[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2000-11-19 Thread BELLAN Andrea


Re: [newbie-it] Wine

2000-11-19 Thread marco

Bè, da quel poco, anzi pochissimo che ne so io, da quel che mi sembra di aver letto 
del tuo messaggio, mi sembra che forse
dovresti controllare (nel caso non l'avessi già fatto) che la partizione del tuo 
disco, in cui sia presente il sistema
operativo proprietario Windows 95/98, sia "montata" o "vista" (non so se questo sia il 
modo corretto di esprimersi) proprio
come "/mnt/windows" (come cioè mi sembra che sia sul mio computer, e come ho cercato 
di scrivere nel mio file ".winerc" che ti
(vi) ho spedito), e magari anche che quanto scritto nella sezione "[wine]" del mio 
file ".winerc" (ovvero quella parte del file
".winerc" che comincia con "[wine]", dalla 25-esima riga fino alla 30-esima) 
corrisponda proprio alla realtà del tuo computer:
se cioè la directory ms-dos in cui siano presenti i file di Windows 95/98 sia proprio 
"C:\WINDOWS", se la directory di sistema
(non so se si dica così, nè cosa sia) sia proprio "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM", se quella in 
cui le varie applicazioni di Windows 95/98
possono archiviare i loro file temporanei (non so se si dica così, ne cosa significhi: 
l'ho solo letto dalla pagina man di
wine.conf) sia proprio "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP". :)

Ah, nel caso poi non lo sapessi già, Wine funziona così (se non ho letto male): $ wine
nome_file_programma_eseguibile_da_emulare (per esempio "$ wine 
/mnt/windows/windows/calc.exe"). :)

Scusandomi se non avrò risposto esaurientemente alla tua richiesta, ti saluto, 
augurandoti un buon inizio di settimana. :)

Ciao :)


Casa wrote:

  mi permetto
  di riportarti qui di seguito il mio file ".winerc" che ho fatto: anche
  se dovrai probabilmente adattarlo un po' alla configurazione del tuo
  computer, soprattutto (credo) nella parte iniziale del file, quella cioè
  dove sono specificati i nomi e relativi percorsi dei vari drive
  (hd,cdrom,etc.), ho pensato che forse ti sarebbe potuto essere utile. :)

 Come no? non solo a lui :

  Ah, nel caso non l'avessi già letto e/o saputo, non mi sembra che sia
  necessario avere il file "wine.conf" all'interno della directory
  "/etc/": basta infatti (se non erro) che tu abbia il file ".winerc"
  all'interno della tua home directory (ah, dimenticavo..., se hai, come
  me, installato la Mandrake 7.1, nel caso non lo sapessi già,
  probabilmente Wine è già installato: dovresti quindi solo creare e/o
  editare il file ".winerc"). :)

 Uhmm.. leggendo il tuo messaggio mi e' venuta voglia di provare wine, ma in
 quanto alla posizione /etc/wine.conf ho qualche dubbio. Io uso proprio la
 mandrake 7.1 e ho copiato il tuo winerc (grazie per averlo postato) ma il
 risultato e' questo:

 [nicola@doppioproc nicola]$ wine
 Warning: could not find wine.conf [Drive x] entry for current working directory 
/home/nicola; starting in windows directory.
 Invalid path 'C:\WINDOWS' for windows directory
 Perhaps you have not properly edited or created your Wine configuration file.
 This is either /etc/wine.conf or $HOME/.winerc
   or it is determined by the -config option or from
   the WINE_INI environment variable.
 Wine has used /home/nicola/.winerc as configuration file.

 Ehmm posso chiederti qualche suggerimento?

 Grazie, Nicola.

Re: [newbie-it] richiesta distro mandrake 7.2

2000-11-19 Thread lobaxteen

- Original Message -
From: "Mauro Scacco" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] richiesta distro mandrake 7.2

 At 01.57 19/11/2000 +0100, you wrote:
 Salve !  scrivo da Roma.
 Qualcuno puo' essere cosi' gentile da masterizzarmi ed inviarmi la
 distribuzione Linux  mandrake 7.2
 (a pagamento si intende)
 se si inviatemi un messaggio a
 Grazie Tante


 Ti posto il catalogo delle distro :

 Ho disponibili al costo di 4.000 a cd +(minime)spese postali le nuove:
 -- KDE2 Finale per Debian-Redhat-Caldera-Suse (1 cd)

 -- MANDRAKE 7.2 Final Release (2cd) -
 ---RED Hat 7 (5 cd compresi Powertool e SRMS iso e DOC )
 - SUSE 7 (5cd -esclusi i commerciali)
 FREE Bsd 4.1.1
  Turbolinux 6.1
 --- Powertools Red Hat 6.2

 --- GENTUS Linux

 E anche le classiche:
 Debian " 2.2 compresi i NON U.S. (4 cd)
 Debian 2.2 pacchetti Non Free(Netscape etc etc -1cd)--
 ---Debian 2.2 Proposed Updates (1 cd)+ KDE2 per Debian -
 Slackware 7.1 (2cd) ottimo col nuovo Gnome!
 ---Corel 1.2 da provare Debian-based
 -Caldera eDesktop 2.4 (istallazione immediata !)
 - Caldera Beta Technologies (nuovo kde2 )

 ma scusate ,linux non è gratis? cos'è che fate pagare?cd vergine a parte?


 richieste in email
 Io sono di Anzio -Roma- ma posso spedire ovunque con garanzia

 Ciao! Mauro

[newbie-it] voglio programmare ma...

2000-11-19 Thread Asgro

Ciao a tutti

qualcuno sa spiegarmi come faccio a scrivere e 
compilare un programma in c++?

R: [newbie-it] voglio programmare ma...

2000-11-19 Thread Simone Deponti

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 2:51 
  Subject: [newbie-it] voglio programmare 
  Ciao a tutti
  qualcuno sa spiegarmi come faccio a scrivere e 
  compilare un programma in c++?
  Innanzitutto devi avere installato il compilatore 
  g++ (nella Mandrake 7.1 dovrebbe essere nella directory (di RPMDrake) 
  Development/C++. Inoltre devi avere i file include che trovi sempre nella 
  stessa directory (te li dovrebbe richiedere come dipendenza non soddisfatta 
  durante l'installazione di g++). Poi scrivi il tuo programma con un qualsiasi 
  editor di testi (vi, emacs, kedit) e salvi il file con un'estensione .cpp. Poi 
  dalla shell digiti il comando
  g++ -f nome-eseguibile 
  Se il programma ha degli errori 
  (include di librerie inesistenti etc...), l'operazione non andrà a termine e 
  ti apparirà un messaggio di errore.
  Se sono stato poco chiaro, richiedi 
  pure ulteriori spiegazioni.

R: [newbie-it] voglio programmare ma...

2000-11-19 Thread Asgro

Fin troppo

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 4:59 
  Subject: R: [newbie-it] voglio 
  programmare ma...
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 2:51 
Subject: [newbie-it] voglio programmare 

Ciao a tutti

qualcuno sa spiegarmi come faccio a scrivere e 
compilare un programma in c++?

Innanzitutto devi avere installato il 
compilatore g++ (nella Mandrake 7.1 dovrebbe essere nella directory (di 
RPMDrake) Development/C++. Inoltre devi avere i file include che trovi 
sempre nella stessa directory (te li dovrebbe richiedere come dipendenza non 
soddisfatta durante l'installazione di g++). Poi scrivi il tuo programma con 
un qualsiasi editor di testi (vi, emacs, kedit) e salvi il file con 
un'estensione .cpp. Poi dalla shell digiti il comando
g++ -f nome-eseguibile 
Se il programma ha degli errori 
(include di librerie inesistenti etc...), l'operazione non andrà a termine e 
ti apparirà un messaggio di errore.

Se sono stato poco chiaro, richiedi 
pure ulteriori spiegazioni.

Re: [newbie-it] aggiornamenti

2000-11-19 Thread trasca

Il sab, 18 nov 2000, hai scritto:
 ho installato sul mio pc la distribuzione linux Mandrake 7.1,della quale
 sono abbastanza soddisfatto, tuttavia ho notato
 che quando mi collego ad internet, per aggiornare il sistema con la funzione
 update, il programma si collega si al server mostrandomi  la lista degli
 aggionamenti disponibili, però tutto si ferma alla schermata che visualizza
 il procedere del download che tuttavia di fatto non avviene costringendomi
 ad attese inutili e dispendiose.
 A qualcuno di voi è successa qualcosa di analogo?
 Un saluto a tutti,
 Alessandro 46
salve a tutti, confermo, stessa casistica.

   Cosma Scaramella

[newbie-it] problemi col disco fisso EIDE (non riconosciuto)

2000-11-19 Thread Simone Deponti

Ciao a tutti!

Sono un (abbastanza) nuovo utente linux! Il 
problema è che non riesco a installare nessuna nuova distribuzione perchè il 
disco che ho appena montato (Samsung SV0322A EIDE UltraDMA 33 da 3,2 Gb) non 
viene riconosciuto da linux!!!
O, per meglio dire, viene sì riconosciuto, ma 
quando il kernel cerca di fare un'operazione I/O su di essa (in fase di booting) 
salta fuori un bell'errore che recita così:

hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady 
SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
hda: read_intr: error=0x04 { 
DriveStatusError }

hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady 
SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
hda: read_intr: error=0x04 { 
DriveStatusError }

hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady 
SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
hda: read_intr: error=0x04 { 
DriveStatusError }

hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady 
SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
hda: read_intr: error=0x04 { 
DriveStatusError }

hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady 
SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
hda: read_intr: error=0x04 { 
DriveStatusError }

Il kernel poi continua ma è impossibile fare 
alcunchè su tale disco.
Sul disco in questione ho installato Win98 SE che 
funziona senza dare problemi (o meglio, con dei problemi che fanno però parte 
dell'amministrazione ordinaria (Win 98 è indecente, anche paragonato a Win 95), 
come errori di pagina non valida di Explorer etc...) e inoltre ho anche provato 
a installare QNX (un'altro *nix) e neanche lui dava problemi. Il problema è che 
così non posso installare nessuna distribuzione linux su quel disco e se ne 
installo una sull'altro dopo non posso avviarla poichè il lilo non viene 
installato (sempre lo stesso problema con il disco, che è il 

Un grazie anticipato a 

[newbie-it] New entry

2000-11-19 Thread Marco Brizzi

Un saluto a tutti voi della ML. Devo premettere che son un newbie di questo
SO. Ho infatti installato la settimana  scorsa Mandrake 7.1 e lo trovo molto
carino. Ho cominciato a leggervi da circa una settimana per vedere di
trovare risposta ai miei (immagino per voi soliti) perchè.
Dopodichè mi sono deciso a srivere. Allora, tutto funziona a prima botta e
già questo mi ha messo di buon umore, ma ad un esame più attento ho notato
quanto segue:
a) problema relativo alla scheda audio; utilizzo una scheda audio Yamaha
S-YXG50, ma non suona (bene invece sotto w98);
b) stampante Lexmark 3200; ho letto in qualche sito Internet che dovrebbe
essere supportata e invece non funziona;
c) non posso collegarmi alla rete con Linux perche' il modem interno (un
Conexant SoftK 56 con chip Rockwell) non viene riconosciuto;
Inoltre ho installato StarOffice 5.2 sul pc di casa e funziona bene
(mentre in ufficio è di una lentezza esasperante) e, sempre sul pc di casa,
ho provato a installare la demo di Soldier of Fortune che invece viaggia a
circa un frame all'ora...
Vi ragguaglio naturalmente sul mio sistema casalingo:
PC DEX (computer discount) con
K7 550 con 128 Mb di Ram (di cui soli 64 visti da Mandrake) su mb AMD;
due HD (13 e 19 Gb) ultra ata33;
Matrox G400 dh 32 Mb;
DVD + masterizzatore;
se volete sapere altro non avete che da chiedere. Ah, dimenticavo: in
ufficio un Pentium 200 non mmx con 32 Mb Ram sempre con la Mandrake 7.1.
Scusate la prolissità ma così almeno ... mi sono liberato!
A presto e buon linux a tutti!

