Re: [newbie-it] Posta elettronica

2000-11-08 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Giovanni Mazzamati wrote:
 Perchè non riesco a mandare alle liste un messaggio con l'immagine del
 pinguino storpiato da zio Bill???:-(

Perche' ML e NG si dividono in quelli che accettano file
binari ( es. i ng con .bin. nel nome ) e quelli che li respingono
(praticamente tutti).
Il motivo per cui normalmente i binari sono respinti e` abbastanza 
evidente comunque lo trovi spiegato  dettagliatamente sulla netiquette. 
Sia nella versione "seria" che in quella faceta di "Emily Post".
Entrambi i documenti li trovi facilmente sul NG it.faq.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] rpm di Mandrake non sono OK ?

2000-11-08 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Mi e` capitata una cosa strana.
Ho scaricato la 7.2.
Poi, per verificare se fosse tutto a posto ho fatto un test su alcuni
file.rpm a caso. 
Il risultato e` immancabilmente questo:

$ rpm --checksig  psmisc-19-4mdk.i586.rpm
psmisc-19-4mdk.i586.rpm: md5 GPG NOT OK

anche testando direttamente sulla rete si ottiene:

$ rpm --checksig

Se aggiungo l'opzione --nogpg ottengo il sospirato OK

$ rpm --checksig --nogpg psmisc-19-4mdk.i586.rpm 
psmisc-19-4mdk.i586.rpm: md5 OK

Quindi il "problema" e` solo di firma e non ha alcuna conseguenza
sull'installazione dei pacchetti.
Poi mi sono accorto che anche gli rpm della 7.1 avevano lo stesso

Pero`, mi resta la curiosita` di saperne di piu`.

Perche' Mandrake non firma correttamente i pacchetti?
Non per altro: mi ha fatto venire un coccolone pensando di aver
scaricato due interi CD a vuoto :-((

Qualcuno puo` aiutarmi?

Per esempio, se qualcuno ha una copia "commerciale" della 7.1,
potrebbe verificare se i suoi rpm sono firmati.

grazie e ciao, Andrea 

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] scusa se mi permetto di

2000-11-08 Per discussione Andrea Celli

 - vorrei usare il mio cd writer philips atapi con linux mdk 7.1
 - se e' necessario un modulo ide-scsi
 domanda: come faccio, al primo desderio


 dove trovo il software ide-scsi

E' un modulo del kernel che le Mandrake forniscono gia` compilato.
Quindi un "modprobe ide-scsi" basta per caricarlo.

Con altre distribuzioni dovresti compilarlo tu a partire dai
sorgenti del kernel. E` semplice.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] rpm di Mandrake non sono OK ?

2000-11-08 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 04:22:47PM +0100, Andrea Celli wrote:
 Fabio Coatti wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 10:20:46AM +0100, Andrea Celli wrote:
   Mi e` capitata una cosa strana.
   Ho scaricato la 7.2.
   Poi, per verificare se fosse tutto a posto ho fatto un test su alcuni
   file.rpm a caso.
   Il risultato e` immancabilmente questo:
   $ rpm --checksig  psmisc-19-4mdk.i586.rpm
   psmisc-19-4mdk.i586.rpm: md5 GPG NOT OK
  Dubbio: hai scaricato la chiave pubblica della Mandrake?? se non la hai
  nel keyring di gpg ovviamente non ti funziona la verifica.
 No, davo per scontato che una distro Mandrake la mettesse di default.

Beh, la chiave sul CD credo ci sia, ma almeno un gpg --import bisogna
darlo. Se invece scarichi i pacchetti da qualche sito "mirror", magari ti
conviene procurarti altrimenti la chiave, per evitare di fare una
verifica praticamente inutile. Buona regola è sempre procurarsi la chiave
in modo indipendente dai pacchetti ;-)

Fabio Coatti

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione disinstallazione

2000-11-08 Per discussione Giorgio Lazzari

mercoledì 8 novembre 2000 Alan WROTE

A . come si ripristina quello di Winzoz??? .

FDISK/MBR  da un disco di ripristino di windows

Giorgio Lazzari   

Re: [newbie-it] gnome

2000-11-08 Per discussione Guile Pi

 Ho mandrake 7.1, mi piacerebbe configurare Gnome con un desktop
 con delle icone da me scelte, e far funzionare i suoni.
 Le icone non cambiano ne da utente, ne da root;
 i suoni da root funzionano mentre da utente no.
 Qualcuno sa dirmi come fare ?Ho anche consultato il manuale trovato
in un sito
 di mandrake ma non ho trovato niente.

 Dovrebbe essere un problema di gruppi.. prova a configurare un gruppo
AUDIO.. dovresti risolvere il problema

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione disinstallazione

2000-11-08 Per discussione Alessandro

 Scusate, ma quando l'installazione mi chiede dove installare il bootloader
 dove lo devo installare? nel "Primo settore della partizione di boot" o
 "Primo settore del drive (MBR)"?

la seconda che hai detto :)

 E poi, installato Grub, cosa devo fare per avviare Winzoz? un menu mi
 all'avvio del computer se far partire Winzoz Me o Linux? altrimenti come

ti appare un grazioso menu semigrafico e basta che selezioni la voce
corrispondente al SO da avviare e il bello e' che le puoi personalizzare
(ovvero avvii il computer e puoi scegliere di avviare "Winzozz Millennium
Bug Edition"...hihihihi che stupidata... scusate...non lo faro' piu')

 Arriviamo alla disinstallazione (neanke l'ho installato cmq...), cosa devo

basta che avvii con il floppy di ripristino di windows e, portatoti in c:\
digiti "fdisk /mbr"
e magicamente ti partira' windows al nuovo riavvio

Re: [newbie-it] Sound Blaster Live.

2000-11-08 Per discussione Mauro Scacco

At 22.57 08/11/2000 +0100, you wrote:
ma cosè l' ESC data?
Forse l'opzione reset configuration data?
L'ho fatto,ma da sempre lo stesso problema di cui sotto.

Insisti,anch'io ho la live,pensa che  Mandrake 7.2 mi ha riconosciuto la 
scheda  al boot,incredibile!


Re: [newbie-it] Sound Blaster Live.

2000-11-08 Per discussione Floods

Il 08/11/00, Daniele "Keyser Soze" Surano parlò così:

 ma cosè l' ESC data?
 Forse l'opzione reset configuration data?
 L'ho fatto,ma da sempre lo stesso problema di cui sotto.

 ma quando premo OK mi dice che è "impossibile scrivere /dev/dps :
 periferica inesistente",

Ma il probelma non è riguardo l'inesistenza del device /dev/dsp??
Davide Cavallari  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The UNIX Guru's view of sex: 
unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; umount; sleep

[newbie-it] Scheda audio Via

2000-11-08 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Macchina Acer Aspire con PIII 600 e scheda audio Via 82C686, che non
viene riconosciuta all'avvio. Al momento del caricamento compare una
scritta che mi dice, all'incirca, che non possono essere caricati i
moduli per la scheda Via 82cxxx.
Ho provato con sndconfig, sia da dentro che fuori X; la scheda viene
trovata, ma al
momento del test in entrmbi i cas ila macchina si è piantata e non sono
riuscito a farla ripartire in alcun modo, tanto che ho dovuto
reinstallare tutto.
Qualcuno ha qualche idea in proposito?  Grazie
P.S. Qualcuno sa dirmi se la 7.2 riconoscerà i modem usb esterni ?

[newbie] LM 7.2 swap file size vs ram?

2000-11-08 Per discussione dkunz

Installed 7.2 today. After install going into Netscape or Koffice 
seems to take a very long time. Can hear the hd churning like it is 
trying to load program eventually it does.

Machine is a 533 w/64 mb ram 15gig hd.
partions are
swap  hda5   137mb.62.8 free
roothda63.85 gig2.36 gig free
home hda73.63 gig 3.44 gig free

I have ordered more ram will put that in tomorrow.

Is the swap partion about the right size?

Another thing I noticed when running Kdiskfree it shows 
/proc/bus/usb with 0% free. Is this normal?

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Re: [newbie] Sound ?

2000-11-08 Per discussione SKLIM

Thank you , I will try it

Best Regards,

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 4:22 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Sound ?

