[newbie-it] Mutt and mail.

2001-08-07 Per discussione momotaro

Salve a tutti.
Mi hanno parlato benissimo di Mutt e vorrei usarlo.
Problema: Non ci capisco una mazza.


1- Come si fa a comporre tutti i messaggi senza spedirli una volta terminati? 
Ovvero come faccio a pedire i messaggi tutti assieme?
Devo metterli in postponed?
Se sì, come faccio a spedire tutti i postponed?

2- Come faccio a fargli controllare le mie caselle di posta?
Ne ho tre in tre provider diversi e non so neanche come prendere la posta da 
uno solo con Mutt.

3- Non c'è una rubrica o qualcosa?

In pratica l'unica cosa che so fare adesso è
a- mi collego a internet usando l'internet dialer.
b- Compongo un messaggio ricordandomi a memoria l'indirizzo e-mail del 
c- lo spedisco mentre sono ancora connesso a internet (il messaggio arriva 
perchè avevo configurato sendmail quando il sistema era ancora Redhat 5 e 
mdk8 me l'ha mantenuto).
d- mi scollego da internet.

Grazie a chi mi volesse dare una mano.

[newbie-it] Configurazione piccola rete di casa?????

2001-08-07 Per discussione MAtteo

Approffitando delle lunghe ferie degli insegnanti sto cercando di far
funzionare una piccolissima rete in casa (due computer con cavo cross su
schede Ethernet). Su uno ho installato Mandrake 7.2, sull'altro Win 98, a
proposito è possibile mettere due versioni di Linux sullo stesso computer?
Se ho ben capito dovrei più meno copiare il secondo  Kernel da una qualche
parte e poi settare Lilo in modo che lo avvi?

Tornando alla rete sto però facendo un po' di casino.
Testandola con Ping tutti i computer comunicano e quello con linux comunica
con il mio Isp. Purtroppo però funziona solo Ping.
Domanda: al computer che fa da gateway va detto che è lui il gateway, cioè
nel campo gateway devo scrivere l'indirizzo della sua scheda?
Al boot linux mi dice di aver un po' di problemi con il Dhcp dove posso

Alcuni risvolti tecnici:

ho riscritto resolv.conf così

# search localdomain
search libero.it

e dopo un paio di tentativi di collegamento me lo sono trovato così
(ovviamente non sono riuscito a navigare)

# search localdomain
search libero.it
nameserver # ppp temp entry
nameserver # ppp temp entry
nameserver # ppp temp entry
nameserver # ppp temp entry

LA rete e così composta

Mandrake 7.2 su matteo.Amore1
(teoricamente? dovrebbe essere il gateway computer colegato via modem con
Win 98 su Carmen.Amore1
I nameserver dovrebbero essere quelli di Libero settati nel resolv.conf

Per ora vi ringrazio, ciao MAtteo

Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.

2001-08-07 Per discussione Marco

 Il 08:04, martedì 07 agosto 2001, hai scritto:
  On Tuesday 07 August 2001 02:04, you wrote:
   Ho due indirizzi di posta eletronica presso due Provider
diversi,  mi è
   stato consigliato di installare FetchMail, ho una Mand.8, in
quanto mi va
   a scaricare la posta su tutti gli indirizzi con una sola
richiesta, ma
   durante la configurazione mi dà il messaggio: missing IP interface
   address Done. So che si deve provare finché non si trova la
   giusta ma questa non la capisco soprattutto perché la
configurazione è in
   inglese ed io non lo sopporto.
   Grazie in anticipo a chiunque mi aiuterà.
  non so esattamente, prova a lanciare fetchmail -vvv
  cosi' e' estremamente verboso e potrebbe darti qualche info in piu'.
  e cosa intendi per configurazione?
  ma usi fetchmail per necessita' perche' non puoi lanciare x?
  questo per dire che per es. anche il kmail ti scarica tutta la
posta in un
  colpo solo e configuri graficamente le mailbox.
  Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
  Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
  ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

 Apunto con kmail non capivo da quale casella di posta elettronica mi
 scaricata la posta, almeno in un primo momento poi kegendo il dest.,
 imputato ad una configurazione errata ddi Kmail, ma tu mi confermi
 funziona di conseguenza lo riuserò.
 Per rispondere alla tua domanda per il momento lavoro sotto X, ma ho
 vecchio 486DX2 con un HD da 170Mb di conseguenza dovrò fare a meno di
 gestirò solo la posta eletrronica e forse la connessione ad internet,
per la
 quale mi hanno consigliato Links o Lynx, ma quale supporta le pagine


sia Lynx che Links supportano le pagine HTML ... sono browser :-)
La differenza è che Links gestisce i frames.



La mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una!

[newbie-it] caratteri

2001-08-07 Per discussione Alessandro Brunini

Ciao a tutta la lista.

Ho dei problemi con i caratteri, e solo con alcune applicazioni.

Sotto Konqueror, sono piccoli, tarlati (sembrano incompleti) e quasi
Idem con StarOffice.

Inutile il tentativo di cambiarli dal Centro di controllo di KDE.

Vorrei anche sapere se è normale che Evolution non invii gli sfondi
nelle e-mail e che crashi se mi arrivano mail in formato HTML (cosa che
KMail non fa, anzi...).

Ciao e grazie a tutti per le gentili risposte.


[newbie-it] idle

2001-08-07 Per discussione Stefano Barberis

Qualcuno sa spiegarmi perche' quando il pc non ha da fare nulla, c'e' un
processo (apm-idle) che ciuccia il 98% di CPU? Come faccio a
disabilitarlo? E soprattutto qual'e' la sua utilita'?

Grazie a chi mi scioglie questo dubbio amletico!

  Stefano Barberis 
  WEB home page: http://sgimida.mi.infn.it/~ste

[newbie-it] HELP: Chiave privata in Gpa?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sergio Dogliani

Scusate tanto se continuo a rompere però da solo non
riesco a concludere un bel niente!
Ci sarebbe qualcuno tra voi in grado di aiutarmi? Ancora

PS: a voi sono arrivate le mail del 5/8? A me neanche una!
Forse Tiscali ha avuto qualche problemino con Codice
Rosso! Voi ne sapete qualcosa di questa faccenda?

Ciao a tutti!
Innanzitutto ancora molte grazie a Mr_Brain. Ho fatto
come hai detto tu: sono andato sul sito di GPG e mi son
scaricato GPA. Sono riuscito ad installarlo ed a importare
tutte le mie chiavi pubbliche da PGP 7.0.3 di Windows.
Solo che ora ho un altro problema: come faccio ad
importare la mia chiave privata?
Da PGP 7.0.3 mi sono esportato il file *.asc con la mia
chiave pubblica e privata, solo che quando faccio importa
in GPA riesce solo ad importarmi la mia chiave pubblica.
Per la chiave privata come devo fare? Non vorrei dovermi
ricreare da capo le chiavi!!!
Se qualcuno mi dicesse come fare gliene sarei molto grato.


Re: [newbie-it] caratteri

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sandro

Il 16:53, martedì 07 agosto 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutta la lista.

 Ho dei problemi con i caratteri, e solo con alcune applicazioni.

 Sotto Konqueror, sono piccoli, tarlati (sembrano incompleti) e quasi
 Idem con StarOffice.

 Inutile il tentativo di cambiarli dal Centro di controllo di KDE.

Prova ad abilitare l'anti-aliasing nel centro di controllo del kde:
- Stile
- Utilizza l'anti-aliasing per i caratteri e le icone
Dopo di che puoi impostare i caratteri che vuoi.

Anche a me faceva lo stesso effetto. Per StarOffice, purtroppo, non c'è 
rimedio (o almeno io non lo conosco).
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux User: 203143
Linux Machine: 103048

Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.

2001-08-07 Per discussione freefred

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 21:43, you wrote:

 Per rispondere alla tua domanda per il momento lavoro sotto X, ma ho un
 vecchio 486DX2 con un HD da 170Mb di conseguenza dovrò fare a meno di X,
 gestirò solo la posta eletrronica e forse la connessione ad internet, per
 la quale mi hanno consigliato Links o Lynx, ma quale supporta le pagine

si' puoi usare links o lynx come browser, pine per leggere la posta (o mutt), 
fetchmail per scaricarla, tin o l'slrn per leggere le news, ircII o BitchX 
per l'irc, il centericq per l'icq e tutto quanto linux ti offre in console.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] idle

2001-08-07 Per discussione Bertotto Ivan

l'unica cosa che fa il ciclo idle  è quella di eseguire un comando HLT
(Halt) quando il sistema è inattivo per risparmiare i circuiti della cpu
(praticamente ne spegne le parti che non stanno facendo nulla.
Serve a mantenere bassa la temp. della cpu e a risparmiare corrente
Non rallenta gli altri processi.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.

2001-08-07 Per discussione viger71

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 00:02:07 -0400
From: viger71 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 23:35:47 -0400
From: viger71 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 23:33:01 -0400
From: viger71 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Il 15:55, martedì 07 agosto 2001, hai scritto:
 On Tuesday 07 August 2001 21:43, you wrote:
  Per rispondere alla tua domanda per il momento lavoro sotto X, ma ho un
  vecchio 486DX2 con un HD da 170Mb di conseguenza dovrò fare a meno di X,
  gestirò solo la posta eletrronica e forse la connessione ad internet, per
  la quale mi hanno consigliato Links o Lynx, ma quale supporta le pagine

 si' puoi usare links o lynx come browser, pine per leggere la posta (o
 mutt), fetchmail per scaricarla, tin o l'slrn per leggere le news, ircII o
 BitchX per l'irc, il centericq per l'icq e tutto quanto linux ti offre in


Grazie per la conferma, ne ho parlato con due amici ma non sapevano quale

fosse la soluzione migliore, comunque ritengo che lo spazio occupato da
questi programmi sia eqivalente, qualche mese fà ho installato una versione
ridotta di Red Hat 6.0,-in quel periodo non sapevo bene cosa installavo di
Linux, neanche adesso ma ne ho una vaga idea- su un PC con la mia stessa
configurazione hardware ed ho utilizzato 120Mb di hard disk, sembrava
funzionante (compreso SSL), ma il modem faceva schifo, quindi?

Ciao e a presto.

 Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
 Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
 ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers




[newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.

