Re: [newbie-it] Altro file non visualizzabile

2002-05-26 Thread mauro

Alle 12:14, sabato 25 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Alle 10:31, sabato 25 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
  Ho ricevuto un altro file stavolta con estensione .pdf che non riesco ad
  aprire. Ho controllato nelle proprietà ed ho visto che ha le solite del
  file .awd cioè application/octet-stream e codifica base64.
  Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento?

 Certo, è un file Acrobat. Puoi leggerlo con il visualizzatore PS/PDF, o
 cliccandoci direttamente sopra.

A me è sembrato che quel vilsualizzatore non funzioni sempre bene. Prova a 
caricarti dal cd della distribuzione il programma xpdf.

[newbie-it] Rete locale con Linux

2002-05-26 Thread Pollo

Ho intenzione di realizzare per l'oratrio del mio paese una piccola rete
locale linux con una quindicina di pc per far divertire un po di
ragazzini e spigare loro un po' loro come funziona Linux. Il mio
problema è che non so neanche da che parte iniziare...
Qualcuno saprebbe spiegarmi brevemente come procedere? Sapreste
consigliarmi qualche link con tutorial semplici e pratici?

Un'altro dubbio: i pc sono dei vecchi pentium 100; con pc così datati si
riesce a far girare il server grafico? Si riesce ad usare KDE o richiede
troppe risorse?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] prova per compilare

2002-05-26 Thread tom

Molto più facile di quello che pensi.
Dovrebbe esserci un readme o un INSTALL o cose simili, l'estensione è 
secondaria. Leggilo e segui le istruzioni :)
Molto facilmente sarà qualcosa tipo
e da root
make install
e il gioco è fatto.

uhmm si la cosa si presentava abbastanza semplice,
ma risultato è questo!!!
voi che ci capite?
io niente!
altra piccola io volessi disinstallare il programma, che dovrei 
fare? manina e santa pazzienza?

Ciao , Tom

[***@*** mjs]$ make
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c mjs.c
mjs.c: In function `main':
mjs.c:97: warning: implicit declaration of function `time'
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c misc.c
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c info.c
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c config.c
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c playlist.c
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c inputline.c
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c mpgcontrol.c
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c tokens.c
In file included from tokens.c:4:
include/tokens.h:10:22: warning: no newline at end of file
include/tokens.h:10:22: warning: no newline at end of file
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c window.c
In file included from window.c:7:
include/tokens.h:10:22: warning: no newline at end of file
include/tokens.h:10:22: warning: no newline at end of file
gcc -O2  -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -mpentium 
-DVERSION=\3.0-rc1\ -I/usr/local/include -Iinclude -c files.c
gcc  -mpentium -o mjs mjs.o misc.o info.o config.o playlist.o inputline.o 
mpgcontrol.o tokens.o window.o files.o -L/usr/local/lib -lncurses -lpanel
[***@*** mjs]$ su
[***@*** mjs]# make install
install -c -o 0 -g 0 mjs /usr/local/bin
install -c -o 0 -g 0 findmp3 /usr/local/bin
touch /var/log/mp3log
chmod a+rw /var/log/mp3log
touch /var/state/mp3active
touch: creazione di `/var/state/mp3active': No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1

[newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-26 Thread Ferdinando

Ho letto i test. Da quanto ne so, il malloc significa, letteralmente, memory
allocation, e quindi significa che non riesce ad allocare la memoria, se non
tutta almeno alcune locazioni. Cerca di fare lo stesso test anche sotto win
e controlla se non vede le stesse locazioni.
Sempre per quanto riguarda win, c'è da considerare che è lo stesso sistema
che si incarica di gestire tutta la memoria, e quindi, probabilmente, è il
sistema che è in grado di riconoscere e saltare le parti difettose.
Se vuoi fare una prova più drastica, leva un banco alla volta (suppongo che
tu abbia due banchi da 128 M) e vedi come si comporta il sistema.
Ciao e fammi sapere.

Re: [newbie-it] Rete locale con Linux

2002-05-26 Thread Nicholas Wieland

On 26 May 2002 17:00:15 +0200
Pollo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ho intenzione di realizzare per l'oratrio del mio paese una piccola rete
 locale linux con una quindicina di pc per far divertire un po di
 ragazzini e spigare loro un po' loro come funziona Linux. Il mio
 problema è che non so neanche da che parte iniziare...
 Qualcuno saprebbe spiegarmi brevemente come procedere? Sapreste
 consigliarmi qualche link con tutorial semplici e pratici?
 Un'altro dubbio: i pc sono dei vecchi pentium 100; con pc così datati si
 riesce a far girare il server grafico? Si riesce ad usare KDE o richiede
 troppe risorse?
 Grazie, Pollo.

Direi che ciò che vuoi fare è assolutamente encomiabile ^^
Purtroppo però KDE richiede molte risorse per girare sia come clock del processore che 
come RAM. Dipende certamente dall'età dei tuoi ragazzi ma il mio (personalissimo) 
consiglio è di installare una Mdk piuttosto castrata. Innanzitutto lascia stare Kde 
ma tenta di installare BlackBox. Se le configurazioni dei pc sono simili (o ancora 
meglio uguali) è meglio se inizi a installare il tutto su un solo computer per testare 
le eventuali compatibilità e incompatibilità per non trovarti con brutte sorprese poi. 
Ricompila il kernel per avere una configurazione ottimizzata per le tue macchine, è la 
cosa migliore da fare per avere prestazioni degne. Nel caso (senza nulla togliere a 
Mdk che è più indicata a sistemi più potenti) puoi recuperare a) una Mdk più vecchia 
b) una distro pensata per funzionare anche su sistemi meno potenti (Debian potato 
potrebbe fare al tuo caso).
Per quello che rigurada il networking non è il mio campo quindi ti rimando alla Linux 
network administrator guide e a un consiglio spassionato: certamente anche nella tua 
città sarà presente un Lug, contattalo e fatti aiutare ^^ Saranno sicuramente 
felicissimi di aiutarti.

Ciao e buon divertimento

   Perhaps the most important achievement of Unix is to demonstrate that a powerful 
   system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human 
   it can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years 
   spent on the main system software. We hope, however, that users find that the most
   important characteristics of the system are its simplicity, elegance, and ease of 
The UNIX Time-sharing System* (1974)
D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson

[newbie-it] wine

2002-05-26 Thread tom

Salve ragazzi!
Come avrete capito dal oggetto mi sto cimentando con questo emulatore...
ma non funge! 
ok dovrebbe emulare programmi MS-bindows...magari si rifiuta,o cosa 
ancora piu probabbile io non l'ho saputo configurae a dovere!
l'errore che mi riporta è questo di seguito.
Capite a cosa fa riferimento l'errore?
Grazie degli eventuali chiarimenti

Ciao , Tom
[root@*** HOME]# wine /mnt/windows/Programmi/TinMessenger/TinMessenger.exe
err:module:map_image Could not map section .text, file probably truncated
err:module:PE_fixup_imports Module (file) socks5.dll (which is needed by 
C:\Programmi\TinMessenger\TinMessenger.exe) not found

p.s. se servono altre infoditemenelolo'

Re: [newbie-it] Java

2002-05-26 Thread ENx

La kaffe di mandrake 8.2 è la 1.1.8 (se non erro), che come veriosne di 
java è alquanto vecchia! Quindi non ci pensare su due volte, usa quella 
di sun, la 1.4!! Se poi vuoi usare un tool di sviluppo visuale di 
consiglio Jbuilder di borland che è scaricebile gratuitamente (in 
versione personal: non ha tutti i componenti delle altre versioni) dal 
sito di borland.

Ciao ENx
Nicholas Wieland wrote:

Ciao a tutti:
vorrei smanettare un po' con java e volevo sapere se mi conviene usare kaffe e i tool 
di sviluppo contenuti in mdk o se è meglio scaricare jdk dal sito Sun :)
Se qualcuno ha esperienza in proposito vorrei anche sapere quali sono le differenze 
tra i due.
Ciao a tutti,


Re: [newbie-it] Rete locale con Linux

2002-05-26 Thread freefred

On Sunday 26 May 2002 11:00, Pollo, talkin' about [newbie-it] Rete 
locale con Linux wrote:
 Ho intenzione di realizzare per l'oratrio del mio paese una piccola
 rete locale linux con una quindicina di pc per far divertire un po
 di ragazzini e spigare loro un po' loro come funziona Linux. Il mio
 problema è che non so neanche da che parte iniziare...

che conoscenza hai di linux e di reti?

comunque ti consiglio di leggere (trovi tutto in rete
partendo magari da
qualche howto classico

poi ti consiglio Linux Facile di D.medri

il quick and easy conf. di Mr. shark

per le domande le LDR (linux domande e risposte)
di Paolone.
Ora sono anche in appunti Linux, quindi magari procuratene
una copia cosi' li hai entrambi.

Poi come ti hanno detto la Linux network administrator guide
anche se come per appunti linux ti consiglio di cominciare con
qualcosa di piu' breve.

Sulle reti in italiano c'era anche (forse un po' datato)
un bel doc di una dottoressa (forse una tesi), ora purtroppo
non ricordo quasi nulla, se mi viene in mente te lo scrivo.

In generale, poi

Anch'io eviterei il kde con dei P100.
Andrei su black box, o window maker.

E pensare che io all'oratorio giocavo a pallone o a ping pong:-)

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Rete locale con Linux

2002-05-26 Thread Nicholas Wieland

On Sun, 26 May 2002 21:12:54 -0400
freefred [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anch'io eviterei il kde con dei P100.
 Andrei su black box, o window maker.

WMaker succhia più risorse di quello che sembra :))

   Perhaps the most important achievement of Unix is to demonstrate that a powerful 
   system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human 
   it can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years 
   spent on the main system software. We hope, however, that users find that the most
   important characteristics of the system are its simplicity, elegance, and ease of 
The UNIX Time-sharing System* (1974)
D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson

[newbie-it] piccoli dubbi vari

2002-05-26 Thread Beppe

buona sera oh gloriosa mailinglist!
ho qui una bella serie di quesiti da porvi... buon divertimento!

1) ho una matrox g400 e mi piacerebbe poterne sfruttare il dual head per 
vedere i file video a tutto schermo sulla televisione. sul sito matrox è 
disponibile un software per la gestione del dual head ma di full screen non 
se ne parla e tra l'altro il contenuto dello schermo di xine sulla seconda 
uscita non viene visualizzato. esiste un software generico che mi permetta di 
gestire le schede video dual head una volta che queste sono riconosciute come 
tali? o comunque qualcuno riesce a sfruttare degnamente il dual head di 
questa scheda?

2) da quando ho installato kde3 i cd audio non vengono più letti: grip, ogni 
tipo di lettore multimediale, qualunque software sfrutti il cddb si rifiuta 
di leggere il minimo straccio di informazione da qualunque cd audio... 
immagino manchi qualche pacchetto visto che i cd contenenti dati vengono 
tutti letti tranquillamente... ma quale?

3) se dico a kmail di visualizzare le email come html lui mi mette la cornice 
che indica lo spazio che sarebbe stato occupato sul foglio dalle immagini ma 
le immagini stesse sono ancora viste soltato come allegati... posso farci 

4) sempre in kmail eiste un modo per variare le dimensioni del carattere con 
qui le email vengono visualizzate? sono riuschito a cambiare tutti i 
caratteri ma non quello

5) qualcuno sa come funziona esattamente vmware? soprattutto le periferiche 
che linux non riesce a riconoscere funzionano sul windows emulato?

6) si può fare qualcosa per il java sia con mozilla che con konqueror? almeno 
per far andare i javascript più elementari...

grazie per l'aiuto ^_^

Rif: [newbie-it] Rete locale con Linux

2002-05-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Se hai un PC più grosso degli altri potresti provare la soluzione 
ltsp ... (disk less). Dovrebbe essere abbastanza valido per recuperare 
i tuoi PC e dargli delle prestazioni migliori di quelle che potrebbero 
La tua causa è buona quindi se sei alla portata potrei venire a darti 
una mano ... dimmi di dove sei!

