Re: [newbie-it] permessi di r/w

2002-03-19 Thread SkyHeart
Il giornol Mon, 18 Mar 2002 11:35:24 +0100 Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: in /etc/fstab c'e` una riga dedicata alla partizione win. Tra le opzioni (auto,defualts,...) aggiungi umask=000 (senza virgolette). Ogni cifra corrisponde ai permessi che _togli_ rispettivamente al

[newbie-it] Installare win98 sul suo spazio..

2002-03-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale
... Salve a tutti. Ho installato la Mdk8.1 su un bel computerone ed ben conoscendo i miei vicini di studio ho lasciato uno spazio formattato FAT per win98. Solo che adesso mi chiedo: come faccio a spiegare al disco di boot di win98 che deve installare sul pezzo di partizione per lui previsto?

[newbie-it] Ancora ALSA

2002-03-19 Thread Tommaso Leddi
21:24, sabato 16 marzo 2002, nicola: Anch'io mi unisco alla richiesta di Tommaso per sapere come caricare i driver oss o alsa. Grazie Nicola Da qualche giorno guardo sempre tra la posta se qualcuno ha delle indicazioni su come passare da OSS a ALSA. Luigi aveva fornito alcune informazioni

Re: [newbie-it] fuso...orario

2002-03-19 Thread Stefano Bigotta
Ciao, verifica il fuso orario. Probabilmente uno dei due è errato é probabile anche che linux utilizzi l'orario GMT in maniera non corretta compare una domanda a tale proposito in fase d'installazione, ma non saprei dirti una volta installato dove andare a mettere le mani...

Re: [newbie-it] Ancora ALSA

2002-03-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale
Per chi desiderasse l'history del messaggio lascio sotto i vecchi e-mail altrimenti non si legge piu'. Allora mi dispiace non essere stato piu' rapido ma avevo da lavorare. Il file modules.conf si trova nella directory /etc/ e ci trovi i moduli che vengono montati all'inizio. Con la madrake

R: [newbie-it] Installare win98 sul suo spazio..

2002-03-19 Thread luca laghi
... Salve a tutti. Ho installato la Mdk8.1 su un bel computerone ed ben conoscendo i miei vicini di studio ho lasciato uno spazio formattato FAT per win98. Solo che adesso mi chiedo: come faccio a spiegare al disco di boot di win98 che deve installare sul pezzo di partizione per lui

Re: [newbie-it] Installare win98 sul suo spazio..

2002-03-19 Thread Stefano Lena
Salve, se ricordo bene dall'ultima volta che l'ho fatto win98 dovrebbe trovare quella partizione fat ed installarsi li' senza protestare. Occhio pero' che win98 non ha pieta' per il master boot record : lo cancella ( compreso il lilo od il grub in esso contenuto ). In pratica una volta

[newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale
Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98 e lui sta facendo uno scandisk. Lo devo lasciare fare? Aiutooo! Perche' mi sento cosi' poco confortevole? Luigi -- Not all who wander are lost (Tolkien) Luigi De Pascale: Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica

[newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Andrea Celli
Adesso corro a scaricarla :-) ciao, Andrea PS non e` indispensabile, ma ieri mi sono iscritto al Mandrake-club

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread paolo brusasco
non so ma se win98 fa uno scandisk dovrebbe poterlo fare solo sulle partizioni fat Luigi De Pascale wrote: Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98 e lui sta facendo uno scandisk. Lo devo lasciare fare? Aiutooo! Perche' mi sento cosi' poco confortevole? Luigi

Re: [newbie-it] permessi di r/w

2002-03-19 Thread SkyHeart
Il giornol Tue, 19 Mar 2002 09:58:29 +0100 SkyHeart [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: scusate correggo, riesco a scrivere sul floppy, ma nn riesco a formattarlo...scusate ancora e ciao!!! -- SkyHeart -another happy Linux user- user #205247

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Marco Forti
Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98 e lui sta facendo uno scandisk. Lo devo lasciare fare? Aiutooo! Perche' mi sento cosi' poco confortevole? Luigi Tranquillo, lo scandisk lo fa tutte le volte che parte l'installazione ex-novo. Comunque lo fa solo, ovviamente, sulla

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Stefano Bigotta
Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98 contento tu =) e lui sta facendo uno scandisk. Lo devo lasciare fare? lascialo fare, zio bill non sbaglia una mossa! ciao stefano

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Asgro][
No, dovro aspettere(56k non bastano per scaricare i files iso) Facci sapere! Sono freneticamente ansioso!! :)

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Luigi De Pascale
On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Marco Forti wrote: Ho cominciato l'installazione di win98 e lui sta facendo uno scandisk. Lo devo lasciare fare? Aiutooo! Perche' mi sento cosi' poco confortevole? Luigi Tranquillo, lo scandisk lo fa tutte le volte che parte l'installazione ex-novo.

