[newbie-it] Sorgenti del Kernel

2001-11-29 Thread Marco

Ciao a tutti,
ho visto che dopo aver installato Mdk 8.1 non mi compare la 
directory /usr/src/linux-2.4.8 quindi presumo di non aver installato i 
sorgenti del kernel.
Visto che devo compilare i driver per la mia scheda audio ed ho bisogno 
dei sorgenti (per gli headers da includere nel Makefile dei drivers) 
ieri sera ho cercato nei cd di installazione (anche tramite software 
manager) ma non sono riuscito a trovarli ... forse sono un caso 
disperato :-(
C'è qualche anima pia che può dirmi dove trovarli (o come si chiama il 
file rpm) e se basta installarli con il semplice rpm -Ivh 
nomedelfiledeisorgenti.rpm perché crei la cartella di cui ho bisogno ?



Re: [newbie-it] rete

2001-11-29 Thread Leonardo Osti

Per quanto riguarda la connessione di rete della workstation Nt, non basta
solo pingare gli altri pc, devi vedere se la rete gira su tcp Ip, se esiste
un DHCP che distribuisce gli indirizzi.
Fai così, apri la shell di DOS e digita ipconfig /allti dovrebbero
apparire i dati relativi alla tua scheda e sull'indirizzo Ip che ha.
FAmmi sapere
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] rete

 bosva wrote:

  ciao a tutta la ML! ciao :-))
  mdk 8.1 su un pc in rete. la rete è mista: 6 pc e 6 mac. abbiamo anche
  un server che utiliziamo esclusivamente come deposito dati, ogni utente
  ha una sua cartella e ci mette dentro tutto quello che gli piace. io non
  riesco a vedere nè gli altri pc nè il server (quest'ultimo con SO uindos
  NT 4)...ma come mai? è colpa di NT o del mio pinguino?
  premetto che sono un principiante, ma ho anche voglia di lasciare da
  parte uindos anche a lavoro (a casa l'ho già fatto, eh eh eh)...l'unica
  cosa che mi è venuta in mente è stato di pingare gli altri pc per vedere
  se la mia scheda di rete funziona sotto linux...e sono riuscito a
  pingarli dal primo all'ultimo...il mio intuito mi dice che ci deve
  essere qualcos'altro.

 sono anch'io una principiante, ma credo di aver capito il tuo problema:
 vuoi poter condividere file con windows e Mac. beh, ti tocca insegnare a
 Linux a parlare
 con gli stranieri :-)) devi montare SAMBA su Linux. SAMBA è un software
 che rende possibile la comunicazione, lo scambio dei file, etc. etc. tra
 macchine diverse.
 Purtrpoppo non so esserti più utile di così!!!
 Prova a fare un giro sul sito: samba.org.

  unico indizio: quando provo a sfogliare la rete da Home, ho il seguente
  msg : unable to locate localhost
  dimenticavo tutti i pc fanno parte di un gruppo di lavoro...diciamo
  PIPPO...ho provato a mettere osvaldo+PIPPO nella voce
  localhost+workgroup che ho trovato in netconf...ma nulla...
  ho l'impressione di essere stato un poco confuso e dispersivo...se
  qualcuno avesse suggerimenti lo ringrazio in anticipo
  salutatemi a bilgheiz


Rif: Re: [newbie-it] rete

2001-11-29 Thread bosva

 Data: 29/11/2001 06:34
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] rete

 sono anch'io una principiante, ma credo di aver capito il tuo problema:
 vuoi poter condividere file con windows e Mac. beh, ti tocca insegnare a 
 Linux a parlare
 con gli stranieri :-)) devi montare SAMBA su Linux. SAMBA è un software che
 che rende possibile la comunicazione, lo scambio dei file, etc. etc. tra 
 macchine diverse.
 Purtrpoppo non so esserti più utile di così!!!
 Prova a fare un giro sul sito: samba.org.

a dir la verità mi basterebbe riuscire a vedere la mia cartella dentro al server 
uindos NT...
ok...adesso provo a vedere se ho installato SAMBA e mi leggo un poco di 
documentazione...e se ho bisogno ancora di voi (direi che sarà sicuramente così...;-) 
mi farò di nuovo vedere
grazie mie!

salutatemi a bilgheiz
baci, osva

Rif: Re: [newbie-it] rete

2001-11-29 Thread bosva

 Da: Leonardo Osti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Data: 29/11/2001 09:40
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] rete
 Per quanto riguarda la connessione di rete della workstation Nt, non basta
 solo pingare gli altri pc, devi vedere se la rete gira su tcp Ip, se esiste
 un DHCP che distribuisce gli indirizzi.
 Fai così, apri la shell di DOS e digita ipconfig /allti dovrebbero
 apparire i dati relativi alla tua scheda e sull'indirizzo Ip che ha.
 FAmmi sapere

ok...sugli indirizzi IP di tutte le macchine non ho problemi, nel senso che li ho 
decisi io (:-)
sul DHCP...che non so cosa sia...mi risulta DHCP abilitato
la nostra rete è 192.168.0.xxx con subnet mask
credo sia il più classico degli esempi di piccola rete intranet, con un gateway 
predefinito che è un router che prende le chiamate dalle varie postazioni e le 
indirizza all'esterno...e per quanto riguarda la configurazione di accesso ad internet 
tramite gateway non ho avuto problemi, navigo, ricevo ed invio posta.
l'unico problema è che non vedo la mia cartella sul server (la cui unica funzione è 
deposito dati)...mi sa che devo approfondire l'argomento SAMBA...grazie mille per 

salutatemi a bilgheiz
baci, osva

Re: [newbie-it] installazione xine divx 4.02

2001-11-29 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- luigi pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
  La 0.9.5 l'ho scaricata ma non ho ancora provato a
  compilarla. Quella che sono riuscito ad installare
  era la 0.9.4.
  Puoi provare a ri-scompattare il file: magari tar
  ti ha estratto tutto quello che ti serviva...
  Ciao. Steo.
 ho provato a installare le librerie 0.9.5.
 a questo punto in compilazione comincia a dare msg
 strani che allego alla mail.
 risultato le librerie non vengono installate!
 ci capisce qualcosa?

Acc..! Ti confesso che non so proprio cosa siano
quegli errori! ...Ma il ./configure finisce
correttamente o ti da qualche messaggio?



Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina: http://buongiorno.yahoo.it

Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni linux e.... modem

2001-11-29 Thread Andrea Celli

Emma e Gigi wrote:
 Salve, mi sono appena iscritto a questa ML (non so nemmeno se sto procedendo
 bene per spedire queste mie righe...)
 Ho installato Mandrake 8.0!!  Non ci capisco ancora molto ma... mi piace
 Ho notato che la partizione che le avevo assegnato (13 Giga su 19 del mio
 secondo HD) è così suddivisa: 3.5 Giga per la root ed il rimanente per
 l'utente. Domanda: I programmi dove vengono installati? Va bene così la
 suddivisione o devo aumentare lo spazio dedicato alla root?

Dunque, ... c'e` una omonimia pericolosa.
Da un lato root=radice e` la directory base da cui si sviluppa
l'albero delle directory ed e` normalmente indicata col simbolo /.

Poi, l'amministratore nei primi sistemi UNIX aveva come home directory
proprio la root, quindi gli e` rimasto il nome root. Adesso, 
di default ha home directory /root.

Quindi, quando ti propone di di assegnare 3.5G alla directory root,
intende / e non /root. In questa partizione andra` tutto il sistema,
tranne le directory che hanno una partizione separata (nel tuo caso
/home) e che vengono   innestate, per continuare la metafora
giardiniera ( o montate per tradurre piu` letteralmente), dal sistema
rami nel punto di innesto  ( /home direttamente sulla radice, 
/mnt/windows come sottodir di /mnt , ...)

Avendo 13G, direi che 3.5 per / vanno bene.
Piuttosto, prevederei una partizione separata per /usr/local
che e` utile se vuoi fare reinstallazioni radicali (es.
cambiare distribuzione o file-system): salvi le partizioni
/home (dati personali) e /usr/local (software aggiunti
personalmente) e riformatti tranquillamente il resto.
Poi lascerei un po' di spazio libero. Io, per esempio, ho una
partizione su cui installo le nuove release di Mandrake,
facendogli condividere /home e /usr/local. Le provo un po'
e, quando sono convinto, rimpiazzo la vecchia release.

 Un'altra cosa: questo collegamento è tramite Windows, dato che il mio è uno
 stramaledetto WinModem interno della Conexant Sto per acquistarne uno
 esterno: sono graditi suggerimenti per un modem compatibile con Linux !!!

Vai sul sicuro: un qualsiasi modem esterno seriale.
Vanno tutti ugualmente bene. L'unica differenza e` la qualita`
costruttiva ed affidabilita`. Se paragoniamo Linux alla patente di
guida, ti permette di guidare ugualmente bene una vecchia carcassa 
o una fiammante RollsRoyce. Chiaro che la prima puo` rompersi
piu` facilmente, ma questo non dipende dalla compatibilita` con la
patente di guida. :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Sorgenti del Kernel

2001-11-29 Thread Andrea Celli

Marco wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 ho visto che dopo aver installato Mdk 8.1 non mi compare la
 directory /usr/src/linux-2.4.8 quindi presumo di non aver installato i
 sorgenti del kernel.
 C'è qualche anima pia che può dirmi dove trovarli (o come si chiama il
 file rpm) 


 e se basta installarli con il semplice rpm -Ivh
 nomedelfiledeisorgenti.rpm perché crei la cartella di cui ho bisogno ?

