[newbie-it] Re: Linux Office? public Ringraziamenti

2002-12-06 Thread Enrico Teotti
Ciao, volevo ringraziare tutti quelli che mi hanno scritto i loro pareri! Enrico _ Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year. http://login.mail.lycos.com/brandPage.shtml?pageId=plusref=lmtplus

RE: [newbie-it] Sendmail...

2002-12-06 Thread sim_ant
Buon giorno alla Mailinglist. Vorrei segnalare a qualcuno, il mio problema: da quando ho installato la Mandrake 9.0, non riesco ad usare lo scanner, anche se, tuttavia, sembra che xsane lo abbia individuato. Si tratta di un Flatbed-scanner ACER S2W 3300 U, ed e' collegato al computer tramite una

Re: R: [newbie-it] samba: che posso sbagliare??

2002-12-06 Thread Ivano Natalini
Alle 10:52, giovedì 5 dicembre 2002, mailing - effem ha scritto: Scusa avevo capito male, senti... il server di dominio l'hai fatto?? grazie per l'aiuto...ma credo che non mi sono spiegato bene.. io devo riuscire a far fare un login su un dominio samba ad un pc w2000 ciao francesco

R: R: [newbie-it] samba: che posso sbagliare??

2002-12-06 Thread mailing - effem
cosa intendi se avevo fatto il server di dominio?? io sono entrato in smb.conf ed ho impostato il nome del workgroup (cioè il dominio) ed ho impostato il nome del domino domain master = yes domain logons = yes local master = yes preferred master = yes os level = 64 devo fare

Re: [newbie-it] Sendmail...

2002-12-06 Thread miKe
Alle 21:57, giovedì 5 dicembre 2002, Nicola ha scritto: Quello che vorrei ottenere è un demone che gira in background, e che ogni volta che mi collego scarichi la posta di tutti gli utenti, e invii quella in uscita. Non sapendone niente, avevo pensato di usare fechmail e sendmail, ma non so

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9 e non ha pi X!!!!!

2002-12-06 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 09:57, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, Stefano Sebastiani ha scritto: Premesso che temo che sia un problema di frequenza di refresch sul monitor, (sai le righe veloci, i colori), monitor riconosciuto come HorizSync 31.5-48.5 VertRefresh 40-70 A me sembrano abbastanza basse come

R: [newbie-it] samba: che posso sbagliare??

2002-12-06 Thread mailing - effem
ciao, ripropongo parte del mio smb.conf...magari qualcuno sa dirmi qualcosa di più... vi ricordo alcune cose... 1. la macchina w2000 lo chiamata pippopc 2. l'utente w2000 lo chiamato pippo stessa cosa per GNU/linux dove l'utente trust account l'ho chiamato pippopc$ e l'ho messo come group

[newbie-it] Kuduz

2002-12-06 Thread Enrico Teotti
Ciao, quando si carica Mandrake 8.1 ancora in modalità testo appare Kuduz che cerca nuove periferiche. Posso disattivarlo? Grazie! Enrico _ Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

[newbie-it] supporto ATM attivo o no?

2002-12-06 Thread Roberto C . 2°
Come posso accertarmi se il supporto ATM è attivo o no?

[newbie-it] LILO Boot

2002-12-06 Thread Enrico Teotti
Ciao, ho cercato come molti di voi mi hanno detto di inserire le stringhe in /etc/lilo.conf per proporre il caricamento di w2k prof //linea di intestazione che non ricordo other = /dev/hdb1 table = /dev/hdb la voce viene aggiunta. Quando cerco di lanciarla, però ho un errore codice 0x01. E' di

[newbie-it] Bios

2002-12-06 Thread CyberPenguin
Salve alla ML, secondo Voi se installo un HD da 40 Gb su di una macchina con un Award Modular Bios v4.51PG avente data del 07/07/97, Linuccio cosa mi vede? Me lo vede per intero oppure mi vede un disco da 8,4 Gb? E inoltre attendibile la seguente asserzione? Su questo il buon Mauro dice che per