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Marco Forti
Visto che ci siamo, quindi se gli dico che puo' correggere cio' che ha trovato eventualmen te danneggiato non puo' fare danni a linux.Giusto? Luigi Direi di no, salvo a LILO o GRUB se li avevi messi sull'MBR ... ma questo l'ha sicuramente già fatto! Del resto non dovrebbe creare

[newbie-it] Periferica Hub?

2002-03-19 Thread ku68
Ciao e scusate ma ad oggi non sono ancora riuscito a sapere come far riconoscere a linux mdk 8.1 lo Hub e di conseguenza nemmeno lo scanner collegato allo hub (una presa con 4 porte usb colegata al pc). Non c'è nessuno che ha mai avuto il mio stesso problema? Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento su

Re: [newbie-it] permessi di r/w

2002-03-19 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 09:58, martedì 19 marzo 2002, hai scritto: Vorrei dare la possibilità all'utente pippo anche di leggere e scrivere su floppy... questa volta ho provato ad inserire l'utente nel gruppo floppy ma non ho ottenuto nessun risultato. Se può servire di seguito riporto il mio /etc/fstab:

Re: [newbie-it] Urgentissimo

2002-03-19 Thread Stefano Bigotta
Visto che ci siamo, quindi se gli dico che puo' correggere cio' che ha trovato eventualmente danneggiato non puo' fare danni a linux.Giusto? Luigi basta che non gli fai correggere i dati nel MBR, la tabella delle partizioni e cose simili, suggerimento valido soprattutto per gli

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Brunini Alessandro
Andrea Celli wrote: Adesso corro a scaricarla :-) ciao, Andrea PS non e` indispensabile, ma ieri mi sono iscritto al Mandrake-club Puoi dirci che cosa puoi fare come utente registrato. Grazie. PS: Come mai alcune mie mail non appaiono? Avevo annunciato l'arrivo di mdk 8.2 stanotte... ma

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Andrea Celli
Brunini Alessandro wrote: .. Puoi dirci che cosa puoi fare come utente registrato. Grazie. E` una lunga discussione degli ultimi giorni Mandrake in crisi? Teoricamente, scarica qualche pacchetto in piu`. Quindi sul sito, prima di entrare nelle aree di download, ti chiedono se hai

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Brunini Alessandro
Andrea Celli wrote: E` una lunga discussione degli ultimi giorni Mandrake in crisi? Teoricamente, scarica qualche pacchetto in piu`. Quindi sul sito, prima di entrare nelle aree di download, ti chiedono se hai aderito o intendi aderire al club. Poi, pero`, non ti bloccano. Essenzialmente,

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Andrea Celli
Brunini Alessandro wrote: Ciao, questo l'avevo capito. La mia curiosità era se fosse possibile scaricare cose tipo WineX di transgaming, l'annunciato StarOffice 6.0 et similia. Se il produttore originale chiede soldi .. e` difficile che Mandrake possa darti il pacchetto gratis.

Re: [newbie-it] permessi di r/w

2002-03-19 Thread SkyHeart
Il giornol Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:44:48 +0100 Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: SkyHeart wrote: Il giornol Tue, 19 Mar 2002 09:58:29 +0100 SkyHeart [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: scusate correggo, riesco a scrivere sul floppy, ma nn riesco a formattarlo...scusate ancora e ciao!!!

