Across the pond

2000-11-04 Thread Kelly Cash

Hey, I'm in London!  Who's here?  Drop me an email off-list.
Maybe we can hook up; I'm here through tuesday night.
I'm staying at the Sheraton Skyline close to Heathrow,
room 2068.  I'm bikeless and carless.


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

My oil/vibration issue

2000-10-13 Thread Kelly Cash

Thanks to all who've sent me info about their oil consumption,
and to those who've sent comments of things I should be aware of,

Current situation:
They did a leak-down test on the motor, found that one cyl is 150
pounds, whereas the others are 200.  They think there's some 
glazing which is causing both the compression and oil rings to
not make good contact, therefore oil will burn.

I reiterated that it didn't do it before they tore the motor
apart, and that common sense and logic dictate that they're
grasping at straws.  (and they also said that Yamaha wouldn't
honor a factory warranty if fully-synthetic oil was used, but
this is a Western Service warranty)

What they want to do now is to drain the oil, shoot a LOT of 
contact cleaner into the cylinders, and rotate the engine by
hand to break the glazing.  Then flush it out with oil a few 
times.  I asked how this would affect the bearings, and the
owner didn't feel it'd hurt them.  It's not a technique I've 
ever heard of.

Does this raise any red flags?  Should I call them and tell 
them NOT to do this?  Will it shorten the life of the bearings
or anything else?



 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

FLUFF Americans against Metric

2000-09-26 Thread Kelly Cash

 Just don't forget metric is all around you - like it or not.
 Grant Gall

One thing I find interesting is that tires are measured in BOTH
metric AND SAE.  The diameter is in inches, the width is in CM!


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Goldbarge

2000-09-26 Thread Kelly Cash

 Stephen, the new Goldwing looks OK, but I will make the real
 decision when I see one.

This goes back to the "Why doesn't Yamaha spend more time in all
bike segments?"  I've talked to every Yamaha rep I can find, asking
them to PLEASE bring back the Venture Royale.  I want a new one.
(and now that I have 95,000 miles on mine, NEED one)

There's no way I'll have that Kawasaki Voyager (too small, no 
performance, terrible fit/finish).  I don't want a BMW.  Too 
much money, too hard to work on, and it's well, European.  (Don't
get me wrong, I love Europe, the people, the culture.  I'm just
not personally fond of the styling of controls for the vehicles.
Just a preference thing)
Then there's a Harley Ultra Classic.  With respects to my good
friend Mr. Guintoli, not a chance.

Which leaves me only two other choices:  The Yamaha "Venture" 
(read: Royal Barge with bags), and the Gold Wing.

I want a Yamaha.  I like Yamahas.  I know how to work on Yamahas.
I can frequently interchange parts between my Yamahas.
But the Royal Star Venture (I still cringe calling that P.O.S.
a "Venture") isn't a good bike.  Yes, I've ridden one.  My '87
Royale will run circles around it.  The controls are counter-
intuitive to say the least, its lack of low speed handling is 
scary, I hate kicking the airboxes (!), the floorboards drag,
the luggage is too small, and face it, it's friggin' UGLY.
Not all of us are stuck in the '40s, wanting retro styling.

So please, Please, PLEASE, Yamaha- Bring back the REAL Venture
so I'm not forced to buy a *cough* Gold Wing.  And do it soon.


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Canadian Roads (was: A number of things)

2000-08-22 Thread Kelly Cash

 Those evil Canadians invite us Foreigners to their country knowing
 full well that the odds of us getting off their highway system
 unscathed are slim. I now know it was all a plan by Bobb, hoping to
 get one of there own free of the crash title. The highway departments
 in the US clean up somewhat and mark dangerous obstacles to some
 degree,  but not in Canada.AYE.  Never happenAYE  Highway
 work sites look like garbage dumps.:)AYE   I think the whole
 Highway department work force consists of six high school drop
 outs...AYE  That's all I ever saw workingAYE
 Here are the facts.. Yeah...I took a dump on my GTS.  But at
 least let's get the story straight...AYE
 I won't accept the full blameit was caused by the stupid Canadian
 half wit disorganized highway dept.  10 % of the highway system up
 there has been ground down with those large asphalt grinders that cut
 deep parallel groves about 2 inches deep so they an
 resurface.someday.   The work sites around the rebuild areas all
 like a bunch high school drops outs were given the job,  not very
 organized or neat.AYE

Sorry to hear of your experience, Hawke.  In the Canadian's defense,
I too traveled that exact same road last week.  I recall the detour,
the miles of ground up asphalt, the unpaved steep decline that had
jut been watered (read: mud).  No, it wasn't fun, but at least the
flag people were good.  They have a great technique of waving the 
"slow" and "stop" signs, are informed as to what's going on, are
friendly.  At least, that's how I found them.

True, I had a couple of white-knuckle moments in some of their
road destruction, but I came through it okay on the Venture Royale.
I do remmeber yelling to them that watering the road wasn't a good
idea.  I suppose I'd have yelled a lot more had I fallen too.


