Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Pasangan berzina diarak bogel keliling kampung

2010-04-09 Terurut Topik sunny

Yang salah bible :-)

  - Original Message - 
  From: ma_suryawan 
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 5:10 PM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Pasangan berzina diarak bogel keliling kampung

  Hukum rajam (stoned to death) bagi kasus pernikahan adalah hukum/syari'at 
warisan Bible, sementara hukum/syari'at untuk kasus pernikahan menurut 
AL-Qur'an HANYA dera. Hukum dera adalah hukum final karena ditetapkan dalam 

  Jadi, yang namanya pezina yang sudah nikah kemudian dihukum lempar batu 
sampai mati adalah ajaran/syariat yg mengikuti Bible, bukan mengikuti al-Qur'an.

  --- In, H. M. Nur Abdurahman 
mnur.abdurrah...@... wrote:
   27 November 1999, tepat terik matahari di ubun-ubun, bertempat di lapangan 
volli Desa Mata Ie, Blang Pidie Aceh Selatan, seorang pemuda yang berumur 25 
tahun bernama Zulkarnaen alias Ogut, menjalani hukuman cambuk 100 kali, yang 
diputuskan oleh Qadhi dalam sidang pengadilan yang dihadiri oleh para ulama dan 
pemuka masyarakat. Ogut terbukti telah melakukan pidana perzinaan dengan 
Kurniawati di Desa Mata Ie, dikuatkan oleh pengakuan kedua anak Adam itu, 
disaksikan oleh 4 orang dan bukti material Kurniawati telah mengandung 4 bulan. 
Dengan Basmalah dan ucapan Allahu Akbar, 10 orang eksekutor masing-masing 
melecutkan cemeti sebesar ibu jari, dengan lengan tetap merapat diketiak 
sewaktu mengayunkan cambuk ke tubuh Ogut mulai dari bahu sampai ke kaki. 
Eksekusi itu dilaksanakan secara terbuka di depan masyarakat Desa Mata Ie. Akan 
halnya dengan Kurniawati eksekusi ditunda berhubung telah hamil 4 bulan, yakni 
eksekusi baru akan dilaksanakan insya-Allah hingga bayinya yang akan lahir 
kelak berumur 2 tahun. 
ALNWR, 2), dibaca: Azza-niyatu wazza-ni- fajlidu- kullu wa-hidim minhuma- miata 
jaldah (s. Annu-r), artinya: Pezina perempuan dan pezina laki-laki setiap orang 
dari keduanya mendapatkan dera seratus cambukan (24:2). Sanksi dera 100 kali 
cambukan itu bagi ghayru muhsan (belum nikah). Sedangkan bagi pezina yang 
muhsan (sudah nikah), mendapatkan sanksi dirajam sampai mati sesuai dengan 
Hadits yang disepakati atasnya (muttafaqun 'alaih), tentang orang Arab 
pegunungan yang melaporkan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw berkaitan anak laki-lakinya 
yang masih lajang berzina dengan istri majikan anaknya. Nabi Muhammad SAW 
memberikan sanksi atas anak laki-laki pelapor itu didera 100 kali cambukan dan 
diasingkan selama setahun. Sedangkan istri majikan anaknya tersebut dirajam 
sampai mati.
   Demikianlah sejak tahun 1999 secara de fakto penerapan hukum menurut 
Syari'at Islam telah diberlakukan di Aceh, seperti eksekusi atas Ogut di Desa 
Mata Ie tersebut. Dan alhamduliLlah de fakto tersebut telah menjadi de jure, 
yaitu RUU Nanggroe Aceh Darusslam (NAD) telah disahkan menjadi UU NAD oleh 
DPR-RI dalam Sidang Paripurna yang dipimpin oleh Wakil Ketua DPR-RI Soetardjo 
Surjoguritno, pada hari Kamis, 19 Juli 2001.
   dicambuk dengan bilah bambu
   Melindungi Keluarga dengan Self Help
   Kerisauan kini tak lagi hinggap di benak Usman. Warga Desa Padang, 
Kecamatan Gantarang, Kabupaten Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan, ini merasa 
keluarganya aman dan terlindungi. Ini semenjak pemberlakuan beberapa Peraturan 
Daerah (Perda) bernuansa Syari'at Islam, antara lainPerda Nomor 03 Tahun 2002 
tentang Larangan Penjualan dan Penertiban Minuman Keras. Dulu banyak anak 
perempuan yang diganggu pemuda-pemuda desa yang nongkrong sambil 
mabuk-mabukan, kata bapak berusia 41 tahun itu. Maklum, dua anak gadis Usman 
tengah beranjak dewasa.
   Kini Usman tak lagi melihat pemuda nakal. Para berandal desa agaknya keder 
dengan sanksi dari perda itu. Yakni ancaman dicambuk dengan bilah bambu 
sebanyak 40 kali bila tertangkap mabuk. Selain itu, ada pula hukuman berupa 
sanksi moral. Kalau ada yang kena hukuman, semua warga desa tahu. Jadi, mereka 
yang mau berbuat jahat malu rasanya, ujarnya.
   Penerapan aturan semacam ini tidak dipermasalahkan warga desa. Maklum, kini 
mereka merasa lebih aman dan terlindungi. Polisi pun tak perlu repot membasmi 
penyakit masyarakat yang sebenarnya bisa diselesaikan sendiri oleh masyarakat 
(self help). Kini tidak ada lagi yang berani terbuat jahat di desa kami. Hidup 
kami pun tenteram, tuturnya.
   - Original Message - 
   From: sunny am...@...
   To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
   Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 06:21
   Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Pasangan berzina diarak bogel keliling kampung
   Pasangan berzina diarak bogel keliling kampung
   BANDA ACEH 8 April - Seorang guru bersama kekasihnya yang merupakan isteri 
orang, diarak bogel mengelilingi kampung mereka setelah didapati

[wanita-muslimah] Rough Justice With Accused Aceh Adulterers Deplored as Un-Islamic

2010-04-08 Terurut Topik sunny

April 08, 2010 
Nurdin Hasan

A man arrested for gambling is struck with a cane six times by an executioner 
during a public caning at the compound of a mosque in Aceh Besar in January. An 
official from the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Aceh Barat would find 
himself in the same position after he was caught committing adultery with a 
married woman, despite the fact he has already been severely beaten by enraged 
local villagers. (AFP Photo/Chaideer Mahyuddin)

Rough Justice With Accused Aceh Adulterers Deplored as Un-Islamic

Banda Aceh. A human rights activist on Thursday slammed the humiliating 
punishment meted out to a teacher in Aceh Barat and the married woman he was 
suspected of having an affair with after the pair were marched through a 
village naked, tied to a pole and then brutally beaten. 

To parade people around naked is not sanctioned in Islam, said Zulfikar 
Muhammad, an activist from a coalition of human rights organizations in the 
staunchly Muslim province. 

The acts of the villagers who paraded the two through a village clearly 
violates both Islamic Shariah law and human rights. Islam upholds justice and 
the rights of human beings. 

Zulfikar's statement comes after T Abdurrazak, operational commander of Aceh's 
feared Shariah Police, confirmed on Thursday that the teacher, identified as 
Bus, 36, and was reportedly from an Islamic boarding school in Aceh Besar, had 
been caught in the bedroom of Yus, a 28-year-old housewife, in Seuneubok 
village, Meulaboh district, on Wednesday. The case is being dealt with by Aceh 
Barat Police. 

Villagers had suspected for at least a year that the couple were having an 
affair, Abdurrazak said, adding that Yus's husband was seldom at home because 
his job required him to travel out of town extensively. 

He said villagers claimed they had often seen Bus enter through the back door 
of the house at night whenever the husband was out. 

Abdurrazak said the villagers had decided to catch the couple in the act and at 
2 a.m. on Wednesday, they broke down the door and allegedly found the pair in 
the bedroom. Abdurrazak, however, said he did not know whether the couple had 
actually been caught in in the act of committing adultery. 

Even though the Shariah Police has every right to investigate this violation, 
we do not have investigators as yet, he said. We are therefore working in 
collaboration with local Aceh Barat Police to process the case. 

According to a local Shariah regulation, adulterers face a maximum punishment 
of being publicly caned nine times. 

If the Qanun Jinayat had been signed by Aceh's governor, the couple could have 
faced stoning to death, Abdurrazak added, referring to the controversial set 
of local bylaws passed in September by the province's legislative council to 
replace parts of the Criminal Code. Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf refused to sign 
off on the new code citing humanitarian grounds. 

Abdurrazak said the pair were marched naked through the village and then both 
tied to a pole and beaten. After the police arrived to rescue the couple, they 
were rushed to the Cut Nyak Dhien General Hospital in the district capital of 
Meulaboh for emergency treatment, he added.

Related articles
Dressing to Impress Aceh's Shariah Police

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[wanita-muslimah] Yemen child forced into marriage dies

2010-04-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Yemen child forced into marriage dies 
April 9, 2010 
SANAA: A 13-year-old Yemeni girl who had been forced into marriage died five 
days after her wedding when she suffered a rupture in her sex organs and 
haemorrhaging, a local human right's organisation said.

Ilham Mahdi al-Assi died last Friday in al-Thawra hospital in Hajja province, 
the Shaqaeq Arab Forum for Human Rights said in a statement quoting a medical 

She was married last week in a traditional arrangement known as ''swap 
marriage'' in which the brother of the bride also married the sister of the 
groom, it said.

''The child Ilham has died as a martyr due to the abuse of children's lives in 
Yemen,'' the non-government organisation said.

Her death is a ''flagrant example'' of the results of opposing the ban on child 
marriage in Yemen, which is leading to ''killing child females'', it said.

The marriage of young girls is widespread in Yemen, which has a strong tribal 

The death of a 12-year-old girl in childbirth in September illustrated the case 
of the country's ''brides of death'', many of whom are married even before 

Controversy has heightened in Yemen recently over a law banning child marriage 
by setting a minimum age of 17 for women and 18 for men.

Thousands of women demonstrated outside parliament last month, answering a call 
by Islamist parties opposing the law.

Agence France-Presse

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[wanita-muslimah] Pasangan berzina diarak bogel keliling kampung

2010-04-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Pasangan berzina diarak bogel keliling kampung

BANDA ACEH 8 April - Seorang guru bersama kekasihnya yang merupakan isteri 
orang, diarak bogel mengelilingi kampung mereka setelah didapati berzina 
sebelum dipukul oleh penduduk dan kini berdepan dengan hukuman sebat di 
khalayak umum.

Guru itu yang hanya dikenali sebagai Bus, berusia 36 tahun ditangkap semasa 
mengadakan hubungan seks dengan seorang suri rumah Yus, 28, di Aceh oleh 
penduduk kampung.

Penduduk kampung menyerbu rumah wanita itu dan mendapati mereka sedang 
berdua-duaan,'' kata pegawai penguatkuasa Syariah Aceh Barat, Teuku Abdurrazak.

Mereka kemudiannya ditarik keluar dan diarak berbogel keliling kampung, diikat 
di sebatang tiang dan dipukul menggunakan kayu serta tangan mereka sehingga 
menjadi hitam dan biru.

Penduduk kampung sangat marah... jika polis lambat tiba di tempat kejadian, 
pasangan itu mungkin mati,'' kata Abdurrazak.

Menurutnya lagi, pasangan itu kini berhadapan hukuman sembilan sebatan jika 
didapati bersalah berzina.

Aceh melaksanakan sebahagian undang-undang Syariah pada 2001 sebagai sebahagian 
daripada pakej autonomi dari Jakarta bertujuan untuk menghapuskan sentimen puak 
pemisah. - AFP

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[wanita-muslimah] Religion Versus Freedom of Expression

2010-04-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Religion Versus Freedom of Expression

By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid


We are in the midst of battles taking place on different levels; and there are 
clashes between followers of different religions, and clashes between followers 
of the same religion. However looking into the details of such disputes one 
realizes that clashes are even taking place between followers of the same sect 
and even members of the same family. Although such conflict this represents 
defective behavior, there has been no lasting solution to this. Therefore 
despite the numerous conferences and proposals put forward to resolve this, no 
decisive laws have been enacted, and it seems that it will be a long time until 
we can reach a mutual understanding or accept a collective defeat [on this 

Thirty years ago the Iranians - at the height of the glory of their Islamic 
Revolution - objected to Salman Rushdie's novel [The Satanic Verses] thereby 
initiating a clash of civilizations. Everybody in Europe at the time, from 
writers to publishers to readers, were accustomed to freedom of expression in 
their cultural domain, and this even included freedom of expression against the 
Christian church. Those who objected to something were only entitled to stage 
demonstrations outside the theatre or publishing house in question, or to write 
letters protecting this. Anybody who is dissatisfied can only merely refrain 
from seeing or purchasing the work of art in question and encouraging the 
others to do the same. 

However in the Islamic world, the experience and history is completely 
different. Europe experienced more than three centuries of ideological conflict 
over Galileo's telescope, Darwin's apple, and before this Martin Luther's 
position against the deification of the Church. It is thanks to Martin Luther's 
position that freedom of expression today has become holy [in Europe] and the 
principle of coexistence between followers of different schools of thought has 
been implemented. Therefore the most one could do to criticize a particular 
work of art was to respond in kind, i.e. to publish a book or write an article 
refuting and objecting to the views of others. Muslims are not part of the 
European geography and history, and we have yet to reach the same stage as the 
West in this regard. As a result of this, the Arab behavior is condemned by the 
Europeans, while the Western behavior seems to be rude and nasty to Muslims. As 
a result of this, the struggle between the two sides is intensifying via UN 
committees and open conferences with regards to the limits and boundaries of 
freedom of expression. 

As I mentioned in the introduction, the problems with regards to freedom of 
expression and criticism does not merely exist between two different cultures; 
one that has been in use since Martin Luther's conflict with the Church, and 
another that is committed to its traditional values, but that this conflict 
exists on all levels. The Christians consider the Muslim view of Christ to be 
blasphemous, while the Jews also consider the mockery and aggression directed 
towards them in Muslim texts to be something that should be stopped, where we 
Muslims believe that their mockery of our religion is an outrage, however if 
there were no such differences there would only be one common religion in the 
world. The same clashes are taking place between followers of the same 
religion, as can be seen in the exchange of accusations between the Sunnis and 
Shiites. If the Shiites had accepted the Sunni version of history with regards 
to the Prophet's companions, they would not be Shiite but rather Sunnis, and if 
the Sunnis believed that Ali Bin Abu Taleb should have been the first Caliph 
following the Prophet's death and that the Caliphate should follow the 
Prophet's line with regards to succession then they would not be Sunnis but 
rather Shiites. While if the followers of Al Qaeda abandoned their jihadist 
principles they would not be followers of Al Qaeda or terrorists. This is how a 
series of differences continue to spiral out of control, even amongst followers 
of the same religion, and differences and clashes have emerged [in Islam] over 
issues such as the niqab and the hijab and the limits of preventing vice. As a 
result of this, people label each other infidels and issue takfirist fatwas 
that say that it is permissible to shed each other's blood. 

This is a general picture of the conflict between opponents who have failed to 
impose the necessary limits and boundaries for peaceful coexistence, which does 
not necessarily mean recognizing or consenting to other people's beliefs. This 
is a problem that is far too large for the UN to resolve, or for it to be 
resolved by putting an end to armed extremist groups or fundamentalists here or 
there; rather this is a huge ideological problem. 

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[wanita-muslimah] 50 dead as Baghdad bombings stoke fears of warfare

2010-04-07 Terurut Topik sunny

50 dead as Baghdad bombings stoke fears of warfare 
A woman reacts as residents gather near the site of a bomb attack in central 
Baghdad. (Reuters)


Published: Apr 6, 2010 14:45 Updated: Apr 7, 2010 04:56 

BAGHDAD: Bombs ripped through apartment buildings and a market in mostly Shiite 
areas of Baghdad on Tuesday, killing 50 people in postelection bloodshed that 
threatens to rekindle sectarian warfare that nearly destroyed the country three 
years ago.

The attacks appeared to be an attempt by Al-Qaeda in Iraq or other extremists 
to exploit a power vacuum during what promises to be lengthy negotiations to 
form a new government. About 120 people have been killed in and around the 
capital over the past five days - some of the most brutal strikes on civilians 
in months.

For two terrifying hours on a warm, sunny Tuesday morning, at least seven bombs 
rocked a broad swath of Baghdad. In a new tactic, several bombs were planted 
inside empty apartments after renters offered high prices for the properties, 
the government said.

The explosions reduced one building to rubble, knocked out windows and doors 
and ripped off facades. People rushed to the blast sites, digging through the 
rubble with their hands to find loved ones.

Cars began to collide with one another in the street, said Ali Hussein, a 
22-year-old college student who was riding the bus to school when one of the 
bombs went off.

We saw a cloud of fire and black smoke. With militants singling out entire 
families of both Muslim sects for slaughter, the recent violence is reminiscent 
of the far more widespread fighting that tore Iraq apart from 2005 to 2007 and 
prompted the United States to send tens of thousands more troops to this 

US officials sought to downplay the possibility that Iraq is sliding toward 
major sectarian fighting and insisted there were no plans to slow the 
withdrawal of American troops.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that Gen. Ray Odierno, the top US 
military official in Iraq, does not believe the violence threatens the ability 
of the US military to draw down its forces this year.

The US military plans to reduce troop levels from 90,000 to 50,000 by Aug. 31, 
when it will end combat operations.

As part of an agreement with Iraq, the US will withdraw all forces by the end 
of 2011.

We're obviously concerned but we don't see the parallels with what happened a 
few years ago, US Embassy spokesman Philip Frayne said. We don't see a 
sectarian war breaking out again. While there was no claim of responsibility, 
the latest spike in attacks suggest to some analysts that Al-Qaeda or other 
extremists wish to provoke mayhem or otherwise sabotage negotiations to form a 
stable government after the March 7 parliamentary election that failed to 
produce a clear winner.

These attacks indicate a hopeless effort to mix cards and provoke sectarian 
dispute among people and turn Iraq again back to square one, said Dr. Hassan 
Kamil, a political analyst at Baghdad University.

A secular bloc is currently holding talks with religious Shiite parties, a 
threatening prospect for insurgents whose stock-in-trade is rage, not peace. 
Such attacks might inflame sectarian tensions and make Shiite parties less 
likely to join former prime minister Ayad Allawi, a secular Shiite backed by 

Allawi's political coalition, Iraqiya, came out ahead in the vote, narrowly 
edging Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's bloc by just two seats. Allawi raised 
the prospect that terror attacks will only increase if the negotiations drag on 
for months to form a new government.

This is blamed on the power vacuum, of course, Allawi told The Associated 
Press in an interview Tuesday.

Terrorists and Al-Qaeda are on the go. ... I think their operations will 
increase in Iraq. Allawi said the government was failing to secure the capital 
- a notion challenged by Al-Maliki adviser Sadiq al-Rikabi, who suggested that 
Allawi was exploiting the attacks for political purposes.

It is true that terrorism and attacks are attributed to the political 
situation the country is experiencing, and we have faced terrorism before 
elections as well, Al-Rikabi said.

No matter who ends up in charge, the resurgent violence underscores that the 
next government will have a difficult time governing an unwieldy society of 
disparate tribes, ethnic groups and religious sects which Saddam Hussein ruled 
for decades by punishing or killing those who opposed him.

Tuesday's attacks killed at least 50 people and wounded 187, including women 
and children - a toll the AP reached after talking with police and medical 
officials in different parts of the capital. All spoke on condition of 
anonymity because they were not allowed to release information publicly.

The attackers detonated homemade bombs and, in one case, a car packed with 
explosives, according to Maj. Gen. Qassim al

[wanita-muslimah] Saudi scholar intends to visit Jerusalem

2010-04-07 Terurut Topik sunny

Saudi scholar intends to visit Jerusalem
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Areefi


Published: Apr 6, 2010 02:10 Updated: Apr 6, 2010 02:10 

JEDDAH: A Saudi Islamic scholar announced Monday on a satellite channel his 
intention to visit Jerusalem next week in order to produce the next episode of 
his television program from the holy city.

If Sheikh Muhammad Al-Areefi goes ahead with his plan, it would be an 
unprecedented trip by a prominent Saudi. Jerusalem is the third holiest site in 
Islam, but most Muslim countries observe a strict boycott of Israel and ban 
travel there.

Al-Areefi told his viewers Sunday on the Islamic satellite channel Iqra that 
the next episode of his show would be about Jerusalem and Palestine. Al-Areefi 
said he would visit the city next week, though he did not specify when and 
whether he had obtained a visa.

He said he was not afraid of any treachery from the Jews, as he had put his 
trust in God. Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said while he was 
not familiar with the case, Al-Areefi could apply for a visa from the consulate 
in Amman.

Throughout the years many people from countries like Libya, Indonesia and 
other countries that don't have relations with Israel have visited Jerusalem, 
he said. All these visits were naturally coordinated with Israeli 
authorities, the spokesman said.

Al-Areefi is viewed as a moderate scholar. His show titled Dae Basamatak 
(Leave your imprint) is aimed at encouraging young people to get involved in 
their communities and contribute their time in humanitarian work. It features a 
studio audience of young people and live call-ins from viewers. Al-Areefi is 
currently visiting Jordan.

Al Arabiya satellite channel's website carried the report but said it could not 
reach Al-Areefi to get more details about his visit to Jerusalem

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[wanita-muslimah] Israel seizing hundreds of millions of shekels meant for Palestinian services

2010-04-07 Terurut Topik sunny

Last update - 11:22 07/04/2010 
  Israel seizing hundreds of millions of shekels meant for Palestinian 
  By Chaim Levinson 

For the past 15 years, Israel has been channeling hundreds of 
millions of shekels it had collected in the West Bank into its state coffers. 
The move is considered illegal, since international law prohibits an occupying 
power from appropriating the fruit of economic activity in an occupied 

Following protests by military lawyers, the deputy attorney general 
has ruled that the practice should be stopped and ordered an inquiry into 
whether the Civil Administration in the West Bank should be compensated 

Following staff work by an interministerial team composed of 
representatives of the Finance Ministry, Justice Ministry and Civil 
Administration, it has been agreed that the ... said fees will be entered into 
the Civil Administration's budget. The technical aspects of the affair will be 
sorted out in the coming weeks. 
The funds in question are collected by the Civil Administration, 
overwhelmingly from Israelis. They include fees and levies for various 
activities such as royalties from quarries and levies on public auctions. The 
sums are estimated in the hundreds of millions of shekels, sometimes reaching 
as much as NIS 80 million a year. 

Until the Oslo Accords in the 1990s, the funds were transferred to 
the Civil Administration to be used for operational expenses as well as for 
infrastructure and welfare services for Palestinians in the territories. The 
Oslo Accords dictated the closing down of the administration, the funds in 
question were reclassified as income to the Israel Lands Administration and 
were redirected to state coffers. 

The Civil Administration, however, continued to operate in Area C 
of the West Bank, working on infrastructure, planning and construction. The 
funds are still channeled to the state, although international law prohibits an 
occupying power from appropriating the fruit of economic activity in an 
occupied territory. Funds collected in American-occupied areas of Iraq, for 
example, are channeled to the United States, and, except for 5 percent that 
goes to Kuwait, are returned for direct investment in Iraq. 

Budget ramifications 

Recently, a lawyer at the Military Advocate General's Office said 
the transfer of such funds to the state was improper. Because the issue is 
complex and has budget ramifications far beyond the military, the authorities 
entrusted the inquiry to Deputy Attorney General Malchiel Blas. 

He ruled that the direct transfer of the funds to the state budget 
should cease. A team that includes officials from the treasury, Justice 
Ministry and Civil Administration is now examining the implications of Blas' 

At the team's meetings, the Civil Administration has requested that 
the money again be directly channeled to its coffers. The Finance Ministry, by 
contrast, proposed that a fund be set up for the money, which would be divided 
among various ministries investing in the territories, such the transportation, 
agriculture and industry, trade and labor ministries. 

Another question facing the team is whether the Civil 
Administration should be compensated for the funds it lost to the state. The 
Finance Ministry is strongly opposed, and claims that in the past 15 years the 
state has invested in the West Bank, apart from the settlements, more than 
double the amount it has collected. The government will make the final 

This income was registered as part of state income, and the 
Finance Ministry budgeted all the activities of the Civil Administration and 
the military in the area out of the state budget, the Justice Ministry said in 
a statement. 

Recently ... it turned out that the issue should be arranged in a 
way that would make it obvious that the income should be registered as part of 
the Civil Administration's budget, as authorized by the Knesset. 

The Finance Ministry said: It should be noted the question of 
whether the funds are registered as state income or Civil Administration income 
is a technical question, because at the end of the day the State of Israel 
invests in the area amounts considerably larger than the fees it collects.  


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[wanita-muslimah] Jaksa Agung Membenarkan Ada Kasus yang Lebih Besar daripada Gayus

2010-04-07 Terurut Topik sunny

 Rabu, 07 April 2010 ] 

Jaksa Agung Membenarkan Ada Kasus yang Lebih Besar daripada Gayus 
PPATK Lapor ke Polri dan Kejagung, Belum Direspons 

JAKARTA - Aliran dana mencurigakan senilai Rp 28 miliar di rekening Gayus 
Halomoan Tambunan, tersangka kasus manipulasi pajak, bukan yang terbesar. Pusat 
Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) pernah melaporkan kasus yang 
lebih besar pada tahun lalu. Namun, tindak lanjut laporan itu belum diungkap 
kepada publik.

Kepala PPATK Yunus Husein mengakui telah melaporkan adanya aliran dana 
mencurigakan dari mantan pegawai Ditjen Pajak. Nilai transaksinya jauh lebih 
besar daripada kasus yang melibatkan Gayus. Ya, lebih gede (dari nilai kasus 
Gayus),'' kata Yunus yang juga anggota Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum setelah 
bertemu Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta, 
kemarin (6/4).

Yunus tidak bersedia menyebutkan identitas mantan pegawai Ditjen Pajak dan 
aliran dana mencurigakan temuan PPATK tersebut. Yang jelas, lanjut dia, temuan 
itu telah dilaporkan ke kepolisian dan kejaksaan pada Maret 2009. ''Pokoknya 
tahun lalu sudah disampaikan. (Bagaimana detailnya) tanya saja ke Kapolri dan 
Jaksa Agung,'' katanya. Yunus tidak secara khusus melaporkan temuan tersebut 
kepada presiden.

Menurut dia, dana yang dimiliki mantan pegawai Ditjen Pajak itu jauh dari 
kepantasan sebagai pegawai negeri sipil (PNS). ''(Mengenai jumlah dananya) saya 
tidak bisa jawab. Cuma kita minta klarifikasi saja. Ini kok asetnya banyak amat 
ya, dengan posisi yang tersedia, keluarganya, kita klarifikasi, kata Yunus. 

Di tempat sama, Kapolri Jenderal Bambang Hendarso Danuri mengatakan akan 
mengecek laporan yang dimaksud Yunus. Berkali-kali saya sampaikan, saya tak 
mau berandai-andai. Tentunya kita cek dulu penjelasan tersebut, kata Kapolri.

Jaksa Agung Hendarman Supandji membenarkan adanya kasus yang lebih besar 
daripada yang dilakukan Gayus. ''Nilainya... ya lebih besar. Kami baru 
koordinasi, baru dari kemarin, baru dua-tiga minggu, jadi sudah dilakukan 
kajian oleh JAM Pidum. Kemudian, sekarang saya serahkan pada JAM Pidsus untuk 
dikaji. Karena itu, yang satu (ditangani) oleh Mabes Polri sama Kejagung, kata 
Hendarman yang juga di Kantor Presiden. 

Dia menambahkan, ada dua hingga tiga orang yang terlibat kasus tersebut. 
Mengenai jumlahnya, Hendarman tidak bersedia menyebut. Sudahlah, saya tidak 
berani nyebut angkanya, karena masih dalam pengkajian, kata Hendarman.

Menkeu Sri Mulyani Indrawati menambahkan, pihaknya sedang memperbaiki sistem 
alarm indikasi jika terjadi penyelewengan penanganan pajak. ''Siapa pun yang 
melihat adanya ketidakbiasaan di dalam tingkah laku, keputusan maupun dari 
aparat yang berasal dari bawahan sesama kolega peer-nya, maupun dari atasannya, 
harus bisa diproses dan ditindaklanjuti, kata Menkeu di Kantor Presiden.

Perbaikan sistem dilakukan dengan evaluasi ketat melalui Direktorat Kepatuhan 
Internal Transformasi Sumber Daya Aparatur (KITSDA). Menkeu juga akan mengubah 
komposisi, struktur, rotasi dan mutasi, serta mengganti pejabat yang dianggap 
tidak perform. Itu dilakukan dalam rangka menciptakan suasana baru, agar 
kinerja Ditjen Pajak bisa sesuai dengan target tahun ini untuk penerimaan 
negara, katanya. Rotasi juga dilakukan di jajaran lain, terutama di Direktorat 
Keberatan dan Banding.

Sri Mulyani mengatakan, sanksi berat bagi pegawai yang terlibat kejahatan pajak 
akan dijatuhkan. Kalau memang semuanya bisa cukup untuk memberikan sanksi, itu 
akan diproses dalam minggu ini, kata Sri Mulyani.

Sementara itu, untuk direktorat lain yang terafiliasi atau dianggap mengetahui 
tapi tidak melaporkan, akan dikenai berbagai macam sanksi. Hal ini dilakukan 
untuk bisa menciptakan sinyal atau pesan bahwa saat ini siapa pun yang 
mengetahui seharusnya adanya suatu ketidaktepatan atau iregularitas atau 
tingkah laku yang tidak tepat atau tidak baik dari sesama atau anak buah, maka 
dia seharusnya bisa juga melakukan secara proaktif laporan, kata Sri Mulyani. 

Di sisi lain, SBY meminta pembenahan di pengadilan pajak. Presiden menilai 
pengadilan pajak sebagai lembaga yang tidak jelas dan diliputi misteri. Di 
lembaga itulah terjadi kesepakatan-kesepakatan ilegal di bidang perpajakan.

Pernyataan presiden itu diungkapkan Ketua Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum 
Kuntoro Mangkusubroto setelah bertemu SBY di Kantor Presiden kemarin. 
''Pengadilan pajak ini adalah suatu lembaga yang perlu dibenahi dalam waktu 
yang segera,'' kata Kuntoro. 

Pemeriksaan Gayus 

Sementara itu, tersangka kasus mafia pajak Gayus Tambunan terus bernyanyi. 
Dalam pemeriksaan oleh Inspektorat Jenderal (Itjen) Kementerian Keuangan 
(Kemenkeu) dan Direktorat Kepatuhan Internal dan Transformasi Sumber Daya 
Aparatur (KITSDA) Ditjen Pajak, Gayus semula menyebut tujuh nama anggota 
komplotannya. Belakangan, laporan terbaru dari Itjen Kemenkeu menyebutkan, nama 
yang disebut Gayus 

[wanita-muslimah] Jumhur: Ani Yudhoyono Mampu Pimpin Partai Demokrat

2010-04-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Jumhur: Ani Yudhoyono Mampu Pimpin Partai Demokrat
Rabu, 7 April 2010 10:33 WIB | Peristiwa | Politik/Hankam | 
Bandung (ANTARA News) - Menjelang Kongres Partai Demokrat di Bandung 21-23 Mei 
2010, Koordinator Koalisi Kerakyatan Moh Jumhur Hidayat menilai bahwa Ani 
Yudhoyono mampu dan layak untuk memimpin Partai Demokrat.

Bu Ani memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi politik di tingkat nasional selain 
merupakan Ibu Negara yang aktif dan diterima luas oleh publik, kata Jumhur 
melalui layanan pesan singkat yang diterima di Bandung, Rabu.

Jumhur saat mengirimkan pesan singkat itu sedang berada di Kuta, Bali, untuk 
kegiatan dalam kapasitasnya selaku Kepala Badan Nasional Penempatan dan 
Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) dan pernyataan itu disampaikan 
sebagai tanggapan atas pertanyaan wartawan mengenai kemungkinan Ani Yudhoyono 
memimpin Partai Demokrat.

Sejumlah nama calon Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat yang telah beredar antara lain 
Ketua DPR Marzuki Alie, Menpora Andi Mallarangeng, dan Ketua Fraksi Demokrat 
DPR Anas Urbaningrum.

Kekuatan utamanya terletak dalam melakukan komunikasi dengan berbagai pihak 
secara nasional dan berdimensi politik, katanya.

Momentum Ani Yudhoyono untuk tampil memimpin kekuatan politik partai pemenang 
Pemilu 2009 itu sekaligus dipandang sebagai ikon keberhasilan agenda kesetaraan 
gender dalam politik nasional setelah Megawati Soekarnoputri yang juga mampu 
memimpin partai besar serta merupakan kebanggaan bagi kaum gender di tingkat 

Terkait kesan membangun politik dinasti Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono bila Ani 
memimpin Partai Demokrat, Jumhur justru tidak mengkhawatirkan soal itu.

Kemampuan seseorang tidak boleh diredusir oleh isu apapun termasuk jangan 
sampai dihalangi hak-haknya untuk tampil. Demokrasi juga tidak pernah 
menghalangi seseorang untuk berjuang dalam lapangan politik bahkan untuk 
menjadi presiden sekalipun, katanya.

Ia mencontohkan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh mantan Ibu Negara AS Hillary 
Clinton yang pernah menjadi anggota senat dan mencalonkan diri sebagai presiden 
dan kini menjabat Menteri Luar Negeri AS.(B009/A024)

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[wanita-muslimah] Garuda Membuka Penerbangan Jakarta-Amsterdam

2010-04-05 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah dijamin tidak akan terulang penumpang diracuni dengan cyanid 
atau racun lainnya seperti pada kasus Munir Thalib?

Garuda Membuka Penerbangan Jakarta-Amsterdam
Senin, 5 April 2010 | 06:11 WIB

DENHAAG, - Minat masyarakat Belanda untuk menggunakan maskapai 
penerbangan nasional Garuda Indonesia, yang membuka kembali jalur penerbangan 
Jakarta-Amsterdam, sangat besar. 

Masyarakat Belanda sangat antusias menyambut kehadiran penerbangan nasional 
Garuda, ujar General Manager Garuda untuk Eropa dan Timur Tengah Iswandi Said 
kepada koresponden Antara London, Minggu (4/4/2010). 

Garuda Indonesia ikut berpromosi di Pasar Malam Indonesia yang tengah 
berlangsung di lapangan Malieveld, Den Haag, Belanda, dari tanggal 1 hingga 5 
April mendatang. 

Anjungan Garuda Indonesia letaknya berseberangan dengan stan Kementerian 
Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata. Selama Pasar Malam Indonesia berlangsung, banyak 
masyarakat Belanda yang mengunjunginya, yang ingin meminta informasi mengenai 
dibukanya kembali jalur penerbangan Garuda dari Belanda ke Indonesia. 

Minat masyarakat Belanda untuk mengunakan jasa penerbangan Garuda cukup besar 
meskipun Garuda baru akan terbang kembali dari Amsterdam ke Indonesia melalui 
Dubai bulan Juni mendatang, katanya. 

Garuda yang terbang ke Eropa, khususnya ke Amsterdam, tujuh kali seminggu 
diharapkan akan dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi wisatawan yang akan berkunjung 
ke Indonesia, khususnya dalam membantu pemerintah mengembangkan pariwisata. 

Menurut Iswandi Said, kembalinya Garuda terbang dari Amsterdam ke Jakarta via 
Dubai, itu akan menjadikan penerbangan tercepat ke Indonesia dibandingkan 
dengan penerbangan lain yang harus ganti pesawat. 

Pelayanan yang ditawarkan Garuda, yang disebut Garuda Indonesia Experience 
(GIE) atau Indonesia Hospitality, keramahtamahan, yang merupakan konsep servis 
memadukan keramahtamahan Indonesia dengan armada pesawat moderen.

Artikel Sebelumnya

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[wanita-muslimah] Sudan woman makes presidential bid

2010-04-05 Terurut Topik sunny
Mau lihat videro footage, click situs tertera di bawah ini :

Monday, April 05, 2010 
17:37 Mecca time, 14:37 GMT 

  Sudan woman makes presidential bid  

  Sudan's controversial presidential election race has been shunned by most 
of the opposition parties, but one politician is determined to stay the course

  Fatma Abdelmahmood is one of 11 candidates challenging Omar al-Bashir for 
the presidency, a job he has held for 20 years.

  Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow followed the 65-year-old doctor as she 
campaigned in Khartoum.

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[wanita-muslimah] Alleged Terrorist Claims She Wanted to Die a Martyr

2010-04-05 Terurut Topik sunny

April 05, 2010 

Putri Munawaroh, 21, who was pregnant when she was wounded and captured during 
a gun battle with police in September, claims she wanted to die a martyr. Her 
trial for sheltering infamous terrorist Noordin M Top is continuing in the 
Jakarta District Court. (AP Photo/Tatan Syuflana)

Alleged Terrorist Claims She Wanted to Die a Martyr

An Indonesian woman went on trial Monday on charges of harboring Southeast 
Asia's most wanted terrorist at the home where he was slain last year in a 
shootout with police.

Judges opened and then immediately adjourned the trial of 21-year-old Putri 
Munawaroh, who was arrested after September's gunbattle at a home in Central 
Java. The trail was scheduled to resume Wednesday.

The proceedings will focus on Munawaroh's ties to alleged militant mastermind 
Noordin M Top, who was killed in the raid along with three other suspected 
terrorists, including Munawaroh's husband.

Noordin, a Malaysian who eluded capture for more than seven years, was said to 
be an Al Qaeda-funded bomb maker wanted in connection with five major bombings 
in Indonesia since 2002, including the massive blast in Bali that year that 
left more than 200 dead.

He was also accused of ties to last July's twin suicide attacks at the 
Ritz-Carlton and J.W. Marriott hotels in Jakarta that killed seven and wounded 
50. Those strikes ended four-year lull in terrorist attacks.

Prosecutors say Munawaroh's husband was an aide to Noordin and rented the safe 
house police raided.

Investigators say that during interrogations Munawaroh, who was wounded in the 
shootout, said she didn't surrender because she had intended to die as a martyr 
while protecting Noordin. She was pregnant at the time of her arrest and later 
gave birth to a son, who lives with her in prison.

If convicted of harboring terrorists and concealing information about terrorist 
activities, she faces 20 years in prison. She has yet to speak publicly about 
the charges.

Her trial is expected to last months.

Munawaroh is the fifth alleged conspirator to go on trial since February over 
the hotel bombings. All the trials are ongoing.