 It was Nov 7, 2000, 00:18, when SK.LIM keyboarded:
 Can someone tell me how to configure my sound card in Linux 
 Open a terminal, su to root, and run 'sndconfig'.
 If your soundcard is supported, it will be detected and activated.
 Bustard (n.): a very rude Metrobus driver. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] 2.4 and ipchains

2000-11-08 Per discussione Jon Greisz

Yeah I think its better.  The xconfig screen under network, then netfilter options has 
an option to include iptables that uses the new netfilter screen.  Unfortunately its 
greyed out and I cannot figure out what will enable it.




On 11/9/00 at 12:33 AM Mark Weaver wrote:


To my knowledge you can't compile 2.4 with ipchains support. I've tried a
few times and stopped trying. This kernel employs a new type of filtering
called "iptables" instead of ipchains. I've heard that it's a better type
of packet filtering although I haven't yet started to figure out how it
works. (other more pressing problems at the moment) There does seem to be
quite a bit of documentation on the net about iptables though.


Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...

 registered linux user # 182496
   =/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=

Surprisingly on Tue, 7 Nov 2000 Jon Greisz had this to say!

 I'm using pmFirewall which uses ipchains.  I want to switch to 2.4, but cannot 
figure out how to get it to work with ipchains.  When I do a make xconfig, within the 
netfilter section there is a ipchains 2.2 section at the very bottom, but it is 
greyed out.  How can I compile a 2.4 kernel with ipchains support.


 Jon Greisz

RE: [newbie] wuftp question

2000-11-08 Per discussione Mocksfield, Alan

I believe that it always defaults to the home directory of the ID you logged
in as.  If you only want uses to see from that directory down you can setup
their home directory like:
userid:x:100:100:Test ID:/home/userid/./pub:/bin/noshell
in your passwd file - this will only allow them access to the pub directory
and they will not be able to move above that directory.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 8:51 AM
Subject: [newbie] wuftp question

I have wuftp enable on my system and it is working great I was just
wondering where I can set the default dir to log in under.  Right now I have
it defaulted to my home dir!


Mike Freeman

Embrace the Penguin.  Give Bill the cold shoulder! 
Linux Registered User #190770  (10/02/2000)

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[newbie] How to change graphical environment in 7.2

2000-11-08 Per discussione Trevor Ramoutar

I think KDE2.0 is great and all, but how do I change my default window manager to 
Enlightenment, or maybe even GNOME?  Mandrake 7.0 and 7.1 had a utility called 
"switchdesk" but I can't find it in 7.2...


Get FREE Email/Voicemail with 15MB at Lycos Communications at

Re: [newbie] Problems updating 7.1 to 7.2

2000-11-08 Per discussione Drew Lane

I, also, have encountered network trouble with 7.2 after using the update
function.  Before my update, my network was working fine and my DSL
connection was live and kicking.  After the update, no network, no DSL.

Any ideas?

Drew Lane
- Original Message -
From: "Joergen Traun" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 8:02 AM
Subject: [newbie] Problems updating 7.1 to 7.2


 Yesterday I updated one of my machines from mandrake 7.1 to mandrake
 When i ran the instalation program I used the update funktion, but when
 finished I have got following problems:

 1 - I have to start the network manual every time i reboot the machine.
 2 - KDE is not updated the right way, no KDE program (beside konsole)

 Can anybody tell me how I fix those problems?


 Joergen Traun.

[newbie] No icons...

2000-11-08 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

I have a question that probably has a very simple solution.

When I installed Linux MDK 7.1, all went well. The first time, I logged in
as root and all was fine. The other day I set up users for myself and my
wife and neither account has icons on the desktop when we log in. I have
them in root but nowhere else. Very strange. I've installed this distro on
other machines and have not encountered this problem. Any help is

Chris Kelly
Registered Linux user 185775

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Nov 7, 2000, 11:25, when Marcia keyboarded:

Hi Marcia,

I hear many different things from updates. I have never had any problems
with that, though. My start was redhat 5.2, and upgraded that through RH
6.0, MDK 6.1, MDK 7.0 and MDK 7.1. And I have the MDK7.2 cd's ready for
the next upgrade. I don't expect any problems, but it is up to you to see
what you want to do. I would go for the upgrade, though. That keeps all
the settings and such in place.

Good luck,

If I decide to install or upgrade to 7.2 will that mess up everything or
some things that I have working finally? Will my ethernet cable modem
continue to work properly? It took me 4 months to figure out how to make
it work. What is better , fresh install or upgrade? I read that the
fresh install was fast however the upgrade was taking 5 hours or more.
Any suggestions?  Thank you for your help. Marcia

Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

[newbie] Which Filesystem?

2000-11-08 Per discussione Grant

What is the difference between the ext2 and ReiserFS filesystems?
What are the pros  cons of both?
I going to be doing a fresh install on a computer, and want to find out
which I should pick.

[newbie] un-remove

2000-11-08 Per discussione Scott D. Pletcher

Does anyone know how to get a file back that has been deleted via "rm"?


Re: [newbie] Sound ?

2000-11-08 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Tue, 07 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 From the command line (don't do this from a console in X) type sndconfig
 and then follow the screen prompts.

Just wondering why you are not supposed to do this while in X?
I did and it worked just fine, it warned me not to run it in X but again it 
worked fine, so what is the resoning behind this?

Re: [newbie] un-remove

2000-11-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Nov 8, 2000, 17:42, when Scott D. Pletcher keyboarded:

Does anyone know how to get a file back that has been deleted via "rm"?

If you know what was in the file: start typing.
If you can download it from somewhere: go and download.
None of the above: do you have a backup somewhere?
Not even that? No chance...


Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Which Filesystem?

2000-11-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Nov 8, 2000, 07:51, when Grant keyboarded:

What is the difference between the ext2 and ReiserFS filesystems?
What are the pros  cons of both?
I going to be doing a fresh install on a computer, and want to find out
which I should pick.

I have no idea on the benefit of either one. I use ext2 and I am happy
with that.


Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Upgrade from within Linux

2000-11-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Nov 8, 2000, 13:40, when Ashley Moore keyboarded:

Can anybody tell me if its possible to initiate the upgrade / install
process off the CD from within Linux

I would not know how to initiate that. After all, there are core items
from the system that need to be replaced, and when they are in use (loaded
into memory with links to disk) that is not possible.

The way I like is to boot from the CD and use that to upgrade.
The only alternative that I know is to boot from a messydos floppy and go
through the autoboot process in the /dosutils directory.


Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Must have sound. I'll do anything.

2000-11-08 Per discussione -michael-


I have a SBLive! MP3 card (new) and had a SBLive! Value. Both were successfully
autodetected in 7.1 and 7.2. You might switch PCI slots...don't have it in the
first one or the last one...and when you reboot, it should find it. If it does
7.1 will autoconfigure it.

 On Tue,  7 Nov 2000 11:15, tweeter wrote:
  I am at a loss, in Drake 7.1 and 7.2 my system completely locks up when
  I try to play any kind of sound. Be it an mp3 or a wav, in any player. I
  have tried all I know. I miss my mp3's man. This is week 4 w/o sound. If
  anyone has ANY ideas, please let me know. This is really starting to get
  to me.
  Eagerly awaiting your responses,

 Sridhar Dhanapalan
 "One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
 "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

2000-11-08 Per discussione Joe Collard

I am trying to get XFree86 4.0.1 to work with my Diamond Viper V770 (nvidia
TNT2) video card.  Has anyone sucessfully installed Mandrake 7.2 with the
nvidia drivers from their website for TNT2.  Any help is much appreciated.


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-08 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All and Paul, Thank you for the advice about installing or
upgrading to Mandrake 7.2. I am probably going to get the CD's and
upgrade afterall. I looked into Cheapbytes website and saw the CD's but
do not understand  the difference between the two kinds offered really.

Someone mentioned that you can download the ISO to your HD , make a boot
disk, then install it that way without  the need to burn it to a CD.
Does anyone know about this procedure and exactly how to do it?
Thank you all for your help. Marcia

Re: [newbie] CUPS challenge

2000-11-08 Per discussione Terry C

Check out


--- -michael- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have an epson stylus scan 2000 printer that I
 would love to have on line 
 while using linux but can't seem to find a driver in
 the CUPS directory that 
 will even make it burp. Anyone out there got an idea
 as to where I could look?

