Re: revocation of roots

2008-10-24 Thread Frank Hecker

Frank Hecker wrote:
So personally I'd consider a 5-day timeframe reasonable, and based on 
past conversations with people doing update releases, I think it might 
be pushed down as low as 3 days.

 I should clarify that this timeframe doesn't include any CA-related 
time prior to the Mozilla project being informed of a problem. This is 
just for the Mozilla fix-and-release process.

Also note that IIRC the Firefox automated update mechanism doesn't 
update all users at the same time -- it's staggered a bit to avoid 
overwhelming the update servers. (I can't remember what the relevant 
delays are, and couldn't find this info in quick search.) So it might 
take a little more time until all Firefox users get the new release with 
the revoked root.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: revocation of roots

2008-10-21 Thread Frank Hecker

Paul Hoffman wrote:

If you want to to be able to revoke roots, please consider instead
getting active in the current work on TAMP (trust anchor management
protocol) being discussed in the PKIX WG.

Thanks for the suggestion; I presume that

is the main document of interest?

At first glance this looks interesting, though I haven't yet read it in 


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: revocation of roots

2008-10-17 Thread Frank Hecker

Eddy Nigg wrote:
Now IMO as the root certificate signs itself, with the same authority it 
should be able to revoke itself. This would result obviously in 
repeating the process until the root is removed and not used anymore, 
but it would mark the root and all certificates signed by it revoked. 

I'm not sure what you mean by repeating the process. How would such 
revocation work in practice (assuming a PKI library that did CRL 
checking for roots)? Would the root just sign a CRL with its own 
certificate's serial number on it? Presumably at that point any 
application retrieving such a CRL would note revocation of the root 
certificate, and from that point forward would refuse to recognize as 
valid any certificates chaining up to the root, any subsequent CRLs 
signed by the root, and so on. Or am I missing something?


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Microtec CA inclusion request

2008-10-17 Thread Frank Hecker

Nelson Bolyard wrote:

Frank Hecker wrote:

* OCSP. My understanding is that the Microsec practice of having a
separate root for OCSP is very problematic, particularly given the
inclusion of AIA extensions with OCSP URLs in end entity certificates.
As I understand it, Microsec is removing AIA extensions with OCSP URLs
from end entity certificates and from intermediate CA certificates, and
this should address this problem going forward. 

... after some period of time has elapsed.  Certainly the day after they
begin to issue certs without the OCSP URL in the AIA extension, 99+% of the
existing certs will still have those AIA extensions.  Over time that number
should decline.

Please refresh my memory here: As I understand it, the basic problem was 
that if the Microsec root were included in Firefox (or other products) 
and a user surfed to an SSL/TLS-enabled site with an end entity 
certificate issued by Microsec (a cert with the AIA extension with the 
OCSP URL), then this would cause an error in Firefox 3, because Firefox 
3 does OCSP checking by default and it would get what it considered to 
be a bad OCSP response. Do I have this right?

At what point does it become appropriate to consider the problem to have
abated enough to no longer be an issue?  Is it when the number of remaining
outstanding valid certs that bear that AIA extension is 90%? 50%? 20%? 10%?
5%? 1%?

I think it is in Microsec's interest to revoke and reissue certificates 
for sites that encounter problems with Firefox. I would consider this 
problem to be effectively addressed after Microsec actively begins an 
initiative to work with its affected customers to get them new 
certificates. At that point if customers do not update their sites IMO 
it is their problem, not Microsec's or Mozilla's.

If approved, the Microsec root would not go into Firefox 3 until late 
this year or early next year. So I think there is plenty of time for 
Microsec to put together a suitable plan for how to ease the transition 
for its customers and minimize any errors that might be experienced by 
Firefox users.

Although we haven't tested it with libPKIX, as far as I know, OCSP URLs
in root certs will not be a problem for NSS.  NSS will never check a
self-issued cert for OCSP revocation.

Thanks for looking into this. My conclusion is therefore that there is 
no need for Microsec to reissue its root certificate, at least as far as 
Mozilla is concerned. However as Rob Stradling noted, I do suggest that 
Microsec look at what GlobalSign did with its root refresh, in case 
Microsec wants to do something similar in the future. (I should also 
note that if Microsec's current root is approved for inclusion, I would 
give expedited approval to any future refresh of the root, as long as 
nothing had changed in terms of Microsec's operations and there were no 
technical problems with the new root.)

One final question: Does anyone know what Thunderbird 3 will be doing in 
terms of OCSP checks? Will this problem affect end entity certificates 
issued by Microsec for S/MIME use?


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: revocation of roots

2008-10-17 Thread Frank Hecker

Eddy Nigg wrote:

  b. Is there a way in the root list (code) to signal that a root is
revoked (other than by a self-signed CRL of self)?  E.g., by a flag
or something?

Not that I'm aware of.

I don't know if this is what Ian was referring to, but in theory we can 
leave the root certificate in NSS but set the trust flags off. This 
would result in rejecting any use of a certificate whose cert chain 
terminated in that root. Note that we've never actually done this for 
any root.

Note also that (I think) in this case a user could manually set the 
flags back to allow the root to be used again.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Microtec CA inclusion request

2008-10-16 Thread Frank Hecker

Frank Hecker wrote:

In accordance with the schedule at

I am now opening the first public discussion period for a request from 
Microtec Ltd to add the Microsec e-Szigno Root CA root certificate to 
Mozilla. This is bug 370505, and Kathleen has produced an information 
document attached to the bug.

First, my apologies for the delay in my responding to the public 
comments. I've messed up the schedule I previously outlined; see below 
for my proposal to revise the schedule and deal with the Microsec request.

I've read through all the public comments. Rather than try to respond to 
 each and every comment, I've written a brief summary of my 
understanding of the various issues raised. Please feel free to correct 
my understanding where appropriate.

* Translation of the Microsec CPSs. As I noted in my original message, 
all of the Microsec CPS documents are available in Hungarian only. Our 
policy does not mandate that CA documents be available in English, so I 
don't see a justification for requiring that Microsec prepare official 
English translations. Thus far we've relied on Microsec-provided 
translations of key CPS sections; the Mozilla Hungarian localization 
team (in the person of Kálmán Kéménczy) was kind enough to verify the 
accuracy of the translations.

IMO Getting human-created English translations of all the CPSs is going 
to be too difficult and time-consuming to be feasible, at least in the 
near term. I've followed up on the tips provided by Eddy Nigg and 
researched various options for machine translation of Hungarian. It 
appears that the best online option is the site:

The company behind the site also sells a Windows-based translation 
application (MorphLogic). I'm going to try and see if I can use either 
the site or (more likely) the application to get rough translations of 
relevant CPS sections, starting with the tables of contents.

* Liability associated with Microsec certificates. There were a number 
of comments relating to the monetary liability associated with Microsec 
certificates. The thread was interesting in relation to understanding 
practices in Hungary and the EU, but I think that ultimately it is not 
relevant to our consideration of this request. Our policy does not have 
any requirements relating to monetary liability of CAs, and I am not 
persuaded that disclaiming liability in certain contexts causes security 
issues for typical Mozilla users. I'm therefore minded to ignore this 
issue for purposes of evaluating this request.

* OCSP. My understanding is that the Microsec practice of having a 
separate root for OCSP is very problematic, particularly given the 
inclusion of AIA extensions with OCSP URLs in end entity certificates. 
As I understand it, Microsec is removing AIA extensions with OCSP URLs 
from end entity certificates and from intermediate CA certificates, and 
this should address this problem going forward. However there still 
appears to be an open question as to whether having an AIA extension 
with OCSP URL in the Microsec root certificate will cause a problem with 
NSS. (Nelson wrote that he was going to investigate this, but I don't 
recall seeing a followup to this.)

Based on the above, my inclination is to postpone consideration of this 
request for at least two weeks. That will give me time to try to get 
more of the Microsec CPS content translated, and also to get a final 
answer on the question of root certificates with AIA extensions with 
OCSP URLs. Once those two things get done I'll formally start a new 
public comment period. (You can still comment in the meantime, of 
course; I'm just setting a formal date for purposes of scheduling CA 

I've revised the CA schedule to reflect this delay:


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Setting a schedule for CA evaluations

2008-10-12 Thread Frank Hecker

Eddy Nigg wrote:
Shouldn't have been there an announcement for bug 371362 or shall we 
simply follow the schedule? I guess a summary from you would be in any 
case useful as you've done with Microsec. Please advice...

Sorry, there wasn't an announcement because I was too busy with other 
stuff to close out phase 1 of public comment on Microsec. I'm going to 
make some comments on Microsec, and then push the whole schedule back a 
few days to account for my delays. My apologies...


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Microtec CA inclusion request

2008-10-06 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 On 10/03/2008 12:43 AM, Frank Hecker:
 * This CA is based in Hungary. Though it provides a lot of information
 in English (including a helpful CA hierarchy diagram) unfortunately all
 of its CPS documents are currently available in Hungarian only.
 Frank, I think we should buy some tool that helps us with translating 
 such stuff. Apparently Google doesn't support Hungarian - English yet, 
 but I searched and found some useful tools on the net which can do that. 
 Please get something that can translate the CP/CPS and publish it 
 somewhere so we can read about it.

We can consider this in the longer term. In the short term Kálmán 
Kéménczy of the Mozilla localization team for Hungary has confirmed the 
accuracy of the translations in the Microsoft bug, and is willing to 
check further translations as needed.


P.S. I was out of the office all day, which is why I haven't been 
participating in the discussion. I'll read all the comments in this 
thread tonight and comment tomorrow.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Setting a schedule for CA evaluations

2008-10-02 Thread Frank Hecker
My apologies for having gone silent for a while; with Mark Surman (the 
new Mozilla Foundation executive director) coming on board I've been 
busy helping him get started and taking care of related 
responsibilities. However I now have more time, and I'm going to be 
devoting it to getting more CA request processed.

Right now we have over 40 CA requests in the queue. After thinking about 
it, I have decided that the best way to proceed is to have a published 
schedule for when we will look at each of these requests. This will 
provide some predictability for the CAs, give us deadlines we can work 
toward, and allow us to be held accountable for meeting those deadlines. 
I've published an initial version of such a schedule at:

There are some additional points worth commenting on:

* I'm going to try for one CA request processed per week, which means 
that at any given time we'll have two CAs in public comment periods. We 
can revise the schedule later if it turns out that we can process 
requests faster than one per week, or if it turns out that we need more 
time for particular CAs.

* Right now I have the public comment periods starting on Mondays. If 
people would prefer the comment periods to start on other days I'm open 
to changing this. (For example, another option would be to start comment 
  periods on Friday, for people who like to look at these over the weekend.)

* I am no longer going to try to coordinate CA evaluations with the 
Firefox release schedule, at least not explicitly. It was just too 
difficult, especially when code freeze dates kept changing. If for some 
reason we'd like to get a particular CA's request processed for a 
particulare Firefox release, we can just revise the schedule to put the 
CA into an earlier slot.

* The current schedule has only two CAs scheduled. I will add more CAs 
to the schedule as I figure out what the state of their requests is, and 
whether and when they're ready to go into the public comment phase.

If you have any questions or comments about this please let me know.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Dealing with third-party subordinates of T-Systems and others

2008-10-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Kathleen Wilson and I have been discussing how to re-start the 
evaluation process for T-Systems. If you recall, that request (bug 
378882) got bogged down in a discussion of how to deal with situations 
where the root CA doesn't actually issue end entity certificates and the 
root CA's CPS doesn't address issuance of EE certs, but instead all the 
EE certs are issued by third-party subordinates.

Kathleen thinks, and I agree, that the best way to approach this both 
with T-Systems and with other CAs in general is to ask the CA to update 
the CP/CPS for the root to include language addressing the following:

* Clear requirements for subordinate CAs for how information in 
end-entity certs is to be verified, such that section 7 of the Mozilla 
CA policy ( is 

* Requirements for subordinate CAs in regards to whether or not
subordinate CAs are constrained to issue certificates only within
certain domains, and whether or not subordinate CAs can create their
own subordinates.

* Audit requirements for subordinate CAs with regard to the frequency of 
audits and who can/should perform them, as per sections 8, 9, and 10 of 
the Mozilla CA policy.

Our goal here is to avoid having to evaluate lots and lots of 
subordinate CAs, and instead have the roots take care of their own 
subordinates and ensure they're compliant to policy.

Does this sound reasonable? If so we'll proceed as noted above.


P.S. One thing I asked for before at some point, and I'll re-ask now, is 
a clear brief technical description on how root CAs would constrain 
subordinates to issue EE certs only within certain domains, and also 
prevent them from creating their own subordinates. I'd like to add this to

to provide some technical background for anyone interested.

Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Microtec CA inclusion request

2008-10-02 Thread Frank Hecker
In accordance with the schedule at

I am now opening the first public discussion period for a request from 
Microtec Ltd to add the Microsec e-Szigno Root CA root certificate to 
Mozilla. This is bug 370505, and Kathleen has produced an information 
document attached to the bug.

There's a summary of the information also available at

Some points worth mentioning about this request:

* This CA is based in Hungary. Though it provides a lot of information 
in English (including a helpful CA hierarchy diagram) unfortunately all 
of its CPS documents are currently available in Hungarian only. Microsec 
has provided translations of the relevant sections in the bug comments, 
as well as other background information. I've asked András Tímár [1] of 
the Hungarian localization team to double-check the translations; for 
now I'm assuming the translations are accurate absent any information to 
the contrary.

* Though a commercial CA, Microsec is audited by an agency of the 
Hungarian government. (This appears to be a fairly common practice in 
Europe, especially for CAs issuing so-called qualified certificates, 
as Microsec does.) The audit is against ETSI TS 101 456 and 102 042 and 
is annual. Kathleen has verified the relevant information with a 
government representative.

* Microsec has a separate root used for OCSP, and apparently does not 
offer OCSP as a general public service; please see the comments in the 
bug. I'd like those of you who are OCSP experts to look at this issue 
and tell us if you see any potential problems there.

This first public comment period will be for one week, and then I'll 
make a preliminary determination regarding this request.


[1] Fun fact: Within Hungary names are normally given in Eastern order 
(i.e., like China or Japan) with surname first. In this case I've 
transposed to Western order (I think).

Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Microsec CA inclusion request

2008-10-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 I am now opening the first public discussion period for a request from 
 Microtec Ltd to add the Microsec e-Szigno Root CA root certificate to 

D'oh! It's Microsec, *not* Microtec. I got it right everywhere 
except for the subject line and the first sentence. Sigh...


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Dealing with third-party subordinates of T-Systems and others

2008-10-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Justin Dolske wrote:
 Out of curiousity... How many (if any) such CAs are currently included 
 in NSS?

It's not clear, since we've never gone back and looked at all the legacy 
CAs. There are certainly a number of root CAs that authorize third 
parties to run subordinate CAs and issue end entity certificates. This 
is fairly common with large companies -- they get a subordinate CA cert 
issued by a root, and then run their own CAs internally.