Associated Press

Related articles
Terrorists, Journalists Make Uneasy Bedfellows
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Al Qaeda, Not JI, Behind Twin Hotel Bombings, Terror Suspect Says
12:23 AM 18/03/2010

More Questions Raised About Alleged Terrorist Ties in Aceh
11:19 PM 01/03/2010

Police File Terrorism Charges Against Aceh Suspects Despite Affiliation Doubts
10:47 PM 28/02/2010

Aceh Seen as a 'Safe Haven' for Terror Group Jemaah Islamiyah
11:24 PM 24/02/2010

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[wanita-muslimah] Lagi, TKW Sukabumi Diduga Hilang di Saudi

2010-04-04 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah di tanah suci bisa terjadi orang hilang?.

Lagi, TKW Sukabumi Diduga Hilang di Saudi
Minggu, 4 April 2010 - 20:00 WIB

SUKABUMI (Pos Kota) - seorang tenaga kerja wanita (TKW) bernama Beti Sri 
Wahyuni, 29, yang bekerja di Arab Saudi dikabarkan hilang. TKW berasal dari 
Kampung Lebaksiuh RT21/07 Desa Sukamaju, Kecamatan Kadudampit, Kabupaten 
Sukabumi, Jawa Barat tak diketahui keberdaaannya selama 10 tahun.

Informasi yang dihimpun menyebutkan, Beti berangkat sebagai TKW pada tahun 1999 
melalui satu perusahaan pengerah tenaga kerja (PJTKI) di Jakarta. Namun, sejak 
saat itu keluarganya tidak mendapatkan kabar apapun dari putri ke empat 
pasangan Aceng, 49, dan Sukinah, 38, ini.

Kuasa hukum keluarga Beti, Dedi Fatius menjelaskan beberapa upaya pencarian 
telah dilakukan oleh pihak keluarga. Disebutkannya, pihaknya telah mengkroscek 
ke perusahaan yang telah memberangkatkan Beti yakni PT AAU. Selain itu, 
pihaknya juga melaporkan kasus kehilangan Beti ke Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan 
Transmigrasi (Disnakertrans) Kabupaten Sukabumi.

Sudah berulangkali kami melaporkannya belum pernah ada hasil, jelas Dedi 
kepada Pos Kota.

Sementara itu, Konsorsium Pembela Buruh Migran Indonesia mencatat sepanjang 
2004-2006 terdapat 725 kasus TKW asal Sukabumi yang hilang kontak atau tidak 
jelas keberadaannya atau sekitar 62,5 persen dari jumlah TKW asal Sukabumi 
sebanyak lebih dari 1.159 orang. Namun hingga memasuki 2010 ini, hampir 70 
persen diantaranya telah kembali ke tanah air.

Menurut Tim Advokasi Divisi Advokasi dan Penanganan Kasus Serikat Buruh Migran 
Cabang Sukabumi, Jejen Nurjanah, biasanya kasus kehilangan TKW tidak melakukan 
kontak sehingga pihak keluarga menganggapnya hilang. Permasalahan yang juga 
banyak dialami para TKW kita adalah pembayaran upah yang tersendat, bahkan 
tidak sama sekali, jelasnya.

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[wanita-muslimah] Child fossil find may be man's missing link

2010-04-04 Terurut Topik sunny

Child fossil find may be man's missing link 

April 5, 2010 
A skeleton discovered in South Africa has scientists abuzz.

A ''MISSING link'' between humans and their ape-like ancestors has been 

The new species of hominid, the evolutionary branch of primates that includes 
humans, will be revealed when the 2-million-year-old skeleton of a child will 
be unveiled this week.

Scientists believe the almost-complete fossilised skeleton belonged to a 
previously unknown type of early human ancestor that may have been an 
intermediate stage as ape-men evolved into the first species of advanced 
humans, Homo habilis.

Experts who have seen the skeleton say it shares characteristics with Homo 
habilis, whose emergence 2.5 million years ago is seen as a key stage in the 
evolution of our species.

The discovery could help rewrite the history of human evolution by filling in 
crucial gaps in scientific knowledge.

Most fossilised hominid remains are little more than scattered fragments of 
bone, so the find of an almost-complete skeleton will allow scientists to 
answer key questions about what our early ancestors looked like and when they 
began walking upright on two legs.

Palaeontologists and human evolutionary experts behind the discovery have kept 
silent about the exact details of what they have uncovered, but the scientific 
community is abuzz with anticipation of the announcement of the find on 

Professor Lee Berger, of the University of the Witwatersrand, found the 
skeleton while exploring cave systems in the Sterkfontein region of South 
Africa, near Johannesburg, an area known as ''the cradle of humanity''.

The find is deemed so significant that South African President Jacob Zuma has 
visited the university to view the fossils and a media campaign with television 
documentaries is planned.

Professor Phillip Tobias, an eminent human anatomist and anthropologist at the 
university who was one of three experts to first identify Homo habilis as a 
species of human in 1964, described the latest discovery as wonderful and 

He is one of the few scientists outside the research group behind the discovery 
who have seen the skeletons.

''To find a skeleton, as opposed to a couple of teeth or an arm bone, is a 
rarity. It is one thing to find a lower jaw with a couple of teeth, but it is 
another thing to find the jaw joined on to the skull, and those in turn uniting 
further down with the spinal column, pelvis and the limb bones,'' he said.

''It is not a single find, but several specimens representing several 

The fossil skeleton was found along with several other partially complete 
fossils, encased in breccia sedimentary rock inside a limestone cave known as 
Malapa cave.

The fossil record of early humans is notoriously patchy and scientists hope 
these remains will provide fresh clues about how our species evolved.

Scientists believe a group of ape-like hominids, Australopithecus, which first 
emerged in Africa about 3.9 million years ago, gradually evolved into the first 
Homo species. About 2.5 million years ago, Homo habilis, the first species to 
be described as distinctly human, began to appear.

It is thought the fossil to be unveiled this week will be identified as a new 
species that fits between Australopithecus and Homo habilis.


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Re: [wanita-muslimah] LOYAL TERHADAP ORANG KAFIR

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik sunny
Sikap apa yang harus diambil oleh kaum muslimin yang berdiam di negeri-negeri 
yang dikuasai oleh Yahudi, Nasrani dan kafir?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Abu Abdurrahman Al Ghazy 
  To: ; ; 
  Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 1:53 PM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] LOYAL TERHADAP ORANG KAFIR


  Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin

  Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin ditanya : Apa hukum loyal terhadap 
orang-orang kafir ?

  Loyal terhadap orang-orang kafir dengan saling mencintai, saling menolong dan 
menjadikan mereka sebagai teman kepercayaan hukumnya haram dan di larang, 
berdasarkan nash Al-Qur'an.

  Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala berfirman.

  Artinya : Kamu tidak akan mendapati sesuatu kaum yang beriman kepada Allah 
dan hari kiamat, saling berkasih sayang dengan orang-orang yang menentang Allah 
dan RasulNya [Al-Mujadilah : 22]

  Dan firmanNya.

  Artinya : Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengambil pemimpinmu, 
orang-orang yang membuat agamamu menjadi buah ejekan dan permainan, (yaitu) di 
antara orang-orang yang telah diberi kitab sebelummu, dan orang-orang kafir 
(orang-orang musyrik). Dan bertawakallah kepada Allah jika kamu betul-betul 
orang yang beriman [Al-Maidah : 57]

  Serta firmanNya.

  Artinya : Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang 
Yahudi dan Nasrani menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin (mu) ; sebagian mereka adalah 
pemimpin bagi sebahagian yang lain. Barangsiapa di antara kamu mengambil mereka 
menjadi pemimpin, maka sesungguhnya orang itu termasuk golongan mereka. 
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang zhalim 
[Al-Maidah : 51]

  Dan firmanNya.

  Artinya : Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu ambil menjadi teman 
kepercayaan orang-orang yang di luar kalanganmu [Ali-Imran : 118]

  Allah juga mengabarkan, jika sebagian kaum mukmin tidak menjadi penolong 
sebagian lainnya, sementara sebagian kaum kafir menjadi penolong sebagian 
lainnya, maka akan terjadi fitnah dan kerusakan yang besar di muka bumi. Maka 
seorang mukmin sama sekali tidak boleh mempercayai non mukmin walaupun ia 
menampakkan kecintaan dan loyalitas, karena tentang mereka Allah telah 

  Artinya : Mereka ingin supaya kamu menjadi kafir sebagaimana mereka telah 
menjadi kafir, lalu kamu menjadi sama (dengan mereka) [An-Nisa : 89]

  Kemudian dalam ayat lainnya disebutkan.

  Artinya : Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nashrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu 
sehingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka [Al-Baqarah : 120]

  Seharusnya seorang mukmin bersandar kepada Allah dalam menjalankan 
syari'atNya, tidak tergoyahkan oleh celaan orang yang mencela dan tidak takut 
terhadap musuh-musuhnya, karena Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala telah berfirman.

  Artinya : Sesungguhnya mereka itu tidak lain hanyalah syaitan yang 
menakut-nakuti (hakmu) dengan kawan-kawannya (orang-orang musyrik Quraisy), 
karena itu janganlah kamu takut kepada mereka, tetapi takutlah kepadaKu, jika 
kamu benar-benar orang yang beriman [Ali-Imran : 175]

  Dalam ayat lainnya disebutkan,

  Artinya : Maka kamu akan melihat orang-orang yang ada penyakit dalam hatinya 
(orang-orang munafik) bersegera mendekati mereka (Yahudi dan Nasrani), seraya 
berkata, 'Kami takut akan mendapat bencana'. Mudah-mudahan Allah akan 
mendatangkan kemenangan (kepada RasulNya), atau sesuatu keputusan dari sisiNya. 
Maka karena itu, mereka menjadi menyesal terhadap apa yang mereka rahasiakan 
dalam diri mereka [Al-Maidah : 52]

  Dalam ayat lainnya disebutkan.

  Artinya : Hai orang-orang yang beriman, sesungguhnya orang-orang yang 
musyrik itu najis, maka janganlah mereka mendekati Majidil Haram sesudah tahun 
ini, maka Allah nanti akan memberi kekayaan kepadamu karuniaNya, jika Dia 
menghendaki. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana [At-Taubah 
: 28]

  [Al-Majmu Ast-Tsamin, Syaikh Ibnu Utsaimin, Juz 1, hal 46-47]

  [Disalin dari buku Al-Fatawa Asy-Syar'iyyah Fi Al-Masa'il Al-Ashriyyah Min 
Fatawa Ulama Al-Balad Al-Haram, edisi Indonesia Fatwa-Fatwa Terkini-2, hal 
360-362 Darul Haq]

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[wanita-muslimah] Ukrainian government and people recognize Cuban treatment of the children of Chernobyl

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik sunny

   Havana.  April 2, 2010

  Ukrainian government and people recognize Cuban treatment of the children 
of Chernobyl
  . Machado Ventura presides over official ceremony in Tarará

  Elson Concepción Pérez

  A distinction for Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, chief inspiration of 
the humane project constituted by the treatment program in Cuba for Ukrainian 
children and their families affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, was 
presented during a ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the first patients' 

  José Ramón Machado Ventura, first vice president of the councils of State 
and Ministers, received the distinction from Dr. Julio Medina, director of the 
program in the city of Tarará. 

  During the ceremony, former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma announced 
the conferral on Fidel of the Order of Merit, First Class, and on President 
Raúl Castro, the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, First Class. 

  Kuchma also presented distinctions to Minister of Public Health José 
Ramón Balaguer and other doctors, diplomats and collaborators who have 
contributed to the program's success. 

  In closing remarks, Balaguer said that the treatment program for these 
children was an example of what a people without great material resources can 
do when it has the great spiritual wealth of having been educated in 
solidarity, unconditional dedication, and love for other peoples. 

  The minister noted that the years of the special period, the 
disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the intensification of the blockade 
could not put a dent in the Cuban people's spirit of solidarity and humanity, 
and that Cuba continues to carry out the program according to the existing 

  It was during those difficult years of the 1990s that more children 
benefited from the program, he said. Treatment was provided to more than 300 
children with hematological illnesses, chiefly leukemia, and 136 with different 
types of tumors. Fourteen complicated heart operations were performed, as well 
as two kidney transplants, six bone marrow transplants, and others. 

  Balaguer affirmed that the victims of that catastrophe who have been 
treated in Cuba have also found consolation and love, and he praised the 
efforts of those who have worked over the last 20 years to provide excellent 
services - workers in healthcare, science, services, gastronomy, and culture, 
all to benefit these 25,457 people, 21,378 of them children, who will always 
carry in their hearts the indelible mark of friendship between the Ukrainian 
and Cuban peoples. 

  Declaration of the Ukrainian mothers

  We, the mothers of the children affected by the Chernobyl disaster, and 
the International Chernobyl Fund, would like to address all people of goodwill 
in this world: be receptive to our words, because they come from deep within 
our hearts as mothers. 

  For a mother, the worst misfortune that can happen in life is the illness 
of her child. When in 1990, Cuba and the Comandante Fidel reached out to help 
the sick Ukrainian children, we could not but appreciate this great deed of the 
Cuban people, and we want to declare to the entire world that there is no 
action more humane with respect to sick children than the Ukrainian-Cuban 
program, Children of Chernobyl. 

  With all our hearts, we thank the immense Cuban people, their wise 
leaders Fidel Castro, who made this program a reality, and Raúl Castro, who has 
now taken over its leadership, for everything they have been able to do for the 
Ukrainian children affected by the Chernobyl catastrophe.

  There are things in life that are not bought or sold with money: 
friendship, and mutual aid and support in difficult times, and this is what now 
firmly unites the Cuban and Ukrainian people. 

  We trust that the sincere and just voices of the Ukrainian mothers will 
be heard by the peoples of the world. 

  And we would like to state that there is no country freer than Cuba, that 
it is known throughout the world as the island of freedom, where never, under 
any circumstance, have human rights been violated. 

  We the Ukrainian mothers thank the people and the government of the 
Republic of Cuba with all our hearts for treating our children, and we hope 
that the black wings of Chernobyl disappear forever, and that the friendship 
between two great peoples lasts forever. 

  Viva Cuba! Viva Ukraine!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Beheading of Lebanese for witchcraft

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik sunny

Beheading of Lebanese for witchcraft
Published Date: April 03, 2010 

BEIRUT: A Lebanese man condemned to death for witchcraft by a Saudi court was 
not beheaded yesterday as had been expected, his lawyer said. Attorney May 
Al-Khansa said Lebanon's justice minister told her that her client, Ali Sibat, 
would not be executed in Saudi Arabia Friday -- the day executions are 
typically carried out in the kingdom after noon prayers. She said it is still 
unclear whether the beheading had been waived or only postponed.

There was no immediate comment from Saudi officials, and Lebanese Justice 
Minister Ibrahim Najjar was not available for comment Ali Sibat will stay 
alive this Friday but we don't know what is going to happen the next day, 
Saturday, Monday, any other day, Al-Khansa told The Associated Press. What 
the (justice) minister told us was not enough for the family, it is not enough 
for me, because we really need Ali Sibat to be released. Sibat, a 49-year-old 
father of five, made predictions on an Arab satellite
TV channel from his home in Beirut.

He was arrested by the Saudi religious police during his pilgrimage to the holy 
city of Medina in May 2008 and sentenced to death last November for witchcraft. 
The Saudi justice system, which is based on Islamic law, does not clearly 
define the charge of witchcraft. Sibat is one of scores of people reported 
arrested every year in the kingdom for practicing sorcery, witchcraft, black 
magic and fortunetelling. The deeply religious authorities in Saudi consider 
these practices polytheism. Sibat's wife, Samira, appealed to Saudi authorities 
to release her husband.

He didn't do anything wrong ... he did not harm anyone, she said tearfully. 
If they want to do a humanitarian thing they will return him to his country. 
The lawyer added she is slightly optimistic the postponement of the execution 
meant Sibat would be released.

On Thursday, a dozen people rallied near the Saudi embassy in Beirut to protest 
the impeding execution. New York-based Human Rights Watch said last year 
Sibat's death sentence should be overturned and called on the Saudi government 
to halt its increasing use of charges of 'witchcraft,' crimes that are vaguely 
defined and arbitrarily used. - 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Bahan Pangan Aman-Bermutu-Halal Tuntutan Muslim Di Indonesia

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik sunny

Bahan Pangan Aman-Bermutu-Halal Tuntutan Muslim Di Indonesia
  Tanggal :  01 Apr 2010 
  Sumber :  Harian Terbit 

JAKARTA -Tuntutan konsumen, khususnya kaum muslim, terhadap produk bahan pangan 
yang aman, bermutu, dan halal, semakin tinggi. Oleh sebab itu, konsumen harus 
mendapatkan jaminan tentang kehalalan suatu produk, salah satunya lewat 
sertifikat halal yang dikeluarkan oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).

Menurut Dr.Ir.Joko Hermanianto, dosen jurusan Teknologi Pangan Institut 
Pertanian Bogor (IPB), konsep halal-haram dibuat berdasarkan Al-Quran dan 
Hadist. Pangan yang halal adalah pangan yang terdiri dari bahan-bahan halal, 
kemudian dikelola dengan cara yang halal, serta didistribusikan secara halal 
sehingga menghasilkan produk yang halal bagi konsumen, menurutnya.

Untuk menghasilkan suatu produk yang halal namun handal dan terpercaya tentunya 
tidak mudah. Hal itu diungkapkan oleh Hasmy Halid, STP, System Development  
Halal Manager Nutrifood. Dalam implementasinya, proses halal ini sudah 
dilakukan sejak pengembangan produk baru, proses sourcing material baru, 
pembelian material, inspeksi saat kedatangan, produksi, hingga distribusi, 

Sumber daya manusia juga menjadi faktor yang menentukan komitmen kehalalan 
suatu produk. Top management harus berkomitmen serta konsisten pada setiap 
keputusannya terkait urusan halal.

Terkadang syarat kehalalan ini menghalangi proses kreativitas produk baru. 
Namun selalu ada jalan untuk memberikan hasil yang inovatif namun halal, 
katanya dalam acara media workshop Implementasi Sistem Jaminan Halal di 
Industri dalam Pangan.

Bahan yang diharamkan menurut hukum Islam antara lain bangkai, darah, babi, dan 
binatang yang disembelih dengan menyebut nama selain Allah. Yang sering jadi 
permasalahan adalah tidak bisa diketahui cara penyembelihan atau produk turunan 

Dalam sistem jaminan halal, setiap industri diwajibkan hanya memproduksi dan 
mendistribusikan produk yang sudah memiliki sertifikat halal atau surat izin 
halal dari MUI, hanya menggunakan bahan baku dan bahan penolong yang memiliki 
sertifikat halal atau mendapat izin penggunaan dari MUI serta menerapkan cara 
produksi makanan yang baik dan benar.(tbt)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Solidaritas Melawan Kemiskinan

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik sunny

[ Sabtu, 03 April 2010 ] 
Renungan Paskah 2010 

Solidaritas Melawan Kemiskinan 
Oleh Benny Susetyo Pr.

KEMISKINAN merupakan fakta yang lumrah terjadi di dunia ini. Namun, kemiskinan 
menjadi masalah serius ketika ia terjadi bukan karena sebab yang lumrah. Hal 
itulah yang menjadi masalah serius di negeri ini sejak kemerdekaan dan lebih 
parah sepanjang masa Orde Baru hingga kita rasakan sampai masa kini.

Masalah Struktural 

Kemiskinan di negeri ini umumnya terjadi karena sebab-sebab struktural. 
Kemiskinan terjadi karena kesalahan kebijakan kita dalam mengelola sumber daya 
alam. Juga, karena ada orang lain yang lebih kaya, yang berjumlah sedikit, yang 
mengeruk manfaat dari kemiskinan itu.

Kemiskinan sampai saat ini memang terus-menerus menjadi masalah berkepanjangan. 
Kemiskinan tidak hanya bermula dari masalah krisis ekonomi semata. Tapi, sejak 
dulu bangsa ini didera penderitaan kemiskinan yang begitu parah hingga 
deritanya seolah tak terasakan lagi.

Tidak kunjung membaiknya perekonomian Indonesia di tengah-tengah negara-negara 
lain yang sudah bangkit sejak krisis ekonomi 10 tahun lalu membuktikan bahwa 
akar penyebab kemiskinan di Indonesia sangatlah kompleks. 

Terutama, masalah struktural yang dimulai dari cara pandang bangsa ini dalam 
mengelola sumber daya alamnya hingga kebijakan-kebijakan yang tidak pro-orang 
miskin merupakan serentetan masalah struktural yang terkadang sering diabaikan 
sebagai penyebab utama kemiskinan. Bangsa ini lebih banyak menilai orang miskin 
karena bodoh dan malas. Kenyataannya, sulit dicerna dengan akal sehat, di 
tengah keberlimpahan sumber daya ekonomi, jumlah orang miskin terus bertambah 
dari waktu ke waktu.

Di tengah-tengah laporan tentang penanggulangan kemiskinan yang dikabarkan 
semakin menurun, rasanya kita tidak bisa memercayai begitu saja. Begitu banyak 
bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa derajat kualitas dan kuantitas kemiskinan di 
negeri ini semakin meningkat. Tragisnya, kemiskinan kerap dipolitisasi hanya 
untuk kepentingan-kepentingan tertentu.

Perkembangan perekonomian masyarakat berjalan sangat lambat di satu sisi dan 
justru diperparah peningkatan kualitas korupsi di tingkat elite yang semakin 
membabi-buta. Kesenjangan ekonomi antara si kaya dengan si miskin tidak sulit 
dipahami dengan mata telanjang, terutama ketika kaum elite berebut kue 
pembangunan dan kaum miskin semata-mata tetap menjadi objek pembangunan.

Solidaritas Baru 

Fakta yang dikemukakan tersebut menjadi sumber perenungan kita semua dalam 
Paskah kita kali ini. Dalam Paskah kali ini, kita diajak merenungkan peran kita 
dalam mengatasi masalah yang sangat rumit tersebut.

Sebagai warga negara sekaligus umat beragama, kita mengalami Paskah di tengah 
situasi bangsa yang kurang menguntungkan dan di tengah ketidakpastian akan 
segala hal yang menyelimuti negeri ini.

Di tengah kecamuk ketidakpastian tersebut, negeri ini telah kehilangan rasa 
untuk menganggap lainnya sebagai saudara. Persaudaraan telah memudar karena 
ulah dan perilaku elite politik yang sering bekerja demi kepentingan diri 
sendiri dan tentu kepentingan uang semata-mata. 

Ketika uang menjadi semacam ''dewa'' bagi bangsa ini, kita semakin pesimistis 
tak mampu lagi mengangkat bangsa ini untuk memiliki kebesaran dan 
memperjuangkan peradaban. Perabadan politik telah digantikan oleh kekuatan uang 
yang luar biasa. Ia menentukan segala hal, bahkan mulai moralitas hingga harga 

Ia begitu dominan dalam menyelesaikan setiap persoalan. Uang juga menjadi 
penentu gegap gempitanya percaturan politik di negeri ini. Lalu, orang pun 
bertanya, di manakah kedaulatan rakyat? Sebagian di antara kita dengan sedih 
menyatakan daulat rakyat telah digantikan daulat uang. Itulah awal mula 
kematian bangsa ini ketika logika akal sehat sudah tidak lagi menjadi ukuran.

Karena itu, dalam Paskah ini kita bertanya, masih adakah harapan untuk 
melakukan perubahan? Perubahan seperti apa yang dikehendaki elite-elite bangsa 
ini? Dalam Paskah ini, kita bersedih karena sebagian (besar) elite bangsa kita 
telah gelap mata. Hal itu mengakibatkan mata hati kemanusiaan terlindas oleh 
naluri mencari kepuasan dan kekuasaan semata. Kita merasakan hari demi hari 
negeri ini tak memiliki tuan. Sebab, tuannya adalah uang.

Anak negeri kini telah mengalami kelumpuhan mata hati karena pendidikan yang 
menempatkan uang sebagai satu-satunya pemecah masalah. Realitas penderitan yang 
kini dialami anak negeri ini sering kita pertanyakan apakah memang sebagai 
bagian dari nasib dan takdir yang tak terelakkan?

Apakah itu merupakan bagian dari kutukan karena sebagian (besar) pemimpinnya 
lebih menyukai menjadi pembohong, pembual, penipu, dan pemfitnah? Mengapa 
negeri ini selalu dirundung nestapa serta penderitaan?

Benarlah apa yang dikatakan Pengkhotbah (5:16) ''Telah mengeluh bahwa manusia 
sepanjang umurnya berada dalam kegelapan dan kesedihan, mengalami banyak 
kesusahan, penderitan, 

[wanita-muslimah] SBY's party threatens to use mudflow case

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :Lumpur Lapindo sudah lama. Selama ini SBY tidak berani dan mau 
berkutik, sekarang partainya  mau gertak sambal. Gertak demikian tidak berbeda 
jauh dari tong kosong nyaring bunyinya.'s-party-threatens-use-mudflow-case.html

SBY's party threatens to use mudflow case
Ridwan Max Sijabat ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Thu, 04/01/2010 9:37 AM  
|  National 

The Democratic Party of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has suggested 
reopening the high-profile mudflow case in East Java, which implicates a mining 
company controlled by the business group of Golkar Party leader Aburizal 

House Speaker Marzuki Alie, a contender for the Democratic Party's top post, 
stressed here  Wednesday that the spreading mud covering 100,000 cubic meters 
of land and displacing thousands of villagers, was a legal and political 

The drilling activity of Lapindo Brantas Inc. in May 2006 was followed by a 
mudflow, which continues to spread. 

However the Supreme Court last year declared the company was not guilty of the 
disaster, which has impacted on people living in the industrial area of 

Although the government earlier announced that the mudflow was a natural 
disaster, also implying that the company should not be blamed, Yudhoyono on 
Monday reminded the management of its commitment to pay compensation to the 

Disaster tour: Two women stand by the edge of the mudflow in Porong, Sidoarjo, 
in East Java, on Monday. While urging faster payment of compensation to 
thousands of displaced villagers, the President had stated that the area, if 
managed well, could be developed into a study site for geological and fishery 
issues. Some experts say the mudflow could continue for decades. Antara/Eric 

The statement came in the wake of  reported weakening signs of his coalition, 
which includes the Golkar Party. 

The Lapindo mudflow case has been dormant, said Marzuki. 

But it may explode again into a national issue with political implications on 
the 2014 presidential election. It involves a major mining corporation 
belonging to a powerful tycoon and politician.

At the time of the mud eruption, which experts said could continue for dozens 
of years, Aburizal was the coordinating public welfare minister.

Our party's agenda includes raising this issue in the immediate future, 
Marzuki said, because the mudflow near the country's second largest city, 
Surabaya, has been handled less professionally, he said.

Despite the Supreme Court ruling, he said, his party would ask the police and 
the Attorney General's Office to reopen the case, given the party's suspicions 
of judicial corruption in the handling of the case. 

The verdict was controversial amid differing views among experts, with some 
saying it was the 2006 earthquake of Yogyakarta and Central Java, not the 
drilling, that had triggered the mudflow.

Others said the distance of the earthquake's epicenter was too far from the 
drilling site to state that the earthquake was mainly responsible for the 
mudflow, which disrupted traffic routes.

Marzuki made the statement following Yudhoyono's visit to the disaster area, 
but he denied that his party's proposition was part of a political retaliation 
against Golkar. 

Along with the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Golkar has been considered to 
have betrayed the government coalition at the House, a partnership that briefly 
claimed to comprise 75 percent of  the House's 560 seats.

Apart from the mudflow, Democratic Party members have another source of 
ammunition; many members have raised the case of alleged tax evasion of 
Bakrie's coal companies, also in the wake of the coalition fallout.

In the uproar over the bailout of the troubled Bank Century, Golkar and the PKS 
were among the most critical of the government decision regarding the bailout, 
which cost the state Rp 6.76 trillion (US$716 million). 

Reliable sources at the Democratic Party who asked for anonymity warned 
Aburizal against contending the next presidential race, saying the alleged tax 
evasion and mudflow cases were two issues the party could politicize to block 
his presidential bid in 2014.

The mudflow issue was more or less dormant since the Supreme Court's verdict, 
which upheld the lower courts' verdict. 

The class action, filed several months after four villages sunk in the large 
mud pond, led by the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation and the Environmental 
Forum, accused Lapindo of environmental damage and human rights violations. 

The verdicts cited human error but concluded nonetheless that Lapindo was not 
guilty, the verdict referring to inconclusive evidence given the widely 
differing views of scientists on the cause of the mudflow. 

Public opinion gradually shifted. 

The Sidoarjo regency and provincial administrations, political parties and mass 
organizations with a large base in the dense area, including the largest 

[wanita-muslimah] How to uproot terrorism from the start

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik sunny

How to uproot terrorism from the start
Muh Taufiqurrohman ,  Jakarta   |  Sat, 04/03/2010 9:27 AM  |  Opinion 

It was not surprising for me to read that Yudi Zulfahri, recruiter and 
facilitator for Jamaah Islamiyah in Aceh, and his two college friends, Gema 
Awal Ramadhan and Agam Fitriadi, were among the terrorists arrested in Aceh. I 
first met Yudi at the As Shunnah mosque in Bandung at the beginning of 2007 
while undertaking field research. 

Yudi was attending Jamaah As Shunnah (JA)'s weekly radical group meeting and 
the group's leader, Ustadz Lesmana who is also an acquaintance of the al-Qaeda 
operative Umar Al Faruq, introduced him to me. Yudi was at the time new to 
radicalism and lacked an in-depth knowledge of Islam. So did his two friends, 
whom he brought to our next meeting.

Yudi told JA that his reason for joining the group was because he wanted to do 
something for oppressed Muslims and felt rejected by society due to his 
fundamental Islamic views. He also mentioned that he needed to have a community 
that shared his passion for jihad and hatred of non-Muslims.  

During further weekly meetings at this radical mosque, Yudi showed his 
enthusiasm of violent jihad to his new radical friends. 

He actively voiced his concern over the innocent victims of the Iraq and 
Afghanistan wars and expressed his desire to get involved, consulting JA 
members on how to get into Iraq or Afghanistan.
Yudi also invited some members of the group to go to South Thailand and 
proposed setting up a military training camp in Aceh. 

Meanwhile, besides attending weekly JA meetings, Yudi also paid frequent visits 
to the jailed MMI military trainer Yuli Harsono and the jailed Jamaah Tauhid 
wal Jihad leader, Aman Abdurrahman.
In addition, Yudi also suggested that the group make radical changes by 
appointing a new and younger amirul jihad (jihad leader) and military commander 
to prepare the group for future terrorist attacks in Bandung and Jakarta.   

Yudi's fast moves raised the suspicions of Ustadz Lesmana. Not only did he lack 
Islamic knowledge, but his presence had split the group into two factions: One 
wanted to lay low and the other wanted to be more active in pursuing violent 
jihad through active military training, bomb making training, conducting 
surveillance and building networks with other radical groups in Indonesia and 
Southeast Asia. Ustadz Lesmana suspected that Yudi might be a government agent 
because of  his job as a civil servant. 

For security reasons, Ustadz Lesmana encouraged other JA members to isolate 
Yudi and those members who shared his impatience to pursue terrorism.
Feeling rejected, Yudi left the group in search of another more radical group. 
From another JA member I learnt that he wanted to prove to people that he was a 
real jihadist and JA's rejection only confirmed his determination for jihad. As 
reported by media, Yudi moved to Jakarta, and joined a radical group associated 
with Aman Abdurrahman's Jamaah Tauhid wal Jihad. He also met Sofyan Tsauri who 
introduced him to Dulmatin.

The process of Yudi's involvement with radical and terrorist groups is 
interesting to observe. His perceived marginalization by society due to 
different religious ideas drove him to find a radical group to where he could 
feel acceptance. 
When he joined JA, he crossed what John Horgan, expert in the psychology of 
terrorism, calls the alienation threshold, a point at which he retreated into 
a small group of like-minded and angry people. 
Here he was involved in an intense period of in-group socialization through 
which he was indoctrinated by radical teachers such as Halawi and Aman 
Abdurrahman using books written by Egyptian Syekh Abdul Qadir Bin Abdul Aziz, 
such as Al Wala' wal Baro (Love and Hate for God's sake), Al-Umdah fi 
I'dadal-Uddah (The Fundamentals of Preparedness for Holy War), Al-Jami' fi 
Talab al-'Ilm al-Sharif (The Compilation on Seeking Honorable Knowledge) and 
Ma'alim Asasiyah fil Jihad (Manual for Jihadi Jurisprudence). 

Yudi's next stage of becoming a terrorist was accelerated by the alienation he 
experienced from JA which pushed him across Horgan's violence threshold, a 
point at which he was ready to commit violence. He was arrested in the final 
stage of becoming a terrorist, namely in preparation for an attack. 

Yudi's journey to terrorism might have been stopped if people around him had 
have intervened before he crossed the alienation threshold. Parents, friends 
and religious teachers could have engaged him in dialogue regarding his 
religious views and social or political grievances. 
Even after he joined JA, he might have stayed away from terrorism if JA leaders 
and members had not isolated him but instead instilled in him a milder view. 

Besides Yudi, there were two other JA members who were similarly isolated, one 
of whom did not pursue terrorism despite strong 

[wanita-muslimah] Diduga Dibuang Majikan, TKW Cirebon Tewas di Malaysia

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik sunny

Diduga Dibuang Majikan, TKW Cirebon Tewas di Malaysia 
BANGKAPOS.COM, CIREBON --  Yeni Wirda Nengsih tenaga kerja wanita (TKW) asal 
Cirebon tewas setelah diduga dibuang majikannya di Malaysia.  Sebelum 
meninggal, Yeni sempat terlunta-lunta  di Entikong dengan kondisi 

Beruntung, di daerah perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia itu, sebuah lembaga swadaya 
masyarakat (LSM) setempat menolongnya. LSM tersebut menemukan Yeni seperti 
seorang gelandangan dan sakit parah.

Melihat kondisi seperti itu, LSM langsung melaporkan Yeni ke Dinas Sosial 
Kalimantan Barat. Oleh Dinas Sosial kemudian dibawa ke rumah sakit untuk 
mendapat perawatan.

Sayang, karena kondisi yang sakit parah, nyawa Yeni tidak bisa diselamatkan,  
Yeni pun meninggal dunia. Diduga dia menderita sakit paru-paru.

Jenazah warga Desa Penpen, Kecamatan Mundu, Kabupaten Cirebon, ini tiba di  
Kamis (1/4) malam. Isak tangis keluarga dan kerabat langsung pecah begitu 
melihat ibu muda usia 29 tahun itu pulang dalam peti mati.

Petugas dari Dinas Sosial Kalimantan Barat, Agustin yang ikut mengantarkan 
jenazah Yeni ke rumah duka menuturkan, saat ditemukan, kondisi Yeni benar-benar 
mengkhawatirkan. Bukan saja fisiknya yang terlihat lemah, namun jiwanya juga 

Berita Terkait 
SBY: Kematian TKW Mantik Tindakan ...
Malaysia Jamin Majikan Munti ...
TKW yang Disiksa Majikan 'Biadab' ...
Upriyanti Tewas Disiksa Majikan ...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Akan Dibangun: Ruang Hubungan Intim bagi Napi

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik sunny

Akan Dibangun: Ruang Hubungan Intim bagi Napi
Sabtu, 03 April 2010, 20:29 WIB

BOGOR--Demi alasan kemanusiaan bagi napi dan juga untuk menghindari terjadinya 
penyimpangan sek di Lapas, Kementerian Hukum dan HAM berencana membangun ruang 
khusus untuk hubungan intim narapidana dengan suami/istri mereka. Namun, untuk 
mewujudkannya, mereka tak ingin terburu-buru dan serampangan. 

Ini memerlukan kajian yang sangat dalam, saat ini proses dalam tahap 
pembahasan. Kita menilai ini persoalan sensitif dan kurang manusiawi jika kita 
tidak memperhatikan hal ini, kata Menteri Hukum dan HAM Patrialis Akbar dalam 
dialog Pemuda Muhammadiyah di Bogor, Jabar, Sabtu.

Patrialis mengatakan, kondisi napi yang sudah menikah bertahun-tahun di penjara 
tidak dipertemukan oleh istri maupun suaminya sangat membebankan napi yang 
telah menikah. Menurut menteri, ada beberapa negara yang telah memberlakukan 
sistem ini, dimana napi dipertemukan dengan istri atau suaminya yang sah.

Tapi kata Menteri untuk melakukan hal tersebut harus mendapatkan izin dan ada 
beberapa syarat yang wajib dipenuhi diantaranya, harus istri atau suami yang 
sah dilengkapi dengan bukti surat nikah. Selain itu, napi tersebut baru 
diperbolehkan apabila berkelakuan baik selama di lapas, harus ada penilaian 
untuk dapat izin tersebut, ungkap Patrialis.

Patrialis mengatakan, rencana ini perlu behasan lebih lanjut dan rencananya ia 
akan memanggil tokoh agama dari semua kalangan baik itu Islam, Kristen, Hindu, 
Budha, dan juga tanggapan MUI. Ini menyangkat masalah manusiawi, kita perlu 
mengakaji lebih dalam lagi, kit akan minta tanggapan tokoh-tokoh agama untuk 
membahas ini, kata Patrialis.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Malaysia caning sentence commuted

2010-04-02 Terurut Topik sunny

Thursday, April 01, 2010 
11:14 Mecca time, 08:14 GMT 

  Malaysia caning sentence commuted 
  Shariah laws apply to Muslims in all personal matters, while 
non-Muslims are covered by civil laws [EPA] 
  A Muslim woman sentenced to be caned for drinking beer in Malaysia has 
had her punishment commuted in a surprising turnaround.

  The case had raised questions about Islamic laws intruding into personal 
matters in the country.

  Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, 33, received a letter from the Pahang Islamic 
department informing her that the state's sultan had decided to spare her the 
caning, her lawyer said on Thursday.

  Had Kartika's punishment been carried out at the time of her sentencing 
in July, she would have been the first woman to be caned in Malaysia, where 
about 60 per cent of the 28 million people are Muslims.

  Kartika was sentenced to six strokes of the cane and a fine of 5,000 
ringgit ($1,400) for drinking beer in December 2007 at a beach resort.

  Malaysia follows a dual-track justice system. Shariah laws apply to 
Muslims in all personal matters; non-Muslims are covered by civil laws, and are 
free to drink.

  Only three states in Malaysia - Pahang, Perlis and Kelantan - impose 
caning for drinking alcohol. In the other 10 states it is punishable by a fine.

  Media uproar

  Kartika pleaded guilty and did not appeal her sentence, but the 
punishment was
  halted at the last minute following an uproar in the media and among 
rights activists.

  Adham Jamalullail, Kartika's lawyer, told the Associated Press news 
agency that as a substitution for the caning, the sultan has ordered Kartika 
to perform community service for three weeks.

