[TMIC] myasthenia gravis

2014-06-09 Thread Regina
As if I didn’t have enough problem with the residual stuff from MS, the neuro is now checking me for myasthenia gravis. Weird symptoms affecting my eyes. Difficulty in focusing, droopy one lid, etc. Would like to hear from some of you who live with this diagnosis, and how you handle it.

[TMIC] Provigil

2012-07-19 Thread Regina Rummel
Provigil never worked for me.

[TMIC] Everything is relative

2012-01-26 Thread Regina Rummel
Hi everybody,   I visited a friend who had surgery Monday on her hammertoes and bunions (both feet).   She told me that she has no patience to wait before she recovers, drives again, and gets to wear her designer shoes.  The waiting is driving her nuts, she said.   In response, I said

[TMIC] Medical Alert Buttons

2011-12-27 Thread Regina Rummel
Any advice regarding these gadgets. Thanks!

[TMIC] Fw: Re: Returned mail: see transcript for details

2011-09-09 Thread Regina Rummel
, heyjude48...@aol.com heyjude48...@aol.com wrote: From: heyjude48...@aol.com heyjude48...@aol.com Subject: Re: Returned mail: see transcript for details To: regina...@sbcglobal.net Date: Thursday, September 8, 2011, 2:55 PM Hey Regina, Did you receive my last entry?  If not, I am still here, but do

Fw: [TMIC] Hey

2011-06-01 Thread Regina Rummel
Who is this Laura? Have you also been getting this email? R --- On Tue, 5/31/11, laura.beau...@gmail.com laura.beau...@gmail.com wrote: From: laura.beau...@gmail.com laura.beau...@gmail.com Subject: [TMIC] Hey To: tmic-l...@eskimo.net Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2011, 11:59 AM Hi  I just wanted

[TMIC] Prescriptions

2011-04-15 Thread Regina Rummel
Hi everybody, Please check the Vanity Fair article of JANUARY 11, and read the Deadly Medication piece.  It is scary and we should all be aware that the pharmaceuticals' clinical trials are a joke.  And that the FDA doesn't seem to care.  We are constantly exchanging our experiences with a

[TMIC] Microcurrent Therapy

2011-03-21 Thread Regina Rummel
Did anyone ever hear of this therapy? 


2011-02-23 Thread Regina Rummel
Okay, you guys ... I've been reading all your OTs wondering when Frank would send you one of his funny no, no reminders. And here I am doing it too. Anyway, consider the following a cerebral exercise, devoutly to be needed by many of us, especially me.  Do it when you have not much

[TMIC] Amtriptyline

2010-12-13 Thread Regina Rummel
I met a woman at the gym also afflicted with TM.  The pain she suffers is close to a ten and yet, she walks with a cane and can do Tai Chi (sp?).  I tried, but my balance is so bad, I just cannot do it, and dropped out of that class.  The point I'm making is how differently TMers function.  My

[TMIC] Fatigue Meds

2010-12-07 Thread Regina Rummel
I live exhausted every day from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.   I've tried all the meds my doctors suggested to no use.   Came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to subject myself to side effects when pills are useless.   Bottom line, we live with the residuals of TM's

[TMIC] Fatigue

2010-12-07 Thread Regina Rummel
Hi everybody, I just read the post I sent this morning and must apologize for it. It's more depressing than I meant it to be. Surely, there is lots we can do to help with fatigue. Seriously, I'm sorry. R

[TMIC] Symposium

2010-10-11 Thread Regina Rummel
I haven't heard anything about the Austin, TX symposium. Any comments?  Was it productive?  Can we access any reporting online like we did before?  

[TMIC] Question

2010-09-20 Thread Regina Rummel
Does anyone take Marinol for pain? And what's the difference between Marinol and Sativex? And, if Marinol is approved in the U.S., how come I never see it on the list of meds you list that you take from time to time. Just curious. R

[TMIC] OT/heat

2010-08-04 Thread Regina Rummel
Please send some of that heat you keep talking about my way.  I am FREEZING! July was the coolest month since I'm not sure when, but I know it's been a long time. Speaking of meds., I only take Neurontin for the pain.  I know Frank doesn't think much of it, but I don't want to take Lyrica and

[TMIC] Life Extension Supplements

2010-08-04 Thread Regina Rummel
Anyone familiar with this company? I've been taking Oscal +D for calcium supplement for many years.  At Costco last week, I was told  their pharmacy discontinued the product.  A few days later, I read of warnings that they have caused heart attacks.  Is anything safe to ingest anymore! Two

[TMIC] Sativex

2010-07-05 Thread Regina Rummel
Frank, Do you know why Sativex is only available in England?  

