Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2014-03-14 Thread JohnSwenson

windywine wrote: 
> Using EDO with SPDIF coax to my Teac UD-H01 Dac, playing 192kHz material
> does not work. After a few seconds of music the DAC fails to lock on to
> the signal and starts clicking (the internal relais). Playing 176.4kHz
> material works fine.
> Playing the same 192kHz files using toslink works fine as well, which I
> find a bit strange: Over and over I read that coax is more stable than
> toslink and that toslink is garantueed to work upto 96kHz only.
> I doubt whether this has to do with my coax digital interlink, (a cheap
> one from the brand RU connected, costs around 15 Euro). I tried a Van
> den Hul The Wave interlink (70 Euro per piece), which can be used as a
> digital interlink (it's 75 Ohm) as well as an analogue interlink. This
> gives me the same results.
> I am not able to tell whether this is a problem with the DAC or with the
> Touch, but has anyone experienced something similar?

Have you tried different length coax cables? If there are impedance
mismatches, (which are extremely likely in most setups) reflections
happen, if the cable lengths are "right" those reflections can mess up
the reception of the data. The cable length to cause the problem will
vary with sample rate. 

When trying different cable lengths don't use 2x or 1/2x, for example if
your cable is 1m try a 1.5m not a 2m, or a 0.75m not a 0.5m.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2014-03-04 Thread JohnSwenson

eduardoo wrote: 
> Just a little more update regarding My SBT EDO kernel #12 Esoteric K-03
> combo experiment.  
> Also, is it normal for the sample rate (when I check the status of the
> USB output) to show something like 959998 rather than 96 every now
> and then?  I didn't check for other sample rates but it was shown
> momentarily now and then when I was playing some 96K material. 
> Thanks.
That means the async protocol is working. It checks the average rate of
the data coming in and the rate at which it is being pulled out by the
DAC and every so often tells the computer to slow down or speed up to
keep the average data rates in sync. So those slight changes in sample
rate are the system doing it's job correctly. If it never changes that
means  the async protocol is not working.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2014-02-27 Thread JohnSwenson

Supertramp wrote: 
> I have been using my Touch + EDO together with a Classé CP-800
> preamp/processor with great satisfaction for more than a year. This
> week, I had my CP-800 "upgraded" to the latest model which carries new
> electronics and as a result provides a few more capabilities such as
> playback of > 96 Khz music files.
> What I noticed is that after switching on the CP-800, I have to reboot
> the Touch and (re-)select "USB-Audio - CP-800" as the audio output
> option is no longer there if I don't reboot.
> The initial post in this thread says:
> Is this still true? Is there a way for me to avoid having to reboot the
> Touch other than leaving the CP-800 on?
> Many thanks in advance.

You should only have to do it once. Switch back to analog out, unplug
the USB DAC, reboot. Turn off the SBT. Plug in the USB DAC, boot up,
select the USB DAC, reboot, you should be good to go. EDO keeps track of
the capabilities of the DAC, if you  just change the DAC it gets
confused. Going back to a non USB output, then going to the new DAC 
should guarantee that EDO has stored the properties of the new DAC. 

John  S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch damaged ethernet socket

2014-02-23 Thread JohnSwenson

You CANNOT. repeat CANNOT just use a generic RJ45 jack with the touch.
The Touch uses an Ethernet jack which includes the Ethernet transformers
built in to the jack!!!  You have to find one which includes the same
transformer connections (there are several different possible ways the
transformers get hooked up) AND has the same pinout. This is not
something you are going to get at Radio Shack. IF you know the part
number and can find a spec sheet for it you MIGHT be able to find
something that is compatible. 

I just checked, the part is a Tech P65-P0Z-2AG9, I found one distributor
that has them in stock, but they have a $250 minimum order. In a quick
look I did not find a spec sheet, but you might want to try a more in
depth search than I have time for. If you can find a spec sheet you can
look at other jacks with built in magnetics and see if there are any
compatible ones. 

Your best bet is to find somebody that has a dead Touch for some other
reason that you can get cheap, and harvest the part off it.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How well does the Squeezebox Touch work with Ubuntu?

2014-02-05 Thread JohnSwenson

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> LMS runs great on linux, all my SB servers I've ever had have been on
> some form of linux.
> Are you looking to get a general purpose machine that runs linux to do
> other standard tasks as well as running LMS or do you want a machine
> that just runs LMS? 
> John S.

If you are doing a dedicated server you might want to consider VortexBox
software. It is a complete package, linux OS, LMS, web based
configuration (and some other NAS type stuff as well). It's very easy to
install and setup, it works great for older equipment. If your laptop is
still working fine but  you want to get off of windows, just loading VB
is by far the easiest way to go. 

The only reason you might  NOT want  to do this  is if you actually use
the laptop for controlling the music, VB runs as a headless server,
assuming you will be controlling the music from either a Sb box itself
or an app on a smartphone etc. 

If you do decide to install linux so you actually have  a screen you can
use, I would recommend something like lubuntu rather than a full  ubuntu
install. I did an lubuntu install the other day in less than 10 minutes
and it was up and running right away. 

John  S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How well does the Squeezebox Touch work with Ubuntu?

2014-02-04 Thread JohnSwenson

LMS runs great on linux, all my SB servers I've ever had have been on
some form of linux.

Are you looking to get a general purpose machine that runs linux to do
other standard tasks as well as running LMS or do you want a machine
that just runs LMS? 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power help please.

2014-02-03 Thread JohnSwenson

Yep, it is good and fried. It's not just one chip, a lot of things go
"poof!" in that scenario. Don't ask how I know!

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch | 12v power supply - minimum required A?

2014-02-03 Thread JohnSwenson

A touch doing normal network playing operations takes about 1A. If you
use high sample rate music it takes a little more (1.3A or so). If you
use the internal TinyLMS it takes more, 1.8A or so. If you use a USB
drive on top of that it's an additional .5A, so max use with TinyLMS,
external USB powered drive you are in the 2.3A range or  so. 

So a 2A supply should work fine for any use that does NOT run TinyLMS. A
1A supply may or may not work for Just network playing. It probably will
work if you are not using Wifi, but will be on the edge if using Wifi. 

All in all I would say a 1A supply is not a good investment, it's right
on the edge in some situations, I would think it's not worth it.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Annoying 'dropouts' using SBT with USB hard drive

2014-01-27 Thread JohnSwenson

Handling 24/96 files from the TinyLMS is right on the edge of what the
Touch can do. If you are using FLAC the compression number is actually
important here. If you are using a high number (say 8) you can push the
Touch over the edge. Try using a low compression number (0 or 1), it
might work better.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2014-01-24 Thread JohnSwenson

dave4jazz wrote: 
> I am currently setting-up a SBT and have installed the EDO applet to use
> the USB as an output to my Naim DAC-V1 USB. I have run the the
> BitPerfect tests but only the 24 bit files pass. The 16 bit files all
> report:
> "Audio is not BitPerfect"
> "No test audio found"
> I can play 44.1/16 ALAC files OK although I have found quite a number of
> files which played on my Duet no longer play on the Touch.
> Any ideas?

All SB products output 24 bit, no matter what the input was. If you feed
them a 16 bit file it adds zeros on to the end. So in a strict sense it
is not bit perfect, but the audio data is exactly the same. (assuming
the volume is all the way up and you don't have replay gain turned on).

It's not just EDO, the S/PDIF outputs do the same thing, with or without

As to files not playing, can you list some examples (file format, bit 
depth etc) the server version,  the  Touch firmware version and the file
type settings in the server. At one point there was a problem with one
of the  apple file types in some form of compression that caused a
problem. You could get around it by transcoding to a different  type in
the server (via the file type settings). I think it has been fixed in
the latest firmware versions.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2014-01-23 Thread JohnSwenson

sprint wrote: 
> Thanks for the reply.
> Good point about the sound card. I am also not sure how the audio output
> via the Vortexbox USB port is being processed? 
> Is there anybody here who can advise?
> In what way is the EDO enhancing the audio data over and above that
> straight from the SBT without the EDO enabled?

The Vortexbox software has a software player (VB player) that can output
music to the computer's USB port or soundcard. If you are plugging a USB
DAC into the  VB the soundcard on the computer has nothing to do with
what goes to the USB DAC. 

The VB player is a SOFTWARE player so it shares some common issues with
other software players such as sync between multiple players may not
work correctly, there may be issues with  gap-less playback. 

VB player can be controlled just like any other SB  player using the
wide array of control options such as phones, tablets, other computers
etc. It does NOT have an IR remote receiver so you cannot use a standard
IR remote. 

IF your VB is near your USB DAC, then running off its USB port with VB
player is a viable option as long as you can live with  the limitations
(no IR remote, no display, sync may not work well). This will free up
the Touch to be used in another room. 

If the VB is not near the DAC then you want to use the Touch to drive
the DAC, that's  one of  the primary advantages to the SB system, the
server  can be  anywhere, it does not need to be near your playback 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2014-01-23 Thread JohnSwenson

obraendl wrote: 
> @ Triode
> i have any questions, is there a different in Sound quality when i use
> SPDIF Coax or USB on my SBT to connect to my Audiolab 8200CDQ/V12E with
> 24/192 Files?
> Why i need a USB Hub with the SBT, when i direct connect a MacBook Pro
> with USB3 or an iPad Air with a Camera USB Connector, this is not a
> Problem when play 24/192 ALAC Files.
> Thanks
> Regards, obraendl

The data being sent out over the SBT coax and USB are the same. Which
sounds best is determined by  the DAC, some have  better S/PDIF
receivers and some have better USB receivers. So try both and see which
you like best.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2014-01-15 Thread JohnSwenson

Wayne c wrote: 
> I have a meridian explorer USB dac and note that this works with the EDO
> software can I ask a couple of questions please ( if anyone is using the
> explorer that would be great if you could advise?, 
> 1. Is it perfectly safe to plug the explorer into the USB socket on the
> rear of the Touch, I'm concerned that the USB power may be to much for
> the explorer? It says on Meridians literature that it requires -  USB,
> nominal 5V at <500mA. Can anyone let me know how much power the touches
> USB socket puts out please?.
> And 
> 2. How do you power the dac down to remove it ?, is it safe to just take
> it out the socket or is there a procedure.
> Thanks in advance for any advice.

The SBT provides the standard 5V USB voltage so there is no problem
here. I think you have a misunderstanding of current, the LOAD (your DAC
in this case) determines the amount of current that flows over the
connection. The source cannot "force" more current  into it than it
wants to take. The SBT will supply up to 500mA and your DAC takes less
than 500mA so all is fine. If your DAC took more than 500mA THEN you
would  have a problem, but since the DAC takes less than 500 and the SBT
can supply up to 500 all is good.

EDO works best if the DAC is plugged in and powered up before the SBT is
plugged in to a power source. There is no harm if it is not, it just
might not connect properly to the SBT. There is no harm to anything by
just unplugging the USB DAC anytime you want. 

If you want to switch to a different output of the SBT (say S/PDIF or
analog) it is best to do so while the USB DAC is still connected. If you
unplug the USB DAC THEN try and switch to a different output, the SBT is
going to be complaining about not being connected to the USB DAC. It's
best to switch first, that way you don't have to worry about the SBT
trying to connect to a DAC that isn't there. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2014-01-10 Thread JohnSwenson

hcanning wrote: 
> Thanks, I tried it and it worked a treat :) However:
> My system is as follows:
> Squeezebox Touch > Audiolab 8200DQ > Meridian 557 power amps (balanced)
> I also have an Onkyo AV amp hooked up to an analogue input on the
> Audiolab.
> With the USB cable attached between the Audiolab and the Touch, there's
> a rather prominent high-pitched whine from the speakers when I switch to
> the analogue input on the Audiolab.
> Disconnect the USB cable and it's gone.
> I'm back to optical for now!
> Any ideas?!
> Thanks :)

I would do some tests to try and narrow things down. Does the the whine
happen just when music is playing or all the time? Does it happen when
the Touch's power is unplugged? Does unplugging the USB cable from the
Touch make a difference? 