  Sultan Ahmad Shah is the guardian of Islam in Pahang and its titular 
head. Most of Malaysia's 13 states are ruled by sultans who usually play a 
ceremonial role in governance but have the power to rule in Islamic matters.

  Shukarno Abdul Muttalib, Kartika's father, said she has been told to 
report to the Islamic department early on Friday.

  We will abide by the order ... Kartika will go on with her life,'' he 

  The sultan's decision followed Kartika's meeting with the Pahang crown 
prince last month.

  Officials had said the caning would be very different to the corporal 
punishment administered on male criminals under secular civil laws.

  Lifelong scars

  Drug offenders, kidnappers and others are caned with a thick rattan stick 
on bare
  buttocks that break the skin and leave lifelong scars.

  Kartika's punishment under Islamic laws would have been delivered with a 
thin cane on the back with her clothes on.

  However, in the meantime three other Muslim women were caned for having 
sex out of wedlock, becoming the first Muslim women to be caned in Malaysia.

  Their cases did not draw as much attention because the caning was kept a 
secret until after it was done.

  Subsequently, the women themselves appeared before local media and said 
they deserved the punishment.

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[wanita-muslimah] Saudi ulema moot urges 'extremists' to repent

2010-04-02 Terurut Topik sunny\04\02\story_2-4-2010_pg1_7

Friday, April 02, 2010

Saudi ulema moot urges 'extremists' to repent

* 500 participants at four-day Islamic conference condemn 'all acts of 
terrorism wherever they take place and whoever is behind them' 
* Scholars criticise 'harm inflicted on unarmed civilians and civilian 
facilities under pretext of combating terror'

RIYADH: Muslim scholars from around the world who met this week in Madina have 
denounced terrorism and appealed to terrorists to repent, a statement said on 

The four-day Islamic conference, sponsored by Saudi Interior Minister Prince 
Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz and organised by the Islamic University of Madina, drew 
some 500 participants, according to press reports.

The scholars condemned all acts of terrorism wherever they take place and 
whoever is behind them, said the concluding statement from the conference, 
which wrapped up on Wednesday.

The scholars also criticised the harm inflicted on unarmed civilians and 
civilian facilities under the pretext of combating international terrorism.

The statement published on the organisers' website called on terrorists to 
return to their senses and follow the path of groups that have announced 
repentance and rejected acts of terrorism.

Hold on to moderate Islam and tolerance towards others, and reject false 
interpretations of ... jihad (holy war), it said, addressing Muslim youths.

The conference urged Muslim communities in non-Muslim countries to encourage 
their children to adopt a moderate understanding of Islam, respect for others 
and compliance with (local) laws.

It also urged the governments of those countries to respect the rights of 
Muslims and treat them equally with other members of the community.

Saudi Arabia, which practises an ultra-conservative version of Islam, has in 
recent years cracked down on what it regards as terrorist groups.

Al Qaeda, which has been blamed for killing between 150 and 200 people in the 
kingdom between 2003 and 2006, has in particular been in the firing line.

Saudi King Abdullah said last month that the kingdom is determined to halt 
terrorism and a campaign was under way to try dissuading youths from joining al 
Qaeda. afp

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[wanita-muslimah] Saudi maids

2010-04-02 Terurut Topik sunny
Pollin :  Arab News membuat polling  dengan pertanyaan: Apakah wanita Saudia 
Arab seharusnya menjadi PRT, hingga hari ini 78,89% menyatakan tidak. 

Saudi maids
Should there be a ban on Saudi women working as maids?

  Yes 20.11%

  No 79.89%

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[wanita-muslimah] Viva la woman power

2010-04-02 Terurut Topik sunny

Viva la woman power

It had to take the grit and determination of a woman (nay two women) to bring 
to books the culprits in an honor killing of a young married couple (Manoj and 
Babli), on the orders of a khap (caste) panchayat in Haryana. Their crime was 
to marry for love despite belonging to the same gotra (lineage), which so 
enraged their family members and local community that they were abducted and 

Chandrapati, the widowed mother of Manoj, has earned the distinction of being 
the first woman in Haryana to have taken on the dreaded khap panchayat and 
fought a legal battle against the perpetrators of the heinous crime. 
Chandrapati has done what even our so called leaders and administrators could 
not dare to do. She dared to challenge the credibility of these rural 
panchayats, which operate as a parallel judicial system, enforcing a brutal 
form of justice.

And coming to the aid of Chandrapati was another woman of substance - Vani 
Gopal Sharma - the additional district and sessions judge of Karnal. In a 
landmark judgment, she awarded death penalty to 5 members of Babli's family and 
life sentence to the head of the khap panchayat for hatching a conspiracy to 
kill the couple.

In her 96 page long judgment the judge said, the present case reflects a long 
standing tradition of oppression against women. It has to be curbed by 
legislation treating honor killings as a separate offense. I wonder how such a 
progressive society could allow such action in the name of community honor.  

The verdict sends a strong signal to these panchayats which have become a law 
unto themselves, with the silent consent of politicians and policemen, in some 
parts of India. According to one estimate, every year, more than 100 men and 
women are either killed or forced to commit suicide by khaps for not adhering 
to traditional norms. Even as I write this piece, there is yet another news 
(Hindu paper dated 1.4.2010) of an apparent honor killing of a young couple in 
Punjab. The victims, hailing from Firozpur, were provided police protection on 
orders of Punjab and Haryana High Court after marrying against their parents' 
wishes. Yet, they were shot dead by 5 people in full public view near Amritsar.

The verdict in Chandrapati's case came after a tireless three years long legal 
battle by her, when her life came to a standstill. Shunned by her own people 
and community, she fought single handedly against social orthodoxy. Her battle 
for justice, despite all odds and social ostracism by the community, is a 
source of inspiration to all of us.

She was happy at the verdict, but wanted punishment for those also who abetted 
and aided the crime. She wondered How can people who kill our children be 
trusted to mete out justice?  Despite her rustic and traditional upbringing, 
Chandrapati has the wisdom and courage to proclaim that children should have 
the freedom to choose their life partners.

Many of us elite city folks would do well to learn a lesson or two from her. It 
is not uncommon for highly educated urbanites to make life hell for their grown 
up sons and daughters if they dare to go against their parents' diktat - be it 
choosing their life partner or even a profession of their choice. I am shocked 
to see the belligerent attitude of affluent families when it comes to marrying 
outside one's caste, or marrying without dowry, or even refusing to abort a 
female fetus. It seems that, as our horizons expand, our vision is becoming 

It is hoped that the newly enforced Right of Children to Free and Compulsory 
Education Act will be another important step in developing progressive minds, 
free from social and religious bigotry and from prejudices of caste , creed and 
cultures. It is also hoped that the government amends the Indian Penal Code to 
make honor killings a separate offense with appropriate punishment.

But mere enactment of laws will not do. Enforcement of laws must be accompanied 
by a change in mindset. We need to educate ourselves and our children to live 
in peace and harmony with each other. We need many more Chandrapatis and Vanis.

- The author is the editor of Citizen News Service (CNS). She has worked 
earlier with State Planning Institute, UP, and teaches physics at India's 
prestigious Loreto Convent. E-mail:, website:  -  shared under Creative Commons (CC) attribution license

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[wanita-muslimah] Russia Says Suicide Bomber Was Militant's Widow rumba

2010-04-02 Terurut Topik sunny

Russia Says Suicide Bomber Was Militant's Widow 
Published: April 2, 2010
MOSCOW - Baby-faced, she looks barely a teenager. But the pistol she is holding 
in the photo suggests the violent destiny that she would choose: blowing 
herself up in a subway station in Moscow during the morning rush on Monday. 

Enlarge This Image
NewsTeam, via Agence France-Presse - Getty Images
In this photo distributed by Newsteam, a Russian news agency, and published in 
Kommersant, a Russian daily newspaper, Dzhennet Abdullayeva is identified 
posing with her husband Umalat Magomedov. Russian investigators have said that 
Ms. Abdullayeva, 17, was one of the suicide bombers who blew themselves up in 
the Moscow subway on March 29, and Mr. Magomedov was a militant Islamist who 
was killed in 2009. The agency did not give a date for the photo or explain the 
circumstances in which it was taken. 

And posing with his arm around this 17-year-old girl is the man who would put 
her on this path, a 30-year-old militant leader who lured her from her single 
mother, drew her into fundamentalist Islam and married her. He was killed by 
federal forces in December, spurring her to seek revenge. 

On Friday, as the photo circulated widely, the couple turned into an unsettling 
symbol of Islamic militancy in Russia - deeply repugnant to most people but 
also likely to be embraced by other extremists as a propaganda coup, a kind of 
Bonnie-and-Clyde of the insurgency. 

The story of the girl, Dzhanet Abdullayeva, from Dagestan, a volatile, 
predominantly Muslim region of southern Russia, speaks to the challenges facing 
the Kremlin as it vows to stamp out the armed underground. Harsher measures can 
backfire, further radicalizing a population alienated by endemic poverty and 
corruption. And men are not the only threat. 

These religious ideas are very attractive, because they give a kind of 
alternative to the world that exists, said Zaur Gaziyev, editor in chief of 
Svobodnaya Respublika, an independent newspaper in Dagestan. And so this young 
girl, who grew up without a father, who didn't know male power, suddenly she 
meets a strong, brutal man, who gives her the sense of support. 

She is herself a child, Mr. Gaziyev said. I don't think she even understood 
what she was doing. 

In the photo, Ms. Abdullayeva and her husband, Umalat Magomedov are both 
brandishing weapons. In a separate photo, she is by herself, holding a grenade. 
Her head is covered by a black Islamic scarf. 

Ms. Abdullayeva - whose first name means paradise in her local language - was 
one of two female suicide bombers who attacked the Moscow subways, killing 40 
people and wounding scores of others, the authorities confirmed on Friday. 

She is a striking example of the phenomenon of the so-called Black Widows - 
young women from the Caucasus who are deployed as human bombs and sent off to 
kill civilians in Russian cities, often after their husbands are killed by 
security forces. 

Especially active in the early part of the last decade, they have carried out 
at least 16 bombings, including two aboard planes. 

An official at the Interior Ministry of Dagestan, which is near Chechnya, said 
it was not difficult for militant groups to recruit teenage girls in a region 
with more women than men. 

The girls say, 'Here is how you will live, and a man will always be beside 
you,'  the official said. There is some romance about a man with a gun, with 
an automatic weapon. They make the fighters into heroes, naturally. These girls 
aren't thinking straight. 

Ms. Abdullayeva apparently met Mr. Magomedov through the Internet. 

This happens with increasingly frequency, as young girls strike up Internet 
relationships with older men who convince them to accept fundamentalist Islam 
and are persuaded, out of naïveté and romantic impulse, to abandon their 
families, said Ragimat Adamova, news editor for the newspaper Novoye Delo in 

Ms. Adamova said once women are brought into the militant structure they 
typically never leave. If a woman's husband is killed, she typically marries a 
second, third or even a fourth fighter. 

Crudely speaking, these women are passed along like trophies, she said. They 
do not let their girls go. 

A local official in a Dagestani village called Kostek said Ms. Abdullayeva was 
raised there by a single mother who traded goods at a local market. Though the 
family left for a larger city several years ago, teachers in the village 
remember Ms. Abdullayeva as a promising student who recited poetry in local 
competitions, she said. 

People are in shock here, they say it couldn't be true, Ms. Aliyeva said. We 
are honest workers here. We think that the city must have had some influence on 
her, because we don't have anything like that here. 

Ms. Abdullayeva's husband, Mr. Magomedov, was said to have been appointed a 

[wanita-muslimah] Muslim Scholars Condemn Bombings

2010-04-02 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah para pakar NKRI juga turut mengutuk pemboman?

Muslim Scholars Condemn Bombings 
02 April 2010
Muslim scholars from a dozen countries on Thursday condemned suicide bombings 
by Islamist rebels in Moscow and Dagestan as criminal terrorist attacks that 
violated their faith. 

The 24 scholars, including five prominent muftis from Russia, also spoke out 
against recent violence in Iraq and expressed their condolences to victims and 
their families. 

The Russian bombings killed at least 50 people and injured another 100 in less 
than three days, stirring fears of a major bombing campaign by Islamist 

Islam absolutely upholds the sanctity of human life and no grievances, even 
when legitimate, can ever be used to justify or legitimate such murderous and 
evil acts, said a statement by the scholars issued in Dubai. 

Chechen rebels claimed responsibility on Wednesday for two suicide bombings 
that killed 39 people in the Moscow metro and threatened further attacks in the 
Russian heartland. 

Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov said in a video posted on Islamist rebel web 
site that he ordered the Moscow attacks in revenge for Prime Minister Vladimir 
Putin's policies in the mainly-Muslim North Caucasus. 

The video was posted just hours after two suicide bombers killed at least 12 
people in Dagestan. 

The statement by the mainstream muftis, theologians and Islamic officials 
reflects a trend among them to try to express what they say is widespread 
rejection among Muslims around the world of violence by militants claiming to 
act in Islam's name. 

Among the signatories were the grand muftis (top Islamic jurists) of Egypt, 
Syria, Lebanon and Bosnia and the head of the Russian Mufti Council. 

The scholars represented major schools of Islam and came from India, the Middle 
East, Europe and the United States. The declaration was issued by an Islamic 
think tank, Kalam Research and Media, in Dubai. 

In a separate statement, the Libya-based World Islamic Call Society, which 
unites 250 Muslim organizations around the globe, also condemned the recent 
vicious terrorist attacks perpetrated against innocent fellow human beings in 
Moscow and Dagestan.

Islamic principles and ethics are absolutely against such evil, 
Secretary-General Muhammad Ahmed Sharif said. 

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[wanita-muslimah] The Teacher and the Emperor

2010-04-02 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagaimana perbandingan antara kedudukan guru di Jepang dan 
Indonesia, bila dilihat menurut artikel ini?

The Teacher and the Emperor

By Muhammad Diyab

An Emperor of Japan was once asked the secret behind the great progress 
achieved by Japan in various aspects of life, and he attributed this to the 
promotion of education and teachers, saying We began where others ended, and 
we have learned from their mistakes, and we have given the teacher the immunity 
of a diplomat and the salary of a minister. 

This is a fact, as the position of a teacher in Japan was directly below that 
of the Emperor. If you are a teacher in Japan, this means that you are one of 
the most prominent and important stars of society, as only the most talented 
and intelligent are able to assume this job. This is a fact that is known by 
all Arab countries, and it is something that has been devoured by all those 
working in the education industry and represents a prominent example of how 
education can contribute to state development. However why do our attempts to 
reform education and promote teaching in the Arab world always take us back to 
square one? I think that one of the problems is that each Arab Minister of 
Education has his own program and agenda that differs from the program and 
agenda of his predecessor, as well as those of his successor. This is something 
that requires education strategies to have comprehensive features that are 
capable of persisting regardless of any changes in the leadership of the [Arab] 
education ministries. 

The Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia - under its new leadership - is 
preparing to launch a new framework for the educational curriculum of primary 
and intermediate level students from the beginning of next year. I hope that 
this step will represent a larger and deeper vision than the previous series of 
[reform] attempts, and that this has a clear impact in advancing the ideas, 
behaviour, and attitudes to life, of our children. These reforms come within a 
crucially important historical context, and coincide with King Abdullah's 
vision on the importance of education and his conviction of what education can 
achieve with regards to advancement and development in various aspects of our 
lives. To be more concise, society is looking forward to an educational 
structure that is able to strengthen its intellectual, scientific, economic, 
and social security, a structure that can meet the challenges of the present 
and the future, in which a teacher is a light to guide our children towards 
deeper values of altruism, equality, and tolerance. 

I cannot hide my optimism for those who are currently in charge of education in 
Saudi Arabia, as they may be the most capable of achieving what we have been 
dreaming of for a long time. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Muhammadiyah: Butuh 17 Tahun Haramkan Rokok

2010-04-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Muhammadiyah: Butuh 17 Tahun Haramkan Rokok
Di internal Muhammadiyah sendiri muncul banyak pertentangan soal fatwa haram 
Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010, 14:51 WIB
Umi Kalsum

VIVAnews - Keterlibatan lembaga donor asing terkait keputusan fatwa haram rokok 
dari Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah santer terdengar ketika 
organisasi ini menetapkan fatwa itu. Betulkah keputusan dibuat tiba-tiba 
seiring kucuran dana asing pada November 2009 lalu?

Wakil Sekretaris Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah Fatah Wibisono menepis tudingan 
itu. Muhammadiyah memang mendapat dana untuk pengendalian dampak tembakau. 
Namun keputusan tidak dibuat dalam tempo satu dua bulan. 

Kata Fatah kepada VIVAnews di kampus Uhamka, Jakarta, Jumat kemarin,  banyaknya 
perdebatan membuat Majelis Tarjih membutuhkan waktu 17 tahun sebelum fatwa 
haram ditetapkan. 

Dari 40 anggota Majelis Tarjih ada yang menilai makruh, mubah, sampai haram. 
Bagaimana mereka bersatu memutuskan haram? Berikut petikan wawancara dengan 

Sebetulnya bagaimana proses pengkajian sampai pengambilan keputusan fatwa haram 
soal rokok ini?

Jadi dimulai dari mendatangkan para ahli, baik itu dokter, ahli ekonomi, para 
aktivis yang terkait dengan gerakan anti rokok, kita undang semuanya. Dari 
pemaparan itu kemudian disimpulkan ternyata bahaya merokok semakin hari semakin 
banyak menimbulkan berbagai macam penyakit. Kalau di masa lalu, tahun 1970-an 
saya mendapatkan informasi, penyakit yang muncul akibat rokok itu baru satu, 
kanker paru. Sekarang sudah bertambah banyak, ada stroke, jantung, TBC, wah 
macam-macam penyakit yang timbul akibat rokok ini. 

Karena itu Muhammadiyah berkesimpulan rokok itu masuk kategori  khabaa'its. 
Allah dalam Al Quran surat ketujuh ayat  157 mengharamkan makanan atau yang 
terindikasi khabaa'its. Khabaa'its itu menurut Ibnu Kasim yang membahayakan 
jiwa dan raga. Dari kajian medis tadi terbukti merokok membahayakan jiwa dan 
raga. Dari situ Muhammadiyah dengan menggunakan surah ketujuh ayat 157 tadi itu 
menetapkan fatwa haram merokok. Tambahan lagi sesuai dengan Undang-undang Nomor 
39 kalau tidak salah tahun 2009 pasal 113 mengelompokkan merokok sama dengan 
narkoba, dalam hal sama-sama mengandung zat adiktif. Nah di sini kalau orang 
sudah berani mengharamkan narkoba saya kira merokok juga sama, karena sama-sama 
mempunyai sifat yang sama, ada kanduangan adiktif.

Tapi sejumlah organisasi Islam menegaskan bahwa dalam Al Quran tidak ada ayat 
yang menyebutkan bahwa rokok itu haram?

Betul memang. Begini, cara Allah mengharamkan sesuatu itu terkadang Allah 
menyebut langsung benda yang diharamkan itu seperti dalam surah Al Maidah, atau 
surah kelima ayat tiga itu Allah secara langsung menyebut bangkai diharamkan, 
dan darah yang mengalir itu dan seterusnya, itu disebut langsung. Tapi ada 
kalanya Allah mengharamkan sesuatu hanya menyebut indikatornya. Kayak tadi 
surat ketujuh ayat 157 kan menyebut indikator, Allah haramkan yang khabaa'its. 
Nah dari penelitian Muhammadiyah berdasarkan berbagai sumber tadi, merokok itu 
masuk kategori khabaa'its yang dilarang dalam ayat 157 itu. Jadi tidak 
selamanya Allah melarang itu dengan menunjuk langsung.

Soal haram atau tidak ini, sepertinya ada pertentangan antara Majelis Tarjih 
dengan Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah?

Sebetulnya tidak. Jadi intinya sikap kami sama. Memang secara administratif ini 
kan harus didaftarkan ke PP, seperti undang-undang kita itu kan harus 
didaftarkan ke lembaran  negara, nah kayak gitu. Ini memang Tarjih belum sampai 
taraf itu. Dalam waktu dekat akan kita daftarkan ke sana. Tapi memang tidak 
semua harus seperti itu polanya. Jadi seperti fatwa tentang keharaman bunga 
bank, misalnya, itu juga belum sampai tingkat itu tapi PP juga tidak apa-apa. 
Memang harus melalui pleno, tapi Tarjih  itu keputusannya selalu mengikat di 
kalangan internal Muhammadiyah. 

Kalau belum diplenokan, apa bisa dilaksanakan?  

Seingat saya tanggal 16 Maret kemarin ada rapat pleno dan PP tidak membatalkan 
fatwa itu, jadi  disilakan tetap jalan.

Jadi fatwa itu sudah bisa mengikat kalangan internal Muhammadiyah?

Sudah, makanya begitu Majelis Tarjih mengeluarkan sebuah fatwa, itu mengikat 
kalangan internal Muhammadiyah.

Termasuk ke lembaga-lembaga pendidikan di bawah Muhammadiyah?

Iya, bahkan ada yang sebelum fatwa itu keluar ada yang sudah melakukannya. 
Seperti UMY (Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta), perguruan-perguruan 
Muhammadiyah dari SD sampai SMA, itu sudah melakukan itu, rumah sakit-rumah 
sakit, dan Uhamka (Universitas Muhammad Hamka) sebentar lagi akan 
mendeklarasikan itu. Tapi ini sudah kita opinikan, dan alhamdulillah meskipun 
baru diopinikan relatif dipatuhi.

Tapi fatwa haram rokok yang dikeluarkan Majelis Tarjih PP Muhammadiyah terkesan 
tiba-tiba sekali, yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan bantuan dari lembaga donor 

Jadi begini, sejak 1993 keluar (fatwa) 


2010-03-31 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Terbaik dalam hal kwalitas kerja ataukah karena menurut apa yang 
ditugaskan sekalipun ada masalah upah dan syarat-yarat kerja serta perlindungan 
hukum? Bukankah banyaknya dan makin banyak TKI dikirim ke luarnegeri disebabkan 
oleh kemiskinan yang diakibatkan karena rezim berkuasa tidak mampu membuka 
lapangan kerja sesuai tuntutan pertumbuhan demografi?

Selasa 30. of Maret 2010 09:55 


Taipei,  TKI yang bekerja di berbagai sektor di Taiwan mendapat pujian sebagai 
tenaga kerja berkinerja lebih bagus dibanding pekerja dari negara-negara Asia 
lainnya yakni dari Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, Vietnam, dan Mongolia. 

Mereka berkinerja bagus dan sampai sejauh ini relatif tidak ada masalah yang 
cukup berarti, kata Direktur Jenderal Biro Tenaga Kerja dari Dewan Urusan 
Pekerja (CLA) Taiwan, Lin San-Quei dalam perbincangan mengenai TKI dengan Dirut 
ANTARA Ahmad Mukhlis Yusuf di Taipei, Selasa. 

Dirut ANTARA yang didampingi Koordinator Staf Ahli ANTARA Aat Surya Safaat 
berada di Taipei dalam rangka melihat perkembangan informasi teknologi serta 
keberadaan TKI di Taiwan sambil berkomitmen untuk turut mendorong adanya 
peningkatan hubungan ekonomi dan perdagangan serta sosial budaya 

Lin lebih lanjut menjelaskan, jumlah TKI di Taiwan adalah yang terbanyak 
dibanding pekerja yang berasal dari negara-negara Asia lainnya. 

Urutan selanjutnya adalah pekerja dari Vietnam, Filipina, Thailand, Malaysia, 
dan Mongolia. Mereka bekerja di sektor manufaktur, konstruksi, anak buah kapal 
(ABK) di kapal perikanan, pengasuh orang-orang lanjut usia, dan pembantu rumah 

Jumlah mereka setiap tahun selalu meningkat, ujarnya, sambil menambahkan dari 
355.136 pekerja asing di Taiwan yang tercatat per Februari 2010, maka TKI 
mencapai 40,26 persen atau 142.983 orang, sedangkan bulan sebelumnya (Januari) 
mencapai 128,584 orang atau 36,15 persen. Lin menyebutkan keberadaan TKI jelas 
turut memberi andil bagi kemajuan ekonomi Taiwan. Mereka terbanyak bekerja 
sebagai pengasuh orang lanjut usia. Urutan selanjutnya adalah berkerja di 
sektor manufaktur, ABK, pembantu rumah tangga, dan konstruksi. Mereka juga pada 
umumnya memahami dan menghargai budaya orang-orang Taiwan. sehingga 
keberadaannya disambut baik oleh masyarakat Taiwan. Sebaliknya pihak Taiwan 
juga sangat menghargai TKI serta para pekerja asing lainnya. Lin menambahkan, 
Taiwan sebelumnya mengalami kekurangan tenaga kerja, sehingga CLA sejak Oktober 
1989 membuka pintu bagi para pekerja asing, termasuk dari Indonesia. 
Sementara itu Dirut ANTARA Ahmad Mukhlis Yusuf memuji perhatian serta bantuan 
yang diberikan CLA yang mengedepankan sisi kemanusiaan, martabat, persamaan, 
dan keamanan bagi para pekerja asing, termasuk para TKI. Ia juga juga memuji 
CLA yang memberikan panduan tertulis secara lengkap kepada para pekerja asing, 
termasuk TKI yang baru datang di Taiwan, sehingga kebijakan tu memberikan 
ketenangan dan kejelasan hukum bagi para pekerja tersebut. 

Mukhlis menyatakan optimis bahwa ke depan hubungan antar kalangan dunia usaha 
(business to business) serta kalangan masyarakat (people to people) Indonesia 
dan Taiwan akan dapat ditingkatkan lagi. 

Kami juga akan banyak belajar dari kemajuan Taiwan, termasuk ibidang 
pengembangan IT, tuturnya menambahkan. (ant)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Belgian politicians back veil ban

2010-03-31 Terurut Topik sunny

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 
22:00 Mecca time, 19:00 GMT

  Belgian politicians back veil ban 
  France's top administrative body has ruled against a ban on 
the wearing of full-face veils in public [EPA] 
  A Belgian parliamentary committee has voted to impose a nationwide ban on 
wearing face-covering veils in public.

  The country's home affairs committee agreed unanimously to support the 
move, which must be approved by parliament to become law.

  The ban includes any clothes or veils that do not allow the wearer to be 
fully identified, including the full-face niqab and burqa.

  If passed, the measure would be the first clampdown of its kind in Europe.

  Those who ignore any new law could face a fine of $20 to $35 and, or, a 
jail sentence of up to seven days, unless they have police permission to wear 
the garments.

  Muslim opposition

  With the governing parties and opposition in agreement, officials expect 
the full house to easily endorse the draft law on April 22.

  This is a very strong signal that is being sent to Islamists, said 
Denis Ducarme, a French-speaking deputy from the centre-right Reformist 
Movement that proposed the bill.

  Ducarme said he was proud that Belgium would be the first country in 
Europe which dares to legislate on this sensitive matter.

  We have to free women of this burden, said his colleague Corinne de 

  The vice-president of the Muslim Executive of Belgium, Isabelle Praile, 
warned that the move could set a dangerous precedent.

  Today it's the full-face veil, tomorrow the veil, the day after it will 
be Sikh turbans and then perhaps it will be mini skirts,  she said.

  The wearing of a full-face veil is part of the individual freedoms 
protected by Belgian, European and international rights laws, she said.

  Guy Harpigny, a Catholic bishop in the southern town of Tournai, said: 
Does the state really have the right to regulate the symbols of personal 

  Certain exceptions

  If endorsed, the vote would see the ban imposed in streets, public 
gardens and sports grounds or buildings meant for public use or to provide 
services to the public.

  Exceptions would be allowed for certain festivities like carnivals if 
municipal authorities decide to grant them.

  The decision comes amid controversy in the Belgium over the wearing of 
Muslim religious symbols in public places.

  A Muslim mathematics teacher at a municipal school has been given until 
the middle of next week to return to her classroom after a protracted court 
battle to stop her wearing a simple veil there or face losing her job.

  In June last year, a Belgian politician of Turkish origin was sworn in at 
the Brussels regional parliament wearing an Islamic headscarf in a first for 
the country.

  Opponents of such religious symbolism distributed flyers at the entry to 
the assembly building as Mahinur Ozdemir, 26, was sworn in.

  On Tuesday, France's top administrative body ruled that there were no 
legal grounds for a complete ban on the wearing of full-face veils in public, 
but it said the burqa could be outlawed in some places for security reasons.

  Staunchly secular France passed a law in 2004 banning the wearing of 
headscarves or any other conspicuous religious symbols  in state schools.

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[wanita-muslimah] The Conflict Over the Arab League

2010-03-31 Terurut Topik sunny

The Conflict Over the Arab League

Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed

As reflected by the Arab League Summit in Sirte, the primary struggle is 
focused on the Arab League itself; its role, its presidency, and its 
operations. Some may wonder how the Arab League could be described as a useless 
and crippled political organization because if this were the case then why are 
major governments battling for control over this international institution that 
is even older than the United Nations? 

The Sirte Summit is a classic case in the series of battles between the Arab 
camps, except that the emphasis this time was on the Arab League, which means 
that everybody feels that the region is approaching major crises and this 
explains the increase in the value and the role played by the Arab League. 

It is true that throughout its history the Arab League has never undertaken an 
operation to liberate Palestine or Kuwait, or confront terrorism, and that it 
only played a secondary role in [attempting to resolve] the civil wars in 
Lebanon, southern Sudan, and Somalia. It is also true that the Arab League 
never succeeded in solving a single Arab conflict, such as the conflict between 
the Western Sahara and Morocco, or even dealing with the crisis in Iraq in the 
period before, during, and after the US invasion. 

However when the Arab League places its stamp on a decision it grants this 
decision legitimacy. It granted legitimacy to the operation of liberating 
Kuwait from occupation by Saddam Hussein's troops. It would not have been easy 
for these international troops to come and wage a war in order to establish the 
al-Sabah dynasty as the legitimate rulers of Kuwait unless the Arab League 
legitimized this decision. The Arab League also recognized the Palestinian 
Liberation Organization [PLO] as the sole and legitimate representative of the 
Palestinians at a time when several countries and forces were contending over 
the jurisdiction of this homeless nation and the management of its resources 
and the exploitation of its tragedy. This was repeated when the Arab League 
recognized the Palestinian Authority under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, not 
Hamas, as the legitimate Palestinian authority. Hamas responded by launching a 
coup and removing the Palestinian Authority from the Gaza Strip. Due to the 
influence of the Arab League, the Hamas leadership reached an impasse, because 
without the recognition of the Arab League the Hamas movement is treated like 
any other movement. 

Everybody wants to obtain the Arab League's stamp of legitimacy so that they 
can include this in their political manifesto and use this for their own 
benefit. What is taking place today is an attempt to kidnap the Arab League. We 
recall the famous scene that took place at the Arab League following the 
[Iraqi] occupation of Kuwait, when the then Arab League Secretary-General 
Chadli Klibi counted the votes that were in support of Kuwait, and those that 
were in support of Iraq, whilst others tried to prevent Klibi from taking a 
count when it became clear that the majority of Arab countries were in support 
of Kuwait. This resulted in the Arab League announcing an international war on 
Saddam Hussein. This scene could be repeated in the future in the event of 
riots breaking out or confrontation with Tehran, or in the event of Hamas and 
those behind the movement deciding to attack the Palestinian Authority in order 
to delay the expected negotiations. In such cases, the Arab League's seal of 
legitimacy will be extremely valuable. 

This is what makes the moderate section of Arabs insist on the Arab League 
remaining in Egypt because it is the largest Arab country and has always 
adopted moderate positions. At this critical period, it would also be best if 
the position of the Arab League Secretary General remains in the hands of an 
Egyptian, so that the Arab League will not be jeopardized and so that there 
should be no division between the Arab League headquarters and the home country 
of the Arab League Secretary General. Regardless of how other Arab countries 
attempt to end the marriage between the Arab League and Egypt, they will never 
succeed, especially when taking into account that most Arab countries are on 
Egypt's side, and that the Egyptian camp remains the most important in the Arab 
arena, regardless of what is said about its weakness, submission, and losses. 

The Arabs have experimented with moving the Arab League headquarters from Cairo 
to Tunis, and anybody who remembers this period must recall how badly this 
harmed the region and the Arab League organization. This resulted in the 
division of the Arab world - in the name of unity - against Egypt's position 
with regards to its signing of the Camp David Agreement. The relocation of the 
Arab League to Tunis was proposed by Saddam Hussein, and the rest of the Arab 
League agreed with this 

[wanita-muslimah] Historic Ruling Throws Out Law on Indonesian Universities

2010-03-31 Terurut Topik sunny

April 01, 2010 
Camelia Pasandaran  Anita Rachman

Historic Ruling Throws Out Law on Indonesian Universities

For the first time, the Constitutional Court on Wednesday annulled an entire 

It revoked the Law on Education Legal Entity (BHP), which has been a source of 
controversy ever since it was deliberated at the House of Representatives. 

The court declares that Law of Education Legal Entity 2009 is against the 
Constitution and it is not legally binding, said Mahfud MD, the Constitutional 
Court chief. 

Forty applicants - students, parents, universities, academic associations, 
teachers and many others - had demanded the court annul the law, arguing that 
it pushed education fees up and hindered greater access to education. 

The court stated that the law, passed in December 2008, was weak in its 
juridical aspect, clarity of purpose and harmony with other laws. 

The law assumes that all education providers have the same ability to 
implement the law's requirements, Judge Hamdan Zoelva said. Not all higher 
education [institutions] have the same ability, while the differences are 
clearly seen. 

The law granted autonomy to educational institutions, including seeking their 
own funding. The law has sparked debate and protest from students and parents, 
despite government assurances that universities could raise only one-third of 
their operating funds from students. 

The rest, including investment funds, had to come from the government and the 
universities. State universities had to provide scholarships to students from 
low-income families and earmark at least 20 percent of its openings for such 

But students claimed the autonomy only gave universities more room to raise 

The spirit of the autonomy law is privatization. We don't believe students 
will pay cheaper tuition fees once their campuses are granted autonomy, said 
Ade Irawan, a public service monitoring coordinator with Indonesia Corruption 

Minister of National Education Mohammad Nuh told the Jakarta Globe he needed to 
study the verdict before commenting. 

The court also ordered changes in some articles in the National Education Law. 

An article that says citizens are responsible for the sustainability of the 
education system was changed to citizens share the responsibility, meaning the 
government is also responsible. 

Vice President Boediono was quoted by his spokesman, Yopie Hidayat, as saying 
the government will take several steps needed to adjust the system. 

The court ruling has a massive impact on the national education system, Yopie 
said, adding that the government will obey the court ruling. 

Heri Akhmadi, deputy chairman of House Commission X overseeing education, said 
the House had no choice but to accept the ruling. 

Commission deputy Rully Chairul Azwar said the House and the government now had 
to search for other ways to support universities.

Related articles
Indonesian University Students Hail Court Ruling on Education Legal Entity Law
10:37 PM 31/03/2010

Legislative Seats Stay, Constitutional Court Rules
4:23 PM 09/08/2009

Voters Seek Review of Election Law
11:00 PM 16/06/2009

Constitutional Court Clears Way for Electronic Voting
10:37 PM 30/03/2010

Indonesia's Constitutional Court Calls for KPU 'Fake Letter' Investigation
10:34 PM 14/10/2009

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[wanita-muslimah] Muslim Scholars Reject Militants' Reading of Medieval Jiha d Fatwa

2010-03-31 Terurut Topik sunny

April 01, 2010 
Tom Heneghan

Muslim Scholars Reject Militants' Reading of Medieval Jihad Fatwa

Paris. Prominent Muslim scholars have recast a famous medieval fatwa on jihad, 
arguing that the religious edict radical Islamists often cite to justify 
killing cannot be used in a globalized world that respects faith and civil 

A conference in Mardin, southeastern Turkey, declared that the fatwa by 14th 
century scholar Ibn Taymiyya rules out militant violence and that the medieval 
Muslim division of the world into a house of Islam and house of unbelief no 
longer applies.

Osama bin Laden has quoted Ibn Taymiyya's Mardin fatwa repeatedly in his 
calls for Muslims to overthrow the Saudi monarchy and wage jihad against the 
United States.

In reference to that historic document, the conference declared: Anyone who 
seeks support from this fatwa for killing Muslims or non-Muslims has erred in 
his interpretation. It is not for a Muslim individual or a Muslim group to 
announce and declare war or engage in combative jihad?...?on their own, said 
the declaration, which was issued on Sunday in Arabic and later provided in 

The declaration is the latest bid by mainstream scholars to use age-old Muslim 
texts to refute current-day religious arguments by Islamist groups. A leading 
Pakistani scholar issued a 600-page fatwa against terrorism in London in early 

The Mardin conference gathered 15 leading scholars from countries including 
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, Senegal, Kuwait, Iran, Morocco and Indonesia. 
Among them were Bosnian Grand Mufti Mustafa Ceric, Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah of 
Mauritania and Yemeni Sheik Habib Ali al-Jifri. Militants say the fatwa allows 
Muslims to declare other Muslims infidels and wage war on them. The scholars 
said this view had to be seen in its historic context of medieval Mongol raids 
on Muslim lands.

The emergence of civil states that guard religious, ethnic and national rights 
has necessitated declaring the entire world a place of tolerance and peaceful 
coexistence between all religious, groups and factions, the scholars said. 


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[wanita-muslimah] A Different Kind of Spa Experience for Women

2010-03-31 Terurut Topik sunny

March 31, 2010 
Ade Mardiyati

A Different Kind of Spa Experience for Women
Some people may find the concept of a vagina spa strange. But just like going 
to a regular spa where one can get massages and skin treatments for relaxation, 
going to a vagina spa is meant to freshen and improve the health of a woman's 
most intimate organ. 

One of the few places that is said to offer the full treatment is VG Spa, part 
of Klinik Pasutri, a health clinic founded by celebrated sexologist Dr. Boyke 
Dian Nugraha. 

At VG Spa, a patient can choose from vagina-only treatment packages or 
whole-body treatments that include facials. These normally last anywhere from 
one-and-a-half to three hours. 

Peni, a therapist at the clinic, said that their clientele includes high school 
students and married women. Many come here because they have a common vaginal 
health problem, such as a yeast infection, she said. 

If there is no itchiness or smell, we recommend that treatment be done once a 
month. If it does, then once every two weeks should help. 

The vagina spa session begins with a procedure that incorporates a small device 
called the electro-stimulation machine. Flat strips connected to three cords 
are attached to the patient's lower back and the soles of the feet. For about 
15 minutes, these body parts are stimulated with vibrations from the machine, 
which causes a sensation. Peni said that the objective of the whole procedure 
is to strengthen the muscles in the vaginal area. 