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Re: [newbie] un-remove

2000-11-08 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Paul wrote:
 It was Nov 8, 2000, 17:42, when Scott D. Pletcher keyboarded:
 Does anyone know how to get a file back that has been deleted via "rm"?
 If you know what was in the file: start typing.
 If you can download it from somewhere: go and download.
 None of the above: do you have a backup somewhere?
 Not even that? No chance...
 Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Paul (welcome back - how was your trip?), there was an article floating around
about how to do that, but it involved immediately unmounting the drive that the
file in question is on, and a small program that finds the file(s), then you
have to manually rename them from a "raw" format (I think). I'm not really sure
but I'm thinking it was in LJ or LM...


RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

2000-11-08 Per discussione Alan Todd

I have installed 7.0 - 7.01 - 7.02- and 7.2 with no problems with my viper
770 -- it alread knows it
it is listed in the video cards and i got my screen size and 32bit colors
after that also


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joe Collard
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 1:13 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

I am trying to get XFree86 4.0.1 to work with my Diamond Viper V770 (nvidia
TNT2) video card.  Has anyone sucessfully installed Mandrake 7.2 with the
nvidia drivers from their website for TNT2.  Any help is much appreciated.


RE: [newbie] un-remove

2000-11-08 Per discussione Wignall, Mark T

where was that tar file on tape you made the night before ;-)
Short of not having thatyou're (the file) is toast.


-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] un-remove

It was Nov 8, 2000, 17:42, when Scott D. Pletcher keyboarded:

Does anyone know how to get a file back that has been deleted via "rm"?

If you know what was in the file: start typing.
If you can download it from somewhere: go and download.
None of the above: do you have a backup somewhere?
Not even that? No chance...


Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] un-remove

2000-11-08 Per discussione Scott D. Pletcher

Thanks for the advice. :)  However, I did find something useful called
"recover" at

It asked me some questions and successfully recovered my file.  

Gotta stop using rm -f so much!

Thanks again,

Paul wrote:
 It was Nov 8, 2000, 17:42, when Scott D. Pletcher keyboarded:
 Does anyone know how to get a file back that has been deleted via "rm"?
 If you know what was in the file: start typing.
 If you can download it from somewhere: go and download.
 None of the above: do you have a backup somewhere?
 Not even that? No chance...
 Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-


Scott D. Pletcher
Department of Biology
Wolfson House
4 Stephenson Way
University College
London NW1 2HE
phone: (44) 207 679 5063

[newbie] XFCE not included in Mandrake 7.2?

2000-11-08 Per discussione Jeff Malka

After upgrading from Mandrake 7.1 to 7.2 I discovered that XFCE is no longer
one of the default choices on graphic login.

Anyone know if it has been dropped?  If not, how does one add it to the
option list?


Registered Linux user  183185

[newbie] Open GL included in Mandrake 7.2?

2000-11-08 Per discussione Jeff Malka

Is Open GL or Mesa GL included in Mandrake 7.2?  I have some apps that need
it that worked in Mandrake 7.1 but not in 7.2 and someone suggested that GL
may not be installed.

How do I find out?


Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] Which Filesystem?

2000-11-08 Per discussione Doug McGarrett

At 07:51 AM 11/08/2000 -0500, you wrote:
What is the difference between the ext2 and ReiserFS filesystems?
What are the pros  cons of both?
I going to be doing a fresh install on a computer, and want to find out
which I should pick.

What I have read on the various lists and URLs is the following:

Reiser "keeps a copy" of everything until it is written to a file,
so it can survive power failures much better, and the equivalent of fsck
runs a lot quicker.  Reiser is slightly slower in operation. (I don't
know where it keeps the copy, or how.)  The MSWin program Explore2fs
probably does not read Reiser.  (If anyone knows better, please let
me know.)  There are times when E2fs is very useful to me, so I
have not used Reiser myself.   --doug

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

2000-11-08 Per discussione Drew Lane

I installed Mandrake 7.2 with an nVidia RIVA TNT2 M64 card, and all went
well.  I haven't tried any of the drivers from NVidia.
- Original Message -
From: "Joe Collard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 12:12 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

 I am trying to get XFree86 4.0.1 to work with my Diamond Viper V770
 TNT2) video card.  Has anyone sucessfully installed Mandrake 7.2 with the
 nvidia drivers from their website for TNT2.  Any help is much appreciated.


Re: [newbie] MODEMS

2000-11-08 Per discussione Terry C

Take a look at

--- TiGereYe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Once somebody posted a web page that listed modems
 and if they are real
 modems or winmodems and if there is any linux
 drivers for them... does
 anybody have it?.
 plus i have a question...if it is a winmodem and
 there is no linux driver

 for it basically rendered useless in linux?

 TiGereYe - Accept No Substitutes -

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Re: [[newbie] Which Filesystem?]

2000-11-08 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

"Grant" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the difference between the ext2 and ReiserFS filesystems?
 What are the pros  cons of both?
 I going to be doing a fresh install on a computer, and want to find out
 which I should pick.

The principal "benefit" of the ReiserFS is that it is a journaling file
system.  I believe it is much less susceptible to problems if inproperly
shutdown.  There is another file system being worked on called ext3 that I
believe will be a journaling file system also.  Some time duirng the 2.4.x
kernel one of these (or another journaling file system) might  become the
default of recommended, instead of ext2.  for now, I use ext2 for my Linux

"Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
than alcohol has taken out of me."
--Winston Churchill

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[newbie] Look who is running on AS/400 again (fwd)

2000-11-08 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Hi list,

You will have to forgive me for forwarding this message to the list, but
it was just too precious to keep all to myself! This is absolutely


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 09:09:59 -0500
From: James Sieling III/Mechanicsburg/IBM [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: AS/400 Colleagues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Look who is running on AS/400 again

In the November issue of Midrange Technology Showcase  there is an article
on the front page entitled "IBM's Frank Soltis, Uncensored".   Below is an
excerpt from that article that references a very large software company on
the west coast that used to run their business on AS/400, switched over to
NT, and now is back to AS/400.I'm still gloating over it!!! Please
read on...   ...Jim

Dr. Frank Soltis, the IBM engineer who has been called "the AS/400's
Elvis," recently shared a success story during a keynote speech at a user
conference in Florida. This particular company was in the software
distribution business and at one point had 23 AS/400s located around the
world. The company was a very good customer, went from CISC to RISC, and
was  always one of the first to upgrade to new technology, he said. Then
came the Year 2000 problem, and despite five years of dedicated service
during a period of great revenue growth, the company decided that it was
time to move  off the AS/400. So in June of 1999, the company unplugged
its AS/400s and powered up 1200 NT servers it needed to replace them.

But things didn't quite go as planned. "They found they couldn't make it
work," Soltis told  the crowd. "Today, one year after unplugging their
AS/400s, they're back on the AS/400."  That company is Microsoft. "They
viewed that as a point of  embarrassment," Soltis said. "We thought it was
kind of funCan you think  of a company with greater incentive to move
to NT, and they couldn't do it?"

Jim Sieling
iSeries 400 Specialist  IBM Corporation

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 5267 E Simpson Ferry Rd
Phone:  717-796-3475Mechanicsburg, PA  17055
Fax:717-796-3408Tie: 437-3475

Re: [newbie] un-remove

2000-11-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Nov 8, 2000, 13:34, when Ronald J. Hall keyboarded:

Paul (welcome back - how was your trip?), there was an article floating around

Thanks for the welcome, I had a great vacation, thanks!
And thanks too about the info about the article :)


Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

2000-11-08 Per discussione Joan Tur

Joe Collard escribió:

 I am trying to get XFree86 4.0.1 to work with my Diamond Viper V770 (nvidia
 TNT2) video card.  Has anyone sucessfully installed Mandrake 7.2 with the
 nvidia drivers from their website for TNT2.  Any help is much appreciated.


I haven't had any problem with the drivers that come with 7.2 distribution...
what's the difference between both drivers??

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] un-remove

2000-11-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Nov 8, 2000, 18:43, when Scott D. Pletcher keyboarded:

Thanks for the advice. :)  However, I did find something useful called
"recover" at

It asked me some questions and successfully recovered my file.  

