Re: [Bacula-users] migrate job

2024-07-03 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 7/3/24 7:39 AM, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

I can't get that migrate job running.


> I have diskbased volumes in Storage "File" and want to migrate them to
> physical tapes in Storage "HP-Autoloader", Pool "Daily"

Hello Stefan,

Something is quite wrong here... :)

And a lot of extra information is missing.

Your status storage shows that it is reading from the "daily" pool, using the tape drive "HP-Ultrium", and it is wanting to 
write to the "Daily" pool and also use the same tape drive - Of course, it is an impossibility to read and write from one 
device at the same time. :)

This is clearly not what you described as what you want.

> Running Jobs:
> Writing: Full Backup job VM-vCenter JobId=3498 Volume="CMR933L6"
>   pool="Daily" device="HP-Ultrium" (/dev/nst0)
>   spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
>   Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
>   FDSocket closed
> Reading: Increme
ntal Migrate job migrate-to-tape JobId=3497 Volume=""
>   pool="Daily" device="HP-Ultrium" (/dev/nst0) newbsr=0
>   Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
>   FDSocket closed

Job {
Name = "migrate-to-tape"
Type = "Migrate"
Pool = "File"
NextPool = "Daily"
JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
PurgeMigrationJob = yes
Enabled = yes
MaximumSpawnedJobs = 20
SelectionPattern = "."
SelectionType = "OldestVolume"

The `SelectionPattern` setting means nothing here since you have specified `SelectionType 
= "OldestVolume"`.  From the docs:
The Selection Pattern, if specified, is not used.

Pool {
Name = "Daily"
Description = "daily backups"
PoolType = "Backup"
MaximumVolumes = 30
VolumeRetention = 864000
VolumeUseDuration = 432000
Storage = "HP-Autoloader"

OK, this is the destination pool.

We don't 
see the source pool.

Typically, I set the NextPool in the source pool, but setting it in a Schedule or the Copy/Migration control job is OK too. 
We will need to see more...

Can you show:

- The 'File" Pool

- The "DefaultJob" JobDefs

In bconsole:

* ll joblog jobid=3497
* ll joblog jobid=3498

It seems to me from what I see so far, that you may have not restarted the SD, or not reloaded the Director after making 
changes to the settings the Migration Control and Pool and we are somewhere mid-stream between changes.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Use of Multiple Tape Drives at Once

2024-07-01 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 7/1/24 2:27 PM, Kody Rubio wrote:

Hi Bill,

The following is the output of 'status director' when the jobs are waiting.

  597  Back Full    146,973    667.8 G    fileserver-active         is running
  599  Back Incr          0         0               obsdata4                   
is waiting for higher priority jobs to finish

It seems that "obsdata4" it is waiting for a higher priority job.
Although the fileserver-active job does not have a priority set in the config.
Also, obsdata4 has a Priority of 1 (highest), so I am currently unsure on why 
this is happening.

Hello Kody,

The default Priority is 10 if not set.

So, you have a priority 10 job running `fileserver-active`, and a job with a 
different priority (1) waiting `obsdata4`

The message `is waiting for higher priority jobs to finish` is a bit of a red herring. It does not matter if the other jobs 
have a higher or lower priority set, this will be the (misleading) message logged.

If you want more than one job to run at the same time, they will need to be set to the same priority. Sure, you can also play 
with different priorities, and then enable "AllowMixedPrioritiy" in several places (your Job resources), but this will just 
lead to more confusing results, I am afraid. It is generally recommended to stick to the same priority for your normal backup 
and Restore Jobs, and then set the small number of "special" jobs (Admin, CopyControl, MigrationControl, Verify, etc) to 
something else so they they do not run as the same time as "normal" jobs.

Check the default "Catalog" job to see that while the default Backup jobs are `priority = 10`, that job is 11 or 12 to make 
sure it is run only when all the other normal, nightly backups jobs have completed so that the catalog has all of the 
information for all of the night's jobs - except, of course itself. :)

You will need to check the Director's Storage resource simply called `Autochanger` and make sure that it has 
`MaximumConcurrentJobs` > 1, and that your jobs expected to run at the same same time have the same priority and you should 
be able to make some progress.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Use of Multiple Tape Drives at Once

2024-06-27 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/27/24 1:33 PM, Kody Rubio wrote:

I am searching for advice and/or expertise in allowing Bacula to use multiple 
tape drives at once.

I currently have two separate jobs that use separate Pools, that run around the same time. Although the second job is always 
waiting for the other job to finish. While the second tape drive is open, I would like for it to use the second drive and not 
have to wait for the other drive to be finished.

I also read that setting "MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1" for each will allow this 
but I get the same result.

Below is my configuration for the devices:

Hello Cody, what does `status director` show when these jobs are "wating"

What does your Director Storage resource look like?

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backing Up a Remote Client

2024-06-27 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/27/24 8:50 AM, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

Oops - typo in my message. It should be

*Set storage resource 'FDStorageAddress='

Which is what actually have but wrote it here wrong.☹️

No worries. I saw that and knew what you meant. :)

I'm not aware of NAT reflection being set in the router; no such option that I can find. I can't see sending local backup 
data out and back is an issue since the data is encrypted but anyway it's set up now as you suggested so moot.

Well, what I mean is that your local FD -> SD traffic would hit the firewall, pass through it to its external IP, then be 
NAT'ted back into your local network. So, nothing going to the Internet from local, but still using up the firewall's network 
bandwidth and CPU cycles unnecessarily.

I think you seem to be in good shape now. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backing Up a Remote Client

2024-06-27 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/27/24 2:54 AM, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

I made the additional changes you suggested.

*Removed FD port open on remote router
*Set storage resource 'Address='
*Set storage resource 'FDStorageAddress='

I re-tested local and remote backups and these seem to be working fine.

Excellent! \o/

Next up Client Initiated Backups!   heh

These changes were not absolutely required as local backups continued to work when I had storage resource 'Address=FQDN of remote site>' and without the 'FDStorageAddress=' directive. I presume this was because I had opened ports 9101-9103 
to the DIR/SD host on the local router as part of my previous attempts and I haven't undone any of them.

I didn't say it yesterday, but I was suspecting that if local and remote FD -> SD connections for backups were all still 
working after you set the Storage's Address to the external IP of the firewall, then it mu
st be that NAT reflection was 
set/enabled on your firewall.

Yes sure, that will work, but do you really want all of your backup data 
traversing your firewall? :)

Thanks for your help


You're welcome!

I am glad that my curiosity to set this exact configuration up last week (for 
fun) was well timed.  :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backing Up a Remote Client

2024-06-26 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/26/24 3:31 PM, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

Your tips were bang on. I implemented this and it is working.

Excellent!  \o/

The other steps required were to forward ports on the routers at each end 

This should not be necessary at the remote site(s). The remote clients will be making outbound calls to the Internet, unless 
you have NAT inside NAT or something "interesting" going on at the remote site(s).  :)

> and change the DIR storage resource Address= from a local lan address to the 
public FQDN.

Uff yes, sorry, I missed a step!  :)

The part I missed (which you solved differently, but not the best way if this Storage is needed to be used by other internal 
Clients) is to instead leave the SD's `Address = ` alone and set the `FDStorageAddress = firewall>` in the Director's configuration resource for this (and any other external) Clients.

This way, all your normal internal backups/clients that use this same SD can 
ect to it using its normal `Address = internal IP or FQDN>` and only these external clients will have the FDStorageAddress set to connect to the Main site's 
external firewall IP or FQDN.

Thank you.


You're welcome!

Hope these additional tips help to clean things up even more.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backing Up a Remote Client

2024-06-26 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/26/24 10:44 AM, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

I'm seeking some advice on configuring the backup of a remote client.

Up till now all clients were located on the same local lan that hosts the Director, File and Storage Daemons. The whole lan 
is behind a nat'd router. One of these clients has now moved to a remote site, also behind a nat'd router so my existing FD 
for this client doesn't work.

As I understand Bacula, the sequence of operations is:
DIR > FD : command to begin
FD > SD : send data from fd to sd
and there will be messages to the DIR also.

Hello Chris,

It is more like:

1: DIR --> SD
2: DIR --> FD   (unless FD is configured to connect to the DIR), then it is FD 
--> DIR
3: FD  --> SD   (unless the Director's Client resource has "SDCallsClient = yes"), 
then it is SD --> FD

For this to work for a remote client, all Daemons must be addressable by FQDNs and therefore the use of local addresses is 
not possible.

One thought that occurs to me is that router ports 9101-9103 can be opened to address the Daemons as :port. This 
won't work for the SD which a mounted cifs share due to the storage being a locked down NAS with no possibility of installing 
an SD.

Appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you might have.

The "best" way to do this is configure your remote FD(s) to call into the Director. They can be configured to make the 
connection on a schedule, or to try to make the connection and stay connected - reconnecting at startup, and when disconnected.

You will need to configure the firewall on the SD side to allow and forward the 
connection into the DIR and the SD.

There is a section int he manual about Clients behind NAT, and also Client 
initiated backups. If you get stuck, just ask...

For fun, I recently just configured and tested this exact type of "FD calls 
Director" configuration here.

I know, who does this for fun, right? lol 路臘

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Again LTO9 and performances...

2024-06-20 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/20/24 8:58 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

But, now, a question: this mean that in spool data get interleaved too? How
they are interleaved? File by file? Block by block? What block size?

No. When you have jobs running, take a look into the SpoolDirectory. You will see a 'data' *.spool file and an 'attr' *.sppol 
file for each job running.

Once that is hit, the spoofles are written to tape, during which active
jobs have to wait because the spool is full.

There's no way to 'violate' this behaviour, right?! A single SD process
cannot spool and despool at the same time?

An SD can be spooling multiple jobs wile *one* and only one Job spool file is 
despooling to one drive.

Add another drive and and the same is still true, but the SD can now be despooling two jobs at the same time while other jobs 
are spooling, and so on as you add drives.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-8 tape report error

2024-06-20 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/20/24 4:54 AM, Adam Weremczuk wrote:


The only reason the script started failing was a different device
assignment caused by a reboot:

ls -al /dev | grep sg.
crw-rw  1 root tape 21,   0 Jun 19 12:25 sg0
crw-rw  1 root disk 21,   1 Jun 12 17:42 sg1

Once I've changed sg1 to sg0 it started working like a charm again :)

Hello Adam,

I am glad you found it. It should have been the first thing I recommended to 
check. 路臘

You might be interested in my `` drop-in replacement for the `mtx-changer` script and/or my 
`` drop-in replacement for the `tapealert` script that Bacula ships with.

Both determine the /dev/sg# node automatically, on-the-fly, preventing this issue with Bacula when a /dev/sg# node changes 
after a reboot.

The `` currently requires the Python `doctopt` module but I will swap that out and replace it with 
`argparse` shortly. I have already done this for the `` and a couple other scripts.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-8 tape report error

2024-06-17 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/17/24 11:38 AM, Adam Weremczuk wrote:

Hi Gary,

I know what you mean by "hijacking a thread" now.
I was reading that message when I decided to post my question from the
same window.

Today I cleared the tape drive with an official cleaning cartridge but
it made no difference to the error:


sg_raw -o - -r 1024 -t 60 -v /dev/sg1 8c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00
00 04 00 00 00
  cdb to send: [8c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00]
SCSI Status: Check Condition

Sense Information:
Fixed format, current; Sense key: Illegal Request
Additional sense: Invalid command operation code
   Raw sense data (in hex), sb_len=21, embedded_len=21
  70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0d  00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00
  00 00 00 00 00

Error 9 occurred, no data received
Illegal request, Invalid opcode


If it was some kind of a hardware fault I should be seeing other
problems, shouldn't I?

All backups and Bacula scripts keep completing without errors, it's just
this one command that fails.
I've even run a big restore as a test and it all looks perfectly fine.

I don't have any spare hardware try different configuration.
Is there anything else to try to determine the root cause?
Why would a reboot alone trigger it?


Hello Adam,

Not sure if this will be any help at all, but I just checked and see that in my `` drop-in replacement 
script, to check for tape cleaning required messages, I am using:

 sg_logs --page=0xc /dev/sg##

Then I look for:
Cleaning action not required (or completed)


Cleaning action required

To determine if I need to automatically find and load a cleaning tape before 
returning contr
ol to the SD...

I had been using `tapealert` instead of sg_logs, but I found that tapeinfo clears all alert messages on the drive, so they 
could never be caught by the SD when it calls tapeinfo in the tapealert script. Sg_logs just reports what I need without 
clearing the other flags that the SD needs to know when a drive or tape is bad/damaged, etc.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Again LTO9 and performances...

2024-06-11 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/11/24 10:45 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

Sorry, i really don't understand and i need feedback...

I've read many time that tapes are handled better as they are, sequential
media; so they need on storage:

Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1

Hello Marco,

If you are using DataSpooling for all of your jobs, this setting is somewhat redundant because Bacula will de-spool exactly 
one Job's Data Spool file at a time.

With DataSpooling enabled in all jobs, the only "interleaving" that you will have on your tapes is one big block of Job 1's 
de-spooled data, then maybe another Job 1 block, or a Job 2 block, or a Job 3 block, and so on, depending on which Job's 
DataSpool file reached the defined maximum Job Spool size at particular times throughout the backup window, or when one hits 
the total MaximumSpool size and begins de-spooling.

If, on the other hand, you have many clients and enough network bandwidth, you can disable Data Spooling, and increase the 

pe Drive's MaximumConcurrentJobs setting and Bacula will stream and interleave 
the data from all the concurrently running jobs.

But, you can probably never really guarantee that all jobs will be streaming enough data concurrently to saturate the link to 
the Tape Drive, so using DataSpooling to *fast*, local, SSD, flash, or NVMe etc drives is probably a better and more 
consistent solution.

Hope this helps!

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup Error on Full Backups

2024-06-05 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

And I see on jobid=777, the Bacula SD reports that the volume is 'read-only', so maybe that tape's lock slider is in the lock 

The jobid=777 logs do not include what tape volume was being used. (which is 
odd, unless you snipped those lines)

04-Jun 01:41 -sd JobId 777: Writing spooled data to Volume. Despooling 
1,000,000,242,693 bytes ...

> 04-Jun 01:41 -sd JobId  777: Fatal error: block.c:163 [SF0205] Attempt to write on 
read-only Volume. dev="LTO9-1" (/dev/nst0)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup Error on Full Backups

2024-06-05 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/5/24 12:08 AM, Dr. Thorsten Brandau wrote:

I get from time to time errors when backup up via my LTO-9 autochanger. This happens mostly when I do a full backup (ca. 30 
TB data), sometimes when using differential backup.
I am using the updated mtx-changer-script by Bill Arlofski, as the one out of the box was always running in timeouts when 
tape changing was needed.

This error popped up recently. And persisted now for several full backups, now 
additionally for a differential one.

Anyone any idea where the problem is and how to solve it?

Thank you.

Hello Dr. Thorsten Brandau,

What does my script log at this time?

Most likely the mtx unload command is failing due to an issue with the change/library.  Just a guess of course, but a guess 
based on experience. :)

Also, thanks for letting me know you are using this script. I have no idea who 
has even tested it in the wild.

Keep in mind, you can increase the logging level in the config file if necessary, but I am still going with an mtx changer 
error, and I think this might get logged, regardless.

And, who knows, it seems like you might also be reaching the Bacula SD's Device 'MaximumChangerWait' timeout, and my script 
is being killed by the SD. Perhaps sometimes the time it takes your library to change a tape is right on the edge of the 
default for this Bacula SD timeout threshold and all that needs to be done is to increase that timeout.

