesthenia Gravis ( which can lead to ALS); or she has
 Fibromyalgia with the Graves.  All are auto immune disorders... how were you
 diagnosed with both if I may ask?
 Bernie in Texas
  Re: [TMIC] alive Hey, Rob;
 I cant type very much right now , but just wanted to say I really enjoyed
 your post.  Four months ago I was diagnosed with MS and three week s ago I
 got TM.  A real rollercoaster of a ride, but, like you, most days are
 positive and I am very heppy to be in the state I¹m in, especially when
 compared to how much suffering others are going through.  I still have a job
 I can mostly do.  That¹s pretty good, I¹d say.  So, I count my blessings, but
 some days are tougher than others.  We¹re human and emote different ways
 depending on lots of things.
 Thanks for sharing, Rob.
 Dalton, NYC/Abu Dhabi

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Bernard Pelow
Good for you Jeron!  And know that there will be days when you will 
still miss what you used to have; I still have them.  But you did the 
right thing, you reached out for advice and knowledge.  So feel free to 
write the TM list or me personally anytime you feel down or whatever.  
And I would let the list know how well you did on your dive, and how it 
has helped you.  Your triumphs give us hope that we can reach our goals, 
and visa versa.  Hold your head high, and the next time you get to dive, 
think of me while you're down there.  I miss it s much :-D

On 5/21/2010 3:33 PM, j ra wrote:
Thanks Bernie, I appreciated that. When I started this post, I 
honestly wasn't looking for pity. I just wondered if anyone else 
misses life before TM, because I sure do. I miss the little things. I 
made my dive today and it was exhilirating. I did it! I accomplished 
my goal and no one can take that away from me.


Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 14:38:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Fwd: RE: [TMIC] alive

Dear Maggie,
  Sorry, but this seems down right nasty to someone pouring his heart 
out to us.  We are here to support one another, not blast someone for 
their feelings.  Each of us is different, and takes according time to 
heal... and I still have dark days after 20 years.  So to tell J Ra 
that he is looking for pity is callous and very uncaring and 
unloving.  You pushed the wrong button on this subject with my family 
and me personally; ALL of us have suffered our own hell, not only 
those pf us afflicted with TM but our families also, but we're still 
here because of acceptance, love and tolerance!  The latter you need 
to try I think...
  J Ra, you have all the support and love from me and my family, we 
wish the best for you and pray for you and your family.

PS - I lost your email address J Ra, please send it to me... and have 
a better day... :-)

From: Maggie
Date: 5/21/2010 7:50:01 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

I don't normally post but this one actually made me angry

We don't choose to get TM.  It chooses us.  Just like other 
afflictions do.  There is nothing you can do.

Sorry but you will not get pity from me.  This is a time in your life 
that you need your family and friends.  Don't ever hide anything from 
them.  Some may not get you or what you are going through but some 
will.  They honestly have no idea.  Help them learn!

You need to quit the pity party unless you do want to be alone and 
miserable and feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of your life.

I made a choice years back.  And I am a happier person with a whole 
different outlook on a life I had to adjust.

Someone said this is a support group.  I will support anyone until 
they give up.

Just remember, you are not the only what out there that is going 
through what you are.  I certainly hope you don't think you are.

Sorry but no pity / sympathy or whatever you want.  I have TM too.
attachment: BPelow.vcf

RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread j ra

Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms that 
I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to go it 
alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean it was 
for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours called 
TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to see 
myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used to, so it's better if I do it when they 
can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in 
for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very 
muchyou are my family!
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Janice Nichols
Rob, you are right on!! Can never quit. Jeron, we all have our nasty 
areas of the body that give pain or just won't work.But, the important 
thing, as I said earlier,
is to find the right doctor that can and will make your life more acceptable.   
If one doc doesn't do the trick, try another.   Life is too short to not get 
the right help when
it is out there.Just keep looking. Keep us posted on how you are doing 
- physically and mentally.
I wish you the best.   Janice

From: Robert Pall 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:23 PM
To: Grace M. ; Janet Dunn 
Cc: ; 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

Great dialogue today...this is what the group is all about!
I am going on 13 years and I would be lying if I said I did not occasionally 
have a self pity is very hard getting sick and never getting 
better...and if I dwell on this fact or how lousy my body has felt every minute 
of every day for 13 years.I would throw in the towel. However for the most 
part I chose to live my life to its fullest realizing my limitations but trying 
my best to find ways to overcome them. That is why this group and my NJ Support 
group is so important. .we talk to people who understand.and in most 
cases can relate far better than our spouses or family members.
I have found that an occasional good cry can really help!