2001-08-07 Per discussione viger71

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 00:03:49 -0400
From: viger71 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 00:02:07 -0400
From: viger71 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 23:35:47 -0400
From: viger71 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 23:33:01 -0400
From: viger71 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Il 15:55, martedì 07 agosto 2001, hai scritto:
 On Tuesday 07 August 2001 21:43, you wrote:
  Per rispondere alla tua domanda per il momento lavoro sotto X, ma ho un
  vecchio 486DX2 con un HD da 170Mb di conseguenza dovrò fare a meno di X,
  gestirò solo la posta eletrronica e forse la connessione ad internet, per
  la quale mi hanno consigliato Links o Lynx, ma quale supporta le pagine

 si' puoi usare links o lynx come browser, pine per leggere la posta (o
 mutt), fetchmail per scaricarla, tin o l'slrn per leggere le news, ircII o
 BitchX per l'irc, il centericq per l'icq e tutto quanto linux ti offre in


Grazie per la conferma, ne ho parlato con due amici ma non sapevano quale
fosse la soluzione migliore, comunque ritengo che lo spazio occupato da
questi programmi sia eqivalente, qualche mese fà ho installato una versione
ridotta di Red Hat 6.0,-in quel periodo non sapevo bene cosa installavo di
Linux, neanche adesso ma ne ho una vaga idea- su un PC con la mia stessa
configurazione hardware ed ho utilizzato 120Mb di hard disk, sembrava
funzionante (compreso SSL), ma il modem faceva schifo, quindi?

Ciao e a presto.

 Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
 Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
 ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers





Re: [newbie-it] Unable to handle kernel NULL...

2001-08-07 Per discussione viger71

Il 19:12, martedì 07 agosto 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti quelli che non sono ancora in ferie (come
 me) e che muoiono dalla voglia di aiutarmi

 Ho questo problema: mi sono fatto i due dischetti di
 avvio (boot e root) seguendo i passi del
 bootdisk-howto. Ho optato per un kernel monolitico
 (2.4.7) con poca roba (senza supporto di rete, usb,
 moduli, ecc.) perche' mi servono solo come rescue

 Al momento del fatidico collaudo il disco di boot
 avvia il kernel, che effettua un riconoscimento
 corretto delle periferiche (hd, cdrom scsi, dvd...) ma
 subito dopo si pianta (prima di chiedere il disco di
 root) con il seguente messaggio:

 Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at
 virtual address 0020

 ...stampa lo stato dei registri e dello stack...

 Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!

 Sul disco di boot pero' il dispositivo /dev/null
 esiste e l'ho copiato dal mio hard disk con cp -R come
 consiglia l'howto, ed infatti il major e minor number
 sono corretti. L'howto non parla di questo errore e io
 non riesco a capire da cosa sia dovuto.

 Avete suggerimenti?
 Grazie. Steo.

 Ti consiglio di ricompilare il Kernel che ha installato sul sistema 
operativo e fai attenzione a tutto quello che togli e soprattutto fai 
caricare i moduli dal kernel di tutte le periferiche che haihai, perché non 
credo le le utilizzi tutte insieme, aggiungi anche il supportoper le porte 
USB se c'è qulcosa collegato. Fammi sapere perché ho avuto lo stesso problema 
che ho risolto x caso, magari tu riesci a capire il problema nei suoi 

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre @yahoo.it su http://mail.yahoo.it

Re: [newbie-it] caratteri

2001-08-07 Per discussione Alessandro Brunini

Su 07 Aug 2001 20:43:55 -0400, Sandro ha scritto:

  Inutile il tentativo di cambiarli dal Centro di controllo di KDE.
 Prova ad abilitare l'anti-aliasing nel centro di controllo del kde:
 - Stile
 - Utilizza l'anti-aliasing per i caratteri e le icone
 Dopo di che puoi impostare i caratteri che vuoi.
 Anche a me faceva lo stesso effetto. Per StarOffice, purtroppo, non c'è 
 rimedio (o almeno io non lo conosco).
 Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
 Linux Mandrake 8.0
 Linux User: 203143
 Linux Machine: 103048

Grazie per il suggerimento, ma non è cambiato niente :(( sigh!
Preso da disperazione ho installato anche OpenOffice, e lì sono brutti
(nel senso che sembra che siano come mangiati), anche quelli della barra
dei menù, delle finestre, ecc... non solo quelli del corpo testo...

Poi ho installato una demo Applix, e lì tutto va alla perfezione...

Sto diventando matto (damnit!).

Può dipendere dalla mia S3 Trio 3D/2X? Visto che usa (credo) XFree 3.3.6
(e quindi ninte anti-aliasing)?

Ciao a tutti e grazie :))

[newbie] SSL and VirtualHosts

2001-08-07 Per discussione David Cox

im running Linux-Mandrake 8.0, so i have the Advanced Server with SSL. If i 
dont use any Virtual Hosts, SSL works fine. But as Soon as i add a VH, like 
name.domain.com, SSL quits working.
how can i get SSL working when i use a VH, and can i also let the VH use SSL 
under their name?

I'm currently using 4 files. httpd.conf, commonhttpd.conf, vhost.conf, 
default-ssl.conf. (dynamic.conf, and VirtualHomePages.conf i havnt figured 
out just yet)

Im confused about the httpd.conf though. why is there two different 
ServerName Directives? and what should i exactly put in them?  Right now i 
just canged the NameVirtualHost part of httpd.conf to my IP address, 
commented out the ServerName parts, and am using Vhost.conf to map my www, 
and other VH to their correct directories. 
This is probably wrong, but all works well except for the SSL part.
any help is truly appreciated
Thanks, dave

Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-07 Per discussione Paul

 There is an issue with LILO, however. Currently, with 8.0 installed,
 LILO lets me boot DOS instead of linux and from there I get B*ll Gates
 boot menu from which I chose NT or DOS boot. Now when I take step (1)
 above and without doing fdisk /mbr LILO stays there and it still works
 for booting the D*S and W*ndo*s. I am hesitant to try fdisk /mbr
 because doing that will allow me to boot D*S and I am not sure I will
 get the b*ll Gates menu selection that allows me to boot NT instead of

The easiest thing to do here, imho, is to look up bootpart on the net.
It's small and simple.
1. Install Mandrake and let it put lilo on the root partition, not on the
master boot record.
2. Use bootpart to determine the disk-partition where lilo resides.
3. Let bootpart create a 512 byte bootimage on the win nt disk
4. Edit boot.ini: add the prompt to boot linux, and make that load the 
created bootimage file.

After that, booting will first get you to the win nt bootloader, and from
there you select linux which gives you lilo. To speed things up, you can
then set the timeout in lilo to 0, making linux kick in immediately.
Bootpart will also help you in fixing the mbr so you boot into nt bootloader
directly. It's all in the readme that comes with it.

Good luck!


[newbie] re-install

2001-08-07 Per discussione Robert MacLean


I reinstalled my machine (which also got my CD writer working ;) Now
there is a service that fails on start up. It's called arpwatch. Could
anyone shed a bit more light on what this does. Thank you.

Robert MacLean

Re: [newbie] text file viewer/previewer

2001-08-07 Per discussione skinky

Have you tried Gmc?  I THINK its a Gnome app but I use it in both KDE 
and Gnome.


On Tuesday 07 August 2001 17:09, you wrote:
 Thanks, but I mean something more like a GUI file browser, like
 nautilus or explorer (or PowerDesk for windows) that allows me to
 browse easily through a large number of text files in a folder and
 preview (read) them in a side window while that file is highlighted. 
 Similar to GQview, but for text files, not pictures.

 -Paul Rodríguez

 On 07 Aug 2001 13:43:09 +0900, Pascal Goguey wrote:
  Does anybody know of a good text file browser?  One that I can use
   to quickly look through my files and read the textfiles as I
   browse through them.
  If it is plain text, there are many that can do the job, for
  instance emacs, vi, with powerful features. And if you prefer a
  more GUI like editor, kedit? I'm not sure I get the question...
  -Paul R

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Firewalls galore

2001-08-07 Per discussione skinky

Thanks Paul, I'll give it a go.

 I think InteractiveBastille is the best one so far. It has the most
 versatile setup and the defaults are already pretty good.
 The only thing to notice is that you enable smtp in the outside
 connections for Postfix and you should be fine.

Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-07 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


Through my efforts to find a way around the problem, I tried to
re-install mdk 8.0 several times. The last time I re-installed mdk linux
8.0 I used w*ndo*s NT, that happened to be on another hard disk on the
same machine, to delete all the linux partitions and not just the /
partition and the /usr partition. At that stage the hard disk dedicated
to Linux was empty and had no partitions. I did nothing to the first
disk because I was assuming that all of linux was on the second disk
dedicated to it. All of the linux that was on the first disk was the
LILO, or so I thought. I have had to re-install several times and I
always told install to use the second hard disk for linux. I always used
expert to define and select partitions on the second hard disk.

When I was installing mdk 8.0 the last time, all the install went
smoothly except the following:

1) MKD install asked me to select from the D*S partition or the NT
partition to format. I was surprised about that because those were
already formatted with FAT16 and NTFS. I never had this selection in my
countless previous re-installs.

2) I was not asked to give the IP of the DNS! I was waiting for this pop
up menu because the DNS was what I had problems with to begin with.

3) I found that mdk used the same DNS IP I mistakenly gave it the first
time I installed it! But, where did it come from? I had all the previous
Linux partitions deleted and new ones created. The mdk must be reading
this incorrect DNS IP from the NT or D*S partitions all the time! I
never told it to install anything in those! 

Can someone please tell me what is going on? Where is the resolver file?
I would like to edit it once and for all. I always had the file
/etc/resolv.conf and it was always on the Linux hard drive. This file
always had the same DNS IP address no matter what I did in all of the
re-installs. I have had to edit it every time after re-installed or



Fwd: Re: [newbie] Problems with RAM memory

2001-08-07 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Miark wrote:
 Alan, do you know of any bugs or inconveniences with this
 kernel? Someone was telling me that there's _something_
 annoying about it.


Miarkthe enterprise?  I'm aware of none that aren't in
the regular 2.4.3-20 kernel.  But then I'm not aware of
everything to do with everthing, so! :)

[newbie] Arpwatch

2001-08-07 Per discussione Paul

Arpwatch is a network tool:

arpwatch, the ethernet monitor program; for keeping track of ethernet/ip
address pairings

See http://www-nrg.ee.lbl.gov/


Re: [newbie] 'Rumor' of TCP/MS WinXP [Check this out]

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:43, Michael Leone wrote:
 From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Linux has had IPv6 support for quite some time, and I beleive that
 Win2K has it as well (because they stole the TCP/IP stack from

 They did NOT steal it. The license ALLOWED them to use it. It was
 perfectly legal, if a bit hypocritical.

It depends on how you define steal. Of course, the BSD license allows 
others to use the code in almost any way they wish (provided they meet a few 
simple requirements). I used the word steal because Microsoft took the code 
and made proprietary closed source version, without giving any code back. I 
personally don't like this, and believe it is unethical (but of course, 
companies do it all the time). This is the reason why I prefer the GPL and 

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

I haven't used Nautilus in a while, but I vaguely recall an option for this 
existing in Nautilus' preferences.

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:50, paul rodríguez wrote:
 I chose to have nautilus run as my desktop manager during the initial
 setup of my LM 8 freq2 gnome system.  Now it seems neither gnome nor
 nautilus are fully in control of my desktop, the icons appear as blank
 files and i can't change the background image.  I would like to take off
 nautilus' control of the desktop, how can I set this?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] windows documents

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

What format did you save the files in? StarOffice works very well with MS 
Word files (with extension .doc). Abiword works great with RTF files.