But as I read, I see that the default for this timeout is 5 mins, and your log paste seems to show that your SD kills my 
script at about the 8 minute mark. Close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades? Maybe but seems a bit off for computers. :)路

And, FYI keep an eye on the Gitlab repository because I have been making 
changes/improvements to it. ;)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Disk Volumes Showing 1B Read-Only

2024-06-03 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/3/24 12:03 PM, Ken Mandelberg wrote:

My Volumes are all Disk files. Several now show up as 1B Read-Only. In fact, as files "ls -l" shows them at their correct 
size, with modification dates that go back correctly to when they were filled.

This is likely due to my transition from Ubuntu 23.10 to 24.04. There was a period during the transition where the file 
system containing these backup volumes was either not mounted or had ownerships set incorrectly.

I'm guessing that bacula noticed that and marked those backup files 1B Read-Only. These files are the oldest of the backup 
files, the slightly more recent ones are fine.

Is there any way to convince bacula that they are good?

Hello Ken,

What does this bconsole command show?:

* list volume=xxx

If they have a volstatus of `Error`, and they really are good volumes on disk you can just try changing their volstatus back 
to Append with:

* update volstatus=Append volume=

UT, keep in mind that if they are old, then they will probably be past their retention periods and Bacula will probably 
immediately recycle and re-use them. If this is OK, then you are all set. Otherwise, if the data on them is important to you 
then you should disable these volumes until you are sure there is no data that you might need/want to restore:

* update enabled=no volume=


* update volstatus=Read-Only volume=

Then, Bacula will not touch these volumes except to read for restores, copies, 
migrations, or verifies.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] binaries for Ubuntu 24.04

2024-05-31 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/31/24 9:59 AM, wrote:

Currently there are no "Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)" repositories
for Bacula CE versions 15.0.2 and 13.0.4.  Will there be?

Yes. The builds for Bacula Enterprise packages for this very new platform are currently going through testing. Community 
packages should follow soon. I cannot give an ETA, of course. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] VirtualFull and correct volume management...

2024-05-31 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/31/24 8:56 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

If you *really* want to automatically delete failed jobs (I personally don't 
think this is a good idea), you can use a
RunScript in an Admin type Job like:

Why in and 'Admin' job? I've tried to add something like:

Run After Job = /etc/bacula/scripts/deleteFailedJobs "%c" "%l"

to the backup job; script effectively get run, but seems no parameters get
passed to them.

First, you are passing them incorrectly.  Just quote the whole line like:
Run After Job = "/etc/bacula/scripts/deleteFailedJobs %c %l"

Second, this will most likely *not* work - and it is why I offered an Admin job 
as a solution.

If you do this, I am not sure exactly what will happen because (behind the scenes) the job is really still running when the 
RunAfterJob is triggered. So you would be trying to delete a job from the catalog while it is still running, and most likely, 
the Director would re-insert/update 
the job after your script deleted it, and u, I can only imagine what trouble this 
might cause.

Stick with the Admin job and the script is my advice here.

The script (little modification of yours) simply filter by client name (eg,
delete jobs of that client, not overral failed jobs) and run only for
VirtualFull level jobs.

Rationale: if a correct VirtualFull job happen, i can safely delete also the 
failed jobs

VirtualFull jobs will never pull in a failed job. They only collect and 
consolidate Backup jobs
that have terminated "Backup OK" (jobstatus='T' in the catalog), so you can 
deleted them any time you like.

time this Admin job is run will be in the Admin Job's joblog. Alternately, you 
can trigger the script from cron, and the
bconsole output will be in the email that cron sends.

The script run by hand works as expected, but clearly i prefere to run from 

Yes, as I recommended, but I always try to offer optional solutions w
hen I can. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] VirtualFull and correct volume management...

2024-05-29 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/24/24 2:39 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

I suspect that 'job counter' get resetted if and only if all jobs in a
volume get purged; this lead me to think that my configuration simpy does
not work in a real situation, because sooner or later jobs get 'scattered'
between volumes and virtual job of consolidation stop to work, so jobs and
volume purging.

Sorry, i need feedback on that. I restate this.

Seems to me that if i use 'job based retention' on volumes, eg:

Maximum Volume Jobs = 6

on the pool, simply does not work. Because the 'job counter' on the volume
get resetted if and only if *ALL* job on that volume get purged.

If i have a volume in state 'Used' because got 6 job within, and i
purge/delete jobs but not all, media state does not switch to 'Append', and
even if i put manually in 'Append' mode, bacula reject the volume and put on
'Used' state because have reached 'Maximum Volume Jobs'.
If i delete *ALL

* job in that volume, get correctly recycled.

It is right?

There's some 'knob' i can tackle with to make volume management more

Why not set in your Pool(s) `MaximumVolumeJobs = 1`

Then control your JobRetention and FileRetention periods as needed in your Pool(s). Typically you will set JobRetention > 
FileRetention if you want to aggressively manage the amount of storage your catalog uses, but it is usually best if possible 
to set JobRetention = FileRetention.

This way, each file volume will have one job on it, and when that job is pruned from the catalog, the volume will be 
pruned/purged/truncated/recycled.   (I am going on zero hours sleep this morning, so some details may be sketchy  :)

Don't try to force Bacula to use some arbitrary (small) number of file volumes. Let Bacula manage your volumes based on your 
chosen Job/File retention times, disk space available, etc.

You will want to limit your volumes sizes (MaximumVolum
eBytes = xxGB for example), and you will want to limit the number of 
volumes allowed in a Pool (MaximumVolumes = xxx).  This way with a little bit of calculations you can make sure that Bacula 
never fills your partition to capacity.  You can monitor this as time goes on, and you can make adjustments as needed.

If you have multiple Pools and you want Bacula to be able to freely move volumes from different pools when they are 
available, and so they don't get "stuck" in one pool forever, you can use the Pool's `ScratchPool` and `RecyclePool` pool 
settings and then create a Scratch Pool that all Pools would point both of those settings to.

If you prefer to have volumes stay in a pool they were initially created in 
forever, ignore that previous paragraph. :)

Not sure if anyone has answered, but to delete a job, the bconsole `delete jobid=xxx` is what you want. This will delete the 
Job and Files records from the catalog, and free up any volume(s) used in the job being prun

ed for re-use as described above.

If you *really* want to automatically delete failed jobs (I personally don't think this is a good idea), you can use a 
RunScript in an Admin type Job like:

Job {
  Name = Admin_Delete_Failed_Jobs
  Type = Admin
  ...other settings...

  RunScript {
RunsWhen = before
RunsOnClient = no
Command = /opt/bacula/scripts/

Then, in that `/opt/bacula/scripts/` script, something like:


# The "gui on" removes commas in jobids so you don't have to use tr, or sed to 
do it
failed_jobids=$(echo -e "gui on\nlist jobs jobstatus=f\nquit\n" | $bcbin -c $bccfg | grep 
"^| [0-9]" | awk '{print $2}')

for jobid in $failed_jobids; do
  echo -e "delete yes jobid=$jobid\nquit\n" | $bcbin -c $bccfg

If you do it this way (using the `Command =` in the Admin
Job's RunScript, the bconsole output of the jobs being deleted each 
time this Admin job is run will be in the Admin Job's joblog. Alternately, you can trigger the script from cron, and the 
bconsole output will be in the email that cron sends.

Hope this helps!

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] missing repositories

2024-05-11 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/11/24 7:46 AM, wrote:

There currently are no "Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)" repositories
for Bacula CE versions 15.0.2 and 13.0.4.  Please promptly build the
repositories.  Much appreciated.


On 5/9/2024 12:25 PM, wrote:

There are no "Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)" repositories for 15.02
and 13.04.  Please promptly build the repositories.  Thank you.



Repeating the same request every two days is not how this list works.

Please be patient for the people responsible for creating the repositories have time to get this completed. These tasks are 
typically done in peoples' free time. It is possible that they have not even seen your first message yet - ie maybe on vacation?

In the mean time, you can easily build and install from source. This is the way I have been using Bacula Community for about 
20 years now. It is not difficult.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Dell TL2000 Tape Library with HHLTO7 drive

2024-05-04 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/4/24 6:44 PM, Neil Balchin wrote:

Everything is working but on every tape job I get this error:

bacularis-sd JobId 5: Warning: Alert: Volume="LR7782L7" alert=25: ERR=A 
redundant interface port on the tape drive has failed. Failure of one interface port in a 
dual-port configuration, e.g. Fibrechannel.
Any Ideas on how to get rid of it ?  Backups appear to be working just fine 
I’ve tested restore jobs several times

How is your tape drive connected?  ie: Is it actually a dual connected fibre 
channel? Is one link actually down?

The Bacula tapealert script, which calls the `tapeinfo` utility is reporting that there is a TapeAlert[25] error. This is not 
a Bacula issue specifically, just an external script/utility which the SD calls that is reporting back to the SD what the 
drive itself is telling tapeinfo when queried.

Who manages the hardware ie: Tape library, drive(s), and Linux server that this 
SD runs on? Maybe they can assist?

I'd have a look in that direction.

Let us know what you find. It is always nice to see an issue's primary cause 
reported after a solution is found.

Good luck! :)

Thank you,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Multiple interfaces for storage daemon

2024-05-01 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/1/24 9:51 AM, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

On 4/29/24 19:17, Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users wrote:

Hello and thanks a lot for your time and attention.

Hello Andrea,

You are welcome. :)

My first guess (without seeing any logs or configurations) is that there
is a `MaximumConcurrentJobs` setting set to low causing the bottleneck.

I don't think so, otherwise it would never work (opposed to sometimes
working, sometimes not).

Thank you for the status director output.

It helps to confirm that my first guess of a MaximumConcurrentJobs setting was 
the correct one:
 259  Back Incr  0  0  bbb   is waiting on max Storage jobs

Now we need to track it down. :)

Things that will help us when things are currently blocked:

- The Director's Storage resource referred to in the running Jobs

- status director (full header and running jobs section, obfuscated where 

- status storage (the whole thing, o
bfuscated where necessary)

P.S. I also already have some recommendations to change up the way the SD is currently configured which should be helpful 
too.  We will get to those once we identify the issue at hand.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Multiple interfaces for storage daemon

2024-04-29 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/28/24 8:23 AM, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

However, my most important question was: given I configured a single SD
with three different HDD-based storage, is it normal that one of them
can get stuck (with clients on the affected VLAN all "waiting on Storage
"), while the others are working?

Is this a bug? I remeber I had something like this in the past (but with
13.x and only two storages) and it worked.
Or is this NOT supposed to work?

   bye & Thanks

This is not normal. More than likely though, it is another configuration issue.

A Bacula SD can read/write jobs from/to any of the Storages as it supports - 

My first guess (without seeing any logs or configurations) is that there is a `MaximumConcurrentJobs` setting set to low 
causing the bottleneck.

Can you show a `status director` output, your configurations (sanitized), and some job logs of jobs waiting on something in 
the `status director` "Running J

obs" output?

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd appearing to use wrong storage server

2024-04-25 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/25/24 3:55 PM, gaston.gloesener--- via Bacula-users wrote:

Thanks for the rplies,

I include here some of the requested informations.

First abouth the "bconsole reload", yes I did not do, but I did restart the 
director, the storage and file deamons several times after the config change. Also 
because I did run them in forground with debug.

Hello Gaston,

I am re-sending this since the last one I sent I had included a screenshot which will not translate well for search engines, 

The problem had pointed out in the screenshot was that it looks like you are using the `FDStorageAddress` setting in this 
client. I believe this is causing your issue.:

8<> *show job=Backup-james1

Job: name=Backup-james1 JobType=66 level=Incremental Priority=10 Enabled=1
  MaxJobs=1 NumJobs=0 Resched=0 Times=0 Interval=1,800 Spool=0 
   --> Client: Name=james1-fd Enabled=1 Address=james1.home FDport=9102 MaxJobs=

1 NumJobs=0

JobRetention=6 months  FileRetention=2 months  AutoPrune=1

<--- HERE

   --> Catalog: name=MyCatalog address=*None* DBport=0 db_name=bacula
   db_driver=PostgreSQL db_user=bacula MutliDBConn=0
   --> FileSet: name=Full Set IgnoreFileSetChanges=0


If this is not it, we will look a little deeper. :)

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd appearing to use wrong storage server

2024-04-25 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/25/24 3:17 AM, gaston.gloesener--- via Bacula-users wrote:
Until now I did run bacula in a virtual machine running the director and storage deamon. The storage daemon was stroing data 
to files on a shared directory as the storage is on a NAS.

Now I have build bacula-sd for the NAS to avoid this duplicate transfer. I have configured one client to use the new storage 
but while it uses it, it claims to still contact the “old” storage daemon on the bacula node.

Hello Gaston,

A bconsole `show job=` will show what the Director knows about this job.

It is quite possible, and my guess that one of two possible things has happened:

#1: You forgot to issue the bconsole reload command
#2: The Director has reached its default configuration reload limit of 32 and 
is no longer reloading

You can check with:

* status director

...and look at the header line:

`Daemon started 24-Apr-24 18:55, conf reloaded 24-Apr-2024 18:55:27`

If the `conf reloaded` time is not recent, then you have hit #2 above and 
simply need to restart the Director.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Wildfile

2024-04-10 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/10/24 11:38 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

First coffee here right now ;-)
Thanks for your example.

Hello Stefan,

You are welcome!

Well, it is 23:41 here now, so I have switched from coffee to beer. :)

I didn't add "signature" but already came up with this yesterday:

Fileset {
Name = "VM_XYZ"
Include {
  File = "/mnt/backup/vmbackup/Backup XYZ"
  Options {
WildFile = "*.vbk"
  Options {
Exclude = "Yes"
RegexFile = ".*"

seems to work!

OH! Look at you, jumping from WildFile to RegexFile!  :)

I was trying to keep things simple, but OK. :)

Yes, this is fine. Remember my first post about there always being several ways 
to do something in Bacula? :)

Do I have to add that signature-line?

To confirm why I made that comment, try running a restore of one of these jobs 
that you have now backed up. ;)

What do you see?

Glad y
ou got this working!

And, if you like we can talk about Client side scripts to point your `File = ` at too. Just for more fun and practice, of 
course. BUT... client side scripts are a bit less scalable as you might imagine. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Wildfile

2024-04-10 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/10/24 12:38 AM, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

Is this Fileset correct?

Fileset {
Name = "VM_xxx-y"
Include {
  Options {
WildFile = "\"/mnt/backup/vmbackup/Backup xxx-y/*.vbk\""

I don't get files with this ... seems not to match.

Hello Stefan,

No, this will not backup anything because you have not specified anything to backup with a `File = /path/to/somewhere` inside 
of your `Include{}` block. So far, you have only set something (WildFile) inside of an `Option{}` block.

