Re: [newbie-it] Cambio di scheda video

2001-06-21 Per discussione Gennaro Firemi su

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 8:46 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Cambio di scheda video

 ciao a tutti come sempre :)
 allora ho cambiato scheda video e naturalmente X non parte, la scheda in
 questione e' una Hercules 3D prophet 4500 Kyro non credo che sia
 dal pinguino...ora:

 1. come faccio a configurare X?

 2. posso continuare ad usare linux anche se non e' supportata la scheda?

 grazie dell'attenzione e...alla prossima :)

 by Spider

Potresti provare a configurarla com semplice SVGA oppure FBVGA (usa le
risorse del sistema) tutto questo in attesa di un futuro supporto per questo
gioiello di tecnologia , magari sarà la stessa Guillemont a creare dei
driver oppure il produttore del chip grafico (come capita con i chip di
Nvidia) che dovrebbe
essere STMicroelectronics (ho controllato!!)

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che ti paga: clicca

Non importa in che modo investi.L''importante e' consultare Spystocks!
Notizie, Rumors, Commenti sui mercati azionari per farti guadagnare 

[newbie-it] Grazie a Tutti!

2001-06-21 Per discussione Cristiano Orlandelli

Grazie a tutti per avermi aiutato!

[newbie-it] [MDK 8] fonts di konqueror

2001-06-21 Per discussione chris

Buongiorno a tutti,
chiedo aiuto a coloro che usano già da tempo linux mandrake: non riesco a 
visualizzare correttamente i fonts in konqueror. Cioè leggo le lettere, ma 
sono tutte storte e malmesse ed in alcuni casi ciò rende impossibile la 
lettura. Ho cambiato le impostazioni inserendo il font predefinito ed 
aumentandone la dimensione ma nulla è cambiato... :(
Se qualcuno ha avuto lo stesso problema... :))

Ps: chiedo scusa se la domanda è già stata fatta in precedenza, ma ho cercato 
anche sui NG senza trovare risposta :( Il fatto è che in alcuni casi è 
veramente impossibile capire ciò che è scritto.

grazie e un saluto a tutti

chris [ linux ManDraKe PPE 8.0 ]

Solo due cose sono infinite: lo Spazio e la stupidità umana.
 Ma sulla prima ho ancora dei dubbi.
 Albert Einstein

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con floppy

2001-06-21 Per discussione Lux

Il 07:23, lunedì 18 giugno 2001, freefred ha scritto:
 On Sunday 17 June 2001 19:06, dott.ruffolotti wrote:
  purtroppo,come il collega che ha scritto precedentemente non riesco a
  leggere il floppy, tantomeno cambiando i diritti di accesso come
  root devo per caso ricompilare qualche cosa??

 sorry non ricordo il mesaggio precedente.
 Non riesci a leggere nessun floppy?
 hai provato a montarli?
 cosa c'e' scritto nel tuo /etc/fstab?

Anche io ho il floppy e il cd bloccati. In /etc/fstab c'è:

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sda 0 0

Cosa devo modificare?


P.S. Finalmente riesco a postare con linux!!!

[newbie-it] Server sonoro

2001-06-21 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Apparentemente senza una causa evidente il sever sonor non si avvia
all'avvio per cui non si ascolta piu' il motivo sonoro di apertura.
La cosa non succede quando avvio linux come altro utente.Se vado in
centro di controllo-suono-server sonoro la prova del suono funziona.
La prima volta mi e'  successo dopo aver avviato Mandrake update ed aver
istallato arts .Ho il dubbio che questo sia un bug.
cosa devo fare per risolvere la cosa ? Qualcuno sa dirmi se devo fare
qualche aggiornamento  o altro ( purche' mi venga spiegato in modo
semplice ... )

Saluti  Francesco

R: [newbie-it] Scheda Audio ISA Opti Audio 16

2001-06-21 Per discussione Mealli Diego

non saprei come aiutarti sul problema specifico, ma la Red Hat l'hai mai
provata? E' sicuramente più affidabile e graficamente non ha niente da
invidiare alla mandrake!!!

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Pinco Pallo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: venerdì 22 giugno 2001 1.12
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Scheda Audio ISA Opti Audio 16

Mi rendo conto della pochezza del problema:
ho una scheda audio Opti che funzionava benissimo su mdk 7.2, ho fatto
l'aggiornamento alla 8.0 che trovo molto bella, con molte semplificazioni di
vita: ebbene, in avvio mi dà continuamente modprobe call: can't locate
module isa-pnp 
L'errore si riverbera inesorabilmente su HardDrake (can't locate module
isa-pnp) e alla fine di tutto il sistema è muto con mia grande tristezza.
ho provato sndconfig fuori da X e niente
ho provato a capire un po' modprobe ma con scarso successo (il tempo è
sempre tiranno e mandrake di solito ti vizia)
Se qualcuno avesse soluzioni dettagliate gliene sarei molto grato

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[newbie] Re: installing the 2nd Disk - SWAP sizw - Software manager -

2001-06-21 Per discussione An-Guo

On Monday 18 June 2001 17:14, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  Actually, I would like to be able to install the 2nd disk for it
  includes some important stuff that I need. (I have 30G drive)
  However during the installation process, LM8.0 didn't ask me to
  insert the 2nd cd.
  I saw that it is full of rpm's and I am in the process of learning
  how to use rpm, but is there an easy way to install most if not all
  of the 2nd disk?

 That's odd... You should've been asked during the installation if you
 had the second CD on hand.

Thank you Dhanapalan for your help. 
Actually it was a hardware problem. Since I was low on resources, Mandrake 
choose not to install the 2nd cd. during the last couple of days, I have been 
busy upgrading my hardware: new mobo, more ram... and Mandrake judged it to 
be sufficient ;-) so the install went ok, including cd2.

 With swap, the law of diminishing returns really kicks in as your
 approach 256MB. Ideally, you should be able to load everthing in main
 memory, since a hard drive is much slower than RAM. If you're actually
 using as much as 256MB swap, your system will be so slow it'd be
 unusable. Any more than 256MB of swap is simply a waste of space.

Thanks, I use the opportunity that I had to reinstal to resize my swap.

  The Software Manager doesn't work. If I launch it, it freezes whilst
  loading the first screen. Then, the only way to get out is to kill
  the application.

Same as above. Hardware was not good enough. Since upgrading, I no longer 
have any problem. 

 broken and you need a reinstall, you can get the package rpmdrake from

This link is always useful. Thanks. 



[newbie] Linux Mandrake as unstable as Windows98??

2001-06-21 Per discussione An-Guo

no, it is not a rant: I would appreciate help on this one.

I newly installed Mandrake 8.0 on a new machine which does not include 
windows (yet), so this time one cannot blame microsoft (damn!). 

Linux, or maybe more precisely xwindows/KDE has crashed on me several times 
already and that puzzled me. I had to make a hard shut down which of course 
I'd like to avoid (I wouldn't want to have to reinstall everything again).

the situation is like this: I run one application when I suddenly notice that 
in the background the whole desktop disappears, meaning the desktop icons, 
the control panes and even the window's frame (with the resize buttons) which 
I guess is controled by KDE/xwindows. 

I can then carry on using the application I was using but of course can no 
longer resize, move, minimize the window. I can quit the application using 
the pull down menu. If I do, I can then close other windows/ applications 
that were open in the background. The application that were running but whose 
windows were minimized are of course no longer accessible. 
Once I close everything, I am left with a clear background with absolutely 
nothing on it. 

There is no key stroke that I found that could bring up any dialog box or at 
least allow me to shut down properly. crt+alt+dek doesn't help either. 
At that point the only solution is to make a hard shut down. On startup the 
kernel of course complains that devices were not properly unmounted. 
I get a series of messages saying things like:
i-blocks is 64, should be 8. FIXED.

So I guess it's a problem with the windows environement. I thought linux was 
more stable than windows.

I now have three questions:
1- how do I manage to shut down properly, should that happen again?
2- what can I do to help diagnostic what is the source of the problem?
3- and of course, how can I fix the problem?

It happened several times already and each time I was running KMail and 
Netscape at least. (only that plus a small game last time it happened). I 
guess netscape could be involved in the problem (I didn't open it so that I 
could write this email). It was already pretty shitty under windows, made it 
crashed. I thought such a thing couldn't happen under Linux. Still, I may be 
wrong about netscape because the funny thing is that I could carry on using 
it after the desktop crashed. 

What do I do now?
Is someone able to help me?

Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake as unstable as Windows98??

2001-06-21 Per discussione An-Guo

On Thursday 21 June 2001 15:41, you wrote:
 Dear Sir,
 For killing the Window use ctrl+alt+backspace keys.
 For shutting down, ctrl+alt+delete will work wonderfully if you have not

Oh! Thank you for that!
I am still looking for a howto with all those tips that any complete beginner 
should know. I just tried that and it worked fine. I'll try again if my 
window freezes up again.

 made the installation as high security. Otherwise it will ask for root
 login before shutting down.
 I have loaded MKL 7.2 and 8.0 and found no problems. But Redhat linux 7.1
 gives a lot of problems especially with SCSI adapters.

I have looked on the KDE web site (I should have done that first, sorry to 
bother you first) and it is possible that it is a kde bug though I am not 
sure. : this bug seems a little bit similar ???
If it happens again, I'll use gnome instead and see if it is better. 



Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake as unstable as Windows98??

2001-06-21 Per discussione Paul

 the situation is like this: I run one application when I suddenly notice that 
 in the background the whole desktop disappears, meaning the desktop icons, 
 the control panes and even the window's frame (with the resize buttons) which 
 I guess is controled by KDE/xwindows. 
 There is no key stroke that I found that could bring up any dialog box or at 
 least allow me to shut down properly. crt+alt+dek doesn't help either. 

Hmmm. If even C.A.D. won't work, then the system is very much banged up.
You prolly can't do a ctrl-alt-f2 to get to a new command window? If you can do that, 
in as root, do a ps -ef  and try to locate the pid of the programs that are making the
mess. Then kill -9 these PID's.

