Re: [Felvtalk] Tests advice

2013-08-06 Thread Lance
CBC if she's never had one. Otherwise, it probably depends on what the vet sees 
in her physical appearance. Have them check her teeth and gums, too. I hope 
Kitty is back to normal very soon.


On Aug 6, 2013, at 8:55 AM, Maryam Ulomi  wrote:

>> Hi everyone,
>> I hope everyone is well.
>> Kitty, FeLV +, who is now one year old has had a good year. She is on 
>> lysine, a fungi mush powder, tabby tabs multivitamin and is fed canned food 
>> for one meal, dr  Pierson homemade poultry recipe for another meal and raw 
>> rabbit for another meal. 
>> She is growing and is now a little over 10lbs.
>> Since Sunday afternoon she has been a bit off, not as eager to eat her food 
>> (usually she is very food oriented) or laying under the bed and not coming 
>> out unless its calm and quiet. I feel it's because this weekend and 
>> yesterday were a bit stressful, vacuuming and some loud voices. 
>> This morning she was more like herself but I'm still taking her to the vet 
>> tomorrow afternoon. I also work with a holistic vet but she is on vacation 
>> this week. I know taking her to the vet will stress her and the holistic vet 
>> recommended only going in emergencies but I'm concerned and the last time 
>> she went to a regular vet was in March.
>> Do you have any recommendations in general and an specific tests to have 
>> done while at the vet?
>> Thanks,
>> Sent from my iPhone.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Bad News

2013-07-06 Thread Lance
I'm so sorry that you got such bad news about Polli, Amanda. I'll be thinking 
of you and your boyfriend. I know this is incredibly hard for both of you, but 
you're also giving her a release from FIP; an end to her suffering. Thank you 
for taking such good care of her. She got a chance because of you, and she was 
cared for and loved.


On Jul 5, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Amanda K. Payne  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We took Polli in to a new vet today to get something new to treat her URI.  
> She had a bad reaction to Clavamox and we were looking for a new vet who 
> would be more aggressive and open minded with her treatments.
> We found a great vet, one I used to go to when I lived on the other side of 
> town.  He was optimistic about her treatment and was confident we could get 
> her over this URI.  However, he noticed that her belly is distended.  He did 
> a tap and diagnosed her with FIP (another disease I have already dealt with 
> before).  Her skin and gums are also very jaundiced. He says it appears her 
> body is shutting down.
> We made an appointment to euthanize her at our home tomorrow afternoon.  
> She's been on a decline for the past two weeks and feel it's time to help her 
> go.  
> Please keep us in your thoughts.
> Best,
> -Amanda
> -- 
> "There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge" Bertrand Russell
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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[Felvtalk] For Kasia

2013-07-04 Thread Lance
Hi Kasia,

Just wondering how you're doing. Haven't seen any posts from you in awhile. How 
is Jack?

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Re: [Felvtalk] goodby little one

2013-07-01 Thread Lance
This made me cry, too. I'm so sorry that Penelope is gone. You were kind and 
loving to her, Karen, and that's an important part of this story. Without you, 
what would have happened to her? With you and your influence, she got a lot of 
love and care. Thank you.


On Jul 1, 2013, at 11:02 AM, Karen Harshbarger  

> It is with a sad heart that I remember a little cat that came into our lives 
> one cold winter morning this past winter. She lost her battle with feline 
> leukemia last night. Little Squirt --- later to become Penelope (Penny) 
> squeezed her way into our outside kennel and into our hearts. She was sick 
> and needed help, shelter and love; which we gave without question. With 
> medical care, she seemed to become better. We already had so many cats, so I 
> put out a cry for help and assistance. Panora P.E.T.S.. (bless their hearts) 
> offered to take her and her brother to try to help them find a forever home. 
> They found them a foster home while waiting, but soon learned that Penelope 
> had to leave her brother for a new foster home and a cat friend (that also 
> has feline leukemia) because it was discovered she had feline leukemia. She 
> seemed to be doing okay, but this horrible illness finely claimed her life. I 
> remember a beautiful sweet loving cat that was so tiny and loved to be 
> cuddled and cradled like a baby in my arms. Hopefully her friend that she 
> made hereour other cat (Tig) that also lost his battle to this horrible 
> illnessare now playing together in cat heaven and never know illness or 
> pain again---nothing but happiness. Poor little Penelope never found her 
> forever home here on earthbut I know she at least found love from all of 
> those that tried to help her, including us. I cried when we took her to 
> Panora but knew they could give her a better chance of finding a inside 
> loving home. Penelope---know we will always love you and Tig, and you will 
> forever be in our hearts.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Saki Tofu, was Re: Latent infections and FeLV strains

2013-06-28 Thread Lance
Ember's first post-test vet put her on interferon alpha. I'm not sure
that it does anything, but she's done so well that I have no plans to
stop giving it to her. Glad that Tofu is such a strong girl. I hope
she's staying cool right now. It's terrible in AR right now, though
we're supposed to get some relief in a few days.

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013, at 01:38 PM, [1]

I have used alpha interferon for her in the past, my vet had prescribed
it for another FIV kitty I had (remember, Saki Tofu has both).
According to the vet, he has seen the interferon provide some benefit
with FIV but not much with FeLV. But for the most part, she is not on
anything regularly. The last time she had one of her overheating
episodes, my normal vet was unable to see her so I took her to a vet
our rescue uses…he told me if she had tested positive for FeLV in 2008
she should be dead by now, and was going to call my old vet to check
the result. I explained that she was tested before I got her, and that
she also had a positive IFA. She seems to have a persistent enlarged
lymph node, and a slightly enlarged liver which is not causing any
problems for her – she is WAY more active than I bargained for, lol! So
it’s nothing I’m doing, it is ALL her!

Emily Hunter

Fuzzy Friends Rescue

254-754-9444 Ext 3

Fax 254-754-9959



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Re: [Felvtalk] Latent infections and FeLV strains

2013-06-28 Thread Lance
Hi Emily,

Glad to hear that Tofu is doing well. Do you do anything special for
him (supplements, food, environmental, medicine)?

Regarding your first question, you'll want to check out the AAFP
Retrovirus Management Guidelines paper, available here:


We now think that the latent infection is what is known as a regressive
infection. Current thinking (via the paper) is that it's unlikely that
cats with this type of infection will develop disease. I wonder if some
of what's been said in the past about latent infections doesn't refer
to cats who are persistently infected but asymptomatic (or mostly so).
My cat, Ember, is almost certainly persistent, but she rarely deals
with major illness. She's 11 years old, and she's had the virus a
minimum of seven years.

Regarding your second question, some sources indicate that there are
additional virus types that sometimes arise in FeLV+ cats
post-infection. These additional viruses are not transmittable, but
they are responsible for anemia and lymphomas. I haven't seen any
official sources even consider different strains of the primary virus.
My ignorant layman's hunch is that, given many factors (like genetic
makeup, stress level, age, immune system, general health, nutrition,
environment), some persistently infected cats are more vulnerable to
disease  than others.

I see a lot of speculation (like mine above?) online, and I wouldn't
put much stock in it. For best info, I think the AAFP paper is the way
to go, probably followed by Cornell's current research. They seem
pretty busy and aren't always at the edge of FeLV knowledge, but I
think they're careful to provide accurate information to the best of
their abilities.

Hope that gives you some ideas.


On Fri, Jun 28, 2013, at 10:13 AM, [2]

I was on this list years ago, when I had my first FeLV cat, Denzel, and
I adopted my second, Saki Tofu, from a list member shortly after Denzel
died in 2009. Happy to report, Tofu is still going strong, but I
haven’t been on the list since then.

I currently work at a rescue facility and we have had 4 kittens test
positive for FeLV in the past few months. We routinely test every cat
and kitten. Previously, our policy was to euthanize any with confirmed
positive results (sending off for IFA to confirm). The first on who
tested positive last Fall went on to a rescue that takes a limited
number of FeLV cats. About a month ago, we had a litter of 4 kittens
dumped here, 3 of whom tested positive. We split them all into separate
cages to quarantine, then retested after a month and now all are
showing negative. My question is, I have read that cats who seem to
clear the virus can have a latent infection that will reappear later in
life if they develop another illness or have some type of extreme
stress. Does anyone have any links to actual studies showing this
information? Everything I can find has been anecdotal, and I would like
something more “official” for us to determine our policy on how to
counsel potential adopters for cats who have “cleared” the virus.

My second question relates to  my personal cats and strains of FeLV. I
have 3 who have tested positive (just lost a 4^th the same day she got
the positive test result, she was an indoor feral who was hiding her
illness until she was too sick to resist being picked up, by the time I
could get her to a vet she was severely anemic and in liver failure,
she went into seizures and died in my arms after they drew blood). Saki
Tofu is going on 5 years since her positive test result, she is FeLV
and FIV positive, the only recurring health issues have been a couple
of bouts of overheating if the AC goes out. Annie is a 7 year old
declawed DSH whom I adopted (declaw was done years before I got her) 3
years ago. She tested positive in routine testing after I got her, and
her only symptoms have been bouts of diarrhea that clear with Iams
hairball control food. Finally, I have little Blanche, who is 3 ½, also
adopted 3 years ago. She has a problem with swollen paws and has had
persistently runny eyes and is very susceptible to URIs. Blanche is in
week 4 of fighting a very severe one, she is on her second round of
Azithromycin and is finally starting to put weight back on but it is
very slow going. They are all presenting quite differently and I am
very curious about the strains of FeLV they may have. I am assuming
that testing would be pretty pricey but would like to know where it
could be done, if any of the labs do it for pets rather than for
research animals.

Thanks for any input!

Emily Hunter

Fuzzy Friends Rescue

254-754-9444 Ext 3

Fax 254-754-9959



Felvtalk mailing list



Re: [Felvtalk] Please keep Polli in your thoughts

2013-06-26 Thread Lance

That's a very good point to make about Convenia. My vet was very reluctant to 
use it on Ember because it stays around so long. It ended up happening anyway 
(I was out of state, and my dad was panicking about a URI Ember was dealing 
with). Fortunately, she had no problems tolerating it.

There's a lot of info online about Convenia. Some people avoid it, but I would 
use it on Ember again, knowing that she did well on it.


On Jun 26, 2013, at 12:28 PM, Margo  wrote:

>  Two drawbacks for Convenia. If the cat reacts badly, there's no way to 
> discontinue the drug, it's in the system for two weeks (more or less). Two, 
> it is generally prescribed for skin infections, and sometimes FLUTD. Doesn't 
> seem to be considered effective for secondary bacterial infections often 
> concurrent with a URI. In most common URIs , only an anti-viral will actually 
> affect the primary disease. Clavamox, clindamycin, baytril, and sometimes 
> doxycycline can help with the possible bacterial component(s).
>   I used Naxcel and Zenequin for Gribble when he was 
> so ill, but I don't really know if it helped, or he got better in spite of my 
> efforts. Famciclovir seemed very helpful with both my boys recently, but 
> there's no literature on using it with an FeLV positive cat, and it's 
> basically only effective against herpes.
> Margo
> -Original Message- 
> From: ance 
> Sent: Jun 26, 2013 11:45 AM 
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Please keep Polli in your thoughts 
> I'm glad that Polli has your boyfriend. I really feel that love (which is, in 
> a way, the flipside of stress) helps fight the disease and gives cats a 
> reason to fight and live. I wonder if Convenia would help the URI (it's just 
> another abx). I've only used it once, so I can't vouch for it too much, but 
> it seemed ot help. Maybe another vet would be more willing to try something 
> different. 
> You and Polli are in my thoughts and prayers.
> Lance
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013, at 01:02 AM, Amanda K. Payne wrote:
>> Thank you everyone!!  As you can imagine, I'm a wreck over it.  I'm also 
>> housesitting at the moment and can't be with her at night.  Though she's 
>> with my boyfriend who loves her dearly, I feel awful that I'm not there to 
>> comfort her. Over the last ten years, I've had my cats die from FeLV, FIP 
>> and now Polli is also deathly ill with FeLV.  None of the cats ever met one 
>> another but it seems I'm a sucker for sick kitties. The cats I rescue and I 
>> just can't seem to catch a break.  
>> Lance, I haven't had the vet give her a transfusion.  The vet we went to 
>> (whom I don't care for) diagnosed her with non regenerative anemia back in 
>> March.  FeLV is wreaking havoc on her bone marrow and it's just not 
>> producing enough red and white blood cells.  A transfusion would maybe give 
>> her a few more weeks, if that. 
>> Margo, I'm not sure if there is anything I can do.  She was doing okay 
>> before I brought home a nasty URI (I volunteer with several rescues and must 
>> have somehow exposed her to it).  She of course caught it.  I gave her 
>> Clavamox for two days before she just crashed. The Clavamox caused her to 
>> poo herself for hours on end and she deteriorated after that.  I took her 
>> off Clavamox and decided to look for a better vet.  My vet doesn't seem 
>> interested in helping what she thinks is a lost cause.
>> Watching her get sick just makes me start to doubt all my decisions.  Could 
>> I have done something better? Did I bring something home from the shelters I 
>> volunteer at that may eventually kill her?  I know it is what it is but like 
>> many of you, I just can't help from wondering if I could have done something 
>> differently that would prolong her time.
>> I'll keep you all updated and thank you again for the support.
>> Best,
>> -Amanda
>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Margo  wrote:
>> We're here, Amanda.
>>  Please know that Polli is getting LOTS of positive energy 
>> and hope sent her way.  Are you able to do anything for her, at this point?
>>  I know everyone wishes her (and you) the very best,
>> Margo
>> -Original Message- 
>> From: "Amanda K. Payne" 

Re: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia

2013-06-26 Thread Lance
We think it is congenital. I don't know of anything she's gone through
since I had her that would cause trauma resulting in a hernia. I've seen
her take some big leaps and fly across the room to land awkwardly on
something, but I don't think those had that kind of impact. 

I'm going to talk to her primary vet soon. I've now spoken to several
vets, and they are all advising caution. I just don't want her symptoms
to get worse (ie her to feel worse or to be threatened). We're going
into an awkward few weeks with a holiday and some issues I'll have with
getting her to surgery. We'll either need to do surgery in the next week
or two, or she'll have to wait a few weeks. 

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013, at 04:30 PM, wrote:
> HOW is Ember doing?
> Is this a congenital thing?
>  Lance  wrote: 
> > My 11 year old FeLV+, Ember, was diagnosed with a congenital 
> > peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia after CT scans and a consult 
> > between a surgeon and a radiologist. 
> > 
> > So far, her symptoms haven't been too scary: rapid breathing (but not open 
> > mouth breathing or panting) and an odd posture she sometimes assumes where 
> > she will "stand" with her forelegs and lie down with her back legs. This 
> > tells me that she might be having some discomfort (one lobe of her liver is 
> > involved in the hernia). She settles into lying down without problem, and 
> > she rests normally. 
> > 
> > The symptoms have only begun in the last few months, as far as I know 
> > (Ember and I weren't in the same part of the world for almost a year). We'd 
> > been fearing cancer, so this would seem to be good news.
> > 
> > The surgeon is gung-ho to take care of business, and he has an excellent 
> > reputation with a lot of experience and education. However, I just spoke to 
> > one of Ember's two vets about this, and he said, "If she were my cat, I 
> > don't think I would do it." He's concerned about moving the liver, and more 
> > importantly, about the surgeon having enough to work with when the hernia 
> > is likely congenital.
> > 
> > Has anyone on the list had experience with congenital hernias in cats? I'd 
> > really like to get some more input before I make a decision.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Lance
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Please keep Polli in your thoughts

2013-06-26 Thread Lance
I'm glad that Polli has your boyfriend. I really feel that love (which
is, in a way, the flipside of stress) helps fight the disease and gives
cats a reason to fight and live. I wonder if Convenia would help the
URI (it's just another abx). I've only used it once, so I can't vouch
for it too much, but it seemed ot help. Maybe another vet would be more
willing to try something different.

You and Polli are in my thoughts and prayers.


On Wed, Jun 26, 2013, at 01:02 AM, Amanda K. Payne wrote:

Thank you everyone!!  As you can imagine, I'm a wreck over it.  I'm
also housesitting at the moment and can't be with her at night.  Though
she's with my boyfriend who loves her dearly, I feel awful that I'm not
there to comfort her. Over the last ten years, I've had my cats die
from FeLV, FIP and now Polli is also deathly ill with FeLV.  None of
the cats ever met one another but it seems I'm a sucker for sick
kitties. The cats I rescue and I just can't seem to catch a break.

Lance, I haven't had the vet give her a transfusion.  The vet we went
to (whom I don't care for) diagnosed her with non regenerative anemia
back in March.  FeLV is wreaking havoc on her bone marrow and it's just
not producing enough red and white blood cells.  A transfusion would
maybe give her a few more weeks, if that.

Margo, I'm not sure if there is anything I can do.  She was doing okay
before I brought home a nasty URI (I volunteer with several rescues and
must have somehow exposed her to it).  She of course caught it.  I gave
her Clavamox for two days before she just crashed. The Clavamox caused
her to poo herself for hours on end and she deteriorated after that.  I
took her off Clavamox and decided to look for a better vet.  My vet
doesn't seem interested in helping what she thinks is a lost cause.

Watching her get sick just makes me start to doubt all my decisions.
Could I have done something better? Did I bring something home from the
shelters I volunteer at that may eventually kill her?  I know it is
what it is but like many of you, I just can't help from wondering if I
could have done something differently that would prolong her time.

I'll keep you all updated and thank you again for the support.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Margo
<[1]> wrote:

  We're here, Amanda.

   Please know that Polli is getting LOTS of positive
  energy and hope sent her way.  Are you able to do anything for her,
  at this point?

   I know everyone wishes her (and you) the very best,


  -Original Message-

From: "Amanda K. Payne"

Sent: Jun 25, 2013 2:09 PM

To: [2]

Subject: [Felvtalk] Please keep Polli in your thoughts

Hi everyone!

Please send some good energy to my Polli.  She's have a rough few days
and I'm not sure she'll come out of this.  She was diagnosed with
severe anemia back at the beginning of March. She rebounded but not
completely.  Recently, her breathing has become a bit more labored. We
also noticed she's pulling out her own fur andsome strange lumps on her
stomach.  I'm really worried that the end is near for her and feel so
guilty that I couldn't do more. Please keep us in your thoughts.  It's
going to be a tough few days.


"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge" Bertrand


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"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge" Bertrand


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Re: [Felvtalk] Please keep Polli in your thoughts

2013-06-26 Thread Lance
I've also read that there are several FeLV viruses. The virus that is
contagious is the "main" virus, while two other viruses arise within the
cat after the "main" virus interacts with the cat's DNA. So-called
FeLV-B is responsible for increased cancer risk while FeLV-C is
responsible for the kind of severe anemia we sometimes see.

In Ember's case, I'm wondering if those viruses were "made". When she
has had anemia, it's been very mild (discovered incidentally and not by
symptoms), so I'm not sure it was the type of anemia that FeLV can
convey. I think those viruses might not always arise in all FeLV cats,
as they rely on information already present in the cat's DNA.

