Re: [newbie-it] OT: Mozilla 1.4

2003-08-28 Thread artasersec
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 20:12:30 +0200, Giuseppe Ferruzzi 

* Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
Avete provato Mozilla 1.4 ?
Sono sconvolto dalla velocit con la quale carica le pagine web?
Qualcuno sa qualcosa in merito?
Io avevo provato sia la versione 1.3 e poi anche la versione 1.4 poi li 
ho tolti entrambi ma sinceramente non mi ricordo i motivi precisi, prove
che ho effettuato in un periodo di confusione locale.
La 1.3 sicuramente per problemi di instabilit e forse la 1.4 proprio per 
lo stesso tuo problema, ma non ne sono sicuro, ho solo un ricordo vivo, 
delusione per questo ho rimesso la 1.2.1. Comunque ho sentito dire che 
mozilla cambier nome non mi ricordo
di preciso forse con firebird o qualcosa del genere e la 1.5 o la 1.6
dovrebbe essere l'ultima release che verr rilasciata con il nome
attuale. La nuova versione dovrebbe essere tutta un'altra cosa.
Sai niente di pi preciso ?

Ciao, Giuseppe.

Non ne so niente, Firebird  uno dei browser derivati da Mozilla, mi 
spiacerebbe se cambiasse nome,  stato il primo browser indipendente che ho 
provato, con windows, all'inizio si piantava sempre, poi  molto 
migliorato, valeva la pena di installarlo per gi solo per lo splash 
screen con il draghetto/dinosauro che sputava fuoco :) , era spettacolare.
E' uno dei pochi browser indipendenti completi, spero che anche se sotto 
diverse spoglie continui per a crescere.


Re: [newbie-it] OT: Mozilla 1.4

2003-08-28 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
 Avete provato Mozilla 1.4 ?
 Sono sconvolto dalla velocità con la quale carica le pagine web?
 Qualcuno sa qualcosa in merito?

Io avevo provato sia la versione 1.3 e poi anche la versione 1.4 poi li 
ho tolti entrambi ma sinceramente non mi ricordo i motivi precisi, prove
che ho effettuato in un periodo di confusione locale.
La 1.3 sicuramente per problemi di instabilità e forse la 1.4 proprio per 
lo stesso tuo problema, ma non ne sono sicuro, ho solo un ricordo vivo, la
delusione per questo ho rimesso la 1.2.1. 
Comunque ho sentito dire che mozilla cambierà nome non mi ricordo
di preciso forse con firebird o qualcosa del genere e la 1.5 o la 1.6
dovrebbe essere l'ultima release che verrà rilasciata con il nome
attuale. La nuova versione dovrebbe essere tutta un'altra cosa.
Sai niente di più preciso ?

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9.A (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] LMsensor, gkrellmsensor, allarme temperatura

2003-08-28 Thread stefano
Alle 19:40, luned 25 agosto 2003, stefano ha scritto:
 Da quando ho installato il sw di cui in oggetto ho una sgradevole allarme
 al raggiungimento della temp di 60 anche se io ho impostato come allarme

 Come fare?
 Qual'la vera temperatura di pericolo  per un AMD 1800+?


Ho spostato il PC sul tavolo e aperto i due laterali.
Ora la temperatura dopo 4 ore di lavoro  fissa sui 48C.

E pensare che il mio PC ha ben 6 ventole!!

Re: [newbie-it] LMsensor, gkrellmsensor, allarme temperatura

2003-08-28 Thread kudega
On 2003.08.28 18:10, stefano wrote:
Alle 19:40, luned 25 agosto 2003, stefano ha scritto:
 Da quando ho installato il sw di cui in oggetto ho una sgradevole
 al raggiungimento della temp di 60 anche se io ho impostato come

 Come fare?
 Qual'la vera temperatura di pericolo  per un AMD 1800+?

Ho spostato il PC sul tavolo e aperto i due laterali.
Ora la temperatura dopo 4 ore di lavoro  fissa sui 48C.
E pensare che il mio PC ha ben 6 ventole!!

Sorry ma comprarsi un bel raffreddamento a liquido??
Costa un pochino ma ti assicuro che ne vale la pena
Queste sono le temperature MASSIME con il caldo micidiale di settimana 
_ 38C lavorando tranquillamente
_ 44C sotto sforzo... es: giocando, o sotto test grafici...
d'inverno sono circa 8C in meno in entrambi i casi...
E ripeto che queste sono le massime temperature registrate.

Re: [newbie-it] script per shell problematico

2003-08-28 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Scusa, mi sono spiegato male. Il mio problema non è cambiare delle stringhe di 
testo, né far variare dei parametri, bensì far interpretare un codice in php 
e ottenerne il relativo html in maniera automatica. In pratica, a mano io 
apro un programma di testo come kwrite o vi e al posto di un file chiamo 
http://localhost/lamiapagina.php?var1=xvar2=y; ottengo l'html e lo salvo in 
un file. Voglio fare lo stesso automaticamente con uno script di shell perché 
ho numerose pagine che ottengo al variare di due parametri; ma i due 
parametri li faccio cambiare con un ciclo for nello script, il problema è 
trovare un'istruzione (da eseguire iterativamente all'interno del ciclo) che 
permetta di ottenere l'html di una pagina e salvarlo in un file.
Ciao, grazie

Alle 10:17, mercoledì 27 agosto 2003, Andrea Celli ha scritto:
 Alle 22:58, martedì 26 agosto 2003, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:
  Ciao a tutti,
  ho un problema un po' complicato: devo preparare numerose pagine web e,
  poiché sono simili tra loro, ho deciso di usare il php in modo da
  ottenere bell'e pronto il codice html, al variare di un paio di
  parametri. Però ho pensato che grazie a linux il lavoro può essere
  ulteriormente automatizzato ed ho cercato di scrivere uno script di shell
  che faccia variare i due parametri, richieda la pagina html e ne salvi il
  codice in un opportuno file in un'opportuna cartella. In pratica si
  tratta di una cosa di questo genere: dato il codice php, mi connetto al
  mio server apache attraverso un programma come konqueror con:
  http://localhost/pagina.php?parametro1=xparametro2=y Allora lo script
  dovrebbe contenere due cicli uno dentro l'altro per far variare i due
  parametri; il problema è cosa mettere dentro i cicli. Se scrivo questo:
  vi $testo
  viene visualizzato correttamente l'html che mi serve; ma se aggiungo una
  redirezione per salvarlo in un file
  vi $testo  file.htm

 Perché usi vi o altri editor interattivi?
 Se devi fare modifiche standardizzate su una serie di file è meglio:
 - sed, per modificare una stringa prefissata di cui non sai la posizione
 - awk, per modificare una stringa qualunque in una posizione prefissata
 - perl, per tutte e due le cose ed altro ancora.
 Per sed c'è una mini guida, un breviario delle righe di comando usate più
 frequentemente. Si chiama one-liners-sed o qualcosa di simile.
 Per perl, c'è un manuale scritto da Marco Liverani molto chiaro e

 ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] LMsensor, gkrellmsensor, allarme temperatura

2003-08-28 Thread stefano
 Sorry ma comprarsi un bel raffreddamento a liquido??
 Costa un pochino ma ti assicuro che ne vale la pena
 Queste sono le temperature MASSIME con il caldo micidiale di settimana
 _ 38C lavorando tranquillamente
 _ 44C sotto sforzo... es: giocando, o sotto test grafici...
 d'inverno sono circa 8C in meno in entrambi i casi...
 E ripeto che queste sono le massime temperature registrate.

_Scusa scusa Rafreddamento a lpuoi spiegarmi meglio (visto l'OT in email 

Re: [newbie-it] LMsensor, gkrellmsensor, allarme temperatura

2003-08-28 Thread kudega
 Sorry ma comprarsi un bel raffreddamento a liquido??
 Costa un pochino ma ti assicuro che ne vale la pena
 Queste sono le temperature MASSIME con il caldo micidiale di
 settimana scorsa...
 _ 38C lavorando tranquillamente
 _ 44C sotto sforzo... es: giocando, o sotto test grafici...
 d'inverno sono circa 8C in meno in entrambi i casi...
 E ripeto che queste sono le massime temperature registrate.
_Scusa scusa Rafreddamento a lpuoi spiegarmi meglio (visto l'OT in
email privata?)
Io ho sempre comprato AMD e ne sono rimasto sempre soddisfatto solo che 
l'unica loro pecca  che scaldano non poco, anche se c' da dire che 
negli ultimi anni hanno migliorato moltissimo questo unico 
difettuccio... Quindi la soluzione che mi sono trovato  il 
raffreddamento a liquido.

  Serbatoio //
|  |  CPU   /
|  |  //
Il serbatoio non fa mai mancare liquido alla pompetta che si preoccupa 
mandare l'acqua alla CPU e al radioatore per raffreddarla...
In commercio li vendono i raffreddamenti a liquido!
Oppure se te lo vuoi fare tu...
Io ho provato... per la pompetta va bene una pompetta dei presepi, 
radiatore ne ho recuperato uno vecchio di un condizionatore (puoi usare 
anche quello di un scooter) il pi  fare il dissipatore da montare 
sulla CPU. Me lo sono fatto fare da un mio amico che lavora su fresa e 
tornio. Sono due quadrati di rame scavati all'interno e successivamente 
saldati. Tutto qu..
Spero di aver risposto alla tua domanda perch non era molto chiara, 
altrimenti dimmi che vuoi sapere che prover a darti altre info!
Fammi sapere!
Ciao ciao Davide
Ps: OT in email privata? Ma non ti ho risposto in pvt... o sbaglio? 
Bho... Va b,  cmq sempre a disposizione :)

Re: [newbie-it] LMsensor, gkrellmsensor, allarme temperatura

2003-08-28 Thread kudega
 Sorry ma comprarsi un bel raffreddamento a liquido??
 Costa un pochino ma ti assicuro che ne vale la pena
 Queste sono le temperature MASSIME con il caldo micidiale di
 settimana scorsa...
 _ 38C lavorando tranquillamente
 _ 44C sotto sforzo... es: giocando, o sotto test grafici...
 d'inverno sono circa 8C in meno in entrambi i casi...
 E ripeto che queste sono le massime temperature registrate.
_Scusa scusa Rafreddamento a lpuoi spiegarmi meglio (visto l'OT in
email privata?)
Io ho sempre comprato AMD e ne sono rimasto sempre soddisfatto solo che 
l'unica loro pecca  che scaldano non poco, anche se c' da dire che 
negli ultimi anni hanno migliorato moltissimo questo unico 
difettuccio... Quindi la soluzione che mi sono trovato  il 
raffreddamento a liquido.

  Serbatoio //
|  |  CPU   /
|  |  //
Il serbatoio non fa mai mancare liquido alla pompetta che si preoccupa 
mandare l'acqua alla CPU e al radioatore per raffreddarla...
In commercio li vendono i raffreddamenti a liquido!
Oppure se te lo vuoi fare tu...
Io ho provato... per la pompetta va bene una pompetta dei presepi, 
radiatore ne ho recuperato uno vecchio di un condizionatore (puoi usare 
anche quello di un scooter) il pi  fare il dissipatore da montare 
sulla CPU. Me lo sono fatto fare da un mio amico che lavora su fresa e 
tornio. Sono due quadrati di rame scavati all'interno e successivamente 
saldati. Tutto qu..
Spero di aver risposto alla tua domanda perch non era molto chiara, 
altrimenti dimmi che vuoi sapere che prover a darti altre info!
Fammi sapere!
Ciao ciao Davide
Ps: OT in email privata? Ma non ti ho risposto in pvt... o sbaglio? 
Bho... Va b,  cmq sempre a disposizione :)

Re: [newbie] Converting sound files? (recording from cassette, pt2)

2003-08-28 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 01:01 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

  weird thing: rezound oppened EVERYTHING but mp3

 That's weird.  I just opened one without any trouble.

Seems like I saw somewhere that you have to have Lame installed? Maybe thats 


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Re: [newbie] wishing for mandrake 2.6 test3 kernel

2003-08-28 Thread Anarky
Michael Lothian wrote:

If you were wanting to play  arround with kernels try the tmb ones

what's 'tmb' 

It's the initial of the guy who compiles it Thomas Buckland

Just update your kernel-utils and possibelyou init scrips from the 
cooker rpms (from memory that is - on my win doze box atm)

could you please give me more detailed instructions or point me to 
somewhere where I could find them? 

is the source really necessary? I have no idea how big these downloads 
are so I don't dare do it yet :P

If you install these files

Then type lilo it should all work

   what I'm looking for is that dreamy kernel feature which I hear 
will have that magic property of making Linux react faster (more like 
Windows, in giving higher priority to starting programs  running 
user programs)

I think that's the low latancy patch. Which this kernel includes. 
Hence why these kernels  (eventually) become the Multimedia ones.
woow!! Yes ... so you're saying this contains the low latency thing? 
YEY! I'm all into Multimedia. Got any idea if Mandrake 9.2 will include 
anything like this (a kernel with this support)?

