Re: [newbie-it] configurare un modem adsl

2003-04-04 Thread Andrea Celli
On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 14:25:47 +0200

 Ho bisogno di un consiglio di questo genere: sono con Alice da qualche giorno,
 ma non riesco a configurare il modem, che ? un IPM Datacom usb, in Mandrake
 9.1. Allora vorrei chiedere alla Telecom di cambiare questo modem e di farmi
 avere un Ericsson HM220dp, dopo aver configurato una scheda Ethernet che
 mi procurer?.
 Dopo che sar? entrato in rete con me stesso, cosa dovr? fare: per favore
 ditemi tutto nei particolari perch? (si capiva) sono un ultra pivello. (per?
 il Mandrake mi piace proprio)
 Grazie a tutti

come sempre, quando si fanno le cose con interfaccia grafica, non riesco a 
ricordarmi i passaggi esatti.
Comunque, devi entrare nel MandrakeControlCenter e configurare contemporaneamente
scheda di rete e adsl. 
La cosa più semplice è lasciar funzionare il modem come server dhcp che assegna
automaticamente un indirizzo IP ai PC che vi si connettono. Quindi NON assegnare
tu un indirizzo ip alla tua scheda.

Per il tuo modem in generale, vedi
Poi, il collegamento si gestisce con adsl-start, adsl-stop, ...
però ti consiglio di metterti sul desktop un'icona che lancia net_monitor
come root (ti verrà chiesta la password)
oppure, cerca in rete tkpppoe che deve essere lanciato la prima volta come 
root, ma che può essere configurato perché in seguito accetti gli utenti normali.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Ricezione posta

2003-04-04 Thread Lux
Eraser Head wrote:

Ciao a tutti!

Ho un problema nella ricezione della posta tramite fetchmail: talvolta 
capita che fetchmail blocchi la ricezione di alcune mail, dandomi errori 
di questo tipo:

fetchmail: SMTP 553 5.1.8 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Domain of sender address 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist

fetchmail: SMTP error: 451 4.1.8 Domain of sender address 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] does not resolve
fetchmail: SMTP listener doesn't like recipient address 



Ma utilizzi postfix dopo fetchmail ? Se si, potrebbe essere una riga nel .
Oppure potrebbe essere che prima di scaricare la posta vada a 
controllare il dominio del mittente e, non trovandolo, lo rifiuta.
Se puoi mandare il tuo .fetchmail magari lo si analizza tutti insieme.
Ciao, Lux

Re: [newbie-it] configurare un modem adsl - update

2003-04-04 Thread ghibli
 On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 14:25:47 +0200
 Ho bisogno di un consiglio di questo genere: sono con Alice da qualche
 giorno, ma non riesco a configurare il modem

stesso problema,ma al momento non posso cambiare usb...inoltre i driver del 
modem errati mi hanno costretto a riformattare il disco con win.
Come faccio a riconfigurare LILO (linux e win sono su due HD diversi)?
tnx a chi riesce a risolvere l'arcano §.-((

Re: [newbie-it] configurare un modem adsl - update

2003-04-04 Thread Andrea Celli
On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 14:10:45 +0200 (CEST)

 Come faccio a riconfigurare LILO (linux e win sono su due HD diversi)?
 tnx a chi riesce a risolvere l'arcano §.-((

Hai reinstallato win che ti ha tolto lilo da MBR?

Riparti col CD di installazione di Mandrake, alla prima schermata premi F1
poi scegli la modalità rescue.
Parte un linux che usa la RAM come disco e che presenta all'inizio un
menù da cui puoi fare delle operazioni di emergenza come rimettere
il LILO in MBR.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Mouse seriale e mdk 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Salve a tutti,
sono una nuova utente della Mandrake 9.1 che ho installato su un AMD K6 
500 mHz, sch v. Vodoo 3000, sch audio S3 Allegro,hd quantum 10 GB 
partizionato (1a part. win98 SE)privo d'interfacce usb e ps/2, solo con 
porte seriali.
In fase d'installazione di mdk il mouse funziona (Logitech Pilot a tre 
pulsanti con adattatore seriale, com2), viene rilevato e configurato, 
ma una volta riavviato il sistema in modalità grafica rimane quasi 
immobile, si muove ad una lentezza esasperante, che mi rende difficile 
diverse operazioni.
Ho provato a cambiare mouse, ma niente da fare; ho provato a 
riconfigurarlo da console cambiando protocollo e ttyS, ho dato 
un'occhiata anche al file XF86Config, ho riavviato il sistema tenendo 
premuto il tasto sinistro del mouse (letto da qualche parte), ma finora 
non ho ottenuto risultati. Ho cercato dappertutto, anche sui NG, ma non 
ho trovato soluzione. Ho anche disinstallato e reinstallato il so, 
provato con una distro + vecchia (la 9.0 e la 8.0), ma nulla: il mio 
mouse se ne resta là e si muove tre minuti dopo che l'ho strattonato...
Qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi?  
Grazie e scusate per la lunghezza


Re: [newbie-it] configurare un modem adsl - update

2003-04-04 Thread ghibli
 Come faccio a riconfigurare LILO (linux e win sono su due HD diversi)?
 tnx a chi riesce a risolvere l'arcano §.-((
 Hai reinstallato win che ti ha tolto lilo da MBR?

qui il problemadevo cambiare molto probabilmente da 98 a 2000 e non so 
se questo da partizione è unica,ma non posso usare la fat32
ho un disco di avvio di mandrake e copiato il file liloconf

 Riparti col CD di installazione di Mandrake, alla prima schermata premi
 F1 poi scegli la modalità rescue.
 Parte un linux che usa la RAM come disco e che presenta all'inizio un
 menù da cui puoi fare delle operazioni di emergenza come rimettere il

linux comunque era configurato per partire per primo

[newbie-it] tar zippati su floppy

2003-04-04 Thread Fabio Manunza
Zip di winz permette la creazione su floppy, in caso di un unico file 
particolarmente corposo, di un .zip che va a splittarsi su vari dischetti, 
fino all'esaurimento del file.
Sicuro che esistesse un comando del genere anche per tar, sono subito andato a 
controllare il manuale; sembra però che la cosa sia possibile solo creando un 
.tar non compresso (opzione -M).
Esiste un comando che soddisfa questa esigenza, o ci si deve vedere costretti 
ad usare una pipe su split, per raggiungere lo stesso risultato di winzip?
  -- Fabio Manunza -- 
 ## n° macchina 140545 ##
Fair is foul, and foul is fair

Re: [newbie-it] configurare un modem adsl - update

2003-04-04 Thread beo
Il Fri, 4 Apr 2003 14:55:02 +0200 (CEST)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
  Come faccio a riconfigurare LILO (linux e win sono su due HD diversi)?
  tnx a chi riesce a risolvere l'arcano §.-((
  Hai reinstallato win che ti ha tolto lilo da MBR?
 qui il problemadevo cambiare molto probabilmente da 98 a 2000 e non so 
 se questo da partizione è unica,ma non posso usare la fat32

anch'io ho 2 dischi e upgradato a win$2000. Se non vuoi perdere la possibilità di 
scambiare comodamente dati da win a lin ti conviene creare una 2^ partizione sul disco 
win per il FAT32, potrai, p. e. dedicarla alla cartella documenti.

 ho un disco di avvio di mandrake e copiato il file liloconf
  Riparti col CD di installazione di Mandrake, alla prima schermata premi
  F1 poi scegli la modalità rescue.
  Parte un linux che usa la RAM come disco e che presenta all'inizio un
  menù da cui puoi fare delle operazioni di emergenza come rimettere il
  LILO in MBR.
 linux comunque era configurato per partire per primo
no problem, il rescue fa miracoli.


Re: [newbie-it] Mouse seriale e mdk 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 15:35, venerdì 4 aprile 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi?
 Grazie e scusate per la lunghezza


Ciao Anna,
se si tratta solo di un problema di velocità di movimento del mouse, prova a 
riconfigurarlo da:



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione 
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] Mouse seriale e mdk 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
se si tratta solo di un problema di velocità di movimento del mouse, prova a 
riconfigurarlo da:

Ciao Daniele e grazie per avermi risposto. Avevo già provato a riconfigurarlo così 
come tu hai descritto, ma niente da fare, purtroppo. Il cursore si sposta, ma diverso 
tempo dopo aver mosso il mouse, sembra quasi immobile.


Re: [newbie-it] Mouse seriale e mdk 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 15:35, venerdì 4 aprile 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi?
 Grazie e scusate per la lunghezza


Ciao Anna,
se si tratta solo di un problema di velocità di movimento del mouse, prova a 
riconfigurarlo da:



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione 
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] Mouse seriale e mdk 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 20:32, venerdì 4 aprile 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 se si tratta solo di un problema di velocità di movimento del mouse, prova
 a  riconfigurarlo da:
 Ciao Daniele e grazie per avermi risposto. Avevo già provato a
 riconfigurarlo così come tu hai descritto, ma niente da fare, purtroppo. Il
 cursore si sposta, ma diverso tempo dopo aver mosso il mouse, sembra quasi
Verifica il funzionamento da una sessione di console (non grafica).
Se funziona normalmente, spediscici la parte del file XF86Config-4 riguardante 
il mouse (cerca il file con locate - man locate).

  -- Fabio Manunza -- 
 ## n° macchina 140545 ##
Fair is foul, and foul is fair

[newbie] 9.1 upgrade, eth0 FAILED at boot

2003-04-04 Thread Guy Rouillier
Upgraded 9.0 to 9.1, now every time I boot it says eth0 FAILED.  Oddly,
I still have a live Ethernet connection.  Half the time, from looking at
the LEDs on my Linksys DSL/Router, it appears that the adapter is coming
up in half-duplex.  I didn't have this problem in 9.0, though I do have
it booting 9.1 with the 9.0 kernel.  What do I have to do to get eth0 to
come up reliably again?  I thought of uninstalling the tulip driver and
reinstalling it, but that is not a separately installable piece.  I have
a Linksys 10/100 wired internal NIC (standard LNE whatever).