Re: [newbie-it] Wine

2000-11-19 Thread Casa

Il dom, 19 nov 2000, hai scritto:
 Bè, da quel poco, anzi pochissimo che ne so io, da quel che mi sembra di aver letto 
del tuo messaggio, mi sembra che forse
 dovresti controllare (nel caso non l'avessi già fatto) che la partizione del tuo 
disco, in cui sia presente il sistema
 operativo proprietario Windows 95/98, sia "montata" o "vista" (non so se questo sia 
il modo corretto di esprimersi) proprio
 come "/mnt/windows" (come cioè mi sembra che sia sul mio computer, e come ho cercato 
di scrivere nel mio file ".winerc" che ti
 (vi) ho spedito), e magari anche che quanto scritto nella sezione "[wine]" del mio 
file ".winerc" (ovvero quella parte del file
 ".winerc" che comincia con "[wine]", dalla 25-esima riga fino alla 30-esima) 
corrisponda proprio alla realtà del tuo computer:
 se cioè la directory ms-dos in cui siano presenti i file di Windows 95/98 sia 
proprio "C:\WINDOWS", se la directory di sistema
 (non so se si dica così, nè cosa sia) sia proprio "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM", se quella in 
cui le varie applicazioni di Windows 95/98
 possono archiviare i loro file temporanei (non so se si dica così, ne cosa 
significhi: l'ho solo letto dalla pagina man di
 wine.conf) sia proprio "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP". :)
 Ah, nel caso poi non lo sapessi già, Wine funziona così (se non ho letto male): $ 
 nome_file_programma_eseguibile_da_emulare (per esempio "$ wine 
/mnt/windows/windows/calc.exe"). :)
 Scusandomi se non avrò risposto esaurientemente alla tua richiesta, ti saluto, 
augurandoti un buon inizio di settimana. :)

No, no, mi scuso io: ho verificato .winerc e nel copiarlo ho innavertitamente
spostato la path di windows appunto che era finita altrove. Rimessa a posto ora
e' partito. Certo adesso me lo devo configurare ;-)

Grazie mille, Nicola.

Re: [newbie] Printing with STAR OFFICE

2000-11-19 Thread Till Kamppeter

Did you read also the text version of the Mandrakeuser.org document? The
web pages are still not complete and only treat the
installation/configuration of CUPS.

An important point is, that you do not use the printer drivers of Star
Office. Use the "Generic printer". This makes Star Office outputting
PostScript and CUPS translates it to the printer-specific protocol. Set
up the options for your print job in qtcups or xpp, but check whether
Star Office uses the correct paper format.


Ed Santiago wrote:
 The printer works great in those, however in StarOffice it doesnt print.
 I have changed the "connect" to qtcups and to xpp, when I try to print
 the qtcups interface comes up but it doesnt print. It says print job:x,
 (x being a number depending on how many times I try) and yet nothing
 I have been reading through alot of past mail and the Mandrake user
 stuff but cant find anything that applies to this.
 I am not on a network and the printer is hooked up to lp0 parrell port
 on my computer.

[newbie] LINUX

2000-11-19 Thread JStalker

I just downloaded mandrake 7.2 and it says i can 
install it without partitioning my HD.. well ummm can i intsall outside of 
windows.. like how u normally install linux?? or do i have to do it in 


2000-11-19 Thread Hindge

subscribe newbie

Re: [newbie] Printing to an HP Laserjet 4050TN over an Ethernet Network

2000-11-19 Thread Till Kamppeter

Philip Trauring wrote:
 BTW, why isn't this the same interface as when I click to configure a
 printer from DrakConfig? I figured it was the same an ran it a bunch
 of times before I realized it was not.

In DrakConf you get printerdrake, the thing which searches the network
for printers is kups.
 Here's a problem - It automatically scans the subnet for my external
 NIC, but the printer is connected to the internal NIC which I have
 set up to serve IPs using DHCP. I haven't configured the printer with
 a specific IP address since the rest of my network are Macs and they
 connect to the printer using appletalk and don't need an IP address.

First you must give an IP address to your printer. See the printer's
manual how to do so, Linux does TCP/IP networking and therefore it needs
IP addresses for all network devixes which it wants to access. The port
on which the printer listens is 9100 by default. Leave it on this value.
Make sure that the printer allows Socket or AppSocket access.

To let kups scan the other NIC do the sma as you have already done, but
in the window where you can scan the network, click on "Settings" and
change the IP address range to the internal network, then scan again. Or
type the address and the port of the printer directly into the fields on
the right.

 Any suggestions? How do I get it to scan my second NIC? Do I need to
 assign it an IP address first? How can I make sure the IP address
 doesn't change?

As I told the IP  address has to be configured in the printer, it stores
it in a non-volatile memory and so it is conserved even if you turn off
the printer.


[newbie] Ayuda

2000-11-19 Thread Alex Felipe Arevalo R

Necesito una ayuda:
tengo el linux red hat 6.1, necesito configurar un 
tape backup hewlett packard scsi referencia dat8, para esto tengo una 
controladora scsi Adaptec AHA 2920, y tengo una controladora multipuerto 
digiboard, con que comandos instalo estos dispositivos? de donde puedo bajar los 
drivers?, por favor necesito ayuda respecto a este problema pues soy 
principiante en linux y me urge configurar estos dispositivos


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 X problems

2000-11-19 Thread Eunice Thompson

does anyone have a clue as to could be causing this problem ?
I am able to get to the other window managers from a graphical login,
but I prefer
to use init 3, and I still have the problem of X crahing when I hit the 
CTRL-ALT-F2 sequence.
 Thanks again

Eunice Thompson wrote:
 Hi all.
 I've installed Mandrake 7.2 on my laptop (Toshiba Satellite Pro,
 P166MHz;80MB Ram; 6 GB hard drive).
 I'm having a few 'minor' problems ( Which did not occur with 7.1, on the
 same system).
 1. The only window managers that I'm able to start are KDE2.o and XFCE.
 The others (Ice, Blackbox, Gnome...) are installed, but when I type
 startgnome, startice, startfvvm, ... etc., I get an error messae
 stating  " Unable to open display ...".
 2. When in X, if I want to switch to a console , I hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 (-F6)
 and it switches to the text based login prompt, and then X crashes with
 a message of " X server aboterd, code 11).
   If I'm not in X, then I 'm able to switch between the virtual consoles
 without any problem using, Alt-F2 (-F6).
 I did not have this problem when using XFree 3.3.6in LM7.1.
 I'm currently using X-4.01.
 Does anyone have any clues or hints?
 Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires
 tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth.
 -- Nero Wolfe
 Eunice Thompson

Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires
tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth.
-- Nero Wolfe
Eunice Thompson

[newbie] realplayer7 's high noise concern with device driver?

2000-11-19 Thread hlinlin

my VIA 97 or vg82cxxx_audio.o  with downloaded realplayer7 basic can not
make me listen sound of live audio clear , I am using mandrake 7.2

from mailing list I know some one with sound card sound blast 16 can
using it with 7.2 to listen live audio of realplayer7  with additional
driver  i.e. open sound com, they told me if I buy their software driver
, I can listen realplayer's audio sound no problem.

I ever download their driver when I still not upgrade to 7.2, in 7.1, it
indeed can let me listen realplayer 's audio file well, i.e. cnn.com's

another thing is , in mandrake 7.2 linux2.2.17, if I using netscape to
navigate to web, sometimes, it generate many page, then my os is
freeze(or almost), I waited ever one hour
before decided hard reboot.(can not do ctrl-alt-f1, f2, ), do I have
a way to get arround it simply or it's kernel 's problem, that have to
solved by group of people?

best regard and hope to see someof you reply
Eric Lin

[newbie] upgrade or install kde base error, need help

2000-11-19 Thread hlinlin

when I using MandrakeUpgrade,  as 7.2 choose normal upgrade,
after fetch
at install,  on kde base 2.0 ,  it pop a dialog window said error some
problem occur.

do any one know what may cause this upgrade or install error?

also I download netscape6 intall.sh run it , after that I click its icon
on gnome, it still
shown 4.75 from help dropdown menu.  How can I really install success

hope to some one's help
best regard
Eric Lin

Re: [newbie] group psychologist

2000-11-19 Thread Grant

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] group psychologist

 onepatrick   i have elected myself as group psychologist
   any questions ?

 GAPrichard  I have this friend

 ah, i see.
please ask your friend to see me :)
   Ed  Liear. LIER, Lier we all Know NO-ONE named PAtrick would
   have ANY friends (just a joke)
   Ed  rolling on the floor

 He won't come in, he's afraid.  He's been having these nightmares.  This
 Screen (of Death) comes out of the monitor and engulfs him.  What can we
 to help him?

 (sorry if in my rearranging i didn't get this in the right
equence.  -Gary-)

Buy him a pair of Blue Blocker sunglasses. He hasn't had nightmares about a
GREEN sreen of death, has he? :o)

Re: [newbie] No NUMBER lock?

2000-11-19 Thread root

I was looking for a solution to this earlier and came across the following
and http://dforce.sh.cvut.cz/~seli/en/numlockx/
But, if you are (like me now) using Mandrake 7.1, it is turn on when you
start xwindow. HTH

[newbie] Changing MAC address

2000-11-19 Thread Mazen

Hi all,

I wonder how to change the MAC address (hardware address) of the network card. I have 
read something about that in the man pages of "ifconfig" command.

Thanks in advance


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[newbie] Changing MAC address

2000-11-19 Thread Mazen

Hi all,

I wonder how to change the MAC address (hardware address) of the network card. I have 
read something about that in the man pages of "ifconfig" command.

Thanks in advance


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Re: [newbie] ISDN Internet connection problem

2000-11-19 Thread Paul

On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Ian Aldcroft wrote:

Hi Ian,

You should take a look at www.wurtel.demon.nl
That is the site that I run to when there is an ISDN problem in my Linux

Good luck!

When installation was complete, I clicked on the internet connection icon on
the desktop and got a message that pppd needed installing. The installation
routine for this wants to use a modem - a ISDN card doesn't seem to be an
option. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get my system

There's no place like ~/.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] No NUMBER lock?

2000-11-19 Thread Paul

On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Charles wrote:

I have been looking through the DOCs but haven't discoverd how to have
NUMBER LOCK active when starting KDE. Suggestions?
TIA - Cmo

When you are running 7.1, a program called numlock should be installed.
Add a kdelnk to your autostart for that.

Are you running 7.2, then you need to link to


There's no place like ~/.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

[newbie] LS-120 problems

2000-11-19 Thread Joseph Markham

Dear Friends,

LM 7.2 thinks that my LS-120 is a scsi device, which it is not since
it's an IDE device. I've had a look at madrakeforum.com, and civileme
mentioned the problem in LM7.1.

Does anybody know how to get the damn thing working?

My configuration is : P3 500 on a BX mainboard
Pri Master: EIDE HDD
Pri Slave: Zip drive EIDE
Sec Master: LS-120 EIDE
Sec Slave : CD-RW EIDE

Many thanks to whoever knows how - I've installed LM 7.2 at least 10
times to try and get around the problem to no avail.