I'm thinking it might be a ground loop (I was involved in one recently
that went through a USB cable, so it CAN happen).

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch analog vs. digital outputs

2013-12-17 Thread JohnSwenson

ruimoutinho wrote: 
> What is your suggestion?
> It's better RCA analog or Digital optical? And differences between
> toshlink and optical?
> I only want the SQ for stereo music. Not multichannel.
> Thank you

The Touch has 5 ways to get output:
headphone jack  - analog
RCA line out - analog
S/PDIF coax, RCA jack  - digital
S/PDIF optical, TOSLINK jack  - digital
USB using EDO applet works with many USB DACs (but  not all) - digital

So TOSLINK and optical are the same thing, Optical is the type of
transmission,  TOSLINK is the name of the jack. 

Which is going to sound better? Who knows, different combinations have
different "best" connections, the only way  to tell for sure is try as
many of them as you can and see which you like better. There are so many
parameters and interactions that it  is impossible to tell in advance
which is going to sound  the best. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch Enhanced Digital Out and Devialet 170

2013-12-04 Thread JohnSwenson

agentsmith wrote: 
> Does it mean that the Devialet should in theory work with the Touch
> Enhanced Digital Output provided it is using the XMOS solution? 
> If yes I will try to hack around with it.
> I haven't really bothered to experiment much since I thought it would be
> a dead end.

Yes, if it does use the XMOS USB audio implementation it should work
with EDO.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch Enhanced Digital Out and Devialet 170

2013-11-29 Thread JohnSwenson

canyelles wrote: 
> Yes but I am not currently interested in 192
> I want to uses the USB output because otherwise the USB input on the
> Devialet will be unused and I have a number of digital sources.

Do you know what the USB receiver chip is on the 170? Do you know what
the maximum sample rate is for the USB input? 

Some USB receiver chips will not work with the Touch but many will. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch doesn't return to home screen after restore of power (after outage)

2013-11-27 Thread JohnSwenson

Marc_S wrote: 
> Hi Mikael, I agree with your answers and I have a local running LMS as
> well. The hobby is to have full functionality as best as possible, save
> as best as possible power as well at home (even if it's only 20
> Euro/year) and have the same successful recovery of the Touch after
> network connection loss whether connected to a local LMS or
> I wonder how the Touch behaves during its Power Down - Power Up cycle if
> it could not reconnect to the local LMS for a few hours. -If then the
> LMS comes back on line after several hours, will the repowered Touch
> then reconnect successfully the LMS?-

When the player starts it sends out a broadcast message looking for
servers. When the server starts up it broadcasts a message looking for
players. So if the network is up when these events happen, the player
and the server should find each other no matter which order they occur.

If the network is down when one or the other of these events happens,
they should eventually connect sometime after the network comes up.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-11-25 Thread JohnSwenson

An SBT with EDO can handled DoP in FLAC files quite well over both
S/PDIF coax and USB, AS LONG as your Dac supports DoP! Since the FLAC
file is a carrier, make sure you don't do anything that will change the
bits in any way. In particular set the volume to 100%, turn of replay
gain and turn off fade in fade out. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch doesn't return to home screen after restore of power (after outage)

2013-11-23 Thread JohnSwenson

This behavior is not actually a bug, it is the due to the fact that the
touch does not have a battery backed up clock. When it powers on it has
NO IDEA what the date and time are. The way the clock gets it's time set
is by connecting to an LMS (or It automatically tries
to connect to a server when it boots but, but if the server is down it
can't get the time. Since what it thinks of as the time is garbage (some
random time) the software prevents the clock screensaver from getting
displayed so as not to completely confuse people. 

When the server comes back up the Touch does not necessarily connect to
it until you do some form of trying to play music, THEN it connects,
gets the current time and now it can display the clock. 

If there is no server when it boots up, and you don't start playing any
music, it will try and connect to the server every hour to try and get
the current time. But exactly when that "every hour" IS will depend on
what random time it has when it starts up. Thus if you boot the touch
with the server off, then turn on the server, but don't try and play any
music, you will get something from 1 second to 1 hour before the Touch
tries again to connect to the server, at which point it gets the time,
and now the clock will be displayed. 

I know it seems like it is some bizarre broken behavior, but it is all
quite logical when you think about it from the perspective of acquiring
a correct time. If it had a battery, none of this would happen.  

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-11-20 Thread JohnSwenson

auster wrote: 
> This is related to posts #1562 - #1565
> My second set is squeezebox touch connected to NuForce Dia amp. Since
> DIA has DAC itself I installed EDO to SBT but it won't recongnize DIA.
> When I go Setting > Audio Setting > Digital Output I only see two
> options:
> Analog + Digital
> Digital Only (current)
> Is DIA should listed here too?
> Ok, I thought that it isn't work and that's it. However when I play
> 192Khz music when my both SBT are synced (see posts #1562-#1565)
> DacMagic100 reports that sample rate really is 192Khz and it hasn't
> dropped to 96Khz like earlier. So I am confused now: Does SBT/EDO/DIA
> combination work after all with 192khz or not. I don't know how to
> verify that.

The DIA just accepts S/PDIF, coax or optical. so the Digital Only
setting is the correct one. S/PDIF is unidirectional, from the SBT to
the DAC, since it just goes one way there is no way for the DAC to tell
the SBT what it is. The SBT is just shoving the data out, it has no way
to know if there is anything receiving the data or not. USB on the other
hand is bi-directional, the DAC can tell the SBT what its name is and
what sample rates it can support, hence the SBT can list it by name, but
with S/PDIF there is no way to do that.

If the DIA does not have any way to tell what the sample rate is, then
your method of syncing two SBTs, one connected to a DAC which tells you
the sample rate, and one which does not, is an acceptable way to tell.
If they are synced they will both  be running the same sample rate, if
one DAC says it  is running at 192, the other one  is as well.

BTW a fair number of DAC will run at 192 over their coax inputs but only
96 via the optical inputs, so if you want to do 192, try the coax inputs

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB vs SD - Which port/slot reads faster?

2013-11-01 Thread JohnSwenson

The USB protocol is definitely much more complicated than the SD
protocol, so the processor will be doing more with USB. Given that
running player and server on the Touch can come close to maxing out its
resources I would think that using SD cards would be better in that you
would be less likely to max out the processor or memory.

SD cards vary radically in their write and read speed. I would try some
different "grades", you might get significantly different scan
performance with different SD cards.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Opticall output problem

2013-10-20 Thread JohnSwenson

zaras27 wrote: 
> Yes of course all the rest are working  .The only output that is not
> working id the optical

The coax S/PDIF and optical S/PDIF come off the same wire on the board,
so there is nothing you can do with software that will make one work and
one not. Since the coax digital out is working that means the software
is setup correctly, so it has to be a hardware issue. 

If the rest of the chain works correctly (different optical source but
the same optical cable, same DAC, same analog cable, amp, speakers etc)
then it must be a broken Touch. 

Before replacing the Touch make sure the above is true, the easiest way
to do this is:
1) Coax digital out works. Use whatever DAC, AVR whatever input you have
that can read coax S/PDIF

2) Optical digital out does not work. Use exactly the same Touch and LMS
settings as #1. DAC, settings etc will be different because you are
using optical input rather than coax input.

3) Rest of the chain starting from the optical cable forward works. Use
a different optical source, it does not have to squeezebox related, it
can be  DVD player, game console, whatever. Just as long as you use the
same optical cable, same DAC and settings, same amp etc.

If both #1 and #2 and #3 are true its a Touch hardware issue.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch USB Rescanning Every Power On

2013-10-05 Thread JohnSwenson

The TinyLMS on the Touch has two levels of scan, a check for new files,
and a full scan. The check for new files runs every time it boots up.
All it is doing is looking at the file name and date and comparing it to
its internal database. This is a very fast operation. If it finds any
music files that are not in the DB or which have a newer date, then it
does a full scan on these files looking for tags and embedded artwork.
This takes some time for each file it is "deep scanning". As long as the
database is up to date (you don't have a lot of new files) the scan for
new files should be pretty fast. For example 30,000 files takes about
1.5 minutes on my Touch. 

The check for new files can be very fast (a minute or so) if the number
of files on the disk is not huge. It is the number of files period, not
the number of music files that matters. For example if you have 5
million files on the disk and only 200 music files the scan for new
music is going to take a very long time because it actually has to at
least look at all of the files to see if they are music files. 

So one thing you can do is make sure you just have music files on the
disk, this will speed up the scan for new files if you have a lot of
non-music files on the disk.

The other issue is that the scan for new files is only fast if the
database exists already. If it does not it is going to do a full scan on
all the music files which can take a long time. Some things can cause
the full scan to fail which prevents the DB from being built, which
means it is going to do a full scan on all your files every time it
boots. You can check on this by carefully monitoring the scan process on
the screen and see what it says. 

If the DB is intact you will get messages about scanning for new files,
it will then tell you the number of new files found and start doing the
deep scan. If the number of new files is zero, then the database is
fully intact. If the number of new files is large, something has

So I would recommend watching the scan messages carefully during one of
these 20 minute scans and report back what you see. That will give us
some insight into what is happening.

Also let us know how many files you have on the disk, how many are music
files etc. That will help understand what might be normal or not for
your setup.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-10-05 Thread JohnSwenson

DavidNL wrote: 
> Hi, in the first post you state:
> "Support of 176 and 192k playback via the standard digital
> output"
> I suppose this plugin/app is not supported on the Logitech Transporter
> to provide 192K playback via the standard digital output?

The TP does not have support for applets on the player so you cannot use
EDO on it.

The actual audio hardware on the TP can handle 192 (but NOT 176.4).
There are three problems in the way:
1) LMS thinks the max rate is 96, this would have to be changed. It's
just simply editing a number in a file.

2: the TP firmware may not support 192. There are a couple scenarios: it
works for both analog and digital out, just analog, just digital or 
none of the above.

3) The processor in the TP is not super powerful, it may not have enough
juice to handle 192. In order to give it a fighting chance turn off as
much stuff as possible such as replay gain, fade ins, synching etc. It's
also probably a good idea to turn off the meters, scrolling text etc.
Give the audio processing as much CPU cycles as it can get. 

Use LMS 7.8 which supports 192 in both flac and PCM streaming. Try
streaming as either flac or PCM (you are trading off between network
processing and flac decoding)

So no way it's going to happen out of the box, but it might just barely
work if someone is willing to put effort into it.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-09-13 Thread JohnSwenson

guidof wrote: 
> Hmmm. Following a failed attempt at using EDO+USB+Benchmark DAC2 D, I
> switched to SPDIF (coax). Everything worked fine up to 24/96. But
> playing a 24/192 track results in distorted sound and the LEDs on the
> Benchmark show 24/44.1. (All this because I wanted to eventually test
> the DSD over DoP capability of this DAC).
> Did a factory reset, re-installed EDO, played with buffer size choices.
> Even tried a different SBT. Same unsatisfactory results.
> I'm really baffled by this. The database indicates full compatibility of
> EDO and Benchmark DAC2, so I must conclude that I'm either doing
> something asinine or this particular DAC is defective. I lean toward the
> former ;-). 
> I really like the sound quality of this DAC, so I'd like to be able to
> make it work to its full (presumed) capability.
> Any ideas?
> Guido F.

Unless you are using the very latest LMS you have to use flac streaming
for greater than 96. The slimproto in all earlier versions doesn't have
a way to say 176.4 or 192 so it maxes out to 96. When you stream flac it
contains the sample rate in the flac header so it can tell its using one
of the higher rates. 