I also think that we don't know enough about FeLV, so the "main" virus
may cause a lot of anemia we see, and the information I mentioned is

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013, at 05:43 AM, Lorrie wrote:
> Amanda, My thoughts are with you, because I have had many FelV cats over
> the
> years. Once this virus is in their bone marrow they will not produce
> enough
> red blood cells, and death is inevitable.  Her vital organs will shut
> down
> and she will slowly suffocate. A transfusion will only buy her a few
> weeks if
> that long.  Gentle euthanasia is the only option. I am so sorry, but this
> is
> the kindest thing you can do for her.
> Lorrie
> On 06-25, Amanda K. Payne wrote:
> >Thank you everyone!!  As you can imagine, I'm a wreck over it.  I'm
> >also housesitting at the moment and can't be with her at night.  Though
> >she's with my boyfriend who loves her dearly, I feel awful that I'm not
> >there to comfort her. Over the last ten years, I've had my cats die
> >from FeLV, FIP and now Polli is also deathly ill with FeLV.  
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Callie

2013-06-25 Thread Lance
The hardest part is that this was preventable. Not all accidents are,
but when they are, they feel all the more tragic. 

I'm talking to an alternative medicine vet at 3:30 to see if she thinks
DMG would be a good idea. I'd prefer to get the go-ahead from a
professional. Really, it's up to Callie's immune system to recognize the
virus and react appropriately. I want to be hopeful, but I'm so
concerned and depressed that it's hard to not despair. I am trying to
tell myself that being positive is the only way forward, but it doesn't
always stick, especially when I wake up and remember what's happening. 

I appreciate the kind words and support that I've gotten here. 


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Please keep Polli in your thoughts

2013-06-25 Thread Lance
I'll be thinking of Polli, hoping for another rebound. She's been on my
prayer list for a little while. Has she ever had a transfusion? I know
the effects aren't permanent, but it might be able to buy you some time
to see what's going on and treat that. Take care of yourself, Amanda.


From: Amanda K. Payne 
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:09 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Please keep Polli in your thoughts

Hi everyone!

Please send some good energy to my Polli.  She's have a rough few days
and I'm not sure she'll come out of this.  She was diagnosed with
severe anemia back at the beginning of March. She rebounded but not
completely.  Recently, her breathing has become a bit more labored. We
also noticed she's pulling out her own fur and has some strange lumps
on her stomach.  I'm really worried that the end is near for her and
feel so guilty that I couldn't do more. Please keep us in your
thoughts.  It's going to be a tough few days.


"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge" Bertrand

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Re: [Felvtalk] Callie

2013-06-25 Thread Lance
Hi Margo,

The bite did not abscess. I only found one small scab on her neck. It
was probably a territorial bite. I don't think Callie is close enough to
me enough of the time for her to intuit anything from my level of

She is not on immune boosters currently. I was reluctant to do anything
like that, for fear that it might cause her immune system to
"misbehave." I am considering getting her on DMG, which seems more mild
than something like Transfer Factor. I just hate to do something that
might actually make it more likely that she would be persistently
positive. Does anyone have any advice here? 

Thanks Margo, and everyone else,


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013, at 08:55 AM, Margo wrote:
> Hi Lance, 
>  Could you describe the bite? How deep, where, and did it abcess,
>  or become infected?How many puncture sites did you find?
>  Just a thought, soft stool and blood can be indicative of
>  stress. Is Callie an intuitive girl? If she's picking up on
>  _your_stress concerning her, it might affect _her_ health. 
>  Do you have her on immune boosters? Sorry, I can't seem to get
>  back to the previous messages, to find out.
> Wishing Callie a clean bill of health,
> Margo
> -Original Message-
> >From: Lance 
> >Sent: Jun 24, 2013 8:12 PM
> >To: "" 
> >Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Callie
> >
> >Thanks, everyone. Please keep our tabby girl (Callie) in your thoughts and 
> >prayers. A bite is very serious, and I suspect that the loose stools mean 
> >she's dealing with the infection. Hoping she ends up as a negative.
> >
> >Lance
> >
> >On Jun 24, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Marcia  wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Lance
> >> We don't have control over everything. C'mon, yours on this list, that 
> >> means you love your cat! And as far as I'm concerned, anybody that loves 
> >> cats the way all of us do, is a damn good human being. -:
> >> 
> >> Sent from my absolutely outstanding iphone(:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Jun 24, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Lance  wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Hi everyone,
> >>> 
> >>> Please pray for my mom's cat, Callie. I mentioned her here a few weeks
> >>> ago, after my FeLV+ cat, Ember, bit Callie when she accidentally got
> >>> into Ember's room. Callie has had soft stools for the last four days,
> >>> and there was blood on her stool on Saturday. Since Callie hasn't been
> >>> vaccinated since she was a kitten, she probably has no immunity from
> >>> that route. She is 7 years old, and I'm hoping that she'll be able to
> >>> deal with the virus better having a more mature immune system. People
> >>> talk about age resistance with FeLV, but I don't think it can be
> >>> "relied" on.
> >>> 
> >>> I'm dealing with an incredible amount of guilt over this. I love Callie
> >>> like I love Ember. She's one of my favorite cats ever. It was my fault
> >>> that she got into Ember's room, and it's my fault that Ember is still
> >>> here with my parents. It's also my fault that we didn't vaccinate
> >>> Callie, as I worried about vax site sarcoma for Callie, and the few
> >>> run-ins that had happened between the two cats over the last seven years
> >>> were always brief and friendly. I also feel guilty as, if I'd just
> >>> gotten in the room (quite literally) a minute or so sooner, this
> >>> wouldn't have happened. 
> >>> 
> >>> Please pray that Callie can fight the virus so that she isn't
> >>> persistently infected, and please pray for me. I'm dealing with a lot. 
> >>> 
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> 
> >>> Lance
> >>> 
> >>> ___
> >>> Felvtalk mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >> 
> >> ___
> >> Felvtalk mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >___
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> >
> >
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Re: [Felvtalk] Callie

2013-06-24 Thread Lance
Thanks, everyone. Please keep our tabby girl (Callie) in your thoughts and 
prayers. A bite is very serious, and I suspect that the loose stools mean she's 
dealing with the infection. Hoping she ends up as a negative.


On Jun 24, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Marcia  wrote:

> Hi Lance
> We don't have control over everything. C'mon, yours on this list, that means 
> you love your cat! And as far as I'm concerned, anybody that loves cats the 
> way all of us do, is a damn good human being. -:
> Sent from my absolutely outstanding iphone(:
> On Jun 24, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Lance  wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Please pray for my mom's cat, Callie. I mentioned her here a few weeks
>> ago, after my FeLV+ cat, Ember, bit Callie when she accidentally got
>> into Ember's room. Callie has had soft stools for the last four days,
>> and there was blood on her stool on Saturday. Since Callie hasn't been
>> vaccinated since she was a kitten, she probably has no immunity from
>> that route. She is 7 years old, and I'm hoping that she'll be able to
>> deal with the virus better having a more mature immune system. People
>> talk about age resistance with FeLV, but I don't think it can be
>> "relied" on.
>> I'm dealing with an incredible amount of guilt over this. I love Callie
>> like I love Ember. She's one of my favorite cats ever. It was my fault
>> that she got into Ember's room, and it's my fault that Ember is still
>> here with my parents. It's also my fault that we didn't vaccinate
>> Callie, as I worried about vax site sarcoma for Callie, and the few
>> run-ins that had happened between the two cats over the last seven years
>> were always brief and friendly. I also feel guilty as, if I'd just
>> gotten in the room (quite literally) a minute or so sooner, this
>> wouldn't have happened. 
>> Please pray that Callie can fight the virus so that she isn't
>> persistently infected, and please pray for me. I'm dealing with a lot. 
>> Thanks,
>> Lance
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Callie

2013-06-24 Thread Lance
Hi everyone,

Please pray for my mom's cat, Callie. I mentioned her here a few weeks
ago, after my FeLV+ cat, Ember, bit Callie when she accidentally got
into Ember's room. Callie has had soft stools for the last four days,
and there was blood on her stool on Saturday. Since Callie hasn't been
vaccinated since she was a kitten, she probably has no immunity from
that route. She is 7 years old, and I'm hoping that she'll be able to
deal with the virus better having a more mature immune system. People
talk about age resistance with FeLV, but I don't think it can be
"relied" on.

I'm dealing with an incredible amount of guilt over this. I love Callie
like I love Ember. She's one of my favorite cats ever. It was my fault
that she got into Ember's room, and it's my fault that Ember is still
here with my parents. It's also my fault that we didn't vaccinate
Callie, as I worried about vax site sarcoma for Callie, and the few
run-ins that had happened between the two cats over the last seven years
were always brief and friendly. I also feel guilty as, if I'd just
gotten in the room (quite literally) a minute or so sooner, this
wouldn't have happened. 

Please pray that Callie can fight the virus so that she isn't
persistently infected, and please pray for me. I'm dealing with a lot. 



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] We let Bubba go.

2013-06-24 Thread Lance

I'm sorry that you had to let Bubba go, but it sounds like you did the
right thing for him. Take care.


On Jun 24, 2013, at 7:42 AM, Beth <[1]> wrote:

We did the ultrasound Friday. It showed enlarged spleen & kidneys. Vet
thinks spleen was probably cancerous. I was not putting him through any
more. He had just been laying around for 2 1/2 weeks, mostly having to
be force fed. I did that with my 1st FeLV & I said I would never do it
again. I did it at 1st because he had a URI & I knew he could get over
that. But once that was gone he didn't get better as far as activity &
It was a really sad decision. I had had a tough time with him at first
because he peed on everything. Thanks to some things I learned from
watching Jackson Galaxy we got him out of that habit & he was becoming
a total sweetheart. He just loved to walk up to you an put his head
against you.
Some hit you harder than others. This was pretty difficult. The lady
who found him is having him cremated for me.

Thanks guys for just being there.

Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter! [21.gif]  [2]


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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] For Lance - Ember

2013-06-24 Thread Lance
Hi Beth,

Ember is doing okay. I'm still not sure about the surgery. Trying to
find out more before we go into it.

I'm more concerned about my parents' cat, Callie.


On Mon, Jun 24, 2013, at 10:53 AM, Beth wrote:

What is going on with Ember?


Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter! [21.gif]  [1]


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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Healing thoughts for Bubba

2013-06-23 Thread Lance
Hi Beth, 

Just wondering how Bubba is doing. Hoping he was able to improve.


On Jun 20, 2013, at 8:40 AM, Beth  wrote:

> The bite did not abscess. He never had anemia. 
> He has to be put under for an ultrasound. You can hardly touch his 
> sides/stomach without being bitten. He has always been that way & I have been 
> asking for an ultrasound eve since I got him, but the lady who brought him to 
> me was in the hospital, so we are just getting around to it now.
> I really thought I was ready to let him go this morning. He was very restless 
> last night. But I'm thinking that may have been the cypro I gave him.
> I have not seen improvement in 2 weeks & I really think we will let him go 
> tomorrow.
> Beth
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> From: Margo 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 12:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Healing thoughts for Bubba
> Hi Beth,
>  Do you think the infection/inflammation is from the possible 
> bite on his tail? Did it abcess? What antibiotic is he being given for that? 
> So the anemia has resolved? That's very positive, and it's not unusual for 
> cats with a fever to be inappetant. I understand that most people don't 
> choose to use nsaids in cats, but ketoprofen seemed to work wonders for 
> Gribble's hih  fever.
>  Does he need to be completely anesthetised for an ultrasound? 
> Have you had problems with him in the past? I've never needed anyone put out 
> completely, can you discuss sedation with your Vet?  Other than a tender 
> belly, are there symptoms that lead you to suspect a tumor?
>  I'm sorry he doesn't seem to be improving, will keep the 
> positive energies flowing his way,
> Hoping for better news soon,
> Margo
> -Original Message- 
> From: Beth 
> Sent: Jun 18, 2013 10:39 AM 
> To: "" 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Healing thoughts for Bubba 
> Got bloodwork done yesterday. The only thing it shows is high WBC, which we 
> figure, so he is trying to fight some sort of infection. He still has a temp 
> of 104. Eating only a little on his own. Trying to arrange an ultrasound as 
> his tummy has always been tender. Could be a tumor? Worried though if they 
> put him under for the ultrasound (which they will have to do) he will not 
> come out. Thought maybe that would be a blessing in disguise.
> Beth 
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> From: "" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:24 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Healing thoughts for Bubba
> How is Bubba doing now?
>  JC  wrote: 
> > He's in my thoughts and prayers, as are you..
> > --- On Wed, 6/12/13, Lance  wrote:
> > 
> > From: Lance 
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Healing thoughts for Bubba
> > To:
> > Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 12:59 PM
> > 
> > Poor Bubba! I'm sorry he's having such a rough time, and a rude bite on the 
> > tail to top it off. Hopefully he can clear the Hemobart and move on. I'll 
> > add him to the purrayers list.
> > Best wishes to you and Bubba,
> > Lance
> > On Jun 12, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Beth  wrote:
> > Hey guys need some positive energy for one of my FeLV fosters - Bubba. He 
> > had been battling a URI. Tried a couple different antibiotics, and finally, 
> > after a week the URI cleared &  he started eating on his own last Sunday. 
> > Well as soon as I took him off the Doxy he started going down again. 
> > We went to the shelter this afternoon & thankfully they had a wonderful vet 
> > volunteering who has experience in FeLV kitties.
> > We're wondering now if he has Hemobart since he starting going down after 
> > withdrawing the Doxy. His gums were pink, though. I've had a constant 
> > battle with fleas. Advantage was no longer working so I switched  
> > Frontline, but that doesn't seem to be working well either.
> > He got fluids, more Doxy, Prenisone, Cyproheptadine, Capstar & AD. 
> > On top of that it looks like he has a cat bite o
> his tail. Poor baby. Going to go home tonight & spend some one-on-one time 
> with him.
> > Just being able to talk to you guys about these babies really helps. At 
> > least I feel like someone understands how helpless I feel sometimes.
> > 
> > Beth
> > 
> > Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!   

Re: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia

2013-06-14 Thread Lance
Thank you for your thoughts, Margo. Yes, surgery is stressful, and it could 
cause the FeLV to kick in. We've been very fortunate, but you never know what 
will happen when FeLV, FIV, or any other random health issue is in the mix. 

I am concerned that the hernia could progress. Maybe it won't happen tomorrow 
or next week or next month, but it seems like something to treat sooner rather 
than pressing our luck.

It does seem like this particular operation has a low incidence of mortality, 
and that the complications are usually easy to deal with. Hyperthermia is one 
of the most common complications, and that seems easy enough to guard against. 

I am considering taking her farther away to a veterinary teaching hospital, 
though the surgeon who did the diagnostic seems to be prepared for 
possibilities. I know that someone stays at his office all night to check on 
the animals. 

Still, yuck.


On Jun 14, 2013, at 12:58 PM, Margo  wrote:

> Hi Lance,
>  That's a really tough call. On the plus side is that Ember 
> seems to tolerate anesthesia just fine.  The unknown is whether the stress of 
> surgery and recovery will kick the FeLV back in. Gribble went under 
> anesthesia to treat a partial urinary blockage, and that procedure seemed to 
> be the catalyst that brought his FeLV to the surface. Before that we assumed 
> that his negative FeLV/FIV test was accurate.
>   But he would likely not have survived without the 
> procedure. So it wasn't really optional. I would think that Ember's hernia is 
> somewhat the same. It is causing her distress, and could worsen. I can't 
> possibly understand how you feel, but I think were she my cat, I would try to 
> get her as "ready" as possible with whatever treatments have seemed to be 
> beneficial to her to, and have the hernia repaired. The only other option 
> seems to be to treat her palliatively, with the hope that her symptoms don't 
> progress.
>I'm thinking we'll all face this kind of choice, 
> eventually. Mako has a lump on his side. We're watching it. Maybe it will 
> stay the same. Maybe we'll be faced with a similar dilemma.
>I am sure that your choice will be the right one for 
> Ember. It won't be easy, but you'll research and weigh the alternatives. And 
> you will hold Ember's best interests first and foremost. 
> All the best,
> Margo
> -Original Message- 
> From: Lance 
> Sent: Jun 14, 2013 10:21 AM 
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic 
> hernia 
> Hi Kat,
> That's good advice. As far as I know, Ember has done well with anesthesia. 
> She's had two dentals in the last three years, and she was anesthetized for 
> the CT scan two weeks ago. However, the stress of surgery is another 
> consideration. 
> Since Ember is doing reasonably well (other than a URI she might have right 
> now), it might be prudent to take care of the hernia since she is showing 
> symptoms of it. Unfortunately, it's a lot to think about. I'm hoping to talk 
> to her primary vet today to discuss this some more.
> Lance
> On Jun 14, 2013, at 7:58 AM, kat  wrote:
>> Hi Lance,
>> I have not had experience with congenital hernias - but I would be concerned 
>> since Ember is FelV+
>> You might want to check back with her 2 vets about using anesthesia & 
>> putting her thru the stress of surgery.
>> Kat (Mew Jersey)
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Lance
>>> Sent: 06/13/13 04:19 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic 
>>> hernia
>>> My 11 year old FeLV+, Ember, was diagnosed with a congenital 
>>> peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia after CT scans and a consult 
>>> between a surgeon and a radiologist. 
>>> So far, her symptoms haven't been too scary: rapid breathing (but not open 
>>> mouth breathing or panting) and an odd posture she sometimes assumes where 
>>> she will "stand" with her forelegs and lie down with her back legs. This 
>>> tells me that she might be having some discomfort (one lobe of her liver is 
>>> involved in the hernia). She settles into lying down without problem, and 
>>> she rests normally. 
>>> The symptoms have only begun in the last few months, as far as I know 
>>> (Ember and I weren't in the

Re: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia

2013-06-14 Thread Lance
Thank you, Beth. Ember is black. Here's a picture of her:

On Jun 14, 2013, at 12:35 PM, Beth  wrote:

> Yes, what we all want is more time. Wishing you and Ember the best. 
> What color is she, btw? 
>  Beth
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> From: Lance 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 12:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic
> hernia
> It's very tough. Surgeon is ready to go, and one vet says, "Be careful." Most 
> of what I've read seems to indicate that the surgery is *usually* safe, and 
> that any complications should be minor. However, we all know how that goes...
> I'd just like more time with my sweet girl.
> On Jun 14, 2013, at 11:28 AM, Beth  wrote:
>> That's a tough decision, Lance. It does sound like she may be in pain, which 
>> is a stress, but so is surgery.
>>  Beth
>> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia

2013-06-14 Thread Lance
It's very tough. Surgeon is ready to go, and one vet says, "Be careful." Most 
of what I've read seems to indicate that the surgery is *usually* safe, and 
that any complications should be minor. However, we all know how that goes...

I'd just like more time with my sweet girl.

On Jun 14, 2013, at 11:28 AM, Beth  wrote:

> That's a tough decision, Lance. It does sound like she may be in pain, which 
> is a stress, but so is surgery.
>  Beth
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia

2013-06-14 Thread Lance
Hi Kat,

That's good advice. As far as I know, Ember has done well with anesthesia. 
She's had two dentals in the last three years, and she was anesthetized for the 
CT scan two weeks ago. However, the stress of surgery is another consideration. 

Since Ember is doing reasonably well (other than a URI she might have right 
now), it might be prudent to take care of the hernia since she is showing 
symptoms of it. Unfortunately, it's a lot to think about. I'm hoping to talk to 
her primary vet today to discuss this some more.