Thank you for letting me be involved with so many brave and caring people!

Rob in New Jersey

From: Grace M. [] 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:32 PM
To: Janet Dunn
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive

  Hi Janet,

I wonder about that, too.  For the most part I am able to stay emotionally on 
top of things, but that being said, I also experience very dark times. My pdoc 
(Psychiatrist) has told me that it is perfectly normal and part of being human.

Like you and Jeron though, I MISS my old life.  Being physically active and fit 
was just part of who I was.  Not being able to participate in my former 
activities will probably always be painful for me.  Never again will I walk ten 
miles at a shot, or ride a horse.  Have I adjusted?  For the most part, yes, 
but as I mentioned there are still some very dark days.  We're all human.


RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Jeron,
This is wonderful news.  I'm so glad you had a wonderful time in the drift 
dive.  I have been on a drift in the ocean next to the beach with a friend at 
my side and friend drive a car about a fourth of mile to pick both of us up.  
It was so COOL.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique
Can't wait to hear about this trip.
You show us that we can do more, if we want too. lol
Have a GREAT time  let us know how it went,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 5/21/10, j ra wrote:

From: j ra
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive
To: Transverse Myelytis
Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 4:23 PM

Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms that 
I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to go it 
alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean it was 
for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours called 
TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to see 
myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used
 to, so it's better if I do it when they can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in 
for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very 
muchyou are my family!

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Lori Biehler
Hey Jeron!
I knew you would love it!!! I didn't want to tell you my water experience, but 
if the water is the right temperature (temperature bothers me a lot!!!) I can 
float, kick, whatever and my body feels like TM never happened!! I get 
claustrophobic now, even snorkeling, which is strange, but it is worth it, so 
worth it.
I am glad that you are doing what you need to do for you. It was one of the 
first things that a gentleman by the name of Doc kept telling me. I tried and 
tried to be what I was before and to be the caregiver for my family, as before 
TM. After I realized that I had to do what was right for the new me, life began 
to get so much better for me.
Is this life easy with TM and all the other crap that comes along with it, no 
it isn't, but who ever said life was easy. If I didn't have TM, I may have 
something else that I couldn't cope with as well.
Just be you and do the best you can for you at any moment. Some moments that 
won't be what you want, but in reality it is all any of us can do, able bodied 
or not. We all have to accept our limitations, but we can find ways around 
them. I cannot rock climb any more, but I can sip champagne on a condole, and 
that is OK with me these days.
Good luck and congrats on the great day! Not all pain is bad and even able 
bodied people have pain when they push themselves, it is called good pain!

From: j ra 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 5:23 PM
To: Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms that 
I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to go it 
alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean it was 
for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours called 
TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to see 
myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used to, so it's better if I do it when they 
can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in 
for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very 
muchyou are my family!

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 

RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread jrushton
 One of my dreams, Jeron, is to learn how to scuba dive!!  The water is
amazing with TM, isn't it?  Jeanne in Dayton, WA
---Original Message---
From: j ra
Date: 5/21/2010 4:24:09 PM
To: Transverse Myelytis
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive
Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms
that I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying
to go it alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the
Caribbean it was for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this
thing of ours called TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this
because I wanted to see myself in the mirror again and not the person that
everyone feels sorry for because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle
while just to get some me time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like
most of you thought. Truth be told, my wife fully understands why I wanted
to be alone. 2. I am trying to relive my past. I am trying to push myself to
do the things I loved to do even though I have TM. I know there is no way
anyone of my loved ones are approving of this and are all worried about me
going off into the deep blue sea or jumping out of a plane like I used to,
so it's better if I do it when they can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it
was amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most
of the work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was
amazing. I did it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I
felt alive again. I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so
worth it.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm
in for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days.
My goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife
and told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the
step to regaining some control of my life.
So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very
muchyou are my family!

