Re: [newbie-it] Rotellina mouse in Netscape 4.78

2002-02-17 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 22:53:35 +0100
e/tacc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Come far funzionare la rotellina del mouse su Netscape 4.78

Questa versione di Netscape non supporta nativamente il wheel mouse,
come invece fanno Mozilla/Galeon e Gnome per es., ma si avvale di un
programma esterno chiamato imwheel. Quindi dovresti controllare di
averlo e provare a lanciarlo.



Re: [newbie-it] C'è l'ho fatta finalmente !!!!!!

2002-02-17 Per discussione gheblond

 Grazie a tutti.

 Nicola MT

Complimenti... bravo!!! ;-)

[newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] C'è l'ho fatta finalmente !!!!!!

2002-02-17 Per discussione Marco Fortini

Scusa Nicola se tichiedo che modem ADSL hai;
io sono un 38-enne stanco anch'io delle angherie di windows; ho il modem
Alcatel ADSL Speedtouch USB, ci sto picchiando da più di due mesi ma non c'è
verso di farlo collegare su Linux 8.0 e 8.1;
Io la mailing list ancora non la posso ringraziare perchè il mio unico
problema è stato ed è il collegamento internet ADSL, ma ormai spesso non
ricevo nemmeno risposte perchè probabilmente sono l'unico sfigato che ha
simili intoppature e domanda spiegazioni su dei messaggi di errore sul
log-messages veramente variegati.

ciao Marco

- Original Message -
From: Nicola Minutiello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] C'è l'ho fatta finalmente !!

 Sono un Newbie di 41 anni stanco di lavorare con windows da circa tre mesi
 mi sono picchiato per installare e (sopratutto far funzionare) linux MDK
 8.1, dopo aver reinstallato almeno una ventina di volte il SO adesso
 finalmente funziona, almeno per le funzioni di base e soprattutto riesco a
 far funzionare il mio hardware modem ADSL, scheda grafica Radeon 7500 e
 scanner. Sono proprio sodisfatto.
 Linux mi piace molto.
 Volevo ringraziare tutti i partecipanti all ML, perche grazie anche a voi
 sono riuscito nel mio intento.
 Adesso il prossimo passo sara trovare programmi per poter trasferire tutto
 il mio lavoro su linux.

 Grazie a tutti.

 Nicola MT

[newbie-it] da mp3 a wav ed altro sugli audio

2002-02-17 Per discussione Arwan

Visto che finalmente sono riuscita a masterizzare un CD audio, vi
chiedo: che programma posso usare per convertire un file da mp3 a wav?
E poi: e se volessi registrare, tramite la scheda audio, dei file wav?
Cosa consigliate? Ho provato con aRts (o come cavolo si chiama quello
di KDE) ma non ci capisco un tubo...


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] C'è l'ho fattafinalmente !!!!!!

2002-02-17 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il dom, 2002-02-17 alle 15:06, Marco Fortini ha scritto:
 Scusa Nicola se tichiedo che modem ADSL hai;
 io sono un 38-enne stanco anch'io delle angherie di windows; ho il modem
 Alcatel ADSL Speedtouch USB, ci sto picchiando da più di due mesi ma non c'è
 verso di farlo collegare su Linux 8.0 e 8.1;
 Io la mailing list ancora non la posso ringraziare perchè il mio unico
 problema è stato ed è il collegamento internet ADSL, ma ormai spesso non
 ricevo nemmeno risposte perchè probabilmente sono l'unico sfigato che ha
 simili intoppature e domanda spiegazioni su dei messaggi di errore sul
 log-messages veramente variegati.

se hai BBB, fatti semplicemente cambiare il modem con quello ethernet.
Fai prima e ti rompi meno la testa col sistema.


Un saluto.

[newbie-it] togliere GRUB

2002-02-17 Per discussione dimmy

Salve, ho un problema: non so come togliere GRUB dal hard disk. Vorrei
accedere al Linux soltanto tramite il floppy. Ho cercato informazioni a
riguardo, ma invano. Qualcuno puo' darmi una mano?


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VolaSMS, il software più completo per inviare e ricevere SMS dal tuo PC

Clicca qui:  

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con CD Audio

2002-02-17 Per discussione Marco Forti

Alle 17:26, domenica 17 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Uso la Mandrake 8.1 e ho modificato i parametri di boot come più volte 
 consigliato (devfs=nomount nobiospnp). In questo modo sono in grado di 
 leggere i CD. Il problema è, relativo ai CD Audio. Se lo faccio partire 
 direttamente dal lettore funziona perfettamente. Se invece uso programmi 
 specifici (Xmms o CD Player) non lo vede. l'Xmms non vede nulla nella 
 directory /mnt/cdrom; il CD Player mi da il seguente messaggio Errore di 
 lettura o accesso al CDROM (o manca disco). Assicurati di avere i problemi 
 accesso a: /dev/cdrom.  Come posso fare a risolvere il problema?
 Grazie a tutti.

A mio avviso ti manca il device /dev/cdrom
Controlla in /etc/fstab qual'è il tuo dispositivo CDROM (da me è hdc)
poi apri un terminale e ti sposti in dev (cd /dev)
quindi dai il seguente comando
ln -s hdc cdrom
(varia hdc se nel tuo caso il cdrom è un dispositivo diverso)
e vedrai che il tuo problema si risolve!



la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

KMail powered by Linux Mandrake 8.1

la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

KMail powered by Linux Mandrake 8.1

Re: [newbie-it] togliere GRUB

2002-02-17 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 16:42, domenica 17 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve, ho un problema: non so come togliere GRUB dal hard disk. Vorrei
 accedere al Linux soltanto tramite il floppy. Ho cercato informazioni a
 riguardo, ma invano. Qualcuno puo' darmi una mano?


fdisk /mbr  

...Perlomeno con Lilo funziona...


Re: [newbie-it] Rotellina mouse in Netscape 4.78

2002-02-17 Per discussione eltacc

Alle 11:56, domenica 17 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 22:53:35 +0100

 e/tacc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Come far funzionare la rotellina del mouse su Netscape 4.78

 Questa versione di Netscape non supporta nativamente il wheel mouse,
 come invece fanno Mozilla/Galeon e Gnome per es., ma si avvale di un
 programma esterno chiamato imwheel. Quindi dovresti controllare di
 averlo e provare a lanciarlo.

Ti ringrazio del aiuto, l'ho provato però non mi piace come funziona.

[newbie-it] XawTV

2002-02-17 Per discussione eltacc

Mandrake 8.1 mi ha installato il programma XawTV.
Con la cam vedo l'immagine mezza verde e mezza grigia.
Con l'ingresso composito vedo l'immagine Tv solo in bianco nero.
Ciao a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] togliere GRUB

2002-02-17 Per discussione gheblond

Il 10:42, domenica 17 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve, ho un problema: non so come togliere GRUB dal hard disk. Vorrei
 accedere al Linux soltanto tramite il floppy. Ho cercato informazioni a
 riguardo, ma invano. Qualcuno puo' darmi una mano?


Giustamente... fdisk /mbr, ma prima vai in mdk control center e fatti un 
floppy per far poi partire il sistema.

[newbie-it] Come si pronuncia Linux?!?

2002-02-17 Per discussione Manuela

Buona Sera a tutta la ML!!!

Ho scoperto una cosa che trovo molto carina
(non particolarmente utile.. ma simpatica :-) )
E' questa: esiste in Linux un file audio
nel quale Linus Torvalds in persona insegna
la corretta pronuncia di Linux. Problema questo
che non riguarda noi italiani (io non ho mai sentito
pronuncie strane) ma... some where in the world...
Cmq, digitate al prompt della shell:

cat /usr/share/sndconfig/  /dev/audio

e ascoltate...

Buona Continuazione



Re[2]: [newbie-it] da mp3 a wav ed altro sugli audio

2002-02-17 Per discussione Arwan

Scrive Sebastiano:

(Sunday, February 17, 2002, ore 7:33:28 PM, a proposito di [newbie-it] da mp3 a wav ed 
altro sugli audio)

SC decodifico tutti gli mp3 contenuti in una dir con uno script che si
SC chiama MP3do (credo che sia qui Puoi
SC farlo anche a mano con mpg123 -w song.wav song.mp3 (uno alla volta!)
SC ma lo script automatizza il tutto se lanciato con l' opzione -s *.mp3.

Ottimo, grazie.

SC Se intendi dire registrare dal line in della scheda audio io ho usato +
SC volte GramoFile per masterizzare delle musicassette. E' un prog per
SC console (semigrafico) ma e' molto intuitivo e funziona bene; non ricordo
SC il link ma dovresti trovarlo su freshmeat. 

Proprio quello che intendevo. Vado a caccia e provo :-) (se non mi
sentite borbottare piu' vuol dire che ce l'ho fatta :-))) )


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

R: [newbie-it] XawTV

2002-02-17 Per discussione luca laghi

In questi giorno sto sperimentando un problema analogo. Ho una sccheda con
ingresso composito, super-video e antenna. Con il collegamento
videregistratore-computer tramite antenna ho immagini perfette, con gli
altri due mezzi immagini scarse ( quasi in bianco e nero). Potrebbe dunque
essere un problema hardware, più che software.

 Mandrake 8.1 mi ha installato il programma XawTV.
 Con la cam vedo l'immagine mezza verde e mezza grigia.
 Con l'ingresso composito vedo l'immagine Tv solo in bianco nero.
 Ciao a tutti

[newbie] Icon Question

2002-02-17 Per discussione Rich

I'm running Mandrake 8.1.  How does one change the icon for an
individual app on the desktop?  I can change the icons of groups (all
*.exe, I.E.), but not individuals.


