Re: [newbie-it] mount partizione ntfs

2002-03-27 Thread Andrea Celli

mailing - wrote:
 ciao a tutti.
 scusate l'eterna siamo proprio agli inizi :-))
 sono riuscito a montare una partizione ntfs come user root
 ma mi piacerebbe capire come ci si riesce come user normale...
 normale...quello che ti crea alla prima installazione :-))
 E' possibile?

 2. ho eseguito come root : mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/win2k

Leggi prima man fstab, poi apri il file /etc/fstab e aggiungi,
(basandoti su quello che hai letto e sugli esempi delle altre righe)
una riga del tipo

/dev/hda1 /mnt/win2k  ntfs  defaults,ro, 1

Al posto di  metterai:
auto per farla montare automaticamente al boot
user per dare a chiunque la possibilita` di(s)montarla
altre opzioni

Ovviamente, con l'opzione user chiunque puo`(s)montarla
ma solo con le opzioni fisaate da root in fstab.
Quindi solo mount /mnt/win2k e non 
mount -opzioni /dev/hda1 /dove/voglio  ;-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Crisi Mandrake

2002-03-27 Thread Andrea Celli

Fabio Congiu wrote:
 Mi sono appena iscritto al Mandrake Club. Si paga 120$ all'anno. Sono
 felice di poter contribuire in questo momento di crisi. Sono favorevole
 a queste forme di incentivazione, soprattutto per chi non é uno
 sviluppatore (come me) e al pagamento di servizi che gratis non possono
 esistere . Viva Linux!!! Abbasso Windows!!!

Come silver-club sei tra i primissimi a poter prelevare StarOffice-6.0,
che non e` ancora in vendita neanche sul sito Sun. :-)

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Crisi Mandrake

2002-03-27 Thread ku68

- Original Message -
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Crisi Mandrake

 Come silver-club sei tra i primissimi a poter prelevare StarOffice-6.0,
 che non e` ancora in vendita neanche sul sito Sun. :-)
 ciao, andrea
Scusa, ma credo che staroffice 6.0 sarà a pagamento. Non cifre
esorbitanti ma nemmeno + gratuita.
Gratis è invece  openoffice che  forse sarebbe il caso
di prendere in considerazione considerato che tra 4/6 settimane
uscirà la prima vers. definitiva.

[newbie-it] Invalid compressed format

2002-03-27 Thread Ste


ricompilato il kernel 2.4.18 da una MDK 8.1 2.4.8-36 con gcc3.0.1 secondo 
tutte le regole va tutto a buon fine.
MA al riavvio del sistema dopo la selezione in lilo del nuovo kernel al 
momento di 

Uncompressing ..

ricevo il messaggio 

invalid compressed format
system halted ( err=2 )

Premetto che due settimane fa questo non accadeva.
Ho pensato la causa fosse l'ultimo aggiornamento delle zlib , ho rimesso le 
vecchie ma niente.
Capisco che la causa sia il formato di compressione sbagliato di bzImage, ma 
volevo sapere quale programma si occupa della compressione del kernel e se 
per caso e' necessario aggiungere qualche voce nel kernel oppure settare 
qualcosa in lilo. 
Ogni consiglio e' ben accetto!!!


[newbie-it] Realtek 8139 su Mandrake 8.2. Come installarla?

2002-03-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti/e, premetto che sono completamente inesperto di Linux.
Posseggo un Duron 1000 256 Mb Ram, HD IBM 60Gb, scheda video Matrox
G450. Ho per la prima volta in vita mia installato Linux (Mandrake
8.2), tutto bene fino a quando ho aggiunto al pc una scheda di rete con
chip Realtek 8139. Appena acceso il pc Linux mi ha rilevato l'hardware
e mi chiede se voglio configurarlo. Seleziono configure e lo schermo
dopo pochi secondi mi diventa nero per un numero imprecisato di minuti.
E' normale? Non ho visto niente fino a quando, stanco di attendere, ho
premuto CRTL ATL CANC e q quel punto ha fatto una specia di shutdown
per poi riavviarsi e propormi la stessa videata di prima. Sempre cosi'
fino a quando ho scelto ignora. Cosi' sono arrivato in KDE e sono
andato nel pannello di gestione hardware del Mandrake. Ho visto la
scheda di rete ma se clicco sul tasto per configurarla mi appare un
messaggio che mi pare dica qualcosa relativo a moduli (o pacchetti non
ricordo) mancanti. Che significa? Scusate la mia ignoranza, mi affido a
voi e farò il possibile per imparare in fretta ;)

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia:

Spendi i tuoi crediti su ricevi un Portamonete per Euro GRATIS con ogni 

Clicca qui:  

Re: [newbie-it] Realtek 8139 su Mandrake 8.2. Come installarla?

2002-03-27 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 15:54, mercoledì 27 marzo 2002, Voi, Notabile 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], avete dipinto:
 Ho per la prima volta in vita mia installato Linux (Mandrake
 8.2), tutto bene fino a quando ho aggiunto al pc una scheda di rete
 con chip Realtek 8139
 Ho visto la scheda di rete ma se clicco sul tasto per configurarla mi
 appare un messaggio che mi pare dica qualcosa relativo a moduli (o
 pacchetti non ricordo) mancanti. Che significa?

Il comportamento probabilmente e' dovuto al fatto che 'kudzu', che e' 
il demone/programma che si occupa del riconoscimento dell'hardware 
all'avvio, fa le bizze (in questa versione come in altre, tanto per 
cambiare ...).
Se, come e' prevedibile, il sistema non associa la scheda al modulo 
corretto, dovresti diventare 'root' [con il comando su] e modificare 
(dopo aver fatto una copia) il file '/etc/modules.conf', aggiungendo (o 
adeguando, se gia' presente) questa riga:

alias eth0 8139too

(se non si tratta dell'unica o della prima scheda di rete va messa una 
o piu' altre righe con eth1, ecc..)

Altra cosa e' eliminare kudzu dalla lista dei demoni che partono 
all'avvio: sempre da root, digita 'drakxservices'. Cerca la riga che 
riguarda kudzu, fai clic su 'stop' (se e' ancora in esecuzione) e poi 
togli la spunta alla casella 'al boot'.
SaluT, Lk

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-Cooker - 2.4.18-linus

Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-27 Thread ku68

tom wrote:

 Alle 14:51, marted 26 marzo 2002, ku68 ha scritto:
 Ciao , Tom
Ok ci sono riuscito. Praticamente grazie ai tuoi sugg ho rintracciato 

outgoing server - quindi ho deselezionato la casellina username e 
password che era attiva e tutto sembra funzionare. SSL  impostato
su never.


Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: Sintesi vocale per linux .

2002-03-27 Thread Tommaso Leddi

23:17, martedì 26 marzo 2002, Renato:
 Grazie a tutti,
 i consigli ed i link non sono mai abbastanza.

Ultimamente sono anch'io andato alla ricerca di programmi di sintesi vocale. 
Ovviamente ho trovato solo programmi parlanti il inglese.
Il programma che mi è sembrato più valido è Festival (The Festival Speech 
Synthesis System), suite di programmi vari e modulari. Ci sono moduli per 
voci inglesi, americane, tedesche e spagnole. Non italiane, ma non dovrebbe 
essere difficile modificare il modulo spagnolo per farlo italiano: ci sono un 
file per le regole sintattiche e uno per la pronuncia.
Dovresti trovare i link su Freshmeat.
Comunque se trovi qualche altro programma interessante fammelo sapere.


Re: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-03-27 Thread ku68

fabrizio wrote:

 Alle 07:16, mercoled 27 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
Doopo alcune esperienze negative con GC Combust uso X-Cd-roast per
masterizzare, ma ho un problema, non riesco in alcun modo, anche come
root a cambiare la configurazione del dispositivo di lettura.
Al momento dell'installazione di Cd-Roast ho (ingenuamente) settato
il masterizzatore (Philips 1610a) sia come dispositivo di lettura sia
di scrittura, ma, volendo effettuare copie al volo di cd, ovviamente
mi trovo impossibilitato a farlo.
Ho cercato di modificare la configurazione  anche come root, ma non
ottengo alcun risultato,cut

Ho ritrovato questa mail ed  esattamente quello che mi  capitato.
Come posso far riconoscere sia il cd che il master a X-cd-roast o a 
gnome toaster? Vorrei solo copiare al volo un cd con alcuni mp3.
Sarebbe la mia prima masterizzazione completa in quanto per testare
i prg avevo solo provato con alcuni file di dati da hd a cd.
Grazie in anticipo dei sempre utili consigli

ps non ho mai configurato niente a mano quindi nel caso qualche 
istruzione non guasterebbe. :-)

Re: [newbie-it] mount partizione ntfs

2002-03-27 Thread paolo brusasco

una riga in /etc/fstab di questo tipo:
/dev/hd* /mnt/w2k ntfs umask=0 0 0
dove *=nome partizione nt, e /mnt/w2k sia rwxrwxrwx
monta automaticamente la partizione nt al boot su un 8.1 installazione 
standard, con accesso per tutti gli utenti (non in scrittura).

mailing - wrote:

 ciao a tutti.
 scusate l'eterna siamo proprio agli inizi :-))
 sono riuscito a montare una partizione ntfs come user root
 ma mi piacerebbe capire come ci si riesce come user normale...
 normale...quello che ti crea alla prima installazione :-))
 E' possibile?
 Comunquevi chiedo anche se per la prima soluzione avevo fatto tutto ok.
 1. ho creato una directory in /mnt chiamata w2k
 2. ho eseguito come root : mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/win2k
 come è andata???

[newbie-it] File Midi

2002-03-27 Thread nicola

Salve a tutti, sono un felice possessore di SbLive! Ma sotto linux mi trovo 
un pò in imbarazzo quando voglio ascoltare i files midi. Esiste il modo di 
sfruttare le potenzialità della scheda, magari tramite alsa, o uno è 
costretto a software che emulano soltanto i banchi sonori, con evidenti 
scarse prestazioni (ad esempio con il sintetizzatore midi). Qualcuno sa come 
ovviare a questo problema?

Grazie Nicola

Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-27 Thread ku68

Daniele Micci wrote:

 Il giorno 18:23, mercoled 27 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Ti dir... avevo sperato che non ci riuscissi, almeno le tue email - finch 
 eri costretto a spedirle con KMail - erano leggibili!
 Ora che sei tornato a Mozilla, c' il solito fastidioso effetto dovuto al 
 fatto che hai probabilmente selezionato il set di caratteri del *Tagikistano 
 Arcaico delle Montagne del Nord Est* ... ;)

Non so il perch.Ricevo e leggo tutto perfettamente.
La codifica che uso  south european iso -8859-3 se mi dite cosa
devo cambiare lo faccio pi che volentieri.

[newbie] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, software development]

2002-03-27 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

So, all you guys enjoying Linux?  Enjoying the benefits of Mandrake? 

Well, enjoy it while you can, because if Democrat Fritz Hollings
(Senator, South Carolina, lobbied via $300,000 USD from the
Entertainment Industry) has his way, this bill will get passed and Open
Source could be a thing of the past.  It's also noteworthy that Hollings
has accepted lobby money from Microsoft.  He withdrew South Carolina's
objections to the M$ DOJ settlement sellout after he got that money.  Go

That's right, they are attempting to take you rights to run open source
away at the moment, as we speak.  At the very least, regulate the hell
out of it via the government. My suggestion is that if you are concerned
enough about your rights, that you get angry and active.  

A good place to start is to check out the links below in the below  from
the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the forwarded message from the
bugtraq list.  Things you can do:

Also get up to speed with the articles about this on, for
instance this one:,1283,51274,00.html

This affects everybody unilaterally, and unless people become proactive
and oppose the Democrats and their apocalyptic police state laws, the
face of the computer industry will *become* a police state.  

If you care, blast your senator with some firm emails and phone calls,
plus get your friends to do it also.  We can't let them take our rights
away.  I for one love Linux and Mandrake enough that I'm willing to

Excerpt from:

Begin Excerpt-- 



(Issued: Friday, March 22, 2002 / Deadline: Monday, April 8, 2002) 


Imagine a world where all digital media technology is either mandatory
or forbidden -- Senator Fritz Hollings and a cabal of Hollywood
entertainment interests are cooking up a set of laws aimed at conjuring
this apocalyptic world into existence. 

Today, Senator Hollings introduced the alarming Consumer Broadband and
Digital Television Promotion Act (CBDTPA), which will give Hollywood
plutocrats the power to stall new digital media technologies for a year,
negotiating a phony consensus at lawyer-point with technologists. This
consensus will receive the force of law, prescribing which
user-hostile features are mandatory and which innovative features are
forbidden. CBDTPA is derived from the draft SSSCA (Security Systems 
Standards Certification Act), the subject of our last alert. 

