Re: [newbie-it] OT (Fwd) Re: richiesta info linux

2002-11-20 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 07:05, mercoledì 20 novembre 2002, Claudio Duchi ha scritto:
 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Gent. Cliente
 normalmente sono gli utenti linux che si ingegnano di far riconoscere
 le periferiche USB dal loro s/o.
 Per il prodotto in questione in particolare non abbiamo dati, è una
 classica periferica USB che da Win ME in poi e Mac OS X non richiede
 driver, per analogia anche Linux da Kernel 2.4.0 in su dovrebbe
 (condizionale) supportarla .

ahahahaha, io, se fossi in te, risponderei con questo tono:
Gentile Assistenza Clienti, Vi ringrazio per la cortese risposta.
Mi pregio, pero', comunicare che:
1) l'analogia tra sistemi operativi in fatto di driver mi giunge nuova, 
come del resto il fatto che in generale una periferica funzioni 
magicamente senza l'esistenza di driver;
2) per l'acquisto di una periferica non posso, al momento, basarmi su 
congetture ipotetiche: o una cosa e' supportata o non lo e', e si presume 
che un produttore e i suoi rivenditori siano a conoscenza del fatto, 
senza dover dipendere dal volontariato della comunita';
3) dato che, se vi fosse supporto garantito dalla Vostra Societa' per 
GNU/Linux, _sarei_ con tutta probabilita' un vostro cliente (per ripetere 
il vostro condizionale), credo che, da utente GNU/Linux, mi ingegnero' 
a trovare un prodotto simile presso un altro produttore e rivenditore, 
che supporti con certezza e convinzione GNU/Linux;
Vi porgo i migliori auguri di un buon proseguimento.

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 * LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] kmail, protezione e pigrizia

2002-11-20 Thread LukenShiro
--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] kmail, protezione e pigrizia
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 15:40:30 +0100
From: LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alle 12:10, domenica 17 novembre 2002, Beppe ha scritto:
 ci terrei che la cartella dove kmail mette tutte le email importanti
 non fosse visibile da nessuno senza sapere una password.

Crei un account per quello/a che usa il computer l'1% del tempo (sempre
che usi linux), in modo che acceda solo al suo account (oltretutto cosi'
non fara' danni alla tua $HOME :P).
Elimini l'auto-login e ti scrivi la tua bella pw utente ad ogni avvio
(cambiala ovviamente).
Verifichi che la tua directory $HOME/Mail non abbia permessi neanche di
lettura per altri se non il proprietario (tu) (rwx-- ovvero 700),
lo stesso vale per il contenuto (per cartelle in formato mbox [un file
e' rappresentativo di una cartella], 600(rw); se usi il formato maildir
[una cartella e' una directory con piu' file al suo interno ognuno dei
quali contiene un solo messaggio], 700).
Credo che questo sia sufficiente, cmq prova a verificare se con laltro

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 * LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] kmail, protezione e pigrizia

2002-11-20 Thread Andrea Celli
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 13:05:52 +0100
LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --  Messaggio inoltrato  --
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] kmail, protezione e pigrizia
 Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 15:40:30 +0100
 From: LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Alle 12:10, domenica 17 novembre 2002, Beppe ha scritto:
  ci terrei che la cartella dove kmail mette tutte le email importanti
  non fosse visibile da nessuno senza sapere una password.
 Crei un account per quello/a che usa il computer l'1% del tempo (sempre
 che usi linux), in modo che acceda solo al suo account (oltretutto cosi'
 non fara' danni alla tua $HOME :P).
 Elimini l'auto-login e ti scrivi la tua bella pw utente ad ogni avvio
 (cambiala ovviamente).

Questo mi sembra il procedimento più saggio :-)

Per venire incontro alla pigrizia originale, si potrebbe pensare ad una procedura
del genere:

- spostare l'eseguibile mail in mail.orig
- preparare uno script da mettere al suo posto  che chieda una password e poi
lanci Mail.

Dovrebbe bastare per guardoni stupidi.
Uno furbo si legge il contenuto della directory Mail con less. :-)

Più sicuro, invece:

- con cron attivare una procedura che ogni tot minuti controlli se kmail
è in funzione e, se non lo è, cripti la directory Mail

- sostituire kmail con uno script che chieda password, decripti Mail
e lanci kmail.

a questo punto, anche se lascia il Pc acceso sul suo login,
dovrebbe stare abbastanza (non del tutto) sicuro.

ciao, Andrea

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-11-20 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 01:12, mercoledì 20 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

 Aggiunge inoltre che un problema al quale non è riuscito a trovare
 soluzione è che la batteria se inserita quando il sistema al boot non la
 possiede non verrà più vista dal sistema stesso...

 Questo nel mio caso non vale perché ho fatto partire linux con la batteria
 inserita quando ho dato apm -mv e nonstante tutto come hai visto il sistema
 mi ha risposto no system battery

L'ultima mia osservazione è assolutamente di scarso interesse, come spesso 
succede :),  perché il tipo dell'articolo descrive la sua situazione allorché 
l'acpi funziona correttamente, cioè solo dopo che il kernel è stato 
ricompilato, nel mio caso l'acpi non funziona ancora!!


Re: [newbie-it] mplayer e la GUI (per ora)

2002-11-20 Thread tom
Alle 20:52, martedì 19 novembre 2002, freefred ha scritto:

 l'hai configurato con la gui?
 cioe' hai dato configure --enable-gui, o qualcosa del genere?
 perche' di default e' disabilitata.
 il configure, alla fine ti da' dei messaggi, cosa ha trovato e cosa no.
 Li' c'e' qualcosa?

Si in fase di ./configure gli avevo detto enable-gui gia dalla seconda volta

  ho contollato bene ri compilando eee..mi manca il supporto di
  GTK.ho controllato ne gli installabili (MDK9.0) e di GTK ne ho
  una marea

 hai anche i pacchetti devel?

Ora la gui funziona..ho installato un po di pacchetti gtk.devel a caso
e ho ri compilato il tutto.
Ma la cosa strana era che non mi creava i diversi file di 
configurazione..non ho capito xke!

 Cioe' se lo compili senza l'audio non c'e' verso poi di farlo suonare,
 dovrai riconfigurarlo e ricompilarlo.

Allora l'audio funziona.molto inteligentemente non avevo controllato 
l'output audio era settato su NULL
Ora è tutto ok..dopo un paio di esperimenti con audio,codec,skin,e file di 
Ho notato che la codifica video rispetto a xine (parlo per i divx) è 
leggermente migliore,l'audio è senza dubbio migliore.
Grazie a tutti per i consigli.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] xine

2002-11-20 Thread parisig
Scusate, ma per cancellarsi dalla mailing list...
in genere la procedura è rimandata da un link in coda ai messaggi

CIao a tutti
- Original Message -
From: Emiliano La Licata [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] xine

Alle 22:56, lunedì 18 novembre 2002, paolo brusasco ha scritto:

 le librerie le trovi su


Grazie Paolo, adesso xine funziona, ho un solo problema non di poco conto..
il dvd parte il lingua originale e non so come settare la lingua italiana e
finché si tratta di francese o inglese, con grandi difficoltà ma qualcosa
e là la capisco, ma ieri ho provato Gatto bianco gatto nero di Kusturica,
la lingua originale dovrebbe essere lo slavo dico dovrebbe perché
potrebbe anche essere il dialetto zingaro slavo!!   :)
A parte gli scherzi... sai come si setta la lingua ??

Ciao e grazie

Re: [newbie-it] xine

2002-11-20 Thread Andrea Celli
On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 16:25:21 +0100

 Scusate, ma per cancellarsi dalla mailing list...
 in genere la procedura è rimandata da un link in coda ai messaggi

non in coda ma nelle intestazioni/headers complete.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] masterizzare sotto kde3

2002-11-20 Thread asapi
Sapete come si chiama il programma che permette di masterizzare direttamente 
sotto kde3 e ha la Gui simile ad EasyCD Creator?Non ricordo più come si 

Vedere un mondo in un granello di sabbia 
e un cielo in un fiore selvatico. 
Tenere l'infinito sul palmo della mano 
e cogliere l'eternita' in un'ora.
(William Blake

Re: [newbie-it] OT (Fwd) Re: richiesta info linux

2002-11-20 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 13:03, mercoledì 20 novembre 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:
 Alle 07:05, mercoledì 20 novembre 2002, Claudio Duchi ha scritto:
  --- Forwarded message follows ---
  Gent. Cliente
  normalmente sono gli utenti linux che si ingegnano di far riconoscere
  le periferiche USB dal loro s/o.
 3) dato che, se vi fosse supporto garantito dalla Vostra Societa' per
 GNU/Linux, _sarei_ con tutta probabilita' un vostro cliente (per ripetere
 il vostro condizionale), credo che, da utente GNU/Linux, mi ingegnero'
 a trovare un prodotto simile presso un altro produttore e rivenditore,
 che supporti con certezza e convinzione GNU/Linux;
 Vi porgo i migliori auguri di un buon proseguimento.

Pienamente d'accordo con la proposta di LukenShiro... ne aggiungo una seconda 
(e spiego l'accostamento dei due brani qui sopra): un utente Linux è, 
mediamente, più avanzato di un utente Windows; inoltre, è abbastanza facile 
trovare in rete le informazioni o le persone in grado di aiutarci a risolvere 
uno specifico problema. Questo è un punto di forza per gli utenti, ma è un 
problema nei confronti di un supporto tecnico. Consente, cioè, al primo 
tecnico arrivato di scrivere che «normalmente sono gli utenti linux che si 
ingegnano, etc.»... un'assurdità bell'e buona!
Credo che rompere le scatole e farsi sentire un po' di più sarebbe meglio. 
Dietro Linux non c'è una unica società che spinge su produttori e 
distributori, ed è impossibile avere dati ufficiali sull'effettiva 
diffusione di Linux tra gli utenti. Così, alcune marche decidono di fare 
qualcosa, altre semplicemente ignorano il problema. Se, invece, noi utenti 
prendessimo l'abitudine di contattare sempre i produttori ed il relativo 
servizio clienti, anche indipendentemente dalla ricerca delle stesse 
informazioni in rete, otterremmo il risultato di trasformare ogni email in 
una segnalazione che dice ehi! qui c'è un cliente/potenziale cliente che usa 
Linux!. Io lo faccio, ormai, per abitudine. Spesso anche quando non ce ne 
sarebbe bisogno: qualche giorno fa ho acquistato una scheda di rete per un 
amico... avevo preso le mie informazioni in rete e qui in lista, però ho 
spedito ugualmente alcune email a società produttrici di schede di rete... 
anche se sapevo già quali funzionavano con Linux e quali no!
Insomma, Linux non ha visibilità commerciale perchè non c'è un Mr. Gates o un 
Mr. Apple, dietro... tocca a noi utenti farci vedere e sentire, magari 
anche quando la soluzione che chiediamo la sappiamo già!
(fine dell'arringa... ;) )


[newbie-it] installare java

2002-11-20 Thread alberto
salve a tutti
potreste indicarmi la procedura corretta per far eseguire il file j2sdk- 
1_4_0_01-linux-i386.rpm.bin (cliccandoci sopra non succede niente,ovviamente)

Re: [newbie-it] installare java

2002-11-20 Thread francesco.melo
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Re: [newbie-it] installare java repost

2002-11-20 Thread francesco.melo
francesco.melo wrote:

tom wrote:

Salve alla lista
Ieri girando per il web sono incappato nel sito di radio 105 che ha 
una chatt e web camma il mozzillone non riusciva a 
visualizzare nullaanzi per dire la verita il sito rimaneva 
monco(mancavano parecchie parti della pagina).
Ora che vimdow e chiuso nella sua piccola partizzione (esiste solo 
ancora per la mia ragazza) vorrei poter navigare senza 
mi vengono visualizzati 2 avvisi:
This page contains informatio of a type (application/x-java-vm) that 
can only be viewed with the appropriate Plug-in.
This page.type 
(application/x-shockwave-flash) that...
.. ....  ..Plug-in.

OK  dove recupero ste application?
Non vorrei dire una c***a..per java ho visto che 
nella distro (mdk9.0) c'è tra le tante cose anche kaffe! che se non 
ricordo male aveva a che fare con java!mi puo essere utile?
Grazie gia da ora per gli eventuali aiuti.

Ciao , Tom


per la questione libglcore ti chiedo qualche giorno , devo controllare 
per quanto riguarda  i plugins di mozilla io ho fatto cosi'.

ti scarichi quella sventolona di pacchetto rpm.bin da sito di sun per 
avere java

e lo installi prima eseguendo da consolle il file dopo averlo reso 
eseguibile, ti leggi tutta e dico tutta la licenza sun , accetti e ti 
scompatta il tuo bel rpm
che andrai ad installare.
a questo punto ti ritrovi java installato in

file:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns610 e ci fai un link 
alla cartella plugin del tuo mozilla ( io preferisco usare le nightily 
version ed installarmelo io , non amo i font  con anti aliasing che 
mandrake utilizza)
per quanto riguarda kaffe'  il consiglio e' di disinstallarlo
e  poi fare un

*cd /usr/bin
rm java javac jar
ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/bin/java java
ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/bin/javac javac
ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/bin/jar jar*

questo ti permette di linkare gli eseguibili di java al posto di 
quelli fittizi di kaffe.

a questo punto hai java installato nella tua linux box ... Ora puoi 
installare anche limewire per esempio

per quanto riguarda  flash devi scaricare il  tar :


e poi scompattarlo  per poi copiare sempre nella solita  cartella 
plugin di mozilla.

et  voilà  anche il flash e' attivo.

un ultimo consiglio :
fai provare i giochini  di linux alla tua ragazza , se ne appassionerà 
subito con la mia ha funzionato :

posto nuovamente un messaggio scritto una decina di giorni fa, dovrebbe 
esserti utile


Re: [newbie-it] Kylix 3

2002-11-20 Thread Fabio Z.
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Kylix 3
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 10:20:41 +0100

On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 18:35:38 +0100
Benedetto Santarella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Salve a tutti,
  ho scaricato il seguente file dal sito della borland


 che dovrebbero essere i srogenti di Kyliz 3 (se non mi sbaglio),

Borland non rilascia i sorgenti!

 li ho decompressi, ma non ci ho capito niente sul come installarlo,
 c'e' qualche anima buona che mi vuole aiutare?