Re: [newbie-it] Bios

2002-12-06 Thread Roberto C. 2°
Linux-windows che siano Se la Scheda Madre poco recente i 40Gb non vengono proprio visti da bios Marca-Modello? Hai guardato sul sito se possibile aggiornare il bios, e se ci sono info in merito? - Original Message - From: CyberPenguin [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Mdk ML [EMAIL

[newbie-it] configurazione modem interno

2002-12-06 Thread Gaetano Del Vecchio
Salve a tutti, ho installato Linux sul mio laptop Toshiba, ma non riesco a configurare il modem interno, su windows si trovava sulla porta com3 e quindi in linux l'ho configurato alla porta ttyS2, ma quando lo interrogo mi dice sempre: modem occupato. Cosa devo fare? grazie a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] migliore browser in Mandrake 8.1

2002-12-06 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 19:54, giovedì 5 dicembre 2002, paolo brusasco ha scritto: per piacere dove dico a mozilla di emulare explorer? (le questioni di principio sono molte, ma la mia banca n.b. banca etica, mi fa entrare con moz win e non con moz linux, ho già fatto presente la cosa... magari così entro)

Scanner ACER S2W 3300U [ERA: Re: [newbie-it] Sendmail...]

2002-12-06 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 10:15, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: Buon giorno alla Mailinglist. Vorrei segnalare a qualcuno, il mio problema: da quando ho installato la Mandrake 9.0, non riesco ad usare lo scanner, anche se, tuttavia, sembra che xsane lo abbia individuato. Si tratta di un

Re: R: [newbie-it] samba: che posso sbagliare??

2002-12-06 Thread rocky702
Ciao a tutti, vorrei inviare a Ivano un mio file di configurazione di un PDC fatto con la RH 7.2 Funziona a meraviglia e tutti i client winzozz (circa 70) si autenticano ad esso. Spero che ti sia di aiuto altrimenti ti mando un altro file di una RH 7.2 ma non PDC, semplicemente un file

[newbie-it] installare pacchetti

2002-12-06 Thread Enrico Teotti
Ciao, volevo installare una versione Open office 1.0 Sono andato in gestione pacchetti, ho selezionato il file di installazione di open office. Si è aperto kpackage. Ho selezionato OOo_1 e ho premuto installa. NOOo_1 è stato segnato con la v. Ho fatto click su installa quelli segnati. Ha creato

R: R: [newbie-it] samba: che posso sbagliare??

2002-12-06 Thread mailing - effem
grazie...ma ancora nulla :-( allora... le informazioni in global..sono praticamente uguali alle mie tranne: 1: un discorto di True e Yes...ma credo vadano bene entrambi 2: admin users...che non l'ho mai visto nemmeno nei commenti volevi dire: domain guest group ??? Poi...credo che il

[newbie-it] Ambiente grafico per lo svlippo in J2EE e J2ME

2002-12-06 Thread Enrico Teotti
Ciao, volevo sapere se c'è qualche ambiente grafico per lo sviluppo in J2EE e J2ME disponibile gratuitamente su internet per Mandrake 8.1. In Sun ho scaricato Enterprise Java Beans e Sun One Studio 4 ME ma per winzoz. Grazie! Enrico _

Re: [newbie-it] Kuduz

2002-12-06 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 14:17, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, Enrico Teotti ha scritto: quando si carica Mandrake 8.1 ancora in modalità testo appare Kuduz che cerca nuove periferiche. Posso disattivarlo? Grazie! Senz'altro. p.es. dal MDK control center / servizi, e disattivi la voce relativa (oppure con

Re: [newbie-it] Kuduz

2002-12-06 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 16:05, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto: [..] Urgh, scusate per il doppio post partito inavvertitamente :-//

Re: [newbie-it] Kuduz

2002-12-06 Thread Enrico Teotti
grazie! Enrico _ Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year. http://login.mail.lycos.com/brandPage.shtml?pageId=plusref=lmtplus

[newbie-it] 1/2[OT] Mandrake + Slack

2002-12-06 Thread tom
Salve a tutti, chiedo scusa per l'argomentovisto che da poco si era discusso sull opportunità di parlare in lista di un altra distro! , ma per il momento non sto riuscendo neanche ad installarla :) quindi,se l'argomento è troppo OT sarei grato a chiunque mi volesse spiegare come

Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] mplayer

2002-12-06 Thread tom
Ri spedisco la mailpare che non sia mai arrivata alla lista, in caso contrario chiedo scusa per la mondezza. -- Messaggio inoltrato -- Subject: Re: [newbie-it] mplayer Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 18:49:36 +0100 From: tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Alle 14:54,

R: [newbie-it] samba: che posso sbagliare??

