Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo

2003-01-08 Per discussione giamgax
Il Tue, 7 Jan 2003 20:15:01 +0100 freefred [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire: On Tuesday 07 January 2003 6:45 pm, tom wrote about Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo: Si esatto, questo lo puoi fare anche da shell... poi se proprio vuoi rasare mdk dall pc da

Re: [newbie-it] distribuzione piu stabile

2003-01-08 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 17:40:41 +0100 Enrico Teotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ciao! volevo chiedere quale distribuzione Linux sia la piu stabile. Grazie! Direi quella per cui hai fatto un po' di lavoro per sistemarla con cura. Debian e Slackware non ti illudono sul fatto che il lavoro non serva

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con supermount

2003-01-08 Per discussione greg
Tommaso wrote: Salve a tutti, ho rimosso il supermount dall'fstab e tutto funziona ottimamante. Purtroppo però quando accedo al sistema mi viene ricreata la cartella Removable Media sul desktop che, non avvalendosi del supermount, è diventata inutile. Come faccio a rimuoverla definitivamente?

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con pacchetti rpm

2003-01-08 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ciao Giuseppe Si, sono le librerie che ho installato, cosa devo fare? Grazie. Tiziano Non hai spiegato perchè le hai installate, comunque devi semplicemente ripristinare la situazione originale che avevi prima. Giuseppe Le ho installate perchè non

[newbie-it] Editor Html

2003-01-08 Per discussione Yddu
Buongiorno a tutti! Sto cercando un editor html molto pratico, insomma paragonabile a frontpage o ancora meglio a dreamweaver, logicamente per linux. Cosa mi consigliate?? Grazie per ogni aiuto Yddu

Re: [newbie-it] togliere Mandrake dal pc da tavolo

2003-01-08 Per discussione tom
Alle 08:44, mercoledì 8 gennaio 2003, giamgax ha scritto: Scusate se mi inserisco nella discussione ma ho un problema simile. Ho 2 hd uno con winME e mdk 8.2 da 20 giga e uno solo per la 9 da 30. A questo punto non ha più senso tenere la 8.2. Come posso fare per trasformare quello spazio in

Re: [newbie-it] Editor Html

2003-01-08 Per discussione Fabio Cinti
Alle 11:59, mercoledì 8 gennaio 2003, Yddu ha scritto: Buongiorno a tutti! Sto cercando un editor html molto pratico, insomma paragonabile a frontpage o ancora meglio a dreamweaver, logicamente per linux. Cosa mi consigliate?? Grazie per ogni aiuto Yddu prova bluefish

Re: [newbie-it] Grip

2003-01-08 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 22:50, martedì 7 gennaio 2003, Corrado ha scritto: Il mer, 2002-10-23 alle 12:23, Fabio Manunza ha scritto: Alle 16:17, mercoledì 23 ottobre 2002, hai scritto: Save ho un problema con Grip, non poso fare del file in mp3 o ogg. Quando clico su Rip+Encode, mi vedo aparire questo

Re: [newbie-it] usb storage

2003-01-08 Per discussione Giovanni Coan
--- Giuseppe [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: Ciao Giovanni, dato che lo richiedi continuo... Sul primo output che mi hai mandato non leggo l'aggancio alla device scsi. Questo potrebbe spiegare perchè non riesci a montarla sul tuo filesystem. Sul secondo output che mi hai mandato c'è invece

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con supermount

2003-01-08 Per discussione Tommaso
E finalmente ci sono riuscito!!! :-) Dunque, non so se ora hai risolto, ma cmq io rispondo lo stesso... non si sa mai!! Prima la elimini normalmente dal desktop (anche se credo che questo passaggio sia superfluo - ma dico quello che ho fatto passo passo!?), dopodichè, con i privilegi del