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Re: [newbie] Icon Question

2002-02-17 Per discussione Mark Evans

Hi Rich.

Right click on the icon (on desktop).click on properties...then click on 
the icon.   


On Sunday 17 February 2002 10:42, you wrote:
 I'm running Mandrake 8.1.  How does one change the icon for an
 individual app on the desktop?  I can change the icons of groups (all
 *.exe, I.E.), but not individuals.


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Re: [newbie] Icon Question

2002-02-17 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Sunday 17 February 2002 12:42, Rich wrote:
 I'm running Mandrake 8.1.  How does one change the icon for an
 individual app on the desktop?  I can change the icons of groups
 (all *.exe, I.E.), but not individuals.

Depends on your window manager.  In KDE you just right-click the icon 
and select Properties.


Never mind the quality, feel the bandwidth.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Icon Question

2002-02-17 Per discussione Rodrigo

One way to do it is to right-click on the icon and then click on 
properties. A  dialog box will open with the icon on it, so click on the 
icon now and another box will open. There you will see a lot of other 
icons or you can choose a .png or .xpm file. Pick up a new icon and it's 
Hope it helps you, regards.


Rich wrote:

I'm running Mandrake 8.1.  How does one change the icon for an
individual app on the desktop?  I can change the icons of groups (all
*.exe, I.E.), but not individuals.


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Re: [newbie] Charset in Star/Open Office

2002-02-17 Per discussione Onur Kucuk

RT I'm sure this one must have been asked and answered before, but I 
RT can't find it in the archives 

RT How do you get Star / Open Office to use a different charset?  I need 
RT Latin5 (iso-8859-9) encoding and can't find anything there to set it 
RT (choosing language as Turkish has no effect either).  Is there some 
RT environment variable to set this or what?

RT Robin

 Honestly I could not also realize what choosing Turkish does,

 The display problem is caused by the default fonts of
 openoffice/staroffice lacking iso8859-9. To correct this, there is a
 utility in the main folder of the office, spadmin. Spadmin manages
 printers and fonts. Just open it up and show openoffice new truetype
 (ttf) fonts to use, that supports iso8859-9. Choosing use
 symlinks/softlinks will prevent wasting space for fonts.

 Onur Kucuk

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[newbie] programm for scsi streamer?

2002-02-17 Per discussione Paul Pak


As I have an external SCSI Streamer 4GB which I want to use, I am looking for 
an nice tool (GUI) for using it. I know there is good old tar, but are there 
any nice graphical tools? thanxs


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Re: [newbie] RPM File Installation

2002-02-17 Per discussione Rodrigo

You can try rpm -ql package_name (see man rpm or rpm --help). It will 
list all the files inside the package and in which directories they are 
placed.  When you are installing it with software manager, before the 
installation, manager shows the files of the package. Before pressing 
next to complete the installation, take a look at files.


Tonton wrote:

I download a file from, a java editor with its filename 
jedit-3.2.2-1.noarch.rpm, when I right-click this file, and I open it with software 
manager, after a few minutes, it says that the software has been successfully 
installed.  My question is, how do I know where does software manager install this 
java editor?


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RE: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione Franki

I personally use icewm to do all my desktop stuff on the slower servers..
(my home sshd, samba, postfix, fetchmail gateway and firewall machine, is a
233MMX with 160mb of ram, and although its not what you'd call lightning,
its certainly fast enough to serve its purpose,, I also use it to browse or
read mail if I can't be bothered starting one of my desktop machines.)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of shane
Sent: Friday, 15 February 2002 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Running slow.

On Friday 15 February 2002 01:49, you spoke unto me thusly:

 If speed and footprint are concerns, then Blackbox or Windowmaker might
 be even better choices.  I believe Blackbox *might* be the lightest

either blackbox or fvwm is the lightest would be my bet, but i have nothing
to back that up   ;-)

i recommend e first cause i kinda like it.  nothing more.  while not as
light as others it does more.  always trading off.

Microsoft: Writing viruses has never been easier!

registered linux user @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] Charset in Star/Open Office

2002-02-17 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Sunday 17 February 2002 13:32, Onur Kucuk wrote:
 RT I'm sure this one must have been asked and answered before, but
 I RT can't find it in the archives 

 RT How do you get Star / Open Office to use a different charset? 
 I need RT Latin5 (iso-8859-9) encoding and can't find anything
 there to set it RT (choosing language as Turkish has no effect
 either).  Is there some RT environment variable to set this or

 RT Robin

  Honestly I could not also realize what choosing Turkish does,

  The display problem is caused by the default fonts of
  openoffice/staroffice lacking iso8859-9. To correct this, there is
 a utility in the main folder of the office, spadmin. Spadmin
 manages printers and fonts. Just open it up and show openoffice new
 truetype (ttf) fonts to use, that supports iso8859-9. Choosing use
 symlinks/softlinks will prevent wasting space for fonts.

I tried that, both as root and user.  It still defaults to iso8859-1, 
as far as I can tell.  A quick fix was to download and install a 
couple of Turkish only fonts, but I'd still like to be able to 
choose between character sets for existing ttf and Type 1 fonts.

IMHO, Open Office would be a better (and smaller!) program if it 
stopped trying to duplicate things that are already done perfectly 
well by the existing system.  I realise this is extra work if you're 
developing a cross-platform application, but why not just use the 
existing X-fonts, use CUPS or lpd for printing, and even Qt/Tk for 
widgets etc.?  (I suspect the answer would be If you want that, use 
KOffice, but KOffice, although it's an impressive application, is 
really not my cup of tea.) 



Never mind the quality, feel the bandwidth.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Icon Question

2002-02-17 Per discussione Rich

I've received 3 identical answers, but it doesn't work here!  Nothing
happens when I click on the icon in the dialog box.  I can change the
icon by right clicking and then selecting Edit File Type. 
Unfortunately, this also changes all of the other, similar, non-embedded
icons on the desktop.


On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 06:43, Rodrigo wrote:
 One way to do it is to right-click on the icon and then click on 
 properties. A  dialog box will open with the icon on it, so click on the 
 icon now and another box will open. There you will see a lot of other 
 icons or you can choose a .png or .xpm file. Pick up a new icon and it's 
 Hope it helps you, regards.
 Rich wrote:
 I'm running Mandrake 8.1.  How does one change the icon for an
 individual app on the desktop?  I can change the icons of groups (all
 *.exe, I.E.), but not individuals.
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Re: [newbie] Desktop

2002-02-17 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 17:52:41 +0800
Tonton [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 When I go to KDE, my desktop in Gnome automatically open in my KDE
 desktop, what should I do to remove this?

Open kpm and look for an instance of gmc running. kill that instance and any
others running and that should take care of the problem. In the future when
you use the Gmc file manager be sure to exit the program via the exit menu
command as opposed to just hitting the X in the upper right of the window.
When you use the latter method to exit the program that leaves the process
running and as you can see there are side-effects to this.

Registered Linux User 182496
  8:05am  up 1 day, 11:42,  2 users,  load average: 1.15, 0.52, 0.35

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Re: [newbie] RPM File Installation

2002-02-17 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 08:58:44 -0300
Rodrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 You can try rpm -ql package_name (see man rpm or rpm --help). It will 
 list all the files inside the package and in which directories they are 
 placed.  When you are installing it with software manager, before the 
 installation, manager shows the files of the package. Before pressing 
 next to complete the installation, take a look at files.
 Tonton wrote:
 I download a file from, a java editor with its filename
 jedit-3.2.2-1.noarch.rpm, when I right-click this file, and I open it
 with software manager, after a few minutes, it says that the software has
 been successfully installed.  My question is, how do I know where does
 software manager install this java editor?

If you open up Kpackage and find the package in the list then click on the
package name to highlight the package information will come up in the right
pain of the app. That should tell you where the binary was placed that runs
the app.

Registered Linux User 182496
  8:05am  up 1 day, 11:42,  2 users,  load average: 1.15, 0.52, 0.35

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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 19:33:51 -0600
Mark D'voo [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 I had trouble with 8.1, mandrake 7.1 through 8.0 were blazing fast for me,
 then came 8.1 download edition, slow and unstable, Some people have had
 great luck with 8.1, other's like ours have sucked and cause me to use a
 different distro for now. I hope 8.2 will be better

wow! thats unfortunate. I've had nothing but good experiences with 8.1. In
fact it appears to be the most stable version of Mandrake I've used yet,
although that could be because I've learned more about running things better
and not breaking them as much.

Registered Linux User 182496
  8:05am  up 1 day, 11:42,  2 users,  load average: 1.15, 0.52, 0.35

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Re: [newbie] HTP370 raid controller

2002-02-17 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 16 February 2002 11:22 pm, Eric Paynter wrote:
 I'm thinking about getting a mainboard with a High Point HTP370 IDE
 RAID controller to use RAID1. I can't find it listed in the
 compatible hardware list. Can anybody share any success/failure
 stories with this controller?



You probly should read,

   For more, just go to mandrake forum and search 'raid'. I believe 
you'll change your mind about considerin a win-fake-raid motherboard.
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Sunday 17 February 2002 15:46, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 19:33:51 -0600

 Mark D'voo [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to 
  I had trouble with 8.1, mandrake 7.1 through 8.0 were blazing
  fast for me, then came 8.1 download edition, slow and unstable,
  Some people have had great luck with 8.1, other's like ours have
  sucked and cause me to use a different distro for now. I hope 8.2
  will be better

 wow! thats unfortunate. I've had nothing but good experiences with
 8.1. In fact it appears to be the most stable version of Mandrake
 I've used yet, although that could be because I've learned more
 about running things better and not breaking them as much.