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051


2000-08-21 Thread Kelly Cash

 I trust you made it home OK.  Did you get the Bun Burner? 
I did, thanks!  I meant to throw a message together and send to 
the list that I'd landed okay.  Been catching up on a lot of 
things, sleep most notably.  Yes, got the Bun Burner.  For the
rest of you who didn't hear what I was doing: 
I'd planned on a Saddlesore 2000 from Toronto (Maxine's place) to
Brooks, Alberta.  Then the next day, a Saddlesore 1000 to Roger's
place in Oregon.  But that left 675 miles to home, so I decided
that I'd turn the SS1000 into a Bun Burner 1500.  (1500 miles in
36 hours)  So I rode about 3,700 miles in 3 1/2 days.  A new
personal record for endurance riding.  (and one that's likely to
stand for quite awhile, though Roger's trying to talk me into
doing the Iron Butt Rally ;-)

 It was good to see you, if for only a brief time. 
Indeed!  It was great seeing you and Karen, and your hospitality 
was wonderful.  (And I must say, you get serious style points for
riding 125 miles north to meet me just to escort me to your place!)

 You'll have to come up sometime when we
 can explore Oregon and Washington on the bikes.  Maybe I 
 should put together a GTS ride up here.  Something to think about.
I'd love that!  I've done very little exploring in the Pacific
Northwest, and want very much to do more of it.  Seattle at night
was beautiful.  (and such good weather too)  Too bad there was no 
shoulder on the freeway for me to stop and snap a couple pictures.

It was great seeing all the other GTSers along the way:
Fred Grefe and Louis Tweed in Northern Virginia; Maxine in Toronto
(whose hospitality was also truly wonderful, and she's a great tour
guide too!); Robert Wilson in Manitoba (we even rode a side trip
to his place in Neelin, although I opted not to ride ALL the way
to it over grassy patches);  Jason Crowley in Calgary.

Phil, you're forgiven for not riding up to Albuquerque to meet me
for dinner-  I got in there about 11:00, WAY late for dinner.

I'll do a complete writeup of the trip and forward it on.


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Big bike trip to commence next week

2000-07-28 Thread Kelly Cash

Hi all-  I'll be heading out this Wednesday, and will
be going through most of your areas.  Will be in Washington,
D.C. a couple of days (and could hook up with folks there 
around dinner time, Aug 8), Ottawa a couple of days, and 
Oklahoma City a day and a half.

08/02 Ride to L.A.  -  500 mi
08/03 Ride to Albuquerque   -  891 mi
08/04 Ride to Oklahoma City -  428 mi
08/06 Ride to St. Louis -  508 mi
08/07 Ride to D.C.  -  830 mi
08/10 Ride to Yarmouth, ME  -  570 mi
08/11 Ride to Ottawa-  401 mi
08/13 Ride to Toronto   -  241 mi
08/14 Ride to Drysden   - 1018 mi  \  This will be a 
08/15 Ride to Brooks- 1048 mi   - New personal record for
08/16 Ride to Salem, OR - 1006 mi  /  endurance riding
08/17 Ride to home  -  630 mi

Already planning to see Maxine and Robert Wilson in Canada, and
will be going through Calgary (with only enough time for lunch).
Send me an email if I'll pass by you!


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Useless fluff (unless you're Kelly Cash)

2000-07-21 Thread Kelly Cash

 Hey Kelly, we should go ahead and start up the Big GTS'er Touring Society

 (BGTS). Me wants to be the treasurer to run away with da cash.
 (wouldn't get very far with the mileage I get, though).

Ain't nobody running away with "the Cash" unless it's a cute female!


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Clarification (some might call this fluff, some not)

2000-07-20 Thread Kelly Cash

 The great Klan wars return. And on the side of Klan McGiVi - Garrett.

Uh, that's CLAN.  In the 'States, the word "Klan" means an entirely
different thing.


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: AMSOIL Motorcycle OIL

2000-07-17 Thread Kelly Cash

 This new trend to make "motorcycle specific" oils pisses me off. 
 Mobil 1 pissed me off in Daytona when their guys wouldn't give
 me a clear answer when I asked them if they made the new
 motorcycle mobil 1 because the regular mobil 1 wasn't
 up to the task.  Their answere in a nutshell was: "regular mobil 1
 is up to the task, but if you pay 20K for a motorcycle don't you
 want the "best" oil available?  F*(%^ them!! 
 I've decided not to run Mobil oils in any of my equipment.

Remember who you're talking to.  They are marketing pukes who are 
staffing a booth at a trade show (effectively).  They will say
anything which will put their products in a favorable light.
If you get with an engineer, you'll get the straight poop.  But
barring that, look at the reviews in Motorcycle Consumer News.
Objective, well thought out.  And they say Mobil 1 is fine for
bikes.  I use it in all my vehicles.  And not the bike-specific
stuff for 3 times the money.

(oh, apologies to any marketing people on this list.  Anyone who 
has a GTS is clearly more intelligent and discerning than the 
average run-of-the-mill marketing pukes)


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

RE: Gripping Developments

2000-07-12 Thread Kelly Cash

 It's Morse code, (named after its inventor Samuel Morse).

  my triquarter was burned out by the EPS power conduit on deck 9.
And while we're at it, it's "Tricorder", not Triquarter.
Scottie, Spock, Miles, and B'Elanna would not be pleased.  ;-)


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: the GTS. Wires,parts,screws,bolts

2000-06-27 Thread Kelly Cash

 Only 600 miles in a year? Thats amazing. I do that in 4 days :)

4 Days?  600 miles is a light day's riding for me.  ;-)
Roger probably does it before lunch.  (so would I, but it'd
be a late lunch)

Seriously, if only 600 miles in a year I'd worry about resins
forming in the injectors.  It'd work out to less than 50 miles
a month on the bike.  If you plan on riding it that little,
I'd certainly recommend looking into the viability of fuel
stabilizers.  (Sta-Bil, or equivalent)  Ask your mechanic
(or the list- how about it, all?) whether the fuel stabilizers
are compatible with the injectors.  Or if not, whether it's a
worse problem than the resins forming in the EFI.