2002-12-06 Thread mailing - effem
ciao a tutti, ringrazio chi mi ha dato una mano!!!...+ o meno sono riuscito a fare il logon!! grazie ancora francesco -Messaggio originale- Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di mailing - effem Inviato: mercoledì 4 dicembre 2002 13.32 A: Com

[newbie-it] user ed errore

2002-12-06 Thread mailing - effem
ciao di nuovo... qualcuno sa spiegarmi questo errore cannot lock user lib, file /etcptmp or /etc/gtmp exist... me lo da quando provo a lavorare sugli utenti con userdraqe userconfigo direttamente da console! mentre con kuser no! devo togliere qualcosa? ho fatto danni?? :-) grazie

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione modem interno

2002-12-06 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 15:05, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, Gaetano Del Vecchio ha scritto: Salve a tutti, ho installato Linux sul mio laptop Toshiba, ma non riesco a configurare il modem interno, su windows si trovava sulla porta com3 e quindi in linux l'ho configurato alla porta ttyS2, ma quando lo interrogo mi

[newbie-it] Grazie a tutti per AC97

2002-12-06 Thread Tommaso
Ho reinstallato il sistema e non ricordo più il nome di tutti quelli che mi hanno aiutato nella configurazione della mia scheda audio AC97, cmq grazie perchè adesso è tutto funzionante. Tommaso

Re: [newbie-it] Bios

2002-12-06 Thread Andrea Celli
On Fri, 06 Dec 2002 14:45:08 +0100 CyberPenguin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Salve alla ML, secondo Voi se installo un HD da 40 Gb su di una macchina con un Award Modular Bios v4.51PG avente data del 07/07/97, Linuccio cosa mi vede? Me lo vede per intero oppure mi vede un disco da 8,4 Gb? Di

Re: [newbie-it] Ambiente grafico per lo svlippo in J2EE e J2ME

2002-12-06 Thread Andrea Celli
On Fri, 06 Dec 2002 15:51:44 +0100 Enrico Teotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ciao, volevo sapere se c'_ qualche ambiente grafico per lo sviluppo in J2EE e J2ME disponibile gratuitamente su internet per Mandrake 8.1. In Sun ho scaricato Enterprise Java Beans e Sun One Studio 4 ME ma per winzoz.

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-12-06 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 15:37, giovedì 5 dicembre 2002, Germano ha scritto: Ti rispondo pubblicamente, ma stiamo creando un grande OT che non so quanto sia gradito, possiamo poi parlarne in privato se ti va... credo che linux e gnu siano - l'unica - dico l'unica - forma di scienza/conoscenza esistente

Re: [newbie-it] Sostituire una parola...

2002-12-06 Thread Arwan
Alle 15:58, giovedì 5 dicembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: [newbie-it] Sostituire una parola..., Andrea Celli hai scritto: On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:27:46 +0100 Nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Buon giorno alla Ml. mi sono accorto di aver digitato male una parola in un intero

Re: [newbie-it] Client email in grado di ...

2002-12-06 Thread Arwan
Alle 18:37, giovedì 5 dicembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] Client email in grado di ..., Luigi hai scritto: - buoni filtri - gestisca piu' account - possibilita' di copiare/spostare facilmente i messaggi da un pc all'altro anche via dischetto (qualcosa di simile, per chi lo

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione modem interno

2002-12-06 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 15:22, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto: Ciao, di che modem si tratta? Nella peggiore delle ipotesi, potrebbe trattasri di un winmodem, inutile con Linux. Da' un'occhiata al sito www.linmodems.org Diciamo un winmodem inutile con linux, senza la virgola. Penso che si possa

Re: [newbie-it] Sendmail...