Wow, fabulous!! Congratulations!! This is a link for my linux-page :)


Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

2000-11-08 Per discussione Joe Collard

Can you get the game tuxracer or spacecup to work?

Drew Lane wrote:

 I installed Mandrake 7.2 with an nVidia RIVA TNT2 M64 card, and all went
 well.  I haven't tried any of the drivers from NVidia.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Joe Collard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 12:12 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

  I am trying to get XFree86 4.0.1 to work with my Diamond Viper V770
  TNT2) video card.  Has anyone sucessfully installed Mandrake 7.2 with the
  nvidia drivers from their website for TNT2.  Any help is much appreciated.

[newbie] New to list

2000-11-08 Per discussione Fred Hamilton

Hi All, I am new to the list.  Just installed Linux-Mandrake 7.2 over my 
Windows 2000 Professional. Everything seems to be working well, however I see 
some differences I am curious about.

Last year I fooled around with Linux for a few weeks and I remember that one 
of the CD's had several RPM packages of themes which you could install very 
simply. I can find those no where, except on the web as tar or gz files. 
Installing them as RPMS was easy as it placed them where they belonged. As a 
zipped package, where do I place the files to enable the theme and where can 
I get the theme manager? 

I downloaded the two ISO images from the Linux Mandrake site and create CD's, 
so maybe I am missing something?

Thanks for any help, and one more thing. What is the most popular email 
program? I am now using KMail, but would like to use something that allows 
you to compose HTML messages, and I do not want to use Netscape.


Fred Hamilton

Re: [newbie] No icons...

2000-11-08 Per discussione Eddie Torres

What icons are you referring to?  The ones on the graphical login? or like
in KDE?

On Wed, 08 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 I have a question that probably has a very simple solution.
 When I installed Linux MDK 7.1, all went well. The first time, I logged in
 as root and all was fine. The other day I set up users for myself and my
 wife and neither account has icons on the desktop when we log in. I have
 them in root but nowhere else. Very strange. I've installed this distro on
 other machines and have not encountered this problem. Any help is
 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775
Eddie Torres

Re: [newbie] No icons...

2000-11-08 Per discussione Goldenpi

Weird. I always make the users during install.

Look in /home/someuser/.desktop (I think. Its something like that.). that is
where icons go.
- Original Message -
From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "'Newbie'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 2:29 PM
Subject: [newbie] No icons...

 I have a question that probably has a very simple solution.

 When I installed Linux MDK 7.1, all went well. The first time, I logged in
 as root and all was fine. The other day I set up users for myself and my
 wife and neither account has icons on the desktop when we log in. I have
 them in root but nowhere else. Very strange. I've installed this distro on
 other machines and have not encountered this problem. Any help is

 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-08 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 08 November 2000 07:11 am, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All and Paul, Thank you for the advice about installing or
 upgrading to Mandrake 7.2. I am probably going to get the CD's and
 upgrade afterall. I looked into Cheapbytes website and saw the
 CD's but do not understand  the difference between the two kinds
 offered really.
 the CD's for $3.99 are 'production' CD's.  They make a whole 
bunch a one time from a master CD.  The CD-R's for $6.99 are 
'burned' CD's, recorded from the iso's.  My conjecture:  if you buy 
the production CD's, your Cdrom might have minor problems reading 
them.  They are generally not as good quality as the CD-R's.  Next 
is time, unless they have production CD's ready to ship, you'll 
prob'ly wait longer to get them than CD-R's which are produced 'as 
needed', ie, you might have to wait till they make another run.  BUT 
this is all rather pointless as is sellin 7.2 CD-R's for 
$3.78 + sh.

 Someone mentioned that you can download the ISO to your HD , make
 a boot disk, then install it that way without  the need to burn it
 to a CD. Does anyone know about this procedure and exactly how to
 do it? Thank you all for your help. Marcia

   Instructions on how to do this are on Mandrake's site.  'Course 
it also helps to have a fast enough connection to make d/l'g 1.3 
gigs of iso's worthwhile  ;)  If you choose to d/l, be sure to run 
'md5sum' on them to verify, re-d/l using rsync if it doesn't match.
Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

2000-11-08 Per discussione Joe Collard

Did you install the nvidia glx drivers from their website.  I need opengl

Alan Todd wrote:

 I have installed 7.0 - 7.01 - 7.02- and 7.2 with no problems with my viper
 770 -- it alread knows it
 it is listed in the video cards and i got my screen size and 32bit colors
 after that also


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joe Collard
 Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 1:13 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

 I am trying to get XFree86 4.0.1 to work with my Diamond Viper V770 (nvidia
 TNT2) video card.  Has anyone sucessfully installed Mandrake 7.2 with the
 nvidia drivers from their website for TNT2.  Any help is much appreciated.


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

2000-11-08 Per discussione Joe Collard

Yes I installed nvidia drivers, but I could not get X to come up.

Joe Collard wrote:

 Did you install the nvidia glx drivers from their website.  I need opengl

 Alan Todd wrote:

  I have installed 7.0 - 7.01 - 7.02- and 7.2 with no problems with my viper
  770 -- it alread knows it
  it is listed in the video cards and i got my screen size and 32bit colors
  after that also
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joe Collard
  Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 1:13 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia
  I am trying to get XFree86 4.0.1 to work with my Diamond Viper V770 (nvidia
  TNT2) video card.  Has anyone sucessfully installed Mandrake 7.2 with the
  nvidia drivers from their website for TNT2.  Any help is much appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 Dear All and Paul, Thank you for the advice about installing or
 upgrading to Mandrake 7.2. I am probably going to get the CD's and
 upgrade afterall. I looked into Cheapbytes website and saw the CD's but
 do not understand  the difference between the two kinds offered really.

I checked their listing and I agree; it's hard to see any difference
between their $4 and $7 disk set.

 Someone mentioned that you can download the ISO to your HD , make a boot
 disk, then install it that way without  the need to burn it to a CD.

This is true, you can mount an iso image that's sitting on your HD.  What
would be a problem would be trying to use the installer to install
anything from the second CD as the installer would expect you to be able
to "put" that CD into the same mount location as the first disk.  I don't
know any way to get past that, though there may be one.  If you want to
read a bit about how to do the mount, check man mount and look for the
"loop" option.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Aurora

2000-11-08 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Carl Kehley wrote:
 How does one get Aurora to run at boot?  I just installed
 the download version of 7.2, development install, ReiserFS,
 using grub.  The Aurora package is installed, but I can't
 find out anywhere how to get it to run.  Any help would be
 greatly appreciated.

 Carl Kehley
 ICQ 1412676

Re: [Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2]

2000-11-08 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

 It was Nov 7, 2000, 11:25, when Marcia keyboarded:
 Hi Marcia,
 I hear many different things from updates. I have never had any problems
 with that, though. My start was redhat 5.2, and upgraded that through RH
 6.0, MDK 6.1, MDK 7.0 and MDK 7.1. And I have the MDK7.2 cd's ready for
 the next upgrade. I don't expect any problems, but it is up to you to see
 what you want to do. I would go for the upgrade, though. That keeps all
 the settings and such in place.
 Good luck,
Am I reading this correctly.  Did you upgrade from RH 6.1 to mandrake 7.0?  Is
it possible to upgrade across distros?  Or just with these two?  I'm running
RH 6.2 in my office.  Do you think I can upgrade to L-M 7.2 directly?

"Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing
and dreadful idolatry took place there!"
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

2000-11-08 Per discussione Joe Collard

I can get them to run, but they run to slow to be bearable.  Very jumpy.

Joe Collard wrote:

 Can you get the game tuxracer or spacecup to work?

 Drew Lane wrote:

  I installed Mandrake 7.2 with an nVidia RIVA TNT2 M64 card, and all went
  well.  I haven't tried any of the drivers from NVidia.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Joe Collard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 12:12 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia
   I am trying to get XFree86 4.0.1 to work with my Diamond Viper V770
   TNT2) video card.  Has anyone sucessfully installed Mandrake 7.2 with the
   nvidia drivers from their website for TNT2.  Any help is much appreciated.

[newbie] rsync

2000-11-08 Per discussione Robert Byrnes

I have been patiently downloading 7.2 from a University server and suffer
from getting disconnected when the ftp is deep within the file structure. I
want to be sure I get all the files. What are the solutions? Would I use
rsync to do this? How does that work? I am downloading using CuteFTP in
Win98. If anyone can I help, I'd sure appreciate it!