Better yet, ride it more!   With apologies to Nancy Sinatra,
"The bike was made for ridin'."


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

GTS Phone Book

2000-06-26 Thread Kelly Cash

The newest GTS Phone Book has gone out to those listed in it.
If you're listed, and it hasn't arrived, please let me know.

If you're not listed, and want to be (the only way to get a
copy of it), please reply to me OFF-LIST  (i.e., to my email
address below, otherwise it'll be logged in the archives for
ALL to see, GTSers or not).

The data fields are:
 Last Name:
 First Name:
 Work Phone:
 Home Phone:
 Home Address:
 Postal/ZIP Code:
 Email address:
 Web Page:
 Can you provide lodging?
 Can you provide garage/tools?
 Can you provide truck/trailer?
 Notes:  (and "notes" means "My phone is unlisted", please call
  first before dropping by", etc.  Not "I love my GTS" ;-)

If you don't want to submit certain info about you, no problem.
But in order to receive the book, you have to participate, which
means more than just your name and email address.

For those phone book participants who are going to World Superbike,
note that I've added my cel phone number.



 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: GTS Phone Book

2000-06-26 Thread Kelly Cash

 How do I get listed and a copy?

Easy.  Just forward this message back to me (not copying the list)
after filling in the blanks below.  I had one person today ask me
if Europeans are allowed (wanted?) on in the book.  Absolutely!  There
are GTSers all over the world, and there are currently 5 countries
represented in the phone book already.  True, most of the phone book
entries are of U.S. people.  I'd love to see that change!

 The data fields for you to fill in are:
  Last Name:
  First Name:
  Work Phone:
  Home Phone:
  Home Address:
  Postal/ZIP Code:
  Email address:
  Web Page:
  Can you provide lodging?
  Can you provide garage/tools?
  Can you provide truck/trailer?
  Notes:  (and "notes" means "My phone is unlisted", please call
   first before dropping by", etc.  Not "I love my GTS" ;-)
 If you don't want to submit certain info about you, no problem.
 But in order to receive the book, you have to participate, which
 means more than just your name and email address.


 Kelly Cash  Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer  Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Everyone knows Kelly Cash!

2000-06-13 Thread Kelly Cash

 So, there I was at the top of Snow Shoe Mountain, WV Memorial Day weekend
 when I pull up to the hotel. I woman was putting the cover on her BMW
 with one of her riding partners. They looked at the GTS and then at each
 other and said "Kelly Cash has one of those!" Let's seeKelly is in CA
 and were in WV.small world! Anyway, Kelly used to live in the Northern
 Va. area and I guess these are some old acquaintances. I just smiled.

Yeah, it's a curse.  Movie and Rock Stars have it easy.  I'm a 
household word.  Everyone who's ANYONE knows me.  ;-)

Seriously, you should'a said "Hi!"  I suspect it was someone from
my old Virago Owner's Club chapter.  They go to Snowshoe every year.
In fact, I'll forward your message to 'em.  They'll get a kick out
of knowing that you recognized the name.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: GTS as a Dual Sport

2000-06-13 Thread Kelly Cash

  I'm with you.  The GTS makes a LOUSY dirt bike.  Ask me how I know-
  There's a road from Gateway, CO to Moab, UT which my DeLorme software
  didn't identify as UNPAVED.  20 miles of loose, soft, clay.

 Hmm.  Kelly, as I recall you've also come to the conclusion that the
 GTS would make a lousy snowplow.   :)

*ROTFLMAO*  Yeah, somehow I expected you to chime in on that!  It's
a pity we didn't get a picture of my GTS with its nose buried in the 
snowdrift at the side of the road.

(for those who haven't been on the list over a couple years, it seems
that whenever Phil tries to take me out riding some REALLY cool roads,
we wind up in snow.  This was a particuarly interesting trip in a
winter wonderland-  I got on a bad angle, and had to ditch into a
snowbank at the side of the road.  I managed to keep it upright though)


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: OT - Digital Cameras

2000-06-13 Thread Kelly Cash

 ...I would like a camera that takes a decent quality picture,
 works in low light, and cost is affordable (relative term.)  I 
 don't require a large number of pictures so I don't think memory
 should be a major issue.  I am looking for suggestions ...

I have a Casio QV-2000UX.  LOVE it.  Repeat, LOVE it.  Great pics,
does all sorts of cool things.  Very fast lens, great pics in low light.
Takes 30-sec AVI movies.  Great panoramic editor.  Fully automatic,
but can manually override anything.  Aperture, shutter priority, etc.
It's great.  I have a 64MB CompactFlash card, holds 75 pics in large
size (1600x1200, fine mode).  In small mode (800x600, fine) it holds
over 200 shots.  Will take any size CF cards, they come up to 128MB 
now.  Also will hold the 340MB IBM Microdrive if you want.
I investigated a LOT of cameras.  This was (for me) the best as far
as quality, size, versatility, etc.  2.1megapixel.
I spent $509 last December at  

If you (or anyone else) want more info, email me offline.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Tires Again

2000-05-17 Thread Kelly Cash

  But I find the sidewall too soft for mine-  I completely fried a
  brand NEW set of tires in ONE weekend. 