Both the House and the Senate have called for comments on the future of
digital music, an issue that is deeply entwined with technology

What YOU Can Do Now: 

This is YOUR chance to voice your opposition to laws that make all
digital media technology mandatory or forbidden. 

* Send the EFF letter below to both the House and the Senate. Feel free
to use this letter verbatim, or modify it as you wish. Please be polite
and concise, but firm. 

--End Excerpt- 


-Forwarded Message- 

Subject: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, software development
Date: 22 Mar 2002 14:24:48 -0800

As we are all aware, bugtraq is not a forum to discuss
political issues or laws. However, with the continued
goverment pressure and attempts to reform and regulate
the hardware and software industries, bugtraq readers
should be informed and aware of these new laws which will
no doubt impact all of us.

Senator Hollings is attempting to regulate hardware and software
development. The bill can be reviewed here:

Concerned software developers can submit comments here: 

You can review other peoples comments here:

The following senators also support this Bill:
Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), 
John Breaux (D-Louisana) and Dianne Feinstein (D-California). 

There is a mailing list discussing these issues here:

- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

As a bonus, here's a section-by-section summary of the bill:,1283,51275,00.html

And a collection of info on the Consumer Broadband and Digital
Television Promotion Act (CBDTPA):



   Anti-Copy Bill Slams Coders
   By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   1:25 p.m. March 22, 2002 PST
   WASHINGTON -- America's programmers, engineers and sundry bit-heads
   have not yet figured out how much a new copyright bill will affect
   their livelihood.
   When they do, watch for an 

Re: [newbie] How do you Install Mandrake 8.2

2002-03-27 Thread civileme

John Richard Smith wrote:

On Tuesday 26 March 2002 19:21, you wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

usb detection on certain motherboards will not occur during install
because we don't have a full set of drivers (USB2 turned out to be less
comprehensive than advertised), and of course without help from your
BIOS, you have to wait until the kernel modules for the full system are
installed. Once you are running, you should gfind detection of USB
devices as soon as you plug them in.

You should gfind detection of USB
devices as soon as you plug them in.

Please to advise me. How do I do this.
I tried typing   gfind in a root shell  it did nothing,
returned :  command not found.


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Sorry, typo :-)

USB devices should be detected as soon as you plug them in on a running
8.2 system.  If they are not, then the hardware is outside of everything
we were able to test.


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Detection routines are different from the hotplug--you came through on 
the hotplug and failed on detection.  Others will have opposite results. 
 The point is that both rarely work on the same machine, so we opted for 
double-coverage.  Anyway, print away.  


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Re: [newbie] Printerdrake freezing??

2002-03-27 Thread civileme

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urpmi cups
urpmi foomatic

Should do it


cups was already loaded.  It froze on foomatic.  What else should I try/look 
at?  Thanks,


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Look at getting a CD with the foomatic file not corrupted


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Re: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

2002-03-27 Thread civileme

B.O. Jone wrote:

 I wound up here after wondering around in search of a
miracle hand over my ailing Mandrake.
 8.2 certainly laid a good foundation for linux future
development ahead of all other distros. But I have one
cripling problem on my system: crashes everywhere.
 Crashes come during bootup at various
points--Loading..., Starting..., etc., but always at a
different point.
 Crashes also come in routine file read/write
operations after clicking on a loaded file folder with
the Home icon.
 I have an impression that the new kernel 2.4x, on
which 8.x is based, is not yet settled down,
especially in file-r/w functions.
 One clear signal of crash is to see the hd pilot
light lit up without blinking.
 When a crash happens, there is no remedy but to
switch off the power and start over. The key presses
like ctl-alt-bs/del and Xkill do not function.
 My question: Is there a way to tweak the kernel (or
my machine) settings to smooth over my system--amd k6
300mhz mmx, 130mb ram, read3d starfighter vid card
 Or any other remedy, bettern than waiting for the
next version to come out.
 thanx a mil.


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Ben you have a corrupted install and/or bad memory/bad disk.  Kernel 2.4 
is well settled, even with a lot of the new features like devfs, and it 
is running everywhere.  Windows does not often use middle-upper memory 
and linux uses all od it or nearly all of it all the time.

try /images directory to make a memory testing diskette,,, boot from it 
and let it roll.

I think the filename is  /images/memtest-x86.bin  on the first CD which 
you rawrite or dd to a floppy.

There is the off chance that you have the rare hard disk drive-chipset 
combination that causes geometry errors, but we have been three distros 
without that, so I think not.  There is a real chance that you have an 
out-of-spec hard drive (and if the kernel identifies it as WDx where 
the x's are numbers and letters, the probability goes up dramatically, 
especially with ATA133 drivers now active.

Of course if you are using a Promise card, well the mostr recent drivers 
were just patched and offered again by Promise who discovered a small 
error which might make some systems crashy.  The fix will be available 
before the 8.2 boxed sets are.  Probably in a week or so--to give us 
time to test.


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Re: [newbie] any caritative soul?

2002-03-27 Thread Lee

On Tuesday 26 March 2002 07:43 pm, Pupeno wrote:
 Is there any caritative soul in the area of Miami that can make me a copy
 of the download version fo Linux Mandrake 8.2 ? I would pick it up and I
 would pay for the CDs but there's no way I can download right now and I
 don't have any cd burner that can I use.
 Thank you!

I'm in Fort Lauderdale, cell number 954 7320620.  I'm out and about (elevator 
inspections) all day, sometimes in Miami, but more often in Broward.  I'll 
carry a set with me.  If you would rather, email or call with an address and 
I'll drop 'em in the mail.  No charge.


Registered Linux abuser #223705

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Re: [newbie] Getting Club Help (OT) Is it enough?

2002-03-27 Thread Michael

Perhaps some-one from Mandrake can answer, was there enough response to the call
to arms? Will the financial worms be dosed for now?

shane wrote:
 a few things for your thoughts:

 it is a problem, and once you get in you will find more, but they are
 growing pain type troubles as they are just starting up this side of things
 and between a massive influx of users and the staroffice mess (which should
 not have been a mess and they are handling very well IMHO) they are a bit
 i honestly don't think they expected this kind of rush this fast.  i hope
 they are pleasently surprised.

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape
at about 30 miles/second.
-- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming

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re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-27 Thread Lyvim Xaphir


A wise man once told me that griping the griper was unproductive.  To
that wise man, I now offer my apologies, and the offering that this
exchange is in no way an attempt to disrespect his advice.

I've been taking note of this exchange for some time now, and since I
feel like I've pretty well grokked it, I'm going to lay down my wooden
nickel's worth.  Since it's a free country and a list-of-liberty and

My first observation is that, Steve, you're an asshole. You love to
wallow in your own mental feces.  I don't know what your personal
problems are, but this list and the female members are not your
psychologic dumping ground.

Now if you've got something like this to say to any female on the list,
( being as concerned about bandwidth as you are )my second observation
is that you have the option to go private.  You did not do this.  Now
where I come from, if you walk up to somebody's girlfriend or wife and
say something like what you've said below to them, you end up with a
black eye and checking out the taste of the local dirt.  But of course
you're not going to go private with shit like you've said below, are
you?  Because your true aim is not to correct what you propagandize as
OT's or bandwidth transgressions.  Your true aim is to hurt and
embarrass Femme to maximum effect; everything else is just a shield or
an excuse.  Lack of a private exchange is irrefutable evidence, since a
private exchange in your case would have been setting an example for
OT's or bandwidth transgressions.

I'll tell you this though; if this list was a party or a get together
and we were all together in person, I know for a fact that you would not
have been as courageous as you've been below with your female target. 
You may be an asshole, but you're not stupid.

  On Sun, 2002-03-24 at 20:48, sda wrote:

   On Sun, Mar 24, 2002 at 05:20:15PM -0700, FemmeFatale wrote:
We're rough... to idiots. :)

   For someone who's actually been only posting on this list for what three
   weeks tops? - You seem to have an awful lot to say about things around
   here. Now I'm sure you're cutsy 14 yo girlish antics get you somewhere
   with most of the boys, I'm not too impressed. Care to tone it down a
   bit, or is this list your flavour of the month?

   I notice you've now started posting on the expert list - I'm sure
   you're a sunny personality and all, but why do most women on the
   internet have to chatter like 14 yo girls? You do realize that's what
   you sound like right? I ran several of your posts by several of my
   friends that are relatively sophisticated urbanite women early 30ish -
   they agreed.

 On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 02:50:01PM +0200, Robin Turner wrote:

   I just cant get over everyone calling Femme a 14 yr old girl.

  Not everyone, by a long chalk.

On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 11:32, sda wrote: 
 Oh please, it's quite obvious by some of her comments, that she was
 acting as such. I didn't say she was one and since this list is for
 newbies to acquire some techinical information, lets keep the side
 chatter or socializing ratio down please. I've been receving quite a
 few private e-mails in support, much more than here in support of
 keeping the noise ratio high.

  So it's OK to be provocative, condescending, dogmatic or pedantic 
  (not referring to anyone in particular) but being cute or girlish is
  out?  I detect a double standard here.  I'd guess that if Femme 
  Fatale had picked a different nickname, like, say SegFault, 
  no one would have picked up on the girly thing.
 Oh contraire, she sounds as she sounds and this list is detoriating to
 more noise once again. The problem is when the noise ratio exceeds the
 actual help ratio, and with this nonsense carrying on I can see it
 happening with ease. If you folks want to chat socially, I suggest you
 all grab IRC and go to the Mandrake or what-ever-channel. This is not
 the place, for the cutesy folksy noise that seems to prevade here, 
 more recently since uno-who joined.
 Anyway carry-on I won't respond any more to this or similar threads.
 Will watch and see what happens. The sad thing will be if those that
 have the knowledge refuse to share it because of the noise ratio.
 Civilme can't do it all alone.

Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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RE: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

2002-03-27 Thread Baka Attila Tams

The bug is probably with the southbridge chip on your motherboard. Too bad
you have an AMD CPU :-( The same thing happened to a friend of mine. There
is a patch for this somewhere on the net I think.   8.2 works fine with


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of B.O. Jone
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 5:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

 I wound up here after wondering around in search of a
miracle hand over my ailing Mandrake.
 8.2 certainly laid a good foundation for linux future
development ahead of all other distros. But I have one
cripling problem on my system: crashes everywhere.
 Crashes come during bootup at various
points--Loading..., Starting..., etc., but always at a
different point.
 Crashes also come in routine file read/write
operations after clicking on a loaded file folder with
the Home icon.
 I have an impression that the new kernel 2.4x, on
which 8.x is based, is not yet settled down,
especially in file-r/w functions.
 One clear signal of crash is to see the hd pilot
light lit up without blinking.
 When a crash happens, there is no remedy but to
switch off the power and start over. The key presses
like ctl-alt-bs/del and Xkill do not function.
 My question: Is there a way to tweak the kernel (or
my machine) settings to smooth over my system--amd k6
300mhz mmx, 130mb ram, read3d starfighter vid card
 Or any other remedy, bettern than waiting for the
next version to come out.
 thanx a mil.


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Re: [newbie] Java in Opera

2002-03-27 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 00:49, Todd Slater wrote:
 I thought I had java installed correctly to work with Opera 6, but I can't
 get any applets to play (I got addicted to bejeweled). I downloaded and
 installed jre, then added the path to the plugin in Opera. I did get it to
 work in Netscape, but I'm not particularly fond of that browser.


I had a similar problem after installing Opera on my third computer. I could 
not understand what was different about the installations that prevented java 
working on one computer and not the others.

The solution tirned out to be the order in which I declared plugin paths in 
PreferencesMultimediapluginsPlugin Path

I asked on the Opera news group, and was advised to change the order of the 
plugin paths in the list. After that it worked..
That was with the third 'Technology preview' version. In the Beta version 
they have added a little pop up window to manage the plugin paths, so I am 
not sure if it is still position sensitive.
In any case make sure that one of the plugin paths points directly at your 
/usr/java/j2re1.4.0/plugin/i386/ns4 directory.


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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, software development]

2002-03-27 Thread Kenn Yahoo

not to bring up a sore subject, but after last year's presidential election
disaster, i'll no longer be surprised at ANYTHING the supreme court decides

- Original Message -
From: James Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, software

| I don't really understand the furor over this bill. It is obviously
| unconstitutional and, even if it passes, will not withstand the court
| and the Supreme Court. The only thing it's going to succeed in doing is
| getting Senator Hollings kicked out of Congress (and any of those that
| for this package).