Come sempre, per il mio suggerimento, mi rimetto al giudizio dei + 
See you, Mercury!

[newbie-it] Se hai un PC più grosso degli altri potresti provare la soluzione ltsp ... (disk less). Dovrebbe essere abbastanza valido per re

2002-05-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sembra non riuscire a fare il #touch /var/state/mp3active

Controlla se hai la cartella /var/state ... se non ce l'hai la fai con

#mkdir /var/state/

e poi riprova l'install

See you, Mercury!

Rif: [newbie-it] prova per compilare

2002-05-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ho leggermente scappellato con il subject del messaggio precedente ... 

 Sembra che install non riesca a fare il #touch /var/state/mp3active
 Controlla se hai la cartella /var/state ... se non ce l'hai la fai co
 #mkdir /var/state/
 e poi riprova l'install
 See you, Mercury!

Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-26 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 25 May 2002 23:13:18 -0700, shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ah i see, you want the minimul thing.  i got ya now!  i agree, nautilus is a 
 pig (and i am a bloated kde user most of the time!) i do think that is 
 partly gnome, but i see you point.

GNOME is much faster if you turn Nautilus off. You can use GMC instead, or just
have nothing at all (if you don't mind having a bare desktop).

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Before you complain to us about how this stupid game won't just install and run
the way you're used to, please bear in mind that we have been seeing a strong
correlation between use of abusive or indecent language in complaints, and use
of the MS Windows platform. -- From the Freeciv FAQ

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Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-26 Thread Tim Ford

Ok, i have configured the bpalogin.conf and ran chmod on bpalogin 
(though every reboot/relogin it reverts... but anyway).

Now i ran what you said through the command line - /usr/sbin/bpalogin -c 

now i ran that, nothing happened in the terminal except a new line 
appearing, however i was able to connect to the internet for a limited 
time. after about 1 minute it stopped working (story of my life), and i 
attribute that to the heartbeat problem. is that correct?

so i opened up firestarter, and gave it permission to allow the port 
5050 from the qld (my state) inital ip address.

however, it kept refusing my connection, so i will reboot in a sec and 
attempt again.

two things puzzled me - 1. I run bpalogin from nautilis, and nothing 
happens at all.
2. No confirmation or anything appears when i do the above bpalogin 
command from the terminal.

on a side note, linuxconf is configured correctly in that - my 3 ip 
addresses are for the qld servers, and my domain name is

is there anything i haven;t done that still doesn't allow me to have a 
continuous connection, or have i done something wrong, or am i asking 
the wrong people and there is a how-to to setup this.

any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-26 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 19:14, Tim Ford wrote:
 Ok, i have configured the bpalogin.conf and ran chmod on bpalogin 
 (though every reboot/relogin it reverts... but anyway).
 Now i ran what you said through the command line - /usr/sbin/bpalogin -c 
 now i ran that, nothing happened in the terminal except a new line 
 appearing, however i was able to connect to the internet for a limited 
 time. after about 1 minute it stopped working (story of my life), and i 
 attribute that to the heartbeat problem. is that correct?
 so i opened up firestarter, and gave it permission to allow the port 
 5050 from the qld (my state) inital ip address.
 however, it kept refusing my connection, so i will reboot in a sec and 
 attempt again.
 two things puzzled me - 1. I run bpalogin from nautilis, and nothing 
 happens at all.
 2. No confirmation or anything appears when i do the above bpalogin 
 command from the terminal.
 on a side note, linuxconf is configured correctly in that - my 3 ip 
 addresses are for the qld servers, and my domain name is
 is there anything i haven;t done that still doesn't allow me to have a 
 continuous connection, or have i done something wrong, or am i asking 
 the wrong people and there is a how-to to setup this.
 any help would be appreciated.
Sounds like you are nearly there.  In the config file there is a line
commented out by default that reads:

localport 5050

Have you uncommented this?  If not, the port can be random I think.

Just running bpalogin as root should make it run as a daemon.  In fact
it will probably already have set itself up like this and be running
when you reboot.  Any messages will end up in your syslog.  Try:

tail /var/log/messages

and you should see something about bpalogin there.  bpalogin will
relogin whenever the connection times out, so that should be all you


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Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-26 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 19:14, Tim Ford wrote:
 Ok, i have configured the bpalogin.conf and ran chmod on bpalogin 
 (though every reboot/relogin it reverts... but anyway).
Forgot to address this point.  bpalogin should be owned by root and only
needs to be executable by root.  Try chmod 700 as root.  Sounds like
msec is setting perms back to some default state.  Maybe 700 won't upset
it ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-26 Thread Tim Ford

Brian Parish wrote:

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 19:14, Tim Ford wrote:

Ok, i have configured the bpalogin.conf and ran chmod on bpalogin 
(though every reboot/relogin it reverts... but anyway).

Now i ran what you said through the command line - /usr/sbin/bpalogin -c 

now i ran that, nothing happened in the terminal except a new line 
appearing, however i was able to connect to the internet for a limited 
time. after about 1 minute it stopped working (story of my life), and i 
attribute that to the heartbeat problem. is that correct?

so i opened up firestarter, and gave it permission to allow the port 
5050 from the qld (my state) inital ip address.

however, it kept refusing my connection, so i will reboot in a sec and 
attempt again.

two things puzzled me - 1. I run bpalogin from nautilis, and nothing 
happens at all.
2. No confirmation or anything appears when i do the above bpalogin 
command from the terminal.

on a side note, linuxconf is configured correctly in that - my 3 ip 
addresses are for the qld servers, and my domain name is

is there anything i haven;t done that still doesn't allow me to have a 
continuous connection, or have i done something wrong, or am i asking 
the wrong people and there is a how-to to setup this.

any help would be appreciated.

Sounds like you are nearly there.  In the config file there is a line
commented out by default that reads:

localport 5050

Have you uncommented this?  If not, the port can be random I think.

Just running bpalogin as root should make it run as a daemon.  In fact
it will probably already have set itself up like this and be running
when you reboot.  Any messages will end up in your syslog.  Try:

tail /var/log/messages

and you should see something about bpalogin there.  bpalogin will
relogin whenever the connection times out, so that should be all you


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Actually, i now have it working. The config file is setup properly, 
firestarter is working and i have been connected for more than a few 
minutes. I didn't understand that it ran as a daemon (i do now), and all 
i need to do is learn how to configure it to run as soon as i login as 
my user. But i'll work that out myself. Thanks for all your help brian, 
i wouldnt have been connected if it weren't for your help.

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Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-26 Thread Tim Ford

Tim Ford wrote:

 Brian Parish wrote:

 On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 19:14, Tim Ford wrote:

 Ok, i have configured the bpalogin.conf and ran chmod on bpalogin 
 (though every reboot/relogin it reverts... but anyway).

 Now i ran what you said through the command line - 
 /usr/sbin/bpalogin -c /etc/bpalogin.conf

 now i ran that, nothing happened in the terminal except a new line 
 appearing, however i was able to connect to the internet for a 
 limited time. after about 1 minute it stopped working (story of my 
 life), and i attribute that to the heartbeat problem. is that correct?

 so i opened up firestarter, and gave it permission to allow the port 
 5050 from the qld (my state) inital ip address.

 however, it kept refusing my connection, so i will reboot in a sec 
 and attempt again.

 two things puzzled me - 1. I run bpalogin from nautilis, and nothing 
 happens at all.
 2. No confirmation or anything appears when i do the above bpalogin 
 command from the terminal.

 on a side note, linuxconf is configured correctly in that - my 3 ip 
 addresses are for the qld servers, and my domain name is

 is there anything i haven;t done that still doesn't allow me to have 
 a continuous connection, or have i done something wrong, or am i 
 asking the wrong people and there is a how-to to setup this.

 any help would be appreciated.

 Sounds like you are nearly there.  In the config file there is a line
 commented out by default that reads:

 localport 5050

 Have you uncommented this?  If not, the port can be random I think.

 Just running bpalogin as root should make it run as a daemon.  In fact
 it will probably already have set itself up like this and be running
 when you reboot.  Any messages will end up in your syslog.  Try:

 tail /var/log/messages

 and you should see something about bpalogin there.  bpalogin will
 relogin whenever the connection times out, so that should be all you



 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Actually, scrap that last message (ARRRHH!!). I obviously didn't 
wait the full 5 mins before firing that email off. I still have my 
internet disconnect after 5 mins. I've opened up everything i think in 
firestarter, the localport is uncommented, and i still get kicked off. 
And i tried reconnecting, and i cannot. I know im probably annoying, but 
im trying everything i know and can do, and it still not giving me 
proper connectivity. Do you know a way to ensure im not killed by the 


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Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-26 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 20:00, Tim Ford wrote:
 Tim Ford wrote:
  Brian Parish wrote:
  On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 19:14, Tim Ford wrote:
  Ok, i have configured the bpalogin.conf and ran chmod on bpalogin 
  (though every reboot/relogin it reverts... but anyway).
  Now i ran what you said through the command line - 
  /usr/sbin/bpalogin -c /etc/bpalogin.conf
  now i ran that, nothing happened in the terminal except a new line 
  appearing, however i was able to connect to the internet for a 
  limited time. after about 1 minute it stopped working (story of my 
  life), and i attribute that to the heartbeat problem. is that correct?
  so i opened up firestarter, and gave it permission to allow the port 
  5050 from the qld (my state) inital ip address.
  however, it kept refusing my connection, so i will reboot in a sec 
  and attempt again.
  two things puzzled me - 1. I run bpalogin from nautilis, and nothing 
  happens at all.
  2. No confirmation or anything appears when i do the above bpalogin 
  command from the terminal.
  on a side note, linuxconf is configured correctly in that - my 3 ip 
  addresses are for the qld servers, and my domain name is
  is there anything i haven;t done that still doesn't allow me to have 
  a continuous connection, or have i done something wrong, or am i 
  asking the wrong people and there is a how-to to setup this.
  any help would be appreciated.
  Sounds like you are nearly there.  In the config file there is a line
  commented out by default that reads:
  localport 5050
  Have you uncommented this?  If not, the port can be random I think.
  Just running bpalogin as root should make it run as a daemon.  In fact
  it will probably already have set itself up like this and be running
  when you reboot.  Any messages will end up in your syslog.  Try:
  tail /var/log/messages
  and you should see something about bpalogin there.  bpalogin will
  relogin whenever the connection times out, so that should be all you
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to
 Actually, scrap that last message (ARRRHH!!). I obviously didn't 
 wait the full 5 mins before firing that email off. I still have my 
 internet disconnect after 5 mins. I've opened up everything i think in 
 firestarter, the localport is uncommented, and i still get kicked off. 
 And i tried reconnecting, and i cannot. I know im probably annoying, but 
 im trying everything i know and can do, and it still not giving me 
 proper connectivity. Do you know a way to ensure im not killed by the 
Hmmm.  I can't think of anything I did that you haven't.  First time I
connected one of these I used the newsgroup to find out about bpalogin. 
That might be your best bet.  I think if you follow the support links on
Telstra's bigpond pages you will find a reference to the lists there. 
There was at least one specifically on bigpond cable access from linux.

If I think of anything else I'll post again.  Let us know the
resolution.  I'll probably hit the same problem with my next customer!


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Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-26 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 26 May 2002 12:16 am, shane wrote:

 On Saturday 25 May 2002 11:24 am, Alastair Scott opened a general

 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  The worst was that koffice appears broken for the time being. Once
  I saw

 ack! just found that out myself.

Today I'll remove the remaining fragments then try to build koffice 
1.1.1 (not 1.2 beta 1) from source. Will see how it goes.

  I also had to rebuild a couple of panel applications (knetmonapplet
  and the liquid theme), which gave a similar shower of errors, and

 the liquid 9.5-5.mdk works fine here.  i forget where i found it but
 if you want it i can send it.

Thanks for the offer, but I downloaded the tar.gz file from  
and all appears to be well after the usual ./configure ...