I too found 8.1 rather slow, but not at all unstable.
Previous posts on this list indicate that the speed problem may lie 
with the kernel. Upgrading your kernel might help, but since Mdk 8.2 
will be out soon, it's probably better to wait for that.  


Never mind the quality, feel the bandwidth.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] How do I get out of X-Windows

2002-02-17 Per discussione prontomail

I know how about the Ctrl-Alt-Bksp part, but when I 
do that it only brings me back to the X-Windows (KDE) logon screen and not to 
the prompt. Even restarting the PC does not make it stop at the prompt. It goes 
straight to the KDE.

Also, how do I change my displayresolution in 

Thanks for all info

Re: [newbie] How do I get out of X-Windows

2002-02-17 Per discussione Leonard W.Miller

Go here and see if this helps you.

 prontomail[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/17/02 3:10:00 AM 
I know how about the Ctrl-Alt-Bksp part, but when I do that it only brings me back to 
the X-Windows (KDE) logon screen and not to the prompt. Even restarting the PC does 
not make it stop at the prompt. It goes straight to the KDE.

Also, how do I change my display resolution in X-Windows.

Thanks for all info

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Re: [newbie] How do I get out of X-Windows

2002-02-17 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Sunday 17 February 2002 10:10, prontomail wrote:
 I know how about the Ctrl-Alt-Bksp part, but when I do that it only
 brings me back to the X-Windows (KDE) logon screen and not to the
 prompt. Even restarting the PC does not make it stop at the prompt.
 It goes straight to the KDE.

Depends on the version of Mandrake you're using.  In 8.1, the 
shutdown command on the login screen gives you an option to go into 
command-line mode.

If you just want to set up another session in command line mode 
without killing your KDE session, Ctrl-Alt-F* will access different 
virtual sessions.

I don't know if there's a way to kill X and go into command line mode 
directly from a KDE session.

 Also, how do I change my display resolution in X-Windows.

Control Centre - Hardware - X
If  you have more than one resolution set up, Ctrl-Alt-+ will cycle 
through them.

BTW, it's X-window, not X-windows -- Windows is that other 
operating system!


Never mind the quality, feel the bandwidth.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Desktop

2002-02-17 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 08:25:43 -0500, daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 17:52:41 +0800
 Tonton [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
  When I go to KDE, my desktop in Gnome automatically open in my KDE
  desktop, what should I do to remove this?
 Open kpm and look for an instance of gmc running. kill that instance and any
 others running and that should take care of the problem. In the future when
 you use the Gmc file manager be sure to exit the program via the exit menu
 command as opposed to just hitting the X in the upper right of the window.
 When you use the latter method to exit the program that leaves the process
 running and as you can see there are side-effects to this.

If you start gmc with the --sm-disable option, you won't have this problem.
Also, to prevent it from trying to draw on the desktop, use the --nodesktop

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The Internet cannot be removed from your Desktop.
Do you want to delete the Internet now?
-- Microsoft Windows 95

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Re: [newbie] SbLive

2002-02-17 Per discussione Paul Kraus

I am not trying to get the spidif jack to work. I want the speaker
output jack to be set for digital output so that it can run digital

On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 04:31, Paul Pak wrote:
 In Case you are using the alsa sound drivers do the following:
 as root enter the command: alsactl store   it will create the file 
 /etc/asound.conf. Open asound.conf with an editor look for the spdif output 
 line and change it to true. Mine looks like this:
   switch(S/PDIF output, true)
 Now save asound.conf and enter the command: alsactl restore ,
 SPDIF out should work now
 if it is not working maybe you are not using alsa
 Am Samstag, 16. Februar 2002 23:43 schrieben Sie:
  How do you switch the analog output on the soundblaster live to digital?
  In windows there was creative software to do it. I am running digital
  speakers as it is and now have no sound. Thanks.
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Re: [newbie] How do I get out of X-Windows

2002-02-17 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 00:10:00 -0800, prontomail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know how about the Ctrl-Alt-Bksp part, but when I do that it only brings me
 back to the X-Windows (KDE) logon screen and not to the prompt. Even
 restarting the PC does not make it stop at the prompt. It goes straight to the
 Also, how do I change my display resolution in X-Windows.

These can all be adjusted in the Mandrake Control Centre.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

 The linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger. Oops. Wrong one.
'Do it yourself.' That's it. -- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] Mandrake 8.1 vs. SuSE 7.3

2002-02-17 Per discussione geno

Any thoughts on how they compare?

What is the Mandrake equivalent of the SuSE Online Update?



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Re: [newbie] How do I get out of X-Windows

2002-02-17 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Leonard W.Miller wrote:
 Go here and see if this helps you.


I don't think that will work for anybody out on the Internet -- that is
a private IP, and does not work for me.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] How do I get out of X-Windows

2002-02-17 Per discussione Leonard W.Miller


how about now

 Randy Kramer[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/17/02 10:41:58 AM 
Leonard W.Miller wrote:
 Go here and see if this helps you. 


I don't think that will work for anybody out on the Internet -- that is
a private IP, and does not work for me.

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] MDK 8.1 freezes during new install

2002-02-17 Per discussione Gilbert Desmet


I have a recurring freeze problem during installation of Linux MDK8.1 on a
PC with Win98SE.
Partition during install runned ok. I partitioned half of my HD for Linux
with approx 4 GB for the '/' mount en approx. 15 GB for the '/home' mount.
Freezing occurs during further installation.  Mostly during installation of
files, but not necessarly always at the same point.
I tried 'text'mode install with same freezing event(s)
I tried install from boot diskette with same freezing event(s)
I tried to install with another CD-ROM installed : same result...
I tried to install with SCSI card removed: same result.

Can anybody recognise the problem or point me to more relevant info?
Thanks for your time !

- AOpen AK73(A) motherboard, on-board sound
- AOpen CD-ROM
- NVidia TNT2 M64 32MB video card
- 512 MB RAM
- Adaptec AHA 2930AU SCSI card
- Realtek RTL8139 PCI Fast Ethernet NIC
- Seagate HD 40 GB, 20 GB for Win 98SE and 20 GB for Linux.

Gilbert Desmet

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Re: [newbie] Modem PCTel

2002-02-17 Per discussione Rodrigo

Thank you very much ! It's working pefectly !!!  :-D
The last doubt is, I am not sure about where I should put the following 
insmod pctel
insmod ptserial
Should I put them in /etc/profile or there is a better place for them ?
Thanks again,


Joseph Braddock wrote:

Go to and from there select the link for Jan's PCTel 
Resources.  Her site will have the latest drivers for the PCTel modems (I'm 
using them now).  If you have problems, let me know and I'll try and help you 
through it.


On Thursday 14 February 2002 09:09 am, you wrote:

Does anyone know any driver for the PCTel Platinum V90 HSP Micromodem
that works in Mandrake 8.1 ?


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[newbie] par for linux?

2002-02-17 Per discussione Jon Doe

does anyone know where I can find the parchiver utility? I had it before but I can't 
find it now.
It rebuilds rar files that are missing.

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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione Jeffrey Madore

I would like to say thank you to all who replied to my inquiries as to 8.1 
operating slow on my P120. 

I have made some notes from your comments and thus will try an older dist or 
lighter X application. On the other hand I may just upgrade the 
machine...things to ponder.

As to my 700Mhz machine running slugish, from scanning the system log I see 
several things that raise serious questions (things that I know not the 
meaning of yet) that I must address.

Thanks again to all, you have been most helpful!


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.1 vs. SuSE 7.3

2002-02-17 Per discussione shane

first the disclaimer, one mans theology is another mans belly laugh.  a 
must have distro for me may be unusable for you, but...

the 2 highest rated distros in most of the current reviews i have found 
are, you guessed it, suse and mandrake.  most place them the same, a few 
give a slight edge to mandrake, one a slight edge to suse.  i am sorry i 
have not bookmarked all the pages this comes from, but this was my overall 

in my opinion, the downfall of suse is no simple iso download.  the only 
iso files for i386 suse are live cd.  while i really like the live cd 
idea (and would like to see mandrake release one, hint hint nudge nudge to 
everyone how reads this at mandrake) i also want the easy iso download for 
the real install.

on the plus side, if you want to try out suse, you can do so (assuming you 
machine is fairly new) directly from cd, with no haddrive modification 

in short, i have 2 machines in the office, if i didn't need win2k on the 
one my wife uses for work i would have one mandrake and one suse machine, 
and happily pay for both.  since i can only have one, i run mandrake.


On Sunday 17 February 2002 07:43, you spoke unto me thusly:

 Any thoughts on how they compare?

'Windows for Dummies' is much more than a book title, it's a Microsoft way 
of life!

registered linux user @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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[newbie] Realplayer 8

2002-02-17 Per discussione Rodrigo

Hi, I've had problems with Realplayer 8 Basic, I don't get any audio 
playback from it. Some times when launching it, I get this message: 
cannot open the audio device. another application may be using it.
I disabled the KDE sound server at startup but the problem remains the same.
It plays video OK, without audio.
Is there a way to fix it ?
I am using MDK8.1 and KDE 2.2.1.


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Re: [newbie] Netscape 6.2 Installation

2002-02-17 Per discussione Andre Dubuc

Hi Chuck,

The big question: did you keep Netscape 6.2? Is it worth the trouble? -- I'm 
developing a website and I'm just curious to see how it compares to the 
Netscape 4.xx that came with LM 8.0. 

I use Konqueror almost exclusively. (I'm not fond of all the clutter in 


On Saturday 16 February 2002 23:37, you wrote:
 When I installed Netscape 6.2, I had problems with conflicts with
 Mozilla. I have seen this problem mentioned on other lists as well.