Quando scarichi dal sito Borland trovi la pagina che dice:

IMPORTANT: Installation and other troubleshooting issues are described in 
the files
PREINSTALL, INSTALL, and README, all of which are located in the 
kylix3_open directory.

To install the extracted Open Edition, run


from the kylix3_open directory, and follow the setup instructions.

ciao, Andrea

Scompatti il il file con il comando tar xvzf nomefile
entri nella directory e scrivi :
il programma si installerà automaticamente aggiornandoti anche il menù
ATTENZIONE! Quando hai scaricato il programma, avresti dovuto dare la tua 
e-mail. Nella casella di posta trovarai un file che, scaricato, lo devi 
mettere nella tua home per far partire il compilatore.
P.S. Anch'io uso Kylix 3, se ti serve qualcosa.
P.S.2 Il file che hai scaricato deve essere di qualche decina di Mega 
(adesso sono al lavoro con M$ e non a casa con il mio Linux :( )

MSN Search: la risposta alle tue ricerche online

Re: [newbie-it] installare java

2002-11-20 Thread freefred
On Wednesday 20 November 2002 7:04 pm, alberto wrote about [newbie-it] 
installare java:
 salve a tutti
 potreste indicarmi la procedura corretta per far eseguire il file j2sdk-
 1_4_0_01-linux-i386.rpm.bin (cliccandoci sopra non succede
 niente,ovviamente) grazie

da una console dai 
#bash  1_4_0_01-linux-i386.rpm.bin
poi segui le istruzioni

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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Che caldo!!

2002-11-20 Thread miKe
Alle 00:23, mercoledì 20 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata 
ha scritto:

 infatti sul desktop c'è l'icona che segnala sempre e
 comunque il fatto che sono attaccato alla corrente... ti
 ripeto può dipendere questo dal fatto che in fase di
 installazione di linux la batteria era staccata del tutto
 dal resto dei componenti??

non credo proprio...
la batteria  non è un dispositivo (non la trovi in dev)
è il bios che la monitorizza, quando c'è


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Re: [newbie] running linux from a windows box via cygwin/XFree86

2002-11-20 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 4:14 pm, Kenn Murrah wrote:

 I want to access my linux box from my windows computer
 using X ... I've installed cynwin/XFree86 but i'm
 unclear how to actually start a session of X from my
 windows computer ... what am i missing?  can anyone
 point me in the right direction?


I do not use it because all my clients are Linux, but I think Putty may be 
what you need

Putty is an ssh client for Windows. It supports X forwarding, so if it works 
as well as ssh in Linux does all you need do is log onto a Linux ssh server. 
You will then get a 'telnet' type terminal window, but any X applications you 
start in that terminal will appear on your client desktop.

I like it better than vnc because you only get the windows you are interested 
in. (Although over a remote connection Tightvnc will make better use of 


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Re: [newbie] Great Win for Mandrake 9.0 APC mag.

2002-11-20 Thread Aaron
Hi just read what Stephen wrote about tweaking kde and I honestly am
finding it a bit slow. I would rather stick with it than change
windowing but since most of my time is taken with working I haven't put
much thought to fiddling with kde. However I would like to hear some
pointers on this. Cause now I am ready.
Thanks and lol

On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 09:49, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 18:37, Franki wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  The december edition of APC mag (AUstralian PC mag) has voted Mandrake 9.0
  as the best OS of 2002..
  They also gave away a copy last month as a coverCD (the first two CD's
  and they are constantly sprouting about how good it is..
  They are the most popular PC mag in Australia, so alot of people read them.
  Good news for the cause huh??
 Having bought APC last month and having loaded Mandrake on several
 machines and in several VM's, I do have to say it's not bad for a
 workstation, but required a bit too much of my time for configuration
 and tweaking - package management and package installation didn't really
 fit my requirements. Overall, though - and I do mean this honestly -
 it's not bad for noobs or for workstations - and does come with some
 great software integration.
 I have already recommended it to several clients/customers and the
 I'm still a bit peeved over the lack of speed in Gnome2 and KDE out of
 the box, but then again, I wouldn't be happy if I couldn't or didn't
 have to tweak something.
 It will live on a few workstations here and in a few VM's here, but my
 personal baby eats RH 7.3 and suits MY personal needs...
 On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give MDK 9.0 an 8 - which is quite good,
 mind you...
 ...and I don't mean to cause any consternation with the remarks made
 here - just being honest and open mates!
 Wed Nov 20 18:40:01 EST 2002
 |____  |
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 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
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 |  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497
 The scene: in a vast, painted desert, a cowboy faces his horse.
 Cowboy:   Well, you've been a pretty good hoss, I guess.  Hardworkin'.
   Not the fastest critter I ever come acrost, but...
 Horse:  No, stupid, not feed*back*.  I said I wanted a feed*bag*.

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RE: [newbie] running linux from a windows box via cygwin/XFree86

2002-11-20 Thread Franki
yeah, its a piece of cake..

install vncserver on the linux box, and download the win vnc package from
the tightvnc website...

log on as the user that you want the session started as...

then just run vncserver from a console prompt...

I actually made a starting file.. called startvnc made it executable...

in it I put the following:

vncserver -geometry 800x600 -depth 16 :1

so it starts vnc with the specs I wanted..

Then if you start vnc client on windows. and point it to the IP of the linux

it will ask you for the password, and its all good from there..

very easy to setup..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anne Wilson
Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 3:23 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] running linux from a windows box via

This sounds interesting.  Where can I learn more about it?  Is it reasonably
easy to set up, as well as easy to use?  Would it be an appropriate choice
for tempting novices to try linux?


On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 5:06 pm, Franki wrote:

 vncserver rules..

 I have a window open on my win2000 box, that window is my linux server..
 logged in as my normal user..

 works great, I am gonna start fiddling soon and see if i can't get it to
 tunnel via ssh...

 then i can use it on remote servers..



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kenn Murrah
 Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 12:50 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] running linux from a windows box via

 trust me ... i want the simplest solution i can find


 i presume i need to install tightvnc server on my
 linux box ... will multiple people be able to login
 that way simultaneously?  as though they were linux
 users (which they are?) ???



 --- Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Do you really want to go to all this trouble,
  tightvnc is a lot simpler.
  -Original Message-
  From: Kenn Murrah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 4:15 PM
  Subject: [newbie] running linux from a windows box
  via cygwin/XFree86
  I want to access my linux box from my windows
  using X ... I've installed cynwin/XFree86 but i'm
  unclear how to actually start a session of X from my
  windows computer ... what am i missing?  can anyone
  point me in the right direction?
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[newbie] Backup

2002-11-20 Thread Lee
Hi everyone

Any suggestions for gui backup of a small network.  I'm tired of living on 
the edge.


Registered Linux user #223705

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 12:38 pm, Technoslick wrote:

 Tell us more about the specs for this older box, Anne. This the perfect
 place to find if anyone has had any problems with older components in

OK - this is what I have gleaned so far -

M'board - Mainboard Pentium MMX - driver disk is name PC100
CPU AMD 6x86MX 233
BIOS date 7/15/95
Current RAM is 2x16 + 2x32 Mb (96 in all) in SIMMS.

Manual says Mobo 'Supports 3 banks of FP/EDO SIMM/DIMM and SDRAM DIMM 
expandable memory up to 384 Mb'.  It also says that it can mix SIMMS and 
DIMMS, using SIMM banks 3-4 and the two DIMM slots (they quote equally 
loaded, but I don't know whether it is necessary, or whether it reflects 
availability of DIMMS at that time).

Current video - VidelExcel S3

Proposed changes -

Diamond graphics card + Voodoo accelerator (I don't know whether this is the 
same Voodoo card that Ronald meant - it may be earlier) which appears to have 
chipsets labelled 3Dfx.

Realtek NIC

128Mb DIMM - I presume no-one is going to recommend keeping the 64Mb SIMMS?

Any comments/suggestions welcomed - even if it is 'forget it' :-)


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Re: [newbie] Backup

2002-11-20 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 12:48 pm, Lee wrote:
 Hi everyone

 Any suggestions for gui backup of a small network.  I'm tired of living on
 the edge.


drakbackup   It is in the drakxtools RPM

Performs incremental backup to ftp, ssh, CD, tape or NFS


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Re: [newbie] running linux from a windows box via cygwin/XFree86

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 11:46 am, Franki wrote:
 yeah, its a piece of cake..

 install vncserver on the linux box, and download the win vnc package from
 the tightvnc website...

 log on as the user that you want the session started as...

 then just run vncserver from a console prompt...

 I actually made a starting file.. called startvnc made it executable...

 in it I put the following:

 vncserver -geometry 800x600 -depth 16 :1

 so it starts vnc with the specs I wanted..

 Then if you start vnc client on windows. and point it to the IP of the
 linux box..

 it will ask you for the password, and its all good from there..

 very easy to setup..



Sounds good - filed for looking at later :-)


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RE: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

2002-11-20 Thread Franki
why not just swap to pop3??

I know for a fact that outlook has no probs with it.. I am writing this mail
on lookout via my linux mail server...

easier to setup and less crap on the server as a result.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kenn Murrah
Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 5:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

Okay, gang ...

I've won most of the battles here ... Thanks in no
small part to the help I've received from this list, I
have a Postfix/IMAP mail server up and running and all
is well with the world ...

The rub comes in trying to set up my Windows computers
to access their mail ... Outlook and Outlook Express
are out (per an edict from The Head Boss), and no one
really likes using Eudora ... and I'm having trouble
finding much of anything else.

So I was thinking ...

Would it be possible (or even practical) for Windows
users to access my server via cygwin/XFree86, so that
they could use a linux mail client instead?  (I'm
rather partial toward Evolution, due to its simple
interface that would hopefully keep the troops from
screaming every 3 minutes for help.)

And for security's sake, would it be possible to
mirror my EngardeLinux email onto my Mandrake box, so
that I wouldn't have to run X on my EngardeLinux but
rather on a box with no exposure to the Internet?

I've already set up cygwin/XFree86 on my test box and
tested its connectivity to the box I hope to use as a
mirror, so if you folks tell me i'm  not entirely off
my rocker --- I need you to point me in the right
direction to learn about how to mirror (if that's
the correct word here) my EngardeLinux mail to the
intermediate box ...

Of course, I'm a true newbie here, so feel free to
tell me i'm nuts and suggest a better way to
accomplish my goals.



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RE: [newbie] OT? Tech Support Letter - A good laugh

2002-11-20 Thread Franki
troubled user needs to reinstall, and this time, if he installs wife

he should do it in a chroot jail...

Thats would I did so I could run with twins 2 :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of George Baker
Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 5:49 AM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] OT? Tech Support Letter - A good laugh

Dear Tech Support:

This year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that
the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of
space and valuable resources. No mention of this was included with the
product information. In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other
programs and now launches during system initialisation, where it monitors
all other system activity. Applications such as Guys Night Out 10.3,
Baseball 5.0, Fishing 7.5, and Hockey 3.6 no longer run, crashing the system
whenever selected. I can't seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while
attempting to run my favourite applications. I'm thinking about going back
to Girlfriend 7.0, but the uninstall doesn't work on Wife 1.0.

Please help!!
A Troubled User.


Dear Troubled User,

This is a very common problem that men complain about. It is due to a
primary misconception. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0,
thinking that it is merely a Utilities and Entertainment program. Wife 1.0
is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING
It is also impossible to delete Wife 1.0 and to return to Girlfriend 7.0.
Hidden operating systems files cause Girlfriend 7.0 to emulate Wife 1.0, so
nothing is gained. It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the
program files from the system once installed. You cannot go back to
Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is designed to not allow this. Some have
tried Girlfriend 8.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with more problems than in the
original system. Look in your Wife 1.0 manual under Warnings-Alimony/Child

I recommend that you keep Wife 1.0 and work on improving the situation. I
suggest installing the background application Yes Dear to alleviate software
augmentation. Having installed Wife 1.0 myself, I also suggest that you read
the entire section regarding 'General Partnership Faults' (GPFs). You must
assume joint responsibility for any faults and problems that occur,
regardless of their cause. You will also find that GPFs are cyclical. The
best course of action is to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE. Avoid excessive
use of C:\YESDEAR because ultimately you will have to give the APOLOGIZE
command before the system will return to normal anyway. Remember the system
will run smoothly as long as you share the blame for all GPFs.

Wife 1.0 is a great program, but it tends to be very high maintenance. Wife
1.0 comes with several support programs, such as Clean and Sweep 3.0, Cook
It 1.5 (which replaces Burn It 1.0), and Do Bills 4.2. You must, however, be
very careful how you use these programs. Improper use will cause the system
to launch the program Nag Nag 9.5. Once this happens, the only way to
improve the performance of Wife 1.0 is to purchase additional software. I
recommend Flowers 2.1 and Diamonds 5.0 should this happen.

WARNING! DO NOT, under any circumstances, install Secretary With Short
Skirt 3.3. This application is not supported by Wife 1.0 and will cause
irreversible damage to the operating system.

Best of luck,
Tech Support

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RE: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

2002-11-20 Thread Lanman
Something else to consider is a Windows client called Calypso It's
totally free, no adware/spyware, and runs like a charm. Hasn't screwed
up once with my customers. Allows for all the normal bells and whistles
of Outlook Express, without the hassles. Does a tidy job of avoiding the
usual virus traps that plague Outlook Express, and allows for
auto-backups. Set this up on 60 Windows clients, with their backups
automatically going to their My Documents folders on an LM 8.2 server
running Samba. 