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 10:25, chris wrote:
 I have a problem in taking windows documents (mostly wordpad created)
 from my mount/windows directory into my linux drive.  Both kword and
 konqeror give me about half of the first page and no more.  Both usually
 hang afterwards.   Anyone know which program would read these documents

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] system clock

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

You should be able to set your system clock to GMT and then set your time 
zone to where you live. That is how my system is configured, and everything 
is peachy.

- Sridhar

P.S. Please don't post in HTML.

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 01:39, Jesse Hepburn wrote:
 I found this problem was a result of the GMT setting in the bios (system
 There are two ways to fix this problem:
 1. Set your system clock to GMT
 2. Recompile the kernel without the GMT setting for the system clock.

 On Friday 03 August 2001 09:30 pm, Scott wrote:
  I keep resetting my system clock to the correct time and date and it
  will be ok for a few days and then it messes up again.  Like now it
  reads 22:28 Fri 3 August 2001.  ( It's Sat Aug 4).  Why is that?
First you've got 2 clocks, system and hardware.
If it's losing time at random like that, it's probly a hardware
 problem. How old is the motherboard?  It's often as simple as needing a
 new battery for your mobo (looks like a big 'watch type' battery), but
 even new batteries are sometimes weak, or might just need re-seating
  (ie, poor contact).
   Try updating your software and hardware clock at the same time while
 connected with (as root)
rdate -sp time.nist.gov  hwclock --systohc
   and keep an eye on it for a while to see if the problem persists.
 It's fairly normal to lose a few minutes every once an'while, so the
 above command (I use it as an alias I named 'tdate' **), is a good idea
 for any connected system. You can use other time servers depending on
 your location.
 in bashrc:  alias tdate=rdate -sp time.nist.gov  hwclock --systohc
   You might havt'a install 'rdate', it's on your CD's or you can get it
 from any Mandrake mirror.  Keep in mind that this may be only one
 possible cause for your time losses.  Overclocking can also produce a
 similar symptom.  If you dual boot, the 'other' OS can also cause the
 same situation.  There's more, but these are the most common (after
 user errors anyhow ;)
 Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] X installation troubles

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Your system specs are exactly what I had when I tried Mandrake 7.0 (with 
XFree 3.3.x) in early 2000. I did heaps of research on that same card in an 
attempt to get it working well, and concluded that it was no good for XFree 
3.3.x. I switched my card to a Matrox Millennium II and I've been happy ever 

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 14:37, Gonzalix le Druide wrote:
 Hi All!!

 Please help me: I installed LM7.2 on a Pentium II 350 Mhz, 256 Mb RAM,
 Video Card Trident 975 agp 4 Mb.

 I've probed Xconfigurator, xf86cfg and xf86config.

 I was trying to find some command XFree86Setup or something like that
 I don't remember.

 I was trying to install XFree 3.3.6, but I couldn't found the server.

 I will appreciate any ideas.

 G le D

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Problems with RAM memory

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Use the kernel-enterprise package instead of the standard kernel. As its name 
suggests, it is designed with more powerful systems -- such as yours -- in 

On Thu, 1 Jan 1970 10:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear support,

 I have installed in my computer (Pentium III – 933 MHz – 1Gb of RAM memory)
 the Mandrake 8.0, and I mainly interested to use the compilers C and
 Fortran, but as I am a Linux beginner, I have faced the following problems:

 1) The Fortran compiler can “see” until 512MB of RAM memory but in my
 applications I need to use all the RAM memory available in my computer.
 When I install the computer code (Monte Carlo MCNP) I have to install it
 informing all the RAM memory that the calculations will need to use, and an
 error message appear: “this ram memory allocation is to large to
 manager”!!! (you can believe me: I need 1Gb!)
 2) The Linux can “see” only 896MB of RAM memory. If you know anything about
 this Linux RAM memory limitation, please give some hints to solve also this
 problem (I have already tried the option “mem=1024M”something like that
 in the liloconfdid not work!)

 Thanks in advance for your attention,

 Aneuri de Amorim (Ph.D. student)
 Laboratório de Ciencias Radiológicas - LCR
 Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
 Rua São Francisco Xavier 524
 Pavilhão Haroldo Lisboa da Cunha – sala 136
 CEP.:20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ -Brazil

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

RE: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

2001-08-07 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

Sorry, this is OT, but when is 8.1 coming out?
   -- Jamie

Sent:  07 August 2001 08:03
Subject:   Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 11:42 PM
Subject: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat


 I just would like to ask somebody to explain me the main difference
 Linux Mandrake and RedHat.

 I just want to know the strong points of each one... For what is better to
 use Mandrake... and for what RedHat?


 X - A - W - K
I'm runnin both right now with 2 different machines both dual booting with
win2k.  The mandrake 8.0 is easier to install I think and offers an easier
transition to Linux in general for a previous windows user.  I'm a complete
newbie to the Linux world however so not very qualified to go into any
technical aspects really.  They both have endearing aspects however and if I
had to chooseI really don't know which one I like better yet.  I
actually own the full version of Deluxe Redhat 7.1 and can atest to their
support being very good.  That is one thing where in the reviews I've read
that Redhat 7.1 got one up one Mandrake 8.0.  I only have the downloaded
version of Mandrake currently though so don't qualify for support directly
from Mandrake so thus I can't compare.  I think RedHat has a few more
mail lists like this one then Mandrake does, but comparing a Redhat install
list to this Newbie list, well this list is just the best I've seen so far
and everyone here has been oh so helpful.  I know for sure that some of the
Mandrake folk do help us out directly on this list.  Mandrake does beat
RedHat hands down in dual booting Win 2k w/NTFS file partitions.  The Lilo
included with MD 8.0 handles this nicely out of the box, no muss no fuss.
Red Hat on the other hand has to defer to Win 2k's boot loader to handle it
or use a boot disk.  Both are very good and I think you have picked the top
2 contenders.  Bear in mind one thing though, Redhats 7.0 version was not a
good year.  The 7.1 however has improved it would seem.  So with this being
a X.0 release of Mandrake and it is trying to be cutting edge, it is likely
in my opinion that 8.1 will be totally awesome.  I'm personally trying to
wait patiently for 8.1 to come out for I plan on buying the powerpack
version at that time, however I'm not a patient person and may pop for the
current MD 8.0 PowerPack yet before that happens.


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This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
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Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

A Cooker newsletter from about a month ago said that 8.1 would be out around 

What happened to those Cooker newsletters anyway? They used to come out every 
week but I haven't gotten any in quite a while :-(

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 18:38, Adams, Jamie wrote:
 Sorry, this is OT, but when is 8.1 coming out?
-- Jamie

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

RE: [newbie] Re: AOL/Netscape Releases Netscape 6.1

2001-08-07 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

I have a similar question.. i have the flash plugin working for Mozilla,
however Konqueror is my preferred browser and i would like to get the
plugin working in this.

I did read the help file for Konqueror and it said that i should goto
configuration and find the plugin part, now suppoedly there should be a
tab that llows me to search for plugins, but there isnt, theres just a
checkbox saying 'enable plugins globaly', can anyone tell me how to get
this plugin working for konqueror?


  -- Jamie

Sent:  07 August 2001 00:34
Subject:   [newbie] Re: AOL/Netscape Releases Netscape 6.1

It was 6 Aug 2001 17:20:55 - when Mandrake Forum wrote:

The a
version of Netscape 6.1/a has surfaced on Netscape''s servers. First
reactions on this Mozilla 0.91 based proprietary release are favourable.
brWho needs it? Yep, thought as much ...

Does anyone know how to add the realplayer plugin to Mozilla?
Until then I think I will need Netscape. Even when I only keep 4.7x around...


We measure success and depth by length of time, but it is 
possible to have a deep relationship that doesn't always stay 
the same.
-Barbara Hershey

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

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This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

RE: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-07 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

What resolver problem in 8.0?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Seedkum Aladeem
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.


Because of the resolver problem and other problems, I have decided to
try version 7.2 instead of 8.0.

Re: [newbie] 'Rumor' of TCP/MS WinXP [Check this out]

2001-08-07 Per discussione etharp

On Monday 06 August 2001 21:43, Michael Leone wrote:
 From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Linux has had IPv6 support for quite some time, and I beleive that
 Win2K has it as well (because they stole the TCP/IP stack from

 They did NOT steal it. The license ALLOWED them to use it. It was
 perfectly legal, if a bit hypocritical.

And this is EXACTLY the reason some folks feel the GNU lic. (like Linux, 
Gnome, Mandrake, etc) is so much better than the BSD lic. You have to reely 
provide the source, and your changes to it. Even the richest man on the 
planet can not buy it for his personal and private use and profit. if M$ sold 
something using GPL'ed code he would have to provide the code and changes to 
the code for everyone to see. gee what a concept, a window you could see 

Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster AWE64 locks kernel

2001-08-07 Per discussione etharp

hmmm, might be a good idea to set the ISA saved irq to 5 since your 
soundblaster is set for 5. might also be a good idea to see if you can set 
the card (in dos or windblows) to be certian what IRQ it is set for. do you 
dual boot winblows? what are the settings in windblows device mangler? 

On Monday 06 August 2001 21:21, Peter Ruskin wrote:
 On Tuesday 07 August 2001 02:05, Doug X wrote:
Thank you for the speedy response.
  To answer your Q's:
the scsi card is a pci.
I had just tried the sndconfig as root this afternoon and then got the
  24 mins of audio before I wrote for help.
Pci VGA palett snoopyes
offboard pci ide card   auto
assign irq to pci vga card  no
pci slot 1,2,3,4 priority   auto
dma 0,1,3,5,6,7 pnp
irq 3,4,5,7,10,11,14,15 pci/pnp
irq 9   isa/eisa
  isa bus clock  7.159MHz   other choices  pciclk/4   or pciclk/3
  harddrake said  sb card has
I/O 210
DMA16/2 0
OPL3I/O 388
AWE Wavetable unknown, device id is CTL0022
  Thank you
  -Original Message-
  From:etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent:Mon, 6 Aug 2001 19:41:00 -0400
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster AWE64 locks kernel
  I have the same sound card (well the gold version, but i think the
  difference is windows drivers bells and whissels) and i never have had a
  problem after running sndconfig, as root, from a text console, with the
  execption that I have to set a mixer vol. since the default is too low
  to hear anything.
  Are we sure there is not a DMA or IRQ problem (conflict) and  (in BIOS)
  set plug and pray aware OS to NO or OFF? what slot do you have the
  card in? is the sccsi card a pci, ISA,  or onboard?
  On Monday 06 August 2001 19:08, Peter Ruskin wrote:
   On Monday 06 August 2001 23:35, Doug X wrote:
  As stated, I have a CL SB AWE 64 ISAPNP, 128MB, P1 200MHz, Scsi,
LGburner IDE, CD IDE, 10GB Maxtor, 2GB Fujitsu, 4MB ATI PCI. My
problem is that through all versions of RH5.0 and Mandrake 6.0 - 8.0
playing sound usually mp3 or anything from the hard drive freezes
the kernel hard, only a physical reset is available(no keyboard).
This has always been within 30 secs until MD 8.0.  Under MD 8.0 the
sound was configured so that it works for about 24 mins when I just
tried it today then it froze again.
I don't understand how it works for so long and then freezes
everything? Does anyone else have this particular problem?
Any suggestions?
What other sound card would be a good one to buy for guaranteed
linux support and good analogue recording(ie. record from cassettes
and lp's)?
   I have a SB AWE 64 PnP 32MB and don't have any problems.  Have you
   tried running sndconfig as root?