Re: [Re: [newbie] Start KDE]

2000-11-19 Thread Michael Scottaline

"Ronald J. Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 "Page, Jennifer" wrote:
  Just installed Mandrake 7.0, how do I start kde?
 Hi Jennifer! Just do a "startx" from a command line...


And, may I add, IF (big IF) you'd like to enter a graphical login
automagically at boot time, you can edit your /etc/inittab file.  Look for the
line that has:
and change the 3 to a 5.
You must do this as root.

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Re: [newbie] Re: disk optimization option

2000-11-19 Thread skidley

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Saturday 18 November 2000 10:13 pm, pablito wrote:
  Interesting.  "info hdparm" is a terminal command?
 yes.   (su to root) 'hdparm -i /dev/hd*' will read the information 
 from your harddrive's (HDD) firmware (bios).  Much of this information 
 is useful in guessing at which hdparm options will best optimize your 
  Once you've determined the best options by running 'hdparm -tT 
 /dev/hd*', that hdparm line can be added to the end of your 
 /etc/rc.d/rc.local  file to optimize your HDD on every boot.
 EG (I have this line at the tail of rc.local for my old ata/33 linux 
 HDD),   hdparm -m16 -c1 -u1 -d1 -k1 -a128 /dev/hdb 
 In marginal hardware situations, choosing "hardrive optimization" 
 during LM install can result in boot failure or data corruption, which 
 is why that install option comes with a warning.  BUT, the same is true 
 for optimizing your drives 'manually' with hdparm from the CL, so 
 proceed with caution.  Most of the time if you have a decent 
 motherboard and aren't (mis)using ata/66 there'll be no problem.
Hi Tom

I am just wondering about the -a128 setting, mine is at 8 automatically
I have a Western Digital AC313000R my MB has a maximum of udma mode 2 but 
my drive can support udma3(ata/66). I am thinking about setting up these
options hdparm -m16 -c1 -d1 -X66(It says for ultraDMA its the
mode(2) +64) but I am wondering about the -a option, maybe I should leave
it at 8? also the -u option. It says in man it could be dangerous, some
drive/controller combinations can't tolerate the increeased I/O
latencies. Just wondering what you think about the settings and to get
some feedback before i do anything that may corrupt my filesystem. 

Chad Y.
Registered Linux User #195191
Registered Linux Box #86749

Re: [newbie] LS-120 problems

2000-11-19 Thread skidley

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Joseph Markham wrote:

 Dear Friends,
 LM 7.2 thinks that my LS-120 is a scsi device, which it is not since
 it's an IDE device. I've had a look at madrakeforum.com, and civileme
 mentioned the problem in LM7.1.
 Does anybody know how to get the damn thing working?
 My configuration is : P3 500 on a BX mainboard
 Pri Master: EIDE HDD
 Pri Slave: Zip drive EIDE
 Sec Master: LS-120 EIDE
 Sec Slave : CD-RW EIDE
 Many thanks to whoever knows how - I've installed LM 7.2 at least 10
 times to try and get around the problem to no avail.
Maybe this option is passed to the kernel by
lilo or grub(whatever you use): append=" hdc=ide-scsi" Check your
lilo.conf. also do a ls -l /dev/cd* and see what you get. If /dev/cdrom is
using scsi emulation you will get something like /dev/cdrom - scd0 (cdrom
being a symlink to the secondary master scsi device). I have both my IDE
drives, my cdrom and burner scsi emulated and they work quite well and
it's better for burning on the fly i'm told and mine burns on the fly
flawlessly. One solution if your Cdrom is scsi emulated (/dev/cdrom -
scd0) is to run modprobe ide-scsi. If ya don't want the drive to be scsi
emulated but it is(hence /dev/cdrom - scd0) do the following as root: cd
/dev, then rm -f cdrom, then ln -s hdc cdrom(makes cdrom a symlink to
hdc(secondary master ide). then make any necessary changes to /etc/fstab=
make sure ya have /mnt/cdrom and its /dev/cdrom and get rid of the
append=" hdc=ide-scsi"line in /etc/lilo.conf or/boot/grub/menu.lst. That
should cover what you need to do. 
Chad Y.
Registered Linux User #195191
Registered Linux Box #86749

Re: [newbie] Network Card Woes

2000-11-19 Thread Ed Tharp

have you tried disabling Plug and pray aware OS in BIOS?
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 2:36 PM
Subject: [newbie] Network Card Woes

 Hi list,

 I have been running two boxes for a while, one Mandrake and one Windows.
 I use the Mandrake box for www, mail, gateway, etc. and the Windows one
 work stuff. I use Samba, port forwarding, with no difficulties at all.

 I recently added a new harddrive to my Windows machine, and turned it into
 dual boot so I could have a "test" platform for Linux.  Unfortunately, I
 can't get my network card running.  I also can't get the sound card to
 Is it possible they are in conflict?  (I don't really care about the
 I have tried a static assignment (ie., dhcpcd, and pump), but
 seems that the error is more basic.

 Heres a sample of boot messages, can anyone suggest what to do?
 (I never had this problem on the other box!)  I am running a Celeron @
 on a 440Bx motherboard, network card is a generic, SoundCard EssSolo,
 Mandrake 7.2.

 Sample below.



 Nov 18 10:13:17 Bill1 init: Entering runlevel: 5
 Nov 18 10:13:18 Bill1 harddrake:  succeeded
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 kudzu:  succeeded
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe:
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by
 incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe: init_module: Device or resource busy
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe:
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-es1938.o: insmod
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-es1938.o failed
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe:
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-es1938.o: insmod snd-card-es1938
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 sound: Loading sound module (snd-card-es1938) failed
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 network: Setting network parameters:  succeeded
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 network: Bringing up interface lo:  succeeded
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o:
 invalid parameter parm_irq
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 ifup: Delaying eth0 initialization.
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 network: Bringing up interface eth0:  failed
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 portmap: portmap startup succeeded


Re: [newbie] me mandrake 7.2

2000-11-19 Thread Neil Frame

I made the same mistake of trying to update 7.1 to 7.2.  I had the same problems.  I 
had to resort to a format and a fresh install.  It is a pain to reconfigure, but I'm 
sure it will take a lot less time than trying to fix everything.  Works nice after a 
fresh install.  You might also want to run "sndconfig" after the install to make sound 


On Sat, 18 November 2000, "Dan" wrote:

 Ah yes, I have made the mistake of upgrading Mandrake again.
 I downloaded the iso images for 7.2 then performed the upgrade from 7.1 
 to 7.2
 Here are the problems I have been unable to solve so far (4 days trying 
 1.  The boot process hangs after finding the module dependencies.  It 
 just sits there and does nothing.  Normally I think it is supposed to 
 mount the filesystems, but as I said, NOTHING happens.
 2.  When it goes to install the sound support, it comes up with some 
 goofy weird ISA PNP error talking about conflicting with IRQ 11.  Only 
 problem is that the sound card is set to IRQ 5 and the Network card is 
 set to IRQ 11.  
 3.  KDE 2 seems to be missing all of its icons.  I have reinstalled 
 KDE2 but The K menu is missing, the icons for the users in KDM are 
 missing and some other pix maps are missing.  Mandrake_Desk is the 
 package that has the icons it is installed, but still nothing shows.
 Any help is appreciated.
 NeoMail - Webmail that doesn't suck... as much.


Free Unlimited Internet Access! Try it now! 


Re: [newbie] LS-120 problems

2000-11-19 Thread Tim Holmes

I have the LS-120 in my Mandrake 7.2 box as well and it 
didn't have a beef with that at all.

Looking at what you have below, I see that you don't have
any SCSI devices, but in the install, when it asked you 
if you did have any SCSI devices did you click no?  I 
did that and it didn't try and find any at all.
Not sure that sheds any light on the subject 
but I had no problems with it at all.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Joseph Markham [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001119 06:24]:
 Dear Friends,
 LM 7.2 thinks that my LS-120 is a scsi device, which it is not since
 it's an IDE device. I've had a look at madrakeforum.com, and civileme
 mentioned the problem in LM7.1.
 Does anybody know how to get the damn thing working?
 My configuration is : P3 500 on a BX mainboard
 Pri Master: EIDE HDD
 Pri Slave: Zip drive EIDE
 Sec Master: LS-120 EIDE
 Sec Slave : CD-RW EIDE
 Many thanks to whoever knows how - I've installed LM 7.2 at least 10
 times to try and get around the problem to no avail.

Re: [newbie] Network Card Woes

2000-11-19 Thread Neil Frame

Run sndconfig as root in a terminal window.  I bet LM put the soundcard on the wrong 
IRQ. Don't even bother trying changing the settings in DRAK.


On Sat, 18 November 2000, "Ed Tharp" wrote:

 have you tried disabling Plug and pray aware OS in BIOS?
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 2:36 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Network Card Woes
  Hi list,
  I have been running two boxes for a while, one Mandrake and one Windows.
  I use the Mandrake box for www, mail, gateway, etc. and the Windows one
  work stuff. I use Samba, port forwarding, with no difficulties at all.
  I recently added a new harddrive to my Windows machine, and turned it into
  dual boot so I could have a "test" platform for Linux.  Unfortunately, I
  can't get my network card running.  I also can't get the sound card to
  Is it possible they are in conflict?  (I don't really care about the
  I have tried a static assignment (ie., dhcpcd, and pump), but
  seems that the error is more basic.
  Heres a sample of boot messages, can anyone suggest what to do?
  (I never had this problem on the other box!)  I am running a Celeron @
  on a 440Bx motherboard, network card is a generic, SoundCard EssSolo,
  Mandrake 7.2.
  Sample below.
  Nov 18 10:13:17 Bill1 init: Entering runlevel: 5
  Nov 18 10:13:18 Bill1 harddrake:  succeeded
  Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 kudzu:  succeeded
  Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe:
  Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by
  incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
  Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe: init_module: Device or resource busy
  Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe:
  /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-es1938.o: insmod
  /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-es1938.o failed
  Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe:
  /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-es1938.o: insmod snd-card-es1938
  Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 sound: Loading sound module (snd-card-es1938) failed
  Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 network: Setting network parameters:  succeeded
  Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 network: Bringing up interface lo:  succeeded
  Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o:
  invalid parameter parm_irq
  Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 ifup: Delaying eth0 initialization.
  Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 network: Bringing up interface eth0:  failed
  Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 portmap: portmap startup succeeded


Free Unlimited Internet Access! Try it now! 


Re: [newbie] Re: disk optimization option

2000-11-19 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 19 November 2000 06:29 am, skidley wrote:

 I am just wondering about the -a128 setting, mine is at 8
 automatically I have a Western Digital AC313000R my MB has a maximum
 of udma mode 2 but my drive can support udma3(ata/66). I am thinking
 about setting up these options hdparm -m16 -c1 -d1 -X66(It says for
 ultraDMA its the mode(2) +64)

Don't use '-X66'. Your motherboard needs to support ata/66 (or have 
a /66 controller card), you need to use a special 80 wire ata/66 cable, 
and you can't have non-ata/66 drives on the same ide, in order to use 

 but I am wondering about the -a option,
 maybe I should leave it at 8? 

   You just have to experiment.  Somone with exactly the same HDD as 
you, configured the same (eg, ide*, slave/master), might get better 
results from hdparm settings that differ from yours.

also the -u option. It says in man it
 could be dangerous, some drive/controller combinations can't tolerate
 the increeased I/O latencies.

