[slim] Songsa

2013-07-15 Thread Bruce Shaw

Is there a way I can access Songsa directly through my Squeezebox
classic?  If I have it already running on my computer, can I access it
through the Squeezebox back through the computer?

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Re: [slim] Logitech marketing confusion

2010-01-27 Thread bruce

snarlydwarf;510956 Wrote: 
 Some things are better done by small groups.

Don't blame this on size. Amazon does a fine job of selling stuff. This
is an issue of competence.


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[slim] Logitech marketing confusion

2010-01-25 Thread bruce

I have always appreciated Logitech's efforts to make Squeezebox a more
mass-market product, but their current marketing is likely to confuse
the heck out of anyone who isn't already a devoted Squeezebox follower.
Others have written about the pathetic Squeezebox displays at retailers;
I'll just address online marketing, which Logitech presumably controls:

- There are completely different descriptions of the Squeezebox product
line on logitech.com and logitechsqueezebox.com (which is where you get
when you google squeezebox). 

- Logitechsqueezebox.com contains a decent overview of the product line
(though without all the details you need to differentiate between
products; you need to be a forum-reading geek to get those).
Logitech.com doesn't; it just describes the individual products. 

- Neither site gives an estimate for when the Touch and other future
products might be available. (Don't even get me started on the idiocy of
discontinuing the flagship product months before the replacement is

- Logitech.com lists online retailers for each item, but it says the
Touch is in stock at 2 of the 3 retailers. Of course once you click
through to those retailers, you see it's out of stock, and one retailer
even shows an image of the wrong product. 

- Logitechsqueezebox.com has a link to Online Store which contains no
products. (Reminds me of traveling to Cuba.)

It's not easy to market a product that combines the worlds of audio,
computing, networking, and open source software. I admire Logitech for
trying and am happy to cut them some slack in their product design and
messaging. But the confusion in basic sales techniques is inexcusable.


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Re: [slim] Logitech marketing confusion

2010-01-25 Thread bruce

My main rant was about poor marketing rather than the discontinued
Classic. But a basic part of product management is ensuring that your
company can continue meeting customer demand for a product, or having a
replacement ready.


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Re: [slim] About the current lineup of Squeezeboxes

2009-12-16 Thread bruce

Another option would be to go to a skinnier (and possibly shorter) font
if the whole title can't fit. This could be automatic or it could be a
user option (along with a choice to scroll or truncate if the skinny
font still won't fit).


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Re: [slim] About the current lineup of Squeezeboxes

2009-12-14 Thread bruce

The Receiver is still available at logitech.com for $149.99.


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Re: [slim] About the current lineup of Squeezeboxes

2009-12-13 Thread bruce

I agree that in many scenarios the touch screen is irrelevant. (Both my
Classics are behind glass.) I hope that either the touch functionality
is not expensive to include (does anyone know?) or Logitech will
eventually introduce a cheaper non-touch version. 

I personally would like a Non-Touch with a nice display like the
Touch but larger, so it could be read easily from across a room. But the
Touch display is already larger than old fashioned audio gear displays,
so I don't know how many people would pay for a larger one.


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[slim] 20% off on amazon (if you buy 2)

2009-12-13 Thread bruce

Amazon is offering a 20% rebate on all Logitech products if you buy 2 to
5 of them on a single order between now and Christmas. You have to buy
from amazon rather than one of their partners; you can see the details
on the amazon pages of eligible products. I won't bother telling you
what various Squeezebox components cost after rebate because amazon's
prices change constantly, but there are some good deals to be got.


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Re: [slim] About the current lineup of Squeezeboxes

2009-12-13 Thread bruce

pfarrell;495076 Wrote: 
 The Touch is much more
 than a Classic with a touch screen. Its a computer. Its not really a
 slim device as it can do things like read music off of a thumb or
 external disk drive. For folks who already have a SlimServer, the
 ability of the Touch to work as a serverless system may not be all
 critical, but for new users, it will be a godsend.
I don't understand the configurations and usage scenarios you're
anticipating will be a godsend. How many people carry music around on
thumb drives as opposed to MP3 players (which don't need a Touch to play
through a stereo)? Will people buy an external drive to store their
music rather than running SlimServer on a PC, and if so, how will they
add music to it, and will the drive be accessible throughout their

I agree that setting up and managing a SlimServer is complicated for
non-techies, but I don't understand how the Touch will help. Maybe I'm
missing something.

(Thanks for the rest of your reply, however, which makes sense to me.)


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Re: [slim] About the current lineup of Squeezeboxes

2009-12-13 Thread bruce

Are you saying that if you have a Touch with an external drive attached
to it, the Touch will function as a server for other Squeezeboxes on
your network? Or can only Touches on your network access that drive?

How would you perform the functions that are currently part of server
management? Are those all accessible from individual players or the
player that is connected to the external drive?


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Re: [slim] About the current lineup of Squeezeboxes

2009-12-13 Thread bruce

If Logitech could market the Squeezebox line as not requiring a server
to play one's music collection, just an external hard drive (which they
could even sell as an option) connected to a Touch, and all the server
functions could be handled by a combination of the Touch, the other
players, and iTunes (or similar software to easily manage the music)
running on a computer somewhere on the network, then that would truly be
a big step forward.


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Re: [slim] About the current lineup of Squeezeboxes

2009-12-13 Thread bruce

usch;495192 Wrote: 
 Not from -any- drive on the network, only from USB drives that are
 directly connected to the Touch. ... I would really like to use it as a
 standalone server, but its capabilities seem way too limited, given that
 plugins are not fully supported and you already need a plugin to do such
 simple things as automatic playlists based on track ratings.