 Try this in your /etc/modules.conf file and reboot ...
 # AWE64 stuff
 alias sound-slot-0sb
 alias sound-slot-1off
 alias sound-service-1-0   off
 alias sound-service-1-3   off
 alias midiawe_wave
 alias synth0  awe_wave
 options sound dmabuf=1
 options opl3  io=0x388
 options sbio=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 post-install awe_wave /bin/sfxload /etc/midi/GU11-ROM.SF2

RE: [newbie] Sound Blaster AWE64 locks kernel

2001-08-07 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

Hiya, this might be completely wrong, and i havnt got net access to look
through the archives here.. but, did someone not say that there was
an issue with a certain SoundBlaster card and a certain type of

It might be worth checking through the archives to see if this is the
case with yours.

I think it was a post from civileme.
   -- Jamie

From:  Peter Ruskin[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:  07 August 2001 00:08
Subject:   Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster AWE64 locks kernel

On Monday 06 August 2001 23:35, Doug X wrote:
   As stated, I have a CL SB AWE 64 ISAPNP, 128MB, P1 200MHz, Scsi,
 LGburner IDE, CD IDE, 10GB Maxtor, 2GB Fujitsu, 4MB ATI PCI. My problem
 is that through all versions of RH5.0 and Mandrake 6.0 - 8.0 playing
 sound usually mp3 or anything from the hard drive freezes the kernel
 hard, only a physical reset is available(no keyboard).  This has always
 been within 30 secs until MD 8.0.  Under MD 8.0 the sound was configured
 so that it works for about 24 mins when I just tried it today then it
 froze again.

 I don't understand how it works for so long and then freezes everything?
 Does anyone else have this particular problem?
 Any suggestions?

 What other sound card would be a good one to buy for guaranteed linux
 support and good analogue recording(ie. record from cassettes and lp's)?

I have a SB AWE 64 PnP 32MB and don't have any problems.  Have you tried 
running sndconfig as root?
 Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.
Registered Linux User No. 219434 ( see http://counter.li.org/ ).
Linux Mandrake release 8.0 (Traktopel) for i586,
   kernel 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pnr,  XFree86 4.0.3, patch level 11mdk,
   KDE: 2.1.2,  Qt: 2.3.1.   Uptime 2 days 5 hours 44 minutes

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This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

2001-08-07 Per discussione etharp

I just would like to ask somebody to explain me the main difference


  Linux Mandrake and RedHat.
  I just want to know the strong points of each one... For what is better
  to use Mandrake... and for what RedHat?

Just MY opinions
Redhat is very well know in America.
I would generalize an explanation that the differences between redhat and 
mandrake is that Mandrake is all complied for (at least) a pentium class 
computer, while redhat tries harder to be backward compatible with slower 
computers. I belief you might find (if you lurked the linux mags on 
newsgroups) that the reputation is that while redhat seems to be easier to
use (once installed) that is because some security is lowered as the default.
the average complaint I hear from knowledgable linuxites is that Mandrake 
is trying to hard to reach winders users and making a distro that is too 
pretty ( I read a suggestion not long ago that had the idea that Mandrake 
should make an AOL version. I know one guy (a college student in India) who 
is working on a kinder-linux to be setup for kids (since in linux it is 
MUCH easier to protect the inner workings of the computer software from 
damage or even viewing by the users).
Mandrake tries hard for an easier install and has written there own install
and hardware detection programs that are not GPL (or at least I have not seen
them used with any other distribution).
The Power Pack box has some other nice software that you don't get from 
cheap-bytes. it includes a good (if you have a fair sound card and mic)
speech recognition program, IBM via voice.  I also like video editing program 
called broadcast 2000. In Mandrake 8.0, I can import and capture a video from 
my regular video cam, edit it, render it as an mpeg1, burn it to a cd and 
have it viewable on a dvd player, you can't save as much info as on a dvd, 
but you can save a good 45 to 60 min of full screen video per disk. The fifth 
disk contains toys I have not had a great chance to play with yet, mostly 
GUIs for the same commands that some other gui will work for too.
They both use the RPM (redhat package manager) method to assist with 
installing updates and some software. The idea that Redhat is more used is 
false these days, Mandrake has the largest installed base (according to
linuxtoday) but has just taken the lead from redhat. (mandrake 32% +/-, and 
redhat 27% +/-, debian 4%, VAlinux 4%, turbo and all other linux make the
rest, and there are a sh!+ load of smaller distros.
I am a little bit prejudice when it comes to recommending a distro for all
but the most experienced users, (read: knows what they want their linux box
to do) you all should give Mandrake a go.

Re: [newbie] Network configuration help needed

2001-08-07 Per discussione etharp

PLUG and PRAY aware OS set to off or no In BIOS?

On Monday 06 August 2001 21:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a 3Com 900B-TPO.  Harddrake seems to recognize it.  I cannot ping
 another win98 machine on my small network.  The card works fine under
 windows.  I can ping  When I run ifup eth0, I get the
 following errors:
 device or resource is busy
 network is down
 file exists

 I have an alias setup in /etc/modules.conf
 thanks alot

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Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

2001-08-07 Per discussione Paul

It was Mon, 6 Aug 2001 23:42:59 -0500 when X - A - W - K wrote:

Mandrake was built on the source code of Redhat 5.2. From there they went
there separate ways.
Mandrake is compiled optimised for Pentium processors where redhat is compiled
for 386's.


I just would like to ask somebody to explain me the main difference between
Linux Mandrake and RedHat.

I just want to know the strong points of each one... For what is better to
use Mandrake... and for what RedHat?


X - A - W - K


Jest niezly ... i liscik napisze 
OnetKomunikator [ http://ok.onet.pl/instaluj.html ]

Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her, 
and one for them together.
Jacqueline Bisset

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Intel 810 accelerated i810 X server

2001-08-07 Per discussione James S Bear

Before you hear what I have to say, I would take it to heart that graphics 
acceleration has never been an extremely high priority on my end.  
I've got two machines with an 810 video card and four with an 815(I believe is 
basically the same).  When I first installed mandrake, the first thing I wanted 
to do was play tux racer.  It was horrible.  Choppy.  I couldn't make it past 
the first level because I couldnt see what was coming next.  However, when I 
rebooted, it was fine.  It was the same with all my intel boards.  Why?  I 
don't know.  Logic?  Somebody who knows more about it than me might know.
Quoting Ant 'DS Boulton' Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   Mandrake 8 happily picked up my i810 onboard video, one thing however, 
 i think the gl support or 3d support isn't too snappy, and so i looked 
 into it at intel's site (bless their hearts =P)
 and they had an X version for d/l that would support the i810 better, 
 and so forth.
 i d/l the file, also d/l a rpm that contained the intel agpgart module, 
 and some instructions (linux_release.pdf)
 i believe (a search of i810 linux at support.intel.com will get you 
 there). anyhoo, after following the instructions
 it says to recompile the agpgart rpm, but whenever i type rpm 
 --recompile i810etcetc.rpm it just spits
 out the rpm parameters.
 if anyone has ANY ideas, i would be muchly muchly obliged.
 basically, i just want my X server to pick up my graphics so i can have 
 a hope at possibly having a game of
 Q3 or CounterStrike or something with decent acceleration.
 cheers to all,

Ignorance is underrated

RE: [newbie] JAVA SDK on Mandrake 8.0

2001-08-07 Per discussione Mitchell, Edmund

I haven't had any troubles - everything by the book.


-Original Message-
From: Alwan Sadagopan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]   

Planning to install J2SDK 1.3.1. Are there any known issues on J2SDK on 
LM 8.0. Kindly let me know.


[newbie] portmap services

2001-08-07 Per discussione James S Bear

One of my machines, an AMD 1.2 ghz processor box with 256 mb of ram, a SCSI 
drive, two NICs, and an optical logitech mouse(It's just fun to give specs, 
okay?)Has problems shutting down.

It always hangs on Shutting Down Portmap Services.

I've got a hunch it has to do with two NICs.  Regardless, I don't use portmap 
services and have no need to shut it down.  Where can I find the shutdown 


Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] ACPID misery

2001-08-07 Per discussione Robert MacLean

ACPI as in the stuff that turns your machine off your you? Or have I
been in front of a monitor too long and am getting this wrong?
If I'm right and it is the stuff that powers down your machine, any
idea where to get it?

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
From: George Petri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jason Guidry [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Linux-Mandrake Newbie
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ACPID misery

  My K-6 based laptop is haveing some power management problems.
  daemon fails on boot (Not found).

 I made a post about this a while ago and no one responded...
 Anyway, I found out the answer today: ACPI is not compiled into your
 It is currently experimental (I think) and it doesn't seem to do
anything for my computer anyway!
 If you really want it, then download the appropriate kernel SRPMS
(or whatever) from Mandrake and compile it with ACPI.

  I tried reinstalling it and it says
  that it's already there.  tried uninstalling it (in GUI) and it
  it's not there  :P

 Could be a corrupted install?

  is there some variation on an rpm command with a --force switch or
  something?  will that do it?  is this common?

 Yes, there is a force switch but I don't use RPM that much -- I use
 So I really don't know.  Generally, you won't need to force anything
unless you have a corrupted install.

 Hope it helps,

[newbie] ACPI 4 Linux

2001-08-07 Per discussione Robert MacLean

I found this if anyone is interested, seems good.

Robert MacLean

[newbie] Can't load iptables

2001-08-07 Per discussione Larry Alkoff

I am having trouble starting iptables in Mandrake 8.0.

When I boot up or otherwise attempt to start iptables,
I get an error message that:

/sbin/iptables-restore: invalid option -- p
/sbin/iptables-restore: invalid option -- f

When I look at the start section of rc3.d/S08iptables I see the following main line:

grep -v ^[[:space:]]*# $IPTABLES_CONFIG | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' | 
/sbin/iptables-restore -p -f  \
success Applying iptables firewall rules || \
failure Applying iptables firewall rules

The first two lines are one but Agent has wrapped them.