[newbie] random dhcpcd drops

2000-11-08 Per discussione Eric Becker

I use my linux box as a router (ip-masquerading) for other PC's on my lan.
I have two nics, one connected to an external adsl modem and the other one
is connected to my switch.  I used to have mandrake 7.1 and I didn't
experience any problems.  When I upgraded to 7.2...I started experiencing
connection problems.  It seems that my connection to my dsl provider will
mysteriously drop for unspecificied amounts of time.  Sometimes it will be
only a couple minutes, but other times it will be for hours.  I can easily
fix it by either restarting dhcpcd, or I can just issue and ifdown eth0
command and then follow up with an ifup eth0.  What is causing this problem?
I remember I used to have the same problem when I used Redhat...and Redhat
uses pump instead of dhcpcd.  Any help would be appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-08 Per discussione Marcia

Dear Tom,Thank you very much for the advice on the CD's. Now, I
understand the difference. I will check out that website you told me
about. Thank you also, for the ISO info. I think I will just order the
CD's afterall.  Marcia

Re: [newbie] New to list

2000-11-08 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 08 November 2000 02:33 pm, Fred Hamilton wrote:
 Hi All, I am new to the list.  Just installed Linux-Mandrake 7.2
 over my Windows 2000 Professional. Everything seems to be working
 well, however I see some differences I am curious about.

 Last year I fooled around with Linux for a few weeks and I
 remember that one of the CD's had several RPM packages of themes
 which you could install very simply. I can find those no where,
 except on the web as tar or gz files. Installing them as RPMS was
 easy as it placed them where they belonged. As a zipped package,
 where do I place the files to enable the theme and where can I get
 the theme manager?

 Control Center | LookN Feel | Style | Widget Style and theme
 also use  LookN Feel | Colors  to further customize

  There's several included in 7.2 and a few for KDE2 that can be 
d/l'd from   but they need to be installed 
(easily) by hand.  'Aquatica' has the instructions for doin so.  
Just 2 steps needed, and the theme is added to LookN Feel. 
Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and nvidia

2000-11-08 Per discussione Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]

On Wednesday 08 November 2000 22:48, Joe Collard wrote:
 Yes I installed nvidia drivers, but I could not get X to come up.

Did you load the nvdriver with 'insmod NVidia" ?

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
 not by the limits of reality...

[newbie] WINE Question

2000-11-08 Per discussione Joe Morris

Okay, I just completed my wine.conf file and ran Adobe Acrobat with it. 
I then decided to open up Astroship Evader.  I typed in the following:

wine /mnt/win_c/Astroship Evader/Astroship Evader.exe

I then got the following:

cannot find file "/mnt/win_c/Astroship"

Obviously, it does like the spaces in the file names.  Tell me, how do I
overcome this problem?  could you please tell me how to retype the above
command to launch it?  Thanks! Joe

Re: [newbie] WINE Question

2000-11-08 Per discussione Stuart Foster

 I then decided to open up Astroship Evader.  I typed in the following:

 wine /mnt/win_c/Astroship Evader/Astroship Evader.exe

 I then got the following:

 cannot find file "/mnt/win_c/Astroship"

 Obviously, it does like the spaces in the file names.  Tell me, how do I
 overcome this problem?  could you please tell me how to retype the above
 command to launch it?  Thanks! Joe

Hi Joe,

I'm not too sure but have you tried enclosing the astoship evader.exe bit in
quotation marks?
try both single and double. I believe the single option is the most likely
to work.


Stu Foster

Re: [Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2]

2000-11-08 Per discussione Mark Weaver


I upgraded from RH 6.1 to Mandrake 7.0 with no problem at all. I really
don't think there is going to be a problem for you either.


Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...

  registered linux user # 182496
=/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=

On 8 Nov 2000 Michael Scottaline had this to say!

 Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It was Nov 7, 2000, 11:25, when Marcia keyboarded:
  Hi Marcia,
  I hear many different things from updates. I have never had any problems
  with that, though. My start was redhat 5.2, and upgraded that through RH
  6.0, MDK 6.1, MDK 7.0 and MDK 7.1. And I have the MDK7.2 cd's ready for
  the next upgrade. I don't expect any problems, but it is up to you to see
  what you want to do. I would go for the upgrade, though. That keeps all
  the settings and such in place.
  Good luck,
 Am I reading this correctly.  Did you upgrade from RH 6.1 to mandrake 7.0?  Is
 it possible to upgrade across distros?  Or just with these two?  I'm running
 RH 6.2 in my office.  Do you think I can upgrade to L-M 7.2 directly?
 "Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing
 and dreadful idolatry took place there!"
 Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] WINE Question

2000-11-08 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 08 November 2000 05:20 pm, Joe Morris wrote:
 Okay, I just completed my wine.conf file and ran Adobe Acrobat
 with it. I then decided to open up Astroship Evader.  I typed in
 the following:

 wine /mnt/win_c/Astroship Evader/Astroship Evader.exe

What little I've used wine, it seems to work better if you cd to 
the apps location, then run the program.  I suspect this has to do 
with DOS's lack of *nix compatible file permissions.

 I then got the following:
 cannot find file "/mnt/win_c/Astroship"

To cd into a dir that has spaces in the dir name use a '\'.
EG,  cd /mnt/win_c/Astroship\EvaderThen to run the program you'd 
typewine Astroship\Evader(the .exe isn't neccesary and it's 
better not to use it.  The backsplash as used above acts as an 
escape char to replace the space)
Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Messed up my mouse

2000-11-08 Per discussione Mark Weaver

awesome! glad I could help. ;)


Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...

  registered linux user # 182496
=/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=

On Wed, 8 Nov 2000 Scott Allan had this to say!

 Thans so much, got this working!
 Scott Allan
 On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:
  At the LILO prompt type linux 3. This will boot the system to runlevel 3
  and drop you at a console login. Login as root and at the command prompt
  type "setuptool". This will allow you to reconfigure your mouse.
  Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...
registered linux user # 182496
  =/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=
  On Tue, 7 Nov 2000 Scott Allan had this to say!
   I accidentally set my mouse incorrectly in DRAKCONF - now it wont work -
   where can I change this setting back? 
   (what files should I edit, I have a standard two button serial mouse)
   Thanks -
   Scott Allan

Re: [Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2]

2000-11-08 Per discussione Darryl Gibson

Michael Scottaline wrote:
 Am I reading this correctly.  Did you upgrade from RH 6.1 to mandrake 7.0?  Is
 it possible to upgrade across distros?  Or just with these two?  I'm running
 RH 6.2 in my office.  Do you think I can upgrade to L-M 7.2 directly?

I upgraded from RH 5.2 to LM 7.0 without any problems what so ever.

Darryl Gibson
Linux Neophyte (tm)
RLU # 182668
This computer is 100% Microsoft FREE

[newbie] Netscape/kppp

2000-11-08 Per discussione Andrew


I am having problems staying connected to the 
internet through Mandrake. I can get on and surf for 3 to 10 minutes and 
then the kppp daemon dies unexpectedly. I read something about compression 
in the archives. Something along the lines of arguments like "nodeflate, 
nocccomp, noccp, nopcomp..." Is that the problem or is it something 
else? I am running Mandrake 7.0. 



Re: [newbie] Newbie Stops Leaping Forward!

2000-11-08 Per discussione xaos

 So are you saying that the new ATA100 cables have to plug into 2
 seperate interfaces?
  I have not seen one of the new drives or cables for them. I looked at
 Abit's KA7-100 spec.sheet, but it wasn't very insightful as to what
 those extra slots were for. Just assumed they were like the KT7-RAID.
 Guess that's what I get for assuming. :)

 And I thought I got over assuming things after I assumed Micro$oft would
 fix their software!!  Hehe

they act just like regular IDE controllers.. two drives per port. 


"Death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom, 
but for him who has come back out of the nethermost 
chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests 
nevermore" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft

ICQ 4841244

Re: [newbie] 7.2 ISO's

2000-11-08 Per discussione patrick

Dennis Myers wrote:

 I have downloaded the 7.2 ISO disks ( took about 24 hours total) and now I'm like the

 proverbial car chasing dog, I've caught em, but now I don't know what to do with em.