 It seems a little scary to be providing a way for these 3rd 
 party CAs to become operational in Mozilla products without going 
 through the Mozilla approval process. It seems like a different degree 
 or trust.

I don't think the practice of having third party subordinates is in and 
itself a problem. It's just that the root CA needs to have some sort of 
control over the subordinates (e.g., through appropriate legal 
agreements), and some way of ensuring (e.g., through audits) that the 
subordinates operate in accordance with the controls.

Remember that a lot of CAs working with enterprises outsource the 
Registration Authority function to those enterprises. In other words, 
the enterprise is ultimately responsible for doing verification of 
subscribers (e.g. when issuing certificates to employees and corporate 
web sites), even when the CA itself is issuing the certificate. Going 
from outsourced RAs to third-party subordinates adds some additional 
risk, but it's not a qualitatively different situation as I see it.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Dealing with third-party subordinates of T-Systems and others

2008-10-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 The principal guiding us should be the audit requirements mentioned 
 above and there shall be no CA included which hasn't undergone such an 
 audit, being it as part of a root or in its own rights. A root shall not 
 be included in case sub-ordinate CAs exist which haven't seen the face 
 of an auditor at least once (not speaking about yearly re-auditing yet).

This issue is going to come up with WISeKey (scheduled for public 
comment next week), but I may as well speak of it in general terms right 

It is not clear to me that it's realistic for us to require actual 
audits for each and every third-party subordinate CA. Even beyond the 
WISeKey model (the CA in a box appliance device), I suspect that a 
number of other CAs serving the enterprise market have enough 
subordinates that it would be unrealistic to require actual audits of 
all subordinates in these cases as well. (Which is not to say that 
there's no auditing at all -- for example, the (root) CA could have some 
sort of random or spot auditing scheme.)

 Since the Mozilla CA policy clearly calls for auditing of the CA, I 
 think that Mozilla will have to share the burden in cases the CAs in 
 question haven't been part of such an audit and would like to apply in 
 their own right. Not sure how many there will be, but in such a case 
 it's simply a matter of implementing the policy.

Well, it does matter how difficult it is to implement a policy, and I 
think we have to exercise some judgment here. At one end of the spectrum 
we have situations where we have a small number of subordinate CAs, each 
of which issues lots and lots of certificates. T-Systems is apparently 
like this, as are KISA and perhaps others. Here I think it is realistic 
for us to take a closer look at the subordinates.

In other cases, like the enterprise CA case mentioned above, there are 
lots of subordinates, and each subordinate issues relatively few 
certificates. Here I think it is unrealistic to look at each and every 
CA; it's quite possible we won't even know the actual names of each and 
every CA. In these case I think we will instead have to look at the 
overall manner in which the (root) CA oversees and controls the 

To echo what I wrote earlier, it's analogous to the case of CAs that 
out-source the RA function to others, especially in the enterprise 
environment. I doubt that, e.g., a WebTrust audit entails auditing each 
and every organization participating in RA activities; I presume what is 
done is instead to look at the overall controls in place for such 

 I think path length should be 0 for such CAs. It's a requirement for the 
 issuing CA certificate of EV certificates and makes sense also here.

Thanks. If you have time please feel free to edit the wiki page and add 
a note on this near the bottom (where subordinate are discussed).


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: questions on root creation

2008-09-25 Thread Frank Hecker
Nelson Bolyard wrote:
 The 3 sets of claims used for SSL servers have names DV, OV and EV.
 Of those, EV is well defined and documented.  DV is pretty well understood
 but I don't know of any document that defines it very well.  OV is the
 least well defined, which is why browsers do not give any special treatment
 to OV certs.  In some sense, for Mozilla browser users, the definition of
 DV is (I think) the minimum set of things a CA must do to have its root
 CA cert accepted by mozilla foundation.  Maybe Frank can write up a
 statement of what it takes to qualify a DV CA.  Mozilla's CA policy
 implies that such a definition exists, but doesn't seem to give it.

I did a first draft of definitions for DV, etc., at

Please revise it as you wish.

 I think that, in practice, there are effectively two sets of claims widely
 used in email certs, and a third one is now being planned.  The first two
 do not have vendor-independent names, so I will use one vendor's names
 for them: class 1 and class 2.  Class 1 is for email what DV is for SSL.
 It proves a connection between the email address in the cert and the
 mailbox associated with that address, but nothing about the identity of
 the person behind the mailbox.

I unilaterally coined the term AV (address validation or address 
validated) for this.

 class 2 proves something about the
 identity of the person behind the mailbox, but it may be little more
 than a person's name or employee number.

I think the existing term IV (identity validation or identity 
validated) covers this.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Working on Perl bindings for NSS

2008-09-24 Thread Frank Hecker
Wan-Teh Chang wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:28 AM, Claes Jakobsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The module itself will be licenced under the MIT license so if you
 want to include it with the nss distro please feel free to do so.

 My SVN repo is at (altho I haven't synced
 the module yet from my local SVK repo) but I'll drop a not when that
 has been done.
 This sounds good.  If we decide to include your work with the NSS
 distribution, we'll need to consult [EMAIL PROTECTED] about the
 license (

If the Perl binding code is under the MIT license then that's OK in 
terms of the Mozilla license policy. The MIT license is compatible with 
every open source license known to me, including the MPL/GPL/LGPL scheme 
we use for NSS and other code. We have MIT-licensed code in the Mozilla 
tree already, and I see no problem with just including such code in the 
NSS release.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Documenting default trusted CAs

2008-08-19 Thread Frank Hecker
Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 Dennis Darch wrote, On 2008-08-19 09:23:
 In the next update of our software product we are using NSS 3.11.9 to 
 upgrade our LDAP client to support LDAP/SSL.  I would like to include in our 
 documentation a list of the public certificate authorities that would be 
 trusted without having to be added to the client's cert8.db.  Where would I 
 look in the source code to find that list?
 Maybe Frank can answer that.  I'm not aware of a page with a complete
 listing of the trusted CA certs in an easy-to-read form.  Maybe I'm
 forgetting something.

No, we don't yet have a single web page providing a list of all the 
pre-loaded root CA certs in readable form. For now the certdata.txt file 
is the only complete and authoritative source.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-08-13 Thread Frank Hecker
Robin Alden wrote:
 Sure, but CAs issue certificates to IP addresses too (as we discuss below)
 yet the policy does not allow for the possibility.  Either the policy is
 imprecise, or it is being flouted by the CAs that issue certificates for IP

You're correct, this is a gap in our policy, which assumes the more 
typical case of an SSL certificate being tied to a domain name. We can 
discuss revising the policy later, but for now I think it's reasonable 
to say that issuing an SSL certificate tied to an IP address is OK as 
long as the following is true:

* the IP address is public, i.e., reachable from the public Internet

* the subscriber owns/controls the IP address on a permanent basis, 
i.e., it's a static IP address assigned to the subscriber by the 
subscriber's ISP (either a standalone address or part of a 
subscriber-controlled block of addresses)

This is basically the current policy with public static IP address 
standing in place of domain. As with domains, there are natural 
extensions to this case, most notably an SSL cert with multiple IP 
addresses included using SubjAltName; in this case the CA would do the 
verification for all the IP addresses referenced in the cert.

(To others with more knowledge of this than I: Is there a notion of an 
IP wildcard cert, i.e., an SSL cert with a wildcard like 1.2.3.*, 
where the cert would be recognized as valid for an server with IP 
address in that range? If so, the implications for policy seem pretty 
straightforward: the CA should verify that the subscriber controls the 
entire IP address range.)

 We do not consider dynamic IP addresses when validating IP addresses.  We
 look for static registration of an IP block.  Ideally we want to see the
 applicant registered as the owner of the block containing the IP address
 being requested.  Failing that we will accept written confirmation
 (directly) from the block owner confirming that the IP address in question
 is delegated to the applicant.

IMO this meets the proposed policy requirements I outlined above.

 I'm sure that some of our customers would argue over how easy it is to
 replace these hostnames with FQDNs, but on reflection we do accept that the
 use of what we are calling hostnames here could provide for an increased
 risk that such a certificate could be used in a MITM attack, especially with
 the (topical) possibilities of practical DNS poisoning attacks meaning that
 there is an increased chance of an attacker being able to direct a reference
 to a server by what appears to be an internal hostname to an external
 server.  Although not subject to the same threat of attacks on DNS we would
 also include non-internet routable IP addresses as being of increased risk.
 We therefore give a commitment that we will not issue any certificates which
 are signed by, or benefit from cross-signing by, or otherwise inherit trust
 from the ECC root which is the subject of this application that would
 otherwise be allowed by the provisions of section 2.4.1 (f) of our main CPS.

Thanks, this addresses an issue I was concerned about.

 Frank, would you consider these practices of issuing certificates to
 hostnames* and also of issuing to non-internet routable IP addresses as
 being something to add to your problematic practices list?

Yes, I'll do that. (Incidentally, I'm now calling it the potentially 
problematic practices list, because there's a lack of consensus on the 
extent to which some of these practices are problems in general.)

 In other words, Comodo would issue multiple certificates for the very
 same domain name? You could have multiple valid certificates for
 [Robin said...] 
 Yes, we would.  Jean-Marc identified one case where it is desirable.
 There are also cases when a server has been wiped (and so they private key
 lost) and must be re-installed.  

I don't think it is realistic or appropriate to mandate that all 
currently valid certs issued by a CA have unique FQDNs associated with 
them; in other words, I think that having multiple certs with the same 
FQDN is not and of itself indicative of a problem.

(I should also add that there's a similar case that's fairly common and 
unremarkable, where a CA issues a wildcard cert for, e.g., 
*, and also a cert for a specific domain otherwise 
encompassed in the wildcard, e.g., As with the case of 
multiple certs with the same FQDN, here too we have the theoretical 
possibility of having one cert/private key pair that could be 
substituted for another without a typical user noticing.)

To the best of my knowledge we've now covered all the outstanding issues 
for this request, and we're past the end of the second comment period. 
I'm going to proceed now to render a final decision. More later...


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-08-13 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 Frank Hecker wrote:
 I am now opening the first public discussion period for a request from 
 Comodo to add the Comodo ECC Certification Authority root certificate 
 to Mozilla and enable it for EV use. This is bug 421946, and Kathleen 
 has produced an information document attached to the bug.

 There's a summary of the information also available at
 The first comment period has closed, and I've made a preliminary 
 decision to approve this request, per comment #17 in bug 421946. The 
 second public coment period now begins, after which I'll make a final 

We're past the end of the second comment period, and based on all the 
comments up to now I'm now ready to make a final decision.

Of the additional issues that came up in the second comment period, a 
couple (wildcard DV certs and long-lived certs) I've already dealt with 
in a prior request, one (multiple certs with the same FQDN) I don't see 
as a reason for rejection of the request (per my previous message), and 
one (certs with hostnames and private IP addresses) I consider now moot 
based on the previous public statement/commitment by Comodo. Also, I've 
given my opinion that issuance of certs for static public IP addresses, 
though not strictly speaking addressed in our policy, is in fact 
consistent with the intent of our policy assuming ownership/control of 
the addresses is verified.

Based on the resolution of these issues I'm therefore officially 
approving the Comodo request to add the Comodo ECC Certification 
Authority root certificate to NSS and to enable it in PSM for EV use.

I have filed bug 450427 against NSS and bug 450429 against PSM for the 
actual changes:


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-08-13 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 Robin Alden wrote:
 Frank, would you consider these practices of issuing certificates to
 hostnames* and also of issuing to non-internet routable IP addresses as
 being something to add to your problematic practices list?
 Yes, I'll do that.


As usual, others should feel free to make revisions as appropriate; it 
*is* a wiki after all.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-08-13 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Frank Hecker:
 Yes, I'll do that. (Incidentally, I'm now calling it the potentially
 problematic practices list, because there's a lack of consensus on the
 extent to which some of these practices are problems in general.)
 Frank, where is the lack of consensus exactly?

IIRC the reason I changed the wording to potentially problematic was 
that some of the practices weren't necessarily problematic in all 
contexts, at least IMO. Thus, for example, distributing private keys 
using PKCS#12 is not necessarily a problem, rather it's a problem if the 
CA doesn't exercise proper care in how the keys are distributed.

The issue here may be in how we interpret the word problematic. I was 
interpreting the term problematic to be simply a fancy way of saying 
this *is* a problem, as opposed to potentially problematic, which to 
me means this *could be* a problem.

 I saw that Kathleen is already asking new applicants for CA cert 
 inclusions those questions from the Problematic Practices which I 
 think to be quite effective.

Yes, I encouraged Kathleen to collect that information, so we could get 
a better idea as to how widespread these practices are, and where they 
might constitute real problems. (I was also trying to anticipate any 
concerns you might express :-)


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-08-06 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 My point was that Comodo does issue certificates according to the 
 problematic practices listed in our document. Not only that, it does 
 more than one of those practices. You stated in the bug however that 
 Comodo doesn't issue certificates according to the Problematic Practices!

A fair point. My comment was based on the fact that Comodo isn't 
currently issuing DV certs under the ECC root, and there's no firm 
schedule for when they might do so. However you are correct that Comodo 
reserves the right to do so under the scope of the existing CPS, and Rob 
and Robin have stated that Comodo will expand the use of this root at 
some point.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-08-05 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 As per your comment in you state that 
 no problematic
 practices associated with this CA, but I found that in section 2.4.1 
 domain validated wild cards are issued, which is listed in 

My understanding is that this root and it hierarchy at present are not 
being used for DV certs, but Comodo could do so in future, per the 
existing CPS. We went through the issue of Comodo DV certs on a previous 
request; if you recall, my final determination was that the practices of 
issuing wildcard DV certs and long-lived DV certs, though potentially 
problematic, were not in my opinion sufficient to justify denying the 
request. That's my position in this case as well.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Wells Fargo CA inclusion/EV request

2008-07-30 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 I am now opening the first public discussion period for a request from 
 Wells Fargo to add the WellsSecure Public Root Certificate Authority 
 root certificate to Mozilla and enable it for EV use. This is bug 
 428390, and Kathleen has produced an information document attached to 
 the bug.
 There's a summary of the information also available at

The first comment period has closed, and I've made a preliminary 
decision to approve this request, per comment #13 in bug 428390. The 
second public coment period now begins, after which I'll make a final 


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-07-30 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 I am now opening the first public discussion period for a request from 
 Comodo to add the Comodo ECC Certification Authority root certificate to 
 Mozilla and enable it for EV use. This is bug 421946, and Kathleen has 
 produced an information document attached to the bug.
 There's a summary of the information also available at

The first comment period has closed, and I've made a preliminary 
decision to approve this request, per comment #17 in bug 421946. The 
second public coment period now begins, after which I'll make a final 


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comparison of OpenSSL and NSS

2008-07-25 Thread Frank Hecker
Julien R Pierre - Sun Microsystems wrote:
 Copyright owner :
 RSA security should be removed !
 Netscape/Sun/Red Hats are the original developers of most of the code. 
 But they don't hold the copyright (see GPL/LPGL/MPL licenses)

Let's not confuse licensing with copyright ownership. AFAIK Netscape, 
Sun, and Red Hat between them do hold the copyright to the vast majority 
of the NSS code. The copyright holders have all agreed to license the 
code under the Mozilla tri-license (MPL/GPL/LGPL), so people can use NSS 
under the terms of any of those three licenses. However copyright 
ownership is not affected by this.