2002-12-06 Thread Nicola
..ma per 4 account lascia fare il mua... MUA questa mi è nuova, per curiosità cosa indica? se proprio vuoi sendmail, ok, ma sappi che dovrai essere collegato fino allo svuotamento della coda, che risente dei tempi dei vari dns.. Bè io avevo citato quei due perchè li avevo sentiti

Re: [newbie-it] Bios

2002-12-06 Thread Arwan
Alle 14:48, venerd 6 dicembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: [newbie-it] Bios, Roberto C. 2 hai scritto: Linux-windows che siano Se la Scheda Madre poco recente i 40Gb non vengono proprio visti da bios Io ho un 40 gb su una macchina vecchiotta (1998), con una scheda madre Asus

Re: [newbie-it] Bios

2002-12-06 Thread CyberPenguin
Grazie innanzitutto anche ad Andrea della risposta. Ogni punto di vista e' sempre ben accetto ;-) Roberto C. 2 wrote: Linux-windows che siano Se la Scheda Madre poco recente i 40Gb non vengono proprio visti da bios OK Marca-Modello? Hai ragione. Ci devo ancora guardare.

Re: [newbie-it] 1/2[OT] Mandrake + Slack

2002-12-06 Thread miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 16:48, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, tom ha scritto: Salve a tutti, chiedo scusa per l'argomentovisto che da poco si era discusso sull opportunità di parlare in lista di un altra distro! inizia leggendo quello che il buon Volkerding ha

Re: [newbie-it] Bios

2002-12-06 Thread miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 14:48, venerd 6 dicembre 2002, Roberto C. 2 ha scritto: Linux-windows che siano Se la Scheda Madre poco recente i 40Gb non vengono proprio visti da bios Marca-Modello? Hai guardato sul sito se possibile aggiornare il bios, e se ci

Re: [newbie-it] Bios

2002-12-06 Thread miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 18:33, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, Andrea Celli ha scritto: secondo Voi se installo un HD da 40 Gb su di una macchina con un Award Modular Bios v4.51PG avente data del 07/07/97, Linuccio cosa mi vede? Me lo vede per intero oppure mi vede un

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione modem interno

2002-12-06 Thread miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 15:05, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, Gaetano Del Vecchio ha scritto: Salve a tutti, ho installato Linux sul mio laptop Toshiba, ma non riesco a configurare il modem interno, su windows si trovava sulla porta com3 e quindi in linux l'ho

Re: [newbie-it] mplayer

2002-12-06 Thread miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 19:54, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, gianni piazza ha scritto: Ciao a tutta la ml! Ho visto che qualcuno ha installato mplayer.L'ho fatto anche io cioè ho tentato, perchè mi dava una sfilza di librerie dipendenti che io non ho! Mi

Re: [newbie-it] mplayer

2002-12-06 Thread Corrado
Il ven, 2002-12-06 alle 23:40, miKe ha scritto: Alle 19:54, venerdì 6 dicembre 2002, gianni piazza ha scritto: Ciao a tutta la ml! Ho visto che qualcuno ha installato mplayer.L'ho fatto anche io cioè ho tentato, perchè mi dava una sfilza di librerie dipendenti che io non ho! Mi

Re: [newbie-it] linux su cellulare

2002-12-06 Thread Corrado
Il ven, 2002-12-06 alle 19:48, Fabio Cinti ha scritto: scusate la domanda folle, ma... qualcuno di voi ha mai provato a far girare linux sul cellulare? Sarebbe folle volerlo far girare sul tostapane :) Ehm... intendo dire che Linux equipaggia già alcuni cellulari; ma se intendevi prendere un

Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0.5

2002-12-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 15:16, Mark Weaver wrote: Anthony Abby wrote: Thanks I'll check it out. I understand that 3.1 is supposed to be released on Thursday so this might be OBE now anyway... Just for the record I've upgraded KDE this evening from 3.0.3 to 3.0.5 and I don't see one

Re: [newbie] RE: core dumps

2002-12-06 Thread Brent Hasty
On Wednesday 04 December 2002 11:58 pm, Raffaele Belardi wrote: where do I find these core dump logs to inspect? it should also be possible to load the core dump file in the gdb and backtrace the problem... gdb -core=core file name raffaele [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That's a great idea.