The higher rates were added recently to slimproto, but they are only in
the beta versions of the software. (I'll let Michael tell us if the
higher sample rates are in the version he just released)

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] DSD downloads from Acoustic Sounds w/ Touch

2013-09-10 Thread JohnSwenson

Holzohr wrote: 
> Wow! Thanks John! That was really new to me. I was dreaming of the LUMIN
> but with the SBT + EDO, a suitable DAC is all I need! I just ordered the
> Matrix X-Sabre DAC. USB connection should work, thanks to the XMOS
> chip.
> After reading about this DoP, I remembered about the DTS and AC3 files
> in FLAC container I still have from my former multichannel times. I
> could stream them with my old SB Classic to the AV-Receiver. That is
> really genial via DoP, also because of tagging. Can not wait to get the
> DAC! I already converted a DSD album to DoP. I will see if it works :)
> Thanks again for sharing this!
> Mario

Hi Mario, it looks like that DAC  should work for you. I think it's very
strange that the info on their web page doesn't mention DoP, it just
says native DSD. This is very confusing since there are two formats for
getting DSD data to a DAC, one is DoP, the other is a format supported
by ASIO frequently called "Native DSD". 

Since their web page says native DSD and doesn't mention DoP I thought
it might not work. But further investigation shows that they ARE using
DoP and not the ASIO native DSD format. Rather confusing on their part.

Yep this situation is exactly the same sort of thing as using DTS
contained in FLAC, the same restrictions apply, you change 1 bit and it
doesn't work. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Toslink connection

2013-09-10 Thread JohnSwenson

kswanson wrote: 
> Nope, neither of those will fit in the support--diameter of the
> connector is too large. I'll try to figure out how to post a pic. This
> is really perplexing.

The Touch has never had anything other than a standard TOSLINK jack. We
really need to see a picture of what you have, nobody here has any clue
what it is you have there. The only thing that makes sense is that it is
some form of adapter.

Did you get this Touch used from someone that might have modified it?
The toslink hole in the case is a favorite spot for people  that are
modifying the Touch to add things like a BNC jack.  This might be what
you have. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] DSD downloads from Acoustic Sounds w/ Touch

2013-09-04 Thread JohnSwenson

Actually you CAN play a DSD file through a Touch as long as you DoP
encode it. There are a couple different ways out there to take a DSD
file and DoP encode it which producesa 176.4 WAV or FLAC that you can
include in your files that LMS manages just like any other file. This is
NOT converting to PCM, it is using the WAV or FLAC as  a "CONTAINER" to
store the DSD data. 

As long as your DAC is DoP complient and can run at 176.4 (for sure over
USB and maybe over coax S/PDIF) it should automatically sense the DoP
encoding and start using it's DSD output capability with the DoP

Just make ABSOLUTELY SURE LMS and the Touch are not doing anything to
the data, the volume must be at 100% and replay gain turned off, no
crossfade etc. If anything happens to the  bits the  DAC won't sense it
as a DoP stream so the PCM DAC will try and play it which will give
massive  amounts  of noise coming out. 

Note that because of this volume restriction you cannot use the SB
volume control, so you will need some other form of volume  control,
either  inthe DAC or a preamp etc. If you accidently  reach for the SB
remote to turn down  the volume you will get massive noise. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Nasty noise from Touch

2013-08-05 Thread JohnSwenson

One thing that is very important for us to know is: are you listening
from the analog outs or do you have a DAC connected to one of digital

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-07-12 Thread JohnSwenson

PasTim wrote: 
> I have the enhanced kernel installed on my Touch.  I'm running LMS 7.8
> on a Vortebox appliance, playing FLACs, with the File Type set to PCM
> only.  The connection to the Touch is wired.
> The Touch is outputting Digital (only) to a Musical Fidelity M1 Clic.
> Once in a while the system stutters about 10 seconds before the end of
> some tracks. It's as if in preparation for the next track the FLAC
> decoding process on the VB has stopped because it thinks its job is
> done, and then the Touch asks for a retransmission, which requires the
> process to restart (but that is wild guesswork).
> I haven't been able to pin down when this happens precisely, except it's
> usually when I have settled down to some serious listening!  When I try
> to isolate the problem it usually fails to manifest itself, a bit like
> taking your car to the garage with a fault that promptly disappears
> until you get the car back.
> I have never had this stutter playing music in any other way, including
> via a PC running squeezelite to an async USB DAC.
> Has anyone else had something similar?  It's driving me mildly nuts.

The server starts sending the next track about 10 seconds before the end
of the current track so the player has data when the current track ends
so there is  no gap. It's also doing things like sending track data and
cover art. It might have something to do cover art, or it could happen
if you have  your library on more than one disk and one of those disks
has  gone to sleep and has to wake up. 

You can look at the server log files and see if you see any errors in
the output. 

One thing you can do is write down the specifics of the current track
and next track when this happens and see if there is some correlation
(like its always when going from the last track of an album to the first
of another, or if it happens when changing sample rates, or when
changing file types etc) Any such correlation will help pin things down.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB speakers connected directly to touch?

2013-07-12 Thread JohnSwenson

turbot fiend wrote: 
> Resurrecting this thread.  Does anyone know if I can connect B&W MM1
> powered speakers (built in DAC) to an SB Classic?  MM1s only have USB
> connect for digital via PC/MAC, although one can use a spearate aux jack
> in for analogue.  I want to connect directly to streamer - this is for a
> bedroom system.
> Any views on these options:
> 1.  SB RCA to minijack - I already use this with SBT and Audioengine A2s
> in kitchen and to good effect
> 2. SB spdif to USB using a third party converter cable.
> It seems the converters I have looked at are primarily aimed for those
> who want to convert usb to spdif and not vice versa.
> Any help welcomed.
> thanks

Unfortunately there is no such thing as a S/PDIF to USB "adapter", it's
called a computer! This is a complex task and nobody has yet got  it
down to the level of "adapter". To do this takes a computer with some
specialized software. It is particularly interesting if the USB DAC runs
in  asynchronous  mode, the source (S/PDIF) and the DAC will be running 
at slightly different rates which will take an ASRC in software. 

If your USB input is one that will run under linux you could get a
wandboard and put CSOS on it, this is a very good SB emulator, you can
plug your USB input intothe wandboard. 

Or just use the analog outs on the clasic.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clock is losing time on Touch running TinyLMS

2013-06-14 Thread JohnSwenson

P Nelson wrote: 
> Is any one else having the problem with the clock losing time on the
> Touch when running TinyLMS?  After about a week, the clock will be about
> five minutes slow.  I have to connect the to reset the time
> and then reconnect to TinyLMS to fix the time.
> It is like TinyLMS is not checking a world clock website.
> Anyone have a solution, besides running LMS on another computer?  
> Thank you.
> Paul

There are several threads about this subject here. The gist is that LMS
is designed to keep time from the computer it is running on. With
TinyLMS that is linux running on the touch. Linux  keeps time using a
software clock running on the processor, it is not very acccurate. This
clock gets updated when the touch connects to another LMS server. It
could be or another LMS on your LAN. 

There is a "Real Time Clock" (RTC) in the touch hardware which is way
more accurate, but by default the software clock ignores it. It's not
too hard to add the linux commands that sync the software clock to the 
RTC every so often (say once an hour), but the Touch does not have any
way to automatically do this, you have to login and  setup  some
scripts. There is a caveat, the  RTC is NOT battery backed up, so every
time it boots it goes back to January 1 1970. 

Another option is to add an NTP client to the Touch which will go out
over  the internet every so often and grab the time. IF your touch is
routinely connected  to the internet this is probably  the  best
solution. There is a thread here about how to do this.

Read the whole thread. The very last post mentons that there is already
an NTP client in the latest Touch firmware, but it is not turned on by
default. You will need to follow the instructions for editing the rcS
file to automatically start the NTP client at boot time. 

One very important fact not mentioned in this thread, after editing the
rcS  file type:


This flushes the memory buffer to the flash, if you don't do this the
changes you made will be lost when you pull the plug on the Touch. 

Once you have NTP running you should not have any problems with losing

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-05-23 Thread JohnSwenson

lordgibbness wrote: 
> Anyone else know why the version of Linux on the Touch has issues with
> USB Audio Class 1 DACs at 96kHz but is fine with Class 2 at 192kHz?
> FYI, I don't currently own any audio files at this frequency (all of my
> files or 16/44.1 FLAC and MP3), but in the future as 24/96 becomes more
> popular (it surely will) I would like to see if the Touch could
> potentially be patched to fix this issue?
> I know there is a workaround available to add a USB Hub in between the
> DAC and the Touch, but I am trying to keep electrical noise to a minimum
> so don't really want to go down this route.
> thanks.
> Rob.

This is my understanding of the situation:

The Touch has a USB 2.0 port, the MDAC has a USB 1.0 port, some of the
low level USB information is different in these two standards. From now
on I will refer to this as 1.0 packet and 2.0 packet. The system deals
with the difference between these with something called a Transaction
Translator (TT). Most systems have the TT implemented in hardware as
part of the USB port. The software driver running on the host computer
talks to the hardware port with 2.0 packats, if the port knows it is
connected to a 1.0 port, it's TT will do the translation, so 2.0 packets
go to host driver and 1.0 packets go  to the device on the other end of
the cable. Everybody is happy and the system works smoothly.

BUT for some reason (presumably cost) the makers of these highly
integrated processors (which include the USB hardware in the processor
chip) have left out the hardware TT, thus the driver has to take on the
responsibility of the TT functionality. The default driver that comes
with linux for these devices seems to be able to handle the TT functions
well as long as packets are going unidirectionaly. But Async USB
interleaves packets going back to the host in the middle of the rapid
stream of packets going to the DAC, the software TT can't seem to handle
this. Triode figured out how to hack the driver so it could at least
handle this situation, but the  processor is not fast enough to handle
this interleaving at sample rates faster than 48KHz. 

The external hub includes a hardware TT which does the translation so
the 1.0 port on the MDAC sees 1.0 packets and the 2.0 port on the Touch
sees 2.0 packets so the software TT is not needed on the Touch. 

BTW this is only an issue for async 1.0 DACs, adaptive DACs don't send
packets back in the middle of the stream from the host so they don't
have  a problem with the software TT and of course DACs with 2.0 ports
(async or adaptive) are already talking 2.0 packets so the translation
is not  needed.

So the USB hub is really your only choice if you want to go with sample
rates faster than 48KHz. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to get Wi-fi access to the Touch?

2013-04-05 Thread JohnSwenson

In addition to the username and password the workgroup name must be the
same for the SBT and your windows computer. By default the SBT has
WORKGROUP. Note this is NOT the same as a Win7 Homegroup. Win7 has a
separate workgroup name. 

To see it in win7 goto control panel->system. This should show the
workgroup name. If it is not WORKGROUP, you can change it by:

goto control panel->system->Advanced System settings. This brings up the
System Properties window, click on the Computer Name tab, then click on
Change and you should get a box where you can change the  workgroup

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-04-04 Thread JohnSwenson

alcarp wrote: 
> Does anyone know what chipset is used in the SBT? X86 or ARM?

It's ARM, Freescale iMX35 to be exact. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Trying to fix time drift with EDO firmware

2013-04-03 Thread JohnSwenson

cfuttrup wrote: 
> Hi Mnyb
> P.S. I re-entered the Touch device to update time with msntp - just to
> get on-par quickly - but discovered that the crontab directory had been
> deleted (maybe when the device was rebooted). Is this normal behavior -
> that the Touch wipes such changes upon reboot? I might have wanted to
> clean up my act anyway, but I was surprised to see the setup was gone.
> /Claus

If you SSH into a Touch and make file changes, then reboot by pulling
the plug or pushing the button on the back you will loose the last
changes you made. File system changes go to a memory buffer and if you
just power off they are lost. To get them into the FLASH memory you need
to either type the command:


Before pulling the plug, or reboot using the command:


The command reboot does a sync before shutting the  device  down. 

It can be rather frustrating if you don't know this!

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fried Touch

2013-03-27 Thread JohnSwenson

Cut-Throat wrote: 
> Yup, probably toast..I go on e-bay and find another one. Used or
> Refurb.
> And then be careful..After all the SBT is now 'Vintage Gear' ... I
> treat the SBTs just like my NOS 45 Globe TubesNo longer made, but
> cherished.