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up

Re: [TMIC] tmic-alive

2010-05-21 Thread Jan Hargrove
Your attitude is great, too!  counts alot!

Sent: Fri, May 21, 2010 2:02:05 PM
Subject: [TMIC] tmic-alive

    I was not fit and not active outside of work,but I still miss my life 
before tm.Just being without the constant band around my trunk,not being numb 
(for the most part) from T4 to toes,able to walk more than 50 feet without my 
strong leg giving out. I worked at a well paid job,drove a car,had a life.
    Now I'm stuck in the house unless someone takes me out. Then I suffer for 
days after going out.
    I miss my old life a lot,even after almost 15 yrs. But,I have family that 
love me,friends and neighbors that care. Plus,I get to read as much as I 
want-about 4 mystery novels a week. I also can watch tv,eat,and sleep whenever 
I want.
    I'd say my life is mostly pretty good. I know it could be a lot worse.
    Cheryl in Easthampton,MA. 

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Jan Hargrove
Grace, have you looked into therapeutic horseback riding?  We've two such
stables in our small town.  I think it first was shown to help MS patients, but
now they're using for many disabilities.  Our schools use them for students
which shows it must be worthy or schools couldn't afford to send them!

One of our members volunteered at a place in Australia, I think!  His name will
come to me just as I press send!! (I remember his wife is Mavis)  TM/SR


***or ride a horse.  Have I adjusted?  For the most part, yes, but as I 
mentioned there are still some very dark days.  We're all human.


Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread jrushton
 Good luck, Gracie!!! Jeanne
---Original Message---
From: Jan Hargrove
Date: 5/21/2010 6:22:59 PM
To: Grace M.;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive
Grace, have you looked into therapeutic horseback riding?  We've two such
stables in our small town.  I think it first was shown to help MS patients,
now they're using for many disabilities.  Our schools use them for students
which shows it must be worthy or schools couldn't afford to send them!
One of our members volunteered at a place in Australia, I think!  His name
come to me just as I press send!! (I remember his wife is Mavis)  TM/SR


***or ride a horse.  Have I adjusted?  For the most part, yes, but as I
mentioned there are still some very dark days.  We're all human.

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Jan Hargrove
His name is Errol!  Gunny tried to help me, but when I told him
his guess was wrong, Errol popped out of his hiding place.

Please forgive me, Errol, and tell Mavis hi!


From: Jan Hargrove
To: Grace M.;
Sent: Fri, May 21, 2010 6:22:54 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive

Grace, have you looked into therapeutic horseback riding?  We've two such
stables in our small town.  I think it first was shown to help MS patients, but
now they're using for many disabilities.  Our schools use them for students
which shows it must be worthy or schools couldn't afford to send them!

One of our members volunteered at a place in Australia, I think!  His name will
come to me just as I press send!! (I remember his wife is Mavis)  TM/SR


***or ride a horse.  Have I adjusted?  For the most part, yes, but as I 
mentioned there are still some very dark days.  We're all human.


Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Jan Hargrove

I've been with tm for more than 14 years, and I've learned that feeling like
I wasn't doing what I could before, or that I was imposing on my friends
is a fallacy!!  My friends insist I continue playing cards, etc...just today
one of the ladies wanted to make up for the times she couldn't 'do her
turn' and I was so glad I could tell her that she didn't owe back, using
their kindness to me these last years as an example.

Course, as we all are now in our 70's, and others are having various prob-
lems I tell them I just got more attention than any of them will get!

Laughing at our frailties helps with the's like thumbing your 
nose at tm!!