Backup of the server is done nightly. Also managed to get around the
McAfee Anti-Virus bug that was deleting emails from Outlook Express.

Might be simpler than your present course. Just a suggestion.


On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 07:38, Franki wrote:
 why not just swap to pop3??
 I know for a fact that outlook has no probs with it.. I am writing this mail
 on lookout via my linux mail server...
 easier to setup and less crap on the server as a result.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kenn Murrah
 Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 5:50 AM
 Subject: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???
 Okay, gang ...
 I've won most of the battles here ... Thanks in no
 small part to the help I've received from this list, I
 have a Postfix/IMAP mail server up and running and all
 is well with the world ...
 The rub comes in trying to set up my Windows computers
 to access their mail ... Outlook and Outlook Express
 are out (per an edict from The Head Boss), and no one
 really likes using Eudora ... and I'm having trouble
 finding much of anything else.
 So I was thinking ...
 Would it be possible (or even practical) for Windows
 users to access my server via cygwin/XFree86, so that
 they could use a linux mail client instead?  (I'm
 rather partial toward Evolution, due to its simple
 interface that would hopefully keep the troops from
 screaming every 3 minutes for help.)
 And for security's sake, would it be possible to
 mirror my EngardeLinux email onto my Mandrake box, so
 that I wouldn't have to run X on my EngardeLinux but
 rather on a box with no exposure to the Internet?
 I've already set up cygwin/XFree86 on my test box and
 tested its connectivity to the box I hope to use as a
 mirror, so if you folks tell me i'm  not entirely off
 my rocker --- I need you to point me in the right
 direction to learn about how to mirror (if that's
 the correct word here) my EngardeLinux mail to the
 intermediate box ...
 Of course, I'm a true newbie here, so feel free to
 tell me i'm nuts and suggest a better way to
 accomplish my goals.
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RE: [newbie] PPPoE and Modem in tandem

2002-11-20 Thread Franki
my current problem is that my ADSL seems to drop out once a day, nothing in
the logs to say why..

I had to write a perl script from crontab that queries google and then
yahoo, and if it gets nothing from either.. it restarts the ADSL... works so
far, but its a pain..

The only hint I get is a mesage like timeout waiting for PAD0 packets or
something to that effect..
any ideas what that could be?  and how i can increase that timeout value??



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter Spotts
Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] PPPoE and Modem in tandem


I share your pain. I was running MDK8.1 with ASDL as my default on a
Compaq laptop. But I take my show on the road quite a bit and needed to
use the dialer. Problem was, while the dialer would connect, the
browser, email program or whatever wouldn't see the connection. I later
ran into the same problem with Windows 98 and found that I had to shut
down my ADSL software before I could get a dailup connection that the
computer would recognize.

So if I may rephrase your question: How can one deactivate pppoe once
it's started so that ppp can have a clear shot at the connection in a
way the software will recognize?

Right now, because of my inability to figure that one out, I'm using
WinXP on one partition and Linux on another on a new laptop...

Best regards,


   Peter N. Spotts
Science and technology correspondent | The Christian Science Monitor
   One Norway Street, Boston, MA  USA  02115
Office: 1-617-450-2449 | Office-in-home: 1-508-520-3139

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[newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Aaron

Hi hope someone can help me.
currently I have the whole mandrake 9.0 source tree plus contrib  on my
I want to delete this, and have urpmi point to an http mirror or ftp
mirror how do I set this up. 
I have tried using Mandrakes control center but with no success.

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[newbie] UserDrake on 9.0

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
Now the dust has settled I wanted to resetup my lan, so I began to add users.  
Now I find that UserDrake will only acces lowercase logins (not so in 8.2, 
except at install time).  Is there any way round this, or will I have to get 
my users to change their login on their own machines?  That would not be 


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Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 2:43 pm, Aaron wrote:
 Hi hope someone can help me.
 currently I have the whole mandrake 9.0 source tree plus contrib  on my
 I want to delete this, and have urpmi point to an http mirror or ftp
 mirror how do I set this up.
 I have tried using Mandrakes control center but with no success.

Remove your CD sources using rpmdrake, (but keep contrib) and then in a root 
terminal (while online)

urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with 

(This command on one line)

Or some other mirror if you prefer.


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[newbie] 'Unable to save...

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
In KMail - I could not save a document - 

Reason: Not able to write maindoc.xml

Is this a permissions problem?


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Re: [newbie] 'Unable to save...

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 1:15 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 In KMail - I could not save a document -

 Reason: Not able to write maindoc.xml

 Is this a permissions problem?


Sorry - forget it.  I was trying to save to a restored directory, which had, 
of course, been set to root only.


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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-20 Thread Technoslick
Good work on the specs, Anne!

Here's my two cents:

A 233 MHz processor, even with the memory, is going to be really slow in
X-windows in MDK 9.0, and tolerable in MDK 8.2. Again, this is based on
using KDE, not lighter, more streamlined versions of WMs. As I mentioned
before, I have a similar box used for the kids and guests. There has been
some talk on the listserv about special kernel considerations for AMD CPUs,
but my guess on that was for current generation CPUs, not the older ones
like yours. I am running MDK 9.0 on an AMD K6/2-500 MHz box with no

Memory at 128 MBs is fine. 64 MBs will work for MDK 8.2, probably not for
MDK 9.0. You didn't mention what the onboard cache memory is. For a board of
that age group, my guess is that you have as much as 512k, but possibly
256k. If you have the former, going over 128 MBs in RAM will actually make
the computer run slower as it is not able to cache over 128 MBs with that
amount. If the latter, I would go and put the 128 MBs in and not worry about
it, as the quantity of memory will be more important than any reduction in
performance. Stick with DIMMs. Mixing the two is not simply a matter of
placing the memory physically in the slots. There are several factors that
are very technical, and not worth the bother. Your board is setup to run
PC100 memory, or memory that clocks at 100 MHz. Make sure that you buy
memory that is the same clock speed. Don't even consider buying SIMMs. Just
a big waste of money.

The BIOS date on the motherboard is old, pre-1988, which means that you may
have some concerns in getting a new hard drive to work with this system. How
large is the hard drive you plan on using? If it is too big, you will need
to either flash the BIOS with an update (you need to know who made the
motherboard, check their site, if they have one, download the update and
apply it) or add BIOS Update Card to an ISA slot. the cards are not cheap at
around $40-$50 USD. But, if a BIOS update can't be found, it the only way to
use a drive that would be out of the BIOS's ability to work with. Most
drives come with software designed to handle older BIOS's, but they are
designed to load in an MS-DOS environment. So, if you are looking for max
sizes on a drive, something around 8 Gigs is it.

I couldn't find anything specific on the S3 video card you have now.
harddrake would probe the S3 chip and figure out what generic driver to use.
However, if you are going to use this card, in test, I strongly urge you to
install in Expert mode and specifically pick the 3.3.6 version of X-server.
Even then, there's no guarantee that you will find the right combinations of
frequencies to make X-windows come up. Trial and error, even if the card is

I have no experience with the newer generation Diamond video cards, so I
can't offer any help as top whether the Diamond/Voodoo combination will work
well. If the card is new, go with the 4.2.2 X-server. If it is older? Which
ever one works best for you, or at all. XFree86 3.3.6 gives better 3D
support on older accelerated cards (so it says on the install screen).

NICs using the Realtek chips are fine for Linux. They are the most common
outside of 3Coms and they are picked up by Linux readily enough.


1) Monitor?
2) Hard Drive capacity?
3) Sound Card?
4) Modem?
5) Anything else?

Does this help any?

T :-)

- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Min spec

On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 12:38 pm, Technoslick wrote:

 Tell us more about the specs for this older box, Anne. This the perfect
 place to find if anyone has had any problems with older components in

OK - this is what I have gleaned so far -

M'board - Mainboard Pentium MMX - driver disk is name PC100
CPU AMD 6x86MX 233
BIOS date 7/15/95
Current RAM is 2x16 + 2x32 Mb (96 in all) in SIMMS.

Manual says Mobo 'Supports 3 banks of FP/EDO SIMM/DIMM and SDRAM DIMM
expandable memory up to 384 Mb'.  It also says that it can mix SIMMS and
DIMMS, using SIMM banks 3-4 and the two DIMM slots (they quote equally
loaded, but I don't know whether it is necessary, or whether it reflects
availability of DIMMS at that time).

Current video - VidelExcel S3

Proposed changes -

Diamond graphics card + Voodoo accelerator (I don't know whether this is the
same Voodoo card that Ronald meant - it may be earlier) which appears to
chipsets labelled 3Dfx.

Realtek NIC

128Mb DIMM - I presume no-one is going to recommend keeping the 64Mb SIMMS?

Any comments/suggestions welcomed - even if it is 'forget it' :-)


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RE: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

2002-11-20 Thread Kenn Murrah
no, outlook has no problems with pop3, i agree.  but
in typical corporate fashion, i have one camp
insisting that i not outlookexpress, and another group
of know-it-alls demanding that i use imap ... so i'm
trying to find some solution that more or less pleases
everyone ...

--- Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 why not just swap to pop3??
 I know for a fact that outlook has no probs with
 it.. I am writing this mail
 on lookout via my linux mail server...
 easier to setup and less crap on the server as a
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Kenn Murrah
 Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 5:50 AM
 Subject: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$
 Okay, gang ...
 I've won most of the battles here ... Thanks in no
 small part to the help I've received from this list,
 have a Postfix/IMAP mail server up and running and
 is well with the world ...
 The rub comes in trying to set up my Windows
 to access their mail ... Outlook and Outlook Express
 are out (per an edict from The Head Boss), and no
 really likes using Eudora ... and I'm having trouble
 finding much of anything else.
 So I was thinking ...
 Would it be possible (or even practical) for Windows
 users to access my server via cygwin/XFree86, so
 they could use a linux mail client instead?  (I'm
 rather partial toward Evolution, due to its simple
 interface that would hopefully keep the troops from
 screaming every 3 minutes for help.)
 And for security's sake, would it be possible to
 mirror my EngardeLinux email onto my Mandrake box,
 that I wouldn't have to run X on my EngardeLinux but
 rather on a box with no exposure to the Internet?
 I've already set up cygwin/XFree86 on my test box
 tested its connectivity to the box I hope to use as
 mirror, so if you folks tell me i'm  not entirely
 my rocker --- I need you to point me in the right
 direction to learn about how to mirror (if that's
 the correct word here) my EngardeLinux mail to the
 intermediate box ...
 Of course, I'm a true newbie here, so feel free to
 tell me i'm nuts and suggest a better way to
 accomplish my goals.
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Re: [newbie] ImageMagick display KDE menu

2002-11-20 Thread Todd Slater
On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 02:53:12AM -0500, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
 I'm having an odd problem. I can run ImageMagick display from a command line, 
 but it won't launch from the KDE menu. The only way it will run from the menu 
 is if I put the full command to the program in the little command box and 
 check open in a terminal. Is there another way of setting this up?

ImageMagick is really a command-line tool. If you use display to view an
image and then click on the image, you will get a floating gui menu--but
it is limited in what it can do.

On my system, I just associate display with all image types, so
clicking on the file uses the display program.


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[newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

2002-11-20 Thread Technoslick
You people are just so-o-o-o-o smart, I can't help but ask:

If I want to install Xconfigurator on an RH 8.0 system, and I have all the
RPMs I need on a CD, could I install them all like this:

rpm -ivh --force --nodeps /mnt/cdrom/*.rpm

Or am I going to have to install each RPM individually; maybe libraries
first, and maybe with the --nodeps switch to keep them from complaining
about dependencies?
Xconfigurator was dropped in version 8 (%#%%$^!!) and it's my last hope of
trying to get a supported card to actually work in XFree86 4.2.0. I know
that I could make my own package from source, but I really don't have the
time and inclination right now.

Thanks for putting up with the OT question!


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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 1:24 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 Stick with DIMMs. Mixing the two is not simply a
 matter of placing the memory physically in the slots. There are several
 factors that are very technical, and not worth the bother. Your board is
 setup to run PC100 memory, or memory that clocks at 100 MHz. Make sure that
 you buy memory that is the same clock speed. Don't even consider buying
 SIMMs. Just a big waste of money.

Definitely wouldn't buy SIMMS - just whether to use what's there, but I think 
you're right, it would be better to just use the 128Mb DIMM.  On the question 
of clock speed, however, I think it's not easy to get 100 MHz DIMMS now - 
they all seem to be 133.  I know you can often get away with running them at 
the slower clock speed, but I'm sure I have read that it's not always OK.  
Trouble is I can't remember the circumstances.  Any comments?

 The BIOS date on the motherboard is old, pre-1988, which means that you may
 have some concerns in getting a new hard drive to work with this system.
 How large is the hard drive you plan on using? If it is too big, you will
 need to either flash the BIOS with an update (you need to know who made the
 motherboard, check their site, if they have one, download the update and
 apply it) or add BIOS Update Card to an ISA slot. the cards are not cheap
 at around $40-$50 USD. But, if a BIOS update can't be found, it the only
 way to use a drive that would be out of the BIOS's ability to work with.
 Most drives come with software designed to handle older BIOS's, but they
 are designed to load in an MS-DOS environment. So, if you are looking for
 max sizes on a drive, something around 8 Gigs is it.
Yeah - this is a 8Gb max. bios.  I can give it a couple of 4Gb disks, and just 
be careful not to install too many programs.

 I couldn't find anything specific on the S3 video card you have now.
 harddrake would probe the S3 chip and figure out what generic driver to
 use. However, if you are going to use this card, in test, I strongly urge
 you to install in Expert mode and specifically pick the 3.3.6 version of
 X-server. Even then, there's no guarantee that you will find the right
 combinations of frequencies to make X-windows come up. Trial and error,
 even if the card is supported.

It's very old, I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.