There are several ways to do what you want (there always is with Bacula :)

The first, based on your current Fileset template will require a `File =` line as mentioned above and also another 
`Options{}` block to exclude everything else:

Fileset {
   Name = "VM_xxx-y"
   Include {
 # This option block matches your *.vbk files and creates a signature in 
the catalog for backed up files
 Options {
   signature = sha1   # You need a signature, so I 
added this
   WildFile = "/mnt/backup/vmbackup/*.vbk"# Note, I fixed your extra 
quotes and a backslash and simplified here

 # This options block says to exclude everything else, not matched above
 Options {
   WildFile = "*.*"
   Exclude = yes

 File = "/mnt/backup/vmbackup"  # And finally, what 'top level' 
directory are we considering for backups

This "Should work"™  I have not tested it, and wrote it quickly in my email client before finishing my first cup of coffee 
this morning. :)

Remember, when you have re-configured this Fileset and have issued a `reload` command in bconsole, instead or running the 
job, you can quickly see if your settings do what you want with an `estimate` command like:

* estimate listing job=

This way you don't have a bunch of failed jobs in your catalog. :)

P.S. I see your files (or directories, I am not 100% sure which) have spaces in their names.  I would recommend doing 
yourself a favor and not using spaces if you can help it. It will make your life easier and save you from needing to "escape" 
spaces with backslashes, etc.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup in disk AND tape

2024-04-09 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/9/24 6:53 AM, Chris Wilkinson wrote:
Regarding the suggestion to put a Runafter block in the job to run the copy job at the end, that doesn't seem to be allowed. 
Run job=xx commands are not permitted in a Runscript as I just found out. It gives a not allowed command error.

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this?

Hello Chris,

Yes, convert that run command to a simple script like:


# Pipe the run command to bconsole
echo "run yes job=catalog-copy" | bconsole

Now, that is the most basic it needs to be, but you can add other things to it. ie: error checking, command line options, 
etc. Although in your use case it does not seem necessary to complicate things. :)

Then, just replace the
Console = "run job=catalog-copy yes"

...line in your RunScript with:

`Command = /opt/bacula/script/ru`

And you should be OK.

Make sure your `catalog-copy` job has the same Priority (11) as your Catalog job, otherwise you will end up in a dead-lock 
where the Copy job waits for the Catalog job to finish, and the Copy job is waiting for the catalog-copy job (which will 
never start) to finish.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Copy Job Configuration Question

2024-04-06 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/6/24 10:53 AM, Chris Wilkinson wrote:
I am attempting to write a copy job to copy uncopied jobs from one SD to another. It seems that the client and fileset 
directives are required or the syntax check will fail. The documentation (v9) is not explicit on this point.

Since the client is not involved in a copy job, it seems that these clauses are redundant. If they really are required,  does 
it matter what value they have,  even a non-existent one?

This is what I have for the copy job:

Job {
   Name = "catalog-copy"
   Description = "copy of catalog"
   Type = "Copy"
   Level = "Full"
   Messages = "Standard"
   Storage = "dns-325-sd" #source storage
   Pool = "catalog"
   NextPool = "catalog-copy"  #destination storage
   Client = "catalog-fd"  #why is this needed, what value?
   Fileset = "Catalog"  #why is this needed, what value?
   Schedule = "sched_none"
   SelectionPattern = "catalog"  #copy only job names matching "catalog"
   SelectionType = "PoolUncopiedJobs"

Many Thanks
Chris Wilkinson

Hello Chris,

The parser sees that it is parsing a Job resource, and then requires all the settings for a Job resource, and does not 
distinguish a Backup type job from an Admin one, or Copy, or Verify etc. This had annoyed me also for some time, but I 
suspect the developers will never want to spend time on making this distinction when parsing resources. :)

What I have been doing in my Bacula environments for many years is I create some "dummy/fake" resources and use them in 
places where the parser requires them but they are clearly not needed/used.

The nice (OCD?) thing here is that in my Copy, Migration, Admin, Restore, etc job logs and summaries, it is clear that no 
Fileset, or Client, or Storage, etc was really used.

The same is true when viewing Job listings in BWeb, Baculaum, Bacula-Web, Bacularis, or in my script. ie: It is explicitly clear that a Copy/Migration Control job (for example) 
in the list contacted no Client.

In each of my fake resources, I have just the bare minimum required to satisfy the parser fro that type of resource. I name 
them all "None" (there is funny bug in my reporting script story about this - Python programmers will know straight away :) 
and I use them in special jobs as mentioned above.

Fake Client for copy jobs, etc:
Client {
  Name = None
  Address = localhost
  Password = N/A
  @/opt/comm-bacula/include/Clients-Defaults  # Some required things for all 
Clients like FDPort, Catalog are in here

Fake Fileset for copy jobs, etc:
Fileset {
  Name = None
Include {
  Options {
  Signature = md5

Fake Storage for admin jobs, etc
Autochanger {
  Name = None
  Address = localhost
  Enabled = no
  Device = N/A
  Password = N/A
  Media Type = None

Fake Pool for copy jobs, etc:
Pool {
  Name = None
  PoolType = Backup

Fake Schedule with no run times. This way I can implicitly see what are my "Manually 
run" jobs:
Schedule {
  Name = Manual

Hope this helps!

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula support LTO9?

2024-04-02 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/2/24 3:52 PM, Jose Alberto wrote:


I work with Bacula (11 and 13)  with lto8,  all fine.

with bacula 13 or 15   work  LTO9 ?

Yes.  ;)

You may want to run some tests using btape to find the right `MaximumFileSize` and `MaximumBlockSize` for your tape drive(s), 
but I can assure you (personally working in Quantum's lab testing Bacula with their latest Scalar i6000 library and LTO9 
drives), Bacula absolutely works fine with them.

The settings I found that work quite well with LTO9 drives (with 10+ concurrent 
backup streams) are:
MaximumFileSize = 32GB
MaximumBlockSize = 2097152

I have also attached a script I wrote to automate the testing of several file 
and block size combinations using btape.

Please have a look and be sure to read the btape documentation to understand what is going on before running the script - 
also there are variable settings at the top you will need to edit to fit your environment.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski
Description: application/shellscript

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup in disk AND tape

2024-04-02 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/2/24 12:01 PM, Roberto Greiner wrote:


I've installed Bacula recently in a server with a 7TB RAID5 storage, and
a LTO-6 tape unit.

I have configured 9 remote servers (most Linux, one Windows) to have the
backup made in this server in the disk storage, and I'm finish to
understand how to do the tape backup. Now, I have a question about
making the backup into both destinations.

I have the following setup for JobsDef:

JobDefs {
    Name = "DefaultJob"
    Type = Backup
    Level = Incremental
    Client = bacula2-fd
    FileSet = "Full Set"
    Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
    Storage = FileAligned
    Messages = Standard
    Pool = File
    SpoolAttributes = yes
    Priority = 10
    Write Bootstrap = "/opt/bacula/working/%c.bsr"

Then I added a server to have the backup, let's say (it's a linux,
despite the name):

Job {
    Name = "AD"
    JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
    Client = ad-fd
    FileSet = "etc"

This will, obviously go to the dedup-disk storage. The question is, how
should I add the tape setup? Is there a way to add a couple of lines to
the job definition above so that the backup goes to both systems? Should
I create a separate job definition for the tape backup? Some other way I
didn't consider?



PS: The storage definitions for the disk and tape destinations:

Storage {
    Name = FileAligned
    Address = bacula2
    SDPort = 9103
    Password = ""
    Device = Aligned-Disk
    Media Type = File1

Storage {
    Name = Fita
    Address = bacula2
    SDPort = 9103
    Password = ""
    Device = Ultrium
    Media Type = LTO

Hello Marcos,

With Bacula, there are almost always 10+ different ways to accomplish things, 
and/or to even think about them.

For example, you can override the Pool, Level, and Storage in a Schedule...

So, with this in mind, you might set your job to run Incs each weekday to disk, and then set the Fulls to run to tape on the 
weekend. (just one idea)

Another option is to use Copy jobs. With Copy jobs, you can run your Incs and Fulls to disk, then you can run a Copy job to 
copy your Incs, Fulls, or both to tape during normal working hours because Copy jobs do not make use of any Clients, so 
business productivity will not be affected on your server(s).

In your case, I would probably go with a Copy job. This way, you have your backups on disk for fast restores when needed, and 
you have the same data copied to new jobids onto tape - maybe with longer retention periods, for example.

Also have a look at the `SelectionType = PoolUncopiedJobs` feature for Copy jobs. This is a nice, handy "shortcut" to make 
sure that each of your jobs in some Pool is copied once, and only once to tape.

In this case, you can have two Copy jobs configured, one looking at your Full disk pool and one looking at your Inc disk pool 
and copying jobs that have not been copied.

OR, you can have one copy job running on a schedule where the Pool is overridden at two different times of the day to copy 
from the Full disk pool, and then also from the Inc disk pool.

OR... (lol I said 10, so I am working towards that number, and I am getting close :) ... You can have your normal backup jobs 
include a `RunScript {RunsWhen = after}` section which triggers an immediate copy of the job to tape as soon as it is completed.

So, I would start with a look at Copy jobs and see where that goes. :)

Feel free to ask more questions once you have taken a look at Copy jobs.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula 15.02 upgrade on Centos 7 -- Storage Daemon not starting

2024-04-02 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users


Glad we got this working. :)

Regarding any possible user:group changes, I guess you would have to contact the person who maintains the package for the 
CentOS 7 Linux distribution - And quite frankly, I am surprised that 15.0.2 is already available as it was *just* release 
some days ago. Kudos to the maintainer for being "Johnny on the Spot"™ :)

To fix everything, just figure out what user:group the Bacula SD is currently running as, make sure this combination has 
read/write access to all of the file volumes, and any directories/files (eg: /opt/bacula/working) and you should be all set.

P.S. I think it is time to upgrade/migrate from CentOS 7  ;)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula 15.02 upgrade on Centos 7 -- Storage Daemon not starting

2024-04-02 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/2/24 9:54 AM, sruckh--- via Bacula-users wrote:
I have upgraded from 13.x to 15.02 on a CentOS 7 server by changing yum repository and running yum update.  After RPMs were 
upgraded, I ran the scripts to upgrade the MySQL database.  When I try to start bacula-sd using systemctl no errors are 
returned, but the storage daemon is not starting (as seen by running 'ps -ef | grep bacula' ).  Running journalctl for 
bacula-sd does not show that bacula-sd is failing.

The systemctl status for bacula-sd is returning the following:

 hostname removed to protect the innocent

● bacula-sd.service - Bacula Storage Daemon service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bacula-sd.service; enabled; vendor 
preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Tue 2024-04-02 08:18:13 MST; 18min ago
Process: 4066 ExecStart=/opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -dt -c 
/opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 19946 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Apr 02 08:18:13 systemd[1]: Starting Bacula Storage Daemon 
Apr 02 08:18:13 systemd[1]: Started Bacula Storage Daemon service.

There is nothing in the system logs that would help narrow down the problem.  There is also nothing logged in 
/opt/bacula/log/bacula.log that mentions problems with the storage daemon.

If the storage daemon is instead started manually from the command line (as 
root user) using the following command the storage daemon starts and does not 

sudo /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -d 200 -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf


More than likely, the above command is/was the initial cause of your problem.

The Bacula SD typically runs as the user 'bacula'.

Starting the SD as root (as shown above with the sudo command), will cause the SD to open its PID and state files (and any 
file volumes) as the root user.

Later, when you try to start it with systemd - which will run it as the bacula user - it will not have access to these files 
and will just silently fail to start.

Try testing the config file syntax first with this:

# sudo -u bacula /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -t

That might/should fail with some read and/or write permissions on one or more files. If it does not fail, then start the SD 
in foreground more like:

# sudo -u bacula /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -d100 -f

Then, `chown bacula:bacula` any files it complains about, and try again until 
it starts up and remains running.

Next, find any file volumes the SD may have written to when run from the 
command line previously and chown them too.

Then, ctrl-c the running bacula-sd, and try to start with systemd, it should 
work now.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] configure CentOS/RedHat repository - first time usage

2024-03-27 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 3/27/24 10:33 AM, Eduardo Rothe via Bacula-users wrote:


I am installing Bacula Community for the first time in a Fedora environment. According to the white paper Bacula Community 
Installation Guide, section "6.2 yum Package Manager Configuration", I should configure the repository using the, and I 
quote, "/path component sent in the registration email/". Which registration is this ? Where can I register ? Searching the website, I can't find anything to register for.

Best to all,

Hello Eduardo,

On the site, under "DOWNLOADS", the bottom option `Deb, Rpm and OSX 
Packages`, there is a form to fill out.

You will be emailed your personal repository link to use in your repository 
files for your package manager.

Hope this helps!
Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Again vchanger and volumes in error...

2024-03-19 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 3/19/24 11:11, Josh Fisher wrote:

Do you remember if you checked for an ACTION="change" event on media
change? That would be sufficient to trigger a launch of vchanger REFRESH
to perform the update slots. It would be a feature of the device driver
and may or may not exist. If not, then there's definitely no way to
automate it and the update slots must be run manually from bconsole any
time a cartridge is inserted (or removed).

Hello Josh...

Wow... I have no idea as it was a very long time ago that I was messing with 
these things. :)

It would be interesting if someone currently working with the RDX stuff could 
fill in the blanks here. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Again vchanger and volumes in error...

2024-03-18 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 3/18/24 12:53, Heitor Faria wrote:

Hello Bill,

RDX has to working modes: disks and VTL.
Many years ago I configured it as a VTL with Bacula, and it worked very well.
For Disk mode, maybe configuring a Bacula Storage for each disk could be manageable. Or a crazier idea would be to create a 
CEPH cluster on the top of all disks.


Hello Heitor!  :)

The use-case for the RDX is that you will (typically) have one bay, always connected to the host computer, and the magazines 
are removable. So there is typically never a scenario when all the RDX magazines are all plugged in at the same time.

This, of course, is where the Bacula + eSATA + cryptoLUKS + autofs + vchanger 
combination really shines.

But with RDX instead of eSATA, due to the scenario I described previously, there will need to be some manual interventions 
when changing RDX magazines.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Again vchanger and volumes in error...

2024-03-18 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

This is in response to Josh...

In my experience, with RDX, the docking bay itself shows up as a device... 
(/dev/usbX or /dev/sdX, I forget)

But plugging/unplugging an RDX cartridge does not notify the kernel in any way, so udev rules are not possible to do anything 
automatically with RDX.

This was my experience about 8 or more years ago which is why I abandoned any attempts to use RDX with my own customers, and 
went with plain old removable eSATA drives, fully encrypted with LUKs, and auto-mounted with autofs.

I'd love to know if something has changed in this regard in the past 8 years or 
so. :)

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Permission Issues

2024-03-06 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

Hello Ken,

In addition to what I previously wrote, i just noticed that your *.bsr files should not be in `/opt/bacula/working`, but 
rather in `/opt/bacula/bsr`.

Check your Jobs and JobDefs resources and make sure that the `WriteBootstrap` 
settings in these point to the bsr directory

This is not critical, just a "best practices" kind of thing...

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Permission Issues

2024-03-06 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 3/6/24 10:19, Ken Mandelberg wrote:

I I notice these two permission errors in my logs. I'm on Ubuntu. What do I 
need to do to correct them.
The backups succeed but I guess they are missing info.

05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: shell command: run BeforeJob 
"/opt/bacula/scripts/ MyCatalog"
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: BeforeJob: mysqldump: Error: 'Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS 
privilege(s) for this operation' when trying to dump tablespaces

05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Start Backup JobId 7661, 
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Connected to Storage "File" at localhost:9103 
with TLS
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Using Device "FileStorage" to write.
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Connected to Client "orac-fd" at orac:9102 
with TLS
05-Mar 23:19 orac-fd JobId 7661: Connected to Storage at localhost:9103 with TLS
05-Mar 23:19 orac-sd JobId 7661: Vol

ume "Vol0010" previously written, moving to end of data.