In this connection, note that to my knowledge the Mozilla Foundation 
holds copyright to none (or at least very little) of the NSS code, 
because the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiaries (Mozilla 
Corporation, Mozilla Messaging) have never employed any full-time NSS 
developers. The rights the Mozilla Foundation has with respect to NSS 
are by virtue of the MPL/GPL/LGPL license terms.

Also, for people who are *really* interested in this question... I 
suspect that the copyright situation with regard to NSS is even more 
complicated than I've mentioned, because Netscape/AOL and Sun had a 
sort-of-joint-venture relationship (iPlanet) that IIRC involved some 
joint ownership of IP rights, and then AOL subsequently sold iPlanet 
assets (including IP assets) to Red Hat. However this doesn't change the 
basic picture with respect to licensing as far as downstream licensees 
(including Mozilla) are concerned.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Wells Fargo CA inclusion/EV request

2008-07-25 Thread Frank Hecker
Bruce wrote:
 Not my issue, but I would like to add some clarification. Its a
 chicken or the egg problem. A CA cannot start issuing EV certificates
 without first passing an EV Pre-Issuance Readiness Audit (see 35a of
 the Guidelines). On the other hand, a CA cannot have an WebTrust Audit
 for EV until they have been in operation for a minimum of two months.
 The pre-issuance readiness audit was put in place to bootstrap the

Bruce, thanks much for the info. This confirms what I thought.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Wells Fargo CA inclusion/EV request

2008-07-24 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Frank, I'd like to know (again) what our policy is in regards of EV 
 audit requirements. As I understand from the bug report, Wells Fargo 
 didn't actually absolved the EV audit, but some EV readiness audit. I 
 think we are past the time where we'd accept such audits?

A quick answer, I can research more later...

We had a discussion about EV audits against the draft EV guidelines, and 
decided we would stop accepting such audits after a certain date (June 
30, 2008?).

But I think EV readiness audits are a different issue. IIRC readiness 
audits are done when a CA has implemented the infrastructure for EV but 
has not yet accumulated a significant operational history of EV 
issuance. So any CA that is new to EV will likely do a readiness audit 

IIRC this was true of some other CAs we've dealt with -- they started 
out with readiness audits, started issuing EV certs, and then by the 
time we were able to consider their requests in some cases they were 
still covered by the readiness audit and in other cases had advanced to 
a regular audit.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Deutsche Telekom/T-Systems CA request

2008-07-22 Thread Frank Hecker
rainer_k wrote:
 If this is such a serious concern, why did Microsoft decicde to put
 this CA inside the Windows
 CA store and even distribute this via automatic update?
 Installment of the Telekom CA into Firefox and putting more
 restrictive policies for CAs into action in general
 are two different topics and should not be interwoven.

I have not yet had time to read and respond to all the messages in this 
thread. However I do want to make two points:

First, as Eddy Nigg mentioned, Mozilla does not have exactly the same 
policy as Microsoft with respect to adding root CA certificates. We are 
a public project in which anyone can participate, and our policy is 
designed to address the concerns that many Mozilla community members 
have about adding new roots. In particular, our community members want 
to have a reasonable level of assurance that CAs follow basic security 
practices when issuing SSL, email, or object signing certificates, and 
they want to have some publicly-available evidence regarding those 

That is why our policy has some (relatively minimal) requirements 
regarding verification of subscribers' domains, email addresses, and 
identities (for SSL, email, and object signing certificates 
respectively). That is also why we want to see Certification Practice 
Statements or other published documents that state that such 
verification is done.

Second, in the case of T-Systems the issue seems to be that T-Systems 
functions primarily as a root CA, not as a CA issuing end-entity 
certificates. Therefore the T-Systems CPS does not address practices 
relating to issuance of end-entity certificates. The solution seems to 
be that we need to look at the CPS documents for DFN and other 
subordinate CAs of T-Systems, or obtain some other public statement 
about the practices of these subordinate CAs.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: GlobalSign requests (replacement root, EV)

2008-07-21 Thread Frank Hecker
On Jul 11, 8:21 pm, Frank Hecker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Frank Hecker wrote:
 GlobalSignhas submitted requests to include a replacement root
  certificate for an already-included root certificate (same public key,
  new expiry date) and to enable it and a secondGlobalSignroot for EV:
  I think we now have all the information we need to start the first
  public comment period for this request, so I'm formally declaring it

 The first comment period is over, and I've made a preliminary decision
 to approve these requests; see my comments in the above-referenced bugs.
 The second (one-week) comment period is now open.

The second comment period is now over, and based on my evaluation and
comments thus far I'm formally approving these requests. I've filed
bug 446407 against NSS to refresh the GlobalSign Root CA root cert,
and bug 446409 against PSM to enable the refreshed GlobalSign Root CA
root and the existing GlobalSign Root CA - R2 root for EV:


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: GlobalSign requests (replacement root, EV)

2008-07-20 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Not sure what GlobalSign deems as a secure manner to provide PKCS12 
 files (including private keys) mentioned in of their CPS.
 I'll ask about this issue.

My apologies, I forgot to post what I found out. Briefly, GlobalSign is 
not currently doing this; the CPS language is there against the future 
possibility. I made them aware of our general concerns about CA 
generation and distribution of subscriber private keys (including 
pointing them to the relevant discussion threads, etc.). They are 
working with their auditors to come up with a mechanism that passes 
muster in terms of security.

The bottom line is that I don't see this as an issue affecting the 
requests, given that a) no key generation and distribution is being done 
at present and b) at this time I have no reason to believe that 
GlobalSign might do this in an insecure manner.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-07-18 Thread Frank Hecker
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 Has anyone validated the ECC paramters they used?

Not that I'm aware. There's a test site with a Comodo-issued ECC cert at

and the Comodo ECC root CA cert itself is available at

Are those sufficient input to do validation against, or do we need 
further information?


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Public comment periods

2008-07-18 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 I think that by committing every two weeks another CA to the public 
 comments period (or alternatively as you started to do, twice a one week 
 period) we can include and process potentially 26 CAs per year. This 
 should be sufficient by estimating the number of CAs which are more or 
 less ready and have information collection complete.

Unfortunately I think that that rate is too slow. The problem is that as 
we clear existing requests new requests come in, and if we don't process 
existing requests fast enough then the queue of unprocessed requests 
will continue to grow without limit.

Instead of artificially throttling the rate at which we process 
requests, I'd rather take CAs into public discussion as soon as we have 
sufficient information to do so. In practice some CA requests will be 
relatively straightforward to evaluate, and some will be more 
complicated. If you or anyone else feel that we need more time to 
discuss a particular request, just tell me and I will extend the public 
discussion period for that request as needed.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Public comment periods

2008-07-18 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Eddy Nigg:
 It's the time to discuss, which is obviously extended once there is a
 potential issue, it's the time one needs to review.
 Should have been It's *not* the time to discuss...'

Understood. But note that from my point of view the start of the first 
public comment period is essentially the signal that the request is at a 
state where further public review is called for. (Of course you or 
anyone else could have been doing review prior to that, based on the 
information in the bug.)


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-07-18 Thread Frank Hecker
Wan-Teh Chang wrote:
 In your summary of information for CAs, you
 should replace Modulus (key length) by EC parameters (named curve)
 for ECC roots.

I've revised the information checklist to reflect your comments; see 
item 2.6:

Please let me know if this is accurate, or needs further revision.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo ECC CA inclusion/EV request

2008-07-18 Thread Frank Hecker
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 At 9:27 AM -0400 7/18/08, Frank Hecker wrote:
 Paul Hoffman wrote:
   Has anyone validated the ECC paramters they used?

 Not that I'm aware.
 I think that's unfortunate. It is easy for all of us to test the 
 parameters for RSA certs, but few of us have software for testing ECC 

Are there NSS, OpenSSL, or other open source utilities available for 
this purpose? Could you point me to more information on this topic?

 There's a test site with a Comodo-issued ECC cert at
 ...which no browser will let me into. :-)

For Firefox at least that's because we haven't added the root CA cert 
yet, though there might be additional reasons relating to the OCSP 
responder (see the bug for more info). I was able to add a security 
exception for this site and then could access it successfully (using 
Firefox 3.0.1 on OS X), however it's not clear to what extent Firefox 
was able to validate the cert signature. (Firefox still gives me a 
certificate did not verify for unknown reasons message.)


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Public comment periods

2008-07-18 Thread Frank Hecker
Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 I'm not clear on the separate purposes of the two comment periods.
 Is there a statement somewhere, of what their separate purposes are?
 What (if anything) are the would-be public participants supposed to do
 differently in one period than in the other?

My intent is that I will start the first comment period at the point 
where I am reasonably sure that a) we have enough information to make a 
decision, and b) for cases where I'm leaning towards approval, that 
there are no immediately obvious showstopper problems with the CA in 
terms of our requirements. During the first comment period people have 
an opportunity to point out where I might be wrong about either (a) or (b).

 What is the event (other than the passage of a fixed amount of time)
 that marks the end of the first and the beginning of the second?

At the end of the first comment period I make a preliminary decision to 
approve or reject the request, or I postpone consideration until some 
issue gets addressed or some question gets answered. This is the point 
at which I sit down and provide written justifications for why I'm doing 
what I'm doing. Assuming that I decide to do a preliminary approval or 
rejection, the second comment period is for people to point out where my 
justifications might be bogus or mistaken.

 My impression of these things, based on what I've seen so far, is that
 the difference is that the first period says We're thinking of approving
 this request. Will you object if we do? and the second one is We've
 tentatively approved this request.  Do you object that we have done so? ;)

Not quite; see above. The reason I decided to split the comment periods 
this way is that once I make a preliminary decision I really don't want 
to have to go back and reverse it. In the old system people didn't have 
a formal opportunity to register objections until after I'd already made 
a decision. In the new system I want to get the bulk of the objections 
raised up front, before I make any decision at all.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Decline in firefox usage due to lacking CA certificates

2008-07-17 Thread Frank Hecker
Rob Stradling wrote:
 Frank, is there any reason why you can't have multiple candidate CAs having 
 their public discussion periods simultaneously?

No reason at all; in fact, technically we have two in public discussion 
right now (GlobalSign and T-Systems). The major bottleneck is collecting 
the CA information and getting the last 10% of questions answered. 
Kathleen Wilson has some CAs that are in that stage now, and I've asked 
Gerv Markham to start the process on two more. There are also a couple 
of CAs that got bogged down at the public discussion stage earlier, and 
I'm going to see if we can move them forward.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: EV SSL cert user experience

2008-07-17 Thread Frank Hecker
 I have specific question to a preferred setup of a EV SSL server PKI and 
 how the user experience will be.

Im not the expert on this, but I can perhaps give you a preliminary 
answer until the experts show up.

 Assume that a EV compliant primary root cert of CA X is accepted and 
 preinstalled in Firefox 3.x (FF3). The hierarchi is now
 CA X PCA root
  +- CA X SSL Issuing CA
 +- SSL server cert for _www.domain.com_
 I guess that this is a setup without any problems and that FF3 shows it 
 as a EV cert as long as the issued SSL cert include the CA's reported EV 
 policy OID?

Yes, my understanding is that this will work as long as the following is 

* The SSL cert has the proper EV policy OID value.
* The cert for the CA X SSL issuing CA (subordinate to the root) has 
either the EV policy OID value (same value as that in the SSL server 
cert) or the AnyPolicy policy OID value.
* The CA X PCA root cert has the EV policy OID value associated with it 
as metadata in Firefox 3. (In other words, we've approved the CA X PCA 
root for EV, and made the corresponding changes to the Firefox 3 code.)

 Ever if the PCA also has non-EV subCA's?

Yes. Whether the PCA has other subordinate CAs (EV or not) is 
irrelevant, since they are not part of the cert chain in question.

 For the purpose of being backwards compatible with legacy browsers the 
 CA X PCA will now obtain a subcertification from a widely recognised CA 
 Y (e.g. and the SSL server cert customers will be 
 encouraged to install the path
  +- CA X PCA root
  +- CA X SSL Issuing CA
  +- SSL server cert for _www.domain.com_
 How does the browser resolve the path and does the user still experience 
 the EV cert as an EV cert.

In this case there are two possible paths from the SSL server cert to a 
trust anchor, one terminating in the CA Y root cert and another 
(shorter) one terminating in the CA X PCA root. My understanding is that 
Firefox 3 has special code that for the EV case ensures that the CA X 
PCA root is chosen as the trust anchor, and the SSL server cert is 
properly recognized as EV (assuming that the CA X PCA root is enabled 
for EV as described above).

Note that there are real-life examples of this scenario already, and as 
far as I know they work fine.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Decline in firefox usage due to lacking CA certificates

2008-07-17 Thread Frank Hecker
Rob Stradling wrote:
 Frank, in Bug #421946 Comment #15 you said:
 I'll proceed with the first public comment period once I figure out where 
 this request sits in the queue relative to other similar requests.
 If the public comment/discussion periods are not the major bottleneck, then 
 can you explain why there has been no movement on this bug for over a month?

Because I dropped the ball on that one, for which I apologize. I'll look 
at it and start public discussion as soon as I can.


P.S. Incidentally, I have no problem whatsoever with CAs pinging me 
directly (via email or phone or whatever) to remind me that their 
requests need attention. Please feel free to do that if ever you should 
need to.

Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Wells Fargo CA inclusion/EV request

2008-07-17 Thread Frank Hecker
I am now opening the first public discussion period for a request from 
Wells Fargo to add the WellsSecure Public Root Certificate Authority 
root certificate to Mozilla and enable it for EV use. This is bug 
428390, and Kathleen has produced an information document attached to 
the bug.

There's a summary of the information also available at

Some points worth mentioning about this request:

* This is a new root (though note that Wells Fargo has an older root 
already in Mozilla). Initially it will have a subordinate CA used for 
issuing EV SSL certs, but as I understand it Wells Fargo will 
potentially use the hierarchy under this root for other types of certs 
(both EV and non-EV).

* The flag problematic practices section at the end of the info 
document has the sentence fragment Issuing end entity certs directly 
from root rather than using an offline root and issuing certs through a 
subordinate CA. That's just the reference to checking for the practice. 
Kathleen forgot to add (no) or (not an issue) afterwards; Wells 
Fargo issues end entity certs through subordinate CAs.