 I have no experience with the newer generation Diamond video cards, so I
 can't offer any help as top whether the Diamond/Voodoo combination will
 work well. If the card is new, go with the 4.2.2 X-server. If it is older?
 Which ever one works best for you, or at all. XFree86 3.3.6 gives better 3D
 support on older accelerated cards (so it says on the install screen).

The Diamond card is the same age as the Voodoo, and was used with it 
originally.  I'll remember what you say about the XFree86 version.

I also have an ATi RagePro card (PCI) - again an early one - but I assume that 
the problems with ATi cards make this a poor choice.

 NICs using the Realtek chips are fine for Linux. They are the most common
 outside of 3Coms and they are picked up by Linux readily enough.

I use nothing else - even the SMC EZ cards are Realtek.


 1) Monitor?

Bog standard vga, I think with Voodoo would be capable of 1024x768 at 16 bit.

 2) Hard Drive capacity?  See above

 3) Sound Card?

Creative Soundblaster - again early model.

 4) Modem?

Not required - will connect via lan.

 5) Anything else?  Don't think so.

 Does this help any?

Definitely, thanks


 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 7:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Min spec

 On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 12:38 pm, Technoslick wrote:
  Tell us more about the specs for this older box, Anne. This the perfect
  place to find if anyone has had any problems with older components in

 OK - this is what I have gleaned so far -

 M'board - Mainboard Pentium MMX - driver disk is name PC100
 CPU AMD 6x86MX 233
 BIOS date 7/15/95
 Current RAM is 2x16 + 2x32 Mb (96 in all) in SIMMS.

 Manual says Mobo 'Supports 3 banks of FP/EDO SIMM/DIMM and SDRAM DIMM
 expandable memory up to 384 Mb'.  It also says that it can mix SIMMS and
 DIMMS, using SIMM banks 3-4 and the two DIMM slots (they quote equally
 loaded, but I don't know whether it is necessary, or whether it reflects
 availability of DIMMS at that time).

 Current video - VidelExcel S3
 Proposed changes -

 Diamond graphics card + Voodoo accelerator (I don't know whether this is
 the same Voodoo card that Ronald meant - it may be earlier) which appears
 to have
 chipsets labelled 3Dfx.

 Realtek NIC

 128Mb DIMM - I presume no-one is going to recommend keeping the 64Mb SIMMS?

 Any comments/suggestions welcomed - even if it is 'forget it' :-)



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[newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-20 Thread John Richard Smith
I would like to ask of you all your opinion and experience of Open Ofice
as supplied my Mandrake 9.0 , and installed in the main mandrake installer.

Besides the issue of spellcheckers which we have heard of recently, is there
a completeM9.0  OO install, because for the life of me I cannot find a 

I know the download version of OO has a spreadsheet programme
but as far as I can see this mandrake supplied install which does have nice
kstartmenu entries built into the install,  does not.

If M9.0's OO does not have a spreadsheet programme, and if I downloaded
and installed it instead , would I have to remove Mandrakes version, and 
can you
create nice kstart menu entries to run the apps.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Aaron

On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 15:17, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 2:43 pm, Aaron wrote:
  Hi hope someone can help me.
  currently I have the whole mandrake 9.0 source tree plus contrib  on my
  I want to delete this, and have urpmi point to an http mirror or ftp
  mirror how do I set this up.
  I have tried using Mandrakes control center but with no success.
 Remove your CD sources using rpmdrake, (but keep contrib) and then in a root 
 terminal (while online)
 urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with 
 (This command on one line)
 Or some other mirror if you prefer.

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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-20 Thread Technoslick
There's some timing, density and type issues with mixing SIMMs and DIMMs
together. If you have the manual for the motherboard, it probably tells you
this, although cryptically so. I have tried it, not always with success.
Even with initial success, you can have problems later on. If you don't have
to do it to get your memory volume I wouldn't want you to go through the

Actually, the ATi Rage Pro will work fine with Mandrake. I now remember that
is what I am using in my 8.2 box for the kids/guests. It would't have the
'umph' to drive Tux Racer or any OpenGL stuff, but has been good to me, so
far. I believe it has 8 MBs of RAM on it. Just use the 3.3.6 X-server.

You know, I have yet to get even 3 Gigs of programs on a drive from an
installation. That's a workstation, mind you, but still with all the games,
bells, whistles and Windows manager (KDE and Gnome.) I would think 8 Gigs
will be fine for him to learn on. I think that it is more a speed issue in
using these 'tiny' drives. The smaller drives are not as fast, and since a
swap file is needed, drive speed dramatically affects system speed. Aw,
well. :-) You use what you have. I have a 3 and 2 Gig Samsung in the kids'

When you say standard vga, you make my eyebrows pop up with concern. True
standard VGA cannot support resolutions above 640X480 and sometimes not
beyond 16 color, which is nearly useless in X-windows. Do you have any specs
on the monitor? Can it really reach 1024X768 at 16-bits? When the video card
is capable of driving more color depth and a higher frequency than the
monitor can take, this is when the utmost caution is necessary. Frying a
monitor in Linux is so-o-o-o easy to do!

I love using the SB 16s because they are still supported so well and easy to
configure. There's a good chance that you will be to us 'sndconfig' at the
console level, after installation, to get the card working, but still no
sweat. Not great sound, but work wonderfully in Linux.

Sounds like a project destined to work! I wish I could get my daughters
interested in such a project. Maybe, it's a 'generation' thing, and I will
have to wait for grandchildren?

T :-)

- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Min spec

On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 1:24 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 Stick with DIMMs. Mixing the two is not simply a
 matter of placing the memory physically in the slots. There are several
 factors that are very technical, and not worth the bother. Your board is
 setup to run PC100 memory, or memory that clocks at 100 MHz. Make sure
 you buy memory that is the same clock speed. Don't even consider buying
 SIMMs. Just a big waste of money.

Definitely wouldn't buy SIMMS - just whether to use what's there, but I
you're right, it would be better to just use the 128Mb DIMM.  On the
of clock speed, however, I think it's not easy to get 100 MHz DIMMS now -
they all seem to be 133.  I know you can often get away with running them at
the slower clock speed, but I'm sure I have read that it's not always OK.
Trouble is I can't remember the circumstances.  Any comments?

 The BIOS date on the motherboard is old, pre-1988, which means that you
 have some concerns in getting a new hard drive to work with this system.
 How large is the hard drive you plan on using? If it is too big, you will
 need to either flash the BIOS with an update (you need to know who made
 motherboard, check their site, if they have one, download the update and
 apply it) or add BIOS Update Card to an ISA slot. the cards are not cheap
 at around $40-$50 USD. But, if a BIOS update can't be found, it the only
 way to use a drive that would be out of the BIOS's ability to work with.
 Most drives come with software designed to handle older BIOS's, but they
 are designed to load in an MS-DOS environment. So, if you are looking for
 max sizes on a drive, something around 8 Gigs is it.

Yeah - this is a 8Gb max. bios.  I can give it a couple of 4Gb disks, and
be careful not to install too many programs.

 I couldn't find anything specific on the S3 video card you have now.
 harddrake would probe the S3 chip and figure out what generic driver to
 use. However, if you are going to use this card, in test, I strongly urge
 you to install in Expert mode and specifically pick the 3.3.6 version of
 X-server. Even then, there's no guarantee that you will find the right
 combinations of frequencies to make X-windows come up. Trial and error,
 even if the card is supported.

It's very old, I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.

 I have no experience with the newer generation Diamond video cards, so I
 can't offer any help as top whether the Diamond/Voodoo combination will
 work well. If the card is new, go with the 4.2.2 X-server. If it is older?
 Which ever one works best for you, or at all. XFree86 3.3.6 gives better
 support on older accelerated cards (so 

[newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

2002-11-20 Thread Technoslick
You people are just so-o-o-o-o smart, I can't help but ask:

If I want to install Xconfigurator on an RH 8.0 system, and I have all the
RPMs I need on a CD, could I install them all like this:

rpm -ivh --force --nodeps /mnt/cdrom/*.rpm

Or am I going to have to install each RPM individually; maybe libraries
first, and maybe with the --nodeps switch to keep them from complaining
about dependencies?
Xconfigurator was dropped in version 8 (%#%%$^!!) and it's my last hope of
trying to get a supported card to actually work in XFree86 4.2.0. I know
that I could make my own package from source, but I really don't have the
time and inclination right now.

Thanks for putting up with the OT question!


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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-20 Thread Miark

 Besides the issue of spellcheckers which we have heard of recently, is there
 a completeM9.0  OO install, because for the life of me I cannot find a 

Yes, there certainly is a complete install. What happens when you type 

  oocalc Enter

in a terminal?


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Re: [newbie] PPPoE and Modem in tandem

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 10:40 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  I used MCC to set up the modem, since I occasionally need to send a fax. 
  In fact I don't want it connected most of the time - just the ability to
  get it working quickly when I do need it.

 Does anyone know if there's a way to send faxes via an ethernet connection?

I asked my adsl isp, who is infinitely more helpful than most, and he said 
that he thought it was not possible.

  I need an icon somewhere linked so that I can use dial-up when I need it.
  Under 8.2 there was a desktop icon automatically.  How can I set up a
  similar easy access?

 Just set up an icon to execute kppp

OK - I've just put it on the menu.   I can't use it for the internet, as I 
think the adsl has grabbed that, but then I didn't want to.  I have sent a 
test fax this morning, just by writing it in KMail and 'send to fax' and it 
has worked, so that'll do for me.


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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 2:03 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I would like to ask of you all your opinion and experience of Open Ofice
 as supplied my Mandrake 9.0 , and installed in the main mandrake installer.

 Besides the issue of spellcheckers which we have heard of recently, is
 there a completeM9.0  OO install, because for the life of me I cannot find
 a spreadsheet.

It installed on mine without problems.

 I know the download version of OO has a spreadsheet programme
 but as far as I can see this mandrake supplied install which does have nice
 kstartmenu entries built into the install,  does not.

My menus have office  spreadsheets  gnumeric, KSpread,, 
Star Office Calc

and a similar set for word processors. plus many other modules.  I don't know 
what went wrong with yours.  Is it worth uninstalling and trying again?


BTW - I haven't checked out the spellchecker problem yet.

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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 2:14 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 There's some timing, density and type issues with mixing SIMMs and DIMMs
 together. If you have the manual for the motherboard, it probably tells you
 this, although cryptically so. I have tried it, not always with success.
 Even with initial success, you can have problems later on. If you don't
 have to do it to get your memory volume I wouldn't want you to go through
 the frustration.

I have  used them together once or twice, but feel that it is better avoided 
if you can.  What about the DIMM clock speed issue, though?

 Actually, the ATi Rage Pro will work fine with Mandrake. I now remember
 that is what I am using in my 8.2 box for the kids/guests. It would't have
 the 'umph' to drive Tux Racer or any OpenGL stuff, but has been good to me,
 so far. I believe it has 8 MBs of RAM on it. Just use the 3.3.6 X-server.

That may be easier, then, apart from the fact that it only takes up 1 slot.

 You know, I have yet to get even 3 Gigs of programs on a drive from an
 installation. That's a workstation, mind you, but still with all the games,
 bells, whistles and Windows manager (KDE and Gnome.) I would think 8 Gigs
 will be fine for him to learn on. I think that it is more a speed issue in
 using these 'tiny' drives. The smaller drives are not as fast, and since a
 swap file is needed, drive speed dramatically affects system speed. Aw,
 well. :-) You use what you have. I have a 3 and 2 Gig Samsung in the kids'

Would /swap and /home on 1 drive and the rest on the other be a good 

 When you say standard vga, you make my eyebrows pop up with concern. True
 standard VGA cannot support resolutions above 640X480 and sometimes not
 beyond 16 color, which is nearly useless in X-windows. Do you have any
 specs on the monitor? Can it really reach 1024X768 at 16-bits? 

My bad, I think.  I meant to imply that it was absolutely average.  I don't 
have the specs, but I could probably get some - it's a Goldstar.
 When the
 video card is capable of driving more color depth and a higher frequency
 than the monitor can take, this is when the utmost caution is necessary.
 Frying a monitor in Linux is so-o-o-o easy to do!

Believe it or not I still have a small drive with Win3.1 on that was once used 
on this computer.  I think the quickest and easiest test would be to put that 
drive in and check what configuration windows allows.  There you are - I knew 
there was a point to M$'s existance!

 I love using the SB 16s because they are still supported so well and easy
 to configure. There's a good chance that you will be to us 'sndconfig' at
 the console level, after installation, to get the card working, but still
 no sweat. Not great sound, but work wonderfully in Linux.

 Sounds like a project destined to work! I wish I could get my daughters
 interested in such a project. Maybe, it's a 'generation' thing, and I will
 have to wait for grandchildren?

Could be - my daughters both just want something that works with the minimum 
of effort, like a hammer or screwdriver.  The grandson's 14, artistically 
gifted, and would like to make a living in computer graphics.  He's beginning 
to realise that the more he knows about computers and the better for his 
future, although I'm a bit concerned that it's a rarified career.

It's funny, though, that he turns to grandma for tech support - I doubt if his 
friends do.  But then younger daughter says I used to embarrass her when she 
was a teenager, because she could not own up to having a mother who had a 
Stranglers record!  I was never a sheep - even got my MSc after I turned 60 

I used to feel lonely when I wanted to discuss tech issues, so this list is a 
wonderful boost.


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Re: [newbie] apache2, choosing html file to use

2002-11-20 Thread Miark
On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 20:38:26 -0800 (PST)
ivo jorris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've installed apache 2.0.43 successfully. When I test
 the apache by opening http://localhost/ the English
 version of Apache page was displayed.
 I want the Japanese version of Apache page to be
 displayed, what should I do.? 

Get a 12-pack of Molson Ice (the stuff you can buy in Canada,
not the watered-down shit in the US). Drink it. Stare _really_
hard at the monitor. 

If Ice doesn't work, you may have to try hard liquor. It's a 
more expensive solution, but damn it, we're professionals
and willing to do whatever it takes.