That example line was for my WD AC38400L.  If you're not 
comfortable with using -a or -u, then don't.

 Just wondering what you think about the
 settings and to get some feedback before i do anything that may
 corrupt my filesystem.

Start with -c1 -d1, turns on 32 bit and DMA.  That's where you'll 
prob'ly see the biggest performance increase. You can't use -X66,
so the next settings to play with would be -a and -m. 'Course like 
anything that needs to be done as root, you're responsible for the 
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] rc.sysinit problems

2000-11-19 Thread EagleIce

Hello all Mandrake users!

I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user, I made two
successful installations of Mandrake 7.2 and it worked perfectly. But now when
I try to make a new installation the installation itself seems to work
perfectly but on reboot everything just stops ans the system hangs when trying
to initiate with the /etc/re.sysinit file all it's calls get the reply
'Permission Denied' and then everything stops.
I have tryed 4-5 different installations with the same results, a friend of
mine has had the same problem, he gave up Mandrake. I really liked the 7.2
Mandrake and would love to have it back.
Can someone please help me with this?


@~~ EagleIce ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~@
@~~ Running GNU/Linux  KDE ~~@

Re: [newbie] Network Card Woes

2000-11-19 Thread billw

Thanks for the replies.
I got a little extreme last night and pulled everything
out of the machine except the Network and Video cards,
and then re-installed LM from scratch.

Still no dice! I'm starting to think it has to be a hardware issue.
Do any of you have an ASUS P3BF (440BX chipset)??
I know the network card is ok because I have the same card
running in my other box, and this card runs fine in windows.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 1:36 PM
Subject: [newbie] Network Card Woes

 Hi list,

 I have been running two boxes for a while, one Mandrake and one Windows.
 I use the Mandrake box for www, mail, gateway, etc. and the Windows one
 work stuff. I use Samba, port forwarding, with no difficulties at all.

 I recently added a new harddrive to my Windows machine, and turned it into
 dual boot so I could have a "test" platform for Linux.  Unfortunately, I
 can't get my network card running.  I also can't get the sound card to
 Is it possible they are in conflict?  (I don't really care about the
 I have tried a static assignment (ie., dhcpcd, and pump), but
 seems that the error is more basic.

 Heres a sample of boot messages, can anyone suggest what to do?
 (I never had this problem on the other box!)  I am running a Celeron @
 on a 440Bx motherboard, network card is a generic, SoundCard EssSolo,
 Mandrake 7.2.

 Sample below.



 Nov 18 10:13:17 Bill1 init: Entering runlevel: 5
 Nov 18 10:13:18 Bill1 harddrake:  succeeded
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 kudzu:  succeeded
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe:
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by
 incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe: init_module: Device or resource busy
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe:
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-es1938.o: insmod
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-es1938.o failed
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 modprobe:
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-es1938.o: insmod snd-card-es1938
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 sound: Loading sound module (snd-card-es1938) failed
 Nov 18 10:13:28 Bill1 network: Setting network parameters:  succeeded
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 network: Bringing up interface lo:  succeeded
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o:
 invalid parameter parm_irq
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 ifup: Delaying eth0 initialization.
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 network: Bringing up interface eth0:  failed
 Nov 18 10:13:29 Bill1 portmap: portmap startup succeeded


Re: [newbie] serial port problems

2000-11-19 Thread John Rye

"Brian P. Trotter" wrote:
 I am full of questions tonight.
 I am trying to get my modem working. I connected an external 3com 56k modem
 to the COM1 port on the back of the PC. In Mandrake, I type the following
 command: setserial -g /dev/ttys*
 and it returns the following results:
 /dev/ttys0: Input/output error
 /dev/ttys1: Input/output error
 /dev/ttys2: Input/output error
 /dev/ttys3: Input/output error
 /dev/ttys4: Input/output error
 /dev/ttys5: Input/output error
 /dev/ttys6: Input/output error
 /dev/ttys7: Input/output error
 /dev/ttys8: Input/output error
 /dev/ttys9: Input/output error
 /dev/ttysa: Input/output error
 /dev/ttysb: Input/output error
 /dev/ttysc: Input/output error
 /dev/ttysd: Input/output error
 /dev/ttyse: Input/output error
 /dev/ttysf: Input/output error
 When I try to get it to dial, it does nothing. I see no lights flashing on
 the modem, so I get the feeling that it can not see the serial port
 correctly. When I first installed Linux, I was using a serial mouse, whereas
 now I am using a PS/2 mouse. I saw a lot of archives saying to use KPPP, but
 I cant find it installed anywhere.
 I also did this, with the following results:
 [root@mandrake btrotter]# cd /proc/tty/driver
 [root@mandrake driver]# more serial
 serinfo:1.0 driver:4.27
 0: uart:16550A port:3F8 irq:4 tx:0 rx:0
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
 Thank you,


Remember that regardless of mousetype, it may still be linked to
(com 1 under Windows).

I suggest you try your modem on the second serial port, /dev/ttyS1 (com
under windows.)

ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: [newbie] Aurora

2000-11-19 Thread Jeff Malka


You first :-)

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message - 
From: Alan Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Aurora

 Alan Shoemaker wrote:
  That's it.  :-)
 Marcia/Jeffoops!  Forgot to say to activate your changes 
 in /etc/lilo.conf (as root) type:
 lilo -v
 or to activate your changes in /boot/grub/menu.lst navigate 
 to the /boot/grub/ directory (as root) and type:
 sh install.sh
 Now that's really all there is.  ;-) 

Re: [newbie] No NUMBER lock?

2000-11-19 Thread Charles

Tom Brinkman wrote:
What version ??
  If it's 7.2, a lot of people are reporting the same.  The only
 work-around I've heard (in NG's) is to install the numlock package from
 I believe cooker is workin on a fix.
 Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Ah yes, Tom, I did omit that. Been seeing so much of 7.2 here I took it
for granite. Thank you for asking: 7.2/ KDE 2(final). You know the
package to use? I hope it's an RPM as I haven't learned where to put an
un-tarred package where it should go.

[newbie] Hardware help

2000-11-19 Thread poogle

I apologise for an off-topic post but I need some help please and I know that 
a lot of you are experts in the hardware field.
A colleague asked me to look at her PC (P75, 24mb) which, when powered up 
appeared to give no output to the monitor, a change of monitors had made no 
I powered it up and it the monitor remained blank. Suspecting the graphics 
card (PCI) I swapped it for an old ISA card to see what happened and 
re-booted. POST completed with a checksum error message, (no sign of a CMOS 
button battery) I pressed F1 and continued, Windows (I know !) booted after 
running scandisk and programs loaded succesfully. Just to see what happened I 
put the original PCI card back in and re-booted, no problems. Thinking that 
it was perhaps just dirt on contacts and that the problem was solved I left 
it running for 30 mins or so, went back to it and it had hung - no response 
from mouse or keyboard,  powered down and re-booted and was back to square 1 
- monitor power light came on for a few seconds, then a black screen. Swapped 
the cards again but nothing changed. No error messages, either text or beeps 
to give me a clue.
Has anybody got any ideas please ?
BTW both fans are working, very little dust present.

Re: [newbie] Aurora

2000-11-19 Thread Jeff Malka


Alan is absolutely right.

With great trepidation, I changed my "vga=normal" entry to "vga=791" (for me) 
and ran lilo -v and when I rebooted, aurora was in effect.

So go ahead.  I was afraid that I might get in a situation where I would not 
be able to reboot into linux, but that did not happen.

Thanks Alan.

  That's it.  :-)

 Marcia/Jeffoops!  Forgot to say to activate your changes
 in /etc/lilo.conf (as root) type:

 lilo -v

 or to activate your changes in /boot/grub/menu.lst navigate
 to the /boot/grub/ directory (as root) and type:

 sh install.sh

 Now that's really all there is.  ;-)

Registered Linux User 348854

[newbie] sound card

2000-11-19 Thread n a

 I have just installed Mandrake 7.2 with KDE 2.0 (not
final) and I can't get any sound. My sound card is a
Creative AWE64 16-bit Audio and it is recognized as
such by HardDrake (The MOBO also has a soundbalster as
integrated sound, but I have disabled it in the BIOS).
The only thing that HardDrake gets wrong is the IRQ
and IO Range settings (those are correctly set in
LinuxConf) which I set manually. I still can't get any
sound though. What can I do to get my soundcard to


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Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

Re: [newbie] No NUMBER lock?

2000-11-19 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 19 November 2000 10:49 am, Charles wrote:
 Ah yes, Tom, I did omit that. Been seeing so much of 7.2 here I took
 it for granite. Thank you for asking: 7.2/ KDE 2(final). You know the
 package to use? I hope it's an RPM as I haven't learned where to put
 an un-tarred package where it should go.

Well, i've upgraded KDE2 to CVS 20001117 using Chris Molnar's rpms 
and numlock still doesn't start on boot.  I don't believe it's a KDE2 
problem. It hasn't been important enough to me to get it going.  I've 
seen some posts (ML's and NG's) that either say it's a minor conf file 
change, to it's completely broken, use the 7.1 rpm.  I gave my 7.1 CD's 
away, so I'm not sure, but I believe you'll find a 'numlockrpm' on 
7.1 CD's or from a 7.1 mirror.  The one I'm currently using is 

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] sound card

2000-11-19 Thread Neil Frame

Open a terminal window as root.  Run "sndconfig"  It should recognize the sound card 
and automatically setup your IRQs and DMAs.  It will automatically run WAV and MIDI 

I hope this helps


On Sun, 19 November 2000, n a wrote:

  I have just installed Mandrake 7.2 with KDE 2.0 (not
 final) and I can't get any sound. My sound card is a
 Creative AWE64 16-bit Audio and it is recognized as
 such by HardDrake (The MOBO also has a soundbalster as
 integrated sound, but I have disabled it in the BIOS).
 The only thing that HardDrake gets wrong is the IRQ
 and IO Range settings (those are correctly set in
 LinuxConf) which I set manually. I still can't get any
 sound though. What can I do to get my soundcard to
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!


Free Unlimited Internet Access! Try it now! 


[newbie] remove partitions

2000-11-19 Thread ed

Hi heres my Question how do I remove the linux partitions on my HD without 
 having to format the whole HD. I used partition magic to make the partitions
on my HD and then I used diskdrake to shrink them to have 
 /hda5,/homehda7,swaphda6,/usrhda8 and hdawindows for a dual-bootbox.I've done
this before with partition magic and just deleted the partition and
reinstalled but I cant delete it this time I think it's cause I used diskdrake
to shrink them. Any advice will be helpful I'am running mdk 7.2

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

[newbie] Making a leap

2000-11-19 Thread Meph Istopheles


  I've been using RH 6.0 for about a year  a half now (had used
RH 5.0 on a dual-boot box at a job I'd had when the 5.0 was
released too)  will be switching to LM 7.2 (the Complete's on
back-order right now from CheapBytes).

  Though I'd found that my hardware all seems to be supported, I
wonder about some files.  This box is a Dell with a P-III 500
(which had come pre-installed with RH 6.0), the most important
part here concerns the video card.  Since RH 6.0 didn't support
the Diamond Viper 770, they'd rewitten the XF86Config file to do
so.  They'd copied the file to four different places on the hard
drive  had numerous docs (on paper as well) warning that this
file has to be copied to disk if the system is reinstalled 
copied back after boot or, naturally, no gui.

  Would I want to keep a copy of the XF86Config?  Would it work
properly with the newer version of XF86 in LM 7.2?

  Also, I should think that my home config files should work. 
I'm thinking of like .bash_profile  .bashrc -- maybe even
/etc/bashrc -- dir_colors, colorsrc, etc.