The thing to note is that /sbin/iptables-restore  is being invoked with the options -p 
and -f.
However, iptables-restore -h gives no such options.

The script is basically the same in this respect in all rcX.d.

I installed iptables from DrakConf which downloaded and installed iptables version 

I have not found a later version.

I can't see why the startup script should call iptables-restore with non-existant 
parameters unless there was some kind of version mixup.

Any idea what's wrong?

Thanks Larry Alkoff N2LA

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

[newbie] Fuzzy Text in Konqueror

2001-08-07 Per discussione Usama Saadi


I recently installed Manrake 8.0. The installation was a breeze and I liked 
the KDE very much. However, I was disappointed when I opened Konqueror. The 
text was distorted, readable but very annoying. When I increase the font 
size, some of the page would get better, but other parts remain fuzzy or 
might even get worse. I tried to change the font, but it was no solution. As 
I write this, I cannot see the periods.

What's the problem? Is this a general problem or it's only with me?

I have a Pentium II, 400 MHz, 320 MB RAM, SiS 6324?, XFree86 4.0.3

Thank You,
Usama Saadi

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Nevertheless, Mandrake tries to be as Red Hat compatible as is practicable. 
They claim over 90% compatibility with Red Hat packages. This can be useful, 
since most RPMs are built for Red Hat.

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 20:56, Paul wrote:
 It was Mon, 6 Aug 2001 23:42:59 -0500 when X - A - W - K wrote:

 Mandrake was built on the source code of Redhat 5.2. From there they went
 there separate ways.
 Mandrake is compiled optimised for Pentium processors where redhat is
 compiled for 386's.

 I just would like to ask somebody to explain me the main difference
  between Linux Mandrake and RedHat.
 I just want to know the strong points of each one... For what is better to
 use Mandrake... and for what RedHat?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Re: AOL/Netscape Releases Netscape 6.1

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Install the kdebase-nsplugins package.

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 20:15, Adams, Jamie wrote:
 I have a similar question.. i have the flash plugin working for Mozilla,
 however Konqueror is my preferred browser and i would like to get the
 plugin working in this.

 I did read the help file for Konqueror and it said that i should goto
 configuration and find the plugin part, now suppoedly there should be a
 tab that llows me to search for plugins, but there isnt, theres just a
 checkbox saying 'enable plugins globaly', can anyone tell me how to get
 this plugin working for konqueror?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

RE: [newbie] Re: AOL/Netscape Releases Netscape 6.1

2001-08-07 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

Thank you all who answered! it wasnt mentioned in the documentation..
now i can go surf happily!
   -- Jamie

Sent:  07 August 2001 14:18
To:Adams, Jamie
Subject:   Re: [newbie] Re: AOL/Netscape Releases Netscape 6.1

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 06:15 am, you wrote:
 I have a similar question.. i have the flash plugin working for Mozilla,
 however Konqueror is my preferred browser and i would like to get the
 plugin working in this.

 I did read the help file for Konqueror and it said that i should goto
 configuration and find the plugin part, now suppoedly there should be a
 tab that llows me to search for plugins, but there isnt, theres just a
 checkbox saying 'enable plugins globaly', can anyone tell me how to get
 this plugin working for konqueror?


   -- Jamie


There is a package you need to install to be able to use your 
Netscape/Mozilla plugins.  Go to www.rpmfind.net and download a package 
called kdebase-nsplugins.

Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User # 218330

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This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

RE: [newbie] JAVA SDK on Mandrake 8.0

2001-08-07 Per discussione Michael F. Aube

I've been using the JDK 1.3.1 daily for about a month and a half now, and
have not had any problems (I can work all day without a single O/S crash
and burn).  I really like doing my Java Development on LM 8.0, as I can
use the .jar and .class files on my WinDoze partition!  :)  I also now
have decent source code control and a relational database on Linux, which
I did not have when using WinDoze.

Long live the Penguino!


--- Mitchell, Edmund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't had any troubles - everything by the book.
 -Original Message-
 From: Alwan Sadagopan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]   
 Planning to install J2SDK 1.3.1. Are there any known issues on J2SDK on 
 LM 8.0. Kindly let me know.

May the Force be with you.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

[newbie] Disabling Mandrake 8.0 automatic login?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Keith Christian

How do I disable the automatic login when my Mandrake 8.0 machine is
booted up?  Instead of waiting for me to login, it automatically logs in
as the regular user and goes straight to the desktop.  Convenient, but
not really secure.



Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

[newbie] subscribe

2001-08-07 Per discussione Alvin Wong

[newbie] follow on of i810 acceleration - rpm problems

2001-08-07 Per discussione Ant 'DS Boulton' Erickson

i followed some of the advice that you guys gave, installed some more 
stuff (specs, and patch rpms)
and so when i go to do rpm --rebuild (or --recompile; either give me 
this) i810tt-etc.src.rpm  i get a page or
so of output, and then the last few lines look like this.

Something wrong with detection of KERNEL_VERSION?
Please check Makefile and report bug
agpgart.o not yet available for non-2.2 kernels exit -1
Expect kernel source at location /usr/src/linux
Sym.link /usr/src/linux - where you have your sources
make: *** [sanity] Error 255
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.14526 (%build)

obviously, my linux sources aren't in /usr/src/linux...in fact the dir 
does not even exist.
so yeah, i know my header files (the next thing it looks for) are in 
but i'm not sure about the normal source files.
any help would be wikid, wikid.
thanking ya muchly,

Re: [newbie] Disabling Mandrake 8.0 automatic login?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

Keith Christian wrote:
 How do I disable the automatic login when my Mandrake 8.0 machine is
 booted up?  Instead of waiting for me to login, it automatically logs in
 as the regular user and goes straight to the desktop.  Convenient, but
 not really secure.

Mandrake Control Centre - Boot - Boot Config :)


Re: [newbie] X installation troubles

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 01:37, Gonzalix le Druide wrote:
 Thanks, but right now I have no money to buy another card :-((

Yeah, I know what you mean. I got lucky and managed to score a free Matrox 
Millennium II which my computer assembler was going to throw out :-)

 So, I must make it work... meanwhile

IIRC, the best I could achieve with that card was 640x480 at 256 Colours. It 
just refused to go any higher.

 I remember that installing the FBDev it worked pretty well.

I remember running through Caldera and Mandrake installations, both of which 
employ framebuffer graphics, with the card. It seems to handle the 
framebuffer well, but not XFree.

 Any ideas, please ?

 G le D

 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  Your system specs are exactly what I had when I tried Mandrake 7.0 (with
  XFree 3.3.x) in early 2000. I did heaps of research on that same card in
  an attempt to get it working well, and concluded that it was no good for
  XFree 3.3.x. I switched my card to a Matrox Millennium II and I've been
  happy ever since.
  On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 14:37, Gonzalix le Druide wrote:
   Hi All!!
   Please help me: I installed LM7.2 on a Pentium II 350 Mhz, 256 Mb RAM,
   Video Card Trident 975 agp 4 Mb.
   I've probed Xconfigurator, xf86cfg and xf86config.
   I was trying to find some command XFree86Setup or something like that
   I don't remember.
   I was trying to install XFree 3.3.6, but I couldn't found the server.
   I will appreciate any ideas.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Anyone have an AMD 761 chipset and a Radeon video card working with X?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Linux Newbie

You might find a crack for it on astalavista.box.sk

On Monday 06 August 2001 07:12 pm, so spoke Stan Finley:
 Hello Edmund - I have Mandrake 8 going with the all in one radeon and an
 asus a7m266 mb (AMD 761 chipset).  I've tried everything I could and can't
 get it working with X (except with noaccel in the config file).  Of course
 it's slow and will not do 3d.  I e-mailed AMD about the problem and they
 claim to be working on it (see their message below).  It does seem to be a
 pervasive problem with the 761s.  I did get it working with acceleration
 and 3d (very easily) with the commercial driver (www.xig.com) demo, but
 it's too expensive.

 If you get a solution, please let me know.

 Thanks, Stan


 Hi Stan,

 We are working on offering Linux drivers for the 760 chipsets.  Linux has
 this license so we are still in the process of developing a strategy for
 distribution.  I'll let you know once I have more info.

 Best Regards,
 Phil Vu
 AMD - Apps Engineer


 - Original Message -
 From: Mitchell, Edmund [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 9:52 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Anyone have an AMD 761 chipset and a Radeon video card
 working with X?

  Still doing battle, trying to get Mandrake working on my box
  at home.  I found a couple of other people who couldn't get
  X working, and it turns out that we all have that chipset
  and various Radeon cards.  It's a shot in the dark, but
  maybe that's the problem.
  If someone has that config and has X working with LM8, I'd
  love to hear from you.

Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

2001-08-07 Per discussione Miark

Higher than 90%, or so they claim: Linux-Mandrake is 99%
compatible with RedHat. So most applications packaged for
RedHat as RPM packages (.rpm file) should run under

It appears the only thing they recommend against is
upgrading Linux-Mandrake specific packages (those that can
be found in the Mandrake distribution) with RedHat's ones.
You could lose Mandrake's benefits.

Quotes from http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/fapps.php3


- Original Message -
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]; newbie
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

 Nevertheless, Mandrake tries to be as Red Hat compatible
as is practicable.
 They claim over 90% compatibility with Red Hat packages.
This can be useful,
 since most RPMs are built for Red Hat.

 On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 20:56, Paul wrote:
  It was Mon, 6 Aug 2001 23:42:59 -0500 when X - A - W - K
  Mandrake was built on the source code of Redhat 5.2.
From there they went
  there separate ways.
  Mandrake is compiled optimised for Pentium processors
where redhat is
  compiled for 386's.
  I just would like to ask somebody to explain me the
main difference
   between Linux Mandrake and RedHat.
  I just want to know the strong points of each one...
For what is better to
  use Mandrake... and for what RedHat?

 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson

RE: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

2001-08-07 Per discussione Jason Guidry

I find this to be an interesting discussion.  The media tends to label Red
Hat as a serious and corporate linux; while mandrake is dubbed the
baby linux.  I guess I should know better than to trust what I hear on TV
and the like, but since trying both myself, I know this is a bit exagerated.

I find mandrake every bit as customizable and functional as red hat.  i am,
however, heavily biased towards mandrake since I tried Red Hat 7 first, on
which I could get not a damn thing (zip, printer, mounting other partitions)
to work, even when following the instructions in the official book.  Or the
fact that half the power tools won't run under 7 (i've heard this is a
problem with a broken glibc).  I know that it's fixable, but is that my job.

but every mandrake install i do, everything is detected and effortless.

not to mention that I've found their tech support to be impatient with
non-enormus-corporate-server problems.  just my exp.