In that case, here's how I think the Touch could turn Squeezebox line
into a successful semi-mass market product:

1) Logitech should sell a few external drives in varying sizes
appropriate for music storage. Ideally these would come with housing
that looks related to the Touch and can share a power adapter with the
Touch. Audio users shouldn't feel like they're shopping for computer

2) Make sure that a non-technical user can configure all their players
with the most important features using some combination of the server
Touch (the one that hosts the music drive), the other players on the
network, and a separate admin utility that can run on a computer on the
network. By most important features I don't mean all plugins, but I
would include lazy search because that is so essential to a usable
system. I've heard that lazy search must be a separate plugin not
provided by Logitech for legal reasons; if that's true, then Logitech
needs to make it possible for someone to make a similar plugin for the
Touch, even if there's not a more general plugin capacity. 

Couldn't smart playlists be set up with iTunes or similar programs?


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Re: [slim] 20% off on amazon (if you buy 2)

2009-12-13 Thread bruce

You'll see the link on any amazon.com page showing a Logitech product
sold by amazon (but not by 3rd parties, even though the save 20%
notice still appears on the 3rd party pages!). For example, the Classic
is at:


Currently the Classic costs $236.81 from amazon, or $225.00 when sold
by a 3rd party on amazon.com.


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Re: [slim] 20% off on amazon (if you buy 2)

2009-12-13 Thread bruce

To clarify my last post, the save 20% notice seems to appear on all
Logitech pages on amazon, even though the fine print says the rebate
applies only to products sold by amazon, not to those sold by 3rd
parties through amazon!


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Re: [slim] Why do we need to chose SqueezeCenter/SqueezeNetwork?

2009-09-20 Thread bruce

If you are thinking of the system architecture then sure, it makes sense
for the user to distinguish between SC and SN. Then it sounds nice to
add features like automatically switching between the two sources and
syncing the two Favorites lists.

But if you are thinking of the *user*, the relationship should be more
seamless. In particular, SC should be called something like My Stuff,
SN should be called something like Internet Stuff, and either/both
should appear in the top-level menu whenever they are available.
Furthermore, Favorites should always present the same Favorites list
regardless of which source is connected; isn't the whole point of
Favorites to provide quick access to your favorites?

I don't see why all of this integration and source switching can't be
done in the UI, so I assume the reason it didn't happen long ago is that
the developers are thinking about system architecture rather than the
user's mindset.


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Re: [slim] Network control of AV Receiver

2008-09-30 Thread Bruce Hartley

Yay !

I've proved to myself.
a) The Squeezecontroller is capable of controlling the Denon Receiver
b) I can write it !

I've hacked the Doomsday demo app to mute and un-mute the amplifier
using http commands.

So I can presumably expand from there to full one way functionality.

Ideally I'd liked to switch from using HTTP to using plain TCP so I
could use the telnet commands and receive back status information to
theoretically display on the remote.

I'll let you know how I proceed.

Bruce Hartley

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Re: [slim] Network control of AV Receiver

2008-09-29 Thread Bruce Hartley

The receiver will accept command either by Telnet or by HTTP through
it's network port.

I figured either:
a) I get the SBC to send the commands to the receiver.
Initially volume up  down, and power on / off would be more than

b) I get the SBC to send commands to the Squeezecenter server that then
sends the commands to the receiver.
Guess the bonus of this would be that the server could send command
based on power on events on the players?

Have had a look at the template projects (and the media center
controller app) for the SBC and I'm going to have a bash.

But any thoughts would be appreciate.

Bruce Hartley

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Re: [slim] Network control of AV Receiver

2008-09-27 Thread Bruce Hartley

Just got myself a squeezebox controller and this question has occurred
to me again.
How easy is it to get Squeezecenter to control my Denon Reciver using
it's telnet interface ?

Bruce Hartley

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[slim] Feature request; dedicated remote commands for specific favorites

2007-08-16 Thread bruce

I wish a remote with soft keys, such as my Harmony 890, could send
commands to my Squeezebox to play specific items from my Favorites
menu. For example, one button could play a certain playlist; another
could play a favorite SqueezeNetwork radio station; another could play
my Pandora station. 

The user would somehow assign remote commands (PlayFavorite1,
PlayFavorite2, etc.) to specific favorites, either from the Favorites
menu or from the server user interface.

Could this be done as a server plugin? Or would it require a change to
the hardware to understand these new commands?

Needless to say, this feature would be most useful when combined with a
single, integrated Favorites list that includes SlimServer and
SqueezeNetwork items -- which is supposed to happen in 7.0.


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[slim] More remote codes

2007-07-21 Thread bruce

The Harmony universal remotes let you choose a Search for Artist
command for the Squeezebox, yet that command isn't recognized by my
Squeezebox (v3). Any idea whether there is a remote code for Search
for Artist? If so, how do I get it? If not, could one be added (as
well as other menu commands, even including specific items in the
Favorites list)? Would this require hardware, firmware, server
software, and/or Harmony code updates?

And... if I actually wanted the remote command to be Lazy Search for
Artist, would that also require a change to the Lazy Search plugin?
The remote's Search command already does Lazy Search if the plugin is
installed, but I'm not sure that even if the remote could tell the
server to do Search for Artist, that that would automatically be a
lazy search.


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Re: [slim] Difference between favorites and playlists?

2007-07-20 Thread bruce

Dan Sully;125185 Wrote: 
 6.5 is much improved in a lot of ways.
 With Favorites, you can now store Albums, Artists, Genres, Tracks,
 Playlists (any),  Years as favorites. Just hold down the favorites
 button on the remote.

Thanks for the tip. A clarification to help anyone else: Before holding
down the Favorites button, you need to display the playlist name (not
the Now Playing display that you see while the playlist is playing).