05-Mar 23:19 orac-sd JobId 7661: Ready to append to end of Volume "Vol0010" 
05-Mar 23:19 orac-sd JobId 7661: Elapsed time=00:00:02, Transfer rate=325.8 M 
05-Mar 23:19 orac-sd JobId 7661: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. 
Despooling 233 bytes ...
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Error: Could not open WriteBootstrap file:
/opt/bacula/working/BackupCatalog.bsr: ERR=Permission denied
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Error: Bacula Enterprise orac-dir 13.0.3 
   Build OS:   x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise ubuntu 22.04

Hello Ken,

There are two unrelated issues here.

First, somehow, the bsr file "Permission denied" error:
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: Error: Could not open WriteBootstrap file: /opt/bacula/working/BackupCatalog.bsr: 
ERR=Permission denied


This problem is that somehow (guessing someone 
started the Director as the root user at some point), so the BackupCatalog.bsr 
file permissions do not allow the Director (normally running as 'bacula' user to write to this file:

-rw-r--r--  1 root   root190 Jul 11  2023 BackupCatalog.bsr

Simple fix, as root, do:
# chown bacula:bacula /opt/bacula/working/BackupCatalog.bsr

Second problem is not a Bacula problem, but a MySQL user/permissions issue:
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: shell command: run BeforeJob 
"/opt/bacula/scripts/ MyCatalog"
05-Mar 23:19 orac-dir JobId 7661: BeforeJob: mysqldump: Error: 'Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS 
privilege(s) for this operation' when trying to dump tablespaces


With the Director running as the bacula user, this means the Before Script (/opt/bacula/scripts/ in 
the Catalog job `BackupCatalog` will be called as the bacula user, then the sc
ript calls the mysqldump program to dump the 
'bacula' (by default) database.

This one is not a filesystem permissions issue/error.

The error is the MySQL database server telling you that the MySQL database user you have configured in the Catalog{} resource 
in your Director's configuration (usually bacula) does not have the "...PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation' when trying 
to dump tablespaces"

Find out how your Catalog resource (named "MyCatalog") in the Director is set up (ie: user, password, DB address, DB port, 
etc) is configured.

Then, make any DB privilege modifications necessary, and make sure you can (outside of Bacula, and as the 'bacula' user, 
*not* the root user) successfully run the command:

bacula@hostname] $ /opt/bacula/scripts/ MyCatalog

This will (by default) create a file `/opt/bacula/working/bacula.sql`

I see there is one there already from 23:19 yesterday evening, which means the 
mysqldump command called i
n the Before script 
by your BackupCatalog job was able to dump something, but clearly the MySQL DB server is not completely happy. :)

Hope this helps!

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] CRC ERROR on volume what possible to do

2024-03-04 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 3/4/24 09:00, Lionel PLASSE wrote:


I have this error while reading a volume for virtualfull consolidating job

Error: block_util.c:521 Volume data error at 0:0!
Block checksum mismatch in block=11755301 len=64512: calc=dfb5486f

It seems the volume file is definitively corrupted,  nothing is possible for
this block I think . ( The error occurs twice for the same job at the same

But ,
is this possible to continue reading the volume by bypassing or "marking" the
error and proceed with consolidating the remaining data?
Can we blacklist the block in error (along with the corresponding files) to
complete the consolidation job, even if the result will be an incomplete
Or Bacula definitively kill the job in error. I don't recall seeing an option
to bypass I/O errors .

What to do in such kind of hardware I/O problems.

Hello Lionel,

I have no idea if this would work, but it may be possible to start the SD with the `-p` (Proceed despite I/O errors), then 
try the restore. I have never tried this, and would typically revert to using the low-level `bextract` tool, which also has 
the `-p` command line option.

If starting the SD with `-p`:

# sudo -u bacula /path/to/bacula-sd -p -f(just start the SD in foreground 
with ignore errors etc)

... And performing a VFull does not get you a good* virtual full, you may have to use `bextract` against the volumes used in 
the last Full/VirtualFull to restore the data from the volumes.

*In this sentence, the word "good" is relative. I mean, with hardware I/O errors, the data recovered during the VFull will 
surely be missing data... The same thing goes for using bextract set to ignore I/O errors.

Personally, unless this were a critical restore situation, and I were just trying to "get what I can" back, I would abandon 
the last Full/VirtualFull and perform a new, good real Full immediately since you have surely lost some data in your backup 
chain due to this hardware issue.

I'd also recommend implementing Verify jobs in some manner (ie: Automatically restore and/or Verify (level=data) critical 
jobs when they finish with a RunsWhen = after script, or implement some Admin job that pseudo-randomly picks a recent, Good 
backup job and performs a restore and/or Verify job against it)

Here's an all-in-one™, overkill™ example script that I wrote as a proof-of-concept a while ago which performs a restore, then 
all three Verify levels against a backup job when it completes.  You can pick and choose parts of this that you need and 
abandon the rest. :)

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] auto labelling no longer working after transferring to a new backup disk

2024-03-03 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 3/3/24 19:00, Thing wrote:


Ahhh, I didnt think that was an issue as I have 74 volumes on disk.

Right, but volumes on disk does not necessarily match the number of volumes in catalog. This is especially true when dealing 
with removable media, and vchanger, for example. :)

  *list pools
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
| PoolId | Name       | NumVols | MaxVols | MaxVolBytes     | VolRetention | 
Enabled | PoolType | LabelFormat |
|      1 | Default    |       4 |     100 |  53,687,091,200 |   31,536,000 |    
   1 | Backup   | *           |
|      2 | File       |   1,009 |   1,008 | 536,870,912,000 |   31,536,000 |    
   1 | Backup   | Vol-        |
|      3 | Scratch    |       0 |       0 |               0 |   31,536,000 |    
   1 | Backup   | *           |
|      4 | RemoteFile |   2,015 |   2,005 |  53,687,091,200 |   95,040,000 |    
   1 | Backup   | Remote-     |
You have messages.

NumVols is 2005 and I have labeled 5 volumes so far I think, like doh.

It is the opposite actually. Your Pool's MaximumVolumes is 2,005 and your number of volumes in the catalog is 2,015, so, 
somewhere along the line, 10 additional volumes have been manually created. :)

*list media was interesting,

A huge quantity of Error'd volumes, is there a safe way to purge the error'd 
volumes (I assume inside mysql)?

You can tell the Director to delete these volumes with a volstatus=Error

* delete volume=

Of course, this can be scripted if you have hundreds or thousands of them.

This will present a list of only Volumes in this pool with a volstatus of 
# for vol in $(echo "list media pool=RemoteFile" | bconsole | grep "^| \+[0-9].* Error " | awk '{print $4}'); do echo "list 
volume=$vol" | bconsole; done


After verifying that list looks to be OK (ie: only volumes with 
volstatus=Error), they may be deleted from the catalog.

To automatically delete them from the Bacula catlog:
# for vol in $(echo "list media pool=RemoteFile" | bconsole | grep "^| \+[0-9].* 
Error " | awk '{print $4}'); \
do echo "delete XyesX volume=$vol" | bconsole; done

*NOTE*, you will need to remove the "X"s around the word 'yes' above. ;)

*NOTE 2* I wrote the two above one liners in an email client. They may, or may 
not be syntactically correct. YMMV. :)

I have maybe 1Tb to go on this job.  I suppose I could stop it?   If so how do 
i do that pls?

Why stop it?  Everything I have shown above can be done while jobs are running.

Newer versions of Bacula (I forget when the feature was added), allow you to 
`stop jobid=`, then later,
you can resume the job with `resume incomplete jobid=`

This setup is years old I just keep doing a Debian in place upgrade, is 50gb 
too small for a file size these days?

Yeah, well, version 9 of Bacula is is pretty old. :)

Debian is notorious for having old packages in the official repositories.

You can get current packages (15.0.x) just by signing up at

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] auto labelling no longer working after transferring to a new backup disk

2024-03-03 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 3/3/24 10:01, steven wrote:

I moved to a new bigger disk and now I have to label every volume.  I
have restarted both the bacula director + the storage node.

How do I get auto-labeling to work again please?

bacula-director  9.6.7-3    amd64  on Debian12

root@bacula:/etc/bacula/conf.d# cat pools.conf
Pool {
      Name = RemoteFile
      Pool Type = Backup
      Label Format = "Remote-"
      Recycle = yes
      AutoPrune = yes
      Volume Retention = 1100 days
      Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G
      Maximum Volumes = 2000

Device {
    Name = FileStorage
    Media Type = File
    Archive Device = /bacula/backup
    LabelMedia = yes;   # lets Bacula label unlabeled media
    Random Access = Yes;
    AutomaticMount = yes;   # when device opened, read it
    RemovableMedia = no;
    AlwaysOpen = no;
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5

Hello Steven,

With 1,100 day retention, 50GB volumes, and a limit of 2,000 volumes in this pool, my guess is that your Pool "RemoteFile" 
has reached the MaximumVolumes"

What does the following bconsole command show for the numvols and maxvols for 
this pool?

* list pools

I am also guessing that since you have been manualkly adding/labeling new volumes, that there are more than 2,000 voilumes 
currently in this pool.

Newer versions of Bacula will tell you in the job logs that the maximum number of volumes in a pool has been reached before 
asking for you to mount an appendable volume or to label a new one.

If all my guesses are correct, just edit your pool and increase the 
"MaximumVolumes" setting, then, in bconsole:

* reload
* update pool=RemoteFile

Then, run a job that uses this pool and it sould be OK now.

If it is not OK, then please show a full joblog of the job that is asking for 
media, and also a list pools, and list media:

* ll joblog jobid=

* list pools

* list media

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Client backup, VirtualFull and failed job 'retention'...

2024-02-22 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

Hello Marco,

Just to clarify one thing I noticed in your post:

Marco wrote:
> Note that there's no 'Volume Retention = ', so no volume retention. ;-)

From the documentation:
The default Volume retention period is 365 days

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] MagStor M1000-L9SAS tape library

2024-02-22 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 2/22/24 06:49, Pollard, Jim wrote:
By chance is anyone out there able to verify that the MagStor M1000 tape library works with Bacula?  I’m already using the 
LTO-9 HH SAS Drive and that works fine but I have the chance to possibly upgrade the system to a library and I can’t pass 
that up.  : )

Thanks for any nudges in the right direction!



*Jim Pollard*, Senior Sysadmin GCUX, GSEC, LPIC, Linux +

Hello Jim,

If the tape library shows up as a `/dev/sg#` node, and can be controlled with the standard Linux `mtx` utility, then it will 
work fine with Bacula.

Bacula uses the `mtx` utility (wrapped in the `mtx-changer` bash/perl script to get the library's status and to load/unload 

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Research] Tape-library udevadm info Drives Order identification

2024-02-13 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 2/13/24 11:35, Heitor Faria wrote:

Hello Bill,

I will explain the reasons for that research.

RHEL 9 introduced new udev rules for tape devices creation (ID_SCSI_SERIAL):

Hello Heitor!

And what if there are two or more Libraries attached to the system? 

How do you know which drive(s) are in which library? 路

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Research] Tape-library udevadm info Drives Order identification

2024-02-13 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 2/13/24 11:11, Heitor Faria wrote:

Hello All,

I'm doing a research on more automated ways of determining the Tape Library 
Drives' order identification from Linux standpoint.

If you have a physical tape, would you please send me in private the following?

 1. The output of the command: "for i in $(ls /dev/tape/by-id/*); do udevadm info 
--name $i |tee; done"
 2. The operating system version.


Hello Heitor,

Have you looked at the script that I just released two days ago yet?

FYI: There is no `udev` on FreeBSD, so the udevadm route will not work on that 

The above script literally loads a tape into a drive then properly identifies with library it is in and the correct Bacula 
DriveIndex setting.

Also, udevadm fails to provide usable information when `lin_tape` is in use* - as we have seen from our WhatsApp chat last 
evening. :)

*Note: I have not added lin _tap
e support yet, but plan on it very shortly. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup report script...

2024-02-06 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users
Just re-sending this (without the screenshot) to the list because I got a "Your message to Bacula-users awaits moderator 
approval"email reply when I sent it on the 3rd.

On 2/2/24 09:03, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

Mandi! Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users
   In chel di` si favelave...

I might be able to add this as a feature to my `` Python 
reporting script - possibly quite easily.
The script already has a feature to show jobs that are "always failing" for x 
number of days. This feature you are asking for
is interesting.

I've tested it, cool!

Excellent!  Glad it is working/useful for you. :)

OK, so here's the thing. What I have just completed is a feature that (if it finds anything to report) generates another 
small auxiliary table at the bottom of the jobs report, like the Summary, Pools, Success rates tables.

It currently works like this:

- It internally generates a list of the last time every job name in the catalog 
has r
un successfully.
- Then it checks to see which of these last successful runs was more than 31 
days ago (default setting)
- Then it generates an HTML table listing each Job Id, Job Name, End Time, and 
number of days ago that End Time was.
- It can also be told to skip any Job Names you add the the 
`last_good_run_skip_lst` variable.
- I plan to add one more thing before pushing the changes. Namely I want to add another banner at the top when these jobs are 
found and the table is created. This should just take a few minutes of cut-n-paste-n-edit and should be pushed tonight. :)

See the screenshot of the new auxiliary table.

The new variables at the top of the script (which should not be edited, but 
added/modified in the config file) are these:
# Warn about jobs that have been seen in the catalog, but
# have not had a successful run in `last_good_run_days` days
# --
warn_on_last_good_run = True   
  # Do we warn about jobs that have not run successfully in last_good_run_days days?

last_good_run_days = 31   # Longest amount of days a job can be 
missed from running successfully
last_good_run_skip_lst = ['Job1', 'Job2'] # Jobs to ignore when processing this 
`warn_on_last_good_run` feature

 > Effectively the 'always failing' could suffices, but knowing that failed
 > because the host was not reachable will be better!

Now, there is really no way to represent the reason a job failed into the table as you ask without a few additional pieces in 

- First, there would need to be some specific, clear, always identifiable text 
in the catalog's `Log` table
- Next it would require yet another "costly" text query, and I had tried for the longest time to avoid these as much as 
possible. :)

- Third, the text to report a reason why a job failed just wouldn't fit in the 
HTML table cell and would make a giant mess.

I think the new banner w
arning, and this table will let you know quickly which jobs have not completed is some (configurable) 
number of days. And,  when configured to create an HTML link (gui = True) to the Job log in Baculum, (or BWeb in the 
enterprise version) it will get you to the reason for the continued failures very quickly.

I've been looking for something to work on for a while now. This might be 
perfect. :)

Don't worry: stay warm, drink water and code slowly! ;-)

hehe  Yes, it took a FULL week to be able to function properly since I 
returned, and to get something done on this. :)

Hope this is useful!

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] BAT Installation

2024-02-02 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 2/2/24 09:35, Phil Stracchino wrote:

BAT still does everything I want a Bacula console to do.  The things
that it does NOT do, like configuration, I don't WANT it to; I want to
do those myself, by hand, using a proper editor.

Hi Phil!

You sound like one of the customers of mine I mentioned. :)

To be truthful, I detest the "Everything is a web page/application"

I never liked this either.

I will note that there are a few known bugs in BAT, notably that some
purge operations can produce *multiple* simultaneous pop-up confirmation
alerts that can be confusing.

My experience with BAT over the many years I have been using Bacula has been... let's just say "poor", with BAT randomly just 
hanging for no apparent reason, requiring me to kill and restart it so often I just gave up.

Of course this is my experience, on several platforms, over several versions in 
several of my customers' environments.