[TMIC] Jeron's crisis

2010-05-21 Thread Regina Rummel
luck! Regina

[TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)

2010-04-26 Thread Regina Rummel
Hi Jill,   I took it years ago for depression and OMG, it was awful! The best way I can describe it is that I felt stoned.  It was called Elavil then.  In those days, they gave it to people in nursing homes to keep them quiet.  But everyone reacts differently, so try it and let us know what

[TMIC] To: Barbara in Auburn, CA

2010-03-09 Thread Regina Rummel
Hi Barbara, I reread your answer to Randy with interest. You were told you had TM and then that you didn't. But what puzzles me is that your neuros tell you that the lesion isn't there anymore. That must mean that you had it in the first place, doesn't it? Lesions in the spine from my

[TMIC] Linda's recurrent TM

2010-01-07 Thread Regina Rummel
Linda, I don't like the sound of recurrent TM. Frank explained some time ago that one ocurrence is TM, the second one indicates MS.  Perhaps I misunderstood. Did your doctor tell you that you had recurrent TM? How can we tell that we have it without an MRI? Caring for you, Linda and always hoping

[TMIC] Sjogren's

2010-01-07 Thread Regina Rummel
Linda, Ever since I was diagnosed with Sjogren's, I had had to use eye drops often and regularly.  I wonder if it causes more than just dry eyes.  You say that you are glad that you didn't know the condition could lead to TM.  I wouldn't even have known what TM was.  But as I noted earlier, I

[TMIC] Alpha Lipoic Acid

2009-10-24 Thread Regina Rummel
My doctor suggested I take alpha lipoic acid. Anyone in the group taking it? I had never heard of it and am curious to hear your comments. Many thanks! R

[TMIC] 0/t - Happy Birthday Libras

2009-10-01 Thread Regina Rummel
yourselves?  Doesn't matter.  Enjoy your birthday! Regina in Marin County,  CA

[TMIC] Fw: Lean and Fit: Flavorful Ways to Get Things Moving

2009-09-18 Thread Regina Rummel
More interesing comments about conquering constipation. What do you thing? - Forwarded Message From: The Washington Post newslett...@email.washingtonpost.com To: regina...@sbcglobal.net Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:18:01 AM Subject: Lean and Fit: Flavorful Ways to Get Things

[TMIC] OT/prune souffle

2009-09-04 Thread Regina Rummel
I guess Frank isn't sending his grandmother's prune souffle recipe, so.. To anyone interested in baking one, I just googled how to bake a prune souffle and the recipe popped up.  I feel less and less inclined to bake but if anybody does and tries it, please share your

[TMIC] Swine flu vaccine

2009-09-01 Thread Regina Rummel
Good morning everybody, There was a lot of discussion in our group regarding vaccines a couple of years ago.  It had been suggested that among other things, TM could be caused by the flu, a virus, whatever.  Some of us were convinced of that and refused to take the vaccine.  I haven't had one

[TMIC] Jim's moves his thumb

2009-08-24 Thread Regina Rummel
Jim, I watched the video in awe.  The next step is to move more than the thumb without pain.  I hope so for you and more.  Thanks for sharing the good news. R

[TMIC] Linda Needs Some Help

2009-08-14 Thread Regina Rummel
I Googled Glucosamine yesterday and found it interesting.  And then, I ran into a recent article in the Los Angeles Times www.naturaljoint.com stating that well, I think it's best your read the article if you are interested.  It's about a natural product that gives relief naturally,

[TMIC] Spinal Cord Question

2009-07-27 Thread Regina Rummel
Please ignore my comments/question regarding the spinal cord. I just realized I must have been in a state of ___  I can't even think of an adjective to describe the dizzy state I've been in today. It's been a strange day.  This morning, instead of adding milk to my cereal, I poured it in

[TMIC] Special Prayers for Linda

2009-07-19 Thread Regina Rummel
Dearest Jude, As you well know, my faith is shaky.  I'm not sure anyone is busy listening to our prayers.  But your  belief is strong enough to rub off on me a bit, and I promise to do as you so sweetly request.  Take care dear friend. R 

[TMIC] Constant Fatigue

2009-07-17 Thread Regina Rummel
Did I read correctly? Is it possible Dr. Kerr will prescribe Rob medication for constant fatigue?    and that it may work? If it does, I'd jump for joy if I could do it without falling. I've accepted getting up in the morning just as exhausted as I was when I went to bed for too many years. 