BTW do you see 'root' and 'nobody' in the logon window, as well as 
existing users?

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-26 Thread civileme

Dale Huckeby wrote:

On Sat, 25 May 2002, Damian G wrote:

On Sat, 25 May 2002 11:22:06 -0500 (CDT)
Dale Huckeby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to install Gnome
and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having Mandrake_Desk shoved down my
throat.  I can't even install Midnight Commander without it, for Chrissakes!
This is for 8.1.  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop, I'm going back
to 7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another distro.

Dale Huckeby

mandrake desk? wth are you talking about?

if you are having a lot of trouble installing KDE by yourself ( BTW there
are howto's Everywhere! try any mandrake related site...),

try booting the installation CD, make no changes to the filesystems,
choose only KDE and GNOME related packages, and install...


  I appreciate the thought, but no, it doesn't.  I'm NOT having trouble
installing KDE all by myself, or Gnome either, for that matter.  I've
installed 7.2 dozens of times and 8.1 four or five.  The problem is the
way Mandrake 8.1 tries to take over the desktop.  With 7.2, in Gnome,
I could drag and drop icons from the menus to the desktop, a very nice
feature.  With 8.1 I can't.  When it loads I can see the blue background
screen, then my wallpaper covers it, then another blue screen covers
that, then my wallpaper again covers the whole mess, this time with the
Mandrake icons rather than the ones I'm used to.  And these icons can't
be changed, at least not by the methods I'm used to, nor can I drag and
drop from the menus.  I'm assuming, perhaps erroneously, that the
difference between this and the previous behavior is the Mandrake_Desk
package, which didn't exist in 7.2.  There are other aggravations, too,
but I'll spare you.

Dale Huckeby

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Ummm, remember what happens  in 7.2 if you open some GNOME programs 
under KDE???  You watch GNOME icons invade your desktop!  In 8.0 that 
was resolved, (almost) but opening Nautilus and calling for help from WM 
or KDE again caused the invasion  (OK if you did not invoke help)

But you can run without Mandrake Desk if you want, and you can use the 
local menu editors, too (just NEVER use the Mandrake one).  The 
operative command is

urpme mandrake_desk

It will likely take the Mandrake icons with it, but if it does not, you 
can delete them and they won;'t come back.


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Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-26 Thread Mark Van Bruggen

  On 26/05/2002,

  Have you been and readup the site?
  he has a whole section on linux and the bpalogin and telstra

Mark Van Bruggen


There is always a way, it's just reality that's the problem !!


 Mark Van Bruggen 
  Microsoft OEM Certified  Phone : 07 4926 4900   
   Computer Systems Supplier   Mobile: 04 3886 4900
Internet / Computer Technician E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Rockhampton  QLD  AU  

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Re: [newbie] ISP help

2002-05-26 Thread John Richard Smith

On Saturday 25 May 2002 15:41, you wrote:

  - Original Message -
  Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 8:31 AM
  Subject: [newbie] ISP help
  Ok i finally got the modem installed but now the only isp i have
   is aol and
  it makes you use a .exe is there any way i can get aol to work on

I cannot be certain, I don't use AOL, but if it's anything like one 
of my email address where a similar you must use our install 
software dictate  prevails, I just ignore it, I assume you still 
have your windows configuration, then just go there and copy down all 
the entries in OE , in tools- accounts, and in the dialup dialogue 
-settings, takes a bit of hand writing but when your got it all 
together on a couple of sheets of paper go back to Linux and use the 
info. Believe me you will not get it right first time. Just keep 
playing around with it eventually you will not only be able to log on 
and surf the net but also download and sendyour emails.

Once you have it right , then back up the .rc file in home directory 
for your emailer and browser. Then in future all you need to do is 
overwrite those files each fresh new OS install. Dead quick and 
simple. It's easier than M$.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-26 Thread John Richard Smith

On Saturday 25 May 2002 17:01, you wrote:
 John Richard Smith wrote:
  Well I do have gnumeric on my machine and I opened the kspread
  file in kspread and saved as gnumeric file , which I then opened
  in gnumeric. About 1.5 seconds. However it was not flawless. the
  50total,89total,and 200toal columns were duds, every figure gone.

 I presume you scrolled to the bottom of the file -- I was worried
 the first time I opened the file until I scrolled down -- as you
 know, only one (or two) columns are filled in at the top of the

Oh, yes, That's the nature of averages, you have to start the first 
line so many horizontal (H)columns down, so 10day moving average 
starts at horizontal line 10, 30 at H30, 50 at H50, 89 at H89,200 at 
H200, and so on, 

  I also remade the colour scheme which is not so delightfully
  sensitive as kspread and does not look so nice, however the saved
  file reopened in gnumeric in about 1.5seconds.
  I would say the developers  at kde resposible for kspread need to
  look into this urgently.

 Yes, I wonder if anybody has filed a bug -- are you willing to try
I suppose I could, though I'm hardly a racing hot computer buff.
To be honest I don't know anything about how to go about it.

Still, I will, and suggestions how?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-26 Thread Robin Turner

On Sunday 26 May 2002 03:29, Dale Huckeby wrote:
 On Sat, 25 May 2002, shane wrote:
  On Saturday 25 May 2002 09:22 am, Dale Huckeby opened a general
  frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to
  install Gnome and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having
  Mandrake_Desk shoved down my throat.  I can't even install
  Midnight Commander without it, for Chrissakes! This is for 8.1. 
  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop, I'm going back to
  7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another distro.

As others have pointed out, 7.2 was a classic, but I'd still consider 
going forward rather than back, as a lot of apps now need libraries 
which aren't in 7.2, and updating libraries piecemeal is usually more 
trouble than it's worth.

 addition to MS's outrageous corporate behavior, I got tired of
 having my software dictate to me.  Well, 8.1 is getting
 uncomfortably close to that same sort of behavior.  It's buggy,
 it's bloated, it's slow, and it's too inclined to take me, the
 user, by the hand because it knows so much better than me what's
 good for me.  Just my subjective impression, of course.  That's why
 I'm seriously considering going back to 7.2, or even Redhat
 (again), or SUSE, or Slackware, or even Debian.

I have to say I didn't like 8.1 much - I have it at work (I'm waiting 
for the university to mirror 8.2, as this box doesn't have a CDROM 
drive).  The bugs were less Mandrake's fault as a number of 
problematic software versions coming together in a kind of negative 
symbiosis (supermount was a case in point).

8.2 is pretty good - I'm using it at home but with the 8.0 kernel.  
GNOME/sawfish displays some of the silly behaviour with backgrounds 
you described, but there's probably a way round it - I couldn't be 
bothered because I was only trying GNOME out of curiosity.  KDE 2.2.2 
is fine.  I've just installed KDE 3.0 into /opt and it also seems to 
be playing nice, apart from the known bug with Konsole and Kicker.  
It even saved my old KDE icons and backgrounds.  I'll upgrade it to 
3.0.1 when the /opt version comes out (installing over 2.2.2 was a 
disaster - I had to uninstall it and reinstall 2.2.2).

In short, like others here, I'd recommend an upgrade rather than a 
downgrade.  The download set is, if nothing else, a cheap and 
convenient way of getting a lot of new software.

Sir Robin

The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. It's 
absolutely not. 
It's the stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard. - Bill 

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Down-grade to XFree86 4.1

2002-05-26 Thread Robin Turner

On Sunday 26 May 2002 00:02, Bill Davidson wrote:
 I've just upgraded from Mandrake 8.1 to 8.2. Actually it was a
 clean install. It appears that XFree 4.2 doesn't work well with my
 video card(Tridend 3DImage975). 

3DImage975?  You have my sympathy - I spent a month working 
out how to configure XFree for this monster back when I was using 
RedHat 6.0.  You could try the noaccel option, though I don't know 
if 4.* still supports this (the acceleration in this card is so 
minimal you probably won't notice the difference).  Hacking modelines 
might also do the trick.  If you have the money, upgrade your card to 
one of the lower-end NVIDIA cards, and you _will_ notice a difference.

Sir Robin

The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. It's 
absolutely not. 
It's the stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard. - Bill 

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-26 Thread John Richard Smith

On Saturday 25 May 2002 17:01, you wrote:
 John Richard Smith wrote:
  Well I do have gnumeric on my machine and I opened the kspread
  file in kspread and saved as gnumeric file , which I then opened
  in gnumeric. About 1.5 seconds. However it was not flawless. the
  50total,89total,and 200toal columns were duds, every figure gone.

 I presume you scrolled to the bottom of the file -- I was worried
 the first time I opened the file until I scrolled down -- as you
 know, only one (or two) columns are filled in at the top of the

  I also remade the colour scheme which is not so delightfully
  sensitive as kspread and does not look so nice, however the saved
  file reopened in gnumeric in about 1.5seconds.
  I would say the developers  at kde resposible for kspread need to
  look into this urgently.

 Yes, I wonder if anybody has filed a bug -- are you willing to try

 Randy Kramer

Randy, you mentioned earlier in the thread about database programmes, 
like MySQL.
I find I have MySQL ,it comes with the distro. I installed it and 
find that it's a command line programme, and well yes, I know if you 
look in mysql --help you will get a list of commands and options etc, 
but you know it's a bit like going up to a chef and asking him to 
create a dish he has never heard of with nothing but a collection of 
ingredients to go by, not even a hint of what combination of command 
s to start with. I assume one puts up a shell and begin there. ?

So as it stands I haven't a clue what to do to use the programme.

Now I also wondered whether there was such a thing as a gui front end 
to this backend type programme. Anyone got any knowledge ?

Also, I would like to understand, what if any is the difference 
between using a spreadsheet programme and using a database programme.
What is the technical difference between them, do they work in 
different ways. In the spreadsheet programmes it would seem , the 
programme and the data are all loaded into memory, perhaps database 
programmes like MySQL work differently ? I don't know !
But if database programmes exist they must offer some technical 
advantage, what is it ?

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-26 Thread John Richard Smith

On Sunday 26 May 2002 00:57, you wrote:

  Well I do have gnumeric on my machine and I opened the kspread
  file in kspread and saved as gnumeric file , which I then opened
  in gnumeric. About 1.5 seconds. However it was not flawless. the
  50total,89total,and 200toal columns were duds, every figure gone.
  I also remade the colour scheme which is not so delightfully
  sensitive as kspread and does not look so nice, however the saved
  file reopened in gnumeric in about 1.5seconds.
  I would say the developers  at kde resposible for kspread need to
  look into this urgently.

 John, may be the answer. Never mind the question.

 Open Office includes a spreadsheet that has been tried and proven
 in a successful office suite for years (Suns Star Office). It will
 import and export in Excel format with little loss of quality. Plus
 you get a word processor that can read MS Word files and others
 thrown in.

 Help is available on the list for installing it. I believe Tom
 posted an address to download the latest version from as a Mandrake
 RPM within the last few days.

Well the idea had occured to me, but for the moment, I don't just 
want to dump kspread at the first hurdle.So to speak. I will keep 
this option open, the one factor is that it's yet another install 
every time you replace the OS, but as I say I don't rule it out.


John Richard Smith

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Re: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-26 Thread Roger Sherman

On 26 May 2002, Brian Parish wrote:

 Sorry - no answer to your problem, but your post raises another question
 for me.  From my reading of the dyndns page, I thought that they could
 only redirect to an address within predefined domains.  Hence my post
 and Civ's reply.
 From what you say above though, it sounds like dyndns could in fact
 associate my IP with my registered domain.  So now I'm confused as to
 what whyI does that dyndns does not.
 I'm not concerned really about who I end up using, just about
 understanding the difference.

Hi Brian - yes, can associate your domain with your PC...just 
go to Custom DNS. It has a one time donation fee of $30.