 At that point the only solution is to make a hard shut down. On startup the 
 kernel of course complains that devices were not properly unmounted. 
 I get a series of messages saying things like:
 i-blocks is 64, should be 8. FIXED.

THis is normal after such a hard reboot

 So I guess it's a problem with the windows environement. I thought linux was 
 more stable than windows.
 I now have three questions:
 1- how do I manage to shut down properly, should that happen again?
 2- what can I do to help diagnostic what is the source of the problem?
 3- and of course, how can I fix the problem?

You should first try to find out what the offending program (or combination of 
Also check if all the hardware in the computer is fit for Linux (no memory with 
speeds etc.)
What is the hardware you have?


[newbie] Restoring KDE Virtual Desktop on taskbar

2001-06-21 Per discussione chamster

I accidentally removed my Virtual Desktop monitor (the default 4 window
pane) from the KDE task bar. I can't seem to find it in the Control Center
under Look-n-Feel  Desktop, the Utilities folder, and general searches via
the CLI.

How do you restart the thing and/or what's the name of the component?



[newbie] Linux laps up more of server market

2001-06-21 Per discussione Paul

Found on

06/20/2001 - Updated 09:02 AM ET
Linux laps up more of the server software market

by Byron Acohido, USA TODAY

SEATTLE — Linux, the free computer-operating system, is winning at least
10% of new computer server software sales, posing an increasing threat to

Continually improved by computer programmers worldwide, Linux has
emerged as a very significant competitive force, says Microsoft's President
Rick Belluzzo. Linux momentum is building:

Inconsequential 3 years ago, the crash-resistant Linux today accounts for
10% to 27% of server software shipments, surveys show. Researcher IDC
pegs Linux as the fastest-growing server software 2 years running,
complicating Microsoft's hope to dominate servers as it does PC operating

Servers allow many users to access software programs. Japan's Lawson uses
Linux to run sale kiosks in 7,600 convenience stores. The Royal Dutch Shell
Group uses it to crunch data in search of oil, and Boeing to calculate aircraft
fluid dynamics. Linux is maturing faster than any other operating system in
history, says Steve Solazzo, IBM's vice president of Linux marketing.

Linux is winning big backers. IBM will spend more than $1 billion this year
exploring ways to use Linux for large computing chores. IBM, Intel,
Hewlett-Packard and Computer Associates recently chipped in $24 million to
give leading-edge Linux programmers high-powered hardware with which to
test juiced-up Linux versions.

Schools, such as Troy, New York-based Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
are using Linux to train software writers. Many, such as recent Rensselaer
graduate Christina Carkner, 22, are die-hard fans. With a Linux machine. ..
I'm in better control, says Carkner.

That's because the heart of Linux, or kernel, is open and can be continually
tweaked. Microsoft's code is proprietary. Linux was created by Linus
Torvalds of Finland, who, with others, used the Internet to expand it.
Thousands of programmers now work on it because, they say, code should
be improved for the good of society. That extends the research arms of firms
such as IBM and Intel, which bundle Linux into hardware, and Oracle and
SAP, which make software to run on it. Microsoft is competing against a
faceless enemy, says Matthew Szulik, CEO of Red Hat, which resells Linux
with services.

Not surprisingly, Microsoft casts Linux as a threat to intellectual-property
rights. It also says companies want its fuller range of software solutions.
That's where we think we're way ahead, says Doug Miller, Microsoft
competitive strategy

Re: [newbie] Volume Control in KDE?

2001-06-21 Per discussione Paul

 Is there a volume control anywhere in KDE desktop?  I hate to admit to 
 being used to the slider in windoze

You can always run aumix from the command prompt. I don't use KDE, so I can;t
tell where it is hidden in the menus...

Re: [newbie] I need some help

2001-06-21 Per discussione chamster

Any common Ethernet card should work fine. If not, you can always buy
another one as the low end ones are pretty cheap (and you're not going to
get more than 10 Mb/s on your DSL connection anyway). I have a Realtek also
(I forget if it's 8139 or 8129), and I bought it for probably $15-20 USD.
From what I hear, it's not close to say 3COM quality, but it's good enough
for me for desktop use.

You can check out for more info on supported vs.
unsupported Ethernet hardware. I think these guys are the ones responsible
for many of the Ethernet drivers.


On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 06:29:15AM +0200, Paul wrote:
 It was Wed, 20 Jun 2001 19:37:46 +0900 when KoRn wrote:
 I user a Realtek 8139 which works really fine.
 Hi, My name is Israel, i live in japan, but i am not japanese, i will buy
 the Mandrake 8.0 in spanish, i am using windows 98 second edition,i am using
 a ADSL internet connection, my PC is a laptop, i need to insert a card in to
 my pc to connect it to the ADSL modem, that card is called LAN card, if i
 wanna use that card i need to install it, it works good in Windows 98 second
 edition, but i dont know if it going to work in my linux mandrake, in the
 box says that this LAN card is for windows, i am looking for a LAN card for
 linux, but i cant find one all are for windows... what should i do?

[newbie] Disabled Mouse

2001-06-21 Per discussione Péter


In HardDrake I misconfigured my mouse, and I dont know how to
reconfigure, becouse with the keyboard I can start hardrake, but can't
start the mouse configuration!
Please help:

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Re: [newbie] Question

2001-06-21 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Wednesday 20 June 2001 17:25, Jay needs a Guinness wrote:
 Can I safely uninstall printpro and it's related files safely.  I can't

You should be able to do that without that many problems
but you might need to reconfigure your printer again. Personally, I would 
uninstall printpro  relarted files, along with all of the ghostscript 
rpms, then reinstall ghostscript, and finally run the printer 
configurator again (at least that is what I did last time I really hosed 
up my printing in 7.2).

 configure my printer and I believe printpro to be the culprit.  When I
 installed LM 7.2 from a single CD, me printer was configured OK.  Only
 when I installed the Power Pack and all the CD's, did my printer become
 impossible to configure.

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

Re: [newbie] Volume Control in KDE?

2001-06-21 Per discussione bascule

check the setting so that on close it docks with the panel,

On Thursday 21 June 2001  6:50 am, you wrote:
 Is there a volume control anywhere in KDE desktop?  I hate to admit to
 being used to the slider in windoze

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Bankrupt??

2001-06-21 Per discussione Romanator

Chris Keelan wrote:
 On Tuesday 19 June 2001 18:15, you wrote:
  A friend of mine (who is in the business and is pro-OS/2 and anti-windows
  tells me that he heard the Mandrake had gone bankrupt.  Is there any truth
  to this?
  Before I load Mandrake for the first time, i would like to make sure I am
  not going down a dead end street.  Hopefully, he is wrong.
 He is. Mandrake's been bit by the tech collapse and have recently done some
 restructuring but they're still alive and well and living in France!
 - Chris

Most of the tech sector has been restructuring. This is normal. It's
just when some one posts a question or comment on the list, it turns on
an alarm for the subscribers. Mandrake is here to stay. 

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

[newbie] fully-qualified domain names....

2001-06-21 Per discussione Edward Barrow

This one should be really easy, but it has me baffled.  I'm supposed to 
give my computer a fully-qualified host name, and I don't know what name 
to give it.

At the moment it is not connected to the Internet so I don't suppose it is 
that important, but when I do get it connected (a task that will involve 
recompiling the kernel with support for the Alcatel ADSL USB modem  I 
anticipate much grief) it probably will. On the other hand, I won't be 
using the system to provide any services outside the local area network 
(; my website is remotely hosted and I collect my mail from a 
remote server, so no external clients need to use DNS to find my machine.

An additional possible complication:  I use one ISP  - call it - 
for the connection (and outgoing mail); another company (call it hosts my webspace and mailboxes; while a third 
( provides my domain names and forwards mail and http to (It just worked out cheaper that way).

So should the fully qualified host name be:

or (where mydomain is registered with

Or doesn't it matter?

And where does the Samba workgroup name come in?

Re: [newbie] Disabled Mouse

2001-06-21 Per discussione s

It tough to get around and sometimes it's impossible to do everything in a 
gui without a mouse.  But you can press a windows key (a key with the ms 
windows logo on most keyboards these days) and your start menu will open and 
you can navigate to apps with the arrow keys.  I would probably open a 
terminal and su to root and type mouseconfig, or you could type harddrake and 
try get around in it with your arrow keys.
If you don't have a windows key, I imagine you could play around and some 
combination will open the start menu.

On Thursday 21 June 2001 04:46 am, you wrote:

 In HardDrake I misconfigured my mouse, and I dont know how to
 reconfigure, becouse with the keyboard I can start hardrake, but can't
 start the mouse configuration!
 Please help:

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Re: [newbie] fully-qualified domain names....

2001-06-21 Per discussione Paul

 So should the fully qualified host name be:

Hi Ed,
I don't think it matters anything. The 192.168.x.x IP group is for private LAN
only, as is 10.0.x.x and  127.0.x.x
You can name the machine anything. I have 2 PC's, one is paul.merlin and
the other is tbird.merlin.

Merlin just because I like it. Paul was the first machine I got, and tbird
is from the AMD Thunderbird processor inside.

So you can call it edward, eddy as the shipboard computer on the Heart
of Gold (Hitch hiker's Guide to the Galaxy), edward.linux, anything you

The only thing I can do with Samba is dance it. I don't have that package
actively installed on the machines...
hope this helps

[newbie] Motherboard Swap went flawlessly..!!!

2001-06-21 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

I mentioned the other day that I got a new Abit MB and Duron 900 CPU,

well, I replaced the overclocked Celeron and BX MB

After making sure that I didn't change any of the drives.. (ie primary
master stayed primary master.)

I booted it and it worked flawlessly, far simplier then if I had done it in

Only thing is, I don't think it is making use of the ATA100 yet, it still
seems to be using ATA33...

Have to play with that unless someone has any suggestions...



[newbie] Scanner Blues and Red and Green

2001-06-21 Per discussione DStevenson

Hi all,

I have a real problem wih may scanner. The hardware is listed below:
P120 Chip with 160Meg Ram, Adaptec SCSI-2 card model AVA-2904
HP5p SCSI scanner.