On Jun 14, 2013, at 7:58 AM, kat  wrote:

> Hi Lance,
> I have not had experience with congenital hernias - but I would be concerned 
> since Ember is FelV+
> You might want to check back with her 2 vets about using anesthesia & putting 
> her thru the stress of surgery.
> Kat (Mew Jersey)
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Lance
>> Sent: 06/13/13 04:19 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia
>> My 11 year old FeLV+, Ember, was diagnosed with a congenital 
>> peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia after CT scans and a consult 
>> between a surgeon and a radiologist. 
>> So far, her symptoms haven't been too scary: rapid breathing (but not open 
>> mouth breathing or panting) and an odd posture she sometimes assumes where 
>> she will "stand" with her forelegs and lie down with her back legs. This 
>> tells me that she might be having some discomfort (one lobe of her liver is 
>> involved in the hernia). She settles into lying down without problem, and 
>> she rests normally. 
>> The symptoms have only begun in the last few months, as far as I know (Ember 
>> and I weren't in the same part of the world for almost a year). We'd been 
>> fearing cancer, so this would seem to be good news. 
>> The surgeon is gung-ho to take care of business, and he has an excellent 
>> reputation with a lot of experience and education. However, I just spoke to 
>> one of Ember's two vets about this, and he said, "If she were my cat, I 
>> don't think I would do it." He's concerned about moving the liver, and more 
>> importantly, about the surgeon having enough to work with when the hernia is 
>> likely congenital. 
>> Has anyone on the list had experience with congenital hernias in cats? I'd 
>> really like to get some more input before I make a decision. 
>> Thanks, 
>> Lance 
>> ___ 
>> Felvtalk mailing list 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia

2013-06-14 Thread Lance
My 11 year old FeLV+, Ember, was diagnosed with a congenital 
peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia after CT scans and a consult between 
a surgeon and a radiologist. 

So far, her symptoms haven't been too scary: rapid breathing (but not open 
mouth breathing or panting) and an odd posture she sometimes assumes where she 
will "stand" with her forelegs and lie down with her back legs. This tells me 
that she might be having some discomfort (one lobe of her liver is involved in 
the hernia). She settles into lying down without problem, and she rests 

The symptoms have only begun in the last few months, as far as I know (Ember 
and I weren't in the same part of the world for almost a year). We'd been 
fearing cancer, so this would seem to be good news.

The surgeon is gung-ho to take care of business, and he has an excellent 
reputation with a lot of experience and education. However, I just spoke to one 
of Ember's two vets about this, and he said, "If she were my cat, I don't think 
I would do it." He's concerned about moving the liver, and more importantly, 
about the surgeon having enough to work with when the hernia is likely 

Has anyone on the list had experience with congenital hernias in cats? I'd 
really like to get some more input before I make a decision.


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 23, Issue 15

2013-06-13 Thread Lance
The 2008 retrovirus document can be downloaded here:

As for breaking the tie, your vet could run a confirmatory ELISA using a 
different kit and plasma or serum rather than whole blood. But really, if 45 
days is what they want, that works. 

The FeLV testing protocol suggested on is:

For healthy cats:

For sick cats:

On Jun 13, 2013, at 1:52 AM, Karen Harshbarger  

> All the younger ones are 13 months oldare from the same litter and there 
> is one senior.  The female never did test positive (and she lived with them 
> at the start of her life).  I think the first one didn't make it because we 
> did not realize what we were dealing with and were not aggressive enough.  
> They had all been sick with upper respiratory and couldn't seem to get rid of 
> it and it just kept passing it around.  If we had only known just how serious 
> it was and that they had been exposed to leukemia somewhere along the line 
> (not sure exactly how) we would have moved them into the garage sooner and 
> been much more aggressive (and then Tig would have made it maybe---that is 
> what I keep kicking myself about).   Once we realized what we were dealing 
> with we got major aggressive on everything--one sneeze or one little running 
> of the eye, or sleeping too much, or not cleaning their food dish, etc and 
> off to the vet we went. It scares me to think how much of our retirement 
> savings we have spent---but I tried and tried to find financial assistance 
> and just could not, so what do you do---couldn't let any more of these babies 
> just waste away like Tig did if I could possibly do anything about it---so we 
> just kept trying and are still treating aggressively even after the negative 
> test.   We also changed their diet from the cheapest we were using cause we 
> had so many cats to a better more expensive food. 
>  But we are not out of the woods yet.  The way my vet and some of the reading 
>  I have done explains that you need to get two tests that say the same thing 
> because sometimes the test is wrong.  Since 4 of them had a positive test and 
> then a negative test, we need the third test to break the tie so to 
> speakhopefully the 3rd test will be negative and then my vet said we can 
> rest assured that they are truly negative.  The little female tested negative 
> twice, so we keep her separate and figure she is pretty much in the 
> clear---at least hope.   (the two little ones that the no kill rescue took 
> for us are about 10 months old by now and as I said  one tested positive and 
> one tested negative---we don't know how they came out on the second test but 
> were told a few months back that they were both doing good).
> I would be interested in that research paper that you speak of.  We all need 
> to do as much as we can to fight and learn about this horrible illness.  
> thanks Karen

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 23, Issue 15

2013-06-12 Thread Lance
Wow, that's a sad but amazing story, Karen. The compassion you have for those 
cats is beautiful. Thanks to you and your family for doing what you're doing 
for them. 

The usual recommendation that I've seen is to wait three months after the 
initial test, then give a second test, which you did. I'm not sure that the 45 
day test is necessary, but if my vet wanted to do it, I'd go along with her. 

It sounds like most of the positives are either kittens or very young, so it's 
impressive (and wonderful) that they were able to have enough of an immune 
response to prevent them from being persistently viremic. This is another thing 
that would be nice to know: why does that happen? I've read that studies have 
seen certain cell lines (I think) that are associated with regressive infection 
occurring. It might be in the retrovirus paper. 


On Jun 12, 2013, at 4:33 PM, Karen Harshbarger  

> Lance,  In answer to your questions.  We rescue strays that come to our patio 
> to start with.  From there it is kind of long story.  We usually get them 
> spayed or neutered and get them shots and provide shelter for them, but leave 
> them outside.  A neighbor started complaining about them getting in his 
> garage, so we were forced by our city codes to build a large kennel (10feet X 
> 16)on our property, so that they could not wonder.  We did not like this 
> situation so we started trying to find them inside homes (as we already have 
> 5 in our home).  Then there were 4 little kittens that squeezed their way in 
> to the kennel and we had 10 cats in there for about two months or more (kind 
> of lost track of how long really).  So I put out a plea for no kill shelters 
> to help me and take some.   A no kill shelter took said they would take the 
> kittens, but two wondered off before I could get them there---not to be seen 
> again until recently back on our patio (but that is another story).  Anyway, 
> this no kill shelter contacted me and told me the little female tested 
> positive and the male negative, and that I should have the others tested.  I 
> did this about 3 months ago and 5 out of the 6 tested positive.  Needless to 
> say we were heart broken.  We knew we had to do more for them because it was 
> still pretty cold outside even with the heated  dog house and insulated 
> shelters in the pen.  So we moved our cars out of the garage and built 
> another shelter in the garage and set up two heaters.  We housed the one 
> little female that tested negative separate but brought her in also.  The we 
> started taking them to the vet if the so much as sneezed.  For a while we 
> were treating upper respiratory for quite a while and runny eyes.  They would 
> get over it but get it back.  Then one of the little males that tested 
> positive got very sick---that was our beautiful little Tig so we separated 
> him out.  We started him on interferone but nothing helped.  He got anemia 
> very bad got to where he could not eat, drink, get to his litter box, had 
> trouble breathing, and choaked when I tried to feed him.  It got so bad we 
> rushed to emergency but they said there was nothing they could do for him and 
> it broke my heart---it still does and not a day goes by we don't think of him 
> in some way.  Anyway, so we became extremely aggressive with the others---if 
> they did anything out of the norm, we took them to the vet for treatment.  
> The little female that was tested negative got very sick would not eat, 
> drink, potty and was throwing up.  We took her to the vet they gave meds but 
> did not get better.  They were about to do exploratory surgery, but we said 
> give her one more day---so they gave her fluids and that seem to do the 
> trick---the next day she started eating and slowly went back to normal.  Then 
> Cole got sick and was throwing up white foam and would not eat, so I was 
> panicky.  The vet gave him an injection and a pill to calm his stomach and by 
> the next day he started eating but not normal and was just not himself.  But 
> slowly he came back and seems fine so far.  In that group is an old senior 
> cat that has constant loose stools and we can't seem to clear that  
> changed diet, been to several vets an several medications.  But then with the 
> retest yesterday, we got a negative for all of themso we are just happy 
> for a good day.  We are hoping that the first test was wrong or that they 
> fought it off and the next test in 45 days will also be negative.  Sorry for 
> such a long story, but that is how they got exposed, etc.  We assume it was 
> the little female kitten cause she was sneezing and sick and he eyes were so 
> bad they were swollen.   She went straight to the heated house and we felt so 
> sorry for her---we took her to th

Re: [Felvtalk] feline leukemia tests

2013-06-12 Thread Lance
I've been wrestling with these thoughts a lot lately. I wrote to Marley Fund to 
see if they'd ever advocated for trials, but it sounds like it's outside of 
their mission. Maybe no one advocates for trials, but I was under the 
impression that something like that was done for HIV/AIDS. 

I wrote Virbac earlier today to find out where Virbagen Omega approval for the 
US market is. I'll bet I can tell you before I even hear back from them.

On Jun 12, 2013, at 2:53 PM, "Amanda K. Payne"  wrote:

> Lance,
> I could totally get behind your Christmas Wish List.  I rescued my first 
> FeLV+ kitten ten years ago. In that decade, there seems to be little to no 
> progress made in FeLV prevention and/or treatment.  Instead, the information 
> I come across is more confusing than it was when I first heard of FeLV. I 
> understand that a lack of funding and red tape slow down scientific progress, 
> but come on!  There's a huge difference between slow down and standstill. 
> It may be too late for my Polli, but I look forward to the day that FeLV is 
> treatable instead of something that only supportive care is available for.
> -Amanda

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Healing thoughts for Bubba

2013-06-12 Thread Lance
Poor Bubba! I'm sorry he's having such a rough time, and a rude bite on the 
tail to top it off. Hopefully he can clear the Hemobart and move on. I'll add 
him to the purrayers list.

Best wishes to you and Bubba,


On Jun 12, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Beth  wrote:

> Hey guys need some positive energy for one of my FeLV fosters - Bubba. He had 
> been battling a URI. Tried a couple different antibiotics, and finally, after 
> a week the URI cleared &  he started eating on his own last Sunday. Well as 
> soon as I took him off the Doxy he started going down again. 
> We went to the shelter this afternoon & thankfully they had a wonderful vet 
> volunteering who has experience in FeLV kitties.
> We're wondering now if he has Hemobart since he starting going down after 
> withdrawing the Doxy. His gums were pink, though. I've had a constant battle 
> with fleas. Advantage was no longer working so I switched  Frontline, but 
> that doesn't seem to be working well either.
> He got fluids, more Doxy, Prenisone, Cyproheptadine, Capstar & AD. 
> On top of that it looks like he has a cat bite o his tail. Poor baby. Going 
> to go home tonight & spend some one-on-one time with him.
> Just being able to talk to you guys about these babies really helps. At least 
> I feel like someone understands how helpless I feel sometimes.
> Beth
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] feline leukemia tests

2013-06-12 Thread Lance
Yeah, it does show that persistent infection isn't necessarily inevitable when 
a cat is exposed and infected. It's sad that we don't know more about how often 
regressive vs. persistent happens. There are a lot of things I think we need 
with regard to information. For Christmas, I'd like some tangibles:

* an immediate treatment that can hit the virus right after exposure.

Even if it's only useful for 48 hours, that would allow people with bitten cats 
to treat immediately, rather than to wait on the disease process. Perhaps this 
is unrealistic or even science fiction. I think some folks have used AZT in 
these cases, but that seems potentially dangerous. 

* a long-term treatment that allows for FeLV+ cats (and FIV+ cats) to live with 
their illness in a similar way to how more people are able to live with HIV 

This is going to require lots of funding, but we need feline-friendly 
antiretrovirals that are less toxic. Imagine someone getting an FeLV+ diagnosis 
for his or her cat in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future, and while they 
are saddened, they know that their cat can live a full life with the right 
drugs–the virus will be relatively under control.

* a vaccine that doesn't cause vax site sarcomas. 

How hard can this possibly be? Why do we not understand how this happens better 
after a decade of dealing with it? Why is their less vax site sarcoma 
prevalence in the UK and Europe vs. America, when both sides use pretty much 
the same vax?

In my family's case, I think I would have advocated for our girl now of 
questionable status to be vaccinated if I didn't have to feel like I was 
putting her at risk for an aggressive cancer. But, my FeLV+ was isolated, and 
the few accidental meet-ups that they'd had were always quick and easily 
curtailed, so putting Callie at risk of the sarcoma didn't seem right. I'm 
regretting that now.

On Jun 12, 2013, at 2:20 PM, Margo  wrote:

> Hi Lance,
>  Thanks! I don't know if I have that or not, but it sounds 
> interesting . And it does give me some hope.
> All the best,
> Margo
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Where to buy Interferon Alpha

2013-06-12 Thread Lance
I get Ember's interferon from Roadrunner, so they can.

On Jun 12, 2013, at 2:34 PM, KG BarnCats  wrote:

> Others that compound I've used in the past include Diamondback, Roadrunner... 
> not sure they all do Interferon. 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] feline leukemia tests

2013-06-12 Thread Lance
I'm not sure about this, but I *think* this might be what's called regressive 
infection. It's not as bad as it sounds. This is a "new" way of looking at cats 
we used to think threw off the virus. The paper "2008 AAFP Retrovirus 
Guidelines" puts it this way:

Regressive infection is accompanied by an effective immune response, and virus 
replication is contained prior to or at the time of bone marrow infection. Cats 
with regressive infection are at little risk of developing FeLV-associated 
diseases. FeLV is integrated into the cat’s genome, but viral shedding does not 
occur (Peder- sen et al 1977, Lutz et al 1983, Flynn et al 2000, 2002). 

It seems possible that the cats we always used to say "threw off" the virus 
were actually "infected", but that they don't shed virus and have a very low 
risk for getting sick.

That paper is available online. Just Google for the title. All in all, while it 
might not be the best news, regressive infection would seem to indicate a 
normal life is ahead for your cats, and you shouldn't have to be concerned 
about them.

Would you mind describing the exposure you think your cats might have 
undergone? Was it a short interaction with a FeLV+ or a long period of time 
spent with a positive cat or cats? Also, how is Cole doing? I know he didn't 
eat well one day recently, and you were concerned.

Best wishes to you and the five negative kitties,


On Jun 12, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Karen Harshbarger  

> I had my 5 cats tested for feline leukemia when believed to be exposed.  
> First test 4 tested positive and yesterday (90 days later) all 5 tested 
> negative.  my vet said retest in 45 days and see what we get.  If two test 
> with same diagnosis then that is the results.  Has anyone ever had this 
> and/or what do you have to say about what is going on with my guys?  He used 
> the quick in house test---for get the name---not the send out lab test that 
> takes longer for results.  Thanks Karen
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Rescuing Kittens and Positive Kitty w/ Flatulence

2013-06-11 Thread Lance
If you saw that list recently, maybe it was this?

On Jun 11, 2013, at 7:30 AM, Amanda K. Payne  wrote:

> I remember seeing a list of healthy foods that was circulating this email 
> group but cannot find it in my inbox. Do you have any suggestions for food 
> that may be better for her digestive system?

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] PJ needs a home

2013-06-10 Thread Lance
I would also be willing to give a little money for PJ to be able to fly in 

On Jun 10, 2013, at 7:20 PM, Lee Evans  wrote:

> It would not be right to send him in cargo and the very long road trip would 
> be stressful. Could you get some donations to fly him with a person as their 
> "pet" in an airline regulation carrier? I would be willing to contribute $10 
> to that cause. He actually may turn from FeLv+ to just FIV+ if kept for two 
> months and retested. You can also contact Best Friends. They may donate his 
> airfare or part of it. Cargo could be a death sentence for a cat who needs a 
> stable environment. Sometimes it's not climate controlled and is either 
> sweltering or freezing. Crated dogs could bark all the way from NJ. It's like 
> cat hell. I'm in San Antonio, TX, have 2 cats who tested neg. for FeLv after 
> being kept for two months and re-tested. Wish I could take the sweet boy but 
> I have 40 cats here in my foster/forever/rescued group.
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
> neighbors too!

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Treatment Protocols

2013-06-10 Thread Lance

On Jun 10, 2013, at 6:20 AM, Margo  wrote:

> I'm still trying to figure out why there isn't more info about 
> treating FeLV. The usual volume of research I can dig up on a 
> disease/condition just isn't there. Because nothing works? Because most Vets 
> and owners don't treat? Because FeLV isn't often diagnosed in cats that are 
> "healthy" enough to warrant treatment? I don't know. 

Historically, I think most owners and vets didn't treat. It was considered a 
"death sentence" until recently (last 10-15 years?). There are still vets who 
see it that way. And, as you said, it's probably also because FeLV is often 
seen in cats who are not doing well, which was the case of our FeLV+, Sadie. 
The vet urged euthanasia. 

If owners don't treat, then there isn't much money in it, and independent 
studies seem to need lots of money, even if they're modest. Companies also have 
to bother to perform studies themselves, and if they can skate by with just a 
provisional nod from the proper body, they can sell their drug, and the cash 
may be the only thing they really care about. 

T-Cyte is a good example of a company that, from what we can tell, doesn't seem 
to care to set up full trials. I'm fairly sure that Virbac have not paid for 
the required trials in the US, and that this is why Virbagen Omega isn't 
available here. If it we could get VO here, American FeLV+ owners could get it 
cheaper and faster (we wouldn't have to clear it through the FDA, and we 
wouldn't have to have it shipped overnight from England).
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Treatment Protocols-Lance

2013-06-09 Thread Lance
Yes, the vet who confirmed Ember's status started her on interferon 
immediately, which was a bit over seven years ago. DMG requires no 
prescription, and people give it to healthy animals that have no illnesses. If 
you're considering it, I would recommend discussing DMG with your vet, just to 
be on the safe side.

Glad to hear that Jack is doing well. The folks on the lymphoma list seem to 
have had pretty good results with chemo. 

On Jun 9, 2013, at 10:41 PM, kasia mosko  wrote:

> Hi Lance,
> Of those on the list, I've only used inteferon alpha.
> ***Did you start using it before your cat has shown any symptoms? 
> How is Jack doing today?
> *** So far Jack has been doing really good. It took him only two days to get 
> back to "normal", and the fluid in his chest stopped building up as well. He 
> eats soo much; much more than he used to, but it is ok, because he is only 
> over 6 pounds now.  It is his second week on chemo and no side effects so 
> far; hopefully it will stay this way.
> Lance

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Treatment Protocols

2013-06-09 Thread Lance
Of those on the list, I've only used inteferon alpha and Dimethylglycine (DMG). 
Interferon is fairly affordable, while DMG is cheap and available in a number 
of formats (liquid, powder, "treat"). I can't vouch for whether or not they 
work. We have no studies that I know of for DMG use on FeLV+ cats, and 
interferon alpha studies show possible help, but nothing that says it will 
definitely improve anything.

ImmunoRegulin - I believe I spoke to Dr. Thomas (an article about her use of IR 
is listed on that page) about ImmunoRegulin. If I remember right, she hasn't 
used the drug for cats in a long time, but I don't think this was due to any 
problem with it. She still said it had done some good.