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Re: [newbie] flash

2002-11-20 Thread Alexa Pongracz
Went to there and they said, or the message said there was no document?
On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 15:55, Angus Auld wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Alexa Pongracz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 16:08:29 -0800
 Subject: [newbie] flash
  It's me with the functioning, on line system. I am curious as to if
  there is a plug in for flash that I could download?
  Does flash work on linux?
 Hi Alexa, great that your on-line w/Linux! Yes, Flash will work on Linux. You can 
get an rpm to install and instructions on how to do it here:
 There's lots of other great stuff at DOlson's site too.
 Hope this helps some. 
 All the best to you. Mandrake rocks!
 How do you destroy a righteous person? Give him or her one follower! --ancient 
Cherokee saying (fr. Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams)
 *Reg. Linux User #278931*
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Re: [newbie] Cloning Stuff

2002-11-20 Thread Tru64 User
Also Look at

--- Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 09:07, Matt Harrison wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am just curious as to the existance of PC
 deployment software that will 
  run in Linux such as ImageCast of Ghost.  I am
 looking to convert my 
  workstation to 100% linux based but I need to be
 able to clone windows 
  machines (yes I know it would be easier to switch
 them to linux, but that is 
  not my call to make) and my research has found
 nothing.  Any help would be 
  appreciated.  Thanks.
 Check out parted:
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to


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Re: [newbie] flash

2002-11-20 Thread Alexa Pongracz
Hi I went to Macromedia, the instructions said to save the installer to
my desktop, which I did, then it says, unpackage the file...the reading
I'm doing says that there could be some sort of unzip utility to run
file ends in tar.gz  macromedias instructions are clear if I knwe what I
was doing I guess

On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 15:19, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 11:08, Alexa Pongracz wrote:
  It's me with the functioning, on line system. I am curious as to if
  there is a plug in for flash that I could download?
  Does flash work on linux?
 Right here:

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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-20 Thread John Richard Smith
Miark wrote:



Besides the issue of spellcheckers which we have heard of recently, is there
a completeM9.0  OO install, because for the life of me I cannot find a 

Yes, there certainly is a complete install. What happens when you type 

 oocalc Enter

in a terminal?




Definately my goof of the week.
I thought that was a claculator,

OOps.  (excuse the pun).

But anyway, how do you feel about it, is it all there ,
does the spreadsheet work as well as excell,
what about the word processor, does it work as well as kword.

Give me expreiences please,your likes and dislikes, how it
works,what  are the quirky things, does it import files from
other spreadsheets easily.

Recently I imported a kspread file as a commer seperated list into
gnumeric, and found out the hard way that all you get is a big
list of text based  numbers, no formatting and more importantly no
formulars, and that can be time consuming and finickety
redoing it all over again when you have a large display
to go over.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] No battery message with Gkrellm/wmapm/wmapci

2002-11-20 Thread Joan Tur
Hash: SHA1

Es Dimecres 20 Novembre 2002 00:49, en Peter Spotts va escriure:
 I've just installed Mdk8.1 on a Toshiba 1905-S303 laptop and find that
 battery monitors don't seem to see the battery-charge status. I've tried
 Gkrellm's monitor, as well as two windowmaker doc apps -- wmapm and
 wmacpi. They all seem to compile properly. And yes, I do have a battery
 in the compartment ;-). Toshiba's built-in LED indicator seems to work
 just fine, although it's not as informative.

 Are laptop makers changing their battery configurations on us, or am I
 missing something in the configuration-install department?
Your laptop's probably using acpi instead of apm, so you have to compile 
latest mandrake kernel (acpi and swsusp prepatched) 2.4.19-19mdk with acpi 
support and try again (if you haven't already done so)  ;)
- -- 
  Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain
 AOL quini2k,  ICQ 11407395
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] refreshing of local dir and from ftp site

2002-11-20 Thread Maarten Vanraes
I use mdk9 and KDE3 and the package manager from mdk9 control center.

the problem is that when I choose refresh sources, the window that had jumped 
up then just dissappears, so that I can't press updatesave.

how do I solve the problem?

before It worked fine, but now not anymore.

rpm files automatically are being put into /update/rpm and that's the 
directory that is added as local source.

until a while ago, only the local source had that problem, but now the ftp 
source has the same problem.

now I have to manually install the local rpm...

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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-20 Thread Technoslick
From: Anne Wilson

I have  used them together once or twice, but feel that it is better avoided
if you can.  What about the DIMM clock speed issue, though?

T: Sorry! I forgot that you asked that.

The best answer I can give you on whether you really need to buy PC100

If your motherboard manual warns you to use it, as it does in the manual for
a MicroStar MS-5169 motherboard, when your CPU bus frequency is 100 MHz,
then you must. If your manual does not make any mention of this, the PC100
memory may have been in the system because that was all that was availble at
the time. The external bus speed on a 233 MHz processor is 66.6 MHz, so I
would think that you should be able to use PC133 memory. I do here, in both
of my boxes that use P233 MMX's. I would not suggest mixing chips of
different clock speeds. Once again, I have done it and it has worked, and
then on other systems not worked. The newer and/or more advanced the
motherboard, the greater the possibility that it can handle mixed speeds
without a problem. Of course, the system will drop down to the lowest rating

Would /swap and /home on 1 drive and the rest on the other be a good

T: I have to chuckle on this question because I am so lazy with this that I
usually let Mandrake partition for me. If you do, it will most likely make
the second drive your /home partition, dividing up the primary drive as /
and /swap. The pros on having seperate partitions for the other critical
directories seem moot on such a small drive configuration, but I'm sure
there are many others that would have a different opinion. For what you want
to do with this box, K.I.S.S. works fine in my book. Mandrake will
automatically try to make /swap about 400 MBs for 128 MBs of RAM. It works
for me. The rest of the primary drive is enough to squeek in pretty much all
that he is going to have horsepower to run (IMHO). The 4 GB /home gives him
tons of space to download his updates (and keep them, if he needs them
again) or to store his personal stuff.

My bad, I think.  I meant to imply that it was absolutely average.  I don't
have the specs, but I could probably get some - it's a Goldstar.

T: Goldstar has never been appreciated as quality componentry, but my
experience with their goods is that they perform, and keep performing long
after the name-band stuff has died and become a memory. However, the only
way to know is to see if you can get specs off the manual or find them on
the Web. Of all the stuff that you have in a PC, I think frying the monitor
has got to be the easiest 'no-no' to accomplish. Then again, I carry my own
personal, customized black cloud with me all the time, so who am I to say?

Believe it or not I still have a small drive with Win3.1 on that was once
on this computer.  I think the quickest and easiest test would be to put
drive in and check what configuration windows allows.  There you are - I
there was a point to M$'s existance!

T: If you can't beat 'em, suck 'em dry for all they can give you! :-D

Keep in mind that Win 3.1 can't drive high specs without the drivers being
there for the display adapter. If you put the ATi card in, you will need ATi
Win 3.x drivers to see what the display can handle. Then you'll have to
manually bump the frequency up until it won't display. It's a lot of work to
do it in Win 3.x. Lastly, the monitor that I fried not too long ago in Linux
had no problems running 1024X768, 24-bit and at a frequncy of 70 Hz in
Windows. Linux is notorious for trying to drive refresh rate well beyond 75
Hz, which will kill older monitors. In the absense of specs, I would install
without testing X-windows, then deal with it it later in Xconfigurator. With
or without specs,  you can still use Xconfigurator to manually put your
horizontal and vertical frequencies in, or edit the 'XF86Config' file
manually with an editor.

Could be - my daughters both just want something that works with the minimum
of effort, like a hammer or screwdriver.  The grandson's 14, artistically
gifted, and would like to make a living in computer graphics.  He's
to realise that the more he knows about computers and the better for his
future, although I'm a bit concerned that it's a rarified career.

It's funny, though, that he turns to grandma for tech support - I doubt if
friends do.  But then younger daughter says I used to embarrass her when she
was a teenager, because she could not own up to having a mother who had a
Stranglers record!  I was never a sheep - even got my MSc after I turned 60

I used to feel lonely when I wanted to discuss tech issues, so this list is
wonderful boost.


T: OK, Anne, you are now intmidating me! I wish I had had a gramndma like
you. sigh And yes, it is lonely not having someone to discuss this stuff
with. That's what makes this group so important to all of us. For those of
us  that haven't learned it all (my hand is raised high on this one!), this
is really a 

Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Aaron
I did it and this is what I got
root@adsl aaron]# urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with
added medium Distro_9.0
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation
CD (disk1).cz]
examining synthesis file
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
examining synthesis file
retrieving description file of Distro_9.0...

retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of Distro_9.0...
curl: (19) Can't open No such file or directory
...retrieving failed: curl failed: exited with 19 or signal 0

retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist file found for medium Distro_9.0
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
problem reading synthesis file of medium Distro_9.0
unable to update medium Distro_9.0

I will try another ftp 


any idea what went worng??
On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 15:17, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 2:43 pm, Aaron wrote:
  Hi hope someone can help me.
  currently I have the whole mandrake 9.0 source tree plus contrib  on my
  I want to delete this, and have urpmi point to an http mirror or ftp
  mirror how do I set this up.
  I have tried using Mandrakes control center but with no success.
 Remove your CD sources using rpmdrake, (but keep contrib) and then in a root 
 terminal (while online)
 urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with 
 (This command on one line)
 Or some other mirror if you prefer.

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Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Carl J. Bauman

Can you tell me how to correct this.  I tried running:

urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with 

and got:

added medium Distro_9.0
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Updates for 
Mandrake Linux 9.0 (ftp1u).cz]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Carl Download]
examining synthesis file 
retrieving description file of Distro_9.0...
retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of Distro_9.0...
curl: (19) No such file or directory.
...retrieving failed: curl failed: exited with 19 or signal 0

retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist file found for medium Distro_9.0
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
problem reading synthesis file of medium Distro_9.0
unable to update medium Distro_9.0

Do I need to run something else to create


Derek Jennings wrote:

On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 2:43 pm, Aaron wrote:

Hi hope someone can help me.
currently I have the whole mandrake 9.0 source tree plus contrib  on my
I want to delete this, and have urpmi point to an http mirror or ftp
mirror how do I set this up.
I have tried using Mandrakes control center but with no success.

Remove your CD sources using rpmdrake, (but keep contrib) and then in a root 
terminal (while online)

urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with 

(This command on one line)

Or some other mirror if you prefer.



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RE: [newbie] flash

2002-11-20 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] flash

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alexa Pongracz
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] flash

Hi I went to Macromedia, the instructions said to save the installer to
my desktop, which I did, then it says, unpackage the file...the reading
I'm doing says that there could be some sort of unzip utility to run
file ends in tar.gz macromedias instructions are clear if I knwe what I
was doing I guess

On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 15:19, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 11:08, Alexa Pongracz wrote:
  It's me with the functioning, on line system. I am curious as to if
  there is a plug in for flash that I could download?
  Does flash work on linux?
 Right here:

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Alexa, the file is in a tar zip format. you can upackage it by going into a console and navigating to the folder that the installer is in. Do a change directory command like: cd Documents . Then at the prompt type tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz and hit enter. The file will unzip and place its pacakages. Then you should install as per the instructions in the readme file or on the web page. HTH

Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Charles A Edwards
On 20 Nov 2002 20:08:36 +0200
Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 any idea what went worng??


Use another mirror if desired the above is only an example.
Do not use, the synthesis is unreadable.
But whichever you use the full path should be given.


Fortune's real live weird band names #439:

Mary Kay and the Cosmetics
Charles A Edwards

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RE: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

2002-11-20 Thread Franki
exactly what is your problem with imap and outlook???

As I understand it, imap works well with outlook.

give us your versions, (imap) etc and the error details when it doesn't



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kenn Murrah
Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 9:30 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

no, outlook has no problems with pop3, i agree.  but
in typical corporate fashion, i have one camp
insisting that i not outlookexpress, and another group
of know-it-alls demanding that i use imap ... so i'm
trying to find some solution that more or less pleases
everyone ...

--- Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 why not just swap to pop3??

 I know for a fact that outlook has no probs with
 it.. I am writing this mail
 on lookout via my linux mail server...

 easier to setup and less crap on the server as a



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Kenn Murrah
 Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 5:50 AM
 Subject: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$

 Okay, gang ...

 I've won most of the battles here ... Thanks in no
 small part to the help I've received from this list,
 have a Postfix/IMAP mail server up and running and
 is well with the world ...

 The rub comes in trying to set up my Windows
 to access their mail ... Outlook and Outlook Express
 are out (per an edict from The Head Boss), and no
 really likes using Eudora ... and I'm having trouble
 finding much of anything else.

 So I was thinking ...

 Would it be possible (or even practical) for Windows
 users to access my server via cygwin/XFree86, so
 they could use a linux mail client instead?  (I'm
 rather partial toward Evolution, due to its simple
 interface that would hopefully keep the troops from
 screaming every 3 minutes for help.)

 And for security's sake, would it be possible to
 mirror my EngardeLinux email onto my Mandrake box,
 that I wouldn't have to run X on my EngardeLinux but
 rather on a box with no exposure to the Internet?

 I've already set up cygwin/XFree86 on my test box
 tested its connectivity to the box I hope to use as
 mirror, so if you folks tell me i'm  not entirely
 my rocker --- I need you to point me in the right
 direction to learn about how to mirror (if that's
 the correct word here) my EngardeLinux mail to the
 intermediate box ...

 Of course, I'm a true newbie here, so feel free to
 tell me i'm nuts and suggest a better way to
 accomplish my goals.



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RE: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

2002-11-20 Thread Franki
what are you talknig about??

your post doesn't make sense...

can you not download an xconfigurator src rpm from and just
rebuild it??