  On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 10:31:04 +
  rsch77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] thoughtfully uttered these words to
   Hi Andre,
   I am a newbie also : ), so I can't help you much with installing it
   as an ordinary user. I installed Netscape 6.2 as root and I can run
   it as a normal user. If that is your worry, don't worry anymore. You
   could try installing it in another directory which you have
   permission to write, but I've never done it, can't help again.
   Good luck,
  Instead of download just the installer grab the entire package from
  the Netscape FTP server and then run the installer on your system
  instead of using their net installer.
  problem solved.
  Registered Linux User 182496
  Mandrake 8.2beta1
   10:16am  up 17:44,  2 users,  load average: 1.05, 1.01, 0.91
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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Re: [newbie] Set Backup

2002-02-17 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Charles Muller wrote:

 I had thought that I could run this file by going to the /chuck
 directory and typing the file name. But it doesn't run. I get the
 bash: backup: command not found
 Can someone tell me what I am missing here? I am sorry to be so slow.
 Thanks again,

Hi. It might not make any difference at all, but have you tried it with:


Just a thought.


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Re: [newbie] How do I get out of X-Windows

2002-02-17 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Leonard W.Miller wrote:
 how about now


Much better!  Is there also a domain name for that IP address?

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Icon Question

2002-02-17 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Rich wrote:
 I'm running Mandrake 8.1.  How does one change the icon for an
 individual app on the desktop?  I can change the icons of groups (all
 *.exe, I.E.), but not individuals.

If you're using KDE, then right click on the icon in question, pick
properties, then click on the icons under general and device. When you click
on those icons, it will bring up a display where you can pick diff. icons.

Hope this helps! ;-)


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[newbie] PCMCIA not detected

2002-02-17 Per discussione Vern W Heesch

I am in need of help. I thought I would install Mandrake on my Sony laptop 
but it didn't go all that well. The installation kept freezing on the check 
for pcmcia devices. I ended up installing by using the linux noauto option. 
So, now I have no pcmcia support. I don't know if it was the right thing to 
do but I installed the kernel-pcmcia rpm, but still not working. I have no 
idea what to do to get this working. Any suggestions as to what to do?


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[newbie] CHanging WindowManager

2002-02-17 Per discussione JSheble

Just out of curiosity I thought I'd take a look at some of the other
WindowManagers that come with LM8.1.  I did not originally install them when
I installed LM though.

So using the Software Manager in the Mandrake Control Center I installed
Blackbox.  Now however, I'm completely unsudre how to change my default
WindowManager when I start an X session.  I type startx, and it goes into
Gnome.  I tried typing startx blackbox but I got the twm manager running

When I try typing startblackbox, blackbox or exec blackbox I get the
following messages:

failed to open catalog, using default messages
BaseDisplay:BaseDisplay: connection to X server failed

I generally have no problems going into Gnome whenever I need to by typing

In Gnome, using the Gnome Control Center under WindowManagers all I see
listed in Sawfish (current) and twm, I don't see blackbox listed at all.

So what do I need to do to get Blackbox running as my defauly WindowManager
so I can check it out, then switch back to Gnome when I want to???


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Re: [newbie] CHanging WindowManager

2002-02-17 Per discussione Chris Keelan

Sun, 17 Feb 2002 10:38:13 -0700: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, JSheble [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

 So what do I need to do to get Blackbox running as my defauly WindowManager
 so I can check it out, then switch back to Gnome when I want to???

If you're using the 'startx' approach instead of gdm/kdm, I don't think you
can change WMs on the fly (although there is something in the Mandrake menus,
under configuration, which may allow this.

To run your favorite WM from startx, edit your .xinitrc file like so:

exec fvwm   # or blackbox, or xfce or enlightenment, etc...

- Chris

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Re: [newbie] CHanging WindowManager

2002-02-17 Per discussione shane

not really what you are asking, but a Cool Thing that might help.

from your current manager, do a ctrl alt F6 (or F whatever ya want) to get 
a different term and login.  then type xinit --  :1  this starts another 
instance of X windows, it will run on F8 while your original was on F7 (i 
believe that is the default anyway)

in the plain X windows box you get then, type the name of the manager you 
want to try, like blackbox or enlightenment.  you will then have GNOME or 
KDE or whatever on F7 and E or whatever F8.  though this does take a fair 
chunk of RAM, it is not only good for playing around, but demonstrating the 
sheer power of the X system and your Linux box.  

heck get a good fast CPU and a gig or so of RAM and run 4 X sessions each 
with a different manager.  just change the xinit number.  invite your 
friends over, build dumb network terminals, serve X over the network to 
them, become an admin, take over the world!  muahahaha... errm, sorry i 
have no idea where that came from.

On Sunday 17 February 2002 09:38, you spoke unto me thusly:

 failed to open catalog, using default messages
 BaseDisplay:BaseDisplay: connection to X server failed

-- a world without walls or fences, we wouldn't need windows or 

registered linux user @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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[newbie] LM 8.1 - Mouse focus rightshift problem

2002-02-17 Per discussione Prashant Nayak

Would appreciate thoughts/suggestions on fixing this weird problem I am 
having with my mouse.  Every so often, the focus rightshifts by about 
0.5 inches.  One cause (unconfirmed) might be opening up more than a 
certain number of applications (any combination - xterms, Netscape, 
xmms, etc).

It is very annoying because only a reboot makes this go away. 
 xrefresh or restarting the Xserver does not help.  

So if I don't want to reboot, I have to train my brain to click 0.5 
inches to the right of the intended target...

My system particulars:

Compaq w/ AMD K6 533Mhz
Compaq MV720 monitor set to 1024x768 70hz
Logitec optical wheel mouse (I changed mice recently and still have this 

First saw this in LM 8.0.  Hoped it would go away in 8.1, but no luck.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.1 vs. SuSE 7.3

2002-02-17 Per discussione geno

Thanks for your help.
At 09:12 AM 2/17/2002 -0800, you wrote:
first the disclaimer, one mans theology is another mans belly laugh.  a
must have distro for me may be unusable for you, but...

the 2 highest rated distros in most of the current reviews i have found
are, you guessed it, suse and mandrake.  most place them the same, a few
give a slight edge to mandrake, one a slight edge to suse.  i am sorry i
have not bookmarked all the pages this comes from, but this was my overall

in my opinion, the downfall of suse is no simple iso download.  the only
iso files for i386 suse are live cd.  while i really like the live cd
idea (and would like to see mandrake release one, hint hint nudge nudge to
everyone how reads this at mandrake) i also want the easy iso download for
the real install.

on the plus side, if you want to try out suse, you can do so (assuming you
machine is fairly new) directly from cd, with no haddrive modification

in short, i have 2 machines in the office, if i didn't need win2k on the
one my wife uses for work i would have one mandrake and one suse machine,
and happily pay for both.  since i can only have one, i run mandrake.


On Sunday 17 February 2002 07:43, you spoke unto me thusly:

  Any thoughts on how they compare?

'Windows for Dummies' is much more than a book title, it's a Microsoft way
of life!

registered linux user @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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[newbie] (OT) LAN/network hardware requirements

2002-02-17 Per discussione skinky

Hi list

This is a bit OT, but... 
I have ordered a pc that has a mobo with an integrated  Network Card - 
Realtek 8100.  My question is what other hardware is required to connect my 
current linux box to the new pc?  Do I need to purchase a network card for my 
current pc also?  What sort of cabling?

The new pc is for surveillance purposes only and will be approx. 20-25 metres 
away from my current pc.  Unfortunately it will be running Win98SE until I 
find suitable software in linux for video capture that will work with a 
motion sensor and has masking capabilities - haven't even begun to look for 
this sofware yet.  Before I got ML in June last year, I had already purchased 
the cameras, video capture card and Windoze software (software cost NZ$750!!).

No monitor will be connected to the Win pc so I really need to sort this LAN 
thing out pront-haste.  Any advice is greatly appreciated.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: [newbie] PCMCIA not detected

2002-02-17 Per discussione Nanook

Have you read this?


On February 17, 2002 10:15 am, Vern spoke these words:
 I am in need of help. I thought I would install Mandrake on my Sony laptop 
 but it didn't go all that well. The installation kept freezing on the check 
 for pcmcia devices. I ended up installing by using the linux noauto option. 
 So, now I have no pcmcia support. I don't know if it was the right thing to 
 do but I installed the kernel-pcmcia rpm, but still not working. I have no 
 idea what to do to get this working. Any suggestions as to what to do?

If you install SuSe Linux {German Distribution} 
in a dual boot system, does your windoze 
partition go under /mnt/Scheis?

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[newbie] can't access rpmdrake or DrakConf

2002-02-17 Per discussione stan lockaby

Hi list,

After running LM-8 for 3 to 4 months with near flawless performance, I have 
suddenly begun having many strange problems. My X session will often freeze, 
along with the keyboard, forcing me to do a reset. I have re-installed 
several times, to no avail. Now I can't get rpmdrake or DrakConf to run, 
either from the KDE desktop, or from the shell.  I get the following message 
from the shell:
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
Sun Feb 17 14:31:45 2002 Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0 at 
/usr/X11R6/bin/DrakConf.real line 53.
I have completely reformated my disk when re-installing, allthough I don't 
know if that actually removes any corrupt data. I dual boot with Win 98 on a 
seperate drive, LILO is the boot loader. I hope this is enough info. Please 
help! Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 11:46:23 -0500
Jeffrey Madore [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 I would like to say thank you to all who replied to my inquiries as to 8.1
 operating slow on my P120. 
 I have made some notes from your comments and thus will try an older dist
 or lighter X application. On the other hand I may just upgrade the 
 machine...things to ponder.
 As to my 700Mhz machine running slugish, from scanning the system log I
 see several things that raise serious questions (things that I know not
 the meaning of yet) that I must address.
 Thanks again to all, you have been most helpful!

good heavens! i thought you were talking about it being slow on a 700Mhz
machine and not a P1-120. it's no wonder it's slow. sheesh! you're asking a
dinosour to run something designed for newer machines. of course it's going
to be slow. I get fair results running 8.1 on a P1-133, but no matter how
much ram i shove in that thing KDE runs a bit slow, however usable.