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[newbie] Opera 6.0 doesn't load any page

2002-05-26 Thread Rodrigo

Hi all,
Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this.
I installed the latest opera 6.0 in mdk 8.2 but it doesn't load any page. I 
tried both types of packages, with qt static and shared and the result is the 
same, it hangs with looking up host name ...  and never contacts any 
host name.
It worked fine in mdk8.1, does anyone know what is wrong ?
The other browsers I have here are working without any problems.
Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-26 Thread Randy Kramer

John Richard Smith wrote:
 Oh, yes, That's the nature of averages, you have to start the first
 line so many horizontal (H)columns down, so 10day moving average
 starts at horizontal line 10, 30 at H30, 50 at H50, 89 at H89,200 at
 H200, and so on,

Ahh, OK, now I understand what your data is -- originally I didn't know
whether you were perhaps collecting data for example every 15 minutes
and generating, for example, a 2 hour moving average.  (I guess I could
have pieced this out by looking at your sample file more closely ;-)

BTW, just for the record, I would characterize your spreadsheets as very
small at this point in time, and would expect that you can use a
spreadsheet (something faster to load than KSpread) for a long time to

   I would say the developers  at kde resposible for kspread need to
   look into this urgently.
  Yes, I wonder if anybody has filed a bug -- are you willing to try
 I suppose I could, though I'm hardly a racing hot computer buff.
 To be honest I don't know anything about how to go about it.
 Still, I will, and suggestions how?

Well, I'll give you some hints -- for me now it would involve a fair
amount of searching to recall how to do it  -- basically:

   * Go to the kde website (IIRC) it's
   * Look for something about reporting bugs, or, look for something
specific about KSpread (IIRC, they keep one common database buglist
(bugzilla) to report bugs for all their applications
   * Are you using the most recent version of KSpread?  Last time I
tried to report a bug, the instructions didn't want to allow it because
I was using an older version of whatever application I was going to
report on (it was probably konqueror), because I've taken to upgrading
kde when a new Mandrake install includes an updated version -- and, my
experimental machine is still at Mandrake 8.1 (my production machine
is at Mandrake 7.2).
   * When you get to the place where you can report bugs, they will want
you to make a reasonable effort to confirm that you are not reporting a
bug that is already reported, I ususally try a search on a few likely
key words, if no duplicate bug is found, I'll report my bug, but I
usually say something like I tried a search on [slow loading] and
[something else] (for example), and could not find a duplicate -- it
lets them know you tried.  
   * Describe the bug, tell them the version of KSpread you're using,
the processor speed, amount of RAM memory, in this case something about
the disk size and type (IDE vs. SCSI).  Maybe a good clue to mention is
that the same size spreadsheet loads in 1 1/2 seconds in Gnumeric on the
same hardware, 1 second in Excel on slower hardware.

Let me know how you make out.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-26 Thread Randy Kramer

John Richard Smith wrote:
 Randy, you mentioned earlier in the thread about database programmes,
 like MySQL.
 I find I have MySQL ,it comes with the distro. I installed it and
 find that it's a command line programme, and well yes, I know if you
 look in mysql --help you will get a list of commands and options etc,
 but you know it's a bit like going up to a chef and asking him to
 create a dish he has never heard of with nothing but a collection of
 ingredients to go by, not even a hint of what combination of command
 s to start with. I assume one puts up a shell and begin there. ?
 So as it stands I haven't a clue what to do to use the programme.

I just responded to one of your other emails, and mentioned that your
spreadsheet is quite small and you should be able to stick with a
spreadsheet for years to come (but something faster than the current
speed of Kspread).

I was somehow envisioning a much bigger spreadsheet, with you perhaps
collecting 10 or 100s of data samples per day -- at this point I'd stick
with a spreadsheet, but you may still wish to learn more about a
database just for general knowledge or possible future use.

One point you mention below is correct -- AFAIK, most spreadsheets load
all their data into RAM memory, a database keeps the data on disk, and
only loads specific things when required -- thus, it can handle much
larger quantities of data.

I learned databases more or less in the dos/Windows world, with things
like dBase III, III+, and IV, Paradox, Rbase, and Access.  They
basically come with a built in GUI (well, maybe that's not a real
accurate statement to make for the earlier things -- not a GUI like
we're used to, but stuff to make it easy to set up programs to interface
to the data without very much programming).  I'm just getting into
Linux, but MySQL and Postgres are more like the raw database engine
behind programs (applications) like dBase, Paradox, and Access -- I'm
not aware that they have a GUI front end unless you (or somebody else)
has built one to serve your specific purpose.  

Hopefully, someone else can provide additional information.

Randy Kramer 
 Now I also wondered whether there was such a thing as a gui front end
 to this backend type programme. Anyone got any knowledge ?
 Also, I would like to understand, what if any is the difference
 between using a spreadsheet programme and using a database programme.
 What is the technical difference between them, do they work in
 different ways. In the spreadsheet programmes it would seem , the
 programme and the data are all loaded into memory, perhaps database
 programmes like MySQL work differently ? I don't know !
 But if database programmes exist they must offer some technical
 advantage, what is it ?
 John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Opera 6.0 doesn't load any page

2002-05-26 Thread Derek Jennings

Opera 6 shared works great for me, but I have read of some users who have to 
enable 'Synchronous DNS' in the preferences.



On Sunday 26 May 2002 3:19 pm, you wrote:
 Hi all,
 Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this.
 I installed the latest opera 6.0 in mdk 8.2 but it doesn't load any page. I
 tried both types of packages, with qt static and shared and the result is
 the same, it hangs with looking up host name ...  and never contacts
 any host name.
 It worked fine in mdk8.1, does anyone know what is wrong ?
 The other browsers I have here are working without any problems.
 Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] Opera 6.0 doesn't load any page

2002-05-26 Thread Rodrigo

On Sunday 26 May 2002 11:57, you wrote:
Thanks a lot !!!
That solved the problem !


 Opera 6 shared works great for me, but I have read of some users who have
 to enable 'Synchronous DNS' in the preferences.



 On Sunday 26 May 2002 3:19 pm, you wrote:
  Hi all,
  Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this.
  I installed the latest opera 6.0 in mdk 8.2 but it doesn't load any page.
  I tried both types of packages, with qt static and shared and the result
  is the same, it hangs with looking up host name ...  and never
  contacts any host name.
  It worked fine in mdk8.1, does anyone know what is wrong ?
  The other browsers I have here are working without any problems.
  Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] New dumb CLI question

2002-05-26 Thread dfox

 This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 How do I restart my Internet Daemon from a Term window? 

Which one? There's several. If you cannot connect to anyone (can you
try pinging your gateway?) you probably should try checking the 
DSL connection hardware. Usually you don't need to reestablish it like
a ppp / modem connection. Once in a while it gets fouled up, and the
(usual) solution is to cycle power on the DSL modem (mine's external)
and then to try a few pings to see if you can get through to the 


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[newbie] rocks and hard places...(or tossing the wine out the window)

2002-05-26 Thread Jerry

we've all been at the beginning of my story... Sitting in the chair.. blank
look on your face then all of a sudden IT DOES IT AGAIN!!! ARGH.  that
annoying BSOD.  One day you decide yoiu've had enough.  that's it.  Where's
the number to the computer store to see if they have a Linux distro that'll
work with your machine.
 After about 3 weeks of spending nearly every free moment trying to get
just one little last detail of my system to work fileserving script on
mIRC / or a clone thereof for a *nix client...  I'm about tearing my hair
out.  first off was the disappointment of Wine not liking Mandrake_Desk (the
menu part of it) and crashing with a whole whopping 6 minute record of
emulation (i got 3 hours on redhat... but my soundcard doesn't work with
their distro).  Last week it was fighting with bochs-1.4 and finally giving
up after sitting here for days just trying to get it to load some kind of
boot floppy or image of one to make an image of a windows install.  I still
haven't got the slightest clue why that won't work.  The third option,
finding a script for kvIRC/BitchX/ircII/epic_ircII/kIRC/smIRC/x-chat/etc has
turned out to be about the most frustrating.  Do *nix'ers not do
filesharing?  i found one script that was half there (no kind of listmaker
for an index of your files) and one that I can't get the installer binary to
open even after having downloaded/configured/compiled/installed all the
latest versions of c... c++.. compilers... parsers...fortran.. perl, python,
and tcl/tk et cetera, trying different shells...  (yep... i checked the
permissions.. .it's 777).
 so... here i am back in Winblows writing this on OutCast Express 'cause
i don't feel like re-installing linux for the 4th time in 3 days (at least
it's pretty easy to do with those replay discs).  I know.. it's just one
chat room out of a million that i can't work with.. but it's a lot of
friends in there too.  I like Linux when it's running smooth.  I had my last
linux box up for months without a reboot.
   So.. I guess my question comes down to 2 things.. does anyone have
either a fileserving script for x-chat or ircII(or its clones) or a disk
image of a running windows 98 with samba access... or any resources they
could point me towards.  If it's going to cost me 300 dollars to get VMware
Workstation, I think I'll just deal with the BSOD.  (at least i got mine to
be green instead of blue lol).
oops i wrote a book.  i'll shut up
 thx in advance!  if there's an
answer it's here.

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-26 Thread dfox

 Now I also wondered whether there was such a thing as a gui front end 
 to this backend type programme. Anyone got any knowledge ?

They probably exist. StarOffice has a data wizard kinda like
Access in the front end -- in other words, the interface works
more or less like Access, For a backend, there are a variety of
possibilities. It seems though, that the 'right' way to do it is
to use Web-based forms to do the data entry or whatever, and have
CGI scripts to do the actual insertions or queries or whatever.

 Also, I would like to understand, what if any is the difference 
 between using a spreadsheet programme and using a database programme.

They both can be used for the same thing. Obviously, some things are
better suited for a database. For a lot of people, spreadsheets are
easier, because yuo don't need to define any of the relationships betweeen
data - just making column headers is sufficient, and putting the 
necessary formulas for the other columns and so forth. And as a plus,
the reporting is in the sheet itself - no need to use an external 
app to produce nice looking reports from the database. This alos
presents problems: in a spreadsheet, if you want to change the report,
you change the spreadsheet - and change it back, or make a new sheet
from the data in the old one. With a database, you just create a different
report (or view).

Spreadsheets are better if there's mostly computation going on, less so
if there's going to be a lot of lookups/finds and so forth. A real-world
expample: one of my main tasks at a temporary position I had ca. 18 months
ago was to set up reporting and tracking methods for a 'database' of 
parts. I got some of the original data from our internal database, some
from outside sources (f.e., outstanding parts reports over the Net) and
combined all this in a way that was useful for other engineers and 
management. My platform was a P-100 with 64 emgs of RAM, running Windows
98 probably, and Excel. Plus, the real-world databases I have used
at work would likely be way too cumbersome as a spreadsheet, or
series of related spreadsheets. But a sheet would make some things
easier if just a subset of the data were available. Like if you 
just have a simple list of names/addressses/etc., you really don't 
need to go out and get Oracle :).

The data overall ended up at many megabytes worth - it was probably 5
megs or so xls file. Inside, there were quite a few lookups (i.e..,
=vlookup() ) to external tables (i.e., spreadsheets) to derive things
like part name-part number translation, price info, availability, 
return status and so forth. Of course, these 'forests' of vlookups
and so sort made working with the spreadsheet extremely cumbersome at
times, and setting up a database, especially given the 2000+ vlookup
formulas in the sheet, might have made better sense. There were several
times when the machine simply swapped itself for hours, and I couldn't
do anything. I did manage to find out that Excel thought the file 
much bigger than it was originally (I had highlighted some rows and
such) -- which no doubt contributed to the heavy memory use, and might 
be something worth looking into in your kspread issue.

 different ways. In the spreadsheet programmes it would seem , the 
 programme and the data are all loaded into memory, perhaps database 

Correct. All the spreadsheet needs to fit within memory. VM does 
exist, of course (back in the DOS days, I evaluated some VM extras
on 1-2-3 and the like) but as someone more knowledgeable than I at
the time said, '' spreadsheets have poor locality of reference'' which
loosely means that a formula in cell AE2156 might reference one in
cell G23, and the poor box has to swap parts of the sheet back in and out
to resolve everything.

