RE: [Elecraft] [K3] Question about TX gain calibration

2007-11-11 Thread Tom Hammond


For what it may be worth... I saved a LOT of time running this sequence by
performing ALL of the 5W calibrations at one time... leaving the power set
to 5W and running through each band... then, resetting power to 50W and
running through each band again.

MUCH FASTER than having the jump from 5W to 50W on EACH band as you step
from band to band.

And there is no difference in the calibration.


Tom   N0SS

'At 14:48 11/11/2007, Ed Muns wrote:

 When doing the TX gain calibration (page 46/47 of the Owner's Manual):

 1) Does TECH MD have to be on or off? I assume on.

No.  All TECH MD does is allow you to view more parameters in the CONFIG
menu, but that is irrelevant to this calibration procedure.

 2) Does one need to be in the TXGN menu?


 3) Set Power to exactly 5/50/.001 watts somewhere in the K3
 display or adjust power until the reading on the external
 (hopefully) accurate RF power meter is 5/50/.001 watts? And
 then check the reading on the VFO-B display?

Turn the POWER control to set power at 5 or 50 watts.  Hold TUNE and let it
run for 1-2 seconds (until the power display settles).

 4) Go to next band and repeat 3...


Ed - W0YK

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Re: [Elecraft] Co-ax for the K2

2007-11-12 Thread Tom Hammond


Most (maybe some) marine radio shops regularly use white RG-58 and 
RG-8X sized coaxes.


Tom   N0SS

At 17:50 11/12/2007, you wrote:


Can anyone recommend a WHITE coax for antenna lead of about 40-50' ?  My XYL
is very fussy about wires showing and black sticks out like a sore thumb.
Would the coax used by TV cable installers work ok?  I'm only running 100 W
max.  That's the only white coax I've seen.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: [Elecraft] computer headset for K2/K3 SSB

2007-11-16 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Julian:

You might have saved a bit of time if you had found this page: , Chris. Mine works fine with
VOX, though I'm not a big fan of phone either.

Once you get your K3, and try to silky-smooth VOX _it_ offers, you
might change your mind.

I'm (still) not a 'fan' of phone either, but I must admit (grudgingly)
that the K3 has taken a LOT of my dislikes away...

Did I just day that...?  Jeri, quick... come wash my mouth out with soap!!!


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] Newbie Question re: SSB

2007-11-19 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Bob:

I understand that Elecraft transceivers to date have really been a CW ops
dream, which leads me to the following question re the K3: Will phone (SSB)
operators find this rig as wonderful with regard to voice as CW operators do
with CW?

Just finished operating in the SS Phone... NOT my most favorite MODE 
of operating,

though I DO enjoy the Sweepstakes... Because of family commitments, I did not
spend a lot of time in the contest, but I did manage to quite easily knock out
well over 100 Q's with my K3.

I used one of the older Heil ProSet headphone/boom mic combinations, with the
Heil HC5 (wider range than the HC4) element, because I didn't like the highly-
restricted audio range of the HC4. I haven't touched the settings on the 8-band
(TX or RX) audio equalizer, so everything there was 'stock', just like it came
from Elecraft. I'll also note that, antenna-wise, I have a Bencher SkyHawk
tribander at 73 feet and a tri-band (80-40-30) dipole (Inv-V) with the apex
at 72' and the ends down around 20' off the ground.

Being a CW operator at heart, I'm accustomed to operating full QSK on CW, so I
saw little reason NOT to try it on SSB as well... or at least as close to full
QSK VOX SSB as I could anyway.

I set the VOX DELAY to .05 (50 mS), and the MIC IN, VOX GN and ANTIVOX to
points where I cold readily trip the VOX with normal level voice speech, and
to where nothing coming out of the back side of the headphones would cause the
VOX to 'false'. Of course, using headphones, the setting of the ANTIVOX was not
terribly critical, but I was also able to set it so that the VOX didn't false
when I had the cans unplugged from the rig as well.

I first adjusted the MIC IN to give me essentially FULL ALC on the K3's LCD
meter. Then I adjusted the MIC CMP (compression) to give me a nice 'full'
output pattern on the monitor scope. This corresponded to about 101-2 dB of
compression... the effect of the CMP control was REALLY VERY EASY TO SEE,
both on the monitor scope AND on the RF WATTMETER...! Dramatic increase in
average output.

I did some testing prior to the start of the SS, getting both audio quality
and intelligibility reports from a number of operators. To a man, every report
of audio quality was more than glowing! I had one report, from a non-contester,
which said he'd prefer to hear a bit less compression, but that what he was'
hearing during the test was 'clean' and 'very clear' with 'no distortion',
and no clipping of the first syllable of each word as the VOX went on/off
between some words and phrases. A number of reports took the time to volunteer
that what they were hearing did NOT sound like the 'normal contest audio

I ran QRP (5W) in the SS, which is a bit more challenging, not only for the
user, but also for the guy on the other end, trying to copy my signals thru
some really BIG QRM. Though there obviously were times when I didn't get the
guy I was calling, and some times when repeats were required, I'd say that
fully 90% of the time I got my station on the first call. Additionally, I
received MANY(!) completely UNsolicited comments of GREAT SIGNAL and GREAT
AUDIO from other ops who generally won't give you the time of day when they're
trying to knock out as many Qs as possible and offering such comments just
takes away from their available time to make more Q's.

How did the receiver perform? Very well...!

I found that I'd probably have been better off had I added a 2.1kHz 
or possibly

a 1.8kHz SSB filter to my SSB arsenal, but even with only the 2.8kHz roofing
filter available, I was generally able to 'peel off' much of the nearby QRM
and get the other guy's report on the first pass... no requests for repeats
required. Narrowing down the DSP B/W from 2.8kHz to around 2.4kHz and then
adjusting the SHIFT up/dn a bit, on order to roll off QRM from the top/bottom
made copying other stations in the presence of QRM fairly easy... MUCH easier
than with my K2 OR with my TS-950SD...!

The K3's front end is virtually UNCRUNCHABLE!!!  I have a local, W4RK, who
lives almost within rock-throwing distance of me (probably 1/2 mile) and who
runs a 1kW in contests. I found numerous occasions where I'd roll up on a
frequency, work my station, only to find that Bill was 1-2 kHz away and I
never knew it at all...! I hope I wasn't giving him (his FT-2000) any problems,
being that close to him!!!  I ran my AGC in FAST mode the entire contest and
never noticed one instance where a really big nearby signal prevented me from
copying/working the station I was trying to work... just didn't happen.

Back to the VOX for just a second... it was just 'sweet'... I was easily able
to work stations, talking at normal voice levels, and still tell if someone
started talking while I was sending a report, thus allowing me to stop talking
and allow them to either come back to someone else, or to ask for an immediate
fill. Not quite full QSK SSB VOX, but certainly much closer than ANY I've ever
been able to 

RE: [Elecraft] 40 METER ECN 17 Dec 20m

2006-12-18 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Ron:

I HEARD(!) only two (2) stations on 40M last night... KT5X (NM) and KT5E (CO).

I called for check-ins from 0300Z thru 0310Z and those (two) were the 
ONLY signals I heard a peep from... usually, I can hear MUCH more 
than that.. guess the propagation gods weren't looking down on us 
last night... or possibly they WERE looking down... and LAUGHING!

Oh well, there's always NEXT WEEK!  Hmmm Christmas Eve... wonder if 
we'll have a Net then.  If so, I'll be there.

Thanks to those who at least TRIED to QNI.


Tom   N0SS

At 09:19 PM 12/17/2006, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

I was around at 0300 and heard one station calling ECN? on 7045. He never
signed a call. I finally called CQ ECN about 0310 and he came back with a ??
But again no call.

I gave up after several tries. That was the only station I heard on 7045 or
anywhere within 20 kHz of that frequency.


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[Elecraft] ECN Report for 18 Dec 2006

2006-12-18 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Folks:

Last night's propagation left a bit to be desired... actually, it 
left a WHOLE LOT to be desired...!  Here's the dreary report...

ECN 20M 12/18/2006

N0SS  TOM   MOK2/1000008
K6DGW FRED  CAK2/1004298
AC7AC RON   ORK21289
NK6A  DON   CAK2/100
VE3XL RIC   ONK20968

Thanks to Fred, K6DGW for pulling Mike, W3MC, out of the background 
noise. When Mike first attempted to QNI, I had my beam on the west 
coast, but Mike was still 569. However, by the time I went back to 
Mike (after checking-in N7NLU) Mike's signal had gone into the 
dumpster... even when I'd turned the beam back east, I was hearing 
only a peep from Mike... Fortunately, Fred was dogged enough to catch 
Mike's call after several repeated attempts. By the time the net was 
over, Mike was back up to 579/599 status... go figger.

To those on the east coast, and ANYWHERE other than the west coast, 
we really DID try to find you... I called with the beam in all 
directions, and Fred called several times as well... just no 
discernible responses. on 20M.

ECN 40M 12/18/2006

N0SS  TOM   MOK2/1000008
KT5X  FRED  NMK20700
KT5E  JAY   COK25037

40M was even worse!!!  I managed a nice pre-net QSO with Fred, KT5X, 
and then, had it not been for Fred and Jay (KT5E), I'd have been all 
by my lonesome... at least as far as I could hear. I called and 
called, but to what appeared to be a nearly dead band. And I had 
virtually NO BACKGROUND NOISE to speak of, so it wasn't because of 
interference... but to absorption...!

Oh well, there's always NEXT WEEK...!

THANKS to those of you who were able to check into the nets.

For those of you who might be concerned about Kevin and his 
well-being following the horrible winds the Pacific Northwest has 
experienced... here are a few comments from an e-mail recently 
received from Kevin...

  Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 22:13:04 -0800 (GMT-08:00)

  Just got phone service an hour ago. I am now running off
  battery power through an inverter. I have over a thousand
  messages to wade through via webmail. I am running a laptop
  which does not pull mail from the server.

  I am OK, rattled to the extreme, but OK. It took quite a while
  to stop shaking after the tree fell a few feet from where I was
  sitting. I was in the strongest part of the house and to
  windward. The tree limbs were flying over that part of the
  house but not at the windows. None were broken. Drywall and
  broken branches exploded through the new room and the rest of
  the house. Every few feet there was a hole through the roof. If
  I'd have been anywhere but where I was I most likely would have
  holes in me too!

  Power may be back on by Thursday. I have not found the other
  end of the broken G5RV or the tree which was supporting it. If
  the trees were not in straight lines I would say we had been
  hit by a tornado. Hundreds of trees are down on my twenty
  acres. The four Trojan T-105 (backup batteries) started at 12.7
  volts. They are down to 12.2 volts now after booting a desktop
  unit to tranfer files to the laptop and running the IC-706 for
  comms. I still have a J-pole up so I got my nephew to help me
  limb the hemlock and cover the roof with plastic. Luckily the
  wind and rain came to an end. It has snowed but that is not as

  The water I had standing by in five gallon buckets froze but
  that simply made it easier to transfer into the bathroom. I
  used a pan to transfer the top few inches in the toilet tank
  and the poured to the fill line. I've run out of back up water
  so am going to a beaver pond tomorrow to steal some of their's.
  I don't think they will mind because their pond is spring fed.
  I'll get a few more days of flushing water. I have cut my way
  down the mountain and have gotten more supplies. I did heat
  some water on the wood stove for shaving and washing.

  I hope to be back on the air but if priorities push the antenna
  launch date off that is the way it goes. If I get power this
  week it will ease my burden. Sure is nice to have Internet
  contact again! I will stay in touch and keep you apprised of my

  Any ideas on who to call to lift off the hemlock



Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] Don Brown the Solar Controller Man?

2006-12-20 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Ken:

Had been regularly communicating with Don Brown KD5NDB for a while 
on a solar project.

Haven't received any response from my latest two e-mails on Dec 9th 
or the 13th.

Hope all is OK. Dose anyone know if there's a problem?

Don IS OK!!!  I spoke with him a week or so ago, following your previous post.

He had some health concerns a while back, but says he's doing well now.

He said he THOUGHT he'd answered all of his pending e-mails, but I 
think he mentioned that he might have been LOSING some e-mails as well.

Give him another try.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] solder

2006-12-22 Thread Tom Hammond

Robert Johansen wrote:

I found an interesting article on the internet regarding Lead free

For those who visit this document, the Lead-Free Solder tests begin 
on page 10 of this document.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: N0SS' Ham Radio-related files moved to N0SS.NET

2004-08-22 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Leigh:

The img link to your email address at the bottom is broken.
Perhaps that's on purpose...

Yeah... it's on purpose.  Folks can SEE the address, but the spammers can't 
just come in and steal it because it's an image, not text.

BTW, do you sell the boards for your designs?  I'd like to put the
zerobeat board into the K2 I'm building.  I made PC boards back in the
70's but not double sided...

My boards aren't double-sided either... I've made double-sided before, but, 
for a kitchen-made PC board, they're generally a LOT more hassle than 
they're worth. But, thanks to an idea from a local, I now have a method by 
which making them (the two negatives) line up is a LOT easier. I'll share 
it with anyone who might be interested.

Yes, I do offer boards for almost all of my projects. Boards for the KR5L 
Zero Beat LED Indicator are $5 ppd to your door. And I now also offer a 
similar board, with circuit design by Bob Wolbert (K6XX)

which uses an Exar XR-2211 chip instead of the PLL. I'm told that this 
design does a better job of 'following' the CW as it's received... also $5 

I can supply a PDF of either of these projects before you buy/build them.