Acemannan - Ember's first vet to treat her for FeLV had tried using this drug 
on cats a long time ago, and he didn't see any use in it. 

Lymphocyte T-Cell Immune Modulator - This is a relatively new product, and my 
understanding is that adequate studies have not been conducted. My vet wasn't 
impressed. A cat in town is getting it for something related to sneezing, and 
the owner is happy with the cat's progress. I don't know anything about the 
case; just that my vet talked to another vet here about it. It shouldn't hurt, 
and I'm considering it. 

Staph Protein A - I know nothing about this one and don't know that I've ever 
heard of anyone using it.

Baypamun - <> You can search the 
list archives for this, but I'm not sure it's even available. That page on the 
site hasn't been updated in quite awhile. 

How is Jack doing today?


On Jun 9, 2013, at 11:24 AM, kasia mosko  wrote:

> Hello All,
> I've came across this website with treatments for Felv, and was wondering if 
> anyone ever tried anything (I know some members tried Interferon Alpha)? The 
> link is 
> Best, 
> Kasia
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle-El

2013-06-07 Thread Lance

I've usually tried to do a capsule a day for my FeLV+ cat, but that doesn't 
work well now that she doesn't eat paté style foods. I don't think it tastes 
that great, and it's hart to hide the flavor in Tiki Cat. Need to figure out 
what I can do.

Best to you, Jack, and the other cats,


On Jun 7, 2013, at 11:14 AM, kasia mosko  wrote:

> Hi El,
> I actually have at home Transfer Factor Classic, I used it last year for my 
> late cat. What is the dosage, do you remember? So, your kitties were ok for 
> about  five years after being diagnosed? 
> Thanks,
> Kasia

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle

2013-06-07 Thread Lance
In the treat hierarchy, the Vetri Science chews are near the bottom while Kitty 
Kaviar and Prescription Diet t/d are at the top. So like us: loving the junk 

On Jun 7, 2013, at 5:00 PM, Margo  wrote:

>   I bought the Optixcare L-Lysine chews. Labeled "L-Lysine 
> Nutritional Supplement for cats and kittens."
>   The dogs like them :((
> Margo
> -Original Message-
>> From: Lance 
>> Sent: Jun 7, 2013 4:54 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle
>> Vetri Science makes DMG chews that also contain l-lysine. They're a treat, 
>> if you can trick the cat into accepting them as such. 
>> Kasia, you might also want some canned raw pumpkin (not pie filler with 
>> spices, but raw pumpkin) on hand for initially treating diarrhea. Obviously, 
>> there are going to be times pumpkin alone won't take care of things, but it 
>> does help. Ember used to eat it like it was normal food. I think people 
>> often mix it with wet food. 
>> Lance
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle

2013-06-07 Thread Lance
Vetri Science makes DMG chews that also contain l-lysine. They're a treat, if 
you can trick the cat into accepting them as such. 

Kasia, you might also want some canned raw pumpkin (not pie filler with spices, 
but raw pumpkin) on hand for initially treating diarrhea. Obviously, there are 
going to be times pumpkin alone won't take care of things, but it does help. 
Ember used to eat it like it was normal food. I think people often mix it with 
wet food. 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle

2013-06-07 Thread Lance
I see that I wrote "beware" where I meant "be aware". 

A few options you may want to discuss with a holistic vet:

Thorne Research - Immugen
Atlas World - Agaricus Bio for Dogs and Cats
4Life - Transfer Factor Plus

You wouldn't necessarily want them on all of that at the same time, but those 
are a few more options.

The reason I think working with a holistic vet is a good idea is that they can 
help you coordinate an approach as well as vouch for supplements that they use.

On Jun 7, 2013, at 10:35 AM, Lance  wrote:

> I've given Ember a product called Liquid DMG off and on. Vetri Science seems 
> to be a reliable company, and I don't believe there's a risk of side effects. 
> You might want to discuss this with a holistic vet in your area.
> Everything you mention is great to have. I don't think you'll need much else. 
> What you mainly want to do is beware of how the cats are behaving, how well 
> they eat and drink, how well they use the box, and how everyone generally 
> feels. Your eyes, ears, and attention to detail are more useful than anything 
> you could buy. That said, be careful not to scrutinize too much. As others 
> have said, FeLV+ cats get illnesses that may have nothing to do with FeLV, 
> and those are often treatable.
> Lance
> On Jun 7, 2013, at 10:07 AM, kasia mosko  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> So I am getting myself ready for the emergency situations, since the most 
>> important thing with felv cats is not to let them get sick. I am wondering 
>> what exactly do  I need? So far I've got on my list: scale to monitor their 
>> weight, thermometer, antibiotics  (in case i see any scratches) to prevent 
>> infections. I definitely need something good for immune system. I also 
>> talked with the vet and we decided to put them on interferon alpha...may 
>> help. Please, members with felv experience, let me know what else could be 
>> helpful.
>> Thanks,
>> Kasia
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle

2013-06-07 Thread Lance
I've given Ember a product called Liquid DMG off and on. Vetri Science seems to 
be a reliable company, and I don't believe there's a risk of side effects. You 
might want to discuss this with a holistic vet in your area.

Everything you mention is great to have. I don't think you'll need much else. 
What you mainly want to do is beware of how the cats are behaving, how well 
they eat and drink, how well they use the box, and how everyone generally 
feels. Your eyes, ears, and attention to detail are more useful than anything 
you could buy. That said, be careful not to scrutinize too much. As others have 
said, FeLV+ cats get illnesses that may have nothing to do with FeLV, and those 
are often treatable.


On Jun 7, 2013, at 10:07 AM, kasia mosko  wrote:

> Hi All,
> So I am getting myself ready for the emergency situations, since the most 
> important thing with felv cats is not to let them get sick. I am wondering 
> what exactly do  I need? So far I've got on my list: scale to monitor their 
> weight, thermometer, antibiotics  (in case i see any scratches) to prevent 
> infections. I definitely need something good for immune system. I also talked 
> with the vet and we decided to put them on interferon alpha...may help. 
> Please, members with felv experience, let me know what else could be helpful.
> Thanks,
> Kasia
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] prayers

2013-06-07 Thread Lance
Cole will be in my prayers, Karen. And you, too. We're pulling for a quick 


On Jun 7, 2013, at 8:28 AM, Beth  wrote:

> Karen-
> Wishing Cole well. I just went through the same thing with one of my FeLV's I 
> had to force-feed him for a week. He finally started eating a little on his 
> own this past Sunday.
> He had a URI, though it was hard to tell he was congested until you got right 
> next to him & could hear a little wheezing.
> You do just have to treat the symptoms as with any other cat. The only thing 
> I would make sure of is that his gums are pink.
> I hope he feels better soon. I know how hard it is to see them sick.
> Beth
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> From: Karen Harshbarger 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 3:30 AM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] prayers
> Just need some prayers tonight for Cole.  He tested positive along with his 
> brothers for feline leukemia about 3 months ago.  The have all been doing 
> pretty good, eating well, playing, happy and loving, etc.  But then two of 
> his brothers started having problems with scab like bumps and the vet doesn't 
> seem to know what it is.  Now Cole refused to eat his supper tonight and I am 
> so worried for him and his brothers.  They are due for their second test in 
> about a week.  They were doing so good I was hoping that they would test 
> negative and was able to fight their exposure.  But now with this I am so 
> afraid for them.  And not eating is the worst, cause I am so afraid he won't 
> start eating again.  Please say a prayer for him that it is just a little 
> normal stomach upset and tomorrow he will clean his plate at breakfast. 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] treatment before symptoms

2013-06-06 Thread Lance
I agree. I had no intention of using these drugs. I doubt my vet would even 
have access to the newer drugs the paper mentions, and AZT is definitely out, 
unfortunately. It would be a sad irony if an exposed cat was FeLV- (or 
otherwise threw the virus without the help of AZT) but ended up with 
non-regenerative anemia after getting slightly too high a dose of AZT.

I have seen references to using AZT right after exposure, but if that were a 
good idea, I would think people would be trying it regularly.

I did write to the point person for that paper (Dr. Mansky) to ask what he 
thought could be done to forward research and use of the drugs (other than AZT) 
that were mentioned. He's not a vet (I think he's a virologist), but he 
probably has some thoughts on the issue. 

It saddens me that there are potential treatments out there, but it seems that 
no money and little impetus exist to push them along.

Also, Lee, you definitely understood more of the paper than I did. :-)

On Jun 6, 2013, at 9:00 PM, Lee Evans  wrote:

> Ugh! I hate terminology although I do understand some of it from being a 
> medical transcriber in human medical practice. The gist of the paper is that 
> using AZT and other human drugs on a cat can be risky and should not be done 
> except under the control of a veterinary specialist. Your cat could become 
> jaundiced because most of these drugs have bad side effects on liver and 
> kidneys if given in too large a dose and no effect in the disease if given in 
> too small a dose. Why not just wait and see what happens and not subject your 
> cat to something experimental and possibly dangerous?
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
> neighbors too!
> From: Lance 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 8:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] treatment before symptoms
> Along those lines, I found this article, "Discovery of drugs that possess 
> activity against feline leukemia virus".
> Almost all of the terminology in the paper is beyond me, but what I do 
> understand makes me think that we could have potential treatment options for 
> FeLV at some point in the near future. These drugs are available now; we just 
> need someone to fund (the sticking point, I'm guessing) trials.
> This is my last post for tonight. Probably.
> On Jun 5, 2013, at 8:20 PM, Lance  wrote:
> > I'm wondering if anyone has ever attempted treatment of a potentially 
> > infected cat before the cat showed symptoms or tested positive. Would 
> > immune boosters help, or would  we be playing with fire and possibly making 
> > things worse? It seems like a vet who has done a lot of work with FeLV cats 
> > might have done this.
> > 
> > Along those lines, has anyone actually had a cat on Mega-C who then 
> > appeared to suppress or eradicate the virus?
> > 
> > I'm kind of thinking out loud here, and hopefully not bugging anyone. It 
> > seems to me that the progress of research into FeLV is woefully glacial.
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] New To Group-Lance

2013-06-06 Thread Lance
Hi Chris,

That would certainly make sense. Looking at it like that, I guess the extra 
money paid is going to the convenience of not having to buy chicken, boil it, 
and prepare it. Nothing more.

Side note: Ember is so spoiled by Tiki Cat that she avoids all "paté" types of 
foods. It sounds funny, but it might be something to consider before going down 
that route. I'm in a spot with her where I really, really can't have her not 
eating even for a few hours. So, Ember's Tiki Cat habit is the boss of me.

On Jun 6, 2013, at 8:53 PM,  wrote:

> That’s a great site-thanks!
> I’ve been feeding mine Tiki Cat, and I was
> looking at it and reading the ingredients list, wouldn’t it be
> a lot cheaper and just as good to boil some chicken and add
> a cat vitamin?
> Chris C.
> From: Lance
> Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 6:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] New To Group-Lance
> Ember was four years old when she tested positive, but she must have had the 
> disease prior to that. She might have been as young as two or three years old 
> when the infection became persistent. We still don't know how the virus got 
> into the house, whether through Ember herself or a stray kitten my parents 
> took  in who was later euthanized due to symptoms a year and a half later.
> About lymphoma, please join the feline lymphoma Yahoo! group. The support 
> there is amazing, and a vet frequently comments there.
> I'm glad that the others aren't showing symptoms. My Ember has thankfully had 
> very few issues with the virus. Her main symptoms are: low white blood cell 
> count, anisocoria (one pupil is fully open all the time), and some very minor 
> bouts of diarrhea (not in the last few years) and upper respiratory 
> infections. For the most part, she gets sick like a normal cat.
> You may want to check this blog post that covers cat food:
> <>
> Ember eats Tiki Cat these days, which is the priciest stuff, but other brands 
> like Hound & Gatos and Great Life Essentials are more affordable.
> On Jun 6, 2013, at 5:33 PM, kasia mosko  wrote:
>> Hi Lance,
>> Are any of your FeLV+ cats showing symptoms?
>> ***Besides Jack, who has lymphoma, none of the other cats show any symptoms.
>> Lance, when was your girl diagnosed with it?
>> Kasia
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] New To Group-Lance

2013-06-06 Thread Lance
Ember was four years old when she tested positive, but she must have had the 
disease prior to that. She might have been as young as two or three years old 
when the infection became persistent. We still don't know how the virus got 
into the house, whether through Ember herself or a stray kitten my parents took 
in who was later euthanized due to symptoms a year and a half later.

About lymphoma, please join the feline lymphoma Yahoo! group. The support there 
is amazing, and a vet frequently comments there.

I'm glad that the others aren't showing symptoms. My Ember has thankfully had 
very few issues with the virus. Her main symptoms are: low white blood cell 
count, anisocoria (one pupil is fully open all the time), and some very minor 
bouts of diarrhea (not in the last few years) and upper respiratory infections. 
For the most part, she gets sick like a normal cat. 

You may want to check this blog post that covers cat food:


Ember eats Tiki Cat these days, which is the priciest stuff, but other brands 
like Hound & Gatos and Great Life Essentials are more affordable.

On Jun 6, 2013, at 5:33 PM, kasia mosko  wrote:

> Hi Lance,
> Are any of your FeLV+ cats showing symptoms? 
> ***Besides Jack, who has lymphoma, none of the other cats show any symptoms.
> Lance, when was your girl diagnosed with it?
> Kasia
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] New To Group

2013-06-06 Thread Lance
I'm so sorry, Kasia. You and your cats will be in my thoughts and prayers. As 
Lorrie said, it's very possible that an FeLV+ cat can live for years. I 
understand how you feel, though. I'm worried about a likely exposure in our 
house, and I also have an 11 year old FeLV+ girl of my own.

Are any of your FeLV+ cats showing symptoms? 


On Jun 6, 2013, at 4:19 PM, kasia mosko  wrote:

> Hi Lorrie,
> Three of my cats are around 7-8 years old, one is little over 3 years, and 
> two will be three years old soon. From what I understood is that older cats 
> got infected because they hang around the carrier for a long period of time. 
> It is such a shocking news, I still do not know how to deal with it; 
> honestly, this is the worst time of my life. All of my animals are the most 
> important "things" in my life, I cant imagine losing any of them...unless 
> they are old and  ready to go. 
> From: Lorrie 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 4:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] New To Group
> Oh Kasia, I am so sorry. You must be absolutely devastated. It is really
> unusual for older cats to become positive unless they were kittens at
> the time they were with the positive cats.
> I know you are shocked and frightened, but cats who test positive can still
> live long lives, but it is important to catch the first sign of illness and
> treat it. I hope your cats will be able to live with this virus and have a
> good long life in spite of being positive.
> Lorrie
> >On 06-06, kasia mosko wrote:
> >Lorrie,
> >Yesterday I had the rest of the cats tested for FelV, and they all
> >turned out to be positive. I  have 6 cats suffering from FelV and one
> >has lymphoma; I feel like my life has just ended.
> >Kasia
> >  __
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] treatment before symptoms

2013-06-05 Thread Lance
Along those lines, I found this article, "Discovery of drugs that possess 
activity against feline leukemia virus".

Almost all of the terminology in the paper is beyond me, but what I do 
understand makes me think that we could have potential treatment options for 
FeLV at some point in the near future. These drugs are available now; we just 
need someone to fund (the sticking point, I'm guessing) trials.

This is my last post for tonight. Probably.

On Jun 5, 2013, at 8:20 PM, Lance  wrote:

> I'm wondering if anyone has ever attempted treatment of a potentially 
> infected cat before the cat showed symptoms or tested positive. Would immune 
> boosters help, or would  we be playing with fire and possibly making things 
> worse? It seems like a vet who has done a lot of work with FeLV cats might 
> have done this.
> Along those lines, has anyone actually had a cat on Mega-C who then appeared 
> to suppress or eradicate the virus?
> I'm kind of thinking out loud here, and hopefully not bugging anyone. It 
> seems to me that the progress of research into FeLV is woefully glacial.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] a tough and sad day

2013-06-05 Thread Lance
I totally agree, Lee. I've always been a worrier and I ruminate on concerns and 
problems. I'm pretty certain that none of that worrying has ever paid off. I 
will snap out of it the further I get from yesterday. 

On Jun 5, 2013, at 8:19 PM, Lee Evans  wrote:

> Well, worrying will get you nowhere. It's not action, it's not practical. 
> Forget the worry and just take her for a test in a couple of weeks. I doubt 
> whether a hissy fit fight will cause anything but a big headache for you. At 
> any rate, think about sitting and worrying for an hour a day. Does it do any 
> good? 
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
> neighbors too!

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] treatment before symptoms

2013-06-05 Thread Lance
I'm wondering if anyone has ever attempted treatment of a potentially infected 
cat before the cat showed symptoms or tested positive. Would immune boosters 
help, or would  we be playing with fire and possibly making things worse? It 
seems like a vet who has done a lot of work with FeLV cats might have done this.

Along those lines, has anyone actually had a cat on Mega-C who then appeared to 
suppress or eradicate the virus?

I'm kind of thinking out loud here, and hopefully not bugging anyone. It seems 
to me that the progress of research into FeLV is woefully glacial.
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Reporting a bite!

2013-06-05 Thread Lance
I know better now, thanks to this thread. Fortunately, I don't think there's 
any problem. My doc knows the situation, but we haven't gotten a call so far. 
The Health Department never asked me anything about why I was prescribed a 
tetanus shot. 

On Jun 5, 2013, at 5:44 PM, Lorrie  wrote:

> I knew this, Lee, but thanks for reminding any newcomers of this very
> important information..I rescue cats and I've been bitten many times 
> but I never report the bite as one of my own cats!
> Lorrie

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] a tough and sad day

2013-06-05 Thread Lance
Hi Lorrie and Beth,

I hope you are right. From our own experience, when FeLV came in (we still 
don't know who was the carrier), my cat tested positive after we euthanized an 
almost two year old cat for FeLV symptoms. When they had originally met, the 
kitten was four months old and Ember was two years old. 

Also in the house were several older males who didn't test positive and have 
never shown symptoms. One of them is still with us, and the others are gone for 
reasons unrelated to FeLV.

This doesn't keep me from worrying, though. It seems like a bite wound would be 
a much more efficient vehicle for the virus than grooming or all of the 
relatively unlikely paths (litter boxes and shared dishes). I don't know that 
Callie was bitten for sure, but the fight was very intense. 

I tend to ruminate on problems, and nothing I think or do is going to change 
the outcome at this point. I'm wondering about giving Callie something to boost 
her immune system, but for all I know, the nature of things might make that a 
bad idea. Anyway, thank you for your thoughts.