Re: [newbie] Reasons for use LM 8.0

2001-08-07 Per discussione Linux Newbie

Here is as unbiased as I can muster, a description of distributions

Mandrake - Easy installation and setup, lots of apps, multimedia, ease of app 

RedHat - Fairly easy installation and setup, some neat apps, multimedia,
pretty secure, ease of app installation, easy as Mandrake
to operate.

Suse - Very very high-end graphics.

Debian - Excellent firewall and security.

Slackware - Great for all server uses and other networkings.

I may have some errors in the above, but its all I can remember right now.

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 04:46 pm, so spoke Paul:
 It was Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:23:36 -0300 when Nicolás Gómez wrote:

 I am afraid that you will end up confused or empty-handed.
 There are 1000s of reasons that any distro will give you why you should
 select theirs.
 I like mandrake because it works, it is easy to install.
 Others like Suse, for the same reason. Or Redhat. Or Slackware.

 Good luck in your hunt

 Hi...In my college we are going to install in about 20 PC's one Linux
 distribution. I believe that LM 8.0 is the best one i ever seen so far
 for the purposes we had... Another persons think that SuSE 7.1 is the
  best, another ones think that RH 7.2 is better, and so on
 The question is, i want to know some place on the internet, or some
  document which contains a further explication of why to choose LM instead
  other distributions..

 Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her,
 and one for them together.
 Jacqueline Bisset

 http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
 ** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] subscribe

2001-08-07 Per discussione Robin Ballantine

Hi Alvin,
If you wish to subscribe to the newbie mailing list then you need to send an 
with subscribe newbie in the body of the message.


Oh, look at me!  I'm making people happy.  I'm the magical man from
Happyland in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Laaane!  Oh, by the way, I
was being sarcastic.
-- Homer Simpson
   Flaming Moe's

Re: [newbie] Problems with RAM memory

2001-08-07 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Miark wrote:
 Okay, I found out:

 * No ReiserFS support
 * Possible funny business with supermount

 There's probably more info about it in the
 Cooker archive.


Miarkyep, those problems both make sense given that they
are both problems of other 2.4.3 kernels than our release
2.4.3-20mdk kernel which didn't have those two.  Thanks.

I'm not sure why you emailed direct with this thread, but I
can't email you back direct because your mail server bounces
me as spam.

 - Original Message -
 From: Alan Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 1:04 AM
 Subject: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Problems with RAM memory

  Miark wrote:
   Alan, do you know of any bugs or inconveniences with


   kernel? Someone was telling me that there's _something_
   annoying about it.
  Miarkthe enterprise?  I'm aware of none that aren't
  in the regular 2.4.3-20 kernel.  But then I'm not aware
  of everything to do with everthing, so! :)

Re: [newbie] portmap services

2001-08-07 Per discussione Michael D. Viron


Before you remove the scripts, change portmap from auto starting on
bootup, to manual start.  This will make sure you aren't running portmap,
and hence won't have any problems when shutting down (since if it isn't
running, linux will not try to stop it.)


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:00 AM 08/07/2001 +0500, James S Bear wrote:
One of my machines, an AMD 1.2 ghz processor box with 256 mb of ram, a SCSI 
drive, two NICs, and an optical logitech mouse(It's just fun to give specs, 
okay?)Has problems shutting down.

It always hangs on Shutting Down Portmap Services.

I've got a hunch it has to do with two NICs.  Regardless, I don't use
services and have no need to shut it down.  Where can I find the shutdown 


Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Reasons for use LM 8.0

2001-08-07 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

At 11:23 AM 08/07/2001 -0300, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
Hi...In my college we are going to install in about 20 PC's one Linux
distribution. I believe that LM 8.0 is the best one i ever seen so far
for the purposes we had... Another persons think that SuSE 7.1 is the best,
another ones think that RH 7.2 is better, and so on

RH 7.2 is in beta right now, and hasn't been officially released.  7.1 is
the latest stable Redhat release.


Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

2001-08-07 Per discussione tazmun

 however, heavily biased towards mandrake since I tried Red Hat 7 first, on
 which I could get not a damn thing (zip, printer, mounting other
 to work, even when following the instructions in the official book.  Or
 fact that half the power tools won't run under 7 (i've heard this is a
 problem with a broken glibc).  I know that it's fixable, but is that my
I'm running Redhat 7.1 and everything was detected and installed with out
problems on my box.  But I've heard a lot of complaints about RedHat 7.0
were solved with the  7.1 as is common in X.0 editions as compared to later
revised versions of the main version number.

 but every mandrake install i do, everything is detected and effortless.

 not to mention that I've found their tech support to be impatient with
 non-enormus-corporate-server problems.  just my exp.

I've recently contacted RedHat support with my simple problems on 2
different issues and got responce via the web in less then one business day.
As far as support issues are concerned C-Nets reviews favor Redhat over
Mandrake, but again I can't compare Mandrake support because this list is
the only form I qualify for since I've not actually bought mandrake since
7.1.  However this list can't be beat in my opinion either.  Right now I
think it's a horse apiece.  I'm wondering about the kernel performance
issues since my boxes are considered i686's though with PIII 800+ speed.
That performance wise I need to compare somemore.  However it is not
immediately obvious to me at this point.  I almost thought Redhat loaded the
StarOffice 5.2 faster though.

RE: [newbie] Reasons for use LM 8.0

2001-08-07 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Reasons for use LM 8.0

I have messed around with Caldera, Redhat and LM over the passed 2 1/2 years and IMHO, Linux-Mandrake is the most user friendly and has the exceptional list of applications in the Power Pack (don't know what comes with the enterprise addition). The whole thing is put together well and leaves lots of room for individuals to customize their desktop the way they want it. Mandrakesoft also appears to be dedicated for the most part to the desktop workstation and that can not be said of RH and some of the others who are pointing to the enterprise or server market only. Just my 2 pennys worth. Dennis M. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael D. Viron
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 1:16 PM
To: Nicolás Gómez; newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Reasons for use LM 8.0

At 11:23 AM 08/07/2001 -0300, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
Hi...In my college we are going to install in about 20 PC's one Linux
distribution. I believe that LM 8.0 is the best one i ever seen so far
for the purposes we had... Another persons think that SuSE 7.1 is the best,
another ones think that RH 7.2 is better, and so on

RH 7.2 is in beta right now, and hasn't been officially released. 7.1 is
the latest stable Redhat release.


[newbie] locked cdrom and floppy

2001-08-07 Per discussione Oder Santos

I have just installed MandrakeFreq 2 in my Toshiba Satellite 1715 XCDS and
all running great except to cdrom and floppy. When I click it I receive the
message: You do not have permissions to read file:/mnt/cdrom. What should
I do to unlock this? Any help would be really appreciate. Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] StarOffice 5.1 not working with LM8

2001-08-07 Per discussione s

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 03:09 pm, you wrote:

 fter installing of StarOffice 5.1 with LM8 it ask to restart KDE
  to finish the installation
  I' restart the system But I' did not found any link to Office but I' found
  directory for office51 on my hard disk

 On Tuesday 07 August 2001 03:41, you wrote:
  On Monday 06 August 2001 20:25, Ebrahim Elmahdy wrote:
   after installing of StarOffice 5.1 with LM8 it ask to restart KDE
   to finish the installation But that it not working

cp -rf /home/you/.kde/share/applnk/staroffice_51or_whatever 

  Thank you
  Ebrahim Elmahdy
  You are most welcome. Want to try your question again?

[newbie] Mail Server

2001-08-07 Per discussione Kevin Fonner

What is a good mail server for linux.

I was looking for these features...
Web Interface
Server side mail (rules) sorting for the individual users
and the ability for it to grab mail for a domain out of a single pop 
mailbox and sort it into each of the accounts on the mailserver.


Kevin Fonner

Re: [newbie] Beowulf

2001-08-07 Per discussione etharp

how many computers do you have to hook together?

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 17:47, William R. Nash wrote:
 I just want to get Beowulf running just to say i did it.  I'm trying to
 learn as much as i can and i think this might be the next step to learning
 more.  Thanks Bill Nash

 - Original Message -
 From: etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Beowulf

  I do not wish to seem nasty here, but as this is a newbie list, and I


  heard that Beowolf is non-trivial you might find more info on the


  That said, I sure would love to learn more about the why and what you


  to use Beowolf for, and why you considered it. I would also love to be up


  date on your getting it running.
  On Sunday 05 August 2001 21:20, William R. Nash wrote:
 Has anyone install Beowulf cluster under lm 8.0.  I would like to try
   this but i'm not sure how to start.  Any help on this thanks Bill Nash
  Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie] can't startx

2001-08-07 Per discussione Errant

Hi all,

I suddenly can't get x up and running on my LM8 box. After issuing 
the startx command as Root from console, it returns the following:

Could not init font path element unix/:-1, removing from list!

Fatal Server Error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

Can someone help me fix this, and explain how it might have happened?

Thanx a bunch,


[newbie] MTV (video player)

2001-08-07 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

This is gonna sound really odd, but I have the registered version of MTV, and
it plays much faster and smoother on my old setup than my new one.

Old setup:

AMD K6III@475mhz, 192 megs ram, Voodoo 3000

New setup:

AMD Duron@850mhz, 256 megs DDR ram, Geforce 2 GTS (32megs)

Can anyone tell me why that would be? Its the last thing I expected! Thanks in
advance for any insights.


Re: [newbie] can't startx

2001-08-07 Per discussione Robin Ballantine

On Tuesday 07 August 2001  5:58 pm, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I suddenly can't get x up and running on my LM8 box. After issuing

 the startx command as Root from console, it returns the following:
 Could not init font path element unix/:-1, removing from list!
 Fatal Server Error:
 could not open default font 'fixed'

 Can someone help me fix this, and explain how it might have happened?

 Thanx a bunch,


Try typing in Xconfigurator and running that.
Might get you back and running again.

[newbie] How to turn off applets in KDE?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Jon Doe

I installed Kscore and Newsticker applets into my Kpanel and I don't like 
them there, how do I remove them? lol

[newbie] How to acess other screens (terminals)?

2001-08-07 Per discussione emammendes


I had 7.2 on my old computer and with it I could use alt+F keys to access
different screens (terminals)?  Now with 8.0
alf+F2 to 9 won't work so I am stuck with just one screen.  How can I make
them available?

Many thanks


NetZero Platinum
Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month!

Re: [newbie] Joystick support?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Peter Ruskin

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 11:09, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Can anyone point me to a good solid howto or faq about installing
 joystick support for Mandrake?

 I've given up on getting any further in Descent 3 using the keyboard!

 Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.
Registered Linux User No. 219434 ( see http://counter.li.org/ ).
Linux Mandrake release 8.0 (Traktopel) for i586,
   kernel 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pnr,  XFree86 4.0.3, patch level 11mdk,
  KDE: 2.1.2,  Qt: 2.3.1.   Uptime 6 hours 52 minutes

Re: [newbie] can't startx

2001-08-07 Per discussione Errant

Running Xconfigurator worked... but why did I have this problem in 
the first place? And how would I avoid it in the future?