Re: [newbie-it] duplicare CD

2003-01-08 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 16:25, mercoledì 8 gennaio 2003, giamgax ha scritto: Salute a tutti qual'è, attualmente, il programma più adatto a duplicare un CD contenente dati (di altro sistema operativo) e tracce audio? come al solito ringraziamenti anticipati Gpaolo cdrdao --

Re: [newbie-it] modem Lucent

2003-01-08 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 21:48, lunedì 6 gennaio 2003, tom ha scritto: Il modem è di un ACER TravelMate 525 TX. Modem: Lucent Technologies Soft Modem AMR ubicato su Driver WDM per acceleratore audio Ali (Ali). (a detta di xp) mmm ora che mi ricordo, ho preso la

Re: [newbie-it] Editor Html

2003-01-08 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 12:59, mercoledì 8 gennaio 2003, Yddu ha scritto: Buongiorno a tutti! Sto cercando un editor html molto pratico, insomma paragonabile a frontpage o ancora meglio a dreamweaver, logicamente per linux. Cosa mi consigliate?? non esistono

Re: [newbie-it] permesso + link

2003-01-08 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 13:50, martedì 7 gennaio 2003, tom ha scritto: Qui le cose mi si stanno incasinando un po! oltre al fatto che con l'utente2 due non riesca ad aprire decentemente Kmail (35 kerror), mi si è aggiunto un problema con l' utente1 ! Non riesco ne a

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 9.0 e java

2003-01-08 Per discussione Corrado
Il mar, 2003-01-07 alle 18:34, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto: Ho provato ad installare la 1.4.1 dall'rpm trovato sul sito ma mi da messaggi di errore... dovrai tentare da altri pacchetti ma con la 1.3.1 mi trovo bene, dunque... Strano, a me la 1.4.1 non ha dato nessun problema Corrado

Re: [newbie-it] Grip

2003-01-08 Per discussione Corrado
Il mer, 2003-01-08 alle 18:10, miKe ha scritto: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- ho scoperto che devo dare il comando updatedb (come root, ovviamente)... Prima di ciò, avevo lo stesso problema: pur avendo installato lame e pur essendo il path corretto, mi dava l'errore di cui sopra!

[newbie-it] Terminale

2003-01-08 Per discussione Corrado
Mi è successa una cosa, di per se non pare essere un problema, ma vorrei capire di che si tratti... Da qualche tempo se apro un terminale, anzichè l'abituale [corrado@localhost corrado]$ Appare bash-2.05b$ Questo non accade con altri utenti... Cosa può essere successo (brancolo nel buio...)

Re: [newbie] Which version of Mandrake?

2003-01-08 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 18:18, Kesav Tadimeti wrote: Hi, Someone (Sir Robin I believe) said that V8.1 was bad and 8.2 was Mandrake's best release yet. Mandrake Linux 9.0 didn't receive a favorable review from OS news .com. Is it better to wait for 9.1 or go ahead for 9.0? And how do I upgrade

Re: [newbie] update mirrors MDK 9.0

2003-01-08 Per discussione ivette brusselmans
I found a hint in expert mailing list. In console typed as root: urpmi.addmedia --update \ \with ../base/ added medium This worked, made a new entry in MsoftwareManager (MSM), so

[newbie] Mandrake Software Manager problem

2003-01-08 Per discussione ivette brusselmans
Experimenting is a good way to learn, isn't it? Unfortunately, I messed around with the entry for CD1 in Mandrake Software Manager (MSM), deleted it and than added it again. Now when I try to add software from CD1, the system keeps asking me for CD1, even when the CD is in the CD player.