 The same comment as in the previous item applies to the Long-Lived 
Domain-Validated SSL certs items; to my knowledge Wells Fargo does not 
issue long-lived DV certs.

This first public comment period will be for one week, and then I'll 
make a preliminary determination regarding this request.

Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Decline in firefox usage due to lacking CA certificates

2008-07-16 Thread Frank Hecker
Thorsten Becker wrote:
 I'm responsible for a university site in Germany that is SSL secured, 
 with a certificate issued by a CA which is trusted by T-Systems. The 
 T-Systems cert is not (yet) included in firefox, the details can be seen 
 in Bug 378882.

As it happens, I will be starting the first public comment period for 
T-Systems today. If there are no problems with the request then we will 
be able to approve the inclusion of the T-Systems root certificate in a 
couple of weeks, and it will show up in a security update release of 
Firefox later this year. (I can't give you an exact estimate because it 
depends on NSS and Firefox development schedules.)

 So please act now and quicken the pace on CA inclusion!

We are doing what we can. However by design we do not simply 
rubber-stamp CA requests. We have an official policy which was 
developed through a process of community consultation, and we follow a 
similar process of community discussion when considering CAs. We do have 
more people now working on CA-related tasks (unlike previously when I 
was the only person, and could do it only part-time). However the 
process will never be quick IMO.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Deutsche Telekom/T-Systems CA request

2008-07-16 Thread Frank Hecker
As I previously mentioned, I am now opening the first public discussion 
period for a request from T-Systems (a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom) 
to add the Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2 root certificate to Mozilla. This 
is bug 378882, and Kathleen has produced an information document 
attached to the bug.

Some points worth mentioning about this request:

* T-Systems actually has two other root CAs, T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 
2 and T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 3. Those are not included in this 
request (although of course we'd be glad to consider those as well in 

* T-Systems has undergone at least two audits, for ETSI 101 456 and 
WebTrust for CAs. The WebTrust for CAs audit is the relevant one for our 
purposes, since the WebTrust audit report we have is more recent. (Also, 
the ETSI 101 456 audit was apparently a self-audit, though there is some 
ambiguity about this.) Note that the WebTrust for CAs audit covered all 
three T-Systems root CAs.

* There was apparently a bit of confusion about email certificates. As I 
understand it, T-Systems does not directly issue certificates usable for 
email. (T-Systems issues qualified certificates to individuals, but 
those do not contain email addresses, and are apparently used primarily 
in client authentication to web sites.) However T-Systems does have 
subordinate CAs, most notably the Deutsche Forschungsnetz (DFN, the 
German academic research network), that do issue email certificates and 
verify email account control per the relevant CPSs/CPs.

This first public comment period will be for one week, and then I'll 
make a preliminary determination regarding this request.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: GlobalSign requests (replacement root, EV)

2008-07-14 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 This is perhaps the first EV request which doesn't have an operating 
 OCSP responder at this stage. The EV guidelines requires it only in 2010 
 however I haven't come across a CA which doesn't provide this service 
 *and* issues EV.

As Nelson notes, I don't think GlobalSign is the only one, though I 
can't think of others' names right at the moment.

In any case, GlobalSign is planning to offer OCSP in the future, it's 
not a current requirement of the EV guidelines, and not a requirement of 
our policy either. So it doesn't affect approval of this request one way 
or the other.

 Not sure what GlobalSign deems as a secure manner to provide PKCS12 
 files (including private keys) mentioned in of their CPS.

I'll ask about this issue.

 Even though Frank mentioned it in the bug and referred to the 
 information checklist and after examining the CPS (not too thorough 
 however), I couldn't clearly find out about how exactly email (and 
 domain ownership) are verified. It merely states that Globalsign has 
 the right to request proof of the ownership of the domain name or can 
 ask the owner of the domain name to validate the request of the 
 applicant. This seems somewhat vague to me. The same is true for email 
 validation. GlobalSign however provides a limited liability of 100,000 
 Euro for invalid domain names, which should be incentive enough to 
 actually do so in some way... ;-)

GlobalSign has stated that they do in fact verify email account control 
using the typical mechanisms used by other CAs, and they will revise 
future versions of the CPS to state this more clearly. I too think they 
could have made this more clear up front, but I don't see a real issue 
here. Ditto re domain ownership.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: The TLS Report

2008-07-13 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Also interesting choice of the CA, even though I realized 
 that you happen to change your server cert quite frequently ;-)

Well, the price was a factor :-) However what I found even more 
important was support for SubjAltName and the ability to get a 
certificate for both and with minimal hassle 
and expense. My original Go Daddy certificate was for 
only, but then I switched my site so that was the primary 
name and requests for just redirected to This 
broke the browser cert checks, so I couldn't turn on redirection on the 
SSL side. (Now that I have the new cert I finally did that, so gets redirected to

IIRC Go Daddy offered no simple/cheap way to include as an 
alternate name to on the same cert. They do offer UCC 
certificates that allow use of multiple domains, but the minimum price 
is $90/year compared to $30/year for a traditional single-domain cert. 
Also the documentation seems to indicate that this feature is intended 
primarily (perhaps only?) for cases where you use multiple TLDs, e.g., vs. vs.; that may not be 
true in practice, but I didn't feel like spending $90 only to possibly 
find that Go Daddy's CA interface wouldn't handle my particular case.

Note in that regard that the StartCom interface is actually not as 
flexible as I'd like. It forced me to specify as the CN 
and as a SAN, when I would have preferred it the other way 
around, since is now the canonical site name.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: The TLS Report

2008-07-12 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.):
 Frank Hecker:
 I tried out my own site on it, and got a C. 

 LOL, I got a A 80  :-)
 Actually it doesn't honor SAN DNS extension...but it's a cute utility. 
 Reached a A 82 as well, just need to use the CN value of the certificate.

After regenerating the server private key (using a 2048-bit modulus), 
getting a new certificate (from StartCom), and changing the server 
ciphersuites, I managed to get a score of 84 (A), which matches the 
highest scores reported for other sites:

Benjamin Black still hasn't published a detailed discussion of how the 
scoring is done, but here's some basic info based on my and others' 

* As Mohamad Badra previously noted, enabling EDH ciphersuites will 
greatly improve your score (enabling you to get a 100 score for key 

* Enabling only ciphersuites with FIPS-compliant algorithms gets you a 
couple of points at least. (I'm just using AES-256 and 3DES, with SHA-1; 
no RC4, no MD5.)

* As Eddy noted, you get a higher score on the weak certificate test 
if the site name used matches what's in the CN (as opposed to what's in 
SubjAltName). In my case the CN is, while SAN has both and; the TLSreport score for the site accessed 
through is 9 points higher than when accessed through (84 vs. 75).

I have no good ideas as to how to further improve the score beyond 84. 
In particular, I'm puzzled as to how one might further improve the score 
on the default cipher and overall ciphers measures.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: GlobalSign requests (replacement root, EV)

2008-07-11 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 GlobalSign has submitted requests to include a replacement root 
 certificate for an already-included root certificate (same public key, 
 new expiry date) and to enable it and a second GlobalSign root for EV:
 I think we now have all the information we need to start the first 
 public comment period for this request, so I'm formally declaring it 

The first comment period is over, and I've made a preliminary decision 
to approve these requests; see my comments in the above-referenced bugs. 
The second (one-week) comment period is now open.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: GlobalSign requests (replacement root, EV)

2008-07-06 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Both bugs from above have status information incomplete and the entry at 
 the pending page is also marked as incomplete (Red). Is this intentional 
 and can/should I wait for any additional review?

Sorry, that was an oversight on my part. I've updated the bug status 
information and changed the pending list to mark the entry as complete. 
(I just checked in those changes, so it may be an hour or so until they 
show up on the production site.)

 Can you guide me on the exact 
 status of this request and how I should relate to the information in the 
 bugs and pending page?

This request is in the first comment period. After this comment period I 
will make a preliminary decision on whether to approve the request, and 
if so then we'll have a second (last call) comment period before final 

Note that GlobalSign is a legacy CA, i.e., it has roots in NSS/Mozilla 
  from before my time. There are three separate issues related to these 

1. Approval of the roots for EV. This is the main point of the requests, 
and I delayed bringing the request into public discussion until 
GlobalSign had completed its EV audit and made the report available 
(which just happened in the last week or two). IIRC the EV stuff looks 
pretty straightforward.

2. Refreshing one of the roots, i.e., replacing the current root cert 
with a new cert with a longer lifetime (same public key). IIRC the 
public key in question is a 2048-bit key, so this is pretty 
straightforward also IMO.

3. General review of the roots, since this never happened previously. 
IIRC the only thing out of the ordinary here was GlobalSign having some 
subordinate CAs operated by third parties. I can comment more on that as 
we get into the discussion.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Firefox 3 connection now results in ssl_error_bad_cert_domain

2008-07-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Bruce Keats wrote:
 Don't forget that if you have host names in the Subject Alternative Name
 extension, then ALL the names in the cert belong there, not all-but-one.
 But This is no different than it was in FF2.
 I don't think I fully understand the ALL the names in this context.  
 What might help me is if can you elaborate with a simple example?

I'll let Nelson or someone else provide the definitive answer to this, 
but I believe what he's saying is that, e.g., if you have three 
hostnames,, and that are used 
for a given server, and you use SubjAltName, you should put all three 
names in the extension, as opposed to (e.g.) putting 
and then just and in SubjAltName.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

GlobalSign requests (replacement root, EV)

2008-07-01 Thread Frank Hecker
GlobalSign has submitted requests to include a replacement root 
certificate for an already-included root certificate (same public key, 
new expiry date) and to enable it and a second GlobalSign root for EV:

Kathleen Wilson has been gathering information for these requests; I've 
attached copies of her reports to each of the bugs. Also, GlobalSign 
just completed its WebTrust EV audit and got it published. I've updated 
the GlobalSign entry on the pending list accordingly:

(Note that I checked in GlobalSign-related updates for this list just a 
few minutes ago, so it may take an hour or two for them to show up on 
the site.)

I think we now have all the information we need to start the first 
public comment period for this request, so I'm formally declaring it 
open. Based on prior experience I'm going to fine-tune things a bit and 
set this first comment period at a week long, unless we need more time. 
So my tentative plan is to make a preliminary decision on these requests 
late next week.


P.S. Note that I think this is the first request for which we're using 
the new information checklist at

Thanks go to Kathleen for all her work in collecting the information!

Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: questionable CA practices: CA's generating users' private keys

2008-06-30 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
  From what I've heard about such practices is, that the PKX file is 
 password protected and delivered by simple email. But obviously anybody 
 getting hold of the mail and file can easily brute-force attack it with 
 a simple script.
 I think this is the issue Nelson is addressing. Receiving a PKX file 
 from a CA web site doesn't really involve the same risk.

I'm unclear on what you're saying here: Are you saying that sending a 
copy of the PKCS12 file to a user via email is less secure than having 
the user go to the web site and retrieve it himself? But if the CA tells 
the user where to download the PKCS12 file, and sends those instructions 
via email, I'm not sure what the difference would be -- someone could 
intercept the email and then download it also. (Although CAs could 
presumably detect the double download case and at least be aware that 
something non-standard was going on.)


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: make sure upgraded users get new cert8.db

2008-06-29 Thread Frank Hecker
Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 2. Mozilla's trademark policy says that if you change certain things
 about Mozilla in your own build or packages, then you cannot release
 your build using Mozilla trademarks (e.g. the Firefox brand name).
 The set of trusted root CA certs is one of those things, I believe.
 See (last 2
 paragraphs) and
 The CCK page cited above suggests that if you limit distribution of the
 modified browser to just your company or institution it may be OK to
 retain the trademarks.  Maybe Frank Hecker will say more about that.

Strictly speaking the Mozilla Foundation doesn't evaluate and approve 
potential uses of the Firefox trademarks (word mark and logo); that's 
done by the Mozilla Corporation. Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and explain your request.

My personal opinion (FWIW) is that organizations should be able to 
distribute Firefox versions with modified root lists within the 
organizations without running afoul of trademark licensing restrictions.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Entrust EV request, second round

2008-06-29 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 We've completed the first round of public comment on the request from 
 Entrust to have its new Entrust Root Certification Authority root 
 enabled for EV. Based on the results of the first comment period and 
 other available information, I'm inclined to approve this request, and 
 am now starting a second public comment period (one week long) on this 
 For more information see comment #19 in bug 416544:

The second comment period is now over, with no further comments 
received. Based on my evaluation and the comments received thus far, I 
am officially approving this specific request to enable the Entrust Root 
Certification Authority for EV use, and will now proceed to file a bug 
against PSM for the actual change.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Entrust EV request, second round

2008-06-29 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 The second comment period is now over, with no further comments 
 received. Based on my evaluation and the comments received thus far, I 
 am officially approving this specific request to enable the Entrust Root 
 Certification Authority for EV use, and will now proceed to file a bug 
 against PSM for the actual change.



Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Update on DigiNotar and Entrust

2008-06-22 Thread Frank Hecker
David E. Ross wrote:
 Has the failure by Entrust to enforce its policies against DigiNotar
 been brought to the attention of Entrust's auditors?  I think it should.

For the record, Entrust understands what our concern is and has been 
cooperative in trying to come up with a way to address it. However the 
problem is that even if Entrust were to revoke DigiNotar's intermediate 
CA certificate that would not help resolve the problem, for the reason I 
mentioned earlier (Firefox/Thunderbird don't do revocation checks 
for CA certs).


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Update on DigiNotar and Entrust

2008-06-22 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Perhaps Nelson can provide more information about the road map for CRL 
 fetching, but it will be soon supported by NSS. This would solve the 
 problem once it is.

Note that there are other things besides CRL checking per se that I'd 
like to see in NSS. There seem to be a lot of scenarios where we'd like 
to have certain things happen from a policy point of view, but we'd need 
enhancements to NSS (or PSM) to implement them from a technical point of 
view. As I written before many times, I'd be happy to work to get 
Mozilla Foundation funding for NSS/PSM development, provided that there 
are people who can do the work.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Entrust EV request, second round

2008-06-20 Thread Frank Hecker
We've completed the first round of public comment on the request from 
Entrust to have its new Entrust Root Certification Authority root 
enabled for EV. Based on the results of the first comment period and 
other available information, I'm inclined to approve this request, and 
am now starting a second public comment period (one week long) on this 

For more information see comment #19 in bug 416544:


P.S. Note that I haven't forgotten about the DigiNotar/Entrust issue 
we've discussed previously. I'll post an update on that later today.

Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Entrust EV request

2008-06-12 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 I've been looking at a request from Entrust (bug 416544) to (among other 
 things) have its new Entrust Root Certification Authority root enabled 
 for EV. This is a new Entrust root that was approved for inclusion last 
 year by Gerv (bug 382352) and subsequently added to NSS (bug 387892).
 Entrust recently completed and published a WebTrust EV audit for this 
 root. (There's a WebTrust audit as well.) At first glance everything 
 looks in order. I'm therefore opening up an initial public comment 
 period for this request. At the end of that comment period I'll make a 
 preliminary determination whether to approve the request or not, and 
 then we'll have a final public comment period before I make a final 

It's now been a week since I opened the first public comment period on 
this, and there haven't been any new comments in the last few days. 
Would anyone object if I went ahead and rendered a preliminary decision 
on this request? (Then we'll have a second public comment period.)


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Problematic Practices

2008-06-12 Thread Frank Hecker
Wan-Teh Chang wrote:
 That page lists Allowing external entities to operate subordinate CAs
 as a problematic practice.

I think that a better title for that page would be potentially 
problematic practices. This is not really a binary good vs. bad 
issue. There is a spectrum of possible practices, some of which are 
really not problematic at all, and some of which are.

 If a company or school needs to issue a lot of certs to its internal
 servers, what is the recommended practice?  I always thought the
 organization should operate an intermediate CA subordinate to a
 root CA.

There are a number of possible options and associated practices. For 
example, one option would be for a commercial CA to operate a 
subordinate CA on behalf of an organization, with the organization 
serving only as an RA. Another option would be for the commercial CA to 
authorize the organization to operate a subordinate CA on its own 
premises, but constrain the subordinate in terms of what types of certs 
it can issue. And a third would be for the organization's subordinate CA 
to have broad powers to issue any types of certs, for any domain, as 
well as to create its own hierarchy.

As the amount of autonomy granted to the organization increases, so do 
potential risks: the organization might not be as diligent in key 
protection as the commercial CA, it might be more lax in its 
verification procedures, and so on. That's why I think it's worth 
marking this practice at least with a yellow flag, as being worthy of 
further investigation.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Entrust EV request

2008-06-08 Thread Frank Hecker
Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 Bruce wrote, On 2008-06-06 14:46:
 Business ID is generally performed through third party database look-
 ups. Individual ID is accepted by fax.
 Is that good enough for Individual ID?
 Can you detect if an individual faxes a stolen ID?

Before we go too far down this path... I believe that having people fax 
in identity documents (whether individual or corporate) is a fairly 
common and accepted practice in the CA world. Unless someone can show me 
that I'm wrong and that Entrust's practices are significantly out of 
line with the rest of the industry, this is not an issue I'd see as 
relevant for this particular request.

This touches on the point I made earlier about reasonable measures as 
used in our CA policy, and the term commercially reasonable as used in 
US and Canadian legal contexts. The contrasting legal term to 
commercially reasonable is best efforts, which is a more stringent 
standard implying (in a CA context) that the CA would take pretty much 
any and all measures practicable to verify identity (leave no stone 
unturned) and would strive to minimize as much as possible the 
possibility of accepting a fraudulent application.

In my opinion the level of verification for IV/OV certs, as practiced in 
the CA industry and required by our policy, corresponds to a 
commercially reasonable efforts standard. If we want to apply a best 
efforts standard then IMO that's what EV is for.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Entrust EV request

2008-06-04 Thread Frank Hecker
I've been looking at a request from Entrust (bug 416544) to (among other 
things) have its new Entrust Root Certification Authority root enabled 
for EV. This is a new Entrust root that was approved for inclusion last 
year by Gerv (bug 382352) and subsequently added to NSS (bug 387892).

(NOTE: This has nothing to do with Entrust legacy roots in NSS, and 
nothing to do with Entrust cross-signing of other CA's roots. AFAICT 
this root is used only for Entrust EV certificates. In bug 416544 
Entrust has also requested EV status for its legacy roots, but I'm 
handling that as a separate issue.)

Entrust recently completed and published a WebTrust EV audit for this 
root. (There's a WebTrust audit as well.) At first glance everything 
looks in order. I'm therefore opening up an initial public comment 
period for this request. At the end of that comment period I'll make a 
preliminary determination whether to approve the request or not, and 
then we'll have a final public comment period before I make a final 

This idea of having two comment periods is one I think I mentioned 
previously in this forum. You can consider this a first call for 
comments, and then we'll have a last call if/when I do a preliminary 
approval. This is the first time we've done it this way, so I'll 
arbitrarily set the first comment period at 2 weeks, and the second one 
at 1 week; we can make these longer or shorter as needed.

For more information about the Entrust EV request please see the pending 
list entry for Entrust:

For more information about the previous request from last year please 
see the Entrust entry in the included list:

Note that I checked in Entrust-related updates for these list just a few 
minutes ago, so it may take an hour or two for them to show up on the site.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Entrust EV request

2008-06-04 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Does the document not 
 apply for this root and if so how do you know about it?

Per Entrust, at present this root has only one subordinate CA, the 
Entrust Certification Authority - L1A used to issue EV certificates. 
So in that sense, yes, the governing CPS for the hierarchy is the EV CPS.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Modulus length (was Re: Draft CA information checklist)

2008-06-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 At 11:02 AM -0400 5/30/08, Frank Hecker wrote:
 I'd be glad to soften the language
 about cause for concern, but I still want to flag 1024-bit roots as
 worthy of a further explanation. (E.g., is this a root created some time
 ago that is only now being proposed for inclusion? Was/is the root
 intended for use in low-end devices where performance was deemed an
 issue? Did the CA not think about the issue of modulus length at all?
 And so on.)
 Ah! That sounds reasonable. Cause for further checking covers that 
 without making it seem that we're concerned just about the length.

I made a change to the wiki page to reflect my previous comments.

 BTW, I would flag *all* ECC certs with Cause for further checking due 
 to the very low amount of interop testing that has been done with them. 
 Again, not to say don't do this, just we want to ask a few questions 
 that might start a dialog.

I haven't made a change for this yet. I think I need a separate 
questions relating to the public key scheme used; that would be an 
appropriate place to discuss this.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Modulus length (was Re: Draft CA information checklist)

2008-05-30 Thread Frank Hecker
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 What does is cause for concern mean when the majority of the 
 certificates in our list are 1024 bits? (I think that is still true)

As noted by others, the checklist is for new roots, not legacy roots. If 
  we're going to have a gradual transition to 2048-bit modulus length 
for RSA keys, I think it's legitimate to question why a CA is applying 
to have a 1024-bit root included. I'd be glad to soften the language 
about cause for concern, but I still want to flag 1024-bit roots as 
worthy of a further explanation. (E.g., is this a root created some time 
ago that is only now being proposed for inclusion? Was/is the root 
intended for use in low-end devices where performance was deemed an 
issue? Did the CA not think about the issue of modulus length at all? 
And so on.)

As for having a formal schedule for transition (i.e., not accepting new 
1024-bit roots after a certain date), I think that's a good idea.

 As for the ECC question: 256 bits is equivalent to 128 bits of symmetric 
 strength, as in AES-128.



Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Including FNMT cert in Firefox 3 (Spanish government)

2008-05-22 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Just for the better understanding, but there is no preferential 
 treatment for any type of certification authorities. The only exception 
 which has been made, was the recent adding of roots and acceptance of 
 CAs which issue extended validation (EV) certificates.

For the record, that's not *quite* true. In the past we had a concern 
about including root CA certificates for government-operated CAs below 
the country level, e.g., CAs operated by municipalities and regional 
governments. Our concern was based on the impact on browser footprint 
(especially for mobile Firefox) of adding root CA certificate data for 
what could turn out to be hundreds of government CAs, combined with the 
time that we'd have to spend evaluating requests from all those CAs. 
Because of that we postponed considering applications from 
regional/local government CAs, including ACCV if I recall correctly.

We've discussed whether our official policy should address the question 
of including government CAs below the country level, but we never could 
reach consensus on what to do. One option we considered was having 
localized versions of the root store, so that, for example, Firefox 
users would not see roots for ACCV, etc., unless they were using one of 
the Firefox versions localized for Spain and its regions (e.g., es-ES, 
eu, ca, etc.). However there was strong opposition expressed to having 
localized root lists, and in any case we don't currently have the 
technical capability to do that.

Given the lack of consensus, I think the best course is simply to 
consider requests from local/regional government CAs on a first-come, 
first-served basis, just as we do for requests from commercial CAs. 
However I believe we should prioritize requests for country-level 
government CAs over requests for local/regional government CAs, whether 
in the same country or a different one.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2 inclusion into Firefox 3

2008-05-22 Thread Frank Hecker
rainer_k wrote:
 Since several months a lot of people from German Universities and
 institutes are waiting for inclusion of Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2
 the Firefox built-in root certificates. Today I downloaded FF3 RC1 and
 disappointed by not finding it there. Apparently it is still on the
 pending list
 Does anybody know whether it will be included in the final FF3

No, it will not be included in the first release of Firefox 3.0. Firefox 
3 RC1 contains all the roots that will be in that release. Other roots, 
including this one, will be considered for inclusion in later update 
releases of Firefox 3 (e.g., 3.0.1, 3.0.2, etc.). Since almost all 
Firefox users get these update releases through the Firefox automated 
update mechanism, any new roots added will quickly be available to 
almost all Firefox users.

In terms of schedule, right now we have over 40 CA requests pending. I 
have someone else working with me now to help clear the backlog, but it 
still takes a lot of time to process each request. At present we are 
giving priority to CAs issuing Extended Validation certificates, since 
EV support is a major new feature in Firefox 3. However your request is 
relatively early in the queue, so once we get through the EV requests we 
should look at your request soon thereafter.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Including FNMT cert in Firefox 3 (Spanish government)

2008-05-22 Thread Frank Hecker
Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 It's pretty apparent that NONE of the people who have been responding to
 you in this thread had any idea that you were affiliated with Mozilla.
 I think this may be the first thread in which you've ever posted in this
 list/newsgroup.  Maybe you should introduce yourself.  You may be well
 known in certain circles, but in this newsgroup, you're unknown.
 Personally, I will look for confirmation from Frank before proceeding.

I'm sorry, proceeding with what?

 Should I draw the conclusion from your comments that you are now the new 
 person in charge of certificates for Mozilla Foundation replacing Gerv?
 As NSS module co-owner, I share in the responsibility for ensuring that
 the certs put into NSS have followed Mozilla's policy.

And to add to this, for Pascal's benefit: I am responsible for the 
overall process of evaluating root CA certificates for inclusion in 
Mozilla, and I make the final decisions. Gerv has been at school and so 
has not been involved with certificate stuff for the past 9 months or 
so; however he may do some cert-related work this summer. Finally, we 
have a new person, Kathleen Wilson, helping gather information from CAs 
for use in our evaluation.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

CA pending and included lists updated

2008-05-22 Thread Frank Hecker
I've updated the root CA certificate pending and included lists to 
reflect all the new roots that got approved in time for Firefox 3 RC1:

Some additional comments in relation to this:

* As Kathleen gathers more information about the pending requests I'll 
start adding more CA entries to the pending list.

* I'm thinking about writing a script to take the certdata.txt file and 
generate a minimal set of entries for the included list for all the 
legacy roots. I don't know when I'll have time to do this, so if someone 
else wants to try writing such a script I'd certainly appreciate it.

* I'm thinking of making minor tweaks to the format of the entries. In 
particular right now the entries have a single place for the 
authorisation bug report, and a single place for the inclusion bug 
report. However with EV things are more complex: We have the possibility 
of having a bug requesting an upgrade of an existing root to EV, and a 
separate bug to make the EV change in PSM. So I'll likely change the 
entries to allow for the possibility of two additional bug types.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Including FNMT cert in Firefox 3 (Spanish government)

2008-05-21 Thread Frank Hecker
Nukeador wrote:
 One doubt,  how are the new certificates included in Firefox? With new 
 releases? Are they updated from a server?

New root certificates are first added to NSS (the cryptographic library 
used by Firefox) and then new releases of NSS are incorporated into 
future versions of Firefox. We do not currently have a mechanism to 
update the root certificate list from a server.

However Firefox does have an automated update mechanism that is used by 
almost all Firefox users, so once a new Firefox version is released the 
vast majority of users (90% or more) will be updated to the new release 
within a few weeks.

New Firefox versions are released every one or two months to address 
security vulnerabilities or other bugs. However because it takes time 
for us to process CA requests, it may be 6 months or more from the time 
a request is submitted to us by a CA and the time a version of Firefox 
including that CA's root is released.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Looking for help in processing CA inclusion requests

2008-05-20 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 I'm therefore looking for people who are willing and able to help 
 specifically with the information-gathering phase of processing CA 

Note that I found someone to help with this. Kathleen Wilson will be 
assisting with information gathering on CA-related bugs; Kathleen used 
to work for VeriSign, and knows her way around a CPS. I've asked 
Kathleen to start with various outstanding EV-related requests and make 
sure we have all the necessary information to proceed with an 
evaluation. I'll take the lead when we get to the evaluation and public 
comment period, as before.

More later as I start to hand over various bugs to Kathleen.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Certificate Vulnerability

2008-05-17 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Therefore I think it's wrong to categorically deny OpenSSL as a useless 
 piece of code not worthy to be used by CAs - just because some code-hero 
 (or script-kiddy) had it wrong. That's certainly no the case!

You're right, my comment was a bit snarky in a way I didn't really 
intend, and I apologize for that. I agree that OpenSSL is a good product 
(and one that the Mozilla Foundation has helped fund some development 
for, BTW), and in any case the present problem is really an OpenSSL on 
Debian problem, not an OpenSSL problem per se.

However it's still unclear to me how many public commercial CAs have 
incorporated OpenSSL+Debian, or even just OpenSSL, as a core part of 
their infrastructure. You're willing and able at Startcom to hand 
build large parts of your CA system, but I'm not sure if that's common 
among public commercial CAs, or whether Startcom is unusual in this 
regard. I'd rather guess that most public commercial CAs are deploying 
off-the-shelf commercial CA software bought from a third party.


P.S. Since we're talking about hackable CA software, I'll also mention 
the Dogtag project out of Red Hat, the open source version of the 
commercial Red Hat Certificate System.

Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Certificate Vulnerability

2008-05-16 Thread Frank Hecker
David E. Ross wrote:
 See  Discussion of
 this at the Risks Forum 25.15 indicates that All SSL and SSH keys
 generated on Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc) between
 September 2006 and May 13th, 2008 may be affected.   See Debian
 OpenSSL Predictable PRNG Toys and Debian OpenSSL Vulnerability at
 The recommendation is that all affected root certificates be revoked and
 replaced.  The question is whether any of the root certificates
 installed in the past two years or are approved or under review are

I presume that by affected root certificates you mean root 
certificates with key pairs generated using OpenSSL on Debian-based 
systems, correct? The only CA I can think of that would possibly be in 
this situation is CAcert, and of course it's not even applying for 
inclusion at this point. Maybe I'm naive, but I can't imagine any 
commercial CAs are using OpenSSL for CA functions -- but in any case we 
can certainly ask CAs about this. Could you please file a bug on this 
against / CA certificates and assign it to me?