Aha, 45 globes. I recently got a pair off ebay for a song, they work
great. It seems there was a guy up in Canada who owned a radio repair
shop, he recently passed away and his family went through the back of
his shop and put all the tubes up on ebay, not knowing what any of them
were or what they were worth. In that collection was a pair of "in the
original box" globe 45s with a sticker saying they had been received in
october 1935. They had been sitting in the back of the shop for all
those years. They sound wonderful.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-26 Thread JohnSwenson

avta wrote: 
> I tried this but ran into a problem. Each time I changed music files
> there was a loud pop that was independant of the position of the volume
> control on the SBT. I went back to using a passive pre.

That seems to be a DAC specific issue, I'm using my DAC from SBT direct
to an amp without a problem. As others have mentioned the trick is to
set the gain of the system so that max from the DAC is a little bit
louder than you will ever want to play, then you can run the Sb volume
control in a range where it is going to work well. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-23 Thread JohnSwenson

miab wrote: 
> Thank you John. You have always been a great help.
> I currently am using my Touch with tt3.0 but I would love to be able to
> use/see the screen as now it is disabled. In particular have you or
> anyone else noticed a difference with or without the screen on the usb
> output?
> John, you mention using a dac with both spdif and usb inputs. In your
> experience which were you able to get the ultimate performance on, usb
> or spdif? I'm guessing that it might be particular to each dac used and
> the quality of their different inputs but what were your particular
> experiences? Ultimately I assume that usb might have the edge if both
> were properly implemented. I plan on using a USB to SPDIF converter into
> my favorite spdif only dac BTW and I think the spdif out of a converter
> might be better than spdif out of Touch.

I have not noticed any case with a USB DAC where the screen on or off
made any difference. There certainly might be a DAC sensitive to this,
but none of the ones I tested were. 

The things that I found that made the biggest difference were scheduling
issues, thread priorities etc. These had the biggest difference in all
the  USB  DACs. (different DACs were more or less sensitiveto this, but
for any given DAC it was the most important). Buffer size was the next
important, and everything else made little difference. Again the
settings that were produced the best results with S/PDIF were NOT the
best settings for USB. 

I did not try  any USB to S/PDIF converters in these tests so I don't
know how they performed.

A USB to S/PDIF converter may or may not sound better than the S/PDIF
out of the Touch. There are two categories of paramters that affect the
results, one is ab solute and the other is relative. The absolute
parameters are things like jitter and noise, the lower the better. But
then there is impedance, the absolute value doesn't matter, what matters
is the matching between the transmitter and the receiver. Unfortunately
even though the spec says 75 ohms, the reality is that for both
transmitters and receivers the impedance varies all over the place, from
15 ohms to over 120 ohms. If you run a transmitter with 15 ohms into a
receiver with 120 ohms you are highly likely to get poor performance no
matter how low the jitter on the transmitted signal is. 

So a given converter and DAC MAY sound better than the direct out, but
not necessarily because it is "higher quality", but most likely because
it just happens to be a better match to the input circuit on the
particular DAC. 

BTW USB has a similar issue, but the range of mismatches is usually much
less than for S/PDIF. (I'm not sure why, it's actually easier to get a
good match with S/PDIF, but for some reason most designers of S/PDIF
boards ignore the issue, but DO think about it for USB, probably because
with S/PDIF if you get it wrong it still works, but if you get the
impedance wrong  with USB it doesn't work at all)

As Guido said some DACs like the converter better and some don't. And
most likely if you tried a different converter you would get even
different results.  

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2013-01-22 Thread JohnSwenson

miab wrote: 
> Sorry, I don't have time to read all 120 pages (my 3 small kids keep me
> from sitting for more than 2 minutes) but what is the consensus on
> running EDO with or without tt3.0? For sending audio over usb as opposed
> to spdif does it make a difference? 
> Thanks in advance.

I did some testing on this a few months ago and found that with some
DACs parts of TT3.0 made a significant improvement and other parts made
no difference, and some parts made it not work at all, in particular
some USB DACs don't work with the small buffer sizes TT3.0 uses by

Other DACs didn't seem to be affected much at all by TT3.0. 

I tried a couple DACs that have both S/PDIF and USB input and found that
different TT3.0 settings give the best results for  different inputs.

So as with just about everything else in digital audio, try it yourself
and see what you like the best! 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Are there any cheap options for a Better Touch Power Supply?

2013-01-14 Thread JohnSwenson

Mnyb wrote: 
> Was not that the design rationale behind the power supply John Swenson
> designed ? As such interaction can come from traditional power supplies
> to .
> There is to much subjective bias anyway as no one reports worse
> performance with any third party ps :) all linear power supplies are not
> good and switch mode power supplies are not inheritly bad .
> So why search for a " cheap linear supply" if one wants a cheap supply
> that is good ,switch mode is the obvius choice .

There are two primary goals of my PS design, one is to radically reduce
the noise injected back into the AC  mains, and the other is that ripple
presented to the regulator be a very clean almost pure sine wave. Even
inexpensive regulators do very well with sine waves, and most regulators
do poorly with the high frequency content provided by most supply

Most cheap linear supplies are frequently worse at these goals than good
switchers, but some switchers are REALLY bad. Since there is so much
variability between PS implementations it's hard to make

There is a group that has latched onto "lab supplies". There is no
guarnatee that a lab supply will be any better either. I have measured
some lab supplies that inject just as much noise back into the mains as
other supplies. And some are very good. But  just going to ebay and
getting the cheapest "lab supply" you can find is not going to guarantee
good results. 

The regulators in the Touch itself are particularly prone to input noise
in the 10KHz to 200KHz or so range, unfortunately a lot of the
inexpensive PS designs have a fair amount of noise in this region. This
is where special regulator designs such as the Teddy Regs etc shine,
they ARE good at suppressing noise in these ranges. With my PS I produce
a raw signal with almost nothing in this range so such regs are not
usually needed. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch won't display correct time

2013-01-10 Thread JohnSwenson

daytripper wrote: 
> Hi there
> I'd like to revive this thread - my setup (Boom, Touch, Radio) doesn't
> display the correct time - they are all 7 minutes slow.
> The FreeNAS box I'm using runs the correct time, the router is correct
> and so is my computer (not that that should make a difference). So where
> is my SB setup getting this wrong time from..?
> Any help appreciated - please save my sanity..!
> thanks
> marc

On what device is LMS running on? That is the computer that matters. LMS
takes the BIOS time on that computer, assumes it is GMT and sends that
to the SB devices, where the timezone is applied. So I would check the
BIOS time of the computer running LMS and make sure it is GMT. Just
checking the time on the computer is not sufficient, since that computer
is also applying a timezone offset, you actually have to check the time
in the BIOS. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] GMT Time displaying as GMT+8

2012-12-27 Thread JohnSwenson

When the Touch boots up it trys to connect to, if it
can connect it will get the time from there. This happens even if you
are not playing anything from Then when you try and
play something local it connects to your local LMS which will send the
time on THAT computer. 

If I remember correctly the Touch will try and re-sync it's time every

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] GMT Time displaying as GMT+8

2012-12-26 Thread JohnSwenson

The Touch does not contain its own battery backed up RTC. It has the
standard linux software clock, which runs off the processor interrupts.
So when the Touch powers up it does not have any correct time. It will
set it's software clock from the time it gets when it connects to an LMS
(either your local or It is ASUMMING that the time it
gets from the server is GMT and adds your local timezone. All the
different servers use GMT as the time so you should
have correct time when connected to them. (assuming you have correct
timezone set).

Unfortunately many local PCs are set to local time, NOT GMT, so when the
Touch connects to a server on that machine you get the timezone double
counted. The solution is to make sure that the BIOS time on everything
with LMS is set to GMT, then the timezone stting on the Touch will do
it's job and the times will come out right.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-12-25 Thread JohnSwenson

edmondwolfman wrote: 
> If I don't use the Enhanced digital plugin every sample rate plays. I
> guess the touch downsamples 192k to 96 and 176 to 88 when running in
> standard mode.

The downsampling happens in the server not the Touch. All LMS
installations come with the program SOX which LMS uses to downsample
sample rates higher than the player can handle.

In the case of EDO it gets interesting because the sample rate limits
are determined by the external DAC. In the case of a USB DAC the DAC can
tell EDO what it's capabilities are, EDO then tells LMS which will do
downsampling where appropriate to match the DAC. In the case of a S/PDIF
connection EDO doesn't know what you have connected to the Touch, so it
assumes it can handle everything up through 192 and sends that to
information to the server. 

I don't think there is a way right now to tell EDO that an external
S/PDIF DAC cannot support 176 but can support the others. Off the top of
my head I can't even think of a way to do that in a custom-convert.conf

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-12-25 Thread JohnSwenson

edmondwolfman wrote: 
> Ok, I just connected via coax and 192k plays just fine. Weird thing is
> 176k won't play at all. Everything else works except the 176k via coax.

The Touch and EDO can handle 176 quite nicely, so it is most likely your
DAC. For some reason 176 seems to not be supported in many DACs.
Recently I was testing out a very expensive DAC and everything worked
great except 176, it was highly distorted and inconsistent. I've seen
this sort of thing many times. The Touch was outputting the correct data
with the correct timing, but the circuitry inside the DAC was outputting
waveforms to the DAC chip that was right on the hairy edge of causing
timing errors -- JUST for 176! I guess nobody bothers to test 176. 

I've seen several recently that specifically say that 176 does not work,
period. I'm at a loss to understand why this is done. My guess is that
they have a working 44.1 -> 96 system, then add a 192, and just make it
able to do 192 and don't bother to add the extra 75 cents to make it
handle 176. 

Anyway, that's the way it is in many cases today.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-12-21 Thread JohnSwenson

edmondwolfman wrote: 
> I'm working today so I just did a simple install and quick listen using
> toslink and a 192k file. I'll try other sample sizes and then the coax
> also when I get time.

Aha, 192 is at best problematic over TOSLINK. The current crop of
TOSLINK receivers does not have enough bandwidth to reliably handle 192.
Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. If you want to do 192 over
S/PDIF make sure you use coax. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-12-20 Thread JohnSwenson

edmondwolfman wrote: 
> I installed the plugin and changed to digital only. I get music for a
> few seconds and then obnoxious static and then back and forth.
> I have a Beresford Bushmaster DAC capable of input up to  192k.
What input are you using? (Coax, TOSLINK) What sample rates have you
tried? Does it have the problem with all sample rates. Does it work fine
without EDO?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch considered lower SQ than CD player on a high-end system?

2012-12-19 Thread JohnSwenson

On the digital filter issue here is what can happen:
lets say you are feeding the ADC in the recording studio an analog
waveform in which the peaks are exactly at the level to produce a Full
Scale (FS) output. What happens when a sharp peak (say a piano key
pressed hard) hits inbetween the sample points? The numbers that come
out of  the ADC are slightly less than FS, the sample time hits the
"skirts" rather than the peak. When these samples are fed to a DAC the
digital filter inside reconstructs the peak inbetween the original
sample points at exactly FS, the DAC handles that correctly and
everything is fine.  

But what frequently happens is the track gets processed and those
samples which were slightly below FS now get boosted so they are at
exactly FS. When THESE samples hit the digital filter in the DAC it now
produces a peak which is greater than FS. There are a few different ways
a DAC can deal with this. If it was not specifically designed to deal
with this issue that peak above FS will most likely wrap around and
become a FS peak of the opposite polarity, a short impulse as loud as
the DAC can  produce, a REALLY REALLY bad distortion! It can clip the
value, this is not  as bad since it is just chopping off the very peak
of the waveform, OR it can decrease the volume of the whole waveform
very slightly so it can properly reproduce these peaks above  FS. 

The last option seems like a good way to deal with it, BUT the chip
makers don't like doing this, it means everything is slightly lower in
amplitude which decreases the overall SN ratio of  the chip, and to a
chip maker that is  the single most important spec to get as good as
possible. Doing this to one of  their chips puts it at a disadvantage in
the marketplace. If every chip on the planet did this and did it by the
same amount, then it probably would not be an issue. But then you would
have massive creative specmanship going on.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Audiophilleo 2 + Pure Power not working with Squeezebox Touch

2012-12-15 Thread JohnSwenson

Davey Wilo wrote: 
> G'day fellas
> I have just found these forums searching for an answer to a problem that
> I'm hoping that you guys can help me fix, I've just taken delivery of an
> Audiophilleo 2 with the Pure Power battery option, I treated myself to
> it after borrowing a standard AP2 that I was extremely impressed with, I
> thought I would go the extra mile and pay for the PP option to remove
> the dirty USB feed but it looks like it may have bitten me in the ass
> Dave
Does the standard AP2 work with the Touch? Is it something specific to
just the battery option?