I do everything from the command l
ine and avoid Web GUIs at all costs - which does not say anything about the quality nor 
capabilities of them, just more about my abhorrence to Web GUIs in general.   :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] BAT Installation

2024-02-02 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 2/2/24 08:53, Heitor Faria wrote:

"*Having said that, years ago, I had customers that LOVE LOVE LOVED BAT, and 
would not move away from it even at my urging, so
there is one reason, I guess. :)"

Frankly, I never understood this community's urge to regularly create "one more Bacula GUI", instead of just fixing and 
improve the state-of-art.
IMHO <> should adopt and sponsor BAT and Bacularis/Baculum GUIs development, get people together, 
integrate bacula-web features and organize this mess.


Hello Heitor!

I can't say I disagree with this idea.

Imagine a fully-functional BAT? Able to do configuration too? All the bugs 

So, any volunteers?  :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] BAT Installation

2024-02-02 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 2/2/24 05:48, Rob Gerber wrote:

As far as I know, BAT is available only with enterprise bacula.

Hello Rob, (and Howard Viccars),

BAT (Bacula Administration Tool) is a long-unmaintained QT graphical interface 
to 'manage' Bacula and is available in Community.

I say 'manage' because BAT is more like BMT (Bacula Management Tool) since you cannot configure anything using BAT, you can 
only start, stop, monitor jobs and view information about your system (Clients, Jobs, Pools, Media, etc) just like with 
bconsole. :)

I believe your choices with regard to bacula community are baculum, bacularis, 
and bacula-web.

Bacularis is a friendly fork of baculum, and is the better maintained package. 
Developer is on this list.

Bacula-web - I have not tested it, but I hear it provides good reporting, but 
no active control. Developer is on this list.

All good information.

And I would strongly urge to move away from BAT in favor of Bacularis (for 

Bacularis, unlike BAT allows you to configure every aspect of your Bacula environment, and as Rob mentioned, Marcin Haba, a 
Bacula Systems employee maintains it as an open-source and free tool, and he is quite active and helpful on this list. :)

Bottom line: Abandon BAT. It has not received any love in a very long time, and quite frankly I am sure it will not. It did 
what it was designed to do, but now that we have some very powerful web gui administration tools, there is no reason not to 
abandon it.* (Just my two cents)

*Having said that, years ago, I had customers that LOVE LOVE LOVED BAT, and would not move away from it even at my urging, so 
there is one reason, I guess. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup report script...

2024-01-29 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 1/29/24 08:44, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

In my Bacula installatin i've many backup types; for some, more ''solid'',
the bacula messages resources is perfect.

But i use bacula also for some more less solid backup: client backup (mostly
windows, mostly medical devices) that are not ''always on''.
So bacula message resources get 'sanitize' andnclient send little or no
feedback on backup.

Still i need some report, at least know that 'client X is out of network by
a month' or something like this.

I've found that a command like:

  *list jobs client=fvg-sv-eeg-fd type=B
  Using Catalog "BaculaLNF"
  | jobid  | name   | starttime   | type | level | jobfiles | 
jobbytes   | jobstatus |
  | 15,486 | FVG-S

V-EEG | 2024-01-05 14:01:12 | B| I |0 |  0 | A  

  | 15,635 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-09 16:00:51 | B| I |0 |   
   0 | A |
  | 15,677 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-10 15:31:10 | B| I |0 |   
   0 | A |
  | 15,719 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-11 12:31:06 | B| I |   34 |  
2,349,575,229 | T |
  | 15,761 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-12 11:00:32 | B| I |   43 |  
1,813,375,650 | T |
  | 15,868 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-15 12:30:58 | B| F |   14,030 | 
64,277,646,705 | T |
  | 15,913 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-16 08:30:03 | B| I |0 |   
   0 | A |
  | 15,961 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-17 08:30:03 | B| I |0 |   
   0 | A |
  | 16,010 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-18 08:30:02 | B| I |0 |   
   0 | A |
  | 16,056 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-19 12:30:47 | B| I |  

58 |  5,740,439,597 | T |

  | 16,172 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-22 12:31:04 | B| F |   14,079 | 
72,084,456,031 | T |
  | 16,218 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-23 16:01:05 | B| I |0 |   
   0 | A |
  | 16,264 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-24 10:30:28 | B| I |0 |   
   0 | A |
  | 16,310 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-25 08:30:03 | B| I |0 |   
   0 | A |
  | 16,357 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-26 13:02:49 | B| I |   62 |  
6,935,959,574 | T |
  | 16,473 | FVG-SV-EEG | 2024-01-29 12:31:25 | B| F |0 |   
   0 | A |

i can get a report of jobs and do some statistics with a script.

Before starting to code something... there's just a 'report script'
somewhere?! ;-)


Hello Marco,

I might b
e able to add this as a feature to my `` Python reporting 
script - possibly quite easily.

The script already has a feature to show jobs that are "always failing" for x number of days. This feature you are asking for 
is interesting.

I'd need a little time to think about it since I just returned from a Company trip in Morocco and am still fighting whatever 
cold/flu I got while traveling. :)

I've been looking for something to work on for a while now. This might be 
perfect. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Autochangers and unload timeout...

2024-01-25 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 1/24/24 10:13, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

I've reached my first tape change on my autochangers, yeah!


  24-Jan 17:22 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: [SI0202] End of Volume "AAJ661L9" at 333:49131 on 
device "LTO9Storage0" (/dev/nst0). Write of 524288 bytes got -1.
  24-Jan 17:22 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: Re-read of last block succeeded.
  24-Jan 17:22 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: End of medium on Volume "AAJ661L9" 
Bytes=17,846,022,566,912 Blocks=34,038,588 at 24-Jan-2024 17:22.
  24-Jan 17:22 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload Volume 
AAJ661L9, Slot 2, Drive 0" command.
  24-Jan 17:28 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: 3995 Bad autochanger "unload Volume AAJ661L9, 
Slot 2, Drive 0": ERR=Child died from signal 15: Termination
Results=Program killed by Bacula (timeout)
  24-Jan 17:28 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load Volume 
AAJ660L9, Slot 1, Drive 0" command.
  24-Jan 17:29 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: 3305 Autochanger "load Volume AAJ660L9, Slot 
1, Drive 0", status is OK.

So, unload timeout, but subsequent load command works as expected (and
backup are continuing...).

I can safely ignore this? Better tackle with tiemout parameters on
/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer.conf script?


Hello Marco,

It looks like the mtx command (called by the mtx-changer script) is taking more than 6 minutes to return, so the process is 
being killed.

But, it then looks like it *must* have succeeded since the load command loads a 
new tape into the now empty drive.

You can try a few things to debug this.

First, I would stop the SD, and then manually load/unload tapes into your drive 
with the mtx command:

# mtx -f /dev/tape/by-id/ status

If this shows a tape loaded in, for example, drive 0, unload it:

# mtx -f /dev/tape/by-id/ unload X 0  (where X is the slot 
reported loaded in the drive)

Then, try loading a different tape:

# mtx -f /dev/tape/by-id/ load Y 0(where Y is a slot that 
has a tape in it, of course :)

By doing these manual steps, At least you can find out how long your tape library takes for these processes, and then you can 
adjust mtx-changer.conf as Pierre explained.

Additionally, if you are feeling brave and like playing the part if guinea pig, you can try replacing the default mtx-changer 
bash/perl script in your Autochanger's "ChangerCommand" with my `` script. It is a drop-in replacement 
with better logging and some additional features (with more planned). It is very configurable, and logs everything very 
clearly - including mtx changer errors, etc (log level is configurable, of course).

It needs a few Python modules installed, and as far as I know very few people have even tried it (maybe no one, lol) - But I 
have been running it in the Bacula Systems lab with our tape library since this past Summer and it "just works"™

If you are even interested, you can find it in my Github account where I have shared it and a few other scripts here:

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How to check a written job by re-read them

2024-01-23 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 1/23/24 02:59, Pierre Bernhardt wrote:


after a raid disaster which needs a full restore based on the
last full backup on tape which has unreadable blocks and
blocks the whole tape drive I want to check the written jobs.

A good idea is to create a copy job so I have a copy of the
written data which also checks the tape by reading them.

By the way I want to test the tape job only so I mean it
should be possible to write the copy data simply to /dev/null.

Is it possible to use the fifo device? Is there another
possibility to read the tape regularly?


Hello Pierre,

Yes, a Copy job will need to read the backup data and by doing so, Bacula will verify the signature (checksum) of each file 
read. You would be notified in the job of a failure to read back a file with the correct checksum.

But, as the name implies, you will be copying the data to another storage location, and hence using some additional space - 

ven if it is only a temporary scratch space for your copies to be written to.

Alternately, you can run a Verify (level=data) job which read the data from the backup media, also verifying the checksum of 
every file read - without actually writing the data to a second storage location.

I have written a script which (just for testing purposes), when calls from a Backup Job's RunScript (RunsWhen = After), 
automatically restores the entire job but also runs all three Verify levels against the job. You can pick the parts of the 
script you need (maybe just the Verify level=data), and remove/comment out the rest, or just pick and choose what you need.

I am attaching the script `` which I use in my environment. Please edit the variables at the top and 
read through the instructions at the top of the script to understand how to implement this script.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski
Description: application/shellscript

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Configuring Bacula Community 13.0.3 Email / Job Summaries

2024-01-21 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 1/19/24 14:39, Jamison Johnson wrote:

Hello Bill,

Thank you for this information, I'll give this a try. I looked through this 
last night and it appears to be great for what I need. I've noticed that in 
/opt/bacula/scripts/ from the 13.0.3 binaries there is a baculabackupreport  
.sh script. I'm assuming that the Python script via GitHub is maintained and 
the included .sh script is not?

Hello Jamison,

Yeah, please do not even look at that one that is currently included with the 
community source. It is embarrassing. :)

The script started out as a small bash script which sent a basic text email. Then as people requested more features, I added 
some awk, which then became a LOT of awk - to the point of the now bash/awk script finally being a completely unmaintainable 
mess.  I always knew it would have to be rewritten in something else like Python, and a couple years ago I finally started a 
complete re-write.

Please only use the Python version available on g
ithub. This one is the one that will be maintained.

In newer versions of Bacula community (and possibly Enterprise), this file will be replaced with a text file having a short 
note and a URL link to the github version. :)

Also, if I have any questions or recommendations in the future, can I reach out 
to you here or should I contact you elsewhere?

You can always write to the mailing list if it is something everyone on the list can benefit from. If it is something that 
should be added/tracked (ie: bug or feature request) I may ask you to create an issue in github and we can continue the 
issue-specific conversation there.

Welcome to the Bacula Community mailing list!

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Configuring Bacula Community 13.0.3 Email / Job Summaries

2024-01-18 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 1/18/24 12:24, Jamison Johnson wrote:
I hope this email finds you all well. I am currently using Bacula Community version 13.0.3 on RHEL9 and I receive email 
notifications for every job that runs as designed. Soon I will be backing up close to 50+ machines so to save my inbox, I 
would like an alternative method. I am seeking guidance on how to configure the Message section in bacula-dir. My goal is to 
receive a single email notification once all backups have completed for the night or, alternatively, receive a consolidated 
notification on a weekly basis.

I have reviewed the documentation, but I would appreciate your insights and recommendations on the specific configuration 
settings needed to achieve this. If there are any examples or best practices that you can share, it would be helpful.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Thank You,

Jamison Johnson

Principal Systems Administrator

Hello Jamison,

There is no 
way built into Bacula to do what you are asking about.

Please check out

It is an open-source, free Python script which I maintain.

When run daily from a cron job, I am pretty sure it does exactly what you want (and much, much more). There are some 
screenshots there too.

You can even run the script multiple times, pointing to different [sections] in the configuration file to send different 
types of reports to different people or groups of people.

Any and all comments and ideas are welcome.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Where is the path to a Volume stored in the database?

2024-01-10 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

Hello Chris,

I am replying back to the list to keep thread continuity. :)

On 1/10/24 08:31, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

Thanks Bill

What i was trying to do was write a script to determine the disk space used by each pool = sum of all volumes. Looks like i 
would have to trace out the path from pool->storage->device from the conf files. More complicated than i imagined.

Perhaps a better option would be to use bconsole 'query 11' to get the volume 

The easiest way to do this is to echo commands to bconsole and grep/sed/awk 
what you need:

It's not pretty, and you could do so much more (and easier) with Python, but:

# Get the pools to iterate through
pools=$(echo -e "list pools\nquit\n" | bconsole | grep "^| \+[0-9]" | awk 
'{print $4}')

# For each pool, we can just add the bytes.
for pool in ${pools}; do
  echo -n "Pool: ${pool} - Bytes: "
  echo -e "gui on\nlist media pool=${pool}\nquit\n" | bconsole | grep "^| 
\+[0-9]" | awk '{sum+=$10} END {print sum}'

If you have more specific needs, or would like to see more info, formatted better, let me know, and maybe I can do something 
better in Python. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Where is the path to a Volume stored in the database?

2024-01-10 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 1/10/24 04:19, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

I have been attempting to extract the physical full path for a Volume with an 
SQL query.

'SELECT * FROM location;'

The docs indicate that the location table would give me that information but when I look in the content of that table it 
seems to be empty. The query returns no data.

Is that table not used anymore and where is it now?


-Chris Wilkinson

Re-replying to the list this time... :)

Hello Chris,

The disk path to a volume is not stored in the catalog.

If there is a `location` column in the catalog I think that is a spill over from Enterprise where you set locations of 
Volumes that go offsite, like "Iron Mountain" or "Las Vegas media Vault" or where ever you send your tapes.

To find out where your file volumes are, look to your bacula-sd.conf and find 
the device(s).

The Device{} resource(s) will have an `ArchiveDevice = /path/to/volumes` 

Hope this

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restoring a file from an unknown backup

2023-12-13 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 12/13/23 08:58, Borut Rozman wrote:

I inherited a bacula backup solution, and now I got a request to
restore a file or set of files from backups. I only know a folder name,
and nothing else. Is there a way inside bconsole to search for a
specific string.

Query/option 20 does not give me any results.

Using bacula 11 with pgsql 14, any help appreciated.

If you know what Job/Fileset/Client is used to backup that folder you can just 

* restore

- Choose option `5: Select the most recent backup for a client`

- Then select that client from the list presented. If there is only one, it 
will be auto-selected for you.

- Then select the Fileset from the list presented. If there is only one, it 
will be auto-selected for you.

- Next, drill down in to the virtual directory tree presented and mark the 
directory to be restored.

That is the most simple way to go about this. You just need to know a couple 
basic pieces of information up f

If you cannot follow that path for some reason, we can come up with a SQL query 
to find jobids of jobs that backed up this
file. Then you would just be able to do `restore jobid=`, and drill down to 
the directory to be restored.

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Testing tape performace with btape...

2023-12-05 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 12/5/23 10:24, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

I'm playing with my new LTO9 tape drive (Tandberg/IBM one, SAS).