On a related note, when I see the adapter is in half-duplex mode, if I
do ifconfig eth0 down, I see the full-duplex LED come on immediately. 
But now I am disconnected, and ifconfig eth0 up does not reconnect me. 
The only way I found to reconnect is to go into Mandrake Control Center
- Network and Internet - DrakConnect.  It will determine I am
disconnected and give me a button to connect.  How can I do this from a
command prompt so I don't have to start up MCC?  service internet
restart doesn't appear to work either.



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Re: [newbie] Advanced Chipset Features/bios settings

2003-04-04 Thread John Richard Smith
Thanks Ryan ,
I wondered whether 4QW and 8QW might be something to do with memory.But,
Ryan Moe wrote:

If you have SDRAM don't worry about it.  

I have 512BM of DDR Ram.

It doesn't make a difference. 
However if you have DDR then setting the burst rate to 4qw instead of
8qw will make your average bandwidth the same as SDRAM (although you'll
still have twice the peak bandwidth). What m/b and memory controller are
you using?  

I have a MSI K7T266 Pro2 Mobo, capable of up to 3.0gigs of memory. I 
cannot find a reference to the memory controller in the mobo manual. It 
does say you can install PC1600/PC2100 DDR SDRAM modules on the DDR DIMM 
slots (DDR1-3) I believe they run on 2,5v as against 3.3v.  In addition 
I have seen a reference somewhere that this mobo has a nForce-128 bit 
memory bus, but I don't think that is relevant is it .

What brand of ram do you have?  Certain brands of ram
(mostly the cheap kind) don't support some bios memory options.
I don't know. Some generic make, I think.
But if it works fine in W2K on 8QW, then it ought to work fine in 
Mandrake as well. I guess mandrake needs tweeking somehow ?

See, I had bios set on 4QW when mandrake was installed, only found out 
afterwards I could up it to 8QW, and the manual references it being 
faster, I thought I would try it out. Trouble is Mandrake  boots up OK, 
I get to a login ,I login and a blue desktop arrives, but does not 
complete to the full thing with all the taskbar etc, and the mouse 
cursor hangs, indeed the whole computer hangs, I cannot even shutdown, I 
have to crash it.



On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 14:50, John Richard Smith wrote:

My AMI bios has a section Advance Chipset Features

In there is a section  BURST LENGTH
with the options  4QW and 8QW
According to handbook this allows you to set the size of the 
Burst-Length for DRAM.
The bigger the size the faster the DRAM performance.

I altered my bios setting to 8QW from 4QW and found everything boots 
fine in W2K,
but that Xwindows hangs on Mandrake 9.0.

It seems a pity to have to choose the slower setting just because of 
Is there any way of getting Mandrake to work with the higher setting ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning

2003-04-04 Thread John Richard Smith
Guy Rouillier wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Well I have plenty of ntfs partitions after the linux partitions and 
neither W98 nor W2K have any trouble recognising them. Maybe you 
cannot have a windblows OS after a linux partition, never tried that 
one but I would expect it to work.


Win98 won't recognize any NTFS partitions.  But as you say, Win2K has 
no trouble seeing partitions past Linux partitions.

Maybe I stand corrected, I haven't had W98 on for a while now and memory 
plays tricks, but it definately recognises FAT32.

John Richard Smith

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Fluxbox bbpager WAS [newbie] Fluxbox and background under 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread Derek Jennings
Like Todd I find the gap between fluxbox and KDE has narrowed with Mandrake 
9.1.  KDE is faster and fluxbox seems a little slower. But KDE is still not 
fast enough to make it comfortable to use on my low end laptop.

While we are on the subject of fluxbox, I have an RPM of bbpager on my 
download page you might like to try.

BBpager gives you a view of the contents of your desktops. You can even move 
windows from desktop to desktop with it.

Invoke it with bbpager -n -c ~/.bbtools/bbpager.nobb   in your 
~/.fluxbox/startup file
You will need to move the contents of /usr/share/bbtools to ~/.bbtools and 
edit the bbpager.nobb as required. I made these changes :-

bbpager.windowFocusButton:  3
bbpager.windowRaiseButton:  3


On Friday 04 Apr 2003 4:12 am, Terry Smith wrote:
 They say the memory goes first :-)). So I checked some more and am
 answering my own question

 I had actually sent a msg to a new fluxbox convert several months ago.
 My knowledge, in turn came from something Derek had posted.

 Anyhow, to get fluxbox to see your 'startup' script you need a line in
 the ~/.fluxbox/init config file that says:

 session.screen0.rootCommand ~/.fluxbox/startup

 The file 'startup' must be executable.

 Works fine now.

 Terry Smith
 Cape Cod USA

 On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 21:23, Terry Smith wrote:
  Derek, Todd and all you other fluxbox experts out there,
  Still probing 9.1 (the best yet IMHO fact, on my 'minimalist'
  machine, I put CD1 in the drive, rebooted, left the house for 3 hours,
  came home, hit 'return' pulled the CD and had a system that worked
  perfectly [it was an update rather than a clean install but what the
  but I digress...
  I use fluxbox and rox in tandem as ably demonstrated by Derek and Todd
  some moths ago. The new fluxbox (fluxbox-0.1.14-6mdk but the same thing
  is true of texstar's 0.1.14 rpm) is 'overlaying' my desktop with a
  bsetbg coming from the selected theme. Said differently, although I've
  put a line in my 'startup' script like
  'bsetbg -f ~/photos/picture_I_want'
  the actual background I get is that determined by the theme. I've tried
  commenting out the 'session.styleFile' line but that didn't work either.
  I thought maybe the Rox pinboard was interfering with background but
  it's turned off.
  Anybody seen/fixed this?
  Terry Smith
  Cape Cod USA
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to


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[newbie] depmod woes

2003-04-04 Thread robin.bcc
Can anyone tell me what I should do about this?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] nalan]# depmod
/lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.o.gz: Bad 
symbol index: 0176 = 003f
/lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.o.gz: Bad 
symbol index: 0100 = 003f
/lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.o.gz: Bad 
symbol index: 00df = 003f
/lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.o.gz: Bad 
symbol index: 00e8 = 003f

[tons more along the same lines]

I get similar, though not quite so profuse error messages on boot.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] xine dvd troubles

2003-04-04 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 03 Apr 2003 11:15 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Thursday 03 April 2003 23:44, Brian Craft wrote:
  I'm running Mandrake 9.1 and just loaded all the rpm's for xine from the
  3rd cd and then downloaded from the
  link below. I've watched about 4 DVD's with no problem.

 Did all that, only the dvd option doesn't even show up in xine.
 I've a feeling I'm missing something obvious but can't put my finger on it.
 /dev/dvd points to my cdrom so that's not the problem.

 Thanks anyway,

HarM - just an off-chance.  When I had a similar problem under 9.0 it was 
because I had a plugin directory in the path, but not the subdirectory of it 
which contained other plugins.  Don't know if it will help you, but it's 
worth checking.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Burning a bootable cd

2003-04-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Many thanks Anne, John and Pete.

I'm pretty sure I tried burning straight to disk (and at speeds as low as 
1x) without success.
However, I'll have to check it out properly and.pick up this thread in a 
couple of months when I'm in front of the PC again.

John, could you say more about the MB sum in Master tracks? This isn't the 
calculate size, is it?


At 13.52 03/04/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 03 Apr 2003 11:09 am, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:

I've had problems with XCDroast,trying to copy data files. Following all
those steps (disabling all the rockridge, joliet options except the one
recommended for backup CDs) I was able to write out OK only on one
Ever since then, everything goes fine until the actual burning, when it
terminates prematurely, having written for about 0.06s.Doesn't seem to
make any difference whether I try single or multi-session, CD-R or
Any ideas?
(Sorry I can't give the exact error message - I don't have that PC here;
it's about 700 miles away)

I've never had problems with burning data disks until I tried to burn 
this bootable one, which is why I thought it was linked with the boot 
image.  I normally add directories and files to the list, excluding 
unnecessary ones if the collection is too big.  If the last tab can 
calculate the sum without errors they burn fine - though it pays to burn 
at slowish speeds - 8x is right for most people.  I don't burn to an 
image, I burn straight to disk, and it works.


Just a thought, maybe nothing, but you didn't mention doing the MB sum 
part of the preparation, in master tracks , I think it does more than the 


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Wanted: Clever email setup

2003-04-04 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 8:35 am, RichardA wrote:
 I went off list a couple of months ago to move house. Didn't want to rejoin
 until I had my email set up just right, but I'm struggling. Here's some

 I want my server to pick up mail and dump it in /maildir format, because
 it's more reliable. Then I want to read it from either of two client PCs.
 Simple, yes?
 I got as far as setting up fetchmail and postfix, but courier-imap beat me.
 The Mandrake rpm seemed not to be all there, and when I tried to compile
 from source rpm the error message said there was no makefile. I used a
 Mandrake imap program (imap-2001), connected from KMail but I could see all
 of my home folder, not just the maildir. After some messing about I got the
 mail root folder right, but instead of seeing lots of mail in each folder I
 had to drill down through those strangely-named folders to read each one.
 If I could use courier-imap, would that problem go away? Or is KMail not
 very good at imap?

 Next, I thought that maybe I could mount the maildir over nfs on each
 machine. Got nfs set up first try (!), but KMail seems to move the mail
 into a local folder or something - I know it's not right, but I haven't
 worked out exactly what happens.