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Looking for help in processing CA inclusion requests

2008-05-09 Thread Frank Hecker
As I think I've mentioned previously, we've got a big backlog of CA 
inclusion requests, and I am not going to be able to clear it all by 
myself. It turns out that a major bottleneck in processing CA requests 
is the time and effort needed to gather basic information about CAs: 
getting copies of root certificates, figuring out what types of 
certificates CAs actually issue, tracking down CPS sections dealing with 
subscriber verification, determining what subordinate CAs exist and how 
they're controlled, verifying the authenticity of audit-related 
documents, untangling any cross-signing arrangements a CA might have 
entered into, getting URLs for example sites using certs issued by the 
CA, ascertaining the status of OCSP support, and so on.

It's only when we have all this information that we can do a reasonable 
job of evaluating CAs to determine if they comply with our policy and 
don't have technical issues that would cause problems with our software. 
  In fact, it's probably fair to say that once we obtain complete and 
accurate information for a given CA we've probably done 80% of the work 
needed to properly evaluate it.

I'm therefore looking for people who are willing and able to help 
specifically with the information-gathering phase of processing CA 
requests. This does *not* mean that I'm not interested in having more 
people participate in the CA evaluation phase (e.g., as have people like 
Eddy, Nelson, and others). It's just that, as noted above, I think more 
effort put into the information-gathering phase will pay off in terms of 
making evaluations easier.

If you're interested in helping with this on a volunteer basis, great, 
I'd be happy to talk with you and explain what needs doing. However note 
that I'm also willing to talk with people interested in doing this on a 
part-time consulting contract. The major difference is that if you want 
to do it as a volunteer then you don't necessarily have to know lots 
about CAs right now (I'm willing to help you get started), and you can 
work on this whenever you have spare time and feel like doing it. On the 
other hand, if you want to do this as a paid consultant then I expect 
you to have relevant experience and knowledge in the CA/PKI space and to 
be able to commit to a minimum number of hours per week.

Note also that this is not an either/or situation: Because we have lots 
of CA requests to process and they can be done independently, we could 
in theory have multiple people working on this. (I've already talked to 
two people who've expressed interest in doing it as consultants.) 
However I have a limited budget for any consulting work, so I'm going to 
be somewhat conservative in terms of hiring consultants,

If you're interested in helping with this, please contact me directly 
via email. If you're interested in doing this on a consulting basis, 
please include information on relevant experience (e.g., a CV/resume), 
your typical rates, and the minimum and maximum hours per week or month 
you'd want to work.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Entrust CA, Staat der Netherlanden CA, Proposal

2008-05-07 Thread Frank Hecker
Michael Ströder wrote:
 This whole issue cannot be resolved on this mailing list. Very likely 
 Entrust takes $$$ from the sub-CAs. So they are in charge of clarifying 
 this with their sub-CAs. If I'd be a representative of the Mozilla 
 foundation I'd write them an e-mail with some critical questions they 
 must answer within a certain time-frame. If the answer is not satisfying 
 turn off the e-mail trust flag after this time-frame.

I think I may have mentioned this already, but I'm already in contact 
with Entrust on these issues.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Entrust CA, Staat der Netherlanden CA, Proposal

2008-05-04 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Frank Hecker:
 Eddy, I think it would be unwise (to put it mildly) to make a major change 
 disabling Entrust's email trust bit in a rush. We have no idea at this point
 what the impact of a change like that would be. And in any case the change is
 irrelevant to Firefox 3, since AFAIK Firefox would never consult the email
 trust bit.
 I took this comment from the bug also to here, since I think it more 
 appropriate to discuss it at the mailing list.
 I think we have some opposing views on the subject. Well, it isn't the 
 first time... :-)

So let me make my own views clear on two points that you made on we ma 
have some opposing views:

First, with respect to the impact of turning off the Entrust email trust 
bit, my concern is as follows: There may Entrust-controlled subordinates 
under the Entrust root that issue email certificates, and also 
non-Entrust CAs cross-signed by Entrust (like DigiNotar) that issue 
email certificates. Unlike DigiNotar, some of those subordinate CAs or 
cross-signed CAs may actually comply with Mozilla CA policy with regard 
to issuing email certificates. If so, I'd like to look at the 
possibility of adding their CA certificates as trust anchors, so that 
their email certificates will continue to work, and so users of 
Thunderbird and other Mozilla-based mail clients will not be unduly 
impacted by any disabling of email trust at the Entrust root level.

I especially interested in whether any of the CAs waiting in our request 
queue have cross-signing arrangements with Entrust. If so, that may 
affect the priority we assign to evaluating their requests. There may be 
other CAs that are taking advantage of Entrust cross-signing to get 
their certificates recognized in Firefox, Thunderbird, etc., but have 
never submitted a request to us to include their roots. I am less 
worried about these CAs, but it might be nice to at least be able to 
tell them what we're doing and ask them to submit their own inclusion 

Second, with regard to schedule: We are at a critical point in the 
Firefox 3 schedule, with Firefox 3 RC1 coming up fast. Firefox 3 does 
not use the email trust bit, so there is no need to tie any Entrust 
email trust bit changes to the Firefox 3 schedule. Instead we should 
look at the schedule for upcoming update releases of Thunderbird and 
SeaMonkey, and determine what sort of timeframe we have for making a 
change like this.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Entrust CA, Staat der Netherlanden CA, Proposal

2008-05-02 Thread Frank Hecker
On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.)
  In comment the
 representative of DigiNotar (Kick) notes that their CA root has been
 cross-signed by Entrust. Now this effectively circumvented our policy in
 case of DigiNotar.

DigiNotar is not alone in having a root cross-signed by Entrust; this
was apparently fairly common practice among new CAs trying to get
recognized in browsers. This issue will take a while to sort out I
think. I don't know exactly how widespread this practice was/is, and I
think there are also some technical issues in NSS regarding
certificate path processing that may affect this.

  As I understand, until the release of FF3 no new CAs will be included and

That is half true. I will still consider CA applications during the
time between now and Firefox 3 launch, and if appropriate I will
approve new CAs for inclusion and file the necessary bugs against NSS
and (for EV) PSM. However as a practical matter I think any new CAs
approved past today will not appear in Firefox until the
update release (at the earliest).

 I suggest that we invest our time to bring our house somewhat in
 order before we continue. I would like to put the following points to the

I agree that this would be a useful time to do some housekeeping work.

  Frank, could we work out a plan and time frame for the points above? Are
 there other issues which should be added? Other suggestions, objections?

Besides the points you mentioned, here are some things I think need to be done:

6) Make sure that bugs have been properly filed for all known CA requests.
7) Make sure that all bugs forCAs have a correct status. (For example,
mark bugs as RESOLVED FIXED where appropriate).
8) Make sure the included page on is revised to
reflect all new CAs approved for inclusion as of now.
9) Make sure the pending page on has an entry
(possibly very minimal) for all CA requests for which bugs have been
10) Find a person or persons to help with basic information gathering
on CAs. (This is somewhat different from your point about the overall
CA decision process).

The items above are actually my highest priority right now. I think we
need to have correct information for where we are right now before
trying to start major new projects like CA management tools.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: DigiNotar EV root inclusion request

2008-04-30 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 DigiNotar has applied to add a new root CA certificate to the Mozilla 
 root store and enable it for EV, as documented in the following bug:
 I have evaluated this request, as per the CA certificate 
 and plan to officially approve the request after a public comment period.

Based on the results of the public comment period, this application is 
in sort of a half-way state: The basic inclusion request (for SSL and 
object signing trust bits only) looks good, but there are some remaining 
open questions regarding enabling DigiNotar for EV (mainly Eddy's 
concern about EV re-audit).

Rather than delay this application indefinitely until those questions 
get resolved, I've decided to proceed in two steps. For step 1 I'll be 
formally approving inclusion of the DigiNotar root in NSS, with SSL and 
object signing trust bits enabled (no email trust bit). In step 2 I'll 
make a decision about approving the DigiNotar root for EV, once we have 
more information.

Formal approval for step 1 will follow shortly.


P.S. Note that I'm shortening the normal public comment period somewhat. 
  I'm doing that because based on the public comments I see no 
impediment to including the root for basic SSL and object signing, and 
I'd like to have Kai include it with the NSS changes for Network 
Solutions. The issues still under discussion are the email issue and the 
EV audit issue. The comment period remains open as far as those issues 
are concerned.

Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: EV email usage

2008-04-29 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 Appendix C of the EV guidelines contains requirements relating to EV 
 certificate extensions.

My apologies, that reference should be to Appendix B of the EV guidelines.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: EV email usage

2008-04-29 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Perhaps in that case email addresses MUST not be included in server 
 certificates and extended key usage MUST be present and NOT include 
 E-mail protection. I'm not 100% sure about any requirement in that 
 respect and/or if additional key usage (such as Key/Data Encipherment, 
 Email protection) may be present or not. Or if there is a explicit 
 requirement either way to make sure these certificates can't be use for 

Appendix C of the EV guidelines contains requirements relating to EV 
certificate extensions. For subscriber certificates extendedKeyUsage is 
*not* required, and not mentioned explicitly in the guidelines; even 
keyUsage is optional. If keyUsage is present, the only requirement is 
that it *not* include keyCertSign and cRLSign; nothing is mentioned 
about keyEncipherment, etc.

The EV guidelines reference RFC 3280 as the guiding document on matters 
not addressed in the EV guidelines themselves. Section of RFC 
3280 allows (and recommends that) email addresses to be included in a 
certificate using the subjectAltName extension; it also says

   Because the subject alternative name is considered to be definitively
   bound to the public key, all parts of the subject alternative name
   MUST be verified by the CA.

Note that this requirement applies no matter what the values of keyUsage 
or extendedKeyUsage happen to be.

So my interpretation is as follows: Nothing in the EV guidelines 
mandates that email addresses be included in an EV SSL certificate, and 
nothing in the EV guidelines prohibits email addresses from being 
included in an EV SSL certificate. However if email addresses *are* 
included in an EV SSL certificate, then the EV guidelines implicitly 
require that they must be verified by the CA. This is a consequence of 
the EV guidelines' requirement in Appendix B that EV certificate fields 
and extensions not specified in the EV guidelines must be set in 
accordance with RFC 3280.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: EV email usage

2008-04-28 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote re email addresses in EV certificates:
 Can somebody else have also a look at this? In case the 
 claims are correct and email address fields are allowed or required for 
 EV SSL server certificates and *no* extended key usage is set *and* 
 validation of the email address does not have to be performed, I suggest 
 to take this to the CAB forum urgently!

I just looked at the latest EV guidelines, doing a search for various 
email-related terms (e.g., email, e-mail, RFC 822, rfc822, etc.) 
and also reading section C in detail. As far as I can tell, the 
guidelines do not mention email addresses in any context relating to the 
content of certificates. There certainly does *not* appear to be any 
EV-related requirement that email addresses be included in EV certificates.

I also looked at real-life examples of EV certificates from several CAs. 
None included an email address. Where present, the Certificate KeyUsage 
extension had values of Signing and Key Encipherment, and the Extended 
Key Usage extension had values of TLS Web Server Authentication and TLS 
Web Client Authentication. (One certificate also included the Netscape 
Certificate Type extension with values SSL Client Certificate
and SSL Server Certificate.)


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Governing EV

2008-04-27 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Frank Hecker:
 I agree with your general point, namely that we should start doing 
 better tracking of audit dates, particularly for EV audits. However I 
 don't know at this point what would be appropriate in terms of setting 
 timeframes for when an audit would be considered to be out of date.
 Then there is only one answer for this: *The EV criteria!* Apply the EV 
 guidelines according to what it says.

The problem is that while the EV guidelines contain an explicit 
requirement for annual audits, they don't dictate things like the length 
of the grace period that browser vendors should give CAs once their 
audits expire.

In fact, it's not even clear from the EV guidelines exactly when an 
audit expires; for example, should we count from the end of the period 
for which the audit applies, from the date that the audit report was 
actually issued, or from some other date?

 It's not clear to me why we would need this. 
 No? :-)

To be clear, I agree with you that we should remove our EV blessing 
from CAs that don't meet the EV guidelines requirement for annual 
audits. When I wrote the sentence above, what I meant is that I didn't 
understand why we needed a special mechanism (in NSS, Firefox, or 
wherever) just to turn off EV capability for CAs, when we already had a 
general-purpose mechanism to do automated updates for any sort of 
security issue.

 Second, we already have the ability to quickly update Firefox (or 
 SeaMonkey, or Camino) through the normal security update mechanism.
 Mhhh...that might be a lot of annoying updates quickly to come, if we 
 adhere to the EV criteria...Which in itself doesn't guaranty that users 
 update their software. I think there should be something better than 
 that, seriously.

First, if and when we do have to turn off EV for CAs, we don't need to 
do it one by one. We can simply schedule such changes for the normal 
security update cycle, and batch changes for multiple CAs into a single 
update release.

Second, the security updates are very effective in terms of getting 
changes out to users. For example, for Firefox 2 we got 90% of all users 
upgraded within a week of releasing a new Firefox 2.0.0.x update, and 
overall got ~95% penetration for the updates:

Since the automated update mechanism is turned on by default in Firefox, 
I suspect that almost all of the people not getting automated updates 
are those that have turned it off themselves, or whose organizations 
have turned it off for them, presumably out of a distrust of automated 
updates in general. Those same people would likely turn off other 
features that automatically contacted Mozilla for updates.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: DigiNotar EV root inclusion request

2008-04-25 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Well, I consider this the minimal technical validation required. 
 Identity/Organization validation for S/MIME implies prove of ownership 
 of the email account/address. Thunderbird doesn't validate the common 
 name or organization field, but the email address.

A fair point; it's the distinction between what the software checks 
(from address vs. address in cert) and what the person could check (name 
in cert).

 Considering for a minute your statement above, what are the CAs in 
 question doing in order to guaranty domain/email ownership? What are the 
 controls in place which let them rely on identity validation only?

This is where I think we need further investigation, and is partly why I 
  suggested talking to some people in the Netherlands familiar with use 
of these certs. It may be that certs issued to individuals by these CAs 
in the context of Dutch law, business and government services, etc., are 
primarily used in non-email contexts (e.g., client authentication to SSL 
sites, digital signing of documents separate from email, etc.), and 
email addresses are put in the certs just for completeness.

In any case, if it comes to that we can certainly move forward with this 
application for SSL and code signing, and leave the email trust bit 
turned off until such time as this gets sorted out.

 Staat der Nederlanden is not a legacy root in the sense of being 
 approved in the Netscape days. I approved it myself a while back, though 
 at the moment I can't recall whether it was before or after adoption of 
 our current policy.
 Nelson added this root at the 2005-04-11, certainly when the CA policy 
 already existed, but maybe still unapproved.