Re[2]: [newbie] apache configure for local use

2003-01-08 Per discussione Erik Janssen
Hello Milos, And, I presume, apache is listed as httpd when you issue ps ax. ??? apache is listed as httpd if I open localhost in Galeon MP ps ax is a command. You need a command line window (in other words a MP console or a terminal) to issue commands. Try to start console by MP clicking the

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Software Manager problem

2003-01-08 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 08:12, ivette brusselmans wrote: Experimenting is a good way to learn, isn't it? Unfortunately, I messed around with the entry for CD1 in Mandrake Software Manager (MSM), deleted it and than added it again. Now when I try to add software from CD1, the system keeps

Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which

2003-01-08 Per discussione Robin Turner
Jim Dawson wrote: Ok, That's enough. Let's get on with something more important Which is better. vi or emacs? ducks and runs... Very fast I use KWrite - does that make me a liberal wuss? Sir Robin -- Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun doing it. -

Re: [newbie] Personal database use

2003-01-08 Per discussione Milos Prudek
OK - I looked it up. It looks very approachable. Is PostgreSQL a better choice than MySQL, do you think? For personal database, it is a better choice because pgaccess is easier to use than web-based phpMySQLadmin. For server use, PostgreSQL has many features that MySQL does not, such as

Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which

2003-01-08 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 06:05, Jim Dawson wrote: Ok, That's enough. Let's get on with something more important Which is better. vi or emacs? ducks and runs... Very fast Oi, you there with the funny stoop! NO running in the hallway, EVER Good ducking =:o) HarM Want to buy

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-08 Per discussione Dennis Sue
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the list for posting as I have. Not because I feel that my opinions are wrong, I don't. But because this really isn't the proper forum to vent them. I waited for as long as I was going to before posting. Waiting for this to die off. I'm

Re: [newbie] Which version of Mandrake?

2003-01-08 Per discussione Milos Prudek
Kesav Tadimeti wrote: Hi, Someone (Sir Robin I believe) said that V8.1 was bad and 8.2 was Mandrake's best release yet. Mandrake Linux 9.0 didn't receive a favorable review from OS news .com. Is it better to wait for 9.1 or go ahead for 9.0? And how do I I am a former Red Hat user. I used Red

Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server

2003-01-08 Per discussione _nasturtium
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 02:00 am, Andrew Miller wrote: I built a server recently for web server, email server, file server and other uses and am running Mandrake 9.0 on it. I used a pair of 100 GB IBM Deskstars (120GXP's I believe). IBM is having problems with these drives failing and now

Re: [newbie] Personal database use

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 9:24 am, Milos Prudek wrote: OK - I looked it up. It looks very approachable. Is PostgreSQL a better choice than MySQL, do you think? For personal database, it is a better choice because pgaccess is easier to use than web-based phpMySQLadmin. For server use,

Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which

2003-01-08 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 19:29, Robin Turner wrote: I use KWrite - does that make me a liberal wuss? Sir Robin Yeah, but we're not going to hold it against ya mate! (g) -- Wed Jan 8 21:05:00 EST 2003 9:05pm up 3:53, 4 users, load average: 0.22, 0.43, 0.37

Re: [newbie] Personal database use

2003-01-08 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 20:56, Anne Wilson wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 9:24 am, Milos Prudek wrote: OK - I looked it up. It looks very approachable. Is PostgreSQL a better choice than MySQL, do you think? For personal database, it is a better choice because pgaccess is easier to

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-08 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 13:02, Robin Turner wrote: Anne Wilson wrote: You hit us at the wrong time, Andy. There is usually a bit of OT, but not much. This last 2 days have been most unusual. However, things have been a bit quiet in the past few weeks. The norm, without much OT, is 200 -

Re: [newbie] Which version of Mandrake?

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 9:39 am, Milos Prudek wrote: Kesav Tadimeti wrote: Hi, Someone (Sir Robin I believe) said that V8.1 was bad and 8.2 was Mandrake's best release yet. Mandrake Linux 9.0 didn't receive a favorable review from OS news .com. Is it better to wait for 9.1 or go ahead

Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 4:02 am, Mark Weaver wrote: Anne Wilson wrote: On Sunday 05 Jan 2003 4:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Success! OK, partial success. I removed all trace of java from my machine, ran the upgrade from the 9.0 discs and then installed the Blackdown java. Mozilla and