[newbie-it] firewall

2002-03-19 Thread SkyHeart
Ciao, vorrei configurare un firewall semplice, semplice (nn ho particolari vorrei imparare) cosa mi consigliate? link? software? Grazie -- SkyHeart -another happy Linux user- user #205247

Re: [newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

2002-03-19 Thread Corrado
Il lun, 2002-03-18 alle 14:32, Germano ha scritto: Veramente ormai lo standard è Mozilla, tutti si rifanno ad esso (tranne il Netscape della serie 4). Io proverei con Mozilla ma sono gusti In effetti, dovo aver seguito Mozilla negli ultimi due anni nonchè sostenuto di fronte agli scettici

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-19 Thread Corrado
Il mar, 2002-03-19 alle 14:00, Asgro][ ha scritto: No, dovro aspettere(56k non bastano per scaricare i files iso) Facci sapere! Sono freneticamente ansioso!! :) Io la 8.1 la scaricai con un 56k... :-))) Okay, preparate la camicia di forza...

Re: [newbie-it] scheda video savage ed X

2002-03-19 Thread miKe
Il 00:08, martedì 19 marzo 2002, paolo brusasco ha scritto: Ciao. Sto tentando di installare 8.1 su un pc con scheda video savage e monitor lcd (quelli delle offerte nataslizie della vobis) ed ho problemi con X. non ho installato mdk su quel tipo di macchina, ma credo che il problema sia

Re: [newbie-it] firewall

2002-03-19 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 20:15, martedì 19 marzo 2002, hai scritto: Ciao, vorrei configurare un firewall semplice, semplice (nn ho particolari vorrei imparare) cosa mi consigliate? link? software? Grazie Manuale, manuale, e ancora manuale (dell'utente). Per una configurazione semplice, parti dal

Re: [newbie-it] Periferica Hub?

2002-03-19 Thread ku68
Renato wrote: Alle 14:48, marted 19 marzo 2002, hai scritto: cut che hub sti usando viger Boh! In fattura c' solo un Hub e sulla scatola c' un generico per pc e i-mac. Quando l'ho comprato non pensavo ancora d'installare linux. Comunque a suo tempo ho inviato per mail il report come da

Re: [newbie] Getting and installing packages

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 23:15, FemmeFatale wrote: You understand my issues Lyvim. And honestly thats sorta what happened to me. :\ I just wanted some apps I knew were buggy to work Damnit. *Sigh* Sowwy! :( Since I was desperate, I decided to go through with it. One of these

Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-19 Thread FemmeFatale
From a friend of mine who buys comp's parts in the hundreds per month he said, Asus I believe it was Soyo are good. *Not sure on the Soyo* Sorry nothing more specific...but I can ask if you like? Femme Roger Sherman wrote: Hey Terry... Yep, just did that. Stripped it down to the bare

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-19 Thread FemmeFatale
*smiles giggles* He said snap upgrade in the same sentence! :) I don't believe that till I see it with my own eyes. Sorry just had to comment... Femme 8.2 Final, it is. Hats off to the Mandrake Team. Ya'll never cease to amaze me. Beta4 installed with ease. Should be a snap to

Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread FemmeFatale
OW ! *zing!* cute Lyvim ;p very nasty Femme Lyvim Xaphir wrote: I find it highly amusing and obvious that while addressing the REAL NEWBIES he is using a Microsoft Outlook Express email client. I.E. : X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 X-MimeOLE: Produced By

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 22:50, Dennis Myers wrote: Mr. Rigby appears to be in marketing. That says it all. His mind set is for the masses and that is the same Mindset as M$. Feed them BS and as long as it has a pretty bow on it and has been spayed with Deoderant it will sell like hot

Re: [newbie] IDE CD Burner installation/use?

2002-03-19 Thread Derek Jennings
If I can add to the excellent advice Kaj gives :- 1/ Kaj suggests defining both the CD-RW and the CD-ROM as ide-scsi. It is not strictly necessary for the CD-ROM to be ide-scsi, but it allows front ends to perform disc to disc copy functions. You may find however that your desktop CD icon

Re: [newbie] How to Install Alternative Kernel -SOLVED

2002-03-19 Thread John Richard Smith
Thank you both Charles and Derek, that was a piece of cake. Now that I know how it's done I shall have no hesitation in downloading and installing new kernels in the future. I also say , good old linux too. You don't get to install new kernels in the other. Again many thanks John On Monday 18

Re: [newbie] Ping

2002-03-19 Thread Brian Parish
Marcia, If you can't ping, then samba is certainly going to have problems. Are you able to post some details of the IP addresses, subnet mask etc. i.e. Give us a feel for how you have things set up? Brian On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 03:32, Marcia wrote: Dear All, I cannot ping my vmware

[newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread James Thomas
Hey all, I have two linux computers both connected via a Netgear hub to my cable modem. They don't seem to be able to see each other. Anything I can do to accomplish this? Thanks! James _ Chat with friends online, try MSN

Re: [newbie] stopped jobs

2002-03-19 Thread Michael
Kill without a signal defaults to asking the process nicely to please quit. If the process is hung it won't. Try reading chapter 9 in RUTE at I promise it is worth it. Then try kill -s 9 XXX (yes XXX is the PID). Michael David wrote: Greetings When

[newbie] pan news reader

2002-03-19 Thread Walter Logeman
ed tharp, On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 06:41, in Re: [newbie] best news reader and ftp client, you wrote: if you wanted a hotter  version of a news reader, you sure should try out pan. the commands are a little different, but I loves it... I believe that by itself, it is reason enough to leave

Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.1 cd 3

2002-03-19 Thread Derek Jennings
You can find the individual rpms from cd3 on the ftp servers Try It has 8.2 but does not appear in the download list yet so it is not overloaded. CD3 rpms are here /pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake/8.2/contrib/i586 derek On Tuesday 19 March 2002 09:28, Heather Reed wrote: Hi

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Dan LaBine
James; Do both machines have Internet access? Unless you've got something new, you should be running 2 network cards in one of the two machines - 1 to the cablemodem, and the second network card (using a crossover Cat5 cable) to a network card in the second machine. If that's a cable/CDL router,

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Brian Parish
James, My guess is that you are using DHCP on both and that both can see the Internet, but not each other. Right? If so, a better setup would be to make one machine your internet gateway sing connection sharing and the other a purely local machine. Your gateway machine could also then be the

Re: [newbie] Higher priority for XMMS

2002-03-19 Thread Brian Parish
Have you tried bumping up the buffer sizes? This can certainly smooth things out if you have a very peaky load. Brian On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 13:31, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: The nice scale consists of all the integers running between -20 and 20, inclusive. Lower numbers have a higher priority

Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-19 Thread john rigby
I have another question... Do you think it is possible for Windoze to infect linux across a partition THAT all sounds like a perfectly normal Windoze scenario to me :-) But seriously, many times similar things have turned out to be simple over-heating. Cheapest

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Nelson Bartley
Dude... you forgot the link :) NB On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 06:05, Dan LaBine wrote: James; Do both machines have Internet access? Unless you've got something new, you should be running 2 network cards in one of the two machines - 1 to the cablemodem, and the second network card (using a

[newbie] mandrake 8.1 cd 3

2002-03-19 Thread Heather Reed
Hi folks Is there anywhere on the net that the 3rd CD can be obtained in bite sized chunks? I have the ISOs for 1 and 2 from a mag cover disk, but the 3rd wasn't included. Is this because it isn't free? I was installing something the other day and software manager asked for it. I've found a

RE: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-19 Thread Gerald Waugh
On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Lyvim Xaphir wrote: I think Damian is on the right track with the RAM replacement approach. If you could get a known good ram module, you might be able to make some progress in your diagnosis. I assume that your bios is at it's defaults and you haven't make any

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Lanman
I hate it when that happens! Here's the link, dude! By the way, for those of you who don't know, you can start simplifying your Linux-related searches by using Google's Linux search page; - for the rest of you, and,...

RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1 -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:31 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive

RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)
Title: Message Here is my /etc/mtab... I've got no experience with it, so I'm attaching the whole file... /dev/hda1 / ext2 rw 0 0none /proc proc rw 0 0devfs /dev devfs rw 0 0none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0/dev/hda6 /home ext2 rw 0 0/dev/hdb1 /var ext2 rw 0

[newbie] corrupted boot-urgent help needed

2002-03-19 Thread Hakan Duran
After accidentally updating my kernel (although I knew I shouldn't), I tried to install the original one from the installCDs of 8.1. During that process however, LILO went bad. There was an error reproted about vmlinuz that I don't remember very well now, and setup did not progress any

Re: [newbie] Kernel upgrade problem

2002-03-19 Thread Mandrake Newbie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well you don't update newer kernels, you _install_ them. Download and rpm -ivh kernelname The name is different so it will install alongside the older kernel and be bootable. Updating usually leaves you with a new kernel and modules compiled for an older one, which