 This post is messy, as is my email currently. What I want to do must be
 really common, and I'd welcome help, hints, constructive abuse, anything
 really. If there's an entirely different way to do what I want that would
 be fine, too.


 P.S. Glad you're all still here and Mandrake haven't gone bust :-)

I have a paper on Postfix/Fetchmail/Procmail/Courier-IMAP that covers what you 
are trying to do.



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Re: [newbie] Deleted mail does not go to trash in kmail

2003-04-04 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 12:41 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Wednesday 02 April 2003 11:23 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Thursday 03 Apr 2003 1:41 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
   On Wednesday 02 April 2003 12:58 pm, Poogle wrote:
On Wednesday 02 Apr 2003 H:57 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 as the subject says, I delete a mail and it disappears. What to
 configure, I have been all through kmail config in the gui. Help is
In Kmail 1.5 the delete icon with the red X on it deletes (with or
without confirmation - your choice which) but next to it there is a
new icon which looks like a blue cylinder which moves to trash
   That was the answer, thanks Poogle. A new feature I didn't recognize.
  Dennis - do me a favour?  Choose one that doesn't matter, then see if
  highlight+delete key deletes or trashes?  Thanks

 Highlighting the message and then hitting delete key sends the message to
 the trash bin. It can still be retrieved. If you hit the X tab on the tool
 bar it deletes instantly and not sent to the trash.  Hope that clears up a
 bit. It is kind of handy to be able to delete instantly. Cheers

I'm going to like this, I think.  To be able to get rid of the stuff I know I 
don't need, but keep a buffer stock of list messages will suit me fine.  I 
have an expire date set on the trash, so that I can go back and check how a 
thread started if I need to :)

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] xine dvd troubles

2003-04-04 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 04 April 2003 10:51, Anne Wilson wrote:

 HarM - just an off-chance.  When I had a similar problem under 9.0 it was
 because I had a plugin directory in the path, but not the subdirectory of
 it which contained other plugins.  Don't know if it will help you, but it's
 worth checking.


Well, I've just found out that my dvd player can't read the dvd's anymore.
Meaning what? I don't know...there's a /dev/dvd link allright. Manually trying 
to mount it just gives me the read error no medium found.

So it's hardware recognition specific, I guess.
Looks like I'll have to rumage around a little more but first I'll try an 
update-install it's been known to help before:o)

Good luck,

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[newbie] How to use wine?

2003-04-04 Thread ZeroFighter1969

I would like to use wine to run MS word on MDK linux for my job. Can it be possible? 
If so, after installing wine, how sould I install MS word please? 



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Re: [newbie] How to use wine?

2003-04-04 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 11:10 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to use wine to run MS word on MDK linux for my job. Can it be
 possible? If so, after installing wine, how sould I install MS word please?



 Try AOL and get 1045 hours FREE for 45 days!

 Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 for FREE! Download Now!

You can go here to get advice on using Wine

But if you want the easiest least pain method of using MSOffice, then spend a 
bit of money and buy Codeweavers Office. It is a version of Wine optimised 
for Office applications with a very nice installer, and support if you have 



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Re: [newbie] How to use wine?

2003-04-04 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 11:10 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to use wine to run MS word on MDK linux for my job. Can it be
 possible? If so, after installing wine, how sould I install MS word please?




I should also have added that OpenOffice will read and write Word documents 
perfectly well. Why use Word at all?


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Re: [newbie] xine dvd troubles

2003-04-04 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 04 April 2003 11:02 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
replying my own posts:

Xine works fine, DVD player doesn't.just doesn't seem to want to read 
DVD's any more:o(

Get plenty of errors there:

Apr  3 20:54:54 triade1 kernel: hdb: packet command error: error=0x54
Apr  3 20:54:54 triade1 kernel: ATAPI device hdb:
Apr  3 20:54:54 triade1 kernel:   Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
Apr  3 20:54:54 triade1 kernel:   Cannot read medium - incompatible format -- 
sc=0x30, ascq=0x02)

anybody any thoughts?

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 upgrade, eth0 FAILED at boot

2003-04-04 Thread stormjumper
hi Guy,

can you try this an see if it works?
from console, run dhcpcd as root
# dhcpcd
if it does, it's probably due the new hotplug option in 9.1
you can turn it off by running
mandrake control center - Network and Internet - Drakconnect
run the wizard, select expert mode, and in one of the following dialogs,
remove the tick from the Network Hotplugging

hope it helps
- Original Message -
From: Guy Rouillier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 16:05
Subject: [newbie] 9.1 upgrade, eth0 FAILED at boot

 Upgraded 9.0 to 9.1, now every time I boot it says eth0 FAILED.  Oddly,
 I still have a live Ethernet connection.  Half the time, from looking at
 the LEDs on my Linksys DSL/Router, it appears that the adapter is coming
 up in half-duplex.  I didn't have this problem in 9.0, though I do have
 it booting 9.1 with the 9.0 kernel.  What do I have to do to get eth0 to
 come up reliably again?  I thought of uninstalling the tulip driver and
 reinstalling it, but that is not a separately installable piece.  I have
 a Linksys 10/100 wired internal NIC (standard LNE whatever).

 On a related note, when I see the adapter is in half-duplex mode, if I
 do ifconfig eth0 down, I see the full-duplex LED come on immediately.
 But now I am disconnected, and ifconfig eth0 up does not reconnect me.
 The only way I found to reconnect is to go into Mandrake Control Center
 - Network and Internet - DrakConnect.  It will determine I am
 disconnected and give me a button to connect.  How can I do this from a
 command prompt so I don't have to start up MCC?  service internet
 restart doesn't appear to work either.


 Guy Rouillier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] Courier-imap

2003-04-04 Thread Mark Annandale
Hi Guys

Am I being dim as usual, or is Courier-imap not included with 9.1 ?  If not, 
does anyone know where there's a handy rpm for it. I've done a google for the 
package and can only find a.bz2 package.



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Re: [newbie] Courier-imap

2003-04-04 Thread stormjumper
hi Mark,

courier-imap wasn't included with mandrake 8.2 and 9.0,
dunno about before that,
but some kind soul always makes mandrake specific rpms,

you can find it in the contribs directory of most
mandrake FTP mirrors or at

ps. remember to vote for it during voting season
for the next release of mandrake. :)
- Original Message -
From: Mark Annandale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 20:03
Subject: [newbie] Courier-imap

 Hi Guys

 Am I being dim as usual, or is Courier-imap not included with 9.1 ?  If
 does anyone know where there's a handy rpm for it. I've done a google for
 package and can only find a.bz2 package.



 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Closed in my own Box! (it was= Clever email setup)

2003-04-04 Thread Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
On Friday 04 April 2003 05:58, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Friday 04 Apr 2003 8:35 am, RichardA wrote:

Hi, Derek!

I need your help!

I can't email to the list! It doesn't accept me no more... this is why I 
am requesting your help!

I' ve read your paper and that solved my future need, BUT for the now
I'm in trouble with postfix (so I think!)

I use the email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], for list and some business 
purposes, by in my box (mdk9) my user name in ricardo, so every email goes 
out like:

Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =this is the Problem
Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  = ditto!
Received: from localhost (localhost.localdomain [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 92477124472
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri,  4 Apr 2003 10:54:39 -0300 (BRT)
Received: from []
by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-6.1.0)
for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (single-drop); Fri, 04 Apr 2003 10:54:39 -0300 (BRT)
Received: from [] by (LMTP); Fri, 04 Apr 2003 
10:50:29 -0300 (BRT)
Received: from ( 
(authenticated user equest)
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 36B2129C0D6
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri,  4 Apr 2003 10:50:29 -0300 (BRT)

Is it possible to 'MASQUERADE my email? i.e. although having my user name as 
ricardo, Can I config postfix(or whatever) to send as 

EVERYTHING   was all right BEFORE my upgrading from mdk8.1 to mdk9!
The postfix looks the same to me!

the belongs to me and it's fqdn
but I have to rellay (my adsl isp provider 
through authentication, which is OK!)

Any idea?

I am locked in my Box!!!


PS:thanks for you paper (below) it is just I was looking for before getting 
into trouble!

 I have a paper on Postfix/Fetchmail/Procmail/Courier-IMAP that covers what
 you are trying to do.

Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] user
==  Get Counted!

Fri, 04 Apr 2003 10:50:00 -0300
 10:50am  up 6 days,  8:45,  8 users,  load average: 1.44, 1.23, 1.12
Do you think the Monkees should get gas on odd or even days?

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[newbie] Hard disk repartitioning-II

2003-04-04 Thread Arthur Kng
Hey all,
  First up, thank you everyone for your prompt
help. you've really made it easier for me.
reading all your posts i've come up with a plan which
goes like this:

(  just to remind you, i have a 20GB disk, C drive:5GB
having WinME(FAT32), D drive: 15GB having all my
data(FAT32), 128MB RAM )

   1)back up all my data at a friends place. fdisk and
delete all existing partitions. make a  
primary partition of 10GB on which i'll load the
Windows OS and which will also have the data
which i want to access from Win and Linux.

   2)in the 10GB thats left i'll have 4GB for '/'
where i'll load Linux.

   3)the remaining 6GB will be the '/home' partition,
which will have the linux only data.

   4)mine is a desktop machine for normal home use. at
any given time i run atmost 
(browser+mp3player) or (a programming IDE + mp3player)
etc. now i have 128MB of RAM so 
   i'm thinking of doing away with the swap
partition but i'm not too sure about this. so if  
 i'm wrong please do tell me.

so in short:




   i know this is a long way to do it but this way i
avoid having 2 FAT32 partitions (one for Win OS and
the other for my data) and have a substantial space
for the 'Linux only data' partition.

now i would like to know what you all think about
this. if i'm doing wrong please do tell as i'm just
starting out on Linux.

thank you for your help.


