RE: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Regarding my understanding of genetics, I stand corrected. Thanks for the 
education, Nigel.




 I'll let you know if I find a copyright statement.   

 I spend quite a lot of time browsing through the DNA

 looking for anomalies.



FWIW, a recent Season 3 installment from the Science Channel, Through the 
Wormhole: Will We Survive First Contact actually speculated on the possibility 
that something equivalent to a copyright statement might be uncovered embedded 
in our genetic code. The premise hinges on a fascinating theory that such a 
copyright might be deciphered through a better understanding of detecting 
certain universal similarities that are now suspected to exist in all forms of 
intelligent communication. The installment talks about how we might go about 
deciphering alien languages based on some recent unexpected and startling 
correlations that have been discovered in all of our own human languages. The 
same correlations were discovered in cetaceans (dolphins  whales) language as 
well. It suggests the fact that they actually are talking to each other – 
exchanging complex ideas. These unexpected correlations gives some hope that 
the same correlations might eventually be detected in what is currently thought 
of as nothing more than random static from EM radiation coming from outer 
space. Some also theorize that perhaps the same correlations might also be 
detected within our own genetic code. You might enjoy watching the episode. The 
episode describes what kind of correlations they are looking for. Therefore, 
it’s possible you could end up developing some kind of an algorithm that looks 
for the same kind of patterns. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson


Thank you very much for your very, very, VERY thorough analysis of the
trials and tribulations of working with WORD PRESS. Your analysis scared the
b'jesus out to me! ;-)


Well, at least you tell a cautionary tale, and that was important for me to
hear. I'll take a look at how you managed to perform the remote publishing
procedure. I sure would like to keep a similar kind of an arrangement if I
can. The idea of doing all my editing on-line strikes me as an incredibly
stupid idea. But I guess if you don't have much content maybe doing it all
on-line doesn't matter that much. Unfortunately, putting together a local
server for development work and then getting one's  localhoast web site to
link up to the WWW sounds like it will involve a lot of finicky work and


BTW, your MySQL comment - about the 7 second delay, I feel your pain. We
have had similar issues that we had to resolve at work where documents
scanned in were not exporting into our Content Management database in a
timely fashion. We were getting MONTHS behind schedule! Turns out they were
exporting slowly because the original programmers hired to do the job did
not think to insert the indexes properly. As a result each document when
exported into the DB2 tables performed a complete sequential search through
millions, literally MILLIONS of rows of data for each INSERT. Once we
figured out the snafu and got them properly indexed it was just a matter of
seconds. It sounds to me as like you still might not be using the MySQL ISAM
function correctly. It definitely shouldn't take 7 seconds. The fact that it
takes the exact same time either way is a dead giveaway that the indexing
portion is not working - IMHO.


Thanks for your insights, Jed,



Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson


Thanks for all the useful web  video input suggestions. Not surprisingly, some 
of the tips felt more compatible to my current needs and temperament than 


I am reaching an age in my life where I'm no longer enamored with the mystique 
of coding extensively in HTML or related programming web-authoring languages. 
When I was still in my 30s and 40s, I probably would have eaten all that stuff 
up! But alas, I no longer wish to be a web master wizard anymore. I seem to be 
graduating into senior nerd status. I suspect one of the objectives many a 
senior nerd finds highly attractive is the desire to delegate as much low-level 
coding into capable hands of reasonably well-written canned software 
packages. If I can find a package that contains a plethora of canned formats 
and themes, I'm sure I can find a something that will satisfy most of my needs, 
particularly if one is willing to put up with making reasonable compromises.


At present Jed's suggestion of checking out WordPress seems to be a very 
promising tool. It might fit my current predilections. It seems to handle most 
(if not ALL) of the behind-the-scenes code. I gather one can still go in and 
tweak bits of “code” if you really haf-ta, but then you really don't haf-ta. 
That's fine by me. I just want to be able to publish some of my findings in a 
direct and efficient manner. Thanks for the suggestion, Jed. But then... Jed 
admits he has been assimilated into the Borg, so perhaps I should take his 
suggestion with a grain of salt and a fully charged laser pistol set on random 
modulation! ;-)


Again, thanks for all the suggestions. I appreciate it!



Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
For more than five years now I have occasionally spent highly focused
periods of time exploring a personal interest of mine, an interest that has
involved exploring computer algorithms often used to simulate the physics
associated with celestial mechanics. Actually, the scope of my on-going
research is much broader than categorizing it as work specific only to the
field of Celestial Mechanics. Much of the research eventually ended up
exploring various aspects associated with chaos theory.


In my research I think I've occasionally stumbled across interesting
characteristics (or artifacts) that, as best as I can tell, may have been
routinely dismissed and/or ignored by others, perhaps as nothing more than
unimportant side-effects of little value and not worth exploring. If that's
an accurate assessment, I beg to differ! Some of what I have been exploring
appears eccentric enough that it would not surprise me if most simply
discarded the results. Meanwhile, the only way to determine if what I've
uncovered merits further research is to publish the results.


The most expedient (and cheapest) way to publish in today's society is to
place one's work on-line. In my own case, this would involve either creating
a new subdirectory out on my current web site - or by
securing a new domain name, such as The latter idea actually
sounds better to me since the subject material would focus on scholarly
research, not just artistic pursuits.


This leads me to ask the Collective for advice on what others might
recommend as simple easy-to-use web authoring tools. I must confess the fact
that my current website has been stuck in the ancient past. I
still use Microsoft's antiquated FrontPage 2003 package to sporadically
update certain links. Because I have not needed to update the website
frequently it has not been a high priority to explore new web authoring
tools. However, if I'm going to start putting together a collection of
research papers that include lots of graphics (Charts and Graphs), and
possibly a few animated simulations as well... well then, it's time to
explore what's available, and also what's affordable!


I want to employ the KISS approach. At present I have little interest in
building a sophisticated website that possibly ends up incorporating fancy
database search features employing SQL. However, if someone can convince me
that to do so would not be too difficult...I might reconsider.  My primary
goal is to publish personal articles and research papers that allows others
easy access. I want to give users the ability to download papers and
articles in popular formats, like PDF. One of the goals would be to give
everyone the ability download articles onto tablets.


BTW, as hinted at, some of my computer simulations have produced extensive
animated graphics. Technically speaking, it would be more accurate to say
that my some of computer simulations generate individual graphic files that
in turn need to be assembled into a video file in order to comprehend what's
happening. Can anyone recommend economical software packages that allow one
to assemble batches of individual/still graphics into an animated video


Thank you for letting me bend your Collective ears. I'm am now all ears!



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Next Big Future interviews Steven Krivit

2012-03-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Daniel:


 On his website: Steven Krivit is the editor of the New Energy

 Times. Krivit is [b]an authority[/b] on low-energy nuclear

 reactions (LENRs), and has spent the past decade thoroughly

 and scientifically studying LENR phenomena.   Self description.

 What a sad joke.


I briefly thought about placing a comment out on NBF. However, to do so it
would feel too much like I've started to pursue an actual vendetta against
Krivit. Granted, it's obvious that I have expressed a significant number of
disagreements with Krivit's investigative approach pertaining to recent
LENR events. However, I really don't want to go down the slippery slope of
showing up wherever Krivit goes just to criticize his particular slant on
the LENR news. I'll leave those kinds of obsessive hobbies to individuals
such as Joshua Cude, or MY. They can have it! It leads to madness. ;-)


In the end, if most NBF readers are either too stupid or lazy to take the
time to read other perspectives on the LENR issue... well then, they deserve
what they get: A one-sided LENR interpretation derived from someone who
perceives himself as an authority on the subject.


I suspect several other researchers who actually worked in the field and as
such earned the title to be called an authority on LENR would beg to differ
- big time.



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Nature Editorial: If you want reproducible science, the software needs to be open source

2012-02-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Michele:

 Have you played with celestia?

No, I haven't. I'll take a closer look at the tour when I get some time.

 Back to the topic. The original article from Nature:

Thanks for the original Nature article as well.

Following up on my previous commentary, yesterday for the first time I 
performed a computer simulation that showed me what appears to be an 
alternative way to graph (or simulate) a typical elliptical orbit. Traditional 
algorithms employ a basic feed-back loop based on 1/R**2 of the distance. 
However, the alternative feed-back loop algorithm I started experimenting with 
is based on combining both  1/r**2 AND 1/R**3.

Obviously, this new algorithm might sound counter intuitive at first glance. 
I'll try to explain how I arrived at such an audacious algorithm when I get a 
little  more time in a couple of days. 

What I can say is that the new system involves an alternative way of graphing 
out a periodic orbit - where you plot an elliptical orbit on a TIME-LINE 
chart. The orbital distance is the Y vertical value and the horizontal X 
value is the time value. Both the traditional AND the new alternative 
algorithms seem to work using this alternative X/Y chart. I overplayed both the 
traditional and alterative versions on top of each other and they fit like a 
glove. The implication is what appears to be an alternative (and possibly a 
more realistic or practical perspective) that suggests something akin to an 
interplay positive AND negative gravitational/centripetal forces that influence 
a typical elliptical orbit depending on where the satellite is located in its 
orbital period. Sorry, that last sentence was a mouthful, wasn't it. ;-)

PS: I came up with the idea after reading up on one of Miles Mathis essays on 
the physics of orbital periods.
The book is self-published. I'm sure nobody wanted to be associated with what 
he wanted to talk about.

Some consider Mathis to be a crank, but he DID give me some ideas!

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:WIRED: Race for cold fusion: Nasa, MIT, Darpa and Cern peer through the keyhole

2012-02-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
 our dream becoming reality?
 can it really be?
 I'd like to see detailed accounts of independent replications of
 anomalies, which then would have to granted the status of paradigm
 shifting data...

Me too, Richard. Me too.

We shall see...

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:defkalion post

2012-02-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Andre,

 WOW! That sounds very impressive!

 Tests with the presence of high level Government officials
 have been concluded. Opinions and results were very positive.

 Announcements will be made upon mutual agreements, at a time
 yet to be defined.

 Tests continue with international Authorities in the 
 coming weeks.


Sounds encouraging to me too.

...on the surface.

However, as Prez Reagan was fond of saying:
Trust, but verify.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:DGT Testers Remarks

2012-02-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Terry:

 While we await their response and the Academy Awards, anyone care to
 speculate about who would be the first group to sign up for a test?
 If it is who I am thinking, they would not want information released by
 anyone but their organization and on their own time frame.


Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Shoot! I have to respond to this.




I realize we are speaking hypothetically here. I also realize I'm speaking
to the equivalent of a brick wall. But alas, that is the cross I must bear.


 The fact is if I was in a situation where I was an inventor 

 and my technology was stolen, money would be the last thing

 on my mind. If I was forced to accept money, I would work

 with lawyers to try and find the best way to use it against

 the company that stole my technology. I would not care how

 much I had to benefit, or the world had to benefit.


So, what this all really boils down to is the fact that it's about your
rights and your principals. This concept you've come up with concerning your
rights and principals are so important to you that you really don't give a
crap what happens to the world - just as long as you don't end up
prostituting your rights and principles. Well, I can appreciate your
principals, but only to a certain extent...  The rest of it just turns into
a horrible Greek tragedy.


 I am in the real world. I realize I am not a law expert, but

 at the same time I know what is right and what is wrong. If

 I had a technology that was stolen, I would simply strive to

 do anything and everything to prevent the other company from

 being able to use my technology. I might fail, and they

 might be allowed to sell the technology. But I would do

 everything (that is peaceful and non-violent) to hinder that

 company for the rest of my life. Hopefully, I would at least

 slow down the proliferation of the stolen technology.


In other words, your rights' and principals are so important to you that
you really don't give a crap what happens to the world for which you and the
rest of us live in, as you go about defending your rights and
principals. If your peaceful attempts to hinder the manufacture of
something that would benefit the world are realized, you don't consider how
potentially violent that could turn out to be for everyone being prevented
from benefiting from the invention?


I wonder what Jesus would have to say about that?


 Sadly, you and others seem to think the needs of the many

 are more important than the rights of the individual. That

 is how our sickening world works these days (for the most

 part). However, I hope that will change in the future. The

 rights of the individual must be protected at all cost,

 because otherwise life becomes meaningless. If I do not have

 my rights and freedoms protected, I might as well not be



If I had an amazing invention that I knew would benefit the world, I most
certainly would want to profit from it. As much as I could! However, I hope
I would also weigh my own personal individual rights  principals with the
rights  principals of the rest of the world. I'm not the only person on
this planet who has rights and principals that need to be respected, you
know. If someone stole my money making invention, I'd go to court, just as
you would. However, in my case if it was becoming clear to me that it would
be unlikely that I'd get my invention back I would seek to get the matter
settled through some kind of a financial compensation / arrangement. Since
it is likely that I would have sufficient evidence to prove that I deserve
SOME kind of compensation for my contribution to society, I suspect a
financial arrangement would eventually be worked out. Why would I want to,
as you seem to want to do, spend the rest of my life trying to turn the life
of my competitor enemy into what I hope will be a bloody living hell for
the rest of his life...all on principal of protecting my personal
rights? Quite frankly, I think you are so worried about not having any
principals or rights at all in which to hang your hat on that you are
willing to sacrifice the rights and principals of rest of the world, just so
you can prove to yourself that you actually DO have rights and principals
that you stand by. Have you so little sense of self-confidence in yourself
that this is the only kind of self-destructive action you can conjure up -
all in the name of proving to yourself that you do have rights and


Again, what would Jesus have to say about that? What would Jesus have to say
about focusing all of your actions on the need to protect your own rights
to such a maniacal degree that it ends up trashing the rights of your


Alas, I realize this response of mine is futile. Talking to noone noone
about rights is like talking to a brick wall. All I can say is that I sure
don't want to live by noone's principals. By my religion that would result
in WAY TOO much bad karma that would likely take me several 

RE: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Considering the never-ending conundrum of whether we are alone I came up
with the following 500 word short story. I submitted it to a local science
fiction community for a writing contest. While the story didn't win any
prizes it was one of the finalists.

I suspect Stephen Hawking might find aspects amusing... or not. ;-)




Were we alone? Surely that wasn't the case. But no one had ever answered our
calls. When we finally mastered interstellar space travel we felt it was
time to find out if that was truly the case.

We soon discovered life existed outside the nurturing confines of our home
system. Not only that, life was sprinkled everywhere, generously so. Then
came the surprise. DNA, appeared to be the only blueprint used to build life
throughout the universe. Even more astonishing was the fact that DNA samples
taken from all our travels revealed that life seemed to have originated from
a singular genetic source, origins unknown, including our own. Externally,
life everywhere looked different, but underneath tissue, hide, hair, scales,
and feathers, we were all related. How could evolution throughout the galaxy
have spawned such incredible genetic uniformity? We obviously don't know how
evolution really works; that's how we consoled ourselves.

We eventually discovered advanced civilizations, some having even achieved
space travel. They could have visited us long ago had they chosen to travel
our way. Why hadn't they visited us? Clearly they must have been aware of
our presence, our radio broadcasts. We had to know.

We chose a candidate; a civilization we had repeatedly transmitted greetings
to in the past. We dispatched our finest emissary ship and entered their
solar system as non-threateningly as we could, all the while continuously
broadcasting our peaceful intentions. We settled our ship as delicately as
we could, close to a metropolis, next to what appeared to be a hastily
gathered assemblage of officials - witnesses to the historic event. The
ship's hatch opened. Dignitaries and ambassadors filed out one-by-one. Our
greeters shuffled nervously, all the while remaining quiet. Eventually we
broke the silence. We extended warm greetings, wishing them peace and
prosperity. Finally, we asked them Why haven't you answered our calls? We
wish you no harm.

Leave, immediately! was their answer. It was too late for us, they added.
They demanded we cease all further communication, especially anything that
could give away their position. And then they scurried back to the safety of
their city, leaving us standing alone.

We raced home, entering our system just in time to witness the armada
assembling. Like a swarm of hungry hornets, black needles kilometers in
length fired deadly energy beams that screamed through our home world's
atmosphere, slicing through continents and oceans as if cutting through soft
butter. The tiniest bacterium to the largest leviathans in our oceans,
everything was sucked into vast geostationary interstellar refineries parked
above. Molecular structures evolved over eons were unraveled, then
recombined into new matrices more suitable to the nutritional requirements
of an unknown consumer.

After the armada's storage facilities were filled they sterilized our
ravaged planet with bursts of deadly gamma radiation. The surface was then
reseeded with a single bacterium possessing a unique genetic strain, a
hauntingly familiar source. 

And then they left, content to let evolution once again grow to fruition.

We discovered we were alone.

C 2012 Steven Vincent Johnson

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:In vitro meat production

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From David and Terry:

  I hope that the scientists can achieve the look and taste of normal
  meats. It would be difficult to eat fabricated meat products unless
  they closely resemble the real thing.
  I suppose that people can learn to accept whatever is placed before
  them as food, but thus far there is little interest in eating insect
  protein thatis available in great quantities.  Unfortunately, some
  of us that have been around a while have become accustomed to
  eating specific items and have high expectations.
 Can't be any worse than Chicken McNuggets®!
 Maybe we should register some new trademarks . . . how about iBeef.
 Sounds like my employees' normal day.