I have heard that some other battery powered DACs have problems with the
Touch. Whenever the DAC is plugged in the Touch tells it that it is
"active" which means it is always running off the battery and never

Do you have some other way to power it and see if it works that way? 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Problem playing Hires files

2012-12-15 Thread JohnSwenson

Sample rates greater than 96 have to be streamed as flac. Note this is
the stream format NOT the file format. LMS can transcode the file into a
flac stream no matter what the actual file format is on the disk. 

You can do this through the LMS web page (port 9000 of the server
computer). Go to:
settings->advanced->File Types  (the last is a drop down list in the
upper left of the page)

Down the left side is a list of disk file types. Each of them has a
choice of several stream formats, for the disk file types you have, set
all the stream types EXCEPT FLAC to disabled. This forces LMS to
transcode everything to FLAC. This should then work for your higher
sample rate files. (assuming your DAC can handle it).

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch "music folder" access very slow

2012-12-11 Thread JohnSwenson

The only thing I can think of right now is that your disk controller
might be running in PIO mode rather than UDMA mode, this can
dramatically slow down disk operations. 

In addition most motherboards require custom windows drivers in order
for the disk controller to run at it's full speed. I would go into
device manager and check your  disk controller and make sure it  has a
custom driver installed and the 'mode' is not set to PIO. Exactly how
you do this on WHS I'm not sure, I've never used it. On XP and W7 its
control Panel->System->device manager.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Web Server non accessible

2012-12-06 Thread JohnSwenson

mherger wrote: 
> > Ok, I'm not totally new to this kind of solutions.
> > Please, could you give some hints, some starting point?
> In Settings/Advanced you can enable SSH ("Remote access"). Then you'll 
> find the configuration file in /etc/squeezecenter. I'd suggest you play 
> with the prefs on a desktop installation before you start tinkering on
> the  
> device. And always keep a copy of the working file..
> -- 
> Michael

Unfortunately it's not quite this simple, a number of the important
files get  regenrated at boot time (I don't remember exactly  which
ones) so just changing the file  doesn't work. I experimented with this 
a while back and wound up having to write some "patches" and  apply them
from linix at the correct place in the boot process, after the files get
rewritten but before the server gets started. Unfortunately it's been
awhile and the machine  I did all this on is no longer with us so I
don't have the details. 

Another option is to  find where in the boot code the files are being 
re-written and stop it, but it turned out to be multiple places, it was
easier to just aply a patch after the re-writes.

So the simple answer is "it CAN be done, but it aint easy!"

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] RCA Output while in standby

2012-12-06 Thread JohnSwenson

giantpopples wrote: 
> Hello !
> I have recently bought a Emotiva A-100 amp which has a very nice
> function : it detects when a signal comes from the stereo RCA input to
> automatically power.
> Problem is, I have hooked up my squeezebox touch and it seems that there
> is always current on the RCA output (like the digital one), even when
> the SBT is in standby, therefore the amp is always on :-( (the fault is
> on the SBT, if I remove the RCA from the SBT after a few seconds the amp
> goes off)
> Is that normal behavior, and is there any options/plugins/lua file I
> could use to have this behavior disabled ?
> The amp also have a trigger input, but the SBT does not support this
> whith the 3.5" audio out..
> Thank you very much !

Are you talking  about the single RCA digital out, or the two analog RCA
outs? The noise  level on the analog outs is VERY low when not  playing
anything, if that is triggering the amp then either  its sensitivity is 
set wrong or you have a ground loop.

If you are talking about the  DIGITAL out from  the Touch, then this is
a known issue, the  digital out is always sending out a signal, even if
it is  "silent". 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch considered lower SQ than CD player on a high-end system?

2012-12-06 Thread JohnSwenson

This is one of those very difficult to answer in the general sense. I
have a $1200 CD player that does not sound as good as the Touch, but a
$4000 one which is a lot better. Non of my less than $1000 players are
better than the Touch, but that does not mean it is universally true. I
certainly have not compared  it to every player out  there. 

Then there is what you are looking for. I have been in a listening
session with several people where different people ranked equipment
differently and we were all in the same room listening to the exact same
setup. So YOU may like the Touch better and someone else may like the 
CD player better etc. 

The same thing goes for external DACs, there are a LOT of inexpensive
DACs out there right now, some people think some of them sound better
than the Touch analog outs and others think the Touch sounds better. 

I have a system in my listening room (It's all DIY, so don't ask what
equipment it is) that is very resolving. I also have built many DACs,
some of which  are about as good as it gets today. These DACs DO sound 
significantly better than the Touch, but the Touch on it's own still
sounds quite good in this system. Last night  I  was  doing a little 
comparison with the Touch, a $300 DAC and a $1200 DAC. The Touch easily
beat the $300 DAC and was neck and neck with the $1200 DAC. Of course
someone else might have  heard it differently. 

But then  there is a $150 DAC (HRT music streamerII) which when used
with EDO and parts of  TT3.0  is better than that $1200 DAC! (again that
is for ME, someone else may think differently)

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch "music folder" access very slow

2012-12-03 Thread JohnSwenson

Mnyb wrote: 
> I would tryu by disabling upnp/dlna and all video and photo scanning
> ,untick video and photo for your music folder

+1 on this. The only time I have ever had a long (several hour) search
for new files was when my wife had been playing some games and wound up
with 40 million little GIF files on the disk. It took forever going
through all these.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SqueezePlay for the ChromeBook?

2012-11-26 Thread JohnSwenson

There is a new linux player called SqueezeLite, go check out the linux /
Unix forum. It is just a black box player, no Gui. To control the system
you need a controller of some sort, If you want to do the control on the
same ChromeBook, you can either use the Web gui of the server or you can
use squeezeplay as a controller (it works well for that, the problems
has been the actual audio out part, SqueezeLite has that working now)
You can also use any of the other controller apps for iThings or the
several android controlers etc. There are probably other controller
programs for linux, I just haven't used them recently so I'm sure what
is out there now.  

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Video out" on the Touch is now out of the question, so where do I go now?

2012-11-15 Thread JohnSwenson

JJZolx wrote: 
> USB displays exist. Could software run on the Touch send video out of
> the USB port?

I looked into this a while back, they work by having a driver which
hooks into the graphics system that is writing to the frame buffer,
compresses the data and sends it out over the USB port in a specific
protocol. Unfortunately the standard drivers of this only exist for
Windows and Mac. The Touch is running Linux. There has been some
attempts at doing this for X-Windows which is how most desktop linux
systems do their displays, BUT the Touch doesn't use X-Windows, there is
a different graphical layer that writes to the frame buffer.
Theoretically its possible to add these calls to that system, but it
would be a lot of work. 

It might be possible  for a process to read the frame buffer itself and
send that out the USB port, that would actually be simpler to program,
that would take a lot of CPU resources in order to handle things that
change rapidly. Not something we want happening on our resource starved
little machine!

So while an interesting thought, a USB display is not going to be
something  that is easy to implement for the Touch. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Screensaver no longer working?

2012-11-14 Thread JohnSwenson

It may be that the Touch is not getting it's time set. It does not have
an internal battery backed up clock, it keeps time via software running
on the processor, but the date and time has to get set somewhow. This is
normally done by connecting to an external server over the net. If the
Touch can't get it's software clock set it will not display the clock
because it knows for sure that the time will be incorrect. 

Are you by any chance running stand alone (internal server)? If so you
have a couple choices:

1) connect to an external LMS server
2) connect to
3) SSH into the Touch and use linux commands to set the clock
4) install NTP client to get the time from  an internet time server

If you are connected to an external LMS then the Touch should be getting
set from that server.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Video out" on the Touch is now out of the question, so where do I go now?

2012-11-14 Thread JohnSwenson

Are you looking for a "now playing" display or do you also want the
menus etc on the external display? If you just want the now playing
Erland has a nice Android app (Squeeze Display) designed for Android
tablets. Some tablets even have HDMI out which could go to  a LARGE

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playing Music from Android Device (e.g. Samsung Galaxy SIII, Note II)

2012-10-31 Thread JohnSwenson

Cavcalade wrote: 
> Hello, 
> I'd like to know if there is a way to play music stored on an Android
> device that is connected to the same wifi network as the Squeezebox
> Touch. 
> I'm happy with any solution. 
> Thanks!

There are three possibilities that I can see:

1) LMS on the android device.  I don't think this exists, but it's not
technically impossible.
2) upnp server on the android device, local LMS server with upnp client.
This probably exists and could be made to work after a fashion.
3) samba server on android and local LMS which is pointed to the samba

I think #3 is probably your best bet. I have seen a samba server app for
android (make SURE you get the samba SERVER app, not the samba CLIENT
app). You will need LMS running on another computer (you cannot easily
do this with the TinyLMS built into the Touch). Just set the LMS to look
at the samba share from the android device as it's source of music
files.  You will need to set the workgroup name on both the android
samba server and the computer LMS is running on to the same name. Then
LMS will scan the files and you can use any of the squeezebox system
control mechanisms for playing the music. 

Note: I have NOT done this so I can't give tips on specific pitfalls,
but it should work.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-10-18 Thread JohnSwenson

toby10 wrote: 
> Toslink as a spec is more than capable of 24/192.  But a lot of toslink
> hardware imposes limits to 96.
There are several speed grades of TOSLINK, the lowest speed grades just
barely work with 96, 192 is beyond them. The higher speed grades can
handle 192 quite well, but if you mix speed grades 192 is problematical.
So  I think a lot of DAC makers don't want to be in the situation of
using a high speed receiver but having the user plug in a slow speed
transmitter and get marginal performance so they just don't allow 192
over TOSLINK period. And because a lot  of DACs don't support 192 on
TOSLINK, some sources don't bother  with the high speed transmitter.
(which bothers me a bit since the difference in price is small, $5 for
the high speed and $3.50 for the slow speed)

Even with a slow speed transmitter it  is  possible to do 192 with a
little extra  electronics to "clean up" the signal coming  from the high
speed receiver, but that costs more money and development time etc, and
some companies just don't want to deal with that. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Constantly losing TOUCH

2012-10-12 Thread JohnSwenson

Waldo Pepper wrote: 
> I have never got DHCP to work with my Logitech devices so have been on
> fixed IP since day one. I assume the router will not DHCP out IP's
> assigned that are fixed. Does this have to be set up manually as I have
> never bothered and does it assign from the lowest address upwards? My
> laptop/netbook and tablet all work fine with DHCP.

The DHCP server doesn't know about the  fixed addresses, you have to
explicitely assign IP addresses that are not in the "pool" the DHCP
server uses. The only way tofind out what addresses the DHCP servere
uses is to log in to the router  and go to the DHCP configuration page.

For example my router uses 100-200 as the DHCP pool, so stuff below 100
and  above 200 are fair game for static addresses. But some routers will
use 2-200 as the pool, others use 100-254 as the pool, so there is no
way to choose something that is guaranteed to work, you have to find out
what  your  router is  doing. On most routers you can change it to
whatever you want, so even if your SB stuff is in  the  pool you can
change the  pool.

There is another issue, if the computer running LMS is running DHCP,
some routers  will change the IP address every time it renews the  DHCP
lease. In some environments this changing IP address of the server can
cause the players to not find the server. To get around  this problem I
set my server to a fixed address and let DHCP set  the address of the
players, for  me this seems to work much better than the server address
changing and  the players being fixed. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Constantly losing TOUCH

2012-10-11 Thread JohnSwenson

First I'd like to make it clear in my own mind what your setup looks
like, it sounds like you have a Touch, running TinyLMS with a USB stick
containing the music library. The Radios connect to the TinyLMS on the
Touch via Wifi. Is the Touch the only LMS? 