  Any advice on this stuff?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] Please respond! disk KERNEL Error

2000-11-19 Thread Vic

I am curious, I did a -i option and got this reading:
[root@kittypuss /root]# hdparm -i /dev/hda  
 Model=QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM10.2, FwRev=A35.0700, SerialNo=882006262361  
Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec Fixed DTR10Mbs }  RawCHS=16383/16/63,
TrkSize=32256, SectSize=21298, ECCbytes=4  BuffType=3(DualPortCache),
BuffSize=1900kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off  DblWordIO=no, maxPIO=2(fast),
DMA=yes, maxDMA=2(fast)  CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes,
tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: mword0 mword1 mword2  IORDY=on/off,
tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3 mode4  UDMA modes: mode0 mode1
*mode2 mode3 mode4  Drive Supports : Reserved : ATA-1 ATA-2 ATA-3 ATA-4 ATA-5  
[root@kittypuss /root]#

Is this something I should be concerned about?(where I typed the
"Look" arrow above). If so, what should I do?

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Saturday 18 November 2000 10:13 pm, pablito wrote:
  Interesting.  "info hdparm" is a terminal command?
 yes.   (su to root) 'hdparm -i /dev/hd*' will read the information 
 from your harddrive's (HDD) firmware (bios).  Much of this information 
 is useful in guessing at which hdparm options will best optimize your 
  Once you've determined the best options by running 'hdparm -tT 
 /dev/hd*', that hdparm line can be added to the end of your 
 /etc/rc.d/rc.local  file to optimize your HDD on every boot.
 EG (I have this line at the tail of rc.local for my old ata/33 linux 
 HDD),   hdparm -m16 -c1 -u1 -d1 -k1 -a128 /dev/hdb 

Re: [newbie] Aurora

2000-11-19 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 19 November 2000 11:14 am, Jeff Malka wrote:
 Alan is absolutely right.
 With great trepidation, I changed my "vga=normal" entry to "vga=791"
 (for me) and ran lilo -v and when I rebooted, aurora was in effect.
 So go ahead.  I was afraid that I might get in a situation where I
 would not be able to reboot into linux, but that did not happen.

That works if the video card supports frame buffer.  There's no 
tellin what'll happen if you edit lilo.conf or menu.lst and then the 
card fails (?)  That's why I advocated using the install CD and 
choosing 'recommended' and 'rescue' (upgrade).  It checks the video 
card to see if it supports FB.  Also, in lilo.conf for example, the 
correct place to change/add 'vga=xxx' is under 'image=/boot/vmlinuz'

vga=normal   = don't change it here
append=" hdd=ide-scsi"
vga=788= change it here
   BTW, I changed Aurora to higher res, but changed it back to 800x600 
(788). Text was too small at higher res, looks better (to me) at 800x600
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] remove partitions

2000-11-19 Thread Roger Sherman

On 19 Nov 2000, ed wrote:

 Hi heres my Question how do I remove the linux partitions on my HD without 
  having to format the whole HD. I used partition magic to make the partitions
 on my HD and then I used diskdrake to shrink them to have 
  /hda5,/homehda7,swaphda6,/usrhda8 and hdawindows for a dual-bootbox.I've done
 this before with partition magic and just deleted the partition and
 reinstalled but I cant delete it this time I think it's cause I used diskdrake
 to shrink them. Any advice will be helpful I'am running mdk 7.2

I think you could do this - boot into Windows, run Partition Magic, using
PM delete the linux partition, then expand the Windows partition. You will
prolly have to use an old MBR to reboot into Windows.

Not 100% on that, but I think it'll work




Registered Linux user #190719

[newbie] Fetchmail

2000-11-19 Thread Roger Sherman

Can anyone tell me how to set up Fetchmail so that it runs as a daemon in
the background? In fetchmailconf, for cycles to skip between polls, I put
300, as I wanted it to check every 5 minutes. But, if I type fetchmail at
the command prompt, it just runs once, and details everything its doing
(checking messages, how many messages, flushing messages) in the
terminal. I clicked Invisible mode in fetchmailconf, but then I hit the
Run Fetchmail button, and it brings up the fetchmail run window...and it
still only seems to check once.

I'm using 7.2, and fetchmailconf 1.28, if that makes a difference.





Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] Please respond! disk KERNEL Error

2000-11-19 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 19 November 2000 12:18 pm, Vic wrote:
 I am curious, I did a -i option and got this reading:
 [root@kittypuss /root]# hdparm -i /dev/hda

 Look! tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: mword0 mword1
 mword2  IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3
 mode4  UDMA modes: mode0 mode1 *mode2 mode3 mode4  Drive Supports :
 Reserved : ATA-1 ATA-2 ATA-3 ATA-4 ATA-5 [root@kittypuss /root]#

 Is this something I should be concerned about?(where I typed the
 "Look" arrow above). If so, what should I do?

What does 'dmesg' say? Any CRC errors?  The drive is runnin at 
ata/33 (ie, *mode2), but is ata/66 capable. How did you set it up? What 
does 'hdparm -v' say? What fs (ie, ext2, rieserFS, ) are you using?

Hardware problems like this are almost impossible to 
diagnose/correct 'over the phone'.  There's many reasons why you could 
have this problem, eg, motherboard, controller, cable, power supply, 
heat, bios/jumper config, and on and on.

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] remove partitions

2000-11-19 Thread EagleIce

Roger is right, you should be able to delete the ext2 partitions with Partition
Magic (at least if PM can read them) and expand the Win partition afterwards (or
make an extra Win partition or whatever!). If this is absolutely impossible
then I would try Windows fdisk. You can fix the MBR with fdisk too; fdisk/mbr or


On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Roger Sherman wrote:
 On 19 Nov 2000, ed wrote:
  Hi heres my Question how do I remove the linux partitions on my HD without 
   having to format the whole HD. I used partition magic to make the partitions
  on my HD and then I used diskdrake to shrink them to have 
   /hda5,/homehda7,swaphda6,/usrhda8 and hdawindows for a dual-bootbox.I've done
  this before with partition magic and just deleted the partition and
  reinstalled but I cant delete it this time I think it's cause I used diskdrake
  to shrink them. Any advice will be helpful I'am running mdk 7.2
 I think you could do this - boot into Windows, run Partition Magic, using
 PM delete the linux partition, then expand the Windows partition. You will
 prolly have to use an old MBR to reboot into Windows.
 Not 100% on that, but I think it'll work
 Registered Linux user #190719
@~~ EagleIce ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~@
@~~ Running GNU/Linux  KDE ~~@

[newbie] Cant connect to internet Plezz help

2000-11-19 Thread Albert Davis

Ok I have installed Mandrake-Linux with no problems 
on my system, 5 times now. I am installing the lnx4win version. In windoz I got 
the DHCP, Default Gateway, my IP, my subnetmast, which is, notice 
the 252 there?, and my DNS. I have used the ifconfig -a function and my card is 
being reconized. BTW I have Road Runner cable connection . I have tried most 
every variant I can to get the internet connection up. I am a true newb to Linux 
but frow what i understand the DHCP should configure my system for me. I have 
before set up a NetMax server but when I did that it used a static ip. Is there 
a function of sometype that i can run to set up my connection? Im lost 

   Thx for 

[newbie] fstab

2000-11-19 Thread skidley

Ok my fstab ended up majorly screwed somehow and i don't know why. I had
to enable supermount again, but the options for the cdrom drive and
burner are screwed up, i have like nosuid, noexec, noauto, etc. It worked
excellent before on the standard way it was setup after install. Please
help me get my settings back to normal. I know there was rw in both now
they are ro, also the floppy is screwed too.

Chad Y.
Registered Linux User #195191
Registered Linux Box #86749

Re: [newbie] Cant connect to internet Plezz help

2000-11-19 Thread tweeter

Albert Davis wrote:

 Ok I have installed Mandrake-Linux with no problems on my system, 5 
 times now. I am installing the lnx4win version. In windoz I got the 
 DHCP, Default Gateway, my IP, my subnetmast, which is, 
 notice the 252 there?, and my DNS. I have used the ifconfig -a 
 function and my card is being reconized. BTW I have Road Runner cable 
 connection . I have tried most every variant I can to get the internet 
 connection up. I am a true newb to Linux but frow what i understand 
 the DHCP should configure my system for me. I have before set up a 
 NetMax server but when I did that it used a static ip. Is there a 
 function of sometype that i can run to set up my connection? Im lost 
 Thx for anyhelp

I had the same problem, but I can only tell you what to do as far as a 
real linux install. But it may remain the same for the fat version. 
Under linuxconf in the network section. Set it for dhcp set your 
hostname, alias, and put in your IP address, make sure that the 
24.1x.2x.xx 1x and 2x are uniform with any other box on that roadrunner 
network. Then make sure you have the right kernel module installed. And 
save you settings and exit, it should reload the network, and you should 
be good to go.

Peter Marks

[newbie] (...) 7.2 nightmare setup (partitions)

2000-11-19 Thread Krulo

my problem is this:

after I boot with the disk7 to the 7.2 instalatio I 
get this really cool screen with the options F1 or Enter. After choosing "Enter" 
he detects the cdrom, initializes it and enters the setup process (another cool 
screen). he asks the language, the expert/costum thing and then detects the 
keyboard, the mouse, etc. then asks me to choose what type of partition do I 
want: if I want to delet windows, if I want to use the free space in the windows 
partition, or the expert. I choose "use free space" and then I does 

"Computing windows file system bounds"he wait 
here a while and then a window appears saying some like "it's advisable to run 
scandisk and scanreg (opt) before entering this stage. press OK when 
ready"and there are 2 buttons: "OK" and "Cancel". But when I try to click on 
any of them it doest work! the mouse works but it's not possible to click on any 
button! even in the "screen change" buttons... crtl+alt+del doesn't work to... I 
already tried to make a scandisk, a scanreg, the 2 types of scandisk, in DOS, in 
windows... and it keeps crashing in the same stage... can U help me? I tried to 
make the partitions in the "expert" mode but if I try to make any other he 
deletes the windows one... help...?


Re: [newbie] remove partitions

2000-11-19 Thread Alan Shoemaker

ed wrote:
 Hi heres my Question how do I remove the linux partitions
 on my HD without having to format the whole HD. I used
 partition magic to make the partitions on my HD and then I
 used diskdrake to shrink them to have
 /hda5,/homehda7,swaphda6,/usrhda8 and hdawindows for a
 dual-bootbox.I've done this before with partition magic and
 just deleted the partition and reinstalled but I cant
 delete it this time I think it's cause I used diskdrake to
 shrink them. Any advice will be helpful I'am running mdk
 7.2 thanks

EdPM can't read what's inside a type 85 extended 
partition and that'd what diskdrake makes in 7.2.  You need 
to use linux fdisk as root:

fdisk /dev/hda

go slowly, refer to the 'm'[enu] command a lot and you'll do 

Oh, as an alternative, you don't really need to pre-delete 
the partions, you can do it during the installation.  And as 
another alternative you can run harddrake from the K(menu) - 
configuration - hardware menu and execute diskdrake from 
there and use it instead of fdisk.