Let me know how you get on

thanks a LOT!!
I wish I could do urpmi some package and instead of it downloading it 
would just give me an exact list (maybe in a file) of neat addresses 
like you gave me so I could download anything like that:)
   so after downloading  installing these I should be set an the only 
thing I'd have to do is select a different thing at boot time and 
nothing else in Linux would change? Wow!
   Now I'm afraid these packages will require a lot of dependencies ... 
in order to find that out I'd like to do something like 'urpmi 
kernel-tmb' .. but don't know exactly what to write as there is no 
'kernel-tmb' package :P

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Re: [newbie] XFS Mount

2003-08-28 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
John Richard Smith wrote:

Miark wrote:

It's possible the old mount setting in fstab is still active.
Have you checked mtab to make sure the partition isn't already

On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 22:27:49 -0400, Brant Fitzsimmons 


Yes, I did mount -t xfs /dev/hdg1 /drive2.

This is the correct drive and mount point.  This combo worked for a 
long time using reiserfs.

The pertinent lines from my fstab file are:

/dev/hdg1 /drive2 xfs defaults 1 2
/dev/hdh1 /drive3 xfs defaults 1 2
What did diskdrake do wrong?  I sure as heck didn't change 
anything.  I let the expert (diskdrake) do it and it screwed up.

I still haven't received my first post.  Interesting..

This may be irrelevant as I have no experience with xfs partitions,

but, shouldn't the lines be something like,

/dev/hdg1 /mnt/drive2 xfs defaults 1 2
/dev/hdh1 /mnt/drive3 xfs defaults 1 2

They would appear that way only if I was mounting them to /mnt/drive2 
and /mnt/drive3.  You can mount them to any directory on the machine.  I 
chose to mount them to /drive2 and /drive3.

Very late last night I found them problem.  It matches up perfectly with 
what Tom suggested.

diskdrake never made the conversion from reiserfs to xfs, it only 
changed the fstab entries.  So Mandrake was trying to the mount reiserfs 
formatted drives as if they were xfs formatted drives.  You can imagine 
how well that worked.

I mounted them as reiserfs and found that they were still working as 
reiser.  I then unmounted them, after recovering the data that was on 
them, and manually created the xfs partition using mkfs -t xfs -f 
/dev/hdg1 for drive2 and mkfs -t xfs -f /dev/hdh1 for drive3.
I then changed the entries in fstab from:

/dev/hdg1 /drive2 reiserfs notail 1 2
/dev/hdh1 /drive3 reiserfs notail 1 2

/dev/hdg1 /drive2 xfs defaults 1 2
/dev/hdh1 /drive3 xfs defaults 1 2
Bingo!  All done.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
  AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdkduron
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
13:10:00 up  8:35,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.13, 0.13
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] Help with installing video drivers.

2003-08-28 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 13:21:04 -0400

 What is init 3? How do I drop to it? How do I switch back to init5?

Just for this post to you I have turned-off PGP so this should appear in
OE as a simple text message, I would refer to keep it on at all times
because of security and privacy concerns.
For any future postings you may need to use another client or save to
disk from OE and read it in notepad or other program.

Runlevels are a state, or mode, defined by the services listed in the
SysV /etc/rc.d/rcx.d/ directory, where x is the number of the

The idea behind SysV init runlevels revolves around the fact that
different systems can be used in a different ways. For example, a server
runs more efficiently without the drag on system resources created by
the X Window System. Other times, a system administrator may need to
operate the system at a lower runlevel to perform diagnostic tasks, like
fixing disk corruption in runlevel 1, when no other users can possibly
be on the system. 

The characteristics of a given runlevel determines which services are
halted and started by init. For instance, runlevel 1 (single user mode)
halts any network services, while runlevel 3 starts these services. By
assigning specific services to be halted or started on a given runlevel,
init can quickly change the mode of the machine without the user
manually stopping and starting services. 

The following runlevels(init) are used
0  Halt 

1  Single-user text mode 

2  Not used (user-definable) 

3  Full multi-user text mode 

4  Not used (user-definable) 

5  Full multi-user graphical mode (with an X-based login screen) 

6  Reboot 

The default runlevels normally used are 1 and 5

On my systems I boot to runlevel(init) 3 then manually launch the
X-server, if/when you boot to the graphical log-in you are booting to
runlevel(init) 5

To get to init 3 from init 5 log-out of your WM so that you are at the
login screen.
Press the key combination Ctrl-Alt-F2
This will take you to a text login prompt.
Login with your username and password and then su to root.
At the prompt enter:
init 3
example [EMAIL PROTECTED] charles]# init 3 
This will shut down the X-server and drop you to runlevel 3.
From this level it is safe to install the fglrx driver and to run
If you have problems with fglrxconfig I can walk you through each
setting being either as cryptic or verbose as you wish.

Once the above is accomplished to return to runlevel 5 at the prompt
init 5
example [EMAIL PROTECTED] charles]# init 5
This will take you to the graphical login screen.


Many a writer seems to think he is never profound except when he can't
understand his own meaning.
-- George D. Prentice
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] XFS Mount

2003-08-28 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Tuesday August 26 2003 09:54 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

Miark wrote:

It's possible the old mount setting in fstab is still active.
Have you checked mtab to make sure the partition isn't already

There are no entries for either drive in mtab.

  mtab is generated from fstab, an shouldn't be fooled with

  Brant, try puttin your 1st CD in an check the partitions with the 
installers diskdrake. It could be that when you used diskdrake the 
changes were never made, or the partitions were never formatted for 
XFS, an they're still ReiserFS. Probly cause the partitions weren't 
unmounted. Also, with either ReiserFS or XFS, Civileme use to 
suggest a ext3 /boot partition. IME, it was/is good advice.

I did exactly that and that is what I found.  I posted my findings to 
the expert list last evening.  I forgot to post them here as well. 

Was that cross-posting?  If so...sue me (as long as it can be 
demonstrated that the exact same people frequent both lists).  I do what 
it takes to get the job done.  :-P

Thanks for the suggestions. :-)

  IIRC, you're runnin cooker. FWIW, RC1 iso's look like they're 
comin to the mirrors today. The beta2 iso's are gone, and so far 
the RC1 md5sum file is posted. So maybe ya want to wait for those 
before fixin your partitions.

I saw that.

Warly, from Mandrakesoft, released the bittorrent info for them: --url 
--saveas MandrakeLinux-9.2rc1-CD1.i586.iso

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
  AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdkduron
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
13:00:00 up  8:25,  1 user,  load average: 0.30, 0.14, 0.10
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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[newbie] ssh client -gui

2003-08-28 Thread Anarky
   hi can u sugest some mandrake package of a ssh client that has a 
nice gui? I've been using gTelnet ... but it seems it stopped working 
since the server I'm connecting to moved from port 22 to 8080 :-(

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Re: [newbie] Toshiba Sat. 330CDS Laptop

2003-08-28 Thread Lee Wiggers
I went through the drill with PM, read your email, and started over installing on a 2 
gig partition directly with 2k install, leaving the rest virginal for mdk.

Now here goes 9.1.


 Use PM 8+..otherwise you will be sorry.

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RE: [newbie] Compaq is just plain weird

2003-08-28 Thread ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 08:33, Bill Spatz wrote:
 Have you tried using F10 during boot to access the bios? Later Compaqs use
 that rather than the configuration floppy.

thia ain't no 'later model' if it is a 266mhz 
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of HaywireMac
 Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 6:02 AM
 To: Mandrake Newbs
 Subject: [newbie] Compaq is just plain weird
 I thought I would create a seperate P2P server using that infamous old
 Compaq POS I got for free, so I installed MLDonkey, and set it running.
 1. The Compaq will not respond to ssh or vnc unless I hit the any key.
 2. Even MLDonkey seems to stop running or downloading unless I hit the
 any key.
 What is up with this crap?
 I have looked in MCC for a way to tell it to stop this behaviour, but I
 see nothing that looks promising. I am thinking that I need to get into
 the BIOS to change a setting, but someone on here a while back mentioned
 I need a special boot floppy to do that. I have searched the Compaq
 site, but am not having much luck.
 The machine is a Compaq Deskpro P233.
 Can anyone give me a shove in the right direction?
 Registered Linux user #282046
 At the end of your life there'll be a good rest, and no further
 activities are scheduled.
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 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
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 Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release Date: 8/19/03
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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: defragmentation]

2003-08-28 Thread Tomas Taylor

 My MacOS hard drive has severe fragmentation. I have to defrag to make
room for a second Linux partition.
 Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 05:40, Tomas Taylor wrote:

Hi there,

A few days ago I ordered Linux for PPC 9.1 and Norton's Utilities 8.0 
 My plan is to split the 40GB hard drive on my PowerBook G4 into equal 

If there is a free utility for the defrag then I won't open box and just 
send it back.  Also I read this message that Google sent me to saying 
that in the middle of Speed Disk, the OS goes to sleep and never comes?

I hope that utilities exist for defragmentation that don't go to sleep 
in middle or at least can recover from it.

Tomas Taylor

You have no reason to defrag a linux file system. Send Norton back.

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Re: [newbie] Dell TFT 17Flat Screen

2003-08-28 Thread Richard Urwin
To be pedantic, theliquid crystals are not a polarised light source.

The light comes from a uniform light at the back of the screen. This is 
polarised by a filter and then passed through the liquid crystal 
matrix. The crystals that are powered twist the polarisation 90 
degrees. The light then passes through a second polarisation filter at 
90 degrees to the first. If no twist is involved the light is stopped 
by that and the pixel is black. If the liqid crystals have twisted the 
light, however, the light passes through and appears bright. 

Colour is created by a mask layer of red, green and blue dots in 
register with the pixels, so each screen pixel is made up of at least 
three liquid crystal elements; one for each primary colour.

The liquid effect when you touch the screen is caused by the pressure 
deforming the whole thing and compressing the liquid crystal layer, 
which is, after all, liquid.

Nice trick: try looking at an LCD display of any sort, including a 
calculator or a watch, with polaroid sunglasses on. At some angle the 
whole display goes dark because the polarised light is at right angles 
to the polariod filter in the glasses.

On Wednesday 27 Aug 2003 11:26 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: John Richard Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Dell TFT 17Flat Screen

 Now that is an interesting article. So a pixel is really light bent
 by electronic switching of the crystalls that act as polarised light
 sources. I quess that is why if you run your finger lightly over the
 serface of a LCD monitor you get a kind of watery effect of the
 picture. What I didn't find clear was whether each polarised light
 source is assigned a specific colour source or whether a given
 crystal can be made to emit either of the 3 primary colours.