On Jun 5, 2013, at 5:39 PM, Lorrie  wrote:

> Lance,  Callie will probably be just fine. It takes a lot of exposure to
> FelV for a cat to get it and grown cats mixed with FelV cats usually don't
> become positive even without being vaccinated. It is kittens who are in
> danger, as their immune systems are not well developed.
> Lorrie
> On 06-04, Lance wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I wanted to ask for prayers and warm thoughts for my FeLV+ girl, Ember as
>> well as my mother's (hopefully) negative cat, Callie. Somehow, Callie got
>> into Ember's room, not once, but twice. The first time only lasted for a
>> few minutes, but I discovered a terrible cat fight in progress when I got
>> back upstairs. To disrupt the chase, I grabbed Callie to remove her from
>> the room. I got a bloody finger with three puncture marks in the process.
>> Later, I realized I should really get abx for the bite, so my dad took me
>> to the doctor. We were gone about an hour. When I got back, I was saddened
>> to find that I had stupidly managed to not completely close one of the
>> doors to our rooms, and Callie had again gotten in. I don't know that the
>> cats fought the second time. I think Callie might have explored the
>> normally off limits rooms. I found Ember hiding but unshaken behind some
>> clothes, and Callie didn't act like she was on edge, but I have no idea
>> what happened.
>> Needless to say, I'm very concerned about Callie's possible exposure to
>> the virus. We've had a few run-ns over the last seven years, but nothing
>> like the fight/chase I broke up today. My hope is that Callie being seven
>> years old puts her at low risk for infection. She hasn't had any recent
>> vax for FeLV, but she had the FeLV (including booster) when she was a
>> kitten. She also seems very healthy.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] a tough and sad day

2013-06-05 Thread Lance
Tetanus shot acquired. Now, back to worrying about Callie...

I wish there was something that could be given within the first few days after 
possible exposure, but I don't think there's anything like that. 

I know a lot of people have negatives around positives, but I'm guessing they 
usually don't jump on each other and bite. I can only suspect that Ember got in 
a bite or two when they were tumbling. 

Please keep the thoughts, prayers, wishes, and vibes coming.
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] a tough and sad day

2013-06-05 Thread Lance
Since we're on this subject, when I was at the doc's last night, he did ask me 
about the bite. I told him that it had come from an indoor family cat, and 
explained that she doesn't have any issues. He may have reported this, but I 
haven't gotten a call. Yet.

He wants me to get a tetanus shot. He said that the shot would be ~$85 at the 
office, but $5 if given by the Health Department. I sprung for the $5 script, 
but I'm now wondering if they're going to question me. I'd be willing to pay 
the money to not have to deal with them, if there's concern that they'll 
interrogate me or take Callie away.
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] a tough and sad day

2013-06-05 Thread Lance
Thanks for the good thoughts, everyone. Sharyl, I hope I'm the only one with a 
puncture wound. I don't know that for sure. I've felt around on Callie's neck, 
tail, and legs, and I haven't found anything yet, but I doubt that I'd know it 
if I were touching it. I wish there was something that could be given within 
24-48 hours to prevent an FeLV infection, but I know of nothing like that.

Callie is not up on her rabies vaccine. She doesn't go outside, so my parents 
chose not to vaccinate her. Ember  is in the same boat. I'm not sure, but I'm 
hoping that this wasn't reported to the health department. That Callie could 
now be dealing with an FeLV infection is nightmarish enough.

On Jun 5, 2013, at 5:44 AM, Sharyl  wrote:

> Lance, if you are the only one with a puncture wound I wouldn't worry either. 
> Is Callie current on her rabies vaccine?  Since you went to the doc for abx 
> you may get a call from the Health Dept.  I know I did when I went to the ER 
> for treatment of an infected cat bite.  I had to agree to quarantine my cat 
> for 10 days..
> Sharyl
> From: Lance 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 10:53 PM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] a tough and sad day
> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to ask for prayers and warm thoughts for my FeLV+ girl, Ember as 
> well as my mother's (hopefully) negative cat, Callie. Somehow, Callie got 
> into Ember's room, not once, but twice. The first time only lasted for a few 
> minutes, but I discovered a terrible cat fight in progress when I got back 
> upstairs. To disrupt the chase, I grabbed Callie to remove her from the room. 
> I got a bloody finger with three puncture marks in the process.
> Later, I realized I should really get abx for the bite, so my dad took me to 
> the doctor. We were gone about an hour. When I got back, I was saddened to 
> find that I had stupidly managed to not completely close one of the doors to 
> our rooms, and Callie had again gotten in. I don't know that the cats fought 
> the second time. I think Callie might have explored the normally off limits 
> rooms. I found Ember hiding but unshaken behind some clothes, and Callie 
> didn't act like she was on edge, but I have no idea what happened. 
> Needless to say, I'm very concerned about Callie's possible exposure to the 
> virus. We've had a few run-ns over the last seven years, but nothing like the 
> fight/chase I broke up today. My hope is that Callie being seven years old 
> puts her at low risk for infection. She hasn't had any recent vax for FeLV, 
> but she had the FeLV (including booster) when she was a kitten. She also 
> seems very healthy. 
> There was actually more tough cat stuff today involving a 17 yro diabetic who 
> had to go for a dental (this ended on a good note), and my usual concerns 
> about Ember. The radiologist hasn't contacted the surgeon after almost a 
> week, and Ember probably needs surgical intervention for her diaphragmatic 
> hernia.
> Please think of the two girls.
> Lance 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] a tough and sad day

2013-06-04 Thread Lance
Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask for prayers and warm thoughts for my FeLV+ girl, Ember as well 
as my mother's (hopefully) negative cat, Callie. Somehow, Callie got into 
Ember's room, not once, but twice. The first time only lasted for a few 
minutes, but I discovered a terrible cat fight in progress when I got back 
upstairs. To disrupt the chase, I grabbed Callie to remove her from the room. I 
got a bloody finger with three puncture marks in the process.

Later, I realized I should really get abx for the bite, so my dad took me to 
the doctor. We were gone about an hour. When I got back, I was saddened to find 
that I had stupidly managed to not completely close one of the doors to our 
rooms, and Callie had again gotten in. I don't know that the cats fought the 
second time. I think Callie might have explored the normally off limits rooms. 
I found Ember hiding but unshaken behind some clothes, and Callie didn't act 
like she was on edge, but I have no idea what happened. 

Needless to say, I'm very concerned about Callie's possible exposure to the 
virus. We've had a few run-ns over the last seven years, but nothing like the 
fight/chase I broke up today. My hope is that Callie being seven years old puts 
her at low risk for infection. She hasn't had any recent vax for FeLV, but she 
had the FeLV (including booster) when she was a kitten. She also seems very 

There was actually more tough cat stuff today involving a 17 yro diabetic who 
had to go for a dental (this ended on a good note), and my usual concerns about 
Ember. The radiologist hasn't contacted the surgeon after almost a week, and 
Ember probably needs surgical intervention for her diaphragmatic hernia.

Please think of the two girls.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Ember exam

2013-06-02 Thread Lance
Glad to hear that Gribble is doing well. It's amazing how easy it is to take 
"normal" for granted until we deal with FeLV, cancer, or any other problem. 
Then, "normal" becomes a victory and a treasure. I celebrate whenever Ember 
eats well.

The surgeon thinks that Ember has a diaphragmatic hernia, but a radiologist is 
going to confirm the results of the CT scan. I'd like to get her into surgery 
asap, as I'm concerned her symptoms are progressing. A person with a hernia is 
much easier, in that you can tell them to stop doing anything laborious or 
challenging. Cats just keep doing whatever they've always done.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I'll update when we know more.


On May 29, 2013, at 6:48 AM, Margo  wrote:

> Hi Lance,
>  They are both (knocking madly on wood) doing quite well. Better than 
> I'd expected for Gribble, he's back to "normal" at least for him . Because 
> his catheterization seems to be what activated his (apparently) dormant 
> Leukemia, I'm hesitant to subject Mako to the stress of surgery. We're on a 
> watch and wait. It's possible his "lump" has been there for a while, so who 
> knows. His only "symptoms" (and what occasioned his testing) have been with 
> his eyes, and most of that is only apparent in hindsight.
>I do tend to look to surgery even for cats with a mass that's 
> likely to re-occur, if it will add to quality of life. My Pattern had oral 
> SCC, and the growth was interfering with her eating. So it was debulked, and 
> she was able to spend another 10 months with only minor hitches. We didn't 
> use any kind of chemo, only because it has not been shown to have much effect 
> on this disease.
>Hoping everything goes wonderfully, we're crossing fingers, toes, 
> paws and whiskers,
> Margo and the Kids

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Ember exam

2013-05-28 Thread Lance
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I really appreciate them.

Margo, it's so hard to know what to do. In Ember's case, I feel like the 
surgeon will probably want to go ahead with surgery, unless it's obvious that 
something (other than the lung mass) is very wrong. I've seen articles online 
that indicate that a thoracotomy might be performed even when the disease has 
metastasized out of the lungs. I don't understand why one would put a cat 
through that if he or she is only going to have to deal with another cancer not 
long after recovering from the surgery.

How is Gribble doing now?


On May 28, 2013, at 11:19 AM, Margo  wrote:

> Dear Lance,
>   I hope that you will find something treatable. My Mako also has a 
> mass, and we keep going back and forth with how to proceed.
>   My thoughts will be with you and Ember, hoping for a good result.
>   Please let us know how it goes...
> Margo, Mako and Gribble.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Meowko passed, and interferon alpha 2b available

2013-05-28 Thread Lance

I'm so very sorry to hear that Meowko crossed the bridge. Thank you for taking 
the time to share your sweet story of being adopted by Meowko and the time she 
had with you and your husband. She will forever be in your hearts, and that's a 
beautiful thing. Take care. 


On May 27, 2013, at 9:43 PM, I-Chun C. C. Chang  wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Thank you very much for the great support over the last several weeks. Meowko 
> is now an angel. She crossed the rainbow bridge on May 26th, around 8:45pm US 
> eastern daylight saving time. Her passing was peaceful, but for whole my 
> family, our life would never be the same without her.
> I can't stop thinking about the day I first met Meowko back in Taipei city, 
> Taiwan. It was not me who adopted Mewoko; it was Meowko who adopted me. That 
> was also a beautiful May day. She jumped into my window during dinnertime 
> demanding the fish entree in my bento. From that day, she came every night, 
> until one day she decided to stay and never left again. I didn't know 
> anything of cats back to that time. I was actually very afraid of cats when I 
> was little as in many Asian legends cats are evil. So I turned to one of my 
> friend's friend who I knew he took care of street cats for years, asking tips 
> about how to be a cat parent. This friend became my boyfriend, later my 
> husband.
> Meowko traveled with us all the time, from Taiwan to the US 7yrs ago, and 
> from Minnesota to Connecticut last year, not to mention those shorter 
> trips/research trips over these years. She was good at taking airplanes, 
> riding for week-long road trip, and had always been calm in front of 
> anything. She was the perfect cat a geographer can ever dream for, and I 
> always believe herself was a cat geographer as well. We have always been 
> saying that she probably taught geography in feline schools when her humans 
> were in sleep.
> We are going to arrange a witness of Meowko's cremation on Wednesday. She 
> will always in our hearts...She is survived by her two humans and her 7 yrs 
> old littermate, Jaja, who also jumped into our window several years later.
> Although Meowko had been sick over these years as she was getting old, she 
> had a very good quality of life until the day before yesterday. She was 
> deeply loved by many people who knew her, from many places around the world. 
> I hope I could have had a little more time with her... I have already missed 
> her so terribly.
> Along with some ckd medical supplies, Meowko left about 20 days' supply of 
> interferon alpha 2b oral liquid 100 IU/ml strength available (expiration 
> date, June 20th, 2013). If anyone needs it, we are in eastern Connecticut, 
> you’re welcome to pick it up or we can drop off in reasonable traveling 
> distance.  Or I can mail it to you, the only thing I ask would be that you 
> pay for the shipping as it requires cool pack overnight shipping.)
> Please give your babies extra hugs for us. All the furry friends on this 
> listserv are strong fighters as Meowko. I am sorry to report back today that 
> Meowko didn't win her battle, but it doesn't mean others can't win. With the 
> knowledge and support from members on this listserv, there is still have a 
> very good chance. Please try as much as you can, and please never give up 
> hope. It is the most important lesson I learned from Meowko and from the 
> members here.
> Thank you all very much again. (And particularily, Margo, your words for us 
> had encouraged us to go through the tough times...)
> with my best,
> Catherine and our little sweet angel, Meowko
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Ember exam

2013-05-28 Thread Lance
We're taking Ember to a veterinary surgeon in another town tomorrow. The main 
reason for going is to get diagnostics and finally know for sure what the lung 
mass is. I should have done this a month ago, and I'm kicking myself for not 
having been aggressive. 

Depending on what the vet says, he might be opening Ember up tomorrow to remove 
the tumor. I have big reservations about this, which is why I didn't pursue 
things more previously. But as I watched Ember eat last Thursday night, it 
occurred to me that I should at least find out what this is and give Ember the 
possibility of more time. She's been such a wonderful cat, and I'd love to have 
more time with her, if that's possible.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Roadrunner Pharmacy

2013-05-20 Thread Lance
Yes, the vet must get things set up with them, then they'll contact you for 
payment information. 

On May 20, 2013, at 11:19 AM, Lorrie  wrote:

> Lance,  Does Roadrunner Phar. require a prescription?
> Lorrie

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] metacam and prednisone

2013-05-19 Thread Lance
Thanks for your thoughts, Margo. I am so ready for the bupenorphine to get 
here, but it has to be compounded and shipped from Roadrunner Pharmacy. I'm not 
sure that my vet approves of me giving it to Ember now, but I convinced her 
that we needed it asap, as I didn't want Ember displaying severe pain on a 
Friday afternoon, and we'd have to wait for five days just to get what we need 
to deal with it.

I don't want to give tramadol unless there's an obvious need before the 
bupenorphine gets here. I've read that it's terribly bitter, and I don't want 
to cause pilling aversion in Ember. If I had some gel caps, I would try to give 
it to her. The bup will definitely be easier to give.

Best to you and Gribble,


On May 19, 2013, at 9:26 PM, Margo  wrote:

> Hi Lance and Ember,
>While I've never had a problem with metacam, I refuse it when 
> possible. When Gribble was first diagnosed as FeLV positive, his fever was 
> very high, an we neeed an anti-inflammatory. I chose Ketoprofen, and we had 
> good results. It was used for 5 days.
>For pain, I'd suggest buprenorphine (Buprenex) or Tramadol, with 
> my preference being the buprenorphine, as it is both easy to give, and to 
> adjust dose-wise. It is often first prescribed at too high (in my opinion) a 
> dose, but I have good luck with starting at a lower dose and working up to an 
> amount that makes the cat comfortable but not loopy or groggy. Torb doesn't 
> last very long.
>I would avoid steroids in an immune compromised critter, so for me 
> and FeLV+ Gribble, Prenisolone is out. 
>Every cat is different, and I'm certainly no Vet, but I hope you 
> can reach an understanding with your Vet(s) that can keep Ember comfortable 
> and happy.
> All the nest,
> Margo

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] metacam and prednisone

2013-05-19 Thread Lance
Thanks, Janine and Susan. I should have noted that I have some tramadol here, 
but I'm avoiding using it as I have some compounded buprenorphine due here on 
Wednesday. I was considering giving Ember one metacam dose in the meantime. 
Would a metacam injection be "better" (more safe for her kidneys) than the oral 
dose I would give? 

Ember's primary vet consulted with a veterinary oncologist at a nearby 
university, and the oncologist said that using opioids now would make them less 
effective down the road, which is why she recommended metacam. Granted, Ember 
is doing fairly well, but how would we know when to switch from metacam to an 
opioid? When is "down the road"?

If anyone has had some experience with feline lung cancer, I'd really like to 
hear more about it. My main concern is to make sure that Ember doesn't suffer, 
and I worry that, despite only a few minor behavioral changes, Ember is dealing 
with significant pain. I wish cats weren't so good at hiding their hurt.


On May 19, 2013, at 8:54 PM, janine paton  wrote:

> I am so not a fan of metacam either, other than one or two days.  More than 
> one day is off label and for good reason.  Agree with Susan, use torbulgesic 
> or buprenex, which addresses cancer pain much better.  I don't get why vets 
> continue to use metacam.   Maybe they will stop when they have a cat go into 
> kidney failure, which is why my vet stopped using it.  I would say talk to 
> another vet about this, not the ones recommending the metacam.  
> Janine
> From: Susan Hoffman 
> To: "" 
> Sent: Sun, May 19, 2013 9:31:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] metacam and prednisone
> I'm a fan of metacam.  I've never used it in an FeLV cat and you cannot use 
> it if a cat has kidney issues, but for mild pains, like aches and sprains and 
> arthritis, it helps.  But it's given in a tiny amount, weight-based, and only 
> every two or three days. Don't overdo it.  Also, it is an antinflammatory so 
> I would not give it with pred.  I'vr never had it prescribed with pred.
> For a tumor however you may need a stronger pain med, like torbulgesic or 
> buprenex, so talk to your vet about this.
> From: Lance 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 5:58 PM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] metacam and prednisone
> Hi all,
> I posted recently about my FeLV+ girl, Ember. Since she most likely has (at 
> least) a lung tumor, I'm going to get her on pain meds soon, despite the fact 
> that most of the differences in her behavior are minor. Our "second opinion" 
> vet prescribed metacam, and an oncologist who consulted with Ember's primary 
> vet also recommended metacam. 
> These are smart, experienced folks with lots of education. But, I'm seeing so 
> much outcry over metacam online that I'm very reluctant to give it to Ember. 
> I'd love to ease any discomfort she might be having, and metacam would be 
> easy to give. What are your thoughts on metacam?
> I'm also wondering if prednisone might be helpful in reducing any 
> inflammation that Ember is dealing with. I know people on the list have used 
> it, but I'm concerned about its ability to create low wbc. Ember already has 
> that issue, due to being FeLV+. Would folks who have pred experience in FeLV+ 
> cats mind posting your experiences?
> Thanks,
> Lance
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] metacam and prednisone

2013-05-19 Thread Lance
Hi all,

I posted recently about my FeLV+ girl, Ember. Since she most likely has (at 
least) a lung tumor, I'm going to get her on pain meds soon, despite the fact 
that most of the differences in her behavior are minor. Our "second opinion" 
vet prescribed metacam, and an oncologist who consulted with Ember's primary 
vet also recommended metacam. 

These are smart, experienced folks with lots of education. But, I'm seeing so 
much outcry over metacam online that I'm very reluctant to give it to Ember. 
I'd love to ease any discomfort she might be having, and metacam would be easy 
to give. What are your thoughts on metacam?

I'm also wondering if prednisone might be helpful in reducing any inflammation 
that Ember is dealing with. I know people on the list have used it, but I'm 
concerned about its ability to create low wbc. Ember already has that issue, 
due to being FeLV+. Would folks who have pred experience in FeLV+ cats mind 
posting your experiences?


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Ember

2013-05-12 Thread Lance

I order from those folks.

On May 12, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Margo  wrote:

> I've seen it listed at;
> and at Wags;
> Too much fish for my FLUTD guys.
>> ^..^<
> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> Sent: May 12, 2013 3:22 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Ember
>> Where do you get Tiki Cat?  I have never seen it at Petsmart.
>> ,
>>  Lance  wrote: 
>>> I may have discovered something that Ember likes even more than FF. Tiki 
>>> Cat has two chicken formulas, and she adores both of those. I'm feeding her 
>>> a 2.8 oz can a day, along with as much of a can of a different brand of 
>>> food as she'll eat. 
>>> On Apr 23, 2013, at 11:07 AM, Christiane Biagi  wrote:
>>>> Sometimes, you can mix in a little of another food w. the FF… Just a 
>>>> little, though—they figure it out and then turn up their noses! LOL
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] New member from Nebraska

2013-05-10 Thread Lance
Hi Marta,

Thanks for everything that you do for all of those cats, including Arlo.  I'm 
not aware of any specific recommendation that treatments be discontinued or not 
applied at any certain stage of infection or progress. However, I'm not an 
expert or veterinarian. 