Re: [linux] Re: [newbie] RE: core dumps

2002-12-06 Thread Brent Hasty
On Thursday 05 December 2002 02:02 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote: On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 01:10, Richard Urwin wrote: On 04 December 2002 22:21, Stephen Kuhn wrote: Try using an editor to look through the headers on the coredump files - or use a hexeditor if you have to - THEN you'll be able to

[newbie] Network printer install

2002-12-06 Thread Tony S. Sykes
I am trying to install a hp deskjet 970cxi. This has worked fine, and I am trying to setup sharing for this printer, but it is asking for some adobe driver to be put in the path. I have downloaded the software from adobe, but I cannot install the software onto my pc as it is for w95/98 and I am on

Re: [newbie] /dev/sound/* owner set to my username. should that be?

2002-12-06 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Thu, 05 Dec 2002 16:10:34 -0800 Marty McFly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey all, another question. The things in /dev/sound (files or what?) are all owned by my user, and part of the audio group. I can use sound when I log in, but when someone else logs in, for example to KDE, they can't

Re: [linux] Re: [newbie] RE: core dumps

2002-12-06 Thread Frans Ketelaars
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 00:08:54 -0800 Brent Hasty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Thursday 05 December 2002 02:02 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote: On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 01:10, Richard Urwin wrote: On 04 December 2002 22:21, Stephen Kuhn wrote: Try using an editor to look through the headers on the

[newbie] Install hangs loading Initio driver

2002-12-06 Thread Ray Henry
I have a Kouwell SCSI card using the Initio 9100AU chipset. When attempting to install Mandrake 9.0, it locked up solid loading the Initio driver. I tried Mandrake 8.2, the same. I was able to install Mandrake 8.2 using the linux noprobe option. However, this does not work with 9.0, it still

Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing - SUPER EASY

2002-12-06 Thread magnet
On Wednesday 04 Dec 2002 12:57 pm, you wrote: On Wednesday 04 Dec 2002 10:52 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote: On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 21:38, Anne Wilson wrote: Stephen - under 8.2 the MCC set up ICS without any problems whatsoever. Reading this thread suggests that Mdk have tried to improve matters

Re: [newbie] Install hangs loading Initio driver

2002-12-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 20:34, Ray Henry wrote: I have a Kouwell SCSI card using the Initio 9100AU chipset. When attempting to install Mandrake 9.0, it locked up solid loading the Initio driver. I tried Mandrake 8.2, the same. I was able to install Mandrake 8.2 using the linux noprobe option.

Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing - SUPER EASY

2002-12-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 06 Dec 2002 9:39 am, magnet wrote: On Wednesday 04 Dec 2002 12:57 pm, you wrote: On Wednesday 04 Dec 2002 10:52 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote: On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 21:38, Anne Wilson wrote: Stephen - under 8.2 the MCC set up ICS without any problems whatsoever. Reading this

[newbie] about to give up

2002-12-06 Thread greg
Hi, I am so dissapointed with the mandrake package. It has all the looks, and frills, but the system itself has failed me in one of the most critical ways. No internet! So annoying. Windows has no probs fully setup first time I boot in, with no further configuration, Red Hat the same, didn't

Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-06 Thread Mark Weaver
greg wrote: Hi, I am so dissapointed with the mandrake package. It has all the looks, and frills, but the system itself has failed me in one of the most critical ways. No internet! So annoying. Windows has no probs fully setup first time I boot in, with no further configuration, Red Hat the

Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-06 Thread Jim Snyder
I has similar problems with my Toshiba laptop until I upgraded to a PCMCIA hardware modem. Now everything works wonderfully and I spend most of my time in Mandrake Linux 9.0. I was also just able to get Ogle to play DVDs on the same machine. On Friday 06 December 2002 06:41 am, Mark Weaver

Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-06 Thread David Robertson
On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 11:41, Mark Weaver wrote: greg wrote: Hi, I am so dissapointed with the mandrake package. It has all the looks, and frills, but the system itself has failed me in one of the most critical ways. No internet! So annoying. Windows has no probs fully setup first

[newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Steve Jeppesen
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemitem=2076592341 Check out this sellers other items using the view sellers other items link on that page Is this a person associated with Mandrake or did this person download the free thing (or even buy one set of disks) then make copies and is

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck offselling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Azrael
All I can say is.. GOOD! It's Free software.. it is supposed to be re-distributable. And doing it in such an easy way makes it more accessible to people. I have a friend who bought Mandrake via ebay (uk) who does not have broadband (I would have burnt them a copy of mine if they had asked!!

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Steve Jeppesen
Comments on top... If this person is burning copies off a set of disks and then selling them, isn't that illegal though? I mean I will (and have) burned a set of disks from my copy, then GAVE it to a friend is ok, but selling the high number of sets of disks this person is doing is wrong,

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Anders Lind
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 07:17:44 -0600 Steve Jeppesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Comments on top... If this person is burning copies off a set of disks and then selling them, isn't that illegal though? I mean I will (and have) burned a set of disks from my copy, then GAVE it to a friend is ok,

[newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread RichardA
Hi, I'm trying to reinstall MDK 8.2, but can't format the drive. My previous installation used ext2, and when it repeatedly got corrupted I assumed I'd broken it. In the install I get as far as formatting the partitions I've defined, but the error comes back: 'An error occurred. Mounting

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Todd Slater
On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 07:00:38AM -0600, Steve Jeppesen wrote: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemitem=2076592341 Check out this sellers other items using the view sellers other items link on that page Is this a person associated with Mandrake or did this person download

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Steve Jeppesen
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 14:32:00 +0100 Anders Lind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nope...if I have understood GPL correct, you can charge money for burned copies, unless of course Mandrake has some kind of copyright rules that might in that case breach GPL. I might also misunderstand what you are

[newbie] Migration from OUTLOOK to EVOLUTION

2002-12-06 Thread Bela Markus
Hi, we decided to change company desktops from PC to LINUX. Selected email client is EVOLUTION. Is it possible to keep existing OUTLOOK / OUTLOOK EXPRESS mails and to move them to EVOLUTION? Bela Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Anders Lind
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 07:43:41 -0600 Steve Jeppesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nope, you understand what I am saying, I had the idea though that something like tech support or some kind of service had to be made available in order to make money off anothers effort, in effect changing a bit of what

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Michel Clasquin
On Friday 06 December 2002 15:00, Steve Jeppesen wrote: Is this a person associated with Mandrake or did this person download the free thing (or even buy one set of disks) then make copies and is selling them? Hate to find out it is the the latter (not associated with Mandrake and is making

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday December 6 2002 07:39 am, RichardA wrote: Hi, I'm trying to reinstall MDK 8.2, but can't format the drive. My previous installation used ext2, and when it repeatedly got corrupted I assumed I'd broken it. In the install I get as far as formatting the partitions I've defined, but

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread John Richard Smith
RichardA wrote: Hi, I'm trying to reinstall MDK 8.2, but can't format the drive. My previous installation used ext2, and when it repeatedly got corrupted I assumed I'd broken it. In the install I get as far as formatting the partitions I've defined, but the error comes back: 'An error

Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-06 Thread John Richard Smith
greg wrote: Hi, I am so dissapointed with the mandrake package. It has all the looks, and frills, but the system itself has failed me in one of the most critical ways. No internet! So annoying. Windows has no probs fully setup first time I boot in, with no further configuration, Red Hat the

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck offselling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Azrael
I do take the point that using the content of mandrake's site without permission is rather cheeky. And this /is/ not right. Perhaps Mandrake (they monitor everything I say... so they should get this ;) should e-mail the chap and suggest he not rip off their copyrighted descriptions/pictures etc