Registered Linux User 182496
  2:05pm  up 1 day, 17:42,  2 users,  load average: 0.78, 0.87, 0.83

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[newbie] How to resize partitions

2002-02-17 Per discussione Warren Post

Several people on this list have asked how to resize partitions. I, for 
example, needed to shrink /home and grow root. The answer is Parted, 
available at Freshmeat or at:

Not only does it work, but the documentation is very newbie friendly. Highly 

Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] (OT) LAN/network hardware requirements

2002-02-17 Per discussione Randy Kramer

skinky wrote:
 This is a bit OT, but...
 I have ordered a pc that has a mobo with an integrated  Network Card -
 Realtek 8100.  

My question is what other hardware is required to connect my
 current linux box to the new pc?  

Basically listed below -- a network card for your existing computer,
cables, or cables plus a hub or switch.  Make sure the cables are rated
for the network speed or higher -- 10 or 100 megahertz.

Do I need to purchase a network card for my
 current pc also?  

Yes, assuming you don't have one.  I'm assuming the Realtek 8100 is a 10
BaseT or 100 BaseT card (twisted pair, not coax), so you want to buy a
card that is compatible, maybe a 10/100 BaseT card, which will use
twisted pair and an RJ-45 connector.  

What sort of cabling?

You can either:

Get a hub or switch, and two ordinary RJ-45 twisted pair cables
totalling the length you need.


Get an RJ-45 twisted pair crossover cable of the length you need (may
be hard to find)


Get an RJ-45 twisted pair crossover cable of any length, get an RJ-45
coupler (Radio Shack, I believe, carries them), and an ordinary RJ-45
twisted pair cable to make up the remaining length.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] (OT) LAN/network hardware requirements

2002-02-17 Per discussione Randy Kramer

PS: Re cabling: Or make your own crossover cable of the proper length --
it's no more difficult than putting the ends on a cable yourself (with
the proper crimping tool), but you interchange a few leads.  If you
decide to go that way, you can find instructions on the Internet, or
somebody can help you find them.

Randy Kramer wrote:
 skinky wrote:
  This is a bit OT, but...
  I have ordered a pc that has a mobo with an integrated  Network Card -
  Realtek 8100.
 My question is what other hardware is required to connect my
  current linux box to the new pc?
 Basically listed below -- a network card for your existing computer,
 cables, or cables plus a hub or switch.  Make sure the cables are rated
 for the network speed or higher -- 10 or 100 megahertz.
 Do I need to purchase a network card for my
  current pc also?
 Yes, assuming you don't have one.  I'm assuming the Realtek 8100 is a 10
 BaseT or 100 BaseT card (twisted pair, not coax), so you want to buy a
 card that is compatible, maybe a 10/100 BaseT card, which will use
 twisted pair and an RJ-45 connector.
 What sort of cabling?
 You can either:
 Get a hub or switch, and two ordinary RJ-45 twisted pair cables
 totalling the length you need.
 Get an RJ-45 twisted pair crossover cable of the length you need (may
 be hard to find)
 Get an RJ-45 twisted pair crossover cable of any length, get an RJ-45
 coupler (Radio Shack, I believe, carries them), and an ordinary RJ-45
 twisted pair cable to make up the remaining length.
 Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] unzip not in path

2002-02-17 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

Thanks to all. Archiver needed 'zip' in order to work. Rest assured that I 
can use the CLI but I just wanted to be able to see inside an archive quickly.

In any case, thanks to all once again,

Bill W.

On Saturday 16 February 2002 09:07 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 16 February 2002 09:29 pm, you wrote:
  I did the rpm -qa and it appears that unzip, gzip, bzip and libbzip are
  all installed.
  When I click on a zip file it opens archiver but archiver returns the
  'not in your path' error.
  I do not know how to check if something is, or isn't 'in my path'.
  newbie thing..
  Bill W.

 oh man, just do it the easy way.  open a terminal and type:


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RE: [newbie] CHanging WindowManager

2002-02-17 Per discussione JSheble

Thank you, this did what I needed...

 So what do I need to do to get Blackbox running as my defauly 
 so I can check it out, then switch back to Gnome when I want to???

If you're using the 'startx' approach instead of gdm/kdm, I don't 
think you
can change WMs on the fly (although there is something in the 
Mandrake menus,
under configuration, which may allow this.

To run your favorite WM from startx, edit your .xinitrc file like so:

exec fvwm # or blackbox, or xfce or enlightenment, etc...

- Chris

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[newbie] Can't ping from or to Mandrake box

2002-02-17 Per discussione prontomail

Could someone please tell the best How-To resource available for Linux on
the net?

In the meantime, why is it that I can't ping my new Mandrake installation. I
know connectivity is there because I access the web from this box through my
MSWindows-hosted internet sharing. I just need a way to prove that I can
talk to/from this box from/to other boxes on the network. This is the
first Linux box on the network.

Thanks for the help

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Re: [newbie] CHanging WindowManager

2002-02-17 Per discussione Dave Sherman

On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 11:38, JSheble wrote:
 Just out of curiosity I thought I'd take a look at some of the other
 WindowManagers that come with LM8.1.  I did not originally install them when
 I installed LM though.
 So using the Software Manager in the Mandrake Control Center I installed
 Blackbox.  Now however, I'm completely unsudre how to change my default
 WindowManager when I start an X session.  I type startx, and it goes into
 Gnome.  I tried typing startx blackbox but I got the twm manager running
 When I try typing startblackbox, blackbox or exec blackbox I get the
 following messages:

I think the actual name of the BlackBox program is bb, so you need to
either do startx bb, or put exec bb in your .xinitrc file.

Beware the wrath of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with ketchup.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part


2002-02-17 Per discussione John Richard Smith

I have new kit :-

Bios  :  Fastrack100Lite TM Bios v 1.31.1.(build30)
   with AMI Bios setup,
Case :  MS-6380 ATX Mainboard
Motherboard   :  MSI KT7266 Pro2 DDR with Raid,
   with 4 no. USB2, and 4no USB1 ports.
Sound: Audio chip AC97 audio/on M/board
Memory  :  512 MB DDR PC2100,
Processor   :  Athlon XP 1800 (Palomino)  :  Global Win WBK38(Skt A Cooler),
Graphics :  Excalibur Geforce 3 T1200,
Rom   :  Pioneer x16x40 DVD OEM,
Writer :  Mitsumi CR 4809 TE,24x12x40x,
Harddrive   :  40Gb Maxtor DiamondMax D740X
more planned.
Motherboard   : VIA VT8366chipset(552BGS), graphics,
Chipsets : VIA VT8233chipset(376BGA), IDE
 : Promise 20265ROn-Board  ,IDE RAID

Harddrive:  hda1 ,203mb  , linux boot
configuration:  hda3 , 4.8gb   , W2KNTFS
  :  hda5 , 4.8gb   , spare NTFS partition,
  :  hda6 , 4.8gb   , LM8.1 , /root
  :  hda7 , 1.04gb  , Linux swap,
  :  hda9 , 4.8gb, Linux native spare,
  :  hda9 , 4.8gb, NTFS spare
  :  hda10,4.8gb, NTFS spare
  :  hda11,6.7gb, NTFS spare

Windows2000 went in first , bog standard install, a OK there.

The Linux Mandrake 8.1 next , I formatted the /boot. /root,and /swap 
partitons, 2.3gb of OS installed , nothing untoward reported. No X windows 
test failures,USB printer tested OK, modem detected etc etc.

Then comes the moment of truth, the final reboot,

Grub displays full menu, including W2k which boots OK.
Then attempt to boot LM8.1 ..nothing , a black screen
job ..cannot even ctrl+Alt + del to reboot, so , it's a reset 
job and into linux failsafe,  certain amount of script , ending 
in BAD EIP Value  (EIP:0068:[8382] )
   kernel panic: Attempt to kill init 

Boot disk does the same.

I tried repair , via F1 in no1 install disk, besides saying
something about a sound driver needed , all is fairly 
ordinary looking. No special warnings etc.

Can anyone kindly explain what is happening here, in
particular what does bad EIP value mean . 


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Attempt to fake stamp??

2002-02-17 Per discussione Andre Dubuc

Meanwhile back at the ranch . . .

Seems like I'm getting all sorts of bounced mail again through newbie. The 
latest returned mail included one that was from: nobody @localhost with 
Subject: Re: A few changes; From: ert [EMAIL PROTECTED]. [Never 
heard of him]

I checked the logs and saw that localhost procmail had three separate entires 
on Feb 15th, 16th, and 17th with Attempt to fake stamp by nobody. Btw, 
does anybody know whether  [EMAIL PROTECTED] is ligit? His name appears on 
all the mandrake bounces as On behalf of: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My question: aside from filtering these out of KMail, is there anything I 
should do? Is this a security threat -- seems like nobody is after me :

Any pointers where to read up on this would be appreciated.


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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Re: [newbie] par for linux?