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 10:28 am, Michael Adams wrote: On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 13:02, Robin Turner wrote: Anne Wilson wrote: You hit us at the wrong time, Andy. There is usually a bit of OT, but not much. This last 2 days have been most unusual. However, things have been a bit quiet in

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-08 Per discussione Lee
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 05:28 am, you wrote: On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 13:02, Robin Turner wrote: Anne Wilson wrote: You hit us at the wrong time, Andy. There is usually a bit of OT, but not much. This last 2 days have been most unusual. However, things have been a bit quiet in the

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 11:19 am, Lee wrote: On Wednesday 08 January 2003 05:28 am, you wrote: On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 13:02, Robin Turner wrote: Anne Wilson wrote: You hit us at the wrong time, Andy. There is usually a bit of OT, but not much. This last 2 days have been most unusual.

Re: [newbie] Which version of Mandrake?

2003-01-08 Per discussione Walt Frampus
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 02:18, Kesav Tadimeti wrote: Hi, Someone (Sir Robin I believe) said that V8.1 was bad and 8.2 was Mandrake's best release yet. Mandrake Linux 9.0 didn't receive a favorable review from OS news .com. Is it better to wait for 9.1 or go ahead for 9.0? And how do I upgrade

[newbie] Kaspersky Anti-Virus

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
Has anyone installed this? I have their windows version on all the lan machines, and wanted to take a look at the linux one. I installed, as I thought, from the Mdk discs. It said it installed, but I simply can't find it. locate returns nothing. KDE's find file finds a couple of .pdf

Re: [newbie] Which version of Mandrake?

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 11:08 am, Walt Frampus wrote: On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 02:18, Kesav Tadimeti wrote: Hi, Someone (Sir Robin I believe) said that V8.1 was bad and 8.2 was Mandrake's best release yet. Mandrake Linux 9.0 didn't receive a favorable review from OS news .com. Is it better

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-08 Per discussione Lee
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 06:02 am, you wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 11:19 am, Lee wrote: On Wednesday 08 January 2003 05:28 am, you wrote: On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 13:02, Robin Turner wrote: Anne Wilson wrote: Though I have to say that I had automatic spellchecking on all outgoing

Re: [newbie] rpmdrake

2003-01-08 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne
Does anybody know what could be wrong and how to fix it? TIA, Just a shot in the dark, but have you tried rpm --rebuilddb? No, I didn't try that. But I managed to fix it by rebooting. So I guess I'll never know if rpm --rebuilddb would have fixed it... unless I get the same problem

Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server

2003-01-08 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 10:52, Tom Brinkman wrote: On Monday January 6 2003 08:00 pm, Andrew Miller wrote: I built a server recently for web server, email server, file server and other uses and am running Mandrake 9.0 on it. I used a pair of 100 GB IBM Deskstars (120GXP's I believe). IBM

[newbie] 3com modem model 0727 (as someone suggested)

2003-01-08 Per discussione cyberhades
Hello ! Finally I got a modem that supposedly works under Linux. It was extremely difficult to find it,believe me. And it was expensive, too. Please, where can I find the driver for this modem ? I am sad ! I can´t get into the internet at home ;-( --- UOL, o melhor da Internet

RE: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server

2003-01-08 Per discussione Kesav Tadimeti
Hi all Found this in a Solaris mailing list. Maybe IBM deskstar does have defects. HTH Cheers... Looks like it's still there in Solaris 9 EA. Of course, it's probably a problem with the drives themselves, but I was hoping it would have been fixed in 9. For those that haven't seen the

Re: [newbie] 3com modem model 0727 (as someone suggested)

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 12:32 pm, cyberhades wrote: Hello ! Finally I got a modem that supposedly works under Linux. It was extremely difficult to find it,believe me. And it was expensive, too. Please, where can I find the driver for this modem ? I am sad ! I can´t get into the internet