 Anyway the essense of the matter as to how good a picture you are
 going to get is the number of pixel polarised light sources per given
 area and the speed by which those polarised light sources can be
 switched on and off.  Yes ?


 stormjumper wrote:
 hi John,
 er, just a slight correction here.
 a typical basic specfication for a crt is the vertical refresh rate.
 i believe that is what u're referring to when you mentioned 85.
 it should probably read as 85hz, ie 85 cycles per second.
 a typical recommended comfortable value for most pp is 75,
 altho that requirement goes up as the screen gets larger.
 fyi, this refresh rate value has nothing to do w sharpness.
 most consumer LCDs are generally sharper than consumer CRTs,
 hence being easier on the eyes. some frens in certain creative
  fields, namely design and architecture, claim that the pro CRTs
 (typically 19 and above) are equally sharp, if not sharper.
 these obviously come at non-consumer prices as well.
 also, vertical refresh rate is not really relevant for LCDs.
 you can refer to


 Why is a vertical frequency of 60 Hz optimal for an LCD monitor?
 which will explain far better than i can.
 for LCD's the more relevant spec is prolly the response time,
 which is a figure typically between 15-40 ms.
 the smaller the number, the better for watching video/playing games,
 as it will result is less visual streaking/smearing/watever you call


 you should also take note of the brightness and contrast ratio,
 which is impt esp if you work in a very well-lit environment,
 eg a sun lit room. otherwise, most lcds are bright enough.
 enuff said. hope these help.
 - Original Message -

 From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 20:46
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Dell TFT 17Flat Screen
 I see, so in regards to TFT's it's not a case then of a beam of
 electrons scanning the screen top left to botton right so many
  times a second ( CRT of 85Mhz = 85 refershed scans per second) but
  a question


 how many times a pixel is electronically swithced on and off
 electronically, that is by a circuit behind that pixel ?
 So  a TFT with a refresh rate of 16ms  is being switched on and
  off, 16/1000of a second each time. I guess as time goes on that
  time will decrease some as technology improves.
 Yes, I think Dell merely badge someone elses make don't they, they
  buy in large orders at a time at best prices and badge them, and
  sometimes they get a bad deal, and sell the shipment off quickly
  to a retailer


 a knockdown price. That is why I was suspicious in the first place,


 came to the list, because I have extremely limited experience with


 devices. Seems like I will have to keep my old CRT's a while longer



Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-28 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 02:41 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
 On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 18:06:11 -0500

 Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 26 August 2003 04:04 am, Michael Adams wrote:
   On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 16:44:44 -0500
   Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Cool.  Is there a way to do this to albums also?
 I could put the cassette deck on record and run the RCA plugs
 from tape deck monitor to the line-in on the sound card, just
 wonder if there is a better way...   :)
You can do it with albums by connecting the output from a turntable
to the input on a cassette recorder
   Make that the phono input of a stereo capable of handling phono input.
   Some cassete recorders have phono inputs. An auxilliary input won't do.
   Also if memory serves there were two types of phono output at one stage
   (crystal and ceramic???) which used different output levels.
   Sheesh, i'm just telling everyone how ancient i yam.
  Actually on mine it is from the turntable to the tapedecks line in and
  then from the tape deck line out to the sound card phono jack. Works like
  a champ with gramofile. The tape deck does the preamp and filter and it
  sounds pretty good in .wav .  YMMV

 Does the turntable have a pre-amp?
Not sure who you are asking but on my setup it is just a technics turntable, 
no preamp.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Paraniod - start worrying

2003-08-28 Thread Todd Slater
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 11:35:34PM -0400, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 09:26:17PM -0500, Dennis Myers wrote:
  horse to water... Anyone seen any other indications that somebody 
  thinks one of the virus or worms was getting into linux?
 Wasn't there a worm recently that exploited mySQL?

This is what I was thinking of:

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Re: [newbie] Opinions on Software required

2003-08-28 Thread Alex Weiss
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 18:11:46 +0100, Michael Lothian

 Hi everybody! (Sound like that guy from the simpsons)
 I was just wondering what the best software
 one with a nice 
 gui) to do the following things...
 Convert CDs into Ogg files

I like Grip for this. Never had one problem. Not the
best looking gui however.


Get your free @Elvis e-mail account at!

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Re: [newbie]How to Defrag XP Properly, WAS - Re: WineX -- Update!

2003-08-28 Thread Heather/Femme
On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 12:59, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 August 2003 04:18 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:

 Thanks again, Femme, Drew  Lyvim. You just added to my resent 
 for MicroSCOft. Does that mean, my 6 CD's are unable to 
 reinstall this XP crap without having to call the crooks ?
 Kaj Haulrich.

np luv.

no it means they will put the system back exactly the way it was when
you got it from teh dealer.  What sucks is you can't reinstall XP w/out
them or you can void your warranty (in canada  the us mostly taht ishow
it works...maybe not in ...Netherlands?).

Think oof them as exact dupes of the systtea as it was when you got


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Re: [newbie] Toshiba Sat. 330CDS Laptop

2003-08-28 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 12:41:25 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 10:25:30 -0600
 Heather/Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Use PM 8+..otherwise you will be sorry.
 Strange, I never ever had any probs with Windows coexisting with MDK
 when I used to dual boot. I definitely *always* had probs with XP,
 whether I was dual booting or not of course... :-D
 As long as you install Win 1st, then MDK, you should never ever need 3rd
 party software, at least in my exp.
 Registered Linux user #282046
 The truth is rarely pure, and never simple.
   -- Oscar Wilde

All worked fine with mdk install until I tried to boot without the 10/100 bd plugged 
in to the usb port.

Now it hangs on starting pcmcia.

Any thoughts.

On the bright side, win2k (NTFS) sees the FAT32 I set up as a common area between the 
2 os's.  Won't matter much if I keep freezing in boot, though.

Funny, win2k can't find a driver for the 10/100 card.  I laughed since I won't use it 
on the net, anyway.  Mdk picked it up automagically.

I'm not real portable if I have to boot connected to my cable.  If you see a guy 
walking down the street unreeling coax.that's me.


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[newbie] another defragmentation question

2003-08-28 Thread julie
I dual boot Win 98SE and ran a defrag on the Windows partition. In doing so, I 
screwed up my Mandrake 9.0 super block, at least that was what the error 
reported. All attempts at repairing the super block (by using other 
locations) failed. Maybe it really was the partition tables.

My question is, did the defragmentation of Windows cause this? If so, is there 
a way to defrag Windows and not mess up Mandrake?

To avoid the flames ... I use PageMaker for work and although Scribus is 
coming along nicely, there are things that the print shops want that I have 
yet to find possible in Scribus.

Julie in the Pacific Northwest

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Re: [newbie] Converting sound files? (recording from cassette, pt2)

2003-08-28 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 05:24 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 August 2003 01:01 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
   weird thing: rezound oppened EVERYTHING but mp3
  That's weird.  I just opened one without any trouble.

 Seems like I saw somewhere that you have to have Lame installed? Maybe
 thats it...
yur right, you gotta have lame or maybe notlame for mp3s
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Paraniod - start worrying

2003-08-28 Thread Michael Adams
On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 21:26:17 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 26 August 2003 02:54 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
  Any paranoids out there? Start worrying!
  The rest of us will read this, shrug, and carry on as per normal aware that
  slim threats do exist on linux. No flames for scare mongering please. I
  thought it was an acceptable oddity, no more!
 I read it and shrugged, but went looking for it anyway. Not found. One of the 
 IT guys at work who only knows windows told me that the worms had some effect 
 on linux, I said I don't think so and he replied that Symantec had shown 
 one of them effecting linux. So I went looking and all that came up was the 
 drdos, which is old and is part of the chkrootkit test.  I can't convince him 
 that it was not a problem cause Symantec said it was. Oh well, you can lead a 
 horse to water... Anyone seen any other indications that somebody 
 thinks one of the virus or worms was getting into linux?

Yes worms have an effect on linux. The slow down the network. Beat their heads against 
the firewalls and fill your logs with dross.

I think from reading this that this tool is seen as a threat because it can be used 
for DOS attacks. Not because it affects linux, although the host may be slowed sending 
out packets ;)


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[newbie] OT: rpmfind dot net

2003-08-28 Thread Dan Gordon
Has anyone visited lately ? When I go there and do a
software search I get this.

This page is temporarily closed in protest against software patents.
Websites may soon be closed down regularly due to software patents.
Software patents can get you prosecuted for publishing texts you wrote

You will be redirected to in 20 seconds for more
information. To enter this site, click here

Seems like some kind of European Patent battle I've not heard of, or am
i getting some kind of strange redirect from rpmfind's website ?

Dan Gordon

Wed Aug 27 21:36:33 EDT 2003
 21:36:33 up 12:32,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.12, 0.05

A child of five could understand this!  Fetch me a child of five.

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Re: [newbie] ssh client -gui

2003-08-28 Thread Anarky
Richard Urwin wrote:

On Wednesday 27 Aug 2003 11:07 pm, Anarky wrote:

   hi can u sugest some mandrake package of a ssh client that has a
nice gui? I've been using gTelnet ... but it seems it stopped working
since the server I'm connecting to moved from port 22 to 8080 :-(

I don't know gTelnet, but can't you just tell it host-name:8080 ?

there's a special box for the port .. put it there .. but it won't 
connect anymore :P

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Re: [newbie] Opinions on Software required

2003-08-28 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Michael Lothian wrote:

Hi everybody! (Sound like that guy from the simpsons)

I was just wondering what the best software (preferably one with a 
nice gui) to do the following things...

Convert CDs into Ogg files 


Convert DVDs to DivX (or something similar) 


Play N64 Roms

Play GameBoy (Advance) Roms

Oh yes and whats the  best way to get windows software working under 
linux? I've tried wine but I never can seem to get the blasterin thing 

Run Windows under Linux with Win4lin.  Actually it depends on what 
software you are trying to run.  What software are you trying to run?

Thanks in advance


Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
  AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdkduron
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
21:30:00 up  3:25,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.14, 0.20
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-28 Thread Robin Turner
HaywireMac wrote:
Although I no longer have any Windows partitions or drives, they still
show up under /mnt.
I have checked /etc/fstab, and they do not appear.

Is there somewhere else I need to go to make them stop appearing?

Have you checked your lilo configuration?

Sir Robin

Hackers appear to wear black more because it goes with everything and 
hides dirt than because they want to look like goths.
 - Eric Raymond

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Linux Apps

2003-08-28 Thread Russ
Hi All,

I was wondering if you could help me with some advice. I have just 
jumped to only Linux on this computer. However there are a couple of 
apps that I would like to find equivalents to for Linux.

One is an easy to use Firewall program (ZoneAlarm). Any suggestions.

Second is a Clipboard program that you can save data in different groups 
like ClipMate.


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Re: [newbie] another defragmentation question

2003-08-28 Thread robin
julie wrote:

I dual boot Win 98SE and ran a defrag on the Windows partition. In doing so, I 
screwed up my Mandrake 9.0 super block, at least that was what the error 
reported. All attempts at repairing the super block (by using other 
locations) failed. Maybe it really was the partition tables.

My question is, did the defragmentation of Windows cause this? If so, is there 
a way to defrag Windows and not mess up Mandrake?

I don't think it's possible for defragging a Windows partition to affect 
your Linux partition in  any way.  The only time I've managed to screw 
up Linux from Windows was with Norton.

Sir Robin

There are other rules, but you'll find out what those are when you break them.
- Blake's 7
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Toshiba Sat. 330CDS Laptop

2003-08-28 Thread Heather/Femme
On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 11:07, Lee Wiggers wrote:
 I went through the drill with PM, read your email, and started over installing on a 
 2 gig partition directly with 2k install, leaving the rest virginal for mdk.
 Now here goes 9.1.
  Use PM 8+..otherwise you will be sorry.
word of advice...
just make a ext2 partitoin for linxu or several.

if you use any other partition type by parting with the MDK installer
thingy, PM (any ver i've seen) labels the whole partition bad  wants to
fix it.  Don't let it.

Femmeless (don't have a femmey lover.. :{ )

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[newbie] The following packages have bad signatures:

2003-08-28 Thread Anarky
   How come I often get:

The following packages have bad 
bla bla
Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N)

   when urpmi-ing something?
   what does this 'bad signatures' mean?

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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-28 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 11:48 am, Cornerstone Community Farm wrote:
 On Monday 25 August 2003 08:05 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  How do you get the caps off of the bottles?
  -- cmg

 Thought you did not like OT discussions on Newbie list.
 Or only discussion you disagree with?

Touche'. With a mallet.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-28 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 05:50 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 August 2003 02:41 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
  On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 18:06:11 -0500
Make that the phono input of a stereo capable of handling phono
input. Some cassete recorders have phono inputs. An auxilliary input
won't do. Also if memory serves there were two types of phono output
at one stage (crystal and ceramic???) which used different output
Sheesh, i'm just telling everyone how ancient i yam.
   Actually on mine it is from the turntable to the tapedecks line in and
   then from the tape deck line out to the sound card phono jack. Works
   like a champ with gramofile. The tape deck does the preamp and filter
   and it sounds pretty good in .wav .  YMMV
  Does the turntable have a pre-amp?

 Not sure who you are asking but on my setup it is just a technics
 turntable, no preamp.
That did not come out right.  There is no built in preamp in the turntable, 
the preamp is in the tapedeck. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Re: WineX -- Update!

2003-08-28 Thread Heather/Femme
On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 10:52, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
Snipples nipples
 Well...Femme, I use Speedisk every week.  I've been using Norton
 Utilities since 1989; AAMOF I think I still have the NU version 4.5
 install disks somewhere around here.  I agree that the good old days are
 gone...but so far I've been pretty OK with the flexibility of this
 incarnation of SD.  At least the Norton 2000 Edition, anyway.  I've
 stayed away from upgrades because of the dumb-down trend I've seen in
 winblows software. NU 2000 is probably the end of the road for me.
 I also use Windoctor to go over the registry and get rid of the ActiveX
 registry errors every time I do a new 98 install..which there are about
 20 of them on every from-scratch install.  It all comes together in a
 package with Norton Utilities, the same NU version that I've been using
 since year 2000.  Haven't seen a problem; but I'm sure that there may be
 better stuff out there.
 BTW, if anybody has access to the Norton Utilities version 7 or version
 8 install disks, I'd be willing to work out a deal.  I've got Dos 7.10
 systems I want to keep around, and I can't find older versions of NU
 around anymore.