Attento anche ad aver installato make e il compilatore C.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] MuLinux

2001-11-29 Thread Andrea Celli

CyberPenguin wrote:
 Egregi tutti, un saluto a Voi.
 Non so come ma ci sono riuscito!
 Alcune settimane fa, su consiglio di LukenShiro, ho scaricato
 MuLinux http://sunsite.dk/mulinux/
qui sei un po' OT, visto che la ML e` dedicata ad una
particolare distribuzione.

.. Non sorridete se vi vengo a
 chiedere da dove posso prelevare qualcosa di assimilabile a veri
 e propri esercizi per cominciare a lavorare anche tramite la
 bash, ammesso che tali esercizi esistano.

per prima cosa il man di bash che probabilmente in mulinux e` stato
eliminato per problemi di spazio. Ne trovi una versione italiana a
Poi i testo piu` articolati:

ciao, Andrea


2001-11-29 Thread tatiana morosetti

installato linux mandrake 8.0 avendo formattato win98, mi ritrovo a 
voler tornare a una partizione win e lin. ma non ho la più pallida idea 
di come fare. 
come posso creare unap artizione per win???

Re: [newbie-it]

2001-11-29 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, [utf-8] tatiana morosetti wrote:

 installato linux mandrake 8.0 avendo formattato win98, mi ritrovo a 
 voler tornare a una partizione win e lin. ma non ho la più pallida idea 
 di come fare. 
 come posso creare unap artizione per win???
NOn ho con me il manuale ma lo scorso week-end ho dato un'occhiata alla 
parte che si intitola modificare una partizione gia' esistente.
Forse puoi usare quella parte per creare il pezzo su cui installare 
Creati pero' un disco di avvio perche' ho sentito dire che l'installazione 
di windows a volte fa fuori lilo (poitrai poi reinstallarlo dopo avere 
installato windows.
NOn sono sicuro che tutto cio' funzioni ma tentar...

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] devfs

2001-11-29 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 10:09, mercoledì 28 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 1) Come si possono fissare le modifiche, come proprietari e permessi, link,
 sui vari device?

Il consiglio è di disabilitare devfs... :)


Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni linux e.... modem

2001-11-29 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 19:52, mercoledì 28 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Il fatto è che non essendo riuscito a collegarmi (Linux mi dice sempre che
 il modem è occupato...) ho provato ad informarmi, e mi hanno riferito che
 il mio modem non va bene (per la verità mi crea qualche problema anche con
 la connessione Wind sotto Windows).
 Per quanto ho potuto capire dalla pagina
 http://www.linux-mandrake.com/it/fhard.php3 mi risulta che la colpa sia
 proprio del modem o no? (Non è che sia proprio un esperto)
 Comunque grazie mille.

Ciao Gigi,
il mio consiglio - anche se il tuo modem fosse in grado di funzionare sotto 
Linux - è di sostituirlo, tasche permettendo. Magari potresti provare a 
rivenderlo, e poi acquistare un modem esterno. Per i modelli, andrei 
senz'altro su un modem esterno su porta seriale: sono quelli che vanno 
meglio, e danno - di solito :) - meno problemi!


Re: [newbie-it]

2001-11-29 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, [utf-8] tatiana morosetti
  installato linux mandrake 8.0 avendo formattato
 win98, mi ritrovo a 
  voler tornare a una partizione win e lin. ma non
 ho la più pallida idea 
  di come fare. 
  come posso creare unap artizione per win???
 NOn ho con me il manuale ma lo scorso week-end ho
 dato un'occhiata alla 
 parte che si intitola modificare una partizione gia'
 Forse puoi usare quella parte per creare il pezzo su
 cui installare 
 Creati pero' un disco di avvio perche' ho sentito
 dire che l'installazione 
 di windows a volte fa fuori lilo (poitrai poi
 reinstallarlo dopo avere 
 installato windows.
 NOn sono sicuro che tutto cio' funzioni ma tentar...

Se hai ancora spazio sul tuo HD per creare una
partizione puoi farlo con fdisk (man fdisk per le
istruzioni) ed impostarla come partizione windows,
dopodiche' ci installi sopra Windows. Tieni presente
che devi avere un dischetto di boot per Linux perche'
l'installazione di Windows ti ricopre il Master Boot
Record dell'HD e quindi ti ricopre Lilo: senza un
disco di boot non potresti piu' riaccedere a Linux.

Se hai utilizzato tutto il tuo HD per Linux diventa
gia' piu' difficile: non so se ci sono dei tools Linux
per ridimensionare una partizione esistente. Nel caso
il tuo sistema Linux abbia piu' di una partizione puoi
rinunciare ad una di queste ed utilizzarla per
Windows, altrimenti non saprei.

In genere se vuoi installare sia Win che Linux
1 - partizionare l'HD
2 - installare Windows
3 - installare Linux

In questo modo Windows si insedia sulla prima
partizione, e quando Linux ti installa Lilo lo
configura automaticamente in modo da poter avviare
anche Windows, ed in + ti monta le partizioni Win in
modo da poterle vedere anche in Linux.

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina: http://buongiorno.yahoo.it

Re: [newbie-it] Satellite

2001-11-29 Thread Renato

I driver per la NetSystem non sono disponibbili, 
mentre per la scheda DVB di Hauppage puoi trovare i driver per linux e c'è anche 
un Howto per configurarla.

Spero di esserti stato utile.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 3:17 
  Subject: [newbie-it] Satellite
  Ciao a tutti!!!
  Ho una scheda PCI-dvb della netsystem, e vorrei 
  sapere se ci sono i drivers ed il software.
  Oppure qualescheda si potrebbe usare al 
  posto di quella che ho.

[newbie-it] scheda sonora e porta seriale

2001-11-29 Thread giuseppe palermo

Ho istallato Mandrake 8.1 sul mio portatile Toshiba satellite 4010 CDS con 
scheda sonora Yamaha OPL3-SA2/3.Ho provato a configurare la scheda sonora con 
il comando SNDCONFIG ( come avevo fatto con Mandrake 7.2 senza nessun 
problema ) ma mi da il seguente messaggio d'errore:
the following error occurred running the modprobe program:
such device
lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/opl3sa2.0.gz:insmod sound-slot-o 
failed. Cosa vuol dire? Come posso fare a configurare la scheda?

[newbie-it] porte seriali

2001-11-29 Thread giuseppe palermo

Ho installato un modem pcmcia nel mio portatile toshiba satellite 4010 che 
possiede un HD di 4 giga con una doppia partizione in cui ho istallato 
Windows 98 in una e Mandrake 8.1 nell'altra.Il modem Windows lo rileva 
connesso alla COM2 mentre Mandrake alla tts0.Come mai? Inoltre quando 
connetto un modem esterno alla porta seriale Mandrake 8.1 non rileva nessun 
modem. Perch'è lo stesso modem inserito nello slot 0 viene visto da Mandrake 
come connesso alla ttS0 ( COM1) e da Windows 98 come connesso alla porta 
COM2? E perch'è Mandrake 8.1 non vede la mia porta seriale? Qualcuno può 
darmi una risposta?


[newbie-it] scheda sonora

2001-11-29 Thread giuseppe palermo

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: scheda sonora e porta seriale
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:38:20 +0100
From: giuseppe palermo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ho istallato Mandrake 8.1 sul mio portatile Toshiba satellite 4010 CDS con
scheda sonora Yamaha OPL3-SA2/3.Ho provato a configurare la scheda sonora con
il comando SNDCONFIG ( come avevo fatto con Mandrake 7.2 senza nessun
problema ) ma mi da il seguente messaggio d'errore:
the following error occurred running the modprobe program:
such device
lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/opl3sa2.0.gz:insmod sound-slot-o
failed. Cosa vuol dire? Come posso fare a configurare la scheda?
Grazie Giuseppe


Re: [newbie-it] devfs

2001-11-29 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 19:22, giovedì 29 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Non vorrei, preferirei riuscire ad usarlo, l'idea di una gestione avanzata
 dei device non è male, . eliminando i problemi!

Sì, l'idea non è niente male. Ma è ancora immatura. Inoltre presenta alcuni 
problemi di sicurezza (era stato pubblicato un apposito security advisory). 
La stessa MandrakeSoft, per ora, consiglia di disabilitare il devfs in attesa 
di tempi migliori... Trovi l'avviso all'indirizzo 


[newbie-it] permessi

2001-11-29 Thread claduc

ho un probelma probilmente cretino
ho una partizione windows che voglio rendere accessibilie solo da 
come fare per impostare i permessi in modo che solo root vi possa 
accedere ?

Re: [newbie-it] Satellite

2001-11-29 Thread Renato

Se hai già NetSystem, si devi 
Hauppage è un produttore di scede TV e DVB, 
personalmente ho la scheda WinTVgo di Haup.,

Tra l'altro con questa scheda puoi fare 
l'abbonamento con Hot Bird per internet via satellite con canone annuale di 

Tieni presente che chi mi ha venduto quella 
m..a di netsystem mi ha consigliato la DVB di H. se prorpio voglio internet 
su satellite, e chiaramente puoi vedere in canali sat che trasmettono in 

Però prima di fare la scelta definitiva fammi 

Ciao e a presto.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:50 
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Satellite
  Grazie Renato, ma cosè houppage? puoi spiegarmi 
  meglio, devocambiare scheda dvb?
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 8:49 
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] 

I driver per la NetSystem non sono 
disponibbili, mentre per la scheda DVB di Hauppage puoi trovare i driver per 
linux e c'è anche un Howto per configurarla.