*.rpm will screw your system. conflicting packages and stuff...

perhaps your question would be better asked on a redhat list.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Technoslick
Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 10:31 PM
Subject: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

You people are just so-o-o-o-o smart, I can't help but ask:

If I want to install Xconfigurator on an RH 8.0 system, and I have all the
RPMs I need on a CD, could I install them all like this:

rpm -ivh --force --nodeps /mnt/cdrom/*.rpm

Or am I going to have to install each RPM individually; maybe libraries
first, and maybe with the --nodeps switch to keep them from complaining
about dependencies?
Xconfigurator was dropped in version 8 (%#%%$^!!) and it's my last hope of
trying to get a supported card to actually work in XFree86 4.2.0. I know
that I could make my own package from source, but I really don't have the
time and inclination right now.

Thanks for putting up with the OT question!


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[newbie] Problems w/ Mandrake Update

2002-11-20 Thread Ryan Moe
Any time I try and connect to Mandrake Update it tells me There was an error 
adding the medium to urpmi. or some such thing.  It won't work regardless of 
which mirror I pick.  I've tried looking on the Mandrake site but couldn't 
really find anything.


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Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Derek Jennings

Whoops.. sorry my mistake. I cannot even cut and paste properly it should be

urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0
with ./

I do recommend that rediris server. It is really fast.  :)


On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 6:08 pm, Aaron wrote:
 I did it and this is what I got
 root@adsl aaron]# urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with
 added medium Distro_9.0
 examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation
 CD (disk1).cz]
 examining synthesis file
 examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
 examining synthesis file
 retrieving description file of Distro_9.0...

 retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of Distro_9.0...
 curl: (19) Can't open No such file or directory
 ...retrieving failed: curl failed: exited with 19 or signal 0

 retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
 no hdlist file found for medium Distro_9.0
 examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
 problem reading synthesis file of medium Distro_9.0
 unable to update medium Distro_9.0

 I will try another ftp


 any idea what went worng??

 On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 15:17, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 2:43 pm, Aaron wrote:
   Hi hope someone can help me.
   currently I have the whole mandrake 9.0 source tree plus contrib  on my
   I want to delete this, and have urpmi point to an http mirror or ftp
   mirror how do I set this up.
   I have tried using Mandrakes control center but with no success.
  Remove your CD sources using rpmdrake, (but keep contrib) and then in a
  root terminal (while online)
  urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with
  (This command on one line)
  Or some other mirror if you prefer.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

2002-11-20 Thread Paul Rodriguez
I had a similar problem getting extra language dictionaries.  The folks
in at were very helpful.  

In Mandrake, we just need the appropriate myspell packages to be
installed, so make sure that the corresponding myspell package for the
language you are looking for (presumably English) is installed.  For
example:  myspell-en_US-1.0.1-0.20020626.4mdk.noarch.rpm

I find that if I have a program the should be working but isn't,
sometimes a forced upgrade of that programs helps if the program was
improperly installed without my knowledge.  Running rpm -Uvh --force
myspell-en_US-1.0.1-0.20020626.4mdk.noarch.rpm  from a console as root
(assuming that file is in my local directory) has resolved problems like
this for me.  

I hope this helps.  Also, make sure that you have the proper dictionary
chosen in Tools-Options-Language Settings-Languages

Hope this helps.

- Paul

On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 14:55, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
 Can any one suggest a method of getting OO Spell Checker in Mandrake 9.0
 I have looked around without finding information, except at from whence I downloaded
 'OOodi-static-0.55-0.i386.rpm'. However I simply cannot get it to run!
 I expect this has come up some where before, if so please let me know.
 With thanks in advance of your kind reading.
 Malcolm Candlish.

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice Spell Checker.

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
Having an installation only a few days old, this was new to me.  I can 
confirm, however, that after installing the UK dictionary and hyphenation 
tool, and enabling them under Tools  Options  Language Settings  Writing 
Aids the spellchecker picked up all the deliberately inserted mis-spellings.

I have to say that when something does not work, my first thought is what am I 
doing wrong, or what have I failed to do?


On Tuesday 19 Nov 2002 10:31 pm, Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:
 But runing properly the spell checker is as easy as to have the appropriate
 files in the wordbook directory and with the dictionary.lst well

 if you need some help about how to do it manually, ask me. Also the
 OOo-dicinstaller could do that automatically.

 I have OOo 1.0.1 runing fine under Mandrake 9.0, in fact in our laboratory
 we use it as major word-processor.

 El Mar 19 Nov 2002 22:28, Miark escribió:
  Craig, you can't be serious.
   Mandrake's repair tool does not fix the problem.  Just off
   topic, the Mandrake guys may have done this on purpose (as a ploy) to
   put you onto StarOffice (i.e. buy the PowerPack).

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[newbie] KOffice doubts

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
Although the various elements of KOffice do seem quite good, I am seriously 
concerned that there is little or no ability to communicate with other 
programs.  About a week ago John raised the question of a KOffice 
spreadsheet, which he neede to try in another format because it was getting 
to big for KOffice.  It seems to me a serious flaw that any office package 
does not attempt to read/write other major formats.  I may resent having to 
use MSOffice formats, but at least they can be used for moving data between 
applications, as did the ability that most windows spreadsheet programs had 
of saving an early Lotus 1-2-3 format.

It is not, I think, adequate to simply say that you can save a csv file.  
Useful they may be when you're in a corner, but reformatting everything and 
so on is a huge job.

There is much that is good in KOffice, but if they insist on a M$-like 
proprietary format to the exclusion of all else they will damage their 

My 2p-worth, anyway.


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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 3:55 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 From: Anne Wilson
 The external bus speed on a 233 MHz processor is 66.6
 MHz, so I would think that you should be able to use PC133 memory. 

I think it will be OK if I can't get PC100.  I'll just stick to the one DIMM, 
I think - mixed speed problems avoided.

 Would /swap and /home on 1 drive and the rest on the other be a good

 T: I have to chuckle on this question because I am so lazy with this that I
 usually let Mandrake partition for me. If you do, it will most likely make
 the second drive your /home partition, dividing up the primary drive as /
 and /swap. The pros on having seperate partitions for the other critical
 directories seem moot on such a small drive configuration, but I'm sure
 there are many others that would have a different opinion. For what you
 want to do with this box, K.I.S.S. works fine in my book. Mandrake will
 automatically try to make /swap about 400 MBs for 128 MBs of RAM. It works
 for me. The rest of the primary drive is enough to squeek in pretty much
 all that he is going to have horsepower to run (IMHO). The 4 GB /home gives
 him tons of space to download his updates (and keep them, if he needs them
 again) or to store his personal stuff.

Sounds OK to me.  I'll leave it to it then.

 My bad, I think.  I meant to imply that it was absolutely average.  I don't
 have the specs, but I could probably get some - it's a Goldstar.

 T: Goldstar has never been appreciated as quality componentry, but my
 experience with their goods is that they perform, and keep performing long
 after the name-band stuff has died and become a memory. However, the only
 way to know is to see if you can get specs off the manual or find them on
 the Web. Of all the stuff that you have in a PC, I think frying the monitor
 has got to be the easiest 'no-no' to accomplish. Then again, I carry my own
 personal, customized black cloud with me all the time, so who am I to say?

 Lastly, the monitor that I fried not too long ago in
 Linux had no problems running 1024X768, 24-bit and at a frequncy of 70 Hz
 in Windows. Linux is notorious for trying to drive refresh rate well beyond
 75 Hz, which will kill older monitors. 

My monitor is a low spec Taxan LCD, so not capable of high refresh rates.  The 
display problem I had there under 8.2 was that the os identified it as a high 
performance 1024x768, capable of 70Hz.  When I booted up I had a large blue 
patch saying that 85Hz was not advisable.  85Hz?  Anyway, I found that the 
next entry on the list was 1024x768 without the high performance bit, and 
everything was fine after that.  But I still don't know whey it was trying 85 
when it had identified it as capable of 70.

 I couldn't care less about owning up
 to what I don't know, as long as someone is willing to teach me more.

I'm not proud - I'll pick anyone's brains ;-)

 Anyway, it seems that you have the making of a 1st-timer. As long as your
 grandson doesn't expect the world from it, he should enjoy it. You do
 realize, don't you, that if his mind grabs on to Linux, you will be asking
 him for help very soon? giggle

Can't wait!


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Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 6:08 pm, Aaron wrote:
 I did it and this is what I got
 root@adsl aaron]# urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with

 retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of Distro_9.0...
 curl: (19) Can't open No such file or directory

I could be way off beam, Aaron, but I got something similar the first time I 
tried.  I  was simply starting from the wrong directory.  HTH


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Re: [newbie] PPPoE and Modem in tandem

2002-11-20 Thread PBone
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 10:50 am, Peter Spotts wrote:

 I share your pain. I was running MDK8.1 with ASDL as my default on a
 Compaq laptop. But I take my show on the road quite a bit and needed to
 use the dialer. Problem was, while the dialer would connect, the
 browser, email program or whatever wouldn't see the connection. I later
 ran into the same problem with Windows 98 and found that I had to shut
 down my ADSL software before I could get a dailup connection that the
 computer would recognize.

 So if I may rephrase your question: How can one deactivate pppoe once
 it's started so that ppp can have a clear shot at the connection in a
 way the software will recognize?

 Right now, because of my inability to figure that one out, I'm using
 WinXP on one partition and Linux on another on a new laptop...

 Best regards,


I don't know whether I am adding to the confusion or helping. I have been 
using a dialup modem and very easily acessing it via kppp. I am changing to 
dsl which involved pitting in a lan card. My dsl connection isn't even set up 
yet but I found that connecting the LAN card led to a similar problem where 
kppp would connect OK but email, browser etc would not work. I sort of got 
around it by using mandrake control centre to set up a separate profile 
configured for dial up access. The only problem now is that I have to use 
mandrake control centre to access the dial up.

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Re: [newbie] M$ and 85%

2002-11-20 Thread meteor
Could you provide a link to validate that this is a true MS report?

But anyway, from the open source standpoint of view we could only
break the dominance if we produce software, that will be accepted by the
masses. A exotic thing like the linux OS will never do this job!
Just yesterday my mathematics professor ask me why he can't execute
my elf-binaries under windows. Huu, how to explain?? The masses
have no idea what an OS is anyway, they just want to use a computer
like a radio or a kitchen micro wave emitter (the deadliest weapon
I ever played with*1 =). So I always have to conclude, that there's a
need for high level applications, that can compete with Microsoft's
solutions and even if they have losses on this field this still makes
up there biggest field of acceptance, isn't it?
And if portable user interfaces exist that fit better to the
psychological needs of the dumbest then things can change in the
magic underground. 

It's the same with micro waves like with operation systems.
Most people have no idea what cancer really is. They just know
that their handy works and that that cancer is deadly in most 

OK, enough OT for today, FRANK.
On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 11:23, John Richard Smith wrote:
 According to yesterdays FT,
 Operating system division supports other arms which show heavy losses
 Windows OS enjoys 85% profit margins, while remaining business enjoy
 The client division made a profit of $2.48bn on revenue $2.89bn
 amoungst M$ 's other businesses ,
 Home entertainment(XBox) lost$177M
 thought to be a loss of $120 per box
 MSN  lost$97M
 Business solutions   lost$68M
 CE/Mobility lost $33M
 If anything happens to windblows OS (XP sales) this business
 is going down fast.Strange no mention of what level XP is selling at.
 John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

2002-11-20 Thread Jim Dawson
Have you looked at Mozilla Mail?

I admit earlier versions left something to be desired but in the latest versions it 
seems to work pretty good. On top of that Mozilla seems to have fewer security issues 
than IE (If your users seem reluctant to use Mozilla rather than IE just show them how 
to block pop-up windows and how to use tabs...) and when and if they ever switch to a 
non-Microsoft OS they will already be familliar with the browser and mail applications.

-Original Message-
From: Kenn Murrah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 13:49:39 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

Okay, gang ... 

I've won most of the battles here ... Thanks in no
small part to the help I've received from this list, I
have a Postfix/IMAP mail server up and running and all
is well with the world ...

The rub comes in trying to set up my Windows computers
to access their mail ... Outlook and Outlook Express
are out (per an edict from The Head Boss), and no one
really likes using Eudora ... and I'm having trouble
finding much of anything else.

So I was thinking ...

Would it be possible (or even practical) for Windows
users to access my server via cygwin/XFree86, so that
they could use a linux mail client instead?  (I'm
rather partial toward Evolution, due to its simple
interface that would hopefully keep the troops from
screaming every 3 minutes for help.)

And for security's sake, would it be possible to
mirror my EngardeLinux email onto my Mandrake box, so
that I wouldn't have to run X on my EngardeLinux but
rather on a box with no exposure to the Internet?

I've already set up cygwin/XFree86 on my test box and
tested its connectivity to the box I hope to use as a
mirror, so if you folks tell me i'm  not entirely off
my rocker --- I need you to point me in the right
direction to learn about how to mirror (if that's
the correct word here) my EngardeLinux mail to the
intermediate box ...

Of course, I'm a true newbie here, so feel free to
tell me i'm nuts and suggest a better way to
accomplish my goals.



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Re: [newbie] font size in konqueror

2002-11-20 Thread meteor
Hmm, I'm using 3.0.3 and it enlarges even text, which size is set
explicitly by a style sheet. Perhaps to you have to press multiple
times the +/- buttons? 

On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 15:44, bascule wrote:
 is the minimum font size set in konqueror overidable by individual web sites?
 i've set my minimum to be 11 with a 17 crt, my eyesight can't really cope 
 with less, however often i have to use the 'increase font size' button to be 
 able to read! fonts and stuff always went over my head, is it just that 11 
 point in one font can be a lot smaller than 11 point in another?
 'They were myths and they were real,' he said loudly. 'Both a wave and a 
 (Guards! Guards!)

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Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Carl J. Bauman
Thanks, Derek.  That worked.