Thx LX.  I meant I guess that my own  some friends experience with it
was pretty horrid.  It fubared my OS more than once. :(


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Re: [newbie] Re: WineX -- Update!

2003-08-28 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 02:05 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:


 Well, if everything goes fine from now on, I guess this thread is
 dead. If not, you certainly will. And : sorry for my language,
 I'm a little pissed off right now what with all this M$ lunacy.

 Kaj Haulrich.

Wait a while. You'll be way more than a little pissed off.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Making Linux Converts

2003-08-28 Thread Robin Turner
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 26 Aug 2003 2:54 am, Harv Nelson wrote:

Watch an animation of the conversion process of a new Linux user


What did you view it with?  I just got a low-res static pic.
Takes a _long_ time to load, but I got the animation in the end (that's 
with Mozilla).

Sir Robin

Hackers appear to wear black more because it goes with everything and 
hides dirt than because they want to look like goths.
 - Eric Raymond

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] OT: rpmfind dot net

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 21:43:53 -0400
Dan Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 This page is temporarily closed in protest against software patents.
 Websites may soon be closed down regularly due to software patents.
 Software patents can get you prosecuted for publishing texts you wrote
 You will be redirected to in 20 seconds for more
 information. To enter this site, click here
 Seems like some kind of European Patent battle I've not heard of, or
 am i getting some kind of strange redirect from rpmfind's website ?

Exactly as it says, there is a protest going on against software patents
due to be passed into law sometime soon. It's to generate awareness.

Google it, tons of info.

Registered Linux user #282046
You have to run as fast as you can just to stay where you are.
If you want to get anywhere, you'll have to run much faster.
-- Lewis Carroll

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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 13:57:32 +0300
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Have you checked your lilo configuration?

Already solved. Just deleted them, but yes, I did check /etc/lilo.conf

Good to see ya back!

Registered Linux user #282046
For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 17:58:11 -0700
Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 One is an easy to use Firewall program (ZoneAlarm). Any suggestions.

Mandrake comes with one built in, which you can configure with Webmin.

Open a browser and in the address field:


log in as root and configure the Shorewall firewall.

Of course, a seperate, dedicated firewall is always better, but
Shorewall will beat Zonealarm all to hell anyway.

Registered Linux user #282046
The price of success in philosophy is triviality.
-- C. Glymour.

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Re: [newbie] another defragmentation question

2003-08-28 Thread Todd Slater
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:12:07AM +0300, robin wrote:
 julie wrote:
 I dual boot Win 98SE and ran a defrag on the Windows partition. In doing 
 so, I screwed up my Mandrake 9.0 super block, at least that was what the 
 error reported. All attempts at repairing the super block (by using other 
 locations) failed. Maybe it really was the partition tables.
 My question is, did the defragmentation of Windows cause this? If so, is 
 there a way to defrag Windows and not mess up Mandrake?
 I don't think it's possible for defragging a Windows partition to affect 
 your Linux partition in  any way.  The only time I've managed to screw 
 up Linux from Windows was with Norton.

I think it's possible for defragging Windoze to muck up Linux--I had the
same thing Julie reported happen to me on a dual boot machine. Defragged
Windoze, I could never boot into linux again, and I couldn't fix it from
rescue mode, not using Partition Magic.

I've now got a dual boot with XP, and I've decided I'll never defrag the


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Re: [newbie] Compaq is just plain weird

2003-08-28 Thread Eric Huff
 in fact, there never is a blinking cursor, the first thing that comes
 up is the red and white Compaq logo and an hourglass thingie. I hit
 F10 repeatedly, from the moment it powered on even, and all I got was
 akeyboard error...

Well, that is the proper methind: hit F10 repeatedly, hoping the compaq
is actually listening and catches one of them..

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Re: [newbie] OT: rpmfind dot net

2003-08-28 Thread Todd Slater
On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 09:43:53PM -0400, Dan Gordon wrote:
 Has anyone visited lately ? When I go there and do a
 software search I get this.
 This page is temporarily closed in protest against software patents.
 Websites may soon be closed down regularly due to software patents.
 Software patents can get you prosecuted for publishing texts you wrote
 You will be redirected to in 20 seconds for more
 information. To enter this site, click here
 Seems like some kind of European Patent battle I've not heard of, or am
 i getting some kind of strange redirect from rpmfind's website ?

That's just what it is. A ton of websites are planning to remove their
home pages on a certain day in protest to coincide with a real, live
demonstration. Why is it that the Europeans seem to be the only people
with balls anymore?

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Re: [newbie] ssh client -gui

2003-08-28 Thread David E. Fox
 I don't know gTelnet, but can't you just tell it host-name:8080 ?

Why would you need a GUI ssh?

If you connect to a number of fixed sites via ssh routinely, you should
set up icons that run 'ssh' and then just click the icon that
represents the desired system. Earlier revs of Slackware had a couple of
ready made icons for xterms on different systems. 

 Richard Urwin

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps

2003-08-28 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 07:58 pm, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 I was wondering if you could help me with some advice. I have just
 jumped to only Linux on this computer. However there are a couple of
 apps that I would like to find equivalents to for Linux.

 One is an easy to use Firewall program (ZoneAlarm). Any suggestions.

 Second is a Clipboard program that you can save data in different groups
 like ClipMate.

Lots of firewall possibilities. Smoothwall is on the 9.1 download disks, it 
works well for me. Firestarter is another, do a google search on firewalls at That should be a good start. I know some 
folks have had problems with Smoothwall but I found that if you install it 
and then turn it off and connect with the internet and then turn it on again 
in MCC it works fine. You can do some configuration in the MCC gui and it 
does a good job of keeping out the bad guys. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] The following packages have bad signatures:

2003-08-28 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 07:38 pm, Anarky wrote:
 How come I often get:
 The following packages have bad
 bla bla
 Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N)
 when urpmi-ing something?
 what does this 'bad signatures' mean?
generally it means you do not have the gpg sig of the download sites owner. It 
has not stopped me from installing and I have had no problems. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] OT: rpmfind dot net

2003-08-28 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 08:43 pm, Dan Gordon wrote:
 Has anyone visited lately ? When I go there and do a
 software search I get this.

 This page is temporarily closed in protest against software patents.
 Websites may soon be closed down regularly due to software patents.
 Software patents can get you prosecuted for publishing texts you wrote

 You will be redirected to in 20 seconds for more
 information. To enter this site, click here

 Seems like some kind of European Patent battle I've not heard of, or am
 i getting some kind of strange redirect from rpmfind's website ?

 Dan Gordon
No it is not a redirect, the Euro Parliment is going to vote on allowing 
software patents and these website changes are part of the protest. I hope 
they succeed. Software patents like Amazon's single click are a threat to the 
entire world of software inovation and Open source. See the link on the 
Mandrake Homepage for Patents.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Really great site for how-to's and a lot more

2003-08-28 Thread Eric Huff
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  As I mention from time to time, we have
  pointing there right now.  (if you are wondering, I own
 Don't worry, Anne reminds us *every chance she gets*...nag nag nag...

I have laughed out loud many times in the last few days

HayHillWire: I went over to the twiki site to browse: There's a desktop
section just waiting for some pek-splanation.

I gotta get on that...

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Re: [newbie] TWIKI was: Really great site for how-to's and a lotmore

2003-08-28 Thread Eric Huff
How big is the twik site (data storage wise) ?

Is it being backed up?  It sure would suck to lose it...


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Re: [newbie] Open Source rides North

2003-08-28 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 19:11, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 Hello list. A little good news :
 Today the Nordic Council announced a common web ressource for OS 
 applications. This council is a common forum for the governments 
 and parliaments from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, 
 Greenland, The Faroe Islands and Denmark.
 The site is still very basic, but I take it as a token that even 
 our politicians are beginning to wake up. Especially the fact 
 that even Denmark - who generally is considered a sub-Saharan 
 country when it comes to IT - participates, saves my otherwise 
 rotten day.
 The site can be found here :
 Kaj Haulrich

Sorry about your day, Kaj.  But don't forget...we still love ya.  :)


Linux Mandrake 9.1  Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk
*Catch Star Trek Enterprise, Wednesdays on UPN*

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Re: [newbie] Opinions on Software required

2003-08-28 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 27 Aug 2003 6:11 pm, Michael Lothian wrote:
 Hi everybody! (Sound like that guy from the simpsons)

 I was just wondering what the best software (preferably one with a nice
 gui) to do the following things...

 Convert CDs into Ogg files

Grip is best, but konqueror can also do it.(Press the 'cog wheel' button at 
the bottom of the divider between left and right panes)

 Oh yes and whats the  best way to get windows software working under
 linux? I've tried wine but I never can seem to get the blasterin thing

Depends.  For general office applications (2D graphics, Win4Lin is rock solid, 
but requires a valid Win98/WinMe license)

Alternatively use Wine  (requires no Windows license at all) But Wine can be 
tricky to get working, so many people use commercial implementations of Wine.

Codeweavers Crossover - Guaranteed to work with many Office productivity apps 
like MS Office, Quicken etc

Transgaming WineX - Will work with several 3D games (but never the ones I 
actually own)

The best solution to Windows apps IMHO is to find a Linux alternative instead 
:-)  There are a vast array of Linux apps out there. (and even some good 



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Re: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-28 Thread Marc
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 06:58 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 August 2003 05:50 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Wednesday 27 August 2003 02:41 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
   On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 18:06:11 -0500

 Make that the phono input of a stereo capable of handling phono
 input. Some cassete recorders have phono inputs. An auxilliary input
 won't do. Also if memory serves there were two types of phono output
 at one stage (crystal and ceramic???) which used different output

 Sheesh, i'm just telling everyone how ancient i yam.
Actually on mine it is from the turntable to the tapedecks line in and
then from the tape deck line out to the sound card phono jack. Works
like a champ with gramofile. The tape deck does the preamp and filter
and it sounds pretty good in .wav .  YMMV
   Does the turntable have a pre-amp?
  Not sure who you are asking but on my setup it is just a technics
  turntable, no preamp.
 That did not come out right.  There is no built in preamp in the turntable, 
 the preamp is in the tapedeck. HTH

   It would probably be easy to add a dedicated preamp dnd make do without the 
tapedeck that also adds the possibilty of putting a equalizer and or digital 
signal processing equipment in line. At that point you may be able to clean 
up the old recordings to make them sound better than new, get rid of 
background hiss and pops etc. 
The DSP can work wonders for some of the old 1930s to 1960s radio shows.


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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: defragmentation]

2003-08-28 Thread Eric Huff
Tomas Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, I do want to dual boot from a PowerBook G4.  Doesn't Mandrake
 Linux require contiguous blocks to load into?  Or is it magic enough
 to pick random blocks to load into?

I believe you do need to defrag first.
On windows, you have to defrag before shrinking a partition, too.  Even
after defragging, mandrake said the partition was too fragmented to


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Re: [newbie] kernel with priority

2003-08-28 Thread Anarky
Derek Jennings wrote:

On Sunday 24 Aug 2003 9:57 am, Anarky wrote:

   I understand there is a newer linux kernel out there ... one which
would know how to give higher priority ot processes I just started 
stuff like that .. any chance that will be included in 9.2?

No need to wait. It is in 9.1 already.
Install the kernel-multimedia, the jackit sound server, and xmms-jack  (all on 
your CDs)

   I installed those, did lilo  rebooted it ... and X wouldn't even 
start up :-(
I'm never gonna have that cool multimedia feature!! or am I???

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Re: [newbie]How to Defrag XP Properly, WAS - Re: WineX -- Update!

2003-08-28 Thread John Layt

I thought I'd posted my eXPeriences earlier, but looks like I forgot to.  
Anyway, I recently successfully converted my sisters HP machine with XP over 
to dual boot with 9.1 on the same drive, and hit all the same problems with 
defrag and repatitioning and no XP CD's, but the good news is that it is 
do-able with some free-trial windows tools.  I now know more about WinXP than 
I ever wanted to, and I can say that Linux is now officially easier to 
install and use than WinXP anyday!!!  Like my sister says It won't let me do 

The following description is of moving from an existing WinXP system with a 
single NTFS partition to a dual boot WinXP 3 partition and Linux 
multi-partition system, and assumes you will be using both systems actively.