Tom   N0SS

Re: [Elecraft] N5ESE's T1 review -- excellent, but one correction

2005-04-06 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Leigh:

Despite my tightening the screw on the GND lug with needle-nose, it was 
loose after I soldered it. I don't know if it will get loose again.

Perhaps I have the washer in the wrong place.

For what it may be worth, I used a flat washer on BOTH sides of the plastic 
case (up against the case itself). Then, I used a hand-held socket to 
tighten the nut. Using the flat washers allowed me to apply a higher amount 
of force to tighten the nut since they spread the compressive forces out of 
a slightly wider area of plastic.

I also used two flat washers between the nut and the thumbscrew, so I can 
sandwich the wire between the washers and not have the thumbscrew try to 
expel the wire as it's being tightened down.

I also used a slightly longer screw and then used a pair of heavy-duty wire 
cutters to impart a 'bunged-up thread' right at the end of the screw. this 
keeps the thumbscrew from being accidently unscrewed and lost.


Tom   N0SS

Re: [Elecraft] amplifier keying

2007-01-02 Thread Tom Hammond

William (Bill?):

At 05:09 AM 1/2/2007, Bill Langford wrote:

If I build the K2, how could I key my Ameritron ALS-600 amp?
Is anyone out there driving an amp with their K2?

Yes, many are...

See:  http://www.n0ss/net/k2_t-r_rly_drvr.pdf

The link includes complete documentation for the addition of this K2 
(Basic) External T-R Relay Key Kit.

This link is also available on the Elecraft web site at:

drop down to K2 PARTS AND MOD KITS, and then you'll find it at the 
bottom of that specific listing.


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] amplifier keying

2007-01-02 Thread Tom Hammond

William (Bill?):

Contrary to what some have replied, you DO NOT have to have the 
KPA100 in order to drive an external amp to anywhere from 150W-600W 
output (depending upon your amp). The K2 will drive most amps pretty 
well even with the 15W available from the 'basic' rig. Of course, if 
you do want full output from your amp, them the KPA100 will be the 
better choice of driver. In which case you WILL NOT require the 
device suggested below! The AMPKEYKIT (below) is only required if you 
have the bare bones K2... the KPA100 and the K60XV (60M converter) 
option both include MOSFET drivers capable of keying external amps.


Tom  N0SS

At 05:09 AM 1/2/2007, Bill Langford wrote:

If I build the K2, how could I key my Ameritron ALS-600 amp?
Is anyone out there driving an amp with their K2?

Yes, many are...

See:  http://www.n0ss/net/k2_t-r_rly_drvr.pdf

The link includes complete documentation for the addition of this K2 
(Basic) External T-R Relay Key Kit.

This link is also available on the Elecraft web site at:

drop down to K2 PARTS AND MOD KITS, and then you'll find it at the 
bottom of that specific listing.


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] amplifier keying - earlier version from Elecraft - for sale

2007-01-02 Thread Tom Hammond
And, if you have the parts, I _do_ offer bare PC 
boards for the kit for $6 (USD) ppd to your (US) 
mailbox... $7 (USD) to DX addresses.


Tom   N0SS

At 08:05 AM 1/2/2007, Siu Johnny wrote:

Hi Group,

I have recently upgraded my amplifier keying 
with Tom's kit.  In the past, Elecraft also sold 
an amp keying kit at US$5 plus postage.  This 
earlier version consists of two 2N7000 with 
similar working principle of Tom's kit. This kit 
is now surplus to me. It is a completed kit and ready to be installed in K2.

If any of you are interested, please email me 
off the list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I shall let you 
have it at US$4 to cover my ordinary airmail 
postage + packing materials from HK to US.


Johnny Siu VR2XMC

From: Joe-aa4nn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Joe-aa4nn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: William Langford [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] amplifier keying
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 06:34:22 -0500

You'll need the K2/100, of course.
Then you key the amp with the PA Key out (RCA Jack)
connection on the rear panel of the KPA100.  Easy.
de Joe, aa4nn

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Re: [Elecraft] K2/100 with LK-500Z

2007-01-03 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Ron:

Is there any reason to use a keying interface between these 
two?  The K2 manual says the PA key circuit handles 1 amp at 200v 
DC. The LK manual doens't say what the exact specs are, but from the 
schematic it looks like the LK uses 12V for the TX relay.  I'm an 
appliance operator so sure would appreciate advice before I key the 
amp direct from the rig.

Nope, none whatsoever... the MOSFET at the T-R output of the KPA100 
is more than adequate to key just about any T-R line which offers a 
POSITIVE DC voltage less than about 200VDC and 5A... UNfortunately, 
it will NOT (directly) key some of the older amp T-R lines which 
offered negative voltages.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft ECN Report

2007-01-08 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Folks:

Both 20M and 40M were 'difficult' at best last night... at lease from 
the midwest.

However, I must say that Mark, W7/G3XYS, with his KX1, had by far THE 
BEST signal into mid-Missouri on 20M last night.

Of course, I realize it's just propagation, but I did want mention 
his great signal and to welcome Mark to the ECN... hope he's having 
fun out there in Park City UT... must be hard duty... G


Tom   N0SS

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[Elecraft] NEED TO VISIT THIS LINK (was: Rf chokes too large?)

2007-01-09 Thread Tom Hammond


It deals with the fact that Elecraft appears to have bitten the 
bullet and substituted heavier-duty (and slightly larger) RFCs for 
many of the sub-mini RFCs used in their kits. The end product will be 
fewer damaged RFCs and happier builders. BUT you do NEED to know how 
to handle/install the newer RFCs since they might not fit directly 
into the available holes... here's how.

Thanks to Elecraft for this app note!


Tom   N0SS

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RE: [Elecraft] Re: Elecraft: K2 Audio Problem

2007-01-09 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Ron (and Bernie)

At 05:53 PM 1/9/2007, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

I hope Bernie takes you up on it, Gregg! I'd love to see one of the 'anemic'
units myself.

One of the people who has worked on one (I think he might own it) is Tom,
N0SS, but I never heard if he found a solution.

Yes, I did work on my K2 (s/n 0008) to try to improve what I felt was 
lo AF output. I don't think it was ever quite as bad as Bernie 
portrayed his as being.. mine was just a bit 'impotent'.. so to 
speak... I solved my problem with a Motorola Amplified speaker... NO 

For me, I think some of my perceived problem was that the speaker 
points up, rather than forward... from my 'barefoot' (no ext. spkr) 
K2, I can obtain adequate, though probably not what I'd call 'loud', 
output with the AF Gain set to 11 o'clock or so...


Tom   N0SS 

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[Elecraft] OT - W9C Special Event Stn Needs a little help tomorrow (Saturday)

2007-01-26 Thread Tom Hammond


You may have read my posting (yesterday) regarding the Special Event 
Station (W9C) which will be in operation to commemorate the 90th 
Anniversary of the first transcontinental passing of a formal message 
via radio. More info available at:

Our station will start operating at 2000Z, 27 JAN 2007, on 14.040 MHz 
(+/- QRM), using the callsign W9C. We will have relatives of the 18 
year old operator (9ABD) who was the middle leg of this historic 
event present at our station and one of them will initiate out first 
CQ from W9C.

I'd really like to ensure that this initial CQ is met with a response 
from another station... and I'm asking for some help to ensure that 
this wish comes true.

If you have the time and inclination to help us out, please be listen 
for us on (or near) 14.040 MHz at 2000Z tomorrow (Saturday) and 
respond to your CQ.

Obviously, there's a chance that several stations may respond... we 
will probably come back to the strongest caller, because that will be 
the best 'show' for those present and observing the operation, BUT we 
will make every effort to respond to ALL CALLERS, regardless of how 
long it takes.

Thanks for your time and I hope we will be able to work you this 
weekend from W9C.


Tom   N0SS
for The Mid-MO ARC 9ABD 90th Anniv Celebration

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2007-01-30 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Kevin:

Another fun week.  At least I was able to get on the air a number of
times.  Plus today: I'd been searching for W9C and finally got them on 40

Sunday morning, I was about 10 feet away when you worked Bryan 
(W0ESE), the operator at W9C. UNfortunately, I didn't know you'd 
worked us until I checked the logs about 10 minutes later!  You 
should have had him call me or at least said HI...!  Heheh!

We finished with just under 300 Q's for the 24 hours.

We did NOT operate CW the entire time. In fact, about 60% of our 
operation this time was on SSB... actually the FIRST time we've 
really had any(!) participation from our fone ops for ANY of our 
Special Event operations... we REALLY pushed for participation from 
ALL of our Club members this time... and it worked, BUT it also meant 
that the CW ops didn't get as much decent operating time... 
regardless, it was still VERY worthwhile having the fone ops joining 
us for this activity. I'm just sorry we missed ANYONE.

We made a BUNCH of Qs on 80M, but apparently not when you were 
listening... sorry we missed you there.

Operations ended at 2000Z Sunday... took us about 10 minutes to drop 
the dipole on the roof of the church where we were operating (in 19 
degree temps) and another HOUR to disassembly the vertical which 
(fortunately) was at ground level. I'd had only 2 hours of sleep 
(1000Z-1200Z Sunday morning), so I opted not to try to QNI ECNs... sorry.



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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for February 4th 5th, 2007

2007-02-06 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Geoff:

Of course, DX is welcome to QNI ANY TIME!!!



At 08:27 AM 2/6/2007, Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy wrote:

Kevin KD5ONS wrote:

Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for February 4th  5th, 2007

However, some of the new procedure worked.  Hail signs made it
easy to copy folks first time (if the QSB did not eat you up first).  But
calling by the numbers needs a little revision.  I think I will name the
five areas instead.  How about 1, 2, 3 as NE; 4 as SE; 8, 9 as Lakes
(Great Lakes); 0, 5 as Central; and 6, 7 as West.



Would you like to consider adding 'DX'  to the areas you name, after 
'West' might be the right time before returning to 'NE'?


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Re: [Elecraft] Grounding X7-X11

2007-02-11 Thread Tom Hammond


Do the crystals, X7-X11 NEED to be grounded on both sides?  I see 
the concern about heat and will comply, but I have VERY large hands 
and do not want to attempt to ground both sides if it is not needed.  Thanks

I've found it to be much more difficult to ground the xtals AFTER THE FACT...

I found it a lot easier to attach the grounding wires BEFORE I 
inserted and soldered xtals onto the PC board.

It's not difficult to use clipped component leads and pre-attach them 
to the sides of the xtals and THEN install the xtals and grounding 
wires all at one time.

By pre-viewing the PC board holes for each xtal, it's not difficult 
to get a pretty good idea of where the grounding leads need to be 
installed onto the sides of the xtal. And the grounding leads can be 
bent just a bit, AFTER being attached to the xtal case, in order to 
achieve proper seating of the xtal.

Hope this helps.


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] k1 back light clear plastic covering?

2007-02-12 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Tom:

In the process of installing the back light for my K1 # 1848, The 
instructions stated to remove the clear plastic that covers the 
front of the back light. I don't see this clear plastic sheet?

I just happen to have fifty (50) of the future K1 backlights on my 
desk right now, to be cut into two pieces for K1 backlights. Looking 
at this supply, it appears that they no longer have the clear plastic 
cover over the opaque plastic cover on the front of the backlight.

So I guess that particular part of the instructions is no longer applicable.

If it ain't there... don't sweat it.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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re:[Elecraft] Builder Alert: Wiring the New Type of K2 External Speaker Jack

2007-02-13 Thread Tom Hammond



The link (for some odd reason) failed to be properly highlighted in 
the original posting from Brian Broggie.


Tom   N0SS

At 12:44 PM 2/13/2007, you wrote:
Is anyone else having trouble downloading this latest Builder's 
alert?  I'm not getting it from the website, although I can download 
the Soldering Tutorial just below it.  I tried copying and pasting 
the .pdf address from the subject original message to no avail.

I'd really like to see this, as my K2 external speaker jack has never worked.

Chuck  NI0C
K2 s/n 5853

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[Elecraft] Looking for a specific dummyload link

2007-02-17 Thread Tom Hammond


A few (maybe several... or many, I forget) months back someone posted 
to this reflector a link to an equipment (used/surplus equipt. I 
think) which offered a number of different really nice dummy loads 
(good to at least 1.2HHz) for extremely reasonable prices. Among 
those dummy loads offered were those for 15W, 65W, and 150W... all 
had N-connector input connections. I believe all were probably 
originally salvaged from CelWave circulators as I bought a CelWave 
circulator ($50) at Dayton last year which contains ALL THREE of the 
above mentioned dummy loads.

I now have several locals looking to purchase dummy loads for 
themselves and this site would be the perfect source. They are great 
lil dummy loads, and even better when the price is considered.

If you happen to have the link, or know if it, please forward it to me.

Thanks for your time.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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[Elecraft] Call off the dogs! Dummy load link HAS BEEN FOUND

2007-02-17 Thread Tom Hammond

Thanks to a number(!) of folks who provided the exact link I was looking for...

The specific dummy loads I was inquiring about were their models 1983 
(15W), 1973 (they show 75W, CelWave sez 65W), AND 2308 (200w, CelWave 
sez 150w).

The prices are great and they work very well.



Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT/100 not working

2007-03-02 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Charles:

There are MANY KAT100s out there, and to my knowledge, there have 
been no such firmware problems reported.

Rather than expecting damage, were I you, UNLESS you truly SUSPECT 
damage for some reason other than PURE MAGIC, I'd start looking for 
an UNsoldered joint, or possibly a poorly-soldered joint.