Derek Jennings wrote:

Whoops.. sorry my mistake. I cannot even cut and paste properly it should be

urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0
with ./

I do recommend that rediris server. It is really fast.  :)


On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 6:08 pm, Aaron wrote:

I did it and this is what I got
root@adsl aaron]# urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with
added medium Distro_9.0
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation
CD (disk1).cz]
examining synthesis file
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
examining synthesis file
retrieving description file of Distro_9.0...

retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of Distro_9.0...
curl: (19) Can't open No such file or directory
...retrieving failed: curl failed: exited with 19 or signal 0

retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist file found for medium Distro_9.0
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
problem reading synthesis file of medium Distro_9.0
unable to update medium Distro_9.0

I will try another ftp


any idea what went worng??

On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 15:17, Derek Jennings wrote:

On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 2:43 pm, Aaron wrote:

Hi hope someone can help me.
currently I have the whole mandrake 9.0 source tree plus contrib  on my
I want to delete this, and have urpmi point to an http mirror or ftp
mirror how do I set this up.
I have tried using Mandrakes control center but with no success.

Remove your CD sources using rpmdrake, (but keep contrib) and then in a
root terminal (while online)

urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with

(This command on one line)

Or some other mirror if you prefer.


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Re: [newbie] copying audio cd on the fly

2002-11-20 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy
On Wednesday 20 November 2002 1:12 pm, Miark wrote:
 X-CD-Roast works well for me.


With audio CDs? When I try it it says it can't copy audio CDs on the fly. Is 
there a setting somewhere, or are you just a lucky guy? G

 On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 12:57:47 -0500

 Jonathan Dlouhy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there any way to make a direct copy of an audio CD on the fly? Either
  from the command line or (preferably) a GUI program.
  Jonathan Dlouhy
  Wednesday, November 20, 2002
  Never drive through a small Southern town at 100mph with the
  local sheriff's drunken 16-year-old daughter on your lap.
  -Anonymous member of a chain gang
  Registered Linux user #264482  Powered by Mandrake Linux 9


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RE: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

2002-11-20 Thread Franki
also, if you apply the IE theme, your users will think they are using IE anyway..

its sorta cool, I can't use it though cos I have mozilla 1.2b and they are not 
compatable (yet)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Dawson
Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2002 2:15 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

Have you looked at Mozilla Mail?

I admit earlier versions left something to be desired but in the latest versions it 
seems to work pretty good. On top of that Mozilla seems to have fewer security issues 
than IE (If your users seem reluctant to use Mozilla rather than IE just show them how 
to block pop-up windows and how to use tabs...) and when and if they ever switch to a 
non-Microsoft OS they will already be familliar with the browser and mail applications.

-Original Message-
From: Kenn Murrah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 13:49:39 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

Okay, gang ... 

I've won most of the battles here ... Thanks in no
small part to the help I've received from this list, I
have a Postfix/IMAP mail server up and running and all
is well with the world ...

The rub comes in trying to set up my Windows computers
to access their mail ... Outlook and Outlook Express
are out (per an edict from The Head Boss), and no one
really likes using Eudora ... and I'm having trouble
finding much of anything else.

So I was thinking ...

Would it be possible (or even practical) for Windows
users to access my server via cygwin/XFree86, so that
they could use a linux mail client instead?  (I'm
rather partial toward Evolution, due to its simple
interface that would hopefully keep the troops from
screaming every 3 minutes for help.)

And for security's sake, would it be possible to
mirror my EngardeLinux email onto my Mandrake box, so
that I wouldn't have to run X on my EngardeLinux but
rather on a box with no exposure to the Internet?

I've already set up cygwin/XFree86 on my test box and
tested its connectivity to the box I hope to use as a
mirror, so if you folks tell me i'm  not entirely off
my rocker --- I need you to point me in the right
direction to learn about how to mirror (if that's
the correct word here) my EngardeLinux mail to the
intermediate box ...

Of course, I'm a true newbie here, so feel free to
tell me i'm nuts and suggest a better way to
accomplish my goals.



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Re: [newbie] remote access to mail for m$ users???

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 6:14 pm, Jim Dawson wrote:
 Have you looked at Mozilla Mail?

 I admit earlier versions left something to be desired but in the latest
 versions it seems to work pretty good. On top of that Mozilla seems to have
 fewer security issues than IE (If your users seem reluctant to use Mozilla
 rather than IE just show them how to block pop-up windows and how to use
 tabs...) and when and if they ever switch to a non-Microsoft OS they will
 already be familliar with the browser and mail applications.

I've installed Mozilla on 4 windows systems now, and all four users are happy.  
They find it easy to use (and it has the advantage that it is so similar to 
the linux version that you always know what they're talking about when the 
ask a question), and yes, the ability to block pop-ups and use tabs makes it 
very attractive.


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Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-20 Thread Aaron
thanks to everyone.

just appears that I tried the wrong directory.
next question.
Is there a way I can add a non mandrake ftp to urpmi??
I am interested in multimedia and would like to be able to update from
the net. 


On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 20:19, Carl J. Bauman wrote:
 Thanks, Derek.  That worked.
 Derek Jennings wrote:
 Whoops.. sorry my mistake. I cannot even cut and paste properly it should be
 urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0
 with ./
 I do recommend that rediris server. It is really fast.  :)
 On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 6:08 pm, Aaron wrote:
 I did it and this is what I got
 root@adsl aaron]# urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with
 added medium Distro_9.0
 examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation
 CD (disk1).cz]
 examining synthesis file
 examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
 examining synthesis file
 retrieving description file of Distro_9.0...
 retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of Distro_9.0...
 curl: (19) Can't open No such file or directory
 ...retrieving failed: curl failed: exited with 19 or signal 0
 retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
 no hdlist file found for medium Distro_9.0
 examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
 problem reading synthesis file of medium Distro_9.0
 unable to update medium Distro_9.0
 I will try another ftp
 any idea what went worng??
 On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 15:17, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 2:43 pm, Aaron wrote:
 Hi hope someone can help me.
 currently I have the whole mandrake 9.0 source tree plus contrib  on my
 I want to delete this, and have urpmi point to an http mirror or ftp
 mirror how do I set this up.
 I have tried using Mandrakes control center but with no success.
 Remove your CD sources using rpmdrake, (but keep contrib) and then in a
 root terminal (while online)
 urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with
 (This command on one line)
 Or some other mirror if you prefer.
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[newbie] Running kppp as root- is it a problem?

2002-11-20 Thread PBone
I used to run kppp as a user to access my dial-up modem without any problems. 
After installing a LAN card I found that I when I ran kppp as user the 
connection would be made but the browser and email would not work. Mandrake 
control centre insisted that I was not connected to the internet. I worked 
around the problem by creating a new profile and using Mandrake control 
centre to access the internet. The only problem now is that kppp runs as 
1. Is this a security problem
2. How can I go back to using kppp as user?

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Re: [newbie] flash

2002-11-20 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 20 November 2002 11:00 am, you wrote:

 Alexa, the file is in a tar zip format. you can upackage it by going into a
 console and navigating to the folder that the installer is in. Do a change
 directory command like: cd Documents . Then at the prompt type  tar -xvzf
 filename.tar.gz and hit enter. The file will unzip and place its
 pacakages. Then you should install as per the instructions in the readme
 file or on the web page. HTH

Thats the easier (and my preferred) way of doing it, but you can also 
right-click on the file, pick extract here, and then all with the same 

  Dark Lord

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[newbie] 'Always on Top' in Gnome?

2002-11-20 Thread Barry Michels
Am I wrong in the assumption that there's no such concept in Gnome?  No 
windows have that option and the few apps that have their own 'on top' 
function don't work.  (XMMS comes to mind)


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Re: [newbie] Min spec

2002-11-20 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday November 20 2002 11:42 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 3:55 pm, Technoslick wrote:
  From: Anne Wilson
  The external bus speed on a 233 MHz processor is 66.6
  MHz, so I would think that you should be able to use PC133 memory.

Ram is what it'll do.  The PC66, 100, 133, etc. labels are just 
that, marketing labels. My daughter is usin a pc (for years now) with 
ancient generic 66mhz ram runnin at 112mhz, Cas3 (PII-350 at 392, Aopen 
mobo). It'll pass memtest86 at 133mhz, Cas3. Twice it's 'label' ; 
The system I'm typing on is usin 5 year old pc100 at 135mhz, Cas2 (1.4 
Tbird at 1.55gig, Soyo), mixed with two other Crucial pc133 sticks 
(7.5ns, Cas2).  They all get a steady 3.45v IO from the Soyo and 
Sparkle power supply, APC UPS.

Quality ram is important, but even the best ram won't perform 
properly on marginal (cheap) motherboards. In many systems the 
motherboard is more important than the ram's rating for optimal, or 
even just adequate memory performance. Ram is more properly spec'd in 
terms of ns and Cas rating and the quality and design of the pcb (the 
card) the ram chips are on. As always the power supply is also a _very_ 
important element.

   FWIW, the old pc100 will pass memtest86 runnin forever at 155mhz 
Cas3, -0- errors on a Soyo (6ba+III, 3.5v IO). It was labeled pc100, 
but it's quality Mosel Vitelic 8ns Cas2 ram.  To figure what ram is 
needed (assuming a good mobo and psu), take 1000 divided by the FSB 
speed.  EG, 1000/155 = 6.45.  So that old pc100 was runnin at 6.45ns 
when it blew by the memtest86 tests flawlessly ;)  For DDR sdram 
(another marketing gimick) use one half, EG, pc2700, 266mhz ram really 
runs at 133mhz. So 1000/133 = 7.5ns. Cas isn't as important. Altho 
theorectically it addresses in 2/3's the cycles, the real world 
enhancement is about 5 to 7%. I'd advise to always buy Cas2 rated ram 

So, ram is what it'll do. 'Sides it doesn't determine how it's 
timed, the motherboard does (bios settings, IO voltage, capacitors), 
and it needs steady, clean power.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

2002-11-20 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 00:34, Technoslick wrote:
 You people are just so-o-o-o-o smart, I can't help but ask:
 If I want to install Xconfigurator on an RH 8.0 system, and I have all the
 RPMs I need on a CD, could I install them all like this:
 rpm -ivh --force --nodeps /mnt/cdrom/*.rpm
 Or am I going to have to install each RPM individually; maybe libraries
 first, and maybe with the --nodeps switch to keep them from complaining
 about dependencies?
 Xconfigurator was dropped in version 8 (%#%%$^!!) and it's my last hope of
 trying to get a supported card to actually work in XFree86 4.2.0. I know
 that I could make my own package from source, but I really don't have the
 time and inclination right now.
 Thanks for putting up with the OT question!

Be careful with using the Xconfigurator - you might want to try using
Linuxconf instead - easily downloaded.

What is it about XConfigurator that you find more useful than say,
XF86Config instead?

Thu Nov 21 07:15:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of
absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream.
Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness
within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more.
Within, walls continued upright, bricks met neatly, floors were firm, and
doors were sensibly shut; silence lay steadily against the wood and stone
of Hill House, and whatever walked there, walked alone.
-- Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House

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[newbie] Is a restart necessary?

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
If I make alterations to fstab, do I need to reboot, or can I cause it to be 
read some other way?


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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-20 Thread Robin Turner
John Richard Smith wrote:

But anyway, how do you feel about it, is it all there ,
does the spreadsheet work as well as excell,
what about the word processor, does it work as well as kword.

Give me expreiences please,your likes and dislikes, how it
works,what  are the quirky things, does it import files from
other spreadsheets easily.

Recently I imported a kspread file as a commer seperated list into
gnumeric, and found out the hard way that all you get is a big
list of text based  numbers, no formatting and more importantly no
formulars, and that can be time consuming and finickety
redoing it all over again when you have a large display
to go over.

My experience is that it works fine in all important respects.  I can't 
say if it works as well as KWord, since I gave up on that particular app 
 a few years back.  No problems importing from Excell or exporting to 
it (which is very important for me, as I keep student grades in OOCalc, 
but need to submit them in a standard Excell template).  As for Word, 
there are occasional formatting glitches, but it seems to work better 
than most import filters. I use it frequently for converting Word 
documents to HTML or PDF format - the results aren't as nice as what 
you'd get with output from, say, LyX, but then LyX (or rather wv) has 
problems importing some Word documents, and it will also alter the 
layout radically (by improving it radically) which you may not always want.

So yes, if you want a good all-round office suite with MS compatibility, 
OO is the best choice from the Open Source alternatives. OTOH, if you 
want to write beautifully typeset documents with a minimum of fuss, I'd 
still recommend LyX, unless you have very complex or idiosyncratic 
layout requirements.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Running kppp as root- is it a problem?

2002-11-20 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 7:29 pm, PBone wrote:
 I used to run kppp as a user to access my dial-up modem without any
 problems. After installing a LAN card I found that I when I ran kppp as
 user the connection would be made but the browser and email would not work.
 Mandrake control centre insisted that I was not connected to the internet.
 I worked around the problem by creating a new profile and using Mandrake
 control centre to access the internet. The only problem now is that kppp
 runs as root.
 1. Is this a security problem
 2. How can I go back to using kppp as user?

I cannot tell you how to run kpp as a user. But I can tell you how to run the 
Mandrake Dialler net_monitor as a user as described here.


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Re: [newbie] copying audio cd on the fly

2002-11-20 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 04:57, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
 Is there any way to make a direct copy of an audio CD on the fly? Either from 
 the command line or (preferably) a GUI program.

There's heaps of rippers for linux - GRip is one - then there are
heaps more - both GUI and commandline.

Sites to check for cool stuff (rippers included):

If you can't find a ripper, I'd like to sell ya some beach side property
near Alice Springs...

Thu Nov 21 07:25:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs,
then the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

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Re: [newbie] Is a restart necessary?

2002-11-20 Thread Paul
In reply to Anne's mail, d.d. Wed, 20 Nov 2002 20:17:59 +:

If I make alterations to fstab, do I need to reboot, or can I cause it to
be read some other way?

Depends on the alterations.