The machine is networked and provides print and scanner services to my home 
network using Mandrake 8 on each network machine.

The scanner is perfectly fine when scanning in grey mode, but fails with an 
I/O error when attempting color scans. I have included the output from 
scanimage in test mode and also the dmesg output for the scsi card. The 
scanning software is SANE 1.0.4 and using the SANE-hp backend. I prefer to 
use scanimage from the command line so as to incorporate the commands in a 
batch file for quick scan to file turnaround.

Scanimage tests:

scanimage -T
scanimage: scanning image of size 2550x3507 pixels at 1 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring gray frame, 1 bits/sample
scanimage: reading one scanline, 319 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: reading one byte...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 2 bytes... PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 4 bytes... PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 8 bytes... PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 16 bytes...PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 32 bytes...PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 64 bytes...PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 128 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 256 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 512 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 511 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 255 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 127 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 63 bytes...PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 31 bytes...PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 15 bytes...PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 7 bytes... PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 3 bytes... PASS

scanimage -T --mode color
scanimage: scanning image of size 2550x3507 pixels at 24 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring RGB frame, 8 bits/sample
scanimage: reading one scanline, 7650 bytes...  FAIL Error: Error during 
device I/O

Dmesg output:

SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 00:0f.0 to 32
ahc_pci:0:15:0: Host Adapter Bios disabled.  Using default SCSI device 
scsi0 : Adaptec AIC7XXX EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI HBA DRIVER, Rev 6.1.8
Adaptec 2902/04/10/15/20/30C SCSI adapter
aic7850: Single Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 3/255 SCBs
  Vendor: HPModel: C5110ARev: 3701
  Type:   Processor  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
Attached scsi generic sg0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 4, lun 0, type 3
scsi0:0:4:0: Attempting to queue an ABORT message
scsi0:0:4:0: Command found on device queue
aic7xxx_abort returns 8194
scsi0:0:4:0: Attempting to queue an ABORT message
(scsi0:A:4:0): Queuing a recovery SCB
scsi0:0:4:0: Device is disconnected, re-queuing SCB
Recovery code sleeping
Recovery SCB completes
Recovery code awake
aic7xxx_abort returns 8194
scsi0:0:4:0: Attempting to queue an ABORT message
scsi0:0:4:0: Command not found
aic7xxx_abort returns 8194
scsi0:0:4:0: Attempting to queue a TARGET RESET message
scsi0:0:4:0: Command not found
aic7xxx_dev_reset returns 8194

If anyone has any clue to what the problem could be, I would be really 



[newbie] Gtk error ececuting DrakConf in LM8

2001-06-21 Per discussione Pere Castañer

well I have LM8 installed on laptop. 
I have a recursive error executing xwindows of the more 
importants on my system DrakConf
When I execute DrakConf I receive the message:
[root@Notebook /root]# DrakConf
new_font is not of type Gtk::Gdk::Font at /usr/X11R6/bin/DrakConf.real line 
[root@Notebook /root]#
and the applications I can fix the problem?

Thanks to all

Re: [newbie] Motherboard Swap went flawlessly..!!!

2001-06-21 Per discussione Paul

 After making sure that I didn't change any of the drives.. (ie primary
 master stayed primary master.)


 I booted it and it worked flawlessly, far simplier then if I had done it in
 Only thing is, I don't think it is making use of the ATA100 yet, it still
 seems to be using ATA33...
 Have to play with that unless someone has any suggestions...

Somewhere (in lilo.conf??) is something with a pio=  parameter which should be set. I
can't recall exactly, but think along those lines

RE: [newbie] Is Redhat books ok for Mandrake

2001-06-21 Per discussione Franki

Just thought I should clarify something here,,

It originated with Redhat 5.2, but all the current release version are
either equal to or newer then the equiv redhat so mandrake 8, has many
newer versions then redhat 7.1



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2001 12:28 PM
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Is Redhat books ok for Mandrake

It was Wed, 20 Jun 2001 16:22:33 -0500 when Mark Johnson wrote:

What are the the differences betw. Mandrake and RedHat... any sigificant

Mandrake is built on the Redhat 5.2 sources. From there things started
splitting up. So the differences of the added tools etc should be pretty
Basic Linux should be the same though.


Well begun is half done.
-Aristotle - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Install error

2001-06-21 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 20 June 2001 05:48 pm, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Charles (or anyone else),

 Noticed your post, thought you might be able to answer a few
 questions related to shrinking Windows partitions:

 1. Sometimes when I defrag a Windows partition there are clusters
 that can't be moved in various locations throughout the partition
 -- can resize move those while shrinki

   Boot to DOS, then you need to strip the hidden and system 
attributes from all files. These are the files that defrag can't move. 
IIRC, that would be 'attrib -s-r-h *.*' on the CL in C:\.  At least you 
don't need to be root ;  Check the syntax before you try it 
('attrib /?'), it's been a _long_ time since I've fooled around in 
Winblows. Defrag also does a better job if you Uncheck the 'speed up 
programs' option and run it several times. 

   While you're at the DOS prompt, you can also clean up and compress 
your registry.  'scanreg /fix', followed with 'scanreg /opt'
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] Install problems - update

2001-06-21 Per discussione Gary

Hi all
Just to let you know that I solved the problem (sticking at filesystem
setup - the defrag problem..). It appears that Norton Speed disk was to
'blame'. I had forgotten that the default is to put rarely used files at
the end of the disk. This of course does not show in Windows defrag.
Thanks for all the helpful replies I did get for this problem. I am now
enjoying the Linux experience. Now if I could only get my HP 420 deskjet
to work, i'll be laughing... :-))

Now Tux powered

[newbie] Help with Intel 815e mb

2001-06-21 Per discussione Arturo Morales


I've been trying to install 8.0 on a new 815e mb (Intel D815EEA2L).  I
know it has problems with the integrated LAN (eepro100) but I can almost
get it to work sometimes (and I know there are patches in the work, so I
figured I'll ride it...).  I'm now stuck because even though ifconfig
says that I have eth0 and eth1 running (eth0=integrated LAN,
eth1=linksys), when I try to bring eth0 up by /etc/init.d/network
restart, It says that eth0 does not exists.  HardDrake does not see
either card.  /etc/modules.conf has info on both cards... 

Where is HardDrake looking for its info? Any other ideas?



Arturo J. Morales, Ph.D.  -   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computational Biology Group, Bioinformatics
Genome Therapeutics Corporation
100 Beaver Street
Waltham, MA 02453-8443 - Tel: (781) 398-2374 - Fax: (781) 893-2470

Re: [newbie] fully-qualified domain names....

2001-06-21 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:23, Edward Barrow wrote:
 This one should be really easy, but it has me baffled.  I'm supposed to
 give my computer a fully-qualified host name, and I don't know what name
 to give it.

 At the moment it is not connected to the Internet so I don't suppose it is
 that important, but when I do get it connected (a task that will involve
 recompiling the kernel with support for the Alcatel ADSL USB modem  I
 anticipate much grief) it probably will. On the other hand, I won't be
 using the system to provide any services outside the local area network
 (; my website is remotely hosted and I collect my mail from a
 remote server, so no external clients need to use DNS to find my machine.

 An additional possible complication:  I use one ISP  - call it -
 for the connection (and outgoing mail); another company (call it hosts my webspace and mailboxes; while a third
 ( provides my domain names and forwards mail and http to (It just worked out cheaper that way).

 So should the fully qualified host name be:

 or (where mydomain is registered with

 Or doesn't it matter?

 And where does the Samba workgroup name come in?

The hostname is what your computer will be called on a network. It is 
synonymous with a computer name in Windows. It doesn't really matter what 
the hostname is -- you could call your computer Bob if you really wanted.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Help configuring Xwindows on Gateway Laptop

2001-06-21 Per discussione Glenn Cannon


I am trying to install LM 7.2 on my Gateway 5300 laptop.  However, when I
get to the Xwindows configuration options, I cannot find a combination that

According to Win 2k (the other OS installed) I have an S3 Inc Savage/IX
video card, I cannot find that on the list, and the various S3 generic
drivers do not do the job either.

Any ideas??

Glenn Cannon
'That Damn Brit'
Level II Certified DCI Judge
Head of The GR Crew - Event Staff
'There is no spoon.'

Re: [newbie] Install error

2001-06-21 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Wonderful!  Thanks!

One followup question:  Must I restore those attributes for any
(functional) reason after the defrag?  (I mean, is there any reason
something (in Windows) would not work because the attributes have been

Randy Kramer

Tom Brinkman wrote:
Boot to DOS, then you need to strip the hidden and system
 attributes from all files. These are the files that defrag can't move.
 IIRC, that would be 'attrib -s-r-h *.*' on the CL in C:\.  At least you
 don't need to be root ;  Check the syntax before you try it
 ('attrib /?'), it's been a _long_ time since I've fooled around in
 Winblows. Defrag also does a better job if you Uncheck the 'speed up
 programs' option and run it several times.
While you're at the DOS prompt, you can also clean up and compress
 your registry.  'scanreg /fix', followed with 'scanreg /opt'

Re: [newbie] LM8.0 and Promise FastTrack RAID 1

2001-06-21 Per discussione Norman Teferle

Dear all,

In my previous email I said that I can access both IBM drives on the Fasttrack RAID 
controller, however this is not true. On installation, I was able to format and select 
a mount point for the first drive but not for the second drive. Then using Harddrake I 
was able to format and set the mountpoint for the second drive on the array after the 
installation. This let me to thinking that now I was able to access both of them. 
However, today on reboot, I could not re-mount the second drive. Although, Harddrake 
shows it to be formatted as Linux Native, I am not allowed to set a new mount point. 
Even deleting the partition and trying to set a new mount point does not work.

Sorry for raising your hopes on the Fasttrack RAID controller. I suppose, I will have 
a look at the 3ware's version of RAID controllers or just use Linux Software RAID. 