 Actually, the Bridgestone have the toughest sidewall. Maybe there 
 wasn't enough air in it ;-)

No, it wasn't the sidewalls that went (egad, THAT would be scary).
It wasn't the center of the tread either.  It was the softer
compound used for cornering.  The tire pressure was spot-on.
It was the only time I've worn out the sides of the tread before
the center.  


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Laguna Seca!

2000-05-08 Thread Kelly Cash

 How many west coast GTSer's are currently planning on attending
 Laguna Seca this year?

I'll be there both days on the weekend.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Women riders (was: ABS cycles (Fluffy now)

2000-04-19 Thread Kelly Cash

 Yeah Louis, the women I know who ride are: 1) underage, 2) married (to
 someone else) or 3) Lesbian.  My secretary just bought a 250 Ninja (so she
 could ride with her Hubby).

You might be surprised to know how many woman are into motorcycling.
(and how the numbers are growing)  I teach a lot of MSF* classes, and
there is a wide cross section of women taking the class.  Sure, some
are into it because of their sigificant others, but many are just
a couple of friends who decided to get into it.  There are even a
lot who sign up on their own, with no encouragement from anyone (in
fact, many have DISCOURAGING friends)

I've seen straight, gay, young, old, single, attached, thin, fat,
black, white women all taking the class.  I see more at bike hangout
places.  I know grandmothers who ride Goldwings, women who ride
Iron Butt endurance rides, women who drag knees better than I do.
I know women who work on their own bikes, and know more about them
than many guys do.

I was reviewing some of the MSF* material last night with the
woman who runs a local site (yes, SHE runs the site, teaches, etc.)
and she told me that she no longer subscribes to 'Motorcylist' 
magazine.  When I asked why not, she said all the articles were
male biased.  Things were written as: "you guys(and girls) . . ."

This is not a "man's sport."  And to tell the truth, I'm glad.


*I'm in California, and I teach CMSP classes, which is our version
of the MSF classes.  Slightly modified MSF curriculum.

 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

GTS Phone Book

2000-04-17 Thread Kelly Cash

There have been a lot of changes and additions to the 
phone book recently.  I'll be sending out an update in
a few days.

There are now 63 people representing 5 countries in the book.

If you want to be part of the book and haven't yet sent in
your info, please do!  Remember, the only way to get the book is
to be a part of it.

  Last Name:
  First Name:
  Work Phone: 
  Home Phone:
  Home Address:
  Postal/ZIP Code:
  Email address:
  Web Page:
  Can you provide lodging?
  Can you provide garage/tools?
  Can you provide truck/trailer?
  Now, this is important: Mail your response to me DIRECTLY.  OFF-LIST.
  If replied TO the list, EVERYONE will see it, it'll go in the
  archives, and everybody in the free world will be able to see it.
  And thus be able to spam you.  And can visit your house.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Mailing of GTS Phone Book

2000-04-13 Thread Kelly Cash

 Kelly, I cant open the GTS directory file. Is it possible for
 anyone close to Pa. to print it out and send it to me. Get in
 touch and I'll send my address, 

Currently it's in Excel 7 format.  I can save it in a variety of 
formats.  What can you read?  Greg's recommended I put it in PDF
format. (funny, you'd think he works for Adobe or something ;-)
Apparently there's a converter that allows me 10 free conversions
to PDF, but I see my having to do it more often than that, and I
don't particularly want to shell out $100 for the full Adobe s/w.

But I can save it in a variety of spreadsheet formats.  One thing
I recommend is Star Office- it's free, and can read  write 
Microsloth Office formats.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Mailing of GTS Phone Book

2000-04-10 Thread Kelly Cash

I sent out the first pass of the GTS phone book yesterday.  Since
then, I've received two more people's info.  So if you haven't
jumped in yet, it's not too late.  (and never is)  I expect to have
another mailing soon, so make it easy on me and send the info now!  :-)

I had a problem sending the phone book to the following addresses:


If you had an address of the above, please let me know what your
new one is.  


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

RE: GTS Member Phone Book

2000-04-07 Thread Kelly Cash

 Please include me on the member phone book 
Delighted, thanks!

 (I trust this will remain between you, the list and I).
Even better than that-  It will be sent ONLY to people who
have sent in their info to be IN the book.  It will not be
sent to the list.  (Because emails to the list are put in a 
pulic archive, so anyone could get ahold of it)


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

RE: GTS member phone book

2000-04-05 Thread Kelly Cash

 Hi all-  The number of GTSers in the phone book has jumped up 
 to 43 (from 35 before).  

And now it's up to 51.

This weekend I send it out to the participants.  You can get into
it whenever you want, so if you don't see this until next week,
send the info anyway.  I expect I'll have quarterly updates, or 
whenever a significant amount of new info is added, whichever 
comes first.  