The next step is called cawikan , or bathing, using a mixture of herbs such as 
betel leaf, locally known as daun sirih, kayu rapat (Parmeria barbata) and some 
more fragrant plants. In Indonesia, daun sirih is very popular as it is 
believed to have a lot of health benefits for women, one of which is removing 
vaginal smell. 

Kayu rapat is said to tighten the vagina. The herb is aptly named - the word 
kayu means wood and rapat means tight in Indonesian. 

The mixture is dissolved in hot water, which gives out a fragrant aroma. When 
the water gets warm, the patient is seated on a wooden bucket filled with the 
mixture to submerge the vagina for about five minutes. By doing this, the 
patient is cleaning the area with the water. 

Totok - massaging the area - is then done for five minutes. Peni said that this 
is to relax [the muscles] and help the blood flow better. 

The vagina is then subjected to ratus or fogging, which is said to have a 
number of benefits, such as reducing itchiness caused by a yeast infection and 
improve smell in the vaginal area. 

Most beauty salons [only] offer this treatment, but that is not how a vagina 
spa is done. Vagina spas should include the early steps that we perform here, 
not only the ratus session, Peni said. 

For the fogging procedure, patients are made to sit on a chair with a big hole. 
Underneath the chair is a clay pot with heated charcoals sprinkled with the 
ratus powder, which is made of various herbs. The patient is asked to wear a 
special robe that covers the whole chair while she is seated. 

This is so that the fragrant smoke can go straight to the vagina and therefore 
the fragrance is well spread down there, Peni said. 

The very last stage of the spa treatment is linggihan. A mixture of mint leaves 
and other mysterious plants that the spa declined to disclose were flatly 
wrapped in a thin piece of paper slightly thicker than a tissue. This is then 
attached inside the patient's underwear. 

This is mainly to freshen up the vaginal area, thanks to the mint leaves in 
the mixture, Peni said. Wear it for five to ten minutes and then you can 
dispose of the wrap. 

After all these steps are done, the patient is guaranteed to feel relief down 

Related articles
Most Indonesians' Sex Lives Leave Them Yawning: Survey
9:05 PM 08/12/2009

Cervical Cancer: Stigma Prevents Care, With Deadly Results for Women
10:06 PM 30/03/2010

Women Prefer Macho Men When Health is the Deciding Factor, Study Finds
5:34 PM 17/03/2010

Piece of Mind: Mario's 'Biased' Tweet Irks Feminists
5:33 PM 17/03/2010

My Jakarta: Moammar Emka, 'Jakarta Undercover' Author
6:54 PM 18/02/2010

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[wanita-muslimah] Islamic organizations in Tasikmalaya demand Syaria bylaw

2010-03-29 Terurut Topik sunny

Islamic organizations in Tasikmalaya demand Syaria bylaw

The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Mon, 03/29/2010 4:56 PM  |  National 

Thousands of people from a number of Islamic organizations grouped at the Forum 
of Islamic Community (FUI) rallied at the office of the Tasikmalaya mayor on 
Monday, demanding the mayoralty to endorse the syaria bylaw for the region.

Our visit here is to fight for the syariah bylaw, rally coordinator Acep 
Sofyan was quoted by Antara as saying. We demand that the mayoralty 
immediately implement the bylaw.

The Tasikmalaya legislative council has passed bylaw No. 12/2009 on development 
based on Islamic syaria, but the administration is reluctant to implement it 
and has not issued any implementing regulations.

Representatives of the Muslim groups then met with the secretary of the 
Tasikmalaya mayoralty's secretary Tiro Indra Setiadi and a number of local 

During the meeting, they again reiterated their demand for the mayoralty to 
implement what the local legislative council had decided for the people, the 
syaria bylaw.

They also demand the mayoralty to establish a special law enforcement agency to 
implement the syaria bylaw

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[wanita-muslimah] Minorities cry foul in Malaysia

2010-03-29 Terurut Topik sunny
Jika Anda ingin melihat video footage berita, click pada situs:

Monday, March 29, 2010 
20:49 Mecca time, 17:49 GMT

Minorities cry foul in Malaysia 

  Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia's prime minister, is set to present on Tuesday 
a new economic policy, a controversial socio-economic initiative that aims to 
give equal treatment to all ethnic groups in the country.

  But for decades many ethnic Chinese and Indian groups have long grieved 
of institutionalised discrimination and alleged the country's ethnic majority 
enjoy special advantages in housing, education and employment.

  Waves of ethnic Chinese and Indians left the country between 2008 and 
2009 to seek a better life abroad.

  Although Razak is vowing equality for all, minority ethnic communities 
are pessimistic.

  Laura Kyle reports from Kuala Lumpur.  

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[wanita-muslimah] Media urged to play vital role in fight against terror

2010-03-29 Terurut Topik sunny

Media urged to play vital role in fight against terror

Published: Mar 30, 2010 00:10 Updated: Mar 30, 2010 00:15 

MADINAH: Second Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior Prince Naif has urged 
the Saudi media to play a vital role in the Kingdom's fight against terrorism 
and extremism.

Answering questions of delegates after opening a conference on terrorism at the 
Islamic University here on Sunday, Prince Naif also urged Saudi mothers to 
monitor their children and correct them when they deviate from the right path.

Our media should move quickly and strongly to confront the challenges 
responsibly, said the minister while criticizing the media for focusing on 
nonbeneficial silly issues.

Prince Naif, however, welcomed constructive criticism from the press based on 
facts. He urged parents and teachers to protect children from being enticed by 
forces of evil that spread extremism and violence.

Prince Naif said the rehab program for militants has achieved good results. 
This program has won the admiration of the security authorities in various 
countries. We have prepared a draft of the intellectual security strategy and 
submitted it to the Council of Arab Interior Ministers. This is a scientific 
work that will benefit those who are working in rehabilitation programs, he 

Prince Naif opened the dialogue with students of the university by renewing a 
call for drying up the sources of terrorism, saying: If all people do not work 
to dry up the sources of terrorism, it will continue. He said Saudi security 
forces had foiled more than 200 terrorist attacks in the Kingdom.

We are still facing terrorism. We are working day and night to detect and 
prevent terrorist acts, he said.

Speaking at the conference, Princess Adilah bint Abdullah, daughter of 
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, described terrorism as a 
complicated phenomenon.

Family violence acts as a breeding ground for terrorists, the princess said 
quoting a study. Violence against children will force them to run away on to 
the streets. These children then become criminals and terrorists. This is one 
of the dangerous consequences of domestic violence, she pointed out.

He emphasized the importance of intellectual security to protect citizens from 
dangerous and deviant thoughts and ideas. Intellectual security is no less 
important than public security, but it might be more important as it is the 
engine that moves human beings and we cannot ignore latest developments in our 
society. The Islamic world has a responsibility to reject ideas that are alien 
to Islam, he explained.

The Kingdom's Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh said that the nation of 
Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) is the nation of moderation and justice, 
adding that Islamic teachings are based on moderation.

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[wanita-muslimah] Blasts Revive Russians' Fear of Female Bombers

2010-03-29 Terurut Topik sunny

Blasts Revive Russians' Fear of Female Bombers
Published: March 29, 2010 
MOSCOW - The two powerful explosions that tore through Moscow's subway Monday 
revived a peculiar fear in the Russian capital, one that goes beyond the usual 
terrorism worries of a metropolis: the female bomber. 

On Monday, the Russian authorities said the bombings had been carried out by 
two women, and that they were searching for two suspected female accomplices, 
the Russian news media reported. Few details of the bombers were released. 

Earlier this decade, Moscow's fear of female suicide bombers was so strong it 
became a lurid obsession. Women, sometimes casually adorned in jeans and 
blending in to the swirl of Moscow, committed at least 16 bombings, including 
two on board planes. 

The attacks came early - as when a widow killed herself and the Russian 
commander who had killed her husband in one of the first such attacks in the 
Chechen war - and sometimes in the most unlikely places, like mingling in line 
at a music festival, which only multiplied the horror. They joined in some of 
the most celebrated terrorist attacks in recent Russian history, at a theater 
in Moscow and a school in Beslan, Russia. 

The women, who came to be called the Black Widows, were not the first women to 
die this way. That dubious honor goes to a 16 year old Palestinian girl, who 
drove a truck into an Israeli army convoy in 1985. The Indian prime minister, 
Rajiv Gandhi, was killed in 1991 by a member of the Birds of Paradise, a female 
group associated with the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka. 

Suicide bombing was a tactic that came late to Chechnya and was nearly unknown 
during the first war from 1994 to 1996. But once it arrived, in 2000, in an 
attack that killed 27 Russian special forces soldiers, it quickly became 
associated with women. 

The tactic expanded in subsequent years. Females adorned in billowy black robes 
and strapped with explosives made up 19 of the 41 captors in the October, 2002 
hostage taking in the Moscow theater, which ended when Russian special services 
released a sleep-inducing gas into the building. 

When soldiers entered the auditorium they reportedly walked among into slumped 
forms and as a first precaution shot dead the Black Widows where they lay, lest 
they wake up and explode. 

In 2004, female suicide bombers detonated bombs on internal flights; one bomber 
identified by the Russian authorities was divorced in her early 40s, the other 
two sisters in their 20s who had also divorced. 

While there is no single reason women decide to give up their lives, experts 
say they have usually suffered a traumatic event that makes them burn with 
revenge or question whether they want to live. This can be the death of a 
child, husband or other family member at the hands of Russian forces or a rape. 
Russian authorities have said the women are sometimes drugged. 

In 2003, Russian police captured 22-year-old Chechen woman, Zarema M. 
Muzhakhoyeva, after she left a handbag bomb in a Moscow café. She was not a 
religious fanatic, her lawyer, Natalya V. Yevlapova, said in a telephone 
interview, but she had become emotionally distressed after her husband was 
murdered in what appeared to be a business dispute. These girls are just 
pushed into a corner, Ms. Yevlapova said. 

In recent weeks, the Russian military conducted a series of raids that killed a 
prominent and charismatic recruiter for the rebels, a man who went by the name 
Said Buryatsky, along with dozens of other fighters. That had prompted a 
warning from a prominent rebel leader, who may or may not have made good his 
threat on Monday. 

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[wanita-muslimah] The Sons of Iran!

2010-03-29 Terurut Topik sunny

The Sons of Iran!

By Tariq Alhomayed


It can't be a coincidence that Hamas announced on Saturday its clashes with the 
Israelis in order to deter Zionist arrogance and confront the occupation 
forces.and respond to the continued crimes of the ongoing occupation, 
according to the Al Qassam Brigades statement, and at the same time Iran called 
on the Arab Summit in Libya to make tough decisions and raise the alarm to 
protect Jerusalem. The reason we say this can't be a coincidence is because 
Hamas avoided responding to Israel for 14 months, so why now? What raises 
suspicion is the fact that there was disagreement within Hamas, and in some 
Palestinian factions, after Mahmoud al Zahhar's statement in which he called 
for avoiding firing rockets towards Israel in order not to give Israeli Prime 
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an excuse to get out of the tense predicament he is 
in that has strained his relationship with President Barack Obama. 

The truth is that there is nothing surprising about the positions of Hamas and 
the sons of Iran in our region as long as they do not face real Arab 
accountability, at least with regards to Arab public opinion, so that they bear 
the consequences of their actions. Some Arabs take advantage of Iran's agents 
[in the region] in order to accomplish narrow interests and some others fear 
clashing with public opinion especially if it is enraged, forgetting that tears 
dry quickly and accordingly the facts on the ground remain visible to us and we 
suffer from them for a long time. 

What the Arabs are not paying attention to today is the fact that the magnitude 
of Israeli tension does not only emanate from the Netanyahu-Obama dispute but 
also from the comments made by Chief of the US Central Command General 
Petraeus, who said in his last congressional testimony that the Arab-Israeli 
conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. 
favouritism for Israel. This was echoed by the US Defense Secretary Robert 
Gates who said, There is no doubt that the lack of peace in the Middle East 
affects the interests of US national security. Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman 
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also agreed with this as he said, It is a very, 
very serious issue and all of us would like to see progress there. Those who 
monitor the Israeli press can feel the amount of tension and will notice the 
intensity of the attacks on General Petraeus. 

An American source tells me that this issue is worrying the Israelis a great 
deal, especially when comments like these are made by military leaders and no 
one in the US administration is trying to soften this discourse or back down 
from it. Moreover, it also has historical dimensions as the former 
administration of Ronald Reagan (republican) resorted to using the same 
military expressions in the eighties when it expressed its belief that Israeli 
opposition to selling AWACS to Saudi Arabia threatened US security interests in 
the Middle East. My source told me that at the time Reagan's team used the 
expression Reagan or Begin indicating the amount of defiance Reagan displayed 
against the Israeli lobby in Washington in order for the AWACS deal to be 
passed in Congress. Reagan won in the end. 

Therefore, it is very important that the Arabs pay attention to the complexity 
of the current disputes between the Israeli government and the Obama 
administration, which might lead to the fall of Netanyahu's right-wing 
alliance. Consequently, the Arabs must not give Iran and its sons in our 
region the opportunity to threaten our interests in order to serve Iran's 
ambitious goals. 

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[wanita-muslimah] The Path to Mecca.Every Traveller Has a Story

2010-03-29 Terurut Topik sunny

The Path to Mecca.Every Traveller Has a Story

By Muhammad Diyab

In my personal view, travel literature represents the highest level of 
enjoyment, excitement and knowledge, as all the knowledge that we have acquired 
about the world has come from previous travellers who viewed the world through 
their own eyes. 

The regular Hajj pilgrimage over the ages has provided us with the biggest 
record of the history of the two holy cities, Mecca and Medina. Travellers 
included Muslims who went to perform the Hajj pilgrimage as well as spies who 
were sent by major imperialist countries to determine the source of inspiration 
for Muslims and the impact of the Hajj pilgrimage on the residents of the areas 
under the influence [of imperialists]. Those travellers - some of whom were 
Westerners driven by their sense of adventure to explore areas unknown in their 
Western culture - claimed to have embraced Islam and gave themselves Arabic 

Ludovico Di Varthema from Bologna, who called himself Yunus al Masri, was the 
first European Christian to enter Mecca and Medina. In 1503, he began his 
famous journey from Venice to Cairo, then to Beirut, Tripoli, Aleppo, and 
Damascus where he learnt Arabic, then on to Medina, Mecca, Jeddah, Jizan and 
Aden where he was arrested on the charge of being a Christian spy for the 
Portuguese. On the same day, he was taken to the Sultan's palace to be executed 
but the sentence was postponed as the sultan was absent. He was kept in jail 
for a long time before he was released and continued his journey to numerous 
Yemeni cities and then India and from there he left for Europe. 

The Spanish traveller Domingo Badia Y Leblich passed himself off as Ali Bey al 
Abbassi, a prince from the Abbasid Caliphate. Many believed he was a spy for 
Napoleon. He arrived in Mecca in 1806 as part of an Egyptian convoy of pilgrims 
and suffered the horrors of the sea during his journey such as looting and 

Other travellers included the Dutch traveller Van Den Broecke, the Englishman 
Joseph Pitts, Carsten Niebuhr from Germany and many others, each with a story 
that deserves to be told. 

Among the most important books to have been published recently in this 
particular field is 'Jamhara al Rihlaat' [A Collection of Journeys] by renowned 
Saudi researcher and media figure Ahmed Muhammad Mahmoud who is dedicating 
years to completing this great encyclopaedia, which will contain over ten 
volumes when it is finished. The book might be the most important encyclopaedia 
of Hajj pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina over different ages and is unparalleled 
in terms of its comprehensiveness and accuracy. The researcher followed the 
trails of many travellers with a deep analysis of several journeys. With this 
work, the writer presents a book that combines various old and new travel 
books, which, in its entirety, can be considered a record of numerous scenes 
from these two holy cities and the paths to these cities. We need to read such 
a comprehensive record not only to get to know how others viewed us but more 
importantly to strengthen our understanding of our history. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Swedish pension fund bans investment in Israeli company on ethical grounds

2010-03-29 Terurut Topik sunny

Last update - 22:55 29/03/2010 

Swedish pension fund bans investment in Israeli company on ethical grounds 

By Haaretz Service 

The biggest Swedish pension fund has barred Israeli defense electronics company 
Elbit Systems from its investment portfolios on ethical grounds, Israel Radio 
reported Monday. 

Following the lead of Norway's state oil fund, the Första AP-Fonden pension 
fund said it had banned investment in Elbit because the Israeli company had 
built and is operating a surveillance system for the much debated West Bank 
separation barrier. 

Critics of the controversial barrier argue that it is an illegal attempt to 
annex Palestinian land under the guise of security and that it severely 
restricts Palestinians who live nearby, particularly their ability to travel 
freely within the West Bank and to access work in Israel. Proponents, however, 
argue that the barrier has greatly reduced the incidence of suicide bombers 
coming from the West Bank and carrying out terror attacks within Israel. 

According to the Swedish website the Swedish Wire, the pension fund said in a 
statement that the Ethical Council recommended that Elbit Systems Ltd. should 
be excluded from each portfolio because it deems that the company can be linked 
to violations of fundamental conventions and norms. 

In its annual report, the ethical council wrote that the Council has noted 
that both the European Union and the Swedish government consider the part of 
the separation barrier being built on West Bank to be illegal under 
international law. This position is also supported by the advisory opinion from 
2004 by the International Court of Justice regarding the separation barrier. 

Israel has so far completed 413 kilometers (256 miles) of the planned 
709-kilometer (435-mile) barrier, according to UN figures. 

The Swedish fund, which only had small investments in Elbit according to its 
ethics council chairwoman Annika Andersson, said that Grupo Ferrovial, 
PetroChina, Thales and Yahoo had successfully addressed its concerns about 
ethics violations. 

Last September, Norway's state pension fund, one of the world's biggest 
investors, also banned Elbit from its portfolio, prompting the Israeli Foreign 
Ministry to summon Norway's ambassador in protest at the move. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Senyuman Dapat Menandakan Umur Panjang

2010-03-29 Terurut Topik sunny

Senyuman Dapat Menandakan Umur Panjang
  Tanggal :  30 Mar 2010 
  Sumber :  Harian Terbit 

JAKARTA - Jika Anda termasuk orang yang selalu terlihat memiliki senyuman 
paling lebar ketika difoto, itu artinya Anda akan berumur panjang. Demikian 
hasil studi yang dilakukan peneliti dari Wayne State University di Detroit.

Mereka mengevaluasi foto 230 pemain Liga Utama Baseball yang bertanding sebelum 
tahun 1950. Melalui foto-foto tersebut, peneliti menilai senyum para partisipan 
yang dibagi dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu partisipan dengan senyuman terlebar, 
tersenyum biasa, dan yang tidak tersenyum sama sekali. 

Orang yang tersenyum paling lebar memiliki umur lebih panjang dibandingkan dua 
kelompok lainnya, kata salah satu peneliti, Ernest L Abel.

Menurutnya, semakin lebar senyum seseorang, mengindikasikan bahwa orang 
tersebut merasakan kebahagiaan yang kemudian menuntunnya untuk memiliki sifat 
positif. Sangat sulit memalsukan senyum tulus yang datang dari pancaran hati, 
ujar Ernest. 

Selain menganalisa tingkat senyum partisipan, para peneliti juga mengumpulkan 
informasi lainnya yang berhubungan dengan faktor penyebab seseorang berumur 
panjang seperti status pernikahan, tahun kelahiran, dan indeks massa tubuh. 

Analisa Ernest dan timnya terbukti ketika pada 1 Juni 2009, hanya tinggal 46 
partisipan yang masih hidup. Mereka adalah ternyata para pemain baseball yang 
memiliki senyuman paling lebar.(tbt/google health) 

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[wanita-muslimah] Entaskan kemiskinan model Boalemo

2010-03-29 Terurut Topik sunny

Entaskan kemiskinan model Boalemo
  Tanggal :  26 Mar 2010 
  Sumber :  Harian Terbit 

Oleh Prof Dr Haryono Suyono

PRIORITAS pembangunan dewasa ini adalah pengentasan keluarga miskin dengan 
sungguh-sungguh. Dalam skala global, prioritas tersebut merupakan garapan yang 
erat hubungannya dengan pencapaian delapan sasaran pembangunan Millennium 
(MDGs) yang Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, atau Presiden RI sebelumnya, 
Ibu Megawati Sukarnoputri, memberikan komitmennya pada Sidang PBB di New York 
pada tahun 2005, atau pada tahun 2000.

Untuk pekerjaan maha besar tersebut Bupati Boalemo, Iwan Bokings, yang 
mempunyai kabupaten seluas 2.500 km2, atau sekitar 55 % dari luas Provinsi 
Gorontalo, dengan penduduk sekitar 140.034 jiwa harus bekerja sangat keras. 
Bupati yang gesit dan banyak akal tersebut bekerja keras dengan seluruh 
jajarannya secara sistematis. Seluruh aparatnya dikonsolidasikan dengan 
sungguh-sungguh. Keluarga di Kabupatennya dipetakan sesuai dengan indikator BPS 
dan BKKBN. 

Data kedua instansi tersebut dimanfaatkan dengan tujuan yang berbeda. Data BPS 
hasil pengukuran sampling memberi gambaran keadaan keluarga secara makro. Data 
BKKBN memberi gambaran keluarga pra sejahtera dan sejahtera I sesuai kondisi 
riel di lapangan. Kedua data berbeda karena definisi dan batasannya yang 
berbeda. Data BPS dimanfaatkan Bupati sebagai laporan keadaan keluarga miskin 
di daerahnya. 

Data BKKBN yang melaporkan keadaan keluarga pra sejahtera dan keluarga 
sejahtera I yang tidak selalu miskin tetapi mudah jatuh miskin kalau keadaan 
bertambah berat dipergunakan oleh Bupati untuk arahan kegiatan operasional 
mencegah dan mengentaskan keluarga dari lembah kemiskinan dalam arti luas.

Bupati melakukan konsolidasi dengan menciptakan budaya yang kondusif agar 
keluarga miskin memperoleh akses yang lebih baik terhadap pendidikan, kesehatan 
dan kesempatan kerja. Bupati mendorong partisipasi melalui sistem pemberdayaan 
yang sistematis dengan memberi kesempatan masyarakat ikut mengontrol 
perencanaan pembangunan dengan merangsang kebersamaan antar berbagai 
stakeholder dan pemberdayaan secara sistematis. 

Tahap demi tahap keluarga pra sejahtera dan sejahtera I diberdayakan sesuai 
indikator Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) melalui perbaikan di bidang 
pendidikan, kesehatan dan kewirausahaan. Akibatnya sangat mengejutkan. Angka 
partisipasi kasar (APK) pendidikan pra sekolah (PAUD) naik dari 4,7% di tahun 
2006 menjadi 23,9% pada tahun 2009. APK SD naik dari 100,4% menjadi 109,2%, APK 
SMP dari 65,8% menjadi 72,4% dan APK SMA dari 27,7% menjadi 46,7% dalam waktu 
yang sama. 

Usia harapan hidup berada pada posisi sekitar 66 sampai 67 tahun. Pada tahun 
2001 rakyat rata-rata berpendapatan sekitar Rp 2,8 juta dan melalui kerja keras 
pendapatan rata-rata meningkat menjadi Rp. 4,8 juta pada tahun 2008 sehingga 
pertumbuhan ekonomi yang semula kurang dari 6 % melaju menjadi sekitar 7,4 % 
pada tahun 2008.

Dengan pendapatan rata-rata yang makin merata, keluarga pra sejahtera dan 
sejahtera I menurut pendataan BKKBN yang jumlahnya sekitar 24.000 keluarga di 
tahun 2009, menurut BPS sekitar 38.612 penduduk dianggap miskin di tahun 2010. 
Sekitar 13.000 keluarga miskin itu berhak memperoleh beras untuk keluarga 
miskin (raskin).

Untuk menghadapi sisa keluarga miskin yang masih sulit dientaskan Bupati Iwan 
Bokings menggelar strategi yang jitu dengan membantu keluarga miskin tersebut 
bekerja keras didukung perumahan yang memadai, pendidikan, pelayanan kesehatan 
dan kesempatan ekonomi rumah tangga termasuk pengembangan dalam wadah koperasi. 
Setiap pejabat eselon II dan III diharuskan merasakan tinggal, membina dan 
mengawasi setiap keluarga miskin membangun Kebun Bergizi di halaman rumahnya, 
mengirim anak-anak mereka ke sekolah dan bekerja gotong royong dalam lingkungan 
kampung halamannya. 

Strategi yang jitu itu membuahkan komitmen kerjasama antar keluarga dan 
berbagai instansi yang makin kuat dalam mengikuti pemberdayaan yang tidak 
ringan menuju kemandirian bagi setiap keluarga miskin dengan budaya baru kerja 
keras menuju masyarakat yang sejahtera. Semoga Tuhan memberkati masyarakat 
Boalemo. (Penulis adalh Ketua Umum DNIKS/

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[wanita-muslimah] INDONESIA: Poor hit hard as fuel prices rise

2010-03-28 Terurut Topik sunny

 Sunday 28 March 2010   

INDONESIA: Poor hit hard as fuel prices rise 


  Photo: Ahmad Pathoni/IRIN  
  Many taxi drivers in Jakarta have had to absorb the 30 percent jump in 
petrol prices. Most rent their cars and while they are paying more at the 
pumps, their employers have not raised fares or compensated drivers 

JAKARTA, 28 July 2008 (IRIN) - These days taxi driver Rusdi often earns little 
more than 50,000 rupiah (US$5.50) for driving a 17-hour shift through Jakarta's 
congested traffic. The increased cost of petrol is stealing a large chunk of 
his income. 

The Indonesian government decided in May to raise fuel prices by 30 percent, 
forcing Rusdi to spend significantly more on petrol, but the taxi company for 
which he works has neither increased fares nor reduced his daily fee to drive 
the taxi. 

My company doesn't care about our problems, he told IRIN. Now we're the ones 
who have to subsidise fuel for the company. The additional charges for petrol, 
plus the costs of repairs and the daily cab rental fee, are forcing taxi 
drivers like Rusdi to work longer and longer hours. 

When the government raised fuel prices, the move sparked protests throughout 
the country where millions of poor people were already hit by rising food 
prices. An increase in fuel costs means higher prices of essential commodities 
and transport. 

As a result, the number of poor people in Indonesia is expected to reach 41 
million from 37 million last year, said Latif Adam, an economist at the 
Indonesian Institute of Sciences. 

Obviously with the rising [consumer] prices that followed the fuel price hike, 
people who were in the near-poor category have become poor, he told IRIN. 

The government sought to soften the blow with monthly cash handouts of 100,000 
rupiah (about $11) to the poorest Indonesians until the end of the year, but 
Adam said the rising prices of basic commodities meant the initiative would 
have little effect in reducing the poverty rate. Nearly half the population of 
220 million people lives on less than $2 a day. 

Inflationary pressures 

The National Bureau of Statistics said on 1 July that annual inflation rose to 
a 21-month high of 11.03 percent in June. But Indonesian Finance Minister Sri 
Mulyani said the inflationary pressure was temporary. 

My company doesn't care about our problems. Now we're the ones who have to 
subsidise fuel for the company. 
We expect it to happen two or three months after the fuel price hike, but 
after that the level will be normal again, she told reporters on 1 July. 

But for Karya, who sells fried food on the street outside an upscale Jakarta 
mall, that is small comfort: Everything has become more expensive, including 
cooking oil and flour. After the government raised fuel prices, his income 
dropped by about 50 percent. In the past, he would earn 200,000 rupiah ($20) on 
a good day. 

The fuel price hike has taken a toll on the popularity of President Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono. A survey released on 29 June by a private agency, Indo 
Barometer, showed Yudhoyono's popularity rating down to 36.5 percent from 55.6 
percent in its last survey in December 2007. The poll also found that if 
elections were held now, more Indonesians said they would vote for former 
President Megawati Sukarnoputri. 

A hefty fuel price increase in 1998 at the height of the regional financial 
crisis contributed to protests so widespread that they forced then-president 
Suharto to resign. 

Yudhoyono has not said publicly if he would seek re-election in the 2009 poll 
but it is widely expected that he will. 

Street vendor Karya said he did not care about who was going to be elected 
president. Whoever the president is, is the same. Little people like us will 
always suffer, he said. 


Theme(s): (IRIN) Economy 

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[wanita-muslimah] Ormas Islam Tak Mungkin Tak Berpolitik

2010-03-28 Terurut Topik sunny

Ormas Islam Tak Mungkin Tak Berpolitik

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010 20:06 WIB | Peristiwa | Politik/Hankam | 
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Ormas Islam besar seperti Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul 
Ulama yang usianya jauh lebih tua dari usia Republik Indonesia tidak mungkin 
tidak berpolitik karena organisasi itu menjadi tempat kerumunan manusia, kata
Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin di Surabaya, Minggu.

Kerumunan massa yang besar itu telah menjadi sumber daya politik, katanya 
sebelum membuka Muspim PW Muhammadiyah Jawa Timur itu, seraya menegaskan 
kerumunan manusia pasti memiliki bobot politik, apalagi tingkat kerumunannya 

Hanya saja bagi ormas Islam, kerumuman itu menjadi alat penyeru perbuatan baik 
dan menjauhi perbuatan mungkar (amar ma`ruf nahi munkar) sehingga orang-orang 
di ormas itu melakukan gerakan-gerakan politik. 

Politik yang dilakukan adalah politik kebangsaan dan kenegaraan untuk 
menegakkan `amar ma`ruf nahi munkar`. Jadi, bukan berarti ormas tidak boleh 
berpolitik. Justru ini yang tidak boleh berhenti. Muhammadiyah sudah lama 
melakukannya, katanya.

Din, yang berniat mencalonkan diri lagi sebagai Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah 
periode 2010-2015 beranggapan, sikap politik kebangsaan dan kenegaraan itu 
berbeda dari politik praktis kepartaian di mana Muhammadiyah tegas melarang 
kadernya menjadi pengurus partai politik.

Kalau seseorang berdiri pada dua lingkaran, jelas tidak fokus, paling tidak, 
waktunya akan terbagi. Alasan lainnya, faktor loyalitas, apalagi di situ ada 
kepentingan ganda yang sehingga tidak positif bagi organisasi. Saya dengar NU 
juga menerapkan prinsip ini, kata Din.
Sikap Muhammadiyah seperti itu juga diterapkan dalam pemilihan kepala daerah 
(pilkada). Kami punya aturan sendiri. Kalau ada kader Muhammadiyah yang 
mencalonkan diri dalam pilkada, maka harus nonaktif dari kepengurusan, katanya.

Menurutnya, kalau kemudian kadernya terpilih menjadi kepala daerah, maka dia 
harus mengundurkan diri.

Kami anggap Muhammadiyah telah mewakafkan kadernya untuk daerah atau negara. 
Tetapi, kalau tidak jadi, harus kembali lagi ke kepengurusan, katanya.


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[wanita-muslimah] UK fears for Afghan police

2010-03-28 Terurut Topik sunny

UK fears for Afghan police 
From: AFP 
March 29, 2010 12:00AM 

LONDON: Serious concerns over the Afghan National Police have been voiced in 
leaked British documents, which warn that building an effective force will take 
many years. 

The Independent on Sunday quoted internal Foreign Office papers saying 
non-existent ghost recruits may account for up to a quarter of the force's 
alleged strength, while concerns are also raised over drug use.

The scale of the challenge is immense, a briefing for a British official 
said, according to the newspaper. Building an independent, professional and 
accountable police force will take many years and require considerable 
international support.

Plans are in place to expand the strength of Afghan police from about 100,000 
to 160,000 as part of the fight against the Taliban insurgency.

A spokeswoman for the Foreign Office said: We are aware of widespread 
criticisms of the ANP, some of which are deeply concerning. The UK is fully 
committed to police reform to ensure a professional and accountable police 

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[wanita-muslimah] Visa reprieve likely for wife, son, as sheikh fights deportation

2010-03-28 Terurut Topik sunny

Visa reprieve likely for wife, son, as sheikh fights deportation 
March 29, 2010 
Sheikh Mansour Leghael at prayer. 

THE wife and son of Sheikh Mansour Leghaei, the Iranian Islamic preacher facing 
deportation on national security grounds, are likely to be allowed to stay even 
if he is ejected when his bridging visa expires on April 19.

''It is most likely that the immigration [department] will grant visa to my son 
and wife because they are not assessed to be a risk to national security,'' Dr 
Mansour said yesterday. ''If they have to stay, they stay, but it's not going 
to be easy.''

Dr Mansour has rejected as false an ASIO assessment which judged him to be a 
threat to national security on the grounds of ''foreign interference''.

He has asked the Minister for Immigration, Chris Evans, to review the case on 
''compassionate and humanitarian grounds'', citing evidence of his community 
work and the dislocation faced by his family. His two eldest sons are citizens, 
as is his daughter, Fatima, 14, who was born in Australia.

ASIO is not required to disclose the information it has on Dr Mansour. He said 
he does not know why he would be considered a threat. ''I made it very clear to 
. ASIO that we have been always very open.''

Dr Mansour admits he took two payments from Iranian sources, but says he is not 
aligned with any group in the Iranian expatriate community, which includes 
monarchists, pro-democracy ''green movement'' supporters and members of the 
Mujahideen-e-Khalq group, who oppose the Islamic republic.

Despite taking a donation from the Iranian embassy in 1999, he denied any link 
with Tehran and said he has no opinion on the political upheaval in Iran after 
last year's contested presidential election results.

An Anglican priest and supporter of Dr Mansour, the Reverend Dave Smith, said 
he had phone calls last week from Iranian expatriates alleging the sheikh had 
links with Iran's government.

A source told the Herald some worshippers at his prayer meetings had shouted 
pro-Hezbollah and pro-Ayatollah Khomeini slogans, and said he was known as the 
only cleric able to perform marriages recognised by Iran and so was seen as its 

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[wanita-muslimah] Membayangkan Demokrasi Islam

2010-03-28 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apa komentar Anda? Apakah Islam kompatibel dengan demokrasi?

Membayangkan Demokrasi Islam 
Jumat, 26 Maret 2010 | 13:02 WIB 
Oleh: Jocelyne Cesari
Direktur program Islam di Barat pada Harvard University

Islam sering dianggap sebagai sebuah ancaman terhadap demokratisasi, dan 
pembenaran atas pandangan ini cenderung mengulang gagasan ad nauseam 
(berlebihan) bahwa dalam Islam, politik dan agama tak terpisahkan. 

Di Barat, politik yang didasarkan pada hak-hak pribadi (yang dioposisikan 
dengan kepentingan bersama) dan agama sebagai sesuatu yang berdiri sendiri 
terlepas dari negara telah menandai kemenangan pandangan liberal tentang diri 
dalam sebuah arena publik yang tersekularisasi. 

Tidak ada gerakan yang sama terjadi di dunia Muslim. Karena itu, mungkin 
merupakan sebuah godaan untuk mempertimbangkan ketiadaan perkembangan ini 
sebagai bukti bahwa pemikiran Muslim juga menentang sekularisasi secara 
keseluruhan (in toto). 

Dewasa ini tidak ada satu bangsapun di dunia Muslim yang tidak menyatakan Islam 
sebagai elemen dasar kesatuan nasional. Di dalam dunia Muslim, Islam jika bukan 
merupakan agama negara, maka ia berada di bawah kendali negara, bahkan di 
negara yang kelihatannya sekuler seperti Turki atau Irak pada zaman Saddam 
Hussein. Karena itu, negara hampir selalu menjadi agen utama yang bertanggung 
jawab terhadap kewenangan penafsiran tradisi. 

Sebagai hasilnya, pemikiran Islam telah kehilangan vitalitas tertentu, tidak 
hanya dalam dalam masalah pemerintahan, tetapi juga dalam permasalahan budaya 
dan masyarakat. Jadi bukan karena apa yang disebut pemikiran Muslim itu secara 
alami menolak pemikiran kritis, tetapi lebih karena analisis dan penilaian 
lebih sering menjadi hak prerogatif khusus pihak berwenang politik. 

Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi hubungan antara Islam dan demokrasi sekuler 
adalah pandangan yang berlaku dalam hubungan internasional, yang menggambarkan 
Islam dan Barat sebagai kekuatan yang bertentangan. Hal ini menciptakan suatu 
mentalitas terkepung di kalangan umat Muslim, dan mengubah Islam menjadi sebuah 
alat perlawanan politik. Karena itu, wacana keagamaan menjadi sebuah elemen 
kunci dalam retorika masa perang, sebuah kenyataan yang terlukis dalam 
tuntutan-tuntutan keagamaan yang dibuat oleh Saddam Hussein yang sebenarnya 
sekuler selama Perang Teluk 1990.

Hal tersebut kelihatannya seperti sebuah paradoks, tetapi umat Muslim 
kenyataannya memuji demokrasi sebagai sistem politik terbaik. Dalam beberapa 
tahun terakhir, begitu banyak jajak pendapat yang telah menunjukkan bahwa umat 
Muslim ingin hidup di sebuah masyarakat demokratis: mereka memuji pemilihan 
umum yang bebas, kebebasan berpendapat, dan hak-hak asasi manusia. 

Di saat bersamaan, umat Muslim mengakui pentingnya peran yang dimainkan 
syariah, atau hukum Islam, dalam kehidupan mereka. Di sinilah letak perbedaan 
pengertian yang sering terjadi antara umat Muslim dan non-Muslim dalam 
pembahasan tentang demokrasi. Syariah di sini tidak mengacu kepada hukum 
sesungguhnya, tetapi lebih pada sekumpulan prinsip dan norma yang membimbing 
umat Muslim dalam pilihan-pilihan pribadi dan sosial mereka. 

Paradoks serupa muncul di kalangan umat Muslim yang hidup di rezim-rezim 
sekuler demokratis barat. Umat Muslim beremigrasi ke Eropa dan Amerika Serikat 
yang memberikan kebebasan dari cengkeraman besi negara-negara Muslim atas 
tradisi Islam. Kebebasan ini dapat mengambil beragam bentuk dan memberikan dua 
hasil yang mengejutkan. 

Pertama, kebanyakan umat Muslim yang tinggal di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat 
mengetahui dan menghargai sifat demokratis dan sekuler dari negara-negara 
tempat mereka bermukim. Dengan pengecualian kelompok-kelompok marjinal, seperti 
al-muhajirun di Inggris, tidak ada usaha yang dilakukan dengan sungguh-sungguh 
dari umat Muslim di Barat untuk mengubah rezim politik Barat dan mendirikan 
negara Islam. Kedua, umat Muslim di Barat semakin lama semakin 
mengkonseptualisasikan dan melaksanakan syariah sebagai tuntutan moralitas 

Namun ini tidak berarti bahwa semua ketegangan telah lenyap. Berbagai wilayah 
konflik yang terus berlangsung antara penafsiran syariah dan norma-norma sosial 
demokrasi-demokrasi sekuler termasuk keluarga, kedudukan perempuan dalam 
perkawinan dan perceraian, dan pendidikan anak-anak. Pengadilan perdata 
sekarang ini merupakan kebijakan paling penting sebagai pijakan umat Muslim 
menuntut pengakuan atas kekhususan ke-Muslim-an mereka yang tidak 
diperhatikan dalam hukum perdata yang dominan di Barat.