Anyway, thanks for your help.


 civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/21/01 12:24am 
On Wednesday 20 June 2001 11:45, Norman Teferle wrote:
 I have posted a message with respect to my Mandrake 8.0 box
 with a Promise FastTrack Ultra ATA-100 RAID 0 - 1 controller a
 couple of days ago with no response. Scrolling throught the
 mailing list archive, I can see that this topic has come up
 recently numerous times.

 Anyway, following the recommendations of the 
 linux support for RH6.2/7.0 and some recent mailings (ie
 Richard Kleeman - Fix for Mandrake8.0 install on Promise IDE
 controller from Friday June 15, 2001) I have managed to
 install Mandrake 8.0 and can access my 3 harddrives hda, hde
 and hdg, with hde and hdg being two IBM DTLA 307075 drives.
 W2k and M8.0 live on hda, and the idea was to have RAID 1
 configuration using both IBM disks.

 From some mails (Civileme - Common Errors - 28 May, 2001 and
 Civileme - Mandrake 8.0, Promise Fasttrack 66/100, Lockups,
 only sees one channel - 18 May, 2001) I also learned that it
 is possible to gimmick a RAID1 configuration by only
 installing one drive and using it in mirroring mode, using the
 controller to copy to the second drive. Could someone please
 tell me how to do this?

Could you please tell ME how you got that thing working?  We'll 
post it and give you credit.


Well if you have identical drives, you ask the controller to 
make a copy to the second drive in RAID1 configuration.  But if 
you have THREE drives on that controller, then leave it is 
straight IDE mode and RAID 0  RAID 1 RAID4 and RAID5 using any 
pieces you choose of those three drives all belong to you 
through linux software raid, which is just as efficient as the 
controller's RAID 1 and far less restrictive.

As with most Linux facilities, has a giant HOWTO on 
this which, for once is not especially difficult to read.  You 
will also find Software RAID partitons available as a partition 
type at install time.



 Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks


[newbie] MandrakeFreq install

2001-06-21 Per discussione Wilson

Well I downloaded the MandrakeFreq iso files and installed them.  The
install was good and I could actually boot into Mandrake 8.0 for the
first time with my Promise ATA100 controller card.  Much thanks go to
Civileme who has been helping me to get the release version of Mandrake
8.0 to work with the Promise card on my computer.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that if you have an ata 66 or 100 drive and
can't get Mandrake past the kernel panic you might want to download or
order the cd for MandrakeFreq because it worked for me.


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[newbie] ESS688 install problem

2001-06-21 Per discussione Poetro


I've got an other problem after that mouse thing. Thnak you for
figuring it out.
So I have an old ESS688 soundcard, which worked well under Mandrake 7.0
without recompiling the kernel. But now in 8.0 I can't figure it out,
how to get it to work. The HardDrake doesn't detect it. So please help
with it
Thank you:

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[newbie] Just a Newbie question

2001-06-21 Per discussione Lúcio Costa

Hi Everybody.

I have 2 PC's in my home

1° AMD K6 III, 400 MHZ, 128Mb Ram (Window$ 2000 Prof )
this machine have one network card RealTech and Modem 56Kb ISA

2° AMD Athlon, 1 GHZ, 128 Ram (Mandrake 8.0)
This machine have only a network card RealTech.

Can Anyone tell me how can I connect the second machine in Internet, using 
the same modem, it's mean shearing the modem connection to Internet.


Lucio Costa

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[newbie] External Hardware

2001-06-21 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

Dear List,

My only computer is a Toshiba Laptop, I dont really have any intention
of buying a desktop system, yet I feel the need to upgrade my hardrive
(4.3gig). The least expensive way of me doing this is to buy an external
one, but are these supported by Linux? I think they come in USB and
Parallel versions.

I would also like to consider an external writer.

Any comments would be appreciated, has anyone had any success stories
with any particular brand?

Much appreciated, cheers..

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 and Ricoh MP9120A-DP DVD CD-RW

2001-06-21 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 21 June 2001 09:49 am, Norman Teferle wrote:
 Dear all,

 I have seen some mails on RICOH CD writers in the newbie archive but
 none for this specific model: RICOH MP9120A-DP. Also, RICOH's
 websites do not seem to mention Linux anywhere. The LHD says that
 older models are compatible. Still, has anyone got any experience
 with this DVD-CD-Rom drive? I am not necessarily interested in
 getting DVD to work, I will need the cd writer mainly to backup data.

 Any comments are very appreciated,

My first CD-RW was a Ricoh. It died. Fortunately just within the 
warranty. Mechanical drive failure. Still, it was a huge and expensive 
fiasco. I'd never buy anything Ricoh. I believe if you research Ricoh 
CD* anything, many have had the same experience and come to the same 
conclusion as myself. 
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie]

2001-06-21 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 21 July 2001 09:46 am, João Coimbra wrote:
 Hi all
 How can I kwnow the version of kernel that I have in the Linux?

   In a terminal, 'uname -r' (without the 's) will tell you what the 
currently running kernel version is.

Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] Problems in LM80 with keyboard

2001-06-21 Per discussione Luengas Carrillo Yesid Camilo
Title: Problems in LM80 with keyboard

Hello *.

I have one problem in 3 linux machines.
I installed LM8.0 an when i start the graphics interface, my keyboard not responding, because i dont have the symbols with ALT GR.

Can you hel me?.



Ing. Yesid Camilo Luengas C.
Departamento de Sistemas

Re: [newbie] Install error

2001-06-21 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Thanks very much!  

I made one correction (which I think matches your intent) so that
anybody else reading this is not confused.

I think you meant:

attrib +r +s -r c:\*.sys

Hmm, and I'm not sure why the +r ... -r -- guess I'll learn when I try

(If I'm confused, correct me!)

Randy Kramer

n6tadam wrote:
 I would make sure that all *.sys files are set to read-only, thus in dos:
 attrib +r +s -r c:\*.*

Re: [newbie] Install error

2001-06-21 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 21 June 2001 08:15 am, Randy Kramer wrote:

 One followup question:  Must I restore those attributes for any
 (functional) reason after the defrag?  (I mean, is there any reason
 something (in Windows) would not work because the attributes have
 been changed?)

No.  There's no permissions in Winblows, which is one reason it's 
so inherently insecureable. M$ uses those attributes (ie, hidden and 
system) so most users won't know those files exist, and hopefully won't 
fool with 'em.  BTW, defrag with some Windoze systems won't move swap 
files either.  There's a few work-arounds, but the easiest is to set 
virtual memory to -0- (only if you have 64mb ram or more), and then 
reboot and defrag.  This isn't usually a problem tho.
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

 Randy Kramer

 Tom Brinkman wrote:
 Boot to DOS, then you need to strip the hidden and system
  attributes from all files. These are the files that defrag can't
  move. IIRC, that would be 'attrib -s-r-h *.*' on the CL in C:\.  At
  least you don't need to be root ;  Check the syntax before you try
  it ('attrib /?'), it's been a _long_ time since I've fooled around
  in Winblows. Defrag also does a better job if you Uncheck the
  'speed up programs' option and run it several times.
 While you're at the DOS prompt, you can also clean up and
  compress your registry.  'scanreg /fix', followed with 'scanreg

Re: [newbie]

2001-06-21 Per discussione bpremeaux

On Sat, 21 July 2001, João Coimbra wrote:

 Hi all
 How can I kwnow the version of kernel that I have in the Linux?

Try 'uname -a'


[newbie] Problem with install modem.

2001-06-21 Per discussione Wojtek Walczyk

 I have a modem ASMAX multiSYS on chipset TOPIC 
TP560i/9922S14. I did anything with instruction but it doesn't work in my 
MANDRAKE 8.0. Maybe who's know how it works ???

Re: [newbie] MORE installation troubles

2001-06-21 Per discussione Michael D. Viron


Try typing linux single if aurora gives you the option (if not, there
should be some way of booting to single user mode).  Once in single user
mode, then run linuxconf and switch off the xfs service temporarily--also
make sure to edit /etc/inittab so you are booting to runlevel 3.

Reboot, and you should at least be able to get to a command prompt where
you can further debug whatever is going wrong with XFS and / or get any
information that might be useful for the list.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 11:38 AM 06/21/2001 -0500, JP Urban wrote:
Okay... I'm the one who posted a while back and listed my whole system
specs and walked through my installation to the point of the error. 

Now I'm having a whole new problem!

The system just will not boot... and what's worse... with Aurora doing my
booting, I can't find any of the data that would normally help me figure
out what's wrong.

Civilme suggested back when I had the install trouble to do a memory test.
I've done that and had no luck, because my memory all checked out.

Right now, I'm freezing up at Starting X Font Server.  I cannot get to a
login or a command prompt, and I've tried pretty much everything I can
think of.  :(

Any ideas here?

Re: [newbie] Problems in LM80 with keyboard

2001-06-21 Per discussione Eduardo Dominguez

LM8 doesnt seem to come out with a latin american keyboard map. This sucks
bad. And trying to fix it using xmodmap is plain hell. I have a Microsoft 
Elite keyboard and (only in X) i cant use AltGr for key combinations.
I have a fix, but it makes the Windows key freeze the keyboard. :/

 I have one problem in 3 linux machines.
  I installed LM8.0 an when i start the graphics interface, my keyboard not
 responding, because i dont have the symbols with ALT GR.

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Re: [newbie]

2001-06-21 Per discussione OOzy Pal


if you are using MDK then type:

rpm -qa | grep kernel

--- João Coimbra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all
 How can I kwnow the version of kernel that I
 have in the Linux?


What is the purpose of life?

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 and Ricoh MP9120A-DP DVD CD-RW

2001-06-21 Per discussione s

I had a Ricoh RW9120A cdrw/dvd that was compatible with linux.  However mine 
only worked for like two days.  I ended up having to send it back.  Anyway, 
the answer to your question is, yes it's compatible.  (The dvd is the easy 
part, just make a link from /dev/cdrom to /dev/dvd.)  