 Data fields are:
 Last Name:
 First Name:
 Work Phone:
 Home Phone:
 Home Address:
 Postal/ZIP Code:
 Email address:
 Web Page:
 Can you provide lodging?
 Can you provide garage/tools?
 Can you provide truck/trailer?
 Now, this is important: Mail your response to me DIRECTLY.  OFF-LIST.
 If replied TO the list, EVERYONE will see it, it'll go in the
 archives, and everybody in the free world will be able to see it.
 And thus be able to spam you.  And can visit your house.



 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Pictures of the Death Valley Trip!!

2000-03-31 Thread Kelly Cash

 Okay, I've posted the pictures from Kelly Cash showing the GTS
 Death Valley Trip!! 

Thank you, Kevin!
For all you viewers, and particularly the attendees, know that the
original shots are HUGE.  1600x1200.  The ones shown are a handful
of selected shots.  (probably the best ones)  I've since figured
out how to use the panorama editor, so there are some panoramic
shots too.  

If anyone has a burning desire to see any of the shown shots in 
full size, please email me off-list.  And expect me to wait a few
days until most of the requests are in-  That way I don't have
to do lots of separate mailings.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

GTS member phone book

2000-03-31 Thread Kelly Cash

I bet that those of you who remember my starting this are wondering:
"Did Kelly give up on the address book?"  No, I didn't.  But with the
list changing a number of months ago, and my changing jobs and all, it
got put on the back burner.  So now things are settling down again, and
I'm picking this back up.  For those who've sent info, I still have it
(but if anything's changed since you sent it, please update me).
For those who haven't, please do.  Here's the deal:

I'm building an address book of GTS owners worldwide.  
Anyone can be part of it; Nobody HAS to be part of it.
It will be distributed ONLY to those who submit their info to it.
It will NOT be put on a web page; it won't be given to spammers; it
won't be sent to the list (which would wind up in the archives.)
The ONLY way you can see this thing is to send your info and be part
of the book.  You don't have to answer each question.  If you have 
unlisted phone numbers and don't want to share 'em, fine.  Don't
send 'em.  However, a number of people have sent info stating in 
the "notes" section that their numbers are unlisted, and they're NOT
to be distributed.  And that's a good use of the notes field.  Other
good uses are:
"I work nights, don't call in the daytime"
"I can provide lodging, but only with a lot of advance notice"; 
"Please don't drop in unannounced"

Don't bother with comments of "Call me when you're in the area, we'll
go for a ride!"  That's assumed.  If that's not how you feel, THAT'S
what to say in the notes.

A note of "I love my GTS, it rocks!  And the Heli-Bars are great!" 
will be ignored and not added to the book.  Btw, the notes field isn't
huge, so be concise.  (this is a spreadsheet I'm working on)

Data fields are:

Last Name:
First Name:
Work Phone:
Home Phone:
Home Address:
Postal/ZIP Code:
Email address:
Web Page:
Can you provide lodging?
Can you provide garage/tools?
Can you provide truck/trailer?

Now, this is important: Mail your response to me DIRECTLY.  OFF-LIST.
If reply TO the list, EVERYONE will see it, it'll go in the
archives, and everybody in the free world will be able to see it.
And thus be able to spam you.  And can visit your house.
If that's what you want, then go for it.  I assume no responsibility
for keeping your info secure if it's broadcast on the list.

I already have the info for 35 GTSers.  I haven't sent it out to them
yet, as I was hoping to get this a little more complete.  If you've
sent me info, and you want the list as it is now, just let me know.
I'll fire it off.  

I just re-read this, and it sounds a bit obnoxious.  (I mean, more than
my messages usually are ;-)  It's not meant that way, I was simply 
having fun with it.  I think this will be a useful thing for us.  
I can't think of the number of times I'm out somewhere, and wonder if
there are friends close by.  



 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Theft of swingarm bolt covers

2000-03-27 Thread Kelly Cash

  I cannot believe it. Some lowlife stole the plastic covers that
  hide the swingarm bolts on my GTS!

 David, are you sure they didn't fly off while you were zipping
  down the street at a pretty good pace?  (also could be vibration)

I've lost one or two also.  They just seem to come off occasionally,
speed doesn't seem to be a big factor in it.  Some use silicone RTV
or the like to make sure they stay on.

If someone were to take something off a GTS, can you think of
something that would be more valuable to take?  I'm sure you can.

Or maybe it's something else- You said you wanted to sell it, maybe 
it's rebelling!  :-)


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Suggestion, Create a second list

2000-03-22 Thread Kelly Cash

 Why doesn't someone that is interested create a second list, a trivia list
 sorts, that could be a forum for idle banter and motorcycle related info
 is not directly GTS? Then, those interested in social affairs have an 
 appropriate place to meet and exchange.

I know of what you speak.  There have been times when I've been
frustrated by the banter on here, generating the volume of mail.
But it's worse on other lists.  The Vmax list broke into two
lists, and that's caused more problems than it's solved.  Now
some belong to one list, some bleong to the other, and some
belong to both so we can see everything.  Why?  People wind up
posting tech info/questions to BOTH lists.  To not be on one list
would be to miss some tech stuff.  And then there's the extra
duplication of messages: Some prople post the same question to 
both lists, so you wind up seeing the message threads twice.