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

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Re: [newbie] drakfloppy bug?

2003-04-04 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday April 3 2003 03:33 pm, cF wrote:
 No one seems to have noticed my post so i'll give it another try.

 More likely nobody had a similar experience, and/or had the 
problem ;)

 Hey. Don't get annoyed, it's me again.
 As told earlier, i downloaded and installed VmWare (The Win32
  version). After rebooting i tried to access linux from it, and i
  found out i had to have a boot floppy. So off to mandrake i go, i
  open the MCC and click on boot, then the drakfloppy icon. I leave
  everything default (there was no other choice anyways) and i hit
  the create button. Everything goes smoothly, and within a minute
  i get my linux bootdisk. So back to  XP i go. I reopen VmWare,
  put the floppy in, and wait. This is the message i got:
 SYSLINUX 1.67 2002-02-03 Copyright (C) 1994-2001 H. Peter Anvin
 Cold not find kernel image: linux
 boot: _
 I've tried formatting the floppy (twice) and making another boot
  disk (twice) and i still got the same message defiantly staring
  at me.
 Is this a bug in drakfloppy or am i doing something wrong, again?

 Update: I've successfully made a boot disk using 'mkbootdisk', but
 DrakFloppy still has that problem.

   'mkbootdisk $(uname -r)' always worked for me till very late in 9.1 
development, and now with early 9.2

mkbootdisk fails with 'not enough room on the floppy', but the GUI 
tool in mcc never fails. Go figure? 'Bout the only time I use this 
old floppy drive anyhow ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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gpart Re: Diagnostic and recovery Re: [newbie] file system of unmounted partition

2003-04-04 Thread Anguo

Hmmm... gpart sounds promissing... I'll definitively have a 
look at it.
Thanks a lot HarM.


On Wednesday 02 Apr 2003 12:49 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 I just stumbled across a tool that might be of some help,
 it's called gpart.

 I messed up my mbr partition table (please don't ask) and
 needed to get my partitions reread.

 It works fine booting into a busybox shell with a floppy
 (or CD) and then running gpart from another floppy on
 which the binary has been copied. i.e. on the cml in the
 running busybox (after checking dmesg if your drive is
 seen at all):

 mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
 cd /mnt/floppy
 ./gpart /dev/hda (or whatever your disk is)

 and away it goes guessing the partitions and the
 filesystems they contained including size et all:o)

 Very nifty, indeed! A lifesaver:o)

 You can get it here:

 Good hunting,

- Do you know the four basic nutrition groups?
- Errr... Hamburger, soda, French fries and dessert?

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-04-04 Thread Marc Koenders
Damian Gatabria wrote:
On Thursday 03 April 2003 18:36, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Sat, 2003-04-12 at 06:12, Lanman wrote:

It would suck-start a Harley, from 2 miles away, on a windy day, in snow
this deep!
Are we done now?? Can we kill this thread and get back to the other cool
Uh - what cool stuff?

Linux R00RZ

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How about this for cool stuff. Invite some friends over and convince 
them to start using the Mandrake gnu/linux distro.

And if that is not cool enough. Go live on the south pole =) lol.
Marc Koenders
I don't have an eating problem.
I eat.  I get fat.  I buy new clothes.
No problem.

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Re: [newbie] mdkkdm and kdm not working

2003-04-04 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday April 3 2003 09:18 pm, Frank Cote wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 22:23, cF wrote:
  Do you realize how geeky this sound to a non-initiated linux user
  like me? Whoa.

 Sorry, I wasn't sure if I should email the newbie or experts list,
 so I figured I'd try the newbie list first see if anyone ran into
 this before. :)

 I'm no expert that's for sure.


   Frank, I only got the behaviour you described after a large update 
to current cooker 9.2 yesterday, which included KDE 3.1.1, and other 
major updates like glibc, and some like mdkkdm.  I solved it by using 
Crtl-Alt-Backspace to restart X (and mdkkdm). This only solved it 
temporarily, a reboot fixed it for good. kdm didn't have the problem.

Since you also said you tried kdm, I take it you have the 
kdebase-kdm rpm installed.  Edit /etc/sysconfig/desktop and make 
sure, or add the line  DISPLAYMANAGER=kdm

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning-II

2003-04-04 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 3:45 pm, Arthur Kng wrote:
 Hey all,

   First up, thank you everyone for your prompt
 help. you've really made it easier for me.
 reading all your posts i've come up with a plan which
 goes like this:

 (  just to remind you, i have a 20GB disk, C drive:5GB
 having WinME(FAT32), D drive: 15GB having all my
 data(FAT32), 128MB RAM )

1)back up all my data at a friends place. fdisk and
 delete all existing partitions. make a
 primary partition of 10GB on which i'll load the
 Windows OS and which will also have the data
 which i want to access from Win and Linux.

2)in the 10GB thats left i'll have 4GB for '/'
 where i'll load Linux.

3)the remaining 6GB will be the '/home' partition,
 which will have the linux only data.

4)mine is a desktop machine for normal home use. at
 any given time i run atmost
 (browser+mp3player) or (a programming IDE + mp3player)
 etc. now i have 128MB of RAM so
i'm thinking of doing away with the swap
 partition but i'm not too sure about this. so if
  i'm wrong please do tell me.

 so in short:




i know this is a long way to do it but this way i
 avoid having 2 FAT32 partitions (one for Win OS and
 the other for my data) and have a substantial space
 for the 'Linux only data' partition.

 now i would like to know what you all think about
 this. if i'm doing wrong please do tell as i'm just
 starting out on Linux.

You do need a swap partition, but 250MB would be enough.  My /home is 6.7GB of 
which 6 is used, BUT, I have other users, some of which back up their data 
onto my box in their home partitions AND, more importantly, I use win4lin, so 
I have a whole windows98 install, associated apps and a fair amount of data 
all inside my /home.  My guess is that at 5.75GB you will have plenty.

Apart from that, everything should be fine.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning-II

2003-04-04 Thread Netsonic
- Original Message - 
From: Arthur Kng [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 3:45 PM
Subject: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning-II

 Hey all,
   First up, thank you everyone for your prompt
 help. you've really made it easier for me.
 reading all your posts i've come up with a plan which
 goes like this:
 (  just to remind you, i have a 20GB disk, C drive:5GB
 having WinME(FAT32), D drive: 15GB having all my
 data(FAT32), 128MB RAM )
1)back up all my data at a friends place. fdisk and
 delete all existing partitions. make a  
 primary partition of 10GB on which i'll load the
 Windows OS and which will also have the data
 which i want to access from Win and Linux.
2)in the 10GB thats left i'll have 4GB for '/'
 where i'll load Linux.
3)the remaining 6GB will be the '/home' partition,
 which will have the linux only data.
4)mine is a desktop machine for normal home use. at
 any given time i run atmost 
 (browser+mp3player) or (a programming IDE + mp3player)
 etc. now i have 128MB of RAM so 
i'm thinking of doing away with the swap
 partition but i'm not too sure about this. so if  
  i'm wrong please do tell me.
 so in short:
i know this is a long way to do it but this way i
 avoid having 2 FAT32 partitions (one for Win OS and
 the other for my data) and have a substantial space
 for the 'Linux only data' partition.
 now i would like to know what you all think about
 this. if i'm doing wrong please do tell as i'm just
 starting out on Linux.
 thank you for your help.

You may like to add your linux swap partition to that list


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Re: [newbie] Printer not working in openoffice

2003-04-04 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 04:46, Dan Johnson wrote:
 Hi all I can't find the info I need to get my HP
 Deskjet 932C printer working in Openoffice 1.0 in MD
 9.1 any help would be appreciated but please be very
 specific for I am  a newbie of all newbies in linux.

Does the printer work for any other applications at all?

Sat Apr  5 05:20:00 EST 2003
 05:20:00 up 14 days, 17:07,  3 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.16, 0.26
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

That's right; the upper-case shift works fine on the screen, but
they're not coming out on the damn printer...  Hold?  Sure, I'll hold.
-- e.e. cummings last service call

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Re: [newbie] Printer not working in openoffice

2003-04-04 Thread robin.bcc
Dan Johnson wrote:

Hi all I can't find the info I need to get my HP
Deskjet 932C printer working in Openoffice 1.0 in MD
9.1 any help would be appreciated but please be very
specific for I am  a newbie of all newbies in linux.

I've also had problems, though not as bad.  I've found it will only work 
after applying the kind of solutions I used to use in my Windows days: 
switch printer off and on, log in and out etc.  Sounds like a blocked 
pipe, so to speak.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Closed in my own Box! (it was= Clever email setup)

2003-04-04 Thread Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
On Friday 04 April 2003 11:15, Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:

I really believe on Murphy!

It's been more than a week the list (both newbie and expert!) were rejecting 
my posts!!!
(because the problem mentioned below!)

When I Cry out for help IT WORKS!!

Is that the huntch?

Still need help to solve the problem
Let's see if this one gets through



 On Friday 04 April 2003 05:58, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Friday 04 Apr 2003 8:35 am, RichardA wrote:

 Hi, Derek!

 I need your help!

 I can't email to the list! It doesn't accept me no more... this is why
 I am requesting your help!

 I' ve read your paper and that solved my future need, BUT for the now
 I'm in trouble with postfix (so I think!)