My 2¢   janh

From: Janet Dunn
Sent: Fri, May 21, 2010 11:10:41 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

What I am really wondering is if one ever really gets to the point of accepting 
this thing?  It has almost been six years (August) and daily I have to decide 
whether to get up and work with it, fight it, or give into it.  
Most of the time I fight it.  Working with it would make my life easier I 
suppose, but darn it, I am with Jeron .  It has taken a lot away.
One of the things that I have discovered after fighting it so hard for five 
years – to get back to where I used to be before being struck with TM – was 
that either way, TM or no TM – I could not regain my former self.  It would be 
like suddenly becoming 30 again.  It isn’t going to be.  I would have aged 5 
years whether I had TM or not.  That made it much easier for me to realize that 
life is going to go on, I am going to grow older, and with age comes 
limitations, TM or not.  That might not make sense to others, but it sure 
helped me quit fighting so hard, and to accept the down days.
It also enabled me to lift up my head, look around, and realize that my friends 
and acquaintances all have their own struggles with growing older, they are 
just not as visible as mine.  Most of them deal with pain every day, in one way 
or another, just as a matter of course of growing older, and what that in 
itself can do to the body.
But, Jeron, I do totally get where you are coming from.  And I wish I could go 
scuba diving today too – especially since there is a heavy snowfall warning in 
effect for my area.  On May Long weekend no less!

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Janice Nichols
You made your dive!!I am sure it was more difficult, but you did it.So 
proud of you!

From: Bernard Pelow 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 3:47 PM
To: j ra ; TMIC 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive

Good for you Jeron!  And know that there will be days when you will still miss 
what you used to have; I still have them.  But you did the right thing, you 
reached out for advice and knowledge.  So feel free to write the TM list or me 
personally anytime you feel down or whatever.  And I would let the list know 
how well you did on your dive, and how it has helped you.  Your triumphs give 
us hope that we can reach our goals, and visa versa.  Hold your head high, and 
the next time you get to dive, think of me while you're down there.  I miss it 
s much :-D 

On 5/21/2010 3:33 PM, j ra wrote: 
  Thanks Bernie, I appreciated that. When I started this post, I honestly 
wasn't looking for pity. I just wondered if anyone else misses life before TM, 
because I sure do. I miss the little things. I made my dive today and it was 
exhilirating. I did it! I accomplished my goal and no one can take that away 
from me.

  Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 14:38:11 -0500
  Subject: Re: Fwd: RE: [TMIC] alive

  Dear Maggie,
Sorry, but this seems down right nasty to someone pouring his heart out to 
us.  We are here to support one another, not blast someone for their feelings.  
Each of us is different, and takes according time to heal... and I still have 
dark days after 20 years.  So to tell J Ra that he is looking for pity is 
callous and very uncaring and unloving.  You pushed the wrong button on this 
subject with my family and me personally; ALL of us have suffered our own hell, 
not only those pf us afflicted with TM but our families also, but we're still 
here because of acceptance, love and tolerance!  The latter you need to try I 
J Ra, you have all the support and love from me and my family, we wish the 
best for you and pray for you and your family.
  PS - I lost your email address J Ra, please send it to me... and have a 
better day... :-) 

  From: Maggie
  Date: 5/21/2010 7:50:01 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

  I don't normally post but this one actually made me angry
  We don't choose to get TM.  It chooses us.  Just like other afflictions do. 
 There is nothing you can do.
  Sorry but you will not get pity from me.  This is a time in your life that 
you need your family and friends.  Don't ever hide anything from them.  Some 
may not get you or what you are going through but some will.  They honestly 
have no idea.  Help them learn!
  You need to quit the pity party unless you do want to be alone and miserable 
and feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of your life. 
  I made a choice years back.  And I am a happier person with a whole different 
outlook on a life I had to adjust.
  Someone said this is a support group.  I will support anyone until they give 
  Just remember, you are not the only what out there that is going through what 
you are.  I certainly hope you don't think you are.
  Sorry but no pity / sympathy or whatever you want.  I have TM too.

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Janice Nichols
What is zip-lining?

From: j ra 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 4:23 PM
To: Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms that 
I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to go it 
alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean it was 
for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours called 
TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to see 
myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used to, so it's better if I do it when they 
can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in 
for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very 
muchyou are my family!