2009-04-03 Thread Regina Rummel
Anyone overweight tried ACAI (prononced ah-sa-ee)? Supposed to reduce hunger, and raise energy levels. In my case, devoutly to be wished. Hey Jude, so glad you're out of the hospital.  Love you bunches. Regina

[TMIC] Frank's bad fall

2009-03-20 Thread Regina Rummel
Oh! Frank, I am so sorry you you got so badly hurt when you fell.  Take care of yourself and heal quickly.     My wish for you. R

[TMIC] Levothyroxine Sodium 50mg

2009-03-16 Thread Regina Rummel
Hi Everybody, I don't write much but I read everything.  Unfortunately, I don't have answers to your many questions as some of you do, or I would put it my two cents, trust me. I have a problem and need a sounding board.  It goes like this: I felt I was getting worse, and having decided

[TMIC] T-2 Lesions

2009-02-11 Thread Regina Rummel
Am going over the MRI report of the brain before seeing the neurologist.   One notation in particular concerns me and  I quote The FLAIR study demonstrates multiple bright T-2 lesions in the deep white tracts of both cerebral hemispheres, etc... Frank explained at one time that 1 lesion is TM,

[TMIC] Lyrica

2009-01-25 Thread Regina Rummel
My neuro now tells me that my symptoms are caused by much more than TM.  Namely vasculatis.  She put me on Lyrica and I woke up this AM with a pretty nasty headache.  Should I put up with this and it will pass?  What were your problems or successes with Lyrica? R

[TMIC] constipation

2009-01-18 Thread Regina Rummel
Years ago, the doctor prescribed LACTULOSE to my mother after she had a stroke leaving her with major problems including a horrible case of constipation.  He said that it doesn't irritate your bowels.  Wondering if any of you even heard of it. Kevin, I would like to hear more about the herb

[TMIC] Stem cells from human testes

2009-01-14 Thread Regina Rummel
Check out today's San Francisco Chronicle (Jan. 13) Stanford researchers have  isolated powerful stem cells from human testes and say the cells could ultimately yield a wide variety of human tissues including cells of the nervous system, the liver, heart, skin and blood vessels... etc.

[TMIC] Stem cell report correction

2009-01-14 Thread Regina Rummel
Sorry everybody, the article was on yesterday's S.F. Chronicle (Jan. 13)

[TMIC] Grace, Devic's NMO relapse

2008-11-27 Thread Regina Rummel
Oh Grace, I am so sorry to hear you aren't doing well.  On this Thanksgiving day, I wish with all my heart that your doctors can do something, anything to help you feel better. Know that my thoughts are with you. R

[TMIC] Neurontin again

2008-11-15 Thread Regina Rummel
So what conclusion does that new information leave us with? Do we continue taking it, or not? Why is it helping us if it's not supposed to help us? Frank, you take it, don't you?  Will you stop taking it?  What would you replace it with?  I'm confused.  Think I'll go smoke a joint R

[TMIC] Coxasackie virus

2008-10-05 Thread Regina Rummel
... that Frank thinks caused his TM. I never heard of it and looked it up. Oh my!  Reads as follows:  Coxasackie knows as enteroviruses transmitted orally (by ingestion of contaminated food) through what is known as the faeco-oral route.  One more reason to be suspicious of eating in

[TMIC] Tibo's feet in New York

2008-09-25 Thread Regina Rummel
I cannot have toe surgery because the surgeon was concerned about the vasculitis.  Don't we all TMers have vasculitis with all that numbness going on in our legs and feet? My rhumatologist and neuro nixed foot surgery.  I find it very difficult and painful to walk with these crooked things

[TMIC] For new member info

2008-09-18 Thread Regina Rummel
What is the email address to access our support group. I just met Tony who is interested but I can't remember Thanks! R

[TMIC] Flu vaccine

2008-09-15 Thread Regina Rummel
I don't trust it. I stopped taking flu vaccines four years ago.  That's when I was diagnosed with TM  Haven't had a cold nor the flu since My co-workers who have taken the vaccine haven't been so lucky Before beeing hit with TM, I was taking the vaccine yearly regularly I wouldn't be