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[slim] Re: Can Headphone Port be used to receive IR commands

2007-01-01 Thread Bruce Hartley

In the end, I just opened the case, split open the Ir emitter and put
the IR emitter LED inside the case.

It works a treat!!

Bruce Hartley

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[slim] Re: Any Digital Piano Owners Out There?

2006-12-17 Thread Bruce Hartley

My mother tried out a number of electric piano's.
The Rolands and most of the non Clavinova's didn't feel right or sound

When she played the clavinova, I asked her how it was and she said
great, but this one is a piano.
She honestly thought is was a real piano, even though she was listening
through headphones.

So her recommendation would be the clavinova range.

Bruce Hartley

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[slim] Re: Can Headphone Port be used to receive IR commands

2006-12-16 Thread Bruce Hartley

I'm looking to do the same thing.
My remote transmits RF and an RF receiver then transmits IR through  IR

Can the IR output of the receiver be connected to the headphone port on
the squeezebox.

if the headphone port can be made to transmit IR, surely it could be
made to receive IR.

Otherwise as noted above, I will have to put an IR blinker on the front
of the squeezebox and it won't look pretty.

Thanks in advance,

Bruce Hartley

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[slim] Re: Can Headphone Port be used to receive IR commands

2006-12-16 Thread Bruce Hartley

enhancement request logged, please vote for it.


Bruce Hartley

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-02 Thread Bruce S .

I think we have two definitions of connect. One is a connection that
is achieved when the SB reports a wireless signal strength of 80% or
so. The other is when it actually sends data. 

I don't believe I can download SB3 firmware with only the first
definition in play, since the server software reports that it can't
find my SB3. So, no data will be sent.

I won't get to this till later tonight.

Thanks for all the help.

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-02 Thread Bruce S .

I was right all along. My router has only one port - at least one port
that my ethernet cable will connect to. The other port is for the
phone line (I have DSL with SBC now Att) and that receptacle doesn't
fit the connector on the end of teh ethernet cable. So, I am screwed. I
am not even sure if an adaptor exists or if one does, that phone port
will work. I really doubt it will. So, I am not able to connect with a

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-02 Thread Bruce S .

I had a 5 port hub in the garage that was about 10 years old (that I
thought I even threw out and for sure never thought I would use again).
Once I found a PS for it that fit and some Cat-5 I had it cobbled
together. The firmware download started immediately upon connecting. I
didn't have to press the brightness button to start it. I am up and
running now wirelessly. 

Thanks to all for the great support and concern!

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-01 Thread Bruce S .

I did just install the latest slim server yesterday(but not the last
nightly) and didn't get any prompts to install the firmware. Don't I
have to be successfully connect to install firmware.

Sorry for the late reply. I have been away.

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-01 Thread Bruce S .

Wireless signal strength is always way up. High 70s or 80s. The whole
point is that I have been listening fine to my set up for 8 months. It
is just that whenever I shut down the server computer, I can't
reconnect with out doing goofy things. This time the goofy things I do
aren't working. So, I can connect - just not now. And I don't know why.

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-01 Thread Bruce S .

Isn't it true that you have to be connected in order for a ping to work?

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-01 Thread Bruce S .

I am not connecting to my neighbor's system. 

How can I use a cable if my router has no open ports into which I can
insert the connector? If I take out the one ethernet cable that is
presently inserted so as to plug in a wire from the SB3 to it, I  lose
connectivity to my server PC which is, of course, tethered to the
router via that cable. Is the idea that I can download the firmware
auto-magically directly from the SB3 to the internet?

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-10-01 Thread Bruce S .

Nope. Note above that I do not have the luxury of 4 ports. But it
appears that I may have two not just the one. One for the cable modem
(phone line) going in and one going from the router to the machine on
which my slim server is running.

So, now the problem is that to do this I have to cut the umbilical cord
to the internet. This may not be a problem since I plan to simply rerun
the installation of the slimserver version 6.5.x or whatever it is,
that I just installed yesterday, after cabling up the SB3 to the router
(which will cut said umbilical cord) and watch the prompt come up that
says that I should download the firmware to the SB3. Now, if at that
point in the installation the software has to go back to the internet
to get the SB3 firmware, I will be hosed, cause I won't be able to.

Bruce S.

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[slim] Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-09-30 Thread Bruce S .

Does anybody have experience with SB3 failing to connect every time the
server PC gets shut down and restarted? This has happened to me every
single time the PC has been turned off.

Getting the SB3 to connect has been a voodoo like operation that never
has made any sense. Only this time it is not working. Normally, what I
have done is to switch the encryption from WEP 64 to no password [or
back]. This has magically worked (even though I realize that this trick
should have no bearing whatsoever on connecting) in the past.

Now nothing works. Does any body have any ideas?

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-09-30 Thread Bruce S .

Thanks Jim,

I just updated to the most recent version of Slimserver software. It
was my understanding that the SB3 is not connecting to the Slimserver
software but to the computer server. 

I have always been successful connecting to the router, given that the
SB3 tells me its signal strength - which is ususally high.

I don't understand your workaround instructions. I can easily hit
refresh on my Slimserver web page every 10 seconds or so, but how do
I repeatedly re-try connecting with out going through the laborious
process of turning on the SB3, pressing the right arrow for setup etc.
It quits trying to connect after 20 seconds, so given that, I can only
refresh the server once or twice during that time. I am confused

Thanks for your help.

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Always fails to connect after shutting down server computer

2006-09-30 Thread Bruce S .

Sorry for the delay in responding. 

Yes I am running Windows. And I am trying your idea. So, far after
about 10 restarts, nothing is changing.

Is the fact that I am running an extremely old firmware version in the
Squeezebox (v. 28) a factor in this?

Nothing is changing.

Thanks for the help. It is appreciated because I am in the dark.

Bruce S.