Re: [newbie] Migration from OUTLOOK to EVOLUTION

2002-12-06 Thread Anthony Abby
I and a couple other people just answered this question last week, on this list. The short answer is yes it is possible. You can't import .pst files directly from outlook to Evolution, but if you export your .pst files to mbox format first, you can then import them into Evolution. HTH Anthony

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday December 6 2002 07:17 am, Steve Jeppesen wrote: If this person is burning copies off a set of disks and then selling them, isn't that illegal though? I mean I will (and have) burned a set of disks from my copy, then GAVE it to a friend is ok, but selling the high number of sets of

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck offselling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Azrael
On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 15:00, Tom Brinkman wrote: On Friday December 6 2002 07:17 am, Steve Jeppesen wrote: If this person is burning copies off a set of disks and then selling them, isn't that illegal though? I mean I will (and have) burned a set of disks from my copy, then GAVE it to a

[newbie] Remote DVD over ethernet

2002-12-06 Thread magnet
Hi all, Can you view on a linux box a commercial DVD playing on a DVD player built into a windows laptop across 100Mbit ethernet? I have ogle and libs needed already installed, and have used the MCC to mount the drive to this system. I read somewhere that there might need to be an entry in

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread RichardA
On Friday 06 December 2002 14:41, John Richard Smith wrote: Are you sure it's a formatting problem,because these links, http://list.cobalt.com/pipermail/cobalt-users/2000-November/027942.html http://www.uwsg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0009.1/0140.html

Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 06 Dec 2002 10:23 am, greg wrote: Hi, I am so dissapointed with the mandrake package. It has all the looks, and frills, but the system itself has failed me in one of the most critical ways. No internet! Greg, I've only vuagely read this thread, since I've been very busy and the

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread RichardA
On Friday 06 December 2002 14:34, Tom Brinkman wrote: Doin a low level format can often cause more problems. All HDD's have some unusable areas on the platters that are mapped out at the factory. A low level format will lose this factory info. It most likely is a HDD fixin to

[newbie] ID a window manager?

2002-12-06 Thread Todd Slater
Looks like gnome, but I have no idea about the window manager. Or maybe it's just the theme? http://www.gimp.org/~xach/gimp-in-action-by-jimmac.jpg Todd Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 06 Dec 2002 1:42 pm, Todd Slater wrote: On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 07:00:38AM -0600, Steve Jeppesen wrote: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemitem=2076592341 Check out this sellers other items using the view sellers other items link on that page Is this a person

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday December 6 2002 09:00 am, Azrael wrote: On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 15:00, Tom Brinkman wrote: http://www.opensoars.com/?page=shop/flypageproduct_id=73 is sellin Mdk 9.0, 3 CD sets for $2.99 plus they make a (very) small cash contribution back to Mandrake and other OSS

Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-06 Thread JM5379
the 2 were the next 2 lines... what they say and what they do *g* took me a bit to figure it out, too --- Original Message --- From: Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] about to give up On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 04:41:03PM +0100, Paul wrote: In reply to

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday December 6 2002 09:27 am, RichardA wrote: On Friday 06 December 2002 14:41, John Richard Smith wrote: Are you sure it's a formatting problem,because these links, http://list.cobalt.com/pipermail/cobalt-users/2000-November/027942. html

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread Jack and Melissa McSwain
On Friday December 6 2002 07:39 am, RichardA wrote: Hi, I'm trying to reinstall MDK 8.2, but can't format the drive. My previous installation used ext2, and when it repeatedly got corrupted I assumed I'd broken it. In the install I get as far as formatting the partitions I've defined,

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 06 Dec 2002 3:45 pm, Technoslick wrote: Tom Brinkman wrote: AFAIK, Fujitsu's high failure rate is for recent drives, ie, one year. I seem to recall that I had bought three Fujitsu 1 GB hard drives in the mid-nineties. Two of the three failed within 60 days, the last one within

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread Jack and Melissa McSwain
Somebody a few messages back mentioned windows complaining abt himem.sys. Thats exactly what happened after my install of 9.0 Wound up re-installing win98 on that partition. Come to think of it I was running 8.2 on this very hardware until 9.0 RC1 came out. I didnt see the DMA errors until 9.0.