2002-02-17 Per discussione Bill Davidson

On Sunday 17 February 2002 11:21 am, Jon Doe wrote:
 does anyone know where I can find the parchiver utility? I had it before
 but I can't find it now. It rebuilds rar files that are missing.

Just curious. What are rar files?

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Re: [newbie] CHanging WindowManager

2002-02-17 Per discussione Bill Davidson

On Sunday 17 February 2002 04:06 pm, Dave Sherman wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 11:38, JSheble wrote:
  Just out of curiosity I thought I'd take a look at some of the other
  WindowManagers that come with LM8.1.  I did not originally install
  them when I installed LM though.
  So using the Software Manager in the Mandrake Control Center I
  installed Blackbox.  Now however, I'm completely unsudre how to change
  my default WindowManager when I start an X session.  I type startx,
  and it goes into Gnome.  I tried typing startx blackbox but I got the
  twm manager running installed.
  When I try typing startblackbox, blackbox or exec blackbox I get the
  following messages:

 I think the actual name of the BlackBox program is bb, so you need to
 either do startx bb, or put exec bb in your .xinitrc file.


You could also type start followed by the tab key to see your options.


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Re: [newbie] Icon Question

2002-02-17 Per discussione Michael

Try copying one of the other *.kdeink files on your desktop to that
filename.kdeink. Then change all the details in that .kdeink icon to suit your
file. The problem is generic files like text files don't really have their own
icon. The icon is auto created for them.

Rich wrote:
 I've received 3 identical answers, but it doesn't work here!  Nothing
 happens when I click on the icon in the dialog box.  I can change the
 icon by right clicking and then selecting Edit File Type.
 Unfortunately, this also changes all of the other, similar, non-embedded
 icons on the desktop.
 On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 06:43, Rodrigo wrote:
  One way to do it is to right-click on the icon and then click on
  properties. A  dialog box will open with the icon on it, so click on the
  icon now and another box will open. There you will see a lot of other
  icons or you can choose a .png or .xpm file. Pick up a new icon and it's
  Hope it helps you, regards.
  Rich wrote:
  I'm running Mandrake 8.1.  How does one change the icon for an
  individual app on the desktop?  I can change the icons of groups (all
  *.exe, I.E.), but not individuals.

Those who don't know, talk.  Those who don't talk, know.

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Re: [newbie] cd burning trouble

2002-02-17 Per discussione Andre Dubuc

Hi Todd, 

First off, if there are any errors in this, it's because I had to copy it 
from the archive. Sigh . . 

I think your problem is that you've no entry for the /dev/scd0 in fstab.
I've tried xcdroast and others, and have found tha gtoaster works the best 
and is the easiest to set up. Once you add that entry to fstab, reboot.

Load Gtoaster and click on Preferences  CDROM and Recorder Setup  Scan Bus 
: it should, at least, give you the cdrw. To add the CDROM  click Add and 
manually copy the same info, but uncheck This drive is a CD Writer and,as 
well, enter the correct Device File (probably /mnt/cdrom in your case)

Now, if you don't get this or it refuses to see the wriiter, there's one 
other thing you can do. Hope it works . .


[Original Message from Todd Slater:]

I've been trying to get xcdroast to work without any luck. I searched the
mail archives for some info, tried some tips, to no avail.

My CD R/RW is an HP CD-Writer Plus. CD-ROM is a Toshiba.

When I run setup in xcdroast, the device scan only shows my zip and CD-R.
For the CD Reader configuration, it defaults to the CD-R and will not
allow me to enter my CD-ROM.

I have also tried to burn WAVs using Gcombust and Gnome-toaster, but get
errors. (Wrong scsi settings or no permission to device, but I added
myself to the cdwriter group.) Here is an error I get using eroaster:

Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in write mode for single session.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... cdrecord: Input/output
error. mode select g1: scsi sendcmd: no error CDB:  55 10 00 00 00 00 00
00 3C 00 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x26 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in parameter list) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.008s timeout 200s
cdrecord: Warning: using default CD write parameter data.
Mode Select Data 00 15 00 00 05 32 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 cdrecord: Cannot open new session.

My hardware info as reported by Harddrake:
R/RW 4x4x24
Vendor: Unknown
Model: R/RW 4x4x24
Device: /dev/hdd

Toshiba CD-ROM
Vendor: Unknown
Device: /dev/hdc
Vendor: IDE-CD

Model: R/RW 4x4x24
Device: /dev/scd0
Bus Type: SCSI

My fstab contains:
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0/dev/scd0
/mnt/cdrom2 auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

Any idears?

Todd Slater
Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for even the
greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer. (C.C. Colton)

Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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[newbie] VCD/Mpeg Application

2002-02-17 Per discussione Allen Hernandez

I'm looking for a VCD playing app alternative to xine.

I've been trying to get the xine-ui rpm from sourceforge but the d/l stops
dead at 24kb.

MTV looks nice but it's _nagware_.

Xtheater won't compile on my machine.

Anything left out there for me?

I'm still using 8.0.



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Re: [newbie] Realplayer 8

2002-02-17 Per discussione s

On Sunday 17 February 2002 11:12 am, you wrote:
 Hi, I've had problems with Realplayer 8 Basic, I don't get any audio
 playback from it. Some times when launching it, I get this message:
 cannot open the audio device. another application may be using it.
 I disabled the KDE sound server at startup but the problem remains the
 same. It plays video OK, without audio.
 Is there a way to fix it ?
 I am using MDK8.1 and KDE 2.2.1.


I think I remember reading where you could put:
artsplay /the/path/to/executable  in the command
and it might work.  You could try that.

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Re: [newbie] @ *

2002-02-17 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:48:24 +1300
Walter Logeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 What do the * and the @ denote after a file - as in the 
 following listing:
 998 walter@psybernet:/sbin (04:45:25)
 $ ls
 agetty*ether-wake*  ifup*   killall5*

this is the result when you pass the switch -F to ls (see for yourself by typing alias 
| grep ls ). the -F option presents this explanation from 'man ls':

 -F, --classify
  append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries

the asterisk means that the file is an executable (its execute bit is set to on ).
the slash means that the file is a directory
the at sign ('@') means that it is a link
the pipe means its a, well, pipe (either named or unnamed).

i dont know about the equals sign but i think it pertains to special files that you 
wont meet frequently (check your /dev as there are some files there that have this 



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] File Sharing

2002-02-17 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On 16 Feb 2002 17:52:48 -0500
Paul Kraus [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 Are there any good linux file sharing apps? Something along the lines of
 morpheus. Lime wire is hard to use because it searches by file name. I
 want something that will search descriptions. Thanks.

kazaa has a linux version with an antiquated interface. i heard that some experienced 
faster downloads than the windows version but, for the life of me, i cant even connect 
to conduct a simple search! its one of the reasons why i still have windows at home 
(aside from the gaming).



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 11:46:23 -0500, Jeffrey Madore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to say thank you to all who replied to my inquiries as to 8.1 
 operating slow on my P120. 
 I have made some notes from your comments and thus will try an older dist or 
 lighter X application. On the other hand I may just upgrade the 
 machine...things to ponder.

I don't think you should use an older distribution, because then you'll be stuck
with old packages. Mandrake 8.1 should work fine, but use light applications and
window managers.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

640K ought to be enough for anybody. -- Bill Gates, 1981

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Re: [newbie] par for linux?

2002-02-17 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:38:46 -0500
Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 On Sunday 17 February 2002 11:21 am, Jon Doe wrote:
  does anyone know where I can find the parchiver utility? I had it before
  but I can't find it now. It rebuilds rar files that are missing.
 Just curious. What are rar files?

hey yeah! what the heck are they?

Registered Linux User 182496
  9:05pm  up 2 days, 42 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.83, 0.95, 0.93

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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 12:10:52 +1100
Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to

 On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 11:46:23 -0500, Jeffrey Madore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to say thank you to all who replied to my inquiries as to
  8.1 operating slow on my P120. 
  I have made some notes from your comments and thus will try an older
  dist or lighter X application. On the other hand I may just upgrade the 
  machine...things to ponder.
 I don't think you should use an older distribution, because then you'll be
 stuck with old packages. Mandrake 8.1 should work fine, but use light
 applications and window managers.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan
   640K ought to be enough for anybody. -- Bill Gates, 1981

you know...I bet a fella would play hell getting parts for something that

Registered Linux User 182496
  9:05pm  up 2 days, 42 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.83, 0.95, 0.93

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Re: [newbie] CHanging WindowManager

2002-02-17 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

its really amazing that few people know about the small package Xtart. it allows you 
to choose your WM from the commandline. i like it better than booting to runlevel 5 
(GUI) to select my WM. its in the installation CDs or you could just search it from 
rpmfind as it is a little file. I just installed fluxbox and it was automatically 
added to the list of WMs.


On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 13:56:39 -0700
JSheble [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 Thank you, this did what I needed...
  So what do I need to do to get Blackbox running as my defauly 
  so I can check it out, then switch back to Gnome when I want to???
 If you're using the 'startx' approach instead of gdm/kdm, I don't 
 think you
 can change WMs on the fly (although there is something in the 
 Mandrake menus,
 under configuration, which may allow this.
 To run your favorite WM from startx, edit your .xinitrc file like so:
 exec fvwm   # or blackbox, or xfce or enlightenment, etc...
 - Chris


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] Transparent Menu

2002-02-17 Per discussione Juris Zeltinsh

 Hi, how to create transparent menu in Mandrake 8.1 kde 2.2.1 ??

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[newbie] Dual boot restore

2002-02-17 Per discussione JOHN HEMMER

I have a dual boot system. Windows on the first partition
and the Linux and Swap partitions follow. I had to reformat
and reinstall the Windows-98 partition; what else is new!