That fact that the KAT100 once worked (and apparently properly) tends 
to imply that everything is in its place. However, it only takes one 
'flakey' connection to cause problems. Sometimes a flakey connection 
will allow things to work for a period of time, but then, after a few 
days, the connection will build up a thin layer of oxidation which 
acts as an insulator and then only allows the connection to appear to 
work correctly following a bit of 'agitation' (movement, or other 
jolt to cause the oxidation to be broken for a short time).

Good luck,

Tom HammondN0SS

My KAT/100 was completed and put into service on 28th January 2007.
Today (2nd March) it was working on 80m when first switched on.
I changed frequency from 3525 to 3577 and it would not retune.
Normally this would have been retuned instantly.

Now it will not tune on low power into a dummy load on any band except 40m.
When trying to tune on low power into the dummy load on other bands it mostly
comes to rest at 5:1 or some other unworkable SWR.

My suspiscion is that this is a firmware glitch.  Is there any way that I can
confirm this?

I have removed the lid for visual inspection and can see no obvious signs of

I would be most grateful for any helpful advice.

The K2/100 is still working perfectly but through a manual matching unit :-)

Charles - M0BIN - K2/100 Nr 5901

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RE: [Elecraft] Inventory

2007-03-02 Thread Tom Hammond
Heath, if I recall, used to ID some devices by SIZE, specifically a 
scale-drawn illustration you could lay the suspect component against.

Might work in this case, esp. since Elecraft used several different 
SIZES of RFC in their kits... if all the same color, and possibly the 
same color coding, the only difference will be size.

But I don't look for them to go out and immediately reprint that 
(just printed) batch of new manuals... G.



At 12:42 PM 3/2/2007, Don Wilhelm wrote:


IMHO it is a mistake for a kit manufacturer to attempt to identify
components by body colors.  The ROHS compliant changes at Elecraft over the
past year or more have pointed out the futility of that attempt.

Identifying the component body color was likely an effort to help the
builder, but by initially doing that, the effort has now caused more
confusion.  A component can be one color today and another color tomorrow
(except for the color code bands).


 -Original Message-

 Hi all,
 I was recently doing inventory on my new K2, and on page 5 of the RF
 section I found a slight discrepancy. In the description of RFC4,
 RFC5, RFC8, RFC9, and RFC7, it says they have green bodies. However
 mine have the same color bands but have tan bodies.  Will this make
 any difference?
 Thanks for the help!

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Re: [Elecraft] Tororids

2007-03-06 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Al (or is it Dianne?)... no sig, can't tell... sorry!

I'm having trouble tinning my toroid leads. In spite
of rigorous cleaning they just don't want to accept
solder ( Kester 44 ). Will adding some paste flux
interfere with electrical qualities of the leads ?

Adding flux won't hurt... BUT, it won't help either!!!

Chances are that it's HEAT you're lacking!

1) What are you using for your soldering device?

2) Is is controllable with regard to temperature?

3) How long are you applying the heat to the wire?

4) Are you starting at the CUT END of the wire, or
   at the middle of the wire?

Here's the technique which I've used for years. It's seldom failed
to yield satisfactory results:

   (otherwise, you'll waste a LOT of time...)

2) Cut the wire to length

3) Set soldering iron to STUN (actually, 750-800 deg F) and allow
   it to come up to temp.

4) Set iron on desk so the FLAT of the tip is horizontal.

5) Melt a small blob of solder onto the flat side of the tip.

6) Insert the CLIPPED TIP(!) of the wire into the solder blob and
   leave it there for 3-4 seconds. If you really DO have heat-
   strippable enamel AND if the iron tip temp is adequate, the
   enamel should begin to bubble and smoke in 3-4 seconds (IF you
   stuck the CUT (bare copper) tip of the wire into the solder).

7) Once the enamel starts to bubble and smoke, apply a bit more
   solder to the tip and advance the wire thru the 'blob', until
   you've melted all of the enamel and left a coating of solder on
   the wire.

8) Reverse the process... slowly remove the wire be pulling it out
   of the blob in the same manner as when you inserted it. This
   should leave you with a nicely tinned lead, but possibly one
   with some 'dross' remaining on the lead. 'Dross' is the burnt
   enamel which can usually be pretty easily stripped off the lead
   by merely scraping a fingernail against it.

It is IMPORTANT to insert the CLIPPED TIP of the wire into the solder
blow, because you want the bare copper to be the first thing to
contact the heat... bare copper conducts heat MUCH more quickly than
trying to 'force' the heat thru a layer of enamel.

Good luck,

Tom Hammond   N0SS


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Re: [Elecraft] Toroid enamel covering

2007-03-06 Thread Tom Hammond


I am curious about the removal of toroid wire enamel covering 
material in preparation for winding. Is it essential that bare wire 
not touch the toroid ring?

Most of the toroidal cores (ferrite, colored cores) used in Elecraft 
kits are NON-CONDUCTIVE, so it's not nearly as important to not have 
a bear wire touching the core.

However, some of the non-ferrite cores may be somewhat conductive.

I usually try  to tin the lead up about halfway PAST the bottom edge 
of the core, so that when I install the inductor, and when I PULL on 
the lead, to snug it down, I'll pull the TINNED part of the wire into 
the plated-thru hole while NOT pulling in any UNTINNED part of the lead.

Hope this helps a bit.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] HF Digital interface for the K2...

2007-03-10 Thread Tom Hammond

Don Wilhelm, W3FPR, offers a really nice fixed output interface for the K2.

However, it may NOT offer output of the CW SIDETONE, since that comes 
in on a different input port to the AF amp and is not currently 
sampled by the fixed output amp.

Contact Don at:  Don Wilhelm W3FPR [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Tom Hammond   N0SS

At 11:18 AM 3/10/2007, Peter wrote:


A small audio amp. and you have fixed audio level at the back.


Tony Lyon schreef:

Thanks Being able to connect to the J5 connector looks like it 
will do the trick. I looked
in the K2 manual and I noticed that the J5 AF output is derived 
directly  from pins 4 and 5

of the NE602 product detector.

So, my next question is:.
Does the NE602  have enough output drive to drive the AF input of a 

Tony Lyon (KJ5XF)

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Re: [Elecraft] Question from a newbie

2007-03-11 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Pete:

I'm always the 'late' one to reply it seems...

The KNB2 is a very good blanker... on CERTAIN noise types... but, as 
with virtually blankers, you DO have to have the right type of noise.

It's generally very good no line noise, sparkplug/elec. mixer/elec. 
fencer noises as well.

If you're interested, 
download  from my web site and 
take a listen to my KNB2 in action. This was NOT a 'set-up' 
demonstration, I just happened to tune across a 20M signal one day 
when my line noise was pretty much out of sight, turned the KNB2 on, 
and the noise disappeared... figgered it was a good demo, so I 
recorded a bit of it.

I have to say as well that there WILL be times when the KNB2 will 
appear to do NOTHING, even though I feel it should be doing its job 
on some noise I'm hearing. Though I've not 'scoped out' the noise, 
it's apparent that it must have some characteristic that the KNB2 
doesn't like, or can't cope with, so the noise remains... but in 
general, the KNB2 works very well... FOR ME anyway!


Tom HammondN0SS

At 07:44 PM 3/10/2007, you wrote:

I have come into possession of a K2/100 with the DSP filter (KDSP2) but does
not have the noise blanker (KNB2).
Question: (1) Is the noise blanker a worthwhile purchase?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
73, Pete-K8PT

725 W. Magnetic St.
Marquette, Mi. 49855

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Re: [Elecraft] Question from a newbie

2007-03-12 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Bob:

I wonder if those that see no results from the KNB2 have forgotten 
to remove a jumper or something?

I could not operate without the KNB2.

I have line noise that runs 20 dB over s9 at my location on 80 
meters (almost as bad on 60, 40, 30, and 20) without the KNB2. 
Operations of any kind would be impractical.

Yesterday morning, I had some pretty horrendous line noise, which the 
KNB2 completely eliminated... then, in the afternoon I had what 
appeared to be the same noise (at least it SOUNDED the same to my 
ears), but the KNB2 couldn't do much at all. Same band, same RX 
settings, same antenna (and pointed in the same direction), same 
apparent direction of the noise, but something(!) had changed, to the 
point that the NB couldn't blank it adequately.

Of course, the NB in my TS-950SD couldn't/didn't touch it either!

But I agree that the KNB2, when it 'sees' an appropriate noise type, 


Tom   N0SS

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RE: [Elecraft] Kit arrived...

2007-03-17 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Brett:

I got my front panel board done today, and
started on the RF board.

So far all seems good, very easy to build, at least
so far

In case anyone is wondering, they are up to SN 6065!

I have read a bit here about setting up the filters, and
it being critical, and you need the spectrogram software.
Well, it seems to me if you need that to set the
rig up so it works correctly, it should be included
with the kit?

You don't NEED Spectrogram, but it does help quite a bit.

The last shareware version of Spectrogram (v5.1.7) is available
at You can find it on both the K2- and K1-specific
pages of this site, along with K2- and K1-specific PDF documcents
for ease of using it.

Would a spectrum analyzer help?
I have a nice HP 8592l that I used on the homebrew receivers,
could I use it on the K2 to set the filters up?

I'm sure you could use it as well. But you'll have to get info
from someone else. I've never had an opportunity to use a real
spectrum analyzer in that use.


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] Cable X-Perts RG-8 vs Davis Bury Flex

2007-03-21 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Jeff:

I've read that Davis Bury Flex is very good (low loss) coax. I have
Cable X-Perts RG-8 (50 feet of it) as my feedline right now.  Is it
worth my time and $ making a change to Davis Bury Flex or something

Personal opinion follows... take it for what little it may be worth...

The Davis RF Bury-Flex is just about equivalent to Belden 9913 
low-loss coax, BUT it's better in the respect that it can be directly 
BURIED for long periods of time with little degradation in the 
polyethylene outer covering.

I use Bury-Flex exclusively between my Shack and the top of my tower, 
a total of about 220' for each run.

This having been said, and for only a 50-foot run, used on HF, I'd by 
lying if I said that you'd notice ANY substantive benefit from 
switching from what you now have to Bury-Flex.

Good luck,

Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 filter adjustment- frequency

2007-03-29 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Mick:

Just about finished building and got the first watts out of my K2.


However I need some advice please


1.  If I tune to a carrier on F1 (ie filter position 1), at the same 
pitch it is 1 KHz higher on F2,F3 and F4 (which are all the same) 
Presume this is about BFO adjustment but can't see where to go. Any 
advice please - apologies in advance as I think this is probably a 
pretty simple mistake by me!.

When you find that one (or more) of your XFIL settings causes you to 
have to tune 'elsewhere' to 'find' the signal, this is almost always 
the result of having placed the BFO to the wrong side of the filter's 
center frequency (e.g. to the opposite sideband).

Assuming you are on 40M (or any band BELOW 15M), all of the BFO 
Freq./DAC values for CW Normal XFILs should be BELOW the recorded 
center freq. for the filter. For CW REVerse, all values should be 
ABOVE the filter center frequency. Note that as you narrow the 
bandwidth of the filter, the filter CENTER freq. will drop slightly, 
so it's always best to re-check to confirm exactly where the center 
freq. is when you switch to the next filter setting. However, the 
filter center will NOT change if merely switching between CW N and CW 
REV, just as the bandwidths change.

If you haven't considered doing so, you might want to try downloading 
a copy of Spectrogram v5.1.7 from my web site at (from 
the K2-Specific page), and also a copy of the XFIL alignment docs 
which appear just below the link to download Spectrogram (same page).

2.  I find that tuning L1, L2 ,L3 and L4 is very broad - no very 
obvious peak? Is that right? - receiver seems sensitive enough but a 
bit low on gain using headphones (without preamp).

Without the PREAMP, you may find sensitivity a bit low on 20M and 
above. Generally sensitivity is more than adequate between 160M and 
30M without the preamp.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] DSP and CW?

2007-03-29 Thread Tom Hammond


Stephen W. Kercel wrote:

There is one claim that I thought was an exaggeration, until I heard 
for myself. With the denoiser on and set very aggressive, the audio 
output in the absence of a signal is so quiet that you'll think that 
the radio is off. This in no exaggeration. On a quiet band with the 
denoiser on, I find myself occasionally toggling it off just to 
verify that the radio is working OK.

Like Steve, I've found the Noise Reduction to make received signals 
'watery', BUT when I use it (and I ONLY use it mobile) it is 
absolutely WONDERFUL for nearly making it as though there was a CW 
SQUELCH feature in the K2. Virtually all(!) background noises 
disappear and I only hear something when there's an in-band signal 
present. Sometimes I leave the DSP NR enables throughout the QSO, 
other times I don't. It depends upon what I'm listening for at the 
time, but the NR DOES WORK.

On the other hand, I have never found the noise blanker to be 
effective against the kind of noise present in my setting. Again, 
the experience of different users varies according to their circumstances.

I've had GREAT experiences with the NB, and then some less than great 
as well. MOST(!) times it'll do a very fine job of blanking spikey 
interference, but then there are times when it's as though I never 
turned it on.

Would I buy either again...yup... BOTH!  Though, if you don't need 
the NR feature of the DSP, the KAF2 is a nice, lower cost alternative 
for CW reception. I don't operate fone, so I can't comment upon how 
the DSP works on SSB.


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] DSP and CW?