 I use the email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], for list and some business
 purposes, by in my box (mdk9) my user name in ricardo, so every email goes
 out like:
 Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =this is the
 Problem Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =
 ditto! Received: from localhost (localhost.localdomain [])
   by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 92477124472
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri,  4 Apr 2003 10:54:39 -0300 (BRT)
 Received: from []
   by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-6.1.0)
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (single-drop); Fri, 04 Apr 2003 10:54:39 -0300 (BRT)
 Received: from [] by (LMTP); Fri, 04 Apr
 2003 10:50:29 -0300 (BRT)
 Received: from (
   (authenticated user equest)
   by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 36B2129C0D6
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri,  4 Apr 2003 10:50:29 -0300 (BRT)

 Is it possible to 'MASQUERADE my email? i.e. although having my user name
 as ricardo, Can I config postfix(or whatever) to send as

 EVERYTHING was all right BEFORE my upgrading from mdk8.1 to mdk9!
 The postfix looks the same to me!

 the belongs to me and it's fqdn
 but I have to rellay (my adsl isp provider
 through authentication, which is OK!)

 Any idea?

 I am locked in my Box!!!


 PS:thanks for you paper (below) it is just I was looking for before getting
 into trouble!

  I have a paper on Postfix/Fetchmail/Procmail/Courier-IMAP that covers
  what you are trying to do.

Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] user
==  Get Counted!

Fri, 04 Apr 2003 16:15:00 -0300
  4:15pm  up 6 days, 14:10,  6 users,  load average: 1.12, 1.07, 1.08
If you don't do it, you'll never know what would have happened if you
had done it.

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[newbie] Kmail can't send to mailing list

2003-04-04 Thread Vinh N. Pham
For some reason, Kmail can't be used to send to this mailing list.  I
use the same email address here but every time I send, it return.  I can
send email to any individuals but not to mailing list.  If you receive
this message, it is sent from Evolution.  I have used evolution for a
while but when I start installing a new key board to type international
characters, the screen fonts and buttons look big and ugly so I have to
switch to Kmail.

Any one can help me with this?


Vinh N. Pham

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Re: [newbie] Burning a bootable cd - SOLVED

2003-04-04 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 7:08 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 02 Apr 2003 8:54 pm, Peter Watson wrote:
  On Wednesday 02 Apr 2003 18:59, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Wednesday 02 Apr 2003 6:47 pm, Miark wrote:
  In XCDRoast
  1) you first set up a directory, in 'Settings''HD Settings' which will
  contain your ISO image
  2)click 'create CD', click 'master tracks', select files you want to
  include in right hand window (File/Directory View) click 'add' and files
  appear in left hand window (session view)
  3)click 'create session/image' tab, click 'master to image file' (this is
  in the directory you set up in 1)

 Although I don't normally master to image file, this is familiar territory.
  I had a few minutes to spare today, so I tried to burn the image - and

 The error message is attached.  The image file that it could not find
 exists, at 1.4MB, and the path was entered using browse to be sure it was
 right.  I'm really at a loss with this one.

Thanks to an off-list post the mystery is solved.  By using the browse button 
I had given an absolute path to boot.img, not a relative one.  This 
corrected, the image created successfully.  Thanks, Kathy.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Test message

2003-04-04 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 05:20, Vinh N. Pham wrote:
 Sorry this is a test message

Sorry, the email didn't work; you'll have to try again! (g)

Sat Apr  5 06:00:01 EST 2003
 06:00:01 up 14 days, 17:47,  3 users,  load average: 0.78, 0.57, 0.47
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

The trouble was that he was talking in philosophy, but they were
listening in gibberish.
(Small Gods)

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[newbie] NEW FILE: Knetmon-Applet

2003-04-04 Thread Stephen Kuhn
The gentleman who so kindly wrote this program has created and RPM that
works with Mandrake 9.1 (and the rc's) - it's a great applet for
monitoring your network throughput (ppp and ethernet); check it out!

Sat Apr  5 07:05:00 EST 2003
 07:05:00 up 14 days, 18:52,  3 users,  load average: 0.22, 0.36, 0.36
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Beware the one behind you.

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Re: [newbie] Printer not working in openoffice

2003-04-04 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Saturday 05 April 2003 04:51 am, robin.bcc wrote:
 Dan Johnson wrote:
 Hi all I can't find the info I need to get my HP
 Deskjet 932C printer working in Openoffice 1.0 in MD
 9.1 any help would be appreciated but please be very
 specific for I am  a newbie of all newbies in linux.

 I've also had problems, though not as bad.  I've found it
 will only work after applying the kind of solutions I
 used to use in my Windows days: switch printer off and
 on, log in and out etc.  Sounds like a blocked pipe, so
 to speak.

 Sir Robin

Switching printers off and on is definitely not the linux 
way. I have a HP 930 C which I suppose is very close to 
Dan's 932 C. I'll admit that initially I had some problems 
(in 9.0 that is - waiting for my pre-ordered 9.1 to arrive) 
with this printer. However, visiting
solved those. 

Please give some additional information :

What printing system ? ( I prefer CUPS)
What do you use for configuration ( printerdrake  - webmin)? 
Is this an Open Office problem only ?
Did you download the hpijs driver form HP ?

Printers are notoriously tricky, but HP seems dedicated to 
linux, so eventually your 932 C will work OK, I'm sure.

And Dan : don't apologize for being a newbie. We all are. 
And will forever be. And we're proud of it. 
Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.0 - kernel
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning

2003-04-04 Thread Richard Urwin
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 8:35 am, stormjumper wrote:
 sorry, somewhat off topic,
 but how did you get your win98
 to see the ntfs partitions? have NTFS drivers for Win9x and even DOS. It'll cost $299 
for read/write, but read only is free.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning-II

2003-04-04 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 8:08 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 00:47, Arthur Kng wrote:
  Hey all,
First up, thank you everyone for your prompt
  help. you've really made it easier for me.
  reading all your posts i've come up with a plan which
  goes like this:
  (  just to remind you, i have a 20GB disk, C drive:5GB
  having WinME(FAT32), D drive: 15GB having all my
  data(FAT32), 128MB RAM )

 Don't do away with the swap. That's dangerous.

 If you've already gotten the mindset to set aside 10gb for your
 Win/Share data, and the remaining 10gb for everything else, make things
 even easier on yourself. More can be confusing.

 For linux, you're going to need three partitions - a SWAP, a /boot and a
 / (root) - the /home can live off the root - less partitions the better.

Sorry, Stephen, but I have to disagree.  Putting /home in a separate partition 
is much safer.  There are some advantages to having a separate /boot if you 
are going to run several distros, but it's far from essential, and I think 
risking losing /home to a re-install or upgrade formatting the partition is a 
much bigger risk (even though re-installs are not as frequent as in windows).

I know it can be backed up, but sod's law, you won't have backed up recently 
when trouble does come.

 Put aside 100mb for the /boot, put aside 256mb for the SWAP, and the
 rest give to / (root) - /home can live off of the / (root) so no need to
 setup a special partition for that. You can always backup your /home
 partition to the Windows partition if any trouble comes. This way you've
 kept it simple (remember the KISS principle!!) and you're set. Use lilo
 as your boot manager to jump back and forth to Windows.

 This way you're not creating heaps of different partitions that are

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] Instructions Installing Linux Kernel

2003-04-04 Thread Computa User

I want to install the linux Kernel on my computer so I
can experiment with it.  I already have Mandrake 9.1
and I got the source code for the Kernel.  I also got
instructions from someone who told me if I follow
their instructions I'd be able to install it

The thing is, when I log in to the Kernel version of
Mandrake 9.1 I see the same user files as the ones in
the normal installation of Linux.  I'm prety sure that
the Source Code version is not supposed to share any
user documents with the normal version.  

Can anybody point me to another set of instructions
that will tell me how to *correctly* add the Source
Code version of the Kernel on my computer?


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!

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Re: [newbie] Instructions Installing Linux Kernel

2003-04-04 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 08:06, Computa User wrote:
 Can anybody point me to another set of instructions
 that will tell me how to *correctly* add the Source
 Code version of the Kernel on my computer?

If you've already installed MDK 9.1 on your system, it's only a matter
of running the Mandrake Control Centre and going through the RPMDrake to
get the kernel sources installed properly on your workstation.

Once you have the kernel sources installed (under /usr/src/linux) all
you have to do from that point is to open a console, go into that
directory structure, and type make xconfig - from there you will be
presented with a GUI that will assist you in setting up parameters for a
kernel - and will give you the basic instructions for what to do once
you've created a configuration and saved it.

Basic steps:

* make clean
* make mrproper
* make deps
* make modules
* make modules_install
* make install
* lilo

Sat Apr  5 08:15:00 EST 2003
 08:15:00 up 14 days, 20:02,  3 users,  load average: 2.37, 1.60, 1.14
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

All of us should treasure his Oriental wisdom and his preaching of a
Zen-like detachment, as exemplified by his constant reminder to clerks,
tellers, or others who grew excited by his presence in their banks:
Just lie down on the floor and keep calm.
-- Robert Wilson, John Dillinger Died for You

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Re: [newbie] Wanted: Clever email setup

2003-04-04 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 6:07 pm, RichardA wrote:
 On Friday 04 Apr 2003 9:58 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
  I have a paper on Postfix/Fetchmail/Procmail/Courier-IMAP that covers
  what you are trying to do.

 On installing Courier 1.5.3 I get messages like this:

 installing ./courier-imap-1.5.3-1mdk.i586.rpm
 ## courier-imap
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.86809: /usr/share/rpm-helper/add-service: No such file or
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.86809: /usr/share/rpm-helper/create-file: No such file or
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.86809: /usr/share/rpm-helper/create-file: No such file or
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.86809: /usr/share/rpm-helper/create-file: No such file or
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.86809: /usr/share/rpm-helper/create-file: No such file or
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.86809: /usr/share/rpm-helper/create-file: No such file or
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.86809: /usr/share/rpm-helper/create-file: No such file or
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.86809: /usr/share/rpm-helper/create-file: No such file or

 And if I do 'service courier-imap start' I get:

 Starting Courier-IMAP server:/usr/lib/courier/imapd.rc: /bin/env: No such
 file or directory
 /usr/lib/courier/imapd.rc: /bin/env: No such file or directory
  imap/usr/lib/courier/imapd-ssl.rc: /bin/env: No such file or directory
 /usr/lib/courier/imapd-ssl.rc: /bin/env: No such file or directory

 Which is why I used imap-2001. Clearly something
 isn't right.