Spero di esserti stato utile.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 
  3:17 PM
  Subject: [newbie-it] Satellite
  Ciao a tutti!!!
  Ho una scheda PCI-dvb della netsystem, e 
  vorrei sapere se ci sono i drivers ed il software.
  Oppure qualescheda si potrebbe usare al 
  posto di quella che ho.

[newbie-it] charimento su scheda sonora

2001-11-29 Thread luca laghi

A questa domanda di Giuseppe:

  Ho istallato Mandrake 8.1 sul mio portatile Toshiba satellite 4010
CDS con
  scheda sonora Yamaha OPL3-SA2/3.Ho provato a configurare la scheda
  con il comando SNDCONFIG ( come avevo fatto con Mandrake 7.2 senza
  problema ) ma mi da il seguente messaggio d'errore:
  the following error occurred running the modprobe program:
  such device
  sound-slot-o failed. Cosa vuol dire? Come posso fare a configurare

Daniele ha risposto così:

 Hai provato a disabilitare DEVFS? Inserisci un bel devfs=nomount nel
 di configurazione del tuo bootloader, ed il gioco è fatto...

Mi interesserebbe capire quale sia l'effetto di devfs=nomount
Grazie, Luca

Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-29 Thread robin

Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 03:12 pm, Stewart Taylor wrote:

Tom Brinkman wrote:

   The 'old' supermount became incompatible with newer 2.4.x
kernels. To the point (IIRC) it was completely broken by 2.4.6. 
So the Mandrake developers completely rewrote supermount to work
with the new kernels.  This process takes time and testing, and
by 2.4.13 they've got it working properly again.

This time round it seems to be working with a standard 8.1 installation 
(I had to do a reinstall, so then just did supermount -i enable and 
mount -a, which for some reason hadn't been working before).  That's 
only mounting a floppy, though - other media may be problematic.

   If you want a more indepth understanding of this Robin, search
the last few months on
http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=mandrake-cooker for 'supermount'.

Where can I get this update, so far I've not been able to find it.


  The 'update' is to install a 2.4.13 Mandrake kernel. This will most 
likely require an initscripts and iptables upgrade also. Newest 
2.4.13's might require an lm_sensors upgrade also

   All these files can be d/l'd from cooker mirrors. I use the ready 
made kernel, but src.rpms for the others

Definitely needs iptables - they're mutually dependent.  As I said, 
though, be careful - I got into an endless loop after upgrading (I 
expect the problem was in initscripts). I'd keep RPMs of the old ones on 
your hard disk, so if anything does go wrong, you can go in with a 
rescue disk and restore your system to its original state (OK, you can 
also FTP them from a rescue disk, but it's a royal pain).


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Re: [newbie] a good help to mandrake 8.0

2001-11-29 Thread robin

Marek --

The documentation that comes with Mandrake is pretty good for the 
beginner, IMO.  For general Linux information aimed at beginners, 
there's http://www.linuxnewbie.com . I wrote some introductory Linux 
stuff a couple of years ago, but it's rather out of date (particularly 
the pages on window managers and applications) - it's at 

Happy linuxing!


Marek M wrote:


 I piss on MS and i wont buy any netter, faster, more stable, cheaper 
 system. OVER ! I WANT LINUX !!! But I'm green socan you tell me 
 (Give) an address where i could download tutorial or getting started 
 to Mandrake8 ?
 Better in Polish - if not English

 Remember: The MS stategy is to sell fast, much and (primo) earn as 
 much as it is possible.


 Have a nice new year!
 (with no MS)


 Tego nie znajdziesz w adnym sklepie!
 [ http://oferty.onet.pl ]

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] tuxracer: terrible framerate

2001-11-29 Thread Matt Greer

Yikes. I just installed tuxracer --my first attempt at 3D gaming in Linux-- 
and the framerate is 1 frame per second at best. It's more like watching a 
slide show than playing a game.

This seems to be a somewhat common problem? But I haven't found any solutions.

My computer should be able to handle tuxracer. My video card is just a 16MB 
Nvidia TNT2 M64, but even with software rendering my 1.1 ghz Athlon should be 
able to get, say, 5 fps? :) As far as OpenGL goes I have the mandrake 
Mesa-Common and Mesa rpms installed.

Running the gears Mesa demo gave me 250fps, which maybe suggests a tuxracer 
problem and not mesa?

Any ideas? I usually just play 2D games, which are fine in Linux. But I 
wasn't expecting performance like this.


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Re: [newbie] tuxracer: terrible framerate

2001-11-29 Thread Robert MacLean

Are you using the nv drivers or the nvidia drivers?
check your XFconfig file

Robert MacLean
Head of IDWS Technical Services and Development
Web: http://www.idws.com
Tel: 0860-ONLINE (0860-665469)
Fax: (011) 955-5611

NOTE: Please include this message in your reply.
- Original Message -
From: Matt Greer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: [newbie] tuxracer: terrible framerate

 Yikes. I just installed tuxracer --my first attempt at 3D gaming in
 and the framerate is 1 frame per second at best. It's more like
watching a
 slide show than playing a game.

 This seems to be a somewhat common problem? But I haven't found any

 My computer should be able to handle tuxracer. My video card is just
a 16MB
 Nvidia TNT2 M64, but even with software rendering my 1.1 ghz Athlon
should be
 able to get, say, 5 fps? :) As far as OpenGL goes I have the
 Mesa-Common and Mesa rpms installed.

 Running the gears Mesa demo gave me 250fps, which maybe suggests a
 problem and not mesa?

 Any ideas? I usually just play 2D games, which are fine in Linux.
But I
 wasn't expecting performance like this.


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Re: [newbie] Evolution RC2 problem

2001-11-29 Thread Curtis H

There was a bug with upgrading to the newer versions in that they didn't
completely exit out of the previous version.  Execute this handy little
tool from a command prompt:


And then start evolution.  It should work just fine.  


 On Wed, 2001-11-28 at 08:10, Jim Dawson wrote:
  I finally managed to get Evolution RC2 installed on my LM 8.1 system, 
 but now the 'Contacts' and 'Mail' portions don't work, Does anyone know 
 how to fix this?
  Thanks in advance.
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Re: [newbie] Turtle beach sandta cruz

2001-11-29 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 23:36:23 -0500
Robert Boggs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a turtle beach sound card. Do any of you know where I can find linux
 drivers for it?

Well, it's best if Harddrake (or if that doesn't work, sndconfig) can set up
your card, but if that doesn't work:

I know ALSA supports that card. A quote from someone: I have a Turtle Beach 
Santa Cruz using 2.4.16 and cs46xx beta9 drivers and libs. 
At http://www.alsa-project.org/~goemon/ the card is highlighted in grey though, 
meaning it's not sure whether the card can be supported. So, it's possible that
you can only use the latest ALSA 0.9beta drivers and not the 0.5.11 ones 
supplied with LM8.1. HTH,


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[newbie] Re: tuxracer: FIXED

2001-11-29 Thread Matt Greer

Never mind, I figured it out. Installing the nvidia drivers did wonders. I'm 
pretty ignorant on 3D acceleration and computer gaming in general.

My gears demo framerate jumped from 250 to 800, so I guess it wasn't running 
very well either.

Oh well, time to race! :)


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Re: [newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-29 Thread Lance Dow

On Thursday 29 November 2001 3:15 am, pesarif wrote:

  In Konqueror:
Tools - Archive Web Page.

 I'm using KDE 2.2.  My Tools menu only has Run Command..., Open
 Terminal... and Find file

 What am I doing wrong?

 Please help!

Go to the 'Location' menu and use 'Save as...'.


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[newbie] win2k

2001-11-29 Thread Colin Jenkins

Hello all,
Just got a new IBM thinkpad today. (win2k installed)
does any one know how to join a linux domain.
Apparently on NT you have to create machine account for w2k.
My win95/98 boxes log in ok.


Colin Jenkins
ICQ: 650611   registered linux user 223862
Use your own judgement then do as I say

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Re: [newbie] InteractiveBastille error messages.

2001-11-29 Thread Charles Darcy

On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 15:06, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 I had this trouble some time ago as well (can't remember what version of
 Bastille, and iptables I was running).  I any case, I was advised, that
 to get rid of that message, i can get rid of linuxconf from the list of
 services that Bastille audits.  I don't know much about the issue, and
 can't find the message in the archives.  But I think the point was,
 unless you are concerned with someone with physical access to the system
 making changes via linuxconf, you don't need linuxconf auditing.
 -Paul Rodríguez

Do you think the full security configuration I chose was applied, or
does Bastille abort when it strikes the 'linuxconf' trouble ? Do I need
to run InteractiveBastille again ?

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Re: [newbie] Help, XP uptime is greater than my linux

2001-11-29 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 23:16:09 -0500
Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm tired of this computer freezeing! My XP box never freezes, my Mandrake box 
freezes multiple times a day.
 I know mandrake is better than this. I am pretty new to linux and don't know where 
to start checking, but somthing has to be done, I can't rely on this linux box 
 I was thinking it was the eth1 but now I'm not sure. Here is my system info:
 HP Pavilion 8655c
 318mb Ram
 Genuine Intel P3 (coppermine) 535 Mhz
 Intel 810 82810E Graphics 
 Creative Labs SBLive
 Eth0 Linksys LNE100TX
 Eth1 Linksys LNE100TX
 Anything else? Please someone who has a clue help me get this worked out.
I can near bout guarentee that the lock-ups are caused by your vid card.