2007-03-29 Thread Tom Hammond


Can you still use the plain audio CW filters once you install the 
DSP? This DSP is extremely flexible and I can't image that each 
person couldn't get some

settings that will be useful to them, although it may take some time.

You can have only one (1) audio filter installed at a time, KAF2 or 
KDSP2, but not both, sorry.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] K2- frequencies

2007-03-30 Thread Tom Hammond


Thanks for replies to my problem with filters - now sorted and I can 
hear the same signal on all filter settings!

Got watts coming out the back but no QSOs - I find that the transmit 
freq is more than 1 KHz lower than receive (which is about 2 KHz 
lower than the digital display. Can't find anything on the site to 
help but yet again sure I am doing something stupid.

Sounds as though there's still(!) an XFIL/BFO alignment problem.

1) Confirm that RIT (or XIT) has not been enabled.

2) What SIDETONE tone (ST P) have you selected?

3) Please send me the CAL FIL DAC (or frequency) values you now
   have for both CWN and CW REV. AND the values for the filter
   CENTER FREQ. (or DAC value) for each bandwith you've chosen.

4) On what band did you perform the CAL FIL operation? If you did
   it on on 15M or above, you MUST INVERT the 'sense' of the side-
   bands... e.g. CWN XFIL values will be ABOVE filter center
   instead of being BELOW, etc.  40M is probably the best band to
   use when performing CAL FIL.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] DSP and CW?

2007-03-30 Thread Tom Hammond


Most certainly you CAN use the XFIL and DSP in tandem!!!  Works nicely.


Tom HammondN0SS

At 05:09 PM 3/29/2007, you wrote:
That is actually what I meant. I am very happy with the crystal 
filters. I want
the option of using them OR the DSP. I already know I like the 
crystal filters.

But I expect to enjoy the DSP as well. Just want options.


Tom KG3V

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Re: [Elecraft] headphone jack

2007-03-30 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Ken:

I am now on my second headphone jack they dont seem to support the 
wieght of a plug and adaptor.

I read somewhere of a mod for replacing the normal jack but I can,t 
find it now. Can anyone help?

I saw that e-mail a while back, but I don't recall what was used.

For what little it may be worth, I REFUSE to plug ANY 'adaptor' into 
any of the jacks of my rigs... PERIOD...!

If some form of 'adaptation' is required to go from a larger to a 
smaller diameter connector (or the reverse), I will make a short (6 
or so) CABLE with the requisite (adapting) connectors installed on each.

Using size-to-size adaptors places a significant amount of stress 
upon the innards of connector jacks, especially the 3.5mm and 2.5mm 
styles, which will often cause them to break and/or fail. Using short 
adaptor CABLES, which reduce the amount of stress by 'remoting' the 
heavy connecting plugs (and thus the weight) has allowed me to retain 
all of the original jacks in my K2, and K1, since 1998.

Just my personal opinion... YMMV.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 CW filter alignment

2007-04-02 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Sam:

I really didn't want to get into the in depth BFO alignment stuff 
yet and am hopefully assuming it's on the correct side. My question 
arose when I wanted to move the previous owners cw center frequency 
up from 500hz to 600hz. Using the instructions I found on:

Everything went well, the center frequency is now 600hz and the 
filters look and sound nice and tight.

Referencing page 8 of the above pdf I ran in to a problem, so it 
says. The DAC in CW Normal does is not lower than the determined 
center frequency value.

Then I read on page 9 and it says *if* the BFO is on the wrong side, 
(which the DAC readings would seem to indicate), one or more filter 
setting would show a shift of the center freq and be more than 200hz 
off. All the filter settings are dead on, no vfo changes needed when 
cycling thru the 4 settings.

The BFO center frequencies shift downward as the bandwidth is 
narrowed, so you must determine where 'center' is for each bandwidth. 
Then, the CW Normal DAC/Freq. values should ALL be below the filter 
center freq determined for EACH bandwidth selected. And the CW 
Reverse DAC/Freq. values should all be above filter center.

If you can change bandwidths and not have to re-tune the VFO to 
'find' the station, chances are that everything is A-OK.

However, once the filters are aligned for a selected sidetone 
frequency, if you change the sidetone freq. the filters will NOT 
automatically 'track' the change, you must re-align to the new 
sidetone freq. Some folks got the mistaken impression that tracking 
was automatic, and it's not.

SO what's the deal here, do I ignore the DAC readings?
Bandwidths used are 1400, 800, 400, 100.

Center freq DAO  CW Normal DAO
142   157
135   154
130   152
128   151

These values might well be CORRECT if you are performing the 
alignment on 15M and above, but they should be wrong if you are 
performing the alignment on bands below 15M. The recommended band for 
performing CAL FIL is 40M.

Ah the joys of a rig you can actually work on, heheheh.

Hope this helps. If not gimme a SHOUT!


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 CW filter alignment

2007-04-02 Thread Tom Hammond


Then I read on page 9 and it says *if* the BFO is on the wrong 
side, (which the DAC readings would seem to indicate), one or more 
filter setting would show a shift of the center freq and be more than 200hz

*correction that was meant to say 20 hz off*

off. All the filter settings are dead on, no vfo changes needed 
when cycling thru the 4 settings.

Generally, if one or more filters is set to the opposite sideband, 
tuning will actually be closer to 800Hz-2kHz, depending upon the 
Sidetone selected.



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Re: [Elecraft] K2 and Digital Modes

2007-04-08 Thread Tom Hammond


I'm thinking of buying the kit for the K2 with the 100 watt PA. I 
will mainly be operating on Digital modes such as PSK 31 MFSK 16 
RTTY and Hellschreiber. I will be using a Tigertronics SL 1+ 
interface but was wondering if there are any known problems with the 
K2 and any or all of these modes before I buy the Kit and start building.

The KPA100 is a nice 100W amp, BUT it is NOT rated for 100% duty 
cycle in digital (continuous-duty carrier) modes. In fact, were it 
me, I'd probably not run it at more than about 40W output if I was 
using it on a digital mode.

You COULD probably run it at somewhat higher output IF:

 1) You remoted the KPA100, as MANY(!) have done, to a separate EC2
enclosure, AND

 2) IF you took steps to BLOW A LOT of air across the heatsink.

At higher continuous duty output power levels, I'd want to pass a
LOT of air across both the TOP and the BOTTOM (between the PC board 
and the heatsink) of the heatsink.


Tom Hammond 

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Frequency adjustment

2007-04-14 Thread Tom Hammond


Got my K2 on the air on CW and SSB and many thanks to those who have 
helped me.

I now need to get the frequency reading accurately - cannot hear WWV 
here (today at least) so would appreciate advice on simple means of 
adjusting C22 accurately. Currently the K reads 0.28 KHz high 
compared to my FT2000.
Second point - just installed NB - I seem to have more noise with 
the preamp than previously even when off. Does this observation ring 
any bells or is it my paranoid imagination?

Thanks again - esp to Elecraft who got a noise generator kit to me 
in 6 days over the Easter break - pretty good for Ca to UK. Helped a 
lot with filter adjustments.

If your TS-2000 is capable of generating RF output at 10.000MHz, you 
now have your own BUILT-IN WWV!!!  Turn the POWER on the TS-2000 to 
ZERO or as far down as it can go. Set the TS-2000 to TX (AM mode if 
available) on 10.000.00 MHz. Transmit into a dummyload, and you're 
good to go!  Follow the docs for aligning to WWV at 10MHz.

If that doesn't work, but IF the TS-2000 offers a 100kHz (or 1MHz) 
xtal cal. use it as a sign gen, with a short 'sense' antenna 
connected to the K2 and capacitively coupled to the TS-2000's ANT 
jack (should be enough for the K2 to hear the xtal calib.  Still a 
source of accurate 10MHz signal.


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net NCS request

2007-04-25 Thread Tom Hammond


I forgot... I should be back home on Saturday night... should be able 
to TRY to call the Net on Sunday, unless something unforeseen comes up.

So I'll PLAN on being available for both nets.

I don't think I can do as well as you, but I'll give it a shot... 
maybe some of the folks out there will help with relays I won't be 
able to hear, AND will help as NCS from the other coasts.


Tom   N0SS


C U Friday, maybe around 2 p.m. at OzarkCon

At 07:30 PM 4/25/2007, Kevin Rock wrote:

Good Evening,
   Tomorrow morning I am flying out East to attend OzarkCon in Joplin,
Missouri.  I'll be gone until Monday.  I will not be taking a radio.  I
should be surrounded by rigs while there but am not sure I will get a
chance to get on the air.  I have not heard (nor read) any offers for
taking over as NCS for ECN.  It looks like I will have to cancel it for
this Sunday.  However, that does not mean you can't get on the air and try
to raise another KX1, K1, or K2 operator at the appointed time and
frequency.  I am sure there will be someone listening if you call CQ.
   So, until the first Sunday in May stay well.
  Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator on Vacation :)
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Re: [Elecraft] Now for the real question about the K3!

2007-04-29 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Lee:

Lee Buller (K0WA) wrote:

OK  Here is the real question.

How did you keep the K3 a secret?  Lots of guys working on the
K3 project plus the testers.  How did you keep the secret?

Oh... mostly threats of having Vinnie (or Lisa) come over and
break our kneecaps...!


Tom   N0SS

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[Elecraft] ECN Report for 04/29 04/30 2007

2007-04-29 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Folks:

Conditions were a bit less than optimal tonight, but we did manage to 
find and pull out a few folks on each net tonight... not nearly as 
cleanly done as when Kevin calls it though.

MANY thanks to those who helped relay in those stations who couldn't 
hear or or whom I couldn't hear.


Tom   N0SS

Any errors in the info below are mine.

ECN  20M  04/29/2007

 AA4AK   STEVE   ME  K2  5383

ECN 40M  04/30/2007

 N5SMSCOTT   TX  K2  5846
 KD50NS  KEVIN   OKAlmost MISSED Kevin when he checked in from KL7V/5(!)

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 build time and diagnostics

2007-05-01 Thread Tom Hammond


A while back (well, several DAYS ago) I seem to recall seeing Wayne 
comment that his take on 'build time' was between 6 and 8 hours.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

At 09:03 AM 5/1/2007, you wrote:
As owner of K2 No. 2005 I look forward to owning a K3 some time in 
the future. Nice job Elecraft!

I haven't yet seen an estimated build time for the K3. The consensus 
seems the K2 is usually around 40-60 hours for the first time K2 
builder. Because of the K3's modular plug in construction I would 
assume the build time will be much less. Any estimates on the build time?

Also, I am curious as to how smart the K3 is in regards to self 
diagnostics for potential failures of various boards or components. 
Is there a significant amount of the routine (say compared to the 
K2) devoted to isolating and detecting faults and failures?

And are the boards designed (and/or will Elecraft encourage) for the 
builder/owner to fix them on site? Or once a potential troublesome 
board is identified will we normally send it back for repair or exchange?

The two items I like the most on my K2 (and other Elecraft product) 
is firstly the performance and at a close second is I never have to 
worry about being unable to fix, service, or align the radio. Of 
course, it is obvious the K3 retains both those qualities.

Bradenton, FL
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Re: [Elecraft] Wish List - K3 with TIVO

2007-05-01 Thread Tom Hammond


Ya think we could get a TIVO backup in the K3?

It's there... if I recall, I think the K3 offers 30-seconds of RX 
audio playback... maybe longer.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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[Elecraft] EQP Results Re-Posted

2007-05-02 Thread Tom Hammond


Just received a note from Roger, WA7BOC, who thinks he might have had 
problems with a prior attempt to post the results of the EQP 
(Elecraft QSO Party) to the reflector. I (personally) saw them, but 
they were formatted for a proportional font and were pretty 
unreadable in my fixed-pitch font viewer.

Anyway, Roger asked if I'd re-port for him, in case he really did 
have problems. So here the results are... note that I've taken the 
liberty of including listings formatted for BOTH proportional AND 
fixed-pitch fonts, so hop you can easily view one of the two listings.

Thanks Rog for all your hard work on this.


Tom   N0SS

Hi Tom,

A favor to ask of you...I must not be holding my mouth
rightbut I am unable to get anything to post on the
reflector..something simple I am sure

Anyway, I have compiled the 2007 EQP results and submitted them to the
reflector as the folks in Aptos are rather busy at the moment, (hmmm,
wonder why!!)

Here is the message:

Here are the preliminary results as I have them from Eric.
Amazing that he was able to get them to me before heading out
to Visalia!! If you spot any errors, they are mine.let me
know and I will edit before submitting to Aptos. The 'soapbox' comments
will be compiled as well and sent to Lisa after you have a chance
to look over the scoring.

Any stragglers that would like to be added Here is your chance.
I can not calculate the scores for the first three operators as I have
incomplete data. Their data, as submitted, will be in the 'soapbox'
comments, however.

Need some EQP operating tips? maybe Bob, W1SOC could offer some pointers!