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RE: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

2002-03-27 Thread Baka Attila Tams

short tutorial (If I remamber right)

1. download the source tar.gz of the nvidia kernel and glx
2. extract them to eg:
3. install them:
a) kernel
in a terminal go to their directory, su and write make install (if i
remamber right)
4.  Logout, go to terminal mode (ctrl+alt+F1), su
5. in /etc/X11/somethingidontremember/XF86config-4 modify
a) 'nv' to 'nvidia'
b) in the modules section write 'Load GLX'
6. in /etc/modules
write 'NVdriver'
7. Restart :-)

If you see an NVIDIA logo splashscreen at boot, you did it right :-)))


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carroll Grigsby
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

There is an article at the Mandrake Forum about getting nvidia cards to work
under 8.2, including the news that rpms will be available to Club members
later this week. If you're in that boat, why not take a look?
HTH --
-- cmg

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AW: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

2002-03-27 Thread - vom adi -

Do those driver work with my guillemont hercules prophet 2 mx ?

My mandrake recognized it as a nvidia gforce 2 mx ...

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Baka Attila
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. März 2002 15:28
Betreff: RE: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

short tutorial (If I remamber right)

1. download the source tar.gz of the nvidia kernel and glx
2. extract them to eg:
3. install them:
a) kernel
in a terminal go to their directory, su and write make install
(if i remamber right)
4.  Logout, go to terminal mode (ctrl+alt+F1), su
5. in /etc/X11/somethingidontremember/XF86config-4 modify
a) 'nv' to 'nvidia'
b) in the modules section write 'Load GLX'
6. in /etc/modules
write 'NVdriver'
7. Restart :-)

If you see an NVIDIA logo splashscreen at boot, you did it right :-)))


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carroll Grigsby
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

There is an article at the Mandrake Forum about getting nvidia cards to
work under 8.2, including the news that rpms will be available to Club
members later this week. If you're in that boat, why not take a look?
HTH --
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, software development]

2002-03-27 Thread shane

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 09:15 pm, Kenn Yahoo opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 not to bring up a sore subject, but after last year's presidential
 election disaster, i'll no longer be surprised at ANYTHING the supreme
 court decides ...

i would second that, but i am sure it would not be counted

The box said 'Requires Windows 95 or better.' So I installed LINUX

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Registered linux user #101606

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RE: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

2002-03-27 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Baka Attila Tamás
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 6:38 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

The bug is probably with the southbridge chip on your motherboard. Too bad
you have an AMD CPU :-( The same thing happened to a friend of mine. There
is a patch for this somewhere on the net I think. 8.2 works fine with


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of B.O. Jone
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 5:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

I wound up here after wondering around in search of a
miracle hand over my ailing Mandrake.
8.2 certainly laid a good foundation for linux future
development ahead of all other distros. But I have one
cripling problem on my system: crashes everywhere.
Crashes come during bootup at various
points--Loading..., Starting..., etc., but always at a
different point.
Crashes also come in routine file read/write
operations after clicking on a loaded file folder with
the Home icon.
I have an impression that the new kernel 2.4x, on
which 8.x is based, is not yet settled down,
especially in file-r/w functions.
One clear signal of crash is to see the hd pilot
light lit up without blinking.
When a crash happens, there is no remedy but to
switch off the power and start over. The key presses
like ctl-alt-bs/del and Xkill do not function.
My question: Is there a way to tweak the kernel (or
my machine) settings to smooth over my system--amd k6
300mhz mmx, 130mb ram, read3d starfighter vid card
Or any other remedy, bettern than waiting for the
next version to come out.
thanx a mil.

8.2 works very well with AMD processors also. The southbridge bug was way over blown IMHO. I have 3 computers running 8.1 and 8.2 no problem. I have to agree with previous post, it sounds like a RAM problem, especially since it occurs at differing times during boot. Check the RAM and let the list know how that turned out. HTH

Dennis M.

AW: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

2002-03-27 Thread - vom adi -

Everything about those nvidia drivers ... 

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Baka Attila
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. März 2002 15:28
Betreff: RE: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

short tutorial (If I remamber right)

1. download the source tar.gz of the nvidia kernel and glx
2. extract them to eg:
3. install them:
a) kernel
in a terminal go to their directory, su and write make install
(if i remamber right)
4.  Logout, go to terminal mode (ctrl+alt+F1), su
5. in /etc/X11/somethingidontremember/XF86config-4 modify
a) 'nv' to 'nvidia'
b) in the modules section write 'Load GLX'
6. in /etc/modules
write 'NVdriver'
7. Restart :-)

If you see an NVIDIA logo splashscreen at boot, you did it right :-)))


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carroll Grigsby
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

There is an article at the Mandrake Forum about getting nvidia cards to
work under 8.2, including the news that rpms will be available to Club
members later this week. If you're in that boat, why not take a look?
HTH --
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Anyone experienced w/ games under linux ?

2002-03-27 Thread shane

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 09:29 pm, - vom adi - opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 If got a prophet II mx ... With the gforce 2 MX chipset

 Games like UT , HalfLife [CS] Quake ?

not with that video card, i haven't but halflife and quake run very well 
thank you.

have a glance at

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[newbie] squid on single network firewall

2002-03-27 Thread maurizio . laudone

Hi guys
I just set up SNF on an old machineit loos like from the internal lan
I can see the firewall computer for the setup and from the firewall I can
see the external lan and the internet ( managed updating all the updatable
packages from one of the madrake ftps)...but i cannot see the internet from
the internal networkI suppose I have to set up the firewall to work
as a proxy as well.the set up of squid works fine till I get to the
point of setting up the allowed lan sourcei can inoput a single ip address
or a mask or anything but when I press ADDwell nothing gets added to
the list of the allowed onescan u please help me?? which is the right
format??any suggestion or ideas is very very much appreciated

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RE: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

2002-03-27 Thread Baka Attila Tamás

No, because on the same config debian runs just fine. And not all
southbridges are bad, I think only one series. 2 weeks ago I tried to solve
the problem...

I made a quick serach:

Do you wanna bet that MDK 8.1 would work? :-


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of shane
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 08:37 pm, Baka Attila Tamás opened a hailing
frequency and transmitted:

 The bug is probably with the southbridge chip on your motherboard. Too
 bad you have an AMD CPU :-( The same thing happened to a friend of mine.
 There is a patch for this somewhere on the net I think.   8.2 works
 fine with Intel...

errr, 8.2 is running just fine on this AMD southbridge and all.  me thinks
tis the RAM as was mentioned earlier.

Remember, to a tree being useful is a terminal illness.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606 @

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Re: COMMUNITY: Re: [newbie] Support? - a Solution ?

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer

Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 That's funny Carroll, I've got exactly the same shakes. Here in Denmark we have a 
special word for that kind of language
 : flosculature (slightly english-ified). I think it translates to something like 
gobbledygook. Extensively used by
 business-executives, marketing-gurus, civil-servants in suits and high-ranking 
desk-weenies. To have the shakes go away
 immidiately, I just read H.C. Andersen's : The Emperor's new Clothes.

Sorry for continuing this thread, which some people seem to object to.

I like the (new) word, or maybe some variation of it -- floculant, to
me, carries an implied meaning of something like extraneous -- not
really required, so I could see extending the definition from
goggledygook to something like extraneous gobbleddygook --
gobbleddygook not serving any purpose.  (Before I get flamed, in the
processes I was involved in (coalmining) -- floculant was an essential
element of some of the processes to clean coal.)

Perhaps unneccesary or extraneous  is already implied in the word? 
If not, I might adopt the word floculature (without the s) to mean
extraneous gobbledygook.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

2002-03-27 Thread shane

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 08:37 pm, Baka Attila Tamás opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 The bug is probably with the southbridge chip on your motherboard. Too
 bad you have an AMD CPU :-( The same thing happened to a friend of mine.
 There is a patch for this somewhere on the net I think.   8.2 works
 fine with Intel...

errr, 8.2 is running just fine on this AMD southbridge and all.  me thinks 
tis the RAM as was mentioned earlier.

Remember, to a tree being useful is a terminal illness.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] Codeweavers announcement (Office under Linux!)

2002-03-27 Thread Ronald J. Hall

I purchased the Codeweavers crossover app and I'm there mailing list. This
just came through, and I'm pretty sure various people would be interested in
it so I'm posting it here. ;-)


I am very excited to announce the next product in our
CrossOver family of products - CrossOver Office.

CrossOver Office will make it possible to install and use
popular Windows applications as easily as CrossOver Plugin
has made it to use Windows plugins, all without a Microsoft
Windows Operating System license.

Version 1.0 of CrossOver Office will support Microsoft Office 97,
Microsoft Office 2000, and Lotus Notes.  We hope to rapidly
expand our support throughout the year.

We have also made a major change in the way we deliver support
to our customers, in the hope that we can serve you better.

Specifically, we have built a completely new support
infrastructure which means that each customer support
email is assigned a ticket, and is tracked through our system.

We also are providing a new support web page,
which provides you with a place to search the support
archives and check up on the status of your requests.

The new support system, if you sign in 
(which is optional),  allows us to provide you
with some further features.  

First, we can now automatically remail you a full installation download,
which we hope will come in handy when you've lost yours or when we
have a version upgrade.

Second, and we hope importantly, we are offering a special discounted
price to all of our current CrossOver Plugin customers - you
can buy CrossOver Office for $39.95 instead of $54.95, if you go
through the download section of the new support web site.

Once again, I want to thank all of you.  Working with our customers
has been the greatest pleasure we have had these past 9 months.

Please let us know if you have any problems or concerns.


announce mailing list


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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer

Wally wrote:
 Is there some sort of web server installed by default? 

Sorry, I don't know.  I have three Linux installations at this point,
only one of which has Webmin installed.  It also happens to have Apache
installed and enabled, and webmin works.  Sometime when I get a chance
I'll install webmin on one of the boxes without Apache enabled and see
whether it works.  (On that box I did a which webmin and it wasn't
found, but I thought I had installed webmin on that box.)

 (Not familiar with
 the https prefix.) 

The s means it is some sort of secure variation of the http protocol
(maybe with something called ssl, which IIUC, is not the same as

Do I need some sort of GUI installed? 

Maybe -- I tried lynx https://localhost:1; on the box where webmin
workd in konqueror and I got a 401 error which I think is Start file
could not be found or is not text/html or text/plain.  I did this while
webmin was running (displayed) in a konqueror window.

Randy Kramer

 I'm not sure that
 Lynx (if it's there) is a route I want to follow. LIS, I want to learn the
 system behind webmin in any case - gotta know my way around at the command
 prompt. When the time comes, I guess I'll use linuxconf for the LAN settings
 (unless if find the settings files before then...).
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Re: [newbie] cannot partition

2002-03-27 Thread Michael Kovary

That is essentially what I've done, only I bought Ghost for the purpose of 
not having to reinstall windows.  And I still have windows on the 12 GB 
incase someting goes wrong, but using them both is not an option right now.  
I would just like to be able to repartition the new drive and finally get 
linux running on it!

Subject: Re: [newbie] cannot partition
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 03:37:04 -

- Original Message -
From: Blood Slap [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I've tried defragging multiple times in windows with rearrange files so
  my programs start faster turned off and on, but I get the same problem,
  so I will look for other defragmenting apps that might help, also

A reinstall is worth considering... Assemble the disks you will recquire 
copy essential settings (email servers and the like) into a text file. Wipe
the new drive and set up your Windows partition. Install Windows, drivers,
and the apps you use. Add the old drive to the same computer (set jumpers 
neccessary) and copy your data onto the new drive. (Or use a CD burner if
you have one.)

When you set up email and the like, copy'n'paste from the text file. If you
want to retain stuff like email folders, favourites, etc, it can usually be
done although the method can be Win version dependent. Don't wipe the old
drive for as long as you can avoid doing so - keep it for the purpose of
restoring stuff that you might have missed.

Although you might want to get a decent defragger at some point, this 
defrags for free, gets rid of all those apps that got tried out once and
were left lying, and doesn't take too long unless the app-count is high.
About an evening, tops. When you're done, back up the user settings
directories before the temp internet files folders are full of junk (faster

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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer

Wally wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  My main problem with man is that I have to know the name of the command in
  order to access the man file. Well, there's a bunch of commands with
  not-always-intuitive names and I don't have the sharpest memory.
I'm trying to address the same (similar) problem(s) by using a wiki
(actually TWiki).  I've created a page now called SearchingText (and
dedicated it to Carroll Grigsby).  Try going to and try the following

   * simple search, check topic name and search for searchingtext,
search, searching, or text.
   * simple search, check topic text and search for the same terms

As stated on the SearchingText page, is indexed by Google, so
after is indexed by Google (one to two months on current
cycles), you could search Google for this page, including using the site
qualifier as part of the search query.