This is Mandrake 9.0 you are using here is it?

I had no trouble at all with that RPM on 9.0



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[newbie] Kernal Panic

2003-04-04 Thread Chris
Came home from work to a real problem.  System was locked up in a reboot and 
there was something about a CRC Error.  I hit reset and got this:

CPU 0 Machine check exception 0004 then
Bank 2: f600217a at 0ec6c080.  I also noticed that the bios 
reported the cpu temp as 147F.  I looked in the system log and couldn't find 
anything.  Any ideas?  Hopefully the system will stay up long enough to get 
this out and get a reply back on what to do.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  5:51pm  up 2 min,  1 user,  load average: 2.17, 0.78, 0.27

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Re: [newbie] Wanted: Clever email setup

2003-04-04 Thread RichardA
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 11:16 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 This is Mandrake 9.0 you are using here is it?

 I had no trouble at all with that RPM on 9.0


Oops. I misread your page. However, if I uninstall 1.5.1-1 and install 1.4.2-1 
to go with mdk 8.2, I get this:

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.63603: =/var/run/authdaemon.courier-imap: No such file or 
mkdir: cannot create directory `': No such file or directory

Be SURE to have a Maildir directory in the users home directory 
containing a Maildir spool, or else you cannot login!   

[EMAIL PROTECTED] richard]# service courier-imap start
/etc/init.d/courier-imap: gprintf: command not found
/etc/init.d/courier-imap: gprintf: command not found
/etc/init.d/courier-imap: gprintf: command not found
/etc/init.d/courier-imap: gprintf: command not found

There's something on a French Mandrake list about this gprintf error. Babel 

the function gprintf is definie in the file/etc/init.d/functions Normalement, 
the files of launching of services (S) must launch it at the beginning. 
Certain scripts test even the presence of the file before launching it. Look 
in another file and checks that it is done same way in this file 
S80courier-IMAP. It is possible that there is a bug. It is necessary that the 
line comprises a point and a space before the name of the file it is 
imperative example. Checks also the presence of the file functions. Will also 
see in this file if the function gprintf is well defined (can be the file 
functions was corrompu). Any chance checks the right of the file functions, 
normally only the rights of reading would be necessary but on my machine its 
right are - rwxr -- R -- (744) and the owner is root.

Even in English, that would be over my head. And look:

# cat `ls /etc/init.d/*` | grep gprintf | wc -l
# 165

What does this function look like?


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[newbie] 9.1 - few laptop questions

2003-04-04 Thread Scott St. John
Hi Gang-

I can't get over how solid Mandrake 9.1 is and I have been using it since 6.5 
- not since the 7 series have I been this excited about it and can't wait for 
my Power Pack to arrive.

I have a few questions - I am running 9.1 on a Sony Vaio GRX 560 Laptop with 
ACPI.  I have sound, but above a certain volume it begins to distort.  The 
sound card was detected as an Intel, but I know it is a Yamaha card since 
that is the driver disk for XP that it came with.  

First question - anyone else on the list using this type of laptop and second 
does anyone know of any Yamaha sound drivers out there - I must be blind 
because I have not found anything yet.



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[newbie] Minimal Installations

2003-04-04 Thread Simon Roodt

Hi All

Can anyone help me with doing a minimal linux 

I have the 3CDs for the Mandrake Linux 8.2 
The Mandrake site and documentation state ..."New 
installation features include ... a "minimal install" mode to fit a Mandrake 
system into 65 MB of your hard-disk.".

I want to set up my internet gateway, so I only 
want DNS, NAT, DHCP, some modem drivers, the ability to remotely loginand 
the basic command line interface and console tools. I do not need any GUI apps 
or environment and I don't need Xfree86. 
Can anyone let me know how to set up the minimal 
Should I just de-select all of the software options 
in the installer?
What are the essential packages I need to get the 
gateway up and running, without all the other bells and tassles.

Thanks in advance.

[newbie] Fwd: Kernal Panic

2003-04-04 Thread Chris
Sorry if this comes in twice, but I'm not sure if the first post made it out 
before a kernal panic set in.  Anyone have any ideas.  As an addition I've 
since raised the case even with a window, removed the side panel, ran 
memtest, reseated the memory, reseated the connections on the drives.  I have 
a temp monitor on the front of my case and the temp probe stuck in between my 
dual bladed cpu fan.  The temp reported is now about 108f which is probably 
about 118 or so.  Its been pretty hot here in Central Texas today about 90 
and I've had the case on the floor probably not getting enought air.  The 
bios also reported the case temp as 100F while reporting the cpu as 147.  
Maybe heat was the problem?

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Kernal Panic
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 17:55:46 -0600

Came home from work to a real problem.  System was locked up in a reboot and
there was something about a CRC Error.  I hit reset and got this:

CPU 0 Machine check exception 0004 then
Bank 2: f600217a at 0ec6c080.  I also noticed that the bios
reported the cpu temp as 147F.  I looked in the system log and couldn't find
anything.  Any ideas?  Hopefully the system will stay up long enough to get
this out and get a reply back on what to do.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  6:48pm  up 26 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.14

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Re: [newbie] Monitor Switching on/off

2003-04-04 Thread Miark
Is this at runlevel 3, 5, or both?


On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 21:43:46 -0600
Osiris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just installed 9.0 and it seems my monitor wants to click on/off every 3
 seconds or so.  I assume this is a driver issue, but I can not find any
 updates.  I am using an ATI Rage card.  Any known problems with ATI cards
 and Mandrake?

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Re: [newbie] My USB modem on 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 04 Apr 2003 11:00 pm, Teilhard Knight wrote:
 I tried to install the drivers for my external USB modem, and the Mandrake
 9.1 installer reports they are the wrong signature. Does that mean I am
 doomed and the drivers are no good for me? Is there any way to get around
 this?. I installed anyway, and the modem doesn't work.

 Teilhard Knight
 The Extraterrestrial

 Who ate my sandwich?

RPM packages can be signed by the packager with their private GPG privacy key.
When you install them, your system will check to see if you have a public key 
to match the signature. If a match is found it confirms that the person who 
is claiming to have packaged the RPM is the same person you have the key for.

It is a protection against the public RPM download sites being hacked and 
malicious RPM packages being planted onto an unsuspecting public.

If you install without a key you hoping that the RPM is OK.
(I have heard of only one instance of a download site being hacked and 
malicious code inserted into a package) Your system is preloaded with 
Mandrakes key, so any official Mandrake RPM should install without any error.
Other maintainers of download sites such as Texstar publish their key on their 
site (with instructions) However many sites offer RPMs without any signature 
at all, with the inevitable error message you saw.

So you are not doomed. If the drivers are not working there is something else 



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Re: [newbie] My USB modem on 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread Teilhard Knight
On Friday 04 April 2003 16:28, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Friday 04 Apr 2003 11:00 pm, Teilhard Knight wrote:
  I tried to install the drivers for my external USB modem, and the
  Mandrake 9.1 installer reports they are the wrong signature. Does that
  mean I am doomed and the drivers are no good for me? Is there any way to
  get around this?. I installed anyway, and the modem doesn't work.
  Teilhard Knight
  The Extraterrestrial
  Who ate my sandwich?

 RPM packages can be signed by the packager with their private GPG privacy
 key. When you install them, your system will check to see if you have a
 public key to match the signature. If a match is found it confirms that the
 person who is claiming to have packaged the RPM is the same person you have
 the key for.

 It is a protection against the public RPM download sites being hacked and
 malicious RPM packages being planted onto an unsuspecting public.

 If you install without a key you hoping that the RPM is OK.
 (I have heard of only one instance of a download site being hacked and
 malicious code inserted into a package) Your system is preloaded with
 Mandrakes key, so any official Mandrake RPM should install without any
 error. Other maintainers of download sites such as Texstar publish their
 key on their site (with instructions) However many sites offer RPMs without
 any signature at all, with the inevitable error message you saw.

 So you are not doomed. If the drivers are not working there is something
 else wrong.

Thank you, Derek. I now have hopes, but I do not have the slightest idea of 
what to do. I have searched my modem's web site for instructions of how to 
install, how to configure, troubleshooting, FAQ, whatever, and there is 
nothing which can help. They just throw the drivers at you and that's it. In 
9.0 I installed another set of drivers. When I attempt to install them in 
9.1, I get a too technical a message saying what to do instead, but it is 
like reading chinese. Maybe I will post it just in case someone like you who 
have experience would take the time to put it in lay man terms.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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Re: [newbie] slowing down burner to prevent overheating

2003-04-04 Thread Netsonic

- Original Message -
To: mandrake newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 3:25 AM
Subject: [newbie] slowing down burner to prevent overheating

 I have a LiteON 40x12x48 which seems to be crashing my comp after
 watching a movie for half an hour or so. Pretty sure this is a heat
 problem as it gets almost too hot to touch. Anyone know how to slow it
 down to a reasonable rate, or who could point me in the right direction
 for finding this info? Anyone tired of (deliberately) poorly designed
 hardware and firmware? (should be a separate topic I know but...)

 TIA for helpful advice.

Just a thought...

If the unit is getting that hot, have you checked your case fans/cooling to
see if there is a problem.

Maybe your system fan speed reports etc??