Anyway, when I use to reboot the computer it would boot 
the Linux system; unless windows was typed at the boot 
prompt. Now it only boots Windows, unless I have the Linux 
dual boot floppy in the floppy drive. 

How do I get my dual boot to work off the Hard drive without 
having to reinstall Linux.



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Re: [newbie] par for linux?

2002-02-17 Per discussione g.sanders

On Sunday 17 February 2002 18:22, you wrote:
 On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:38:46 -0500

 Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
  On Sunday 17 February 2002 11:21 am, Jon Doe wrote:
   does anyone know where I can find the parchiver utility? I had it
   before but I can't find it now. It rebuilds rar files that are missing.
  Just curious. What are rar files?

 hey yeah! what the heck are they?

.rar files are compressed/archived files. Thing .gz, .zip, .sit (for any 
mac-heads out there)


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Re: [newbie] cd burning trouble

2002-02-17 Per discussione Todd Slater

Hi Andre,

I did have /dev/scd0 in my fstab. BUT, I went ahead and added the CD-ROM
in gtoaster, and was able to see the audio tracks. When I tried to burn
WAVs to CD, I got a dependency error something about Disk At Once, so I
just unchecked that in preferences, and I got it to work fine.



Todd Slater
What does education often do? It makes a straight cut ditch of a free
meandering brook. (Henry David Thoreau)

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 18:15:48 -0500
Andre Dubuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Todd, 
 First off, if there are any errors in this, it's because I had to copy
 it from the archive. Sigh . . 

 I think your problem is that you've no entry for the /dev/scd0 in fstab.
 I've tried xcdroast and others, and have found tha gtoaster works the
 best and is the easiest to set up. Once you add that entry to fstab,
 Load Gtoaster and click on Preferences  CDROM and Recorder Setup  Scan
 Bus : it should, at least, give you the cdrw. To add the CDROM  click
 Add and manually copy the same info, but uncheck This drive is a CD
 Writer and,as well, enter the correct Device File (probably
 /mnt/cdrom in your case)
 Now, if you don't get this or it refuses to see the wriiter, there's
 one other thing you can do. Hope it works . .
 [Original Message from Todd Slater:]
 I've been trying to get xcdroast to work without any luck. I searched
 the mail archives for some info, tried some tips, to no avail.
 My CD R/RW is an HP CD-Writer Plus. CD-ROM is a Toshiba.
 When I run setup in xcdroast, the device scan only shows my zip and
 CD-R. For the CD Reader configuration, it defaults to the CD-R and will
 not allow me to enter my CD-ROM.
 I have also tried to burn WAVs using Gcombust and Gnome-toaster, but get
 errors. (Wrong scsi settings or no permission to device, but I added
 myself to the cdwriter group.) Here is an error I get using eroaster:

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Re: [newbie] par for linux?

2002-02-17 Per discussione Chris Keelan

Sun, 17 Feb 2002 21:22:08 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

 On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:38:46 -0500
 Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
  On Sunday 17 February 2002 11:21 am, Jon Doe wrote:
   does anyone know where I can find the parchiver utility? I had it before
   but I can't find it now. It rebuilds rar files that are missing.
  Just curious. What are rar files?
 hey yeah! what the heck are they?

RAR is a general purpose archiving and compression program competing
with/replacing programs such as PKZip, ARJ and others. RAR offers
significantly improved compression ratios, easier use and a better
price as well as supporting long file names, disk spanning and
self-extracting file creation. RAR introduces an original compression
algorithm. It allows higher compression ratios than other PC
archiving tools, especially on executable files, Object libraries,
large text files, etc.

I think the rar-2.80-2ur.i586.rpm is on the contrib CD. Check one of the
mirror sites, as well.

- Chris

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Re: [newbie] Dual boot restore

2002-02-17 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 21:59:14 -0500 (EST)
JOHN HEMMER [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:

I have a dual boot system. Windows on the first partition
and the Linux and Swap partitions follow. I had to reformat
and reinstall the Windows-98 partition; what else is new!

Anyway, when I use to reboot the computer it would boot 
the Linux system; unless windows was typed at the boot 
prompt. Now it only boots Windows, unless I have the Linux 
dual boot floppy in the floppy drive. 

How do I get my dual boot to work off the Hard drive without 
having to reinstall Linux.


As root, go to a terminal and type /sbin/lilo  w/o the quotes.  that
*should* fix things for you.  Windows wiped out you boot partition. 


He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
fool you., he really is an idiot.

-Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] VCD/Mpeg Application

2002-02-17 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 1 Jan 1999 00:32:07 -0800, Allen Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking for a VCD playing app alternative to xine.
 I've been trying to get the xine-ui rpm from sourceforge but the d/l stops
 dead at 24kb.

Try the PLF packages at
 MTV looks nice but it's _nagware_.

It costs money, and it isn't very good anyway.

 Xtheater won't compile on my machine.

Again, look at

 Anything left out there for me?
 I'm still using 8.0.

There's avifile (only plays AVI files), which you can get at

IMHO, the best player is mplayer, available at

Sridhar Dhanapalan

When I see any Web site claim to be only readable using particular hardware or
software, I cringe--they are pining for the bad old days when each piece of
information needed a different program to access it.
-- Tim Berners-Lee, founder of the World Wide Web

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Re: [newbie] par for linux?

2002-02-17 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 21:22:08 -0500
daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:38:46 -0500
 Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
  On Sunday 17 February 2002 11:21 am, Jon Doe wrote:
   does anyone know where I can find the parchiver utility? I had it before
   but I can't find it now. It rebuilds rar files that are missing.
  Just curious. What are rar files?
 hey yeah! what the heck are they?

its a type of compressed files, like zip, lha, arj, etc. they are common in windows 
(better compression?) and the WinRar application is better than the Winzip app, IMO. I 
think there is a rar package in the LM8.1 installation CDs but have not installed it 
as there is no pressing need for it in linux.


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 21:23:53 -0500, daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 12:10:52 +1100
 Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to
  On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 11:46:23 -0500, Jeffrey Madore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I would like to say thank you to all who replied to my inquiries as to
   8.1 operating slow on my P120. 
   I have made some notes from your comments and thus will try an older
   dist or lighter X application. On the other hand I may just upgrade the 
   machine...things to ponder.
  I don't think you should use an older distribution, because then you'll be
  stuck with old packages. Mandrake 8.1 should work fine, but use light
  applications and window managers.
  Sridhar Dhanapalan
  640K ought to be enough for anybody. -- Bill Gates, 1981
 you know...I bet a fella would play hell getting parts for something that

Well, I've got an IBM PC XT (circa 1984) that features 640KB of RAM, a 4.77MHz
Intel processor and (wait for it...) _no_ hard drive (only two 5.25 360KB
floppy drives). Last year, when the 20th anniversary of these machines was
celebrated (they were initially released in 1981), I posted to the related
Slashdot story asking if they were worth any money. The general consensus was
that they are worth next-to-nothing in monetary terms, since so many were made.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

We are Microsoft of Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is-
  Fatal Exception Error in MSBORG32.DLL

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Re: [newbie] par for linux?

2002-02-17 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 21:22:08 -0500, daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:38:46 -0500
 Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
  On Sunday 17 February 2002 11:21 am, Jon Doe wrote:
   does anyone know where I can find the parchiver utility? I had it before
   but I can't find it now. It rebuilds rar files that are missing.
  Just curious. What are rar files?
 hey yeah! what the heck are they?

RAR is a compression/archiving format, used extensively in the DOS/WinDOS world.
See for more details.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Anyone who says you can have a lot of widely dispersed people hack away on a
complicated piece of code and avoid total anarchy has never managed a software
project. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 1992, writing to Linus Torvalds.

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Re: [newbie] Icon Question

2002-02-17 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Which window manager are your running?

On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 07:59, Rich wrote:
 I've received 3 identical answers, but it doesn't work here!  Nothing
 happens when I click on the icon in the dialog box.  I can change the
 icon by right clicking and then selecting Edit File Type. 
 Unfortunately, this also changes all of the other, similar, non-embedded
 icons on the desktop.
 On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 06:43, Rodrigo wrote:
  One way to do it is to right-click on the icon and then click on 
  properties. A  dialog box will open with the icon on it, so click on the 
  icon now and another box will open. There you will see a lot of other 
  icons or you can choose a .png or .xpm file. Pick up a new icon and it's 
  Hope it helps you, regards.
  Rich wrote:
  I'm running Mandrake 8.1.  How does one change the icon for an
  individual app on the desktop?  I can change the icons of groups (all
  *.exe, I.E.), but not individuals.
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Re: [newbie] File Sharing

2002-02-17 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 10:02:41 -0500, Anuerin G.  Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 16 Feb 2002 17:52:48 -0500
 Paul Kraus [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:
  Are there any good linux file sharing apps? Something along the lines of
  morpheus. Lime wire is hard to use because it searches by file name. I
  want something that will search descriptions. Thanks.
 kazaa has a linux version with an antiquated interface. i heard that some
 experienced faster downloads than the windows version but, for the life of me,
 i cant even connect to conduct a simple search! its one of the reasons why i
 still have windows at home (aside from the gaming).

The Kazaa GNU/Linux client has been deactivated since the technology was sold to
Sharman Networks. For the short time it was working, it was great.

For other file sharing services, take a look at

Sridhar Dhanapalan

  When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare
   at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'.
   -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Netscape 6.2 Installation

2002-02-17 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 14:11, Andre Dubuc wrote:

 Hi Chuck,
 The big question: did you keep Netscape 6.2? Is it worth the trouble? -- I'm 
 developing a website and I'm just curious to see how it compares to the 
 Netscape 4.xx that came with LM 8.0. 