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[slim] ESPN Radio

2006-08-23 Thread Bruce S .

Two questions: Can I get ESPN radio through my Squeezebox/Computer
setup? Secondly, is there a good article explaining all the ins and
outs of how to get Radio channels through Sqeezebox that don't come
with the installation?

Thanks in advance. 

I am hoping to avoid Theismann on MNF this year!!

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: ESPN Radio

2006-08-23 Thread Bruce S .

I just realized that ESPN radio won't be what I need for MNF. I need
Westwood One which covers the game on radio. 

Is a station that offers a podcast one that I can use squeezebox for,
because Westwood One does?

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Article in todays Guardian newspaper article championing Sonos

2006-05-14 Thread bruce

Sonos is attractive because of its remote. The vast majority of
consumers won't consider buying and setting up a separate remote, so
the comparison is between the remotes that ship with the products, and
Sonos wins that comparison hands down. Hopefully the folks at SD
realize this. 

You may prefer that SD remain a company for geeks (don't be insulted --
I count myself in this category) rather than the mass market. But then
don't complain when mass-market newspapers fail to appreciate it.


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[slim] Re: Article in todays Guardian newspaper article championing Sonos

2006-05-14 Thread bruce

Tamanaco, I agree completely that Sonos is priced too high for the mass
market, and it may well be too complex as well. I also feel that
complexity is a bigger drawback for SD than its remote. As a matter of
fact, the remote was the main reason I went with SD instead of Roku.
The Roku remote would frustrate the hell out of me. The SD remote is
very functional. The Sonos remote -- at first glance anyway; I've never
used it -- is functional and sexy.

My point was that, when you compare remotes (or anything else), you
should compare the basic systems provided by the manufacturers, not a
remote from another company and software from some developer somewhere.
Most consumers won't even find out that these things exist, let alone go
to the trouble to acquire and configure them.


bruce's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2955
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[slim] ReadyNAS for Slimserver

2006-04-17 Thread Bruce Prager
Maybe I'm lucky, put I've installed 2 ReadyNAS X6 and they've all been 
almost braindead to install.
Their are several models and I'm not aware of that many issues with the 
X6 model.

I recommend the X6 model BTW, and once I installed 4 SATA drives, I 
plugged it in, waited 4 hours and had a RAID server.

Did the same to second, with same success.  On this one, I installed the 
Slimserver plugin and copied my FLAC files to the NAS.

Did a rescan and bingo, one Slimserver.  Been streaming loseless around 
the house to 5 Squeezeboxes for several months without a single 
problem.  No dropouts, and no throughput issues both to wired and 
wireless Squeezeboxes.

File performance to the X6 File server exceeded that of the PC file 
server it replaced with 10K SCSI 320 RAID and an Intel gigabit card.

The boxes are plug into one of the higher end 24port gigabit switches.

Each box creates snapshots every 12 hours and back up to each other once 
a month.

I've installed these to other people and can certainly recommend them as 
a fine good NAS slimserver device.

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[slim] REadyNAS performance

2006-04-17 Thread Bruce Prager
I'm sure it's been pointed out by others, but the throughput of the 
infrant X6 is way past the terrastation.

Tried that for Slim and what a dog.

Now running the X6 and happily streaming FLAC files all day long, wired 
and wireless.

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[slim] Re: A Silly Poll

2006-04-14 Thread Bruce Hartley

I'm 31.
Some typing to make the message longer ;-)

Bruce Hartley

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Re: [slim] 96 kbps mp3 won't play on my Slimp3

2006-04-03 Thread Bruce Tucker
Something is funny with the way playlists are (not) being handled on my 
system.  For example, here's a playlist kbcs2.pls that I've been trying to 


when I select this with my Slimp3 or Softsqueeze, I get a playlist empty 
If I cut and paste http://www.live365.com/play/kbcs2 into the Tune In to 
Radio URL it plays with no problem on SoftSqueeze.

If I tune in with my SliMP3, I have the same problem as before: the SliMP3 
play counter increments,  I get no sound (or I get a loud click at the start 
and then nothing.)  This stream is 96kbps and I have checked my SliMP3 with 
other 96 streams (out of Shoutcast) and they play.

Is there something wrong with Live365? the formatting of this pls? my 


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[slim] 96 kbps mp3 won't play on my Slimp3

2006-04-02 Thread Bruce Tucker
I'm running a SlimP3, and I'm finding that many stations coded at 96 kbps 
won't play.  Is this a limitation on the SlimP3 or do I have a 
server/installation problem. I could have sworn these streams played before 
I switched over to 6.x. The streams play just fine on Softsqueeze.

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Re: [slim] 96 kbps mp3 won't play on my Slimp3

2006-04-02 Thread Bruce Tucker

Try KBCS-FM  http://kbcs.fm/site/PageServer?pagename=listenlive
attached is the playlist file.

- Original Message - 
From: Ben Sandee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Slim Devices Discussion discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [slim] 96 kbps mp3 won't play on my Slimp3

On 4/2/06, Bruce Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm running a SlimP3, and I'm finding that many stations coded at 96 kbps
won't play.  Is this a limitation on the SlimP3 or do I have a
server/installation problem. I could have sworn these streams played
I switched over to 6.x. The streams play just fine on Softsqueeze.

Can you give an example?  I'll try it on my slimp3.

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Description: audio/scpls
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Re: [slim] 96 kbps mp3 won't play on my Slimp3

2006-04-02 Thread Bruce Tucker
Thanks for checking.  I'll search for known bugs tomorrow.  Maybe others 
with  Slimp3s or SBs could check too to see if this (Live365) stream is a 
problem for everyone.  I know there are other streams that don't work for me 
too (I wonder if they are all 96kbps).  I'll pass on a few of these others 
that don't seem to be working and maybe if you have time you could see if 
they play for you.