73, Roger WA7BOC, K2 #755

burch.craft at gmail.comsub the @ for at


CallName  QTH   Score  Rig 
Serial #'s
K4NVJ   Joe   AL  NA  K1,K2 
  764, 4155
N0TK Dan  CO NA  K2 
W1TFRalphGA NA  K1 

W1SOC Bob  FL  269,500   KX1, K1, K270, 438, 64
N7OUBill   OR   18,648K2, 
KX1  437, 385

NB1BDennis  MA   15,260   K2
K1EPEdMA 3,591   KX1666
K5OI Tim   NM 2,968   K2 

N1LUDon   NH 1,050   KX1
DK0SU TomGermany 960K2  4138
PA0RBO   RobNetherlands 875K2  2406
N2WN  JuliusTN875K2 

WA8SAN  Mike OH   560K1  2290
LZ1VB  Val  Bulgaria 315 K2 
K4JPN  SteveGA   280 K2 

K9FHPhil   IL140   TS-2000
RW3AI  Valery Russia  140Icom 7800
NI0C Chuck   MO   45  K2 
JA???   Osugi Japan   21 K1 

WA7BOC  Roger   WA   20  K2755
LA3ZA  Sverre  Norway8   K2 
N0BK   BruceMN 5  K2 


CallNameQTH  ScoreRigSerial #'s
K4NVJ   Joe AL   NA   K1,K2   764, 4155
N0TKDan CO   NA   K23652
W1TFRalph   GA   NA   K11423
W1SOC   Bob FL  269,500   KX1, K1, K2   70, 438, 64
N7OUBillOR   18,648   K2, KX1 437, 385
NB1BDennis  MA   15,260   K2
K1EPEd  MA3,591   KX1666
K5OITim NM2,968   K2  63
N1LUDon NH1,050   KX1
DK0SU   Tom Germany 960   K24138
PA0RBO  Rob Netherlands 875   K22406
N2WNJulius  TN  875   K24455
WA8SAN  MikeOH  560   K12290
LZ1VB   Val Bulgaria315   K22745
K4JPN   Steve   GA  280   K21422
K9FHPhilIL  140   TS-2000
RW3AI   Valery  Russia  140   Icom 7800
NI0CChuck   MO   45   K25853
JA???   Osugi   Japan21   K11470
WA7BOC  Roger   WA   20   K2 755
LA3ZA   Sverre  Norway8   K22198
N0BKBruce   MN5   K23646

Could you please post this for me? Hopefully the formatting will stay


Re: [Elecraft] KUSB for K3

2007-05-06 Thread Tom Hammond

Don Wilhelm wrote, regarding USB to Serial Adapters:

Yes, there are a lot of USB adapters on the market at a wide variety 
of prices, but it seems not all are equal.  Review the number of 
questions related to 'will adapter XXX work with YYY'.  With the 
offering by Elecraft, there can be no doubt that it will work with 
the Elecraft K3.

Will other adapters work?  Maybe, but we *DO* know the answer for 
the Elecraft adapter - no guessing.

I have a Tripp-Lite U-209-000-R adapter which WORKS GREAT.. BUT... it 
does NOT want to be peroperly detected, and drivers auto-loaded, if 
it's plugged into the USB port when the PC is booted up! If it's left 
plugged in when the PCs booted, the OS (WinXP Pro in my case) wants 
to re-install the drivers EVERY TIME!

If I UNplug the adapter, boot the PC, and THEN plug the adapter in, 
WinXP finds and installed it with no complaints.

I'm posting this as a word of caution to those who might be 
considering a Tripp-Lite adapter.

I'm not certain if this is a problem unique to WinXP or not. It seems 
to be a problem with regard to 'order of installation' of the device 
drivers, with the adapter drivers not being installed in time for the 
adapter to have been detected... OR with them being installed too 
early to have been of use.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] For sale?

2007-05-21 Thread Tom Hammond
MY 'other-other' rig (TS-950SD) _DEFINITELY IS_ for sale!  Though my 
'other' rig (K2) will remain with me for YEARS!.


Tom   N0SS

At 01:28 PM 5/21/2007, Toby Deinhardt wrote:

 My other rig is... For Sale.

My other rig is not for sale and my other, other rig is also not for 
sale. Poor choice of T-Shirt slogan if you ask me.

The difficult bit will introducing them to each other. #885 is still 
a bit jealous of #3248... How's that for anthropomorphising?

vy 73 de toby
DD5FZ, 4N6FZ (ex dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2 #885, K2/100 #3248
K3/100 #??? ( #200)
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Re: [Elecraft] #6107 - First Snag

2007-05-25 Thread Tom Hammond


The way I've successfully done it, and with NO(!) effort, is to 
install the feet/bail using much longer (say 1) screws... TIGHTEN 
things down and then, one at a time, replace the long screws with the 
proper ones.

Using the longer screws makes it very easy to get everything in place 
BEFORE you have to torque things down.

Of course, you'll have to supply your own (4) long screws, but it's 
certainly worth the effort.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

At 10:25 PM 5/24/2007, you wrote:

Hello All,
Progress temporarily halted by (who would ever guess)
a tilt bail.  Somehow I've gone from great design and
instructions to something that reminds me of putting
toys together at Xmas Eve.  Is this for real?  Can
anyone tell me the secret.  How many people does it
take to pull on the bail while dropping in the screws?
 Not sure a cave man can do it.

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Re: [Elecraft] #6107 Now has tilt stand

2007-05-28 Thread Tom Hammond


There's truly NO REASON to let the bail 'buffalo' you into not installing it.

While it is a bit more tedious to accomplish, it should certainly NOT 
keep you from installing and using it.

Did you read my recent post regarding using slightly longer screws 
for the initial installation and then replacing them, one at a time, 
once the bail and feet are securely installed? It's NOT difficult to 
accomplish. If you didn't read the post, I can re-send (or re-type if 
necessary) it.

There are other methods available as well.


Tom   N0SS

At 03:56 PM 5/27/2007, you wrote:
I'm glad to see this item being discussed. I've had my K-2 for about 
a year and I've never completed the bale assembly step. I wrote to 
Elecraft to report my bale part as defective because it didn't fit 
anywhere near like what I was expecting. I was told in return by 
Elecraft that the bale sent to me was a correct part and 
acknowledged that the bale assembly is difficult. I haven't touched 
my bale since. Anyone want to buy an unused bale?

Jimmy Walker
Macon, GA
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[Elecraft] Quarter inch sticky pads don't stick

2007-05-28 Thread Tom Hammond

I just (less than a month ago) completed building K2 #6098 for a friend.

I found that (for both pads) I'd managed to remove the backing paper 
AND the adhesive at the SAME TIME!!!  Adhesive remained on the 
backing paper!!!  Couldn't get it to walk back to the pad... tried 
offering it food, but it refused to move... finally used some 
(double-sided) 3M Poster Tape which I had on hand... now they stick nicely!

Getting the backing paper off the pad without removing the adhesive 
IS a problem... but one which CAN (usually) be avoided if you try to 
remove the paper from a different corner of the pad if you first the 
first corner allowed the adhesive to stick to the paper.

Of course, this all in retrospect for me!!!  And... I KNEW I had the 
double[sided tape handy, so I didn't try all the hard to 'save' the 
original adhesive.

If you don't have THIN double-sided tape handy, before you accidently 
peel off the adhesive, CHECK to see which item (backing paper or pad) 
it's attached to before you go too far. It takes a pretty 'fine 
touch' when picking at the corner of the paper, to NOT get the adhesive too.


Tom   N0SS

At 11:28 AM 5/28/2007, Fred (FL) wrote:

When I built K2 # 54xx - I had the same problem
with the supplied sticky pads.  Seemed like they
had bummer poor adhesive, or else the part they
stuck to was waxy or something?  I'm not sure if
I ended up using them - or I might have bought
replacement pads at Home Depot.

de Fred N3CSY

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Re: [Elecraft] Soldering Stations??

2007-06-04 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Deni:

I'm hoping to get a Hakko 936 (or it's clone) very soon and 
wondering what would be the best tip to order for SMT work? I'll be 
building the SoftRock Lite kit for use with my K3 so have decided 
it's time to upgrade the soldering tools. I've  managed a small SMT 
project for my K2 using my old and trusty Weller but now want 
something better. I know quite a few in this group use the Hakko so 
I would appreciate some advice on iron tip sizes for SMT as well as 
the normal sizes.

For what (little) it may be wroth, here is a bit of 'boilerplate' 
reply which I send to folks who write me asking about tips for their 
Hakko 936-x... Hope this helps.

  If you have the HAKKO 936-12 (ESD) or the -09 (non-ESD), the
  tips you're probably looking for are the 900M  900L series.
  The L series is generally a longer tip.

  900M-T-LB Long, round, .008 tip, really skinny,
helpful when cleaning out PCB holes

  All of the following tips are of the chisel (screwdriver) tip

  900M-T-I.008 (0.2mm) tip  -   For SMD PC boards

  900M-T-1.2D .047 (1.2mm) tip --
 |   For PCB work. The HAKKO 936-12
  900M-T-1.6D .063 (1.6mm) tip  |-- and -9 models ship with the
 |   900M-T-1.6D tip included
  900M-T-2.4D .095 (2.4mm) tip --

  900M-T-3.2D .126 (3.2mm) tip - For non-PCB work

  900M-T-S3   .205 (5.2mm) tip - For heavy-duty work,
  including Coax Conns.

  900L-T-S1   .221 (5.6mm) tip - For heavy-duty work,
  especially coax conns.

  Try to select a tip which isn't longer than needed... the
  longer the tip, the more heat is lost getting it to the tip.
  Shorter tips generally are higher-mass and convey more heat TO
  the tip.. as long as they're long enough to reach into spots
  where you need to solder.

I have found the 900M-T-I (above) to work quite nicely for the 
relatively small amount of SMD work I have undertaken. Nice fine 
point, and easy to get in/out of the work... so far anyway.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] [OT] Conker

2007-06-08 Thread Tom Hammond

At 02:31 06/08/2007, David Ferrington, M0XDF wrote:

A few people have asked me what a 'Conker' is, see

Here in 'the colonies', we call them buckeyes!

As a child, I used to collect them... for some odd reason.  Had 
several trees in the back yard.


Tom   N0SS

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[Elecraft] Anderson Power Pole connectors...

2007-06-09 Thread Tom Hammond

Interesting assessment!

Just received this from a friend who knew that I (and many others) 
used Anderson Power Pole connectors quite a bit.

Forewarned is forearmed!  Take this FWIW.


Tom   N0SS

Subject: [Boatanchors] Anderson Power Pole connectors...


Do not try and substitute the Chinese copies of the Anderson Power 
Pole connectors marketed by TYCO under the AMP name, for the real 
thing!!! They fit together terribly, the contacts are inferior to 
the Anderson ones. Maybe the what's his name CEO wanted more 
profits to buy more $6500 shower curtains!

I have been meaning to pass this along some time ago.  I got a 
sample package from TYCO for possible use for an engineering 
project I was involved in.  I was putting some of these on some ham 
stuff a few days ago and didn't think I'd still had any of the 
samples left!  They LOOK identical, but the housings do not nest 
together neatly like the originals. They are not compatible with the 
originals.  The dovetails in the nesting lugs are slightly 
bigger.  Only ID on them is the word China molded into the rear 
edge (as opposed to Anderson on the originals).  Also the contacts 
mate with the Anderson connectors but not really reliably.

Anyway, these things are crap!  They look OK, but they are not 
carefully made.  Steer clear of them.  I think Allied Electronics 
has them in their line, and possibly others.  DON'T USE THEM, YOU 
WILL BE DISAPPOINTED AND FRUSTRATED!  Stick to the original Anderson 
Power Poles!


Sandy W5TVW

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Re: [Elecraft] Feed PTT thru coax for DB6NT Transceiver

2007-06-12 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Martin:

At 07:57 06/12/2007, Don Wilhelm wrote:
I would strongly suggest using the 8R signal instead - when inverted 
it is the same as the signal from the KPA100 ext amp keying 
interface or the Amp Keying interface for the base K2 that is 
offered by Tom N0SS.



Tom   N0SS

8R can be set to a delay in the K2 menu and is present about 15ms 
prior to the onset of RF, 8T cannot be manipulated by the menu parameters.

The amp keying interface grounds when active, but you could drive a 
small (fast) relay that will in turn provide your required voltage.


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Re: [Elecraft] Response to Oregon FD request

2007-06-13 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Jason, et al:

For what it's worth, and generally UNfortunately for all concerned, 
Field Day is probably the very WORST TIME for a new operator (to the 
area) to go to a radio club function and expect to be warmly received...

During FD, everyone is running around, trying to ensure that 
everything is installed (properly) and running so things can start on 
time... additionally, there's a lot (usually) of activity during the 
entire activity and well-intentioned welcomes often go out the door 
with trying to keep track of who's operating what and where, and how 
the rigs are working.

If you want to visit a club, do it at a regular meeting and then 
you'll have a lot better chance of being warmly received. And, if 
you're NOT... find another club.  But please don't let the welcome 
you hoped for and didn't receive during Field Day cause you to decide 
that this club (whomever they happen to be) is unfriendly or closed 
to newcomers.

No matter how hard we might try to be hospitable during FD, it's a 
chore, and we often fail.

BTW - The MMARC (Jefferson City MO) tries(!) to welcome all visitors, 
and we WELCOME CW operators... of course, we welcome all other ops as 
well. In fact, we have a LOT more CW ops than SSB ops... go figger. 
But come visit us at a Club meeting... we'll be even more friendly then.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

At 09:57 06/13/2007, Jason Milldrum wrote:


I'm in Aloha, so you can sign me up when you get your group 
together. I have been thinking about what it would take to get a 
homebrewer group together in the Portland area, but I haven't run 
into any other builders from the area. It would be nice to have a 
place out in the woods to string up some wire. I live in a home 
where I can't put up an outside antenna, and I've been too chicken 
to try to deploy one in a local park yet.