Thanx again,


On Tuesday 07 August 2001  5:58 pm, you wrote:
  Hi all,

  I suddenly can't get x up and running on my LM8 box. After issuing

  the startx command as Root from console, it returns the following:
  Could not init font path element unix/:-1, removing from list!
  Fatal Server Error:
  could not open default font 'fixed'

  Can someone help me fix this, and explain how it might have happened?

  Thanx a bunch,


Try typing in Xconfigurator and running that.
Might get you back and running again.

[newbie] Help with IP Tables please.

2001-08-07 Per discussione Matt Buckley

hey folx.  I installed linux mandrake 8.0 a little over a week ago, and just 
not got it working perfectly (for me).  It took a while to figure out all the 
stuff I wanted, and didn't want, then to make it all look nice.  Couldn't 
decide between RH7.1 or LM 8.0.

Anyway, I asked my friend how to enable IP Masquerading, and the command he 
gave me was an ipchains command.  However, ipchains doesn't seem to work w/ 
LM8.0, and I'm pretty sure I need to use a similar command w/ iptables.

I currently have this soon to be server running on a cable modem line, and 
need to route ips to up to 3 more computers.

All computers will be windoze except 1 (not including this server).
From what i've gathered, sharing an internet connection is supposedly easy, 
and a standard thing to do, because it uses TCP/IP.  For now, I don't need to 
use samba because I don't care if the Linux computers can access the network 
neighborhood that M$ uses.  I just need to share the internet connection.

The Linux box i'm using has 2 NICs in it.  (One connected to the cable 
modem[eth0], and one to the LAN[eth1])  The one connected to the cable modem 
is using a DHCP connection, and the one for the LAN, eth1, was assigned a 
static IP of  The windoze computer is set to get an IP 
automaticly, the gateway is set to  Eth1 on the linux box goes 
into the uplink port on the HUB, the windoze computer is connected to port1.

Right now, i'm pretty sure that the linux box just doesn't have IP 
routing/masqing enabled.  Is there a DHCP client I need to install ( think i 
have one on here)? After it's installed, how do I set it up to run?

Any help would be appreciated.


[newbie] Problems upgrading RPM

2001-08-07 Per discussione Rafael Lepra

I installed LM 7.1, I needed to upgrade my kernel to 4.2.6 in order to
instal the drivers of my software modem Motorola SM56. I could upgrade the
kernel thanks to the help of this mailing list.

So far, no problem. Unfortunately when I tried to instal the package of the
modem's driver I got a warning that my rpm did not support versions higher
than 3. I got a rpm package rpm-4.0.2-5x.i386.rpm (from redhat upgrade ftp
site) and tried to instal it. I got a message about db3 dependency. So, I
downloaded the package db3-3.1.17-4.5x.i386.rpm and installed it.

Then I installed the rpm-4.0.2 and I got a message about a directoy
/rpm/libs (but I am not sure about the name) that could not be erased
because it was not empty.

The bad new is that after that, kdepackage did not work, I tryed to rebuild
the databases, but after several minutes the process abort with a core
dump or somthing.

Could anyone give me some advice about what to do?

Thank you in advance for your help.


[newbie] Staroffice 5.2

2001-08-07 Per discussione Pascal Goguey

I tried using StarOffice 5.2, and it sounds like it is
rather buggy. At least the display is not good. The piece
of text around the cursor is partly hidden, backspace leaves
some black pixels (i.e. it does not eras prefectly) etc.

Is there a way to get it work fine?



Re: [newbie] Network configuration help needed

2001-08-07 Per discussione etharp

first a couple of things, since I bees just a newbie myself, you might 
consider posting to the list so if I say somethig less that 100% correct, 
some one who knows more can chime in, and that way we can all benifit from 
the information about your problems. 
Next, how old is the computer? what processor? there may be a few different 
PNP settings in BIOS, but the one I am speaking of is refering to PNP aware 
OS. keep searching, unless you have a really old MOBO it should be there 

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 20:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for your time!
 This may sound strange, but I do not see a pnp option is the bios.  I
 am using Phoenix Bios.  I checked several places, like advanced and so on. 
 Any ideas?

 Again, thanks for your time.

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Re: [newbie] Disabling Mandrake 8.0 automatic login?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Charles A. Punch

Mandrake Control Center - Boot Config - System Mode - No I don't want
auto login

Registered Linux user # 217118

Keith Christian wrote:
 How do I disable the automatic login when my Mandrake 8.0 machine is
 booted up?  Instead of waiting for me to login, it automatically logs in
 as the regular user and goes straight to the desktop.  Convenient, but
 not really secure.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Realplayer sound defaults

2001-08-07 Per discussione John Rye

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 18:25:30 -0400

 Hi all,
 My realplayer (basic v.8) keeps loading with the volume all the way down.
 In itself I can move that up to something audible when I load realplay,
 but the plugin for netscape and mozilla don't have a volume control.
 What do I have to do to make the setting stick?
 The file ~/.RealNetworks_RealMediaSDK_60 says that the volume is set to
 97, but on load there's no sound until I move the slider up.
 Is this a bug in version 8?


Have you run the mixer controls for your desktop??

I had to run Aumix (KDE) to get sensible sound levels on my system. The
settings seem to be recorded in /etc/aumixrc globally and ~/user/.aumixrc



The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected
   (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)
 Registered Linux User: 102826

Re: [newbie] How to turn off applets in KDE?

2001-08-07 Per discussione s

Ooo, Ooo hand waving in air, 
that's an easy one.  Just right click the little dimpled 'bar' in front of 
the applet and click remove.  :-)

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 05:48 pm, you wrote:
 I installed Kscore and Newsticker applets into my Kpanel and I don't like
 them there, how do I remove them? lol

Re: [newbie] How to turn off applets in KDE?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 10:58 pm, you wrote:
 Ooo, Ooo hand waving in air,
 that's an easy one.  Just right click the little dimpled 'bar' in front of
 the applet and click remove.  :-)


Re: [newbie] 'Rumor' of TCP/MS WinXP [Check this out]

2001-08-07 Per discussione Richie de Almeida

On Monday 06 August 2001 21:43, Michael Leone wrote:
 From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Linux has had IPv6 support for quite some time, and I beleive that
 Win2K has it as well (because they stole the TCP/IP stack from

 They did NOT steal it. The license ALLOWED them to use it. It was
 perfectly legal, if a bit hypocritical.

Hold the boat!  IPv6 was developed in consortium about 3 years ago, that 
means its there for everybody.  Saying M$ stole it from anywhere is like saying they 
email as they happen to use POP and SMTP in Outlook...

Re: [newbie] Reasons for use LM 8.0

2001-08-07 Per discussione Tim Holmes

This really comes down to what do they want to do with the machines.
Are these going to be desktops for users?  Are these going to be
servers?  Are these going to be used to teach a class on Linux?

I've installed quite a good number of different distros in my day.
(Always wanted to say that! :0)  And in my experience it just comes down
to what the machines are going to do.

Mandrake makes a great desktop for new users.  It's stable, is
reasonably secure right out of the box.  It's cute, people are drawn
to it.

RedHAT, especially lately, seem to have abandoned security.  7.1 out of
the box can be hacked into in minutes.  Recently we installed a 7.1
machine, and 25 minutes after the server was installed, it was already
hacked and somebody using portscanning software!  That was a server
install!  But RedHAT 6.2 is very sound!  We went back to that version
for that server, no problems.  Installing apps comes very easy.
Everything is made in Linux for RedHAT.  

Debian has a following of users that at times have a complex thinking
they're the group of elite *nix users.  It is however very secure, in my
experience it's a pain in the butt to install.  There is starting to be
more and more support for it as far as software as well as hardware.  As
far as a desktop machine for a regular every day user, I would suggest
against it.

SuSE is a muscle car.  I know we through around a lot of car comparisons
when it comes to the distro wars, but it's a pretty package, but tuned
up a bit.  Security is good, apps are plenty, but not as many as RedHAT
or Mandrake.  It's a long, hardware intensive install.  SuSE 7.0 was 6
discs I believe.  Took almost 2 hours to install.  But it was very solid
and sound when installed.

Caldera had the best install.  I used that for a month or so before
Mandrake 7.0 came out.  After that I've used Mandrake for my
workstations.  It was pretty simple, nothing to complicated about it,
but I don't know about it being a real sound workstation, it was very
much so an in for Windows users.  Administration was next to none, but
since there wasn't much to administer, that would cut back on the work

FreeBSD is a server distro if you ask me.  I know some people do use it
for a workstation, but it's a damn good server.  Kernel compiles are
easy and quick, very secure, a lot of ISPs use them for servers.  You'll
have a very solid server, that once it's configured to your liking, only
backups are needed.  Talk to somebody else about using it as a desktop.

OpenBSD is a server only really.  You can lock that machine down so
tight, the only way you can get into it, would be to sit down at it's
keyboard.  But the web server and mail server and everything else will
work great!  Not a desktop OS at all!  I've tried 4 times and I couldn't
get Xwindows to work correctly at all!

Slackware wasn't anything impressive honestly.  It's install was a lot
like FreeBSD, but nothing special.  I honestly didn't leave it installed
long enough since I had to use that machine as a test server for RedHAT
for our current project.

But where you'll find a fair comparison of the distros to let you know
which one you should choose for what, good luck!  I've looked.  All of
them have been out dated, and biased.  But something like this should be
researched AFTER they know what they want to do with the machines.

Hope that helps a little.

T. Holmes
Real Men Use Vi!

 11:02pm  up 6 days,  9:56,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Hi...In my college we are going to install in about 20 PC's one Linux
| distribution. I believe that LM 8.0 is the best one i ever seen so far
| for the purposes we had... Another persons think that SuSE 7.1 is the best,
| another ones think that RH 7.2 is better, and so on
| The question is, i want to know some place on the internet, or some document
| which contains a further explication of why to choose LM instead other
| distributions..
| Thanks
| Bytes

Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs RedHat

2001-08-07 Per discussione Richie de Almeida

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 00:42, X - A - W - K wrote:

 I just would like to ask somebody to explain me the main difference between
 Linux Mandrake and RedHat.

 I just want to know the strong points of each one... For what is better to
 use Mandrake... and for what RedHat?


 X - A - W - K

Mandrake is very accessible, and after installing both LM 8 and RH7.1, I 
think Mandrake goes that extra step to get the creature-comforts in like 
working sound, video and printing straight out of the box.  Redhat doesn't 
even confirm sound or printer settings during its install, they do work, but 
you have to configure them after the installation.  

LM8 is also the only distribution I've that can run my Radeon at all.  Even 
though RedHat 7.1 identified my card, it still couldn't run it on X, I think 
it has something to do with FBDev not being install, but I'm not sure yet...

LM's Software Manager is reliable and way faster than the defacto GNOrpm but 
RedHat's Up2Date utility is superb for accessing the latest updates and 

LM seems to favour KDE, RedHat favours GNOME.