Everything we eat is an acquired taste.

I use SILK (a soy product) as a milk substitute on my cereal in the morning.
I don't kid myself that SILK tastes like milk. It doesn't. It tasts like...
SILK, a soy by-product. Once I got that concept through my head I was ok
with the way it tasted. 

I would predict that we will acquire a whole subset of new culinary tasts
that we will become accustomed to. Hopefully, the newer generation of food
stock will be healthier for us to consume as well.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:



 Krivit has done important work, and he has done a lot of good for the

 field. Both Steven and I have worked with Krivit, and benefited from

 the experience. So I do not wish to turn this thread into a 

bash Steve Krivit extravaganza. But I would like to add one thing.


 From my perspective, it is pathetic that Krivit is advocating a

 theory. I do not think he has the expertise to evaluate cold fusion

 theory. I am sure that I do not have that expertise. I am not ashamed

 to admit that because Mizuno and many other chemists have told me

 they cannot make head or tail of theory, and they skip the theory

 sessions at conferences. If they don't have a clue what Hagelstein

 is talking about, it is cinch I don't.


To follow up Jed Rothwell's recent commentary, I have to admit that lately much 
of what I have had to say about Krivit has not been terribly complementary. But 
that was not always the case. I agree with Jed in the matter that Krivit has 
published serious, useful work.


I risk repeating myself here, but several years ago I volunteered to be a 
member on Krivit's NET BoD. Steve asked me to join the NET BoD. I felt I might 
be of some useful service. In the end, what soured me, personally, was the fact 
that very quickly it became obvious to me that Krivit's view of investigative 
reporting differed from what I thought investigative reporting ought to be all 
about. In the end I could not reconcile, nor in good conscious continue to be a 
BoD member based on the direction Krivit wanted to take NET. Also, in the end I 
think Krivit was no longer interested in any advice or insight I might have to 
share. It seemed to me that all I had become was just another BoD member (of 
several) he needed in order for NET to maintain its tax exempt status. By law, 
BoD members must meet regularly every year. That can be done by conducting 
teleconferences. However, I gather that at least once a year everyone has to 
meet in person at an agreed-upon location. I participated in a number of 
telephone BoD conference calls, as well as an in-person meeting held in a 
conference room at a motel near the Milwaukee airport.


A side comment: Krivit used to post the names and photos of BoD members out on 
NET. When I came on board however, Krivit had already discretely removed all of 
that information. He did so because he wanted to protect BoD members from 
potential reprisals from individuals and/or organizations that were unhappy 
with his investigation efforts. Say what you will about Krivit's investigative 
intentions, Krivit WAS concerned about the welfare of his BoD members. That was 
considerate of him.


Nevertheless, I still felt extremely vulnerable as a NET BoD member. Talking to 
a lawyer friend of mine didn’t ease my concerns. If someone with an extremely 
vindictive nature REALLY got pissed off with Steve I'm sure they would 
eventually uncover who the BoD members are and make life miserable for them if 
that is how they wanted to go about settling the score. Meanwhile, as previous 
stated, I did not like the direction Krivit was taking his investigative 
reporting. When I confronted Krivit via eMail pertaining to what I thought was 
a serious issue, Krivit got angry at me for confronting him. As Rothwell once 
said, Krivit seems to be extremely thin-skinned. I attempted to confront Krivit 
privately. Krivit, in turn, decided to parade what I said to him in private in 
front of rest of other BoD members, presumably to prove to everyone what an 
asshole I was being towards him. This actually amused me. Frankly, I didn't 
care that Steve had done this. I had absolutely nothing to hide. I originally 
sent the eMail privately to Krivit as a courtesy because in the past we had 
conducted MANY private phone calls over various matters. I though those phone 
calls for the most part had been productive. However, Krivit chose to take my 
private email in a different direction, presumably to use it as the 
justification he needed in to remove me from the BoD. I suspect Krivit came to 
this decision after I had unwisely publicly critiqued him out in Vortex based 
on an interview he participated in where he basically inferred that McKubre had 
deliberately produced false data. Krivit never actually said that McKubre had 
deliberately lied, but he let the listener strongly infer that. After I had 
heard Krivit's interview, I initially tried to rationalize Steve's intentions 
as just someone who was inexperienced at being interviewed. That was stupid of 
me. Krivit meant what he meant, and it was not my job to try to reinterpret 
Krivit's intentions. I eventually resigned over the matter.


But enuf of me and my own saga. This is really about Steven Krivit.


Krivit in the past used to participate in the Vortex list. However, when 
Krivit's investigations into the actions of certain prominent CF researchers 
caused several Vort participants to begin questioning and confronting 

RE: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:




 As Daniel says, what could possibly cost $50,000 about this?

 What has Krivit done? He has not uncovered anything that has

 not been reported here, as far as I know. He went all the

 way to Italy to report that Rossi will not let people use

 their own instruments and the experiment is poorly done. 

 Rossi told me that when he invited me to visit. He said I

 can look but make no measurements. He described the

 experiment, and I thought was lousy. That took me about

 an hour and 6 e-mails to discover, not $50,000. I reported

 it here. End of story.


 This reminds me of Krivit's investigation of McKubre,

 which has revealed confusion in Krivit's own mind, but

 nothing in the real world.


IMO, Krivit is working out of habit he learned years ago. That habit is to
look for what he personally perceives to be suspicious activity, and then go
digging for dirt. Sometimes filthy dirt is found hiding under carpets.
However, what is sometimes perceived as dirt turns out to be valid
fertilizer as perceived by others. It's all in the eye of the beholder.


Krivit perceives himself to be an independent investigative reporter. I beg
to differ. In fact I STRONGLY disagree. When I was still one of the NET BoD
directors I asked Krivit whether he was actually pursuing the role of an
advocate rather than that of an independent investigative reporter. This was
related to the fact that I noticed he was spending a great deal of time
promoting the so-called merits of the Widom-Larsen theory out on his NET
website. What did promoting the merits of the W-L theory have to do with
being an independent investigative reporter? I suggested to Krivit that if
he really was an advocate then for heaven's sake make it clear to everyone
that you ARE an advocate (nothing wrong with that). Also, stop trying to
make yourself out as independent investigative reporter. Krivit disagreed
with my outlook. I think I asked the question too late. Let me explain what
I mean by that.


Years ago it looked to me as if Krivit became disillusioned with McKubre
over certain encounters he experienced, the specifics of which I will not go
into detail here. However, based on what Krivit told me it seemed pretty
clear to me that Krivit's perception of McKubre (which initially was someone
infallible, and as a mentor) was seriously challenged. Based on what Krivit
inferred I suggested that perhaps now was an opportune time in his life to
simply declare his own independence from any particular mentor, individual
or organization. Unfortunately, I think I offered up the suggestion too late
as far as Krivit was concerned. It soon looked to me as if Krivit had
already switched his allegiance from McKubre ( possibly Storms as well)
over to mentors residing in the Widom-Larsen camp. I honestly don't know
WHO in the W-L camp those affiliates might be, but no matter. The point
about forming an allegiance with an affiliate is the fact that when one does
so it means THEIR enemy now becomes YOUR enemy.


When I see Krivit going after Rossi, McKubre, and the rest of the CF camp,
what I often see is someone going after the ENEMY based on his newly formed


It looks to me as if Krivit never gave himself the chance to declare his
independence. It looks to me as if he's just working for someone else now.
Under the circumstances, it would be almost impossible for Krivit to dig up
anything good about individuals like the mysterious  quirky Rossi - someone
who obviously exhibits many flagrant personality flaws. Likewise it would be
next to impossible for Krivit to have anything good to say about McKubre,
based on past history. His new allegiance, and the security and stability he
derives from it, wouldn't allow for it. In wacky non-scientific New Age
terms I'd say Krivit is still in the throes of learning the valuable lesson
pertaining to leaving the ideological nest that has been manufactured by
others and declaring his own intellectual independence. IMHO, this is a huge
and scary lesson we all must eventually pass through - some more awkwardly
and obnoxiously than others.


It also explains why, IMO, Krivit is no longer an investigative reporter, or
perhaps never really was.



Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:




 As Daniel says, what could possibly cost $50,000 about this?

 What has Krivit done? He has not uncovered anything that has

 not been reported here, as far as I know. He went all the

 way to Italy to report that Rossi will not let people use

 their own instruments and the experiment is poorly done. 

 Rossi told me that when he invited me to visit. He said I

 can look but make no measurements. He described the

 experiment, and I thought was lousy. That took me about

 an hour and 6 e-mails to discover, not $50,000. I reported

 it here. End of story.


 This reminds me of Krivit's investigation of McKubre,

 which has revealed confusion in Krivit's own mind, but

 nothing in the real world.


In an addition to my previous arm-chair psychology analysis of Krivt.


I wouldn't have given out dollar amount, like the alleged $50,000 in labor
and expenses unless my intention had been to impress my readership with my
observational skills. Giving a dollar amount in the manner that he did tells
me this is all about Krivit's ego. He has now wrapped himself in a flag of
narcissistic self-importance because investigating Rossi, he claims, has
cost him ...a one-year delay/interference in covering real science. So,
Krivit is basically inferring to his readership to please admire him for all
of the thankless work he has performed to expose the scammer Rossi. Krivit
hopes we will all eventually get around to thanking and admiring him when we
all come around to his POV.


But now that Krivit has unwisely boasted of a specific dollar amount for all
of his investigative work to expose Rossi it automatically leads one to
ask WHO is footing all of Krivit's expenses to expose Rossi? It seems to me
that it isn't likely that one would shell out fifty grand unless the
benefactor expects to get something in return, even if that return is
nothing more than pushing for a specific ideological POV. If they didn't
like what Krivit was investigating and subsequently publishing, no more
funding. It's a simple as that.


So, who is backing Krivit? What are their motivations, their educational



Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
  I guess the text below is being sent by the viewing audience on the
 The event is being broadcast from a tasting room of a wine shop.
 Yes, the text below is from the viewing audience on the Internet.
 Questions written there get asked to Celani from time to time.

This is fascinating. Damn! Wish I knew Italian.

I hope someone will eventually be able to perform a reasonable translation
into English pertaining to the high points.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Terry sez:

 Sounds like Mr. Allen came across some of the original ouzo flavored
 with poppy pods.  :)

Allen is an evangelist of a different cloth! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Including nuclear degrees of freedom in a lattice Hamiltonian, PL Hagelstein, IU Chaudhary 2012.01.20: Rich Murray 2012.02.09

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Rich,

 Hamiltonian, PL Hagelstein, IU Chaudhary 2012.01.20: Rich Murray
 Including nuclear degrees of freedom in a lattice Hamiltonian, PL
 Hagelstein, IU Chaudhary 2012.01.20: Rich Murray 2012.02.09
 [ Rich Murray: the end of the beginning for cold fusion -- rapid
 transition to normal science? ]


Please define cold fusion. Can you, or anyone for that matter in all true
conscience, define what the popular term cold fusion represents? I know I
sure can't. The best that I can come up with is the fact that cold fusion
represents an amalgamation of nuclear related phenomenon and associated
theories. It is a phenomenon that is still trying to be adequately
understood by numerous competent scientists and researchers. As best as I
can tell Cold Fusion is really nothing more than place holder terminology
which had been spontaneously created by the popular culture back around 1989
when Pons and Fleishman broke onto the scene. Much to their chagrin the
term, cold fusion, stuck. It certainly wasn't a definition PF would have
chosen to describe what they were trying to do. But who was asking them.

How can you predict the early demise of what is nothing more than a place
holder word?

Who told you the F word is dying? Surely it wasn't Krivit, nor all those
folks residing in the Widom Larsen camp.

Cry wolf too many times...

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Self charging ?

2012-02-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

It is extremely daunting to see a post that is comprised of a single
paragraph that scrolls off into infinity. There is no way I am even going to
try to read a monolog of such lengths. It's too damned intimidating. I
realize no one is asking me for my advice on grammatical matters, but I
certainly would recommend trying to introduce a little more punctuation into
such posts in the future. It helps the reader collect their thoughts on what
you are trying to convey.

Steven Vincent Johnson

 -Original Message-
 From: Harvey Norris 
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Self charging ?
 Incorrect address on first sending, now resent
 Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances
 For years I was deluded on the subject since I wouldn't let the results
 speak for themselves. It took at least a year before I was able to
 control the runaway chain reaction. I see here that my results are out
 of context with what is seen on the video, but will still make comment.
 I did many studies, and are still involved with car alternator 3 phase
 circuits driven between 465 and 480 hz, where I first commenced
 research. At first I wondered over ten years ago, where this is
 probably archived on my teslafy yahoo group; whether we could use the
 pre-existant alternator output before the field is energized
 (erroneously assumed by the scientific community to be due to remanent
 magnetism of the field rotor) whether that output could be rectified
 and sent back to the field to actually energize the field in a self
 feedback loop. In my first experiments I concluded that it didn't work,
 and then later I realized why it initially didnt appear to work. About a
 year or so later I re-performed the experiment and was astounded by the
 observation, which was a runaway chain reaction made by the feedback
 loop, where as I have noted took another year or so where I was able to
 use water to control the chain reaction, as amuzing as that sounds. I
 was then able to control the output of this self regulated machine by
 simply immersing electrodes into the water for the lowest output, or
 raising the plates out of the water for higher output. Believe it or
 not, the field has a non-linear resistance, like water. But this
 nonlinear behavior only exists at the lowest levels of field
 excitation. This means at the lowest levels of DC amperage conduction
 to the field, it acts as a much higher resistance then its actual
 resistive value. In reality the revolving electromagnetic field must
 first equal or match the pre-existant rotational magnetic field before
 it begins to add further to the voltage and amperage load effects seen
 on the stator output. Generally speaking the voltage on the stator
 output for the unenergized field case is not high enough to cross the
 barrier presented by the non linear field resistance. Additionally we
 have to rely on diodes to convert the AC stator output back into DC for
 feedback loop back to the field. So when we test that circuit, at first
 it doesnt seem to work,(at the tested rpm). So the first time I tested
 it, it didnt work. But the second time I tested it, I left the
 connections of the feedback loop on for about 30 seconds, AND IT DID
 had created my own electrical frankenstein monster that for a year or
 so could not be controlled until the mechanisms for controlling it were
 learned. But what happened was that after thousands of cycles the
 voltage would gradually build up until it crossed the non-linear field
 resistance barrier and then once the effect took place it became a
 runaway self feedback loop. Yes technically machines that power their
 own source can be built, but the subsidiary problems to control the
 chain reaction will be self evident. I was actually thinking that I
 could apply for a patent on this form of regulation that I developed,
 and actually with the current circuits that I am working with, this
 could be tried in a different manner then before, but again the chief
 danger in those tests is the mentioned runaway circuit conditions,
 meaning that you just don't walk out of the room and come back with
 those things because when things go overload you need to shut things
 down right away. This actually happened to me in one instance where I
 used an overload output circuit that accidentally went open circuit and
 caused the machine to start outputing excessive voltages. In answer
 to your question then in this alternator context, yes a rotation can be
 used to charge itself, but there are complications involved with the
 applications. To show what can actually be done withnbsp; resonant
 alternator circuits the following video shows the unergized field being

RE: [Vo]:Autonomous Quadrotor Squadron

2012-02-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Terry:

 Okay, I'm not going to mention Skynet; but, this is major kewl:

Wow! That was amazing! Thanks Terry.

I'm sure toy versions of quadrotos will be manufactured while industry tries
to figure out what kind of practical uses they could apply the devices to. I
suspect tournaments will soon hosted where quadrotor pilots will attempt to
show off their flying skills either in intricate formations, or perhaps in
combat situations.

Needless to say, DoD has probably already thought up a long list of tasks. 

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:PESN: Rossi's Relationship With University of Bologna Continues

2012-01-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed,




 This whole business is winding down. Once the first independent

 results from Defkalion are published, ...




 Defkalion was delayed for various good reasons. I think they

 are sincere, they will proceed soon, and the results will show

 beyond any doubt that the effect is real.


Delays do not concern me. Par for the course. KA-KA happens to all forms of
business and government plans. The bigger the project, the more likely it
will experience KA-KA at some critical juncture. KA-KA throws the best laid
plans into disarray. Where I work we are in the middle of upgrading our
Electronic Documentation storage  retrieval system to a new version of
Content Manager. We're migrating over to a centralized zOS mainframe
platform. This has been an on-going project that we began actively planning
years ago. Our Content Manager system serves millions of customers. Today we
were going to flip the switch over to the new version of Content Manager,
but glitches cropped up unexpectedly at the last moment. We quickly
determined that delaying the transition was probably a prudent move. We will
probably try again in a couple of weeks after the latest issues have been
resolved to everyone's satisfaction. This was the second time we have had to
delay our implementation schedule. Better safe than sorry.


Are you aware of who might be interested in performing independent tests
with DGT's hyperons? I was wondering who might be stepping up to bat.