[newbie] KAddressBook

2002-12-06 Thread Guilherme Cirne
Hi, Does anybody know in what file are the e-mail addresses for KAddressBook stored? TIA, -- Guilherme Cirne [EMAIL PROTECTED] Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] disable Flash?

2002-12-06 Thread Mike Larson
Todd Slater wrote: On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:59:53 -0500 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: snip It seems that this should be an easy thing to do with a bash script, then bind it to some key. In fact, that's all jTFlashManager does--renames the libflashplayer.so and ShockwaveFlash.class. For the

Re: [newbie] O.T. - Looks like somebody is making a buck off selling Mandrake

2002-12-06 Thread Robert
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 15:33:02 + Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Friday 06 Dec 2002 1:42 pm, Todd Slater wrote: On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 07:00:38AM -0600, Steve Jeppesen wrote: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemitem=2076592341 Check out this sellers other items

[newbie] Mandrake update

2002-12-06 Thread hgm
When I try to use the Mandrake update I get a list of different servers. If I then try to connect to one of these, there will be an error message that this server is not available. this is true for all the listed servers. The manual update from these servers however works fine. Is there somebody

Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-06 Thread Joe Braddock
I am not in a position to search the archives right now, but I'm assuming that if your modem is working under RH that it also is working under Mandrake, but you can't get anywhere on the internet. Is that correct? If so, I also assume that you have a network adapter installed. If so, most

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread John Richard Smith
RichardA wrote: On Friday 06 December 2002 14:41, John Richard Smith wrote: Are you sure it's a formatting problem,because these links, http://list.cobalt.com/pipermail/cobalt-users/2000-November/027942.html http://www.uwsg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0009.1/0140.html

Re: [newbie] about to give up

2002-12-06 Thread Alexa Pongracz
Greg, please try again. I know it feels hopeless and it took me three different installs, and the last time two plus days to get it on, but it is so worth it. I have only 8.2 but two things did happen during installs. The first few times I installed it didn't recognize my a drive or zip,or cd,

Re: [newbie] Bad HDD?

2002-12-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 00:39, RichardA wrote: Hi, I'm trying to reinstall MDK 8.2, but can't format the drive. My previous installation used ext2, and when it repeatedly got corrupted I assumed I'd broken it. In the install I get as far as formatting the partitions I've defined, but the

Re: [newbie] Migration from OUTLOOK to EVOLUTION

2002-12-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 00:54, Bela Markus wrote: Hi, we decided to change company desktops from PC to LINUX. Selected email client is EVOLUTION. Is it possible to keep existing OUTLOOK / OUTLOOK EXPRESS mails and to move them to EVOLUTION? Bela Check out the following - this guy wrote a

Re: [newbie] disable Flash?

2002-12-06 Thread Todd Slater
On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 11:23:45AM -0600, Mike Larson wrote: Very interesting Todd. Thanks for yor help and input. I am still very much a newbie and not well versed at all in scripting. This will be an opportunity for me to learn something. :-) Meanwhile, I have found that although simply

Re: [newbie] Migration from OUTLOOK to EVOLUTION

2002-12-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 01:52, Anthony Abby wrote: I and a couple other people just answered this question last week, on this list. The short answer is yes it is possible. You can't import .pst files directly from outlook to Evolution, but if you export your .pst files to mbox format first,

Re: [newbie] Remote DVD over ethernet

2002-12-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 02:09, magnet wrote: Hi all, Can you view on a linux box a commercial DVD playing on a DVD player built into a windows laptop across 100Mbit ethernet? I have ogle and libs needed already installed, and have used the MCC to mount the drive to this system. I read

Re: [newbie] ID a window manager?

2002-12-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 02:32, Todd Slater wrote: Looks like gnome, but I have no idea about the window manager. Or maybe it's just the theme? http://www.gimp.org/~xach/gimp-in-action-by-jimmac.jpg Todd It's Gnome 1.4 -- Sat Dec 7 05:20:00 EST 2002 5:20am up 21:33, 4 users, load

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