I guess a big difference here is that my LM 8.1 also came with a recent
version of Mozilla, which is basically equivalent, as far as I can see,
to Netscape 6.2. I also set up Red Carpet, where the most recent
releases of Mozilla keep appearing.

After I began to notice that Mozilla and Netscape 6.2 were getting
confused with each other, I got rid of Netscape and kept Mozilla,
because I figured it would be easier to keep getting updates through Red

But to answer your original question, there is simply no comparison
between Netscape 4.7 and 6.2. This has been especially true in my case,
since I am working on the development of multilingual web-based XML
Unicode dictionaries (see; if you want to dig into this
deeply, you will need a password, so just write to me and I will give
you one.). Netscape 6.2 (and of course, its Mozilla equivalent) handles
UTF-8 and XML very well. Netscape 4.7 handles Unicode poorly, and does
not recognize XML at all.

Netscape 6.2 is easy to install, but as someone already suggested, it is
better to locate and download the whole RPM file rather than try to use
their installer app. Also, when Netscape 6.2 installs itself, it does
not recognize itself as an upgrade of 4.7, and thus does not get rid of
4.7. I would therefore suggest that you uninstall 4.7 first. If you
don't, when you set your HTML file associations to Netscape, it will
continue to call 4.7 rather than 6.2.



Charles Muller
Digital Dictionarie of Chinese and Buddhism

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[newbie] mail domains

2002-02-17 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Hi, I am trying to send mail from a mail server using sendmail.  Emails
sent to me@address1 and mails sent to me at me@address2 both seem to get
to me.  That box also serves web pages for www.address1 and
www.address2.  When I ssh in and use elm or mutt or pine, I can set my
email address to be address2, the one that I want it to be.  But
whenever people recieve my email, they always get it from me@address1.
Is this sendmail mangling the envelopes, or is there something that I
can do to get the mail address that I want?

(Hope that made sense.)

- Paul Rodriguez

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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione mike

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
We are Microsoft of Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is-
Fatal Exception Error in MSBORG32.DLL




That's very funny thanks


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[newbie] Already asserted ?!?!

2002-02-17 Per discussione Damian G

Hello ..

i've reinstalled linux completely due to some minor inconveniencies and 
i'm trying
to reinstall vmware workstation.

during the  file you have to run after the rpm 
installation, i get some weird compilation warnings... like this.

cpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not done
command line: warning: cpu re-asserted
command line: warning: machine re-asserted
cpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not done
command line: warning: cpu re-asserted
command line: warning: machine re-asserted
cpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not done

and then fatal:

make[2]: Cambiando a directorio 
command line: warning: cpu re-asserted
command line: warning: machine re-asserted
In file included from .././linux/driver.c:38:
/lib/modules/2.4.17-16mdk/build/include/linux/malloc.h:4:2: warning: 
#warning linux/malloc.h is deprecated, use linux/slab.h instead.
cpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not done
In file included from 
 from .././linux/driver.c:35:
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu/2.96/include/stdarg.h:43: parse 
error before `__gnuc_va_list'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu/2.96/include/stdarg.h:43: warning: 
data definition has no type or storage class
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu/2.96/include/stdarg.h:110: parse 
error before `va_list'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu/2.96/include/stdarg.h:110: warning: 
data definition has no type or storage class
In file included from .././linux/driver.c:35:
/lib/modules/2.4.17-16mdk/build/include/linux/kernel.h:72: parse error 
before `va_list'
/lib/modules/2.4.17-16mdk/build/include/linux/kernel.h:72: warning: function 
declaration isn't a prototype
/lib/modules/2.4.17-16mdk/build/include/linux/kernel.h:75: parse error 
before `va_list'
/lib/modules/2.4.17-16mdk/build/include/linux/kernel.h:75: warning: function 
declaration isn't a prototype
/lib/modules/2.4.17-16mdk/build/include/linux/kernel.h:79: parse error 
before `va_list'
/lib/modules/2.4.17-16mdk/build/include/linux/kernel.h:79: warning: function 
declaration isn't a prototype
.././linux/driver.c: In function `Warning':
.././linux/driver.c:1110: `va_list' undeclared (first use in this function)
.././linux/driver.c:1110: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
.././linux/driver.c:1110: for each function it appears in.)
.././linux/driver.c:1110: parse error before `args'
.././linux/driver.c:1115: warning: implicit declaration of function 
.././linux/driver.c:1115: `args' undeclared (first use in this function)
.././linux/driver.c:1117: warning: implicit declaration of function 
.././linux/driver.c: In function `Log':
.././linux/driver.c:1138: `va_list' undeclared (first use in this function)
.././linux/driver.c:1138: parse error before `args'
.././linux/driver.c:1143: `args' undeclared (first use in this function)
.././linux/driver.c: In function `Panic':
.././linux/driver.c:1176: `va_list' undeclared (first use in this function)
.././linux/driver.c:1176: parse error before `args'
.././linux/driver.c:1178: `args' undeclared (first use in this function)
make[2]: *** [driver.o] Error 1
make[2]: Saliendo directorio 
make[1]: *** [driver] Error 2
make[1]: Saliendo directorio `/root/tmp/vmware-config5/vmmon-only'
make: *** [auto-build] Error 2
make: Saliendo directorio `/root/tmp/vmware-config5/vmmon-only'
Unable to build the vmmon module.

For more information on how to troubleshoot module-related problems, please 
a look at;.

Execution aborted.

now, what is re-asserted? it's the first time i see those coming up on 
vmware-config, which is used after every kernel update...
besides, all those warnings.. and this doesn't look like a gcc problem 

i tried using gcc 2.96 and 3.0.1. exactly the same issue.

any help greatly appreciated, as always ;o)



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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-17 Per discussione shane

the school i worked for had 45 of them when i started their as sys admin 
and forced them to upgrade to pent 133's!  every year the 6th grade did an 
eggdrop, ya know try to wrap an egg so you can drop it off the roof (two 
stories at our school) and it doesn't break?  after they finished that 
year, i dropped one of those.  wish i had photos, it was great.  :-)

On Sunday 17 February 2002 19:00, you spoke unto me thusly:

 Well, I've got an IBM PC XT (circa 1984) that features 640KB of RAM, a
 4.77MHz Intel processor and (wait for it...) _no_ hard drive (only two
 5.25 360KB floppy drives). Last year, when the 20th anniversary of these

If the human brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so 
simple that we couldn't.

registered linux user @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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[newbie] Restarting dead processes

2002-02-17 Per discussione Kevin Old

Hello all,

I have a quick question about monitoring processes.  I have a process
(adsl-connect) which should be running if the connection is live.  Most of
the time the connection is dropped by my ISP after about a week of online
time.  I'd like to write a shell script that can check and see if this
process is running and if not, restart it.

Here's a shell script that I've come up with, but can't get it to work:


foreach DAEMON ( adsl-connect )
ps -e | fgrep $DAEMON:t | cut -c1-8  /dev/null
if($status  0) then
echo Restarting $daemon
#code to restart daemon


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Re: [newbie] File Sharing

2002-02-17 Per discussione Walter Logeman


 Are there any good linux file sharing apps? 

qtella - seems ok, very like grokster i used on windows.  But it 
is not as efficient - maybe i need to tweek it somewhere.

Walter Logeman

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Re: [newbie] Dual boot restore

2002-02-17 Per discussione JOHN HEMMER

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002, Michael Scottaline wrote:

 On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 21:59:14 -0500 (EST)
 JOHN HEMMER [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:
 I have a dual boot system. Windows on the first partition
 and the Linux and Swap partitions follow. I had to reformat
 and reinstall the Windows-98 partition; what else is new!
 Anyway, when I use to reboot the computer it would boot 
 the Linux system; unless windows was typed at the boot 
 prompt. Now it only boots Windows, unless I have the Linux 
 dual boot floppy in the floppy drive. 
 How do I get my dual boot to work off the Hard drive without 
 having to reinstall Linux.
 As root, go to a terminal and type /sbin/lilo  w/o the quotes.  that
 *should* fix things for you.  Windows wiped out you boot partition. 


That was easy!  Thank you very much.  

No, I am not suprised, windows wipes itself out all the 
time. The only reason I restored was because Road-Runner 
would not set up their bad modem in Linux. 

Thanks again!


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Re: [newbie] enlightenment oops

2002-02-17 Per discussione Mario Michael da Costa

Michael wrote:
 I was having a look around enlightenment and i pushed the virtual desktop
 windows right over to the right where they seemed to sit better. Then i rolled
 them up - right off the side of my screen... now how do i get them back?
 Yes i have RTFM, at least i scanned it looking for an answer. I think that in my
 home directory there should be a setup file i can delete that will be replaced
 when i restart enlightenment again. Can anybody please tell me what/where this
 file is and can i delete it ok?
 MDK V7.1 and enlightenment V0.16.3
 Michael with egg on his face

truth be told, i cannot comprehand what the problem is. try doing the
reverse of what you did, roll them down and push them left, turn
around and clap your hands :o)
you can try the foll:
ctrlaltleft_or_right_arrow key to change between desktops

altshiftarrow keys to change between *virtual* desktops of the
*same* desktop. this may help you roll them back down. alternatively
push your mouse right to the edge and that virtual desktop will *roll*
into view.

ctrlmiddle_click_of the mouse -- select the desktop  -- click on
the app, that may bring it into view.

if you can see even a bit of the window, then left click that portion,
press alt and move the window back into view.

you may also post your query to:

you will need to suscribe over there first.


 The software said 'runs on Win95 or better,' so I installed it on

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