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 

[TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread j ra

Have anyone of you ever wondered what it would be like without this? I've put 
so much pressure on my family that I now know what loneliness feels like. I 
haven't seen my wife for months and I prefer it this way. I have so much pain 
and it's mine and mine alone to bear. I have fibromyalgia, vasculitis and 
TM.and I just quit pain meds one week agojust to see what it all feels 
like again. I'm suffering from withdrawal symtoms of valium, nuerontin, 
cymbalta and seroquel all at the same time. I'm just about given up 
hope.what's the use...I can't even feel the earth underneath my feet 
anyway, with or without them. I've decided to live until death with the pain 
and the agonybe it alone or with my shadow. I love my wife too much to see 
her cry again for me in a hospital I've decided to go it aloneno more burden to my loved ones. I now live alone and try 
to get by each dayone day at a time, until the end.I give up!
Sorry to all of you who have been there before for me.
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread Janice Nichols
I honestly don't know what to say to you.I don't have the complications you 
do, but my life is not independent any more.I panic at the thought that 
could happen to my husband - besides his loss to deal with, I know I can not 
live alone.   But, I can not believe you would give up on life.You need 
a really good
doctor and he needs to get you on better or more meds - especially depression 
meds.  I hate the sound of any of us giving up.There are so many people 
there that would give anything to live, even with complications like yours. 
I have 2 friends that are dying of cancer as we speak - they would trade places 
with you
in a flash.Only difference is, they would find a better doctor.Many of 
us have had a taste of a not so good doctor, and it stinks.  But you just 
can NOT give
up.You are putting your body through so much more than it has to go through 
by not taking any meds. Also, the support of family and friends is extremely
important.Life, to me, would be unbearable without them. Please get 
some help - it is out there, just waiting for you.

Please stay in touch with us,

From: j ra 
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:10 AM
To: Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: [TMIC] alive

Have anyone of you ever wondered what it would be like without this? I've put 
so much pressure on my family that I now know what loneliness feels like. I 
haven't seen my wife for months and I prefer it this way. I have so much pain 
and it's mine and mine alone to bear. I have fibromyalgia, vasculitis and 
TM.and I just quit pain meds one week agojust to see what it all feels 
like again. I'm suffering from withdrawal symtoms of valium, nuerontin, 
cymbalta and seroquel all at the same time. I'm just about given up 
hope.what's the use...I can't even feel the earth underneath my feet 
anyway, with or without them. I've decided to live until death with the pain 
and the agonybe it alone or with my shadow. I love my wife too much to see 
her cry again for me in a hospital I've decided to go it aloneno more burden to my loved ones. I now live alone and try 
to get by each dayone day at a time, until the end.I give up!
Sorry to all of you who have been there before for me.

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Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread Barbara H.
I am thinking of someone I knew with cancer who felt that only someone else
with cancer could truly understand what he was going through. While that is
true on one level, on another it wounded his wife that he seemed to be
shutting her out. I would urge you not to shut others out of your life. If
my husband was the one with TM and he shut me out, even in an effort to
spare me pain, it would be devastating to me.That's what for better or for
worse, in sickness and in health is all about -- pulling together,
supporting each other through the hard times as well as enjoying the good
times. It bothers me when any of my loved ones considers themselves a

It's usually not good to quit some of these medications suddenly. I would
see your doctor and see about trying different kinds or combinations to see
if you can't get better relief.

Barbara H.

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 4:10 AM, j ra wrote:

  Have anyone of you ever wondered what it would be like without this? I've
 put so much pressure on my family that I now know what loneliness feels
 like. I haven't seen my wife for months and I prefer it this way. I have so
 much pain and it's mine and mine alone to bear. I have fibromyalgia,
 vasculitis and TM.and I just quit pain meds one week agojust to see
 what it all feels like again. I'm suffering from withdrawal symtoms of
 valium, nuerontin, cymbalta and seroquel all at the same time. I'm just
 about given up hope.what's the use...I can't even feel the earth
 underneath my feet anyway, with or without them. I've decided to live until
 death with the pain and the agonybe it alone or with my shadow. I love
 my wife too much to see her cry again for me in a hospital I've
 decided to go it aloneno more burden to my
 loved ones. I now live alone and try to get by each dayone day at a
 time, until the end.I give up!
 Sorry to all of you who have been there before for me.

 Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up 

[TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread Jan Hargrove

It appears to me that you're beating your marriage to death as if your wife 
wouldn't be there for you
if you let her!  Going off your meds all at once, cold turkey is dangerous!!  
Get to a doctor and get
some help!!  
This isn't something any of us would choose for ourselves or our familiy, but 
it happened, so get over 
it! Find something that makes you laugh, and get to laughing and start living 
with a positive attitude.  
The adage laughter is the best medicine is true, real amd important for those 
whose life has been
I know I don't sound very sympathetic, but we've all been where you are, and 
we've made the choice to 
live to the best we can make that same choice! and have you asked 
your wife if she wants
to be a part of life? Your letter sounded like it's all about you, without 
letting her in, meanwhile things are worse for her than for you because it 
appears you chose to shut her out!!
Sorry if this letter sounds tough, or mean or whatever, but I'm on this tm list 
to get support and to sup-
port those who want to get better.  I pray that you'll get help immediately!!

Have anyone of you ever wondered what it would be like without this? I've put 
so much pressure on my family that I now know what loneliness feels like. I 
haven't seen my wife for months and I prefer it this way. I have so much pain 
and it's mine and mine alone to bear. I have fibromyalgia, vasculitis and 
TM.and I just quit pain meds one week agojust to see what it all feels 
like again. I'm suffering from withdrawal symtoms of valium, nuerontin, 
cymbalta and seroquel all at the same time. I'm just about given up 
hope.what's the use...I can't even feel the earth underneath my feet 
anyway, with or without them. I've decided to live until death with the pain 
and the agonybe it alone or with my shadow. I love my wife too much to see 
her cry again for me in a hospital I've decided to go it aloneno more burden to my loved ones. I now live alone and try 
to get by each dayone day at a time, until the
 end.I give up!
Sorry to all of you who have been there before for me.

Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 

RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread j ra

I truely appreciate everything that you each said to me about this. I guess it 
killed me a little inside when I saw what I was doing to my wife and the 
pressure she was under. I live in Brazil and I have a lot of faith in my team 
of doctors, but being a 10 on a pain scale of 1-10 everyday is so hard. I 
do see a psychiatrist and don't believe I'm suffering from depression. It's 
just that before this I lived a really adventurous lifestyle. I Sky-dived, 
scuba-dived, spear-fished, hunted, rappeledlived off adrenaline. Now I 
can't even get off the damn bed without tipping over. So, I came up with the 
idea to move to the caribbean by myself, just to see if I can dive again or do 
anything with this level of pain and get by. I am forcing myself to pick up my 
old lifestyle, but I really want to do it without meds and the look of my 
wife's face as I try to live and feel alive again. I think the only time I ever 
truely felt alive was when I first jumped out of an airplane at 12000 feet or 
when I shot my first 50 lb Grouper at 75 feet below sea level. I miss that. I 
want that again so  bad. TM took everything I loved away from me, but gave me a 
remarkable appreciation for the life I once had.
Guys, I'm just trying to do this for a couple of months.challenge myself to 
go it alone, pretend it never happened. Use a cane and get around with my pain 
for a bit and sky-dive again, hunt againmaybe this is all very dangerous, 
but I have to do it for ME! 
I know getting off meds cold turkey was a bad ideaI feel it now as I type 
this, but I hate feeling so damned drugged up all the time. So, I selfishly 
chose adrenaline, at least for another 2 months or so..believe or not, my 
wife supports the ideabecause she knows that I miss being Jeron. I refuse 
to be just a  TM patient.
Pain level today, honestly, 9 out of 10. I'm going scuba-diving in Tobago 
tomorrow with pain and a spear-gunjust to feel alive one more time.
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread CANDIS KALLEY


I couldn't agree more with everything that Barbara said.  You shouldn't shut 
those out who love and care about you. 

I think you should get in touch with Dr. ASAP.  It sounds as if you are going 
through withdrawal with the added depression. 

There is so much that you can do - write congress with the problems that we 
face not only with our TM problems, BUT now is a great time to hammer away at 
Congress for the oil spill, the Financial Reform, or whatever you feel strongly 
about; the up coming mid term elections will allow us to donate time in calling 
or sending info out, etc.  These are things that I know that I can do when and 
if I feel like it from one day to another. 

I crochet - it takes me a month or so to finish one afghan because of my hands 
cramping up so some days I can only work on it for 15 min. or less.  I donate 
the afghans to a group here that hands them out to people in the homeless, 
hospitals and nursing homes. 