Actually I approved the Staat der Nederlanden application back in 
September of 2004 (see bug 243424), but it didn't get added to NSS until 
several months later. At the time Staat der Nederlanden was approved we 
were in the midst of discussing a new CA policy, but hadn't yet 
finalized it. So during that period I was operating under an interim 
policy that basically matched Microsoft's policy at the time, of 
approving CAs based on completion of a WebTrust audit. That's why the 
issue of validating email account control didn't come up at that time.

As for doing something about Staat der Nederlanden now, and in 
particular turning off the email trust bit for its certs, that warrants 
further discussion. Even if the CA is not in compliance with our current 
policy, I still have to balance that against the potential impact of 
having Staat der Nederlanden certs no longer work with S/MIME email in 
Thunderbird, etc. (Because disabling signed and encrypted email for an 
existing user base itself has security implications.) That's another 
reason why I'd like more input from people more familiar with how the 
certs are used in practice.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: DigiNotar EV root inclusion request

2008-04-25 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Fank, I suggest that you balance what impact it has on the relying 
 parties in first place (e.g. the users of your software) before you take 
 care about the effects of the CA.

In case it wasn't clear, my primary concern is for end users of 
Thunderbird who might be currently relying on email certs to send and 
receive encrypted and signed mail. I don't want us to suddenly disable 
such functionality without a clear rationale as to why we're doing it -- 
and that includes evaluating the relative security benefits and risks of 
both courses of action.

 ** Concerning the Staat der Nederlanden CA, this is currently just a 
 claim brought forward in the bug by the representative of DigiNotar and 
 must be confirmed first. Maybe you know for certain that this is 
 correct, I haven't verified that claim.

No, I haven't verified it either, that's why we need further investigation.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

DigiNotar EV root inclusion request

2008-04-24 Thread Frank Hecker
DigiNotar has applied to add a new root CA certificate to the Mozilla 
root store and enable it for EV, as documented in the following bug:

and in the pending certificates list:

I have evaluated this request, as per the CA certificate policy:

and plan to officially approve the request after a public comment period.

Note that there was an issue with DigiNotar's EV audit because at the 
time its production CA software did not have the necessary features to 
issue EV certificates; the software has since been upgraded and 
DigiNotar has since successfully issued EV certificates. My inclination 
is to accept the EV audit as suitable for our purposes, since our main 
interest is in the audit of DigiNotar's validation procedures, and we 
can verify technical correctness of the actual EV certificates ourselves.


P.S. to Nelson: I've changed the status whiteboard in the bug and 
checked in a change to the pending list (not yet on the site) to mark 
DigiNotar as 'pending'.
Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: DigiNotar EV root inclusion request

2008-04-24 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Before going any further and after reading the entries in the bug, it 
 seems to me that issue concerning email validation hasn't been 
 positively resolved...can you confirm that or provide some explanation?

This was/is another judgment call. IIRC when we formulated the Mozilla 
CA policy the idea of email validation was basically seen as a 
(less-desirable) fallback position for CAs that did not do full identity 
validation. When I originally evaluated the Staat der Nederlanden 
application I was following this line of thought, and considering 
validation of identity as sufficient.

 Also do you have any intention doing something concerning the comment about the Staat 
 der Nederlanden Root CA in respect to email validation? Judging from 
 the details of that root, this is a legacy root.

Staat der Nederlanden is not a legacy root in the sense of being 
approved in the Netscape days. I approved it myself a while back, though 
at the moment I can't recall whether it was before or after adoption of 
our current policy.

I think it's worth discussing this issue further. As noted in the bug 
report, one argument is that (assuming identity validation is effective) 
any vulnerability is restricted to cases where people share the same 
name (e.g., someone else named Frank Hecker and I both apply for a 
cert). It might also be useful to have input from some people in the 
Netherlands who have first-hand experience with these CAs and can 
describe actual practices.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Network Solutions EV root inclusion request

2008-04-22 Thread Frank Hecker
 To clarify, Network Solutions does not, so far, issue any types of
 certificate other than EV from or through this root.
 The hierarchy is:
 Network Solution Certificate Authority - Network Solutions EV SSL CA -
 End Entity
 This request to add a root (enabled for EV) to Mozilla is for this top
 level CA Network Solution Certificate Authority.

For everyone else's benefit: There was some confusion between Charlie 
Buckley and I which has now been resolved. I've corrected the Network 
Solutions entry in the pending list and added a comment to bug 403915. 
As noted, Network Solutions issues only EV certificates through the 
hierarchy rooted at the Network Solutions Certificate Authority root 
that's the subject of this application. Non-EV Network Solutions 
certificates are issued through an independent hierarchy.

 We reserve the right to issue other types of certificate from this
 root in the future, but our intention would be to have a separate
 subordinate CA issued by the Network Solutions Certificate Authority
 for each major type of certificate we issue.

 From my point of view Network Solutions also satisfies Mozilla policy 
requirements for non-EV SSL certs, based on the current CPS and audit 
situation. However issuance of email or code signing certs would require 
a new application and separate approval, since the current CPS doesn't 
address those types of certificates. (As noted in bug 403915, the 
current application is only for the SSL trust bit.)


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What we want [was: Audit requirements for government CAs]

2008-04-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Yes, this is a good argument in favor of EV and EV is exactly intended 
 for that. Just a pity the rest of the public PKI is left broken, no 
 matter what the reasons are (by design, lack of interest, commercial 
 interests, etc), because there is more to protect than Paypal, Ebay and 
 few banks. EV however might be an overkill for others.

Ah, but isn't EV really returning the public PKI to the ideal of what 
CAs are supposed to be doing in theory, namely binding a (strongly) 
verified identity to a public key? So in theory any site supporting 
high-value transactions (financial or otherwise) should migrate to EV 
certs. This certainly should include major sites like Bank of America, 
E*Trade, etc., Amazon, etc., as well as any ecommerce site for which the 
annual EV cert fee is a small fraction of overall operating expenses.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Audit requirements for government CAs

2008-04-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Gervase Markham wrote:
 Frank Hecker wrote:
 It's a reasonable proposal, and we did look into doing this. 
 Unfortunately there are .com domains and perhaps other domains 
 with certs issued by CAs in the KISA-rooted hierarchy. This is not 
 unique to KISA and Korea either AFAIK. 
 I personally think that, if all the other technical capabilities in 
 place, our response to that could reasonably be Tough. Sorry..

Note that if we implemented a general enough facility then we wouldn't 
necessarily have to exclude support of all domains outside the country's 
TLD. For example, we could have a constraint permitting use of *.kr (or 
whatever) domains, as well as a selected set of *.com or other domains. 
This would be unwieldy or downright unpractical in cases where a 
government wants to establish lots of .com domains, but might work OK 
for cases where a government has just a few non-country-TLD domains.

 In the current state of affairs I don't think we have any general way 
 to restrict government CAs or other country-specific CAs to issuing 
 certs under their particular national TLDs; we'd need to have 
 additional code in NSS or PSM to enforce custom restrictions. (Or just 
 not include the roots at all.)
 As Nelson says, this is a capability we don't have. I personally think 
 we should.

My checkbook is open :-) However note that before doing this I think we 
should make sure we have a full up-to-spec implementation of existing 
standards around CA name constraints. Then we can think about extending 
the constraints to include Mozilla-specific requirements.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What we want [was: Audit requirements for government CAs]

2008-04-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Frank Hecker:
 (As a side note, based on my experience with and reading about 
 industry dynamics, I think that advances in PKI-related technologies 
 are much more likely to occur in new protocols and new products than 
 in mainstream cases like browsing SSL web sites. A good example is 
 Skype's implementation of an internal PKI infrastructure for securing 
 VOIP traffic.)
 Outshhh, I don't like to even get into this one :-)
 Except that they are using some kind of PKI and I'm not sure what's so 
 exceptional or new with it.

I don't want to go off on a tangent, but I think the Skype model is more 
significant than you think. I don't agree with Ian Grigg on everything, 
but I do think his proposed rule that there is only one mode, and it is 
secure is worthwhile:

As I understand it, out of the box Skype achieves encryption of users' 
VOIP calls and strong identification of a particular user's node (not 
tied to IP address), with no action needed on the part of the user. It 
doesn't tie a verified legal identity to the Skype instance (and so 
doesn't fit the classic X.509 model), but arguably this is not important 
for typical Skype use cases.

 I also think that with the advent of EV and the Firefox 3 UI that the 
 world of certs will divide into EV and everything else (OV/IV/DV). 
 Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't see any discernible 
 difference between the UI for (OV cert) 
 and the UI for (DV cert). 
 Which I personally view as a mistake, because I believe DV and IV/OV 
 certificates should be separated.

See my separate comments on this point.

 If EV doesn't become mainstream and 
 will replace IV/OV certs, than Mozilla (and the industry) will have to 
 come up with some better answers and address this particularly.

If EV doesn't become mainstream, then IMO that will signal the utter 
irrelevance of the traditional PKI/CA model in terms of protecting user 
security for high-value transactions. After all, the EV model is the 
very embodiment of traditional thinking about how PKIs can protect user 
security: have a trusted third party do strong verification of legal 
identity and bind that identity to a public key, and have users then 
rely on that authenticated identity before entering into high-value 
transactions. If web site operators don't care to participate in the EV 
scheme, and web site users don't care if they don't see a strongly 
validated identity in the browser UI, then the only significant function 
of SSL in practice is to provide over-the-wire encryption and some 
minimal protection against MITM attacks.

 When in the software world an exploit is detected, the software is 
 usually patched. When an exploit is detected in NSS, it's going to be 
 patched. If however an exploit is detected by a CAs procedure you 
 propose we do nothing until you are convinced that actually somebody is 
 exploiting it and than you propose to adjust the thinking about the 
 proposed threat. Really Frank?

If there is a significant cost to protecting against a hypothetical 
exploit, and there are alternate means of dealing with the exploit in 
question (particularly more general measures that address more than just 
the exploit in question), then I suggest that we think carefully before 
investing time in implementing protection measures designed to deal 
specifically with such a hypothetical exploit.

Take your idea of requiring identity verification for wildcard DV certs, 
which is designed to address the hypothetical threat of people setting 
up SSL-enabled phishing sites under their top-level domains (e.g., There's are multiple cost to implementing such an 
idea: a cost to CAs (who may have to change their procedures and product 
offerings), a cost to cert subscribers (who may have to pay more for 
certs), a cost to us (who have to figure out all the CAs doing wildcard 
DV certs, and then try to persuade them to change what they're doing), 
and potentially a cost to end users (e.g., if they can no longer access 
sites because we decide to punish CAs by removing their roots or 
disabling validation of certain wildcard certs).

At the same time there are measures already in place to protect users 
against the general phishing threat, most notably the Firefox phishing 
protection features; these measures work against phishing sites using 
the hypothetical wildcard DV cert exploit, and against other phishing 
sites as well. There is also a general measure available to provide more 
assurance and accountability for web sites doing high-value SSL-enabled 
transactions, namely EV certs.

So the specific question for me is as follows: Should I devote Mozilla 
Foundation resources (including my own time) to trying to combat the 
hypothetical threat posed by wildcard DV certs, a threat for which other 

Re: Comodo request for EV root inclusion (COMODO Certification Authority)

2008-04-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker wrote:
 Comodo has applied to (among other things) add a new EV root CA 
 certificate for the COMODO Certification Authority to the Mozilla root 
 store, as documented in the following bug:
 I have evaluated this request, as per the CA certificate 
 and plan to officially approve the request after a public comment period.

The public comment period ended last week, but we had some additional 
discussions around various Comodo-related issues, most notably the 
wildcard DV cert issue and the long-lived DV cert issue. Although I 
acknowledge that there were/are valid concerns associated with those 
issues, in the end I made a judgment call that they didn't rise to a 
level that would justify my rejecting Comodo's request or delaying 
approval. I've therefore given my final approval to this request and 
filed bugs 426568 and 426572 against NSS and PSM respectively:


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Comodo request for EV-enabling 3 existing roots

2008-04-02 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 Even though the Comodo request has been approved, I wonder about two 
 additional points which you haven't addressed at all:
 The first is about having CA roots with wrong details in NSS, like 
 companies which effectively don't exist anymore (AddTrust AB, UTN), 
 location (Sweden, Utah) and other information irrelevant and incorrect.

To the extent that this information is in the certificates themselves, 
we can't change it. I guess we could look at changing the friendly 
names which NSS uses to refer to the certs, but that might be confusing 
for people who actually look at the root list in the various versions of 
Firefox. I think there's also an issue with how the certs get displayed 
in the Firefox certificate manager display window, based on what the 
cert contents are; I recall a comment from Kai (I think) about this in a 
bug I looked at recently, but can't recall the bug number or what the 
exact issue was.

 The second is about the audit statements which refer to a specific part 
 and location of the CA business, like New Jersey.

I didn't think this was a material issue with respect to Comodo's 
overall compliance with the EV guidelines, and so left it out of my 


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Audit requirements for government CAs

2008-04-01 Thread Frank Hecker
Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
 At the time, I believe I counter-proposed that the government 
 certificate in question should be trusted to validate the identity of 
 sites within that country: i.e. a Korean government CA would have a 
 limited root which could only verify the identity of sites within the 
 top-level .ko.

It's a reasonable proposal, and we did look into doing this. 
Unfortunately there are .com domains and perhaps other domains 
with certs issued by CAs in the KISA-rooted hierarchy. This is not 
unique to KISA and Korea either AFAIK. In the current state of affairs I 
don't think we have any general way to restrict government CAs or other 
country-specific CAs to issuing certs under their particular national 
TLDs; we'd need to have additional code in NSS or PSM to enforce custom 
restrictions. (Or just not include the roots at all.)


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What we want [was: Audit requirements for government CAs]

2008-04-01 Thread Frank Hecker
Kyle Hamilton wrote:
 What do I want?
 I want a use-case which expresses why the certificate validation
 policies (as implemented by NSS) must be so draconian.
 I want a use-case which expresses, clearly, why certificate validation
 problems have to be modal and completely disrupt the user's workflow.
 I want a use-case which expresses why certificates from unknown CAs
 have to show up as certificate validation errors in situations where
 there are no forms to harvest private information.

This isn't a CA policy issue per se, it's a Firefox/PSM UI issue. For 
the record I was/am sympathetic to the idea of being more permissive 
with self-signed SSL certs. However the developers and UI people made 
the decision that for typical users the better approach was to throw an 
error on any nonstandard SSL configurations.

Per my previous comments in my response to Eddy, I think a move to more 
opportunistic crypto (including use of an SSH-like model) is much more 
likely to occur in new applications than in the traditional SSL web 
server context.