Some year ago, trying to find optimal parameters for an LTO-5 tape drive,
i've found:

   options st buffer_kbs=16384

   Minimum block size = 0
   Maximum blocksize = 256K
   Maximum Network Buffer Size = 262144
   Maximum File Size = 25G

this lead to the LTO-9 unit:

  *speed file_size=16 nb_file=4

  btape: btape.c:1062-0 Test with zero data, should give the maximum throughput.
  btape: btape.c:911-0 Begin writing 4 files of 17.17 GB with raw blocks of 
262144 bytes.
btape: btape.c:385-0 Total Volume bytes=68.71 GB. Total Write rate = 592.4 MB/s

  btape: btape.c:1074-0 Test with random data, should give the minimum 
  btape: btape.c:911-0 Begin writing 4 files of 17.17 GB with raw blocks of 
262144 bytes.
  btape: btape.c:385-0 Total Volume bytes=68.71 GB. Total Write

rate = 279.3 MB/s

  btape: btape.c:1088-0 Test with zero data and bacula block structure.
  btape: btape.c:966-0 Begin writing 4 files of 17.17 GB with blocks of 262144 
  btape: btape.c:385-0 Total Volume bytes=68.71 GB. Total Write rate = 234.5 

  btape: btape.c:1100-0 Test with random data, should give the minimum 
  btape: btape.c:966-0 Begin writing 4 files of 17.17 GB with blocks of 262144 
  btape: btape.c:385-0 Total Volume bytes=68.71 GB. Total Write rate = 223.8 

Trying to double all the value, as a starting point:

   options st buffer_kbs=32768

   Minimum block size = 0
   Maximum blocksize = 512K
   Maximum Network Buffer Size = 524288
   Maximum File Size = 50G

lead to:

  *speed file_size=16 nb_file=4
  btape: btape.c:1062-0 Test with zero data, should give the maximum throughput.
  btape: btape.c:911-0 Begin writing 4 files of 17.17 GB with

raw blocks of 524288 bytes.

  btape: btape.c:385-0 Total Volume bytes=68.71 GB. Total Write rate = 660.7 

  btape: btape.c:1074-0 Test with random data, should give the minimum 
  btape: btape.c:911-0 Begin writing 4 files of 17.17 GB with raw blocks of 
524288 bytes.
  btape: btape.c:385-0 Total Volume bytes=68.71 GB. Total Write rate = 279.3 

  btape: btape.c:1088-0 Test with zero data and bacula block structure.
  btape: btape.c:966-0 Begin writing 4 files of 17.17 GB with blocks of 524288 
  btape: btape.c:385-0 Total Volume bytes=68.71 GB. Total Write rate = 247.1 

  btape: btape.c:1100-0 Test with random data, should give the minimum 
  btape: btape.c:966-0 Begin writing 4 files of 17.17 GB with blocks of 524288 
  btape: btape.c:385-0 Total Volume bytes=68.71 GB. Total Write rate = 237.7 

So, a little better but not doubled the throughput

, and this clearly was


So probably the optimal buffer size sit between 256K and 512K; but because
server have plenty of RAM, i think my search will stop here. ;-)

A queston rise on me: why 'bacula block structure' have a such great impact
on hardware compression?! EG, why if i write zeroes in raw mode i get 660.7 MB/s
while if i write zeroes in 'bacula block structure' i got 247.1 MB/s?!

Compressione seems correctly enabled:

root@svpve3:/etc/bacula# tapeinfo -f /dev/nst1
Product Type: Tape Drive
Vendor ID: 'IBM '
Product ID: 'ULTRIUM-HH9 '
Revision: 'Q3F5'
Attached Changer API: No
MinBlock: 1
MaxBlock: 8388608
Ready: yes
BufferedMode: yes
Medium Type: 0x98
Density Code: 0x60
BlockSize: 0
DataCompEnabled: yes
DataCompCapable: yes
DataDeCompEnabled: yes
CompType: 0xff
DeCompType: 0xff
BOP: yes
Block Position: 0
Partition 0 Remaining Kb

ytes: -1

Partition 0 Size in Kbytes: -1
ActivePartition: 0
EarlyWarningSize: 0
NumPartitions: 0
MaxPartitions: 3


Hello Marco,

The following settings have been found to work quite well with the LTO9 drives 
I am testing in Quantum's lab:
MaximumFileSize = 32GB
MaximumBlockSize = 2097152

Also, do *not* set `Minimum block size`, and the `Maximum Network Buffer Size` 
is probably also not necessary.

Hope this helps!

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Error closing volume

2023-12-01 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 12/1/23 12:51, Senor Pascual wrote:


Thanks for the reply.

The disk of these volumes is with enough space.The volumes are filled and marked as Full (because I have set the limit with 
Maximum Volume Bytes).

But I have set it to automatically create a new volume within the same pool. Bacula should not return error because it is 
full, this is the normal operation of my system and has never given error.
It is worth noting that in the jobs that this happens (not always happens, some days yes and some days no) are marked as OK 
-- with warnings. I have tried to restore that type of job and due to the problem of that volume.

The error itself seems logical and intuitive but with my current system, I do 
not understand it.

Thanks, best regards,

"No space left on device" means exactly that. Bacula cannot continue when the 
storage location is filled to 100%

Please show us proof that there is space available on the partition where 
`/mnt/test` lives.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Error closing volume

2023-12-01 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 12/1/23 12:32, Senor Pascual wrote:

Hello everyone,


The message is clear:
ERR=No space left on device.

In a shell prompt, do:

# df -h

And you will see that the partition that `/mnt/text` is on is filled to 100%.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Having difficulty mounting curlftpfs on bacula : "Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume"

2023-11-30 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 11/30/23 03:29, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

I use Backblaze B2. It is S3 compliant but about the lowest cost I could find, 
certainly a fraction of the price of AWS.

It works mostly OK except for errors of the kind in the log below. The "no tomes" error is from B2 when there are no upload 
slots available temporarily. B2 says that the user application is expected to retry the transfer if this occurs. AKAIK the S3 
driver doesn’t retry, just gives up. There is a bconsole 'cloud' command to upload volumes to cloud manually. A listing of 
the cloud volumes shows that the errored volume in the log wasn't uploaded but I could do it manually.

Because of this I do not delete the cache after backup, the downside being I 
have to provision the disc space.


Hello Chris, Bacula S3 by default re-tries 10 times to upload cloud volume parts. There is currently an internal feature 
request here at Bacula Systems to allow this to be configured, along with a feature request to configure the time between 
attempts. :)

Additionally, it is recommended to have a Bacula Admin job which runs `cloud upload` commands to make sure that any parts 
that had failed to upload (ie: due to temporary networking issues during the backup job, etc)

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Having difficulty mounting curlftpfs on bacula : "Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume"

2023-11-28 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 11/28/23 13:27, MylesDearBusiness via Bacula-users wrote:

I'm not quite understanding where Vol-0014 and other similarly
named volumes are coming from.

I just noticed this statement

You have `LabelFormat = Vol-` in your Pool called `File`

The Director uses this as a template when it needs to create a new volume in 
the catalog and then tells the SD to create the
same named file volume on disk. And, once you add that `LabelMedia = yes` into 
the SD's devices (remember to create several
of them), then the SD is allowed to create the volumes on disk.

Hope this helps to clarify things,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Having difficulty mounting curlftpfs on bacula : "Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume"

2023-11-28 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 11/28/23 13:27, MylesDearBusiness via Bacula-users wrote:

Thanks for the reply, Bill.

First of all, Bacula seems to be looking for a different volume name
every time, Vol-0014 doesn't match any folder I created (and the storage
space, minus a few boilerplate files and directories, was empty
initially as I would expect a newly configured cloud storage service to

Hello Miles,

To be clear, you are not trying to backup to an S3 "cloud" bucket, right? When I see the word cloud, I need to be sure 
because when using Bacula cloud storage plugins, instead of creating a single file volume on disk for each volume in the 
catalog, Bacula will create a directory for each volume, and then write parts of the cloud volume under that volume's 
directory (ie: part.1, part.2...part.n)

Having said this, I see no "Cloud {}" resources in your pasted configuration so 
I think we are OK. :)

I'm not quite understanding where Vol-0014 and other similarly
named volumes are coming from.  All I know is that I have a curlftpfs
based userspace mounting daemon running that presents remote storage
using a familiar file-system-based integration and that I'm trying to
point Bacula to back up into it.

We'll get there. :)

I originally created the local directory /mnt/my_backup as a directory
owned by backupuser:backupuser and then under user backupuser I mounted
my curlftpfs remote storage space under that directory.

Only backupuser has the rights to read from and write to this directory.

As shown in my gist copied again below, I'm only running the Director
under the bacula username.

Yes. I see this and this is all fine. Most people don't bother, but it is perfectly fine to edit the systemd unit files and 
change the user the Bacula daemons run as. :)

I'm running the SD and FD processes under the backupuser username
because that's the username I gave sole permission to access the storage

Yep. Still fine.

I also added more detail to the gist link to try to address some of your
questions :

More help is needed and help already given is much appreciated,


OK, I think I spotted at the issue.

I see what is more than likely the culprit:

In your SD Device called `FileChgr1-Dev1` you are missing an important parameter which allows the SD to create new file 
volumes when needed.

LabelMedia = yes

The other piece of this puzzle which allows Bacula to create new file volumes 
as necessary is to have:
LabelFormat = 
8< the Pool (The pool is `File` in this case). This is OK in your 
configuration, as I see:
Label Format = "Vol-"

I also see that you already have two other important settings in the `File` 

- MaximumVolumeBytes
- MaximumVolumes

But keep in mind 90G file volumes with a maximum of 100 of them in the pool and a volume retention of 1 year, you will 
probably want/need to play with these numbers a bit depending on your amount of available storage.  I personally prefer 10GB 
file volumes, but people use any number of different sizes - this will depend on your environment.

I think once you make these changes things should start looking up.

I would then cancel any jobs you have running/stuck:

In bconsole:

* cancel (then follow the prompts)

Then list the volumes:

* list media pool=File

Then delete delete them from the catalog:

* delete yes volume=   (where  is the volume's name)

Then, reload the Director:

* reload

Then restart the SD, and try another test.

If it still fails please show:

* list joblog jobid=  (where  is the job id of a recent job sitting 
waiting to mount a volume)

* list pools

* list media

Then, please show from a shell (as root):

# find /mnt -ls  (The `-ls` is important.)

Please just post everything in the mailing list, It is easier for me to follow 
this way. :)

Additionally, once you get this working, you will want to have more than one of these Devices in the SD's Autochanger. This 
way you can run multiple concurrent jobs to different devices, and you will alway have a device ro restore with when backups 
are running - especially if you add a few and set `ReadOnly = yes`  :)

Good luck,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Having difficulty mounting curlftpfs on bacula : "Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume"

2023-11-27 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

Hello Myles,

BTW, after I sent my first reply I saw in your Github posting that you had 
modified the Bacula SD systemd unit files to have
the SD run as the other user, so I suspect this volume is either somewhere else or it has 
been "mounted over" as I mentioned
previously. :)

Hope this helps!

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Having difficulty mounting curlftpfs on bacula : "Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume"

2023-11-27 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 11/27/23 15:26, MylesDearBusiness via Bacula-users wrote:

Hello, Bacula experts.

My cloud provider offers only curlftpfs based storage, which I have enabled and secured.  I created a username “backupuser” 
and a system service that launches the service, effectively mounting the remote storage to /mnt/my_backup and running the 
userspace curlftpfs command as the user “backupuser”.  This user has demonstrable read/write privileges in the file system as 
expected.  So far so good.

I installed bacula on my Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS server and got bacula-dir, 
bacula-fd, and bacula-sd all running.

In summary, when I try to run my backup job I get an error:

Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume

ChatGPT4 doesn’t know nearly as much as this august body, I’m hoping a kindly 
member may be able to give me a hand up.

More details:


What does this show?:

# ls -la /mnt/khapbackup/backup/bacula/archive

Is there a Bacula File volume named `Vol-0014` in there?
Is it rw for the `bacula` user which the SD (normally) runs as?

If it is not there, but you know where it is, them you must move it there, and set the ownership to `bacula:disk` and the 
permissions to allow the bacula user to, well... Read and write to it. :)

It is just a guess, but is it possible that this Bacula file volume lives under a directory which you mounted 
`/mnt/khapbackup/backup/bacula/archive` on top of, so it exists, but is not visible currently?  This is just a guess, but it 
is also a common mistake. :)

If you truly do not know where this Bacula file volume is, then you need to delete it from the catalog so the director no 
longer thinks it is accessible:

* delete yes volume=Vol-0014

Might want to run the bconsole `query` command and select option 14 to be sure 
there are no jobs on it that you might need.

Once deleted from the catalog, the Director should select a new volume (or create a new one if `LabelFormat = yes` is set in 
the Pool `File` and `LabelMedia = yes` is set in the SD's Drive devices writing to this directory.

Alternately, you can just disable the volume in the catalog:

* update volume=Vol-0014 volstatus=Disabled

Also, consider that the ownership and permissions that you set on the mount point for the user `backupuser` will not allow 
the SD running as the user `bacula` to read/write there - unless you dis something like make the bacula user a member of the 
backupuser's group, and you gave the group read/write permissions into that directory tree.

Hope this helps!

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula copy from tape to tape

2023-11-07 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 11/7/23 15:09, Rob Gerber wrote:

Well, now I know that whole thing is impossible. Simpler, that way.

Thank you for letting me know!

:) Welcome.

could we have disk based backups managed by bacula on this larger
NAS, with copies made to tape for onsite AND offsite storage?

With the large NAS you have described, that is exactly what I would do. :)

Just make sure it is mounted to the SD server via iSCSI, FC, or NFS and *not* 
CIFS. ;)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula copy from tape to tape

2023-11-07 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 11/7/23 13:04, Rob Gerber wrote:

How difficult will it be to run copy jobs with only 1 LTO8 tape drive?

Hello Rob,

Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but "difficult" is not the correct word.

The word you are looking for is "impossible"

Bacula needs one read device and one write device for copy or migration jobs.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] fd lose connection

2023-11-03 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 11/3/23 13:17, Rob Gerber wrote:

Oh, reading the error message again, did you set "heartbeat interval = 300" 
between Dir and SD? Your error message is from
the SD.

I don't know if FD will communicate directly with SD or if data from Fd goes 
through dir to SD.

Robert Gerber

Hello Robert,

Just an FYI, a HeartbeatInterval = 300 seconds has been hard-coded as the 
default - even when not explicitly set - for
several years now. :)

He may want to set a lower one on each Daemon (DIR, SD, FD), but I know from 
testing that anything less than 60 will be
ignored and 60 seconds will be used. ;)

But it really sounds to me that Lionel's problem is possibly an overly 
aggressive firewall closing sockets or it could also
have something to do with the IPsec VPN - since that seems to be the only real 
netowrking change - so that is where I would
look first.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restoring Incremental Promotes to Full

2023-10-27 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 10/27/23 16:17, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

Having looked at the job log from a Baculum restore I can see that it is going 
back to the last full and restoring full,
diffs, incrs in order.

Is it not possible to restore from a particular job alone in Baculum as is 
possible with bconsole?

Knowing Bacula, and knowing Marcin, I am sure there must be a way.

Let's wait for Marcin to chime in. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restoring Incremental Promotes to Full

2023-10-27 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 10/27/23 16:09, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

Yes Bill that is very helpful.

Glad I could help!

It is exactly as you say when I use bconsole restore. That works. I must have made a mistake when I tried with bconsole 

I'm not able to reproduce that behaviour using Baculum, it always restores from a full irrespective of the level of the job 
being restored. There doesn't seem to be an equivalent of selecting a specific job ID.

This is a question for Marcin. I will ping him to make him aware of this 
discussion. :)

I take your point about schedule being unwanted but it shouldn't do any harm. 
I'll take it out for tidiness :).