Perhaps you could do some kind of wood working such as bird houses or such and 
then donate them or just hang them for your own enjoyment. 

Do you have a pet?  I would be lost without my little boy, Zeus.  He's a mighty 
7 lbs. of joy and love.  He really is the only reason that I get up some days.  
I have been divorced for 25 years and live by myself.  It is really difficult 
sometimes especially when I don't have the money to have someone come in and 
help.  I went shopping yesterday and this is my chill day because I am so 
exhausted.  I can get most of the groceries in, especially those that need the 
fridge or freezer but I still have a couple of bags out in my van which I'll 
bring in in the next 2 or 3 days. 

I always said that if I became ill with a terminal or devastating disease, I'd 
drive myself off a cliff.  But, now with TM, I've rethought that.  There are 
things that I can do.  Some days, I have to force myself to get up to feed my 
Zeus and myself, I hurt so bad that all I want to do is just knock myself out 
and sleep just to keep from having to deal with the pain.  Days like that, I am 
glad that I am alone because I don't have to worry or answer to anyone. 

Please don't give up - you can't let TM win.      

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 

- Original Message - 
From: Barbara H. 
To: j ra 
Cc: Transverse Myelytis 
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:31:16 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive 

I am thinking of someone I knew with cancer who felt that only someone else 
with cancer could truly understand what he was going through. While that is 
true on one level, on another it wounded his wife that he seemed to be shutting 
her out. I would urge you not to shut others out of your life. If my husband 
was the one with TM and he shut me out, even in an effort to spare me pain, it 
would be devastating to me.That's what for better or for worse, in sickness 
and in health is all about -- pulling together, supporting each other through 
the hard times as well as enjoying the good times. It bothers me when any of my 
loved ones considers themselves a burden. 

It's usually not good to quit some of these medications suddenly. I would see 
your doctor and see about trying different kinds or combinations to see if you 
can't get better relief. 

Barbara H. 

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 4:10 AM, j ra  wrote: 

Have anyone of you ever wondered what it would be like without this? I've put 
so much pressure on my family that I now know what loneliness feels like. I 
haven't seen my wife for months and I prefer it this way. I have so much pain 
and it's mine and mine alone to bear. I have fibromyalgia, vasculitis and 
TM.and I just quit pain meds one week agojust to see what it all feels 
like again. I'm suffering from withdrawal symtoms of valium, nuerontin, 
cymbalta and seroquel all at the same time. I'm just about given up 
hope.what's the use...I can't even feel the earth underneath my feet 
anyway, with or without them. I've decided to live until death with the pain 
and the agonybe it alone or with my shadow. I love my wife too much to see 
her cry again for me in a hospital I've decided to go it aloneno more burden to my loved ones. I now live alone and try 
to get by each dayone day at a time, until the end.I give up! 
Sorry to all of you who have been there before for me. 

Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread Lori Biehler
Go for it and good luck I relearned to water ski! I couldn't do it the way 
I did it before TM, I was on 2 skis this time. They were nailed together with 
wood and spikes and the rope was attached to the skis and then up to my arms. 
It took me an entire week of trying to get up and stay up for only 15 or 20 
seconds, but it was so worth it!
I totally understand where you are coming from and what you feel you need, go 
and do! Be careful out there tomorrow, you are still withdrawing from your 
meds. I went cold turkey also, over 10 years ago and would rather live with the 
pain than in a fog and after time, my psychologist taught me all sorts of self 
hypnosis techniques that really help me.
Send some of that adrenalin this way tomorrow!

From: j ra 
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:50 PM
To: Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