Let me explain those 3 WinXP partitions.  NTFS is the WinXP default 
filesystem, which Linux can currently safely read, but writing is still 
unsafe, hence you need a separate FAT32 partition if you want to safely pass 
files back and forth between WinXP and Linux.  It is also good practice in 
Windows (Linux too!) to have separate system and user data partitions (e.g. 
C:/ and D:/ drives in Windows, /usr and /home in Linux), so that you can 
screw-up/re-install your Windows system without losing all your user data.  
You could use the same FAT32 data sharing partition for your Windows user 
data, but FAT32 does not have the same security features as NTFS.  On a 
single user system, that's OK, but on a multiple user system, it leaves your 
data open to other users, and any passing virus.  To be safe, you should 
therefore have an NTFS C:/ drive with your system files, an NTFS D:/ drive 
with your user data files, and a FAT32 E:/ drive for sharing files with 
Linux.  I'll leave it up to you to decide on relative sizes, but I found that 
C:/ needs to be at least 6Gb (!!!) for a basic WinXP install.

While we're on the subject of multiple WinXP users, be aware that most WinXP 
installs default to single user mode, i.e. you are automatically logged in as 
the WinXP Owner account, the equivalent of the Linux root user.  This is VERY 
BAD, so make sure you set up a proper user account without admin rights for 
everyday use.

Now, onto the steps I followed.

1)  First of all: back-up your Windows data files first!!!  All the important 
user data files are now under the Documents and Settings folder in XP.  
This folder is roughly the XP equivalent of /home in Linux. If you haven't 
actually used the machine yet, then obviously don't bother :-)

2)  Next check, defrag and check again your XP drive.  The WinXP defragger is 
a brain-dead version of Diskkeeper, that only makes files contiguous and 
doesn't move them all together at the start of the disk.  Instead, you can 
download a trial version of Diskkeeper Lite from, which is 
better than the XP version in moving files to the start of the disk, but 
still not as good as the full version as it leaves some supposedly unmovable 
system files splattered everywhere.  You may want to turn off the XP swap 
file, as this cannot be moved by the defragger and may be in the middle of 
the disk.  While logged in as Owner, go to Control 
Panel/System/Advanced/Performance Settings/Advanced/Virtual Memory and turn 
off the swap file.  While you're in Control Panel/System, turn off System 
Restore for now, then use the built-in Disk Cleanup utility to delete all the 
old restore data and any other files you don't need for now.  Uninstalling as 
much software and backed-up data can also help in extreme circumstances.  
Reboot, then run the defrag, followed by a disk check to be sure all is OK.  
It pays to run the defragger a few times over, with reboots in-between, to 
maximise the effect.

3)  Next we resize the NTFS C:/ drive.  While the Mdk 9.1 installer can safely 
resize NTFS partitions, it does so conservatively by only using the spare 
contiguous space at the end of the disk.  It will not move any files to make 
more space.  If you're lucky, you may already have all the space that you 
need for D:/, E:/ and Linux.  If so, skip to the Mandrake 9.1 installation 
step.  If you're unlucky and don't have enough space yet, you need to 
download the 30-day trial version of Boot It New Generation from  This is a full scale boot manager which includes a fully 
featured partition manager, which can agressively resize NTFS partitions by 
moving files around.  Download the file under Windows, extract it and install 
it on a floppy disk by running bootitng.exe (you could also create a boot CD, 
but that's overkill).  Next reboot your machine from the floppy, from which 
BootItNG will run.  The first question it asks is to click OK to install to 
the HD, don't!  Instead click on cancel, which will take you into 
Maintenance Mode.  In the GUI, click on Partition Work.  You'll now have 
a list of partitions, select your NTFS system partition, click the resize 
button, choose the new size, and 

Re: [newbie] OT: rpmfind dot net

2003-08-28 Thread Dan Gordon
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 22:02:34 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Exactly as it says, there is a protest going on against software
 patents due to be passed into law sometime soon. It's to generate
 Google it, tons of info. 

Ok i will check it out, first I've heard of it though.

Dan Gordon
Wed Aug 27 23:23:24 EDT 2003

 23:23:24 up 14:19,  2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.07, 0.02
The world is coming to an end!  Repent and return those library books!

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Re: [newbie]How to Defrag XP Properly, WAS - Re: WineX -- Update!

2003-08-28 Thread David E. Fox
 no it means they will put the system back exactly the way it was when
 you got it from teh dealer.  What sucks is you can't reinstall XP w/out

This seems to be the case with Dell, too.

The corporate IT wants ease of tech support - they want to be able to
define just exactly what a specific model of Dell is - software,
hardware, addon's, and so forth. They don't want you tinkering and
probably people have voided the warranty by opening up the case on said

The good news - maybe - is that warranty law forbids daid companies from
adding these types of conditions to their warranty. At least that's my
understanding, but IANAL and one should seek competent legal advice to
see what your rights may be.

But they do want to have a cookie-cutter approach. I first found this
when I temped in early 2001 at a local high-tech co. had contracted to
have a whole bunch of dell mini-towers and it was opined that each and
every machine was a 100% duplicate inside and out.

But of course this begs the question -- computer VARs and system houses
are free to change out any and all components at a whim, depending on
piece cost and availability. They'll say 10/100 NIC is included and it
is either a) on the motherboard or b) any one of a hundred different
cards, depending on who can ship in 1s quantity by next week. :)

I learned the hard way. 1991 was the last year I bought a all in one
type PC. Packard Hell it was. I'll never buy another all in one PC
again. I've assembled the last few systems from piece parts, and I tend
to upgrade in stages, moving as needed any newer items (drives etc) to
the new system.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] OT: rpmfind dot net

2003-08-28 Thread Dan Gordon
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 22:11:48 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's just what it is. A ton of websites are planning to remove their
 home pages on a certain day in protest to coincide with a real, live
 demonstration. Why is it that the Europeans seem to be the only people
 with balls anymore?
Its the first i ever heard about it so i will be doing the google thing
to educate myself about it.

Dan Gordon
Wed Aug 27 23:26:15 EDT 2003
 23:26:15 up 14:22,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00

FATAL ERROR: x86 Architecture Found.

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Re: [newbie] wishing for mandrake 2.6 test3 kernel

2003-08-28 Thread Michael Lothian 

is the source really necessary? I have no idea how big these downloads 
are so I don't dare do it yet :P

18 Megs for the kernel and 40Megs for the source. The source isn't 

I think that's the low latancy patch. Which this kernel includes. 
Hence why these kernels  (eventually) become the Multimedia ones.

woow!! Yes ... so you're saying this contains the low latency thing? 
YEY! I'm all into Multimedia. Got any idea if Mandrake 9.2 will 
include anything like this (a kernel with this support)?

The multimedia kernel is included in mandrake. It's basically an old 
version of the tmb kernel. If you ask the author nicly he'll aply 
patches to the kernel that will help get your hardware working

For me it was the latest DVB software for my Digital TV card and the 
Bluetooth patch.

Let me know how you get on

thanks a LOT!!
I wish I could do urpmi some package and instead of it downloading it 
would just give me an exact list (maybe in a file) of neat addresses 
like you gave me so I could download anything like that:)
   so after downloading  installing these I should be set an the only 
thing I'd have to do is select a different thing at boot time and 
nothing else in Linux would change? Wow!
   Now I'm afraid these packages will require a lot of dependencies 
... in order to find that out I'd like to do something like 'urpmi 
kernel-tmb' .. but don't know exactly what to write as there is no 
'kernel-tmb' package :P 

Download the files (the first 2) then type in urpmi exact file name 
for each one. I'm going to send you kernel-utils hitch is 17k as I can't 
seem to find it at the moment.

All the dependancies for the kernel are in kernel utils.

That's it.


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[newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread Tom Brinkman

   Keep in mind my usual advice on this list is that hardware needs 
to be eliminated from any problems, specially if it's a ready made, 
in the first place. OC'd or not. OTOH, if it's there, RUN IT!!

   Windoze reviews: the current darlings are the nforce an newer KT 
400a/600 chipset boards runnin AMD XP's. P4's are bitin the dust, 
still no decent chipsets to run on. OTOH, are these winsux reviews 
applicable to Linux?  As far as chipsets go yes an no. nforce* 
chipset boards have several unresolved issues with Linux, gcc, an 
GNU. Forget anything SiS. As far as Winblows reviews on hardware 
sites, disregard, IMO, is usually the better idea. They have little 
to do with a real OS.

   So, just a report. I changed out a tired an old oc'd 1.4 Athlon 
(1.553g) on a Soyo KT133a chipset with sdram, for an XP 3000+ with 
Kingston DDR400 on an Aopen AK77-400 Max with a KT400a chipset. 
Didn't really wanna but the ancient (8 years!) ram was startin to 
fsck'up on the old mobo. Run hard, put up wet. Might'a been the cpu 
L caches anyhow...

   Pulled the case out from under the table, changed out the 
motherboard/ram/cpu. What'a heck, tryin boot. .. No problemo,
harddisk recognized a differnet NIC (now onboard), different AC97, 
now 5.1 surround, and 9.2 cooker went about it's business. No 
disruption for aDSL or sound. HDD's love the new board /cpu/ram/ 

So went to testin and clockin. The Kingston ram was a 
convienice. I got it bundled with the cpu/mobo. It was a variable, 
even a concern since it's only sold by Mwave as Cas 3 DDR ram. 
After several weeks testin tho, the ram has performed flawlessly at 
Cas2.5, Ras/Cas 2, pre-Charge 2, at 2-bank, now DDR427. Way over 
it's specs. Ram is what'll do, an I'm not sure I've found the top 
of this Kingston yet. Still, I wish I'd gone to the trouble of 
gettin Crucial or Corsair.

   Currently (as I type), the XP is at 2301mhz (13x177, 354 FSB, PCI  
35.2mhz) and rock steady. I keep inchin it up. Might go a bit or 
more further. I haven't tried reducin the multiplier and goin to a 
200+ FSB yet. I reckon I'm better off stay'in with oc'd 166@ 177 
since the PCI is only out'a spec @ 35.2mhz, an the AGP is just over 
70mhz. Some view this mistakenly as overclocked. It's not. It's 
just out'a spec. Damn nVidia card was complain, but recent cooker 
updates to XFree86 cooled that off. (XFree86-4.3-19mdk)
I know y'all believe memtest86 is _THE_ test, an I confess I run 
it first too. But it's a weak test. It sort'a sux. Better is 
mprime's #17, the torture test. Harder still, the acid test is, 
cpuburn's 'burnK7'. One or two passes with memtest is a breeze, run 
mprime's torture test thru test #1800 or so, run burnK7 for 25 
minutes . then you know your hardware is stable. So far I am 
with an XP core at 2301, CL2.5-2-2-2 DDR427. 

  So I gott'a XP Whatever (3600+?) that RUNS like a scalded ape. 
Glibc compiles are a lot shorter ;)   No Winsux ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Opinions on Software required

2003-08-28 Thread Jason Greenwood

Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

Michael Lothian wrote:

Hi everybody! (Sound like that guy from the simpsons)

I was just wondering what the best software (preferably one with a 
nice gui) to do the following things...

Convert CDs into Ogg files 

I use RipperX - like its interface.



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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps

2003-08-28 Thread Jason Greenwood
That is all true BUT I have been running Linux for 3 years now with no 
special software and I have not been cracked or had any virii or 
security problems of any kind. I think you'll find that most of your 
security concerns just melt away just by switching to Linux. It is sad 
really, Linux lulls you into a (false?) sense of security after a while. 
Windows is insecure by design, Linux is not, that is the key.



Dennis Myers wrote:

On Wednesday 27 August 2003 07:58 pm, Russ wrote:

Hi All,

I was wondering if you could help me with some advice. I have just
jumped to only Linux on this computer. However there are a couple of
apps that I would like to find equivalents to for Linux.
One is an easy to use Firewall program (ZoneAlarm). Any suggestions.

Second is a Clipboard program that you can save data in different groups
like ClipMate.

Lots of firewall possibilities. Smoothwall is on the 9.1 download disks, it 
works well for me. Firestarter is another, do a google search on firewalls at That should be a good start. I know some 
folks have had problems with Smoothwall but I found that if you install it 
and then turn it off and connect with the internet and then turn it on again 
in MCC it works fine. You can do some configuration in the MCC gui and it 
does a good job of keeping out the bad guys. HTH

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Re: [newbie] OT: rpmfind dot net

2003-08-28 Thread Jason Greenwood
Check out this site:
more software and a better interface anyway ;)


HaywireMac wrote:

On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 21:43:53 -0400
Dan Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

This page is temporarily closed in protest against software patents.
Websites may soon be closed down regularly due to software patents.
Software patents can get you prosecuted for publishing texts you wrote
You will be redirected to in 20 seconds for more
information. To enter this site, click here
Seems like some kind of European Patent battle I've not heard of, or
am i getting some kind of strange redirect from rpmfind's website ?