I have given my FeLV+ girl Transfer Factor and Liquid DMG fairly regularly. She 
has also been on interferon (five days on/five days off protocol) ever since 
she tested positive. All three are supposed to help boost or modulate the 
immune system. Interferon is the only thing I give that requires a 

I have no info on nebulizers. I'd forgotten about them until tonight. Had to 
Google to be reminded.

Best wishes for you and Arlo,


On May 10, 2013, at 9:59 PM, Marta Gasper  wrote:

> Hello, my name is Marta Gasper. I'm Homeless No More cat rescue director in 
> Fairbury, Nebraska.
> One of my foster cats tested FeLV+ on the SNAP and a few months ago also 
> positive on the IFA so he became our cat after he developed some disorders 
> that'd make him hard to adopt.
> Previously we had a cat pulled from a hoarding situation who also was FeLV+ 
> and some time before he succumbed  one of our foster kittens tested leuk +._ 
> Our vet concluded he would have been infected when younger, he was tested 
> after his uris kept returning; although we are no-kill and try to give them 
> the best hospice care sometimes euthanasia is the best option.
> Back to Arlo, our former foster, he's been doing fairly well so other than 
> being isolated he had no treatment. Last week almost overnight stopped eating 
> and bled from his nose, also gagged on and off, making gargling, squishy 
> noises. His mouth smells very bad, vet examined and said it looked good, mild 
> gingivitis only, he guessed the odor would be from further lesions/masses 
> down his throath._ In a few days and coincidentally he's developed bald spots 
> that bleed and dark spots on his fur. Vet said those were bacterial and 
> fungal infections. Right now he's on Clavamox and metacam and is starting to 
> eat again, I suggested interferon_we did have a FIV+ with stomatitis and 
> other problems that made a remarkable comeback on it_and he agreed to 
> administer it though because Arlo has all these symptoms and because he knows 
> we're on a limited budget he talked about considering the euthanasia 
> alternative as Arlo won't get better.
> I understand but if there's a way to make him better I'd try it, don't know 
> how much Interferon is right now etc.
> Question; I've read that some treatments don't work or are not used if the 
> cat is past the second stage and/or has lymphoma. I don't know if and what 
> cancer he has but he's defintely on 2nd stage..should I even try other 
> treatments?
> And another question; we have a nebulizer, can we use it with Arlo, what 
> treatments if so? Thank-you and thank-you for this list
> Marta
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Ember

2013-05-09 Thread Lance
Thank you, Heather. We need all the thoughts, prayers, good vibes, etc. that we 
can get. We're looking at possible metastasized cancer. Still monitoring a 
likely mass in her lungs, and her extreme anisocoria may be caused by a small 
tumor. That's an unknown right now. 

I'm glad that you've gotten such a good amount of time with Shiiva, and that 
she has been one of the exceptional cases that defies what is generally 
expected with cancer. I read about these cases, and while I know they're not 
the norm, they do give me hope. 

I'm considering a B-12 shot for Ember. We did one about six weeks ago, and 
while I'm not sure that it helped, I'm willing to give it another try. I've 
been looking at Life Gold, which is the current cancer supplement made by Pet 
Wellbeing. I've seen it mentioned on the Yahoo! feline cancer list. I'm waiting 
to talk to the holistic vet about it before I order. I might try the juice 
trick you mentioned. I hear tuna water works for that, too.

Best to you and Shiiva,


On May 9, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Heather  wrote:

> Sending good thoughts to Ember and to you.  My Shiiva (not felv+) is just 
> turning 18 and I know we are at the end of her 2+ year battle with tracheal 
> cancer--however, the past 2+ years have been a pure miracle since we 
> initially nearly lost her to the cancer in November of 2013, and there is 
> very little data on cats with this sort of cancer being successfully treated.
> A couple of small things that of course won't cure cancer, but I think have 
> helped her appetite and keeping her feeling well are B-12 shots & fluids 
> weekly.  There is a supplement often mentioned on the Feline Cancer group 
> called ES Clear, it was available on the Pet Wellbeing site but I don't see 
> it available now, though there is another product:  
> We like to sometimes take the juice from Fancy Feast Fish & Shrimp feast and 
> add it to other foods to make them extra tasty.
> Best wishes,
> Heather
> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 6:48 PM, Lance  wrote:
> I may have discovered something that Ember likes even more than FF. Tiki Cat 
> has two chicken formulas, and she adores both of those. I'm feeding her a 2.8 
> oz can a day, along with as much of a can of a different brand of food as 
> she'll eat. 
> On Apr 23, 2013, at 11:07 AM, Christiane Biagi  wrote:
>> Sometimes, you can mix in a little of another food w. the FF… Just a little, 
>> though—they figure it out and then turn up their noses! LOL
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Ember

2013-05-08 Thread Lance
I may have discovered something that Ember likes even more than FF. Tiki Cat 
has two chicken formulas, and she adores both of those. I'm feeding her a 2.8 
oz can a day, along with as much of a can of a different brand of food as 
she'll eat. 

On Apr 23, 2013, at 11:07 AM, Christiane Biagi  wrote:

> Sometimes, you can mix in a little of another food w. the FF… Just a little, 
> though—they figure it out and then turn up their noses! LOL
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] a question....or two

2013-05-01 Thread Lance
It's always a good idea to discuss any symptoms with Raja's vet. They may want 
to refer you to a veterinary ophthalmologist or other specialist just to 
confirm that nothing else is going on.

On May 1, 2013, at 1:50 PM, wrote:

> Thank you so much for the quick answer, Lance. It’s wonderful to have
> that worry alleviated so soon.
> I will try those foods, and the web site. I’ve seen Tiki Cat, and it does
> look delicious!
> Thanks again-Chris C.
> From: Lance
> Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 1:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] a questionor two
> My FeLV+ girl has anisocoria (uneven pupils). We noticed that one had changed 
> quite a bit about four years ago. I've never read anything about it 
> indicating the progress of the disease. 
> I highly recommend Tiki Cat's two chicken formulas. Ember is addicted. It's 
> definitely not cheap, but it seems to be high quality food. It's probably 
> easier to find Fancy Feast Classic Chicken Feast, which was recommended to me 
> here by Christiane. The ingredients might not be great, but it's very 
> appealing to them.
> This site has some good ideas:
> On May 1, 2013, at 1:34 PM, wrote:
>> I am fostering to adopt two positive cats for our Animal Shelter,
>> so as I said in my intro, I am new at this.
>> I just noticed today that Raja has uneven pupils. I know this is
>> not uncommon for these cats, but I was wondering if it is a
>> random thing that happens, or if it is indicative of the stage
>> she is in, or anything else.
>> Any good tips on getting her to eat more? I’ve tried different
>> dry and wet foods. She has lost a pound in 2 weeks, and was
>> small to begin with.
>> Thanks so much!
>> Chris C.
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] a question....or two

2013-05-01 Thread Lance
Baby food works for a day or two. Just be sure to avoid those that have garlic 
or onion, as those ingredients are not good for cats.

On May 1, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Maryam Ulomi  wrote:

> You might also try adding some baby food to the food to feed her. Some cats 
> go crazy for baby food.
> Sent from my iPhone.
> On May 1, 2013, at 14:50,  wrote:
>> Thank you so much for the quick answer, Lance. It’s wonderful to have
>> that worry alleviated so soon.
>> I will try those foods, and the web site. I’ve seen Tiki Cat, and it does
>> look delicious!
>> Thanks again-Chris C.
>> From: Lance
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 1:42 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] a questionor two
>> My FeLV+ girl has anisocoria (uneven pupils). We noticed that one had 
>> changed quite a bit about four years ago. I've never read anything about it 
>> indicating the progress of the disease. 
>> I highly recommend Tiki Cat's two chicken formulas. Ember is addicted. It's 
>> definitely not cheap, but it seems to be high quality food. It's probably 
>> easier to find Fancy Feast Classic Chicken Feast, which was recommended to 
>> me here by Christiane. The ingredients might not be great, but it's very 
>> appealing to them.
>> This site has some good ideas:
>> On May 1, 2013, at 1:34 PM, wrote:
>>> I am fostering to adopt two positive cats for our Animal Shelter,
>>> so as I said in my intro, I am new at this.
>>> I just noticed today that Raja has uneven pupils. I know this is
>>> not uncommon for these cats, but I was wondering if it is a
>>> random thing that happens, or if it is indicative of the stage
>>> she is in, or anything else.
>>> Any good tips on getting her to eat more? I’ve tried different
>>> dry and wet foods. She has lost a pound in 2 weeks, and was
>>> small to begin with.
>>> Thanks so much!
>>> Chris C.
>>> ___
>>> Felvtalk mailing list
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] a question....or two

2013-05-01 Thread Lance
My FeLV+ girl has anisocoria (uneven pupils). We noticed that one had changed 
quite a bit about four years ago. I've never read anything about it indicating 
the progress of the disease. 

I highly recommend Tiki Cat's two chicken formulas. Ember is addicted. It's 
definitely not cheap, but it seems to be high quality food. It's probably 
easier to find Fancy Feast Classic Chicken Feast, which was recommended to me 
here by Christiane. The ingredients might not be great, but it's very appealing 
to them.

This site has some good ideas:

On May 1, 2013, at 1:34 PM, wrote:

> I am fostering to adopt two positive cats for our Animal Shelter,
> so as I said in my intro, I am new at this.
> I just noticed today that Raja has uneven pupils. I know this is
> not uncommon for these cats, but I was wondering if it is a
> random thing that happens, or if it is indicative of the stage
> she is in, or anything else.
> Any good tips on getting her to eat more? I’ve tried different
> dry and wet foods. She has lost a pound in 2 weeks, and was
> small to begin with.
> Thanks so much!
> Chris C.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Ember

2013-04-23 Thread Lance
Thank you for thinking of Ember, Cheri and El. 

She seems to be doing okay today. I got her to eat last night by feeding Fancy 
Feast Classic Chicken Feast. In another post, Christiane had suggested this as 
being like chocolate cake to cats, and Ember agrees. Unfortunately, the 
ingredients aren't the best, but at this point, just keeping her eating and 
well-fed seems like the main thing to do.

She also likes Prescription Diet t/d, which she thinks is a treat. Before she 
tested positive, that's the only food she ate. I didn't know any better, but 
she was fine with it. 

On Apr 22, 2013, at 8:52 PM, Cheri Le  wrote:

> Thinking and praying 4 ember!!!
> On Apr 22, 2013, at 9:42 PM, designercats cats  
> wrote:
>> Lance, you and Ember are in my thoughts and prayers. 
>> El
>> > From:
>> > Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 20:35:42 -0500
>> > To:
>> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Ember
>> > 
>> > Thank you, Beth, Sharyl, and Bonnie for thinking about my girl. She has a 
>> > vet visit tomorrow. We’ll see how the lung mass has changed, and we’ll get 
>> > a new cbc. Ember isn’t eating as well as I would like, but she sure loves 
>> > her treats (Prescription Diet t/d – it could be worse). I've also caught 
>> > her sitting in a slightly unusual position, and that makes me really hope 
>> > that she's not in any pain or even mild discomfort.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Apr 22, 2013, at 5:52 PM, Bonnie Hogue  wrote:
>> > 
>> > > You've got it, Lance! You and Ember are in loving/healing thoughts and
>> > > prayers.
>> > > Bonnie
>> > > 
>> > > -Original Message-
>> > > From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
>> > > Lance
>> > > Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 5:59 AM
>> > > To:
>> > > Subject: [Felvtalk] Ember
>> > > 
>> > > Please pray for or send good vibes to my sweet FeLV+ girl Ember. She has 
>> > > a
>> > > mass in her lungs and possibly eye cancer. She has been breathing faster
>> > > than usual, though it doesn't sound labored. She was very restless last
>> > > night, too, which makes me concerned that she's in pain or at least
>> > > uncomfortable. She ate fairly well this morning, and she's itching to 
>> > > leave
>> > > our room and go to another one. Anyway, please keep us in your thoughts.
>> > > 
>> > > Lance
>> > > ___
>> > > Felvtalk mailing list
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > ___
>> > > Felvtalk mailing list
>> > >
>> > >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > ___
>> > Felvtalk mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Ember

2013-04-22 Thread Lance
Thank you, Beth, Sharyl, and Bonnie for thinking about my girl. She has a vet 
visit tomorrow. We’ll see how the lung mass has changed, and we’ll get a new 
cbc. Ember isn’t eating as well as I would like, but she sure loves her treats 
(Prescription Diet t/d – it could be worse). I've also caught her sitting in a 
slightly unusual position, and that makes me really hope that she's not in any 
pain or even mild discomfort.

On Apr 22, 2013, at 5:52 PM, Bonnie Hogue  wrote:

> You've got it, Lance!  You and Ember are in loving/healing thoughts and
> prayers.
> Bonnie
> -Original Message-
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
> Lance
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 5:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Ember
> Please pray for or send good vibes to my sweet FeLV+ girl Ember. She has a
> mass in her lungs and possibly eye cancer. She has been breathing faster
> than usual, though it doesn't sound labored. She was very restless last
> night, too, which makes me concerned that she's in pain or at least
> uncomfortable. She ate fairly well this morning, and she's itching to leave
> our room and go to another one. Anyway, please keep us in your thoughts.
> Lance
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
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[Felvtalk] Ember

2013-04-22 Thread Lance
Please pray for or send good vibes to my sweet FeLV+ girl Ember. She has a mass 
in her lungs and possibly eye cancer. She has been breathing faster than usual, 
though it doesn't sound labored. She was very restless last night, too, which 
makes me concerned that she's in pain or at least uncomfortable. She ate fairly 
well this morning, and she's itching to leave our room and go to another one. 
Anyway, please keep us in your thoughts.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Mixing FelV pos. & neg

2013-04-21 Thread Lance
My family unintentionally mixed positives and negatives. We still don't know 
how the virus got in. One of the positives was euthanized, which is when we 
discovered the virus. 

Seven years later, the other positive is lying across the bed looking at me. 
She probably has lung cancer and possibly eye cancer, but she's done so well, 
and I'm very grateful. Three other cats who also had a lot of exposure to the 
positives tested negative. As far as I know, no one was vaccinated, though my 
positive girl might have been. I don't think that she got anything beyond the 
first vax. Not even sure about the booster. If I were to mix, I'd definitely 
vaccinate the negs.


> On 04-19, Cheri Le wrote:
>> Please tell me that other people have vaccinated and intermingled. This is
>> another decision I recently made.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Diarrhea

2013-04-06 Thread Lance
Hi Maryam,

My FeLV+ girl has had a few bouts of diarrhea, and canned pumpkin (not pie 
filling, of course) seemed to help. Ember seemed to enjoy the flavor or texture 
of pumpkin, too. She ate it by itself, though I think most people stir it into 
other food.

Best wishes for Kitty to feel better today.


> From: Maryam Ulomi 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2013 7:47 AM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Diarrhea
> Hello everyone,
> I'm sorry to bother you all, last night, a few minutes past midnight, Kitty 
> had diarrhea. She had it again at 4 this morning and again about 15min ago 
> now. 
> Her feeding schedule has been, she ate her regular canned food with mixed 
> water at 9pm last night and again this morning at 5am, when fed her this 
> morning, I made sure to make to mix more water than usual with her food.
> There has been no changes to her diet in the past few days but she did go to 
> the vet on Wednesday and all her bloodwork came back without issues.
> At this time should I start her on a broth diet? Any specific items to 
> include? Vitamins? How long? should we take her to the vet?
> According to dr. Pitcairns book yogurt is also good after two days of broth, 
> is that a good idea?
> How about using slippery elm?
> Thanks a lot and I'm sorry to be a bother, 
> Maryam 
> Sent from my iPad
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc

2013-03-31 Thread Lance
Hi El,

Thanks so much for your input. I really need to read up on lymphoma. I know 
that it happens not infrequently in FeLV+ cats. I will see if there's another 
way to get a biopsy. To get something from the mass in her lungs, they would 
have to open Ember up, and I'm very concerned about the ramifications that 
could have on her health and comfort. The mass is in a hard-to-reach place, and 
a straight FNA doesn't appear to be possible with it. 

My vet is going to talk to a holistic vet regarding Agaricus blazei. I'd just 
like to make sure we're all on the same page. I suspect it will be okay, as 
Ember is already on Transfer Factor and a DMG/Lysine supplement that's a 

Glad to hear that Mattie has done so well. Best wishes for you both.


On Mar 31, 2013, at 7:20 PM, designercats cats  wrote:

> Hi Lance
> Ember may have lymphoma.  Several of the FeLV+ cats I've had stay extremely 
> healthy for about 4 1/2 - 5 years and then develop lymphoma. I've had one 
> with cns lymphoma, another with mediastinal lymphoma, and now also Mattie.  
> Her tumours couldn't be removed but went away with iv chemo within the first 
> month. One of them took up most of her bladder so it was inoperable.
> To determine what it is, and if you choose to treat it, you need biopsies 
> taken at a good radiologist. They can be done using ultrasound and fna.  
> Mattie has done extremely well on chemo and went into remission after a 
> month. Only one week did she have a bit low wbc but that went up. I have her 
> on a supplement called Onco Support by Rx Vitamins and now the Agaricus 
> blazei. 
> Hope this helps,
> El
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc

2013-03-31 Thread Lance
We tested Ember again, and her wbc had gone back up to ~3.85, which is 
"normal". Unfortunately, two other symptoms have manifested. Ember's left 
pupil, which has been abnormally large due to anisocoria likely caused by FeLV, 
is now fully open. We don't know why this is, but the vet thinks this could 
indicate cancer. 

In addition to that, the vet x-rayed Ember to see if she might have a fungal 
infection, and she found a mass in Ember's lungs. Ember doesn't have breathing 
difficulties, but the mass is such that there isn't a good way to access it. I 
really don't want to subject her to a thoracotomy. A urine test turned up no 
antigen for a fungal infection.

I'm not sure what to do next. The vet said that another vet could do a CT scan. 
The same clinic (about an hour and a half away) could also do a test of Ember's 
left eye to see if cancer is involved. I don't know what that information would 
get us, however.

Does anyone have experience with eye cancer or lung cancer in cats? I've been 
reading about Agaricus blazeii thanks to KG BarnCats, and I'm hoping that might 
slow the progress of whatever it is we're dealing with. I'm going to post to 
the feline cancer list on Yahoo!, but I'm wondering what people here might 


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Off Topic. Very Thin 8 year old cat

2013-03-20 Thread Lance
I found this page a few days ago, and it seems to offer good advice:

I occasionally put a little salt on Ember's food. I don't know if it
helps much, but it's supposed to stimulate appetite. 

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013, at 11:44 AM, MaiMaiPG wrote:
> I realize this is not a FELV+ question but this group has such wide  
> experience and helped so much with Dixie, I just have to try.
> I have a very thin 8 year old cat who is almost impossible to vet.   
> She has lived in Mom's garage since she was a day old.  Recently she  
> has gotten thin and appears cold.  I have heat lamps, a cat heating  
> pad, Snuggle Safes and rice bags for her on top of rubber maid totes.   
> I can't be sure what she is eating but there is always food available  
> and I've added Pet Tinic to the mix. She has two cats who hang out  
> with her.  They have all been neutered/spayed.  Tommy has had weight/ 
> cold issues for at least 8 weeks.  She acts ok most of the time but  
> there have been days that she looked like she was ready to leave this  
> world.  I am trying chcken livers and anything else I canthink of for  
> iron.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] 10 month old FelV cat

2013-03-20 Thread Lance
For interferon alpha, you might try Roadrunner Pharmacy in Phoenix, AZ.
Not sure on the price, but I know it's better than we used to pay when
we bought interferon from the vet. LTCI is available directly from the
company, but a licensed vet needs to purchase. 