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-19 Thread shane
On Tuesday 19 March 2002 00:35, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency and transmitted: *smiles giggles* He said snap upgrade in the same sentence! :) I don't believe that till I see it with my own eyes. i have to admit, that is my only problem with mandrake, though it effects all

Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread Mandrake Newbie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have another suggestion Fix your system time. I am getting letters before you mail them. (and after dealing with 37 inches of snow in 24 hours, I am likely to be mildly amused by that) I overlooked this problem. I'm using M$ Win98 when I'm reading and sending

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread Robin Turner
On Tuesday 19 March 2002 17:26, sda wrote: [snippet] Why are they asking for $ and not emphasizing what the benefits are? Why are they giving away the ISO's for free rather than following SuSE's successful implementation of a preview non-installable iso? If they did this alone, it would cut

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread shane
On Tuesday 19 March 2002 07:26, sda opened a hailing frequency and transmitted: On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 01:11:19PM -0500, Lyvim Xaphir wrote: If they're moving to a subscriber model, then why is it called a club and not a subscription service? BTW are you talking offically and are you an

Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread Mandrake Newbie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, it is OK. Put the actual servers behind that one. There is a package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all those components and is configurable from the local network side by a web browser--quite a neat package. I tried installing Mandrake

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrakey

2002-03-19 Thread shane
On Tuesday 19 March 2002 07:34, sda opened a hailing frequency and transmitted: On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 10:11:10PM +1000, john rigby wrote: A fellow walked in to the office of a certain astoundingly successful sales organisation and was stunned to learn that the fellow wandering around

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 10:12, sda wrote: Well, I don't know what you call a troll where you come from, I've been here for a couple of years [anyway], and I have offered support on these lists from time to time and no, I'm not a troll, thank-you very much. BTW you didn't address my statement

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread ed tharp
damn Jon, you are Certainly full of your self. CivilMe is one of those that understand and make the company work. Only a self sold salesman would be so damn blind to the real world to make a statement that the only folks that count are salesman. have you considered that _your_ (and I do

Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread Gerald Waugh
On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Mandrake Newbie wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, it is OK. Put the actual servers behind that one. There is a package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all those components and is configurable from the local network side by a web

Re: [newbie] Connection sharing reconfiguration.

2002-03-19 Thread daRcmaTTeR
FemmeFatale wrote: OK I have bastille installed... now how to I use this interactive setup ;) Haven't looked for it, not knowing where to just point i'll click. Femme Femme, Do you mean to harden your entire system with Bastille, or just install and configure a firewall?

[newbie] Is there a rpm for oracle in php 4.0.6 for Mandrake?

2002-03-19 Thread Yu-Hsin Chen
I'm trying to have php work with oracle on my Mandrake 8.0. I have reinstalled php 4.0.6-3.2mdk using software manager. It only has php-mysql and php-pgsql packages. Is there a package that will work with oracle? My apache right now is 1.3.22-1.2mdk. Yu-Hsin Chen Want to buy your Pack or

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 10:26, sda wrote: On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 01:11:19PM -0500, Lyvim Xaphir wrote: I believe that Sridhar's point was that they are NOT holding out their hands with a plea, they are moving to a subscription model of business; seems to me that YOU are the one that's

RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: Message -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 9:28 AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Myers, Dennis R NWOSubject: RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1 Here is my

Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread ed tharp
On Tuesday 19 March 2002 11:34, you wrote: On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Mandrake Newbie wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, it is OK. Put the actual servers behind that one. There is a package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all those components and is configurable from

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread daRcmaTTeR
AMEN! Sridhar well said! -- Mark I suppose I should have a pithy saying here... The brain reports all neurons busy processing sub-routines are currently occupied. Retry your query in five minutes. Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

[newbie] alcatel speedTouch usb...