If I learn how, I will try to get Google to index the site more
frequently, assuming I can do so on a no cost basis -- otherwise I may
look for sponsors of some sort.

One of my points is this -- a wiki is a collaborative tool.  Anyone who
registers (you need to pick a wiki name, a password, and specify the
country you are from, IIRC), can register and then edit or add pages. 
If you think this is a useful effort, feel free to register and
Eventually I plan to move WikiLearn to it's own site on sourceforge --
if anyone wants to help in that effort, take a look at

Randy Kramer

 What I'd like to see is a browsable front end. Not a GUI deal, just some
 text-mode screen that uses handy things like the arrow/esc/enter keys to let
 one move around dirs and files, letting one do useful stuff like 'read
 docs', 'get quick help', 'install', 'run', etc. Plenty of such stuff like
 that for DOS, but I don't think I've seen similar mentioned amongst linux
 Another problem is that it can be bewildering when there are so many choices
 for a given app (like text editors). On the MD8.1 download, they're just
 dumped into a single RPMs directory - how on earth is a newbie supposed to
 manage when the app he might or might not want is buried somewhere in a list
 of 2000 files? With an all-too-often obscure
 xmc3-2.11-mightworkifyou'relucky.rpm file name.
  One solution
  that I've found useful is the Linux Cookbook -- available on paper and
  online at It's task oriented, so that if I want to
  for a specific bit of text, and I can't remember whether I should use grep
  (or is it gerp? grope?) or some other tool, a few minutes scanning the
  chapter on searching text gets me pointed in the right direction.
 I'll have a look. Was at the local computer mega-store today (getting the
 modem) and had a look at their linux books. I didn't really feel that any of
 them fitted the bill - quite a few based around RedHat 7.x,  but I'm not
 sure how relevant that would be to Mandrake 8.1.
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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer

PS to Carroll: If you prefer not to have your name listed on the
referenced page, let me know, or, register and edit the page yourself

Aside: Maybe I should name the page LinuxCommandsForSearchingForText,
or something similar.

Randy Kramer

Randy Kramer wrote:
 Wally wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   My main problem with man is that I have to know the name of the command in
   order to access the man file. Well, there's a bunch of commands with
   not-always-intuitive names and I don't have the sharpest memory.
 I'm trying to address the same (similar) problem(s) by using a wiki
 (actually TWiki).  I've created a page now called SearchingText (and
 dedicated it to Carroll Grigsby).  Try going to and try the following

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Re: [newbie] OT CHEER UP Femme :)

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer

Hanan Shargi wrote:
 As for those who are charged for their connection by the BITs and BYTES,,,
 uum ,,, perhaps  its time for them to switch ISP's ???

As someone else has mentioned, people in foreign countries don't
necessarily have any option available that allows free unlimited
download from the Internet.  See for some
examples of the costs involved in a few situations.  (I welcome
additions to this list -- it may help we Americans remember that not
everybody has the same advantages that we take for granted.  Since it is
a wiki, you can edit and add pages yourself.  Don't worry too much about
format -- a wiki is a collaborative environment, and most likely someone
will be around to fix the format if appropriate.))

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] squid on single network firewall

2002-03-27 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 %_Hi guys
 I just set up SNF on an old machineit loos like from the internal lan
 I can see the firewall computer for the setup and from the firewall I can
 see the external lan and the internet ( managed updating all the updatable
 packages from one of the madrake ftps)...but i cannot see the internet from
 the internal networkI suppose I have to set up the firewall to work
 as a proxy as well.the set up of squid works fine till I get to the
 point of setting up the allowed lan sourcei can inoput a single ip address
 or a mask or anything but when I press ADDwell nothing gets added to
 the list of the allowed onescan u please help me?? which is the right
 format??any suggestion or ideas is very very much appreciated

Well u are going to have to use NAT
and ipvforwarding

What kind of a computer did you put SNF on (CPU - Memory)

Gerald Waugh
New Haven, CT United States of America

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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-27 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Randy Kramer wrote:
 %_Wally wrote:
  Is there some sort of web server installed by default? 
 Sorry, I don't know.  I have three Linux installations at this point,
 only one of which has Webmin installed.  It also happens to have Apache
 installed and enabled, and webmin works.  Sometime when I get a chance
 I'll install webmin on one of the boxes without Apache enabled and see
 whether it works.  (On that box I did a which webmin and it wasn't
 found, but I thought I had installed webmin on that box.)

No a web server is not installed by default,
Unless you actually select it to be installed.

Gerald Waugh
New Haven, CT United States of America

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Re: [newbie] What programs are you looking for?

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer

skinky wrote:
 I dont even know what a wiki or TWiki is!  I know you've mentioned this
 several times on list for other reasons but never got around to looking it up
 - although I've been to your site a few times.

In case it's not clear, my site is a wiki (TWiki).  Anyone who registers
can edit any of the existing pages or create new pages.  Editing uses a
simple markup language, but you can start by just entering plain text. 
Anyone can read and search the site.  Hope that gives you an overview.

Randy Kramer

 BTW, your instructions at your site on rsyncing a large file certainly
 prevented me from tearing ALL of my hair out a day or two ago.  Don't think I
 would have figured that one without help! Thanks Randy and others who

You're welcome -- glad it helped -- that's the intent!

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Re: [OT] Posting style [was: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!]

2002-03-27 Thread daRcmaTTeR

 Femme Fatale has helped me with a couple problems, and I've enjoyed
 reading her posts. In fact, I usually just delete posts that have
 that don't interest me, but a couple times I've checked in because I
 Femme had replied. Once or twice, that's led to me helping someone
that I
 wouldn't have otherwise.

 I find in each of the groups and lists I frequent, you get people who
 have to try to quash any posts that aren't 100% on topic, especially
 the off topic bit is fun (interestingly, they always - *always* -
 to get emailed support off-list).


those are called list nazis.  ;)

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Re: [newbie] proftpd configuration

2002-03-27 Thread daRcmaTTeR

 How do you add users to be able to connect to my ftp server?

are these already existing users on your system, or are they users apart
from your system such as remote users that would be connecting from
outside your local lan?

1) if they're users that already exist on your system then simply
editing the /etc/proftpd.conf file is all that is needed.

2) if they are remote users that do not have a login on your machine
then you will have to create a login for them, i.e. make a userID for
them on that machine as well as a groupID and then add them to the
Proftd config.


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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-27 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 10:54 am, Randy Kramer wrote:
 PS to Carroll: If you prefer not to have your name listed on the
 referenced page, let me know, or, register and edit the page yourself

 Aside: Maybe I should name the page LinuxCommandsForSearchingForText,
 or something similar.

 Randy Kramer

No problem. I've been associated with wacky plenty of times, but wiki is 
a whole new experience.
--- cmg

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Re: [newbie] cannot partition

2002-03-27 Thread daRcmaTTeR

- Original Message -
From: Michael Kovary [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] cannot partition

 I just tried FIPS, and I keep getting an error message telling me that
 partition tables don't match or something to that effect.  So right
now I
 running a surface scan to see if it can correct any problems, (don't
know if
 it will do any good at all)
 which might be done by the time I wake up in the


I just a new Dell box with XP on a 40GB drive. The way I did it was
knowing that resizing with Diskdrake would likely wipe out some needed
files on the XP system I ran the Mandrake install. (Being VERY sure to
make a boot floppy during the install) Did all the partition resizing,
installed Mandrake and then reinstalled XP on the same drive. Worked
like a charm.

When I was finished with the XP reinstall I booted back into Mandrake
with the boot floppy and re-ran lilo to reinstall the bootloader to the
front of the drive and everything works just as it's supposed to.

By the took only 23 minutes to install Mandrake and be able to
run it and get some stuff done. The XP reinstall took almost an hour
which included reformatting the windows partition and all that needs to
be done. I don't know yet if Mandrake can see the NTFS partition, but I
do know that the kernel supports that.


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Re: [newbie] Now I've done it....

2002-03-27 Thread Curt Tresenriter

At 02:52 PM 3/26/02 -0300, you wrote:

El mar, 26-03-2002 a las 13:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
  I'm dual booting mdk 8.1 on two different drives - or I was...

  I tried to re-install 8.1 (on hdb) - Formatted root and /boot leaving /home
  alone and chose no packages.


yes, that LI-- means your boot sector is not working right. to fix it,
you gotta rewrite hda's boot sector.

boot rescue mode and run lilo ( /sbin/lilo ). that should do it.



Unfortunately not...
It looked like it rewrote LILO  - it added vmlinuz, etc but I got this 
mesage : Warning BIOS drive 0x82 may not be accessible.
On re-booting it hung at LI again.

insert 1st cd
rescue mode
chroot \mnt --to simulate your system
init 5 ---graphic mode
go to control center and reinstall lilo.
hope to help

After chroot /mnt I ran init 5 and got
INIT: Switching to runlevel : 5
INIT: Sending process the TERM signal

I let it sit for 10 min or so - the cursor sat below the above, blinking 
until I shut it down.

Also tried re-install again - thanks Brian - It wouldn't let me choose 
upgrade - I chose /boot to be formatted.
A message told me:
  I can't read your partition table it's too corrupted for me :(
I can try to go on blanking bad partitions (All DATA will be lost)
The other solution is to modify the partition table.
(The error is no normal partition in extended partition)

I chose not to lose all data and continued but on re-booting - hung at LI 
Also tried installing 8.2 after switching to boot from the cd but it didn't 
seem to see the cd and hung at LI once more

Have I run out of options?

Just found Femme's suggestion. I'm off to try it.

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[newbie] Linux User Groups

2002-03-27 Thread William R. Nash

Hello Everyone,

 I have been talking with several people 
about starting up a Linux user group in Hiram, GA. This is my plan so 
1. Teach people to use Linux.
2. Build computers with Linux installed and 
set them up for local schools so they will have computers and internet server 
for free.
3. Learn to program free software for 

My question is that I'm not sure how to get this 
started or if this is something that people would like to see happen. Any 
help on this would be appreciated. Thanks Bill Nash.

[newbie] try again: Kernel problem in 8.2

2002-03-27 Thread PBone

Like others I have a problem with the 8.2 kernel. My problem is that whenever 
I access the internet the computer either crashes hard or spontaneously 
reboots. I access my ISP fine and the page starts loading and then crash. My 
system logs say nothing except restart.

It must be a kernel problem because I have been running 8.1 with no problems. 
I have reinstalled 8.2 twice with exactly the same problem- I even downloaded 
the kernel separately from the net and it still had the same problem. What I 
am doing now is running 8.2 with the 8.1 kernel and there seem to be no 
problems (except that galeon keeps crashing).

My system is an Athlon 1000 Tbird on an Epox KTA2 board.

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Re: [newbie] Linux User Groups

2002-03-27 Thread Charlie

On March 27, 2002 10:33 am, William R. Nash sent these bytes to ponder:
 Hello Everyone,
   I have been talking with several people about starting up a Linux user 
group in Hiram, GA.  This is my plan so far.  
 1.  Teach people to use Linux.
 2.  Build computers with Linux installed and set them up for local schools 
so they will have computers and internet server for free.
 3.  Learn to program free software for Linux.
 My question is that I'm not sure how to get this started or if this is 
something that people would like to see happen.  Any help on this would be 
appreciated.  Thanks Bill Nash.
This should help: 

Edmonton. AB., Canada
Linux MDK 8.1 and
Registered user 244963 at Linux Counter
10:56am up 2 days, 18:29, 2 users, load average: 1.46, 1.21, 1.11

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Re: [newbie] Linux User Groups

2002-03-27 Thread Charlie

Also: This page

Edmonton. AB., Canada
Linux MDK 8.1 and
Registered user 244963 at Linux Counter
11:00am up 2 days, 18:33, 2 users, load average: 1.28, 1.21, 1.12

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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, software development]

2002-03-27 Thread James Thomas

I know, the bloody thing puts it there automatically. But the email service 
is good, and well, it didn't used to be Microsoft! :)


Did you know your post is carrying a MS advert?

Thanks, I needed that.  *chuckle*


On Wednesday 27 March 2002 05:09 am, you wrote:
  I don't really understand the furor over this bill. It is obviously 
  unconstitutional and, even if it passes, will not withstand the court 
  and the Supreme Court. The only thing it's going to succeed in doing is
  getting Senator Hollings kicked out of Congress (and any of those that 
  for this package).
  Let them kiss their own a**es good-bye, it'll be fun to watch their
  political careers go down in flames!
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Registered Linux abuser #223705

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with

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Re: [newbie] What programs are you looking for?