It sounds like the problem is the Radios not being able to connect to
the TinyLMS on the Touch, correct? When this happens, can the Touch
still play music? 

If the Touch can still play music then Tiny LMS is still running, and 
the problem is most likely a network issue. 

I can think of two probable causes, one  is  just wifi connectivity 
issues, but that would tend to not be exactly the  same for the  two
Radios (unless they are right next to each other).

The other is DHCP issues. I've seen this  before, the devices all get
leases from the DHCP server when they boot and everything  is fine, but
then some hours later the leases expire and they don't get renewed, thus
the router won't talk to them. Two common reasons for this are a router
that has been on for a long time (for some reason some DHCP servers seem
to get slower and slower the longer the router is on) and interference
on the wifi link can cause the DHCP server to time out. 

The first thing to try is to reboot the network: modem, router,
switches, WAPs etc.  This frequently will fix the problem. If it
doesn't, try temporarily connecting a Radio to the network with a wire
and see if the problem persists. 

If  neither of those helps then it's going to take some more serious

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-09-14 Thread JohnSwenson

Johnnyg34 wrote: 
> I started to follow the instructions above and got stopped at number 2.
> I got the message on my SB to set up a web browser in logitech media
> manager. Does anyone know how to do this. I searched through the media
> mgr but could not figure it out..
> Thanks
> Confused>

Could you give a detailed description of exactly what you did (what
screen you were at and what button you pushed) and exactly what
happened, did a separate window pop up with the message, did it show up
at the top or bottom (or whatever), and what exactly the message was. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-09-14 Thread JohnSwenson

furfurrain wrote: 
> Is it possible work if usb output to my usbdac (keces da-151) ?

Yes it should work. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch bought from US not new!

2012-09-13 Thread JohnSwenson

Mnyb wrote: 
> Yes the metal stand is not blue :) ;) I always leave the blue on, I like it!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-13 Thread JohnSwenson

Supertramp wrote: 
> Can Triode's EDO and Display Off components also be installed without
> I have been looking under the plug-ins section in the
> LMS web client, however I cannot find them. Just like to make sure I can
> (re-)setup my SB Touch as a USB streaming client post the era.
> By the way, I already downloaded the components from triodeapplets.
> Thank you in advance!!

EDO is an applet (plugins run on the server and are written in perl,
applets run on  the player and are written in lua). It is loaded by the
Applet Installer which  is part of the firmware, so  it's always there.
The Applet Installer keeps a list of "repositories" (URLs)  where it 
looks for applets. By default it has the standard Logitech repository,
but you can add as many repositories as you want to the list. So as long
as the internet is working you can get at a repository that any
developer "hosts". 

There IS a way to manually install an applet from a USB stick, but it's
not all all that easy, not recommended unless the internet itself goes
away! I can just see it: in a post apocolyptic world a bunch of
squeezebox fanatics exchange a few old USB sticks containing firmware
and applets and some precious tracks of music, still usable after all
those years.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-13 Thread JohnSwenson

garym wrote: 
> My understanding is that the TOUCH and RADIO do *not* get their firmware
> from the local LMS (unlike the older players).  Of course with the TOUCH
> there is a method for updating the firmware on a USB drive or SD Card. 
> I also have two new radios and I was going to do the same thing (but
> they do not have the usb or SD card option of the TOUCH).

In normal operation  they DO get the firmware from a local LMS, BUT that
LMS does not come with the firmware, it has to go online to get the
firmware. So as long as the stays around the
local LMS can get the firmware. 

The USB stick  approach is  only for when:
You don't have a local LMS
You have a local LMS, but it's not connected to the internet
You have a local LMS, it IS connected to the internet, but has gone bye-bye.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-13 Thread JohnSwenson

pallfreeman wrote: 
> Is "Factory Reset" really what it says? I get the impression it isn't,
> but maybe there's some way to make it so?

The Touch uses a union file system. It has the filesystem in the
firmware image (the fab4.bin) and a "changed" filesystem. Any changes to
any files in the firmware and any new files go in the changed
filesystem. At runtime you see the union of these two filesystems. 

The "factory reset" clears the changed filesystem. The firmware stays
exactly the same. It just gets rid of any configuration changes you have
made. It puts the firmware back to a "factory fresh" state, it does NOT
load the same firmware that was in the Touch when it came out of the

Different people seem to interpret the term "factory reset" differently.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-12 Thread JohnSwenson

gharris999 wrote: 
> John: I don't think you've answered my question...which is: how does one
> set up a -BRAND NEW- SBTouch that's never been powered on before without
> having to connect to
> The procedure you describe above seems to be for a SBTouch that's
> already been configured for the network and, as far as I can tell, must
> have connected to at least once.
> What are the steps?  I.e., from power-on and the "pick language" prompt,
> what should one do next?
> Thanks..

My latest post (the one quoted) WAS for a brand new Touch straight out
of the box. The procedure got it up and running off TinyLMS without ever
having plugged in an ethernet cable or connected to wifi. 

At that point you can manually select ethernet or wifi and connect to
your local LMS if you wish. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-08 Thread JohnSwenson

gharris999 wrote: 
> Wha??  Sorry, I fell asleep holding the left corner.
> Seriously, left remote button press didn't work; swiping didn't work;
> pressing and holding the upper left corner didn't work.  I'd like to
> hear confirmation from JohnSwenson that pressing and holding the upper
> left corner did work for him with a new, just out of the box SBTouch
> (i.e. original firmware) with no internet connection.

Yes  I did, here is the procedure:

Put a modern firmware (say 7.7.2) fab4.bin in the root dir of a clean
USB stick. (it doesn't have to be completely empty, but it definitely
should NOT contain a music library or any other media files)  Disconnect
everything from the Touch, NO ethernet cable. Plugin the USB stick.
Plugin the power cord. You will get the spinney thingy trying to connect
to Let it do that, after a couple minutes it will give
up and you will get a screen saying you have no network connection. NOW
press and hold upper left arrow. This will get you to a home menu (this
one has no icons, it looks very different but it works). Select
Setup->Advanced->Software Update. You will see a screen that says
install from media, under that is one menu item that says Begin Update,
select that. This loads the firmware and reboots. You will get the
normal home menu with icons etc. Select USB Device->Eject. Take out the
USB stick. 

What you do next depends on how you want to use the touch. If you want
to use TinyLMS plugin the USB drive (or stick) with the music library
and continue as normal. Let it scan the library. Then go to My Music and
select the server on the Touch if it doesn't automatically connect to

If you want to connect to LMS on another computer select
Setting->Advanced->Networking->Choose Network, select either wifi or
ethernet. Let it make the connection, then go to My music and select
your LMS. (or, but the whole purpose of this was to NOT
connect to

At this point you should be fully up and running. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-07 Thread JohnSwenson

JJZolx wrote: 
> Thanks, John. Did you say that the initial from-the-factory setup
> differs from an after-factory-reset setup? (Maybe it was someone else.)

The out of the box initial setup and the "factory reset" setup may be
the same, but I'm not sure, remember that the factory  reset  does not
change the  firmware, so if you have upgraded to say 7.7.2 you get THAT
initial setup code rather than the 6.4 initial setup code in the out of
the box Touch. They seem to behave and look exactly the same, but I'm
not sure if there have been any changes in the code. I guess a SVN diff
on the sources would be the way to check for sure. 

They both call the SetupWelcome applet. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-06 Thread JohnSwenson

JJZolx wrote: 
> I'm pretty certain that a left-right swipe accomplishes the same thing,
> unless it's been removed from recent firmware. Both actions take you
> Home from anywhere in the navigational structure.

The swipe is specifically turned off in the initial setup section. There
is code in there that turns off all the "normal" over-ride methods and
specifically turns on the "press and hold in the left corner".
Everywhere else the swipe works, but not in the initial setup. 

I tried it with my brand new out of  the box Touch and the swipe does
not work in the initial  setup, but the left corner hold does.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-06 Thread JohnSwenson

pallfreeman wrote: 
> No offense intended, but: LOL. I started to type in my "configuration"
> then realised I'd be here all night. :)
> Let's just say it's a large and complicated configuration, and what I
> want to do is to be able to set up a Touch without it connecting to the
> outside world, without disconnecting anything else, and with a minimum
> of fuss. So far we have two options: try to configure the Touch whilst
> disconnected (which reportedly doesn't work) then plug it in the usual
> network to download the firmware, or plug it into a non-routed network
> with just it and the LMS connected to perform both config and d/l.
> I'll find out what works when (if... no, don't think that, it's *when*)
> Amazon send my "reserve" touch for use when Logitech completely shitcan
> the Squeezeboxes.

OK so lets say you want to setup a static IP on the Touch and connect it
to a network that already has LMS running on a computer on the network.
Lets assume for the moment that they will be on the same subnet.

First off you have to connect an ethernet cable to the Touch and the
other end to something else active that is NOT on your network. For me
the easiest way is to directly plug it into a laptop (not the network
switch). It can be any other computer, a switch that is  not connected
to anything else, really it just needs to be anything that has a powered
up ethernet jack that is NOT connected to the network. Boot the Touch.

If this is a Touch that had been used before you will need to make sure
you are pointing at the wired ethernet jack, not  wifi. You can do this
by selecting settings->advanced->networking->choose network->ethernet

At this point it should try and connect to a DHCP server and fail, it
will  then bring up the screen that lets you enter a fixed IP address,
mask, gatway etc. 

You now have a static IP on the Touch. You can then connect to the
network and boot up. If the Touch is brand new out of the box it will
try and connect to If it has a connection to the
internet this might succeed. When it asks if you want to register you
can press and hold the upper left arrow to get out of that. If there is
no connection to the internet it will be stuck trying to connect. Again
press and hold the upper left to get out. 

If the Touch has already been setup before it will not go through the
"have to connect to mysqueezebox,com" part. If the server is on the same
subnet it should find it. 

If the LMS computer is on a different subnet you will have to manually
enter it's IP address (in this case it's important to have a fixed
address or at least a reserved one for the server). For the next part I
don't remember the exact sequence, I don't have the Touch in front  of
me now. You go to MyMusic and  scroll down to the bottom, we want to get
to remote library, it's either at the bottom of the list or you have to
select something like choose server first. Anyway the remode library
screen lets you enter the IP address of the LMS computer. 

Once the Touch is connected to LMS it will check the firmware revision.
If it doesn't match the LMS version several things can happen. If the
server already has the correct firmware in it's cache it will install it
on the Touch. If the server doesn't have it, it will attempt to get it
off the internet. If it can't get to the  repository on the internet it
will let you know the firmware is out of date. If that happens you will
have to install the firmware using the  USB stick. 

This should get you up and running. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-09-06 Thread JohnSwenson

lake_eleven wrote: 
> I connected HRT MS II+ DAC directly to the touch without the hub. The
> sound was much refined with low noise floor. it was a really big
> difference.
> Will there be a fix from Logitech or other 3rd party to deal with this
> issue of needing to use hub to connect an async dac.

I have a HRT MSII and have done extensive tests between hub and no hub
and don't hear  any difference sound quality wise. Of course  without
the Hub I  get  clicks and pops. (other things make significant changes
in the sound  of the MSII so I'm pretty confident it's not an issue of
the system not being good enough to hear the difference)

So if the  hub is making  it sound worse it is probably something about
thatparticular hub. Is it bus powered or external powered? My hub has
the option of going either way, if yours does you might want to try it
the other way around.  

BTW I'm using a cheap little $5 mobile hub from  my local computer

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-06 Thread JohnSwenson

pallfreeman wrote: 
> I'm pretty sure I suggested that in another thread and somebody told me
> it wouldn't work. 
> Oh well. I'll just have to try it for meself.