On Thursday 21 June 2001 09:49 am, you wrote:
 Dear all,

 I have seen some mails on RICOH CD writers in the newbie archive but none
 for this specific model: RICOH MP9120A-DP. Also, RICOH's websites do not
 seem to mention Linux anywhere. The LHD says that older models are
 compatible. Still, has anyone got any experience with this DVD-CD-Rom
 drive? I am not necessarily interested in getting DVD to work, I will need
 the cd writer mainly to backup data.

 Any comments are very appreciated,

[newbie] Southbridge (was: Motherboard Swap went flawlessly..!!!)

2001-06-21 Per discussione Paul

It was Thu, 21 Jun 2001 19:00:48 -0400 when civileme wrote:

Until a reliable kernel 2.4.6 is out, if you want to use 
ATA-100, you need to install kernel-2.2.19.  Your Motherboard 
has a VIA chipset and the kernel is gimmicked to cripple itself 
away from DMA to avoid the vicious hardware bug associated with 
the 686B SouthBridge/IDE -PCI Controller.

Hi Civileme,

Could this be the problem that is kicking my ISDN down too? The new mobo has
the same Southbridge thing-ama-jig, and I also run 2.4.3.


It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish.
-Aeschylus - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

[newbie] Partition Tragic

2001-06-21 Per discussione David Beahm

I saw this one coming, but anyway...  I took my first stab at changing my
partitions, and it was a complete failure.  Here's the story:

Single 30GB IDE drive w/ LM8.0 installed and running.  I booted from a FreeBSD
floppy to start that install, but I wasn't able to configure the drive the way I
needed to in fdisk/label editor, so I exited, popped out the floppy and booted
like always into LM.  I started xwindows and ran the partition editor from
HardDrake, not making any changes to existing partitions -- I only created new
ones (a FAT 16, a BSD, and a BSD swap).  Now LM gets kernel panic, can't mount
fs, even booting from the LM floppy.  Please help me before I toast another
install and start from scratch again.


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all yourself at

[newbie] CD-RW at hdc inaccessible

2001-06-21 Per discussione Miark

Hi all,

I'm running 8.0 and can't read my Creative CD-RW RW8433E drive at hdc. I
looked through old messages, but couldn't find a solution. Here's my set-up:

  hda - hard drive hdc - CD-RW
  hdb - nothing  hdd - DVD-ROM

Here are other details:

* /dev/cdrom is sybolically linked to /dev/scd0
* LILO includes append= hdc=ide-scsi mem=1024M)
* An lsmod reports the presence of ide-scsi   7568   0

* hdc and hdd are on a 40-pin cable

* KDE reports the permissions at basically 777
* ls -la on /dev/cdrom is identical to cdrom2 (w/ lrwxrwxrwx)
* ls -la on /mnt/cdrom is identical to cdrom2 (w/ drwxrwxrwx)
* ls -la on /dev/scd0 is brw-rw---

I'd very much appreciate your insights!


[newbie] Configuring Fonts

2001-06-21 Per discussione Travis Sparks

I've run into some of the same font problems that just about everyone else has run 
into.  I've figured out that I have a problem with my Fixed font.  So I've gone into 
the KDE Configuration Tool and under Look N Feel and under Fonts and reset all of the 
fonts to True Type Fonts and the correct ISO number that the KDE website says you need 
to have set.  However, whenever I click the change button for the Fixed font the 
entire KDE system hangs and I almost always have to Ctrl-Alt-Bkspc to get control over 
the system again (I wait over 5 minutes to see if it comes back on its own).  So... In 
general does anyone know how to get around this problem?  Specifically, is there a 
configuration file which I can modify that will get around this problem?  


Travis Sparks

Visit, your free web-based communications center. Life on the Dot.

Re: [newbie] Conecting COM 1 and COM 2

2001-06-21 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Carlos Eduardo Colon Rangel wrote:

 How can I stablish a connection between COM port 1 and COM
 port 2?


Carloswith a nullmodem adapter and an rs232 cable, or 
with an rs232cable wired as a nullmodem (these are available 
commercially, but I can't say where). :)

Re: [newbie] Volume Control in KDE?

2001-06-21 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Ed Kasky wrote:
 Is there a volume control anywhere in KDE desktop?  I hate
 to admit to being used to the slider in windoze


 Ed Kasky
 Los Angeles, CA
 . . . . . . . .
 Improve the computing world.  Toss a Mac off a cliff.

Edwith konqueror, navigate to your ~/.kde/Autostart/ 
directory and right-click on konqueror's background, Choose 
'Create new' then choose 'Link to Application'. In the 
execute tab under 'Command' put this:

kmix -caption %c %i %m

when finished click on the new icon and a cyan colored 
speaker will appear in the area to the left of the KDE clock 
display.  Close konqueror.  In the future that icon will show 
up there all the time.  Click it when you need to adjust the 
volume. :)

[newbie] XKDE crash/ATI Xpert 2000 setup

2001-06-21 Per discussione H.Narfi Stefansson

Hi everybody, I'd be grateful if somebody could please help me with the 
following problem.
Every now and then ( once a day!) Xfree86 crashes on me. 
I may be inside KDE, doing my work or just browsing away in konqueror when it 
crashes and restarts and I get the graphical login.
Sometimes it crashes during bootup, causing the computer to fall down into 
runlevel 3.
What do you think is the likely reason?
I can't find anything in /var/log/messages.

My guess would be the graphics card setup. I have ATI Xpert 2000, 32 MB 
memory, 2xAGP
I've set it up using Xfree 4.0.3, w.o. 3-D accel, and I've gone into 
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and commented out the lines where the glx and dri 
modules are loaded, but it kept crashing.
Resolution: 1024x768, 16bpp.
XFdrake detects the card as Rage 128. Should I be using that or should I be 
setting it to Xpert 99? (I'm testing that right now, getting some display 
artifacts, but no crashes yet).
Or should I switch to Xfree86 3.3.6?

I really appreciate your help,

H. Narfi Stefansson

Other setup info:
Mandrake 8.0, I downloaded the 2 GLP CDs. Kernel 2.4.3, Xfree 4.0.3, 384MB 
memory, 466MHz Celeron, Intel440BX motherboard, Viewsonic E771 17 monitor.

Re: [newbie] Quake II - rpm installing problem

2001-06-21 Per discussione Juan Carlos

Thanks for the help.

What´s the difference between Mandrake and Mandrake Cooker?

On Thu 21 Jun 2001 16:36, you wrote:

 I would go to and search for each of the libraries (example:
 libm)  it will give you a whole list and you need to look for the Mandrake
 Cooker file it will have an extension of i586.rpm.  Then you can run rpm
 -i 'package' and it will install the libraries from that package.  Then
 try to install Quake 2 again.


 At 04:46 PM 21/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
 Hello all.
 I am trying to install Quake 2. I have downloaded quake2-3.20-6.i386.rpm
  and also quake2-3.20-glibc-6.i386.rpm files. And when I execute:
 rpm -i quake2-3.20-6.i386.rpm
 system says:
 error: failed dependencies: is needed by quake2-3.20-6 is needed by quake2-3.20-6 is needed by quake2-3.20-6
 Also I try:
 rpm -i quake2-3.20-glibc-6.i386.rpm
 system says:
 error: failed dependencies: is needed by quake2-3.20-glibc-6 is needed by quake2-3.20-glibc-6
 My system is Linux Mandrake 8.0 running on a Pentium2 300 Mhz with 64 Mb
  of RAM and an ATI XpertWork 4 Mb.
 Many thanks for your help and comments.
  Juan Carlos
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[newbie] KDE apps freezes

2001-06-21 Per discussione Juan Carlos

Sometimes one application freezes on KDE. It could be any. It stop of working 
and redrawing. Any ideas?


Registered Linux User # 219425
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[newbie] Install Questions

2001-06-21 Per discussione preston smith

Sorry to bother you all with my questions.

Should I use BootMagic or LILO to allow me to dual boot Linux and Windows 
98?  Opinions seem to me mixed on this.  What are the pros and cons.

The MD 8.0 manual says to set the BIOS switch that asks if a PNP OS is 
Installed to No'.  I have not seen that statement elsewhere.  If I do this 
I lose my Network card under Windows.  Comments please.


Betti Ann  Preston Smith
Head of St Margaret's Bay, NS
MGB  RV Owners

Re: [newbie] Install Questions

2001-06-21 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

preston smith wrote:
 Sorry to bother you all with my questions.

 Should I use BootMagic or LILO to allow me to dual boot
 Linux and Windows 98?  Opinions seem to me mixed on this. 
 What are the pros and cons.

 The MD 8.0 manual says to set the BIOS switch that asks if
 a PNP OS is Installed to No'.  I have not seen that
 statement elsewhere.  If I do this I lose my Network card
 under Windows.  Comments please.


 Betti Ann  Preston Smith
 Head of St Margaret's Bay, NS
 MGB  RV Owners

PrestonBootMagic is administered from Windows, Lilo is 
administered from Linux.  They do pretty much the same job 
other than lilo (or something like it) is needed to boot 
linux anyway whether or not you use BootMagic as the multi-os 

Re: [newbie] Connect w/ ISP, but unable to surf/ver. 8.0

2001-06-21 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

Rita F. Koenigs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have 8.0.  I have been attempting to surf the internet without

 success -- after logging onto the network using KDE kppp.


 I use, a free internet provider for

 parts of WA, OR, and NY...the connect link says that nocharge

 should work in the Macintosh, Linux, Unix platforms.


 Here's what happens: I log onto the network (I check connection

 icon, and see the connection speed, duration, bytes sent/recd,

 etc. in the kkk log).


 When I try to enter a URL in Konquerer or Netscape, I get

 nowhere. When I do a ping in terminal, the error message is:

 unable to connect to remote host.. Same with pinging as the



 Any ideas on how to solve this?


 The odd thing is, right now I'm using a windows 98 machine, and

 I'm connected using the same tel. #, IP address, etc. Just

 doesn't work for Linux, although nocharge claims to support it.