2002-03-27 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Randy Kramer wrote:
 %_skinky wrote:
  I dont even know what a wiki or TWiki is!  I know you've mentioned this
  several times on list for other reasons but never got around to looking it up
  - although I've been to your site a few times.
 In case it's not clear, my site is a wiki (TWiki).  Anyone who registers
 can edit any of the existing pages or create new pages.  Editing uses a
 simple markup language, but you can start by just entering plain text. 
 Anyone can read and search the site.  Hope that gives you an overview.
 Randy Kramer
  BTW, your instructions at your site on rsyncing a large file certainly
  prevented me from tearing ALL of my hair out a day or two ago.  Don't think I
  would have figured that one without help! Thanks Randy and others who
 You're welcome -- glad it helped -- that's the intent!

Where are these instructions for rsync?

Gerald Waugh
New Haven, CT United States of America

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Re: [newbie] Now I've done it....

2002-03-27 Thread Curt Tresenriter

At 04:51 PM 3/26/02 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Femme!
When you say it should take me to the CLI prompt, are you referring to 
the rescue disk?
Also, being barely familiar with CLI, I'm not sure what commands/options to 
use to get to /lilo.conf
I tried saying ~ man 8 mount ~ but it said no such file or directory.

It should take you to a CLI prompt.  From there, edit the lilo.conf
file to point to hdab instead of hda.

type sbin/lilo again its done I believe.

If that fails well...ever heard the saying you're reinstalling ? :)


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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RE: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-27 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of sda
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 04:53:48AM -0500, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 A wise man once told me that griping the griper was unproductive. To
 that wise man, I now offer my apologies, and the offering that this
 exchange is in no way an attempt to disrespect his advice.

Obviously you don't listen then...

 I've been taking note of this exchange for some time now, and since I
 feel like I've pretty well grokked it, I'm going to lay down my wooden
 nickel's worth. Since it's a free country and a list-of-liberty and

Oh I bet you have - since I dusted you last time, want to take a poke
now eh?

 My first observation is that, Steve, you're an asshole. You love to
 wallow in your own mental feces. I don't know what your personal
 problems are, but this list and the female members are not your
 psychologic dumping ground.

Hey I might be an asshole, but I'm not a stupid one like you appear to
come across as...

 Now if you've got something like this to say to any female on the list,
 ( being as concerned about bandwidth as you are )my second observation
 is that you have the option to go private. You did not do this. Now
 where I come from, if you walk up to somebody's girlfriend or wife and
 say something like what you've said below to them, you end up with a
 black eye and checking out the taste of the local dirt. But of course
 you're not going to go private with shit like you've said below, are
 you? Because your true aim is not to correct what you propagandize as
 OT's or bandwidth transgressions. Your true aim is to hurt and
 embarrass Femme to maximum effect; everything else is just a shield or
 an excuse. Lack of a private exchange is irrefutable evidence, since a
 private exchange in your case would have been setting an example for
 OT's or bandwidth transgressions.

No some things need to be said, and I've received quite a bit of
encouragement from others on this list who found many of her posts
inappropriate for a technical forum. I just don't care for the cutesy
aspect of a young woman flirting on an adult list. I have several friends 
in law enforcement and one with the horsemen [RCMP]. Over time they've
remarked when investigating cybercrime, specifically older men caught
seducing young girls online, that often these men thought they were
talking to women considerably older. These seem policemen mentioned
that one of the problems they have to deal with is that women often chat
like young teenage girls online - vis-a-vis some of the exchanges I've
seen on this list with unowho. I just wish to put an end to some of this
nonsense, women shouldn't flirt with strange men in real life, so why
should it be considered proper in an online forum, especially one like
this one? Something I hope you fellas consider before thinking you're
defending a damsel in distress. Methinks she has probably a few issues
to deal with and finding them here is NOT appropriate.

 I'll tell you this though; if this list was a party or a get together
 and we were all together in person, I know for a fact that you would not
 have been as courageous as you've been below with your female target. 
 You may be an asshole, but you're not stupid.

No I'm not stupid and but I realize you like to jump to conclusions -
whatever floats yer boat. Swim on.

 -^- -^-
 ? ? Steve
  ' `
I would suggest that it is time to let this thread die. There are enough other things to address than this type of thing. If you don't like the way some one posts or participates put a filter on. Length of time on the list has little to do with how a post is made. I have been on the list for about 2years now, I find that it is community and that for the most part it is made up of people trying to help others or looking for help. I've been both and I don,t mind adding a little humor to my posts (some might say very little humor). Tongue in cheek is ok too. So folks let's just let it lay for now. Thanks.

Dennis M.


Re: [newbie] Now I've done it....

2002-03-27 Thread Damian

El mié, 27-03-2002 a las 14:32, Curt Tresenriter escribió:
 At 02:52 PM 3/26/02 -0300, you wrote:
 El mar, 26-03-2002 a las 13:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
   I'm dual booting mdk 8.1 on two different drives - or I was...
   I tried to re-install 8.1 (on hdb) - Formatted root and /boot leaving /home
   alone and chose no packages.
 yes, that LI-- means your boot sector is not working right. to fix it,
 you gotta rewrite hda's boot sector.
 boot rescue mode and run lilo ( /sbin/lilo ). that should do it.
 Unfortunately not...
 It looked like it rewrote LILO  - it added vmlinuz, etc but I got this 
 mesage : Warning BIOS drive 0x82 may not be accessible.
 On re-booting it hung at LI again.
 insert 1st cd
 rescue mode
 chroot \mnt --to simulate your system
 init 5 ---graphic mode
 go to control center and reinstall lilo.
 hope to help
 After chroot /mnt I ran init 5 and got
 INIT: Switching to runlevel : 5
 INIT: Sending process the TERM signal
 I let it sit for 10 min or so - the cursor sat below the above, blinking 
 until I shut it down.
 Also tried re-install again - thanks Brian - It wouldn't let me choose 
 upgrade - I chose /boot to be formatted.
 A message told me:
   I can't read your partition table it's too corrupted for me :(
 I can try to go on blanking bad partitions (All DATA will be lost)
 The other solution is to modify the partition table.
 (The error is no normal partition in extended partition)
 I chose not to lose all data and continued but on re-booting - hung at LI 
 Also tried installing 8.2 after switching to boot from the cd but it didn't 
 seem to see the cd and hung at LI once more
 Have I run out of options?

one thing on your side when this kind of problem appears, you are never
out of options.

it looks like the installation can't find a primary partition on that

 try entering the installation, and on the bar 
at the left which shows in what stage of the installation you are,
click on boot loader or anything that is past the packages
this way you don't touch your system in any way, but the installer
will try to find which OSses you got installed and will reconfigure
your MBR and boot loader.

anyway, if you can access partitions ( you don't need to be able to
boot them ) you can redo the partitioning without erasing any data.
if i understand correctly, you have two HD's, right? 

boot in rescue mode and go into midnight commander ( the command
is  mc  ) backup your data from one disk to the other. then 
redo all partitioning of the backed-up disk from scratch. then
restore the data you backed up.

later, you can do the same on the other. the one that you used as a
will be the one backed-up, and repartition it.

you can use the dd command to make exact copies of the data contained 
in one partition. 

anyway this is the hard way to do it, maybe you can fix your
problem without re-doing all your partitions..

good luck


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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0

2002-03-27 Thread Damian

El mar, 26-03-2002 a las 08:48, ed tharp escribió:
  i don't think it is yet out from sun, so you won't find it.  if you wish to
  join as a silver member at the mandrake users club you can get it and much
  more, but it will set you back $120
 Really? I am a silver member, but when I joined I saw a thing that said the 
 benifits were the same for all club members, reguardless of level of 
 membershiip. has that changed?

yes it has, ed. someone from mandrake, according to what i've been 
reading, recently said that

benifits were the same for all club members, reguardless of level of 
 membershiip. was missing a last part: at the moment

i'm not sure where you can find the article, but if you search for it
on, you will find it, it's pretty new.


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[newbie] Re: [newbie] squid on single network firewall

2002-03-27 Thread maurizio . laudone

it's a p166mhz with 64 mega RAM
it  should be alright at least reading the system requirements.

-- Messaggio Originale --

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 %_Hi guys
 I just set up SNF on an old machineit loos like from the internal
 I can see the firewall computer for the setup and from the firewall I
 see the external lan and the internet ( managed updating all the updatable
 packages from one of the madrake ftps)...but i cannot see the internet
 the internal networkI suppose I have to set up the firewall to work
 as a proxy as well.the set up of squid works fine till I get to the
 point of setting up the allowed lan sourcei can inoput a single ip
 or a mask or anything but when I press ADDwell nothing gets added
 the list of the allowed onescan u please help me?? which is the right
 format??any suggestion or ideas is very very much appreciated

Well u are going to have to use NAT
and ipvforwarding

What kind of a computer did you put SNF on (CPU - Memory)

Gerald Waugh
New Haven, CT United States of America

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Re: [newbie] cannot partition

2002-03-27 Thread Damian

El mié, 27-03-2002 a las 14:29, daRcmaTTeR escribió:
 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Kovary [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] cannot partition
  I just tried FIPS, and I keep getting an error message telling me that
  partition tables don't match or something to that effect.  So right
 now I
  running a surface scan to see if it can correct any problems, (don't
 know if
  it will do any good at all)
  which might be done by the time I wake up in the
 I just a new Dell box with XP on a 40GB drive. The way I did it was
 knowing that resizing with Diskdrake would likely wipe out some needed
 files on the XP system I ran the Mandrake install. (Being VERY sure to
 make a boot floppy during the install) Did all the partition resizing,
 installed Mandrake and then reinstalled XP on the same drive. Worked
 like a charm.
 When I was finished with the XP reinstall I booted back into Mandrake
 with the boot floppy and re-ran lilo to reinstall the bootloader to the
 front of the drive and everything works just as it's supposed to.
 By the took only 23 minutes to install Mandrake and be able to
 run it and get some stuff done. The XP reinstall took almost an hour
 which included reformatting the windows partition and all that needs to
 be done. I don't know yet if Mandrake can see the NTFS partition, but I
 do know that the kernel supports that.

what i know may be already old, but when XP came out, we couldn't mount
it's ntfs partitions because it's slightly different from the prior
versions and it doesn't work. if you want to mount ntfs in linux, you 
don't have to let XP installer make it's own ntfs. make one yourself
with partition magic, or diskdrake, or whatever and then put XP on

again, this may already be solved. i honestly dunno.


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Re: [newbie] Linux User Groups

2002-03-27 Thread Jan Wilson

* William R. Nash [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020327 11:42]:
  I have been talking with several people about starting up a Linux user
group in Hiram, GA.  This is my plan so far. 
1.  Teach people to use Linux.
2.  Build computers with Linux installed and set them up for local schools
so they will have computers and internet server for free.

Check out the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) at

It works great with Mandrake.  We are promoting it (and Linux) in
Belize, and trying to get a Belize Linux User Group going.

We figure between hardware and software savings we can save a school
about 2/3 the cost of going the Billy-way.

3.  Learn to program free software for Linux.
My question is that I'm not sure how to get this started or if this is
something that people would like to see happen.  Any help on this would be
appreciated.  Thanks Bill Nash.

Google is your friend.  Search for Linux user groups and you'll get
LOTS of stuff.  There's even a howto or two that apply, and an
organization or two.

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, SQL, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer


Thanks for the response!

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 No problem. I've been associated with wacky plenty of times, but wiki is
 a whole new experience.

Me too (wacky), but I think you'll find wiki is a little different ;-)

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] System slowdown

2002-03-27 Thread Justin

I was curious if anyone experienced anything like this using Mandrake, and
knew how to fix it. I'm running Mandrake 8.2 with the KDE windows enviornment
that comes packaged with it, on a 1.2ghz AMD Thunderbird processor, a GeForce
MX-200 video card, 256 RAM, and a Mainboard motherboard.
I only installed Mandrake a few days ago, and since then I've had problems
with it crashing programmes as it loads them, as in it starts loading them,
and then while it's attempting to load them, it doesn't quite manage to do so
and the programme just closes, and after that it seems as if my computer has
slowed down, and the more times it happens, the worse it gets, each time a
program doesn't quite load, my system gets slower, and there are more
programmes that it happens with.