- Original Message - 
From: Ben Sandee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Slim Devices Discussion discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [slim] 96 kbps mp3 won't play on my Slimp3

On 4/2/06, Bruce Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try KBCS-FM  http://kbcs.fm/site/PageServer?pagename=listenlive
attached is the playlist file.

Hey Bruce,

Yeah, something seems to be going on with at least that stream.  I can't
play it on my SliMP3 or my SB3.  Server says this:

2006-04-02 19:33:19.6865 stream not readable

I'm using the 6.5 branch too.  Might be time to file a bug or search for an
existing bug for these streams.


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Re: [slim] Re: NAS to run slimserver?

2006-02-19 Thread Bruce Tucker

To rip all my CDs to flac I needed more storage anyway, so I went with a
LinkStation HD-HG250. It's more expensive than a simple external USB or
internal drive, but not that much more, and well worth it to me for
being able to run slimserver. For a while I just used it to hold the
music, and continued to run slimserver on an old Dell P3 running Ubuntu
Linux. Last week I used the OpenLink firmware to hack the LinkStation
and install slimserver.

I'm tuning in late to this thread.  I have a HD-H250 Linkstation, but I 
didn't know that I could run slimserver.  Can you point me to instructions 
on how to do this?


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox display doubled

2006-02-10 Thread Bruce Tucker

Windows XP Service Pack 2
This happens on both of my PCs

- Original Message - 
From: Richard Titmuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Slim Devices Discussion discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: [slim] Squeezebox display doubled

Bruce Tucker wrote:

I recently installed Slimserver 6.2.1 and Softsqueeze 2.2, but my 
Softsqueeze displays the same line twice.  Is this a known bug or is 
something wrong that can be corrected?

Strange, I've not seen that before. A couple of people have posted about 
this on the softsqueeze forum on sourceforge as well. What OS are you 
using? Anybody else see this?


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox display doubled

2006-02-10 Thread Bruce Tucker
It sounds like what happens when SB1 fonts end up being sent to the SB2 
display.  Getting rid of the prefs file may help.  Perhaps in this case, 
an upgrade to softsqueeze kept the mac address and is getting older prefs.


Can you tell me where to look for these font files and Softsqueeze prefs?
If I delete the pref file will it be recreated automatically?

Thanks for your help.

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox 1g for sale (UK)

2006-01-31 Thread Bruce Hartley

Shipping to Canada Ā£33 + Ā£6 insurance.


Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
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[slim] Squeezebox display doubled

2006-01-31 Thread Bruce Tucker
This may have been answered before, but I'm just returning to the list after 
a long absence.
I recently installed Slimserver 6.2.1 and Softsqueeze 2.2, but my 
Softsqueeze displays the same line twice.  Is this a known bug or is 
something wrong that can be corrected?


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[slim] Squeezebox 1g for sale (UK)

2006-01-29 Thread Bruce Hartley


Squeezebox v1 with graphical display upgrade.

This was bought with the upgraded display (not a DIY job).

selling due to upgrade.

So far I've had v1, v1g, v2 and now v3.


Bruce Hartley

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox 1g for sale (UK)

2006-01-29 Thread Bruce Hartley

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
 Cost to ship to Canada?
I'll find out tomorrow and let you know.

Bruce Hartley

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[slim] Slimserver on ReadyNas

2006-01-27 Thread Bruce Prager

I have been using this now for about 2 months and it works extremely well.

The Infrant NAS's performance is quite a lot higher than the 
Terrastation which makes the combination work.

I am streaming FLAC files to both wired and wireless SQ3's and there is 
no stuttering or dropouts even with 3 players running.

Library size is about 400 or so CD's at this time and getting larger.

I went with the X6 version and 2 mirrored 250gb WD SATA I drives.  (The 
NAS doesn't support SATA II)  I went with the WD RAID drives which are 
designed to be run 24x7 in a RAID box.

The X6 construction is far better than the terrastation I looked at.  3 
Thumbscrews open the case, the 4 drives slide in vertically in pullout 
slides in the center.  Mount the drives, slide them in, close the case 
(All no tools required), and apply power.  Wait 2 hours and the box is 
ready to go.

No questions, no install in the normal sense.  It will use mirroring on 
2 drives and RAID 5 on 3+.  You can add drives later and it will 
automatically reconfigure the array for you.  And if you lose a drive, 
the array is available during rebuild.

The Slimserver version is the current version and easy to install.  
After that, it's the same as the normal version, but you can't add your 
own plugin's like the regular version.

Can't recommend it enough for a simple, reliable and very fast Audio server.

(I'm using another with 4 250gb drives as my local file server for the 
house.  Blazingly fast and it configured the drives and brought up a 
complete working NAS server in 4 hours from power on.)

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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-13 Thread Bruce S .

Is phone support a viable option? I called it twice (this morning during
business hours) and no-one is answering.

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-13 Thread Bruce S .

Phone support (Kevin) got me through the keying in of the encryption
password via the remote correctly. One must right arrow through any
numbers that are 2 or 3 so as to confirm to the software that you are
not typing in a hexadecimal character (ABCDEF). Once that was done
correctly, the connection was made.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help me get this up and running!

Bruce S.

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[slim] Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

I found the manual that comes with the SB3 to be 'slim'. Is there a FAQ
or something that will step me through the setup. What I have found is
that I have somehow got to where it appears that I have made the
connection but I can't get out of the Network connection screens to
some point where I can listen to music or try to listen to music.

I even saw a screen go by that said I had a 70% signal strength. But I
can't browse my music at all, much less play it.

So I need an up to date help file somewhere.


Bruce S.

Bruce S.