As for the local groups, I can completely relate. I'm a newcomer to 
Washington County, but I didn't have very good luck in Salem. When I 
went to the local club's FD event a few years ago, the club was not 
very inviting. Nothing like wandering around like a lost puppy dog, 
looking for someone to acknowledge you! What's irritating is that 
they advertise that the event is open to all, but don't really 
follow up with trying to make visitors welcome.

Jason Milldrum, NT7S

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Re: [Elecraft] Response to Oregon FD request

2007-06-13 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Steve:

I didn't mean that we don't welcome beginners, just that, with all 
the hassle of FD, it's sometimes pretty easy to become preoccupied 
with other things and to give the impression of being disinterested 
when you're really not.

We also urge all newly licensed ops to join us as well.


Tom   N0SS

At 16:08 06/13/2007, Stephen W. Kercel wrote:


That depends on the club. Just last week I sent out letters to every 
newly (since Jan 07) licensed/upgraded ham within an hour's drive of 
Topsham ME inviting them to take part in the KS1R/N1TRC operation on Field Day.

Given that many FD operations have GOTA operations, I expect that we 
are not the only ones welcoming beginners.



At 12:33 PM 6/13/2007, Tom Hammond wrote:

Hi Jason, et al:

For what it's worth, and generally UNfortunately for all concerned, 
Field Day is probably the very WORST TIME for a new operator (to 
the area) to go to a radio club function and expect to be warmly received...

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Re: [Elecraft] Response to Oregon FD request

2007-06-13 Thread Tom Hammond

We'll have two dedicated GOTA coaches and one 'circulating' coach as well.



At 18:04 06/13/2007, Stephen W. Kercel wrote:


Yes, I understand. The solution (assuming enough warm bodies are 
available) is to have a designated GOTA coach whose primary task is 
to demonstrate an interest in the newcomers.



At 06:36 PM 6/13/2007, Tom Hammond wrote:

Hi Steve:

I didn't mean that we don't welcome beginners, just that, with all 
the hassle of FD, it's sometimes pretty easy to become preoccupied 
with other things and to give the impression of being disinterested 
when you're really not.

We also urge all newly licensed ops to join us as well.


Tom   N0SS

At 16:08 06/13/2007, Stephen W. Kercel wrote:


That depends on the club. Just last week I sent out letters to 
every newly (since Jan 07) licensed/upgraded ham within an hour's 
drive of Topsham ME inviting them to take part in the KS1R/N1TRC 
operation on Field Day.

Given that many FD operations have GOTA operations, I expect that 
we are not the only ones welcoming beginners.



At 12:33 PM 6/13/2007, Tom Hammond wrote:

Hi Jason, et al:

For what it's worth, and generally UNfortunately for all 
concerned, Field Day is probably the very WORST TIME for a new 
operator (to the area) to go to a radio club function and expect 
to be warmly received...

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Re: [Elecraft] Power supply for 220 VAC

2006-05-10 Thread Tom Hammond


The Samlex 1223 switching P/S is 'jumperable' for 120/220 VAC and 
it's not terribly noisy (RF-wise). In fact, many users report no RFI 
from these supplies.

If you do notice some RFI, I have some info on added filtering for 
this supply available on my website at

I have one of these supplies and have been quite pleased with its performance.


Tom HammondN0SS

At 09:47 PM 5/9/2006, Ken Alexander wrote:

I'm planning a short DXpedition to a 220V country.
Does anyone know of a quiet switching power supply
that would run on 120V 60Hz and on 220V 50Hz?

I'm leaning towards a QRP operation, requiring a
smaller supply, approx 5A at 12V output.  However,
since this is likely to be a once in a lifetime deal I
might take a 100W transceiver and would then need a
larger supply, say 40A at 12V.

Any guidance would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Ken Alexander
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Re: [Elecraft] Power supply for 220 VAC

2006-05-10 Thread Tom Hammond


Just posted to my web site an updated PDF for the Samlex SEC 1223, 
showing the 120VAC to 220VAC jumper location:

And the additional RFI reduction mods (if required) are:


Tom   N0SS

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[Elecraft] Finding ELECRAFT at DAYTON...

2006-05-12 Thread Tom Hammond

Going to Dayton this year?

Looking for Elecraft?

You can find a AMP to the Elecraft booths at:

NOTE: The spaces in the link above are UNDERSCORES, NOT blanks.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] Finding ELECRAFT at DAYTON...

2006-05-12 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Van:

N0SS wrote:

Going to Dayton this year?
Looking for Elecraft?
You can find a AMP to the Elecraft booths at:
NOTE: The spaces in the link above are UNDERSCORES, NOT blanks.

Van wrote:

Heh heh, AMP   --Freudian slip, Tom


Nah... just lysdexia... dyslexia of the finners!

Spell-check doesn't help when the word's still a word!  Durn it!

Thanks pal.


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[Elecraft] KPA100 40M Parasitic Circumvention

2006-05-14 Thread Tom Hammond
Several folks have written, asking for the docs on eliminating the 
40M parasitic in their KPA100.

First - This problem is NOT present in all KPA100s (as least as far 
as I can tell), however, it is present in some of the amps.

It will generally present itself as an instantaneous HI SWR 
indication, with an instantaneous reset of the K2 at the same time.

SO far, the circumvention has been to move RFC10 (the RFC back at the 
SO-239 in the KPA100) further inward.

A further description of (part of) the problem and the circumvention 
is now available at:

I hope this helps some users.

We now have some successful 'experience' reports from other users, 
about a dozen to date) which indicates that this small change seems 
to be effective.


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] QRO

2006-05-22 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Jim, et al:

Oh, I suspect they'll sell MANY amps... and NOT just to Elecraft owners.

The mere fact that the KPA800/1500 is NOT specific to the Elecraft 
line of products, means that it'll work with just about ANY 
current-production transceiver, and will many older production rigs 
as well, possibly with a slightly reduced set of available features 
(e.g. auto-band switching if the rig can't provide the required data).

The KPA800/1500 CAN decode both serial AND voltage differential data 
from most current production rigs, so you can actually have two 
DIFFERENT rigs connected at the same time and still control the amp 
with EITHER rig.  That feature alone, will make the amp quite desirable.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

At 10:48 AM 5/22/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The reasons amps seem expensive:

1) They use expensive parts if bought new. Manufacturers 
can't/won't/don't use surplus, so they have to pay

full price for everything.

2) Many of the parts are expensive because they're custom and/or low 
quantity items.

3) The market is relatively limited, so the engineering and tooling 
costs have to be amortized over fewer units.
Elecraft has sold less than 6000 K2s since the rig was introduced in 
1999. As good as the Elecraft amps
obviously are, and as much as many of us want one, how many units 
can they reasonably expect to sell in the

next 7 years?

73 de Jim, N2EY

-Original Message-
From: michael taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 22 May 2006 11:23:57 -0400
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] QRO

I'm curious, what makes RF amplifiers fairly expensive projects? I
admit I have no experience or exposure to them, but as far as I can
tell the two major building blocks are a power supply and a not
terribly complex amplifier circuit.

Is the bulk of the cost in the amp device(s) - power transistors or
vacuum tubes/values?

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Re: [Elecraft] QRO

2006-05-22 Thread Tom Hammond

It'll also match a 4:1 SWR at 1000 Watts.


Tom   N0SS

At 06:04 PM 5/22/2006, Earl W Cunningham wrote:

Lou wrote:

...but the Elecraft will only match 3:1 at 1500 watts, not a lot of
It means a lot when you consider that the Alpha and Acom amps fault at

73, de Earl, K6SE
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Re: [Elecraft] Carrier

2006-05-29 Thread Tom Hammond

Hello Rolf:

Yesterday someone sad he could hear my carrier and that I had to do
something about it. What can I do to suppress the carrier in a K2?

While monitoring your transmitted signal on a separate receiver (use 
a VERY SHORT RX antenna), tune off-freq. just a bit, so you can hear 
the beat note of the carrier, then adjust R1 on the KSB2 board for 
minimum received signal in the monitor RX.


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] KPA100 Receiver Tests failed! - Problem nearly solved (Crimp pin removal)

2006-05-29 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Charlie:

Unfortunately these ate not cylindrical-bodied connectors. So the 
thin-wall brass tubing won't work here... too bad, too... that method 
works GREAT on many MOLEX-type connectors... I usually salvage old 
telescoping transistor radio antennas for that specific use.

Fortunately, all he has to do is to reach in thru the access hole for 
each pin and depress the little locking finger and pull the pin out, 
then bend the finger back up into position.


Tom   N0SS

At 10:23 AM 5/29/2006, Missouri Guy, N0TT wrote:

I don't know if the pins are the same type I have used
and removed, but I used a piece of thin-walled brass
tubing just small enough to clear the plastic connector.
I just push the tubing in over the pins and the tangs
on the connector are released.

Charlie,  N0TT
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Re: [Elecraft] RE: W2W

2006-06-03 Thread Tom Hammond


Thanks for all the replies. Worked him this a.m. and just did not know what
the event was. I should remember D-Day, I was about 9 at the time I believe.

A check of the ARRL 1X1 callsign registry reveals:

W2W : D-Day Commemoration
Start Date: June 3, 2006
End Date: June 11, 2006
Coordinator: ARRL
Record ID: 3670
Requisitioned by: James R Nowotarski
Call Sign: N3GOO
Address: 52 Loose Lane
Leesport, PA 19533
Email: n3goo @
Phone: 410-765-8183


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 troubleshooting

2006-06-08 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi John:

Now, as I was reviewing solder joints, etc., I noted that one of the
solder pads for C4 was touching the outer can tab of L1.
My question:

Is this a solder bridge, or is there supposed to be a connection
between C4 pad and outer (ground) tab of L1?
I looked on N0SS's PCB pix and I cannot tell if a connection exists
there or not.  (thanks, by the way, to Tom for the pix).

Fast answer... YES! They're supposed to be touching.

Here's how to use the pic to help... that is, IF you have a suitable 
graphics program (or viewer):

 1) Load both the TOP and BOTTOM views of the PC board in question.

 2) LOCATE the component(s) in question of the side of the PC board
which includes the silkscreened nomenclatures.

 3) ENLARGE the (TOP SIDE) image so that most of your screen is occupied
by the component pads in question.

 4) ENLARGE the BOTTOM SIDE image to the same size.

 5) FLIP the TOP SIDE image HORIZONTALLY. Of course, now all the print
is reversed, but you should be able to re-locate the components in
question by merely SLIDING the image right or left (flipping side
to side usually won't cause the image to move up/down).

 6) Make the image FULL SCREEN.

 7) Switch to the BOTTOM SIDE image and (using the relative scroll bar
positions of the drag bars from the TOP SIDE image) position the
bottom side image so you can place the pads for the component in
question immediately beneath those of the TOP SIDE image. You can
usually use CTRL-TAB to toggle between the two images, so you can
easily tell if the two sets of pads are aligned, one above the other.

 8) With the two images properly aligned, you can now quickly switch
between top/bottom views in order to get a really CLOSE look at the
pads and land connections between them.

I use this method all the time when doing signal path tracing on the 
PC board itself.

In regard to your particular question, if you find a case where it 
appears that two pads are touching, check both top and bottom. If the 
pads appear to be so close together that they'd almost have to be 
touching, it's a pretty guess that they're supposed to be that way... 
especially given that NO OTHER UN-CONNECTED pads are anywhere nearly 
as closely spaced.

Finally, check out the schematic!!!  If (as it does in this case) the 
schematic indicates that one end of C4 connects to L1 AND to ground, 
then you've just answered your question WITHOUT having to resort to 
the images. All the images do then is to confirm that one end of C4 
is attached to the (grounded) metal cover lug of L1, and that one end 
of L1 is also connected at the same point.

Since the reflector doesn't support file attachments, I'm sending you 
some blown-up images of the parts of the PC board in question.


Tom HammondN0SS

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[Elecraft] 30-foot Telescoping Fiberglas Poles

2006-06-11 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Folks:

A while back, several folks posted links to a number of telescoping 
fiberglas pole sites.

I've visited the Jackite site. They are offering their 32' poles 
(black or orange) for $54.

I thought someone had found similar poles for a bit less than the 
Jackite price, however I may be in error here.

The Jackite poles look quite good and appear to be reinforced in the 
placed which would normally require such reinforcement.

I have several 30' 'Hot Poles' from an electric company. They failed 
the semi-annual HV QC tests, but will work exceptionally well for 
general antenna support use (particularly during FD), BUT they're a 
bit on the heavy side and a bit larger in diameter than I'd like to 
have if I was gonna take the pole on a trip in the car. Something 
slightly smaller / lighter is in order for such trips.

If you have a link to other ECONOMICAL sources of heavy-duty 
telescoping fiberglas poles, please either post them to the reflector 
(preferred) or drop a note to me direct.

Hope to order something yet this coming week.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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[Elecraft] Jackite 31' Poles - Bought

2006-06-11 Thread Tom Hammond
Just went to   and ordered two (2) 31' Jackite 
Orange Fiberglas poles for $42.95 each, plus $13.25 UPS Ground shipping.

Not a bad price.

Thanks to all for your prompt replies.


Tom   N0SS

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[Elecraft] OT - 30-foot Telescoping Fiberglas Poles

2006-06-12 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Dan:

I'm posting my reply to your query to the Elecraft reflector as well, 
in the hope that it might assist others in procuring failed hot 
poles as well.

You wrote:

Can you describe what you mean by hot poles? And any idea how I
could get hold of some from the local electric company here? When
they fail the test, are they sold as surplus or just destroyed?

Generally, most electric utilities will destroy hot poles which fail 
their Hi-Pot tests. They don't want to risk that someone might get 
hold of one and then try to 'work' on their local wires with it...!

HOWEVER... if you can develop a relationship with someone at your 
local utility, especially if you can convince them that their failed 
hot poles would be the best thing since sliced bread for local hams 
to use as EMERGENCY ANTENNA SUPPORTS, you might be able to get them 
to allocate some of their failed poles to your use.

It happened that one of our club members worked at an electric co-op 
which was tossing several poles and he (basically) just went out and 
scarfed them out of the trash bin before the trash collectors got to 
them. I think we managed to get hold of about 6-8 that way.

Then, a couple years ago, when the State of MO held an emergency 
comms exercise in the St Louis area, with emergency services reps 
from many city / county / private groups present, the comms rep from 
Missouri's largest electric utility was present and he saw is using a 
couple of the hot poles for supporting our HF dipoles and a couple 
VHF verticals. He mentioned the fact to one of our comms guys who 
immediately put the 'arm' on him for their company to make their 
failed poles available for the same usage, rather than destroying 
them. It worked, and we came away with a dozen or so poles, most of 
which have been distributed to ARES and emergency preparedness groups 
throughout the state. A VERY worthwhile project.

There are also companies (, for example) which sell 
NEW hot poles. But the price is fairly significant.

Good luck,

Tom HammondN0SS

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[Elecraft] Need advice on the Iambic key

2006-06-28 Thread Tom Hammond
 a pretty good fist on  the J-38.

If you EVER were able to send good CW with a straight key, you CAN 
learn to use a keyer and paddle... because you already know what good 
CW should sound like!!

So, I have returned to W1AW code practice sessions. I will take the K2 out
of tESt (except on SKN New Years Eve), when I can once again copy up to
15-20 wpm and hopefully transmitting with some vestige of skill using Iambic


NOW is the time to be OPERATING! GET ON THE AIR and USE your 
abilities... use the J-38 as a starting point... you can probably get 
up to 18-20 WPM with it yet, all the while improving your abilities 
to copy.  You can be practicing with the keyer in TEST mode when not 
on the air... but put in a LOT of on-the-air time right now. It's a 
heck of a lot more enjoyable to improve your copying abilities by 
having QSOs than the be sitting listening to W1AW... and, it's too 
easy to hit the OFF button when copying W1AW... a bit more difficult 
to do that during a QSO, which will force you to work a bit harder as 
well. Find folks sending just a bit faster than you can copy 100%... 
they'll press you to improve.

Also, try to participate in as many stateside small contests as 
possible. Even if you are only on the air for an hour or two, such 
activities will force you to copy at speeds higher than you can 
handle comfortably.

If you can, find someone (possibly in FISTS) with whom you can 
practice on a semi-regular basis and who HAS a good fist and can 
'push' you to copy just a bit over your head.

Good luck...! STICK WITH YOUR CW!!!  NEVER GIVE UP!  It'll be too 
much fun in the end.


Tom HammondN0SS

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[Elecraft] CW Tuning Indicator Questions

2006-07-01 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Folks:

While I do still offer bard SMT PC boards for this project (and the 
docs are still available at, I no longer offer parts.

However, Ed Berneiser, WA3WSJ, is (I believe) still offering complete 
kits of parts for this device, and Ed is using my PC boards.

For a PC board only, contact me, otherwise, contact Ed directly at:

   Ed Breneiser [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Tom HammondN0SS

At 08:10 AM 7/1/2006, Matt Osborn wrote:

I bought the board from Tom Hammond (N0SS). Tom also provides a parts
list, assembly instructions, pictures, etc. as well as encouragement
and advice.

Check out his web site, it offers a wealth of info for HAMs in general
and Elecrafters in particular.

On Sat, 1 Jul 2006 05:40:45 -0700 (PDT), Bernard Gaffney

I've seen several posts about CW tuning indicators. Is
there a site where info on this is available (kits,
pre-built units, etc)? Also, curious if they might be
of use with a mode such as PSK31?

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Re: [Elecraft] Small correction - ECN

2006-08-14 Thread Tom Hammond



Your 20m beam has great front to back ratio (or maybe front to side, 
or whatever). Your sig here was well over S-9 at max and barely 
audible at min. So you'll be glad to know it's still functioning as 
a beam, and not as a top-loaded piece of coax or somthing.

Many thanks for the report. Using a Bencher SkyHawk tribander @ 
73'... works better than ANY previous tribander I've ever owned. 
Really sturdy, too.

And I'm still wondering whether it was my sending or the propagation 
that morphed my NC into GA grin

You took a really DEEP (e.g. down to pure ESP copy) when you gave 
your QTH, so I (wrongly) assumed you'd sent GA... my copying error, 
certainly NOT your fist! The QRN out here in the midwest last night 
was pretty horrid, and I was having problems copying just about 
everyone on 40M... there were a few who were decent copy, but 
generally, it was difficult at best.



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Re: [Elecraft] First K2 question

2006-08-16 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Bill:

I just ordered mine and a question has already popped up in my 
fevered brain.  Since the parts are arranged in different bags, one 
for each board, does it make sense to inventory and separate parts 
for each board?  In other words, inventory and separate the control 
board parts and then finish the board.  Once done, then proceed to 
an inventory/separation/finish of the front panel board and then so 
on.  It seems to me it would cut down on clutter from parts that are 
not yet needed and create more usable space on my workdesk.

For the K2, many, if not all of the resistors will come on a reel, in 
the order to be used. This cuts down on the inventory pretty significantly.

Were it me, I'd perform an inventory of ALL components  of the K2 
BEFORE beginning assembly. This way, should anything be missing, you 
can request a replacement and still have it in time for timely 
installation. Elecraft is usually good to respond within 24 hours of 
receipt of your request.

The inventory can be performed on a per-bag basis, so you don't get 
things mixed up and possibly out of order.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] After CW transmit K2 receiver is muted.

2006-08-21 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Andreas:

My DIRECT reply to you was rejected. See below:

SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
host []: 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Recipient address rejected: Access denied. Your site is banned
because of the unsolicited mail messages received from it.

So, I am replying via the reflector... hope you receive this reply.

Some questions first, please...

please help me fixing the following problem. I built the first K2 in HA
land (still not many owners in Hungary unfortunately). My K2 No is #2398.
I mainly use it for QSO-s and am not very happy if I have to open it
because of any error. Until now there were no problems, but recently my
receiver is muted more often and often after CW transmit. A short key down
helps, but not always.

Transmitting with 100 W causes the problem more often than with QRP. Some
times Hi Reflected message appears while receiver is muted. The message
disappears if the short time transmit solves the problem. The phenomena
comes without KAT100 too.

1) Does the K2 truly 'mute'? Or can you hear VERY STRONG signals
weakly? And can you hear the CW sidetone when it is 'muted'?

2) Does this occur on a specific band? Or does it occur on ANY band?

3) You state that the HI REFLECTED message appears while receiver
is muted... safe to assume that the message ONLY appears during TX
and NOT during RX mode?

4) You state that the problem occurs with/without the KAT100. DO you
mean that you have actually REMOVED the KAT100 from the K2 and the
problem is still present? Or than you have only set KAT100 to CAL
mode (so it does not attempt to tune) and the message still appears?


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 CW Tuning Indicators

2006-08-23 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Roy:

I believe Ed Breneiser, WA3WSJ [EMAIL PROTECTED], still offers 
the complete kits.

I still offer the boards (alone), $6 ppd stateside/$7 DX, and you 
provide your own parts.


Tom HammondN0SS

At 11:09 AM 8/23/2006, you wrote:
Are tuning indicator kits for the K2 available?  If so, who is 
making them?  Thanks  Roy Morris W4WFB

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Re: [Elecraft] RE: How does K2 NB work?

2006-08-27 Thread Tom Hammond


For an off-the-air demo of how well MY KNB2 works, you might want to check out:

This recording was made during a real-time QSO, and NOTHING special 
was done. I just hooked the K2's AF output to the laptop PC and 
started recording while I enabled the KNB2 and then stepped thru the 
two available modes.

The file is ZIPped because it's really a 2MB WAV file. SO you'll have 
to UNZIP it before you run it.



Tom Hammond   N0SS

At 02:58 PM 8/27/2006, AA5CK wrote:
If you have any doubts whether your K2NB can handle pulse type noise 
here are a couple of simple circuits that can either ease your mind 
or send it to the bench.

The first is a pulse-generator/signal tracer/audio amp that works 
well as such and produces a 10uS pulse. A 2N3904 and 2N3906 may be used.

The second produces pulse widths of approx. 10uS to 500uS with C1 
values between 470pF and .047uF.

Also don't forget, as others on the list have noted, sometimes the 
preamp must be used to amplify the noise enough to trigger the K2NB.

Good Luck...Ted...aa5ck

David Walker wrote:

It doesn't.  Don't waste your time on this option.

Thinking of building my 2nd K2.  I wondered what
the consensus is on HOW WELL DOES THE NB WORK?in a K2?

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[Elecraft] Visually IDing NPO/C0G caps in the junkbox

2006-08-31 Thread Tom Hammond


Just received a query from a friend, asking how to VISUALLY identify 
a NPO/C0G ceramic capacitor if it's in your junkbox.

I've heard that NPOs should have a colored band along their top edge, 
but I've not been able to confirm this via any published info, of 
from more than one 'informed' source.

Suggestions are welcome.


Tom Hammond  N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] Visually IDing NPO/C0G caps in the junkbox

2006-08-31 Thread Tom Hammond

Tom N0SS wrote:


Just received a query from a friend, asking how to VISUALLY identify 
a NPO/C0G ceramic capacitor if it's in your junkbox.

I've heard that NPOs should have a colored band along their top 
edge, but I've not been able to confirm this via any published info, 
of from more than one 'informed' source.

Hi Tom,

They usually have a black band. The encapsulated ones have a code 
number which varies, and my cypher cracking book is in Brussels - sorry.


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Re: [Elecraft] what DC connectors?

2006-09-05 Thread Tom Hammond

At 07:55 AM 9/5/2006, F5vjc wrote:

On the subject of Anderson powerpoles, the only ones I see on Ebay are
45A are these compatible with the lower power ones too?

YES... the CONTACTs on all three sizes (15A, 30A, 45A) are all the 
SAME SIZE... only the size of the wire insertion area is different. 
The 15A contacts accept up to #14 wire, 30A, up to #10 (I think, 
possibly only up to #12), and 45A  #12


Tom   N0SS

73 F5VJC

On 9/4/06, Vin Cortina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone.

To all who responded to my original query, thank you for the good advice.  I
purchased 20 pair (red and black) of the 30 amp version (1330) Anderson
Power Pole, and have already begun converting all of my DC connections to
the A.P.P. system.  I am soldering them, and it works beautifully.  They are
truly worth the cost, and (c'mon now, say it with me) I can't imagine how I
ever did without them.

Thanks again.

Vin  KR2F

K1-4 s/n:1977
KX1  s/n:1476

- Original Message -

Subject: RE: [Elecraft] what DC connectors?

Vin, KR2F asked:

Can I get a sampling of exactly how you connect your portable rigs, ...

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Powerpole compatibilty

2006-09-05 Thread Tom Hammond

The 45A CAN be soldered AFTER they've been crimped over the wire.


At 09:01 AM 9/5/2006, Mark Bayern wrote:

On 9/5/06, Rajiv Dewan, N2RD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

15A, 30A, and 45A will all mate together. The only difference is in
the ferrule that accepts the wire.

I've been told the 45A contacts are crimp only. The 15A and 30A
contacts can be soldered.

The higher amp ones accept larger
15A accepts wire #20 to #16 wires.  30A accepts #16 to #12 wires.
45A accepts #14 to #10 wires.  The housing is the same across these
three and they will mate with each other.

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Crystal Filter Alignment Questions

2006-09-13 Thread Tom Hammond

On Aug 19, 2006, at 1:52 AM, Jeff wrote:

Finally, and most irritatingly of all, in CW mode, when I switch
from filter FL1 to FL2, the pitch of the received CW signal changes 
significantly. However, when I switch from FL2 to FL3, or from FL3 
to FL4, no such pitch change occurs, which is good.

The K2 design isn't perfect in this regard, because of the way the
BFO frequencies are determined - but you should be able to get any
shift down to a few Hz, if that.

It sounds to me like you don't quite have the filters aligned correctly.

My guess is that IF the CW note changes SIGNIFICANTLY between FL1 and 
FL2, then you probably have the BFO setting on the WRONG SIDE of 
filter-center. This is not an uncommon problem. Fortunately, it is 
one which can be easily fixed... especially if you are using 
Spectrogram and IF you follow the published instructions, BOTH of 
which are available FOR FREE at

The important thing is to know which sideband (CW NOR or CW REV) 
you're aligning, and then ensuring that the BFO is always positioned 
to the proper sideband (either above or below the center frequency of 
the filter).

Shouldn't I be able to correct this problem by trial-and-error,
without using Spectrogram?

Yes, I've done this. Try moving a filter one step up or down from
where Spectrogram thinks it should be. See if it makes things better
or worse.

It CAN be corrected by trial  error, but it's a WHALE OF A LOT 
EASIER if you do use Spectrogram.

Unfortunately, I'm not set up to use Spectrogram to align the filters.

What are the problems to setting up TO use it?


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] filter settings and hearing

2006-09-19 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi John:

I suspect several (probably many) have already beat me to the punch 
on this one, but...