Re: [newbie] Kaspersky Anti-Virus

2003-01-08 Per discussione Steve Jeppesen
Anne, As root, did you do a updatedb in a terminal afterwards? Somebody else had asked this, but you did not mention it here. Haven't tried Kaspersky myself. Steve On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 11:08:14 + Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Has anyone installed this? I have their windows version

Re: [newbie] Creating Shortcuts

2003-01-08 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 6:55 am, Colin McElhatton wrote: PHi,/P PI would like to know what procedure I should use in order to create new shortcuts on my desktop/KDE menu (was going to call it a Start menu out of habit :P ) Anyway I recently installed Netscape 7.01 and now I would like to

Re: [newbie] Kaspersky Anti-Virus

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 12:39 pm, Steve Jeppesen wrote: Anne, As root, did you do a updatedb in a terminal afterwards? Somebody else had asked this, but you did not mention it here. Haven't tried Kaspersky myself. Steve Sorry - I should have said so. I did that, and it made no

Re: [newbie] 3com modem model 0727 (as someone suggested)

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 12:31 pm, Anne Wilson wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 12:32 pm, cyberhades wrote: Hello ! Finally I got a modem that supposedly works under Linux. It was extremely difficult to find it,believe me. And it was expensive, too. Please, where can I find the

[newbie] which server to use?

2003-01-08 Per discussione Jody Cleveland
Hello all, I know this list may be a bit biased for this question, but I'll ask anyway. I love Mandrake for my desktop. But, which Linux is the best for a web server? Thanks for any and all input. -Jody Cleveland Winnefox Library System Computer Support Specialist [EMAIL PROTECTED] Want to

[newbie] DSL Configuration - How? [SOLVED]

2003-01-08 Per discussione Jody Cleveland
Hello all, i don't get it. you got a command not found error when you tried to use urpmi? anyway, here's an URL, if you feel this is more comfortable... download this, then boot back to Linux, install it, and then adsl-setup

Re: [newbie] 3com modem model 0727 (as someone suggested)

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 12:32 pm, cyberhades wrote: Hello ! Finally I got a modem that supposedly works under Linux. It was extremely difficult to find it,believe me. And it was expensive, too. Please, where can I find the driver for this modem ? I am sad ! I can´t get into the internet

Re: [newbie] 3com modem model 0727 (as someone suggested)

2003-01-08 Per discussione cyberhades
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 12:32 pm, cyberhades wrote: Driver? What driver? Joking apart, if it is a supported modem you will not need a specific driver, though you may need help to set up your connecton. Tell us what modem you got, and tell us what you have tried in the way of setting up

Re: [newbie] which server to use?

2003-01-08 Per discussione et
any linux is good if it is properly configured. Naturally we all are pretty damn sure the very best linux server and/or desktop is the current version of Mandrake. A lot more accurate question might be what is the best version of Apache to use as a web server. the numbers lately seem to show

Re: [newbie] 3com modem model 0727 (as someone suggested)

2003-01-08 Per discussione John Richard Smith
cyberhades wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 12:32 pm, cyberhades wrote: Driver? What driver? Joking apart, if it is a supported modem you will not need a specific driver, though you may need help to set up your connecton. Tell us what modem you got, and tell us what you have

Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server

2003-01-08 Per discussione Angus Auld
- Original Message - From: Lyvim Xaphir [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 08 Jan 2003 07:16:44 -0500 To: NewbieMandrake-List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 10:52, Tom Brinkman wrote: On Monday January 6 2003 08:00 pm,

Re: [newbie] which server to use?