Re: [newbie] (...) 7.2 nightmare setup (partitions)

2000-11-19 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Krulo wrote:

 my problem is this:
 after I boot with the disk7 to the 7.2 instalatio I get this really cool screen with 
the options F1 or Enter. After choosing "Enter" he detects the cdrom, initializes it 
and enters the setup process (another cool screen). he asks the language, the 
expert/costum thing and then detects the keyboard, the mouse, etc. then asks me to 
choose what type of partition do I want: if I want to delet windows, if I want to use 
the free space in the windows partition, or the expert. I choose "use free space" and 
then I does this:
 "Computing windows file system bounds"
 he wait here a while and then a window appears saying some like "it's advisable to 
run scandisk and scanreg (opt) before entering this stage. press OK when ready"
 and there are 2 buttons: "OK" and "Cancel". But when I try to click on any of them 
it doest work! the mouse works but it's not possible to click on any button! even in 
the "screen change" buttons... crtl+alt+del doesn't work to... I already tried to 
make a scandisk, a scanreg, the 2 types of scandisk, in DOS, in windows... and it 
keeps crashing in the same stage... can U help me? I tried to make the partitions in 
the "expert" mode but if I try to make any other he deletes the windows one... 

Can you give a little more info? HD size, how many other partitions,
etcIn my case, when I get to the part that asks me if I want to use
the free space, blah blah, I click the Expert button, and since I have a
HD thats plenty big enough (17 gig) for me to shrink Winbitesmyass down
considerably (since I use Linux as my primary OS anyways), I then click on
the Windows partition (because clicking on expert brought me to DiskDrake,
which allows you to resize and partition your HD), make it smaller (about 
5 gig), then I click on the remaining free space (about 11 left over, of
course), and then I click auto-allocate. DiskDrake then sets up the Linux
partitioning, and away I go. Maybe that will work for you...either way,
click expert and just take a look without actually doing anything - youre
safe just looking things over, getting your bearings. 




Registered Linux user #190719

RE: [newbie] Cant connect to internet Plezz help

2000-11-19 Thread eschbach

I need this same help too but for sdsl... somebody help it doesnt seem that it is 
using dhcp correctly and manual addition for the entries doesnt help but it recognizes 
my card and has teh driver the ethernet on my dsl modem is also on... please someone 
give help I had sent a message about something similar earlier

 ** Original Subject: RE: [newbie] Cant connect to internet Plezz help
 ** Original Sender: "Albert Davis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ** Original Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 13:15:16 -0600

 ** Original Message follows... 

 Ok I have installed Mandrake-Linux with no problems on my system, 5 times now. I am 
installing the lnx4win version. In windoz I got the DHCP, Default Gateway, my IP, my 
subnetmast, which is, notice the 252 there?, and my DNS. I have used 
the ifconfig -a function and my card is being reconized. BTW I have Road Runner cable 
connection  I have tried most every variant I can to get the internet connection up. 
I am a true newb to Linux but frow what i understand the DHCP should configure my 
system for me. I have before set up a NetMax server but when I did that it used a 
static ip. Is there a function of sometype that i can run to set up my connection? Im 
lost here.
 Thx for anyhelp

** - End Original Message --- **



Re: [newbie] LS-120 drive

2000-11-19 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Joseph Markham wrote:
 I've installed LM 7.2 on my system, EVERYTHING WORKS except

 LS-120 identified twice, once as a Floppy (/dev/hdc) then
 as a scsci device ( /dev/sda). I am unable to mount it

Josephas root create a new directory called /mnt/ls-120. 
Then still as root edit your /etc/fstab file and remove or 
comment out any lines referring to the ls-120 except the 
following line (add it if you have to):

/dev/hdc /mnt/ls-120 vfat usr,noauto,exec,umask=0 0 0

Then save the /etc/fstab file.

Next right-click your desktop and choose 'create new' - 
'floppy device'.  On the 'general' tab  rename it from Floppy 
Device to LS-120.  On the 'device' tab choose '/dev/hdc' as 
'Device:' (from the pull down choice list) and the applet 
will autochoose '/mnt/ls-120' as 'Mount Point' for you.  
Click on the OK button at the bottom of the applet and you 
are done.

You will now be able to mount either a dos/windows formatted 
floppy or an ls-120 factory-formatted 120 meg cartridge by 
clicking on the desktop icon after inserting a disc ito the 

Before attempting to remove the disc from the drive you need 
to unmount the insterted media by right-clicking the icon and 
choosing 'unmount'.

That's it!  :-)

Re: [newbie] This bites (further cable woes)

2000-11-19 Thread abe

I've had great luck with 3com905tx and netegar fa310tx.  They use 3c9X.0
and tulip.o respectively.  Both worked fine with cable, uselessworst DSL
and speakeasy DSL.

Bob Currey wrote:
 By hardware adapter, he means ethernet card.  Be very careful which you
 pick.  I have many "supported" ones that didn't work with my cable modem
 setup on 7.1 and 7.2.  I'd suggest an NE2000 PCI clone or 3Com 3C905tx after
 all I've been through.  Intel boards (2) are hopeless, Netgear (2) are
 hopeless, SMC (1) are hopeless.  I ended up buying 4 boards for $5 each
 after going thru the name brand stuff to no avail.  Same boards in same
 machine worked under Windoze, tried to use same settings under Linux.  Don't
 get me wrong, I'm just trying to help you not go buy the same mistakes I
 have a shelf of.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] This bites (further cable woes)
  Hardware Adapter???
  jack dugas wrote:
   get the hardware adapter that is supported by linux and you will have no
   problem.  then reinstall the OS and there you will have it . On the
   - Original Message -
   From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: "Mandrake Newbie List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Cc: "Roger Sherman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 8:45 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] This bites (further cable woes)
   when you setup eth0 in linuxconf did you check for manual config of
   IP, or is it set to dhcp? the default setting is manual. This needs to
   set to dhcp. if you're not sure open drakeconf --Network configuration
   --Basic Host information --Adaptor 1 (tab).
   1) make sure "Enable" is ckecked
   2) if it is not check Dhcp
   3) make sure the correct "primary name + domain" field is filled
   4) alias is optional
   5) fill in your ip address
   6) choose the correct netmask - most likely
   7) choose the correct type of "Net device" (eth0)
   8) click the "accept" button
   From here close the Network configuration interface and reboot your
   machine to set everything in motion.
   O yeah...one more thing. let us know how you make out.
   ...Wisdom begins when the mouth is closed and
   the palms are turned upward.
   On Sat, 18 Nov 2000 Roger Sherman had this to say!
   So, when I installed 7.2 a few days ago, I was thrilled to see it
   configured my cable modem for me. Yesterday, I decided it was time to
   install a firewall, which I attempted. It went poorly, so I decided to
   put it on the shelf til I could talk to someone who knew a bit about
   it. My roommate wanted to use the PC, and go into WIndows, which he
   did. Later I booted back into Linux, and saw as it was initializing
   everything, that eth0 failed to initialize. The reason given was
   Initializing eth0 - Determining IP information via dhcpcd - failed
   I figured it was because of  my botched firewall attempt, so I
   uninstalled it, and still nothing. So, since Id just installed
   everything, and nothing was really tweaked to my liking, I just
   reinstalled the whole thing. Problem solved, and I was back online.
   Until I rebooted again - this time with no firewall to muck things up.
   Same result though, same message.
   Can anyone tell me how to get back online? I typed in ifconfig, and it
   didnt tell me anything except that I was offline, I tried to
   reconfigure my cable setup through DrakeConf - Network and Internet
   Configuration; it told me it was starting eth0 again, then a minute
   later it said it was already configured. In a terminal, as su, I typed
   dhcpcd, but it didnt do anything. Thats it for me, Im a newbie, I have
   no tricks up my sleeve.
   So is it possible to dual boot and still be able to initialize eth0
   upon booting? Id really hate to think I might have to reinstall Linux
   a couple times a week if I want to be online, but at the same time, I
   want nothing to do with Windows anymore, and am considering making
   this PC strictly a Linux box. Problem being, if I get knocked offline
   like that, then I have to reinstall Windows to get help.
  Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...
registered linux user # 182496
  =/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=

Re: [newbie] Hardware help

2000-11-19 Thread Paul

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sounds a bit like a syncing problem between chips on the mainboard and
something on the videocard. Something to do with heat, changing specs.
I suspect a faulty chip on the videocard.


I apologise for an off-topic post but I need some help please and I know that
a lot of you are experts in the hardware field.
A colleague asked me to look at her PC (P75, 24mb) which, when powered up
appeared to give no output to the monitor, a change of monitors had made no
I powered it up and it the monitor remained blank. Suspecting the graphics
card (PCI) I swapped it for an old ISA card to see what happened and
re-booted. POST completed with a checksum error message, (no sign of a CMOS
button battery) I pressed F1 and continued, Windows (I know !) booted after
running scandisk and programs loaded succesfully. Just to see what happened I
put the original PCI card back in and re-booted, no problems. Thinking that
it was perhaps just dirt on contacts and that the problem was solved I left
it running for 30 mins or so, went back to it and it had hung - no response
from mouse or keyboard,  powered down and re-booted and was back to square 1
- monitor power light came on for a few seconds, then a black screen. Swapped
the cards again but nothing changed. No error messages, either text or beeps
to give me a clue.
Has anybody got any ideas please ?
BTW both fans are working, very little dust present.

Microsoft is not the answer.
Microsoft is the question.
And "no" is the answer.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

Re: [newbie] Fetchmail

2000-11-19 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Roger Sherman wrote:

 Can anyone tell me how to set up Fetchmail so that it runs as a daemon in
 the background? In fetchmailconf, for cycles to skip between polls, I put
 300, as I wanted it to check every 5 minutes. But, if I type fetchmail at
 the command prompt, it just runs once, and details everything its doing
 (checking messages, how many messages, flushing messages) in the
 terminal. I clicked Invisible mode in fetchmailconf, but then I hit the
 Run Fetchmail button, and it brings up the fetchmail run window...and it
 still only seems to check once.
 I'm using 7.2, and fetchmailconf 1.28, if that makes a difference.
You don't need fetchmailconf :-)

fetchmailconf will make a .fetchmailrc file in your home directory.  So
you set up your username, password, mail server, and mail server protocol
with fetchmailconf.

Then at the command line type fetchmail -d interval -s -f 

That will set the -d tells fetchmail to fork into the background the
interval is how often you want it to check -s will make it silent -f will
flush messages off of the server.  Assuming you have a POP e-mail account
of course :-)

--keep will keep messages on the server.

If you type nohup fetchmail -d interval -s -f  then fetchmail will
continue to run even when you log out of Linux or close the terminal
window you are running it in.


Re: [newbie] Web server problem

2000-11-19 Thread Leo Fox

Here is an example of what I mean, go to 
www.bluesnews.com/quake3 it willAUTOMATICALLY 
add the / to the end and not give a not found error. How do Iget this to 
work on my server?- Original Message -From: "Shawn Daniel" 
November 17, 2000 7:33 AMSubject: RE: [newbie] Web server 
problem Without the trailing "/", the web server is looking for 
a webpage named test.htm or test.html. You need the / to tell it 
that it is a directory, not a file. Shawn A. 
Daniel Linux Registered User #194953 
-Original Message- From: Leo Fox 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 9:09 
[newbie] Web server problem I am running Apache 1.3.14 
web server on my MDK 7.2 machine, andeverything seems to be working 
fine except for one small problem. Let's say a user is trying to access 
a site under the subdirectory test. My servers ip is, so he 
would enter however unless he puts a / on the end it 
wont go there. So he would actually have to enter to 
get there. Is there any way to get it to work without the / on the end? 
I have noticed that if a particular directory ispassword protected 
the login/pw box will pop up even if there is no / on the end,but 
after you enter the correct login info it will still be unable to load 
unless you manually add a / to the end of the URL. Any help is 
appreciated, -Leo 

Re: [newbie] Aurora OOPS

2000-11-19 Thread Jeff Malka

OOPs.  I changed it in the vga=normal.