Considering how little traffic we're getting these days, I'm 
happy to have one list, stay in digest mode, and scroll through
one message a day.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: abs

2000-03-09 Thread Kelly Cash

 was advised that the Yamaha district office approved replacement of the HU
 but that I was going to have to pay for labor.  I gave him Jordan
 number as I did not believe I should be responsible for the labor.  They
 going to tt him and let me know what happens.  Did anyone else have to pay
 labor on this since talking to Cavanaugh?  How much should the labor be if
 have to pay?  Thanks.

That's Bullsh... uh, Baloney.  I just had my pump replaced.  Completely
free parts, completely free labor.  No whining, no arguing, no problems.
Just "Yamaha said they'd take care of it?  We'll confirm it and
get back to you."  Then "Yup, they said so, we fixed it, it's done,
come get it.  Thank you!"


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Motorcycle Tour And Cruiser magazine

2000-02-24 Thread Kelly Cash

Does anyone subscribe to 'Motorcycle Tour and Cruiser' magazine?
I'm looking for an article which would have been published
after August, 1999 regarding the reunion of the Virago Owner's Club
in Galena, Illinois.

If anyone can tell me whether such an article ever existed, please
email me off-list.  

Many thanks,


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

RE: Would you buy another GTS?

2000-01-26 Thread Kelly Cash

 Nice bike Kelly, but the seat..I dunno!
 Grant Gall

Thanks.  Yeah, the seat's either cool, or goofy.  I think it's
a little of both.  If I get tired of it I can either recover it
to match the front, or put the stock grabrail and seat back on.
(I can change its personality on a whim)

But as it is, it draws a lot of attention, and is known as
the "Killer-V" or "BeeMax".  It's a LOT of fun in Laughlin.
I hear things like "Whoa!  The Stinger!"  and  "Check out the Hornet!"

But mainly I think it's fun and unique.  When I get tired of being
goofy, I'll recover it.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

RE: Would you buy another GTS?

2000-01-25 Thread Kelly Cash

 I like bikes that
 handle and the GTS does, very well. The V-max does not. 
Out of the box, true.  My Vmax handles MUCH better than stock,
but then I've put a lot of parts in the suspension:
Progressive fork springs with Race-Tech gold valves
Progressive Rear shocks/springs
Fork Brace
Frame brace
HyperPro steering Dampener
Modified headset (replaced the rubber washer with steel)

Like I said previous msg, you gotta want to tinker.  But it's
fun too, it personalizes the bike, and you see the results of 
your efforts.  

 I like to have
 decent fairing protection and good brakes. The GTS happens to have
 phenomenal brakes.
True.  The Vmax has NO fairing, loads of wind buffeting.  It has the
aerodynamics of a cinder block.  I put a smallish windshield on it,
which helps a LOT.  And doesn't make it look too weird.  (the back
seat does that- See  and click on "1994" on the left
side.  The top bike shown is mine [with me on it])  
The Vmax brakes are decent, assuming it's '93 or later.  Those have
4-piston calipers up front, whereas the earlier ones have Virago TWO
piston brakes.  Frightening.  I'm still putting a set of Galfer steel
lines on mine.

 Then there's looks. You gotta love the chrome/cruiser
 look if you want a V-max.
Funny thing is, the 'Max doesn't really look cruiser-ish.  Well, yeah,
next to a GTS, but not next to a Harley, Royal Star, or any of the current
cruiser crop.  It's kinda in its own category- GTO/Camaro/Muscle bike.
There's loads less chrome on it than on cruisers.  I just got a set of 
Venture Royale wheels (which are mostly black) and am having them modified
slightly.  (modified hubs, rear wheel widened to 5.5", increased to 17"
diameter, to run MEZ4s)  Will look cool, unique, and handle even better.

 The GTS is original and high-tech looking and
 always draws a crowd.
Yeah, it does.  But so does the 'Max.  I think it's the air scoops. (which
aren't used for induction- one holds electronics, and one holds cooling
system plumbing)

 The GTS is also already a semi-collectible, is
 guaranteed to become a classic and good ones will always fetch a good
Can't argue with that.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

RE: Gender respect

2000-01-10 Thread Kelly Cash

 Ya i'm thinking hmmm. female and $$$ sounds like a winning combo. Thats
 got me started, and also all the kelly's I have known, or wanted too, were
 babes, like Kelly Bundy :)

 ok i'll be quiet now...

Oh, geez.  You guys. . .


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

RE: Gender respect

2000-01-10 Thread Kelly Cash

 H, I kind of like the name Kelly.  Sort of grows on you.
 Say Kelly, what are you doing Saturday night ???
 Jon "having a sexual identity crisis" Crisler

Looks like you've just earned the title of SA, Jon!


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Gender respect (was: RE: Winter Ride)

2000-01-07 Thread Kelly Cash


 Is kelly a cute Female biker?  woohoo! :)

The last time I looked, I was male.  And we treat our few female
comrades with respect.  Some yahoo in the Vmax club has driven away
a couple of female Vmaxers with comments such as that.

To lighten things up a bit, a true story:
I was on a talk program (a precursor to the "chat room") years ago 
at school.  Some guy logged on, found out my name and immediately
started hitting on me.  The dialog went like this:

He: Do you wear sweaters?   
Me: No, I usually wear tight T-shirts, bra-less.
He: What do you find interesting in a man?
Me: Absolutely nothing.
He: Then you're gay?
Me: No, not at all.
He: Hmm?  Don't like men, not women, animals are just too kinky. . .
Me: What's kinky for some isn't for others. . .