Gerakan ganda yang berupa kesetiaan kepada negara demokratis dan sekuler, dan 
secara bersamaan mempertahankan pentingnya agama pada tingkat pribadi 
dicerminkan dalam jajak pendapat terakhir Gallup di kalangan umat Muslim di 
Paris, London, dan Berlin. Mayoritas Muslim yang 

[wanita-muslimah] Prinsip-prinsip Islam vs Negara Islam di Indonesia

2010-03-28 Terurut Topik sunny

Prinsip-prinsip Islam vs Negara Islam di Indonesia 
Jumat, 19 Maret 2010 | 11:17 WIB 
Oleh: Blake Respini 
Dosen Jurusan Ilmu Politik San Fransisco State University.

Satu komponen penting dalam masa depan demokrasi Indonesia adalah pengakuan 
akan peran khusus Islam dalam negara. Karena banyak Muslim di Indonesia yang 
ingin agar pemerintah mereka menghormati tradisi-tradisi Islam meski mereka tak 
mendukung pendirian negara Islam, batas antara dukungan dan penolakan terhadap 
hukum Islam kemudian menjadi sumir. 

Banyak orang Indonesia, termasuk mereka yang hanya Muslim nominal, menganut 
nilai-nilai konservatif dan mendukung hukum-hukum moral yang kaku tanpa 
mengasosiasikannya sebagai bagian dari ajaran agama atau syariah. Sehingga, 
mudah sekali keliru untuk mengasosiasikan dukungan yang demikian ini sebagai 
dukungan terhadap Islam politik, padahal dukungan tersebut hanyalah refleksi 
murni nilai-nilai konservatif. 

Pada saat yang sama, banyak Muslim di Indonesia yang menolak norma dan tatanan 
sosial yang umumnya diasosiasikan dengan demokrasi di Barat, termasuk model 
pluralisme dan sekularismenya. Tetapi bukan berarti mereka adalah pendukung 
teokrasi atau anti demokrasi. 

Debat politik yang terjadi saat ini memang sering dikerangkai sebagai 
pertarungan antara Islamis melawan non-Islamis. Padahal perbedaan di antara 
kelompok yang berdebat sebetulnya lebih rumit dari itu, dan negosiasi 
demokratis akan mengharuskan semua kelompok memahami kerumitan ini untuk bisa 
menemukan titik temu. 

Dalam hal ini komentar Dr. Ahmad Shboul, ketua Jurusan Studi Islam dan Arab di 
University of Sydney mengingatkan kita bahwa memisahkan agama dari politik 
tidak sama dengan memisahkannya dari masyarakat pada umumnya, dan bahkan 
pemerintah yang paling sekuler di dunia Barat pun tidak pernah mencoba 

Shboul menyatakan bahwa upaya AS menyekulerkan politik Arab mungkin akan 
berakhir dengan reaksi balik yang justru akan mendorong tumbuhnya Islam 
politik. Orang Barat seharusnya sadar bahwa tidak ada bentuk masyarakat 
demokratis yang tunggal. 

Kita pun pada akhirnya harus menyadari bahwa bahkan di Barat sekalipun definisi 
demokrasi beragam dan selalu berubah. 

Seperti dinyatakan oleh Robert W. Hefner, Profesor Antropologi dan Direktur 
Institut Budaya, Agama dan Hubungan Internasional (CURA) di Boston University, 
keluarga pernah dianggap sebagai basis utama budaya Barat, tetapi sekarang 
kebebasan individu seringkali didahulukan di atas kesatuan keluarga. Bahkan 
pengertian istilah keluarga bagi orang Amerika pun beragam, termasuk dua 
orang yang tinggal bersama (meski tidak menikah), pasangan sesama jenis 
tercatat, dan pernikahan gay.

Meski ada konsensus mengenai nilai-nilai penting dalam masyarakat kita, selalu 
ada saja ketegangan dalam masyarakat Barat terkait pentingnya keseimbangan 
antara hak-hak individu dan kebutuhan akan adanya komunitas, kesetaraan dan 
kebebasan, bahkan tentang peran yang pantas bagi agama dan moral dalam politik. 
Seperti beragamnya pengertian masyarakat Barat yang demokratis tentang hal-hal 
di atas, negara-negara Muslim yang demokratis pun pasti akan memiliki model 
pluralisme mereka sendiri.

Debat mengenai peraturan-peraturan berbasis syariah merefleksikan adanya 
kepentingan di kalangan rakyat Indonesia untuk mencari masalah terpenting yang 
akan mempengaruhi bentuk demokrasi negaranya. Debat yang muncul bukan mengenai 
baik atau buruknya syariah, melainkan apa makna yang layak untuk syariah dan 
hubungannya dengan negara, dan juga hubungannya dengan ideologi nasional 
Pancasila, yang merupakan perwujudan pluralisme Indonesia yang dipengaruhi oleh 
pemikiran-pemikiran Islam, Hindu, Budha dan Barat. 

Pada akhirnya, perdebatan ini merefleksikan adanya pertanyaan besar mengenai 
apa makna bangsa Indonesia itu sendiri dan apa makna menjadi orang Indonesia. 
Kita semua memiliki beragam identitas. Kita bisa mendefiniskan diri sebagai 
mahasiswa, sarjana, suami, istri, atlit atau musisi dari berbagai penggambaran 
yang membentuk identitas kita secara keseluruhan. Tetapi, agar berhasil sebagai 
sebuah bangsa, penting artinya bagi warganegara untuk mempunyaisebuah citra 
utama diri yang juga merupakan identitas nasionalnya. 

Tapi tentu saja tak cukup hanya menjadi seorang Amerika, Jerman, Indonesia, 
atau orang Turki. Sebuah bangsa hanya bisa berfungsi sebagai bangsa jika 
identitasnya merepresentasikan adanya nilai yang diyakini bersama dan adanya 
rasa kekeluargaan yang sama. 

Kebanyakan, sebuah bangsa terbentuk melalui sejarah panjang karena adanya 
sejarah bersama. Di kebanyakan negara Eropa Barat, sejarah bersama itu diikat 
oleh adanya bahasa, agama dan norma kultural yang sama. Karenanya, meskipun 
mayoritas orang Italia dan Perancis adalah orang Katolik, kesadaran mereka yang 
semakin tinggi akan adanya perbedaan pada akhirnya 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Umat Islam Fundamentalsi Inggeris Memanfatkan Sistem demokrasi.

2010-03-27 Terurut Topik sunny

Saya kurang yakin bahwa SBY inkar agama, sebab kalau kita lihat SBY berpidato, 
selalu dimulai dengan kata. Bismilah etc..Hal ini bukan saja di Indonesia, 
tetapi juga  di luarnegeri, seperti beberapa waktu lalu di depan parlemen 
Australia di Canberra. Selain itu waktu kunjungan ke Timur tengah SBY 
dianjurkan oleh para ulama disana supaya memimpin umat Islam sedunia. Anjuran 
ini pernah dilulis dalam Arab News dari Arab Saudia.

  - Original Message - 
  From: abdul 
  Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 1:50 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Umat Islam Fundamentalsi Inggeris Memanfatkan 
Sistem demokrasi.

  Yusuf Arifin | 2010-03-20, 12:16 

  Mungkin tidak banyak yang tahu di Indonesia bahwa seorang aktivis Islam 
Inggris yang kontroversial telah berkunjung ke Indonesia. Anjem Choudari 
namanya. Ia datang ke Indonesia, berdasar beberapa laporan yang saya baca, 
diantaranya untuk mempromosikan buku dari tokoh kontroversial Inggris lainnya, 
Omar Bakri Mohammed dan mempromosikan pandangan-pandangan politiknya. 
Disebutkan dalam sebuah pertemuan dengan sebuah kalangan Islam ia menyebut 
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono orang yang ingkar agama karena tidak 
memberlakukan hukum Islam sementara pada saat yang bersamaan menangkapi mereka 
yang melakukan pemboman di Indonesia. 

  Tokoh yang lahir dan besar di Inggris dari keturunan Pakistan ini memang 
terang-terangan mendukung Osama bin Laden, terlibat dan juga membentuk 
organisasi yang konon mempunyai kaitan dengan tindak teror - walau kini sudah 
dinyatakan terlarang-- dan menginginkan pemberlakuan hukum syariat di Inggris. 

  Ia juga tidak mempercayai sebuah pemerintahan nasionalis semacam yang ada di 
dunia saat ini. Ia mengutuk semua pemerintahan yang ada di Barat termasuk 
Inggris yang ia sebut menindas dan jahiliah. Yang ia cita-citakan adalah 
pembentukan sebuah kekhalifahan berdasar agama.

  Ia menuduh organisasi ataupun ummat Islam di Inggris yang tidak setuju dengan 
pandangan-pandangannya sebagai kalangan yang sudah terbeli oleh pemerintah 
Inggris. Keberadaan dan kehidupan mereka dibiayai oleh uang negara. Walau pada 
saat yang bersamaan ia juga tidak bersih dari tuduhan, karena ia tidak bekerja 
dan menerima tunjangan pengangguran hingga 25 ribu Poundsterling per tahunnya 
dari negara.

  Sikap pemerintah Inggris

  Saya tidak hendak membela ataupun menentang pandangan politik tokoh 
kontroversial ini. Saya hanya heran, kagum, sekaligus bingung dengan bagaimana 
pemerintah Inggris ini menyikapi pandangan yang jelas bertolak belakang dengan 
kebijakan mereka. Atau lebih prinsipil lagi, bertentangan dengan weltanschauung 
negara ini.

  Kecuali pelarangan terhadap organisasinya, tidak ada yang kemudian membatasi 
kegiatan Anjem Choudari ini. Apalagi sampai menahannya atau mengajukannya ke 
pengadilan karena dianggap meresahkan kehidupan kenegaraan. Ia bebas berbicara 
dimana saja tentang pandangan-pandangan kontroversialnya. Bahkan semakin laris 
diundang berdebat di televisi dan radio. Koran dan majalah sibuk mewawancarinya.

  Bagi saya inilah buah dari sikap demokratis dan penjunjungan kebebasan 
berpendapat dan berbicara yang ekstrim. Atau mungkin pemerintah Inggris 
menganggap sekadar berbicara tidak akan membuat resah masyarakat, selama pada 
saat bersamaan ada perimbangan yang kontra. Justru dengan ia semakin ia banyak 
bicara di muka umum, kalaulah ada kekurangan dalam pendapatnya, maka akan 
semakin terbuka. Toh masyarakat yang dewasa bisa menilainya sendiri, bisa 
memilah mana yang masuk akal maupun mana yang tidak.

  Saya hanya kadang berpikir, kalau posisinya dibalik, orang-orang semacam 
Anjem Choudari ini yang berkuasa, bisakah ia bersikap sebagaimana pemerintah 
Inggris memperlakukannya? 


  Lain dgn negara2 Islam seperti Saudi dan Iran,dimana anak2 haram melawan 
orang tua sudah menjadi budhaya, begitu pula rakyat haram menentang pemerintah 
dgn pendapat2 yg berbeda artinya tidak ada kemerdekaan berbicara apalagi 

  Golongan2 Islam Fundamentalis Extrimis mengambil manfaat sistem demokrasi 
Barat dimana mereka dgn bebas berdakwah menentang dan memburuk burukan agama 
nasrani dan pemerintah.

  Asalakan mereka tdk berbuat kriminal, dan terbatas dgn idiologi,silakan 
saja.yang reportnya kalau ada pemuda2 yang kurang dewasa berpikir dia dgn mudah 
melakukan perbuatan kriminal atas nama agama.Ini yang harus diperhatikan dan 
mata matai.

  Di Amerika juga ada beberapa orang yang terangan2 menetang Amerika dan 
menyokong Osma Bin laden...pemerintah Amerika tdk dapat berbuat apa apa kalau 
mereka tdk berbuat perbuatan kriminal

  Semoga di Indonesia yg bersistem demokrasi dapat pula dilaksanakan.
  Tidak ada penindasan karena berbeda pendapat atau agama.



[wanita-muslimah] Intermarriage worries Gulf states

2010-03-27 Terurut Topik sunny
Saturday, March 27, 2010 
17:35 Mecca time, 14:35 GMT 

Bila Anda mau melihat video footage cerita tentang perkawinan antar keluarga 
dekat, click pada situs dibawah ini :

Intermarriage worries Gulf states 

Marriage between relatives is seen as distasteful within some cultures, but it 
has been a common feature in many others for thousands of years.

However, growing evidence has shown that children born to parents from the same 
extended family face a higher risk of developing a range of health problems.

Research from 2008 shows that marriage between cousins in the US, Europe, 
Russia and Australia is less than one per cent.

In countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, more 
than half of the population marry a spouse who is considered a relative.

Some of these countries and a number of African and Asian countries have the 
world's highest rates of birth defects - up to 69 cases in every thousand 

Some experts say the real figure is much higher. Like its Gulf neighbours, 
Qatar has now made pre-marital medical tests mandatory.

Khalid bin Jabor al-Thani, the chairman of Qatar's cancer society and former 
deputy director of its national health authority, told Al Jazeera that 
inter-family marriages are tolerated because they are the product of tribal 

The tolerance comes from people who used to live in very remote areas and 
tribes would always want to keep their blood within the family and not go 
outside, he said.

In Islamic religion it is always advisable to go outside the family. But since 
this has [been happening] for such a long time ago, and has been carried 
forward, it [is] one of the issues that people overlook.

Al Jazeera's Charles Stratford reports from Doha.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Indonesia porn law under fire

2010-03-27 Terurut Topik sunny
Thursday, March 25, 2010 
12:29 Mecca time, 09:29 GMT

Bila Anda mau lihat video footage tentang cerita undang-undang anti porno, 
click  pada situs ini :


Indonesia porn law under fire 

Indonesia's constitutional court is set to decide whether to finalise a 
controversial anti-pornography law, or ask parliament to review it.

The law has been criticised by many traditional Indonesian artists, who say it 
could threaten their artistic freedom.

Al Jazeera's Step Vaessen reports from West Java.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] FPI Razia Tempat Mesum

2010-03-27 Terurut Topik sunny

FPI Razia Tempat Mesum

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010 03:30 WIB | Peristiwa | Hukum/Kriminal | 
Samarinda (ANTARA News) - Massa Front Pembela Islam (FPI) di Samarinda, 
Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim), Sabtu malam merazia dua lokasi yang kerap dijadikan 
tempat mesum.

Dilaporkan, dengan menggunakan puluhan kendaraan roda dua (motor), massa FPI 
yang berjumlah sekitar 200 orang bergerak dari markas mereka di Jalan Gerilya 
menuju ke Jalan Sentosa Gang Kenangan. 

Di tempat ini, massa FPI langsung mendatangi sebuah rumah.

Kami menerima informasi dari warga yang menyebut bahwa rumah itu sering 
dijadikan tempat mesum, ungkap Wakil Ketua FPI Samarinda, Ahmad Rasyid.

Massa FPI kemudian meminta pemilik rumah menandatangi surat pernyataan untuk 
tidak menjadikan rumahnya sebagai tempat mesum.

Setelah mendapat keluhan warga, kami sempat memantau dan ternyata, rumah itu 
kerap digunakan sebagai tempat mesum, katanya.

Kami meminta dia menandatangani surat pernyataan agar tidak menjadikan 
rumahnya sebagai tempat mesum lagi. Ini peringatan terakhir dan jika ternyata 
pemiliknya tidak mengindahkannya, kami (FPI) akan datang dan membongkar rumah 
itu, ujar Ahmad Rasyid.

Di bawah pengawalan satu truk Dalmas (pengendali massa) Satuan Samapta Poltabes 
Samarinda, massa FPI melanjutan razia di sebuah kompleks lokalisasi Pekerja 
Seks Komersil (PSK) di Jalan Sentosa Gang Nikmat. 

Namun, tidak terlihat adanya aktivitas di kompleks lokalisasi itu saat massa 
FPI tiba.

Padahal, puluhan wisma di tempat itu setiap malam dipadati PSK dan pria hidung 
belang. Jadi, kami menduga ada yang membocorkan razia kami, kata Wakil Ketua 
FPI Samarinda itu.

FPI Samarinda lanjut Ahmad Rasyid akan terus menggelar razia di beberapa lokasi 
yang diduga kerap dijadikan tempat mesum.

Kami akan terus memantau beberapa rumah dan hotel yang diduga dijadikan 
sebagai tempat mesum, katanya 

Bahkan, kami tengah mengawasi sebuah hotel yang membuka praktik prostitusi 
pada siang hari yakni mulai pukul 09. 00 Wita hingga 17.00 wita. Namun, kami 
belum bisa menyebut nama hotel itu sebab masih terus kami pantau sebelum 
melakukan razia, ungkap Wakil Ketua FPI Samarinda tersebut.(A053/Z002)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] NU Serukan Khitan bagi Perempuan

2010-03-26 Terurut Topik sunny  erita/1269605160/nu-serukan-khitan-bagi-perempuan

NU Serukan Khitan bagi Perempuan

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010 19:06 WIB | Peristiwa | Pendidikan/Agama | 
Makassar (ANTARA News) - Komisi Maudluliyyah yang membahas masalah-masalah 
tematik menyerukan khitan (sunat) bagi perempuan, karena didukung sejumlah 
dalil yang menguatkan bahwa khitan tersebut hukumnya dapat menjadi sunnah atau 

Khitan mar`ah (perempuan) ini, dianjurkan dalam ajaran Islam, sehingga 
hukumnya bisa jadi sunnah bisa jadi wajib karena didukung hukum yang kuat, 
kata tim Komisi Maudluiyyah Dr M Masyuri Naim disela-sela Muktamar ke-32 
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) di Asrama Haji Sudiang, Makassar, Jumat.

Menurut Rois Syuriah PBNU ini, masalah khitan perempuan di kalangan masyarakat 
masih diperdebatkan, bahkan karena sejumlah kasus akhirnya khitan perempuan itu 
dilarang. Seperti halnya kasus yang terjadi di Sudan dan di Bandung, Jawa Barat.

Dia mengatakan, persoalan kasuisstik itu hendaklah tidak melemahkan subtansinya 
atau hukum yang harusnya ditaati oleh penganut Agama Islam. Apabila ada kasus 
seperti itu, hendaklah tidak langsung diberlakukan secara general (umum).

Ibarat seorang dokter melakukan kesalahan pada saat melakukan khitan, kemudian 
seluruh tempat praktek dokter ditutup, katanya. 

Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, lanjutnya, khitan perempuan ini perlu 
disosialisasikan agar akar rumput mengetahui secara jelas. 

Mengenai adanya larangan khitan perempuan dari Departemen Kesehatan karena 
dianggap dapat menimbulkan seseorang menjadi frigid, apabila aturan dan anjuran 
Rasulullah SAW, hal itu tidak akan terjadi, karena ada kriteria-kriteria 
tertentu yang harus ditaati misalnya tidak boleh terlalu banyak memotong bagian 
ujung alat vital perempuan, tapi hanya mengikis semacam kulit arinya saja.

Hari ketujuh pada saat kelahiran sangat dianjurkan, karena hal itu tidak akan 
mempengaruhi kesehatan atau menimbulkan pendarahan sepanjang mengikuti aturan 
yang ditetapkan, katanya. 

Lebih jauh dia mengatakan, komisinya selain membahas masalah khitan perempuan, 
juga membahas tentang bid`ah (hal baru dalam agama). Sebagai gambaran, 
seseorang yang menggunakan celana panjang dan tidak memotongnya diatas mata 
kaki, langsung dicap sebagai kafir. 

NU tidak akan melakukan hal itu, karena disadari kami hanya legislator, bukan 
eksekutor. Namun selaku legislator, kami akan senantiasa memberikan petunjuk 
atau Juklak kepada pihak eksekutor jika ada hal-hal yang menyimpang dari ajaran 
Agama Islam, katanya.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Massa FUI Bubar Terkait Pembatalan Kongres Lesbi dan Gay

2010-03-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Massa FUI Bubar Terkait Pembatalan Kongres Lesbi dan Gay

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010 19:36 WIB | Peristiwa | Hukum/Kriminal | 
Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Massa Forum Umat Islam (FUI) Jawa Timur mulai 
meninggalkan Hotel Oval di Jalan Diponegoro Surabaya setelah pihak panitia 
konferensi Gay dan Lesbi tingkat Asia menyepakati untuk meninggalkan kota 
Surabaya mulai Jumat malam (26/3).

Sebelumnya massa FUI Jatim yang terdiri dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) 
Jatim, Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Al Irsyad dan ormas Islam lainnya sempat 
mengepung tempat diselenggarakannya konferensi tersebut.

Kordinator FUI Jatim, Farukat Jaswadi, mengatakan kesepakatan antara kedua 
belah pihak sudah dilakukan sehingga massa FUI Jatim harus meninggalkan hotel 

Namun, masih ada beberapa perwakilan tujuh elemen yang tergabung dalam FUI 
yang menunggu sampai semua peserta konferensi gay meninggalkan hotel, katanya.

Menurut dia, sesuai kesepakatan antara pihak penyelenggaran dengan FUI Jatim, 
peserta lokal atau dari Indonesia harus pulang malam ini juga. Sedangkan untuk 
peserta dari luar negeri masih diberi toleransi untuk mengurus tiket pesawat 
dan lainnya.

Kesepakatan tersebut disaksikan langsung oleh Kapolresta Surabaya Selatan AKBP 
Bahagia Dachi beserta jajarannya. 

Sebelumnya, ratusan aktivis FUI Jawa Timur menyerbu Hotel Oval sekitar pukul 
15.30 WIB. Bahkan sempat terjadi keributan selama dua kali antara peserta 
konferensi dengan anggota FUI.

Farukat Jaswadi, mengaku pihaknya merasa ditipu oleh panitia konferensi, karena 
sebelumnya panitia mengatakan konferensi yang seharusnya dilakukan di Hotel 
Mercure Jalan Ahmad Yani digagalkan, namun ternyata tetap dilaksanakan di Hotel 

Kami ditipu mereka. Untuk itu, kami meminta agar mereka segera membubarkan 
diri, katanya.

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[wanita-muslimah] Misunderstanding the theory of evolution

2010-03-25 Terurut Topik sunny

Misunderstanding the theory of evolution
Dyna Rochmyaningsih ,  Jakarta   |  Thu, 03/25/2010 9:33 AM  |  Opinion 

One year after its bicentennial celebration, there are still many people who 
regard the theory of evolution as propaganda to spread anti-religious thought.

I suspect that it is due to the misperception of the theory in the mind of 
common people. Most of them perceive the theory of evolution only as the 
gradual change from monkey to human which is insulting to their faith. 

They grasp the theory only on a superficial level without understanding the 
mechanism of the theory itself. 

Given the comment made by Prof. Boedi Hartono from the University of Indonesia 
in The Jakarta Post this month, commenting on an article by Michael Casey, he 
said that the finding of Homo floresiensis as a new species did not challenge 
the theory of evolution. 

I agree with him since the concept of the Hobbit as a new species is an 
interpretation that may only affect the theory of human evolution. It has 
nothing to do with the evolution of cats, dogs, or orchids. 
But what has happened in the mind of many people is that the theory of 
evolution is only applied to humans. So the article by Michael Casey is enough 
for them to deny the controversial theory. Of course this is a shallow view.

The theory of evolution itself is the explanation of how the diversity of all 
living things on earth came into existence. It is a fact that there are other 
kinds of organisms besides human on this earth such as cats, trees, dogs etc. 

But how did those diverse organisms come into existence? We can accept the 
explanation of how a volcanic rock can exist in this world by inferring that 
the rock is the result of an eruption of a mountain hundreds of years ago. 

So why can't we accept the explanation of how a living thing comes into 

Every living thing is the product of their progenitor. For instance, we are the 
product of the mating of our parents. We inherit their genes in a new 
combination that shapes our physical and physiological characteristics. 

No one would say that they come into the world out of nothing; they must have 
biological parents to exist in the world. 

And so is with our cats, dogs, trees, they all originated from their parents. 
One important piece of evidence for the theory of evolution comes from this 
very fact: Every living thing has genetic material and they get it from their 

And their parents, as living things, get their genetic material from their 
grandparents, and so on and so forth until we meet the ancestors. 

But the problem is the genetic material in every organism may change in a 
random pattern called mutation. Since the genes are the blueprint of an 
organism, mutation often affects the physical and physiological characteristic 
of an organism. 

If the change is good and suitable for the environment, the mutant organism may 
survive and pass the mutant gene to their children, which will finally replace 
the dominancy of the normal one. 

The mutant individuals may become a new species. Thus, we can infer that the 
new species is the descendant of the previous species. I think it is reasonable 
for us to accept this explanation.

The same mechanism can be applied in all organisms which procreate through 
sexual reproduction. 

Their existence can be explained by the changing of genetic material of their 
ancestors, correlated with its suitability with the environment. But, of 
course, as a scientific theory, this mechanism is not the ultimate truth of 

Recently, scientists have found another way for an organism to acquire new 
genes: horizontal genetic transfer (HGT). Unlike normal genetic inheritance, 
which is passed from parents to the offspring, HGT is the mechanism where the 
genetic material can be transferred from one individual to the other without 
producing offspring. 

This finding means that the genomic pattern in one organism may not be used to 
determine its ancestors. The theory of evolution is confounded here. 

This confounder makes me think that we should not consider the theory of 
evolution as a threat to our faith. 

It is a scientific theory that can be either confounded or corroborated. We 
should not place it as something that is equal to the ultimate truth in which 
we may believe.  

The author is a science writer.

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Kyai Cabuli Santri di Bawah Umur

2010-03-25 Terurut Topik sunny
Saya kira keadaan oknom tsb memang begitu, kalau tak salah disebut nifomania. 
Syarafnya sudah membuat  diri seperti mesin listrik  kerja 24 jam. Agaknya bisa 
dibatasi hasratnya kalau diterapi.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ari Condro 
  Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:25 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Kyai Cabuli Santri di Bawah Umur

  ini kyai cabul ternyata mantan wartawan dan juga anggota dewan kesenian
  surabaya ...hh ... kok bisa yah bejat begitu ..


  *Surabaya* - Nafsu pendiri Ponpes Nurul Hidayah M. Shodiqin alias Imbar
  Mulyono (60) terhadap wanita sepertinya tidak ada habisnya. Padahal pria
  asli Purworejo itu sebelumnya sudah memiliki 4 istri.

  3 Istrinya sudah cerai. Sekarang pak kyai hidup dengan istrinya yang
  keempat, ujar salah satu pengurus Ponpes Nurul Hidayah, Sulistyowati,
  kepada wartawan di Ponpes Nurul Hidayah, Jalan Gadel Timur I/9A, Rabu

  Sulistyowati menjelaskan istri pertama Imbar yakni Tina asal Jakarta. Dari
  Tina Imbar memperoleh 1 anak. Istri kedua yakni Nur asal Situbondo yang
  memberinya 2 anak. Istri ketiga yakni Nanik asal Gresik yang memberinya 2
  anak. Dan istri terakhir adalah Nurul Hariyati (27), yang baru saja
  memberinya seorang anak berusia 4 bulan.

  Pak kyai sekarang tinggal dengan istrinya yang terakhir di rumahnya di
  Jalan Balongsari Praja, tambah Sulistyowati.

  Sementara menurut keterangan Misdi, teman yang kebetulan tempat kerjanya
  bersebelahan dengan rumah Imbar, mengaku bahwa istri sekarang bernama Nurul
  dulunya adalah teman anak Imbar yang pertama. Nurul dinikahi karena sudah
  dihamili duluan oleh Imbar.

  Dulu Nurul sering main ke rumah Imbar. Akhirnya Nurul terbujuk dan
  hamil-lah dia yang akhirnya dinikahi Imbar, ujar Misdi.

  Misdi sendiri tidak mengetahui ilmu apa yang digunakan Imbar untuk
  mengelabui santrinya. Namun Misdi pernah mendengar jika Imbar sering berkata
  kepada santrinya bahwa jika ingin menyerap ilmunya, maka keringat mereka pun
  juga harus bersatu.

  Misdi mengaku bahwa semasa muda, dirinya dan Imbar sudah saling kenal. Imbar
  bertempat tinggal di Simo Sidomulyo, sedangkan dirinya tinggal di Petemon

  Dia (Imbar) menggeluti gitar (musik) kalau saya tinju, tambah Misdi.

  Imbar sendiri merupakan anggota Dewan Kesenian Surabaya (DKS) dan pernah
  menjadi wartawan tabloid mingguan Kontroversi. Sebelum bertempat tinggal di
  Surabaya, kata Misdi, Imbar sempat menetap lama di Jakarta. Mudanya dulu
  Imbar memang nakal, tandas Misdi.


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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Kyai Cabuli Santri di Bawah Umur

2010-03-25 Terurut Topik sunny
Agaknya  orangnya nymphomanic seperti ada jesnis monyet  Bonobo.

- Original Message - 
From: Ari Condro
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Kyai Cabuli Santri di Bawah Umur

nymphomaniac maksudnya ?  kirain si oom wartawan itu masih sebatas hyper aja
sih, wehehehe 


2010/3/25 sunny

 Saya kira keadaan oknom tsb memang begitu, kalau tak salah disebut
 nifomania. Syarafnya sudah membuat diri seperti mesin listrik kerja 24
 jam. Agaknya bisa dibatasi hasratnya kalau diterapi.

 - Original Message -
 From: Ari Condro
 Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Kyai Cabuli Santri di Bawah Umur

 ini kyai cabul ternyata mantan wartawan dan juga anggota dewan kesenian
 surabaya ...hh ... kok bisa yah bejat begitu ..


 *Surabaya* - Nafsu pendiri Ponpes Nurul Hidayah M. Shodiqin alias Imbar
 Mulyono (60) terhadap wanita sepertinya tidak ada habisnya. Padahal pria
 asli Purworejo itu sebelumnya sudah memiliki 4 istri.

 3 Istrinya sudah cerai. Sekarang pak kyai hidup dengan istrinya yang
 keempat, ujar salah satu pengurus Ponpes Nurul Hidayah, Sulistyowati,
 kepada wartawan di Ponpes Nurul Hidayah, Jalan Gadel Timur I/9A, Rabu

 Sulistyowati menjelaskan istri pertama Imbar yakni Tina asal Jakarta. Dari
 Tina Imbar memperoleh 1 anak. Istri kedua yakni Nur asal Situbondo yang
 memberinya 2 anak. Istri ketiga yakni Nanik asal Gresik yang memberinya 2
 anak. Dan istri terakhir adalah Nurul Hariyati (27), yang baru saja
 memberinya seorang anak berusia 4 bulan.

 Pak kyai sekarang tinggal dengan istrinya yang terakhir di rumahnya di
 Jalan Balongsari Praja, tambah Sulistyowati.

 Sementara menurut keterangan Misdi, teman yang kebetulan tempat kerjanya
 bersebelahan dengan rumah Imbar, mengaku bahwa istri sekarang bernama 
 dulunya adalah teman anak Imbar yang pertama. Nurul dinikahi karena sudah
 dihamili duluan oleh Imbar.

 Dulu Nurul sering main ke rumah Imbar. Akhirnya Nurul terbujuk dan
 hamil-lah dia yang akhirnya dinikahi Imbar, ujar Misdi.

 Misdi sendiri tidak mengetahui ilmu apa yang digunakan Imbar untuk
 mengelabui santrinya. Namun Misdi pernah mendengar jika Imbar sering
 kepada santrinya bahwa jika ingin menyerap ilmunya, maka keringat mereka
 juga harus bersatu.

 Misdi mengaku bahwa semasa muda, dirinya dan Imbar sudah saling kenal.
 bertempat tinggal di Simo Sidomulyo, sedangkan dirinya tinggal di Petemon

 Dia (Imbar) menggeluti gitar (musik) kalau saya tinju, tambah Misdi.

 Imbar sendiri merupakan anggota Dewan Kesenian Surabaya (DKS) dan pernah
 menjadi wartawan tabloid mingguan Kontroversi. Sebelum bertempat tinggal 
 Surabaya, kata Misdi, Imbar sempat menetap lama di Jakarta. Mudanya dulu
 Imbar memang nakal, tandas Misdi.


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Milis Wanita Muslimah
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[wanita-muslimah] Mega: Makan Tak Harus Nasi

2010-03-25 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Mudah bagi yang elit mengatakan Makan tak harus nasi, tetapi kalau 
tidak punya uang untuk membeli yang bukan nasi atau makanan bergizi, terkecuali 
makan rumput atau makan angin! Beginilah pengenalan masyarakat oleh petinggi 
wong cilik ataukah sebenarnya adalah wong licik?

Mega: Makan Tak Harus Nasi
Laporan wartawan Caroline Damanik
Kamis, 25 Maret 2010 | 16:01 WIB

Megawati Soekarnoputri 
BOGOR, - Ketua Umum PDI Perjuangan Megawati Soekarnoputri mengaku 
sering dicemooh ketika partainya sebagai sebuah institusi politik banyak 
mengurusi persoalan sosial kemasyarakatan. Padahal, menurutnya, ruang lingkup 
kerja sebuah organisasi di era modern, terutama parpol, tak terbatas pada 
bidang-bidang tertentu saja. 

Salah satu aspek yang menjadi perhatiannya adalah masalah ketahanan pangan. 
Setelah melakukan lawatan ke sejumlah daerah, Megawati diingatkan tentang 
ketersediaan beras di Indonesia. 

Dari hasil jalan kemarin, diingatkan kalau pola makan kita tetap seperti 
sekarang, hati-hati, akan terjadi kekurangan pangan di dunia. Tak hanya saya 
yang bilang, PBB juga begitu. Ini harus di-record, di-adopt oleh banyak 
negara, tuturnya dalam pembukaan pelatihan kader PDI-P di Cariu, Bogor, Kamis 

Oleh karena itu, menurutnya, perlu dipikirkan cara menggerakkan dan membuat 
makanan alternatif selain beras, dan mengganti perlahan budaya makan nasi. 
Indonesia kan begitu, kalau enggak nasi, enggak makan. Padahal, yang 
terpenting gizi. Kalau jagung yang baik, ya jagung saja. Di Indonesia banyak 
sekali jenis bahan makanan yang belum tersentuh, tandasnya.

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[wanita-muslimah] Indonesian Islamists Vow That Gay Conference Will Not Proceed

2010-03-25 Terurut Topik sunny

March 25, 2010 
Amir Tejo

Indonesian Islamists Vow That Gay Conference Will Not Proceed

Pressure from Islamic organizations has finally forced the organizers of the 
planned International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex 
Association (ILGA) conference in Surabaya to cancel the event. 

We have contacted the participants [and told them] that the congress is being 
cancelled, said Tan Oey, one of the organizing committee of ILGA's fourth 
Asian conference, which was to be held from today until Sunday. 

As for foreign participants who had already arrived in Indonesia, the committee 
would receive them as guests, Tan said. The organizers had said that 100 
participants from Asia were scheduled to attend the meeting. 

He said that those participants already in the country would still hold 
discussions on the topics that had been slated for debate at the congress. 

We will just talk. It is not a congress, Tan said. 

The planned congress sparked widespread opposition from Islamic groups, 
especially in Surabaya, the capital of East Java, which is a strongholds for 
conservative religious groups. 

In the latest protest against the event, the Surabaya chapter of the Indonesian 
Muslim Students' Action Front (KAMMI) and the Islamic Student Union of 
Airlangga University in Surabaya rallied in front of the governor's office. 

Surabaya is not a city of gays or lesbians. Reject the lesbian and gay 
conference in Surabaya or in any other city in Indonesia, said Agus 
Kusdiyanto, the chairman of KAMMI Surabaya. 

Agus said that homosexuality was not just a sexual disorder but a moral evil 
that must be eradicated. 

He said KAMMI asked the authorities not to grant a permit for that event in 
Surabaya or in any other cities. The group also called on the government not to 
provide space for gay and lesbian organizations in Indonesia. 

Twenty members of the hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) of East Java, as 
well as the local chapters of Hizbut Tahrir and the Al-Irsyad Association, on 
Thursday went to the Mirama Mercure Hotel on Jalan Darmo Surabaya, where the 
meeting was due to be held, to ensure that it had been cancelled. 

We guarantee that the meeting has been cancelled, said Windiarto, the general 
manager of the hotel. 

Windiarto said that the hotel management always reminded its clients to first 
seek police permission before holding events. 

He said that the downpayment for the booking of 10 rooms and the rental of the 
hotel's Grand Ballroom would be refunded by the hotel. 

Despite the assurances from the hotel and the cancellation announcement by the 
committee, the FPI said it remained concerned that the congress would be held 
somewhere else. 

We have spies. FPI has 2,000 members in East Java. We asked them to remain 
vigilant even though the event was canceled in Surabaya, said Muhammad Dhofir, 
vice chairman of FPI in East Java.

Related articles
Being Gay, Muslim and Indonesian
6:07 PM 23/09/2009

Indonesian Gay Film Festival to Feature 'Queer Life in Culture'
6:18 PM 22/07/2009

Surabaya Police Withhold Permit for Gay Conference
11:48 PM 24/03/2010

My Jakarta: Seruni, Transsexual Activist
6:53 PM 01/03/2010

Lawmaker Bids to Make Nepal Tourism Destination for Gays
5:15 PM 24/01/2010

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[wanita-muslimah] 113 terror suspects arrested in Kingdom

2010-03-25 Terurut Topik sunny

113 terror suspects arrested in Kingdom

Published: Mar 25, 2010 01:38 Updated: Mar 25, 2010 02:36 

JEDDAH: Saudi security forces have arrested 113 Al-Qaeda militants who were 
planning to carry out terrorist attacks on a number of targets inside the 
Kingdom including oil installations, the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday.

Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Mansour Al-Turki said his forces had broken up 
three cells of Al-Qaeda militants, with one cell consisting of 101 people, and 
two smaller cells made up of six men each.

The large cell comprised 47 Saudis and 51 Yemenis, as well as a Somali, a 
Bangladeshi and an Eritrean, he said.

The two smaller groups were made up of 11 Saudis and a Yemeni. He said Al-Qaeda 
planned to carry out new terrorist attacks inside the Kingdom in October, 
targeting economic facilities and security officers while Saudi military and 
security forces were busy confronting Yemeni infiltrators in the south of the 

The large cell was discovered as a result of an investigation launched after 
suspected Al-Qaeda militants - two of them dressed as women - tried to 
infiltrate the country in October with explosives. The two were killed in a 
shootout at the border and a third was arrested.