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:REMOVING RULE2 VIOLATORS, 'subscribe' blocked.

2012-01-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From B. Beaty

  Vortex traffic temporarily suspended.  Getting everyone's attention.
 OK, back on.

Thank you for your recent cleaning efforts, Bill.

Much appreciated!

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:The Garbage Collection of a Fool's Imagination

2012-01-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Speaking of Regularly Scheduled Programming, here's one from Ski-Fi channel!


To my surprise, the troll, Eff Wivakeef, before he was banned, posted
something that I personally found fascinating and transformational. Well.
let me try to explain what I mean by transformational.


* * * Warning! * * *


This has to do with another one of those strange synchronistic woo-woo
events that occasionally pass through my life. If you don't believe in
synchronicity or the existence of strange Unidentified Flying Woo-Woos
(UFW2s) you might as well skip the rest of this post. ;-)


/* * * Warning! * * *


I'm referring to the Troll's attempt to both taunt and ridicule the Vort
Collective by posting a You-Tube link to a bogus free energy device
allegedly based on the manipulation of gravity, gradient water pressure, and




We see an individual, James Kwok, owner of a company called Hidro,
explaining how his technology works with the aid of a fish tank filled with
water and a flexible tube attached at both ends with inflatable bags. One
bag has a weight attached to it. Kwok proceeds to give a warm  fuzzy spiel
with birds chirping away in the background on how gravity affects water
pressure, and how this pressure buildup in-turn affects the buoyancy of the
two inflatable bags depending on how deep these bags are positioned within a
reservoir of water.


Ok, so far, so good. I have a pretty decent understanding of the underlying
physics involved pertaining to water pressure and the effects buoyancy. Kwok
then proceeds to show how he found a way, through some clever engineering
tricks, of manipulating the effects of buoyancy by filling ballast tanks
with gas. This causes the ballast tanks to become lighter than the
surrounding water where they will subsequently rise to the surface.
Meanwhile other ballast tanks currently on the surface of the water will
fill with water causing them to become heavier than the surrounding water
and sink. The end-game to Kwok's fascinating demo is revealed in a simple
animated computer graphic where he claims an endless free energy cycle can
be harnessed by connecting these ballast tanks with the aid of what looks
like a very long bicycle chain. The rotating chain, in turn powers an
electric generator. Wallah! Free energy! Brought to you by gravity, water
pressure, ballast tanks, and a bicycle chain! What could go wrong!


What astonished me was not whether Kwok's contraption would work. (Not very
likely!) The mystery I was confronting was what kind of mechanisms might
have been involved in bringing Kwok's wacky concept to my attention in the
first place. How did this Troll's random post, a troll who didn't know me, a
troll who was attempting to taunt members of the list group I participate
in, end up posting something that intimately synchronized with something I
had been privately mulling about in my head for the past week. During
occasional idle moments, I had found myself trying to visualize how one
might be able to set up some kind of a free energy cycle that could take
advantage of gravity/pressure/buoyancy effects. Hey! I know it's a crazy
idea! I can't help myself! Long ago I came out of the closet (at least to
myself) and accepted the fact that I enjoy playing around with these wacky
mental exercises. So far, I haven't gone blind from excessive Imagerybation.
My Fool's Imagination seems harmless.


What this visual exercise brought home to me was a realization that what I
thought I had I created out of my own mind probably didn't originate from me
after all. It certainly wasn't a personal creation that had originated from
the troll's mind as he went about attempting to torment us. Nor was it any
more a form of inspiration created from the mind of James Kwok when years
ago he stumbled across the same imaginary figment and subsequently started
diddling with it using his own engineering predilections. 


Before someone tactfully asks me whether I might have left my tinfoil hat at
home I must state for the record that long ago I came around to a suspicion
(a belief) that most of us are constantly being barraged by these kinds of
external imaginative energy patterns. It's happening to us regardless of
whether we are aware of how such influences might affect our thinking
predilections. It is as if these energy patterns are the equivalent of
psychic viruses that are constantly flowing through the either of what Carl
Jung called the Collective Unconscious. Under the circumstances, I don't
think tinfoil would have helped. ;-)


But take heart. Long ago I suspect our species found practical ways in which
to protect ourselves from an incessant onslaught of psychic viral attacks,
viruses that might actually be a form of Instinct as exhibited by
animals. Most of us automatically dismiss most of these viruses as nothing
more than a random thought. This is probably a good thing because I would
imagine that our 

[Vo]:I'm added Eff in my SPAM filter

2012-01-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Shish! I leave for a weekend, and when I return and check my email I find
myself barraged with a pissing contest.


Eff, you install yourself in the Vort Collective and attempt to hijack it
with a personal agenda consumed by revenge that you have been carefully
nursing along for years. You don't like this Greg individual. He did you
wrong and you want to get even. Fine! I get it. We all get it. I don't have
a problem with you wanting to get restitution. I suppose I would too if I
had been in your shoes. 


But then when you openly ridicule individuals like Mr. Rothwell by mouthing
off with commentary like:


 I don't need to ridicule you Jed.

 You are already ridiculous.




 You are not very bright are you Jed.


...and it immediately becomes obvious to me that you don't know WTF you're
talking about. Not only have you allowed yourself to become completely
consumed by your own self-righteous outrage, these very addictive emotions
are now completely controlling your posting behavior. It's been my
experience that few things in life are more self-destructive to the
cultivation of personality than succumbing to the aphrodisiac of
self-righteous outrage. It certainly can be delicious drug in which to
imbibe in. You are out of control, Eff. In my book, that makes you an
authentic TROLL.


Quite frankly, based on your posting behavior I have no desire to know
anything more about you, period. I suspect the benevolent and; mostly
hands-off vortex-l listmeister, Mr. Beaty, will probably get around to
banning you fairly soon because you have clearly and repeatedly violated the
vortex-l rules pertaining to etiquette and common sense.


In the meantime, I've added you to my filter list because quite frankly I
don't need any more of the kind of contribution you continue to bring to
this group.



Steven Vincent Johnson 

RE: [Vo]:Ian Bryce and Rossi

2012-01-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:


 Go edit Wikipedia.


An excellent project indeed.

Thanks, Jed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Ni-64 enrichment

2012-01-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Terry sez:

 You know, of course, that Giuseppe Levi starred in the movie This
 Island Earth.


The resemblance is striking.

What does this really mean!

Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:

 Jones Beene wrote:
 Again, let me say that my problem is NOT with the technology,
 which is valid, but with the man.

 Again let me ask: IF the technology is valid then WHY do you give
 a rat's ass about the man?! What difference does he make? I cannot
 understand this obsession that you share with Mary Yugo about
 Rossi's personality and his personal business. Shrug your
 shoulders and stop thinking about him.

 He is a strange fellow. We all know that. He will be a rich source
 of biographies in the future. There have been many strange scientists
 and inventors, and also many strange programmers, farmers, grocery
 clerks, doctors and ship captains -- such as Capt. Francesco
 Schettino of the Costa Concordia. We got it. Okay, already.
 Change the subject.

I second that.

Unfortunately, this is what tends to happen when we've had a couple of slow
news days. We begin fighting over yesterday's informational scraps and

Some of us seem to have acquired a genuine talent for going back and
resurrecting something odd that Rossi sed. Of course, that is not
difficult to do since there has been such a smorgasbord of Rossi sayings to
choose from.

I'm sure Rossi will say something even more outrageous, or contradictory
soon. What will we end up doing about that? Why, put it through the meat
grinder, of course... just like everything else. 

I want my Rossi burger medium-rare please. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:New Energy Times News Service - LENR and Cold Fusion Theory Index

2012-01-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Aussie:

 Wonder if Krivit sent the email to Rossi, Focardi, Celani, Levi and
Good question.

What IS the name of the theory Rossi's camp endorses these days?

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:What kind of a relationship has Krivit established with the W-L camp?

2012-01-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Mr. Krivit recently posted over at NET:

LENR and Cold Fusion Theory Index 

I continue to receive mixed responses about the media attention I give to
the Widom-Larsen theory of LENRs. Regardless, my confidence in that theory
has not changed.


However, I have decided that it is both useful as well as fair to provide an
opportunity to help present other LENR theories on the New Energy Times Web

Therefore, I have built portal pages for the following theories:


I think it is encouraging news that Krivit has in a sense, come out of the
closet. Krivit now states that it would be fair to post links to competing
CF/LENR theories. It would suggest Mr. Krivit has become increasingly
concerned about his perceived credibility. Perhaps Rossi's continued ability
to somehow avoid self-destruction in spite of his flagrant carnival barking
behavior, which in my view certainly makes Rossi appear as if he's a
fraudster, has influenced Krivit's reevaluation - but who really knows. I
could be wrong on this point but I suspect some of Mr. Krivit's concerns may
have been influenced by a series of postings of a critical nature
originating from the Vort Collective. But I hasten to add that that's just a
wild guess on my part.


I appreciate the fact that Mr. Krivit has been upfront to his readers in the
sense that that he continues to hold great confidence in the merits of the
Widom-Larsen theory. Of course, Krivit's intentions have been obvious to
everyone for a very long time. The catch here is that to come out of the
closet and confess his confidence, by default, means Mr. Krivit has now
stated categorically that in his opinion no other theory can stand up to the
merits of the W-L theory. Such an admission should alert readers to the fact
that Krivit's news gathering service cannot be perceived as impartial
insofar as reporting on LENR developments are concerned. By default,
admitting his confidence means Krivit has transformed NET into an ADVOCATE
for the Widom-Larsen theory. By default, that also implies that any other
theoretical camp that is not in the W-L camp are essentially fare game - to
be relentlessly picked away at.


IMHO, there is absolutely nothing wrong with following such an approach in
regards to the gathering of CF/LENR news. In fact, I suggested to MR. Krivit
that he admit as much to himself and to his readers back when I was still a
BoD member for NET - before I was asked to resign. My recollection was that
Mr. Krivit told me he did not want NET to be perceived as playing the role
of an advocate. But for Krivit to publicly admit his confidence by default
has, in my view, effectively transformed NET into an advocate for the W-L
theory. However, I'm not entirely sure that Mr. Krivit understands this.


Again, IMHO, there is absolutely nothing wrong with following such an
approach. As Joseph Campbell was fond of saying, Follow Your Bliss! ...
and all doors will be open to you. All this really means is that NET is
following a similar agenda that the Pure Energy Systems (PESN) web site is
following. PESN publicly discloses the relationship they have established
with Andrea Rossi:


Full Disclosure:

PES Network has a business relationship with Andrea Rossi.


Insofar as Mr. Krivit's latest admission is concerned, there still remains
an important matter of disclosure that needs clearing up. What kind of a
relationship has Mr. Krivit established with those affiliated with the
Widom-Larsen camp? Could it be some form of a business relationship? Could
it be promised exclusivity to breaking news events in the W-L camp? We just
don't know the particulars. Any organization that assumes the role of an
advocate, one can be assured, has by default established some kind of a
unique  exclusive relationship. Having entered into such a relationship
means that Mr. Krivit will also feel their joy as well as their
disappointment. As such, Mr. Krivit will act accordingly in what he chooses
to publish out at NET. IMHO, Mr. Krivit's readership deserve to know the
ramifications of that relationship.



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Rossi on the Smart Scarecrow Show

2012-01-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed and Terry sez:

 Although they don't get along, this is a common trait between
 the Ing and the Snake.  

 The Ing and the Snake.  . . . It took me a while to decode that.
 It sounds like a 1990s cartoon show, like Pinky and the Brain.

 I have ceased to read both blogs.
 People read them?

Of course people read them.

Especially neophyte believers for a particular cause - and the rabid
skeptics that accompany them.

Meanwhile, card carrying members residing in the peanut gallery do their
best not to get hit by all the flying glass.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:New Energy Times News Service - LENR and Cold Fusion Theory Index

2012-01-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:


 I know I would fail such a test. My knowledge of nuclear physics 
 ended with undergraduate physics and books such as Teller and Latter,
 Our Nuclear Future (1958) which I recommend, and Asimov, The Atom
(1991). See: 

 Click on Look inside and table of contents and you will see how much
 I know about nuclear physics. I have read comments here and elsewhere by
 people who do not know this much. I advise them to read this book or
 something similar.

 A person should know his own limitations.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:From NET: Bockris is still in the game!!

2012-01-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Mark:




Bockris states:


 If I understand clearly what you say, you agree that some of

 the work that has been going on may involve nuclear reactions,

 Bockris wrote, but that it's not fusion. Is that what you said?

 If it is, then I agree with it. Most of the condensed matter

 nuclear reactions do not involve fusion.


I hope Bockris can be more forthcoming in explaining the distinctions. Or
perhaps you can explain it, Mark.


What is the difference between terminology stated to be a nuclear reaction
versus terminology stated to be a fusion or cold fusion reaction,
particularly if both terms imply that a nuclear particle (or particles)
somehow manage to enter the nucleus of the atom and subsequently cause the
nucleus to transmute into different isotope or element. I tried asking Mr.
Krivit that question when I was still a NET BoD member. I never got a
satisfactory answer from Mr. Krivit, other than Steve telling me that my
question was a ... very good question. Meanwhile, the layman certainly
isn't going to give a hoot about such distinctions.


I realize there are those that seem to be making a concerted effort to state
that if a neutron enters a nucleus of an atom it shouldn't be called a
fusion reaction, but rather a nuclear reaction. I fail to see why
calling it a nuclear reaction versus a fusion reaction is considered
such a revelation.


What bugs me is that on-going attempts to skewer the F word strike me
primarily as a semantics game, where an on-going product placement war is in
progress. It's almost as if the W-L camp is attempting to trademark the term
nuclear reaction as belonging exclusively to their theory, and to their
theory alone.


Accept no imitations.



Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:Rossi on the Smart Scarecrow Show

2012-01-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Wolf sez:

 Mary, aren't you getting tired of repeating yourself all the time? 

Oh for heaven's sake, Wolf. Surely you know the answer to that.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Cold Fusion Economic Effects

2012-01-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Mauro,


 . The problem is in the way money is taken as a value

 in itself, when it should be considered just a convenient form

 of replacement for other, real values.

 The way money is valued, that's where the real problem lies. In fact,

 we're in a really stupid state of affairs, come to look at it and

 understand how it really works. But unless people are willing to look

 at these things in the face, so to speak, without any kind of self

 delusion, caused by dwelling in cloudy and vague ideas(where they

 personal interests and ambitions also play a role, of course), nothing

 will really change. People should start to feel ashamed for being part

 of this state of affairs. That's what must happen first, and only then,

 real change will be possible.


I couldn't agree more, Mauro. 


I've made similar arguments. I shall now rant in more detail. (You have been
warned!) ;-)


Initially money (or currency) was initially represented in the form of
precious stones and metals. There was always a limited supply of gold ands
ilver, so the intrinsic value was kept relatively stable throughout the
ages. Back then, most forms of currency literally represented the intrinsic
value of what it was constructed out of. People across the globe always had
faith that pieces of gold  silver would maintain its value, and they were


However, in contemporary times, that has not been the case for quite a
while, such as when the United States went off of the gold standard, and oh,
what a bru ha-ha that caused! In place of the gold standard modern
civilizations have attempted to maintain intrinsic value through a series of
complicated policy controls. They also try to make the representation of
currency extremely difficult to duplicate in order to discourage rampant
counterfeiting which, if left unchecked, would dilute, or cause rampant


Alas, the devil is in the details as to who actually controls the intrinsic
value of contemporary currency - and there lies the rub. Whoever controls
those knobs and dials assumes control of the world. In contemporary times,
there seems to be an on-going battle for supremacy played out between
federal governments versus big private businesses.


Certain aspects of Big Businesses seem to believe that if they can
accumulate as much currency as they can in their private piggy banks, by
default, they will control the intrinsic value of currency. If enough of
them accumulate the stuff they will end up making currency scarce. That
means all the currency they have accumulated over the years is perceived as
even MORE valuable. However, to maintain the illusion of scarcity, big
businesses have to be assured that the federal government will not do
something apocalyptic like print up additional currency and then hand out
those notes to needy portions of the population via through various
government sanctioned programs. That's where various forms of
institutionalized bribery come into play with the objective of eliciting
appropriate kinds of money policy behavior from governments.


Likewise, it would seem that certain aspects of Big Government believe that
if they can tax more individuals and private corporations that in turn will
siphon off the ills of excess inflation-producing currency. By default that
would also cause currency to become scarce, and more valued. I hasten to add
however that I've never heard governments explain it in such terms. They
would, in fact emphatically deny that THAT is what they are doing. However,
by default, the more governments taxes, the less currency would be left in
consumer  corporate pockets to spend. By default, that means the remaining
currency becomes even more valued. In theory, it would seem, taxation can
also counter the effects of inflation.


