Re: [newbie] Open Source Code (follow-up)

2002-04-04 Thread tester

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 17:15, Anthony V Guillen wrote:
 Thanks to all who sent their response to my question. I have another question, I 
think this is a ridiculous question, but I have nothing to do but to ask this 
question just to know, I know that if we compile a program like an assembly program, 
it will make another file excluding the source code, its either an .exe file or a 
.com file, depending on the structure of the program, or in c programming, when we 
compile a program, I know that it will make an exe file.  If it so, why is it that 
most of the files in Linux has no extension name, particularly no executable file 
like in windows e.g. (scandisk.exe)?

Simple, really, file extensions are there for typing files, and there
are other ways to do that in linux/UNIX.  In particular, an _executable_
bit is available in file permissions...  well actually three such bits,
one for owner, one for members of owner's group, and one for the rest of
the universe.  

Open a terminal window.

cd /usr/bin
ls l*

and you will see a list of files.  Those shown in green with an asterisk
following their name are executable.

Executable files are NOT NECESSARILY files which have been compiled to
dynamically linked (like exe) or statically linked (like com) files... 
.bat files are included as well, and something like this will be on the
first line


for shell programs


for perl programs

#!/usr/bin/env python

for python programs--all of those call script interpreters and then run
the script in the file.  Xtart is an example of a python program,
located at /usr/bin/Xtart which executes fast enough that it is unlikely
ever to be recoded into C.

For a real treat, look at

man bash

The shell which executes batch files can do stunningly powerful
things...  Look also at /etc/rc.sysinit for examples of the sort of
analysis programmable.

printerdrake is an example of an extremely powerful perl program


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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-04 Thread tester

On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 22:43, john rigby wrote:
 Ha there folks,
 Well, a new machine and same result.
 I purchased the full bottle M8.0 and need to get SOME value back :-)
 Many people complained of it not being very successful and it failed for me
 several times on 3 machines.
 It would seem to install ok to a degree - but only in text mode, despite my
 trying to ensure it would be graphic.
 I have now even bought a Jetway moboard as I was told it was lux friendly.
 SIS 630T chipset
 It has O/b video AGP4x shared mem amount immaterial as I've seen so far.
 O/b sound AC'97
 P3 667 Chip
 No graphics install by M8.0
 No sound
 BTW: I've never been able to get sound working on any prior system.
 Advice requested please:
 1. In the manuals I can find no reference to going GUI from dreaded
 Terminal mode.  Can one?
 I tried F1 and select other options at bootup but it will not accept any
 change from L3 to L5
 2. As I paid for the presentation of 1000's of programs with the retail
 Powerpak, is there a chance that I could use say a 2 disk minimalist set of
 8.1 ( or 2) to get a start and then install the programs I want from the 8.0
 Note: In Australia north of Brisbane we not only put our clocks back, but
 Telecom can't see why I REALLY need to be on the Internet. I average a D/l
 speed of  1.8 overall ( I quit when it often gets to 1.0 or less) and lose
 about one in two of any large (10Megs+) downloads. I've officially been told
 voice capability is good enough and they aren't obliged to demonstrate more
 than 9600 Bd capability unless I want to spend a few hundred per
 week on ADSL or... so using the disks, not to mention the $140 spent
 on them seems a good idea.
 3. What is the vote nowadays - my figures show 50/50 for 8.1 and 8.2 re user
 install/working satisfaction.
 4. If Mandrake can't for some reason detect a graphics card, should it not
 say so? Or will it simply default to a Terminal/text install?
 Thanks and
I have a Jetway 630TCF with the SiS 630 chipset.  Install comes up
Graphic without any effort on my part since the video supports
Framebuffer.  With the 530 and 8.0 there are some problems on some
implementations usually solved by setting options in

  Option sw_cursor
  Option no_bitblt
  Option FastVRam

It makes no sense for the install to come up text without any graphics. 
But if the install does, then your CDs are seriously damaged (at least
one run of the pressed CDs had trouble with a RAMDisk).  It might try to
come up text if you have less than 64M RAM since the 630 shares 8M of
main memory with video memory which makes a 32M setup really offer only
24M to the system.  In that case you would be fortunate to install at

IN any event, 630 from Jetway with the supercheap VIA C3 - 733 processor
and 64M RAM installs just fine here.  And because there is shared video
memory, RAM is VERY relevant.


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Re: [newbie] NetBEUI on Linux?

2002-04-04 Thread tester

On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 15:15, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Bill Davidson wrote:
  I seriously doubt it. NetBEUI is an old protocol that Microsoft hardly
  supports anymore. If at all.
  On Wednesday 03 April 2002 05:53 pm, Wally wrote:
   Is there a way to get my Mandrake 8.1 laptop to see my Windows desktop
   using NetBEUI? Can't use TCP/IP at the moment because the desktop's ip
   is assigned via the cable modem.
 Two points:
 To Bill: IMHO, the bigger question is whether Linux can support NetBEUI
 -- I know NetBEUI works in Win95, and I'm fairly certain it works in
 Win98, and is probably still supported in more recent versions.
 To Wally: The fact that the desktop's IP is assigned via the cable modem
 should not necessarily prevent you from seeing the Windows desktop.  I
 think there are ways to assign two IPs to the same network card, and
 there was a post about this not too long ago on either the newbie or
 expert list.
 IIRC, civileme described the setup as the poor man's router (although I
 may have that mixed up with another thread).
 Randy Kramer

There is a thread on the expert list and another on the cooker list
explaining how to assign more than one IP to a single card, but it
really is better to activate connection sharing and use two cards for
security reasons as well as fewer network collisions.

NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface) is not a Microsoft exclusive;
it was in fact developed by IBM in the 1980s.  No support nor is ther
likely to be.  Instead of approaching the security problem by creating
an entirely different network, TCP/IP was used locally.  This is secure,
because the IP addresses reserved for local networks will not be relayed
by an internet router.  It is also capable of higher security levels
using ssh connections.  So 

1.  There is no need for NetBEUI in linux.  It is possible of course to
resolve IPs to NEtBEUI names with

nmblookup -U -A   #(Yes install Samba)

And LinPopup is available for WinPopup type apps.

There was an announcement by Network Storage Manufacturer Procom in May
of 2000 that they would have NetBEUI for linux and that it would be
available for download.  A search of does not find
any current news of the product.

2.  There is no impetus to write a WHOLE NEW SET of tools to do
communication across a different network.  Remember the mailbox is used
for the next desk over and Outlook is used for the internet in
Microsoft.  Two mailing systems to learn for the power of one, is what a
so-called secure local network costs in M$.  At least that is how some
Microsoft users explained it to me.  The last time I really worked with
M$ software was about the time NetBEUI matured and was not updated--like
about 1997.


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Re: [newbie] Open Source Code (follow up 2)

2002-04-04 Thread tester

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 18:19, Anthony V Guillen wrote:
 Is there any difference in the syntax and the compiler use in c programming  
assembly programming in windows and in linux? or the compiler itself?
Yes, there are large differences.  gcc is closer to ANSI compliant, but
has all sorts of add-ons.  f2c translates fortran programs, and p2c does
it for pascal.  Objective-C is embedded, and the switches for
compilation would fill a small volume with their documentation.

To make it look something like the Visual C or some of the other
Windows-compatible compilers, you need to use an integrated development
environment, like kdestudio, or KDevelop (Much better, BTW in KDE3 which
is NOW available for 8.2).  gIDE and wedit are also available and free,
and Kylix is reasonably priced from Borland.

The library functions are much more comprehensive and richer in linux,
mainly because the system is capable of so much more, and the key to
good C programming is as always having a good handle on the library
functions and system calls.


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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Thread tester

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 03:33, Steven Spears wrote:
 What is the best method of installing KDE 3.0. I've got in downloaded and 
 want to install it on my 8.2 system, but want to do it in the best possible 
 way. Any tips or hints?

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Put all the RPMs in a single directory

Open up a terminal window and su to root and cd to your directory with
the KDE rpms

Now do these

urpmi unixodbc
(and from the reply install every match with urpmi

urpmi postgresql
(same activity again, and include all the -devels)

urpmi MYSQL
(go at it again, installing everything)


rpm -ivh *rpm

Take notes, you will get some instructions.

The procedure will hang on a warning message, refusing to tell you it is
completed.  Hit the Enter key once for the system prompt.

That's it...  It will show up as KDE3 on the kdm login screen and it
will show up as

11 KDE

on the choices Xtart presents from a console.

Unles you save the session, it will ask for styles EVERY time you login
which can be a pain.

The soundserver is, to say the least, flaky.  Programs like xmms will
continue to work but don't bother reporting known bugs about KDE sound.

Some of the login messages and panels may crash with a crash message if
your security is High or Higher.  KDE3 is making too many assumptions
about permissions and open sockets.

About par for the course for a .0 type release from KDE.  Some things
will improve with 3.1, but the new KDE is for the most part, smooth and

Liquid is not ready or KDE3 is not ready for liquid at this time.  Some
beautiful theming from Mosfet will just have to wait a little longer.


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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-04 Thread tester

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 13:07, FemmeFatale wrote:
 Damian wrote:
  actually there is a better way.
  last night i installed KDE 3.0 by getting all RPMS, opening a terminal
  and doing a  urpmi ./+ 
  it asked me for the three MDK cd's and got a lot of packages to solve
  dependencies... it worked fine, tho kde 3  has bugs.. :o(
 what does opening a term  typing urpmi ./+ do then exactly?  So you
 still have to d/l all the RPM's of KDE3 yourself  urpmi just takes care
 of the deps?  And if so will it still install KDE3 beside your existing
 :)  Tough questions I know, but I'm sure you'll pull through this crisis
 for me Damian ;p
 I have confidence in your non-Fudding abilities
It installs and runs separately.  It is KDE3 on the kdm selection and 

11 KDE

on Xtart from console.

You need about 90 Mb space in / or /opt and if you do not have a
separate /opt and / doesn't have that much room, then do this:

1. Open a terminal
2. su to root

mkdir -p /usr/opt
ln -s /usr/opt /opt

before you install.

It seems to run well as security level 2 and to have problems at 3 or
higher.  Some of the new open sockets do not appear to get the right
permissions for intewrprocess communications at higher security levels.


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Re: [newbie] Mysterious confirmation demands by SYMPA??

2002-03-17 Thread tester

On Thursday 14 March 2002 11:12 pm, J Rigby wrote:
 Ha there folks,

 Despite having sent hundreds - well, several - messages to the list, my
 last few produced this strange  email in return:

 Can anyone tell me what it is?
 Haven't gone direct to M - this will no doubt be quicker...  :-)


 Him Again

 To distribute the attached message in list newbie :
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=CONFIRM%201b5b08ad98a5be45c8d6510d4
d 70ab9d
 Or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following subject :
 CONFIRM 1b5b08ad98a5be45c8d6510d4d70ab9d

It means sympa didn't recognize your email address as being subscribed to the 
list.  Did you send it from the subscribed address?  If so, you may need to 

This is different from the bounces we are now producing if your host doesn't 
resolve under lookup/reverse-lookup.  We don't care to have our lists spammed 
so we allow anyone to post even if not subscribed but only with confirmation, 
and we reject all messages from possibly spoofed sites (Windows XP has 
spoofing capability so it is likely to become a BIG problem).


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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] xfice

2002-03-15 Thread tester

On Thursday 14 March 2002 09:22 pm, Colin Jenkins wrote:
 Hello civileme,

 Friday, March 15, 2002, 8:56:19 AM, you wrote:

 c Colin Jenkins wrote:
 It looks like I have really stuffed something up here.   (lm8.1)
 I followed some instructions I came across for booting up with Xfice
 (I was using kde).
 everything appeared to work ok, but when I next rebooted, I was no
 longer able to start kde or gnome.
 if I use startx kde -- :1 it still starts xfice.
 Where do I start looking to fix this?

 c If you have 8.1 load Xtart and you have access from console to all wms

 c Civileme

There is a new version which will run on 8.0 up at

That is a direct download.


Thanks for the answer civileme, I will note that down for next time


I finally reinstalled to fix it.

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 Release date

2002-03-15 Thread tester

On Thursday 14 March 2002 10:29 pm, Aryan Ameri wrote:
 Does Anyone know when will Mandrake Linux 8.2 Gold be officially released?
 I am very eager to purchase it.

For most of you, pre-orders at are possible.  Also, if 
you decide to join Mandrake Club, you will likely find more of that 


And, of course, Mandrakestore has burning/printing capabilities so they don't 
have to wait a month for commercial CD pressing.

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Re: [newbie] DelTree

2002-02-12 Thread tester

Paul Kraus wrote:

 How do I delete a directory that contains files and more directories. I want to 
erase everything in the folder. Command Line please.  I hated the command line 
but its like crack, very addictive. Its actually easier and much more efficient then 
the gui. If your not using it I recommend learning as much as possible. 
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rm -r /whateverdirectoryname/and/path -f

the -r is for recursive (i. e. descend into subdirectories) and the -f 
is for force without asking


rm -rf /whateverdirectoryname/and/path

will work to the same effect, it is considered bad form.  Imagine that 
you type this far

rm -rf /

and then the household cat launches for your desktop and plops a fat paw 
on the enter key.  Your entire filesystem(s) are bye-bye, even 
/mnt/windows_c if you happen to have one and it is writeable.

Aside from having the household cat for supper, there is no 
compensation, and of course even less when you fat-finger the enter key 
yourself.  Take it from someone who has committed that faux pas.


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Re: [newbie] FrontPage like applicatiopn for Linux ?

2002-02-12 Thread tester

Mark Finlay wrote:

 check out
 Mark Finlay
 On Sun, 2002-02-10 at 18:41, Hanan Z. Shargi wrote:
Does anybody know of any visual web building application for linux such as 
Front Page ??


Hanan Z. Shargi
Registered Linux User# 259916

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Quanta+ is more like Hippie, and though screem is close, it segfaults on 
many platforms.  Bluefish seems to work tolerably well.


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Re: [newbie] Space left

2002-02-12 Thread tester

Paul Kraus wrote:

   How do I see how much space is left on a drive? ls -lt doesn't show
 space left. I prefer command line. Thanks.
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Re: [newbie] Licensing, Windows and Mandrake

2002-02-06 Thread tester

Kevin Old wrote:

 Hello all,
 I have an issue with some software licensing and thought I'd be able to find
 help here.
 I have setup a network for my church - Win2k Adv. Server - Clients are Win
 To keep from having to purchase a Win Server license to handle more clients
 I was wondering if we were to setup a Mandrake box to be the domain
 controller (instead of the Win2k server) and use the Win2k server for
 another client if we would still be legal accessing information on the Win2k
 box through the Mandrake server from other clients?  Still with me?  Sorry
 that was kind of confusing.
 Basically I want to have client machines access the Win2k box only if they
 need to, but instead of the clients accessing them the clients would contact
 the Mandrake box and it would be passed to the Win2k server.  Can I get
 around licensing stuff like this...or am I asking for a law suit?
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Technically, it is a single connection to the win2k server if you are 
using a linux box as a gateway.  If you read the server license 
carefully you may find it says

_simultaneous_ connections

and if it does, you have one _simultaneous_ connection.
  However, the text and interpretation of that license could be changed 
at any time (yes, while you are using it--you agreed to that when you 
agreed to the EULA), and I would expect that hole to be closed soon. 
Micrtosoft is on an all-out campaign to crush linux wherever they find it.


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Re: common acronyms (was Re: [newbie] su)

2002-02-05 Thread tester

Chris Keelan wrote:

 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 09:03:33 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
 trail, Anuerin G.  Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

IIRC - If I Remember/Recall Correctly
YMMV - Your Mileage Migh Vary
RTFM - Read the F**k*ng Manual
STFW - Surf the F**k*ng Web
DAYOR - Do At Your Own Risk

 HTH - Hope That Helps
 FWIW - For What It's Worth
 IANAL - I am not a lawyer (always followed by but...)
 - C
Ummm  IANAL, and I am very happy not to be!