[TMIC] Jerry Lewis raises 65 million for Muscular Dystrophy

2008-09-04 Thread Regina Rummel
Every year, for may years, he raises amazing amounts for research.  What has that money accomplished?  If these many millions can't eradicate the disease, what does it take? And what about us with TM, why can't another celebrity learn from Jerry and help US?  Am I jealous?  Maybe,

[TMIC] Frank's central pain

2008-08-01 Thread Regina Rummel
Frank, What did you mean in your comment on Marinol when you say Marinol did decrease my central pain.  Please explain.  I will feel oh so stupid if I'm the only one who wondered.  Ouch lf I am. Incidentally, all this talk of Marinol, Sativex, Pot, etc. reminds me a an incident in the hospital

[TMIC] Cymbalta

2008-07-28 Thread Regina Rummel
Saw my neurologist today.  I told her about the problem with my right eye (can't focus), about the intense fatigue, the constant pins/needles sensation that have traveled to my lips and the tip of my tongue.  I have a prescription for a head MRI and some blood tests that may show or not what's

[TMIC] Key Points re symposium

2008-07-24 Thread Regina Rummel
I just read with interest the following Key Points: .   All TM patients should be investigated for signs, symptoms and serologic evidence of systemic autoimmune disease (don't we already have an autoimmune disease?) .   Sjogren's syndrome, sarcoidosis and lupus should always be considered in a

[TMIC] Mystery ER

2008-07-18 Thread Regina Rummel
Grace, I just watched the presentation (so well done) that Jim made so easy to access.  Thank you so much Jim. Grace, thank you and your family also.  I still don't understand if Devic's is a disease of its own, or is it a complication of TM, or both.   Best wishes to you, a remarkable and brave

[TMIC] New symptom. Yikes!

2008-07-14 Thread Regina Rummel
The throbbing, itching, sort of numbness that has plagued me on the scalp, ears, left cheek...  has now moved to my lips and tip of my tongue.  This morning, coffee tasted weird.  I've never heard anything like that mentioned anywhere from the group.  My left leg is also getting weaker; I don't

[TMIC] Sativex

2008-05-29 Thread Regina Rummel
A mouth spray for neuropathic pain and spasticity. Reduces the use of opioid meds, improves quality of sleep and relevant aspects of quality of life, etc.  Used in Canada with no problem from what I understand.  And     TO BE RELEASED FOR CLINICAL TRIALS  IN THE U.S. IN EARLY 2008. Sounds

[TMIC] Dr's visit, just a follow up

2008-05-09 Thread Regina Rummel
I saw the neurologist yesterday. She suggested we increase the Neurontin to 900mg 3 times a day for a week, then increase to 1200mg three times a week. I asked about Lyrica in spite of my concerns since some of you didn't do well with it. She said Lyrica was similar to Neurontin, may work

[TMIC] Bruising

2008-04-24 Thread Regina Rummel
I noticed weird bruising in my feet and ankles recently. I thought at first that my shoes were responsible and started wearing a size 7 instead of a 6 1/2 and a wide instead of a medium. My feet seem to be getting bigger. The bruising remained. Then I saw a very good foot specialist who

[TMIC] Sandy and Tobe

2008-04-03 Thread Regina Rummel
I'm traveling with you vicariously. You make it sound awesome. Wish I had your guts. Have a great time and let us know more about your adventures in Brazil and Chile. R

[TMIC] when do you know it's time to quit?

2008-04-03 Thread Regina Rummel
Hi Rob in N.J., It's a very personal decision. Your commute is quite a deterrent and certainly a source of frustration. Would you feel the same way if you worked close to home? I am retired and now only work on Tuesdays and Saturdays, close by thank Goodness. Not that long ago, I could work

[TMIC] Traveling with TM

2008-03-27 Thread Regina Rummel
What's kept me from traveling since TM is having to go to the bathrom. How do you manage it? I don't think I would drink all day which is a bad idea, but then. R

[TMIC] Nursing homes

2008-03-27 Thread Regina Rummel
It's a shame Jude had to put up with poor help in the nursing home, but I was not surprised to hear it. When my mother was moved in one after her stroke, it didn't take me long to realize that they are money making businesses who pay their help next to nothing, many of them illegals with

[TMIC] Another gloomy day

2008-03-25 Thread Regina Rummel
Dear Sal, You're certainly entitled to vent. I know I've done it big time and this group has been wonderful and supportive. I was diagnosed with TM four years ago and my symptoms are nothing compared to yours, but still, at times, I do feel sorry for myself. I don't think there is anything

[TMIC] Neurontin

2008-03-17 Thread Regina Rummel
I increase Neutontin intake about three weeks ago. I'm always tired but I think fatigue has increased somewhat. Any of you found that Neurontin incrases fatigue?