 The install disk does not appear to be bootable.  I burned it as a iso9660 file 

 than the Joliet system. It shows up ok as an executable on the cdrom but it is not

 a self starter. Should I use my 7.1 boot disk to start it or do I have to make a new

  boot disk somehow? Can't find anything in the archives or in the other help sites

 that tells me. Somebody point me in the right direction, please, thankyou,

 Dennis M. a registered Linux user #180842

i just love this post. such honesty


Re: [newbie] Aurora

2000-11-08 Per discussione xaos

On Wednesday 08 November 2000 05:55, you wrote:
 How does one get Aurora to run at boot?  I just installed the download
 version of 7.2, development install, ReiserFS, using grub.  The Aurora
 package is installed, but I can't find out anywhere how to get it to
 run.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Carl Kehley
 ICQ 1412676

you can use either tksysv (it runs as a service) or linuxconf with the 
ability to modify the way services start enabled. set it to run first before 
anything else. S01


"Death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom, 
but for him who has come back out of the nethermost 
chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests 
nevermore" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft

ICQ 4841244

Re: [newbie] so5.2 and fonts

2000-11-08 Per discussione John Rye

Larry Marshall wrote:
  _IF_ you install and run Drakfont _BEFORE_ installing Staroffice it
  finds and can use those pesky Windows fonts.
 Useful...I left this msg, removed SOffice and started this process:
 1) load Drakfont
 2) Get Windows fonts
 3) Checked with Netscape font manager and they're available
 4) Installed SOffice using 7.2 rpms
 5) Loaded new document
 6) checked fonts available and was disappointed that the TTF fonts aren't
 What step did I miss?  Are you doing anything other than defaults with

I don't think you 'missed' anything..

My re-install process has settled down to the following steps. 
( I am still using the 7.0(Air) cd )

1. Tar off home directories and other hard-to-fix data to a
   partition on a removable hdd. 540mb maxtor
2. powerdown and remove ribbon cable from said hdd as safety precaution.
3. reboot from installation floppy and do clean developer install using
3. login as first user - I have three other than root - su and set the
link for
   reading cdrom - check it works.
4. check that uid and gid numbers are same as previous installation!!
5. setup pppd from drakconf
6. setup kppp for each user
7. run netscape 4.73 for each user as user and do the edit-preferences
8. SHUTDOWN - POWEROFF - RESTART (habit from years back with any
9. access net from each user to prove it.
10. su and remove netscape 4.73 - install 4.75 from rpms.
11. step 9 repeated
12. install numlockx and reboot to prove.
14. massage /etc/fstab to include 'safety hdd'
13. shutdown and reconnect safety hdd which has the user data and other
14. reboot and install pmfirewall and portsentry.
Then start installing other software in no particular order - mix of
and tars. At this point I still haven't recovered the user data.
Up til now I've been quite happy with so5.1 which I have as a bunch
of tars.

Previously, I would have installed drakfont at some other random point,
as in
when I got sick of trying to read times roman text in kedit, but for
some reason
I did it early in the recovery process.

At this point during re-install #28 I decided I'd get so5.2 and the java
files - again as tars. Took almost 20 hours on my variable speed
variable quality string-between-2-cans phoneline!! And installed them -
jdk stuff first.

It was during the preferences setup after installation that I noticed
that the
Arial font from Windows was there, and consulted my checklist and saw
drakfont was already in.

Now I'm not entirely sure about this but certainly ttf fonts didn't show
in so5.1, maybe so5.2 reads the X11 font structure where so5.1 didn't?

Due to a problem in trying to get kernel 2.2.17 compiled I'm about to
on re-install #29 because I cannot get rid of an error which occurs

I shall test and advise.

ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: [newbie] How to change graphical environment in 7.2

2000-11-08 Per discussione xaos

On Wednesday 08 November 2000 09:33, you wrote:
 I think KDE2.0 is great and all, but how do I change my default window
 manager to Enlightenment, or maybe even GNOME?  Mandrake 7.0 and 7.1 had a
 utility called "switchdesk" but I can't find it in 7.2...


add "exec gnome-session" or "exec enlightenment"  or "exec wmaker"(without 
the quotes of course) to your .Xclients-default file


"Death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom, 
but for him who has come back out of the nethermost 
chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests 
nevermore" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft

ICQ 4841244

Re: [newbie] How to change graphical environment in 7.2

2000-11-08 Per discussione Josh V Friberg-Wyckoff

Open up a terminal window and type switchdesk

At 09:02 PM 11/08/2000 -0500, you wrote:
On Wednesday 08 November 2000 09:33, you wrote:
 I think KDE2.0 is great and all, but how do I change my default window
 manager to Enlightenment, or maybe even GNOME?  Mandrake 7.0 and 7.1 had a
 utility called "switchdesk" but I can't find it in 7.2...


add "exec gnome-session" or "exec enlightenment"  or "exec wmaker"(without 
the quotes of course) to your .Xclients-default file


"Death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom, 
but for him who has come back out of the nethermost 
chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests 
nevermore" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft

ICQ 4841244
Squashman dit, embrasse mon fesse.

Re: [newbie] New to list

2000-11-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 When did I say "for posting HTML in groups?" I am a newbie to Linux, not the 
 Internet! I know about netiquette. Now, if you only answered my question 
 instead of lecturing me.

Gee Fred, maybe a switch to decaf would help.  Tom's one of the sharpest
guys here.  You just might need his assistance at some point.  I nearly
wrote exactly what he did but decided it wasn't worth the time.  You'll
find people answer questions here when they feel like it and growling
isn't going to stimulate that activity.  BTW, I use Pine as my email tool
and it don't do HTML I'm happy to say.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] 7.2 ISO's

2000-11-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 The install disk does not appear to be bootable.  I burned it as a iso9660 file 
 than the Joliet system. It shows up ok as an executable on the cdrom but it is not

You have to go one step beyond choosing a file system format.  You didn't
mention what software you're using so I've got to stay generic with advice
but what you need to do if find the option that lets you "create an
image", "create a raw image" or something like that.   

 a self starter. Should I use my 7.1 boot disk to start it or do I have to make a new
  boot disk somehow? Can't find anything in the archives or in the other help sites

Jump into your bios and set things up so you can boot off the CD and do

Cheers --- Larry

[newbie] Network advice

2000-11-08 Per discussione Scott Allan

I am putting together my home network, and have some questions I hope
someone can answer...

Layout is somehthing like:

Linux Box
1 NE2K Net card conecting to ADSL via PPOE working
1 Tulip Net card connecting to hub, connecting to Windoze box (my
wife's) working
1 PCMCIA Wireless Network Card connecting to laptop over wireless not yet

I think I am going to have to set the PCMCIA card up as a second gateway
in order to have the laptop work - is this correct? 

If so, how do I add a second gateway - is it just a second entry in

Or, can I use the existing gateway (the NIC that is connected to the hub)?

Should I number the PCMCIA segment within the Class C as the other
segment? Are there any drawbacks to this?


Scott Allan

Re: [newbie] New to list

2000-11-08 Per discussione Fred Hamilton

On Wednesday 08 November 2000 21:12, you wrote:
 I nearly  wrote exactly what he did but decided it wasn't worth the time

I think your statement says it all! If it isn't worth the time then why 
bother posting? The very name of this reflector says it all. When someone 
comes in and asks a question, by all means everyone that has something 
pertinent to say concerning the question should start typing. If you have 
nothing to say about the persons question, then ignore the message and read 
on to try to help someone else, don't waste the time of the reader or the 
subscribers by adding more useless traffic. THEN he insinuates that I have 
been "flooding" the reflector with HTML messages because of my question, when 
I only subscribed today. I can do without that kind of help.

Just my 2 cents worth, and no growling was intended

Re: [newbie] Graphics card/monitor not detected correctly

2000-11-08 Per discussione John Rye

Bill Sanders wrote:
 about all I know... oh and apparently its model # TCM 1764S according to
 the back.

Go with Tom's suggesstion re the monitor that can do.. but also check
see if it matches a CTX-brand monitor with same number.

ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: [newbie] Apache UserDirs

2000-11-08 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Tuesday 07 November 2000 22:48, you wrote:
 I have installed 7.2 which I really like. I am having trouble getting the
 user dirs to work. I have created public_html in my home directory, but
 when i try to access it, apache tells me I do not have permission. What do
 I have to do to get it working.

What I do is the following
as root

edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and change 
UserDir public_html
UserDir /home/httpd


chmod 755 /home/httpd
mkdir /home/httpd/$USER
chown $USER:$USER /home/httpd/$USER
chmod 755 /home/httpd/$USER
ln -s /home/httpd/$USER /home/$USER/public_html

This chamges the default directory from /home/$USER/public_html to 
/home/httpd/$USER and creates a symlink to the users home directory. It has 
the side effect of not making the user home directory available via the 

Re: [newbie] XFCE not included in Mandrake 7.2?

2000-11-08 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Jeff Malka wrote:
 After upgrading from Mandrake 7.1 to 7.2 I discovered that
 XFCE is no longer one of the default choices on graphic

 Anyone know if it has been dropped?  If not, how does one
 add it to the option list?


 Registered Linux user  183185

JeffIt's there in mine.  Additions and deletions to the 
list can be made, as root, in the Control Center -- System 
-- Login Manager -- Sessions.

[newbie] CD-ROM problems

2000-11-08 Per discussione Amuro Rei

A few months ago, I bought a copy of Linux-Mandrake
7.0 with the intent to install it on my then-new
computer. However, I ran into a major problem. When I
used the included tool to partition my hard drive, the
partition worked, but my computer would no longer
recognise my CD-ROM drive (it just didn't appear
anywhere), so I couldn't install Linux, and I had to
remove the partition. My computer worked fine after
that, but I was unable to install Linux, so I put the
Linux CDs away. Now, for some reason, I've decided to
try to install again. What is wrong with my CD-ROM
drive that it's doing this?

My computer is a HP Pavilion 9694C. I don't know much
about the specs on my CD-ROM drive tho..altho it is a
combination CD-ROM/DVD drive.

Can anyone help this clueless newbie?

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

Re: [newbie] CD-ROM problems

2000-11-08 Per discussione John Rye

Amuro Rei wrote:
 A few months ago, I bought a copy of Linux-Mandrake
 7.0 with the intent to install it on my then-new
 computer. However, I ran into a major problem. When I
 used the included tool to partition my hard drive, the
 partition worked, but my computer would no longer
 recognise my CD-ROM drive (it just didn't appear
 anywhere), so I couldn't install Linux, and I had to
 remove the partition. My computer worked fine after
 that, but I was unable to install Linux, so I put the
 Linux CDs away. Now, for some reason, I've decided to
 try to install again. What is wrong with my CD-ROM
 drive that it's doing this?
 My computer is a HP Pavilion 9694C. I don't know much
 about the specs on my CD-ROM drive tho..altho it is a
 combination CD-ROM/DVD drive.
 Can anyone help this clueless newbie?

I'll give it a burst - I have 28 7.0 installs under my shirt!!

First - is your machine able to boot from the cdrom?? If so
does it do so for this cd?

You may have to go to your bios settings and juggle the boot
settings so that the cdrom is higher in the stack. ie set it
up so that the order is say: cdrom, floppy, harddrive.

If you cannot boot from the floppy I suggest you find your way
into the dosutils/autoboot subdirectory on the cd and try it
that way. My machine is pretty old and won't boot from the cd
drive so I use the autoboot system - it's much more 'reliable'
than the floppy boot method.

Come on back now eh?


ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: [newbie] New to list

2000-11-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 I only subscribed today. I can do without that kind of help.

Fred, I dare say that you'll not likely have to worry about getting any
kind of help from either myself or Tom.  Good luck with Linux; it's a
great operating system.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] CD-ROM problems

2000-11-08 Per discussione Andrew


Will it install windows to a blank drive?
It is an IDE device right?
A proprietary device wont work.
You may have to boot using a boot floppy.  Instructions are included in the
book on how to make one.
If all else fails try finding an old 8x cd rom at a used computer supply and
installing that.  I picked one up the other day for $30.00 w/ a sound card.


"Remember this always for it is the doom of men that they forget"
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 9:36 PM
Subject: [newbie] CD-ROM problems

 A few months ago, I bought a copy of Linux-Mandrake
 7.0 with the intent to install it on my then-new
 computer. However, I ran into a major problem. When I
 used the included tool to partition my hard drive, the
 partition worked, but my computer would no longer
 recognise my CD-ROM drive (it just didn't appear
 anywhere), so I couldn't install Linux, and I had to
 remove the partition. My computer worked fine after
 that, but I was unable to install Linux, so I put the
 Linux CDs away. Now, for some reason, I've decided to
 try to install again. What is wrong with my CD-ROM
 drive that it's doing this?

 My computer is a HP Pavilion 9694C. I don't know much
 about the specs on my CD-ROM drive tho..altho it is a
 combination CD-ROM/DVD drive.

 Can anyone help this clueless newbie?

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

Re: [newbie] Network advice

2000-11-08 Per discussione Scott Adamson

Scott Allan wrote:

 I am putting together my home network, and have some questions I hope
 someone can answer...

 Layout is somehthing like:

 Linux Box
 1 NE2K Net card conecting to ADSL via PPOE working
 1 Tulip Net card connecting to hub, connecting to Windoze box (my
 wife's) working
 1 PCMCIA Wireless Network Card connecting to laptop over wireless not yet

 I think I am going to have to set the PCMCIA card up as a second gateway
 in order to have the laptop work - is this correct?

 If so, how do I add a second gateway - is it just a second entry in

 Or, can I use the existing gateway (the NIC that is connected to the hub)?

 Should I number the PCMCIA segment within the Class C as the other
 segment? Are there any drawbacks to this?


 Scott Allan

On the linux box there will only be one gateway - the network interface
connected to the net. On the laptop set the gateway ip to what  ever ip you
configured the PCMCIA interface to. Sorry I can't help you out with setup of
this interface (never used one). I'm interested in how you got ADSL working
as it is soon to be available in my area (Melbourne, Australia) and of course
the crappy company insists on setting it up on a doze box. I can give you
more help with your home network if you like, as I have just got mine working



[newbie] Need Fetchmail Mailing List

2000-11-08 Per discussione SoloCDM

If anyone knows of an excellent fetchmail mailing list, would you send
me the information?

Note: When you reply to this message, please include
  the mailing list and my email address.


Re: [newbie] New to list

2000-11-08 Per discussione xaos

 Last year I fooled around with Linux for a few weeks and I remember that
 one of the CD's had several RPM packages of themes which you could install
 very simply. I can find those no where, except on the web as tar or gz
 files. Installing them as RPMS was easy as it placed them where they
 belonged. As a zipped package, where do I place the files to enable the
 theme and where can I get the theme manager?

in addition to what others have posted about gtk themes i thought i would 
mention (since you mentioned themes in an older version) that KDE 2 doesn't 
have the same kind of theme manager as KDE 1. the old theme selector doesn't 
work in KDE 2. that's why the lack.

"Death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom, 
but for him who has come back out of the nethermost 
chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests 
nevermore" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft

ICQ 4841244

Re: [newbie] Graphics card/monitor not detected correctly

2000-11-08 Per discussione L. H. LOO

I notice you are using Windows Eudora, if you are in win9.x, then goto My 
computer - Properties - Device Manager - Display Adapters - Print - 
selected class or device - OK; do the same with monitor. You will get all 
the specs; I printed my whole system.  HTH
At 04:09 PM 08-11-2000 -0800, you wrote:

What if you don't have your specs?  Or any way of getting them?  I'm using 
a second hand monitor (probably closer to 5th hand) and I've got none of 
the info on it... it says "Techmedia" on the front and its 17"... thats 
about all I know... oh and apparently its model # TCM 1764S according to 
the back.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm stuck using windows right now.