Exactly as it says, there is a protest going on against software patents
due to be passed into law sometime soon. It's to generate awareness.
Google it, tons of info.


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Re: [newbie] The following packages have bad signatures:

2003-08-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 3:53 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 August 2003 07:38 pm, Anarky wrote:
  How come I often get:
  The following packages have bad
  bla bla
  Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N)
  when urpmi-ing something?
  what does this 'bad signatures' mean?

 generally it means you do not have the gpg sig of the download
 sites owner. It has not stopped me from installing and I have had
 no problems. HTH

The main thing to consider is the source of what you are downloading, 
and whether you have reason to trust it.  If it is from a site used 
and recommended by regular contributors on this list, then you can 
simply accept the packages and feel quite safe.  If it's from a site 
you don't really know, ask her about it first.


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Re: [newbie] nvidia chipset in ASUS A7N8X deluxe motherboard- soundnvidia.o

2003-08-28 Thread Graham Banks
Frans Ketelaars wrote:
On Monday 25 August 2003 04:04, L.V.Gandhi wrote:

I have the above motherboard. mdk stock kernel drivers were working
ok. However I installed
obtained from nvidia site.
The kernel says: Loading sound module (i810_audio) succeeded.

I suggest changing i810_audio to nvaudio.

I have the same motherboard and changing i810_audio to nvaudio worked 
just great


Proudly powered by GNU/Linux
Mandrake-9.2 (Cooker) kernel 2.4.22-0.5.2tmb Kde 3.1.3
Registered Linux User #309089 Machine #195076
A7N8X XP2700+ 512RAM Gf4Ti4600 80Gb Audigy2

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps (hijack - sorry)

2003-08-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 3:13 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 17:58:11 -0700

 Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  One is an easy to use Firewall program (ZoneAlarm). Any

 Mandrake comes with one built in, which you can configure with

 Open a browser and in the address field:


 log in as root and configure the Shorewall firewall.

 Of course, a seperate, dedicated firewall is always better, but
 Shorewall will beat Zonealarm all to hell anyway.

I've yet to look at Shorewall.  Can you point me at where the config 
files will be found?  As you know, I like to back up the original 
files before I start mucking around - just in case


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[newbie] Time for Microsoft to cede co-existance..

2003-08-28 Thread Frankie
Interesting article.



The Blaster virus said:
Billy Gates, why do you make this possible?
Stop making money and fix your software.

Valid points don't you think?

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Re: [newbie] Paraniod - start worrying

2003-08-28 Thread Graham Banks
Todd Slater wrote:
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 11:35:34PM -0400, Todd Slater wrote:

On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 09:26:17PM -0500, Dennis Myers wrote:

horse to water... Anyone seen any other indications that somebody 
thinks one of the virus or worms was getting into linux?
Wasn't there a worm recently that exploited mySQL?


This is what I was thinking of:

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wot only 3,500+ *nix boxes out of 20+ million!

how many million win$ux boxes are affected by the myriad of nasties
daily encountered when you run the demon OS?

I am constantly asked to help people rid their Redmond based
evil-OS systems of trojans/worms/virii and spyware.
I, like many other responsible nix users, run a firewall, update 
regularly to
prevent intrusions and maintain the security of my *nix boxes and run a
virus checker to make sure I don't pass on any win$ux nasties to other 
users I correspond with.

I have been running *nix systems for 2 years now and never have I been 
to use my systems because of trojans/worms/virii and spyware problems.

My house recently became an MS OS free site with 3 boxes running Mdk9.1
and 1 box running MDK9.2 cooker.
Shite!! that means I  owe SCO heaps of pesos! LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH
(which they can claim from my estate - behind all of my other creditors).
In the last week there are now 3 more *nix converts in my circle of 
who are amazed that they no longer have continual problems with 
intrusions to their

- vive la penguinistas!!


Proudly powered by GNU/Linux
Mandrake-9.2 (Cooker) kernel 2.4.22-0.5.2tmb Kde 3.1.3
Registered Linux User #309089 Machine #195076
A7N8X XP2700+ 512RAM Gf4Ti4600 80Gb Audigy2

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Re: [newbie] TWIKI was: Really great site for how-to's and a lot more

2003-08-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 3:41 am, Eric Huff wrote:
 How big is the twik site (data storage wise) ?

 Is it being backed up?  It sure would suck to lose it...


Don't know about the size - but I'd be surprised if it isn't being 
backed up.  Vincent???


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Re: [newbie] XFCE4 rc3

2003-08-28 Thread Joeb
Ken Rhodes wrote:


I am delighted to find that XFCE4 rc3 is out.

Now can any one tell me if the redhat 9.0 rpm tarball 
with all the goodies will install on Mandrake 9.1?

Just call me Casper Milquetoast.


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Why not just get Mandrake RPMS from

I haven't tried the RC3 yet, but the RC2 worked great!


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Re: [newbie] [Fwd: defragmentation]

2003-08-28 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 08:05, Tomas Taylor wrote:
 Yes, I do want to dual boot from a PowerBook G4.  Doesn't Mandrake
 Linux require contiguous blocks to load into?  Or is it magic enough
 to pick random blocks to load into?
 Eric Huff wrote:
A few days ago I ordered Linux for PPC 9.1 and Norton's Utilities
 My plan is to split the 40GB hard drive on my PowerBook G4 into

   You have no reason to defrag a linux file system. Send Norton back.
  I htink maybe he wants to dual boot with the mac os?
  Does that need defragged?

Then the idea here would be to definitely defrag the MacOS partition
(for normality as well as safety) then afterwards install linux.

Thu Aug 28 18:05:00 EST 2003
 18:05:00 up 3 days,  7:51,  2 users,  load average: 1.18, 1.33, 1.26
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

While walking down a crowded
City street the other day,
I heard a little urchin
To a comrade turn and say,
Say, Chimmey, lemme tell youse,
I'd be happy as a clam
If only I was de feller dat
Me mudder t'inks I am.

She t'inks I am a wonder,  My friends, be yours a life of toil
An' she knows her little ladOr undiluted joy,
Could never mix wit' nuttin'You can learn a wholesome lesson
Dat was ugly, mean or bad.  From that small, untutored boy.
Oh, lot o' times I sit and t'inkDon't aim to be an earthly saint
How nice, 'twould be, gee whiz! With eyes fixed on a star:
If a feller was de feller   Just try to be the fellow that
Dat his mudder t'inks he is.   Your mother thinks you are.
-- Will S. Adkin, If I Only Was the Fellow

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Re: [newbie] Really great site for how-to's and a lot more

2003-08-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 27 Aug 2003 11:44 pm, Richard Urwin wrote:
   That sounds an excelent idea, Frankie.  The $6 is reasonable
enough - only problem is that I haven't a clue how to do a
re-direct g
   Check out
   There are some FREE services there ... re-directs, etc.  (this
   is the service i use)
  Interesting, thanks

 Or, since you're in the UK, I use

I've heard some good things about them, too


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Re: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-28 Thread Michael Adams


Does the turntable have a pre-amp?
   Not sure who you are asking but on my setup it is just a technics
   turntable, no preamp.
  That did not come out right.  There is no built in preamp in the turntable, 
  the preamp is in the tapedeck. HTH

In my (possibly wrong) understanding of turntable output the signal is 1.77-56.2mV. 
Typical line in input values expected are in the 0.1-5.6V range. I therefore suspect 
that your turntable has its own pre-amp on board. If so you could theoretically plug 
from turntable straight to soundcard with the right cable. This would bypass added 
noise which gets amplified exponentially. 

It would probably be easy to add a dedicated preamp dnd make do without the 
 tapedeck that also adds the possibilty of putting a equalizer and or digital 
 signal processing equipment in line. At that point you may be able to clean 
 up the old recordings to make them sound better than new, get rid of 
 background hiss and pops etc. 
 The DSP can work wonders for some of the old 1930s to 1960s radio shows.

Get a good signal into a line in jack on a good sound card and you can do all the 
digital cleaning up once it is a WAV file, without loosing the original. Many computer 
magazines have published oodles of howtos on the subject. Many WAV editiors have 
filters up to the task. This can be readgusted without having to play the LP over 
again. A DSP may in itself amplify noise at the expense of signal as much as it cleans 
it up. Graphic equalisers are known for this.


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RE: [newbie] Converting sound files? (recording from cassette, pt2)

2003-08-28 Thread Sabin, Matthew
Title: RE: [newbie] Converting sound files? (recording from cassette, pt2)

 -Original Message-
 From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 1:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Converting sound files? (recording from 
 sigh I guess I'm just gonna have to break down and buy a 
 boom-box that has 
 true line out. 
 Thanks to Richard, Brant, The Other, and David for the 
 replies. (and anyone 
 else I missed!) :-)
When I decided it was time to start ripping my tape and (gasp) vinyl collections, I went to an audio equipment repair shop, and bought a used, repaired and abandoned TEAC deck for $50USD -- much better sound quality than I expect from a boombox and pretty cheap.

I'll go back for a turntable when we get through another 200 tapes or so.


Re: [newbie] Paraniod - start worrying

2003-08-28 Thread Todd Slater
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 06:36:58PM +1000, Graham Banks wrote:
 Todd Slater wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 11:35:34PM -0400, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 09:26:17PM -0500, Dennis Myers wrote:
 horse to water... Anyone seen any other indications that 
 somebody thinks one of the virus or worms was getting into linux?
 Wasn't there a worm recently that exploited mySQL?
 This is what I was thinking of:

 wot only 3,500+ *nix boxes out of 20+ million!
 how many million win$ux boxes are affected by the myriad of nasties
 daily encountered when you run the demon OS?

The question wasn't whether there was a virus/worm/trojan problem
similar to Windoze, the OP was asking if there was any indication of a
worm infecting linux, which there clearly is.


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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 01:22, Tom Brinkman wrote:
Keep in mind my usual advice on this list is that hardware needs 
 to be eliminated from any problems, specially if it's a ready made, 
 in the first place. OC'd or not. OTOH, if it's there, RUN IT!!
Windoze reviews: the current darlings are the nforce an newer KT 
 400a/600 chipset boards runnin AMD XP's. P4's are bitin the dust, 
 still no decent chipsets to run on. OTOH, are these winsux reviews 
 applicable to Linux?  As far as chipsets go yes an no. nforce* 
 chipset boards have several unresolved issues with Linux, gcc, an 
 GNU. Forget anything SiS. As far as Winblows reviews on hardware 
 sites, disregard, IMO, is usually the better idea. They have little 
 to do with a real OS.
So, just a report. I changed out a tired an old oc'd 1.4 Athlon 
 (1.553g) on a Soyo KT133a chipset with sdram, for an XP 3000+ with 
 Kingston DDR400 on an Aopen AK77-400 Max with a KT400a chipset. 
 Didn't really wanna but the ancient (8 years!) ram was startin to 
 fsck'up on the old mobo. Run hard, put up wet. Might'a been the cpu 
 L caches anyhow...
Pulled the case out from under the table, changed out the 
 motherboard/ram/cpu. What'a heck, tryin boot. .. No problemo,
 harddisk recognized a differnet NIC (now onboard), different AC97, 
 now 5.1 surround, and 9.2 cooker went about it's business. No 
 disruption for aDSL or sound. HDD's love the new board /cpu/ram/ 
 So went to testin and clockin. The Kingston ram was a 
 convienice. I got it bundled with the cpu/mobo. It was a variable, 
 even a concern since it's only sold by Mwave as Cas 3 DDR ram. 
 After several weeks testin tho, the ram has performed flawlessly at 
 Cas2.5, Ras/Cas 2, pre-Charge 2, at 2-bank, now DDR427. Way over 
 it's specs. Ram is what'll do, an I'm not sure I've found the top 
 of this Kingston yet. Still, I wish I'd gone to the trouble of 
 gettin Crucial or Corsair.
Currently (as I type), the XP is at 2301mhz (13x177, 354 FSB, PCI  
 35.2mhz) and rock steady. I keep inchin it up. Might go a bit or 
 more further. I haven't tried reducin the multiplier and goin to a 
 200+ FSB yet. I reckon I'm better off stay'in with oc'd 166@ 177 
 since the PCI is only out'a spec @ 35.2mhz, an the AGP is just over 
 70mhz. Some view this mistakenly as overclocked. It's not. It's 
 just out'a spec. Damn nVidia card was complain, but recent cooker 
 updates to XFree86 cooled that off. (XFree86-4.3-19mdk)
 I know y'all believe memtest86 is _THE_ test, an I confess I run 
 it first too. But it's a weak test. It sort'a sux. Better is 
 mprime's #17, the torture test. Harder still, the acid test is, 
 cpuburn's 'burnK7'. One or two passes with memtest is a breeze, run 
 mprime's torture test thru test #1800 or so, run burnK7 for 25 
 minutes . then you know your hardware is stable. So far I am 
 with an XP core at 2301, CL2.5-2-2-2 DDR427. 
   So I gott'a XP Whatever (3600+?) that RUNS like a scalded ape. 
 Glibc compiles are a lot shorter ;)   No Winsux ;)

damn what a screamer... I am sure jealous.
What became of the old box, or parts?