What seems to have been lost in the translation is the fact that both
Businesses and Governments are essentially BUSINESSES. Both systems have
devised varies ways and means of collecting currency from customers. In
return they all attempt to provide useful products and services for their
paying customers. Customers, in turn, must decide if they are getting
their money's worth. When it comes to assessing the value products produced
from private businesses, if you don't like what you bought don't buy from
them anymore. Buy from a competitor. When it comes to assessing the value of
government services, vote the senator (or president) out of office, and
attempt to install another more agreeable puppet that will do what you want
him to do for you. The only appreciable difference is the fact that the
business known as the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT can legally print up more currency
(which, of course scares the BiJesus out of private corporations), whereas
any other private or state business caught doing the same thing will be
strung up by the short hairs.


I suspect contemporary society will have to come to better terms with how we
perceive the value of currency. IMHO, what has 

RE: [Vo]:Rossi's pricing mismatch is really gross

2012-01-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Aussie:

 Rossi says the domestic E-Cat is in UL certification.

Is in UL certification? Not sure I understand the phrase in as it's
being used here. Does Rossi mean his eCats are currently being tested for UL

How could Rossi's eCats possibly get UL certification this soon? Good grief!
Rossi claims his contraptions emit gamma radiation! 8-0

Something doesn't make sense here. I hope clarification is forth coming.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Rossi's pricing mismatch is really gross

2012-01-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
 They will however work with a company on the final product so as
 to obtain certification and they understand the final product 
 may need some tweaking to get their stamp.

Aussie, I confess that at present you have me at a disadvantage. I have not
yet listened to the interview. I plan to listen to it soon.

With that confession said, I simply find it... well surreal to assume
that Rossi has gotten this far, so soon. Granted, maybe he has. And if so,
good for Rossi. We all benefit... well, except perhaps for the entire
petroleum industrial complex and its countless subsidiaries.

Having not yet listened to the interview it is natural for someone in my
shoes to perceive the phrase you used: ... may need some tweaking as if
it's a joker in the card deck. It could mean just about anything. Maybe
tweaking means Rossi's eCats will be ready for prime-time in just couple
of months, with just a few minor adjustments here and there. However,
tweaking could also mean Rossi's eCats could take another ten or twenty
years and several billion dollars of RD funding before someone like me can
buy one from Wall Mart.

I just don't know enuf yet.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Thanks Mauro,

Would you say that the number of protons and electrons being ejected from
the sun remains relatively equal?

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Kiplinger Letter, Jan 6 2012, Topic: ENERGY

2012-01-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
The first topic of discussion with the conservative oriented, employer
friendly Kiplinger News Letter, published Jan 6, 2012, was the topic of
Energy.  It was fascinating and unusually lengthy discussion on energy, too.
I've hi-lighted in red what I thought were some surprising observations:





While global oil supplies grow shakier. most recently in light of saber
rattling by Iran. U.S. and Canadian oil output is surging.


Along with natural gas and biofuels. 


It will fill 80% of U.S. fuel needs by 2016, compared with 68% this year and
just 50% in 2005.


[Personal comment: Just in time for the next presidential election.]


Driving the boom: Vast new oil discoveries in N.D., Texas, Colo. and Ohio,
as well as Canada, and cost-effective drilling technology breakthroughs for
tapping oil in hard-to-reach shale formations. 


Huge natural gas deposits in Ohio, Texas, La. and elsewhere, many of them
near big oil plays. Though decried by environmentalists, fracking, a method
for extracting gas, will unlock decades of supply, not only for fuel, but
for other needs, too.


Also, the continuing march of biofuels, which are becoming a larger part of
the energy mix, despite the end of federal tax credits for them. 

All this lowers the risk of fuel shortages, should foreign oil shipments be
suddenly curtailed.


It won't affect gasoline prices very much. What motorists pay will continue
to hinge on global supply-and-demand trends. Though fuel consumption is
heading down in the U.S... China, India and many other parts of the world
are soaking up more as their economies expand. They'll press prices upward
even as supplies grow.


New finds will make the U.S. a net exporter of natural gas by 2016 or so, a
welcome U-turn from recent scenarios that had the nation poised to be a
major importer. In fact, Houston-based Cheniere Energy is retrofitting its
liquefied natural gas import terminals for export. Other refiners are likely
to follow in its footsteps.


Still, lots of natural gas to go around for domestic users... good news for
utilities, producers of plastics and fertilizer plus other energy-intensive
firms. They'll pay less for the stuff than their foreign rivals.


What could undermine rising output? A sustained drop in global oil prices...
not likely in the face of rising world demand...would lessen drilling


[Personal comment: Obviously, if Rossi  related competition claims pan out
in the near future, that would initiate a sustained and permanent drop in
global oil prices, despite rising world demand. Granted, It may not happen
immediately, but perhaps within 5 - 10 years a permanent appreciable drop in
fossil fuel prices would begin to be noticed world-wide. I have repeatedly
attempted to contact the Kiplinger editorial staff to this possibility -
warning them to have their clients keep an eye on their fossil fuel
portfolios. They have consistently ignored my responses, never even
acknowledging my attempts to contact them. This is unusual behavior on
behalf of the Kiplinger editorial staff. Typically they are much more
responsive. Historically speaking, I've received replies from the editorial
staff, including replies when I told them about STEORN's zany activities
years ago. I discovered they were very much aware of what STEORN was up to.
and BlackLight Power as well. If the editorial staff had been aware of those
folks, it seems logical for me to assume that they have to be aware of Rossi
as well. Nevertheless, the fact that they continue to ignore my responses
baffles me to no end.]


And opposition from environmentalists, citing risks of groundwater
pollution. Blocking Canada's carbon-intense oil sands projects is a
particular focus for them.


But in the end, economic forces will win out. Canada's 170 billion barrels
of known oil reserves and the U.S.' big shale gas fields are too valuable
not to exploit, giving America a surer grip on its energy future while
reducing the need to import




Final personal thoughts on the matter: As you can see, the Kiplinger letter
doesn't seem to put much stock in environmental issues stopping progress.
With the said, I suspect many on the staff may be sympathetic to
environmental concerns, at least to a degree. This, I garnered from previous
responses I received in private email. To their credit they do their best to
report the news in an objective fashion as they see it, not how they wish
the news would actually turn out to be. Occasionally, some of the staff
hinted to me how idiotic Washington politics can be at times in the face of
real facts.


Still, I find it hard to believe they haven't at least acknowledged my
repeated warnings of what Rossi could do to the portfolios of many who might
be heavily invested in fossil fuels. The lack of a 

RE: [Vo]:Simple, even simple-minded tests can be a great help in understanding these things

2012-01-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:

Regarding MY:


 No, I do not see your point. Your comment seems idiotic.
 Why are you quibbling about this? You can see this is a test.
 You keep demanding tests. When he does one, you demand it
 should not be a test but a practical application instead.

 I think you are arguing for no reason, raising trivial,
 meaningless objections, and I think you are being silly.

My thoughts on the matter:

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Defkalion posts useful information about nickel

2012-01-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Regarding MY, Jed sez:

 Okay, that's it! I am sick of your useless, gratuitous,
 snide comments. You add nothing to the discussion saying
 that kind of thing. I am adding you to my auto-delete file.
 You are a tiresome jerk. Go away.

I suppose I should say, Shoot! There goes my evening entertainment.

However, the truth of the matter is that MY has been in my auto-delete file
for months now. If it had not been for individuals like Jed, Terry, and Mark
bringing back another snide remark attributed to MY she would have been
nothing more than another distant memory, like the Grok persona. Quite
frankly, I'm astonished that it took Jed this long to reach his limit. I
realize Jed was in a sense utilizing MY's incessant commentary as a form of
practice, but enuf is enuf! Long ago it became pretty obvious to me that
nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing would change MY's mission in life.
Since it became obvious to me that any kind of a productive dialogue would
have been impossible, blocking MY's incessant posting habits from cluttering
up my mailbox was the only recourse left.

BTW, Mr. Murray, you disappoint me. Surely you can do better insofar as your
selection of hero worship goes.

Mary, if you are reading this post, I recommend you contact Mr. Krivit and
offer your services as a BoD member for his New Energy Times news letter. I
suspect Steve is still shopping around for the right kinds of individuals to
fill vacancies. There seems to be a high rate of turnover.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:2500 R ( $ 41 USA ) for Aakash Ubislate 7 with 7 inch (18 cm) tablet computer by Datawind: Yeshi Choedon: Rich Murray 2012.01.04

2012-01-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

What is the point of posting another cheap Overstocked iPads advertisement
on this forum?

I'm constantly getting spammed by these outfits all the time. Are you now
going to start cluttering up the Vort Collective with this stuff as well?

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Defkalion described how they got Rossi's formula

2012-01-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jouni,

 I cannot understand where did you get such an impression.
 Defkalion is still nothing but an unpopular discussion forum
 in the Internet. Nothing else. There is only one spokes person,
 Xanthoulis, who is making bold claims, without any real proofs.

 Everyone who has personal knowledge on Defkalion, does not trust
 them, and that is just two individuals in the whole world, i.e.
 Rossi and Stremmenos. There is only one known person who has
 visited Defkalion »laboratory» and he/she came back with an
 impression that 'I would not want to work with these guys'.
 (or something similar)

 There is nothing real ever presented on the company. And every
 scarce empirical evidence (a statements from three individuals)
 what we have, points into direction that Defkalion is a phony
 company. For me this kind of determination, what is the real
 nature of Defkalion, is very simple to do, because I trust Rossi.

Your observations a tad bias to me, as are the individuals you cite to back up 
your claims: Rossi and Stremmenos.

But no matter. Maybe you're right. Or maybe not.

We shall see. I wait for more shoes to drop.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Out for a while

2012-01-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
HI Horace,

 I have to take care of a rental in Anchorage that was just vacated.
 Makes me a little nervous considering Gene Mallove's  history with
 that kind of thing.

You probably don't have anything to worry about. NTL, it wouldn't hurt to
take along a strapping handyman along. IOW, don't travel alone. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Jed and others 2012 predictions please

2012-01-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
HI David,


Loved reading your predictions. Good, well-thought-out predictions tend to
make readers want to comment on them and add their own two cents... and
yours is no exception.


 I predict that the world will formally acknowledge cold fusion aka

 LENR this year. The evidence will finally be so overwhelming that

 the physics community can no longer deny it. Of course they will

 claim that they knew it was happening, but only in the form of LENR

 and not cold fusion which they have claimed.


Agreed. Well. maybe it will take two more years down the road! ;-)


 Mary Yugo will repent of her sins after a long pause and will become

 one of the best proponents of cold fusion filling all of the forums

 with glowing reports. Rossi will hire her as his spokeswoman since

 she can work like the energizer bunny on a cause that is true to her

 heart. (life is stranger than fiction)


Hah! I had never thought of that. Why the hell not! :-)


 Krivit will realize that he was duped by Rossi in June. He was a

 pawn in Rossi's chess game as he attempted to mislead the competition

 to gain market share. Steven will become totally angry with Rossi as

 a result and will refuse to go to Italy to apologize in person at

 Rossi's expense.


I perceive Krivit's actions as more like that of a cat with nine lives. IOW,
Krivit and NET will somehow survive the Rossi embarrassment. I don't know
how he will manage to accomplish this, but I predict he will. He will then
continue his relentless fight against other injustices in the world. Krivit
once told me that after the cold fusion controversy was resolved, he might
consider investigating the injustices inherited in the current health-care
system. Its possible Krivit might do a world of good investigating that
can-o-worms. I suspect Krivit's talents fare best when coming to the aid of
all the Dulcineas in the world. Krivit will eventually find other windmills
to slay. He may even become famous.


 Jed will continue to inform the world about the wonders of cold fusion

 as he has until now. The job will become a lot easier as people will

 start to believe what he has to say since the process is proven.


I believe Jed has already been on record saying he would be more than happy
to pass the torch to someone else, once he was assured of the fact that the
avalanche was well on its way down the mountain top. I think Jed dreams of
taking a long vacation. However, I also suspect Jed would soon become bored
and would soon find another worthy cause to take up. IOW, we should continue
to keep an eye on any future endeavors Jed might feel inclined to pursue.


 Science will continue to search for the theory of cold fusion for

 another 10 years at least. Eventually, the cause will be determined,

 but it will not be easy to prove.


Agreed. However, I think it will take far more than 10 years. Perhaps 20 -
30 years, and then... maybe we will understand the true potential power of
the monster we are only now in the process of unearthing from the crypt.
Hopefully our children and grandchildren will be wise enough to realize what
we are in possession of. Hopefully, prudent efforts will be undertaken to
assure that we don't blow up the planet in all the ensuing enthusiasm to
unleash more free energy. Remember ACC's comment about quasars:
Industrial Accidents.


 Copies of cold fusion devices will become ubiquitous and the selling

 prices will become much more competitive.


No doubt, there will be many Wall-Mart specials.


 The oil producers will make an all out attempt to stop the universal

 usage of cold fusion devices by claims of danger and radiation. The

 lobbies will form and be well funded.


Well-funded any such campaigns may be, they will not survive. The general
population will see to that. The cost of fossil fuels will continue a
relentless decline. Eventually, technological innovation will allow the cost
of manufacturing synthetic petroleum products to undercut to cost involved
in extracting fossil fuels. At that point, the fossil fuel industry will
pass into the history books.


 Science labs will be established to research cold fusion processes and

 many additional materials will be found that exhibit the effects.


Remember... quasars!



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Defkalion described how they got Rossi's formula

2012-01-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I remember reading some of this stuff.


Regarding the following statement from DGT:




 We were surprised to see our old designs used in public

 testing. We were confused why our old designs were implemented

 wrongly, as well as witnessing insufficient use of instruments

 and testing protocols. We also identified confidential (yet

 shown in public) special instruments designed in collaboration

 with Rossi and prepared by Defkalion.


 Your declaration that we don't have the technology is in

 contradiction to your recent attempts to entice away our

 scientists which was not concluded successfully.


 We stress again that it is a pity that our designs were

 applied wrongly, demonstrating in public, immature

 prototypes with wrong protocols and instruments as explained

 in our communication on Monday, 10th October. 


It should be obvious to anyone that any kind of official statement issued by
DGT in regards to whatever relationship they have (or had) with Rossi will
be strategically parsed in such a manner as to infer that their line of
products are superior to anything manufactured by Rossi  Co. It also
wouldn't hurt to infer that the competition isn't handling what fiddleybits
they may have in their possession in a correct manner either. DGT's comments
strike me as SOP, product placement in action: Accept no imitations other
than the genuine article.


Not having direct access I think it's difficult for any of us to determine
whether DGT or Rossi is ahead in the game. DGT strikes me as better
organized, company wise. The organization is probably being run like a
disciplined corporation. I think it helps gives the impression to the casual
observer that DGT is probably better funded and better equipped than Rossi 
Co. Whether that is true or not is anyone's guess. Nevertheless, DGT get
points for that. Meanwhile, Rossi probably runs his business more in the
style of a micromanager, with a heavy pinch of intuition and street smarts
thrown in. Rossi gets points for possessing intuition and street smarts.


I just hope both of these adversaries have enough of what they really need
in order to fulfill contractual obligations.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Jed and others 2012 predictions please

2011-12-31 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Frank sez:

 My predictions
 Jed will write a lot more good stuff 
 Rossi will go into hiding
 Blacklight Power will say nothing
 Frank Znidarsic and Mary Hugo will get married

Err... Yugo?


You have my deepest sympathies.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Lewis Larsen (Lattice Energy) discusses irony of LENR politics

2011-12-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:




 The researcher quoted here has it right:


 I feel it would be much better to allow people to use the terms

 they are comfortable with. Let people use dozens of terms if they like.

 Let history decide what term sticks after another 20 years or so.  

 It is better to view terms and other people as how their statements

 can be true instead of trying to force others to use your terms and

 then assume others wrong. Nature does not care what we call these



When I was still a New Energy Times BoD member I recall at one time emailing
Krivit and the rest of the BoD members asking Krivit why he was spending so
much of his editorial skills going after the cold fusion word. What was
the point of trying to prove to the world that the fusion word was such a
terribly inaccurate description of what was alleged to be happening on the
nuclear level? IMO, I never got a straight answer from Krivit. Alas, none of
the other BoD members seemed inclined to question Krivit the same matter
either, so obviously my concerns were never addressed. I was left with the
impression that either the other BoD members agreed with Mr. Krivit's
philosophy - or perhaps they just didn't care. I suspect it was the latter.


I have no bone to pick with the W-L theory itself. I'm not knowledgeable
enough to pass judgment for or against it. Privately, however, I have
received an earful from certain individuals who I realize are far more
knowledgeable than I on prevailing theories pertaining to nuclear reactions.
What these critics have had to say would suggest to me that the W-L theory
appears to have certain fundamental problems that in their view have not
been adequately addressed. Whatever... If it eventually turns out that the
W-L theory accurately depicts the way of nuclear reactions. particularly
when it comes to LENR (or cold fusion), then that is the way of things and
the W-L camp can have their cake and eat it too.