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Re: [newbie] OT CHEER UP Femme :)

2002-03-27 Thread Robin Turner

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 18:00, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Hanan Shargi wrote:
  As for those who are charged for their connection by the BITs and
  BYTES,,, uum ,,, perhaps  its time for them to switch ISP's ???

 As someone else has mentioned, people in foreign countries don't
 necessarily have any option available that allows free unlimited
 download from the Internet.  

And we should remember that in most countries, local calls are not free as 
they are in America.  I have a free Internet connection, but until recently 
it was going through my normal phone line, charged at the normal phone rate 
(and Turkey apparently has the highest phone charges in Europe).

OTOH, we should keep things in proportion.  A text e-mail is usually around 
1K (this one is 750 bytes so far).  Even a small JPEG image is at least 5K, 
and a decent-sized one can be 50-100K.  Opening a typical web page with a 
couple of banner ads is going to take up at least 30K (unless you disble 
graphics or use lynx, of course!).  IMHO, the real wasters of bandwidth are 
not people who make irrelevant posts, they are people who spam you with 
graphic-heavy HTML mails, and well-intentioned friends who think you might 
find the attached 1.5M powerpoint slideshow amusing.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0

2002-03-27 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 18:40, Damian wrote:
 El mar, 26-03-2002 a las 08:48, ed tharp escribió:
   i don't think it is yet out from sun, so you won't find it.  if you
   wish to join as a silver member at the mandrake users club you can get
   it and much more, but it will set you back $120
  Really? I am a silver member, but when I joined I saw a thing that said
  the benifits were the same for all club members, reguardless of level of
  membershiip. has that changed?

 yes it has, ed. someone from mandrake, according to what i've been
 reading, recently said that

 benifits were the same for all club members, reguardless of level of
  membershiip. was missing a last part: at the moment

 i'm not sure where you can find the article, but if you search for it
 on, you will find it, it's pretty new.


Before anyone upgrades their Mandrake Club membership to get hold of Star 
Office 6.0 you might like to check out this review comparing it to OpenOffice

(BTW: Contrary to what the article says printing to pdf with OpenOffice is a 
breeze with Mandrake 8.2.  Just use CUPS, and OO can then print to a pdf 
pseudo printer)


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Re: [newbie] cannot partition

2002-03-27 Thread daRcmaTTeR

  I just tried FIPS, and I keep getting an error message telling me
  partition tables don't match or something to that effect.  So right
 now I
  running a surface scan to see if it can correct any problems, (don't
 know if
  it will do any good at all)
  which might be done by the time I wake up in the


 I just a new Dell box with XP on a 40GB drive. The way I did it was
 knowing that resizing with Diskdrake would likely wipe out some needed
 files on the XP system I ran the Mandrake install. (Being VERY sure to
 make a boot floppy during the install) Did all the partition resizing,
 installed Mandrake and then reinstalled XP on the same drive. Worked
 like a charm.

 When I was finished with the XP reinstall I booted back into Mandrake
 with the boot floppy and re-ran lilo to reinstall the bootloader to
 front of the drive and everything works just as it's supposed to.

 By the took only 23 minutes to install Mandrake and be able to
 run it and get some stuff done. The XP reinstall took almost an hour
 which included reformatting the windows partition and all that needs
 be done. I don't know yet if Mandrake can see the NTFS partition, but
 do know that the kernel supports that.


what i know may be already old, but when XP came out, we couldn't mount
it's ntfs partitions because it's slightly different from the prior
versions and it doesn't work. if you want to mount ntfs in linux, you
don't have to let XP installer make it's own ntfs. make one yourself
with partition magic, or diskdrake, or whatever and then put XP on

again, this may already be solved. i honestly dunno.



You're probably correct about that as I've not yet attempted to read the
Windows partition from Mandrake. And if it wouldn't cooperate thats ok
too cause most of my attention will be spent in getting Samba to accept
a second machine being added to it's network. Personally I think
administrating Novell Netware is easier then Samba.


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[newbie] OMG u have to see this!!!

2002-03-27 Thread Sujeet Akula

vvv click here vvv

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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[newbie] HELP: File System Errors

2002-03-27 Thread Pauljames Dimitriu

I've got an ugly problem.

When I boot my computer I get a message saying File
System Errors, would you like to fix this problem

In the Graphical startup, I get what looks like two
buttons at the bottom of the screen saying Yes or
No, but I can't do antyhing w/ them.

When I boot into failsafe, I can get to a prompt, but
if I type in fsch (is this the command), nothing
happens.  I get the same question would you like
to fix this error.  When I type Yes, I get a message
saying that it failed.

How do I fix this?



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Re: [newbie] Publish kernel status in HTML?

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer

Barry Michels wrote:
 Great!  Exactly what I was looking for  more.

You're welcome!

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware,software development]

2002-03-27 Thread Roger Sherman

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, James Thomas wrote:

 I know, the bloody thing puts it there automatically. But the email service 
 is good, and well, it didn't used to be Microsoft! :)

And it's not totally out of place in this case...M$ is as against the bill 
as we are, or so I read...

 Did you know your post is carrying a MS advert?
 Thanks, I needed that.  *chuckle*
 On Wednesday 27 March 2002 05:09 am, you wrote:
   I don't really understand the furor over this bill. It is obviously 
   unconstitutional and, even if it passes, will not withstand the court 
   and the Supreme Court. The only thing it's going to succeed in doing is
   getting Senator Hollings kicked out of Congress (and any of those that 
   for this package).
   Let them kiss their own a**es good-bye, it'll be fun to watch their
   political careers go down in flames!
   Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
 Registered Linux abuser #223705
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registered linux user #190719
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Re: [newbie] Java path for Konqueror.

2002-03-27 Thread Derek Jennings

Doh... I've just realised that twice today I have given you bad information.

Deleting kdeglobals fixes the problem when your fonts go all weird in KDE, 
not the konqueror thing.  My apologies...

To fix the konqueror not starting up issue you have to delete

Deleting this file will lose all your konqueror preferences fonts etc.
It will not delete your bookmarks, or affect your mails, but if you are 
nervous just rename the file. You could then change it back again later if 
you wished.

Strange that you do not see the 'Netscape Plugins' page under 
KDEControlCenterWebBrowsing It ought to appear as soon as you install the 

Which version of kdebase-nsplugins did you install? Does the version number 
match your installed version of KDE? It was made for Mandrake wasn't it?

Sorry for giving you bad info,, but at least now you know what to do if KDE 
suddenly starts to not find some fonts  ;-)


On Wednesday 27 March 2002 22:03, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 Will I lose my bookmarks and my kmail addresses and old emails? That is all
 what I am worried about.
 BTW, I do not see any new entry called 'Netscape Plugins' or a button
 called 'Scan for new plugins'  or a  'scan for new plugins at startup' box.
 I am able to get to the Konqueror browser settings through the KDE
 configuration menus. I do not need to have Konqueror running to do that.


 On Wednesday 27 March 2002 01:26 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
  Thats the problem I mentioned when you have the 'Scan for plugins at
  startup' checkbox set.
  You do not have to uninstall. To fix the problem just delete the hidden
  file /home/youruser/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals
  On the next login KDE will recreate it again and konq should then load
  Warning- You will lose your desktop wallpaper/themes etc when you delete
  that file, so you will have to set up your desktop again.
  On Wednesday 27 March 2002 20:55, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
   Hi Derek,
   I installed the rpm and rebooted. Now Konqueror does not come up any
   more. Whenever I clik an a Konqueror icon I can see it on the task bar
   trying to come up but then it fails to come up. If I try to start
   konqueror from the command line in a terminal window, nothing happens.
   No error message gets listd and I can see a  konqueror process listed
   when I do a ps.
   Consequently, my system now qualifies as broken. Should I uninstall
   konqueror using the software manager and then install it again? will
   this work?
   On Wednesday 27 March 2002 04:30 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 I have both Netscape and Mozilla installed. I searched for the
 kdelinbs-nsplugins rpm mentioned below on both rpmfind and
 tuxfinder but it could not be found. Is there a typo error in the
 rpm name?


Doh..   Sorry   My mistake  .Problem between keyboard and brain..
The RPM is kdebase-nsplugins  and it is on your Mandrake distribution
CD, For some reason in 8.1 it is not installed by default, although
in 8.2 it is.

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[OT] was: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-27 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 11:40:16 -0500
sda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Over time they've
 remarked when investigating cybercrime, specifically older men caught
 seducing young girls online, that often these men thought they were
 talking to women considerably older. These seem policemen mentioned
 that one of the problems they have to deal with is that women often chat
 like young teenage girls online - vis-a-vis some of the exchanges I've
 seen on this list with unowho. I just wish to put an end to some of this
 nonsense, women shouldn't flirt with strange men in real life, so why
 should it be considered proper in an online forum, especially one like
 this one? Something I hope you fellas consider before thinking you're
 defending a damsel in distress. Methinks she has probably a few issues
 to deal with and finding them here is NOT appropriate.

women shouldn't flirt with strange men in real life you say? You mean
it's OK for men to flirt with strange women (or men :) ) , and with 'strange'
you mean what?? Ever heard of 'human rights' ;)

  I'll tell you this though; if this list was a party or a get together
  and we were all together in person, I know for a fact that you would not
  have been as courageous as you've been below with your female target. 
  You may be an asshole, but you're not stupid.
 No I'm not stupid and but I realize you like to jump to conclusions -
 whatever floats yer boat. Swim on.


Btw, I just read Dennis.R.Myers's post, I agree ;)

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Re: [newbie] Java path for Konqueror.

2002-03-27 Thread Seedkum Aladeem

I have LM8.1 running and the rpm came from the 8.1 CDs!
Do you want me to do more trouble shooting before I delete that file? 
There always was a plugins tab because I installed Mozilla (and Netscape) 
with the 8.1 install; but not Netscape Pligins or any of those other 
buttons/checkboxes you mentioned.


On Wednesday 27 March 2002 03:07 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Doh... I've just realised that twice today I have given you bad

 Deleting kdeglobals fixes the problem when your fonts go all weird in KDE,
 not the konqueror thing.  My apologies...

 To fix the konqueror not starting up issue you have to delete

 Deleting this file will lose all your konqueror preferences fonts etc.
 It will not delete your bookmarks, or affect your mails, but if you are
 nervous just rename the file. You could then change it back again later if
 you wished.

 Strange that you do not see the 'Netscape Plugins' page under
 KDEControlCenterWebBrowsing It ought to appear as soon as you install the

 Which version of kdebase-nsplugins did you install? Does the version number
 match your installed version of KDE? It was made for Mandrake wasn't it?

 Sorry for giving you bad info,, but at least now you know what to do if KDE
 suddenly starts to not find some fonts  ;-)


 On Wednesday 27 March 2002 22:03, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  Will I lose my bookmarks and my kmail addresses and old emails? That is
  all what I am worried about.
  BTW, I do not see any new entry called 'Netscape Plugins' or a button
  called 'Scan for new plugins'  or a  'scan for new plugins at startup'
  box. I am able to get to the Konqueror browser settings through the KDE
  configuration menus. I do not need to have Konqueror running to do that.
  On Wednesday 27 March 2002 01:26 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
   Thats the problem I mentioned when you have the 'Scan for plugins at
   startup' checkbox set.
   You do not have to uninstall. To fix the problem just delete the hidden
   file /home/youruser/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals
   On the next login KDE will recreate it again and konq should then load
   Warning- You will lose your desktop wallpaper/themes etc when you
   delete that file, so you will have to set up your desktop again.
   On Wednesday 27 March 2002 20:55, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
Hi Derek,
I installed the rpm and rebooted. Now Konqueror does not come up any
more. Whenever I clik an a Konqueror icon I can see it on the task
bar trying to come up but then it fails to come up. If I try to start
konqueror from the command line in a terminal window, nothing
happens. No error message gets listd and I can see a  konqueror
process listed when I do a ps.
Consequently, my system now qualifies as broken. Should I uninstall
konqueror using the software manager and then install it again? will
this work?
On Wednesday 27 March 2002 04:30 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
  I have both Netscape and Mozilla installed. I searched for the
  kdelinbs-nsplugins rpm mentioned below on both rpmfind and
  tuxfinder but it could not be found. Is there a typo error in the
  rpm name?

 Doh..   Sorry   My mistake  .Problem between keyboard and brain..

 The RPM is kdebase-nsplugins  and it is on your Mandrake
 distribution CD, For some reason in 8.1 it is not installed by
 default, although in 8.2 it is.


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Re: COMMUNITY: Re: [newbie] Support? - a Solution ?

2002-03-27 Thread Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 03:13 pm, you wrote:

 Thanks for the response -- looks like flosculature will do the job.