Usually logging all users out and as root doing a mount -a will suffice.

Found this in man mount:

(i) The command
  mount -a [-t type] [-O optlist]
   (usually  given  in  a bootscript) causes all file systems
   mentioned in fstab (of the proper type  and/or  having  or
   not having the proper options) to be mounted as indicated,
   except for those whose line contains the  noauto  keyword.

Every man in the world is better than someone else.
And not as good as someone else.
-William Saroyan Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.6
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

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Re: [newbie] copying audio cd on the fly

2002-11-20 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 5:57 pm, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
 Is there any way to make a direct copy of an audio CD on the fly? Either
 from the command line or (preferably) a GUI program.


K3b will do it.  It is a *really* nice writer

RPM available from Texstar.


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Re: [newbie] KOffice doubts

2002-11-20 Thread Robin Turner
Anne Wilson wrote:

Although the various elements of KOffice do seem quite good, I am seriously 
concerned that there is little or no ability to communicate with other 
programs.  About a week ago John raised the question of a KOffice 
spreadsheet, which he neede to try in another format because it was getting 
to big for KOffice.  It seems to me a serious flaw that any office package 
does not attempt to read/write other major formats.  I may resent having to 
use MSOffice formats, but at least they can be used for moving data between 
applications, as did the ability that most windows spreadsheet programs had 
of saving an early Lotus 1-2-3 format.

It is not, I think, adequate to simply say that you can save a csv file.  
Useful they may be when you're in a corner, but reformatting everything and 
so on is a huge job.

There is much that is good in KOffice, but if they insist on a M$-like 
proprietary format to the exclusion of all else they will damage their 

My 2p-worth, anyway.

I agree with most of this, except that they don't use a proprietary 
format - it's an open, XML-based format.  Most other apps don't have 
import filters for it (probably because so few people use KOffice) but 
writing one wouldn't be hard. Word .doc - now _that's_ a proprietary format!

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Openoffice and .doc files

2002-11-20 Thread Robin Turner
Bill Winegarden wrote:

Quick question...LM 9.0 and OO were a fresh install. I received an 
email with a .doc extension but OO won't open it under any MS (or other) 
extension label. I get pages of codes but at the top is the 
statement'This file must be converted using Binhex 4.0'
Any thoughts? There is nothing on this in the OO mailing list archive.
Looks like the attachment is broken.  Could be the original file, could 
be your mail client (Netscape sometimes used to glob the attachment and 
the message, which made binary files unreadable - I remember spending 
ages with a hex editor trying to undo this).  Try opening a Word doc in 
OO.  If it opens OK, send it to yourself as an attachment, then try 
opening it again.  If it doesn't open now, the problem is your mail 
client. If it opens OK, the problem is at the other end.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] KOffice doubts

2002-11-20 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 8:50 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  Although the various elements of KOffice do seem quite good, I am
  seriously concerned that there is little or no ability to communicate
  with other programs.  About a week ago John raised the question of a
  KOffice spreadsheet, which he neede to try in another format because it
  was getting to big for KOffice.  It seems to me a serious flaw that any
  office package does not attempt to read/write other major formats.  I may
  resent having to use MSOffice formats, but at least they can be used for
  moving data between applications, as did the ability that most windows
  spreadsheet programs had of saving an early Lotus 1-2-3 format.
  It is not, I think, adequate to simply say that you can save a csv file.
  Useful they may be when you're in a corner, but reformatting everything
  and so on is a huge job.
  There is much that is good in KOffice, but if they insist on a M$-like
  proprietary format to the exclusion of all else they will damage their
  My 2p-worth, anyway.

 I agree with most of this, except that they don't use a proprietary
 format - it's an open, XML-based format.  Most other apps don't have
 import filters for it (probably because so few people use KOffice) but
 writing one wouldn't be hard. Word .doc - now _that's_ a proprietary

I stand corrected.  However, the point I was making was that interoperability 
is vitally important for many people.  With KWord being halfway between a 
word processor and a desk top publisher app. it is very useful.  I realise 
that importing and exporting complex documents is tricky, but I would hate to 
see all the good work done on this product going down the pan because people 
ignore it due to lack of filters.


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[newbie] 'Save All Attachments' in KMail?

2002-11-20 Thread Barry Michels
I've googled and come up with nothing...
I have collected several attachments in a folder that's getting pretty big.  
I'd like to save all the attachments to a directory and then empty the mail 
folder.  Any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] 'Always on Top' in Gnome?

2002-11-20 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 06:55, Barry Michels wrote:
 Am I wrong in the assumption that there's no such concept in Gnome?  No 
 windows have that option and the few apps that have their own 'on top' 
 function don't work.  (XMMS comes to mind)
Because Gnome2 is the desktop and MetaCity(MegaShitty) is the window
manager, there is alot of functionality that has disappeared from the
Gnome environment. You can change to a different window manager - like
good old Sawfish - which allows you to have complete control over window
behavior. Have you gone through the MetaCity settings as well as the
Gnome Control Panel to double check on your efforts? (Not that it will
allow you too much deviation from what they've thrown together - hence
my move back to Gnome 1.4.8 and Sawfish as my window manager...)

Thu Nov 21 07:25:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs,
then the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

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Re: [newbie] copying audio cd on the fly

2002-11-20 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy
On Wednesday 20 November 2002 3:33 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 5:57 pm, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
  Is there any way to make a direct copy of an audio CD on the fly? Either
  from the command line or (preferably) a GUI program.

 K3b will do it.  It is a *really* nice writer

 RPM available from Texstar.


I have k3b installed and when I run it from a command line I get this error: 
k3b: undefined symbol: static_QUType_varptr. If I run the setup program I get 
this: k3bsetup: undefined symbol: 

That's it, the program won't launch at all...

So, if you can help that would be great!

Jonathan Dlouhy
Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Registered Linux user #264482  Powered by Mandrake Linux 9  

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SV: [newbie] Is a restart necessary?

2002-11-20 Thread Anders Lind

If I make alterations to fstab, do I need to reboot, or can I cause it to be 
read some other way?

You don't need to reboot, when you try to mount each time it will read /etc/fstab
at that time


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Re: [newbie] No battery message with Gkrellm/wmapm/wmapci

2002-11-20 Thread Fabrice Mous
 Your laptop's probably using acpi instead of apm, so you have to compile
 latest mandrake kernel (acpi and swsusp prepatched) 2.4.19-19mdk with acpi
 support and try again (if you haven't already done so)  ;)
 - --

sorry to interfere .. but how can I check if my laptop uses acpi or apm?


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Re: [newbie] Another OT...Sort Of

2002-11-20 Thread Technoslick
I didn't think of Linuxconf! Though, I doubt it will matter much in this
case. :-(

It's not that I am excited about using Xconfigurator. I think it is a better
non-graphical tool for targeting video problems in X than xf86config is.
xf86config makes me go through setting that I don't need to concern myself
with to resolve a video problem. It introduces variables that aren't
important when video won't work. That's because it was designed to be 'the'
tool for setting up X-wondows without graphics. Its simplicity makes doing a
change a pain. Every time a choice bombs out, I have to start over,
configure the mouse, the keyboard, the language, ad nauseum! Xconfigurator
allows me to focus in on the area that is giving me trouble and bounce in
and out of video, color depth, monitor choice, freq, etc. If this was MDK, I
wouldn't be so sour, would I? ;-)

I did finally get Xconfigurator on. It was messy, but it worked.
Unfortunately, no joy. The cards I have left in my arsenal are all Linux
supported, but not by RH 8.0. Their insistence to limit you only to XFree86
4.2.0 has locked out of the use of many cards older cards that are still
supported by Linux, in general. Another healthy plug for Mandrake, but a bit
of a tangle for me.

Argh... :-
I really was hoping for a miracle from you Stephen. :-)


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Re: SV: [newbie] Is a restart necessary?

2002-11-20 Thread Luke Vandervort
go to a terminal sheel and type mount -a this will force linux to reread the 
fstab and remount everything

On Wednesday 20 November 2002 04:36 pm, Anders Lind wrote:
 If I make alterations to fstab, do I need to reboot, or can I cause it to
 be read some other way?

 You don't need to reboot, when you try to mount each time it will read
 /etc/fstab at that time


Luke Vandervort

Linux, because rebooting is for adding new hardware ...

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Re: [newbie] M9.0 and OpenOffice

2002-11-20 Thread John Richard Smith
Robin Turner wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

But anyway, how do you feel about it, is it all there ,
does the spreadsheet work as well as excell,
what about the word processor, does it work as well as kword.

Give me expreiences please,your likes and dislikes, how it
works,what  are the quirky things, does it import files from
other spreadsheets easily.

Recently I imported a kspread file as a commer seperated list into
gnumeric, and found out the hard way that all you get is a big
list of text based  numbers, no formatting and more importantly no
formulars, and that can be time consuming and finickety
redoing it all over again when you have a large display
to go over.

My experience is that it works fine in all important respects.  I 
can't say if it works as well as KWord, since I gave up on that 
particular app  a few years back.  No problems importing from Excell 
or exporting to it (which is very important for me, as I keep student 
grades in OOCalc, but need to submit them in a standard Excell 
template).  As for Word, there are occasional formatting glitches, but 
it seems to work better than most import filters. I use it frequently 
for converting Word documents to HTML or PDF format - the results 
aren't as nice as what you'd get with output from, say, LyX, but then 
LyX (or rather wv) has problems importing some Word documents, and it 
will also alter the layout radically (by improving it radically) which 
you may not always want.

So yes, if you want a good all-round office suite with MS 
compatibility, OO is the best choice from the Open Source 
alternatives. OTOH, if you want to write beautifully typeset documents 
with a minimum of fuss, I'd still recommend LyX, unless you have very 
complex or idiosyncratic layout requirements.

Sir Robin

That is helpful. I leave lyx and klyx to latec experts , and since I'm 
not one, I stand
no chance of creating my own templates. However , just playing around 
with OOword
a bit this afternoon, one thing that struck me about it, I didn't seem 
able to import
pictures, like I can in kword, where one could say one is into desktop 
publishing, and
I certainly enjoy creating my own multifacited layout montages for home 
pics. As I
say I've only looked at it briefly so I could be dead wrong here but it 
seems to me
OOword is capable but not as far reaching as say kword is today.

On the otherhand OOcalc which surely ought to of been called OOspreadsheet,
does seem a quite advance app of it's type, as I say I have not done 
much with
it and so I cannot tell how it compares with excell for capability but 
as far as I
can tell it is fully as useable as kspread and far far leaner and faster 
on the loading
and saving stakes than kspread. I don't know whether OOcalc can do those
fancy folding column jobs that excell can do, you know where you can set 
up a
sort of spreadsheet within a spreadsheet to take care of some sub 
reqirement,that you don't particularly want  shown on the front sheet.
How does OOcalc  compare with excell all round ?
Anyone with loads of experience with both ?


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] radeon 7000 and mandrake 9

2002-11-20 Thread Sean Hegar
Hello All
I just installed mandrake 9 on my work computer, and can't seem to
resolve the video card issue.  It is a pci version of the radeon 7000 32
meg.   Has anyone run into similar problems?  If so, what was the magic
cure or is there one?  Any help would be appreciated.  

Ignorance should  be painful.
Registered Linux user #271218

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Re: [newbie] No battery message with Gkrellm/wmapm/wmapci

2002-11-20 Thread Joan Tur
Hash: SHA1

Es Dimecres 20 Novembre 2002 21:18, en Fabrice Mous va escriure:
  Your laptop's probably using acpi instead of apm, so you have to compile
  latest mandrake kernel (acpi and swsusp prepatched) 2.4.19-19mdk with
  acpi support and try again (if you haven't already done so)  ;)
  - --

 sorry to interfere .. but how can I check if my laptop uses acpi or apm?
If it doesn't use apm, then apmd service won't run.  I know there are some 
laptops supporting both apm and acpi also...
- -- 
  Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain
 AOL quini2k,  ICQ 11407395
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] copying audio cd on the fly

2002-11-20 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 08:23, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
 I have k3b installed and when I run it from a command line I get this error: 
 k3b: undefined symbol: static_QUType_varptr. If I run the setup program I get 
 this: k3bsetup: undefined symbol: 
 That's it, the program won't launch at all...
 So, if you can help that would be great!

That sounds like it's a QT library fault - unresolved symbol. Have you
checked out that your /etc/ is setup properly? As well, you
might want to make sure that QT is installed properly...

Thu Nov 21 09:10:00 EST 2002

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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

On the other hand, the TCP camp also has a phrase for OSI people.
There are lots of phrases.  My favorite is `nitwit' -- and the rationale
is the Internet philosophy has always been you have extremely bright,
non-partisan researchers look at a topic, do world-class research, do
several competing implementations, have a bake-off, determine what works
best, write it down and make that the standard.
The OSI view is entirely opposite.  You take written contributions
from a much larger community, you put the contributions in a room of
committee people with, quite honestly, vast political differences and all
with their own political axes to grind, and four years later you get
something out, usually without it ever having been implemented once.
So the Internet perspective is implement it, make it work well,
then write it down, whereas the OSI perspective is to agree on it, write
it down, circulate it a lot and now we'll see if anyone can implement it
after it's an international standard and every vendor in the world is
committed to it.  One of those processes is backwards, and I don't think
it takes a Lucasian professor of physics at Oxford to figure out which.
-- Marshall Rose, The Pied Piper of OSI

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Re: SV: [newbie] Is a restart necessary?

2002-11-20 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 08:34, Luke Vandervort wrote:
 go to a terminal sheel and type mount -a this will force linux to reread the 
 fstab and remount everything
Sheel? Is this a new feature thats undocumented? Some package that I
forgot to install? Wow...going to have to search for a terminal
sheel...!!! (g)

Thu Nov 21 09:15:00 EST 2002

|____  |
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|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |linux user:267497

Seed me, Seymour
-- a random number generator meets the big green mother from outer space

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