Al-Turki identified the two Saudi terrorists killed during the confrontation 
with security forces in Jazan as Yousuf Muhammad Mubarak Al-Shahri and Raed 
Abdullah Salim Al-Harbi.

The two had infiltrated the country through the Yemeni border to carry out 
terrorist operations, the spokesman said. Police then arrested seven people 
who had allegedly helped the two terrorists enter the Kingdom.

This incident shows that Al-Qaeda was using individuals inside the Kingdom to 
carry out their operations, he added.

The foreigners in the cell were said to have entered the country under the 
cover of seeking work or visiting holy sites in Makkah and Madinah.

The two small cells were operating independent of each other and were said to 
be linked to the Yemen-based Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) group, 
tasked with targeting oil installations. The ministry spokesman did not say 
where or when the arrests were made.

The two small cells were in the primary stages of preparing attacks on oil and 
security installations in the Eastern Province, he said.

Suicide bombers tried but failed to attack an oil facility at the Abqaiq oil 
complex in eastern Saudi Arabia in February 2006. The complex is the world's 
largest oil- processing facility.

Saudi officials said security forces have thwarted several plots inside the 
Kingdom, rounding up numerous suspected militants and seizing weapons caches 
and bomb-making equipment, all linked to Al-Qaeda.

Al-Turki said the ministry made the announcement in order to caution Saudis, 
residents and foreign pilgrims about the criminal plots of the deviant group. 
Apart from the support of God, the awareness of citizens about these criminal 
plans would contribute to foiling these terrorist plans, Al-Turki said, adding 
that Saudi security forces would continue to be vigilant to thwart such 

Police seized arms and ammunition, 12 hand grenades, communication devices, 
pre-paid mobile phone chips and computers as well as unspecified amounts of 
cash including foreign currency from the militants. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Does the Hope for Arab Solidarity Still Exist?

2010-03-25 Terurut Topik sunny

Does the Hope for Arab Solidarity Still Exist?

By Bilal Hassen

The Arab summit that will be held in Libya at the end of this month is still in 
a waiting mode. Will it convene or will it not convene? If it convenes, will it 
be attended by the Arab kings and heads of state? Who are likely to boycott it? 
Whose absence will set the level of this summit and its ability to do 
something? If it is attended by men of the first tier or by whoever attends it, 
will its resolutions be effective and positive? Or will its resolutions be 
nothing out of the ordinary and avoid delving into the required critical 

This picture about the summit highlights how big and numerous the Arab 
differences are. It lacks a mechanism to confront these differences and 
possibly surpass them from a mechanism of amicable greetings and friendly 
meetings to a mechanism that recognizes that the differences stem from the 
absence of a unified and strong political Arab vision that gathers around Arab 
interests and tells the others enough you have exceeded your limits and the 
matter now requires international resolutions that deal with Arab interests 
seriously. We are telling you seriously these are the Arab interests. They stem 
from Palestine and from your softhearted treatment of Israel's aggressiveness. 
Arab interests stem from Jerusalem and from the Zionist undermining of 
Jerusalem in a provocation of historic proportions that angers the 
Palestinians, the Arabs, and the Muslim world. If there is a need for a clear, 
firm, and united Arab stand on international policies that ignore Arab demands, 
there is also a need for a second Arab stand resulting from the differences 
among the Arabs themselves on regional policies. There is a clear division in 
the Arab vision on how to deal with Iran's policies, Turkey's developing 
policies, and an Arab role within the framework of these regional policies. 
Perhaps this is the hardest issue that faces the Arab summit. So far, there is 
no climate or indications or initiatives toward searching for such a role and 
dealing with it. Without Arab preparation that debates these issues prior to 
the summit and that puts forward proposals on how to deal with them, the coming 
Arab summit will be unable to accomplish anything. 

This state of affairs necessitates an Arab dialogue that is lacking. Saudi 
Arabia recently held its 25th Al-Janadiriyah Festival sponsored by King 
Abdullah Bin-Abdulaziz. The main topic of this festival was dialogue in its 
various forms of domestic dialogue, interfaith dialogue, and dialogue between 
civilizations. For this dialogue, an intellectual forum was held and attended 
by prominent Arab and international figures. The participants recalled King 
Abdullah's initiative at the Kuwait summit last year when he called on the Arab 
rulers, starting with himself, to rise above divisions and differences and to 
accomplish reconciliations that would steer Arab affairs toward solidarity and 
cohesion. Also recalling King Abdullah's initiative, a call rose within this 
Al-Janadiriyah Festival to establish an institution that would delegate itself 
to carry the king's initiative toward actual implementation. There is a need 
for reconciliations and for what is even more than reconciliations. There is a 
need for formulating a political vision that would unify the Arab vision in 
order to solve problems and form a solid foundation for the required 
reconciliations. Perhaps the Arab summit is the best occasion to debate and 
take decisions about this issue. With directives that are inevitable, the 
summit would crystallize such a vision and set the bases of Arab interests and 
how to deal with the current problems so that this aspired institution would 
succeed in performing its mission. Many people hope that this idea would be 

Hence, the problem is primarily political. It should tackle concrete issues 
most prominent of which are the following: First, there is the issue of the 
current negotiations with Israel. We are now facing insolent Israeli policies 
that deny Palestinian rights and violate international law by continuing to 
grab the Arab and Muslim heritage. In violation of international law, Israel 
continues to impose geographic changes on the ground through its settlement 
construction activities. It continues to impose demographic changes by seizing 
more land and erecting isolationist walls. Israel's brazen policy does not stop 
talking about transferring the Palestinians of 1948 in order to implement the 
slogan of the Jewishness of the State of Israel. This Israeli policy comes 
parallel to an international policy that begins in Washington and in the 
Quartet that ignores the transgressions of Israel's policies and deals with 
these transgressions with excessive kindness and sympathy. This international 
policy resorts to political deception by openly 

[wanita-muslimah] Bin Laden's family pleads for refuge

2010-03-24 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagaimana kalau NKRI menerima mereka, bukankah banyak pendukung 
Osama? Ataukah lain di bibir, lain di hati?\03\24\story_24-3-2010_pg7_13

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bin Laden's family pleads for refuge

RIYADH: Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden's son issued a plea on Tuesday for some 
country to accept members of his family seeking to leave Iran, where they have 
been held under house arrest since 2001.

After two of Omar Bin Laden's siblings were released by Tehran to Syria in the 
past three months, he and his wife Zaina issued a statement pleading for a 
refuge for their other family members still in Iran, mentioning specifically 
Qatar and the UAE.

The Iranian government has nowhere to send Omar's other siblings, they wrote.

We beg of any country to help us, either from the east or the western world. 
These are just as much innocent victims as anyone else, they said. We ask 
again for the UAE or Qatar to please help them.

The letter received by AFP named 23 people still living in the Tehran compound 
where the family has been held since fleeing overland from Afghanistan in 2001. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Dubai puts alcoholic dishes back on menu

2010-03-24 Terurut Topik sunny

Dubai puts alcoholic dishes back on menu

Published Date: March 24, 2010 

DUBAI: The Dubai municipality has retracted a decision to ban restaurants from 
using alcohol in the preparation of dishes, The National daily reported 
yesterday. The liberal Gulf emirate had announced on Sunday it would enforce a 
2003 law banning alcohol in food preparation, based on complaints from Muslim 
clients who were not warned that dishes in some restaurants contained alcohol. 
But it now appears Dubai has changed its mind.

Khaled Sharif Al-Awadhi, director of Dubai municipality's food control 
department, said food containing alcohol could be served on condition it was 
segregated from other food and clearly labelled, The National reported. We 
have found violations where hotels are not clearly stating alcohol content in 
their food, it quoted him as saying. Awadhi added that alcohol should be 
handled like other non-halal products such as pork.

The newspaper said chefs in Dubai, where restaurants in hotels with a licence 
are allowed to serve alcohol, had approached the municipality asking for a 
review of the decision, which they said threatened their industry. Islam, the 
main religion of the local population of the United Arab Emirates of which 
Dubai is a member, bans the production, sale and consumption of alcohol. - AFP 

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[wanita-muslimah] Kyai Cabuli Santri di Bawah Umur

2010-03-24 Terurut Topik sunny

Kyai Cabuli Santri di Bawah Umur
Warga Minta Ponpes Nurul Hidayah Dibubarkan
Imam Wahyudiyanta - detikSurabaya

Kamis, 25/03/2010 07:54 WIB

Surabaya - Kejadian pencabulan yang dilakukan pendiri Ponpes Nurul Hidayah, M 
Shodiqin alias Imbar Mulyono, membuat warga Gadel marah. Mereka meminta agar 
ponpes itu dibubarkan. Jika tidak, warga mengancam akan merobohkan dan membakar 
ponpes itu.

Kami juga meminta agar seluruh isi pondok hengkang dari kampung ini, ujar 
salah satu warga, Hartati, kepada wartawan di Jalan Gadel Timur I, Kamis 

Hartati, mengatakan bahwa warga merasa kesal dengan ulah Imbar. Pria asli 
Purworejo itu mengaku sebagai kyai, tetapi kelakuannya sangat bejat dengan 
mencabuli para santrinya sendiri yang masih di bawah umur. Apalagi kejadian ini 
adalah kedua kalinya yang sudah dilakukan Imbar.

Bubarkan dan robohkan pondoknya tetapi jangan mushollanya, tambah Hartati.

Sementara itu, salah satu warga lain, Adib mempunyai pemikiran lain. Sah-sah aja
memperkarakan Imbar. Tetapi nama ponpes jangan dibawa-bawa karena yang 
melakukan tindakan asusila adalah oknumnya yang kebetulan adalah pendiri ponpes.

Adib, lebih memilih mengusir Imbar tetapi ponpesnya dibiarkan saja diurus oleh 
santrinya yang sebetulnya adalah korban. Jikalau ada santri yang masih 
terdoktrin oleh pemikiran racun Imbar, sebaiknya disadarkan saja.

Kalau bisa pondoknya tidak usah dibubarkan, ujar Adib.

Rabu, 24/03/2010 17:59 WIB
Kyai Cabuli Santri di Bawah Umur
2006, Pelaku Pernah Melakukan Hal Serupa
Imam Wahyudiyanta - detikSurabaya

Foto Terkait

Kyai Diduga Cabuli Santrinya 
Surabaya - Kejadian asusila yang dilakukan pendiri Ponpes Nurul Hidayah, M 
Shodiqin alias Imbar Mulyono tak hanya terjadi kali ini saja. Pada tahun 2006, 
ponpes yang berlokasi di Jalan Gadel Timur I/9A ini pernah diserbu warga karena 
Imbar menyetubuhi santrinya.

Berbeda dengan sekarang, yang disetubuhi Imbar saat itu adalah santri yang 
sudah dewasa, ujar salah satu tokoh masyarakat, Salim, kepada wartawan di 
rumahnya, Jalan Gadel Tengah, Rabu (24/3/2010).

Meski begitu warga yang sudah emosi langsung menyerbu ponpes begitu kabar itu 
merebak. Massa juga sudah melempari komplek ponpes. Beruntung saat itu polisi 
berhasil meredam emosi warga sehingga tidak merusak dan membakar seluruh isi 
komplek ponpes. Kasus itu sendiri kemudian ditangani oleh muspika. Dan kasusnya 
akhirnya tidak berlanjut.

Saya menyayangkan kasus itu tidak sampai dilaporkan ke polisi, tambah Salim.

Sementara kabar yang beredar di masyarakat menyebutkan jika saat itu semua 
pejabat yang menangani kasus itu sudah disogok oleh Imbar. Korban sendiri yang 
diduga dalam tekanan dan akhirnya tidak jadi melaporkan perbuatan Imbar. Namun 
warga tetap mengingat memori kelam tersebut. Dan akhirnya kembali memuncak saat 
Imbar melakukan aksi kedua kalinya.

Kabarnya juga Imbar pernah mendirikan ponpes di Banyu Urip, tetapi dibakar 
warga. Tapi saya tidak tahu kenapa kok ponpes itu dibakar, tandas Salim

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[wanita-muslimah] NU dan Gerakan Islam Kontemporer

2010-03-24 Terurut Topik sunny

 Rabu, 24 Maret 2010 ] 

NU dan Gerakan Islam Kontemporer 
Oleh: Laode Ida 

PADA suatu acara diskusi di Taman Ismail Marjuki (TIM) dengan tiga tokoh yang 
berminat menjadi ketua umum Tanfidziah PB NU dalam muktamar ke-32 saat ini, Dr 
H Andi Jamaro mengisahkan seorang temannya yang memperoleh keluhan dari 
beberapa warga NU lantaran suatu masjid milik ahlussunnah waljamaah telah 
diambil oper oleh komunitas lain. Pihak yang mengeluh tersebut mencermati bahwa 
imam masjid itu bukan lagi dari kaum sarungan. 

Reaksi sahabat yang menerima ''pengaduan'' tersebut bukannya merespons dengan 
menyesalkan, melainkan justru menyatakan kesyukuran. Sebab, berdasar 
pengalamannya, jamaah yang belakangan ini mengisi setiap waktu salat di masjid 
itu hanya dia yang warga NU, selebihnya jamaah dari non-nahdlyin. 

Intinya, warga NU tidak boleh hanya mengeluh, tapi juga harus berbuat untuk 
memelihara dan mengembangkan tradisinya dengan, antara lain, secara langsung 
memanfaatkan fasilitas warisan, termasuk masjid-masjid yang kerap hanya diklaim 
sebagai milik kaum nahdlyin. 

Kisah nyata tersebut boleh jadi merupakan kecenderungan yang terjadi dewasa 
ini. Yakni, NU hanyalah ''besar dalam nama'', sedangkan basis kultural berikut 
massanya sudah memudar dan mengempes. Pada tingkat tertentu, NU bahkan boleh 
merupakan organisasi yang jadi milik para elitenya, sedangkan massa arus bawah 
sudah secara perlahan meninggalkan atau mengabaikan wadah tempat bermain para 
elitenya itu. Tepatnya, tidak mustahil kebesaran NU yang secara kuantitas kerap 
disebut sebagai organisasi massa Islam terbesar di Indonesia, bahkan di dunia, 
hanya merupakan klaim politis. 

Kalau fenomena atau kecenderungan seperti itu terjadi, kendati memprihatinkan, 
sebenarnya tidak terlalu mengherankan. Mengapa? Pertama, konsentrasi para elite 
NU dalam sejarahnya lebih menonjol pada dimensi politiknya daripada orientasi 
kultural. Massa yang organik dengan basis pesantren-pesantren di Pulau Jawa 
memang tetap eksis. Namun, keberadaannya tidak bisa dilepaskan dari upaya 
mempertahankan orientasi kekuasaan para elitenya.

NU memang pernah secara formal mengambil jarak dengan dunia politik praktris 
melalui kesepakatan dalam muktamar ke-27 di Situbondo 1984. Konsepnya, kembali 
ke garis pesan substantif pada awal pendiriannya alias kembali ke Khitah 1926. 
KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) yang terpilih sebagai ketua umum tanfidziah 
selama tiga periode (1984-1999) awalnya relatif mampu menjalankan amanah itu. 

Yakni, menjaga jarak dengan dunia politik seraya menjadikannya sebagai gerakan 
sosial untuk perubahan. Baik dalam NU maupun di tingkat negara (di mana NU 
selalu bersikap kritis terhadap kekuasaan yang otoriter). Nama NU pada era itu 
memang sangat menonjol dan disegani. Para elite NU giat melakukan pemberdayaan 
umat, termasuk menggalang kekuatan lintas komunitas dalam semangat kebangsaan.

Namun, posisi seperti itu tidak berlanjut pada era reformasi lantaran NU 
kembali masuk dalam kancah politik yang didahului dengan pendirian PKB dengan 
Gus Dur sebagai tokoh utamanya. Gerbong NU yang sebelumnya berisi para aktivis 
pelaku gerakan sosial mulai berhamburan masuk ke arena politik, baik melalui 
PKB maupun parpol lain, menikmati kekuasaan dan materi yang menyertainya.

Karena itu, sejarah pun kembali mencatat, orientasi dan fokus para elitenya 
adalah perebutan kekuasaan, bukan lagi pada pemberdayaan umat. Parahnya, 
konflik di antara para elite nahdliyin itu menjadi bagian yang lekat dalam 
tubuh NU yang berisi politisi, termasuk hingga wafatnya Gus Dur masih 
menyisakan luka konflik politik keluarga inti NU. Warga arus bawah pun, boleh 
jadi, tidak hanya mulai kehilangan para patron yang bisa menjadi acuan, 
melainkan juga bisa kehilangan simpati terhadap NU.

Kedua, gairah syiar tradisi berislam, kalau mau jujur diakui, jauh lebih gencar 
dilakukan komunitas non-NU daripada para elite ahlussunnah waljamaah. Fenomena 
tersebut bisa dicermati dalam masyarakat, termasuk di kampus-kampus dan bahkan 
sekolah menengah, sehingga gairah berislam para mahasiswa dan siswa pun turut 
meningkat. Bahkan, gerakan syiar berislam itu sekaligus membangun basis politik 
oleh jaringan parpol tertentu.

Para elite NU sebenarnya harus menyadari bahwa masyarakat Islam tidak akan 
merasakan manfaat dari sebuah organisasi Islam yang hanya mengandalkan 
kebanggaan sejarah dan atau nama besar. Nama besar NU, tepatnya, tidak lagi 
menjadi jaminan eksistensi untuk dipihaki dan terus diikuti sebagai tradisi 
yang berkelanjutan. Masyarakat kita sedang dan terus akan berubah, mencari 
model yang tepat untuk menjawab segala persoalan hidup yang dihadapi.

Gambaran tersebut memang merupakan realita objektif berdasar perkembangan 
kontemporer gerakan syiar dan termasuk politik Islam di Indonesia. Sementara 
itu, selain terjebak dalam politik praktis seperti yang sudah dijelaskan, NU 
dan gerakannya lebih 

[wanita-muslimah] Azan Subuh di Indonesia Terlalu Pagi

2010-03-24 Terurut Topik sunny

 Rabu, 24 Maret 2010 ] 

Azan Subuh di Indonesia Terlalu Pagi 
Dibahas dalam Munas Muhammadiyah 

SURABAYA - Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah bakal membahas 
kekhawatiran atas banyaknya muslim di Indonesia yang malas salat subuh dalam 
Musyawarah Nasional (Munas) XXVII di Malang, 1-4 April mendatang. Ada dugaan, 
penyebab malas salat subuh itu adalah waktu panggilan azan dianggap terlalu 
dini alias kepagian.

Ketua Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah Syamsul Anwar membeberkan, jika 
dibanding negara lain, azan subuh di Indonesia dianggap terlalu pagi. 
Parameternya, azan dimulai ketika matahari berada 20 derajat di bawah ufuk atau 
titik matahari mulai terlihat.

Dia lantas membandingkan waktu azan subuh di Maroko dan Mesir. Dua negara di 
benua Afrika yang mayoritas berwarga muslim itu menetapkan waktu subuh saat 
matahari berada di titik masing-masing 18 dan 19,5 derajat di bawah ufuk. 

Sesuai hukum Islam, menurut Syamsul, waktu subuh adalah di antara 20 derajat 
sebelum ufuk hingga 0 derajat ufuk. ''Kalau waktu subuh lebih siang, mungkin 
akan lebih banyak yang salat,'' ujarnya setelah menemui Gubernur Jatim Soekarwo 
di ruang kerja kemarin (23/3).

Dia berharap temuannya tersebut bisa dibahas sekaligus dicarikan jalan 
keluarnya dalam munas yang akan berlangsung di Universitas Muhammadiyah (Unmuh) 
Malang, 1-4 April mendatang.

Sementara itu, pro-kontra fatwa haram rokok yang dilontarkan majelis tarjih dan 
tajdid, tampaknya, bakal tidak berujung. Majelis itu urung mengusung pembahasan 
fatwa tersebut dalam munas mendatang. Padahal, Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah Din 
Syamsuddin menegaskan fatwa haram ditetapkan atau malah dibatalkan dalam forum 

Syamsul mengakui, fatwa haram menimbulkan pro-kontra di masyarakat. Meski 
meresahkan sejumlah pihak, pimpinan majelis tarjih sepakat tidak membahasnya. 
''Masih banyak masalah umat yang perlu dibicarakan daripada membahas rokok,'' 

Dia menjelaskan, setumpuk agenda penting yang akan dibahas, antara lain, nikah 
siri, prinsip agama tentang motivasi pelayanan masyarakat, fikih tata kelola, 
fikih perempuan, tuntunan seni dan budaya, hingga pedoman waktu salat subuh.

Di Muhammadiyah, putusan majelis tarjih merupakan forum tertinggi dan wajib 
ditaati warganya. Sementara itu, ada dua level di bawah putusan. Yakni, fatwa 
dan rencana yang lebih fleksibel.

Tentang rokok yang diharamkan, menurut Syamsul, majelisnya sebatas fatwa. Dia 
menilai, jika pihaknya memasukkan dalam pembahasan dan keputusan tarjih, itu 
merupakan langkah mundur. Implementasinya pun bakal makin sulit. ''Posisi fatwa 
rokok haram saat ini masuk dalam sosialisasi,'' ungkapnya.

Ketua Bidang Tarjih Yunahar Ilyas kompak. Dia menuturkan, tidak ada 
tawar-menawar keputusan munas lagi seperti fatwa. Jika fatwa haram rokok sampai 
menjadi keputusan munas, kondisinya semakin sulit bagi masyarakat. ''Tahun 
pertama kami sosialisasikan. Kalau ada respons positif, keputusan dalam munas 
bisa ditempuh,'' terang Yunahar.

Kini, pihaknya masih mengkaji masalah yang diamanatkan dalam Muktamar 
Ke-45/2005 Muhammadiyah di Malang. Dia menambahkan, kalau memang ada keputusan 
baru, fatwa tersebut bisa dibahas dalam muktamar 2010 di Jogjakarta pada 3-8 
Juli mendatang. (sep/c5/agm)

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[wanita-muslimah] Top Yemeni religious leaders oppose ban on child marriages

2010-03-23 Terurut Topik sunny

Top Yemeni religious leaders oppose ban on child marriages

Published: Mar 22, 2010 23:46 Updated: Mar 23, 2010 06:18 

SANAA: Some of Yemen's most influential Islamic leaders, including one the US 
says mentored Osama Bin Laden, have declared supporters of a ban on child 
brides to be apostates. The religious decree, issued Sunday, deeply imperils 
efforts to salvage legislation that would make it illegal for those under the 
age of 17 to marry.

The religious decree, issued Sunday, deeply imperils efforts to salvage 
legislation that would make it illegal for those under the age of 17 to marry.

The practice is widespread in Yemen and has been particularly hard to 
discourage in part because of the country's gripping poverty - bride-prices in 
the hundreds of dollars are especially difficult for poor families to pass up.

More than a quarter of Yemen's women marry before age 15, according to a report 
last year by the Social Affairs Ministry. Tribal custom also plays a role, 
including the belief that a young bride can be shaped into an obedient wife, 
bear more children and be kept away from temptation.

A February 2009 law set the minimum age for marriage at 17, but it was repealed 
and sent back to parliament's constitutional committee for review after some 
lawmakers called it un-Islamic. The committee is expected to make a final 
decision on the legislation next month.

Some of the clerics who signed Sunday's decree sit on the committee.

The group behind the declaration also includes Yemen's most influential cleric, 
Sheikh Abdul-Majid Al-Zindani, whom the United States has branded a spiritual 
mentor of Bin Laden. Al-Zindani denies being a member of Al-Qaeda.

The religious leaders organized a protest against the legislation on Sunday by 
a group of women. The women carried signs that read Yes to the Islamic rights 
of Women.

I was married at 15 and have many children now, said one of the women, Umm 
Abdul-Rahman. And I will marry my daughter at the same age if I decide she is 
ready for it.

The issue of Yemen's child brides vaulted into the headlines three years ago 
when an 8-year-old girl boldly went by herself to a courtroom and demanded a 
judge dissolve her marriage to a man in his 30s. She eventually won a divorce, 
and legislators began looking at ways to curb the practice.

In September, a 12-year-old Yemeni child-bride died after struggling for three 
days in labor to give birth, a local human rights organization said.

A rights group pushing for a ban planned a protest for Tuesday.

The government has two options: To give girls in Yemen a chance at life or to 
condemn them to a death sentence, said Amal Basha, chairwoman of the group, 
Sisters Arab Forum in Yemen.

Yemen once set 15 as the minimum age for marriage, but parliament annulled that 
law in the 1990s, saying parents should decide when a daughter marries.

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[wanita-muslimah] Women should be partners in shaping future

2010-03-23 Terurut Topik sunny

Women should be partners in shaping future

Published: Mar 23, 2010 00:09 Updated: Mar 23, 2010 00:09 

But society denies them education thinking they are only meant to take care of 
husbands and kids

JEDDAH: In spite of educational reforms and improvements in the role of women 
in Saudi society, many old-fashioned families continue to feel women are only 
suited to become wives and mothers.

History was made last year with the appointment, by royal decree, of a Saudi 
woman, Nora Al-Fayez, as deputy education minister for girls' affairs.

Despite women being recognized in the field of education, some families still 
feel their womenfolk should only busy themselves with household chores and 
raising children.

Sanaa Hamad, 26, was forced to drop out of university in Jeddah by her brother 
during her final exams. I suffered immense psychological pain after he killed 
off my dreams of getting a degree, she said.

Hamad's parents encouraged her to go to university. She had exhibited herself 
as a bright student at high school and so selected biochemistry as her major. 
Some of her relatives, however, disapproved of this and tried convincing her 
father not to allow her to continue with her education, saying it was 
unbefitting for a young woman.

My father supported me and ignored our relatives. Then my brother suddenly 
decided I shouldn't continue with my education and that I should marry a 
cousin. He said women are only good for marriage and for looking after 
children, she said.

The Kingdom is presently seeing an increase in education facilities for women 
with many going abroad on university scholarships. However, with little 
development projects taking place in villages, an overall change in attitude 
seems distant.

Amal, who asked her last name not be published, said she was elated when she 
secured a place at a university in Riyadh. I'm from a village near Riyadh and 
was excited to tell my dad. However, it was enough for him that I had got a 
high school degree, she said.

Amal's father told her she had studied enough and that a girl should preoccupy 
herself with looking after her husband. I'm still hoping to continue my 
education. There is always time and hope, she said.

Fatima Ali, 19, said she hopes to see the day when people from rural 
backgrounds become more aware of the importance of female education. I dreamed 
of going to college, but was shocked by the way my father and brother reacted. 
It felt I was in the Stone Age, she said.

My father believes it's enough for women to just read and write. As for my 
brothers, they believe women have two places to go to - either their husband's 
house or the grave, she added.

Fatima wants the authorities to play a bigger role in raising awareness about 
female education, especially in rural areas. Women in cities like Riyadh and 
Jeddah are traveling abroad to study and they are getting better education. We 
want the same, she said.

Dr. Samir Arar, a counseling psychologist at Maharat Center and professor of 
psychology at King Abdulaziz University, said women need to improve their 
skills before they become wives and mothers, and that education is the key. 
Society needs educated women in order to be balanced, he added. Arar said 
people should never forbid their daughters from continuing their education 
because no one knows what the future holds. A married woman can end up 
divorced or widowed and in both scenarios she would become the main breadwinner 
for her family, he said, adding that education and skills will help women find 
work and cross such obstacles.

Arar believes society should not confine women to being only mothers and wives 
but partners in shaping the future. It's unfortunate and sad that women are 
being stopped from education and pursuing careers, he said.

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[wanita-muslimah] Rafsanjani grandson arrested in Iran over protests

2010-03-23 Terurut Topik sunny

Rafsanjani grandson arrested in Iran over protests


Published: Mar 22, 2010 23:46 Updated: Mar 23, 2010 03:04 

TEHRAN: A grandson of former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has 
been arrested for taking part in post-election protests last year, a news 
agency said on Monday.

Hassan Lahouti was detained by security police on Sunday at Tehran airport 
after arriving on a flight from abroad, the Fars news agency said.

His grandfather, who heads the powerful Assembly of Experts, is still a 
powerful player in the ruling establishment.

A source close to the family told Fars that Lahouti, believed to be in his 20s, 
left the country last year days after the presidential vote in which President 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was re-elected.

The election plunged the Islamic republic into its most serious internal crisis 
since the 1979 revolution, when opposition supporters took to the streets in 
protest against the result.

Lahouti's mother, Faezeh Hashemi, was among several of Rafsanjani's relatives 
held briefly for joining rallies in June, when the unrest first erupted.

Rafsanjani has been criticized by Ahmadinejad supporters for what they said was 
his failure to give full backing to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in 
the crackdown on the protest movement.

Rafsanjani expressed support for Khamenei, a Shiite Muslim jurist who holds 
ultimate authority in Iran, at a meeting of the Assembly of Experts in February.

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[wanita-muslimah] On whose side are the Taliban apologists?

2010-03-23 Terurut Topik sunny\03\23\story_23-3-2010_pg3_5

COMMENT: On whose side are the Taliban apologists? -Babar Ayaz

 Apologists of the Taliban should realise that no matter who is ruling, it is 
high time that these terrorists should be dealt with. There should be no 
confusion that it is the 
agenda of the people of Pakistan. The interest of the people of Pakistan 
should be at the top of our list instead of anti-government and anti-US emotions

To give apologists of the 
Taliban and jihadi groups among the politicians and journalists the benefit of 
the doubt, let us presume that either they are politically naïve or they are 
suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Their usual refrain is that the Taliban's 
terrorism would go away if the government stops taking foreign dictation. I 
wish it were that simple. Statements of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, 
Saad Rafiq, Imran Khan and many fellow journalists reflect this mindset and one 
is amazed how they tend to forget the historical and ideological background of 
the rise of militant Islam in Pakistan. Blaming the government in this regard 
is just political point scoring, though sadly on a wrong issue.

Nobody can deny their assertion that interference in the national security 
policy should not be allowed. But for a moment let us assume we have no US 
interference in deciding our policy regarding the local and Afghan Taliban. And 
there is no pressure to wind up the India-specific terrorist networks. Suppose 
the PML-N is in power trying to work out the national security policy, if at 
all the GHQ would permit them to enter this sacred zone. In this situation, 
would they be able to deliberately gloss over the historical and ideological 
basis of the terrorists' war against the state?

They will have to analyse the objectives of the people of Pakistan, the Afghan 
Taliban and the local jihadi organisations and then see whether these 
objectives are reconcilable with the interest of the majority of Pakistanis.

Once burdened with the power to rule, their analysis would have to be 
dispassionate, not idealistic. Their government's ultimate responsibility would 
be to protect the democratic rights of the people and work towards raising 
their living standard. I am sure the PML-N realises that in a country where 
almost every third person lives below the poverty line, we cannot afford to 
fight the world in the name of promoting an Islamic caliphate.

So let us see what the major actors of this sad saga want:

1) The people of Pakistan: end of Talibanisation and religious extremism in the 
country; putting a stop to interference in Afghanistan; protection of 
Pakistan's legitimate interests in Afghanistan; good relations with the Afghan 
government and the US; normalisation of relations with India. 

2) The local Taliban and jihadi organisations: control over all the tribal 
areas to begin with, and enforcement of their version of shariah by force; 
support of the Afghan Taliban's war against the US and Afghan government; 
fighting with Pakistani forces if they try to stop militants from joining the 
Afghan war and entering India for terrorist attacks; continue to support to al 
Qaeda; bring down the Afghan government; oust the US and NATO forces from 
Afghanistan; and liberate Kashmir through an armed struggle.

3) The Afghan Taliban: Take over Afghanistan by force and establish a 
government with their brand of shariah; resist any move by Pakistan to stop 
them from using its territory as a hinterland.

4) Al Qaeda: Help the Taliban in restoring their government in Afghanistan; 
continue using Afghanistan as their headquarters to export Islamic revolution 
through the barrel of the gun to the world; bring down the Pakistani 
government, which does not support al Qaeda's ideals.

Now if we look at these demands keeping in view the interest of the people of 
Pakistan, it is clear that whether we listen to the US or we make indigenous 
policies, no compromise can be made with the Taliban and jihadis. 

First, the people of Pakistan are Muslims, but they do not approve of 
extremism. They support democracy, which in essence is pluralistic and means 
tolerance of dissent.

Second, it does not suit Pakistan to help the Afghan Taliban who want to 
enforce religious fascism in Afghanistan and annoy the West.

Third, Pakistan has to stop interference in Afghanistan. There can be no two 
views about it. The UN Resolution 1373 decides also that all states shall: 
refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or 
persons involved in terrorist acts, including by suppressing recruitment of 
members of terrorist groups and eliminating the supply of weapons to 

True, Pakistan should neither support the Taliban nor the US and NATO forces. 
But this would only be possible if the Taliban stop using Pakistan as their 
base and join the Afghan democratic process. 

Fourth, Pakistan's legitimate interest 

[wanita-muslimah] 647 women killed in the name of 'honour' last year

2010-03-23 Terurut Topik sunny\03\23\story_23-3-2010_pg1_7

647 women killed in the name of 'honour' last year

* HRCP report says 3,021 people killed, 7,334 injured across country 
* 1,668 suicide cases reported 

ISLAMABAD: The 2009 report of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) 
released on Monday revealed that there was a sharp surge in violence against 
women and 1,401 women were murdered during 2009. Out of these, 647 were 
murdered in the name of honour, while 757 were killed for other reasons.

According to the report, 928 rape cases were reported last year and 563 women 
committed suicide, while 253 attempted it. It also said 135 women fell victim 
to burning, while cases of domestic violence, including torture, beating, 
murder attempts, increased from 137 in 2008 to 205 in 2009.

The report further revealed that in 2009, 3,021 people were killed and 7,334 
injured across Pakistan. Addressing the ceremony, HRCP Secretary General IA 
Rehman said according to unofficial estimates, around 164 incidents of target 
killings took place in Balochistan in which 118 citizens and 158 security 
officials were killed, while 83 citizens and seven security officials were 

HRCP Chairwoman Asma Jahangir chaired the ceremony.

According to the report, more than 209 people - mostly from political parties - 
were killed in Karachi in 2009. 

Moreover, seven journalists were killed across the country while performing 
their duties, while four died in crime-related incidents, the report said. In 
2009, 163 attacks were aimed directly at the media, including murders, 
kidnapping, threats, assaults and attacks on media establishments. 

Also, 224 cases of kidnapping for ransom took place in Punjab as compared to 
248 in 2008, whereas 163 people were abducted in Sindh, 241 in Balochistan and 
592 in the NWFP.

Suicide cases: The report said 1,668 suicide cases were reported across the 
country in 2009, whereas 747 people were killed in Karachi.

It said around 20,000 children die of diarrhoea every year and nearly 20 
percent of children suffer from asthma, adding 39 percent were moderately or 
severely malnourished.

The report also said Pakistan ranked 117 among 134 countries in terms of 
quality of primary education in the World Economics Forum's Global 
Competitiveness index of 2009. app

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[wanita-muslimah] Congress to Shape Future of Indonesia's Largest Muslim Organization

2010-03-22 Terurut Topik sunny

March 23, 2010 
Anita Rachman

Islamic scholars from 50 countries are in Makassar to attend the 32nd congress 
of the NU. (Antara Photo/Yusran Uccang)

Congress to Shape Future of Indonesia's Largest Muslim Organization

Makassar. The pervasive thick cloud of clove cigarette smoke, the motley 
collection of sarongs and the faces of candidates staring back from an 
abundance of campaign banners all herald the start of Nahdlatul Ulama's 
national congress here today. 

The country's largest Muslim organization - comprising some 40 million members 
and supporters - has descended on the South Sulawesi capital to hold its 32nd 
congress, with the most important order of business being the election of a new 
chairman who will lead NU for the next five years. 

More than 4,500 delegates from across the country are taking part in the 
congress at the Haji Sudiang Lodge, where men and women have been separated 
into different dorms. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to 
officially open the proceedings today. 

Hafidz Usman, head of the NU congress committee, said the gathering, which 
closes on Sunday, would discuss a variety of topics, including how the group 
views wiretapping and the issue of online marriages. 

People from many provinces have joined us here, from Papua, Manado, Ternate, 
West and Central Kalimantan, and of course our fellows from Java have arrived 
as well, Hafidz said on Monday. 

There have been growing calls from within the organization for it to end its 
involvement in politics and focus on its original mission: to provide 
grassroots spiritual, educational and social guidance to Muslims across the 

Hafidz said this year's congress would be the first without the late 
Abdurrahman Gus Dur Wahid, who had led NU for 15 years before becoming the 
country's fourth president. 

It was at the 1984 congress in Situbondo, East Java, when Gus Dur turned NU 
from a political force to a religious organization again, he said. But look 
at NU now - many people want to politicize it, use it. I hope this will not 
happen anymore. 

But any move away from politics, where obedience to Muslim clerics and scholars 
is de rigueur, will depend on the next leader. 

Unlike past congresses, the battle for the NU chairmanship will be fierce this 
year, Hafidz said, pointing to the many colorful campaign banners plastered 
around the lodge. 

Running for the coveted position are clerics, religious scholars and career 
politicians. They include senior NU executives Sholahuddin Wahid, Masdar F 
Mas'udi, Ahmad Bagja and Said Agil Siradj; former Golkar Party legislator 
Slamet Effendy Yusuf; National Awakening Party (PKB) lawmaker Ali Maschan 
Moesa; and liberal Muslim intellectual Ulil Abshar Abdallah. 

Ulil said the incumbent chairman, Hasyim Muzadi, had not expressed interest in 
running for a third term, but was looking to head up the organization's 
advisory board. 

M Luthfi Abdul Hadi, a cleric from Malang, East Java, said that as at past 
congresses, smoking was an inescapable part of the proceedings. I've quit 
smoking, but I understand why many still persist with the habit, he said. 
It's because smoking somehow helps them think. 

Our clerics, they are thinkers, they read many things - I think smoking helps 
them do that. 

Another congress trademark is the sarongs, the traditional dress of NU's mainly 
rural followers.

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[wanita-muslimah] Bukan Peperangan Orang Aceh + Teroris hanya perang opini, bukan kenyataan

2010-03-19 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Sutradara-sutradara sendiwara teror wayang masih perlu lebih banyak 
mendapat pendidikan lanjut dengan beasiswa pemerintah agar karya-karya mereka 
bisa berkwalitas kelas profesional internasional. Atau bagaimana pendapat Pak 
Intel? Maaf, terlebih harus ditanya kepada sang raja.