Couple of theings you can do.
1) If you are using auora turn it off or even better uninstall it.
2) Upgrake XFree- 4.10-21mdk is available from any of the cooker mirrors 
   It will install and run without difficulty on 8.1 and it offers
   better support for the 810e


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Re: [newbie] Help, XP uptime is greater than my linux

2001-11-29 Thread Mark D'voo

gtk themes seem to cause lockups for me.  I noticed that if i use a very 
simple gtk theme, i have no problem.  But if i use one with pixmaps and lots 
of cool stuff, it runs slow and freezes a lot


On Thursday 29 November 2001 17:57, you wrote:
 On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 23:16:09 -0500

 Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm tired of this computer freezeing! My XP box never freezes, my
  Mandrake box freezes multiple times a day. I know mandrake is better than
  this. I am pretty new to linux and don't know where to start checking,
  but somthing has to be done, I can't rely on this linux box anymore. I
  was thinking it was the eth1 but now I'm not sure. Here is my system
  HP Pavilion 8655c
  318mb Ram
  Genuine Intel P3 (coppermine) 535 Mhz
  Intel 810 82810E Graphics
  Creative Labs SBLive
  Eth0 Linksys LNE100TX
  Eth1 Linksys LNE100TX
  Anything else? Please someone who has a clue help me get this worked out.

 I can near bout guarentee that the lock-ups are caused by your vid card.

 Couple of theings you can do.
 1) If you are using auora turn it off or even better uninstall it.
 2) Upgrake XFree- 4.10-21mdk is available from any of the cooker mirrors
It will install and run without difficulty on 8.1 and it offers
better support for the 810e


  3:29pm  up 2 days, 12:24,  3 users,  load average: 0.42, 0.21, 0.07

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Re: [newbie] About CD burning stuff.....?

2001-11-29 Thread Derek Jennings

On Thursday 29 November 2001 06:12, Mick wrote:
 Hello list,

 Okay, I'm newly transposed from the Windoze world, and kinda lost but
 having fun here in Mandrake-Linux 8.1!
 I have a Plextor CD burner, Where is the software in Linux, what is it
 called, and how do I set it up?
 So far I have set up email, WWW, changed desktops, and quickly coming up to
 being nearly dangerous here in Linux! I just need a helpful hand with the
 CD burning stuff. Thanks.

There are lots of options (which is one of the problems)
First if all to check your CD writer is configured ok open a root terminal 
and type

cdrecord -scanbus

If it comes back and says it found yoyr writer then you can go straight on 
and choose your favourite burning software.
If it came back with an error then you probably need to disable devfs. Refer 
to the mail archives for instructions.

On your Mandrake disc there are a whole bunch of CD burning apps. Here is my 
take on them. It is purely personal others will have other opinions :-

Xconcd - Nice user friendly GUI easy to understand Problem is the current 
version does not work. It crashes. So we must wait for the next version  :-(

XCDRoast - Not bad. OK for audio CD's. Not so good for data Works OK

ERoaster - Cant remember too much about this one.

GCombust - Not the most user friendly application, but it is the most 
sophisticated. It assumes you know things like what a 'Joliet extension' is.

Gnome-Toaster- Possibly the most popular application. The on line manual is 
quite good. I find it difficult to use for data CD's, but it is easy for audio

Kreatecd - This one is not on your CD. You can get it at 
http://www.kreatecd.de/index.php Along with xoncd it is most like the windows 
apps you are used to Audio support is very good, but I am having a problem 
with data at the momement

So in typical Linux fashion. There is loads of choice but they all have 
downsides. Just try them out and use the one you like best.



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[newbie] pwcx module kernel = wow strong tobacco (atleast for me =))

2001-11-29 Thread Florian Struck

Howdy i have a little (maybe stupid question) =)
Have a look at this :

Installation of this module is very simple; copy the pwcx-i386.o module to 
/lib/modules/usb/pwcx.o, and run 'depmod -a' once. After this, it should be 
possible to load the module on ANY kernel where the pwc.o module has been 
built or loaded (well, provided it's running in an Intel processor, of 

(got that from http://www.smcc.demon.nl/webcam )

Those are instructions to add a module for better webcam (quickcam 3000 PRO) 
support im using kernel 2.4.13.xx and the module pwc is loaded nicely but i 
cant change the size of the picture i have to unkompress it with this new 
module anway thts not so important .
My problem is that i dont know much about kernels =)
Fact is that the is not such a dir ( /lib/modules/usb ) so where do i copy 
this mod?
The modules in my kernel (in the dir called 
/lib/modules/2.4.13-11mdk/kernel/drivers/usb ) are all .o.gz files and 
copying it there didnt work.



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[newbie] Hi-fi mp3?

2001-11-29 Thread Lance Dow


I've just been re-reading the Jan/Feb 2001 issue of Maximum Linux which 
carried a very interesting article on mobile mp3. In it the author makes 
the bold claim that a player by the name of Splay sounded MUCH better than 
Winamp. He recommended doing a comparison. Splay was on the cover CD but I 
couldn't get it to work.

Has anyone made this player work? Any pointers? Does it sound better?

Anyone able to recommend a superior sounding mp3 player?


Lance Dow

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Re: [newbie] tuxracer: terrible framerate

2001-11-29 Thread Onur Kucuk

MG Yikes. I just installed tuxracer --my first attempt at 3D gaming in Linux-- 
MG and the framerate is 1 frame per second at best. It's more like watching a 
MG slide show than playing a game.

MG This seems to be a somewhat common problem? But I haven't found any solutions.

MG My computer should be able to handle tuxracer. My video card is just a 16MB 
MG Nvidia TNT2 M64, but even with software rendering my 1.1 ghz Athlon should be 
MG able to get, say, 5 fps? :) As far as OpenGL goes I have the mandrake 
MG Mesa-Common and Mesa rpms installed.

MG Running the gears Mesa demo gave me 250fps, which maybe suggests a tuxracer 
MG problem and not mesa?

MG Any ideas? I usually just play 2D games, which are fine in Linux. But I 
MG wasn't expecting performance like this.

MG Matt

You did not install the nvidia drivers so your system is not using
your nvidia cards hardware acceleration. Go to nvidia.com and
mandrakeuser.com and follow the instructions.

The fps in gears may be 250, but gears do alot less than tux racer so
it is normal. Actually, it is slow. Just install the drivers.

 Onur Kucuk

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[newbie] graphical program to start at boot

2001-11-29 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Hi, what's the best way to get a graphical program to start at boot as
user?  I'd like to do this via the command line.  I know that adding the
program to the last line of /etc/rc.local could do it, but as root.


-Paul Rodríguez

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[newbie] bastille and distributed file sharing (gnutella)

2001-11-29 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Hi, I need some help safely connecting to some file sharing networks.  I
use Bastille and I'd like to connect to Gnutella (using gtk-gnutella).
As it stands I can connect search and download fine, but I can't seem to
share my files.  How can I open up a connection safely?  I'm hesitant to
just choose a port to leave open, is there a secure way to do this?

-Paul Rodríguez

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Re: [newbie] InteractiveBastille error messages.

2001-11-29 Thread Matt Greer

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 05:27 pm, you wrote:
 On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 15:06, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
  I had this trouble some time ago as well (can't remember what version of
  Bastille, and iptables I was running).  I any case, I was advised, that
  to get rid of that message, i can get rid of linuxconf from the list of
  services that Bastille audits.  I don't know much about the issue, and
  can't find the message in the archives.  But I think the point was,
  unless you are concerned with someone with physical access to the system
  making changes via linuxconf, you don't need linuxconf auditing.
  -Paul Rodríguez

 Do you think the full security configuration I chose was applied, or
 does Bastille abort when it strikes the 'linuxconf' trouble ? Do I need
 to run InteractiveBastille again ?

An easy way to confirm bastille is doing its job is to go to www.grc.com, 
then to the shields up section, and have it probe your ports.

it doesn't test all ports, but if all the ports return as closed rather 
than stealth, bastille isn't up.

if they don't report as stealth run as root

/etc/rc.d/init.d/bastille-firewall start

Although the linuxconf error does not cause bastille to abort. I get that 
error as well, I just ignore it.


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Re: [newbie] graphical program to start at boot

2001-11-29 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Thursday 29 November 2001 19:02, you wrote:
 Hi, what's the best way to get a graphical program to start at boot as
 user?  I'd like to do this via the command line.  I know that adding the
 program to the last line of /etc/rc.local could do it, but as root.

Have you tried placing a symlink in ~/Desktop/Autostart ? It doesn't 
necessarily work with all window managers, though.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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Re: [newbie] graphical program to start at boot

2001-11-29 Thread skidley

On 29 Nov 2001, Paul Rodríguez wrote:

 Hi, what's the best way to get a graphical program to start at boot as
 user?  I'd like to do this via the command line.  I know that adding the
 program to the last line of /etc/rc.local could do it, but as root.