 John Richard Smith

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[newbie] StarOffice 5.2 Download To Be Removed (FYI)

2002-05-26 Thread Sevatio

News about it:

to download:

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Re: [newbie] how to play vcd's under linux, .dat files on disk.

2002-05-26 Thread Mark Evans

On Friday 24 May 2002 6:39 pm, you wrote:
 Hi list,
 I am very new to linux so please forgive me if this question has
 been asked before.
 I want to play Video CD's in the .dat format under linux, when the .dat
 files are on disk.
 The xine player only plays them from the CD-ROM

 PLUS: Are there any other open-source video cd players for linux ?

 All help appreciated,

Hi Taran...

I use Nonton VCD.  The RPM I have is called vcd-0.3.5-3mdk.i586.rpm.

Mark Evans

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[newbie] Worm

2002-05-26 Thread poogle

I may be wrong but I think I have received a new twist to the Klez.e worm in 
which case I think cross posting to warn others is appropriate, if I'm wrong 
I apologise for cross posting.
I paste below the text of the e mail which came with an attachment called 
width.exe which I will e mail off-list to anyone who wants to look at it at 
their own risk of course, a second attachment in html read  Read the OEM 
Privacy Statement This page is unavailable. Please check with your computer 
manufacturer.To continue to register your computer and Microsoft Windows, 
click Back.  and a back button followed.
I am Windows free so I can't virus scan the attachment and I'm not a 
programmer so although I could look at it it would mean nothing to me.

The text:-

Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It's very dangerous by 
corrupting your files. Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus 
technic,most common AV software can't detect or clean it. We developed this 
free immunity tool to defeat the malicious virus. You only need to run this 
tool once,and then Klez will never come into your PC.
 NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm,some AV 
monitor maybe cry when you run it. If so,Ignore the warning,and select 
 If you have any question,please [there was an e mail link here]

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Re: [newbie] rocks and hard places...(or tossing the wine out the window)

2002-05-26 Thread dfox

 finding a script for kvIRC/BitchX/ircII/epic_ircII/kIRC/smIRC/x-chat/etc has
 turned out to be about the most frustrating.  Do *nix'ers not do
 filesharing?  i found one script that was half there (no kind of listmaker

Sorry to hear you're having trouble. Personally, I'm not that much of
an IRC type person, and I don't do any scripting with IRC as such. I
guess unixers are the type to use ftp/scp etc. You could share files
that way too. I just recently got on AudioGalaxy and people are already
downloading stuff from me :).

 for an index of your files) and one that I can't get the installer binary to
 open even after having downloaded/configured/compiled/installed all the

Wwhat errors are you getting? If it's complaining that it can't find a
specific library, than post that error, perhaps oomeone can find out what
rpms you forgot to install.

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Re: [newbie] Opera 6.0 doesn't load any page

2002-05-26 Thread Joan Tur

Es Diumenge 26 Maig 2002 16:19, en Rodrigo va escriure:
 Hi all,
 Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this.
 I installed the latest opera 6.0 in mdk 8.2 but it doesn't load any page. I
 tried both types of packages, with qt static and shared and the result is
 the same, it hangs with looking up host name ...  and never contacts
 any host name.
 It worked fine in mdk8.1, does anyone know what is wrong ?
Try setting File - Preferences - Network - Synchronous DNS

   Joan Tur. Eivissa-Balears
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] New dumb CLI question

2002-05-26 Thread Paul Rodriguez

If you have ethernet network cards instead of modems, you can bring
down/up your device with the ifup eth0 or ifdown eth0 commands. 
This is assuming you only have on network card.  For each subsequent
card you can raise the integer after eth by one.

- Paul Rodriguez
New York GNU/Linux Scene

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 01:30, Dale Huckeby wrote:
   From the command line.  I use ifup ppp0 to establish a connection,
 and ifdown ppp0 to kill it.  Actually, I've put aliases in my .bashrc
 for u and o, so that's what I type, but those commands are what
 they stand for.
 Dale Huckeby
 On Sat, 25 May 2002, darklord wrote:
  On Saturday 25 May 2002 10:57 pm, you wrote:
   How do I restart my Internet Daemon from a Term window?
   I am using the MDK Control Center atm cause i keep getting cut-off
   (still don't know why).  Its rather tedious  i'd rather just enter a
   few commands  a prompt.
  Hey. If you're using KDE (or the KDE stuff) then you can do a:
  and it will give you the usual interface for logging on to the 'Net.
  You should also be able to use /usr/sbin/pppd. I'm not sure about the syntax
  (read the man files) as I've never used it like that...
  HTHs... ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Worm

2002-05-26 Thread Mike Larson

You received the Klez.h variant.

I received this and dozens of other infected emails from a friend whose 
Windows computer got infected. Naturally, I was not affected since I am 
using Linux, but it was a real mess for him to clean up. It even sent 
out a few copies of itself with my email address (which it obtained from 
  his address book) as the return address.


poogle wrote:
 I may be wrong but I think I have received a new twist to the Klez.e worm in 
 which case I think cross posting to warn others is appropriate, if I'm wrong 
 I apologise for cross posting.
 I paste below the text of the e mail which came with an attachment called 
 width.exe which I will e mail off-list to anyone who wants to look at it at 
 their own risk of course, a second attachment in html read  Read the OEM 
 Privacy Statement This page is unavailable. Please check with your computer 
 manufacturer.To continue to register your computer and Microsoft Windows, 
 click Back.  and a back button followed.
 I am Windows free so I can't virus scan the attachment and I'm not a 
 programmer so although I could look at it it would mean nothing to me.
 The text:-
 Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It's very dangerous by 
 corrupting your files. Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus 
 technic,most common AV software can't detect or clean it. We developed this 
 free immunity tool to defeat the malicious virus. You only need to run this 
 tool once,and then Klez will never come into your PC.
  NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm,some AV 
 monitor maybe cry when you run it. If so,Ignore the warning,and select 
  If you have any question,please [there was an e mail link here]
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Worm

2002-05-26 Thread Belgarius

   To answer your question, yes, to the best of my recollection, this is one
of the methods used to propagate the worm.  Rather an insidious method, and
one relying on the ignorance/gullibility of the recipient to be fooled into
thinking it is legitimate.


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.365 / Virus Database: 202 - Release Date: 5/24/02

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-26 Thread Mark D. Weaver

Dale Huckeby wrote:
 On Sat, 25 May 2002, shane wrote:
On Saturday 25 May 2002 09:22 am, Dale Huckeby opened a general hailing
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

  This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to install
Gnome and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having Mandrake_Desk shoved
down my throat.  I can't even install Midnight Commander without it, for
Chrissakes! This is for 8.1.  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop,
I'm going back to 7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another

if by mandrake_desk you mean the rpm, well it is only some icons and
backgrounds.  don't use them, choose other theme/styles, delete the
mandrake shortcuts, whatever.  but 800k of icons and backgrounds seems
like a poor reason to go back a few versions to me.
   If it's only some icons and backgrounds, why does Mandrake threaten
 to uncheck so many other packages, such as GMC and MC, when I uncheck it?
 It's not just 800k of icons and backgrounds.  It's an overall difference
 in behavior between 7.2 and 8.1.  With 7.2 I type in my userid, then my
 password (at the console), and Bam!, I have a prompt.  With 8.1 it takes
 about 10 seconds.  With 7.2, in Gnome, I can put in one of the install
 CDs, double-click on the CD icon, and GMC pops up and in very short order
 I can browse RPMs.  In 8.1 the same actions bring up Nautilus, which is
 a bloated pig of a program, and I wait and wait while it loads the same
 info in about three times the time it takes GMC.  Granted, this is Gnome
 rather than Mandrake per se, but this graphics intensive, take the poor
 dumb user by the hand attitude seems to permeate the latest version.

Dale...I hear what you're saying here, however, had you taken a few 
extra minutes during the install to carefully inspect the packages 
available for the install you'd notice that many, if not all of the 
programs you've come to appreciate in 7.2 are available for an 8.1 or 
8.2 install. There are just changing default programs that are being 
used for the newer version.

As for the take the poor dumb user by the hand attitude seems to 
permeate the latest version thing you mention is the MandrakeSoft 
response to a great many new Mandrake users coming from the windows 
environment. People have been asking for a more intutive install. 
MandrakeSoft, seeking to satisfy the greatest amount of people with what 
the thought according to the people's choices, were the best and most 
wanted choices to populate a default install item list.

As always, with Linux and especially Mandrake Linux, the users get what 
they ask for. Moreover the choices that are offered are Still THE best 
in all the land.

I've got a Windows XP installation that I'm quite impressed with and 
happy with. I've got scads of boxes running Mandrake Linux that 
absolutely RULE the roost and one Redhat 7.3 install that I really don't 
care for. While attempting to configure this new RH install I found that 
many of the old config tools simply aren't there any more in RH. Very 
disappointing - back in 1997 I started out the RedHat 5.2 ( After 
Mandrake there just isn't anything to compare in my opinion )

If I come across as scolding I really don't mean to. All I mean to say 
is that if one takes the time to search out and make the choices that 
suit them they really can have the best of all worlds with Mandrake.


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Re: [newbie] Worm

2002-05-26 Thread poogle

Followed your link, you are absolutely right and I was also right to be 

On Sunday 26 May 2002 18:58 pm, Mike Larson wrote:
 You received the Klez.h variant.

 I received this and dozens of other infected emails from a friend whose
 Windows computer got infected. Naturally, I was not affected since I am
 using Linux, but it was a real mess for him to clean up. It even sent
 out a few copies of itself with my email address (which it obtained from
   his address book) as the return address.


 poogle wrote:
  I may be wrong but I think I have received a new twist to the Klez.e worm
  in which case I think cross posting to warn others is appropriate, if I'm
  wrong I apologise for cross posting.
  I paste below the text of the e mail which came with an attachment called
  width.exe which I will e mail off-list to anyone who wants to look at it
  at their own risk of course, a second attachment in html read  Read the
  OEM Privacy Statement This page is unavailable. Please check with your
  computer manufacturer.To continue to register your computer and Microsoft
  Windows, click Back.  and a back button followed.
  I am Windows free so I can't virus scan the attachment and I'm not a
  programmer so although I could look at it it would mean nothing to me.
  The text:-
  Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It's very dangerous
  by corrupting your files. Because of its very smart stealth and
  anti-anti-virus technic,most common AV software can't detect or clean it.
  We developed this free immunity tool to defeat the malicious virus. You
  only need to run this tool once,and then Klez will never come into your
   NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm,some
  AV monitor maybe cry when you run it. If so,Ignore the warning,and select
   If you have any question,please [there was an e mail link here]
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-26 Thread John Richard Smith

On Sunday 26 May 2002 17:40, you wrote:
  Now I also wondered whether there was such a thing as a gui front
  end to this backend type programme. Anyone got any knowledge ?

 They probably exist. StarOffice has a data wizard kinda like
 Access in the front end -- in other words, the interface works
 more or less like Access, For a backend, there are a variety of
 possibilities. It seems though, that the 'right' way to do it is
 to use Web-based forms to do the data entry or whatever, and have
 CGI scripts to do the actual insertions or queries or whatever.

  Also, I would like to understand, what if any is the difference
  between using a spreadsheet programme and using a database

 They both can be used for the same thing. Obviously, some things
 are better suited for a database. For a lot of people, spreadsheets
 are easier, because yuo don't need to define any of the
 relationships betweeen data - just making column headers is
 sufficient, and putting the necessary formulas for the other
 columns and so forth. And as a plus, the reporting is in the sheet
 itself - no need to use an external app to produce nice looking
 reports from the database. This alos presents problems: in a
 spreadsheet, if you want to change the report, you change the
 spreadsheet - and change it back, or make a new sheet from the data
 in the old one. With a database, you just create a different report
 (or view).