It seemed to work. 

But I will correct that by changing it in the location you indicate.

Why the difference?

  Alan is absolutely right.
  With great trepidation, I changed my "vga=normal" entry to "vga=791"
  (for me) and ran lilo -v and when I rebooted, aurora was in effect.
  So go ahead.  I was afraid that I might get in a situation where I
  would not be able to reboot into linux, but that did not happen.

 card to see if it supports FB.  Also, in lilo.conf for example, the
 correct place to change/add 'vga=xxx' is under 'image=/boot/vmlinuz'

 vga=normal   = don't change it here
 append=" hdd=ide-scsi"
 vga=788= change it here

Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] Cant connect to internet Plezz help-Bo

2000-11-19 Thread Albert Davis

I have but one box, I used the winipcfg and got all my information. My
DHCP and DNS are the same and x.x.x.32 is another dns. When you
say rounter I have a default gateway 65.33.112  When i installed it i chose
custome  and selected for every pack to be installed, as i have 55 gigs, so
im not worried about space. Can you help me by telling me under the drake
config or the internet config what do i have to set up? I know that kind of
general but iv been working on this for 2 days and getting a little
fustrated, ack. Also does it matter what i chose for my domain name as i
chose bodavis.cfl.rr.com.
- Original Message -
From: "jae you" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Cant connect to internet Plezz help

 From: "Albert Davis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] Cant connect to internet Plezz help
 Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 14:10:25 -0500
 Ok I have installed Mandrake-Linux with no problems on my system, 5 times
now. I am installing the lnx4win version. In windoz I got the DHCP, Default
Gateway, my IP, my subnetmast, which is, notice the 252
there?, and my DNS. I have used the ifconfig -a function and my card is
being reconized. BTW I have Road Runner cable connection  I have tried most
every variant I can to get the internet connection up. I am a true newb to
Linux but frow what i understand the DHCP should configure my system for me.
I have before set up a NetMax server but when I did that it used a static
ip. Is there a function of sometype that i can run to set up my connection?
Im lost here.
Thx for anyhelp

 1. do u have a cable/ dsl router?  (the router is the DHCP server. if you
don't have a router, you don't have a DHCP server. if you don't, then you
have to get your internet provider's DNSs addresses (Linux will ask you
those info. during installation))

 2. which install mode did you pick?
   (pick custom)

 I used server installation,a nd it worked fine.

 If you have a router, you shoud put the router's address. U don't need any
of DNSs and stuff because those are supposed to be in your router already.

 I believe Roadrunner does not offer static IP. so don't go there

 good luck

[newbie] MD 7.2 Problems

2000-11-19 Thread Kenneth Brown

I am a newbie and need help. I have installed MD 7.2 powerpack deluxe on my machine, a Gateway 550LS with a pentium3 Xeon, 256 Mg memory, 34Gb disk storage in a dual boot environment. Each operating system resides on a separate disk. The dish controller is Adaptec 2940U2 with a 4.5 Gb for windows Me, 9.2 Gb for Linux and 18.2 Gb for scratch.

Problem 1 - On a cold boot, with KDE 2.0 enabled (auto user login enabled), I can Logout and perform a Shutdown; however after using the system for awhile if you logout the Login window never comes up, you are returned to the KDE desktop. The only way to get out is to power down. Not a good practice.

Problem 2 - After using RPMDrake a few times, it now when accessed starts to display its screen and then quits, no hang up, just quits. I cannot get it to load.

Any suggestions?

--- Kenneth Brown
--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

Re: [newbie] Web server problem

2000-11-19 Thread billw

Not sure if you've checked this yet, but my httpd.conf
has the following in it (see below):

I think these are the lines which tell Apache to check
for an index.html when just the bare URL is requested.
Maybe your index style is not listed??


# DirectoryIndex: Name of the file or files to use as a pre-written HTML
# directory index.  Separate multiple entries with spaces.
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm index.shtml index.cgi
Default.htm default.htm index.php3
# FancyIndexing is whether you want fancy directory indexing or standard
FancyIndexing on
# server-generated indexes.
# directory indexes.
# IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore
# Format: IndexIgnore name1 name2...
IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
# This may also be "None", "All", or any combination of "Indexes",
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Web server problem

Here is an example of what I mean, go to www.bluesnews.com/quake3 it will
AUTOMATICALLY add the / to the end and not give a not found error. How do I
get this to work on my server?

- Original Message -
From: "Shawn Daniel" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 7:33 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Web server problem

 Without the trailing "/", the web server is looking for a webpage named
 test.htm or test.html.  You need the / to tell it that it is a directory,
 not a file.

 Shawn A. Daniel
 Linux Registered User #194953

 -Original Message-
 From: Leo Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 9:09 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Web server problem

 I am running Apache 1.3.14 web server on my MDK 7.2 machine, and
 seems to be working fine except for one small problem. Let's say a user is
 trying to access a site under the subdirectory test. My servers ip is, so he would enter however unless he puts a /
 on the end it wont go there. So he would actually have to enter to get there. Is there any way to get it to work without
 the / on the end? I have noticed that if a particular directory is
 protected the login/pw box will pop up even if there is no / on the end,
 after you enter the correct login info it will still be unable to load
 unless you manually add a / to the end of the URL.

 Any help is appreciated,

 -Leo Fox

[newbie] Iso files

2000-11-19 Thread Geoff Thomas

How do I use the available iso9660 files to upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2?
Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] Aurora

2000-11-19 Thread Barry Premeaux

I realize this may sound like a dumb question, but I've searched the
and have watched it scroll by during boot up and I still don't know. 

What is Aurora and what does it do?

Barry :-)

Jeff Malka wrote:
 Alan is absolutely right.
 With great trepidation, I changed my "vga=normal" entry to "vga=791" (for me)
 and ran lilo -v and when I rebooted, aurora was in effect.
 So go ahead.  I was afraid that I might get in a situation where I would not
 be able to reboot into linux, but that did not happen.
 Thanks Alan.
   That's it.  :-)
  Marcia/Jeffoops!  Forgot to say to activate your changes
  in /etc/lilo.conf (as root) type:
  lilo -v
  or to activate your changes in /boot/grub/menu.lst navigate
  to the /boot/grub/ directory (as root) and type:
  sh install.sh
  Now that's really all there is.  ;-)
 Registered Linux User 348854

[newbie] Changing lilo settings on boot-diskette

2000-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there,

I boot my linux partition form a boot-diskette. How can I change the settings 
with which lilo boots from this diskette? If lilo would have been installed 
locally, I only would have to change lilo.conf and run lilo.

But how do I change lilo on the boot-floppy? I have edited the 
/mountpoint/etc/lilo.conf file on the diskette. But with which parameters 
do I run lilo so that it changes the loader on the boot-diskette?



Re: [newbie] No NUMBER lock?

2000-11-19 Thread David Boles

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 11:30:47 -0600, Tom Brinkman said:

I can turn NumLock on/of in DrakConf  Startup Services  "click the little
square" beside Numlock. But I DID tell L-M 7.2, during install, to turn NumLock
on in the screen that was about supermount/disk optimization.

 On Sunday 19 November 2000 10:49 am, Charles wrote:
   Ah yes, Tom, I did omit that. Been seeing so much of 7.2 here I took
   it for granite. Thank you for asking: 7.2/ KDE 2(final). You know the
   package to use? I hope it's an RPM as I haven't learned where to put
   an un-tarred package where it should go.
  Well, i've upgraded KDE2 to CVS 20001117 using Chris Molnar's rpms 
  and numlock still doesn't start on boot.  I don't believe it's a KDE2 
  problem. It hasn't been important enough to me to get it going.  I've 
  seen some posts (ML's and NG's) that either say it's a minor conf file 
  change, to it's completely broken, use the 7.1 rpm.  I gave my 7.1 CD's 
  away, so I'm not sure, but I believe you'll find a 'numlockrpm' on 
  7.1 CD's or from a 7.1 mirror.  The one I'm currently using is 
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay


David Boles

Re: [newbie] Web server problem

2000-11-19 Thread kellyedwards

On Sunday 19 November 2000 16:34, Leo Fox wrote:

  Here is an example of what I mean, go to www.bluesnews.com/quake3
 it will AUTOMATICALLY add the / to the end and not give a not found
 error. How do I get this to work on my server?

To all:

To remedy your problem with the trailing / on your web server.  Open 
up your http.conf file and find the option UseCononicalNames turn 
this option off and it will append the / automatically.  
EX.  UseCanonicalNames off

Hope this helps you.

[newbie] How Do I get off this list

2000-11-19 Thread Yezid Acosta

Does anyone know how I could get off this 

Re: [newbie] Aurora OOPS

2000-11-19 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 19 November 2000 03:46 pm, Jeff Malka wrote:
 OOPs.  I changed it in the vga=normal.

 It seemed to work.

 But I will correct that by changing it in the location you indicate.

 Why the difference?

Local or global variable.  Changing it before the boot label would 
(should) make vga=xxx apply to all labels instead of just 
image=/boot/vmlinuz.  Notice that it doesn't appear in the non-fb 
section of your lilo.conf, consequently selecting non-fb gives you a 
normal boot (no Aurora).
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

   Alan is absolutely right.
   With great trepidation, I changed my "vga=normal" entry to
   "vga=791" (for me) and ran lilo -v and when I rebooted, aurora
   was in effect. So go ahead.  I was afraid that I might get in a
   situation where I would not be able to reboot into linux, but
   that did not happen.
  card to see if it supports FB.  Also, in lilo.conf for example, the
  correct place to change/add 'vga=xxx' is under
  vga=normal   = don't change it here
  append=" hdd=ide-scsi"
  vga=788= change it here

Re: [newbie] Aurora OOPS

2000-11-19 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Jeff Malka wrote:
 OOPs.  I changed it in the vga=normal.

 It seemed to work.

 But I will correct that by changing it in the location you

 Why the difference?

Jeffif it's there then you can have another choice of 
Linux boot with a different resolution or with no frame 
buffer bootup at all.

Re: [newbie] LINUX

2000-11-19 Thread Tyler Longren

Put the CD in the cdrom, reboot your machine.  That should boot off the CD
for you, so you can have a regular Mandrake install.


On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, JStalker wrote:
 Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 13:57:18 -0500
 From: "JStalker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] LINUX
 I just downloaded mandrake 7.2 and it says i can install it without
 partitioning my HD.. well ummm can i intsall outside of windows.. like
 how u normally install linux?? or do i have to do it in wndows

Re: [newbie] LINUX

2000-11-19 Thread Alan Shoemaker

JStalker wrote:

  I just downloaded mandrake 7.2 and it says i can install 
 without partitioning my HD.. well ummm can i intsall
 outside of windows.. like how u normally install linux?? or
 do i have to do it in wndows

JStalkerno, it is better to install it outside of windows 
which requires re-partitioning and possibly re-sizing of the 
current windows partition.  To allow for a viable useful 
Linux system you need to recover from windows a minimum of 2 
gigs and windows should be left with at least (depends on how 
much extra stuff is ialready installed in windows) 2 gigs as 

MandrakeSoft makes available for download, the documentation 
that comes with the retail boxed sets here:


Below is an important excerpt from the install guide, but 
it'd be better if you'd download and read it all before 
beginning your installation.
excerpt below-


This manual covers the installation in Automated mode, either 
using Lnx4Win or a classical install. In
case you decide for a classical install and have never 
installed Linux before, DrakX will have to
resize your Windows partition. This operation can be harmful 
to your data, therefore you MUST
ensure of the following before proceeding: 

 you must have previously run scandisk on your Windows 
partition; the resizing program can
 detect some obvious errors, but scandisk is more suited 
for this task;

 for maximum security, you should also run defrag on your 
partition, which reduces further the
 risk of failure; this is not compulsory but is highly 
recommended, and will make resizing much
 faster and easier;

 the ultimate insurance against problems: back up your 

If neither scandisk nor defrag are installed within Windows, 
please refer to the Windows
documentation for installing them.