I never told him a lie, but screwed with him for an hour.
My friends who were watching this were in hysterics- They
couldn't breathe they were laughing so hard.
Needless to say, the guy wasn't pleased when I told him he was
under a false assumption.  :-)

(btw, I got another free sample of pantyhose in the mail last
week.  *sigh*)


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

No Subject

2000-01-07 Thread Kelly Cash

 Kelly, Kelly, Kelly when I said the north country I meant Canada.  You
 know the land of snow and ice 6 months of the year.

 As for riding 500 miles on Friday night, I would have to truck my bike
 from Calgary to San Fran, or at least to where I could ride it. Sitting
 in a cage for the first 1600 miles before riding YUCK!

 Grant Gall

Naah, you could ride it at least from Washington.  But that is a pretty
long ride for a two-day gathering.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Re: Winter Ride

2000-01-07 Thread Kelly Cash

 I have talked to Ranger Jay and Doug McLeod and they are both planning on
Great!  Jay, are you going to ride your GTS this time?  (I've already
seen your ST1100)

How about Bob Taylor?  Terry Baker, are you still with us?  Do you
still have a bike?  Can you make it?  How about Richard Lanouette?

 Kelly, I'm giving it some thought.  If there's snow over the Siskiyous,
 maybe I can borrow a bike from Mike Coan?!  ; ^ ))
Roger, that's great!  If you leave Friday morning, you'll get to 
my place by the time I'm off work, and we can ride down together
Friday night.


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

RE: Gender respect

2000-01-07 Thread Kelly Cash

 Please forgive me.
 It must have been a brown hair moment.
 It wasn't meant to be disrespectful

Hey, I have brown hair!!  :-)
No problem.  I'm sure it wasn't meant badly.  I guess I'm in
Vmax mail list mode-  There's a LOT of flame mail that bounces
around there.  I play fireman a lot, and try to stop fights 
before they start.  I should've remembered that those on this 
list are much more highly evolved.  (and I mean that, but still
enjoy the Vmaxers anyway)


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

RE: GTS-1000 digest 241

2000-01-06 Thread Kelly Cash

 You know, you guys down south don't have to rub it in.
 From the north country.
 Grant Gall
  For anyone on the list interested;
  Kelly Cash and myself are planning a two day ride in 
  San Diego County up into the mountains and down the back way
  thru Tecate and over to Ensanada . . .

Hey, I have to ride 500 miles Friday night just to GET to the 
starting point!  What rubbing in?  Quit whining, and come on out!

I know there are a lot of people closer to San Diego than I am,
I hope to see a lot of them!


 Kelly CashMain: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051

Address change

1999-12-07 Thread Kelly Cash


I'm changing jobs yet again, and have a new email address.  It's 
The new address is active now, so please address all mail there
instead of here.

Sorry for the automated form letter, but I have a lot of these
messages to send out.

I hope this message finds you well, and I look forward to hearing
from you soon!

-Kelly Cash

Re: Electrically Heated Gloves

1999-12-02 Thread Kelly Cash

  Anyone have any recommendations for electrically heated gloves

 Electric gloves are thick and reduce control of the bike. I recommend Kimpex 
 grip heaters. Under $30, plus a bit of a hassle for installation. They slip 
 under the grips and do a great job. (Invented for snowmobiles.) Not much 
 electric draw either.

I agree-  I have winter gloves, and they're bulky as it is.  With the
heating elements they'd be worse.  For the REALLY cold days I'll
put on the Gerbing jacket liner.  It has heated SLEEVES as well as 
the vest.  It works really well.


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: draggin' the centerstand

1999-11-30 Thread Kelly Cash

  Phil who wants to know and who thinks the footy pegs are great warning
 They are, but I don't think its very manly to call them 'footy' pegs. 

They're really called "Hero Blobs."
And while I'm not a racer, I understand that if you're dragging parts,
you're not doing it right.  You need to slide your posterior off the
seat in the direction of the lean.  Sometimes so far that your knee
puck (assuming you have one) touches down.
(yes Phil, I know you know this ;-)


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: FLUFF AX/Z, CA, NM residnets BEWARE

1999-11-23 Thread Kelly Cash

 If some of you folks are really wanting to ride some good twisty roads for a 
 couple of days and don't mind coming to San Diego area I would be glad to 
 show you some great roads in the canyons and local mountains that will leave 
 you one happy camper.  Unless it happens to rain (which it rarely does) , we 
 could plan on just about any weekend. We could also include a ride to 
 Ensanada in the Baja as part of one day. There is a great road thru the 
 canyons and crosses the border at Tecate and goes thru the back country to 
 Ensanada and mouth watering fish tacos when we get there.  
   Depending on how many were interested you would be welcome to stay at 
 my house (wives or girlfriends included).

I'd certainly be interested-  But scheduling would be key-  I'd have
to know about it at least a month in advance, preferably 2 or 3. 


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Christmas Trips [fluff]

1999-11-23 Thread Kelly Cash

  Gee Phil, I thought you could get Viagra in the States!
 Isn't that a Yamaha Cruiser??  One that Kelly really, really likes??