[TMIC] Medical marijuana

2008-03-13 Thread Regina Rummel
Can't stand the soreness in my throat. I hate handling cigarettes. Any of you ever tried the laced cookies or brownies. What's the difference? Thanks! R

[TMIC] Stem cell therapy advance

2008-03-08 Thread Regina Rummel
Re: San Francisco Chronicle of March 6 in the Business section Researchers unlock secret of producing specialized cells In a scientific first, a reserch team at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease and UCSF demonstrated that small regulatory molecules called micro RNAs can

[TMIC] Symposium in Anaheim

2008-02-13 Thread Regina Rummel
Is there anyone in the San Francisco going to attend? I would love to go but can't get anyone to go with me. If the answer is yes, please let me know. Regina


2007-11-26 Thread Regina Rummel
Trudy, Progivil didn't do anything for me.

[TMIC] Thank you, Rick

2007-09-27 Thread Regina Rummel
Oh! Rick, You are so kind. I can't tell you how touched I am reading the emails posted by this wonderful group. And I can't tell you how much your concern and encouragement means to me. I'm around, all right, not going much anywhere anymore. I have my good days and my bad days like the

[TMIC] Pain

2007-09-26 Thread Regina Rummel
Best idea is seeing a new neurologist. Zanax (for anxiety and nervousness) and 81mg aspirin? That's it! I'm no doctor, but sounds like you're not taking anything for pain. Good luck and let us know what the new neuro. has to say. R

[TMIC] Pain

2007-09-25 Thread Regina Rummel
Kevin, Why can't you get a doctor to give you anything for pain? R

[TMIC] Hi Stacy

2007-09-14 Thread Regina Rummel
The more I read our emails, the more amazed I am at the challenges some of us put up with and still manage to retain our sanity. To be hit with this at 33, well, it's too young... But children get it too... That you feel strong enough to consider going on with your studies is a good sign,

[TMIC] Provigil

2007-09-13 Thread Regina Rummel
Candy, Why does your doctor recommend Provigil? I once complained to the neuro about being so tired all the time. She thought Provigil would help. It didn't. I think that the fatigue is part of our neurological disease, I can't imagine why Provigil would help. It didn't help me and I

[TMIC] Depressed and no one to share with but you

2007-09-10 Thread Regina Rummel
I'm so disapointed that the AVM surgery made no difference in my condition. Five difficult weeks in the hospital... and what for? For nothing. I'm sorry I said yes when the surgeon asked if I were willing to let him get into my spinal cord and... I think it meant untwisting tangled up

[TMIC] (OT) Dr. pFranks' looks

2007-09-05 Thread Regina Rummel
Never mind his looks... Good looks wouldn't hurt, but It's that amazing sense of humor I'm attracted to. My hunch is that he is short, balding, slightly overweight, piercing blue eyes. Sorry to burst your bubble, ladies.

[TMIC] TM or MS?

2007-08-22 Thread Regina Rummel
Grace, What is LETM's and what is MNO?

[TMIC] Devic's disease

2007-08-22 Thread Regina Rummel
Hi Grace, Yes, your answer helped very much. In fact, I just read all about it in the Mayo Clinic website. You have 3 segments (lesions) affected in your cord you say, and yet you have neither TM or MS. It's all very complicated but in my simple understanding, all of these

[TMIC] Natalie's surgery

2007-08-19 Thread Regina Rummel
Natalie, I'll be holding good thoughts for you tomorrow. Good luck! R

[TMIC] OT The Health Crisis

2007-08-04 Thread Regina Rummel
Obama said when he challenged Clinton regarding her failed efforts in reforming health care in 1993: The insurance and drug companies spent $1 billion in lobbying over the past 10 years. They're not spending that because they're contributing to the public interest. Greed always seems to

[TMIC] Neurologist, Rheumatologists

2007-08-03 Thread Regina Rummel
I was diagnosed with Sjogrens in the mid-80s and that's when I started seeing a rheumatologist regularly. After that, I understood why I had dry eyes and have been using eye drops ever since. I subsribed to the Sjogren's newsletter and joined a group. Many in the group were in bad shape,

[TMIC] OT Getting fat on Neurontin or fat on Donuts

2007-07-28 Thread Regina Rummel
Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday and we're having Black Forest Cake with all that oozing whipped cream and yummy cherries. For one day, I will ignore my bulging thighs, the curse of TM the Dark One blessed us with, and I intend to gorge myself with my favorite of all desserts. I sincerely

[TMIC] {TMIC} Aspirin dosage

2007-07-27 Thread Regina Rummel
Frank, You say you take the small aspirin dosage. I take 81 mg. Is that the smallest? I, until my March surgery, took Aggrenox. Thanks. R

[TMIC] Why this Support Group?