2003-01-08 Per discussione Robin Turner
Jody Cleveland wrote: Hello all, I know this list may be a bit biased for this question, but I'll ask anyway. I love Mandrake for my desktop. But, which Linux is the best for a web server? Depends on your hardware. If you have a reasonably high-spec machine, Mandrake will do as well as any

[newbie] rpmdrake

2003-01-08 Per discussione Tuija
Hi, Wasn't so long ago when I wrote that I have no problems with Mdk9.0. Then I took these updates from Sweden mirror and now rpmdrake doesn't work, it stucks and its window remains open until reboot. How to fix this? Otherwise can not get updates? Or is there some command in Mdk like up2date in

Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server

2003-01-08 Per discussione et
snip I'm in the school that turns stuff off. I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of comparing a hard drive with a short circuit. I'm more amiable to thinking of a hard drive as having miles, like a car; which is a much closer analogy. It's closer because of bearing surfaces; the number of

RE: [newbie] 3com modem model 0727 (as someone suggested)

2003-01-08 Per discussione Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN
Does the output of lscpi -v show the modem? Brian D. Klar - CVE Multimax Network Engineer WPAFB -Original Message- From: John Richard Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:58 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] 3com modem

RE: [newbie] 3com modem model 0727 (as someone suggested)

2003-01-08 Per discussione Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN
Here is a link to a mini-how-to on that modem. You may want to give it a try. Brian D. Klar - CVE Multimax Network Engineer WPAFB -Original Message- From: John Richard Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:58

Re: [newbie] Installing Unreal Tournament

2003-01-08 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 07 January 2003 10:05 am, Joan Tur wrote: Okay, I've now got Unreal Tournament working here under v9.0. I've got 3 different UT installers: = this one only installed the first disk, so I'm assuming its for the original UT. = this one

[newbie] IBM Deskstar news

2003-01-08 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
Guys and gals...From Tom's Hardware: -- Hitachi Takes over Management of IBM storage disk technology As we reported previously, Hitachi assumed management responsibility for IBM's hard disk drive storage technology on Monday. In

Re: [newbie] Removable media problem

2003-01-08 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 07 January 2003 10:05 pm, mike wrote: I disabled supermount too.Now I have to mount the floppy and cdrom drives manually with the mount and umount commands. mount /dev/fd0 umount /dev/fd0 mount /dev/hdd umount /dev/hdd Not here I don't. All I have to do is click on the CD (or

RE: [newbie] which server to use?

2003-01-08 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] which server to use? I have been running the Mandrake9.0 with Apache advanced extranet server on a machine in my office for about a year now and have had no problems, it doesn't take a lot of hits (70+-) a week but it isn't a really fast machine either. Just a cobled

RE: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste

2003-01-08 Per discussione Hughes, Michael
German -Original Message- From: Milos Prudek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 10:29 AM To: Daniel Kosfeld; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste Daniel Kosfeld wrote: Hallo Leute, ich finde allerdings auch, dass das

Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server

2003-01-08 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 09:20, et wrote: H, since I have been a Diesel Tech for over 20 years (before computers, and still am certified to teach it (and do for Mitsubishi/Caterpillar) I would ask you to consider that it is not recommended to start and stop larger diesels that are turbo

Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstar news

2003-01-08 Per discussione et
you gotta love the Hitachi's new five-layer patented Pixie Dust media. I wonder if the Pixie Dust works the same in the Northern Hemisphere as it does in the Southern Hemisphere, or does it require a Pixie Dust Adaptor On Wednesday 08 January 2003 09:38 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote: Guys and

Re: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste

2003-01-08 Per discussione Milos Prudek
Hughes, Michael wrote: German I know. Was joking :-) Cestine vetsina lidi v teto konferenci taky nerozumi, you see? -- Milos Prudek Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste

2003-01-08 Per discussione Ralph Slooten
On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 16:28:39 +0100 Milos Prudek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Daniel Kosfeld wrote: Hallo Leute, ich finde allerdings auch, dass das eindeutig zu weit geht. What language is this? It does not look like English. -- Milos Prudek Seems 2 messages from the german

Re: [newbie] rpmdrake

2003-01-08 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday January 8 2003 08:09 am, Tuija wrote: Hi, Wasn't so long ago when I wrote that I have no problems with Mdk9.0. Then I took these updates from Sweden mirror and now rpmdrake doesn't work, it stucks and its window remains open until reboot. How to fix this? Otherwise can not get

Re: [newbie] Mandrake9.0 and Mplayer problems

2003-01-08 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Tom Brinkman wrote: On Tuesday January 7 2003 02:03 pm, John Richard Smith wrote: I have since last message got the pre9 compiled and on and working quite well as gmplayer and mplayer but it stalls in mencoder says something about not having libmp3lame installed.