Re: [newbie] New to list

2000-11-08 Per discussione Rolf Pedersen

Hey Larry,
I've been following the exchange between you and Fred (excerpts below)
with interest.  I don't know what kind of tag team you've got going with
Tom; I guess you can speak for him.  This is written on behalf of
myself; it's clear Fred can speak for himself :-D  As a newbie, I find
Tom's unnecessary, condescending remarks about Grandma and clueless and
color schemes to be offensive.  No one, that I could see, was asking
what you or Tom thought about HTML.  Propping yourself up by knocking
somebody else down is not helping.  If it is your intent to deny me
access to your juicy, desirable knowledge unless I embrace your
supercilious swaggering and, metaphorically speaking, kiss your ass, so
be it.  I welcome the solitude.  Here's a clue:  I didn't come here
looking for a girlfriend :-D

Cheers --- Rolf

   Fred Hamilton wrote:

On Wednesday 08 November 2000 18:04, you wrote:
  On Wednesday 08 November 2000 02:33 pm, Fred Hamilton wrote:
  Thanks for any help, and one more thing. What is the most popular
  email program? I am now using KMail, but would like to use
  something that allows you to compose HTML messages, and I do not
  want to use Netscape.

Unfortunately, Kmail in KDE2 handles html very well.  Let me
 remind you tho of the message (excerpt below, particularly since
 it's the _No.1_ rule) that you were sent when you joined this list
 (or prob'ly any other list).  Netiquette strongly discourages the
 use of html for email, especially forbids it and attachments on
 mailing lists.  It's for sendin pics, and lavender text on a yellow
 background to your Grandma (and then only if she's clueless too ;)
 Welcome to the newbie List.
 * Please, try to keep the folowing general rules in mind before

 1) Use straight ASCII (TXT) format. Many people do not like "HTML"
 "RTF", or any other weird format you may send.

I'd add that it never looks as good on our monitors as you might
 believe it does on yours ;

When did I say "for posting HTML in groups?" I am a newbie to Linux, not the
Internet! I know about netiquette. Now, if you only answered my question
instead of lecturing me.

   Gee Fred, maybe a switch to decaf would help.  Tom's one of the sharpest
   guys here.  You just might need his assistance at some point.  I nearly
   wrote exactly what he did but decided it wasn't worth the time.  You'll
   find people answer questions here when they feel like it and growling
   isn't going to stimulate that activity.  BTW, I use Pine as my email tool
   and it don't do HTML I'm happy to say.

   Cheers --- Larry

  On Wednesday 08 November 2000 21:12, you wrote:
   I nearly  wrote exactly what he did but decided it wasn't worth the time

  I think your statement says it all! If it isn't worth the time then why 
  bother posting? The very name of this reflector says it all. When someone 
  comes in and asks a question, by all means everyone that has something 
  pertinent to say concerning the question should start typing. If you have 
  nothing to say about the persons question, then ignore the message and read 
  on to try to help someone else, don't waste the time of the reader or the 
  subscribers by adding more useless traffic. THEN he insinuates that I have 
  been "flooding" the reflector with HTML messages because of my question, when 
  I only subscribed today. I can do without that kind of help.

  Just my 2 cents worth, and no growling was intended

  I only subscribed today. I can do without that kind of help.

 Fred, I dare say that you'll not likely have to worry about getting any
 kind of help from either myself or Tom.  Good luck with Linux; it's a
 great operating system.

 Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Graphics card/monitor not detected correctly

2000-11-08 Per discussione Bill Sanders

I notice you are using Windows Eudora, if you are in win9.x, then goto My 
computer - Properties - Device Manager - Display Adapters - Print - 
selected class or device - OK; do the same with monitor. You will get all 
the specs; I printed my whole system.  HTH

Ok tried that... problem is that Windows doesn't even recognize my
monitor!  so all it prints is:

Class: Monitors
Device: (Unknown Monitor)
No resources used.

and thats it... heh... I already tried the setting 'monitor that will do
1024x768 at 70hz' and that didn't work either... I'm beginning to think
that something else is up... when I try to choose a monitor setting (I
don't know if it did this by typing "Xconfigurator" at the Command Line or
not) I catch a brief glimpse of 10 or so lines, and the last one says
"Device is busy" or something similar... is there any way to print out the
results of that so I can post it here?

for the record, here's my Video Card:

Class: Display adapters
Device: Revolution(tm) 3D (HawkEye, DirectX)
  IRQ: 11
  I/O: 03B0h-03BBh
  I/O: 03C0h-03DFh
  I/O: D000h-D0FFh
Then a ton of MEM's which I'm snipping for brevity

I'm going to try the other ideas listed here later, but any more feedback
would be *greatly* appreciated... I really want to try to become less
attached to Windows if at all possible

Thanks for all the help, guys

"Lazy is good when there's nothing to do. But Lazy is even better when
something needs to be done." -Llie Rion
California, n.: "calor" meaning "heat"; "fornia" for "sexual intercourse"
or "fornication."
Hence: Tierra de California, "the land of hot sex"

RE: [newbie] Graphics card/monitor not detected correctly

2000-11-08 Per discussione Eric Becker

First, I would follow the advice from L.H. Loo.  If that doesn't work, check
out the specs I got from

Model:   TCM1764
Max Resolution:   1280 x 1024
Sync Type:   Separate Sync
H Freq/ V Freq:   30-64 Khz/47-104 Hz
Tube Manufacturer:   Not Available
Monitor Type:   Multisync/Multiscan
Tube Model:   Not Available
Tube Size:   17"
Connector:   HD-15

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L. H. LOO
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Graphics card/monitor not detected correctly

I notice you are using Windows Eudora, if you are in win9.x, then goto My
computer - Properties - Device Manager - Display Adapters - Print -
selected class or device - OK; do the same with monitor. You will get all
the specs; I printed my whole system.  HTH
At 04:09 PM 08-11-2000 -0800, you wrote:

What if you don't have your specs?  Or any way of getting them?  I'm using
a second hand monitor (probably closer to 5th hand) and I've got none of
the info on it... it says "Techmedia" on the front and its 17"... thats
about all I know... oh and apparently its model # TCM 1764S according to
the back.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm stuck using windows right


Re: [Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2]

2000-11-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Nov 8, 2000, 15:42, when Michael Scottaline keyboarded:

Am I reading this correctly.  Did you upgrade from RH 6.1 to mandrake 7.0?  Is
it possible to upgrade across distros?  Or just with these two?  I'm running
RH 6.2 in my office.  Do you think I can upgrade to L-M 7.2 directly?

Yes, Mandrake evolved from Redhat 5.2 so ugrading was no problem at all.


Balderdash (n.): a rapidly receding hairline. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

[newbie] Cups server problems

2000-11-08 Per discussione phil


After running the Mandrake printer configuration tool I can print from 
Koffice and Konqueror but not from any other application. The desk top 
printer icon doesn't show any printers and when I run Kups I receive and 
error message "Can't connect to cups server. Check options.".

The options look correct and I have a standard (not a beta) 7.2 
installation. Any ideas?


[newbie] Improving Xwindows on my laptop

2000-11-08 Per discussione Bombardier Systems Consulting

I have a Compaq Presario 1230 laptop with a NeoMagic MagicGraph 128ZV+ 
display adapter and an 800X600 display panel.I have installed 7.1 and 
I have not found info on how to configure KDE X to be very readable on my 
laptop. The setup stuff that I find assumes monitors and not panel 
displays. I would appreciate some assistance.


I also don't see the JBL sound card in any list but that is not as critical 
as a GUI with legible text.

[newbie] Network problems

2000-11-08 Per discussione Christopher Tyler

Hi, my name is Christopher Tyler
I have just got Mandrake 7.1, to use it as a "internet server" for a
small network we have at home(4 machines)
Here is my problem. I have a 3com 3c509b(I think thats what its called)
network card. Drakconf, detects it, so does the start upbut it shows
the following message on startup:
Bringing up interface eth0 insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/net/nc.0
init module device or rescource busy  Delaying eth0 initialization

And on shutdown:
Shutting down interface eth0 ne.c: No NE*000 card found at i/o = 240

I read the network howto, but that didn't have my problem
When I tried writing "ifconfig eth0"  it says there's no device found.
My friend who is a linux buff said it might be a conflict, but the card
works perfectly in Windows 95 on the same machine.

Its settings are i/o=240(though it was originally set to 210) IRQ=5

I don't know what I am doing anymoresince I have just got Linux

Any other needed details?
200Mhz CyrixInstead(CPU.Linux says its 150Mhz tho?)
2gig Western Digital HDD
Sis 6326 4MB AGP video card
No sound card
Oh,  its also an ATX case

I hope thats enough info


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