I'm confused now about what your configuration is and what exactly you
want to do. Please reitterate here and we can probably come up with a

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-06 Thread JohnSwenson

OK, I found out how to do the  setup out of box or after a factory reset

The basic thing to know is that when you are in a screen that is not
going anywhere or trying to connect to or some other
screen which wants you to do something you don't want to do, you can
press and HOLD the arrow key in the upper left corner, this gets you out
of the process. Even if the arrow doesn't show up on the screen it still
works, just press the upper left corner and let it sit there for a few

So details of a few scenarios:

brand new Touch, local LMS, connected to ethernet,
still up and running but you don't want to register. Get the fab4.bin
for the server you are running from Put
this in the root directory of a USB stick, it's best if there is nothing
else on it. Do NOT plug in the USB stick yet.
Plug in the power, let it go through the setup process, it will connect
to and ask you to register, at this point press and
hold the upper left corner, this will get you out and bring you to the
home menu. Press my music and try and connect to your LMS. This may or
may not load the correct firmware. If it does not, pull the power, plug
in the USB stick and plug the power back in, after boot you should get a
message asking if you want to install the firmware, agree, the firmware
should load and reboot, you should be up and running. If you don't get a
message asking to install the firmware go to settings->advanced->update
firmware->install from media. 

The same but either doesn't exist or you don't have an
internet connection, but you DO have a local network. Do the same as
above but when you get to the screen trying to connect to, press and hold the upper left corner, this will get
you out. Connect to the server or load the firmware from USB.

If your are doing a factory reset the above still applies but you don't
need to load the firmware since it is already on your Touch.

You don't have a network connection at all (completely self contained).
Do NOT plug in your music drive yet, somehow get the firmware and put it
on a USB stick. Plug the stick into the Touch. Plug the power in. Follow
the prompts. When you get to the screen saying you don't have a network
connection, press and hold the upper left arrow, this gets you to a main
menu. Select settings->advanced->update firmware->install from media.
This will load the firmware from the stick and reboot. Unplug the Touch
and plug in the music drive, plug in the Touch, you should now be
running standalone.

If you have a network connection but no DHCP server (router) it will ask
you to enter a static IP, choose what you want for this and continue.

I have tried these scenarios and they do work. If you need to (re)setup
without give it a try. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-09-05 Thread JohnSwenson

Yesterday I got a new Touch in and tried a number of things to try and
get it setup without connecting to No luck. The intial screen
that tries to connect to cannot be over-ridden with the
"swipe". I tried putting the firmware on a USB stick, that made no
difference. I tried connecting to a DHCP server but no internet
connection, no difference. 

I'm leaving this one in a pristine state for now so I can use it to test

>From looking at the boot code on my other Touch there is a variable that
gets set once the initial setup is complete, which bypasses that code
from therafter. So it looks like all we have to do is write a script
(with the correct  name) that sets this variable, put it and the new
firmware on the USB stick and boot from that. The boot code that reads
the script looks like it happens significantly earlier than the variable
test so theoretically it should work. 

I'll have to spend some more time looking into  this and work out the
details of the script.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-08-30 Thread JohnSwenson

cliveb wrote: 
> John - thanks for the detailed info. Your reply arrived while I was in
> the middle of composing my previous follow-up.
> One final question: if I were to load the correct firmware from a USB
> stick, does that mean it need not connect to at all? Is there
> some step in the initial setup that gives you the option to skip
> connecting to and go straight to a local LMS?

I've never actually tried it, but I think there are some people that
have. I don't remember the results. And if it really becomes an issue
the code that does the connect to is just lua code that CAN be
modified one way or another. 

At boot time the Touch looks for a specific file on a USB stick or SD
card, that file could contain a patch script that modifies the lua code
that tries to connect to I don't know if anybody has actually
done it, but it certainly can be done. So even if goes down,
the  comminity will figure out some way to boot a Touch from scratch.
(at least as long as USB sticks or SD cards exist!) (anybody rememebr 5
1/4 floppies? 8 inch floppies?)

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-08-30 Thread JohnSwenson

Benefactor wrote: 
> Pardon my very dumb question, but do you mean just browse to your local
> music library?
> I just picked up a 2 Touch units as "spares", and want to make sure they
> are set up correctly before I put them away for safekeeping.

That is correct, just go to the music on your local server and it will
ask to install the firmware that matches the version of the server you

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up a Touch without connecting to

2012-08-30 Thread JohnSwenson

cliveb wrote: 
> I am a long time SB user (since 2005) but have never owned a Touch. Nor
> have I ever used I use a local library and occasionally listen
> to some internet radio via the local LMS (version 7.6.1). Given the
> recent news from Logitech, I'm contemplating buying some backup players
> for the time when my existing players (Transporter, SB2, Duet) might
> die. And of course my only option appears to the Touch.
> Reading around, it seems that the simplest way to set up a Touch is to
> connect it to
> So, some questions:
> 1. On initial setup, can a Touch be connected to a local LMS rather than
> If so, how?
> 2. If a Touch is connected to a local LMS, does that local LMS provide
> the necessary Touch firmware, in the same way it does for the older
> players?
> 3. If the answer to Q2 is no, my understanding is that the firmware can
> be downloaded onto a USB stick and loaded from there. In whcih case:
> a). What version of the Touch firmware would be appropriate for LMS
> 7.6.1? (I don't see any reason to change the version of LMS I run).
> b). Where can I find instructions on loading the firmware onto the
> Touch?
> 4. Are there any other reasons why a Touch needs to be connected to
> that I have missed?

The easiest way to bring up a Touch is to connect it to the internet so
it starts up going to, this will load the latest firmware
(7.7.2 these days). Go ahead let it do that. Then connect to your local
7.6.1 SBS,  this will change the firmware to the right version for your
local server. 

If you buy some backup Touches, do that with all of them while
is still up and running, from then on you can run without having 
anything to do with the indications are that is
going to be around for quite sometime, but may not last as long as the
hardware  does. 

You CAN load firmware from a USB stick  or SD card ( old firmware
versions are at it might not be a bad idea
to go grab the firmware for all your existing devices as well as the
Touch just in case these web sites don't stick around). The Touch uses
fab4.bin the radio is babyxx.bin the controller part of the duet
is jive.bin. I think the firmware for the SB2/3 and player in the
duet is squeezebox2xxx.bin.

To install a firmware from USB stick, copy  the fab4xxx.bin file to the
root directory of the stick as fab4.bin. Unplug the Touch. Plug the
stick into the Touch, reboot the Touch, durring the reboot process you
should be given the option to load the firmware on the stick. But as
long as the  local server has the firmware it can always update the
Touch without  having to do that.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-08-29 Thread JohnSwenson

Do you know what the USB chip actually is? The literature is very vague
about what USB chip is used.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Digital burps

2012-08-27 Thread JohnSwenson

Do the files by any chance have embedded cover art? That can add a
significant amount of overhead to TinyLMS.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2012-08-27 Thread JohnSwenson

jean2 wrote: 
> I'm sorry, but this does not make sense on multiple levels. The
> processor has most likely a serial and JTAG insterface, however the
> hardware guys did not put a RS232 console or JTAG connector on the back.
> With the cost and leadtime of industrial design, the decision to add a
> hole in the plastic for the USB connector and a USB connector on the
> motherboard was not a trivial one, definitely not an afterthought.
> What also does not make sense is that after deciding to put the USB on
> the back, there was still plenty of time to upgrade the memory chip for
> larger one, it's not like the software had no experience about the
> server requirements. So, there may be some truth that the HW and SW team
> were quite uncoordinated on that feature.
> Regards,
> Jean

I know from talking to some of the people involved that the Touch
hardware was not designed to run a server, I think the original thinking
was that since the USB and SD card interface were available in the
processor they would put the connectors on the box, with the idea that
they would be used to store images for use with a "photo frame"

The whole idea of putting a server on it came after the initial hardware
was up and running and they found that about half the cpu cycles and
half the memory was not being used. It was a "lets see if we can figure
out what to do with those resources thing". Sort of like the people that
try and run PacMan on a camera LCD screen. Then marketing heard it was
running, and low and behold it was now a "feature" that had to work! 

As to why the hardware was not modified to run the server better once it
became a feature, that I don't know. Probably  along the lines of, "the
design is done, no way  are we sinking any more money into this thing".

I don't think having a USB port was part of the original concept of the
device, I think it came about when the designers were looking at the
processor and saying "there is a USB port  on this , would it be  useful
to have a jack for it on the box? Then the management bought in to
having it there for photo frame use. I think it was an afterthought in
the sense that it was not part of the original concept for the design,
but got added later on in the design process. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2012-08-27 Thread JohnSwenson

The reason you need the server is because thats the way the entire
squeezebox system was designed. It was designed from the ground up as a
SYSTEM of server and players, the players get their audio data from the
server over a network. All the squeezebox "players" have used this
system. The Touch is the first hardware in the squeezebox line that had
any capability of having media attached to it (which as far as I can
tell was an after thought, the processor had a USB port on it so the
hardware guys put the plug on the back). The result is that all the
software on the Touch is written for the squeezebox system, audio data
comes to the player over a network from a server. 

After they got the hardware working some of the programmers started
thinking "hey I wonder if we could get a server to run on the Touch",
well it didn't. They had to start turning off all kinds of functionality
but they finally got it to run on the Touch hardware. This is the "tiny"

The reason you can't just "play a file" is that it was never designed to
do so. It would take throwing away the existing software and rewriting
it as a dumb player. Actually it would probably be easier to write a
"dumb server" that used the existing protocol to talk to the exisiting
player software. But nobody has written that yet. The problem with such
a server is that invariably "feature creep" will set in. Somebody will
want just one extra piece of info on the screen. Just one more way to
find music in a big library. Just a slightly more sophisticated way to
build a playlist etc. Pretty soon the sleek, simple fast server is now a
big bloated thing all over again. 

So unless you or someone else wants to write the "just play the file"
server or player, you  are kind of stuck  with using the  existing

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Performance expectations with a USB Stick and FLAC

2012-08-23 Thread JohnSwenson

You have to remember that there are two types of scans, the initial full
scan and then the "quick scan" which is invoked every boot after that. 

The first time you plug in a drive with a bunch of music it will not
have a database on the stick, so it will do a full scan of all the
files, it reads all the music files looking for tags and processes all
the cover art. This can take a long time, anywhere from 1/2 hour to
several hours. 

>From there on when the Touch boots it does a quick scan of the files, at
this point it's just looking up the file name in the database and seeing
if the date matches. This can take 30 seconds to a couple minutes at
most. IF it finds files that are either not in the database or which
have a newer date than what is in the database, then it will do a full
scan on these files only. 

If you leave the Touch on all the time and leave the USB stick
permanently connected then it will never have to do the quick scan and
you can instantly get to any of your music. 

That initial full scan can be a problem for some people. For some reason
some people's files seem to cause problems with the scanner (frequently
related to cover art) which causes the scanner to crash so it never
finishes the initial scan, which means it's always taking a long time to
start up after a boot because it's always running the initial scan.
Interestingly the same files scan just file when the server is on a real

Some people will try and play music while the initial scan is in
progress, this is a recipe for disaster, this radically increases the
probability that the initial scan will crash.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-08-13 Thread JohnSwenson

toby10 wrote: 
> You can turn off the auto brightness, set to manual, then adjust
> brightness to desired level.  Now it should always stay the same
> brightness.

Not completely true, there is a slight dimming of the display which
always happens a few seconds after you stop touching the screen, this
will always happen, no matter what else is going on. My understanding
was that this was added to increase the life of the screen. There is no
way way to change this behavior from the menus. You CAN SSH into the
Touch and change the code, but supposedly that could lead to decreased
life of the screen.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-13 Thread JohnSwenson

Too many questions here to reply to each separately.

When using one of the software players on a computer on your network
(hardwired or wifi) it connects to the server just like any other SB
player. IF you are using the tinyLMS on the Touch it can actually serve
music  to a software player on a laptop, but just beware of the
limitations. LMS on a real computer can handle many players at once. 