RTFM--read the fine material available

NFTFAH--not for the faint at heart
LLaP -- Linux lovers are Perfect
FUD -- Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
BSOD -- Blue Screen of Death, a sometimes occurrence in one of the OSes 
from the Dark Side

OS -- Operating System

Dark Side -- Non-free software, software patents, DMCA and other 
fictions to make lawyers and businessmen rich from the work of software 

DMCA -- Digital Millenium Copyright Act--a 1998 U.S. Law that greatly 
extends copyright protection (into some areas traditionally occupied by 
fair use) and makes web site hosts potentially responsible as 
co-infringers for sites that violate copyright.  There is a belief that 
it violates free speech and due process and there are already suits 
against it.

UCITA -- A hundred-plus page proposed law before many state legislatures 
and passed by a few which

1) Allows a company to charge high interest and apply recurring charges 
to your credit card used over the internet without full disclosure, and 
to bill any reissued cards.

2)  Makes some strictures on how software companies may behave in the 
matter of warranties and gives their license agreements the full force 
and effect of law, thereby permitting them to prohibit reverse 
engineering to make a data import program from any competing proprietary 
or free software (basically allowing the vendor to lock all data you 
make with his programs to his programs alone in perpetuity.)


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Re: [newbie] networking - I can get into my box but not back out

2002-02-04 Thread tester

Elizabeth Jones wrote:

 Hi - I just installed mandrake 7.1 on a new box.  I am trying to
 duplicate a box that died last week and reusing the same server
 name and IP address.  But I clearly have something set wrong.  I
 can see this new box from the network and I can telnet and ftp
 in to it, but I can't get out to the network when I'm on it.
 I have a PC plugged in to the same subnet, and I used the same
 subnet mask on the linux box that is used for the PC.  but on
 the PC I have a default gateway, I put this in as the default
 gateway on the linux box as well.  I guess I'm missing the
 broadcast address?  any ideas on how I would determine what
 that should be?
 thanks -
 Ebeth Jones

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Ummm, maybe you could tell us a bit more about your network/internet 

/etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/resolv.conf contents would also be helpful

You can put them to a file by
putting in a floppy disk (dos formatted)

cat /etc/resolv.conf  somefilename
cat /etc/sysconfig/network  samefilename
cp somefilename /mnt/floppy

then you can send us the info by copying it to your windows machine and 
pasting it into your email.


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Re: [newbie] backup app for LM 8.0

2002-02-02 Thread tester

mike wrote:

 What backup apps are there for LM 8.0 that actually work? 
 Looked into Partimage but couldn't get /  or /home to unmount to use .
 Help ? 
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If you have a CD-R or CDRW, try scdbackup (Use that as a search key on 


And don't expect to be able to unmount / ever--the system would stop 
working, just as if you had issued killall5 from a console.  You can 
unmount /home if it is a separate partition and you are logged in as root.

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Re: [newbie] RaiserFS or Linux partition

2002-02-02 Thread tester


 Before I attempt tonight to try another install should I use RaiserFS (Seen 
 somewhere in the instalation guide) or a linux native partition? 
 Will RaiserFS create any sticky situations for a newbie?
 thanks for your help ;x
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Basically, don't use Reiser unless you need it ..  Definitely not with 
postfix based mailservers, and not with NFS.  If you have ML8.1 or 
later, XFS is a good choice for newbies, providing full functionality 
and a lot of speed and some safety.


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Re: [newbie] install does not recognize keyboard/mouse

2002-01-30 Thread tester

Ravi Malghan wrote:

 Hello: I am trying to install Mandrake 8.0 on a laptop (Micron Transport 
 After the first screen comes up (graphical screen asking me to choose the
 language), I cannot go forward since the installation script does not 
 any keys from the keyborad nor the mouse? I tried disabling Plug and Play
 feature from BIOS, but still no luck.
 Please help.

Ummm, html mail is to be eschewed when writing to the list, please.

OK then try

F1 at splash screen

linux noauto nobiospnp

and hit enter.

If that doesn't pull the trick, try booting from CD2 and using the same 
F1 and parameters after selecting an alternate boot kernel.


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[Fwd: Re: [newbie] often]

2002-01-30 Thread tester

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [newbie] often
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 17:42:48 -0500
From: David Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: DGSSoftware
References: 000d01c1a94f$d7cad7b0$fd00a8c0@pavilion   

One of my servers uptime is 8 months, why reboot? Thats very Windoze!


On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 20:52:34 -0800
Ed Kasky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  FWIW, I have one RedHat 6 server only machine that runs mostly as a 
pop and
  web server that only gets rebooted when we clean it every 6 months or
  so  Of course I monitor the memory and disk usage on a regular
  basis.  But the wonderful thing about the os is that it has none of 
  inherent memory leaks that seems to continue to plague Microsoft 
  At 09:34 PM Tuesday, 1/29/2002, Jesse Angell wrote -=
  I run a linux server, that hosts multiple chat servers. I used to do 
  on Windows 2000 and required a reboot at least once a week. I am 
  now that I've switched to Mandrake Linux 8.1 how often should I 
reboot to
  clear things out to avoid unwanted down times, here is my uptime 
  10:30pm  up 12 days,  2:01,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
  If I know how often It needs to rebooted I could setup a script to 
do it
  and tell my customers that its down every blah blah time for a blah 
  amount of time... ?? Any ideas?
  Ed Kasky
  Los Angeles, CA
  . . . . . . . .
  When you reach the crossroads, take it.  - Yogi Berra

LOL!  A script to reboot?  You might want to restart the chat server say 
once every two weeks, but reboot the system? I wrapped the time since 
reboot counter around on one machine--like 437 days up.  One process 
was killed when the counter wrapped and had to be restarted from 
console, but I think several have passed this time with no problem.

Underneath all the glitz and glamor, the base system is _stable_.  You 
may freeze a desktop with bugs in a WM, but you can almost always dive 
out to a console and fix things, or SSH in if your keyboard is whacked.

Reboot is considered a vulgar word in these environs.  If you are 
swtiching video cards, it _Will_ be necessary to reboot, and probably 
use your install CD in update mode, and it you are changing processors 
or Mobos, a power-down/reboot is unavoidable, but you can actually 
change BIOS EPROMs without rebooting though the benefits will not be 
realized until you do the R-thing.


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Re: [newbie] Time changes

2002-01-30 Thread tester

Carl Kehley wrote:

 Help!!! I have suddenly started to get cyclic time changes, about every
 2 seconds, sometimes accompanied by video blanking, and usually a hard
 lockup.  This is occurring in 8.1, and also RH 7.2 and Libranet
 (multiple boot machine, along with Win98SE), but Windows is not
 affected.  What should I be looking for?  It seems obviously to be a
 hardware problem, but what?  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
 Carl Kehley
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watch hwclock --show

in a console or even

watch 'hwclock --show  timefile'

And then interrupt after about a minute and check timefile or send it here.

Give LILO an esc and a (linuxbootname) 3

to come up in console mode.

If it is your hardware clock, KDE will go crazy.  I have seen it happen 
when I changed time zones and KDE blanked andf flickered and finally 
stabilized, but any change in hardware clock seems to trigger problems.


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Re: [newbie] .xsession-errors

2002-01-29 Thread tester

FLYNN, Steve wrote:

 Is it just me or everyone get ever growing .xsession-errors files for each
 userid who uses X?
 Mine seem t be full of:
 kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window
 parameter) 9 Major Opcode 14
 Anyone got any clues as to why I get these errors and more importantly, how
 I can get rid of 'em?
 Steve Flynn
 NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
 Tel: 01603 680086

Well it is a warning-level diagnostic that the kde folks didn't have 
time to fix and it does not affect operations of KDE.

As to how to get rid of it, make a cron job to mail you the contents of 
  xsession errors once a month and then echo \n   .xsession-errors.. 
should do the trick


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Re: [newbie] EVOLVE

2002-01-29 Thread tester

Paul Kraus wrote:

 Are there any tool to import an outlook pst to evolve?
 Paul Kraus
 Network Administrator
 PEL Supply Company
 (216) 267-5775 Voice
 (216) 267-6176 Fax

We are working on one called transfugdrake that will make windows 
migration easier, but there are still bugs...  Look in a cooker mirror 
and you will likely find it.


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Re: [newbie] ESS Solo 1 Audiodrive

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Terry Smith wrote:

 Short version: Got one, doesn't work :-(
 Longer version: My new linux box has returned from its original
 birthplace in San Francisco (Micronux Computers) with a new mobo. The
 week old machine had quit on me a couple of times finally, on Jan 6,
 dropping out altogether.
 Apparently it was a problem with the mobo, specifically the voltage
 supplied to the cpu and the memory. The original mobo was an Asus A7M266
 which is a socket A board, DDR, 266 FSB, etc using the AMD761 chipset.
 The board had built in sound and it (the sound, not the board) worked
 Micronux replaced the mobo with an Asus A7K266 which has the same config
 as the old board and a VIA 266 chipset instead of the AMD. It doesn't,
 however, have onboard sound, so Micronux put in an ESS Solo 1 Audiodrive
 sndconfig says ESS Technology|ESS 1969 Solo 1 Audiodrive is not
 Mandrake Control Center, hardware configuration, detects the card and
 indicates that it uses kernel module: snd-card-es1938. I selected the
 Solo 1 from the ESS list and tested it. Nada!
 lspcidrake tells me basically the same thing, i.e., recognizes the card
 and indicates the kernel module.
 Of course, I'm sure that there has been tons of messages about this over
 the last month or two. I've managed to lose stuff from the last several
 weeks on the transition including where the archives are :~ (.
 So should this card work? Is it a IRQ problem?
 Terry Smith
 Cape Cod USA
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chkconfig  --del alsa
modprobe esssolo1


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Re: [newbie] Installer Distorted

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Tighe!!! wrote:

 Alright, I'm really tired of trying to get Linux Mandrake installed. I am on
 an old-world Mac (7200/90) and I've attempted to install Linux... around 20
 times, seriously. First I kept trying LinuxPCC, which didn't go too well. So
 a friend told me of Mandrake Linux, and in my humble opinion, that's the
 sweetest distribution around! So I finally got the two ISO's burned. I
 partitioned my hard drive (one Mac drive, the rest Extra) and installed OS
 9.1. Next I go to to install Mandrake using BootX... It won't work!!! The
 display on the installer is really messed up. I mean, from BootX up to the
 point of selecting the Mean of Installation, it's fine! As soon as the
 Mandrake installer comes up though, my screen (17) is insanely distorted
 with HUGE grey pixels. What's up?! The screen overlaps itself and if I move
 my mouse to the right, when it hits the edge at right, it'll reappear in the
 left and keep going right, etc!! Someone please help!! I tried entering
 video=platinumfb:vmode:17,cmode:8 in the Kernal Args for BootX, but that
 doesn't seem to help. I have No Video Driver UNCHECKED, and Force Video
 Settings CHECKED. If someone could just help me get this installed, I'd
 love you forever!!!
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The Mandrake PPC edition is built only for G3/G4 processors and the 
amount of progress you report is miraculous.  Sorry, the device support 
isn't there before the early iMACs or something similar.

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Re: [newbie] Trying to install Linux-Mandrake

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Jeff wrote:

 Hey Everyone
 I need some help I am trying to install Mandrake 8.1 on my laptop.  
 When I get to the screen where it says it is configuring PCMCIA or seems to lock up!!! Does anyone know why it would 
 be doing this?  I have a new Toshiba Satellite.  Any help would be great

Try F1 at the splash screen, then

linux noauto

on the start line and hit enter


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Re: [newbie] Trainging / Documentation

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Paul Kraus wrote:

 Is there any good documents, books, or pdf?s  (preferably free and 
 downloadable) that will help me learn linux quickly? I don?t need all 
 the unix background or this is how tho mouse works crap. I am a systems 
 admin for NT and 2000 I just want to learn linux. The documentation that 
 came with software is very nice but I want to print it and I don?t want 
 to have to print it page by page. Thanks
 Paul Kraus
 Network Administrator
 PEL Supply Company
 (216) 267-5775 Voice
 (216) 267-6176 Fax

One of your 8.1 installables was sag...  System Administrator's Guide

I think there are also a couple of other ebooks available in ps and 
html.  If all you can find is html, then do a googlew search for the 
neat little program called SDF which can convert documents with wild 

QA Team

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Re: [newbie] When is Mandrake not Mandrake?

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Mark Lucas wrote:

 I have been downloading, compiling and installing sources - new kernel,
 modules etc.
 When does my Mandrake 8.0 distro cease to be Mandrake and become a 'generic'
 Linux (if thewre is such a thing)?
 Just a questions out of idle curiosity.
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Well, in one sense, if you are downloading, it is very close.  Just 
throw away Netscape and pine you are there--everything else is GPL or 
other GPL-compatible free licenses.  Yes, even the Mandrake-specific 
tools.  And the integrated menus are an adaptation of Debian.


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Re: [newbie] Posting FROM a Perl script

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Miark wrote:

 Found my answer.
Hi all,

I can't seem to find anyplace that describes how to
POST data _from_ a Perl script to the WWW. Every hit
I get with search engines is a page that describes
the other way around. 

Anybody know of a tutorial or site that covers what
I need?


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Well, don't keep us all in suspense.  Share the link!


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Re: [newbie] backup script

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Jesse Angell wrote:

 I found a script and just eddited it and saved it.. but I can't launch 
 it like I could the script before, The script simply backs up a file.. I 
 get a Bad Interrepture error trying to launch it AND i notice that the 
 orignal script was green on ls and this is just grey on ls.. here is the 
 script why isnt it working
 cp $root/$instance/psdata/pserver.pat 
 $root/$instance/psdata/backup/pserver`date +%Y%m%d`.pat

You need to make it executable

as root

chmod a+x (scriptname)


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Re: [newbie] Star Office

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Paul Kraus wrote:

 Someone posted earlier that star office was on the mdk8.1 cd's. Where is it 
 located? I can't find it.
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If you have the download edition, it is not.  It is on Commercial CD 
with Standard Edition, and PowerPack and ProSuite and _even_ Gaming 
edition.  (Last I looked, CompUSA had Gaming for 29.95 and it includes 
the ability to run several windows games and has the Sims)


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Re: [newbie] Tiny Emacs

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Mario Michael da Costa wrote:

 Charles Muller wrote:
I am trying to learn how to use the Emacs package that came with ML 8.1, but
the program runs as a tiny window in one corner of my screen, with
microscopic menu fonts. Is there a way to make this window larger, with
larger menu fonts?


Charles Muller

 asbestos suit on
 Hello Charles,
 If you don't already know emacs, may i suggest you try vim, or gvim ?
 :o) it's much easier, and once you get used to it, you will find that
 it makes life very very easy. If you need any help with learning vim,
 i would be glad to help out. just mail me, and i'll reply first thing
 on monday morning when i get back to work, or i'm sure that there will
 be a lot of vimmers on this mailing list only too eager to help out.
 Thank You,
 asbestos suit off
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emacs has a file where a few items are stored called


The format of settings entered there is given by opening a terminal and 

man emacs

For your purposes, you want to check that the font line in the file is 
something like
only on one line in the file...

Then you can grab the lower right corner of the window and use it to 
resize the window, or you can specify the geometry...

Once, on a lark, I decided to make emacs my desktop environemnt/window 
manageR, so I set the app-defaults to -geometry 145x86 to fill the screen...

If you want the power of emacs without quite the overhead, there is jed 
available for install.  joe is also a nice editor which can be made a 

BUT as the guy in the asbestos suit intimated--there is something of a 
religious war on between vi and emacs.  vi has its roots in old old 
UNIX, where it was rightfully welcomed as the best thing _including_ 
sliced bread by the folks who had been chafing under the inquisitorial 
torture of a program called ed.  Emacs came somewhat later, largely the 
brainchild of Richard Stallman, and the folks who decided they liked it.

My email signature at one time was:

Daddy, why do we have to hide from the police.

Because we use emacs, son.  They use vi.

My own learning came on micros(816-bit) and my intro to vi was on SCO 
Xenix, which impressed me at the time. (and I thought 1 Meg of memory 
was a _LOT_, too).  MINCE (Mince Is Not Complete Emacs) was available on 
CP/M and DOS computers, and I did a lot of writing, in an area where we 
were lucky to have power.  With powerdowns frequent, it was a pain to 
switch modes in vi to save everything every few minutes...  Lessee 
escape to get out of insert mode then :wenter then i to get back to 
insert mode...  With MINCE it was ctrl-x s or more likely nothing at all 
since it autosaved to a scratch buffer frequently.