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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 28 August 2003 01:22 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:


 I know y'all believe memtest86 is _THE_ test, an I confess I run
 it first too. But it's a weak test. It sort'a sux. Better is
 mprime's #17, the torture test. Harder still, the acid test is,
 cpuburn's 'burnK7'. One or two passes with memtest is a breeze, run
 mprime's torture test thru test #1800 or so, run burnK7 for 25
 minutes . then you know your hardware is stable. So far I am
 with an XP core at 2301, CL2.5-2-2-2 DDR427.

Tom, I know you remember when I was having the spontaneous reboot problems? 
Well, you're right about memtest - I ran it overnight 2/3 different times and 
never found anything - cpuburnnow thats *another* story! 

   So I gott'a XP Whatever (3600+?) that RUNS like a scalded ape.
 Glibc compiles are a lot shorter ;)   No Winsux ;)

You're better off. :-)


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Re: [newbie] another defragmentation question

2003-08-28 Thread ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 03:50, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 03:22, julie wrote:
  I dual boot Win 98SE and ran a defrag on the Windows partition. In doing so, I 
  screwed up my Mandrake 9.0 super block, at least that was what the error 
  reported. All attempts at repairing the super block (by using other 
  locations) failed. Maybe it really was the partition tables.
  My question is, did the defragmentation of Windows cause this? If so, is there 
  a way to defrag Windows and not mess up Mandrake?
  To avoid the flames ... I use PageMaker for work and although Scribus is 
  coming along nicely, there are things that the print shops want that I have 
  yet to find possible in Scribus.
  Julie in the Pacific Northwest
 Defrag'ing a Windows partition in no way can damage an ext2, ext3
 partition (a linux partition) because it cannot see it, hence, cannot
 access it.
 OTOH, running FDISK can and will damage an existing linux installation
 or partition(s)

wrong bud.
if the defrag or scan disk (most likely scan disk) screw with the last
sector of the partition, it is possible, if the next logical partition
starts right away, that the next partition start sector will be fubared,
and not allow access to that partition.   

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Re: [newbie] another defragmentation question

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On 28 Aug 2003 07:17:54 -0400
ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 wrong bud.

well, wrong bud is better than bad bud, at least in my experience.
Bad bud just gives me headaches.

Registered Linux user #282046
Murphy was an optimist.

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Re: [newbie] Time for Microsoft to cede co-existance..

2003-08-28 Thread Inhabitant of Zion

It is an interesting article.

I think this guy is basically saying possibly several things: a) that
Microsoft should admit defeat (accept that it can't compete with Linux as
it gets better and better) and make its products fully compatible with wine
in order to keep in the market? b) Maybe even develop its own open source
alternative to wine that runs and supports all of its current applications?
c) Or even a Microsoft distribution of Linux (Linux that looks and feels
like Windows and comes with all the familiar Microsoft applications all
set up and ready to run)?

Sounds scary to me, Martha pass me the shotgun I think there is trouble a
brewin Sounds like a receipt for a SCO like scenario but  hundred
times worst.

John Willby
Registered Linux user number 321644
ICQ: 92791912
Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
15:00:32 up 7 days,  2:15,  2 users,  load average: 5.02, 5.08, 5.00

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] Lilo

2003-08-28 Thread dlwiggers
How do I make win2k default boot? (lilo)

Coworker will mutiny if I give him an extra step to deal with.

Replace coworker is not an option.


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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps (hijack - sorry)

2003-08-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 3:17 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 10:32 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 3:13 am, HaywireMac wrote:
   On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 17:58:11 -0700
   Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
One is an easy to use Firewall program (ZoneAlarm). Any
   Mandrake comes with one built in, which you can configure with
   Open a browser and in the address field:
   log in as root and configure the Shorewall firewall.
   Of course, a seperate, dedicated firewall is always better, but
   Shorewall will beat Zonealarm all to hell anyway.
  I've yet to look at Shorewall.  Can you point me at where the
  config files will be found?  As you know, I like to back up the
  original files before I start mucking around - just in case

 Shorewall's config files are in /etc/shorewall They are well
 documented. More info can be sound at

 Shorewall  allows you to try out different configurations. Copy the
 shorewall config files to /etc/shorewall/test
 Make any changes in the test folder then enter

 shorewall try test

 Shorewall will attempt to run with the new config. If it does not
 work it will revert back to the old config after 20 seconds.
 When you are happy with the new config, copy it back to the regular


Thanks, Derek.  It won't be tomorrow, but this is on my list of fairly 
high priorities to look at.  I have a hardware router/firewall, so 
this would be a secondary, but I think it's still worth doing.


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Re: [newbie] Win XP

2003-08-28 Thread Todd Slater
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 03:34:19AM -0400, Lee Wiggers wrote:
 I just bought a Dell Inspiron 1100.
 Reading all lately on the dual boot problems w/winxp, I have to ask:
 Is there any reason to keep winxp on the computer?  I own a win2k that seems to work 
 just fine.  Can't I nuke the drive, put win2k on first and then 9.1 like I just did 
 with the old Toshiba laptop?
 Something satisfying about giving BG the one finger salute, anyway.
 My business requires that I have winsomething for now, but that too will pass.

If you scrap xp, be sure to refuse the license and try to get a refund
from Dell for the os.


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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps (hijack - sorry)

2003-08-28 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 10:32 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 3:13 am, HaywireMac wrote:
  On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 17:58:11 -0700
  Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   One is an easy to use Firewall program (ZoneAlarm). Any
  Mandrake comes with one built in, which you can configure with
  Open a browser and in the address field:
  log in as root and configure the Shorewall firewall.
  Of course, a seperate, dedicated firewall is always better, but
  Shorewall will beat Zonealarm all to hell anyway.

 I've yet to look at Shorewall.  Can you point me at where the config
 files will be found?  As you know, I like to back up the original
 files before I start mucking around - just in case


Shorewall's config files are in /etc/shorewall They are well documented.
More info can be sound at

Shorewall  allows you to try out different configurations. Copy the shorewall 
config files to /etc/shorewall/test
Make any changes in the test folder then enter

shorewall try test

Shorewall will attempt to run with the new config. If it does not work it will 
revert back to the old config after 20 seconds.
When you are happy with the new config, copy it back to the regular folder.


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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 1:41 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Thursday 28 August 2003 01:22 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:


  I know y'all believe memtest86 is _THE_ test, an I confess I
  run it first too. But it's a weak test. It sort'a sux. Better is
  mprime's #17, the torture test. Harder still, the acid test is,
  cpuburn's 'burnK7'. One or two passes with memtest is a breeze,
  run mprime's torture test thru test #1800 or so, run burnK7 for
  25 minutes . then you know your hardware is stable. So far I
  am with an XP core at 2301, CL2.5-2-2-2 DDR427.

 Tom, I know you remember when I was having the spontaneous reboot
 problems? Well, you're right about memtest - I ran it overnight 2/3
 different times and never found anything - cpuburnnow thats
 *another* story!

Care to tell us more?  My granddaughter's 1-year-old (win98) box 
suffers from recurrent problems, and I'm wondering if this test would 
help.  So - what's involved in running it, how risky is it, and what 
sort of reporting does it give?


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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread Michael Adams
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 00:22:03 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Keep in mind my usual advice on this list is that hardware needs 
 to be eliminated from any problems, specially if it's a ready made, 
 in the first place. OC'd or not. OTOH, if it's there, RUN IT!!
Windoze reviews: the current darlings are the nforce an newer KT 
 400a/600 chipset boards runnin AMD XP's. P4's are bitin the dust, 
 still no decent chipsets to run on. OTOH, are these winsux reviews 
 applicable to Linux?  As far as chipsets go yes an no. nforce* 
 chipset boards have several unresolved issues with Linux, gcc, an 
 GNU. Forget anything SiS. As far as Winblows reviews on hardware 
 sites, disregard, IMO, is usually the better idea. They have little 
 to do with a real OS.
So, just a report. I changed out a tired an old oc'd 1.4 Athlon 
 (1.553g) on a Soyo KT133a chipset with sdram, for an XP 3000+ with 
 Kingston DDR400 on an Aopen AK77-400 Max with a KT400a chipset. 
 Didn't really wanna but the ancient (8 years!) ram was startin to 
 fsck'up on the old mobo. Run hard, put up wet. Might'a been the cpu 
 L caches anyhow...
Pulled the case out from under the table, changed out the 
 motherboard/ram/cpu. What'a heck, tryin boot. .. No problemo,
 harddisk recognized a differnet NIC (now onboard), different AC97, 
 now 5.1 surround, and 9.2 cooker went about it's business. No 
 disruption for aDSL or sound. HDD's love the new board /cpu/ram/ 
 So went to testin and clockin. The Kingston ram was a 
 convienice. I got it bundled with the cpu/mobo. It was a variable, 
 even a concern since it's only sold by Mwave as Cas 3 DDR ram. 
 After several weeks testin tho, the ram has performed flawlessly at 
 Cas2.5, Ras/Cas 2, pre-Charge 2, at 2-bank, now DDR427. Way over 
 it's specs. Ram is what'll do, an I'm not sure I've found the top 
 of this Kingston yet. Still, I wish I'd gone to the trouble of 
 gettin Crucial or Corsair.
Currently (as I type), the XP is at 2301mhz (13x177, 354 FSB, PCI  
 35.2mhz) and rock steady. I keep inchin it up. Might go a bit or 
 more further. I haven't tried reducin the multiplier and goin to a 
 200+ FSB yet. I reckon I'm better off stay'in with oc'd 166@ 177 
 since the PCI is only out'a spec @ 35.2mhz, an the AGP is just over 
 70mhz. Some view this mistakenly as overclocked. It's not. It's 
 just out'a spec. Damn nVidia card was complain, but recent cooker 
 updates to XFree86 cooled that off. (XFree86-4.3-19mdk)
 I know y'all believe memtest86 is _THE_ test, an I confess I run 
 it first too. But it's a weak test. It sort'a sux. Better is 
 mprime's #17, the torture test. Harder still, the acid test is, 
 cpuburn's 'burnK7'. One or two passes with memtest is a breeze, run 
 mprime's torture test thru test #1800 or so, run burnK7 for 25 
 minutes . then you know your hardware is stable. So far I am 
 with an XP core at 2301, CL2.5-2-2-2 DDR427. 
   So I gott'a XP Whatever (3600+?) that RUNS like a scalded ape. 
 Glibc compiles are a lot shorter ;)   No Winsux ;)
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

So what were you needing your newbie help with Tom?


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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello Russ,

Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 9:55:48 PM, you wrote:

R Besides, I know next to nothing about various types of connections
R and  whatnot. So trying to set this firewall up manually would be a
R disaster.

I would agree. If you can't find a good front end, it would be better
to try to track down a pre-configured set of 'rules' with liberal
comments, and, if the comments are well done for beginners, adjust
them for your particular situation.

R ZoneAlarm was quick and easy Do you want this program to access
R the  net? yes or no nuff said.

I don't think you can get this with ANY configuration in Mandrake
because, as I understand it, iptables is NOT application-aware as are
several firewalls for Windoze. IMHO, this is a great oversight in
protecting individual computers from 'calling home', as trojans or
snoopware might do.

OTOH, I might have missed how to or what can do this. If so, perhaps
one of our experts can tell me how to do it. Briefly, for example, I
would like ONLY Opera and Mozilla to be able to use port 80 out, and
to alert me if anything else tries to use this port. How can I do

R Before I asked I did do a search for firewall programs. There are
R many.  I was looking at Firestarter and Guarddog. Each seem to want
R Gnome or  KDE. Are these required simply to configure but still
R works while logged  into the other (KDE or Gnome)?

I believe these are all just front ends for iptables, the actual
'guts' built into the kernel that does the firewalling. As such I
don't think they would have to run to get 'firewalling', but please
correct this if not true (I'm still rather newbie-ish).

R Is one better than the other? or is it six of one and half a dozen of 
R the other? Any other possible candidates?

They are all just ways of translating between desired firewall
behaviors expressed in a comprehensible language (German, English,
etc) and the iptables syntax (an initially incomprehensible language
you would have to learn to get iptables to work). Many times, Linux
users will insist that everyone learn these new 'languages', but wide
acceptance will depend on how easy it is to get desired functionality
WITHOUT having to learn these new 'languages'.