In my house we actually use all three of the software players mentioned.
My wife has an older SB3 in  her sewing room so she likes to use
SoftSqueeze on here laptop since the interface is the same as the SB3. I
use the Touch in a couple lacations in the House so I use SqueezePlay on
my laptop which gives the same display as the Touch. The computer is the
office has both SoftSqueeze and SqueezePlay, my wife uses SoftSqueeze
when she is in there and I use SqueezePlay whenI am in there. I also
have SqueezeSlave running on al old  fanless EPIA board running linux
connected to a USB DAC in one of the rooms. (I generally use an Android
app to control this system)

Aaack! my computer just went crazy, I need to send this before I shut it
down, I'll respond more later.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-09 Thread JohnSwenson

jeromeharris wrote: 
> Has anyone posted a function-oriented description of the various
> hardware and software elements of the SBT--sort of a "system
> architecture" portrait?

You asked for it! 

I'll describe the architecture for the newer devices such as the SBT,
it's slightly different for the older devices.

The squeeze box system architecture consists of three logical parts:
servers, players and controllers connected by a network. These do NOT
have to be separate boxes.

The server is the brains of the operation. Servers send audio data to
players, the players can only play what they get sent by a server. There
are two basic categories of server: local server (currently called LMS)
and the server in the cloud: LMS manages a collection
of music files, it keeps a database of information about each of these
files, name, artist, album, year etc. In most cases this  information is
stored in tags embedded in the files. (It  can come from other sources,
but thats another discussion). The server allows the user to search 
through this information  in various ways  to choose what music to
listen to. After the user chooses a selection of files to listen to it
reads the files and streams the audio data to one or more players over 
the  network. There are several different stream formats supported, the
user can choose which to use. LMS can also connect to music streams over
the internet  (internet radio) and stream this to the  players. is  implemented by big server computers located in
various locations around the world implementing MANY MANY instances of s
special server. This server serves two primary purposes, it allows
players to receive music when you don't have a local LMS server (or 
it's turned off) and it is the gateway to  internet based "music
services" (Pandora, Rhapsody etc) 

The logical player is a black box, audio data comes in over the network
and audio of some form comes out. Note there is NO user  interface on
this logical construct. The user interface exists in the controller

The controller is the  user interface for the system. It  talks to a
SERVER, NOT a player. It  tells the  server to start sending  audio to a
specific player. It  sends queries to the server (to find music by
different criteria), displays the results and send the user's slection
back to the server. Most of the servers actually contain a controller in
the form of a web page as well

These different logical parts of the system can come in  different
combinations in actual hardware. For example the Touch  has all three.
The Duet comes with a separte black box player and separate hand  held
controller. There are several software players, so you can listen to the
music on your laptop etc. Some have controlers, some do not. There are
controller programs that run  on all kinds of computers, and controller
apps for iPhones, iPads and android devices. You can also get player
apps for  these as well so you can plug a headphone into the phone and
listen to  the music as well as using it to control  the hardware

The parts in the hardware devices are not dedicated to each other,
although  they usually work that way. For example you can use the
controller in the Touch to control the player in another SB and use your
phone to control the player in the Touch. You can  have the Player  in
the Touch connected to while  the server in the Touch
is sending music to a software player on a laptop. 

It's an incredibly flexible system. 

The server in the Touch is "special", it's called TinyLMS, it's the same
server but it has a lot of stuff turned off so it will fit in the small
amount of memory in the Touch hardware. It's not exactly what you would
call "rock solid, plug and play", it's trying to do a lot on very
limited resources and if you are not careful it can become a very
frustrating experience. It sounds like from your post you are NOT a
person who would relish the task of getting TinyLMS to do what you want.
This is not to say it's useless, some people manage to use  it just
fine, but others are constantly fighting it. My impression  here  is
that you would probably be better off with a server on a separate

This does NOT have to be a full blown expensive computer, it can be a
something like  a SheevaPlug (which looks like a wall wart power supply,
but is actually a computer) which costs $100. You plug your USB drive
into it and plug the ethernet into the network or directly into the 
Touch. There are MANY choices for a server and how you can hookup a

You can use an already existing computer, but when that computer is
turned off, you can't get any music out of  it. If a computer has WOL
(Wake On Lan) the  server can be sleeping when not playing music and the
Touch can tell it to wake up when  you want to listen to music. Many of
us hard core SqueezBox users  have dedicated music servers, because the 
music goes over the network you can st

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-08-07 Thread JohnSwenson

Turnandcough wrote: 
> Thank you for the straightforward answer.

A flac stream carries sample rate information which  knows about 192.
The method of streaming PCM didn't know about 176 and 192, this was
added to 7.8. Note  that you have to have both the 7.8 server and the
7.8 firmware in the Touch (both sides have to know about 192). Some
people have upgraded to the 7.8 server and the Touch firmware did  not 
automatically update, this is going to give you  really weird results!

If your are either streaming flac, or are streaming PCM and have 7.8
both for the server AND firmware  in the Touch and you still have this
issue of only playing the firsttrack, then there is something strange
going on. 192 PCM is sending a LOT of bits down the network, if you are
running Wifi or have some issues in your network that could cause a
problem. Alternatively if the server is running on  a slow computer you
could also have a problem with this.  

Near the end of a song the server starts sending  the next  song while
the player is still playing the last few seconds of the first song. It's
also sending stuff like the cover artand song info. With a system that
is just barely keeping up with sending 192 the extra stuff sent at the
end of the first song could cause a problem. 

Let's not forget the obvious, do you have random play turned off? This
has tripped up many  a person (including me!)

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-23 Thread JohnSwenson

soundcheck wrote: 
> Hi folks.
> Havn't been around for a while. Just got back to the Touch (after
> running my iPad as player for a while)
> Got a question. Not sure if it's a known or my problem. I didn't scan
> the last 60 pages of this thread.
> I have LMS 7.7.2  under Linux running and latest EDO installed. Somehow
> not any native PCM streaming (flac gets decoded on the server) is 
> working. Local flac decoding on the Touch works.
> What am I doing wrong here?
> Thx folks.
> Ahh one more question: Is the screenoff plugin supposed to turn the
> screen completely off as I'm doing it with the Toolbox?

192 (and 176.4) will not work with PCM streaming. With PCM streaming the
sample rate is sent via a separate command, but that command doesn't
have anyway tospecify 176 or 192. With FLAC streaming the sample rate is
included in the FLAC header, which DOES know how to specify 176 and 192.
The latest and greatest beta 7.8 LMS has been upgraded so the sample
rate command knows about the higher sample rates so PCM streaming will

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 7 inch tablet to replace Touch ?

2012-07-08 Thread JohnSwenson

Whether a 7" tablet is going to be big enough from across the room is
going to depend very much on you and your eye sight. Subjectively they
are quite a bit bigger than the screen on the Touch. But of course a 10"
is quite a bit bigger.

Erland has a really nice "now playing" android app called "Squeeze
Display" that is designed specifically for the case where you want to
use an android tablet to show what is currently playing, it's NOT a
controller, it just shows the current song. If all you want is something
to be able to see the current song from across the room it works great.
The one caveat is that it has to be at least android 2.1. I did quick
check and there are quite a few inexpensive 7" tablets that run 4.0
which should work great with this app. But there are also a fair number
of cheap 7" tablets that run 1.8 or 2.0, so make sure the one you have
runs at least 2.1. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-08 Thread JohnSwenson

lake_eleven wrote: 
> The gain is set to MAX. I am thinking if this hub is an issue.

I'm not talking about the volume, I'm talking about "replay gain" which
is a tag that some files carry which causes the volume to be changed at
playback time. This is primarily used so that different songs can have
the same "volume" when you put them together in a playlist. For example
a very loud song would have a replay gain tag that would say play this
song softer than normal, a very soft song might have a tag that says
play louder than normal. If your file happens to have a replay gain tag
that says to play the song very softly, it doesn't matter that the main
volume is set to max, it will play softly. This replay gain function can
be turned on or off in the setup menus of the Touch. 

The easy way to test this is to make sure that replay gain is turned off
on the Touch and see if that makes any difference to the volume. You do
this by going to the:

Settings->Audio Settings->Volume Adjustment and select "No Volume

If they still play soft I would bring the file up in a waveform editor
and see if they really are soft. It might very well be soft to begin
with. If the original master tape was recorded with a low level of
compression then overall average level can be quite low in order to have
room to properly preserve transients. If the people that did the hi res
master didn't add extra compression, the average level in the file could
very well be soft. 

One way to test this is to take a file you already have which plays at a
correct level and resample it in software up to 24/96 and try playing
that, if THAT plays softly and replay gain is turned off then there is
an unusual issue somewhere along the line. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Changes to Touch Screen functions (or am I going mad?)

2012-07-06 Thread JohnSwenson

joe90 wrote: 
> Thanks All - So it looks like a TT3 bug, shame because it did subtly
> change the sound to my liking but I guess that's another story... Can
> any of the TT3 aficionados out there confirm whether they have
> experienced this also as I would like to have it all!! i.e TT3 (minus IR
> & Screen disable) with interchangeable Screen and Remote functions??

As has been mentioned earlier there is a way to set the font so it stays
with the small font and buttons even when using the IR remote, as long
as you are willing to live with  that when using the remote it should 
be good for you. I don't remember the exact page it's on and I don't
have the Touch in front of me, others can tell you where  it is. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to backup "everything" on SBT?

2012-07-05 Thread JohnSwenson

diego wrote: 
> In my experience, and I have used it many times, when you hold the
> buttom 10 seconds, it starts factory reset. Does nothing else, even if
> you press it longer. But I might be wrong...
> I can reinstall my old windows 3.1 to my old notebook with the backup
> image I have for this purpose any time in case something would mess
> up... the SBT is a computer, so it would be nice to have the same
> functionality. However, you are right, if a DVD player gets an error in
> its firmware, you probably won't get it to work anymore at home either.

As has been mentioned you can always load a firmware version from a USB
stick or SD card even if the flash is trashed, as long as the equivalent
of the BIOS (the boot loader) is intact. If you are woried about
logitech not supporting things in the future, grab a version of the
firmware you like and put it on a USB stick and keep that in your
fireproof safe. (you probably want a CD or stick of the matching server
as well) That should keep you going for a LONG time no matter what else

If the bootloader gets trashed recovering is a little more difficult.
You need to open the Touch up and attach a special cable which attaches
to a serial  port on your computer running special software that will
program a new bootloader  into the Touch, not something most users are
going to do. Fortunately the probability of the bootloader going bad is
VERY low. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-05 Thread JohnSwenson

lake_eleven wrote: 
> The vol is set to  max. The issue is only with 24/96 flacs.

24/96 flacs play back fine on my HRT StremerII (using a hub). The only
thing I can think of is that you might have replay gain turned on and
the 24/96 files have a low volume replay gain tag. You can turn off
replay gain and see if that makes any difference. I think it's called
volume adjustments in the  audio settings area. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-01 Thread JohnSwenson

bheffernan wrote: 
> I am thinking of purchasing an HRT Music Streamer II to use with the 
> Enhanced Digital Output app.
> One question I had was does will the USB port continue to provide
> power as the HRT does not have a power supply.
> Hopefully I posted this question  correctly this is the first time in
> this blog.
> Thanks in advance

For the HRT StreamerII line to work properly you need a USB2 hub. The
hub can either be bus powered or externally powered, either way works
fine. The Touch supplies plenty of power for the HRT devices, the reason
you need a hub is that there is a bug in the Touch hardware which
prevents it from running async with a full speed DAC (such as the HRTs),
the USB2 hub talks high speed to the Touch and full speed to the DAC and
thus circumvents the bug.

You CAN use an externally powered hub if you like, but it's not

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Oldtimer looking to upgrade to Touch withoutdowngrading to

2012-06-28 Thread JohnSwenson

Just to reiterate what others have said, is NOT repeat
NOT used in anyway when you connect the Touch to your local server and
play files located on that server. It will be used for certain online
services as Erland mentioned. Going directly to internet radio stations
will also not use

The reason you are asked to login when inittially starting the Touch is
to get the latest firmware, what is in it out of the box is almost
useless. IF you are willing to load the firmware from an SD card or USB
stick you never have to have the Touch connect to the internet, period.

John S.

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