 Randy Kramer

 Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Yes, Randy. In danish a floskel is some buzzword that
  talkative,unconscious people repeat over and over again, whenever they
  are short of real arguments. They tend to think it makes them look
  intelligent. To them, silence is unthinkable.
Floculant in engineering or chemical  terms is a material in water or more 
importantly sewage treatment that clumps very  small particles together to 
get them to have enough mass to settle out of the liquid carrier.  Thus 
flosculature is an appropo word to describe verbage that clumps things 
together and seperates them from the real media involved and giving them 
questionable meaning.  Oh, I think I just commited flosculature. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

2002-03-27 Thread FemmeFatale

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 There is an article at the Mandrake Forum about getting nvidia cards to work
 under 8.2, including the news that rpms will be available to Club members
 later this week. If you're in that boat, why not take a look?
 HTH --
 -- cmg
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so...if you're not a club member you get no RPM later?

Is that correct?

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Java path for Konqueror.

2002-03-27 Thread Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 26 March 2002 11:47 am, you wrote:
 El mar, 26-03-2002 a las 03:29, Seedkum Aladeem escribió:
  I have java runtime environment j2rel.4.0 installed (still on LM8.1) and
  Konqueror needs to know the path to the executable and the required
  arguments. Can someone please tell me which file the path is for so that
  I figure out the rquired path and what the arguments should be?




Here is what I do. Since I am always messing with my installation and 
frequently do a total reinstall or an upgrade to keep things current, I have 
placed the jre in my /home/dennis directory. That way when I reinstall I 
generally do not reformat /home and I still have the latest jre accessable 
without doing a new download. I then open the konqueror configuration and 
point konqueror at 
/home/dennis/jre1.3.1/bin/java  This works for me cause I am the only user, 
but it could be copied or linked to the /usr/share directory also I think. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

2002-03-27 Thread Miark

I could be wrong, but I don't think Mandrake has the right to 
give it away to everyone via their web site or the free
download CDs. It's either that, or they don't freely make it 
available because they can't fully support closed-source drivers.

Either way, who cares? Mandrake has good reasons for whatever
they do, and if you don't get the drivers from Mandrake, you _will_ 
get them from nVidia's own website.

Nobody goes without.


 so...if you're not a club member you get no RPM later?
 Is that correct?

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 and nvidia

2002-03-27 Thread Robin Turner

On Thursday 28 March 2002 01:54, FemmeFatale wrote:
 Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  There is an article at the Mandrake Forum about getting nvidia cards to
  work under 8.2, including the news that rpms will be available to Club
  members later this week. If you're in that boat, why not take a look?

 so...if you're not a club member you get no RPM later?

 Is that correct?

Civileme may be able to enlighten us more, but AFAIK the reason why it's a 
Club thing is that the standard Mandrake distro is Open Source only, and the 
nvidia drivers are closed source - they're free as in beer but not as in 
speech.  Shouldn't matter much anyway - RPMs are a little easier, but unless 
8.2 is radically different from 8.0 (which is what I have at home), 
installing the nvidia drivers is straightforward enough (see earlier posts).  
In any case, XFree86 works passably on its own - you get some increase in 
performance if you install nvidia's own drivers, but nothing to write home 
about (unless you're an avid 3D gamer).


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[newbie] What programs

2002-03-27 Thread J or M Montgomery

On 17 Mar 2002 12:52, Nelson Bartley wrote:

  I've begun to develop an insterest in Linux programming and I was
  wondering what applications, you as the linux beginner, are looking for?
  Setup files, scripts, GUI programs, anything, as I'm interested in
  trying my hand at it.
I guess I am at the end of a long list now :-(

There is a really nifty Windows editor called Note Tab. The lite version 
is free. Aside from being a pretty good standard text editor, it has the 
ability to strip all html directives out of a downloaded page, leaving 
pure text.  I have not found a linux editor which will do this. If 
anyone knows of such a one please let us know about it.

There is another Win 9x editor called I think, Simple Edit.  It is 
shareware and although it will strip html code it is not as nice an 
editor in my opinion.


John Montgomery

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2002-03-27 Thread Damian

El mié, 27-03-2002 a las 18:35, John Richard Smith escribió:
 I have a dualboot LM8.1  and a LM7.2,( kept for use of one app )
 Today I went to use that app and the bootup failed.
 It occured after I had changed the boot loader from Grub to Lilo
 in LM8.1. and ran /sbin/lilo   everything OK.
 Anyway, the boot began :-
 Hardware detection ...
 when page comes to rest,
 /bil/scsi_mod.0:unresolved symbol blk_queue_headactive_Ra0832d7d
 --- 4 more lines in similar vein -
 Error:/bininsmod excited abnormally !
 loading sd_mod module
 /lib/sd_mod.0:unresolved symbol boot_cpu_data_R65dda927
 --- 21 more lines in similar vein ---
 Error:/bin/insmod excited abnormally!
 mounting /proc/filesystem
 creating root device
 mounting root filesystem
 pivotroot:pivot_root (/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd)failed38
 remounting devfs at correct place if necessary.
 freeing unused kernel memory :128kfreed
 kernel panic: no init found,try passing init options to kernel
 Seems like it didn't like what I did.
 LM8.1 still boots OK.
 Can anyone suggest what I did wrong, what I can do about it,
 preferably without having to do a complete re-install.

looks like you are missing some important files!

if you still have the 7.2 cd's you may wanna do an upgrade over the 
current installation and see if it helps.

since the error says no init found maybe reinstalling the kernel
from RPM's could solve it, too..



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[newbie] Can you play bejeweled on Mandrake?

2002-03-27 Thread Todd Slater

I've become an addict. This game requires java, which I did get working
with Opera. BUT, Bejeweled does not work right in Opera, and freezes
Netscape. Wondering if anybody using Konqeror (or any other browser) can
play the game. Or, do you know of a similar game that's Mandrake friendly?

The game is at:

Todd Slater
8:42pm up 22:09, 2 users, load average: 0.28, 0.48, 0.51
There is no human reason why a child should not admire and emulate his
teacher's ability to do sums, rather than the village bum's ability to
whittle sticks and smoke cigarettes. The reason why the child does not is
plain enough - the bum has put himself on an equality with him and the
teacher has not. (Floyd Dell) 

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Re: [newbie] What programs

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer

J or M Montgomery wrote:
 There is a really nifty Windows editor called Note Tab. The lite version
 is free. Aside from being a pretty good standard text editor, it has the
 ability to strip all html directives out of a downloaded page, leaving
 pure text.  I have not found a linux editor which will do this. If
 anyone knows of such a one please let us know about it.

There is a utility called html2text, available at, which will take the
html file and convert it to a plain text file, after which you can edit

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] What programs

2002-03-27 Thread J or M Montgomery

Randy Kramer wrote:

 There is a utility called html2text, available at, which will take the
 html file and convert it to a plain text file, after which you can edit
Thank you. I will check it out.

John Montgomery

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Fwd: RE: [newbie] What programs are you looking for?

2002-03-27 Thread skinky

Was sent to me but I'm not the programmer  ; )

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: RE: [newbie] What programs are you looking for?
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:46:35 +0100
From: Baka Attila Tamás [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some programs I need

A GOOD CD burning program   :-)

I want something like Nero 5!!!  With real time CD copy without making
an image, and I also want to be able to set the speed for each burn. The GUI
should be over simplified (like in burncenter) with process bars etc...

And I want to overburn CD's and I don't want the program to stop burning a
730MB avi if I use a 700MB disc, because it can be burnt...!

I found only burncenter and cdbakeoven usable in linux


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of skinky
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 6:42 AM
To: Randy Kramer
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Nelson Bartley
Subject: Re: [newbie] What programs are you looking for?

On 27 Mar 2002 14:19, Randy Kramer wrote:
 skinky wrote:
  Sorry for the LATE reply... WAY behind with my email...
  For quite some time I've been looking for a diary/journal that contains
  daily entries with a search facility on say a subject heading or just be
  able to search all text.  Kinda like the journal part of KOrganizer but

 Have you considered a wiki, specifically TWiki?  See, for example, and click on
 search and edit (successively -- i.e., go back to the page after you do
 a search and try an edit).

 Then try

 You could install a wiki (TWiki) locally for your own use.

 Randy Kramer

I dont even know what a wiki or TWiki is!  I know you've mentioned this
several times on list for other reasons but never got around to looking it
- although I've been to your site a few times.

BTW, your instructions at your site on rsyncing a large file certainly
prevented me from tearing ALL of my hair out a day or two ago.  Don't think
would have figured that one without help! Thanks Randy and others who

Anyways, sounds like a wiki could solve my journal/diary problems.  Looks
like I'll be reading a lot tonight  ; ).   Thanks again.
oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.332 / Virus Database: 186 - Release Date: 2002. 03. 06.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.332 / Virus Database: 186 - Release Date: 2002. 03. 06.


oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: [newbie] System slowdown

2002-03-27 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 03:11 pm, Justin wrote:
 I was curious if anyone experienced anything like this using Mandrake, and
 knew how to fix it. I'm running Mandrake 8.2 with the KDE windows
 enviornment that comes packaged with it, on a 1.2ghz AMD Thunderbird
 processor, a GeForce MX-200 video card, 256 RAM, and a Mainboard
 I only installed Mandrake a few days ago, and since then I've had problems
 with it crashing programmes as it loads them, as in it starts loading them,
 and then while it's attempting to load them, it doesn't quite manage to do
 so and the programme just closes, and after that it seems as if my computer
 has slowed down, and the more times it happens, the worse it gets, each
 time a program doesn't quite load, my system gets slower, and there are
 more programmes that it happens with.

Try looking at running processes, top, or ps from the command line. Probably 
these processes are still running and poorly, Kill em.
Gerald Waugh
New Haven, CT, United States of America
9:15pm up 6 days, 5:39, 2 users, load average: 1.13, 1.10, 1.13

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Re: [newbie] Publish kernel status in HTML?

2002-03-27 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 03:39 pm, Barry Michels wrote:
 RE: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!Is there a utility that will monitor CPU status
 (like top) but publish the results to a HTML page?  A process list isn't
 necessary, just the memory usage and CPU load would be nice.

there is a script phpSysInfo on the net.
If you are running php.

Gerald Waugh
New Haven, CT, United States of America
9:18pm up 6 days, 5:42, 2 users, load average: 1.06, 1.10, 1.12

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[newbie] Upgrading from LM8.1 to 8.2

2002-03-27 Thread Roland Hughes

I have been watching the messages but have not noticed a post about
someone using the upgrade option with Mandrake 8.2.

I am running LM8.1, evolution galeon, and KDE on a Duron 800MHZ with
256MB ram and a 56k modem.

Has anyone tried it and what were the results.


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Re: [newbie] Publish kernel status in HTML?

2002-03-27 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 03:39 pm, Barry Michels wrote:
 RE: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!Is there a utility that will monitor CPU status
 (like top) but publish the results to a HTML page?  A process list isn't
 necessary, just the memory usage and CPU load would be nice.

If all else fails reboot in single user mode

Gerald Waugh
New Haven, CT, United States of America
9:20pm up 6 days, 5:45, 2 users, load average: 1.13, 1.10, 1.11

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[newbie] Problem with ISP DNS address lookup

2002-03-27 Thread Robert Milne

Dear all,

I am having a problem resolving web addresses when connected to my ISP using
kppp. Mandrake dials and connects OK to my ISP via the modem. I can see the
local and remote IP addresses automatically assigned and can ping these OK.
There are entries in resolv.conf for the nameservers, automatically placed.
According to the ISP these addresses are correct. However I cannot ping these.

Interestingly when I ping the local and remote IP's (203... range), ping shows
my ISP locally assigned IP address as the from, which should be correct. But
when I try to ping any other external IP's, such as the nameserver address,
ping shows my from address as being my locally assigned (172...) address for
my ethernet card.

Obviously something is wrong with my network setup somewhere but I can't find.
Iused the KDE Internet/network tools to set it up. I am using Mandrake 8.1 distro
straight off the CD's.

Any clues ?


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Re: [newbie] What programs

2002-03-27 Thread Randy Kramer

J or M Montgomery wrote:
  There is a utility called html2text, available at, which will take the
  html file and convert it to a plain text file, after which you can edit
 Thank you. I will check it out.

You're welcome!

Attempting to generalize my answer a little bit, there are a lot of
utilities of the form filetype_extension2filetype_extension, like
html2text.  If you need a converter, try searching Google for something
of that form.