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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

Do you mean by that 'did I download and install Slimserver on my
computer'? If that is what you meant by your question, then the answer
is yes. I have been using it for a month and listening via

My problems seems to be related to what the remote can and cannot do.
Right now, it only allows me to scroll through 1) Setup networking, 2)
View current settings 3) Connect with SqueezeNetwork and 4) connect
with That happens even after I cycle power. The signal
strength is good so I have to assume I successfully connected.

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

According to the documentation on the actual Slimserver software
'Getting Started' page, I am supposed to see this welcome screen when I
start up the SB3:

Would you like to set up the player?   
 No, proceed with startup

I don't get that screen and I am forced to deal with Network issues,
which I have already done.

None of the screens that I do see look like what the 'Getting Started'
page says I should either.

Is there any way from Slimserver to tell whether a connection has been
made with the SB3.

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

I now believe you are right. I type ipconfig in the cmd window and
discovered my slimserver ip address. I then correctly entered it after
going through the connection sequence and it failed to connect at that
point. I checked firewall exceptions and they are already checked,
meaning slimserver ports are OK.

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

I think I have done everything properly. Except that the automatic DCHP
bit has me confused. I let it do its automatic thing and after that I
would have thought it would finish but it continues by asking me for my
Slimserver IP address, which I assume is the IP address of my machine.
Why, if it is automatic, does it ask me to type in Slimserver's IP

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

Are those steps you gave steps I can make using the remote on the SB3 or
what? I have never seen those options go by in the time I have been
scrolling through SB3 menus.

I don't know how to make the Slimserver machine ping the SB3 since I
don't know the SB3 IP address. How do I get it? I suspect the answer
would be that I can't ping it since Slimserver software claims 'Your
Player was not found.'

Thanks for everybody's help. I have been waiting for this device to
show up for 7 weeks and now that it is here I am majorly weary of
stressing my way through this difficult setup.

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

After the step where it automatically gets an IP address (DHCP) it
succeeds and displays the IP address. Then it goes to the next screen
where it asks me to select a music source. What it then displays is the
correct IP address that I typed in earlier. If I push the right arrow,
meaning I like that choice, it tries to connect and it then fails. 

My other two choices at that juncture are to enter manually a
Slimserver IP address (which I already did once) and the other choice
is to go for the SqueezeNetwork, which I don't want to do.

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .


1) Squeezebox boots up and says hi 
-- I'll give you that one even though it doesn't say Hi.
2) You press the button, it requests an address from your router
No. I requests an encryption key/router password from me. After I
type it in, it goes off (connecting to wireless network) and comes back
with the Automatic DHCP bit.
3) Your router gives it one -- first potential problem. Did it give an
address? Is the address right? 
It finds an address. How could it find a bogus one? And is it
supposed to be finding the IP address that 'ipconfig' tells me? If it
is, it is not finding the right one. I tried skipping the automatic
DHCP bit and then was asked to type in a bunch of IP address like
things. I got stumped when it asked me for the DNS server address. I
have no idea what a DNS server address is or what its values are.

4) Squeezebox searches the network for a Slimserver -- second
problem. Is the Slimserver PC on the same network? Is Slimserver
Is the firewall open?
I believe the answer to all three of those questions is yes.

5) It connects, it updates its firmware and is good to go.

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

I have tried the manually set the IP address steps. It asks me what the
IP address of the Player is. Why does it ask me what its own IP address
is? I would have thought it knows that itself.Is it allowing me to
assign one for the player willy-nilly? 

If so, why?

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

Thanks for your help Mr. StinkingPig, but I am afraid even though I have
been in software for 22 years, these questions aren't so easy.

1) verify that the Slimserver is running 
I can only assume that since I can see it up that it is running.
2) and that the firewall isn't blocking it.  
I don't know how to go about doing that.

3) Windows Firewall exceptions don't always take effect on
the first try, so try temporarily disabling it. 
I don't get that one since there is nothing to 'take effect'. I
think those firewall exception settings have been set that way since
the moment I installed slimserver. In any case, I didn't set those
firewall exceptions. So I don't know what you mean by 'temporarily
disabling it'.

4)Also make sure you don't have other firewalls helping out.
Don't know how to do that either.

Sorry for being a dummy.

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: Manual

2006-01-12 Thread Bruce S .

Are these not the basic steps?

1) Some kind of general connection is made to the wireless router once
I enter its encryption/password key. This seems happy.

2) Since I select Obtain IP address automatically (DHCP) it goes and
does something and comes back.

3) It displays the found IP address for a few seconds.

4) It then asks me 'Select a music source (1 of 3). When it does so, it
displays as the first choice the IP address of my machine that I
determined by 'ipconfig' and then typed in manually one of the times
earlier when I went through this step. If I select this choice (1 of

5) It then displays 'Connecting to Slimserver' which after a few
seconds fails. This is now being done with my firewall temporarily
disabled. (Not that it needed to be since when I went to the Windows
Security setup I found the 3 requisite 3483 ports already excepted when
I got there).

So it seems there are 2 unique IP addresses involved; one gotten by the
'automatic DHCP' bit and one that it asked me for and now continues to
use unless I make a different choice on step 4 above. If I do that
option I will just end up typing in the same IP address all over again.

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Network control of AV Receiver

2006-01-06 Thread Bruce Hartley

Just got myself a Denon AVR-4306, one of it's novel features is a
network connection.

There is a web interface that allows you to control the amp.

My thinking is to investigate the network control protocol, then
somehow to get slimserver to control it.

What do you guys think?

Does anyone else have one of these AVR-4306s yet?


Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
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[slim] Re: Bind slimserver to URL ?

2005-12-28 Thread Bruce Hartley

other than it looking nicer, is there a reason why you care?