 Spreadsheets are better if there's mostly computation going on,
 less so if there's going to be a lot of lookups/finds and so forth.
 A real-world expample: one of my main tasks at a temporary position
 I had ca. 18 months ago was to set up reporting and tracking
 methods for a 'database' of parts. I got some of the original data
 from our internal database, some from outside sources (f.e.,
 outstanding parts reports over the Net) and combined all this in a
 way that was useful for other engineers and management. My platform
 was a P-100 with 64 emgs of RAM, running Windows 98 probably, and
 Excel. Plus, the real-world databases I have used at work would
 likely be way too cumbersome as a spreadsheet, or series of related
 spreadsheets. But a sheet would make some things easier if just a
 subset of the data were available. Like if you just have a simple
 list of names/addressses/etc., you really don't need to go out and
 get Oracle :).

 The data overall ended up at many megabytes worth - it was probably
 5 megs or so xls file. Inside, there were quite a few lookups
 (i.e.., =vlookup() ) to external tables (i.e., spreadsheets) to
 derive things like part name-part number translation, price info,
 availability, return status and so forth. Of course, these
 'forests' of vlookups and so sort made working with the spreadsheet
 extremely cumbersome at times, and setting up a database,
 especially given the 2000+ vlookup formulas in the sheet, might
 have made better sense. There were several times when the machine
 simply swapped itself for hours, and I couldn't do anything. I did
 manage to find out that Excel thought the file much bigger than it
 was originally (I had highlighted some rows and such) -- which no
 doubt contributed to the heavy memory use, and might be something
 worth looking into in your kspread issue.

  different ways. In the spreadsheet programmes it would seem , the
  programme and the data are all loaded into memory, perhaps

 Correct. All the spreadsheet needs to fit within memory. VM does
 exist, of course (back in the DOS days, I evaluated some VM extras
 on 1-2-3 and the like) but as someone more knowledgeable than I at
 the time said, '' spreadsheets have poor locality of reference''
 which loosely means that a formula in cell AE2156 might reference
 one in cell G23, and the poor box has to swap parts of the sheet
 back in and out to resolve everything.

  John Richard Smith

I would like to thank you all very much in helping me to get to grips 
with the whole question of data and how you use it.

It is quite obvious to me that spreadsheets are OK, But, and here 
think I am beginning to see the wood from the trees, that they will 
do for the moment, but in the long term I need a database setup.

One thing I have not mentioned to date is that , moving averages is 
only one small element of a far wider programme of achievement in the 
use of Computers to upgrade and assist me in the provision, use, and 
dissemination of a whole lot of mainly financial data. 

Being a newcomer to the world of computers, indeed I have only owned 
a computer , for just over 2 years, I now have  5 (some are on behalf 
of others) . I made all the usual mistakes learners make,the first 
computer had mainly the wrong programmes, but my very newest I built 
myself from parts,together with the help and assistance of my son in 

I cannot afford to keep buying a $1,000 OS's every couple of years 
which comes with so many restrictions as to use and ownership. It is 

Re: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-26 Thread Mark D. Weaver

Roger Sherman wrote:
 On Sun, 26 May 2002, Franki wrote:
There might be some port redirection service you could use, but I don't know
what it is..

you can set apache to use a different port.. then somewhere online.. use one
of the free webhosting accounts with friendly URL's like
(or get a real domain.)

put a page up there and use meta tags or javascript to redirect it to your
other port..

that way people only need to remember the address and the other port
still gets used..

other then that, another ISP???
 Thanks Franki, but those answers aren't for me. I don't want to have to 
 deal with a free hosting page, even as just a redirect...nor do I want to 
 attatch my domain name to a free webpage, and then not have that domain 
 name associated with my server.
 And with the one exception, my ISP offers really good service.
 Thanks anyways...


I think what Frank is saying is that you can have the port number 
appended to your domain name that is registered. I could be wrong, but 
that's what it sounds like to me. If that is the case then this would be 
the cat's meow for you brudda.


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RE: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-26 Thread Franki

yup :-)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark D. Weaver
Sent: Monday, 27 May 2002 2:22 AM
Subject: Re: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

Roger Sherman wrote:
 On Sun, 26 May 2002, Franki wrote:

There might be some port redirection service you could use, but I don't
what it is..

you can set apache to use a different port.. then somewhere online.. use
of the free webhosting accounts with friendly URL's like
(or get a real domain.)

put a page up there and use meta tags or javascript to redirect it to your
other port..

that way people only need to remember the address and the other port
still gets used..

other then that, another ISP???

 Thanks Franki, but those answers aren't for me. I don't want to have to
 deal with a free hosting page, even as just a redirect...nor do I want to
 attatch my domain name to a free webpage, and then not have that domain
 name associated with my server.

 And with the one exception, my ISP offers really good service.

 Thanks anyways...


I think what Frank is saying is that you can have the port number
appended to your domain name that is registered. I could be wrong, but
that's what it sounds like to me. If that is the case then this would be
the cat's meow for you brudda.


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Re: [newbie] rocks and hard places...(or tossing the wine out thewindow)

2002-05-26 Thread Mark D. Weaver

Jerry wrote:
 we've all been at the beginning of my story... Sitting in the chair.. blank
 look on your face then all of a sudden IT DOES IT AGAIN!!! ARGH.  that
 annoying BSOD.  One day you decide yoiu've had enough.  that's it.  Where's
 the number to the computer store to see if they have a Linux distro that'll
 work with your machine.
  After about 3 weeks of spending nearly every free moment trying to get
 just one little last detail of my system to work fileserving script on
 mIRC / or a clone thereof for a *nix client...  I'm about tearing my hair
 out.  first off was the disappointment of Wine not liking Mandrake_Desk (the
 menu part of it) and crashing with a whole whopping 6 minute record of
 emulation (i got 3 hours on redhat... but my soundcard doesn't work with
 their distro).  Last week it was fighting with bochs-1.4 and finally giving
 up after sitting here for days just trying to get it to load some kind of
 boot floppy or image of one to make an image of a windows install.  I still
 haven't got the slightest clue why that won't work.  The third option,
 finding a script for kvIRC/BitchX/ircII/epic_ircII/kIRC/smIRC/x-chat/etc has
 turned out to be about the most frustrating.  Do *nix'ers not do
 filesharing?  i found one script that was half there (no kind of listmaker
 for an index of your files) and one that I can't get the installer binary to
 open even after having downloaded/configured/compiled/installed all the
 latest versions of c... c++.. compilers... parsers...fortran.. perl, python,
 and tcl/tk et cetera, trying different shells...  (yep... i checked the
 permissions.. .it's 777).
  so... here i am back in Winblows writing this on OutCast Express 'cause
 i don't feel like re-installing linux for the 4th time in 3 days (at least
 it's pretty easy to do with those replay discs).  I know.. it's just one
 chat room out of a million that i can't work with.. but it's a lot of
 friends in there too.  I like Linux when it's running smooth.  I had my last
 linux box up for months without a reboot.
So.. I guess my question comes down to 2 things.. does anyone have
 either a fileserving script for x-chat or ircII(or its clones) or a disk
 image of a running windows 98 with samba access... or any resources they
 could point me towards.  If it's going to cost me 300 dollars to get VMware
 Workstation, I think I'll just deal with the BSOD.  (at least i got mine to
 be green instead of blue lol).
 oops i wrote a book.  i'll shut up
  thx in advance!  if there's an
 answer it's here.

Hi Jerry,

Ok...lets start with the most obvious. Does your hardware appear on the 
Mandrake Linux HCL? Usually when a user is having this amount of trouble 
there inevitably only two reasons for it. Hardware is the second.

I feel your pain my friend. I really do. I know as well as every other 
Linux user on this list that the learning curve is very steep, and can 
be nerve racking the first few weeks. Tell us a little bit about the 
hardware on your system and what it is you're trying to get Mandrake to 
do on that system.

O, and we do do file sharing. Quite well I might add. Samba is the cat's 
meow for Linux and file sharing. the only thing I know thats better is a 
  full-blown Novell Network. And Linux will do IPX also.

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR

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[newbie] Is this my ISP's (DNS?) problem? (long)

2002-05-26 Thread Charlie


I'm not certain whether I have a problem; Shaw FibreLink (my cable/broadband 
ISP) has a problem, or if we both do. I apologize for the length of this 
message but I don't know how else to show the information that may let some 
one help me figure this out.

Starting some time last night the two DNS servers that have always been used 
started attempting to connect to my box. Lease is up? Whatever, the firewall 
blocked it and I didn't think anything of it. But now when I try to surf to 
some web sites I get a time out connecting or unknown host message, as though 
there was no DNS server to query for the address to connect to. Also repeated 
blocks of the two IPs that are the DNS server addresses.

First 3 untoward entries (time is MDT AM): 

May 26 12:10:37 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: auditIN=eth0 OUT= 
MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=18609 DF PROTO=ICMP 
TYPE=8 CODE=0 ID=282 SEQ=56796

May 26 12:10:37 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: PUB_IN DROP 2IN=eth0 OUT= 
MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=18609 DF PROTO=ICMP 
TYPE=8 CODE=0 ID=282 SEQ=56796

May 26 12:10:38 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: PUB_IN DROP 4 IN=eth0 OUT= 
MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=351 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=18610 DF PROTO=UDP 
SPT=67 DPT=68 LEN=331

Also the most recent two log entries from today when I had difficulty 
reaching web sites (time is MDT PM):

May 26 12:24:17 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: PUB_IN DROP 4 IN=eth0 OUT= 
MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=61 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=12133 DF PROTO=UDP 
SPT=53 DPT=32770 LEN=41

May 26 12:24:27 h24-68-xxx-xx kernel: PUB_IN DROP 4 IN=eth0 OUT= 
MAC=00:a0:0c:c1:d1:b6:00:00:77:8f:32:bc:08:00 SRC= LEN=91 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=253 ID=12134 DF PROTO=UDP 
SPT=53 DPT=32770 LEN=71

Strangest part of this is that while I was running InteractiveBastille to set 
the firewall those two IPs were the DNS server entries that I entered. I mean 
the and 

Have I broken something unbeknownst to me by accident, or is the whole 
bleedin' system going insane because of vulnerabilities in MS bug-ware?

Thanks for any suggestions and once again sorry for the length of this 
Registered user 244963 at
Pittsburgh Driver's Test

(7) The car directly in front of you has a flashing right tail light
but a steady left tail light.  This means

(a) one of the tail lights is broken; you should blow your horn
to call the problem to the driver's attention.
(b) the driver is signaling a right turn.
(c) the driver is signaling a left turn.
(d) the driver is from out of town.

The correct answer is (d).  Tail lights are used in some foreign
countries to signal turns.

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RE: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-26 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 27 May 2002, Franki wrote:

 yup :-)

OK, I'm not sure I are saying I could have my domain name 
appended to include the new port #? How would one go about doing that? I 
tried to include it at once, but it didn't take...

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark D. Weaver
 Sent: Monday, 27 May 2002 2:22 AM
 Subject: Re: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS
 Roger Sherman wrote:
  On Sun, 26 May 2002, Franki wrote:
 There might be some port redirection service you could use, but I don't
 what it is..
 you can set apache to use a different port.. then somewhere online.. use
 of the free webhosting accounts with friendly URL's like
 (or get a real domain.)
 put a page up there and use meta tags or javascript to redirect it to your
 other port..
 that way people only need to remember the address and the other port
 still gets used..
 other then that, another ISP???
  Thanks Franki, but those answers aren't for me. I don't want to have to
  deal with a free hosting page, even as just a redirect...nor do I want to
  attatch my domain name to a free webpage, and then not have that domain
  name associated with my server.
  And with the one exception, my ISP offers really good service.
  Thanks anyways...
 I think what Frank is saying is that you can have the port number
 appended to your domain name that is registered. I could be wrong, but
 that's what it sounds like to me. If that is the case then this would be
 the cat's meow for you brudda.