The only cruiser I really really like is the Vmax, and it's not
really a cruiser.  But it does perform the same function as Viagra,
if you get my drift.  (sorry for that imagery ;-)


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

re: Arizona, New Mexico, etc.

1999-11-23 Thread Kelly Cash

 You can try the mountain roads, but you stand a good chance of
 skewering your bike into a snow bank (right Kelly??)  ;-)  

Wow, is this "beat up Kelly" week?  ;-)   (I know it's all in
good fun)  I must say I am proud I didn't DROP the bike in that
snowbank!  Must be all that practice I get of riding through snow,
mud, deep loose dirt, crossing frozen streams, etc.  Man, I've
GOT to get a dual-sport.

RSRBob, Please have Yamaha re-think the Gila-  I'll still buy one
sight-unseen!  (It was the April fools joke this year)


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: WWW tour. . . And new ride

1999-11-16 Thread Kelly Cash

     I'm definitely interested in a similiar ride.  I.e., two days, 
 one night beginning and ending in the greatest place on the planet, 
 the Bay Area.
 Mike Cordon

Okay, I'll add you to the list.  I actually had a three day, two night
ride in mind.  But we'll see what the crowd wants.


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Hey Cash 'man' time to think about dumping that slow VMAX!

1999-11-15 Thread Kelly Cash

 Kelly, Kelly, Kelly--next thing you know you'll be saying that motorcycles
 with small-block Chevy V-8s aren't practical either.

Top ten reasons why a Chevy V-8 isn't practical in a bike:

10. HAVE to ride with a group; you'll need help if you drop it
 9. Too wide, too cumbersome to lane-split
 8. Twice the cost for spark plugs, wires, coolant, oil, etc.
 7. Red-line at 5500 RPM.
 6. Gas consumption measured in yardage, not mileage
 5. No transmission.  Shifting is fun!
 4. Horrible image- Both Motorcyclists AND Bikers laugh at it
 3. As big, heavy, and technologically advanced as a stegosaurus
 2. Can you say "Torque steer?"
 1. Has the same turning radius as an aircraft carrier

 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Single Pin Crank

1999-11-09 Thread Kelly Cash

 The Virago has a single pin crank and the rods are side by side. The reason 
 is is smoother than the HD is the angle between the cylinders is greater, 
 seperating the power pulses farther apart.

I'll be darned.  I stand corrected.  Thanks, Bob!  I imagine the 
stressed member part helps too.  


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Wanted: GTS

1999-10-19 Thread Kelly Cash

Hey all:

I have a friend who's interested in a used GTS.  (yeah,
like you can find one new here in the states ;-)

If anyone is either selling one, or knows of someone
selling one, please contact Cory (below) directly.



 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

- Begin Forwarded Message -

From: "Cory Frost" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: GTS???


You know of any good sources for clean used GTS1000's?
What is a good price to pay for one?

Cory F.

|_|_|_|_|  Cory Frost ~ ICQ#2279618
|_|_|_|_|  St. George, Utah
|_|_|_|_|  VMOA Webmaster  ~
|_|_|_|_|  VMOA # 350  ~ 1995 Vmax

- End Forwarded Message -

RE: Krauser's Givi's with bags removed

1999-10-11 Thread Kelly Cash

  With the Krausers removed, the mounts look like grab rails on the side.
  With the Givi's removed, the bike looks like crap.

 I disagree with Fred.  I have the Silver (gray) Givi Wingracks, and I think
 it looks sharp, and so do others who have complemented the way it appears to
 match the gray Omega frame.  I wish the aluminum of the racks were a
 polished gray--they are very rough, and might even be called unfinished

Not to put words in Fred's mouth, but I might rephrase to say that 
any "universal" type of system won't be as clean looking as a system
designed for a specific application.

As for the finish of the Givi rack, how about having it powder-coated?
You could get it done virtually any color, and even if the rack is 
rough, the powdercoat will smooth it out a bit.


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

R7 for sale

1999-01-16 Thread Kelly Cash

An R7 for sale?
Believe it-  It's number 50, the last one available in the U.S. 
Redwood City Yamaha, California.  $35,000.  
You can even get the full-race kit for it if you like. (which 
isn't cheap either)

They used the race license and resume of one of their mechanics to
get it.  

What an awesome bike.  Little features all over it that just scream
"This is a serious machine."  But it's not for me, I'd never utilize
an R1 to its potential, let alone an R7.


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: Worth Waiting For?

1999-01-02 Thread Kelly Cash

 The way I see it is that there is no perfect bike.  Step back from the GTS
 for a minute.  Are you a motocrosser?  Tourer?  Commuter?  Trail rider?
Yeah, I trail ride, and I do it on my GTS and Venture Royale.  
(not intentionally, it's just that DeLorme software isn't sharp
enough to distinguish between paved and unpaved roads)

 Steve the motorcyclist
 PS - go easy on my employer, will ya?
You're right, Steve.  I've even been making a lot of unsolicited 
praise about HD recently-  With their using 4-piston calipers, 
fuel injection, and now COUNTER BALANCERS (!), they're definitely
making the right moves technology-wise.  Heck, if they put a 
counter balancer in the Sportster motor, I just might have to 
consider a Buell!


 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix   Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design SystemsFAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1  Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 