Re: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste

2003-01-08 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Hughes, Michael wrote: Ich dachte den Zweck an diese Liste sollte Spitzen zur Verfügung stellen und helfen Völker. Bis dann, Mike -Original Message- From: Daniel Kosfeld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 4:13 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [newbie]

Fwd: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste

2003-01-08 Per discussione FemmeFatale
Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 10:13:05 +0100 From: Daniel Kosfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.62/Beta4) Reply-To: Daniel Kosfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Loop: newbie@ X-Sequence: 1529

RE: [newbie] IBM Deskstar news

2003-01-08 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] IBM Deskstar news -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of et Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 10:02 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstar news you gotta love the Hitachi's new five-layer patented

RE: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste

2003-01-08 Per discussione Hughes, Michael
Some of us do hehe but we do not really understand deutch . Unser deutch ist klein . It is a sad reflection on as all but nevertheless the truth. John -- John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

FW: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste

2003-01-08 Per discussione Chris Slater-Walker
-Original Message- From: Chris Slater-Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 08 January 2003 17:03 To: 'Daniel Kosfeld' Subject: RE: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste Hello People, I also think that it's going too far. I have neither the time nor the inclination to read through

Re: [newbie] Removable media problem

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 4:37 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote: On Wednesday 08 January 2003 02:46, Ronald J. Hall wrote: On Tuesday 07 January 2003 10:05 pm, mike wrote: I disabled supermount too.Now I have to mount the floppy and cdrom drives manually with the mount and umount commands. mount

Re: [newbie] Mandrake9.0 and Mplayer problems

2003-01-08 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
;) ... and have the various libs and codecs installed before you compile, otherwise mplayer won't find 'em. I got tired of fooling with all the current config options and now just use the rpms ;) Then too, the CVS isn't guaranteed to compile, tho it usually does. Latest as of today is 20030108, so you

Re: [newbie] 3com modem model 0727 (as someone suggested)

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 1:13 pm, cyberhades wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 12:32 pm, cyberhades wrote: Driver? What driver? Joking apart, if it is a supported modem you will not need a specific driver, though you may need help to set up your connecton. Tell us what modem you

Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstar news

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 4:01 pm, et wrote: you gotta love the Hitachi's new five-layer patented Pixie Dust media. I wonder if the Pixie Dust works the same in the Northern Hemisphere as it does in the Southern Hemisphere, or does it require a Pixie Dust Adaptor Or does it swirl the other

Re: [newbie] Kaspersky Anti-Virus

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 3:00 pm, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote: Are you using slocate or locate, and as root (su) or user? I used locate as root. After readin this I have tried slocate, and sure enough it found entries in /etc/rc/d. /usr/share/man/., /usr/bin, /opt/KAV etc., so now at least

Re: [newbie] Kaspersky Anti-Virus

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 3:00 pm, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote: Are you using slocate or locate, BTW, can someone explain to me the difference between locate and slocate - apart from the fact the locate only seems to work part of the time :) Anne Want to buy your Pack or Services from

Re: [newbie] Removable media problem

2003-01-08 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 17:15, Anne Wilson wrote: Have you got fs=auto in your fstab lines? Mine mounts automatically, with the right-click offering unmount. Anne Mine only has 'fs=' in /etc/fstab when supermount is enabled. When/if it's disabled the 'removable media' are extremely

Re: [newbie] 9.0 installation problems

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 3:04 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This solution worked for the installation, was able to install 9.0 beautifully, but now I can't actually log onto 9.0..goes blank when I try. Got one problem fixed lol now to figure out the rest. Walt Hopefully Walt or anyone