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Re: [newbie] rocks and hard places...(or tossing the wine out thewindow)

2002-05-26 Thread Jerry

On hardware:  I did check on hardware, having been on/off of Linux for a few
years now that was the first place
I looked.  Here's some stats:  BOX:  Asus A7v Socket A Motherboard with an
AMD Athlon (kernel compiled for p3, not athlon--
went thru THAT bug already lol), 3dfx Voodoo3 3000 AGP videocard, Cnet
Pro200 ethernet (tulip/dmfe drivers written for this chipset),
Cendyne (*sp) 8x4x24 CD-rw (burned tons of cd's with it.. mostly backups..
under mdk8.2-works great) generic 36x cdrom (hardly ever used)
that i've used with redhat for the last 3 years.  Mouse-logitec marble mouse
(generic ps2), standard no-frills us 104key keyboard.  Generic monitor:
horiz 31.5-48.5/vert 50-70 (noninterlaced svga@60hz)  an intel easycam
(usb-can't find any drivers--need to just throw that piece of crap away lol)
no scsi devices, got my ide=scsi (or is it scsi-ide.. something like that)
line in linuxconf.

Yeah, i got looking around again today, and see there's a lot of individual
machine/small network servers on the web and of course the
AGSatellite which I've used/still use, it's just so... cold and impersonal i
guess.. not what i'm used to.  I op on some mp3 chans and I've made a lot of
friends there over the last 5 years and it'd be nice to be able to stick
with it ;-)  I'm going to just have to learn tcl or perl and write my own
script i guess.  (check back with me in oh.. about 15 years and see if i've
picked up the manual yet).  Hehehe... oh sorry folks i re-read my mail and i
was whining like a little kid.  Been up way too long--about 30 hours of
non-stop *nixing can get to ya.  Thanks for the replies... wish I had the
syslogs of what was going on with that program i couldn't get to work...
it's called MP3Tools (for epic4/BitchX/mirc/etc) if anyone wants to torture
themselves trying to get a binary in a set of tcl scripts to work.
Uck but i've got other things now, gotta at least get a boot that comes up.
i haven't changed the location of anything, and been installing from a
replay install... checked for bad blocks on disk... i had to have done
something somewhere but _right_before_ init changes to runlevel 3 I hang
until i hit the Print Screen/SysRq button (only time i've *ever* seen that
button actually DO something lol)  (will hang for hours) and then at
shutdown/reboot when it tried to sync the clock (locks-can't recover)
anyone know the package that does the clock sync?  i'm going back and
checking archives.. i know there was clock stuff since i already had a clock
issue but it was different.
 I don't know if it's on this list or expert@linux-mdk but someone
highly recommends Winex from  Any experience with this from
others?  does it work better than codeweavers wine or the latest versions
from winehq?  the only thing i can get those to run anywhere close to stable
is notepad, all because of Mandrake's menu system (hmpf).  [or. has
anyone taken mandrakes menus off and still got it to work with gnome or
kde?]  I seem to have more work to do.  EK!  another book.

going and sitting in the corner


(No jerry, that penguin doesn't remind me of Charles Manson.. it's gotta be
just you)

- Original Message -
From: Mark D. Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SNIPi'm not gonna make y'all read that again.

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2002-05-26 Thread FemmeFatale

Tim Ford wrote:
 Me, being the clueless newbie I am, forced a Mozilla 1.0rc3 install on
 LM 8.2. This stuffed many of my other programs, such as galeon, mozilla
 mail Is there revert my system back to 0.98 so the dependencies
 work fine, or uninstall mozilla without the entire GNOME system being
 uninstalled as well? If so, how do i go about it. Thanks
 To Brain Parish: I got the internet connection working properly. I
 uninstalled BPAlogin completely, unistalled my firestarter, rebooted as
 root, installed it, editied the config file too my specifications, then
 resinstalled firestarter with my correct specifications. Doing a log
 check revealed BPAlogin connecting properly every time, and the
 heartbeat was now being facilitated. So if theres any problems like
 mine, just completely uninstall and reinstall.

Don't do this until you get confirmation, however you may investigate
doing an rpm -e mozzila* at the cmd prompt.

Then reinstall your packages for .98 mozzilla.

Worth a look to see if that is possible?  Thats what I'd do. Course I
break my system regularly which makes me think I shouldn't offer this
advice, and should just scrap this email.

Too late! I sent it!


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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RE: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-26 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 27 May 2002, Franki wrote:

 I dont' think dyndns do it..  its a tough situation to be in.. a dns server
 doesn't supply any info on ports. its just supplies the IP address from a
 domain name.. (I don't know honestly if the returned IP can be in the format but I doubt it.. (and then any call to any port smtp or
 pop3 or whatever would end up on your web server.)
 you need an interim server that can do a port redirect for you... port 80 to
 so your server gets called and your website is
 the later is attached to an IP on that interim server and any requests to it
 on port 80 are directed to to port whatever on your setup..
 dyndns don't do it.. but I vaguely remember hearing about one of the online
 services that do it..  (had something to do with proxy redirects.. but I
 didnt' need it so I didn't pay alot of attention.)
 like I said, any web host can do it.. you can set it up in the web server
 itself, or use a page on a server to use meta tags or JS to change to or whatever port you want..(even a
 iptables firewall rule can do it..)
 its not a perfect answer, but it would work well enough.

Actually, it seems as though all that may be unnecessary ISP may 
not be blocking port 80 after might just be my router. Do I feel 
silly? Yes. But thats fine, if I can run my website off my own server. Now 
if I could just figure out what I'm doing wrong with this bloody

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Re: [newbie] Floppy error: Read-only file system

2002-05-26 Thread KMReid

--- KMReid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I’m trying to create a floppy boot disk using
 Drakfloppy.  A new floppy is already inserted in the
 drive.  When Build Disk is selected, the error is: 
 “Be sure media is present for /dev/fd0”.  Then when
 is selected, the error message is: “no medium for
 /dev/fd0 please insert one”.  
 When trying to use the KDE Floppy Formatter there is
 error message: “Cannot format: /dev/fd0u1440
 /dev/fd0u1440:  Read-only file system”.
 Any help appreciated, thanks.
 Abit KG7; Athlon 1.4Ghz; 512MB Mwave DDR memory; IBM
 40G HDD; TEAC 3.5 inch 1.44MB floppy drive. 
 8.2 “recommended” installation upgrade from 8.1.


Thank you Dennis Myers and Damian G. for your
responses.  As it turns out, it was a bad floppy
drive.  I swapped in a new one and all is well. KR

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!), OT to KDE3 users Robin

2002-05-26 Thread Robin

On Mon, 2002-05-27 at 00:45, FemmeFatale wrote:
 Robin Turner wrote:
 I've just installed KDE 3.0 into /opt and it also seems to
  be playing nice, apart from the known bug with Konsole and Kicker.
  It even saved my old KDE icons and backgrounds.  I'll upgrade it to
  3.0.1 when the /opt version comes out (installing over 2.2.2 was a
  disaster - I had to uninstall it and reinstall 2.2.2).
  Sir Robin
 If I may make an aside Robin, 3.01 is out afaik.  Saw an announcement on
 it the other day on a linux news site.

Is that the normal, install-over-everything KDE, or the promised
install-discreetly-into-/opt KDE?

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2002-05-26 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Sun, 26 May 2002 16:24:51 -0600
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't do this until you get confirmation, however you may investigate
 doing an rpm -e mozzila* at the cmd prompt.

close Femmme

It should be rpm -e --nodeps from the cmd.
Many apps are built with a versionless require for mozilla, the rc3
would be a depend and rpm would give you list of failed dependencies if
using only the -e option.

 Then reinstall your packages for .98 mozzilla.
 Worth a look to see if that is possible?  Thats what I'd do. Course I
 break my system regularly which makes me think I shouldn't offer this
 advice, and should just scrap this email.
 Too late! I sent it!
Never admit things like that.
The excuse is I was not finished yet and hit send by mistake :-)


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2002-05-26 Thread Jerry

LOL Femme, sounds like me (see below)  the replay disk is my best friend!
(even if it does just make manson clones hahahaha)  At least a basic
saved-/home install only takes a short time if using the 'standard' kernel
instead of the 3-4 hours it take me to get the same machine to bring up the
display under winblows.  ever tried installing an ethernet card, a sound
card 2 usb expansion cards and a video card on mircosoft's auto detect
wizards (idiot savant's more like it) just by remembering the keystrokes
you did last time you installed before windowsupdate decided it didn't like
your monitor?  hehehehe.

hey if it ain't broke, you're not learning anything, huh?


 Worth a look to see if that is possible?  Thats what I'd do. Course I
 break my system regularly which makes me think I shouldn't offer this
 advice, and should just scrap this email.

 Too late! I sent it!


 Good Decisions You boss Made:

 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
 character from Peanuts.

 - Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!), OT to KDE3 users Robin

2002-05-26 Thread Charles A Edwards

On 27 May 2002 01:48:29 +0300
Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is that the normal, install-over-everything KDE, or the promised
 install-discreetly-into-/opt KDE?
It the install over everything.
Mandrake is Supposed to release a 3.0.1 for 8.2 that Will install in
Sorry but I do not have any time-frame 


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2002-05-26 Thread Charlie

May 26, 2002 06:06 pm,Tim Ford wrote:
 Me, being the clueless newbie I am, forced a Mozilla 1.0rc3 install on
 LM 8.2. This stuffed many of my other programs, such as galeon, mozilla
 mail Is there revert my system back to 0.98 so the dependencies
 work fine, or uninstall mozilla without the entire GNOME system being
 uninstalled as well? If so, how do i go about it. Thanks

 To Brain Parish: I got the internet connection working properly. I
 uninstalled BPAlogin completely, unistalled my firestarter, rebooted as
 root, installed it, editied the config file too my specifications, then
 resinstalled firestarter with my correct specifications. Doing a log
 check revealed BPAlogin connecting properly every time, and the
 heartbeat was now being facilitated. So if theres any problems like
 mine, just completely uninstall and reinstall.
Did you get the package from or from Cooker? I ask 'cause I had 
release candidate 2 from Cooker on for a while and found it nice in some 
respects but buggier than the .9.8 that comes with MDK 8.2 in others. I just 
used the software manager to uninstall it and re-install .9.8 with no trouble.

I did, however, also install RC3 from (the installer download) 
and ran it for a while. It fixed a few of the things that bugged me about RC2 
but seems to have developed a few other bugs of it's own. I found the bugs 
that were obvious to me had already been reported so I just deleted the 
directory it was in and will wait for the full release. Again, no trouble 
since the second method (install from the tar file with the installer 
download from Mozilla) installs in it's own directory. Doesn't affect .9.8 at 
all. Any of the methods will stuff Galeon though because of unsatisfied 

Registered user 244963 at
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.
-- Samuel Johnson

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[newbie] Changing the mouse drivers in Linux

2002-05-26 Thread Steve Weltman

Is there anyone that knows how to use a Microsoft Optical Trackball (USB)
for Mandrake 8.2?

What driver would work?  Nothing listed in the hardware compatibility for
this particular model, however there are other USB mice listed.

Thanks!  (By the way, I can use the PS/2 plug converter instead, but
preferred the USB on the keyboard if possible).

Steve Weltman

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[newbie] shareing access

2002-05-26 Thread jbarron201

I,m new to linux and didn,t 
understand what someone was trying to tell me the other day.I have two system,s 
a Win2000 and built a linux box to learn on so not to have to duel boot after 
getting the linux box running I haven,t be able to connect thur cable internet 
ISP and I have the windows information right next to it net card shows ok 
everthing looks right but no connection .someone wrote and told me I could 
access thee internet thur the 2000 system that would be ok I can only get on one 
at a time but I,m wanting to access the internet with the linux box not access 
the files on the win2000 box.Can somebody clear this up for 

Re: [newbie] Changing the mouse drivers in Linux

2002-05-26 Thread FemmeFatale

Steve Weltman wrote:
 Is there anyone that knows how to use a Microsoft Optical Trackball (USB)
 for Mandrake 8.2?
 What driver would work?  Nothing listed in the hardware compatibility for
 this particular model, however there are other USB mice listed.
 Thanks!  (By the way, I can use the PS/2 plug converter instead, but
 preferred the USB on the keyboard if possible).
 Steve Weltman


I hav the M$ Trackball ;p  Same thing cept a trackball.  I had to to
this in this order to get it to work:

Install MDK, using the ps/2 adapter.