And then there was SCRIBBLE to accompany MINCE, but nothing to accompany 
vi on the machines I had available (SCRIBBLE was a TeX-like thing for 
formatting output), so I learned emacs and didn't continue using vi 
beyond its basic editor functions and then not those if something more 
convenient was available.

Now I use emacs as my IDE.  The color-coded support in my languages of 
choice and the autosaving are very important to me.  I use vi when I am 
doing rescue work (if it is available and joe or jed are not), and I use 
  LyX for documents, or occasionally Applixware or StarOffice if I have 
to be Microsoft-readable.

Yes, you will find every editor has a following.  PHPers sometimes like 
vim, but often select Xemacs.  Many web page folks think Nedit birth was 
the point where the world began to run right.

Pick the one you want and learn it.  Then join the fanatics who think 
their editor is the greatest.

I don't happen to have a fully formed opinion, and I tend to use the 
simple commands on lots of editors, and rarely have use for anything 
more.  I do tend to customize emacs to suit myself more than any other, 
and I think I also like it because the screen is easy on my eyes, but I 
can't claim to know even half its functions.


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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice

2002-01-25 Thread tester

Paul Kraus wrote:

 I can not install the software. I am running a gateway solo 5300 laptop. 733 
 mhz p3 with 196megs of ram. I click on setup it starts but right before the 
 first dialog appears it locks. Screen has background install image and the 
 options box is completly blank except the next button. You cant click on 
 anything and if I move the mouse around it starts slowing the whole system 
 down. It puts vertical lines across the screen. Then it completly freezes. 
 The only thing I can do is shift alt f1. log in kill the .setup and the 
 .setup.bin processes. then I have to wait like a minute or two. Then I can 
 switch back to kde and everything works fine. I need the app. I have to able 
 to reliably work with MS office files. Once I can do this and prove it to the 
 powers that be I will be able to switch the entire office over to linux.
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Well, bite the bullet and buy a boxed set or download StarOffice 6.0 
(6.0 and a revised 5.2 will work with that S3 Savage video chipset)


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Re: [newbie] How to speed up Linux Mandrake 8?

2002-01-20 Thread tester

Assassin wrote:

 I think it is very slow on my machine (K6-II 450, 128 RAM, TNT2, 20GB
 Quantum, with kernel 2.4.3). How can I optimise it so it can load and run
 applications faster?
 Thanks in advance.
 Zaradite odmah na Internetu +++ mnostvo besplatnih stvari!
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Install a newer kernel.  The problem is the vm in early kernel 2.4 (up 
to about kernel 2.4.10).

Alternatively, install kernel 2.2 right on your installation disks which 
will work much better, and will fully support supermount.  The only 
caution here is if you used Reiserfs, the one for kernel 2.2 is a 
different version than the one for 2.4 and using kernel 2.2 with the 
newer version will _NOT_ work and will destroy data.


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Re: [newbie] mandrake update broken?....

2002-01-20 Thread tester

chris huston wrote:

 Is there any fool proof way to get the security updates
 I can handle the manual way... but i m trying to help a newbie set up their 
 computer with mandrake 8.1.. and i've yet to get mandrake update to 
 pull a secure source update from any mirror
 I 've left it running for an hour or so, trying to get it to sink up with a 
 few local mirrors... no dice 
 when i ftp into them and grab them manually, i can snag them in seconds..
 what gives???
 thank you,

That's the problem with using volunteer mirrors.  Rpmdrake is sensitive 
to the way permissions are set up on the mirror.  Many mirrors work; 
some don't.  Keep trying and report mirror failures to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: [newbie] Trouble with (an) OAF!

2002-01-20 Thread tester

Terry Smith wrote:

 Hi all,
 Today's problem (actually I've been fooling with this off and on for a
 coupla weeks!) is installing Evolution 1.0.1.
 I'm going the route of downloading source files from the Ximian site.
 The first package that needs to be installed is 
 bonobo-config-0.14. When I do a 
 it goes through a script which runs a series of checks...All is well
 until it gets to 
 much snipping
 checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
 checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
 creating libtool
 checking for gawk... gawk
 checking for glib-config... /usr/bin/glib-config
 checking for GLIB - version = 1.2.0... yes
 checking for oaf-config... /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml
 checking for OAF - version = 0.6.2... no
 *** Could not run OAF test program, checking why...
 *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file
 config.log for the
 *** exact error that occured. This usually means OAF was incorrectly
 *** or that you have moved OAF since it was installed. In the latter
 case, you
 *** may want to edit the oaf-config script: /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml
 I have a file /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml which I would be willing to post
 but a few basic questions.
 What is bonobo and what is it doing?
 What is OAF (I can't find it listed in any of my books) and what does it
 do? Do I need a newer version?
 What is going on here? (I'm a little mystified as I've got Evolution
 0.13 running OK and it must use bonobo???).
 Anywhow, if someone could steer me in the right direction it would be
 much appreciated.
 Terry Smith
 Hatchville, MA USA

Up to this point, the Ximian for any version of Mandrake has been 
released just about the time the _next_ version of Mandrake is going for 

This means your packages are out of sync.  Ximian has newer packages on 
its site (and requires them) than is in the current version of Mandrake.

If you want working evolution, you need to look at cooker packages, but 
then cooker has newer versions of many things and people have reported 
segfaults and worse trying to run _some_ updates from cooker on top of a 
stock system

If you have the disk space, you can dual-boot Mandrake 8.1 and Cooker 
using the _same_ /home directory(if it is set up as a separate 
partition).  THere are many methods to do this, but one is described at


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Re: [newbie] is tthere an archive

2002-01-20 Thread tester

Derek fowler wrote:

 of this mailig list??
 Just about got all my problems sorted, just licq to fix  some GL
 problems to fix..
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has links for the archives of the various lists.


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Re: [newbie] boot disk doesn't work NOW: you got troubles?

2002-01-18 Thread tester

Brian Parish wrote:

 Try becoming root first.
 On Fri, 2002-01-18 at 15:04, John Rigby wrote:
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 00:37, your wisdom was such..:

 ai4a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

shipahoy wrote:

My Mandrake 8.1 boot disk doesn't work. This includes the one

MY M8.0 doesn't even acknowledge the existence of mkbootdisk !!!



It is possible in 8.1 to generate unworkable boot disks, depending on 
your run-time configuration.  It can be that the initrd won't fit all 
the modules that will be needed.  (FOR EXAMPLE: Install an 8.1 system 
with XFS for all partitions--Booting from the boot disk you can generate 
will not work, if you can even generate one.)  The problem is space. 
You can roll up a kernel close to 1M and then try to add a bunch of 
modules to support your machine in an initrd that blows away the space 
available on a floppy.

A boot disk is needed these days only if you do not intend to use a 
bootloader of any description.  You do not need it for rescue purposes, 
because that function is on the CD (hit F1 at the splash screen and type 
  rescue without the quotes).  If your / partition is ext2 or ext3 
then the rescue operation will even find the partition and put it on 
/mnt for you so that

chroot /mnt

runs from your / on hard disk

mkbootdisk will not make a boot floppy from an LS120 drive (still) 
though it will make a boot LS120 cartridge.

With a few more sectors per track and with a few extra tracks, it is 
possible to make a floppy of the 1.44M kind into 1.7, but this has been 
known to physically damage some floppy drives who tried to write it 
(almost all seem able to read it), so the problem remains with space.


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Re: [newbie] OT: VB on Linux???

2002-01-18 Thread tester

ngn wrote:

 Hi folks!!! I'm a programmer [not a senior programmer but not a newbie at
 all] and I have the question if Linux has the need of VB or any Visual
 Language which runs on Windows to be ported to Linux.
 If exists any Visual language that runs on linux, I'd like to know it!!!
 Thanks in advance
 Nicolás Gómez
 Montevideo, URUGUAY
 ICQ # 45144976
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Well, try downloading XBasic--it is similar to VB (in fact it may be 
that VB was developed from XB ideas) and it runs on both platforms. 
There is a mdk rpm for it.  It has a dragNdrop builder for grids (their 
term for widgets) and an html manual drops into /usr/share/doc/xb* with 
the mdk rpm (not so with their rpm, which does not include the manual). 
  Original materials for it are at

Xbasic is much more powerful than VB as you will learn quickly.  In fact 
it is powerful enough that the source code for the compiler is written 
in xbasic, and it compiles itself in just a few seconds.  It will _NOT_ 
run from console... It requires X.  The windows version needs an 
emulator for X.

Glade is also something of interest--not a total Integrated Development 
environment, but it will build c routines for handling widgets you 
define in a drag-N-drop environment.


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Re: [newbie] apostrophe's

2002-01-18 Thread tester
Anuerin G.Diaz wrote:

 On 18 Jan 2002 03:20:12 -0500
 Paul Rodr$ByH(Buez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How come in some emails, apostrophe's [heh] show up as little square
boxes in Evolution?

- Paul Rod$Bmg(Buez

 must be conflict in locale and charsets. i have my locale set to japanese and your 
the 'rig' in your lastname shows up as a kanji character (yours is not the only one, 
there are some names which exhibit this behaviour).

Well, as you know, Microsoft also set some of the codes reserved for 

control characters to graphics characters in their editors, and it 

might be an effect from that as well.  There is a little perl script 

called Demoroniser which can clean up websites from that mess and 

keep the web author from looking dumber than a bag of dirt when the 

site is viewed from a non-microsoft platform. 

There is also a potential in linux for different character encodings 

to produce this efect for some characters.

As a matter of fact, I see some "?" characters in this mail I am
replying to (Using mozilla with iso-8859-1).


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Re: [newbie] OT: But I had to tell somebody !

2002-01-16 Thread tester

poogle wrote:

 Today is a day for celebration in the Poogle household - I'm Windows free, 
 got the USB Snapscan scanner working today which was the last link in the 
 Now for the Wine (which is not an emulator but a beverage !)
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Props and congrats


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Re: [newbie] Software raid install

2002-01-15 Thread tester

Daniel Olynsma (ENZ) wrote:

 I have just got a new 40 gig drive and would like to use it with my 
 current 20 gig drive in a software raid0 configuration.
 Does the installer support setting up software raids during the install, 
 or do I have to set up the raid after installing mandrake to space on 
 the end of the 40 gig drive.
 Thanks for any help.

Give it a whirl during install--just set up your raids using diskdrake


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Re: [newbie] Cdrom supermount

2002-01-14 Thread tester

Nick wrote:

 I think that this question was asked before, but I never saw much of an 
 answer.  After updating from 8.0 to 8.1 my system no longer mounts CDs 
 automatically.  It will not even read aduio CDs when I try to mount them with 
 iso9660.  In fstab it is using supermount for the drive and I am not sure 
 what that does.  I think that  was changed during the update.  Thanks
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8.1 was shipped with supermount disabled by default  Its performance was 

8.0 had it enabled, but it did not work well on most systems. (Now we 
have it back, thanks to Juan Quintela of kernel team).

Update doesn't pick it up.

as root run

supermount -i disable

then make sure that the /etc/fstab entry is correct because 8.1 doesn't 
use /dev/cdrom

Sometimes you have to make /dev/cdrom for some older programs--use ln -s 
  to do that.

Now your desktop icons are probably wrong as well if you are running a 
desktopthat uses them.  Right click and select Delete then right-click 
some blank area of the screen and create CDROM and Floppy icopns using 
the drop-down lists to select devices.  Then it is click to mount, right 
click to unmount or eject.  If you want the tangled mess of any user 
able to unmount, change the user in the /etc/fstab line to users, then 
regardless of who mounted it, anyone can unmount it.


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Re: [newbie] Bastille error

2002-01-14 Thread tester

Todd Slater wrote:

 When I try to run Interactive Bastille I get the following error:
 Using Tk user interface module.
 Only displaying questions relevant to the current configuration.
 Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib 
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1 
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/ /usr/lib/Bastille) at 
 /usr/sbin/InteractiveBastille line 276.
 Would one of you kind souls know how to resolve this?
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Install Bastille_Tk

Use the software manager and the flat list and look at Installables


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Re: [newbie] can u read this?

2002-01-14 Thread tester

Damian G wrote:

 Civileme, this is the output of those commands...
 [root@localhost root]# dmesg
 Linux version 2.4.8-26mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.96
 2731 (Mandrake Linux 8.1 2.96-0.62mdk)) #1 Sun Sep 23 17:06:39 CEST 
 BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
  BIOS-e820:  - 000a (usable)
  BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
  BIOS-e820: 0010 - 0fff (usable)
  BIOS-e820: 0fff - 0fff3000 (ACPI NVS)
  BIOS-e820: 0fff3000 - 1000 (ACPI data)
  BIOS-e820:  - 0001 (reserved)
 On node 0 totalpages: 65520
 zone(0): 4096 pages.
 zone(1): 61424 pages.
 zone(2): 0 pages.
 Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=1602 devfs=mount
 Initializing CPU#0
 Detected 400.911 MHz processor.
 Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
 Calibrating delay loop... 799.53 BogoMIPS
 Memory: 254828k/262080k available (1086k kernel code, 6868k reserved, 397k
 data, 712k init, 0k highmem)
 Dentry-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
 Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
 Mount-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
 Buffer-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
 Page-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
 CPU: Before vendor init, caps: 0183f9ff  , vendor = 0
 CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
 CPU: L2 cache: 512K
 Intel machine check architecture supported.
 Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
 CPU: After vendor init, caps: 0183f9ff   
 CPU: After generic, caps: 0183f9ff   
 CPU: Common caps: 0183f9ff   
 CPU: Intel Pentium II (Deschutes) stepping 02
 Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
 Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
 POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
 mtrr: v1.40 (20010327) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 mtrr: detected mtrr type: Intel
 PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfb220, last bus=1
 PCI: Using configuration type 1
 PCI: Probing PCI hardware
 PCI: Using IRQ router PIIX [8086/7110] at 00:07.0
 Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers.
 isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
 isapnp: No Plug  Play device found
 PnP: PNP BIOS installation structure at 0xc00fbdc0
 PnP: PNP BIOS version 1.0, entry at f:bde8, dseg at f
 PnP: 13 devices detected total
 Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
 Initializing RT netlink socket
 apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x07 (Driver version 1.14)
 Starting kswapd v1.8
 VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.5.0 initialized
 devfs: v0.115 (20010827) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 devfs: boot_options: 0x1
 Detected PS/2 Mouse Port.
 pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
 Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with HUB-6 MANY_PORTS MULTIPORT
 ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
 block: queued sectors max/low 169069kB/56356kB, 512 slots per queue
 RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize
 Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31
 ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
 PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
 PIIX4: chipset revision 1
 PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
 ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
 ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio
 hda: SAMSUNG SV0643A, ATA DISK drive
 hdc: WDC WD300BB-00AUA1, ATA DISK drive
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
 hda: 12594960 sectors (6449 MB) w/482KiB Cache, CHS=784/255/63, UDMA(33)
 hdc: 58633344 sectors (30020 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=58168/16/63, UDMA(33)
 hdb: ATAPI 44X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache, UDMA(33)
 Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
 ide-floppy driver 0.97
 Partition check:
  /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
  /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0: [PTBL] [3649/255/63] p1  p5 p6 p7  p2
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
 ide-floppy driver 0.97
 md: md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27
 md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
 md: autorun ...
 md: ... autorun DONE.
 NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
 IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
 IP: routing cache hash table of 2048 buckets, 16Kbytes
 TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
 Linux IP multicast router 0.06 plus PIM-SM
 NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
 VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
 Mounted devfs on /dev
 Freeing unused kernel memory: 712k freed
 Real Time Clock Driver v1.10d
 Adding Swap: 514040k swap-space (priority -1)
 MSDOS FS: IO charset iso8859-1
 MSDOS FS: Using codepage 850
 MSDOS FS: IO charset iso8859-1
 MSDOS FS: Using codepage 850
 reiserfs: checking transaction log (device 

Re: [newbie] can u read this?

2002-01-14 Thread tester

Damian G wrote:

 -OK try this
 -chkconfig --del alsa
 -in a terminal as root
 -You have an oss driver loaded and Alsa is default and probably
 -overriding your driver.
 -BTW your hard disk drive does not support linux according to the
 -manufacturer and also it does not have the right hardware to support
 -ATA66 or higher though it will usually work there for a while.  The
 -problem is in the Error Correcting Code supported.  They have special
 -windows drivers to try to preserve data integrity but of course none
 .. which one did u mean? i've got the samsung and the Western Digital..
 did u mean the one that has linux on it?
 btw, thank you for the quick answer, i'll try it. ;o)
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Re: [newbie] OK I got LICQ working...