Bukan Peperangan Orang Aceh
Jumat, 19 Maret 2010 | 03:50 WIB

Sebuah pesan pendek berbunyi: Tandzim Al Qoidah Indonesia Cabang Serambi Mekah 
telah bertahan untuk melanjutkan jihad terhadap musuh-musuh Allah: kaum Yahudi, 
Salibis, dan Murtadin serta meminta musuh-musuh Allah untuk segera meninggalkan 
tanah Serambi Mekah.

Pesan lewat SMS itu dikirim Abu Yusuf dari Pegunungan Bun, Jalin, Kecamatan 
Jantho, Aceh Besar, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), kepada seseorang di Solo, 
Jawa Tengah, pada 27 Februari 2010. Abu Yusuf alias Mustaqim adalah lelaki asal 
Lampung yang memimpin pelatihan menembak dan membaca peta kelompok bersenjata 
itu. Dia disebut-sebut sebagai lulusan akademi militer Jamaah Islamiah 
Hudaibiyah di Mindanao, Filipina.

Ancaman dari Abu Yusuf itu terbukti bukan gertak sambal. Sepanjang Kamis (4/3) 
lalu, belasan kali ambulans milik Kepolisian Daerah (Polda) NAD bolak-balik 
Banda Aceh-Lamkabeu, Aceh Besar, untuk mengantar anggota polisi yang tertembak 
dalam pengejaran kelompok bersenjata yang dipimpin Abu Yusuf itu.

Hingga tengah malam, 11 anggota Satuan Brimob Polda NAD dirawat. Empat di 
antaranya harus menjalani operasi karena mengalami cedera serius. Kontak tembak 
itu juga menewaskan seorang warga sipil, dua anggota Brimob Polda NAD, dan 
seorang anggota Detasemen Khusus 88 Antiteror.

Esoknya, Mabes Polri menyatakan, kelompok bersenjata itu sangat menguasai 
medan. Mayat tiga polisi yang tewas itu pun baru bisa diambil dua hari kemudian 
karena aparat tak berani mendekat ke lokasi kontak tembak.

Seorang anggota Brimob Polda NAD yang ikut dalam pengepungan itu sejak 22 
Februari 2010 mengisahkan, pergerakan kelompok itu di pegunungan cukup sulit 
untuk diikuti. Mereka, katanya, sangat mengetahui seluk-beluk kawasan 
perbukitan itu dan mahir menggunakan senjata api.

Tajudin (35), mantan panglima pasukan elite Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) Gajah 
Keng wilayah Aceh Besar, mengatakan, tanpa penguasaan medan, sulit mengejar 
kelompok bersenjata itu. Tempat tertembaknya anggota Densus 88 dan Brimob 
seperti mangkuk. Waktu ditembak, mereka berada di dasar mangkuk itu, sedangkan 
kelompok bersenjata itu ada di atas. Tak perlu senjata api, orang yang berada 
di bawah bisa mati cukup dilempari batu dari atas, kata Tajudin yang belasan 
tahun bergerilya di wilayah itu.

Medan geografis di Aceh memang mendukung untuk peperangan gerilya. Kontur 
tanahnya berbukit, dinaungi hutan hujan tropis, dengan sungai-sungai yang 
mengalir di lembahnya, yang merupakan tempat berlindung yang sempurna.

Memanfaatkan medan itu, para pejuang Aceh bertahan menghadapi gempuran penjajah 
Belanda. Tradisi gerilya itu yang kemudian diteruskan Darul Islam (DI) hingga 
gerakan Aceh Merdeka (AM) dan terakhir oleh GAM.

Romantisisme sejarah

Romantisisme perang Aceh yang sudah banyak dikisahkan ini agaknya telah 
menginspirasi kelompok teroris ini untuk mencoba membangun basisnya di sana.

Ditemui secara terpisah, Yudi Zulfahri dan Sofyan Tsauri, dua tersangka yang 
menjadi kunci untuk menyiapkan pelatihan kelompok Tandzim Al Qoidah Indonesia 
Cabang Serambi Mekah mengatakan, faktor alam menjadi alasan utama mereka.

Selain itu, mereka juga menilai Aceh sebagai etalase penting bagi tegaknya 
syariat Islam di Indonesia. Tapi, sayangnya, syariah yang ditegakkan di sini 
sekarang belum sepenuhnya tegak. Itu yang mengecewakan, kata Yudi, pegawai 
negeri sipil di Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh, yang ditangkap dalam penggerebekan 
di Janto.

Latar belakang kekecewaan pribadi yang dirasakan Yudi itu menjadi salah satu 
pendorong untuk mempromosikan Aceh sebagai basis pelatihan kepada jaringan 
kelompok asal Jawa. Dengan pertimbangan itulah, para anggota jaringan lama, 
termasuk Dulmatin, menyetujui Aceh dijadikan basis persiapan kekuatan bagi 
gerakan mereka. Yudi dan Sofyan pun diserahi tugas-tugas persiapan, mulai dari 
mencari senjata dan amunisi, mencari lokasi yang cocok, hingga persiapan 

Yudi pun memanfaatkan orang-orang lokal yang bisa membantu, salah satunya Munir 
alias Abu Rimba. Meskipun Abu Rimba diakui Yudi bukan sosok yang ideologis, 
seperti yang diyakini kelompoknya, ia dinilai memahami medan di pegunungan. 
Apalagi, Yudi mengenal Abu Rimba sebagai bekas anggota pasukan khusus GAM Gajah 
Keng yang kecewa dengan kondisi Aceh pasca-perdamaian. Belakangan, mantan 
Panglima GAM Gajah Keng Tajudin menyatakan Abu Rimba bukan mantan anggota 

Hal itu dikuatkan dengan keterangan Abu Jihad. Lelaki asal Samalanga, Bireuen, 
ini beberapa kali dihubungi oleh Sofyan Tsauri untuk bergabung dengan 
kelompoknya. Abu Jihad 

[wanita-muslimah] Afghan women reveal tenacity

2010-03-19 Terurut Topik sunny

Afghan women reveal tenacity 
Kathleen Parker 
From: The Australian 
March 20, 2010 12:00AM 

IF your impression of an Afghan woman is of a shapeless, frightened form 
engulfed in metres of heat-trapping fabric, you haven't met Shafiqa Quraishi. 
Make that Colonel Quraishi, who earned her title as one of 900-plus female 
members of the Afghan National Police. 

Quraishi, who is director of gender, human and child rights within the Afghan 
Ministry of the Interior, was one of nine women in Washington to receive the 
International Women of Courage Award from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

She and fellow Afghan award recipient Shukria Asil met members of the US-Afghan 
Women's Council to discuss ways to help women and children struggling for 
rights and security.

Whatever you think you know about Afghanistan, the reality is probably far 
better - and far worse. And though burkas are still worn by many, they are less 
visible these days on city streets as women assume new roles.

Speaking through translators, the two women reiterated a dominant theme: We 
are not victims.

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

Related Coverage
  a.. Global day for women Perth Now, 8 Mar 2010
  b.. NATO strike kills 'at least' 33 civilians Adelaide Now, 22 Feb 2010
  c.. Asylum seekers threaten suicide Adelaide Now, 9 Feb 2010
  d.. Deadly start to President's second term Adelaide Now, 20 Nov 2009
  e.. Five killed in attack on former warlord Adelaide Now, 20 Nov 2009
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

Yes, of course, many have been victimised by brutal regimes in some cases, or 
by cultural forces, or by men who have hijacked religion to justify actions 
that would be treated as crimes in our part of the world. But these women are 
not seeking restitution; they are seeking empowerment. This is a crucial 
distinction that underscores the courage they display in the routine 
machinations of everyday life.

I heard the not victims refrain a day earlier from another group of women - 
from Bahrain, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kenya, Brazil and Haiti - here to be 
honoured by Vital Voices Global Partnership, an organisation that works to 
empower female leaders and social entrepreneurs around the world.

Vital Voices, which grew out of the UN's Fourth World Conference on Women in 
1995, focuses on advancing women as a US foreign policy goal. Translation: 
empowering women will lead to greater prosperity and world peace.

One cannot sit and talk with these women and escape inspiration. On one end of 
the spectrum is Afnan al-Zayani, a CEO from Bahrain who leads the Middle East 
and North Africa Businesswomen's Network. On the other is Rebecca Lolosoli, 
matriarch of Kenya's Umoja Village, an all-women's community she created to 
support women, girls, orphans and widows who had been abandoned by their 
families or were fleeing domestic violence, forced marriage or genital 

But, again, they refuse to be victims.

Roshaneh Zafar, who founded the first microfinance organisation in Pakistan 
focusing on low-income women, is adamant on this point. She doesn't want to be 
rescued (nor does she have any interest in apologising for her religion). Like 
all women everywhere, we want to be empowered, she says.

Quraishi's immediate goal is to expand the number of women in the police force 
to 5000.

Hers is a daunting task in part because of cultural barriers. Both men and 
women have to be convinced that policework and other non-traditional 
professions are respectable for a woman. Before women can become 
professionals, they have to be educated. Only 30 per cent of Afghan girls 
attend school, in part because of the danger but also because of poverty.

Children are needed to work, if they are not already heads of household, as 
many are. Asil says that with $US100 ($108) a month, a child can feed his 
family. But where does one get that kind of money in a nation struggling to 
reinvent basic institutions?

Washington Post Writers Group

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[wanita-muslimah] Kunjungan Obama Ditunda Lagi Hingga Juni

2010-03-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Kunjungan Obama Ditunda Lagi Hingga Juni

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010 00:41 WIB | Peristiwa | Politik/Hankam | 
Jakarta (ANTARA News ) - Juru bicara Kepresidenan Bidang Luar Negeri Dino Patti 
Djalal membenarkan penundaan kunjungan Presiden Amerika Serikat Barrack Obama 
ke Indonesia hingga bulan Juni 2010.

Menurut Dino ketika dihubungi ANTARA News di Jakarta, Jumat dini hari, pihak 
Gedung Putih telah menghubunginya secara langsung untuk mengabarkan penundaan 

Komunikasinya tidak langsung dari Presiden Obama ke Presiden Yudhoyono. Tapi 
dari pihak Gedung Putih langsung ke saya, ujarnya.

Namun, Dino belum mau menjelaskan perubahan agenda kunjungan akibat penundaan 
tersebut serta reaksi Presiden Yudhoyono terhadap penundaan kedatangan Obama 
itu.Besok saja saya kasih penjelasan, ujar Dino.

Dino hanya membenarkan alasan penundaan adalah akibat situasi politik di 
Amerika Serikat karena reformasi sistem pelayanan kesehatan yang diajukan oleh 
Presiden Obama belum diloloskan oleh Parlemen.

Sementara itu, kantor berita AFP dan Reuters telah memberitakan bahwa Presiden 
Obama menunda kunjungan ke Indonesia dan Australia hingga Juni 2010.

Berita itu mengutip juru bicara Gedung Putih Robert Gibbs yang mengatakan bahwa 
pihak AS telah menghubungi langsung Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono serta 
Perdana Menteri Australia Kevin Rudd untuk menyampaikan penundaan itu.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Obama dijadwalkan tiba di Indonesia pada 23 Maret 2010 
untuk kunjungan kenegaraan selama tiga hari. Kunjungan itu pun telah diundur 
dari semula direncanakan pada 18 Maret 2010.(ANT/A038)

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[wanita-muslimah] Abu Rimba Masih Diperiksa di Polda Aceh

2010-03-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Abu Rimba Masih Diperiksa di Polda Aceh

[BANDA ACEH] Munir alias Abu Rimba alias Abu Uteun, tokoh yang paling dicari 
aparat kepolisian, Rabu (17/3), pukul 22.00 WIB, menyerahkan diri di kawasan 
Desa Lamtamot, Kecamatan Lembah Seulawah, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh. 
Menyerahnya orang yang diduga masuk dalam kelompok teroris atas saran dari 
sejumlah teman-teman yang tidak terlibat dalam kelompok itu.
Sumber di kepolisian menyebutkan dari tersangka disita satu pucuk senjata AK 
47, lima buah magazin, 129 butir peluru dan satu buah tas ransel. Saat ini, Abu 
Rimba sudah dibawa ke Mapolda Aceh untuk pemeriksaan lebih lanjut, namun pihak 
Humas Polda Aceh belum bersedia berkomentar terkait penyerahan diri Abu Rimba.

Sementara itu, Muktar (25) tersangka yang diduga sebagai teroris yang 
menyerahkan diri di Lhokseumawe kemarin, saat ini masih diperiksa di Mapolda 
Aceh. Bersama Muktar juga ikut diperiksa Pimpinan Pesantren Darul Mujahidin 
Tengku Muslim At-Thahiri selaku pendamping Muktar saat menyerahkana diri ke 
Mapolres Lhokseumawe. Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Aceh Kombes Farid Ahmad kepada 
wartawan, Kamis (18/3) pagi, menyebutkan, Muktar masih diminta keterangan di 
Mapolda Aceh terkait dengan keterlibatan yang bersangkutan dalam kelompok 
tersebut, apalagi bersama dia saat menyerahkan diri ada senjata dan terdapat 
ribuan butir amunisi.Menyusul penyerahan diri tersangka, wilayah Aceh Utara 
terus diperketat pengamanan dengan melakukan razia kenderaan umum dan pribadi 
malam dan siang hari.

Sementara itu, Kapolri Jenderal (Pol) Bambang Hendarso Danuri mengatakan, 
kelompok teroris telah mengembangkan sejumlah pola baru dalam melakukan 
serangkaian aksi teror.  Hal itu bisa terlihat dari cara-cara mereka. Mulai 
adanya pelatihan-pelatihan, hingga persenjataan. Mereka juga menggunakan pola 
berbeda. Dengan persenjataan, tidak dengan bom, ungkapnya di Istana Negara, 
Jakarta, Rabu siang. Pihak keamanan, katanya, saat ini terus memburu para 
pelaku teroris. Masih ada 12 orang lagi yang tengah diburu. Dua orang 
sebelumnya telah menyerahkan diri. Saya tidak menyebut khusus, katanya.

Komoditas Politik
Secara terpisah, pengamat politik Universitas Indonesia (UI) Boni Hargens 
menilai, terorisme tidak melulu sebuah tindak kejahatan, tapi bisa juga menjadi 
komoditas politik untuk kepentingan tertentu.  Pernyataan tersebut disampaikan 
pengamat politik UI, Boni Hargens, dalam diskusi Aceh Ladang Baru Terorisme 
di Gedung Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD), di Jakarta, Rabu siang.  Menurut dia, 
bukti terorisme sebagai komoditas politik sudah terbukti di Kolombia. Tindakan 
terorisme berbasis bisnis Narkoba di negara itu tumbuh subur karena menjadi 
komoditas politik antara mafia dan tentara. Para mafia menjual narkoba kepada 
tentara dan dibarter dengan senjata. 

Yang menarik, lanjutnya, tentara pula yang mendistribusikan narkoba ini ke 
Amerika bagian Utara, bahkan ke jaringan narkoba dunia, sehingga bisnis ini 
menjadi lingkaran setan dan terorisme di Kolombia jadi kekal. Sangat mungkin 
terorisme di Indonesia juga terkait bisnis politik seperti di Kolombia. 
Konteksnya seperti yang terjadi belakangan ini bahwa terorisme menjadi isu yang 
disengajakan untuk menenggelamkan isu impeachment terhadap wakil presiden 
terkait kasus Bank Century, kata Boni.

Dia menjelaskan, indikasi dari terorisme menjadi komoditas politik untuk 
pengalihan isu terlihat dari tindakan represif kepolisian dan TNI dalam 
mengejar anggota teroris ketika presiden sedang berada di luar negeri dan 
wacana impeachment wakil presiden (wapres) mengemuka pascakeputusan Sidang 
Paripurna DPR yang menyetujui rekomendasi C yang menyatakan Bailout menyalahi 
undang-undang dan peraturan pemerintah.

Padahal, dari keterangan pihak kepolisian bahkan Gubernur Aceh Irwandi Yusuf, 
masuknya kelompok terorisme di Aceh dan pergerakan mereka sudah diketahui sejak 
setahun lalu. [147/J-9/W-12]

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[wanita-muslimah] Alumnus Universitas Kelas Dunia Mampu Ciptakan Lapangan Kerja

2010-03-18 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apa komentar Anda terhadap apa yang dikatakan dalam artikel ini?

Alumnus Universitas Kelas Dunia Mampu Ciptakan Lapangan Kerja

SP/Fuska Sani Evani

[JAKARTA] Semangat menjadi universitas kelas dunia kini makin menggelora di 
kalangan perguruan tinggi (PT) di Indonesia, baik swasta maupun negeri. 
Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk mencapai cita-cita itu. Keberhasilan itu bisa 
diukur dari seberapa banyak alumnusnya yang bisa menjadi entrepreneur, yang 
menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi banyak orang. Untuk mencapainya, memang tidak 
mudah. Sampai kini, di dunia baru Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 
yang cukup berhasil. Kalau di Indonesia, pencapaiannya masih jauh, masih perlu 
kerja keras, jadi perlu mengikuti jejak MIT, kata Ciputra, Pendiri Universitas 
Ciputra Entrepreneurship Center (UCEC), yang tampil sebagai pembicara pada Dies 
Emas Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) Semarang, Rabu (17/3).

Hingga kini, kata Ciputra, PT di Indonesia belum ada yang mampu menjadi kelas 
dunia, meskipun alumnusnya sudah cukup banyak. Tak cukup hanya teori yang 
didapat di kampus, namun seseorang yang akan menjadi entrepreneur harus memulai 
langkah pertama dan terjun langsung jadi pengusaha. Dengan pengalaman langsung 
itulah diasah kemampuannya untuk memiliki feel bisnis, katanya. 
Ciputra yang didampingi oleh Antonius Tanan, Presiden Direktur UCEC itu 
mengatakan, hingga kini alumni MIT yang telah sukses menjadi entrepreneur telah 
mencapai 25.800 orang yang masih hidup. Mereka kini mempekerjakan 3,3 juta 

Langkah Pasti
Total penjualan seluruh perusahaan yang dimiliki alumni itu mencapai US$ 2 
triliun (Rp 18.000 triliun). Jika diumpamakan sebuah negara, penghasilan 
seluruh alumnus itu berada di urutan ke-11 negara terkaya di dunia. Betapa 
powerful-nya entrepreneurship itu, kata Anthonius pada seminar bertajuk Memacu 
Kreativitas Menuju World Class University Melalui Pengembangan Jiwa 
Kewirausahaan yang Berlandaskan Moral dan Etika.

Menurut Ciputra, Undip yang juga tengah berusaha menjadi universitas kelas 
dunia itu, harus segera menetapkan langkah pasti agar bisa mencapainya dengan 
waktu yang tidak terlalu lama. Secepatnya, Fakultas Ekonomi membuka jurusan 
entrepreneurship, kata Ciputra, yang telah berusaha menebar semangat 
entrepreneur di semua lini kehidupan di negara ini. Kunci utama menebar 
semangat entrepreneur katanya, ada pada pimpinan perguruan tinggi itu. Sebab 
faktanya, mayoritas lulusan perguruan tinggi memiliki mindset mencari 
pekerjaan. Padahal, perguruan tinggi Indonesia menghasilkan ratusan ribu 
lulusan, baik D-3 maupun sarjana. Tak heran jika hingga kini 2 juta di 
antaranya belum bekerja, alias pengangguran. Terbanyak ada di Jakarta.

Ciputra memuji langkah Rektor Universitas Andalas, Padang, Sumatera Barat yang 
kini mengembangkan semangat entrepreneurship di kampusnya. Rektor itu 
terdorong menumbuhkan semangat entrepreneurship karena dari hasil survei yang 
dilakukan, 74% mahasiswanya memilih jadi PNS jika lulus kuliah. Padahal, 
perguruan tinggi di Kota Padang saja menghasilkan 15.000 sarjana baru tiap 

Hal yang sama juga dikemukakan oleh Rektor Undip Susilo Wibowo. Moral dan 
mindset yang salah itu masih dimiliki sebagian besar rakyat Indonesia, sebagai 
budaya peninggalan zaman kolonial. Sifat kemandirian hilang, sebagian malah 
dicampur dengan sifat feodal, katanya. [N-6]

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[wanita-muslimah] Mabes Polri:Teroris Aceh 71 Orang, 31 Masih DPO

2010-03-18 Terurut Topik sunny

  Kamis, 18 Maret 2010 


Mabes Polri:Teroris Aceh 71 Orang, 31 Masih DPO

  JAKARTA (LampostOnline): Mabes Polri berhail megungkap kelompok teroris 
yang melakukan latihan militer di Aceh Besar. Dari anggota kelompok yang 
tertangkap terungkap kelompok mereka setidaknya ada 71 orang.

  Hari ini kita keluarkan lagi DPO baru yang jumlahnya 31 orang, 
terindiaksi yang ikut latihan berjumlah 71 orang, ujar Kadiv Humas Mabes Polri 
Irjen Pol Edward Aritonang di Mabes Polri, Jl Trunojoyo, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis 

  Menurut Edward dari 71 orang tersebut 40 orang di antaranya telah 
tertangkap dimana 7 orang di antaranya tewas tertembak mati.

  40 orang tertangkap diantaranya ada 7 yang tewas. 31 masih dalam 
pengejaran, jelasnya.

  Di antara para pelaku yang telah tewas adalah Dulmatin, Pura Sudarma, 
Enceng Kurnia. Sedangkan di antara pelaku yang masuk dalam terdapat beberapa 
pemain lama.

  Di antaranya adalah Abdullah Sonata mantan napi kasus terorisme yang 
menyembunyikan Dr Azahari dan Noordin M Top. Selain itu Abdullah Sonata juga 
terlibat dalam perencanaan latihan dan rekrutmen peserta latihan militer.

  Selain itu ada Maulana alias Mukhlis alias Ruslan alias Lukman mantan 
tahanan ISA Malaysia yang juga sebagai tersangka percobaan Matori Abdul Jalil. 
Serta juga ada Babe alias Abu Hamzah alias Reza, sepupu Shireen Sungkar pemain 
Film Cinta Fitri, asal Ciledug Jakarta.

  Sementara itu dari 31 yang dimasukan dalam DPO, nama Umar Patek tidak 
dimasukan. Alasannya karena dia adalah buron lama.

  Itu dia kan DPO lama. Mau dimasukkan DPO disitu, dia kan DPO lama, 
pungkas Edward. DTC/L-1

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[wanita-muslimah] Indonesia's War on Terrorism Bears Fruit

2010-03-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesia's War on Terrorism Bears Fruit 

  Written by Our Correspondent 
  Thursday, 18 March 2010  

Aceh Terror Suspect Surrenders 

With US President Barack Obama due in Jakarta next week, Indonesia's 
counterterrorism forces seem to be doing a creditable job rolling up terrorists 
in advance of his visit. A demoralized suspect named Abu Rimba turned himself 
in to police Wednesday night, carrying with him an AK 47, five magazines and 
238 bullets, police said.

Indonesian authorities said the Obama visit is likely to go ahead as planned 
and described it as a confidence vote in the Indonesian counterterrorism fight. 
Obama, his wife Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha are expected to visit 
Indonesia, where Obama spent several childhood years going to school, through 
March 22. 
Rimba said he had left an alleged terrorist camp in Aceh before police raids 
began there on February 22 and had hidden in remote villages before deciding to 
turn himself in. Police are still searching for six other suspects.

Breaking up the Aceh network follows the slaying last week in the town of 
Tangerang of Ammar Usman, who gained fame under the jihadi nom de guerre 
Dulmatin, who was accused of having played a key role in 2002 bombings in Bali 
that left 202 people dead, mostly western tourists. The 39-year-old Dulmatin 
and two other people were shot dead March 9 in a gunfight with counterterrorism 
forces in Tangerang, a city 27 km south of Jakarta. Officials had put a US$10 
million reward on his head.

In their intensified campaign to go after terrorists, since Feb. 22 the Densus 
88 antiterrorism police unit has so far arrested 31militants in Aceh, West Java 
and Jakarta including firearms suppliers and financiers since the first arrests 
were made. They have killed six more, raising questions for human rights 
observers on whether the police are too quick on the trigger. 

Last year, the police staged several spectacular gun battles, killing a top 
Malaysian operative named Noordin Mohammad Top, who was also implicated in 
bombings in Bali that took the lives of scores of innocent people, as well as 
the bombings of two American luxury hotels in Jakarta last year. Three others 
were killed in the gun battle and a woman was wounded. At one point, Noordin's 
confederates were involved in an audacious plan last year to blow up the 
Presidential palace of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono himself.

In 2005, police also shot and killed Azahari bin Husin, a confederate in the 
Bali bombings. Dulmatin, however, was considered to be a particular prize. He 
was the Jemaah Islamiyah leader for the entire Southeast Asian region, police 
said, and had been given intensive military training in Mindanao starting in 
2003. He was also a sophisticated bomb-maker, police said.

For us, counterterrorism using violence is not sufficient to stop terrorism. 
We think it is contrary to the principles of human rights and citizens' rights 
to legal aid, said Bhatara Ibnu Reza, a researcher for Imparsial, the 
Indonesian human rights monitor. Despite a decrease in the number of terrorist 
attacks, he added, violence runs the risk of encouraging the expansion of 
terrorist networks and movements at the grass-roots level. Some 400 suspects 
have been captured or killed since the first Bali bombing in 2002. 

However, Jim Della-Giacoma, Southeast Asia Project Director for the 
Brussels-based International Crisis Group, told Asia Sentinel in an email that 
Indonesian counterterrorist forces have actually been restrained in their 
attempts to search out jihadis.

They know that each time one of these suspects is shot dead they're losing a 
lot of information, but they don't want to risk the lives of their own men to 
get it, Della-Giacoma said. They are probably aware also that they are 
creating martyrs. High rates of public approval for the police-led fight 
against terrorism, even after the killings and an uncritical local media go 
some way to explaining why there is less pressure to develop better techniques 
to capture rather than kill suspects - to smoke them out rather than shoot them 
Indonesia has put hundreds on trial for terrorism offences, with authorities 
ready and able to use the courts in a way others in the region have not, 
Della-Giacoma said. You've got to give both the police and the prosecutors 
some credit for this.

The successes don't mean the US president's security forces have any reason to 
relax. The outpouring of defiance at the burial of Dulmatin in his home town in 
Central Java brought thousands to the streets, shouting Allahu Akhbar and 
calling the dead man a mujahideen and not a terrorist. Others called him a holy 

Heru Kuncoro, Dulmatin's brother-in-law and one of Indonesia's most wanted 
figures, is still on the loose. Police continue to Dulmatin's confederates 
throughout Central Java. Others who 

[wanita-muslimah] LOCAL PRESS - In courts, women bring men by the busloads

2010-03-18 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : It's a Man's World,

LOCAL PRESS - In courts, women bring men by the busloads

Published: Mar 19, 2010 00:06 Updated: Mar 19, 2010 00:09 

Bring a man to identify you. This is the sentence a judge usually says to any 
woman standing before him.

The identifier is a man who goes to the judge to vouch for the woman standing 
in court.

He will tell the judge who she is and will answer all other questions about her 

A woman lawyer said she used her identity card to identify herself and said 
that she was ready to unveil her face to show the judge that she was the same 
woman in the picture.

She said the judge threw away the card, which was issued by the Interior 
Ministry, because he did not accept female identity cards. In other words, a 
government department does not recognize the work of another government 
department! Is this not a double standard?

However, our issue here is not the double standards, but the identifier who the 
woman has to bring and present before a judge. It is sometimes more than one 

In one case, a woman who brought male witnesses to court was asked by the judge 
to bring additional male identifiers who could vouch for the male witnesses' 
identities. Situations like this make it difficult for the woman, who has to 
bring a busload of men as identifiers and witnesses when an ID card should 

Abdul Ilah Al-Arwan, a judge at the general court in Jeddah, said in a recent 
lecture that women taking up cases at courts had become a reality. He added 
that there were women who had represented men in a number of cases.

He said the judge has the right to ask any woman in front of him to unveil her 
face in order to identify her. This is not sufur (Islamically incorrect), but 
a prerequisite of identification, he said.

I say, if a judge has the right to ask a woman to uncover her face in order to 
compare it to the picture on her ID, why do we need identifiers? Why does our 
judicial system stick to the prerequisite of identifiers, which delay cases 
where women are involved? Can the officials tell me why some judges do not 
accept IDs issued for women by the Interior Ministry?

We are the only country in the world that makes it a prerequisite for women 
appearing in court to bring busloads of men with them.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Can a Muslim say happy Christmas to his friends?

2010-03-18 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Ini artikel agak lama, tetapi mengingat MUI pernah mengerluarkan 
fatwa melarang memberikan salam kepada kaum Nasrani pada hari Natal, maka 
mungkin artikle juga bisa  dibaca.

Can a Muslim say happy Christmas to his friends?

Such questions are at the heart of a debate between the forces of Islamic 
intolerance and a group of scholars touring Britain with a message of moderation

By Jerome Taylor

Thursday, 26 November 2009



Muslims circle the Kaaba inside the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca 
after morning prayers before this year's Haj pilgrimage

  a..  enlarge 

Suheil Azam was sitting in a coffee shop in east London last month when one his 
friends began a debate on whether it was permissible under Islamic scripture 
for Muslims to wish their non-Muslim friends happy Christmas. As a 23-year-old 
professional who socialises widely, Mr Azam had never considered the 
possibility that someone in his community might frown upon him for going round 
to his neighbours at Christmas or partying during New Year. But his friend, who 
had become increasingly devout, was adamant that such behaviour was haram 

Personally I think he's wrong, explained Mr Azam. But it's difficult to 
argue against him because all the information he gets is taken from the 
internet and it makes him sound very knowledgeable.

Such a debate between two young British Muslims would have been almost 
unthinkable two decades ago. But today it is frequently the internet that young 
Muslims turn to when looking for spiritual advice. And what they find in 
cyberspace is often shockingly intolerant. Do not congratulate [the 
unbeliever] on their festivals in any way whatsoever, warns one prominent 
site. That implies approval of their festival and not denouncing them. 

While the real world provides a vast array of interpretations from a variety of 
Islamic schools, more often than not it is the intolerant strands of Islam 
taught by Saudi Arabia's fundamentalist Wahabi scholars that dominate online. 
Backed by billions of petrodollars and an army of tech-savvy graduates who are 
more than capable of capturing the YouTube generation's imagination, the 
internet has long been a stronghold for the most intolerant forms of Islam. For 
those who wish to see the West's Muslim communities continue to integrate with 
their neighbours, the prevalence of such isolationist rhetoric is of great 
concern. Armed with quotes from Saudi scholars living thousands of miles away, 
a small number of angry young British Muslims are forgoing the inclusive Islam 
their parents were once taught in favour of an interpretation that encourages 
them to cut themselves off from mainstream society and view all non-Muslims 
with contempt. 

But now, as the Hajj gets under way in Mecca, one of the world's oldest Islamic 
institutions has come to Britain to remind young Muslims who might be tempted 
by the Wahabi rhetoric that there is an alternative way to worship. Scholars 
from Al-Azhar in Cairo have been touring Britain's mosques to launch a new 
online book of fatwas (Islamic judgements) which directly challenge the Saudi 
way of thinking. 

The second oldest university in the world, after China's Nanking University, 
Al-Azhar was generally seen as the foremost centre of learning in the Sunni 
world until Saudi Arabia began exporting its millenarian version of Islam en 
masse from the late 1970s. Critics have since accused Al-Azhar of being too 
close to the widely disliked Egyptian government, but it remains one of the few 
international schools of Islamic jurisprudence with enough historical clout to 
challenge Saudi Arabia's supremacy. 

The 200-page book, entitled The Response, has been available in the Middle East 
in Arabic for two years but this is the first time a comprehensive list of some 
of the most commonly asked questions encountered by Al-Azhar's scholars has 
been available in English, and equally importantly, Urdu, the national language 
of Pakistan. The issues answered in the book range from whether the Earth 
revolves around the Sun (Sheikh Ibn Baaz, Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti during the 
1990s, insisted that the Sun revolved around the Earth) to whether a Muslim is 
allowed to perform magic tricks (Wahabis forbid it).

After each question, the book's authors quote a fundamentalist fatwa and then 
offer their own, centrist alternative. In reply to whether Muslims can greet 
non-believers during their festivals, for instance, Al-Azhar's scholars write: 
There is no harm in congratulating non-Muslims with whom you have a family 
relationship, or that are neighbours of yours. They then give examples from 
the Prophet Mohamed's life that showed his tolerance toward other religions. 

Sheikh Abdel Fattah El Bezm, the Grand Mufti of Damascus, was one of two 
Al-Azhar trained scholars to tour the UK 

[wanita-muslimah] Inklusivisme, Jalan Meretas Ideologi Terorisme

2010-03-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010 12:58 
Inklusivisme, Jalan Meretas Ideologi Terorisme

Terkuaknya sarang terorisme di Aceh dan terbunuhnya be­berapa anggota 
jaringannya di Pa­mulang, Banten, semakin me­negaskan pengertian terorisme di 
Tanah Air, sekaligus menjawab ada atau tidaknya ke­terkaitan agama sebagai 
pembentuk sistem nilai dan ideo­logi.

Lalu, apa yang diperebutkan di balik aksi sadis mereka? Setiap agama 
mengajarkan kepercayaan akan adanya kehi­dupan abadi setelah berakhir­nya 
kehidupan duniawi. Kon­sep agama, khususnya agama samawi, menggambarkan 
ke­hidupan akhirat itu dalam dua versi. Pertama, versi yang ber­kaitan dengan 
perilaku yang bertentangan dengan nilai ajaran. Para pelaku digolong­kan 
sebagai pendosa yang di­janjikan sebagai penghuni ne­raka. Secara umum, neraka 
di­gambarkan sebagai tempat penyiksaan dan hukuman bagi para pendosa. Pendek 
kata, ne­raka identik dengan azab.

Adapun versi kedua, yaitu surga yang diinformasikan se­bagai tempat kenikmatan 
abadi. Surga disediakan oleh Tuhan untuk hamba-hamba­nya yang menunjukkan 
tingkat pengabdian yang maksimal. Oleh karena itu, setiap pe­nganut agama, baik 
secara pribadi maupun secara kelompok, berusaha untuk memperebutkan janji 
tentang ke­nik­matan surgawi itu. Mereka ber­upaya menunjukkan ting­kat 
ketaatan optimal untuk mem­peroleh kasih Tuhan se­hingga sesuai dengan 
janji-Nya akan diterima sebagai penghuni surga. 

Dalam upaya untuk memperoleh tiket surga, seseorang berusaha meningkatkan 
iba­dahnya, baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas. Kemudian atas dasar 
peningkatan itu, nilai-nilai pengabdian itu terefleksi dalam sikap dan 
perilakunya, baik lahir maupun batin. Ketundukan kepada aja­ran agamanya 
meningkat, perilakunya baik, kata-katanya arif, bersedia berkorban untuk 
kebaikan, penuh kasih sayang, dan lemah lembut.

Makin beriman dan makin berakhlak seseorang, seyogianya penganut agama akan 
semakin arif dan santun. Artinya, selama upaya itu diaplikasikan untuk 
meningkatkan kualitas iman dan amal, hal itu dinilai sah-sah saja. Sayangnya, 
dalam kehidupan beragama, nilai-nilai luhur tersebut dipasung oleh tokoh atau 
kelompok tertentu dan diformulasikan ke dalam mitos dan ideologi sesat sehingga 
tindakan yang manipulatif ini menjadikan ajaran agama ke­hilangan nilai-nilai 
luhur­nya. Peta dan kenikmatan surgawi diperebutkan dengan mengorbankan 
kelompok lain. Ada kecenderungan untuk mendis­kreditkan orang atau kelompok 
lain. Tentunya kecenderungan serupa ini tidak menampilkan sosok calon penghuni 

Barangkali usaha untuk memperebutkan surga akan timbul bukan saja di dalam 
ke­lompok penganut agama yang berbeda, tapi juga bisa terjadi dalam kelompok 
seagama. Bila pandangan seperti ini me­ning­kat pada klaim sepihak, konflik pun 
tidak akan dapat dihindar­kan. Paling tidak akan menumbuhkan rasa permusuhan 
dan saling curiga. Dalam konteks ini, ba­rangkali ada baiknya sejenak kita 
renungkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan reflektif apakah seseorang masuk surga karena 
amal perbuatannya semata-mata? Apakah surga memiliki jalan pintas yang 
diperuntukkan bagi orang-orang yang menghendakinya? Lalu, surga siapakah yang 
diperebutkan para teroris saat mereka meng­klaim kematian mereka sebagai martir 
(syahid) yang dijanjikan surga?

Agama Ajarakan Perdamaian
Berangkat dari jawaban pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas, pertama, terungkap siapa 
sebenarnya yang berhak menjadi penghuni surga dan memperoleh kenikmatan surgawi 
itu. Mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang mendapat pengampunan dan rahmat Tuhan. 
Tentunya pengampunan dan rahmat Tuhan hanya akan diperoleh mereka yang selalu 
mematuhi ajaran Tuhan secara total dan optimal. Adalah mustahil pengampunan dan 
rahmat itu akan dianugerahkan Tuhan kepada hambanya yang selalu menebarkan 
teror, ke­bencian antarsesama, atau meng­klaim diri atau kelom­pok­nya sebagai 
calon penghuni surga. Padahal, agama menitikberatkan ajarannya pada nilai-nilai 
kasih sayang dan perdamaian.

Kedua, penerimaan ajaran agama tanpa pemaksaan me­lalui common sense (akal 
sehat) dan ketundukan hati. Jika surga memiliki jalan pintas, semisal bom bunuh 
diri di­klaim mendapat tiket surga, tentunya hal ini bertentangan dengan 
citra Tuhan sebagai kekuatan supernatural (adikordrati) yang bertujuan untuk 
memerdekaan kesadaran ma­nusia. Bukan sebaliknya me­menjarakan kesadaran 
manusia dengan faham yang sesat tersebut. Jalan pintas menuju surga tak lain 
hanyalah iming-iming dari kebiadaban otak pelaku teroris. Dengan duku­ngan 
dalil-dalil agama, mereka yang merasa berdosa dan putus asa seakan diberi 
peluang untuk memperoleh tiket surga. Kiat semacam ini dapat memberi pengaruh 
psikologis yang bersifat sugestif, mampu mengubah sikap mental seseorang, 
kelompok, hingga terdorong untuk berbuat nekad. 

Latar belakang sikap anti­pati, karut-marut transisi politik, kesenjangan 
ekonomi dan 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Konsumsi Softdrink Bakal Picu Diabetes (mungkin)

2010-03-17 Terurut Topik sunny
Saya kira baik sarannya, yaitu tidak berlebih-lebihan.