 -Paul Rodríguez

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So I would assume you boot into X. I don't do this and never have but I
can start a program when X starts which it shouldn't matter if I startx or
it starts at boot. I have an .xinitrc file in my home dir which I can add
whatever I want to start, here's an example of mine:
exec /usr/bin/mozilla
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xscreensaver
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/enable_X11_numlock
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/blackbox
#exec gnome-session
#exec enlightenment

You can add exec whatever you want to run.The  means to run in the
background and it seems to be needed to run things because I guess w/o it
it would only run that program and not continue on to any others listed in
the .xinitrc. Another thing is that it seems the programs you want to run
must come before the execution of your window manager, eg. i use blackbox
as you can see and for mozilla to run it has to come b4 blackbox. Of
course using an .xintrc would assume that it would be
read by X when it starts. I'm not familiar with how X works from boot so I
don't know but I would think that it should read it or maybe there's
another file to add the apps to for starting at boot like a system wide
xinitrc or .xauthority

Chad Young
Registered Linux User #195191 @ http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-29 Thread Marcia

Dear Luis and All,
I have decided to install the new gimp-print driver that just came out. 
Should I , also, install the new cups driver first? How would I do this since 
I already have older versions installed? Also, I tried to check my cups 
version and it said that cups was a bad command. How do I check my cups 

Luis, did you uninstall all files related to printing first? Could you 
describe to me exactly what you did to uninstall and the files that you had 
to uninstall? Would you tell me what files, drivers, etc. you installed and 
exactly how? I will appreciate being led like a blind newbie because about 
printing I am a newbie. Things worked before without this much trouble until 
8.0 and now 8.1 is not better yet for me.

Thanks very much for your help.


On Tuesday 27 November 2001 10:34 pm, you wrote:

  Thank you for your suggestions. The lpq command tells me that xpp is
  ready and printing with an active job listed that belongs to me.
  Unfortunately the job is not printing. That is the problem. The strange
  thing is the printing worked for a couple of days although it needed
  tweaking for quality. Then out of the blue it stopped working. Has anyone
  had a similar situation that they were able to fix? Thanks for any help.

 Yes, I've had similar experiences.  The only way that I've been able to
 recover was to delete all instances of my printer and reinstall the printer
 drivers from scratch with PrinterDrake.  I gave the printer a new name
 and used the new name.  I know there must be a better way, but when you're
 desparate, anything that works... good luck!


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[newbie] Cooker and urpmi probelms

2001-11-29 Thread NDPTAL85

I'm trying to update my kernel to the latest cooker version. I have 
added cooker to my sources but I keep getting this error:

[root@Dreadnaught ndptal85]# urpmi kernel
--15:15:35--  ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake-
= `/var/cache/urpmi/rpms/.listing'
Connecting to ftp.sunet.se:21... connected!
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
== SYST ... done.== PWD ... done.
== TYPE I ... done.  == CWD /pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake-
devel/cooker/i586/Mandrake/RPMS ... done.
== PASV ... done.== LIST ... done.

 0K .. .. .. .. ..
50K .. .. .. .. ..
   100K .. .. .. .. ..
   150K .. .. 

15:16:24 (4.51 KB/s) - `/var/cache/urpmi/rpms/.listing' saved [182754]

Removed `/var/cache/urpmi/rpms/.listing'.
--15:16:24--  ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake-
= `/var/cache/urpmi/rpms/kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm'
== CWD not required.
== PASV ... done.== RETR kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm ... 
installing /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm

No such file `kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm'.

error: open of /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm 
failed: No such file or directory
Installation failed

Whats going on, does anyone know how to fix this?

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Re: [newbie] About CD burning stuff.....?

2001-11-29 Thread Matt Greer

On Thursday 29 November 2001 08:21 am, you wrote:

 On your Mandrake disc there are a whole bunch of CD burning apps. Here is
 my take on them. It is purely personal others will have other opinions :-


Don't forget the one that started it all, cdrecord. It's command line but I 
actually find it to be easier and more intuitive than most of the gui 
frontends. A quick crash course of mkisofs and cdrecord and you'll be up and 

gui cd burning is one thing I don't like about linux at this point. Frontends 
should be simpler than the backend they are covering up :)


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RE: [newbie] a very dumb gcc question

2001-11-29 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] a very dumb gcc question

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Newbie
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 1:41 PM
Subject: [newbie] a very dumb gcc question

Ok, its stupid question time.

Ok, I'm no expert, but I'm not a complete newbie,
but I still don't know, should I force install 
GCC2.95 to end my GCC3 compiler troubles?

Or am I skrude until the next mandrake release?

I can't seem to backgrade to some compiler
without the OS bean-hatching about dependencies.

Have you tried going into the software manager and uninstalling the gcc3.0 and then installing the gcc2.* ? Probably won't go so the only other solution is to reinstall not upgrade and just don't format /home. The version of gcc in 8.1 is gcc2.96 I think. 

so I am assuming you upgraded to the 3.0 version. Not a big help but maybe worth a try. 
Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] a very dumb gcc question

2001-11-29 Thread Mark D'voo

have you tried rpm --oldpackage gcc-2.95*.rpm 
this should let you downgrade.  an rpm --force will also do this, but I'd 
recommend rpm --oldpackage to check for deps first.  If all else fails, 
rebuild from source


On Friday 30 November 2001 01:40, you wrote:
 Ok, its stupid question time.

 Ok, I'm no expert, but I'm not a complete newbie,
 but I still don't know, should I force install
 GCC2.95 to end my GCC3 compiler troubles?

 Or am I skrude until the next mandrake release?

 I can't seem to backgrade to some compiler
 without the OS bean-hatching about dependencies.


  9:14pm  up  4:37,  1 user,  load average: 0.19, 0.17, 0.08

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[newbie] contents of /etc/ppp/peers/ppp0

2001-11-29 Thread Franki

Hi all,

can anyone with a working dialup connection give me the contents of the file
in the subject?

I have been trying to get it sussed and using one of the tools, (either
linuxconf or mandrake control center)
has put some stuff about wvdial in there.

when I had chat -v -f ... in there it was sort of working, now that wvdial
is in there I am getting:
connect script failed straight away, and I am forced to dialup with my
win2000 box, which I hate doing.

any one help me out here???

the exact line I have here now is:
connect/usr/bin/wvdial --remotename ppp0 --chat 'vianet'

and it doesn't work..

god I hate pppd in linux,, works sometimes, other times it doesn't
regardless of what I do...

Also, on the few occasions that it has worked, if I get disconnected and try
to redial, it fails,,(the modem doesn't even try to dial again..)

anyone got any clues?




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Re: [newbie] Cooker and urpmi probelms

2001-11-29 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 29 November 2001 03:26 pm, NDPTAL85 wrote:
 I'm trying to update my kernel to the latest cooker version. I have
 added cooker to my sources but I keep getting this error:

 [root@Dreadnaught ndptal85]# urpmi kernel

   I really don't know, so this is only conjecture on my part as I've 
only experimented now an then with 'urpmi'.  I suspect you shouldn't 
use it for the same reasons SoftwareManager or MandrakeUpdate should 
NEVER be used for upgrading a kernel.

   Try d/l'g   kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm  to your HDD and then 
installing it with 'rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm'

   Just betch'a it'll work flawlessly ;) 
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] Help, XP uptime is greater than my linux

2001-11-29 Thread Jon Doe

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 11:59:42 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 so which version of mandrake are you using, and what are you doing at the 

Using mandrake 8.1 and KDE. I don't run any screensavers. I don't run Auora either.
I'm going to try the XFree upgrade that Mr. Edwards recomended and see how that works.
I was planing on buying a graphics card if I couldn't get it figured out, but would 
prefer not to get one if I don't have too.

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[newbie] XFree upgrade question

2001-11-29 Thread Jon Doe

What packages from cooker do I need to upgrade? What is the best way to do the upgrade?

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Re: [newbie] Cooker and urpmi probelms

2001-11-29 Thread NDPTAL85

I heard the ability to upgrade the kernel had been temporarily removed 
from the GUI tools but that it would be returned someday. Does anyone 
have an idea on when? It kinda defeats the purpose of having automated 
tools if you have to manually download and upgrade something like the 
kernel yourself.

On Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 04:16 PM, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Thursday 29 November 2001 03:26 pm, NDPTAL85 wrote:
 I'm trying to update my kernel to the latest cooker version. I have
 added cooker to my sources but I keep getting this error:

 [root@Dreadnaught ndptal85]# urpmi kernel

I really don't know, so this is only conjecture on my part as I've
 only experimented now an then with 'urpmi'.  I suspect you shouldn't
 use it for the same reasons SoftwareManager or MandrakeUpdate should
 NEVER be used for upgrading a kernel.

Try d/l'g   kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm  to your HDD and then
 installing it with 'rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm'

Just betch'a it'll work flawlessly ;)
   Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] upgrading 8.0 to 8.1

2001-11-29 Thread Richard Wenninger

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 12:49 pm, you wrote:
 On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  Grant Fraser wrote:
   I give up trying to upgrade a piece at a time. When trying to upgrade
   to KDE 2.2.2 I found that it wanted me to install setup which
   conflicts with bash and I cant force it.
   Is there an 8.1 upgrade disk? even with cable internet it still takes
   10 hours to download one ISO. The last time I tried to do that I just
   got bad disks and actually had to go out and pay money for an OS.
   I may even have to give up on linux altogether. No sound, crappy video,
   no opengl support. Can you say SIS Chipset?

 I'm just about ready to give up on Mandrake.  First time it agressively
 overwrote a windows dist, and this upgrade joke is even worse.

 For you, go RED HAT 7.2, as I have experience getting that working on a
 SIS board with all built-in SIS stuff.  The only thing not working is
 accellerated video.

 My 8.0 to 8.1 upgrade lost half my prefs, now tries to mount a floppy
 twice upon bootup, and renamed all my groups from 'users' to numbers,
 which causes an error every time I bring up a terminal.

 Has *anybody* had ANY luck with this supposed upgrade?