However, I detest attempts originating from the W-L camp and Krivit to cast
researchers and other prevailing theories in a bad light, especially since
at present it seems to me that nobody really knows for sure which theory is
probably the most accurate one. As for my involvement with Krivit and NET,
everything came to a head when I privately complained (in a confrontational
email) to Krivit about his criticism of McKubre, after Krivit had indirectly
inferred on a radio program that McKubre had lied about some of his
experimental data. I think at that point Krivit had had had enough of me.
Krivit forwarded my confrontational email, which as a courtesy had been
intended for Krivit's eyes only, to all the other BoD members - presumably,
I would speculate, to show everyone what an asshole I was being towards him.
Quite frankly, I didn't give a damn what Krivit had done with my private
email. I really had nothing to hide. I sent the email to Krivit privately
was a matter of professional courtesy. What he did with it was his business.
What Krivit did with it was tack on a message of his own. an ultimatum
telling me in front of all the other BoD members that I ought to resign if I
couldn't behave in a more civil manner towards him. I was more than happy to
resign. It was, in fact, a tremendous relief to resign. Incidentally,
several former NET BoD members have also experienced similar fates. What I
encountered is by no means unique.


Years ago my brother drove a delivery truck supplying beer and wine coolers
to various grocery stores in the Bend, Oregon area. He constantly complained
about how other delivery personnel, when they came through, would shove or
hide his product brands to the back of the shelves. There was a constant
product placement war going on amongst all the delivery men as they
maneuvered to get their merchandise optimally placed. As far as I'm
concerned the war against the fusion word is nothing more than a petty
self-serving theoretical product placement war.


WTF cares.



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Amoco (Oil Company) replication of cold fusion experiment in 1994.

2011-12-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:

 I wrote:
 A cleaner copy is here:

Yes, adding page numbering would be useful.

When was the original report published? I don't see a date displayed on the
PDF copy.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Abd:




 I'll comment on it: he [Bushnell] went on to say, but it isn't



 That's apparently because he's swallowed, lock, stock, and sinker,

 Widom-Larsen theory, and isolated, idiosyncratic attempt to explain

 LENR by coming up with even more preposterous hypotheses, none of

 which have been tested and shown to be of predictive value.


But, Abd, you left out a really juicy part of the email:


As you point out, Opdenaker states, as a result of his conversations with
NASA scientist, Bushnell:










But then, Opdenaker goes on to say:





Opdenaker's brief little comment suggests to me that many who might take a
closer look will not necessarily buy into the W-L theory as the correct
theory. I think they will care less about any theoretical arguments that
claim that the heat can't be due to fusion - that the heat can only be due
to beta decay and ultra slow neutrons. I would even venture to say that
Opdenaker might have even picked up on the some of the unseemly theoretical
politics that seems to have attached itself to the WL camp as they go about
denigrating all the other theoretical camps that are also currently on the
table. Regardless to the ensuing politics, I gather Bushnell seems to be on
favorable terms with the W-L folks and has probably gotten an ear-full from
them. I suspect Opdenaker has already picked up on that. Meanwhile, I
suspect Opdenaker could care less about what kind of theoretical product
placement that might be occurring under the table. All Opdenaker would care
about would be how much heat is being produced through the exploitation of a
particular engineering process, and can that heat be produced consistently
and on demand. The ensuring politics that comes with the favorite
theory-of-the-day can come later.



Steven Vincent Johnson












 He knows, though, of the heat evidence, and, indeed, Jed's right,

 that evidence does show, once we look carefully at the reactions, at

 what is in the cells under study, heat far beyond that possible from

 chemical reactions in the cell -- unless they are totally unknown

 chemical reactions, between elements not known to be present in the

 cells, somehow being supplied.


 One can imagine that with Rossi, many have attempted it. With

 standard FPHE, the chemistry is well-known, and if all the cell

 components were to be maximally reactions, we'd still be far, far

 short of what these cells have demonstrated.


 Put it this way, if this isn't a nuclear reaction, it is some kind of

 super-battery, probably worth billions just for that. Unfortunately

 for this battery idea, ... helium.


RE: [Vo]:LENR 'Proliferation' was: US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jones:




 The biggest threat to the West, in the eyes of the

 Pentagon, is a non-nuclear or nuclear-optional (less

 detectable) but near kiloton capable weapon in the hands

 of the Taliban (or next radical terrorist group with

 access to plenty of cash or a substitute like

 Afghani heroin)... and by extension, a weapon which is

 deliverable in the trunk of compact vehicle by a

 surrogate group in our backyard- like the Zetas,

 for instance. 


Regarding the profitability of illegal businesses, like Afghani heroin, I'm
going to suggest something outrageous. We should seriously consider growing
our own poppy fields and the manufacture of our own illegal drugs. In a
sense, this is already done in certain Scandinavian countries, like Denmark.
I realize this might seem to be a repugnant suggestion; however it would
also seem that the staunchest critics do not necessarily come from Europe
where these liberal drug policies are followed, but from our own back yard.


The point being: if we manufactured and sold our own illegal drugs we
could then permanently undercut the competition's cash flow and help destroy
terrorist funding. Again, I know it is repugnant to even suggest such a
tactic, except for the fact that it's probably likely that significant
portions of law enforcement have been in bed with the enemy aka: drug
cartels for a very long time. I doubt that relationship will change anytime
soon for the simple fact that there is too much money to be made on both
sides of the fence. Occasional token arrests and drug raids paraded out in
public do nothing more than help satisfy national morals that we are doing
the right thing, while business-as-usual continues under the counter. So,
why not just come out of the closet and accept what is obviously a highly
profitable global business enterprise with a business strategy of our own:
Permanently undercut the competition's profit margin with our own line of
products. I think that would go a long way towards defunding a lot of
terrorist activity. To make reparations for the terrible sin of selling
illegal drugs to adults (not minors!) I would certainly advocate that a
significant portion of the federal profits go towards funding rehabilitation
and education explaining the evils of drug addiction.



Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:care less

2011-12-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Robin sez:

 I think they will care less about any theoretical arguments that
 This is one of my pet peeves with Americans. ;)
 The expression is couldn't care less not could care less.
 couldn't care less is short for It isn't possible for me to care
 less about this subject because I don't care about it at all (and
 I'm sure you don't ;)
 If you could care less, then it means you must care about it to some
 extent as
 it is possible for you to care less than the amount that you now do.

Yo, Robin.

I noz what I sez. So duz you.

Nuf sed.

Meanwhile I leev the linguistics to peeved-off schalers.

Happy NY, Robin. C U in 2012! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:We have FPE cells

2011-12-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Aussie,

 I expect what Rossi will offer us is a complete package,
 including the 330 Ac kW gen set, all tied up with a 
 nicely integrated NI thermal kW and Ac kW control system.
 That would be nice. When Rossi is ready to offer the
 system to us, we are ready to evaluate his offering.

Do you have a best guestimate as to when you think Rossi might get around to
delivering the goods?

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:We have FPE cells

2011-12-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
 MaryYugo Wrote:


  Want respect, not mention tons of fame and fortune? Close the

  loop and make them self running except for (rare) refueling.

  You'd be the first. That's for sure.


 I wonder why the people AG bought the gadgets from did not close

 the loop, or why the high school students who made something

 amazing (supposedly) did not close the loop.


 Nobody ever closes the loop.


I think the majority of the Vort Collective understands the fact that Vorl
and MY believe most CF/LENR claims are nothing more than horse manure.


I wonder why Vorl simply doesn't state for the record that the inability of
high school student to close the loop apparently causes him to doubt CF
claims. Maybe if he had done so... But alas, it does not appear to me that
Vorl is actually interested in educating himself.


Instead, it would seem that Vorl would prefer to express his convictions in
the form of an astonishing revelation. It would seem that Vorl is hoping
his astonishing revelation will cause gullible CF believers to ponder the
folly of their inability to think rationally.


For 2012 I think another one of my insignificant little resolutions will be
to place Vorl in my kill file, along with the rest of the sarcastic posters,
like MY, who really haven't had all that much to contribute in a long while.


By all means, feel free to return the favor.



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:We have FPE cells

2011-12-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Greetings Aussie, and a Merry Down-Under X-Mass to you.


I've taken advantage of a brief respite between family obligations by
sneaking over to my home office for some covert posting.


Despite MY's self-defensive tactic of hoping to remain passively ignorant of
the issues by demanding you spoon-feed her everything in a neat tidy little
package, I believe she is correct on the matter that some of your remarks
continue to remain shrouded in obscurity. However, from my perspective,
parsing through obscurity is par-for-the-course when attempting to
communicate with companies involved in the process of developing new 
unproven technologies, particularly technologies that hopefully will lead to
competitive products.


Therefore I shall continue my parsing endeavors in hopes of cutting down
on misinterpretation  innuendo:


 The cells we have obtained are electrochemical FPE cells.

 They are not commercial cells nor were they obtained from

 any of the sources in Jed's archives, nor current FPE

 device suppliers such as Leonardo, Defkalion, etc.

 We have made it openly known that we are in the market

 for FPE devices. We have been contacted by various



Can you clarify whom your supplier(s) are at this time? The content of your
message implies (to me) that anonymity is currently preferred. Nevertheless,
if you were to name some of those sources would we recognize any of them?


 One of those agreed to supply us several B grade cells. 


Not sure what B grade implies here. Does it mean their A cells are of a
better quality... i.e.: better COP? If so, what are they planning on doing
with the A cells. and will you be able to obtain any of them?


 I flew there, tested their cells and made commercial

 arrangements to obtain a license and loan of several

 cells that will enable us to replicate and build

 several demo FPE systems for our commercial business.


Can you give some reasonable estimates as to how efficient these B cells
are? What are the rated input/output COP energy measurements? I assume there
is room for significant improvement after additional RD funding is
eventually supplied.


Again, my apologies if you have already stated this for the twelfth time,
but what kind of products and services does your business plan on selling?
Water heaters? Generators? Does your business already market similar
products? Is there a website?



Steven Vincent Johnson



RE: [Vo]:Rossi comments on National Instruments

2011-12-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Aussie:


 Did you not see that my board and myself are 100% convinced?

 I have just completed several international visits. The FPE was

 real in 1989. It is still real in 2010. We now have a working FPE

 device which we will start showing to our clients and investors

 in 2012.


Greetings Aussie


My apologies if the following sounds redundant. There has been a lot of
expressed bandwidth lately on Vortex, and as such, I'm sure I've missed a
few threads. I just want to make sure I haven't misunderstood you or what
your company has been up to:


Are you talking about one of Rossi's eCats?


* When you use the term international visits what this implies (to me) is
that on several occasions you have personally travelled to see Rossi  Co.,
and to personally investigate his eCats in action.


* When you use the term working FPE what this implies (to me) is that you
have personally seen at least one of Rossi's eCats in operation. I will also
infer from this that what you personally witnessed convinced you of the
belief that Rossi's eCats generate far more heat than can be attributed to
by prosaic/conventional means, such as from a hidden chemical reaction.


* Of even more interest to me, you state that you ... now have a working
FPE device in your possession and that you will soon start showing it to
prospective clients and investors in 2012. Does this mean you now have in
your possession at least one of Rossi's eCats and that you are free to
operate and demonstrate (them) to others?


Please correct any misinterpretations I may have made. Again, sorry for the
legalese redundancy.


BTW, Happy Holidays down under! :-)



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Rossi comments on National Instruments

2011-12-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hello again, Aussie,


I just noticed in a previous post that you state that you will shortly have
a portable table top LENR demonstrator in operation. However, you also
state in the same post that it will be more-or-less based on a setup high
school kids did back in 2002/2003. This gives me the impression that the
table top device you will shortly have in your possession is probably NOT
one of Rossi's eCats. It gives me the impression that while you may soon be
able to demonstrate an authentic LENR reaction to prospective customers and
clients, the FPE effect may not be as robust as Rossi's eCats allegedly are.
Or am I mistaken on that point?


As you can see, I'm a little unclear here. I'm not sure what kind of a
portable table top device you are referring to. Will it be based on one of
Rossi's eCats, or something else entirely?



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Rossi is not a pacifist

2011-12-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Aussie:

 Had anybody successfully reverse engineered the formula and
 process to make Coca Cola?

No coke... pepsi.

Definitely sweeter.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:POLITICAL What is the best way to advocate?

2011-12-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:




 I am pretty sure the reason is because he wants to keep a low

 profile. He wants enough people to believe it is real to attract

 customers, but not so many that it attracts competition or

 attention from the authorities. He does not want the DoE to

 think it is real. I wouldn't want that either, if I were him.

 Heck, I wouldn't want that, being me. The longer they stay

 out, the better. Only the DoD is helpful.


In Rossi's case, trying to maintain a low profile is a delicate business
tactic that has limited shelf life. Eventually, I would imagine deception
tactics of this nature, where one deliberately attempts to insinuate through
deliberate inaction the possibility that their controversial technology is
invalid, will fall apart as the technology essentially validates itself via
through normal market conditions and the competition catches wind.
Obviously, Rossi knows this all too well. I believe Rossi has essentially
said so in different words  ways. 


Still, the longer Rossi can continue to insinuate to the general public the
possibility that his technology might be invalid (and especially to
potential competition) he increases his chances of sealing additional
business deals from a few select businesses that have performed their own
due diligence. Incidentally, I suspect many of those businesses may also,
for strategic competitive business reasons of their won, not be in any hurry
to destroy Rossi's charade.


This is, however, a delicate business tactic that I suspect is not easily
mastered. On a similar tact, I believe our own flawed intelligence gathering
eventually concluded that Saddam had attempting to insinuate to his
adversaries a belief that he possessed WMDs while simultaneously trying to
convince the US that he didn't.


In Saddam's case, he got mixed results. We invaded Iraq. Actually, I don't
think there was anything Saddam could have done (or insinuated truthfully or
not truthfully) to have kept the evil eye of the military industrial
complex out of his country, but that is definitely another OT discussion.


All I can say is that in Rossi case, I hope he fares better.



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:POLITICAL What is the best way to advocate?

2011-12-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Mary Yugo:


 Can you think of a recent spectacular innovation that has

 been marketed by deliberately acting in a way that suggests

 it can't and doesn't work?   By acting in a way that

 suggests investor fraud?  


It's all in the eye of the beholder. The point I think you gloss over is the
apparent fact that Rossi is not deliberately (or overtly) ...acting in a
way that suggests investor fraud. Rossi is instead employing
passive-tactics indirectly... through his inaction he conveniently allows
individuals like you who are predisposed to assume the worst in others to
make such assumptions all by yourself. In other words, you are actually
helping Rossi's business strategy by your continued actions of casting
dispersions of doubt and fraud on Rossi's part. It helps give Rossi a
competitive edge against all forms of potential competitors who may read and
buy into your incessant insinuations.


Keep in mind, in matters of warfare employing deception and disinformation
are crucial tactics used in winning wars. Why would you think that running a
competitive businesses would be any different? Since I gather you are a
skeptic, I would suggest that understanding this alone might be another
reason why you might want to consider toning down your campaign against
Rossi, because for the moment you are probably helping Rossi's business
strategy more than you might realize.


You do not appear to know much history, such as in matters of self-serving
business deception tactics. Here's additional nefarious information on
Toyota's Deception and evasion tactics:


.and here's an interesting essay from someone who has pondered the matter of
employing tactics of deception as used both in warfare and in business


His last paragraph, I think, bears repeating:


 Certainly, deception in the form of outright lying and

 cheating is a dead-end strategy.  It might work out in

 the short term, but it's going to get you in trouble in

 the long term.  Defined a bit softer, though, as a method

 for manipulating or spinning reality (I know, I'm cutting

 this a bit thin, but you get the idea), it is almost as

 powerful a tool in business as it is in warfare and is one

 that can be employed to increase your opportunities for



Quite frankly, Mary, you continue to make incredibly ignorant remarks.


It's back to the kill file with you.



Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:POLITICAL What is the best way to advocate?

2011-12-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Harry:


 I suspect he does not want to take the risk of an independently

 tested ecat behaving erractically. He fears the published results

 would make his commercial promises look silly, even if the basic

 energy producing claims are validated.


From Jed:


 That's an interesting idea. Good point. I doubt he fears this,

 but he might.


I think Harry's speculation is spot on. I think Rossi has VERY GOOD reason
to fear this possibility. If I were in Rossi's shoes I certainly WOULD be
concerned about someone possibly botching the job. Rossi would have no
control over such matters either. I'm sure lack of control would drive Rossi
crazy becuz he's such a micro manager. Think about it, Jed. If you were a
competitor, such as someone with affiliations with the fossil fuel industry,
a mega-industry that obviously wouldn't want Rossi's eCats to survive, if
one of those individuals or organizations could purchase one of the eCats
don't you think they would put some effort into botching the job and then
printing a report that gets LOTS of press on what a POS Rossi's eCat really


What did Edison attempt to do with Tesla's superior AC technology?



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:POLITICAL What is the best way to advocate?

2011-12-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:




 It is just a matter of paying a bigger bribe. This is how US

 industry has worked since 1865, and the building of the 

 transcontinental railroad.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I have no choice but to do both.



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Krivit goes Berserk against Cold Fusion research to promote WL theory.

2011-12-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Akira:

 -Original Message-
  McKubre's M4 bogus experiment index:
 In the above link it appears to me that Krivit is not just attacking
 McKubre, but also accusing him of scientific fraud, or at the very
 least strongly implying that he is involved in it. This is stuff for
 lawyers that won't benefit at all the entire LENR field, and I mean
 including WL as well.