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
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[slim] Re: 2nic help needed

2005-12-26 Thread Bruce Hartley

Not that this answers the question, but why do you need two nics?
Couldn't you set everthing up on the same network?

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
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[slim] Re: Softsqueeze

2005-12-21 Thread Bruce S .

Thanks for all the replies on this. I had a hunch that it was
softsqueeze but I needed some reassurance. Can't wait for the SB3
hardware to show up!

Bruce S.

Bruce S.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2532
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[slim] Re: sb3 issues

2005-12-14 Thread Bruce Hartley

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
 So my posting here isn't enough?

My understanding is that this a community based forum.
The fact that the owners and employees of slim post here is a bonus.
If you want something official, like a warranty replacement, or repair,
then the support email address is the official channel.

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
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[slim] Anyone up for a 2 squeezebox 3 deal in the UK

2005-12-10 Thread Bruce Hartley

Saw a few of these type of posts a while back.
Hope no-one minds.

Does anyone want to get together to get two squeezebox 3s (black
wireless or black wired) in the UK?

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
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[slim] Re: Review my review

2005-12-04 Thread Bruce Hartley

Maybe it's just me, but I've never seen continued shortened to con't.

Surely it should be cont'd?

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
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[slim] Re: any messages for auntie (BBC)?

2005-11-13 Thread Bruce Hartley

mikerob Wrote: 
 Secondly, as mentioned by others, why do they do podcasts in an open
 format (mp3) while streaming uses a closed format and proprietary

I believe it is a rights issue.
Podcasts have all music removed (I believe), so they are only making
available speech and content that they own all rights too.

When streaming, they are playing music that numerous others hold the
rights to, they therefore have to broadcast it in a way that makes it
difficult for the music to be pirated from.

That's my understanding anyway.

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
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[slim] Re: How to reliably/easily backup 100Gb of FLACs?

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Hartley

Yes please.

How do you back up tags with a checksum?
How do you restore tags with that checksum?

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
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[slim] Re: Virtual tracks to remove duplicates.

2005-11-09 Thread Bruce Hartley

oreillymj Wrote: 
 How would users create these binary files? How do they add the special
 tags to tell the Slimserver that they actually point to a file
 somewhere else? How do native players on the PC (like winamp) react
 when they hit these files?

I wasn't suggesting an implementation, simply an alternative blue sky
I agree that your playlist suggestion is quite a clean one.

However at the end of the day, I have had thoughts of removing
duplicates on greatest hits albums before and decided it would be way
more trouble than it is worth.

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18003

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[slim] Re: Virtual tracks to remove duplicates.

2005-11-09 Thread Bruce Hartley

I reckon your wasted 1.2Gb is less than 50 pence worth of disc space.
Is that really a big deal.

How much is your time worth, when your trying to save that 50 pence.

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18003

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Virtual tracks to remove duplicates.

2005-11-08 Thread Bruce Hartley

While we are heading off into the blue sky, what about

In the greatest hits folder you have a very short MP3 file. (or flac
or whatever).

It has no music in it.

It does have the tags that are relevant to that instance of the file,
then a new magic tag, that points to the actual file to use for the
audio portion.

Doable ?

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18003

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[slim] Re: Philosophical Banter

2005-11-08 Thread Bruce Hartley

I'm not so sure.

I agree that if you have an intermission type forum (name stolen from
Remote Central) then it will degrade to lots of political and nosense
posting.  However, you don't have to go there.

On the upside, I think it increases the felling of community when
people can just chat.
It's not really my thing, but I can see why it would be popular, and if
you don't like it, don't go into that forum.

As long as slimdevices can spare the disc and bandwidth, what's the
harm ?

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18018

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[slim] Re: thank you for 6.2

2005-11-06 Thread Bruce Hartley

I think the moose interface allows this, but I think it is windows only.

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17906

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[slim] Re: New From AudioFi - plug and go music server

2005-11-06 Thread Bruce Hartley

so does it use slim server, or something else?

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17923

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[slim] Re: DonĀ“t find wireless network from L inksys SRX router to SB1?

2005-11-06 Thread Bruce Hartley

If the access point is set to 802.11G only, then the SB1 won't see it.

The SB2 has 802.11G but the SB1 has only 802.11B.

Or perhaps it's the security.

i think SB2 does WPA, but the SB1 doesn't.

Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17917

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[slim] Re: Simple Squeezebox without sound capability

2005-10-31 Thread Bruce Hartley

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17599

Question: How many of these would you buy?

- None
- Perhaps one
- At least one

I wanted an SB without sound capability some time back.
So there's one more crazy person for you.

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Map of us all

2005-10-15 Thread Bruce Hartley

Do I win a prize for most SW (UK) squeezebox user ;-)

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Album art on squezebox 2 display

2005-10-09 Thread Bruce Hartley

I have a vague recollection of a utility to display artwork on the
squeezebox display.  The artwork scrolled up on the display.
Did I imagine this?

With the grayscale display on the squeezebox2, could this be done?

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: How do you specify two folders containing music?

2005-10-01 Thread Bruce Hartley

Simpy create a shortcut to one folder from the other.
Or create a new master folder and put shortcuts to your two other
folders in there.

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Parental Control

2005-09-23 Thread Bruce Hartley

I agree smart playlists are the way forward.
But I think they have to be based on what is in the tags somehow.

I think Genres and the standard tags would be best.

I think we can already have multi genres using ; or something?

I don't think I would ever feel happy putting loads of work into
updating the database if there was even the slightest risk that I could
lose it all on a rescan.

I'm sure it's been suggested but surely you would do a search in the
web interface (advanced search or whatever, then save the result as a
playlist, but rather than saving the tracks, it saves the query.

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Parental controls on albums or tracks?

2005-09-22 Thread Bruce Hartley

Another workaround.