  - Original Message - 
  From: encosid 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 6:43 AM
  Subject: Bls: [wanita-muslimah] Konsumsi Softdrink Bakal Picu Diabetes 

  dr. kristen sendiri tidak yakin dengan kesimpulannya :

  Dari hasil penelitian ini bisa disimpulkan, semua kebijakan yang bisa 
  mengurangi konsumsi softdrink mungkin akan berdampak positif bagi 
  kesehatan masyarakat, kata Dr Kristen Bibbins-Domingo.

  Dari: sunny
  Terkirim: Rab, 17 Maret, 2010 05:38:38
  Judul: [wanita-muslimah] Konsumsi Softdrink Bakal Picu Diabetes

  http://www.hariante artikel/info/ artikel.php? aid=89275

  Konsumsi Softdrink Bakal Picu Diabetes

  Tanggal : 12 Mar 2010 
  Sumber : Harian Terbit 

  JAKARTA - Diabetes mellitus atau kencing manis telah menjadi masalah 
kesehatan dunia. Bila tidak ditangani, diabetes akan membawa komplikasi pada 
berbagai penyakit lain, seperti penyakit jantung, stroke, gagal ginjal, hingga 

  Dr Kristen Bibbins-Domingo, peneliti dari University of California, San 
Fransisco, Amerika Serikat, baru-baru ini memublikasikan hasil penelitiannya 
mengenai insiden penyakit jantung dengan konsumsi softdrink.

  Ia mengatakan, meningkatkan konsumsi minuman bersoda yang umumnya mengandung 
gula tinggi berdampak pada terjadinya 130.000 kasus baru diabetes, 14.000 kasus 
baru penyakit jantung, dan 50.000 penderita gangguan jantung dalam satu dekade 

  Dari hasil penelitian ini bisa disimpulkan, semua kebijakan yang bisa 
mengurangi konsumsi softdrink mungkin akan berdampak positif bagi kesehatan 
masyarakat, kata Dr Kristen Bibbins-Domingo.

  Dengan menggunakan simulasi komputer, penyakit jantung dikaitkan dengan 
berbagai faktor, seperti obesitas dan konsumsi makanan mengandung garam. 
Selama ini kita kurang memperhitungkan insiden antara softdrink dengan 
penyakit jantung karena memang minuman ini lebih populer pada para remaja. 
Fokus penelitian penyakit ini lebih banyak orang dewasa berusia di atas 35 
tahun, papar Domingo.

  Ia menambahkan, kaitan antara insiden penyakit kardiovaskular dan diabetes 
sangat nyata. Meski demikian, faktor meningkatnya obesitas juga mungkin 

  Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan dampak konsumsi minuman manis. Selama 
beberapa dekade terjadi peningkatan konsumsi minuman manis, katanya.

  Para ahli mengingatkan, untuk mencegah diabetes, kita harus mengurangi asupan 
minuman dengan tambahan gula. Jika didiagnosis diabetes maka gula darah, berat 
badan, tekanan darah, dan kadar lemak darah harus dikendalikan. Kalau dengan 
olahraga tidak terkontrol, harus dilakukan dengan obat.(tbt)

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

  Lebih aman saat online. Upgrade ke Internet Explorer 8 baru dan lebih cepat 
yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! agar Anda merasa lebih aman. Gratis. Dapatkan 
IE8 di sini!

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


  Wiadomosc przeskanowana przez Spyware Doctor � nie znaleziono wirus�w ani 
  (Email Guard:, baza wirus�w/spyware: 6.14570)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Men and Women

2010-03-17 Terurut Topik sunny

Men and Women

By Ali Ibrahim

One of the striking features that distinguishes the Arab World is that - 
contrary to what is supposed to happen - the authorities or governing bodies 
are more willing and desirous of taking steps towards modernization with 
regards to social issues, while the genuine [social] powers or pressure groups 
in society are against taking such steps. In most cases these groups make 
claims that this government or that is bowing to Western pressure or is seeking 
to polish its image. In most cases, such confrontations end with the government 
or the concerned authority retreating and choosing to take the safe path rather 
than initiating direct confrontation. This results in a lack of development or 
modernization, especially with regards to women. 

An example of this is the battle to appoint female judges to the Egyptian State 
Council, which is a judicial body that settles administrative disputes. This 
was taken to the Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court; this case saw the 
governmental side trying to push through female judges' acceptance to the 
council, with the majority of council judges being against this decision. This 
can be seen in that an overwhelming majority of 334 of the council's 380 member 
General Assembly voted against this during a meeting held a few weeks ago. 

Amidst the pretexts provided by those objecting to the decision, and which 
seemed like a national battle against an invasion [by women], included many 
arguments that disparaged women's capabilities. It is strange and unbelievable 
that such arguments can be put forth today in the 21st century. Without going 
into details, those who made such arguments need to reflect on the implications 
of this, especially if such arguments are made by the [social] elites, or 
reflect a strong current or trend in society. 

A closer examination of the implications of this is required because there is a 
genuine need to understand this phenomenon and how to resolve it, and also 
because a government cannot ignore the way that that the public, the 
electorate, and the social elites think. This is because - rule - in the end is 
a social contract between the government and the people, and this does not 
exempt the government from the responsibility of finding a way to lead society 
towards modernization and to correct social misconceptions, even if such 
misconceptions represent a public trend. The aim of this is to catch up with 
the rest of the world otherwise the only alternative is [social] breakdown and 
following the path of the Taliban in Afghanistan. 

Any decisions or laws, no matter how strong, are nothing more than decoration 
in the absence of public opinion engaging with it, and can soon be reversed. An 
example of this is the issue of women running for elections and standing for 
parliament, this is something that takes place in the Arab world only through a 
quota system with a number of parliamentary seats being designated specifically 
for female candidates. 

This raises the question of the role of Arab governments in educating and 
enlightening the public, including shaping and mobilizing public opinion to 
support and understand the need for modernization. Of course the best way to do 
this is to modernize education, as there can be no progress without good 
education. This is the source of the current problem with regards to many 
outdated ideas that are enthusiastically promoted by their advocates.

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[wanita-muslimah] Saudi Arabia: 4,756 Human Rights Cases in One Year

2010-03-17 Terurut Topik sunny

Saudi Arabia: 4,756 Human Rights Cases in One Year

By Khalid al-Awijan

Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat- The Saudi Arabian Human Rights Commission [HRC] has 
revealed that it received 4,756 complaints over the past year. The disclosure 
of this information came in the HRC's annual statistical report. 

The study also revealed that 24 percent of cases brought to the attention of 
HRC by women were cases of domestic violence, and this comes as the HRC is 
seeking to promote a pamphlet issued by Saudi Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz al 
Sheikh in which he discusses the issue of domestic violence. 

Dr. Osman al Manea, the Director of the HRC Department of Public Relations, 
told Asharq Al-Awsat that HRC president Dr. Bandar al Aiban had called for the 
formation of a committee to be led by his deputy, Dr. Zeid al Hussein, to 
prepare a number of lectures and workshops on Modern Islamic Studies throughout 
Saudi Arabia, in cooperation with HRC Chairman Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz. 

According to the data obtained by Asharq Al-Awsat, 1,357 of the complaints 
submitted to the HRC were submitted in writing, almost 32 percent of which have 
been fully examined and are no longer active. The HRC also received more than 
3,400 complaints that were submitted either in person or over the phone. 

The annual statistical report issued by the Saudi Arabian Human Rights 
Commission also revealed that 24 percent of all cases or complaints brought by 
women were cases of domestic violence. 

According to the report, there were 275 overall complaints dealing with women 
and women's rights, and domestic violence constituted the largest proportion of 
this figure. The official document revealed that women cited drug addiction as 
a major factor behind the violence they suffered at the hands of their husbands 
or family members, and that this was cited as a factor in more than 35 percent 
of all domestic violence cases brought to the HRC. 

According to the official document obtained by Asharq Al-Awsat; 343 complaints 
made to the HRC were complaints over prisoners' rights, 227 complaints were 
complaints dealing with employment, ensuring a safe working environment and 
work regulations, 164 complaints were complaints about the right to judicial 
and official equality, 118 complaints were related to social welfare, 73 
complaints were to do with financial rights, 68 complaints were complaints over 
security, and 52 complaints were with regards to health care. 

Asharq Al-Awsat also learned that HRC received 47 complaints about national 
identity, 46 complaints about the right to a healthy environment, 30 complaints 
about the right to ownership, 28 complaints about education, 22 complaints 
about freedom of movement and the right to legal representation, and 56 
complaints which can be listed as miscellaneous complaints. 

The official HRC document revealed that only one complaint was received about 
intellectual property rights, while it received 14 complaints about the right 
to freedom of marriage, and 12 complaints about protection from abuse. 

The Riyadh-based HRC complaints department receives complaints anonymously and 
works towards the amicable resolution of complaints, whether these are 
complaints about domestic issues or issues in the workplace. 

The report also revealed that the HRC department that deals with complaints by 
women had resolved nearly 79 percent of the complaints that it received, and 
that 37 of these cases dealt with personal issues, 15 dealt with civil issues, 
65 complaints were about domestic violence, 20 complaints were about the rights 
of female prisoners, 11 complaints were labour issues, in addition to 60 more 
complaints that were about administrative and judicial issues. 

As for the particular types of human rights complaints made to the HRC by 
women, the report revealed that these include personal cases such as marital 
abandonment, denial of inheritance, divorced women being prevented from seeing 
their children or other abuses in custody rights, as well as general issues 
with regards to divorce, removal of guardianship, or separation from husband. 
The report revealed that cases of divorce or alimony were the most common 
issues brought to the attention of the HRC by women. 

Dr. Osman al Manea also informed Asharq Al-Awsat, We will approach the issue 
of raising awareness [of human rights] from more than one angle, and the most 
important angle that we will focus on in our campaign is photos of people 
trafficking, which revolves around the issue of forcing an individual to work 
[against his will] or overworking employees. 

According to al Manea, the HRC - which represents the governmental arm 
primarily responsible for monitoring and discussing human rights issues - is 
also set to utilize Quranic verses and Hadith in order to raise social 
awareness in the country about human rights issues. 

[Non-text portions 

[wanita-muslimah] Video games can hinder learning

2010-03-17 Terurut Topik sunny

Video games can hinder learning 

Parents who buy their children a video game system might want to be careful 
that all the fun doesn't interfere with their learning.

A new study suggests owning a game system could hinder academic development, at 
least for young boys.

The results show that boys given a PlayStation II are slower to progress in 
their reading and writing skills and have more learning problems reported by 
their teachers than those not given a system.

The study is the first controlled trial to look at the effects of playing video 
games on learning in young boys. 

That is to say, the findings aren't based on survey data of kids' game habits, 
but instead on a specific group of children that were randomly assigned to 
receive a PlayStation or not, and followed up for a certain period of time.

However, the findings don't mean that parents should ditch their children's 
game systems.

There's nothing evil about video games per se, said study researcher Robert 
Weis, a psychologist at Denison University in Ohio. It's just that we need to 
monitor kids' usage of these games and to urge moderation in the amount that 
kids play these games.

While several studies have found an association between playing video games and 
poor academic performance, they don't reveal which direction the cause-effect 
arrow points.

For instance, it could be that children who struggle academically turn to video 
games, because they enjoy it more than homework, Weis said.

Weis' new study involved 64 boys aged 6 to 9 who didn't currently own a video 
game system, but whose parents were thinking of buying one. The boys did not 
have previous learning or behavioral problems.

The parents were told this was a study looking at child development, and they 
would get a video game system for participating.

The scientists chose not to include girls, because they wanted to look at the 
effects of playing video games, and they were worried that girls might not play 
as much as boys would, according to Weis.

Half of the children were randomly chosen to receive the PlayStation right 
away, and half got it at the end of the four-month study period.

Not surprisingly, the children with the game system immediately spent more time 
playing video games than those in the control group, though the latter group 
did spend a little time playing video games, presumably at friends' houses.

Those with PlayStations also spent less time engaged in educational activities 
after school and showed less advancement in their reading and writing skills 
over time than the control group, according to tests taken by the kids.

While the game-system owners didn't show significant behavioral problems, their 
teachers did report delays in learning academic skills, including writing and 

The researchers think the learning problems result from the drop in 
after-school actives with educational value.

The amount of time you have is zero sum, so if you spend your time playing 
video games you can't spend your time doing other things, Weis told 

Playing video games might displace not only traditional academic activities, 
such as homework and reading, but ones that, while not strictly academic, could 
help them in school, such as discussing what they learned that day with their 
parents, or having parents read to them.

The findings do not suggest that video games can't have benefits. For instance, 
educational games may help learning, and previous studies have found that 
action games can improve vision. And they might have social benefits as well, 
since boys seem to bond while playing video games, Weis said.

More research is also needed to determine if these findings apply over the 
long-term, Weis said.

It could be that the novelty of video games wears off after four or six or 
eight months, and they basically don't play as much as they did when they first 
got the system, he said.

Future studies will also need to see if the findings apply to girls, who 
generally spend less time playing video games than boys and chose ones with 
less violent content, Weis said.

The results were published in online Feb. 18 in the journal Psychological 

Published March 17 2010

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[wanita-muslimah] Iran plagued with 'despotism'

2010-03-17 Terurut Topik sunny

Iran plagued with 'despotism'
Published Date: March 17, 2010 

TEHRAN: A day after his apartment block was besieged by hardliners calling for 
his prosecution, defiant Iranian opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi lashed out at 
the government, saying it was plagued with despotism, his website reported 
yesterday. The cleric, who continues to question the legitimacy of President 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election, said it was still difficult for him to 
understand how the hardliner won the poll last year given his government's 
track record.

Unfortunately, the (Islamic) republic has been plagued with despotism and 
elections have become meaningless. It has become only a term, Karroubi told 
visitors from the central province of Isfahan, according to his website How can one believe that a president with so many objections 
against him such as inflation, unemployment... gets more votes than he got in 
his first election?

Ahmadinejad has been accused of stoking inflation with populist policies that 
have involved pumping large sums of money into the economy. Karroubi again 
insisted that Ahmadinejad's re-election was not due to the popular vote which 
is why we saw an explosion of people on the streets after the official results 
were announced. In the immediate aftermath of the declaration of the results of 
the June 12 poll, hundreds of thousands of opposition supporters poured onto 
the streets to reject Ahmadinejad's re-election.

Karroubi's remarks came two days after hardliners reportedly gathered outside 
his Tehran home, calling for him to be put to death. His wife, Fatemeh, charged 
that a group of thugs paid by corrupt government officials had vandalized 
the apartment block where the family lives. Iran's Fars news agency described 
the small but vocal crowd which gathered outside the flats as students and 
families of martyrs of the Iran-Iraq war. Pictures carried by the 
pro-government Borna news agency showed the building defaced with red coloring, 
while slogans pronouncing Death to Karroubi were scribbled on the walls.

Karroubi and former prime minister Mir Hossein Mousavi have led a protest 
movement against Ahmadinejad since his June re-election, which they reject as 
massively rigged. Karroubi was attacked by hardliners during Iran's 
commemoration of the Islamic revolution of 1979 on February 11 and his car was 
shot at in January in the city of Qazvin, west of Tehran. The outspoken cleric, 
who with Mousavi stood against Ahmadinejad in the June vote, has infuriated 
hardliners by charging some post-election detainees had been raped in jail. 
Iranian authorities vehemently deny the allegations.

Western countries' fixation on Iran's disputed nuclear program is blinding them 
to human rights abuses, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi said on Monday. 
In recent years, the nuclear issue has become the only subject that gets 
talked about abroad but it's the tree that hides the forest, the forest being 
human rights violations in Iran, Ebadi told journalists in Paris. The West 
suspects Iran of secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons, a charge rejected 
by Tehran, which says its atomic program is purely for civilian energy purposes.

Iran holds two sad records, that for the number of imprisoned journalists and 
that for the number of minors executed, the Iranian human rights campaigner 
told a press conference to mark the release of a book by her in France. Girls 
can be held criminally responsible from the age of nine in the country and boys 
from the age of 15, she said. Ebadi, who has lived in exile in London for the 
last six months, said that Iran's protest movement was made up of different 
political persuasions but the common denominator is democracy and respect for 
human rights. She said that she would not hesitate to return to Iran if needed 
but that she currently felt more useful abroad.- Agencies


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[wanita-muslimah] Sempurnakan Perbup Pendidikan dan Kesehatan Gratis

2010-03-17 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi: Jakarta segera menyusul pendidikan dan kesehatan gratis?

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010 , 01:12:00

Sempurnakan Perbup Pendidikan dan Kesehatan Gratis
Bupati Ajak Masyarakat Dialog

Bupati Kayong Utara Hildi Hamid BE (tengah) memberikan pengarahan langsung 
kepada masyarakat di ruang rapat Kantor Camat Pulau Maya Karimatam saat 
sosialisasi Perbup Pendidikan dan Kesehatan Gratis, beberapa hari lalu. (FOTO 
Humas Pemkab Kayong Utara)
SUKADANA. Peraturan Bupati (Perbup) Kayong Utara tentang program Kesehatan dan 
Pendidikan Gratis yang sudah berjalan hingga saat ini, tidak hanya dirancang 
berdasarkan pemikiran kepala daerah sendiri. Namun bupati selaku pemegang 
eksekusi kebijakan mengajak masyarakat berdialog interaktif untuk lebih 

Belum lama ini, masyarakat Kecamatan Pulau Maya Karimata (PMK) mendapat putaran 
kedua dalam menerima pengarahan langsung dari Bupati Hildi Hamid, dalam rangka 
sosialisasi Perbup Kesehatan dan Pendidikan Gratis. 

Sebelumnya, acara serupa dilakukan di Kecamatan Seponti. Banyaknya pertanyaan, 
saran dan pendapat bahkan tak jarang pula adanya kritikan dari peserta 
sosialisasi. Sehingga menciptakan suasana kegiatan menjadi hidup. 

Menanggapi irama kegiatan ini, Bupati Kayong Utara menilai bahwa masyarakat 
kepulauan itu cerdas meskipun dibatasi lautan yang membentang luas.

Hanya saja karena faktor ekonomi, lanjut Hildi, memengaruhi kesempatan warga 
untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak sehingga hal ini berdampak pada tingkat 
kesejahteraan masyarakat dan perkembangan kemajuan pembangunan. 

Oleh karenanya, dalam rangka melaksanakan amanat pendidikan nasional dan visi 
misi Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Kayong Utara, diperlukan adanya kebijakan 
daerah yang mengatur tentang penyelenggaraan layanan pendidikan secara gratis 

Guna memberikan kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada seluruh masyarakat untuk 
mendapatkan memperoleh pendidikan dasar dan menengah, selama berlangsungnya 
masa wajib belajar (Wajar) 12 tahun. 

Program Wajar 12 Tahun berarti dari sekolah dasar (SD) selama 6 tahun, sekolah 
menengah pertama (SMP) mencapai 3 tahun, dan sekolah menengah atas (SMA) 
berlangsung 3 tahun. Jadi kalau dijumlahkan, 12 tahun.

Begitu pula kesehatan, merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia untuk hidup layak dan 
produktif sehingga diperlukan penyelenggaraan kesehatan yang terkendali biaya 
dan terkendali mutu.

Dikatakannya ketajaman Perbup Kayong Utara ini sangat memengaruhi seluruh aspek 
kehidupan masyarakat. Karena fokus perhatian Pemkab Kayong Utara terhadap 
tingkat kesejahteraan, merupakan program prioritas dalam menunjang percepatan 

Dengan demikian, melalui kegiatan ini Bupati Kayong Utara berharap betul kepada 
masyarakat agar dapat berpartisipasi dan bekerjasama, membantu pemerintah untuk 
mempertajam Perbup Kesehatan dan Pendidikan Gratis. (tas/lud) 

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[wanita-muslimah] Maid laces drinks with blood, jailed

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Maid laces drinks with blood, jailed

Published: Mar 16, 2010 01:06 Updated: Mar 16, 2010 01:06 

JEDDAH: An Indonesian maid was sentenced to 10 months in jail and 300 lashes 
after being found guilty of mixing blood into drinks that were then served to a 
family she had been working for.

The woman's employer took the drinks to a private laboratory for testing after 
becoming suspicious that she had mixed something into them before serving them 
to his daughters. Tests from the laboratory showed traces of blood inside the 

The General Prosecution and Investigation Board questioned the maid who 
admitted mixing her blood into the drinks because her request for a holiday had 
been turned down. The maid will be deported on serving her term and will be 
banned from re-entering the Kingdom.

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[wanita-muslimah] Indonesian Militants Recruit Fighters in Video

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesian Militants Recruit Fighters in Video 
Published: March 16, 2010

Filed at 2:57 p.m. ET 

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AP) -- From the safety of a forest camp, a commander of 
a new Indonesian militant group looks into a camera and ridicules the notorious 
extremist group Jemaah Islamiyah: They are not violent enough, come and join 
us, he shouts, an automatic rifle in one hand. 

The emergence of the previously unknown group calling itself al-Qaida in Aceh 
shows how Southeast Asian militants are adapting even amid a Western-funded 
crackdown that began following the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings and has taken 
out scores of top leaders. 

The group's criticism of Jemaah Islamiyah is further evidence of the split in 
Indonesian extremist networks between militants supporting al-Qaida-style 
attacks inside the country and those who believe such attacks hurt the 
longer-term aim of establishing a Muslim state in Southeast Asia. 

The speech is contained on a 75-minute training, recruitment and propaganda 
video obtained by The Associated Press from a person not affiliated with the 
militant group. It contains scenes of about 15 militants exercising on monkey 
bars, shooting automatic weapons and preaching in a makeshift camp in the 
western province of Aceh that was raided last month by anti-terrorist police. 

It is interspersed with old clips of Osama bin Laden urging violent jihad, or 
holy war, and scenes of the men eating fish and rice together from a communal 
pot, chanting as they march through the camp and bathing in a river. 

Part or all of the video briefly appeared on a militant-linked blog on the 
Internet, released by the militants soon after the camp was raided, the first 
documented case of a terrorist training camp in Indonesia for five years. Two 
short clips are currently available on YouTube. 

''To all those in JI, I tell you. You don't fight jihad with the pen or in a 
prayer cap and sarong,'' said the commander in a hoarse voice as he sat 
cross-legged under a canvas sheet. ''No, you fight jihad with weapons. Before 
your hair goes gray with age, join us!'' 

The commander's face, along with those of other people in the video, are 
blurred by an editor. At one point, a militant tells the cameraman to avoid 
showing the men for the same reason. 

Despite the name, it is far from clear whether the new group has direct links 
to al-Qaida or took the name as a mark of allegiance. In the past, bin Laden's 
network has funded attacks in Indonesia, and in the 1990s hosted scores of 
militants at camps in Afghanistan. Most analysts have said such contacts have 

The raid on the camp was followed by a series of arrests and shootings by 
police across Indonesia. The biggest catch has been Dulmatin, Southeast Asia's 
most-wanted terrorist and a master bomb-maker, who was killed last week in an 
Internet cafe near Jakarta. 

The United States had posted a $10 million reward for his death or capture, 
reflecting the importance Washington places on battling terrorism in Southeast 
Asia as part of its larger goal of defeating al-Qaida worldwide. 

The flurry of activity comes ahead of President Barack Obama's first trip to 
Indonesia since taking office. He is due to arrive next week, and the Muslim 
country's efforts to battle militants who were behind a string of attacks, 
including twin hotel bombings last year in Jakarta, are sure to be on the 

Last week, an AP reporter visited the site of the camp seen in the video in 
Aceh, although there was little remaining, aside from a canvas tent and a 
plastic bag hanging from a tree. The site lies in deep forest and high in the 
hills, about a two-hour walk from the nearest village. 

It is unknown why the terrorists chose Aceh, which was hard hit by the 2004 
earthquake and tsunami, for a base. Until a peace deal in 2005, it was home to 
a separatist army which, while made up of Muslims, was wholly secular in 

The video contains news media footage of Indonesian police attacking the 
separatists in that conflict, as well as news footage of Muslim-Christian 
fighting in eastern Indonesia between 1998 and 2005 that radicalized a 
generation of Indonesian Muslims. 

That juxtaposition suggests the group may be trying to recruit former 
separatists, who would be especially valuable because of their battle skills 
and knowledge of the terrain. At one point in the video, a militant from Aceh 
sings a song in the local language praising jihadists. 

Ansyaad Mbai, the top anti-terrorism official at the Coordinating Ministry for 
Security and Political Affairs, said the group was attracted to Aceh because of 
its history of conflict, availability of weapons and its location across the 
Malacca Strait from southern Thailand, another militant hotspot. 

Militants in recent months have come to Aceh and have used a legal 

[wanita-muslimah] Secularist gains on PM as Iraq opens more ballot boxes

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik sunny

  Secularist gains on PM as Iraq opens more ballot boxes 
Publish Date: Tuesday,16 March, 2010, at 10:10 PM Doha Time 

Dressed in the colours of their national flag, Kurdish girls stand 
behind graves of victims of the 1988 gas attacks, during a ceremony yesterday 
marking the anniversary of the attacks in the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja. 
Iraqi Kurds yesterday mourned the deaths of around 5,000 villagers from Halabja 
who were massacred 22 years ago in chemical attacks blamed on Saddam Hussain's 
forces during the Iran-Iraq war 

  Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's lead over a secularist rival 
narrowed yesterday as new results brought into focus a fragmented vote that may 
mean months of political bargaining and a risky power vacuum.

  Officials released more results from the March 7 poll just as twin bomb 
attacks killed eight people, underscoring Iraq's vulnerability as it confronts 
the possibility of major political change and US troops prepare to withdraw.

   In the town of Mussayab, 60km south of the capital, the two blasts went 
off within minutes of one another after attackers attached two bombs onto 
passengers cars.
  The blasts, a day after seven people were killed by a car bomb in western 
Anbar province, raise doubts about how Iraq's fragile security will stand up 
during what will likely be long, divisive talks among leading politicians to 
form a government.
  Maliki's mainly Shia State of Law bloc is ahead in seven of 18 provinces, 
but it barely made a dent in Sunni areas, underlining Iraq's polarisation after 
years of sectarian war.

  Close behind is former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's Iraqiya list, a 
cross-sectarian, secularist alliance that swept five largely Sunni provinces, 
where resentment runs high against a Shia-led government many Sunnis feel has 
shut them out.
  With two-thirds of an estimated 12mn votes counted, just some 20,000 
votes separate Maliki and Allawi's coalition. Definitive results could take 

  One of the two blocs is likely to ally with the Iraqi National Alliance 
(INA), a largely Shia bloc made up of Maliki's estranged allies, running third, 
or with a partnership of Kurdish parties which dominated Iraq's Kurdish north. 
Both supporters of Maliki, who has built his reputation on pulling Iraq back 
from the brink of civil war, and Allawi, an urbane physician and critic of the 
mainly Shia religious parties dominating Iraq since 2003, are feeling 
confident. Since State of Law has a lead over the other lists, it will be 
dangling the carrot everyone will be running after, Jaber Habeeb Jaber, a 
Maliki candidate, said late on Monday.

  Thaer al-Naqeeb, a close aide to Allawi, said a government without 
Iraqiya representation would be difficult. Our expectations are that we will 
be the ones to form the government. In the north we are No 1 and we are in a 
good position in Baghdad ... If the Iraqi people demand change and are waiting 
for a change, then there should be change. One of the main drivers for the 
bloody insurgency since 2003 has been political marginalisation of a 
long-dominant Sunni minority.  If Allawi, a secular Shia who has galvanized 
Sunnis' desire to reclaim influence, is shut out of power, it could spell 
trouble just as Washington halves its troop force and looks toward an end-2011 
deadline for withdrawing. There is endless speculation about who might ally 
with whom to form the next government, and it's also possible some electoral 
alliances will splinter. 

  Kurds are sure to demand concessions on their priorities - ambitions to 
expand their footprint in land and oil - in exchange for their support.
  Despite his strong showing, many potential allies oppose a second term 
for Maliki. He may have an uphill battle ahead.
  Toby Dodge, an Iraq expert at the University of London, said influence 
from Iraq's fellow Shia-majority neighbour Iran could be instrumental in 
producing another government alliance between Maliki, the INA, and the Kurds. 
To some extent this would be a reconstitution of the collation that governed 
Iraq so ineptly from 2006 to 2010.

  Few things seemed to incense Iraqis more before the elections than talk 
of foreign interference - Iranian, American, Syrian or Saudi. Analysts say 
leading Sunni Arab states such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia would be more 
comfortable with a government led by Allawi. The Iranian government, eager to 
see someone representing Shia interests leading Iraq, praised the elections. 
All international supervision has confirmed the soundness of the Iraqi 
elections. This is a success and we congratulate Iraqis, Foreign Ministry 
spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said.


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[wanita-muslimah] Latin American School of Medicine enrollment in Cuba reaches 10,000

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik sunny

  Havana.  March 16, 2010

  Latin American School of Medicine enrollment in Cuba reaches 10,000

  THE Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) in Cuba is now 10 years old, 
and has an enrollment of 10,000 students from dozens of countries, who are 
studying to be doctors without any cost for their families. 

  Our current enrollment is close to 10,000 students. We have had five 
classes graduate so far (after completing the six-year program), for a total of 
7,248 graduates from 28 countries, Midalys Castilla, academic vice rector, 

  Currently, young people from 55 countries - including Africa and small 
Pacific islands - take classes at the ELAM, 75% of them from working-class and 
farming families, and there are students from 104 indigenous communities in 
Latin America. 

  The only thing required from the students (from 17 to 25 years old) is 
that once they earn their degrees, they will return to their hometowns to 
practice medicine, thus returning what they have received in knowledge. 

  That was the situation with the first 34 U.S. graduates - now there are 
113 - from the United States, which obliged the institution to obtain 
accreditation from the California Medical Board. 

  In Cuba there are also 11,000 scholarship students as part of the ALBA 
project, the integration agreement of the Bolivarian Alternative for the 
Peoples of Our America, formed by Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador, among 

  Initially, there was great resistance from medical associations in some 
countries, the vice rector commented during a tour of ELAM's facilities, 
located outside the capital. 

  She noted that the medical associations' concern diminished as they 
discovered that these colleagues were returning to their hometowns, to places 
generally neglected by doctors. 

  Even some governments in the region who were somewhat distrustful of the 
program - whether or not they expressed it - later changed their perceptions, 
Castilla said. 

  In places like Honduras, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, the youthful 
graduates have had to struggle for recognition of their degrees. Little by 
little, though, the universities, medical associations, and governments have 
begun to cede. In contrast, the diplomas are automatically recognized in Spain. 

  We are at an important moment in terms of the program's validation, 
Castilla said. 

  Classes began in February 1999 with about 1,900 young people, especially 
from Central America. At that time, two hurricanes had devastated poor 
communities in that region. 

  Then-president Fidel Castro said the time had come to train humanistic 
professionals who were committed to their communities, a veritable army of 
white coats. 

  Currently, the students and alumni are working to form an international 
association. (With information from AP)

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[wanita-muslimah] Asia's Billionaires' Easy Path to Riches

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik sunny

Reflksi :  NKRI bertambah dua orang billonaires (milarder) untuk tahun 2010, 
jadi sekarang ada 7 orang punya kekayaan lebih dari 1 miliar dollar Amerika. 
Sejalan dengan itu diberitakan  pula bahwa kekayaan para petinggi NKRI 
bertambah berkali lipat ganda. Tetapi, bukan saja kabar gembira tsb., melainkan 
juga NKRI negeri terkorup di Asia dan kantor berita Antara 14 Maret 2010 
mengkhabarkar sesuai apa yang dinyatakan oleh  Salim Segal Al Jufri, menteri 
sosial, bahwa di NKRI terdapat 5,4 juta anak terlantar.

Asia's Billionaires' Easy Path to Riches 

  Written by Our Correspondent 
  Tuesday, 16 March 2010  
  Usually monopolies, friendly deals with government get them to the top 
  There has been much crowing in the media around Asia over the rapid 
advance of Asians into the ranks of global billionaires. Chinese are now second 
only to Americans in the top 1,000 and India has eight in the super rich top 
100 category. The US has been dethroned from topping the list and several names 
from developing countries have leap-frogged the Europeans.

  However a closer look at the composition of the list would suggest that 
riches are often ill-rewarded and that those businessmen who have contributed 
most to Asian nations' advance in industry and technology have often been 
poorly rewarded, at least compared with those who either inherited their wealth 
or gained it through local monopolies and cozy deals with governments.

  The place that should feel most chastened by its positions on the list is 
Hong Kong. Not only does it boast Asia's richest man, Li Ka-shing of the Cheung 
Kong property empire but two more property developers in the top 50 and another 
four in the top 150. This concentration of property billionaires in an economy 
of just 7 million people tells a sad tale of the gouging of residents that has 
gone on for years thanks to the cozy nature of the relationship between 
government and their developer cronies. 

  Indeed Hong Kong boasts as many in the list as Japan, an economy almost 
20 times larger, in the list of top 25 Asians in the Forbes list. Its top 
ranked property tycoon Mori ranks only at 124 while Australia's top property 
developer Frank Lowy and Malaysian baker Quek Leng Chang are at a relatively 
lowly 205 and 376 respectively.

  Meanwhile the Asian entrepreneurial families who have changed the world 
rank low on the list - though it is interesting that in Korea and Taiwan they 
at least top the local rich leagues rather than the masters of manipulating 
governments. Taiwan's list is topped by Terry Gou of Hon Hai electronics but 
even he is only 136th in the world. Other electronics and other manufacturers 
share most of the 18 Taiwan in the top 1000 with various financial and real 
estate tycoons. Korea is even more sparsely represented in the billionaire 
list. Samsung's Lee Kun Kee is top but only number 205 in a world where the 
Samsung name is ubiquitous. Chung Mong Koo of Hyundai is even further down at 
488 with a fortune estimated at a measly $1.5 billion.

  The rise of Chinese names in the list is partly a reflection of its rapid 
economic growth. But most of the names are in the lower ranks. And many, like 
almost all the Russians, got there through their clever privatization of state 
assets rather than building from scratch - though there many exceptions too, 
particularly the internet billionaires.

  The Forbes lists contains lots of guesswork and in some cases huge family 
wealth may be split in ways which make it appear smaller than it is. Some names 
appear surprisingly far down the list - Macau casino king Stanley Ho is at 701 
and Thailand's regional agribusiness king Dhanin Chearavanont is at 559.

  Indeed, the road to mega riches is occasionally achieved by innovators 
like Bill Gates (number 2) but more likely by those like the man who tops the 
global list: Mexico's Carlos Slim, beneficiary of deals with officials which 
have given him a near monopoly of the domestic telecoms market. A super gouging 
of consumers in a still poor country has given him a fortune estimated at $54 
billion. The wonders of monopoly capitalism. No wonder Marx still has a 

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[wanita-muslimah] Pimpinan JAT Sangkal Anggotanya Terlibat Teroris

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik sunny

  Selasa, 16 Maret 2010 
Pimpinan JAT Sangkal Anggotanya Terlibat Teroris 

  JAKARTA (LampostOnline): Kelompok Jamaah Ansharu-Tauhid (JAT) 
disebut-sebut terlibat dalam jaringan teroris di Aceh Besar, NAD. Namun 
pimpinan JAT, Abdul Rachim membantah keterlibatan anggotanya.

  Itu dibuktikan dulu saja. Orang bisa dengan mudah bilang dari JAT atau 
dari manapun. Tapi kita punya data siapa anggota kita dan yang bukan, ujar 
Iim, panggilan akrabnya, Selasa (16-3).

  Iim meminta agar nama-nama kelompok teroris Aceh yang disebut-sebut dari 
JAT diperjelas. Karena hingga kini pihaknya masih belum menerima kejelasan isu 
yang disampaikan ke publik tersebut.

  Ini isu sepihak untuk memojokkan gerakan Islam. Mereka sendiri tidak 
berani menyebutkan siapa dan atas nama siapa yang terlibat dari JAT, ungkap 
anak Abu Bakar Baasyir ini.

  Iim pun menegaskan kalau dirinya tak pernah mengenal pimpinan pelatihan 
teroris di Aceh, Pura Sudarma alias Jaja. Padahal Jaja termasuk orang yang 
cukup terkenal di Solo, Jawa Tengah. Jaja sendiri merupakan orang kaya yang 
punya banyak bisnis. Salah satu bisnisnya yakni ekspedisi Sajirah dan bengkel.

  Kalau jaja saya tidak kenal. Tidak pernah ketemu. Katanya memang seperti 
itu (kaya dan terkenal). Tapi saya nggak banyak keluar di sini. Saya pribadi 
tidak tahu, tukasnya.

  Sebelumnya, Kadiv Humas Mabes Polri Irjen Pol Edward Aritonang 
mengatakan, kalau pelatihan teroris di Aceh pimpinan Jaja merupakan gabungan 3 
jaringan. 3 Jaringan tersebut yakni Jamaah Islamiyah (JI), Darul Islam Banten, 
dan jaringan Ambon-Poso.

  Namun sumber detikcom di JI mengatakan kalau pelatihan teroris di Aceh 
terdiri dari 4 jaringan. Keempat jaringan tersebut antara lain JI, DI, dan 

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[wanita-muslimah] Gunungan Sampah Longsor di TPA Galuga Bogor, 4 Tewas

2010-03-16 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Orang mati bukan saja karena tertimbun tanah longsor, tetapi juga 
disebabkan sampah longsor. Apakah sampah najis? Bukankah barang najis adalah 

  Selasa, 16 Maret 2010 
Gunungan Sampah Longsor di TPA Galuga Bogor, 4 Tewas 

  JAKARTA (LampostOnline): Empat remaja tewas dan delapan lainnya luka-luka 
akibat tertimbun longsoran sampah di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Galuga di 
Desa Galuga, Kecamatan Cibungbulang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Korban sudah 
berhasil dievakuasi dan dibawa ke RS Leuwiliang.

  Kejadian pukul 16.00 WIB setelah hujan besar, ujar salah satu anggota 
Taruna Siaga Bencana Bogor Andre saat dihubungi detikcom, Selasa (16/3/2010).

  Sementara itu, Kepala Dusun Galuga, Jajang, mengatakan saat ini semua 
korban sudah dilarikan ke RS Leuwiliang. Dari 8 orang yang luka, 5 di antaranya 

  Mereka tertimbun ketika memungut sampah, mereka tidak bisa bergerak, 
jelas Jajang.

  Korban tewas itu adalah Wahyu(11), Tirta(13), Yanto(12) dan 
Komaruddin(14). Sementara itu korban luka-luka adalah Irvan(15), Heri(13), 
Imam(14), Titin, Wardi(17), Muhammad Yani (20), Joni(20). (DTC/L-

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