In the past I believe Krivit has strongly given the impression that
scientific fraud was perpetuated by McKubre. I recall this particular issue
hit me right in the face when I was still a New Energy Times board member.
This happened a year or two ago, when Krivit went on an internet radio show
and implied that key CF researchers had lied about their research. Krivit
didn't directly say they lied about their data during the interview, but
he made it quite clear what he wanted the listeners to draw such a
conclusion. I privately talked about the content of Krivit's interview to a
lawyer I have known for years. His response back to me was that Krivit was
using weasel words... to imply what he really wanted his listeners to
conclude. It was the final straw for me - one of the primary reasons I
resigned from the NET board of directors. The lawyer thought that my
decision to resign was a wise decision on my part.

Personally, I have yet to understand what cold fusion really is, what it
actually stands for, and particularly the actual physics that might
allegedly be behind it. I'm nevertheless astonished that there are people
who want to turn the CF word into a pariah - and then conveniently insert
their own brand word.

I don't think anything good will come of this. Certainly not for Mr. Krivit.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Once again, I advise Defkalion to show Stremmenos their reactors

2011-12-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Initially, I found myself speculating that DGT's seeming reluctance to
invite Stremmenos to their labs would seem to imply that if he did come
and observe what they have in-house Stremmenos might uncover strong evidence
to the effect that reverse engineering of Rossi's eCat design had occurred. 

But then... DGT sez Stremmenos can come and visit the labs anytime he
wants to since they say he is still a board member. So, this begs the
question: why doesn't Stremmenos go to DGT's labs and take a look around. I
take it he could do just that anytime he wants to. Right?

This makes no sense.

At present this suggests to me the possibility that Stremmenos has
deliberately chosen not to visit DGT's labs - presumably for some strategic
reason that at present remains unclear to the general public - including a
very baffled Vort Collective. This behavior as perceived from both sides of
the fence suggest to me the possibility that both parties have something to
hide. What that might be is still not clear to me. I find myself wondering
if this is all but a staged drama in an effort to temporarily throw more
confusion and obfuscation in the general direction of potential competitors,
and that both sides are in collusion on the matter. ... but that is just
unfounded speculation on my part.

Steven Vincent Johnson 

RE: [Vo]:Private information about Rossi was the Ampernergo tests described by McKubre

2011-12-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Susan

 How we call inidipendent the tests made by
 Ampenergo ? Do we have something else excepts a bunch
 of words ? Do you know who they are ? These guys are
 all friends or in someway related to Rossi. 
 Somewhere there is the list and where thy come from
 (Leonardo, LTI..). I wouldn't be surprised also that
 some of them are involved in the TEG story.
 Sorry but in my world independent test has a
 different meaning.

IOW, you don't trust individuals like McKubre.

The fact that you (or I) have not personally met McKubre and as such don't
personally know them, and therefore cannot assess their trustworthiness is a
perfectly reasonable explanation as to why you or I might not immediately
take their word pertaining to what appears to be extraordinary claims.

OTOH, the danger of subscribing to such an attitude is that it also gives
one convenient carte blanche to pretty much dismiss the statements of
McKubre's and others like McKubre - because it is personally convenient to
do so.

I notice you support your reasoning by claiming it's all nothing more than
...a bunch of words while conveniently dismissing the evidence that backs
up all of those words.

Well, Susan, truth of the matter is: I have never met you either. Much of
what I take from your posts also seems to boil down to ...a bunch of

Dear me! What to do... what to do...

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed


 Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time. I think it traumatized Pons.
 It did not bother Fleischmann as much because he is a tough, cynical
 person who had nightmare experiences during WWII. The Gestapo beat his
 father to death, and he himself barely escaped. He told me that he
 knew calling that press conference would mean the end of his career.
 He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for the rest of his life.
 He went into it knowing what would happen. That was an act of courage.
 But as he said, it was nothing like running for you life at age 13.

 Mind you, it gets his goat. Sheila Fleischmann told me he complains for
 hours. Who wouldn't?

This is one of the most revealing things I've read about Fleishman in a very
long time.

Thanks for posting it, Jed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Royal Dutch Shell will invest in lenr research

2011-12-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Akira,

 On 2011-12-17 05:10, David ledin wrote:
 In the comments:
  Steven B. Krivit says:
  December 17, 2011 at 00:21
  Received via e-mail:
  I ask you take down the blog about Shell. That was privileged
 information for the CMNS group, and it's disclosure is highly
  Thank you,
  Ed Beardsworth.
  PS. I am not a venture capitalist.
 While it's nice that now the general public knows, unwanted
 actions like this might prevent in the future disclosure of
 important LENR-related information to small groups like the
 CMNS mailing list. I hope Krivit realizes this.

It's my understanding that the CMNS group includes a number of scientists
and researchers who feel the need to maintain a sense of anonymity.
Anonymity allows the exclusive membership to discuss certain matters without
fear of the unpredictable actions of outside influences. 

It's my understanding that Mr. Krivit has shown a long history of violating
the wishes of the CMNS membership by posting information that originated
there, information that was privately discussed there. I'm curious as to how
Mr. Krivit gets this information since I would assume the CMNS membership
would never have granted Krivit direct access to their group in the first
place. This leads me to assume that Mr. Krivit must have his sources who
must feel some sense of sympathy for him.

There exists a philosophy that claims anything posted out on the Internet
should be considered in the public domain. Therefore, the argument goes,
anything that is posted in any group should keep in mind how their post
might go down (or be interpreted) if the contents accidentally leak out into
the public domain. This is, in fact, a philosophy I try to remind myself of
daily whenever I post (or email) anything.

Nevertheless, and with that said, Mr. Krivit has consistently violated the
wishes of the privately maintained CMNS group. He appears to show little
respect on the matter of honoring or respecting their wishes.

Hopefully, Mr. Krivit realizes that such actions on his part has a tendency
to backfire. It will isolate himself from many sources that will refuse to
cooperate (or be open) with him in the future. He should also not expect
that others will necessarily feel honor bound to respect mattes of privacy
that he might have personally preferred to be kept confidential.

I realize that should Mr. Krivit read this post of mine it's possible that
he might choose to interpret it as a thinly veiled threat of some kind. (or
perhaps not... I don't know.) I can only say that as a former NET BoD member
working for Krivit it's been my experience that Mr. Krivt has occasionally
shown a tendency to feel personally threatened by how he personally
interprets the way others perceive him. To be honest I've already said
enough about my personal experiences of working with Mr. Krivit. There's
really not much more I can say. Krivit has his good traits, and
unfortunately a few bad traits as well. But then, that pretty much goes for
everyone on the planet. Myself included.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Royal Dutch Shell will invest in lenr research

2011-12-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Terry:

 I don't think this is the first time SK has violated his
 confidentiality agreement with the CMNS group.  They have the right to
 boot him you know.  Not sure that is in their best interest, tho.

Wow! Krivit actually IS a member of the CMNS group? I didn't know that!

I'm surprised they haven't booted him, even if it might not be in their best
interests to do so.

I think I would have.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:OT: Andrea Rossi's eye glasses

2011-12-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Hoyt:

 I was impressed with Rossi's magnetic glasses as seen in one or more
 videos ( made practical by rare earth magnets ), so I ordered two pairs
 I like them!
 After all, if Rossi likes them, they gotta be good :-) .

I would speculate that Rossi probably had Lasik surgery performed on his
eyes so that his focus range is permanently set at far distances. I noticed
he doesn't seem to wear glasses when looking across the room. However, as we
all know, when we get old our ability to focus on short-range objects is
shot to hell. Therefore handy reading glasses turn out to be a useful tool. 

Most of us test to purchase bi- or trifocals. But Rossi is different. I
suppose he doesn't like the idea of using a monocle. I bet Rossi would look
good with a monocle. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:OT: Andrea Rossi's eye glasses

2011-12-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Terry sez:

  I would speculate that Rossi probably had Lasik surgery performed on
  his eyes so that his focus range is permanently set at far distances.
 He has presbyopia.  Inflexible natural lens due to old age.  Like me.

Myself as well. I forgot the technical term. 

Incidentally, when I was young I had strabismus. Took two eye operations,
one at the age of 4, the other at the age of 8 to straighten them out.
Surgery was performed by Arthur Jampolsky, MD. He was a pioneer in the

I wonder if strabismus was a contributing factor to my part-time dyslexia.

 They are reading glasses . . . actually goggles, thanks to the loop
 around his neck.
 I want a pair just so I can hear the neodymium mags click when I
 assemble them.  :-)

Fortunately, for Rossi's sake those neodymium mags are tiny. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:E-Cat production in the US has begun

2011-12-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
On a cautionary note: Rossi's terse response strikes me as a matter of
personal interpretation. With Rossi, personal interpretation can mean a lot
of different scenarios. I find myself asking, how is Rossi choosing to
exploit the word begun in this particular case.

Maybe it actually does means Rossi  Co. are now building eCats in the U.S.

...Or maybe it just means RCo are thinking about what's all involved in
producing eCats in the U.S.. In other words, maybe they have done nothing
more than to begin thinking about the matter. ...or maybe RCo is still in
negotiation with various enterprises within the U.S. about what's all
involved in producing eCats.

Speculation on the word, begun can be endless. With no specific details we
know absolutely nothing other than what Rossi chooses to tell us for public

With Rossi, his use of the word, begun in this particular case, strikes me
as having been strategically stated. It strikes me as an attempt to take
some of the wind out of DGT's recent public announcements. IOW, Rossi is
saying, if you want to cash in on the biggest deal of the century get on

In matters of marketing, or more specifically, establishing market share,
anything goes. The more outrageous the claim, the better. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:The assumption that Rossi is right is made for the sake of argument

2011-12-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:


 I believe Cude threatened to expose the fact that years ago I expressed
 about Piantelli, whereas I am now more persuaded by his claims. Cude
thinks it
 is shameful for me to reconsider the evidence, and two-faced for me
to change
 my mind. I do not think so.

If that really is Mr. Cude's attitude, heaven help us. New discoveries would
never see the light of day because we would be spending all of our psychic
energy saving face.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Yo: Peter Heckert! Is a 0.1 mm gap a problem or not?

2011-12-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:


 Rossi is actually damn good at what he does. People are so in the habit
 of criticizing him and trashing him and making all these outrageous claims
 they fail to notice that he is a first-rate plumber.

It's good to know that Rossi has a useful skill for which he can fall back
on... just in case things don't go according to plan. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:translation

2011-12-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Peter sez:

 Dear Italo:
 I cannot open a camera on our test room, because we make also
 confidential operations. Only a plant in regular operation in our
 Customers' concerns is possible.

 Translated in English this is: you will not see soon working
 E-cats Reason- they cannot stop the ... webcam when making
 confidential operations as mixing pixie dust and aqua Tofana
 to nickel. Should we believe this?

Rossi continues to do little to dissuade his skeptics. But then, I suspect
he could care less what the skeptics think of him.

It's still not clear to me if Rossi's actions are deliberately intentional,
or whether it is just another Rossi quirk.

Only Tinkerbelle knows for sure. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Article about trip of andrea rossi to massachusetts from boston globe

2011-11-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From David:

 Article about trip of andrea rossi to massachusetts from boston globe

Looks like you have to sign up and pay money to view the article.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Krivit provides details of deal Celani offered Rossi and Rossi's rejection of it

2011-11-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:

  What would be the advantage to Rossi if he provided a conclusive test?

 The advantage would be that people would believe him.  If he did not want
 to be believed, why has he gone through all the demonstrations he has
 thus far with invited guests including press and scientists?

 Look, this really is not complicated. He wants to be believed a little,
 by some groups of people, so that he can sell them reactors. He does not
 want to be believed by everyone at this time. Many other inventors such
 as Edison and Patterson did the same thing for the same reasons.

FWIW it appears that Saddam Hussein followed a similar strategy of
misdirection in regards to weapons of mass destruction. This is based on
hindsight analysis - when we tried to figure out why we got it so wrong and
ended up invading Iraq at the needless cost of thousands of lives. However,
a major difference between Saddam and Rossi was that in Saddam's case he was
trying to convince neighboring adversaries of the fact that he HAD them (so
that they would continue to fear him and not invade), while simultaneously
trying to convince everyone else of the act that he didn't possess any.

I guess one could say that in Saddam's case he got mixed results.

I guess one could say the same about Rossi, but then, the jury is still out
on that one. ;-)

Be that as it may, it is clear that tactics of misdirection and
disinformation are used all the time both in covert warfare and in matters
of covert business strategy. It would appear that any corporation that wants
to remain in business had better be prepared to play the game.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:New Youtube videos from SRI features a lecture by McKubre

2011-11-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:


 Additional comments about Rossi at the beginning of the QA segment:

 He discusses Rossi's business plans and his frequency generator.
 He says Rossi is the master of misdirection. He is brilliant
 and his business strategy is brilliant. He is keeping his results
 ambiguous to avoid competition and the evil eye of the DoE.

 I like his remark about the conservation of miracles. The underlying
 physics of the Pd-D and Ni-H must be something in common.

The last question/answer was very encouraging news. Mckubre notes that
Academic interest in conducting CF research is beginning to increase.
Graduate courses are being proposed.

The old guard is dying off.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:New state of matter discovered

2011-11-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From David

 This sounds like cold fusion
 New state of matter discovered

Interesting read.


 According to Professor Putterman's experiments, the plasma goes
 through a phase transition - analogous the melting of ice to
 water. Which is why he feels justified in describing the plasma
 as an entirely new state.

That was an interesting read! Thanks Dave.

FWIW, aspects of what was discussed sounds tantalizing similar to what the
Witch Doctor was harping about. (At least to me.) The following edited
transcript was assembled from a phone call conducted on March  June, 2011:

 WD 18:42 It's just which direction are you going... towards cold or
 towards hot. There is a very definite moment... a number... a point
 where something changes state, and at that point energy is released...
 energy is changed... energies can be made available. And that is the
 energy that needs to be utilized. And they will find this. They are
 not going to find it without getting to that level of energy 
to produce temperature and that state in a consistent way.


 WD 23:50 ...Well, because it's the melting point. But the point we
 trying to make is that at the point when it reaches the change...
 the ability to change its crystalline structure, it emits and absorbs
 energy. And THAT's what he [Rossi] will eventually register. And
 THAT'S what he will eventually detect. And THAT'S what he will
 eventually harness.

 SVJ 24:16 This sounds like it's not really a nuclear effect at all.

 WD 24:19: It's a state change... Based on temperature and pressure

You can read the entire witch doctor transcripts here:   (1 of 4)   (2 of 4)   (3 of 4)   (4 of 4)

DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed by the witch doctor are not necessarily my
opinions, nor is this a blanket endorsement on my part. I'm simply reporting
the contents of an interesting interview.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Official 1 MW E-Cat brochure is released

2011-11-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Beene

 What a crock !
 I'm 99% certain that Bushnell has not authorized that his name be used
 for  this, and that you will see this crap pulled immediately - 
 followed by strong legal action.
 Be glad you are in Oz, if you are...

If I were in Bushnell's shoes I'd be pretty steamed right now.

This is a google doc. Is this from ?

I don't see a specific link to this advert on (Maybe it's
already been pulled.)

Was it a blanket email?

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Official 1 MW E-Cat brochure is released

2011-11-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:

 Jones Beene:
 I'm 99% certain that Bushnell has not authorized that his
 name be used for this, and that you will see this crap
 pulled immediately - followed by strong legal action.

 That is incorrect. Bushnell is a public figure. Any government
 official is. What he says in public can be quoted by anyone for
 any purpose. Government officials have absolutely no copyright
 control over their utterances in connection with their official
 duties. Nearly every document published by NASA, the DoE and
 other government agencies is in the public domain, by definition.
 The public pays for them. You never see a copyright notice on
 such documents.

That may be so, but I bet Bushnell is still royally pissed.

This may result in adverse commentary that in the short term is not likely
to be complementary towards Rossi and the whole continuing eCat saga. I
expect some kind of fallout.

My two cents.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Official 1 MW E-Cat brochure is released

2011-11-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Ecat sez:

 Dennis Bushnell gave a very pro-LENR presentation at the
 NASA LENR Workshop held at GRC on September 22, 2011. I think
 he may become a powerful ally of LENR. There is no hint that
 Bushnell thinks the Rossi E-Cat may be a scam--only that he
 has a very early model of a very important new energy source.

Jed sed:

 Actually, he strikes me as a gung-ho guy who probably
 would not mind.

Hope both of you are right.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]: ECAT 1 MW Test Discrepancy

2011-11-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

I see a LOT of opinions  commentary being expressed in the links you
supplied. However, it's not clear to me if those are opinions you have
personally arrived at, or whether you are continuing to cite the opinions of

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]: ECAT 1 MW Test Discrepancy

2011-11-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Rick sez:

 I am captivated by [Cude's] exceptional
 lucidity of mind -- soon, he will give the Defkalion delusion an
 equally exquisite shave

Your personal objectivity on these matters is something to behold, as what
appears to be your undying faith in the infallibility of your heroes.