Well, if your specified Schedule has no `Run` lines, then "No harm, no foul"™, otherwise you will have a failed restore job 
every time it runs with this in the joblog:

Fatal error: Cannot restore without a bootstrap file.
You probably ran a restore job directly. All restore jobs must be run using the 
restore command.


Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restoring Incremental Promotes to Full

2023-10-27 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users
rce, and a `Type = Restore` Job resource is a Job just like any other.

The pool, client, fileset, and storage are ignore as these are already known 
from the backup job(s)

Also, you should not have a `Schedule =` defined in a `Type = Restore` Job. You will never actually "run" a Job of `Type = 
Restore` (Except when instructed to in the Admin I course) ;)

I have separate pools for each job and level.

Do I need to define individual restore jobs for every job/level?

Absolutely not.

Again, there is no such thing as a "Level" when doing a restore.

The only reason I have typically found to have more than one `Type = Restore` Job is when you often restore to Windows and 
Linux, and/or Mac systems, so I might have one for each system type and then, the only thing that is different might be the 
`Where =` since I might want `/tmp/` on a Linux system, and `C:/temp` on a Windows system (just for example)

Hope this helps!

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Running backup job without file records in catalog

2023-10-04 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 10/4/23 06:28, Yateen Shaligram Bhagat (Nokia) wrote:

We don’t need the File Records in backup because :

 1. Each of our production servers (hundreds of them) being backed up, has 
number of files in the range of hundred-thousands.
 2. With Catalog Files = Yes (default), the database (PostGreSQL)  hogs the 
CPUs on the host, with say 100 concurrent weekly
Full backup jobs, putting a lot of stress  on the server.
 3. Last but not the least, there is hardly a need to precisely locate a single 
file during restoration. The restore is
always in bulk at top dir level.

With Catalog Files = No (in pool resource def) , we have already seen a big 
performance enhancement on  the DB server.

Bu there is a flip side, Virtual Full backup can no longer be achieved.

-Yateen S Bhagat

Hello Yateen,

Another thing to know is that you also cannot do "Accurate" mode backups, nor Verify, nor Copy, nor Migration Jobs if you do 
not have files in the catalog.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] New `mtx-changer-python` Github repository is now public

2023-08-31 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 8/31/23 10:40, Radosław Korzeniewski wrote:


Great Job!

Hello Radosław,

Thank you!

If you do try this in you environment(s), please let me know what you think. 
Comments and code are welcome! :)

Do you plan to add this script to BC/BEE?


My idea from the start was to have it included at some point after it has been well tested in the Community, and all 
necessary OSes are supported by community feedback. (ie: code)

If/when it does get included, it will probably just be dropped into the /opt/bacula/scripts directory, and our default 
*example* configurations for Autochangers will still point to the bash/perl one.

People would be able to try out this one if they wanted to.

But, because it requires some extra Python modules to be installed (some systems don't even have Python installed by 
default!), it probably won't be able to be the default script we point to in the Autochanger examples.

Possibly, I can imagine a bullet point being added in the SD Autochanger documentation to make people aware of this script, 
its features, and the added dependencies required (Python v3.6+ and some specific modules).

Time will tell. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] New `mtx-changer-python` Github repository is now public

2023-08-23 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

Hello everyone,

Several months ago, I asked on this list if anyone who was using Solaris with a 
tape library in Bacula and was interested in
testing a new mtx-changer script which I was writing as a drop-in replacement - 
with additional features - in Python:
Subject:   [Bacula-users] Anyone using Solaris as a Bacula SD with a tape 
Link to topic:

A big thank you to the people who responded - both Solaris users and other OS 

I am happy to report that this new script is already 
running in a few production environments.

At this point, I feel like I have gotten as far as I can by myself and have 
decided that it would be best to release it to
the public so that it can have more eyes on it and so that contributions can be 
made to fix bugs, add features, or just help
make the code more "Pythonic" and just better overall.

General Features Summary:
- Works with Community and Enterprise Bacula versions
- Drop-in replacement for the default bash/perl `mtx-changer` script*
- Easily support multiple tape libraries managed by the same SD*
- Clear, easy to understand logging (if enabled)
- Several levels of logging verbosity
- Multiple libraries may be logged to the same log file with their name in each 
log line, or they may be each logged to their
own separate log file.
- Fully supports Linux and FreeBSD

New Automatic Tape Drive Cleaning Features:**
- If enabled, can check if a tape drive is signalling that it needs to be 
- If enabled, can load and unload a cleaning tape when a drive signals it needs 
to be cleaned
- Currently, a pseudo-random cleaning tape is selected to be loaded when 

* Can literally be used out-of-the-box to replace the standard mtx-changer script in your 
Autochangers' "ChangerCommand ="

* Comes with a example "INI file" configuration file. There is a global 
[DEFAULT] section, and additional sections may be
added to override the [DEFAULT] setting and to allow one SD to support more 
than one library using this script.

** Tape drive cleaning not supported on all OSes yet! This is where some (a 
lot? :) of community assistance will be required
to add proper support for some of the BSDs, and possibly other Unixes.

*** There are already ideas to keep track of cleaning tapes' usage and possibly 
use a round-robin selection method rather
than the pseudo-random one as it currently is written. Thank you Arno Lehmann 
for our discussions and your input about this
feature and the script in general - especially at the beginning stages.

Next Steps:
- The Github repository is here:
- Feel free to download the script and the example configuration file, or just 
clone the repository
- Opening issues and/
or code commits is welcome in the Github repository

Thank you in advance for any and all assistance!

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How to verify downloaded Bacula files

2023-07-31 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 7/31/23 01:42, GRAHAM DICKER via Bacula-users wrote:

I find I have reasons to wantto verify if the gzip file I have downloaded is 
the right file. I downloaded the gzip file for
Bacula 11.0.6 and the signature file. But the instructions I have been 
following to verify the file say that I should compare
the fingerprint with that given on the web site. I can't find it on the web 
site. Does anyone know where I can find it?
Also, how do I unsubscribe my old email address? I now get two copies of each 
posting. I can recieve but not send from the
old address.

Thank you

Graham Dicker

Hello Graham,

Why not just clone the Git repository?

Git takes care of all of the gory details automatically.

Plus you get the added benefit of having the latest version 13.0.3...

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Copying jobs from one tape ti another

2023-07-31 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 7/31/23 00:55, Matlink wrote:

If you have a read error on that tape, I guess there is little you can do.
You should try migration jobs, but that won't give you an exact copy of the 
You could also do a byte copy of the tape using dd for instance, but you will 
also copy errors.

I would opt to make this as simple as possible, and omit Bacula from the 
picture entirely.

# dd if=/dev/nst0 of=/dev/nst1

Might want to set a blocksize, I am not sure. Jusat make sure to LOCK the 
source tape because dd will not ask any questions. ;)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Job error/warning.

2023-07-26 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 7/26/23 10:35, Marcio Costa wrote:

Hi Team!

I'm trying to identify why my joblog shows "Non-fatal FD errors: 1", but I 
don't see anything in the job log. Can you help
me? (I'm using Fedora 37/Bacula 13.0.3);



Hello Marcio,

I am pretty sure this is a bug that was recently reported by one of our 
customers in the Enterprise version and has been
identified and fixed.

I am not 100% sure, but I think if you enabled debug mode on the client it 
would show up there:

* setdebug level=100 options=trace=1 client=

There will be a *.trace file in the Clients `WorkingDirectory` as defined in 
the bacula-fd.conf file.

This fix has not been pushed to the Community as of yet.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Frequently Changing Pools For Media

2023-07-17 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 7/15/23 06:13, Rich Fox wrote:

Hi All,

I have a couple of different tape changers that are used to run jobs in
parallel and all share the same media. I've discovered by accident that
if I put all of the media into a single pool, the media selection
algorithm won't take into account which changer a tape is loaded in and
will try to mount tapes from a different changer which causes problems.
A simple solution is to have one pool for each changer and update the
pool for a given media depending on which changer it gets loaded into.
This appears to work in practice but I was wondering if anybody knows
of any unintended issues that might arise from doing this on a routine

Thanks for any advice,

Hello Rich,

Without seeing any configuration, my initial guess is that your different tape 
changers (well, the Director Storage resources
and their associated changers' device resources) have the same media types.

This would (
might) explain what you are describing.

Can you show us some configurations for your Director Storage resources and 
their related Autochanger and Device resources in
the SD(s)?

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup windows client fail

2023-07-04 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users
--- Original Message ---
On Monday, July 3rd, 2023 at 05:09, Gina Costa  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a windows client which backup always run fine. A few days ago, the 
> backup doesn’t work.
> The comunication between diretor and client is OK, as shown in this log 
> message:

> When the backup job ran, the following error occurs:

> ==
> 03-Jul 11:27 vsantoantao-fd JobId 6989: Fatal error: lib/bsock.c:138 Unable 
> to connect to Storage daemon on ERR=The operation 
> completed successfully.
> 03-Jul 11:27 vsantoantao-fd JobId 6989: Fatal error: Failed to connect to 
> Storage daemon:
> 03-Jul 11:31 bacula-dir JobId 6989: Fatal error: Bad response to Storage 
> command: wanted 2000 OK storage, got 2902 Bad storage
> ==

> Can anyone help me?

Hello Gina, 

The problem here is that the Windows FD cannot connect to the Storage daemon @ on port 9103/TCP...

Please make sure that a Storage daemon is actually running on the server at 
that address.

Also check that there are no firewall rules or TCP Wrappers rules on the SD 
preventing this client from connecting.

Also, make sure that address is the correct address for the storage daemon. 
What I mean is check the `Address = ` line in the Director's configuration 
for this storage resource.

And, that FD is quite old. Any chance you can upgrade it to match what the 
Director and SD are at?

Best regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] baculabackupreport script error

2023-06-28 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/28/23 11:37, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

Yes it is the one in the bacula packages. I'll give it a try.


I have contacted the developers and have asked to to completely remove this old 
bash/awk script from the Bacula
Community/Enterprise packages/source, and to either add this new Python script, 
or at least a simple text file with a link to
it on Github.

Let's see what happens. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] baculabackupreport script error

2023-06-28 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/26/23 12:35, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

I edited the script to uncomment my db password.When I run the baculabackup 
report with

bash /etc/bacula/scripts/baculabackupreport

I get an error "psql: error: invalid integer value "" for connection 
option port"

If dbpass is commented out, as is by default, then no error occurs.

I am using bacula v11, psql.

Perhaps my command line is incorrect?

Chris Wilkinson

Hello Chris,

If this is my old script, included in Bacula packages, it is not the one you 
want. It is *really* not the one you want. :)

Please see the new, Python version with many new fixes and features here:

You will not edit this Python version, it has a config file option where you 
can set/override all of the variables in the script.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Windows executable of Director?

2023-06-10 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

I accidentally sent this directly to Davin, so I am re-posting here to maintain 
the thread...

--- Original Message ---
On Saturday, June 10th, 2023 at 13:45, Davin Church  

I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but why is the Director not available to run under the pre-compiled Windows 
distribution? I ran into this long ago but I thought that it had been re-included more recently. Apparently I was 
incorrect. Is there a particular reason for this exclusion?


Hello Davin,

There is no Director for Windows.

The Director and Storage daemons must be run on Linux/Unix systems - with the caveat that there actually is a Windows Storage 
daemon, but it *only*​ supports file storage, and I am pretty sure it does not support any plugins - ie: S3 and aligned 
volumes for example.

There has been talk of building and supporting the Director on Windows, but 
that talk was pretty quiet and it was a while ago.

At the time, the talk was actually about putting this on the official (Bacula Enterprise)  roadmap, but I have not heard much 
about it lately. I guess I can ask the developers, or if they see this they can just respond directly. :)

P.S. From a security and malware/ransomware point of view, I would not recommend running the SD on a Windows system. Having 
the SD on a *nix system is one more level of distancing your backup data from being compromised in case of some attack.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [EXTERNAL] Re: Deleting all volumes for a specific SD from the catalog

2023-06-09 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/9/23 11:12, Shawn Rappaport wrote:

Hi Bill,

Your script worked like a champ and deleted hundreds of volumes from the 
catalog. Thanks a bunch for the quick, precise
response. It was exactly what I needed.


Hello Shawn,

Glad I could help!

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Deleting all volumes for a specific SD from the catalog

2023-06-09 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/9/23 08:35, Shawn Rappaport wrote:

I have two disk-based SD servers, which are separate physical servers from our 
Director server. The hostnames are:
bac-sd01-az - SD server 1
bac-sd02-az - SD server 2
bac-dir-az - Director server

The disk volumes are named uniquely on the two SD servers:
bac-sd01-az - volume names start with az- (e.g.: az-monthly-1, az-weekly-1, 
az-daily-1, etc.)
bac-sd02-az -volume names start with az2- (e.g.: az2-monthly-1, az2-weekly-1, 
az2-daily-1, etc.)

Due to running low on disk space on bac-sd01-az, I installed and cutover to a second SD server with more disk space, 
bac-sd02-az. I did this quite a while ago and no longer need the volumes in my catalog that were on bac-sd01-az. To make 
matters even more fun, bac-sd02-az is now running low on disk space, so I installed larger disks in bac-sd01-az and rebuilt 
it. I would now like to cut back over to bac-sd01-az.

Before I do the cutover, I would like to delete all entries that may still exist in my catalog for volumes that had been 
stored on bac-sd01-az, so I can start using it from scratch.

I don't need a script that handles deleting the volumes from bac-sd01-az, as all of the volumes are already gone. However, 
I'm wondering what bconsole command(s) I can run to delete all volumes starting with az- from my catalog, while leaving 
everything starting with az2- intact. That way, I can cut back over to bac-sd01-az, without having stale entries in the catalog.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Hello Sean,

It is pretty straight forward to do in a small script:

for vol in $(echo "list media" | bconsole | grep "az-[mwd]" | awk '{print 
$4}'); do
  echo "Working on Volume: $vol"
  # echo "delete yes volume=$vol" | bconsole

Then rm then the az-* from disk

Please test and then uncomment the `delete yes volume=` line to actually delete 
the volumes from the catalog. ;)

Hope this helps.

*note: I wrote this on-the-fly, in my email client, and while I was in a Zoom presentation so there may be a rogue typo or 
two. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Anyone using Solaris as a Bacula SD with a tape library?

2023-06-07 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

If yes, and you have a few minutes, I'd really like to have a general 
discussion about this topic.

I have written a new script as a "drop-in" replacement 
for the current mtx-changer bash/perl script -
with some additional features like much better logging capabilities, and the 
ability to auto-clean tape drives which require

The script is 99.99% ready, with full support for Linux and FreeBSD, but I have 
too many open questions about Solaris to be
able to release this "as-is" and be able to call it a drop-in replacement.

Last night was the first time I have touched Solaris since 2001, so to say I am 
rusty would be an understatement. :)

Please email me directly off the list if you have such an environment and a few 
minutes to talk with me about this. I guess
email exchanges are OK too if talking is not your thing. :)

Thank you,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] (no subject)

2023-06-07 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/7/23 10:21, Samantha Falconer wrote:
We're running Bacula v13.0.1.  Some of our backups are to S3 which then go to Glacier after a set period of time.  When doing 
restores from S3, the necessary file is downloaded automatically from S3 but, if it involves Glacier, it appears that no 
attempt is made to retrieve the file. Bacula just sits waiting for the part file, so we have to actually manually initiate 
the retrieval from Glacier and then Bacula continues once the part file has appeared in S3. 
<> seems to indicate that Bacula works with AWS 
Glacier as it states:

Transfer Priority = 
When restoring directly a part from Glacier, this directive indicates the 
rehydration priority level. Values can be High,
Medium or Low. Default is High. Those values match respectively Expeditive, 
Standard and Bulk transfers tiers within S3.