What does your /etc/resolv.conf say??  Did you edit it appropriately?:

nameserver dns#
nameserver dns#

dns#'s should be provided by the ISP.
Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
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Re: [newbie] Quake II - rpm installing problem

2001-06-21 Per discussione Juan Carlos

Just a little late. I have installed Quake2 with some rpm I need to add.
I am not sure If I use some rpm Mandrake Cooker. When I try to uninstall the 
rpm added the system tell me they aren't installed.

Doesn't matter. The game works now.  And the system likes OK.

On Thu 21 Jun 2001 19:02, you wrote:
 Sorry Juan,

 I made a slight error.  Do not use the Cooker, I looked it up and it is
 an experimental distribution.

 Sorry, just use the 'Mandrake' packages with the mdk.i586.rpm extension

 Joe Pyrczak

 At 11:24 PM 21/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
 Thanks for the help.
 What´s the difference between Mandrake and Mandrake Cooker?
 On Thu 21 Jun 2001 16:36, you wrote:
   I would go to and search for each of the libraries
   (example: libm)  it will give you a whole list and you need to look for
   the Mandrake Cooker file it will have an extension of i586.rpm.  Then
   you can run rpm -i 'package' and it will install the libraries from
   that package.  Then try to install Quake 2 again.
   At 04:46 PM 21/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
   Hello all.
   I am trying to install Quake 2. I have downloaded
quake2-3.20-6.i386.rpm and also quake2-3.20-glibc-6.i386.rpm files.
And when I execute:
   rpm -i quake2-3.20-6.i386.rpm
   system says:
   error: failed dependencies: is needed by quake2-3.20-6 is needed by quake2-3.20-6 is needed by quake2-3.20-6
   Also I try:
   rpm -i quake2-3.20-glibc-6.i386.rpm
   system says:
   error: failed dependencies: is needed by quake2-3.20-glibc-6 is needed by quake2-3.20-glibc-6
   My system is Linux Mandrake 8.0 running on a Pentium2 300 Mhz with 64
Mb of RAM and an ATI XpertWork 4 Mb.
   Many thanks for your help and comments.
Juan Carlos
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RE: [newbie] XKDE crash/ATI Xpert 2000 setup

2001-06-21 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of H.Narfi
 Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 5:34 PM
 Subject: [newbie] XKDE crash/ATI Xpert 2000 setup

 Hi everybody, I'd be grateful if somebody could please help
 me with the
 following problem.
 Every now and then ( once a day!) Xfree86 crashes on me.
 I may be inside KDE, doing my work or just browsing away in
 konqueror when it
 crashes and restarts and I get the graphical login.
 Sometimes it crashes during bootup, causing the computer to
 fall down into
 runlevel 3.
 What do you think is the likely reason?
 I can't find anything in /var/log/messages.

 My guess would be the graphics card setup. I have ATI Xpert
 2000, 32 MB
 memory, 2xAGP
 I've set it up using Xfree 4.0.3, w.o. 3-D accel, and I've gone into
 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and commented out the lines where the
 glx and dri
 modules are loaded, but it kept crashing.
 Resolution: 1024x768, 16bpp.
 XFdrake detects the card as Rage 128. Should I be using that
 or should I be
 setting it to Xpert 99? (I'm testing that right now, getting
 some display
 artifacts, but no crashes yet).
 Or should I switch to Xfree86 3.3.6?

 I really appreciate your help,

I am using the same card on 2 of my systems and have never had any X
from them with any distro that I have installed.
You should be able to use it with full 3-D accel, I do.
I, when given the options such as with Mandrake will set the card as the
Rage Fury
AGP because basically that is what the 2000 is, but it also runs just as
if set-up as the generic Rage128..

Is there any other device on your system that is using the same IRQ as
your vid card?


Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

Re: [newbie] Volume Control in KDE?

2001-06-21 Per discussione bascule

there is a kconfigkdesoundmixer dialog with a 'load volumes on login' 
setting but i don't know if this launches the panel icon as well,

also a long winded way is to manually launch and dock kmix, logout with 'save 
setting' and from then on as long you don't accidentally exit kmix before 
logging out it will always be launched, at least this is how i deduced i got 
it to work for me


On Thursday 21 June 2001 10:29 pm, you wrote:
 Ed Kasky wrote:
  Is there a volume control anywhere in KDE desktop?  I hate
  to admit to being used to the slider in windoze
  Ed Kasky
  Los Angeles, CA
  . . . . . . . .
  Improve the computing world.  Toss a Mac off a cliff.

 Edwith konqueror, navigate to your ~/.kde/Autostart/
 directory and right-click on konqueror's background, Choose
 'Create new' then choose 'Link to Application'. In the
 execute tab under 'Command' put this:

 kmix -caption %c %i %m

 when finished click on the new icon and a cyan colored
 speaker will appear in the area to the left of the KDE clock
 display.  Close konqueror.  In the future that icon will show
 up there all the time.  Click it when you need to adjust the
 volume. :)

Re: [newbie] CD-RW at hdc inaccessible

2001-06-21 Per discussione Chris Keelan

On Thursday 21 June 2001 12:53, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm running 8.0 and can't read my Creative CD-RW RW8433E drive at hdc. I
 looked through old messages, but couldn't find a solution. Here's my

   hda - hard drive hdc - CD-RW
   hdb - nothing  hdd - DVD-ROM

Can you read it as /dev/cdrom? How about as /dev/scd0? I can't recall why but 
I think you're not supposed to reference hdc except as 

On my system ( I have a harddrive at hda and a cd-rw at hdc) there are no 
symlinks from any of the hdN devices. Instead, my drive is /dev/scd0 which is 
linked to /dev/cdrom.

Any particular reason why you need to reference hdc?

- Chris

Re: [newbie] Using ULTRA DMA 2 getting the most from your hard disk.

2001-06-21 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 21 June 2001 02:15 pm, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,

 Is there any problems switching my 7200RPM ATA100 with Mdk 7.2 and

   While I've been using ReiserFS 24/7 for almost a year now with no 
problems, and many benefits I'd swear by  it's still a beta FS.
You need to thoroughly investigate the pros  cons and make your own 
decision.  I use it on an old 5400rpm/256k WD slave with a 250mb /swap 
and the rest of the 8 gigs all in one big / partition.

 Abit KT7a  (capable of ata100) with bios dated this month..
 Linux Details.
 Kernel 2.2.19-4MDKsecure
 all updates except kde loaded.

 Can anyone make any suggestions as to what my settings should be for
 maximum speed?

 It currently tests at:

 Buffer cache: 125.49 MB/sec
 Buffered: 29.91 MB/sec

Civileme's already given you the best advice along the lines I 
mentioned in a prior post. There's VIA/mobo(specially **Abit KT7a)/HDD 
(specially ***WD) issues, any OS.  You seem to have gathered together 
the hardware that's most susceptiple.

   **Research why AMD dropped Abit's and particularly KT133a chipset 
models (KT7a with/without raid) from their recommended mobo list last 
February.  Only the Biostar M7VKD and Soyo K7VTA Pro KT133a boards 
still remain.

   *** Civileme seems to imply all WD HDD's are affected, I've only 
heard/read that some, mostly newer models were.  Still, I'd trust 
anything Civileme tells you.

 I was getting 22mb buffered, with my BX chipset and an old Quantum

 22 up to 29.91 doesn't seem like that much of an impovement...

 Especially since I have a ATA drive and motherboard connected with
 the ATA100 cable,

  An 80 wire cable is nothing more than a good'ol ata/33 40 wire cable 
with the other 40 wires doin nothin more than separating the real 40 
wires to reduce inductance.  Count the pins on the connector ;

   Maybe I'm infering too much, but you seem to be enamored with 
ata/100.  Fact is, all HDD's whether they're ata/33, /66, or /100 still 
run on the motherboard's 33.3mhz IDE bus.  The ata/66 and /100 are 
enhancements that don't, as their nomeclature implies, double or more 
than double thu-put, or as many seem to believe, bus speed. What 
improvement they may provide also comes at a price of risk and 
problems. IMO, more than they're worth. Also, like AGP 1x,2x,and 4x, 
the enhancement comes at the price of draining off other system 
resources, namely cpu/cache/ram. There's no free lunch. If you're 
getting 30mb/sec, be happy.

   Be aware tho that that's a benchmark rate, real world transfer rates 
are much less. I doubt that with a stopwatch you could tell much 
difference tranferring a huge amount of files, whether the HDD hparmed 
at 20mb/sec, or 30mb/sec.
 The drive is a 7200RPM model and I believe it has a 2mb internal
 cache... (I do think the buffer cache speed is far better then it
 was.) The drive is the only ide device on the primary ide interface.

  'hdparm -i /dev/hd?' will tell you the buffer (cache size). It'll be 
a little less than 2mb (2048k). The HDD's firmware uses the missing k's.

   IMNSHO, higher rpm and bigger buffer HDD's are a much better idea 
than the current fads of ata/100 and software-firmware raid kludges 
like Abit's.  An IBM 7200/2mb HDD would'a been a better choice tho ; 
...and a Soyo K7VTA Pro ;~   YMMV

Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] CD-RW at hdc inaccessible

2001-06-21 Per discussione Dennis M.

On Thursday 21 June 2001 22:42, you wrote:
 On Thursday 21 June 2001 12:53, you wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm running 8.0 and can't read my Creative CD-RW RW8433E drive at hdc. I
  looked through old messages, but couldn't find a solution. Here's my
hda - hard drive hdc - CD-RW
hdb - nothing  hdd - DVD-ROM

 Can you read it as /dev/cdrom? How about as /dev/scd0? I can't recall why
 but I think you're not supposed to reference hdc except as

 On my system ( I have a harddrive at hda and a cd-rw at hdc) there are no
 symlinks from any of the hdN devices. Instead, my drive is /dev/scd0 which
 is linked to /dev/cdrom.

 Any particular reason why you need to reference hdc?