Re: [newbie] Kaspersky Anti-Virus

2003-01-08 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Anne's mail, d.d. Wed, 8 Jan 2003 17:33:20 +: Hi Anne, man slocate tells me: SLOCATE(1) SLOCATE(1) NAME slocate - Security Enhanced version of the GNU Locate man locate tells me the very same thing. (mdk 8.2) So there should

Re: FW: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 5:03 pm, Chris Slater-Walker wrote: -Original Message- From: Chris Slater-Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 08 January 2003 17:03 To: 'Daniel Kosfeld' Subject: RE: [newbie] Umgangston in dieser Liste Hello People, I also think that it's going too

Re: Fwd: Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Whichi sbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-08 Per discussione Hesham Khonji
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: MDK-Newbie List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Whichi s better:KDE or Gnome?] Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:56:59 -0500 On Tuesday 07 January 2003 12:10 pm, Keith

Re: [newbie] 9.0 installation problems

2003-01-08 Per discussione John
Why am I recieving all question addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't want 100 of these clogging up my mail? --- Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 3:04 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This solution worked for the installation, was able to install 9.0

Re: [newbie] Removable media problem

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 6:45 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote: On Wednesday 08 January 2003 17:15, Anne Wilson wrote: Have you got fs=auto in your fstab lines? Mine mounts automatically, with the right-click offering unmount. Anne Mine only has 'fs=' in /etc/fstab when supermount is enabled.

Re: [newbie] Removable media problem

2003-01-08 Per discussione John
NO MORE DON'T SEND ANY MORE QUESTIONS TO ME. Fix your system now --- H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wednesday 08 January 2003 17:15, Anne Wilson wrote: Have you got fs=auto in your fstab

Re: [newbie] Kaspersky Anti-Virus

2003-01-08 Per discussione John
HERE ANOTHER --- Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In reply to Anne's mail, d.d. Wed, 8 Jan 2003 17:33:20 +: Hi Anne, man slocate tells me:

Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server

2003-01-08 Per discussione John
AND ANOTHER --- _nasturtium [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 02:00 am, Andrew Miller wrote: I built a server recently for web server, email

Re: Fwd: Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Whichi s better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-08 Per discussione et
shit,,, some one slap me ...I cannot resist, maybe if I get slapped it will knock the toungue back out of my cheek Huge Clip so EVERYTHING is out of context The greatest monster I know is the American government. Really? I

Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-08 Per discussione RichardA
On Tuesday 07 January 2003 23:04, Dennis Sue wrote: I have patiently waited for this ridiculous diatribe to die off. I have listened as you people have insulted MY country, MY President, My people. Now, I've had enough, And I'm going to have MY say. Some probably won't like what I have to

Re: [newbie] 9.0 installation problems

2003-01-08 Per discussione linux
Frank - this sounds familiar to me. When I first set up 9.0 I could boot into that, but not into 8.2. After much help from the list I found that it happened because I had a /boot directory in each install (which is what happens if you don't make a separate /boot partition). You need to

Re: [newbie] Removable media problem

2003-01-08 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 18:07, John wrote: NO MORE DON'T SEND ANY MORE QUESTIONS TO ME. Fix your system now Ok, we will all fix our systems now. We were not fixing them just because we love to bug

Re: [newbie] Removable media problem

2003-01-08 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 3:32 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote: On Wednesday 08 January 2003 18:07, John wrote: NO MORE DON'T SEND ANY MORE QUESTIONS TO ME. Fix your system now!! !! Ok, we will all fix our

Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-08 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 00:02, Anne Wilson wrote: On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 11:19 am, Lee wrote: On Wednesday 08 January 2003 05:28 am, you wrote: On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 13:02, Robin Turner wrote: Anne Wilson wrote: You hit us at the wrong time, Andy. There is usually a bit of OT, but

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