We configured Transfer Priority = "Low" so we expected it to use the Bulk transfer tier - see 
<>.  Is Bacula capable of 
initiating the Glacier restore?  Or is that config (Transfer Priority) not what we thought?

Hello Samantha,

As far as I know, only the S3 plugin has been ported from the Enterprise 
edition to the Community edition.

In the Enterprise edition, there is an additional 'Glacier' plugin which automatically handles these transfers from Glacier 
back to the S3 bucket.

I have a strong feeling this is the issue you are experiencing here.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] reload command

2023-06-06 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/5/23 12:13, Phil Stracchino wrote:

Bill, I would if I could, but I haven't run into it in a long time
because (a) I have an established practice of restarting the Director
when feasible after significant configuration changes (which does not
include Filesets, Schedules, new Clients etc), and (b) it's been a long
time since I've needed to make any significant configuration changes.
But I do recall that when I was developing and tuning my configuration,
especially things like tweaking tape storage devices, spooling etc, if I
applied too many changes via reloads without a restart in between, the
Director would become unresponsive.

Unfortunately I can't really recall any more detail than that.

Hello Phil,

No worries, I fully understand. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] reload command

2023-06-05 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 6/2/23 08:59, Phil Stracchino wrote:

Keep in mind that a reload will not affect already-running jobs, and
*some* changes may not take effect in already *scheduled* jobs.

All true. :)

And some settings (just a few that I am aware of) in the Director actually 
require a restart to take affect.

Based on personal experience, after reloading I also recommend
restarting the Director when opportunity presents itself.  (i.e when
there are no running jobs).  I have found in the past that after
multiple reloads, stability deteriorates.  It SHOULDN'T, in theory, but
nevertheless sometimes it does.

Hello Phil,

For the record, and for completeness, do you think you can describe some of the 
things that seem to become unstable?

I am asking out of curiosity because I don't believe I have seen this, and who 
knows, maybe I have and just didn't make the
correlation and your experiences might turn on a light bulb. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlo

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Changer Script - running into timeouts - solved

2023-05-30 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/29/23 23:11, Dr. Thorsten Brandau wrote:


not sure if any bacula developers are in this list but I just wanted to let you 
know that with my Neo24s Tapelib the
mtx-changer script is not working. It does not detect the end of the change 

There is a line in the script

wait_for_drive $device

As long as this is there I run into timeouts changing the drive.

When I comment this line, it works (there is an error message in the log but 
that is no problem - basically it gets a timeout
but the tape changed).

No amount of time for the timeout worked, so there must be somehow a problem 
with the return message from the drive or the

Maybe someone else runs into this problem, so thats a solution.



Hello Thorsten,

You have very good timing...

If you are interested, I am just about to publicly release a drop-in 
replacement for the default mtx-changer script, and
maybe you'd like to try
it and give me some feedback from a real-world environment.

The script is written in Python, has much better logging when debug is enabled, 
and has the ability to set a debug_level to
log just what you want/need to see.

Additionally, I have added a pretty much fully automatic tape drive cleaning 
feature which can test a drive with `tapeinfo`
after a successful unload, and automatically locate cleaning tapes, load one, 
wait, and then unload it... Of course since
this happens while the SD is waiting on a successful unload, it will add time 
to the process, and timeouts will have to be
tuned for your individual environment.

So far I have only tested with mhVTL and everything is working fine. I plan to 
move testing to our lab environment which has
a real HP library, so I will have more real feedback.

If you are interested in beta testing, please DM me. If you have a github 
account please let me know so I can allow you
access to the repository before it is made publi

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Copy job clarification requested

2023-05-18 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/18/23 08:07, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

I have not used a copy job before so I thought I would try one. I used Baculum 
v11 to set one up that copies a job from a
local USB drive to a NAS. The setup was straightforward. I created a new pool 
to receive the copy, defined the source and
destination job, pool and SD/storage. This worked just fine creating the new 
volumes on the destination storage.

The thing I'm not clear about is whether a copy job copies only the pool 
specified as the source, in my case a full, or
whether all of full/diff/incr pools for the job are copied.

My suspicion is that only the full is copied and I would need additional jobs 
for the diff/incr.

Given that there is a 1:1 correspondence between a job definition and its 
pools, Bacula should be able to deduce one from the
other but it seems to be required to specify both.

Could anyone help me understand this?

Chris Wilkinson

Hello Chris,

A Copy job will copy
what you tell it to. :)

What I mean is there are several ways to tell a Copy job what jobs to copy. The 
simplest being the `SelectionType =

Using this option, Bacula will only look to the Pool specified in the Copy job 
itself for jobids which have not yet been
copied and it will spawn n-1 new iterations of itself - each one to copy one 
job - and it will take the last jobid found and
copy it itself.

At the beginning of the Copy job, Bacula will list the jobids it has identified 
to be copied.

When setting up Copy jobs for the first time on an existing pool with a lot of 
jobs existing it is a good idea to set the
`MaximumSpawnedJobs = 1` while testing to make sure things look/work OK so you 
are not spawning hundreds or thousands of Copy
jobs which may not work or need to be canceled. :)

Then, once things are OK, that number can be raised or the setting can be 
removed entirely.

You can also just specify a specific jobid to be copied on the comm
and line:

* run job=CopyJobNAme jobid=12345

And this one jobid would be copied - regardless of the `Pool =` setting the the 
Copy job.

You can use `SelectionType = SQLQuery` and then the `SelectionPattern =` can be 
used to specify *any* jobs you want to be
copied, also overriding the pool set in the Copy job itself.

If you have Full, Inc, and Diff pools, you might have three copy jobs, one for 
each pool, or  you could simply call the Copy
job three times and override the `pool=xxx` on the command line or in a 

Something I have helped customers with is to set up a Copy job to be run 
immediately after the backup job itself has
completed. In this use case, you just call a small script in a RunScript {} 
section in your job:

Job {
 ...All normal job stuff goes here...

  RunScript {
RunsOnCLient = no
RunsWhen = after
Command = "path/to/ %i '%n' %l"

 ...and that script simply starts the copy job wit
h the jobid= option:

# $1 = jobid, $2 = Job name, $3 = Level
if [ "$3" = "Full" ]; then
  echo "Jobid $3 (${2}) is a Full job, triggering a copy of it..."
  echo "run yes job=CopyJobName jobid=$1" | bconsole
  echo "This is not a Full level job, not copying it..."

I pass the level and jobname so, as in the case of this customer, they wanted 
to only copy full jobs, so we just check the
level and decide to trigger the copy job or not.

Note: Using this method, the Priority of your Copy job needs to be the same as 
the Backup job otherwise you will enter a
deadlock where the Backup job never finishes because it is waiting on the Copy 
to finish, but the Copy will never start
because it is waiting on the Backup job to finish. :) (Sure, allowing "mixed 
priority" can be done, but that just adds
more confusion, problems etc.)

Hope some of this helps!

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Slow Spooling / Despooling

2023-05-18 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/18/23 04:38, Udo Kaune wrote:


Another point would be spooling of file attributes to reduce intermittent 
access to you sql server.

Hello Udo,

Just a quick FYI for everyone: When Data Spooling is enabled, Attribute 
Spooling is automatically forced on.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] compression with lto?

2023-05-11 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 5/10/23 21:49, Dr. Thorsten Brandau wrote:

I use an lto-9 drive for backup. I activated hardware compression on the tape 
(i think) but all the logs of bacula show a tape change at 18TB which should be 
the native (uncompressed) capacity. From experience I would expect a ratio of 
at last 1:1.2. Is there any way to make sure to use compression (or as last 
resort activate software compression)?

Hello Thorsten,

Of course, with LTO tape drives, you always want to enable hardware compression 
and disable software compression in Bacula.

How that is set on your specific drive(s) I do not know. :)

Bacula will just write until it gets an EOT (end of tape) from the tape drive, so the compression you will see is dependent 
on your dataset.

Some tips:
In your Director's configuration for the Storage resource which points to the SD's Tape drive (or library with multiple 
drives), you should set

`AllowCompression = no`

This will tell the FDs to not try to compress data before sending it to the SD when using this Storage resource in a job, 
even if you have a `compression = (lzo|gzip|zstd)` in your fileset.

For jobs using this Storage, if compression in enabled for the fileset in use, you will see a harmless info log entry in the 
job logs telling you that "compression is not allowed for this storage device". (or similar)

I prefer to enable/disable this in the Director's Storage resource and always enable compression in my filesets so that the 
same job and fileset, when using a different Director Storage that allows compression, it will automatically "Just Work"™

P.S. You can enable/disable compression in the SD's Devices, but I prefer to set it at what I would call the beginning of the 
chain in the Director's Storage resource.

Home some of this is helpful,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Storage protocols advice sought

2023-04-29 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/29/23 16:33, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

I am about to set up a NAS on a local lan as a storage device. The NAS offers 
CIFS, NFS, (S)FTP, WEBDAV as supported
protocols. The NAS OS is pretty much locked down so there isn't really an 
option to install anything additional. I know that
CIFS and NFS can be locally mounted but wonder if these any of these other 
options could be used and whether they might offer
faster backups. Security is not a big concern as it will be on the local LAN 

Any advice/experience would be welcomed.

Chris Wilkinson

Hello Chris,

If the NAS/SAN does not offer iSCSI, then go with NFS.

I'd say save yourself the headaches associated with CIFS. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula Differential and Incremental Backup not working

2023-04-21 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/21/23 04:39, Dr. Thorsten Brandau wrote:


yes, I commented the incremential out because it also makes a full backup and 
therefore I only try to do differential per
weekend. I want to have incrementals daily, but it does not work (always does 

The last log is:

07-Apr 23:05 -dir JobId 136: Start Backup JobId 136, 

Hello Dr. Thorsten,

Please show us the Job and Fileset configurations.

Then, please run:

* run job=FileServer_Full level=Incremental

* run job=FileServer_Full level=Differential

and show us those complete Job logs too - including the Summary information at 
the end.

Some things to note:

- If there is no Full job in the Catalog, then Bacula can't run an Incremental, 
nor a Differential. These would be
automatically upgraded to a Full level - you will be notified in the job log in 
the very first line.

- If you edit a Fileset, Bacula will notice this and will automatical
ly upgrade the next Inc or Diff to a Full - you will be
notified in the job log in the very first line.

- To prevent the second case, you can add `IgnoreFileSetChanges = yes` to the 
Fileset - but this has its own ramifications
and is not recommended to use unless you are fully aware - See the docs about 
this feature for more information.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Q: cannot truncate volumes while backup running on same storage, need advice to set MaximumCOncurrentJobs properly

2023-04-19 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

I just checked and I see that my memory was working correctly this morning...

I will ask my colleagues if they remember this issue in the Enterprise version 
and if it was address/modified/fixed.

Be right back. :)

OK waiting :)

There was a ticket/bug where a customer had reported this same issue where the 
truncate command always used the first Drive
device in the disk Autochanger, but this has since been addressed.

In bconsole, just type `truncate` and hit tab a few times to see what the 
options are:

allpoolsdrive=  mediatype=  pool=   storage=volume=

Notice `drive=xxx` can be specified.  I think you will need to specify 
`DriveIndex=` (starting at 0) for each drive
device in the Autochanger too. If not for this reason, I am 100% sure there is 
another reason I had come across and had to
prove to my colleagues several years back. :)

This is with the Community version 13.0.2:

bacula-dir Version: 13.0.2
(18 February 2023) ...

I also checked the Enterprise 16.0.5 and it is the same.

Hope this helps.

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Q: cannot truncate volumes while backup running on same storage, need advice to set MaximumCOncurrentJobs properly

2023-04-19 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/19/23 03:52, Justin Case wrote:
For the sake of completeness: I have read in the document “Community Disk Backup Design” in section 3.1 that it is possible 
what you are proposing and how to do it and implemented it, but it is not working the way one would expect (see my other mail 
a few minutes ago).

Hello Justin,

This message does not indicate to me a problem with a drive being in use, but rather this volume cannot be truncated because 
it is reserved by a job.

3908 Error reserving volume: vol_mgr.c:418 Cannot free Volume “pool1-vol-0599", 
because it is reserved by someone else.

Let me check something too... In other operations (like label), you can specify the disk device to use. I think I recall this 
not being the case with the truncate command, and that it always uses the first drive in the autochanger.

I will ask my colleagues if they remember this issue in the Enterprise version 
and if it was address/modified/fixed.

Be right back. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Q: cannot truncate volumes while backup running on same storage, need advice to set MaximumCOncurrentJobs properly

2023-04-19 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/19/23 03:07, Justin Case wrote:

Thanks Mat,
that sounds plausible, but is it even possible to have two devices for the same 
folder on disk, which have access to the same
So far I believed that was impossible, but I am only a casual user of Bacula.

Hello Justin,

It is absolutely possible, and strongly encouraged to have multiple Devices in 
a disk Autochanger in the SD config. As a
matter of fact, this is the purpose of an Autochanger. It makes no sense to 
have a disk Autochanger with only one device in
it. :)

Each device config should be exactly the same, except for the `Name` and 

Additionally, you can can create some devices with `ReadOnly = yes` and these will be 
"reserved" for Restore/Copy/Migration
Job read devices and will never be used by a Backup job to write data.

You can create as many devices in an Autochanger as you want/need - they are 
free, and more is better. :)

FYI, I never create an Autochanger with less tha
n 10+ devices, each having `MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1`, and several of them
being `ReadOnly = yes`

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Nee Help for bacula storage S3 cloud configuration

2023-04-19 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/18/23 12:41, Chris Wilkinson wrote:

In my case the driver is installed in /usr/lib/ 

I vaguely recall that the make file didn't put it there and I had to mv it. I 
forget now what the default is.


Hello Chris,

In your bacula-sd.conf config, the SD will look for plugins in the directory 
specified by the `PluginDirectory = xxx` line

If it is not specified, then no plugins will be loaded. :)

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Multiple Restore jobs

2023-04-17 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/15/23 04:26, Yateen Shaligram Bhagat (Nokia) wrote:

Hi Bill

Yes, setting MaximumConcurrentJobs = n ; worked for me.
I could run multiple Restoration jobs concurrently.


Hello Yateen,

OK, glad it works for you now.

Also, thank you for the confirmation of what I believed was true: the Restore 
Job needs `MaximumConcurrentJobs=xxx` (where
xxx is > 1) to be able to run multiple concurrent restores. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Multiple Restore jobs

2023-04-14 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 4/14/23 03:42, Yateen Shaligram Bhagat (Nokia) wrote:

Hi Bill,

You are correct,, I can see the MaximumConcurrentJobs limitation, see the "status 
dir" output from bconsole below:
So how to we enhance this limit for the Restore jobs

Hello Yateen,

I think you just need to add `MaximumConcurrentJobs = x` to your restore job 
called `RestoreFiles`

Set `x` to any number higher than 1, like 10, 20, whatever, and you should be 
OK to do multiple concurrent restore jobs.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Deleting Obsolete Volumes

2023-04-13 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

Hello Chris,

Your jobid  2,371 wrote 0 files, 0 bytes, and the job's Summary shows for 
`Volume name(s):`  No volumes.

So, unless there are other jobs on this volume, jobid 2,371 did not actually 
write to it.

Hope this helps,

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Bacula-users mailing list

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