Rich, have you considered the possibility of simply sticking to and
expressing your own personal observations  opinions (warts and all) instead
of constantly bolstering your current opinions/ideology with incessant
product endorsements of the perceived unapproachable qualities of your
favorite heroes? 

Personally, I would be much more interested in listening to why YOU
PERSONALLY feel skeptical of Rossi and the whole CF shebang. If you want
people to listen and seriously ponder what you have to say, I would suggest
expressing WHY you personally feel skeptical on such matters. To put it
bluntly, I could give a rat's ass about being subjected to yet another
product endorsement of the perceived qualities of someone else's favorite
hero. Shoot! You've seemed to have even endorsed me on several occasions
when I go off on another one of my eccentric rants... and while I ought to
feel a sense of gratitude for your occasional expressed admiration, the
truth of the matter is: the last thing I need in my life is hero worship.
It's been my experience that anyone perceived as the quintessential hero for
today can just as easily be demoted to the role of a villain for tomorrow.

All this hero worship... You seem to set yourself up to be disappointed,
over and over. But then... perhaps that's one of the major lessons you have
set yourself up to experience in this life-time. It's a doozey of a lesson

Have a happy Turkey day.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Report on Rossi's visit to Boston

2011-11-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
 Jed sez:
  If Rossi does not want MIT to test his reactors,
  he should never have met
  with state officials. It was an embarrassing waste
  of everyone's time.

I suspect Rossi would beg to differ. Seems to me that Rossi has always been
operating on Rossi time.

 From Terry,

 I dunno.  Assuming they paid for the ticket, it was a cheap way for
 him to meet with his business buddies in NH.  :-)

His ticket wuz paid for??? Wow! Sign me up! ;-)

But more seriously, it seems more sensible for me to speculate that Rossi
was on another one of his business fishing trips - feeling out the waters so
to speak. 

Meanwhile, we all have a pretty good idea of what Rossi thinks of the
so-called importance of achieving academic/scientific credibility. A great
irony in all of this is the fact that achieving scientific credibility, for
now, could actually end up hindering his current business plans, at least in
the short term. That seems to be a potential modus operandi that might
explain his eccentric behavior, a behavior that seems to drive certain Vort
members (and the scientific community) to distraction. ;-)
Meanwhile, we all wait with baited breath to see what kind of a dog and pony
show Defkalion plans on unveiling soon... to a theatre near you. Will they
impress us, or disappoint us? We have been disappointed so many times
before. I'm sure we probably are in store for more disappointment before the
fat lady finally gets on stage to sing.

In the meantime I recommend that at least for today we all sit at the table
and pass the meat and gravy amongst each other, secure in the knowledge that
the adventure continues.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:EV World: Rossi's e-Cat goes commercial (12 sold - worth 24 million)

2011-11-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson


 Andrea Rossi may have his doubters, detractors and skeptics,
 but the client for whom he demonstrated his 1MW e-Cat energy
 system apparently isn't one of them. Not only did the mysterious
 client take delivery of Rossi's first 1MW heat energy production
 system, but ordered a dozen more for use in cold, remote
 locations. That's an order worth $24 million.

Steven Vincent Johnson 

RE: [Vo]:Open letter from Brian Josephson to Andrea Rossi (

2011-11-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson


I forgot the course description! Let me try again:


Rossi Business Strategies - Business #671, Semesters (1  2), 4 Credits Each


How to succeed in business by faking out the competition with disinformation 
designed to make your own business appear to be a massive scam operation as 
perceived by your competitors. This two-semester course studies the Rossi 
Phenomenon which ultimately introduced a major commercial paradigm shift in 
global energy distribution networks in the early 21st century. We will focus on 
why Rossi continues to be fiercely debated within business schools. Did Rossi 
consciously manipulate his own disinformation campaign, a strategy that 
appeared to have skillfully faked out the global fossil industry for more than 
a decade, and as such, helped secure him a crucial foothold in developing a 
brand new energy market consisting of asynchronous distribution networks, as 
several historians have claimed. Or was Rossi's success due to nothing more 
than a random throw of the dice, a rare collection of eccentricities that 
ultimately produced the first trillionaire known to the world. 


Course materials: Macroeconomics, by Fred Zuccerson; Business ethics, by 
Akartha Zimbabua; Pamphlet Vortex-l archives, circa 2011- 2015; Pamphlet The 
collapse of New Energy Times Archives, circa 2011-2013.






Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:its been great

2011-11-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed

 From Esa
 you guys had a real nice list going. then mary yugo joined.
 im out of here.

 Why don't you just block out Mary Yugo's message? Problem solved.

 I'll do that in a week or so, and stop responding.

Esa, you sound petulant. 

Ms. Yugo has a right to express her opinions on the matter, as does Mr.

However, after listening to the same stalwart opinions being expressed over
and over... opinions that long ago stopped revealing anything useful, at
least to me pertaining to the mystery of what might be behind Rossi's eCats,
I did exactly what Mr. Rothwell suggested.

It's possible Ms Yugo and Mr. Cude will shake their heads in my general
direction and assume I am sticking my head in the ground as I reveal so
clearly to them my desire to remain ignorant of the reality of the

All I can say is, I think I'll keep an eye out for better informed skeptics.

IOW, not on my dime.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:OT (sort of) Fioravanti does Casa Blanka, Speculative Fiction (1 of 2)

2011-11-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
There has a lot of speculation concerning the alleged identity of the
mysterious engineer Domenico Fioravanti. For example PESN states he is a
NATO Colonel-Engineer. See:

I gather Fioravanti's identity, at present, remains unverified. However,
recent links hint of possible government RD contracts. Please correct me if
I error on this assumption.

In the midst of all of this fertile speculation I found myself fertilizing
my own imagination on what Fioravanti, if he actually IS an engineer might
have said to his superiors after inspecting Rossi's megawatt eCat. Of course
we know even less whose Fioravanti's boss might be, but that hasn't stopped
me from writing a speculative dramatization of what MIGHT have transpired.

The dramatization takes place in a board room of an unnamed corporation. 

Characters in this dramatization:

Fioravanti - Domenico Fioravanti
THE BOSS - Fioravanti's Superior.
Bod# - Various Board of Director members.

[Members file into the board room. The door closes.]

THE BOSS:   Sit down gentlemen. [Everyone sits.] Ok, Domenico, what do
you have for us?

FIORAVANTI: As requested I attended Andrea's October 28 demonstration. I
monitored the controls. I monitored the heat generated during the actual
test. Andrea gave me a choice of protocols that could be followed. He said
we could run his prototype generating one megawatt of thermal heat, or about
half that much. It depended on whether an input stabilizing source of power
would be utilized during the length of the demonstration. Without the
stabilizing input power Andrea told me that he could only safely guarantee
about half a megawatt of thermal heat. I chose the latter option as I wanted
to make sure there was no input power being fed to the prototype.

THE BOSS:   And what did you find?

FIORAVANTI: Andrea's prototype generated well over 400 kilowatts of
thermal heat. The demonstration ran for over four hours. We terminated the
demonstration by manually turning the reactors off.

THE BOSS:   Interesting. And your assessment?

FIORAVANTI: Based on my professional opinion as an engineer Adrea's
prototype produced vast amount of thermal heat. It appears to do so cheaply.

THE BOSS:   A LOT of heat?

FIORAVANTI: Yes. There was far more heat than could be accounted by
prosaic means, such as from a hidden chemical source. I was convinced that I
witnessed a massive amount of thermal heat being generated by a process I
don't understand.

THE BOSS:   ...and you acted according?

FIORAVANTI: Yes, as you instructed me, after I determined that the
prototype was authentic I entered into a tentative agreement with Andrea. I
instructed Andrea to fix a couple of leaky gaskets we detected during the
run, and then have the entire contents shipped to our secret facilities
located in the outskirts of [REDACTED].

[long pause. Various board members shift uncomfortably in their seats.]

THE BOSS: [Makes a long sigh] So... On behalf of our company you have
purchased a mysterious prototype that produces a lot of heat. And you don't
know what is producing that heat. No?

FIORAVANTI: No, sir. I don't.

BoD1[Looking concerned] You have absolutely NO idea what is producing
the heat?

FIORAVANTI: That is correct, sir. No idea.

BoD2You're an engineer, damn it! We pay you a lot of money to figure
these things out!

FIORAVANTI: Sir, you paid me a lot of money to make a determination as
to whether Andrea's machine is for real. In my opinion... that of a
professional engineer, Andrea's machine is for real.

[The board remains silent.]

BoD2:   [Mumbling] Now what do we do. [He looks at THE BOSS]

THE BOSS:   You also think it has commercial value?

FIORAVANTI: Well, sir, you also paid me to determine whether the
prototype has any commercial value for which this corporation could exploit.
In my professional opinion, yes, it has commercial value. In self-sustain
mode the amount of input consumables was a tiny fraction of the amount of
anomalous heat generated. Quite frankly, sir, the assessment was a
no-brainer for me: The prototype has incredible commercial potential.

THE BOSS:[smiling slightly] Well... not according to a number of
press releases I've read over the past year. Most doubt Andrea's prototype
is real. Some even claim it's a scam operation.

FIORAVANTI: I would imagine that most of those press releases are
relying on the opinions of experts, and I suspect most of those experts
were not present for most of Andrea's demonstrations. I was there, sir. You
paid me to be there. You paid me to kick a few tires. You paid me to look
around corners and 

[Vo]:OT (sort of) Fioravanti does Casa Blanka, Speculative Fiction (2 of 2)

2011-11-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
This speculative dramatization takes place in a board room of an unnamed

Characters in this dramatization:

Fioravanti - Domenico Fioravanti
THE BOSS - Fioravanti's Superior.

THE BOSS:   Can I make an offer you can't refuse?

Fioravanti: [hesitates] What did you have in mind, sir?

THE BOSS:   Look, I get it that this device is an unknown factor. I get
it that it is dangerous. I really do. However, I'm the CEO of this outfit
because I'm willing to take chances on long shots. Andrea's machine is
another long shot. The only way I can determine whether this long shot
will pan out is to get individuals LIKE YOU, working on it NOW! Quite
frankly, I wouldn't trust an engineer who didn't show genuine fear when
approaching an unknown factor like Andrea's machine. But you have also told
me that this log shot produces a massive amount of thermal heat, and with
practically NO input power being used to power it. YOU KNOW WHAT THE
thing scares the living merde out of you, but I also know that as an
engineer you won't be able to forgive yourself if let this
once-in-a-lifetime event slip away from you. And I want you to be the person
who can do that, precisely because you are so scared of it... scared of the
dangers it may have in store for us. That's the kind of person I want
working on this device.

Fioravanti: I need full control over the RD operations of this program.

THE BOSS:   If it is within my power, you will get everything that you
need. However...

Fioravanti: However... what?

THE BOSS:   There is a delicate PR issue that needs to be addressed.
It's tightly related to the competition.

Fioravanti: [long pause] Yes... there are potential problems, sir. As
you well know, there are other individuals and corporations hot on the
trail, ... Like Mr. Ahren, Miley, Ames National Laboratory, Defkalion... I
suspect they are all working on similar technology.

THE BOSS:   Yes, no doubt they are. But what concerns me even more is
the fact that even MORE outsiders may soon get curious. Additional
curiosity is NOT good for us or our corporate goals. We have to figure out
how to slow down this growing rate of curiosity. We need to buy ourselves
additional time to get something out into the market. I aim to be the first
company to commercialize Andrea's technology in a big way. To do that we
have to distract our competitors... throw them off the track as best as we

Fioravanti: What did you have in mind, Sir.

THE BOSS:   You sound like you spent some time going over Mr. Krivit's

Fioravanti: Yes, I've browsed through some of his posts.

THE BOSS:   We need Mr. Krivit to succeed.

Fioravanti: Ok... [Looking puzzled] what are you driving at?

THE BOSS:   We need Mr. Krivit's New Energy Times web site to gain
better recognition within the mainstream... Far more recognition than it
currently enjoys.

Fioravanti: [long pause] Ok... I think I know where you're going with
this. A decoy. Right?

THE BOSS:   Right.

Fioravanti: And how do you propose to do that, Sir.

THE BOSS:   You're an engineer, right?

Fioravanti: Right, sir.

THE BOSS:   You also understand how to assemble evidence that follows
strict scientific protocol, right?

Fioravanti: Of course, sir. I went to college. I remember all that

THE BOSS:   Good. I want you to write up an iron-clad scientifically
accurate report on Andrea's machine.

Fioravanti: I can't do that until I get the machine in our Labs and hook
it up to our equipment.

THE BOSS:   Of course... Of course. As SOON as it is delivered to our
labs I want you to follow up on producing a scientifically accurate report.
I'll need it in order to accomplish my little disinformation campaign.

[A long pause...] Hmmm. Say, Domenico, it goes to follow that you would also
know how to manipulate the methodology behind scientific protocol and, let's
say... imply that the measurements coming out of Andrea's machine are highly
suspicious if not downright incorrect.

Fioravanti: [Laughing] Andrea's measurements HAVE ALWAYS BEEN highly
doubtful - from a scientific perspective. You don't need me to manufacture
garbage for you! [Becomes more serious, a long pause] What are you implying
here, sir. Are you asking me to falsify Andrea's data by deliberately
generating falsified data? I won't do that, sir.

THE BOSS:   [sighs] Domenico, we are in business! We are in competition
with other businesses that wouldn't hesitate a second to do what I'm
suggesting. Ethics is a matter of perspective, especially in matters of
marketing! Falsifying data is a tried and true procedure of PROTECTING the
data... particularly from prying eyes. It's nothing more than a decoy.
Everybody does it.

Ask yourself, Domenico, do you WANT to work on this project, or not. Do you
want to see your project eventually develop into 

RE: [Vo]:Bowing out of the discussion for a while

2011-11-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Stephen:

 I've got too much other stuff I'm not getting too, and the Rossi
 discussion is looking to be interminable.
 If my will power falters I'll unsubscribe for a while; absent that I'll
 be trying to ignore goings-on here, partly in the no doubt vain hope
 that something will have been resolved when I next look in.
 'Til later...

I sympathize. I've had to resort to filtering out the posts of certain
individuals because for the most part I wasn't learning anything new from
what they were saying. These days it would seem that A HUGE amount of Vort
bandwidth is now being used up assessing  correcting a lot of
misconceptions and personal opinions that refuse to be changed because they
are, after all, their own personal opinion. ...And by god it IS their
personal opinion, and that's just the way it going to be!

Not on my dime.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:When faced with reality

2011-11-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Marcello,

 The Wright brothers were certainly complicit in the lack of attention
 they received. Fearful of competitors stealing their ideas, and still
 without a patent, they flew on only one more day after October 5. From
 then on, they refused to fly anywhere unless they had a firm contract
 to sell their aircraft. They wrote to the U.S. government, then to
 Britain, France and Germany with an offer to sell a flying machine, but
 were rebuffed because they insisted on a signed contract before giving
 a demonstration. They were unwilling even to show their photographs of
 the airborne Flyer. The American military, having recently spent
 $50,000 on the Langley Aerodrome-a product of the nation's foremost
 scientist-only to see it plunge twice into the Potomac River like a
 handful of mortar, was particularly unreceptive to the claims of two
 unknown bicycle makers from Ohio.[66] Thus, doubted or scorned, the
 Wright brothers continued their work in semi-obscurity, while other
 aviation pioneers like Brazilian Alberto Santos-Dumont, Henri Farman,
 Leon Delagrange and American Glenn Curtiss entered the limelight.

There do seem to be some similarities. Regrettably, history often repeats

We shall see if that is the case... again.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane?

2011-11-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Good heavens! This video is suggesting the possibly of an extraterrestrial
craft closely tailing a military aircraft? Are they serious??? Whatever.

Actually, it looks to me like a male guppy following after a female guppy...
I know these things. As a small child with an aquarium, I raised a lot of

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:When faced with reality

2011-11-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

Thank you for taking some time out to answer this query. A willingness to
share your knowledge of certain historical events is much appreciated.

Regarding Rossi, will history repeat itself, again? I suspect we must wait
for some more shoes to drop for the definitive answer. All I can say is that
from my perspective I do get the impression that a lot of shoes have already
have dropped. As such, I would be very reluctant to bet on a premise that
Rossi is a scammer. Such odds don't look good to me. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Let Rossi Be Rossi?

2011-11-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
 Hear, hear!

 Jed: I have had it with Mary Yugo.

 I think Mary Yugo is a good addition to this list.

 Mary Yugo's skepticism is better than excusing Rossi's odd
 behaviour on the grounds that he must be an eccentric genius.

We hear, hear what we want to believe in.