2002-01-14 Thread tester

FemmeFatale wrote:

 Took installing on Mandrake 8.1.  I never did get it working on 8.0..the
 default install of Licq that is.
 As to what i did, i just installed the package, found my password was
 wrong; had to figure out where the dir. ~ was then edited the config
 file for Licq.  Put in the correct password it works fine.
 Go figure.
 K so.. New question!
 (Right i see you're all scared now. Good!)
 I went into the Security tab in Control Centre.  On install of Man. 8 or
 8.1 the security setting always goes to Welcome to crackers!  Yet i've
 changed it numerous times to Medium, as soon as i logout/in, it goes
 back to Welcome..
 K so what the hell am i doing wrong...or rather wtf is Man. 8x doing

Well, the security level variable that is used to display security level 
is not being properly set when you enter the routine.  If you want to 
check the security level, do this

printenv | grep SECURE_LEVEL

0 is Welcome to Crackers
1 is Poor
2 is low
3 is medium
4 is high
5 is paranoid

 I also configured the little firewall utility in the Security panel.  IS
 that Bastille's firewall!?

Yes, with default settings

 If not, where do i find their utility? I did install it...

bastille-netfilter status

(as root)

 Final Question (ya i'm full of them), I had found a driver for my MS
 Trackball Explorer.  My HDD crashed a while back  lost the bookmark
 *B HISSS to windows :(*.
 I have yet to be able to re-find the driver.

Learn to use bookmarks :-)

 Any idea where i can look?  I wanted it b/c i have a 4 button trackball
 (5 if you include pressing the wheel) and Man.8x doesn't use all the
 buttons.  It tends to dupe the functions on some of the other buttons.
 Thx, Femme

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Re: [newbie] Share Internet

2002-01-13 Thread tester

Jesse Angell wrote:

 How do i setup my linux box to be a router so i can share my cable modem to
 other computers on the network. I do not have X installed...
 Jesse Angell
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Well what version linux?

IF it is Mandrake 8.1, just login as or su to root and run

# drakgw

Your other computers should then be configured for dhcp and set

as their default gateway.

If it si 8.0 or even 7.2, then do the same.

If it is a kernel with ipchains (kernel 2.2, usually) then do this in 

ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -i eth0 -j MASQ
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward


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Re: [newbie] OT: Small OS for Old Hardware

2002-01-12 Thread tester

Barb wrote:

 I know this is a mandrake list, but I have a couple of old dells like 
 that and I  install Debian with a few floppy images and the rest a 
 network install.
 At 03:59 PM 1/11/2002, you wrote:

 thanks for the response, but I am really looking for something even 
 than that...the problem may be that it doesn't have a built in CD-ROM, 
 but a
 1st generation backpack, therefore, I would like to be able to do a 
 install from a handful of floppies...

 thanks again!


 - Original Message -
 From: shane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 4:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] OT: Small OS for Old Hardware

  mandrake 7.2 (older but still a nice distro) would run fine on that 
  ram.  but depending on what you like and the other laptop hardware the
  harddrive may be a bit tight:-)
  On Friday 11 January 2002 13:31, you spoke unto me thusly:
   I want to install Linux on an old laptop with currently has 98SP2 on is a P1, 166, with 400 mg HD and 32 mgs RAM.  I was 
 pointed in
   direction of both TinyLinux and SpyLinux, but I was wondering if 
   here had any better ideas...maybe a Mini_mandrake or something of the
   Thanks in advance,
  Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
  registered linux user #101606 @
  Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
  Link different.
  Profile at:

It is German-only support at this time  (German keyboard), but will run 
on a 386 with 4M


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Re: [newbie] Error messages during shutting down

2002-01-11 Thread tester

Mandrake Newbie wrote:

 Hello everybody!  =)
 I'm currently using Mandrake 8.1 on Asus CUVR4X-C motherboard, Intel Pentium III 800 
Mhz, 384 MB SDRAM and 20 GB Seagate Barraccuda 7200 RPM hard disk drive.
 My problem started when I successfully installed kernel- 
in my Mandrake 8.1 system.  As most (if not all) of you know, Mandrake 8.1 has a 
default kernel version of 2.4.8.  Basically, I did upgrade my default kernel.  I 
installed my new kernel version using the command of:
 # rpm -ivh kernel-
 Also, my partitions and filesystems are:
 /boot - ext2fs
 /usr  - XFS
 /home - XFS
 /opt  - XFS
 /var  - XFS
 / - ext2fs
 ...and I also add lines in my LILO for my new kernel to boot-up.
 Actually, I am encountering error messages during shutting down my system.  Below 
are the error messages that are displayed during shutdown:
 /etc/rc0.d/S01halt:  line -76: 5401  segmentation fault  $*
 What does the error messages mean?  How will I get over it?
 So far, I haven't encountered any problems yet using my new kernel 
installed except for the error messages during shutting down.
 Thanks in advance for your help.
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I see nothing obvious in the halt script except the possibility that you 
somehow have Aurora called in a non-fb kernel.  Everything else there 
would be straightforward.  The other possibility would be unmounting a 
non-existent device (a device file under the old kernel that is not 
setup under the new, and obviously one you do not use, but even that 
does not explain a segfault.  More likely, something is out of 
synchronization or your initrd.img points to the wrong set of modules 
(which should cause considerably more trouble than this).


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Re: [newbie] can u read this?

2002-01-11 Thread tester

Damian G wrote:

 hey... i thought i was asking a simple question... ( perhaps too simple 
 to be answered? )
 did the list get my message? this is not the first time i get no 
 response when i come here with a question.. :o/  a simple  dunno  will 
 i was asking why i have to open harddrake every time i boot in order to 
 get my sound working, and if devfs had anything to do with it... any 
 ideas on how to solve this?
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Well, the behavior you describe does not reproduce on any of my test 
systems, so you will have to come up with a list of hardware,


optput will do; a printout of

cat /etc/modules.conf

a listing

of the output of lspcidrake,

at a minimum.

Some folks have reported effectiveness with linking (using ln -s) some 
devices to /dev/audio and /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer in /etc/rc.local, just 
prior to the last line, but until I see your configuration, I have no 
idea how to advise you.

It may be also that your sound is double-loaded and the excess one, 
which works is blown away in the configuration by a conflict resolution 
at shutdown.  chkconfig --del alsa could be helpful in such cases.

But with so little information, who can say?

So if you want information, be prepared to give some.


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Re: [newbie] deleted partition HELP!

2002-01-08 Thread tester

Ric Parsons wrote:

 YES I DID examine the display, it did not
 say which partition was what, all I know
 is that it is the third partition, /boot
 / then /home, but it was not displayed that
 way because it did not even TRY to read
 the drive just the damnb partition table,
 I want something that will scan the entire drive,
 find the partition barriers, and then re-write
 the partition table, for your info, I DID 
 study the literature and I DID NOT UNDERSTAND
 sorry but I am handicapped
 and I need EXTRA Help with some things.
 All it did was display a blank drive and
 I know that is not what it is, it said
 the entire 20Gb thing was blank,
 but you can't blank an entire drive
 in less than one second, you would have to
 have a special utility that would go over the
 whole thing and set the data to all zeros,
 when a partition is erased, it just erases
 the card catalogue that tells where
 all the books in the library are.
 I'm sorry if you don't know the answer,
 its ok to not know something, don't be ashamed
 if you don't know everything, no one does,
 all you gotta say is I don't know and I will
 ask someone who does, no problem.
 If anyone else knows, or would like to try,
 please I would appreciate some input.
 If needed, I will email in again and
 try to re-state the problem in a way that
 can be understood, I'm sorry I have bad
 communication skills, I will take as long
 as I need here until I get the information
 I need, then I will drop the subject
 when my drive can once again be accessed,
 and thank all those who helped or at least
 Thanks to alex for at least trying.
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OK  boot the install CD and hit F1 when the splash screen comes up

when it gets to the prompt


then type

# fdisk -l /dev/hda

this will give you a partition list

Write it down or save it to a floppy--to save it to a floppy...

# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
# fdisl -l /dev/hda  /mnt/floppy/partinfo

and partinfo will be a text file on the floppy

Don't go any further yet.  Just send me the partition info and we'll go 
from there.

There is an ext2 explorer program that can .look at a disk and dump the 
raw information from ext2 partitions, but right now I don't even know 
what filesystem you are using.  There is also a windows program called 
explore2fs, and there is a program on the rescue CD that tries to guess 
which partition might be /, but there is no program that does what you 
describe...  For one thing, it would have to have a lot of intelligence, 
would require a fully operational system to run (which means mount your 
drive as a slave on a computer running linux), and would have to be 
written to handle at least a dozen filesystems, including the image file 
used when someone installs linux for windows.  That implies hugeness on 
a program for a very limited use, not something that is likely to 
interest a development engineer.


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Re: [newbie] [ OT ] Recommended motherboard for Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-08 Thread tester

Mandrake Newbie wrote:

 Hello everyone!
 Can you recommend to me a good motherboard that will support at least 3 GB of RAM 
and dual Intel Pentium 3 using Mandrake 8.1?  Or anyone from this list has 
successfully installed Mandrake 8.1 using either of the following motherboards:
 - Intel Server Board SDS2
 - Asus CUV266-DLS
 - Asus CUV4X-D
 Can you share your experiences to me?
 Thanks in advance.
 God bless you!
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The ASUS CUV266 might require a boot

linux nobiospnp

but the others should work fine.


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Re: [newbie] file sharing

2002-01-07 Thread tester

chuck wrote:

 Can anyone recommend a good file sharing app?
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If you are sharing files among linux computers, then nfs is the way to 
go--not really an app, just define the files/directories on each machine 
you want ro share, and the machines to share them to.  Then on each of 
the machines which will access the files, define a nfs mount and a 
directory.  It is then transparent--it is mounted at boot usually and is 
simply like any other mounted partition.

You can use linuxconf to set up both server and client sides of the nfs 
mount, the rest of the capability is built into the kernel, not a 
separate program at all.

The other file sharing system is Samba,  This one shares with windows 
boxes as well as linux boxes but is more of a chore to set up.  Many 
people use webmin to set it up, others try the web browser game to use a 
setup program called SWAT,  and some others say all that is unnecessary, 
put your favorite text editor on /etc/samba/smb.conf, read and configure 
as you choose, and save.

LinNeighborhood, komba and gnomba are popular as clients of Samba to 
allow Linboxes to access either winboxes or other linboxes for shared files.


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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux distro

2002-01-06 Thread tester

Amish K. Munshi wrote:

 Randy Kramer wrote:
Amish K. Munshi wrote:

Thanks a lot but I guess I live a very long way away. I am in Mumbai,
India. I guess you might have heard about this city somwhere atleast.

Not until now.  Someday I'll enquire at the post office and see how much
it would cost to send some disks there -- I'm curious.

Thanks a lot for all this help.

Also does most of the later version of Linux simiarly slow. I am only
keen on changing from RedHat 7.1 since it is slow. It takes more than 40
sec. to start any application on it. 

In general, speed and memory usage have been two of my biggest problems
with Linux compared to Windows (95, which is basically the version I am
using (I've installed Win 98 for a few others, and used it for about a
year on a laptop).  I think (!) speed has generally decreased and memory
use has increased from Mandrake 7.2 to 8.1 given the same hardware. 
Mandrake 8.1 is installed on a machine with 256 MB of RAM and is fairly
fast until it starts using swap.

I do some tricks in Mandrake 7.2 to speed things up.  (Haven't used 8.1
enough to decide if I need to use the same tricks.)  One trick is to
keep several browser windows open, and not open link in new window (or
whatever) -- instead, paste the link into an existing open browser
window -- it avoids the overhead of opening a new window.

 I usually have two bowsers open so I just switch between them.

Even the Netscape 4.75 with it takes
more than a minute to start. But on Caldera 2.4 the speed is very fast.
Netscape browser takes less than 10 sec. to start. 

Out of curiosity, are you comparing performance with the same versions
of software?  (Is it  Netscape *4.75* on both Red Hat 7.2 and Caldera

 On Red Hat 7.1 I have uses 4.77 and mostly Caldera has 4.75. I do not 
 have the Cd with me right now else I would have got you the exact version.

I wasn't able to start
RedHat 7.0 on my comp. I am planning to buy the 2 Cd pack from Mandrake but
I want to know if it will work (Seems to be a big problem with Linux) I wish
that while buying my Hardware I knew that Windows was so impossible to use.
I would have made sure that I got a good components that are most
compactible with Linux. 

You might post a list of your hardware here, perhaps others will comment
on compatibility.  (Officially, what you should do is check the
various hardware compatibility lists.)

 About my hardware I have a AMD K6-2 500 Mhz.
 160 MB of RAM (32+128)
 Dlink 56.6 Kbps internal modem (kernel = 2.4 only supported)
 SIS 530 motherboard with the sis 620 graphics card.
 Basic keyboard from a local company (Microtek).
 And a Logitech mouse.
 And the most leftout Printer Lexmark 1100 inkjet. (I did not find the 
 support for it anywhere).
 Acer CDRom 50x.
 Most of the hardware should be Linux compactible exacpt the problem of 
 Modem and the Printer.

Most are still compactible except the most common
problem of the modem, for some reason the Dlink support have created the
drivers only for the 2.4 kernel.

That probably leaves Mandrake 7.2 out of the box out of the running,
although I'm sure you could update to a 2.4 kernel.  (There might even
be one included -- I run the 2.2.17-21mdk kernel with 7.2 -- never tried
anything else.)

 I have never tried upgrading the Kernel it wasn't part of my ability. I 
 have read the documentation but when I tried to install the new kernel 
 on Red Hat 7.0 it had some dependencies problems.

Also the speed problem is more in KDE 2.0 mainly the GNOME is fast
enough. but it doesn't have a good email client. I liked the KDE email
client a lot and found it to be the best of all after Outlook Express. 

You can run kmail under GNome (IIUC -- I've never tried it).  I've heard
from several people that Sylpheed (sp?) is a good email client.  (I
continue to use Windows for most email and web browsing, I run a local
TWiki on Linux and intend it as my experimentation / learning box.

 I tried running the Kmail under GNOME but it would's show me any mails.

tried this software called cscmail but couldn't manage to install it.
I also tried to use Ximian but it has some problems with the perl

Thanks a lot for your support.

You're welcome!  Good luck!
Randy Kramer




The speed problem is kernel 2.4.x through 2.4.10 approximately.  The 
virtual memory volume manager slowed things consideraably.  Wait for 8.2 
or load the earlier mandrakes line 8.0 or 8.1 with kernel 2.2 instead of 
2.4 (Our install does give you a choice).  RH has no better solution, 
and neither does SuSE because it is a _kernel_ issue.

This will not reach the apparent speed of Windows loading Office, 
because on an installation of Windows, most of Office is already in 
memory when you call for it.  We could do a similar trick, but folks 
might object to having half their 

Re: [newbie] Mouse and keyboard stop responding

2002-01-05 Thread tester

Lee wrote:

 On Saturday 05 January 2002 04:13 pm, Roberto Armenteros wrote:
I recently bought a monitor-keyboard-mouse switch so
that I can share a set of monitor-keyboard-mouse
between my two boxes. When I switch from the linux box
to my other box and then comeback to linux, my mouse
doesn't work, while the keyboard works sometimes.
Somehow when I disconnect the mouse from linux and
plug it back in, which is what the switch does linux
doesnt recognize the mouse anymore, and then I have to
restart X so it will work again. They keyboard also
presents some problems. I am sure there is another way
of reconnecting the mouse, but I dont know how. Also,
is there anyway of making this process autmatic? I use
KDE mostly. I would really appreciate if somebody
gives me a hand... :)


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 All kvm switches are not created equal.  The problem is that your computer 
 needs to think the mouse is there when it isn't.
 Easiest solution is probably a spare mouse or maybe trade in your kvm for 
 I use a Belkin OmniView 4-Port switch with no problems on any of the boxes.
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There are a number of variables involved

The keyboard itself
The mouse
The ports on the various computers and their design
The switch

I use a Belkin Omnicube and I lost the keyboard with nearly every 
switch.  Then one day I knocked the keyboard off the desk and it did not 
want to work any longer with any computer, so I used an old, dirty 
keyboard from the now-defunct monorail computer.  I have had no losses 
in switching since then.

I used to have to logout with the mouse after weach switch  (usually a 
ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X if you have the keyboard working will 
also restore your mouse)

I also have an IBM desktop system in my switched array and it wants to 
lose the mouse--in fact doesn't want to detect my switched mouse at all. 
  I have to use a separate mouse with that computer only.

I am using a Belkin Omnicube switch.


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Re: [newbie] Mouse and keyboard stop responding

2002-01-05 Thread tester

Lee wrote:

 On Saturday 05 January 2002 04:13 pm, Roberto Armenteros wrote:
I recently bought a monitor-keyboard-mouse switch so
that I can share a set of monitor-keyboard-mouse
between my two boxes. When I switch from the linux box
to my other box and then comeback to linux, my mouse
doesn't work, while the keyboard works sometimes.
Somehow when I disconnect the mouse from linux and
plug it back in, which is what the switch does linux
doesnt recognize the mouse anymore, and then I have to
restart X so it will work again. They keyboard also
presents some problems. I am sure there is another way
of reconnecting the mouse, but I dont know how. Also,
is there anyway of making this process autmatic? I use
KDE mostly. I would really appreciate if somebody
gives me a hand... :)


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 All kvm switches are not created equal.  The problem is that your computer 
 needs to think the mouse is there when it isn't.
 Easiest solution is probably a spare mouse or maybe trade in your kvm for 
 I use a Belkin OmniView 4-Port switch with no problems on any of the boxes.
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OK I have the Belkin Onmi and now for the first time have full 
functionality after trading keyboards and mice.  The mouse that worked 
on all ports was a Wise-Tech Optical (yeh the wheelmouse that I hate) 
and the one that failed on one machine was a logitech trackball, also 
optical type.  The keyboard that got lost every time I switched was a 
mini-Micro innovations, and the one that worked was a sadly abused and 
scarred monorail.  Each of these devices worked when directly attached 
to the computer; however, the Belkin apparently attenuates thew signal 
slightly more so it can't quite flip the threshhold voltage of two of 
the devices.

Restarting X, reloading the driver worked for the funky keyboard... 
nothing helped non-detection of the mouse on one machine.  Now 
everything works fine.  The problem was and is electrical and concerns 
different specs.  Sometimes, apparently the timing and signal strength 
of the device attached to the switch interacts inadequately with either 
the switch or with the target computer...  Switching is usually done 
solid-state and apparently feeds through the signal and there is some 
attenuation before it reaches the computer so that the computer may not 
see it on the threshhold--this also explains why sometimes a device is 
seen on switching and sometimes not.


P. S.  Thanks for the question...  I now have ONE mouse on my desktop 
though I hate it.  I miss my trackball.

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Re: [newbie] diskdrake doesn't show partitions

2002-01-04 Thread tester

Barbara Pfieffer wrote:

 But, the problem is, the partition I added is my /home partition. I'm 
 afraid I'll lose it, following your instructions.
 Here's fdisk p output and my df. Will I lose my /home partition?
 Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 2431 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes
   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
 /dev/hda1   * 1  1640  13173268+   c  Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
 /dev/hda2  1641  2431   6353707+   5  Extended
 /dev/hda5  1641  1671248976   82  Linux swap
 /dev/hda6  1672  2057   3100482   83  Linux
 /dev/hda7  2058  2115465853+  83  Linux
 Command (m for help): q
 [root@mhar bjp]# df
 Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda6  3051760   2149852746884  75% /
 none192116 0192116   0% /dev/shm
 /dev/hda8  2498348283956   2087484  12% /home
 /dev/hda1 13159416   9178120   3981296  70% /mnt/windows
 tester wrote:
 Barbara Pfieffer wrote:

I used Diskdrake to add a partition, and now, when I run it, it 
 shows an empty harddrive. There is a partition table and fstab works, 
 since I can boot into both Windows and Linux. Is there a way to fix 
 it so I can use it to resize a partition?



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 You added a linux-extended partiton type, most probably.

 In most circumstances Diskdrake can make sense of this, but it is a 
 partition table recovery item, so it will not always do so.

 You see, the partition table on a drive is 66 bytes, the last 66 bytes 
 of the 512 bytes of the first sector on the disk

 Each entry is 16 bytes and there are two signature bytes at the end of 
 the 4 entries.

 A primary partition has the first and last block of the partition, a 
 number, and a type.  There can be at most 4 primary partitions.

 An extended entry just points to the first sector of an extension and 
 defines the total area.  In the first sector of the extension are two 
 partition table entries, the first a partition definition just like 
 the primary partition table that points to the firast genuine 
 partition, and then a pointer to the first sector of the remaining 
 partition available for additional extensions

 So extensions are defined in a chain.  This explains why people with 
 windows extended partitons sometimes can no longer findd them after 
 installing linux--the windows search quits as soon as it encounters a 
 non-windows partition.

 Now if you say a partition type is linux-extended or just extended 
 then the data fields to be read will have either random data from 
 previous use or filler characters from a previous format, not likely 
 to define a proper chain.

 In most circumstances, Diskdrake detects this situation and decides 
 thaqt since it is the last entry, the partition table can be 
 corrected...  just drop the extended partition.

 But if the data defines something possible but say overlapping with 
 previous partitioning, diskdrake gives up with a blank table.


 Open a terminal

 su to root

 # fdisk /dev/hda

 or whatever is the drive where you added the partition


 to print the partition table on your screen  note the number of the 
 partition you added.


  to delete the last entry  it will ask for the number


 to rewrite the partition table and exit

 # reboot

 Now you should be able top proceed as before, with a partition table 
 that diskdrake can recognize

 Naturally, next time you call diskdrake, note that you can save the 
 partiton table to floppy or restore it from floppy from within diskdrake.



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You are correct.  You would lose /home.   Thewre is nothing in that 
partition table to make diskdrake act that way.

The likeliness of a bad load or bad store of diskdrake is very very 
high.  It suggests either bad media or a disk with failure imminent, but 
the fact that diskdrake worked correctly once suggests about zero chance 
for the bad install.

OK that is very strange,  Back up all data and get a new disk.  I can 
find you a 40G for less than $100 including shipping if you like.. 
Something is amiss, and it is not likely to get better with age


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Re: [newbie] SecurityUpdates and Kernel 2.4.8-31.2mdk

2002-01-03 Thread tester

Michael Viron wrote:

 At 09:44 PM 01/02/2002 -0500, Andre Dubuc wrote:
Well, I finally got SoftwareUpdate to work again. Browsing through the 
updates I notice the new kernel 2.4.8-31.2mdk. Now, I vaguely recall

or someone else warning against updating the kernel through Update.

I'm of the school If it ain't broke, don't fix it! -- is this update 
really necessary? I mean everything except AC97 sound recording works very 
well. Would you advise that I skip this update? Is it necessary?

I'm a bit confused by the additional kernel stuff that's included with the 
update, i.e.:

  Kernel-source, kernel-linus 2.4, kernel 2.2 -- Do I upgrade all, or only

  2.4 items?

 -- These you do not have to install, since they only apply to kernel 2.2.x --
 kernel22-2.2.19-20.1mdk.i586.rpm - main copy of the 2.2.19 kernel
 kernel22-secure-2.2.19-20.1mdk.i586.rpm - secured version of the 2.2.19 kernel
 kernel22-smp-2.2.19-20.1mdk.i586.rpm - multiprocessor 2.2.19 kernel
 kernel22-source-2.2.19-20.1mdk.i586.rpm - source for 2.2.19 kernel
 -- End Do Not Need to Install --
 kernel-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - main (base) kernel 2.4.8
 kernel-doc-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - kernel documents for 2.4.8
 kernel-enterprise-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - kernel supporting over 1 GB memory
 kernel-headers-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - kernel headers
 kernel-linus2.2-2.2.20-1.1mdk.i586.rpm - 2.2.20 kernel, linus style (ie, no
 mandrake patches)
 kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - 2.4.8 kernel module(s) for laptops
 kernel-smp-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - multiprocessor 2.4.8 kernel
 kernel-source-2.4.8-31.2mdk.i586.rpm - kernel source for 2.4.8
 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida
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_Download_ the kernel stuff you want to update and then _install_ it 
with rpm -ivh kernel-(numbers)...rpm

kernels were never ever meant for update.  That gives you a new kernel 
with old, initrd.img, and /lib/modules/(oldkernel) which 
usually results in an unworkable mess.

It seems possible yet to fool Software Manager into -Uvh instead of -ivh 
for the kernel if you include a bunch of other packages in the same session.


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Re: [newbie] KDE Startup Sound

2002-01-03 Thread tester

DStevenson wrote:

 Have you run sndconfig from a shell...this solved my problem that was same as yours.
 On Thursday 03 January 2002  1:44 pm, Miark wrote:

I stand corrected. It did make a difference:
now XMMS won't play music at all with any
of the three output plugins. mpg123 and ogg13
are dead, too.

FreeAmp is the only thing that plays, and when
I use it the first time, I do not hear the
KDE startup sound.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE Startup Sound


It doesn't seem to do anything. Do I need
to restart a service or reboot?


- Original Message -
From: tester [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE Startup Sound

Kaj Haulrich wrote:

On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:14:44 -0700, Miark wrote:

Sound has never worked as it should on my 8.1 with
SB Live Value, but it's worked well enough to do
what I want (for instance, using mpg123 or ogg132
instead of xmms, etc.).  Things are still fine, but
I'm regularly expiencing something strange that I
thought I ask about.

When startx into KDE, I hear no startup sound. But
if, later in the session, I play a song, like with
mpg123, the KDE startup sound plays all of the sudden.
It doesn't affect the music playing at all. It's just

Any ideas?


Same problem here, - it's no big deal though.
Kaj Haulrich


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sounds like both OSS and ALSA drivers are loaded and running

What happens with

chkconfig --del alsa


(In a terminal as root)



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 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=message.footer
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OK if some things still work, then you were using _both_ OSS and alsa 
drivers.  Now look in /lib/modules/(kernelnumber)/sound for a driver and 
alias it in in /etc/modules.conf as

alias sound drivername (without the .o.gz)

and remove any reference to alsa sound drivers, since you have turned 
alsa off.

reboot and see if you get normal sound...


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Re: [newbie] RE: Zip Drive and fstab

2002-01-02 Thread tester

tester wrote:

 Maureen L. Thomas wrote:

 I am using Mandrake 8.1.  I can access my floppy and my cdrom but not
 the Zip disk.  It is an internal Atapi drive.  My fstab entry looks like

 /dev/hdd4  /mnt/zip  auto 
 user,icharset=iso8859-1,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 when I try to mount with the icon I get the following message:

 mount special device /dev/hdd4 does not exist 
 I know it is probably something really simple, but I just can't figure
 it out.  Your help is greatly appreciated. 


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 In this case you need to create the device

 mknod -m a+rw /dev/hdd4 b 22 69


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Ack Typo
mknod -m a+rw /dev/hdd4 b 22 68

is what it should be

major 22 is ide channel secondary  minor 64+partition number is slave 
drive and partition number combined.


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Re: [newbie] Another new problem.. :(

2002-01-02 Thread tester

Eric Budinger wrote:

 Hey All,

 Well I got my box backup and working. Now here is my other problem. I 
 have only 7.9 megs left on /dev/hda1 which is my root... my /home has 
 over 300 megs. I have a several hundred meg hard drive sitting here 
 that I want to install and run the programs off that. What would be 
 easier? Taking my entire /home and moving it to the new hard drive and 
 re-partitioning my box or what? Any tips? Ideas?Etc? Thanks a ton!


Well surgery on / is very difficult, because you cannot unmount it from 
a running system. You have several options...

Method A:

If /usr is a subdirectory of / instead of a separately mounted 
partition, you can move that to the second disk if there is room--Here's 

1. Put in your second disk

2. boot

3. when you get to the GUI run Mandrake Control 

4. When diskdrake comes up, save your partition table to floppy and make 
a partition on the second disk called /spusr ,,, When you exit, make 
sure you answer the save changes to /etc/fstab with a yes, and also 
make sure you format and mount the partition.

5. after exiting diskdrake, bring up a terminal and

$ su
password(your root password)

# cp -a /usr/* /spusr
# kedit /etc/fstab
change the line where /spusr is defined to /usr save and exit
# mkdir /oldusr
# mv /usr /oldusr
# umount /spusr
# mount /usr

Almost done--now recover the space

# rm -r /oldusr -f

And now you should have much roon in /

Method B:

It may be that there isn't sufficient room on the new drive or that /usr 
is already separated.
1. Make room for / by moving those things right after it (by Method A)
2. Install the rpm ext2resize from your distribution disks using 
Software Manager
3. In a terminal as root run the command
ext2end / +(blocks to add) (this can be done while it is live and mounted)
separate /var from / which will also create space (method A)

Almost any other moves will require a reinstallation.


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Re: [newbie] Update problem in 8.0

2002-01-02 Thread tester

Barbara Pfieffer wrote:

 I have Mandrake 8.0 installed on a Dell Inspiron 2500. I run Mandrake 
 Update, and setup a security update site. As soon as I do that (and I've 
  reinstalled Mandrake just to check it) it starts filling the trees and 
 when it gets to the security site, it stops at 26% (every time) and 
 freezes. I have to kill the program. So now, basically, I can't update 
 my computer except by getting rpms  and using kpackage. Anyone else had 
 this problem and any suggestions on how to fix it? And no, I can't get 
 Mandrake 8.1 to work on this computer, so don't suggest that.
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do a urpmi.removemedia (

then try a different mirror.  Not all mirrors are managed carefully as 
they are all volunteered space, and incorrect permissions would cause 
exactly what you are seeing.


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Re: [newbie] can not read acrobat files

2002-01-02 Thread tester

Stojs wrote:

 When I click a pdf it starts up something called PS and PFD Viewer, in
 wich I can see the page numbers in the left of the window. The problem
 is that all the pages appear blank. I tried a number of different pdfs
 and every single one does the same. do I have to somehow configure this
 Thanks in advance,
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Well right click on the pdf file and select Open with and type in xpdf 
in the blank and tick Remember association and from then on pdf files 
will offer you xpdf and PS files wil be opened by the viewer.

In 8.1 the viewer finally works right on ps and pdf files, but xpdf is a 
great program, too, and it can print the files for you.


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Re: [newbie] Conflict between Printing Sound in LM8.1

2002-01-02 Thread tester

Marcia wrote:

 Dear All,
 I have been having a long struggle getting my ethernet, sound, and printing 
 all working at the same time. I have studied all relevant files, how-to's, 
 and asked many questions but so far no answer that has worked. I do have a 
 clue now. My sound module is not loaded when I start up. It worked fine in 7, 
 7.2 and 8 but now in 8.1 it only works when I put sb into the /etc/modules 
 file. After I do that then my printer does not work. My printer and ethernet 
 work just fine without sound but the printer and sound will not work together 
 so far. This tells me there must be a conflict somewhere however I cannot 
 tell where it is. I have checked the /proc/ioports, interrupts, and dma files 
 as well as all others that could be relevant yet cannot find the conflict. 
 This has been so baffling. I have the ESS1868 sound card which works well 
 with the sb sound module. My printer is a brand new HP Deskject 940c which 
 works great as long as I do not install the sound. The same thing was 
 happening with my old Epson Stylus Color before I got this new one. Does 
 anyone have any ideas here? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
 Thank you,
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Get into your BIOS

find Power Management

where it says ACPI-aware OS, make sure it is set to NO

It sounds like ACPI is stacking all your interrupts in one place.


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Re: [newbie] Zip file system not recognized

2002-01-02 Thread tester

Todd Slater wrote:

 I thought everything was OK when mounting my zip, until I put a disk
 in it. I have the type set to auto, which works fine for floppy and
 cds, but when I insert a zip disk, I get an error message that it
 can't recognize the file system, and none is specified.
 I'm using an IBM/windows disk, I shouldn't have to reformat the disk,
 should I?
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ZIP disks are preformatted to be partition 4, so if you have an internal 
IDE zip on hdd it will be /dev/hdd4  If a SCSI it is sda4 and so on.

devfs may not make the device, so you have to do so manually, once, 
using mknod.


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Re: [newbie] AOL CDROM help!

2002-01-01 Thread tester

AOL Systems wrote:

ok i install Linux by CD i know that im just asking that I cannot mount the
cdrom when im inside the Linux Systems already (KDE and Gnome)
I dont want to reinstall again so  what will I do so i will not re-Install


Julian Opificius wrote:

How did you install Linux in the first place if not by CD ROM?

At 02:10 PM 1/1/02 -0800, you wrote:

Pls help!

I mounted my cdrom using mount /mnt/cdrom then
i went to the directory using cd /mnt/cdrom when i command  ls
no directories or files found
when i command mount /dev/cdrom an error occured saying
fs: iso9660 is not supported by your kernel
so how will i installed packages so my cdrom may be supported and what
packages should i install.How can I also install it my cdrom  does not
mount-I cannot use my cdrom.

Any help will be gladly appreciated.
Thanks and God Bless!

Happy New Year!!!2002 from AOL Systems!
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!


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Julian A. Opificius.
802 Fawn Road, Elk River, MN 55330.
Home: 763.441.1291, Cell: 763.360.5919

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It is very strange to install from a cd and not get iso9660 support in 
the kernel.  What distribution are you using, and what version?

Your reluctance to reinstall suggests it is not Mandrake, but that's OK. 
 People here will try to help anyway.


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Re: [newbie] RE: Office Suites

2002-01-01 Thread tester

Dave Sherman wrote:

On Tue, 2002-01-01 at 08:51, robin wrote: 

Dave Sherman wrote:


I think Civileme's point was that if/when the UCITA law passes in
Washington, USA, then Microsoft (headquartered in Washington) will be
able to make a minor change to their proprietary .doc/.xls/whatever file
formats, and it will be illegal for Sun or anyone else to
reverse-engineer that file format to create a new filter for their
competing office suite. And if anyone DOES reverse-engineer the file
format, then MS can sue them to smithereens, and even try to go for a
prison sentence, since their EULA will carry the force of law.

I can't seriously see this happening.  Microsoft had enough political 
and economic clout to survive getting sued by Netscape et al., but they 
don't have the clout to sue Sun - it would be suicidal.

Maybe. But they *could* sue, and probably shut it down,
which would effectively slow, if not stop, development of StarOffice as

I suspect the real reason for the paucity of .doc filters is that it is 
such a yucky format that writing a good filter is more trouble than it's 
worth. wv does a passable job but is far from perfect, and even Star 
Office only got it right with version 6.0.

It is a yucky *and* an undocumented format. This means it requires
anyone to reverse engineer it before they can write a filter for it. If
you check the website, you will see that they were forced
to re-write the MS Office filters from scratch, because the StarOffice
filters were under an NDA from Sun. It wasn't because of MS licensing,
but Sun itself was standing in the way (this may, on second thought, be
a carry-over from Sun's purchase of StarOffice from the German Star
company that originally developed the software).

But here's another scary example, to which Civileme alluded: Samba. What
will happen if/when UCITA passes in Washington state, and Microsoft sues
the Samba team for reverse-engineering their proprietary software and
network protocols? If we are lucky, Samba will be able to continue
working outside the US, in one or more countries that are willing to
largely ignore US extradition requests (or more accurately, that are so
difficult to deal with that MS won't even bother). And any US-based
Samba developers will need to leave the team, because MS can go after
them individually -- again, for both monetary compensation and
imprisonment. One need only look at Adobe's ridiculous actions with
regard to Dmitri Sklyarov to realize that MS will not hesitate to try
the same thing with any known Samba developer that they can reach.

Civileme's further point, to which Doug balked, was that we should all
be looking to move away from MS' (or anyone else's, for that matter)
proprietary file formats, as a pre-emptive move so that we are not
locked into yet another MS monopoly if/when UCITA passes. In our own
self-interest, we should be changing to open file formats, like xml
(which StarOffice 6.0 uses, by the way).

We need .doc filters as a stopgap.  No matter how often I tell my 
colleagues that I refuse to read .doc files, sometimes I just have to. 
XML is a reasonable lingua franca, but for my own purposes, I'm still a 
LaTeX man.

I agree that we need the filters for now, but it would still be wise to
stop using MS' proprietary formats ASAP. As far as using LaTeX, is there
a free and easy to use LaTeX editor/word processor for Windows and
Macintosh? Just curious -- actually, I thought LaTeX was a document
layout/markup language for professional publishing, but not something
typically used for word processing. I am betting you need to convert
your documents to a different format for others (non-Linux users) to
read, yes?


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Well, the output of Tetex/LaTeX, if printed to a file, is postscript 
format, printer-ready just about anywhere, and readable by adobe acrobat 
reader and other programs.

LyX is a document processor close to WYSIWYG that runs cross-platform 
(yes, windows too) which is indispensible if you are dealing with lots 
of special symbols, margin notes, footnotes, and so on and you don't 
want to learn native LaTeX commands.

KLyX was written for the Qt widget set and X ain a marathon session to 
show how effective Qt widgets could be.  It has great potential if 

A very nice translator was written quite a while ago called SDF, which 
can convert postscript, SGML, HTML, pdf and oher formats.  It also has 
its own metalanguage for making documents.  It too runs on Windows as 
well as on others though some Microsoft license agreements might be 
violated in the latest versions of windows (the Netkit is licensed 
against living under the same roof with GPL software and Perl--at least 
Microsoft's atttorneys haven't required that all Microsoft competitiors 
be addressed as the 

Re: [newbie] RE: Zip Drive and fstab

2002-01-01 Thread tester

Maureen L. Thomas wrote:

I am using Mandrake 8.1.  I can access my floppy and my cdrom but not
the Zip disk.  It is an internal Atapi drive.  My fstab entry looks like

/dev/hdd4  /mnt/zip  auto 
user,icharset=iso8859-1,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0 

when I try to mount with the icon I get the following message:

mount special device /dev/hdd4 does not exist  

I know it is probably something really simple, but I just can't figure
it out.  Your help is greatly appreciated.  


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In this case you need to create the device

mknod -m a+rw /dev/hdd4 b 22 69


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Re: [newbie] My 3 year old computer, is it compatible?

2001-12-31 Thread tester

Michael Viron wrote:

If it is a Pentium or above, you'll be able to install Mandrake.  If it's a
486, you'll still be able to install Mandrake 7.0 for i486 (although that
might be a bit sluggish).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:07 AM 12/31/2001 -0800, you wrote: 

I have a 3 year old computer that is an NEC and it has a motherboard with a
really old BIOS ( I don't know its name ) And it has about 64 megabytes of
ram and a voodoo 3 or 4 video card and plug and play card with microphone,
sound, phone port and another card that is an Ethernet card, will I be able
to install mandrake or red hat on it? if not, someone tell me what to do (
for ex: Sell it or use another distro etc. )   P.S oh yeah, I have a
wireless mouse and a keyboard and a color printer and two speakers that
just have the logo 'NEC' on it and a scanner and a NEC Multisync xv14 and I
have 2 computers, the one I just told you about, and the one (the GOOD one
with Viewsonic 17 inch monitor, some good sound card, some multimedia
speaker, wireless ball wheel mouse, wireless keyboard, custom made
computer, 48X CD Drive and a 6x max CDR drive and a floppy drive and a zip
drive (external) Usb Card, 2 Ethernet cards and a plug and play card with
all the ones the old one has except phone port, and Pentium 3 500 Mhz, 380
megabyte of ram using MS WINDOWS ME Which I am quite pissed at) ANYWAYS
don't get confused by my long description, just tell me yes or no if it is
compatible (oh I almost forgot, need a new battery for it, you know, the
little flat circle battery)

Hmm, without the battery, you may not be able to do much at all, because 
it keeps your configuration in CMOS RAM on the motherboard.

The newer computer is certainly compatible and will work as a dual-boot. 
 If the older one doesn't work with Mandrake, there is always 
Peanut-Linux, a 99Mb download with only one desktop (I believe they are 
using Enlightenment now).  


Always Expect The Unexpected
-Richard Kim

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Re: [newbie] RE: Office Suites

2001-12-31 Thread tester

Michael Leone wrote:

I think Civileme's point was that if/when the UCITA law passes in
Washington, USA, then Microsoft (headquartered in Washington) will be
able to make a minor change to their proprietary .doc/.xls/whatever
file formats, and it will be illegal for Sun or anyone else to
reverse-engineer that file format to create a new filter for their
competing office suite.

Sun licenses the file formats from MS, don't they? They didn't
reverse-engineer them, I thought.

Well, no one requires Microsoft to offer such licenses, but the point 
again is that your data is hostage if they want it to be, and you will 
have to purchase upgrades on their schedule or lose what you have.  If 
you do not keep your data on windows proprietary formats now, it is wise 
to remain in that position.

You may have to run their OS to communicate with their captives, but you 
don't need to keep your data there.  Send stuff out as HTML, and they 
can read it, or use .rtf, their open format, and run one Winsystem with 
Office to receive their communiques.  (Printing to a file might help or 
to a computer which is masquerading as a plain-text printer, under 
Samba, for as long as the free software community can keep Samba 


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Re: [newbie] CPU Speed Question

2001-12-30 Thread tester


Although I am rather new to Linux, I go back to before the CP/M days in 
computing.  However, I have a question pertaining to the CPU requirement for 
Mandrake V8.1 vs other distributions, Specifically SuSE V7.3.

The systems I run here on Linux are based on the old AMD K6-2/300 CPU.  
I've noted that Mandrake V8.1 runs quite a bit slower than SuSE V7.3 on the 
same platforms.  I know Mandrake was optimized for Pentium CPUs, whereas the 
SuSE distribution still specifies a 486DX CPU as its minimum spec processor.

Any comments, and has anyone else seen similar results?


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It is all a matter of the vm in the kernel.  SuSE has 4 updates a year 
and I think their kernel has significantly later vms than the 8.1.  If 
you use the updated kernel, you may find it improved, but obviously the 
8.2 version will be much better.  I am finding significant improvement 
on K6-2 platforms with kernel 2.4.16.  

If you install 8.1 with kernel22 you should find pervormance quite snappy.


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Re: [newbie] Unable to browse via Netscape

2001-12-30 Thread tester

minhaz_islam wrote:

I having problems browsing the Internet using Netscape.
I have Linux Mandrake 7.1 and can connect to my ISP using my external 56k 
Everytime I browse the Internet, I receive a message saying the cannot be found.
I can browse using web IP addresses, such as ( using 
Netscape, but when I enter, I receive the above error message.
I am not sure if I need any details in my file etc\resolv.conf.
Can any one help me with this problem, please ?


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Well, in kppp you need to specify the IP addresses of your ISP's nameservers

If your address is one that is part of your ISP, the nameserver is


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Re: [newbie] HELP! WinXP

2001-12-30 Thread tester

Hugo Saro wrote:

Guys, i didn't find any other place to post this, so
if anyone can help me here..

My new computer came with Windows XP (Pro) installed.
It was running fine till suddenly, somethings began
not to work. The search (F3) only showed a blank area,
User Accounts under control panel would no longer work
(Blank area again), and even the Check All  Delete
buttons (yahoo) among others won't work anymore. This
is stressing me, obviously. I've mailed microsoft but
they replied with the usual contact computer
manufacturer or check this site, so no much help from

Ultimately, could any one help on how to create a
bootdisk for ntfs ? i'm getting tired of XP anyway so
if i can't fix it..

Thanks in advance

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Well you are not the only XP user to show here.  We had one whose 
Microsoft keyboard and mouse disappeared after an upgrade.. and also 
after a fresh install of XP.

This disappearance suggests a likely hardware problem.  If you can give 
us the make and model of computer, we may be able to get the right 
contact point for you if it is hardware.  Generally any computer 
manufacturer has a vested interest in solving your problem the first 
time you call, because three calls kill all the profit in selling you 
the system.

It is not possible to make a dual-boot linux with windows XP running 
ntfs and having the whole disk to start with.  If you want to try linux 
you will either have to reinstall XP with FAT32 or install it on a 
partition less than the whole disk leaving a space unpartitioned or use 
partition magic or a similar tool to work with the partitions.  One of 
the disadvantages of using free software is that it deals mostly with 
formats that are not secret or priprietary or for which one must sign a 
Non-Disclosure Agreement to obtain information.

With all of that said, yes we are willing to help anyone with any system 
here, but some systems we know more about than others.  The more we know 
about your hardware setup and system, the better positined we will be to 
help you.


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Re: [newbie] RE: Office Suites

2001-12-29 Thread tester

Michael Scottaline wrote:

On Fri, 28 Dec 2001 01:28:01 -0500
Maureen L. Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled gleefully:

I upgraded to KDE 2.2 and am using K-Office.  So far it hasn't crashed
or froze on me and I have imported all the documents I was using from
Lotus SmartSuite and it hasn't lost a thing.  I am very pleased with
it.  Some small improvements in K-Spread are needed, like multi copy,
but otherwise it works just fine.  KWord does everything that I need for
home and for a couple of non profit orgs I help out.  All in all it all
works fairly decently.

Interesting, Maureen, but how about the export filters?  Will K-Office
successfully export to M$Office or Lotus SmartSuite.  Can a document be
saved in .doc or .xlm or whatever.  When I tried to import a form (lots of
tables) from a Word file that that StarOffice handled flawlessly, there
were too many errors in the K-Word version to make the form usable. 
Ordinary Word docs (mere text) seem to work OK. Thanks for the review,

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One of the things that _no_one_ should be concerned about any longer is 
compatibility with MS Office.

FYI, there is an act purchasing its way through various state 
legislatures in the US called UCITA, which places some obligations on 
software manufacturers but gives their license agreements the full force 
and effect of law.  When it passes in Washington State, the upgrade 
after its passage will be _illegal_ to reverse engineer for the purpose 
of making import filters, and folks who use MS software will no longer 
be able to call their data their own.  UCITA does not obligate the 
software maker to provide export filters.

So if someone wants to make a conversion  after this event, it will be 
with a printer and an OCR-enabled scanner.


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Re: [newbie] managed to freeze the system!

2001-12-29 Thread tester

Doug Lerner wrote:

In the console I issued the following command:


The process id returned and after that I am unable to do anything except
move the cursor. No windows respond. No mouse buttons respond.

Before I force a restart - any suggestions?


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or ctrl-alt-f2, login as root and killall jrxvt, then ctrl-alt-f7

or go in with ssh and killall jrxvt


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Re: [newbie] Compiling a new kernel...

2001-12-29 Thread tester

David Bovill wrote:

The instructions I have say download the 2 RPM's (source and header), but I
just need to add a custom kernel based on the existing configuration.  How
do I go about this, as the packages are already installed?




as a url in your favorite browser should open the reference manual on 
your machine.

There is a step-by-step in chapter 15 (8.0) and chapter 16 (8.1) on 
compiling the kernel.  If you want to customize the one already there, 
follow the text skipping the download instructions and jumping to 
/usr/src/linux.  BE really careful to assign a different build number to 
the vmlinuz product and the /lib/modules entry so you don't trample what 
you already have--once you are done, both should be bootable and in fact 
you should be able to use Control Center to make a boot configuration 
for your kernel.


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Re: [newbie] ML 8.0 install CDROM can't find my CDROM

2001-12-29 Thread tester

Roland Berger wrote:

 When I try to install ML8.0 I get the following problem. First I describe
the installation steps I did.

- CD is deteced as a boot cd. System tells that drive letter is mapped to A
and the floppy is now B

-The Mandrake welcome screen is displayd where you can choose to press F1 or
ENTER. I choose ENTER to start installatin.

- Some messages are displayed. The last one before the probelm appears is:
Welcome to Linux Mandrake (8.0) 

- Then: Please wait Installing Adaptec¦AHA-2940U2

- Then:  Error! No CDROM device found

After this a list of 34 driver is displayed to choose the driver with which
the SCSI Adapter can be accessed. Non of the diplayed drivers works.

It looks like it can read from the CDROM in a first step but after
installing the Adpatec Driver it fails to do so. That's very strange to me.

So, does any body know the source of the problem?
Would ML8.1 solve this problem?

Best regards

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There was a change in the adaptec driver in 8.0 because Adaptec changed 
its firmware.

Not all adaptec cards are flashable for the new firmware and there is a 
driver called aic7xxx_old in /lib/modules once you are installed.

The first boot is from the BIOS and the second stage is from the kernel 
loaded in with a driver incompatible with your card's firmware.

Look in /images/alternatives for cdrom.img-2.2.19...BADZ5 and make a 
boot floppy from it, then use the boot floppy to get 8.0 installed


If you decide to use 8.1, the newer driver for adaptec _may_ have 
unified your card as well (some yes, some no, there have been more than 
150 PROM versions of 2940s) but if not, boot from the second CD and 
choose an alternate image.


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Re: [newbie] c compiler and its problem in 8.0

2001-12-29 Thread tester

eric wrote:

Dear mandrake 8.0 standard user:

  I used simple c program hello world, in printf(hello world)
it did not print at all, 
until I add \n\n at the end of the line of hello world, then it print as
what it should be.
but that kind of result is not correct.  it never happen at redhat 7.1
or debian-progeny 1.0, they all can print even without \n\n at the end
of string.

  need help, and thanks inn advance, eric lin,
url so far, will add later

What that means is that our compiler is stricter...
It insists on proper C code.


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Re: [newbie] Agfa Snapscan Touch scanner

2001-12-29 Thread tester

Jon Doe wrote:

Does anyone have one of these scanners working? In LM8.1 it shows up when I plug it 
in. Xsane even pops up an icon on my desk when I plug it in, but it just says it cant 
open /dev/usb/scanner. Has anyone got this working? Can anyone explain it in newbie 

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If you are lucky enough to have the e40, you are OK.  See this:

It may be that you simply did not load all relevant softeware...  try 
opening the Software manager (local on CD sources) and checking that you 
have sane and usb modules installed and installing them if not.

Most snapscans are in sane-backend drivers after sane 1.0.3.

Also, your /dev/usb/scanner may not exist which is why it cannot be 
opened.  You can manufacture one with mknod using the numbers in 
/usr/share/jkernel-doc (kernel number)/devices.txt


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Re: [newbie] MDK 8.1 Updates

2001-12-29 Thread tester

Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, Rob K wrote:

As far as  I know, you've done the ONLY upgrade that is *NOT* recommended
through Mandrake update!!

You have to download it and install using rpm -ivh kernel.rpm
I've done this way and it was just perfect!
There was indeed a warning email from mandrake for not using the MU for
kernel upgrading.

I don't know about the kernel-headers and source

[]s Ricardo Castanho

Sorry if this has already been asked!

I'm installing MDK 8.1 mainly to act as a server for my ADSL connection

here in the UK.  I've managed to get it running and was happy till I
tried to do the mandrake updates.  One of them is a kernel update which I
thought Hmm looks important better do it 20mins later 1 reboot and hang
on whats going on??? nothing is working!!! wargh!!

Now 3 rebuilds later (ok so I don't learn I thought it was something I'd

done) still no joy.  Have I missed something stupidly simple or is this a
bug with MU???
Many Thanks
Rob K
Trying to Run MDK 8.1 with an Alcatel Speedtouch on BTOpenworld.

- -- 
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Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
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Here is what I just sent to several departments

Naturally we have people still on 8.0 who use mandrakeUpdate/SoftWare 
to update the update kernels, and we have had several folks who ran 
Manager for 8.1 and did multiple updates in one session who managed to get
the effect of and rpm -Uvh on the kernel update package.

Here is what to tell them:
1.  Open a terminal and get the installed kernel version number with

$ uname -a

2.  su to root

3.  issue this command

# rpm -e kernel-(version number from the uname output)

4.  Put in the install CD and

# reboot

5.  Tick the expert mode and click the right-hand Update button on 
of install.  (Yes, some people could not find it because they expected the
right -hand button to be Cancel and did not read it.)

6.  Let the installer fuss and cluck til it figures out that all it has 
to do
is install the kernel.  Pass package selection and go to individual 
selection.  Use the two-blue-arrow symbol at the bottom to toggle to the 
list and scroll down to the k's and check to assure the kernel is 
checked to
be installed.

7.  If you tried to restore connectivity by running network when you had
troubles, reinstall your network, otherwise, you can leave it alone.

8.  Fine-tune your X install if you like

9.  Kill the old_ packages offered by the bootloader.

10.  Now, after your system comes back up, _download_ the kernel update and
install it as root in a terminal with

rpm -ivh kernel-(number of the update kernel)[TAB][enter]
I don't know if we should consider this for the errata pages but I have 
had a
flood of these complaints recently.


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Re: [newbie] bash scripting for beginners

2001-12-29 Thread tester

Andrei Raevsky wrote:

 I am looking for a good bash scripting tutorial/manual for BEGINNERS 
 who are new Bash, Linux and scripting.  Ideally - a book in PDF format 
 or something in HTML.
 Please let me know if you know were I could find such an item.

 Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:

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I think there is probably an ebook on it in your install or one you can 
access by update selecting the documentation package.

I learned from O'Reilly's Linux in a Nutshell plus sturfdying the 
initscripts for Mandrake.(no joke).


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Re: [newbie] Segmentation+misc. install errors ?

2001-12-28 Thread tester

lee wrote:

Hi Folks,

Well I'm back to my son's box still trying to get 8.1 installed. Here is the 
gist of the guts :-)

It's an FIC motherboard (va-503+) w/192 mg. of ram. Now the memory consists 
of  2 sticks,1 is a 128 mg of crucial ram that is cl2. The other is a stick I 
bought from Tiger Direct. I've also got an ATI RAge 128 Pro (AGP card). In 
addition there is a Teac cdr along with another cdrom. The hd is a WD unit. 
Oh..and the bios is by award..version je-439 (if this helps). There is also a 
nic card that needs to go in,whch isn't in there at the moment. All of this 
is in an AT type case...

The errors are seg faults..seems like memory is missing..lots of sig 
11's,,hmm  a few other wordings but it sounds like the themes are the same 
across all of them.

I've tried a # of different shadowing off/on,turned the 
caches off/on,the pci burst settings and a variety of other things that don't 
seem to come to mind at the moment. Re-set the ram to cl3 ( took out what I 
percieved as the cheaper ram (the tiger) and used just the crucial)pnp 
off/on..irq manual/auto. Darn near all of 'em I Bios 
defaults..set-up defaults...gee have I missed I'm sure I have but 
you get the point :-)

I even tried taking the drive to another box,loaded 8.1 (gaming edition) and 
put it back in the machine (it didn't like my trickery) to no avail.

Look--there is no doubt what it is at all.  If you suspect memory make a 
floppy from


on the first CD and boot from it.

But I can reproduce your errors with a WD 64AA rifght here...  seems 
like memory missing...

And with a maxtor, I am fine

I am also able to get better performance with

linux ide0=noautotune

and a 40 pin cable instead of 80.  Install will complete on the WD one 
time in three.  Afterwards I see the odd {DriveReady SeekComplete} error 
from the WD on boot but it runs flakily after a fashion.

WD drives were never properly set up in terms of hardware to do ATA/66 
or higher.  They don't have the hardware to do the required 57-byte CRC 
in the standard, yet chipset manufacturers have let them get away with 
that crap for years.  WD has told us at shows repeatedly that they 
support only windows (with all their drives) and Solaris (with their 
SCSI line).

It is really time for people who hope to run linux to seriously consider 
a permanent switch of hdd brands.


As I'm not sure which direction to go next I thought I'd post my problem 
here. The boy had 98se on there before and I REALLY REALLY  don't wanna admit 
defeat and re-install that !! Win4Lin,sure..but straight 98..NO !! Now..I'm 
thinking maybe pull out the cdr (set as sec. master and where I'm installing 
from) and try again ? I have a PCI video card I can try ?

Anyway..if anyone has managed to get past issues such as this I'd really love 
to know how it was done,or be pointed to the correct docs to work it out on 
my own. I spent 12+ hours trying to deal w/this the day before y'day before I 
come crying to the

Thank you all once very much for your time :-)


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[newbie] Which Kernel?

2001-12-28 Thread tester

Someone writes in another subject's post...

I hope you get it all worked out before you get tired of trying.  Another 
question:  My box (Mandrake Linux 8.1 Powerpack) says I have kernels 2.4.8 
and 2.2.19.  But when I installed (over and over) I never saw a place for 
choosing kernels.  It seems I have installed automatically?

Well, you use expert mode and individual package selection and find trhe 
little symbol at the bottom of the screen that looks like recycling but 
with two blue arrows to toggle from the mostly useless tree view to the 
flat view and then scroll down to the k's and pick kernel22 to be installed.

Then when bootloader time rolls around, you can make the kernel22 boot 
the default or even delete the kernel 2.4 boots if you like.

If you have a box that just doesn't like kernel 2.4 to begin with boot 
from the _second_ CD and you can use kernel22 as your install kernel as 


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Re: [newbie] kernel update

2001-12-28 Thread tester

Eric wrote:

 I did a kernel header, doc, and kernel update with mandrake on my 8.0 
 system.  Everything installed just fine but I can no longer use ppp to 
 get on the internet.  I tried modprobe -v ppp and it can't seem to 
 find it.


 I am out of ideas.


 Crapola I shouldn't have updated through security updates.



You didn't read the security advisory which would have told you that you 
_cannot_ update a kernel.  You must download it and _install_ it. 
 Updating produces a new kernel with the older modules, initrd.img, and and it is a miracle if it even boots.  


Everything but kernels will update OK through the security updates.  We 
have tried to make sure that Software manager in 8.1 will only install 
kernels, but we have discovered it can be fooled in multiple updates at 

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Re: [newbie] AOL Help!-Hardisk!

2001-12-28 Thread tester

AOL Systems wrote:

How to mount and unmount second hardisk on my linux box

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Well it should be in your /etc/fstab for convenience sake, but you can 
as root

mount /pattitionname  /mountpoint
umount /partitionname or
umount /mountpoint

partitionname would be like /dev/hdc5 and mountpoint is just a directory 
name like
/2nddisk/files or /mnt/2nddisk.  You do need to create the directory 
before using it as a mount point with

mkdir /mnt/2nddisk

Of course you can do this automagically with diskdrake--yes the very 
same tool as is used in installing.

just open Mandrake Control Center, then Hardware then MountPoints, and 
you will be there with diskdrake.  assign mount points to the second 
drive partitions as you choose, then mount them, and answer yes to 
updating /etc/fstab with changes as you leave diskdrake.

Now you can mount and unmount with

mount /mountpointname
umount /mountpointname

in a terminal as root at any time no programs are using the 2nd disk 
(yeh, if it is open in a file manager, it won't unmount).


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Re: [newbie] Which Kernel?

2001-12-28 Thread tester

Nelson Bartley wrote:

Civilme, this brings me to a new question,

Does the DraX installer use a 2.4 kernel to perform the install?

if so, what revision is it?


On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 13:14, tester wrote:

Someone writes in another subject's post...

  I hope you get it all worked out before you get tired of trying.  Another 
question:  My box (Mandrake Linux 8.1 Powerpack) says I have kernels 2.4.8 
and 2.2.19.  But when I installed (over and over) I never saw a place for 
choosing kernels.  It seems I have installed automatically?

Well, you use expert mode and individual package selection and find trhe 
little symbol at the bottom of the screen that looks like recycling but 
with two blue arrows to toggle from the mostly useless tree view to the 
flat view and then scroll down to the k's and pick kernel22 to be installed.

Then when bootloader time rolls around, you can make the kernel22 boot 
the default or even delete the kernel 2.4 boots if you like.

If you have a box that just doesn't like kernel 2.4 to begin with boot 
from the _second_ CD and you can use kernel22 as your install kernel as 


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We issue the software with one version of the kernel to run and the same 
version to install (but in a special configuration with the drivers 
likely to be needed)  For example, you probably won't be installing from 
CDs attached to a sound card with a 34 or 40 pin cable proprietary 
interface any more, so we removed those drivers to make space fo r the 
things you most often use.  Remember the install kernel and its modules 
_must_ fit a 1.44 floppy, and run framebuffer or VGA-style X


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Re: [newbie] kernel update

2001-12-28 Thread tester

Eric wrote:

That's what I get for not rtfm!  So do I have to reinstall the os?  If I
reinstall, I do have the 8.1 waiting in the background but just want to do
an upgrade, not reformat everything.

So I guess there is nothing I can do?

Thanks for responding civileme.
- Original Message -
From: tester [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] kernel update

Eric wrote:

I did a kernel header, doc, and kernel update with mandrake on my 8.0
system.  Everything installed just fine but I can no longer use ppp to
get on the internet.  I tried modprobe -v ppp and it can't seem to
find it.

I am out of ideas.

Crapola I shouldn't have updated through security updates.


You didn't read the security advisory which would have told you that you
_cannot_ update a kernel.  You must download it and _install_ it.
 Updating produces a new kernel with the older modules, initrd.img, and and it is a miracle if it even boots.


Everything but kernels will update OK through the security updates.  We
have tried to make sure that Software manager in 8.1 will only install
kernels, but we have discovered it can be fooled in multiple updates at

Hmmm, no you are not that messed...

Find your 8.0 install disk

boot and open an xterm and su to root and

rpm -e kernel-(version number instsalled)

then reboot with your install CD in the machine

Select expert mode and Update

It will fuss and cluck figuring out all it has to do is install the kernel

At individual package selection, toggle to the flat list and check that 
the kernel will be installed.

Let it run its course--you can skip the networking section because it si 
already set up, and you can try to fine-tune X if you like...

Let the bootloader be your friend

Your system should then be restored.


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Re: [newbie] Some MDK 8.1 Problems

2001-12-28 Thread tester

Amichai Rotman wrote:

Hello all,

I have been running Mandrake Linux since it's 7.2 release. I never had 
problems untill I upgraded to v8.1.

I am running the following:

An MSI 6163 Lite (VIA Chipset) M/B (with a Creative CT5880 Sound Card onboard)
533 MHz Intel Celleron CPU
128 MB RAM
1 15 GB Quantum HD, 1 20 GB Quantum HD
Creative Sound Blaster 128 PCI 
A CTX PR705F Monitor.

Win98SE and, of course, MDK 8.1.

I have migrated from M$ 6 months ago and was very happy with the move. 

My problems with 8.1 are as follow:

Some times the whole desktop (KDE) freezes, nothing helps but the reset 

Could be a sound drivers lockup

Afer every boot, I have to run sndconfig and restart the sound service for 
the KMix app to work under X. I have the Onboard CT5880 disabled.

get into a terminal
su to root

# chkconfig --del alsa

Bet you have two sets of drivers loaded for the same sound card (OSS and 

I can hear the MPEG movies I play with plaympeg, but not see them...

The Konqueror Browser (both the KFM and the WEB parts) stop working after a 
few times of use, I have to exit X, su and delete DCOP random seeds and user 
files under /tmp.

Or forward to KDE 2.2.2--some of these are strictly kde bugs.

All of these are really annoying. I am wondering, should I go back to v8.0 ?




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Re: [newbie] Using Japanese?

2001-12-27 Thread tester

Doug Lerner wrote:

Thanks. I'll try that.

Why i18n? I would have never thought of looking there for languages!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Friday, December 28, 2001):

Doug Lerner wrote:

I was hping to do Japanese reading and writing without installing a
Japanese OS interface. Every time somebody suggests something like that I
always think, Do they also suggest installing a French OS if they want
to read and write email in French? :-)

I didn't see anything in the installation about additional languages.
Certainly nothing came up during the recommended install. Is there a
way of running the installer again and adding stuff to the existing



[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thursday, December 27, 2001):

Doug Lerner wrote:

Is there something analagous to the Japanese Language Toolkit in MacOS
that I can install so that I can read and write Japanese? 


Doug Lerner, Tokyo


well since you have one partition open where win2k was, try searching on 
Two Mandrake at and set up a second mandrake 
system and choose to _install_ in Japanese.  Also, the install usually 
permits additional languages--there is no specific kit, just additional 
languages that may be chosen.


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Yes of course.  Drop in the install CD and when it comes to class of 
install, select Expert mode and Update instead of install.  It will fuss 
and cluck til it discovers it has no packages to update then offer you 
categorical and individual package selection--look at the i18n files for 
linux and kde and you will find Japanese.

BTW, as the worst ergonomics in the whole installer, the individual 
packages selection screen has a little symbol at the bottom of the 
window that looks like recycling with only two blue arrows instead of 
three green ones--this toggles from the useless tree list to the flat 
list of packages.  Use it.


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It's a sound mnemonic  i-onenation


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Re: [newbie] Linux - slave drive

2001-12-27 Thread tester

Mithrilhall2000 wrote:

I just put in a slave hard drive into my linux computer and when starting up
the computer it sees the slave drive but when I'm in linux I don't see it.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

The slave drive currently has windows on it.

Thanks in advance,

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Well, yes, run diskdrake, mount the drive from there then say to save 
the info to /etc/fstab when asked.  It probably sees the dribve just 
fine but you have no definition for the partition(s) and mount point(s).


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Re: [newbie] Linux - slave drive

2001-12-27 Thread tester

Dennis Myers wrote:

On Friday 28 December 2001 01:30, you wrote:

Ok, I must be an idiot because I can't find diskdrake anywhere.

Can you point me to where it is?

Thanks again

- Original Message -
From: tester [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux - slave drive

Mithrilhall2000 wrote:

I just put in a slave hard drive into my linux computer and when


the computer it sees the slave drive but when I'm in linux I don't see


Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

The slave drive currently has windows on it.

Thanks in advance,

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Well, yes, run diskdrake, mount the drive from there then say to save
the info to /etc/fstab when asked.  It probably sees the dribve just
fine but you have no definition for the partition(s) and mount point(s).



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Just open a console and at the prompt type 'su' without the quotes and give 
your root password and then at the next promp type diskdrake, voila!.

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Mandrake Control CenterHardwareMount Points

Toggle to expert mode only if necessary.  Saving to floppy is a good 
idea and is standard for diskdrake so that you can restore if you mess 
up the partition table.


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla 0.9.4?

2001-12-27 Thread tester

dfox wrote:

On Monday 17 December 2001 06:04, Brian Parish wrote:

1. install apt (apt-0.3.19cnc51-1mdk.i586.rpm)

I could not find this in my 8.1 Mandrake archive. Where can I get
a copy?

I've heard of some really good experiences with apt from Debian people,
and have wanted this on Mandrake. MandrakeUpdate/urpmi  whatever
it's called is OK but can eat up a lot of RAM. rpmfind is a little better at
finding dependencies and installing, but not (from what I've heard) as good 
as apt is. I think it's debatable whether or not the Debian package format is
supposed to make this depencency problem better than RPM - the feedback 
I have gotten suggest .deb is better.

Actually not.  .deb packages are under much stricter prep guidelines and 
are prepared by a much smaller group.  There is nothing in the tech 
specs that makes them better.  But rpms are used by a much broader 
audience and have developed much more rapidly, so expect them to surpass 
debs in all capabilities eventually.  The big thing is standardizing 
them because some distros use 3 others 4 and not everyone uses rpmlint.

You want rpm-get to load debs.  Also note that mandrake rpms are apt-get 


I've found apt faster and more reliable than Mandrake's own *rpmi
(MandrakeUpdate); the downside is that it doesn't tell you when something
brand new has been added to the cooker. It also seems to ignore packages

Apparently, the Debian people get around that by just doing an apt-get 
dist-upgrade in a cron job and wake up in the morning with any/all new
additions. rsyncing a local mirror of cooker might be just as well, but that 
won't automagicaly install any new RPMS that it finds.

Last time (back when I was using 7.2) I tried a version of apt I found 
somewhere on Cooker but I was not able to get it to work, mostly because of
unconfigured sample files and stuff like that. I'd really like to get a 
resource file for apt that is well-configured for Mandrake (cooker or 

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Re: [newbie] Linux - slave drive

2001-12-27 Thread tester

Mithrilhall2000 wrote:

Ok, I must be an idiot because I can't find diskdrake anywhere.

Can you point me to where it is?

Thanks again

- Original Message -
From: tester [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux - slave drive

Mithrilhall2000 wrote:

I just put in a slave hard drive into my linux computer and when starting


the computer it sees the slave drive but when I'm in linux I don't see


Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

The slave drive currently has windows on it.

Thanks in advance,

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Well, yes, run diskdrake, mount the drive from there then say to save
the info to /etc/fstab when asked.  It probably sees the dribve just
fine but you have no definition for the partition(s) and mount point(s).


If all else fails, open a terminal, su to root and

# diskdrake

It works


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Re: [newbie] RE: Office Suites

2001-12-27 Thread tester

Maureen L. Thomas wrote:

I upgraded to KDE 2.2 and am using K-Office.  So far it hasn't crashed
or froze on me and I have imported all the documents I was using from
Lotus SmartSuite and it hasn't lost a thing.  I am very pleased with
it.  Some small improvements in K-Spread are needed, like multi copy,
but otherwise it works just fine.  KWord does everything that I need for
home and for a couple of non profit orgs I help out.  All in all it all
works fairly decently.

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I have the same feeling.  StarOffice has much more than I need and is 
non-free.  Open Office is not ready with its features.  KWord is OK if 
you stay away from the Lucida fonts (which will permanently destroy the 
structure of your document for printing) and you take care and don't try 
to stretch its abilities into a framemaker.

For docs in excess of 20 pages and for all technical works, I lean to 
LyX and LaTEX, because I learned on what eventually became Borland's 
Sprint.  StarOffice I see as something nice if you want to make a 
presentation with photos printed right in them, but even then I would 
prefer the higher performance available from Applix, even though I have 
to pay for it.

So I agree, why use something with more capability than you need?  

Open Office has some mighty concepts, the most powerful of which is to 
use a plain-text data storage format (with XML encoding, but no special 
characters), and it might be wonderful someday, but right now you cannot 
install it to the spot specified by the Linux Standard Base for add-on 
software and expect it to work, which is a fatal flaw for a distro that 
is trying to comply with the LSB.

AbiWord is good for some.  I like emacs and LyX, and sometrimes use Ted, 
which will give me richest text format output, and I have used KWord 
successfully for smaller reports.  The important thing is not what your 
personal preference is but that it will handle the work you do.


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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-26 Thread tester

Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 07:17 pm, Doug Lerner wrote:

What do people think about free vs commercial software in general?
I myself don't object to commercial software. In fact, I work for a
company that makes very high-quality commercial software with a
great, loyal customer base.

Surely there is nothing wrong with paying to have software
supported and updated?


Well the analogy of the clay pot may not be good at all.  Consider this--

I make a clay pot, and I fire it and I go to a lawyer and show him the 
product and get him to draft a patent so that no one else can glaze clay 
pots or decorate them in any way without paying me royalties.  I file 
the patent and use the proceeds from my clay pots to threaten to keep 
anyone else who fires clay pots in court for years of ruinous spending 
battling my army of lawyers unless they pay me ransom for protection 
against lawsuit.

This has happened more than once.  Long before hyperlinks were a 
reality, British Telecom patented the idea of them and could make life 
difficult for all of us.  Does your specilaized software use hyperlinks? 
 or perhaps themes?  Well the idea of themes belongs to Apple 
computing...  Patented.  As a matter of fact, you cannot write software 
without significant risk of inadvertant infringement.  And the current 
patent laws set up a legal protection racket whereby technology 
companies trading in intellectual property with a CEO and a couple 
battalions of lawyers  and _no_ programmers make themselves moderately 
wealthy by extorting license fees for protection from suit.  It even 
gets as subtle as We hold patent to this technology and your website 
subscribers might be using graphics in our format created with 
unlicensed software, but you can buy a license to avoid litigation in 
the event this does occur for $7.500

The problem does not rest with Intellectual property but with 
application which has definitely become a reductio ad absurdem. 
 Non-productive drones feast off the efforts of the workers, the 
software writers, and squelch creativity.  This is the reality and it is 
why anything I write is GPL.


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Re: [newbie] is an anti-virus mandatory ?

2001-12-26 Thread tester

tek1 wrote:

 hi robin.

 is there a detailed description as to what each mandrake security 
 level entails (e.g. what settings are changed)?  also, is there a way 
 to change the level easily after installation?

 thx and happy holidays!  :)

 At 14:39 01/12/25 +0200, you wrote:

 There are a few worms that can get into a Linux system, but again you 
 should only be worried if you're running a server - for normal 
 workstation purposes, it's enough to set security on Mandrake to 


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go to control center and click on security and you can do it there.

Security levels go as follows

Welcome to Crackers --Level 0  -- no login or password and you are 
running as root
Poor -- No checks and no passwords, user and root are distinct  Level 1
Low -- Suitable for a modicum of security on unconnected computers ... 
 Passwords and users are intact but no dynamic checking is done.
Medium--Dynamic security checking is done and you get mail from the msec 
daemon about weak points Suitable for workstations connected to internet
High--checking and correction of some problem areas is done Root login 
is not allowed, no services are started by default  Suitable for most 
server use  Weak passwords not permitted
Paranoid--Level 5--Suitable for DNS and other servers where tunneling 
becomes a possibility.  Most everything has to be run in chroot jails or 
it won't work.

Now for more detail, try


right on your installed system.

Same general rule applies--look for a program name folder in 
/usr/share/doc when you have questions about other software.


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Re: [newbie] Using Japanese?

2001-12-26 Thread tester

Doug Lerner wrote:

Is there something analagous to the Japanese Language Toolkit in MacOS
that I can install so that I can read and write Japanese? 


Doug Lerner, Tokyo


well since you have one partition open where win2k was, try searching on 
Two Mandrake at and set up a second mandrake 
system and choose to _install_ in Japanese.  Also, the install usually 
permits additional languages--there is no specific kit, just additional 
languages that may be chosen.


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Re: [newbie] drive doesn't want to be partitioned

2001-12-26 Thread tester

Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001, tester wrote:


Isn't possible that using a third party program (like Norton System Works)
the windows swap file is located at the end of the disk?

This happened to me once! I had to use the 'original' defrag [sorry
I forgot the real name!] from MS (I know that defrag was bought from

Ricardo Castanho

This one means that a windows program has placed a non-relocatable
cluster near the end of the disk or that you are using the NTFS
filesystem which we do not write-enable in the install kernel.

SInce you are running 98 which does not support NTFS, do the disk defrag
and scroll down on the full display--near the bottom you will find one
or more red-marked clusters.

The solution is non-trivial,  Either remove programs one by one and
defrag and try linux after each such removal or install linux on another
large disk with a grub boot, copy all of your windows data over (but not
your installed programs), then scrub windows and go back to fdisk and
set up windows on a smaller primary partition, reinstalling software
then set up linux again on the primary master drive and mount the second
drive to restore the data you wanted to back up.  I have done this in
another situation--a rather full 10G disk where Win98 was installed and
the user attempted an XP upgrade, losing mouse and keyboard (both
Microsoft brand hardware products, BTW) in the process.  I could not
shrink the winpartition enough to make room for the 2.2G of data he
wanted to rescue, so I used a second disk and a linux install on it,
then scrubbed the first disk after copyiong over the info he wanted.
The clean install of XP still could not see his mouse or keyboard, so
he is running 98 and Mandrake dual boot these days, and he seems very
grateful that linux was able to save his data from an otherwise trashed


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- -- 
delivery NOT reliable  = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Para mais informações veja


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Well, I am no expert on windows and I have never used Norton, but 
putting the swap file out there is possibly a way to mess things up. 
 Certainly placing the swap file where there is _guaranteed_ to be a lot 
of stepping is very inefficient, but then most winprogrammers are more 
concerned with just getting something to work cause no one really uses 
all that horsepower under the hood.


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Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites?

2001-12-25 Thread tester

Michael Scottaline wrote:

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 10:25:10 +0900
Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:

Thanks, Steven. Well, everybody seems quite psyched abotu OpenOffice and
StarOffice. I will give those a try. Nobody seems to mention Hancom
Office. Has anybody tried them? Of course free is nice, but I am not a
fanatic about not purchasing software - particularly if it is nice. I
think the success of Linux will depend on people being able to support
themselves by developing it, and developing applications for it. 

I've never tried Hancom, simply because once I tried StarOffice (started
w/5.0 and have used them all up to my present 6.0), I didn't look any
further.  Even 5.x was able to flawlessly open and edit a 55 page Excel
budget document, and then when necessary (for less *enlightened* workers)
convert *back* to Excel format for sharing purposes.  Word docs have been
no problem at all and most (though some have been problematic) PowerPoint
presentations have worked also!! I think you'll be impressed.  If you have
a dial-up connection, you may wish to *buy* the disc from Sun (only a few
dollars, much lass than the $49 hancom wants), or if you use broadband the
download is absolutely free, though you must register (also totally free).

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Actually, we wrote to Hancom and tried to get a demo for the 8.1 
release, but they weren't yet ready.  I will take a look in the next 
week or so.


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Re: [newbie] Re: Cannot send email to list..?

2001-12-25 Thread tester

Kaj Haulrich wrote:

Merry Christmas to all, especially Civileme, Sridhar, Ed, Tom and all of
you helpful people !

Who can help Mick (a fellow-newbie in need) ? - He had a hard time
setting up his new linux-mandrake-system, and I've tried to help him to
the best of my ability. After some hazzles he succeeded to get his
linux-box up and running, but now he somehow can't post to this list ???
- I wrote to Mick as follows :

Well Mick, I'm not sure, but it seems that it's the Mandrake-server that
refuses to accept your mail ?
Anyway, I can see that you are using some mailer called Microsoft
Outlook Express. As far as I know, that mailer is better known as a
virus propagator and trojan horse dispenser, so maybe the folks at
Mandrake have taken their precautions - eh ?

Furthermore, I can see that your mail is in html-format. - Most people
on our list prefer to receive mail in plain text - not that I think it
matters much ?

Mick, I'm in no way a mail-guru, so the right place to ask your question
is the list. However, it seems that you are unable to do that right now 
! - Accordingly I'll put it there for you. 

Help Mick anyone ???

Mick wrote:

Hello Kaj,

Have you ever come across this before. As of a day or two ago, I can
no longer post to the newbie list on Mandrake. My emails are
constantly being returned as errors. I called my ISP and asked them to
look into the matter. I can recieve email from the list, so I am still
subscribed to it. I am including the latest error message from my ISP
if it'll help. I can also send and recieve email from everyone else in
my address book, but not 'to' the 'Newbie' list!
I even tried using my wifes machine to post to the list, still

Even more annoying, is the fact that since I have tried to setup a
network and Connection Sharing configuration in 'Control Center' and
failed, I can no longer recieve email or reach a web address using my
Linux box! I don't suppose there is an undo button??
I have tried to quit the network connection between my box and the
wifes computer, but this has not helped. It seems there are settings
set on my Linux box that is stopping it from using an ordinary
Internet connection using it's own modem.
If you can advise, please send it my way, if not hey here goes another
Merry Christmas.

Here's the error message:

Sorry, your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] could not be
delivered. The specific error is:

   The 'To' address [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rejected by the
remote server.

This is permanent error, and the message will not be retried any

=== Original Message Follows ===
Received: from  therese ( by MAIL (MailMax 4. 8. 2. 0)
with ESMTP id 67640780 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 24 Dec 2001
09:59:24 -0800 PST
Message-ID: 002c01c18c40$896863c0$fd00a8c0@therese
Subject: Test
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 22:02:14 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


Just a test.

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META content=3Dtext/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
META content=3DMSHTML 5.00.2614.3500 name=3DGENERATOR
BODY bgColor=3D#ff
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Hi,/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Just a test./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Mick/FONT/DIV/BODY/HTML


=== End Original Message ===

 *** This message was automatically generated by the MailMAX Er

For network connection sharing,

1. eth0 should be your local network connection

2. On connected computers, dhcp protocol should be set Get an address 
automatically Under Network NeighborhoodTCP/IPPropertiesIP Address

3. On connected computers the gateway _must_ be set to

4.  eth1 should be connnected to the internet by whatever means you use 
as standard unless you use a modem.  Default gateway device should be 
eth1 or ppp0 as appropriate.

Now nexbie mail might be rejected if the subscriber's email  is not 
correct, but usually with a confirmation message allowing 
non-subscribers to post anyway.  Your rejection is quite odd.  While we 
have had other users request information on rejecting Outlook from their 
servers entirely because the viruses like SirCam are eating up too much 
space and bandwidth, I don't think we have implemented our own advice on 
our servers.

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