2002-03-19 Thread Nicola Spreafico
Salve a tutti e grazie in anticipo per l'attenzione, ho da poco installato Mandrake 8.1 sul mio pc di casa e vorrei riuscire a collegarmi ad internet. All'installazione ha riconosciuto subito il mio modem, come da titolo un Alcatel speedTouch usb adsl. Nonostante la grande quantità di HOWTO per

RE: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)
Title: Message Hi Dennis... I hope that mtab is the problem, and that it can be solved. I really liked being able to use my ZIP drive! If you (or someone else reading this!) can tell me what the correct entry into mtab would be, I would appreciate it. I also found information about

Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-19 Thread David ..
Have a search at one of these mirrors: From: sda [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] And their OFF! 8.2 is now out!! Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 10:58:53 -0500 On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread Robin Turner
On Tuesday 19 March 2002 18:31, ed tharp wrote: damn Jon, you are Certainly full of your self. CivilMe is one of those that understand and make the company work. Only a self sold salesman would be so damn blind to the real world to make a statement that the only folks that count are

Re: [newbie] corrupted boot-urgent help needed

2002-03-19 Thread Steve Maytum
Hakan , unless i'm mistaken the answer is quite simple. Shutdown your PC re-boot with a Windows start-up floppy and re-install your Win95. This overwrites MBR but provided you have a Linux boot floppy you can get back into your Linux. Then re-write lilo/conf file (i think) and from a shell Issue

RE: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread Robin
Just an add-on reply. P166 with 32MB should be enough to run SNF, it may not be snappy, but it works, I had it running on a P120. Have you tried text mode install? Robin -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of ed tharp Sent: Tuesday,

Re: [newbie] SCSI dialog box problem Linux-Mandrake 7.2

2002-03-19 Thread Joel G. Viney
At 12:49 PM 03/19/2002 -0500, you wrote: Joel G. Viney wrote: I'm installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 from CD. I get to the Setup Filesystems section. A dialog box pops up asking Do you have any SCSI Interface? I do not so I click No. The dialog box keeps popping up and I can't get past it.

Re: [newbie] Kernel upgrade problem

2002-03-19 Thread Derek Jennings
SNIP Going back with my problem, anybody knows how to upgrade a newer kernel version using XFS (/usr, /home, /etc, /opt, etc...) and ext2 (/boot and /) filesystems and would you mind to give me your how-to's? Well if it is any use to you. All my partitions are XFS, and I did not have to do

Re: [newbie] SCSI dialog box problem Linux-Mandrake 7.2

2002-03-19 Thread Joel G. Viney
At 10:22 AM 03/19/2002 -0800, you wrote: At 12:49 PM 03/19/2002 -0500, you wrote: Joel G. Viney wrote: I'm installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 from CD. I get to the Setup Filesystems section. A dialog box pops up asking Do you have any SCSI Interface? I do not so I click No. The dialog box

Re: [newbie] Willing to run Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-19 Thread Charles A Edwards
On 19 Mar 2002 13:28:11 -0500 Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Did you get the sound working with this motherboard? Just wondering whether Soyo's on-board sound was supported by Mandrake. Both the sound and the onboard network adapter work without problem in Mandrake. Should you

Re: [newbie] Kernel upgrade problem

2002-03-19 Thread shane
and you might try a few diferent kernels, it may simply be that one of those kernels doesn't match your system in some way. i myself have 4 kernels installed but one of them refuses to boot. On Tuesday 19 March 2002 10:27, Derek Jennings opened a hailing frequency and transmitted: SNIP

Re: [newbie] Willing to run Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-19 Thread Ron Grace
i see your running a soyo, did you get it from tiger direct? and do you like it i am thinking about building one of there kits. did you by the kit and how long did it take to put together thanks Ron - Original Message - From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent:

Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake - real world style

2002-03-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 13:26, Damian wrote: i knew sooner or later it would come down to this come on, now. you can to better that that. if you just don't agree you could stop the discussion period. neither of you are the ones that decide this matter for Mandrakesoft so why should you

Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-19 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 19 March 2002 06:05, Roger Sherman wrote: If it's no trouble, yeah, that would be great! He sounds like quite the authority. I did see Soyo on the recommended list...I can't remember, I think they might have had onboard sound, and I'm determined to use my SB Live Well, I'm

Re: [newbie] Ping

2002-03-19 Thread Marcia
Dear Brian, Thank you for your answer. I will gather the info you asked for within the next few days and send in. I know Samba cannot work right if I cannot even Ping. Of course the networking works fine on the vmware Win95 side. Thank you for your attention on this matter. Sincerely,