 30-35 packages failed to 'upgrade' without any explanation why, all on

 Yesterday I had a perfectly functioning M8.0 dist, with working Xv and
 Xine, today I have a crap M8.1 dist with holes, and Xine won't even run in
 Xv mode.

 I'm disgusted as well, is there a M$ mole on the upgrade team?

You did backup your system before doing an OS upgrade... right?!?

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[newbie] Kernel Update or install syncmal first?

2001-11-29 Thread Steve Weltman

Greetings group,

I have a Q that kinda has me stumped...I want to install a program that is 
something that I loved in Windoz...AvantGo (in Linux it's called 
jpilot-syncmal-0.62.tgz, the app is syncmal not to be confused with 
malsync...).  I also need to do an install of a new kernel (up to 
2.4-13-something...) so I can keep uptodate with some security issues.  

Do I load the app first or install the kernel and then the app?

Steve Weltman

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[newbie] fill in the blank.directory question...

2001-11-29 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Okay, I asked this before, but I've not been able to resolve it...if I
copy/move/delete a file from any folder/directory, it leaves a file called:

the name if that folder.directory

I don't want this, its useless as far as I can tell, and unchecking view
properties saved in directory under settings does -not- stop it.. Anyone have
this same problem and any ideas what to do about it? Thanks!

PS I'm using v8.1 BTW...


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Re: [newbie] upgrading 8.0 to 8.1

2001-11-29 Thread Dennis Myers

On Thursday 29 November 2001 17:17, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 28 November 2001 12:49 pm, you wrote:
  On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   Grant Fraser wrote:
I give up trying to upgrade a piece at a time. When trying to upgrade
to KDE 2.2.2 I found that it wanted me to install setup which
conflicts with bash and I cant force it.
Is there an 8.1 upgrade disk? even with cable internet it still takes
10 hours to download one ISO. The last time I tried to do that I just
got bad disks and actually had to go out and pay money for an OS.
I may even have to give up on linux altogether. No sound, crappy
video, no opengl support. Can you say SIS Chipset?
  I'm just about ready to give up on Mandrake.  First time it agressively
  overwrote a windows dist, and this upgrade joke is even worse.
  For you, go RED HAT 7.2, as I have experience getting that working on a
  SIS board with all built-in SIS stuff.  The only thing not working is
  accellerated video.
  My 8.0 to 8.1 upgrade lost half my prefs, now tries to mount a floppy
  twice upon bootup, and renamed all my groups from 'users' to numbers,
  which causes an error every time I bring up a terminal.
  Has *anybody* had ANY luck with this supposed upgrade?
  30-35 packages failed to 'upgrade' without any explanation why, all on
  Yesterday I had a perfectly functioning M8.0 dist, with working Xv and
  Xine, today I have a crap M8.1 dist with holes, and Xine won't even run
  in Xv mode.
  I'm disgusted as well, is there a M$ mole on the upgrade team?

 You did backup your system before doing an OS upgrade... right?!?
It is best not to use upgrade on the installation disks when going from a 
lower distribution to a newer one.  The best thing to do is an expert install 
and know before hand the partition you have on your disk as /home. i.e. /home 
is hda6 on my hard drive. Then when you make the change from one such as 7.2 
to 8.1 use the same partitions and do not reformat /home when it indicates 
what partitions will be formatted. If the /home partition is yellow click on 
it to make it no color and then let the install format the other partitions. 
You then have all your old info like bookmarks and address book but a new OS 
on the machine.  Even this is not 100% satisfactory but it is better than 
totally reformatting and starting from scratch. The other way is to make a 
seperate partition as a back up for /home and call it say /backhome and then 
reformat everything but backhome. You can then go into backhome and get your 
lbookmarks etc and place them in home and voila a whole new world. HTH
Dennis M.

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Re: [newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-29 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Thursday 29 November 2001 06:09, you wrote:
 Regarding Canon BJC 2100 and BJC 2000
 I actually work for Canon and I use at home a BJC2100 why do you say
 never buy that?
 It works for  that little printing that I do at home fine for over a
 year now .

 Christian Posratschnig

My main 'problems' with the canon bjc2100 are: very heavily pixelized images 
(frankly the worst I've seen)
and: Extremely slow -i.e. taking about 8 minutes to print an A4 page in 
and: the printer cartridges are fairly expensive and badly insulated. By that 
I mean that they drie out when not in use after a month or so. In comparison: 
I have a HP 340 portable printer for my laptop that's only used at an average 
of once a year. It's still printing on the cartridge I bought 4 or 5 years 

The B/W quality of the bjc2100 is OK though.
On using the GIMP's BJC 2000 printerdriver I get a good speed gain but loose 
a lot of color quality. Still has the same horrible raster. Shame!

The bjc2100 is very cheap (cheaper than a new printerhead for the bjc 2000), 
it's an extreme case of: 'value for money!' You get what you pay for. 
IMO the bjc 2000 was the better model. (alas the 2100 power supply doesn't 
fit on the 2000. Wonder why they did that?)

good hunting,
Harm Bathoorn.

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[newbie] PCI video card with hardware TL?

2001-11-29 Thread Jesse C. Chang

Does anyone know of such a card for Linux?  Given what some people have
said about nVidia drivers, I would prefer something other than a GeForce
2, but if that is all that is available, I might have to get one.  :P

I guess I should get a new mobo, something with an AGP slot...


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best.  -- Oscar Wilde

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Re: [newbie] a very dumb gcc question

2001-11-29 Thread Newbie

rebuild from source?

compile a compiler?

If I don't have a compiler that works,
how can I compile?

On Thursday 29 November 2001 09:15 am, you wrote:
 have you tried rpm --oldpackage gcc-2.95*.rpm
 this should let you downgrade.  an rpm --force will also do this, but I'd
 recommend rpm --oldpackage to check for deps first.  If all else fails,
 rebuild from source


 On Friday 30 November 2001 01:40, you wrote:
  Ok, its stupid question time.
  Ok, I'm no expert, but I'm not a complete newbie,
  but I still don't know, should I force install
  GCC2.95 to end my GCC3 compiler troubles?
  Or am I skrude until the next mandrake release?
  I can't seem to backgrade to some compiler
  without the OS bean-hatching about dependencies.

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Re: [newbie] Cooker and urpmi probelms

2001-11-29 Thread NDPTAL85

Wait I just checked the ftp site manually. The reason why it was 
reporting no file was because it has changed from kernel-2.4.13-11mdk to 
kernel-2.4.13-12mdk! So how do I get urpmi to update itself so it can 
see the new file?

On Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 04:16 PM, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Thursday 29 November 2001 03:26 pm, NDPTAL85 wrote:
 I'm trying to update my kernel to the latest cooker version. I have
 added cooker to my sources but I keep getting this error:

 [root@Dreadnaught ndptal85]# urpmi kernel

I really don't know, so this is only conjecture on my part as I've
 only experimented now an then with 'urpmi'.  I suspect you shouldn't
 use it for the same reasons SoftwareManager or MandrakeUpdate should
 NEVER be used for upgrading a kernel.

Try d/l'g   kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm  to your HDD and then
 installing it with 'rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm'

Just betch'a it'll work flawlessly ;)
   Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Cooker and urpmi probelms

2001-11-29 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 29 November 2001 05:36 pm, NDPTAL85 wrote:
 I heard the ability to upgrade the kernel had been temporarily
 removed from the GUI tools but that it would be returned someday.
 Does anyone have an idea on when? It kinda defeats the purpose of
 having automated tools if you have to manually download and upgrade
 something like the kernel yourself.

I'll offer more conjecture.  I don't believe 'someday' will ever 
come anytime soon. My basis is that package managers, CL or GUI 
fronts for 'em, are for installing or upgrading software, not the OS. 
The kernel is Linux, the OS. Everything else is just GNU (hopefully) 
software, and some pretend files (eg, /proc, /dev) that it interacts 
with and runs.

Sort'a hard to keep your pickup doin 70 mph 
while you're changin motors ;)
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

 On Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 04:16 PM, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Thursday 29 November 2001 03:26 pm, NDPTAL85 wrote:
  I'm trying to update my kernel to the latest cooker version. I
  have added cooker to my sources but I keep getting this error:
  [root@Dreadnaught ndptal85]# urpmi kernel
 I really don't know, so this is only conjecture on my part as
  I've only experimented now an then with 'urpmi'.  I suspect you
  shouldn't use it for the same reasons SoftwareManager or
  MandrakeUpdate should NEVER be used for upgrading a kernel.
 Try d/l'g   kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm  to your HDD and then
  installing it with 'rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.13-11mdk.i586.rpm'
 Just betch'a it'll work flawlessly ;)

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[newbie] Logs size...

2001-11-29 Thread Steve Weltman

Hi group,

Can I reduce the size of my logs (/var/log/-whateverlog) in any way?  Is 
there a problem with either editing it down or deleting them altogether?


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Re: [newbie] sound does work but xmms dont - mandrake 8.1

2001-11-29 Thread Len Lawrence

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, bascule wrote:

 len, if arst is your problem but you don't have kd then perhaps you have the
 wrong plugin selected in xmms?

 optionspreferncesoutputplugin select oss

 i wouldn't have thought you'd have the arts plugin if you didn't have kde but
 if you are trying to configure arts but don't have kde then i guess you must,

 sorry if i am completely missing the point of previous posts in this thread,
 it just looks to me like people are trying to help you solve the wrong
 problem! :-)
  sorry if tis has been mentioned before

That was it  My ignorance of these things is profound.

Mille grazie Signore.

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

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Re: [newbie] a very dumb gcc question

2001-11-29 Thread skidley

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Newbie wrote:

 Ok, its stupid question time.