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Re: Fluxbox fbdesk WAS bbpager WAS [newbie] Fluxbox andbackground under 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread Terry Smith
I'm running ROX 1.3.3 (from Mandrake) seems about the same, performance
wise but, if I recall you were running a somewhat older version of Rox a
few months ago. Do you have 'thumbnails' turned off?

I'll take a look at bbpager..sound good. 

Derek, Todd et al.

Meanwhile, I grabbed fbdesk from a 'contrib' mirror. 'S'pose to put
icons on your fluxbox desktop, which it does, but they don't seem to be
very functional. Wassup with this addon? You guys using it?

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 03:49, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Like Todd I find the gap between fluxbox and KDE has narrowed with Mandrake 
 9.1.  KDE is faster and fluxbox seems a little slower. But KDE is still not 
 fast enough to make it comfortable to use on my low end laptop.
 While we are on the subject of fluxbox, I have an RPM of bbpager on my 
 download page you might like to try.
 BBpager gives you a view of the contents of your desktops. You can even move 
 windows from desktop to desktop with it.
 Invoke it with bbpager -n -c ~/.bbtools/bbpager.nobb   in your 
 ~/.fluxbox/startup file
 You will need to move the contents of /usr/share/bbtools to ~/.bbtools and 
 edit the bbpager.nobb as required. I made these changes :-
 bbpager.desktopChangeButton:  1
 On Friday 04 Apr 2003 4:12 am, Terry Smith wrote:
  They say the memory goes first :-)). So I checked some more and am
  answering my own question
  I had actually sent a msg to a new fluxbox convert several months ago.
  My knowledge, in turn came from something Derek had posted.
  Anyhow, to get fluxbox to see your 'startup' script you need a line in
  the ~/.fluxbox/init config file that says:
  session.screen0.rootCommand ~/.fluxbox/startup
  The file 'startup' must be executable.
  Works fine now.
  Terry Smith
  Cape Cod USA
  On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 21:23, Terry Smith wrote:
   Derek, Todd and all you other fluxbox experts out there,
   Still probing 9.1 (the best yet IMHO fact, on my 'minimalist'
   machine, I put CD1 in the drive, rebooted, left the house for 3 hours,
   came home, hit 'return' pulled the CD and had a system that worked
   perfectly [it was an update rather than a clean install but what the
   but I digress...
   I use fluxbox and rox in tandem as ably demonstrated by Derek and Todd
   some moths ago. The new fluxbox (fluxbox-0.1.14-6mdk but the same thing
   is true of texstar's 0.1.14 rpm) is 'overlaying' my desktop with a
   bsetbg coming from the selected theme. Said differently, although I've
   put a line in my 'startup' script like
   'bsetbg -f ~/photos/picture_I_want'
   the actual background I get is that determined by the theme. I've tried
   commenting out the 'session.styleFile' line but that didn't work either.
   I thought maybe the Rox pinboard was interfering with background but
   it's turned off.
   Anybody seen/fixed this?
   Terry Smith
   Cape Cod USA
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to

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[newbie] slowing down burner to prevent overheating

2003-04-04 Thread joe

I have a LiteON 40x12x48 which seems to be crashing my comp after
watching a movie for half an hour or so. Pretty sure this is a heat
problem as it gets almost too hot to touch. Anyone know how to slow it
down to a reasonable rate, or who could point me in the right direction
for finding this info? Anyone tired of (deliberately) poorly designed
hardware and firmware? (should be a separate topic I know but...)

TIA for helpful advice.

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Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning-II

2003-04-04 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 00:47, Arthur Kng wrote:
 Hey all,
   First up, thank you everyone for your prompt
 help. you've really made it easier for me.
 reading all your posts i've come up with a plan which
 goes like this:
 (  just to remind you, i have a 20GB disk, C drive:5GB
 having WinME(FAT32), D drive: 15GB having all my
 data(FAT32), 128MB RAM )

Don't do away with the swap. That's dangerous.

If you've already gotten the mindset to set aside 10gb for your
Win/Share data, and the remaining 10gb for everything else, make things
even easier on yourself. More can be confusing.

For linux, you're going to need three partitions - a SWAP, a /boot and a
/ (root) - the /home can live off the root - less partitions the better.

Put aside 100mb for the /boot, put aside 256mb for the SWAP, and the
rest give to / (root) - /home can live off of the / (root) so no need to
setup a special partition for that. You can always backup your /home
partition to the Windows partition if any trouble comes. This way you've
kept it simple (remember the KISS principle!!) and you're set. Use lilo
as your boot manager to jump back and forth to Windows.

This way you're not creating heaps of different partitions that are

Sat Apr  5 05:05:00 EST 2003
 05:05:00 up 14 days, 16:52,  3 users,  load average: 0.22, 0.35, 0.51
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 machine no:194239 * RH 7.3 * Sales - Service - Support - Tutor
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Are you sure you're not an encyclopedia salesman?
No, Ma'am.  Just a burglar, come to ransack the flat.
-- Monty Python

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Re: [newbie] is this the last mandrake?

2003-04-04 Thread David E. Fox
 I agree W2K is the best windblows distro, my friends who have XP rate it 

Waitjusadamnminute... :(

calling w2k or anything windows a distro is going way too far. it's
a homogeneous OS with *very* little in the way of additional software.

it's like calling a 2 sided 45 rpm record an 'album' :)


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Re: [newbie] Re: Wine or VM

2003-04-04 Thread Seedkum Aladeem
On Thursday 03 April 2003 07:53 am, Lucio_Costa wrote:
 Depends what U wanbt to run...
 Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows
 API on top of X and Unix.

 Think of Wine as a Windows compatibility layer. Wine
 does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a
 completely alternative implementation consisting of
 100% Microsoft-free code, but it can optionally use
 native system DLLs if they are available. Wine
 provides both a development toolkit (Winelib) for
 porting Windows sources to Unix and a program loader,
 allowing many unmodified Windows binaries to run on
 x86-based Unixes, including Linux, FreeBSD, and

 More information can be read in the articles Why Wine
 is so important (

 In VMWare u need a Windows license to install in it.
 VMware Workstation is virtual machine software for
 technical professionals. It lets you run multiple
 versions of operating systems simultaneously on a
 single computer. Quit wasting time configuring
 hardware, installing software, rebooting/reconfiguring
 systems. Spend more time developing, testing, and
 deploying applications and delivering support.

 I think this is the most important thing to say.


I dual boot between LM9.0 and win2k. The win2k applications I want are already 
installed on the win2k. Will I have to install them again on LM9.0 in order 
to use wine? Or can wine on LM9.0 run those applications that are already 
installed on the win2k (the win2k is on a FAT32 partition).



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Re: [newbie] Anyone tried this? (intruder retaliation)

2003-04-04 Thread David E. Fox
 There was an excellent one a few years back, with Linus ranting about 
 the poor standards of personal hygiene of various Open Source luminaries.

Dunno about that one but I've seen a few possible examples -- for
instance lots of people at our LUG look like 70's hippies :). And I've
met Richard Stallman twice in person, he's real hippie looking, in
comparison with Linus who is clean shaven with a short haircut. I
guess rms is clean though.

 Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Where is KDE Edu?

2003-04-04 Thread David E. Fox
 Where is KDE educational package in Mandrake 9.1? I have all 3 CDs but 
 can't find it anywhere.

Look for kdeedu-3.1-5mdk. 

And fwiw kstars still hogs the whole X session, dunno why.

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[newbie] My USB modem on 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread Teilhard Knight
I tried to install the drivers for my external USB modem, and the Mandrake 9.1 
installer reports they are the wrong signature. Does that mean I am doomed 
and the drivers are no good for me? Is there any way to get around this?. I
installed anyway, and the modem doesn't work.

Teilhard Knight
The Extraterrestrial

Who ate my sandwich?

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[newbie] Hard disk repartitioning-II

2003-04-04 Thread Arthur Kng
Hey all,
  First up, thank you everyone for your prompt
help. you've really made it easier for me.
reading all your posts i've come up with a plan which
goes like this:

(  just to remind you, i have a 20GB disk, C drive:5GB
having WinME(FAT32), D drive: 15GB having all my
data(FAT32), 128MB RAM )

   1)back up all my data at a friends place. fdisk and
delete all existing partitions. make a  
primary partition of 10GB on which i'll load the
Windows OS and which will also have the data
which i want to access from Win and Linux.

   2)in the 10GB thats left i'll have 4GB for '/'
where i'll load Linux.

   3)the remaining 6GB will be the '/home' partition,
which will have the linux only data.

   4)mine is a desktop machine for normal home use. at
any given time i run atmost 
(browser+mp3player) or (a programming IDE + mp3player)
etc. now i have 128MB of RAM so 
   i'm thinking of doing away with the swap
partition but i'm not too sure about this. so if  
 i'm wrong please do tell me.

so in short:




   i know this is a long way to do it but this way i
avoid having 2 FAT32 partitions (one for Win OS and
the other for my data) and have a substantial space
for the 'Linux only data' partition.

now i would like to know what you all think about
this. if i'm doing wrong please do tell as i'm just
starting out on Linux.

thank you for your help.


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[newbie] hey what happened to my icons

2003-04-04 Thread David E. Fox

here i am doing a bunch of stuff naturally and not sure what i did,
but suddenly all my icons in kde 3.1 are gone. For a while just one
icon was showing, now not even that - all there is is the background 
and my bottom pane bar. Eveerything else is running fine.

Seems that a process of kde died unexpectedly, the question is which?
And how to restart that portion of kde without having to drop back to 
console and restart X?