Mandrake appears to have more in-house tools like Software Manager, Mandrake 
Control Center, DiskDrake, HardDrake, etc.

Overall, both are good, but I feel that I spend much less time configuring 
Mandrake, so I can do the things I really want to do like listening to music 
and writing really long emails on mailing lists

Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-07 Per discussione Richie de Almeida

The DOS version of fdisk /mbr won't kill NT-Loader, SYS C: would however.   I 
learned this after alot of banging my head on the keyboard after trying to 
restore my laptop to Win95 some years ago!

If you ever need to restore Bill's boot menu, just start a winnt install and 
choose to Repair an Installation, just stop the install before it actually 
starts copying files otherwise you'll mess up your existing WINNT install!

After you have restored Bill's bootloader you can restore LILO by booting up 
Linux with your bootdisk (you *did* make a bootdisk, didn't you?) and run 
LILO.  Make sure you've added your WINNT and DOS partitions to /etc/lilo.conf 
before you run /sbin/lilo... You should also check with Linux's fdisk that 
the active partition is set to whichever partition LILO gets installed to.

There's some excellent HOWTOs in the Linux Documentation Project for doing a 
multi-boot the NT and Linux, read them before you go any further!

On Saturday 04 August 2001 11:05, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:

 Because of the resolver problem and other problems, I have decided to
 try version 7.2 instead of 8.0.

 I have D*S and W*ndo*s NT4.0 installed on the machine. I need to keep
 those UNFORTUNATELY :(  I am going to take the following two steps to
 mdk 8.0 and install mdk 7.2 instead:

 1) Use NT to delete all the linux partitions.
 2) Use mdk 7.2 install to create the required linux partitions and
 install mdk 7.2

 There is an issue with LILO, however. Currently, with 8.0 installed,
 LILO lets me boot DOS instead of linux and from there I get B*ll Gates
 boot menu from which I chose NT or DOS boot. Now when I take step (1)
 above and without doing fdisk /mbr LILO stays there and it still works
 for booting the D*S and W*ndo*s. I am hesitant to try fdisk /mbr
 because doing that will allow me to boot D*S and I am not sure I will
 get the b*ll Gates menu selection that allows me to boot NT instead of

 DO I have to do fdisk /mbr before installing 7.2? What would be the
 repercussions if I did not? If I do have to do fdisk /mbr, how will I
 be able to boot D*S or NT without LILO?



[newbie] RE: [expert] Re: mysterious incoming packets

2001-08-07 Per discussione John W

  It will last as long as it takes these idiots to patch there servers or 
 quit using MS for web based services.
I think it will go dormant again the 19th of the month unless CR 2 has 
changed that as well.

Yeah, ever since this all started, I have a constant 2+k activity on eth0,
still, and according to iptraf, they are virtually all ARP requests...as
well, my apache log shows constant hacking attempts. Is this all code red
generated activity, and if so, anyone have any idea how long it'll last?



Re: [newbie] can't startx

2001-08-07 Per discussione Richie de Almeida

unix/:-1 is how Xserver connects to xfs, the X font-server.

Going by the message you got, when xfs tried to upload its fonts to your 
X-server, some files or folders containing fonts were missing.  Running 
Xconfigurator may have updated the configuration file for xfs (the file is 
/etc/X11/fs/config) to not include the missing path, OR, Xconfigurator 
dropped the command to download fonts from xfs.  Look in /etc/X11/XF86Config 
in the FontPath section, if xfs is being used for serving fonts you'll see 
a line that looks like:

Load unix/:-1

You really do want this line in your XF86Config as xfs lets you use scalable 
fonts and TrueType fonts, which is a big plus as the standard X fonts look 
awful in higher resolutions.

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 19:42, Errant wrote:
 Running Xconfigurator worked... but why did I have this problem in
 the first place? And how would I avoid it in the future?

 Thanx again,


 On Tuesday 07 August 2001  5:58 pm, you wrote:
   Hi all,
   I suddenly can't get x up and running on my LM8 box. After issuing
   the startx command as Root from console, it returns the following:
   Could not init font path element unix/:-1, removing from list!
   Fatal Server Error:
   could not open default font 'fixed'
   Can someone help me fix this, and explain how it might have happened?
   Thanx a bunch,
 Try typing in Xconfigurator and running that.
 Might get you back and running again.

Re: [newbie] Problems upgrading RPM

2001-08-07 Per discussione Richie de Almeida

Your problem may have been from dinking around with RedHat software instead 
of Mandrake software.  Personally, I don't trust installing RPMs on Mandrake 
unless they're from Mandrake, with a few exceptions.  I don't know about 
backing out from these abortive RPM installs, you may want to make a fresh 
install of Mandrake.

When you get a working install back, try downloading the Linux Kernel source 
in .tar.gz format from Linux.org or some other place and compiling it 
yourself.  There's great HOWTOs on compiling the kernel just about everywhere 
and it's not as hard as it seems, it's just takes a little extra time to 
actually compile the kernel (my first compile was on a Pentium 90-- it took 
about two hours!  Any Pentium II should take considerably less time)

The best part is once you get used to it you can really customize the kernel 
to suit your needs, it's a great way to squeeze all the performance you can 
out of your PC!

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 20:24, Rafael Lepra wrote:
 I installed LM 7.1, I needed to upgrade my kernel to 4.2.6 in order to
 instal the drivers of my software modem Motorola SM56. I could upgrade the
 kernel thanks to the help of this mailing list.

 So far, no problem. Unfortunately when I tried to instal the package of the
 modem's driver I got a warning that my rpm did not support versions higher
 than 3. I got a rpm package rpm-4.0.2-5x.i386.rpm (from redhat upgrade ftp
 site) and tried to instal it. I got a message about db3 dependency. So, I
 downloaded the package db3-3.1.17-4.5x.i386.rpm and installed it.

 Then I installed the rpm-4.0.2 and I got a message about a directoy
 /rpm/libs (but I am not sure about the name) that could not be erased
 because it was not empty.

 The bad new is that after that, kdepackage did not work, I tryed to rebuild
 the databases, but after several minutes the process abort with a core
 dump or somthing.

 Could anyone give me some advice about what to do?

 Thank you in advance for your help.


Re: [newbie] 'Rumor' of TCP/MS WinXP [Check this out]

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 13:10, Richie de Almeida wrote:
 On Monday 06 August 2001 21:43, Michael Leone wrote:
  From:   Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Linux has had IPv6 support for quite some time, and I beleive that
  Win2K has it as well (because they stole the TCP/IP stack from
  They did NOT steal it. The license ALLOWED them to use it. It was
  perfectly legal, if a bit hypocritical.

 Hold the boat!  IPv6 was developed in consortium about 3 years ago, that
 means its there for everybody.  Saying M$ stole it from anywhere is like
 saying they stole email as they happen to use POP and SMTP in Outlook...

Let me try that again...

By stole, I meant that MS took the TCP/IP stack code from BSD and didn't 
give anything back. Of course, the BSD license allows this (I did not wish to 
be taken literally), but I see it as unethical to just take and not give 
anything back. I never said that MS stole IPv6; I simply meant that Windows 
gained IPv6 functionality by stealing the BSD TCP/IP stack.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] New Kernel 2.4.7

2001-08-07 Per discussione Paul

It was Tue, 07 Aug 2001 19:26:17 -0300 when Lúcio Costa wrote:

I've gone to Fenasof / Brazil, and I had a opportunity to saw some Linux 
In fact, some machines are using kernel 2.4.7
Can you help me to up-grade my Linux Kernel to this version ?
I don't know what I need to do.
I've found for RPM's files to do this...
It's more easy !!!
Thank you for Your Help and Time.

Go to www.rpmfind.net and look for kernel. As soon as the 2.4.7. is packaged
you will be able to find it there.

Bureaucrat, n.: A person who cuts red tape sideways.
-J. McCabe

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Realplayer sound defaults

2001-08-07 Per discussione Paul

It was Wed, 8 Aug 2001 14:31:34 +1200 when John Rye wrote:

 My realplayer (basic v.8) keeps loading with the volume all the way down.
 In itself I can move that up to something audible when I load realplay,
 but the plugin for netscape and mozilla don't have a volume control.

Have you run the mixer controls for your desktop??

I had to run Aumix (KDE) to get sensible sound levels on my system. The
settings seem to be recorded in /etc/aumixrc globally and ~/user/.aumixrc

Hi John,
All other sounds on my machine work perfectly, XMMS, wav, etc. Just realplayer
keeps starting with the volume down, no matter what. I move the slider up, and
there's sound in realplay. I quit realplay, the config file (I assume that
.RealPlayer_SDK something is the config) reflects the proper volume setting,
but the program doesn't initialise on that volume level.

Bureaucrat, n.: A person who cuts red tape sideways.
-J. McCabe

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Convert .wma files?

2001-08-07 Per discussione Sevatio

I'm not sure about the Linux solution to this. But I do know that if you 
have Windurz, you could use TotalRecorder from 
http://www.highcriteria.com . It converts ANY sound format by capturing 
it digitally through acting as a pseudo sound device. Then you can save 
it in MP3 format with its built-in Lame encoder. It could even speed up 
any non-live audiostream (as long as the stream server isn't throttled).

There's even software to convert the dreaded ASF format to MPEG. It's 
called TMPGEnc; http://www.tmpgenc.com

Good Luck.


 Original Message 

On 8/6/01, 4:56:35 PM, Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] Convert .wma files?:

 Is there a way to convert .wma files to mp3 or to burn a cdplayable 

[newbie] YahooMessenger

2001-08-07 Per discussione linux


I found a version of YahooMessenger for Linux, 


And Instructions were:

To install the Linux version of Messenger: 

  Save the file ymessenger-0.93.0-1.i386.rpm 
  to your machine. 
  Log in as root, and type rpm -i ymessenger-0.93.0-1.i386.rpm to 
  install the application. 
  Type ymessenger from a prompt to launch the application. 
But when I did ... or try to do so... it didn't work... Said something 
extra was needed.

Has anyone tried to install it... and succeded?

I have a downloaded vesion of LM-8.0.



[newbie] Setting up a DNS server

2001-08-07 Per discussione Greg Taylor

Was wondering if there was any good walkthru's on 
setting up a DNS server for a LAN of abuot 10 

[newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-07 Per discussione Greg Taylor

I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it 
comes to harddrives, but it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix 
on a drive that was formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall windows 
on the drive again without it not working or being awfully unstable. I'm not 
sure why this happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer wants to work. I even 
went as far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get in the fdisk, and 
create a new empty dos partition table, saved it, then rebooted, fdisk'd off a 
boot floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted, formatted it, then tried the 
installer. It didn't make it past the system checker thing at the beginning of 
the installer, gave some weird errors about the drive. Anyway, anyone else 
having this problem?