 Ok, I'm no expert, but I'm not a complete newbie,
 but I still don't know, should I force install
 GCC2.95 to end my GCC3 compiler troubles?

 Or am I skrude until the next mandrake release?

 I can't seem to backgrade to some compiler
 without the OS bean-hatching about dependencies.


In mandrake you can have both installed. I would suggest the latest 2.96,
it seems to work fine. In 8.1 the /usr/bin/gcc is a symlink to
/etc/alternatives/gcc which is a symlink to /usr/bin/gcc-2.96 or
/usr/bin/gcc-3.0. You can have both installed and just change the symlink
etc/alternatives/gcc to whichever you want to use, even back and forth to
each if you want.
-- Chad Young
Registered Linux User #195191 @ http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] Cooker and urpmi probelms

2001-11-29 Thread NDPTAL85

And why would it not be appropriate for the front end to upgrade the 
kernel as well? That makes no sense. If you don't want to use a front 
end to upgrade the kernel you can just opt not to and install your own. 
Just because its the kernel does not mean it shouldn't be updated with 
the same tools that everything else is updated with.

On Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 05:36 PM, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Thursday 29 November 2001 05:36 pm, NDPTAL85 wrote:
 I heard the ability to upgrade the kernel had been temporarily
 removed from the GUI tools but that it would be returned someday.
 Does anyone have an idea on when? It kinda defeats the purpose of
 having automated tools if you have to manually download and upgrade
 something like the kernel yourself.

 I'll offer more conjecture.  I don't believe 'someday' will ever
 come anytime soon. My basis is that package managers, CL or GUI
 fronts for 'em, are for installing or upgrading software, not the OS.
 The kernel is Linux, the OS. Everything else is just GNU (hopefully)
 software, and some pretend files (eg, /proc, /dev) that it interacts
 with and runs.

 Sort'a hard to keep your pickup doin 70 mph 
 while you're changin motors ;)
   Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] Logs size...

2001-11-29 Thread Derek Jennings


If you open up webmin and look at your scheduled cron jobs you will see a 
daily job called logrotate. The function of this job is to archive old log 
files and delete old archives. You can decide which logs are managed by 
logrotate, the size of the files before they get archived, and how long the 
archives are kept.

Type man logrotate for details and look at /etc/logrotate.conf and 

BTW in my standard 8.1 install logrotate did not run properly because one log 
appeared twice in the config file. That caused logrotate to abort without 
doing any archiving. Check your syslog to see if this is happening to you.


On Thursday 29 November 2001 23:47, Steve Weltman wrote:
 Hi group,

 Can I reduce the size of my logs (/var/log/-whateverlog) in any way?  Is
 there a problem with either editing it down or deleting them altogether?


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Re: [newbie] Cooker and urpmi probelms (Success!)

2001-11-29 Thread NDPTAL85

Alright! urpmi was able to update my kernel after I updated the sources 

[ndptal85@Dreadnaught ndptal85]$ uname -a
Linux Dreadnaught 2.4.13-12mdk #1 Fri Nov 23 18:44:14 CET 2001 i686 

Urpmi is useful when it works but its still very rough and unpolished. 
For instance why do we have to download a 12-13 meg file just when 
choosing a new source? Shouldn't pointing our machines at the new source 
be enough? Then it would be sorta like Debian's apt system where you 
just edit your sources to download from a different place. No huge file 
to download each time you choose a new source. Oh well at least it 
worked this time. :P

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Re: [newbie] upgrading 8.0 to 8.1

2001-11-29 Thread Grant Fraser

Thanks for the tip. No I havent backed it up. No point. I've spent so much 
time tinkering with the OS I haven't  actually found a use for the computer. 
Played a few games of freeciv. Cant play tuxracer, opengl not supported. Ive 
upgraded the kernel, and lots of other things. 
I even managed to pound xfree86-4.1x into it. Cant use it though. When I go 
to change the display properties it still only lets me choose between xfree 
3.3.6 and 4.0.3.
My scanner is not supported and sound will not work.
To get my computer to run well under linux I need an new video card (SiS = 
bad), sound card (crystal audio codec is an unknown device), Scanner (Mag = 
twain only) and a new monitor (VeiwSonic 15es has the wrong refresh rate ???)
So far this free software has cost me $60.
I'm not worried about reformating, I've already done it 5 times.

Apparently Mandrake does not yet support upgrading to kde222. They have some 
use at your own risk info


On November 29, 2001 03:52 pm, you wrote:
 On Thursday 29 November 2001 17:17, you wrote:
  On Wednesday 28 November 2001 12:49 pm, you wrote:
   On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
Grant Fraser wrote:
 I give up trying to upgrade a piece at a time. When trying to
 upgrade to KDE 2.2.2 I found that it wanted me to install setup
 which conflicts with bash and I cant force it.

 Is there an 8.1 upgrade disk? even with cable internet it still
 takes 10 hours to download one ISO. The last time I tried to do
 that I just got bad disks and actually had to go out and pay money
 for an OS.

 I may even have to give up on linux altogether. No sound, crappy
 video, no opengl support. Can you say SIS Chipset?
   I'm just about ready to give up on Mandrake.  First time it agressively
   overwrote a windows dist, and this upgrade joke is even worse.
   For you, go RED HAT 7.2, as I have experience getting that working on a
   SIS board with all built-in SIS stuff.  The only thing not working is
   accellerated video.
   My 8.0 to 8.1 upgrade lost half my prefs, now tries to mount a floppy
   twice upon bootup, and renamed all my groups from 'users' to numbers,
   which causes an error every time I bring up a terminal.
   Has *anybody* had ANY luck with this supposed upgrade?
   30-35 packages failed to 'upgrade' without any explanation why, all on
   Yesterday I had a perfectly functioning M8.0 dist, with working Xv and
   Xine, today I have a crap M8.1 dist with holes, and Xine won't even run
   in Xv mode.
   I'm disgusted as well, is there a M$ mole on the upgrade team?
  You did backup your system before doing an OS upgrade... right?!?

 It is best not to use upgrade on the installation disks when going from a
 lower distribution to a newer one.  The best thing to do is an expert
 install and know before hand the partition you have on your disk as /home.
 i.e. /home is hda6 on my hard drive. Then when you make the change from one
 such as 7.2 to 8.1 use the same partitions and do not reformat /home when
 it indicates what partitions will be formatted. If the /home partition is
 yellow click on it to make it no color and then let the install format the
 other partitions. You then have all your old info like bookmarks and
 address book but a new OS on the machine.  Even this is not 100%
 satisfactory but it is better than totally reformatting and starting from
 scratch. The other way is to make a seperate partition as a back up for
 /home and call it say /backhome and then reformat everything but backhome.
 You can then go into backhome and get your lbookmarks etc and place them in
 home and voila a whole new world. HTH

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Re: [newbie] XFree upgrade question

2001-11-29 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 17:32:21 -0500
Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What packages from cooker do I need to upgrade? What is the best way to do the 

I normally update 8 pkgs:

XFree 86
XFree 86-libs
XFree 86-server
XFree 86-devel
XFree 86-Xnest
XFree 86-xfs
XFree 86-100dpi fonts
XFree 86-75dpi fonts

I also normally use rpmdrake to download and install, you simply need add a 
Cooker source.

You do not need all the pkgs I have.
If you use rpmdrake just select the XFree 86 rpm and it will auto add the others
that you Must have.

Once they are installed, log-out and restart X ( you do not need to reboot.)


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[newbie] 3D support for SIS 300/305 AGP 16 meg video card?

2001-11-29 Thread Ronald J. Hall

I just installed v8.1 on an older computer (older is pretty subjective nowdays
though - its still a 475mhz AMD K6-III with 192 megs of Ram) that belongs to
my stepson. It has a Crystal ISA soundcard, as well as a SIS 300/305 AGP 16m
video card.

After installation, we got:

No sound

No 3D-accelerated video

Are the Crystal and SIS supported? I tried to look up the SIS model at
Mandrakes home page, as well as at Xfree.org, but found nothing useful.

I ran sndconfig as root, and it would play a sound sample (Linus's voice,
right?) but when it got to the midi sample, it said there was a modprobe error
at the kernel level and wouldn't save anything or go on... ;-(

Can anyone help?

Thanks much! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] XFree upgrade question

2001-11-29 Thread Jon Doe

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 21:37:35 -0500
Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 17:32:21 -0500
 Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What packages from cooker do I need to upgrade? What is the best way to do the 
 I normally update 8 pkgs:
 XFree 86
 XFree 86-libs
 XFree 86-server
 XFree 86-devel
 XFree 86-Xnest
 XFree 86-xfs
 XFree 86-100dpi fonts
 XFree 86-75dpi fonts
 I also normally use rpmdrake to download and install, you simply need add a 
 Cooker source.
 You do not need all the pkgs I have.
 If you use rpmdrake just select the XFree 86 rpm and it will auto add the others
 that you Must have.
 Once they are installed, log-out and restart X ( you do not need to reboot.)

LOL, that almost worked. It took trying all the mirrors twice before I finally didn't 
get the an error occured when adding this source then I figured kewl, I'm finally 
gonna get it, and now 6 tries later I'm getting error fetching package on all of the 

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[newbie] eth1: initialization delayed

2001-11-29 Thread Lee Roberts

Hash: SHA1

How or what do I need to do to fix this. I tried playing with the startup 
scripts to try to fix this but have been unsuccessful. eth1 can be brought up 
from a terminal window OK. Currently I have the following statements at the 
end of rc.local.

insmod airo.o
sh /opt/cisco/aironet_setup

Ethernet 1 is a Cisco 340 wireless card. (connects to my ISP). There's 
another utility called bcard but it hasn't been any help either.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] Logs size...