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Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning

2003-04-04 Thread stormjumper
thanks. i'll look into it.
to be honest, i was just curious as a seem to recall
my win98 not being able to see the ntfs partitions
on the same drive used by win2k.
- Original Message -
From: Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 06:17
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning

On Friday 04 Apr 2003 8:35 am, stormjumper wrote:
 sorry, somewhat off topic,
 but how did you get your win98
 to see the ntfs partitions? have NTFS drivers for Win9x and even DOS. It'll cost
for read/write, but read only is free.

Richard Urwin

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[newbie] KDE problems

2003-04-04 Thread Kristjan


after upgrade to 9.1 I have two problems when I start KDE
First error comes immediately after startup
Kinit could not launch usr/bin/autostart

truth is that there is no such file.

Clicking on 'Removable Media' or 'Trash' it runs Cervisia and starts claiming 
that it is not a CVS catalog. I wonder how is Cervisia connected to my 
desktop and how to get rid of this error. uninstalling that did not change 
anything.. then it was claiming that it is not able to run cervisia.   Also 
all the shortcuts I do to desctop also want to run with cervisia.

Please anybody advise.


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Re: Fluxbox fbdesk WAS bbpager WAS [newbie] Fluxbox and backgroundunder 9.1

2003-04-04 Thread Todd Slater
On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 22:15:12 -0500
Terry Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm running ROX 1.3.3 (from Mandrake) seems about the same,
 performance wise but, if I recall you were running a somewhat older
 version of Rox a few months ago. Do you have 'thumbnails' turned off?

Yup, but it's better now. I was doing a bunch of stuff before, and
that's what slowed it down. Compiling apps and copying stuff from cd to
hd and having 10 xterms, 4 rox windows, mcc, mail, news and xmms running
has a tendency to slow things down just a touch.

 Meanwhile, I grabbed fbdesk from a 'contrib' mirror. 'S'pose to put
 icons on your fluxbox desktop, which it does, but they don't seem to
 be very functional. Wassup with this addon? You guys using it?

I'm not. I heard it wasn't very functional from a few posts on the
fluxbox list IIRC. I tried idesk, which worked well, but was a pain
because you had to manually create entries for each icon you wanted. And
you had to double-click to start an app. I hate double-clicking.

The only extras I use are the artwiz fonts and the remember patch. I'm
considering the one that lets you manage workspaces (as in different
wallpaper per space etc.), but I'm not sure it's something I really

One thing from fluxbox I really missed when using KDE was the ability to
change desktops using the wheel. And I didn't like that apps from
different desktops stayed in the taskbar (minimized or not) so clicking
them would bring them up in any desktop.

I've just about got everything back to how I like it ;)


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Re: [newbie] Re: Moving directories

2003-04-04 Thread David E. Fox
 as the suggestted # tar -cvf - * | ( cd /mnt; tar -xpf - )
 cp -a /home /mnt/home

Not exactly. cp -a may do the job, but permissions need to be
enforced. That's the job of the 'p' (preserve permissions)
flag. Without that all the files may not have the right permissions
and ownerships, and that can screw things up.

Secondly, you may have missed one of my points. You don't copy to
'home' on /mnt. You copy home over to /mnt. For instance, I have some
users in /home - such as dfox (me). If I mount my /home on /mnt, all I
see are the directories (dfox, root, ftp, and so forth.) If I mount
this partition on /mnt, it's /mnt/dfox, on home, it's /home/dfox.

In other words, the directories on the partition have /home/ added to
them by virtue of it being mounted underneath /home -- i.e., replacing
the previous content of /home (i.e., empty) with a number of
directories and/or files.

If you start with 'home' on /mnt you end up with

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Re: [newbie] Why do you choose Linux ?

2003-04-04 Thread Scott St. John
On Friday 04 April 2003 08:54 am, J. Kelley Jernigan wrote:
 It isn't about money for me. So for my foray in Linux has cost me more than
 WinXP would have.
 I've gone to Linux because I don't like the new M$  licensing scheme or the
 direction M$ is going.
 I also tend to monkey with the hardware on my PC so it wouldn't be long
 before XP and I would have had a serious argument. As far as I'm concurened
 it's none of Bill Gates business what hardware and software I run on my
 machine, especially since I never use pirated software.

I second that!  I have lost more time trying to get Linux to work on my 
laptop, time I could have devoted to clients doing work and getting paid for 
it!  I could have fired up Dreamweaver and produced the sites I needed to get 
done or use MS Office to work on a few proposals, BUT I have discovered later 
on that while Dreamweaver appears to speed up development initially that is 
quickly lost when a client wants something changed or something outside of 
the scope of what Dreamweaver can do.

I run an ISP and my main work consits of:  maintaining servers, keeping email 
flowing, responding to my customers, building web applications and working on 
improving services.  Often I will have several programs going at once, 
connected to 10 different servers - with XP I would blue screen at least once 
or twice a day.mind you that was an improvement, but when a clients web 
site is down time matters.

Truthfully I still have XP on this Laptop, I boot into it when I want to burn 
a music CD or want to use my Intel web cam - I can't get either to work well 
in Linux yet.  On the other side of the coin I run KDE at 1600x1200 res and 
under XP that just hurt my eyes.

So, in answer to your question - I want to do what *I* want to do on *MY* 
machine and do it the way *I* want to do it.  Linux allows me to tweak the 
heck out of my machine, KDE is nice to look at and Quanta Plus has to be one 
of the best PHP editors out there.


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Re: [newbie] Wanted: Clever email setup

2003-04-04 Thread Paul
On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 08:35:02 +0100, RichardA wrote:

I want my server to pick up mail and dump it in /maildir format, because
it's more reliable. Then I want to read it from either of two client PCs.
Simple, yes?
I got as far as setting up fetchmail and postfix, but courier-imap beat me.

Have a look at getmail. That can do all the tricks and more.

The setup is really simple. Getmail delivers mail in maildir format and it
is very reliable. I have used it for years and it has never let me down.
No fetchmail for me.

The mome rath isn't born that could outgrabe me.
-Nicol Williamson - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

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Re: [newbie] hey what happened to my icons

2003-04-04 Thread David E. Fox
 Seems that a process of kde died unexpectedly, the question is which?


I ended up restarting KDE and all my icons are back. However there
are seemingly a number of stuck kdeinit processes that I am finding
difficult to get rid of. I tried manually killing some of them, even
killall kdeinit. 

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[newbie] getting rid of ethernet card ?

2003-04-04 Thread Ancient Computers
I have a problem. I once had an ethernet card, recognised as a tulip device. 
(What is this tulip btw?).

I then replaced it for another one, and the problem is that the OS still 
looks for the old one at startup (upgrading from 9.0 to 9.1 did not fix it).

Also I get no internet connection, but have to configure the network each 
time I have rebooted.

1. How can I get rid of the settings of the old card.
2. How can I get internet to start at boot (think this has to do with 1 
since it worked with the old card).

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Re: [newbie] Burning a bootable cd

2003-04-04 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 02 Apr 2003 8:54 pm, Peter Watson wrote:
 On Wednesday 02 Apr 2003 18:59, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Wednesday 02 Apr 2003 6:47 pm, Miark wrote:

 In XCDRoast
 1) you first set up a directory, in 'Settings''HD Settings' which will
 contain your ISO image

 2)click 'create CD', click 'master tracks', select files you want to
 include in right hand window (File/Directory View) click 'add' and files
 appear in left hand window (session view)

 3)click 'create session/image' tab, click 'master to image file' (this is
 in the directory you set up in 1)

Although I don't normally master to image file, this is familiar territory.  I 
had a few minutes to spare today, so I tried to burn the image - and failed!

The error message is attached.  The image file that it could not find exists, 
at 1.4MB, and the path was entered using browse to be sure it was right.  I'm 
really at a loss with this one.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.
mkisofs 1.15a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu)
Scanning /home/anne/Desktop/Knoppix
Scanning /home/anne/Desktop/Knoppix/Demos
Scanning /home/anne/Desktop/Knoppix/Demos/Audio
Scanning /home/anne/Desktop/Knoppix/knoppix
Scanning /home/anne/Desktop/Knoppix/Talks
Writing:   Initial Padbock Start Block 0
Done with: Initial Padbock Block(s)16
Writing:   Primary Volume Descriptor   Start Block 16
Done with: Primary Volume Descriptor   Block(s)1
Writing:   Eltorito Volume Descriptor  Start Block 17
call to search_tree_file with an absolute path, stripping
initial path separator. Hope this was intended...
mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot image 
'/home/anne/Desktop/Knoppix/knoppix/boot.img' !
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RE: [newbie] Follow Up Mandrake9.1 and ADSL

2003-04-04 Thread Tony Branch
Thank you for responding my question concerning establishing an ADSL
connection withMdk9.1. The suggestion of using the command adsl-setup
I was curious however why DrakConnect would not setup my DSL correctly
and discovered that using DrakeConnect to setup ADSL inserts addition
information concerning the card's driver type in the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/net_cnx_up and /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf
files. Once that information is removed ADSL can startup and connect on


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Re: [newbie] depmod woes

2003-04-04 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 01:55, robin.bcc wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what I should do about this?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] nalan]# depmod
 /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.o.gz: Bad 
 symbol index: 0176 = 003f

Sir Robin,
Have you installed the kernel sources and the likes of that? After I
put this installation together, aside from other tweaks'n'tunes, I
installed the kernel sources, ran a depmod -a and since have not had to
deal with any strange error messages concerning modules dependencies and
the likes...ay?

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Conversion, fastidious Goddess, loves blood better than brick, and feasts
most subtly on the human will.
-- Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway

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Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning

2003-04-04 Thread Guy Rouillier

stormjumper wrote:
thanks. i'll look into it.
to be honest, i was just curious as a seem to recall
my win98 not being able to see the ntfs partitions
on the same drive used by win2k.
Natively, it can't see NTFS partitions on any drive - Win9x only knows 
about FAT and FAT32.

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