Re: [newbie] SCSI dialog box problem Linux-Mandrake 7.2

2002-03-19 Thread Randy Kramer
Joel G. Viney wrote: I'm installing Linux Mandrake 7.2 from CD. I get to the Setup Filesystems section. A dialog box pops up asking Do you have any SCSI Interface? I do not so I click No. The dialog box keeps popping up and I can't get past it. I'm installing it on a P-II 233mhz

AW: [newbie] mandrake 8.1 cd 3

2002-03-19 Thread - vom adi -
Title: Nachricht so if your willing to wait some time i send you a copy my names adrian , and i know your problem :) haha ... i was used to get rid with modem for a long time , but alot of people supported me and send me cds from all over the world i can send the package through my

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread James Thomas
Oh!, I didn't know I needed to do this. I thought if I just used a hub, I could do that! What's the link btw? Yeah, both machines have internet access. James James; Do both machines have Internet access? Unless you've got something new, you should be running 2 network cards in one of the two

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread James Thomas
Oh, I connect to each of them just fine but I want to be able to get files just by using cp, mv, or whatever without going over the internet. James Hi James! Don't know how much help I can be, I'm no networking expert, but I have 2 linux boxes hooked up to a RP 114 netgear router, and I can

Re: [newbie] Willing to run Dragon Plus MB

2002-03-19 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:32:48 -0500 Ron Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i see your running a soyo, did you get it from tiger direct? and do you like it i am thinking about building one of there kits. did you by the kit and how long did it take to put together thanks Ron NO!! Tiger Direct

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread James Thomas
yeah, they both use DHCP. I pay an extra $6/month for both of them - I need both computers to be accessible online so I pay the extra money. James My guess is that you are using DHCP on both and that both can see the Internet, but not each other. Right? If so, a better setup would be to

Re: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP drive not working under LM8.1

2002-03-19 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) wrote: I've got an ATAPI ZIP drive installed in my Linux-Mandrake system (running on a Celeron 533, 256 megs memory), and it's not working (it's the SECOND device on the SECOND IDE channel and harddrake reports it as hdd). The drive powers during POST, so I know the

Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-19 Thread civileme
Mandrake Newbie wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, it is OK. Put the actual servers behind that one. There is a package called Mandrake SNF (Single Net Firewall) which has all those components and is configurable from the local network side by a web browser--quite a neat package. I

[newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

2002-03-19 Thread Miark
Win4lin users: The 8.2 kernel/patches are now available available via the installer. They'll also be posted to their web site by tomorrow morning. Miark Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

[newbie] Dvorak

2002-03-19 Thread Maila Garcia
Actually, I agree with him. Ease of use is probably real world larger than the Adobe Photoshop factor. I think that Mandrake has gone the furthest in that direction. It's my favorite distribution. Michael Garcia Sign Up for NetZero Platinum

Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-19 Thread Roger Sherman
On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Charlie wrote: Agreed. I'll be happy to buy a box set as soon as it's available at my local everything in software including the 'bugware' store. A pain to go all the way downtown but I refuse to do transactions of any kind online. Charlie I'm downloading it now,

Re: [newbie] supporting Mandrake

2002-03-19 Thread David
On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 10:57:31 -0500 ed tharp ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From my own perspective, the tee shirts from the Mandrake store are about babe magnets. I had two strippers try and pick me up in the computer section of BestBuy, to get me to set up a webcam, and since i had a

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Roger Sherman
On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Lanman wrote: I hate it when that happens! Here's the link, dude! By the way, for those of you who don't know, you can start simplifying your Linux-related searches by using Google's Linux search page; -

Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-19 Thread Robin Turner
On Wednesday 20 March 2002 00:47, Roger Sherman wrote: On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Charlie wrote: Agreed. I'll be happy to buy a box set as soon as it's available at my local everything in software including the 'bugware' store. A pain to go all the way downtown but I refuse to do transactions of

Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-19 Thread Roger Sherman
On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Robin Turner wrote: On Wednesday 20 March 2002 00:47, Roger Sherman wrote: On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Charlie wrote: Agreed. I'll be happy to buy a box set as soon as it's available at my local everything in software including the 'bugware' store. A pain to go all the

Re: [newbie] 2 Linux Computers

2002-03-19 Thread Brian Parish
OK, my ESP is getting better ;-) I see another reply has put you on the right track, but just to be specific and avoid confusion First let's make sure I understand what you have: - 2 linux boxes - 1 network card (NIC) in each - a hub - a cable modem If that's correct, then what you need

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