It would appear that certain Vort skeptics have acquired an adamant cheer
leader to bolster their POV that Rossi is a scamster. Well, good for them.
As for me, after reading a string responses from Mary over this past weekend
I began to realize that I wasn't learning anything new. Having to wade
through most of Mary's responses started becoming a distraction to my own
efforts of trying to discern what was going on with the Rossi affair. The
vast majority of what I was reading from Mary's posts seemed to be nothing
more than an opinion of an adamant skeptic, and not a terribly informed one
at that. It was the part about not being terribly informed, and apparently
not really wanting to do anything about being uninformed that cinched it for

My time is too short to waste it on reading a huge vort bandwidth stuffed
with uninformed skepticism. I'm sure certain skeptics will disagree -
perhaps adamantly so. Some may even accuse me of showing my own personal
brand of prejudice. That is their prerogative to express. As for me, after
spending more time that I really should have trying to help out Krivit, and
now seeing Krivit's own prejudice being used by Mary in precisely the way
that Krivit hoped it would... It's time to add another email address to my
filter list.

Mary, you might want to contact Mr. Krvit and offer your services as a NET
Board of Director member. Krivit is probably still looking for a good few
men and women, especially those that are more simpatico to his POV. I'm
positively sure he is aware of you and your posts.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Defkalion : first pictures of their lab released.

2011-11-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From: Jed


 This document is unprofessional. The photographs should have captions,

 like the ones in the Scientific American or a trade magazine. A

 caption should tell the reader what this is, and what the significance

 of it is. Like so:


 An  reactor (nn cm x nn cm x nn cm). On the left is a canister of

 blah, on the right is blah, blah. This reactor has been run n times,

 producing maximum power of n kW, and nn MJ of energy. Photo credit:

 so-and-so (or Defkalion Corp.)


The PDF document struck me primarily as a tantalizing preview of things that
will soon be coming out of the RD labs of DGT. (At least that is the
implication.) I agree with Jed in the sense that it certainly would have
been more to our liking to have had better detailed captions underneath each
photo. However, I would speculate that to have given a more detailed
description might have compromised DGT's current objective - which appears
to be to remain silent about all the fascinating fiiddl'de'bits untill they
are ready to actually present their Dog and Pony show to the world. It would
appear that DGT plans to get such a highly anticipated show on the road in a
couple of weeks. Soon.


I think DGT is simply trying to let everyone know that Rossi isn't the only
kid on the block who is working on this exotic technology. I bet someone on
the BoD may have said something to the effect of: Hey! We gotta do
something now! Rossi is in danger of stealing our thunder! least let
everyone know that we're about to roll out a few prototypes/products of our


What I personally took from the photos was the -IMPRESSION- that DGT appears
to have better equipment at their disposal than what Rossi seems to have. I
don't know if my impression is correct or not however. If that was the
implication or objective, it implies that DGT by default must be creating
better and/or more reliable products. The document was essentially saying:
In two weeks we'll show you something you can really sink your teeth into...
just wait!


We shall see.



Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:Physorg comments : new Krivit Crusade

2011-11-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson


 The Big Lie Technique of Scammers, Courtesy of Adolf Hitler


In regards to the pursuit of scientific investigation, personally I think
the late author Jacob Bronowski said it much more eloquently in the
following short You Tube clip from Bronowski's award winning series, The
Ascent of Man. This excerpt was from the show titled Knowledge or
Certainty. It depicts the folly mankind can suffer from when we allow
ourselves to fall victim to believing we possess absolute certainty in our


Some might wonder if I posted this clip as a kind of warning pertaining to
Rossi's apparent displays of arrogance. .others might wonder if it was meant
for Krivit.


Being possessed with a sense of absolute certainty in regards to an opinion
is an equal opportunity employer.



Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Krivit names some Rossi customer names

2011-11-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Obviously, Krivit has a very strong personal opinion on the matter. It is
his blog, however, so he has every right to blog away to his heart's


I wouldn't call this journalism however, especially objective journalism. I
wouldn't call it journalism because Krivit has made it very clear to his
readers that he has convinced himself of a personal belief that Rossi must
be a scam artist. I don't know why this seems to have become such an
absolute truth in Krivit's mind. I certainly have speculated on reasons,
some that might be based on my prior interactions with Krivit. Whatever...
The point being, when a journalist has convinced himself that he knows the
absolute truth on any particular subject, said journalist ceases to be an
objective source of information to his readers.


Krivit made the following comments in his November 9 blog:




 And what does the SPAWAR scientist have to say? Nothing.


 And what does Peter Svensson, the AP reporter who went

 to check out Rossi's claims for himself say? Nothing.


 And remember what NASA spokesmen had to say about its

 relationship with Rossi on Sept. 29 and Oct. 4. Nothing.



I am astonished that Krivit seems to be oblivious to a major reason why
these individuals would be strongly inclined to say nothing publicly.
Rossi's demos have consistently not followed proper scientific protocol.
Therefore, what could any of these individuals say publicly on the matter -
ESPECIALLY from a scientific POV. If I were in their shoes I couldn't say
anything publicly either because I wouldn't have a scientific leg to stand
on pertaining and what I could write about.


Finally Krivit concludes with the following statement:


Obviously NASA, the Navy and AP are conspiring to

 suppress the reality of Rossi's extraordinary device.


This certainly isn't journalism either. It is mockery. IMHO, what Krivit has
actually done here, and without Krivit's conscious realization, is both mock
and challenge anyone who has not come to the same conclusion that he has
arrived at. Not a terribly intelligent thing to do. It's a cover up. A cover
up of what, you might ask? I've noticed that Krivit occasionally has a
propensity to challenge the perceptions and intelligences of others. Often
making these kinds of challenges (vendettas) is nothing more than a cover-up
for one's own insecurities. Again, this shows, IMHO, Krivit's inability to
accurately understand the motivations of others. But something deep down,
something that remains out of conscious awareness. It's like something
disturbing is gnawing at you. your conclusions, but you can't admit that
doubt consciously, especially to yourself.  Therefore, you end up
externalizing the disturbances and projecting the problems and inabilities
onto the faces of others. I suspect this is probably due to the fact that
Krivit has lost track of his own motivations. Carrying a torch often blinds
us to the motivations of others. particularly when our own unrealized
motivations end up calling all the shots.



Steven Vincent Johnson



[Vo]:Krivit's transcript of Rossi's Ah Ha moment, a cheap shot. (Part 1 of 2)

2011-11-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
In reference to Mr. Krivit's Oct 30 blog:


Before I embark on what I perceive to have been a deliberate exploitation of
Rossi's broken English I want to briefly focus on Krivit's self-perceived
powers of prediction. Krivit states:


 As I predicted on Thursday night, promoter Andrea

 Rossi's final demonstration of a series of boxes of

 pipes and wires did not light any bulb or turn any

 motor. Again, he failed at science, and he failed

 to deliver a technological device.


I believe it was common knowledge that Rossi was building the equivalent of
a 1 megawatt thermal reactor to do nothing more than heat water. My
impression was that prior to the demo there may have some speculation as to
whether Rossi would attempt to generate steam or just make a lot of hot
water. Be that as it may, I don't recall Rossi ever planning to produce
electricity from generated steam, presumably in order to power light bulbs
or motors. Granted, while it might have been impressive to see a bunch of
bright lights or a whirring motor that never appeared to have been Rossi's
intent. Even if Rossi had powered a bunch of light bulbs or a motor I doubt
their inclusion would have contributed anything useful in the scientific
sense. Skeptics (and that obviously now includes Krivit) would have, as they
have in the past, continued to doubt Rossi's claims. They would have
continued to cry foul and scam precisely because Rossi's demonstrations, as
they always have in the past, continued to avoid following adequate
scientific protocols. However, because it was common knowledge as to what
Rossi was planning to demonstrate I find it very odd that Krivit seems to be
self-congratulating himself for predicting that there were no light bulbs or
running motors. It was a frivolous and meaningless prediction for Krivit to
have broadcast to his readers.




And now, on to what I really wanted to discuss. Krivit goes on in the same
Oct 30 blog to say:


 Visually, Rossi exhibits absolute confidence. Yet

 listen carefully when I interview him on camera

 and ask him a crucial question: He is vague, he

 stutters and he is logically inconsistent, even

 within a 12-minute period.


 I asked him whether he had a specific moment of

 discovery in his low-energy nuclear reaction research.


 Yes, because I burned a finger, Rossi said.


At this point I would recommend to any who might be interested in what Rossi
actually said, view the actual You-Tube conversation of Rossi's Ah ha
moment. See:


...and be sure to focus on Rossi's actual comments, the Ah Ha! moment
starting around 10:19. 


Krivit's transcript of Rossi's Ah Ha! is meticulously transcribed, down to
each and every single utterance and inflection:


 Can you tell me more about that moment? [Krivit] asked.


 Rossi replied, Yes, uhh, because, umm, I was, uh, uh,

 working with a, with a small reactor which was made of,

 uh, umm, of copper, was made of copper, uh, and with a

 small lead shielding, and I was giving energy with a

 resistance, uh, giving, eh, some sort of temperature.

 At a certain point, the, the temperature raised very

 suddenly, and, uh, and I had in my, the, the, uh, left

 finger of, uh, of, uh, the, the, the, the finger of,

 umm, uh, the index of my left hand, umm, sit on a, a

 part of this small reactor which was as big as this,

 and I burned the top of the finger.


For Krivit to have produced a technically accurate word-for-word translation
of Rossi's broken English, a typical Rossi-reply which was filled with
Italian inflections, and pauses, and umms, and as and ehs, was in my
opinion deliberately manipulative. Krivit intentionally, and with
forethought, exploited Rossi's inability to adequately express himself in a
foreign language. He did so as a pretext to generate innuendo that Rossi
displays confused thinking patterns. It is a cheap shot. It is despicable
journalism. What I find incredibly egregious about what Krivit did is based
on the fact that Krivit obviously knows that Rossi does not possess a good
command of the English language. Krivit also realizes that many readers will
simply read the transcript of Rossi's statement and quickly conclude, Jeez!
This Italian is a real wacko! I suspect Krivit is banking on the hope that
many readers would simply jump to such a conclusion without even bothering
to watch the video of Rossi struggling to form proper English syntax.
Therefore, for Krivit to have exploited Rossi in such a manner was
opportunistic and IMO intentionally manipulative. I suspect it was done to
bolster Krivit's assessment that Rossi must be confused about many things. I
can only assume Krivit truly believes that he was doing his readers a
service, due to his perceived prowess of analyzing the perceive analytical
prowess of others, or the lack of. On that point I beg to differ,
strenuously so. I disagree due to my own prior 

[Vo]:Krivit's transcript of Rossi's Ah Ha moment, a cheap shot. (Part 2 of 2)

2011-11-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
When I read accounts about Rossi's quirky behavior, his alleged faults and
past transgressions, I immediately find myself thinking of a few faults of
my own.


There by the grace of god go I.


For example, my own command of the English language, my speech can
occasionally be filled with halting pauses - and keep in mind the fact that
English is my primary language. I used to stutter all the time when I was a
small child. Who knows why. I sort of grew out of it, but not entirely. Now,
I just tend to pause when I'm having a moment of difficulty trying to
articulate something that feels, for whatever reason, overwhelmingly complex
to verbalize. Needless to say, the gift of oration as practiced in front
of others is probably not one of my strong suits. Neither is my capacity to
learn and speak a foreign language. My grasp of Spanish is abysmal, even
after having lived three years in El Salvador and going to a bi-lingual


Earlier in my life, particularly in my 20s and 30s, I had my share of
emotional issues to work through. Like who didn't! I felt vulnerable, lost,
and terribly isolated. Misunderstood. Like many troubled youth, sometimes in
my desperation I seemed to wander aimlessly into paths of self destruction.
At times, I sought counsel. But most of the time I simply had to muddle as
best as I could through a plethora of angst of my own making. Shit happened
to me. Actually, shit happens to all of us on this planet, so why should I
take my own shit personally. When I started realize the fact that it might
be a good idea not to take my own shit so personally... so
self-indulgently, it would seem that a great burden had been lifted from my


OTOH, some of my stronger points are that I'm an artist, a composer of
music, and a computer programmer. I have a decent grasp of math, algebra and
trigonometry. (but not calculus!) I've always loved science and science
fiction. Despite possessing a mild form of dyslexia all my life I've forced
myself to write on a regular basis in order to better express my thoughts.
By profession I have been a Project Leader of Information Systems for the
State of Wisconsin. I have made most of my living performing the work of
computer programmer and as a PL. 


Curiously, I noticed that very early on in my professional computer career
the intuitive/artistic aspects of my nature started to influence the way I
assembled complex computer programs and systems. Decades later, that same
kind of intuition continues to influence my efforts to develop complex
computer simulations, such as in the field of celestial mechanics. Without a
sense of intuition I firmly believe that my grasp of computer logic alone
would not have been sufficient write any kind of useful code and ferret out
unexpected surprises.


Now, many might be asking themselves, why the hell am I incessantly
blathering on about my past faults and achievements. Isn't this subject
thread 'sposed about Krivit and Rossi? Please humor me for a spell longer.


Krivit goes on to conclude in his blog:


 Rossi is a convicted [criminal guilty of] serial fraud. 

 His discovery is that, with enough chutzpah, one can convince

 a number of people that an electric tea kettle is a new kind

 of nuclear reactor.


... to which I immediately reflect on my own past transgressions. I find
myself saying: Big frigg'n deal! Who hasn't read about Rossi prior run-ins
with the law. If I were to define myself... no... IF I WERE TO CONTINUE TO
JUDGE MYSELF based on my own past transgressions, I probably would have put
myself six foot under decades ago. Fortunately for me, the fates seemed to
have conspired against my best laid intentions. ;-)


Meanwhile, Jed recently posted an interesting observation concerning his own
observations of Krivit's perceptions.


 Rossi has many outstanding qualities, and many faults too,

 but he does not have a single one of the qualities ascribed

 to him by Krivit or Heckert.


To that I would add: It would probably be wise to assemble a careful
assessment of one's own personal qualities, both the good and bad ones prior
assembling the assessed qualities of others. It would also be wise to first
recognize and face one's own personal demons head on. Failing to do so
typically results in projecting them onto the faces and actions of others.
And that invariably tends to cause one to become terrified of the projected
actions of others. .Strange how all those exorcised demons now seem to want
to come back to repossess them, as if they are out to get them.


If we MUST go about the business of assessing Rossi, I suggest we judge the
merits of Rossi's current abilities, (or the lack of them), and not Rossi's
past transgressions. Under the circumstances, one of best ways of
ascertaining the merits of Rossi's current abilities would be to follow the
money trail. Go find out who purchased Rossi's 1 MW eCat. Ask 

RE: [Vo]:Mars Transport System

2011-11-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Terry,

 Interesting images:

Interesting but totally mundane. Actually, not all that interesting, at
least not to me.

I'm astonished at how the author of this web site has managed to completely
fabricate a tale of artificial origins pertaining to what is obviously
nothing more mundane than a visual artifact of how the photograph was
processed. The depiction of a straight line was probably a transmission
anomaly that got integrated into the photograph while processing. I'm 100%
sure the straight line trail it is not a mysterious depiction of some
former civilization. 

I continue to be astonished at the incredible amount of gullibility some of
these Mars observers show in their analysis of photographs. I've stopped
looking at their stuff.

Personally, I'd love to believe that we will eventually find evidence
pointing to a former civilization that may have at one time existed on
Mars... or at least evidence that the planet had been visited. So far I have
seen no photo evidence that even hints to me of the possibility than an
advanced civilization whatsoever had at one time existed there. Of course,
we may still find evidence, but so far I have see no evidence. OTOH, I've
seen some tantalizing photographic evidence that might just might show
fossil evidence, of low life forms that had lived in the water and mud when
Mars was still a wet planet. But such photo evidence needs to be looked at
more closely. I have serious doubts since the objects depicted in these
photos are right at the border of personal interpretation. They depict
object that are themselves fuzzy - and that fuzziness inevitably leads to
personal interpretation.

Inevitably, too much personal conjecture and fertile imagination colors the
evidence. Too much personal interpretation.

As a visual artist all I can say is never EVER underestimate the power of
personal interpretation. Personal Interpretation happens. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
 Did the buyer take away the huge eKat in its storage container?

 No he left it in Rossi's care.  Andrea plans to sell it again to another

 A variation on the gift that keeps on giving.

That's humorous. But then... such a scenario doesn't make much sense to me.
Why would the anonymous customer after presumably forking over a large sum
of money then proceed to leave it in Rossi's care - unless... perhaps part
of the contract stipulated that Rossi was required to repair what is
presumed to have been a few minor anomalies that had been detected during
the run, like some noticed leaks. Just wondering out loud here.

I've been out of the loop for the last couple of days, and I haven't been
able to keep up with the large volume of Vortex posts. I feel like I might
have missed something important.

I was under the impression that Rossi's anonymous customer had actually
spirited the eCat away at the conclusion of the Oct 28 performance
evaluation. I thought I recalled reading a humorous post (or two) that
speculated over why had not some of the Oct 28 participants given chase on
their scooters and vespas, as if they were the Paparazzi trying to determine
the identification  address of the anonymous customer.

At least I seem to recall some posts that seemed to indicate that the whole
caboodle had been taken away. What did I miss?

Can someone once again clarify where the current where-abouts of Rossi's big
eCat is?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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