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013, at 04:51 PM, Lorrie wrote:
> I took in a litter of 4 FelV kittens last summer.  Two have already died
> (PTS) due to severe anemia.  Two are left, and one seems just fine, but
> the
> other had a severe URI which the vet cured about a month ago. However, he
> is
> still pitifully thin and weak. He is not anemic, but he barely eats, and
> is still a sick little guy.  I adore this cat. Where can I get LTCI or
> orally dosed Interferon Alfa?  And  can anyone tell me if it helps.
> Lorrie
> BarnCats wrote:
> >The transfusion is to get the cat past a crisis.  To address the
> >underlying issues, you could try treating with LTCI which is
> >specifically for FELV+ cats.  Orally dosed Interferon alfa is another
> >excellent treatment for FELV+ cats, and cheap especially when you have
> >multiple FELV+ and/or FIV+ cats (compounded liquid, 60 day shelf life).
> > 
> ___
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[Felvtalk] Ember - update and questions

2013-03-17 Thread Lance
Hi everyone,

I'm visiting Arkansas, and have gotten to spend some time with Ember,
which has been great. We took her to the vet on Friday. Her wbc had gone
up slightly from the low of her last appointment (she's at 3.39, but was
at 3.11). 

Unfortunately, her anisocoria seems worse. The pupil in her left eye has
been "open" to probably 75-80% of its full size for almost four years
now, but over the last few days, I've noticed that it's now almost fully
open. The vet looked in with a light, and she said that Ember's eye
seems to be healthy (the blood vessels are undamaged, and she doesn't
have a detached retina). However, she's concerned about it enough that
she's suggested we consider an appointment with an ophthalmologist. None
in town, so it would be an hour and a half drive.

The vet mentioned that Ember could have a fungal infection, which
concerned me. Ember has been sneezing some, though she seems much better
today. The vet said that the ophthalmologist could determine more with a
gentle procedure, while the vet herself would have to remove the eye to
be sure and to treat. I may be mixing some things up, as it was all a
little shocking. The vet has been extremely helpful with Ember. I could
not ask for a better doctor.

Does anyone have any experience with FeLV+ (or other immuno-compromised)
cats and fungal infections? 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc

2013-03-03 Thread Lance
Thanks for the info, KG. Agaricus blazeii looks very interesting. I might call 
the homeopathic vet we use to get her recommendation for using it. 

Ember has been given Transfer Factor on and off since she tested positive, and 
her most recent time on it has been for about two years now. It might be part 
of the reason that she's done so well. 

Best regards,


On Mar 3, 2013, at 8:13 PM, KG BarnCats  wrote:

> consider adding Agaricus blazeii for white cell stimulation, obtaining from 
> .  It worked great for my felv- boy when he was going thru 
> chemo for multi site lymphoma, the vets were astonished how great his 
> bloodwork was. Normally the white count would drop dramatically but his 
> stayed normal.  I get the human capsules then mix it in the wet food.  He is 
> super fussy but ate it without problem.  It is not very expensive, about $1 a 
> day.  
> the agaricus blazeii is a standard support recommended by Dr Alice Villa 
> Lobos, one of the top feline cancer speciaiists in the US.  Google immuno 
> nutrition villa lobos to find out more.
> another thing to consider is transfer factor, more expensive but it is the 
> stuff in mother's milk that stimulates, trains and regulates the immune 
> system.  It works for any mammal.  There are several versions, the more 
> expensive one with tri-factor is supposed to tune up the immune system over 
> 400 per cent.  I used to use it but had to give up due to the cost.  Can be 
> bought on Amazon.
> good luck
> KG
> On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Lance  wrote:
> Thanks for relating your experience, Sally. That link might come in handy, 
> too. I wish we had more to go on than anecdotes, though. It seems like there 
> haven't been that many studies done to confirm what treatments work best. I'm 
> considering:
> ImmunoRegulin
> Virbagen Omega
> Neupogen
> I don't know if I can afford Neupogen, and when I talked to my vet about it, 
> she seemed uncertain. It has a reputation for causing bone pain, and if I can 
> help it, I don't want to give Ember something that makes her miserable. 
> Virbagen Omega is expensive, but I know (roughly) how much it costs, and it's 
> worth it to me if it can help Ember. There seems to have been some success in 
> its use. Unfortunately, it still doesn't seem to be available here, and 
> shipping is a good chunk of its cost.
> LTCI and ImmunoRegulin seem affordable and potentially useful. When I was 
> last looking into these options, there wasn't much evidence to support LTCI's 
> benefits. It seems to have become more accepted over the last few years, but 
> I'm still feeling cautious about it.
> I'll do a more thorough scan of the list's archives soon, and I'm going to 
> call a few vets tomorrow. 
> Lance
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Sally Davis  wrote:
>> Lance,
>> Two of my cats got this. Junior went from being anemic to borderline low and 
>> his fevers which had been as high as 106.5 went away. Now As I am reading 
>> more I wish I had kept him on it.  Tiny wasa asymptomatic but he was 
>> positive. He actually passed 4 mos after testing positive. The felv probably 
>> played a part. He most likely threw a clot  I was with him and was too 
>> sudden. There was no emergency vet visit. The worst part was he died on 
>> Chstmas day. I miss them all.I ordered the IR from Revival Pet supply. I 
>> ordered mine direct does not require a presciption. 
>> It was more if my vet 
>> ordered it. I took the vial in to the vet's office and a tech  gave him the 
>> injection IV.
> ___
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> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc

2013-03-03 Thread Lance
Thanks for relating your experience, Sally. That link might come in handy, too. 
I wish we had more to go on than anecdotes, though. It seems like there haven't 
been that many studies done to confirm what treatments work best. I'm 

Virbagen Omega

I don't know if I can afford Neupogen, and when I talked to my vet about it, 
she seemed uncertain. It has a reputation for causing bone pain, and if I can 
help it, I don't want to give Ember something that makes her miserable. 

Virbagen Omega is expensive, but I know (roughly) how much it costs, and it's 
worth it to me if it can help Ember. There seems to have been some success in 
its use. Unfortunately, it still doesn't seem to be available here, and 
shipping is a good chunk of its cost.

LTCI and ImmunoRegulin seem affordable and potentially useful. When I was last 
looking into these options, there wasn't much evidence to support LTCI's 
benefits. It seems to have become more accepted over the last few years, but 
I'm still feeling cautious about it.

I'll do a more thorough scan of the list's archives soon, and I'm going to call 
a few vets tomorrow. 


On Mar 3, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Sally Davis  wrote:

> Lance,
> Two of my cats got this. Junior went from being anemic to borderline low and 
> his fevers which had been as high as 106.5 went away. Now As I am reading 
> more I wish I had kept him on it.  Tiny wasa asymptomatic but he was 
> positive. He actually passed 4 mos after testing positive. The felv probably 
> played a part. He most likely threw a clot  I was with him and was too 
> sudden. There was no emergency vet visit. The worst part was he died on 
> Chstmas day. I miss them all.I ordered the IR from Revival Pet supply. I 
> ordered mine direct does not require a presciption. 
> It was more if my vet 
> ordered it. I took the vial in to the vet's office and a tech  gave him the 
> injection IV.
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc

2013-03-02 Thread Lance
Hi Lorrie,

I'm very grateful for the time I've had with Ember. Given the initial 
information I found, I expected her to be gone within months of the positive 
test. There have been a few minor illnesses that have concerned me, but they 
have passed. I'm hopeful that Ember's very low wbc will bounce back up to her 
(low) normal, but I'm going to discuss treatment options with her vet on Monday.

I've read that anemia is not unheard of with FeLV+ cats, and I'm sorry to hear 
that the ones you lost were affected that way. I hope the five-year-olds have 
many happy years ahead with you. 


On Mar 2, 2013, at 6:18 AM, Lorrie  wrote:

> Hi Lance
> How fortunate you are that Ember has lived so long with FelV.
> You must be taking excellent care of her.  Most of my FelV cats
> have died at less than a year old, but two of them are now five
> years old. Most of my FelV cats died of anemia with low red blood
> counts not low white count.
> Lorrie
> On 03-01, Lance wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> A few of you may remember me from years ago. My Ember tested positive for
>> FeLV almost exactly seven years ago, in 2006. She was four years old then.
>> There have been a few minor illnesses since that wouldn't have been
>> unusual for a non-FeLV cat, but she's otherwise been very healthy.
>> Ember's white blood cell count has been persistently low. Other than when
>> she's had a few colds (when it shot up to around 7 to 7.5), it's been
>> around 3.75 to 4.15. She went to the vet two days ago for a regular
>> checkup, and her count is only a bit over 3. Ember's vet prescribed
>> Clavamox, I assume, as a prophylactic against infection.
>> Needless to say, this is scary news. Ember is almost 11, and we're
>> probably heading toward a time when any cat's immune system would cease to
>> be as efficient as it once was. For a FeLV+ cat, that's obviously
>> dangerous. I'm wondering if anyone has had recent experience with any
>> treatments that help stimulate white blood cell production. Please let me
>> know what you think.
>> Best wishes to all of you and your cats,
>> Lance
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc

2013-03-02 Thread Lance
Thanks for the information, Christiane. I'm glad that Tuscon was helped by 
ImmunoRegulin. I remembered this morning that about five years ago, I got into 
contact with a vet who had a lot of success using it with cats. Don't remember 
much more than that, but I think my vet might have talked to them. Virbagen 
Omega is another option I'm considering. I don't see many recent posts about it 
on the list. It's expensive, but it has a fairly good reputation.

Ember goes back to the vet in two weeks, so I'll probably make some treatment 
choices based on what her cbc looks like then. For now, I have her on Transfer 
Factor, low-dose interferon alpha, and those Vetriscience lysine/DMG treats. 
This has been  her regimen for the last year or so.


On Mar 2, 2013, at 10:08 AM, "Christiane Biagi"  wrote:

> Lance—when my Tucson had real low wbc a number of years ago, my vet gave her 
> a series of immune-regulin injections.  Whether it was that or something 
> else, the wbc went back up in a few weeks. 
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lance
> Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 10:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc
> Hi Sally,
> Thank you for thinking of Ember and I. I'm so sorry to read that all your 
> FeLV+ cats have gone. I remind myself that the time I've had with Ember has 
> been wonderful, and that she may have more time. I want to have hope, but I'm 
> feeling really down right now. I appreciate your prayers. Take care.
> Lance
> On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:52 AM, Sally Davis  wrote:
> Hi Lance,
>  I have thought of you recently. I remember you kindness when I was dealing 
> with this awful disease. All infected cats are at the Rainbow's Bridge. I 
> will keep Ember in my prayers.
> Sally
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 10:08 PM, Lance  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A few of you may remember me from years ago. My Ember tested positive for 
> FeLV almost exactly seven years ago, in 2006. She was four years old then. 
> There have been a few minor illnesses since that wouldn't have been unusual 
> for a non-FeLV cat, but she's otherwise been very healthy.
> Ember's white blood cell count has been persistently low. Other than when 
> she's had a few colds (when it shot up to around 7 to 7.5), it's been around 
> 3.75 to 4.15. She went to the vet two days ago for a regular checkup, and her 
> count is only a bit over 3. Ember's vet prescribed Clavamox, I assume, as a 
> prophylactic against infection.
> Needless to say, this is scary news. Ember is almost 11, and we're probably 
> heading toward a time when any cat's immune system would cease to be as 
> efficient as it once was. For a FeLV+ cat, that's obviously dangerous. I'm 
> wondering if anyone has had recent experience with any treatments that help 
> stimulate white blood cell production. Please let me know what you think.
> Best wishes to all of you and your cats,
> Lance
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc

2013-03-02 Thread Lance
Hi Sally,

Thank you for thinking of Ember and I. I'm so sorry to read that all your FeLV+ 
cats have gone. I remind myself that the time I've had with Ember has been 
wonderful, and that she may have more time. I want to have hope, but I'm 
feeling really down right now. I appreciate your prayers. Take care.


On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:52 AM, Sally Davis  wrote:

> Hi Lance,
>  I have thought of you recently. I remember you kindness when I was dealing 
> with this awful disease. All infected cats are at the Rainbow's Bridge. I 
> will keep Ember in my prayers.
> Sally
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 10:08 PM, Lance  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A few of you may remember me from years ago. My Ember tested positive for 
> FeLV almost exactly seven years ago, in 2006. She was four years old then. 
> There have been a few minor illnesses since that wouldn't have been unusual 
> for a non-FeLV cat, but she's otherwise been very healthy.
> Ember's white blood cell count has been persistently low. Other than when 
> she's had a few colds (when it shot up to around 7 to 7.5), it's been around 
> 3.75 to 4.15. She went to the vet two days ago for a regular checkup, and her 
> count is only a bit over 3. Ember's vet prescribed Clavamox, I assume, as a 
> prophylactic against infection.
> Needless to say, this is scary news. Ember is almost 11, and we're probably 
> heading toward a time when any cat's immune system would cease to be as 
> efficient as it once was. For a FeLV+ cat, that's obviously dangerous. I'm 
> wondering if anyone has had recent experience with any treatments that help 
> stimulate white blood cell production. Please let me know what you think.
> Best wishes to all of you and your cats,
> Lance
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc

2013-03-01 Thread Lance
Hi everyone,

A few of you may remember me from years ago. My Ember tested positive for FeLV 
almost exactly seven years ago, in 2006. She was four years old then. There 
have been a few minor illnesses since that wouldn't have been unusual for a 
non-FeLV cat, but she's otherwise been very healthy. 

Ember's white blood cell count has been persistently low. Other than when she's 
had a few colds (when it shot up to around 7 to 7.5), it's been around 3.75 to 
4.15. She went to the vet two days ago for a regular checkup, and her count is 
only a bit over 3. Ember's vet prescribed Clavamox, I assume, as a prophylactic 
against infection. 

Needless to say, this is scary news. Ember is almost 11, and we're probably 
heading toward a time when any cat's immune system would cease to be as 
efficient as it once was. For a FeLV+ cat, that's obviously dangerous. I'm 
wondering if anyone has had recent experience with any treatments that help 
stimulate white blood cell production. Please let me know what you think.

Best wishes to all of you and your cats,


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanley and Muscular Atrophy

2010-02-23 Thread Lance
My sister's cat, Alex, is diabetic and also had muscle atrophy. It got so bad 
that he was dragging one of his back legs around, and when he went up the 
stairs, you'd know it without being there by the sound of the flop as he 
climbed a step.

My parents took Alex off of my sister's hands. She has three other cats and a 
busy Corgi, and Alex, being the eldest, just wasn't doing well. My dad really 
worked hard to get Alexander's blood sugar up and to get him regular potassium. 
After about five or six months of treatment, Alex is a new cat. He can jump and 
climb again, and he's much more confident in general.  

On Feb 22, 2010, at 2:24 PM, Diane Tyler wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I've been watching this for over a year, but this is the first time I'm
> contacting you-all.
> I rescued Stanley (and two of his dumped buddies) about a year and a half
> ago and, unfortunately, he was diagnosed with FeLV. All the cats were
> estimated to be about a year old at that time. Late last summer Stanley went
> through six weeks of LTCI treatment. He has also always been in excellent,
> robust health since I found him and fattened him up.
> This past weekend we noticed that he wasn't his usual self and he couldn't
> jump up on anyone's lap without a lot of trouble so he went to the vet's
> this morning. The vet said he has muscular atrophy in his hind legs. We did
> an X-ray which showed no signs of tumors and his white blood cell count was
> normal. I also noticed his eyes don't look right.
> I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen these symptoms and how they dealt
> with them? I want to make him as comfortable as I can because he probably
> won't be regenerating any muscles. We're also thinking of continuing with
> more LTCI injections.
> Thanks for any help anyone has.
> Diane
> -- 
> Diane Tyler
> Spenser's Legacy Animal Rescue
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing

2009-11-25 Thread Lance
I am not a vet, but I would be surprised if either
Liquid DMG or Transfer Factor would be a problem
when giving prednisone or another steroid. They
are both supplements and not really in the same
category as interferon, LTCI or something like that.

Best wishes for you and Wolfie.


On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 18:37 -0800, "Amy"  wrote:
> Hi Lance,
> Thanks for all the info.  I'm familiar with LTCI but not as much with
> some of the others you mention.  I definitely plan to ask the internal
> med at Cornell to look into these.  We are definitely considering LTCI
> but the pred is the sticky part.  Neither one of us want to take him off
> of the pred for something that has no research backing up that it works. 
> She read all the research and had several others review it.  They all
> agreed the science sounds reasonable but there are just so many problems
> with the paper.  I have yet to read it myself but plan to.  That is
> probably the one option I'm leaning towards.  
> I also heard Neupogen mentioned somewhere and plan to ask her about that
> one.
> Amy
> --- On Mon, 11/23/09, Lance  wrote:
> > From: Lance 
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing
> > To:
> > Date: Monday, November 23, 2009, 11:08 PM
> > Hi Amy,
> > 
> > I'm sorry to hear about Wolfie. I don't have most of my
> > email handy, so
> > I can't look back at what you've written. Have you tried
> > Transfer
> > Factor?
> > What about Liquid DMG? These are affordable supplements,
> > and they *seem*
> > to have helped in the case of my FeLV+ girl, Ember. DMG
> > especially 
> > *seems* to have little possibility of any negative
> > consequences. When
> > I've seen wbc issues in Ember, I've *seemingly* reversed
> > some losses
> > with these supplements. Please note how I use the word
> > *seem*. 
> > 
> > Neupogen might be an option. It's something I'm keeping in
> > mind, 
> > but I don't know much about it, other than it helps with
> > wbc generation. 
> > I believe some folks have used ImmunoRegulin in similar
> > situations to
> > yours 
> > and had good results. Maybe the archives will shed some
> > light on that. 
> > And I could be wrong, but I seem to remember Epogen helping
> > in non-regen 
> > anemia, though that makes absolutely no sense. Again, the
> > archives will
> > hopefully help.
> > 
> > LTCI might help with wbc generation. I'm seeing lots of
> > mention of it
> > on the list, but I'm very leery of it. We FeLV+ caregivers
> > are so eager
> > for anything that might help, but the marketing Immulan has
> > engaged in
> > has been questionable. Of course, that doesn't mean that it
> > doesn't
> > help,
> > but the company haven't done enough proper tests to provide
> > real
> > reassurance
> > that their product works. It's good that we're getting
> > anecdotal
> > evidence
> > on the list, but that only goes so far. 
> > 
> > Finally, I wonder if Pet Tinic might not help the rbc that
> > Wolfie is
> > able
> > to produce. It's really just nutrients and nothing terribly
> > unusual...
> > mainly iron, I think. 
> > 
> > Obviously, when it comes to any of these options, please
> > consult your
> > vet.
> > 
> > My hopes and prayers for Wolfie's health, and for your
> > ability to find
> > something that might help his blood counts.
> > 
> > Lance
> > 
> > On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 19:01 -0800, "Amy" 
> > wrote:
> > > I've posted before about my cat Wolfie.  He's 7
> > years old and has been
> > > losing weight for the past 4 years.  His HCT is
> > also down (currently 25).
> > >  We've treated for hemobart and retested and he's
> > now negative (was
> > > positive before).  He has started gaining weight
> > and has put on a pound
> > > but I'm sure the leukemia is in his bone marrow. 
> > He's been tested and
> > > has non-regenerative anemia.  He's been stable
> > for a few months but his
> > > WBC, RBC, and platelet counts are all gradually
> > declining.  I was
> > > expecting him to crash when I got the confirmation of
> > non-regenerative
> > > anemia but he's holding his own.  I was told he's
> > probably making red
> > >

Re: [Felvtalk] WBC/RBC/platelet count decreasing

2009-11-23 Thread Lance
Hi Amy,

I'm sorry to hear about Wolfie. I don't have most of my email handy, so
I can't look back at what you've written. Have you tried Transfer
What about Liquid DMG? These are affordable supplements, and they *seem*
to have helped in the case of my FeLV+ girl, Ember. DMG especially 
*seems* to have little possibility of any negative consequences. When
I've seen wbc issues in Ember, I've *seemingly* reversed some losses
with these supplements. Please note how I use the word *seem*. 