 - Chris
Look in lilo.conf and see if you are booting the hda with the following 
scripts in lilo:
append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy quiet

except the above hdd= will read something differrent. If the hdc=ide-scsi 
line is not there then you should add it and then as su in console at the 
prompt type lilo without the quotes. Sorry if you already know some of this.
Any way, that should get you ability to read your cdrw. If not come back and 
let us know.  Onward ,  

Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

[newbie] Is this some kind of Linux virus?

2001-06-21 Per discussione Michael

I have been getting this email at least two-three a day for the last week.  
I'm usually a just hit the delete key person when it comes to SPAM, but I 
kind of got ticked off today and decided to reply telling them where to jump 
off.  The only problem is, since I replied to them, every time I try to reply 
to any message, this one comes up. If I try to send a new message, this one 
comes up.  

I'm using KMail does anyone have any suggestions?  (Besides sticking with 
hitting the delete key;-)
Michael Lewis
Phone: 970.206.4556

   Linux - The final solution

Received: from ( [])
by (8.11.2/8.11.2) with ESMTP id f5LD4YD13127
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 21 Jun 2001 07:04:34 -0600
Received: from 
Status: RO
X-Status: A

Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 08:55:06 -0400
Subject: MasterCD2001 -  BTOB Purchasing Contacts

Last chance for MasterCD2001 at $99.95!

Don't be fooled by ANY offer for the outdated MasterDisc 2000, aka

Due to the many Internet copyright pirates, and those who have copied 
and released our products without our consent, we have a very, very 
special offer for you.

Due to the overwhelming response to this offer we have become aware 
that some of you may have not been able to reach us successfully, so 
we wanted to be sure you had an opportunity to contact us again.  Due 
to technical difficulties, we may not have received your order or your 
removal request.  Removal instructions are located at the end of this 

Please note that our fax number has changed to: 


The Ultimate Internet Marketing Tool, MasterCD2001, now updated with
contacts representing 12 Million domains Worldwide! ***$99.95*** until 
June 22nd!

OK, you held out at $999.00, at $799.00 and at $499.00, so here's a one 
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Unlimited usage is yours permanently for just $99.95! 

You can now access, import and export information about contacts for
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Our newest database on CD-ROM contains the Names, Contact Information,
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Physical Addresses let you target businesses by, Country, State, 
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MasterCD2001 NOW ONLY $99.95(US) plus $20 shipping  handling for 
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handling otherwise, which includes non-contiguous US and Canada. 

We are currently shipping our 2nd Quarter 2001 release.
Complete the buyer and shipping info, print and fax this form with
the completed credit card information.

Updates are available quarterly for $99.95 each.

This powerful marketing tool is a 100% tax-deductible business expense!

Time is running out quickly, so don't delay.  ORDER NOW!

Must Be Received by: June 22nd

IMPORTANT: To reduce potential order delays, please type your 
information if possible.  If you cannot type your order, then please
be sure your writing is legible.  Orders are accepted by fax only,
for maximum security.  Orders will NOT be taken by e-mail 

[newbie] Re: Is this some kind of Linux virus?

2001-06-21 Per discussione Michael

Sorry about the premature post.  I just realized that it was always after my 
signature file so I looked at that, and somehow it attached itself to it.  
this is really weird.  Does anyone know how this can happen?  I deleted it 
from my signature and everything seems to be working normally now.
Michael Lewis
Phone: 970.206.4556

   Linux - The final solution

[newbie] gaim compile issues

2001-06-21 Per discussione paul r

Trying to compile the new version of Gaim 11 pre 14 I ran into the
follwing errors:

I typed ./configure --enable-panel then make at the end of the usual
stream I get the following:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb1
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [au2h] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/paul/files/gaim-0.11.0pre14/sounds'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/paul/files/gaim-0.11.0pre14'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

What can I do to fix this?
Also, how can I check what version GTK I have installed?

-Paul R

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[newbie] who da man? who da man?

2001-06-21 Per discussione Jeffrey M. Reed

that's who


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] Error: Winbond Super-10 detection....

2001-06-21 Per discussione OOzy Pal


My linux is on runlevel 3. Everytime I rum my linux
box and before I get the the login prompt a message
comes up saying

Winbond Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,
370, 200, 4E, 2E
SMSC Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,

What is this. Any ideas.


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Re: [newbie] Error: Winbond Super-10 detection....

2001-06-21 Per discussione Jeffrey M. Reed

On Friday 22 June 2001 01:14, OOzy Pal wrote:

 My linux is on runlevel 3. Everytime I rum my linux
 box and before I get the the login prompt a message
 comes up saying

 Winbond Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,
 370, 200, 4E, 2E
 SMSC Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,

 What is this. Any ideas.


 What is the purpose of life?

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does it look something like this?

Winbond Super-IO detection, now testing ports 
3F0,370,250,4E,2E ...
Winbond chip at EFER=0x3f0 key=0x87 devid=52 devrev=f4 
Winbond chip type 83977EF / SMSC 97w35x
Winbond LPT Config: cr_30=01 60,61=0378 70=07 74=03, f0=00
Winbond LPT Config: active=yes, io=0x0378 irq=7, dma=3
Winbond LPT Config: irqtype=pulsed low, high-Z, ECP fifo 
Winbond LPT Config: Port mode=Standard (SPP) and 
SMSC Super-IO detection, now testing Ports 2F0, 370 ...

i think it's the kernel trying to recognize the southbridge 
portion of your motherboard's chipset. the southbridge 
gives all the functionality to ports like the PS/2 and 
printer ports. i get the same weird message when i log in. 
haven't found a way to work around it yet.



+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Disabled Mouse

2001-06-21 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

At a root console, run DrakConf. There is a mouse configuration tool there.

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001 19:46, Galiba Péter wrote:

 In HardDrake I misconfigured my mouse, and I dont know how to
 reconfigure, becouse with the keyboard I can start hardrake, but can't
 start the mouse configuration!
 Please help:

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Is windows REALLY easier to install?

2001-06-21 Per discussione civileme

On Wednesday 20 June 2001 17:29, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 I ran a test today that may be of interest. I'm in the process
 of assembling a second computer (Lazarus) from some old
 stuff that I've accumulated; eventually, it is to be a server
 for a home network. Right now, Lazarus consists of:
   TMC Socket 7 motherboard
   AMD K6-2-500 CPU
   128 mb RAM
   Maxtor 15 gb HD
   Trident 975 based video card
   Creative CD-ROM
   Logitech wheelmouse on PS/2 port
   Generic floppy and keyboard
   NO printer, modem, sound card
 The test consisted of doing default installations of Win98SE
 and LM 8.0, and comparing the elasped time between booting the
 installation CD and logging in. The results were as follows:
 Win98SE: 0:27
  LM 8.0: 0:24
 I then deleted the Mandrake installation, and re-installed it,
 but this time I chose expert, server partitioning, and
 selected ALL of the packages. Total time: 0:39.

 Note that the Windows installation time does not include the
 time for partitioning and formatting the hard drive (0:28 with
 Partition Magic), nor the time to load the graphics and VIA
 drivers. It does, however, include the time to feed my old Win
 3.1 floppies to prove that I was entitled to do an upgrade. Of
 course, with Mandrake, the disk operations are included in the
 installation time, and neither drivers nor 7 year old disks
 were necessary. OTOH, Windows really shuts down in a hurry if
 there's nothing else installed!

 civileme wrote:
  A friend of one of the folks here is finishing a Ph.D. in
  mathematics.  He uses an IBM laptop and he was running
  mandrake 7.1.  Recently, he installed 8.0.  It didn't like
  his mouse, so he used an alternate image and installed
  kernel 2.2.19 and set up that one in the bootloader.  His
  total time to install was 1.5 hours.
  Now to keep someone else happy, he had to install PowerPoint
  on the same laptop.
  He tried the Win98 restoration disk.  It was missing so many
  drivers that he despaired of ever finding them all.
  He bought windows ME.  The CD wasn't bootable.  He restored
  98 and tried to use it to start the ME disk.  The program
  told him that this was a CD for computers without windows
  and that he needed to buy the upgrade edition.
  He tried Windows NT.  He had to seek professional advice
  (from the staff of a linux company because Microsoft wasn't
  helping) to get it installed.  Then he discovered drivers
  simply were NOT available for some of the features he needed
  to run power point.
  He tried ME again, this time generating the famous 98 boot
  disk that is the closest thing to a swiss army knife
  Microsoft ever produced,  Well, stage one--he couldn't
  format the partition.
  He booted into linux and fired up disk drake and took care
  of that ornery partition, even formatting it.
  WindowsME install program upchucked saying some nonsense
  about 64K clusters which it did not support.
  OK NOW the windows98 boot disk could format the partition. 
  4K clusters were verified.
  And ME still complained about 64K clusters and shut down.
  So, with 4 days and the purchases of two systems wasted, he
  is using Konqueror on the web to track down Microsoft Win98
  drivers for his notebook.  Then he will finally be able to
  load PowerPoint, we hope, unless it wants to see a different
  version of Windows, like XP.
  I am beginning to believe that if I took someone completely
  ignorant of computers, then he could install linux and have
  a fully functioning system a lot sooner than with windows.

Yep, it does.


I wasn't thinking of time but of the necessity in almost all 
cases to dust off cases for CD Keys, drivers, and whatnot.  In 
addition, how big is that installed windows?  How many 
application programs does it offer, stock?  If you did a 2-disk 
installation of 8.0 with all the servers, you did about 800 
application program loadings in addition to the base system.

But thanks for the info--I am saving it so the next time I find 
myself at the next table to a microsoft engineer or such, I will 
have something.  (The one I was at the next table to last night 
for dinner thought that we had to recompile the kernel just to 
add a driver.)


RE: [newbie] Is Redhat books ok for Mandrake

2001-06-21 Per discussione Mark Johnson

Is there any such thing as a Mandrake kernel or a Redhat kernel or a
Debian Kernel or can you just down load the 2.4.* kernel and install it to
any distribution?