Get to gui login, ignore it.  Flip to CTRL-ALT-F1


Run drakconf or Mouseconf. 

Select teh USB mouse.

Logout or stay there  Flip back to the GUI login screen

You may need to restart X or reboot, i didn't ahve to do much cept
restart X *CTRL-END iirc*.

Login through gui, all should be fine.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2002-05-26 Thread FemmeFatale

Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Sun, 26 May 2002 16:24:51 -0600
 FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Don't do this until you get confirmation, however you may investigate
  doing an rpm -e mozzila* at the cmd prompt.
 close Femmme
 It should be rpm -e --nodeps from the cmd.
 Many apps are built with a versionless require for mozilla, the rc3
 would be a depend and rpm would give you list of failed dependencies if
 using only the -e option.
  Then reinstall your packages for .98 mozzilla.
  Worth a look to see if that is possible?  Thats what I'd do. Course I
  break my system regularly which makes me think I shouldn't offer this
  advice, and should just scrap this email.
  Too late! I sent it!
 Never admit things like that.
 The excuse is I was not finished yet and hit send by mistake :-)
*laughs* Ty Charles.  I knew I might be missing a small hyphenated
command in there ;p


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2002-05-26 Thread FemmeFatale

Jerry wrote:
 LOL Femme, sounds like me (see below)  the replay disk is my best friend!
 (even if it does just make manson clones hahahaha)  At least a basic
 saved-/home install only takes a short time if using the 'standard' kernel
 instead of the 3-4 hours it take me to get the same machine to bring up the
 display under winblows.  ever tried installing an ethernet card, a sound
 card 2 usb expansion cards and a video card on mircosoft's auto detect
 wizards (idiot savant's more like it) just by remembering the keystrokes
 you did last time you installed before windowsupdate decided it didn't like
 your monitor?  hehehehe.
 hey if it ain't broke, you're not learning anything, huh?

More like if it ain't broke I haven't done something right today. :P

Hm ya M$ stuff isn't that intuitive either come to think of it.  I
suspect I can break an install in 30 minutes flat.  Either OS.  Pretty
sad.  However you don't learn if you don't just try things. 

Heh, next up is breaking apache  having it whine for mercy on its knees
before me :P


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Worm

2002-05-26 Thread Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-05-27 at 03:14, poogle wrote:
 I may be wrong but I think I have received a new twist to the Klez.e worm in 
 which case I think cross posting to warn others is appropriate, if I'm wrong 
 I apologise for cross posting.
 I paste below the text of the e mail which came with an attachment called 
 width.exe which I will e mail off-list to anyone who wants to look at it at 
 their own risk of course, a second attachment in html read  Read the OEM 
 Privacy Statement This page is unavailable. Please check with your computer 
 manufacturer.To continue to register your computer and Microsoft Windows, 
 click Back.  and a back button followed.
 I am Windows free so I can't virus scan the attachment and I'm not a 
 programmer so although I could look at it it would mean nothing to me.
 The text:-
 Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It's very dangerous by 
 corrupting your files. Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus 
 technic,most common AV software can't detect or clean it. We developed this 
 free immunity tool to defeat the malicious virus. You only need to run this 
 tool once,and then Klez will never come into your PC.
  NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm,some AV 
 monitor maybe cry when you run it. If so,Ignore the warning,and select 
  If you have any question,please [there was an e mail link here]
Yeah, it is Klez, but not new.


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[newbie] X forwarding

2002-05-26 Thread rand althor

i'm wondering if anyone knows whre there is a quick faq, walkthrough on doing this for 
the beginers out there like me



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[newbie] Qmail problem

2002-05-26 Thread Barry Michels

I finally got my Linux machine out of a VMWare virtual machine and into some
real hardware.  Windows XP kept crashing and taking Linux with it...

Anyway, after several hours working on getting qmail running, I finally got
it up, but one feature won't work.  In tcp.stmp, you're supposed to be able
to put 192.168.0.:allow,RELAYCLIENT= and get it to bypass rcpthosts for
local machines.  Well, that doesn't work.  Any ideas?  What info would you
need to see to help diagnose the problem?


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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-26 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Saturday 25 May 2002 11:32 pm, Brian Parish wrote:

 OK - I have it working!  Turned out that there were two problems:

 1. Some plugins from mozilla were somehow getting in on the act and
 confusing things.

 2. By installing kdebase-plugins, I thought I was installing flash.  It
 was only when reading your message that I realized there must be an
 additional rpm for flash.

 So, to make it work, I only had to install the flash rpm using software
 manager, remove all the paths in Konq for plugins apart from
 /usr/lib/netscape/plugins, then scan.

 Thanks for your perseverance!


I looked in help and found the following,

   Netscape® Plugins

   Currently, Konqueror supports Netscape® 4.x plugins.

   If you select Preferences-Web Browsing-Netscape Plugins from the K menu  
   you will get a dialog box with two tabbed pages; Scan and Plugins.

I can't do this because I don't have Netscape Plugins option.

Gerald Waugh :: Phone. [011] 203.785.0699
Front Street Networks LLC | SOHO Networks, Web Site Hosting,  Cobalt 
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, 06513-3203 United States:wq

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[newbie] drakbackup

2002-05-26 Thread Carlos Arigós

Hola. Is there anybody out there using drakbackup? I want to backup to my 
standard SCSI CD writer (Matsushita 7502), but I don't know how to. I only 
can backup to HD.

Is there any option to 'check' that I'm missing?


el charlie

Carlos Arigós
Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Linux MDK 8.1 Kmail 1.3.2
---Atención: Usted ha movido el mouse.
---Windows se reiniciará para que los cambios sean aplicados.
12:19am up 7:16, 2 users, load average: 0.47, 0.91, 0.68

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Re: [newbie] New dumb CLI question

2002-05-26 Thread Damian G

On Sun, 26 May 2002 15:51:02 -0600
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 dfox wrote:
   This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
   How do I restart my Internet Daemon from a Term window?
  Which one? There's several. If you cannot connect to anyone (can you
  try pinging your gateway?) you probably should try checking the
  DSL connection hardware. Usually you don't need to reestablish it like
  a ppp / modem connection. Once in a while it gets fouled up, and the
  (usual) solution is to cycle power on the DSL modem (mine's external)
  and then to try a few pings to see if you can get through to the
 I suspect its my ISP dropping me off or a kiddyhacker trying to get in
 flooding my bandwidth.  What I have to do usually is power off the
 modem, go to the Man.Control Centre  hit the STOPButton for
 Internet.  Wait a bit, turn on modem  Hit the start button for
 Internet in the Control Centre.  Was wondering if there was a way to
 do so by term window. 
 Someone suggested ifup eth0.  I hope that works.  Sorry if I wasn't
 specific enough in my first post. :)

uhm.. dunno about how your connection works, but maybe you
could doit using 'services'? like service network restart?



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Re: [newbie] Mozilla dependencies

2002-05-26 Thread Damian G

On Mon, 27 May 2002 10:06:45 +1000
Tim Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me, being the clueless newbie I am, forced a Mozilla 1.0rc3 install on 
 LM 8.2. This stuffed many of my other programs, such as galeon, mozilla 
 mail Is there revert my system back to 0.98 so the dependencies 
 work fine, or uninstall mozilla without the entire GNOME system being 
 uninstalled as well? If so, how do i go about it. Thanks
 To Brain Parish: I got the internet connection working properly. I 
 uninstalled BPAlogin completely, unistalled my firestarter, rebooted as 
 root, installed it, editied the config file too my specifications, then 
 resinstalled firestarter with my correct specifications. Doing a log 
 check revealed BPAlogin connecting properly every time, and the 
 heartbeat was now being facilitated. So if theres any problems like 
 mine, just completely uninstall and reinstall.

yeah, just force the mozilla uninstall
rpm -e --force --nodeps mozila ( whatever the name was )

and then 

urpmi mozilla

will install it off your cd's.



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Re: [newbie] shareing access

2002-05-26 Thread Mark D. Weaver

 I,m new to linux and didn,t understand what someone was trying to tell 
 me the other day.I have two system,s a Win2000 and built a linux box to 
 learn on so not to have to duel boot after getting the linux box running 
 I haven,t be able to connect thur cable internet ISP and I have the 
 windows information right next to it net card shows ok everthing looks 
 right but no connection .someone wrote and told me I could access thee 
 internet thur the 2000 system that would be ok I can only get on one at 
 a time but I,m wanting to access the internet with the linux box not 
 access the files on the win2000 box.Can somebody clear this up for me.

In order to do what you're talking about you must enable Connection 
sharing on the win2000 box. The process is wizard driven so it should be 
fairly straigh forward. I do know that it's fairly easy on a Mandrake 
machine, and I've heard that it can be a pain to do on a windows machine.

At any rate you can do what you want to do.


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[newbie] cannot get modem device ID with cat /proc/pci

2002-05-26 Thread Alan Tu

Hi, I'm using Mandrake on two computers. On the first, with cat /proc/pci, I
got vendor and device ID's of the communications controller:

Communication controller: PCI device 10b7:1007 (3Com Corporation) (rev

Using this, I was able to search the WinModem docs on the Web and conclude
that my modem doesn't work under Linux.

On the second computer, Windows calls the PCI modem Lucent WinModem, and
cat /proc/pci returns the bus number, IRQ, and
Communications Controller Lucent Microelectronics 56k WinModem (rev 1).

No vendor or device ID. I've heard people can maybe use some Lucent modems,
but how can I tell which driver I need?


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[newbie] How to install connexant modem driver with the .tar extention

2002-05-26 Thread Nashib .J.

Hi everybody,
As a new user to ML8.1, I wish to have some hepl, 
how to install the connexant modem driver (hsflinmodem- to 
get my winmodem working.

Can someone inform me if internet browsing under 
Linux isquicker than browsing under 

[newbie] g++ problems

2002-05-26 Thread MELEAN Yasmin

Hi, I just installed mandrake 8.2 and I have some problems.
When I try to run g++ compiler it gives the message:

g++ installation problem, cannot exec 'cpp0': no file of
this type.

Can someone help me?

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-26 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 26 May 2002 15:17:52 -0500 (CDT), Dale Huckeby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   KDE is cool is some ways.  Multiple wallpapers for multiple virtual
 desktops is a kick!

This is a window manager dependent feature. Sawfish, GNOME's default WM, likes
to leave such 'unnecessary' features to external programmes (e.g. GNOME). You
can either find an app which will allow you to do this, or you can change your
window manager. For example, Enlightenment can do this.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless,
whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the
holy name of liberty and democracy? -- Mohandas Gandhi

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Re: [newbie] Down-grade to XFree86 4.1

2002-05-26 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 26 May 2002 16:33:44 +0300, Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday 26 May 2002 00:02, Bill Davidson wrote:
  I've just upgraded from Mandrake 8.1 to 8.2. Actually it was a
  clean install. It appears that XFree 4.2 doesn't work well with my
  video card(Tridend 3DImage975). 
 3DImage975?  You have my sympathy - I spent a month working 
 out how to configure XFree for this monster back when I was using 
 RedHat 6.0.  You could try the noaccel option, though I don't know 
 if 4.* still supports this (the acceleration in this card is so 
 minimal you probably won't notice the difference).  Hacking modelines 
 might also do the trick.  If you have the money, upgrade your card to 
 one of the lower-end NVIDIA cards, and you _will_ notice a difference.

I had the exact same problem a few years ago. I was just starting my GNU/Linux
'experience' with Red Hat 6.0, and I couldn't get my 3DImage975 to work
properly. I searched all over the place, but I couldn't find a solution at the
time. I finally caved in and changed my video card to a Matrox Millennium II,
which has worked like a champ ever since.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Are you all on drugs? Get your acts together, guys.
   Stop blathering and frothing at the mouth
-- Linus Torvalds

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