2007-07-14 Thread Regina Rummel
I had a follow up visit with the neurosurgeon who did the AVM surgery on my spinal cord in March. This very delicate procedure was a big success, and he was obviously very proud of the result, except that.. I don't feel any better... I can't tell that the surgery has made any

[TMIC] Dear Group

2007-07-11 Thread Regina Rummel
I really enjoyed the fun, quirky, witty, etc. comments regarding... I can't remember what. Oh yes, it all started with Phran3que's name. Strangely enough, seems like I (we) learned more about who we are, capsules of background, from just that one email. My goodness, we are an interesting

[TMIC] Comfortable shoes

2007-06-29 Thread Regina Rummel
Some of the physical therapists I work out with wear Keen shoes. They swear by them. I noticed that the front is wide and round which would give toes lots of room to breathe. I don't drive and have to wait for my daughter to take me to the store that carries them. In the meantime, I

[TMIC] Itchy, burning scalp

2007-06-22 Thread Regina Rummel
I read many of your burning, weird feet sensations. I get that too, but what about the scalp? With me, it started slowly after I was diagnosed with Sjogren Syndrome 15 years ago, but it was nothing compared to what I experience now: I don't get colds, I get flu like symptoms, like sneezing

[TMIC] Blood work results

2007-06-15 Thread Regina Rummel
When your doctor writes an order for blood work, ask that she notes your name on the order for a copy of the result be sent to you. The lab will send you the results directly. R

[TMIC] Same email repeat

2007-06-14 Thread Regina Rummel
I wonder why some of our emails are sent (or just received) at leat twice. Comments R

[TMIC] Turning cells into tissues. Is it too good to be true?

2007-06-06 Thread Regina Rummel
Did any of you notice this article in the New York Times (by Nicholas Wade published June 6, 2007? It's about an easy-to-use technique for reprogramming a skin cell of a mouse back to the embryonic state. It raises no serious moral problem, because it creates embryonic-like stem cells

[TMIC] Did you get this warning?

2007-06-04 Thread Regina Rummel
This is the warning I received: Someone tried to send you a potential virus or unauthorised code. The messageLabs Email Security System discovered a possible virus. The message title was Re: (TMIC) Hi, I sent you an e-card from AOL Greetings, etc. The message sender was: [EMAIL

[TMIC] Bee Venom Therapy

2007-05-31 Thread Regina Rummel
On a Memorial Day barbecue at my daughter's, a neighbor asked me the usual, what is my problem walking? My favorite question, right? Well, to be polite, I gave him a simple explanation and he really seemed interested and with some knowledge of autoimmune disorders. Told me of someone he knew

[TMIC] detromethorphan

2007-05-07 Thread Regina Rummel
After reading your intersting comments on this drug, I looked it up and can only find DEXTROMETHORPHAN. Comments, please

[TMIC] Venting!

2007-02-26 Thread Regina Rummel
I am so scared! I AM VENTING. THERE IS NO ONE ELSE I CAN SHARE THE FOLLOWING WITH: Just a few weeks ago, it became obvious that I am getting gradually worse every day. I felt vulnerable using the cane and started using the walker. Following are the latest symptoms: The

[TMIC] Re: multiple vitamins

2007-02-11 Thread Regina Rummel
I'm interested in knowing what kind you take. Thank you. Regina

[TMIC] Regina's introduction

2007-02-02 Thread Regina Rummel
. Regina

[TMIC] Subscription

2007-01-26 Thread Regina Rummel
I have tried and tried and even had someone yesterday help me again. For some reason, I have been accessing your group for over a year and am not allowed to participate. Please advise at what I am doing wrong. Thanks! Regina

[TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2007 #3

2007-01-11 Thread Regina Rummel
Re: Stem Cell Research (HR3 discussed in Congress today) I wanted to email all the congressmen (women) who refuse to vote for HR3. Having suffered the consequenses of TMIC for the last 3 years, and having been dismissed by a neurologist considered one of the best in the county if not the