[newbie] blank screen

2000-11-19 Thread Jon Dowd

When I return from lunch - instead of the screesaver I selected to run under
xlock, I have a blank screen. I have tried "xset -s off" from a command line
and added thad command to /etc/rc.d/rc.local (as suggested by a RedHat user).

I am running Mandrake 7.2 and Windowmaker 0.62.

If I run MS Windows from another partition on the same computer, the screen
will not go blank (so I don't think it's a BIOS setting).

How can I make this stop happening  -  or  -  can I create a log file that
will let me know what is causing the screen to go blank ?

Jon Dowd

Re: [newbie] Please respond! disk KERNEL Error

2000-11-19 Thread Vic

The only thing of relative I could
find in /var/log/dmesg was

VFS: Disk change detected on device ide0(3,64)

Other than that nothing else in dmesg,
however Ihave a cdrom on the primary slave
so that might be what that is.

hdparm -v said:
[root@kittypuss ntr]# hdparm -v /dev/hda
 multcount=  0 (off)
 I/O support  =  3 (32-bit w/sync)
 unmaskirq=  1 (on)
 using_dma=  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  1 (on)
 nowerr   =  0 (off)
 readonly =  0 (off)
 readahead=  8 (on)
 geometry = 1249/255/63, sectors = 20066251, start = 0
[root@kittypuss ntr]#  

And hdparm -i said:
root@kittypuss ntr]# hdparm -i /dev/hda


 Model=QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM10.2, FwRev=A35.0700, SerialNo=882006262361
 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec Fixed DTR10Mbs }
 RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=32256, SectSize=21298, ECCbytes=4
 BuffType=3(DualPortCache), BuffSize=1900kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off
 DblWordIO=no, maxPIO=2(fast), DMA=yes, maxDMA=2(fast)
 CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes, LBAsects=20066251
 tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: mword0 mword1 mword2
 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3 mode4
 UDMA modes: mode0 mode1 *mode2 mode3 mode4
 Drive Supports : Reserved : ATA-1 ATA-2 ATA-3 ATA-4 ATA-5
[root@kittypuss ntr]#

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  Look! tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: mword0 mword1
  mword2  IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3
  mode4  UDMA modes: mode0 mode1 *mode2 mode3 mode4  Drive Supports :
  Reserved : ATA-1 ATA-2 ATA-3 ATA-4 ATA-5 [root@kittypuss /root]#
  Is this something I should be concerned about?(where I typed the
  "Look" arrow above). If so, what should I do?
 What does 'dmesg' say? Any CRC errors?  The drive is runnin at 
 ata/33 (ie, *mode2), but is ata/66 capable. How did you set it up? What 
 does 'hdparm -v' say? What fs (ie, ext2, rieserFS, ) are you using?

Re: [newbie] Fetchmail

2000-11-19 Thread SKLIM

Try this command below

fetchmail -d 300


- Original Message - 
From: Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux-Mandrake newbie mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 2:38 AM
Subject: [newbie] Fetchmail

 Can anyone tell me how to set up Fetchmail so that it runs as a daemon in
 the background? In fetchmailconf, for cycles to skip between polls, I put
 300, as I wanted it to check every 5 minutes. But, if I type fetchmail at
 the command prompt, it just runs once, and details everything its doing
 (checking messages, how many messages, flushing messages) in the
 terminal. I clicked Invisible mode in fetchmailconf, but then I hit the
 Run Fetchmail button, and it brings up the fetchmail run window...and it
 still only seems to check once.
 I'm using 7.2, and fetchmailconf 1.28, if that makes a difference.
 Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] blank screen

2000-11-19 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Jon Dowd wrote:
 When I return from lunch - instead of the screesaver I
 selected to run under xlock, I have a blank screen. I have
 tried "xset -s off" from a command line and added thad
 command to /etc/rc.d/rc.local (as suggested by a RedHat

 I am running Mandrake 7.2 and Windowmaker 0.62.

 If I run MS Windows from another partition on the same
 computer, the screen will not go blank (so I don't think
 it's a BIOS setting).

 How can I make this stop happening  -  or  -  can I create
 a log file that will let me know what is causing the screen
 to go blank ?

 Jon Dowd

JonI'll bet it's either in your /etc/X11/XF86Config file 
or your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file, depending on which 
release of XFree86 you're using. Find and comment out or 
remove the below lines in /etc/X11/XF86Config and 
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 respectively and your unwanted 
screen-blanking behavior should stop.

Option  "power_saver"
Option  "DPMS"

[newbie] Finding host based on MAC address

2000-11-19 Thread Mazen


I need to find hosts in my local network that uses a certain MAC address. I've heard 
about a program called "arpping" that can "ping" a host using the MAC address instead 
of IP address.

Do you know where to get this program or something similar?


FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup

Re: [newbie] Finding host based on MAC address

2000-11-19 Thread -michael-

Why not go to a terminal window (assuming you are using Linux) and type arp 
BTW if you are successful at re-addressing your NIC, let me know!
On Sunday 19 November 2000 20:04, you wrote:
 I need to find hosts in my local network that uses a certain MAC address. 
I've heard about a program called "arpping" that can "ping" a host using the 
MAC address instead of IP address.
 Do you know where to get this program or something similar?
 FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
 Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup


Re: [newbie] printing

2000-11-19 Thread Barry Premeaux


Try a right mouse click on the title bar at the top of the frame.
You will find a menu item called 'Decoration'.  If you open this up,
it will display a list of optional styles.  I haven't changed mine 
as yet.  If I can't retrain my mouse to go left instead of right, I'll
look at the alternatives.  


John Kintree wrote:
 Thanks to Till, Barry, Marcia, and other friends,
 Running the web administration tool for CUPS finally solved my problems.  I
 have an Epson Stylus Color 400, and was getting the faint, poorly calibrated
 output, also.   For some reason, changing the settings within kups did not work
 for me; the settings kept returning to the default of 180x180.  The changes I
 made with the web adminstration tool "stuck."
 There are other changes I've had difficulty getting to stick, such as
 background color and look n' feel style.  When I use the Control Panel to make
 these changes, the changes do not apply.  I'm still looking at a periwinkle
 color background and the 'x' to close button in the top left corner.  I would
 really like to get the 'x' to close button in the top right corner.

[newbie] applications

2000-11-19 Thread Brandon Vanderberg

Though perhaps a bit off subject, I'm hopeful that someone will be able to 
point me in the right direction. I've been playing with Linux for a while 
(several different builds of Mandrake and RedHat), and am pretty happy with 
my new Mandrake 7.2 system. What I am missing from from my Windows box is 
something similar to Outlook. I think all the Kapps (mail, word, calendar, 
etc) are nice, but I'd like to have an all in one PIM/Email client. I'm 
looking for suggestions if anyone's got any. 

(I'm very familiar with Netscape and have given it a pretty fair shot, it 
just doesn't do it for me, ya know?)

Anyway, thanks in advance.


Re: [newbie] fstab

2000-11-19 Thread Paul

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, skidley wrote:

Ok my fstab ended up majorly screwed somehow and i don't know why. I had
to enable supermount again, but the options for the cdrom drive and
burner are screwed up, i have like nosuid, noexec, noauto, etc. It worked
excellent before on the standard way it was setup after install. Please
help me get my settings back to normal. I know there was rw in both now
they are ro, also the floppy is screwed too.

My fstab:

/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/plextor /mnt/plextor supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /big ext2 defaults 1 2

Hope this helps

A stranger is a friend we do not know yet.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

[newbie] Problems while inatalling 7.2 version.

2000-11-19 Thread Peña Arellano Fabian Erasmo

Hello everybody:

I just downloaded the Linux Mandrake 7.2 image files and tried to install it. 
But the  option I picked up seems not to work correctly and would like to know if any 
of you have choosen the same option as me. 
The installation language I choosed was SPANISH and the type of installation 
was that of a WORKSTATION. When I tried to install Linux in the same Windows 
partition, the  the installation program stopped and warned that the partition was not 
defragmented enough despite I had just defragmented it. So I decided to create a new 
partition only for Linux. When the time came to pick up the packages to install, the 
installation program repeatedly warned that the size of all the packages choosen was 
too big for free space avaliable in the partition, but I just had included a few of 
them all. I went through that step several times and the program never recognized the 
correct size of them. Finally the program installed whatever it wanted to. 
Once finished, I logged as a normal user using the ICE windows manager, but was not 
even able to open a shell window; it didn't have the appropiate button!!
Have any of you happened to have the same problems as me?
Thanks in advace.

Fabián Peña.

Re: [newbie] No NUMBER lock?

2000-11-19 Thread Charles

Thanks to all ! I didn't have the option at install nor within DrakConf 
Startup Services , but I found it on disk 1 of 7.1 and that did the trick.
I also found that after installing an RPM to uncheck Restore settings
option for Root and User before rebooting. I had a messed up Taskbar when
failing to do so. It restored after another boot following the unchecking
stage. After things quieted down on the second boot I then choose the
option to Restore settings.

Tom Brinkman wrote:

 [snip]  I gave my 7.1 CD's
 away, so I'm not sure, but I believe you'll find a 'numlockrpm' on
 7.1 CD's or from a 7.1 mirror.  The one I'm currently using is

 Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Webmin

2000-11-19 Thread Iwan van der Kleyn

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 I'm trying to access webmin but when I try I get an error on Netscape
 or Konqueror:  Connection to host is broken

 Any ideas?

I presume that you use Mandrake 7.2 (you mention Konqueror). With this 
distribution, Webmin is configured by default for a secure connection through 
SSL. You need to specify this by changing the 'http' prefix of the URL to 

So you'll have to use https://localhost:1

Re: [newbie] applications

2000-11-19 Thread Iwan van der Kleyn

 What I am missing from from my Windows box is
 something similar to Outlook. 

There are two Open Source projects which promiss to deliver a kind of 
"Outlook on KDE", but you'll have to wait for quite some time before both are 
stable enough as to be usable.

The first is Magellan, which has been hyped a lot over the last 1 1/2 years, 
but it still considered to be alpha software (you must be suicidal to use it 
in a production environment :-).


The second option is Aethera, which was supposed to be released in beta in 



Re: [newbie] nfs lock delay boot time

2000-11-19 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 01:54, eric wrote:
 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Sat, 18 Nov 2000 18:15, eric wrote:
   so to connect to internet I need to manual
   dhcpcd -h C111-A  eth0
  Put this line in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local and it will execute at boot.

 Dear Sridhar or any 7.2 user:

 I did what you suggest , add that to the last line of /etc/rc.d/rc.local
 and reboot
 it still  stick at

 nfs lockd
   nfs   cardmgr    + ip lookup   + dhcpcd failed
 input/output   error

 hope to see help again
 best regard
 Eric Lin

Do you need nfs? I don't really have much experience with it so I cannot tell 
you how to really fix the problem but I can tell you how to turn off nfs 
entirely. To do this open drakconf and click on startup services. You should 
see that netfs has been enabled. If so, disable it by unchecking the box next 
to it. Click OK and reboot to see if it works.

Sridhar Dhanapalan
"One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler