Re: [newbie-it] Enlightenment

2000-06-23 Per discussione Matteo Merlin

Il gio, 22 giu 2000, hai scritto:
 simile al problema di Matteo;ma anche per enlightenment.
 Nonostate aver fatto diversi tentativi di avviare i daemons audio per Gnome
 ed Enlightenment,non ottengo nulla; - sia da root che da utente -
 Ad esempio,provo ad abilitare il suono sotto E,e la risposta e' che c'e' un 
 nel momento di collegarsi all'audio server "Esound".
 Ho provato ad estendere i permessi di Esound,ma ottengo lo stesso errore.
 Premetto che la scheda audio e' una Creative PCI 128 originale,e che viene 
 configurata come
 una ES1371 (posso ascoltare CD ed MP3 anche sotto X Window),e che i package 
 rpm per il 
 suono (vedi gnome-audio ed e-sound) sono installati.
 Grazie in anticipo per l'eventuale aiuto.

Aggiungo soltanto che io possiedo invece una Sound Blaster PCI 64V configurata
anche lei come ES1371. 
Inoltre noto in questo momento che sotto KDE non mi vengono presentate la
caratteristiche della scheda audio in "Centro di controllo KDE" e mi viene
detto che il tipo di audio non è supportato... 

[newbie-it] auth 047326ea sub newbie-it

2000-06-23 Per discussione Francesco Napolano

subscribe auth 047326ea sub newbie-it [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie-it] Enlightenment

2000-06-23 Per discussione codutti michele

mmm... strano, i passi da fare sono:
1) eseguire sndconfig accertandosi che tutti i suoni di esempio vengano
riprodotti correttamente
2) fatto questo sndconfig oltre a configurare la scheda audio crea in /dev
un file dsp che viene utilizzato come periferica di output sonoro,
andare su enlightenment col pulsante destro del mouse si accede al menu'
delle configurazioni cliccare sulla voce audio settings e abilitare
l'audio a questo punto dovrebbe filare tutto liscio, se non fosse cosi
provare a lanciare manualmente esd da un terminale e provare se
Se tutto questo non funzionasse fammi sapere.

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Simone Ravarotto wrote:

 simile al problema di Matteo;ma anche per enlightenment.
 Nonostate aver fatto diversi tentativi di avviare i daemons audio per Gnome
 ed Enlightenment,non ottengo nulla; - sia da root che da utente -
 Ad esempio,provo ad abilitare il suono sotto E,e la risposta e' che c'e' un 
 nel momento di collegarsi all'audio server "Esound".
 Ho provato ad estendere i permessi di Esound,ma ottengo lo stesso errore.
 Premetto che la scheda audio e' una Creative PCI 128 originale,e che viene 
 configurata come
 una ES1371 (posso ascoltare CD ed MP3 anche sotto X Window),e che i package 
 rpm per il 
 suono (vedi gnome-audio ed e-sound) sono installati.
 Grazie in anticipo per l'eventuale aiuto.

[newbie-it] emulatore win

2000-06-23 Per discussione Davide Cavallari

Ho bisogno di utilizzare un dizionario della Garzanti che gira solo su
Windowz  :-(
Qualcuno di voi sa consigliarmi un emulatore di win per linux in modo
che mi sia possibile utilizzare in qualche maniera questo dizionario? 

Ciao,   Davide

[newbie-it] Ripartizionamento delle partizioni

2000-06-23 Per discussione cosscara

Salve a tutti,
Ho installato ormai da un po Mandrake 7.0 su un sistema ove preesiteva windows
Nell'installazione l'utility e' stata piuttosto parca nel dimensionare le
partizioni linux.
Ora mi ritrovo le partizioni linux piene (98%) mentre quella windoes (che
ovviamente NON USO!) praticamente vuota.
Qualcuno puo' indicarmi come ridistribuire lo spazio tra le partizioni senza
fare un macello?
Grazie fin da ora per l'aiuto, ed attenzione, quando si dice newbie significa
che sono proprio newbie! Ovvero siate sempilici nella risposta, come se fossi
un idiota!
Saluti a tutti
Cosma Scaramella

[newbie-it] Mandrake 7.0 e Plexwriter 8432A

2000-06-23 Per discussione Enrico

Hoconnesso il masterizzatore (Plexwriter 
8432A) e il drive CDROM allo stesso controller IDE (il secondo) rispettivamente 
come master e slave;
dopo aver terminato l'installazione della MAndrake 
il masterizzatore risulta montato ma non riesco a leggere da quest'ultimo (msg 
di errore:"non e' possibile leggere
dal dispositivo").
Qualcuno sa come posso risolvere il problema 


[newbie-it] Installazione/Configurazione XFree86 4.0

2000-06-23 Per discussione Merz Luca

Ciao a tutti,
ho un piccolo problema, ho installato il suddetto server x sulla MDK 7.1, ma
si ostina a non voler partire.
Mi da FATAL ERROR perchè non trova il font 'fixed'.
Io ho provato a cercarlo ovunque ma pare proprio che questo font sul mio pc
non esista proprio.
Non so se, e dove può esistere, un file di configurazione che ne imposta
un'alias o un sostituto equivalente, per cui non so come uscirne.

Grazie a tutti Luca

Re: [newbie-it] Enlightenment

2000-06-23 Per discussione freefred

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, a day in the life, Simone Ravarotto wrote:
 simile al problema di Matteo;ma anche per enlightenment.
 Nonostate aver fatto diversi tentativi di avviare i daemons audio per Gnome
 ed Enlightenment,non ottengo nulla; - sia da root che da utente -
 Ad esempio,provo ad abilitare il suono sotto E,e la risposta e' che c'e' un 

non so se si risolva ancora cosi' ma a volte e' sufficiente
(ma non detto in effetti) aggiungere l'utente al gruppo audio.


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Re: [newbie] mouse problem

2000-06-23 Per discussione Anthony Huereca

Yes, that mouse works just fine.

 i read that mandrake can use almost any mouse, but i have a microsoft 
 intellimouse,can linux also use that mouse?
 i dont know if they could make it only used on windows, since they also have the 
 winmodem, which unfortunately i also have, and i hear cant be used on anything 
 but windows.

Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

[newbie] Right Mouse Button and kde problems

2000-06-23 Per discussione Marta Kein

Hello everybody,
I have just installed Mandrake 7.1. Using kde when i click on the right 
button of the mouse on the desktop to add link to a new application of file 
system device and so on the only option I get is:new folder ( nothing more), 
this isthe same problem i used to have after installing staroffice with kde 
integration but this time no star office is installed. Another minor problem 
is that the kcmclock application seems to be disappeared from  the kde 
control panel.
Thanks in advance for your help

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RE: [[newbie] Fw: LILO Boot Magic install ?] new explanation

2000-06-23 Per discussione Peter Ogden

Where did you get the idea that Hard Disk Drivers flash the BIOS? Every
different model of motherboard has a different BIOS, there is no way they
could provide BIOS changes for every motherboard. Yes, these drivers can
cause problems and they can be difficult to remove (though some do now have
uninstallation procedures), but they are simply a driver that starts from
the MBR and intercepts all disk access code.

 - Peter Ogden
   Perth, West Australia

   E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, 22 June 2000 9:03 pm
 Subject: Re: [[newbie] Fw: LILO  Boot Magic install ?] new

The  most likely causes of this error actually has nothing
 to do with the
 MBR, where it is at, or the size of any partitions. If your
 hd was ever
 formatted using a manufacturer floppy ( with IBM it is
 EZDrive, Maxtor is
 MaxBlast and I am sure others also have their own). The
 program not only
 formatted your drive but it also flashed your BIOS to fool the hd size
 limitation and UDMA 66 incompatibility that older BIOSs had.
 If this is the
 case then neither LILO nor BootMagic can or will work as a
 bootloader on
 your system.
 SystemCommander will work and in Mandrake 7.1 GRUB will
 work.If neither
 of these 2 is an option then the only be able to boot Linux is from a


 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael Scottaline" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 5:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [[newbie] Fw: LILO  Boot Magic install ?]

  "aifusionextreme" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  big snip
   The only Clue is the size:
   Boot magic actually gives an error message which says
 that the primary
  partition must be in the first 1023 cylnders. Why is cares
 about the rest
  the HD and not just the mbr I cant farthom. But there you
 have it. Since
  magic wont install and lilo does but fails I assume they
 both cant handle
  larger drives. When I installed before I had nice neat
 partitions around
  2-4 GB mark. I assume this didnt exceed the 1023 cylders
 option, assuming
  this is the cause. Currently I have a 14GB and a 40GB. Both
 exitbite the
   if any body with the no-how can help in confirming this theory or
  what limitations the software might have the Please Help.
 It is not just
 me as
  you acan see from the posting.
   If there is a cyclionder limitation can you explain why a
 boot manager
  to know about anythning but the mbr ?
   More importantly how can go about fixing this bug  ?
  The size of the drive is NOT that critical, provided the
 boot sector is
  the 1024 limit (usually about 8 gig).  Thus create a small
 (10-12 meg)
  partition below that limit (entirely) and linux should boot
 just fine.
  Caldera has included a new booter in their eDesktop 2.4
 distribution that
  evidently doesn't have this limitation.  My guess is that
 most distro will
  following suit with something similar in upcoming editions
 of their own
  "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
  than alcohol has taken out of me."
  --Winston Churchill
  Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Right Mouse Button and kde problems

2000-06-23 Per discussione Jeff Lee

What works for me is to right-click within any other directory (i.e. 
AutoStart) and create the new link, and then move it to the desktop.

At 11:29 PM 6/22/2000 -0700, you wrote:
Hello everybody,
I have just installed Mandrake 7.1. Using kde when i click on the right 
button of the mouse on the desktop to add link to a new application of 
file system device and so on the only option I get is:new folder ( nothing 
more), this isthe same problem i used to have after installing staroffice 
with kde integration but this time no star office is installed. Another 
minor problem is that the kcmclock application seems to be disappeared 
from  the kde control panel.
Thanks in advance for your help

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] Right Mouse Button and kde problems

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mike Tracy Holt

Another quick fix is to open your 'home' directory icon from the desktop
and then click on 'Desktop'; you should have all the options at that
point.  I'm curious though, I'm using 7.1 and my $user account does have
right click options - root however doesn't.  Is that your case also?


Jeff Lee wrote:
 What works for me is to right-click within any other directory (i.e.
 AutoStart) and create the new link, and then move it to the desktop.
 At 11:29 PM 6/22/2000 -0700, you wrote:
 Hello everybody,
 I have just installed Mandrake 7.1. Using kde when i click on the right
 button of the mouse on the desktop to add link to a new application of
 file system device and so on the only option I get is:new folder ( nothing
 more), this isthe same problem i used to have after installing staroffice
 with kde integration but this time no star office is installed. Another
 minor problem is that the kcmclock application seems to be disappeared
 from  the kde control panel.
 Thanks in advance for your help


Mike  Tracy Holt
Kirkland, WA

Re: [newbie] simple question

2000-06-23 Per discussione flupke

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Gary Morgan wrote:

 ok, I'm new to Linux, the only knowledge I have is from the books I have
 read.  But all of them have seem to skip over, what seems to me as, simple
 1.  I notice when I do an "# ls" I get a directory listing but some objects
 (files, directorys etc.) are listed in different color text, or have
 distinctive markings next to them (ie. directories are blue, symbolic links
 have the "@" symbol next to them).  What do all these, besides the ones I
 have mentioned mean?
It is due to the fact that mandrake sets up several aliases during
install. type "alias" and you will see that ls stands for "ls --color=auto
-F" (--color=auto for colors and -F to add @ to symlinks, * to executable
files, / to directories, ...)
man ls for more details

 2.  What are the exact differences between the install security levels?  I
 noticed that if I install with "High" security I cannot, by default, login
 via ftp or telnet, even from the local machine, and I cannot restart (via
 ctrl-alt-del) without being logged in first, however I can do both if I
 install with "Medium" security.
This is handled by the msec package. Look at
/usr/doc/msecversion/security.txt and for details about
different security levels.
You can use the msec command to switch from one security level to another
(man msec)

 Gary Morgan


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Right Mouse Button and kde problems

2000-06-23 Per discussione Marta Kein

From: Mike  Tracy Holt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Right Mouse Button and kde problems
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 00:39:13 -0700

Another quick fix is to open your 'home' directory icon from the desktop
and then click on 'Desktop'; you should have all the options at that
point.  I'm curious though, I'm using 7.1 and my $user account does have
right click options - root however doesn't.  Is that your case also?

Yes it is

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Re: [newbie] error with install of tar.gz files

2000-06-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 thanks so were right...I was missing these packages !!!
 I installed them...and then tried install "screem"
 and got the attached error...what's wrong NOW?
 it went fine until I got this error...I then installed both ...
 pixbuf 0.7.0   and its devel package...and still I got the attached

 Well, I don't see your error (did you attach it?).  My advice
is to go back from the beginning and try again.  A sure bet is to
delete the /dir that you untar'd the source to and start over from
there, unpacking the source all over again.  Sometimes a 'make
mrproper' (before (./config) will clean up the source.  Sometimes
some source won't compile on some hardware. A good clue for this
case is if the compile errors out at different places and/or with
different error messages. Many compiles really strain the system's
cpu/cache/ram so it could be a hardware problem.  Even in this
case, often just keep trying over and over till the compile is
successful.  Depends on how stubborn you are ;)    or maybe you
forgot to 'su' to root before running 'make install' ?   ;)
~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:
   attached is the error, I get when trying to install
   the latest SCREEM html editor...
   why am I getting this...anyone know...
   and why isn't my C compiler functioning?
   I've tried uninstalling all the gcc stuff
   on the CD...then re-installing...still I get this error.
   is there some other packages that also need to be allow C compiler to function...?
look 'bout half way down the page an you'll see a list of
  everything that's usually needed to compile most all source.
  It's mostly 'devel' and 'lib' packages you're prob'ly missing
  While you're there, read the whole section MOF, the whole site
  is invaluable ;-)
  ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] RealPlayer 7 si up and running

2000-06-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 I appears that MDK7.1 does add the icons for RealPlayer as 7.0 did.
 And, the Panel to be very lean. Does any one know how to add RealPlayer7
 under Multimedia? 
 Not only that but you have to type in and call up the kmenuedit.
 Whenever you try to configure, an error message appears indicating that
 it isn't installed. But, it is!
 It does not seem as user friendly or am I missing something?

   With 7.0, I use to (as user) 'su' to root and run 'kmenuedit'
from a console.  Worked fine.  For some reasons I don't understand
yet, while I can still do this in 7.1, the menu changes don't last,
ie, are permanent.

   What I have found to work is logout of user and log back into
as root (ie, to root's desktop) and then use the menu editor. Then
my changes are 'permanent'.

   So try logging in as root and running the menu editor.  You
should be able to drag n'drop RP's listing.  I've found that to be
a problem sometimes also, so then I just delete the menu item and
recreate it where I want it.  IIRC, RP was one of these.

~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione flupke

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:

 Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on furiously for
 a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program set up
 by Mandrake to act regularly at this time. 
 I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and acron
 tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to study
 their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I didn't
 fint a man page. 
 Daoes anybody know? 

rpm -qi msec


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] How to install Netscape ?

2000-06-23 Per discussione David BAUDENS

Piero écrivit :
 I just down loades Netscape 4.73. It's a src.rpm and I never installed such
 packages. What do I have to do? Thanks.

Why have you download this package. It's used to build RPM packages,
witch are available in 7.1 and Cooker distributions.

To use it, just enter « rpm --rebuild --target=i586
netscape*4.73*.src.rpm » and install RPMs package which will be created.


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 startup problem

2000-06-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 Somebody help me please,
 After installtion of my MandRake 7.0 is doesn't boot/startupB.
 When I boot it with my Floppy created bootdisk during installation it
 How do I configure my new Linux Box to startup from hardisk?
 thank you!

   We need to know if your using lilo or grub. Then you should post
the appropriate conf file.  either '/etc/lilo.conf' for lilo, or
'/boot/grub/menu.lst' for grub.  Also post '/etc/fstab' and the
ouput of 'fdisk -l'  (you can copy and paste from Konsole)

   If you review these files yourself and are sure they're correct
for your system, then running (as root) '/sbin/lilo' or '/sbin/grub'
should allow you to boot from HDD.  Problem is if they aren't
correct, you'll prob'ly make things worse :(

   An easier and faster solution would be to boot from the Mandrake
installation CD and choose 'upgrade'.  Might fix it, might not. 
I suspect this would only work if you chose not to install a
bootloader (eg, lilo) during your initial install.

~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) error

2000-06-23 Per discussione Federico Silva


 am having the same problem. Can use 
the CDPlayer ok but when it comes to system beeps and blurps it 
 I can't get xmms to reproduce any 
mp3 either.

 I had Debian installed and it worked 
OK, i had to configure it all by hand, recompile the kernel and all but it 
 As mandrake did the trick for me and 
it is a little differentfrom Debian I don't know whta to do. 

 My problem with Debian was 
thatall the libs are opld and the newer programs couldn't 
 and my Internet link is so slow :( 
that an on-line update is not an option.

Any help is much welcome 
as my girlfriend did like KDE very much more than windoze but she does want 

 to hear it beep and blurp :) 

  -Original Message-From: Joe Lore 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: viernes 23 de junio de 2000 
  12:12To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
  Esound (ESD?) error
  I never saw a copy of my last message so 
  please forgive if you got this twice.
  Hi,Thanks to all the help I have 
  successfully installed Mandrake 7.1.I am having one small issue 
  though. I have a Sound Blaster Live and thedriver loads ok, I am able to 
  play CD's and I get the test sound when I goto the 
  configurator.I'm not, however, able to enable system sounds. When I 
  try to enable systemsounds I get an error like:There was an error 
  with the audio server (Esound) (is this the ESD?) system sounds have 
  beendisabled.What causing this?Thanks again for the 

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione David Talbot

If your security is set to High or Paranoid, it's running a nightly
security system audit.

-David Talbot

At 06:58 AM 6/24/00 -0400, you wrote:
I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
a massive search going on. What's up with this?


I love my Linux Box!
   REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:

Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on furiously 
a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
set up
by Mandrake to act regularly at this time. 

I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and acron
tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I didn't
fint a man page. 

Daoes anybody know? 

[newbie] svgalib not as root

2000-06-23 Per discussione Oliver Stieber

how do i give non root users io permissions for svgalib?

i have lots of gfx programs and a few games that use it, and i'd rather not
logon as root(or su ) unless it is necessary.

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mark Weaver

What if it's set to medium? If I remember correctly that's what I have
mine set to. I tried setting it to because I don't yet have my firewall
in place. That's another issue...anyway, when I set it to high I
couldn't use sendmail, or httpd (internally) I use httpd internally to
develope with PERL. I use sendmail with Pine just because it's a bit
faster than my ISP's SMPT server.

David Talbot wrote:
 If your security is set to High or Paranoid, it's running a nightly
 security system audit.
 -David Talbot
 At 06:58 AM 6/24/00 -0400, you wrote:
 I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
 occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
 until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
 a massive search going on. What's up with this?
 I love my Linux Box!
REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
 Registered Linux user #1299563
 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:
 Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on furiously
 a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
 set up
 by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
 I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and acron
 tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
 their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I didn't
 fint a man page.
 Daoes anybody know?


I love my Linux box...
  REASON #1 -- isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione Joe Lore

That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?



- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

 I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
 occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
 until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
 a massive search going on. What's up with this?


 I love my Linux Box!
 REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
 Registered Linux user #1299563

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:

 Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on
furiously for
 a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
set up
 by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
 I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and
 tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
 their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I
 fint a man page.
 Daoes anybody know?

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Joe Lore wrote:
 That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
 ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 6:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?
  I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
  occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
  until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
  a massive search going on. What's up with this?
  I love my Linux Box!
  REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
  Registered Linux user #1299563
  On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:
  Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on
 furiously for
  a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
 set up
  by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
  I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and
  tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
  their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I
  fint a man page.
  Daoes anybody know?

That IS an intersting question! I would be VERY interested in know that
myself. I've been looking around the system and haven't seen anything
like that yet, but if I would be running windows when that happened the
other day and again this morning I would have sworn "Find Fast" was
running and updating the file system indexes.

I love my Linux box...
  REASON #1 -- isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

RE: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione Oliver Stieber

you can use fsck which is kinda like scandisk
i don't know about a defrag tool.(i once had an nt box that was 98%

 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Lore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 23 June 2000 14:43
 Subject: Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?
 That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can 
 use in Mandrake,
 ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 6:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?
  I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
  occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through 
 all of them
  until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! 
 It's like there's
  a massive search going on. What's up with this?
  I love my Linux Box!
  REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
  Registered Linux user #1299563
  On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:
  Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on
 furiously for
  a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, 
 controlling, program
 set up
  by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
  I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at 
 crontable(s) and
  tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had 
 the patience to
  their format, for the other they seem to launch programs 
 for which I
  fint a man page.
  Daoes anybody know?

RE: [newbie] mouse problem

2000-06-23 Per discussione Nicholas Avenell

 -Original Message-
 From: Walter Hanagriff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 23 June 2000 05:31
 Subject: [newbie] mouse problem

 i read that mandrake can use almost any mouse, but i have a microsoft
 intellimouse,can linux also use that mouse?
 i dont know if they could make it only used on windows, since
 they also have the
 winmodem, which unfortunately i also have, and i hear cant be
 used on anything
 but windows.

if you chose the Custom install option you get to chose what mouse you have,
and The Intelimouse is there, otherwise it installs it as a standard 2
button PS2.

I have the Intelimouse Explorer (the cool thing with the red light :-) and
whilst I got most of it working, I was wondering if anyone knows of a util I
could use to configure the two extra buttons on the side?

Nicholas Avenell

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione David Talbot

ext3 filesystems don't need a defrag program because they don't become
fragmented (Well they do, but not more than a fraction of a percent) as for
scandisk, it's "fsck" or filesystem check. If you yank the cable out of the
wall, or power off your computer without shutting down, next boot time it
will automatically run fsck on the effected drives. This can take a long
time. (1-20 minutes)

ReiserFS to the rescue... an option on the 7.1 installation was to format
your partitions as ReiserFS. It is very similar to ext2 in performance and
near nill fragmentation, but is Journaled. In other words, keeps a record
of what is written so if the system is powered off without shutting down it
"knows where to look" for half written blocks on the disk thus making
filesystem checks take signifigantly less time (1-10 seconds)

-David Talbot

At 09:42 AM 6/23/00 -0400, you wrote:
That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?



- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

 I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
 occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
 until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
 a massive search going on. What's up with this?


 I love my Linux Box!
 REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
 Registered Linux user #1299563

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:

 Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on
furiously for
 a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
set up
 by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
 I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and
 tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
 their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I
 fint a man page.
 Daoes anybody know?

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione David Talbot

I looked at the cron.daily and it's probably rotating the log files. To see
what your system is running at midnight look at:


-david Talbot

At 09:42 AM 6/23/00 -0400, you wrote:
That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?



- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

 I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
 occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
 until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
 a massive search going on. What's up with this?


 I love my Linux Box!
 REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
 Registered Linux user #1299563

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:

 Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on
furiously for
 a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
set up
 by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
 I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and
 tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
 their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I
 fint a man page.
 Daoes anybody know?

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione flupke

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Joe Lore wrote:

 That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
 ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?

I already saw a "defrag.tgz" package, but AFAIK, the ext2 driver takes
care of defragmentation by itself.
About scnadisk, there is e2fsck.


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 startup problem

2000-06-23 Per discussione Paul

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Linux Neophite wrote:

Somebody help me please,

After installtion of my MandRake 7.0 is doesn't boot/startupB.
When I boot it with my Floppy created bootdisk during installation it

How do I configure my new Linux Box to startup from hardisk?

thank you!

Did you create a small boot partition at the beginning of your harddisk
for LILO to be at? MD 7.0 needs that. Lilo cannot boot from anywhere
beyond cylinder 1024 in that release. MDK 7.1 seems to have fixed that
problem, I do not know yet, since I still have to get that one.


If you lose money, you lose nothing.
If you lose (the) honour, you lose a lot.
If you lose your courage, you've lost everything.
But if you lose friendship, then you've lost the world!

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] /etc/profile and Mandrake Security

2000-06-23 Per discussione Paul

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, David Talbot wrote:

Verified :'s. I think I may have set the security level to High on this
machine (usually I use medium and handle security details like open ports
and daemons myself... Maybe when you tell the installer to use High
security, meebe methinks it could take management of certain tasks outside
of even the root domain...

Anybody with any knowledge of Mandrake's High Security setting would be a

I hope someone like that is here then, my knowledge ends. Otherwise you
might want to try the experts list.

Good luck!

If you lose money, you lose nothing.
If you lose (the) honour, you lose a lot.
If you lose your courage, you've lost everything.
But if you lose friendship, then you've lost the world!

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) error

2000-06-23 Per discussione Paul

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Joe Lore wrote:

I'm not, however, able to enable system sounds. When I try to enable system
sounds I get an error like:

There was an error with the audio server (Esound)  (is this the ESD?) system sounds 
have been

When I am in Gnome, this happens to me too, with the SB 64 Awe. Normally I
am in KDE and there are no problems there. Would be interesting indeed, if
there's a fix to this.


If you lose money, you lose nothing.
If you lose (the) honour, you lose a lot.
If you lose your courage, you've lost everything.
But if you lose friendship, then you've lost the world!

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

[newbie] NTFS Partition and GRUB

2000-06-23 Per discussione Alan Carpenter

I am happy to say that I really like Mandrake 7.1.  Finally it has the
support for my video card "voodoo 3000", and some of my usb devices =).  I
only have one problem.  I can't get to my windows 2000 partition anymore.
When the boot loader install came up, I sat there for about 5 minutes
thinking about, should I make life easy and boot from a disk or try a boot
loader.  Well I went with GRUB, and setup an extra option to boot from my
NTFS partition which is /hda1.  GRUB comes up fine, but when I choose the
2000 partition is bombs out with an error.  I know the error is important to
know, but I can't remember exactly what it is.  My first question is can I
bootup with the 2000 boot disks and fdisk /mbr and remove the bootloader.  I
wasn't sure because it's a NTFS partition and not fat.  Is lilo or Grub
compat with a NTFS partition?

did I mention I love this mailing list =)


[newbie] test

2000-06-23 Per discussione Alan Carpenter

this is a test =)

Alan Carpenter
PC Specialist
Department of Computer Services
Virginia Wesleyan College
1584 Wesleyan Dr.
Norfolk Va. 23502
Office (757)455.3267
Cell (757)449.0381

[newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

2000-06-23 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hello everyone.

I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box. No problem at all. Then my HD 
physically crashed and I installed a new one with Windows 98. This new hd is 20Gb big, 
and initially, when installing Win98 I left only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), the 
rest of the disk would be for Linux. Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX told 
me that the partition for Linux is beyond the cylinder 1024, so I quit installation. I 
surfed the internet to read some howtos, but my confusion grew larger. My question is: 
can I install Linux without making a /boot partition within the cylinder 1024?

Can I keep my hd like


or should I go to something like


Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.

Thanks in advance.


RE: [newbie] mouse problem

2000-06-23 Per discussione Christian Punchin
Title: RE: [newbie] mouse problem

XFree 4.0 has support for that type of mouse... check XFree's web site... However, I still cannot make my wheel to work under Xfree 4

-Mensaje original-
De: Nicholas Avenell [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: Viernes 23 de Junio de 2000 10:03 AM
Asunto: RE: [newbie] mouse problem

 -Original Message-
 From: Walter Hanagriff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 23 June 2000 05:31
 Subject: [newbie] mouse problem

 i read that mandrake can use almost any mouse, but i have a microsoft
 intellimouse,can linux also use that mouse?
 i dont know if they could make it only used on windows, since
 they also have the
 winmodem, which unfortunately i also have, and i hear cant be
 used on anything
 but windows.

if you chose the Custom install option you get to chose what mouse you have,
and The Intelimouse is there, otherwise it installs it as a standard 2
button PS2.

I have the Intelimouse Explorer (the cool thing with the red light :-) and
whilst I got most of it working, I was wondering if anyone knows of a util I
could use to configure the two extra buttons on the side?

Nicholas Avenell

RE: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) error

2000-06-23 Per discussione Philomena


I've been wrestling with this problem since 7.1 was first out. At a
minimum, I downloaded, compiled and installed the most recent driver from
(there is a newer driver there now that I haven't tested yet). That gave me CD sound, but no .WAV (so no system sounds) or MP3. I also keep getting permission errors on the mixer apps - I thought it might have been volume problem, but its not. From the list, it was highly recommended to get the most recent soundrake from the Mandrake site - something about it not making it into 7.1 - what used to work with configuring SBLive! cards in 7.02 was not completed or included in 7.1. So, I tried that, but it needed new ALSA version and newer device library (from Mandrake). I downloaded and installed device, and now soundrake doesn't start at all on my machine. I haven't tackled ALSA yet - I have the files, but haven;t tried the compile/install yet. This is VERY frustrating since the SBLive! card worked perfectly in 7.02, as long a you had the most current driver from creative. The card is listed on the supported hardware list, but seems like there will be a fair amount of work involved in getting it to work.

If anyone develops a solution to this, or has the card working in 7.1 , please post it - I don't know yet if the soundrake/ALSA upgrade is going to work.


At 10:01 AM 6/23/00 -0300, you wrote:
 am having the same problem. Can use the CDPlayer ok but when it comes to system beeps and blurps it won't.
 I can't get xmms to reproduce any mp3 either.

 I had Debian installed and it worked OK, i had to configure it all by hand, recompile the kernel and all but it worked.
 As mandrake did the trick for me and it is a little different from Debian I don't know whta to do. 
 My problem with Debian was that all the libs are opld and the newer programs couldn't work 
 and my Internet link is so slow :( that an on-line update is not an option.

 Any help is much welcome as my girlfriend did like KDE very much more than windoze but she does want 
 to hear it beep and blurp :) ...


-Original Message-
From: Joe Lore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: viernes 23 de junio de 2000 12:12
Subject: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) error

I never saw a copy of my last message so please forgive if you got this twice.


Thanks to all the help I have successfully installed Mandrake 7.1.

I am having one small issue though. I have a Sound Blaster Live and the
driver loads ok, I am able to play CD's and I get the test sound when I go
to the configurator.

I'm not, however, able to enable system sounds. When I try to enable system
sounds I get an error like:

There was an error with the audio server (Esound) (is this the ESD?) system sounds have been

What causing this?

Thanks again for the help.


[newbie] kde strangeness....

2000-06-23 Per discussione Oliver Stieber

it's obviously a good day for questions from me...
(ie. my internets down, so i cant browse for answers).

Linux locked up while i was changing themes (i also thick someone was vncing
into my box at the time)
any how i have got some dodgy gfx drivers so i do get the occasional

when i rebooted, and logged into kde i had no desktop icons and the menu
entries didn't work (except for the display configure and logout).
i could still run stuff though rbm execute command or alt f2.

i tried creating a new user and logging in (the desktop co was fine).
i then copied the .kde desktop .kderc .xscreen? etc files from the new user
to the broken one and chown,chgrp -R ed them all.

the border, theme was reset but still no desktop icons and the menu entries

btw. gnome co all work fine.

Re: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) error

2000-06-23 Per discussione Joe Lore

Yes I believe the issue is that ESD is not running. 
How do we check this and then get it to load at boot?



  - Original Message - 
  Federico Silva 
  Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 9:01 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) 
   am having the same problem. Can 
  use the CDPlayer ok but when it comes to system beeps and blurps it 
   I can't get xmms to reproduce any 
  mp3 either.
   I had Debian installed and it 
  worked OK, i had to configure it all by hand, recompile the kernel and all but 
  it worked.
   As mandrake did the trick for me 
  and it is a little differentfrom Debian I don't know whta to do. 
   My problem with Debian was 
  thatall the libs are opld and the newer programs couldn't 
   and my Internet link is so slow :( 
  that an on-line update is not an option.
  Any help is much 
  welcome as my girlfriend did like KDE very much more than windoze but she does 
   to hear it beep and blurp :) 
-Original Message-From: Joe Lore 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: viernes 23 de junio de 2000 
12:12To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
Esound (ESD?) error
I never saw a copy of my last message so 
please forgive if you got this twice.

Hi,Thanks to all the help I have 
successfully installed Mandrake 7.1.I am having one small issue 
though. I have a Sound Blaster Live and thedriver loads ok, I am able to 
play CD's and I get the test sound when I goto the 
configurator.I'm not, however, able to enable system sounds. When I 
try to enable systemsounds I get an error like:There was an 
error with the audio server (Esound) (is this the ESD?) system sounds 
have beendisabled.What causing this?Thanks again for the 

Re: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) error

2000-06-23 Per discussione Joe Lore

Yes I believe the issue is that ESD is not running. 
How do we check this and then get it to load at boot?



  - Original Message - 
  Federico Silva 
  Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 9:01 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) 
   am having the same problem. Can 
  use the CDPlayer ok but when it comes to system beeps and blurps it 
   I can't get xmms to reproduce any 
  mp3 either.
   I had Debian installed and it 
  worked OK, i had to configure it all by hand, recompile the kernel and all but 
  it worked.
   As mandrake did the trick for me 
  and it is a little differentfrom Debian I don't know whta to do. 
   My problem with Debian was 
  thatall the libs are opld and the newer programs couldn't 
   and my Internet link is so slow :( 
  that an on-line update is not an option.
  Any help is much 
  welcome as my girlfriend did like KDE very much more than windoze but she does 
   to hear it beep and blurp :) 
-Original Message-From: Joe Lore 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: viernes 23 de junio de 2000 
12:12To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
Esound (ESD?) error
I never saw a copy of my last message so 
please forgive if you got this twice.

Hi,Thanks to all the help I have 
successfully installed Mandrake 7.1.I am having one small issue 
though. I have a Sound Blaster Live and thedriver loads ok, I am able to 
play CD's and I get the test sound when I goto the 
configurator.I'm not, however, able to enable system sounds. When I 
try to enable systemsounds I get an error like:There was an 
error with the audio server (Esound) (is this the ESD?) system sounds 
have beendisabled.What causing this?Thanks again for the 

[newbie] my kde/x problems have got lot worse

2000-06-23 Per discussione Oliver Stieber

i've go some page faults etc... in the messages log..

kdm[1152]: server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly: 0
kernel: unable to handel kernel paging request at virtual address 8be44591
kernel: current-tss.cr3 = 0c458000, %cr3 = 0c458000
kernel: *pde = 
kernel: Oops:   
kernel: CPU:0
kernel: EIP:0010:[d_lookup+124/216]
kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
kernel: eax: 8be44589ebx: cfa692c0ecx: 001e edx:
kernel: esi:    edi: 40012e30ebp: cff895e8  esp:
kernel: ss: 0018 ds:0018  es:0018 // wheres fs and a cpu dump?
kernel: Process kdmdesktop (pid: 1183, process nr:

opps it's locked up compleatly now!!!

any clues as to the cause would be greatfully recieved.   
the only problem even remotly simila i had with mandrake 7.0 was after I had
got mess-glx instlled. 

Re: [[newbie] Fw: LILO Boot Magic install ?] new explanation

2000-06-23 Per discussione Peter Yellman

Right, that's my impression as well.  EZ-BIOS is actually referred to as
a "BIOS overlay", it loads after the BIOS.  I have dealt with EZ-BIOS
and other pre-installed HD software (as on HP-distributed SCSI drives,
Compaqs, etc.) in various ways, including:

For EZ-BIOS, I've used unistall on the EZ-BIOS setup disk.

For any IDE disk, I often use clear.hdd (acquired from Western Digital's
site), which blows away any and all cylinder boundary markers in a few
seconds.  I've never used it on any of the new huge IDE drives (18GB+),
so do so with caution.  This is my preferred method, as it's quick and

Finally, you should be able to use fdisk and format (DOS or Linux) to
kill any offending partitions/MBR code.  Just don't try to deal with
this issue by reinstalling your BIOS!

-- Peter Yellman

Peter Ogden wrote:
 Where did you get the idea that Hard Disk Drivers flash the BIOS? Every
 different model of motherboard has a different BIOS, there is no way they
 could provide BIOS changes for every motherboard. Yes, these drivers can
 cause problems and they can be difficult to remove (though some do now have
 uninstallation procedures), but they are simply a driver that starts from
 the MBR and intercepts all disk access code.
  - Peter Ogden
Perth, West Australia
E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Original Message-
  From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, 22 June 2000 9:03 pm
  Subject: Re: [[newbie] Fw: LILO  Boot Magic install ?] new
 The  most likely causes of this error actually has nothing
  to do with the
  MBR, where it is at, or the size of any partitions. If your
  hd was ever
  formatted using a manufacturer floppy ( with IBM it is
  EZDrive, Maxtor is
  MaxBlast and I am sure others also have their own). The
  program not only
  formatted your drive but it also flashed your BIOS to fool the hd size
  limitation and UDMA 66 incompatibility that older BIOSs had.
  If this is the
  case then neither LILO nor BootMagic can or will work as a
  bootloader on
  your system.
  SystemCommander will work and in Mandrake 7.1 GRUB will
  work.If neither
  of these 2 is an option then the only be able to boot Linux is from a
  - Original Message -
  From: "Michael Scottaline" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 5:06 AM
  Subject: Re: [[newbie] Fw: LILO  Boot Magic install ?]
   "aifusionextreme" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   big snip
The only Clue is the size:
Boot magic actually gives an error message which says
  that the primary
   partition must be in the first 1023 cylnders. Why is cares
  about the rest
   the HD and not just the mbr I cant farthom. But there you
  have it. Since
   magic wont install and lilo does but fails I assume they
  both cant handle
   larger drives. When I installed before I had nice neat
  partitions around
   2-4 GB mark. I assume this didnt exceed the 1023 cylders
  option, assuming
   this is the cause. Currently I have a 14GB and a 40GB. Both
  exitbite the
if any body with the no-how can help in confirming this theory or
   what limitations the software might have the Please Help.
  It is not just
  me as
   you acan see from the posting.
If there is a cyclionder limitation can you explain why a
  boot manager
   to know about anythning but the mbr ?
More importantly how can go about fixing this bug  ?
   The size of the drive is NOT that critical, provided the
  boot sector is
   the 1024 limit (usually about 8 gig).  Thus create a small
  (10-12 meg)
   partition below that limit (entirely) and linux should boot
  just fine.
   Caldera has included a new booter in their eDesktop 2.4
  distribution that
   evidently doesn't have this limitation.  My guess is that
  most distro will
   following suit with something similar in upcoming editions
  of their own
   "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
   than alcohol has taken out of me."
   --Winston Churchill
   Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] RealPlayer 7 si up and running

2000-06-23 Per discussione Romanator

I'll try that and post the results.

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  I appears that MDK7.1 does add the icons for RealPlayer as 7.0 did.
  And, the Panel to be very lean. Does any one know how to add RealPlayer7
  under Multimedia?
  Not only that but you have to type in and call up the kmenuedit.
  Whenever you try to configure, an error message appears indicating that
  it isn't installed. But, it is!
  It does not seem as user friendly or am I missing something?
With 7.0, I use to (as user) 'su' to root and run 'kmenuedit'
 from a console.  Worked fine.  For some reasons I don't understand
 yet, while I can still do this in 7.1, the menu changes don't last,
 ie, are permanent.
What I have found to work is logout of user and log back into
 as root (ie, to root's desktop) and then use the menu editor. Then
 my changes are 'permanent'.
So try logging in as root and running the menu editor.  You
 should be able to drag n'drop RP's listing.  I've found that to be
 a problem sometimes also, so then I just delete the menu item and
 recreate it where I want it.  IIRC, RP was one of these.
 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

note:(This is email is fueled by Penguin Power Only)
fn:Roman - Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mark Weaver

That sounds awesome. Almost enough to make me want to upgrade to 7.1
already. Even though my 7.0 installation is just over a week old!

I love my Linux box...
  REASON #1 -- isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

David Talbot wrote:
 ext3 filesystems don't need a defrag program because they don't become
 fragmented (Well they do, but not more than a fraction of a percent) as for
 scandisk, it's "fsck" or filesystem check. If you yank the cable out of the
 wall, or power off your computer without shutting down, next boot time it
 will automatically run fsck on the effected drives. This can take a long
 time. (1-20 minutes)
 ReiserFS to the rescue... an option on the 7.1 installation was to format
 your partitions as ReiserFS. It is very similar to ext2 in performance and
 near nill fragmentation, but is Journaled. In other words, keeps a record
 of what is written so if the system is powered off without shutting down it
 "knows where to look" for half written blocks on the disk thus making
 filesystem checks take signifigantly less time (1-10 seconds)
 -David Talbot
 At 09:42 AM 6/23/00 -0400, you wrote:
 That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
 ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 6:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?
  I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
  occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
  until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
  a massive search going on. What's up with this?
  I love my Linux Box!
  REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
  Registered Linux user #1299563
  On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:
  Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on
 furiously for
  a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
 set up
  by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
  I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and
  tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
  their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I
  fint a man page.
  Daoes anybody know?

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mark Weaver

flupke wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Joe Lore wrote:
  That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
  ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?
 I already saw a "defrag.tgz" package, but AFAIK, the ext2 driver takes
 care of defragmentation by itself.
 About scnadisk, there is e2fsck.
  There's no place like ~ ! 

So that means that the drive is actually being maintained in a defraged
state continually in the background?

I love my Linux box...
  REASON #1 -- isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 startup problem

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Paul wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Linux Neophite wrote:
 Somebody help me please,
 After installtion of my MandRake 7.0 is doesn't boot/startupB.
 When I boot it with my Floppy created bootdisk during installation it
 How do I configure my new Linux Box to startup from hardisk?
 thank you!
 Did you create a small boot partition at the beginning of your harddisk
 for LILO to be at? MD 7.0 needs that. Lilo cannot boot from anywhere
 beyond cylinder 1024 in that release. MDK 7.1 seems to have fixed that
 problem, I do not know yet, since I still have to get that one.
 If you lose money, you lose nothing.
 If you lose (the) honour, you lose a lot.
 If you lose your courage, you've lost everything.
 But if you lose friendship, then you've lost the world!
 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403

I believe that is the case, however it's still very benificial to create
a /boot partition for the boot files to reside in/on. That way at boot
time there is much less to be initialized at the git-go and Linux loads
much faster.

I love my Linux box...
  REASON #1 -- isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

[newbie] Warning: Mandrake changed DOS extended partition to Linux - how to fix

2000-06-23 Per discussione M. R. N. Weston

This email is a warning and solution that I hope will help someone out
there.  Also included (of course) is my fix!

Symptom: After installing Linux Mandrake 7.1, Windows can't read any FAT
drives in the extended partition.

Further description: Computer that I was installing on had a 13G drive
partitioned as follows:
Primary DOS partition: 2 G for Windows.
DOS Extended partition: the rest.
Within that extended partition: 5 G FAT32 data partition for Windows.
The rest I left for Linux partitions.
After installing Mandrake I discovered that Windows could not read
FAT32 partition - seeing as all the programs and data and many
important things for the last six months were installed on the 5G FAT32 I
started to sweat.  Especially since I knew very little about partitions
and the like.   Windows FDISK saw the entire extended partition as
"NON-DOS" and refused to read it.  Mandrake, installed on a
couple partitions at the end of the extended partition, still worked quite
happily.  I was worried that Mandrake had somehow tried to resize the 
5G DOS partition and messed it up, or killed it altogether (which
would have been a Bad Thing).  After
educating myself extremely hurriedly on these topics, I discovered
what the problem was: Mandrake had changed the type of the DOS Extended
partition (that occupied the rest of the disk) from "Extended" to "Linux
Extended" (as seen by fdisk) at some point during the install.  Of course
without telling me about it.
This problem was reproduceable as after fixing it the first time I had to
reinstall Mandrake (for various other complicated reasons) and it did
exactly the same thing again.

The fix:
Note: if you know nothing about partitions don't mess
around with fdisk !! Do as I did and forgo a night's sleep and learn all
you can on the web, docs, etc about what is going on _before_ looking at
fdisk.  Then A) the problem, whether or not it is exactly the same as
here, will be much easier to solve, and B) you will have gained some
valuable knowledge, like I did :)  I intend this email to be a
guide/confirmation/help in pointing out what's wrong; don't leap to do
this if you're not sure that you are having exactly the same problem.

 - boot into Mandrake, or use a rescue disk (which is actually
what I was using as I had rewritten my Master Boot Record from windows
early in the diagnostic process, thinking that was part of the problem,
and thus I couldn't boot Linux anymore).
- Be Root
- run "fdisk /dev/hdX" where X is probably "a" (it was for me) if the
problem is on your first fixed disk.
- VERIFY that this is indeed your problem: type "p"; if your partition
table looks something like this (concoted) example it probably is:
   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1   243   whatever   6  FAT16
/dev/hda2   244   523   whatever  85  Linux Extended
/dev/hda5   244   399   whatever   6  FAT32
/dev/hda6   400   506   whatever  83  Linux
/dev/hda7   507   523   whatever  82  Linux swap
note how the Linux extended partition takes up the rest of the disk and
the FAT32 partition is contained within it.

- note the number (ie "hda2", "hda3", as you can see in the example it's
2) of the "Linux Extended" partition - it very likely takes up all
the space that isn't used by the first, primary, partition; and most all
other partitions are within it.
- hit ("t") to change the partition type.  First you type the number, then
the new type.  List all of the types and pick the one called
"Extended" (type 5 if I recall).
- write the table to disk
- reboot into Windows, all should be well

If this doesn't fix it or your problem doesn't sound quite the same don't
mess around with fdisk unless you know what you're doing.  Or you might be
using some tools like "gpart" to recover your partitions from scratch :)

If you have the same problem as this and this works then I feel I will
have done my duty in life :)


"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is 
not the reason we are doing it" -- Richard Feynman 

[newbie] Preventing Bandwidth Hogging

2000-06-23 Per discussione David Talbot

At home I have a 384k U/D DSL with 4 machines masqed behind it. This is a
problem that has been irking me for awhile, and my wife almost beat me to
death last night, so here it is:

If I start a big download with a fast site (Like a CDROM iso or a DIVX) All
available bandwith is choked completely off. All other users on the network
are unable to view web pages (they come up, but take an *insanely* long time).

Is there a way to make it so you get a more reasonable use of bandwidth?
Like run the download at 80% of available bandwith and additioanl
connections at 20% or some such similar?

-David Talbot

Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

2000-06-23 Per discussione Chris Hall

I had this same problem with Red Hat 6.1 a few months back. I fixed
the problem by having a 15mb boot partition as hda1, win98 on a 10gb on
hda2, and then a 10gb linux partition on hda3. Lilo worked fine like that

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 11:32 AM
Subject: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

 Hello everyone.

 I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box. No problem at
all. Then my HD physically crashed and I installed a new one with Windows
98. This new hd is 20Gb big, and initially, when installing Win98 I left
only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), the rest of the disk would be for Linux.
Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX told me that the partition for
Linux is beyond the cylinder 1024, so I quit installation. I surfed the
internet to read some howtos, but my confusion grew larger. My question is:
can I install Linux without making a /boot partition within the cylinder

 Can I keep my hd like


 or should I go to something like


 Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.

 Thanks in advance.


Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
 Hello everyone.
 I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box. No problem at all. Then my 
HD physically crashed and I installed a new one with Windows 98. This new hd is 20Gb 
big, and initially, when installing Win98 I left only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), 
the rest of the disk would be for Linux. Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX 
told me that the partition for Linux is beyond the cylinder 1024, so I quit 
installation. I surfed the internet to read some howtos, but my confusion grew 
larger. My question is: can I install Linux without making a /boot partition within 
the cylinder 1024?
 Can I keep my hd like
 or should I go to something like
 Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.
 Thanks in advance.


This is very easy to fix. When you're doing the install and you're
partition your HDD for Linux make these partitions.

"/boot" = 10Meg
"/" (your 'root' partition) = HOwever big your you want according to
physical limits
SWAP partition = 200 - 300 Meg

that's really all there is to it.

I love my Linux box...
  REASON #1 -- isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

[newbie] DSL Questions

2000-06-23 Per discussione Vic

Hi I am planning to migrate from cablemodem to ADSL
for a while to see if its going to be what I want.

Is the setup basically the same?

I do know that there will be a couple of differences,
like the IP is going to be static so I will have to 
insert the IP address and the sub net mask I think
instead of asking for dhcp stuff.

Is that all I need to know?

[newbie] EPIC-100 Network Cark

2000-06-23 Per discussione Pete Clapham

Hi, all --

Do any of you know what the driver for the EPIC-100 Network chipset is?  Specifically, 
the card is an SMC 9432, and in Mandrake 
6.1, the proper driver was Epic-100.  This driver doesn't seem to exist in the network 
configuration menu for Mandrake 7.0.  I can't 
believe that anybody forgot it, but what's it called now?


Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115

Phone: [216] 687-4820
Fax: [216] 523-7175

[newbie] Ok dumb firewall question time

2000-06-23 Per discussione Vic

Is any firewall just for blocking ports or can it also
protect the needed open ones like ftp 21 www 80 and so forth?

Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

2000-06-23 Per discussione Sevatio Octavio

Cut down your VFAT partition to 8Gigs and try the install again.

-Original Message-
Date: Friday, June 23, 2000 10:02 AM
Subject: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

Hello everyone.

I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box. No problem at all. Then my 
HD physically crashed and I installed a new one
with Windows 98. This new hd is 20Gb big, and initially, when installing Win98 I left 
only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), the rest of
the disk would be for Linux. Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX told me that 
the partition for Linux is beyond the cylinder
1024, so I quit installation. I surfed the internet to read some howtos, but my 
confusion grew larger. My question is: can I install
Linux without making a /boot partition within the cylinder 1024?

Can I keep my hd like


or should I go to something like


Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.

Thanks in advance.


Re: [newbie] Cable modem

2000-06-23 Per discussione Vic

If you have a dynamic ip address, like one that changes,
then when your machine asks you to setup your network,
then tell it to use dchp (or dchpd) someting like that,
anyway, if your isp has to give you your ip numbers
and stuff, then its more thanlikely a static ip

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 Is there a site with a good how to so I can set up Mandrake 7.0 to connect on
 the net with a cable modem
 Windoze is a virus with a user interface.
 This message was created with Linux

Re: [newbie] kde strangeness....

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Oliver Stieber wrote:
 it's obviously a good day for questions from me...
 (ie. my internets down, so i cant browse for answers).
 Linux locked up while i was changing themes (i also thick someone was vncing
 into my box at the time)
 any how i have got some dodgy gfx drivers so i do get the occasional
 when i rebooted, and logged into kde i had no desktop icons and the menu
 entries didn't work (except for the display configure and logout).
 i could still run stuff though rbm execute command or alt f2.
 i tried creating a new user and logging in (the desktop co was fine).
 i then copied the .kde desktop .kderc .xscreen? etc files from the new user
 to the broken one and chown,chgrp -R ed them all.
 the border, theme was reset but still no desktop icons and the menu entries
 btw. gnome co all work fine.

I have only one thing to suggest to you at this time. Learn to say
"firewall!" and mean it. Leaving your system open like that with vnc
listening in the background is crazy!

I love my Linux box...
  REASON #1 -- isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

[newbie] Re: IP y POP virtuales

2000-06-23 Per discussione Gabriel Capalbo

El jue, 22 jun 2000, Gabriel Capalbo escribió:
 Hola Amigos. Tengo un problema que me esta llevando mucho tiempo y no logro
 Desearia hacer funcionar el IP virtual y el Virtual POP.  
 Poseo el Mandrake 6.1 esta funcionando en este momento como server de correo
 perfectamente, ahora cuando quiero hacer funcionar el IP virtual y el POP
 virtual, este no funciona.
 Poseo el kernel  2.2.13 mdk.  mediante el linuxconf ya configure el ip virtual
 con el otro IP y ya configure el pop virtual mediante la linea que va en el
 inetd.conf (usr/lib/linuxconf/lib/vpop3d) pero no hay caso el ip virtual no
 funciona y el pop obviamente tampoco.
 otraes posible hacer andar un virtual pop sin tener IP virtual? o sea
 sobre un mismo numero de IP?   
 Gracias desde ya

Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

2000-06-23 Per discussione Jose Alberto Abreu

I think that you should go with the second scheme.
(I heard that Mandrake 7.1 solves this problem, though)

Anyway the /boot partition shouldnt be too large either... Somebody more
knowledgeble than me should be able to tell you how big (10megs?)

Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
 Hello everyone.
 I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box. No problem at all. Then my 
HD physically crashed and I installed a new one with Windows 98. This new hd is 20Gb 
big, and initially, when installing Win98 I left only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), 
the rest of the disk would be for Linux. Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX 
told me that the partition for Linux is beyond the cylinder 1024, so I quit 
installation. I surfed the internet to read some howtos, but my confusion grew 
larger. My question is: can I install Linux without making a /boot partition within 
the cylinder 1024?
 Can I keep my hd like
 or should I go to something like
 Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.
 Thanks in advance.

   Jose Alberto Abreu 
   Bending space and time since 2053  

RE: [newbie] What happens at midnight? -- This!

2000-06-23 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Several things happen at night.

1) Msec runs it's security updates
2) If tripwire is installed it runs it's check
3) slocate runs to create the "locate" database
4) makewhatis runs to create the "whatis" database
5) Most of your services are stopped as ...
6) the logrotate job runs to truncate  archive the old logs
7) then your services are restarted
8) tmpwatch runs to clean the /tmp files
9) anacron runs to update time stamps
10)unused TeX fonts are removed
11)Inn Daemons run if installed
12)A postfix checker is run
13)News is expired
14)Unused modules are removed from Memory

All in all Linux is VERY busy at night...


|-Original Message-
|From: Piero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 6:35 AM
|Subject: [newbie] What happens at midnight?
|Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on
|furiously for
|a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling,
|program set up
|by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
|I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at
|crontable(s) and acron
|tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the
|patience to study
|their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I didn't
|fint a man page.
|Daoes anybody know?

FW: [expert] FW: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) error

2000-06-23 Per discussione Federico Silva

I've forwarded the mails of this thread to thew expert list for help.
This may be an answer, I must wait 'till I get home and then till
monday cause ain't got no line at home now.
So if somebody can try this and report I'll be grateful (dead


-Original Message-
From: Anton Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: viernes 23 de junio de 2000 19:17
Subject: Re: [expert] FW: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) error

 I also keep getting permission errors on the mixer apps - I thought
 it might have been volume problem, but its not.

Ensure that the user in question is a member of the group "audio".  If
you selected security level 3 or higher at install, he is not by
default, and therefore cannot run ESD or access the audio devices.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [newbie] Warning: Mandrake changed DOS extended partition toLinux - how to fix

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mark Weaver

"M. R. N. Weston" wrote:
 This email is a warning and solution that I hope will help someone out
 there.  Also included (of course) is my fix!
 Symptom: After installing Linux Mandrake 7.1, Windows can't read any FAT
 drives in the extended partition.
 Further description: Computer that I was installing on had a 13G drive
 partitioned as follows:
 Primary DOS partition: 2 G for Windows.
 DOS Extended partition: the rest.
 Within that extended partition: 5 G FAT32 data partition for Windows.
 The rest I left for Linux partitions.
 After installing Mandrake I discovered that Windows could not read
 FAT32 partition - seeing as all the programs and data and many
 important things for the last six months were installed on the 5G FAT32 I
 started to sweat.  Especially since I knew very little about partitions
 and the like.   Windows FDISK saw the entire extended partition as
 "NON-DOS" and refused to read it.  Mandrake, installed on a
 couple partitions at the end of the extended partition, still worked quite
 happily.  I was worried that Mandrake had somehow tried to resize the
 5G DOS partition and messed it up, or killed it altogether (which
 would have been a Bad Thing).  After
 educating myself extremely hurriedly on these topics, I discovered
 what the problem was: Mandrake had changed the type of the DOS Extended
 partition (that occupied the rest of the disk) from "Extended" to "Linux
 Extended" (as seen by fdisk) at some point during the install.  Of course
 without telling me about it.
 This problem was reproduceable as after fixing it the first time I had to
 reinstall Mandrake (for various other complicated reasons) and it did
 exactly the same thing again.
 The fix:
 Note: if you know nothing about partitions don't mess
 around with fdisk !! Do as I did and forgo a night's sleep and learn all
 you can on the web, docs, etc about what is going on _before_ looking at
 fdisk.  Then A) the problem, whether or not it is exactly the same as
 here, will be much easier to solve, and B) you will have gained some
 valuable knowledge, like I did :)  I intend this email to be a
 guide/confirmation/help in pointing out what's wrong; don't leap to do
 this if you're not sure that you are having exactly the same problem.
  - boot into Mandrake, or use a rescue disk (which is actually
 what I was using as I had rewritten my Master Boot Record from windows
 early in the diagnostic process, thinking that was part of the problem,
 and thus I couldn't boot Linux anymore).
 - Be Root
 - run "fdisk /dev/hdX" where X is probably "a" (it was for me) if the
 problem is on your first fixed disk.
 - VERIFY that this is indeed your problem: type "p"; if your partition
 table looks something like this (concoted) example it probably is:
Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
 /dev/hda1   * 1   243   whatever   6  FAT16
 /dev/hda2   244   523   whatever  85  Linux Extended
 /dev/hda5   244   399   whatever   6  FAT32
 /dev/hda6   400   506   whatever  83  Linux
 /dev/hda7   507   523   whatever  82  Linux swap
 note how the Linux extended partition takes up the rest of the disk and
 the FAT32 partition is contained within it.
 - note the number (ie "hda2", "hda3", as you can see in the example it's
 2) of the "Linux Extended" partition - it very likely takes up all
 the space that isn't used by the first, primary, partition; and most all
 other partitions are within it.
 - hit ("t") to change the partition type.  First you type the number, then
 the new type.  List all of the types and pick the one called
 "Extended" (type 5 if I recall).
 - write the table to disk
 - reboot into Windows, all should be well
 If this doesn't fix it or your problem doesn't sound quite the same don't
 mess around with fdisk unless you know what you're doing.  Or you might be
 using some tools like "gpart" to recover your partitions from scratch :)
 If you have the same problem as this and this works then I feel I will
 have done my duty in life :)
 "Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is
 not the reason we are doing it" -- Richard Feynman

Here's an even BETTER solution. Don't install Linux on anything other
than it own partition. That includes Extended DOS partitions. If you
have to use Partition magic to resize your DOS primary partition and
create another primary parition which is where your Linux installation
will go.

I don't mean to sound accusitory or demeaning to you Mark, but it wasn't
Mandrake that messed up it was the guy telling diskdruid what to do and
where to do it with the installation. :) 

I know cause I learned partitioning the hard way. Just like you're doing

I love my Linux box...
  REASON #1 -- isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

RE: [newbie] Warning: Mandrake changed DOS extended partition to Linux - how to fix

2000-06-23 Per discussione Nicholas Avenell

 -Original Message-
 From: M. R. N. Weston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 23 June 2000 18:01
 Subject: [newbie] Warning: Mandrake changed DOS extended partition to
 Linux - how to fix
 If you have the same problem as this and this works then I feel I will
 have done my duty in life :)

Secondly, and more vitally importantly than that, before you do *anything*
with partition tables (Even with a "safe" program like partition magic)

B A C K U P   A L L   D A T A   F I R S T ! ! !

I can't stress this enough. Even with a professional (and non-destructive)
program like PM *things go wrong*

I lost my entire windows partition when resizing it, luckily I had, on a
whim, copied all my data to my secondary HDD, and put everything on a zip
disk, but I still lost all my E-Mails for 18 months and a few Websdesigns.


Re: [newbie] Ok dumb firewall question time

2000-06-23 Per discussione Paul

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Vic wrote:

Is any firewall just for blocking ports or can it also
protect the needed open ones like ftp 21 www 80 and so forth?

Depending on how you configure things, you can hammer shut each and every
port that you like. You should also be able to limit the allowed IP
addresses per port.


If you lose money, you lose nothing.
If you lose (the) honour, you lose a lot.
If you lose your courage, you've lost everything.
But if you lose friendship, then you've lost the world!

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] Ok dumb firewall question time

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mark Weaver

yes, and yes.

here is a link to a site where you can download a very configurable
firewall great for beginners.


I love my Linux Box!
REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Vic wrote:

Is any firewall just for blocking ports or can it also
protect the needed open ones like ftp 21 www 80 and so forth?

RE: [newbie] mouse problem

2000-06-23 Per discussione Anthony Huereca

 XFree 4.0 has support for that type of mouse... check XFree's web site...
 However, I still cannot make my wheel to work under Xfree 4

Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] Warning: Mandrake changed DOS extended partition toLinux - how to fix

2000-06-23 Per discussione M. R. N. Weston

 Here's an even BETTER solution. Don't install Linux on anything other
 than it own partition. That includes Extended DOS partitions. If you
 have to use Partition magic to resize your DOS primary partition and
 create another primary parition which is where your Linux installation
 will go.
 I don't mean to sound accusitory or demeaning to you Mark, but it wasn't
 Mandrake that messed up it was the guy telling diskdruid what to do and
 where to do it with the installation. :) 

No offense taken (well not much anyway :) ... but the thing that annoys me
is that it was totally unnecessary for it to change the extended partition
type!  Once I changed it back, Mandrake and Windows both worked fine.  So
what is the purpose of doing it?  Especially not letting me know about it?
I was doing this on someone else's computer and didn't want to mess too
much with the partitions, etc, as I didn't look at the partition table 
before running the install - I figured "I'll just use the extra 5 GB
partition that Winbloze isn't using.  No problem, right?" Wrong...

Also, I may be a moron but I didn't see any obvious way in DiskDruid in
the installation how to shrink the DOS extended partition and create a new
primary one for Linux.  As far as I could tell the extended partition was
transparent to DiskDruid... is it the case that DiskDruid can't do what it
wants in the extended partition withOUT changing the partition
type?  Seems strange to me... if this was the case I would think many
other people would have seen the same problem.

 I know cause I learned partitioning the hard way. Just like you're doing

And it's amazing how much you learn in such a short time :)




Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

2000-06-23 Per discussione Chris Hall

That sounds good but if I was you I wouldn't use Dos Fdisk. I would
use the partition program that came with Mandrake. It is SO much more
powerful. Using the mandrake partitioning tool do this:
Create a /boot partition on hda1.
Create a DOS/Windows partition on hda2
Then a linux native partition on hda3.
Then if you want a swap you can add it anywhere.
But you HAVE to install windows 98 first. And use the grub bootloader.
IMO its much more user friendly. :)
Feel free to ask if you have other questions.
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 5:32 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

 Ok, Chris. So now, tell me if I am wrong:

 First I will fdisk (DOS/Win98) my hd like this

 !-ext dos (15mb)-!!--pri dos for

 I don't know if this can be done and if Win98 will be able to boot (having
a extended dos partition before the primary one).
 After that I will boot with Mandrake CD and erase the first ext dos
partition (15mb) to make a new linux /boot partition.

 !--/boot--!!--pri dos for

 Am I a little bit right?



 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 11:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux
 I had this same problem with Red Hat 6.1 a few months back. I fixed
 the problem by having a 15mb boot partition as hda1, win98 on a 10gb on
 hda2, and then a 10gb linux partition on hda3. Lilo worked
 fine like that
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 11:32 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux
  Hello everyone.
  I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box. No
 problem at
 all. Then my HD physically crashed and I installed a new one
 with Windows
 98. This new hd is 20Gb big, and initially, when installing
 Win98 I left
 only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), the rest of the disk would
 be for Linux.
 Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX told me that the
 partition for
 Linux is beyond the cylinder 1024, so I quit installation. I surfed the
 internet to read some howtos, but my confusion grew larger. My
 question is:
 can I install Linux without making a /boot partition within
 the cylinder
  Can I keep my hd like
  or should I go to something like
  Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.
  Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

2000-06-23 Per discussione Chris Hall

I'd do a 15mb boot partition. That way you can store many kernels there. :-)
- Original Message -
From: Jose Alberto Abreu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

 I think that you should go with the second scheme.
 (I heard that Mandrake 7.1 solves this problem, though)

 Anyway the /boot partition shouldnt be too large either... Somebody more
 knowledgeble than me should be able to tell you how big (10megs?)

 Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
  Hello everyone.
  I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box. No problem at
all. Then my HD physically crashed and I installed a new one with Windows
98. This new hd is 20Gb big, and initially, when installing Win98 I left
only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), the rest of the disk would be for Linux.
Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX told me that the partition for
Linux is beyond the cylinder 1024, so I quit installation. I surfed the
internet to read some howtos, but my confusion grew larger. My question is:
can I install Linux without making a /boot partition within the cylinder
  Can I keep my hd like
  or should I go to something like
  Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.
  Thanks in advance.

Jose Alberto Abreu
Bending space and time since 2053

Re: [newbie] error with install of tar.gz files

2000-06-23 Per discussione KompuKit

well, did what you said...and still nothing...
attached is the latest error.txt

I remind you...that I did install PIXBUF

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  thanks so were right...I was missing these packages !!!
  I installed them...and then tried install "screem"
  and got the attached error...what's wrong NOW?
  it went fine until I got this error...I then installed both ...
  pixbuf 0.7.0   and its devel package...and still I got the attached
  Well, I don't see your error (did you attach it?).  My advice
 is to go back from the beginning and try again.  A sure bet is to
 delete the /dir that you untar'd the source to and start over from
 there, unpacking the source all over again.  Sometimes a 'make
 mrproper' (before (./config) will clean up the source.  Sometimes
 some source won't compile on some hardware. A good clue for this
 case is if the compile errors out at different places and/or with
 different error messages. Many compiles really strain the system's
 cpu/cache/ram so it could be a hardware problem.  Even in this
 case, often just keep trying over and over till the compile is
 successful.  Depends on how stubborn you are ;)    or maybe you
 forgot to 'su' to root before running 'make install' ?   ;)
 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tom Brinkman wrote:
   On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:
attached is the error, I get when trying to install
the latest SCREEM html editor...
why am I getting this...anyone know...
and why isn't my C compiler functioning?
I've tried uninstalling all the gcc stuff
on the CD...then re-installing...still I get this error.
is there some other packages that also need to be allow C compiler to function...?
 look 'bout half way down the page an you'll see a list of
   everything that's usually needed to compile most all source.
   It's mostly 'devel' and 'lib' packages you're prob'ly missing
   While you're there, read the whole section MOF, the whole site
   is invaluable ;-)
   ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Registered Linux User:73821
Kit Goins  ICQ# 7110071
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Lowell, Mass.
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)

[root@kompukit kit]# cd /root/tmp/screem-0.2.6
[root@kompukit screem-0.2.6]# ./configure --prefix=/usr
creating cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... no
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... missing
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for POSIXized ISC... no
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc -g -O2 ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc -g -O2 ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking host system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
checking build system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B
checking whether ln -s works... yes
updating cache ./config.cache
loading cache ./config.cache within ltconfig
checking for object suffix... o
checking for executable suffix... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC works... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.lo... yes
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions ... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... -static
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking whether the linker (/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output... ok
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking dynamic linker characteristics... Linux
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.5 install problem

2000-06-23 Per discussione Garyreedy1

I have the same problem,and I tryed to find what i did wrong ,
I got the same message

I have 

compaq 5170 
128 ram 
10 gb hd

I need some help.
thanks Gary

Re: [newbie] error with install of tar.gz files

2000-06-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 well, did what you said...and still nothing...
 attached is the latest error.txt
 I remind you...that I did install PIXBUF

 Jeezzz,  I'm in over my head.  don't you know I'm an ol'
man redneck NASCAR fan (I'm an Earnhardt fan you see, I live an 'die
by #3)  'Sides I've got a brain disease (MS), and I've been watchin'
qualifyin at Sears Point and drinkin beer with my friends ?? huh ??
You did notice rusty got'a nother pole today, ...right ?

  Lighten up.. all is not lost

  try try again

   it's a hell'uva lot smart'n me 

  if'n it still doesn't work, my diagnosis (from this far a'way)
is my usual.  Wait!! I use it on myself when workin to a solution.
I've found that people that have the most problems, usually try the
reverse of the below

Check the:
  1)  the interface 'tween the keyboard/mouse/chair 
  2)  hardware  (yeah, includin that new store bought) 
  3)  application (could be the source sux, maybe ?)
  4)  the OS  (in this case.. RTFM)

  forgive me, I'm from Texas  ö 
~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:
   thanks so were right...I was missing these packages !!!
   I installed them...and then tried install "screem"
   and got the attached error...what's wrong NOW?
   it went fine until I got this error...I then installed both ...
   pixbuf 0.7.0   and its devel package...and still I got the attached
   Well, I don't see your error (did you attach it?).  My advice
  is to go back from the beginning and try again.  A sure bet is to
  delete the /dir that you untar'd the source to and start over from
  there, unpacking the source all over again.  Sometimes a 'make
  mrproper' (before (./config) will clean up the source.  Sometimes
  some source won't compile on some hardware. A good clue for this
  case is if the compile errors out at different places and/or with
  different error messages. Many compiles really strain the system's
  cpu/cache/ram so it could be a hardware problem.  Even in this
  case, often just keep trying over and over till the compile is
  successful.  Depends on how stubborn you are ;)    or maybe you
  forgot to 'su' to root before running 'make install' ?   ;)
  ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:

 attached is the error, I get when trying to install
 the latest SCREEM html editor...
 why am I getting this...anyone know...

 and why isn't my C compiler functioning?
 I've tried uninstalling all the gcc stuff
 on the CD...then re-installing...still I get this error.
 is there some other packages that also need to be allow C compiler to function...?
  look 'bout half way down the page an you'll see a list of
everything that's usually needed to compile most all source.
It's mostly 'devel' and 'lib' packages you're prob'ly missing
While you're there, read the whole section MOF, the whole site
is invaluable ;-)

Re: [newbie] DSL Questions

2000-06-23 Per discussione Mike Tracy Holt

Hi Vic, 
I've just started using DSL from GTE about a month ago and it's great! 
I've got their cheapest package (768k / 128k) with dynamic ip - the only
problem I had was getting my Netgear RT311 dsl router working.  That was
simple as realizing that I needed to use the cross-over cable from the
dsl modem to the router.  Anyway, I've talked to quite a few people that
haven't had as easy a time; mostly because of not being aware of what
their provider was giving them.  You should probably find out ahead of
time if they're going to use PPPoE, for example.  I'm using the dsl
router to get my dynamic address and send to a small 4  port hub where I
have a couple computers connected with private addresses (192.168.x.x)
and all the OS's recognize everything without a hitch (win98, win2k and


Vic wrote:
 Hi I am planning to migrate from cablemodem to ADSL
 for a while to see if its going to be what I want.
 Is the setup basically the same?
 I do know that there will be a couple of differences,
 like the IP is going to be static so I will have to
 insert the IP address and the sub net mask I think
 instead of asking for dhcp stuff.
 Is that all I need to know?


Mike  Tracy Holt
Kirkland, WA

[newbie] Alliance Promotion AT25/AT3D

2000-06-23 Per discussione Jaguar

I just reinstalled Mandrake for various reasons, and I put in a Alliance
Promotion AT25 3DFX video card, the driver is there in XWindows  3.3.6 (I
think is the version # in MDK 7.0-2).  I setup the video card as well as I
could with the "no-accel" option in the driver.  However I can't seem to get
the 1024x768 16 (24/32) bit video settings input to use.  Also the virtual
desktop (with mouse scrolling to see all of the desktop) is active.  Has
anyone tried this card and gotten it to work without the virtual desktop and
the higher resolution/color depth??

The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Ok dumb firewall question time

2000-06-23 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Mark Weaver wrote:

 yes, and yes.

 here is a link to a site where you can download a very configurable
 firewall great for beginners.


 I love my Linux Box!
 REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
 Registered Linux user #1299563

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Vic wrote:

 Is any firewall just for blocking ports or can it also
 protect the needed open ones like ftp 21 www 80 and so forth?

I tried the mentioned firewall and once again I am feeling stupid. I
loaded it and immediately could not get Netscape to load .  It would
stall with only the stop sign and the frame showing.  I then
uninstalled and got my Netscape and mail back.  I must have set a
closed port or deny in the wrong place.  Again the documentation is
not set up for virtual dummies, but only for people who have alot of
experience either with  Linux or as programmers etc.  Anybody know
what a good set of setings would be and still allow Netscape access.
I keep looking for books and online documentation.  Nobody writes
Linux for Idiots, you have to be at least a dummy. "Life is good,
just don't weaken"   Dennis

Registered Linux User  # 180842

[newbie] Restated... Problems mounting.

2000-06-23 Per discussione John T. Seebold

My fstab file...

# The 26 GB Diamond Maxtor Super Drive.
/dev/hdb1/   ext2defaults 1 1
/dev/hdb5/home   ext2defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb7/usrext2defaults 1 1
/dev/hdb6noneswapdefaults 1 2

# The shitty little 4 GB Western Digital.
/dev/hdc1/mnt/scratchext2defaults 1 2

# Some other shit I have no clue about.
none/dev/pts devpts  mode=06200 0
none/procprocdefaults 0 0

# An Attempt at mounting the DVD drive and the CD Burner.
/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom   autonoauto,ro,user   0 0
/dev/cdburner   /mnt/cdburnerautonoauto,ro,user   0 0

# The floppy drives, 3.5" and the 5.25".
/dev/floppy /mnt/floppy  autonoauto,user  0 0 
/dev/floppy2/mnt/floppy2 autonoauto,user  0 0

So I tried a few entries at the command line...

[root@zoey /etc]# mount -a
[root@zoey /etc]# mount /dev/cdrom  
mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
[root@zoey /etc]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
[root@zoey /etc]# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
[root@zoey /etc]# mount /dev/cdburner /mnt/cdburner
mount: /dev/cdburner is not a valid block device
[root@zoey /etc]# arg!
bash: arg!: command not found
[root@zoey /etc]# 

And still I can't get the damn things mounted.  The hard drives are as
autodetected... and I *did* install off the Mandrake cd... I just can't
remount the bloody drives.

Of (perhaps) importance:
 /dev/cdburner is quite obviously a cdburner.
 /dev/cdrom is no quite so obviously a dvd-rom drive.

Please help,
Thank you,

Re: [newbie] Ok dumb firewall question time

2000-06-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 I tried the mentioned firewall and once again I am feeling stupid. I
 loaded it and immediately could not get Netscape to load .  It would
 stall with only the stop sign and the frame showing.  I then
 uninstalled and got my Netscape and mail back.  I must have set a
 closed port or deny in the wrong place.  Again the documentation is
 not set up for virtual dummies, but only for people who have alot of
 experience either with  Linux or as programmers etc.  Anybody know
 what a good set of setings would be and still allow Netscape access.

You're doin fine.  You understand it as well as i do, don't
give up. I believe you must've answer'd the "eth0" question right.
 I missed that one the first time, I have a "ppp0"  (dialup).  IIRC,
there's a few more that I changed from just takin the default
answer. I believe both involved unblocking pop3 (mail) and nntp
(news).  Then it all worked !!

  'Bout the only thing I worry about now is I still don't know a
thing about firewalls ;)   but I got one

~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Restated... Problems mounting.

2000-06-23 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Dennis Myers wrote:

 "John T. Seebold" wrote:

  My fstab file...
  # The 26 GB Diamond Maxtor Super Drive.
  /dev/hdb1/   ext2defaults 1 1
  /dev/hdb5/home   ext2defaults 1 2
  /dev/hdb7/usrext2defaults 1 1
  /dev/hdb6noneswapdefaults 1 2
  # The shitty little 4 GB Western Digital.
  /dev/hdc1/mnt/scratchext2defaults 1 2
  # Some other shit I have no clue about.
  none/dev/pts devpts  mode=06200 0
  none/procprocdefaults 0 0
  # An Attempt at mounting the DVD drive and the CD Burner.
  /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom   autonoauto,ro,user   0 0
  /dev/cdburner   /mnt/cdburnerautonoauto,ro,user   0 0
  # The floppy drives, 3.5" and the 5.25".
  /dev/floppy /mnt/floppy  autonoauto,user  0 0
  /dev/floppy2/mnt/floppy2 autonoauto,user  0 0
  So I tried a few entries at the command line...
  [root@zoey /etc]# mount -a
  [root@zoey /etc]# mount /dev/cdrom
  mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
  [root@zoey /etc]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
  mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
  [root@zoey /etc]# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
  mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
  [root@zoey /etc]# mount /dev/cdburner /mnt/cdburner
  mount: /dev/cdburner is not a valid block device
  [root@zoey /etc]# arg!
  bash: arg!: command not found
  [root@zoey /etc]#
  And still I can't get the damn things mounted.  The hard drives are as
  autodetected... and I *did* install off the Mandrake cd... I just can't
  remount the bloody drives.
  Of (perhaps) importance:
   /dev/cdburner is quite obviously a cdburner.
   /dev/cdrom is no quite so obviously a dvd-rom drive.
  Please help,
  Thank you,

 Hi,  try something like:
  mount -t iso9660  /dev/cdrom  /mnt
 ormount -r  /dev/cdrom  /mnt

 The -r for read only. As I understand it  you  get an error back  about
 not a valid block device .  Mayhap without the final "cdrom" or "cdburner"
 They might come on line.  The -r gives you read only so that probably
 isn't an option.  This might be obvious but there should be a space
 between mount and the rest of the line.  I hope none of this is to
 obviously newbie, but I am obviously a newbie and don't know " twice
 around a burnt bisquit " as my dear Mother used to say.  The info above is
 out of one of the books I've been reading.  Hope something works soon, you
 are sounding frustrated.

Also, is it SCSI or IDE  if IDE see  the Linux - Mandrake webpages  tutorial
on CD burners.  Looks like trouble to me.  Still hoping something in all this
helps you.  Dennis

[newbie] Chopped up e-mail

2000-06-23 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Since we're not on the subject, anybody know why  e-mail  I
write , looks okay on screen when I write it but then when
it shows up on the net-mail it's all chopped up.  I use
Netscape  and it's embedded e-mail. Non linux question,
I think, but curious none the less.

Re: [newbie] LILO Boot Magic install ?

2000-06-23 Per discussione Chris Hall

aifusionextreme wrote:

jave succesfully installed mandrake 7.0 before but on smaller dirves. When
trying to install it on a 14 GB with only 1 partition, everything appears
fine, but once we reboot, instead of lilo I get a screen full of '01010101010101
..' for ever or until reboot.So
I thought I would give Bootmagic a try ( comes with the macmillian release
), but it says something about not liking a partition that is greater than
1023 cylenders or something.Can
anybody help me ascertain what restrictions there are for these boot managers,
what can be done to correct it, and are there alternatives ( free ones
) that dont have these retricitons ?Thanks
Yep, install GRUB. I'm not sure if it comes with mandrake 7.0 but
its what I use in 7.1. It surpasses the 1024 cylinder limitations.

Re: [newbie] I just get a Big White Box :-(

2000-06-23 Per discussione John Couturier

I would check they have a part where it shows common problems and 
solutions listed by video card.  I don't know if yours is on the list but I would 
check.  Also check which version of XFree86 your using 3.3.6 or 4.0 and make sure you 
check that version on  Hope something in here helps you.

-- Original Message --
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Dentremont)
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:27:28 -0300

I'm running  a pentium II 450 with 128 mb of ram...a Diamond Speedstart A55
Trio3D/2X)..a Sceptre dragon eye monitor.
all well flawlessly well though the install of mandrake 7.1. An d I'm
happy with what I see!..the only problem that I have is that it seems no
matter what resolution/monitor type or graphics card I chose I get a great
white box as a cursor...Does anyone else have this same problem
know a workaround?...I love this oswould be a shame if I
couldn't get
this part resolved..thanks for any assistance you may provide  :-)

Re: [newbie] I just get a Big White Box :-(

2000-06-23 Per discussione John Couturier

I would check they have a part where it shows common problems and 
solutions listed by video card.  I don't know if yours is on the list but I would 
check.  Also check which version of XFree86 your using 3.3.6 or 4.0 and make sure you 
check that version on  Hope something in here helps you.

-- Original Message --
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Dentremont)
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:27:28 -0300

I'm running  a pentium II 450 with 128 mb of ram...a Diamond Speedstart A55
Trio3D/2X)..a Sceptre dragon eye monitor.
all well flawlessly well though the install of mandrake 7.1. An d I'm
happy with what I see!..the only problem that I have is that it seems no
matter what resolution/monitor type or graphics card I chose I get a great
white box as a cursor...Does anyone else have this same problem
know a workaround?...I love this oswould be a shame if I
couldn't get
this part resolved..thanks for any assistance you may provide  :-)

[newbie] rpmdrake 1.0 broken at Mandrake 7.1?

2000-06-23 Per discussione Alexander Werner Skwar

Hello, World!

I installed Mandrake 7.1 on my machine.  I wanted to add some packages with
rpmdrake, so I ran 'urpmi.addmedia ftp with
./hdlist-crypto.cz2'.  Now I have a new hdlist in /var/lib/urpmi and
Crypto_auf... is added to /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg.

Now I selected a package in rpmdrake and clicked on install, which only got
me this error message:

Died at /usr/X11R6/bin/ line 17, F line 12.

This happens with any package, not only with sftp.  sftp is available at
that location (

I started rpmdrake as root.

Is urpmi dying because of perl 5.6 ?

Or what am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help!

Alexander Skwar
Sichere Mail?   PGP/GnuPG Keys als Antwort auf Mail mit Betr: Get GPG Key

[expert] LM7.1 - Blank screen during shutdown

2000-06-23 Per discussione Richard Oldham




I have a problem that I normally lose the display on shutdown. This e/mail 
describes two installations of LM7.1, the problems found and provides extracts 
of the relevant logs.

I can provide full logs on request and ideas of how to solve the blank screen 
problem will be gratefully received.

I will convert some of these problems into "bug reports" if they haven't been 
reported before.

In the meantime, I may try a "custom" installation to see how different the 
logs look and I will scrutinize file attributes and permissions.

My e/mail addresses are :-



The hardware consists of :-

Gigabyte GA-6BXD Motherboard with two 350MHz Pentium II CPU's and 128MByte of 
100MHz synchronous DRAM. CMOS flashed to the latest version of the BIOS.

Matrox Millenium II AGP 250MHz DAC and 8MByte SGRAM - Bios version 1.3.011

Creative / Ensoniq ES1371 Soundcard on PCI bus.

Logitech Cordless Wheel Mouse - M/N M-RG45 setup as "IMPS/2"

Creative Labs 24 times CDROM type CD2422E mounted /dev/hdd

Second hard drive is a Quantum Fireball TM1080A 1GByte - Mode 4 - on /dev/hdc 
this was already formatted in extfs2 and contains /usr/local and /home from my 
previous LM7.0 installation.

The first hard drive is mounted in a withdrawable cassette and the two hard 
drives of relevance are :-

a Samsang SV2044D 20GByte - UDMA33 - on /dev/hda for the first installation of 
LM7.1 which can be swapped for 

a Samsang VG33402A 3.4GByte - UDMA33 - on /dev/hda for the second installation 
of LM7.1

Monitor is a 15" LCD Monitor - Selwyn Electronics Bravura 15PX running at 59Hz 
and 48kHz - resolution 1024 x 768 24bpp

OUTPUT OF /sbin/lspcidrake  /var/lspcidrake.log

Intel Corporation|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge (unknown ignore) 
Intel Corporation|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge (unknown ignore)
Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 ISA (unknown unknown)
Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 IDE (STORAGE_IDE unknown)
Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 USB (SERIAL_USB usb-uhci)
Intel Corporation|82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (unknown unknown)
Ensoniq|ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] (MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO es1371)
Matrox|MGA G200 AGP [Millennium] AGP (DISPLAY_VGA Card:Matrox Millennium G200 

- - - 
Note - The video RAM is wrongly reported as 4MByte.

Both Installations were carried out "clean" with no Windows partitions, dual 
boot etc.


"Expert" installation option was chosen to allow XFree4.0 to be "tried".

ReiserFS used on /dev/hda with an extfs2 swap partition.

The installation proceeded normally until the beginning of the "Configuration 
of X" stage where mouse behaviour became erratic and you were suddenly plunged 
in the "Choose your Keyboard" section!  Once you had done that, the 
installation program send you back to the "Configuration of X" stage.  This 
used to happen with LM7.0 and happened again on the second installation.  
Providing you keep to the keyboard for the remainder of the installation 
everything should be OK. Whether others have noticed this I don't know.

Selection of XFree4.0 seemed to be straightforward and I accepted the probed 
selection on the "test" screen.  I also set up the PC for graphical login (run 
level 5).  The PC rebooted and I was presented with the KDM login display.  
The problems were that the mouse moved but the buttons were unresponsive and 
the keyboard was completely dead. I had to reboot via the soft reset button on 
the PC case.  LM7.1 rebooted into XFree SVGA server version 3.3.6.  This is 
symbolically linked to /etc/X11/X.

Shutdown from KDM often provided no visual display of what was going on so 
when the hard drive had ceased operating for a short while I would key in 
"shutdown -h now" and press enter (just in case), all blind, and switch 
off after a further period of apparent inactivity.  This behaviour was not 
cured by manually configuring "XF86Config" or "drakeres" (by rejecting the 
probed settings) for 8MByte of Videoram or by following a recommendation to 
set the Option "sw_cursor" in "XF86Config".  The "sw_cursor" option did give 
me 's for password input in KDM login screen for the very first time and 
did seem to reduce the occurrences of the blind shutdown problem but it's not 
fixed yet.

I had a second HDD so I could try again


Simular options were chosen to the first install but fewer packages were 
selected and as far as I can remember no "individual" packages were selected.

At the beginning of the file installation stage I was told I couldn't install 
all my chosen packages.  I concluded that the /usr partition was too small so 
I exited via a soft reset to reboot the CDROM.  The partitions were re-sized 
on the second time round but I was confronted with "package header files 
missing" error message immediately prior