2001-11-29 Thread Erylon Hines

On Thursday 29 November 2001 15:47, you wrote:
 Hi group,

 Can I reduce the size of my logs (/var/log/-whateverlog) in any way?  Is
 there a problem with either editing it down or deleting them altogether?


No, they can be deleted (I've done it).  But, by far the better way is to 
edit your /etc/logrotate.conf file so that there aren't so many in the first 
place.  With your favorite editor, open /etc/logrotate.conf and change every 
instance of rotate 4 to rotate 1 (so you only keep 1 week of backlogs) 
and every instance of monthly to weekly and every instance of weekly to 

That should take care of it.


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[newbie] Can not get users web site to come up with Apache and LM 8.1

2001-11-29 Thread Aaron Winters

Hey yall, I have a clean install of LM 8.1 and I 
can not get my users web sites to come up. When you type the URL http://domainname.edu/~user I get an 
error telling me I do not have permission to access it. I have done this before 
and the only thing I can think of is that this time during the install I chose 
medium instead of low on the security setting because this box is on the net all 
the time with a static IP running Apache, ProFTPd and SSH. The domain web site 
comes up fine it is just the users sites that are a problem. I have looked in 
the httpd config files and it has entries that look to me like it should work 
but what I know about configuring Apache is just enough to mess something up. 
Can any of you give me a hand?

Re: [newbie] tuxracer: terrible framerate

2001-11-29 Thread Matt Greer

On Thursday 29 November 2001 06:26 am, you wrote:

 if you don't see the nvidia splash screen when X starts, then they aren't
 installed right.  you can run an /sbin/lsmod and make sure NVdriver is
 loaded, if not make sure you edited your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 correctly .
 Under modules you need load glx, and for your driver, change nv to nvidia,
 save it and restart X, you should then see the splash screen.

Yeah, I wondered about the splash screen as it doesn't show up for me. But my 
framerate in tuxracer is very good now, and the mesa demos are screaming, so 
the drivers do seem to be working. I read nvidia's installation guide really 
thoroughly, I'm pretty sure I did everything correctly.


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Re: [newbie] Can not get users web site to come up with Apache and LM 8.1

2001-11-29 Thread Aaron Winters

Well, in testing after I found it was not working with my personal login I
logged in with my test account created the public_html directory, started
Netscape Composer typed this is a test and saved it as index.html in my
public_html directory I just made. That has always been fine in the past.
Does setting the security level to medium change the default permissions to
where that will not work?

- Original Message -
From: Keith Lynn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Aaron Winters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can not get users web site to come up with Apache and
LM 8.1

 I think your problem may simply be permissions on the files and
 directories where the pages are stored.

 Keith Lynn
 Systems Administrator
 School of Computer and Information Sciences
 University of South Alabama
 Mobile, AL 36608
 Phone: (334) 460-6390
 Fax: (334) 460-7274
 Alternative E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 URL: http://www.cis.usouthal.edu/~lynn/

 On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Aaron Winters wrote:

  Hey yall, I have a clean install of LM 8.1 and I can not get my users
web sites to come up. When you type the URL http://domainname.edu/~user I
get an error telling me I do not have permission to access it. I have done
this before and the only thing I can think of is that this time during the
install I chose medium instead of low on the security setting because this
box is on the net all the time with a static IP running Apache, ProFTPd and
SSH. The domain web site comes up fine it is just the users sites that are a
problem. I have looked in the httpd config files and it has entries that
look to me like it should work but what I know about configuring Apache is
just enough to mess something up. Can any of you give me a hand?

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Re: [newbie] 3D support for SIS 300/305 AGP 16 meg video card?

2001-11-29 Thread Navin


3D-accelerated video - SiS - not much support is available. however if you 
have X problems you can use framebuffer.

No sound - Mostly the cause of this is very low volume of the speakers or 
even mute being on. Look into kmix or alsamixer.

rest I am not very sure

hope it helps

On Friday 30 November 2001 02:35 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 I just installed v8.1 on an older computer (older is pretty subjective
 nowdays though - its still a 475mhz AMD K6-III with 192 megs of Ram) that
 belongs to my stepson. It has a Crystal ISA soundcard, as well as a SIS
 300/305 AGP 16m video card.

 After installation, we got:

 No sound

 No 3D-accelerated video

 Are the Crystal and SIS supported? I tried to look up the SIS model at
 Mandrakes home page, as well as at Xfree.org, but found nothing useful.

 I ran sndconfig as root, and it would play a sound sample (Linus's voice,
 right?) but when it got to the midi sample, it said there was a modprobe
 error at the kernel level and wouldn't save anything or go on... ;-(

 Can anyone help?

 Thanks much! ;-)

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[newbie] very very very basic question about ls

2001-11-29 Thread Navin

Hello people

I have a problem and am trying to fix something

A directories I have on my /home/navin/apps/JBoss directory

has entries of files and directories. Now some of these directories do not 
have x in the permission. I do not know how they got stripped off or if they 
were not present at all. I tried changing ownership to myself, changing 
permissions with chmod +x to directories. It workds but not for 
subdirectories. It is very cumbersome to go into each subdirectory and do a 
chmod +x. And I do not want to do chmod -R +x * - for obvious reasons.

Now I was trying to cook up a small script which would go into each directory 
and do a chmod for me. For that I was trying to get 'ls -Rd' working but it 


only. I tried 'ls -Rd *' but it prints directories in the current directory 
only. It does not recurse, i guess, since I gave -d.

Can anyone please solve my problem with the chmod OR with the ls. 

thanks a lot.


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[newbie] very very very basic question about ls

2001-11-29 Thread Navin

Hello people

I have a problem and am trying to fix something

A directories I have on my /home/navin/apps/JBoss directory

has entries of files and directories. Now some of these directories do not
have x in the permission. So it doesn't let me change to that directory with 
cd. I get a Permission denied. I do not know how they got stripped off or if 
they were not present at all. I tried changing ownership to myself, changing
permissions with chmod +x to directories. It workds but not for
subdirectories. It is very cumbersome to go into each subdirectory and do a
chmod +x. And I do not want to do chmod -R +x * - for obvious reasons.

Now I was trying to cook up a small script which would go into each directory
and do a chmod for me. For that I was trying to get 'ls -Rd' working but it


only. I tried 'ls -Rd *' but it prints directories in the current directory
only. It does not recurse, i guess, since I gave -d.

Can anyone please solve my problem with the chmod OR with the ls.

thanks a lot.



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[newbie] setting PATH variable and reloading /etc/profile

2001-11-29 Thread tek1


is there a gui way to set the PATH variable for all users on the system (or 
an individual user) besides editing /etc/profile or /home/user/.profile? 
just wondering if a way exist to set the PATH and other variables like on 
window's system control panel's environment variables...

also, if one makes changes to the /etc/profile, how can those changes be 
made to take effect without logging out and back in?


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[newbie] Can't shutdown (locks at IPVS)

2001-11-29 Thread Mr. E.

I can't get my system to shutdown completely.

it started after I installed the Nvidia rpm's from Mandrakeuser.org.

When I log out from KDE, I'm at a console prompt. Then I issue Shutdown now

I get a graphic showing me all these processes being shut down.

Then it stops at unloading (or clearing) IPVS .

I have to an Alt-PrintScrn R-S-E-I-U to shutdown.  

Any suggestions on what could be going on.

(I followed instructions for installing NVida drivers - everything checks
out in the XF86Config-4 file)

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[newbie] SMTP error

2001-11-29 Thread hosey

I'm having a problem sending email in Mandrake 8.1.  Today I tried to 
send an email with a file attachment (1.8 mb) and I couldn't send in 
either Kmail or Mozilla Messenger.  When I click on send in either 
program it appears to be sending the data and then just aborts.
Kmail gives me this error message:

Sending failed:
a SMTP error occured.
Command: CONNECT
Response: Error reading socket.
The message will stay inthe 'outbox' folder until you either
fix the problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message
from the 'outbox' folder.

Note: other messages will also be blocked by this message, as
long as it is in the 'outbox' folder.

The following transport protocol was used:

Mozilla Messenger gives an error message of:
sending of message failed

The funny thing is I can send smaller text messages with no problems it 
only seems to happen when I try to attach a file.  My isp has a limit of 
5 mb so I'm well below that with the 1.8 mb file.

Can anybody shed some light on what might be the problem and what I can 
do to fix it?

Steve M.

Linux Mandrake 8.1 (Vitamin)
Kernel 2.4.8-26mdk

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[newbie] Dying Gateway and Internet Connection

2001-11-29 Thread Traci Collins

Because I am using a satellite broadband connection that isn't supported
in Linux I have to use another computer on my lan as a gateway to the
Internet. All the settings are correct and the setup works most of the
time. Unfortunately, my system seems to forget the gateway on a regular
basis. The fix is to restart networking and everything is fine again.
When it has forgotten the gateway I can ping anywhere on the Internet
via ip address but it doesn't find the name servers. I can ping the name
servers and I have connectivity, it is like the system just forgets to
use them. I can use the name servers from any of the other PCs on the
network - just not my Linux box, until I restart networking. Has anyone
heard of a similar problem? This is a new one for me with Mandrake 8.1.
I didn't have this problem with 7.2 and essentially the same network
setup. Any suggestions about what might be flakey?


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