Yes, it's quite easy to change the sidetone and filters to a 
different frequency. However, it's best (and most easily) 
accomplished with Spectrogram and your PC sound card connected to the 
K2. With that combination (and the docs), you can realign the filters 
in a matter of a few minutes.

Spectrogram v5.1.7 (shareware), and the docs are available at


Tom HammondN0SS

At 07:39 PM 9/18/2006, John Wiener wrote:


I have an odd question for the group.

As hams age, we begin to notice that our hearing decreases in
sensitivity in the higher registers.
In a K2, one can easily change the Spot audio frequency downward to
accommodate this process.

Is it straightforward to adjust the filters so their center
frequencies are lower, too?

Or am I way off the charts on this one?

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RE: [Elecraft] noiseblanker

2006-09-25 Thread Tom Hammond


Tested the noisblanker rubbing a screwdriver across the first RF amp
Q21. Yep, makes a difference. Now waiting for a nice thunderstorm or some
static rain :-)

Don't expect ANY help with atmospheric noises such as that which 
comes from lightning and thunderstorms.

The NB (as with virtually ALL NBs) is designed to work on 
short-duration repetitive pulses, such as sparkplug noise, the XYLs 
hand mixer or sewing machine, line noise, etc.

My KNB2 DOES work on local electric fences, and it will often help to 
reduce the corona on the antennas as a result of static build-up from 
passing storms (because the corona discharge is fairly repetitive).

I find that my KNB2 generally works very well on those things for 
which it was designed to work. Sometimes, if the actual STRENGTH of 
the noise is low, it will not be enough to trigger the NB, however I 
have, in some instances. been able to fix that by turning the PREAMP 
on... making all signals (and noises) stronger, and up to a level 
where the NB can detect the noise.


Tom   N0SS 

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Re: [Elecraft] When do you use fast AGC?

2006-10-15 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Jeff:

The K2 is the first rig I've had that has adjustable AGC.  Under 
what conditions would one benefit from using fast AGC?  It seems 
that slow AGC is easier on the ears on CW.

FAST (or OFF) AGC is the only setting is EVER use on CW!

If you only work the 'strong ones', then using SLOW AGC will work 
well for you. However, if you work weak stations with SLOW AGC 
enabled, you'll find that a strong nearby station can (and often 
will) 'pump up' the AGC, thus REDUCING IF GAIN, to the point that the 
weak station will either drop significantly in signal level, or 
possibly completely disappear until the strong in-band signal is gone.

Additionally, using FAST or OFF AGC will give you a 'sharper 
sounding' CW note, which can be more easily copied, especially at 
higher speeds.

You'll have to ask a phone operator about using FAST/SLOW AGC on 
SSB... I have little experience there... G


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] Cutting leads in tight places

2006-10-23 Thread Tom Hammond


I am progressing on my K2 project, I just finished the steps on page
57 that had me solder several components  to the bottom side of the
RF board.  My problem is getting my cutters into some of the tight
places on the top of the board. I thought the hard part was over when
I finished soldering without causing heat damage to near by
components but I am finding it nearly impossible to trim the leads
now. I have the recommended angle cutting tool but I still can't get
down to board level with them to cut them anywhere near flush.

What I've had to do in a couple instances was to merely grab the 
exposed lead with a pair of needle-nosed pliers (actually a pair of 
hemostats) and then pull a little on the lead and rock it back ;n 
forth until it breaks AT the soldered  joint. Then I go back and 
re-flow (re-heat) the solder around the lead to ensure that I still 
have a solid connection.

So far, this has worked in all instances.

Another method is to pre-cut the leads to length before you solder.


Tom   N0SS 

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Re: [Elecraft] k2 HEATSINK PANEL DIMS.

2006-10-25 Thread Tom Hammond


Is a dimensioned drawing available for the K2 heatsink back/bottom panel
regarding the centers of each connector?

This would make it much easier for us to add our modifications to the K2.

Back panel room is quite cramped and new holes must avoid internal parts,
pieces and fiddley bits.

My new K3 must have a bit more room to install modification connectors on
the back!

I don't have a dimensioned drawing, BUT I do have an IMAGE of the 
back panel which I can send to you (or anyone else) in any of a 
number of bitmapped formats. Then you can load it into a graphics 
editor and place your connectors as desired, PRINT out the image and 
use it as an overlay onto the back panel for marking (center 
punching) hole positions.

This method's worked well for me for the past several years.


Tom   N0SS

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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft K2 TR adapter

2006-10-26 Thread Tom Hammond

Lars Edwards, wrote regarding the K2 T-R Relay Driver Adapter PC Board:

Do you by any chance have a board and parts kit available and if so 
what is the cost inc. shipping ?

Using appropriate components, this device should key just about any 
T-R line presented by an external RF amplifier which must key +120VDC 
or less at no more than 3A. This includes virtually all current 
production HF amps, including the Heathkit SB220/SB-221 series of 
amps.. though the Heath amps are NOT QSK-capable unless they have 
been modified.

So far, I've only offered the PC board itself.. for $6 ppd to your mailbox.

Up to now, I've made the boards, in small quantities, in my kitchen, 
using a photographic contact exposure technique which yields 
excellent quality boards, BUT which were hand drilled. I had no way I 
could (to my satisfaction) tin plate the copper side of the board.

Just yesterday, I sent an order to FAR Circuits, to have them make a 
supply of PC boards which would be machine-drilled AND which will be 
solder coated as well. I should have these new PC boards within 2 weeks.

In the past, because orders have been slow, and generally few, I've 
supplied builders with a parts listing and component part numbers 
from Mouser Electronics ( However, I'm planning on 
'kitting' the entire kit of parts, so builders will be able to order 
a complete kit from me.

At this point, there are two models of the T-R driver circuit which 
are available, one which uses two (2) 2N7000 MOSFET transistors, and 
which is good to drive relays up to about 50VDC and around 200mA of 
current, and a model which uses one 2N7000 for the input, but a 
heavy-duty HEXFET (possibly an IRF610B) which will drive loads up to 
about 200VDC and 3A current. ONLY THE HEAVY-DUTY driver will be 
offered as a kit.

The complete kit would run about $16 each, postpaid to any US 
destination... $1 (US) more to a DX location.

I'll still offer the bare PC boards for $6 ppd ($7 US to DX).

I should have complete kits available in 2-3 weeks, bare PC board 
(hopefully) within 2 weeks.

If you wish to order a kit, please remit to:

Tom Hammond
5417 Scruggs Stn Rd
Lohman MO  65053

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Re: [Elecraft] CW keying circuit

2006-10-26 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Carter:

I want to be able to do computer-generated CW on my K2, using software such as
DX4WIN and WriteLog. The circuit that works on my wife's Yaesu 
FT1000 MP Mark V does not work on her Yaesu FT920, which makes me 
think it isn't going to work on the K2, either, because both require 
a stereo plug. The circuit for the Mark V addresses a mono plug.

Can someone send me, or point me to, a CW keying circuit for a COMM port that
will work with the K2?

I do not want to use a sound-card approach, such as the RigBlaster.


PC boards are $6 ppd to your mailbox.

I've used this with ALL of my rigs, including several K2s, for the 
past 15 years with no problems.


Tom   N0SS

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[Elecraft] Halloween Special Event Station - W0O....???

2006-10-30 Thread Tom Hammond
Anyone looking for a 'spooky' QSO over Halloween might keep their 
ears peeled for W0O, operating from Frankenstein Missouri USA, and 
operated by members of the MID-MO ARC (Jefferson City MO).

Our tentative operating frequencies are:

3.535 - 3.545
7.035 - 7.045
14.035 - 14.045
21.035 - 21.045

ALL QSOs will be QSLed 100% to your address as shown in QRZ.COM. If 
we can't find your address there, we will do our best to find you. We 
DO NOT require a QSL from you!!!


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] CW Sweepstakes Contest

2006-11-01 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Craig:

I've NEVER (in 45+ years of SSing) been able to make it thru the 
entire SS without rest... and I'm sure this year'll be no exception.

That having been said, I do intend to operate QRP single op and will 
try to work as many folks as I can... I've found that, when using 
QRP, it's sheer folly for me to try to CQ during the first 18 hours 
of the contest.. but SP is VERY PRODUCTIVE. I can sometimes get a 
small 'run' going in the latter hours of the contest, when all the 
big boys have already worked all the strong stations and start 
listening for the 3rd (and lower) tiers of signals... that's sometimes ME.

Good luck,


Tom Hammond   N0SS

At 10:53 AM 11/1/2006, Craig D. Smith wrote:

I'm wondering how many other Elecrafters will be in the CW SS contest this
coming weekend?  Would be interested in hearing about your plans, including
Elecraft rig, power level, antennas, and your section.

I'm planning on the entire 24 hours here from Colorado using my K2 at 5W in
QRP division.  Plan on mostly 20 and 40 with some 80 at night.  Homeowners
Association here prohibits outside antennas, but I will be testing their
powers of observation with a temporary all band 88 ft doublet fed with open
wire line and Elecraft switchable balun.  Will be in inverted V
configuration with center on a 30 ft. kite pole.   Will also put up my
Buddipole in a vertical configuration for use on 20 and 40.

Look forward to seeing lots of you on the air!

  . Craig  AC0DS

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 31, Issue 3

2006-11-03 Thread Tom Hammond


For future possible adjustments... REMOVE the pot and reinstall it on 
the SOLDER SIDE of the PC board... then it'll be on top where you can 
easily access it!  Saves a LOT OF HASSLE! And it's a SIMPLE one-time 
task to perform.

If you do a lot of voltage adjustment (though few of us do), you 
could always remove that PC-mount pot and replace it with a 
chassis-mount pot (installed on the back of the case) attached to the 
PC board via three wires.


Tom   N0SS

At 07:44 AM 11/3/2006, you wrote:


The K2 has a series
diode in the power supply line for reverse polarity protection - that diode
drops about .2 volts.

What that means is: to obtain 13.8 volts at the battery terminals, one must
connect a supply of 14.0 volts to the K2 to maintain full charge on the

There is an intenal pot in the Astron to adjust the output voltage, so it
may be a simple matter to increase the Astron voltage - locating the correct
pot may be more of a challenge, be certain you adjust the proper pot.


I adjusted my Astron to 14.1V output using the internal pot, but be 
warned that it is a semi-major project.  The pot is on the underside 
of the small floating board IIRC; every time I wanted to adjust it, 
I had to short out the large electrolytic capacitor in the Astron, 
unscrew the board, pull it up, make a guess as to how much to adjust 
it, screw it back down, power up the supply, check the voltage, see 
that it's still wrong, power down, short out the cap, unscrew the board

There may be an easier way to do it but it wasn't obvious.  I'd 
guess that it took me a dozen iterations.  I don't ever want to mess 
with it again.

What was Astron thinking burying the pot where it can't be safely 
and readily accessed just by removing the cover???


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[Elecraft] N0SS/QRP ARRL CW Sweepstakes Report

2006-11-06 Thread Tom Hammond
Well... I didn't set any records this year, BUT I 
didn't do too badly either. I was tickled that my 
body (still) allowed me to operate virtually the 
entire available time... first time in a number 
of years I've felt like doing so.

Conditions were decent... not terrific (no 10M at 
all!), but still had a good time...

It was GREAT to work so many Elecraft friends 
this weekend, and seeing so many of them doing so 
well in the SS...which is my VERY FAVORITE 
contest of all! I'm sure several folks kicked my 
butt, but I still had lots of fun.

The K2 performed as anticipated.. PERFECTLY! I 
ran with XFIL #2 (1KHz BW) about 80% of the time, 
4000 Hz BW about 15% and maybe 200 Hz BW the 
rest. I still prefer to let my ears do most of 
the 'signal sorting' for me.. also helps to let 
me catch those other ops who still haven't 
mastered the art of ZERO BEATING and who persist 
in calling many hundreds of Hz off-freq. Few were 
missed as a result... MANY would have been missed 
had I used the 400 Hz filter most of the time.

73, Tom Hammond   N0SS


Contest Dates : 04-Nov-06, 05-Nov-06, 06-Nov-06

Callsign Used : N0SS

 Default Exchange : # Q N0SS 58 MO

 Name : Tom Hammond
  Address : 5417 Scruggs Stn Rd
   City/State/Zip : Lohman MO  65053
  Country : United States

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   80CW  254 253506  11
   40CW  231 231462  35
   20CW   81  81162  16
   15CW   85  85170  15

 Totals  651 650   1300  77

Final Score = 100100 points.

  I have observed all competition rules as well as all
  regulations established for amateur radio in my country. My
  report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.  I
  agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards Committee.

 Date: 6 Nov 2006  Signed: //Thomas S Hammond  Call: NØSS

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Re: [Elecraft] ECN Report

2006-11-13 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Folks:

I had a 'biological emergency' which required me to be away from the 
shack for the first 15 minutes of the ECN 40M net. By the time I did 
manage to get into the shack... all was deathly quiet!

I called ECN ? several times and only  (eventually) got a reply 
from Mike, W3MC, who couldn't copy we well enough to exchange ANY usable info.

Sorry I wimped out on y'all and Kevin.  Maybe next weekend mill be better.

Tom   N0SS

At 09:31 AM 11/13/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Kevin,
How did battery ops go? I listened for you here in FL, whilst 
building the front panel board of the K2,but 40M appeared too long 
for stateside. Didn't even hear Tom (N0SS). Macedonia, however, was 
not too much of a problem.

I'll look for you guys again next week.
K1 #2194
K2 #5813 (Not yet alive)

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