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] ML 8.2 and soundblaster live

2002-03-27 Thread Dennis Myers

This is hopefully going to be a help to some folks, and a minimal 
embarrassment to me.  My one real complaint with 8.2 was that I could not get 
a CD player to work, not CDplayer or XMMS.  So I was fiddling with it tonight 
and decided to dump the SBlive card and just use the onboard sound. Ok, I 
open up the case and unplug the cable from the SBLive card and go to put it 
in the mobo connection and the other end of the cable falls out and dangles 
from my hand. I could swear I plugged it in  but obviously not. So no matter 
how sure you are that you connected something, if you are having problems 
with a device that is supposed to be supported, open up the durn case and 
make sure it is plugged in.  Sometimes I just kill myself :  )
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] HELP: File System Errors

2002-03-27 Thread Damian

anyway, what filesystem is this? is it journalized?


El mié, 27-03-2002 a las 20:01, Miark escribió:
 I know sqwat about fixing this type of error, except this:
 the command is fsck rather than fsch.
 Pauljames Dimitriu [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:
  I've got an ugly problem.
  When I boot my computer I get a message saying File
  System Errors, would you like to fix this problem
  In the Graphical startup, I get what looks like two
  buttons at the bottom of the screen saying Yes or
  No, but I can't do antyhing w/ them.
  When I boot into failsafe, I can get to a prompt, but
  if I type in fsch (is this the command), nothing
  happens.  I get the same question would you like
  to fix this error.  When I type Yes, I get a message
  saying that it failed.
  How do I fix this?
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards_

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading from LM8.1 to 8.2

2002-03-27 Thread Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 08:29 pm, you wrote:
 I have been watching the messages but have not noticed a post about
 someone using the upgrade option with Mandrake 8.2.

 I am running LM8.1, evolution galeon, and KDE on a Duron 800MHZ with
 256MB ram and a 56k modem.

 Has anyone tried it and what were the results.

It  did  work for me but left a bunch of legacy stuff on the desk top that 
were broken links and some of the taskbar icons had to be reinstalled, I 
ended up just going and doing an install and not reformatting /home so that 
all my info was saved. Still had some broken stuff so I saved all of 
/home/dennis to a partition I had labeled /object and then did a clean 
install by formatting everything but /object. Once the OS was back up I just 
moved what I wanted from the old /home/dennis to the new one and still have 
the old stuff saved that I didn't need to move just yet. So I guess what I am 
saying is that the second best way to upgrade is to do an install and not 
reformat /home while the best way is to save your good stuff to a different 
directory and do a clean install on the whole shebang. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] kmail url opening.

2002-03-27 Thread shane

i am not sure if i did something to cause this, but i think not.  still.

i am running 8.2 and using kmail, and it seems that the way kmail now 
handles url in a message is to load the file to a tmp directory and then 
open it.  can this be changed somewhere, or is this simply the way kmail 
will run from now on?  or is this a KDE thing i have changed the 
confiruration of and not realized it?


Remember, to a tree being useful is a terminal illness.

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RE: [newbie] Upgrading from LM8.1 to 8.2

2002-03-27 Thread Dawid Suski

I had a lm 8.1 install, which i have upgraded the kernel to...loading
linux for a very long time.
The system was otherwise dead ( it worked just fine before my kernel
upgrade). I got the lm 8.2 isos and just went thrugh Upgrade.
Was boring as hell. It just installed. Couple questions as to what kbd or
mouse and host name. So it went well for me. Yr milager may vary.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roland Hughes
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:30 PM
To: Mandrake Help List Server
Subject: [newbie] Upgrading from LM8.1 to 8.2

I have been watching the messages but have not noticed a post about
someone using the upgrade option with Mandrake 8.2.

I am running LM8.1, evolution galeon, and KDE on a Duron 800MHZ with
256MB ram and a 56k modem.

Has anyone tried it and what were the results.


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Re: [newbie] Now I've done it....

2002-03-27 Thread FemmeFatale

Curt Tresenriter wrote:
 At 04:51 PM 3/26/02 -0700, you wrote:
 Hi Femme!
 When you say it should take me to the CLI prompt, are you referring to
 the rescue disk?
 Also, being barely familiar with CLI, I'm not sure what commands/options to
 use to get to /lilo.conf
 I tried saying ~ man 8 mount ~ but it said no such file or directory.
 It should take you to a CLI prompt.  From there, edit the lilo.conf
 file to point to hdab instead of hda.
 type sbin/lilo again its done I believe.
 If that fails well...ever heard the saying you're reinstalling ? :)
 Good Decisions You boss Made:
 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
 from Peanuts.
 - Source: Dilbert

Ugh, wasn't very clear was I? Sorry.

I meant, re-run the installer, the installer allows you to re-partition
things  Stuff.

At the should be able to just type /mnt/hdx and then when
done, type /sbin/lilo.   That rewrites the LILO file AFAIK.  Beyond that
if someone can jump in with more detailed ideas or if I missed something
that'd be great.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] OMG u have to see this!!!

2002-03-27 Thread Damian

El mié, 27-03-2002 a las 17:22, Sujeet Akula escribió:
 vvv click here vvv

Not Found
The requested URL /shownews.cfm was not found on this server.

Apache/1.3.22 Server at Port 80's really amazing! ;oP

looks like it's not there anymore. what did it say? made me curious.


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Re: [newbie] Crashes unlimited

2002-03-27 Thread shane

On Thursday 28 March 2002 05:25 am, civileme opened a hailing frequency and 

 OK, for a while, hard disks remained small.  I remember thinking an 80M
 unit was huge(yes, 80 M not 80G).  Then as the capacity of the CHS

thank you for that painful flash back to my 40MB drive.  backing up to 
floppy. two floppies mind you.. green screen...

i have to go lay down now.

Nimda virus affects Linux! My linux boxes have had their bandwidth chewed 
up by four thousand Nimda servers infected with IIS.

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Re: [newbie] System slowdown

2002-03-27 Thread FemmeFatale

Justin wrote:
 I was curious if anyone experienced anything like this using Mandrake, and
 knew how to fix it. I'm running Mandrake 8.2 with the KDE windows enviornment
 that comes packaged with it, on a 1.2ghz AMD Thunderbird processor, a GeForce
 MX-200 video card, 256 RAM, and a Mainboard motherboard.
 I only installed Mandrake a few days ago, and since then I've had problems
 with it crashing programmes as it loads them, as in it starts loading them,
 and then while it's attempting to load them, it doesn't quite manage to do so
 and the programme just closes, and after that it seems as if my computer has
 slowed down, and the more times it happens, the worse it gets, each time a
 program doesn't quite load, my system gets slower, and there are more
 programmes that it happens with.
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We have another thread on this.  On one of the CDs is a program called
memtest86 I believe.  Try running it to see if your problem is a
hardware one.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] cgi-bin

2002-03-27 Thread Mithrilhall2000

How can you tell if cgi scripts will work on your web server? I'm sure I
have everything in the correct places but I can't seem to get a message
board I downloaded to work.

*   Mithrilhall's  Linux*
*  Server   *
*  AMD-K2 350MHz*
* *

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Re: [newbie] Java path for Konqueror.

2002-03-27 Thread shane

when in doubt on the .kde files always rename and let it regenerate.  you 
can always name it back..

On Thursday 28 March 2002 07:22 am, Seedkum Aladeem opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 I have LM8.1 running and the rpm came from the 8.1 CDs!
 Do you want me to do more trouble shooting before I delete that file?
 There always was a plugins tab because I installed Mozilla (and
 Netscape) with the 8.1 install; but not Netscape Pligins or any of
 those other buttons/checkboxes you mentioned.


 On Wednesday 27 March 2002 03:07 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
  Doh... I've just realised that twice today I have given you bad
  Deleting kdeglobals fixes the problem when your fonts go all weird in
  KDE, not the konqueror thing.  My apologies...
  To fix the konqueror not starting up issue you have to delete
  Deleting this file will lose all your konqueror preferences fonts etc.
  It will not delete your bookmarks, or affect your mails, but if you are
  nervous just rename the file. You could then change it back again later
  if you wished.
  Strange that you do not see the 'Netscape Plugins' page under
  KDEControlCenterWebBrowsing It ought to appear as soon as you install
  the RPM.
  Which version of kdebase-nsplugins did you install? Does the version
  number match your installed version of KDE? It was made for Mandrake
  wasn't it?
  Sorry for giving you bad info,, but at least now you know what to do if
  KDE suddenly starts to not find some fonts  ;-)
  On Wednesday 27 March 2002 22:03, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
   Will I lose my bookmarks and my kmail addresses and old emails? That
   is all what I am worried about.
   BTW, I do not see any new entry called 'Netscape Plugins' or a button
   called 'Scan for new plugins'  or a  'scan for new plugins at
   startup' box. I am able to get to the Konqueror browser settings
   through the KDE configuration menus. I do not need to have Konqueror
   running to do that.
   On Wednesday 27 March 2002 01:26 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
Thats the problem I mentioned when you have the 'Scan for plugins
at startup' checkbox set.
You do not have to uninstall. To fix the problem just delete the
hidden file /home/youruser/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals
On the next login KDE will recreate it again and konq should then
load up.
Warning- You will lose your desktop wallpaper/themes etc when you
delete that file, so you will have to set up your desktop again.
On Wednesday 27 March 2002 20:55, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 Hi Derek,

 I installed the rpm and rebooted. Now Konqueror does not come up
 any more. Whenever I clik an a Konqueror icon I can see it on the
 task bar trying to come up but then it fails to come up. If I try
 to start konqueror from the command line in a terminal window,
 nothing happens. No error message gets listd and I can see a 
 konqueror process listed when I do a ps.

 Consequently, my system now qualifies as broken. Should I
 uninstall konqueror using the software manager and then install
 it again? will this work?


 On Wednesday 27 March 2002 04:30 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
   I have both Netscape and Mozilla installed. I searched for
   the kdelinbs-nsplugins rpm mentioned below on both rpmfind
   and tuxfinder but it could not be found. Is there a typo
   error in the rpm name?
  Doh..   Sorry   My mistake  .Problem between keyboard and
  The RPM is kdebase-nsplugins  and it is on your Mandrake
  distribution CD, For some reason in 8.1 it is not installed by
  default, although in 8.2 it is.

Remember, to a tree being useful is a terminal illness.

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Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Problems with realplayer8

2002-03-27 Thread Rodrigo

   Well, I don't know what these messages mean either 
 If you play around with real player a little bit you will find a configuration 
window. There you can set up some parameters to assure compatibility with 
your sound card. In my system it is set something like this, "use the os sound
driver", and it works fine. 
 I don't know whether it will help you, but that is all I know by now. Good 
luck and hope you succeed. 


 Defner Johannes wrote:

  Am Dienstag 26 März 2002 14:52 schrieben Sie:
Hello Hannes, I had the same problem some time ago. I solved it usingthe following command to open realplayer:artsdsp realplayType that at the command line and see what happens. If it works for you,I can send you a shell script I wrote, in order to get things moreautomated. I think this method is valid only if you're running kde, I amnot sure.Hope it helps you,RodrigoDefner Johannes wrote:

  Hello everybody!First some lines to introduce me:Linux is a hobby of me and I have some experiences with installing Suse,RedHat , Mandrake and some (bad ;-) ) experiences with debian. Now I amusing mandrake 8.1; some experiences with working with command line too.My problem is that after starting realplayer8 I`ve got following msg:Cannot open audio device! Maybe another application is using it.My soundcard is a SB64 ,driver Esonique 1370, kde 2.2.2, kernel2.4.8-34.1mdk, securitylevel medium and tiny firewall installed.I´ve tried to change the permissions of /dev/audio and /dev/mixer withchmod -c 666 and chmod a=rw. After restarting the system there were theold permissions ( crw-). Afriend of mine suggested that there isa problem with PAM too. Or it could be a PATH problem.As a newbie II don´t know the commandline methods to solve these problemsand with the help forum of realplayer8 I have probl

ems to understand whatI have to do.Is there anyone how could support me?thanks in advanceHannesWant to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakkeSoft?Go to
  Dear Rodrigo!Thanks for your answer. Alsa is not running. Following happend:$ artsdsp realplayRealplayer8 is  starting with the same error-msg.In the terminal you can read:esd: Failed to fix mode of /tmp/.esd to 1777.   Try -trust to force esd to start.esd:Esound sound daemon unable to create unix domain socket:   /tmp/.esd/socketThe socket is not accessible by esd.Exiting.$esd -trustesd: Failed to fix mode /tmp/.esd/socketUnable to connect to Unix socket /tmp/.esd/socketPerhaps this could help you for further suggestions. I don?t know the meaning of these Hannes

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