I think a good set of iptables with EXTENSIVE comments FOR BEGINNERS
might be one of the best ways to get a good firewall.

R I am on a cable modem with a router that connects 2 computers to the 
R modem (if that matters)

Might your router have a 'real' firewall? If so, it matters a lot. :-)
You might already be well protected if it does.

 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Making Linux Converts

2003-08-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday August 28 2003 04:34 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 sir robin:
  Takes a _long_ time to load, but I got the animation in the end
  (that's with Mozilla).

 Have to say, after several attempts to get it, then the long
 load, it was disappointingly short

   Konqueror works fine too. Yes it was short but cute. Sort'a like 
me ;)  There was a similar clip a while back where the one penguin 
sticks his foot out real quick, and the innocent one trips over it. 
Ran a little longer. I reckon HaywireMac was involved in both 
episodes, but for the life of me I can't think of anybody to play 
the innocent one ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Lilo

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 07:14:26 -0400
dlwiggers [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 How do I make win2k default boot? (lilo)

Either edit /etc/lilo.conf manually, or in Mandrake Control Center IIRC,
there is an option to do this

in /etc/lilo.conf, just switch the default=linux bit...pretty simple.

then, as I am reminded time and again, run lilo to set the change.

 Coworker will mutiny if I give him an extra step to deal with.

You know what to do with mutineers, don't you?  
 Replace coworker is not an option.

ROTFLMAO! Too bad. Is this co-worker a significant other type?

Registered Linux user #282046
The Poems, all three hundred of them, may be summed up in one of their
Let our thoughts be correct.
-- Confucius

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Re: [newbie] Lilo

2003-08-28 Thread Eric Huff
 How do I make win2k default boot? (lilo)

as root:

edit /etc/lilo.conf and change the default line, then run lilo 

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 07:53:49 -0700
rikona [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I don't think you can get this with ANY configuration in Mandrake
 because, as I understand it, iptables is NOT application-aware as are
 several firewalls for Windoze. IMHO, this is a great oversight in
 protecting individual computers from 'calling home', as trojans or
 snoopware might do.

Trojans are better checked with chkrootkit (sp?) anyway, IMHO. The
problem with this so-called application awareness in something like
ZoneAlarm is: what if the Trojan disguises itself as Mozilla? Or
infects Mozilla? ZoneAlarm is a joke, but it's better than *no* joke I
guess, except in the sense it might give one a false sense of security.

 OTOH, I might have missed how to or what can do this. If so, perhaps
 one of our experts can tell me how to do it. Briefly, for example, I
 would like ONLY Opera and Mozilla to be able to use port 80 out, and
 to alert me if anything else tries to use this port. How can I do

If you have shorewall installed (I don't so I can't check), go into
Webmin and look, I'll betcha dollars to donuts that you can assign
application awareness of some kind, but...see above.

Registered Linux user #282046
Remember, Grasshopper, falling down 1000 stairs begins by tripping over
the first one.
-- Confusion

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Re: [newbie] Reinstalling WinMe and Grub

2003-08-28 Thread Mark Shaw
Erylon Hines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree with HaywireMac.  Install a newer distro.  If you have a slow 
connection, either buy a boxed set or get the download version from 
Cheapbytes, or someplace like it.  If you need to save something, you can 
even back it up to the Windows partition.  Then Install Mandrake9.1.  Leave 
Windows alone at this time.  After 9.1 is up and running, copy your saved 
files from the WinMe partition to 9.1.  Make a boot disk (just like 
HaywireMac says!), and check to see that it actually works.  Re-install WinMe 
onto the Fat32 partition.  Boot with the 9.1 install CD, and at the first 
screen hit the F1 key and type  rescue without the quotes.  Follow the 
instructions and you'll get to a place that asks if you want to re-install 
the bootloader (I like lilo better than grub, btw--I think most users still 
use lilo)--do it.  

Upgrading to a newer distro is definitely on the list, but I'd
rather take things one at a time.  Is there any reason I should
NOT reinstall WinMe before upgrading the Linux side?


Mark Shaw   contact info at homepage --

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who can 
count in binary, and those who cannot.  -unknown

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[newbie] Firewall apps

2003-08-28 Thread gavin

quick question, do you have an old 486 laying around.. if so you should try 
IPCOP..its quick and easy. and when your secure in your knowledge about 
IPTABLES.. you can go and setup your linux box as a firewall.. I have a SOHO 
setup in my private (home school) here in japan 12 boxes, multi 
platformed everything from M$98 to MDK9.1 and I've had no problems since I 
started IPCOP.

please note that ipcop needs its own box.. its 100% firewall.. and you can 
access it from any station. 

just an idea from a newbie to a newbie!!
Gavin Rollins   
Sent 2u on a M$ free system!

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Re: [newbie]How to Defrag XP Properly, WAS - Re: WineX -- Update!

2003-08-28 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Thursday 28 August 2003 03:53 am, John Layt wrote:

 I thought I'd posted my eXPeriences earlier, but looks like I
 forgot to. Anyway, I recently successfully converted my
 sisters HP machine with XP over to dual boot with 9.1 on the
 same drive, and hit all the same problems with defrag and
 repatitioning and no XP CD's, but the good news is that it is
 do-able with some free-trial windows tools.  I now know more
 about WinXP than I ever wanted to, and I can say that Linux is
 now officially easier to install and use than WinXP anyday!!! 
 Like my sister says It won't let me do anything!...

 The following description is of moving from an existing WinXP
 system with a single NTFS partition to a dual boot WinXP 3
 partition and Linux multi-partition system, and assumes you
 will be using both systems actively.

 Let me explain those 3 WinXP partitions.  NTFS is the WinXP
 default filesystem, which Linux can currently safely read, but
 writing is still unsafe, hence you need a separate FAT32
 partition if you want to safely pass files back and forth
 between WinXP and Linux.  It is also good practice in Windows
 (Linux too!) to have separate system and user data partitions
 (e.g. C:/ and D:/ drives in Windows, /usr and /home in Linux),
 so that you can screw-up/re-install your Windows system
 without losing all your user data. You could use the same
 FAT32 data sharing partition for your Windows user data, but
 FAT32 does not have the same security features as NTFS.  On a
 single user system, that's OK, but on a multiple user system,
 it leaves your data open to other users, and any passing
 virus.  To be safe, you should therefore have an NTFS C:/
 drive with your system files, an NTFS D:/ drive with your user
 data files, and a FAT32 E:/ drive for sharing files with
 Linux.  I'll leave it up to you to decide on relative sizes,
 but I found that C:/ needs to be at least 6Gb (!!!) for a
 basic WinXP install.

 While we're on the subject of multiple WinXP users, be aware
 that most WinXP installs default to single user mode, i.e. you
 are automatically logged in as the WinXP Owner account, the
 equivalent of the Linux root user.  This is VERY BAD, so make
 sure you set up a proper user account without admin rights for
 everyday use.

 Now, onto the steps I followed.

 1)  First of all: back-up your Windows data files first!!! 
 All the important user data files are now under the Documents
 and Settings folder in XP. This folder is roughly the XP
 equivalent of /home in Linux. If you haven't actually used the
 machine yet, then obviously don't bother :-)

 2)  Next check, defrag and check again your XP drive.  The
 WinXP defragger is a brain-dead version of Diskkeeper, that
 only makes files contiguous and doesn't move them all together
 at the start of the disk.  Instead, you can download a trial
 version of Diskkeeper Lite from, which is
 better than the XP version in moving files to the start of the
 disk, but still not as good as the full version as it leaves
 some supposedly unmovable system files splattered everywhere. 
 You may want to turn off the XP swap file, as this cannot be
 moved by the defragger and may be in the middle of the disk. 
 While logged in as Owner, go to Control
 Panel/System/Advanced/Performance Settings/Advanced/Virtual
 Memory and turn off the swap file.  While you're in Control
 Panel/System, turn off System Restore for now, then use the
 built-in Disk Cleanup utility to delete all the old restore
 data and any other files you don't need for now.  Uninstalling
 as much software and backed-up data can also help in extreme
 circumstances. Reboot, then run the defrag, followed by a disk
 check to be sure all is OK. It pays to run the defragger a few
 times over, with reboots in-between, to maximise the effect.

 3)  Next we resize the NTFS C:/ drive.  While the Mdk 9.1
 installer can safely resize NTFS partitions, it does so
 conservatively by only using the spare contiguous space at the
 end of the disk.  It will not move any files to make more
 space.  If you're lucky, you may already have all the space
 that you need for D:/, E:/ and Linux.  If so, skip to the
 Mandrake 9.1 installation step.  If you're unlucky and don't
 have enough space yet, you need to download the 30-day trial
 version of Boot It New Generation from 
 This is a full scale boot manager which includes a fully
 featured partition manager, which can agressively resize NTFS
 partitions by moving files around.  Download the file under
 Windows, extract it and install it on a floppy disk by running
 bootitng.exe (you could also create a boot CD, but that's
 overkill).  Next reboot your machine from the floppy, from
 which BootItNG will run.  The first question it asks is to
 click OK to install to the HD, don't!  Instead click on
 cancel, which will take you into Maintenance Mode.  In the
 GUI, click on Partition Work.  You'll now have a list of
 partitions, select your 

Re: [newbie] Compaq is just plain weird [Closed]

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 08:01:53 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I thought I would create a seperate P2P server using that infamous old
 Compaq POS I got for free, so I installed MLDonkey, and set it
 1. The Compaq will not respond to ssh or vnc unless I hit the any
 2. Even MLDonkey seems to stop running or downloading unless I hit the
 any key.
 What is up with this crap?

Check this out. I just installed MLDonkey on the even *older* IBM P166
w/ 96MB RAM (already functioning as me webserver), and it outperformed
that Comcrap POS 100 to 1. I already have Matrix Reloaded, just started
the DL yesterday. LOL!

Lesson: Never, ever, even if it is *free*, use a Compaq, if you have
*any other alternative*.

I'm saving on electricity *and* stress. :-D

Registered Linux user #282046
You can't run away forever,
But there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start.
-- Jim Steinman, Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through

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Re: [newbie] ssh client -gui

2003-08-28 Thread Anarky
David E. Fox wrote:

I don't know gTelnet, but can't you just tell it host-name:8080 ?

Why would you need a GUI ssh?

If you connect to a number of fixed sites via ssh routinely, you should
set up icons that run 'ssh' and then just click the icon that
represents the desired system. Earlier revs of Slackware had a couple of
ready made icons for xterms on different systems. 


   he he .. yeah .. I discouvered that running 'Eterm -e ssh ' is 
just as handy as running a gui .. and when it's got a shortcut :P ...

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Re: [newbie] Re: WineX -- Update!

2003-08-28 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 04:31 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Will it violate your warranty to go inside the machine?


Yes, I think so. But I don't think that warranty is worth more 
than the paper it is written on anyway. So I don't care. I've 
opened and tinkered with boxes before, so why worry. Besides, in 
the manual for the box there is a *howto* about adding another 
drive, so maybe HP is better than most.

And thanks a lot for your kind reply on my rotten day, Lyvim. 
Bill Gates and his crappy OS drove me nuts. I'm in a better mood 
now, what with Mozart tickling my ears.

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux - Mandrake 9.1  kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdk
Sent to you from a 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 5:55 am, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 Thanks for the responses.

 I tried https://localhost:1; but the connection was refused.

You need to install the webmin package first.

 Besides, I know next to nothing about various types of connections and
 whatnot. So trying to set this firewall up manually would be a disaster.
 ZoneAlarm was quick and easy Do you want this program to access the
 net? yes or no nuff said.

The Firewall GUI in Mandrake Control Centre could not be easier.
On or Off!

 Before I asked I did do a search for firewall programs. There are many.
 I was looking at Firestarter and Guarddog. Each seem to want Gnome or
 KDE. Are these required simply to configure but still works while logged
 into the other (KDE or Gnome)?

You can use either under KDE or Gnome. Firestarter is prettier and has a nice 
wizard. They are both in the 'Contrib' section of Mandrake mirrors. Go here and follow the instructions to add a 
Contrib urpmi software source (add  'update, 'plf' and 'Texstar' sources too 
while you are there)
Your Mandrake Control Centre Software Manager will then have access to 
hundreds of online packages including Firestarter and GuardDog.

 Is one better than the other? or is it six of one and half a dozen of
 the other? Any other possible candidates?

They all are just front ends for the same firewall function built into the 
Linux kernel. They all work, and are all better than any Windows firewall.

 I am on a cable modem with a router that connects 2 computers to the
 modem (if that matters)

 Thanks for any help


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