I truely appreciate everything that you each said to me about this. I guess it 
killed me a little inside when I saw what I was doing to my wife and the 
pressure she was under. I live in Brazil and I have a lot of faith in my team 
of doctors, but being a 10 on a pain scale of 1-10 everyday is so hard. I 
do see a psychiatrist and don't believe I'm suffering from depression. It's 
just that before this I lived a really adventurous lifestyle. I Sky-dived, 
scuba-dived, spear-fished, hunted, rappeledlived off adrenaline. Now I 
can't even get off the damn bed without tipping over. So, I came up with the 
idea to move to the caribbean by myself, just to see if I can dive again or do 
anything with this level of pain and get by. I am forcing myself to pick up my 
old lifestyle, but I really want to do it without meds and the look of my 
wife's face as I try to live and feel alive again. I think the only time I ever 
truely felt alive was when I first jumped out of an airplane at 12000 feet or 
when I shot my first 50 lb Grouper at 75 feet below sea level. I miss that. I 
want that again so  bad. TM took everything I loved away from me, but gave me a 
remarkable appreciation for the life I once had.
Guys, I'm just trying to do this for a couple of months.challenge myself to 
go it alone, pretend it never happened. Use a cane and get around with my pain 
for a bit and sky-dive again, hunt againmaybe this is all very dangerous, 
but I have to do it for ME! 
I know getting off meds cold turkey was a bad ideaI feel it now as I type 
this, but I hate feeling so damned drugged up all the time. So, I selfishly 
chose adrenaline, at least for another 2 months or so..believe or not, my 
wife supports the ideabecause she knows that I miss being Jeron. I refuse 
to be just a  TM patient.
Pain level today, honestly, 9 out of 10. I'm going scuba-diving in Tobago 
tomorrow with pain and a spear-gunjust to feel alive one more time.

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now. 

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread Grace M.

 Hi Jeron,

I hear you.  Before I was hit with NMO I was a distance walker.  It was my
absolute passion and I always did between 6-10 miles every day.  It was my
medicine, my high.  I hiked, rode horses, worked with animals both domestic
and wild.  In one fell swoop it was all over.  Very tough for me to deal

Like you, I am now going though my journey of illness without my family, and
that is by CHOICE.  No one knows what it's like to be in my skin as no two
people perceive quality of life in the same way.  My children and ex husband
of 35 years, know that I'm ill with NMO and that it's serious---but that is
all that they know.  I will admit to being very open with my best friend.
Why her and not the family?  Because she *gets* me.  She doesn't pity me.
(God bless her for that.)  Whenever I am hospitalised I do not usually tell
my family, and if my children happen to become aware, I do NOT allow them to
see me.  There is no way that I want them to ever see me flat on my back
paralyzed with catheters hanging out of my neck.  My two daughters (I also
have a son, but he was in Denver at the time.) witnessed that scene five
years ago whenever I first got hit and it traumatized them.  So did the
first year and a half whenever my older daughter had to move in with my
youngest and I in order to care for me.  I talk to them frequently on the
phone and see my youngest often as she is still currently living in the area
while her husband it deployed.  That being said, I do not allow my illness
to ever enter into their lives.  Others may choose to do things differently,
but that is their own personal choice.  If I am ever depressed and/or feel
the need to cry---and that's something that I rarely do---I do
it privately.

My reasons may be different from yours, but for now it seems that we have
chosen the same path, and there is certainly nothing wrong with it.

The best,

Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread Bernard Pelow

Hi J Ra,
  My name is Bernie, I don't write often anymore; but I KNOW what you 
are going through.  The pain and all of it.  I live at a pain level 
between 5 and 9 most of the time, unbelievable muscle spasms, the ice 
picks, the electrical shocks, th ehot and cold, and numerous other 
sensations, and it has been this way for nearly 20 years now. In the 
beginning it took me 3 years and the help of my daughter to see what I 
was doing to myself as well as others.  PLEASE don't take that long!  I 
also was a very active person in sports, I was a firefighter and 
paramedic, took my kids fishing, camping and all of that.  TM took all 
of that away, but with the help of my children, friends, the TM list, 
and doctors, I have a life now; not just an existance.  It all ends up 
to be that the little things mean the most I have found.  If you are 
ableto scuba, etc. by all means do it!  I cannot because of my pump.  
But I found the little simple things mean so much more now than ever.  
Just snuggling next to my daughter and watching a movie gives me more 
joy than jumping out of a plane, or any of the other things I used to 
do.  Pushing people away only hurts you and them, but you need to decide 
which lifestyle is right for you and invite them to join you in it for 
you, not for what you think they want or need.  When they love you, it 
doesn't matter what one is doing, as long as it is done togetherand with 
love.  Hope this helps you a little...

Bernie in  Texas
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