Neupogen might be an option. It's something I'm keeping in mind, 
but I don't know much about it, other than it helps with wbc generation. 
I believe some folks have used ImmunoRegulin in similar situations to
and had good results. Maybe the archives will shed some light on that. 
And I could be wrong, but I seem to remember Epogen helping in non-regen 
anemia, though that makes absolutely no sense. Again, the archives will
hopefully help.

LTCI might help with wbc generation. I'm seeing lots of mention of it
on the list, but I'm very leery of it. We FeLV+ caregivers are so eager
for anything that might help, but the marketing Immulan has engaged in
has been questionable. Of course, that doesn't mean that it doesn't
but the company haven't done enough proper tests to provide real
that their product works. It's good that we're getting anecdotal
on the list, but that only goes so far. 

Finally, I wonder if Pet Tinic might not help the rbc that Wolfie is
to produce. It's really just nutrients and nothing terribly unusual...
mainly iron, I think. 

Obviously, when it comes to any of these options, please consult your

My hopes and prayers for Wolfie's health, and for your ability to find
something that might help his blood counts.


On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 19:01 -0800, "Amy"  wrote:
> I've posted before about my cat Wolfie.  He's 7 years old and has been
> losing weight for the past 4 years.  His HCT is also down (currently 25).
>  We've treated for hemobart and retested and he's now negative (was
> positive before).  He has started gaining weight and has put on a pound
> but I'm sure the leukemia is in his bone marrow.  He's been tested and
> has non-regenerative anemia.  He's been stable for a few months but his
> WBC, RBC, and platelet counts are all gradually declining.  I was
> expecting him to crash when I got the confirmation of non-regenerative
> anemia but he's holding his own.  I was told he's probably making red
> blood cells in his liver or spleen, just no longer in the bone marrow.  
> Has anybody ever had luck with LTCI or any of the other things mentioned
> once it has gotten to this point?  I've done all sorts of testing for
> digestive issues, lymphoma, IBD, etc.  We have made a couple trips to
> Cornell and decided to just keep him on pred and monitor trends for now. 
> I keep hoping for some miracle but I know the prognosis is not good.
> Thanks
> Amy  
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
  Lance Linimon

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] LCTI, etc.

2009-11-15 Thread Lance
A few years back, Ember had diarrhea that was corrected 
by switching her off of any dry food. She does really well 
on Wellness canned.

One thing that seemed to stop her diarrhea when it happened
was plain canned pumpkin. She liked the flavor or texture,
and would eat it up. I didn't even have to stir it into her


On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 17:38 -0600, "Cougar Clan" 
> If home made isn't an option, there are several commercial raw foods  
> including Primal Raw that Dixie loved mixed with veggies and my boys  
> love plain. This is a frozen diet, in cubes that are so easy.  There  
> are dried raw diets available too.  A Google search should turn them  
> up as should conversations with pet store personnel.
> On Nov 15, 2009, at 5:04 PM, Tracey Shrout wrote:
> > Anna, I will give you my personal opinion dealing with severe  
> > diahrrea in 2
> > of my kitties, one of which is +.  After many trips to the vet and  
> > having
> > many tests for parasites and doses of parasitic medicines,  
> > antibiotics,
> > trying fortiflora (which does help some), nothing completely  
> > resolved their
> > issues until I started feeding my cats what I feel is the best food  
> > possible
> > -- a raw homemade diet of chicken and bones (and organ meat, egg, and
> > vitamins, etc).  Lots of people are totally against feeding raw, but  
> > I have
> > 5 very healthy kitties who've been eating it for almost 2 years now  
> > with
> > remarkable changes in all of them.  No more diahrrea for my kitties,
> > and most of the time is doesn't even have an odor (no kidding!)  I  
> > will
> > never go back to dry, and I use only a good quality grain-free can  
> > food if
> > necessary.  Cats with diahrrea are naturally going to be dehydrated,  
> > so you
> > really need to be giving them water WITH their food -- a canned food.
> >
> > If the homemade diet is not an option for you though, just try a  
> > grain free
> > diet. Wellness has a good canned one, and there are a few grain-free  
> > dry
> > foods as well.  Most cats merely 'tolerate' grains, and other cats  
> > cannot.
> > It is not natural for them to eat grains.  Oh, and LOTS of cats throw
> > up.  No, it is not good, but it is very common.  My cats don't throw  
> > up
> > anymore (other than hairballs) EVER!  I spent tons of time researching
> > making my own food because of so many health issiues w/my kitties --  
> > now I
> > don't have any issues at all.  If you want to learn more, check out
> > and  If you follow the recipes to a  
> > "T'', you
> > will be amazed!  Good luck, and I hope they get better!
> >
> > Tracey
> >
> > On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Anna Waltman  
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Dear all,
> >> My positive kitty, Sylvia, has been largely asymptomatic for a  
> >> month or two
> >> now, and has only had one bout of immune suppression since testing  
> >> positive
> >> (a sore in her mouth, which was taken care of with antibiotics and  
> >> went
> >> away
> >> quickly). She is positive on both the snap and IFA tests. My five- 
> >> month-old
> >> kitten, Beatrice, was negative as of a month or so prior to being
> >> vaccinated.
> >>
> >> I'm feeding both kitties a mix of Wellness Indoor Health, Wellness  
> >> Kitten
> >> Health and Evo; Sylvia has actually put on weight (1/2 a pound) and  
> >> looks
> >> good. Bea is growing like a weed and very energetic, but has  
> >> intermittent
> >> issues with diarrhea and flatulence. The vet thinks it might be  
> >> that the
> >> high-quality food is too much for her system, but I'm wondering if  
> >> we might
> >> need to re-test her for giardia (which she had when she came to me)  
> >> and do
> >> another snap test for FLV. The vet wants to wait at least six  
> >> months from
> >> the first FLV snap test before we test her again. What are your  
> >> thoughts on
> >> this? I want to test her early and put her on LCTI if she's  
> >> positive; if
> >> there's a chance that she's positive but can beat the virus with some
> >> medical help, I'd like to give her that chance. And if she's still  
> >> dealing
> >> with giardia (after several rounds of antibiotics she shouldn't  
> >> be), I'd
> >> like to get that to

Re: [Felvtalk] Maggie's not acting normal, advice is appreciated

2009-11-15 Thread Lance

I hope Maggie feels better really soon. I'm guessing that
you're giving her low-dose interferon alpha? If that's the
case, there doesn't *seem* to be a great possibility for
side effects. When I started Ember on it, my vet told me
that she might get nauseous, but that a reaction like that
was rare. He said we'd have to re-evaluate our options
if that happened. Thankfully, it didn't. I hope that
someone else on the list can give you a better idea. Maggie
will be in my thoughts and prayers.


On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 13:04 -0800, "TANYA NOE" 
>  Hello all, my Maggie now 1 year 5 months old has been Felv+ since
>  birth. She is the kitten we adopted after testing her for everything
>  under the sun to protect our 13 year old Sasha. She later became
>  symptomatic (gingivitis, vomiting, diarrhea, swollen lymph nodes)
>  and was retested and was positive. Anyway we kept her and her
>  symptoms resolved except for the swollen lymph nodes. She has also
>  tested positive on the IFA. 
>  Early spring she had an episode where she began hiding for a couple
>  days, quit eating, and then began abdominal breathing. Turned out
>  the pleural sacs around her lungs were full of fluid. She was given
>  lasix and in a day was herself. Since then she has been a relatively
>  healthy, happy kitty. 
>  3 weeks ago I took her and her sister in for vaccines, exams, and
>  blood work. They had a hard time getting blood from her (couldn't
>  hit the vein) and she got quite stressed. The blood work was perfect
>  and she seemed fine after we got home. We started her on Interferon
>  a week ago. Now suddenly the last week she has been sleeping all the
>  time under blankets (she doesn't like being covered up), not eating
>  much (very odd for her as she is a food hound and will eat
>  constantly if you let her), and not drinking much (she usually
>  drinks and bathes in the pet fountain several times a day). Her temp
>  is normal. Thursday we noticed she now is holding up her left front
>  paw. She walks on it and the limp is mild.
>  Any ideas? Has anyone seen any sides effects with interferon? Would
>  it make her feel bad? I'm hesitant to run her to the Dr's. and
>  create further stress but am really worried about her. These guys go
>  downhill so fast sometimes I don't want to wait either. Any advice
>  would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Tanya
> _______
> Felvtalk mailing list
  Lance Linimon

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] rabies shot needed for transport?

2009-10-14 Thread Lance

Hi everyone,

This isn't exactly FeLV related, but my vet is apparently insisting  
that Ember get a rabies vax before she gets on the plane. Is this  
really necessary? It doesn't look like Northwest/Delta (the airline  
we'd use) has a requirement. I'd think that Wisconsin could issue a  
waiver so we don't have to do this. Between the anisocoria, low wbc  
and the probably normal, occasional vomits I've been seeing, I'm  
already really anxious about her health.



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] eye (pupils) changes and transport

2009-09-28 Thread Lance
Not really sure. I'm hoping for mid-October, though that's getting  
pretty close and I still haven't found a place. We'll see. I'd like to  
move in first, then come back to retrieve Ember after things are  
settled, so she doesn't have to endure the craziness of moving stuff  
in and unpacking.

On Sep 28, 2009, at 6:10 PM, Jane Lyons wrote:

Lance,  we'll keep Ember in our thoughts and prayers. When are you  

On Sep 28, 2009, at 6:28 PM, Lance wrote:

Ember had a good vet visit. I wish I could convey everything that  
the vet said. He doesn't know what's causing the situation. We  
decided to send out for a toxo titer, despite the lack of lesions  
when he looked into her eye.

He also gave me some symptoms to watch for if this is actually  
something serious, which include third eyelid showing, lower lid  
drooping, mouth slacking and some drooling, and of course, the  
disparity between the pupils getting worse. Please keep Ember in  
your thoughts and prayers.


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] eye (pupils) changes and transport

2009-09-28 Thread Lance
Ember had a good vet visit. I wish I could convey everything that the  
vet said. He doesn't know what's causing the situation. We decided to  
send out for a toxo titer, despite the lack of lesions when he looked  
into her eye.

He also gave me some symptoms to watch for if this is actually  
something serious, which include third eyelid showing, lower lid  
drooping, mouth slacking and some drooling, and of course, the  
disparity between the pupils getting worse. Please keep Ember in your  
thoughts and prayers.


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] eye (pupils) changes and transport

2009-09-25 Thread Lance
Thanks for all of the advice! I'm going to take Ember in on Monday.  
I'll report back after I hear what the vet has to say.

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] eye (pupils) changes and transport

2009-09-24 Thread Lance

Hello List,

It's been a long time since I've posted anything, and I must admit  
that I haven't been keeping up with posts for quite awhile. Some of  
you may remember that I have an FeLV+ named Ember. She's still with  
me, though I have noticed something different lately, and I have  
another question about transporting her.

In the last week or so, I've noted that Ember's pupils are sometimes  
not the same size. I did a search for anisocoria and found nothing in  
the archives. Has anyone seen this occur in their cats? It seems to be  
similar to how headaches are in people... could be just normal stuff  
all the way up to being a really serious issue. The articles seem to  
indicate that this can happen with viral infections like FeLV, but  
other than low wbc, there aren't any symptoms. It doesn't really make  

Ember's last CBC had an especially low white blood cell count... I  
think it was 4.2. She's been on interferon ever since testing positive  
in 2006, and while I'd taken her off DMG, she's going back on it as  
soon as I get my shipment.

Also, it looks like I'm going to be moving back to Madison, Wisconsin.  
I'm trying to figure out the best way to get Ember to our new home.  
I'm willing to pay to fly the both of us up (with her being in the  
cabin with me), but I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas or  
tips they'd be willing to share. I know that transport is frequently  
done by so many of you, which is why I ask this here.

My best to all of you and your cats,


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Please help Sydney (FeLV+)

2008-09-12 Thread Lance
 >Urgent plea, please call Tracy at 205-365-0759 if you can help
 >Sydney!  Please crosspost.
 >Andrea Fraser
 >Hello my name is Sydney and I am a Peach & white cat, approximately  
a year old, I'm very sweet & loving.  My previous owner has gotten  
very sick and cannot keep me anymore because she is having to have  
someone take care of her now.  I am up to date on all my shots but I  
do have Feline leukemia.  I would have to be an inside and single cat  
household because I am contagious to other kittys.  I want to live a  
happy life whether it be short or long and I would like for someone to  
love me that understands.  Please, if you can help Sydney, call
 >TRACY at 205-365-0759

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: accidental pos/negs interaction

2008-04-06 Thread Lance
Thank you Jane, Sally, Gloria and Gary. I appreciate the info. I'm  
less worried about things than I was Friday. One thing at a time, I  
guess. My pos is going in for bloodwork at her usual, three monthly  
appointment this week.


On Apr 4, 2008, at 11:12 PM, Gloria Lane wrote:

I've come to think that adult healthy FELV- cats are just not really  
very susceptible to infection thru casual contact with FELV+ cats.   
Shoot, I wouldn't worry a minute about it.


On Apr 4, 2008, at 10:50 AM, Lance wrote:
I know I should know better than to have a panic attack about this,  
but I'm really close to having a panic attack about this. I awoke  
quite early this morning to discover that two of our negs had  
managed to get into my bedroom with my pos. Some of the cat sounds  
(primarily scratching on the cat tree) sounded different, because  
they were coming from a bigger cat, but it didn't register until I  
got up. My pos, while growly, wasn't acting too wound up. I'm proud  
of her.

I'm concerned because, of course, not only is my pos in here but  
her food dish and litter box. Also, I don't know what was going on  
or how long the cats had been in here with us. I have good reason  
to believe that one of the cats is resistant to the virus, but the  
younger cat, a two year old, I'm not so sure about. She got the  
first round of FeLV+ vax when she was young, but those vax haven't  
been refreshed, as we never anticipated these sorts of run-ins.

So, does anyone have thoughts on any treatment I should start? How  
long should I wait to have her tested? It looks like recommends 90 days? I realize that there's a  
possibility that this particular neg didn't come into any real  
contact with the virus, and if she did, that there's a decent  
chance she'll fight it off. However, since this cat is not mine but  
is the love of my mom's life, I'm crawling out of my skin right now.

Your thoughts?


accidental pos/negs interaction

2008-04-04 Thread Lance
I know I should know better than to have a panic attack about this,  
but I'm really close to having a panic attack about this. I awoke  
quite early this morning to discover that two of our negs had managed  
to get into my bedroom with my pos. Some of the cat sounds (primarily  
scratching on the cat tree) sounded different, because they were  
coming from a bigger cat, but it didn't register until I got up. My  
pos, while growly, wasn't acting too wound up. I'm proud of her.

I'm concerned because, of course, not only is my pos in here but her  
food dish and litter box. Also, I don't know what was going on or how  
long the cats had been in here with us. I have good reason to believe  
that one of the cats is resistant to the virus, but the younger cat, a  
two year old, I'm not so sure about. She got the first round of FeLV+  
vax when she was young, but those vax haven't been refreshed, as we  
never anticipated these sorts of run-ins.

So, does anyone have thoughts on any treatment I should start? How  
long should I wait to have her tested? It looks like recommends 90 days? I realize that there's a  
possibility that this particular neg didn't come into any real contact  
with the virus, and if she did, that there's a decent chance she'll  
fight it off. However, since this cat is not mine but is the love of  
my mom's life, I'm crawling out of my skin right now.

Your thoughts?


Re: Marley Please add to the CLS :(

2008-03-15 Thread Lance
I'm sorry to hear about Marley's passing. He sounds like a really  
sweet guy. Thank you for all that you, and the other volunteers at  
Sid's and Crash's, do. Take care.


On Mar 15, 2008, at 4:51 PM, Sherry DeHaan wrote:

This is one of the biggest heartbreaks that I have had to deal with  
since I started volunteering at Sids.Marley was the most  
beautiful,handsome,sweet loving black cat that I have ever met.I  
know that MANY MANY volunteers are crying today for the loss of our  
Marley.Every cat that comes into our care leaves us with a piece of  
our hearts,well Marley took ALOT more than that!! He has touched all  
of us in so many ways.I will miss our slow dancing while he stared  
soulfully into my eyes.Yes we slow danced. :) I swear he totally  
listened and understood what I said to him.Monday night was the last  
time I had the chance to tell him how much I loved him and how  
special he is to me.He actually meowed at me,he didnt do that  
much.the aweful disease spread ti his brain and Jen had to let him  
go yesterday.she sent out a very sweet e-mail to all of us,title  
Goodbye to our Amazing Marley.He was truly an amazing boy.The place  
will NEVER be the same.But it will still be full of love.

Thank you all so much,

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Re: Junior

2008-03-14 Thread Lance
I'm saddened by this news. Sally, you did all that you could, and
helping Junior
through two years of illness is a feat of love, and something that, in
way, he recognized. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please take


On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:32:36 -0400, "Sally Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Lance and all you great parents,
> Junior took his last breath at the vet's today with assistance. I would
> like
> to say it went well, but his body was shutting down. The sedative did not
> calm him. I called the vet back into the room to go ahead and stop his
> misery. His veins were not cooperating. She had to stick him 4 times that
> last time she got a smaller needle.(Not her fault, it was the end).
> Junior had a heart murmur and that is what was going on. I was not going
> to
> prolong his misery by heroics. Heroics kept him alive for two years, and
> that is my greatest gift.
> Please light a candle for my precious baby. My heart is breaking.  Send
> Junior to the CLS list with his brother Tiny who left me Christmas day a
> year ago.
> I will share what I can about this horrible disease.
> Love
> Sally
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Lance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sally,
> >
> > Junior will be in my prayers. I'm really sorry to hear he isn't doing
> > well.
> >
> > Lance
> >
> > On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:12:42 -0400, "Sally Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > said:
> >  > Junior is having much difficulty breathing. I am taking him into his
> > > original vet meaning more money, but they are the only hospital
> > available
> > > now. I gave him a prenisone. His lungs sound horrible. I feel I ma
> > saying
> > > goodbye. Please pray for him.
> > >
> > > Sally
> > >
> > > --
> > > Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty,
> > > Little
> > > Black, Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior (newest) , Silver, and Spike
> > > Please Visit my Message board for some pictures. You are welcome to sign
> > > up.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> >  Lance Linimon
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty,
> Little
> Black, Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior (newest) , Silver, and Spike
> Please Visit my Message board for some pictures. You are welcome to sign
> up.
  Lance Linimon

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