 I want a user interface which allows me -- at a minimum -- to see what
 CA signed a given certificate, how that CA is in my store (whether it
 was provided by Mozilla or the administrator or through my own
 action), the subject of the certificate, and the validity period of
 the certificate without having to click on more information and then
 scroll through the byzantine hierarchy of certificate fields.

Again, the Firefox/PSM developers decided that the current UI was 
simpler for typical users, and that stuff like this was mainly of 
interest to power users. The Firefox approach to satisfying the needs of 
power users has been to rely on third-party Firefox extensions, and then 
to move functionality into core Firefox if it proves popular. If you 
want to see this info easily available, I suggest trying to persuade one 
to write one.

 I want a policy in place which prevents situations such as the
 transition from Thawte CPS version 1 (which did not allow for
 domain-validated certificates) to Thawte CPS version 2 (which did
 allow for domain-validated certificates) without a new CA being
 created and vetted.

This brings up a point that was implied by my previous comments in 
response to Eddy, but that I want to make explicit:

IMO the reason why we have a CA policy is *not* because the Mozilla 
Foundation wants to be or needs to be the CA police, tracking down and 
punishing bad deeds of CAs, and motivating them to behave better. We 
have a CA policy because SSL sites exist and are accessed by typical 
Mozilla users, because those SSL sites require CAs to issue them 
certificates, and because we need some sort of baseline policy by which 
we can balance inclusion of CA root certs (to make SSL work) against 
potential security concerns of doing so.

In the thawte case you cite, thawte changed its practices to start 
issuing DV certs from a CA hierarchy not previously used for that, but 
its practices were still within boundaries outlined in our policy (which 
does allow issuance of DV certs). So I don't really see a security issue 
  here in terms of how this would affect typical users.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Audit requirements for government CAs

2008-03-31 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 How stupid! If that's limited  to secure government to government or 
 citizen to government transactions, how is that limited in the software 
 or certificate(s)? And what would its use be for the regular, typical 
 average user? I'm not a government nor employed by a government so it 
 doesn't apply to me.

You're a citizen of a state, so government-run CAs do apply to you, at 
least for the government of your country.

 Nor am I a citizen of Zimbabwe, so it doesn't apply 
 to me either... I guess I represent in that respect the majority of a 
 typical user.

I'm not sure where the reference to Zimbabwe came from, but never mind...

Your question about how this applies to the typical user is something 
we've discussed before. There's no question that most users of Firefox, 
etc., will never encounter certs issued by, e.g., the government of 
Taiwan (to take one example of a government root already in NSS). It's 
arguably of interest only to people living in Taiwan (who might use SSL 
sites set up by the Taiwan government). So why did we include this root 
in all versions of Firefox?

I've previously proposed having localized versions of the pre-loaded 
root list, so that (for example) the Taiwan government root might be 
loaded only in the traditional Chinese version of Firefox that might be 
used in Taiwan, but not in other versions (including the US English 
version). There would be technical problems of doing this (since the 
root list is embedded in NSS, we'd have to generate localized NSS 
versions), but those could probably be overcome.

More importantly, there was strong resistance to the idea of moving away 
from a universal root list. Some people pointed out that the localized 
language versions didn't exactly map to particular countries, and that 
many people in particular countries used the US English version or 
another version other than the one assumed to be correct for them. 
However IIRC the more vehement objection was that we should have a 
situation where some sites worked in some versions of Firefox and didn't 
work in other versions of Firefox (because the root was missing).

That's basically where we left the discussion. I didn't see any real 
support for the idea of localized root lists, so I dropped the idea. And 
that's why I'm still processing requests from government CAs. The 
alternative idea would be not including government-operated CAs at all; 
however that would cause problems for Firefox users in countries where 
such CAs existed and were used to issue certs for government sites used 
by citizens or for related purposes.

 Nope, I guess we'll have to find something better then that (if at all).

I'm still not clear on your exact objections to the Microsoft policy, or 
what you would consider a better one.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: KISA root CA certificate inclusion request

2008-03-30 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 OK, so in that case KISA itself is becoming an auditor. Would KISA then 
 issue audit reports about the various CAs in question? What would be the 
 pros and cons of having each licensed CA approved instead of KISA as a 
 wild card CA for a whole country?

One major issue is that as a matter of policy we don't do inclusion of 
certs for subordinate CAs; we just approve and include roots. If we were 
to explicitly require evaluation and approval of subordinate CAs 
(leaving aside for the moment whether this is a good idea or not) then 
consistency would require that we do this for every CA, including 
commercial CAs. Consistency would also require that we do this for every 
subordinate CA in a root's hierarchy, no matter how far down in the 
hierarchy it was.

For example, suppose for a given root CA R we evaluate and approve all 
of R's subordinate CAs S1 to Sn, and a given subordinate Si then issues 
multiple subordinate CA certs in turn, perhaps enterprise CAs operated 
by individual companies. By the same logic that prompted us to evaluate 
all of the root's subordinates for inclusion, we'd have to evaluate and 
approve all of the enterprise CAs as well.

I personally think this is both unworkable and unnecessary, even if we 
were to restrict this to direct subordinates of roots. See also below.

 KISA is a CA authorized and commissioned by the their government, 
 however the operating CAs are not government CAs, but regular CAs with  
 commercial interests etc. So this makes it a bit tricky I think...As I 
 proposed earlier already concerning independent CAs operating under a 
 unified CA root, but which are independent companies and the sole 
 purpose of the CA root is to act as an anchor, each CA should be audited 
 explicitly on its own or each CA should be at least explicitly 
 confirmed. Thoughts?

My main thought is that our current policy does not explicitly address 
either auditing of subordinate CAs or approval of subordinate CAs. I 
have no problem with looking at overall audit-related issues as part of 
evaluating a root CA for inclusion. However to condition root approval 
on the exact details of how subordinates are audited (e.g., whether we 
prefer to see audits done by a third party vs. audits by the root CA 
itself) is IMO trying to stretch the policy too far.

Yes, we have a general provision in the policy regarding not including 
roots where it would cause undue risks to users' security. However as 
the person who wrote the language into the policy, I can tell you that 
it was not intended to condition overall root approval on our evaluation 
and approval of every aspect of how a CA hierarchy operated; it was 
rather intended to cover egregious security problems that might occur at 
a CA (as implied by the example violations I chose). I personally don't 
think having independent subordinate CAs be audited by the root CA (as 
opposed to by a third party) is an example of an egregious security 
problem sufficient for us to invoke this policy provision.

Rather than trying to evaluate and approve an entire CA hierarchy up 
front (including all subordinate CAs), I think it is better to operate 
on an exception basis: We evaluate and approve roots, not individual 
subordinates. If it turns out later that there are security problems at 
a particular subordinate, and those problems are severe enough that we 
want to deny recognition of certificates issued by that subordinate, 
then from a technical point of view we have the ability to do so: We can 
pre-load in NSS the CA cert for that subordinate (and just that 
subordinate) and can mark it as untrusted.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: KISA root CA certificate inclusion request

2008-03-30 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 I agree with everything you said below for regular, standard CAs. This 
 is what the policy knew when it was written. There is a CA, they have a 
 root and some intermediate CA certificates (according to the 
 recommendations after all), they are one entity taking responsibility 
 for their CA business and PKI and there is mostly one infrastructure in 
 every respect.
 I don't agree,  when the CA acts as a boot strapping CA, where the CAs 
 under this root themselves are effectively independent CAs, companies 
 and PKIs.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't think this situation is unique 
to KISA. I believe there are commercial CAs, including CAs already in 
our root list, that issue CA certs to independently operated CAs. If I 
recall correctly, this is what our IT department did when I worked at 
Netscape, namely run a Netscape enterprise CA using an 
internally-operated CA infrastructure, with a CA cert issued to Netscape 
by an external commercial CA.

So I don't think this is a question of government CAs vs. non-government 
CAs, or even standard CAs vs. bootstrapping CAs, it's part of the 
more general question of how to handle subordinate CAs. As I said, I 
think there are CAs operating today, including commercial CAs, that in 
some contexts act like standard CAs issuing end-entity certs out of 
their own infrastructure, and in other contexts act as bootstrapping 
CAs enabling other organizations to operate their own CAs. I don't 
believe that the distinction is as clear-cut as you suggest it is.

 It doesn't help that you point to the Mozilla CA policy which was 
 written for regular, standard CAs (It does more or less good job in 

I evaluate requests according to the policy we have, not the policy you 
(or anyone else, including me for that matter) wish we had. As I've 
written before, if the policy doesn't address certain issues that arise 
in the context of individual CA requests, I am not going to hold up such 
requests until we hash through all the details of changing the policy, 
nor am I going to impose on the CAs making such requests new 
requirements that go beyond the policy as it's written and as it's been 
applied in the past.

If we want to change the policy in future, that's a separate discussion, 
and I believe it should be a general discussion that reflects a wider 
base of information about current CA practices. We've already had 
instances where we thought one CA was doing something problematic and 
considered singling them out for it, and it turned out that the 
practice(s) were not unique to the CA.

Getting back to KISA, I did indeed look at what the LCAs were doing and 
what sort of regulatory and auditing regime they're subject to. I saw no 
issues there that would justify my rejecting KISA's request based on our 
current policy, whether that be the explicit requirements of the policy 
or the more implicit requirements related to protecting user security. I 
therefore plan to approve KISA's request as soon as the other issue gets 
resolved about the audit of KISA itself.

 There are no definitions for cases such as these (or others which 
 came up or will come up in the future). That's why you yourself felt the 
 need to ask about how to define Audit requirements for government CAs

Right, but that was for the purposes of discussing future policy 
changes, not for the purposes of evaluating the KISA request in 
particular. That's exactly why I started a separate thread.

 and that's why I asked in a different post What we want. And because 
 no definition exists and the policy wasn't written for such cases, or 
 because of the lack of such definitions, it doesn't makes it right to 
 approve something we don't want. That's why I asked about What we 
 want. Do we want to assure a certain standard and quality for CAs which 
 are shipped with NSS or is it something else? If it's something else, 
 than you should tell us about it. If it's the former then either we have 
 to define it in the policy or act accordingly and on a case to case 
 basis with rules which make sense. I really want to know the guidelines 
 about What we want. What are the principals guiding us. Once we know 
 that, we can take our arguments accordingly.

This is better addressed in the separate thread you started.

 If it turns out later that there are security problems
 That point would be too late already, except that I don't believe that 
 such actions would happened.

This is better responded to elsewhere as well. It's part of a more 
general discussion about the respective emphasis we should put on 
prevention of potential problems vs. detection of and response to actual 


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: KISA root CA certificate inclusion request

2008-03-30 Thread Frank Hecker
Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 But I believe we have already decided, in principle, to approve certs for
 CAs that are subordinate to some root that is not approved, when the
 subordinate CA meets the criteria, but the root does not.

Yes, I recall this discussion. However in the KISA case my opinion is 
that KISA itself does meet our policy requirements (assuming that my 
remaining concern about the MIC audit gets addressed). I think the 
Korean situation is different from the Austrian one because KISA doesn't 
indiscriminately create subordinates, rather the LCAs subordinate to 
KISA are subject to regulatory constraints imposed by the government 
(including regulations mandating verification requirements, etc.) and 
are subject to oversight by KISA, including audits.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: What we want [was: Audit requirements for government CAs]

2008-03-30 Thread Frank Hecker
 security concerns (e.g., they have long lifetimes, use 
wildcards, whatever). Would the security of typical users be improved by 
having this CAs EV certs be recognized, enough to more than offset any 
potential security harm associated with the CA's DV practices? I can't 
absolutely prove that this might be so, but I also can't dismiss the 
possibility out of hand.

Another (thinly-disguised) example: Typical users in a particular 
country use IE rather than Firefox because (among other things) Firefox 
doesn't recognize the major government-established and regulated CAs in 
that country. Would the security benefits of giving those users the 
ability to use Firefox be sufficient to justify our including those CAs' 
certs even though there are some open questions about how the CAs 
exactly fit into our policy framework? Again I suspect this might be the 
case, can't absolutely prove it, but certainly wouldn't reject it.

My point (and I do have one, to quote Ellen DeGeneres) is that the 
Mozilla CA policy is just a tool, not an end in itself, and it doesn't 
exist in isolation from everything else in the world of Mozilla security 
and the world of CAs. If we're going to change the policy, I don't want 
to have us change the policy simply to address theoretical concerns and 
proposed threat scenarios of uncertain importance, and ignore any 
associated trade-offs.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Audit requirements for government CAs

2008-03-28 Thread Frank Hecker
As I implied in my previous message about the KISA request for inclusion 
of its roots, government CAs can pose special problems in the context of 
our current Mozilla CA policy, and I wanted to take the opportunity to 
discuss the topic briefly, since we may want to consider future changes 
to our policy to address these.

Some government CAs undergo truly independent audits, e.g., by getting 
WebTrust for CAs audits using WebTrust-certified auditors. (I think the 
government of Taiwan did this, for example.) However in many countries 
the government CA is audited by a separate agency of government; this is 
the case in South Korea (where MIC is the auditor of KISA) and 
elsewhere. Furthermore, some of these audits (including KISA's) are 
based on laws and regulations specific to the country in question, as 
opposed to being based on globally-applicable criteria like WebTrust, 
ETSI 101 456, etc.

This causes more work for us (because we have to investigate each 
country's practices individually) and also raises questions about 
governments auditing themselves.

In its new policy for its root program

Microsoft has taken an interesting approach to this problem, one that I 
think is worth discussing:

[F]or government CAs who issue certificates to secure government to 
government or citizen to government transactions, Microsoft will accept 
a statement from a government or private party auditor attesting to the 
CA’s audit status, giving the name of and reference to their audit 
guidelines, the date of the last audit, and equivalence of their audit 
criteria to the Operating Standards (e.g. WebTrust For CAs, ETSI TS 102 
042, ETSI 101 456, ISO 21188).

Should we think about adopting similar language in a future policy 
revision? I'll give my own thoughts about this in a subsequent message, 
but I'll pause here to let others comment.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: KISA root CA certificate inclusion request

2008-03-28 Thread Frank Hecker
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
 I think the question raised with that CA was also, if the audit covers 
 the whole CA infrastructure, i.e. all different independent CAs 
 operating under the KISA root. If I remember right, the CPS has no 
 provision in that respect and the audit covers only KISA's operations 

I looked into this a while back. Auditing of the subordinate CAs 
(licensed CAs or LCAs) was/is mandated by the relevant Korean law and 
regulations that set up KISA in the first place and established MIC 
authority over it. KISA itself does the auditing of the LCAs, as 
mandated by the law and regulations.

 If we would apply Microsoft's new criteria (not that this matters for us 
 really) of having the audit covering the full CA infrastructure, this 
 one wouldn't  go through.

Actually, Microsoft has special provisions for audits of government CAs 
(as I mentioned in a separate message). The audit requirements on 
commercial CAs (item 7, General Requirements) don't apply to 
government CAs.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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