If you have the explicit music in a seperate folder, you can have a
shortcut to this folder from your main folder.

If you wanted to temporarily remove these tracks, just remove the
shortcut, they will still appear in all the browse lists but will be

Random would presumably skip past when it discovers the file is not

any good ??

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread Bruce Hartley

Right now I don't think there is an easy way to connect the buttons.

You could always butcher a remote and connect the buttons to that ;-)

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Where is slimserver data stored?

2005-09-13 Thread Bruce Hartley

The easiest way would be to move the entire c:\program files\slimserver\

If you want the auto start service installed, you could then re-install
over the top of it.

This should retain your settings and database.

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Random Play/Mix Did you know?....

2005-09-09 Thread Bruce Hartley
 trying to execute button:
2005-09-09 09:52:32.3963 executing button:
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6693 found button menu_random_artist for 768906f9
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6696 irCode not defined: menu_random_artist.single
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6744 768906f9   87006.643   1126255952.67441
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6747 found button menu_random_artist for 768906f9
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6748 irCode not defined: menu_random_artist.repeat
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6749 irCode = [] timer = [87006.643] timediff =
[0.1073609] last = [modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-artists]
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6777 768906f9   87006.751126255952.67772
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6779 found button menu_random_artist for 768906f9
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6781 irCode not defined: menu_random_artist.repeat
2005-09-09 09:52:32.6782 irCode = [] timer = [87006.75] timediff =
[0.1073609] last = [modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-artists]
2005-09-09 09:52:34.6443 76890af5   87008.784   1126255954.6443
2005-09-09 09:52:34.6447 found button menu_random_album for 76890af5
2005-09-09 09:52:34.6448 found function
modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-albums for button menu_random_album in mode
common from map Default
2005-09-09 09:52:34.6449 irCode = [modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-albums]
timer = [87008.784] timediff = [2.033965] last =
2005-09-09 09:52:34.6450 irCode: modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-albums,
2005-09-09 09:52:34.6452 irCode not defined:
2005-09-09 09:52:34.6453 trying to execute button:
2005-09-09 09:52:34.6455 executing button:
2005-09-09 09:52:34.7939 76890af5   87008.892   1126255954.79383
2005-09-09 09:52:34.7941 found button menu_random_album for 76890af5
2005-09-09 09:52:34.7942 irCode not defined: menu_random_album.repeat
2005-09-09 09:52:34.7943 irCode = [] timer = [87008.892] timediff =
[0.1087451] last = [modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-albums]
2005-09-09 09:52:34.9264 found button menu_random_album for 76890af5
2005-09-09 09:52:34.9267 irCode not defined: menu_random_album.single
2005-09-09 09:52:34.9451 76890af5   87009.001   1126255954.94502
2005-09-09 09:52:34.9453 found button menu_random_album for 76890af5
2005-09-09 09:52:34.9455 irCode not defined: menu_random_album.repeat
2005-09-09 09:52:34.9456 irCode = [] timer = [87009.001] timediff =
[0.108674] last = [modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-albums]
2005-09-09 09:52:36.9496 768902fd   87011.089   1126255956.94953
2005-09-09 09:52:36.9500 irCode not defined: 768902fd
2005-09-09 09:52:36.9501 irCode = [] timer = [87011.089] timediff =
[2.088338] last = [modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-albums]
2005-09-09 09:52:36.9502 irCode: , 00:04:20:05:a8:f1
2005-09-09 09:52:36.9503 irCode not defined: 
2005-09-09 09:52:36.9504 trying to execute button: 
2005-09-09 09:52:36.9505 button  not implemented in this mode
2005-09-09 09:52:37.0570 768902fd   87011.197   1126255957.05692
2005-09-09 09:52:37.0572 irCode not defined: 768902fd.repeat
2005-09-09 09:52:37.0573 irCode = [] timer = [87011.197] timediff =
[0.1072899] last = []
2005-09-09 09:52:37.2066 irCode not defined: 768902fd.single

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Random Play/Mix Did you know?....

2005-09-09 Thread Bruce Hartley

OK, great, thanks.

btw, is 6.2 stable in the song playing department or should I stick
with 6.1.2 nightlies for the time being?

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Parental Control

2005-09-08 Thread Bruce Hartley

not a bad idea, but loading large playlists can take an age.

Also everytime you got new music, you would have to add it.

what about a modification to the random plugin?

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Sean Adams caught red handed!

2005-08-29 Thread Bruce Hartley

would you post a sticker to the UK ?

p.s. Off Topic

I can't help it, I have to tell you all.

My wife had a baby yesterday, our first, a beautiful girl called
If you like pictures of babies - http://www.brucehartley.com/

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Audrey and Handheld Skin - help?

2005-08-29 Thread Bruce Hartley

Sounds like a good reason to dig my Audrey back out of the cupboard !!

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Suggestion for next-generation Squeezebox

2005-08-29 Thread Bruce Hartley

It would require a total change to the squeezebox I think.

At present all the UI, file management etc. is done on the server PC. 
This would require it to be done on the player.

Not saying impossible or course, I guess the processor in the
squeezebox could do a lot if required...?

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Praise for 'Random Play' Plug-in

2005-08-17 Thread Bruce Hartley

BBobley Wrote: 
 I'm posting this in praise of the Random Play plug-in (thanks kdf!).
 This plug-in *really* should be made part of the standard installation.

Don't you just hate me too posts.

But what the hell,   ME TOO 

Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Multiple Profiles?

2005-08-11 Thread Bruce Hartley

I don't know about the whole profiles thing, maybe that's overkill.
But I would like a way of segmenting the music library.

Particularly I would like a way of limiting the choice that the random
plugin could make, but I guess that's one for the 3rd party forum.


Bruce Hartley
Discuss mailing list

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