 -Original Message-
 From: Franki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 6:49 AM
 To: Rules Address for MDK; Paul
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Is Redhat books ok for Mandrake
 Just thought I should clarify something here,,
 It originated with Redhat 5.2, but all the current release version are
 either equal to or newer then the equiv redhat so 
 mandrake 8, has many
 newer versions then redhat 7.1
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul
 Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2001 12:28 PM
 To: newbie
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Is Redhat books ok for Mandrake
 It was Wed, 20 Jun 2001 16:22:33 -0500 when Mark Johnson wrote:
 What are the the differences betw. Mandrake and RedHat... 
 any sigificant
 Mandrake is built on the Redhat 5.2 sources. From there things started
 splitting up. So the differences of the added tools etc 
 should be pretty
 Basic Linux should be the same though.
 Well begun is half done.
 -Aristotle - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
 ** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] How can I figure out my IP address?

2001-06-21 Per discussione Michael D. Viron


Try ifconfig as the root user.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 02:56 PM 06/21/2001 -0400, Terry wrote:
I'm curious .. 

How can I determine what my IP address is from my local machine?  Is there a 
command similar to M$'s IPCONFIG command?

Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User # 218330

Re: [newbie] How can I figure out my IP address?

2001-06-21 Per discussione Jeffrey M. Reed

On Thursday 21 June 2001 14:56, Terry wrote:
 I'm curious ..

 How can I determine what my IP address is from my local machine?  Is
 there a command similar to M$'s IPCONFIG command?


type ifconfig as root and you should get something like this:

[root@alpha1 jeff]# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:78:0D:F2:BF
  inet addr:  Bcast:  
  RX packets:375060 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:339800 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:7 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:473529387 (451.5 Mb)  TX bytes:24387955 (23.2 Mb)
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0xec00
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:664 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:664 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:62000 (60.5 Kb)  TX bytes:62000 (60.5 Kb)

pretty awesome looking. eth0 is my ethernet card and lo is my 
'loopback' so i can ping myself.

you can also use ifconfig to set the properties of your network card. 
to do so, i would simply type (using the example above):

ifconfig eth0 netmask up

as long as i have the proper module (aka driver) loaded for my ethernet 
card, i should be able to start pinging other computers on the 
network...regardless of what OS they're running.

good luck and don't forget about !!!


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Question

2001-06-21 Per discussione civileme

On Wednesday 20 June 2001 17:25, Jay needs a Guinness wrote:
 Can I safely uninstall printpro and it's related files safely.
  I can't configure my printer and I believe printpro to be the
 culprit.  When I installed LM 7.2 from a single CD, me printer
 was configured OK.  Only when I installed the Power Pack and
 all the CD's, did my printer become impossible to configure.

Printpro conflicts with cups--both use the cupsd daemon but 
different versions.  If you we5re able to install both, you have 
the kde 1.99 version of 7.2 and should at a minimum update to 
the 7.2 mandrakefreq, and also should reinstall NOT selecting 
everything  (any other size is good, just not the Everything)

And yes, printpro is a commercal version of CUPS plus their own 


RE: [newbie] Linux Mandrake as unstable as Windows98??

2001-06-21 Per discussione Franki

you most likely have a x config error..

Firstly ctrt-alt-Backspace will kill just X, not the linux box, the unmout
errors are caused by you reseting.. or restarting..

you need to run  Xconfigurator,

type in :   locate xconfig

then go there (locate will tell you where it is...) then run it...

then you will need to enter all your screen and graphics adaptor details

when you post a question like this, its a good idea to mention the

1. What graphics adaptor?
2. How much ram (adaptor and main memory.)
3. Motherboard brand Model and chipset.
4. CPU type and Speed..
5 log messages.. go to /var/log and have a look at the log messages... they
will most likely tell you what caused it...

That will help alot in determining your problem..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of An-Guo
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2001 3:17 PM
Subject: [newbie] Linux Mandrake as unstable as Windows98??

no, it is not a rant: I would appreciate help on this one.

I newly installed Mandrake 8.0 on a new machine which does not include
windows (yet), so this time one cannot blame microsoft (damn!).

Linux, or maybe more precisely xwindows/KDE has crashed on me several times
already and that puzzled me. I had to make a hard shut down which of course
I'd like to avoid (I wouldn't want to have to reinstall everything again).

the situation is like this: I run one application when I suddenly notice
in the background the whole desktop disappears, meaning the desktop icons,
the control panes and even the window's frame (with the resize buttons)
I guess is controled by KDE/xwindows.

I can then carry on using the application I was using but of course can no
longer resize, move, minimize the window. I can quit the application using
the pull down menu. If I do, I can then close other windows/ applications
that were open in the background. The application that were running but
windows were minimized are of course no longer accessible.
Once I close everything, I am left with a clear background with absolutely
nothing on it.

There is no key stroke that I found that could bring up any dialog box or at
least allow me to shut down properly. crt+alt+dek doesn't help either.
At that point the only solution is to make a hard shut down. On startup the
kernel of course complains that devices were not properly unmounted.
I get a series of messages saying things like:
i-blocks is 64, should be 8. FIXED.

So I guess it's a problem with the windows environement. I thought linux was
more stable than windows.

I now have three questions:
1- how do I manage to shut down properly, should that happen again?
2- what can I do to help diagnostic what is the source of the problem?
3- and of course, how can I fix the problem?

It happened several times already and each time I was running KMail and
Netscape at least. (only that plus a small game last time it happened). I
guess netscape could be involved in the problem (I didn't open it so that I
could write this email). It was already pretty shitty under windows, made it
crashed. I thought such a thing couldn't happen under Linux. Still, I may be
wrong about netscape because the funny thing is that I could carry on using
it after the desktop crashed.

What do I do now?
Is someone able to help me?

Re: [newbie] Motherboard Swap went flawlessly..!!!

2001-06-21 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 21 June 2001 06:32 am, Franki wrote:

 Only thing is, I don't think it is making use of the ATA100 yet, it
 still seems to be using ATA33...

 Have to play with that unless someone has any suggestions...

   What does 'hdparm -i /dev/hd?' and 'hdparm -v /dev/hd?
say (as root)?  (replace hd? with the proper drive letter)

   FWIW, I'd wait a while to make sure everything else is OK before you 
try and tune your HDD.  IIRC, there's issues with VIA chipsets, and 
particularly some motherboards, and some HDD's. So you want to research 
that first.  Then read 'info hdparm' and it'll explain how to set the 
various options.  Once you've determined the best for your HDD/Mboard/
chipset, then you can add those lines to the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local
EG, mine are  (ata/33 drives, CD drives on a oc'd BX board)
hdparm -m8 -c1 -d1 -k1 -A1 /dev/hda
hdparm -m8 -c1 -d1 -k1 -A1 /dev/hdb
hdparm -c1 -d1 -k1 /dev/hdc
hdparm -c1 -d1 -k1 /dev/hdd  

You might also want to read thru the KT7 FAQ's (Google 'kt7 faq')
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Quake II - rpm installing problem

2001-06-21 Per discussione Joe Pyrczak

Sorry Juan,

I made a slight error.  Do not use the Cooker, I looked it up and it is 
an experimental distribution.

Sorry, just use the 'Mandrake' packages with the mdk.i586.rpm extension

Joe Pyrczak

At 11:24 PM 21/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
Thanks for the help.

What´s the difference between Mandrake and Mandrake Cooker?

On Thu 21 Jun 2001 16:36, you wrote:
  I would go to and search for each of the libraries (example:
  libm)  it will give you a whole list and you need to look for the Mandrake
  Cooker file it will have an extension of i586.rpm.  Then you can run rpm
  -i 'package' and it will install the libraries from that package.  Then
  try to install Quake 2 again.
  At 04:46 PM 21/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
  Hello all.
  I am trying to install Quake 2. I have downloaded quake2-3.20-6.i386.rpm
   and also quake2-3.20-glibc-6.i386.rpm files. And when I execute:
  rpm -i quake2-3.20-6.i386.rpm
  system says:
  error: failed dependencies: is needed by quake2-3.20-6 is needed by quake2-3.20-6 is needed by quake2-3.20-6
  Also I try:
  rpm -i quake2-3.20-glibc-6.i386.rpm
  system says:
  error: failed dependencies: is needed by quake2-3.20-glibc-6 is needed by quake2-3.20-glibc-6
  My system is Linux Mandrake 8.0 running on a Pentium2 300 Mhz with 64 Mb
   of RAM and an ATI XpertWork 4 Mb.
  Many thanks for your help and comments.
   Juan Carlos
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[newbie] Connect w/ ISP, but unable to surf/ver. 8.0

2001-06-21 Per discussione Rita F. Koenigs

I have 8.0.  I have been attempting to surf the internet without
success -- after logging onto the network using KDE kppp.

I use, a free internet provider for
parts of WA, OR, and NY...the connect link says that nocharge
should work in the Macintosh, Linux, Unix platforms.

Here's what happens: I log onto the network (I check connection
icon, and see the connection speed, duration, bytes sent/recd,
etc. in the kkk log).

When I try to enter a URL in Konquerer or Netscape, I get
nowhere. When I do a ping in terminal, the error message is:
unable to connect to remote host.. Same with pinging as the

Any ideas on how to solve this?

The odd thing is, right now I'm using a windows 98 machine, and
I'm connected using the same tel. #, IP address, etc. Just
doesn't work for Linux, although nocharge claims to support it.


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Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake as unstable as Windows98??

2001-06-21 Per discussione Michael

 I now have three questions:

 1- how do I manage to shut down properly, should that happen again?

I'm not sure what ctrl-alt-dek is, but the command should be 

 2- what can I do to help diagnostic what is the source of the problem?

You could try booting from the boot floppy you made during the install and 
see if that helps.

 3- and of course, how can I fix the problem?

What install did you use?  recommended, custom, or expert?  

 It happened several times already and each time I was running KMail and
 Netscape at least. (only that plus a small game last time it happened). I
 guess netscape could be involved in the problem (I didn't open it so that I
 could write this email). It was already pretty shitty under windows, made
 it crashed. I thought such a thing couldn't happen under Linux. Still, I
 may be wrong about netscape because the funny thing is that I could carry
 on using it after the desktop crashed.

 What do I do now?
 Is someone able to help me?